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FC 1105

FC 1105: the new generation of 5-axis multi-tasking centers

Increased capacity The FC 1105 travel lengths permit whole being piloted and monitored
Working on 3, 4 or 5 axes, the the use of high-capacity spindles by the CNC control. Capable of work-
FC 1105 is a multi-capacity vertical and tool changers. Its excellent sta- ing continuously (3 x 8), the FC 1105
milling and turning center. Equip- bility and high spindle power are is synonymous with excellent prof-
ped with a rotating dividing head particularly adapted to the machin- itability.
and a slideway to take up to six ing of difficult materials.
cutters, it can effect high-precision
milling/turning/surfacing operations Diversified productivity
on simple or complex parts in one Autonomy The FC 1105 guarantees the machin-
single clamping. Turning operations An optional loading/unloading ing of high-precision parts coupled
are effected at a constant cutting module can be integrated into the with high productivity in hi-tech
speed. FC 1105, providing it with complete manufacturing sectors, such as watch-
autonomy and independence, the making, jewellery, medical equip-
ment, connector technology, elec-
tronics, microengineering, etc.

The FC 1105 offers complete made-
to-measure functionality and adap-
tability: independent electrical cabi-
net, numerical control on an articu-
lated arm - mounted left or right on
the machine, lateral accessibility, a
two-handed moveable starting-
switch panel, interior lighting and all
regulatory safety devices.

All mechanical parts of the FC 1105
are located in an integral-protection
housing. The optimum accessibility
of the machining area and the par-
ticularly high user-comfort are based
on advanced ergonomic studies. The
FC 1105 is a user-friendly machine
with a well-conceived design.

Compact 24-position tool changer (ISO 25 or HSK 32) and 2-axis NC dividing

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