Modeling of Strength of Concrete Produced With Fine Aggregates From Different Sources

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11 XII December 2023
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue XII Dec 2023- Available at

Modeling of Strength of Concrete Produced with

Fine Aggregates from Different Sources
Ogunjiofor I. Emmanuel1, Okeke C. Sunday2, Mbawuike C. Kenneth3
1 2, 3
Lecturer, Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Uli, Anambra state, Nigeria

Abstract: In this study, the compressive strength of concrete was determined from concrete made with fine aggregate sourced
from three different locations. Fine aggregates were sourced from Onitsha, Uli, (Anambra State) and Njaba (Imo State) and
constrain to several tests namely: sieve analysis, initial and final setting time. The mix ratio of 1:1.5:3and the water/cement ratio
of 0.6 were used to produce these concrete samples. Both the slump test and compressive strength test were carried out on these
samples. A total of Thirty-six (36) concrete cubes (150mm x 150mm x150mm) were cast, cured and tested after 7, 14, 21and 28
days of curing for each of the fine aggregates. The results for the mean compressive strength of the concrete produced, showed
that all of them had average strength greater than 20N/mm2, with fine aggregate from Uli having the highest mean at
33.2N/mm2 after 28days of curing. Thus, any fine aggregates could be used to produce structural light weight concrete, but fine
aggregate from is highly recommended for projects that requires higher strength. A mathematical models used for the prediction
of the compressive strength of concrete produced with different fine aggregate were also created by the Response Surface
Method (RSM) using the design Expert Software Application. The optimizations were done and the results were validated.
Keywords: Concrete, Compressive Strength, Fine Aggregate, Modeling.

Concrete is one of most widely used artificial construction materials worldwide (Thandavamoorthy, 2014) and it is popular in
Nigeria (Tsado, 2013). It is a composite material, and a significant component is natural aggregate. Cement, aggregate (coarse and
fine) and water are traditionally combined in the right proportions to produce concrete, which then hardens to form a mass
resembling rock (Gideon et al, 2015). This element affects the concrete’s strength in a variety of ways (Deodhar, 2009).
Additionally, for given water/cement ratio, the type of aggregate used to produce concrete affects its strength, stiffness, and fracture
energy (Abdullahi, 2012). If the materials used in its production are not of good quality, its quality could be debilitated. Many
factors, including the characteristics of the materials used during construction, have been linked to the collapse of structures
(Ayininuola and olalusi, 2004, Ede 2010). Concrete’s properties are influenced by the kind of cement, water, and aggregate used in
its production. According to Talbot and Richart (1923), aggregate (coarse and fine) can make up to 70-75% of the volume of
concrete; therefore, its quality must be determined. There are two types of aggregates used in concrete: fine aggregate and coarse
aggregate. The word fine aggregate refers to aggregate with a size of 5mm or less, whereas the term coarse aggregate refers to
aggregate with a size greater than 5mm.All aggregates used in concrete projects should be made up entirely of hard particles, devoid
of any clay, loam, or plant debris. The main qualities of aggregates include cleanness, grading, hardness, and shape, which have an
impact on the strength, durability and workability of concrete. The aggregates are typically more durable than the concrete from
which they are formed. Concrete’s strength will be decreased if the aggregate has a layer of dust or dirt on it because it prevents the
aggregate from properly bonding to the mortar. To produce cost-effective concrete of high quality, a well-graded aggregate mix is
necessary. If the mix is poorly graded, even clean, sound aggregates will require too much water to be workable, lowering the
strength or the mix will need too much cement to generate a given strength. Fine aggregate is one of the essential components of
concrete that helps to ensure the strength of the concrete produced (Gupta and Gupta, 2014). In the production of concrete,
numerous types of fine aggregates are used. The type of fine aggregate used alters the geometric properties of cement paste and has
an impact on the qualities of both concrete and shell formation during heat treatments (Abdullahi et al., 2017).The ratio of fine to
coarse aggregate will affect how concrete is packed. It has an impact on concrete’s workability in the fresh stages as well. Increased
cohesiveness but less consistency can result from higher sand to coarse aggregate ratios. The most efficient way to increase the
cohesiveness of concrete is to increase the proportion of sand to coarse aggregate (Li, 2011).
Sharp sand, which can be obtained from river or a natural deposit, is the term used to describe the fine aggregate that is frequently
used in Nigeria. This is because it has been tested and meets the requirements of British standard regulation.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue XII Dec 2023- Available at


KavithaKarthikeyan (2017) made an attempt to partially replace concrete's coarse aggregate with Talipot palm seed. The only
purpose of the seed is to be discarded as garbage. Villages were found to have an abundance of the seeds, which were gathered and
used for this investigation. The Talipot palm seeds were discovered to have the following characteristics: Low impact value, low
crushing strength, and light weight. Sized at 18mm and weighing 4 grams, per seed. The seeds were first used without being
crushed. This was attempted with concrete of the M20 grade, and replacement amounts ranged between 10% and 20%. After seven
days, the cubes made by partially substituting Talipot palm seeds displayed noticeable surface fissures. All of the samples exhibited
the same cracking phenomenon, proving that despite having a smooth surface, the seeds lacked binding power when employed
without crushing. In the second effort, coarse aggregate in concrete was replaced with crushed seeds to a percentage between 10%
and 20%. The specimens did not develop any cracks after curing when the seeds were crushed and used. The strength levels were
practically the same as those of standard concrete when tested for compressive strength. In this study, the use of Talipot Palm seeds
as a substitute for coarse aggregate was examined. Although the compressive strength was found to be satisfactory, more research
on the durability factors is required before it can be used in real life.
According to BU et al. (2017), the impact of employing 4 sand content on the compressive, flexural, and splitting-tensile strength of
cement mortars was assessed. The pore structure of cement mortar was investigated by varying the sand amount and water/cement
ratio. The pore size distribution, which quantified the changes in pore structure, was obtained using the MIP approach. The test
findings demonstrate that, to a certain extent, the strength of cement mortar increases with increasing sand concentration.
Traditional water/cement ratios can likewise be used with a minor change. The amount of sand in cement mortar was discovered to
be a crucial factor affecting the pore structure. It was discovered that there is a good correlation between cement mortar strength and
pore structure.
Research study on the impact of coconut shells and fibers (polypropylene and steel fibers) on M30 grade concrete was presented by
Naresh Kumar et al. (2017). Polypropylene and steel hook-end fibers measuring 0.5 mm in diameter and 60 mm in length were
employed in this project. The study found that the strength qualities diminish as the fraction of coconut shell replacement with
coarse aggregate rises. The strength properties of concrete are slightly improved, but not significantly better than with regular
concrete, with the addition of fibers like polypropylene and steel.
In order to ascertain the impact of aggregate size on the compressive strength of concrete, Vilane and Sabelo (2016) carried out an
experiment. The aggregate sizes in the experiment 9.5 mm, 13.2 mm, and 19.0 mm as well as the control were divided into three
treatments. Throughout the experiment, a 1:2:4 mix with a 0.5 water/cement ratio was used. The compressive strength test and the
slump test were both performed. The workability (slump) of concrete was shown to be directly correlated with aggregate size. The
average concrete's compressive strength increasing as aggregate size increased.
Karuna Devi et al. (2017), An experimental investigation on the use of E-waste is conducted. Particles used as coarse aggregates in
concrete with a replacement rate of 0% to 20% based on the M20 Concrete strength requirements. Concrete's compressive strength,
tensile strength, and flexural strength were measured with and without e-waste as aggregates, and the results show a significant
increase in strength.
Manjunath (2017) Using the use of sea sand and desert sand in place of some of the river sand as a fine aggregate, an experimental
investigation is conducted on the strength characteristics of cement mortar. To create cement mortar blocks and test them, various
fine aggregate materials (SS, DS, and RS) were utilized in proportions of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 100%. Cement mortar blocks
were cast for each proportion of fine aggregates (FA) and tested for compressive strength after 3, 7, 28, and 56 days of curing.
Plotting compressive strength v/s curing period was used to visually depict the data, and compressive strengths of replacements
were prepared as tabular data.
In this experiment, according to Ayushi R. Sharma (2016), an effort has been made to discuss the qualities of concrete formed by
substituting artificial sand for natural sand at various replacement levels (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%). The project's goal
is to compare the strength and durability of concrete manufactured using natural sand versus concrete made with synthetic sand.
Experimental research was done by Somani et al. (2016) to determine the effects of replacing some of the coarse aggregate with
demolition debris. Performance metrics included compressive and workable strengths. Compressive strengths during 3, 7, and 28
days were measured for the study. According to a prior study on the subject, conventional concrete's compressive strength is
comparable to destroyed aggregate concrete if up to 30% of it is employed. In this study, concrete cubes were created using the
destroyed concrete aggregate, which was then subjected to further tests like workability and compressive strength. The results
showed that the demolished concrete aggregate performed similarly to conventional concrete in both of these areas.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1426
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue XII Dec 2023- Available at

According to Azhahendran et al. (2016), Talipot palm seeds had a low impact value and crushing strength, making them lightweight
materials. Each seed typically weighs 4 grams and measures 18mm in size. According to the study, the compressive strength values
were nearly identical to those of regular concrete. Following a durability investigation, the study suggested using Talipot Palm seeds
because the compressive strength was deemed adequate for actual application. Although the study's attempt to explore the potential
use of Talipot Palm seeds as a substitute for coarse aggregate was successful in terms of compressive strength, a longer-term
investigation of the durability element is necessary before it can be successfully applied practically.
Chabbara et al. 2015 investigated the characteristics of concrete made with fly ash, recycled aggregate, glass powder, and crumb
rubber. The project was split into two parts, the first of which was Research Program One, which featured concrete made from
recycled aggregate, fly ash, and glass powder. Fly ash made up 30% of the cement replacement, recycled concrete made up 40% of
the coarse aggregate replacement, and glass powder made up 15% to 25% of the fine aggregate replacement, ranging by 5%
increments. In the subsequent research program, fly ash replaced 30% of the cement, recycled concrete replaced 40% of the coarse
aggregate, and crumb rubber replaced the fine aggregate to different degrees, from 5% to 10% at intervals of 2-3%.
Mahla and Mahla (2015) conducted a study to systematically analyze several characteristics required for the formulation of a
concrete mix utilizing coarse tyre rubber chips as an aggregate material. For the purpose of conducting the experimental research,
M-20 grade concrete was used. For the investigation, recycled rubber chips were used in place of the usual coarse aggregate.
In this experiment by Suribabu et al. (2015), quarry rock dust is employed as a complete replacement for natural sand in concrete.
For both conventional concrete and concrete made with quarry dust, mix designs for the M25 and M40 grades have been created
utilizing design approach IS.
The strength of concrete made of quarry rock dust was tested on beams and cubes, and the results were compared to concrete cast
with natural sand concrete. It has been determined that concrete manufactured from quarry rock dust has flexural and compressive
strengths that are nearly 10% higher than those of conventional concrete. Experiments were also done on cubes and beams that were
subjected to 300°C for one hour and three hours, respectively.
In a study conducted by Babu and Mahendran in 2014, blast furnace slag from two locations was substituted with fine aggregate,
and the qualities of concrete were examined. The ideal percentages for replacing these materials were discovered. The outcome
promotes the usage of these materials as a fine aggregate replacement material.
According to Suganthy et al. (2013), HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) was considered since it was widely accessible and had a
higher density than other varieties. To produce plastic granules measuring about 1mm in size, the spent plastics were collected,
broken up into smaller pieces, melted, and crushed.
Plastic that had been ground up was discovered to have a density of 460 kg/m3 and a specific gravity of 0.46. Around 75% of the
polymers that were subjected to sieve analysis fell within the 1–1.7mm range. 45 pieces of 15 cm by 15 cm by 15 cm cement
concrete In place of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the sand, pulverized plastic material was substituted in 1:1:2 (M 25) mix
cubes. The density of the plastic material was too low, so volumetric proportioning was used instead of design mix. There were
measurements made for the cubes' weight, compressive strength, and workability.
In a study by Joseph et al. (2012), lateritic sand and quarry dust were used as a full replacement for traditional river sand fine
aggregate to examine the structural properties of concrete. Using different amounts of quarry dust and laterite as fine aggregate,
concrete samples in the shape of cubes were created. At intervals of 25%, varying from 0 to 100%, the amount of laterite was
adjusted against quarry dust. After being hydrated for predetermined amounts of time, the samples underwent compressive strength
testing in the lab.
The ideal w/c ratios for 1:1:2, 1:1.5:3 and 1:2:4 ratio blends were determined from earlier workability studies. It was discovered that
for a 1:1:2 mix, a water/cement ratio of 0.5 produced higher compressive strengths, while a ratio of 0.6 produced better workability
for a 1:1.5:3 mix proportion. Compressive strength for the adopted mixes ranged from 17 to 34.2 N/mm2. As compared to standard
concrete's outcomes, these findings are favorable. It was determined that the concrete was adequate for usage as structural members
for buildings and associated constructions when the laterite percentage did not exceed 50%. Abuamer, Sadat et al. (2017) carried out
a case study in Istanbul using traffic data. On the volume count and speed measurements collected from radar sensors, statistical
analyses were run. As a result, in this study, statistical analysis was done on data made up of the compressive and tensile strengths
of the sample cubes.
According to Manatkar and Deshmukkh (2016), the production of e-waste is a major problem around the world. India produced
close to 650000MT of electronic trash in 2014, which comprises all used electrical and electronic equipment (TVs, computers,
sound systems, refrigerators etc). The improper disposal of this garbage eventually has negative effects on the environment, human
health, and storage issues.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1427
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue XII Dec 2023- Available at

This debris will be used as concrete's coarse aggregate. Avoiding pollution and giving coarse aggregate replacement material are
both beneficial. Thier study analyzed the compressive strength of concrete of the M20 and M25 grades by substituting coarse
aggregate with nonmetallic e-waste in amounts ranging from 0% to 20%. It was shown that some nonmetallic e-waste can be used
as coarse aggregate in concrete.


A. Materials
1) Fine Aggregate: River sand was used as the fine aggregate in this investigation and came from several distinct places in the
states of Anambra and Imo, as listed below: Sample A (Sharp Sand) was sourced from River Niger beach at Onitsha, which is
located at latitude 6. Sample B (Local sand) was sourced from Njaba River in Imo State, which is located at latitude 5o
43'42.0"N and longitude 7o 03'35.0"E. Sample C (Semi-Sharp Sand) sourced from Atamiri River in Uli, which is located at
latitude 5o 46'57.4"N and longitude 6o 51'42.8"E. All of the fine particles were moisture-free prior to being used to produce
2) Coarse Aggregate: The local store on the timber market route in Uli, Anambra State, provided the coarse aggregate used in this
study. The coarse aggregate used was a graphite.
3) Cement: Common Portland cement was utilized in this experiment. It meets with BS EN 197-1 (2011) requirements and was
acquired from a cement shop on Timber Market Road in Uli, Anambra State.
4) Portable Water: Water used for the study was sourced from Chukwuemeka Odumegwu University borehole in Uli, Anambra
State. The water conformed to the requirement as stated in BS EN 1008: (2002) for a portable water. It is suitable for both
production and curing of concrete since it satisfies the requirements for drinking.

B. Methodology
1) Sieve Analysis: The test samples were dried to a consistent weight at (110 + 5) degrees Celsius. The three samples were
weighed after drying. A stack of sieves with varying aperture sizes were assembled and placed on the mechanical sieve shaker.
The samples were sieved for a predetermined amount of time (10-25 minutes) using the mechanical sieve shaker. Following
sieving, the contents of each sieve were weighed and recorded. Calculations were made to determine the proportion of the
sample weight that overall passed through each sieve.
2) Batching of Materials: The materials were batched according to a mix ratio of 1:1.5:3 (Cement: Sand: Coarse Aggregate) and
water-cement ratio of 0.6. The various materials used (cement, coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and water) were batched by
weight using a weighing machine. Each material was place on the weighing machine one after the other in three different
batches for Sample A (River Niger sand), Sample B(Njaba), Sample C(Uli).
3) Mixing of Materials: The mixing was done manually with shovels for a period of about 5- 10 minutes. The cement, sand and
coarse aggregate were mixed first before adding the batched water and finally mixing again. We ensured a proper and smooth
mixture was observed before casting the concrete into the mold.
4) Placing/Compacting of Concrete: The fresh concrete was placed into the mold in three layers respectively. After every layer,
the concrete was compacted using a vibrator to ensure the concrete is free from air voids. The vibrator removes voids from the
concrete and ensures it is well compacted. The processes were done for the three samples (Sample A, Sample B and Sample C).
5) Slump Test: A thin layer of oil was applied after thoroughly cleaning the interior surface of the mold (Cone). A horizontal,
smooth, rigid, non-absorbent surface was chosen for the mold to be placed on. The mold was then filled with four freshly mixed
layers of concrete, each one roughly one-fourth the height of the mold(cone).Every layer was 25 times tapped with the rounded
end of the tamping rod (strokes are distributed evenly over the cross-section).The mold (cone) was then filled with the concrete
and the concrete was allowed to slump. The slump value was obtained using a measuring tape and the tampering rod. After the
measurement was taken, the concrete was removed from the level with a towel after rodding the top layer. The concrete mold
was removed.
6) Setting/Curing of Concrete: After the concrete was compacted, it was left in the mold for about 24 hours to enable the concrete
harden and set properly. The mold on the concrete was then remove and the concrete cubes was taken to the curing tank for
curing process. The curing tank contained portable water. The concrete cubes were left in the curing tank for 7 days, 14 days,
21 days and 28 days respectively.
7) Crushing of Concrete: The concrete cubes were crushed in the crushing machine after 7 days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days of
curing respectively. The compressive strength values were obtained and recorded after each crushing.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1428
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue XII Dec 2023- Available at


The samples were put through the test listed below on the indicated samples.

A. Sieve Analysis Test (Particle Size Distribution Test)

Table 1: results of sieve analysis (Onitsha Sample)

Weight of test sample = 500 gms.


1 4.75 18.45 3.69 96.31 3.69
2 2.00 64.45 12.89 83.42 16.58
3 1.00 138.85 27.77 55.65 44.35
4 0.60 94.70 18.94 36.71 63.29
5 0.300 102.85 20.57 16.13 83.87
6 0.150 53.55 10.71 5.43 94.57
7 0.075 23.60 4.72 0.71 99.29
8 Pan 3.55 0.71 0.68 99.97

Table: 2 sieve analysis (Atamiri sample)

Weight of Test Sample = 500 gms


1 4.75 1.06 1.06 0.212 99.8
2 2.00 24.46 25.52 5.104 94.9
3 1.00 69.61 95.13 19.062 75.6
4 0.60 93.87 189.0 37.800 62.2
5 0.300 176.89 365.89 73.180 26.8
6 0.150 118.06 483.95 96.790 3.2
7 0.075 13.40 497.35 99.470 0.5
8 Pan 1.82 499.17 99.800 0

Table 3: sieve analysis of fine aggregates (Njaba sample)

Observation and calculation
Total weight 500g
S/N IS Sieve size Weight of fine Percentage Cumulative Percentage passing
aggregate (gms) Retained Percentage Retained
1 4.75mm 7.5 1.5 1.5 98.5
2 2.36mm 34.5 6.9 8.4 91.6
3 1.18mm 89.8 17.96 26.36 73.64
4 0.60mm 38.15 7.63 33.99 66.01
5 0.30mm 71.80 14.36 48.35 51.65
6 0.150mm 223.5 44.7 93.05 6.95
7 0.075 31.15 6.23 99.28 0.72
8 Pan 3.6 0.72 99.98 0.02

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1429
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue XII Dec 2023- Available at

We conducted sieve analysis to determine the proportion of various grain sizes in a soil and also the percentage of different sized
grains that is present in a soil. The particle size distribution test was performed with fine aggregate that was sourced from Onitsha,
Uli, and Njaba, Anambra Central, Anambra South, and Oru East. Using IS: 1498-1970 as a guide, this test was carried out.
It was observed from above tables that the fine aggregates used for the experiment was well graded.

B. Slump Test
This test was done to see how the three distinct fine aggregates might work together.
These are some of the outcomes that were obtained.
Mixing ratio: 1:1.5:3
Cement Grade: M20 0.5 water to cement
Table 4: slump test result
Specimen Fine Trial Water/ Height of Height of Slump Type of
sample aggregate Cement cone slump value slump
(location) Ratio concrete
1 Uli 1 0.5 300mm 270mm 20mm True slump
2 Njaba 1 0.5 300mm 280mm 25mm True slump
3 Onitsha 1 0.5 300mm 275mm 30mm True slump

From the results obtained from table 4, it was observed that the Uli sample produced slump value of 20mm which is very low, Njaba
sample produced slump value of 25mm which is low and recommended for foundations with light reinforcement while Onitsha
sample produced slump value of 30mm which is low in terms of workability.

C. Test of Compressive Strength

This test was done to find out how strong the coarse particles were in concrete mixtures that were 7, 14, 21, and 28 days old,
respectively. The procedure for carrying out this test is laid forth in chapter three of this project work.
The mix ratio utilized for the compressive strength test was 1:1.5:3

Table 5: Compressive Strength Test Result

S/no Sample Locations Design Compressive Strength (N/mm2)
(Fine Aggregates) 7 Days 14 Days 21 Days 28 Days
1 Sample 1 (Uli) 17.32 22.82 25.16 33.02
2 Sample 2 (Onitsha) 16.75 21.65 24.55 31.15
3 Sample 3 (Njaba) 15.65 20.55 23.95 28.65

Figure1: Design compressive strength

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1430
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue XII Dec 2023- Available at

Table 6: Design Matrix

Run Factor A: Samples Factor B: Compressive
()Aggregates) and Location Time (Days) Strength (N/mm2)
1 Sample 1 (Uli) 21 25.16
2 Sample 3 (Njaba) 7 15.65
3 Sample 3 (Njaba) 21 23.95
4 Sample 3 (Njaba) 28 28.65
5 Sample 2 (Onitsha) 7 16.75
6 Sample 3 (Njaba) 14 20.55
7 Sample 2 (Onitsha) 21 24.55
8 Sample 2 (Onitsha) 28 31.15
9 Sample 1 (Uli) 14 22.82
10 Sample 2 (Onitsha) 14 21.65
11 Sample 1 (Uli) 28 33.02
12 Sample 1 (Uli) 7 17.32

Table 6: shows the design matrix used for the development of the model analysis.
Table 7 :ANOVA for Response Surface Linear model
Analysis of variance table [Partial sum of squares - Type III]
Sum of Mean F p-value
Source Squares df Square Value Prob > F
Model 328.45 2 164.23 160.70 < 0.0001 Significant
A-Samples (Uli, Onitsha & Njaba) 11.33 1 11.33 11.09 0.0088
B-Time 317.12 1 317.12 310.32 < 0.0001
Residual 9.20 9 1.02
Cor Total 337.65 11

The analysis table of variance model for compressive strength of concrete done with 95% confidence is displayed in table 7. …. The
F – value of 160.70 and the P –value of < 0.0001 indicates the model is significant.

Table 8: Mathematical model for Compressive Strength of concrete

Coefficient Standard 95% CI 95% CI
Factor Estimate df Error Low High VIF
Intercept 23.44 1 0.29 22.77 24.10
A-Samples (Uli, Onitsha & Njaba) -1.19 1 0.36 -2.00 -0.38 1.00
B-Time 6.90 1 0.39 6.01 7.78 1.00

Mathematical Model Equation for Compressive Strength of Concrete

Equation 1.0 is the mathematical model equation of compressive strength of concrete in terms of the coded factor.

Mathematical Model Equation for Compressive Strength of Concrete (f)

f= +23.44 -1.19A + 6.90B (1.0)
Where A= Samples, B=Time

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1431
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue XII Dec 2023- Available at

Compressive Strength Normal Plot of Residuals

Color points by value of
Compressive Strength:


Normal % Probability 70




-2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

Internally Studentized Residuals

Figure 2:Graph of Normal Plot of Residuals.

Figure 2 shows the details and strong relationship between the Normal % probability and Internally Residuals for the compressive
strength test of concrete.

Figure 3: Graph of Residuals vs. Run.

Figure 3: shows the details graph of Residuals vs. Run for the compressive strength test of concrete.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1432
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue XII Dec 2023- Available at

Compressive Strength Predicted vs. Actual

Color points by value of
Compressive Strength:







15 20 25 30 35


Figure 4: Graph of Predicted vs. Actual.

Figure 4: show strong correlations between the predicted and actual details for the compressive strength concrete. The maximum
strength of compressive strength is 33.02 N/mm2 and the minimum compressive strength is 15.65 N/mm2.

Factor Coding: Actual Compressive Strength (N/mm2)

Compressive Strength (N/mm2) 28
Design Points 30

15.65 25

X1 = A: Fine Aggregates Samples (Uli, Onitsha & Njaba)

X2 = B: Time 22

B: Time (Days)


13 20


1 1.5 2 2.5 3

A: Fine Aggregates Samples (Uli, Onitsha & Njaba)

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1433
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue XII Dec 2023- Available at

Design-Expert® Software
Factor Coding: Actual
Compressive Strength (N/mm2)
Design points above predicted value
Design points below predicted value

Compressive Strength (N/mm2) 35
X1 = A: Fine Aggregates Samples (Uli, Onitsha & Njaba)
X2 = B: Time





28 3
22 2.5
19 2
13 1.5
B: Time (Days) 10 A: Fine Aggregates Samples (Uli, Onitsha & Njaba)
7 1

Figure 3.6: 3Dimensional Contour of Compressive Strength.

Figure 3.5 and 3.6 shows 2 & 3 Dimensional contour of factor on compressive strength test response. The figures show strong
interactions between the factors on the model.
It was observed that at 28 days of curing Onitsha sample produced strength of 31.15N/mm 2, Njaba sample produced strength of
28.65N/mm2 while Uli sample produced sample of 33.02N/mm2. It then means that all the aggregates could be used in the
production of structural light weight concrete but Uli sample is recommended heavily for structures that requires high strength.

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