Pharmacodynamics (Agonists: Mechanisms of Drug Actions)

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PHARMACODYNAMICS (Mechanisms of Drug Actions)


activate receptors for endogenous mediators e.g. salbutamol is

an agonist at adrenoreceptors

- Excitatory (Increased HR) or inhibitory (relaxation or airway

smooth muscle.

- At nicotinic acetylcholine receptors = inhibitory effect

(neuromuscular blockade) = long lasting depolarization +
inactivation of voltage-dependent sodium channels that initiate
the action of action potential

Partial Agonist
It is when some drugs combine with receptors and activate
them, but are incapable of elicit a maximal response, no matter
how high their concentration maybe
Buprenorphine (morphine receptors)
Oxprenolol (-adrenoreceptors)

Two Clinical consequences

I. partial agonists antagonize the effect of a full agonist,
because most of the receptors are occupied with low-efficacy
partial agonist with which the full agonist must compete
II. it is more difficult to reverse the effects of a partial
agonist, such as buprenorphine , with a competitive
antagonist such as naloxone , than it is to reverse the
effects of a full agonist such as morphine .
A larger fraction of the receptor is occupied by
buprenorphine than by morphine and a much
concentration than of Naloxone is required to compete
successfully and displace buprenorphine from the receptors

Note: in opiod overdose, treating with Naloxone can

precipate withdrawal syndrome therefore it would be wiser
to restrained the patient from harming himself or medical
personnel. Patient can become comatose again shortly
after discharging himself due Naloxone shorter elimination
half-life than opiods such as morphine or diacetyl-
morphine (Heroin)

Slow processes

Prolonged exposure of receptors to agonists as frequently occurs

in therapeutic use can cause down regulation or desensitisation.
Desensitization is sometimes specific for a particular agonist This
may be referred as Homologous desensitisation or there may be
cross-densensitization to different agonists (Heterologous
Desensitization is probably involved in the tolerance that occurs
during prolonged administration of drugs, such as morphine or
Analogues of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH), such as
goserelin or buserelin , are used to treat patients with metastatic
prostate cancer (Chapter 48). Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone is
released physiologically in a pulsatile manner. During continuous
treatment with buserelin, there is initial stimulation of
luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone
(FSH) release, followed by receptor desensitization and
suppression of LH and FSH release. This results in
regression of the hormone-sensitive tumour.

Conversely, reduced exposure of a cell or tissue to an agonist

(e.g. by denervation) results in increased receptor numbers
and supersensitivity. Prolonged use of antagonists may
produce an analogous effect. One example of clinical
importance is increased -adrenoceptor numbers
following prolonged use of beta-blockers.
Abrupt drug withdrawal can lead to tachycardia and
worsening angina in patients who are being treated for
ischaemic heart disease.

Non-receptor mechanisms

Some drugs exert their effects via simple physical properties or

chemical reactions due to their presence in some body
Antacids (Neutralises gastric acid)
Osmotic diuretics ( osmolarity of renal tubular fluid)
Bulk and lubricating laxatives.

Note: These agents are low potency and specificity and hardly
qualify as '' drugs'' even though some of them are useful as

Oxygen is an example of a highly specific therapeutic agent

used in concentration

Metal chelating agents used for the treatment of poisoning

with ferrous sulphate
These are examples of drugs that exerts effects though
interaction with small molecular species rather than
macromolecules with significant specificity.
General anaesthetics have molecular potencies determined
by their oil/water partition coefficiens and specificity.

Key points

Most drugs are potent and specific; they combine with receptors
for endogenous mediators or with high affinity sites on enzymes or
other proteins, e.g. ion-transport mechanisms.

There are four superfamilies of receptors; three are

membrane bound:

directly linked to ion channel (e.g. nicotinic acetylcholine


linked via G-proteins to an enzyme, often adenylyl cyclase

(e.g. 2-receptors);

directly coupled to the catalytic domain of an enzyme (e.g.


The fourth superfamily is intracellular, binds to DNA and controls

gene transcription and protein synthesis (e.g. steroid receptors).

Many drugs work by antagonising agonists. Drug antagonism can


Partial agonists produce an effect that is less than the maximum

effect of a full agonist. They antagonise full agonists.

Tolerance can be important during chronic administration of

drugs acting on receptors, e.g. central nervous system (CNS)
active agents.

it is the study of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and
excretion (ADME) what the body does to the drug
Basic concepts introducing three clinical dosing situations:
Constant-rate intravenous infusion
Bolus-dose injection
Repeated dosing
Clearance is the best measure of the efficiency with which a drug
is eliminated from the body whether by renal excretion, metabolism
or a combination of both familiar in Physiology
for therapeutic drugs, knowing the clearance in an individual
patient enable physicians to adjust the maintenance dose to
achieve a desired target steady-state concentration. It is useful in
clinical practice when therapy is guided by plasma drug
concentrations though such situation are limited
Key points

Pharmacokinetics deals with how drugs are handled by the body,

and includes drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and
Clearance ( Cl ) is the volume of fluid (usually plasma) from
which a drug is totally removed (by metabolism excretion) per unit
During constant i.v. infusion, the plasma drug concentration rises
to a steady state ( CSS) determined by the administration rate ( A )
and clearance (CSS A / Cl ).
The rate at which CSS is approached, as well as the rate of
decline in plasma concentration when infusion is stopped are
determined by the half-life ( t1/2).
The volume of distribution ( Vd) is an apparent volume that
relates dose ( D) to plasma concentration ( C ): it is as if dose D
mg was dissolved in Vd L to give a concentration of C mg/L.
The loading dose is Cp Vd where Cp is the desired plasma
The maintenance dose CSS Cl , where CSS is the steady-state

Increasing the dosing frequency smoothes out the peaks and

troughs between doses, while decreasing the frequency has the
opposite effect. If the peaks are too high, toxicity may result, while
if the troughs are too low there may be a loss of efficacy.

Knowing the half-life alerts the prescriber to the likely time-course

over which a drug will accumulate to steady state. Drug clearance,
especially renal clearance, declines with age

view notes '' Drugs in the Elderly''

A further pitfall is that several drugs have active metabolites that
are eliminated more slowly than [Drug] in plasma. This is the case
with several of the benzodiazepines, which have active
metabolites with half-lives of many days. Consequently, adverse
effects (e.g. confusion) may appear only when the steady state is
approached after several weeks of treatment. Such delayed effects
may incorrectly be ascribed to cognitive decline associated with
ageing, but resolve when the drug is stopped. Knowing the half-life
helps a prescriber to decide whether or not to initiate treatment
with a loading dose.
Consider digoxin (half-life approximately 40 hours). This is usually
prescribed once daily, resulting in a less than two-fold variation in
maximum and minimum plasma concentrations, and reaching 90%
of the mean steady-state concentration in approximately one week
(i.e. four half-lives). In many clinical situations, such a time-course
is acceptable. In more urgent situations a more rapid response can
be achieved by using a loading dose.


It seems that the most effective and agreeable is oral
administration because it is the most understood mechanism
Concept of Bioavailability

The concept of prodrugs seems to be very important.

Generic drugs and how their regulation affect the job on the go
Routes of administration
Oral Admnistration
Oral administration of drugs is safer and more convenient for
the patient than injection. There are two main mechanisms of
drug absorption by the gut:
I Passive Diffusion
This is the most important mechanism. Non-polar lipid-
soluble agents are well absorbed from the gut, mainly from
the small intestine, because of the enormous absorptive
surface area provided by villi and microvilli.
III Active Diffusion
Naturally occurring polar substances, including sugars,
amino acids and vitamins, are absorbed by active or
facilitated transport mechanisms. Drugs that are analogues
of such molecules compete with them for transport via the
carrier. Examples include L-dopa, methotrexate, 5-
fluorouracil and lithium (which competes with sodium ions for

Other factors that may influence absorption:

1 surgical interference with gastric function
gastrectomy reduces absorption of several drugs.
3 disease of the gastro-intestinal tract (e.g. coeliac
disease, cystic fibrosis) the effects of such disease
are unpredictable, but often surprisingly minor (see
Chapter 7);
5 the presence of food the timing of drug administration
in relation to meal times can be important. Food and
drink dilute the drug and can bind it, alter gastric
emptying and increase mesenteric and portal blood
flow .
7 drug metabolism by intestinal flora this may affect
drug absorption. Alteration of bowel flora (e.g. by
concomitant use of antibiotics) can interrupt
enterohepatic recycling and cause loss of efficacy of
oral contraceptives (Chapter 13);
9 drug metabolism by enzymes (e.g. cytochrome P450
family 3A(CYP3A)) in the gastro-intestinal epithelium
(Chapter 5);
11 drug efflux back into the gut lumen by drug transport
proteins (e.g. P-glycoprotein (P-gp), ABCB1).

Prolonged action and sustained-release Preparations

Certain drugs needs to given in smaller dose (e.g.
carbamezepine) to achieve a steady-state and to avoid a
to important bio-availabilty and peak plasma
concentration. As the absorption of such preparations is
often incomplete, so it is especially important that
bioavailabilty is established and substitution of one
preparation for another may lead to clinical problems.
Other limitations of slow-release preparations are:

1 Transit time through the small intestine is about six

hours, so once daily dosing may lead to
unacceptably low trough concentrations.
3 If the gut lumen is narrowed or intestinal transit is
slow, as in the elderly, or due to other drugs (tricyclic
antidepressants, opiates), there is a danger of high
local drug concentrations causing mucosal damage.
Osmosin , an osmotically released formulation of
indometacin , had to be withdrawn because it
caused bleeding and ulceration of the small
1 Overdose with sustained-release preparations is
difficult to treat because of delayed drug absorption.
2 Sustained-release tablets should not be divided.
3 Expense.

Buccal and Sublingual Route

Sublingual administration has distinct advantages over
oral administration (i.e. the drug to be swallowed) for
drugs with pronounced presystemic metabolism, providing
direct and rapid access to the systemic circulation,
bypassing the intestine and liver.
Glyceryl trinitrate, buprenorphine and fentanyl are
given sublingually for this reason.
Tablet for buccal absorption provide more sustained
plasma concentration ad are held in one spot between the
lip and the gum until they have dissolved.
Rectal Route
The following advantages have been claimed for the
rectal route of administration of systemically active drugs:

1. Exposure to the acidity of the gastric juice and to

digestive enzymes is avoided.
2. The portal circulation is partly bypassed, reducing
presystemic (first pass) metabolism.
3. For patients who are unable to swallow or who are
Rect`l diazepam is useful for controlling status epileptics
in children. Metronidazole is well absorbed when the
administered rectally and is less expensive than
intravenous preparations. Though usually more reliable
alternatives. they can also cause severe local irritation
Absorption through the skin is not so easy as one as to
consider the many parameters such as thickness,
impermeability,however transdermal absorption is
sufficiently reliable to enable systemically active drugs
(e.g estradiol, nicotine, scopolamine) to be
administered by this route in the form of patches.
transdermal administration bypasses pre systemic
metabolism. Patches are more expensive than alternative
Aerosols, particles, nebulisers are best suited when lung
is affected. Antibiotics can be prescribed as nebulisers if
infections is in nature respiratory.
Nasal mucosal epithelium has remarkable absorptive
properties, notably the capacity to absorb intact complex
peptides that cannot be administered by mouth because
they would be digested.

Desmopressin and bureselin are examples of drugs that

may be administered by this route
Eye, ear and vagina
Drugs administered by this route is mainly for their local
effects and cannot be relied on as a safe route to engage
other therapies.

the injection site is governed by muscle blood flow, and

this varies from site to site (deltoid vastus lateralis
gluteus maximus). Blood flow to muscle is increased by
exercise and absorption rates are increased in all sites
after exercise. Conversely, shock, heart failure or other
conditions that decrease muscle blood flow reduce
absorption. The drug must be sufficiently water soluble to
remain in solution at the injection site until absorption
this is a problem for some drugs such as phenytoin,
diazepam and digoxin as crystallisation and/or poor
absorption occur.
Depot IM are used to improve compliance in psychiatric
patients (e.g. fluphanazine)

1 pain- distention with large volumes is painful
and injected should be no greater than 5ml
2 Sciatic nerve palsy following injection into the
buttock- this is avoided by the injection into the
upper outer gluteral quadrant;
3 sterile abscesses at the injection site (e.g.
4 Elevated serum creatinine phosphokinase due
to enzyme release from muscle can cause
diagnostic confusion
5 severe adverse reactions may be protracted
because there is no way of stopping absorption of
the drug
6 for some drugs, IM is less effective than oral
7 haematoma formation

Subcutaneous injection
similar to IM besides that cutaneous blood flow is lower
than in muscle so absorption is slower
This has the following advantages:
1 rapid action (morphine for analgesia and
furosemide in pulmonary oedema)
2 Presystemic metabolism is avoided (Glyceryl
trinitrate infusion in patients with unstable angina)
3 Intravenous injection is used for drugs that are too
painful or toxic to be given intramuscularly.
4 Cytotoxic drugs must not be allowed to leak from the
vein or considerable local damage and pain will
result as many of them are severe vesicants (e.g.
vincristine, doxorubicin);
5 Intravenous infusion is easily controlled,enabling
precise titration for drugs such as sodium
nitroprusside and epoprostenol.
The main drawbacks of intravenous administration:

1 Once injected, drugs cannot be recalled.

2 high concentrations result if the drug is given to
rapidly- The right heart receives the highest
3 Embolism of foreign particles or air, sepsis or
4 Accidental extravascular injection or leakage of
toxic drugs (e.g doxorubicin) produce sever
local tissue necrosis.
5 Inadvertant intra-arterial injection can cause
arterial spasm and peripheral gangrene.
Intrathecal injection
This route provides access to the CNS for drugs that
BBB-like. This procedure should not be carried out by
junior doctors without proper experience as risk of death
and permanent neurological damage is great. Liability is
ever great.

A few drugs may be administered through this route:

Methotrexate and local anaesthetics

Opiates (morphine and Fentanyl)
Baclofen (antispasmodic)
Penicillin(those with pneumococcal meningitis,
Intravenous is highly desirable when it is meningitis
as it is a predictable neurotoxin and seizures,
encephalopathy and death have been caused by
injecting a dose intrathecally that would have
appropriate for IV)

Key Points
Oral generally safe and convenient
Buccal/sublingual circumvents presystemic
Rectal useful in patients who are vomiting
Transdermal limited utility, avoids presystemic
Lungs volatile anaesthetics
Nasal useful absorption of some peptides (e.g.
DDAVP; see Chapter 42)
Intramuscular useful in some urgent situations (e.g.
behavioural emergencies)
Subcutaneous useful for insulin and heparin in
Intravenous useful in emergencies for most rapid and
predictable action, but too rapid administration is
potentially very dangerous, as a high concentration
reaches the heart as a bolus
Intrathecal specialized use by anaesthetists


Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase is also important in

catecholamine metabolism.


Some drugs (e.g. amynoglycosides, atenolol, gliclazide and
digoxin) are mainly excreted without metabolism, renal disease
will cause such drugs to accumulate. most drugs metabolites are
inactive; hence biotransformation is the vital step in terminating
drug action. If, however, metabolites are active (e.g. the principal
metabolites of diazepam), drug action may only be terminated by

This is ultimately responsible for the elimination of most drugs.

Drugs appear in the glormerular filtrate. If they are lipid soluble
they are reabsorbed in the renal tubules by passive diffusion.
Metabolism of drug is often in a less lipid-soluble compound,
aiding renal excretion.

Manipulation of the urine pH is sometimes useful in increasing

renal excretion. For example, Bicarbonate administration makes
the urine alkaline, this ionises aspirin making it less lipid soluble
and increasing its rate of excretion.
Weak acids and weak bases are actively secreted in the proximal
tubule. e.g Penicillins, thiazide diuretics, morphine

Glomerular excretion
Glomerular filtrate contains concentrations of low-molecular-
weight solutes similar to plasma. In contrast, molecules with a
molecular weight of 66 000 (including plasma proteins and
drugprotein complexes) do not pass through the glomerulus.
Accordingly, only free drug passes into the filtrate. Renal
impairment predictably reduces the elimination of drugs that
depend on glomerular filtration for their clearance (e.g. digoxin).
Drugs that are highly bound to albumin or -1 acid glycoprotein
in plasma are not efficiently filtered.

Proximal Tubular secetion

There are independent mechanisms for active secretion of
organic anions and organic cations (OAT and OCT) into the
proximal tubule. OAT excretes drugs, such as probenecid and
Tubular secretion can therefore eliminate drugs efficiently even
if they are highly protein bound. Competition occurs between
drugs transported via these systems. e.g. probenecid
competitively inhibits the tubular secretion of methotrexate.

Passive Distal Tubular reabsorption

Lipid like barrier
Reabsorption down a concentration gradient
Passive diffusion Very effective that renal clearance is
virtually Zero
Polar substances too water soluble therefore
elimination without reabsorption
influenced by urine flow rate
Diuresis renal clearance. This can be used to aid
in overdose

Reabsorption of drugs that are weak acids (AH) or

bases (B) depends upon the pH of the tubular fluid,
because this determines the fraction of acid or base in
the charged, polar form and the fraction in the
uncharged lipid-soluble form. For acidic drugs, the
more alkaline the urine, the greater the renal
clearance, and vice versa for basic drugs.
Thus high pH favours A, the charged form of the weak
acid which remains in the tubular fluid and is excreted
in the urine, while low pH favours BH, the charged
form of the base (Figure 6.3). This is utilized in treating
overdose with aspirin (a weak acid) by alkalinization of
the urine, thereby accelerating urinary elimination of

Active Tubular Reabsorption

Minor importance
Uric acid is reabsorbed by an active transport system
which is inhibited by uricosuric drugs, such as probenecid
and sulfinpyrazone
Lithium also

Key points
The kidney cannot excrete non-polar substances efficiently,
since these diffuse back into blood as the urine is concentrated.
Consequently, the kidney excretes polar drugs and/or the polar
metabolites of non-polar compounds.
Renal impairment reduces the elimination of drugs that
depend on glomerular filtration, so the dose of drugs, such as
digoxin, must be reduced, or the dose interval (e.g. between
doses of aminoglycoside) must be increased, to avoid toxicity.
There are specific secretory mechanisms for organic acids
and organic bases in the proximal tubules which lead to the
efficient clearance of weak acids, such as penicillin, and weak
bases, such as cimetidine. Competition for these carriers can
cause drug interactions, although less commonly than induction
or inhibition of cytochrome P450.
Passive reabsorption limits the efficiency with which the
kidney eliminates drugs. Weak acids are best eliminated in an
alkaline urine (which favours the charged form, A), whereas
weak bases are best eliminated in an acid urine (which favours
the charged form, BH).
The urine may be deliberately alkalinized by infusing
sodium bicarbonate intravenously in the management of
overdose with weak acids such as aspirin (see Chapter 54, to
increase tubular elimination of salicylate.
Lithium ions are actively reabsorbed in the proximal tubule
by the same system that normally reabsorbs sodium, so salt
depletion (which causes increased proximal tubular sodium ion
reabsorption) causes lithium toxicity unless the dose of lithium
is reduced.


several common disorders influence the way in which the body
handle drugs and these must be considered before prescribing.
Gastro-intestinal, cardiac, renal, liver and thyroid disorders all
influence drug pharmacokinetics and individualisation of therapy is
very important in such patients.
Gastric emptying
Migraine and more rapid absorption can be achieved by
administering analgesics with metoclopramide which
increases gastric emptying.
Small intestinal and pancreatic disease
Coeliac Disease
Crohns disease affects terminal ileum absorption of several
antibiotics absorption increases in crohns disease
Cystic fibrosis because of its effects on pancreatic secretions
and bile flow, can impair the absorption of fat soluble
vitamins. e.g. cefalaxin
Patients with small bowel resection may absorb lipophilic
drugs poorly.
Distribution is altered because of mucosal oedema and
decrease intestinal blood flow
Elimination compromised in Congestive heart failure due to
decrease hepatic perfusion limited clearance. Lidocaine
steady-state levels are inversely related to cardiac output.
Steady state is 50% higher in patients with cardiac failure
than in healthy ones. Risk is more as the lidocaine
metabolites can accumulates and become toxic:
Cardiodepressant and pro-convulsant1
Renal excretion is a major route of elimination for many
drugs and drug and their metabolites that are excreted
predominantly by the kidneys accumulate in renal failure.
Renal disease also affects other pharmacokinetic processes
(i.e. drug absorption, distribution and metabolism) in more
subtle ways.
Renal excretion: Normal creatinine level therefore does not
mean that usual doses can be assumed to be safe in a
patient who is acutely unwell.

Gastric pH increases in chronic renal failure because urea is

cleaved, yielding ammonia which buffers acid in the

Nephrotic syndrome is associated with resistance to oral

diuretics and malabsorption of loop diuretics through the
oedematous intestine may contribute to this. Plasma albumin
is low in this patients and fluctuates potentially causing
adverse effects although in practice this is seldom clinically
important. The high albumin concentration in tubular fluid
contributes to the resistance diuretics that accompanies
Nephrotic Syndrome b/c loop diuretics and thiazides act on
ion-transport processes. Protein binding of such diuretics
within the tubular lumen therefore reduces the concentration
of free active drug in tubular fluid in contact with the ion
transporters on which they act.

The BBB is more permeable to drugs in uraemia.

Increased incidence of confusion caused by cimetidine,
ranitidine and famotidine in patients with renal failure.
Metabolism of reveal drugs is reduced in renal failure
(Phase I by CYP3A4)

Renal haemodynamics: Patients with mild renal

impairment depend on vasodilator prostaglandin
biosynthesis to preserve renal blood flow and GFR. The
same is true of patients with heart failure, nephrotic
syndrome, cirrhosis or ascites. Such patients develop acute
reversible renal impairment, often accompanied by salt and
water retention. ACE inhibitor can also cause reversible renal
failure due to altered haemodynamics, primarily patients with
renal artery stenosis (or with renal artery stenosis involving a
single functioning kidney).

Prescribing for renal disease

1. Consider the possibility of renal impairment before
drugs are prescribed and use available data to
estimate GFR.
2. Check how drugs are eliminated before
prescribing them. If renal elimination accounts for more
than 50% of total elimination, then dose reduction will
probably be necessary after the first dose, i.e. for
maintenance doses.
3. Monitor therapeutic and adverse effects and,
where appropriate, plasma drug concentrations.
4. If possible avoid potentially nephrotoxic drugs (e.g.
aminoglycosides, NSAIDs); if such drugs are essential
use them with great care.

Liver Disease
Liver remain main site of drug metabolism.
Pharmacokinetic factors affected:
portal hypertension, hypoalbuminaemia mucosal oedema.

Reduced plasma albumin reduces plasma protein binding.
Also influenced by bilirubin and other endogenous
substances that accumulate in liver disease and may
displace drugs from binding sites
CYP450-mediated phase I drug metabolism reduced pts w/h
sever liver disease
Chronic liver diease, serum albumin most useful
prothrombin time moderate correlation with drug
clearance by liver
Clearance of indocyanine green, antipyrine and
lidocaine disappointing
prescription: drug eliminated by other routes should be

Guideline for prescribing with liver dieases

1. Weigh risks against hoped for benefit, and minimize
non- essential drug use.
2. If possible, use drugs that are eliminated by routes
other than the liver (i.e. in general, renally cleared
3. Monitor response, including adverse effects (and
occasionally drug concentrations), and adjust therapy
4. Avoid sedatives and analgesics if possible: they are
common precipitants of hepatic coma.
5. Predictable hepatotoxins (e.g. cytotoxic drugs)
should only be used for the strongest of indications,
and then only with close clinical and biochemical
6. Drugs that are known to cause idiosyncratic liver
disease (e.g. isoniazid, phenytoin, methyldopa) are not
necessarily contraindicated in stable chronic disease,
as there is no evidence of increased susceptibility. Oral
contraceptives are not advisable if there is active liver
disease or a history of jaundice of pregnancy.
7. Constipation favours bacterial production of false
neurotransmitter amines in the bowel: avoid drugs that
cause constipation (e.g. verapamil, tricyclic
antidepressants) if possible.
8. Drugs that inhibit catabolism of amines (e.g.
monoamine oxidase inhibitors) also provoke coma and
should be avoided.
9. Low plasma potassium provokes encephalopathy:
avoid drugs that cause this if possible. Potassium-
sparing drugs, such as spironolactone, are useful.
10. Avoid drugs that cause fluid overload or renal
failure (e.g. NSAID) and beware those containing
sodium (e.g. sodium-containing antacids and high-
dose carbenicillin).
11. Avoid drugs that interfere with haemostasis (e.g.
aspirin, anticoagulants and fibrinolytics) whenever
possible, because of the increased risk of bleeding
(especially in the presence of varices!).

Thyroid Disease
Thyroid dysfunction affects drug disposition partly as a
result of effects on drug metabolism and partly via
changes in renal elimination.
Myxoedematous patients are extremely sensitive to
digoxin. On the other hand, unusually high doses are
required in thyrotoxicosis.
Hyperthyroid patients have lower plasma digoxin
concentrations and hypothyroid patients have higher
plasma concentrations than euthyroid patients on the
same dose.
GFR is increased in thyrotoxicosis and decreased in
These changes in renal function influence
elimination, and the reduced plasma levels of
digoxin correlate closely with the increased
creatinine clearance in thyrotoxicosis.
Other factors including enhanced biliary
clearance, digoxin malabsorption due to intestinal
hurry and increased hepatic metabolism, have all
been postu- lated as factors contributing to the
insensitivity of thyrotoxic patients to cardiac

produce an exaggerated prolongation of
prothrombin time in hyperthyroid patients
This is due to increased metabolic beeakdown of
vitamin K-dependent clotting factors
metabolised by hepatic mixed-function oxidases
(CYP3A4) which are influenced by thyroid status
Hyperthyroidism increased in cortisol production
and reduced life. The converse being true in
normal life is reduced 3-4 days by hypothyroidism
and prolonged to nine to ten days by
hypothyroidism. This is of considerable clinical
importance when deciding on an appropriate
interval at which to increase the dose of thyroxine
in patients treated for myxoedema, especially if they
have coincident ischaemic heart disease which
would be exacerbated if an excessive steady-state
thyroxine level were achieved.

Antithyroid drugs
The life of propylthiouracil and methimazole is
pro- longed in hypothyroidism and shortened in
hyperthyroidism. These values return to normal on
attainment of the euthyroid state, probably because
of altered hepatic metabolism.
Patients with hypothyroidism are exceptionally
sensitive to opioid analgesics, which cause
profound respiratory depression in this setting. This
is probably due to reduced metabolism and
increased sensitivity.
Key Points
Disease profoundly influences the response to many drugs by
altering pharmacokinetics and/or pharmacodynamics.
Gastro-intestinal disease:
. (a) diseases that alter gastric emptying influence the
response to oral drugs (e.g. migraine reduces gastric emptying,
limiting the effectiveness of analgesics);
. (b) ileum/pancreas relatively minor effects.
Heart failure:
. (a) absorption of drugs (e.g. furosemide) is reduced
as a result of splanchnic hypoperfusion;
. (b) elimination of drugs that are removed very
efficiently by the liver (e.g. lidocaine) is reduced as a result of
reduced hepatic blood flow, predisposing to toxicity;
. (c) tissue hypoperfusion increases the risk of lactic
acidosis with metformin (cor pulmonale especially predisposes
to this because of hypoxia).
Renal disease:(a) chronic renal failure as well as reduced
drug absorption, distribution and metabolism may also be
altered. Estimates of creatinine clearance or GFR based on
serum creatinine concentration/ weight/age/sex/ ethnicity
provide a useful index of the need for maintenance dose
adjustment in chronic renal failure;
(b) nephrotic syndrome leads to altered drug distribution
because of altered binding to albumin and altered therapeutic
range of concentrations for drugs that are extensively bound to
albumin (e.g. some anticonvulsants). Albumin in tubular fluid
binds diuretics and causes diuretic resistance. Glomerular
filtration rate is preserved in nephrotic syndrome by
compensatory increased prostaglandin synthesis, so NSAIDs
(see Chapter 26) can precipitate renal failure.
Liver disease as well as effects on drug metabolism,
absorption and distribution may also be altered because of
portal systemic shunting, hypoalbuminaemia and ascites. There
is no widely measured biochemical marker (analogous to serum
creatinine in chronic renal failure) to guide dose adjustment in
liver disease, and a cautious dose titration approach should be
Thyroid disease:(a) hypothyroidism increases sensitivity to
digoxin and
opioids;(b) hyperthyroidism increases sensitivity to warfarin and
reduces sensitivity to digoxin.
Role of drug monitoring in therapeutics
Measurements of drug con- centrations in plasma are most
useful when:
1. There is a direct relationship between plasma concentration
and pharmacological or toxic effect, i.e. a therapeutic range has
been established. (Drugs that work via active metabolites, and
drugs with irreversible actions, are unsuited to this approach.
Tolerance also restricts the usefulness of plasma
2. Effect cannot readily be assessed quantitatively by clinical
3. Inter-individual variability in plasma drug concentrations from
the same dose is large (e.g. phenytoin).
4. There is a low therapeutic index (e.g. if the ratio of toxic
concentration/effective concentration is <2).
5. Several drugs are being given concurrently and serious
interactions are anticipated.
6. Replacement treatment (for example, of thyroxine) is to be
7. Apparent resistance to the action of a drug needs an
explanation, when non-compliance is suspected.
Another indication, distinct from therapeutic drug monitor- ing,
for measuring drug concentrations in plasma is in clinical
toxicology. Such measurements can guide management when
specific intervention is contemplated in treating a poisoned
patient (e.g. with paracetamol or aspirin).

Drugs for which therapeutic drug monitoring is used

1. Digoxin: measuring the plasma concentration can help
optimize therapy, especially for patients in sinus rhythm
where there is no easy pharmacodynamic surrogate marker
of efficacy, and is also useful in suspected toxicity or poor

2. Lithium: plasma concentrations are measured 12 hours

after dosing.

3. Aminoglycoside antibiotics for gentamicin, peak

concentrations measured 30 minutes after dosing of710
mg/L are usually effective against sensitive organisms, and
trough levels, measured immediately before a dose, of 12
mg/L reduce the risk of toxicity; for amikacin, the desirable
peak concentration is 412 mg/L, with a trough value of <4
mg/L. With extended interval aminoglycoside dosing (a
single daily dose of 57 mg/kg), a single drug concentration
determined at a time after the completion of the distribution
phase is used to define further dosing intervals using
validated nomograms.

4. Phenytoin: it is important to be aware of its non-linear

pharmacokinetics (Chapters 3 and 22), and of the possible
effects of concurrent renal or hepatic disease or of
pregnancy on its distribution. Therapeutic drug monitoring is
also widely used for some other anticonvulsants,such as
carbamazepine and sodium valproate.
5. Methotrexate: plasma concentration is an important
predictor of toxicity, and concentrations of >5 mol/L24
hours after a dose or 100 nmol/L 48 hours after dosing
usually require folinic acid administration to prevent severe

6. Theophylline: has a narrow therapeutic index (Figure 8.2)

and many factors influence its clearance (Figure 8.3).
Measurement of plasma theophylline concentration can help
to minimize toxicity (e.g. cardiac dysrhythmias or seizures). A
therapeutic range of 520 mg/L is quoted. (Plasma
concentrations >15 mg/L are, however, associated with
severe toxicity in neonates due to decreased protein binding
and accumulation of caffeine, to which theophylline is
methylated in neonates, but not in older children.)

7. The therapeutic ranges of plasma concentrations of

several anti-dysrhythmic drugs (e.g. lidocaine) have been
established with reasonable confidence. The therapeutic
range of plasma amiodarone concentrations for ventricular
dysrhythmias (1.02.5 mg/L) is higher than that needed for
atrial dysrhythmias (0.51.5 mg/L). The clinical utility of
predicting toxicity by measuring a metabolite (desethyl
amiodarone) is under evaluation.

8. Immunosuppressants: Ciclosporin compliance is a

particular problem in children, and deterioration in renal
function can reflect either graft rejection due to inadequate
ciclosporin concentration or toxicity from excessive
concentrations. Sirolimus use should be monitored,
especially when used with ciclosporin or when there is
hepatic impairment or during or after treatment with inducers
or inhibitors of drug metabolism.

Key points
Determining the plasma concentrations of drugs in order to
adjust therapy is referred to as therapeutic drug monitoring. It has
distinct but limited applications.
Therapeutic drug monitoring permits dose individualization
and is useful when there is a clear relationship between plasma
concentration and pharmacodynamic effects.
The timing of blood samples in relation to dosing is crucial.
For aminoglycosides, samples are obtained for measurement of
peak and trough concentrations. To guide chronic therapy (e.g.
with anticonvulsants), sufficient time must elapse after starting
treatment or changing dose for the steady state to have been
achieved, before sampling.
Drugs which may usefully be monitored in this way include
digoxin, lithium, aminoglycosides, several anticonvulsants,
methotrexate, theophylline, several anti-dysrhythmic drugs
(including amiodarone) and ciclosporin.
Individualization of dosage using therapeutic drug monitoring
permits the effectiveness of these drugs to be maximized, while
minimizing their potential toxicity.

Drugs in Pregnancy.mmap
Drugs in Infants & Children.mmap
Drugs in the Elderly.mmap

Adverse drug reactions are unwanted effects caused by nor- mal

therapeutic doses. Drugs are great mimics of disease, and adverse
drug reactions present with diverse clinical signs and symptoms.

Type A

80% of adverse Drug effects
usually consequence of the drugs primary pharmacological
effect (e.g. bleeding from warfarin)
Or low therapeutic therapeutic index (e.g. nausea from digoxin)
CAUSES: inappropriate dosage especially when drug
elimination is impaired.
Term Side-Effects is often apply to minor type A reactions

Type B

Not dose-related
Severe with a considerable mortality
Poorely if at all understood
Often has genetic or immunological basis
Occur infrequently (1:10001:10000 treated subjects being

Other Types
Other types of drug reaction (much rarer):
type C reaction continuous reactions due to long-
term use: analgesic nephropathy;
type D reaction delayed reactions of
carcinogenesis or teratogenesis;
type E reaction drug withdrawal reactions (e.g.

Identification of the drug at fault

1. A careful drug history is essential. The following
considerations should be made to assess causality of the effect to
the drug: did the clinical event and the time- course of its
development fit with the duration of suspected drug treatment and
known adverse drug effects? Did the adverse effect reverse upon
drug withdrawal and, upon rechallenge with the drug, reappear?
Were other possible causes reasonably excluded? A patients drug
history may not always be conclusive because, although allergy to
a drug implies previous exposure, the antigen may have occurred
in foods (e.g. antibiotics are often fed to livestock and drug
residues remain in the flesh), in drug mixtures or in some casual

2. Provocation testing. This involves giving a very small

amount of the suspected drug and seeing whether a reaction
ensues, e.g. skin testing, where a drug is applied as a patch, or is
pricked or scratched into the skin or injected intradermally.
Unfortunately, prick and scratch testing is less useful for assessing
the systemic reaction to drugs than it is for the more usual atopic
antigens (e.g. pollens), and both false-positive and false-negative
results can occur. Patch testing is safe, and is useful for the
diagnosis of contact sensitivity, but does not reflect systemic
reactions and may itself cause allergy. Provocation tests should
only be undertaken under expert guidance, after obtaining
informed consent, and with resuscitation facilities available.

3. Serological testing and lymphocytes testing. Serological

testing is rarely helpful, circulating antibodies to the drug do not
mean that they are necessarily the cause of the symptoms. The
demonstration of transformation occurring when the patients
lymphocytes are exposed to a drug ex vivo suggests that the
patients T-lymphocytes are sensitized to the drug. In this type of
reaction, the hapten itself will often provoke lymphocyte
transformation, as well as the conjugate.

4. The best approach in patients on multiple drug therapy is

to stop all potentially causal drugs and reintroduce them one by
one until the drug at fault is discovered. This should only be done if
the reaction is not serious, or if the drug is essential and no
chemically unrelated alternative is available. All drug allergies
should be recorded in the case notes and the patient informed of
the risks involved in taking the drug again.

Pharmacovigilance (Drug safety)

ideal: identify drug reactions with a high degree of sensitivity +
specificity + rapid response from health-care professional
mandatory continued surveillance for new drugs
Introduction of a variety of early detection systems Adverse
Important tolerability and dose-responsee relationship of new
therapeutic agents
Insensitive at detecting: This is illustrated by the failure to
detect the serious toxicity of several drugs (e.g. benoxaprofen,
cerivastatin, felbamate, dexfenfluramine and fenfluramine,
rofecoxib, temofloxacin, troglitazone) before marketing.
Phase III: valuable in establishing whether common events
such as headache, constipation, lethargy or male sexual
dysfunction are truly drug related
The Medical Research Council Mild Hypertension Study
unexpectedly identified impotence as more commonly associated
with thiazide diuretics than with placebo or -adrenoceptor
antagonist therapy.

Yellow Card Scheme and post-Marketing (Phase IV)

The yellow card scheme consists of three stages:
1. Data collection;
2. Analysis;
3. Feedback.

- Useful but under-reporting is a major limitation

- Systems such as the yellow card scheme (e.g. FDA MedWatch
in the USA) are relatively inexpensive and easy to manage, and
facilitate ongoing monitoring of all drugs, all consumers and all
types of adverse reaction.

Case Control Studies

Notable success with many drugs such as stilboesterol with

vaginal adenocarcinoma, gatifloxacin with hypo- and
hyperglycaemia and salmeterol or fenoterol use with increased
fatality in asthmatics

Intensive monitoring

Potential to follow-up
Investigate (allows room for lack of clinical important
Only for early common and early reactions to drugs used in
hospitals since patients are not in hospital long enough to be
Monitoring from national Statistics
Information available:
o death certificates,
o hospital discharge diagnosis and similar records detecting
a change in disease trends and relate this to drug therapy
Methods for hospital discharge = difficult because information is
provisional and incomplete, may be revised during follow up.
Shortcomings: large # of patients must suffer before change is

The Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program (BCDSP),

involving selected hospitals in several countries, is even more
compre- hensive. In the BCDSP, all patients admitted to specially
desig- nated general wards are included in the analysis. Specially
trained personnel obtain the following information from hos- pital
patients and records:

1. background information (i.e. age, weight, height, etc.);

2. medical history;
3. drug exposure;
4. side effects;
5. outcome of treatment and changes in laboratory tests during
hospital admission.

A unique feature of comprehensive drug-monitoring systems

lies in their potential to follow up and investigate adverse
reactions suggested by less sophisticated detection systems, or
by isolated case reports in medical journals.

Allergic adverse drug reactions

Prevention of allergic drug reactions
examples of allergic and other adverse drug reaction_
Key points

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