Feasibility Sheep
Feasibility Sheep
Feasibility Sheep
Al-Abdaly Farm For
Sheep Production
Preapared by
Dar Al-Khalaf
For Agriculture Studies
& Consultations
Introduction :
Preparation of economic projects is one of the most important steps for
the success of these projects, as the proper planning of projects ensures
that the extent of the success and effectiveness of these projects, in
addition to good physical return of these projects.
So before you start any economic project must prepare economic
feasibility him. Economic feasibility is a process of gathering information
about the proposed project and then analyzed to see:
1. possibility of implementing and reduce project risks.
2. Determine the extent of the success of this project or the loss
compared to the local market and its needs.
3. Determine the expected financial return of the project as well as
identifying capital restoration period.
Hence the need to prepare a study of the market in terms of their needs
and requirements by studying the following elements:
1. Marketing feasibility study.
a. Needs of the local market and the demand for the product.
b. the product.
i. fattening Project
ii. Milk and cheese Production Project
c. places for product display.
d. The expected marketing strategy and management structure.
e. The product price.
f. The expected production sales.
2. Technical feasibility study.
a. Breeding methods, nutrition, and include the following:
i. Ongrowing
ii. Nutrition
a- For fattening Project
b - Milk and cheese production project
iii. the expected treatment required immunizations.
iv. Numbering sheep
v. records and reports:
a Technician training methods on the registration and use of certain
computer software for evaluation and conservation.
b. the productive capacity of the project.
c. Plant and equipment.
d. Land
e. Buildings and construction works.
f. Utilities
g. transportation.
h. Manpower and and its annual cost.
i. Incorporation expenses (pre-operation).
j. Initial sheep that the project needs and feed prices.
3. The financial and economic feasibility study.
a. Clarify the annual yield of the project during the first three years from
the beginning of the project where it will be productive efficiency of the
project 50% - 75% - 100% of the first year to the three in a row.
4- Social feasibility study.
a. Illustrate the importance of this project for the community in terms of
the following:
i. Some segments of society run.
ii. Provide meat markets and contribute to reduce the food gap.
5. Sensitivity analysis of the project.
a. Illustrate the stability of the project in front of variables feed prices or
the price of the final product.
6. Write the proposed report for this study.
7. Programs visiting experts to follow up on the project.
a. Nutritionist
b. Animal production expert
Issue of food security occupies a top priority in the Gulf states, both in
the framework of the GCC system or the level of each state, in an effort
to develop appropriate solutions to reduce dependence on the outside
in bridging the gap and reduce the negative repercussions on the
affirmed Gulf sources contribution of the agricultural sector, the
decline in food security coverage in the Gulf region in the last ten years,
a high percentage, as recorded only 8 percent in 2012 after it was 12 per
cent in 2001, at a time when the food gap has increased from nine billion
dollars in 2001 to $ 23.5 billion in 2012, ie it increased more than 100 per
cent in the past decade, noting that the region imports 90 percent of its
food needs from abroad.
Hence the need to prepare a study of the market in terms of their needs
and requirements by studying the following elements:
1. Need of the local market and the demand for the product.
Kuwait is still suffering from a shortage in the production of meat, milk
and import-dependent Below is self-sufficiency in animal products ratios
according to the statistics for 2014 m.
Table 1: Self-sufficiency in Kuwait of meat and milk.
# Production Type Self-sufficiency ratio
1 Red meat %11
2 Milk %28
3 Poultry %32
From the table above it is clear that there is a large gap between
production and requirement of red meat and milk products.
From the above it is clear that there is an urgent need for the expansion
of livestock production projects in Kuwait, especially goats and sheep