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Best Practice

SABP-A-060 18 January 2016

Steam Systems Operational Energy Efficiency
Document Responsibility: Energy Systems Optimization Standards Committee

Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 INTENDED USERS ....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 REFERENCES AND RELATED DOCUMENTS......................................................................................................... 3

2 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................................................. 3

3 CHP SYSTEMS THERMAL EFFICIENCY .............................................................................................................. 4

4 GENERAL STEAM SYSTEMS ENERGY ENHANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES ........................................................... 5

5 KEY ENERGY RELATED BEST PRACTICES IN STEAM SYSTEMS OPERATION ...................................................... 6

5.1 MINIMIZING EXCESS STEAM......................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 MAXIMIZING COGENERATION UNITS OPERATION ............................................................................................. 7
5.3 BOILER LOAD MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 7

6 DEPLOYMENT OF THE CHP SYSTEMS OPERATIONAL MODIFICATIONS ............................................................ 7

7 CHP OPERATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION FLOW-CHART .................................................................................... 8

8. CASE STUDY ................................................................................................................................................. 11

APPENDIX A ......................................................................................................................................................... 20

APPENDIX B ......................................................................................................................................................... 23
I. COMBUSTION EFFICIENCY/FUEL AIR RATIO ............................................................................................ 23
II. FLASH STEAM.............................................................................................................................................. 23
III. CONDENSATE REMOVAL FROM STEAM LINES........................................................................................... 23
IV. OPTIMIZE DEAERATOR VENT RATE .......................................................................................................... 24
V. HIGH PRESSURE CONDENSATE RECEIVING SYSTEMS ............................................................................... 24

Previous Issue: New Next Planned Update: TBD

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Primary contact: Al-Owaidh, Mana Mohammad (owaidhmm) on +966-13-8808094

CopyrightSaudi Aramco 2016. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Energy Systems Optimization Standards Committee SABP-A-060
Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: TBD Steam Systems Operational Energy Efficiency

1 Introduction

Most of the guidance contained in this best practice is not intended to be a comprehensive
technical guide on improving steam systems or called Combined Heat and Power
Systems - CHP, but rather a document that makes users aware of potential performance
improvements, provides some practical guidelines, and directs the user to helpful
resources. A systems approach analyzes the supply and the demand sides of the system
and how they interact, essentially shifting the focus from individual components to total
system performance. The cost-effective operation of CHP systems require attention not
only to the needs of individual pieces of equipment, but also to the system as a whole.
Often, operators are so focused on the immediate demands of the equipment; they
overlook the broader question of how system parameters affect the equipment.

The best practice SABP-A-23 provided an overview of the (CHP) models. Its main
objective is to explain how to develop CHP systems models that can be used to
optimize steam system at operating facilities. However, to capture operational
modifications from the CHP systems we need to have an online advisory and
model/system. Unfortunately, the number and quality and accuracy of the existing
measurements are not sufficient to build such models. Thus, a high level advisory tool
is required to help operating facilities capture key operational changes in the steam
system which is the objective of this best practice.

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of SABP-A-060 is to establish a simplified flow-chart and

procedure to be used by CHP operations to help them improve operating
facilities steam systems. It will help capturing key CHP systems operational
changes at the sites and improve plants energy efficiency.

1.2 Scope

The scope of SABP-A-060 is the provision of recommendations for DCS

operators and operation engineers to capture energy savings opportunities.
This is done via ensure having maximum operation of Cogeneration units,
minimizing excess low pressure steam via the optimum operation of steam
turbines and motors and utilizing Boilers load management.

1.3 Intended Users

This Best Practice is intended for use by the CHP' operation engineers and
plants shift superintendent and plants energy coordinators who are responsible
for efficient operation of their facility.

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Document Responsibility: Energy Systems Optimization Standards Committee SABP-A-060
Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: TBD Steam Systems Operational Energy Efficiency

1.4 References and Related Documents

The requirements contained in the following documents apply to the extent

specified in this best practice.

Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard

SAES-A-502 Combined Heat and Power Systems Optimum

Saudi Aramco Best Practices

SABP-A-002 Load Management for Energy Efficiency for Pumps
and Compressors
SABP-A-007 Steam Trap Management for Energy Efficiency
SABP-A-023 In-House Combined Heat and Power Optimization

International Standard

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASME EA-3-2009 Energy Assessment for Steam Systems

2 General

2.1 Definitions

Best Practice: A process or method that, when correctly executed, leads to

enhanced system performance.

CHP Systems: Is defined as combined heat and power systems. Its basically
composed of the steam systems components of a major oil and gas facility.
The system may involve steam headers, boilers, cogeneration units, steam
turbines, major motors driving large equipment, letdown stations,
de-superheaters, deaerators, process heat exchangers, condensate returned
system and make-up water system. The name CHP system is applied here,
because the thermal efficiency of such a system is in the 70% range which is
close to Cogen or CHP system efficiency.

CHP Model: Is basically a model simulating the CHP systems and include
optimization layer to optimize and provide a better solution of a given operating
mode. SABP-A-023 describes the CHP model in more details.

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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: TBD Steam Systems Operational Energy Efficiency

Load Management (LM): An operating policy that distributes the load among
multiple machines or equipment installed as series-parallel networks in a way
that minimizes their energy (fuel + power) consumption, without compromising
safety or reliability.

Boilers Load Management (BLM): BLM is applying load management on

boilers system and adjust the load of running boilers in away fuel consumption
is reduced. Thus, high efficient boilers will be loaded more than lower
efficiency ones while meeting the same steam production of boilers system.

Drivers Load Management (DLM): Driver load management (DLM) is

applied on drivers system with the objective to maximize drivers sites energy
efficiency. This technique is applied once you have several options of drivers
(steam turbine, motor, gas turbine) to meet mechanical power requirements of
pumping or compression. The result from the DLM is always based on the
systems overall efficiency and not based on equipment efficiency.

Available Steam Reserve: Available steam reserve is defined as the remaining

steam capacity from operating boilers, supplementary firing of operating Cogen
units and the steam passing through condensing steam turbines if any.

Required Steam Reserve: Is set to be equivalent to Maximum output of

running equipment; or maximum unit capacity (N+1). (i.e., required steam
reserve is Equivalent to a loss of the largest unit producing steam). (N+1): is the
operating philosophy of steam system including one unit as a reserve capacity.

3 CHP Systems Thermal Efficiency

As per the definition discussed in SAES-A-502; CHP systems Thermal Efficiency for a
site can be defined as the ratio between all useful energies generated by the system and
the total energy input as fuel.
CHP systems Thermal Eff. % = Useful Energy Out/ Energy Input
Useful Energy Out = Total Net Power generated by Cogen units and steam
turbine generators (STGs) + Total mechanical power
recovered in the steam system by STs + Total mechanical
power driven by Gas Turbines (GTs) + Total heat
consumed by process at different headers in (MMBtu/hr);
Energy Input = Total fuel consumed by the facility including boilers,
cogeneration units, simple cycle gas turbines (CSGT),
process heaters generating steam, other process heaters and
Saudi Electric Company (SEC) equivalent fuel for
imported power in (MMBtu/hr).

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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: TBD Steam Systems Operational Energy Efficiency

Note -1: For a facility with fired heaters (furnaces) along with convection section
producing steam at different pressure headers, then, 90% shall be used
for calculating its fuel consumption in the equation. For fired heaters with
air-preheating use 70% and for fired heaters with no heat recovery use 55%.
For simple cycle gas turbines use 32%.
Note -2: For existing facility, the minimum efficiency requirement is not a mandate.
The selection criteria among several alternatives for such projects shall be
based on economic analysis (NPV). In case economic analysis resulted in
equivalent NPV for some alternatives, then system efficiency improvement
from base case is the selection criteria for the best.
Note -3: In case the new or existing facility is importing power, the fuel value for this
imported power in the efficiency formula shall be based on the following:
a. For projects require the installation of new cogen trains and STGs with
net power production over 200 MW, then SEC efficiency factor in the
formula shall be based on Combined Cycle of 50%.
b. Otherwise, SEC efficiency factor in the formula shall be based on the
overall average efficiency of SEC network at this operating area
according to Portfolio Analysis Department.

4 General Steam Systems Energy Enhancement Opportunities

A variety of opportunities exist within operating facilities steam systems to reduce

energy consumption while maintaining or enhancing the productivity of the plant.
Improved energy efficiency may result in co-benefits that far outweigh energy cost
savings, and may lead to an absolute reduction in emissions. Typical areas for energy
efficiency improvement are listed in Table 1 below. In addition, more best practices are
available in the Appendix.

Table 1 - Areas for Energy Efficiency Improvement in Steam Systems

1. Minimize excess air
2. install heat recovery equipment (BFW economizers or air pre-heater)
3. improve water treatment to minimize boiler blow-down
4. add/ restore boiler refractory
5. recover energy from boiler blow-down
6. optimize deaerator vent rate
7. Repair/ replace malfunction steam traps
8. minimize vented steam
9. Ensure that steam piping, valves are well insulated
10. implement an effective steam-trp maintenance program
11. isolate steam from unused lines
12. Use high-pressure condensate to make low pressure steam (flash)
13. Utilize backpressure turbines instead of PRVs
14. Optimize condensate recovery

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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: TBD Steam Systems Operational Energy Efficiency

5 Key Energy Related Best Practices in Steam Systems Operation

In addition to the opportunities identified in Table 1 and the appendixes; CHP system
studies for various facilities within Saudi Aramco have demonstrated the existence of a
substantial potential for energy efficiency improvement in almost all facilities within
the following three initiatives;
1. Minimizing excess steam via the optimum operation of steam turbines and motors
2. Maximizing Cogeneration units operation if available
3. Boilers load management (maximize loading on high efficient boilers)

The deployment of this best practice on CHP systems optimization would help
operations to capture high savings with almost no investment cost. This best practice of
a steam system operation focuses on these three main initiatives. These offer the most
low investment opportunities, while other opportunities may require higher investments.
In general, all projects require operating costs as well as engineering resources to
develop and implement the project. Every facility will be different. The most favorable
selection of energy efficiency opportunities should be made on a plant-specific basis.

5.1 Minimizing Excess Steam

5.1.1 Minimize Excess Low Pressure Steam

The high excess low pressure steam of a facility is a key indicator of its
inefficient operation. Huge energy is being wasted in form of excess
steam, while, most of this energy can be captured through operational
changes. Thus, its very important to start with checking this area in our
operating facilities and ensure its been reduced to the minimum level
possible. We can till if the operation is inefficient if there is high excess
steam from LP side and the led-down stations between headers are passing
high steam flow. In this we can reduce boilers load and minimize excess
steam in all headers. However, if the steam reserve condition is limiting
doing so, then plant operation need to justify why having more reserve
than required. Below example will give some idea about the potential
benefits can be realized from reducing the excess steam at LP.
There are several technologies can be used to recover the excess low
pressure steam such as: condensing steam turbine generator,
Absorption chillers, water desalination or ORC. Thus, techno-
economical evaluation has to be conducted to identify the best
option. The use of a condensing turbine for power generation,
compared to a fin fan condenser adds additional power generation
flexibility to operating facilities steam system. However, compared
to back pressure steam turbines and depending on site specific steam

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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: TBD Steam Systems Operational Energy Efficiency

balance, condensing turbines tends to be inefficient due to the heat

rejection in the surface condenser.

5.1.2 Minimize Excess High or Medium Pressure Steam

In case there is no excess steam at the LP steam header, however, there is

high steam flow passing through reducing stations. Then, the plan has
the potential to utilize more steam turbines and less motors. This would
help reduce facilitys power consumption and hence will increase plants
energy efficiency.
o An STG with pass-outs at the MP and LP levels to balance the steam
header demands is more efficient than letting down steam and adds
flexibility to balance the steam system.

5.2 Maximizing Cogeneration Units Operation

Effective operation of a steam system requires a good understanding of the

process operations and the consequent demands for power, steam, as well as a
good awareness of the steam system itself. The operators select, Cogeneration
load, boilers, letdown valve positions, steam pressures, turbine throughput, etc.,
to ensure that the site runs effectively. Provided the high incentive for exporting
power from a facility, its always recommended to maximize the operation of
cogeneration units

5.3 Boiler Load Management

2-3% of boilers systems fuel consumption can be reduced if this initiative is

being captured. Optimize loading between the boilers based on boiler
efficiencies. In essence load reallocation exploits the performance curves of
different machines to adjust their operating point. The performance curve for
each boiler is basically a relation between fuel consumption and the steam
production of the boiler. To ensure the robustness of this relation, another
equation is being established to cross-check the efficiency values via relating
stack temperature and excess O2 to the boiler efficiency.

6 Deployment of the CHP Systems Operational Modifications

In order to deploy the implementation of this best practice, we need to do the following:
1. Include all required information in the daily morning report prepared by operations
(list of all information required is shown below)
2. Establish a simple steam balance diagram from PI process flow diagram and
include key information

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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: TBD Steam Systems Operational Energy Efficiency

3. Identify amount of excess steam, let down steam flow, and cogen operations, etc.
4. Follow flow chart to optimize system
5. Make actions for operations to optimize

The flow chart in Figure 1, can be summarized in the following steps:

1. Monitor all parameters in the CHP model (steam supply, steam demand, steam
distribution, system efficiency, operating cost, etc.)
2. Ensure cogeneration units are running at maximum load, then
3. Utilize boilers load management and maximize the load on high efficient boilers
and reduce the load on less efficient ones, then
4. Check if the sites steam system has excess low pressure steam through fin-fan
coolers with steam flow more than 50 klb/h; then flow points below, otherwise go
to points b
a. If the excess steam is more than 50 klb/h, then identify the source of the
excess steam, using the following questions:
i. Is the steam passing let-down stations from HP-MP and MP-LP is more
than the excess steam through Fin-Fan air coolers condensers?
ii. If yes, it could be a way to reduce steam from generation side. Next step
is to check can we reduce steam production from boilers to minimize the
excess steam; if yes, then reduce boilers production and minimize the
excess steam.
iii. But in case boilers are running at their minimum loading (based on latest
load test), then, check if the available steam reserve is more than (n+1),
then if possible relax steam reserve to be only (n+1) or lower through
turn one boiler off if possible.
b. If there is no excess steam to fin-fan coolers, however, there is high amount of
steam passing through letdown stations HP-MP and MP-LP, then, there will be
potential of power recovery through turning on steam turbines and turning off

7 CHP Operational Implementation Flow-Chart

This flow chart summarizes Section 6, and provides high level directions according to a
given mode of operation. It focuses on key areas of the steam system; the excess steam
from low-pressure steam header, steam flow in let-down stations, cogeneration units
load and boilers load management.

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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: TBD Steam Systems Operational Energy Efficiency

Following the flow chart seems is not so difficult, however, the challenge comes from
getting the information of the steam balance on real time basis. As some of
measurements are not connected to PI or could be there is no measurement which
makes it difficult to follow the flow chart. Thus, its very important to establish the
steam balance for the site with reasonable accuracy level.

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Figure 1 - CHP Operational Implementation Flow-Chart

Monitor all required information in steam

Document Responsibility: Energy Systems Optimization Standards Committee SABP-A-060
Issue Date: 18 January 2016 balance (Boilers, letdown,...)
Next Planned Update: TBD Steam Systems Operational Energy Efficiency

Step # 1

No Check Yes
IF there is LP excess steam through
LP fin fan condenser,
(Excess LP > 50 kIb/h)

No Yes
Check IF
Cogens are No
Maximized Check IF the excess LP
Steam >


Reduce boilers load to

Maximize Cogen Check if there is switchable the minimum and
motors to steam turbine reduce excess stm
consuming steam from

In case Boilers at
Apply Boilers Load No minimum load then
Go to: Step # 1 Apply switchability till
Management check steam reserves
you have minimum LP
(BLM) and if possible turn
excess steam + reduce
boiler load off one boiler
Check IF RS (HP-MP, Check if RS (HP-LP) &(MP-LP) > 50 KIb/h,
No operational
MP-LP) >50 Then, check Then:
changes, Potential switchability & run Minimize RS -flow to zero if possible via
New STG Investment. more ST turbines & boiler load management + If not possible, then
Stop motors Minimize excess steam to LP reduce Cogen load &
End its steam production
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End Apply (BLM)

Document Responsibility: Energy Systems Optimization Standards Committee SABP-A-060
Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: TBD Steam Systems Operational Energy Efficiency

8 Case Study

The following cases provides general insights for CHP operation to enhance the overall
performance of the plants steam system. Flow-chart would help operations to achieve
a better performance.

In this case study, the example covers an operating facility with the following

Table 2 - Process Heating Demand

Process Steam Heating Demand Stm (klb/h)
HP- Process steam demand 48
MP- Process steam demand 66
LP- Process steam demand 1241

The facility has two cogen units and four (4) boilers with the following details:

Table 3 - Boilers Capacity and Minimum Operating Level

Boiler # Eff. % Cap. Klb/h Min. Klb/h
Blr-1 90% 375 112.5
Blr-2 90% 375 112.5
Blr-3 87% 375 112.5
Blr-4 86% 375 112.5
Document Responsibility: Energy Systems Optimization Standards Committee SABP-A-060
Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: TBD Steam Systems Operational Energy Efficiency

The facility has two cogen units with the following details:

Table 4 - Cogen Related Information Based on Different Load and Ambient Temperature
Tamb[C] W [MW] GT [%] HR [BTU/kWh] FF [MMSCFD]
50 87.22 33% 10378.96 22.51 329.01
59 84.47 33% 10450.96 21.95 326.7
68 81.67 32% 10534.28 21.4 324.36
77 78.98 32% 10622.97 20.86 322.35
86 76.23 32% 10724.51 20.33 320.3
95 73.48 31% 10837.97 19.8 318.19
104 70.74 31% 10963.43 19.29 316.15
113 67.74 31% 11111.54 18.72 312.47
122 64.65 30% 11279.47 18.13 307.47

The facility has process heaters equipped with heat recovery generating steam at
different pressure headers summarized as follows:

Table 5 - Process Steam Heaters Generating Steam

Process Steam Heating Demand Stm (klb/h)

MP- Process steam generation 356
LP- Process steam generation 130

The goal of this case study, is to show the difference in the facility total operating cost
and efficiency from one operating mode to another. The operating cost consists of fuel
cost, electrical power export / import tariffs, make-up and chemical treatment cost.

In the base-case, it was assumed that the plant is operating with 250 klb/h of excess LP
steam. 2-cogen units are maximized, 2-boilers are running taking into consideration the
optimum load management. Turbines and motors are optimized.

In cases from 1-5, we will see the difference between each operating mode and we will
see how effective to follow the flow chart above to achieve a better performance and to
be close to the optimum operation mode.

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Figure 2 - (Case-1) High Excess Steam from LP Steam Header, Cogen is Max., with Boilers LM and with Drivers LM

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Figure 3 - (Case-2) Min Excess Steam from LP Steam Header, Cogen is Partial, with BLM, and Drivers LM

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Figure 4 - (Case-3) Min Excess Steam from LP Steam Header, Cogen is Max., with BLM, and with Drivers LM

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Figure 5 - (Case-4) Min Excess Steam from LP Steam Header, Cogen is Max., without BLM, and with Drivers LM

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Figure 6 - (Case-5) Min Excess Steam from LP Steam Header, Cogen is Max., with BLM, and without Drivers LM

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Table 6 - Results Summary of the Different Operating Mode

Total Operating Power Generation Fuel Consumption
Case # Case Description System Eff %
Cost MM$/yr MW MMBtu/h
High excess steam from LP steam header, Cogen is Max.,
Case-1 102.7 65 158 2840
With Boilers LM and With Drivers LM
Min excess steam from LP steam header, Cogen is Partial,
Case-2 96.2 72 134 2432
With BLM, and Drivers LM
Minimum excess steam from LP steam header, Cogen is Max.,
Case-5 91.7 71 158 2546
With BLM, and Without Drivers LM
Min excess steam from LP steam header, Cogen is Max.,
Case-4 90.8 71 158 2580
Without BLM, and Wit Drivers LM
Min excess steam from LP steam header, Cogen is Max.,
Case-3 90.7 71 158 2569
With BLM, and with Drivers LM

Figure 7 - Operating Cost Summary of Different Operating Mode

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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: TBD Steam Systems Operational Energy Efficiency

Revision Summary
18 January 2016 New Saudi Aramco Best Practice. The purpose is to establish a simplified flow-chart and
procedure to be used by CHP operations to help them improve operating facilities steam
systems. It will help capturing key CHP systems operational changes at the sites and
improve plants energy efficiency. The scope of this best practice is to provide
recommendations for DCS operators and operation engineers to capture energy savings
opportunities. This is done via ensure having maximum operation of Cogeneration units,
minimizing excess low pressure steam via the optimum operation of steam turbines and
motors and utilizing Boilers load management. The intended Users of this Best Practice
are operation engineers and plants shift superintendent and plants energy coordinators
who are responsible for efficient operation of steam systems at the facility.

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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
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Appendix A

Some general tips and best practices for CHP operation to follow:

Best PracticesReducing Boiler Exhaust Gas Losses

Monitor and maintain the proper level of O2 concentration, 2-3% by operating at the
correct air/fuel ratio for the burner.

Use heat recovery of flue gas where possible to preheat incoming combustion air.

Eliminate or reduce all sources of undesired air infiltration into the furnace.

Perform proper maintenance on a regular schedule to reduce soot and other deposits
on heat transfer surfaces, thus ensuring efficient transfer of heat to the process.

Best PracticesPerforming Proper Boiler Maintenance

Ensure that heat transfer surfaces on indirect heat generation furnaces are clean and
free of deposits and soot.

Ensure burner is operating properly and most efficiently within the limits set by controls
and operators.

Continuously inspect the furnace enclosure for deterioration or safety problems.

Best PracticesUse of Heat Recovery

The addition of waste heat boilers to any process heating system is encouraged,
especially if additional steam capacity is required or would be beneficial. The boiler
can use the waste heat in hot gases and/or liquids from the flue gas of process
furnaces or from hot process streams to produce steam.

Best PracticesReduce Blowdown Energy Losses

Whenever possible, improve water treatment mechanism to reduce the amount of total
dissolved solids in the boiler feedwater, in turn reducing the frequency of blowdown.

Install an automated blowdown system to optimize the interval and quantity of

blowdowns, so the least amount of energy is wasted.

Install a blowdown heat recovery device. This will generally include two methods of
recovery, heat exchanger and flash steam generation.

Best PracticeEliminate Steam Leaks and Venting

Minimize all avoidable steam losses from leaks and/or venting.

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Continually inspect steam distribution and condensate return lines for leaks and repair
as necessary.

Best PracticesProper Steam Line Materials and Installation

Materials used for steam and condensate systems should be specified and applied
based on codes B31.1 and B31.1, as well as internal requirements for performance
and reliability.

All pipes or tubes should be welded, which minimizes leaks as the pipe expands and
contracts during heating and cooling cycles. Welding also eliminates leaks from
corrosive carbonic acid in the system, which is formed from carbon dioxide in the air
and water.

Screwed connections should be used to install equipment that requires frequent

maintenance such as traps, valves, check valves and pipes smaller than two inches.

Flanges are utilized in applications larger than two inches where maintenance or
removal may be required.

All steam supply and condensate return pipes should be properly supported,
guided, and anchored, allowing for expansion of the pipes during temperature
changes. A structure that is too tight can deform pipes and cause leaks.

Best PracticesEnsure Steam Quality

Steam should be delivered to the end-use operation in the desired condition.
Normally, 100% saturate steam vapor is used.

Always connect the branch line to the top of the main steam line. This will ensure dry,
saturated steam to the process.

Use proper drip-pocket steam traps, correct branch connections, and installation
procedures where applicable.

Install and maintain proper insulation on all steam and condensate return lines.

Ensure proper pipe sizing is used to maintain correct velocities in steam line based on
specifications of operation.

Install and maintain coalescing mechanical separators where applicable.

Implement the use of steam filters throughout the process steam system.

Best PracticesUtilize Proper Insulation on all Steam Lines

Insulate as many steam lines, condensate return lines, and ancillary components as
economically feasible.

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Best PracticesAdditional Steam Line Needs

Air vents and pressure gauges should be installed on all steam lines.

Standard operating procedures for using air vents at startup should be instituted.

Ball valves with a class four shutoff should be used in conjunction with air vents.

Best PracticesProper Maintenance

Steam and condensate piping should be checked periodically and repaired, if needed.

Steam piping should be checked periodically for thickness using an ultrasonic

thickness meter. Physical inspection during downtimes is also a good practice.

Consider corrosion coupons for the piping of condensate systems. This will help
determine chemical treatment effectiveness and gauge the condition of the piping.

Best PracticesRemove Air from the Steam System

All heat transfer units require air-venting mechanisms.

All heat transfer units require vacuum breakers. (Check valves that have been
installed backwards do not suffice as vacuum breakers.)

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Appendix B

Other important consideration, can be summarized as follows:

i. Combustion Efficiency/Fuel Air Ratio
Combustion efficiency is over looked or taken for granted. There is no certification or
formal training requirements for someone to make adjustments to the fuel/air ratio curves.
This is very unfortunate and our Boiler Plant Audits have concluded a high percentage of
boilers are operating with low combustion efficiency. Reducing excess air increases
flame temperatures in the combustion chamber; reduces stack temperature; thus increases
combustion efficiency and boiler efficiency. A widely used rule of thumb for estimating
energy savings is that for every 40F reduction in stack temperature there will be a
corresponding increase in boiler efficiency of 1%.
Contact the burner manufacturer for safety procedures and instructions before doing
adjustments, and always adhere to applicable codes. If the plant has qualified personnel, it
is usually done in-house. If not, plants will have an outside vendor supply these services.
If you are using an outside source, you must make sure the vendor is qualified. 62% of our
audits have found that the outside vendor is not doing the combustion testing correctly or is
unqualified to work on the burner. From DOE experience it was found that on the average,
that a qualified combustion vendor will save a plant more than 2.2% in fuel cost.
Best practice:
1. Benchmark the proper fuel air ratio curve
2. Check combustion every three months
ii. Flash Steam
It is recommended to utilize flash-steam in all high pressure condensate lines. The steam
tables indicate each pound of condensate at 100 psi contains 309 BTUs (sensible energy)
and at 0 psi or atmospheric pressure condensate contains 180 BTUs (sensible energy).
The high-pressure condensate, therefore, contains 309 Btus (100 psi) sensible energy -
180 Btus (0 psi) or 129 Btus more Btus than it can embrace at atmospheric conditions.
To put this in terms of energy conservation, 129 Btus of heat energy are released into the
atmosphere and wasted from each pound of condensate returned to the boiler operation; if
not recovered in the condensate system.
iii. Condensate Removal from Steam Lines
All steam lines need to have adequate condensate removal from the steam line on a
continuous bases. No matter how well the steam line is insulated; the heat energy
will be transferred from steam into the atmosphere, and the steam in the steam line will
change state (latent energy is released); thus condensate will form in the steam line.

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Document Responsibility: Energy Systems Optimization Standards Committee SABP-A-060
Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: TBD Steam Systems Operational Energy Efficiency

The condensate volume will depend on the steam line insulation, steam pressure, and
steam line length. The condensate will flow with the steam at the bottom of the steam
line in a swaying motion (not a straight line); thus the steam line drip pocket must be
large (drip pocket is the name of the branch line extending down).
Where to install condensate removal drip pockets on the steam lines
All low points
Any change of direction
All valves that could be in the off position (control or isolation)
Every 500 feet of straight steam piping
Drip pockets must be properly sized
Drip pockets must be properly installed
iv. Optimize Deaerator Vent Rate
What is the Correct Venting of Steam? The rule of thumb in the deaerator industry is that
the vent valve passes a maximum 1/10 of 1% of the deaerator capacity. The exact vent
rate can be calculated as follows:
Vent Rate in lbs/hr = 24.24 x Pa x D
Pa = Deaerator operating in PSIA (absolute)
D = Diameter (inches) of opening in the manual valve or orifice
The minimum loss of steam is a requirement in all plant operations and one area to ensure
no unnecessary loss is occurring is the deaerator operation.
Best Practices
1. Visual inspection of the vent from the deaerator operation
2. Check the venting mechanism for proper sizing
3. If unknown, consult with the deaerator manufacturer
4. Use a stainless steel needle valve instead of a gate valve for better performance
v. High Pressure Condensate Receiving Systems
Before changing everything to a medium or high pressure condensate system, the first
step is to insure the steam system and the steam processes will be able to operate with the
desired system. Flash Steam Recovery Systems (Non-modulating steam conditions)
Condensate and flash steam (two-phase flow) discharging from a non-modulating
steam system process can operate with a medium or high pressure condensate system.

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