Photoshop Cheat Sheet

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Photoshop Cheatsheet

Beginner Editing

Q Quick mask

[ Decrease brush size

] Increase brush size

D Default colors

X Toggle

^0 Fit in view

^⇧+ Zoom in

^Z Undo

^H Hide eselection

^C Copy

^V Paste


W Magic wand

E Eraser

R Blur

T Type

Y History brush

U Shape

I Eyedropper

O Dodge

Tools II

P Pan

A Path select

S Clone stamp

G Gradient

H Hand tool

J Healing brush

K Slice

Tools III

L Lasso

Z Zoom tool

C Crop

V Move

B Brush

N Notes

M Marquee


⇧+ Cycle blending mode forwards

⇧_ Cycle blending mode backwards

⌥⇧N Normal

⌥⇧I Dissolve

⌥⇧Q Behind

⌥⇧R Clear

⌥⇧K Darken

⌥⇧M Multiply

⌥⇧B Color burn

⌥⇧A Linear burn

Blending II

⌥⇧G Lighten

⌥⇧S Screen

⌥⇧D Color dodge

⌥⇧W Linear dodge

⌥⇧O Overlay

⌥⇧F Soft light

⌥⇧H Hard light

⌥⇧V Vivid light

⌥⇧J Linear light

Blending III

⌥⇧Z Pin light

⌥⇧L Hard mix

⌥⇧E Difference

⌥⇧X Exclusion

⌥⇧U Hue

⌥⇧T Saturation

⌥⇧C Color

⌥⇧Y Luminosity


^G Group layers

^⇧G Ungroup layers

^⌥G Create/release clipping mask

⌥⇧> Add selected layers to top

⌥⇧< Add selected layers to bottom

⌥⇧} Add-select next layer

⌥⇧{ Add-select previous layer

^] Bring forward

^⇧} Bring to front

Layers II

DEL Delete layers

1 Set layer opacity to 10%

0 Set layer opacity to 100%

^E Merge layers

^⌥J New layer via copy (dialog)

^⌥⇧J New layer via cut (dialog)

Layers III

⌥, Select bottom layer

⌥] Select next layer

⌥[ Select previous layer

⌥. Select top layer

^[ Send backward

^⇧{ Send to back

^⌥E Stamp down

^⌥⇧E Stamp visible

Liquify Tools

W Forward wrap

R Reconstruct

C Twirl clockwise

S Pucker

B Bloat

O Push left

M Mirror

T Turbulence

F Freeze mask

D Thaw mask

⌥B Reverse direction bloat

⌥S Reverse direction pucker

⌥O Reverse direction push left

⌥M Reverse direction mirror

Refine Edge Dialog

^⌥R Open refine edge dialog

F Cycle forwards

⇧F Cycle backwards

X Toggle original and preview

P Toggle original and refined

J Toggle radius on/off

E Toggle radius and eraser tools

Tool Cycling

⇧M Cycle marquee rect, elliptical

⇧L Cycle lasso, polygonal

⇧W Cycle wand, quick selection

⇧C Cycle crop, slide, slide select

⇧I Cycle eyedropper, color, note, count

⇧B Cycle brush, pencil, color, mixer

⇧S Cycle stamp, pattern stamp

⇧Y Cycle history brush

⇧E Cycle eraser, background, magic

Tool Cycling II

⇧G Cycle gradient, paint bucket

⇧O Cycle dodge, burn, sponge

⇧P Cycle pen, freeform pen

⇧T Cycle horizontal, vertical, mask types

⇧A Cycle path, direct selection

⇧U Cycle rect, ellipse, poly, line, shape

⇧K Cycle 2d object, roll, pan, slide, scale

⇧N Cycle 3d camera rotate, roll, pan, walk, zoom


Q Toggle standard and quick mask mode

F Toggle screen mode

^SPACE Zoom in tool

^⌥SPACE Zoom out tool

F Toggle canvas color

^; Show/hide guides

^' Show/hide grids


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