Electrical Measurements in - EDM: Carlo Ferri, Atanas Ivanov and Antoine Petrelli

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Electrical measurements in -EDM

Carlo Ferri1 , Atanas Ivanov2 and Antoine Petrelli3


Via XI Febbraio 40, 24060 Castelli Calepio, BG, Italy.

Cardiff University, Cardiff CF24 3AA, UK.
ISAT, Universite de Bourgogne, 58027 Nevers, France.

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. The phenomena occurring between the electrodes in electric discharge
machining when manufacturing features on the micro-metre scale (-EDM) is not
fully understood. Poor quantitative knowledge of the sources of variability affecting
this process hinders the identification of its natural tolerance limits. Moreover,
improvements in measuring systems contribute to the acquisition of new information
that often conflicts with existent theoretical models of this process. The prime
objective of this paper is to advance the experimental knowledge of -EDM, by
providing a measurement framework for the electrical discharges. The effects of the
electrodes metallic materials (Ag, Ni, Ti, W) on the electrical measurements defined
in the proposed framework are analysed. Linear mixed-effects models are fitted to
the experimental data using the Restricted Maximum Likelihood Method (REML).
The main conclusion drawn is that the discharge current and voltage as defined and
measured in this framework do significantly depend on the electrodes material even
when keeping all the other machining conditions unchanged.

Submitted to: J. Micromech. Microeng.

Keywords: -EDM, micro-EDM, micro electric discharge machining, linear mixed-effects


This investigation was carried out while the authors were at the Manufacturing Engineering Centre
of Cardiff University.

1. Introduction
Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is the process of removing material from two
electrodes, the workpiece and the tool. When these electrodes are submerged in a
liquid dielectric bath, the pulses of voltage that are applied to them cause a sequence
of breakdowns and recoveries of the in-between dielectric. A pulsed flow of current
therefore takes place between the electrodes. Each of these pulses is also referred to as
a current discharge or, simply, a discharge.
When the electrical parameters driving the process are set to their minimum values,
minimum electric instant power and minimum energy are expected to be released into
both dielectric and electrodes. In this way, features of micrometric size are produced on
the workpiece electrode. The designation micro electric discharge machining (-EDM)
is therefore used in these cases.
The smaller the nominal energy per pulse of current becomes, the smaller the
expected value of the unit removal (UR) is. Unit removal is defined as the part of a
workpiece removed during one cycle of removal action [1]. In -EDM, UR is therefore
the material removed from the workpiece electrode during one discharge.
The technological progress in electrical and electronic components together with
the constant research effort in the design and manufacture of purpose-built -EDM
generators strive to minimise the nominal energy per pulse of current. Maximum
nominal discharge energies per pulse as small as approximately 3 nJ obtained using
an RC discharge circuit have been reported by Egashira et al [2].
A large number of uncontrollable or not-yet-convenient-to-control factors are
expected to affect significantly the instant values of the voltage and of the current
intensity flowing between the two electrodes. This holds regardless of the set-up
parameters for the power generator ( i.e. the nominal values of voltages, current, energy,
etc.) and for the positioning system of the electrodes.
Typical set-up parameters of a transistor-based power generator are the open circuit
voltage, V0 , the mean current, I, the duration of the pulses of voltage, ti , the time interval
between successive pulses of voltage, t0 . Figure 1, which has been derived on the basis of
a machine manual [3], illustrates these parameters together with some quantities defined
and measured in this investigation. The first are displayed as boxed characters in figure
1, the second as plain characters.
[Figure 1 about here.]
Significant advantages of a transistor type isopulse generator over RC pulse
generators in -EDM semifinishing and finishing operations have been discussed by
Han et al [4].
Typical uncontrolled factors are the actual local distance between the electrodes
where a discharge takes place (spark gap), the actual strength of the dielectric in the
spark gap, the degree of contamination of the spark gap, the motion characteristics of
the liquid dielectric between the electrodes, the local composition and physicochemical
local properties of the electrodes materials and of the dielectric medium.

The set-up parameters of figure 1 identify ideal relationships between the voltage,
the current and the time. Therefore the instant electrical power as a function of the
time and the electrical energy of a pulse can be calculated from them.
However, it is argued that this power function and this energy are just nominal. In
fact the uncontrolled factors mentioned above cause the actual dependence of voltage
and current on the time to differ significantly and unpredictably from their nominal
representation of figure 1.
As a consequence, the UR is expected to be affected by a source of variability
corresponding to the dispersion of the electrical characteristics of the discharges. In this
context, the terms electrical characteristics of a discharge refer to current and voltage
dependence on the time during a discharge. For a particular pair of electrodes, this
variability of the UR is then the primary cause of the natural tolerance of the process.
It is envisaged that two directions of investigation can significantly contribute to
quantify and possibly to reduce the natural tolerance of the EDM process.
The first is an extended effort in limiting the variability of the discharge electrical
characteristics by analysing the effect that the aforementioned uncontrolled factors exert
on them and, consequently, by extending the control on them.
The second consists in the quantitative identification of the relationship between
the UR and the electrical characteristics of a discharge.
On one hand, Dauw [5] undertook research activities in both of these directions by
developing a classification of the discharge electrical characteristics and an adaptive
control system based on this classification. On the other hand, Weck [6] focused
his research on the second direction while presenting an adaptive control founded on
the identification of the relationship between some discharge electrical characteristics
and the removal process. The material removal contribution of discharges previously
subdivided into groups is the main purpose of the investigation performed by Cogun [7].
Evidence of similar studies in the -EDM field has not been found. Investigations
of the effect of electrodes materials on the discharge electrical characteristics during
-EDM operations have also not been found. Such investigations can contribute to
shed light upon the nature of the differences between wear ratios of different electrode
materials reported in Ivanov et al [8]. They can in fact determine whether these
differences in wear ratios are also contributed to by the influence of the materials
properties on the discharge electrical characteristics (voltage, current and derived
Electric breakdown in liquid dielectric is a major area of interest in the studies
of electrical insulation in alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) power
generation and transmission [9]. Dielectric oil is typically used in transformers to provide
both high voltage insulation and cooling. The focus of these studies is on modelling the
electrical insulation and the breakdown phenomena of the dielectric medium [9, 10].
Whereas in EDM studies, the erosion mechanism on the electrodes is at the centre of
the research efforts [11, 12, 13, 14].
In addition, the experimental conditions in these two research areas present

significant differences. In EDM, the relative position and the shapes of the electrodes
are changing during the process. They are continuously repositioned by closed-loop
controlled actuators, while their form is also evolving.
Central to EDM is the removal of material from the workpiece-electrode caused by
series of discharges. Each of these discharges and the whole sequence of them should
therefore be investigated. Central to electrical insulation is the occurrence of the first
breakdown, which has to be prevented, between two electrodes at a constant distance
and with carefully designed constant form.
The composition of the dielectric between the electrodes is expected to evolve
significantly more in EDM than in experimental settings typical of electrical insulation
studies [9]. In this last area of research [9] and even more so in EDM investigations,
the nature of the studies is often empirical with most measurements taken at electrical
terminals of voltage and current. No direct information on the electrical field distribution
throughout the volume between the electrodes is accessible.
Extending to -EDM the empirical results obtained in the neighbouring area of
electrical insulation may therefore appear questionable owing to the typically different
experimental conditions of the two domains.
In this paper, which extends the exploratory analysis presented in Ferri et al [15], an
experimental framework is proposed in order to measure electrical quantities at electrical
terminals during machining operations. The framework is twofold. First, the definitions
of generic waveform and average waveform are introduced. Subsequently, operational
definitions of electrical properties of the average waveform are provided. The effects of
four different electrode materials (Ag, Ni,Ti, W) on both mean and variability of these
electrical properties are then estimated by fitting linear mixed-effects (LME) models to
the data using the restricted (or residual) maximum likelihood method (REML) [16].
2. Experimental Set-up
A commercially available EDM machine was deployed in this investigation. The EDM
machine was set up to deliver the minimum nominal energy during each discharge.
According to Masuzawa [1], this condition is sufficient and necessary to place a
manufacturing operation in the micro manufacturing domain. The set-up of the
transistor-based generator used is summarised in table 1.
[Table 1 about here.]
The values displayed in table 1 are of the same order as those that can be set on a
specific brand of EDM machine marketed by its worldwide-known manufacturer as EDM machine during the first half-decade of the twenty first century. Moreover, Han et
al [4] reported for their purpose-built experimental transistor type isopulse generator
V0 = 80 V , t0 = 400 ns, imax = 1.2 and 0.6 A, te = 80 and 30 ns for semifinishing and
finishing operations, respectively.
The comparison between the investigations of Egashira et al [2] and of Han et
al [4] places this study in the border region between the micro- and meso-scale of

the EDM applications. Notwithstanding, the main objective of this investigation is to
define a consistent measurement framework whose nature is insensitive to the nominal
set-up parameters of the process and/or the dimensional scale of the manufactured parts
(macro-, meso-, micro-scale).
Current and voltage measurements were taken by means of a current transformer
(current probe) and a passive voltage probe (10 M, 14 pF, with attenuation factor
10x and bandwidth 200 MHz at -3 dB), respectively. The technical specifications of the
current probe are displayed in table 2.
[Table 2 about here.]
Both probes were connected to an oscilloscope whose specifications are shown in
table 3.
[Table 3 about here.]
The dielectric used was a commercially available, purpose designed liquid
hydrocarbon whose main physicochemical properties are presented in table 4.
[Table 4 about here.]
The overall test rig is illustrated in figure 2.
[Figure 2 about here.]
To measure the voltage, the oscilloscope was set up with a vertical scale of two
volts per division, i.e. 2 V/div, corresponding to an actual value of 20 V/div due to the
10x voltage probe used.
To measure the current, a vertical scale of 500 mV/div was set up, corresponding
to an actual value of 500 mA/div owing to the ratio V/A=1 of the used current probe.
The time scale was set at 200 ns/div. An overall time interval of 2 s was therefore
When connecting the two probes to the oscilloscope, a DC coupling option was
selected to enable constant components of the probed voltage and current to be
The recording action of the oscilloscope starts when a particular event, called the
trigger event, is detected. In this investigation, the oscilloscope was set up so that a
trigger event occurs when the current exceeds the pre-specified level of 310 mA.
The documentation supplied by the machine manufacturer defines time-on (TON ) as
discharge time and time-off (TOF F ) as the period between two consecutive discharges.
However, an experimental investigation suggested that time-on is solely connected
with the train of pulses of voltage regardless of any current flowing through the
electrodes. In this train of voltage pulses, the time duration of each pulse having
an average value of about V0 seems to coincide with TON . On the other hand, the
time interval between two consecutive pulses of voltage appears to coincide with TOF F .
In figure 3, which supports these interpretations, the set-up parameters of the power
generator are chosen so as this evidence is made clearer (V0 = 80 V, TON = 40 s,
TOF F = 130 s, I = 0.5 A, VSERV O = 50 V).

[Figure 3 about here.]
In this figure, only two current pulses are visible on the second channel (the two vertical
segments at the right bottom side), whereas the train of pulses of voltage on the first
channel (top) still maintains the TON - TOF F pattern. Therefore, the parameters TON
and TOF F do not appear directly connected with the occurrence of a current flow through
the electrodes.
It is then argued that the parameters TON and TOF F are different from the
parameters t0 and ti in figure 1, in spite of the their definitions in the machine
documentation. This finding is an invitation to the researchers in the EDM and EDM areas to measure directly the effects that set-up parameters of a piece of complex
equipment such as an EDM power generator actually have on the process.
3. Definitions
Each measurement performed using the oscilloscope gave a time series of 1000 voltage
values where the sampling interval was constant. This time series was acquired on
the occurrence of the trigger event defined in the previous section. In this context,
the time series of 1000 current intensity values is defined as a current generic waveform.
Correspondingly, the concurrent time series of 1000 voltage values is defined as a voltage
generic waveform. As motivated in section 1, these generic waveforms differ significantly
and unpredictably from the nominal pulse shapes of voltage and current, i.e. vN (t) and
iN (t), illustrated in figure 1.
When the set-up option called average acquisition mode is activated on the
oscilloscope, a pre-specified number of current and voltage generic discharges are
detected and their values are averaged into two average time series, which are displayed
on the screen of the oscilloscope. In this investigation, the displayed current (voltage)
time series is the average of 256 current (voltage) generic waveforms. Hereafter, the
current and voltage time series resulting from the averaging process are referred to as
current average waveform and voltage average waveform, respectively. Their product is
then defined as the instant power average waveform. For convenience, this product is
performed directly by the oscilloscope.
For each of the four electrode metals considered in this study (Ag, Ni, Ti and W),
Figure 4 shows one instance of the voltage, current and instant power average waveforms,
indicated with v(t), i(t) and p(t), respectively. All the units of measurements used in
figure 4 have been described in section 2, with the exception of the instant power p(t),
which has units 10 W/div and 200 ns/div on the ordinate and the abscissa respectively.
These units have been derived on the basis of the definition of instant power and on the
basis of the set-up for the other measured quantities.
[Figure 4 about here.]
These average waveforms are then used to define physical quantities of interest,
which in turn are measured directly on the oscilloscope using built-in functionalities.

Among them, those for taking gated measurements were especially useful. Nine electrical
quantities have been defined:
v0 , the average of the voltage average waveform measured from 200 ns before the
occurrence of the trigger event to the instant when the current begins to flow, i.e.
to the abscissa of first positive point on the current average waveform. Let this
point be named A. Henceforth, v0 is also called measured open circuit voltage.
ve , the average of the voltage average waveform during the current flow measured
from the abscissa of A to the instant after the last positive value on the current
average waveform. Let this point be named B. Hereafter, ve is also referred to as
discharge voltage.
te , the time duration of current flow measured on the current average waveform.
It is computed as the time interval between the points A and B. Below te is also
referred to as discharge duration.
i, the average intensity of the current flow measured on the average current
waveform during the discharge duration te . Alternatively, the average of the current
average waveform during te . Henceforth, for brevity, i is also called discharge
imax , the maximum value of current average waveform during te .
tmax , the time interval between the instant when the current begins to flow and
the instant when the current is at its maximum. It is the difference between the
abscissae of imax and A.
P , the average of the instant power average waveform during te . For brevity, P is
also referred to as discharge power.
Pmax , the maximum of the instant power average waveform during te .
e, the discharge energy of the instant power average waveform, namely, the integral
of the instant power average waveform during te . By this definition, it is also equal
to the product P te .Henceforth, the quantity e is also referred to as discharge
In figure 4, values of te are also shown for each of the four examples illustrated.
When the objective is to characterise the general tendency of the machining process,
it appears appropriate to compare nominal pulses (figure 1) with the corresponding
average waveforms (figure 4) rather than with the corresponding generic waveforms. In
fact the generic waveforms, owing to the large variability of the local inter-electrodes
conditions (cf. section 1) have a vast range of different shapes all significantly
differing between themselves and from the nominal pulses (cf. Dauw [5]). Instead
the average waveforms are, on one hand, less variable by definition (the variance of
an average of independent identical variables is 1/n the variance of the single original
variable). On the other hand, they and their variability are more representative of
the whole machining process. The averaging process in fact attenuates the effect on
the electrical measurements of accidental and less frequent phenomena between the

electrodes. Moreover, considering average waveforms reduces by several orders the
otherwise technically unsustainable experimental effort and data collection burden.
A comparison of nominal pulses with average waveforms is quantitatively performed
by contrasting nominal set-up parameters of the generator (figure 1) with actual values
of the electrical quantities defined above and founded on average discharges waveforms
(figure 4). In figure 1, a match between widespread set-up parameters of transistorbased generators (boxed symbols) and some measurements defined above (non-boxed
symbols) is also suggested.
4. Design of the experiment
The experimental activities have been designed in order to block the effects of potential
sources of variability of the -EDM process not explicitly targeted.
This is one reason why metals with purity higher than 99.9 % were selected for
the electrodes in the tests. It is in fact anticipated that potentially inflated variability
conditions in -EDM operations can arise due to locally heterogeneous physicochemical
properties of the electrodes such as, for instance, thermal conductivity, electrical
conductivity and ionisation energy. If metals with high degree of purity are used
as electrodes, it should therefore be easier to detect effects of electrode materials on
electrical properties of average waveforms.
To some extent this approach appears consistent with the observations of Han et
al [17] regarding the effects of material microstructural inter-grain defects on the
performances of -EDM.
Silver (Ag), Nickel (Ni), Titanium (Ti) and Tungsten (W) were selected as electrode
materials so that a broad range of physicochemical properties appearing in the periodic
table of the elements was covered.
It is then expected that these electrical properties can be significantly different when
the same anodic material is used with different cathodic materials. This expectation
appears consistent with the fact that, in their manuals, the manufacturers of EDM
equipment usually suggest different set-up parameters of the generator for machining
different workpiece materials (e.g. steel, aluminium), even though the electrode material
remains the same (copper, for instance). Thus, although it may appear an unusual
decision to the practitioners in the field, in each test the electrode material for the anode
was the same as for the cathode. In this way, the results of the study are an exclusive
property of a specific metal, regardless of the expected anode-cathode interaction effect
on the average waveforms.
For each individual material, the initial shape of the electrodes, especially of their
tips, is qualitatively the same in each test carried out. It is anticipated, in fact, that
the initial shape of the electrodes may constitute a further source of variability affecting
the electrical properties of average waveforms. All the electrodes were in the shape of
rods with circular cross section of diameter one millimetre.
On one hand, this size of the electrode is admittedly unusual for -EDM operations,

where commercially available W and WC rods and pipes may have diameters as small as
80 and 120 m, respectively. On the other hand, it offers the advantage that a broader
range of pure metals is readily available in almost identical shape and size, without the
need of pre-machining the electrodes (for instance using electric discharge grinding).
This last process may alter the physicochemical properties of the selected materials
introducing an avoidable nuisance on the experiment. The measurement framework
presented in this study does not appear to be affected by the particular size and shape
of the electrodes.
In order to limit the set-ups of the machine to an affordable number, the experiment
was carried out in a sequence of five experimental units, hereafter also referred to as
blocks. A block is characterised by the fact that, within it, tests pertaining to the same
electrode material were performed in succession, rather than being randomly assigned
to the sequence order. In each experimental unit, five average waveforms of current,
voltage and instant power were recorded for each of the four electrodes materials. On
these average waveforms, measurements of the nine electrical quantities defined in the
previous section were taken. For each of the four materials, 25 measurements of each
of the nine electrical properties were therefore taken. The overall experimental effort
amounted to 900 measurements.
5. Results
The nine electrical quantities defined in section 3 have been analysed according to the
methods presented in Pinheiro and Bates [16]. These methods also document the library
nlme used in this study within the free software environment and language for statistical
computing R [18]. The data pertaining to these quantities were fitted with linear mixedeffects models of the following generic form:
yi = Xi + Zi b + ei

i = 1, . . . , 5


where, adopting a widespread convention, Greek characters are used to represent

unknown parameters, whereas Latin characters are used to indicate both random
variables and their known or unobservable realizations.
yi = [yi1 yi2 . . . yi20 ]t is the response vector of all the realisations in the i-th block
for the electric quantity under investigation (for instance ve or i).
= [0 1 2 3 ]t is the vector of the fixed effects associated with the electrode
materials. Each material of the electrodes is set as an experimental fixed-effects factor,
j with j = 0, 1, 2, 3. In fact, one of the objectives of this experiment is to determine
whether there are systematic differences in the response variable to arise from the
different electrodes materials investigated.
In the more general form of the model, b = [b0 b1 b2 b3 ]t is the column vector
of random variables representing the random effects exerted by the experimental unit
on the response yi of the electrode material identified by the bj s subscripts with
j = 0, 1, 2, 3 (for instance Ti=0, W=1, Ag=2, Ni=3). In principle in fact such random

effects may be different for each of the electrode materials considered and may also be
An experimental unit represents a known source of potential variability in the
experiment. Given an electrode material, the 25 realisations of the response variable are
grouped in sets of five observations, each set corresponding to one block. If a lurking
nuisance occurs while performing the five consecutive tests in a block for that electrode
material, for instance a temporary series of surges in the circuits of the generator, then
the variability of the whole series of 25 measurements across the five blocks increases.
Moreover, if this lurking nuisance occurs in a block while testing two different electrodes
materials, the corresponding random effects may result correlated. These possibilities
are accounted for by considering the column random vector b as normal distributed
with zero mean and variance-covariance matrix with the sole constraints of being a
positive-definite, symmetric 4 4 matrix , namely b N (0, ) (model a).
It is however anticipated that models with more stringent constraints on can
constitute viable alternative to model a. Therefore four additional models are considered
in this study:
model b, with independent random effects, i.e. = diagonal [02 12 22 32 ];
model c, with random effects independent and same variances in the
random interaction effects, i.e. b = [bmain bint,0 bint,1 bint,2 bint,3 ]t and =
diagonal [main
model d, with a sole random effect for the blocks and no interaction random effect
between the blocks and the electrodes materials. This implies that b is reduced to
the scalar bi N (0, b2 );
model e, without any random effect, namely Zi = 0.
The column vector ei = [ei1 ei2 . . . ei20 ]t represents unobservable realizations of
random variables which account for all those sources of variability that are not explicitly
considered in the model. They are called errors. Their spread, by definition, expresses
the perceived variability of the manufacturing process in terms of the observed electrical
quantity (the yi s). The ei s are considered as the end results of the occurrence of several
independent causes, each of which is contributing to the ei s with a small random
amount. Under these circumstances, and in virtue of the central limit theorem, it
appears reasonable to assume ei N (0, 2 I20 ), where I20 is the 20 20 identity matrix.
The matrix Xi has dimensions 25 4 in all the models. The matrix Zi has
dimensions 25 4 in models a and b, whereas in models c and d it has dimensions
25 5 and 25 1, respectively. In model e it holds Zi = 0. Both Xi and Zi are made
of known constants reflecting the way in which the experimental activity is modelled.
They are referred to as fixed-effects and random-effects design matrix, respectively.
The selection among the models a, b, c, d and e with different variance-covariance
matrix for the random effects is made in accordance with the Bayesian information
criterion (BIC) [19], which is implemented in the function anova of the library nlme
[16]. This function, when given two or more fitted models as parameters computes

the BIC for each of them and performs likelihood ratio tests (LRT) comparing pairs of
models in a sequence from the most specific to the most general. The same function
anova, when given a single model as a parameter, is also used to test the significance
of the fixed effects . It enables in fact the null hypothesis of equality of all the fixed
effects different from 0 to be tested, namely H0 : 1 = 2 = 3 = 0. These r s with
r = 1, 2, 3 constitute the deviations of the expected response ( v0 , ve , te , . . .) for the rth
material from the expected response for the material associated with 0 . Therefore this
allows to conclude from the data whether the electrode materials investigated (Ag, Ni,
Ti, W) exert a significant effect on the electrical quantity considered in a specific model
fitting procedure.
Model e is a fixed-effects linear model. So its parameters rather than being
estimated using the REML method are estimated using the ordinary least square method
(OLS) which is implemented in the function lm of the R environment [18].
Once the parameters of the models have been estimated via REML or OLS, the
assumptions underlying the fitted models are also considered by examining the realized
residuals. If these realized residuals are inconsistent with the hypotheses of the model
(for instance normality and homoschedasticity of the errors), then new models are fitted
with similarities to the examples presented in Pinheiro and Bates [16].
The values of the BIC obtained for the five models examined (a, b, c, d and e)
are displayed in table 5. In the same table, are also shown the p-values of the test
H0 : r = 0 r = 1, 2, 3, H1 : r 6= 0 for at least one r r = 1, 2, 3. For each electrical
quantity, the test was conducted on the model with minimum BIC. Due to the fact
that the p-values are extremely small, very strong evidence of the effect of the electrode
materials on each of the nine electrical quantities considered cannot be denied.
The selection of the model summarised in table 5, is critically examined in the next
[Table 5 about here.]
5.1. Voltage
The model fitting the measured open circuit voltage (v0 ) and having minimum BIC,
model e, does not include any effect of the experimental unit. The analysis of the
realised residuals does not exhibit major significant departures from the hypotheses
underlying the model.
As regards the discharge voltage ve , the model with minimum BIC is again model e.
In figure 5 (a) a strip plot of the discharge voltage is shown where the data are grouped
by experimental unit (I,II,III,IV,V) ordered by increasing maximum of the voltage inside
each group. In each experimental unit the four material investigated (Ag, Ni, Ti and
W) are also identified. In this strip plot, the variability of the data does not appear
to be different for the different experimental units. The data pertaining to the same
material exhibit comparable variability and mean within different experimental units.
These considerations suggest that the random factor experimental unit does not exert

any main effect on ve and that no interaction is present between material and block.
The selection of model e quantitatively confirms such graphical observations. The effect
of the material on ve is also visible in this strip plot.
Due to the apparent lack of any effect of the experimental unit on the discharge
voltage, all the data regarding the same material in different blocks have been grouped
together in the notched box plot of the figure 5 (b). Each box is delimited by the
first and the third quartile of the 25 values of ve in each group and is added with two
whiskers. The median of these values appears in this figure as the thicker vertical
segment joining the two v-shaped notches in each box. When considering each of the
six possible pairs of materials in the figure, if the notches around the two medians do
not overlap, then these two medians are significantly different at approximately 95 %
level. Detailed description and applications of notched box plots are in McGill et al
Discharge voltages measured during -EDM operations performed on different pure
metal electrodes are significantly different, regardless of the set-up of the generator and
the dielectric being identical.
From both strip and box plots of figure 5, it can also be suspected that the variability
of the discharge voltage is greater when machining Ti rather than when machining the
other metals. This possibility has been investigated by analysing the residuals of model
e in two different directions.
First a Levenes test was performed on the residuals grouped by material. Assessing
the null hypothesis of equal variability between these grouped residuals resulted in a
p-value of 9.4 %. However, Boos and Brownie [21] reported that Levenes test can be
conservative, i.e. the computed p-value may overestimate the actual p-value when some
deviation from normality is present in the underlying distribution.
Then, a fixed effect linear model with variance of the errors structured in two groups,
Ti and the other materials, was fitted to the data. These kinds of models are also known
as generalised least squares models (GLS) or extended linear models. The fitting was
performed in R using the REML method , which is implemented in the function gls of
the library nlme [16]. The variance structure of the residuals was modelled using the
variance function varIdent of the same library. The BIC of the resulting fitted model
is 270.4 and makes it preferable to model e (BIC=272.9). This additional model does
not change the conclusions regarding the effect of the electrodes materials on the mean
of ve . However, its small BIC value suggests that the electrode material may have a
significant effect also on the variability of the discharge voltage.
[Figure 5 about here.]
5.2. Current
The selection of model c for the measurements of discharge duration te (table 5) leads
to conclude that the experimental unit is a significant source of variability for te . The
variability of the discharge duration appears particularly sensitive to the experimental

conditions. Moreover, in each block, the electrode material is an additional source
of significant variability for te . In model c, the effects of block and material are not
correlated and the variability of te accounted for by the material is the same for each
block. A strip plot of the residuals grouped by material highlighted a strong dependence
of their variance on the electrode materials investigated. Like in the case of the discharge
voltage, a new model was therefore considered with the errors having different variances
for each level of the stratification variable electrodes material Sij , namely:
Var (eij ) = 2 S2 ij

i = 1, . . . , 5 j = 1, . . . , 20


In the case examined, it holds Sij {Ag, Ni, Ti, W}. The fitting was performed in R
using the functions varIdent and lme. The BIC of the resulting model is 1084.2, which
is better than cs (1088.8), whereas the p-value for the significance of the fixed effect
remains substantially as given in table 5. Other examinations of the realised residuals
do not show significant violation of the assumptions underlying both model c and its
This analysis of the measurements of te leads to the conclusion that the electrodes
materials have a significant effect on both mean and spread of the discharge duration.
The notched box plot of the discharge duration measurements grouped by material is
provided in figure 6 and graphically support such a conclusion.
[Figure 6 about here.]
model b has minimum BIC. However, the
Regarding the discharge current I,
subsequent analysis of the realised residuals, of the predicted random effects and of
the estimated parameters reveal a number of inconsistencies with the assumptions of
the model. In particular the variance of the random effect associated with silver is
substantially zero, while the variances of the other random effects are not. Moreover
the variance structure of the random effects b in model b fails to represent fully the
The realised residuals in fact
effect of the electrode material on the variability of I.
seem to have different spread for different materials (like in the case of te ).
In figure 7 (a) , the discharge current data are grouped by material and, within each
material, sub-groups by experimental unit are also identifiable. The vertical lines in each
of all the measurements regarding a material. For Ni, Ti and
panel are the average Is
W, the dispersions of I appear comparable, whereas for Ag the spread is suspected to
be significantly smaller. These observations are also confirmed in the notched box plot
of figure 7 (b), by taking notice of the different sizes of the boxes, which are associated
with the interquartile range. In this box plot, the groups consists of 25 measurements
which were obtained by pooling together data for the same material across the five
of I,
blocks. The medians of the discharge current for Ni and Ti appear significantly different
from all the others, whereas Ni and Ag have comparable medians at approximately 95 %
significance level.
As a results of all the observations above, new models where fitted to the data.
Among these, the model with minimum BIC was obtained by introducing a variance
structure for the errors in model c. As described by equation 2, each material was

associated to a different errors variance. Moreover, Ni and W were assumed to have the
same errors variance. In this manner, a new model with BIC=1078.4 was obtained. Its
realised residuals do not present major violations of the underlying assumptions. The
p-value for the test H0 : r = 0 with r = 1, 2, 3 is 0.13 %.
On the basis of this analysis, it is then concluded that the electrode material has a
significant effect on both mean and variability of the discharge current. Moreover, due
to the significance of the block random effect, the dispersion in the measurements of
this current appears sensitive to the experimental conditions.
[Figure 7 about here.]
The maximum current Imax is significantly affected by the electrode material in
both mean value and variability. But it does not exhibit significant sensitivity to
the experimental conditions. These are the conclusions drawn by observing that the
residuals of model e, which has minimum BIC, display two different spreads. The first
characterises Ag, Ni and W, whereas the second, which is larger, Ti. This evidence is
confirmed by fitting the data with a GLS model having the errors with two different
variances. The first is for the errors associated with Ag, Ni and W, while the second is
for those associated with Ti. The corresponding BIC is -216.1 and the p-value for the
test H0 : r = 0 with r = 1, 2, 3 is 0.01 %. In figure 8 (a), a notched box plot of the
measurements of maximum current grouped by material also supports these conclusions.
As regards tmax , model b, which has the minimum BIC, has a null estimate of
the variance of the random effect connected with W. This is inconsistent with the
assumption of the model itself, which unnecessary dedicates a model parameter to such
a variance. Furthermore, the realised residuals of this model show different spreads
for different materials in violation of the assumed homoschedasticity of the errors.
New models have therefore been fitted. The minimum BIC of 742.8 was achieved
for model c, where the errors have been stratified for different materials according to
equation 2. Consequently, it is argued that the measurements of tmax have significantly
different mean and variability when machining different electrode materials. These
measurements are also sensitive to the experimetal conditions (in model c the effects of
the experimental units are significant). The notched box plot in figure 8 (b) provides a
graphical confirmation of the effects of the electrode materials.
The ratio Imax /tmax may give some indication of the time required to break the
in-between-the-electrodes dielectric. In this view, it may moreover be thought of as
contributed to by the degree of contamination of the inter-electrodes dielectric in an
inversionally proportional way. This contamination of the dielectric may be different
for different electrode materials. In fact the removal mechanism may be affected by the
different physicochemical properties of the electrode materials. For instance, during the
removal action, different electrode materials may produce gases and debris with different
properties in the inter-electrodes gap. A box plot of the realised ratios groupped by
material is shown in figure 8 (c).

A model was fitted to the data Imax /tmax and a significant effect of the electrode
materials on both the mean and the variability of such ratio was found. In fact, the
minimum BIC model is without any random effects (model e), but with variance of the
errors different for different materials (variances associated with W and Ag comparable,
but significantly larger variances for Ni and Ti). The p-value for the test H0 : r = 0 with
r = 1, 2, 3 is less than 0.01 %. Further investigation is required to quantify the proportion
of this effect associated to presently uncontrollable local micro conditions. For instance,
the nature of the local turbulence in the dielectric flow between the electrodes.
[Figure 8 about here.]
5.3. Instant power and energy
The selection of model c (BIC=374.0) indicates that the variability of discharge power
measurements P is affected by both electrode materials and experimental units. A pvalue < 0.01 % in the test H0 : r = 0 with r = 1, 2, 3 is a strong indication that the
electrode materials significantly affect the mean of the discharge power. An examination
of the realised residuals does not show major discrepancies between measurements
results and models assumptions. Graphical summaries of the measurements of P are
displayed in figure 9 (a) and 9 (b).
As regards the maximum power Pmax , model c, which has the minimum BIC
(510.0), gives an estimate of main = block which is not significantly different from
zero. This makes the number of parameters in model c larger than necessary. An
examination of the realised residuals then shows an effect of the electrode materials
on the variability of the residuals themselves. These considerations suggest that the
experimental data are better interpreted by a model without random effects due to the
experimental units.
A number of alternative models with different variance structure of the errors were
considered. Model e was selected because of the considerations above and owing to
the fact that its BIC (514.3) is closest to the minimum in table 5 (510.0). Its realised
residuals do not show any denial of the hypotheses underlying the model. Consequently,
no significant effect of the material on the variability of Pmax is present.
A confidence interval for the standard deviation of the errors, , provides an
indication of the capability of the process in terms of maximum electrical power. Under
the assumptions of the model, a 95 % confidence interval is given by the following

(n p)

2 2
2 2
np, 1/2
np, /2
is the estimated standard deviation of the errors (1.55 W), n is the overall
number of measurements (100), p is the number of parameters associated with the
fixed effects (4), = 95 %, 2np, 1/2 and 2np, /2 are the quantiles of the chisquared distribution that has n p degrees of freedom and with probability 1 /2

and /2 at their left, respectively. The 95 % confidence interval for therefore is
2.564 W < 3.408 W. Identical results are obtained by fitting the linear model with
the gls function and by applying to the resulting object the function intervals, where
both functions belong to the nlme library [16]. Such an interval is then expressed
in percentage of the overall average measurements of Pmax across all the electrode
materials (60.421 W), producing the adimensional result 4.244 % < 5.640 %. The
test H0 : r = 0 with r = 1, 2, 3 produces a p-value < 2.2 1016 , which confirms the
significant effect of the electrode material on the mean of Pmax . The strip plot and the
notched box plot respectively shown in figure 9 (c) and 9 (d) seem to agree with the
conclusions of the quantitative analysis.
The measurements of the discharge energy are respectively displayed in the strip
plot and in the notched box plot of figure 9 (e) and 9 (f ). The discharge energy is
significantly affected by the electrode materials both in mean and variability. This
conclusion can be drawn from the figures in table 5, where model c has minimum
BIC (288.2). This indicates that the model fitting the data the best (according to the
Schwarzs BIC) requires a significant contribution to the variability of the discharge
energy from both electrode materials and experimental unit. The significance of the
material effect on the mean of the discharge energy is instead inferred by observing that
p-value is less than 0.01 % in the test H0 : r = 0 with r = 1, 2, 3 (table 5). No major
departures from the hypotheses underlying the model are found in an examination of
the realised residuals.
[Figure 9 about here.]
6. Conclusions
Operational definitions of electrical quantities characteristic of the phenomena occurring
in the in-between-the-electrodes dielectric during -EDM operations have been
proposed. They are based on the concept of average waveform also defined in this
Measurements of these quantities have been performed on a number of electrodes
made of Nickel, Silver, Tungsten and Titanium with degree of purity greater than
99.95 %. All the tests on each of the metals were carried out with an identical setup on the same machine.
The acquired experimental evidence showed that all the investigated electrode
materials have a significant effect on the means of the defined electrical quantities. This
implies that it is not possible to pre-determine generator set-ups independently from
the electrode material in order to obtain pre-specified levels of the discharge voltage,
duration, current, power and energy. In fact, the performed analysis shows that each
material is associated with significantly different discharge voltage, duration, current,
power and energy. This evidence contrasts with the practice of including in manuals of
EDM machines some specifications of generator set-ups to achieve pre-determined levels
of discharge current, voltage, time, power and energy for generic classes of materials

(for instance steel, copper). In reality these classes may include a number of different
specific materials encompassing a large variety of different physicochemical properties,
chemical compositions and metallographic structures.
Electrode materials also significantly affect the variance of all the examined
electrical quantities, with the exception of the maximum discharge power. In this case,
the standard deviation of the natural variability of the process was estimated to lie
within the interval 4.244 % < 5.640 % with confidence level 95 %. The percentage
in the expression of is referred to the mean maximum power investigate (60.421 W).
By examining the studies of Dibitonto et al [11] and Patel et al [12] which present
increasing discrepancies between the predictions of their models and their experimental
data for decreasing discharge energies, together with the results of Singh and Ghosh [14]
and of Valentincic et al [22], it can be argued that the material removal mechanism in
-EDM is not yet fully understood. However, the material removal from the electrodeworkpiece must be somehow logically considered as mainly caused by the investigated
discharge power and energy.
This work was partially performed within the developments of the project LaunchMicro (funded by the European Commission in the Sixth Framework Program) and of
the program Cardiff University Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre (funded by
the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council).
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vN (t)

V0 ,v0



i N (t)


I ,i

Figure 1. Nominal pulse shapes: typical set-up parameters of a power generator are
in boxes, whereas measured parameters are not.



power generator


current probe

Figure 2. Schema of the test rig.



Figure 3. Interpretation of TON and TOF F .



Silver (Ag)
te = 1080 ns

Nickel (Ni)
te = 872 ns

Titanium (Ti)
te = 1136 ns

Tungsten (W)
te = 748 ns




Figure 4. Four cases of voltage, current and instant power generic discharges,
designated with v(t), i(t) and p(t) respectively. They refer to the four electrodes
metals investigated (Ag, Ni, Ti, W).
















Discharge voltage, v e / V










Discharge voltage, v e / V


Figure 5. Strip plot (a) and notched box plot (b) of ve grouped by experimental unit
(20 data per unit) and materials (25 data per group), respectively.




800 900



Discharge duration, t e / ns

Figure 6. Notched box plot of the measurements of discharge duration grouped by

electrodes materials (25 measurements in each group).
















Discharge current, I / mA






Discharge current, I / mA


Figure 7. Strip plot (a) and notched box plot (b) of I measurements grouped by
materials (25 data per group).


















Maximum discharge current, I max / A


260 280 300 320 340 360 380

time to the maximum current, t max / ns









Ratio I max /t max , / mA ns


Figure 8. Notched box plots of: (a) the maximum current, Imax ; (b) the time to the
maximum current, tmax ; (c) the ratio Imax /tmax . All measurements are grouped by
electrode materials (25 data per group).

















Discharge Power, P / W

Discharge power, P / W



















Maximum discharge power, P max / W

Maximum discharge power, P max / W














Discharge energy, e / J






Discharge energy, e / J

(f )

Figure 9. Strip plots (a), (c), (e) and notched box plots (b), (d), (f ) of discharge
power, maximum discharge power and discharge energy grouped by experimental unit
(20 data per unit) and materials (25 data per group), respectively.


Table 1. Set-up parameters of the EDM generator.



Open circuit voltage

Mean nominal current
Reference voltage of the servo systema

V0 /V
TON /s
TOF F /s


Regarding the way this value is internally used in the equipment, no further
information is available in the documentation provided by the manufacturer.


Table 2. Technical specifications of the current transformer.
Nominal sensitivity/V A1
Nominal rise time/s
Nominal DC saturation current/A
Nominal Maximum rms current/A
Nominal low frequency cut-off of the 3 dB bandwidth (sinewave)/Hz
Nominal high frequency cut-off of the 3 dB bandwidth (sinewave)/MHz
Actual low frequency cut-off of the 3 dB bandwidth (sinewave)/Hz
Actual high frequency cut-off of the 3 dB bandwidth (sinewave)/MHz
Nominal Maximum Phase shift between signal and current/


The actual bandwidth is the result of a test performed by the manufacturer at the
authors request.
For frequencies in the range of one decade of the cut-off points.


Table 3. Main characteristics of the oscilloscope.


Vertical resolution/bit
Input resistive impedance/M
Input capacitive impedance/pF

20 2


This resolution is associated with 25 digitalisation levels per division.

The resistive and the capacitive impedances are in parallel.


Table 4. Main physicochemical properties of the dielectric.


Density at 15 C
Kinematic viscosity at 20 C
Flash point C (Pensky-Martens close cup)
Mass fraction of aromatic content
Disruptive voltage at 2.5 mm

/g cm3
f p/ C
dv /k V



Table 5. Model selection and highly significant effect of the electrodes materials
r = 0
r = 1, 2, 3 < 1015














< 1015

< 104

< 104

< 1015

< 104

< 104

< 104

< 104

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