Classification of Feeding and Eating Disorders

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Classification of feeding and eating disorders:

review of evidence and proposals for ICD-11
Rudolf Uher1,2, Michael Rutter1
1Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, UK;
2Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada

Current classification of eating disorders is failing to classify most clinical presentations; ignores continuities between child, adolescent and
adult manifestations; and requires frequent changes of diagnosis to accommodate the natural course of these disorders. The classification is
divorced from clinical practice, and investigators of clinical trials have felt compelled to introduce unsystematic modifications. Classification
of feeding and eating disorders in ICD-11 requires substantial changes to remediate the shortcomings. We review evidence on the developmen-
tal and cross-cultural differences and continuities, course and distinctive features of feeding and eating disorders. We make the following
recommendations: a) feeding and eating disorders should be merged into a single grouping with categories applicable across age groups; b)
the category of anorexia nervosa should be broadened through dropping the requirement for amenorrhoea, extending the weight criterion to
any significant underweight, and extending the cognitive criterion to include developmentally and culturally relevant presentations; c) a sever-
ity qualifier “with dangerously low body weight” should distinguish the severe cases of anorexia nervosa that carry the riskiest prognosis; d)
bulimia nervosa should be extended to include subjective binge eating; e) binge eating disorder should be included as a specific category de-
fined by subjective or objective binge eating in the absence of regular compensatory behaviour; f) combined eating disorder should classify
subjects who sequentially or concurrently fulfil criteria for both anorexia and bulimia nervosa; g) avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
should classify restricted food intake in children or adults that is not accompanied by body weight and shape related psychopathology; h) a
uniform minimum duration criterion of four weeks should apply.

Key words: Feeding disorder, eating disorder, classification, diagnostic stability, cross-cultural psychiatry, developmental psychopathology

(World Psychiatry 2012;11:80-92)

The classification of feeding and eating disorders in the THE INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES
ICD-10 and DSM-IV is unsatisfactory. The deficiencies of
these systems are most evident in four facts. First, the major- The primary purpose of the International Classification of
ity of patients presenting with eating-related psychopathol- Diseases (ICD) is to facilitate the work of health profession-
ogy do not fulfil criteria for a specific disorder and are classi- als in various clinical settings across the world. Therefore, the
fied in the residual “other” or “not otherwise specified” cat- primary requisite for ICD diagnostic categories is clinical
egories. Second, most individuals with an eating disorder utility, and evidence from clinical and epidemiological re-
sequentially receive several diagnoses instead of a single di- search is given more weight than data from basic and etio-
agnosis that would describe the individual’s problems at logical research (1). Attention is paid to global cross-cultural
various developmental stages. Third, most recent clinical tri- validity and the needs of health professionals from medium
als have used modified diagnostic criteria that may better and low income countries (1).
reflect clinical practice, but deny the purpose of the classifi- Several conceptual directions have been proposed for the
cation as a means for communication between clinicians and ICD-11 (2). First, to reflect the growing evidence on continu-
researchers. Fourth, although childhood feeding disorders ity between child, adolescent and adult psychopathology, it
are typically described in the history of adolescents and has been proposed that the grouping of disorders with onset
adults with eating disorders, there is little research on the usually occurring in childhood and adolescence should be
developmental continuity between childhood, adolescent removed. Instead, disorders should be organized in group-
and adult disorders that involve aberrant eating behaviours. ings by psychopathology and a life-course approach should
Issues have also been raised about developmental and cul- be adopted to conceptualize child, adolescent and adult
tural dependencies of feeding and eating disorders as cur- manifestations of the same disorders.
rently conceptualized. Second, it has been agreed that the ICD-10 and DSM-IV
Given these problems, it is not surprising that the World contain an excessively large number of over-specified diag-
Health Organization (WHO) and the American Psychiatric noses, leading to artificially high rates of comorbidity and
Association are contemplating significant changes in classi- frequent use of the uninformative “not otherwise specified”
fication. A number of proposals for changes have been made. and “other” categories (2). It has been proposed that evi-
The purpose of this article is to summarize the issues in the dence is required not just for changing or adding diagnostic
classification of feeding and eating disorders, review relevant categories but also for retaining existing ones. The overuse of
aspects of evidence, and make proposals for modifications in the “not otherwise specified” categories should be reduced
the context of the development of ICD-11. by revising the boundaries of specific disorders to include
most clinically significant presentations.
Third, to best serve the clinical use, the ICD takes a pro-

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totypic approach in which presentations characteristic of useful evidence, because most recent evidence is based on
each diagnostic category are described in a narrative format, modified diagnostic criteria.
which most health professionals find easier to use in practice
(3,4). The ICD avoids the use of exact count, frequency and
duration criteria to modulate diagnostic thresholds. Since DEVELOPMENTAL CONTEXT
most duration criteria for various disorders are not based on
evidence and are difficult to memorize and apply, it has been An important issue is the relationship between feeding
proposed that a uniform duration criterion of four weeks and eating disorders. Feeding problems and selective eating
should be adopted, with qualified exceptions for disorders in childhood have been described in the history of patients
which require rapid clinical attention (e.g., delirium, mania with eating disorders since the early case reports (23), but
and catatonia) or that manifest by relatively brief events (e.g., there has been little research on the continuity between feed-
intermittent explosive disorder). ing and eating disorders. The available research suggests a
Fourth, it has been proposed that categories with some degree of continuity of eating problems from infancy to adult-
evidence of clinical usefulness, but insufficient evidence for hood (24-26). For example, in a large prospective study, feed-
validity of specific criteria, should be included in the main ing problems in infancy and undereating in childhood pre-
body of the ICD, but signposted as categories that require dicted anorexia nervosa in adulthood with odds ratios of 2.6
further testing. and 2.7 respectively (26). For bulimia nervosa, the evidence
Fifth, to reflect the evidence that most mental disorders is limited to a retrospective study showing that history of
are multifactorial, it is proposed to remove the distinction overeating and rapid eating in childhood was more common
between organic and functional forms of disorders. in women with bulimia nervosa than in their unaffected sis-
ters (25). However, long-term follow-ups of individuals diag-
nosed with feeding disorders in childhood are lacking. At the
CLINICAL EVIDENCE AND DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA same time, clinical trends indicate that the boundary between
feeding disorders of childhood and eating disorders is prob-
The most important reason against changing the current lematic. On the one hand, there is a trend for younger and
diagnostic criteria is that it could invalidate available evi- younger children to present with symptoms resembling
dence. It is therefore important to assess the clinically rele- “adult” eating disorders (27). On the other hand, many adults
vant evidence and its relationship to classification. We have presenting with underweight, restrictive and selective eating
reviewed recent clinical trials on treatments of eating disor- lack the typical body-weight and shape related psychopa-
ders published in six influential child and general psychiatry thology that characterizes eating disorders and may be better
journals (Journal of the American Academy of Child and described by criteria of feeding disorders (28-31).
Adolescent Psychiatry, Journal of Child Psychology and It has been pointed out that similarity between child and
Psychiatry, American Journal of Psychiatry, Archives of adult manifestations of eating-related psychopathology
General Psychiatry, British Journal of Psychiatry and Psy- might have been obscured by the fact that existing criteria are
chological Medicine) between January 2000 and May 2011. rigidly applied without sensitivity to developmental stage
We identified 18 clinical trials (Table 1). Seven trials tested (28,32-34). This is most apparent in the requirement for self-
treatments for anorexia nervosa. Of these, three (published reported cognitions regarding weight, shape and body image.
between 2000 and 2003) used “strict” DSM-IV or ICD-10 It has been argued that children and some adolescents may
criteria. Four more recent trials (published between 2005 and not be able to formulate and communicate such concerns
2010) used broader criteria, relaxing the weight and/or the due to incompletely developed capacity for abstract thinking
amenorrhoea criterion. Eleven trials tested treatments for (28,32-34). It has been proposed that behavioural indicators
bulimia and related conditions. Three of these (published of such concerns should be accepted as a basis for diagnosis,
between 2000 and 2003) applied “strict” DSM-IV or DSM- whether they are observed by clinicians or reported by par-
III-R criteria. Eight of these trials (published between 2001 ents, teachers or other adults (32,35,36). For example, obser-
and 2009) used broader criteria, including bulimic-type eat- vation of the child frequently checking her/his weight and
ing disorders not otherwise specified or all eating disorders shape or expressing aspects of shape/weight-related self-im-
without underweight in addition to bulimia nervosa. age in drawings might be taken into account as indicators of
We conclude that the clinical trial literature reflects the preoccupation with weight and shape in the context of path-
deficiencies of the current diagnostic systems by broadening ological eating behaviours. In the case of anorexia nervosa,
the diagnostic criteria in attempts to reflect clinical reality. it has also been suggested that restrictive and binge-purge
No clinical trial published in the last seven years in the six subtypes often represent developmental stages of the same
journals used DSM-IV or ICD-10 criteria exactly. The result disorder – children and younger adolescents usually present
is that inclusion criteria differ between trials and the classifi- with the restrictive type, and binge-purging behaviours de-
cation has effectively lost its purpose in defining the same velop in a proportion of individuals at later stages (32,35,37).
group of patients across research studies and clinical settings. The summary of evidence suggests that a single classifica-
We conclude that changes in classification will not invalidate tion applied across age groups and sensitive to developmen-


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Table 1 Diagnostic inclusion criteria in recent clinical trials in eating disorders

Author Year Treatment Comparator N Age group Target group Inclusion diagnostic criteria

Anorexia nervosa and related conditions

Lock et al (5) 2010 Family therapy Individual therapy 121 Adolescents Anorexia nervosa DSM-IV excluding the amenorrhea
Loeb et al (6) 2007 Family therapy 20 Adolescents Anorexia nervosa Anorexia nervosa or subthreshold
anorexia nervosa
Lock et al (7) 2005 Family therapy Family therapy 86 Adolescents Anorexia nervosa Slightly relaxed weight and
(short) (long) amenorrhoea criteria
McIntosh et al (8) 2005 CBT/interpersonal Clinical 56 Adults Anorexia nervosa Strict or lenient weight criteria
Pike et al (9) 2003 CBT Nutritional 33 Adults Anorexia nervosa DSM-IV
Dare et al (10) 2001 Psychoanalytic, Clinical 84 Adults Anorexia nervosa DSM-IV
cognitive analytic, management
and family therapy
Eisler et al (11) 2000 Multifamily therapy Family therapy 40 Adolescents Anorexia nervosa DSM-IV or ICD-10

Bulimia nervosa and related conditions

Fairburn et al (12) 2009 CBT Wait list Adults Eating disorder Any ED with BMI>17.5
Schmidt et al (13) 2008 Computerized CBT Wait list 96 Adults Bulimia nervosa Bulimia nervosa or bulimic-type
Schmidt et al (14) 2007 Family therapy CBT 85 Adolescents Bulimia nervosa Bulimia nervosa or bulimic-type
Le Grange et al 2007 Family therapy Supportive Adolescents Bulimia nervosa Bulimia nervosa or ‘partial’ bulimia
(15) therapy nervosa
Banasiak et al 2005 Guided self-help Wait list 109 Adults Bulimia nervosa Full syndrome or sub-threshold
Walsh et al (17) 2004 Fluoxetine Self-help 91 Adults Bulimia nervosa Subjective binges and 1x/week
Carter et al (18) 2003 Self-help CBT Wait list 85 Adults Bulimia nervosa DSM-IV
Palmer et al (19) 2002 Self-help CBT Wait list 121 Adults Bulimia disorders Bulimia nervosa, partial bulimia
nervosa or binge-eating disorder
Hsu et al (20) 2001 Cognitive therapy Nutritional 100 Adults Bulimia nervosa DSM-III-R
Safer et al (21) 2001 Dialectical Wait list 31 Adults Bulimia nervosa One binge/purge episode per week
behaviour therapy
Agras et al (22) 2000 CBT Interpersonal 220 Adults Bulimia nervosa DSM-III-R

CBT - Cognitive behaviour therapy; BMI - body mass index; ED - eating disorder; EDNOS - eating disorder not otherwise specified

tally specific manifestations would more accurately describe pean populations. In the last decade, reports on eating disor-
the course of these disorders and reflect the continuity be- ders and related conditions from various countries, including
tween child, adolescent and adult manifestations than the low income countries and countries undergoing sociocul-
current system. tural transitions (39-41), have accumulated which may in-
form a classification that is sensitive to local variation (42).
Anorexia nervosa occurs in all cultures, but the incidence
CULTURAL CONTEXT is higher among individuals who have been exposed to West-
ern culture and values and those who live in relative afflu-
Eating plays an important role in most cultures. Acceptable ence (40,41,43). For example, in the Caribbean island of
eating habits vary widely between religious and ethnic groups, Curaçao, all identified cases of anorexia nervosa were among
and eating disorders have been conceptualized as culture- young women of mixed ethnicity who had spent time in the
bound syndromes (38). In this context, it is notable that most USA or the Netherlands; there were no cases of anorexia
published research is based on North American and Euro- nervosa among the majority of young women in the island,

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who are black and had not been abroad (40,44). Anorexia in culture-dependent manner. Black women with binge eat-
nervosa is relatively rare among black women in Africa, the ing disorder are on average heavier, have fewer concerns re-
Caribbean, and the USA (45-47). In the Czech Republic, the lated to body weight, shape and eating, a less frequent his-
incidence of anorexia nervosa increased sharply after the fall tory of bulimia nervosa, but similar levels of depressive symp-
of the iron curtain, that was associated with exposure to toms and impairment compared to white women with the
Western-style media and values (41). same diagnosis (59). In general, the associations between
In addition to influence on prevalence, culture also shapes binge eating, obesity, weight and shape dissatisfaction, and
the manifestation of anorexia nervosa. For example, in general psychopathology hold across ethnic groups (60,61).
South-East Asia, a larger proportion of patients with anorex- While no modifications of diagnostic criteria are required,
ia nervosa report abdominal discomfort and other factors as the lower rates of treatment among black women with binge
a rationale for restrictive eating (28,48). However, typical eating disorder suggest that increased alertness of clinicians
presentations with weight and shape-related preoccupations to eating disorders in non-European ethnic groups is war-
and fear of gaining weight have also been recorded in most ranted (59).
non-Western cultures (28,48-50), and the rates of full-syn-
drome anorexia nervosa in South East Asia are intermediate
between Western countries and African populations (50). TEMPORAL INSTABILITY AND DIAGNOSTIC
There is evidence that patients who initially present with TRANSITIONS
other rationales often develop intense fear of weight gain (51)
and that the proportion of patients reporting fear of weight Longitudinal follow-up studies of anorexia and bulimia
gain increases with exposure to Western cultural values (52). nervosa have found that a significant proportion of subjects
This suggests that weight-phobic and non-weight-phobic an- change diagnostic status to another eating disorder (62-67).
orexia are context-dependent manifestations of the same dis- Diagnostic crossovers are more common in the initial years
order. Therefore, it is recommended that fear of weight gain of illness and follow a predictable sequence. Typically, re-
is not required for the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, pro- strictive anorexia nervosa mutates into binge eating/purging
vided that behaviours maintaining underweight or other psy- anorexia nervosa, before crossing over to bulimia nervosa
chopathology suggestive of eating disorder are present. (68-72). Crossover in the opposite direction is less common.
Bulimia nervosa has been conceptualized as strongly While one-third of individuals with an initial diagnosis of
bound to Western culture (38). The disorder is more common anorexia nervosa develop bulimia nervosa during a five-to-
among individuals who were exposed to Western culture and ten year follow-up, only 10-15% of those with an initial di-
who grew up in relative affluence (38,41,43). Although all agnosis of bulimia nervosa develop anorexia (68,70,72).
component symptoms of bulimia nervosa occur in non- Larger proportions of subjects with an initial diagnosis of
Western low income countries, the syndrome appears to be bulimia nervosa develop binge eating disorder or eating dis-
less common in those countries than in North America and order not otherwise specified (EDNOS) (65,68). There are
Western Europe (43,49,50,53). The incidence of bulimia ner- also numerous transitions between specific eating disorder
vosa increases in parallel with exposure to Western media categories and EDNOS, with the latter often representing an
and values and correlates with the degree of acculturation intermediate state on the way to recovery (68,73,74).
(41,43,52,54). Therefore, the manifestation of bulimia ner- The diagnostic transitions may also extend to a relation-
vosa and its separation from normality have to be considered ship between feeding disorders in childhood and eating dis-
within cultural context. For example, culturally sanctioned orders in adolescence and adulthood. Restrictive eating and
feasting followed by the use of indigenous purgatives in Pa- hyperactivity are often present in children and adolescents
cific islands should not be medicalized, but the use of the who deny any motivation of these behaviours by fear of gain-
same herbal purgatives in the context of typical psychopa- ing weight, but who later demonstrate weight phobia and
thology and outside the culturally sanctioned events is a receive a diagnosis of an eating disorder (28,33,35).
symptom of an eating disorder (39,55). The motives for pur- Importantly, a significant minority of cases show repeated
suing a thin body shape may also depend on socioeconomic diagnostic crossovers. For example, half of those who transit
context. For example, in societies undergoing socioeconom- from an initial anorexia nervosa to bulimia nervosa experi-
ic transition, a thin body can be perceived as a valuable com- ence a “recurrence” of anorexia nervosa within a few years
modity that may help obtain a lucrative job and guarantee (70). In long-standing eating disorders, diagnostic transitions
career success (42,56,57). There is little evidence on whether are the rule, with most patients who remain ill for at least
such cultural variations in manifestation have an impact on several years changing diagnostic status one or more times
the long-term prognosis and treatment response. In the USA, (68,70,72). Comorbid depression and alcohol abuse are as-
patients with bulimia nervosa belonging to ethnic minorities sociated with more diagnostic instability in eating disorders
appear to respond to the same psychological treatments as (68). With these rates of transitions, it is clear that the sequen-
European Americans (58). tial diagnoses represent stages of the same disorder rather
Binge eating disorder is relatively equally distributed across than separate disorders.
countries and ethnic groups, but details of manifestation vary The apparent sequential comorbidity of various eating dis-


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orders is probably an artefact of applying a system of overly Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)
specified diagnostic categories with overlapping psychopa-
thology. In ICD-10 and DSM-IV, the various eating disorder Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) has
categories are mutually exclusive, so they cannot be diag- been proposed to replace the non-specific category of feed-
nosed at the same time. However, there is no such restriction ing disorder of infancy or early childhood and, in addition,
for sequential diagnoses, and neither ICD-10 nor DSM-IV explicitly include adolescent and adult cases presenting with
takes the longitudinal course of psychopathology into ac- psychologically motivated inadequate food intake for reasons
count. This state of affairs is clearly unsatisfactory. On the related to the physical properties or feared consequences of
one hand it creates an impression of an overly complex pat- eating specific types of food other than effects on body weight
tern of sequential comorbidity, on the other hand it misses and shape (76).
important prognostic information. For example, it was ARFID overlaps with anorexia nervosa in terms of restric-
shown that, among patients with current bulimia nervosa, a tive food intake and the resulting underweight, but differs in
history of anorexia nervosa is associated with reduced chance psychopathology and motives for restrictive eating. These in-
of recovery and much larger risk of transiting into anorexia clude avoiding types of food of specific colour or texture or
nervosa (75). It has been proposed that bulimia nervosa limiting food intake to a small number of specific “safe” types
should be subtyped according to history of anorexia nervosa of food because of perceived health consequences. ARFID is
(75). A more radical solution to the problem of spurious se- typically not associated with gross disturbance of body image.
quential comorbidity may require restrictions on frequent Since there is vast normal variation in eating habits among
changes of diagnostic categories (e.g., the diagnosis of an- children and adults, differentiation from normality is impor-
orexia nervosa may be retained for a year after weight nor- tant. As a rule, ARFID should only be diagnosed when the
malization) or establishing a combined eating disorder cat- restrictive/avoidant eating is a cause of inadequate nutrition
egory to capture cases that sequentially fulfil criteria for both that may be associated with delayed growth in children,
anorexia and bulimia nervosa and have a tendency to repeat- weakness, anaemia or other medical consequences in any
edly change presentations. age group, or inadequate development of the foetus in preg-
nant women. Dietary practices that are endorsed by large
groups of people, such as vegetarianism or religious fasting,
FEEDING DISORDERS do not constitute a basis for diagnosing ARFID.
The proposed ARFID category conforms with the general
Feeding disorders of infancy/childhood and eating disor- direction of merging feeding and eating disorders and open-
ders of adolescence/adulthood are classified in different sec- ing diagnostic categories to all age groups. It also provides an
tions of ICD-10 and DSM-IV. Feeding disorders of child- appropriate category for some cases that previously received
hood/infancy include refusal of food and selective (faddy) the diagnosis of EDNOS. Since ARFID is a new concept, we
eating, regurgitation of food with or without re-chewing, or propose that it is included in ICD-11 as a category that re-
eating of non-edible substances (pica). This classification has quires further testing. In particular, the boundaries between
serious problems as it includes one heterogeneous condition ARFID and anorexia nervosa, including the culturally deter-
with unclear boundaries from eating disorders and two less mined non-fat phobic presentations, and between ARFID
common and more specific conditions that occur in both and specific phobias need to be explored. It is also hoped that
children and adults (76,77). the inclusion of ARFID will stimulate research on continuity
Alternative classifications of feeding disorders have been between child and adult presentations.
proposed, that attempt to reconceptualize this heteroge-
neous category as four to six specific categories (78-80) and/
or emphasize the relational context of feeding and the role of Pica
primary caregiver (80,81). The problems are that the specific
subtypes leave a large number of clinical presentations un- Pica describes persistent eating of non-food substances,
classified and some require allocation of a single etiology to such as earth, chalk, metal or plastic objects, hair or faeces.
disorders that are multifactorial. As a result, none of these In ICD-10 and DSM-IV, pica is included among the disor-
proposals has been accepted. The situation is clearer for pica ders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adoles-
and regurgitation, which are relatively distinct syndromes. cence, and adult presentations are coded elsewhere (e.g., as
However, both of these are frequent in adults and in the con- an EDNOS). Since pica frequently first comes to attention in
text of other mental disorders (e.g., autism and learning dis- adulthood, it is proposed that there are no age restrictions for
ability) and physiological conditions (iron deficiency, preg- its diagnosis (76). Pica only requires a diagnosis if it is severe,
nancy). It is proposed that pica and regurgitation disorder leads to adverse consequences (e.g., heavy-metal poisoning
should be diagnosed based on behaviour and irrespective of or parasite infestation), does not exclusively occurs during
age (76). socially sanctioned events (e.g., religious rituals) or cultur-
ally accepted practice (e.g., eating of clay in Nigeria) and is
not fully explained by another mental disorder (e.g., psycho-

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sis or obsessive-compulsive disorder). Eating non-food sub- of weight gain, body image disturbance and amenorrhoea).
stances also frequently occurs in pregnancy, and pica should This rigid requirement means that cases where any one of the
not be diagnosed in pregnant women unless it is of unusual four symptoms is absent are diagnosed as EDNOS, even if
extent or causes health concerns. the presentation otherwise resembles typical anorexia ner-
vosa. A significant proportion of EDNOS is composed of
such subthreshold cases. Common types of EDNOS include
Regurgitation disorder anorexia nervosa without amenorrhoea, anorexia nervosa
without fear of gaining weight, anorexia nervosa not fulfilling
Regurgitation disorder describes repetitively bringing pre- the weight loss criterion, bulimia nervosa with binges that are
viously swallowed food from stomach back to the mouth and not objective (i.e., do not involve an amount of food that is
either spitting or re-chewing it. It was included in ICD-10 definitely larger than what most people would eat), bulimia
and DSM-IV under the name of rumination disorder. Since without bingeing (purging disorder), bulimia without purging
rumination is commonly used to describe a psychological (binge eating disorder), and bulimia nervosa with bingeing
process involving repetitive thoughts, we propose changing and compensatory behaviours occurring less than twice a
the name to “regurgitation disorder” to avoid confusion. Re- week for three months (29,84). For example, in a specialized
gurgitation disorder was previously classified in the section clinic for eating disorders, subthreshold anorexia and bulimia
of disorders with onset specific to childhood, but it frequent- nervosa accounted for 83% of EDNOS (84).
ly first comes to attention in adulthood. Therefore, it should Having most patients diagnosed with EDNOS is unhelpful
be diagnosed without age restrictions (76). for several reasons. First, EDNOS is a highly heterogeneous
group in terms of presentation, prognosis, physical sequelae,
and treatment outcomes (37,84). Second, most cases of ED-
EATING DISORDERS NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED NOS represent a phase of an eating disorder in individuals
(EDNOS) who fulfilled criteria for anorexia or bulimia nervosa at other
times (29,73). Third, the residual character of this category im-
The field of eating disorders has evolved around the con- plicitly conveys that it is a less severe disorder. This contrasts
cepts of anorexia and bulimia nervosa. However, when with the demonstrated severity, impairing character, and a
DSM-IV criteria are applied to patients presenting to eating grave prognosis including elevated mortality in EDNOS
disorders services, the most common diagnosis is EDNOS. (87,88). Finally, EDNOS has no specific implications for treat-
The proportion of patients diagnosed with EDNOS is con- ment selection or service provision. There has been an attempt
sistent across settings and age groups, with approximately to introduce a “transdiagnostic” treatment that would be effec-
60% of patients referred to child, adolescent or adult eating tive for most types of eating disorders, but the published evi-
disorders services classified as EDNOS (82-84). dence on this treatment excludes eating disorders with under-
In ICD-10, EDNOS is split between atypical anorexia ner- weight and subsequently better fits a broader category of buli-
vosa, atypical bulimia nervosa, other eating disorder, and eat- mia nervosa (12). A similar approach has been taken in recent
ing disorder, nonspecified. However, this does not improve clinical trials in bulimia nervosa, which also included bulimia-
the matters, since the diagnoses of atypical anorexia and like EDNOS (13-15). We conclude that continued widespread
atypical bulimia are highly unreliable and nearly 40% of pa- use of EDNOS would be unhelpful and potentially harmful.
tients still receive the “other” or “unspecified” residual diag- A number of proposals have been made to reduce the reli-
noses (82). There is also confusion about the meaning of ance on EDNOS. Most proposals include broadening of diag-
“atypical anorexia nervosa”. In ICD-10, atypical anorexia nostic criteria for anorexia and bulimia nervosa so that they
nervosa is defined as a condition that resembles anorexia subsume a proportion of cases currently diagnosed with ED-
nervosa, but does not fulfil all of the diagnostic criteria (e.g., NOS. The proposed expansions of criteria for anorexia ner-
there is no amenorrhoea or not a sufficient degree of weight vosa include: dropping the requirement for amenorrhoea, re-
loss). In the literature, the term “atypical anorexia nervosa” laxing the underweight criterion, and relaxing the requirement
is used more narrowly to describe an eating disorder with for fear of weight gain. The proposed broadening of criteria for
significant underweight but no concerns about body shape bulimia nervosa include reducing the frequency requirement
or weight (85,86). For these reasons, it is concluded that for bingeing and compensatory behaviour, and dropping the
ICD-10 is as unsatisfactory as DSM-IV. binge “objectivity” criterion (requirement that a binge involves
The cause of the current problems is that criteria for spe- eating an unusually large amount of food). Preliminary studies
cific eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa, in adolescents and adults indicate that dropping the binge ob-
are too narrow and rigid. Indeed, the definitions of eating jectivity criterion has the greatest impact on reducing the use
disorders are somewhat anomalous by requiring the presence of the residual category (29,84). Depending on the degree of
of all criteria, rather than a minimum number of a longer list broadening, the extended categories can reduce the use of ED-
of symptoms. For example, the diagnosis of depressive epi- NOS moderately (68,89) or nearly eliminate its use (90).
sode requires five out of nine symptoms, but the diagnosis of The other set of proposals include introducing more spe-
anorexia nervosa requires four out of four (underweight, fear cific diagnostic categories. There is most support for the in-


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troduction of binge eating disorder (91,92). Other proposed all of which are required for diagnosis. Three of these are es-
additional categories include purging disorder (93) and night sentially the same in the two systems: low body weight (main-
eating syndrome (94). A mixed category of eating disorder tained at body mass index, BMI<17.5 or under 85% of weight
with features of both anorexia and bulimia nervosa has been expected for height, age and sex), body image disturbance and
proposed to capture the cases that do not easily fit the proto- amenorrhoea. The fourth criterion differs between the two
type of one specific eating disorder (95). Finally, there is a classifications: in ICD-10, it is a requirement that low weight
proposal that includes relaxing the strict requirement that all is self-induced through dietary restriction and/or purging be-
defining symptoms must be present to make a diagnosis and haviour; in DSM-IV, intense fear of gaining weight or becom-
suggests a list of symptoms of which one or more needs to be ing fat is required. In DSM-IV, anorexia nervosa is further
present to fulfil a diagnostic criterion (96). divided into restrictive and binge-eating/purging subtypes.
While all of the above proposals appear sensible and each These classifications have been criticized for several rea-
would reduce the need for EDNOS, it is difficult to estimate sons. First, the requirement of all four criteria excludes a sig-
the impact of combining aspects of the various proposals. nificant proportion of clinical presentations that fit the pro-
There are also problems with adopting some of the proposals totype of anorexia nervosa. The requirements of amenor-
entirely. For example, the alternative classification system rhoea, low body weight threshold, and fat phobia have all
proposed by Hebebrand and Bulik (96) represents conceptu- been criticized on this ground. Second, these criteria are in-
ally the strongest departure from current classification, by sensitive to cultural variations; fear of gaining weight is re-
removing the requirement for all symptoms to be present, but ported by a smaller proportion of cases in non-Western cul-
it only concerns anorexia nervosa and it allows relatively non- tures. Third, it has been argued that extant criteria omit hy-
specific symptoms such as irritability and depressed mood to peractivity, which is a salient feature in the presentation of
count towards the diagnosis, raising concerns about how well anorexia nervosa (96). The problems with present diagnostic
it would differentiate against disorders from other groupings. criteria are reflected in the fact that most recent clinical trials
On balance, we favour the combination of introducing binge have used broader inclusion criteria, mostly relaxing the
eating disorder as an additional specific category with sub- weight and amenorrhoea criteria (Table 1). We will first re-
stantial broadening of diagnostic criteria, similar to the pro- view the rationale for retaining or dropping each specific
posal by Walsh and Sysko (97), which has been shown to criterion and then move to the diagnostic concept and pro-
nearly eliminate the use of EDNOS (90) and is consistent posals for revision.
with recent trends in clinical trial literature (Table 1). Amenorrhoea, defined as absence of three consecutive
It is unclear whether purging disorder or night eating syn- menstrual bleedings, is a common feature of anorexia ner-
drome will still be needed when the criteria for anorexia ner- vosa that is strongly associated with underweight and exces-
vosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder are broad- sive exercise and may have prognostic implications for bone
ened. The available evidence suggests that most individuals mineral density and fertility outcomes. However, several
with purging disorder have subjective binges, therefore the facts make amenorrhoea problematic as a diagnostic criteri-
removal of requirement for an unusually large amount of on. First, it is not applicable to girls prior to menarche, to
food to be eaten during a binge may be sufficient to classify post-menopausal women, women taking hormonal prepara-
most of these subjects as bulimia nervosa, which does not tions and men. The ICD-10 has proposed a male equivalent
differ from purging disorder in terms of impairment and re- of hormonal disturbance manifest as “loss of sexual interest
sponse to treatment (12,98). Most cases of night eating syn- and potency”, which is however rarely assessed or researched
drome can be subsumed under the broad category of binge and whose contribution to the diagnosis is unclear. Second,
eating disorder. The one remaining issue concerns cases that a significant minority of women (5 to 25% in clinical sam-
frequently change presentation and sequentially fulfil criteria ples) who otherwise fulfil criteria for anorexia nervosa and
for different eating disorders. Following suggestions by Fair- require clinical attention menstruate and consequently are
burn (95), we support the use of a mixed category. However, classified as EDNOS. Third, the requirement of missing three
to avoid redundancy when implemented alongside broader consecutive menstrual bleedings interferes with timely diag-
specific categories, we propose reserving such category for nosis and treatment. There is a broad agreement that amen-
the relatively severe cases that fulfil criteria for both anorexia orrhoea should not be required for the diagnosis of anorexia
and bulimia nervosa either concurrently or sequentially. This nervosa, but should be recorded since it may be an indicator
category may be more appropriately called “combined” rath- of severity and may help distinguish between constitutional
er than “mixed” eating disorder. thinness and anorexia nervosa (101).
The low weight criterion is the defining feature of anorex-
ia nervosa, but its exact specification has been discussed. A
ANOREXIA NERVOSA number of women who fit the prototype of anorexia nervosa
narrowly miss the weight criterion of BMI<17.5 (or body
Anorexia nervosa is the prototypical eating disorder that weight less than 85% of what is expected for age and height)
has been consistently described since the 19th century and are classified as EDNOS. Depending on body constitu-
(99,100). In ICD-10 and DSM-IV, it is defined by four criteria, tion, the above threshold for underweight may be seen as too

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high or too low in individual cases. Therefore, it has been dicators of anorexia nervosa has been recommended (96).
proposed that this threshold should be relaxed and/or left to However, since hyperactivity is not universally present in all
clinical judgement ( This proposal has the cases of otherwise typical anorexia nervosa and its manifes-
advantage of reducing the use of the uninformative EDNOS, tation may depend on stage of illness, we propose to include
but risks loss of objectivity and important information. Se- it as a supporting criterion, which may help differentiate be-
vere underweight has been repeatedly shown to be a strong tween anorexia nervosa and normality in cases with border-
predictor of poor prognosis and mortality (102-105) and is line underweight.
routinely used as an indication for inpatient treatment. We In the DSM-IV, anorexia nervosa is further classified into
propose relaxing the underweight criterion to the WHO def- restrictive and binge-eating/purging subtypes according to
inition of underweight (BMI<18.5) with a room for clinical the presence of bingeing and purging behaviours. This sub-
judgement, and recording a history of severe underweight typing has been criticized since the subtypes often represent
(e.g., BMI<14.0) as a severity qualifier (with dangerously low developmental stages of the same illness and do not consis-
body weight). Low body weight is only considered a symp- tently predict outcome (69). While children and younger
tom of anorexia nervosa if it is due the individual’s eating adolescents usually present with restrictive symptomatology,
behaviour rather than factors such as a medical condition or binge-purging behaviours develop in the majority at later
unavailability of food. stages (69,110). Purging behaviour has been found to predict
Morbid fear of gaining weight is required for diagnosing poor outcome in some studies but not in others (69,105,110).
anorexia nervosa in the DSM-IV. In the ICD-10, fear of fat- Binge-purge anorexia nervosa has a high rate of diagnostic
ness is included under the body-image distortion criterion. transitions with bulimia nervosa (68,70). To avoid repeated
This has been perhaps the most discussed criterion. The re- diagnosis changes, we propose that anorexia nervosa with
quirement of fear of fatness is problematic from both a devel- bingeing and purging behaviour should be classified as com-
opmental and a cultural perspective. Developmentally, fear bined eating disorder. The proposed category of “combined
of gaining weight is rarely reported by children and may re- eating disorder” will include cases that were classified as an-
quire an ability of abstract reasoning that only develops dur- orexia nervosa, binge-purge subtype as well as cases that dis-
ing adolescence (32). Cross-culturally, females with other- play clinically significant anorectic and bulimic symptom-
wise typical anorexia nervosa in non-Western countries less atology sequentially.
frequently report fear of fatness as the reason for self starva-
tion (48,106). Even in Western countries, a significant minor-
ity of patients report no fear of weight gain and are conse- BULIMIA NERVOSA
quently classified as EDNOS (106-108). It has also been
pointed out that fat phobia often emerges during weight res- Bulimia nervosa was first described in 1979 as a variant of
toration in patients who previously denied any fear of gaining anorexia nervosa (111), and soon afterwards was accepted as
weight (51). The dependency on development, culture and a separate diagnosis. In ICD-10 and DSM-IV, bulimia ner-
illness stage argues against the usefulness of weight phobia vosa is defined by three criteria: recurrent binge eating, recur-
as a diagnostic criterion. However, it has also been argued rent compensatory behaviour, and preoccupation with own
that fear of weight gain is part of the core defining psychopa- body weight or shape, all of which are required for making
thology of anorexia nervosa (109). We propose extending the diagnosis.
this criterion to include preoccupation with body weight and Overall, bulimia nervosa is a valid category (112) that is
shape, preoccupations with food and nutrition, and persis- used in practice (113), and its treatment has a broad evidence
tent behaviours that are intended to reduce energy intake or base (114). However, various aspects of the binge eating cri-
increase energy expenditure. terion have been criticized for making the diagnosis too re-
Body image disturbance is a striking aspect of anorexia strictive and resulting in a substantial proportion of patients
nervosa and is required in both ICD-10 and DSM-IV. It in- with bulimia-like problems classified as EDNOS. The need
cludes both the perception of own body or its parts as larger for a broader diagnostic category is reflected in the clinical
than they are and the lack of recognition of the seriousness trial literature, with eight of the eleven recent trials using
of underweight. Body image disturbance often precedes oth- broader criteria (Table 1). The two aspects of the definition
er symptoms and its persistence upon weight recovery has that have been relaxed in these trials and discussed in the
prognostic significance. Only minor rephrasing of this crite- literature are the amount of food eaten in a binge eating epi-
rion has been recommended for DSM-5 and we agree with sode and the frequency of binge-purge behaviours.
retaining this criterion essentially unchanged. Cases of re- We first consider the amount of food eaten. Both ICD-10
strictive eating with no body image related psychopathology and DSM-IV specify that binge eating is only present when
may better be classified as ARFID. an unusually large amount of food is eaten in one go and the
Hyperactivity is a remarkable feature of many cases of an- subject experiences loss of control over eating (i.e., feels un-
orexia nervosa and is a differentiator from other causes of able to stop eating or limit the amount or type of food eaten).
starvation. Hyperactivity is not among the criteria in either However, a number of reports have highlighted the fact that
ICD-10 or DSM-IV. Its inclusion under the behavioural in- many patients report eating amounts of food that may objec-


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tively appear normal, but are subjectively considered too bulimia nervosa is little used (113) and there is virtually no
large (115,116). Episodes of eating that are accompanied by evidence to support its validity or utility (127). In terms of
subjective loss of control but do not involve eating an unusu- severity, non-purging bulimia nervosa appears to be interme-
ally large amount of food are described as “subjective” bing- diate between purging bulimia nervosa and binge eating dis-
es (117). A number of studies have compared patients pre- order (127). It has been proposed to either abandon subtyp-
senting with “subjective” and “objective” binges and found ing or to remove the non-purging behaviours from the list of
little or no clinically meaningful differences (116,118-121). inappropriate compensatory behaviours that define bulimia
While objective binge eating episodes may be associated with nervosa (127). Adopting the latter proposal would mean that
higher body mass index (116,119) and impulsivity (118), sub- cases previously classified as non-purging bulimia would be
jective and objective binge eating episodes show a similar diagnosed as binge eating disorder. An alternative proposal
pattern of psychiatric comorbidity (116,118-122), are associ- has been made to subtype bulimia nervosa based on the his-
ated with similar levels of service utilization (116,119) and tory of anorexia nervosa, which has more predictive validity
have a similar response to treatment (12,120). The literature (75). We think this proposal can be applied as part of the
suggests that subjective experience of loss of control over combined eating disorder. In the absence of evidence either
eating is the core defining feature of binge eating that is as- way, we favour retaining non-purgative compensatory be-
sociated with psychopathology and quality of life, irrespec- haviours in the definition of bulimia nervosa.
tive of the amount of food eaten, in both adults (122,123) and
children (124). It has therefore been proposed that the re-
quirement for an unusually large amount of food should be BINGE EATING DISORDER
removed (116,119). Dropping the requirement for an unusu-
ally large amount of food is the one modification that strong- Binge eating disorder, characterized by recurrent binge
ly reduces the use of EDNOS and allows most bulimia-like eating without compensatory behaviours, was described in
presentations to be classified as bulimia nervosa (29,84,90). 1959, but only became a focus of clinical and research atten-
The other contentious aspect of the diagnostic criteria is tion in the last two decades. It was not included in ICD-10,
the frequency of bingeing and purging behaviour that is re- but was listed in DSM-IV as a provisional diagnosis in need
quired for the diagnosis. This criterion is handled differently of further testing. Since then, a large body of research has
in ICD-10 and DSM-IV. While ICD-10 simply requires binge accumulated, and binge eating disorder is now considered a
eating and compensatory behaviours to be repeated, DSM- valid and useful category (91,92).
IV specifies a minimum frequency of two binge-eating/purg- Binge eating disorder is strongly associated with obesity,
ing episodes per week for at least three months. Although with approximately two-thirds of affected individuals being
there is a general consensus that the diagnosis should not be obese. Binge eating disorder frequently co-occurs with other
applied to cases with infrequent episodes of binge eating, mental disorders, especially anxiety and depression (128), yet
there is no evidence supporting a specific frequency, and has been found to be distinct from these and not a mere in-
most researchers and clinicians suggest either removing or dicator of general psychopathology (129). The distinction
lowering the frequency criterion (125). Since there appear to between binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa is less
be no meaningful differences between subjects who binge- clear-cut and in many cases the two categories may represent
eat twice or more versus those who binge eat once a week different stages of the same disorder (65,68). Patients with
(126), a lowering or loosening of the frequency criterion ap- binge eating disorder are on average older than those of bu-
pears to be in order. Although lowering the frequency re- limia nervosa, and approximately two-thirds have a history
quirement to once a week on its own has a relatively modest of using inappropriate compensatory behaviours, suggesting
effect, in conjunction with allowing subjective binge eating a past diagnosis of bulimia nervosa (130). Although weight
episodes it leads to a substantial reduction in the use of ED- and shape concerns are not required for the diagnosis of
NOS (29,90). binge eating disorder, they are commonly part of the presen-
The requirement for dread of fatness (ICD-10) or an un- tation (131,132).
due influence of body weight and shape on self-evaluation As in bulimia nervosa, the specific diagnostic criteria for
(DSM-IV) is adequate in most Western adult settings, but binge eating disorder have been a subject of discussion. In
may be problematic in children and in non-Western cultures DSM-IV, it was required that binge eating episodes consist in
(28,32). It is proposed that this criterion be applied flexibly, eating an amount of food that is definitely larger than what
include developmental-stage and culture-specific manifesta- most individuals would eat in a similar situation, and that the
tions, and regard behavioural equivalents as indicators of individual experiences loss of control over eating (i.e., feels
eating-disorder specific psychopathology (32,42). unable to stop eating or limit the amount or type of food
In the DSM-IV, bulimia nervosa is further classified into eaten). However, similar to binges in bulimia nervosa, it was
purging and non-purging subtypes. The non-purging subtype found that loss of control is the core defining feature of bing-
is defined by compensatory behaviours that are limited to ing (133). Although the amount of food eaten is often large,
fasting and exercising and represent a relatively small minor- it is less useful as a defining factor, because binges involving
ity of patients with bulimia nervosa. In practice, subtyping of eating amounts of food that are objectively not unusually

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large but are considered large by the individual are associated Table 2 Recommendations for the classification of feeding and
with similar psychopathology and impairment (133). In ad- eating disorders in ICD-11
dition, binge eating is frequently characterized by eating
1. Merge feeding and eating disorders into a single grouping with
alone because of embarrassment, eating other types of foods, diagnostic categories available for all age groups.
and feelings of guilt and disgust. DSM-IV requires that binge 2. Broaden the category of anorexia nervosa through dropping the
eating is associated with distress, and the validity of this ad- requirement for amenorrhoea; extending the weight criterion to include
ditional criterion is generally supported (134). any significant underweight; and extending the cognitive criterion
to include developmentally and culturally relevant cognitions and
The duration of a binge varies. Most episodes of binge behavioural equivalents of fear of fatness, preoccupations with body
eating last less than two hours, but extended binge eating has weight and shape or food and eating.
been described as binge days. The DSM-IV further required 3. Introduce a severity qualifier “with a dangerously low body weight” to
that binge eating be present in at least two days per week for distinguish the most severe cases that carry the riskiest prognosis within
the broad category of anorexia nervosa.
at least six months. There appears to be little evidence sup- 4. Broaden the category of bulimia nervosa to include subjective binge
porting this frequency and the unusually long requested du- eating.
ration. Since binge eating disorder is often associated with 5. Include the category of binge eating disorder, defined by either
subjective or objective binge eating in the absence of regular
rapid weight gain, waiting six months before establishing the
compensatory behaviour.
diagnosis may be contraproductive. It has been shown that 6. Include a category of combined eating disorder to classify subjects who
relaxing the frequency criterion to once a week would lead concurrently or sequentially fulfil the criteria for both anorexia nervosa
to only small increase in the rate of binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa.
7. Introduce a category of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
(ARFID) to classify restricted food intake that is not accompanied by
In summary, there is a consensus that binge eating disor- body weight and shape related psychopathology.
der is a valid and useful diagnosis. It is proposed that binge 8. Introduce a uniform minimal duration criterion of four weeks.
eating disorder be included in ICD-11. It is also proposed
that the diagnostic criteria for binge eating disorder be broad-
ened to include binges that do not involve eating an unusu-
dence, we make recommendations consistent with the gen-
ally large amount of food as long as there is definite loss of
eral directions for the development of ICD-11. The principal
control over eating, binge eating is distinct from regular eat-
recommendations are listed in Table 2.
ing patterns and causes distress (97,116). There is no specific
We hope that the proposed changes will substantially im-
evidence to override the proposed uniform duration criteri-
prove the clinical utility of the classification of feeding and
on. Therefore, the diagnosis of binge eating disorder may be
eating disorders, will eliminate the need for using uninforma-
appropriate if binge eating occurs regularly for at least four
tive “not otherwise specified” diagnoses, and will stimulate
weeks. In less severe cases, longer duration may be needed
research on continuity between child and adult presenta-
to establish clinical significance.
tions and on treatment efficacy in groups of patients that
represent the vast majority of those presenting with eating
EATING AND FEEDING DISORDERS DUE TO OTHER related psychopathology in routine clinical settings.

In addition to the feeding and eating disorders described

above, the ICD-11 chapter should include a reference to dis-
This article has been informed by the activity of the Work-
orders that are classified elsewhere but may primarily mani-
ing Group on Classification of Mental and Behavioural Dis-
fests with disordered eating. The most prominent example is
orders in Children and Adolescents, referring to the Interna-
Prader-Willi syndrome, which is caused by a deletion of the
tional Advisory Group for the Revision of ICD-10 Mental
paternal copy of a region on chromosome 15, and is primar-
and Behavioural Disorders. M. Rutter is the chair of this
ily classified in chapter XVII of ICD-10 (Congenital malfor-
working group. R. Uher works for this group as a consultant.
mations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities).
This manuscript reflects the work and opinions of the au-
This syndrome often presents with insatiable appetite, over-
thors, who take full responsibility for its content. The authors
eating, food hoarding and eating of non-food substances, but
thank U. Schmidt, I. Campbell and B.T. Walsh for their com-
also includes intellectual disability.
ments on earlier versions of this manuscript.

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