DR Seuss Addition-2

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Addition with Dr.


Date February 27, 2017

Subject(s) Addition, Mathematics, Reading

Topic/Unit of Study & Time Addition Unit, Dr. Seuss Week (45 minute lesson)

Grade/Level Kindergarten

Standards (TEKS)
TX- Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) (2012)
Chapter: Chapter 111. Mathematics
Subchapter: Elementary
Grade/Course: Kindergarten
(3) Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to develop an understanding of addition and subtraction
situations in order to solve problems. The student is expected to:
Student Expectation:
(A) model the action of joining to represent addition and the action of separating to represent subtraction;

Student Expectation:
(B) solve word problems using objects and drawings to find sums up to 10 and differences within 10; and

Student Expectation:
(C) explain the strategies used to solve problems involving adding and subtracting within 10 using spoken words, concrete and pictorial
models, and number sentences.

Objective 1.Thestudentwillmodeltheactionofjoiningbycounting,countingon,orusingobjectstorepresentaddition.



Summary Students will participate in a hands-on, minds-on lesson that merges addition and an author study over Dr. Seuss. After a read aloud and a brief
review, students will particpate in a Pearson Interactive addition lesson that focuses on using both "and" and "is" as well as "+" and "=". After, some
independent work students will break into math centers. After centers, students will return to their desks to review their work and close the lesson.

Background Knowledge Sum: the total or answer when numbers are added together

Addends: numbers being added together

Equation: a math statement that proves that two numbers or groups of numbers are the same/equal

Add: to join together; to plus

Plus sign: a sign used to add two groups together; can be interchanged with "and"

Equal sign: a sign used to show that two sides of an equation are the same; can be interchanged with "is"



Apples Up on Top by: Dr. Seuss


Pearson Interative Website


Cat in the Hat 100 chart handout

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Pearson Addition Handout

Pencil and Crayons


Addition Machines: teacher made machines, equation sticks, pom poms

Computer Center: abcya.com/addition.htm

Say it, Make it, Write it: teacher made mats, equation cards, bear counters, dry erase markers and erasers

Add and Clip: Equation plates, number clips


Number Cards

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by: Dr. Seuss


1. When the students get back from recess they will find The Cat in the Hat 100 chart handout on their desks and they will begin coloring the
image by identifying certain numbers.

2. As students finish reviewing their numbers with the coloring activity they will go to the mat.

3. I will read Ten Apples Up on Top and we will practice counting on.


1. I will review some addition vocabulary using the students for a visual demonstration.

2. Watch addition video.

3. Using the Pearson Interactive website students will participate in a short addition lesson using the words "and" and "is."

4. Students will work independently on a few equations.

5. Center time


1. Students will return to their desks from centers.

2. We will review their independent work on the SmartBoard.

3. I will have the students share something they learned or enjoyed from today's lesson.

Assessment/Rubrics Students will be assessed by observations and performance primarily. I will be asking students to answer questions during discussion as well as
checking performance during centers. Finally, I will assess the students independent work on the basis of evaluating their participation.

Extension Activity

Read aloud One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by: Dr. Seuss

Review Number Cards and play "Guess what number?"

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