Chemical Equi

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Results and Discussion

Test Components of Volume of Volume of Initial M [H+] Keq
Tube Solution composition NaOH Conc. @equilibri
(with NaOH) s used (mL) (M) -um
1 HCl 5 7.93 55.56 0.793 2.1856 x10-4
7.77 55.56 0.77 2.0699 x10-4
2 H2O 5
3 HCl, 5 35.4 10.59 3.54 0.0446
35.5 10.59 3.55 0.0449
4 CH3COOC2H5 5
5 HCl 5 8.0 10.49 0.8 0.0109
7.9 6.86 0.79 0.0106
C2H5OH 2
7 HCl 5 7.7 10.29 0.77 0.01001
7.8 6.99 0.78 0.0103
C2H5OH 3

Sample Computations

At room temperature of test tube 5

For the reaction: C2H5OH + CH3COOH = CH3COOC2H5 + H2O

Initial Change at Equilibrium

C2H5OH 6.86 -x 6.86 - x
CH3COOH 10.49 -x 10.49 - x
CH3COOC2H5 --- x x
H2O -- x x

Composition of the sample:

Mass of HOAc = 3mL (1.049 g/mL) = 3.147 g
Mass of EthOH = 2mL (0.789g/mL) = 1.578 g
Volume of solution = 5mL HCl + 5mL sample = 10mL
In calculating the initial concentration at 5 mL aliquot:
1 mole
( 3.147 g ) ( )
MHOAc = 60 g = 10.49 M
0.005 L

1 mole
( 1.578 g ) ( )
MEthOH = 46 g = 6.86 M
0.005 L

In calculating M [H+]: (M [H+])(VSOLN) = (M BASE)(VSOLN)

M [H+] = 0.8 M = x
[ CH 3 COOC 2 H 5 ] [ H 2O] [ 0.8 ] [0.8]
Keq = [ CH 3 COOH ] [C 2 H 5 OH ] = [ 10.49x ] [6.86x] = 0.0109

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