Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates by Rubber in Concrete

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Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 5(5): 312-317

Scholarlink Research Institute Journals, 2014 (ISSN: 2141-7016)
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 5(5):312-317 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates by Rubber in Concrete

Jaylina Rana and Reshma Rughooputh

Department of Civil Engineering,

Faculty of Engineering,
University of Mauritius, Rduit, Mauritius
Corresponding Author: Jaylina Rana
The increased quest for sustainable and eco-friendly materials in the construction industry has led to research on
partial replacement of the conventional constituents of concrete by two selected waste materials. The broad aim
of this work was to investigate the effects of partially substituted fine aggregate by rubber on the properties of
fresh and hardened concrete. Different tests were performed to determine and compare slump, plastic density,
compressive strength, tensile splitting strength, flexure, modulus of elasticity, drying shrinkage and initial
surface absorption of the concrete mixes. The results demonstrated that rubber improves workability and causes
a decrease in plastic density. The compressive and tensile splitting strengths, flexure and modulus of elastic
significantly decrease with increasing rubber content. Rubber also causes an increase in percentage drying
shrinkage. Additionally, rubber fails the initial surface absorption test, that is, the surfaces of their concrete
mixes are almost impermeable. However, partial replacement of fine aggregates with 5% of rubber can
potentially be used in low strength concrete applications.
Keywords: OPC, aggregates, rubber, workability, compressive and tensile splitting strengths

INTRODUCTION et al. (2008) showed that rubber used as aggregate in

The manufacture of concrete, primarily its concrete had high toughness and ductility, lower
ingredients; cement and aggregates; presents various compressive strength and tensile strength and high
sustainability issues that need to be dealt. The sound insulation. Issa and Salem (2013) noted that
production of concrete has always lead to massive rubber replaced less than 25% by volume gave good
exploitation of natural resources. Manufacturing 1 compressive strength. Replacing more than 25%
tonne of Portland cement requires quarrying 1.5 caused the strength to drop extremely Concrete
tonnes of limestone and clay (Civil and Marine, containing rubber tyres showed ductile and plastic
2007). Moreover, continuous extraction of natural failure rather than brittle (Eldin and Senouci, 1993).
aggregate; sand and gravel; from river beds, lake and According to Issa and Salem (2013), ductility was
other water bodies over the years have led to erosion enhanced. Also, the workability of concrete
which eventually leads to flooding and landslides. containing rubber was slightly improved.
Further, there is less filtration of rainwater due to
reduced amount of natural sand, causing In addition, Topcu (1995) observed that the elastic
contamination of water needed for human behaviour was improved. Atahan and Yucel (2012
consumption. 1.4 tonnes of Ordinary Portland cement held that with increasing amount of rubber, the elastic
being produced yearly around the globe contributes modulus decreased. However, Issa and Salem (2013)
to 5 percent of greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, concluded that the concrete was unpredictable and the
emissions worldwide (Civil and Marine, 2007). Not failure stress-strain relationship did not have a fixed
only burning fuel to heat the kiln emits carbon pattern at some point. It was observed that the
dioxide, but also decomposition of limestone emits shrinkage of concrete increased with increasing
even more gas. These identified problems clearly, amount of waste rubber. The tensile splitting strength
contribute significantly to climate change. The ideal also decreased with increasing amount of rubber.
target to partly solve the above phenomenon is to
develop a sustainable system loop which can turn In line with the use waste materials in the
resources which are landfilled as waste materials into construction industry, this paper presents
useful products in the construction industry, thus experimental work carried out to determine the effect
preserving the natural resources. of partial replacement of fine aggregates with 0%, 5%
and 10% of rubber on the properties of concrete. The
Characterised as having low particle density and specific gravity, water absorption, workability, plastic
negligible water absorption, rubber has been used as density, compressive strength, initial surface
both coarse and fine aggregates in concrete. Siddique absorption, drying shrinkage, static modulus of
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 5(5):312-317 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

elasticity, tensile splitting strength and flexural TESTING

strength will be determined. The findings will then be Particle Size Distribution
used to determine the optimum replacement Particle size distribution for the fine aggregates;
percentage of fine aggregates with rubber can coarse aggregates and rubber were carried out in
potentially be used for low strength concrete accordance with BS 812-103.1:1985.
applications. However, this research is limited to the Specific gravity & Water Absorption
shredded tyre rubber wastes produced from the The specific gravity and water absorption of the fine
retreading process of tyres in Mauritius. aggregates, coarse aggregates and rubber were
determined according to in BS 812: Part 2:1995.
Selection of Materials The workability was determined by means of the
Ordinaly Portland Cement (opc) conforming to slump test and was conducted according to with BS
ASTM C-150 / European Standard EN 197-1, CEM 1 EN 12350-2:2000.
42.5 N was used. The natural aggregates used were Plastic Density
natural crushed basaltic rock obtained locally. The The plastic density test was carried out to determine
coarse aggregates used were angular crushed the presence of air voids in the concrete mixes in
aggregates having a maximum size of 20mm. The accordance with BS EN 12350-6:2000.
fine aggregates used were washed crushed rocksand Compressive Strength
with a size range 0-4mm. Tap water was used for The compressive strength test was carried out on
mixing the raw materials. Rubber was obtained from 100mm x 100mm x100 mm cubes specimen in
a local supplier in the form of shredded tyre rubber accordance with BS EN 12390-3:2009 at the age of 7
wastes produced from the retreading process of tyres. and 28 days. 3 cubes were tested at 7 days and 28
Concrete Mixes Initial Surface Absorption (ISA) Test
Three concrete mixes were prepared. The control mix The initial water absorption of the 100 mm x 100 mm
(CM) A consisted of 100% fine aggregates. In mixes x 100 mm test cubes was determined in accordance
B and C, the fine aggregates were partially with BS 1881: Part 208: 1996 after 28 days of curing.
substituted with 5% and 10% of rubber by weight This was carried out in order to determine the
respectively. The British method also known as the permeability of the concrete.
DoE method was used for the mix design process. Drying Shrinkage
This method of design comprises of tables and charts The drying shrinkage of the 75mm75mm cross,
available at the Building Research Establishment 300mm prisms was determined as per the
(BRE). The concrete was designed for a characteristic requirements of BS ISO 1920-8:2009. The drying
compressive strength of 50 MPa with a slump was in shrinkage was calculated as the difference in length
the range of 135-155 mm. The proportions of between the wet and dry measurement (oven dried for
materials for each concrete mix are shown in Table 1. 14 days at a temperature of 50 to 65oC), expressed as
a percentage of the length of the specimen.
Table 1 - Mix Proportions of Mixes Static Modulus of Elasticity
The modulus elasticity in compression of concrete
% Replacement ggbs
were determined for 150mm diameter, 300mm long
Materials (kg/m3) A: 0% B: 30% C: 50% cylinders according to BS 1881 Part 5: 1983. This
Cement 388 272 194 was carried out to determine the stiffness of the
concrete samples after 28 days of curing.
Coarse aggregate 14/20 670 670 670
Tensile Splitting Strength
Coarse aggregate 6/10 335 335 335 The tensile splitting strength of the 150mm diameter,
Fine aggregate 0/4 857 857 857 300mm long cylinders was determined according to
Rubber 0 43 43 86 BS EN 12390-6:2009 after 28 days of curing.
Flexural Strength
Water 225 225 225
The flexural strength of the 75mm75mm cross,
300mm concrete prisms was determined according to
Casting and Curing BS EN 12390-5:2009 after 45 days of curing. A load
For each mix, five 100mm100mm100mm cube,
was applied on the specimens with an increasing rate
two 75mm75mm300mm prisms and two 150 mm
until failure of the specimen occurred.
diameter x 300 mm long cylindrical test specimens
were cast. After 24 hours, the specimens were de-
moulded and cured in water at room temperature until
Particle Size Distribution
they were tested.
The particle size distributions of the natural coarse
and fine aggregate as well as the rubber are shown in
Figures 1 and 2. The rubber has a higher percentage
of fine sand and a lower percentage of medium to

Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 5(5):312-317 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

coarse sand as compared to the coarse aggregate. It is rubber particles and aggregate particles which
also observed that the sieved rubber is a well graded prevents mixes to be more consistent.
material, conforming to BS 882: 1992 requirements
for use as aggregate in concrete.

Figure 3 Variation of slump with rubber content

Figure 1 Particle size distribution: Coarse and Fine Plastic Density

aggregates The variation of plastic density for each mix is shown
in Figure 4. It can be observed that as the rubber
content increases to 5% and 10%, the plastic density
reduces by almost 7% and 11% respectively. The
decrease in plastic density with increasing rubber
content is due to the lower specific gravity of rubber
in comparison with fine aggregates.

Figure 2 Particle size distribution: Rubber

Specific Gravity and Water Absorption
The specific gravity of the rubber was found to be
0.78, lower than that of the coarse aggregate and the
fine aggregate which were determined as 2.90 and
2.86 respectively. The absorption test showed that Figure 4 Variation of plastic density with rubber
rubber did not absorb water at all and most of the content
rubber floated on the surface of the water. This
confirmed that the absorption of rubber was almost Compressive Strength
0% due to the almost impermeable nature of the The compressive strength decreases significantly as a
material. result of the volumetric replacement of the fine
aggregates by rubber as shown in Figure 5. At 7 days,
Workability it is also observed that the compressive strength
The slump of fresh concrete is usually used as a reduces by 67% and 79% when the fine aggregates
measure of its workability. Figure 3 shows the are partially replaced with 5% and 10% of rubber
slumps obtained for each concrete mix. It is observed respectively. At 28 days, a slight increase in the
that the slump for all the mixes is within the target compressive strength is observed for all mixes. This
range of 135-155 mm. Although a slight increase in is due to the increase in the hydration reactions in the
workability is noted with the increase in rubber concrete. However, the compressive strength reduced
content, there is no significant change in the by 65% and 78% when the fine aggregates are
workability and thus the consistency of the mixes. partially replaced with 5% and 10% of rubber
This can be attributed to the coarseness of the mixes respectively. This confirms that as the rubber content
and the existence of high adhesion forces between increases, bonding between the aggregate particles
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 5(5):312-317 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

and the cement decreases. This is due to the weakness of the samples at 10 minutes for all mixes is shown in
of the rubber particles compared to the fine aggregate Figure 7.
particles. However, the partial replacement of fine Table 2 ISAT results for Mixes A, B and C
aggregates with 5% of rubber can potentially be used
Initial Surface Absorption,
in low strength concrete applications. ml/(m2s)
10 min 30 min 60 min

A 0% rubber 0.0500 0.0400 0.0100

B -5% rubber 0.0005 - -

C-10% rubber 0.0000 - -

For Mix A (0% rubber), it is observed that the initial

surface absorption decreases with time. This is due to
the development of the C2S matrix in the concrete
thereby preventing the absorption of water in the
concrete surface. Figure 5 shows that as the rubber
content increases, the initial surface absorption
decreases significantly. Results also confirm that as
the rubber content increases, the concrete becomes
too impermeable to be sensitive for the test to a
longer term test (30 and 60 minutes). This is due to
the almost impermeable property of rubber which
Figure 5 Variation of compressive strength with prevents the absorption of water on the concrete
rubber content surface.

Drying Shrinkage
The results for the drying shrinkage tests for all
mixes are shown in Figure 6. It is observed that as the
fine aggregates are replaced by 5% and 10 % of
rubber, the drying shrinkage increases by 24% and
34% respectively. As the rubber content increases,
the amount of fine aggregates and therefore the total
volume aggregate decreases. Hence, less restraint to
shrinkage is provided by the aggregates thereby
increasing the drying shrinkage of the specimens
containing rubber. This is also due to the weak
bonding between rubber and the cement paste.

Figure 7 Variation of initial surface absorption with

rubber content

Static Modulus of Elasticity

The modulus of elasticity for all mixes is shown in
Figure 8. It is observed that as the rubber content in
increased to 5% and 10%, the modulus of elasticity of
the test specimens decreases significantly by 38%
and 60% respectively. The decrease in modulus of
elasticity is due to the low stiffness of rubber (Brito
& Saikia, 2013) and the lower volume of find
aggregate used as a result of increasing rubber
Figure 6 Variation of drying shrinkage with rubber

Initial surface absorption test (ISAT)

Table 2 summarises the initial surface absorption at
10, 30 and 60 minutes. The initial surface absorption

Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 5(5):312-317 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

Figure 8 Variation of modulus of elasticity with Figure 10 Variation of flexural strength with rubber
rubber content content

Tensile Splitting Strength Test CONCLUSIONS

The tensile splitting strength variation for all mixes is The aim of this paper was to determine the effect of
shown in Figure 9. Results indicate that as the ggbs partially replacing fine aggregates with 5% and 10%
content increases to 5% and 10%, the tensile splitting of rubber on the properties of concrete. The main
strength decreases significantly by 57% and 69% conclusions are as follows:
respectively. This can be attributed to the poor bonds  It is observed that the rubber used in this
between the cement paste and the rubber aggregate research possesses characteristics of a well-
and to the presence of more air voids induced graded material conforming to the
because of rubber. requirement of BS 882: 1992 for use as
aggregate in concrete.
 The partial replacement of fine aggregates
with rubber has no significant effect on
workability but causes a decrease in the
plastic density of the concrete.
 The compressive and tensile splitting
strengths, flexure and modulus of elasticity
decreases with increasing rubber content.
 The drying shrinkage shows a slight
increment with increasing rubber content.
 Rubber fails the initial surface absorption
test confirming that the surfaces of their
concrete mixes were practically
 From the results, the partial replacement of
fine aggregates with 5% of rubber can
Figure 9 Variation of tensile splitting strength with potentially be used in low strength concrete
rubber content applications.

Flexural Strength REFERENCES

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT British Standard Institution (2009). BS ISO 1920-
The Authors wish to thank Miss. Deepshika Bundhoo 8:2009: Testing of concrete. Determination of the
for her collaboration with this work drying shrinkage of concrete for samples prepared in
the field or in the laboratory. BSI: London

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