Turner Hypoplasia

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A Case study of a Rare Case of Turners Hypoplasia and Unilaterally Fused Deciduous and Permanent Lateral Incisor

Caused By Trauma Verma, Leena

A Case study of a Rare Case of Turners Hypoplasia and

Unilaterally Fused Deciduous and Permanent Lateral Incisor Caused
By Trauma
Verma, Leena
Sr. Asst. Prof., Dr. H.S. Judge Institute of Dental College, Punjab University, Chandigarh


Orofacial trauma is a serious orodental and general health problem that may have medical, esthetic
and psychological consequences for children and their parents. When the root of the primary tooth is
close to the unerupted permanent tooth, primary tooth trauma may result in developmental
disturbances and pulpal reaction in that permanent tooth. We report an unusual case of an 8 year old
girl who met with trauma at 15 months of age in which injury to the primary dentition resulted in
developmental disturbances in the crown of the permanent tooth and fusion between permanent and
deciduous tooth. Localized malformation of the crown and enamel hypoplasia was treated with a light-
cured composite resin restoration. The treatment of fused permanent and deciduous incisor is also

Keywords: Enamel Hypoplasia, Fusion, Tooth Trauma

Introduction (Andreasen & Andreasen, 1994). The
Hypoplasia is defined as a developmental defects of the
quantitative defect of enamel visually permanent successor tooth range from
and is histomorphologically identified mild alteration in enamel mineralization
as an external defect involving the in form of simple white or yellow
surface of the enamel and associated brown discoloration to crown
with reduced thickness of enamel dilaceration, crown duplication, root
(Ozturk et al, 2004).Turner's dilaceration, root duplication,
hypoplasia usually manifests as a odontome like malformation, disturbed
portion of missing or diminished eruption, partial or complete arrest of
enamel, generally affecting one or root formation to severe sequestration
more permanent teeth in the oral of the developing tooth germ
cavity. If it involves anterior teeth, (Andreasen & Andreasen, 1994,
most likely cause is traumatic injuries Shafer, 2007). Hypoplasia was
leading to primary incisors being categorized into the following types by
knocked out or driven into the alveolus Silberman et al (2010)
affecting the permanent tooth bud. The Type I hypoplasia: Enamel
affect of trauma are more pronounced discoloration, Type II hypoplasia
if it occurs prior to third year of life. (Abnormal coalescence), Type III
The topographic relationship of the hypoplasia (Some parts of enamel
primary teeth to the permanent tooth missing due to hypoplasia) & Type IV
germ explains the potential for possible hypoplasia: A combination of previous
developmental disturbances three types of hypoplasia. According
Journal of Exercise Science and Physiotherapy, Vol. 9, No. 1: 69-73, 2013

to them
both dentitions could be affected by
enamel hypoplasia; however, the
incidence is more severe in permanent
dentition. The characteristics of clinical
enamel hypoplasia include unfavorable Fig. 2

esthetics, higher dentin sensitivity, The incisal aspect of the turner

malocclusion and dental caries hypoplstic tooth showed a portion of
susceptibility (White & Pharaoh, missing or diminished enamel and the
2006). The treatment challenge in this fused deciduous and permanent lateral
type of injury is to promote a complete incisor showed an extra cusp on the labial
oral rehabilitation in both esthetics and surface and talons cusp palatally (Figure
function. 2).
A case report of a 8-year-old female The maxillary central incisor
patient with chief complaint of anterior (hypoplastic tooth) was not tender on
malformed teeth and abnormally large percussion and no caries was detected
teeth in upper left maxillary region clinically. Patient had a history of trauma
following a traumatic injury while playing at the age of 15 months, followed by
is presented below. avulsion of left central incisor and
CASE REPORT intrusion of left lateral incisor. Her
medical history was irrelevant with his
condition. Intraoral Periapical Radiograph
(IOPA) showed fusion of permanent left
lateral incisor with deciduous left lateral
incisor and diminished or missing enamel
on left central incisor. (Figure 3)
Fig. 1.

An 8-year-old female patient reported

to the Department of Pedodontics and
Preventive Dentistry with chief complaint
of anterior malformed teeth and
abnormally large teeth in upper left
maxillary region. On clinical examination,
the maxillary left central incisor showed
yellowish brown discoloration with type
IV enamel hypoplasia (enamel
discoloration, abnormal coalescence, some
parts of enamel missing) and left Fig. 3

permanent lateral incisor was fused with The fused teeth <22-62> had an
deciduous lateral incisor (Figure 1). irregular labial and lingual surface with an
incisal ditch with a labial groove. Both the
A Case study of a Rare Case of Turners Hypoplasia and Unilaterally Fused Deciduous and Permanent Lateral Incisor
Caused By Trauma Verma, Leena

fused teeth were also caries free. The

periapical radiograph exhibited that only
the crowns of <22-62> were fused with
non union of their pulp chambers and root
canals.The pulp chamber of deciduous
lateral incisor was resorbed and there was
fusion of enamel only with permanent
lateral incisor. Occlusal view revealed Fig. 6
abberant morphology of permanent left A multidisciplinary approach was
lateral incisor and also the presence of adopted for the management of the case.
irregular surface of left central incisor Esthetic treatment with palatal contouring
(Figure-4). and light cure composite restoration was
performed on left central incisor.
Composite build up was done for the
proper shape of the teeth. Since the fusion
of deciduous and permanent teeth was of
only crown, therefore selective grinding of
the resorbed crown of deciduous lateral
incisor was done to give proper shape to
Fig. 4 permanent lateral incisor and keep the
patient on regular follow up.(Figure 6)
Orthopantomogram confirmed the
presence of fusion in deciduous and Discussion
permanent left lateral incisor and turner Hypoplasia is a disturbance that
hypoplasia in left central incisor along occurs at the time when teeth are
with normal set of complementary teeth developing and is associated with
(Figure-5). macroscopic enamel defects. Traumatic
injuries to the primary dentition are very
common, affecting from 4-30% of all
children (Velasco, et al, 1997). If a
traumatic injury occurs to a deciduous
tooth during the period when the crown of
the succeeding permanent tooth is being
formed, there occurs disturbance in the
ameloblastic layer of the permanent tooth
and result in a hypoplastic tooth. The
effect of trauma is more pronounced if it
occurs prior to third year of life. This was
Fig. 5 first discovered by Turner in 1912.These
single teeth are called Turners teeth and
the condition is called Turners
Hypoplasia. Diana Ribeiro et al (2009)

Journal of Exercise Science and Physiotherapy, Vol. 9, No. 1: 69-73, 2013

reported from their longitudinal study of 8 always appears to be joined in some region
years that discolorations of enamel and/or with separate pulp chambers and canals.
enamel hypoplasia (46.08%) were the In the rare case report we reported
most prevalent sequelae on permanent here, the patient had a history of trauma in
dentition due to traumatic injury. 7 their deciduous dentition below the age of
Tooth fusion is defined as union 3 years and had type-IV enamel
between the dentin and/ or enamel of two hypoplasia (enamel discoloration,
or more separate developing teeth.1,2 The abnormal coalescence, some parts of
fusion may be partial or total depending enamel missing) along with fusion of
upon the stage of tooth development at the deciduous left lateral incisor and
time of union . If the contact occurs before permanent left lateral incisor. The brown
the calcification stage, the teeth unite discoloration occurs due to disturbances in
completely and form one large tooth. ameloblastic layer, leading to defective
Incomplete fusion may be at root level if matrix formation caused by traumatic
the contact and union occurs after injuries, but the stretched inner enamel
formation of crown. Fusion can occur at epithelium continues to induce the
the level of enamel or enamel and dentin, differentiation of new odontoblasts and
which results in the formation of one hence the dentine formation is not
clinically enlarged crown. Fused teeth can disrupted. The fusion between deciduous
have separated pulpal space, one pulp lateral and permanent lateral incisor also
chamber and two canals or take the form occurred due to traumatic injury in the
of a large bifid crown with one pulpal deciduous dentition which had led to
space. Etiology of fusion is not fully fusion between the two teeth.
explained. Some authors state that it is a Thus, this a rare case report in
result of physical forces that lead to the which following trauma to deciduous
necrosis of epithelial tissue between the dentition, there occurs fusion between
two joining buds, they come into contact deciduous lateral and permanent lateral
and fuse.5, 6 .According to other authors, incisor and turners hypoplasia in
fusion is a result of the persistence of the permanent central incisor. This is a rare
interdental lamina between the two buds occurrence not yet reported so far.
during embryological development. Fusion Conclusion: An injury to a young childs
may be unilateral or bilateral and most teeth can be physically and emotionally
commonly occurs in primary teeth with traumatic. The dentist must take time to
more predilection for anterior teeth. 7 carefully examine and analyze not only the
Fusion may occur between two normal damage itself, but also the possibilities of
teeth or between a normal tooth and a sequelae to the permanent tooth germ and
supernumerary tooth. Clinically fused the overall health of the child. For this
anterior teeth frequently have a groove or reason, treatment of trauma in primary
notch on the incisal edge that goes in dentition must include long-term follow-up
buccolingual direction and of sequelae in the permanent dentition.The
radiographically, the dentin of fused teeth case we report here stresses the
importance of traumatic injuries to

A Case study of a Rare Case of Turners Hypoplasia and Unilaterally Fused Deciduous and Permanent Lateral Incisor
Caused By Trauma Verma, Leena

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on the permanent tooth germ. radiologyth Principles and Interpretation 5th
edition page: 345-346. Publisher: Elsevier
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