Eating Disorders

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Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Eating Disorders

Grade: 10 Girls Course: PPL20 Date: February 16, 2017

Unit: Health Strand: Making Healthy Choices

Reference: The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - Health and Physical Education

Time: 75 minutes

Lesson Plan Description:

This lesson plan is in place for the 2 nd class in this topic. Students should have completed research
and have an understanding of what eating disorders are as well as understand the difference
between Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating.

Students will begin the lesson by watching a video specific to eating disorder facts and myths in
Canada. After this hook, the teacher will go through an interactive Prezi with students in order to
refresh their memory on various topics regarding eating disorders touched on in previous lesson.
Students will then be split into two groups and informed of the activity for the day. Students will be
reminded of the importance of being respectful when talking and learning about eating disorders.
They will watch a short two minute YouTube video to set the tone.

In group one, students will be working in groups on 3-4 students to create a skit whereby a group
member is someone struggling with an eating disorder and the other students in the group will act
as two consciences (positive and negative) feeding the students with the eating disorder words.
Students will show the struggles of a person with an eating disorders in various scenarios depicted
on slips of paper prepared by their teacher. The skit should be 1-2 minutes in length and will be
presented either live in front of the class or recorded using IPads and displayed on the Smartboard.

In group two, students will complete a game of Jeopardy with their teacher in 2-3 groups depending
on class numbers. Students will review their knowledge of eating disorders, common facts and
myths, as well as their knowledge of Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating and eating
disorders in the media today.

Half way through class students will swap task (skits and Jeopardy). At the end of the class, students
will present their skits to the class where there will be time for positive feedback by the teacher and
classmates. Students will complete Exit Box ticket on their way out of class. Questions from the
eating disorder unit can be included in a final project or test from the health unit.

Safety Precautions and Considerations:

For the purpose of this unit it is very important to know your students. There should be discussion in
the classroom regarding respectful conversation. Furthermore, when playing Jeopardy, students
should be aware that although this activity is fun and competitive, they should be respectful and use
this as a learning tool to educate themselves about eating disorders. They should be considerate of
their peers as they may be struggling with eating disorders. Teachers can play a short two minute
Youtube video about eating disorders to set the tone.
Materials & Resources:
- A laptop and projector will be need for this section of the lesson

- Prezi:
- YouTube hook:
- Respectful conversation reminder:
- Jeopardy PowerPoint Presentation (attached)
- Jeopardy Rules (attached)
- Conscience Skit Activity Eating Disorders (attached)

Curriculum Connections

Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations:

C. Healthy Living

C2. Demonstrate the ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions
and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and well-being;

C3. Demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being how their
choices and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around
them affect their own and others health and well-being.

Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations:

C2. Making Healthy Choices

C2.1 Explain how their knowledge of physical and emotional factors that influences personal
eating habits (e.g., level of physical activity, physical stage of development, hunger and satiety cues
from their bodies, food allergies and sensitivities, hydration and nutritional needs, body image, peer
and family influences, stress) can be applied to making healthy eating choices.

C2.2 Assess the nutritional implications of a variety of dietary choices, including those reflecting
current dietary trends, and explain how they can make personal choices that will provide the
nutritional requirements for a healthy, active life.

C2.4 Demonstrate the ability (e.g., through role play, discussion, debates, analysis of hypothetical
situations, case studies, scenarios) to apply adaptive, coping, and management skills (e.g., refusal,
assertiveness, and persuasion skills; problem-solving and stress-management skills; time-
management skills and organizational skills) to respond to challenging situations involving
substance abuse, addictions, and related behaviors.

C3. Making Connection for Healthy Living

C3.3 identify public issues related to various addictions (e.g., alcohol, drugs, gambling, tobacco),
and analyze their impacts and the connections between these impacts locally, nationally, and

Learning Goals:
We are learning to:
- Understand the characteristics and effects of common eating disorders.
- Identify facts and myths associated with eating disorders.
- Identify the role of the media in body image.

Assessment and Evaluation

Success Criteria:
- I can identify characteristics and effects associated with Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and
Binge Eating.
- I am able to identify facts and myths associated with eating disorders.
- I understand the role of the media in eating disorders.

Assessment For, As, Of Learning:

Assessment as Learning:
- Oral
- Use discussion to assess (thumbs up thumbs down, discussion in class, etc.)

Assessment for Learning:

- Oral
- Visual Observation and Recorded Feedback from skit presentations (class list)
- Classroom discussion
- Exit Box

Assessment of Learning:
- Active participation throughout lesson
- Learnings from this lesson can be applied to a final project or test for this health unit.

Prior Learning:
Students will have completed a previous lesson dedicated to the topic of eating disorders. Students
will be aware of some of the characteristics and effects associated with Anorexia, Bulimia and Binge
Eating. Todays learning will be to summarize and test skills.

- Students will be able to present their skit live in front of the class or record their presentation
previously and have it play in front of the class on the SmartBoard.
- Students may follow along with the Prezi on their computers or listen in class knowing the notes
will be available to them afterwards.

- Anorexia Nervosa
- Bulimia Nervosa
- Binge Eating
- Eating Disorder
- Amenorrhea

Lesson Delivery Format

Minds on: (22 minutes total)
YouTube Video/Hook:

Start lesson with YouTube video to hook students: 4 mins
Review Success Criteria and Learning Goals:

Success Criteria:
- I can identify characteristics and effects associated with Anorexia Nervosa, Bulima
Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorders.
- I am able to identity facts and myths associated with eating disorders.
- I understand the role of the media in eating disorders.
3 mins
We are learning to:

- Understand the characteristics and effects of common eating disorders

- Identify facts and myths associated with eating disorders
- Identify the role of the media in body image

Learning goals can be posted on chart paper for students to be able to refer to
throughout the lesson. Teachers should reference this throughout lesson.

Quick Review from Previous Lesson

- Using the Prezi attached, teachers will quickly review with students the
difference between three common eating disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia 15 mins
Nervosa, and Binge Eating.
- Educators can check for understand through using the thumbs up thumbs
down technique throughout the lesson.
- Classroom discussion is encouraged.

Action: (49 minutes total)

Students will be split into 2 groups. This can be completed by having students find a
partner and completing rock, paper, scissors. The winner is in group one and the loser is
in group two.

WATCH RESPECTFUL REMINDER VIDEO: Have students watch the following Youtube 4 mins
video on the SmartBoard:

Remind students that this is a touchy subject and that respect for yourself and your
peers is of upmost importance. Yes, we are learning in a fun way, but classroom
discussion must be respectful at all times.

a) GROUP ONE Conscience Skit Activity Eating Disorders

Inform students that they will be working quietly in the hallway where they will have
10 minutes to come up with a skit for the class. Students are to select a skit
scenario from a bowl with cut up (previously prepared) scenes. In groups of 3-4,
students will create a skit whereby a group member is someone struggling with an
eating disorder and the other students in the group will act as two consciences
(positive and negative) feeding the students with the eating disorder words.

Students will show the struggles of a person with an eating disorders in various
scenarios depicted on slips of paper prepared by their teacher. Creativity is
15 mins
The skit should be 1-2 minutes in length and will be presented either live in front of
the class or recorded using IPads and displayed on the Smartboard.

*The teacher may choose to leave the door open in the classroom in order to be
able to monitor students should they be off task in the hallway.
b) GROUP TWO Jeopardy PowerPoint

Students will split into 2-3 groups (depending on numbers) to complete a short
game of Jeopardy. The teacher can number students 1-3 in order to randomize

The teacher will quickly go over the rules for the game of Jeopardy and provide
handouts with rules for students who are not familiar with the game. The teacher
can also make modifications to the game at their own discretion. For example, when
a team answers three questions correct, the next team in line gets to participate.

Have students complete the game board until about 3 minutes remain. At this point
allow students to complete the Final Jeopardy Question to determine the winner.

Swap Tasks

20 mins
- Have students swap tasks. Those who were completing the skit will now
participate in a game of Jeopardy, those who were previously playing the game (5 more
will choose a skit topic and create a short presentation for the class. minutes to
allow for

Presentations for Conscience Skits

- Students will present their skits to the class. Students may also present their
skit through using technology, previously recording their presentation.
- Allow about a minute between skits to communicate positive feedback to
students. I really like how you did. Allow students to provide positive 10 mins
feedback as well.
- Teachers can make notes on content and presentation skills using a class list.

Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect): (4 minutes total)

Exit Ticket
- Have students complete a formative Exit Ticket and place this into the Exit Box
on their way out of class.

Answer 2 of the following: 4 mins

1) What is something that you liked about todays lesson?
2) What is the difference between Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge
3) What are signs of an eating disorder?
Extension Activities/Next Steps:

Goals for Next Class:

- Next class we will move into the effects of the media on addiction.

Personal Reflection:

What parts of your lesson were successful in helping your students understand the Big Idea(s)?
What instructional decisions were successful in meeting the needs of all students?
Reflect on your planning and delivery of the lesson and record any changes/modifications that you might
make as you continue move forward with lesson delivery.

The Lesson:

The Delivery:
Jeopardy Rules!

The game is very much like the televised version, with answers presented on the game board and
contestants responding with questions. Students will raise their hands to answer questions. The
teacher will decide who was the first person (or team) to raise their hand.

There are six categories: Under each column are five clues (phrased in answer form), increasing
in value and difficulty.

For todays activity we will be playing individually

1) The first person to go picks a category and a dollar amount (the host will choose who
goes first).
2) The host then reads the answer to the contestants
3) Once the answer is read the timer will start
4) Teams raise their hand to answer the question the first hand up gets to answer first.
a. A correct response earns the dollar value of the clue and the opportunity to select
the next clue from the board
b. An incorrect response deducts the dollar value of the clue from the individuals
c. If none of the contestants gives a correct response, the host reads the correct
response and the contestant who has most recently given a correct response to a
previous answer chooses the next answer
5) When the Daily Double screen appears, only the individual that selected that
category/amount gets to play
a. They choose a dollar amount to wager, ranging from $0 to the total they have
b. When the answer is read, they have the usual amount of time to provide a
c. If they are correct, they get the amount they wagered; if they are incorrect, they
lose that amount, and no other team gets a chance to try
6) Final Jeopardy!
a. A category is announced by the host. The individuals will write down a wager,
based on the category, of as little as $0 or up to as much money as they have
b. The contestants have 30 seconds to write a response, again phrased in the form of
a question
Conscience Skit Activity Eating Disorders

Students will choose a scenario from the list below. In groups of 3-4 they are to create a skit
whereby one group member is a person who is struggling with an eating disorder and two
consciences (positive and negative) are feeding him/her words. Try to show the struggles a
person with an eating disorder may experience in different scenarios. For instance, while facing a
mirror, having lunch with friends, shopping for clothing in the mall, or trying out for a sports

The skit should be 1-2 minutes in length and will be presented in from of the class live or
recorded previously using IPads or other technology.

Scenario 1 - Jennifer

Jennifer is a 14-year-old female who is sent to the school nurse because she fainted during gym
class. She has lost 20 pounds over the past 6 months. When the nurse asks about the weight loss,
Jennifer states that she is "fat" and avoids looking at herself in the mirror. She also complains
that she constantly feels bloated and has constipation. She is an excellent straight-A student. She
currently weighs 85 pounds, and she stopped menstruating 6 months ago when she began losing

Scenario 2 - Michelle

Michelle is a quiet, hardworking 12-year-old in an enrichment class. Her parents are both
working professionals who recently divorced. Although Michelle has always had a small build,
she seems to be getting thinner. You have noticed that her lunch usually consists of a diet bar
with some carrot or celery sticks. Michelle rarely joins the other students at lunch, preferring to
stay at her desk to get a head start on her homework. Michelles friend have approached their
teacher and informed that at lunch she is not eating.

Scenario 3 - Emily

Emily is a 17-year-old female who goes to her doctor after vomiting blood. After further
questioning, the girl admits she has been self-inducing vomiting to control her weight for the past
two years. She initially started vomiting at a friends suggestion after eating an entire pizza. She
now vomits three to five times per week after an uncontrollable eating binge (four slices of pizza,
one pint of ice cream, half a box of cookies). She tearfully reports that she may have injured her
throat with her fingernail last night, and says she feels very guilty about her actions. Emily also
drinks alcohol and smokes cigarettes two to three times per week. She has not lost any weight
despite her purging.
Scenario 4 - Matt

Matt is a 16-year-old boy who has always worked hard and played on sports teams. Matt has
always been a little overweight. Recently during football tryouts, Matt was bullied by some of
the senior students who called him fat and lazy. Although he said he was alright, you notice that
Matt has been coming to school tired and pale in colour. You also notice that he skips lunch
every day to work out in the gym. At first you dont think anything of it, then you notice that
Matt is becoming skinnier than ever without gaining muscle mass. You catch him throwing up
after practice behind the bleachers.

Scenario 5 - Kathleen

Kathleen is a popular 17-year-old Honours student. As well as being student body president, she
is also a senior member of the cheerleading team and takes a modelling course in her free time.
Lately, her attention seems to be lacking, and she often appears tired and irritable in class.
Although her weight appears normal, she frequently talks about dieting and complains that she is
too fat. You have noticed that she often sneaks a snack during class and she becomes visibly
embarrassed when she realizes that you are aware of her snacking.

Klavora, P., Foundations of Exercise Science Studying Human Movement & Health. 2004. Sport
Books Publisher.

National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC). (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2017, from

Ministry of Education. Teaching Students with Mental Health Disorders Resource for Teachers:
Volume 1: Eating Disorders. 2000.

Powers, S.K., Howley, E.T., Exercise Physiology Theory and Application to Fitness and
Performance Seventh Edition. 2009. McGraw Hill.

Wrestling with Eating Disorders. (2016, June 23). Retrieved February 12, 2017, from


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