Cheatsheet Gimp-Letter PDF

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Tools Editing Navigation

Select Rectangle R Undo ^Z Go to Toolbox ^B
Select Ellipse E Redo ^Y Go to Layers ^L
Select Free F Strong Undo ^Z Go to Brushes ^B
Select Fuzzy U Strong Redo ^Y Go to Patterns ^P
Select by Color O Cut Selection ^X Go to Gradients ^G
Intelligent Scissors I Copy Selection ^C Zoom In +
Paths B Copy Visible ^C Zoom Out -
Color Picker O Paste Clipboard ^V Zoom 1:1 1
Move M Paste as New Image ^V Revert Zoom
Crop and Resize C Clear Selection Del Shrink Wrap ^E
Rotate R Fill with FG Color ^, Fit Image to Window ^E
Scale T Fill with BG Color ^. Show Selection ^T
Shear S Fill with Pattern ^: Show Rulers ^R
Perspective P Selection Show Guides ^T
Flip F Select All ^A Quickmask Toggle Q
Text T Select None ^A Fullscreen Toggle F11
Bucket Fill B Select Inverse ^I File
Blend L Select Float ^L New Image ^N
Pencil N Select from Path V Paste as New Image ^V
Paintbrush P Layers Open Image(s) ^O
Eraser E New Layer ^N Open as Layer(s) ^O
Airbrush A Duplicate Layer ^D Open Recent 0..9 ^0..9
Ink K Anchor Layer ^H Save Image ^S
Clone C Merge Visible Layers ^M Save Image As ^S
Blur/Sharpen U Select Previous Layer PgDn Print ^P
Smudge S Select Next Layer PgUp Close Image ^W
Dodge/Burn D Select Top Layer Home Close All ^W
Swap Colors X Select Bottom Layer End Quit ^Q
Default Colors D Oset Layer ^O Duplicate Image ^D
Zoom Z Filters Image Properties Enter

Measure Tool M Repeat Last Filter ^F Help

Alignment Tool Q Reshow Last Filter ^F Help F1
Healing Tool H Context Help F1
= Shift ^= Ctrl = Alt
Copyright 2011 Je Kayser GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) version 2.6.11

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