Visual Art Lesson Plan Lesson Title: Nature Coil Building Grade: 7 and 8

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Visual Art Lesson Plan Lesson Title: Nature Coil Building Grade: 7th and 8th

Lesson Idea and Relevance: What are you going to teach and why is this lesson of importance to your students? How is it relevant to students of this
age and background?
Students will create either functional or sculptural coil-built piece. Their pieces must be inspired by something specific from nature, such as a plant or animal.
Students will research something from nature, drawing from the forms, textures and colors they find. This is an opportunity for them to make choices about
their art- What inspires me? Do I want a functional ceramic piece or a sculpture?

Essential Understanding (s): What are the big ideas? What Essential Question (s): What provocative questions will foster
specific understandings about them are desired? inquiry, understanding, and transfer of learning?

Individual aesthetic and empathetic awareness Is all functional pottery art?

How do potters choose whether to make functional or
developed through engaging with art can lead to
sculptural pottery?
understanding and appreciation of self, others, the Are natural forms (plants, animals) art?
natural world, and constructed environments. How do natural forms inspire art?

Outcomes - Students will know...What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? ...Art history and culture;
expressive features and characteristics of art; art materials, tools, and techniques? What should they eventually be able to do as a result of such knowledge
and skill? ...Compare and contrast art work; analyze sketches?
Students will be able to:
I can research a plant, animal or other natural form and choose 3 quality images to inspire me
I can sketch 3 thumbnail ideas for a sculpture or functional piece inspired by the forms, textures and colors in my
I can draw a project proposal with a full-page, colored drawing of my piece and notes about how I will build
forms, add textures, and paint glazes.
I can use coil building techniques to create a piece based on my research and sketches
I can add textures and glazes to emphasize my piece

Student Reflective Activity: Through what authentic Assessment Instrument (s): By what criteria will performances
performance task(s) will students demonstrate the desired of understanding be judged?
understandings? How will students reflect upon and self-assess their
Ticket out the door: Anticipation Agree/Disagree
Artist Statement- Students will write guided artist Sketches in sketchbook
statements in a flowchart format. This reflection will See Preston Visual Arts Rubric
include grading their pieces based on the criteria for the
project and proposing a final grade to the teacher.

Gallery Walk- Students will set up their art with a piece of

paper next to it. Then, they will walk around, writing 1-3
words describing each piece. Then, we will discuss and
respond to the pieces as a class, and the artist will get the
chance to explain their inspiration
Pre-assessment: How will you help the students know where the unit is going and what is expected? Help the teacher know where the students are
coming from (prior knowledge, interests)?
The tea bowls ideation and building pre-assessed students ability to plan art inspired by a specific image and execute these
plans. Students need more guidance in ideation and project proposals, as well as support and time to realize their plans.
Ask: What is functional pottery? What is sculptural pottery?

Motivation: How will you hook all students and hold their interest? Ideation: How will you equip students, help them experience the key
ideas, and explore the issues to generate ideas for their art work?
Examples from contemporary potters
o Watch an interview and discuss Beth Cavener Students will research a form from nature and print 3
Sticher images
Example of my art (bumblebee hive sculpture) Students will draw 3 thumbnail sketches based on the
Choice about type of piece and inspiration
Students will draw a project proposal with a full-page,
colored drawing of their piece and notes about how they
will build forms, add textures, and paint glazes.

Instruction: What content knowledge (know) and skills (do) will be taught for students to be successful in this Materials, Resources,
art experience? Provide opportunities to rethink and revise their understandings and work? Allow students to Safety: What is needed to
evaluate their work and its implications? (Understand) Include literacy and numeracy? complete the learning plan?
Day 1 (February 3)
9:13- Class starts, students write down inquiry question Is functional pottery (such Contemporary
artists Ppt
as cups, bowls and plates) art? Discuss the question as a class
Video :
9:20- Go through Project intro PowerPoint (15 minutes) https://www.youtub
o Students take notes, write definitions of Functional pottery, sculptural
pottery v=iWp09itueIo
Examples of
o Artifact Sheet- Beth Cavener Sticher (20 minutes) ideation, maquete
Fill out agree/disagree anticipation guide with statements about and final project
her art Clay
Watch clip of an interview with Beth Pottery Tools Sketchbooks
(3 minutes)
Revisit Agree/disagree and discuss
9:55- Write down project criteria
10:00- Model research/ideation process and prompt students to:
o 1. Research a natural form that appeals to you.
o 2. Pick 3 pictures of the form that will inspire the shape, texture and color
of your piece
o 3. Format the 3 pictures onto 1 page in Word
o 4. Sign in to Google Classroom
o 5. Submit your Word document to Nature Coil-Building Inspiration
o 6. Log onto the class computers and print your document to
Work Time until 10:29
10:31- Class dismissed
Accommodations: How is the lesson tailored (personalized) to the different needs, interests, and abilities of learners? ...Access (Resources and/or
Process) and Expression (Products and/or Performance)?
Choice of product (functional or sculptural)
Choice of final size
Several methods of ideation (artist examples, reference images, sketches, written notes)
Step-by-step instructions to guide Makenna
Day 2 (February 7)
Work day! Inquiry question: How can you use the plant or animal your chose to inspire the shape,
texture or color of your artwork?
Remind students of steps for ideation:
o 1. Research a natural form that appeals to you.
o 2. Pick 3 pictures of the form that will inspire the shape, texture and color of your piece
o 3. Format the 3 pictures onto 1 page in Word
o 4. Sign in to Google Classroom
o 5. Submit your Word document to Nature Coil-Building Inspiration
o 6. Log onto the class computers and print your document to PRE_PHOTO_COLOR_LASER
o Then, draw 3 thumbnail ideas
o Draw 1 full page idea with notes (Show my examples again)
o Start Building!
When first person is done with ideation, gather the class and demo coil building:
o Drawing outline of base
o Rolling coils (2 ways)
o Stacking coils
o Using wood tool or rib to smooth
Pre-Clean up: Demo wrapping and storing pieces
Last 10 minutes: Clean up

Day 3 (February 9)
Work day! Vocab: Coil building
Students should all be working with clay by today. Remind them of project requirements:
o You must have a completed full-page drawing of your idea before you start
o You must have notes about how you will build each part
o You must use the coil-building technique
o You must make a piece that is at least 12 tall
Clean up in the last 10 minutes of class, double check pieces are wrapped well

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