Segundo Molar-Artigo..zo
Segundo Molar-Artigo..zo
Segundo Molar-Artigo..zo
The purpose of this study was to evaluate dentoskeletal and soft-tissue profile changes after ex-
traction of lower second molars and treatment using the Tip-Edge technique in severe Class III
subjects. Thirteen patients with severe skeletal Class III malocclusion (four males, nine females),
diagnosed as requiring orthognathic surgery, but who rejected surgical therapy, were included in
the study. The average age was 13.2 6 0.8 years. Lateral cephalometric films taken at the beginning
and the end of treatment were analyzed using the Pancherz analysis and a traditional cephalometric
analysis. The arithmetic mean and standard deviation were calculated for each variable. Paired t-
test was performed to evaluate significant treatment change. After active treatment, dramatic overjet
change was noted, with an average value of 5.5 mm (P , .001). Inclination of lower incisors was
decreased 12.08 when measured to the mandibular plane (P , .001). Inclination of upper incisors
was increased by 2.18 to the SN plane (P . .05). A negative value of the distance between upper
and lower lip position to Sn-Pg9 at the beginning of treatment changed to a positive value (P ,
.001). The results of this preliminary study suggest that success in the treatment of some severe
Class III deformity in the permanent dentition can be achieved with fixed appliances and extraction
of lower second molars. A remarkable soft-tissue change was noted after the treatment, and con-
cave facial profiles changed to straight profiles. (Angle Orthod 2006;76:217–225.)
KEY WORDS: Skeletal Class III malocclusion; Lower second molars
Cephalometric analysis
Pretreatment and posttreatment cephalograms were
taken with the same cephalostat and traced on an ac-
etate paper. Reference points were marked with a
sharp pencil by one observer, under optimal condi-
tions. The midpoint between the right and left traced
images was used for the bilateral landmarks. Tradi-
tional cephalometric analysis using the Pancherz anal-
ysis with the occlusal plane and occlusal plane per-
pendicular (OLp) as reference grids were performed
(Figure 1).14 The soft-tissue measurements included:
1. UL-SnPg9: The distance of the most convex point
of upper lip to Sn-Pg9 line (line connecting subnose
and soft tissue, Pg);
2. LL-SnPg9: The distance of the most convex point
of lower lip to Sn-Pg9 line; and
3. UL-SnPg9-LL-SnPg9: distance difference of the
most convex points of upper and lower lips to Sn-
Pg9 line.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 12.0
for Windows (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL). The arithmetic
FIGURE 1. (a) Measurements in Pancherz analysis. (b) Reference
mean and standard deviation were calculated for each
lines and landmarks used in traditional cephalometric analysis.
variable. Paired t-test was performed to evaluate treat-
ment effects. The level of significance was P . .05
(NS), *P , .05, **P , .01, and ***P , .001. Molar relationship
Method error The molar relationship was improved by a mean of
Accuracy of linear parameters was 0.2 6 0.2 mm 4.4 mm, which was a significant difference (P , .05;
and angular parameters was 0.18 6 0.38, which is Table 1).
comparable with that used in previous investigations.15
Dental change
The proclination of the upper incisors increased by
Overjet change a mean of 2.18 when measured to the SN plane (P .
Overjet increased dramatically after active treat- .05; Table 2). A mean retroclination of the lower inci-
ment, with the mean value of 5.5 mm (P , .001; Table sors of 12.08 was found when measured to the man-
1). dibular plane (P , .001; Table 2). The mean amount
of lingual movement of the lower incisors was 3.8 mm ginning of treatment changed to a positive value (P ,
when measured from the distance of the tip of the low- .001; Table 2), which indicated a dramatic improve-
er incisors to the occlusal plane perpendicular (P , ment of the concave profile.
.001; Table 1). The amount of labial movement of the
upper incisors was 0.8 mm when measured from the Vertical change
tip of the upper incisor to the occlusal plane perpen-
The mandibular plane remained nearly unchanged
dicular (P . .05; Table 1).
after active treatment, and the palatal plane and oc-
The upper first molar moved to the mesial a mean
clusal plane rotated counterclockwise with a mean val-
of 1.2 mm (P . .05; Table 1). Because of the extrac-
ue of 1.48 (P . .05; Table 1) and 2.98 (P , .05; Table
tion of the lower second molars, the lower first molar
1), respectively.
moved to the distal a mean of 4.0 mm (P , .05; Table
Case report
Skeletal change A 12-year-old girl presented with an anterior cross-
bite and a concave profile (Figures 2 through 7). The
The ANB angle increased a statistically significant
intraoral examination showed a complete Class III mo-
1.38 after treatment (P , .05; Table 2). ‘‘A’’ point
lar relationship on the right side and a super Class III
moved forward at the end of the treatment, with an
molar relationship on the left side. A crossbite of 15 to
increased mean of 1.9 mm (P , .05; Table 1).
25 was noted. A concave facial profile was present, in
An increase in the sagittal position of the mandible
combination with a retrusive maxilla and a protrusive
at point ‘‘Pg’’ to Nasion perpendicular showed a sig-
mandible with no mandibular displacement. Surgical
nificant difference with a mean of 1.0 mm (P . .05;
correction of the skeletal deformity and facial profile
Table 1).
was recommended, but the patient refused the pro-
cedure and insisted on an orthodontic correction.
Soft-tissue change
A Tip-Edge straight-wire appliance was initiated af-
A mean 0.9-mm increase in the distance of the most ter extraction of the lower second molars. After 4
convex point of upper lip to Sn-Pg9 line (P , .05; Table months of Class III elastics, the anterior crossbite was
2) and a 1.8-mm decrease in the distance of the most corrected. Ten months later, a Class I molar relation-
convex point of lower lip to Sn-Pg9 line were noted ship was established. At the end of treatment, the pa-
after treatment (P , .01; Table 2). Furthermore, a neg- tient showed a straight profile, normal overbite, and
ative value of the distance between the most convex overjet. The superimposition of pretreatment and post-
points of upper lip and lower lip to Sn-Pg9 at the be- treatment cephalogram tracings revealed that the ret-
FIGURE 6. (a) Pretreatment panoramic radiograph. (b) Panoramic radiograph of after extraction of lower second molars. (c) Panoramic
radiograph of posttreatment and before eruption of third molars.
• Success in treatment of the some severe Class III
deformity in permanent dentition could be achieved
with fixed appliance and extraction of lower second
• Fixed appliance in combination with extraction of
lower second molars allowed tipping movement of
teeth in a larger range and definite and limited skel-
etal change.
• Remarkable soft-tissue change was noted after ex-
traction of lower second molars, and concave facial
profile changed to straight profile.
• Eruption of lower third molar should be the follow-up
after extraction of lower second molars, and minor
adjustments might be necessary.
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