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Modelling erosion,
sediment transport and
sediment yield

Edited by Wolfgang Summer and Desmond E. Walling

A contribution to IHP-V Projects 2.1 and 6.2

IHP-VI Technical Documents in Hydrology No. 60
UNESCO, Paris, 2002
The designations employed and the presentation of material
throughout the publication do not imply the expression of any
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What approach to the modelling of catchment scale

erosion and sediment transport should be adopted?
R.J. Wasson 1

Soil erosion by water prediction technology

developments in the United States
D.C. Flanagan, M.A.Nearing and L.D. Norton 13

Erosion and sediment yield modelling in the former USSR

N.N. Bobrovitskaya 31

Physically-based erosion and sediment yield modelling:

the SHETRAN concept
J.C. Bathurst 47

Multiscale Greens function Monte Carlo approach to

erosion modelling and its application to land use
L. Mitas and H. Mitasova 69

Developments in physically-based overland flow modelling

W. Summer 87

Sediment transport modelling combination of theoretical

concepts and practical approach
C.T. Yang 101

Sediment transport analysed by energy derived concepts
W. Zhang and W. Summer 137

The linkage between hydrological processes and sediment

transport at the river basin scale a modelling study
V. Krysanova, J. Williams, G. Brger and H. sterle 147

Essai de modlisation du risque drosion hydrique

utilisant des paramters socio-conomiques. Cas dune
zone rural sngalaise
A. Thioubou and M.W. Ostrowski 175

Trends in soil erosion and sediment yield in the alpine

basin of the Austrian Danube
E. Klaghofer, K. Hintersteiner and W. Summer 195

Suspended sediment structure: implications for sediment

transport/yield modelling
I.G. Droppo, D.E. Walling and E.D. Ongley 205

On assessment of erosion and model validation

B. Hasholt 229

Using 137Cs measurements to test distributed soil erosion

and sediment delivery models
D.E. Walling and Q. He 243


In July 1998, the International Commission on Continental Erosion of the International

Association of Hydrological Sciences organised a symposium in Vienna, Austria, with the theme
Modelling Soil Erosion, Sediment Transport and Closely Related Hydrological Processes. The
symposium was co-sponsored by UNESCO, as a contribution to IHP-V and more particularly to
IHP-V Project 2.1 dealing with Vegetation, Land-Water Use and Erosion Processes and Project
6.2 concerned with Land Use, Deforestation, Erosion and Sedimentation in the Humid Tropics.
The symposium was held at the headquarters of the IAEA, and was widely agreed to have been a
very successful meeting. The proceedings were published by IAHS Press (Modelling Soil
Erosion, Sediment Transport and Closely Related Hydrological Processes, Proceedings of the
Vienna Symposium, July 13-17, 1998, eds. W. Summer, E. Klaghofer and W. Zhang, IAHS
Publication no. 249, 1998) and the 50 papers were contributed by authors from many different
regions of the world.

The formal and informal discussion sessions at the meeting emphasised the diversity of the
approach to modelling erosion and sediment yield and the need for closer integration of field
monitoring and modelling activities, but nevertheless provided clear evidence of many
significant advances and achievements within the general area. The discussions also highlighted
the central role that modelling must play in dealing with the many environmental problems
associated with erosion and sediment transport and in the development of effective catchment
management and sediment control strategies.

To build on the success of the symposium and to contribute further to IHP-V Projects 2.1 and
6.2, it was agreed to assemble a collection of papers dealing with recent work on the field of
modelling erosion, sediment transport and sediment yield, that could be published in the
UNESCO Technical Documents in Hydrology Series, in order to demonstrate the state-of-the-art
in this important area. Many of the papers built on contributions to the symposium, but others
were solicited to extend the scope of the collection.

The process of collating the papers into the final electronic form proved a lengthy task and the
editors are grateful to the authors for their forbearance in accepting the resulting delays and in
responding to requests for additional material. Particular thanks are extended to Dr Adrian
Collins from the Department of Geography at the University of Exeter, UK, for his help with the
final stages of the collation process.

Wolfgang Summer
Hagenbrunn, Austria

Desmond Walling
Department of Geography, University of Exeter, UK.

What approach to the modelling of catchment
scale erosion and sediment transport should be
R. J. Wasson
Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies,
Australian National University,
Canberra, Australia

At the catchment scale, spatial and temporal organisation emerges from a large number of
physical and biological processes operating at lower levels. The long-standing method of
understanding and modelling these lower level processes, from which it is claimed higher
level organisation can be simulated, has thus far not produced the anticipated results. Many
landscape modellers remain stuck at lower levels, and the catchment scale models required
for management and scientific understanding are either not available or are too complex for
meaningful use. Emphasis should now be given to either directly modelling the high level, or
emergent, properties of catchments, or producing models that can reproduce these high level
properties. Sediment budgets are used to explore these ideas.


A commonplace assumption in the modern world of hydrological and sediment transport

modelling is that processes understood at point scale can be scaled to basin areas of tens to
hundreds of thousands of square kilometres. Large and expensive modelling efforts in many
countries are based on this assumption, following a tradition that comes largely from classical
physics. Once constructed, such models are seen as useful tools for understanding particular
catchments and for predicting the impact of land use and climate change on erosion and
sediment transport.

There are two reasons for questioning the assumption that bottom-up process-based
modelling is the best and only way to produce useful models:

1. A practical objection models of the natural variability of rainfall infiltration, run off,
erodibility, cover, channel characteristics, and sediment storage demand enormous data
inputs. Such data are rarely if ever available for areas much larger than a few tens of
square kilometres, and the cost of data collection is prohibitive in most countries.
Highly parameterised models of the kind needed to exploit such data are essentially
untestable, and while the accurate simulation of measured runoff and/or sediment yield
may be obtained, it is not possible to know if it is because of correct model
configuration or because of the tuning that is almost always needed to successfully
simulate outputs.

2. A philosophical objection catchments are complex systems in which the dynamics are
likely to be best understood by examining across - system organisation rather than
concentrating on the parts from which a whole system view is constructed. The
interaction of components produces results that generally cannot be simulated from the
components; that is, the whole is emergent from a wide range of processes and
interactions that are neither predictable from, deducible from, nor reducible to the parts
alone (Anderson, 1992).

In what follows, the top-down approach is adopted, whereby emergent properties of

catchment are identified as a starting point for modelling, rather than the traditional approach
of continuum mechanics in which processes are modelled and combined, usually in a spatial
setting, using GIS, to reproduce an emergent property such as runoff or sediment yield.

Support for the top-down approach

The top-down approach has been traditionally used by geomorphologists and ecologists,
although not necessarily explicitly described in this way.
The muddle of physical and biological processes that occur at small spatial scales and
on short time scales across the landscape are partly responsible for the spatial and temporal
organisation that is investigated by geomorphologists. For example, river drainage networks
are well ordered, drainage density and hillslope length and gradient are mutually adjusted,
and the hydraulic geometry of river channels changes as flows of sediment and water change.
There is growing evidence that these, and other examples of systems-level
organisation, are self-organised (Phillips, 1995). That is, orderly or repetitive spatial patterns
emerge from processes that are internal to the system, and do not require external stimuli to
develop. Energy is imported into an open system, such as a catchment, and dissipated to
produce order. Such systems may be self-organised to a critical, far from equilibrium, state
such that the internal dynamics of the system produce widely varying responses to the same
forcing (Bak et al., 1987).
Many aspects of ecosystems are also self-organised and are described as complex
adaptive systems (Kauffman, 1993). A large number of agents operating on the basis of local
information interact to produce emergent properties. Adaptive behavior appears as individual
agents learn from exposure to new information. This adaptive capacity produces emergent
properties that are highly organised and, at an appropriate hierarchic level, change in
predictable ways.
Harris (1998) identifies some important emergent properties in ecosystems,
particularly features of nutrient and energy cycling, size spectra of organisms, trophic
structures, and stoichiometric ratios of elements in the biota. In geomorphic systems, as

already noted, hydraulic geometry, drainage networks, and mutual adjustments between
channels and hillslopes are examples of emergent properties. There are many others, some of
which will be discussed below.
Paraphrasing Harris (1998), systems ecology, biogeochemistry and geomorphology
can be viewed as a science of meta-rules, where the emergent properties are the objects of
interest, and the muddle of processes operating at lower levels are important in so far as they
help to construct the meta-rules. But whatever modelling approach is adopted, it is the
emergent properties that must be the target.
After decades of waiting largely in vain for the bottom-up approach to produce
plausible models of whole systems, such as catchments, it is time to put a lot more effort into
top-down approaches. Many geomorphologists during the 1970s and 1980s adopted the
bottom-up approach, and became lost in the muddle of processes operating at levels much
lower than the emergent properties. Those who have stuck to the task of understanding
landscape level organisation and processes are now positioned, along with some physicists
and ecologists, to develop a science of meta-rules. This should be our aim.
The idea of emergence saw formal definition by G.H. Lewis in 1875 (see Goldstein,
1999) where a distinction was drawn between resultant and emergent chemical compounds.
A resultant is either a sum or a difference of co-operating forces and can be readily traced to
its components. An emergent, by contrast, cannot be reduced either to the sum or difference
of co-operating forces. Since this first formal usage of the idea of emergence, there have
been other uses of the idea, most notably in animal behaviour, philosophy and entomology
(see Goldstein, 1997 for a history).
Is emergence a concept that can be disposed of as understanding of micro-level
processes improves? Wilson (1998) argues that micro level process understanding is
improving and will eventually allow construction of the whole, like the assumption that point
scale process can be scaled to whole catchments. In this case, emergence is a provisional
concept based on the inadequacy of current theory for reproducing macro-level features from
the micro-level.
Goldstein (1999) points to the fundamental deterministic unpredictability of
emergents caused by the non-linearity of complex systems and resulting mathematical
intractability. This suggests that hard-core reductionism, which only recognises one level of
understanding, will be defeated by the mathematics of the processes that is the basis of the
approach. But there are two other reasons for arguing that the study of emergents is not just a
provisional approach. The first has already been stated, that when choosing a macro level on
which to focus, it is being recognised that the phenomena at this level hang together
(Goldstein, 1999) more strongly than phenomena at other levels. Secondly while recognizing
that micro-level processes play a role in producing macro-level phenomena, macro-level
phenomena affect micro-level processes. There is, therefore, both upward and downward

Emergent properties of catchment scale erosion and sediment

Material budgets in ecology and geomorphology

Vollenweider (1976) was able to construct predictive models of the relationship between total
phosphorus load and phytoplankton biomass in oligotrophic lakes. He was successful
because he restricted his analysis to the key nutrient and to temporally averaged biomass, a
fundamental emergent property of lake ecosystems.
Ecologists have long argued that the currency of exchange which is common to all
ecosystems is energy and/or material (Odum, 1971). Harris (1997) returns to this theme, and
argues that models able to predict algal biomass must be based on flows and stocks of
materials both in catchments and waterbodies. This is an extension of Vollenweiders idea,
and enables the coupling of the various subsystems identifiable in a catchment-lake system,
while capturing key emergent properties. Models of fluxes of particulate and dissolved
nutrients, including detritus, are called for. Such models of material budgets are fundamental
to quantification of systems states, analysis of the cascade response to perturbations, and
form a natural link to economic analysis; particularly ecologic-economic analysis. A fine
example is Stigebrandt and Wulff (1987).

Budgets in catchments global patterns

Material budgets are also important in physical geomorphic systems, but their role as an
emergent property of value in comparative studies of catchment types and system states is not
widely appreciated (O'Sullivan, 1979; Phillips-Howard, 1985). Their role in decision making
in catchment management is hardly recognised. Application of systems modelling to global,
regional and local material budgets, along with clear demonstration of utility, should increase
awareness. Preoccupation with bottom-up modelling hampers the fundamentally important
use of material budgets for both scientific and management purposes. Some examples follow
of material budgets as emergent properties, beginning at the global scale. Emphasis is on
material budgets because of the link thereby made possible with ecological studies, and
because material budgets provide a way of quickly seeing the whole catchment. They also
provide a focus for identifying key controlling factors, and so of setting priorities for process
research. Therefore, in what follows, controls on budgets are also considered.
Material yield at any point in a catchment is the net result of all processes of
production and loss/storage upstream of that point. Yield is therefore a high order property,
which is also one term in a material budget equation. It is also a property that has thus far not
been simulated from micro-level processes.
Mean annual sediment yield (SY; t x 106/yr) from catchments across the globe is
related to catchment area by power functions (Milliman and Syvitski, 1992):

SY= cAb (1)

where A is catchment area, c is the yield at 1 x 106km2, and b averages 0.57. The intercepts
(C) are an exponential function of catchment elevation (E), a variable along with A used to
distinguish sediment yield regions of the globe, and expressed as:

Log c = log 2.34 + 1.66 x 10-3 E (2)

where c is t/yr (x 106)and E is the mean of the elevation classes (m above sea level) used by
Milliman and Syvitski; r2 = 0.91.
Across the globe, Milliman and Syvitski distinguished seven coherent sets of
sediment yields from catchments ranging in size from 10 to 106km2. In all but one case,
where yield is high in small catchments it is also high downstream. Similarly, where yield is
low in small catchments it is also low downstream. The exponential function (2) allows
interpolation between the sets, allowing generalisation of most of the global data.
From this correlation analysis it can be inferred that because high elevation
catchments worldwide are steep (Chorley et al., 1984), they yield large amounts of sediment
and water. But a deeper understanding is needed, and there are at least two plausible
interpretations of the observations. First, the headwater regions yield almost all of the

sediment transported downstream, and channels and slopes in downstream areas contribute
very little sediment. Second, while large amounts of sediment are contributed to rivers from
steep headwaters, high runoff rates and sediment yields produced in headwaters lead to
channel instability and substantial channel erosion downstream, which contributes to river
sediments loads. Whatever the explanation and it is like to differ between catchments, high
sediment yields in headwaters are accompanied by high yields downstream.
The power functions for the seven global sets of sediment yield data account for
between 70 and 82% of the variance of yield. Catchment area is a surrogate for river
discharge, although Milliman and Syvitski show that discharge does not correlate strongly
with sediment yield implying that yield is controlled more by sediment supply than transport
capacity. The residual variance not accounted for by the power functions is therefore likely
to relate to supply, and the most plausible parameters, following Phillips (1990) global
analysis, are slope, runoff and rainfall erosivity. Phillips used a stream power model to assess
the contribution to soil loss of the factors identified in the Universal Soil Loss Equation and
similar soil erosion models. Soil shear strength (erodibility), surface roughness (a result of
land management and landscape properties), and slope length account for less than 0.5% of
the variance of soil loss. Land use, as a surrogate for land management, may not therefore be
a significant variable globally when only a single time period is analysed and sheet and rill
erosion alone are considered.
The conclusion about land use is not supported, however, when yields from both
disturbed and undisturbed catchments are analysed together. Mozzherin (1994) separated
disturbed and undisturbed (or little disturbed) temperate zone catchments and showed that the
difference in mean annual yield of the former is about 21 times the latter for catchments
<1000km2 in area, and falls to a factor of 5 for catchments >25,000km2 because of sediment
storage, particularly on floodplains in large catchments.
Coherent patterns of yields from headwaters to catchment outlets occur globally,
identifying an emergent property that warrants deeper understanding. Phillips (1990) has
shown the utility of a simple stream power model in disentangling controls on soil loss,
analogous in approach to the Vollenweider model. The empirical analysis by Milliman and
Syvitski has successfully discriminated regions of coherent variation of SY and A in
catchments varying in size by seven orders of magnitude, relying only upon surrogates for
discharge (catchment area) and gradient (elevation class).
This is consistent with the formulation used by Sinclair and Bell (1996) to simulate
drainage network evolution, where local erosion and sediment transport in a section of river
can be described by using only A and S. This local erosion law has been used, in conjunction
with suitable topographic rules, to simulate Hortons power law distributions of stream

Sediment budgets regional patterns

Wasson (1994) showed that coherent relationships between SY and A can be defined for
different regions of Australia, analogous to those defined globally by Milliman and Syvitski.
Eight power functions were defined, for large parts of the country, accounting for between 79
and 97% of sediment yield variance. The intercepts of the equations (Equation 1) are not
straightforwardly a function of elevation as they are globally (Equation 2). They are also not
a function of any single variable, such as soil erodibility or rainfall erosivity.
By combining rainfall erosivity (the R factor of the USLE, taken from Rosewell,
1997) erodibility class (Rosewell, 1997), and relief class of Milliman and Syvitski (MS), the
intercepts (c) in (Equation 1) can be accounted for as follows:

Logc = log 4.69 + 2.15 x 10-41 (3)

where 1 = R.K.MS (4)

This analysis includes the majority of the yield regions defined by Wasson (1994),
excludes regions 6 and 11 because they are not well defined statistically, and also excludes
region 10 (arid Australia) and region 4 (Murray-Darling Lowlands) because they appear to
conform to a relationship different from that in (3). Equation (3) therefore accounts for most
Australian data (r2 = 0.87) in the lowland, highlands and mountain categories of Milliman and
The terms of (Equation 3) and (Equation 4) are set out in Table 1, from which it is
evident that the intercept (c) does not vary systematically with any individual independent
variable. The highest value of c (Darling Downs) is not paired with the highest value of R,
occurs in the highland category (not mountains category), but is correlated with the highest
soil erodibility. The Darling Downs is an area of highly erodible black earth soils, is
intensively cultivated, and experiences moderately high erosivity. By contrast, the lowest
value of c (Adelaide Hills) is an area of lowlands (despite its name) with higher than average
erodibility but the lowest erosivity.
This example of regional patterns in SY, a key term in any sediment budget, shows
that soil and rainfall properties are more important than they appear to be where data are
aggregated globally. Phillips (1990) came to the same conclusion in his analysis of factors
controlling soil loss on hillslopes. Unlike the global patterns, discharge (in the form of A)
and gradient are not sufficient to account for the patterns seen in the Australian data (cf.
Wasson, 1994). Nonetheless, Equations (3) and (4), while largely empirical, have
considerable explanatory power and a minimum number of parameters.
Another approach to analysing regional (and local) patterns of sediment budgets has
been developed by De Ploey (1990). Using the ratio of volume of eroded sediment/input of
energy or geomorphic work, De Ploey defines erosional susceptibility as follows:

Es = (5)
A.P.g(horRS / 2)

Where Es is an erodibility coefficient (s2/m2), Ve is the volume (or mass) in m3 of soil eroded
over a surface area A (m2), P is total volume of precipitation per m2 during a period t, g is
gravitational acceleration, h is the elevation head loss (m) corresponding to mean depth over
which Ve was removed, R is the hydraulic radius (depth in m) of overland flow, and S is
representative gradient. The term g.R. S/2 is equivalent to Uo2, where Uo2 is proportional to
flow shear stress. The general expression (Equation 5) is modified for different processes,
such as sheet and rill erosion, gullying, landsliding, and creep (De Ploey et al., 1995).
This formulation focuses on yield, as in other examples discussed earlier, and depends
on a few easily determined parameters. P, rather than a more usual erosivity measure such as
R in the USLE, is used by De Ploey et al. (1995) because all rainfall affects the soil
vegetation system by generating resistance to erosion in the form of vegetation and soil
organic matter, and by driving erosion. This is particularly important for long term values of
Es. Es is, therefore, a measure of an emergent property produced by the interaction of
rainfall, soil and geomorphic processes. Es has characteristic values for different soil-
vegetation regions and land use, so it is not dependent solely on natural (ie non-human)

Table 1 Relationships between sediment yield and catchment area for different regions of Australia
Region Average Erodibility MS I C
rainfall class
erosivity K
2. Darling Downs 2500 4 2 20,000 480
5. Sub-humid Central and 2400 3.5 2 16,800 248
Northern Queensland
9. Ord River 2500 3 2 15,000 96
1. Southern Uplands 1240 3 3 11,160 33
8. Monsoonal Northern 3750 2.5 1 9,375 17
12. Adelaide Hills 625 3 1 1,875 13

R in SI units []
K soil erodibility class (1 low, 4 high)
MS elevation class: 1, lowlands: 2, highlands; 3, mountains
C intercept in equation (1) at A = 1 x 106km2

Values of Es compiled by De Ploey et al. (1995) range between 5 x 10-1 and 1 x 10-7
s2/m2. Landslides/debris flows have Es values between 5 x 10-3 and 5 x 10-1 s2/m2, rill and
interill erosion has Es values between 1 x 10-4 and 1 x 10-2 s2/m2, gullies have values between
1 x 10-6 and 1x 10-4 s2/m2, and creep has values between 1 x 10-7 and 1 x 10-6s2/m2.
Globally, therefore, landslides and debris flows most efficiently convert energy into
sediment production, followed by rill and interrill erosion, gullying and creep. This
conclusion is strongly moderated by particular settings, so that, in any particular catchment,
soil characteristics, land use/management, and gradient affect the range of values of Es.

Sediment budgets local patterns

By local is meant individual catchments, but there is considerable overlap with regional
patterns. Also aggregation from local to global scale is possible as demonstrated with values
of Es and the relative geomorphic efficiency of eroding processes. The role of individual
sediment producing processes is of greater significance at the catchment scale than at
regional or global scale.
Sediment producing processes can be thought of as occurring at or between three end
members: landsliding/debris flows, sheet and rill erosion, and channel erosion. This
classification excludes glacial systems. Examples of catchments dominated by each of the
end-members are given by: Oguchi (1996), for landslide/debris flow systems in Japan, and
other circum-Pacific temperate regions of high relief and frequent rainstorms; Trimble (1983)
for sheet and rill erosion systems in the MidWest of the USA; and Wasson et al. (1998) for
channel erosion systems in southeastern Australia. Usually only small catchments are
dominated by landsliding and debris flows.
Following Phillips (1991), catchment sediment yield (SY) for any size catchment (A),
over a time period t, is given by:

SY = PtA Dr,tDl,t Dc,t (6)

where Pt is average sediment production (or erosion) rate, Dr is the ratio of sediment reaching
stream channels to total hillslope sheet and rill erosion, Dl similarly for landslides/debris
flows, and Dc similarly for channel erosion. The product Drt. Dlt. Dct is the catchment
sediment delivery ratio (SDR), or the ratio of yield to total erosion. Equation (6) is a useful
way of examining SY and SDR, two high level properties of a catchment. Most values of the

SDR are <1.0, showing that sediment is stored between sediment producing areas and the
point of yield. But there is little local information content in the SDR, particularly about
where the sediment is stored.
Sediment production (Pt) is distributed between yield, colluvial storage (Sc), and
alluvial storage (Sa):
Sc,t = (1 Ds,t) (1-Dl,t) PtA (7)

Sa,t = (1 Dc,t) Pt A Ds Dlt (8)

Equations (6-8) have been applied by various authors (e.g., Phillips, 1991; Reid and
Dunne, 1996) to estimate the system state of various catchments where observations of
sediment production, storage and yield have been made. The partial summaries of existing
sediment budgets in Phillips (1991) and Reid and Dunne (1996) show that most fall between
the end-members defined earlier, although where landslides/debris flows are common they
dominate the sediment budget; perhaps because this process of sediment production is,
according to De Ploeys Es, the most efficient.
The allocation of sediment between the various components of Equations (7 and 8)
changes through time. Change is: in response to catchment management (eg soil
conservation, logging Trimble, 1983; Roberts and Church, 1986); is the inexorable result of
processes triggered by initial human disturbance (Wasson et al., 1998); and the result of
climate change. While poorly documented in existing sediment budgets, it is likely that the
contribution by various sediment producing processes also changes through time. As Phillips
(1991) observes, the .basic sediment budget should be understood to represent a
snapshot valid for a particular period of time and representing a spatial average of its
contributing hillslopes and tributary basins (p. 233).
While sediment budgets and the SDR are high level properties of catchments, and so
are of great interest in the context of this paper, they are poorly understood. Attempts to
model the SDR rely upon correlations with morphometric measures. For example, ASCE
(1975) suggests a power function relationship:

LogSDR = b logA+logk (9)

where b generally lies between 0.01 and 0.25. This relationship, derived for the USA, is
unlikely to be globally applicable. For example Dedkov and Mozzherin (1984) document
cases where b is positive. Other investigations of the SDR include a study by Roehl (1962) in
which the SDR was found to depend on A, stream length, relief-length ratio, and the
bifurcation ratio. Roehl worked in an area of the USA where sheet and rill erosion dominate
the sediment budget, while Mou and Meng (1980), working in part of China where gully
erosion is an important source, showed that the SDR is directly controlled by gully density.
Walling (1983) stresses the limitations of the SDR, a spatially and temporally lumped
parameter, which fails to reproduce the distributed and time-varying nature of erosion and
sediment transport. To Richards (1993), this suggests that process models such as
TOPMODEL are required. But Richards also argues for greater use of network density and
hillslope channel connectivity to understand SDRs. The linkage between SDRs and the
spatial structure of catchments therefore appears to be a useful path for catchment scale
modellers. It is thereby hoped to understand, more completely, observations like those by
Ichim (1997), who demonstrated differing relationships between SDR and stream order
depending on the relative erodibility and runoff rates of catchments.
The dominance of landslides/debris flows in some sediment budgets is understood to
relate to hillslope gradient and soil thickness. Oguchi (1996) showed that in the Japanese
mountains, annual sediment yield from a catchment is directly proportional to the volume of
slope failure triggered by a single storm. Also, both the volume of slope failure and sediment
yield per unit area are power functions of hillslope gradient. Without sufficient soil, the
relationship between yield and volume of slope failure would change through time, and there
is no evidence of this in Oguchis data, although his time series may not be long enough to
show such an effect.
The boundary between catchments (or parts of catchments) dominated by
landslides/debris flows and other sediment producing processes is not rigorously known.
Equally, the reasons for some catchments being dominated by sheet and rill erosion while
others are dominated by channel erosion are not clear. The relative erosion rate of hillslopes
and valley floors is a likely key factor, and so the erodibility of surface hillslope soils and
both surface and subsurface valley bottom soils, requires attention. Here again is a field ripe
for systematic observations and modelling.


The current widespread re-evaluation of approaches to the analysis and modelling of natural
systems is one that must be taken seriously by those modelling erosion and sediment
transport at catchment scales. A focus on emergent properties of catchments immediately
lifts the modellers gaze above the detail of low level process, and demands attention to high
level properties of the kind that need to be understood if catchment management is to be
effective. Ecologists have, to some degree, shown the way, and physicists and others are
beginning to develop a science of meta-rules.
Geomorphologists concerned with the spatial arrangements of catchments, and with
their operation through time, have traditionally dealt with emergent properties. A fascination
for detailed process studies did, for a time, divert attention away from high level properties to
the muddle of processes from which order emerges. But now, with increasing interest in top-
down analysis, the geomorphology of catchments should be a major interest of modellers.
The examples given in this paper of the value of high level properties are drawn from
sediment budgets, although they involve aspects of spatial ordering and temporal change.
There are many other high level properties of catchments that could have been discussed and
which warrant attention by modellers. Among them are: the statistical properties of drainage
networks as they move from a pre to a post disturbance state; the stoichiometry and
partitioning of nutrient and carbon between organic and inorganic components of catchments;
the distribution of roughness elements in catchments; and types of temporal responses to
perturbations. There is much to be conceptualised and modelled.


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Soil erosion by water prediction technology
developments in the United States
D. C. Flanagan, M. A. Nearing, and L. D. Norton
USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory,
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1196, USA

Soil erosion by water continues to be a serious problem throughout the world. Development of
improved soil erosion prediction technology is required to provide conservationists, farmers and
other land users with the tools they need to examine the impact of various management strategies
on soil loss and sediment yield and plan for the optimal use of the land. Additionally, soil
erosion prediction technology allows policymakers to assess the current status of the land
resource and the potential need for enhanced or new policies to protect soil and water resources.
Erosion prediction is most needed by conservationists at the field level who work directly with
farmers and other land users, which has large implications for development and adoption of this
Within the United States, work began in the mid-1980s on two erosion prediction
technology efforts. The first was development of a physical process-based erosion simulation
model that would provide both temporal and spatial estimates of soil loss within small
watersheds and for hillslope profiles within small watersheds. This effort later became known as
the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP). The second effort was aimed at rapidly
developing an updated replacement for the empirically-based Universal Soil Loss Equation
(USLE) that could be used as an intermediate product for erosion estimates on hillslope profiles
during the longer period required for the development, parameterization, and validation of the
process-based simulation model. Eventually the update to the USLE became known as the
Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), and ultimately was developed as a program for
use on personal computers as well.
This paper will discuss RUSLE and WEPP model development, components and current
status. We will also provide information on current activities to develop common interfaces and
databases for the RUSLE, WEPP, WEPS (Wind Erosion Prediction System), and RWEQ
(Revised Wind Erosion Equation) models.

The water erosion prediction project
Model development history

Work on the process-based WEPP model began in 1985 and the project was led by Dr. George
R. Foster, USDA-ARS (United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research
Service), National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory (NSERL), West Lafayette, Indiana. The
major cooperating agencies at that time were the USDA-ARS, USDA-Natural Resources
Conservation Service (NRCS), USDA-Forest Service (FS), and United States Department of the
Interior (USDI) - Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Initial project efforts created a Core
Team of scientists and user agency representatives to be responsible for development, testing,
experimental parameterization studies, and validation of the various process model components
and the model as a whole. The scientists and users worked together to develop a set of User
Requirements (Foster and Lane, 1987) that documented the ways in which the model was to be
applied, model functionality, and science to be included. The User Requirements provided the
direction for the model development and experimental parameterization studies. During 1985-
1987, Dr. Foster developed the initial Fortran model framework and erosion component for the
WEPP computer program that would be used as a foundation for all subsequent work on model
code development. Dr. Leonard J. Lane assumed the duties of WEPP Project Leader in 1987
following Dr. Foster's departure from ARS, and model programming efforts transferred to the
USDA-Southwest Watershed Research Center in Tucson, Arizona.
From 1987-1989 all of the necessary components (hydrology, plant growth, water
balance, etc.) required to conduct a continuous hillslope profile erosion simulation were
incorporated into the WEPP code, with the ARS-Tucson group leading the model code
development and the individual scientists on the WEPP Core Team providing components to that
During 1987-88 a set of rainfall simulation experiments were conducted on 33 important
cropland soils to obtain baseline soil erodibility parameters for WEPP (Elliot et al., 1989). Dr.
John M. Laflen led this effort in which interrill erodibility, rill erodibility, and critical hydraulic
shear stress were determined for soils in a freshly-tilled condition having minimal plant residues.
In addition to runoff, sediment, and flow topography measurements, a complete set of tests on
each site's soil physical and chemical properties were conducted to allow examination of
relationships between the erodibility parameters and soil properties.
A similar set of rainfall simulation experiments were conducted in 1988-89 on a group of
rangeland soils (Simanton et al., 1991). Since rangeland conditions do not include tillage
disturbance, these experiments measured the impacts of plant cover by taking measurements on
clipped and unclipped plot conditions. Interrill erodibility, rill erodibility, and critical hydraulic
shear stress were computed using optimization techniques developed by Nearing et al. (1989).
Dr. John Laflen was named WEPP leader in August 1989. Also at that time a prototype
of the WEPP model (Lane and Nearing, 1989) that could be applied to hillslope profiles was
delivered to ARS, NRCS, FS, and BLM at a special meeting in Lafayette, Indiana. This version
of WEPP (v89) was able to perform a continuous simulation of simple cropping situations.
However, it did not include all required components, including non-uniform hydrology, winter
processes or irrigation. Additionally, v89 did not include the components necessary to conduct
small watershed simulations with runoff and sediment routing from hillslope profiles to channels
and impoundments. This version was run from the DOS command line using ASCII input files,
and a climate generator was available to create the daily weather input file. There were also

some very early file builder programs provided to assist in creating the slope, soil, and
management input files for the model, but no overall interface program was available.
Work continued from 1990 through 1994 on development of the WEPP hillslope model.
Non-uniform hydrology down a slope profile was incorporated into the model in 1990, and this
also required significant enhancement to the erosion component. The ability to simulate fixed
sprinkler and furrow irrigation was added to the model during this time (Kottwitz, 1995). Winter
processes of frost and thaw development, snow accumulation and melting were incorporated into
WEPP during 1990-91 with computations initially on a daily basis, and then later on an hourly
basis during 1993-94 (Savabi et al., 1995). Major changes to both the cropland plant growth
components and the residue decomposition components were also made in 1990-91. EPIC
(Williams, 1995) plant growth functions were incorporated for cropland, and decomposition day
theory was used for residue decomposition predictions for cropland (Stott et al., 1995).
Representatives of the 5 agencies then involved in WEPP developed a coding convention. Also,
a systematic model recoding effort converted the majority of the Fortran model code to an
accepted standard during 1991-1994, with the goal of improving model maintainability,
performance, and stability.
A complete interface program was developed during 1991-95 to assist users in creating
the input files for the model, as well as organizing simulation runs. The main purpose of this
program was initially to assist scientists developing and testing model components, as well as
conducting validation studies (Flanagan et al., 1994). A hillslope interface became publicly
available in 1994, followed by a watershed interface in 1995. The interface programs were
DOS-based, and contained mainly text input screens, with some graphical data input and model
output viewing capabilities. Users could set up groups of model simulation scenarios to reuse at
later times, and could edit any WEPP model inputs.
Expansion of the WEPP program to allow simulation of small watersheds began in 1991.
Many of the channel routing routines in the CREAMS (Knisel, 1980) model were directly used
within WEPP, and modified and improved as necessary (Ascough et al., 1995; Ascough et al.,
1997; Baffaut et al., 1997). A new component to predict sediment deposition in impoundments
was also developed (Lindley et al., 1995).
Model infiltration parameterization studies were conducted during 1993-94, using the
USLE natural runoff plot database information available at the NSERL. This work resulted in
equations and procedures to accurately estimate baseline effective hydraulic conductivity from
soil properties (Risse et al., 1994) and adjustments to these baseline values for cropped
conditions (Zhang et al., 1995a, 1995b). WEPP could now be used with the baseline equations
and soil property information to make good uncalibrated predictions of runoff volumes.
Validation studies on WEPP hillslope model performance were conducted from 1993-95,
largely using information from the USLE natural runoff plot database stored at the USDA-ARS
National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory (Zhang et al., 1996). Additional results on WEPP
watershed model performance with data from small experimental watersheds were reported in
1997 (Liu et al., 1997). The overall results of these and other studies have shown the model
predictions to adequately represent observed runoff and sediment yield data for a majority of
locations both within and outside the U.S. Some problem areas that were identified were winter
processes and erosion prediction in the Palouse (McCool et al., 1998), as well as furrow
irrigation predictions in southern Idaho (Bjorneberg et al., 1997).
The complete WEPP model for hillslope and channel applications, model documentation
(Flanagan and Nearing, 1995; Flanagan and Livingston, 1995), interfaces, training materials, and
hillslope validation data sets and results were delivered to ARS, NRCS, FS, and BLM in a
special WEPP/WEPS Symposium held in Des Moines, Iowa in July 1995.

Since 1995, the project has been in a maintenance and implementation phase, with major
work in development of improved user interfaces and databases, and minimal work on
development of expanded scientific components. A major impediment to acceptance of the
model by field NRCS users was lack of sufficiently easy-to-use interfaces. To address this need,
work began in 1996 on development of a computer interface for field conservation users, which
would be developed initially for Windows 95/98/NT platforms. A prototype Beta version
(Flanagan et al., 1998) was released in April 1998 for testing by NRCS and others. This version
allowed full hillslope simulations, but did not include watershed functionality or contain all
management editing functions. A Beta-2 version of the interface was released in January 1999
for further in-house testing, and a Beta-3 version was released for public testing and feedback in
May 1999. The Beta-3 version was fully functional for WEPP hillslope profile simulations and
management editing, and also contained simple watershed functionality (single channel and up to
three hillslopes). Additional work is continuing on creating a fully functional watershed
Windows interface, with an evaluation version planned for early 2000.
Three areas of current work on WEPP model science testing and enhancement are winter
hydrology, furrow irrigation, and impoundment simulations. These efforts are being conducted
through cooperative efforts with ARS scientists in Pullman, Washington and Kimberly, Idaho,

Fig. 1 The WEPP model was applied to thousands of flowpaths within this watershed in Treynor, Iowa
using digital elevation data and a GIS (Cochrane and Flanagan, 1999). Average annual rates of soil
detachment and deposition are depicted spatially, using results from the WEPP model simulations

and FS scientists in Moscow, Idaho, respectively. An initial stage of the impoundment

component enhancement has been completed, and suggested changes are currently being
evaluated and incorporated into the official WEPP model code. Improvements to the WEPP
winter component should be complete by early 2001. Additional testing of the WEPP furrow
irrigation routines across a range of typical locations and soils in the U.S. are planned in 2000 to
determine if changes may be required in the model sediment transport relationships for these low
slope and low flow conditions.
Other efforts at the NSERL have focused on linkage of the WEPP watershed model with
Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Recent work has developed procedures and interfaces
to automatically delineate watershed boundaries, channels, hillslope regions, and representative
slope profiles from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data. This work has shown that automatic
techniques can be successfully used to rapidly set up accurate WEPP model simulation
topographic inputs, potentially reducing the work required of users conducting watershed
simulations (Cochrane and Flanagan, 1999). Future efforts will attempt to transfer the research
findings and software to the Windows interface programs.
The WEPP team is also working with the Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS)
modeling group in a joint effort to ultimately develop a single process-based model that can be
used for either water or wind erosion simulations. This common model would assure that all
computations related to hydrology, water balance, crop growth, residue decomposition, effects of
tillage, etc. would be identical for the wind or water simulations when applied with the same
slope, soil, management, and climate. This consistency between predictions is very important
for action agencies (for example, NRCS) that plan to apply both models in conservation planning
activities. Plans are to develop a common wind and water model by the end of 2001.

WEPP model components

WEPP is a continuous simulation model, and can use either observed or generated climatic
inputs to drive the runoff and erosion processes. The CLIGEN (Nicks et al., 1995) weather
generator was developed specifically to create daily climate inputs for WEPP, based upon long-
term weather station statistics. CLIGEN has a database of over 1300 weather stations in the
United States.
Critical components of WEPP are the infiltration and runoff computations. A Green-
Ampt Mein-Larson model (Mein and Larson, 1973) as modified for unsteady rainfall (Chu,
1978) is used to predict the cumulative infiltration depth. Depressional storage is estimated as a
function of random roughness and slope steepness (Onstad, 1984). When rainfall rate exceeds
the infiltration rate, rainfall excess begins to be computed. Runoff is the total rainfall excess
minus any reduction due to the surface depressional storage (Stone et al., 1995).
Peak runoff rate is a very important parameter in WEPP, as it is used in calculations to
estimate flow depth and ultimately flow shear stress. WEPP uses either a semi-analytical
solution of the kinematic wave model (Stone et al., 1992) or an approximation of the kinematic
wave model to determine the peak runoff rate (Stone et al., 1995). Runoff rate, rill roughness
and rill channel characteristics are used with the Darcy-Weisbach equation to estimate flow
depth and hydraulic radius. Flow shear stress is computed as the product of the weight density of
water times the hydraulic radius times the sine of the average slope profile angle (Foster et al.,
1995). Shear stress is partitioned between that acting on the soil and that acting on various
roughness elements through use of the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor values (Gilley and Weltz,
1995). Sediment transport capacity is computed using a simplified function of shear stress raised
to the 3/2 power, times a coefficient that is determined through application of the Yalin (1963)
equation at the end of the slope profile (Finkner et al., 1989).
The WEPP model uses a steady-state sediment continuity equation to predict sediment
load down a hillslope profile:
=D f + Di (1)

where G is sediment load (kgs-1m-1), x is distance downslope (m), Df is rill erosion rate (kgs-
m-2), and Di is interrill sediment delivery rate (kgs-1m-2) (Foster et al., 1995).
Interrill sediment delivery to rills is predicted in WEPP using the following equation:

Di = Kiadj Ie i r SDRRR Fnozzle
w (2)
where Kiadj is the adjusted interrill erodibility factor (kgsm-4), Ie is effective rainfall intensity
(ms-1), ir is the interrill runoff rate (ms-1), SDRRR is a sediment delivery ratio that is a function
of random roughness, row side-slope and the interrill particle size distribution, Fnozzle is an
adjustment factor to account for sprinkler irrigation nozzle impact energy variation, Rs is the rill
spacing (m), and w is the rill width (m).
Rill erosion rate may be either positive in the case of detachment or negative in the case
of deposition. Rill detachment in WEPP is predicted when the flow sediment load is below
transport capacity, and flow shear stress acting on the soil exceeds critical shear stress. In that
case, Df is predicted with:
D f = Kradj ( cadj )(1 )
Tc (3)
where Kradj is the adjusted rill erodibility factor (sm ), is flow shear stress (Pa), cadj is

adjusted critical shear stress of the soil (Pa), G is sediment load in the flow (kgs-1m-1), and Tc is
flow sediment transport capacity (kgs-1m-1).
Deposition in rills is predicted when flow sediment load exceeds transport capacity. In
this case the model predicts the rill erosion rate using:
Df = (Tc G)
q (4)

where is a raindrop-induced turbulence factor, veff is an effective fall velocity for the sediment
(ms-1), q is flow discharge per unit width (m2s-1), and Tc and G are as previously defined. is
currently assigned a value of 0.5 for rain impacted flows, and a value of 1.0 for other cases such
as snow melt or furrow irrigation erosion.
Other model components include a soil component to adjust roughness, infiltration, and
erodibility parameters as affected by tillage and consolidation (Alberts et al., 1995), a plant
growth component to provide daily values of crop canopy, biomass, and plant water use (Arnold
et al., 1995), and a daily water balance to determine the impacts of soil evaporation, plant
transpiration, infiltration, and percolation on soil water status (Savabi and Williams, 1995). Crop
residue levels are also updated daily, with adjustments for decomposition as well as the impacts
of tillage or other management operations (Stott et al., 1995). WEPP contains components to
estimate frost, thaw and snow depths, as well as snow melt runoff in regions that experience
freezing temperatures (Savabi et al., 1995). Additionally, the model can be used to determine the
impact of furrow and sprinkler irrigation on soil erosion (Kottwitz, 1995).
In watershed applications, WEPP allows simulations of groups of hillslopes, channels,
and impoundments. Daily water balance, plant growth, and soil and residue status for channels
are predicted identically to that on hillslopes. Channel peak runoff rates are predicted using
either a modified Rational Equation similar to that in the EPIC (Williams et al., 1995) model, or
the CREAMS (Smith and Williams, 1980) peak runoff equation. Channel erosion is estimated
using a steady-state sediment continuity equation:

=DL + DF

where qsed is the sediment load in the channel (kgs-1m-1), x is distance down the channel (m),
D L is lateral inflow of sediment along the channel (kgs-1m-2 ), and DF is detachment or
deposition by flow in the channel (kgs-1m-2) (Ascough et al., 1995). For a channel in an active
detachment mode that has not reached a nonerodible layer, a rectangular channel is assumed and
the erosion rate is:
Ech = wc Kch ( ave cr ) (6)
where Ech is the soil loss per unit channel length (kgs-1m-1), wc is channel width (m), Kch is a
channel erodibility factor (sm-1), ave is average channel flow shear stress acting on the soil (Pa),
and cr is critical shear stress of the channel soil (Pa). See Foster et al. (1980) for equations
describing detachment and channel widening after a nonerodible layer is reached.
If sediment load of all particle types is larger than flow sediment transport capacity, then
sediment deposition in the channel is predicted using:
DF = f (Tc qsed ) (7)

where vf is particle fall velocity (ms-1), q is flow discharge per unit width (m2s-1) and Tc is
channel flow sediment transport capacity (kgs-1m-1). For cases in which sediment load is near
transport capacity, shifting of transport capacity from particle classes with excess to those with a
deficit is predicted, as described in detail by Ascough et al. (1995) and Foster et al. (1980).

Current status and activities

The WEPP project leader is Dr. Dennis Flanagan, who assumed lead scientific and
administrative duties in April 1999. Current WEPP model staff at the USDA-ARS National Soil
Erosion Research Laboratory consists of two agricultural engineers (Dennis Flanagan and John
Laflen), and two computer specialists (Charles Meyer and Jim Frankenberger). Additional
programming support is provided through cooperative agreements with Purdue University.
WEPP activities are currently in five major areas. The highest priority task is
development of improved interfaces for application of the watershed and hillslope models. This
task involves work on both stand-alone interfaces unique to WEPP, as well as development work
on a common interface to run WEPP, WEPS, RUSLE, or RWEQ (see section on MOSES
below). A WEPP watershed Windows interface is almost complete, and plans are to explore
other interface options, including a Web browser-based interface. The project computer
specialists are also significantly involved in the development of the MOSES common interface.
The second major area is partnering with other scientists to improve certain components of the
model scientific code, as discussed in the last section with the winter, irrigation, and
impoundment components. The third area of WEPP work is model code maintenance and
support - which consists of assisting users in applying the model and fixing "bugs" as necessary
in either the scientific model or the interface programs. Model testing for observed and
simulated scenarios is the fourth work area, and is important to assure that model response is as

expected and appropriate. The last major work area is development of a common water and
wind erosion process model, in a cooperative effort with the USDA-ARS Wind Erosion
Research Unit at Manhattan, Kansas.
An updated version of the scientific model and interface programs is provided on
approximately an annual basis. All WEPP materials are provided free of charge and distributed
from the NSERL internet site. The most current version of WEPP is version 99.5, which was
released in May 1999 in conjunction with the Beta-3 Windows interface version. Both the DOS
and Windows interfaces can be downloaded from the NSERL Web site with the v99.5 scientific
Inquiries concerning the WEPP project and model may be directed to the email address
[email protected]. The WEPP model software, documentation, and other information are
available from the USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory web site at:

The revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE)

Model development history

Plans for RUSLE were developed in 1984-85, however there was no progress on the project until
1987, when Dr. Ken Renard, USDA-ARS, Tucson, Arizona, was named project leader. Staff at
the NSERL (ARS and Purdue University) wrote the initial RUSLE computer program in the C
programming language, and the model equations were incorporated within a user interface
designed to run under the DOS operating system. NRCS users evaluated the first RUSLE
prototype in 1990, and this led to significant modifications and enhancements of the program.
The RUSLE program was first released for public use in late 1992. Updated versions
have been released periodically since then to correct errors and enhance the program's
functionality. Upon Dr. Renard's retirement from ARS in 1994, Dr. George Foster became the
official RUSLE project leader. Agricultural Handbook 703 (Renard et al., 1997a) was published
in 1997, describing the RUSLE model science as well as providing instructions on using the
computer software. At that time the documentation described RUSLE version 1.05.
The USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has implemented RUSLE
technology throughout its system of field offices, though in most cases the computer program
has not been used. In most states, NRCS released RUSLE in paper form (hardcopy tables and
figures) placed in the Field Office Technical Guides.
The most current version of RUSLE available is version 1.06. New features include
estimates of deposition on concave slopes, in terrace channels, and in sediment basins as a
function of sediment characteristics. Version 1.06 also predicts deposition in terrace channels as
a function of an estimated incoming sediment load and the transport capacity in the terrace
channel. The slope length factor is estimated from the ratio of rill to interrill erosion, slope
steepness, and land use.

RUSLE model components

The basic equation within RUSLE is the same as the Universal Soil Loss Equation:


where A is average annual soil loss (tonsacre-1yr-1), R is a rainfall-runoff erosivity factor (ft-
tonfin[acrehyr]-1 ), K is a soil erodibility factor (tonacreh[hundreds of acreft-tonfin]-1), L is
a slope length factor, S is a slope steepness factor, C is a cropping management factor, and P is a
conservation practices factor (Renard et al., 1997a).
The R factor in RUSLE has been significantly improved over that in the USLE,
particularly for the western United States. Precipitation data from more than 1200 locations
were used to create a greatly improved isoerodent map (Renard et al., 1991). RUSLE
recommends a reduction in R values for flat slopes in regions of the country having long duration
and intense storm events, to account for decreases in soil loss due to pondage of water. A special
equivalent R factor for the northwestern U.S. wheat and range area was also developed to better
account for the unique rill erosion that occurs there due to soil surface thawing and
snowmelt/rainfall runoff events (Renard et al., 1997b).
New sets of regression equations have been developed to estimate the soil erodibility
factor, K. In RUSLE, erodibility has been made seasonally variable, with weighting of an
instantaneous value of K in proportion to the fraction of the annual R value (Renard et al., 1991).
This allows the model to simulate relatively higher erodibility after winter freeze-thaw periods as
compared to lower values for compacted or frozen soils.
The slope length factor (L) in RUSLE is computed using:
L = ( / 72.6)m (9)
where is slope length (ft), and m is a slope length exponent computed using:

m = /(1 + ) (10)

where is the ratio of rill to interrill erosion. can be estimated in RUSLE using the following
= (sin / 0.0896) /[3.0(sin )0.8 + 0.56] (11)

where is the slope angle (McCool et al., 1997).

For slopes longer than 15 ft and having steepness less than 9%, the slope steepness factor
(S) is computed using:

S = 10.8 sin + 0.03 (12)

while for slopes greater than or equal to 9%,

S = 16.8 sin - 0.50 (13)

RUSLE also uses additional equations for computing S factors for short slopes or for
recently tilled and thawing soil in a weakened state (Romkens et al., 1997).

The cropping management factor C is computed as a weighted average of soil loss ratios
(SLRs) representing soil loss for a given condition to that for the unit plot (bare tilled fallow
conditions). C is computed with the distribution of EI (fraction of R) through a year, using the

where PLU is a prior land use subfactor, CC is a canopy cover subfactor, SC is a surface cover
subfactor, SR is a surface roughness subfactor and SM is a soil moisture subfactor. Details on
computation of each of these subfactors is provided in Chapter 5 of Agricultural Handbook 703
(Yoder et al., 1997). RUSLE also contains a residue decomposition model that predicts the
decrease in surface and subsurface residue mass as a function of residue characteristics and
Significant improvements have been made in how RUSLE computes support practice P
factors, compared to USLE. Additional experimental data for practices such as contouring, strip-
cropping, and terracing were analyzed, and supplemented by results of simulations with the
CREAMS (Knisel, 1980) model. RUSLE also includes new P factor estimation procedures for
conservation practices on rangeland. The reader is referred to Chapter 6 of the Agricultural
Handbook 703 (Foster et al., 1997) for complete details on P factor computations.
All RUSLE-1 versions function very similarly to an application of USLE, in that each of
the factors (R, K, L, S, C, and P) are computed independently, then the average values are
multiplied together to obtain the average annual soil loss. Most of the factors in RUSLE-1 are
computed at 15 day (or less) breakpoints through a year, but these breakpoint values of the
individual factors are not multiplied together, then summed. The product of the average factor
values can predict soil loss rates that differ by up to 20-25% from those computed using a
breakpoint product procedure (Yoder and Lown, 1995). The RUSLE-2 program currently being
developed departs from the independent USLE factor approach and instead uses a breakpoint
integration procedure.

Current status and activities

Dr. Matt Romkens, USDA-ARS National Sedimentation Laboratory (NSL), Oxford, Mississippi
is the current RUSLE project leader. Continuing model development efforts are being conducted
through a cooperative agreement between the NSL and the University of Tennessee (Dr. Daniel
Yoder, PI). Dr. George Foster retired from ARS in 1998, but is continuing work on RUSLE in a
consultant position through the University of Tennessee.
RUSLE Version 1.06 is the current public version freely available from the USDA-
Agricultural Research Service (ARS) for general use, and can be downloaded from the following
web site:

Current activities in the RUSLE project are development of a graphical user interface for
application of RUSLE-2 technology on Windows 95/98/NT operating systems, as well as
incorporation of the RUSLE technology within the MOSES common interface system.

Evaluation studies of the soil erosion models
It is important that soil erosion models be evaluated for their intended use. For the Water
Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model, seven individual points were defined relative to
Validation Criteria (Foster and Lane, 1987). These included subjective statements such as:
(a) The model is valid if it serves its intended purpose as defined by these specific User
Requirements.; (b) The model is based on scientific principles; (d) The model gives
results that are more useful for agency program objectives than those given by the USLE and
applies to situations not appropriate for the USLE. These types of criteria are important and
necessary. Another type of evaluation criteria for models, and perhaps the most commonly
considered one, is the comparison of model predictions to measured erosion data. The WEPP
criteria (Foster and Lane, 1987) also addressed this type of evaluation: (f) Judgements on the
goodness of fit of the estimates from the procedure to observed data are to be based on the data
sets as a whole and not on a few specific isolated data sets. Quantitative measures of the
goodness of fits will be calculated and presented, but a specific quantitative level of accuracy
figure is not being required because of the great variation in the experimental data that will be
used in the validation.
Recently, a series of studies have been conducted to compare erosion model predictions
of soil loss to measured data. These include studies on WEPP, the USLE, and RUSLE. Risse et
al. (1993) applied the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) to 1700 plotyears of data from 208
natural runoff plots. Average observed soil loss on an annual basis was 3.51 kgm-2. Using the
USLE, annual values of predicted soil loss averaged 3.22 kgm-2 with an average magnitude
(absolute value) of error of 2.13 kgm-2, or approximately 60% of the mean. Rapp (1994)
applied the RUSLE model to the same set of data as Risse et al., and annual values of predicted
soil loss averaged 3.16 kgm-2. The average magnitude (absolute value) of error was not
reported, but it is apparent that the two models performed similarly overall in terms of soil loss
prediction. Zhang et al. (1996) applied the WEPP computer simulation model to 290 annual
values and obtained an average of 2.18 kgm-2 for the measured soil loss, with an average
magnitude of error of 1.34 kgm-2, or approximately 61% of the mean. In both cases the relative
errors tended to be greater for the lower soil loss values. All three studies were conducted
without model calibration. Model input parameters were not adjusted from initial default values
for the specific data used in the comparisons.
What is reported above is obviously a very "broad brush" picture of the performance of
the three erosion models, but in essence, the results indicate that for the prediction of soil loss,
the three models appear to perform approximately on the same level of accuracy. However,
there are a couple of important points to be considered. In the first place, all three models do
predict soil loss, but only the WEPP model is specifically designed to predict sediment yield.
Thus if prediction of average soil loss on the eroding portion of a hillslope is the goal, one might
conclude from the studies that any of the three models work equally well. However, if one needs
to know the deposition rates in the toe-slope of the hill, how much sediment might be transported
off-site, sediment load from a channeled area, or the distribution of erosion along the hillslope,
only WEPP will provide that information. Also, with regard to RUSLE vs. the USLE, one
should note that though no calibration was done to the data, the data used in this study was the
same or quite similar to the data used to develop the USLE1. RUSLE, however, was largely a

Risse et al. (1993) and Rapp (1994) actually discuss this point in their papers, and delineate the consequence of the
issue. It turns out that USLE and RUSLE perform about equally on the portion of the data used to develop the
models as on that not used.

response to a need to improve predictions of soil loss in regions or situations not well represented
in the data used in the Risse et al. and Rapp studies, such as semi-arid rangelands, no-till crops,
and for the erosivity factor, the entire western U.S. In those situations, certainly, one might
expect that RUSLE will perform better than the USLE.

The modular soil erosion system (MOSES)


MOSES is a cooperative project among several agencies, universities, and locations to develop a
multiplatform common interface program with common databases to allow users to access and
use the RUSLE, WEPP, WEPS and RWEQ programs. Participants include the USDA -
Agricultural Research Service, USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA - Forest
Service, Purdue University, University of Tennessee, and Kansas State University. A major
reason behind this effort is the need for a single product that field users can learn to operate only
once but will allow use of multiple erosion simulation models. Another benefit is a potential
reduction in duplication of effort in software coding, maintenance and database development.

MOSES development history

Discussions on the possibility of creating a common interface to run the RUSLE and WEPP
programs was first discussed during a meeting between the two projects in Knoxville, Tennessee
in October 1996. An additional meeting was held in Lubbock, Texas in January 1997 that also
included staff from the Revised Wind Erosion Equation (RWEQ) and the Wind Erosion
Prediction System (WEPS) projects. The four groups decided at that time to begin design and
development of a common interface with common databases to run any of the models. Mr.
Charles Meyer, USDA-ARS, West Lafayette, Indiana was chosen as MOSES project leader.
MOSES was initiated as the first virtual project within ARS, and operated initially with time and
resources contributed from the individual projects. In 1998 and 1999, some additional funding
was provided by NRCS to ARS to assist with MOSES programming tasks.
During 1997 and 1998 a large amount of work was devoted to the design of the main
interface screens. There were four main design committees - 1.) Slope View, 2.) Plan View, 3.)
Management View, and 4.) Location View. Additionally a committee was formed to determine
the optimal outputs (text and graphics) for NRCS as well as other potential users. In addition to
developing plans for the screen views and functions in the MOSES product, many of the features
discussed in the committees were incorporated within the individual project stand-alone interface
In October 1998, urgent needs of NRCS resulted in decisions to only initially incorporate
RUSLE and WEPS in a MOSES-1 product. In August 1999, the MOSES group and
programmers determined that the best approach to meet a short-term deadline of October 2000
for an initial MOSES prototype was to use a modified RUSLE-2 stand-alone interface and merge
the WEPS-1 model beneath it. In the long-term, the RUSLE-2 framework may not be sufficient
as additional models (WEPP watershed model, complete WEPS for multiple regions, RWEQ)
need to be incorporated. Alternative approaches for MOSES past October 2000 are being

Current status and activities

At present, work is progressing on the first prototype of the MOSES interface that will initially
include the RUSLE and WEPS models. Plans are to release a beta version of MOSES to NRCS
for initial testing by October 1, 2000. Following this initial release, work will continue to
incorporate WEPP and RWEQ within a complete MOSES framework. An operational version of
MOSES for NRCS field office testing should be available by sometime in 2002. Information on
the MOSES project can be found at the following Web site:


ZHANG; J.M. LAFLEN and J.R. SIMANTON (1995) Chapter 7. Soil component. In:
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ARNOLD, J.C.; M.A. WELTZ; E.E. ALBERTS and D.C. FLANAGAN (1995) Chapter 8. Plant
growth component. In: D.C. Flanagan and M.A. Nearing (eds.), USDA-Water Erosion
Prediction Project hillslope profile and watershed model documentation. NSERL Report
No. 10, USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory, West Lafayette, Indiana.
13. Watershed model channel hydrology and erosion processes. In: D.C. Flanagan and
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watershed model documentation. NSERL Report No. 10, USDA-ARS National Soil
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BJORNEBERG, D.L.; J.K. AASE and T.J. TROUT. (1997) WEPP model evaluation under
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COCHRANE, T.A. and D.C. FLANAGAN (1999). Assessing water erosion in small watersheds
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CHU, S.T. (1978) Infiltration during an unsteady rain. Water Resour. Res., 14(3), p. 461-466.
ELLIOT, W.J.; A.M. LIEBENOW; J.M. LAFLEN AND K.D. KOHL (1989) A compendium of
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NSERL Report No. 3. USDA-Agricultural Research Service National Soil Erosion
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FINKNER, S.C.; M.A. NEARING; G.R. FOSTER and J.E. GILLEY (1989) A simplified
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SAVABI (1994) Interface for the Water Erosion Prediction Project model. ASAE Paper
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FLANAGAN, D.C. and S.J. LIVINGSTON (eds.) (1995) USDA-Water Erosion Prediction
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FOSTER, G.R.; L.J. LANE; J.D. NOWLIN; J.M. LAFLEN and R.A. YOUNG (1980) Chapter
2. A model to estimate sediment yield from field-sized areas: development of model. In:
W.G. Knisel (ed.), CREAMS: a field-scale model for chemicals, runoff, and erosion from
agricultural management systems. USDA Conservation Research Report No. 26, p. 35-64.
FOSTER, G.R. and L.J. LANE (compilers) (1987) User requirements: USDA-Water Erosion
Prediction Project (WEPP). NSERL Report No. 1, USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion
Research Laboratory, West Lafayette, IN, 43 p.
FINKNER (1995) Chapter 11. Hillslope erosion component. In: D.C. Flanagan and
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PORTER (1997) Chapter 6. Support practice factor (P). In: K.G. Renard, G.R. Foster,
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GILLEY, J.E. and M.A. WELTZ (1995) Chapter 10. Hydraulics of overland flow. In: D.C.
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LANE, L.J. and M.A. NEARING (eds.) (1989) USDA-Water Erosion Prediction Project:
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LINDLEY, M.R.; B.J. BARFIELD and B.N. WILSON (1995) Chapter 14. Surface
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Erosion and sediment yield modelling in the
former USSR

N.N. Bobrovitskaya
State Hydrological Institute,
23 Second Line, 199053 St. Petersburg, Russia

At the present time, the soil erosion and sediment yield models available in Russia and
neighbouring countries are used for a number of purposes, including:
- estimating the rate of overland soil scour and ravine erosion;
- substantiating the success of anti-erosion measures in irrigated/non-irrigated crop fields;
-assessing the impacts of soil improvement, road construction, etc.;
- computing sediment inflow to rivers, ponds and reservoirs to assess rates of siltation;
- predicting sediment transport in rivers and canals;
- documenting sediment inflow to seas and the World Ocean;
- quantifying the role of sediment runoff in temporary streams and rivers as a factor of
contaminant transport and deposition.
A dense network of hydrometeorological stations has been installed to observe soil
erosion on slopes, water discharges, sediment yields and the principal factors which
determine these processes (i.e. precipitation, soil moisture content, soil freeze-up, etc). This
hydrological monitoring programme incorporates the following range of drainage scales:
- from 0.000 - 2.0 km2 - temporary streams on slopes and in micro-hollows;
- 2 10 km2 - big streams in hollows;
- 10 2000 km2 - small rivers;
- 2000 - 50000 km2 - medium-size rivers;
- > 50000 km2 - large rivers.
Thousands of references are available on studies of soil erosion and suspended
sediment yield. This brief contribution focuses upon models and methods for the assessment
of overland scour.

Model types
Water erosion is a powerful factor in landscape evolution. As a result of enhanced erosion,
soil fertility is decreasing considerably and rivers, canals and reservoirs are experiencing
accelerated siltation. In addition, the products of erosion, i.e. sediments, act as a vector and
potential store of contaminants.
The urgent need to understand and control soil erosion arose at the boundary of the
19-20th Centuries and remains important today. Throughout this period, a number of
fundamental studies have been conducted on soil erosion. In Russia, research in recent decades
has greatly assisted the improvement of scientific knowledge of erosion phenomena
(Zaslavsky, 1979). The most important results of this research include:
- determination of soil properties and the development of soil classification
(Dokuchaev, Reports for 1888-1900, publications for 1888 - 1951; Kachinsky, 1963; Kovda,
1985; etc.);
- the mapping of soil distribution and an improved understanding of the factors of soil
formation for different natural zones in Russia and the former USSR (Kachinsky, 1963;
Kovda, 1985; etc.);
- the undertaking of studies on hydrological and morphological features of the
formation of hydrographical networks, including slope relief and the spatial distribution of
soil types with respect to slope relief elements (Kozmenko, 1937, 1957);
- the identification of the major processes of soil erosion and determination of
erosion rates for different natural zones and for different kinds of land use (Dokuchaev, 1888-
1951; Kozmenko, 1937-1957; Sobolev, 1970);
- the development and use of qualitative and quantitative methods to assess the rate
of soil erosion by water and wind and the establishment of soil protection measures based on
accounting procedures for soil properties, husbandry management and hydromorphological
factors (Kostyakov, 1948; Kozmenko, 1937,1957; Zaslavsky, 1979, 1983; etc.);
- the development of pioneering research on soil erosion taking into account
hydrometeorological factors and soil-geomorphologic conditions using a combination of
ground and remote methods (Bogolyubova, 1975; Anon, 1979; Bobrovitskaya, 1979, 1986,
1990; etc.);
- the development of methods and models for estimating water erosion based on
taking into account the features of soil erosion and soil properties (Mirtskhoulava, 1970;
Schwebs, 1981, 1991; Bogolyubova and Karaushev, 1979; Bobrovitskaya, 1979, 1991;
Kuznetsov, 1981; Barabanov and Garshinev, 1991; Surmach, 1976; Kosov and Zorina, 1989;
Borzilov, 1991; Larionov, 1993; etc.);
- the development of methods for large-scale cartographic and mathematical modelling
of water and wind erosion (Sachok, 1984,1994; Kondratjyev, 1989; Grigorjyev and
Sidorchuk, 1995; Dolgilevitch et al., 1995; Nazarov, 1996; etc.).
Four principal types of erosion models can be identified which have been used in
Russia: empirical, logical, mathematical, and hydromechanical. There is some overlap in this
classification scheme because mathematical relationships are used for information processing
within empirical models, and all mathematical models are based on important empirical
relationships between erosion characteristics and a range of forcing factors. Let us consider
briefly the models most frequently applied in practice to assess soil washout from slopes.

Empirical models
Early examples of empirical models include those developed by:
a) Kornev and Kostyakov (1937):

W = a I0.75 L0.5 h1.5 (1)

where W = washout (specific sediment yield); I = slope of ploughed lands;

L = slope length; h = water return rate; a = correction factor.

b) Glushkov and Polliakov (1946):

a = S/ 10 4I (2)

where a = erosion coefficient; S = mean annual sediment concentration (g/m3); I = channel


c) Svetitsky (1962):
ac = Ps /N1.22 (3)

where ac = erosion coefficients; Ps= mean annual sediment yield; N = energy

In 1977, Bogoliubova and Karaushev (1979) developed a method for the computation of
soil scour, based on the use of equations for transportation capacity and information on
stream network density:
W = 1/2 K w (x 2i -x2i-1) Ni (4)
i =1
Ni =K n-1 N (5)

where W = total scour on the slope produced by all kinds of brooklets, from i up to n long; xi
= total length of the brooklet of the i-th order from the head to the outlet; x1 = length of the
brooklet of the 1st order; x2 = length of the last order; KN = bifurcation coefficient assumed
to be equal to 2; Ni = the member of flows of different orders, after Horton.
Another example is the graphoanalytical model proposed by Bobrovitskaya (1979,
1986). This model is based upon the use of the natural micro-watersheds of hollows as a basis
for studying water flow and sediment transport. These hollows can exhibit a number of
hydrological and morphological characteristics, including either, natural or anthropogenic
micro-watersheds and a variety of positions in the hydrographic system. In addition, they are
observed over all types of soils and subsoils; they have longitudinal profiles and cross-
sections, which are variable over slopes as well as pathway networks of 1-111 types which
are connected with the lower links of the hydrographic network; and they possess a capacity
for self-organisation. A procedure has been developed for the empirical study of water
outflow and sediment yield, which combines the use of field and remote-sensing methods.
According to this model, the mean annual soil washout for the period of crop rotation
(Msop%) can be calculated from:

Msop% = (Msp% + M'sp% )/N (6)

Msmp% = hn mp% a b ki (7)

M'smp% = hmp% a a1 h k1 (8)

where M smp and M'smp% = specific sediment yields from slopes for the period of snow-
melting and floods of the specified probability of exceedance for a brooklet of m order (t/ha);
hp = runoff depth of the same probability of exceedence for the period of the snowmelt flood
or rainfall floods (mm); am and N = parameters dependent on the type of the brooklet
network on the slopes, on the agrotechnical practice and on the soil types; b = a coefficient,
which takes into account the effects of the agrotechnical practice during the previous year
and the soil scour; Ki = a coefficient which takes into account the slope steepness. The fact
that the model does not take into direct account the slope length is compensated for by
consideration of the type of brooklet network depending on slope length.
Another example is the model by Surmach (1979) which can be expressed as follows:

W = K/10 a 1/2 Fn Ln Yi U P Pg Pw Pe Aa (9)

where K = a coefficient reducing the value of initial sediment content in water to the standard
conditions; a = 75 m; F = the inclination on the corresponding site of the slope; L = the slope
length (m); y = the sediment content in slope runoff (g/m3) near the water divide at the slope
site of 75 m long and inclination of 0.004; Y = the melt or heavy rain flow layer with the
prescribed probability or during the period of a single rain (mm); I = the power within the
flow layer (changing from 1.06 to 1.14 for rain flow, and from 0.94 to 0.89 for melt water
flow); U = the coefficient of snow accumulation character; Pr, Pe = the coefficients taking into
account the washout effects of mechanical composition, washout and the extent of soil
erosion; A = the coefficient of agricultural engineering.
It is advantageous that this model uses the characteristics of mechanical composition
and the extent of soil erosion. Unfortunately, however, it is frequently necessary to determine
soil washout using a method developed for measuring creek channels and considerable errors
inevitably result from this procedure.

Logical and mathematical models

Progress in studying and understanding the physical features of erosion allowed the
development of logical and mathematical models of soil erosion. One of the first models was
proposed by Schwebs (1974, 1981, 1991). The dependence of mean annual specific sediment
yield on heavy rain is expressed as follows:
m 2, 7 Xt
W = c1, 7 1 + 17, 5 = (10)
n =1 tC tC

W = 1, 2 10 4 jRe P ( 0,85 100 m ) K I n L0, 5 (11)
i =1

where jk = the relative soil washout; the washout for the ordinary argillaceous chernozem is
taken as unity; lp = the factor taking into account the effects of vegetation cover on soil
washout; m = the underlying surface roughness; I = the slope inclination; L = the slope length;

n = the power with the inclination depending on soil type, anti-erosion sustainability and the
character of underlying surface; K m = the hydrometeorological coefficient.
A major advantage of this model is that, in principle, the value of K m can be
determined for any soils and any surface condition. However, due to the shortage of
prototype materials, Schwebs considers it to be sufficient to use in the washout model K m
for a bare surface of standard soil with the relative washout being unity. In this case the value
of K m can be mapped, which is an advantage of the model in practice. However, this
assumption means that in all cases differing from the standard, K m is represented by
fictitious values determined only by the intensity and sediment layer. In addition, the model
has been based upon the data from field studies of 1 m long runoff sites, which makes it
impossible to take into account the non-linearity of relations between water and sediment
runoff both with transfer from grounds to slopes and with water discharges of different
probability. The Schwebs model has several modifications, for instance, to take into account
washout for the period of snow melt or the effects of tree location in regulating erosion, etc.
(Schwebs, 1991).

Hydromechanical models
The laws of hydromechanics underpin the available hydrometeorological models. These are
best represented by the studies of Mirtskhoulava (1970, 1991) and Kuznetsov (1992), etc. In
these hydromechanical models, the flow bed is schematically represented by complicated
homogeneous spherical assemblies, which are interconnected by cohesion.
A great number of input parameters are required by these models and this frequently
represents a severe problem for applying them on unstudied slopes. Therefore, to assess the
risk of erosion and the impact of anti-erosion precautions, existing empirical models are most
generally employed.
Without going into detail, (cf. Mirtskhoulava, 1966, 1970, 1989), the equations for
permissible non-eroding mean velocities Vn per and near-bed velocities V per can be expressed

Vn. per . = lg

8.8 H
2.6 po n
( [ (
ps po )gd + 1.25 C sf k + ob )] (12)

Vn. per . = 1.25

2.6 po n
[( (
ps po )gd + 1.25 C sf k + ob )] (13)

where H = flow depth; d = the mean diameter of entrained aggregates, assumed equal to 0.004
m; m = the coefficient of working conditions including the effect of various factors of channel
conditions; n = overload coefficient accounting for the eroding capacity of flow due to
velocity fluctuations; p o = density of water; p s = density of soil grains; g = free fall
acceleration; k = coefficient to characterise probability of deflection of cohesion from mean
The quantity of soil washed off from a plot (having unit width and length) in a
watershed to the end of the erodible part of slope can be determined by formulae. For the

determination of the total wash-off, the obtained result is multiplied by the slope area (2 b),
where b is the slope width (Mirtskhoulava, 1970):

308(no )0.6 i 0.7 m11.4 I 0.6 21.6 13 10 6 V3per
q 2 T = 11 10 gpsd + (14)
V2per (no )i1.16 m12.32 2 2

where = the average frequency of pulsation velocities; m = a coefficient accounting for the
deviation of the sheet flow motion from the accepted smooth water surface motion.

Mathematical models
The hydrodynamic model by Kondratjyev (1989) gives a description of non-steady surface
runoff as a continuous layer and sediment transport based on the system of differential
equations in partial derivatives. These are the continuity equation for running water and the
equation expressing the law of conservation of the mass of transported sediment particles:

h q
+ =r f (15)
t x

( Sh) + ( Sq) + = 0 (16)
t x t

where q = q = ih 5 / 3 / n ; h = the depth of surface flow; q = the unit water discharge; r = the
rate of precipitation; f = the rate of infiltration; S = the sediment concentration in the stream;
= the mark of the surface; i = slope of ploughed lands; n = the Manning's roughness
coefficient; = the deposit density; x, t = the spatial and temporal co-ordinates. For an
individual creek the initial system of equations is as follows:

+ = (r f )b (17)
t x

( S ) + ( SQ) + P = 0 (18)
t x t
i 5 / 3
where Q = w = is the cross-section area; Q = the water discharge; P = the wetted
nP 2 / 3
perimeter; b = the brooklet width.
The runoff from slopes resulting from the brooklets system and the washout caused
by it can be simulated using the following system of equations:

+ = (r f ) B
t x (19)


( S ) + ( SQ ) + P
x t
=0 (20)

where Q = i 5 / 3 / nP2 / 3 N 2 / 3 * =N. = the total cross-section area of all the creeks; P*
= the total wetted perimeter; N = the number of creeks in the section X; B = the slope
The model is supplemented with a block allowing calculation of water percolation into
soil by the Phillip's formula. The sediment concentration in the flow S is assumed to
correspond with transportation capacity:

S S = KQ2 (21)

where K = the parameter whose value depends on the layer of soil washed out. The model
requires calibration for a number of conditions.

Mapping the characteristics of soil erosion

The cartographic version of the model by Bobrovitskaya (1986, 1991) is convenient
for helping to evaluate soil erosion in large territories (Figure 1). Erosion is deciphered using
aerial photos (1:25000 scale). Such maps of erosion-threatened lands (of potential soil
erosion) can be used to target anti-erosion precautions. This mapping technique has been
developed at the Moscow State University (Larionov, 1993). Soil washout is calculated by
modified equations: for the summer period by the equations of Wischmeier and Smith, and for
the snow melt period by the model of Bobrovitskaya (1979). A fragment of such a map is
shown in Figure 2.
Computer erosion modelling is successfully used in studies by Garshinev and
Barabanov (1991) to calculate soil washout and the necessary distances between tree belts to
control over erosion. In Belarus, a set of programmes has been developed for computer
modelling of sediment runoff (Sachok, 1994). It allows mapping of both actual
characteristics of water erosion corresponding to the current relief and the prediction of soil
erosion taking into account potential changes in environmental conditions. These maps can be
applied in a wide range of territory sizes: individual fields, farms, administrative regions. The
graphoanalytical model by Bobrovitskaya (1979, 1986) has been combined with cartographic
modelling. The fragments of a computer map derived from this procedure are shown in
Figures 3-9.

Problems of calibrating and validating soil erosion models

The absence of extensive empirical information represents a major problem for verifying the
estimates of soil loss provided by available soil erosion models. Application of these models
requires much information e.g. hydrometeorological, hydraulic and topographical data as well
as numerous measures of soil and vegetation characteristics. Moreover, these characteristics
should be measured not only in the laboratory or on runoff plots, but along the slopes, too.
When models are tested on the basis of measurements from runoff plots or in the laboratory,

the errors in sediment yield calculation may be quite significant. Field data are required for
reliable testing.

The key research needs for improving soil erosion models

In future it is very important to make an intercomparison of different models, both
mathematical and empirical ones. Such work should be based upon the use of standard field
sites representative of different natural zones of the world with contrasting anthropogenic
pressures. In Russia and the countries of the former USSR, these sites are readily available
around water-balance stations. Examples include, the Valdai Branch of the State Hydrological
Institute (Valdai Upland), Nijnedevitskaya water-balance station (in the forest steppe zone of
the Central Russian Upland), and a site representing Kamennaya Steppe (a steppe zone of
the European part of Russia), where for the past 80 years a unique experiment has been
conducted on controlling erosion by using tree belts, different types of ploughing, etc.
Observations of water and sediment yield have been undertaken at these stations over 40-50

Fig. 1 Erosion formations on the right slope of the Aley River at Geelyevo in the Altai Region
(Bobrovitskaya and Zubkova, 1991). Symbols: 1 channels of brooklet type II; 2, 3 channels
of brooklets of type III: cutting and not cutting through the humus layer; 4 tree belts; 5 the
slope sites with boardless ploughing on which only large brooklets of type III are deciphered; 6
the fields ploughed in the autumn ready for sowing in the spring

Fig. 2 A fragment of the map of erosion lands in the European territory of the USSR and the
Caucasus. The mean rate of wash away (t ha-1 yr-1) on the ploughed land: 1 - <0.5; 2 0.5-1; 3
1-2; 4 2-3; 5 3-4; 6 4-7; 7 5-7; 8 7-10; 9 10-11. On the natural fodder fields: 10
<0.5; 11 in the forest (Larinov, 1993)

Fig. 3 Absolute altitudes of relief Fig. 4 Hydrological network
(Sachok, 1994) (Sachok, 1994)
1 river channels;
2 hollows;
3 watershed divides

Fig. 5 Gradient of slope in degrees Fig. 6 Sediment yield for the

(Sachok, 1994) spring snowmelt flood (t/ga)
(Sachok, 1994)

Fig. 7 Sediment yield for the period of Fig. 8 Annual sediment yield
summer floods (t/ga) (Sachok, 1994) (mm) (Sachok, 1994)

Fig. 9 Dependence sediment yield (t/ga) from gradient of slope (Sachok, 1994)
1 sediment yield for the spring snowmelt flood (t/ga)
2 sediment yield for the period of floods (t/ga)
3 annual sediment yield (t/ga)

years, thereby making them suitable for testing a range of soil erosion and sediment yield
Of importance is also the formulation of standardised instrumentation and
measurement techniques for assessing soil erosion in different countries. These steps would
provide a sound scientific basis for the collection of fresh information to calibrate existing and
new soil erosion models.


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Physically-based erosion and sediment yield
modelling: the SHETRAN concept
J.C. Bathurst
Water Resource Systems Research Laboratory,
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK

SHETRAN is a physically-based, spatially-distributed, integrated surface/subsurface
modelling system for water flow, sediment transport and contaminant migration in river
basins, which has been developed at the Water Resource Systems Research Laboratory
(WRSRL), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Its
original basis was the Systme Hydrologique Europen (SHE) hydrological modelling
system, conceived in the 1970s by three European research organizations to provide a strong
European capability in advanced catchment modelling technology (Abbott et al., 1986a).
However, with the addition of sediment transport and contaminant migration components
(Bathurst et al., 1995; Ewen, 1995; Wicks and Bathurst, 1996) and extensive revision of
numerical solution techniques, SHETRAN has considerably greater capabilities and
reliability than the original SHE.
A full description of SHETRAN is given in Ewen et al. (2000). This chapter
concentrates on the erosion and sediment yield modelling capability: it describes
SHETRANs distinctive features and reviews a decade of development and application of the
sediment component.
Compared with more traditional modelling approaches SHETRAN has particular
advantages in representing distributed responses at catchment scales from less than 1 km2 to
2000 km2, in predicting the impacts of land use and climate change, in incorporating
landslide and gully erosion and in exploring issues such as scale effects and validation
techniques which are at the forefront of physically-based modelling research.

There is considerable concern worldwide about the impacts of environmental change induced
by human activity. Hydrological issues include the effects of large scale deforestation and
climate change on soil erosion and flow regime and the dispersal of contaminants from
agricultural and industrial activities. Increasingly, therefore, it is accepted that the
development of river basins for economic purposes should be tempered by the maintenance
of an acceptable environmental quality. Establishing the necessary trade-off between
economic development and environmental quality is a decision-making process involving
many elements, one of which is an appreciation of how environmental systems respond to
imposed change. In particular, there is a need to assess the impacts of different levels of
development on basin hydrology, soil erosion and contaminant concentrations, in advance of
any development taking place. Environmental impact and economic return can then be
weighed against each other for different levels of development, providing a rational basis for
selecting an optimum development strategy.
Mathematical modelling is increasingly relevant to impact assessment but needs to be
based on a sound physical understanding of the relevant basin response mechanisms. The
task of representing a river basin in a range of possible future altered states is beyond the
traditional black box and conceptual hydrological models. These are essentially regression
relationships between rainfall and runoff: their parameters have no physical meaning and
depend on the availability of sufficiently long meteorological and hydrological records for
their calibration. Such records are frequently unavailable but, even when they are available,
they refer only to the past state of a basin. Calibration cannot therefore be extended to a
future altered state. These models are also spatially lumped, so cannot explicitly account for
spatial variation in basin characteristics, rainfall input and hydrological response.
By contrast, physically-based, spatially-distributed modelling systems have particular
advantages for the study of basin change impacts and applications to basins with limited
records. Their parameters have a physical meaning (e.g., soil conductivity and sediment size
distribution) and can be measured in the field. Model validation can therefore be concluded
on the basis of a short field survey and a short time series of meteorological and hydrological
data. Parameter values can also be specified for a future altered state of the basin, for
example a change in vegetation characteristics, thus supporting land use change impact
studies. Basin response is represented on both a spatially and a temporally distributed basis
and in terms of multiple variable outputs: i.e., rather than providing just one output variable,
such as basin discharge, physically-based models provide predictions of all relevant
hydrological, sediment and contaminant variables.
Disadvantages of physically-based models include heavy computer requirements, the
need to evaluate many parameters (with associated problems of representation at different
spatial scales and uncertainty) and a complexity which implies a lengthy training period for
new users.

SHETRAN is a general, physically-based, spatially-distributed modelling system: that is, it
can be used to construct and run models of all or any part of the land phase of the
hydrological cycle (including sediment and contaminant transport) for any geographical area.
It is physically-based in the sense that the various flow and transport processes are modelled
either by finite difference representations of the partial differential equations of mass,
momentum and energy conservation, or by empirical equations derived from experimental
research. The model parameters have a physical meaning and can be evaluated by
measurement. Spatial distributions of basin properties, inputs and responses are represented
on a three-dimensional, finite-difference mesh. The channel system is represented along the
boundaries of the mesh grid squares as viewed in plan.
SHETRAN hydrological component

SHETRANs hydrological component consists of subcomponents accounting for

evapotranspiration and interception, overland and channel flow, subsurface flow, snowmelt
and channel/surface aquifer exchange (Figure 1). The component is continually evolving as
new process descriptions and solution schemes are introduced. The version used in the case
studies described later is Version 3.4. This is similar to the original SHE in that it represents
the subsurface as an unconfined aquifer in which a one-dimensional (vertical flow)
unsaturated zone overlies a two-dimensional (lateral flow) saturated zone. Integration with
the overland flow subcomponent allows overland flow to be generated both by an excess of
rainfall over infiltration and by upward saturation of the soil column. Table 1 summarizes the
processes modelled and the equations used to describe them. Detailed descriptions of the
subcomponents can be found in Abbott et al. (1986b), Bathurst et al. (1995) and Ewen et al.
(2000). In Version 4, the latest version of SHETRAN at the time of writing, the subsurface is
modelled by a fully three-dimensional variably saturated soil scheme which enables such
features as perched water tables and hypodermic flow (i.e., just beneath the soil surface) to be
accounted for. Version 5 is currently under development for PC use: until now the model has
been run on Unix-based workstations.

Table 1 Processes modelled by the SHETRAN hydrological component, Version 3.4

(1) Interception of rainfall on vegetation canopy (Rutter storage model)

(2) Evaporation of intercepted rainfall, ground surface water and channel water; transpiration of
water drawn from the root zone (Penman-Monteith equation or the ratio of actual to potential
evapotranspiration as a function of soil moisture tension)

(3) Snowpack development and snowmelt (temperature-based or energy budget methods)

(4) One-dimensional flow in the unsaturated zone (Richards equation)

(5) Two-dimensional flow in the saturated zone (Boussinesq equation)

(6) Two-dimensional overland flow; one-dimensional channel flow (Saint Venant equations)

(7) Saturated zone/channel interaction, including an allowance for an unsaturated zone below the

(8) Saturated zone/surface water interaction

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the SHETRAN hydrological component

SHETRAN erosion and sediment yield component

The basic erosion and sediment yield component consists of subcomponents accounting for
soil erosion by raindrop impact, leaf drip impact and overland flow, channel bed and bank
erosion by channel flow, and sediment transport by overland and channel flow (Figure 2).

Fig. 2 Soil detachment by raindrop and leaf drip impact, modified by ground cover, canopy cover
and surface water layer, as represented in the SHETRAN erosion and sediment yield component
(From Bathurst et al., 1995)
The component is driven by inputs from the hydrological (water flow) simulations but
feedback to the flow simulations is not modelled as the effects are unlikely to be significant at

the sediment concentrations and relative scales of erosion and deposition typically
considered. Table 2 summarizes the processes modelled and the equations used to describe
them. More detailed descriptions of the subcomponents can be found in Bathurst et al.
(1995), Wicks and Bathurst (1996) and Ewen et al. (2000). However, it will be useful for the
reader to know that the equations for determining soil erosion are, for raindrop and leaf drip
Dr = k r F w 1 C g C r ( M r + M d ) ) (1)

and for overland flow:

D = k (1 C ) 1 for > c (2a)
f f r
= 0 for c (2b)
-2 -1
where Dr and Df = the respective rates of detachment of material per unit area (kg m s ); kr
= raindrop impact soil erodibility coefficient (J-1 ); kf = overland flow soil erodibility
coefficient (kg m-2 s-1); Cg = proportion of ground protected from drop/drip erosion by near
ground cover such as low vegetation (range 0-1); Cr = proportion of ground protected against
drop/drip erosion and overland flow erosion by, for example, rock cover (range 0-1); Mr =
momentum squared for raindrops falling directly on the ground ((kg m s-1) m-2 s-1); Md =
momentum squared for leaf drip ((kg m s-1) m-2 s-1); Fw accounts for the effect of a surface
water layer in protecting the soil from raindrop impact (dimensionless); = overland flow
shear stress (N m-2); and c = critical shear stress for initiation of soil particle motion (N m-2).
The soil erodibility coefficients kr and kf increase in value as the soil becomes easier to erode
(i.e., sandy soils have larger values than clayey soils). However, they have not yet been
quantitatively related to a measurable soil property and must therefore be determined
empirically (e.g, Wicks et al., 1992).

Table 2 Processes modelled by the basic SHETRAN erosion and sediment transport component
(1) Soil erosion by raindrop impact, leaf drip impact and overland flow (see text for equations)

(2) Two-dimensional total load convection in overland flow by size fraction, including input to the
channels; deposition and resuspension of sediments in overland flow (mass conservation equation
incorporating Engelund-Hansen total load and Yalin bed load transport capacity equations)

(3) One-dimensional convection of cohesive and noncohesive sediments in channel flow by size
fraction; deposition and resuspension of noncohesive sediments in channel flow; channel bed
erosion by channel flow (mass conservation equation incorporating Ackers-White and Engelund-
Hansen transport capacity equations)

Landslide erosion and sediment yield component

Through its integrated surface and subsurface representation of river basins, SHETRAN
provides not only the overland and channel flows needed for sediment transport modelling
but also soil moisture conditions and hence a basis for simulating rain- and snowmelt-
triggered landsliding. A component has therefore been developed to simulate the erosion and
sediment yield associated with shallow landslides at basin scales of up to about 500 km2. The
occurrence of shallow landslides is determined as a function of the time- and space-varying
soil saturation conditions simulated by SHETRAN, using factor of safety analysis. For each
landslide the volume of eroded material is determined and routed down the hillslope as a
debris flow. Finally the proportion of this material reaching the channel network is

calculated and fed to the SHETRAN sediment transport component for routing to the basin
outlet (Bathurst et al., 1997; Burton and Bathurst, 1998). Figure 3 shows an example.
The central feature of the component is a dual resolution approach whereby the basin
hydrology is modelled at the SHETRAN grid resolution (which may be as large as 1-2 km)
while landslide occurrence and erosion are modelled at a subgrid resolution characteristic of
the landslide dimensions (typically 10 - 100 m). A disaggregation technique involving a
wetness index is used to link the two scales so that landslide occurrence at the subgrid scale is
determined as a function of the soil saturated zone thickness at the SHETRAN grid scale.
The components applicability at scales ranging from less than a square kilometre to
around 500 km2 and its ability to determine sediment yield distinguish it from other basin
scale landslide models which are limited to a few square kilometres or less and provide only
the distribution of landslides (e.g., Montgomery and Dietrich, 1994; Wu and Sidle, 1995).

Fig. 3 Simulation of landslide erosion, showing landslide sites, debris flow trajectories and
deposition sites

Gully erosion and sediment yield component

The dual resolution approach of the landslide model has also been applied to build a component
for modelling the erosion and sediment yield arising from gullying (Bathurst et al., 1998a). In
this case the subgrid resolution is around 100 m, typical of gully scales. Sediment discharge
from each gully is determined as a function of water discharge (derived by seepage through the
gully wall or by local overland flow) and gully properties. The water discharge is determined
as a function of phreatic surface elevation and overland flow generation at the subgrid scale,
which in turn are related to conditions at the SHETRAN grid resolution using the wetness
index. A transfer function is applied to add the gully sediment discharge to the SHETRAN
channel network for routing to the basin outlet. This is still a poorly researched area: in this
case the proportion of the eroded material transferred to the channel is determined arbitrarily
according to the distance of the gully from the channel. Gully growth is simulated by
increasing the gully volume in accordance with the amount of sediment discharged. The

component is believed to be the only model of gully sediment yield applicable at basin scales
of up to 500 km2.

SHETRAN data needs

The data required by SHETRAN comprise:

1) Time series of meteorological inputs (precipitation and evapotranspiration) needed to

drive the simulation;
2) Time series of output variables (e.g., river discharge and sediment yield records) for
validating the model;
3) Property data which characterize the river basin (soil, vegetation, topographic and
sediment characteristics).

These data may be based on direct measurements or may be estimated from

information in the literature. They may refer to existing basins and conditions or to scenarios
of, for example, future altered climates or vegetation covers.

Simulation procedure

A mesh is set up which defines the spatial extent of the basin model and which is used for
representing spatial variability in the basin properties. (Computing power is the principal
limitation on the number of mesh squares and thence their size for a given basin area.
Currently a maximum number of about 400 squares is recommended.) The appropriate

Fig. 4 Examples of SHETRAN data displays: catchment property maps; simulated hydrographs at
selected sites along a channel network (represented in plan); and an output map of simulated soil loss
across a catchment

meteorological data, spatially and temporally distributed, are fed into the basin model. Each
SHETRAN subcomponent is applied at each grid square to generate a response (e.g.,
overland flow, phreatic surface rise, soil erosion). These responses interact and both surface
and subsurface waters, and surface sediments, are routed from square to square. Eventually
these products reach the river system and are routed towards the basin outlet. Model outputs
may be obtained for any part of this procedure on a spatially and temporally distributed basis.
They may include time-varying records of phreatic surface level, snowpack depth, overland
flow depth, soil erosion or any other variable at any grid square or channel link within the
basin. Alternatively, synoptic views of the spatial distribution of any variable across the
basin at any time can be produced (Figure 4).

Parameter uncertainty and model validation

The current physically-based models are subject to a number of important constraints (e.g.,
Beven, 1989; Grayson et al., 1992), with particular uncertainty in the evaluation of model
parameters. It is now generally acknowledged that the uncertainty in model parameterization
and its implications for model output should be explicitly recognized in the modelling
procedure (e.g., Beven and Binley, 1992; Ewen and Parkin, 1996; Quinton, 1997). The
following method of quantifying uncertainty bounds for SHETRAN applications has
therefore been adapted from Ewen and Parkin (1996).
Using hydrological judgement, and possibly a degree of calibration, upper and lower
bounds are set on the more important model parameters, reflecting uncertainty in the values.
A series of simulations is carried out so that each parameter takes the range of values
assigned to it. The number of simulations depends on the number of parameters involved, the
number of values assigned to each parameter and the number of combinations of different
parameter values considered. The simulation outputs are then superimposed in each other
and the overall time series of maximum and minimum output bounds extracted. These
bounds are typically composed of contributions from several of the simulation outputs. The
bounds on the model parameters thus translate into bounds on the model output and
conclusions on model performance are drawn according to the width of the resulting output
envelope and the extent to which it contains the measured data. This technique considers
only the uncertainties associated with parameter evaluation. It does not account for less well
understood errors such as the error of approximation implicit in the way SHETRAN
represents the complex non-linear physical processes active in a catchment.
The model parameters or functions to which the simulation results are typically most
sensitive in full basin simulations are : saturated zone hydraulic conductivity; unsaturated
zone hydraulic conductivity; Strickler resistance coefficient for overland flow; soil retention
curve (the relationship between tension and moisture content); the relationship between the
ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration and soil moisture tension; and, for sediment
simulations using Equations 1 and 2, the soil erodibility coefficients.

Examples of land use and climate change impact simulations

The following examples demonstrate SHETRANs capabilities for simulating the impacts of
land use and climate change on hydrological and sediment yield response. Full details of the
applications are in the cited references and only the main points are presented here.

Parameter evaluation for different land covers
The capability of the model to represent the effects of different land managements on erosion
and sediment yield was demonstrated by evaluating the erodibility coefficients kr and kf
(Equations 1 and 2) for erosion plots with different covers. The simulations were carried out
with a predecessor of SHETRAN but with essentially the same sediment model. The test
data were taken from rainfall-simulator erosion studies carried out at the Reynolds Creek

Fig. 5 Comparison of simulated and observed runoff and sediment discharge responses for grazed and
tilled plots, Reynolds Creek rangeland research basin, Idaho

rangeland research basin, Idaho, by the Northwest Watershed Research Center of the United
States Department of Agricultures Agricultural Research Service. A full description of the
work is provided in Wicks et al. (1982, 1992).
Each erosion plot was 3.05 m wide and 10.67 m long (32.54 m2 in area). Water was
applied from a rotating-boom rainfall simulator at approximately 60 mm h-1 in a sequence of
three runs : 1) 60-minute application to an initially dry soil; 2) 30-minute application about 24
hours after run (1); 3) 30-minute application 30 minutes after run (2). In this way three
different antecedent soil moisture conditions were considered : dry, wet and very wet. The
experiments incorporated several ground treatments but the results shown here refer to tilled
ground (well pulverized bare soil) and the natural brush and grass cover subjected to cattle
Each three-event rainfall sequence (over about 26.5 hours) was simulated on a
continuous basis. Figure 5 compares the simulated and observed runoff and sediment
discharge responses for one of the grazed plots and one of the tilled plots. There is generally
good agreement in each case, with the wet and very wet runs being particularly well
simulated, indicating the models ability to link successive rainfall events with appropriate
changes in soil-moisture conditions. Just as important, though, is the models ability to
reproduce the broad differences in response between the two land treatments, especially the
distinctive hydrograph shapes. This shows also in the significant and physically realistic
variations in the calibrated erodibility coefficients: kr = 1.3 J-1 and kf = 0.65 mg m2 s1 for the
grazed plots and kr = 11.8 J-1 and kf = 5.9 mg m2 s1 for the more easily eroded tilled plots.

Further plot studies such as this may provide a basis for determining empirical relationships
giving the erodibility coefficients as a function of soil properties and land management.

Impact of reforestation on sediment yield

SHETRANs ability to model the impacts of land use change on sediment yield was
investigated using the data from two of the Draix research basins, administered by the French
agency CEMAGREF, near Digne in southeast France (Lukey et al., 1995, in press; Bathurst
et al., 1998b). A model was first constructed for the 86-ha Laval basin which is severely
affected by badlands erosion : vegetation cover is about 32%, the mean annual runoff/rainfall
ratio is about 21% and the sediment yield is about 127 t ha-1 yr-1. The model was then altered
to represent the Laval basin as if it were equivalent to the neighbouring 108-ha Brusquet
basin, which was successfully rescued from badlands erosion by reforestation in the early
1990s: its vegetation cover is about 87%, the runoff/rainfall ratio is around 5% and sediment
yield is in the range 0.03-2.75 t ha-1 yr-1. The aim was to test the ability of SHETRAN to
produce hydrological and sediment yield responses similar to those measured in the Brusquet
basin, within a quantified representation of parameter uncertainty. Changes in the model
parameters to create a reforested Laval basin included : specification of forest vegetation for
all model grid squares, with appropriate ground cover and leaf drip parameters; reduction in
the Strickler flow resistance coefficient for overland flow from 10 to 3 to simulate the greater
resistance of a vegetated ground surface relative to bare soil; and setting the erodibility
coefficient for overland flow kf to zero to represent the protective effect of the vegetation. It
was also necessary to replace the Laval rainfall series (mean annual value of 876 mm) with
the Brusquet series (767 mm).
Figure 6 compares the simulated and measured sediment yields for 22 measurement
periods during 1987-91 for the existing Laval basin. The vertical lines represent the
uncertainty range between the upper and lower predictions for each period (derived using the
method of Ewen and Parkin (1996) described earlier). The horizontal lines represent the
uncertainty range in the measured yields. Bearing in mind the difficulties of simulating the
characteristically flashy nature of the Laval response and the complexity of the badlands
environment, the comparison is extremely encouraging: there is reasonable overlap of the
measured and simulated ranges and the observed variation in sediment yield between
measurement periods is mostly well reproduced, as is the long term yield. The model was
therefore accepted as the basis for the reforestation study.
Figure 7 compares the simulated yields for the reforested Laval basin with the
measured yields for the Brusquet basin (appropriately scaled for basin size). Only three
measurements were carried out during 1987-91 as the sediment yield is so low. Again there
is good agreement between the simulated and measured yields.
Comparison of Figures 6 and 7 shows that SHETRAN is able to simulate the two
orders of magnitude reduction in sediment yield from the Laval to the Brusquet basin as a
function of altered vegetation cover and rainfall. The simulated changes are larger that the
output uncertainty. These results show how SHETRAN can be used to model land use
change impacts but indicate also the need to reduce further the uncertainty in model
parameter evaluation.

Fig. 6 Comparison of the Laval simulated sediment yield bounds and measured yields for 22
measurement periods and for the combined period during 1987-1991. The vertical lines represent the
simulated range, the horizontal lines represent the uncertainty range in the measurements (From
Lukey et al., in press)

Fig. 7 Comparison of the measured Brusquet sediment yields with the simulated sediment yield
bounds for the reforested Laval basin with Brusquet rainfall for three measurement periods and for
the combined period within 1988-1991. The vertical lines represent the simulated range, the
horizontal lines represent the uncertainty range in the measurements. The horizontal lines coincide
for the first period (From Lukey et al., in press)

Table 3 Results of SHETRAN application to the Cobres basin
Simulation Yeara Annual Annual potential Runoff Simulated Simulated sediment
rainfall evapo- (mm) runoff yielde
transpiration r2 (t ha-1 year-1)
(mm) (mm) Measured Simulated Normal Extreme
b d
Wet 1977-78 657 1362 199 213 - - -
(calibration) 1978-79 693b 1419d 369 370 - - -
1977-79 1350b 2781d 568 583 0.83 0.28 0.62

Dry 1980-81 250b 1525d 0 8 - - -

(validation) 1981-82 483b 1489d 86 100 - - -
1980-82 733b 3014d 86 108 0.81 0.07 0.15

Mean 1983-84 509b 1505d 124 134 - - -

(validation) 1984-85 541b 1583d 108 120 - - -
1983-85 1050b 3088d 232 254 0.61 0.09 0.17

1 x CO2 - 501c 1458c - 125 - 0.091 0.14

2 x CO2 - 414c 1720c - 56 - 0.066 0.084

Years are defined October to September.
Basin mean rainfall calculated from measurements at five rain gauges.
Generated from GCM data.
Potential evapotranspiration calculated by Penman combination method from measured data.
Sediment yield simulated using the normal and extreme values of the erodibility coefficients; yields are the mean annual values for the relevant 2-year period.

Climate change impact

SHETRANs ability to predict the impacts of possible future climate change on runoff and
sediment yield was demonstrated in an application to the 701-km2 Cobres basin in Portugal
(Bathurst et al., 1996). The model was first validated for present-day conditions and then run
with altered time series of rainfall and potential evapotranspiration. The Cobres basin is
relatively homogenous with low relief, uniform soil and extensive wheat production; soil
erosion has been a long term problem.
The present-day conditions were represented by three 2-year periods, each beginning
in October : 1977-79 (wetter than average), 1980-82 (drier than average) and 1983-85
(average), referred to here as the wet, dry and mean periods. The model was calibrated for
the wet period and validated for the dry and mean periods in terms of outlet discharge.
Results at the annual level are shown in Table 3 and are generally satisfactory. The
validations for the dry and mean periods constitute a rigorous test of the model since the
rainfall totals in each were substantially less than in the wet period and the soil conditions
antecedent to rainfall might therefore be expected to differ considerably.
Based on local erosion-plot studies, two sets of values were used for the erodibility
coefficients. The normal values (kr = 0.13 J-1, kf = 1.3 mg m-2 s-1) accounted for most of
the observed plot sediment yields. The extreme values (kr = 2 J-1 , kf = 20 mg m-2 s-1)
represented large yield events; possibly these involved rill erosion, which is not explicitly
described in SHETRAN. However, for both sets the sediment yields simulated for the
Cobres basin (Table 3) are at the lower end of the range 0.1 10 t ha-1 year-1 which has been
observed for catchments of around 1000 km2 in area (Walling, 1983).
Data for the future climate conditions were obtained from a General Circulation
Model (GCM) which has been used to simulate the climate with current levels of atmospheric
carbon dioxide (denoted 1 x CO2) and a climate represented by doubled carbon dioxide levels
(denoted 2 x CO2). The 2 x CO2 conditions provided the basis for the future climate, while
the 1 x CO2 conditions provided the control climate. In each case the 12-hour GCM data
were disaggregated to give hourly rainfall and daily potential evapotranspiration relevant at
the station level for the Cobres region and appropriate time series were generated.
Simulations with the 1 x CO2 and 2 x CO2 climates were carried out for 40-year
periods. The results are summarized in Table 3, which shows that the 1 x CO2 condition is
representative of present-day conditions and is therefore a suitable control against which to
examine the effect of the 2 x CO2 climate. The reducion in mean annual rainfall from the 1 x
CO2 (501 mm) to the 2 x CO2 (414 mm) condition is considerable but is still rather less than
the natural variability. There is corresponding reduction in mean annual runoff and sediment
yield but again there is greater observed variability between, for example, the wet, dry and
mean periods. It may therefore be concluded that : a) annual sediment yield is critically
dependent on only one or two events in each year; and b) on an annual basis, more significant
sediment yield impacts are likely to arise from inter-annual variability than from a shift in
This study demonstrates how SHETRAN can be run with generated climate scenario
data to provide predictions of future water and sediment yields. Such predictions are of use
in, for example, optimising control strategies for future land management.

Parameter scale effects
Within each model grid square, each physical characteristic is represented by one parameter
value. As long as the grid square is small compared with the distances over which there is
significant spatial variability in catchment properties and hydrological response, this does not
compromise the models ability to represent local variations in response. However, as grid
scales increase, the local spatial variability in properties and response becomes subgrid.
There are then difficulties in applying the equations of small scale physics which make up
SHETRAN and evaluating their parameters at the grid scale (e.g. Beven, 1989). In particular,
the field measurements which form the basis of parameter evaluation are most easily carried
out at the point or plot scale, which may not be representative of large grid scales. The
solution has been to use effective parameter values, which represent the subgrid spatial
variability, to give a grid scale response. However, this is a pragmatic approach and it is
recognized that the concept may not allow an accurate reproduction of the observed response
in all circumstances (as shown for example by Binley et al., 1989). There has also yet been
enough research to establish the relationship between the effective parameter value (possibly
determined through calibration) and field measurements. However, experience to date
suggests that the SHETRAN simulations are robust in this regard and that scale dependency
needs to be considered only for the more important parameters. In particular, there is a
possibility that the model saturated zone conductivity may increase to compensate for the
reduction in simulated groundwater gradients caused by use of large grid squares. Similarly
the overland flow resistance might decrease to account for the inclusion of subgrid channel
flow within a large grid square or increase to account for the impediments to flow caused by
subgrid topography and vegetation distribution.
Studies with SHE, SHETRAN and ANSWERS (another distributed model) suggest
that the same model parameter values can be applied at both plot (1-100 m2) and microbasin
(order 1 ha) scales, using small model grid spacings (20 m or less) and with a good
availability of field data (Wicks et al., 1988; Connolly and Silburn, 1995; Figueiredo, 1998).
For larger basins, scale effects in evaluating saturated zone conductivity appear not to be
significant, or at least to be masked by uncertainty in parameter evaluation, as long as basin
topography is subdued and there is a general homogeneity of land use, soil characteristics and
hydrological response within the basin. Applications of the SHE to large basins in India (area
800-5000 km2) (Refsgaard et al., 1992; Jain et al., 1992) and to the Cobres basin in Portugal
(area 701 km2) (Bathurst et al., 1996) suggest that conductivities evaluated at the point or
small scale can be successfully applied with a model grid spacing of 2 km. Figueiredo (1998)
similarly found no evidence of a scale effect when modelling a 137 km2 basin in northeast
Brazil, although in this case the basin did not typically have a saturated zone in the soil
column. For the dissected terrain of the Draix basins Bathurst et al. (1998b) concluded that
any scale effects which may distinguish simulations at the scales of 0.133 and 86 ha were
small enough to be masked by uncertainty in parameter evaluation. However, for basins of
200-2000 km2 with hilly terrain, unpublished simulation results suggest that the saturated
zone conductivity may indeed increase as the grid spacing rises to 1 or 2 km. This
dependency has so far been observed empirically and requires closer study.
For overland flow resistance, the picture is less clear. If there is any scale dependency
the effect does not appear to be large and other factors such as the type of ground roughness
(perhaps determined by land use) may be more important. No scale dependency has yet been
observed in the soil erodibility coefficients.

Validation data
A distinguishing feature of physically-based, spatially-distributed sediment yield models is
their ability to simulate spatial and temporal variations in erosion and sediment fluxes,
enabling, for example, erosion maps to be produced and peak sediment discharges to be
predicted. To generate confidence in this ability it is important that it can be validated
against measured data. However, the only commonly available data are measurements at the
basin outlet. These enable the ability of the model to reproduce the integrated basin response
to be tested but are not a basis for indicating whether the simulated responses incorporate a
sound representation of the distributed internal basin behaviour. For example, it might be
possible to simulate an apparently correct outlet response on the basis of incorrect but
compensating internal responses. A model validated in this way could not be applied with
confidence to conditions outside the range used for validation. A further limitation is that
sediment yield data at basin outlets are often of a bulk, or time-integrated, nature, for example
from trap measurements or reservoir sedimentation surveys. These enable the ability to
model long term sediment yields to be validated but do not test the ability to represent time-
varying sediment discharge at the scale of, for example, a storm event.
Validating the ability to model spatial and temporal variations in erosion and sediment
fluxes requires spatially and temporally varied measurements. Over the last decade or so,
developments in field instrumentation and advances in data collection techniques have
provided the capability for satisfying much of this demand. However, not all these
measurements have yet become routine.

1) Time-varying suspended sediment concentration at a site can be measured using

turbidity meters and pump samplers (e.g., Gippel, 1995; Morris and Fan, 1997).
These are reliable, except in the more extreme environments, but require frequent
servicing. Techniques for measuring time-varying bed load discharge are still mainly
limited to research studies and include vortex tubes, traps with pressure transducers
for measuring accumulating weight and acoustic meters (e.g., Reid et al., 1980;
Tacconi and Billi, 1987; Bnziger and Burch, 1990). Long term variations in
sediment yield to lakes and reservoirs can be deduced from cores taken from bed
sediment deposits (e.g., Walling, 1988). These are particularly useful for describing
the effects of land use and climate changes over periods of decades to centuries.
2) Measurements of sediment yield at different spatial scales can be made using a nested
basin approach (e.g., Cadier, 1996). However, the resources required to maintain
such a measurement campaign limit the approach to research studies. Spatial
variation in soil erosion can be determined from the profile of Caesium-137 adsorbed
in the soil column (e.g., Walling et al., 1986); such data can be used to validate
simulations of spatially distributed erosion (e.g., Ferro et al., 1998; Norouzi Banis,
1998). However, the density of measurements required to depict the pattern of
erosion currently limits the technique to areas of a few hectares. Information on
sediment sources and long term transport conditions can be inferred from the physical
and chemical properties of fine-grained sediment arriving at the basin outlet, a process
known as fingerprinting (e.g., Collins et al., 1997).

SHETRAN in the context of other models

To demonstrate SHETRANs versatility as an erosion and sediment yield modelling system,
as well as some of its limitations, comparison is made with four other physically-based
models. These are the Areal Non-point Source Watershed Environment Response Simulation

Table 4 Comparison of SHETRAN with four physically-based erosion and sediment yield models


Simulation type:
Continuous Y N Y N N
Single event Y Y Y Y Y

Basin size <2000 km2 <50 km2 <2.6 km2 small basin small basin

Spatial distribution grid grid or GIS grid uniform slope GIS raster
raster planes

Overland flow:
Rainfall excess Y Y Y Y Y
Upward saturation Y N N N Y

Erosion process:
Raindrop impact/ Y Y Y Y Y
Overland flow
Rilling N N Y Y Y
Crusting N Y N Y Y
Channel banks Y N N Y N
Gullying Y N N N N
Landsliding Y N N N N

Time-varying sedigraph Y Y N Y Y
Time-integrated yield Y Y Y Y Y
Erosion map Y Y Y N Y

Land use Most vegetation Mainly Wide range Mainly Mainly

covers agricultural of land use agricultural agricultural

Y = yes; N = no

(ANSWERS) developed in the USA contemporaneously with SHETRAN and subsequently

used extensively in a range of countries (Park et al., 1982; Silburn and Connolly, 1995); the
more recent United States Department of Agricultures Water Erosion Prediction Project
(WEPP) (Lane et al., 1992); and two recent European developments, the European Soil
Erosion Model (EUROSEM) (Morgan et al., 1998) and the Limburg Soil Erosion Model
(LISEM) (De Roo et al., 1996). Table 4 summarizes the comparison, based on a number of
important model features:

1) Simulation type : can the model simulate continuous periods or is it limited to single
rainfall events?
2) Basin size : what is the maximum basin size which can be simulated?
3) Spatial distribution : how is spatial variability represented?
4) Overland flow : is overland flow (important for routing sediment) generated by
rainfall excess over infiltration and by upward saturation of the soil column?
5) Erosion process : what processes are included in the model?
6) Output : does the model provide time-varying sediment discharge (a sedigraph), time-
integrated (bulk) yield and a spatially distributed erosion map?
7) Land use : what sort of land covers can be simulated?

A further feature, the sediment routing scheme, is not shown since all the models use a
similar approach involving a balance between sediment availability and the sediment
transport capacity of the flow.
The comparison indicates the basin scale nature of SHETRAN. It can simulate
continuous periods (up to several decades) whereas ANSWERS, EUROSEM and LISEM are
event models. It can also simulate much larger basins than the others, although the
commensurate use of large grid squares (up to 2 km x 2 km) may introduce scaling problems.
Because of its integrated surface/subsurface design SHETRAN can simulate runoff
generation by both processes, whereas ANSWERS, WEPP and EUROSEM are limited to
generation by rainfall excess. All the models can simulate erosion by raindrop impact and
overland flow but SHETRAN is the only one which provides a basis for simulating, at a basin
scale, the sediment yield arising from gullying and landsliding. SHETRAN is limited in the
detail of its process representation as it cannot directly account for rilling or soil crusting.
However, these processes are most significant at smaller scales and may merge with a wider
range of erosion controls at larger scales. Most of the models can provide time-varying and
spatially distributed output. ANSWERS, EUROSEM and LISEM were designed especially
to simulate erosion on lands growing crops : however, they could probably be adapted to
cover the wider range of covers, including rangeland and forests, which can be simulated by
SHETRAN and WEPP. In conclusion, SHETRAN compares favourably with the other
models, especially in its ability to simulate erosion and sediment yield at a range of basin

Future directions
SHETRAN is continually evolving as improved process descriptions become available, as
more efficient solution schemes are developed and as increasing computing power opens up
new opportunities for software development and for the range and scale of model
applications. Areas likely to receive attention in the future include:

1) New or improved process models, e.g. for channel bank erosion and infiltration of fine
sediments into channel beds of coarser material. Further research is required into the
evaluation of the soil erodibility coefficients as a function of measurable soil
properties. Overland flow sediment transport is also a poorly researched area where
improved process equations are needed.
2) Improved user-friendliness. The current versions of SHETRAN are run on Unix-
based workstations. Combined with the models complexity, this makes it difficult to
place the model in the public domain. However, a user-friendly front-end has already
been added to help new users and a PC version is under development. In the future
SHETRAN will therefore become more generally available.
3) Tests and applications. Each new development requires testing; currently, for
example, the landslide and gully erosion and sediment yield components are
undergoing validation at test sites. Such tests may require field programmes to
provide the necessary data. Future applications are likely to concern the impacts of
climate and land use change on erosion and sediment yield. Applications at the larger
basin scales will require supporting research on scale dependencies. Related to this,
there is a need to investigate, and minimize, the uncertainties in model parameter
evaluation. SHETRAN has already been integrated with ecological and economic
models within decision support systems and such integration is likely to continue in
the future. In particular it enables feedback between the physical and other domains
to be accounted for in modelling basin response.

Acknowledgements SHETRANs development and application at the Water Resource
Systems Research Laboratory (WRSRL) has been carried out over many years by a large
team of research staff under the overall leadership of Professor P. E. OConnell (WRSRL
Director) and Dr. J. Ewen. Their work forms a basis for some of the discussion in this
chapter and its contribution is acknowledged by appropriate references in the text. Particular
thanks for help with the diagrams are due to Mr R. Adams, Dr S. J. Birkinshaw, Mr A.
Burton and Mr J. Sheffield. Financial support for SHETRAN erosion modelling has been
provided by the Commission of the European Communities, UK Nirex Ltd, the UK
Department for International Development and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.


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Multiscale Green's function Monte Carlo
approach to erosion modelling and its
application to land use optimization
L. Mitas, H. Mitasova
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA


Efforts to balance economic development with environmental protection have increased the
demand for simulation tools which enable predictions of the human impact on the landscape. In
order to prevent irreversible changes and avoid costly, ineffective solutions, the simulation tools
should provide detailed spatial and temporal distributions of modeled phenomena. Statistical
averages for entire study areas or predictions only for a certain point, such as a watershed outlet,
are often insufficient. Effectiveness of land management decisions aimed at preventing negative
impacts of soil erosion in complex landscapes can be significantly improved by detailed
predictions of erosion and deposition patterns for proposed land use alternatives. Recent
advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology, especially support for modeling
with multivariate functions (Mitasova et al., 1995; Mitas et al., 1997), along with the exponential
growth in computational power, stimulate the shift from empirical, lumped models to physically-
based, distributed ones (Moore et al., 1993; Maidment, 1996; Saghafian et al., 1995).
In spite of a significant progress in this area of research, applications of distributed models
are still rather laborious and often results do not have sufficient detail, accuracy and realism for
land management purposes. In our research we have tried to address some of these problems by
focusing on:
(a) description of processes by 'first principles' relations in a bivariate form allowing us to
incorporate impact of spatial variability in rainfall excess, terrain, soil and cover conditions;
(b) use of robust solvers (Green's function Monte Carlo) with multiscale implementation
which minimize the preprocessing of input data and support modeling at spatially variable

(c) investigations of computer simulated land use designs for finding optimal land use patterns
with minimized erosion risk;
(d) increase in efficiency by extensive use of GIS for processing, analysis and visualization of
the data and results, as described in detail by Mitasova et al. (1995); Mitas et al. (1997).
First, we briefly describe water and sediment flow models based on the solution of bivariate
first principles equations by multiscale Monte Carlo method. Then, we illustrate the capabilities
of the proposed approach to simulate erosion/deposition patterns for a study area with spatially
variable terrain, soil and cover conditions for different land use designs aimed at improving the
effectiveness of erosion prevention. Finally, we present an example of water flow simulation
with spatially variable resolution using heterogeneous elevation data.


The methodological framework for the simulation of human impact on erosion/deposition is

based upon the description of water flow and sediment transport processes by first principles
equations, a concept outlined previously, most often for a one dimensional case, for example, by
Bennet, (1974). Within our approach, inputs and outputs of simulations are represented by
continuous multivariate functions discretized as grids, as opposed to homogeneous hillslope
segments or subwatersheds used in more traditional approaches. To fully incorporate the impact
of spatial variability in terrain, soils and cover, we describe the water and sediment flow as
bivariate vector fields rather than using a 1D flow routing in the steepest slope direction from a
planar hillslope segment common in many distributed models (e.g., Moore et al., 1993; Flacke et
al., 1990). Advanced GIS technology is used to support the processing, analysis and
visualization of the multiscale data and simulation results (Mitasova et al., 1995; Mitas et al.,

Overland water flow

The model used in this paper is described by Mitas and Mitasova (1998) therefore here we
briefly present only its principles. A bivariate shallow water flow continuity equation for a
rainfall event (e.g., Saghafian et al. 1995) is given by

h(r, t )
= ie (r, t ) .[h(r, t )v(r, t )] (1)

where h (r, t) [m] is the depth of overland flow, ie (r, t) [m/s] is the rainfall excess, v(r,t) is
velocity and r = (x, y) [m] is the position. Equation (1) is coupled with the momentum
conservation equation (in the diffusive wave approximation) which together with the
Manning's relation between the depth and velocity create a closed system of equations. The
steady state form of Equation (1) is given by

[ ]
2 h 5 / 3 (r ) + .q(r ) = ie (r )

where q(r,t) [m2/s] is the unit flow discharge (water flow per unit width) and is a diffusion
coefficient. The diffusive wave effects are incorporated approximately by the term
[ ]
2 h 5 / 3 (r ) . Such an incorporation of diffusion in the water flow simulation is not new and a
similar term has been obtained in derivations of diffusion-advection equations for overland
flow, e.g., by Dingman (1984). In our reformulation we use a modified diffusion term, which
depends on h5/3(r) instead of h(r). Equation (2) has the advantage of being linear in the
function h5/3(r) which enables us to solve it by means of the Green's function method using
stochastic (Monte Carlo) techniques as described later.
The diffusion constant which we have used is rather small (approximately one order of
magnitude smaller than the reciprocal Manning's coefficient) and therefore the resulting flow
is close to the kinematic regime. However, the diffusion term improves the kinematic solution
by filling and overcoming shallow depressions common in digital elevation models (DEM),
reducing thus the need for manual modification of a DEM. It also produces smooth flows
around slope discontinuities or abrupt changes in land cover which are typical for
anthropogenic landscapes.

Sediment transport by overland flow

Overland water flow is the driving force for hillslope erosion which includes sediment
entrainment, transport and deposition. The continuity of sediment mass is given by

[ s c(r, t )h(r, t )] 2
[ s c(r, t )h(r, t )] + .s (r, t ) = sources sin ks = D(r, t ) (3)
t 2

where qs(r,t)=sc(r,t)q(r,t) [kg/(ms)] is the sediment flow rate per unit width, c(r,t)
[particle/m3] is sediment concentration, ps [kg/particle] is mass per sediment particle, and
[m2/s] characterizes local dissipation (diffusion) processes. For a steady state case the
equation is

[ s c(r )h(r )] + .s (r ) = D(r ) (4)

The sources/sinks term is derived from the assumption that the detachment and deposition
rates are proportional to the difference between the sediment transport capacity and the
actual sediment flow rate (Foster and Meyer, 1972):

D(r ) = (r ) T (r ) qs (r ) ] (5)

where T(r) [kg/(ms)] is the sediment transport capacity, and (r) [m-1] is the first order
reaction term dependent on soil and cover properties. The expression for (r) = Dc(r)/T(r) is
obtained from the following relationship (Foster and Meyer, 1972):

D(r ) / Dc (r ) + qs (r ) / T (r ) = 1 (6)

which states that the ratio of erosion rate to the detachment capacity Dc(r) [kg/(m2s)] plus the
ratio of the sediment flow to the sediment transport capacity is a conserved quantity (unity)-
Equation (6), proposed by Foster and Meyer (1972), is based on observed relationship
between soil detachment and transport described e.g., by Meyer and Wischmeier (1969).
This concept is used in several erosion models including WEPP (Haan et al., 1994; Flanagan
and Nearing, 1995). The qualitative arguments, experimental observations and values for (r)
are discussed by Foster and Meyer, (1972).

The sediment transport capacity T(r) and detachment capacity Dc(r) represent maximum
potential sediment flow rate and maximum potential detachment rate, respectively, and are
functions of a shear stress (Foster and Meyer, 1972):

T(r) = Kt(r ) [(r)] p = Kt (r )[ gh (r) sin (r)]p (7)

Dc(r) = Kd (r) [ (r) c r (r)]q = Kd (r) [ gh (r) sin (r) c r (r)]q (8)

where (r) = gh (r) sin (r) [Pa] is the shear stress, [deg] is the slope angle, p and q are
exponents, Kt(r) [s] is the effective transport capacity coefficient, Kd (r) [s/m] is the effective
erodibility (detachment capacity coefficient), g is the hydrostatic pressure of water with
the unit height, g = 9.81 [m/s2] is the gravitational acceleration, = 103 [kg/m3] is the mass
density of water, and cr (r) [Pa] is the critical shear stress. The parameters and adjustments
factors for the estimation of Dc(r), T(r) are functions of soil and cover properties, and their
values for a wide range of soils, cover, agricultural and erosion prevention practices are being
developed within the WEPP model.
Recently, Nearing et al. (1997) presented an improved fit to several sets of experimental
data by relating sediment loads qs [g/ms] to stream power [g/s2]:

Be( C + D log )
log qs = A + (9)
1 + e( C + D log )

with the constants A = -34.47, B = 38.61, C = 0.845, D = 0.412. Based on the conditions of
experiments it was suggested that Equation (9) could be a reasonable estimation of the
sediment transport capacity. The Equation (9) can be rewritten to the following form:

T (r ) qs (r ) = a0 exp d (10)
1 + [ (r ) / 0 ]

where a0 = 1380 [kg/sm], b = 88.90, d = 0.179, 0 = 8.89. 10-' [kg/s3], = ,g Iq(r)I sin(r)
is the stream power [kg/s3], (note the change of units from gramm to kg for qs, and when
compared with Equation (9)). This form of the Equation (9) allows us to define a physical
interpretation of the constants, as a0 represents a saturated sediment load for infinitely large
stream power, 0 is a reference stream power, b = 88.90 and d = 0.179 are dimensionless
exponents. Strictly speaking, the choice of the constants corresponds to the experimental
results used in the fit and could be different in other cases, e.g., an effective transport capacity
coefficient analogous to the one in Equation (7) has to be included for different covers, etc.
The important difference between the Equations (7) and (9, 10) is that through the stream
power (r) = (r) Iv(r)I the effect of flow velocity is directly incorporated into the transport
capacity. For complex terrain and cover conditions, the flow velocity varies and can change
dramatically with varying location, so we can expect differences in predicted patterns of
erosion/deposition when using Equation (10) for the sediment transport capacity.

Green's function Monte Carlo method

The continuity Equations (1) and (3) are traditionally solved by finite element or finite
difference methods. These methods often require special data structures (e.g. meshes for
finite element methods) or have problems with numerical stability for complex, spatially
variable conditions. As a robust and flexible alternative to these methods we have proposed
to use a stochastic approach to the solution, based on Green's function Monte Carlo method.
Because of space constraints, we consider only the steady state cases given by Equations (2)
and (4), however, methodology is similar also for the time dependent cases. Equations (2), (4)
have a general form in which a linear differential operator O acts on a nonnegative function
(r) (either h(r) or sc(r)h(r)), while on the right hand side, there is a source term S(r)

O(r) = S(r) (11)

Using the Green's function G(r, r', p) the solution can be expressed as

(r ) = G(r, r' , p)S(r' )dr' dp (12)


while G(r, r', p) is given by the following equation and an initial condition

G(r, r' , p)
= OG(r, r' , p); G(r, r' , 0) = (r r' ) (13)

where is the Dirac function. In addition, we assume that the spatial region is a delineated
drainage basin with zero boundary condition which is fulfilled by G (r, r', p).
Eqsuations (1 to 4) can be interpreted as Fokker-Planck stochastic processes (Gardiner,
1985) with diffusion and drift components. Such an interpretation opens new possibilities to
solve these equations through a simulation of the underlying process utilizing stochastic
methods (Gardiner, 1985). This type of Monte Caxlo approach is one of the modern
alternatives to finite element or finite difference approaches and is being explored in
computational fluid dynamics or in quantum Monte Carlo methods for solving the
Schrdinger equation (see Mitas, 1996, and references therein). Very briefly, the solution is
obtained as follows. A number of sampling points distributed according to the source S(r') is
generated. The sampling points are then propagated according to the function G(r, r', p) and
averaging of path samples provides an estimation of the actual solution (r) with a statistical
accuracy proportional to 1 where M is the number of samples. Figure 1 illustrates the
solution with increasing number of walkers (animated illustration of this method can be found
in Mitas et al. (1997)).
The Monte Carlo technique has several unique advantages when compared with more
traditional methods. It is very robust and enables studies for spatially complex cases with
minimum of manual preprocessing of input data. Moreover, rough solutions, which identify
the major sediment concentrations and erosion/deposition patterns can be estimated quickly,
allowing us to carry out preliminary quantitative studies or to rapidly extract qualitative
trends by parameter scans. In addition, Monte Carlo methods are tailored to the new
generation of computers as they provide scalability from a single workstation to large parallel
machines due to the independence of sampling points. Therefore, the methods are useful both
for everyday exploratory work using a desktop computer and for large, cutting-edge
applications using high performance computing.

Multiscale implementation for data with spatially variable resolution

With the growing capabilities to collect geospatial data from various sources using different
technologies the data set representing the studied landscape can be very heterogeneous with
different coverage, resolution, detail and accuracy. To fully exploit the best data available for
a given area algorithms should be able to make effective use of these heterogeneous data sets,
maximize the accuracy and detail of predictions while performing computations efficiently.
To address this need we have reformulated the solution through the Green's function
given by Equation (12) for accommodation of spatially variable accuracy and resolution. The
integral (12) can be multiplied by a reweighting function W(r)

W (r ) (r ) = W (r )G(r, r' , p)S(r' )dr' dp = G (r, r' , p)S(r' )dr' dp
0 0

which is equal to the appropriate increase in accuracy (W(r) > 1) in the regions of interest
while it is unity elsewhere. The function W(r) can change (abruptly or smoothly) between
regions with unequal resolutions and in fact, can be optimally adapted to the quality of input
data (terrain, soils, etc) so that the accurate solution is calculated only in the regions with
correspondingly accurate inputs. The reweighted Green's function G* (r, r', p), in effect,
introduces higher density of sampling points in the region with large W(r). The statistical
[ ]
noise will be spatially variable as ~ 1 W (r ) M , where M is the average number of samples
resulting in the accuracy increase for the areas with W(r) > 1.
Equations (1 to 4) describe the water and sediment flow at a spatial scale equal or larger
than an average distance between rills (i.e., grid cell size > 1m) and therefore the presented
approach allows us to perform landscape scale simulations at variable spatial resolutions from
one to hundreds of meters, depending on the complexity and importance of studied


High resolution erosion and deposition patterns for spatially complex conditions

We have evaluated the capabilities of the presented model using an ~ 1 km2 subarea of the
Scheyern experimental farm (Auerswald et al., 1996). The measured elevation data were
interpolated to a 2m resolution DEM by regularized spline with tension (Mitasova and
Mitas, 1993) and land cover and soil data were used to estimate erodibility and
transportability parameters based on the literature (Foster and Meyer, 1972; Flanagan and
Nearing, 1995).
First, we have applied the model for traditional land use (Figure 1a) for two different
(a) dense grass in the meadow area, baxe soil in the arable area and an extreme storm event;
(b) vegetation cover everywhere and a lower intensity rainfall event.
We compared the results of simulations with spatial distributions of observed colluvial
deposits (Figure 1a) and linear erosion features digitized from aerial photographs (Figure 1a).
For case (a), prevailing detachment limited erosion ( 0) is predicted for the bare soil area,
due to the high transporting capacity of fast moving water. The net erosion D(r) ~ Dc(r) and
almost all detached sediment is transported to stream while deposition is restricted to small
concave areas and channels (Figures 1b,c). This represents a situation close to the one
observed after an extreme storm event in 1993 when extensive rilling occurred, with only 7 %
of eroded sediment deposited within the area (Auerswald et al. 1996).
For the case (b), with smaller transport capacities and ( > 1) the erosion process is
close to sediment transport capacity limited case when Iqs (r)I ~ T(r). The erosion rates are
lower and the model predicts large extent of areas with deposition (Figures 1b,c). Such a
behavior is close to the observed distribution of colluvial deposits (Figure 1a). For this case,
the net erosion and deposition can be approximated as

D(r ) = . qs (r ) .[T (r )s0 (r )] (15)

where s0(r) is the unit vector in the steepest slope direction and the erosion and deposition
pattern is significantly inlfuenced by terrain shape. The impact of topography can be
demonstrated by substituing for T (r ) = Kt gh(r )sin (r ) and deriving the net erosion and
deposition as a function of water depth and terrain curvatures:

{ [ ]}
D(r ) = Kt g [h(r )].s0 (r )sin (r ) h(r ) p (r ) + t (r ) (16)

where p(r) is the profile curvature (curvature in the direction of the steepest slope), t(r)
is the tangential curvature (curvature in the direction perpendicular to the gradient, i.e.,
tangential to the terrain surface isoline; for curvature definitions see Mitasova and Hofierka,
1993). Therefore, according to (16) the spatial distribution of erosion/deposition is given by
the directional derivative of the overland flow depth (first term) and by the local geometry of
terrain (second term), including both profile and tangential curvatures (Figure 2).
The commonly used univaxiate formulations of erosion models neglect the influence of
tangential curvature (Figure 2) underestimating thus the deposition in areas with t(r) < 0
(tangential concavity) and underestimating erosion in areas with t(r) > 0 (tangential
convexity) as demonstrated by Mitas and Mitasova (1998). Although the above analysis
strictly applies to the case when p = 1 in Equation (7), it is possible to derive similar
expression with a general exponent p not equal to 1 and the qualitative conclusions remain the
From the point of view of land use management, it is important to note that for both
simulations (a), (b) the highest rates of net erosion as well as net deposition were predicted in
hollows with high concentrated sediment flow (Figures 1b,c). Field measurements confirm
that this area has the thickest layers of colluvial deposits but also large linear erosion features
were observed here after a strong storm (Auerswald et al., 1996). The second highest erosion
is predicted on upper convex parts of hillslopes where the highest loss of radio-tracers and
the lowest yields were observed (Auerswald, personal communication). Increased erosion is
predicted also for bare narrow stripes below the grass areas, where water accelerates after
depositing the sediment. The major difference in spatial patterns between the two modeled
cases is the spatial extent of erosion/deposition. In the simulation (a) 93% of the area
experienced erosion while simulation (b) predicted erosion only for 70% of the area, with
extent of deposition close to the observed spatial distributions of colluvial deposits.
Deposition was also predicted at upper edges of meadows, where the rills follow the
borderline between the grass and bare soil areas and where deposits were found in the upper
convex part of the grass hillslope (Figure 1).

Land use design for improved erosion prevention

The presented bivariate erosion model can be used for analyzing and designing the placement
of selected erosion protection measures based on land cover, as illustrated by the following
simple example. First, we used the model to identify locations with the highest erosion risk,
assuming a uniform land use. Then, the protective grass cover was distributed to the high risk
areas while preserving the extent of grass cover at the original 30% of the area (Figure 3). We
performed a simulation with the new land use to evaluate its effectiveness. The results
demonstrate that the new design has a potential to dramatically reduce soil loss and sediment
loads in the ephemeral streams (Figure 3). The crest in sediment flow in the valley disappears
and is replaced by light deposition within the grassways, while the maximum and total rates
of erosion are significantly reduced. We have found, that the effectiveness of this design
depends on differences in roughness, combination of very smooth bare soil and very dense
grassway resulted in predictions of higher erosion along the borders of the grass waterway. It
is interesting to note, that the land use design obtained by this rather simple computational
procedure, using only the elevation data, had several common features with the sustainable
land use design proposed and implemented in 1993 at the farm, based on extensive
experimental work (Auerswald et al., 1996). The design uses significantly higher proportion
of permanent grass cover and fallow and increases cover/roughness in the hop field in the
center of the valley. The results show that this design keeps increased amounts of soil
moisture and, at higher cost, reduces the net erosion even further.

Simulations with spatially variable resolution and accuracy

The necessity for spatially heterogeneous modeling of fluxes can arise due to various reasons,
for example, when the modeled region is represented by vaxious data sets at different
resolutions or when the region is very large with spatially variable complexity and only a
subarea of high spatial variability needs to be simulated at high resolution while for the rest of
the reagion lower resolution is sufficient.
We illustrate the concept of multiscale modeling using a 16 km2 region represented by a
10m resolution DEM (400c x 400r) with a smaller 1 km2 subregion mapped with more detail
and represented by a 2m resolution DEM (680c x 395r). Resampling the DEM for entire
region to 2m resolution would lead to 4 million grid cell DEM requiring substantial increase in
computational requirements with little gain in detail for low resolution area. With spatially
variable resolution we simulate the water flow at 10m resolution for the entire area and save
the walkers entering the high resolution subregion. Water flow for the subregion is then
simulated at 2 m resolution using the saved resampled walkers as inputs, as illustrated by
Figure 4. Probably the most significant research and application potential of this approach is
in multiscale/multiprocess simulations which would allow us to run simulations using the
models which axe the most appropriate for the given scale. For example, by transfering the
water and sediment from average overland flow model for low resolution area to rill-interril-
channel model for subregion represented at high, submeter resolution.

Fig. 1 Monte Carlo solution of sediment transport equation using increasing number of walkers:
(a) sediment flow rate, (b) net erosion and deposition

Fig. 2 Terrain model with (a) traditional land use and observed rills and gullies, (b) simulated
sediment flow, (c) erosion and deposition pattern for 70 mm/hr rainfall excess and bare soil in
the agricultural field

Fig. 3 Terrain model with (a) observed depths of colluvial deposits, (b) simulated sediment flow,
(c) erosion and deposition pattern for 20 mm/hr rainfall excess and vegetative cover in the
agricultural field

Fig. 4 Univariate and bivariate computation of net erosion and deposition for transport capacity
limiting case: (a) erosion and deposition as a change of 1D sediment flow along flow line: d lqsl
/ ds, (b) erosion and deposition as a divergence of 2D vector field representing sediment flow: div

Fig. 5 Terrain model with (a) computer designed land use, (b) simulated sediment flow, (c)
erosion and deposition pattern for 70 mm/hr rainfall excess and bare soil in the agricultural field

Fig. 6 Multi-scale simulation of steady state water depth: (a) water depth at combined 10m and
2m resolution for the entire study area, (b) selected subarea at 10m resolution, (c) the same
selected subarea at 2m resolution


The stochastic method of solving the first principles equations using Green's function
Monte Carlo technique provided us with a valuable research tool of a much needed
robustness and flexibility. It enabled us to investigate several important issues such as
impact of complex terrain on spatial patterns of erosion/deposition under different regimes
of sediment transport, impact of land use design on effective erosion prevention and the
possibility to simulate flow at spatially variable resolution.
Comparisons of simulation results with field data indicate that the study area at
Scheyern experimental farm exhibits colluvial deposition patterns consistent with prevailing
transport capacity limited regime, modeled for the conditions with vegetative cover and small
event. On the other hand, as we conjecture from our preliminary investigations, the
detachment limited case seems to dominate the creation of short term erosion features, such as
rilling and gully formation, which are related to large rainstorm events, bare soil conditions and
high transport capacities concentrated to short time intervals. The bivariate model was also
capable to predict the location of thalweg erosion by simulating high rates of both erosion and
deposition in valleys.
A suggestion of Nearing at al. (1997) that the sediment loads from rills may be more
strongly influenced by a sediment transport limit rather than by the soil detachment, in
general, agrees with our results. This seems to be true especially in complex terrain
conditions where transport capacity changes significantly due to variations in terrain shape
and cover affecting significantly the distribution and amplitudes of the water flow field. Our
calculations and analysis also suggest that the sediment transport capacity plays a more
important role than anticipated by the previous research which focused on erodibility as the
key control quantity. Obviously, a subtle and spatially variable interplay between
erodibility and transport capacity can influence the processes in a profound way. We
believe that this complexity clearly points out towards the importance of the high resolution
2D simulations.
The presented model enabled us to study the impact of different land cover designs on
the erosion processes and estimate their effectivenes for erosion protection, demonstrating
the possibilities to create powerful tools for computer aided sustainable land use design.
The presented model was implemented as an independent computational module named
SIMWE (Simulation of Water Erosion) and linked to the Geographic Resources Analysis
System (GRASS).

Acknowledgments We would like to express our gratitude to K. Auerswald from the

Technical University Muenchen, Germany, and to S. Warren from the USA Construction
Engineering Research Laboratory (USA CERL) for providing the experimental data used in
this paper and for valuable discussions. We acknowledge the support by the Strategic
Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and the USA CERL. We
thank Douglas Johnston from the GMS Laboratory at the University of Illinois for his
support and discussions, and to William Brown for his contribution to the new GRASS
tools used in this paper.



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Developments in physically-based overland flow
W. Summer
Chartered Engineering Consultant for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management,
Brennleitenstrasse 59-61/3, A-2202 Hagenbrunn, Austria


The hydrologic component represents a major part within the integrated watershed management
approach, considering, assessing and combining the complex relationships between environmental
features as well as the cumulative effects of disturbances on environmental quality across
complex landscapes. Therefore, the requirements for hydrologic models simulating overland flow
and related transport processes on a physical basis, by using mathematical algorithm, increased
significantly in the same way as the demand for higher modelling precision has risen. Although,
new tools such as Geographic Information Systems have been developed to enable the assess of
spatial heterogeneity, present physical modelling of surface transport processes still requires
assumptions of spatial homogeneity. The justified degree of simplification is determined by
model scale, data requirements, availability and processing of data as well as by expenses for
man-power and instrumentation involved in the overall watershed management task.
Due to the difficulties of quantitative estimates on surface transport processes by
physically-based modelling approaches, simulations were done on the basis of conceptual
models. As they combine the simplicity of an empirical concept with the wider applicability of
the more rigorous physically-based approach, their advantage lies in the representation of the
significant features of a physical process in mathematical terms. Although several decades have
elapsed since these methods were introduced, they still play a major role in computer based
complex hydrologic models where, in addition, the movement of nutrients, chemicals and
pesticides is estimated and predicted. Their predictive capabilities are limited however to the
simulation of various simple scenarios, as well as the evaluation of the resulting consequences as
only a limited understanding of the underlying physical process is reflected by the conceptual

Over the last few decades hydrologists constantly decreased the lack of physical basis of
mathematical models. But simulating overland flow by a fully dynamic, two-dimensional model
accounting for microtopographic flow characteristics (Zhang and Cundy, 1989) will hardly be
feasible if a considered catchment exceeds a certain size. A first practical solving technique for the
conservation equations was based on the approximate kinematic wave theory (Lighthill and
Whitham, 1955; Iwagaki, 1955). It was then first introduced to the modelling of watershed flow
problems by Henderson and Wooding (1964) who considered in theory the runoff from a V-
shaped catchment (Wooding, 1965a, 1965b, 1966) (Figure 1a). A detailed analysis on the
kinematic wave criteria was then published by Woolhiser and Liggett (1967). The practical
validity of the kinematic model has to be judged by direct reference to the physics of the
processes involved e.g. by considering more accurate differential equations of higher order
(Morris and Woolhiser, 1980; Viera, 1983).
The concept of kinematic cascades (Figure 1b) was introduced by Brakensiek in 1967.
Based on the kinematic wave theory it helped to overcome geometric landscape restrictions in
modelling complete watersheds. This type of model represents the first of its kind to combine a
physically-based approach with an operational method as well as offering a certain flexibility to
varying hillslope shapes.
Due to increased computer power over the years a big effort was also put into
mathematical models coping with the spatially highly variable overland flow phenomena, as well
as surface transport processes by using a fully dynamic two-dimensional approach (Abbott et
al., 1986a and 1986b; Bathurst, 1986; Lane and Nearing, 1989; Nearing et al., 1989). Aiming at
considering microtopographic characteristics, a grid-based approach as well as the use of the
point-scale technology poses the problem of estimating local friction and local x- and y-direction
slope values at multiple single/nodal points of a computational network over a watershed due to
the two-dimensional solution of the point-scale overland flow equations (Figure 1c). In practice,
this results in a very substantial parameter estimation problem. To overcome grid-based routing
disadvantages as well as the difficulties of flow division and convergence in one-dimensional
kinematic routing on a grid basis, an improved two-dimensional kinematic routing concept on a
triangular irregular network was developed by Goodrich et al. (1991).

Fig. 1 Schematic representations of shape approximations of watersheds in overland flow
modelling: a) V-shaped catchment, b) Kinematic cascades - KINEROS, c) Rectangular grids -SHE
model, etc., d) spatially averaging technique of flow dynamics

These and other physically-based models are essential in highlighting the physical
processes involved. But in general, they are confronted with difficulties in estimating overland
flow parameters due to the heterogeneity of the land surface microtopography. In addition they
also have difficulties in computing overland flows at small grid spacing in order to gain realistic
results. All recent models are based on a dynamic approach in one or another way, considering
point-scale overland flow equations. But their correct solutions require gradually varied flow.
Therefore in the case of a rapidly changing microtopography on a hillslope, it is not possible to
use the point-scale equations, unless one smoothes the natural surface microtopography (Tayfur
et al., 1993). To account for a realistic overland flow situation, the importance of the natural
hillslope system, broken into rill and interrill processes (Emmett, 1978; Meyer et al., 1975), has
to be understood and then considered.

A mathematical overland flow model

A physically-based modelling technique represents a major advance in understanding and

predicting overland flow on complex hillslope profiles. Based on the derivation of spatially
averaged conservation equations for interacting rill and interrill area overland flows (Tayfur and
Kavvas, 1994), this chapter will show ways to overcome the common difficulties in
estimating overland flow parameters of heterogeneous surfaces, considering the
microtopography of the surface at the same time.
representing the flow over complex landscape surfaces.
computing overland flows at small grid spacing for realistic results by

In real life situations, overland flow, over land surfaces, is characterised by flow on interrill areas
as well as flow in rills discharging into the stream channel network of a catchment (Fig. 1 d).
Hence, a good hydrologic model not only has to assume the occurrence of surface flow as sheet
flow, it also has to consider the influence of rills on the flow dynamics to avoid serious
misinterpretation of results and finally has to have the capability to express the combined flow
dynamics over the landscape forming hillslopes.
Kavvas and Govindaraju (1992) combined in a simple, and strictly one-dimensional way -
no interaction between flows in parallel rills and neighbouring interrill areas - the rill flow
dynamics. As interrill areas always contribute a certain amount of flow towards rills, which in a
realistic approach therefore cant be assumed as straight and parallel, a two-dimensional
expansion of the combined flow dynamics was then developed by Tayfur and Kavvas (1994),
where flow interaction between interrill areas and rills exists.
The interrill area flow is conceptualised as a two-dimensional sheet flow and a one-
dimensional channel flow is assigned to the rills. The overland flow dynamic is simulated by a
kinematic wave approximation of the St. Venant equations as this is a very practicable approach
(Govindaraju et al., 1992; Woolhiser, 1974). The kinematic wave arises out of a continuity

+ =R (1)
t x

e.g. with A as the cross-sectional area of flow, Q as the discharge and R as a source/sink term as
well as an unique relationship of the form

Q = Q( A; x, t ) (2)

For the case of two-dimensional overland flow over a plane of constant width this results in

ho q q
= ie ( x, y, t ) x + y (3)
t x y

qx = qx (ho ; x, t ) (4a)

q y = q y (ho ; y , t ) (4b)

where qx and qy denote the discharge per unit width in x-direction respectively in y-direction,
ho(x,y,z) the interrill area sheet flow depth and ie the rate of rainfall excess. In most situations of
hydrologic relevance an explicit independence of q on t can be assumed leading to q x = qx ( ho ; x )
respectively q y = q y (ho ; y ) . It can be expressed in power law form q = ch with c and m as

parameters giving qx and qy as

qx = Cx ho5 3 = ho5 3 (5a)
n 4 1 + oy


qy = Cy ho5 3 = ho5 3 (5b)
n 4 1 + ox

where n denotes Mannings roughness coefficient, Sox the bed slope in x-direction (Sox=tanx)
and Soy the bed slope in y-direction (Soy =tany) (Figure 2).
As Equation (3) represents an equation conserving mass at a single point, its practical application
will be impracticable as each model parameter has to be monitored at every single node/point
location on the hillslopes. Therefore Equation (1) is locally averaged over an individual interrill
area having a width (Figures 1d and 3) to obtain the locally averaged sheet flow equation

ho 1 C
= ie (Cx ho5 3 ) 5 3 y ho5 3 = fo (ho ; x, y, t ) (6)
t x 2 l

where ho and ie denote the averaged parameter values. Although Equation. (6) is one-
dimensional, it contains two-dimensional properties as the second term on the right hand side of
the equation represents the water flux discharging from the interrill area section into the rill.

Fig. 2 Schematic flow element representing the sheet flow dynamics on an interrill area

The locally averaged one-dimensional equation for rill flow is similar to the overland flow
equation. For rectangular rill cross-section as well as under the kinematic wave assumption, the
flow equation can be stated as

hr Sox 1 (bhr )3 2
= ie + ql = fr (hr , b; x, t ) (7)
t n br x b + 2 hr

where b denotes the rill width, hr the rill flow depth, Sox the bed slope of the rill and ql the net
lateral inflow from the interrill area section into the rill - ql can then be separated into a rill inflow
component from the right hand side of the rill as well as the left hand side and can be estimated
according to Equations (5a) and (5b).
But as natural landscapes consist of hillslopes with microtopographic surface structures
characterised by a large number of rills and interrill areas, it is unrealistic to evaluate the physical
and hydraulic properties of each rill and interrill section in order to avoid gross errors in the flow
predictions. Therefore the locally averaged flow Equations (6) and (7) have to be averaged along
the transect and/or contour lines of the watershed representing hillslopes (Figures 1 and 3). This
large scale averaging is based on the stochastic averaging theory. Its application to the overall
overland flow dynamics (combined averaged interrill and rill flow) over a certain length L results
in an equation for an overall mean flow depth h (Govindaraju et al., 1992).

= fr (hr , b; x, t ) . ( x, y, t ) + fo (ho ; x, y, t ) .[1 ( x, y, t )] (8)

Equation (8) reflects the distribution of the rills over a hillslope through the parameter (x,y,t) as
well as the fact that any stochastic parameter such as the rill widths and depths etc. have to be
averaged which is expressed by < >. The multiple solution of Equation (8) for various hillslope
transects respectively watershed contour lines leads then to averaged flow velocities and
discharges. Overland flow towards the draining watershed channels can then be computed.

Fig. 3 Schematic landscape representation of a part of a watershed with a local-scale averaging rill
and interrill section as well as with a large-scale averaging area between two neighbouring contour

The overland flow model within a watershed framework

The spatially averaged conservation equations for overland flow with interacting rill and interrill
dynamics represent the innovative component of the new watershed modelling system for the
transport over complex surfaces. Other presently available process components incorporated
into the expending system are rainfall, infiltration and channel flow. The system, expendable for
soil erosion, nutrient transport etc., allows for spatial and temporal variability of the relevant
parameters. The watershed is subdivided by contour lines where the controlling parameters are
averaged over the area within neighbouring contours. The input file is structured in such a manner
that the relevant simulation parameters for the estimation of the flow dynamics along chosen
streamlines are provided for each area between neighbouring contour lines. Consequently the

resulting overland flow discharges from the hillslopes, which finally drain into the channel
network of the watershed, are computed. However, due to the splitting of the basin by contour
lines as well as stream line,s spatial variability is considered. For every time increment during the
simulation of a rainstorm a relevant input file has to be prepared. Thus, the system not only
allows for areal variability but also considers the temporal variations within a storm event.
Monitored rainfall data is gathered from various rain gauges representing the rainfall
characteristics of the catchment. It is planned to provide pattern of rainfall intensities as
simulation input for a situation of a moving thunderstorm over a research area.

Fig. 4 Schematic representation of a soil water infiltration front at a precipitation event with a
rainfall intensity a) constant in time as well as b) varying in time

The infiltration is simulated on the basis of the Green and Ampt (1911) parameters. Due to
its simplicity as well as widely available parameters this model is very popular in large scale
watershed modelling. Using an approximative procedure, certain assumptions regarding the
hydraulic properties of the soil have to be considered:
Homogeneous soil profile
Infiltration only occurs in vertical direction
Infiltration through macropores is neglected
Shrinking and expansion of the soil is neglectable
No incrustation on the soil surface occurs during rainfall
As the Green and Ampt model was used for the ponded infiltration into a homogeneous
soil with initial uniform water content (Figure 4) the infiltration rate is given by

n f
f =K+K (9)
and its integration leads to
Kt = F n f ln(1 + ) (10)
n f
with n = e i denoting the available porosity, e = r the effective porosity, r the
residual saturation, i the initial soil water content, f the wetting front capillary pressure head
[cm], t the time [h], F the total amount of infiltrated water [cm], f the infiltration rate [cm/h] and
K the hydraulic conductivity [cm/h]. These parameters can be estimated on the basis of soil
texture classes (Rawls et al., 1983).
The runoff produced on the hillslopes form small stream channels where it is finally
transported through the stream channel network towards the outlet of the watershed. Considering
a complex 4th order dendritic channel structure on the basin scale (Figure 5) Rajbhandari (1989)
applied an efficient method for the solution of the two partial differential equations representing
the conservation of mass and momentum to simulate the networks flow dynamics. For the
computational improvement the overlapping Y-segment (Sevuk, 1973) and/or sequential routing
technique (Yen and Akan, 1976) is used as well as a sparse matrix solution technique based on a
special Gauss elimination technique (Gupta and Tanji, 1977) to gain a fast solvable matrix of
banded structure of the dynamic equations. An implicit weighted four-point finite-difference
scheme (Fread, 1978) is used for the solution of the unsteady flow equations, besides the
Newton-Raphson iterative procedure (Amein and Fang, 1970) for their sequential solving. The
same solving technique is applied to the overland flow part. For the channel flow, the dynamic
wave model, the diffusion wave model as well as the kinematic wave model can be applied as a
solution method of the St. Venant equations.

Fig. 5 Schematic representation of a 4th order stream channel network of a watershed which can
efficiently be solved either by the overlapping of Y-segments which stepwise substitute for the
complete network or by sequential and separate routing in each channel from the most upstream
branch towards downstream, satisfying the continuity requirements at each junctions

Concluding summary
The most powerful developments in rainfall-runoff modelling refer to a physically-based
approach to allow for spatial variations as well as impacts, nowadays caused by man induced
land use changes. With increased computer power, two-dimensional overland flow modelling
became the State-of-the Art. But due to highly varying flow characteristics over complex
surfaces, the use of point equations for the detailed description of spatially occurring processes
rapidly leads to a data deficit in the requirements. In addition, the assumptions of gradually
varied flow in the used point-scale technology do not hold, unless one smoothes the important
microtopographic surface structure. To overcome these deficiencies spatially averaged
conservation equations for interacting rill and interrill area overland flows are introduced. On the
basis of the kinematic wave approximation the combined rill (channel) and interrill (sheet) flow is
treated as one-dimensional flow with an additional interaction term. The overland flow part with
the quasi-two dimensional conservation equations of the presented catchment modelling system
is then linked to the flow in the channel network. It is routed by the fully dynamic St. Venant
Current research aims at representing complex landscape surfaces and the flow over those
surfaces. The concept of the stochastically averaged flow dynamics, leading to extended overland
flow equations based on the kinematic wave approximation for sheet flow and rill flow,
characterises the controlling surface geometry in terms of a limited number of parameters, besides
the approach to combine rill flow dynamics with sheet flow dynamics. A first time application of
this technique within a watershed modelling system was performed on a small alpine watershed
basin with complex landsurface geometry. In point scale technology, by avoiding the intensive
data requirements as well as the time consuming data processing, the spatially averaged
conservation equation technology uses significantly less information about the landsurface
microtopography, while the computation is simplier, hence, faster. The plausibility of this
technology is also shown by the fact that in practice one never has all the necessary information
for each point of a detailed numerical scheme laid over a watershed. Estimations of slope
gradients for hillslopes by the use of GIS storing DTM information with a resolution of 30x30m
represents the common data availability in practical hydrologic engineering. Based on such a data
base, a comparison of the new spatially averaged conservation equations with two other popular
watershed models (EPIC and AGNPS), which are based on simple but very practical and
powerful approaches (SCS-method in the EPIC model and mass balance between neighbouring
cells - continuity equation considering steady overland flow dynamics - in the AGNPS model), is
currently being validated in an alpine catchment.
The new averaged equations representing the overland flow dynamics are the major
component within a newly developed hydrologic system for the modelling of transport processes
over complex landscape surfaces. Just considering the flow processes within a watershed, the
overland flow part was linked to the Green and Ampt based infiltration component as well as to
a component simulating the unsteady flow dynamics in a dendritic stream channel system
draining the basin.
Critically analysing the equation for the overland flow dynamics as well as the
approximate procedure for the infiltration simulation, the physically-based concept will more
efficiently produce results of sufficient precision in hydrologic engineering applications in

comparison to other physically-based approaches. Merely the simulation of rainstorms
characterised by several peaks with significant drying periods in-between (also consider large
variation in intensities), limits the application of this concept. The assumption of a rigid wetting
front in the case of a Hortonian overland flow situation (storm intensity > vertical infiltration rate
at saturated soil conditions) is valid. But the concept shows deficiencies during single storm
situations where the rainfall intensity of a later peak is smaller than the one of a previous peak
and/or the vertical infiltration rate of the saturated soil. In such situations a significant hysteretic
effect regarding the pF-curve can occur, strongly depending on the soils. However, dealing with
storm events of strongly varying intensities an adapted infiltration approach has to be
The flow dynamics in the channel network are substituted by Y-segments. The diffusion
wave approximation of the St. Venant equations can result in less precision near the junction of
the Y-system, as the effect of local and convective acceleration due to interacting channels cant
be considered by this type of model. The kinematic wave approximation shows the inability to
account for backwater effects from the downstream. Only the full dynamic wave model accounts
for the complete flow dynamics. However, reasonable results combined with efficient
computation needs the correct evaluation of the expected flow situation in the stream channel
In general it can be stated that models based on the spatially averaging technology of
conservation equations offers a powerful and versatile hydrologic tool. Although an erosion as
well as a nutrient transport component for the presented watershed system based on the same
averaging principles has recently been developed, the potential of the new technology has not
been yet fully exploited. In particular climatic and/or groundwater modelling may prove a
promising field for further developments and applications.

Acknowledgments Max Kade Foundation Inc. supported a one-year sabbatical visit of the
author at the civil and environmental engineering department of the University of California
Davis to work on physical-based soil erosion modelling.


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Sediment transport modelling - combination of
theoretical concepts and practical approach
C. T. Yang
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado USA


The processes of sediment transport, scour, and deposition in an alluvial channel are
extremely complex. Theoretical developments of sediment transport functions for different
flow and sediment conditions were based on assumptions of different degrees of complexity.
Some of the simplified assumptions are based on idealized laboratory conditions that may not
be true for the much more complicated natural river systems. Many of the more
sophisticated theoretical solutions require a large number of parameters that are difficult or
impossible to obtain from most natural rivers. Empirical solutions based on site-specific
observations and data may be useful for a particular site where the data were collected.
Application of these solutions to any other sites should be conducted with extreme caution.
Some experienced hydraulic engineers with a good theoretical background in fluvial hydraulics
and sediment transport are able to strike a balance between theoretical concepts and a
practical approach for solving engineering problems. Their solutions help improve our
understanding of the river morphologic processes.
The advancement of computer technology and capability enables engineers to analyze
or simulate fluvial processes of different degrees of complexity. Complex computer models
not only require a longer amount of computational time and computer capacity, most of them
also need a large amount of field data for calibration and testing. From an engineering point of
view, a good engineer should select the simplest model possible that can simulate the
phenomena that are important to achieve the study objectives. There is no lack of computer
models for engineers to choose from. The success of a study depends, to a large degree, on
the engineers understanding of fluvial processes, associated theories, and the capabilities and
limitations of computer models. In many cases, the selection of a modeler is more important
than the selection of computer models. A good modeler should have the ability to make
necessary modifications to an existing general model for solving site-specific problems.

This report provides a general description of theoretical concepts used in the
development of sediment transport computer models. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation=s
Generalized Stream Tube model for Alluvial River Simulation, version 2.0 (GSTARS 2.0), by
Yang et al. (1998) is used as an example model for solving practical engineering problems.
Current and future enhancements of GSTARS 2.0 are summarized in this report to indicate a
trend of future model development.

Model dimension
Three-dimensional model

Flow phenomena in natural rivers are three dimensional, especially those at or near a meander
bend, local expansion and contraction, or a hydraulic structure. Sophisticated numerical
schemes have been developed to solve truly three-dimensional flow phenomena. Three-
dimensional models need three-dimensional field data for testing and calibration. The
collection of such data is not only costly but also time consuming. Certain assumptions need
to be made before a sediment transport formula developed for one-dimensional flows can be
applied to a truly three-dimensional model. With the exception of detailed simulation of flow
in an estuary area, secondary current, or flow near a hydraulic structure, truly three-
dimensional models are seldom used, and especially not for long-term simulations.

Two-dimensional model

Two-dimensional models can be classified into two-dimensional vertically averaged and two-
dimensional horizontally averaged models. The former scheme is used where depth-averaged
velocity or other hydraulic parameters can adequately describe the variation of hydraulic
conditions across a channel. The latter scheme is used where width- or length-averaged
hydraulic parameters can adequately describe the variation of hydraulic conditions in the
vertical direction. Most two-dimensional sediment transport models are depth-averaged
models. The width- or length-averaged two-dimensional models are usually used for
modelling helicaldal flows.

One-dimensional model

Most sediment transport models are one-dimensional, especially those used for long-term
simulation of a long river reach. One dimensional models require the least amount of field data
for calibration and testing. The numerical solutions are more stable and require the least
amount of computer time and capacity. However, one-dimensional models are not suitable
for simulating truly two- or three-dimensional local phenomena.

Semi-two-dimensional model

A truly one-dimensional model cannot simulate the lateral variation of hydraulic and sediment
conditions at a given river station. Engineers often take advantage of the non-uniform
hydraulic and sediment conditions across a channel in their hydraulic design. For example, a
water intake structure should be located on the concave side of a meandering bend, where the
water is deep and sediment deposition is minimal. There are three types of semi-two-
dimensional models.

Strip model

A strip model divides a channel into longitudinal strips of equal width or non-uniform width.
Many modelers treat the main channel as the center strip and represent the flood plain as the
left and right strips. There is no lateral variation of hydraulic and sediment parameters within
each strip. The movement of water and sediment between strips is governed by diffusion
equations. Many modelers assume that the diffusion coefficient is a constant in a diffusion
equation. In reality, the diffusion coefficient varies with changing channel geometry, which is
part of the unknown a computer model is trying to predict. Consequently, from a theoretical
point of view, predicting the variation of the diffusion coefficient is difficult and may be

Stream tube model

Stream tubes are conceptual tubes whose walls are defined by streamlines. A streamline is a
conceptual line to which the velocity vector of the fluid is tangent at each and every point, at
each instant in time. A study reach is divided into stream tubes of equal discharge based on
equal conveyance. Water and sediment cannot cross the boundary of stream tubes.
Consequently, there is no need for solving diffusion equations and the difficulties of
determining diffusion coefficients can be avoided. The velocity and sediment concentration
distributions in a stream tube are assumed to be uniform across the tube. However, because
the stream tube width and location can change with respect to time across a given station,
water and sediment can move with stream tubes implicitly across a channel. Yotsukura and
Sayre (1976) combined the stream function with transverse diffusivity to explain the
movement of tracer in a natural channel.

Composite model

A composite model superimposes lateral movement of water and sediment on a one-

dimensional model. The knowledge of variation of shear stress, or other parameters, is often
required in the development of a composite model. For example, Song et al. (1995)
superimposed the lateral sediment transport across GSTARS (Molinas and Yang, 1986)
stream tubes due to secondary current and lateral shear stress. This composite model enabled
them to more accurately simulate sediment transport near a meandering bend.

Fixed and variable width model

Fixed width model

Open-channel hydraulic problems can be solved only if the channel width is fixed or can be
assumed. With the exception of empirical relationships, conventional open-channel
hydraulics cannot provide theoretical solutions for the determination of channel width.
Consequently, most sediment transport models assume that the channel width is given and
would not adjust with changing flow and sediment conditions. This assumption can cause
significant errors in the prediction of variation of channel geometry and profile, especially for
alluvial rivers, where the width change may be more significant than the depth change during a

Variable width model

The concept of threshold tractive force on channel perimeter and the theory of minimum
energy dissipation rate (Yang and Song, 1986) or its simplified minimum stream power theory
(Yang, 1992) can be used as a theoretical basis for the determination of optimum channel
geometry and width.

Threshold tractive force approach

Lane (1955) applied the threshold tractive force concept to determine the stable channel
geometry of a straight channel of noncohesive materials, where the effects of secondary flow
can be neglected. A threshold channel is based on the flow condition at incipient motion of
sediment particles. It cannot be used to determine stable channel geometry and width in an
area of active sediment transport. Parker (1978) employed the momentum balance of
Lundgren and Jonsson (1964) to account for lateral turbulent diffusion of downstream
momentum. Due to the complexity of the corresponding differential equation, Parkers
solution was limited to the flat bed region. The bank geometry was solved as a first-order
solution, yielding a cosine profile. More recent modifications and improvements of Parkers
approach were made by Vigilar and Diplas (1994, 1997). The stable channel dimensions and
bed-load transporting capacity can be determined by these modified methods for known local
bed slope, sediment size and shape, critical Shields parameter, and water discharge. However,
for a width-depth ratio greater than 12, which is typical of natural streams, the bank profile
remains constant.

Minimum energy dissipation rate or minimum stream power approach

The theory of minimum energy dissipation (Yang and Song, 1986) states that for a closed and
dissipative system at dynamic equilibrium, the energy dissipation rate of the system must be
at a minimum value subject to the constraints applied to the system. If the system is not at
its dynamic equilibrium condition, its energy dissipation rate is not at minimum. However,
the system will adjust itself in such a manner that its energy dissipation rate can be reduced to
a minimum and regain equilibrium. For open-channel flows where the energy dissipation rate
due to sediment transport is small, compared with that for water transport, the minimum
energy dissipation rate theory can be reduced and simplified to the minimization of stream
power. Stream power is the product of discharge Q and energy slope S. Chang (1988)
considered Q a constant within a time step of computation. In this case, minimization of
stream power QS would be equivalent to minimization of slope S. Chang further stated that
channel width adjustment at all cross sections should be such that the spatial distribution of
stream power along the study reach moves toward uniformity. Because the spatial variation
of Q is small, uniform QS is equivalent to uniform slope S in the longitudinal direction. To
determine whether the width should increase or decrease, the energy or water-surface slope Si
at station i is compared with the weighted average slope s i , i.e.,

S i+1 X i-1 + S i-1 X i

Si = (1)
X i + X i-1

where S i - 1 and S i + 1 = slope at stations i - 1 and i + 1, respectively; X i - 1 and X i =

reach length between stations i - 1 and i, and between stations i and i + 1, respectively. If Si
is greater than S i , channel width at station i will be reduced to reduce Si. If Si is less than S i ,
channel width will be increased to increase Si. The use of uniform slope by Chang has a
computational advantage of being simple and straightforward. However, uniform slope is not
equivalent to minimum stream power in many cases. Uniform slope exists in a relative short
reach at a high flow or channel-forming discharge. At medium or low flows, slope varies
between pools and riffles, and uniform slope does not exist anymore. Yang and Molinas
(1988) explained this phenomenon from a theoretical point of view and supported it with
field data and computed profiles to show that Changs method is valid at high or channel-
forming discharge.
The method used in computer models GSTARS (Molinas and Yang, 1986) and
GSTARS 2.0 (Yang et al., 1998) is based on the minimization of total stream power in a
study reach, i.e.,

Qi S i + Qi +1 S i + 1
= X i = a minimum (2)
i=1 2

where = rate of energy dissipation; Qi Si and Q i+1 Si+1 = stream power at station i and i+1,
respectively; Xi = reach length between station i and i + 1; and N = total number of
It should be pointed out that even though Qi is considered a constant during a
computational time step, Qi cannot be taken out of the minimization process without going
through the channel geometry adjustment process first. In the minimization process, Qi is
related to water conveyance at station i, which is a function of channel geometry and energy
slope. Thus the adjustment of channel geometry and width is implicitly included in the
minimization of stream power. This approach is valid for high, medium, and low flows.

Computer model classification

Sediment routing models can be classified as steady or unsteady, coupled or uncoupled,

equilibrium or non-equilibrium, and uniform or non-uniform sediment models.

Steady or unsteady model

If the flow and sediment conditions in a model vary over time, it is an unsteady model.
Otherwise, it is a steady model. Strictly speaking, flow and sediment conditions in most
natural rivers are unsteady due to the changing hydrologic conditions over time. However, a
hydrograph may be approximated by a series of constant discharge bursts, and the steady-
flow techniques can be used for these quasi-steady-flow computations. The basic governing
equations for a one-dimensional unsteady flow are:
Water continuity equation

A Q As
+ + ps - ql = 0 (3)
t x t
Water momentum equation

( Q) Q2 z
+ + gA + g AS f = 0 (4)
t x A x

Sediment continuity equation

(C v A) A Qs
+ (1 - p s ) s + + Cl ql = 0 (5)
t t x
where A = cross-sectional area of flow; As = cross-sectional area of river bed; Cv = suspended
load concentration by volume; Cl = concentration of lateral flow by volume; g = gravitational
acceleration; ps = bed sediment porosity; Q = water discharge; Qs = volumetric total sediment
discharge; ql = lateral inflow per unit length x; Sf = energy or friction slope; t = time; x =
distance along the channel; z = water surface elevation; and = density of water.
For steady flow, Equations (3), (4), and (5) can be reduced to

- ql = 0 (6)

Q2 z
+ gA + g AS f = 0 (7)
x A x

As Qs
(1 - p s ) + + Cl ql = 0 (8)
t x

The friction or energy slope Sf is related to sediment particle size, flow discharge,
sediment load or concentration, bed forms, channel geometry and pattern, growth of
vegetation, etc. Strictly speaking, Sf should be treated as an unknown variable. In practice, Sf
is treated as a constant and is computed from a resistance function such as the Manning,
Chezy, or the Darcy-Weisbachs formula, i.e.,

Sf = (9)

K = K
j (10)

Kj = A j R 2/3
j (11)

where K = total conveyance; Kj = conveyance of subsection j; Aj = cross sectional area of

subsection j; Rj = hydraulic radius of subsection j; nj = Mannings roughness coefficient of
subsection j; and m = total number of sections. If the English unit is used, 1 should be
replaced by 1.486 in Equation (11).

Coupled or uncoupled model

A coupled model solves the water continuity equation, water momentum equation, and
sediment continuity equation simultaneously. If the change of As in Equations (3) and (5)

within a short period of time is much smaller than the change of cross-sectional area A, the
solution can be uncoupled by solving the water continuity and momentum equations first.
The solutions thus obtained are then used to solve the sediment continuity equation.
Uncoupled models solve the water and sediment routings separately to simplify the numerical
solution. Generally speaking, a coupled model is more stable than an uncoupled model. The
stability of uncoupled and coupled models can be improved by using a smaller time step of

Equilibrium or non-equilibrium model

If we assume that there is an instantaneous exchange of sediments in transportation and those

on an alluvial channel bed when and where there is a difference between sediment supply and
a rivers sediment transport capacity, the model is an equilibrium model. This assumption is
valid if sediments are transported mainly as bed load or if the sediments are coarse. For fine
sediments, the assumption of instantaneous exchange may not be valid and there is a lag
between the time when the imbalance occurs and the time sediments are actually deposited or
scoured from the bed. A model that takes this phenomenon into consideration is a non-
equilibrium model. Usually a decay function is applied in a non-equilibrium model to reflect
the non-instantaneous exchange of sediments.

Uniform or non-uniform model

A uniform model uses a representative particle size for sediment routing. A non-uniform
model routes sediment by size fraction to more realistically reflect the phenomenon of
sediment sorting and the formation and destruction of an armour layer on a river bed.

Numerical solution
Finite element and finite difference methods

Most of the sediment-transport models use the finite difference method for solving partial
differential equations. Consequently the finite element method will not be discussed in this
section. Martin and McCutcheon (1999) and Abbott and Basco (1989), among others, gave
detailed descriptions of numerical methods commonly used in hydrodynamic computer
models. Wu and Molinas (1996) gave a comprehensive presentation of different techniques,
which can be used for solving Equations (3), (4), and (5). The general approach is to replace
the partial derivatives in Equations (3), (4), and (5) with quotients of finite differences by
using explicit or implicit finite difference methods. The choice of numerical techniques for a
particular situation should be based on its accuracy, stability, and convenience to use. Amein
and Fang (1970), among others, found that the implicit method is unconditionally stable.
This method is also faster and more accurate than other finite-difference methods when
applied to open channel flood routing. The finite-difference method formulated by Amein
and Fang solves nonlinear algebraic equations by iteration, which is time consuming.
Preissman (1960) developed a more efficient implicit finite-difference scheme to approximate
a function f (x, t) and its derivatives of f/x and f/t at point P using the following

f ij+1 + f i+1
f j + f i+1
f p (x,t) + (1 - ) i (12)
2 2

f f j+1 - f ij+1 j
f i+1 - f ij
| p i+1 + (1 - ) (13)
x x x

f 1 f ij+1 - f ij j+1
f i+1 j
- f i+1
|p + (14)
t 2 t t

where f i j = f (xi, t j); = t/t; t = distance of point P on the time axis for the old time line
t j; and t = distance of the time axis between t j and t j+1. If = 2, the scheme is called center-
implicit. If = 1 the scheme is called fully implicit. If = 0, the scheme is called fully
explicit. The Preissmans finite difference scheme is shown in Figure 1. Four commonly used
methods of solution are the complete solution, the uncoupled unsteady solution, the known
discharge solution, and the uncoupled steady solution. These methods can be categorized into
the coupled method of complete solution with known discharge and the uncoupled method of
unsteady and steady solutions. Wu and Molinas (1996) made the following comments of the
advantages and disadvantages of different methods:
(1) The coupled method can better account for the continuous interaction between the
hydraulic and sediment transport phases.
(2) The coupled method can be used with a longer time increment.
(3) The formulation of the complete solution of a coupled method is the most elaborate
among the four methods.
The known-discharge solution is developed solely for sediment routing.
The uncoupled method is simpler to formulate than the coupled method.
The length of time increment of an uncoupled solution is restricted in that the bed elevation
change over one time increment must be small.
For a stable channel with mild changes, the uncoupled method should be used for water and
sediment routing.
Under constant flow conditions, the uncoupled steady method should be used for sediment
If the channel is very active, the coupled method is most suitable.
The coupled method is desirable for routing both water and sediment.
The known discharge solution can be utilized to simulate sediment transients.

Fig. 1 Represantation of Preissmans finite difference scheme

Stability and accuracy

If small numerical truncation and other errors introduced at a given time in the numerical
procedure do not amplify during successive applications of the procedure, the finite
difference procedure is stable. The stability of a numerical solution may be improved by
reducing the size of the space and time intervals. Implicit methods of finite differences are
generally unconditionally stable for linear problems. The maximum allowable time step is
limited by the required accuracy (Fread, 1974; Liggett and Lunge, 1975). The stability of an
explicit method is governed by the Courant condition t where x = distance between
xi and x1+t ; t = time difference between t j and t j+1; C = wave celerity = gy + V ; y = water
depth; and V = mean flow velocity. For explicit schemes the Courant Number should not
exceed 1; i.e., Ct/x #1 for stability reasons.
Accuracy is a measure of the discrepancy between the computed and observed results.
Liggett and Cunge (1975) gave the following reasons for possible discrepancies between a
mathematical model and the prototype:

1. Inaccurate simplification and approximation of the basic equations to simulate a complex

2. Inaccurate measuring techniques, such as survey errors and badly located gaging stations.
3. Insufficient field data, such as unknown tributary discharges, seepage flow, etc.
4. Phenomena such as the variations of roughness coefficient with varying bed forms and
channel geometry and pattern are not fully understood and their impacts on computed
results are ignored.
5. Inaccurate or inadequate schematization of topographic features.

Model components

A sediment routing model that can simulate the dynamic adjustments of channel geometry,
shape, and longitudinal profile should consist of the components or modules listed below.
The GSTARS 2.0 (Yang et al., 1998) terminology is used in the following descriptions.

Geometric component

A geometric component includes basic data used to describe or compute channel geometry,
slope and reach length. Geometric computations include the computations of cross-sectional
areas, wetted perimeter, hydraulic radius, centroid of a cross-section or subsection, top width
of a cross-section or subsection. Information between the selected stations is generally
interpolated linearly. The selection of representative cross-sections and study reach length
may affect the accuracy of simulated or predicted results.

Hydraulic component

A hydraulic component utilizes geometric and hydrologic information for backwater surface
profile computations to determine flow velocity, depth, slope, total energy loss through the
study reach, and local energy loss due to channel expansion and contraction. The energy
equation for subcritical water surface profile computation is

V 12 V2
Z1 + Y1 + 1 = Z 2 + Y 2 + 2 2 + Ht (15)
2g 2g

where Z = bed elevation; Y = water depth; V = velocity; V = velocity distribution coefficient;

Ht = total energy loss between sections 1 and 2; g = gravitational acceleration; and subscripts
1 and 2 denote sections 1 and 2, respectively. The total conveyance, K, is used to determine
the friction slope, Sf , for a specified discharge:

Sf (16)

The formulas by Manning, Chezy, or Darcy-Weisbach are generally used for the computation
of conveyance:

Mannings formula:

Q = KS 1/2 AR 2/3 S 1/2 (17)
n f

Chezys formula

Q = KS 1/2
f = (CAR1/2) S 1/2
f (18)

Darcy-Weisbachs formula:

8gR 1/2
Q = KS 1/2
f = A S f

where n, C, and f = roughness coefficients in Manning, Chezy, and Darcy-Weisbachs

formulas, respectively; g = acceleration due to gravity; A = cross-sectional area; and R =
hydraulic radius. The friction loss, hf , through each reach is the product of friction slope and
the reach length, L. The friction loss at the cross section in GSTARS 2.0 (Yang et al., 1998)
can be determined from one of the following four choices:

from the average friction slope of the adjacent reaches:

( S f )1 + ( S f ) 2 L
hf = (20)
from the geometric mean:

h f = L ( S f )1 ( S f ) 2 (21)

from the harmonic mean:

2( S f )1 ( S f ) 2
hf = L (22)
( S f )1 + ( S f ) 2

or from the average conveyance:

hf = L (23)
K 1 + K 2

The local loss caused by channel expansion and contraction, hE , is computed from:

V 12 V 22
hE = CE - (24)
2g 2g

where CE = energy loss coefficient.

Other local losses, such as losses due to channel bends or manmade construction, are
computed from:

V 22
hB = Cb (25)

where Cb = an energy loss coefficient supplied by the user. For most natural rivers, Cb values
are assumed to be zero. The total energy loss, Ht in Equation (15), is the sum of friction loss
and the local losses.
The energy equation is applied if there is no change of flow regime throughout the
study reach. If there are changes in flow regime (i.e., if the flow changes from subcritical to
supercritical or vice versa), the momentum equation is used. For the reaches where flow
regime changes are detected (i.e., in hydraulic jumps), the momentum equation is used:

( 2 V 2 - 1 V 1) = p 1 - p 2 + W sin F f (26)

where = unit weight of water; = momentum coefficient; p = pressure acting on a given

cross section; W = weight of water enclosed between section 1 and 2; = angle of inclination
of channel; and Ff = total external friction force acting along the channel boundary. If the
value of is small, sin .0 and 1 = 2 = 1, and Equation (26) becomes

Q2 Q2
+ A1 1 = + A2 y 2 (27)
A1 g A2 g

where y= depth measured from water surface to the centroid of cross section A containing

Sediment component

Basic equations

The basis for sediment-routing computations in one-dimensional unsteady flow is the

sediment continuity equation, Equation (5), which can be rewritten as:

Qs Ad As
+ + - qs = 0 (28)
x t t

where = volume of sediment in a unit bed layer volume (one minus porosity); Ad = volume
of bed sediment per unit length; As = volume of sediment in suspension at the cross section
per unit length; Qs = volumetric sediment discharge; and qs = lateral sediment inflow. A
number of
assumptions are often made to simplify Equation (28). First, it is assumed that the change in
suspended sediment concentration in a cross section is much smaller than the change of the
river bed, i.e.:

As Ad
t t

Second, during a time step, the parameters in the sediment-transport function for a
cross section are assumed to remain constant:

Qs Qs dQ s
= 0 or = (30)
t x dx

This assumption is valid only if there is little variation of the cross-sectional geometry, i.e., if
not much erosion and/or deposition occurs in a time step. This assumption allows the
decoupling of water and sediment routing computations. In practice, this condition can be
met by using a small enough time step.
Finally, if there are no lateral inflows, the qs = 0, and the final form of the sediment
continuity equation used is:

Ad dQ s
+ = 0 (31)
t dx

In order to solve Equation (31) numerically, a discretization process must be adopted. First,
the change in the volume of bed sediment due to deposition or scour, Ad , is written as:

Ad = ( aPi-1 + bPi + cPi+1) Z i (32)

where P = wetted perimeter; Z = change in bed elevation (positive for aggradation, negative
for scour); i = cross section index; and a, b, and c are weight factors that must satisfy:

a + b + c = 1 (33)

Using expression (31) and (32), the partial derivative terms are approximated as

dQ s Q si - Q si-1
dx ( x i + x i-1)

Ad ( aPi-1 + bPi + cPi+1) Z i

t t

2t(Q si-1, k - Q si, k )

Z i,k = (36)
i ( aPi-1 + bPi + cPi+1)( X i + X i-1)

where k = size fraction index; i = volume of sediment in a unit bed layer at cross section i;
Qsi, k = computed volumetric sediment discharge for size k at cross section i. The total bed
elevation change for a stream tube at cross section i, Zi , is computed from

Zi = Z
i, k (37)

where n size = total number of size fractions present in cross section i. The new channel
cross section at station i, to be used at the next time iteration, is determined by adding the bed
elevation change to the old bed elevation.

Bed sorting and armouring

If a model computes sediment transport by size fraction, it will show particles of different
sizes being transported at different rates. Depending on the hydraulic parameters, the
incoming sediment distribution, and the bed composition, some particle sizes may be eroded,
while others may be deposited or may be immovable. A model computes the carrying
capacity for each size fraction present in the bed, but the amount of material actually moved
is computed by the sediment routing equation. Consequently, several different processes
may take place. For example, all the finer particles may be eroded, leaving a layer of coarser
particles for which there is no carrying capacity. No more erosion may occur under these
hydraulic conditions, and the bed is said to be armoured. This armour layer prevents the
scour of the underlying materials and the sediment available for transport becomes limited to
the amount of sediment entering the reach. However, hydraulic events, such as an increase of
flow velocity, may increase the flow carrying capacity, causing the armour layer to break and
restart the erosion processes in the reach.
Many different processes may occur simultaneously within the same channel reach.
These depend not only on the composition of the supplied sediment, i.e., the sediment
entering the reach, but also on bed composition within that reach. The bed composition may
vary within the reach both in space and time. The concept of active and inactive layers is
used in most sediment routing models. The active layer is the top layer on the bed, which
contains the bed materials available for transport. The inactive layer is the layer beneath the
active layer used for storage. Below these two layers is the undisturbed bed with the initial
bed material composition.

Sediment transport formulas

There are many sediment transport formulas in the literature for a user to choose. Some of
them are intended for bed load, some for suspended load, and some for total bed-material load.
There is no universal formula that can be applied to all flow and sediment conditions.
Depending on the selection of transport formulas, simulated and predicted results from a
computer model may vary significantly from each other and from observation. Systematic
and detailed evaluations of sediment transport formulas were presented by Yang (1996) that
include recommendations on the selection of formulas for engineering applications.
Sediment transport formulas are developed for one-dimensional steady uniform flows
under equilibrium conditions. When a formula is applied to a sediment routing model, we
usually assume that there is an instantaneous exchange of sediments in motion, including
those in suspension, with those on the bed. This assumption is valid if sediment particles are
transported mainly as bed load or if the difference between the sediment supply from
upstream and a rivers transport capacity is small. Otherwise, a decay function may be
needed for non-equilibrium sediment transport, especially for fine sediment transport. The
spatial-delay and/or time-delay decay function can be expressed as a function of sediment
particle fall velocity and a recovery factor for deposition and/or entrainment. For example,
Han (1980) developed the following decay function for non-equilibrium sediment transport
based on analytical solution of the convection-diffusion equation:

s x * q s x
C i = C *i + (C i-1 - C *i-1) exp - + (C i-1 - C i ) 1 - exp -
q s x q

where Ci = sediment concentrationat cross-section i; Ci* = sediment carrying capacity at

cross section i; q = discharge of flow per unit width; x = reach length; s = sediment fall
velocity; i = cross-section index (increasing from upstream to downstream); and = recovery
factor. The value can vary widely from case to case. Han and He (1990) recommended a
value of 0.25 for deposition and 1.0 for entrainment.

Width adjustment component

Most sediment transport models do not have a width adjustment component. These models
assume that the channel width is fixed and cannot be changed or adjusted. However, except
for reaches in which the channel width is confined by levees or canyon walls, the width
adjustment of an alluvial river during a flood may be much larger than the depth adjustment.
Consequently, a sediment transport model without the width adjustment component may
give inaccurate and sometimes erroneous results.
FLUVIAL-12 (Chang, 1990) and GSTARS 2.0 (Yang et al., 1998) are two recent
models that include the width adjustment component. The width adjustments of these two
models are based on minimum stream power. However, Chang used uniform slope as
specified by Equation (1), whereas Yang et al. used minimum total stream power as specified
by Equation (2), for the determination of optimum channel width. Equation (1) is valid for
channel forming discharge or high flows. Equation (2) is valid regardless of whether the flow
is high, medium, or low.

GSTARS 2.0 model

There are many sediment transport models having various degrees of complexity. Some
models were developed for solving site-specific problems. Some models are very
sophisticated and have a sound theoretical basis but require extensive field data for testing and
calibration. Some models are based on simplified assumptions, which may or may not be
substantiated by field observations. A general sediment transport model, which can be used
for solving practical river engineering problems should have the following characteristics:

1. The mathematical formulation is based on well-established theories applicable to field

2. The model can be applied to open channels with fixed as well as alluvial boundaries.
3. The model can be applied to subcritical, critical, or supercritical flows or to a combination
of them without interruption.
4. The model can compute and simulate hydraulic and sediment conditions in both the
longitudinally and laterally.
5. The model can route sediment by size fraction to simulate the formation and destruction
of an armour layer for long-term simulation of river morphologic processes.
6. The model can simulate and predict channel geometry change in depth as well as in width.
7. The model can simulate equilibrium as well as non-equilibrium sediment transport.
8. The model can incorporate site-specific conditions such as channel side stability and
erosion limits.
9. The model does not require extensive field data, which can be difficult or impossible to

GSTARS 2.0 (Yang et al., 1998) is a generalized stream tube model developed by the
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for solving practical river engineering and sedimentation
problems. GSTARS 2.0 has the characteristics listed above. This model is used herein to
illustrate how some of the basic theoretical concepts can be incorporated in a sediment
transport model for solving practical engineering problems.

General description of GSTARS 2.0

The Generalized Stream Tube model for Alluvial River Simulation (GSTARS) was developed
by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Molinas and Yang, 1986) as a generalized water and
sediment-routing computer model for solving complex river engineering problems. Since then,
GSTARS has been applied by many investigators to simulate and predict river morphologic
changes caused by manmade and natural events. As a result of these applications, GSTARS
has been revised and enhanced. An enhanced and improved model, GSTARS version 2.0
(GSTARS 2.0) developed for PC applications has been released recently (Yang et al., 1998)
to replace GSTARS.
Improvements and revisions made in GSTARS 2.0 over GSTARS include, but are not
limited to the following (Yang and Simes, 1998):

Number of user-selected sediment transport functions increased from 4 to 13.

Cohesive sediment transport capabilities.
Side stability subroutine based on the angle of repose.
Nonequilibrium sediment transport based on the decay function of Han (1980).
Transport function for sediment-laden flows by Yang et al. (1996).
Mass balance check and many debugging features.
Subroutine that adds points to enable continued accurate modeling of cross sections that
have an insufficient number of measured points in any given stream tube.
Increased the number of cross sections and cross-section points that can be put to
describe the study reach.
Original CYBER mainframe version of GSTARS modified to operate on a PC using
FORTRAN 77 and FORTRAN 90 in syntax in GSTARS 2.0.
Error checking of input data file.
Output plotting options, including graphic display capability for cross sections and water
surface profiles (program GSPLOT).
Extensive revision of computer codes and functions, even though some of the input record
names may be the same in GSTARS and GSTARS 2.0.
Data input using either U.S. or metric units.

Among the 49 data records used in GSTARS and GSTARS 2.0, only 14 remain the
same in both versions.
GSTARS is no longer supported by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and no longer
available to the public. The complete GSTARS 2.0 users manual and the program can be
obtained by registering at The following brief descriptions are
limited to GSTARS 2.0 only. Some of the important features of GSTARS 2.0 are:

The use of the stream tube concept to simulate the longitudinal and lateral variations of
flow and sediment conditions in a semi-two-dimensional manner. The variation of bed
elevation due to scour and deposition constitute the variation in the third dimension.
Thus a one-dimensional numerical solution along stream tubes can simulate river
morphologic changes in a semi-three-dimensional manner.
The conjunctive use of energy and momentum equations can compute water surface
profiles through subcritical, critical, and supercritical flows without interruption.
The minimum energy dissipation rate theory or its simplified total stream power
minimization provides the theoretical basis for determining channel width and depth
adjustments at each time step of computation.
The model consists of independent but mutually connected components or modules for
easy modification and improvement to meet specific project needs in the future.

Basic computations

Geometric computation

Ai = 0.5(y i + y i+1) dx i (39)

For natural channels or irregular cross sections, the channel can be divided into subchannels.
In GSTARS 2.0, the variables related to the cross-sectional geometry (area, wetted perimeter,
hydraulic radius, channels top width) are computed for each subchannel. These values are
summed to obtain the total values for the cross section. The relationships used are well
known in the literature and are the following (Yang et al., 1998):
Ri = (40)
At =
Ai (41)

Pt =
Pi (42)

y = y i if adjacent to channel wall (43)

y i = 0.25(y i + y i+1) if not adjacent to channel wall (44)

R = (45)
2 1/2
Pi = [ dx i2 + (y i - y i+1 ) ] (46)

T =
Ti (47)

Ai y i
y = (48)

where Ai , Pi , Ri , y_i = area, wetted perimeter, hydraulic radius, and centroid of a subsection,
respectively; Ti = top width of a subchannel; At , Pt , R, and y_ = area, wetted perimeter,
hydraulic radius, top width, and centroid of the whole cross section, respectively; m =
number of subsections; and N = number of computed subchannels.

Backwater surface profile computation

For most of the water profile computations, GSTARS 2.0 uses the energy equation:

V 12 V 22
Z1 + Y1 + 1 = Z2 + Y2 + 2 + Ht (49)
2g 2g

where Z = bed elevation; Y = water depth; V = velocity; = velocity distribution coefficient;

Ht = total energy loss between sections 1 and 2; g = gravitational acceleration; and subscripts
1 and 2 denote sections 1 and 2, respectively. The energy loss can be computed by the
Manning, Chezy, or the Darcy-Weisbach formula.
The energy equation is applied if there is no change of flow regime throughout the
study reach. If there are changes in flow regime (i.e., if the flow changes from subcritical to
supercritical or vice versa), the momentum equation is used, i.e.:

( 2 V 2 - 1 V 1) = p 1 - p 2 + W sin - F f (50)

where = unit weight of water; = momentum coefficient; p = pressure acting on a given

cross section; W = weight of water enclosed between sections 1 and 2; = channel angle of
inclination; and Ff = total external friction force acting along the channel boundary. If the

Q2 Q2
+ A1 y 1 = + A2 y 2 (51)
A1 g A2 g

value of is small, sin .0 and 1 = 2 = 1, and Equation (51) becomes:

where _y = depth measured from water surface to the centroid of cross section A containing
flow. In GSTARS 2.0, y_ is computed by dividing the irregular cross sections into m
subsections (m = 10) and using the relation:

i yi
y = (52)

Stream tube computation

The water surface profiles are computed first, as described above. The channel is then
divided into a selected number of stream tubes with the following characteristics: (1) the total
discharge carried by the channel is distributed equally among the stream tubes; (2) stream
tubes are bounded by channel boundaries and by imaginary vertical walls; (3) the discharge
along a stream tube is constant; and (4) there is no exchange of water or sediments through
stream tube boundaries.

Due to the nature of the backwater computations, the water surface elevation is
assumed to be horizontal across each cross section. The lateral locations of the stream tubes
are computed at each time step from the channel conveyance; i.e., stream tube boundaries are
set to provide equal conveyance.
Stream tube widths and locations are computed for each time step; therefore, they are
allowed to vary with time. Sediment routing is carried out independently for each stream tube
and for each time step. Bed material composition is computed for each tube at the beginning
of the time step, and bed sorting and armouring computations are also done separately for
each stream tube. In GSTARS 2.0, lateral variations of bed material composition are
accounted for, and this variation is included in the computations of the bed material
composition and sorting for each stream tube. Therefore, although no material is allowed to
cross stream tube boundaries during a time step, lateral movement of sediment is
accomplished by the lateral variation of the stream tube boundaries from time step to time

Sediment transport computation

The basic sediment transport continuity equation and equations governing channel geometry
adjustment are given in Equations (28) through to (37). GSTARS 2.0 has the following 13
sediment transport formulas from which a user may choose:
Meyer-Peter and Mllers 1948 formula
Laursens 1958 formula
Toffaletis 1969 method
Engelund and Hansens 1972 method
Ackers and Whites 1973 method
Revised Ackers and Whites 1990 method
Yangs 1973 sand and 1984 gravel transport formulas
Yangs 1979 sand and 1984 gravel transport formulas
Yangs 1996 modified formula for sediment-laden flow with a high concentration of wash
Krones 1962 and Ariathurai and Krones 1976 methods for cohesive sediment transport
Parkers 1990 method

Most sediment transport formulas were developed for computing the total load
without breaking it into load by size fraction. In GSTARS 2.0, these formulas have been
modified to account for transport by size fraction. The total carrying capacity or
sediment concentration for a particular river section, Ct , is computed by using the formula:

Ct = p C
i i (53)

where pi = percentage of material of size fraction i available in the bed; Ci = sediment

concentration or carrying capacity for each size fraction; and N = number of size fractions.
Hans (1980) decay function, as shown in Equation (38), can be used in conjunction
with one of the above formulas for non-equilibrium sediment transport. GSTARS 2.0 adopts
the method proposed by Bennett and Nordin (1977) to simulate the bed sorting and
armouring processes.

Minimization computation

The minimization computation is based on Equation (2) for every station. GSTARS 2.0
channel geometry adjustments can be vertical, lateral, or both. GSTARS 2.0 selects the
adjustment that results in the minimum total stream power for the study reach. Channel
width and depth adjustments can take place only at the stream tubes adjacent to the banks.
For interior tubes, bed adjustments can only be made in the vertical direction.

Channel side slope computation

GSTARS 2.0 offers the user the option of checking whether the angle of repose exceeds a
known critical slope. If this option is chosen, the user must then supply the critical angle.
The user is also allowed the option of specifying one critical angle above the water surface,
and a different critical angle for submerged points. GSTARS 2.0 scans each cross section at
the end of each time step to determine if any vertical or horizontal adjustments have caused
the banks to become too steep. If any violations occur, the two points adjacent to the
segment are adjusted vertically until the slope equals the user-provided critical slope.

Examples of application

The examples below illustrate various capabilities of the GSTARS 2.0. Yangs 1973 and
1984 formulas for sand and gravel transport, respectively, are used for the first two examples.
For the Rio Grande study, the Laursen (1958) formula was used because it is more suitable
for fine sediment transport. One stream tube was used for Figure 2 and Figure 3, three stream
tubes were used for the computations for Figure 4 through to Figure 7.

Bed material sorting and bed degradation

Yang and Simes (1998) used the physical model study results by Ashida and Michiue
(1971) to demonstrate the capabilities of GSTARS 2.0 in predicting bed-material size change
and river bed profile adjustment below a dam. Figure 2 shows that the bed material median
size d50 increased from 1.7 to 5.1 mm, which is in close agreement with the physical model

results. Figure 3 shows that the predicted bed profile is also in good agreement with the
experimental results.

Channel profile and geometry adjustments

Figure 4 shows the predicted longitudinal bed profile variations along the unlined channel
downstream of the emergency spillway of the Willow Creek Dam in Montana (Yang et al.,
1998). The computed profiles consist of combinations of subcritical and supercritical bed
profiles. Figure 4 shows that an initially fairly symmetrical cross section can become one
with a point bar on the left side and a deep channel on the right, which is typical of the cross-
section at a meander bend. Figure 5 also shows that non-uniform channel geometry
adjustment can be predicted by the use of minimum total stream power. Figure 6 shows the
comparison between the predicted and measured cross-section downstream of the unlined
emergency spillway at Lake Mescalero, New Mexico (Yang et al., 1998). It is apparent that
the predicted cross-section with the minimization computation is closer to the measurement
than is the one without the minimization.

Equilibrium and non-equilibrium sediment transport

Figure 7 compares the longitudinal profiles along the Rio Grande where it flows into the
Elephant Butte Reservoir, New Mexico (Yang et al., 1998). The Rio Grande sediment has a
high concentration of fine materials and wash load. Figure 7 shows that the non-equilibrium
sediment transport computation simulates the variation of bed profile more accurately than
the equilibrium computation. The profile based on equilibrium sediment transport
overestimates the amount of sediment deposition at the upstream end of the study reach near
the entrance of the Elephant Butte Reservoir. Figure 6 also shows that the use of three
stream tubes can more accurately simulate the thalweg profile than the use of only one stream

Limits of application

GSTARS 2.0 is a general numerical model developed for a personal computer to simulate and
predict river morphologic changes caused by natural and engineering events. Although
GSTARS 2.0 is intended to be used as a general engineering tool for solving fluvial hydraulic
problems, it does have the following limitations from a theoretical point of view:

GSTARS 2.0 is a quasi-steady flow model. Water discharge hydrographs are approximated
by bursts of constant discharges. Consequently, GSTARS 2.0 should not be applied
to rapid, varied, unsteady flow conditions.
GSTARS 2.0 is a semi-two-dimensional model for flow simulation and a semi-three-
dimensional model for simulation of channel geometry change. It should not be
applied to situations where a truly two-dimensional or truly three-dimensional model
is needed for detailed simulation of local conditions. However, GSTARS 2.0 should
be adequate for solving many river engineering problems.

GSTARS 2.0 is based on the stream tube concept. The phenomena of secondary current,
diffusion, and super elevation are ignored.

Fig. 2 Comparison between computed versus physical model results of bed-material coarsening
resulting from bed degradation below a dam (Yang and Simes, 1998)

Fig. 3 Comparison between computed versus physical model results of bed degradation due to
depletion of sediment supply below a dam (Yang and Simes, 1998)

Fig. 4 Simulated longitudinal bed profiles along the Willow Creek Dam unlined emergency
spillway (Yang et al., 1998)

Fig. 5 Variation of the simulated cross sections at 2185 ft downstream of the Willow Creek Dam
emergency spillway (Yang et al., 1998)

Fig. 6 Measured and simulated cross-sectional geometry at station 0+60 downstream of the
Lake Mescalero emergency spillway (Yang et al., 1998)

Fig. 7 Simulated thalweg elevations for the Rio Grande at the upper reach of the Elephant Butte
Reservoir (Yang et al., 1998)

Current and future developments based on GSTARS 2.0

GSTARS 2.0 consists of independent but interrelated components or modules. Such modules
can be easily modified to accommodate future developments, revisions, and improvements.
Some of the current and future Bureau of Reclamation sediment model developments are
summarized in this section.

GSTARS 2.1 model

GSTARS 2.0 is written for DOS PC application. GSTARS 2.1 is being developed for
Windows and will have an extensive graphical interface. GSTARS 2.1 will be able to handle
water and sediment inputs from tributaries. It will also include some useful engineering
applications such as dredging. GSTARS 2.1 should become available by the end of 1999.

GSTARS 3.0 model

GSTARS 2.0 is intended mainly for rivers. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has now begun a
3-year effort to develop and test GSTARS 3.0 for reservoir sedimentation. GSTARS 3.0 will
be able to simulate density current, reservoir routing, delta and channel formation, and sluicing
and flushing under certain reservoir operation rules. GSTARS 3.0 should have the ability to
simulate and assess the impacts of different reservoir operation criteria on reservoir
sedimentation and hydraulic flushing and sluicing.


Lee et al. (1997, 1998) developed a quasi-two-dimensional NETSTARS model for alluvial
river network systems. NETSTARS expanded GSTARS and GSTARS 2.0 capabilities for
channel network application. NETSTARS has the option to treat bed load and suspended
load separately or treat them as total bed-material load. The model solves the Saint Venant
equation and thus can be applied to steady and unsteady flow conditions. However,
NETSTARS does not have a width adjustment component and cannot be applied to
situations where the width adjustment is important.


The U.S. National Weather Services FLDWAV (Fread and Lewis, 1988) is a truly unsteady
one-dimensional fixed boundary flood wave routing model. FLDWAV replaced DAMBRK
(Fread, 1984) as a standard model for flood routing due to dam failure in the United States.
DAMBRK and FLDWAV do not consider the effects of sediment transport, scour, and
deposition on the change of channel geometry and slope. In the event of a dam failure,
channel depth, width, and slope are all subject to change. Field data indicate that the observed
flood stages are often lower than those predicted by DAMBRK or FLDWAV due mainly to
the change of channel width and local restriction. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation began a 3-
year cooperative effort with the U.S. National Weather Service in 1998 to combine FLDWAV
and GSTARS 2.0 into FLDSTARS to include the effects of sediment transport, scour,
deposition, channel geometry and profile changes on flood routing.

Model comparison

There are many sediment transport models, and each has its strengths and weaknesses
Comprehensive reviews of the capabilities and performance of these models are provided in
reports by the National Research Council (1983), and Fan (1988), among others. Fifteen U.S.
Federal agencies participated in a Federal Interagency Stream Restoration Working Group
(1998) to produce a handbook on Stream Corridor Restoration Principles, Processes, and
Practices. They selected the following eight models for comparison: CHARIMA (Holly, et
al., 1990), FLUVIAL-12 (Chang, 1990), HEC-6 (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1993), TAS-
2 (McAnally and Thomas, 1985) MEANDER (Johannesson and Parker, 1985), USGS
(Nelson and Smith, 1989), D-O-T (Darby and Thorne 1996, and Osman and Thorne, 1988),
and GSTARS (Molinas and Yang, 1986). Table 1 summarized the comparisons of these eight
models. Since the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has now replaced GSTARS with GSTARS 2.0
(Yang et al., 1998), the new version GSTARS 2.0 is included in Table 1. HEC-6, TABS-2,
USGS, and GSTARS 2.0 are Federal models in the public domain; CHARIMA, FLUVIAL-
12, MEANDER, and D-O-T are academic or privately owned models.

Table1 Comparison of sediment transport models (Y = yes; N = no)
Model CHARIM Fluvial-12 HEC-6 TABS- Meande USG D-O-T GSTARS
A 2 r S 2.0

Discretization and formulation:

Unsteady flow | stepped Y|Y Y|Y N|Y Y|Y N|Y Y|Y N|Y N|Y

One-dimensional | quasi two- Y|N Y|Y Y|N N|N N|N N Y|Y Y|Y

Two-dimensional | depth-average N N N Y|Y Y|Y Y|Y N N|Y


Deformable bed | banks Y|N Y|Y Y|N Y|N Y|N Y|N Y|Y Y|Y

Graded sediment load Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y

Nonuniform grid Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Variable time stepping Y N Y N N N N Y

Numerical solution scheme:

Standard step method N Y Y N N N Y Y

Finite difference Y N Y N Y Y Y Y

Finite element N N N Y N N N N

Modeling capabilities:

Upstream water & sediment Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


Downstream stage specification Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y

Floodplain sedimentation N N N Y N N N N

Suspended | total sediment transport Y|N Y|N N|Y Y|N N|N N|Y N|Y N|Y

Bedload transport Y Y Y N Y N N Y

Cohesive sediments N N Y Y N Y N Y

Bed armouring Y Y Y N N N Y Y

Hydraulic sorting of substrate Y Y Y N N N Y Y


Fluvial erosion of streambanks N Y N N N N Y Y

Bank mass failure under gravity N N N N N N Y N

Straight | irregular nonprismatic Y|N Y|N Y|N Y|Y N|N N|N Y|Y Y|Y

Branched | looped channel network Y|Y Y|N Y|N Y|Y N|N N|N N|N N|N

Channel beds N Y N Y Y N Y Y

Meandering belts N N N N N Y N N

Rivers Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Bridge crossings N N N Y N N N N

Reservoirs N Y Y N N N N Y

User support:

Model documentation Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

User guide | hot-line support N|N Y|N Y|Y Y|N N|N Y|N N|N Y|N

Summary and conclusions

Sediment transport computer models have been increasingly used as study tools for solving
practical engineering problems. These models are also used to improve our understanding of
river morphological processes. This paper provides a brief review and evaluation of basic
theoretical concepts used in developing models and some of the practical approaches used for
solving engineering problems. The study reached the following conclusions:

(1) Strictly speaking, river hydraulics and sediment transport in natural rivers are three-
dimensional. Truly two- or three-dimensional models may be needed for solving
localized problems, using detailed, site-specific field data for testing and calibration.
One-dimensional models are more suitable for long-term simulation of a long river
reach, where the lateral variation of hydraulic and sediment conditions can be ignored.
From a practical point of view, a semi-two-dimensional model may be adequate for
solving many river engineering problems.
(2) Due to the changing hydrologic conditions of a river, hydraulic conditions in a river are
unsteady from a theoretical point of view. However, with the possible exception of
routing during a flood near its peak, most river hydraulic conditions can be
approximated by a semi-steady hydrograph using constant-discharge bursts of short
(3) There are many well-established numerical schemes for solving sediment transport
model governing equations. The one-dimensional finite difference uncoupled method
is the one most commonly used in practice.
(4) The simulated results from a sediment transport computer model are sensitive to the
selection of sediment transport formulas in the model. The user of a model should
have a good understanding of sediment transport theories and the limits of application
of different sediment transport formulas.
(5) Most sediment transport models assume that channel width is a constant and cannot
be adjusted. This unrealistic assumption can lead to erroneous results when applied
to an alluvial river.
(6) The GSTARS 2.0 model is based on the stream tube concept and the minimum stream
power theory. Both the energy and momentum equations are used for water surface
profile computation. GSTARS 2.0 incorporates the concepts of sediment routing by
size fraction, formation and destruction of an armor layer, channel width adjust,
channel side stability, among other things, to simulate site-specific conditions.
GSTARS 2.0 should be adequate for solving many semi-two-dimensional, quasi-
steady river engineering problems with a minimum amount of field data required for
calibration and testing.
(7) A generalized computer model for sediment transport should be a PC-based model
consisting of independent and iterative components or modules. These types of
models can easily accommodate future modifications and improvements.

Main symbols
A cross-sectional area
Ad volume of bed sediment per unit length
As volume of suspended sediment or cross-sectional area of river bed per
unit length
C wave velocity, sediment concentration, or Chezys roughness
CE , Cb energy loss coefficient
Cl concentration of lateral flow by volume
Cv suspended load concentration by volume
C* sediment carrying capacity
f Darcy-Weisbachs roughness coefficient
Ff total external friction force
g gravitational acceleration
hB , hE local energy loss
hf friction loss
Ht total energy loss
K conveyance
n Mannings roughness coefficient
N total number of stations
p pressure
pi percentage of sediment in size fraction i
ps bed sediment porosity
P wetted perimeter
ql lateral water inflow per unit channel length
qs later sediment inflow per unit channel length
Q, Qs water discharge and sediment discharge, respectively
R hydraulic radius
S slope
Sf energy or friction slope
t time
t time difference
T channel top width
V average flow velocity
s sediment fall velocity
x distance along the channel
x reach length
y water depth
y water depth to the centroid of a cross section
z water surface elevation
river bed elevation
velocity distribution coefficient or recovery factor
momentum coefficient
one minus porosity
density of water
channel angle of inclination

rate of energy dissipation
specific weight of water


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Sediment transport analysed by energy
derived concepts
W. Zhang1, W. Summer2
Hohai University, College of Harbour, Waterway and Coastal Engineering,
Xikang Road 1, 210024 Nanjing, China
Chartered Engineering Consultant for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management,
Brennleitenstrasse 59-61/3, A-2202 Hagenbrunn, Austria


Often the profitability of the investments into a reservoir for single or multiple water
management purposes depends on the correct prediction of the life time of the reservoir.
Hence, it is an essential task in hydrological engineering simulating sediment transport. The
sediment originating in the drainage basin will be transported in the river courses as the bed
and suspended load including the wash load. Solids moving in suspension represent the major
component of the above mentioned silting processes. Therefore any accurate estimation of
the relevant particle transport is of great importance in applied engineering practices.
Developed transport formulas present a relationship between sediment discharge and
hydrological as well as hydraulic factors, such as flow discharge, slope, river morphometry,
sediment characteristics, etc. As these sediment formulas were often gained from laboratory
investigations under steady flow condition, their basic applicability is usually limited to these
flow conditions. But, in natural rivers most of the sediment displacement takes place during
floods which represent unsteady flow. Hence, one should be aware of conceptual formula
limitations and possible prediction errors.
This paper demonstrates how the sediment transport is derived from the physical
principle of the Power Theories. Their applicability to the sediment prediction under
unsteady open channel flow is discussed.

Carrying capacity for sediment laden flow

In open channel flow the establishment of a relationship between the available potential
energy, respectively the energy dissipation rate, and the sediment transport, is a very
reasonable approach to this hydrodynamic process. Such a relation, describing the sediment
transport in open-channel flow, can be derived on the physical basis of a power concept.
These concepts are listed in the following three paragraphs. They are described on their
theoretical basis, including their derivation, as well as their linkage towards a new conceptual
approach, which is briefly explained.

Stream power

This concept was introduced and developed by Bagnold (1966, 1973). It is based on general
physical principles arguing that the transport of grains depends on the efficiency of the
available power. This concept was also firstly applied by Bagnold for the description of the
bed load transport, wherein he related the total power supply P

P = u = gSfh u (1)

( = density of the fluid-sediment mixture, g = gravity, Sf = energy slope, h = water depth, u

= mean flow velocity, = shearing stress of the fluid on the river bed) to the unit bed area. In
other words, it states that the rate of energy dissipation, used in grain transport, should be
related to the rate of materials being transported.

Unit stream power

If Equation (1) is divided by (gh), the unit stream power (Yang, 1971, 1972) can be derived
from the stream power. This slightly different theory relates the rate of potential energy
dissipation to the unit weight of water. It can be defined as

dY dx dY
= = uS (2)
dt dt dx

where Y denotes the potential energy per unit weight of water, x the longitudinal distance, t
the time and S the energy or water surface slope. Based on this concept, Yang (1979)
developed several sediment transport by the analysis of relevant laboratory data as well as
field observations in natural streams.

Gravitational power

In addition to the previous two theories, the gravitational power theory (Velikanov, 1954)
suggests that the energy dissipation rate for the transport of the fluid-sediment mixture can be
divided into
the power required to overcome the transport resistance and
the power necessary to keep sediment particles in suspension.
Based on this Velikanov understands that energy allowances for the sediments transport have
to be made in an energy balance. In terms of the solid friction of an entire volume of a
disperse medium, the sediment concentration is given by Velikanov as

Cv = K (3)

where Cv denotes the volumetric concentration, K represents a coefficient related to the

energy dissipation rate assigned to the sediment transport and is the fall velocity of the
sediment particle. These last two parameters result from laboratory investigations with
limited natural conditions.

Power concept for the sediment concentration and transport capacity

Under the assumptions of energy separation and potential sediment transport, a suitable
equation can be gained on the basis of the available power, explaining the linkage between a
Power Concept and the sediment transport rate. The relevant theory for the derivation of this
concept can be expressed as following, where the left hand side of Equation (4) represents the
energy dissipation for suspended sediment transport and the right hand side, the Stream

( s w )gCv = w guS (4)

where s and w denote the gravity of the grains respectively of the water and denotes a
coefficient that describes the actual portion of energy dissipation used for sediment transport.
It is similar to Velikanovs K-value. Rearranging Equation (4) leads finally to Equation (5)
which is the basis for the discussion on the sediment transport analysis under steady as well
as unsteady flow conditions in open channels:

Cv = (5)

(1 w )

The latter Equation (5) shows that the sediment concentration depends directly on the
available stream power ( uS ) as well as on a factor determining the energy dissipating

proportion for different flow and transport characteristics such as turbulence, river bed
roughness, sediment properties, etc.

Transport analysis under steady flowconditions

The potential energy as the only source for work performance drives the flow of the water-
sediment mixture from a location of higher altitude to a lower situated location, overcoming
all transport, respectively, fluid shear resistance. It is a turbulent flow situation where the
intensity of the turbulence depends strongly on hydraulical and geometrical parameters such
as the river bed friction, as well as the overall river morphology. The internal forces of the
turbulence themselves also use up a certain amount of the available potential energy so that
the effective power available to transport is reduced.
Assume that the considered water volume consists of a mixture of water and
suspended sediment particles as well as bed load grains. The internal portion of the energy
dissipation rate causes the continuous chaotic displacement of these particles. Nevertheless
repeating turbulence pattern related to the flow characteristics can be observed by the
visualisation of moving particles. The referring eddy structures develop on the river bed. In
this area, close to the viscous sub-layer, turbulent motion is manifested in the form of sweep
and burst events. They consequently spread periodically all over the flow field as large scale
turbulent eddies. The turbulence structures keep sediment particles in suspension as well as
force bed load grains into a part time movement such as
an occasional rolling motion which includes the rarely observed sliding motion,
or a saltating motion, which comprises a series of ballistics hops or jumps
characterised by ascent from the river bed to a height of a few grain diameters.
The turbulent transport of the fluid-sediment mixture is therefore characterised by an
intensive collision between grains as well as the disintegration of eddies. During all these
processes, a certain amount of the dissipated kinetic energy is also transformed into another
stage of energy, such as heat and sound. Therefore the physical background of the power
concept allows the consideration of, and consequently, the integration of different energy
consuming processes into a simple formula, i.e. by the introduction of the already listed
coefficients K and/or 0 which vary due to overall changing flow characteristics.
Nevertheless, the gravitational power concept, as the theoretical basis for the
derivation of sediment transport formulas, probably was only thought for steady flow
situations. Under steady uniform flow (vav = Rh 2 / 3 S1 / 2 ) Equation (5) leads to

w u 3n 2
Cv = (6)
(1 w ) Rh

and under the assumption of a wide river (Rh = h) Equation (6) becomes

w u 3n 2
Cv = (7)
h 4 / 3

Introducing the coefficient > instead of 0 Equation (7) leads to

Cv = (8)
This last Equation (8) is now identical to the Velikanovs equation, where > is an empirical
coefficient, identical to K.
Depending on the internal available transport energy as well as on sedimentologic
factors (grain size, s) the sediment transport takes place in suspension and as bed material
transport. The physical process behind Equation (8) postulates that a certain amount of the
available energy dissipates due to the transport of grains, others due to friction forces.
However, the total transport capacity concentration is related to the energy dissipation as well
as the intensity of the turbulence in the following manner:
More available energy increases the rate of energy dissipation.
An increased energy dissipation is directly related to a higher turbulence intensity as well
as an increase in the sediment transport capacity.
A certain amount of available energy can be dissipated in a variable portion - an increase
in the turbulence intensity (i.e. increase in the bed roughness) means a decrease in the
sediment concentration and vice versa; Equation (8) follows this principle: an increased
friction factor causes a decrease in the flow velocity and an increase in the water depth.
They lead to a reduction in the sediment concentration. Whereas Celik and Rodi (1991)
explain this phenomenon in such a way that the turbulence energy produced in the
separated shear layers behind the roughness elements, needs to be convicted and diffused
first to the region above the bed, and that during this process, energy is dissipated so that
more energy is dissipated directly and a smaller part of the energy produced is available
for suspension.

Transport analysis under unsteady flowconditions

The following discussion refers to the assumption that the conceptional structure of Equation
(8) can also be applied to the estimation of the sediment transport capacity under unsteady
flow conditions. But under natural conditions they cause most of the sediment displacement
(Summer and Zhang, 1994) therefore unsteady processes are rather relevant in engineering
practices than in steady situations. Unsteady flow in an open channel is often modelled by the
one-dimensional St. Venant equations. The dynamic equation of these may be written as
follows (Cunge et al., 1980):

Q Q2 h
+ ( ) + gA( S0 ) + gAS f = 0 (9)
t x A x

Rearranging Equation (9) after substituting by u leads to

h 1 u u
Sf-S0=- - +u (10)
x g t x

where S0 and Sf denotes the bed slope and the energy slope respectively, A the cross
sectional area and Q the discharge. According to the magnitude on the right hand side of
equation (10) the flood wave can be classified either as kinematic wave (S 0 = Sf ) or
diffusion/dynamic wave (Ponce, 1989).
Due to S0 = Sf, the sediment transport for a kinematic wave situation can be expressed
by Equation (8). This has been proven by Suszka and Graf (1987) on the basis of laboratory
investigations as well as by Nouh (1988) who monitored and analysed suspended sediment
transport in ephemeral channels. Therefore, for rivers where the kinematic wave assumptions
are valid, formulas obtained from steady flow can also be applied without additional errors
due to hydraulic unsteadiness.
Looking at a diffusion/dynamic wave, where the right hand side of (10) cannot be
neglected, the energy slope at the rising stage of the flood is greater than the bed slope but
smaller at the tail end. This has been indicated by Tu and Graf (1992), who compared the
friction velocity under steady, uniform flow u *S

u* S = ghS (11)
with the friction velocity u* Su

h u u 1 u
u* Su = {gh (S0- )} (12)
x g x g t

gained from the St. Venant equation of motion. Figure 1 shows one of several relevant
hydrograph investigations, indicating the true value of the friction velocity u* Su during the
passage of the hydrograph as well as the apparent friction velocity u *S under the assumption
that Sf equals S0.
From these as well as from other investigations (e.g. Walling and Webb, 1988), it can
be concluded that the maximum value for S f occurs at the rising stage of the discharge
response during a storm event, so that the stream power should have a maximum before the
discharge peak. In detail, the concentration peak will be situated between the point of
inflection on the rising side of the hydrograph, where the increase in the water table starts to
decrease again, and between the peak discharge (Thomas and Lewis, 1993). In this case the
application of the sediment transport Equation (8) might lead to an increased error in the
prediction - therefore an improvement in the formula concept is advisable.

Concluding summary

The sediment transport in natural rivers may be estimated on the basis of the stream power
concept. The rate of energy dissipation derives from an energy balance which adjusts to the
river beds roughness, sediment discharge, channel geometry and cross section. Under these
assumptions the sediment transport is analysed under various flow conditions as well as
changing turbulent kinetic energy. It is shown and discussed under what assumptions the
concept of energy dissipation rate for sediment transport can be extended from steady open
channel flow to unsteady flow conditions.
An alluvial channel has the tendency to create a balance between flow controlling
factors in order to adjust the sediment transport rate to the rate of potential energy
expenditure. Such a concept is based on the power theory, which can be expressed as stream
power, unit stream power and/or gravitational power. These approaches to an understanding
of the sediment transport process, reject the concept that the rate of sediment transport
depends mainly on one independent variable, such as discharge, average flow velocity,
energy slope or shear stress. Based on these power concepts - their linkage is shown in this
study - several suspended sediment transport equations were derived by different researchers
(Shen and Hung, 1972; Yang, 1972; Ackers and White, 1993). The procedure of the
derivation of such a sediment transport equation based on the gravitational power theory is
presented. Its basic idea focuses on the energy balance of sediment transport, considering the
fluid and sediment grains separately, where two forces occur namely gravity (transporting the
fluid along the slope) and resistance forces (tending to retard the flow movement). The
relevant equation corresponds to a transport equation for steady open channel flow given by
Velikanov, gained in a simple way.
According to Equation (8) it can be concluded that increased friction forces (i.e.
increase in the river bed roughness causing higher turbulence) decrease the transport potential
of particles. Therefore the coefficients or K denoting the energy dissipation ratio between
sediment transport and friction resistances - i.e. turbulent eddy structures cause them; they
have their origin on the river bed and gain their characteristics by the bed
However, Equation (8) can be extended to express the relationship between the
sediment transport rate and unsteady open channel flow. Considering flood discharges, their
hydrographs can either rise slowly or rapidly. Consequently, this leads to two typical
unsteady flow situations, which on one hand can be classified as kinematic wave and on the
other as diffusion and/or dynamic wave. With Equation (8) it can easily be shown that during
unsteady flow situations and under certain assumptions (sufficient suspended sediment
supply, regular cross-section, etc.)

Fig.1 Friction velocity u*S and u * Su for a hydrograph (Tu and Graf, 1992)

the max. suspended sediment concentration occurs at the rising stage of the hydrograph in
the case of a dynamic wave,
in the less common case of a kinematic wave (which in nature could be assumed only for
floods in big rivers) the concentration peak corresponds to the discharge peak.
When comparing equal discharges of a flood wave (diffusion/dynamic wave) it can be stated
that more energy is available during the rise of a flood than during its decrease. This
hydraulic principle leads to an energetic maximum at the rising branch of the storm flow,
which also means that under the assumption of a direct relation between power and total
sediment transport capacity the sediment concentration peak occurs on the rising flood stage.
This physical/hydraulical phenomenon is one of the reasons for the hysteretic effect in a
sediment discharge rating curve; hydrological factors have the second major impact on the
creation of a looped rating curve.


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The linkage between hydrological processes
and sediment transport at the river basin scale
a modelling study

V. Krysanova, J. Williams, G. Brger and H.sterle

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Department of Natural Systems,
P.O. Box 601203 Telegrafenberg, D-14412 Potsdam, Germany

Soil erosion is a major type of land degradation induced by human population. Erosion by
water is a widespread, global problem. The Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems Project
(GCTE) assigned erosion as a first priority within the task Soil Degradation under Global
Change (Ingram et al., 1996). For that the GCTE Soil Erosion Network was created recently.
The use of water erosion models in global change studies requires that the model (a) has
already been validated in several watersheds or regions, (b) uses readily available input data,
(c) is transferable to other regions/conditions. For that, the models need to be validated in
different environmental conditions in order to evaluate their robustness for global change
Erosion processes are very complex, and there are a number of modelling tools
developed for different spatial scales and using different concepts. Three model categories are
used for the assessment of water erosion: (a) fully empirical models like USLE (Wischmeier
and Smith, 1978) and RUSLE (Renard et al., 1991); (b) models largely based on mathematical
descriptions of physical processes like WEPP (Nearing et al., 1989) and EUROSEM (Morgan
et al., 1992); and (c) intermediate models combining mathematical process description with
some empirical relationships like ANSWERS (Beasley et al., 1980), EPIC (Williams, 1984),
GLEAMS (Leonard et al., 1987) and AGNPS (Young et al., 1989). Most of these models can
be used only at the field scale or in small homogeneous watersheds. The water erosion models
usually include a hydrological module, except the fully empirical ones, which can calculate
sediment yield using some rainfall or runoff factor. An overview about erosion model
validation for global change studies is given in Favis-Mortlock et al. (1996).
One of the models intensively used for coupled hydrological / crop / erosion
simulations, with an objective to determine the effect of management strategies on crop yield,
soil and water resources, is EPIC. The EPIC model has been used in several impact studies in

the United States, including those described in Robertson et al. (1987; 1990) and Easterling et
al., (1993). The model was investigated specifically for its applicability for the assessment of
global change impacts (Williams et al., 1996). In the framework of global change studies it was
suggested to use the simulation results of complex process-based models for developing
simplified reduced-form models that capture the main features of the response to changing
conditions, like it was already done with EPIC (Ingram et al., 1996).
The availability of GIS (Geographic Information System) tools and more powerful
computing facilities makes it possible to overcome many difficulties and limitations and to
develop distributed continuous time basin-scale models, based on available regional
information. Recent development provides a few models, which allow evaluation of erosion
processes at the basin scale, among them SWRRB (Arnold et al., 1990), SWAT (Arnold et al.,
1993 and 1994), and SWIM (Krysanova et al., 1996 and 1998a). Usually, the basin-scale
model includes a version of a field-scale model as a module, plus a parametrization of the
routing processes. Thus a simplified version of EPIC (Williams et al., 1984) is included in
SWAT and SWIM for simulation of crop growth and sediment yield processes.
This paper demonstrates the ability of the SWIM model to evaluate sediment yield
and transport at the basin scale. SWIM was first applied for the larger Mulde river basin
(6171 km2), and then for the mesoscale Glonn river basin (392 km2) with the objectives
to validate basin-scale sediment transport modelling;
to investigate scaling issues by subdividing the basin into sub-basins in three different
ways; and
to study the linkage between hydrological processes, on the one hand, and sediment yield
and transport, on the other.

Modelling approach
General model description

SWIM (Soil and Water Integrated Model) is a continuous-time spatially distributed model,
simulating hydrology, vegetation, erosion and nutrients (nitrogen, N, and phosphorus, P) at
the river basin scale. The model is described in detail in Krysanova et al., 1998a.
SWIM is based mainly on two previously developed tools: SWAT (Arnold et al.,
1993) and MATSALU (Krysanova et al., 1989), and includes some new modules (e.g. the
Muskingum-Cunge method for river routing, and a new approach for the CO2 fertilisation
effect). The new model SWIM was developed with an intention to incorporate the best
features of both tools, like coupled hydrological/crop modules and GIS interface from SWAT,
and three-level disaggregation scheme from MATSALU. The other objective was to arrange
data input in agreement with data formats available in Europe and in this way to ensure that
the model is transferable to other European river basins. The both SWAT and SWIM run
with the daily time step, but only SWIM was validated hydrologically with the daily time
step in a number of basins, while SWAT as a long-term predictor was always validated only
with monthly and annual time steps.
SWIM can be applied to river basins with the area from 100 to 10,000 km2. A three-
level disaggregation scheme basin sub-basins hydrotopes plus a vertical subdivision into
a maximum of 10 soil layers are implemented in SWIM for mesoscale basins. A mesoscale
basin has firstly to be subdivided into sub-basins of a reasonable average area. After that
hydrotopes are delineated within every sub-basin, based on land use and soil types. A
hydrotope is a set of elementary units in the sub-basin, which have the same land use and soil
type. The sub-basin area should not exceed 10 100 km2 (depending on the basin area) to
ensure that the surface runoff reaches the sub-basin outlet within one day. Climate is
homogeneous at the second level of disaggregation - for sub-basins.
SWIM has interface to the GIS GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support
System, US Army, 1988), which was modified from the SWAT/GRASS interface (Srinivasan
and Arnold, 1993) to extract spatially distributed parameters of elevation, land use, soil
types, and groundwater table.
During the last three years SWIM was extensively tested and validated in a number of
mesoscale basins in Germany (mainly belonging to the Elbe drainage basin) regarding different
processes hydrological, vegetation growth, nutrient cycling and erosion (Krysanova et al.,
1996, 1998a, b, 1999a). Besides, the model was validated regionally for crop yield in the state
of Brandenburg, Germany (Krysanova et al., 1999b).

Hydrological processes and vegetation

The simulated hydrological system consists of four control volumes: the soil surface, the root
zone, the shallow aquifer, and the deep aquifer. The soil column is subdivided into several
layers in accordance with the soil database. The water balance equation for the soil column
includes precipitation, surface runoff, evapotranspiration, percolation to groundwater and
subsurface lateral flow. The water balance for the shallow aquifer includes groundwater
recharge from the soil profile, capillary rise back to the soil profile, lateral return flow
(contribution to stream flow), and percolation to the deep aquifer.
Surface runoff is estimated as a non-linear function of precipitation and a retention
coefficient, which depends on soil water content, land use and soil type (modification of the
Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number method described in Arnold et al., 1990). The
method was adapted to German conditions by validation in seven mesoscale river basins of
different size (all in the Elbe drainage area) and with different climatic conditions, land use and
soils. Besides, it is possible to exclude the dependency on curve number in SWIM and to use
the retention coefficients as dependent only on soil saturation.
Lateral subsurface flow (or interflow) is calculated simultaneously with percolation. It
appears when the storage in any soil layer exceeds field capacity after percolation and is
especially important for soils having impermeable or less permeable layer below several
permeable ones. Potential evapotranspiration is estimated using the method of Priestley-
Taylor. Actual evaporation from soil and actual transpiration by plants are calculated
The module representing crop and natural vegetation is an important interface between
hydrology and erosion. A simplified EPIC approach is included in SWIM (as well as in
SWAT) for simulating arable crops (e.g. wheat, barley, rye, maize, potatoes) and aggregated
vegetation types (e.g. 'grass', 'pasture', 'forest'), using specific parameter values for each
crop/vegetation type. It is simplified mainly in the description of phenological processes in
order to decrease the requirements on input information. This enables crop growth to be
simulated in a distributed modelling framework at the regional scale.
Different vegetation types affect the hydrological cycle by the cover-specific retention
coefficient, which influences runoff, and indirectly - the amount of evapotranspiration (ET),
which is simulated as a function of potential evapotranspiration and leaf area index.

Sediment yield in sub-basins

Sediment yield Y (in t) is calculated for each sub-basin with the Modified Universal Soil Loss
Equation (MUSLE, Williams and Berndt, 1977), practically the same as in SWAT (Arnold et
al., 1994):

Y = 11.8 (Q q p )0.56 ( K ) (C ) ( ECP) ( LS), (1)

where Q is the surface runoff for the sub-basin in m3, qp is the peak runoff rate for the sub-
basin in m3s-1, K is the soil erodibility factor for soil, C is the crop management factor, ECP is
the erosion control practice factor, and LS is the slope length and steepness factor. The only
difference is that in SWIM the surface runoff, the soil erodibility factor K and the crop
management factor C are estimated for every hydrotope, and then averaged for the sub-basin
(weighted areal average), while in SWAT there are two options: a) based on two-level
disaggregation basin sub-basins, when the above mentioned factors are first estimated for
the sub-basins, and b) similar to that of SWIM, when the factors are estimated first for HRUs
(Hydrologic Response Units) similar as hydrotopes.
The surface runoff and the peak runoff rate from (1) are estimated in the hydrological
module. The peak runoff rate (Arnold et al., 1994) is calculated as

qp = , (2)
3.6 tc

where A is the drainage area in km2, tc is the basins time of concentration in h, and is a
dimentionless parameter expressing the proportion of total rainfall that occurs during tc.
The stochastic parameter is taken from gamma-distribution, which is parametrized
using monthly rainfall intensity. This stochastic element is included to allow realistic
representation of peak flow rates, given only daily rainfall and monthly rainfall intensity. The
time of concentration is calculated as a sum of the surface and the stream flow times, which
are estimated from the slope (or channel) length, the slope (or channel) steepness, and the
Mannings n coefficients for the sub-basin (or channel), respectively (Arnold et al., 1994).
Here the channel is a part of the river network belonging to the sub-basin.
The soil erodibility factor K is estimated from the texture of the upper soil layer or is
taken form a database.
The crop management factor C is estimated for all days when runoff occurs as

C = exp[( a1 CVM ) exp( a2 CV ) + CVM ] , (3)

where CV is the above-ground biomass in kg ha-1, CVM is the minimum value of C for crop,
a1 = -0.2231, a2 = -0.00115.
The erosion control practice is estimated as default value of 0.5, if no other data are
The slope length and steepness factor LS is estimated as

LS = (b2 S 2 + b3 S + b4 ), (4)

[ ]
= b5 1 exp(b6 S ) , (5)

where the slope length L and the slope steepness S for the sub-basins are estimated from the
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the basin, and the constants b1 = 22.1, b2 = 65.41, b3 =
4.565, b4 = 0.065, b5 = 0.6, b6 = -35.835.

Sediment routing in streams

The sediment routing model consists of two components operating simultaneously

deposition and degradation in the streams. Deposition in the stream channel is based on the
stream velocity in the channel Vc (in m s-1), which is estimated as a function of the peak flow
rate PR (in m3 s-1), the flow depth D (in m), and the average channel width CHW (in m)

Vc = . (6)

The flow depth is calculated using the Mannings formula as

D= , (7)
CHW (CHS )0.5

where CHN is the channel n, and CHS is the channel slope (m m-1).
The sediment delivery ratio DR through the reach is defined in accordance with the
latest modification by J.Williams as

DR = SPCON (Vc )sp exp , (8)

where Yin is the sediment amount entering the reach, and the parameters SPCON (between
0.0001 and 0.01) and SPEXP (between 1.0 and 1.5) can be used for calibration.
If DR < 1.0, the deposition is

DEP = Yin (1. DR), (9)

and degradation is zero. Otherwise, the deposition is zero, and the degradation is calculated as

DEG = Y ( DR 1.) CHK CHC, (10)

where CHK is the channel K factor, and CHC is the channel C factor.
And finally, the amount of sediment reaching the sub-basin outlet, Yout, is

Yout = Yin DEP + DEG (11)

Case study river basins
The modelling study was done in two river basins the Mulde basin, gauge station Bad
Dben, 6171 km2, located in Saxony (Figure 1), and the Glonn basin, gauge station
Hohenkammer, 392 km2, located in Bavaria (Figure 2). The first application was performed
for the Mulde basin, using a DEM with rough 1000 m resolution, and measurements of
suspended solids with rather low frequency. A more thorough validation of the model was
performed for the Glonn basin, where better DEM and daily measurements of suspended
sediments (SS) in the river outlet were available

Fig. 1 The Mulde basin (6171 km2) located in Saxony, Germany and its subdivision into 5 sub-
basins with the corresponding gauge stations

The Mulde basin

The Mulde river basin (Figure 1 and Table 1) is located in the south of the German part of the
Elbe drainage basin. The Elbe is one of the most heavily contaminated water courses in
Europe, due to ineffective sewage water treatment and lack of diffuse source pollution control
(agricultural areas cover about 56% of the total drainage area). Erosion is more pronounced in
the southern and western part of the Elbe basin (including the Mulde basin) due to the
mountainous or hilly relief and occurrence of loess soils.
Elevation in the Mulde basin increases southward from 80 to 1229 m above sea level.
Different soil types occur in the basin: from sandy soils with different percentages of loam
(38.5 %), to loamy and loess soils (32.3%), and loamy-clay and clay soils (28.7 %). The soil
erodibility factor K was estimated from the texture of the upper soil layer, it varies from 0.19
to 0.66. The area is dominated by cropland (58%) and forest (29.6%). Forested areas are
located predominantly in the mountainous southern part of the basin. Average precipitation
in the period 1981 1995 was 783 mm per year, and the runoff coefficient was 0.42.

Table 1 General characteristics of two investigated river basins: the Glonn and the Mulde
Glonn / Mulde
Hohenkammer gauge Bad Dben

Area, km2 392 6171

Elevation, m a.s.l. 450 to 559 80 to 1229
Land use: cropland 73 % 58 %
pasture 6.5 % 3%
forest 16.5 % 29.6 %
Soil types: sandy and loamy-sandy soils 9.8 % 19.1 %
sandy-loamy and sandy loess soils 23.0 % 19.4 %
loamy and loess soil 60.3 % 32.3 %
loamy-clay and clay soils 4.5 % 28.7 %
peat soil 2.4 % 0.5 %
Precipitation, long-term average, mm/yr ~ 880 ~ 783
Runoff coefficient* 0.30 0.42
Specific runoff: min, l/s/km 3.24 2.38
average, l/s/km2 8.24 10.3
max, l/s/km2 121 75
* Runoff coefficient as a long-term characteristic is a proportion of the volume of total runoff in the river to the
volume of precipitation in the corresponding river basin taken for a period of 20-30 years

The Glonn basin

The Glonn river (Figure 2 and Table 1) is a tributary of Amper, which is a tributary of Isar.
The basin is located to the north of Mnchen in the loess region. Elevation in the Glonn basin
(gauge Hohenkammer) is between 450 to 559 m above sea level. Loamy and loess soils
dominate in the basin area: 60.3 %. The soil erodibility factor K, defined in accordance with
the soil database presented in Schmidt et al. (1992), varies from 0.12 to 0.55. The area is
clearly dominated by arable cropland (73%), forest occupies only 16.5 % of the drainage area.
Average long-term precipitation is 880 mm per year, and the runoff coefficient is 0.30.

Fig. 2 The Glonn basin (392 km2) with the gauge station Hohenkammer located in Bavaria,
Germany and its subdivision into 10 and 42 sub-basins

Input data and transformation methods

Input data requirements for SWIM

The SWIM/GRASS interface was used to extract spatially distributed parameters of

elevation, land use, soil types, and groundwater table. The interface creates a number of input
files for the basin and sub-basins, including the hydrotope structure file and the routing
structure file. To start the interface, the user must have at least four map layers for a basin:
the elevation map (Digital Elevation Model), the land use, the soil, and the sub-basin maps.
The fourth, sub-basin map can be created using the r.watershed program of GRASS (or by
subdividing the basin in any other way).
The weather parameters necessary to drive the model are daily precipitation, air
temperature (average, minimum and maximum), and solar radiation. Weather data can be taken
from meteorological stations or produced using a weather generator based on monthly
statistical data. One set of weather parameters may be used for the entire basin, or they can
be specified for each sub-basin separately. In addition, a soil data base and a crop management
data base have to be provided. River discharge, concentrations of nutrients and suspended
sediments in the basin outlet are needed for model validation.

Spatial data and soil parameters

A DEM with 1000 m resolution provided by the Institut fr Angewandte Geodsie IFAG,
Frankfurt-am-Main was used for the simulations in the Mulde basin. For the Glonn basin a
DEM with 160 m resolution provided by the Technical University of Darmstadt,
Department of Meteorology, was used.
A land use map with 500 x 500 m horizontal resolution, provided by the Statistische
Bundesamt, Wiesbaden, with 44 land use categories, was used in the both cases. It was
reclassified to a new map with the following categories: 1) water, 2) settlement, 3) industry,
4) road, 5) cropland, 6) perennial grass, 7) pasture, 8) fallow, 9) forest, 10) sand or dunes, 11)
bare soil, 12) wetland.
The digital soil map of Germany, Bodenbersichtskarte der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland 1:1,000,000, BK-1000, generated by the Bundesanstalt fr
Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover, was used for the Mulde basin. It provides
parameters for 72 soil types, characterised through a leading profile. For each horizon of
every soil profile, 8 attributes are specified: depth, texture class, clay content, humus content,
carbon content, nitrogen content, field capacity, and available field capacity.
For the Glonn basin the soil map Konzeptbodenkarte 1:25,000, generated by the
Bayerische Geologische Landesamt, was used. The following parameters for several soil
horizons (Schmidt et al., 1992) were used for the modelling: depth; sand, silt and clay content;
bulk density; porosity; field capacity and available field capacity; carbon and nitrogen
content; effective root depth; and soil erodibility. The saturated conductivity was estimated
from porosity, sand and clay content in the horizon using the method of Rawls and
Brakensiek (Smith, 1992).
The Mulde basin was subdivided for modelling into 62 sub-basins (average sub-basin
area was 99.5 km2). In the Glonn basin three different disaggregation schemes were applied in
order to study the scaling effects: into 10, 42 and 162 sub-basins. Two of them, with 10 and
42 sub-basins are shown in Figure 2.

Relational data

Actual weather data obtained from German Weather Service (Deutsche Wetter Dienst, DWD)
were used for simulations. In the case of Mulde, daily temperature (minimum, average and
maximum), and sunshine duration from four climate stations (Oschatz, altitude 150 m;
Chemnitz, 263 m; Zinnwald, 877 m; and Fichtelberg, 1213 m), and daily precipitation from
72 precipitation stations were used. The multivariate regression method described was used
to estimate global radiation for these four stations. An altitude-correction coefficient was used
to estimate temperature in the sub-basins.
In the case of Glonn, daily minimum, average and maximum temperatures from station
4116 Altomnster, located in the centre of the basin, and daily sunshine duration from station
4117 Weihenstephan were used. The regression method described was used to estimate global
radiation for the Glonn basin from sunshine duration. Precipitation data from nine
precipitation stations located in the basin, were used.
Data on water discharge were available for five gauge stations indicated on Figure 1 for
the period 1981 1995. The measurements of suspended solids (abfiltrierbare Stoffe) in the
river were only available for these five stations for the period 1993 - 1995, with the frequency
14 -15 measurements a year (source: Schsisches Landesamt fr Umwelt und Geologie).

Daily water discharge and suspended sediment (Schwebstoff) measurements
available for 15 years from 1981 to 1995 for the gauge station Hohenkammer on the Glonn
river were used for model validation in this basin. The longer time series, starting from 1971,
were used for the double mass plot analysis described below. The data were obtained from
the Bayerisches Landesamt fr Wasserwirtschaft, Mnchen.

Methods to estimate solar radiation

Multivariate regression on the normals

Daily variations of sunshine duration and radiation show strong correlation of more than 0.9;
this is true even with seasonal variations removed. Therefore, a simple linear regression model
promises good results in expressing them through one another. Both quantities are, however,
strongly non-normal in distribution, hence a linear model might nevertheless not be an
optimum. On the other hand, daily radiation depends on more than just sunshine duration, for
example, on humidity, hence further improvement might be achieved by using multivariate
regression. Note that such improvements are minor since the original high correlation to
sunshine duration already guarantees sound results. This might change if one considers more
extreme climates.
We used a multivariate non-linear regression approach, whose parameters were
calibrated using 30 years of daily measurements, between 1961 and 1990, at the station
Potsdam, Germany. The following Table 2 summarizes the set of variables used for the
regression model, together with the respective regression model coefficients. Here we see that
besides sunshine duration, vapour pressure deficit plays a major role in the regression model.
Note that the vapor pressure deficit and the relative humidity interact in such a way in this
multivariate regression model that contribution of the latter one is rather low.

Table 2 Regression coefficients for the estimation of global radiation using the multivariate
regression method described
Variable Model coefficient
Temperature (mean) 0.03
Temperature (max) 0.05
Temperature (min) -0.10
Precipitation -0.02
Wind speed -0.06
Rel. humidity -0.03
Air pressure 0.01
Vapor pressure -0.05
Sunshine 0.57
Cloudiness -0.08
Snow height 0.03
Fog 0.01
Vapor pressure deficit (vpd) 0.22

As mentioned, many of the variables, especially those related to humidity, are
strongly non-normal in distribution, thus disturbing linear regression relationships. To
establish such relations, we first transformed each of the variables to one which is normally
distributed, using the generic probit scheme as described, e.g., in Brger (1996). This renders,
in a 1-1 fashion, for any (continuous) variable X another variable Y, which is normally
distributed. Formally, there exists a 1-1 mappings, , with the following properties:

Y = ( X ) = 1 ( F( X )) (12)

X = 1 (Y ) = ( F 1 (Y )) (13)

where F denotes the cumulative distribution function of X, and the cumulative normal
distribution function.
Using the normalized variables, a 13-dimensional regression model was fitted which
calculates daily normalized radiation. Again formally:

Y14 = LY1:13 (14)

Having established the regression, a link is created via (12) (13) (14) between the 13
predictor variables and radiation in physical (non-normal) units.

Monthly regression on sunshine duration

In the second method the reconstruction of daily values of global radiation was done on the
basis of sunshine duration and other meteorological parameters from seven synoptical
stations located at different altitudes in different sub-regions in Germany: Schleswig, 43 m;
Braunschweig, 81 m; Potsdam, 81 m; Lindenberg, 98 m; Passau, 409 m; Konstanz, 443 m; and
Hohepeisenberg, 986 m.
The monthly correlation coefficients between the global radiation and other parameters
measured at these meteorological stations have a maximum in summer and a minimum in
winter. The sunshine duration showed the highest correlation with the global radiation (0.9 in
winter to 0.95 in summer). Lower values were obtained for the relative humidity (0.6 to 0.85),
the cloudiness (0.7 to 0.8), and the daily amplitude in temperatures (0.5 to 0.8).
After that, based on the results of the correlation analysis, daily global radiation was
calculated in two different ways. In the first case, it was calculated on the basis of an
unconditioned one-dimensional regression equation

Yi = a Xi + b (15)

where Y represents the global radiation, X stands for the sunshine duration, and i - the day
In the second case, an additional information about the second best predictor, the
relative humidity, was used. For that, all days were divided into 5 clusters with different
relative humidity: below 60%, between 60 and 70%, between 70 and 80%, between 80 and
90%, and between 90 and 100%. A specific regression equation

Yi = ak Xi + bk (16)

was calculated for every cluster K. The regression equations were estimated separately for
every month on the basis of data from seven above mentioned synoptical stations.
The mean relative error (relative to mean standard deviation per month) in the
estimation of global radiation was 0.41 when applying the unconditional regression equation
(15), and 0.39 when applying the conditional Equation (16). This small difference confirms
that the unconditional regression, applied on the monthly basis, can be used to estimate global
daily radiation from sunshine duration using the monthly coefficients (Table 3).

Table 3 Monthly coefficients of the unconditional regression equation to estimate global

radiation (Kj/cm2) as a linear function of sunshine duration (h)
Month a b Month A B
I 0.068 0.173 VII 0.146 0.797
II 0.093 0.301 VIII 0.133 0.691
III 0.126 0.456 IX 0.129 0.473
IV 0.140 0.645 X 0.102 0.321
V 0.152 0.762 XI 0.074 0.191
VI 0.151 0.851 XII 0.061 0.148

Table 4 Average annual sediment yield, t ha-1 for selected sub-basins 2, 4, 36, and 45 (see their
location in Figure 4b) of the Mulde basin in 1993 and 1994
Sub-basin Average annual sediment yield in sub-basins, t ha-1
1993 1994
2 0.2 0.4
4 0.9 1.2
36 1.8 2.4
45 2.6 2.8

Fig. 3 The daily discharge () and suspended solids () in the river Mulde, gauge stations
Wechselburg, Erlln, and Bad Dben in 1993

Fig. 4 Spatial patterns of the total annual sediment yield for 62 subbasins of the Mulde in 1993
(left) and 1994 (right)

Model application in the Mulde basin

Preparatory steps

Firstly, the simulation results for hydrology were compared with measured data for the
periods 1981 - 1983 and 1993 - 1995. Statistical evaluation of results was performed by (a)
analysing the simulated annual water balance, and (b) applying the common efficiency
criterion after Nash and Sutcliffe (1970). The flood events were represented quite
satisfactorily, and the efficiency of runoff simulation was in the range 0.68 - 0.72.
Unfortunately, the frequency of suspended sediment measurements was not sufficient
for proper validation of the model. As we can see in Figure 3 the peaks of suspended solid
concentrations usually occur during flood events in spring and autumn. Also, it is clear that
there is a high probability that one peak at the station Erlln was missed during the spring

Spatial patterns

After the hydrological validation, the sediment yield for sub-basins and sediment transport
were analysed for three subsequent years 1993 - 1995, for which the measured data on
sediments were available.
Spatial patterns of sediment yield in 62 sub-basins are shown in Figure 4 for 1993 and
1994. The maximum values reach 4-5 t ha-1 yr-1, corresponding to a moderate level of erosion.
The highest surface runoff rates are observed in the south of the basin due to a mountainous
landscape and higher precipitation. The highest soil erodibility occurs in the middle and
northern parts of the basin (loess region). The forested areas are concentrated mainly in the
south, and arable land occupies the lower northern part of the drainage basin. According to the
modelling results, sub-basins with the highest sediment yield rates are located in the lower
middle part of the basin (Figure 4). This is probably the result of several contributing factors -
hydrological processes, soil erodibility, and land use.

Linkage between hydrological processes and sediment yield

The average annual sediment yield differs significantly between sub-basins of the Mulde. An
example is given in Table 4 showing average annual sediment yields in 1993 and 1994 for sub-
basins 2, 4, 36 and 45, located in different parts of the basin (see Figure 4 right).
Figure 5 depicts time series of simulated surface runoff (negative values, up) and
sediment yield (positive values, down) for sub-basins 2, 4, 36, and 45, which have different
sedimentation rates. As one can see, there are 2 - 3 peaks of sediment yield in spring in sub-
basins 2, 4 and 36, and there are 5 spring and 2 autumn peaks in sub-basin 45. Practically all
the peaks correspond to the runoff peaks. This confirms the strong linkage between
hydrological processes (surface runoff) and sediment yield. The maximum daily sediment
yield increases clearly from sub-basin 2 (lower than 40 kg ha-1), located in lowland, to sub-
basin 45 (more than 500 kg ha-1), located in the mountainous part of the basin.
And finally, an attempt of model validation is presented in Figure 6 where the
measured and simulated suspended solids can be compared for the river outlet in 1994. As
one can see, there are two flood events in spring, and two corresponding peaks in the
simulated suspended sediments. Only the first peak (day 76) is represented in the time series
of measured data, and the concentrations are very close in both cases. Unfortunately, there
were no measurements of suspended solids during the second flood event (days 103 - 106).
More thorough model validation was possible in the second basin, the Glonn.

Fig. 5 Time series of simulated surface runoff (mm/day, grey, negative Y axis) and sediment
yield (kg/ha, black, positive Y axis) for subbasins 2, 4, 36 and 45 of the Mulde basin in 1994

Fig. 6 An example of model validation in the Mulde, gauge station Bad Dben in 1994: time
series of precipitation (P, mm), water discharge (Q, m3/s), measured (sed. meas.), and simulated
(sed. sim.) suspended solids

Fig. 7 Time series of measured river discharge (positive values, Q, m3/s) and suspended sediment
concentration (negative values, SS, 0.05 g/m 3 ) for eight years in the Hohenkammer gauge
station of the Glonn basin

Model validation in the Glonn basin
Analysis of time series

Daily river discharge and daily concentrations of suspended sediments measured in the
Hohenkammer gauge station of the Glonn river (period 1981 1995) were used for this case
study. Figure 7 shows time series of river discharge (as positive values) and suspended
sediments (as negative values) for selected eight years in this period. In order to compare the
both time series, the concentrations of suspended sediments were recalculated with the
coefficient 0.05, so the units are 0.05 g m-3.
As we can see, in most cases the peaks of SS correspond clearly to the peaks of water
discharge (mirror-patterns). Nevertheless, there are some peaks of suspended sediment
concentration, which appear not during flood events, for example two very large peaks, one of
1732 g m-3 on the 7th of August 1989, and second of 2439 g m-3 on 20th of June 1990 (shown
after days 201 and 501 on the graph). In both cases river discharge was lower than 10 m3 s-1.
Note that there were no significant peaks of suspended sediments in other river in this region
(Groe Vils/Vilsburg, Rott/Ruhstorf, Mindel/Offingen, Regen/Regenstauf) in these periods of
In order to investigate whether there are any trends in the sediment transport, the
double mass plot of sediment yield versus runoff was built (Figure 8), considering the longer
period, from 1971 to 1995. This figure shows that there is no clear trend and little evidence of
changing sediment loads over the period of 25 years, though during three years 1984 to 1986
the observed sediment load was lower.
We can compare this result with a more extended analysis of trends in sediment yields
due to land use change in several rivers of the world performed by Walling (1999). This study
included also two rivers in Germany. He found a significant reduction in sediment yield over
the period 1960 1990 for the river Isar at Mnchen, Bavaria, and no trends in the sediment
records over 60 years for the river Lech above Fssen in Bavaria. The reduction for the Isar
was explained by the construction of storage reservoirs for hydropower stations on this river.
In this respect the basin of Glonn behaves similarly to the Lech, both showing little evidence
of changes in sediment transport despite of changes in both land use and land management
practices over the last decades.

Hydrological validation

The basin boundaries of the Glonn, gauge Hohenkammer were delineated using the
r.watershed program of GRASS (US Army, 1988). The area of the basin in GRASS was
392.9 km2 very close to that indicated in the statistical yearbook (Deutsches
Gewsserkundliches Jahrbuch), 392 km2.
Three different disaggregation schemes DS1, DS2 and DS3 were applied in the Glonn
basin in order to study the scaling effects: into 10, 42 and 162 sub-basins, respectively. Two
of them, with 10 and 42 sub-basins, are shown in Fig. 2. The average sub-basin areas were
39.2, 9.3, and 2.4 km2 for DS1, DS2 and DS3 respectively. The corresponding numbers of
hydrotopes in the whole basin were 479, 1088 and 2115, and the average hydrotope areas
were 0.82, 0.36 and 0.19 km2.
Hydrological validation in the Glonn basin was performed for the whole period 1981
1995, considering the first four years as calibration period. The same as in the case of Mulde,
statistical evaluation of results was performed by analysing the simulated annual water
balance, runoff coefficients, and applying the efficiency criterion after Nash and Sutcliffe
(1970). The largest uncertainty involved was that of land use and land cover, because the
current land use map was used over the whole period (no other maps were available), and no
data were available on crop rotation in the area.

Fig. 8 The double mass plot of sediment yield versus river discharge in the Hohenkammer gauge
station, the Glonn basin for 1971 1995

Nevertheless, the flood events are represented quite good, the low flow is also on appropriate
level, and the efficiency of runoff simulation is in the range 0.66 - 0.80. The satisfactory
results of hydrological validation were obtained using the first disaggregation scheme DS1, and
they were only slightly different when using the more detailed schemes DS2 and DS3. An
example of the model validation is shown in Figure 9 for the validation period 1990 1995.

Validation of sediment transport modelling and scaling issues

Scaling effects were much more important for the modelling of sediment transport than for
hydrology. When the first disaggregation scheme DS1 was used, the most of large peaks of
suspended sediment load appeared simultaneously with the measured peaks of SS load, but
the total annual load was overestimated.

This resulted from the fact that sediment transport is simulated as a three-stage
process in SWIM: at first the surface runoff and the factors C and K are estimated for
hydrotopes, then sediment yield is calculated for sub-basins using (1), and after that
sediments are routed in the streams following (11). However, if the number of sub-basins is
small, the stream network may be underrepresented. This leads to the lower deposition in
river network, and to the overestimation of the total annual sediment load.
When the second scheme DS2 was used, the results were improved: both the peaks of
the SS load and the total annual balance were close to the measured ones. The application of
the third scheme DS3 resulted in underestimation of the total annual loads (due to the too
dense river network).
The other possible solution of this problem, in our opinion, would be to introduce one
more step in the sediment transport modelling, namely, the sediment delivery ratio for sub-
basins in order to take into account the sub-basin area.

Fig. 9 Hydrological validation: simulated and observed river discharge for the Glonn basin,
gauge Hohenkammer in 1990 1995

Another factor, which influenced the results, was the vegetation cover. For example,
the absence of vegetation cover in winter resulted in higher sediment load during winter time.
We compared three options: summer crop, winter crop, and summer crop in combination
with cover crop during winter time. Among those, the best results were obtained assuming
that the cover crop is following the summer crop. Here, we could not proceed with our
analysis due to missing detailed data on crop rotation in the basin.
Three different disaggregation schemes influenced sediment transport, but not
sediment yield in sub-basins. Let us look at some results on sediment yield for ten sub-basins
(scheme DS1). The average annual sediment yield in the whole investigated period 1981
1995 varied from 0.1 t ha-1 yr-1 to 3.4 t ha-1 yr-1. The difference between sub-basins can be
explained mainly by the topography (LS factor), because there are no significant differences in
land use and soil erodibility between sub-basins. Regarding temporal dynamics, the average
annual simulated sediment yield in the Glonn basin of about 0.2 0.3 t ha-1 yr-1 was the
smallest in 1984, 1986 and 1989, and the largest of 6.8 t ha-1 yr-1 in 1981 (see Fig. 11a).
The following results on sediment transport (Figures 10 and 11b) are presented for the
case when the DS2 scheme was used, subdividing the basin into 42 sub-basins. Figure 10
depicts daily dynamics of simulated and measured suspended sediment load (in t) for eight
years of simulation (the same years as in Figure 7). Most of the peaks in both time series
appear simultaneously, though some of them are under- or overestimated. As could be
expected, the two peaks corresponding to very high measured concentrations of SS in 1989
and 1990 in the period of low flow (see Figure 8) do not appear in the simulated time series.
The reason is clear the low flow cannot create high peaks of sediments in the model because
of low surface runoff. The correlation coefficients calculated considering the full sets of
measured and simulated load with daily time step were 0.68 for the whole period, 0.62 for
nine years 1981 1989, and 0.71 for the first six years.
And finally, the annual amounts of simulated and measured sediment loads were
compared (Figure 11b). The comparison is not bad, especially for the first six years. The
correlation coefficients between these time series were 0.66 for the whole period, 0.77 for
nine years 1981 1989, and 0.97 for the first six years. We can conclude that the validation
results are satisfactory.

Fig. 10 Daily dynamics of simulated (negative values from the top of the diagram) and
measured sediment load (positive values) for eight years in the period 1981 1994

Fig. 11 The average annual simulated sediment yield (SY sim, t ha -1 yr-1) in the Glonn basin,
gauge Hohenkammer and the annual simulated sediment load (SS sim, t yr-1) (a); and the
comparison of the annual amounts of simulated (SS sim) and measured (SS meas) sediment
loads (b)

Discussion and conclusions

The validation of the erosion module demonstrated the ability of SWIM model to simulate
sediment yield and transport at the river basin scale with daily time step using regionally-
available information. The model can be used for other regions/conditions, as soon as data
requirements are modest.
Our study confirmed the importance of scaling effects for erosion modelling at the
basin scale. They have to be taken into account by applying an appropriate disaggregation
scheme for the studied basin, or by introducing additional sediment delivery ratios within sub-
It was shown that hydrological processes play a dominant role in controlling sediment
yield and transport, because most of the sediment yield is produced during a few high flow
events in a year, usually in spring and autumn. Also, the soil erodibility and land use/land

cover are important factors determining spatial patterns of sediment yield. We can conclude
that the linkage between hydrological processes and erosion is even stronger in the model than
in reality, as soon as the model cannot reproduce some observed high concentrations of
suspended sediments occurring during low flow periods.
The model can be used for climate impact studies, because both hydrology and erosion
processes respond correctly to the changing weather conditions. In order to use the model for
land use change studies, an additional analysis of interrelations between vegetation cover and
erosion should be done with SWIM, using better land cover data.

Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Claus Rachimow and Sibyll Shaphoff for
their help in data aquisition and processing and preparation of some graphs. Thanks to the
German Federal Ministry for Research and Technology (BMBF) for providing the funding
for this research (project Elbe Ecology).


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Essai de modlisation du risque drosion
hydrique utilisant des paramtres socio-
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A. Thioubou, M. W. Ostrowski
TU-Darmstadt, Institute for Hydrology,
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La dgradation des sols par lrosion hydrique constitue une menace permanente la
dsertification dans les pays sahliens. Si les causes sont en gnral bien connues
agressivit des pluies, techniques de mise en valeur inappropries... -, il nen demeure pas
moins que les techniques de contrle nont connu jusqu prsent que peu de succs. Cela
tient dune part au privilge accord aux dmarches sectorielles qui dissocient les
interventions des techniciens de diverses branches: agriculture, foresterie... Dautre part, les
recherches menes dans le domaine de lrosion hydrique, du fait quelles mobilisent des
moyens financiers importants, font souvent dfaut. La mise en place de dmarches simples
qui prsentent le triple avantage dexiger des cots peu levs, de fournir des rsultats
probants et dassister les planificateurs tous les niveaux de leurs interventions doit tre
conue comme une priorit. Par ailleurs, le souci de favoriser des mthodes prventives au
dtriment des mthodes correctives est mettre en avant.
Dans cet article, est prsent un modle dvaluation du risque drosion hydrique bas
sur lutilisation de Systmes dInformations Gographiques dans une zone rurale situe
lOuest du Sngal. Il a la particularit daller au del de laspect purement physique dans le
schma causal de lerosion et de prendre en charge laspect socio-conomique qui joue ici le
rle de catalyseur dans le processus de dgradation des terres au Sahel. En outre, lapproche
participative est de mise. Cette premire tape doit aboutir la conception et la mise en
place dun plan damnagement.

Matriel et mthode

Le Tableau 1 prsente la liste des donnes cartographiques utilises dans ce travail. Comme
autre type de paramtres, on peut noter dune part des statistiques de population et de
prcipitation diverses dates et de lautre les rsultats des enqutes sur le foncier et sur les
comportements environnementaux, qui sont prsents sous forme de tableaux.

Tableau 1 Donnes cartographiques utilises

Type de donnes chelle Source

Cartes topographiques : feuilles de Diass, Thicky, 1/10.000me (IGN, 1974)

Sindia et Kirne.

Carte topographique : feuille de This 3a 1/50.000me JICA, METL, 1991

Carte topographique : feuille de bargny sud-est 1/50.000me IGN, 1983

Carte hydrogologique du horst de Diass 1/50.000me Martin, 1967

Carte pdologique de la presqule du 1/50.000me Maignien, 1959

Cap-Vert: feuille Sud-est

Photographies ariennes. Missions 1954, 1978 et 1989 1/60.000me IGN France

Images satellitaires TM 30 * 30 m CSE, 1994

Images satellitaires SPOT 20 * 20 m CSE, 1988


Dans les rgions sahliennes, le manque et parfois la quasi absence de suivi et de contrle
rguliers des bassins versants constitue un obstacle de taille dans la simulation des processus
drosion hydrique. Or, la qualit des rsultats gnrs par tout modle dpend en grande
partie de la fiabilit des paramtres dentre (Von Werner, 1995). Pour pallier cet obstacle,
un Systme dInformation Gographique (SIG) est mis en place. Un SIG, tel que dfini par
Strobl (dans Blaschke, 1997) est un systme informatique destin la saisie, au stockage,
la vrification, la manipulation, lintgration, lanalyse et la reprsentation de donnes
spatialises. . Avec ce systme, de nouvelles informations peuvent tre gnres partir de
celles dj disponibles. IDRISI. Cest un SIG de type raster compos de plus de 150 modules.
Cette construction modulaire a pour avantage de faciliter la reprsentation graphique et
lanalyse de donnes spatialises.

La dmarche suivie repose sur trois tapes : lidentification des facteurs participant
lexplication des phnomnes en cours, la transformation de donnes brutes et llaboration
de modles partiels, la conception du modle dfinitif et la vrification de celui-ci.

Lidentification des facteurs

Lrosion comprise comme le rsultat de linteraction des trois processus suivants

dtachement des particules, transport par le ruissellement et enfin dposition (Schramm,
1994) fait intervenir deux types de facteurs : les facteurs dordre physique et les facteurs
dordre socio-conomique (Figure 1).


Erosivit Erodabilit Topographie Amnagement

Transportabilit Pente utilisation des terres

Dtachabillit Longueur

slection de la terre
Amnagement des cultures
Amnagement des cultures

Fig. 1 Facteurs influant sur lrosion [ Source : F.A.O., 1986 (modifi)]

Le premier facteur est constitu par le climat. Les climats sahliens sont caractriss par
la grande variabilit interannuelle des pluies, la dure raccourcie de la saison pluvieuse, des
tempratures et des valeurs d Evapotranspiration leves toute lanne (Riou, 1990).
Plusieurs recherches menes sous ce climat tendent dmontrer que lrosivit des pluies
constitue ici le facteur dcisif de lrosion hydrique (Roose, 1978). La chute dune goutte de
pluie la surface terrestre saccompagne de la libration dnergie cintique qui entrane la
dsagrgation des matriaux superficiels. Il existe plusieurs mthodes qui permettent de
dterminer lrosivit partir d indices (Wischmeier et Smith, Fournier).
Le second facteur est de nature pdologique. Lrodabilit exprime la susceptibilit dun
sol face lrosion. Elle traduit aussi la capacit de leur rsistance face lrosion (Poesen J,
1995). Cest pourquoi, les proprits du sol, la fois physiques et chimiques - linfiltrabillit,
la teneur en eau, le taux de couverture vgtale mais aussi la teneur en matire organique, la
Capacit dEchanges Cationiques (CEC) - sont dterminants dans le cours des processus de
ruissellement et drosion.
La pente est le troisime facteur. Mme sil est clair que la pente joue un rle crucial dans
les processus derosion, il nen demeure pas moins quil y a plusieurs thories discutant de
son effet rel (Tauer et Humborg, 1993). Pour certains auteurs, lcoulement est acclr

dans le cas dun bassin versant escarp tandis que linfiltration est minime. Pour dautres par
contre, linfiltration augmenterait avec la rugosit ainsi occasionne.
Enfin le dernier facteur est constitu par la vgtation qui joue le rle de protection du sol
et attnue par consquent les effets du splash. Le Tableau 2 permet de constater que le taux
de couverture du sol est dterminant dans le processus de splash. Ainsi pour des sols couverts
de rsidus vgtaux, les pertes en terre sont insignifiantes contrairement au sol nu ou mis en
culture dans le cas de plantes non couvrantes.

Tableau 2 Pertes de sols en fonction de diffrents systmes par rapport un sol nu.

Systmes Perte relative

Sol nu 1

Jachre buissonnante 0.004

Jachre herbeuse mal dveloppe 0.09

Paillis 20 % 0.2

Paillis 40 % 0.04

Paillis 60 % 0.008

Semis directs sans rsidus vgtaux 0.01 - 0.3

Semis directs avec rsidus vgtaux 0.0001 - 0.0003

Mais 0.4 - 0.8

Manioc 0.4 - 0.9

Arachide 0.3 0.8

Source : Nill, 1993 (in Steiner, 1996)

Cependant, laction anthropognique reflte par les systmes de mise en valeur, la

pression sur les ressources lie une dmographie galopante, les types de plantes cultives, la
politique foncire applique ne peut tre nglige dans lapprhension des processus en jeu.
Les facteurs ainsi dtermins, il est procd la transformation des donnes brutes et
llaboration de modles partiels.

La transformation des donnes brutes et llaboration de modles partiels

Lintgration des donnes fournies par les cartes thmatiques exige la transformation de
celles-ci sous forme numrise : vectoriel et/ou raster. Ainsi, les cartes topographiques
servent de base la construction du modle numrique de terrain partir duquel la carte des
pentes est produite. La carte pdologique fournit les informations servant la dtermination
de lrodabilit des sols. Lrosivit est obtenue partir de la transformation des sries
pluviomtriques et du calcul dun index drosivit. Linterprtation des photographies
ariennes et des images satellitaires fournit les renseignements sur la rpartition et la nature
de la couverture vgtale. Les statistiques de population servent la dtermination de la

densit relle et de la pression sur lespace et sur les ressources.

Conception du modle dfinitif et la vrification de celui-ci

Les deux sous-modles (physique et socio-conomique) sont sparment vrifis sur le

terrain et si possible rectifis. Il sagira ensuite de les superposer pour concevoir le modle
dfinitif qui permettra de retracer levolution spatio-temporelle du risque drosion
anthropique pour un espace dtermin. Lobjectif est didentifier dans de brefs dlais et
moindre cot les zones prioritaires lamnagement. Egalement, cela permettra aussi bien
damliorer les connaissances sur le rle des facteurs pris sparment dans le processus de
dgradation des terres. Les planificateurs pourront mieux orienter leurs interventions quelles
soient de nature prventive ou curative. La sensibilisation des acteurs est ainsi renforce.
Des units homognes du point de vue de leur comportement face lrosion sont
dfinies et des plans damnagement fonctionnels incluant toutes les composantes la fois
naturelles et anthropiques conues dans le but dune gestion durable des ressources. En
somme, il sagira de dfinir le cadre optimal de lutilisation de celles-ci. Par consquent, la
participation et lapprobation des populations tous les niveaux du processus est
indispensable dans la mesure o ils en sont non seulement les premiers bnficiaires mais
aussi les garants les plus srs de lapplication de techniques de gestion environnementales
Pour linstant le test dapplication est effectu Diass mais il est galement prvu de
ltendre dautres bassins sahliens.

Site de recherches

Le site se trouve prs de 70 km louest de la rgion de Dakar, prcisment entre les

latitudes 1445 Nord et 14 32 Nord et les longitudes 17 10 et 16 55 Ouest (Figure 2).

Il se prsente sous la forme dun Horst sur lequel affleurent dans la partie centrale des
formations du Maestrichtien compos essentiellement de sables et de grs. On distingue trois
facis principaux: une srie sableuse en profondeur, une srie grso-calcaire que lon retrouve
Popenguine et enfin la srie dite Caprouge/cap de Naze. En outre, on note quelques
affleurements datant du Palocne compos de formations carbones pour lessentiel avec
des niveaux calcaro-marneux et marneux Ndayane et des calcaires zoognes karstiques que
lon rencontre lEst vers Bandia (Martin, 1970). Le Quaternaire est, quant lui, marqu par
des phases de cuirassement la faveur de changements climatiques importants. Les tmoins
de ces formations se retrouvent au sommet des massifs de Thicky (Nahon, 1970).
Cette structure influence fortement le model domin par un ensemble de bas plateaux,
de glacis et de collines qui culminent 104 m Thicky. Mais dans lensemble la moyenne
des altitudes ne dpasse pas 50 m. Cette structure vallonne est ralise grce un rseau de
drainage caractris par son intermittence.
Le climat est de type sahlien avec une saison des pluies qui stend de Juin Octobre.
Des tendances la scheresse marques par la baisse des dbits prcipits sont aussi
observes (Figure 3). Par exemple, la station de Mbour, la moyenne pluvieuse est passe de
747 mm pour la priode comprise entre 1920 et 1966 seulement 495 mm entre 1985 et 1994
(Thioubou, 1996).




0 0.5 1.5 km

Fort classe village Gullies

ou rserve

Fig. 2 Situation de la zone dtude

Les sols sont rpartis en quatre groupes selon les tudes de Maignien en 1959: dans les
zones basses prdominent les sols ferrugineux tropicaux peu lessivs appels joor dans la
terminologie locale. Ils sont caractriss par leur texture sableuse et leur pauvret en matire
organique. Ils couvrent 23 % de la zone dtude et portent les cultures d arachide et de mil.
Au sommet des collines recouvertes parfois de blocs et de gravillons, lon retrouve les sols
minraux bruts drosion sur plus de la moiti de la superficie totale. On ne leur prte aucun
intrt agricole. Dans les bas-fonds inondables se forment les sols hydromorphes, le plus
souvent pseudo-gley, trs profonds et de texture fine. Ils reprsentent 14 % de la superficie
totale de la Communaut Rurale. En bordure de mer, prs de Ndayane, lon retrouve des sols
halomorphes de faible tendue et un peu plus loin sur le continent, les vertisols lithomorphes.




pluies (mm)

1000 pluies/an
moy intera
moy. pon.



1920 1928 1936 1944 1952 1960 1968 1976 1984 1992

Fig. 3 Pluie moyenne, moyenne interannuelle (moy. Intera.) et moyenne mobile pondre(moy. Pon.)
la station de Mbour (1920-1994)

La vgtation naturelle est une savane arbustive qui rsulte de la dgradation de la fort
originelle de type soudano-guinen (SDSU, RSI, 1986). En fonction du relief, lon distingue
sur les buttes et collines du massif un peuplement de buissons pineux parfois dense et
impntrable Acacia ataxacantha. Nanmoins, on compte dans la strate ligneuse, des
mimosaceae (Acacia seyal), des capparidaceae (Boscia senegalensis) et notamment des
combretaceae (Combretum micranthum, Combretum glutinosum) (Barambirwa, 1979).
Dans les zones basses et les dpressions, subsistent encore quelques individus despces
reliques tels Borassus aethiopum, aujourdhui menac de disparition mais aussi Ziziphus
mauritiana, Sterculia serinera...Ce couvert vgtal est durement affect par la dgradation du
climat mais aussi les actions anthropiques.
La population compose en majorit de lthnie saafen dont le massif de Diass est le
berceau de la civilisation est passe de 13 445 en 1970 25 067 mes en 1992. Elle vit
essentiellement dactivits agricoles qui ont connu de grandes mutations depuis lintroduction
de larboriculture dans les annes 1960 dont le but est de pallier au dficit des ressources
financires provenant de lagriculture. Mais cela a aussi en mme temps impliqu des
changements notables sur le plan de lorganisation de lespace passant ainsi dun mode
dexploitation en Openfield au bocage.
La svrit de la dgradation des sols lisible directement dans le paysage se traduit par
lexistence de nombreux ravins et ravines xulup dans la terminologie locale. Cependant la
hirarchisation du rseau nest pas trs nette. Il prsente le plus souvent un caractre
endorique. Les principales rivires sont le Ndougoumou, le Ngaba et la Somone.
Le Ndougoumou draine toutes les eaux de ruissellement en provenance des reliefs de
Diass et travers la zone de Samkthie. Il est fonctionnel dans sa zone aval jusque tard dans
la saison sche.
La Somone coule dans le sens nord-sud avant de se jeter dans locan au sud de la
Communaut Rurale. Comme le Ndougoumou, elle nest permanente que dans sa partie aval.
Le Ngaba quant lui est aliment par une multitude de petits bras descendant des collines
voisines de Thicky et de Popenguine.
Ce rseau est caractris par son aspect peu hirarchis. Il se dveloppe rapidement en
raison de limportance de lrosion rgressive (Thioubou, 1996). Les dgts matriels et
parfois humains sont assez importants. Des haies moiti emportes par les flots, des pans
de maisons dtruits tmoignent du calvaire vcu par ces populations qui le plus souvent sont
obliges de faire face seuls la menace.

Modlisation du risque drosion naturelle Diass

Quatre tapes sont identifies : la dtermination de Lrodabilit des sols, le calcul des
pentes, la prise en compte de l rosivit des pluies et enfin la vgtation.

La carte de Lrodabilit des sols

Le procd le plus commun de la prise en considration de Lrodabilit est le calcul de

lindice K tel que stipul dans lquation universelle des pertes en terre de Wischmeier et
Smith et modifi par Schwertmann et al. Lquation scrit de la forme suivante :

K = 2.77 10 6 M 1.14 (12 OS ) + 0.043 ( A 2) + 0.033 ( 4 D) (1)

avec : K = indice drodabilit

M : (% teneur en limon et sable fin) * (% teneur en limon et sable)

OS : % en matires organiques (= 4 si OS > 4)

A : classe dagrgat

D : classe de permabilit
Lapplication de cette formule es t pour linstant impossible cause de labsence
danalyses pdologiques dtailles.
Dans le cadre de ce travail, il est propos une autre mthode simple permettant de faire un
diagnostic rapide de la capacit de rsistance des sols. La carte pdologique au 1/50.000me
tablie par Maignien (1959) a t digitalise et rastrise. Cependant une lgre modification
a t apporte en vue de limiter le nombre de classes. Quant aux proprits des sols, elles ont
t dtermines sur la base des rsultats publis par le groupe SDSU/RSI/USAID/DAT
(1986). Quatre paramtres, estims dterminants ont t choisis :
i. La texture

La sensibilit lrosion est troitement dpendante de la composition granulomtrique

(CTFT).Les sols sableux avec une faible stabilit structurale se rvlent moins rsistants que
les sols argileux par exemple qui sont caractriss par une plus grande cohsion.

ii. La pierrosit

Les fragments grossiers absorbent l nergie cintique des gouttes de pluie et rduisent ainsi
le dtachement des particules.

iii. La permabilit

Un sol permable est plus sujet linfiltration quau ruissellement et donc lerosion.

iv. La teneur en matires organiques

Les matires organiques ont la proprit daccrotre la stabilit des sols et augmentent leur
capacit de rsistance.
Pour chacun de ces paramtres, une comparaison qualitative est effectue entre les divers
types de sols. En reclassifiant la carte des sols, quatre cartes ont ainsi pu tre extraites. Le
module Image Calculator de IDRISI a permis de superposer celles-ci. Les valeurs obtenues
varient entre 1, qui signifie une faible sensibilit lrosion et 5, valeur maximale traduisant
des conditions pdologiques favorables lrosion.

Le calcul des pentes

Pour le calcul des pentes, les courbes de niveaux de la carte topographique au 1/50.000me
ont t digitalises. Un modle numrique de terrain avec une rsolution de 90 m * 90 m fut
gnr. Les pentes ont t calcules en %. Les rsultats montrent que dans 65 % de la zone
dtude les pentes ont une valeur infrieure 5 %. Les valeurs maximales se situent autour de
30 %, sur la bordure ouest du massif de Thicky. Enfin cinq classes ont t dfinies comme
suit (Tableau 3).

Tableau 3 Rpartition des pentes dans la zone dtude

Classe Pente (%) Surface (km_) % de la surface totale
1 0-5 133 65
2 5 - 10 70 29
3 10 - 15 11 5
4 15 - 20 3 4.5
5 20 - 25 1 0.5

Dtermination de lindice drosivit

En labsence de pluviographes installs, il demeure trs difficile davoir une ide sur
lintensit des prcipitations. En outre, la station quipe la plus proche est Dakar-yoff qui ne
reflte point les conditions locales. Ainsi pour pallier cet obstacle, la pluie maximale
journalire a t prise en considration. Lanalyse statistique de plusieurs stations de la zone
de mme que les donnes de la littrature ont permis de faire les observations suivantes qui
justifient son choix.
Dabord, ce sont les vnements pluvieux qui prsentent les plus grandes intensits et les
plus grosses quantits de pluie qui causent les dgts les plus importants (Ferro et al., 1999).
De plus, ces vnements sobservent le plus souvent au milieu ou la fin de la saison des
pluies cest--dire au moment o les sols sont saturs, linfiltration moindre et le
ruissellement lev. Nills et al. (1996) citent ce propos les travaux de Temple qui a observ
des taux de ruissellement 8 fois plus levs en fin de saison des pluies quau dbut Cette
valeur sobserve aussi pour lessentiel au cours du mois le plus pluvieux, ce qui vient
confirmer la deuxime hypothse mise.
A la station pluviomtrique de Diass, les donnes journalires de la priode tales sur les
dix dernires annes (1989-1998) sont disponibles. La valeur recherche atteint 75 mm. Afin
de dterminer la valeur correspondante chaque situation au niveau local, des sous bassins
ont t tracs et le coefficient dabattement K calcul. Il permet de passer de la pluie
ponctuelle dune station donne par la pluie moyenne dun bassin versant voisin. La formule
utilise est celle modifie par Vuillaume. Elle scrit comme suit :

K = 1 (9 42.10-3 P + 152) 10-3 logS (2)

Avec P = pluie moyenne annuelle (mm)

S = Superficie du bassin versant (km2)

La pluie reue au niveau de chaque sous bassin est ainsi obtenue :

Pmax = K * Pmaxd (3)

Avec Pmaxd = pluie la station de Diass = 75 mm

La dernire tape a concern la reclassification de la carte des bassins et la dtermination de

quatre classes.

La vgtation

Trois sries de photos ariennes ont t utilises dans ce travail : 1954, 1978, 1989. Avec
laide dun stroscope, les diverses units taxonomiques ont t identifies : la fort claire,
les zones de reboisement, la savane arbore et la savane dgrade (comprenant aussi les
jachres car les tons cette chelle du 1/60.000me ne permettent pas de les diffrencier. De
toute faon, ces surfaces sont ngligeables car cette pratique nest pas courante dans la
rgion) et les surfaces cultives.
Aprs la gocodification avec la carte topographique comme base, ces donnes ont t
vectorises et rasterises une chelle de 1/50.000me. Quatre classes ont t dfinies en
fonction de lapprciation du taux de couverture des sols. Les valeurs affectes varient entre 1
pour une couverture juge relativement leve et 4 qui dsigne ici les surfaces cultives. Les
zones de reboisement ont t classes comme des savanes arbores et ont donc t notes 2.
Les rsultats obtenus montrent ainsi le rythme de dgradation Diass au cours de ces 35
dernires annes. On note simplement que malgr la protection sous forme de forts classes
et de rserves dont font lobjet les sommets de versant, le processus de dgradation ne sen
est pas moins poursuivi, surtout durant la priode entre 1978 et 1989. Ces effets ne
manqueront pas dtre visibles sur la carte du risque drosion.

Tableau 4 Rpartition des diverses strates de vgtation en 1954, 1978 et 1989

Anne fort claire savanne arbore savanne dgrade cultures
1954 42 31 0 27
1978 0 56 15 29
1989 0 20 47 33

Rsultats et discussions

Lobjectif poursuivi est la reprsentation spatio-temporelle de lvolution de lrosion sur la

priode 1954-1989. La mthode utilise est celle du SIG. Les quatre facteurs choisis ont t

superposs par multiplication et un premier scnario dvelopp. Lquation scrit comme
suit :

REH = plufac solfac pfac vegfac (4)

avec: REH: risque drosion hydrique

plufac: facteur pluviomtrique

solfac: rodabilit des sols

pfac: facteur pente

vegfac: facteur vgtation

Cependant ce modle prsente des insuffisances dans la mesure o chaque paramtre

dentre est affect un coefficient gal 1, qui traduit dans la ralit le caractre quilibr de
limpact de ces facteurs dans le processus drosion. Cela pose problme. Or, loptimisation
de la description de la ralit est ncessaire afin de ne pas biaiser les rsultats dfinitifs. En
outre, lapproche participative qui permet de faire intervenir le savoir paysan dans
llaboration du modle se justifie plus dun titre.
La mthode utilise sarticule autour de trois points: laffectation de valeurs aux
paramtres respectifs en fonction de leur incidence relle, le calcul des coefficients et la
La premire tape de laffectation des valeurs aux facteurs a t ralise directement sur
le terrain. Un groupe compos de natifs de la rgion et dun agronome a t form et initi
aux principes de la mthode. Elle consiste construire une diagonale de comparaison des
paramtres deux deux avec des valeurs voluant entre 1/9me qui traduit une trs faible
influence par rapport au rle jou dans loccurence de lrosion et 9 qui dsigne une
importance suprme. Grce au module WEIGHT de IDRISI, ces valeurs ont t recherches
de faon automatique et rectifies au fur et mesure, jusqu ce que le meilleur rsultat soit
obtenu : il sagit darriver un rapport infrieur 0.1.
Les coefficients suivants ont t en fonction de leur influence sur le cours de lrosion
attribus :

Pluie (plufac): 0.2307

Sol (solfac): 0.0678

Pente (pfac) : 0.1624

Vgtation (vegfac) : 0.5390

Au vue de ces rsultats, lon se rend compte que dans la mentalit paysanne, le risque
drosion dpend beaucoup moins des facteurs naturels que sont le sol, la pluie et la pente
que de lexistence ou de labsence de vgtation qui joue ici un rle catalyseur. En fait, ce
quil faut voir au-del, cest tout le changement intervenu aussi bien au niveau climatique
avec des tendances accentues la scheresse quau niveau anthropique avec des mthodes
de gestion de lespace peu soucieuses de la durabilit des ressources.

Lquation du modle enfin adopt sintitule comme suit :

REH=(0.2307 plufac)+(0.5390 vegfac)+(0.1624 slofac)+(0.0678 solfac) (5)

Les cartes gnres sont prsentes la Fig. 5 Schma dutilisation de lespace rural
Paki. Elles montrent lvolution du risque derosion Diass entre 1954 et 1989. La porte
des rsultats a t discute avec les paysans. Dans lensemble, le modle restitue bien le
degr daffectation des terres par lrosion hydrique. Sept classes ( Fi) ont t retenues qui
permettent de voir dans le dtail comment le processus de dgradation sest effectu au cours
de ces dernires annes.
Dune faon gnrale, on remarque que la destruction de la couverture vgtale au niveau
des massifs a jou un rle trs important. Lextension du risque drosion sest dabord faite
autour des rgions agricoles plus sensibles avant de stendre vers les massifs dont la
dnudation sest acclre durant la deuxime priode. Cela sexplique par leffet accumul
et menaant de la scheresse et par lexploitation abusive. Le Tableau 5 montre ainsi que 31
% de la superficie sont enregistrs en classe 2 en 1954 contre seulement 9 % en 1989 alors
que pendant ce temps la classe 4 passait de 6 30 %. En gnral seules les zones bien
protges nont pas connu de grandes volutions. Cest le cas de la fort classe de Bandia .
En outre, les zones cultives ont toujours t marques par un risque lev d leffet
conjugu de la nature des sols joor qui sont meubles et trs sensibles la dgradation mais
aussi des conditions dexploitation. Elles sont reprsentes dans la classe 6.

Tableau 5 Chronologie de lvolution du risque drosion hydrique Diass

1 Classe 2 3 4 5 6 7

Km2 % Surface km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 %

41 19 1954 67 31 38 17 13 6 9 4 37 17 12 6

1 1 1978 52 24 43 20 42 19 25 11 41 19 13 6

1 1 1989 20 9 21 10 66 30 43 20 50 23 16 7

Il est par ailleurs prvu damliorer les performances du modle grce laugmentation de la
fiabilit des donnes dentre. Ainsi linterprtation dimages satellitaires prises une date
rcente permettra dobtenir plus de dtails. Il en est aussi du calcul de lrodibilit tenant
compte des rsultats danalyse au laboratoire des chantillons de sols.

Le modle socio-conomique

Il est en cours de conception. Comme le modle physique, il doit permettre de donner un

aperu sur lvolution du risque drosion vu sous langle socio-conomique. Quatre
paramtres dentre ont t cibls :

Le facteur dmographique

Laspect population constitue dans les pays sahliens le facteur moteur du changement des
paysages. Son rle peut sapprecier un triple point de vue : du point de vue de lvolution
dmographique, de la dynamique temporelle et des densits.
Du point de vue de lvolution dmographique, le calcul du taux daccroissement naturel
moyen permet dapprcier le rythme de la croissance. A Diass la population est passe de
13445 habitants en 1970 21117 habitants en 1988. En fait, ce chiffre nest pas trs lev
compar aux rgions agricoles du Nord du Sngal qui accueillent un nombre lev de
migrants. A Diass, les contraintes environnementales obligent plutt les jeunes migrer vers
les villes proches comme Dakar ou Rufisque afin de trouver un travail rmunrateur. Une
enqute dtaille aurait certainement permis de situer ce problme de faon plus exacte. Par
ailleurs, dun village lautre, des disparits normes apparaissent : Kirne qui en son temps
a abrit le projet maracher de BUD SENEGAL puis de SENPRIM ou Ndayane situ sur la
faade atlantique et donc propice la pche attirent plus de migrants que Mbouroukh
Bambara par exemple qui prsente un solde migratoire ngatif.
La dynamique spatiale de loccupation est parfois aussi rvlatrice des potentialits et
aussi des contraintes en matire de disponibilit des ressources lechelle du terroir. Par
exemple, les dgts occasionns par leau peuvent contribuer au dplacement des
populations jadis installes au bas des collines vers les rgions avales. De mme ltroitesse
du milieu peut expliquer que des espaces peu viables parce que non amnags (bas fonds,
sommets de collines) soient utiliss comme habitat.
La densit de population est aussi un indicateur du niveau de pression sur lespace et donc
sur les ressources naturelles. Il va de soi quun surpeuplement entranera un dsquilibre
marqu entre la disponibilit de celles-ci et les besoins de la consommation et se soldera par
une crise cologique. A Diass, la densit est en moyenne de 99 habitants au km_
(recensement de 1988). Cependant, y voir de prs, on saperoit que lespace nest occup
que partiellement cause des contraintes topomorphologiques. Donc ce chiffre rend trs mal
compte de la pression sur le milieu. Ceci justifie le recours la densit utile, qui est le rapport
entre population et surface cultive. Ainsi on en arrive des chiffres de 309 habitants au km_.
Cette procdure sera utilise lechelle des sous-bassins afin de faire ressortir lessentiel des
disparits spatiales. La cartographie sur les trois priodes permettra de suivre lvolution de
limpact dmographique rel. Quatre classes vont tre dtermines, qui vont traduire les
divers niveaux du risque de dgradation.

risque assez
risque assez lev
faible risque trs lev
risque trs risque faible
risque risque lev

Fig. 4 Modlisation de lvolution du risque drosion hydrique Diass en 1954 (a), 1978 (b) et 1989 (c)
Structure de lespace

Lanalyse de lorganisation dun espace donn fournit beaucoup de renseignements. Elment

essentiel de la civilisation locale, elle constitue un moyen dadaptation aux conditions
naturelles du milieu de vie et tablit donc un lien fondamental entre lHomme et son
environnement, si bien que les changements qui interviennent un niveau sont ressentis un
La socit saafen traditionnelle utilisait un schma dorganisation de lespace tel que les
champs de culture formaient une aurole autour des habitations. Cet espace ouvert tait sem
de mil, de sorgho, darachide (Arachis hypogea) et de nib (Vigna unguiculata) destins
lautoconsommation. Llevage pratiqu consistait amener les animaux en brousse pendant
la saison des pluies et les laisser patre dans les champs en saison sche pour les fumer.
Tant que les conditions dmographiques taient favorables et la production cralire
maintenue un niveau acceptable, ce schma pouvait subsister. Mais au milieu des annes
1960 qui ont marqu le point de dbut de la scheresse, lon assista lintroduction des
cultures fruitires devant procurer des revenus montaires devenues ncessaires pour lachat
de crales en priode de soudure. Ainsi le choix fut port sur le manguier (Manguifera
indica) dont cest la zone de prdilection. Cependant, devant le manque despaces
cultivables, la stratgie nouvelle fut lintroduction de cultures mixtes : arboriculture et
craliculture. Les espaces entre les arbres accueillent le mil ou le sorgho. Ce type
dorganisation existe encore mais on assiste aussi lrection de plusieurs vergers but
essentiellement commercial.
La Figure 5 montre lvolution de lorganisation de lespace du village de Packy. : les
quartiers traditionnels (Filne, Mboynak, Pourank) ont conserv la structure dantan alors
que dans les nouveaux quartiers domine la nouvelle forme. Limportance de ces mutations
dans le cadre de lanalyse de lrosion anthropique nest pas ngliger. En effet, le systme
de verger qui met en avant la proprit individuelle nie lexistence dOpenfield qui est
lmanation de la proprit collective. En outre, lextension de lagriculture colonisatrice ne
laisse aucune place aux pturages qui sont dsormais inexistants. A partir de ce moment, la
clture des champs est de mise afin de les protger de la divagation du btail. Or, cela a pour
inconvnient de canaliser les voies deau qui concident justement avec les pistes et sentiers.
Ces derniers la fois pistes de production et voies pitonnires sont aussi frquents en plus
par le btail dont les parcours sont supprims faute despace, ce qui ameublit davantage les
terrains et les rendent encore plus sensibles lrosion.
Cet aspect sera modlis grce la cartographie de la structure spatiale : linterprtation
de photos ariennes de 1954 agrandies au 1/10.000me permettra de dessiner la structure
spatiale. Une situation plus rcente (1974) est obtenue partir dune carte topographique au
1/10.000me qui restitue le dtail du parcellaire de mme que nos rcentes observations sur le
terrain. De la comparaison entre ces deux situations sera dduite lvolution de la structure et
son impact sur lvolution de lrosion (par exemple superposition avec la topographie, le
rseau hydrographique...).


collines Bois Quartier

Mil pluvial vergers Chemin

Fig. 5 Schma dutilisation de lespace rural Paki

Le foncier

Les relations entre foncier et dgradation des sols sont trs troites dans la mesure o le
systme de proprit influence lutilisation de techniques durables de conservation du sol
(Steiner, 1996) car il est vrai que les paysans du dimanche motivs uniquement par
lappt du gain sont moins ports en gnral vers les mthodes de conservation que les
propritaires natifs du terroir que des liens affectifs unissent la terre.
En milieu saafen, la terre dun point de vue traditionnel appartenait au matre du feu ,
le lamane dans la terminologie locale qui revenait le droit dattribuer des terres. Par ailleurs,
il tait possible den hriter selon le droit successoral musulman ou traditionnel.
Ladaptation de la loi 64-46 sur le domaine national qui fait de lEtat le propritaire de
toutes les terres vient basculer cette donne. Dsormais, la terre appartient celui qui la met en
valeur et le conseil rural est charg des affectations en matire foncire. Les nombreuses
spculations font que beaucoup de terres tombent entre les mains d trangers , venant
ainsi aggraver la situation foncire.
Lanalyse de la rpartition du type de proprit mais aussi du comportement des uns et
des autres en matire de conservation des sols et en gnral des ressources naturelles
permettra de voir dans quel sens le foncier peut favoriser ou contraindre la dgradation des
sols et quelles sont les solutions foncires mettre en uvre pour y remdier.

La dynamique de lutte contre lrosion

Laction anthropique sur le paysage ne peut se rsumer simplement la dgradation du

milieu. Paralllement de nombreuses actions de lutte sont entreprises au niveau local ou
rgional pour au moins limiter les pertes et dgts dus lrosion. Les moyens dploys sont
diversifis et englobent aussi bien des actions spontanes comme la pose de radiers en sable
en saison des pluies afin de bloquer la progression des xulup ou alors ce sont de vritables
organisations structures qui sont cres dans lobjectif de dfense du terroir. Dans ce cadre,
le rle pionnier des femmes est souligner. Si dans certains villages ce type de mouvement
fonctionne bien et aboutit des rsultats probants, dans dautres par contre, des blocages de
diverses natures sont enregistrs et ceci entrane lclosion daction individualises qui ont
une faible porte par rapport lobjectif vis.
La prise en considration de ce paramtre dans la modlisation de lrosion anthropique
qui compte plutt comme une contrainte lrosion, permettra de rtablir la balance entre le
poids des actions en faveur et contre la dgradation des sols.
Le modle utilise aussi un SIG. La superposition des cartes dresses selon un schma
logique permettra de dfinir limportance du facteur social dans le processus drosion

Lvaluation du risque drosion hydrique dans cette zone rurale du Sngal a t aborde
deux points de vue : physique mais aussi socio-conomique. Le modle physique, avec
comme paramtres dentre des donnes climatiques, topographiques, bioclimatiques et
pdologiques a permis de situer lvolution chronologique du phnomne cale sur trois
dates repres: 1954 choisie dans la premire phase considre comme pluvieuse si lon se
refre lanalyse climatique de la station de Mbour ; 1978 choisie comme faisant partie de la
priode aprs scheresse avec toutes les consquences sur la rduction du couvert vgtal.
Enfin 1989 qui illustre la svrit de la dgradation des ressources naturelles tous les points
de vue.
Les rsultats permettent de voir quelles sont les zones les plus affectes par lrosion. Ce
sont en gnral celles surexploites par la mise en culture et qui servent en mme temps
dhabitat, ce qui aggrave la concentration des coulements dans les espaces libres devenus
rares ou le long des voies de communication.
Quant au modle socio-conomique, il tient en compte des facteurs lis la densit de
population (qui exprime le niveau de surexploitation des ressources), la structure de lespace,
le foncier et la dynamique collective de lutte contre lrosion hydrique. En cours de
conception, il permettra daborder tous les aspects socio-conomiques qui justifient
lacclration du processus de dgradation. Une enqute dj ralise permettra de rassembler
les donnes qui vont servir de paramtres dentre.
Dune facon gnrale, lobstacle majeur la modlisation rside dans le manque notoire
de donnes fiables dans cette rgion qui na fait lobjet daucune tude rcente allant dans le
sens dactualiser et de complter les informations disponibles. Ceci contribuerait grandement
lamlioration de la qualits des rsultats.

Remerciements Les auteurs remercient particulirement Monsieur Honor Dacosta dont les
observations et les remarques ont permis la ralisation de cet article.

Liste des abbrviations

CSE : centre de suivi cologique
DAT : direction de lamnagement du territoire
IGN : institut gographique national
JICA : japan international cooperation agency
MET : ministre de lquipement et des transports terrestres du Sngal
ORSTOM : office franais pour le dveloppement en coopration
RSI : remote sensing institute
SDSU : south Dakota state university
USAID: agency for international development


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Trends in soil erosion and sediment yield in the
alpine basin of the Austrian Danube
E. Klaghofer1, K. Hintersteiner1, and W. Summer2
Federal Institute for Land and Water Management Research, A-3252 Petzenkirchen, Austria
Chartered Engineering Consultant for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management,
Brennleitenstrasse 59-61/3, A-2202 Hagenbrunn, Austria


The Austrian part of the drainage basin of the Danube with its strong alpine characteristics
has a size of approx. 75000 km2. As a geological young mountain system the Alps still
represent an active source of various types of natural sediments, e.g. landslides of all different
sizes during storm events. However, intensifying human activities (the development of alpine
tourism and new settlements requiring flood protection schemes and often causing
deforestation, agriculture in (sub) alpine regions etc.) are disturbing the fragile status of the
natural sedimentological balance of the Alps.
Trend analyses show that agriculture represents the cause for the major negative
impact of soil erosion in the (sub) alpine region (Summer and Klaghofer, 1989; Klaghofer and
Summer, 1990; Klaghofer and Hintersteiner, 1993; Klaghofer et al., 1994). The expansion of
farm land into hilly/mountainous areas with steep slopes and changes in land use as well as in
land management techniques, often enforced on the farmers by economic pressure,
significantly increased the soil erosion rates as well as the sediment yields from the different
subcatchment within the Danube's drainage basin within the last 40 years. These impacts on
the sedimentological behaviour of the Austrian Danube have been recently observed and
reported (Radler et al., 1993; Summer et al., 1994a, b; Summer and Zhang, 1994).
This is the first study that quantitatively estimates the changes of agricultural rates of
soil erosion as well as sediment yields within the overall Austrian drainage basin of the
Danube and three relevant tributaries (Figure 1). Based on the Universal Soil Erosion Equation
(USLE) average soil erosion rates have been estimated (Wischmeier and Smith, 1962). By the
application of specifically adapted Sediment Delivery Ratios (SDR) for alpine areas (Vanoni,
1975; Klaghofer et al., 1992) the sediment yields for the major subcatchments of the Inn-,
Enns- and Traun-river watershed have then been calculated. To carry out this study, land use
information for the years 1950 to 1990 (Austrian Statistical Central Office, 1950; 1960; 1970;

1979; 1990) presented an important source of data, besides topographic information on slope
characteristics, which could be gained from the digital elevation model (DEM) of Austria. Its
grid size ranges between 30x30 m and 50x50 m.

Fig. 1 Map of the overall Austrian Danube basin showing the three chosen watersheds of the
Inn-, Enns- and Traun-river

The Inn-river watershed

The total watershed area of the Inn-river in Austria is around 1,7mil ha. 43% of this is used in
agriculture, 35% in forestry and 22% is unproductive area. The size of the overall agricultural
area hardly changed from the year 1950 to 1990, whereas its portion of farm land was reduced
while grass land increased. A crop analysis shows that the part of the maize planted area was
2% in 1950 and 25% in 1990. The quantitative changes of the other erosion relevant crops
such as beet, potatoes and spring corn have hardly any impact on the sediment loads.
Assuming a rainfall erosion index R of 100 and a soil erodibility index K of 0,5
the estimates of the erosion rates were carried out by the USLE. Under the common Austrian
land management practice it can be further assumed that 75% of the corn and maize as well as
25% of the potatoes and beet are planted in the sloped area. The average slope gradient S is
estimated at 10%, the typical slope length L is of 50 m. Therefore a slope factor LS of 1,76 is
gained from this. The crop practice factor C for maize is 0,33, for potatoes 0,24, for beet 0,21
and for spring corn 0,06.
In the year 1950 around 460000 t of soil was eroded. The average subcatchment size
for each relevant tributary to the Inn-river is ca. 13 km2. This gives a sediment delivery
coefficient (SDR) of 0,2. Hence, a sediment yield of 92000 t/year can be calculated. Under the

same previous conditions in 1990 a sediment yield of 128000 t is reached in changed crop
proportions of the Inn-river watershed.

The Enns-river watershed

The Enns-river watershed covers approx. 0,90mil ha. In the year 1950 37% was used in
agriculture, 46% in forestry and 17% consisted of unproductive area. The agricultural land
decreased up to the year 1990 by ca. 5% while the used forestry increased by the same
amount. In the year 1950 there was no maize planted. Until 1990 the amount of planted
maize areas increased up to 23% of the agricultural area. The amount of potatoes, beet and
spring corn lowered itself slightly up to 1990. The calculation of the soil erosion was carried
out under very similar climatic, topographic and morphologic assumptions as in the
watershed of the Inn-river. The erosion yield estimated by the USLE totalled at 227000 t for
1950. With a SDR coefficient of 0,2 for appropriate subcatchments of a size of ca. 15km2 a
sediment inflow into the Enns-river of 45400 t/year has been calculated. In 1990, under a
changed land use management, 407000 t of soil eroded, giving a sediment yield of 81400 t.

The Traun-river watershed

The complete watershed of the Traun-river has a size of ca. 0,5mil ha. In 1950 43% of this
area was used by agriculture, 40% consisted of forests and the unproductive area had a
proportion of 17%. While the size of the agro-land did not change significantly until 1990, the
intensive farming increased dramatically in the same way as the grassland was reduced. The
quantitative crop analysis shows clearly within this forty year period the expansion of maize
areas from non-existence in 1950 to 25% in 1990. Therefore the areas of potatoes, beet and
spring corn had to decrease. Under comparative catchment conditions of the Traun-river to
the other watersheds, the soil loss computation resulted in an amount of approx. 326000 t for
the year 1950. This gives under an assumption of an SDR coefficient of 0,2 (the sizes of the
relevant subcatchments range between 10 to 15 km2) an input into the river of ca. 65000
t/year. Under the different land use and/or crop situation in 1990 the similar calculation for
this year gives a soil loss rate of 642000 t and ca. 128000 t of sediment was delivered into the

The remaining basin of the Austrian Danube

The remaining size of the overall Austrian basin of the Danube (excluding the Enns-, Traun-
and Inn-river watershed) is about 4,4mil ha. In 1950 the agricultural use of this area was 52%
and 34% was forestry. The unproductive area had a size of 14%. Up to 1990 the agricultural
area lowered to 49% whereas the forest areas rose to 39%. The portion with maize
production increased in the Danube basin between 1950 and 1990 by 12% from 4% to 16%.
An increase of wintercorn was observed while potatoes and beet areas had decreased.

In the remaining Danube regions an average R index of 70 was assumed. These
locations basically refer to several catchments characterised by flat areas, basins and plateaux
with levelled topography of none or only a slight gradient. Overlaying a crop map onto a
topographic map showed that for these regions only 50% of corn and maize production and
only 25% of potato and beet farming was situated on hillslopes. A reasonable assumption for
an average slope length L of 75 m could be found and a mean slope gradient S of 10% for the
hilly sections of the area was evaluated. Hence a LS factor of 2,15 was found and the value of
0,5 was assumed for the K factor. Under the assumption of the just mentioned crop portion
and the areal expansion as well as the average climatic and geomorphologic conditions an
annual rate of soil loss of 1969000 t was estimated. Applying again a reasonable SDR
coefficient of 0,2 gives a sediment yield of ca. 394000 t for the year 1950. Having considered
the land use changes up to 1990, the soil erosion rate is estimated at 2209000 t/year and the
sediment yield at ca. 442000 t/year.

Sediment impact of the German basin on the Austrian Danube

The sediment dynamics of the Austrian Danube is not only influenced by the northern alpine
regions of the Austrian Danube basin, but also by the intensively used agricultural areas of the
catchments in southern Germany with partly subalpine characteristics. The area of potential
soil erosion has a size of about 2,1mil ha. With reference to the annual soil erosion rate of
17,1mil t/year (Auerswald and Schmidt, 1986) a sediment input into the German Danube of
around 3,4mil t/year can be estimated, again under the assumption of a plausible SDR
coefficient of 0,2. It is thus evident that the German sediment yield is much higher in
comparison to the input from the Austrian basin. This can be explained by the following two
1. Larger portions of intensively used agriculture areas exist in the German catchments in
comparison to that in the Austrian ones;
2. Soil erosion rates are higher in Germany (8,1 t/ha/year) than in Austria (3,0 t/ha/year) due
to the intensity of different land use practices in farming between these two countries.
However, this only available German data set represents a status-quo situation from the
eighties and is not eligible to show a trend over a certain period of time.


From 1950 to 1990 the changes within each of the major subcatchments of the Austrian
Danube basin showed regionally a highly variable increase of the sediment dynamics (erosion
rate as well as sediment yield). In the Inn-river watershed an increase from 100% to ca. 140%
was estimated, 100% to ca. 180% in the Enns-river watershed and an almost doubling of the
sediment dynamics in the Traun-river watershed. The remaining part of the Austrian basin
showed an increase of ca. 12%. Hence, for the entire Austrian basin (including the three listed
watersheds plus the remaining part of the total basin) an average increase of 32% could be
derived for the forty-year period.

The impacts in the eastern parts of the Danube basin were more dramatic than in the
alpine locations of western Austria. Three plausible reasons can be given as an explanation for
this negative development in the sediment dynamics:
1. Intensified agricultural activities in the lower alpine areas of eastern Austria in comparison
to western Austria with its alpine characteristics. Intensive agriculture is practised and
extended in the subalpine areas of eastern Austria. Forestry and grassland with stock-
farming is the tradition, hence, the dominating form of land use in western Austria. Spatial
restriction of the availability of suitable farm land for intensive agriculture due to extreme
topographic, climatic, etc. conditions is limits the increase in soil erosion and sediment
yield in this region.
2. The increase of the economically beneficial maize production areas in the Danube basin
from 4% in 1950 to 16% in 1990 (Figures 2 and 3)
3. The new maize production areas in the subalpine regions were often set up on high slope
gradients without considering contour farming or other appropriate soil erosion strategies.
The young maize plants in particular do not cover the soil properly during the spring
rainfall season in the Alps, which is characterised by high precipitation intensities caused
by severe storm systems of small areal extension.
Although the changes in land use, management practices and areal expansion alone cant
explain all of the recent developments in the sediment dynamics of the Danube, they
represent a strong indication.
It also should be mentioned that the applied calculation procedures for soil loss rates
and the sediment yield only provide a very rough technique. But the gained estimates coincide
with the monitored long-term sediment dynamics in the listed rivers. Nevertheless, the results
of this study cant explain the sediment dynamics of single storm events with relevant floods.
However, for the first time the outlined results not only focus on the dramatic
development in parts of the Alps on a large-scale as well as from an on-site point of view,
they also indicate the location and the source of the problem. In addition, Klaghofer and
Hintersteiner (1993) represented the first available data analysis indicating the goal for future
research activities in soil erosion control in the Alps. For these purposes only physically-
based approaches that have the capability to consider the surface transport in combination
with the geomorphologic complexity of the alpine landscapes can give a proper picture of the
non-point source erosion dynamics (Tayfur and Kavvas, 1994). Only such a tool will then
allow the predictive development of efficient soil conservation strategies, considering urgently
needed integrated watershed management for this region.

Fig 2 Soil loss rates from the Bavarian region of the Danube basin (Auerswald and Schmidt,

Fig. 3 The spatial expansion of maize farming in Austria between 1960 and 1986 (Klaghofer
and Hintersteiner, 1993)

Concluding summary

For the first time this study quantifies the increase of the soil erosion and sediment yield
within the overall alpine basin of the Austrian Danube as well as the catchments of three
typical major tributary rivers. The research is based on topographic data as well as land use
information for the period from 1950 to 1990, which was published by the Austrian
Statistical Central Office. Due to the large-scale approach, the simplicity of the Universal Soil
Loss Equation was used to calculate average soil erosion rates for typical erosion controlling
parameter combinations found in the basin. By the application of an adapted sediment
delivery ratio the sediment yields for the sub-catchments of the major watersheds have then
been estimated. Recently monitored suspended sediment concentration in the draining rivers
indicated an increasing trend of the sediment yield. The results not only confirmed this
development, but can also partly be explained by the changes in land use as well as
agricultural management practices, especially the spatial expansion of maize areas often onto
the steep hillslopes of the subalpine regions.


AUERSWALD, K. and F. SCHMIDT (1986) Atlas der Erosionsgefhrdung in Bayern (in

German). GLA-Fachberichte, Bayrisches Geologisches Landesamt, Munich.
AUSTRIAN STATISTICAL CENTRAL OFFICE (1950, 1960, 1970, 1979, 1990)
Ergebnisse der landwirtschaftlichen Statistik (in German). Copy Rights: Rep. Austria,
KLAGHOFER, E. and K. HINTERSTEINER (1993) Abschtzung der Vernderung der
potentiellen Erosion auf landwirtschftlich genutzten Flchen im Einzugsgebiet der
Donau. (in German) sterr. Donaukraftwerke AG, Vienna.
KLAGHOFER, E.; K. HINTERSTEINER and W. SUMMER (1994) Aspekte zum
Sedimenteintrag in die sterreichische Donau und ihrer Zubringer. (in German with an
English summary) In: XVIIth conference of the Danube countries on hydrological
forecasting and hydrological basis of water management, 5-9 Sept., Budapest.
KLAGHOFER, E. and W. SUMMER (1990) Estimation of soil erosion from a lower Alpine
catchment. In: Hydrology in mountainous regions II - artificial reservoirs - water and
slopes, (Proc. of 2 Lausanne Symp.), IAHS Publ. No. 194.
KLAGHOFER, E.; W. SUMMER and J.P. VILLENEUVE (1992) Some remarks on the
determination of the Sediment Delivery Ratio. In: Erosion, debris flows and
environment in mountain regions, (Proc. of the Chengdu Symp.), IAHS Publ. No. 209.
Sedimenthaushalt der sterreichischen Donau. (in German) sterr. Donaukraftwerke
AG, Univ. Bodenkultur, Inst. Water Manag., Hydrol. and Hydraul., Vienna, and Techn.
Univ. Munich, Inst. and Res. Lab. for Hydraul. Engr. and Water Manag., Obernach-
SUMMER, W. and E. KLAGHOFER (1989) Studie ber das Erosions- und
Schwebstoffgeschehen am Beispiel des Einzugsgebietes Ybbser Mhlbach. (in German)
sterr. Donaukraftwerke AG, Vienna.
SUMMER, W.; W. STRITZINGER and W. ZHANG (1994a) The impact of run-of-river
hydropower plants on the temporal suspended sediment transport behaviour. In:
Variability in stream erosion and sediment transport, (Proc. of the Canberra Symp.),
IAHS Publ. No. 224.
SUMMER, W. and W. ZHANG (1994) An impact analysis of hydraulical and hydrological
changes on the suspended sediment trasport on the Austrian Danube. In: XVIIth
conference of the Danube countries on hydrological forecasting and hydrological basis
of water management, 5-9 Sept., Budapest.
SUMMER, W.; W. ZHANG and W. STRITZINGER (1994b) Consequences of human
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TAYFUR, G. and M.L. KAVVAS (1994) Spatially averaged conservation equations for
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New York.
WISCHMEIER, W.H. and D.D. SMITH (1962) Soil loss estimation as a tool in soil and
water management planning. Int. Assoc. Scient. Hydrol. Pub. 59.

Suspended sediment structure: implications for
sediment transport/yield modelling
I.G. Droppo1,2, D.E. Walling2 and E.D. Ongley1
National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada, PO Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario,
Canada, L7R 4A6 and 2Department of Geography, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4RJ, UK

The settling velocity of a particle is the primary mechanism (behaviour) that dictates the fate (i.e.
transport) of sediment and associated contaminants. Settling velocity (measured, derived or
assumed) is a key predictor within all sediment transport models. The knowledge that cohesive
particles exist primarily as flocculated particles, and not as the traditionally viewed primary
particle, complicates the quantification of particle (floc) settling velocity. As flocculated particles
have significantly different hydrodynamic characteristics compared to absolute primary particles
due to effectively different particle size, density, porosity and shape (Li and Ganczarczyk, 1987;
Krishnappan, 1990; Ongley et al., 1992; Phillips and Walling, 1995; Nicholas and Walling, 1996;
Droppo et al., 1997, 1998), the use of traditionally obtained absolute particle size distributions
and Stokes Law derived settling velocities to characterize sediment in sediment transport/yield
models would result in erroneous results. It is likely that models based on these traditional
derived settling velocities and absolute grain sizes would overestimate storm event sediment
loadings to receiving water bodies, since finer particles will be transported further in a turbulent
flow than larger flocculated particles (assuming no floc breakage).
The settling velocity/transport of sediment in aquatic systems is controlled to a degree by
the structure of the sediment, which in turn is influenced by the conditions prevailing in the fluid
medium (e.g. shear, organic content, mineralogy of the sediment). This paper evaluates,
experimentally, the structural components of flocs (floc size, shape, density and porosity) and
how these influence the settling velocity and transport of flocculated particles. By obtaining a
better understanding of the settling/transport characteristics of flocs and how structure can
influence this function, more accurate models of sediment transport/yield can be developed.

Sample sites
Samples collected from the fluvial environment were from two river systems; Sixteen-Mile Creek
(sampled from February 1997 to May 1998) and Fourteen-Mile Creek (sampled on November 3,
1997). These sites are located in southern Ontario, Canada and have been studied previously. As
this paper is concerned more specifically with the form and function of flocculated material and
how this may influence transport, rather than the characterization of a particular site, detailed
descriptions of the sites are not provided. The reader is referred to the following publications for
their hydrological and geomorphological characteristics (16-Mile Creek - Droppo and Ongley,
1992; Droppo and Ongley, 1994; 14-Mile Creek - Ongley, 1974).
Lacustrine floc samples were collected from two locations; Hamilton Harbour, Lake
Ontario, Canada (sampled from August 17 to August 24, 1995) and Lake Biwa, Japan (sampled
on June 12, 1995). Suspended sediment floc samples were also collected in Hamilton Harbour.
Full descriptions of these systems are given in the following publications (Hamilton Harbour -
Amos and Droppo, 1996; Lake Biwa - Murphy et al., 1995; Okuda et al., 1995).

Samples for floc size and morphological characterization were collected following the method of
Droppo et al. (1997). This method allows for the non-destructive direct sampling and
observation/measurement of flocculated material within a settling column (plankton chamber).
The flocs are imaged (sized) down to a lower resolution of approximately 2 m (10x objective)
using a Zeiss Axiovert 100 microscope interfaced with an image analysis system (Northern
ExposureTM - Empix Imaging, Inc.). Distributions of particle size (percent by number and
volume) and two shape parameters are derived from the digitized data. The shape parameters
used were to describe the shape of a floc and to assess the impact of floc shape on floc settling.
These were; 1) Aspect ratio; which is simply the ratio of floc length to floc width. This ratio
provides a good indication of floc elongation (i.e. the larger the ratio above one, the more
elongated it is) and 2) Shape Factor (Sf) (Equation 1); which provides a measurement of the
irregularity of the shape. It is defined in the equation below. (Sf = 1 for a perfect circle,
successively lower factors represent a more convoluted floc, and close to 0 = approaching a line).

4 . Area
Sf = (1)
Perimeter 2

Settling experiments were performed following the methods of Droppo et al. (1997). A
drop of sediment collected with a wide mouth pipette (3.74 mm) from a gently homogenized
sample bottle was introduced into an insulated 2.5 L capacity settling column. As the flocs pass
through the field of view of the microscope they are video taped on a SVHS VCR through a CCD
camera interface. Using Northern ExposureTM, the settling velocity was derived by digitally
overlaying two video frames separated by a known time interval. In this way the same particle
appears on the newly combined image twice and the distance of settling (over a known time),

particle size, and settling orientation can be digitized.
The density of a floc [expressed as excess density (1 - wet floc density)] was estimated
using Stokes Law (Equation 2). As Stokes Law is based on the settling of single impermeable
spherical particles in a laminar region (Reynolds Number < 0.5), it is not ideal for the
determination of floc density due to the heterogeneous structure and irregular shape of flocs
(Hawley, 1982). Nevertheless Stokes Law or a modification thereof has often been used to
determine the wet density of singular flocs (Li and Ganczarczyk, 1987; Droppo et al., 1997), and
does provide an indication of how aggregate settling velocity, density, and porosity are related to
aggregate size. The floc porosity can be expressed by a mass balance equation (Equation 3)
assuming a typical density of dried silt and clay of 1.65 g/cm3.
= 181 D ( f )
w (2)

where: = settling velocity,

D = diameter,
f = wet density of the floc,
w = density of the water,
= dynamic viscosity (kinemetic viscosity x w)
g = acceleration due to gravity

=(s-f )/(s-w ) (3)

where: = floc porosity,

s = density of the dried solid material

Results and discussion

The relationship of floc settling velocity to floc size
It is well documented that flocs do not conform to the assumption of solid spherical particles as
required by Stokes Law and have densities well below that of quartz particles (e.g. Li and
Ganczarczyk, 1989, 1990; Droppo et al., 1997, 1998). In addition many of the larger floc sizes
are found to not settle within the Stokes region of Reynolds Numbers. Figure 1 illustrates a plot
of Reynolds Numbers (Re) calculated for a range of floc sizes ( derived from linear regression of
size to measured settling velocity) and demonstrates that for fluvial and lacustrine sediments only
those flocs below 100 - 150 m will generally settle within the Stokes region (Re <0.2). These
results pose a problem for modelling of sediment transport where the volume or mass of the
sediment transported is of importance (for example reservoir in-filling modelling). This is
because often the majority of the sediment volume is represented by the larger particles which
settle outside of the Stokes region, although they may only represent a relatively small
proportion of the total number of particles (Droppo and Ongley, 1994). For most of the rivers
in Southern Ontario, however, the flocs are generally small (<100 m) and as such will settle
within the Stokes region. Such a finding does not however imply that the Stokes Equation is
still appropriate for sediment transport models (calculating settling velocities and deriving floc

density and porosity), as the assumption of solid, spherical, smooth rigid particles is still not
In studying numerous samples from both the fluvial and lacustrine environment, some
consistent trends were observed. It was consistently found that the traditionally used Stokes
Equation for the prediction of settling velocity overestimated the settling velocity of flocculated
particles. Table 1 provides examples of both the lacustrine and riverine settling velocity (as
based on the linear regression of floc size to measured settling velocity) as compared to calculated
Stokes values for set floc sizes. For these examples, Stokes Law over-predicts settling velocities


14 16-Mile Ck.
16-Mile Ck.
intermediate region

14-Mile Ck
Reynolds Number

12 Ham ilton Harbour

Ham ilton Harbour

10 Lake Biwa

4 upper limit of Stokes' region

(Re <0.2)










Particle Size (m)

Fig. 1 The relationship of Reynolds Number to particle size for different environments

by orders of magnitude for larger flocs. The agreement converges only for very small flocs. The
poor performance of Stokes Equation to predict the settling velocities of flocculated particles is
related to the varying morphology (shape, porosity) and composition (organic/inorganic
composition and water content) of flocs from that of the assumed solid spherical particle
(Nicholas and Walling, 1996). Very small flocs approximate a solid particle and therefore have
settling velocities closely predicted by Stokes. While it is evident that floc size is a dominant
factor which will influence settling velocity, the other characteristics of density, porosity and
shape (discussed below) all combine to provide a particle settling velocity which is well below
that predicted by Stokes. Any sediment transport/yield modelling will need to take these
factors into account.
Given the inappropriateness of the Stokes Equation for the calculation of floc settling
velocity and the difficulties in estimating floc density (described below), it is important to
measure the fall velocity of flocculated particles directly. In the many settling experiments
performed in this work from different environments (> 100 experiments), a positive relationship
of floc size to settling velocity was consistently found, where settling velocity is proportional to
the diameter of the particle (Figure 2). This is different from the Stokes Equation, which states
that settling velocity is proportional to the diameter of the particle squared.

Table 1 Calculated (Stokes Law) versus measured settling velocities for three different environment
examples (2.65 g/cm3 assumed in Stokes Equation calculations)
Particle size Calculated 16-Mile Ck. Hamilton Lake Biwa,
Stokes settling measured settling Harbour Japan
(m) velocity velocity measured settling measured settling
(mm/s) (mm/s) velocity velocity
(mm/s) (mm/s)
500 225.00 4.30 5.09 4.88
300 81.00 3.10 3.27 3.06
100 9.00 1.91 1.45 1.24
50 2.25 1.61 1.00 0.79
20 0.36 1.43 0.73 0.51

While the regression lines fitted to the relationship between settling velocity and floc size
are generally significant ( =0.05) (Figure 2), the r2 values are often low. This low r2 reflects the
wide range of morphologies (shape, porosity) and composition (organic/inorganic composition
and water content) of individual flocs which result in a high variation in floc settling velocity for a
given floc size.

The relationship of floc settling velocity to floc shape

The shape of a floc is generally influenced by its origin/source and composition and by
the flow field in which it is transported/eroded. Floc shape is known to affect settling/transport
due to resistance effects against flow (fluid drag forces) (Richards, 1982; Li and Ganczarczyk,
1987). Flocs which possess the same density and radius as an equivalent sphere but have a
different shape will generally settle at different rates (Krumbein, 1942; Lerman, 1979; Richards,
1982; Ozturgut and Lavelle, 1984). Cylinders and disk- and cap-shaped particles settle more
slowly than ellipsoids and needle-like shapes (depending on their orientation). Droppo et al.
(1998) found that during a spring melt period on the Sixteen-Mile Creek, elongated flocs (aspect
ratio > 2) settled slower in a quiescent settling tube than did more spherical flocs (aspect ratio <
2). Theoretical computations by Lerman (1979) of the influence of shape factor on settling
velocity have shown that the settling velocities of non-spheres of equivalent spherical volume
vary within a factor of two of the settling velocity of the sphere. It is difficult to determine
experimentally the individual effect of floc shape on settling velocity, as it is not possible to
control floc mass and density within the laboratory.
Figure 3 illustrates that for a given size floc in a fluvial or lacustrine environment there can
be a wide range of shapes. While the relationship is generally poorly defined, a power function of
the form Sf = adm can be fitted to most of the data sets, where: Sf is the shape factor, d is
diameter and a and m are parameters which are likely to depend on the type of particle being
investigated and the conditions under which the flocs were produced (a and m are derived
empirically). Generally as floc size increases the shape factor decreases, suggesting that larger
flocs are generally more irregular in shape and more elongated. COM observations generally
support this finding (Figure 4).

a b
14 14

Settling Velocity (mm s-1)


Settling Velocity (mm s-1)

10 10

8 8

6 6
4 N=104 4 Ws = 0.0059Df + 1.3102
Ws = 0.0174D f + 0.1982 r 2 = 0.5912
2 r 2 = 0.3866 2

0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Particle Size (m ) Particle Size (m)

c d

9 9
8 8

Settling Velocity (mm s-1)

Settling Velocity (mm s-1)

7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3 N=244
2 2 Ws = 0.0091Df + 0.3304
Ws = 0.0064D f + 0.8058
1 1 r 2 = 0.7625
r 2 = 0.4666
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Particle Size (m) Particle Size (m )

Fig. 2 Example plots of settling velocity versus floc particle size for fluvial and lacustrine sediments [a) 14-Mile Creek,
November 3, 1997; b) 16-Mile Creek, January 10, 1998; c) Hamilton Harbour, August 18, 1995; d) Lake Biwa, June 12,

a b
S f = 2.5097Df-0.2698
Sf = 29.531Df-0.7506 0.8
0.8 r 2 = 0.2641
r 2 = 0.4373

Shape Factor
Shape Factor
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Particle Size (m) Particle Size (m )

c d
1 1

0.9 0.9
Sf = 12.605Df-0.5684 Sf = 2.6189Df-0. 2727
0.8 r 2 = 0.3823 0.8
r2 = 0.4044
0.7 0.7
Shape Factor

Shape Factor
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Particle Size (m) Particle Size (m )

Fig. 3 Example plots of shape factor versus particle size for selected fluvial and lacustrine sediments [a) 14-Mile Creek, November 3,
1997; b) 16-Mile Creek, January 10, 1998; c) Hamilton Harbour, August 18, 1995; d) Lake Biwa, June 12, 1995]

Contrary to the above information, the flocs in this study generally revealed a decrease in
floc settling velocity as the particles approached a spherical shape. Evaluating the same data in a
similar manner to that proposed by Droppo et al. (1998) (i.e. settling velocity versus aspect ratio
rather than shape factor) failed to confirm the relationship that they found for the Sixteen-Mile
Creek spring melt periods (i.e. higher settling rate for spherical particles) for other times of the
year or other sample sites. Given that the findings of this work go against traditional theory, this
would suggest that shape appears to have a minimal impact on settling velocities (at least for the
natural flocs observed). Furthermore, this may suggest that size and density are far more
important in influencing the settling of a floc and for consideration in sediment transport/yield
models. The observation of more irregular flocs settling faster is therefore more likely to be
related to the observation that larger flocs, which settle faster due to their size, tend to represent
the greatest population of irregular flocs.
While shape did not appear to have an influence on settling velocity, a preference of
settling orientation was observed. Settling orientation is simply the angle at which a floc settles
relative to its long axis. As with Droppo et al. (1998), many of the flocs encountered revealed a
preference to settle with their long axis parallel to the direction of settling. This is seen in Figure
5 which shows bell shape distributions [note that at the bottom of the bell the flocs are
approaching a circular shape (i.e. close to 1) and exhibit no preference of orientation]. While
difficult to see in the plots, 15 to 30% of the flocs measured settle with their long axis exactly
parallel to the direction of settling (i.e. 90). In reality, flocs generally settle in a turbulent flow
(particularly in a fluvial environment) which will result in the tumbling of the floc and as such
would further suggest that the influence of shape and orientation on settling velocity is not an
important factor to be considered when modelling the transport of sediment in natural or
engineered environments.

100 m

Fig. 4 Large irregular shaped flocs from a 16-Mile Creek Sample

The relationship of floc settling velocity to floc density

The density of a floc is influenced by, firstly, its composition (inorganic and organic particles,
EPS, water content, etc.) and, secondly, its porosity (pore size and structure). The potential
influence of particle density on settling velocity is illustrated below using data from the rising and
falling limbs of the 1997 spring melt for the Sixteen-Mile Creek. Other samples are also used to
demonstrate trends in the data and to demonstrate the application of an equation for describing
the relationship between floc size and density. Regression equations are used to illustrate
differences between sample settling velocities and densities. Variations in the slope and y-
intercept of the regression lines were statistically analyzed for significant differences based on the
t-statistic according to Equation 4.

(b1 b2 ) 1.96 (4)
[Var(b1 ) + Var(b2 )]
where: b1 = first data point (slope or y-intercept)
b2 = second data point (slope or y-intercept)
Var = variance of b1 or 2 = (standard error of b1 or 2)2

If the test statistic is within the range specified in Equation 4 then there is considered to be no
significant difference at the 95% confidence limit ( = 0.05). Again, it is difficult to determine
experimentally the effects of natural floc density on settling as it is not possible to control floc

a b
5 5
4.5 4.5
4 4
Aspect Ratio

Aspect Ratio
3.5 3.5
3 3
2.5 2.5

2 2
1.5 1.5
1 1
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180

Orientation () Orie ntation ()

c d

4 4
Aspect Ratio


Aspect Ratio
3 3
2.5 2.5

2 2

1.5 1.5

1 1
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Orientation () Orie ntation ()

Fig. 5 Example plots of floc settling orientation versus aspect ratio (floc length / floc width) for fluvial and lacustrine sediment samples
(no data for Lake Biwa available) [a) 14-Mile Creek, November 3, 1997; b) 16-Mile Creek, January 10, 1998; c) and d) Hamilton
Harbour, August 18, 1995]

100 Extreme variations in flow
90 occurred during the 1997
80 spring melt for Sixteen-Mile
Creek and samples were
collected on both the rising
Percent in Range

falling limb
% by number
limb and falling limb of the
50 risi ng limb
falling limb hydrograph. A significant
40 % by volume difference was found
30 rising limb
between the two
20 distributions representative
10 of the hydrograph limbs for
0 both the percent by volume














and number distributions

Particle Size (m) (Figure 6) as measured using
the settling chamber
Fig. 6 A comparison of the floc size distributions (by number and
volume) for both the falling and rising limbs of the Sixteen-Mile (modified Kolmogorov-
Creek Smirnov test, = 0.05).
The significant difference
between the volume
distributions is related to
their sensitivity to the presence of only a few large volume particles. Of the two samples settled,
the rising limb possessed much larger particles as seen in Figures 6 and 7. These larger particles
are likely to represent rip-up flocs originating as biofilm-type material eroded from the bed of the
creek as bed shear stress increases with stage. A distinct difference was found between the
statistically significant regression lines ( = 0.05) fitted to the relationship between settling
velocity and floc size for the two hydrograph limbs (Figure 7).
0.9 Ws = 0.0008Df + 0.1646
Settling Velocity (mm s-1)

r2 = 0.34
n = 104
0.7 Ws = 0.0008Df + 0.0589
0.6 r2 = 0.81
n = 99
Rising Limb
0.3 Falling Limb
0.2 Rising Limb
0.1 Falling Limb

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Particle Size (m)

Fig. 7 Plots of settling velocity versus floc size for the 1997 spring melt on 16-Mile Creek

While the rate of change is constant (Figure 7) (i.e. same slopes, no significant difference
at = 0.05, t-test as per Equation 4), particles on the rising limb have lower settling rates as
indicated by a significantly different y-intercept of the regression lines ( = 0.05, t-test as per
Equation 4). This may indicate that the flocs associated with the rising limb are characterized by
lower densities, more irregular shapes and higher porosities. The differences in settling velocities
are likely to reflect the changing source material over the spring melt hydrograph. For example,
as suggested above, the rising limb may contain more low density biofilm flocs (high porosity,
high bio-content) ripped up from the bed while the falling limb sample may contain more high
density (low porosity, high inorganic) eroded water stable soil aggregates (the source of biofilm
would be depleted by this time). Density estimates from statistically significant power function
regression lines ( = 0.05) confirm an increase in floc density for the falling limb for the range of
floc sizes measured (See Figure 6 and Equations 5 and 6 below), as there was a significant
difference between the slopes and the y-intercepts of the two lines (Equation 4, = 0.05).

rising limb f = 1 + 6.021Df-1.212 (r2 = 0.85); (5)

falling limb f = 1 + 23.971Df-1.402 (r2 = 0.78) (6)
where: f = floc density (note that f - 1 = excess density)
Df = floc diameter

The greater slope (i.e. greater rate of change in density with floc size) associated with the
falling limb is likely to reflect an accompanying greater decrease in porosity with size than for the
rising limb (this is tested below). Petticrew and Droppo (1998) found two distinct populations
of particle densities within western Canadian streams, which exhibited different settling
velocities. It was hypothesized that the denser flocs/aggregates characterised by faster settling
were derived from the cobble bed while the less dense flocs characterised by slower settling were
derived from flocculation within the water column.

Excess Density (g cm )

Falling Limb Rising Limb

P f - 1= 23.971D f-1.4022 P f - 1 = 6.021Df-1.2125
r 2 = 0.7817 r 2 = 0.8506
Rising Limb
Falling Limb
0.01 Pow er (Falling Limb)
Pow er (Rising Limb)

100 1000 10000

Particle Size (m)

Fig. 8 Plots of excess density versus floc size for the 1997 spring melt on 16-Mile Creek

a 0.5 b 0.35
f 1 = 16.369 Df . 2
f 1 = 48.952D f 1 .13 95

Excess Density (g cm-3)

Excess Density (g cm-3)

r 2 = 0.2268 0.25 r 2 = 0.4914

f 1 = 1.4e (0 .0 62 D )
0.3 0 .6 7
(0. 0 69 D )
0 . 67
0.2 2
0.15 f 1 = 14
. e f

r = 0.2314
0.15 0.1 r 2 = 0.4859
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Particle Size (m ) Particle Size (m)

c 0.2 d
f 1 = 7.9272 Df 0.83 99 0.14

Excess Density (g cm-3)


Excess Density (g cm-3)

0.16 0.12 f 1 = 10218
. Df

0.14 r 2=0.1935
0.1 r 2=0.6716
f 1 = 1.4e ( ) (0 .1 43 D )
. Df 0 . 54
0.08 0 . 54
0.1 f 1 = 14
. e f

0.08 0.06
r 2=0.1836 r 2=0.7350
0.06 0.04
0.02 0.02
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Particle Size (m ) Particle Size (m )

Fig. 9 Examples of the negative relationship which exists between excess density and particle size for fluvial and
lacustrine sediment samples The data has been fitted with both a power (solid line) and exponential (dashed line)
function (see Equation 7). [a) 14 Mile Creek, November 3/97; b) 16 Mile Creek, February 18/97; c) and d) Hamilton
Harbour, August 18th]


Excess Density (g cm-3)

0.1 c

e b
g a

10 100 1000 10000
Particle size (m)

Fig. 10 Comparative results of excess density with floc size for different environments. a = Fourteen-
Mile Creek (this study), b = Sixteen-Mile Creek (this study), c = Hamilton Harbour (this study), d =
Fennessy et al. (1994) (marine flocs), e = Gibbs (1985) (estuarine flocs), f = Hawley (1982)
(lacustrine flocs), g = Andreadakis (1993) (activated sludge - waste water)

The decrease in density with increasing particle size observed in Figure 8 is evident for all
floc samples analyzed within this work (examples given in Figure 9). Figure 10 also demonstrates
that numerous other researchers have found similar trends for different environments. The
substantial variation between the lines is reflective of the different factors and relative importance
of each, in influencing floc growth between environments. It has been suggested that the slope of
these lines (log excess density vs. log particle size) has a close relation to floc structure (Li and
Ganczarczyk, 1989, 1990). The decrease in density with increasing size, irrespective of
environment, reflects an increase in porosity with increasing size (see below). As a floc grows
and encompasses more and more particles, it also creates more void space for the entrapment of
water. It is the high water content which results in the density of larger flocs approaching that of
water (Droppo et al., 1998). Given that the density of the very large flocs approaches that of
water, it is puzzling as to why such flocs still settle with such a fast rate relative to the smaller
more dense flocs. A possible explanation may be that flow through the floc (via large pores)
during settling helps to increase the settling velocity of such low density flocs. This is discussed
further below.
In assessing the relationship of floc size to density, often the power function is used to
provide a good fit (Figure 9) (Zahid and Ganczarczyk, 1990; Andreadakis, 1993; Li and
Ganczarczyk, 1993). The power function, however, does not have any physical meaning with
regards to this relationship. The exponential function on the other hand is more physically based
in relation to how floc size and density vary and as such can be used to explain the relationship
of floc size and density (based on sound physical principles observed in this work). As such,
while the power function used within this work and highly cited within the literature provides a
good fit for the data, the exponential function described below makes more physical sense.
As described above, as a floc increases in size its density approaches that of water.

Conversely, as a floc approaches the size of a constituent (absolute) single particle its density
approaches that of the density of the sediment. This relationship can be described
mathematically below (Lau and Krishnappan, 1997);

f w = ( s w )e ( 1 f )
C D C2
where: C1 = empirical constant 1
C2 = empirical constant 2
Df = floc diameter
f = floc density
s = solid particle density
w = water density
(f-w) = excess density

As Df (e- = 0) then f-w = 0 and therefore f = w

As Df 0 (e0 = 1) then f-w = s-w and therefore f = s

A simple curve fitting exercise was used to fit an exponential curve (based on Equation 7)
to the data provided in Figure 9 by varying C1 and C2 until the lowest sums of squares errors
(SSE) was derived. The r2 value for each curve was calculated and compared to the power
function curve and r2 provided on the plots in Figure 9. A value of 2.4 was assumed for s given
that the natural environment flocs will be made up of both mineral particles and organic material.
The parameter w was assumed to be 1.0 and as such s-w = 1.4. Clearly the exponential model
provides a reasonable fit relative to the more widely used power function in describing the
relationship of floc size to floc density. This is demonstrated by both fitted lines explaining
essentially the similar amounts of variance within the data (i.e. similar r2 values - see Figure 9).
Interestingly, for both the fluvial and lacustrine examples (Figure 9), the exponential function
under-predicts the density for larger size particles and, to a lesser degree, over-predicts the
density of the smaller particles. The under-prediction of floc density for large flocs is of less
concern as generally these particles only make up a small population of the over all sediment in
transport. The constants of the equations were found to be relatively similar within
environments, but quite different between the environments. This suggests that factors
influencing floc density and size are consistent within an environment but are different between
the fluvial and lacustrine environments studied. Given the physically based nature of Equation 7,
numerical descriptions of floc size to density for modelling efforts would be better suited to use
such a relationship rather than the more commonly used power function.
Given the observation that as floc size increases, settling velocity increases but floc
density decreases, it would appear that, although differences in density are found between flocs,
densitys relative importance may be minimal in relation to a change in floc diameter as related to
floc settling. Floc densities (Figure 9) are typically low ranging between the density of water and
1.4 g cm-3 (the majority of flocs observed were below 1.1 g cm-3). Other researchers have found
similar densities [Riley (1970) - 1.152 g cm-3 for 2-6 m particles, 1.033 g cm-3 for higher organic
content flocs with sizes >60 m; Krone (1972) - 1.164-1.056 g cm-3 for <1 mm diameter flocs;
Shiozawa et al., (1985) - 1.38-1.03 g cm-3 for flocs ranging from 1.0-0.01 mm respectively].

Given 1) that larger flocs generally have the lowest density, and yet, exhibit the greatest settling
velocity, 2) the minimal changes in density over the range of floc sizes examined and 3) the
relative small difference between floc density and water density, it is likely that the size of the
floc will have a greater influence over settling than the density of the floc. In general, it can be
concluded that changes in floc density in time or space, or with floc size appears to have a
minimal impact on floc settling. For large flocs where densities are very low (approaching that of
water) it is possible that an open floc matrix with large pores will have a strong influence on floc
settling (discussed further below). Because estimates of floc density are derived from the settling
velocity, a statistical comparison of these two variables is not possible.

The relationship of floc settling velocity to floc porosity

Pores probably represent the most important structural entity of a floc. Floc pores are
responsible for much of the physical, chemical and biological behaviour exhibited by flocs, as
they are the primary physical factor, which controls water content and movement within a floc.
As such, floc pores influence floc density and transport as well as potential advective, diffusional
and electrochemical gradients within the floc (Sherman, 1953; Li and Ganczarczyk, 1988; Logan
and Hunt, 1987, 1988). Porosity cannot be measured directly, due to the three dimensional and
tortuous nature of flocculated sediment. It is generally derived from the mass balance between
the density estimates for the wet floc (measured or derived through settling experiments), dry
material density and water (Equation 3) (Li and Ganczarczyk, 1987; Andreadakis, 1993; Droppo
et al., 1998).
Porosity influences settling velocity both directly and indirectly. As indicated above,
porosity indirectly influences settling velocity by being one of the primary factors controlling
density. As described above, this is primarily related to the water content of a floc, which is
directly proportional to the porosity. The greater the porosity, the greater the water content, the
lower the density, and, in theory, the slower its settling velocity (assuming constant floc size and
no flow through the floc). More directly, however, porosity may influence settling velocity by
the individual large pores potentially acting as passages for the flow-through of water during
settling. Such movement of water through the floc will, in theory, increase the settling velocity of
the floc due to a reduction in drag (Zahid and Ganczarczyk, 1990).
Figure 11 indicates that as fluvial and lacustrine floc size increases, the porosity of the
floc also increases, approaching 100% (fitted lines are discussed by Equation 8 below). This
finding is consistent with the findings of other researchers (Tambo and Watanabe, 1979; Logan
and Hunt, 1987; Li and Ganczarczyk, 1987, 1988; Andreadakis, 1993). This relationship is
reasonable, given that settling velocity of flocs is not, as suggested by Stokes law, related to the
square of the size. This would indicate that the floc density must decrease and floc porosity
increases with increasing floc size (Logan and Hunt, 1987). As a floc grows, the amount of open
void space increases simply due to the nature of the contact points between particles (organic
and inorganic) forming the matrix. In the hundreds of high resolution TEM images observed, no
floc was found to be completely devoid of pores such as might occur with face to face stacked
clay platelets. In all cases the flocs were characterized by a highly open matrix such as that seen
in Figure 12.

As with floc density, a power function (Figure 11) is often used to describe the
relationship of floc size to porosity. Such a function did not provide an adequate fit and was
very poor in both the larger and smaller floc sizes. As with the density, the power function fit
has no physical basis associated with it. As such a new function for the description of the
relationship between floc porosity and floc size was developed given the following observations.
1) As floc size increases porosity approaches 1 (or 100%) and 2) as the floc size approaches a
single individual constituent particle the porosity approaches 0 (or 0%). Such physical
constraints can be adequately explained in the following equation:

Por = (8)
C1 + C2 D f

where Por = Porosity (as a decimal)

C1= Empirical constant 1
C2= Empirical constant 2

The empirical constants are derived through a spurious correlation of Por to Df , which
from a truly statistical sense should be avoided. However, as this spurious relationship is only
used for the derivation of constants for fitting of a line based on Equation 8 to the observed data,
such a statistical rule can be relaxed. C1 and C2 are derived from the regression of the above
relationship in the form;

= C1 + C2 D f (9)

The curve derived from Equation 9 are fitted to the data in Figure 11 for both the fluvial
and lacustrine sample examples. It is evident that Equation 8 fits the data better than the power
function, particularly in the larger size classes where the power function predicts values in excess
of 100% much sooner than Equation 8. Equation 8 predicts porosity better than the power
function for the smaller floc sizes although there is still room for improvement. In 85% of the
samples analyzed, Equation 8 resulted in a slightly higher explanation of the variance. For both
the fluvial and lacustrine examples, constant C2 (the slope of Equation 9) is reasonably similar,
however, C1 is more variable within and between environments. As C1 and C2 are derived from a
spurious correlation little inference can be made from these. However, Table 2 provides the
fitted predictions for various floc sizes from Equation 8 and suggests that, like with the density,
there may be some differences between environments. In the smaller floc sizes, the lacustrine
samples exhibit a higher porosity. This may be attributed to flocs in a lacustrine environment
generally being formed under lower shear conditions as compared to a fluvial environment
resulting in a more open floc matrix. The flocs formed in a fluvial environment under higher shear
are more likely to be less porous due to stronger impaction as a result of stronger collisions. The
fact that the porosities predicted by Equation 8 for the larger floc sizes are similar between
environments (Table 2), supports the concept that larger flocs approach 100% porosity (i.e. the
density of water) regardless of the environment.

a 100 b 100
90 90
Por = 27.721Df 0. 2 008

Porosity (%) 80 Por = 17.771Df 0. 2664 80

Porosity (%)
r 2=0.6513
70 r 2=0.2399 70

60 60 Df
Df Por =
Por = 50 58 .905 + 0.9354 D f
92.315 + 0.9205Df
40 40 r 2=0.7258
r 2=0.2374
30 30
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Particle Size (m ) Particle Size (m)

c d

100 100
95 95
Por = 52.745D f 0 .0908 90 Por = 49.363D f 0106
. 1
Porosity (%)

Porosity (%)
85 85 r 2=0.5903
r 2=0.2554
80 80
Df Df
75 Por = 75 Por =
70 40 .018 + 0 .9875 D f 70 37 .057 + 0 .9743 D f
65 r 2=0.2028 65 r 2=0.6957
60 60
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Particle Size (m) Particle Size (m )

Fig. 11 Examples of the relationship between porosity and particle size for fluvial and lacustrine sediment samples. The data
has been fitted with both a power function (thin line) and with Equation 8 described below (thick line). [a) 14 Mile Creek,
November 3/97; b)16 Mile Creek, February 18/97; c) and d) Hamilton Harbour, August 18th]

Table 2 Estimations of fluvial and floc porosities using Equation 8 and the examples provided in
Figure 11
Floc size Fluvial mean floc porosity Lacustrine mean floc porosity
50 m 45.9% 60.6%
100 m 63.8% 75.8%
200 m 79.5% 86.6%
500 m 93.5% 94.9%
1000 m 99.2% 98.0%

Figure 13 plots the

relationship of porosity to floc
size for both the rising and
falling limb of the Sixteen-Mile
Creek spring melt samples
previously described. An
evaluation of the regression
lines shows significant
differences between the two
limbs of the hydrograph for
both the slope and y-intercept
(based on Equation 4). This is
suggestive of differences
between the porosity of the
rising and falling limb flocs,
with the data plotted in Figure
Fig. 12 A large open matrix floc from Sixteen-Mile Creek 13 showing that the rising limb
(February 18, 1997) generally has a higher porosity
than the falling limb flocs.
This is consistent with the
significant differences in
99 density seen for the same
Por = 92.071D f0. 0124
samples above. Such a link is
r 2 = 0.6621
98 expected because of the strong
Porosity (%)

relationship between porosity,

97 Por = 85.822Df0.0244 water content and density (i.e.
r 2 = 0.6861
Rising Limb the higher the porosity, the
96 Falling Limb greater the water content and
Pow er (Falling Limb) the lower the density).
95 Pow er (Rising Limb) As stated above, if
water is able to flow through
94 the floc via the pore structure
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
during settling, this can have
Particle Size (m)
an influence on the settling
velocity of the floc.
Fig. 13 Plot of porosity versus floc size for the 1997 spring melt on
Sixteen-Mile Creek 223
Theoretically, a solid sphere, having the same size and density as a highly porous sphere, will
settle slower than the porous sphere, because the flow through the permeations of the porous
sphere will reduce the hydrodynamic resistance that will be experienced by the solid sphere
(Neale et al., 1973; Namer and Ganczarczyk, 1993). Zahid and Ganczarczyk (1990) concluded
that the traditional computation of settling velocity by Stokes Law from size and density
measurements may lead to erroneous results if particle permeability is not considered. Given
that, for the floc sizes studied, that there is a continuous increase in settling velocity with size
(Figure 2), even though the density is approaching that of water (Figure 9), it is reasonable to
expect that such a mechanism (flow through pores) is at work to allow large, low density flocs to
settle. General observations show that only the large flocs possess pores which may be large
enough for water flow (Figure 12).
There are opposing opinions within the literature as to the significance that flow through
pores will have on floc settling velocity. In mathematical modelling, the behaviour of marine
flocs, Logan and Hunt (1987) found that, even with a wide range in floc dry density (2.65 - 1.06 g
cm-3), intra-floc flow had a negligible effect on the settling velocity of flocs up to 1 mm in
diameter. Li and Ganczarczyk (1988) demonstrated experimentally that the settling velocity of
activated sludge flocs was reduced when the porosity of the flocs was reduced by the presence of
impermeable blockers of activated carbon, coke and resin. This reduction in settling velocity
occurred even though the blockers gave the floc a higher density. Adler (1981) found that flocs
< 40 m in diameter will have no intra-floc flow. It should be noted that existing models of flow
through flocs are based on simplified floc structures which restrict the analysis to highly porous
flocs typical of marine systems and to flocs in pure bacterial cultures (Logan and Hunt, 1987).
Often porous plastic or steel-wool mesh balls are used in evaluating the influence of inter-flow on
floc settling velocity (Masliyah and Polikar, 1980). Given the simplifying assumptions made
about flocs in mathematical models and the fact that the physical structure of the flocs used in
experiments does not approximate the true nature of a floc, it is likely that such modelling and
experimental results do not represent reality for small freshwater flocs. In an analysis of Lake
Mead flocs (0.5 to 1000 m), Sherman (1953) found that because the floc pores were small and
their permeability low, the water could be considered trapped and an integral part of the floc
structure. As the majority of freshwater flocs observed in this study are relatively small (<100
m), it is unlikely that there is any substantive flow of water through the floc during settling.
Any flow gradients within the floc are likely to be diffusional. This is due to the complex matrix
of the natural flocs observed which possesses thousands if not millions of micro pores (Liss et
al., 1996). These pores, because of their very small nature (the fibrils making up the pore walls
have diameters as small as 4 nm) will possess very strong hydrostatic forces, which will cause
the retention of water. For the larger flocs, however, which can make up the majority of the
volume of sediment in transport, flow through the pores of a floc is likely to contribute to the
observed high settling velocity of low density flocs. As such, as stated above for density, it is
likely that for the majority of flocs in the aquatic environment, floc size will influence settling
velocity more than porosity. Direct statistical comparisons of porosity and settling velocity are
not possible here as the porosity is derived from the settling velocity measurement.


The transport of sediment in aquatic systems is strongly influenced by the velocity and shear of
the flow and by the structure of the sediment. Flocs were found to not conform to Stokes Law,
primarily due to the inappropriateness of the assumption of solid spherical particles for
flocculated sediment. Floc settling velocity was found to generally be proportional to floc size
and not to the square of the size as suggested by Stokes Law. Although flocs can have densities
as low as water, due to high porosity and organic content, they tend to settle faster than their
constituent primary particles, due to their larger size and the potential impact of flow through the
floc pores increasing their settling velocity. As such floc size, relative to density and porosity, is
believed to be the dominant floc characteristic influencing settling. Floc shape was generally
found to have a minimal influence on floc settling velocity/transport.
It should be realized that most of the discussion of floc settling velocity, porosity and
density presented above is based on quiescent settling experiments. In reality, particles rarely
settle within a quiescent zone of an aquatic environment. This is particularly true for the fluvial
environment where backwater areas are of limited extent (with the exception of in-river lakes and
reservoirs), relative to the total area of the river channel. While it is reasonable to assume that the
strength of a floc will dictate its behaviour in a turbulent environment, individual floc strength is
difficult to measure. The factors of size, shape, density and porosity discussed above will still
exert a significant influence over the settling velocity and transport of flocs in a flowing turbulent
environment, but their influence on the rate of settling will be distorted (relative to quiescent
settling) due to the turbulent nature of flow. Nevertheless, because of the inherently different
transport behaviour of flocs over their constituent particles, it is important that future models of
sediment transport/yield take into account the structure of flocs and how this may influence their
settling/transport behaviour. The development of such models will result in more accurate and
meaningful estimates of sediment and contaminant source, fate and effect for the management of
our aquatic ecosystems.

Acknowledgements The authors thank C. Jaskot for technical support with image analysis.


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On assessment of erosion and model
B. Hasholt
Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen,
ster Voldgade 10, Denmark 1350 K

Since the early attempts to model soil erosion (e.g. Wischmeier and Smith, 1978), many new
and more sophisticated models have been developed, (e.g. Nielsen and Styczen, 1986;
Morgan, 1995; Boardman and Favis Mortlock, 1998). Much of this progress is due to the
rapid development in EDP and the development of GIS which makes it possible to
incorporate spatial distributions of important parameters and land use classes.
A similar rate of development has not taken place with respect to techniques for
erosion monitoring. In many cases, it remains necessary to undertake field observations on a
manual basis. In particular, dynamic observations of mass transport caused by erosion have
to be based to a large extent on manual sampling strategies. Nevertheless, a number of
significant advances have occurred. These include the development of data loggers capable of
providing quasi-continuous data records with minimum power consumption and the
development of space borne platforms which have made it possible to monitor large-scale
features of erosion. Satellite images can be used as input for the computation of spatial
distributions of erosion features and for creating DTMs. GIS systems, e.g. ARCINFO
facilitate automatic computation of streamlines, drainage areas and contour intervals, features
that make it much easier to pin point areas at risk to erosion.
The aim of this chapter is to provide a brief review of some recent methods used for
monitoring erosion at different scales in Denmark. The shortcomings of the methods are
described and their potential for validating the output from available erosion models is
evaluated. The discussion relies mainly on the personal experiences of the author while
carrying out fieldwork for individual projects or participating in joint programmes such as the
NPo-programme (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and organic matter), the Danish Strategic
Environmental Monitoring programme (STM) or the development of the EUROSEM model.
Although Denmark is known to have only moderate erosion, it is believed that the methods,
ideas and recommendations discussed are more generally applicable.

Experiences with erosion monitoring
In the following discussion, erosion monitoring at different scales is described with reference
to technical problems, accuracy and its potential for helping to validate erosion models.
Splash erosion is responsible for the detachment of particles and breakdown of soil
aggregates. The influence of wind speed on splash erosion has been studied using splash cups
and some results are found in Pedersen and Hasholt (1995). Such studies revealed that the
aspect of splash cups and slope in relation to wind direction during effective rainfall are
important factors influencing the volumes of sediment collected. When such factors are taken
into account it was shown that high wind speeds during rainfall, and thereby increased energy
inputs, could explain outliers in the relationship between rainfall energy and the amounts of
sediment detached by splash erosion. It was also demonstrated that short duration high
intensity rainfall was responsible for the most significant levels of erosion. This reflects the
fact that short bursts of intense rainfall produce more energy and may exceed the local
infiltration capacity and thereby create Hortonian overland flow. Many rainfall intensity
records comprise 5 to 10 minute intervals and thereby frequently fail to record short duration
extreme storms and associated overland flow. In order to include such factors in an erosion
model, rainfall data with a time resolution of 1 minute are needed together with wind speed
and direction.
Recognition of the importance of overland flow led to the question of how to
monitor it. In response to this problem, the author constructed a small sampler for the
collection of water and sediment (see Figures 1 and 2).

Fig.1 Mouthpiece of overland flow sampler. Water and sediment enter top left and are directed
to a collecting bottle via a tube connected to the tube section of the mouthpiece. The length of the
scale bar below is 3 cm

Fig.2 Overland flow sampler in measuring position, seen from above. The tube leading to the
collecting bottle is seen

The small size of the sampling device is predetermined by the potential need to place
the sampler in small depressions in the terrain and by the fact that it should be easy to install
and should not interfere with the management of agricultural fields. The flanges in the intake
section assist water intake, prevent undercutting by running water and define the width of the
intake area. Knowledge of intake area is essential for making quantitative measurements of
erosion, however, it is nevertheless very difficult to determine this area precisely. The time
sequence of overland flow could be recorded by installing a pressure transducer in the
collecting bottle. However, until now the sampler has mainly been used to prove if overland
flow has taken place within a predefined area over a certain time. It is not possible with a few
samplers to cover a whole slope, however, by choosing representative worst case spots as
locations for the samplers it is believed that it is possible to determine whether or not
overland flow has occurred. Worst case spots commonly coincide with the concave parts of
slopes with small depressions, proto-rills or the previous pathways of running water.
Overland flow and erosion on slopes have also been monitored using Gerlach
troughs. However, although some useful information has been obtained by using these
sampling devices in Denmark, many problems have been experienced. Due to the size of these
troughs the collection bottle must necessarily be larger and it is therefore more difficult to
install. The lip of the sampler has proved difficult to insert without disturbing the soil and
several cases of undercutting have been observed. In areas of frost, the lip and the whole
trough can be displaced. Also the cavity for the collecting bottle is frequently disturbed by
frost action and the bottle drowned because meltwater is not able to drain away. Due to its
relatively small size and the difficulty of defining the contributing area, this sampler has been
used mainly as an indicator of erosion and for helping to determine sediment concentration
levels, which can be used for comparisons with the concentrations computed by existing
models of sediment delivery.
Plot studies of erosion on slopes were initiated during a project within the NPo-
programme (Hasholt et al., 1990). In each of two research catchments, two erosion plots were

installed at representative worst case locations, on steep slopes close to watercourses.
These plot installations consisted of a large collecting gutter at the foot of the slope. Water
and sediment from the upslope watershed were collected from a slope width corresponding to
the length of the gutter. Slope lengths of approx. 100 m and widths of 30-50 m were
commonly used. From the centre of the gently sloping gutter, water and sediment were
directed into a tank in a cellar and overflow from the tank passed through a Thomson weir.
Discharge was recorded by measuring the stage in the tank. Water from the weir passed into a
tipping bucket sampler from where subsamples were collected each time the bucket tipped.
The whole installation had to be installed in a rather deep (2-3 m) cellar which was drained
and above the groundwater surface. However, several important reservations were identified
with respect to the feasibility of this preliminary plot installation. Firstly, preferential
sediment transport is observed, with the result that sand, gravel and larger aggregates become
trapped in the gutter whilst only silt and clay pass through to the tank, where sedimentation
takes place before the tipping bucket sampler. This means that the simultaneous transport of
sediment cannot be recorded adequately. After a major erosion event, the gutter has to be
cleaned and the sediment collected should be weighed in order to compute the amount of
sediment eroded from the slope. Therefore in spite of the high resolution of the runoff record,
this installation can only record the sum erosion caused by an effective rainfall event.
Consequently, this type of plot is not suited to detailed studies of erosion, which are
necessary for assisting the development of time distributed erosion models. Furthermore, the
results from such plot studies showed very low levels of surface runoff (only 0.1 - 1.5 % of
the precipitation), whilst the erosion from these slopes was very low (less than 2 t/km2/year),
which is well below the annual load in nearby watercourses. A possible explanation for these
low values could be, that despite slope steepness ranging from 4 - 12%, the use of a deep
cellar at the end of the slope hinders the natural development of saturated overland flow,
which is often believed to be an important mechanism for causing surface runoff.
In 1989, additional plot studies were initiated for two soil types, a Typic Hapludult
and a Typic Agrudalf, at the Foulum and dum research stations, respectively (Schjnning et
al., 1995). These plots were similar to standard Wishmeier plots and were tilled and sown
with typical crops in order to test the effect of land use on the amount of erosion. The author
participated with a special investigation of rill formation. In these plots a gutter was placed at
the end of the slope, at a right angle to the flow and both water and sediment were collected in
a plastic tank situated further down the slope and connected to the gutter by a tube. The tank
and the gutter had to be emptied after a major event, or sometimes even during an event, to
prevent overflow. The system proved successful, but experienced the same problems as
above with respect to particle separation and sediment trapping. In order to improve time
resolution, water samples were collected during events, and transmissometers were placed in
the flow. The triggering of the sampling relied upon either the rise of stage in the tank, or a
critical flow rate. These experiments showed that any obstruction of the water and sediment
flow causes sedimentation. It was also shown that high sediment concentrations cause
clogging of the sampling tubes. Therefore, because of the particle separation and the poor time
resolution, these plots should only be used for validating the summed output of an erosion
model and not for validating fluctuating sediment concentrations during individual runoff
These findings were taken into account when new investigations were initiated in
1993. One aim of the new investigations was to improve understanding of the initiation of
rills under Danish conditions, whilst another aim was to design a system for the automatic
recording of soil erosion. The most accurate methods for investigating erosion processes rely

upon the use of manned research plots or laboratory installations. When the installations are
manned it is quite easy to collect in stream manual samples without causing the separation of
particle sizes experienced with the use of some automated samplers. However, when
sampling is necessary at a remote location and when the occurrence of erosion is determined
by natural weather conditions instead of simulated rainfall, it is not practical to sustain
manual sampling over long time periods. Therefore automation is necessary.
The following improvements were identified for the revised soil erosion plots:
(a) The system (automated plot) should be compatible with the other plots so that manual
sampling of accumulated sediment could be carried out after an erosion event. A collecting
tank is therefore placed in the measuring cellar.
(b) The inlet from the plot to the cellar should be sedimentation free. This means that all
particle sizes and aggregates should pass through to the collecting tank, without any losses
caused by sedimentation.
(c) In order to encourage natural runoff, the groundwater level around the measuring cellar
should be allowed to fluctuate naturally, without any artificial drainage.
(d) The volume of water and sediment in the collecting tank should be recorded continuously.
(e) The weight of water and sediment in the collecting tank should be recorded continuously.
(f) Flow-proportional samples of water and sediment should be collected.
(g) During an erosion event, different types of erosion should be registered by use of a video-
The first version of the revised plot system and some preliminary results are
described in Hasholt and Hansen (1995). Many problems were encountered and resolved. The
cellar was made with corrugated steel and kept in place using the weight of the overlying soil
on flanges at the bottom in order to counteract buoyancy due to groundwater fluctuations.
This component of the plots has now stayed in place for 5 years without leaking, in spite of
buoyancies of ca. 9 tons caused by fluctuating ground water levels. The sampler intake, built
of smooth stainless steel and sloping more steeply than the surrounding plot, did not trap
much sediment. An exception was seen when falling leaves were blown into it and blocked the
inlet to the tube to the cellar. The weighing of the collecting tank proved reliable and accurate
to 0.2 kg, which is acceptable for validating sediment transport during an erosion event. The
recording of volume was based on the very stable construction of the collecting tank, which
maintained an area of one square meter without bulging during fill-up. It was, however, not
possible to monitor the stage with an accuracy better than 1.5 mm, equivalent to 1.5 kg.
This is not satisfactory for detailed validation of modelled sediment delivery during a single
erosion event.
Hasholt and Hansen (1995) also indicate that samples were collected by tipping part
of the flume leading to the collecting tank backwards, so that the water in the flume was
passed into a funnel, leading to 250 ml collection bottles placed on a conveyor belt. Flow
proportional sampling was achieved by triggering the sampler on the basis of weight (e.g.
every 1 kg) or stage (e.g. every 1 cm) increments. The rate of flow was computed by the
datalogger using the time interval between each discrete sample. Based on this flow rate, the
time for filling the sampling bottle was computed. The funnel was kept open so that the
sampling bottle was 3/4 full. From recorded time and volume in the bottle a flow rate could be
computed. Comparing results of sediment transport, computed by use of the discrete water
samples and transport found by drying and weighing the sediment in the collecting tank, it
was found that the load based on the sediment samples was up to 10 times lower than the
true load. This was quite puzzling until the sampling was observed during a storm. It was
observed that when the funnel tipped backwards to allow sampling, the flow was reversed

and the coarser grains were difficult to accelerate in the opposite direction. Therefore a serious
particle separation took place. This demonstrated that an apparently right solution might
prove wrong because an important process is overlooked.
Due to this problem, the sampler had to be modified because it is essential that the
samples should be collected without problems associated with sedimentation or particle
separation. Several alterations were tested, but the one that needed the least modification of
the sampler was the incorporation of a tipping funnel. In the no sampling position, water
and sediment pass from the plot to a moveable funnel, kept over a flume leading to the
collecting tank by a spring. When sampling is triggered, a solenoide causes the moving funnel
to swing into position above a fixed funnel leading to the sample bottle on the conveyor belt
(Hasholt et al., 1996). The installation is shown on Figures 3 and 4. This modification
represented the final alteration to the automatic sampler and as a result of these changes the
sediment concentrations in the samples were found to be more representative.

Fig.3 Sediment sampler. Inlet tube from plot enters moving funnel from top of picture. Below
left is seen the flume leading to the collecting tank and the upper corner of the tank. In the centre
of the picture is seen the fixed funnel leading to the sampling bottles placed on the conveyor belt

Fig.4 The moving funnel and the fixed funnel seen during sampling. Behind is seen the flume
leading to the collecting tank, which is now full

This sampling equipment is useful for helping to validate sediment concentration

levels predicted by the use of a model and to obtain in situ samples for the determination of
aggregate grain sizes. However, it was found that the results from replicate plots situated only
10 m apart could differ by as much as 50%. Video-recording has proved useful for explaining
such differences. For example, during one winter the videotapes showed that a large snowdrift
formed at the intake of the instrumented plot. During snowmelt, when high concentrations
and high transport rates usually occur, only low concentrations were recorded. This was
because much of the water that should have run down the slope, now melted close to the
intake, without being able to detach and mobilise sediment. Besides, water from the upper end
of the slope was trapped in the snowdrift and depleted of its sediment. Such conditions are
quite unusual, and if it had not been for the video-recording the low erosion during this
snowmelt period would have been very difficult to explain.
When rills are formed, the sediment yield from a field increases significantly (e.g.
Bryan, 1987; Hasholt, 1995). This knowledge is based on in situ measurements of rill volume
and frequency for a defined area. The monitoring of rill erosion is very time-consuming,
especially when this type of erosion is well developed on a slope. Therefore, a way to reduce
the amount of surveying has to be found. The computation of the volume of soil eroded from
a rill is commonly based on cross-sections measured at regular intervals along the rill and by
measuring the rill length. The effect of different spacing on the estimate was tested against the
correct volume, based on a regular spacing of 0.5 m. It was shown, (Madsen, 1992), that a
spacing of 5 m between the cross sections gave results that deviated less than 20% from the
correct value. The total amount of sediment eroded by rill erosion on a slope is found by
multiplying the estimated volume of removed soil by the number of rills. Estimates of rill

erosion determined in this way on fields in Denmark could be as high as 2000 t/km2 for field
sizes up to 0.03 km2 (Hasholt, 1995). This figure is probably correct to within 50%. It is
therefore, not possible to validate the results of modelling rill erosion on a whole hillslope
more rigorously, without considerable effort and time consumption. The net contribution of
eroded sediment, to a watercourse situated at the foot of the slope, is found by measuring the
amount of sediment accumulated in an alluvial cone at the lower end of the rill, and subtracting
this volume from the volume of the rill. Determining the volume of deposited sediment is
more difficult than determining the total volume removed from the rill, because the margins are
often more diffuse. The resulting estimates of net transport are therefore less accurate.
Results from Denmark indicate that although sedimentation is often found at the foot of a
slope, sediment released by rill erosion is frequently routed directly to watercourses.
However, due to the limited accuracy of field measurements of sediment delivery, it is
difficult to test the ability of a model to route the sediment correctly.
The inclusion of rill erosion is different from one model to another, e.g. in
EUROSEM the occurrence of rills has to be specified in advance, whilst in the model by
Nielsen and Styczen (1986) a measure of rill formation is built in. Concerning the importance
of rill erosion, it is essential for model validation to check if rills are actually present if
predicted by the model. Data from the NPo-project has been used to verify predictions of rill
occurrence using soil erosion models (Hasholt and Styczen, 1993). Although there is a
reasonable agreement between the predicted and recorded occurrence of rills, it is meaningful
firstly, to run a model and, secondly, to carry out field checks at the precise spots where the
model predicts rill erosion.
Erosion monitoring at the catchment scale is described in Hasholt (1987, 1992) and
Sibbesen et al. (1996). Such investigations have demonstrated that the sampling or monitoring
frequency at the basin outlet should be high enough to ensure that no peak events are left
unrecorded. In Denmark, investigations have indicated that one to two daily samples collected
using an automatic sampler are sufficient to give annual sediment load estimates correct to
within 5%. This was tested by use of transmissometers that measured every 2 minutes.
However, daily samples are not satisfactory for describing sediment transport during single
events and interpolation of the sediment concentration record is therefore necessary.
Alternatively, automatic samplers can be programmed to pool more frequent samples into a
single bottle, to exploit the small number of sample bottles comprising most samplers.
Another possibility is to collect flow- or load-proportional samples. The amount of sheet
erosion in a catchment can be determined by measuring erosion contributions e.g. bed- and
bank erosion and rill erosion and by subtracting these from the total flux estimated for the
basin (Hasholt, 1991). This approach is very labour intensive and relies upon the
precondition that material released in the catchment will pass the monitoring station at the
outlet within the recording period. The construction of sediment budgets is therefore easier in
smaller catchments, e.g. with areas up to ca. 10 km2. Validating sediment routing by measuring
the individual components of sediment delivery is therefore a difficult task. Use of tracers
offers considerable potential in this respect, but because of rigorous restrictions on the use of
tracers this approach has not been tested in Denmark.

The above discussion has briefly described a spectrum of available methods for monitoring
soil erosion and sediment delivery. Despite a range of shortcomings, the methods described
provide satisfactory qualitative and quantitative information. However, a major constraint on
their widespread use is that the methods are often tedious, and consume large amounts of
manpower and time. Nevertheless, more sophisticated methods are rather expensive because
of high instrumentation costs. In combination, such constraints commonly prevent coverage
of larger catchments. The time resolution of sampling procedures is critical with respect to
the timescale of the processes under scrutiny e.g. sediment delivery during discrete storms.
Another critical temporal consideration is that the time of storm arrival at a certain spot is
difficult to predict with the result that considerable resources must be spent on automatic
monitoring equipment. Another critical factor is the timing of tillage operations by farmers.
Even within a rather small area in Denmark, there can be large individual differences in the
timing of ploughing. As a result of this time window, longer-term monitoring programmes
are more useful for helping to ensure that such activities are not missed. This again stresses
the importance of costly readiness and the advantages of automatic monitoring equipment.
Above all, it is important to realise that it is not possible to fulfil the ideal demands of a
complete monitoring programme for erosion over larger areas e.g. catchments. Therefore there
is a need for guidelines to assist the determination of optimal monitoring strategies. Some
thoughts on this problem are dealt with above. The following discussion attempts to
demonstrate how the collection of representative point data by erosion monitoring
programmes could be combined with the spatial extrapolation capabilities of modelling in a
fruitful manner.
The performance of a model is measured by its ability to reproduce, within certain
limitations, the modelled part of the physical environment and the processes taking place. It
is essential that the reproduction is in accordance with physical laws and able to produce
results that are quantitatively correct. The closest approximation to these ideal requirements
is found in physically based fully distributed models (white box models). At the end of the
day there must be a compromise between required data and the available funding. Therefore
simple models, e.g. regression based (black box) models are found to be satisfactory in many
cases, especially for technical purposes. The present discussion focuses mainly upon more
sophisticated modelling, partly because, from a scientific point of view, this is the most
interesting, and partly because it is believed that the need for a more complete understanding
of our physical environment will continue to grow in the future.
The process of evaluating a model in relation to the demands or requirements is often
termed model validation. There is no acknowledged standard validation procedure. Examples
of validation procedures can be found in Refsgaard and Knudsen (1996) and Quinton (1994),
referring mainly to the EUROSEM model, but also with some general comments. According
to Quinton (1994) it is very important to relate the validation to the actual purpose for which
the model is designed. This is both true and fair, but in this contribution a more idealistic
approach is presented.
There are a number of essential components in the ideal physically distributed
model. The more rigorous tests the model is able to pass, the better the model. These
essential considerations include:
1. Incorporation of relevant physical processes.
2. Correct proportioning of relevant physical processes.
3. Correct representation of the interaction between processes, including feed back loops.

4. Accurate quantification of the relevant physical processes.
5. Quantitative results referring to 3. above.
What are the main criteria for fulfilling the above demands? Generally, the fulfilment
of 1-3 can be judged by experts trained within the field of global geomorphology. It is obvious
that models operating at higher latitudes and in high mountains should incorporate the effects
of snow and processes in frozen soils in order to be representative. In unknown areas a
certain time must be spent on skilled observation, before it can be confirmed that criteria 1-3
are satisfied. This process could be termed visual validation. The authors personal
experiences show that this can partly be obtained by the use of automated digital cameras or
video recorders or on a larger scale by the use of remote sensing, especially as it is rarely
possible to be on the right spot at the right time. A way of optimizing the use of visual
validation procedures and of monitoring equipment, is to identify critical thresholds and key
areas, for instance worst case areas, or indicator areas. An example of this could be to check
the occurrence of surface runoff at a given spot at a given time. As surface runoff is a
prerequisite for major erosion, this could be considered a critical test. Another example is the
formation of rills. It is now well established that erosion rates increase by several orders of
magnitude when rills replace sheet erosion. Therefore the inclusion of rill erosion in a model is
important, but the ability of the model to predict accurately where and when rills will develop
is even more important. This is again a crucial test of model performance. Equipment should
in the first phase be located at such key locations where it can be used to test the critical
behaviour of a catchment system and to quantify the maximum values of erosion. In some
cases this information is enough, especially when the maximum values are below sustainable
limits for soil loss. However, a further consideration is the collection of representative data
for validating modelled erosion estimates for larger areas or whole catchments. If a model
passes these first tests satisfactorily, it could be assumed with some confidence that it works
in other areas too.
The model could then be used to point at locations for further testing, and an
interactive process between model creation, testing and direct monitoring should take place.
This relies upon co-operation between the modeller and the monitoring fieldworker. In order
to limit the amount of work and data requirements, a number of available models are event-
based. Many of these models are very sensitive to the starting conditions or the initialization
of the model e.g. EUROSEM (van der Keur and Hasholt, 1996). A way to overcome this is to
run erosion models on top of hydrological models, e.g. the SHE model, so that erosion might
be computed on line. A validation of the model could then be carried out by field checks of
measured versus predicted erosion after an erosion event. This will cost more computer time,
but the costly need for readiness can be avoided.
A topic requiring further research is the routing of sediment through entire
catchments. Although useful in this respect, grid-based models are sensitive to grid size and
have some shortcomings in producing correct slope angles and also in routing across grid
borders and in watercourses. On the monitoring side it has been shown that very frequent
sampling is needed to give a satisfactory description of the sedigraph through time. Although
transmissometers might overcome some of the problems, they are very sensitive to changes in
grain size, and frequent calibration is necessary. Consequently, there is certainly a need for
new instrumentation and models for measuring or predicting sediment load. Co-operation
between modeller and field worker should prove useful in this respect.

Acknowledgements The research described in this chapter is sponsored by the NPo-
Project, by EC within the STEP programme, the NORPHOS programme and the Danish
strategic environmental programme, STM.


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Using 137Cs measurements to test distributed
soil erosion and sediment delivery models

D. E. Walling, Q. He
Department of Geography, University of Exeter,
Exeter, EX4 4RJ, UK

Recent advances in the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Digital Elevation
Models (DEMs) have promoted the development and application of spatially distributed
models of soil erosion and sediment delivery at the catchment scale. (e.g. Lane and Nearing,
1989; Morgan et al., 1992; Moore et al., 1993; Ferro and Minacapilli, 1995; De Roo et al.,
1996; Ferro, 1997; De Roo, 1998; Young et al., 1987, 1989; Wicks and Bathurst, 1996; Zhang
et al., 1996; Bouraoui et al., 1997; Kothyari and Jain, 1997; Watson et al., 1998; Parson et al.,
1998; Pitts et al., 1999; Choi and Blood, 1999; Perrone and Madramootoo, 1999). Use of a
distributed approach permits both the spatial heterogeneity of catchment land use, soil
properties and topography and the spatial variability and interaction of erosion and sediment
delivery processes to be represented, and can therefore provide spatially distributed
predictions of soil erosion and sediment redistribution for complex three-dimensional terrain
(e.g. Moore et al., 1993; Kothyari and Jain, 1997; De Roo, 1998; Parson et al., 1998).
An important limitation of these developments has, however, been the lack of data for
model validation and, more particularly, for validating the spatial pattern of sediment
redistribution within a catchment predicted by the model. Validation of such distributed
models has commonly been restricted to comparison of measured and predicted catchment
outputs, as represented by storm hydrographs and associated sedigraphs and both event and
longer-term sediment yields. Close agreement of modelled and measured outputs will afford
some degree of validation, but it cannot provide conclusive validation of the internal
functioning of the models and thus of the predicted erosion and deposition rates. Close
correspondence between observed and predicted outputs could still be obtained in situations
where both the magnitude and the pattern of erosion and deposition rates within the
catchment predicted by the models differed substantially from the actual values. For example,
over-estimated erosion rates or the occurrence of erosion over a larger area than existing in
reality could be balanced by over-estimation of the deposition rates or the area experiencing
deposition. Equally, under-estimated erosion rates or under-prediction of the area
experiencing erosion could be balanced by under-estimation of the deposition rates or the area

experiencing deposition. Spatially distributed information on erosion soil redistribution rates
is an essential requirement for rigorous testing of existing distributed erosion and sediment
yield models. Furthermore, future refinement and development of distributed erosion and
sediment delivery models will depend heavily on the availability of a means of validating both
the magnitude and the spatial patterns of erosion and sediment deposition rates predicted by
the models. The use of fallout 137Cs measurements to quantify soil redistribution at the
catchment scale affords one means of assembling spatially distributed information on longer-
term rates of soil redistribution within a catchment that could be used to meet this need.
Caesium-137 (Cs-137 or 137Cs) is a man-made radionuclide (half-life 30.2 years) that
was introduced into the environment primarily by the atmospheric testing of thermonuclear
weapons during the period between the mid 1950s and the early 1970s. On reaching the
ground surface, the resulting 137Cs fallout was strongly adsorbed by soils and sediments and
its subsequent redistribution within the landscape was primarily associated with the
redistribution of soil and sediment particles through physical processes, such as water-
induced soil erosion. Deviation of the current spatial pattern of 137Cs inventories within a
catchment from that associated with the original fallout input will therefore directly reflect the
redistribution of soil and sediment particles within the catchment during the period between
the fallout input and the time of collection of soil cores for 137Cs analysis. The potential for
using 137Cs measurements in soil erosion and sediment budget investigations has attracted
increasing attention in recent years (cf. Ritchie and McHenry, 1990; IAEA, 1998; Walling
and Quine, 1990, 1992, 1995; Walling, 1998; Walling and He, 1999). Studies undertaken in a
wide range of environments in many different areas of the world have demonstrated that 137Cs
measurements afford a valuable means of estimating medium-term rates of soil loss and
sediment deposition, that has many advantages over conventional monitoring techniques.
These advantages include the potential for deriving retrospective estimates of erosion and
deposition rates based on a single site visit and for assembling distributed information for
individual points in the landscape that can be used to study spatial patterns of soil
redistribution (cf. Walling, 1998; Walling and He, 1999)
The potential for using soil 137Cs data to calibrate and validate distributed soil erosion
and sediment delivery models has been recognised by several workers in recent years (e.g. De
Roo and Walling, 1994; Chappell, 1996; Govers et al., 1996; Ferro, 1997; He and Walling,
1998; Walling and He, 1998), but exploitation of this potential has to date been limited. This
contribution presents some preliminary results from a study undertaken in a small
agricultural catchment near Crediton, Devon, UK, aimed at using 137 Cs measurements to
test and validate four distributed models, including, a topography-based sediment delivery
model, a topography-driven soil erosion model, and the AGNPS and ANSWERS models.
Two approaches have been employed. The first involves using the 137Cs measurements to
obtain spatially distributed estimates of soil redistribution rates within the catchment that can
be used alongside measurements of catchment output for model validation, whilst the second
involves coupling an erosion and sediment redistribution model with a model of 137Cs
redistribution and testing the ability of that model to reproduce the measured pattern of 137Cs

Study site and data acquisition
Site description

The study focused on the small (0.52 km2) Keymelford catchment located near Crediton in
Devon, UK. The topography of the catchment is depicted in Figure 1. The catchment soils
are typical loamy and gravelly brown earths developed on Permian breccias and
conglomerates (Crediton series). Cultivated land accounts for ca. 64% of the catchment, and
the remaining area is under permanent pasture. The main crops are maize and winter barley.
The catchment comprises a single valley, drained by a small first order tributary, and has a
mean slope of ca. 14%. The mean annual precipitation over the catchment is ca. 800 mm, and
most storm runoff events occur during the winter season, which extends from November to
February. Fields used for growing maize are commonly left bare during the winter and these
frequently experience significant soil loss.

Fig. 1 A DEM of the Keymelford catchment


From late 1996, a rain gauge was installed within the catchment to collect the precipitation
data which are required as input to the AGNPS and ANSWERS models. To measure the
runoff and sediment output associated with individual storm events, water level and turbidity
sensors coupled to a data logger and two EPIC automatic samplers were installed at the
catchment outlet. The automatic samplers were programmed to collect individual water
samples at regular 8 hourly intervals and at 15 minute intervals during storm events.
Measurements of suspended sediment concentration undertaken on these samples were used
to calibrate the turbidity sensor and the resulting continuous record of suspended sediment

concentration was used in conjunction with the record of water discharge to calculate the
suspended sediment output from the catchment associated with individual storm events and
the overall study period.

Collection of sediment and soil samples

Suspended sediment samples were collected from the main stream during storm events.
Analysis of these samples provided information on the 137Cs content and grain size
composition of mobilised sediment, which is needed when converting the values of 137Cs
inventory obtained for soil cores collected from the catchments to estimates of soil
redistribution rates.
To document the spatial pattern of soil redistribution within the study catchment and
the longer-term soil loss from the catchment and the associated sediment delivery ratio, soil
samples were collected from both cultivated and pasture fields within the catchment for 137Cs
analysis. The soil sampling programme involved both slope transects and detailed grid-based
coring in selected fields. Soil cores were collected using a motorised percussion corer equipped
with a 6.9 cm diameter core tube. The corer penetrated to a depth of ca. 60 cm and a small
sample was collected from the base of each core for subsequent radionuclide assay, in order to
ensure that the core had penetrated to the full depth of the 137Cs profile. Samples of surface
soil were also collected immediately adjacent to the coring points for analysis of grain size
composition. The local 137Cs reference inventory was established by collecting a series of bulk
cores from stable non-eroding areas in the pasture fields. For the slope transects, soil cores
were collected from representative slope profiles in the fields at a spacing of 12 m. Only
transects were used for sampling pasture fields. In the case of a ploughed field at Higher
Walton Farm, more detailed sampling was undertaken. Bulk soil cores were collected at the
intersections of a 20 m grid, and additional cores were collected from areas characterised by
marked topographic change, in order to increase the representativeness of the sampling. A
detailed topographic survey of both coring locations and the entire field was undertaken in
parallel with the coring programme, using an electronic theodolite. These survey data were
used to create a DEM of the field for use in subsequent data analysis and modelling.

Sample analysis

All soil cores and the samples of suspended sediment recovered from water samples collected
during storm events were air-dried, ground and homogenised prior to measurement of their
Cs content by gamma-spectrometry. The measurements were undertaken using high
resolution coaxial HPGe detectors. Cs-137 concentrations were obtained by measuring the
activity at 662 keV. Count times were typically ca.10 hours and produced values of 137Cs
activity with a precision of ca. 10% at the 95% level of confidence. Measurements of the
absolute grain size composition of samples of surface soil and suspended sediment were
undertaken using sieves and laser diffraction equipment, after appropriate chemical pre-
treatment, including removal of the organic fraction and chemical dispersion.

Collection of other data required by the AGNPS and ANSWERS models

For both the AGNPS and the ANSWERS models the catchment to which the model is
applied is subdivided into square cells and values for various parameters are assigned to each
individual cell. Surface runoff and sediment mobilisation for individual storm events are
simulated for each cell and routed to the basin outlet. A spatially distributed pattern of runoff
and sediment generation and transfer is therefore obtained. The present study focused on
testing and validating the sediment generation and routing components of the two models.
Since detailed calibration of the two models for the study area was beyond the scope of the
study and emphasis was placed on testing the consistency between the model-simulated and
the observed data, values for some of the model parameters, such as the SCS Curve Number,
the Manning coefficient, the K, C, and P factors from the USLE, the surface condition
constant, total porosity, field capacity, antecedent soil moisture, were estimated using the
guidelines suggested in the manuals for the models and the methods recommended by
Wischmeier and Smith (1978).
The topographic data required for the study catchment by the AGNPS and ANSWERS
models were obtained from the Ordnance Survey, in DTM format at a resolution of 10 m,
both latitudinally and longitudinally. These data were used to generate topographic attributes
including slope, slope curvature, flow direction and length, for each individual cell using the
cell-based modelling tool provided by ARC/INFO GIS.

Documenting the spatial pattern of soil redistribution rates using 137Cs

For the field at Higher Walton Farm, where detailed 137Cs sampling was undertaken, a DEM
of the field was created from the surveyed elevation data using the cell-based modelling tool of
the ARC/INFO GIS. This involved discretization of the study area into 8m8m grid cells and
application of the SPLINE surface interpolation method to the elevation data. The height data
were expressed relative to an arbitrary datum. Figure 2 presents the DEM for the part of the
field that represents a small single-outlet mico-catchment. A catchment unit is required by the

AGNPS and ANSWERS models and this area was used for testing all four distributed models.
Figure 3A depicts the interpolated distribution of 137Cs inventories within the field based on
the measurements undertaken on the bulk soil cores. Significant spatial variability exists in
these inventory values. Areas with reduced 137Cs inventories are found along the ridge top and
valley side, whilst areas located in depressions along the valley bottom are characterised by
higher 137Cs inventories. The average 137Cs inventory for the field is ca. 2257 Bq m-2.

Fig. 3 The spatial distribution of 137Cs inventories (A) within the study area at Higher Walton
Farm and the soil redistribution rates (B) derived from the 137Cs data using a mass balance

The estimated local 137Cs inventory was estimated to be ca. 2500 Bq m-2 at the time of
sampling, indicating that ca. 10% of the direct atmospheric 137Cs input had been lost from the
field as a result of soil loss associated with erosion.
A number of approaches have been employed to convert 137Cs measurements into
quantitative estimates of erosion and deposition rates for cultivated soils (cf. Walling and
Quine, 1990; Walling and He, 1997, 1999). These existing methods include both empirical
relationships and theoretical models and accounting procedures. Of these approaches, use of a
mass balance model is arguably the most reliable, and in this study the mass balance model
described by Walling and He (1997, 1999) has been employed to estimate the soil
redistribution rates from the 137Cs inventories obtained for the sampling points in the study
field. This model provides a more realistic representation of the fate of 137Cs in cultivated soil
than many other mass balance algorithms, since it takes account of the fate of freshly
deposited fallout, before its incorporation into the plough layer by cultivation. The resulting
spatial distribution of soil redistribution rates within the study field is illustrated in Figure
3B. The mean erosion rate for the eroding areas was estimated to be 0.62 kg m-2 year-1 (or 6.2
t ha-1 year-1), and the mean deposition rate for depositional areas was 0.74 kg m-2 year-1 (or
7.4 t ha-1 year-1). A sediment delivery ratio of 0.66 was estimated for the micro-catchment.
The same approach was applied for the fields where cores had been collected from
representative transects. The soil redistributon rates estimated for the transects were assumed
to reflect those of the individual fields. Based on the soil redistribution rates estimated from
both the transects and the detailed grid-based coring, the overall sediment delivery ratio for
the Keymelford catchment (Figure 1) was estimated to be 0.54.
The data presented in Figure 3B afford one basis for validating existing soil erosion and
sediment delivery models, by assessing their ability to replicate both the magnitude and the
pattern of the erosion and deposition rates. It is, however, important to recognise that the
estimates of erosion and deposition rates derived for the mico-catchment from the 137Cs
inventories represent longer-term averages (i.e. ca. 40 years) and that any model being tested
would need to be run for a long period or with synthetic input data that were representative
of the longer-term. Furthermore, the estimates of soil redistribution rates derived from 137Cs
measurements are themselves dependent on the conversion model used. Use of the spatial
pattern of 137Cs inventories shown in Figure 3A therefore arguably offers a better basis for
model validation, if the erosion and soil redistribution model can be coupled with a model of
Cs redistribution.

The distributed soil erosion and sediment delivery models

The four distributed erosion and sediment delivery models tested using the Cs
measurements undertaken within the study catchment are outlined below.

A topography-based sediment delivery model

Spatial variability of both soil erosion and sediment transfer will occur at the catchment scale,
due to interaction between soil erosion and sediment transport processes and the catchment
topography and the spatial variability of soil properties and other catchment characteristics.
A proportion of the eroded sediment will be transported to the catchment outlet, while a
proportion may be deposited within the catchment. Recently, Ferro and Minacapilli (1995)

have developed a spatially distributed sediment delivery model for small catchments. In this
model, a basin is divided into morphological units and the mean annual sediment delivery ratio
Di for the ith unit is related to its hydraulic path to the catchment outlet:

t p ,i
(i, j / Si , j )
Di = e =e j =1

where is a constant, tp,i is the travel time of sediment to the basin outlet from the unit and
i,j and si,j are the length and slope of the jth morphological unit (with total number Ni) located
along the hydraulic path. Ferro and Minacapilli (1995) tested several soil loss models in a
number of basins in Italy, and found that the basin sediment delivery ratio Db can be
expressed as:

Np Np

Db = e Ai / Ai =e 1000 b
t p ,i
i =1 i =1

where Ai is the soil loss from the ith unit, and Np is the total number of morphological units.
In Equation (2), b is a constant reflecting the topography of the catchment and is
independent of the soil loss model selected. b is a measure of the efficiency of the basin in
transporting sediment to its outlet. Once the basin sediment delivery Db is known, the
parameter can be determined from Equation (2). Ferro (1997) has validated this model by
comparing the model-predicted sediment yield from each morphological unit within a small
Australian catchment with the 137Cs loss relative to the local reference inventory. Further
work is, however, required to test the validity of the model for other small catchments.
Furthermore, since sediment yield is not necessarily a linear function of the 137Cs loss relative
to the reference inventory, a more rigorous approach to using 137Cs measurements to validate
the model would involve use of the rates and pattern of soil redistribution derived from the
Cs measurements. This approach is adopted here.

A topography-driven soil erosion model incorporating water erosion and tillage

In addition to rainfall erosivity and soil physical and chemical properties, topography can be
expected to exert a primary control on soil erosion and sediment delivery (cf. Moore and
Burch, 1986). Based on work reported by Kirkby et al. (1987), Govers et al. (1996) have
proposed the following topography-driven transport-limited sediment transport function
representing soil redistribution by both water erosion and tillage:

FQ = 1 (sin )m S n + 2 sin (3)

where FQ (kg m-1 year-1) is the sediment flux exported from a unit contour length downslope,
() is the angle of steepest slope, S (m2) is the upslope contributing area, and m and n are
constants. The first term on the right hand side of Equation (3) represents sediment
transported by overland flow and the second term sediment transported by tillage movement.

Values for the constants 1 and 2 will be dependent on the cultivation methods, the rainfall
regime, soil properties and the unit system adopted.

The AGNPS and ANSWERS models

The AGNPS and ANSWERS distributed soil erosion and sediment delivery models have been
widely used in many areas of the world for studying erosion and sediment yield from
agricultural catchments for individual storm events (cf. Beasley et al., 1982; Bouraoui et al.,
1997; Young et al., 1987, 1989; Lenzi and Di Luzio, 1997; Rode and Frede, 1997; Perrone and
Madramootoo, 1999). These models adopt a distributed representation of sediment
mobilisation and transport within a catchment and therefore generate the spatial pattern of
sediment redistribution within the catchment.

Testing the models using 137Cs measurements at the micro-catchment scale

Although the estimates of soil redistribution derived from 137Cs measurements are estimates
of medium-term (i.e. ca. 45 years) rates, the first two models outlined above are commonly
used for modelling erosion and soil redistribution over shorter timescales and the AGNPS and
ANSWERS models are event-based models. It is, however, reasonable to assume that the
basic spatial pattern of soil redistribution rates derived from the 137Cs measurements should
be similar to that for a single storm event or series of events, even though the absolute
magnitude of the values will be different. All four models have therefore been tested in terms
of their ability to reproduce the spatial distribution of either the 137Cs inventories or the
estimates of soil redistribution rates derived from the 137Cs measurements for the micro-
catchment at Higher Walton Farm. Since the modelling routines necessitates complex
calculations involving three-dimensional natural terrain, the powerful GRID modelling tools
provided by ARC/INFO GIS have been used to support the models.

Calibrating and validating the topography-based sediment delivery model

The spatial distribution of sediment delivery ratios within the micro-catchment can be derived
from the data presented in Figure 3, and this can be used to calibrate and test the distributed
sediment delivery model outlined above. Using the approach described by Ferro and
Minacapilli (1995), the sediment transport efficiency b for the study area was estimated to
be ca. 0.092 and using the sediment delivery ratio Db estimated from the information
presented in Figure 3B and Equation (2), was estimated to be 0.002. The spatial pattern of
sediment delivery ratios within the study field was derived from the information presented in
Figure 3B. For each grid cell, the sediment delivery ratio Dsbcs for the sub-basin draining into
the cell was calculated as:

R aR a e d
Dsbcs = e d
R a e

where a is the cell size, e represents cells in eroding zones and d the cells in depositing zones,
and Re and Rd are the interpolated 137Cs-based estimates of the erosion and deposition rates
for eroding and depositing cells respectively. The resulting spatial distribution of Dsbcs within
the study area is presented in Figure 4. The sediment delivery ratios are highest on the side

Fig. 4 The spatial distribution of the Cs-derived sediment delivery ratios within the study area
at Higher Walton Farm

slopes and decrease towards the central depression near the slope bottom, reflecting the
sediment transport processes operating within the study area. Areas with low sediment
delivery ratios are also found on the interfluves. To test the distributed sediment delivery
model, the spatial distribution of the model-predicted sediment delivery ratio Dsb is required
for comparison with that derived from the 137Cs data. From equation (2) the sediment
delivery ratio Dsb and the sediment transport efficiency sb for a sub-basin within a catchment
can be calculated as:

N sb N sb
Dsb = e Ai / Ai = e(ln Db / b ) sb
t p ,i
i =1 i =1

where Nsb is the number of morphological units within the sub-basin and sb is the sub-basin
sediment transport efficiency related to its topography. For each sub-basin, the model-

Fig. 5 The spatial distribution of the distributed sediment delivery model-predicted sediment
delivery ratios within the study area (A) at Higher Walton Farm and the relationship between
model-predicted and 137Cs derived sediment delivery ratios (B)

predicted Dsb can be calculated using the same approach as used for calculating Db. The
spatial distribution of the model-predicted Dsb values is shown in Figure 5A. Figure 5B plots
the relationship between the model-predicted and 137Cs-derived sediment delivery ratios for
the individual cells within study area. The general linear relationship between Dsb and Dsbcs
indicates that the distributed sediment delivery model is able to represent the sediment
delivery processes operating within the study area to some degree, and confirms that
topography is one of the key factors influencing sediment mobilisation. However, the poor

correlation between the actual values of the model-predicted and 137Cs-derived sediment
delivery ratios also points to the need for an improved relationship between the sediment
travel time tp,i and the morphological parameters i,j and si,j for each morphological unit. An
improved relationship between model-predicted and 137Cs-derived sediment delivery ratios
could also be obtained by calibrating the parameter and the basin sediment transport
efficiency b, using the spatial distribution of sediment delivery ratios derived from the 137Cs

Calibrating and validating the topography-driven soil erosion model

The magnitude and spatial distribution of contemporary 137Cs inventories within an area will
reflect the cumulative effect of 137Cs redistribution in association with soil and sediment
redistribution, over the period since this radionuclide was introduced into the environment. It
is therefore possible to use information on 137Cs inventories to calibrate and validate soil
erosion and sediment delivery models directly, if such models can be extended to simulate
Cs redistribution as well as soil redistribution. To test the topography-driven soil erosion
model, water erosion and tillage redistribution have been assumed to be the primary processes
controlling the movement of soil particles and 137Cs within the study field and these
processes have been incorporated into a topography-driven soil erosion and sediment delivery
model, which is capable of simulating the magnitude and spatial pattern of contemporary
Cs inventories within the field. By comparing the measured and simulated 137Cs
inventories, it is possible to calibrate this model and to assess its ability to replicate the
measured values and therefore to provide meaningful estimates of soil redistribution rates.
When the values for m, n, 1 and 2 are known, the net soil redistribution rate RNet (kg
m year-1) can be calculated as the gradient of the sediment transport flux. For a point within

a study area, RNet incorporates both tillage and water erosion contributions and can be
expressed as:

RNet = RT RT + RW for a point experiencing water erosion

RNet = RT RT RW for a point experiencing deposition by water

where RT (kg m-2 year-1) is the rate of tillage-induced downslope soil removal from the point
and RT (kg m-2 year-1) is the rate of tillage-induced deposition of soil from upslope areas. In
equation (6), RW (kg m-2 year-1) is the water-induced erosion rate for a point experiencing
erosion by water and RW (kg m-2 year-1) is the water-induced deposition rate for a point
experiencing deposition, respectively.
When the basic soil erosion model has been formulated, the spatial distribution of 137Cs
within the study area can be modelled. The process of soil redistribution by tillage differs
from that by water, in that the former only produces movement of soil particles over a short
distance, while the latter can transport the mobilised sediment over much greater distances.
Sediment export from a field will only be associated with surface runoff. Following Walling
and He (1997, 1999), variation of the 137Cs inventory A(t) (Bq m-2) for a point experiencing
water erosion can be expressed as:

dA(t )
= (1 ) I (t ) + RT CT (t ) RT CT (t ) RW CW (t ) A(t ) (7)

where I(t) (Bq m-2 year-1) is the annual atmospheric 137Cs deposition flux, (year-1) is the
decay constant of 137Cs, CW(t) (Bq kg-1) is the 137Cs concentration in exported sediment by
water, and CT(t) (Bq kg-1) and CT(t) (Bq kg-1) are the concentrations of 137Cs in deposited and
exported sediment respectively. The second and third terms on the right side of Equation (7)
represent the tillage-induced 137Cs input flux from upslope and the output flux to downslope
respectively, and the fourth term represents the water-induced 137Cs output flux.
represents the percentage of the freshly deposited 137Cs fallout removed by water-induced
erosion before being mixed into the plough layer. Because the deposition of 137Cs from the
atmosphere is primarily associated with wet precipitation, a fraction of the annual 137Cs input
may be removed from the soil surface by water erosion associated with surface runoff before
being incorporated into the plough layer by cultivation (cf. Walling and He, 1997, 1999).
For a point experiencing water-induced deposition, variation of the 137Cs inventory A(t)
at a point experiencing deposition by water can be expressed as:

dA(t )
= I (t ) + RT CT (t ) RT CT (t ) + RW CW (t ) A(t ) (8)

where CW(t) (Bq kg-1) is the 137Cs concentration in sediment deposited by water. The fourth
term on the right side of equation (9) represents the water-induced 137Cs input flux.
If it is assumed that the 137Cs contained within the plough layer is uniformly distributed
within the plough depth D (kg m-2), the 137Cs concentration Cs(t) (Bq kg-1) of soil within the
plough layer can be expressed as:

A(t ) for a net erosion point

Cs (t ) = 1 RNet t 1 (9)
A(t' )e dt' ]
t '
[ A(t ) for a net deposition point
D D 0

For tillage erosion, the 137Cs concentration in the deposited or exported sediment at a specific
point may be assumed to be the same as that for the soil within the plough layer. However,
for a point experiencing water erosion, the removal of the 137Cs essentially comprises two
components, the first of which is associated with the removal of the freshly deposited 137Cs,
and the second is associated with erosion of the accumulated 137Cs stored in the soil. For a
point experiencing water-induced deposition, the 137Cs content of the deposited sediment will
reflect the combination of sediment and its associated 137Cs mobilised from all the eroding
areas that contribute to the aggrading point, and can be estimated from the erosion rates and
the 137Cs concentrations of the sediment mobilised from the upslope eroding area Se (m2). The
Cs concentration of mobilised sediment can therefore be expressed as follows:

CT (t ) = CT (t ) = Cs (t )
I (t )
CW (t ) = P[Cs (t ) + ] (10)

P R W CW (t )dSe
CW (t ) =

W dSe

where P is the particle size correction factor associated with mobilised sediment, and P is the
particle size correction factor associated with deposited sediment (cf. Walling and He, 1997,
1999). The introduction of P and P takes into account of the effect on the 137Cs content of
sediment of the grain size selectivity in erosion and deposition processes.
The algorithms for modelling the spatial distribution of 137Cs inventories described
above and the 137Cs inventory data collected from the cultivated field at Higher Walton Farm
have been used to calibrate the sediment transport model outlined previously using a GIS cell-
based modelling technique. When a study area is divided into cells and the mobilised sediment
is assumed to move down the slope gradient (or flow direction, defined as the direction of
steepest slope), the sediment transport equation presented as equation (1) can be used to
establish a cell-based soil redistribution model: the difference between the amount of sediment
exported from a cell QOut (kg year-1) and the amount of sediment transported into the cell
from the neighbouring cells QIn (kg year-1) will reflect the net soil loss or gain for the cell. The
net soil redistribution rate RNet can be calculated as:

RNet = (QOut QIn ) / a (11)

where a (m2) is the area of the cell. A positive value of RNet implies net soil erosion and a
negative value deposition. Values for the two exponents m and n can be derived
experimentally (cf. Desmet & Govers, 1995). To evaluate the optimum values for the two
constants 1 and 2 in equation (1), the predicted 137Cs inventory AP (Bq m-2) for each cell
can be linearly related to the measured 137Cs inventory AM (Bq m-2) for the same cell, with the
slope gradient 3 equal to 1.0:

AP = 3 AM (12)

The topographic attributes such as slope angle, flow direction and contributing area
used to calculate soil redistribution rates were derived from the DEM of the study area using
ARC/INFO GIS. Values for m and n were set at 1.2 and 1.4 respectively, based on values
reported by other workers (cf. Moore et al., 1993; Desmet and Govers, 1995; Govers et al.,
1994, 1996). It has been assumed that the topographic change at the study site over the past
40 years has been insignificant and that erosion and deposition rates have been essentially
constant through time. Different values for 1 and 2 were input into the topography-driven
erosion model and values for RNet, RT, RT, RW and RW were then calculated. The calculated soil
redistribution rates were then input into the model describing the redistribution of 137Cs
within the field, and the model was run to simulate the spatial distribution of 137Cs
inventories. Values of other parameters required by the model were estimated based on
information on local soil and rainfall conditions, and the temporal variation of the atmospheric
Cs fallout flux was assumed to be the same as that for Milford Haven, UK (cf. Cambray et
al., 1989), with the magnitude adjusted according to the estimated local reference inventory.
Values of 137Cs inventory were extracted from the simulated spatial distribution of 137Cs
inventories for those cells with the same co-ordinates as the sampled soil cores and compared
with the measured 137Cs inventories. The value of 3 was estimated according to Equation
(12) and the values of 1 and 2 producing a value of 3 closest to 1.0 were taken to be the
optimum values.

Fig. 6 The spatial distribution of 137Cs inventories (A) and soil redistribution rates (B) predicted
by the topography-driven erosion model at Higher Walton Farm and the relationships between
model-predicted and measured 137Cs inventories (C) for the sampling points in the study area
(the smooth line is the theoretical line from equation (12)) and the model-predicted 137Cs
inventories and soil redistribution rates for the study area (D)

Figures 6A and 6B present the spatial patterns of 137Cs inventories and soil
redistribution rates within the study area predicted by the calibrated model and Figure 6C
depicts the relationship between the measured and model-predicted 137Cs inventories (with
optimum values of 1.9 for 1 and 210 for 2 , with r2=0.35). In general, there is a linear
relationship between the predicted and measured 137Cs inventories, confirming the general
validity of this distributed sediment transport model. Figure 6D shows the relationship
between the predicted 137Cs inventory and soil redistribution rate for the study area. This
differs from that associated with the conventional conversion models used to estimate soil
redistribution rates from 137Cs measurements, in that the 137Cs inventory is a multiple value
function of the erosion rate for the model presented here, but a single value function for the
conventional conversion models (cf. Walling and Quine, 1990). The relationship illustrated in
Figure 6D reflects the influence of both water erosion and tillage in redistributing soil on
arable land and their relative importance will vary between sampling points. The level of
agreement between the model-predicted and measured 137Cs inventories must be seen as

relatively low, and this may reflect the failure of the present model to represent fully the
processes of soil and 137Cs redistribution operating at the study site. Some inaccuracies may
also be associated with the DEM of the study area derived from the surveyed elevation data
using a GIS. Extension of this analysis to include use of data for two study areas characterised
by similar soil and land use, with the 137Cs inventory data from one area being used to
calibrate the model and that from the other area being used to validate the predicted 137Cs
inventories, would increase its rigour.

Testing the AGNPS and ANSWERS models

To apply the AGNPS and ANSWERS models to the micro-catchment, values of the
parameters needed for the grid cells were assigned, and the data were arranged in the format
required by the models using a FORTRAN program written by the authors. The AGNPS
(version 5.00) and ANSWERS (version 4.880215) models were run for an hypothetical
rainfall event with a total precipitation of 18 mm fallen within 3.5 hours, which represents a
large rainfall event for the study sites. Another FORTRAN programme was written to
calculate cell erosion and sediment yield and the basin sediment delivery ratios from the model
outputs and to produce the data in the format required by ARC/INFO for further data
display and analysis. In view of the difficulty of directly comparing the soil redistribution
rates for the single event predicted by the models with the estimates of longer-term mean
annual rates derived from the 137Cs measurements, emphasis has been placed on validating the
spatial patterns of soil redistribution simulated by the models rather than the magnitude of
the predicted erosion rates.
Figures 7A and 7B illustrate the spatial distribution of soil erosion rates simulated from
the two models. Significant differences exist between the spatial patterns predicted by the
models. The AGNPS model predicts higher soil erosion rates in the convex midslope areas,
lower erosion rates in areas along the top of the slopes and soil deposition in concave areas at
the foot of the slopes. There is a reasonable degree of similarity between the pattern of soil
redistribution simulated by the AGNPS model and that provided by the 137Cs measurements
(Figure 3B). In contrast, the pattern of soil redistribution predicted by the ANSWERS model
is characterised by lower erosion rates along the field boundaries and an increase in the erosion
rates towards the field outlet. The ANSWERS model-simulated results show almost no
sediment deposition within the field and the predicted sediment delivery ratio is nearly 1.0.
This value is substantially higher than that of 0.59 predicted by the AGNPS model. The
sediment delivery ratio predicted by the AGNPS model is much closer to the value of 0.66
estimated from the 137Cs measurements than that predicted by the ANSWERS model. Figures
7C and 7D further compare the soil redistribution rates simulated by the two models with the
soil redistribution rates estimated from the 137Cs measurements. It is clear from Figure 7D,
that there is essentially no agreement between the ANSWERS-simulated soil redistribution
rates and the 137Cs derived values. However, a clear linear correlation between the AGNPS-
simulated soil redistribution rates and the 137Cs-estimated soil redistribution rates exists.
Figure 7 therefore indicates that, the AGNPS model provides a better representation of the
soil erosion and sediment delivery processes operating within the micro-catchment than the
ANSWERS models. For example, although both models predict some soil deposition along
the bottom of the main valley, the pattern of soil redistribution on the slopes is very
different. The AGNPS model predicts soil deposition in the concave areas on the valley sides,
whereas the ANSWERS predicts increased erosion in those areas.

Fig. 7 The AGNPS and ANSWERS predicted soil redistribution rates (A and B) within the study
area at Higher Walton Farm for the hypothetical rainfall events and the relationship between the
model-predicted and 137Cs-estimated soil redistribution rates (C and D)

Testing the AGNPS and ANSWERS models at the catchment scale

A further test of the AGNPS and ANSWERS models was undertaken at the catchment scale
by comparing the basin sediment delivery ratio predicted for the entire Keymelford catchment
by the models with those estimated from the 137Cs measurements.

Fig. 8 Spatial pattern of cumulative soil redistribution within the Keymelford catchment
simulated by the AGNPS (A) and ANSWERS (B) models for a series of storm events

Use of 137Cs-derived basin sediment delivery ratios

To comply with the total number of cells that the models can process and to maintain the
same cell size for both models, the 10 m grid DTM data obtained for the catchment from the
Ordnance Survey were re-sampled to 20 m using the ARC/INFO RESAMPLE tool. This
provided a total of 1291 cells for the catchment. The two models were run for a series of
observed rainfall events to simulate the soil redistribution and the basin sediment delivery
ratios were estimated for each storm. Figure 8 depicts the spatial pattern of cumulative

sediment redistribution associated with these events. Mean basin sediment delivery ratios for
the storms predicted by the AGNPS and ANSWERS models were 0.37 and 0.91 respectively.
The basin sediment delivery ratio predicted by the AGNPS model is considerably closer to
the 137Cs-estimated basin sediment delivery ratio of 0.54 than that predicted by the
ANSWERS model. These results again suggest that the AGNPS model provides a better
representation of erosion and sediment redistribution processes in the study area than the
ANSWERS model.

The spatial heterogeneity of soil properties and basin topography and their interaction with
soil erosion and sediment transport processes necessitate the use of spatially distributed
approaches to modelling erosion and sediment delivery processes at the catchment scale.
Distributed soil erosion and sediment delivery models, such as AGNPS, ANSWERS and
WEPP, are being widely used for predicting sediment mobilisation and delivery within
agricultural catchments. Traditionally, calibration and validation of such models has been
based on comparisons of model predicted and observed catchment outputs (e.g. runoff and
sediment yields). Close agreement between model-predicted and measured outputs will afford
some degree of validation, but it cannot provide conclusive validation of the magnitude and
spatial distribution of soil redistribution rates within the catchment predicted by the model.
Since the importance of spatially distributed modelling lies with its ability to provide
spatially distributed information on soil loss and sediment transport which can be used for
planning soil conservation and management strategies, validation of the spatial pattern of soil
redistribution predicted by a model must be seen as an important requirement. There is,
however, a general lack of distributed data on soil redistribution rates for use in such
validation. The results presented in this contribution demonstrate that the information on soil
redistribution rates provided by 137Cs measurements can provide a basis for such model
validation. The level of agreement between the 137Cs-estimated and model-simulated results
can be used to examine the performance of distributed models and therefore their
representation of the soil redistribution processes. Although the results presented here are
preliminary, the use of the information provided by 137Cs measurements to validate spatially
distributed models must be seen as representing an important advance in the testing and
further development of such models.

Acknowledgement The work reported in this contribution was supported by a research

grant from the UK Natural Environment Research Council (GR3/10293). The authors
gratefully acknowledge this support, the generosity of local landowners in permitting access
to the study area and the collection of soil samples for 137Cs analysis, and the assistance of
Mr Phil Whelan with hydrological monitoring in the study catchment. The study represents a
contribution to the IAEA Coordinated Research Programme D1.50.5 through Technical
Contract 9562/R2.


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