2012 Coho Salmon Recovery Plan Vol 1

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Science, Service, Stewardship

U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service
Recovery plans delineate such reasonable actions as may be necessary, based upon the best

scientific and commercial data available, for the conservation and survival of listed species.

Plans are published by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), sometimes prepared with

the assistance of recovery teams, contractors, state agencies and others. Recovery plans do not

necessarily represent the views, official positions or approval of any individuals or agencies

involved in the plan formulation, other than NMFS. They represent the official position of

NMFS only after they have been signed by the Assistant or Regional Administrator. Recovery

plans are guidance and planning documents, not regulatory documents. Identification of a

recovery action does not create a legal obligation beyond existing legal requirements. Nothing

in this plan should be construed as a commitment or requirement that any General agency

obligate or pay funds in any one fiscal year in excess of appropriations made by Congress for

that fiscal year in contravention of the Anti-Deficiency Act, 31 U.S.C 1341, or any other law or

regulation. Approved recovery plans are subject to modification as dictated by new findings,

changes in species status, and the completion of recovery actions.


National Marine Fisheries Service. 2012. Final Recovery Plan for Central California Coast coho
salmon Evolutionarily Significant Unit. National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region,
Santa Rosa, California.


National Marine Fisheries Service
Protected Resources Division
777 Sonoma Avenue, Room 325
Santa Rosa, CA 95467

Or on the web at:

Cover photo courtesy: CCC coho salmon juvenile, Scott Creek, Santa Cruz, Morgan Bond, Southwest Fisheries Science Center

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
There is a proverb that It takes a village, if this is true for raising children, it certainly

applies to recovering a critically endangered species. The authors acknowledge and thank the

many individuals and organizations who have been vital partners during the development of

this recovery plan, and on whose partnerships we will depend to recover CCC coho salmon.

First, we thank the North Central California Coast Domain Technical Recovery Team (TRT) for

their service in formulating the biological foundations to the recovery plan as outlined in their

two NOAA technical memoranda (Bjorkstedt et al. 2005; Spence et al. 2008). The TRT members

were Brian Spence Ph.D., Eric P. Bjorkstedt Ph.D., John Carlos Garza Ph.D., Jerry J. Smith Ph.D.,

David G. Hankin Ph.D., David Fuller, Weldon E. Jones, Richard Macedo, Thomas H. Williams

Ph.D., and Ethan Mora Ph.D. A special recognition goes to Brian Spence and Tommy Williams

for their reviews of earlier drafts and providing valuable and prompt feedback to the recovery

teams many questions; thank you both.

We appreciate the coordination and collaboration with The California Department of Fish and

Game (CDFG) throughout the process; including reviews of earlier drafts, providing data and

information used in the plan, contributing to our monitoring chapter and working with us to

develop and refine recovery actions. We are especially appreciative of the assistance and

support of Derek Acomb, Sean Gallagher and Gail Seymour.

The financial support from Sonoma County Water Agency made it possible for us to compile

the best available information at a scale and depth unprecedented for the central coast of

California. These funds supported work of The Nature Conservancy, the Sonoma Ecology

Center and the exceptional work of the UC Davis Hopland Research staff Shane Feirer and Scott

Webb in compiling CDFG habitat typing data across the NCCC Recovery Domain into a

spatially linked database. We thank Paul Kelley, Grant Davis, Keenan Foster, Renee Webber,

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
David Manning, Connie Barton, Jane Guteirrez and Ann Dubay. Above all, we are grateful to

the vision and environmental stewardship of Randy Poole, retired General Manager and Chief


The Nature Conservancy has been a close partner providing extensive training, support, and

advice as we applied the Conservation Action Planning tool and protocol which is foundational

to our analyses. We thank Wendy Millet, Greg Low, Jeanette Howard Ph.D., and Warren

Lockwood who took the time to support us through the process. Jen Carah from The Nature

Conservancy also deserves a special mention for providing data and pictures for our recovery

plan. The Sonoma Ecology Center (Deanne DiPietro, Alex Young, Zhahai Stewart, Arthur

Dawson, Caitlin Cornwall and Lisa Michelli Ph.D.) conducted data compilation and analysis

and assisted with website development, research and text for the historical prologue, and

reference management. We greatly appreciated collaboration from UC Berkeley (James Hunt

Ph.D., Norman Miller Ph.D.), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Deborah Agarwal

Ph.D.), Berkeley Water Center (Carolyn Remick), and Microsoft eScience (Catherine Van Ingen

Ph.D.) to explore data analysis capabilities through the datacube watershed analysis tool.

Many public and private entities have collected watershed and population data, and worked

tirelessly to conserve and protect Californias salmonids and their habitats. We thank all of you

who care about coho salmon and offer a special mention to: Russian River Captive Broodstock

Program; Scott Creek Captive Broodstock Program; Jerry Smith Ph.D. (San Jose State

University); CalFire (Bill Snyder, Pete Cafferata and Duane Shintaku); Campbell Timberland

Management (Steve Horner, David Wright); CalPoly, San Luis Obispo (Brian Dietterick);

National Park Service (Brannon Ketchum, Michael Reichmuth and Eric Ettlinger); FishNet 4C

(Steve Kinsey, Sam Herzberg, Kallie Kull, and Darcy Ashton); Marin Municipal Water District

(Greg Andrew); Trout Unlimited (Mary Ann King, Lisa Bolton); Gualala Watershed Council

(Kathleen Morgan, Ken Spacek); Gualala Redwoods (Henry Alden); Lagunitas Technical

Advisory Committee; Don and Rosalind Alley (Don Alley and Associates); Kate Goodnight

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
(Coastal Conservancy); Karen Christensen (RCD of Santa Cruz County); Jim Robins (Alnus

Ecological); Chris Berry (City of Santa Cruz Water Department); Kristen Kittleson (County of

Santa Cruz); Mike Podlech (Podlech Consulting); SPAWN; Craig Bell; Big Creek Timber

Company; Mendocino Land Trust; Coastal Watershed Council; Jackson Demonstration State

Forest; county Resource Conservation Districts and, finally, to Chris Blencowe (RPF) and Ken

Smith (LTO) who have innovated large wood restoration for the California coast. A very warm

thank you to all who contributed stories and pictures to the historical prologue and those who

took the time to provide comments on our March 2010 public draft which resulted in significant

improvements to this final plan.

We extend sincere and deep appreciation to the vast number of staff in the NMFS Southwest

Region North Central Coast Offices in Protected Resources Division, Habitat Conservation

Division, NOAA Corps, and Restoration Center who contributed in critical ways such as

technical assistance, mapping, graphing, figures, database development, or help on the recovery

plan. We extend our gratitude to Kit Crump, Lieutenant Bill Winner, Lieutenant Junior Grade

Emily Rose, Joel Casagrande, David Hines, Devin Best, Melanie Harrison, Amanda Morrison,

Dan Logan, Eric Shott and Erin Collins. The authors, and members of the recovery team,

included: Charlotte Ambrose, Recovery Coordinator; Jon Ambrose, Wildlife Biologist; Maura

Eagan Moody, Assistant Recovery Coordinator; Charleen Gavette, GIS Analyst; Tom

Daugherty, Fisheries Biologist; Bob Coey, Fisheries Biologist; Josh Fuller, Fisheries Biologist;

Erin Seghesio, Fisheries Biologist; and Celeste Arista, Contractor. The support of supervisors

and other staff to help relieve workloads and dedicate resources was greatly appreciated.

Finally, much of the work could not have been realized if it was not for the contract and critical

accounting support; a sincere and hearty thank you goes to Scott Hill, Debra Drinnin, and

Andrea Berry! It is our fervent hope this Recovery Plan will reset our heritage for a future

where we have wild populations of native coho salmon thriving far from the margins of

extinction, and where humans and coho salmon coexist.

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Central California Coast (CCC) Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) coho salmon are listed as

an endangered species under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) due to a precipitous

and ongoing decline in their population. Since their initial listing in 1996 by NOAAs National

Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), the population has continued to decline and the species is

now very close to extinction. Under the ESA, a recovery plan (which is a non-regulatory

document) must be developed and implemented for threatened or endangered species. The

purpose of recovery plans is to provide a road map that focuses and prioritizes threat

abatement and restoration actions necessary to recover, and eventually delist, a species.


The CCC coho salmon ESU recovery plan was developed by the NMFS Southwest Region

Protected Resources Division, North Central Coast Office (NCCO) recovery team. This plan

covers the geographic area associated with the CCC coho salmon ESU on Californias central

coast which extends from Punta Gorda (southern coastal Humboldt County) south to Aptos

Creek in Santa Cruz County; an area of more than 4,100 square miles and approximately 2.6

million acres. The diverse geographic setting includes redwood and oak forestlands, rural

working forests and agricultural lands as well as the highly urbanized areas of the San

Francisco Bay area. The ESU includes the San Francisco Bay estuary and its tributaries (except

for the Sacramento-San Joaquin rivers) where coho salmon historically occurred, but are now


The biological setting and foundation for the plan were provided in two technical memoranda

prepared by a group of experts and fishery scientists (The Technical Recovery Team or TRT) led

by the NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center. These memoranda describe the species

historical population structure and biological viability and also describe the environmental and

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
biological settings necessary to reduce the risk of extinction. A total of 75 watersheds (i.e.,

populations) were identified as historically supporting CCC coho salmon by the TRT. These

populations were grouped into five Diversity Strata which are geographically distinct areas

with similar environmental conditions. Based upon a low extinction risk framework developed

by the TRT, a recovery scenario was established by the recovery team that included the

following parameters: (1) the populations in four of the five Diversity Strata (the San Francisco

Bay Diversity Stratum was excluded) must be viable and (2) low extinction risk spawner targets

for individual populations must be achieved and sustained.

Not all populations (watersheds) are needed for, or capable of supporting, recovery in the CCC

ESU. The recovery team evaluated quantitative and qualitative information provided by a large

suite of stakeholders regarding current presence or prolonged absence of coho salmon, habitat

suitability, threats likely affecting habitat suitability and current protective efforts ongoing in

the watershed. This assessment led to the selection of 28 focus populations (12 Independent

Populations and 16 Dependent Populations) and 11 supplemental populations across four

Diversity Strata, as the recovery focus areas. Spawner abundance numeric targets were

established for the 28 focus populations, for the four Diversity Strata, and for the CCC ESU.


Coho salmon are anadromous (ocean-going) fish and return from the ocean to the streams

where they were born to spawn and die. This cycle of life takes them from freshwater to tidal

zones to the ocean and back again in just three years. Each transition into a new habitat is

associated with a different life stage. Salmon begin as eggs in stream gravels where their

parents spawned, they then emerge from the gravels up into the stream flow as juveniles where

they will stay for a little over a year before beginning their downstream migration to the ocean

as smolts. Their ocean phase as adults usually lasts about two years before they return to the

stream where they were born; to spawn and die.

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Juvenile coho salmon need cool, clean water that flows unimpaired and unconstrained from the

headwaters to the ocean. The suitability of the stream to provide the necessary habitats for coho

salmon to survive at each life stage is critical to their persistence in our rivers and streams. This

means streams must have: (1) clean loose gravels free of fine sediment; needed for spawning

and egg development; (2) adequate pools and natural instream cover for juveniles; (3)

connected alcoves and offchannel habitats for juveniles to survive winter flows; (4) clean cool

water; and (5) unimpaired passage to and from the ocean.


The more impaired a watershed, the less likely juvenile coho salmon will survive to reach the

ocean and return as adults to spawn. The suitability of habitats to provide for coho salmon

survival across life stages, and ultimately abundant populations, is inexorably linked to factors

that impair these habitats or diminish their ability to support coho salmon (e.g., threats).

Numerous habitat conditions were evaluated as well as natural and anthropogenic threats to

their habitat and survival. The NCCO recovery team evaluated these conditions using best

available information for the 28 focus populations using the Nature Conservancy Conservation

Action Planning (CAP) analysis.

The evaluation of current habitat conditions and ongoing and future threats led to the

conclusion that summer and winter rearing survival are very low due to impaired instream

habitats. These impairments were due to a lack of complexity formed by instream wood, high

sediment loads, lack of refugia habitats during winter, low summer flows and high instream

temperatures. The major sources of these impairments are roads, water diversions and

impoundments, residential and commercial development, and severe weather patterns.

Comparing results across the ESU, patterns emerged. Conditions and threats worsen from

north to south. Populations farthest north in Mendocino County have no very high threats,

while populations to the south from northern Sonoma County to Santa Cruz County have high

and very high threats.

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
The low survival of juveniles in freshwater, in combination with poor ocean conditions, has led

to the precipitous declines of CCC coho salmon populations. A recent status review for the CCC

coho salmon ESU concluded that the ESU is in danger of extinction (Williams et. al. 2011).

Estimates by researchers and agencies show a pronounced decline of coho salmon in California

over the past 70 years:

Figure 1: Historical estimates of coho salmon spawners across ESU


The impending extinction of CCC coho salmon necessitated a triage approach for a

prioritization of actions to save this species. Recovery actions in the plan are prioritized based

on: (1) where coho currently exist (e.g., Core Areas); (2) the likelihood of the action increasing

the probability of freshwater survival; and (3) whether it directly improves a condition found

poor or a threat found high or very high in the CAP analysis. To prevent their extinction, a

phased approach is recommended to focus actions and funding in specific areas called Core

Areas and phase restoration work to other areas (Phase I and II). Threat abatement and

restoration recommendations were developed site-specifically and for the ESU, Diversity

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Stratum, and population (watershed). Taking focused action equitably across the range is

essential for ESU viability.

Unlike many other recovery planning efforts in the western United States, little Federal or State

lands are available to aid in the recovery this species. The majority of lands in the CCC ESU

(approximately 85%) are in private ownership and the majority of extant populations occur on

forestlands in Mendocino County. The primary mechanism for coho salmon protection on

forestlands is Californias Forest Practice Rules, while the primary mechanisms of protection

from other land uses are more indirect and associated with State regulations, county

ordinances, etc. Developing and nurturing partnerships with private landowners, concerned

citizens, various State and Federal agencies, non-governmental organizations will be essential.

Furthermore, creating incentives and expanding public/private partnerships for restoration and

improving land and water use practices are critical if CCC coho salmon are to be saved. One

such option is Conservation Banking.


The ESA requires recovery plans to include estimates of the time required and the cost to carry

out those measures needed to achieve the plans goals. This plan estimates CCC coho salmon

recovery could take 50 to 100 years with costs for implementing the actions estimated at

roughly $1.5 billion. This is a significant amount of money however, it is important to note that

this price tag will bring many ancillary benefits because healthy salmon populations provide

significant economic benefits. Entire communities, businesses, jobs and even cultures have been

built around the salmon of California. Similarly, many communities, businesses and jobs have

been lost as wild populations have steadily declined. In other words, unhealthy salmon

populations signify lost economic opportunities and an unhealthy environment. Investments in

watershed restoration projects can promote the economy through the employment of workers,

contractors, and consultants, and the expenditure of wages and restoration dollars for the

purchase of goods and services. In addition, viable salmonid populations provide ongoing

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
direct and indirect economic benefits as a resource for fishing, recreation, and tourist-related

activities. Every dollar spent on CCC coho salmon recovery will promote local, State, Federal,

and tribal economies, and should be viewed as an investment with both societal (e.g., healthy

ecosystems and clean rivers where we and our children can swim and play) and economic


The plight of salmon is inexorably tied to the story of the changing landscape. Many

naturalists, fishermen and biologists across Europe, Eastern Pacific and North America have

monitored salmon and chronicled their decline and extinctions. NMFS alone cannot shift the

trajectory of CCC coho salmon from extinction to recovery. Coho salmon recovery will require

a united community forming alliances and strategically implementing recovery actions to this

single purpose. Salmon survival will depend on us not regarding this inhabitant of the waters

with something like annoyance (Fearing 1876), but embracing a paradigm that we can live, work

and use the land and water compatibly with the needs of the larger ecological community,

including fish.

restoring salmon runs will require reshaping our relationship to the landscape,

guided by the humility to admit that we do not know how to manufacture, let alone

manage, a natural ecosystem..

David Montgomery 2003

Their dire status is a call for immediate action to prevent their extinction by, among other

things, restoring habitat conditions and watershed processes across their historical range. The

situation is daunting, but it is not hopeless. There are few large dams and many areas are not

irreversibly lost to urbanization; the CCC coho salmon ESU is represented by coastal

communities, redwood forests and people who are connected and care about salmon. To bring

CCC coho salmon back from the brink of extinction we must do something uniquely human:

contemplate our impact on the environment and shift our actions. Improving and sustaining

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
the human well-being, while sustaining our natural resources (including our wild salmon), are

one in the same challenge. By reading the plan and working to implement it, you are placing

yourself in a position to save a critically endangered species.

Photo Courtesy 1: CCC coho salmon; Mill Creek, Sonoma County, CA; Mariska Obedzinski, UC

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
DISCLAIMER ............................................................................................................................... I

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................................... II

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... V

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................. XVIII

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... XX

LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................................................ XXI

LIST OF ACRONYMS .......................................................................................................... XXI

1.0 INTRODUCTION TO RECOVERY PLANNING .................................................... 1

1.1 The Endangered Species Act and Recovery Plans .................................................... 1
1.2 Recovering Pacific salmon ............................................................................................ 4
1.3 Californias Recovery Domains ................................................................................... 5
1.4 Overview of Recovery Plan Goals ............................................................................... 9
1.5 Recovery Partners & Life Cycle Conservation ........................................................ 11
1.6 Recovery Plan Organization ....................................................................................... 12

2.0 THE HISTORY OF SALMON .................................................................................... 13

2.1 Let The Fish Tell The Story ......................................................................................... 13
2.2 Thousands as Far as the Eye Could See .................................................................... 21
2.3 Cool, Moist, and Coastal .............................................................................................. 21
2.4 En Especial Salmon................................................................................................... 23
2.5 A Changing Landscape ................................................................................................ 23
2.6 A Moving Mass of Turgid Filth ............................................................................. 27
2.7 Hooks, Nets, Pitchforks, and Dynamite ................................................................... 29
2.8 Bales of Smoked Coho ................................................................................................. 31

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
2.9 War Tanks to Bulldozers: Building a Moonscape ................................................. 33
2.10 The Baby Boom ............................................................................................................. 36
2.11 An Amazing Time to Live ........................................................................................... 37
2.12 Computers, Accidental Anglers and Millions of Fry ............................................. 38
2.13 Rays of Hope .................................................................................................................. 41
2.14 Yes We Can!.................................................................................................................... 45

3.0 OVERVIEW OF THE CCC COHO SALMON ESU................................................ 48

3.1 Species at the Brink of Extinction .............................................................................. 48
3.2 Taxonomy, Range and ESA Listing of Coho Salmon............................................. 50
3.2.1 Taxonomy .......................................................................................................... 50
3.2.2 Range ................................................................................................................ 50
3.2.3 State and Federal Listings of CCC Coho Salmon ......................................... 52
3.3 The Imperiled CCC Coho Salmon ............................................................................. 55
3.4 Coho Salmon Life History ........................................................................................... 60
3.4.1 Three-Year Female Life Span .......................................................................... 68
3.4.2 Life History Habitat Requirements ................................................................ 69
3.4.3 Optimal Coho Freshwater Habitat and Current Conditions ...................... 73
3.4.4 Marine Life Stage .............................................................................................. 83

4.0 FACTORS LEADING TO FEDERAL LISTING ..................................................... 86

4.1 Purpose............................................................................................................................ 86
4.2 Factors Affecting CCC Coho Salmon at, and Since, Listing ................................. 89
4.2.1 Factor A: Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or
Curtailment of Habitat or Range ....................................................... 89
4.2.2 Factor B: Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or
Educational Purposes .......................................................................... 91
4.2.3 Factor C: Disease or Predation ....................................................................... 96
4.2.4 Factor D: Inadequacy of Existing Regulatory Mechanisms ....................... 98
4.2.5 Federal Efforts ................................................................................................... 99
4.2.6 Non-Federal Efforts ........................................................................................ 115
4.2.7 Factor E: Other Natural and Man-made Factors Affecting the Species
Continued Existence .......................................................................... 126
Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
5.0 ASSESSMENT OF PROTECTIVE EFFORTS ........................................................ 133
5.1 Federal Register Assessment of Protective Efforts ............................................... 133
5.2 Conservation Efforts at, and Since, Listing ............................................................ 133
5.2.1 Federal Efforts Since Listing .......................................................................... 134
5.2.2 State Efforts Since Listing .............................................................................. 136
5.2.3 Local Government Efforts Since Listing ...................................................... 141
5.2.4 Non-Governmental Efforts Since Listing .................................................... 142
5.2.5 Additional Efforts Since Listing .................................................................... 144
5.2.6 Priority Conservation Efforts ........................................................................ 150

6.0 POPULATION STRUCTURE & VIABILITY ........................................................ 153

6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 153
6.2 Viable Populations & Historical Strucutre ............................................................ 153
6.2.1 Historical Population Structure .................................................................... 154
6.2.2 Modeling Intrinsic Potential of Historical Habitats ................................... 154
6.2.3 Classifying Populations for the CCC coho salmon ESU ........................... 157
6.2.4 Grouping Populations: ESU Diversity Strata ............................................. 159
6.2.5 Results from Historical Structure Analysis ................................................. 159
6.2.6 Biological Viability Criteria ........................................................................... 162
6.2.7 Population Viability Criteria ......................................................................... 162
6.2.8 ESU Viability Criteria ..................................................................................... 164

7.0 METHODS ................................................................................................................... 166

7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 166
7.2 Selecting Focus Populations for Recovery ............................................................. 166
7.3 Current Conditions and Threats .............................................................................. 171
7.4 CAP Workbook Structure.......................................................................................... 171
7.5 Assessing Current Conditions: Viability .............................................................. 174
7.5.1 Indicators and Indicator Ratings .................................................................. 176
7.6 Future Threats: Stresses & Sources of Stress ........................................................ 179
7.6.1 Assessing Future Conditions: Stresses ........................................................ 179
7.6.2 Assessing Future Conditions: Sources of Stress (Threats) ....................... 182
Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
7.7 CAP Data Sources and Analysis .............................................................................. 186
7.7.1 CDFG Habitat Typing Survey Data and UC Hopland Research ............. 188
7.7.2 Contributions from NMFS Contractors ....................................................... 188
7.8 Focus Population Profiles & Core Area Maps ....................................................... 189
7.9 Recovery Actions......................................................................................................... 192
7.10 Implementation Schedules ....................................................................................... 197
7.11 NMFS Recovery Action Data Sources ..................................................................... 207
7.11.1 The Recovery Action Database ..................................................................... 207
7.12 Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 208

8.0 RESULTS ...................................................................................................................... 209

8.1 Populations, Listing Factors & Protective Efforts ................................................. 209
8.2 CAP Viability Results ................................................................................................ 209
8.3 Attribute & Life Stage Results: ESU Level ............................................................ 212
8.4 Viability Results: Diversity Strata & Life Stages................................................. 213
8.5 CAP ESU Threat Results............................................................................................ 216
8.6 Emerging Threats ........................................................................................................ 217
8.6.1 Climate Change ............................................................................................... 218
8.6.2 Small Population Dynamics .......................................................................... 219

9.0 ACTIONS, COSTS & IMPLEMENTATION ......................................................... 233

9.1 Turning a Plan Into Action ....................................................................................... 233
9.2 Recovery Actions......................................................................................................... 234
9.2.1 Population Profiles, Recovery Actions and Costs ...................................... 234
9.2.2 Cost of Recovery ............................................................................................. 235
9.2.3 Benefits of Recovery ....................................................................................... 235
9.3 Outreach and Stewardship........................................................................................ 236
9.4 Watershed Restoration ............................................................................................... 238
9.4.1 Opportunities and Challenges for Restoration Projects ............................ 240
9.4.2 Restoration Partners ....................................................................................... 242
9.4.3 Restoration Assistance ................................................................................... 243

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
10.0 RECOVERY GOALS AND DELISTING CRITERIA .......................................... 245
10.1 Key Facts & Assumptions.......................................................................................... 245
10.1.1 Primary Focus & Priorities ............................................................................ 246
10.2 Recovery Goals and Objectives................................................................................ 247
10.3 Criteria: Framework for Delisting .......................................................................... 249
10.4 Biological Criteria ....................................................................................................... 252
10.5 Listing Factor Criteria................................................................................................. 253
10.5.1 Listing Factor A: Present or threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of habitat or Range ....................................................... 253
10.5.2 Listing Factor B: Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific,
or educational purposes.................................................................... 254
10.5.3 Listing Factor C: Disease or Predation ........................................................ 256
10.5.4 Listing Factor D: The inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms .. 257
10.5.5 Listing factor E: Other natural and manmade factors affecting the
species continued existence ............................................................. 258

11.0 MONITORING AND ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT ......................................... 262

11.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 262
11.2 Monitoring Abundance, Productivity, Structure & Diversity............................ 265
11.2.1 Adult Spawner Abundance ........................................................................... 267
11.2.2 Productivity ..................................................................................................... 268
11.2.3 Spatial Distribution ......................................................................................... 269
11.2.4 Diversity ........................................................................................................... 270
11.3 Costs for Monitoring Biological Viability ............................................................. 271
11.4 Monitoring Listing Factors ........................................................................................ 274
11.4.1 Listing Factor A: The present or threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of the species habitat or range ................................... 275
11.4.2 Listing Factor B: Over-utilization for commercial, recreational, scientific
or educational purposes.................................................................... 278
11.4.3 Listing Factor C: Disease or predation ......................................................... 279
11.4.4 Listing Factor D: The inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms ... 279
11.4.5 Listing Factor E: Other natural or manmade factors affecting the species
continued existence ........................................................................... 279

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
11.4.6 Data Management and Reporting ................................................................ 283
11.4.7 Post-Delisting Monitoring ............................................................................. 283
11.5 Adaptive Management: Learning from Recovery................................................. 284
11.5.1 Elements of an Adaptive Management Program ....................................... 284

12.0 IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................. 288

12.1 Integrating Recovery into NMFS Actions .............................................................. 288
12.2 Funding Implemenation for Recovery Planning .................................................. 289
12.3 Ongoing Regulatory Practices .................................................................................. 290
12.3.1 ESA Section 4 ................................................................................................... 290
12.3.2 5-year Status Reviews..................................................................................... 291
12.3.3 ESA Section 5 ................................................................................................... 292
12.3.4 ESA Section 6 ................................................................................................... 292
12.3.5 ESA Section 7 ................................................................................................... 292
12.3.6 ESA Section 9 ................................................................................................... 296
12.3.7 ESA Section 10 ................................................................................................. 297
12.4 Recovery Plans A Living Document.................................................................... 301

GLOSSARY .............................................................................................................................. 304

LITERATURE CITED............................................................................................................. 320

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Figure 1: Historical estimates of coho salmon spawners across ESU ............................................ viii
Figure 2: Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Domains in California (with overlapping Domain
areas shown with cross-hatching). .......................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3: North Central California Coast Recovery Domain .............................................................. 8
Figure 4: Historical Range of CCC Coho Salmon ................................................................................ 10
Figure 5: Growth of sawmills and human population ....................................................................... 25
Figure 6: Visual Representation of extinction vortex of coho salmon (Peter Moyle, personal
communication). ......................................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 7: Historical range of CCC coho salmon ................................................................................. 51
Figure 8: Historical estimates of coho salmon spawners across ESU ............................................... 56
Figure 9: Noyo River, Mendocino County, Coho Salmon Data ........................................................ 57
Figure 10: Scott Creek, Santa Cruz County, Coho Salmon Data ....................................................... 58
Figure 11: Pudding Creek, Mendocino County, Coho Salmon Data ................................................ 58
Figure 12: Russian River, Sonoma County, Coho Salmon Data ....................................................... 59
Figure 13: General overview of life stages (modified from Reeves 2009) ......................................... 61
Figure 14: Attention Anglers signage as part of outreach and education....................................... 95
Figure 15: Temperature mask for CCC coho salmon IP in the Russian River. The dark shaded
region was excluded due to high mean air temperature.................................................................. 156
Figure 16: Historical population structure of the CCC coho salmon ESU, arranged by Diversity
Strata. Independent population are in bold, potentially independent populations are in italics
and dependent populations are all others. ......................................................................................... 160
Figure 17: CCC coho salmon Diversity Strata................................................................................... 161
Figure 18: CCC coho salmon ESU Focus Populations & Supplemental Populations .................. 170
Figure 19: Structure of CAP workbooks for Viability Analysis ...................................................... 173
Figure 20: Structure of CAP workbooks for Threats Analysis ........................................................ 173
Figure 21: Example Recovery Action Structure (Restoration Actions for Scott Creek, Santa Cruz)
.................................................................................................................................................................. 194
Figure 22: Example Recovery Actions (Threat Abatement Actions for Scott Creek, Santa Cruz)
.................................................................................................................................................................. 195
Figure 23: NMFS Listing Decision Framework.................................................................................. 196
Figure 24: Attribute Indicator Ratings for CCC coho salmon across Diversity Strata ................. 212

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Figure 25: Attribute Indicator Ratings for CCC coho salmon- ESU by Lifestage ......................... 213
Figure 26: ESU Viability Results for Adults ....................................................................................... 221
Figure 27: ESU Viability Results for Eggs ........................................................................................... 222
Figure 28: ESU Viability Results for Summer Rearing Juveniles .................................................... 223
Figure 29: ESU Viability Results for Winter Rearing Juveniles ....................................................... 224
Figure 30: ESU Viability Results for Smolts ....................................................................................... 225
Figure 31: ESU Viability Results for Watershed Processes .............................................................. 226
Figure 32: ESU Threat Results .............................................................................................................. 227
Figure 33: Lost Coast Diversity Strata Threat Results ...................................................................... 228
Figure 34: Navarro Pt. Gualala Pt. Diversity Strata Threat Results ............................................. 229
Figure 35: Coastal Diversity Strata Threat Results ............................................................................ 230
Figure 36: Santa Cruz Mountains Diversity Strata Threat Results ................................................. 231
Figure 37: Coho Focus and Supplemental Populations for Recovery ............................................ 261

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Table 1: Historical estimates of coho salmon spawner abundance ................................................... 56
Table 2: Seasonal presence of CCC coho salmon in California. Dark shading indicates months of
peak activity for a particular life stage with the lighter shading indicating months of lower
activity. ...................................................................................................................................................... 64
Table 3: Maternal Brood Year Lineage .................................................................................................. 68
Table 4: Habitat Requirements and Vulnerability for Each CCC Coho Salmon Life Stage........... 71
Table 5: Federal Register Notices analyzed ......................................................................................... 88
Table 6: Listing Factors and Status ...................................................................................................... 131
Table 7: Population Extinction Risk Criteria (Spence et al. 2008) .................................................... 163
Table 8: Diversity Strata, Focus Populations, Status of Population and Miles of Potential Habitat
.................................................................................................................................................................. 169
Table 9: CAP Workbook Homepage showing life stage targets ..................................................... 175
Table 10: CCC coho salmon CAP Conditions by Target Life Stage ................................................ 177
Table 11: CAP Stress Table for Soquel Creek ..................................................................................... 181
Table 12: CAP Threats Table for Soquel Creek .................................................................................. 184
Table 13: Matrix of Stresses Compared Against Threats ................................................................. 185
Table 14: Example Implementation Schedule (Scott Creek Population) ........................................ 198
Table 15: Recovery Strategy Number .................................................................................................. 199
Table 16: Strategy Categories & Unique Identifiers .......................................................................... 199
Table 17: Recovery Action Categories ................................................................................................. 204
Table 18: Viability Summary Table by Target Life Stage ................................................................. 210
Table 19: Viability Summary Table by Attribute and Indicator Rating ......................................... 211
Table 20: Threat Summary Table ......................................................................................................... 232
Table 21: Criteria for downlisting of the CCC coho salmon ESU.................................................... 250
Table 22: Delisting Criteria for the CCC coho salmon ESU ............................................................. 251
Table 23: Population Level Downlisting & Delisting Spawner Density Criteria .......................... 260
Table 24: ESU, Diversity Strata and population level biological viability recovery criteria and
recommended monitoring. ................................................................................................................... 267
Table 25: CCC Coho salmon spawning survey cost estimates. ....................................................... 273
Table 26: Recovery criteria and recommended monitoring for listing factors and CAP attributes.
.................................................................................................................................................................. 281
Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Table 27: Recovery criteria and recommended monitoring for CAP threats. ............................... 282
Table 28: Recovery criteria and recommended monitoring for recovery action implementation.
.................................................................................................................................................................. 283
Table 29: Regulatory mechanisms and/or authorities under the ESA and Magnuson Stevens
Fisheries Management Act ................................................................................................................... 302

Appendix A Marine and Climate

Appendix B Conservation Action Planning Attributes, Stresses & Threats Report

Appendix C Description of Attributes in Data Tables Produced in the Stream

Summary Application

Appendix D Cost Development Protocol

Appendix E Biological Viability Report, Spence et al. 2008

BACI Before After Control Impact

BFW Bankfull Width

BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs

BiOp Biological Opinion

BKD Bacterial kidney disease

BLM Bureau of Land Management

BMP Best Management Practices

BOF California Board of Forestry

BOR Bureau of Reclamation

BRT Biological Review Team

C Celsius

CC California Coastal

CalFire California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Caltrans California Department of Transportation

CAP Conservation Action Planning

CIE Center for Independent Experts

CCC Central California Coast

CDFG California Department of Fish and Game

CEQA California Environmental Quality Act

CESA California Endangered Species Act

CFPA California Forest Practices Act

cm Centimeters

CMP California Coastal Salmonid Monitoring Plan

CRT State Coho Recovery Team

CV Coefficient of Variation

CWA Clean Water Act

CWPAP Coastal Watershed Planning and Assessment Program

DBH Diameter at Breast Height

DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid

DP Dependent Population

DPS Distinct Populations Segment

ECS Egg Collection Station

EIR Environmental Impact Report

EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ESA Endangered Species Act

ESU Evolutionarily Significant Unit

F Fahrenheit

FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency

FHWA Federal Highway Administration

FEMAT Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment

FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

FIP Functionally Independent Population

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
FMEP Fisheries Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

FPR Forest Practice Rules

FR Federal Register

FRN Federal Register Notice

FRGP Fisheries Restoration Grant Program

GIS Geographic Information System

GRTS Generalized Random Tessellation Sampling

HCD Habitat Conservation Division

HCP Habitat Conservation Plan

HGMP Hatchery Genetic Management Plan

IP Intrinsic Potential

IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IP-km Intrinsic Potential per Kilometer

IWRP Integrated Watershed Restoration Program

kg Kilograms

Km kilometers

KRIS Klamath Resource Information System

LCM Life Cycle Monitoring

LWD Large Woody Debris

m Meter

mg Milligram

mm Millimeters

MMWD Marin Municipal Water District

MOU Memorandum of Understanding

MRC Mendocino Redwood Company

MWAT Mean Weekly Average Temperature

MWMT Mean Weekly Maximum Temperature

MBSTP Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project

NCCP Natural Communities Conservation Planning

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
NCCC North Central California Coast

NCCO North Central Coast Office

NC Northern California

NFIP National Flood Insurance Program

NGO Non-governmental Organization

NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service

NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA RC NOAA Restoration Center

NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service

NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit

OLE Office of Law Enforcement

PACT Priority Action Coho Team

PCSRF Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund

PDO Pacific Decadal Oscillation

PFMC Pacific Fishery Management Council

PSMFC Pacific States Marine fisheries Council

pHOS Percent of Hatchery Origin Spawners

PIP Potentially Independent Population

ppm Parts per Million

PRC Public Resources Code

PRD Protected Resources Division

RAMP Regional Advanced Mitigation Project

RATS Recovery Action Tracking System

RCD Resource Conservation District

RWQCB California Regional Water Quality Control Board

SAMI Statewide Advanced Mitigation Initiative

SCWA Sonoma County Water Agency

SEC Sonoma Ecology Center

SPAWN Salmon Protection and Watershed Network

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
SONCC Southern Oregon Northern California Coast

SWFSC Southwest Fisheries Science Center

SWR Southwest Region

SWRCB California State Water Resources Control Board

SWRO Southwest Region Office

THP Timber Harvest Plan

TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load

TNC The Nature Conservancy

TRT Technical Recovery Team

UC University of California

UCCE University of California Cooperative Extension

USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture

USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

USFS US Forest Service

USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

USGS U.S. Geological Survey

VSP Viable Salmonid Population

WOC Washington, Oregon, and California

WHR Wildlife Habitat Relationship

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
From the most narrow possible point of view, it is in the best interest of mankind to minimize
the losses of genetic variations. The reason is simple: they are potential resources. They are
the keys to puzzles which we cannot solve, and may provide answers to questions which we
have not yet learned to ask.
U.S. House of Representatives, 1973, when enacting the Endangered Species Act


The Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) was enacted by Congress and signed into law

December 28, 1973, by President Richard Nixon, and has been amended several times (16 U.S.C.

1531 et seq.). The ESA was established to safeguard the Nations natural heritage by conserving

species in danger of extinction for the enjoyment and benefit of current and future generations.

The intent of Congress in enacting the ESA, as interpreted by the United States Supreme Court,

was to halt and reverse the trend toward species extinction, require agencies to afford first

priority to the declared national policy of saving endangered species, and give endangered

species priority over the primary missions of Federal agencies (Tennessee Valley Authority v.

Hill, Tennessee Valley Auth. v. Hill 1978).

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries

Service (NMFS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) (together referred to as the

Services) share responsibility for ESA implementation. Generally, USFWS oversees terrestrial

and freshwater species, and NMFS manages marine and anadromous species (species that live

their adult lives in the ocean but move into freshwater streams to reproduce or spawn, such as

salmon). Either on the initiative of the Services or in response to a petition, the Services make a

determination on whether a species is endangered or threatened based on ESA Section 4(a)(1)

listing factors (16 U.S.C. 1533 (a)(1)).

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
1.0 Introduction to Recovery Planning 1
These factors are:

(A) The present or threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or


(B) Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes;

(C) Disease or predation;

(D) The inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; or

(E) Other natural or manmade factors affecting its continued existence.

The ESA defines an endangered species as any species which is in danger of extinction

throughout all or a significant portion of its range (16 U.S.C. 1532(6)). A threatened species

is defined as any species which is likely to become an endangered species within the

foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range (16 U.S.C. 1532 (20)). A

species or subspecies may be listed as threatened or endangered (e.g. salmon Evolutionarily

Significant Units (ESU) or steelhead (Distinct Population Segment)). Two policies are used for

the delineation of these listed units: the Policy on Applying the Definition of Species under the

ESA to Pacific Salmon (56 FR 58612) and the Policy Regarding the Recognition of Distinct

Vertebrate Population Segments (61 FR 4722).

Legal protections under the ESA are triggered once a species is listed, including Section 4(f)(1)

which requires a recovery plan be developed and implemented by the Services unless such plan

will not promote the species conservation and recovery. Section 4(f)(1)(B) of the ESA specifies

that contents of a recovery plan must include, to the maximum extent practicable:1

i. A description of such site-specific management actions as may be necessary to

achieve the plans goal for the conservation and survival of the species;

ii. Objective, measurable criteria which, when met, would result in the determination

that the species be removed from the list; and

1 In 1988 Congress amended the ESA (S. Rep. No. 240, 100 th Cong., 2d. Sess. 111-32 (1988) adding that: Section 4(f) of

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
1.0 Introduction to Recovery Planning 2
iii. Estimates of the time required and costs to carry out those measures needed to

achieve the Plans goal (of species recovery) and to achieve the intermediate steps

toward that goal.

In addition, recovery plan components and their development are guided by other policies and

Acts; some reflecting court interpretations of the ESA. Several of these include: (1) the Interim

Endangered and Threatened Species Recovery Planning Guidance Version 1.3 (Interim

Recovery Guidance) (NMFS 2010a); (2) the 1994 Interagency Policy on Information Standards;

and (3) the Data Quality Act of 2002 directing NMFS to verify and assure the quality of the

science used to establish official positions, decisions and actions (59 FR 24271).

NMFS (2010a) defines recovery as: the process by which listed species

and their ecosystems are restored and their future safeguarded to the point

that protections under the ESA are no longer needed.

Plans provide information on: (1) biology, life history and status of the species; (2) threats

pertinent to its listing and endangerment; (3) strategies and actions to reverse decline and

ameliorate threats; and (4) criteria to measure species responses and threat reductions. They

also guide restoration, monitoring and funding activities and can be used by agencies to set

priorities for implementation of existing regulations. Federal agencies use recovery plans to

fulfill obligations outlined in Section 2(c)(1) and 7(a)(1) of the ESA which require Federal

agencies to utilize their authorities in furtherance of the purposes of this Act by carrying out

programs for the conservation of endangered species and threatened species. They guide, for

example, other ESA work such as section 7(a)(2) consultations on Federal agency activities or

development of section 10(a)(1)(B) Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs). Recovery plans are

used by the Services to determine if downlisting or delisting a species is warranted.

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1.0 Introduction to Recovery Planning 3
Notwithstanding, for the public recovery plans are guidance documents only and are neither

self-implementing nor legally binding.

The Services are required to conduct five-year reviews on the status of the species and its

threats per ESA Section 4(c)(2)) as well as report to Congress every two years on the efforts to

develop and implement recovery plans (ESA Section 4(f)(3)). A determination to change the

status is made based on the recovery criteria and the same five listing factors that resulted in the

initial listing of the species (50 C.F.R. 424.11 (c)).


Site specific actions, objective measurable criteria, and estimates of

time and cost designed to provide for

long term survival and ultimate delisting of the species.


For millions of years salmon and steelhead (salmonids) thrived in abundance despite natural

fluctuations in the marine and freshwater environments, predation, disease, prolonged

droughts, flash floods, uncontrolled wildfires, marine oscillations, volcanic eruptions, and

climate change environmental fluctuations that also currently challenge the human setting.

Approximately 37 million people live in California, and the human uses of land and water

present increasing challenges to the survival and persistence of salmonids. Human population

growth and land use have resulted in adverse impacts to Californias salmonid habitats. Many

streams lack sufficient water or habitat complexity, and are dammed, channelized, or polluted

making it more difficult for salmonids to survive. Other factors such as ocean harvest, bycatch

and hatchery practices have also had adverse impacts to salmonid survival. Both natural and

human factors have contributed to the decline of west coast salmonids. As a result of these

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
1.0 Introduction to Recovery Planning 4
declines, 28 Distinct Population Segments (DPS) or Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESU) of

salmon and steelhead have been listed by NMFS across the Pacific Northwest.


In 2001, NMFS organized recovery planning for listed salmonids into geographically coherent

units called recovery domains. Of the 28 salmon ESUs and steelhead DPSs listed under the

ESA, ten are entirely within, or partially occur in, California. The NMFS Southwest Region

(NMFS SWR) organized these ten populations into four Recovery Domains: (1) Southern

Oregon/Northern California Coast; (2) North-Central California Coast (NCCC Domain); (3)

California Central Valley; and (4) South-Central/Southern California Coast (Figure 2). The

NMFS SWR offices responsible for each recovery domain are located in: (1) Arcata; (2) Santa

Rosa; (3) Sacramento; and (4) Long Beach. NMFS SWR has a web page to provide ongoing

updates and information to the public about the Federal recovery planning process and can be

found at: http://swr.nmfs.noaa.gov/recovery/index.htm.

Each recovery domain includes: (1) one or more populations of salmon and steelhead; (2) a

Recovery Coordinator responsible for facilitating development of the recovery plan; and (3) a

Technical Recovery Team (TRT) led by the NMFS Science Center. While each recovery plan will

meet ESA requirements, the process of recovery plan development across the Pacific coast

varies based on the unique circumstances of the domain such as species life history, local

planning efforts, public interest and coordination, and data availability.

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1.0 Introduction to Recovery Planning 5
Figure 2: Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Domains in California (with overlapping Domain
areas shown with cross-hatching).

The NMFS SWR assembled a team of scientists and experts in 2001, the TRTs, who were tasked

to produce technical memoranda outlining the historical population structure (Bjorkstedt et al.

2005) and develop biological viability criteria (Spence et al. 2008) to be used for the recovery

plans. Plan development and finalization is the responsibility of the Protected Resources

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
1.0 Introduction to Recovery Planning 6
Division (PRD) of NMFS SWR and the specific office associated with the recovery domain; a

process led by the Recovery Coordinator. Plan development involves a notice of intent to

prepare a recovery plan published in the Federal Register, outreach to secure the best available

information, coordination work with stakeholders and other entities, application of the TRT

criteria and plan creation.

The NCCC Domain includes the following ESUs and DPSs (Figure 3):

1. Threatened Northern California steelhead DPS (NC steelhead DPS);

2. Threatened California Coastal Chinook salmon ESU (CC Chinook salmon ESU);

3. Threatened Central California Coast steelhead DPS (CCC steelhead DPS); and

4. Endangered Central California Coast coho salmon ESU (CCC coho salmon ESU).

The NCCC Domain is preparing two recovery plans: one for CCC coho salmon and one for the

remaining three listed salmonids in the Domain. This is the final recovery plan for the CCC

coho salmon ESU. The second plan (i.e., Multispecies Plan) is in preparation for co-manager

review by state and Federal agencies sometime in early 2013.

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1.0 Introduction to Recovery Planning 7
Figure 3: North Central California Coast Recovery Domain

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
1.0 Introduction to Recovery Planning 8
This recovery plan covers the geographic area associated with the CCC coho salmon

(Oncorhynchus kisutch) ESU; an area of approximately 4,000 square miles across Californias

central coast extending from the Punta Gorda in Humboldt County, south to Aptos Creek in

Santa Cruz County. The geographic setting includes redwood and oak forestlands, agricultural

lands as well as highly urbanized areas of the San Francisco Bay area. The CCC coho salmon

ESU includes the San Francisco Bay Estuary and its tributaries (except for the Sacramento-San

Joaquin rivers) (Figure 4). Historically coho salmon were present in San Francisco Bay but are

now extirpated.

There have been several iterations and reviews of the CCC coho salmon ESU recovery plan

since 2007, including reviews by: NMFS staff and general counsel, the Center of Independent

Experts (CIE peer reviews), co-managers and the public. The public draft was released in

March 2010, and the extensive comments received have been reviewed and incorporated where

appropriate. We thank all who invested time to review the plan and submitted their

recommendations for plan improvements.


The final CCC coho salmon recovery plan is intended to foster discussion and information/data

exchanges regarding the status of CCC coho salmon, habitat conditions and the types of site

specific recovery actions that will facilitate coho salmon recovery. The overarching plan goal is

to prevent the extinction of CCC coho salmon and ensure their long-term persistence towards a

viable, self-sustaining, and eventually harvestable status (e.g., delisting).

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1.0 Introduction to Recovery Planning 9
Figure 4: Historical Range of CCC Coho Salmon

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
1.0 Introduction to Recovery Planning 10
To ensure delisting, it is imperative to:

Prevent extinction by protecting existing populations and their habitats;

Maintain current distribution of coho salmon and restore their distribution to previously

occupied areas essential to their recovery;

Increase abundance of coho salmon to viable population levels, including the expression

of all life history forms and strategies;

Conserve existing genetic diversity and provide opportunities for interchange of genetic

material between and within meta populations;

Maintain and restore suitable freshwater and estuarine habitat conditions and

characteristics for all life history stages so viable populations can be sustained naturally;

Ensure all factors that led to the listing of the species have been ameliorated; and

Develop and maintain a program of monitoring, research, and evaluation that advances

understanding of the complex array of factors associated with coho salmon survival and

recovery and which allows for adaptively managing our approach to recovery over time.


To prevent extinction of CCC coho salmon and shift their trajectory toward recovery, a few

basic requirements must be met: clean water, sufficient stream flows, absence of barriers to

their migration, suitable habitats and limited harvest. Accomplishing this goal requires

confronting the challenges of the expanding human population and modifying land and water

uses to assure a healthy and sustainable environment; it will also require public support and

collaboration. Many efforts are already underway with considerable time and money dedicated

to the cause of saving salmon. However, changing the trajectory from extinction to recovery

will require a shift in status quo. An integrated new conservation strategy termed Life Cycle

Conservation is needed. Scientists have widely used the life cycle concept, but it is rarely

applied to guide conservation, restoration and recovery actions. The marginal successes of

efforts to save salmon in California are not totally due to lack of resources, rather they are due

to a lack of a grand plan. The implementation strategy is to thus chart a course forward using

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
1.0 Introduction to Recovery Planning 11
this plan to connect the societal system of authorities with salmonid life history requirements to

ensure coordinated efforts across freshwater, estuaries and ocean environments.

Salmon rely on an interconnected system of forests, oceans, etc. Yet human agencies

deal with the parts and have subdivided an interconnected system into bureaucracies

so separate it all but assures that were not likely to solve this problem.

- David Suzuki.


Recovery is the process of restoring listed species and their ecosystems to the point they no

longer require the protections of the ESA. A recovery plan serves as a road map for species

recoveryit lays out where to go and how to get there. Without a plan to organize, coordinate

and prioritize recovery actions, the efforts of the many agencies, non-profit organizations, tribal

entities, stakeholders and citizens may be inefficient, ineffective, or misdirected. Focused

implementation can ensure limited resources are used effectively.

The recovery plan is organized into three volumes (Volume 1, Volume II, and Volume III).

Volume I provides information on background, methods, results, actions, criteria and

implementation. Volume II describes recovery actions for the ESU, Diversity Strata, and

populations (e.g., watersheds). For each population information is provided on watershed

setting, habitat and threat results, and actions required for the populations recovery. Volume

III contains the appendices which include: (1) the foundational document on population

viability developed by the TRT (Spence et al. 2008); (2) reports detailing how current conditions

and future threats were analyzed; (3) tables used to estimate costs; (4) summary of the habitat

data used in the analyses; and (5) a discussion of climate change and marine habitat.

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1.0 Introduction to Recovery Planning 12
Dan Jansen looked down from a bluff the water was like glassthe [coho] salmon were
in rowsthey lay there stillevery now and then one would wiggle its tail to keep his place
in line. They lay there by the thousands as far as the eye could see
Thanksgiving on the Garcia River 1930s (Levene et al. 1976)


early everyone has a fish story to tell. Some tales talk of a time when salmon and

steelhead spawning runs were so thick that a person could walk across the stream on

their backs or when the big one got away; tales reminding us of a time when coho salmon

were abundant and believed inexhaustible. Even our Roman, French and English ancestors

once had fish stories to telland they chronicle a species demise.

Photo Courtesy 2: Kelley House Museum, Fort Bragg, California, 1920s

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
2.0 The History of Salmon 13
Salmon: Paleolithic Times to Today
Twenty five thousand years ago Paleolithic

man carved a life-size salmon into the ceiling

of a cave in southern France near the Vzre

River; LAbri du Poisson is the oldest known

artistic representation of a salmon in the

world. Evidence of salmon is frequently

found in the debris of the French caves and

Photo Courtesy 3: LAbri du Poisson, Les
believed to have been a food preference of Eyzies-De-Tayac; Charlotte Ambrose, NMFS,
Paleolithic and Plinian man. Around the world,2012
our ancestors have relied on salmon as a food

source for thousands of years. In 200 BC, Celtic France, lore described salmon as keepers of

wisdom. Salmon were believed to be the most intelligent of animals for they braved predators,

survived in ocean and river waters, and leaped effortlessly through the air in their journey back

to their place of birth; when a person touched a salmon they would gain this sacred knowledge.

Two depictions of salmon were made on Celtic coins and standing stones a century before

Julius Caesar and his soldiers invaded the land. Around 45 BC, the soldiers of Caesar, when

on their victorious march toward Gaul and Britain, they reached the banks of the Garonne, to

behold the fish [salmon] cleaving his joyous way upwards as he made his ascent from the sea

(Dickens 1888). Romans prized salmon in their Gallic and British provinces.

Pliny the Elder, a Roman scholar, was the first to write about salmon in 77 AD in his book

Historia Naturalis saying salmon are the most

esteemed of fishes and Ausonius in 371 AD in

his poem Mosella writes of the beauties and

edible qualities Nor will I pass the glistening

salmon by with crimson flesh within of sparkling

dyewith what colours has Nature painted thee

(Ausonius 371 AD in Dickens 1888).

Photo Courtesy 4: CCC Coho Salmon

Adult, Albion River; Marilyn Stubbs

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
2.0 The History of Salmon 14
The struggling salmon populations rebounded in England after the first Magna Carta in 1215

AD ordered the dismantling of the Kings weirs to confirm the rights of free navigation; giving

salmon access to previously restricted habitat. Salmon were of such importance that regulations

on salmon fishing go back as early as 1030 AD. Both Scottish and English laws were instituted

in the 12th century to remove obstructions, institute fishing restrictions, control pollution and

prevent the killing of salmon out of season; some offenders faced a year in the dungeons. King

Richard the First, Lionheart, embodied into the English code that for salmon passage there be

left in all weirs a gap of such size that a 3-year old pig might turn round in it without touching snout

nor tail (Dickens 1888). In 1406 AD, the King of Scotland set a closed season for salmon in

Scottish rivers, an act that remained in place for over 400 years.

Salmon had been in great abundance throughout European countries and so numerous that one

hundred pounds of salmon could be bought for an old knife (Dickens 1888) and so common

they were cheaper than all other meat.

In making comparisons between the supplies of fish and other flesh, we must also recollect
that fish, or at least salmon, though higher in money value, cost nothing for their keep,
make bare no pastures, hollow out no turnips, consume no corn but are, as Franklin
expressed it, bits of silver pulled out of the water.
Treasures of the Deep, Daniel B. Fearing, 1876

As the human populations grew, the salmon species declined. New methods of preserving

salmon for long periods (i.e., storing salmon in ice) resulted in a boom of large scale commercial

trade which fed the masses. Fearing wrote that, It was no uncommon thing, on some of the

upper fisheries of the Tweed, to kill within an hour, a greater number of fish [salmon] than had

been killed with the rod during the whole seasonbutchery, slaughterous and wasteful killing

(Fearing 1876).

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
2.0 The History of Salmon 15
The collapse of the salmon continued through the Industrial Revolution with Englands increase

in factories, dams, pollution, sewage and rampant poaching. Attempts were made to institute

new laws to protect salmon and their habitats, but many commercial interests opposed any

restriction on fishing and protecting habitats. A rising tide of men started to speak out on

behalf of salmon and the need to protect them, one of these men was, J. Cornish who authored

a treatise on the state of the salmon fisheries and in 1824 wrote:

The salmon is one of the most valuable fish we have; yetmankind seem more bent on
destroying the whole race of them than that of any other animal, even those that are most
obnoxious. Of this there cannot be a stronger and more conclusive proof than their
present scarcity, contracted with their former abundance.
(J. Cornish 1824 in Montgomery 2003)

Daniel B. Fearing (1876) in Treasures of the Deep opined:

There is no end to the destructive appliances which man has brought to bear against this
lordly fish [salmon]. And the public themselves are impatient of legislation. River
fisheries are regulated by more than twenty acts and have been the subject of more
government inquiries than we care to countpeople, who know little of the economy or
its life history, have come to regard this inhabitant of the waters with something like

Charles Dickens, in his weekly magazine All The Year Round in 1861 and 1888 wrote:

It will doubtless be news to many that, among the silent effects which our present age is
producing upon the animal creation one of those mighty results which silently and
slowly grow from day to day, from year to year, till at last they burst upon our view a
stupendous fact, a thundering avalanche composed of thousands of minute flakes of snow
is the gradual extinction of the salmon. The cry of Salmon in Danger! is now
resounding throughout the length and breadth of the land. A few years, a little more
over-population, a few more tons of factory poisons, a few fresh poaching devicesand
the salmon will be gonehe will be extinct.And are we, active, healthy Englishmen in
heart and soul, full of veneration for our ancestors, and thoughtful for the yet
unbornShall we not step in between wanton destructionand so ward off the obloquy
which will be attached to our age when the historian of 1961 will be forced to record that:
The inhabitants of the last century destroyed the salmon. (1861)

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Owing to causes such as drainage, pollution, and the formation of weirssalmon
forsake certain rivers. To see a salmon river in the fullness of its abundance we must
cross the Atlantic and visit the waters of the Columbia, Sacramento and other streams
which actually swarm with hundreds of thousands of salmon. (1888)

Parliamentary bills escalated from the 1500s to the late 1800s for the protection of salmon:

1548 Bill to continue Act against destroying eels and salmon;

1562 Bill against using unlawful fishing nets in the Thames;
1623 Bill for the preservation and increase of salmon and the fry of salmon;
1816 Bill to prevent the destruction of the breed of salmon;
1826 Bill for the more effectual preservation and increase of salmon and regulating the
salmon fisheries throughout Great Britain and Ireland;
1828 Bill to regulate salmon fisheries in Scotland;
1842 Bill for the better regulation of the close of time in salmon fisheries in Scotland;
1846 Bill to regulate the salmon fisheries in England and Wales;
1852 Thoughts on the present scarcity of salmon (Williamson; Rev. Dugald S.)
1854 The natural history and habits of the salmon; with reasons for the decline of the
fisheries and how they can be improved and again made productive (Andrew Young);
1871 Details regarding the extreme limits beyond which salmon are prevented from
ascending rivers due to obstructions.

However, the lack of enforcement, the old plea of ruinto undertake such work [salmon

protections] and the political paralysis over the salmon crisis (Montgomery 2003) rendered

salmon extinct by the end of the 19th century in nearly all English rivers. These catastrophic

declines and extinctions were also observed in Scotland, France and many other European

counties where salmon had once been in great abundance. Today wild Atlantic salmon in

Europe are all but extinct except in only a few countries. In Scotland today, salmon are so rare

that commercial fishing is banned, rights to fish for salmon are privately owned and fishing

without permission is a criminal offence. To fish for salmon can cost an angler from several

hundred to 1,400 per day.

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The European story is being recounted todayhere on the Pacific Coast for Central California

Coast coho salmon with the same warnings of impending extinction; the same calls for action.

Our modern salmon crisis is a strikingly faithful retelling of the fall of Atlantic salmon

in Europe...

Montgomery 2003

Salmon are an integral link between the oceans and our landscapes. They have inspired art,

rituals, lore, feasts, literature, poetic expression and have supported humans and their

economies for thousands of years. A salmon crisis is nothing newif we fail to learn the

lessons from history, it will tell us more about ourselves than it will about our salmon

(Montgomery 2003).

Photo Courtesy 5: A painting of coho salmon by Rosalind Alley, Santa Cruz, CA.

The precipitous decline of coho salmon in California prompted a series of State and Federal

listings under the respective Endangered Species Acts in 1995 and 1996 (61 FR 56138). Despite

the listings, populations continued to decline resulting in a Federal reclassification of CCC coho

salmon from threatened to endangered in 2005 (70 FR 37160). There is no single factor

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responsible for the decline of CCC coho salmon; however, the destruction and modification of

habitat over 150 years has been identified as a primary cause.

Photo Courtesy 6: Sawmill, Camp Mathers; Friends of Camp Mathers

[the] sawmill, run by a turbine wheel, having a well-constructed dam, built

of hewn logs, well secured across the creek. The dam is twenty feet long and
about ten feet high, built in eighteen hundred and sixty-twono fish have ever
passed. Large quantities of sawdust and blocks are deposited in the stream
below the dam; fish are found dead, their eyes eaten out by the strong poisonous
acids in the water, and their bodies covered beneath the skin with disgusting
blisters, like the small pox, whilst the inside is as black as ink. The waters are
rendered at times wholly unfit for useunless some other method be adopted to
get rid of it [sawdust], such as burning it or repairing roads with it, there will
not be a breed of trout left in a few years.
Wakeman 1880, Pescadero Creek, Santa Cruz
County, in Spence et al. (2011)

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Now gone from most streams, their precipitous decline is intimately tied to the human story of

the region and the expanding human configured landscape and harvest pressure of the last 200

years. While the fate of coho salmon depends on us, humans have also depended on salmon for

hundreds of years. This chapter chronicles the progression of the human influence on

Californias ecosystem and the slow progression of decline of our natural resources from

Spanish settlements, redwood forests clearcutting to urban interfaces threatening the quality of

our water, our natural resources and the salmon that have depended on them for over a million

years. CCC coho salmon are nearly extinct and some argue nothing can be done to save them;

we disagree.

"It is difficult to break old concepts and to think along

new lines. But when the evidence points strongly in
favor of a change of thought, then it is fair and
necessary to do so

Shapovalov and Taft 1954

"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the

stormy present. The occasion is piled high with
difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our
case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew."

Abraham Lincoln, Message to Congress, December 1, 1862

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Within the living memories

of Californias elders are

visions of coho salmon in

staggering abundance. It

was late November in the

1930s when Dan Jansen

looked down from a bluff

above the Garcia River in

Mendocino County and Photo Courtesy 7: Noyo River (1920); Kelley House, Sheppard
Album, Post Cards
observed thousands of

salmon as far as the eye could see; coho salmon on their ascent from the ocean to their natal

freshwater stream to spawn and die (Levene et al. 1976). Other rivers are remembered for the

size of coho salmon their runs such as the Navarro, the Noyo, the Big, the Russian and the San

Lorenzo. These runs were once a mainstay of Californias sport and commercial fisheries

(Moyle et al. 2008). This species, which had survived millennia of predators, droughts,

fluctuating ocean conditions, and other natural hazards, was considered abundant and prolific

just fifty years ago (Janssen 2008). Unfortunately, CCC coho salmon would barely persist into

the 20th century. By 1991 another lifelong resident of the Garcia River, Lando Franci, reported

that the (c)oho are gone (Monschke and Caldon 1992).


The distribution of CCC coho salmon at the time of European settlement included most coastal

streams from the Santa Cruz County portion of the Pajaro River north to Usal Creek in

Mendocino County. Watersheds draining into San Francisco Bay with similar conditions (e.g.

ample cool water and conifer forests), also supported coho salmon. The first scientific

specimens of CCC coho salmon in California were collected from a San Francisco Bay stream,

San Mateo Creek in San Mateo County, by Alexander Agassiz in 1860. Historical presence of

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coho salmon is confirmed for Corte Madera

Creek and Arroyo Corte Madera del Presidio in

Marin County. Less definitive evidence suggests

CCC coho salmon presence in streams further

east to include the Napa River, Walnut Creek,

San Leandro Creek, Coyote Creek, and the

Guadalupe River. A longtime Berkeley resident

reported in 1939 that Strawberry Creek, the one

which runs through the University of California

Campus . . . [once] supported a run of silver

salmon (Leidy 2007). This observation is

supported by archeological evidence predating Photo Courtesy 8: Juvenile coho salmon,

Oncorhynchus kisutch, collected in San
Spanish settlement (Gobalet et al. 2004). While up
Mateo Creek, a tributary of San Francisco
to a quarter of Bay watersheds may have Bay, in 1860; Harvard Museum of Comparative
Zoology. Specimen 68471.
supported coho salmon, conditions may not have

been ideal. The persistence of coho salmon in the San Francisco Bay probably depended on

immigration from coastal populations (Spence et al. 2005). Drier and hotter inland areas

probably had intermittent runs, with coho salmon runs likely not surviving during drought

conditions. A similar pattern was observed in the Russian River, with coho salmon abundant in

the lower watershed, in the cool fog belt near the ocean, but likely did not persist in the middle

or upper reaches of the Russian due to a drier hotter climate (Levene et al. 1976). In the upper

Russian River, when it was wetter and cooler, occasional migrants were likely present for short

periods of time. But in the long run it was too warm or dry to allow coho to complete their

life cycles (Spence et al. 2005). A similar situation existed along the coast south of the Pajaro

River, where the presence of coho to at least the Big Sur River (Monterey County) has been

hypothesized, but not documented (Anderson 1995). Recently recovered archeological

evidence confirmed coho salmon at least as far south as Elkhorn Slough in Monterey County

(Gobalet 2008). Evidence suggests that the CCC coho population was likely concentrated near

the coast where habitat conditions were ideal. At the edges and interiors of their range, coho

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salmon were probably found occasionally, and likely disappeared when conditions became too

warm and dry.


Salmon, because they represented a

significant seasonal food source,

have always attracted humans. The

settlements near these food sources

are reflected in the location of many

native villages, and held true when

Photo Courtesy 9: Early logging operation, Sonoma
the Spanish began to arrive in
County c. 1880. Sonoma County Museum Collection
California in the late 18th century.

Place names like Pescadero (fishing place) illustrate the importance of fish as a food source. At

the Carmel Mission (Monterey County), Father Serra had a lagoon created . . . and they

diverted the Rio Carmelo and raised salmon/steelhead in it (Lydon 2003). Decades later,

during the founding of the last California mission, Father Altamira recorded the observation of

a native guide, who told him that Sonoma Creek had plenty of fish, en especial salmon

(Altimira 1823). While Spanish and Mexican settlers caught, ate and even raised salmon, it

seems unlikely they had much effect on coho salmon populations. The number of settlers was

small, the fish abundant, and their habitats relatively unimpaired.


As the Mission era drew to a close in the 1830s, ownership of land shifted from the Catholic

church to private individuals. Land grants of thousands of acres were given out. The mature

forests and ample water that coho salmon require were the very resources that attracted the

attention of the American settlers; a significant shift in how man would alter the natural

resources began. The population of American settlers in Mexican California was slowly

increasing, and so was the demand for lumber.

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Photo Courtesy 10: Kelley House Museum, Mendocino County, CA.

From the earliest mission days, redwoods and other trees had been cut and milled by hand.

Two men working a sawpit could produce about 100 board feet of lumber a day (Carranco and

Labbe 1975). It could take a year or more to reduce a medium-sized redwood to boards.

Several historical coho salmon streams still bear Spanish names which point to early timber

harvesting in these watersheds, including Corte Madera Creek, and Arroyo Corte Madera del

Presidio. A Corte Madera is a place to cut lumber. Californias first water-powered sawmill

was built in 1834 on a coho streamMark West Creek, a tributary of the Russian River. It could

process about 500 board feet a day (Carranco and Labbe 1975). A flood washed the mill away

before the decade was out, but other mills were soon in operation. General Vallejo built a mill

on Sonoma Valleys Asbury Creek in 1839 (Dawson 1998). The Santa Cruz area developed its

first mill in 1841, with another built in 1845.

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By 1857, there were ten sawmills in the county and by 1864 the number had increased to

twenty-eight. This exponential growth of sawmills was not driven by local need, but paralleled

the exponential population growth associated with the Gold Rush and developing San

Francisco (Figure 5). Santa Cruz County became one of the major suppliers for the builders of

San Francisco (Lehmann 2000). North of

1850 - 1870
the Golden Gate, mills appeared along

the Sonoma coast in the 1840s, and by

San Francisco

1852 on Big River, in Mendocino County

40000 (Downie et al. 2006). Again, demand

Santa Cruz
1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870
from San Francisco drove these mill
operations; Mendocino Countys
32 population was small enough that its

affairs were administered by Sonoma


County until 1859.

Coho salmon habitat was at the center of
1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870

YEAR this logging boom. Many coho salmon

Figure 5: Growth of sawmills and human population streams were named after their mills or

mill owners: Mill Creek in Marin County; Mark West Creek in Sonoma County; and Waddell

Creek in Santa Cruz. Usal Creek in Mendocino, is said to be named for the initials of the

United States of America Lumber Company. Likewise, Duncans Mill gave its name to the

small town on the Russian River where it once stood. How did this first wave of logging affect

coho salmon? On Mendocinos Big River, and elsewhere, early logging occurred adjacent to

rivers and large trees were cut from the riparian zone, floated downstream to impoundment

near a mill (Downie et al. 2006). This method resulted in dammed streams, changes in flows

and channel features and increased stream temperatures from reduced riparian shade. Coho

salmon were now faced with barriers to their migration from the sea, warm summer

temperatures for their young and a completely altered stream system for the young to mature

and outmigrate to the sea.

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South of the Golden Gate, streams did not have the volume of water to carry logs, so they had

to be skidded down using oxen, or processed where they fell. The best the lumbermen could do

was fell the redwoods . . . and split them on site, carrying the posts, pickets, or shakes out . . . on

mules or wagons. Coho salmon spawning beds and rearing pools were altered as roads were

laid out in stream bottoms or drainage swales, and no attempts were made to control the

resulting erosion. Gullies from these early operations are still visible Landslides and slumps

were often precipitated by these logging practices Many of todays mapped landslide

deposits probably date from this period (County of Santa Cruz 1976).

Photo Courtesy 11: Kelley House Museum, Mendocino County, CA.

A variety of products were produced from forests of Californias central coastlumber,

shingles, fencing, as well as tan oak bark for tanning leather, a major industry at the time.

Redwood was, the best wood known for railroad ties . . . Sonoma and Mendocino Counties

provided ties for the Central Pacific Railroad [the first trans-continental railway]. Every eastern

train that crosses the Sierra rolls over the product of the forests of Sonoma . . . ties from the

county synchronized to maximize the flow.

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To avoid log jams, men cleared the stream channels in the drier months of all obstructions and

debris. These log drives had severe consequences for coho salmon: they flushed away gravel

spawning beds; deposited huge amounts of fine sediment in the estuary; destroyed rearing

pools by eroding streambeds, in some cases to bedrock; and created jams which may have acted

as migration barriers. This act, called splash damming continued into the early 1930s and

more than 70 years later, the devastating effects of these log drives are still apparent. The Big

River watershed was recently described as being beat up the worst of any river on the central

coast, due to this practice (Downie et al. 2006). Splash dams were also used on the Garcia and

Navarro Rivers and other parts of the Mendocino Coast.


By twentieth century standards, the pace of early logging was modest. About a thousand acres

a year were being harvested in Sonoma County during the 1870s (Thompson 1877), a rate that

may have been nearly sustainable for both trees and salmon. However, downstream the

operations of the mills themselves caused other problems. Sawmills produced tremendous

quantities of sawdust. A common practice in the 19th century was to dump the waste into the

same stream that powered the mill. As early as 1867, the Santa Cruz Sentinel reported that, the

sawmills on the Pescadero have . . . injured the fishing, from the sawdust running down the

creek. Four years later, an article in the same newspaper described how the impact of

sawmills on trout fishing was always a matter of contention in the communities along the

streams flowing out of the redwood-covered canyons of the Santa Cruz Mountains. For years

it had been the practice of lumber companies to remove sawdust from the various mills by

sluicing it into the running streams. This system had become universal . . . until our pure

limpid streams were discolored, and the water became, in some instances, as black as tar,--a

moving mass of turgid filth (Santa Cruz Sentinel 1871). The problem was not limited to

sawmills, creeks were sees as handy disposal systems. In Santa Cruz, Bausch Beer Gardens lost

business on days a nearby winery dumped pungent tailing in the creek and the [San Lorenzo]

river ran red when Krons tannery empties a tanbark vat (Gibson 1994).

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Photo Courtesy 12: Mill, Mendocino County, CA.

Some of the earliest environmental protection laws in California were passed during this era. In

Santa Cruz local laws curbed mill dumping of sawdust. North of the Golden Gate, the Big

River Mill, near the town of Mendocino, was temporarily shut down in 1889 to instigate a new

sawdust disposal system required by the County Fish Commissioner (Downie et al. 2006), and

the following year, the Point Arena Record reported the mill at Gualala was constructing a large

furnace . . . to burn their sawdust instead of dumping it into the river (Mendocino Beacon


Stream and rivers were also used for other purposes besides log transport and waste disposal.

In 1873, it was reported that every dairyman along the many streams which drain the western

slope of the Santa Cruz range, was preparing to tap these creeks for irrigation and domestic

use. These included waterways like San Vicente Creek (where coho salmon still persist), and

most streams along the coast south of Waddell's creek, to the Pajaro. Water which flowed

into the ocean rather than put to human uses was considered waste water (Santa Cruz

Sentinel 1873).

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The impacts were having a

noticeable effect on salmon and

trout numbers. In 1878, A.J.

LaMotte, who arrived in Sonoma

Valley in the early 1860s,

lamented, (s)ome years back great

numbers of trout could be taken,

but as fishermen increased, the fish

rapidly decreased in number

Photo Courtesy 13: Fishing Fleet at Noyo, Mendocino
County, circa 1930; H.H Wonacott, Mendocino County (Munro-Fraser 1880). The same
Museum. situation was true in at least one

tributary of the Russian River. A Russian River local newspaper in the 1870s reported that

Santa Rosa Creek, once a splendid stream for trout had gotten so bad that now no one thinks

of trying to fish there (The Sonoma Democrat 1876). Besides steelhead, Santa Rosa Creek also

supported coho salmon (Merritt Smith Consulting 1996).

Photo Courtesy 14: Noyo River Post Card 1930s; Kelley House Museum, Mendocino County, CA.

In addition to sport fishing, coho salmon were commercially harvested in a few places during

the 1860s, including Pescadero and San Gregorio Creeks in San Mateo County (Gobalet et al.

2004). Two decades later, over 183,000 pounds of salmon were canned near Duncans Mills on
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the Russian River (Sonoma County) in 1888. The size of the fish, 8-20 pounds suggest many

were coho salmon. Coincidentally or not, declining numbers of salmon were first noted in the

Russian River that same year (Steiner Environmental Consulting 1996).

It is impossible to know exactly how much impact commercial and recreational fishing had on

salmon populations in that era. The popularity of fishing is evidenced by this account: (w)hen

the railroad reached Santa Cruz in 1876, it was the river as much as the beach that drew tourists.

Santa Cruz promoted itself as a sportsmen's paradise, with most hotels only two blocks from

the river. Hotels and downtown campgrounds saw a business boom each year at the start of

fishing season (Gibson 1994). There were no limits or fishing regulations in those days. Fish

were caught with hooks, nets, pitchforks, fish wheels, even dynamite. In the San Lorenzo River

(Santa Cruz County), railroad workers . . . while building the South Pacific Coast Railroad in

the late 1870s, often used explosives to fish. (Lydon 2003). Though no longer legal, the same

technique was used by at least one individual in Sonoma Valley as late as the 1930s (Dawson

1998). Most historical sources lump several species under the term salmon, so it is difficult to

estimate what impact 19th century fishing had on the coho

salmon population. Hard to catch with hook and line (Janssen

2008), spawning runs would have been vulnerable to nets,

pitchforks, fish wheels, and dynamite. The coho salmon life

cycle makes them especially sensitive to human impacts,

suggesting their population followed the general decline of

California salmon and trout recorded during the mid-19th

century, perhaps more steeply than other species.

Declining numbers of salmon and trout prompted action. As

mentioned, the dumping of waste into streams was prohibited.

The California Fish Commission was created in the 1870s, and

established early fishing regulations. The states first fish

Photo Courtesy 15: Salmon
hatchery was built on a tributary of the Sacramento in 1872. Spear, Kelley House.

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Hatcheries soon proliferated, built with both public and private funding (including railroads

hoping to attract tourists). While early hatcheries raised steelhead and Chinook salmon,

propagation of coho dates back to at least the 1890s (CDFG 2002) Beginning around 1906, the

San Lorenzo River was stocked with coho salmon and steelhead (Becker and Reining 2007). It

was common practice in those days to plant fry (fish a few months old or less), which have a

much lower rate of survival than larger, year-old smolts. Hatcheries also used eggs from

watersheds as far away as Oregon and Washington, and the young fish were not genetically

adapted to the waters into which they were released (Bjorkstedt et al. 2005). However, in

general, coho salmon planting was infrequent before 1929 (Spence et al. 2005) and for many

reasons, planting hatchery fish probably had little to no effect on wild coho before the mid-

twentieth century.


Initially, the center of Californias

salmon industry was the

Sacramento River, with its

abundant runs of Chinook salmon.

As that fishery declined,

commercial trollers began

harvesting salmon offshore. By

1904, some 175 sail-powered

Photo Courtesy 16: Coho salmon. Mouth of Garcia, Oct.
fishing boats were operating out of
1932. This is what we caught. Sheppard Album, Kelley
House Museum, Mendocino, California Monterey Bay (Lufkin 1991).

Coho salmon that had survived

more than a year in freshwater and following migration out to sea, faced a new challenge.

Human activity was now affecting coho salmon at every life stage. In Mendocino County,

commercial fishing began near Fort Bragg, on the Noyo River in the 1890s with a few men

using dories or rowboats on the river, who netted or seined silver salmon in the winter

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(Stebbins 1986). Elmer Walker, who was born on the Garcia River in 1889, recalled how his

father sent fish to San Francisco:

They had what they called a card. [It] had timbers that would float, with slots in there so

that the fish couldnt get out. But theyd put them right in there and keep them alive . . .

everything was shipped by boat at that time. They towed the cards. From where it was

located it wasnt too far down to the mouth of the river . . . and then they had a dip net

that they dipped them out with when they got ready to ship them. They were shipped in

wooden crates and nailed up and sent to San Francisco. They knocked em in the head.

Salmon and steelhead: there was no designation as far as marketable fish.

Photo Courtesy 17: Sheppard Family Photo Album, Kelley House Museum Mendocino County,

Roy Bishop, who also grew up on the Garcia River, remembered seeing bales of smoked coho

that his grandfather sold. This was around 1925 (Levene et al. 1976). By the 1920s, Californias

salmon and steelhead streams had earned worldwide acclaim, and the economic value of the

sport fishery exceeded commercial fishing by two-to-one (Lufkin 1991). Special trains brought

anglers from the San Francisco Bay Area to fish for adult coho salmon in Lagunitas Creek

(Brown and Moyle 1991). By one account, the San Lorenzo River became the number one

fishing river in northern California, and remained so for half a century. At the same time, the

advent of the automobile granted fishermen ready access to once remote streams. Soon after,

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the Great Depression saw a resurgence of subsistence fishing as people fell on hard times.

Vernon Piver recalled:

Times were really tough. My mother told me, to this day, she dont have a taste for

smoked salmon, because they netted fish on the Garcia River and my grandfather smoked

salmon and sold them for revenue, to pick up a few nickels and dimes. One of their main

staples was that smoked fish (Russell and Levene 1991).

While diminished to some degree from their numbers a century before, CCC coho salmon

continued to occupy most of their original range. To some extent the land was recovering from

the 19th century logging. By 1942, the Big River basin, whose channels had been so badly

beaten up by the use of splash dams, had some of the finest redwood second growth in the

state(Downie et al. 2006). World War II may have granted coho a temporary reprieve from

fishing and planting, because industry focused on building weapons to fight the war. But

ultimately, the war had repercussions that reached to the heart of the coho salmons domain.


In the late 1940s, the technologies of World War II . . . spun off the highly mobile track-driven

bulldozer, which delivered the large trees of the central coast for conversion to two-by-fours

for a national building boom driven by the affluence of the returning soldiers (House 1998). In

essence, the industrial capacity used to build tanks was retooled into building bulldozers.

Transient gypsy loggers and sawmillers invaded the region with Gold Rush zeal(Lufkin

1991). The combination of heavy equipment and the way it was used caused significant erosion

and sediment delivery to streams. The equipments size required the use of wide skid roads.

Water breaks to curb erosion were rarely installed. To brake going downhill, tractor drivers

scraped the ground with their blades. The construction of logging roads on unstable ground

was common practice. Even worse, a 1962 Fish and Game survey of the Garcia River

(Mendocino County) noted that numerous roads were constructed in the stream channels,

themselves, oftentimes moving the stream out of its natural channel (Monschke and Caldon

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1992). Trees were harvested practically to the bottom of small gullies (Downie et al. 2006).

Individual layouts were created, up to 300 feet long and 20 feet wide, to prevent falling trees

from shattering on impact. By the end of 1956 it was estimated over 1000 miles of California

streams had been damaged. The 1962 survey of the Garcia found more than 85 percent, of the

channels had suffered some damage, and more than a third was severely damaged

(measured by length). A person who saw it from the air in the late 1960s described the upper

Garcia as a moonscape. Blue-line creeks were skid roads (Monschke and Caldon 1992).

Even in an average year, such conditions caused serious problems for coho: These hills are

prone to erosion in the first place, so if you build roads and take out the trees, its going to cause

sedimentation (Craig Bell quoted in Monschke and Caldon 1992)).

Photo Courtesy 18: Salmon Creek, Mendocino County, CA; David Wright.

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The intensity of the timber harvest was summed up by a resident of the Butano/Pescadero

watershed: They built a road to every tree they cut down (Environmental Science Associates

et al. 2004). By the 1970s, more than 80 percent of the virgin forests had been cut, milled, and

shipped, in most watersheds along the central coast (Lufkin 1991). In an unfortunate

coincidence, two of the regions biggest floods on record happened in 1955 and 1964. Several

residents of the Butano Creek (San Mateo County) basin reported that the cause of the first

damaging flood in the watershed . . . was due to logging undertaken by the Santa Cruz Lumber

Company . . . beginning in 1955. Trout fishermen saw fishing decline rapidly: (t)he creek

silted up so bad . . . that the pool at the

bottom of the Falls was completely silted

in. A resident who flew over the area at

the time reported hundreds and possibly

thousands of landslides in the upper

Butano (Environmental Science Associates

et al. 2004). Silt from landslides clogged

spawning gravel and filled rearing pools,

and landslides themselves directly blocked

streams, creating migration barriers for

coho salmon.

Photo Courtesy 19: Hal Janssen with two coho

salmon caught in the San Lorenzo River, 1964.
Attempts at flood control were made in
Alameda Creek Alliance
response to these events. On the lower San

Lorenzo River in the City of Santa Cruz, the river was leveed for flood control and all riverside

forests were stripped and the river was straightened by the Army Corps of Engineers. These

actions transformed the river from a tree-lined and very scenic part of town, to a sterile

drainage ditch. The siltation of the channel and the lack of deep water pools of water, coupled

with low summer flows and a lack of shade . . . decimated fish populations. Where before,

trout and salmon had been routinely caught in the city, now the river was barren of most

wildlife, and the fish populations declined (McMahon 1997). Today, although the San

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Lorenzo River runs right through the center of the City of Santa Cruz, most building face away

from the river, no restaurants over look its banks, and it is generally viewed as more of a

nuisance than an attribute.


The postwar building boom increased the demand for other building materials besides lumber.

In the early part of the twentieth century, gravel mining was conducted by hand in local

streams. Elders in Sonoma Valley remember people driving small trucks down to the creek. A

number three scoop [shovel] and a strong back, that was how you did it (Dawson 2002). Local

gravel went to construct nearby buildings, bridges, and roads. The Garcia River saw its first

commercial gravel operation in the 1930s (Monschke and Caldon 1992), but it was not until after

the war that such operations increased to the point where they were significantly impacting

rivers and streams (Dawson 2002).

Population growth drove the postwar boom. The number of people living in the Russian River

basin increased 400 percent in the second half of the 20th century. More people brought a

corresponding increase in the demand for water. Dams of every size were constructed on coho

salmon streams throughout the region. Two large dams were built on the Russian River;

Coyote Dam was completed in 1959, and Warm Springs Dam in 1982. While these dams pose a

barrier to other salmonids, these migration impediments were probably not significant for coho

salmon, as they likely did not spawn in the middle or upper Russian River. Downstream,

however, these dams altered the dynamics of the river, reducing peak flows, reducing the

magnitude of channel forming winter flows, eliminating replenishment of spawning gravel, and

increasing summer flows more than 15 to 20 times above historical levels (Steiner

Environmental Consulting 1996). This last effect may be the most significant. During the warm

months, coho salmon rely on the cooler water at the bottom of deep pools. Higher summer

flows raise the temperature of this cooler layer by mixing it with warmer surface waters.

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Medium-sized dams were built in smaller coho salmon watersheds, such as Lagunitas and

Nicasio Creeks in Marin County. Nevertheless, the small dams may have had the greatest

cumulative effect. Five hundred small dams were counted on key CCC coho salmon tributaries

of the Russian River in 1996 (Steiner Environmental Consulting 1996). Besides acting as

migration barriers on the lower Russians coho salmon streams, these dams reduce spawning

gravel and summer water supply downstream.


As the second half of the twentieth century progressed, coho salmon faced ever-increasing

pressures at every stage of their life history: they were cut off from some of their prime

spawning and rearing habitat in many streams, they laid their eggs in silted spawning beds,

they lost cool summer refuges at the bottom of deep pools, and faced increasing commercial

fishing at sea. It is really no surprise their numbers declined; however, it did not happen at

once. During the 1960s and 1970s, commercial and sport fishermen were still seeing and

catching coho salmon.

In places, coho salmon were still abundant. Hal Janssen, who grew up on Alameda Creek on

San Francisco Bay in the 1950s, has spent a lifetime on the central coast, fishing 300 days a year

. . . for thirty-five, forty years. Hal called the fifties an amazing time to live. Speaking of

coho salmon, he recalls the abundance of coho salmon in Big River, Ten Mile River and other

coastal streams. Huge schools and schools of them in California in the fifties and sixties in the

San Lorenzo River and Pescadero he has said (Janssen 2008). As fishing declined on the San

Lorenzo in the early 1960s, he moved north, to the Russian and then up into Mendocino

County. One September a friend called him up and said, Come to the Garcia; you cant believe

it. Its loaded with silvers (coho); theyre jumping everywhere! Sure enough, when he arrived

on the Garcia River, coho salmon were everywhere.

Of the Navarro River, he said, (t)he tidewater used to be absolutely packed with salmon.

Packed! Youd go down there in September, it was more packed than the Garcia was. Hal

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witnessed first-hand the decline of coho salmon and other salmonids. For the Navarro River

Hal says: Now theres none! Theyre gone! and attributes the decline to a number of things,

including: poachers, who take advantage of the lack of game wardens in the field; the flood of

1955, and predation by marine mammals (Janssen 2008). Today Hal concentrates his fishing

efforts in stillwater and lakes since the rivers no longer support a suitable experience.


Coho salmon numbers are estimated to have plummeted statewide from as many as 500,000 in

the 1940s, to as few as 13,000 by 2002 (CDFG 2002) (CCC coho would have represented a

fraction of this number). Moreover, while most coho salmon in the 1940s were native to their

streams, as few as 500 purely native fish remained. The gene pool of the rest has been diluted

by out-of-basin plantings. A troubling development is the disappearance of coho salmon from

many parts of their range, the general pattern being from south to north. In Santa Cruz County,

the Pajaro River and Soquel Creek lost their native runs around 1968, followed by Aptos Creek

in 1973. In 1957, the San Lorenzo River was called the most important steelhead and salmon

fishery south of the Bay area (Becker and Reining 2007). Just twenty-seven years later, its coho

salmon run was gone. Many San Mateo County streams lost their runs in the late 1970s and

early 1980s, due to the drought of 1976-1977 coupled with land and water development. By

1995, only Waddell and Scott Creeks were believed to maintain sustained natural runs of coho

south of San Francisco (Anderson 1995). Today, the run in Waddell Creek is extirpated and

only Scott Creek maintains all three cohorts of coho salmon. Coho salmon persistence in Scott

Creek is largely due to the Conservation Hatchery operated by the Monterey Bay Salmon and

Trout Project (a volunteer organization) with support from CDFG, NMFS and NOAA

Southwest Fisheries Science Center.

Urbanization is a more prominent factor for the future, than logging, and likely a more

significant influence on the fate of CCC coho salmon; particularly around the San Francisco Bay

area. As late as 1965, runs of coho salmon were reported in Marins Corte Madera Creek, the

declines of coho salmon around the San Francisco Bay were being documented. CDFG reported

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in 1965, that coho salmon in the Napa River had been eliminated, had become rare in Walnut

Creek, and had been last reported in the South Bays Guadalupe River (Santa Clara County) in

the 1970s (Leidy 2007). The growth of Silicon Valley fueled a sharp rise in development in the

upper watershed of San Lorenzo River in Santa Cruz County that peaked in the 1970s (County

of Santa Cruz 2001).

Photo Courtesy 20: Urbanization of stream channels, Santa Cruz County; Kristen Kittleson,
County of Santa Cruz

It is sobering to think that salmon could take the worst nature could throw at
them for millions of years from floods to volcanic eruptions but that little
more than a century of exposure to the side effects of Western civilization could
drive them to the edge of extinction.
David Montgomery 2003

The expanding urban footprint resulted in even more significant changes and alterations to

rivers and their floodplains. Unlike logging impacts, where the impacts from past practices are

healing over time and current practices are regulated according to the California Forest Practice

Rules, the impact of urbanization is profound and largely permanent. Of all 78 watersheds that

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historically had a coho population, many with significant amounts of urban development, have

lost abundant populations of coho salmon save one, Lagunitas Creek2.

In Lagunitas Creek, the 2007/2008 coho run was probably the smallest run observed since

annual surveys began in 1995. There was a 70 percent decline in the number of redds (gravel

nests where eggs are laid) compared the parent generation, which hatched three years earlier.

Similar or greater declines were seen in other coastal watersheds in Marin County. This is

consistent with a 73 percent decline in counts for returning CCC coho throughout their range.

The decline has been attributed to reduced populations and influences of poor ocean

conditions and food supply when these coho salmon migrated to the ocean as smolts in 2006

(Ettlinger et al. 2008). Remarkably, as bad as the 2007/2008 spawning run was the 2008/2009

spawning run was worse, with only 40 fish returning from the ocean.

On the Russian River, the number of coho salmon smolts entering to the ocean is estimated to

have declined 85 percent in just the sixteen years between 1975 and 1991. By the winter of

2007/2008, Joe Pecharich, a coho salmon researcher who worked at the Warm Springs Dam Fish

Hatchery and now works for the NOAA Restoration Center, said, we know of only two coho

that came back. The year before that we know of only two. The year before that were five.

And in the current winter of 2008/2009, the only known coho female to return was caught and,

inadvertently, killed by an angler (Norberg 2009).

Along the Mendocino coast, the pattern was more varied, in some cases the opposite of that

seen in the southern portion of the species coastal range. On Big River, which had seen

intensive logging, only two coho were reported in 1955. Yet by 1978, its coho salmon run had

rebounded and was estimated at 2000 spawning adults. Stocking of coho salmon began there in

1956, and a hatchery was built in the early 1960s (Stebbins 1986). A half million eggs and fry

2 Lagunitas Creek coho are persisting due in large part the dedication and organization of local citizens and the
common vision of local agencies and political bodies to implement restoration actions and policies necessary to
protect CCC coho salmon.

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were planted in Big River between 1956 and 1978 (Downie et al. 2006). As with past stocking

efforts using fry, the effectiveness of the plants was probably minimal. Current run size is

unknown, but juveniles have been consistently found in many tributaries, showing that some

adults are still spawning on the Big River. On the Garcia River, Lando Franci recalled that

(s)almon were already starting to dwindle by the 1940s. Craig Bell remembers seeing

(s)ilvers and Kings . . . rolling in the tidewater in October 1979. But by about (19)85 it was

history (Monschke and Caldon 1992). The fish were gone.

As on Big River, declining numbers of coho salmon inspired vigorous hatchery and planting

programs. Unfortunately there was still no effort to plant native streams with native stock. In

all, over 11.5 million out-of-basin fry and fingerlings were released in central coast streams,

mostly from the 1950s through the mid-1990s (Spence et al. 2005). Despite all the planting,

commercial catch of coho salmon declined sharply in the late 1970s, believed to be the result of

poor conditions in both the ocean and the freshwater habitat. By the early 1990s, ocean stocks

of coho salmon were so low commercial and sport fishing were closed (CDFG 2002) and have

remained closed ever since.


By the winter 2006/2007, native coho were estimated to have declined more than 99 percent in

less than seventy years. Most spawning populations are reduced to less than fifty fish (Moyle et

al. 2008). Californias once abundant central coast coho salmon are now nearly extinct. Only a

sustained and vigorous effort by the public, landowners, and decision-makers at every level,

will bring them back. While their survival hangs in the balance, a handful of places have seen

modest increases in coho salmon in recent years. On a tributary of the Garcia River where coho

salmon had not been seen for at least twenty years, schools of juveniles were discovered at ten

locations in 2008. One researcher believes that the sustainable forestry now being practiced

there, might be the best way left to preserve woodland ecosystems, watersheds and fish

(Fimrite 2008). Additionally, gravel mines have closed or improved their activities to be more

compatible with habitat needs, such as Homer and Steve Canelis from Austin Creek

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Aggregates, and extensive restoration efforts on agricultural and forested landscapes have been

ongoing for 15 years and are resulting in substantial improvements in habitat quality.

Large wood is being placed into streams to promote gravel sorting and pool development for

improved spawning and rearing habitats. One such project on the South Fork Ten Mile River

facilitated the restoration of 9.4 miles with 245 logs and 65 rootwads placed across 138 sites.

Coho salmon were observed shortly after completion in the mainstem South Fork Ten Mile for

the first time in a decade with freshwater conditions improving. Similar projects are being

implemented for the North Fork and Clark Fork Ten Mile; projects that are a very high priority

for preventing extinction and ensuring survival of coho salmon.

Photo Courtesy 21: Ten Mile wood projects for CCC coho salmon, David Wright, Campbell

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In Santa Cruz County, San Vicente Creek had apparently lost its coho run by the early 1980s.

Yet, in the fall of 2002, several hundred coho were discovered in an agricultural off-channel

pond on the Coast Dairies Property by NOAAs Office of Law Enforcement (Environmental

Science Associates 2004). Researchers believe the cool, deep water in this pond, which is

connected to the creek by an inlet and outlet channel, mimics natural off channel conditions

preferred by coho for rearing. Recently, when water flow into this pond became disconnected,

numerous agencies and concerned citizens joined together and completed a complex restoration

effort in record time, solely for the purpose of saving this important southern coho salmon

population. In 2010, the California Coastal Conservancy and Santa Cruz Resource Conservation

District funded and permitted the construction of a high flow refugia project and in 2011, the

first large wood restoration effort in more than a decade to improve juvenile rearing conditions.

In 2012, scientists from NOAAs Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) documented

juvenile coho salmon rearing adjacent to the structures.

The Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project (MBSTP) are working with NMFS Science Center

and the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) to ensure the King Fisher Flat facility

on Scott Creek is managed appropriately. The Sonoma County Water Agency, US Army Corp

of Engineers, NMFS, CDFG and others are collaborating on Warm Springs Hatchery operation

as part of the Russian River Coho Salmon Captive Broodstock Program to maximize genetic

diversity and improve distribution and abundance of coho salmon. In early 2012, after years of

effort, coho salmon adults were detected spawning in tributaries of the Russian River basin

where they have not been detected for many years.

CDFG, NOAA Restoration Center, Trout Unlimited, The Nature Conservancy, Resource

Conservation Districts, private timber companies, State Parks, State Demonstration Forests, and

many others have dedicated substantial sums of money to restore passage, install woody debris,

and reduce sediment inputs from problem roads in many watersheds. The Marin Municipal

Water District and SPAWN, work to ensure Lagunitas Creek maintains a strong population.

The National Park Service conducts extensive monitoring for Lagunitas and Olema Creeks

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Photo Courtesy 22: Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project, CCC coho salmon. Michelle
Leicester, CDFG.

(Marin County) and water agencies have provided funding to the recovery efforts. Significant

improvements have been realized by the Giacomini Wetlands restoration. The Counties have

joined together under the FishNet 4C program and meet regularly to pool resources in an effort

to streamline permitting, train staff, and obtain additional grant monies for the benefit of coho

salmon. Timber companies and conservation organizations have dedicated significant

resources, including staff and equipment, to monitor coho salmon populations and their habitat,

fix problem roads and stream crossings, and restore instream habitat.

Californias redwood forests are now some of the last areas where coho salmon persist. Unlike

other land uses such as agriculture or urbanization, timberland management in California is

regulated according to Forest Practice Rules. These Rules have standards for road construction

and maintenance to reduce sediment to streams, riparian canopy retention along fish-bearing

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and non-fishbearing watercourses and mechanisms for forest growth and regeneration.

Watershed processes that provide for salmon spawning, rearing and sheltering are relatively

intact on many forestlands. The future and fate of salmon is inextricable to the future and fate

of Californias redwood forests.

2.14 YES WE CAN!

The plight of salmon is inexorably tied to the story of the changing landscape. Many

naturalists, fishermen and biologists across Europe, Eastern Pacific and North America have

monitored salmon and chronicled their decline and extinctions. The story of the salmon crisis is

nothing new and their recovery is up to us. For over a century salmon were seldom seen in

England or France, that is, until recently. Actions to reduce pollution and improve stream

conditions are working and small numbers of salmon have returned in recent years to rivers

such as the Thames in England, and the Seine in France. When CCC coho salmon return to

their natal streams in California each winter to spawn, it is reason to celebrate and act anew.

These few fish represent the past, present and future and the struggling remnants of a once

abundant species and a thread back in time (not so very long ago) when our creeks and rivers

ran clean, cool, and flowed unimpaired from their headwaters to the sea. Some argue nothing

can be done to save them; we disagree. Montgomery (2003) stated, Success or failure will

depend on whether salmon are recognized as equal stakeholders.

Fisheries biologist alone cannot shift a species trajectory from extinction to recovery; it requires

a united community forming alliances and strategically implementing recovery actions to this

single purpose. Salmon survival will depend on us not regarding this inhabitant of the waters

with something like annoyance (Fearing 1876), but embracing a paradigm that we can live, work

and use the land and water compatibly with the needs of the larger ecological community,

including fish. Salmon survival now depends on us as much as our ancestors depended on

salmon for their survival nearly 25,000 years ago.

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Photo Courtesy 23: Pudding Creek Monitoring, Mendocino County, CA; CDFG and Campbell

The situation is daunting, but it is not hopeless. There are few large dams and many areas are

not irreversibly lost to urbanization; the CCC coho salmon ESU is represented by coastal

communities, redwood forests and people who are connected and care about our CCC coho

salmon. To bring CCC coho salmon back from the brink we must do something uniquely

human: contemplate our impact on the environment and shift our actions. Improving and

sustaining the human well-being, while sustaining our natural resources (including our wild

salmon), are one in the same challenge. By reading this plan and working to implement it, you

are placing yourself in a position to help save a species. It is our fervent hope that with your

help, we can turn the tide, and bring CCC coho salmon back from the brink. Your children and

grandchildren will thank you when they can enjoy the benefits of healthy salmon populations

and healthy watersheds.

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Please join us! If we can do it for the California condor, the bison, the bald eagle, the whooping

cranewe can do it for our CCC coho salmon. Yes we can.

Photo Courtesy 24: Operation Migration, Whooping Cranes

a procession of salmon shining in glittering panoply of silver, sweeping

onwards like an invading army, swimming as cranes and wild geese fly, in a
wedge; some large old salmonids at the apex of the triangle, and young males at
the base
Olaus Magnus 1500 AD in Dickens 1888

Preventing extinctions of species is possible. The purpose of this plan is to build upon these

successes and educate our children so that the spawning runs witnessed on the Garcia River in

the 1930s, as well as healthy spawning runs throughout the Central Coast, will be a part of our


Photo courtesy 25: Bob Coey, NMFS

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Pacific salmon matter not only as a delicacy and an economic resource but also as an
indicator of the states environmental health. Wild salmon are to the rivers and the
watershed and the ocean what the canary is to the miners in the coal mine.
Congressman Mike Thompson 2008


C entral California Coast coho salmon are gravely close to extinction. Despite being listed

under the Federal and California Endangered Species Acts, populations of CCC coho

salmon continue to decline precipitously. Immediate and focused action is essential to increase

the survival of, and provide the highest protection for, remaining populations.

Photo Courtesy 26: Juvenile CCC salmon 1from Scott Creek, Santa Cruz County, California;
Morgan Bond, SWFSC.

Regrettably, many of our streams are now unsuitable for salmon. For millennia salmon have

successfully persisted in abundance under ever shifting, and catastrophic occurrences in their

environments. However, human alteration of the landscape over the last two centuries, and

human harvesting of salmon, has placed significant pressures on coho salmons ability to

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survive in freshwater and marine environments. Landscape alterations such as bank

stabilization and development in the floodplains have resulted in significant modification to

stream channels, contamination of streams, reductions in stream flows, etc. that, cumulatively,

have led to detrimental changes to watershed processes and thus corresponding declines in the

CCC coho salmon populations. Critical homes for coho salmon, stream habitats, have become

more inhospitable; thus, fewer individuals survive and the population declines. With fewer

individuals surviving, populations become increasingly vulnerable to predation, shifting ocean

environments, and catastrophic natural events leading to even further declines. Overtime these

low populations experience genetic bottlenecks due to difficulty finding mates. These small

population dynamics are often referred to as an extinction vortex (Gilpin and Soule 1986). The

illustration below of an Extinction vortex (Figure 6) describes the process declining

populations undergo when a mutual reinforcement occurs among biotic and abiotic processes

that drives population size downward to extinction (Brook et al. 2008). Current information on

adult escapement in the ESU are limited, however, monitoring data gathered from across the

ESU suggest coho salmon populations are in this extinction vortex.

Figure 6: Visual Representation of extinction vortex of coho salmon (Peter Moyle, personal

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There are six species of Pacific salmon within the Oncorhynchus genus: O. kitsutch, keta,

gorbuscha, tshawytscha, nerka, and masou. Within this group, coho salmon and Chinook (O.

tshawytscha) salmon are the most closely related. The English translation of the genus name,

Oncorhynchus, is hooked snout. Coho salmon, the common name accepted by the American

Fisheries Society for O. kisutch, comes from a Native American name for the species. Other

commonly used names include silver salmon, sea trout, blueback, jack salmon, hooknose, and

silversides (Hassler 1987).

3.2.2 RANGE

The current North American range of O. kitsutch extends from Point Hope, Alaska, south to

streams in Santa Cruz County, California. NMFS has designated seven ESUs of coho salmon in

Washington, Oregon, and California. The CCC coho salmon ESU is the southern-most extant

population and ranges from Punta Gorda in southern coastal Humboldt County, California,

south to Aptos Creek in Santa Cruz County, California; an area of approximately 2.6 million

acres. Their historical range includes the San Francisco Bay and many of its tributaries (Figure

7). Coho salmon may have occurred as far south as the Big Sur River in Monterey County and

east into streams of the Sierra Nevada in the Central Valley (Gustafson et al. 2007). According to

recently discovered archeological data from Elkhorn Slough, this species once ranged as far

south as the Pajaro River in Santa Cruz and Santa Clara counties, and/or possibly the Salinas

River in Monterey and San Luis Obispo counties (Gobalet In press). The first scientific

collection of CCC coho salmon occurred in 1860. Alexander Agassiz collected the species in San

Mateo Creek, San Mateo County. Today, CCC coho salmon are extirpated from all rivers

flowing into San Francisco Bay.

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Figure 7: Historical range of CCC coho salmon

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The State of California listed coho salmon south of San Francisco Bay as a state endangered

species in 1995. On August 30, 2002, the California Fish and Game Commission found that coho

salmon warranted listing as an endangered species under the California ESA from San

Francisco Bay north to Punta Gorda (the remainder of the CCC coho salmon ESU) and as a

threatened species from Punta Gorda north to the California-Oregon border (the Southern

Oregon Northern California (SONC) coho salmon ESU). The State developed and finalized a

recovery strategy for the California ESUs in 2004 (CDFG 2004). NMFS listed the CCC coho

salmon ESU on October 31, 1996, as Federally threatened (61 FR 56138). In response to severe

population declines between 1996 and 2004, NMFS relisted CCC coho salmon, and changed its

status from threatened to endangered (i.e., in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant

portion of its range) on June 28, 2005 (70 FR 37160).

On November 12, 2003, NMFS received a petition to redefine the southern extent of the CCC

coho salmon ESU by excluding ESA protections from those populations occupying watersheds

in Santa Cruz and coastal San Mateo Counties, California. The petitioners assertions were

based on the following:

1. Early scientific species range descriptions and newspaper accounts failing to

document coho south of San Francisco prior to artificial introductions in 1906;

2. Coho salmon were introduced into streams south of San Francisco Bay with the

delivery of coho salmon eggs from Baker Lake, Washington, to the Brookdale

hatchery on the San Lorenzo River in Santa Cruz County in 1906. This introduction

was the beginning of an effort to establish a coho salmon fishery in the coastal

streams south of San Francisco Bay;

3. Absence of coho salmon remains in the refuse sites (middens) of the native people;

4. That various physical characteristics (e.g., climate, geology, and hydrology) render

the streams in the Santa Cruz mountains inhospitable to coho salmon; and

5. Incorrect application of the ESU/DPS policies.

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In 2010, NMFS accepted the petition and convened a biological review team (BRT) to

specifically address the petitioned action and determine the appropriate southern boundary of

the CCC coho salmon ESU. The BRT addressed two key questions pertinent to the petitioned

action: (1) Does the available evidence support a southern boundary for CCC coho salmon that

excludes streams south of the entrance to San Francisco Bay, and (2) does the available evidence

support a boundary different from the current boundary at the San Lorenzo River? The BRTs

review and findings are detailed in Spence et al. (2011). Based on their review of historical and

scientific information, the BRT concluded the available evidence did not support the petitioners

contention that the boundary should exclude coastal streams south of the entrance to San

Francisco Bay. The BRT conclusions were supported by the following information:

1. Juvenile CCC coho salmon were collected from four streams in San Mateo and Santa

Cruz county streams in 1895, eleven years before a hatchery program was initiated

in Santa Cruz County. These specimens are housed at the California Academy of

Sciences in San Francisco;

2. Hatchery outplanting efforts would have been unlikely to contribute to the

abundance of coho salmon documented by Shapolov and Taft (1954) in the 1930s

due to the low survival rates resulting from fry outplanting and the fact the Baker

Lake fish stock of coho salmon evolved in a cold, snowmelt-dominated watershed of

the northern Cascade Range. The environmental conditions in the northern Cascade

Range are vastly different from those found in streams on the central coast of

California, which may have limited the success of any released fish. The most

notable adaptation of coho salmon to the Baker Lake habitat conditions is the

summer run timing (JulyAugust) of returning adult spawners. This pattern

contrasts significantly with the winter run timing of coho salmon in central


3. After the petition was received, evidence of coho salmon was recovered from two

archaeological sites and independently verified osteological identification experts.

Based on these findings, the BRT concluded that archaeological evidence established

the historical presence of coho salmon south of the entrance to San Francisco Bay,

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possibly as far south as northern Monterey County;

4. Genetic analysis consisting of molecular genetic data from coho salmon populations

located throughout California, as well as from populations located throughout the

rest of the species range, including Canada, Alaska and Russia show that coho

salmon from populations in the southernmost portion of the range of the CCC coho

salmon ESU are unambiguously similar to coho salmon populations elsewhere

within the range of this ESU and not with populations from other ESUs located

further north. This analysis clearly ruled out that the genetic ancestry of coho

salmon populations south of the entrance to San Francisco Bay is substantially

derived from an out-of-ESU source (e.g., Baker Lake or 1980s imports from

Washington and Oregon stocks). The analysis definitively established fish from

northern populations are not the primary contributors to the current populations

south of San Francisco, nor were they established by out-planting of fish from

northern populations within the ESU or outside the ESU, including imports from the

Noyo River;

5. Evidence suggesting inhospitable physical conditions for CCC coho salmon in Santa

Cruz and San Mateo watersheds (compared to areas north of San Francisco Bay) was

not compelling enough to suggest significant conditions that preclude species

presence. This is based on information indicating the same conditions are present

throughout other watersheds in the CCC ESU still occupied by coho salmon; and

6. NMFS ESU policy was properly applied to these populations.

The BRT further concluded the CCC coho salmon ESU should be extended southward to

include the Soquel and Aptos creek watersheds. Information supporting this boundary change

included: (1) recent observations of coho salmon in Soquel Creek; (2) genetic analysis of these

fish indicating they are derived from other nearby populations in the ESU; (3) presence of

suitable freshwater habitat conditions; and (4) watershed processes in Soquel and Aptos Creeks

similar to those found in adjacent watersheds of the ESU supporting coho salmon populations.

Based on a review of the best scientific and commercial information available, including the

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BRT report (Spence et al., 2011), NMFS concluded the petitioned action was not warranted (76

FR 6383) and extended the range of coho salmon to include Soquel and Aptos creeks (77 FR


Unfortunately, despite the protections afforded to CCC coho salmon by State and Federal

listings, and the development of a State Recovery Plan, the CCC coho salmon population

continues to decline.


Only rough estimates exist for historical CCC coho salmon adult abundance. There are still no

long term data sets for wild coho salmon abundances across individual river systems in the

ESU. Despite these limitations, the pronounced decline of CCC coho salmon has been

documented over the past 70 years by various researchers and agencies with salmon population

abundance estimates showing:

200,000 to 500,000 coho salmon statewide in the 1940s (Brown et al. 1994);

99,000 statewide with approximately 56,100 (56%) in CCC coho salmon ESU streams in

the 1963 (CDFG 1965);

18,000 wild CCC coho salmon adults in the 1984/1985 spawning season (Wahle and

Pearson 1987);

6,000 wild CCC coho salmon adults in the 1990s (61 FR 56138); and

Less than 500 wild adults in 2009 (Spence, pers. comm. 2009).

Between 2,000 to 3,000 wild adults in 2011(Gallagher and Wright 2012, Spence, pers.

comm. 2012).

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California Coho Salmon Population Estimates CCC Coho Salmon Estimates





100000 99,00
50000 30,00
18,00 6,000 <500 ~2,000-
1940s 1960s 1980s 1990s 2009 2011

Figure 8: Historical estimates of coho salmon spawners across ESU

Table 1: Historical estimates of coho salmon spawner abundance

Estimated Escapement
River/Region Wahle & Brown et al.
CDFG (1965)3 Pearson (1987)4 (1994)5
1963 1965 1984-1985 1987-1991
Ten Mile River 6,000 2,000 1606
Noyo River 6,000 2,000 3,740
Big River 6,000 2,000 280
Navarro River 7,000 2,000 300
Garcia River 2,000 500
Other Mendocino County 10,000 7,0007 4708
Gualala River 4,000 1,000 200
Russian River 5,000 1,000 255
Other Sonoma County 1,000 180
Marin County 5,000 435
San Mateo and Santa Cruz Counties 4,100 550 140
San Mateo County 1,000
Santa Cruz Co (excl. SLRiver) 1,500 50
San Lorenzo River 1,600 500
ESU Total 56,100 18,050 6,160

3 Values excludes ocean catch

4 Estimates are for wild or naturalized fish; hatchery returns excluded.
5 Estimates are for wild or naturalized fish; hatchery returns excluded. For streams without recent spawner estimates

(or estimates lower than 20 fish), assumes 20 spawners.

6 Indicates high probability that natural production is by wild fish rather than naturalized hatchery stocks.

7 Value may include Marin and Sonoma County fish.

8 Appears to include Garcia River fish.

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A recent status review for the CCC coho salmon ESU was conducted (Spence and Williams

2011) whereby new biological information was reviewed, the listing determination assessed,

and a range extension was considered. The findings:

Coho salmon are at a greater risk of extinction than five years ago;

Populations at extreme risk of extirpation or extinct are Gualala River, Russian River,

Walker Creek, Pescadero Creek and San Lorenzo River;

The Noyo River population was deemed at moderate to high risk of extinction;

Ten Mile, Big River, Albion River, Navarro River and Lagunitas Creek were considered

data deficient.

Spence and Williams (2011) concluded the lack of demonstrably viable populations in any of

the Diversity Strata, the lack of redundancy in viable populations, and substantial gaps in the

distribution of coho salmonconclude that the CCC coho salmon ESU is in danger of


Figure 9: Noyo River, Mendocino County, Coho Salmon Data

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Figure 10: Scott Creek, Santa Cruz County, Coho Salmon Data

Figure 11: Pudding Creek, Mendocino County, Coho Salmon Data

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While the status across the range is concerning, some places are showing signs of hope such as
Pudding Creek and, more recently, the Russian River.

Figure 12: Russian River, Sonoma County, Coho Salmon Data

Photo Courtesy 27: A positive sighting. Three wild juvenile CCC coho salmon, and one juvenile
steelhead (bottom left), in the Russian River 2008. Joe Pecharich, Russian River coho monitoring
project, UC Cooperative Extension - Sonoma County.

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Juveniles: Juvenile salmon are blue-green Spawning Adult: Adult coho salmon have a
on the back with silver sides and 8-12 parr fusiform body shape that is laterally
marks (Hassler 1987). The parr marks are compressed (Hassler 1987). Considered a
centered along the lateral line and are medium to large salmon, coho salmon
narrower than the spaces between marks. typically reach fork lengths of 470 cm and
The adipose fin is finely speckled with weights of 36 kg (Shapovalov and Taft 1954;
uniform pigmentation making it appear dark Moyle 2002). Dorsal, anal, pectoral, and pelvic
grey (Moyle 2002). The anal, pectoral, and fins range from 912, 1217, 1316, and 9-11
pelvic fins lack spots and are tinted orange rays respectively (Moyle 2002). The lateral line
with varying intensity. The anal fin is is straight with 121148 single pored scales.
pigmented between the rays which produces The white gum line of coho salmon can be
a black banding effect (Hassler 1987). used to distinguish this species from Chinook
salmon, which have black gums. Coho salmon
Characteristics used to identify juvenile coho
can be distinguished from chum and sockeye
salmon from other salmonid species are their
salmon by the dark spots on the back, dorsal
sickle shaped anal and dorsal fins and large
fin, and upper lobe of the tail (Hassler 1987).
eyes (Pollard et al. 1997).

Ocean Adult: In the ocean, the coloration of adult coho salmon is steel blue to greenish on the
back, silvery on the sides, and white on the belly (Hassler 1987). The coloration of spawning
males is dark green on the back, bright red on the sides, and gray to black on the belly (Scott and
Crossman 1973). In addition to the red lateral line, spawning males are also characterized by a
hooked jaw, enlarged and exposed teeth, and slightly humped backs. Females have duller
coloration than males with a pale pink hue on the sides (Moyle 2002). Males and females both
have small black spots on the back, upper sides, base of the dorsal fin, and upper lobe of the
caudal fin.

Life History Strategy

To ensure recovery of CCC coho salmon, individuals must survive across their life stages and

populations must sustain themselves across a large geographic area. Thus, understanding life

history is fundamental to building a recovery plan. Coho salmon are anadromous fish,

meaning they migrate between the ocean and freshwater environments at different stages of

their three-year life span. Coho salmon are also semelparous, meaning they die shortly after

spawning. The life history of coho salmon is similar to most Pacific salmonids. They hatch and

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rear in freshwater, migrate downstream to the ocean where they mature into adults, and then

return to their natal freshwater streams and rivers to spawn and die. Coho salmon exhibit less

flexibility than other salmonid species, predominantly adhering to a three year life cycle from

juvenile to adult. This three-year life span results in strong demographic separation of the

three-year classes. The exceptions to the three year life cycle are jack males which return to

freshwater at two years of age, and a small percentage of smolts remain in freshwater for two

years rather than one year. These exceptions prevent total genetic isolation between temporal

(sequential) runs (Moyle 2002). Additionally, there have been documented cases (Jerry Smith

pers. comm.) of hatchery produced smolts of larger size than wild, returning as two year female

spawners. The life history and habitat requirements of CCC coho salmon have been well

documented (Shapovalov and Taft 1954; Hassler 1987; Emmett et al. 1991; Sandercock 1991;

Pearcy 1992; Moyle 2002).

Figure 13: General overview of life stages (modified from Reeves 2009)

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Photo Courtesy 28: Adult CCC coho salmon, Scott Creek, Santa Cruz County, SWFSC.

Photo Courtesy 29: Juvenile CCC coho salmon, Garcia River, Mendocino County, Jen Carah,

Photo Courtesy 30: CCC coho salmon smolt, San Vicente Creek, Santa Cruz County, Chris

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Coho salmons distinct life stages correspond to our seasons (Table 2). Adults migrate from the

ocean to natal streams in the fall, generally entering freshwater from September through

January, with spawning occurring primarily from November to January (CDFG 2004). Moving

south across CCC coho salmon range, the timing of migration occurs later in the winter. Fish

will typically enter freshwater in the southern portion of the range from November through

January, and spawn into February or early March (Moyle 2002). The upstream migration

towards spawning areas coincides with large increases in stream flow (Hassler 1987). Coho

salmon often are not able to enter freshwater until heavy rains have caused breaching of sand

bars that form at the mouths of many coastal California streams. Spawning occurs in streams

with direct flow to the ocean, or in large river tributaries (Moyle 2002). Female coho salmon

choose a site to spawn at the head of a riffle, just downstream of a pool where water flow

changes from slow to turbulent, and where medium to small size gravel is abundant (Moyle


Redd location is chosen to allow good aeration between the stream gravels and removal of

metabolic waste from the nest. Once suitable habitat is located, the female fans the gravels with

her tail to create a nest, or redd, where eggs are deposited and fertilized by accompanying

males. The number of eggs a female produces is directly correlated with her size (the larger the

female, the more eggs produced). Typically, female egg counts range from 1,4003,000.

California coho salmon typically have lower fecundities than fish from the more northern

populations (Sandercock 1991). Females die after spawning; the female may guard the redd for

up to two weeks before dying (Moyle 2002).

Eggs incubate in redds from November through April, and hatch into alevins after a period of

35-50 days (Shapovalov and Taft 1954). The period of incubation is inversely related to water

temperature (Moyle 2002; CDFG 2004). Alevins remain in the gravel for two to ten weeks then

emerge into the water column as young juveniles, known as fry.

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Table 2: Seasonal presence of CCC coho salmon in California. Dark shading indicates months of
peak activity for a particular life stage with the lighter shading indicating months of lower

LIFE STAGE Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Adult migration


Egg Incubation

Emergence/ Fry

Juvenile rearing


Juveniles, or fry, form schools in shallow water along the undercut banks of the stream to avoid

predation. The juveniles feed heavily during this time, and as they grow they set up individual

territories. The foraging behavior of juvenile coho salmon can be placed into three categories:

territorial, floater, and nonterritorial fish (Nielsen 1994; Martel 1996). Territorial coho salmon

are typically thalweg juveniles that defend feeding territories in flowing water and are typically

the fastest growing of the three categories. Floaters are small, slow growing coho salmon that

live in the same areas as territorial fish but either are constantly on the move, avoiding

territorial fish, or occupy stream margins. Nonterritorial coho salmon are found mostly in pools

individually and in small shoals, often feeding in the upstream end of the water column.

During winter, territorial behavior largely disappears when fish aggregate in deep cover, move

into side channels, or move up into small clear tributaries (Sandercock 1991).

Juveniles are voracious feeders, ingesting any organism that moves or drifts over their holding

area. The juveniles diet is mainly aquatic insect larvae and terrestrial insects, but small fish are

taken when available, and feeding occurs mainly during dawn and dusk (Moyle 2002). The

importance of different foods depends on the season and on the individual fish preferences. In

winter coho salmon feed on flying insects and mayfly larvae during peak flows, and

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earthworms when flows lower. In spring and summer food availability increases and juveniles

feast on abundant insects as well as the loose eggs and fragments of the decaying carcasses from

the spawned out adults (Moyle 2002).

Photo Courtesy 31: CCC coho salmon juveniles, Fay Creek, Marin County, CA; Joe Pecharich,

Juveniles stay in freshwater typically for one year, requiring use of distinct habitats during

summer and winter rearing periods. In the summer, when flows are low, juvenile coho salmon

concentrate in deep ( 1 meter) cool pools with abundant overhead cover (Moyle 2002). Water

temperature is critical during this time; juveniles prefer and presumably grow best at

temperatures of 12-14 C. Juveniles do not persist in streams where summer temperatures

reach 22-25 C for extended periods of time or where there are high fluctuations in temperatures

between the extremes of their tolerance (Moyle 2002). In the winter, when stream flows are

high, juvenile coho salmon require slower water refuge in areas provided by off channel or

backwater pools, formed by large woody debris (LWD) such as fallen trees and root wads.

Availability of overwintering habitat is one of the most important and least appreciated factors

influencing the survival of juvenile CCC coho salmon in the streams (Moyle 2002). Beaver

(Castor canadensis) ponds have been shown to provide excellent winter and summer rearing
Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
3.0 Overview of the CCC Coho Salmon ESU 65
habitat (Reeves et al. 1989; Pollock et al. 2004). Recent studies in the Lower Klamath, Middle

Klamath and Shasta sub-basins confirm that beaver ponds provide high quality summer and

winter rearing habitat for coho salmon (Chesney et al. 2009; Silloway 2010). The suitability of

many coastal streams in the CCC coho salmon ESU to support beavers is unknown due in part

to higher gradient redwood dominated riparian areas which may be less suitable than lower

gradient stream with deciduous dominated riparian zones.

After one year in freshwater juvenile

coho salmon undergo physiological

transformation into smolts for

outmigration to the ocean.

Smoltification is associated with fish age,

size, and environmental conditions

(Hassler 1987). Smolt outmigration

begins in March, and peaks in California

from April to early July (Weitkamp et al.

Photo Courtesy 32: CCC coho salmon smolt, Mill
Creek, Russian River, CA; Joe Pecharich, NMFS. 1995). Smolts may spend time residing in

the estuarine habitat prior to ocean entry, to allow for the transition to the saline environment.

Estuarine use by CCC coho salmon is quite variable, ranging from seasonal juvenile rearing, to

limited use as a migratory corridor. Estuarine juveniles are scarcer in California as most small

estuaries are shallower and warmer than they were historically due to sedimentation and

reduced water flow from anthropogenic factors such as urban development and agriculture

(Moyle 2002). Smolts emigration is correlated with peak upwelling currents along the coast and

entry into the ocean at this time facilitates growth and, therefore, improved marine survival

(Holtby et al. 1990). At this point, the smolts are about four to five inches in length. After

entering the ocean, the immature salmon initially remain in the nearshore waters close to their

natal stream. They gradually move northward, generally staying over the continental shelf

(Brown et al. 1994). In most cases they migrate north of their river of origin; some individuals

remain relatively close to their natal river and some migrate southward (Weitkamp et al. 1995).

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Once at sea, salmon grow significantly larger due to ocean productivity and achieve at least

99% of their final body growth (Quinn 2005). Adults remain in the colder and more productive

zone of upwelling along the coast. After approximately two years at sea, adult coho salmon

move slowly homeward. Adults begin their freshwater migration upstream after heavy fall or

winter rains breach the sandbars at the mouths of coastal streams (Sandercock 1991) and/or

flows are sufficient to reach upstream spawning areas. Delays in river entry of over a month

are not unusual (Salo and Bayliff 1958; Eames et al. 1981). Adult coho salmon undergo a reverse

process to osmoregulate in freshwater and may remain in more brackish water areas until their

physiological transformation is complete. Migration continues into March, generally peaking in

December and January, with spawning occurring shortly after arrival to the spawning ground

(Shapovalov and Taft 1954). During migration adult coho salmon stop feeding and are

sustained by fat reserves. Considerable energy is required for migration and reproductive

behavior such as courtship and nest defense after the migration has ended. Taken together,

freshwater migration and reproduction deplete salmon of almost all their fat and about half

their protein (Quinn 2005). The female chooses and prepares the redd location and is often

attended by one or more males during spawning.

Photo Courtesy 33: Adult male, female and jack CCC coho salmon, Devils Gulch, Marin
County, CA; Eric Ettlinger, NPS.

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After spawning, female coho salmon guard their nests until they become too weak to hold

position and eventually drift away and die (Quinn 2005). The males will also die. The carcasses

of dead salmon provide a tremendous net influx of biomass from the ocean to relatively

unproductive stream ecosystems. Recent research using stable isotope ratios has demonstrated

that the marine derived nutrients in the salmon carcasses are an important contribution to the

aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, affecting the growth and density of bears, growth of juvenile

salmonids, productivity of lakes, biofilm and insects in streams, and even the growth of trees in

the riparian zone (Quinn 2005).


Coho salmon exhibit an almost completely distinct maternal brood year lineage that is a life

history trait of significant influence on overall population viability, management, and recovery

(Anderson 1995). Essentially all wild female coho spawn as three-year olds9 (Shapovalov and

Taft 1954). Consequently, of all wild female coho salmon three-year olds at the time of

spawning, there are three distinct, separate maternal brood year lineages for each stream in the

ESU (Shapovalov and Taft 1954; Anderson 1995). For example, coho salmon males and females

spawning in 2012 were the progeny of females who spawned three years earlier in 2009, which

in turn were the progeny of females produced three years earlier in 2006, etc. The three

maternal brood year lineages are shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Maternal Brood Year Lineage

Lineage: I 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015

Lineage: II 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016

Lineage: III 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017

9 There is genetic exchange between year classes of a particular stream when two year old precocious males (jacks) of one year class
spawns with three year old females of the prior year class. Recent information from California has documented juveniles rearing in
freshwater for two years (Bell 2001; Smith, personal communication 2010; Hayes, personal communication 2009; Wright, personal
communication 2009), and based on documentation of precocious females at the Noyo ECS (CDFG 2008 comments), it appears as
though some genetic exchange in maternal brood years is occurring. Nonetheless, the production of fry (based upon females)
shows a strong three year brood pattern (Smith, personal communication 2010).

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The lack of overlapping maternal generations places brood year lineages (i.e., year classes) at

high long-term risk from the adverse effects of stochastic (random) events (such as floods,

droughts, etc.). This risk is especially high for small, remnant populations. For example, a

chemical spill or catastrophic wildfire adjacent to a coho salmon stream; may eliminate all

juveniles in the stream resulting in the complete loss of a year class, followed three years later

by a lack of spawning adults. As losses of consecutive year class continues across generations,

risk of extirpation increases. Repopulation is possible by improving freshwater conditions to

allow the remnant population to gradually rebound, or from spawning pairs that stray into

neighboring streams to reproduce.

The loss of year classes appears to have happened to the lineages of populations in the coho

salmon streams south of San Francisco Bay. Lineage I and II were virtually eliminated, but

Lineage III persisted in many streams, although at a greatly reduced population size. This

lineage was generally considered the last strong remaining year class. Unfortunately, poor

ocean conditions during 2006/2007 resulted in a catastrophically low rate of adults returning

during the winter of 2007/2008. Currently this one strong year class is almost nonexistent

(Spence, pers. comm. 2009). The Lockheed fire in August of 2009 further compounded the risk

to coho salmon south of San Francisco Bay by burning the headwaters of Scott Creek and

affecting riparian canopy, increasing landslide risk and degrading stream conditions.

Luckily these adverse conditions have not fully materialized in Scott Creek and, due to captive

breeding efforts of the Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project (whose hatchery at Kingfisher

Flat almost burned down in the same fire), CDFG, and NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science

Center the coho salmon run persists in Scott Creek


Coho salmon must survive conditions across many different environments during their lifecycle

spanning freshwater and ocean travel. Coho salmon spend the majority of their lives in the

ocean, an unpredictable environment which is largely subject to stochastic events affecting fish

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that are outside of human control. When ocean conditions are favorable the sub-adult and

adult survival rates appear relatively high. Most coho salmon mortality occurs in freshwater,

and during the rearing stage when juveniles may be exposed to winter and spring flooding, lack

of rearing or winter refugia availability, and summer droughts (Sandercock 1991).

Environmental conditions influence how much energy coho salmon will need to survive, and

whether or not they can survive within the range of available conditions. In freshwater, coho

salmon must maintain enough energy to migrate, in some cases very long distances, and be able

to find and fight for mates (males), build redds (females), and spawn. Coho salmon must avoid

predators, obtain food, survive through winter flows, find pools and cool water for summer

rearing, and have access to off-channel habitats during outmigration and high winter/spring

flows. Coho salmon smolts must have refuge in lagoon/estuary habitats for a successful

saltwater transition before entering the ocean environment. Smolt size is now understood as an

indicator for marine survival to adulthood. As environmental conditions become less favorable,

fewer coho salmon are able to survive (Lichatowich 1989; Beechie et al. 1994; Gregory and

Bisson 1997). Table 4 summarizes habitat requirements for each life stage.

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Table 4: Habitat Requirements and Vulnerability for Each CCC Coho Salmon Life Stage

Eggs: Incubation requires clean water, free of contamination and siltation.
Disturbance of a single redd (nest of eggs) could result in the death of thousands
of salmon embryos.
Alevins: After hatching, alevins remain nestled in the small spaces between the
gravels, and feed from their attached yolk sacs. They are highly vulnerable to
siltation and scour. Once the yolk is absorbed, the young salmon emerge from the
Juveniles: Deep cool pools are critical for the summer rearing juveniles survival.
Riparian vegetation helps support some of the insects consumed by juveniles,
provides cover from predators (when recruited to streams can create wood formed
pools), and limits solar radiation to streams keeping water temperatures cool. Tree
roots stabilize streambanks and create habitat structure. Large woody debris or
downed wood creates cover and refugia for the tiny salmon to reside during high
velocity flows. Pools and wetlands provide shelter from high flows, predators, and
help filter sediments from the water column.
Smolts: Juvenile salmon undergo a physiological change known as
smoltification enabling them to transition, in estuaries or lagoons, for a life
adapted to saltwater. Smoltification can occur primarily within the freshwater
Lagoons, and
areas, or in the nearshore environment. Smolts need adequate flow from upstream
rearing areas to be able to travel downstream to estuaries. Estuaries should provide
cover and adequate feeding habitats to facilitate the transition into the ocean.
Estuaries should be deep to provide cool temperatures and buffered with
freshwater to dilute seawater (Moyle 2002). The quality of these areas has
implications to the survival of smolts entering the ocean environment.
Sub-Adults/Adults: Maturation occurs during ocean residency over a two year
period leading up to the adult salmons return to streams of their birth. The
patterns of migration in the ocean vary, and shifts in ocean conditions affect food,
migration patterns and survival. Fish in the ocean need adequate supplies of food
to facilitate rapid growth. As the salmon return to their natal stream to reproduce,
they once again undergo change from saltwater to freshwater; they depend on the
near shore and estuarine environments for this transition.
Ocean, Estuaries,
Spawners: Migration begins after heavy late fall or winter rains breach sand bars of
coastal streams, allowing fish to move into lagoons (Moyle 2002). Once the adult
spawners arrive at their home river or stream they need adequate flows, cool water
temperatures, deep pools and cover to rest and hide as they migrate upstream.
Females seek clean, loose gravel of a certain size in highly oxygenated riffle type
flow water for laying their eggs. The site must remain stable throughout egg
incubation and emergence, and allow water to percolate through the gravel to
supply oxygen to the developing embryo.

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The key to preventing the decline of coho salmon is to protect their spawning and rearing

streams, and to restore damaged habitat (Moyle 2002). While the ocean environment is where

coho salmon spends the majority of its life (and productivity fluctuations in this environment

significantly impact populations), escapement (returns of adults from the ocean) combined with

impaired freshwater habitats can have a significant negative impact on future spawning,

rearing and outmigration success. While ocean conditions have fluctuated in the past between

poor and excellent for coho salmon, the general trend of freshwater habitat conditions during

the 20th, 21st and early 22nd centuries has been one of increasing degradation. Continuing

degradation of freshwater habitat impairs the ability of coho salmon to rebound from poor

ocean conditions. It is, therefore, important to restore and protect essential freshwater habitat


Conditions in the freshwater environment necessary to ensure the highest likelihood of coho

salmon survival through spawning, rearing, and outmigration are varied. Coho salmon are

found in a broader diversity of habitats than any of the other anadromous salmonids, from

small tributaries of coastal streams to lakes to inland tributaries of major rivers (Meehan and

Bjorn 1991). Based on the current status of the population this may seem implausible.

However, coho salmon were found throughout most of their historical range in California until

the mid-1900s. Shapovalov and Taft (1954) reported that coho salmon ascend practically all

accessible streams within their range flowing into the Pacific Ocean, from the largest to the very

smallest. To emphasize the point they cited Chamberlain (1907) who reported that in

southeastern Alaska (t)he coho is probably less particular (in comparison with the other Pacific

salmons) in its requirements. The fry were found, without exception, in every stream and

brook examined; even a tiny seepage which would become dry with the first week of fair

summer weather contained its little school of coho fry. Historically, CCC coho salmon

inhabited the largest river basins, such as the Russian River, and very small coastal tributaries

such as Jackass Creek (Mendocino County).

Unfortunately, the habitat requirements for coho salmon in most streams in the CCC ESU are

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not at properly functioning conditions and their abundance has decreased, in large part,

because the natural rates of critical watershed processes (e.g., sediment delivery, hydrology,

wood recruitment, loss of beaver habitat, temperature regulation, etc.) have been substantially

altered by human activities. This is remarkable considering the historically ubiquitous

occurrence of coho salmon in the northern coastal streams of North America. The absence of

coho salmon in these freshwater habitats is a strong indication that the majority of the

watersheds in the CCC ESU are substantially degraded and watershed processes disrupted.


When in freshwater, optimal habitats for successful rearing include adequate quantities of; (1)

deep complex pools formed by large woody debris, (2) adequate quantities of water, (3) cool

water temperatures, (4) unimpeded passage to spawning grounds (adults) and back to the

ocean (smolts), (5) adequate quantities of clean spawning gravel, and (6) access to floodplains,

side channels and low velocity habitat during high flow events. Numerous other requirements

exist (i.e., adequate quantities of food, dissolved oxygen, low turbidity, etc.) but in many

respects these other needs are generally met when the six freshwater habitat requirements listed

above are at a properly functioning conditions.

Deep complex pools formed by wood.

Large woody debris originating from riparian trees is a form of cover in many streams, and its

importance is widely recognized (Bisson et al. 1987; Holtby 1988). When riparian trees fall into

watercourses they create conditions which scour the gravel bottoms of streambeds creating

deep pools. These pools are preferred habitats of coho salmon due to slow moving water, pools

that provide cover from predators and food for foraging. Slow moving water allows coho to

capture food with the minimum expenditure of energy.

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Photo Courtesy 34: Lagunitas Creek, Marin County, CA, Eric Ettlinger.

Pools also provide an increase in the volume of rearing habitat which allows a greater density of

juveniles than does an equivalent length of stream without pool habitats. For example, in

British Columbia, juvenile coho salmon abundance was five times higher in streams with large

amounts of LWD compared to streams with lower amounts of LWD (Fausch and Northcoat

1992 in Bilby and Bisson 1998). In many streams, these essential pool and complex habitats

have been altered or lost due to reduced water flows, large woody debris removal activities,

increased rates of sedimentation, and loss, alteration and simplification of riparian forests.

Simplification of riparian forests then leads to a lack of future large wood recruitment. Lack of

recruitment is due in large part to the younger age of current riparian forests. Younger riparian

forests often lack trees of sufficient size and decadence that can act as keystone pieces to create

habitat complexity after they fall into a stream.. The absence of large wood in streams, in

particular, has had major impacts to coho salmon. This is due to the role wood contributes to

physical habitat formation, in sediment and organic-matter storage, and in maintaining a high

degree of spatial heterogeneity (habitat complexity) in stream channels ((National Research

Council 1996). Decreases in coho abundances following LWD removal or loss have been

documented in streams in the Pacific North West and Alaska (Bryant 1983; Dolloff 1986; Reeves

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et al. 1993). The loss of pools formed by large woody debris is indicative of past and present

management practices as well as altered natural processes.

Photo Courtesy 35: Cutting instream wood destroys coho salmon

habitat, San Lorenzo, Santa Cruz County, Chris Berry.

It is hard to overestimate the importance of loss of large woody debris as the result of
historical logging practices. The streams in the Santa Cruz Mountains and
Mendocino Coast contain little of the low-gradient, wide-valley streams that tend to
be the most productive habitat for coho salmon. Thus the role of large wood in these
steeper streams was, in all likelihood, absolutely essential for providing refuge during
high flow events in winter, because there were fewer opportunities for off-channel
habitat refuges. Lack of habitat structure is clearly a major problem facing CCC coho,
especially in the winter months when refuges from high flows are needed (e.g.,
Stillwater Sciences 2008). Even in state parks in the region, which often have 100-
year old riparian forests, large in-channel wood remains extremely scarce and is
largely present as the result of enhancement projects (e.g., Ferguson 2005).
Moyle 2008

Maintaining pool habitats, reversing the mechanisms leading to their loss, and actively

installing large wood structures is one of the highest priorities in the recovery plan. The status

of CCC coho salmon is dire and cannot wait for the natural processes to provide wood inputs to

streams through bank erosion, natural recruitment, etc. We need wood in streams now as an

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interim measure to jump start the restoration and to improve survival of CCC coho salmon.

Beavers are also believed to play an important role in the formation of salmon habitat. The

felling of trees by beavers increases woody debris, leading to increased invertebrate diversity

and biomass, and the debris cover, provided by the lodge and food cache, has been shown to

attract some fish species including salmonids (Collen and Gibson 2001). The presence of beaver

dams reduces siltation of spawning gravels below the impoundment (Macdonald et al. 1995).

The deeper water in beaver ponds provides important juvenile rearing habitat (Scruton et al.

1998), as well as important habitat for adults during the winter (Cunjak 1996) and in times of

drought (Duncan 1984). With regards to coho salmon specifically, beaver ponds have been

shown to provide excellent winter and summer rearing habitat (Reeves et al. 1989; Pollock et al.

2004). Recent studies in the Lower Klamath, Middle Klamath and Shasta sub-basins confirm

that beaver ponds provide high quality summer and winter rearing habitat for coho salmon

(Chesney et al. 2009; Silloway 2010).


Fish need water, and adequate water quantity and quality are essential for CCC coho salmon

survival and recovery. Coho salmon populations need enough aquatic space for large numbers

of juveniles to find food and escape from predators. Appropriate flows are needed for

migration to and from the ocean, for habitat connectivity during the low flow summer season,

for spawning, and for egg and alevin survival.

Lack of water is a severe limiting factor for coho salmon in many watersheds in the CCC ESU.

Impacts from ongoing water diversions are most severe in the more urbanized watersheds, and

watersheds with a large percentage of agricultural development and diversions. Californias

Mediterranean climate results in low flow conditions during the summer and late fall rearing

periods. Water diversions during the summer rearing period magnify the impact of natural low

flows with pronounced impacts to juvenile survival. Frost protection for vineyards can create

instantaneous flow reductions that leave salmon stranded on a drying stream bed.

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Additionally, the impervious surfaces in urbanized areas cause increased water run-off

resulting in higher winter flows, lower summer base flow, (as well as the introduction of

hydrocarbons and garbage) into the stream systems. CDFG has documented unauthorized and

illegal summer and fall water diversions are a serious concern and many previously perennial

streams are now dry in late summer (Harris, S. pers. comm. 2009). Strategies to address this

limiting factor are often difficult to implement but will be necessary to begin coho salmon

recovery in many of the targeted watersheds in the ESU.

Instream Temperature

Summer rearing coho salmon are sensitive to warm water temperatures. Optimal growth

occurs when instream temperatures average 12-14 C. When maximum weekly average

temperatures exceed 18 C, coho salmon are absent from otherwise suitable rearing habitat

(Welsh et al. 2001). Temperatures exceeding 25-26C are lethal to coho salmon. Altered thermal

regimes change many characteristics of stream habitat by changing the structure of plant and

invertebrate communities (Bisson and Davis 1976), and adverse interspecific interactions

between salmon and non-salmon fishes through increased competition and predation (Reeves

et al. 1987).

One of the more important factors contributing to optimal stream temperature is intact riparian

buffers. Retention of wide riparian buffers with adequate riparian canopy provided by mature

native trees, moderates water temperature. Riparian canopy intercepts solar radiation,

particularly in the smaller tributary streams where coho salmon juveniles rear, moderating the

effects of warm summer temperatures.

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Photo Courtesy 36: Russian River, Sonoma County, CA; Ann Dubay, SCWA.


Coho salmon require adequate passage conditions from the ocean to spawning areas for adults,

and from rearing areas to the ocean for smolts. Reduced flows, debris jams, plugged or

improperly placed or sized culverts, excessive water velocities, closed sandbars, and other

conditions impede migrating adults. Unscreened diversions can impede smolt outmigration,

particularly during low flow conditions. Typically, adult coho salmon do not migrate to the

higher gradient stream reaches that steelhead are able to access. Many of the more significant

barriers to adult migration in the CCC ESU have been addressed through past restoration

projects. A large proportion of projects implemented have directed efforts at fixing passage

problems. In the past, CDFG expended considerable effort in removing large wood formed

barriers that impeded salmonid migration to upstream spawning and rearing areas.10

10Today a lack of wood exists in many streams due to some of the large wood removal activities that were conducted
for the purpose of passage improvement and channel improvement. Reduced large wood frequencies in most
streams is now recognized as a key habitat limiting factor of for coho habitat across the CCC ESU.

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Photo Courtesy 37: Adult CCC coho salmon, San Geronimo, Marin County; Paola Bouley,

Spawning Gravel

Adult coho females choose a spawning site near the head of a riffle, just below a pool, where

water changes from smooth to turbulent flow, and where there is abundant medium to small

gravel. Most females dig at least three to four nests (redds) and deposit eggs in each (Godfrey

1965). The eggs will incubate an average of 38 days at 10.7 C (Shapovalov and Taft 1954), or

longer at cooler water temperatures. Depth of egg burial varies substantially within and

between salmon populations (Burner 1951; van den Berghe and Gross 1984; Tripp and Poulin

1986). In some cases, larger females deposit eggs at greater depth than their smaller

counterparts (van den Berghe and Gross 1984), reducing the probability of egg loss due to

streambed scour during high flow conditions. Physical factors such as water velocity, the size

of substrate, and compaction of the stream bed also influence the depth of egg burial (Burner

1951). Upon hatching the sac fry (alevins) remain in the gravel from one to five months.

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Photo Courtesy 38: Coho salmon redd and spawning gravels in south fork Noyo River; Rick
Macedo, CDFG

To ensure survival from spawning to emergence, the gravels must be relatively free of fine

sediment. Clean gravels facilitate, via intragravel flow, a supply of oxygen rich water to the

eggs and newly hatched sac fry and help ensure that metabolic waste is removed.

Gravels with high concentrations of fine sediment can substantially reduce egg survival.

Phillips et al. (1975) found survival to emergence was only eight percent where gravel/sand

mixtures were 70 percent (particle size < 3.3 mm). Fine sediment originates from many

anthropogenic activities including agriculture, livestock grazing, urbanization, roads, forestry,

mining as well as natural processes such as landslides, streambank erosion, and fire.

Minimizing anthropogenic sources of fine sediment is readily achievable when riparian buffers

of sufficient size persist along stream channels, culverts are adequately sized and properly

located, development or extractive land management practices are avoided on unstable areas,

cover crops are left during the winter, roads are properly maintained, etc.

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Photo Courtesy 40: Headwater landslide leading to sediment delivery downstream to a CCC
coho salmon stream making it unsuitable for
coho salmon for many years, Jon Ambrose,


Survival and distribution of juvenile coho

salmon are associated with available winter

habitat (Bustard and Narver 1975; Peterson

1982; Tschaplinski and Hartman 1983;

Nickelson et al. 1992; Quinn and Peterson

1996). During winter, juvenile coho salmon Photo Courtesy 39: Cottaneva Creek,

select habitats with low velocity water such Mendocino County, Matt Goldsworthy, MRC

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as alcoves, side-channels, backwaters,

riverine ponds, and deep pools formed by

rootwads (Bustard and Narver 1975;

Peterson 1982; Tschaplinski and Hartman

1983; Nickelson et al. 1992). These habitat

features provide cover from predators and

protection from high winter flow; factors

that cause premature emigration and/or

mortality of over-wintering salmonids

(Bustard and Narver 1975; Erman et al. 1988;

McMahon and Hartman 1989; Sandercock


These refugia areas are often found at the

greatest frequency on floodplains. Survival

and growth of CCC coho salmon are higher Photo Courtesy 41: Bank stabilization and
hardening results in loss of riparian canopy, pool
in floodplain habitats, maintenance and habitats and channel complexity. Branciforte

restoration of these areas may be of Creek, San Lorenzo River, Santa Cruz County,
CA; Jon Ambrose, NMFS
extraordinary importance for coho salmon

recovery. However, floodplains are frequently locations of human development despite also

being areas prone to recurrent flooding. Many floodplain habitats in the CCC ESU are altered

and channelized (for flood control or routine maintenance) and no longer support alcoves, side-

channels, backwaters, etc. Restoring floodplain habitats would substantially benefit over-

wintering survival of coho salmon.

For more information see Fiedler and Jain (1992), Gentry (1986), Gilpin and Soule (1986),

Nicholson (1954), Odum (1971; 1989), Soul (1986), FEMAT (1993), Gregory and Bisson (1997),

Hicks et al., (1991), Murphy (1995), National Research Council (1996), Nehlsen et al., (1991),

Spence et al., (1996), Thomas et al., (1993), and The Wilderness Society (1993).

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The marine life stage of CCC coho salmon is not well studied. After initial entrance to the

ocean, smolts concentrate in schools inshore, gradually moving north along the continental

shelf (CDFG 2004). Ocean residence typically lasts for two years, when adult fish return to

freshwater to spawn and begin the cycle again. Some precocious males (jacks) return after only

six months of ocean residence.

Long-term trends in marine productivity associated with atmospheric conditions in the North

Pacific Ocean have a major influence on coho salmon production. Coho salmon have evolved

behaviors and life history traits allowing them to survive a variety of environmental conditions.

When populations are fragmented or reduced in size and range, however, they are more

vulnerable to extinction by natural events.

Poor ocean conditions are believed to have a prominent role in the recent decline of coho

salmon populations in California. Unusually warm ocean surface temperatures and associated

changes in coastal currents and upwelling, known as El Nio conditions result in ecosystem

alterations such as reductions in primary and secondary productivity, and changes in prey and

predator species distributions. More significantly, poor ocean conditions that affect the

biological productivity are the result of interdecadal climate variability in the northeast Pacific

(Hollowed and Wooster 1992; Beamish and Bouillon 1993). Regimes shifts in the ocean have

likely significantly adversely affected all CCC coho salmon production.

El Nio is often cited as a cause for the decline of West Coast salmonids. Near-shore conditions

during the spring and summer months along Californias coast may have dramatically affected

year-class strength of salmonids (Kruzic et al. 2001). Coho salmon along the California coast

may be especially sensitive to upwelling patterns because of the lack of other coastal habitat

types (i.e., extensive bays, straits, and estuaries) that normally buffer adverse oceanographic

effects. The scarcity of high quality near-shore habitat, coupled with variable ocean conditions,

makes freshwater rearing habitat more crucial for the survival and persistence of many coho

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salmon populations. Of greatest importance is not how salmonids perform during periods of

high marine survival, but how prolonged periods of poor marine survival affect population

viability. Salmonid populations have persisted through many such cycles. It is less certain how

they will fare in periods of poor ocean survival when freshwater, estuary, and nearshore marine

habitats are degraded (Good et al. 2005). Recovery of coho salmon will depend on robust

populations resilient enough to withstand natural changes in ocean productivity.

The interannual variations of El Nio events decrease salmonid prey abundance; however,

changes to Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) are more long lasting and more profound to

salmonid populations. Synthesis of climate and fishery data from the North Pacific sector

highlights the existence of large scale, interdecadal, coherent pattern of environmental and

biotic changes. The marine ecological response to the PDO-related environmental changes

starts with phytoplankton and zooplankton at the base of the food chain, and works its way up

to higher level predators like salmon (Venrick 1992; Roemmich and McGowan 1995; Hare 1996)

(Brodeur et al. 1996; Francis 1997). This bottom-up enhancement of overall productivity

appears to be closely related to upper ocean changes characteristic of the positive polarity of the

PDO. PDO reversals occurred in 1925, 1947, and 1977 (Mantua et al. 1997; Mantua and Hare

2002). These reversals significantly altered harvest patterns between Alaskan fisheries and

fisheries in Washington, Oregon, and California (WOC). However, Mantua et al. (1997)

observed a weaker connection between harvest records for the WOC salmonids than the

Alaskan fisheries and indicated that climatic influences on salmon in their southern ranges may

also be masked or overwhelmed by anthropogenic impacts. The conclusion: Alaskan stocks are

predominantly wild spawners in pristine watersheds, while the WOC coho and Chinook

salmon are of hatchery origin, and originate in watersheds significantly altered by human

activities. For more information on climate and marine conditions please see Appendix A.

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Photo courtesy 42: Hatchery CCC coho salmon Adult from Scott Creek Hatchery Program,
Scott Creek Santa Cruz County, Morgan Bond, NMFS

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Man in his misguidance has powerfully interfered with Nature. He has devastated the forests, and thereby
even changed the atmospheric conditions and the climate. Some species of plants and animals have
become entirely extinct through man, and the purity of the air is affected by smoke and the like, and the
rivers are defiled. These and other things are serious encroachments upon Nature, which men nowadays
entirely overlook but which are of the greatest importance, and at once show their evil effect not only
upon plants but upon animals as well, the latter not having the endurance and power of resistance of
Goethe, 1832

ESA Section 2(a) states that:

- various species of fish, wildlife, and plants in the United States have been rendered

extinct as a consequence of economic growth and development untempered by

adequate concern for ecosystem conservation;

- these species are of esthetic, ecological, educational, historical, recreational, and

scientific value to the Nation and its people;

- the United States has pledged itselfto conserve to the extent practicable the various

species of fish or wildlife and plants facing extinction; and

- Congress encourages the States and other interested partiesto develop and

maintain conservation programsto better safeguard, for the benefits of all citizens,

the Nations heritage in fish, wildlife, and plants (16 U.S.C. 1531).

Furthermore, ESA Section 3 outlines that to conserve species is to use all methods and

procedures which are necessary to bring any endangered species or threatened species to the

point at which the measures provided pursuant to the Act (ESA) are no longer necessary (16

U.S.C. 1531 3). Such methods and procedures include, but are not limited to, all activities

associated with scientific resources management such as research, census, law enforcement,

habitat acquisition and maintenance, propagation, live trapping, and transplantation, and, in

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4.0 Factors Leading to Federal Listing 86
the extraordinary case where population pressures within a given ecosystem cannot be

otherwise relieved, may include regulatory taking (16 U.S.C. 1531 3).

To comply with the ESA, case law and recovery planning policies, an assessment of the Section

4(a)(1) factors (listing factors) identified at the time of listing was conducted. These assessments

are required under Section 4(b)(1) of the ESA during the listing process and require that Federal

agencies review the species status using the best scientific and commercial data available and

determine whether a species is endangered or threatened from any one or a combination of the

following factors:

Section 4(a)(1) Factors:

(A) The present or threatened destruction, modification or curtailment of habitat or range;

(B) Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes;

(C) Disease or predation;

(D) Inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; and

(E) Other natural or man-made factors affecting its continued existence.

A secondary assessment was performed for this recovery plan to determine if the factors have

changed over time. These assessments conform with:

1. Directives by the U. S. Government Accountability Office (USGAO 2006), from an audit

of recovery plans, to ensure new recovery plans have criteria evidencing consideration

of the Section 4(a)(1) factors identified for the species at time of listing; and

2. Case law outlining that plans must recognize identified threats and recommend

appropriate actions to address threats. The administrative record should reflect the

agency considered new ESA section 4(a)(1) threats that have arisen since listing,

document the existence of new threats or the elimination of a threat since listing, and

develop criteria that address these threats (Fund for Animals v Babbitt, 903F. Supp. 96,

111 (D.D.C. 1995); Defenders of Wildlife v. Babbitt, 130 F. Supp. 2d. 121 (D.D.C. 2001).

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All pertinent Federal Register notices (FRN), including both proposed and final listing

determinations for the CCC coho salmon were reviewed (Table 5). The listing factors described

in this Chapter are those that were: (1) specified in the FRN at the time of listing and explicitly

described in the listing determination notices for which the notice pertained, or (2) specified in

earlier proposed FRNs and incorporated into the final FRN by reference. The current status of

all listing factors were assessed in context to the recovery plan threats analysis and through

consultation with staff from NMFS, CDFG, and other entities. Information has been catalogued

into the administrative record, and described here, for use during 5-year status reviews and for

downlisting/delisting decisions by NMFS.

Table 5: Federal Register Notices analyzed

Date Citation Title Content Description

July 25, 1995 60 FR 38011 Endangered and Threatened Proposed rule: threatened
Species; Proposed Threatened status for CCC coho
Status for Three Contiguous ESUs salmon.
of Coho Salmon Ranging From
Oregon Through Central
October 31, 1996 61 FR 56138 Endangered and Threatened Final rule: threatened
Species; Threatened Status for status for CCC coho.
CCC Coho Salmon ESU
June 14, 2004 69 FR 33102 Endangered and Threatened Proposed rule:
Species: Proposed Listing endangered status for CCC
Determinations for 27 ESUs of coho salmon, threatened
West Coast Salmonids status update for CC
Chinook, threatened status
update for CCC steelhead,
threatened status update
for NC steelhead.
June 28, 2005 70 FR 37160 Endangered and Threatened Final rule, endangered
Species: Final Listing status for CCC coho
Determinations for 16 ESUs of salmon, threatened status
West Coast Salmon, and Final update for CC Chinook
4(d) Protective Regulations for salmon. Extend final
Threatened Salmonid ESUs listing for O. mykiss DPSs.

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4.0 Factors Leading to Federal Listing 88
Through the regulatory process, the Secretary of Commerce determined the CCC coho salmon

ESU is an endangered species based on a combination of the five factors summarized below.

The factors threatening naturally reproducing coho salmon throughout its range are numerous

and varied. For CCC coho salmon ESU, the present depressed condition of the population is

the result of several long-standing human-induced factors (e.g., habitat degradation, harvest,

water diversions, and artificial propagation) that serve to exacerbate the adverse effects of

natural environmental variability from such factors as drought and poor ocean conditions (61

FR 56138).

This chapter outlines the factors affecting CCC coho salmon as they were identified in 1996, and

re-affirmed in 2005, when CCC coho salmon were relisted to an endangered status. The chapter

outlines changes in: (a) the severity of threats and (b) threats that have been reduced or

removed since publication of the final listing rule. The discussion of these listing factors at the

time of listing consolidates the major identified threats from both 1996 and 2005 and, where

appropriate, focuses on the threats as of 2005, since this is the most recent information analyzed

in the Federal Register.



Factor A: At Listing

Logging, agriculture, mining, urbanization, stream channelization, dams, wetland loss, and

water withdrawals and unscreened diversions for irrigation contributed to the decline of the

CCC coho salmon ESU. Land use activities associated with logging, road construction, urban

development, mining, agriculture, and recreation have significantly altered coho salmon habitat

quantity and quality (61 FR 56138). Impacts of concern associated with these activities included

the following: alteration of streambank and channel morphology, alteration of ambient stream

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water temperatures, elimination of spawning and rearing habitat, fragmentation of available

habitats, elimination of downstream recruitment of spawning gravels and large wood, removal

of riparian vegetation resulting in increased stream bank erosion, and degradation of water

quality (61 FR 56138). Of particular concern was the increased sediment input into spawning

and rearing areas resulting from the loss of channel complexity, pool habitat, suitable gravel

substrate, and LWD (61 FR 56138). Decreased large woody material in streams has also reduced

habitat complexity and contributed to the loss of cover, shade, and pools which are required by

juvenile coho salmon (60 FR 38011).

Agricultural practices had contributed to the degradation of salmonid habitat in the ESU

through water diversions for irrigation, inadequate riparian protections, sedimentation,

overgrazing in riparian areas, and compaction of soils in upland areas from livestock.

Urbanization had degraded coho salmon habitat through stream channelization, changes to the

hydrologic regime (including floodplain processes), riparian damage, and inputs of point

source and non-point pollution (including sediments with trace metals, pesticides, herbicides,

fertilizers, gasoline, and other petroleum products).

Water diversions and storage of natural flows had drastically altered natural hydrologic cycles

in many central California rivers and streams. Alteration of stream flows had increased juvenile

salmonid mortality for a variety of reasons (61 FR 56138). Reduced flows degrade or diminish

fish habitats via increased deposition of fine sediments in spawning gravels, decreased

recruitment of new spawning gravels, encroachment of riparian and nonnative vegetation into

spawning and rearing areas, and increased water temperatures (60 FR 38011; 61 FR 56138). The

destruction or modification of estuarine areas has resulted in the loss of important rearing and

transitional habitats necessary for successful migration.

Factor A: Since Listing

Since 1996 and 2005, restoration work has improved habitats and captive rearing activities have

prevented CCC coho salmon extinction. Additionally, active habitat rehabilitation has

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facilitated watershed recovery from legacy effects of logging prior to Californias Forest

Practice Rules (FPRs) (e.g., many sub-watersheds in the Garcia River, Mendocino County, CA).

While some improvements are still needed, in general, the FPRs for logging and forestry

activities on private and state lands have advanced from 1996 and 2005, to the present. The

continuation of efforts to reduce impacts and restore streams is critical to CCC coho salmon

recovery. Nevertheless, land uses causing the destruction, modification or curtailment of

habitat or range continue to outpace restoration. Forest conversions, urban growth, water

diversion, and agricultural activities continue to detrimentally impact streams and coho salmon

habitats, which diminish the ability of coho salmon to survive and reproduce. Noteworthy

activities needing to be addressed under this factor are: urban growth, riparian removal for

land uses unregulated by counties, stream channelization, floodplain disconnection or

encroachment, road building, road/bridge reconstruction work disregarding stream or estuarine

needs (e.g. U.S. Highway 1 bridge over Scott Creek in Santa Cruz County, CA), impacts of rural

residential development, decentralized oversight of agricultural activities, adverse effects of

marijuana cultivation, conversion of forestlands to other land uses and

authorized/unauthorized water diversions (1,771 existing unauthorized dams have been

identified within the North Coast Area (SWRCB, North Coast Instream Flow Policy, Appendix

E, Table ES.1)).



Factor B: At Listing

Coho salmon historically supported a recreational, commercial and tribal fisheries.

Modification and degradation of natural habitats in combination with overfishing led to the

depletion of many stocks of salmonids (69 FR 33102). Marine harvest of coho salmon occurred

primarily in nearshore waters off British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California and

exploitation rates were higher than many populations could withstand. Prohibitions on the

retention of coho salmon in ocean commercial fisheries were instituted in 1993 and 1994. State

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sport fishing regulations continued to allow fishing for coho salmon in inland waters. The

contribution of coho salmon to the in-river sport catch was unknown, and losses due to injury

and mortality from incidental capture in other authorized fisheries, principally steelhead, are

also unknown. Funding and personnel were not available to implement monitoring programs

to evaluate these impacts.

Illegal harvest occurs on spawning beds and in rearing/holding areas. Recreational fishing is

pursued in many streams and recent regulations on river harvest have resulted in the closure or

severe curtailment of fishing impacts. During periods of decreased habitat availability (e.g.,

drought conditions) the impacts of incidental capture from recreational fishing may be


Collection for scientific research and educational programs had likely little or no impact on

California coho salmon populations. In California, most scientific collection permits are issued

to environmental consultants, Federal resource agencies, and educational institutions by CDFG

and NMFS. Regulation of take is controlled by conditioning individual permits. CDFG and

NMFS require reporting of any coho salmon incidentally taken by other monitoring activities;

however, no comprehensive total or estimate of coho salmon mortalities related to scientific

sampling are kept for any watershed in California. CDFG does not believe that indirect

mortalities associated with scientific research were detrimental to coho salmon in California (61

FR 56138).

Factor B: Since Listing

The global moratorium on high seas driftnet fishing (via a United Nations resolution

implemented by the US in 1992) and ocean commercial fisheries closures in 1994 have reduced

this threat to CCC coho salmon. Furthermore, the PFMC instituted no-directed coho fisheries or

retention-of-coho salmon in all commercial and recreational fisheries off California. Marine

fisheries impacts should be no more than 13.0 percent to protect endangered CCC coho salmon

as indicated by projected impacts on Rogue/Klamath hatchery coho salmon. The current degree

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of impact (mortality resulting from (a) hook-and-release, (b) drop off before being boated, and

(c) non-compliance) associated with existing regulations for non-retention and mark-selective

coho salmon fisheries to the wild CCC coho salmon fishery, as of 2011, was estimated at 3.8%.

State sport fishing regulations no longer allow retention of CCC coho salmon in California

inland or nearshore waters. Impacts associated with incidental capture from freshwater

recreational fishing still occur. Freshwater steelhead sport fishing is allowed in many rivers and

streams where CCC coho salmon persist, including many of the focus watersheds identified in

the plan. There is some overlap in run-timing between CCC coho salmon and adult steelhead

(October through late February); adult CCC coho salmon have been misidentified by

recreational anglers and have recently been incidentally caught and retained. This is

particularly a concern in the Russian River watershed where both conservation hatchery coho

salmon and traditional hatchery steelhead are adipose fin-clipped.

The Russian River Coho Salmon Captive Broodstock Program was initiated in 2001, to prevent

the extirpation of coho salmon in the watershed. The program propagates coho salmon while

adhering to conservation hatchery practices using a genetic matrix and releases fry and smolts

into Russian River tributaries; a portion of the young will return two to three years later as

adults to spawn. The programs goal is to re-establish a natural self-sustaining population of

CCC coho salmon. Because these coho share a common mark with hatchery steelhead,

misidentification has occurred and resulted in the harvest of coho salmon. To address these

problems, an outreach campaign has been implemented and is underway to raise angler

awareness with informational press releases, fliers, and species identification signs at popular

angling access points (Figure 14). Species identification and proper handling and release

techniques, when incidental capture of CCC coho salmon occurs, is critical to reduce likelihood

of mortality and ensure coho salmon adult survival. Releasing coho salmon unharmed requires

specific handling, hook removal, revival efforts and minimal air exposure time (i.e., time out of

the water). Due to misidentification, marking techniques of coho salmon in the Russian River

are being reassessed.

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To compound this problem, some angling resources lack clarity or are inaccurate. For example,

current fishing regulations indicate that hatchery steelhead may be caught in streams where

there is a very low likelihood of hatchery trout occurring (See Fishing in Appendix B) and the

Northern California DeLorme Atlas & Gazette (2003) mistakenly indicates that freshwater

fishing is allowed for coho salmon in several streams (i.e., Albion River, Big River, Garcia River,

Navarro River, Noyo River, Russian River, San Lorenzo River, and Ten Mile River). Education,

outreach, improvements to regulations (e.g., consideration of low flow closures, emergency

regulations for CCC coho and other mechanisms) and focused enforcement by Game Wardens

would appreciably reduce the risk of this factor to coho salmon.

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Figure 14: Attention Anglers signage as part of outreach and education.

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Scientific research and educational programs are believed to have little or no impact on coho

salmon populations; however, the amount of incidental take associated with these is not being

tracked. Therefore, it is relatively unknown how these factors are affecting CCC coho salmon

populations. Given the extremely low population and endangered status, any impacts

associated with this factor such as angling, research, education, etc. may have a significant

adverse effect and should be monitored.


Factor C: At Listing

Relative to the effects of fishing, habitat degradation, and hatchery practices, disease and

predation were not believed to be major factors contributing to the decline of West Coast coho

salmon populations. However, disease and predation were believed to have substantial

episodic adverse impacts in local areas. Coho salmon are exposed to numerous bacterial,

protozoan, viral, and parasitic organisms in spawning and rearing areas, hatcheries, migratory

routes, and the marine environment. Specific diseases known to be present in, and affect,

salmonids are listed in 69 FR 33102. Very little current or historical information existed to

quantify changes in infection levels and mortality rates attributable to these diseases for coho

salmon. However, studies have shown native fish tend to be less susceptible to these pathogens

than hatchery-reared fish (Buchanan et al. 1983; Sanders et al. 1992). In California, many natural

and hatchery coho salmon populations were tested positive for the bacterium Renibacterium

salmoninarum, a causative agent of bacterial kidney disease (BKD). Within the CCC coho

salmon ESU, the overall incidence of BKD infection in fish at Scott and Waddell Creeks (Santa

Cruz County, CA) was believed to be 100 percent (61 FR 56138). Stress, caused by migration or

poor water quality (including poor water quality due to increased water temperature) or

quantity, may trigger the onset of the disease. CDFG initiated a treatment protocol to attempt

to control BKD outbreaks in hatchery fish released into the Russian River and Scott Creek (61

FR 56138).

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Piscivorous predators, such Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) and pollock (Theragra

chalcogramma) are known to consume salmon smolts (Holtby et al. 1990) and likely affect the

abundance and survival of CCC coho salmon. Predation by marine mammals (seals and

sealions)and birds (such as gulls, grebes (Podicipedidae); and loons (Gavia spp.), herons, egrets,

bitterns (Ardeidae); cormorants (Phalacrocorax spp.), terns (Sterna spp.), mergansers (Mergus spp.),

pelicans (Pelecanus spp.),was of concern in areas experiencing dwindling run sizes of salmon or

low juvenile coho salmon densities. Introductions of non-native species and habitat

modifications may have resulted in increased predator populations in numerous rivers and

near shore environments. It is important to note that these predators are opportunistic

feeders, preying upon the most abundant and easiest to catch. Although predation does occur,

it was believed to be a minor factor in the overall decline of coastwide salmonid populations at

the time of listing but may have contribute to keeping low populations at low levels. The

combination of increased predator populations and large-scale habitat modifications that favor

predators may have shifted predator-prey balance in some areas. The accumulating effects of

reduced population size, decreases in cover habitat and stream flow likely made coho salmon

more vulnerable to predation.

Factor C: Since Listing

Since 1996 and 2005, disease and predation were not found to be major factors contributing to

CCC coho salmon decline relative to other effects (i.e., habitat degradation). BKD treatment

protocols and the discontinuation of conventional production hatcheries may have addressed

one of the main sources of this threat. Habitat conditions such as low water flows and high

temperatures can exacerbate susceptibility to both disease and predation through increased

physiological stress and physical injury. Additional studies are necessary to determine the

effects other diseases, under a range of conditions, may have on the population. The potential

of some disease outbreaks, due to introductions and straying of out-of-basin and other non-

native fishes, are less likely than at the time of listing due to implementation of policies by

CDFG prohibiting interbasin transfers.

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Predation by marine mammals is coincidental and watershed specific with some probability of

coho salmon depletion occurring in locally areas and where populations are low (NMFS 1997;

Quinn 2005). While predation was not found to be a major factor, additional investigations

should be conducted to assess the relative impact to depressed populations in the marine and

freshwater environments from avian predators and marine mammals and non-native fishes

such as smallmouth bass and striped bass.


Summary: At the time of listing a variety of state and Federal regulatory mechanisms were in place to

protect coho salmon and their habitats. Due to funding and implementation uncertainties, and the

voluntary nature of many programs, the regulatory mechanisms that existed at the time of listing were

determined as not providing sufficient certainty that combined Federal and non-federal efforts are

reducing threats to CCC coho salmon. Since listing, a number of factors outlined in the 1996 Federal

Register listing CCC coho salmon persist, have improved or have been identified as not relevant. The

primary regulatory mechanisms that protect coho salmon are not comprehensive and are vastly different

across the landscape and land use type. Timber operations abide by Californias Forest Practice Rules

while other land uses have little to no oversight or coho protections rely on State regulations or county

ordinances when those mechanisms are triggered. Consistent protection measures in a watershed should

be pursued regardless of land use. Activities are outside the ESU, and are henceforth excluded from the

listing factor analysis. These programs are PACFISH, Northwest Forest Plan, Redwood National and

State Park General Management Plan, Green Diamond Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), PALCO

HCP, and Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District HCP.

Currently, regulatory mechanisms for Factor D needing improvements include:

(1) Lack of coordination between NMFS and other Federal agencies to use their authorities

in furtherance of the purposes of the ESA and Section 4 of the ESA to conserve

endangered CCC coho salmon according to Sections 2(c) and 7(a)(1) of the ESA;

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(2) Need for full implementation of ESA programs to create more efficient and effective

public/private partnerships (over 85% of the CCC coho salmon ESU is in privately held


(3) Increased collaboration between State agencies and NMFS regarding policies,

information sharing, permit streamlining, and coordinated efforts to recover CCC coho


(4) Improvements to, and implementation of, policies and regulations of the U.S. Army

Corp of Engineers, Federal Emergency Management Agency and other Federal/State

agencies protective of coho salmon and their habitat; and

(5) Collaboration by NMFS with entities (including RCDs, county governments, private

landowners, and others) to provide information on recovery priorities and needs.


In the ESA, Congress declared it to be the policy of Congress that all Federal departments and

agencies shall seek to conserve endangered species and threatened species and shall utilize their

authorities in furtherance of the purposes of the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1531 (c)). The legislative

history reveals an explicit congressional decision to require agencies to afford first priority to

the declared national policy of saving endangered species and a conscious decision by

Congress to give endangered species priority over the primary missions of the federal

agencies (Tennessee Valley Auth. v. Hill 1978).

To ensure Federal regulatory mechanisms are no longer a threat to CCC coho salmon, Federal

agencies should fully embrace the rule of interagency cooperation as outlined in the ESA

Section 7(a)(1). ESA Section 7(a)(2) imposes a procedural duty on the action agency to consult

with the consultation agency (i.e., NMFS) if the agencys action may affect a listed species

(50 C.F.R. 402.14(a)); Turtle Island Restoration Network, 340 F.3d at 974; Pacific Rivers

Council v. Thomas, 30 F.3d 1050, 1054 n.8 (9th Cir. 1994).

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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) At Listing:

USACE regulates dredging and filling in the waters of the United States through the Federal

Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 Program. The USACE program is implemented through

the issuance of a variety of individual, nation-wide and emergency permits. USACE is

obligated to not permit a discharge that would cause or contribute to significant degradation of

the waters of the United States. At listing, it was determined implementation of the CWA was

not effective in adequately protecting fishery resources, particularly in regard to non-point

sources of pollution. One factor that was considered in this determination is cumulative effects.

USACE guidelines did not specify a methodology for assessing cumulative impacts or how

much weight to assign them in decision-making. Furthermore, there was no USACE process to

address the cumulative effects of the continued development of water front, riverine, coastal,

and wetland properties. A variety of factors, including inadequate staffing, training, and in

some cases policy direction, was found to result in ineffective protection of aquatic habitats

important to migrating, spawning, or rearing coho salmon. The deficiencies of the program

were found particularly acute during large-scale flooding events, such as those associated with

EI Nio conditions, which can put additional strain on the administration of the CWA Section

404 program.

U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Since Listing:

The USACE continues to lack a comprehensive and consistent process to address the

cumulative effects of the continued development of water front, riverine, coastal, and wetland

properties. USACE need for staffing, training and consistency in application of laws and

policies still remains. A new development since listing is the USACE policy on Compensatory

Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources (73 FR 19594); a policy not being uniformly interpreted

nor applied between Districts. The significance of different interpretations and priorities within

USACE is currently being demonstrated in the Russian River. The USACE operates a hatchery

facility at Warm Springs Dam which is instrumental in the Russian River Coho Salmon

Recovery Program (a broad coalition of government agencies, scientists, water agencies, private

landowners, and others). The program has been in operation since 2001, to raise young coho

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salmon from wild broodstock and release them into Russian River tributaries. While rearing

coho salmon at the hatchery is successful, there is a critical need for outplanting sites with high

quality habitat for these young coho salmon to survive in the impaired Russian River

watershed. Nearly all of the Russian River is privately owned and many property owners are

reluctant to collaborate with the agencies. Thus, securing properties for the outplanting of coho

salmon is critical; yet there are few tools to establish such public/private partnerships.

Conservation and Mitigation Banking has been identified by NMFS as a tool to secure land in

perpetuity towards that cause. Unfortunately, staff at the District office of the USACE, and

unconnected with the Russian River Program, is interpreting the policy on Compensatory

Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources (73 FRN 19594) in a manner different from other

Districts that make Conservation Banks economically non-viable and thus a conservation tool

unlikely to be used by public entities for CCC coho salmon recovery. Other USACE Districts

are interpreting the policy more broadly and have realized demonstrated benefits to salmonids.

To reduce this threat for CCC coho salmon, the USACE should consider working with NMFS to

determine a service area for salmonids that is more biologically relevant for Conservation and

Mitigation Banks and utilize their authority to fulfill their Section 2 and Section 7(a)(1)

responsibility. This alone could widen the market for mitigation credits, provide an incentive

for private landowners to manage their land for the recovery of CCC coho salmon, and reduce

this threat category.

In addition, there is a lack of oversight or consultation with NMFS by USACE for activities

(where navigable waters are impaired and coho salmon habitat degraded) that result from

normal farming, silviculture, ranching, agriculture, emergency reconstruction of structures,

farm ponds, and construction/maintenance of farm or forest roads. Section 404 of the CWA

requires permits for the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States,

but exempts activities as outlined in Section 404(f)(1)(A-E):

A. Normal farming, silviculture, and ranching activities such as plowing, seeding,

cultivating, minor drainage, harvesting for the production of food, fiber, and forest

products or upland soil and water conservation practices;

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B. Maintenance, including emergency reconstruction of recently damaged parts of

currently serviceable structures such as dikes, dams, levees, groins, riprap, breakwaters,

causeways, and bridge abutments or approaches, and transportation structures;

C. Construction or maintenance of farm or stock ponds or irrigation ditches, or the

maintenance of drainage ditches;

D. Construction of temporary sediment basins on a construction site which does not

include placement of fill material into the navigable waters; and

E. Construction or maintenance of farm roads or forest roads, or temporary roads for

moving mining equipment, where such roads are constructed and maintained, in

accordance with best management practices, to assure that flow and circulation patterns

and chemical and biological characteristics of the navigable waters are not impaired,

that the reach of the navigable waters is not reduced, and that any adverse effect on the

aquatic environment will be otherwise minimized.

Some of these activities have been found to impair salmonid streams, but without a clear trigger

for Federal oversight many of these activities will continue to degrade habitats. This policy

should be amended for activities where significant impacts are likely to occur to salmonid


Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) At Listing:

FEMA administers programs which influence development in waterways and floodplains.

Through the Public Assistance, Individual and Households and Hazard Mitigation Grant

programs, FEMA provides technical and financial assistance to public and private property

owners in preparation, response, and recovery from disasters, including flooding events. In the

past, FEMAs actions often result in infrastructure repair that only provided funding for

replacement of damaged facilities and structures in their original locations and original

configurations (i.e., undersized culverts that cannot pass flood flows). These types of repairs are

prone to repeated damage from future flooding and have led to repeated disturbance of

riparian and aquatic habitats important to migrating, spawning, or rearing coho salmon.

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FEMA administers the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) which enables property

owners in participating communities to purchase insurance as a protection against flood losses.

In exchange, state and community floodplain management regulations are implemented, with

the goal of reducing future flood damages. Regulations allow for development in the margins

of active waterways (if they are protected against 100-year flood events), and do not raise water

surface elevations within the active channel (floodway) more than one foot during such flood

events. This standard was found to not adequately reflect the dynamic, mobile nature of

watercourses in the CCC coho salmon ESU, and the critical role that margins of active

waterways (riparian areas) play in the maintenance of aquatic habitats.

Federal Emergency Management Agency Since Listing:

In 2004, a judge ruled (U.S. District Court, Western District of Washington, Seattle, Order No.

C03-2824Z) that FEMA has violated Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA and directed FEMA to initiate

consultation with NMFS on the impacts of its implementation of the NFIP on Chinook salmon.

A NMFS Biological Opinion was completed in 2008 and concluded the NFIP, as currently

implemented, caused jeopardy to listed Puget Sound salmonids and Southern Resident Killer

Whales and adversely modified critical habitat (NMFS 2008a).

A second lawsuit (Audubon Society of Portland et al. v FEMA Case 3:09-cv 00729-HA) alleged

FEMA violated Section 7 of the ESA by not consulting with NMFS regarding the potential

effects of the NFIP on ESA listed salmonids in Oregon. The lawsuit further asserted that FEMA

failed to use its authorities to carry out programs to conserve listed species. On July 9, 2010,

FEMA entered into an agreement with the plaintiffs settling the lawsuit (U.S. District Court

Case 3:09-cv-00729-HA: Settlement Agreement and [Proposed] Court Order). The settlement

agreement required FEMA to initiate formal consultation with NMFS on FEMAs

implementation of the NFIP and its associated discretionary components including the

mapping of floodplains and revisions thereof, and the implementation of the Community

Rating System (CRS) for the 15 salmon and steelhead ESUs/DPSs listed under the ESA in

Oregon. Due in part to these lawsuits and the Puget Sound area NFIP biological opinion, a

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national consultation effort is underway between FEMA and NMFS regarding FEMAs

proposed revision of its NFIP. The timing for its finalization is unknown at this time; however,

staff in the Northwest Region and SWR are currently providing technical assistance to FEMA

for that consultation and have provided comments through the NEPA comment process.

Through this process, the inadequacy of the regulatory mechanisms of the FEMA NFIP was

outlined by NMFS in a July 12, 2012, letter (NMFS 2012b). The letter highlighted the following


(1) Current mapping protocols fail to accurately recognize and reflect the full range of flood

hazards to people and property, and simultaneously fail to recognize and protect

natural resource values of the floodplain;

(2) Existing minimum floodplain management criteria promote construction in floodplains

rather than discourage development in floodplains, to the detriment of ESA listed

species and their critical habitat; and

(3) The community rating system should better incentivize flood damage minimization

practices that are compatible with preservation/restoration of natural functions of


Currently, work in the SWR is underway on a programmatic biological opinion on

implementation of FEMAs programs for disaster preparation response, and recovery, including

flooding events. NMFS and FEMA have been engaged in discussions to improve

implementation of these programs and include standard conservation measures for the

protection of salmonids and their designated critical habitat. Conservation measures will also

include regeneration of riparian habitat, improvements to passage, and provisions for

restoration of natural and historical channel processes that are necessary to support listed

salmonids including CCC coho salmon. If the NFIP and Disaster Relief Program consultations

improve these programs for salmon and steelhead, the threat will be reduced.

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EPA, Water Quality Control Board and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) At Listing:

The CWA is administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is intended to

protect and fully support the beneficial uses of water such as aquatic life, fisheries, drinking

water, recreation, industry and agriculture. The State of California inventoried a list of water

bodies, known as the 303(d) lists, and characterized water as either; fully supported, impaired,

or in some cases threatened, as beneficial uses. Section 303(d)(1)(C) and (D) of the CWA

requires states to prepare Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for all water bodies failing to

meet water quality standards. TMDLs are a method for quantitative assessment of

environmental problems in a watershed and identifying pollution reductions necessary to

protect drinking water, aquatic life, recreation, and other use of rivers, lakes, and streams. The

states either develop a numeric criteria or a narrative description for the maximum amount of a

pollutant that a water body can receive while still meeting water quality standards.

EPA delegated its authority to each state to enact the CWA. In California, both EPA and the

California Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCB) establish TMDLs for impaired

rivers and streams on the 303(d) list. In the late 1990s, the state of California committed to, and

completed, the development of TMDLs for 18 basins in California by 2007. EPA outlined a plan

to develop TMDLs for the remaining impaired basins and agreed to complete all TMDLs if the

State failed to meet its commitments in 2007. The North Coast Regional Water Quality Control

Board (NCRWQCB) was in the process of updating its north coast basin plan, which would

establish water quality standards for all of the northern California rivers and streams (including

Ten Mile, Noyo, Navarro, Garcia, Gualala, and Russian rivers). Basin plans are considered

living documents and are continually updated and refined.

At the time of listing, NMFS was concerned about the inadequacy of existing regulatory

mechanisms to protect and conserve CCC coho salmon ESU through the development and

implementation of TMDLs in California (62 FR 43937). NMFS determined implementation of

the existing regulatory mechanisms had not been adequate to protect coho habitat.

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EPA, Water Quality Control Board and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) Since Listing:

Since the original listing and the recent 5-year status review for CCC coho salmon, the EPA and

State have established a number of TMDLs in watersheds for various constituents (i.e.,

sediment, temperature, nutrient, etc.) to reduce pollutant loads to impaired water bodies. Based

on the current 303(d) list with over 1,883 water body/pollutant combinations, the SWRCB has

estimated that the total number of TMDLs needed is over 400 projects across the State. The

Regional Boards are currently engaged in developing over 120 TMDLs, many addressing

multiple pollutants. Schedules have been developed for establishing all required TMDLs over

a 13-year period (see web site for more information at:


d_reqtmdls.pdf). More detailed schedules of work to be undertaken in the 3- and 5-year

periods have also been developed.

Approved TMDLs are improving CCC coho salmon habitats in some watersheds (e.g. Garcia

River, Mendocino County, CA); in other watersheds substantial progress or improvement is

needed (e.g., San Lorenzo, Santa Cruz County, CA). These differences are largely the result of

staff availability and varying implementation schedules time by the various WQCBs.

In 2011, the NCRWQCB, the Central California Coast RWQCB, and the San Francisco Bay

RWQCB updated their basin plans to establish water quality standards for rivers, streams, and

tributaries in the CCC ESU. NMFS expects the development and implementation of TMDLs

will improve CCC coho salmon ESU habitat; however, their efficacy in protecting coho salmon

habitat will be unknown for years to come. Monitoring of the TMDLs process is essential to the

recovery CCC coho salmon.

Considerable work has been done to improve water quality in Californias streams, rivers, and

tributaries; however, there are a number of additional water quality issues that need to be

addressed to protect and conserve coho salmon. For example, impacts to fish habitat from

agricultural practices have not been closely regulated. The State of California does not have

regulations that directly manage agricultural practices, but instead relies on the TMDLs under

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the CWA to improve water quality from all sources and parties, including agricultural sources.

Numerous streams in the CCC coho salmon ESU are currently impacted by agricultural

practices, but do not have TMDLs (SWRCB 2010), and many are not scheduled for completion

until 2019. The majority of TMDLs focus on sediment and temperature requirements with little

focus on pesticide toxicity. Pesticide toxicity is currently believed to be an upcoming issues

regarding stream impairment but little is known about its effects to CCC coho salmon.

Many pesticides are applied in CCC coho salmon watersheds to control pests associated with

agricultural crops, residential homes, commercial and industrial facilities, transportation

corridors, parks, golf courses, and timberlands. Pesticides can be transported to salmon

habitats as a result of point source (e.g., discharges from industrial and municipal outfalls) and

non-point source (e.g., agricultural and urban runoff) pathways. The direct impact of pesticides

(and pesticide mixtures) on salmon health is an emerging research area (Eder et al. 2009; Laetz et

al. 2009) in the context of population recovery (Baldwin et al. 2009); however, the indirect

impacts of pesticides on salmonids via their supporting aquatic food webs remain poorly

understood (MacNeal et al. 2010). Results by Baldwin et al. (2009) indicated short-term (i.e.,

four-day) exposures (representative of seasonal pesticide use) may be sufficient to reduce the

growth and size at ocean entry of juvenile steelhead. Overall, results indicate exposure to

common pesticides may place important constraints on the recovery of ESA listed salmon

species, and that simple models can be used to extrapolate toxicological impacts across several

scales of biological complexity (Baldwin et al. 2009). Despite these gaps, there is considerable

evidence pesticides may have toxic effects on the biological communities that support ESA-

listed salmon (reviewed in NMFS 2008b; NMFS 2009). Research on this topic for CCC coho

salmon is critically needed.

At the Federal level11, the EPA initiated ESA section 7 consultations with the NMFS' Office of

11 The California Department of Pesticide Regulations (CDPR) regulates pesticides. The CDPR has a
statutory mandate to encourage the development and implementation of pest management systems that
stress biological, mechanical and cultural pest control. The CDPR uses integrated pest management
(IPM) to ensure the least possible harm to non-target organisms, public health and the environment.

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Protected Resources for the re-registration of 37 pesticide active ingredients. At present, five

biological opinions have been completed with NMFS with the conclusion that numerous12

insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and insecticides, used in both agricultural and urban

settings, likely jeopardize and adversely modify designated critical habitat for CCC coho

salmon ESU (NMFS 2008b; NMFS 2009; NMFS 2010b; NMFS 2011; NMFS 2012c). Two

biological opinions for the remaining eight active ingredients are scheduled for completion by

30 June 2013.

In summary, some improvements in some watersheds in the CCC ESU are occurring where

TMDLs are developed and actively implemented. The State has developed many TMDLs but

the list of additional impaired waterbodies remains very large and TMDL development will

likely take many more years to fully implement. TMDLs development and implementation has

significant potential to provide long term benefits to listed salmonids and their habitat.

However, it will take time to develop and implement TMDL standards for all pollutants and to

determine the magnitude of the benefits of existing programs.

NMFS Efforts At Listing (ESA Section 7 Consultations):

NMFS conducts ESA section 7 consultations with Federal action agencies that fund, conduct or

authorize projects in the range of CCC coho salmon. NMFS evaluates impacts to CCC coho

salmon from a wide variety of projects including: irrigation and water diversion, timber

harvest, watershed restoration, fish passage, gravel mining, grazing, and transportation

projects. From 2000 to 2005, NMFS had conducted approximately 2,300 ESA section 7

consultations with over 20 Federal action agencies in California. Of this total, approximately

1,500 consultations involved projects in coastal watersheds occupied by listed coho salmon,

Chinook salmon, and steelhead ESUs/DPSs. NMFS has also provided technical assistance to

Federal agencies on hundreds of additional projects throughout the State of California. The

12Chlorpyriifos, diazinon, malathion, carbaryl, carbofuran, methomyl, 2,4-D, oryzalin, penditmethalin trifluralin, and
pesticide products containing the active ingredient naled, phosmet, ethoprop, phorate and methidathion.

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majority of consultations were with BOR, USACE, FHWA, FWS, USFS, BLM, and BIA. In

addition to consulting with other Federal agencies, NMFS has also consulted with itself

regarding the effects of recreational and commercial fishing on listed salmonid ESUs. These

consultations improved, or minimized adverse impacts to, and resulted in more consistent

approaches to management of listed salmonid and their habitats throughout coastal watersheds

in California. Two consultations the Potter Valley Project (which included the Russian River)

and the USACE and the Sonoma County Water Agency (for the Russian River) were expected to

improve, or minimize adverse impacts to salmonids and their associated habitat.

NMFS Efforts Since Listing (ESA Section 7 Consultations):

Both the Potter Valley Project and the USACE and Sonoma County Water Agency consultations

have been completed. The Potter Valley Project does not directly relate to CCC coho salmon;

however the Sonoma County Water Agency consultation is expected to realize significant

benefits to CCC coho salmon when fully implemented. A small percentage of the CCC coho

salmon ESU falls within the jurisdiction of Section 7 consultations due to the large percentage of

privately held land. Nonetheless, Section 7 consultations can provide benefits to CCC coho

salmon if recommendations in this plan are fully implemented. Some programmatic biological

opinions have been completed with the USACE for restoration and enhancement actions. See

Chapter 12 Implementation by NMFS for more details.

NMFS Efforts At Listing (ESA Section 10):

Habitat Conservation Planning (HCP) under section 10 of the ESA addresses species protection

on non-Federal lands. HCPs are particularly important since much of the habitat in the range of

CCC coho salmon is in non-Federal ownership.

NMFS Efforts Since Listing (ESA Section 10):

Section 10 of the ESA involves both the development of HCPs as well as scientific research.

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An HCP with Mendocino Redwood Company has been in development since 2000, but has yet

to be finalized. Due to the high non-Federal ownership in the CCC coho salmon, the use of

HCPs will be critical to recovery.

Scientific research and educational programs are believed to have little or no impact on coho

salmon populations; however, the amount of incidental take associated with these is not being

tracked. Therefore, it is relatively unknown how these factors are affecting CCC coho salmon

populations. Given the extremely low population and endangered status, any impacts

associated with this factor such as angling, research, education, etc. may have a significant

adverse effect and should be monitored.

Other NMFS Efforts Since Listing:

Conservation and advance mitigation planning efforts are being considered or proposed by

many agencies and project proponents. An increasing number of conservation banks targeting

NMFS species and their habitats are being proposed by bank sponsors. The SWR is currently

engaged in a number of conservation banking activities which include the operation of

established bank sites, developing new banks, developing regional and state-wide mitigation

initiatives with state agencies, and interagency efforts to improve and maintain consistent

coordination. In 2011, the SWR issued policy guidance for the review, establishment, use, and

operations of conservation banks and in-lieu fee mitigation programs within the Southwest

Region. Conservation banks use the freemarket enterprise to offer landowners an economic

incentive to protect, preserve and restore habitats for species listed under the federal ESA. In

exchange, the landowner banks habitat credits that may be sold to groups to compensate for

adverse impacts to these listed species or their habitats that are caused from projects. Banks are

usually held in perpetuity. A summary of ongoing and potential banking efforts in the CCC

coho salmon ESU are described below.

The Austin Creek Conservation Bank was signed in 2010 and is the first NMFS

approved Conservation Bank in the CCC coho salmon ESU. The ownership is roughly

400 acres and lies along several stream miles of upper East Austin Creek and Devils

Creek in the Russian River watershed and adjacent to Austin Creek State Recreation

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Area. The bank agreement is on file at the SWRs North Central California Coast Office.

The bank targets Central California Coast coho and steelhead and has credits for

riparian and upland habitats that maintain natural stream processes. The service area is

a 2-tiered system. The primary service area includes Marin and Sonoma Counties, and

may be utilized for mitigation and conservation. The secondary area includes the entire

Central California Coast coho and steelhead ESU/DPSs, and may be used for

conservation purposes. Phase 1 of the bank involves 144 acres and Phase 2 will bring in

the remaining acreage of the property into the bank. The bank owner has initiated

restoration and is allowing the Russian River Coho Salmon Captive Broodstock Program

staff to outplant juvenile coho salmon on the property. Wild coho salmon adults

spawned on the property in 2011 and their young were confirmed by snorkel surveys.

To continue the good work, NMFS and other agencies should continue to ask project

proponents to consider banks as a way of offsetting impacts.

The Statewide Advance Mitigation Initiative (SAMI) Memorandum of Understanding

(MOU) establishes a mutual framework for developing a coordinated advanced

mitigation plan for projects proposed by the California Department of Transportation

(Caltrans). The MOU was signed in 2011 by Caltrans, CDFG, Corps, the Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA), the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and NMFS. The

SAMI may include conservation and mitigation banks, in-lieu fee (ILF) programs, or

other appropriate mitigation or conservation measures. The MOU addresses

unavoidable impacts to aquatic ecosystems resulting from transportation projects and

specifically requires Caltrans to first avoid then minimize impacts.

The Regional Advanced Mitigation Project (RAMP) MOU was signed by in 2009 by

Caltrans, the Business Transportation and Housing Agency, the Wildlife Conservation

Board, EPA, USACE and the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) to

improve project mitigation and streamline the mitigation process for transportation and

flood control infrastructure projects. A copy of the MOU is on file at the NMFS SWRO.

The RAMP MOU establishes a working group that will develop a regional plan to

develop, implement and institutionalize strategies that encourage the use of advanced

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regional mitigation planning and projects in the planning, design, and implementation

of transportation and flood infrastructure projects. The workgroup is pursuing a pilot

project to apply these principles and strategies.

Northwest Forest Plan (NFP) and PACFISH At Listing:

The NFP is a Federal management policy with potential benefits for CCC coho salmon. Under

the NFP the US Forest Service (USFS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) made efforts

to reduce adverse effects to aquatic and riparian dependent species including salmon in the

range of the Northern spotted owl. The most significant element of the NFP for anadromous

fish is its Aquatic Conservation Strategy, which includes an objective for salmon habitat

conservation. However, Federal lands comprise only about five percent of the CCC coho

salmon ESU, a proportion too small to secure recovery even with the strictest of Federal forest

management practices.

PACFISH is a cooperative effort between USFS and BLM to develop coordinated Management

and Land Use Plans for the Federal lands they manage in eastern Oregon and Washington,

Idaho, and portions of Northern California. PACFISH is intended to provide protection of

anadromous fish aquatic and riparian habitat conditions while a longer term, basin scale aquatic

conservation strategy is developed. PACFISH provides objective standards and guidelines that

are applied to all Federal land management activities such as timber harvest, road construction,

mining, grazing, and recreation.

Northwest Forest Plan (NFP) and PACFISH Since Listing:

The NFP and PACFISH should not be considered in further status reviews nor listing

evaluations as they are not issues affecting the CCC coho salmon ESU.

Pacific Fisheries Management Council (PFMC) At Listing:

Ocean fisheries are managed by the PFMC. Since the listing of Pacific salmon and steelhead

under the ESA, substantial harvest reform has been instituted to reduce impacts to listed stocks.

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Each year the PFMC develops fishing regulations that are established by NMFS in Section 7

consultations for listed ESUs in California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. The ocean fisheries

have been implemented consistent with NMFS' requirements and have been effective at

reducing harvest impacts.

Pacific Fisheries Management Council Since Listing:

The PFMC continues to institute no directed coho fisheries or retention of coho in all

commercial and recreational fisheries off California. The marine fisheries impacts should be no

more than 13.0 percent to protect endangered CCC coho salmon.

Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF) At Listing:

The PCSRF was established in Fiscal Year (FY) 2000 to address a coast-wide need to protect,

restore and conserve Pacific Chinook, coho, chum, sockeye, and pink salmon and steelhead,

including their habitats. The PCSRF supplements existing state and tribal programs to foster

development of federal-state-tribal-local partnerships in salmon recovery and conservation by

providing grants for restoration of anadromous salmonids to the eligible states and tribes.

States must provide a minimum 33% match as a condition for use of these funds. NMFS

oversees the administration of PCSRF and distributes the congressional appropriations to states

and tribes in the Pacific Coast Region. CDFG administers the funds through the Fisheries

Restoration Grant Program (FRGP). Funded projects include, but are not limited to, fish

passage barrier removals, stream bank stabilization, fish habitat improvements that increase the

frequency of pools, removal of and/or storm-proofing of roads that contribute sediment to

streams, stabilizing eroding hill slope area adjacent to stream channels, revegetation of upslope

areas and riparian areas, monitoring programs to provide baseline and/or population trend

data, and support of local watershed organizations and education projects. The Federal funds

provided to the State and California Tribes have been important in furthering conservation

efforts in coastal watersheds. The funds have been successfully used to leverage additional

State and local salmon recovery funding sources, and have precipitated a substantial increase in

overall funding in the coastal counties of California.

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Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF) Since Listing:

The PCSRF program has been continuous since FY 2000, and many restoration actions have

been implemented with meaningful benefits realized for CCC coho salmon and their habitats.

The DFG Fisheries Grant Program (FRGP) that uses PCSRF monies has improved since listing.

The PCSRF program has also improved the focus to ensure ESA listed species are considered

top priorities for PCSRF money. For FY 2012, NMFS initiated a solicitation for the states to seek

applications for projects to allocate Federal funds and demonstrate how the money is

anticipated to be used according to new NMFS priorities. Specifically, in accordance with the

Congressional authorization, that funding is used for projects necessary for conservation of

salmon and steelhead populations that are listed as threatened or endangered, or identified by a State as

at-risk, or for maintaining populations necessary for exercise of tribal treaty fishing rights or native

subsistence fishing, or for conservation of Pacific coastal salmon and steelhead habitat. (Public Law

112-55 in NOAA 2012). New program priorities for FY2012 PCSRF applications are (ranked in


(1) Projects that address factors limiting the productivity of ESA-listed Pacific salmonids as

specified in approved, interim or proposed Recovery Plans. This includes projects that

are a necessary precursor to implementing priority habitat actions for ESA-listed

salmonids (e.g., project planning/design);

(2) Projects that restore or protect the habitat of anadromous salmonids that are at-risk of

being ESA listed or are necessary for exercise of tribal treaty fishing rights or native

subsistence fishing. This includes projects that are a necessary precursor to

implementing habitat actions (e.g., project planning/design);

(3) Effectiveness monitoring of habitat restoration actions at the watershed or larger scales

for ESA-listed anadromous salmonids, status monitoring projects that directly

contribute to population viability assessments for ESA-listed anadromous salmonids, or

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monitoring necessary for the exercise of tribal treaty fish rights or native subsistence

fishing on anadromous salmonids; and

(4) Other projects consistent with the Congressional authorization with demonstrated need

for PCSRF funding. This includes habitat restoration and planning projects not included

in the above priorities, as well as outreach, coordination, research, monitoring, and

assessment projects that can be justified as directly supporting one of the priorities.

The FRGP program, supported in part by PCSRF funding, is one of the single most important

restoration programs in California. Continued PCSRF funding is a critical component to

prevent extinction, focus restoration, conduct monitoring and support entities interested in

recovery of CCC coho salmon.

Other Federal Efforts Since Listing:

See Chapter 12 Implementation by NMFS for more details on actions associated with the ESA.


State Programs

California Department of Fish and Game At Listing:

Coho salmon were first listed under the CESA in 1995, in coastal streams south of the Golden

Gate. The original State listing did not encompass the entire ESU and NMFS determined it is

essential to manage the ESU as a population unit. NMFS concluded that CDFG may intend to

expand its recovery planning effort to the entire ESU, the protective measures of the State ESA

needed to be expanded to encompass the remainder of the ESU. The State of California

eventually listed the remainder of the CCC coho salmon ESU as endangered under the State

ESA. Freshwater fishing regulations were identified as a threat to coho salmon at the time of

listing (see Listing Factor B for further discussion).

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California Department of Fish and Game Since Listing:

In 2004, the California Fish and Game Commission finalized the California State Coho Salmon

Recovery Strategy (CDFG 2004) which identified and addressed recovery needs of coho salmon

and their habitats. The State recovery strategy established six goals:

1. Maintain and improve the number of key populations and increase the number of

populations and brood years of coho salmon;

2. Maintain and increase the number of spawning adults;

3. Maintain the range and maintain and increase the distribution of coho salmon;

4. Maintain existing habitat essential for coho salmon;

5. Enhance and restore habitat within the range of coho salmon; and

6. Reach and maintain coho salmon population levels to allow for the resumption of Tribal,

recreational, and commercial fisheries for coho salmon in California.

To achieve these goals the plan provides recommendations to address stream flow, water rights,

fish passage, water temperature, pool habitat structure, riparian habitat, watershed planning,

and gravel mining activities. Recovery priorities have been included into the operations of both

conservation hatchery programs (Warm Springs and Kingfisher Flat Monterey Bay Salmon and

Trout Project in Scott Creek) and the CDFG FRGP, though currently the plan has not been

evaluated for its effectiveness due to lack of funding for State monitoring programs.

Many projects have been implemented in the CCC coho salmon ESU under the CDFG FRGP on

public and private lands. FRGP funds have been used by watershed groups, non-profit

organizations and others to promote important conservation actions. CDFG conducts site

specific implementation and effectiveness monitoring to track the success and benefits of these

efforts. FRGP has recently been revamped to more effectively coordinate and comport with

State and Federal priorities. Furthermore, a more equitable distribution of funds is underway to

ensure projects for all federally listed salmonids are represented. The overall benefits of the

FRGP have improved significant acres of watersheds and miles of habitat; however

effectiveness monitoring has been lacking due to limited funding. It is critical that the FRGP

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program is funded, and expanded, to ensure continued restoration and monitoring work critical

to prevent CCC coho salmon extinction and shift their trajectory towards recovery. Long-term

funding is critically needed for the State to expand its monitoring programs that are currently

funded by FRGP.

Freshwater fishing regulations no longer allow for fishing of coho salmon (see Listing Factor B

for further discussion).

CDFG established the range-wide Coho Salmon Recovery Team (CRT) in December, 2002. The

CRT is made up of 21 members from a wide range of interests, professions, and perspectives

which represents county, State, and Federal governments, tribes, commercial and recreational

fishing, forestry, agriculture, ranching, water management, and environmental interests. The

team addressed many significant issues affecting coho salmon range-wide which were

incorporated into the California Recovery Strategy for Coho Salmon (CDFG 2004). The CRT

continued meeting after completion of the recovery strategy and, in recent years, has convened

on average of two times per year to address issues ongoing and recent developments in regard

to the continued decline of coho salmon in the State.

Coastal Monitoring Plan (CMP) At Listing:

A major concern in risk assessments for salmonid ESUs in California has been the lack of

comprehensive abundance and trend data for coastal salmonids. In 1994, the state's habitat

restoration program funded a major coastal salmonid monitoring program development effort

that is being carried out by the CDFG and NMFS. The development of a statewide, coastal

monitoring program plan is critical to assessing the viability of listed ESUs and their response to

extensive habitat restoration efforts and other conservation efforts. While the program was

expected to be developed within a year of listing, sufficiency of long-term funding for

implementation was an identified as a major uncertainty.

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Coastal Monitoring Plan (CMP) Since Listing:

The California Coastal Salmonid Population Monitoring: Strategy, Design and Methods (Adams et al.

2011) was finalized and is the first iteration of the CMP to guide monitoring of salmonid

populations for the State. Joint CDFG-NMFS committees have been formed to oversee program

development and implementation to further detail both population and habitat monitoring

protocols and analysis techniques. The progress of the CMP and work by the committees is an

improvement from the time of listing and a step forward to broaden and intensify monitoring.

Unfortunately, the long-term and consistent data collection needed to inform us on status and

trends cannot be realized with short-term and uncertain funding. New partners and assured

funding for monitoring are critically needed for the CMP to become a viable program. The lack

of sustained and secured funding to implement the CMP, and essential to conduct long-term

monitoring, remains a concern and threat to CCC coho salmon.

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) At Listing:

SWRCB administers a water rights permitting system which controls utilization of waters for

beneficial uses throughout the State. This permitting system, while it contains provisions

(including public trust provisions) for the protection of instream aquatic resources, does not

provide an explicit regulatory mechanism to implement CDFG Code Section 5937 requirements

to protect fish populations below impoundments. Additionally, SWRCB generally lacks the

oversight and regulatory authority over groundwater development comparable to surface

water developments for out-of-stream beneficial uses.

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Since Listing:

Assembly Bill 2121 (Stats. 2004, ch. 943, 1-3) added sections 1259.2 and 1259.4 to the

California Water Code. Water Code section 1259.4 requires the SWRCB to adopt principles and

guidelines for maintaining instream flows in northern California coastal streams for the

purposes of water right administration. The principles and guidelines were adopted as part of

state policy for water quality control pursuant to chapter 3, article 3 (commencing with section

13140) of the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act (Wat. Code, 13000 et seq.).

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On May 4, 2010, the State Water Board adopted a policy for water quality control titled Policy

for Maintaining Instream Flows in Northern California Coastal Streams. The policy contains

principles and guidelines for maintaining instream flows for the purposes of water right

administration. The geographic scope of the policy encompasses coastal streams from the

Mattole River to San Francisco and coastal streams entering northern San Pablo Bay and

extends to five counties: Marin, Sonoma, and portions of Napa, Mendocino, and Humboldt


Implementation of the Policy for Maintaining Instream Flows in Northern California Coastal

Streams should result in major benefits to coho salmon in the northern portions of the CCC ESU

if properly implemented and enforced. The policy includes provisions to address seasons of

diversions, minimum bypass flows, maximum cumulative diversions, onstream dams, and

assessment of cumulative effects for new water diversion applications. The policy does not

apply to previously authorized water diversions. Numerous unpermitted and out-of-

compliance water diversions are present in the CCC ESU. Resources are lacking to monitor and

enforce these diversions to ensure adequate instream flow is available for rearing coho salmon.

California Forest Practice Rules (FPRs) At Listing:

The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CalFire) enforces California's FPRs

which are promulgated through the State Board of Forestry (BOF). The FPRs contain provisions

that could provide significant protection for salmon if fully implemented. NMFS however

believes the FPRs did not provide adequate protection of properly functioning conditions. It is

unclear what level of protection would be afforded to coho salmon on private lands and in non-

forested areas.

FPRs Since Listing:

Forest practice rules regulate management of non-Federal timberlands in California and are

promulgated by a governor-appointed Board of Forestry. Because of the preponderance of

private timber land and timber harvest activity in the CCC coho salmon ESU, the FPRs are

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critically important for the species conservation. Since listing, NMFS, RWQCB, and CDFG

have expended considerable time and effort working with the Board of Forestry to increase

protections for listed salmonids and their habitats. These efforts have resulted in varying

degrees of success. For example:

1. At the time of listing the Board of Forestry did not adopt CDFGs proposal to designate

coho salmon as a sensitive species pursuant to 14 CCR 898.2(d).

2. Efforts between NMFS, CALFIRE, and the BOF to develop guidelines for timber harvest

plans which do not result in take of coho salmon or damage to coho habitat were only

partially successful. Guidelines to prevent take of coho salmon were never fully

developed or adopted. Guidelines to protect habitat have resulted in considerable

efforts to address necessary increases in habitat protections while allowing operational

flexibility based on site specificity.

3. In 1998, the expected implementation of a NMFS/State of California Memorandum of

Agreement (MOA) was a critical factor in NMFS decision to not list NC steelhead as

threatened in 1998 (63 FR 13347). The MOA committed the State to implement measures

in the State Strategic Plan for steelhead, implement the California Watershed Protection

Program, and review and revise (if found necessary) the States FPRs. In accordance

with the MOA, a scientific review panel was appointed to undertake an independent

review of the FPRs. In 1999, the review panel concluded the FPRs, including their

implementation through the timber review process, did not ensure protection of

anadromous salmonid habitats and populations. To address these shortcomings, and as

specified in the MOA, the California Resources Agency and the California

Environmental Protection Agency jointly presented the BOF with a proposed rule

change package in July 1999.

4. The States Threatened and Impaired Value Rules (T/I Rules) were developed and

intended to minimize impacts to salmonid habitat resulting from timber harvest by

requiring management actions in watersheds with State and Federally listed threatened,

endangered, and or candidate populations of anadromous salmonids. Following several

months of public review, the BOF took no action on the package in October 1999,

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thereby precluding any possibility of implementing improvements in Californias FPRs

by January 1, 2000, as the State had committed in the MOA. The California State

Legislature gave special authority to the BOF to adopt new rules twice during the year

2000, for the specific purpose of revising the States FPRs to meet ESA requirements for

salmonids. On March 14, 2000, the BOF adopted only a subset of rule changes. It was

determined the full implementation of these provisions was critically important to

protecting the habitat of the NC steelhead DPS (and other salmonids as well, including

CCC coho salmon). NMFS decision to list the NC steelhead DPS as a threatened species

(65 FR 36074) was largely due to the BOF approving only a portion of the 1999 T/I rule

package and not fully implementing critically important conservation measures (e.g.,

Class II and Class III protections).

5. In July 2000, CDFG began imposing stricter guidelines to protect and restore watersheds

with threatened or impaired values (T/I rules). Examples of the special management

actions required include constructing watercourse crossings that allow for unrestricted

fish passage, increasing large woody debris recruitment, increasing soil stabilization

measures, and requiring coordination between CDFG, CalFire, and Regional Water

Quality Control Boards to minimize sediment discharge. The T/I rules were never

permanently adopted, but instead have been re-authorized numerous times since their

inception in 2000. The T/I rules were replaced by the Anadromous Salmonid Protection

(ASP) rules in 2010. The BOFs primary objectives in adopting the ASP rules were to: (1)

ensure rule adequacy in protecting listed anadromous salmonid species and their

habitat, (2) further opportunities for restoring the species habitat, (3) ensure the rules

are based on credible science, and (4) meet Public Resources Code (PRC) 4553 for

review and periodic revisions to the FPRs. The coastal watersheds south of San

Francisco Bay were specifically excluded from the increased protections provided by the

ASP rules, despite the fact coho salmon in these watersheds are critically close to


6. A number of items identified as inadequacies of the forest practice rules remain

unresolved. These are (1) rate of harvest; (2) winter operations; (3) road planning,

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construction, maintenance and decommissioning; (4) loss of riparian function and

chronic sediment input from streamside roads; (5) unstable areas; (6) planning,

implementation and enforcement; (7) exemptions and conversions and (8) watershed

analysis. Until a watershed analysis process is put in place in California the rules will

continue to be decoupled from addressing the limiting factors to salmonids.

Other Non-Federal Entities At Listing:

Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs):

An extensive network of RCDs exists within the range of ESA-listed salmonids in northern

coastal California. These RCDs represent an important vehicle through which the agricultural

community and other private landowners can voluntarily address and correct management

practices that impact ESA-listed salmonids and their habitats. Working with individual

landowners or through organizations such as the California Farm Bureau and NRCS, these

RCDs can assist landowners in developing and implementing best management practices that

are protective of salmonids. Active participation of the agriculture community and other

private landowners is critical to the conservancy and recovery of ESA-listed ESUs in California.

Programmatic biological opinions issued to the Corps for the permitting of instream restoration

and enhancement projects were in development for some RCDs.

A voluntary certification program was developed by the Sotoyome Resource Conservation

District for agricultural properties in Sonoma and Mendocino counties who implement land

management practices that decrease soil erosion and sediment delivery to streams. The

development of the Fish Friendly Farming Program resulted in the creation of a workbook of

Beneficial Management Practices. The growers participate in a series of workshops to develop

and finalize a farm plan that is presented to a certification team comprised of NMFS, CDFG,

and the Northern California Regional Water Quality Control Board.

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Livestock Ranching and Farming:

The Rangeland Management Advisory Committee developed a management plan for inclusion

in the States Non-point Source Management Plan. The purpose of the plan was to maintain

and improve the quality and associated beneficial uses of surface water that passes through

rangeland resources.

Gravel Mining:

Long-term sustained gravel mining plans have been, or are being, developed by three northern

California counties (Del Norte, Humboldt, and Mendocino), which comprise a substantial

portion of the range of several listed ESUs. The intent is for the impacts of all gravel extraction

projects to be evaluated at the watershed scale. Approved projects (by the USACE) will require

annual monitoring reports on gravel recruitment, river geomorphology, and fisheries impacts.

Mendocino County is in the process of obtaining plan approval. NMFS will work with the

counties to ensure any approved plans for gravel mining are sufficiently protective of coho


FishNet 4C & 5 Counties Road Maintenance Program:

FishNet 4C is a multi-county group comprised of representatives from Mendocino, Monterey,

Sonoma, Marin, San Mateo, and Santa Cruz Counties. The goals are to facilitate effective local

actions that will maintain or improve the regions water quality and riparian habitat, provide

increased assistance and education for local government and the private sector, and encourage

cooperation and coordination among all levels of regulatory responsibility for fisheries

restoration. The program seeks to accomplish these goals through a process of evaluating

existing activities, recommending model programs, tracking legislation, soliciting outside

funding, and increasing communications among interested agencies and the public. The

program has coordinated county efforts such as road maintenance, fish barrier assessment and

removal, riparian and grading ordinances, erosion control, implementation of bioengineering

projects and the development of guidelines for public works departments that enhance or

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protect salmonid habitat. Continuation of FishNet 4C is in jeopardy due to a lack of funding

from FRGP.

A Memorandum of Understanding between NMFS and five northern California counties (the 5

Counties Salmonid Conservation Program which includes Mendocino County) was developed

to create standardized county routine road maintenance manual to assist in the protection of

ESA listed species and their habitat. This manual includes best management practices (BMPs)

for reducing impacts to listed species and the aquatic environment, a five-county inventorying

and prioritization of all fish passage barriers associated with county roads, annual training of

road crews and county planners, and a monitoring framework for adaptive management. The 5

Counties Manual was found to adequately conserve salmonids by NMFS and take prohibitions

under section 9 and applicable 4(d) rules would not apply. It is unknown the level of

implementation of the 5 Counties Manual has been done by Mendocino County. Continuation

of 5 Counties Program is in jeopardy due to a lack of funding from FRGP.

Watershed Councils, Groups and others:

Local watershed councils and other groups throughout California successfully developed

restoration plans and worked to implement habitat restoration projects expected to contribute

to the conservation of listed salmonids. Many watershed groups, landowners, environmental

groups, and non-profit organizations throughout the range of CCC coho salmon conduct

habitat restoration and planning efforts contributing to species conservation.

Local governments have the most direct responsibility for permitting land uses on non-Federal

and non-state owned lands. Local efforts to control development within the floodplains and

active channels is, in many cases, limited to the protection of public properties such as county or

city roads, bridges, and other infrastructure. Local government regulation of floodplain

development depends to a large extent on the standards provided by FEMAs FIP which did

not explicitly provide for the protection of natural fluvial processes essential for the

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maintenance of naturally functioning riverine and riparian habitats important for coho salmon

migration, spawning, and rearing.

Other Non-Federal Entities Since Listing:

Improvements in threats since listing include: (1) DFGs development and implementation of a

California State Coho Salmon Recovery Strategy; (2) changes to Californias Forest Practice

Rules; (3) implementation of AB2121 by the SWRCB; (4) ongoing implementation of FRGP for

restoration projects on private and public lands; (5) issuance of programmatic biological

opinions for enhancement and restoration actions to the Santa Cruz County, Marin County, and

Mendocino County RCDs; (6) continuation of Fish Friendly Farming although issues of water

use need to be addressed; (7) coordination with gravel mining operations (especially those in

the Russian River who are assisting with restoration work); (8) projects implemented under the

FishNet 4C program; and the work of many watershed groups or collaborations to monitor,

restore and protect CCC coho salmon and their habitats (i.e., Usal Forest, CDFG and Campbell

Timberland Pudding Creek monitoring, Mendocino Land Trust, CDFG monitoring on Caspar

Creek, Big River Program, TNC work in the Garcia, Gualala Watershed Council, Russian River

Broodstock program, Lagunitas Technical Advisory Committee, SPAWN, CalPoly, San Vicente

Watershed Group, Trout Unlimited and many others coordinating their activities for the benefit

of salmon). See Chapter 5 outlining Protective Efforts for more information.

Photo Courtesy 43: Rootwads for input into Austin Creek; Bob Snyder and Homer Canellis
Austin Creek Materials; David Hines, NMFS.
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Factor E: At Listing
Long-term trends in rainfall and marine productivity associated with atmospheric conditions in

the North Pacific Ocean had a major influence on coho salmon production. Natural climatic

conditions may have exacerbated or mitigated the problems associated with degraded and

altered riverine and estuarine habitats (69 FR 33102). Coho salmon have evolved behaviors and

life history traits allowing them to survive a variety of environmental conditions. When

populations are fragmented or reduced in size and range, however, they are more vulnerable to

extinction by natural events.

The effects of extended drought on water supplies and water temperatures were a major

concern for California populations of coho salmon. Drought conditions reduced the amount of

water available, resulting in reductions (or elimination) of flows needed for adult coho salmon

passage, egg incubation, and juvenile rearing and migration. Although the decline of many

coho salmon populations began prior to numerous years of drought conditions in California,

these conditions have further reduced already small populations. Reductions in population size

can lead to adverse genetic effects, such as inbreeding and a reduction in future potential for


Flood events increased sedimentation to streams, particularly in areas with inherent erosion

risk, urban encroachment, intensive timber management, and land disturbances resulting from

logging, road construction, mining, urbanization, livestock grazing, agriculture, and fire.

Sedimentation of stream beds was implicated as a principal cause of declining salmonid

populations throughout their range. Central coastal California has some of the most erodible

terrain in the world. In this region, catastrophic erosion and subsequent stream sedimentation

(such as during the 1955 and 1964 floods) resulted from areas which had been clearcut or had

roads constructed on unstable soils (61 FR 56138). These events can reduce flood flow capacity

and widening and loss of pool-riffle sequence due to aggradation. Many north coast streams

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continue to show impacts from large debris flows and some of these streams have remained

wide, warm, and unstable. Flooding events can also cause scour and redeposition of spawning

gravels which can lead to loss of eggs in redds and filling in of streams and pools with


Poor ocean conditions were believed to have a prominent role in the decline of coho salmon

populations in California. Variables from the Coastal domains which appear to have

undergone shifts during the late 1970s and fluctuate out-of-phase include, current transport, sea

surface temperature, and upwelling. Variability in the Subarctic Front (the most prominent

feature of the North Pacific Transitional Region) is probably characterized by indirect trophic

interactions rather than a direct cause-effect relationship (Rogers 1984; Fisher and Pearcy 1988;

Pearcy 1992). Associations between salmon survival during the first few months at sea and

ocean conditions such as sea surface temperature and salinity have been reported (Vernon 1958;

Holtby et al. 1989; Holtby et al. 1990) and likely significant influence salmonid abundance. Coho

salmon along the California coast may be especially sensitive to upwelling patterns because of

the lack of other coastal habitat types that normally buffer adverse oceanographic effects (i.e.,

extensive bays, straits, and estuaries). Additionally, unusually warm ocean surface

temperatures and associated changes in coastal currents and upwelling, known as El Nio

conditions, resulted in ecosystem alterations such as reductions in primary and secondary

productivity and changes in prey and predator species distributions. El Nio was often cited as

a cause for the decline of West Coast salmonids. Near-shore conditions during the spring and

summer months along the California coast may have dramatically affected year-class strength

of salmonids (Kruzic et al. 2001). The paucity of high quality near-shore habitat, coupled with

variable ocean conditions, makes freshwater rearing habitat more crucial for the survival and

persistence of many coho salmon populations.

The use of artificial propagation had a significant impact on the production of West Coast coho

salmon. Non-native coho salmon stocks were introduced as broodstock in hatcheries and

widely transplanted in many coastal rivers and streams in central California (Bryant 1994;

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Weitkamp et al. 1995). Potential problems associated with hatchery programs include genetic

impacts on indigenous, naturally-reproducing populations (Waples 1991), disease transmission,

predation of wild fish, difficulty in determining wild stock status due to incomplete marking of

hatchery fish, depletions of wild stock to increase brood stock, and replacement rather than

supplementation of wild stocks through competition and continued annual introduction of

hatchery fish (61 FR 56138).

Impacts associated from wildfires include impairment to water quality as a result of short-term

increases in sedimentation. These increases can lead to pool gravel quality during spawning

leading to decreased egg survival and filling of pools which can reduce juvenile carrying

capacity. Other impairments to water quality can include degradation from chemical agents

(such as fire retardants dropped by aircraft) to control fire.

Many concerns existed regarding the impacts of artificial propagation on wild stocks of salmon.

While non-native stocks were introduced in the CCC coho salmon ESU, most of the recent long-

term hatchery programs were conducted with minimal inter-ESU import of broodstock. Intra-

ESU transfers did occur and negative impacts were likely. Impacts may have included

increased competition for resources such as food and spawning sites, displacement of wild

cohorts from their usual microhabitats, genetic impacts to indigenous populations, introduction

of diseases, increased exploitation and reduction in size of wild populations. These impacts

could result in replacement rather than supplementation of wild stocks through competition

and annual introduction of hatchery fish. At time of listing, most hatchery programs had

modified their practices and hatchery fish releases were conducted based on a determination

that the hatchery stocks were considered similar to native runs. Efforts were made to return

hatchery fish to their natal streams, and were held for an acclimation period to increase the

probability of imprinting.

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Factor E: Since Listing

No significant improvements related to climate change, ocean conditions, floods, or droughts

have occurred since listing and the threats remain. The best available scientific information

indicates that the Earths climate is warming, driven by the accumulation of greenhouse gasses

in the atmosphere (Oreskes 2004; Battin et al. 2007; Lindley et al. 2007). Because CCC coho

salmon depend upon freshwater streams and the ocean during different stages of their life

history cycle, the population is likely to be significantly impacted by climate change (See

Appendix A for more information on marine and climate conditions). Impacts associated with

ocean conditions, floods, and droughts are anticipated to continue into the future.

The Noyo River Fish Station egg-take program began in 1962 and was the only fish culture

facility in California that has focused exclusively on coho salmon. The program was

discontinued in 2004.

Hatchery management practices in the ESU have improved since listing through the adoption

of conservation hatchery practices at the two remaining coho salmon hatcheries in the CCC

ESU. These hatchery programs are the Russian River Captive Broodstock Program and the

Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project Coho Salmon Broodstock Program.

The Russian River Coho Salmon Captive broodstock program was created in 2001, when coho

in the Russian River were teetering on the brink of extinction. Remaining Russian River coho

were captured by CDFG biologists, in coordination with biologists from other agencies, and

brought to the Don Clausen Fish Hatchery at Lake Sonoma, where they were spawned based on

a genetic matrix developed to mimics natural spawning. This initial effort to save the last

remaining Russian River coho led to the formation of a multi-agency broodstock program.

Partnership agencies include the USACE, NMFS, CDFG, University of California Cooperative

Extension, and Sonoma County Water Agency. Unlike traditional hatcheries, the broodstock

program releases young coho into their historic spawning grounds where, as adults, they return

to spawn. The goal of the program is to recover the self-sustaining wild population. In 2004,

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more than 6,000 young coho raised from the program were released into three tributaries of the

Russian River. The program is currently releasing 172,000 juvenile coho annually into 19

tributaries of the Russian River. In winter 2011-2012, 185 adult coho released as juveniles were

counted migrating upstream in the Russian River. Other adult coho were found in tributaries.

Until now, the program has been located outdoors in net-covered tanks that have been exposed

to the elements and predators. A new building has been purchased that provides necessary

light and air, while better protecting the tanks and allowing for a higher degree of quality

control and fish health. The new structure is also designed to allow for expansion of the

broodstock program. Monitoring is also conducted to include downstream smolt trapping,

snorkel surveys in the summer and spawner surveys in the winter. Biologist use PIT-tag

technology to track program fish.

The Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project (MBSTP) maintains a conservation broodstock

program at the Kingfisher Flat Fish Facility on Big Creek, a tributary of Scott Creek in Santa

Cruz county, California. The program was started with progeny from the 2002 broodyear and

is a collaborative effort between CDFG, SWFSC, the MBSTP and others.

Conservation hatchery practices being used by the broodstock programs are designed to

prevent extinction and preserve wild genetics. Local wild fish are used in the hatchery

broodstock in sufficient numbers such that the genetic composition represents a wild

population. The practices are significantly different than augmentation programs designed to

simply increase the number of fish available for harvest. While improvements and/or

expansion are needed for both facilities each are critical to preventing extinction of CCC coho

salmon. Currently there is no hatchery threat to CCC coho salmon; in fact, these captive

broodstock programs are likely the lifeboats to save the species.

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Table 6: Listing Factors and Status

Listing Factor A: Habitat & Range Status of Listing Factor

Agriculture Persisting; Expected to worsen
Estuarine modification Persisting; Expected to worsen
Forestry Threat Reduced; Improvements still needed
Freshwater Conditions Persisting; Improvements due to restoration
Habitat Degradation Persisting; Expected to worsen
Mining Persisting; Watershed specific (some improvements)
Removal of Riparian Habitat Persisting; Expected to worsen
Removal of Wetland Habitat Persisting; Expected to worsen
Urbanization Persisting; Expected to worsen
Water Diversions Persisting; Expected to worsen
Wildfires Currently Low; Expected to worsen

Listing Factor B: Overutilization Status of Listing Factor

Collection Persisting; Assessment needed
Freshwater Harvest Persisting; Improvements needed
Illegal Harvest Persisting; Assessments needed
Overfishing Threat Reduced; Bycatch and freshwater interception
persisting; Assessments needed

Listing Factor C: Disease & Predation Status of Listing Factor

Avian Freshwater Predation Persisting; Expected to worsen
Predation Persisting; Watershed specific
Disease and Predation Disease Threat Reduced; Predation Persisting;
Watershed specific
Infectious Disease Reduced
Marine Mammal Predation Persisting; Magnitude watershed specific
Marine Predation Threat Unknown; Assessments needed
Piscivorous Predators Persisting; Assessments needed
Predation Persisting; Assessments needed
Predation by non-native species Persisting; Assessments needed
Predation by seabirds Persisting; Expected to worsen

Listing Factor D: Inadequate Regulatory Status of Listing Factor

All Federal, State, local governments, municipalities Some Improvement; Assessments needed
and others

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Listing Factor : Other manmade or other factors Status of Listing Factor
Artificial Propagation Improved; Conservation practices implemented
Drought Persisting; Expected to worsen
El Nino conditions Persisting; Expected to worsen
Floods Persisting; Expected to worsen
Floods scour Persisting; Expected to worsen
Floods sediment Persisting; Expected to worsen
Floods sedimentation Persisting; Expected to worsen
Floods erosion Persisting; Expected to worsen
Forest Fires Persisting; Expected to worsen
Hatchery Programs Improved; Conservation practices implemented
Natural Climatic Conditions Persisting; Expected to worsen
Natural Events Threat Persisting; Expected to worsen
Ocean Conditions Threat Persisting; Expected to worsen
Ocean Conditions - El Nino Threat Persisting; Expected to worsen

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Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land.

Aldo Leopold


Two types of assessments were conducted to assess protective efforts in context to listing and

recovery: (1) Protective efforts, as evaluated pursuant to the Policy for Evaluation of

Conservation Efforts When Making Listing Decisions (68 FR 15100); and (2) the Conservation

Assessment pursuant to the Interim Recovery Planning Guidance (NMFS 2010a).

Protective efforts assessed during listing decisions are required under section 4(b)(1)(A) of the

ESA and they require an assessment of a species status based solely on the best scientific and

commercial data available after taking into account those efforts of a state to protect the species.

In determining the efficacy of existing efforts NMFS must consider the following: (1)

substantive, protective and conservation elements; (2) degree of certainty efforts will be

implemented; and (3) presence of monitoring provisions that determine effectiveness and

permit adaptive management.

All pertinent Federal Register notices, including both proposed and final listing determinations

for the CCC coho salmon were reviewed (Table 5 in Chapter 4) and catalogued. The summary

below outlines the described conservation efforts identified at the time of listing and a

discussion on the current status of those efforts.


Conservation efforts by individuals, private organizations, State and local agencies, or Federal

agencies and others for CCC coho salmon have been underway for years. These efforts have

collectively improved habitats and prevented the extinction of CCC coho salmon (especially in

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the Russian River and in the Santa Cruz Mountains Diversity Stratum). At the time of listing,

however, it was determined that the efforts still did not reduce the level of extinction risk for

coho salmon.


The current status of Federal efforts outlined in the FRNs is:

The NMFS section 7 consultation for the USACE and SCWA Reservoir Operations project

(Russian River), specifically noted in 69 FR 33102, has been finalized.

The HCP for Mendocino Redwoods Company to improve CCC coho salmon populations

and habitat is still in draft. The finalization of this HCP and the development of either a

statewide forestry HCP or other forestry landowner HCPs is a very high priority for the

recovery of the CCC coho salmon. Fifteen of the 28 focus populations are located in areas of

large tracts of forestlands owned either by private small landowners or large timber


The Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund continues to benefit CCC coho salmon and the

State of California has developed a more equal distribution of the funds across all coastal

salmonids and has included a specialized scoring system to ensure projects link more

closely to recovery actions.

NMFS gravel removal guidelines continue to be utilized and are a useful tool to evaluate

and reduce the impacts of gravel mining projects to ESA-listed salmonids in Mendocino and

Sonoma counties.

The NMFS/NRCS MOU was not completed.

The NMFS and CDFG Coastal Salmonid Monitoring Program is one of the highest priorities

designated in this recovery plan. While the scientific and statistical foundation for

monitoring population was finalized in 2011, the program itself has yet to be funded or

implemented on a programmatic level. Thus, consistent funding for monitoring at spatial

scales relevant to recovery planning continues to be an essential conservation effort needed

for CCC coho salmon.

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Watershed partnerships: Little has developed in regards to NMFS participation in inter-

agency and public watershed partnerships due to staff limitations and section 7 workloads.

For CCC coho salmon recovery, it will be imperative to begin developing and supporting

these partnerships. With a few exceptions, the key CCC coho salmon watersheds occur on

private lands and in areas where many land management actions do not trigger ESA section

7 consultations. Use of section 7 towards recovery of CCC coho salmon will have limited

benefit, except in cases where impacts are offset through the purchase of bank credits for

Conservation Banks that directly benefit CCC coho salmon.

EPA Wetland Protection Grants: Some grants have been directed towards projects focused

on improving critical limiting factors for some focus populations in the ESU.

Following the October 31, 1996 listing as threatened under the ESA (61 FR 56138), NMFS

applied ESA section 9(a)(1) take prohibitions on December 30, 1996 (61 FR 56138),

designated critical habitat on May 5, 1999 (64 FR 24049), and upgraded the status of coho

salmon to endangered on June 28, 2005 (70 FR 37160). With the change in listing status to

endangered, the take limits allowed under ESA section 4(d) for specific authorized

activities contributing to the conservation of salmonids were no longer applicable.

The PFMC, guided by the Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives of the NMFS 1999

Supplemental Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement, instituted no-directed coho

fisheries or retention of coho salmon in all commercial and recreational fisheries off

California to protect endangered CCC coho salmon. This no-directed take or retention, and

the standard that marine fisheries impacts be no more than 13.0 percent to protect

endangered CCC coho salmon as indicated by projected impacts on Rogue/Klamath

hatchery coho salmon, has been instituted by the PFMC every year. The current degree of

impact (mortality resulting from (a) hook-and-release, (b) drop off before being boated, and

(c) non-compliance) associated with existing regulations for non-retention and mark-

selective coho salmon fisheries to the wild CCC coho salmon fishery, as of 2011, was

estimated at 3.8%.

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Current status of State efforts outlined in the FRNs:

California ESA Listing: The California Fish and Game Commission listed coho salmon in

the coastal streams south of the entrance to San Francisco Bay as endangered on December

31, 1995, under CESA. Protective regulations went into effect on December 2, 1996. On

March 30, 1996, coho salmon throughout the CCC ESU were as listed by the California Fish

and Game Commission as endangered under CESA. Protective regulations went into effect

on August 29, 2005.

On February 4, 2004, the California Fish and Game Commission adopted the California

Recovery Strategy for Coho Salmon as part of the state listing. The State recovery strategy

established six goals:

1) Maintain and improve the number of key populations and increase the number

of populations and brood years of coho salmon;

2) Maintain and increase the number of spawning adults;

3) Maintain the range and maintain and increase the distribution of coho salmon;

4) Maintain existing habitat essential for coho salmon;

5) Enhance and restore habitat within the range of coho salmon; and

6) Reach and maintain coho salmon population levels to allow for the resumption

of Tribal, recreational, and commercial fisheries for coho salmon in California.

To achieve these goals the plan provides a range of recommendations to address factors

responsible for the decline of coho salmon including; stream flow, water rights, fish passage,

water temperature, pool habitat structure, riparian habitat, watershed planning, and gravel

mining activities. Recovery priorities have been included into the operations of both

conservation hatchery programs (Warm Springs and Kingfisher Flat, Monterey Bay Salmon

and Trout Project, in Scott Creek) and the CDFG FRGP, though currently the plan has not

been evaluated for its effectiveness due to lack of funding for State monitoring programs.

CDFG is responsible for conserving, protecting, and managing California's fish, wildlife,

and native plant resources. To meet this responsibility, the Fish and Game Code (Section

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1602) requires an entity to notify CDFG of any proposed activity that may substantially

modify a river, stream, or lake. CDFG has improved level of project review under the 1603

to comply with revised CEQA standards.

Development and implementation of EPA TMDL Programs: The State (and EPA) has

established a number of TMDLs in watersheds for various constituents (i.e., sediment,

temperature, nutrient, etc.) in the CCC ESU to reduce pollutant loads to impaired water

bodies. Schedules have been developed for establishing all required TMDLs over a 13-year

period (see web site for more information at:


303d_reqtmdls.pdf) for the State. Approved TMDLs are improving CCC coho salmon

habitats in some watersheds (e.g. Garcia River, Mendocino County, CA); in other

watersheds substantial progress or improvement is needed (e.g., San Lorenzo, Santa Cruz

County, CA). These differences are largely the result of staff availability and varying

implementation schedules time by the various Regional Water Quality Control Boards.

NMFS expects the development and implementation of TMDLs will improve CCC coho

salmon ESU designated critical habitat in the long-term; however, their efficacy in

protecting coho salmon habitat will be unknown for years to come. Implementation and

monitoring to determine the effectiveness of the TMDLs process is needed. A number of

additional water quality issues need to be addressed to protect and conserve CCC coho

salmon. For example, impacts to fish habitat from agricultural practices have not been

closely regulated. The State of California does not have regulations that directly manage

agricultural practices, but instead relies on the TMDLs under the CWA to improve water

quality from all sources and parties, including agricultural sources. Numerous streams in

the CCC ESU are currently impacted by agricultural practices, but do not have TMDLs

(SWRCB 2010), and many are not scheduled for completion until 2019. The majority of

TMDLs focus on sediment and temperature requirements with little focus on pesticide

toxicity. Pesticide toxicity has been identified as a new cause of stream impairment in


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The California Resources Agency development of a state-wide coho salmon conservation

program, to serve as a basis for NMFS 4(d) protective regulations, was not completed prior

to NMFS reclassifying CCC coho salmon from threatened to endangered status.

State sport fishing regulations no longer allow retention of CCC coho salmon in California

inland or nearshore waters. Impacts associated with incidental capture from freshwater

recreational fishing still occur. Freshwater steelhead sport fishing is allowed in many rivers

and streams where CCC coho salmon persist, including many of the focus watersheds

identified in the plan. There is some overlap in run-timing between CCC coho salmon and

adult steelhead (October through late February); adult CCC coho salmon have been

misidentified by recreational anglers and incidentally caught and retained. This is

particularly a concern in the Russian River watershed where both conservation hatchery

coho salmon and traditional hatchery steelhead are adipose fin-clipped.

Forestry: NMFS has participated in BOF meetings since 1998 and has encouraged the State

of California to adopt State Forest Practice Rules protective of salmonids and pursue

development of a section 10(a)(1)(B) permit (e.g., HCP) that authorizes incidental take of

listed salmonids under the ESA modeled from the Washington State Forest Practice HCP

(including their monitoring and adaptive management process). While revisions and

improvements to the Forest Practice Rules have been realized, they do allow operations to

occur in salmonid watersheds that are less protective than standards under west coast

forestry HCPs that authorize incidental take. At the time of listing the Board of Forestry

did not adopt CDFGs proposal to designate coho salmon as a sensitive species pursuant to

14 CCR 898.2(d). Since listing under the ESA, populations of coho salmon continue to

decline and this species is still not a BOF designated sensitive species. Provisions for

sensitive species designation allow the BOF to adopt special management practices for

sensitive species and their habitats. Additionally, the majority of extant CCC coho salmon

populations persist on forestlands and sensitive species designation could provide increased

protections from potential timber harvest impacts. NMFS, CALFIRE, and the BOF did not

fully develop or adopt develop no-take guidelines for timber harvest activities that could

impact coho salmon. In 2010, the BOF adopted the Anadromous Salmonid Protection (ASP)

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rules. The BOFs primary objectives in adopting the ASP rules were to: (1) ensure rule

adequacy in protecting listed anadromous salmonid species and their habitat, (2) further

opportunities for restoring the species habitat, (3) ensure the rules are based on credible

science, and (4) meet Public Resources Code (PRC) 4553 for review and periodic revisions

to the FPRs. The coastal watersheds south of San Francisco Bay were specifically excluded

from the increased protections to salmonids provided by the ASP rules, despite the fact coho

salmon in these watersheds are critically close to extirpation. Currently, the inadequacies of

the FPRs that remain unresolved are: (1) rate of harvest; (2) winter operations; (3) road

planning, construction, maintenance and decommissioning; (4) loss of riparian function and

chronic sediment input from streamside roads; (5) unstable areas; (6) planning,

implementation and enforcement; (7) exemptions and conversions and (8) watershed

analysis. Until a watershed analysis process is put in place in California the rules will

continue to be decoupled from addressing the limiting factors to salmonids. Furthermore,

aggressive wood placement programs should be considered in the interim. The primary

objective of the FPR core zone is streamside bank protection to promote bank stability,

wood recruitment by bank erosion, and canopy retention. The primary objective for the

inner zone is to develop a large number of trees for large wood recruitment. Even the outer

zone has additional wood recruitment as an objective. Retaining large trees that are most

conducive to recruitment are a priority in Class I watercourses with confined channels in the

coastal anadromy zone. One weakness of this paradigm is that coho salmon cannot wait for

banks to erode, nor wait for large trees to develop, nor rely on chance that a tree conducive

to falling into the stream will actually fall into the stream. Coho salmon need large wood in

streams now if we are to recover the population.

FRGP: Many projects have been implemented within the CCC coho salmon ESU under the

CDFG FRGP, and CDFG conducts implementation monitoring to track the success and

benefits of these efforts. These projects include instream restoration, monitoring, fish

passage improvements, upslope sediment remediation, and many other enhancement

efforts. FRGP programmatic permit coverage from numerous regulatory agencies expedites

regulatory approval, this coverage is a major additional benefit for grantees. FRGP has

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recently revamped its program to coordinate more effectively with both the State and

Federal priorities. Furthermore, a more equitable distribution of funds is underway to

ensure projects for all federally listed salmonids are being represented.

Coastal Salmon Initiative: The Coastal Salmon Initiative of the California Resources

Agency, initiated in July 1995, was a conservation program based on voluntary measures

and incentives to protect fish and wildlife habitat while protecting economic interest of

communities within the range of coho salmon. The effort ended soon after the 1996 Federal

listing of CCC coho salmon as threatened.

Hatchery Practices: Current conservation hatchery practices are viewed as beneficial and

necessary for CCC coho salmon. Monitoring is currently being conducted on these

populations, though the numbers of fish released are only recently approaching the level at

which significant adult returns could be expected. Disease transmission (including bacterial

kidney disease) has been substantially reduced due to strict screening and treatment

protocols. Utilization of excess broodstock within the Warm Springs Captive Broodstock

Program has resulted in additional recovery efforts in watersheds where coho salmon were

extirpated within the ESU. These activities should continue, with appropriate monitoring.

The continuation of the Scott Creek/King Fisher Flat Captive Broodstock Program (privately

owned and managed by the Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project) is a high priority until

a regional program or larger facility in Santa Cruz are developed.

Hatchery Practices: The Noyo River Fish Station egg-take program began in 1962 and was

the only fish culture facility in California that has focused exclusively on coho salmon.

Eggs collected at Noyo Egg Taking Station were reared to yearlings at Mad River Hatchery

(Humboldt County). These yearlings were planted in the Noyo River with the object of

maintaining the run to the station. Early in the program operation (1962-1967), stocked coho

salmon were from a mix Noyo River, Pudding Creek, Alsea (Oregon), and Klaskanine

(Oregon) of egg sources. Subsequent efforts relied almost exclusively on Noyo River coho

eggs. Coho salmon from Noyo River broodstock were also occasionally planted in various

other locations (Brown et al. 1994). The program was discontinued in 2004.

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Watershed Protection Program: Under Proposition 13 (Water Code, Division 25, Chapter 5,

Article 2) grants were available to municipalities, local agencies, or nonprofit organizations

to develop and implement local watershed management plans to reduce flooding, control

erosion, improve water quality, and improve aquatic and terrestrial species habitats.

Monies are no longer available and no new applications are being accepted. The last

biennial report was in 2003.

The California Natural Communities Conservation Planning Program was intended to form

the basis of protective regulations by NMFS under section 4(d) of the ESA, which is no

longer available due to the CCC coho salmon listing as endangered. This program was

never realized.

Water Diversions: On May 4, 2010, the State Water Board adopted a policy for water quality

control titled Policy for Maintaining Instream Flows in Northern California Coastal

Streams. The policy contains principles and guidelines for maintaining instream flows for

the purposes of water right administration. The geographic scope of the policy

encompasses coastal streams from the Mattole River to San Francisco and coastal streams

entering northern San Pablo Bay and extends to five counties: Marin, Sonoma, and portions

of Napa, Mendocino, and Humboldt Counties. Implementation of the Policy for

Maintaining Instream Flows in Northern California Coastal Streams should result in major

benefits to coho salmon in the northern portions of the CCC ESU if properly implemented

and enforced. The policy includes provisions to address seasons of diversions, minimum

bypass flows, maximum cumulative diversions, onstream dams, and assessment of

cumulative effects for new water diversion applications. The policy does not apply to

previously authorized water diversions. Numerous unpermitted and out-of-compliance

water diversions are present in the CCC ESU. Resources are lacking to monitor and enforce

these diversions to ensure adequate instream flow is available for rearing coho salmon.


The status of efforts by local government agencies outlined in the FRNs includes:

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FishNet 4C: This group has been meeting quarterly for the past 12 years and participation

includes County Supervisors and staff, RCDs, Special Districts and Federal and State

agency representatives. It has conducted extensive training on watershed process, road

maintenance, salmon life cycle, biotechnical bank stabilization, sediment reduction efforts,

fish migration barrier removal training, etc. Coordination between the counties and

implementation of projects to remove barriers, upgrade roads, improve policies, develop

permit streamlining for projects, etc. has benefited coho salmon.

Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program: A Memorandum of Understanding

between NMFS and five northern California counties (the Five Counties Salmonid

Conservation Program which includes Mendocino County) was developed to create

standardized county routine road maintenance manual to assist in the protection of ESA

listed species and their habitat. This manual includes best management practices (BMPs)

for reducing impacts to listed species and the aquatic environment, a five-county

inventorying and prioritization of all fish passage barriers associated with county roads,

annual training of road crews and county planners, and a monitoring framework for

adaptive management. In 2007, ESA authorization of the Five Counties Salmonid

Conservation Programs routine road maintenance program was approved. Potential

benefits resulting from implementation of this program apply to Mendocino County only

and not to the rest of the CCC ESU; however, it is unknown whether Mendocino County

consistently uses the manual as part of their road work.


The status of efforts by non-government agencies outlined in the FRNs includes:

The effectiveness of conservation efforts of numerous local non-governmental

organizations, while likely benefiting CCC coho salmon, is unknown in terms of increasing

coho salmon populations. While CDFG conducts project monitoring associated with all

PCSRF funded projects, there is no larger oversight body that conducts implementation and

effectiveness monitoring for all local, state and federal funding sources to determine

whether these actions are successful, or are benefiting the populations of CCC coho salmon

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as a whole this is partially related to the lack of a statewide coordinated trend and

abundance monitoring program.

The Fish Friendly Farming Program provides guidance for agricultural properties to

manage agricultural land to decrease soil erosion and sediment delivery to streams and

improve riparian conditions. This effort has resulted in education, outreach and

improvements in agricultural practices. While the program addresses water infrastructure

concerns (passage barriers, screening criteria, etc.) it has not addressed streamflow impacts

to salmon from diversions on participating ownerships and does not necessarily provide

standards that achieve a no take standard.

The California Rangeland Management Plan has not been evaluated.

Habitat restoration and planning efforts are ongoing within many watersheds in the CCC

ESU. Many watershed assessments have been completed and information has been used to

identify limiting factors for anadromous salmonids and prioritize restoration efforts and

threat abatement actions. Habitat restoration has included projects to improve fish passage,

remediate sources of upslope sediment, improve carrying capacity, and improve water

quality. Many of these projects are carried out by watershed organizations, RCDs, agencies,

and private companies including, but not limited to Campbell Timberland Management,

California Coastal Conservancy, Committee for Green Foothills, Santa Cruz RCD, Pescadero

Conservation Alliance, Peninsula Open Space District, Mill Valley Streamkeepers, Friends of

Corte Madera Creek, San Mateo RCD, Sotoyome RCD; Marin County RCD, Mendocino

County RCD, Coastal Watershed Counsel, National Park Service Point Reyes, Garcia River

Watershed Advisory Group, Noyo Watershed Alliance, Jackson Demonstration State Forest,

County of Santa Cruz, Soquel Demonstration State Forest, Mendocino Redwood Company,

Midpeninsula Open Space District, CalPoly San Luis Obispo, Big Creek Lumber

Company, San Mateo County Parks, California Department of State Park Mendocino

County, California Department of State Parks Santa Cruz County, Goldridge RCD, Trout

Unlimited, Gualala Redwoods Watershed Council, Circuit Riders, Occidental Arts and

Ecology Center, Lompico Watershed Conservancy, Redwood Forest Foundation,

Mendocino Land Trust, Conservation Fund, and The Nature Conservancy.

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Many RCDs provide assistance to voluntary landowners in developing and implementing

best management practices to reduce impacts from their activities (i.e., timber harvest, road

building, livestock grazing, agriculture, etc.) affecting water quality. Continued

implementation of these programs should abate some threats to coho salmon and their

habitats in many watersheds in the CCC ESU. Many RCDs within the CCC ESU assist local

agriculture and local conservation groups to apply for and use State and Federal grants for

habitat restoration purposes. Other organizations such as the Garcia River Watershed

Advisory Group, SPAWN, Sonoma County Water Agency, and the California Farm Bureau

also have provided assistance to landowners in assisting landowners in developing and

implementing best management practices.


The status of some protective efforts not outlined in FRNs includes:

In accordance with the California Fish and Game Commissions direction as well as

statutory requirements, CDFG established the range-wide Coho Salmon Recovery Team

(CRT). CDFG sought innovative and creative ideas in the development of a strategy that

balances coho salmon recovery with other interests. The CRT is made up of 21 members

from a wide range of interests, professions, and perspectives which represents county, State,

and Federal governments, tribes, commercial and recreational fishing, forestry, agriculture,

ranching, water management, and environmental interests. The CRT first met and

commenced working in December 2002. The team addressed many significant issues

affecting coho salmon range-wide which were incorporated into the California Recovery

Strategy for Coho Salmon (CDFG 2004). The CRT continued meeting after completion of the

recovery strategy and in recent years has convened on average of two times per year to

address issues ongoing implementation of the recovery strategy and recent developments

regarding the continued decline of coho salmon in the State.

In 2003, NMFS received a petition to delist those populations of the CCC coho salmon ESU

that spawn in coastal streams south of the entrance to San Francisco Bay. The petition was

eventually accepted by NMFS (75 FR 16745) on April 2, 2010, which triggered a formal

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status review focused on determining whether the populations south of the entrance to San

Francisco Bay were part of the ESU, what the appropriate southern boundary of the ESU

should be, and the biological status of any revised ESU. NMFS determined the petitioned

action was not warranted. In conducting this status review, new information became

available indicating that the range of the ESU should be extended southward (Spence et al.,

2011). This information included observations of coho salmon in Soquel Creek in 2008,

genetic analysis of tissue samples indicating that the fish from Soquel Creek were closely

related to nearby coho salmon populations in the ESU, and the ecological similarity of

Soquel and Aptos creeks with other nearby creeks that support coho salmon. Based on this

information, on April 2, 2012, the southern boundary of the ESU was expanded of the San

Lorenzo River to include any coho salmon found in Soquel and Aptos creeks (77 FR 19552).

In 2011, the CDFG and NMFS formed the Priority Action Coho Team (PACT). The mission

of PACT is for NMFS and DFG, in the context of their authorities and the State and Federal

coho salmon recovery plans to: (1) collaborate with other agencies and community entities,

(2) seek to identify clear objectives, develop specific priority action plans, and (3) identify

new and available resources to expedite immediate actions to prevent imminent extirpation

of populations within the CCC coho salmon ESU. PACT recommendations are expected to

be completed within a year.

The Austin Creek Conservation Bank was signed in 2010 and is the first NMFS approved

Conservation Bank in the CCC coho salmon ESU. The property is roughly 400 acres and lies

along several stream miles of upper East Austin Creek and Devils Creek in the Russian

River watershed and adjacent to Austin Creek State Recreation Area. The bank agreement

is on file at the SWRs North Central California Coast Office. The bank targets Central

California Coast coho and steelhead and has credits for riparian and upland habitats that

maintain natural stream processes. The service area is a 2-tiered system. The primary service

area includes Marin and Sonoma Counties, and may be utilized for mitigation and

conservation. The secondary area includes the entire Central California Coast coho and

steelhead ESU/DPSs, and may be used for conservation purposes. Phase 1 of the bank has

included input of large wood structures and covers 144 acres. Phase 2 of the bank proposes

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future addition of the adjacent 296 acres remaining in the parcel. The bank owner has

initiated restoration and is allowing the Russian River Coho Salmon Captive Broodstock

Program staff to outplant juvenile coho salmon on the property. Wild coho salmon adults

spawned on the property in 2011 and their young were confirmed by snorkel surveys. To

continue the good work, NMFS and other agencies should continue to ask project

proponents to consider banks as a way of offsetting impacts.

The NOAA Restoration Center (NOAA RC) administers the Community-based Restoration

Program. The programs objective is to bring together citizen groups, public and nonprofit

organizations, industry, corporations and businesses, youth conservation corps, students,

landowners, and local government, State and Federal agencies to restore fishery habitat

around the coastal U.S. The program funds projects directly, and through partnerships with

national and regional organizations and has provided funding, input, and project review for

numerous high priority projects in the CCC coho salmon ESU.

Trout Unlimited is funding a staff position in the Lost Coast Diversity Stratum to provide

grant writing assistance to landowners. This program has been very successful in helping to

obtain grants (including FRGP) focused on key restoration projects such as unsecured large

woody debris projects in watersheds with focus populations.

Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership represents 10 water utilities in Sonoma and Marin

counties who have joined together to provide a regional approach to water use efficiency.

The utilities are the Cities of Santa Rosa, Rohnert Park, Petaluma, Sonoma, Cotati; North

Marin, Valley of the Moon and Marin Municipal Water Districts, Town of Windsor and

Sonoma County Water Agency. Each of these utilities has water conservation programs to

assist homeowners in reducing water use. Effective water conservation programs are

essential to reducing impacts associated with water diversions in the CCC ESU.

Frost Protection: NMFS HCD, Sonoma County District Attorney, and CDFG are actively

working to address impacts associated with spring water diversions from the Russian River

and tributaries to salmonids associated with the practice for frost protection for vineyards.

From 1999 through 2006, NOAA OLE, CDFG Game Wardens, and the Sonoma County

District Attorney worked together to address unpermitted summer dams in Sonoma

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County. Many of these unpermitted dams were located on the Russian River and its

tributaries. Working in close coordination, the agencies worked to bring dam owners and

operators into ESA and CEQA compliance. NMFS PRD developed a guidance document in

2001, regarding summer impoundment and a series of mitigation measures to minimize

impacts for existing and newly proposed impoundments. This effort led to cessation of a

number of dam operations, dam removal, or owners/operators bring dams into compliance

with applicable laws. Today, far fewer summer dams are installed and habitat quality is

anticipated to have significantly improved.

Critical monitoring efforts are occurring in some focus watersheds in the ESU, including

Scott Creek, Lagunitas Creek, Caspar Creek, Pudding Creek, and Noyo River. In the Lost

Coast Diversity Stratum, CDFG is evaluating techniques to determine coho salmon and

steelhead spawning escapement estimates effective for monitoring population status and

trends. Methods used by CDFG include use of annual spawning ground surveys for long

term regional monitoring where adult population sizes are estimated annually in a rotating

panel design that samples 10% of all spawning habitat using one or a combination of

commonly used techniques including live fish or redd counts and or salmon carcass

counting. These estimates are calibrated at life cycle monitoring stations where known

estimates of returning adults from total counts or capture-recapture experiments are used to

calibrate spawning ground escapement estimates. Adoption of these protocols, expansion

of the monitoring program, and landowner cooperation is essential for assessing the status

of CCC coho salmon in the ESU. CDFG has expanded the program into the Santa Cruz

Mountains Diversity Stratum.

Campbell Timberlands Management, The Nature Conservancy, the Conservation Fund and

private foresters and loggers have worked together to implement several extensive

restoration projects using unsecured wood to increase instream habitat complexity in key

watersheds. This collaboration includes the use of loggers and their equipment for tree

falling and wood placement.

Sustainable Conservation worked with the Corps to develop a programmatic biological

assessment for restoration projects within the regulatory jurisdiction of NMFS PRD NCCO.

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A biological opinion was issued in 1996, which authorizes a wide-suite of restoration

activities to cover a total of 500 projects for ten years. CDFG wrote a consistency

determination of CCC coho salmon and the program is administered by the NOAA RC and

the Corps. This program provides and expedited permitting pathway for projects that do

not receive FRGP funding (which has numerous programmatic permits) that may

incidentally take listed salmonids. To date, an average of only ten projects per year have

been are authorized. The underuse of this programmatic permit is likely due to the lack of

comprehensive permit coverage from other agencies (such as the California Coastal

Commission, USFWS, CDFGs LSAA, etc.).

Coastal Streamflow Stewardship Project: Trout Unlimited and CEMAR are selecting and

assessing four to six coastal watersheds from Northern California down to the Santa Barbara

(California) area, and working with landowners in those pilot watersheds to develop water

management tools and identify projects to protect and reconnect stream flow including

coordinating diversions and implementing rotation schedules, storing winter water for

summer use, and improving irrigation efficiency. Two watersheds with focus populations,

San Gregorio Creek and Grape Creek (tributary to Dry Creek, tributary to the Russian

River) are included in the project. California's current system of water right administration

frequently fails to protect water users as well as salmon and steelhead, and it discourages

innovative efforts to restore and protect stream flows. Traditionally, water diverters have

been regulated individually, if at all, with little regard to how their actions relate to other

diversions in the area or contribute to cumulative impacts on the stream. Insufficient water

flows are a key limiting factor to many focus populations, particularly for the summer

rearing lifestage. In light of climate change and future population growth, adverse impacts

to streamflow will likely increase without major efforts to address this limiting factor. The

Coastal Streamflow Stewardship Project offers an opportunity to try to balance human

water demand with fisheries life history requirements. If successful, programs such as will

provide a much needed tool for CCC coho salmon recovery.

Major land purchases by conservation organizations have occurred in watersheds with

focus populations since listing. Examples include purchase (1) of much of Big Salmon Creek

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and lower portions of Big River by the Conservation Fund, (2) portions of San Gregorio

Creek by Midpeninsula Open Space District, (3) large portions of San Vicente Creek by

Trust for Public Land, The Nature Conservancy, Peninsula Open Space Trust, Land Trust of

Santa Cruz County, Save the Redwoods League, and Sempervirens Fund, (4) Usal Creek by

Redwood Forest Foundation and funded in part by the Wildlife Conservation Board, and (5)

portions of the Garcia River by The Conservation Fund with support of The Nature

Conservancy. These purchases are critical conservation measures to ensure important

watersheds with focus populations are protected from parcelization, subdivision, and

conversion from forestlands to agriculture (particularly vineyards) or rural residential land

uses. Many of the aforementioned conservation organizations are working actively to

expedite habitat restoration actions with direct benefits to CCC coho salmon.

The County of Santa Cruz stopped funding their Public Works Department from routinely

removing large woody material from streams in Santa Cruz County in 2010. The County

Planning Department is now reviewing all accumulations of large woody material in

consultation with a hydrologist and staff from NMFS and CDFG in order to assess potential

impacts to infrastructure and passage. This program has reduced the quantity of instream

wood removed from key streams with focus populations and significant improvements to

habitat and anticipated to accrue overtime.

The California Coastal Conservancy works with local governments, other public agencies,

nonprofit organizations, and private landowners to purchase, protect, restore, and enhance

coastal resources, and to provide access to the shore. The California Coastal Conservancy

and has been funded primarily by State general obligation bonds and from the States

general fund. The Coastal Conservancy has undertaken numerous projects which include,

(a) land acquisition, (b) resource restoration, (c) resource enhancement, (d) funding for

watershed assessments, and (e) land use conservation and site reservation. In 2004, the

California Coastal Conservancy funded and helped to create the Integrated Watershed

Restoration Program (IWRP) to help navigate the complexities of watershed work in Santa

Cruz County. IWRP is a voluntary framework for watershed partners to communicate with

each other. It is designed to help remove the stumbling blocks for watershed projects. One

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of the main objectives of IWRP is to coordinate the relevant State and Federal agencies on

the identification, funding, and implementation of watershed restoration projects. IWRP is

administered by the Santa Cruz County RCD and has been instrumental in fast-tracking

the design, permitting, and implementation of important restoration projects benefiting

coho salmon in the Santa Cruz County. Project implementation has proven to be quicker

than the projects funded through FRGP. The success of IWRP has led to expansion of the

program to Monterey and San Mateo Counties.


While Federal, State, county and non-governmental efforts are underway, and collectively

enhance the potential that populations and habitats of the CCC coho salmon ESU can be

protected, they do not provide sufficient certainty of implementation and effectiveness to

substantially ameliorate the level of assessed extinction risk for CCC coho salmon. The fact that

CCC coho salmon continue to decline is an indication that conservation efforts may need

refocusing, expansion, and/or restructuring to align with the highest priorities to, first, prevent

this species extinction and, second, provide for its long-term survival. Given all of the ongoing

conservation efforts, the following efforts are considered the highest priority for future


Continuation and funding for the two Captive Broodstock Programs;

Continuation and funding of restoration and monitoring projects by FRGP and PCSRF;

Funding and implementation of the California Coastal Salmonid Monitoring Program;

Implementation of Coho Priority Action Coho Team recommendations necessary to prevent

the extinction of CCC coho salmon; and

Development of public/private partnerships to involve private landowners in CCC coho

salmon recovery (e.g., Safe Harbor agreements, Conservation Banks, Habitat Conservation

Plans, etc.).

Conservation efforts of very high priority that were anticipated at the time of listing for

implementation but currently remain unrealized, or not fully realized, include:

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Mendocino Redwood Company HCP: The company owns portions of six high priority

recovery watersheds (focus populations) in Mendocino and Sonoma counties; watersheds

currently supporting extant coho populations. Finalization of the HCP is strongly


Other HCPs: HCPs in development at time of listing (i.e., Jackson Demonstration State

Forest and Georgia-Pacific Corporation now Hawthorne Timberlands Inc. managed by

Campbell Timberland Management) have been discontinued. These should be investigated

for possible continuation, in collaboration with the USFWS, to focus on securing these

forestlands for the long term due to the high number of watersheds where current

populations of CCC coho salmon persist.

The California Recovery Strategy for Coho Salmon has been finalized and was relied upon

in the development of this recovery plan. The priorities described in the Strategy, and this

recovery plan should guide implementation of the PCSRF/FRGP funds as discussed above.

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Photo Courtesy 44: Large wood input into Ten Mile River, Campbell Timberlands, Mendocino
County; David Wright, Campbell Timberlands Management.

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In summary, the lack of demonstrably viable populationsand substantial gaps in the
distribution of coho salmon throughout the CCC ESU strongly indicate that this ESU is currently in
danger of extinction.
Spence et al. 2008

Salmonid populations have persisted in great abundance for nearly a million years; their

persistence contingent on ecological, biological and evolutionary dynamics across both space

and time. These historical conditions represent a baseline for population structure and viability

with the assumption that as a population departs from its historical baseline, the greater the risk

of extinction. For the CCC coho salmon ESU to be removed from the Federal ESA, criteria

related to the number, size, trends, structure, etc. and the timeframes (e.g., 100 years) to sustain

these biological conditions must be met. To inform the recovery or delisting criteria, the TRT

prepared two NOAA Technical Memoranda characterizing the historical population structure

and biological viability criteria for the NCCC Domain salmon and steelhead ESUs/DPSs

(Bjorkstedt et al., 2005, Spence et al., 2008). These memoranda provide the fundamental criteria

to assess the biological status of populations and their risk of extinction. This chapter provides

a summary of these memoranda.


The viable salmonid population (VSP) concept was developed by McElhany et al. (2000) and

adopted by NMFS as the approach to define viability and determine risk of extinction. This

approach evaluates abundance, productivity, spatial structure, and diversity across three levels:

ESU or DPS, Diversity Strata, and population. For salmon and steelhead in the NCCC Recovery

Domain, the VSP concept was expanded by considering two population characteristics

independently: viability, defined in terms of probability of extinction over a specified time frame

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and independence, defined in terms of the influence of immigration on a populations extinction

probability(CDFG 2004).


Understanding viability, probabilities of extinction and the influence of immigration on

extinction probabilities required some knowledge of, and accounting for, characteristics that

contribute to a populations viability and thus their contribution to the persistence of the ESU

(Bjorkstedt et al. 2005). Understanding the historical role these characteristics played for

population viability is the underpinning of VSP. Since historical patterns of population

abundance, productivity, spatial structure and diversity form the reference conditions about which we

have a high confidence that the ESUshad a high probability of persisting over long periods of time. As

populations depart from these historical conditions, their probability of persistence declines and their

functional role with respect to ESU viability may be diminished (Spence et al. 2008).

The development of the historical structure included:

Modeling the historical intrinsic potential of streams to support adult spawning and

juvenile rearing;

Compilation and review of historical records on population size and distribution;

Defining populations and their viability in context to the ESU;

Grouping populations into geographical units within an ESU; and

Analyzing genetic structure, historical out-of-basin transfers and other information (See

Bjorkstedt et al. 2005).


Due to a lack of detailed population data, Bjorkstedt et al. (2005), used the concept of intrinsic

potential (IP) to estimate potential habitat and historical carrying capacity of CCC coho salmon

streams. Population size affects a species viability and extinction risk and size is supported by

extent and quality of habitats. Spawning and rearing habitats for adult and juvenile salmon and

steelhead are largely determined by the interactions of landform, lithology, and hydrology

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relatively constant over long time scales which govern movement and deposition of sediment,

large wood and other structural elements along a river network (Agrawal et al. 2005). To

account for these controls and the differences in habitat suitability across a watershed, three

habitat parameters were modeled to serve as a predictor of historical habitat attributes: channel

gradient, valley width and mean annual discharge. Each of the three attributes were weighted

between zero to one as to their potential to provide quality habitat with lower quality habitats

scoring low and higher quality habitats scoring near one. For example, narrow valley widths

and steep channel gradients are less likely to provide good spawning habitats while wider

valley widths and low gradients are more likely to provide higher quality spawning and

rearing habitats. The IP score for each reach in a watershed was multiplied by its respective

reach length, and the values summed to estimate IP in km within a watershed that support

spawning and rearing. These weighted IP-km, which is not a linear measurement, were used to

calculate the likely historical carrying capacity of adult salmonids. Depending on watershed

size, 20 to 40 spawners per km were calculated against the amount of IP in a watershed to

determine a population size that would represent a low risk of extinction.

Discrepancies were observed between the predicted IP for CCC coho salmon and historical

record accounts. A summer water temperature component was then included to address

discrepancies in the model for coho salmon because water temperature is a strong indicator of

presence and survival of summer rearing juveniles. Historical records for distribution of CCC

coho salmon were reviewed (Spence et al. 2005) and a mean August air temperature that

exceeded 21.5 C (following isolines) was applied to the model (i.e., temperature mask) to

exclude areas where streams were likely too consistently warm for coho salmon (Figure 15).

The resulting outputs were more consistent with historical records. The historical abundances

are displayed in Bjorkstedt et al. 2005 and Spence et al. 2008.

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Figure 15: Temperature mask for CCC coho salmon IP in the Russian River. The dark shaded
region was excluded due to high mean air temperature.

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Uncertainty exists with the IP model outputs, including a likely bias to over or underestimate IP

and historical habitat potential. Nonetheless, a benefit of the IP model is that it takes into

account differences in intrinsic habitat potential in an objective and transparent manner. This

objectivity precluded subjective judgments regarding whether or not habitat historically

supported spawning and rearing salmonids, which is often very difficult to determine in light

of currently degraded habitat conditions and poor historical records. Comparing modeled IP-

based results of spawner abundance to the few historical records of abundance was conducted

by Spence (pers. comm. 2008) and indicated, in the majority of cases, that modeled adult

abundances were lower than those observed during the 1930s into the 1950s. The conclusion:

projected spawner abundance targets did not overestimate natural carrying capacity for most

populations within the ESU.


Population size (e.g., spawner abundance) and genetic exchange of populations determines ESU

viability and extinction risk. A population is a group of fish of the same species that spawns in a

particular locality at a particular season and does not interbreed substantially with fish from any other

group. (Bjorkstedt et al., 2005). A viable population is a population having a low (<5%)

probability of going extinct over a 100-year time frame and an Independent population as one

for which exchanges with other populations have negligible influence on its extinction risk (Bjorkstedt

et al. 2005) or otherwise termed viable-in-isolation. To distinguish between viable and

non-viable populations the TRT evaluated each populations potential to be viable-in-

isolation and their measure of self-recruitment. Self-recruitment is the proportion of a

populations spawning run that is of native origin (Bjorkstedt et al., 2005). The TRT used the

likely historical population abundance as a proxy for assessing viability-in-isolation. The self-

recruitment analysis was framed by (1) understanding an individual will attempt to return to its

natal watershed and (2) population dynamics are dominated by both internal processes and

external dynamics (e.g., straying). This analysis assisted the TRT in identifying the functional

role different populations historically played in ESU persistence (Bjorkstedt et al. 2005 in Spence et al.


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The TRT determined at least 32 IP-km were required for a population of coho salmon to be

viable-in-isolation. This value was selected for consistency with other TRTs in California and

Oregon and was based on a simulation analysis of Nickelson and Lawson (1998).

Three types of populations were defined:

Functionally Independent Populations (FIPs): Populations with a high likelihood of

persisting over 100-year time scales due to their population size and relatively independent

dynamics (i.e., negligible influence of migrants from neighboring populations on extinction


Potentially Independent Populations (PIPs): Populations with a high likelihood of

persisting in isolation over 100-year time scales due to large population size, but were likely

too strongly influenced by immigration from other populations to exhibit independent

dynamics; and

Dependent Populations (DPs): Populations with a substantial likelihood of going extinct

within a 100-year time period in isolation due to smaller population size, but receive

sufficient immigration to alter their dynamics and reduce extinction risk.

The independence of a population establishes its relative importance to ESU viability. For

example, a large population (e.g., Functionally Independent Population) likely functions as a

regular source of surplus individuals (through straying) to smaller populations (e.g., Dependent

Populations). Straying adds resilience to the ESU when smaller populations are impacted by

adverse environmental conditions (e.g., catastrophic wildfire, etc.). Surplus individuals from

large populations can re-colonize these watersheds overtime. This resilience confers more

importance onto large populations for their role in the viability and recovery of the ESU.

Notwithstanding, the role of dependent populations are very important in situations where

associated historical independent populations are extirpated or at a high risk of extirpation. In

these cases, dependent populations can become the vital source of colonizers and genetic

diversity to support restoration of the extirpated populations associated with the larger


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Diversity Strata, or boundaries that group populations, were delineated for the ESU and are

geographically proximate populations that reflect the diversity of selective environments, phenotypes

and genetic variation across the ESU and are described in terms of geography and a generally similar

set of environmental and ecological conditions (Bjorkstedt et al., 2005).


The TRT identified 11 functionally independent, one potentially independent (Figure 16)

and 64 dependent populations in the CCC coho salmon ESU (Bjorkstedt et al., 2005 with

modifications described in Spence et al. 2008). The 75 populations were grouped into five

Diversity Strata (Figure 16, Figure 17). Five thousand one hundred and ninety four (5,194) IP-

km were identified across the historical CCC coho salmon ESU13. Watershed boundaries

delineate each population for CCC coho salmon ESU.

The advised application of the TRT historical structure is outlined in Bjorkstedt et al. (2005):

Increasing divergence from this baseline almost certainly decreases the ability of the ESU to persist. The

functional relationship between departure from historical conditions and extinction risk for the ESU is

probably non-linear, such that the loss of a few populationsparticularly small populationsfrom an

otherwise intact ESU may not greatly reduce ESU viability, whereas the loss of key populations or the

loss of populations from an already diminished ESU will have more profound implications for the

persistence of the ESU. Uncertainty associated with the form of this relationship must be accounted for

in assessing the viability of any proposed ESU configurations that departs from historical conditions.

Understanding the historical population structure of an ESU is essential to reducing the consequences of

this uncertainty, as information on the historical role of specific populations in the ESU supports a

biologically relevant context for recovery planning. Simply put, populations that were important to

ESU persistence in the past, if restored or preserved, are likely to be important to ESU
persistence in the future(emphasis added). See Bjorkstedt et al. (2005) for more information.

13 The recovery scenario for CCC coho designated 28 focus watersheds and 11 supplemental populations. The total
historical IP-km of the 28 watersheds is 1736 km or 33 percent of the historical total.

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Figure 16: Historical population structure of the CCC coho salmon ESU, arranged by Diversity Strata. Independent population are in
bold, potentially independent populations are in italics and dependent populations are all others.

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Figure 17: CCC coho salmon Diversity Strata

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Spence et al. (2008) developed biological viability criteria for the ESU, Diversity Strata and

populations consistent with the three levels of biological organization outlined by Bjorkstedt et

al. (2005) important for the long term persistence of CCC coho salmon. These criteria are

described in the two categories of: Population Viability Criteria and ESU Viability Criteria.

The biological viability criteria defines sets of conditions or rules that, if satisfied, would suggest

that the ESU is at low risk of extinction (Spence et al. 2008). These general conditions require: (1)

achieving population viability across selected populations and (2) attaining the necessary

number and configuration of these viable populations across the landscape. ESU and

population viability was considered by (Spence et al. 2008) using two distinct but equally

important perspectives: (1) population viability in relation to its historical function and (2)

minimum population size.


Criteria were developed that constitute a viable population (Table 7) and categorized into

extinction risk categories of abundance, population growth rate, population spatial structure

and population diversity (McElhany et al. 2000):

Abundance is the number of adult spawners measured over a time based on life history;

Population growth rate (i.e., productivity) is a measure of a populations ability to

sustain itself overtime (e.g., returns per spawner);

Population spatial structure describes how populations are arranged geographically

based on dispersal factors and quality of habitats; and

Population diversity is the underlying genetic and life history characteristic providing

for population resilience and persistence across space and time.

For a population to be viable it must be large enough to (1) have a high probability of surviving

environmental variation, (2) compensate for disturbances, (3) maintain genetic diversity, and (4)

functionally contribute to associated ecosystems. The criteria provides information on (1)

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likelihood of extinction, (2) effective population size or total population size, (3) population

decline, (4) catastrophic decline, (5) spawner density, and (6) hatchery influence (Table 7).

Table 7: Population Extinction Risk Criteria (Spence et al. 2008)

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Four criteria were developed that, collectively, constitute a configuration in the number and

distribution of viable and non-viable populations likely providing for ESU persistence over 100

year time frame (i.e., viable). There may be several plausible scenarios of population viability

that could satisfy ESU-level criteria (Spence et al., 2008). The goals of the ESU criteria are to

reduce the risk of extinction by ensuring: (1) connectivity between populations, (2)

representation of ecological, morphological, and genetic diversity, and (3) redundancy in

populations to minimize risks associated with catastrophic events.

In characterizing a viable ESU the TRT applied the hypothesis that populations, as they

functioned in their historical context, were highly likely to persist and that increasing

departure from historical characteristics logically requires a greater degree of proof that a population is

indeed viable (Spence et al. 2008). Due to the likely historical roles of functionally independent

or potentially independent populations, these populations form the foundation of the ESU

viability criteria. Dependent population criteria were also developed to ensure reservoirs of

genetic diversity, account for the extirpation of FIPs in the ESU, connectivity between FIPs,

reduced risk of ESU extinction, to provide a vital source of colonizers for extirpated populations

and to buffer impacts resulting from poor ocean conditions and disturbances to independent


The four ESU viability criteria are:

(1) Representation Criteria;

1. a. All identified Diversity Strata that include historical FIPs or PIPs within an ESU

should be represented by viable population for the ESU to be considered viable.


1. b. Within each Diversity Stratum, all extant phenotypic diversity (i.e., major life-

history types) should be represented by viable populations.

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(2) Redundancy and Connectivity;

2.a. At least fifty percent of historically independent populations (FIPs or PIPs) in each

Diversity Stratum must be demonstrated to be at low risk of extinction according to

population viability criteria. For strata with three or fewer independent populations, at

least two populations must be viable.


2.b. Within each Diversity Stratum, the total aggregate abundance of independent

populations selected to satisfy this criterion must meet or exceed 50% of the aggregate

viable population abundance (i.e., meeting density-based criteria for low risk) for all

FIPs and PIPs.

(3) Remaining populations, including historically dependent populations or any historical FIPs

or PIPs not expected to attain a viable status, must exhibit occupancy patterns consistent with

those expected under sufficient immigration subsidy arising from the focus Independent

populations selected to satisfy the preceding criterion.

(4) The distribution of extant populations, regardless of historical status, must maintain

connectivity within the Diversity Stratum, as well as connectivity to neighboring Diversity


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The wide-ranging migration patterns and unique life histories of anadromous salmonids
take them across ecosystem and management boundaries in an increasingly fragmented
world, which creates the need for analyses and strategies at similarly large scales.
- Good et al. 2007. Recovery Planning for Endangered Species Act-listed Pacific Salmon:
Using Science to Inform Goals and Strategies


This chapter summarizes the methods used to: (1) select focus populations essential for

recovery using the recovery framework provided by Bjorkstedt et al. (2005) and Spence et al.

(2008); (2) assess current conditions, identify future stresses and threats to these populations

and their habitats; and (3) develop site-specific and range-wide recovery actions designed to

restore conditions and abate threats. A detailed description of criteria and protocols developed

to assess current habitat conditions, stresses and threats are provided in a Viability and Threats

Report in Appendix B.


The biological viability criteria, described in Spence et al. (2008) (Volume III; Appendix E), sets

the foundation for understanding the long-term biological viability of CCC coho salmon

populations. These viability criteria, however, are not synonymous with recovery criteria. The

viability criteria define sets of conditions or rules for viable populations that, if satisfied,

would suggest that the ESU or DPS is at low risk of extinction (Spence et al. 2008). These

general conditions include: (1) achieving population viability across selected populations; and

(2) attaining a number and configuration of viable populations across the landscape to ensure

long-term viability of the ESU or DPS as a whole. The criteria, however, do not explicitly

specify which populations must be viable for the ESU or DPS to be viable, but rather they

establish a framework within which there may be several ways by which ESU or DPS viability

can be achieved (Spence et al. 2008). Furthermore, the biological viability criteria do not

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include specific numeric abundance targets for Dependent populations. The viability criteria

provide a theoretical foundation and practical basis for recovery planners to select populations

for inclusion into the recovery scenario, and to develop criteria for measuring population

response to recovery actions. The viability criteria include metrics for population abundance,

productivity, spatial structure, and diversity. Populations that are abundant at each life stage,

highly productive, widely distributed, and exhibit the full variety of life-history traits available

are considered at low risk of extinction.

A total of 75 watersheds (e.g., populations), between Mendocino County and Santa Cruz

County (including San Francisco Bay tributaries) were identified by Bjorkstedt et al. (2005) to

historically support CCC coho salmon. Not all populations are needed for, or capable of

supporting, recovery. A subset of the 75 populations was selected for this recovery plan.

Working from Bjorkstedt et al. 2005 and Spence et al. (2008), quantitative and qualitative

information were evaluated regarding current presence or prolonged absence of coho salmon,

habitat suitability, status (e.g., independent or dependent status), threats and current protective

efforts ongoing in the watershed. This assessment led to the selection of 28 populations (12

independent populations and 16 dependent populations) and 11 supplemental populations

across four Diversity Strata, to represent the CCC coho salmon ESU recovery strategy.

Historical presence of coho salmon in the San Francisco Bay stratum is well documented.

However, the degree to which the tributaries of the San Francisco Bay were historically capable

of supporting coho salmon populations is uncertain. The general conclusion reached by

Bjorkstedt et al. (2005) was San Francisco Bay watersheds supported only small and/or

ephemeral populations, particularly in the drier and warmer interior watersheds and no

independent populations historically existed. Thus, no populations were chosen for the San

Francisco Bay Diversity Stratum.

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The 28 populations selected are the focus populations (Table 8) with 11 supplemental

populations designated to fulfill the occupancy and connectivity criteria as outlined in Spence et

al. 2008 (Figure 18). To provide a contemporary context on extent of potential habitat for these

focus populations, we evaluated the historical spawner abundances and associated IP-km

calculated by the TRT. The IP-kms were assessed against habitat survey information, local

knowledge, Google Earth images, watershed documents, several ground-truthing surveys and

outreach to agencies and other entities for information. The exercise yielded changes to the IP-

kms for several watersheds where natural barriers, steep gradient changes or stream flow

dynamics were undetected by the model or where the temperature mask incorrectly removed

potential habitats where coho salmon persist. Revisions to the extent of potential habitat were

made and recalculated into potential miles of habitat (Table 8). Associated spawner targets for

each population were re-calculated by multiplying the number of spawning adults needed per

IP-km based on Spence et al. 2008. These new spawner abundances correspond to the biological

delisting criteria with downlisting targets set at a moderate risk of extinction and approximately

50% of the delisting criteria (see Chapter 10). These spawner targets individually and

collectively meet the population viability criterion (e.g., each population is expected to achieve a

density equal to or greater than 640 spawning adults) as well as the Diversity Strata criterion

(e.g., total stratum abundances meets or exceeds 50 percent of the aggregate historical

abundance for the FIPs and PIPs based on the density criteria Spence et al., 2008). Occupancy

targets for dependent populations were derived from abundance estimates from Waddell Creek

(Santa Cruz County, CA) data from the 1930s (Shapavolov and Taft 1954). Additional

populations were selected to fulfill occupancy patterns criteria (called supplemental

populations). The selection of supplement populations was predicated on presence or recent

presence of CCC coho salmon. Occupancy delisting goals were developed for supplemental

populations. The combined abundance targets and recovery criteria provide a recovery

framework to achieve multiple recovery goals that include ecological benefits and commercial,

recreational, and tribal harvest. The plans approach of designating 28 focus populations and 11

supplemental populations provides redundancy, resiliency and representation in the ESU.

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Table 8: Diversity Strata, Focus Populations, Status of Population and Miles of Potential Habitat

Diversity Strata Population (Independent or Miles of

Dependent) Potential Habitat

Lost Coast Usal Creek D 10.9

Cottaneva Creek D 14.5

Wages Creek D 9.8

Ten Mile River I 118.5

Pudding Creek D 26.4

Noyo River I 127.0

Caspar Creek D 12.5

Big River I 214.8

Albion River I 59.2

Big Salmon Creek D 16.8

Navarro-Gualala Point Navarro River I 220.4

Garcia River I 103.7

Gualala River I 266.6

Coastal Russian River I 457.5

Salmon Creek D 35.9

Pine Gulch D 11.4

Walker Creek I 67.6

Lagunitas Creek I 64.5

Redwood Creek D 6.8

Santa Cruz Mountains San Gregorio D 36.7

Pescadero Creek I 54.9

Gazos Creek I 7.1

Waddell Creek D 8.0

Scott Creek D 13.9

San Vicente Creek D 3.4

San Lorenzo River I 117.5

Soquel Creek D 31.9

Aptos Creek D 26.0

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Figure 18: CCC coho salmon ESU Focus Populations & Supplemental Populations

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Instream and watershed conditions and threats for the 28 focus populations were assessed

using The Nature Conservancys (TNC) Conservation Action Planning (CAP) workbook. The

CAP was developed in collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund, Conservation International,

Wildlife Conservation Society and others. The CAP protocols and standards were developed

by the Conservation Measures Partnership, a partnership of ten different non-governmental

biodiversity organizations (www.conservationmeasures.org). The method is a structured

approach to assessing threats, sources of threats, and their relative importance to the species

status and a method recommended in the Interim Guidance (NMFS 2010a). The CAP process

was adopted as the recovery planning assessment tool for the NCCC Domain, and in 2006, we

partnered with TNC for assistance, training and support in applying the CAP process for

recovery planning. CAP is a Microsoft Excel-based tool adaptable to the needs of the user. The

NMFS application of the CAP protocol included; (1) defining current conditions for habitat

attributes across freshwater life stages essential for the long term survival, and (2) identifying

activities reasonably expected to continue, or occur, into the future that will have a direct,

indirect, or negative effect on life stages, populations and the ESU (e.g., threats). Results from

this assessment provided an indication of watershed health and likely threats to coho salmon

survival and recovery. These results were the basis used to formulate recovery actions

designed to improve current conditions (restoration strategies) and abate future threats (threats

strategies). The CAP is expected to be used to track recovery criteria overtime since it is both a

warehouse to store information and is iterative as this new information becomes available.


A CAP workbook was developed for each focus population and each component of the analyses

includes an assessment of conditions and threats for each key coho salmon life stage (i.e., adults,

eggs, summer juveniles, winter juveniles and smolts). CAP facilitates user input of quantitative

and qualitative information. Each workbook is organized to input and display data,

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information and best professional judgments for each specific criterion. Algorithms in the Excel

CAP workbook summarize these data into general score cards. Score cards are assembled into

spreadsheets, facilitating assessment of conditions and threats across the three levels of

biological organization described in Spence et al. (2008). These three levels are (1) focus

population, (2) Diversity Strata, and (3) overall ESU.

The CAP method provided a number of features to assess the magnitude and extent of threats

to CCC coho salmon and their habitats, including:

Incorporation of both quantitative and qualitative measures of existing and future


Objective, consistent tracking for changes in the status of each conservation target (i.e.,

life history stages) over time;

Assessment of a watersheds condition or focus population viability and objective

comparisons to other watersheds or populations;

Focusing of recovery actions by identifying past, current and potential future threats to

CCC coho salmon and their habitats; and

Providing a central repository for documenting and updating information and

assumptions about existing conditions.

Each CAP workbook has two assessment components: viability for evaluating current

conditions (Figure 19) and Threats for evaluating future stresses and source of stress (Figure 20).

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CAP Target Salmonid Life Stages
Viability Analysis

Habitat, Watershed or Population

Key Attributes Conditions by life stage

Indicator of Key Specific parameter of conditions by

Attribute life stage

Reference value or criterion for

Indicator Rating specific indicator for each life stage

Figure 19: Structure of CAP workbooks for Viability Analysis

CAP Target Salmonid Life Stages

Threats Analysis

Future stress on habitat,

Stress watershed or population
conditions for each life stage

Source of Stress Natural of human source of

stress for each life stage
Figure 20: Structure of CAP workbooks for Threats Analysis

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The viability table defines the specific life stages for each species as conservation targets and

provides the structure for an assessment of current conditions supported by data from NMFS,

other agencies, recovery partners, and the scientific literature.

Conservation targets are the five freshwater life stages specific to coho salmon and watershed

processes. These life stages are described below and were incorporated in each CAP workbook

(Table 9).

Spawning Adults - Includes adult fish from the time they enter freshwater, hold or

migrate to spawning areas, and complete spawning (September 1 to March 1);

Eggs - Includes fertilized eggs deposited into redds and incubation of through the time

of emergence from the gravel (December 1 to April 1);

Summer Rearing Juveniles - Includes juvenile rearing in streams and estuaries (when

applicable) during summer and fall (June-October) prior to the onset of winter rains;

Winter Rearing Juveniles - Includes rearing of juveniles from onset of winter rains

through the winter months up to the initiation of smolt outmigration (November 1 to

March 1);

Smolts - Includes juvenile migration from natal rearing areas until they enter the ocean

(March 1 to June 1); and

Watershed processes - Includes instream habitat, riparian, upslope watershed conditions

and landscape scale patterns related to land use.

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Table 9: CAP Workbook Homepage showing life stage targets

ConserveOnline Help
Conservation Action Planning Workbook
A tool for developing strategies, taking action, and measuring success Changes for Excel 2007
2010 The Nature Conservancy Version: CAP_v6b October 15, 2010
Full Version

Workbook Setup (Establecer libro de trabajo) Reset Menus and Switch to Basic
Welcome Hide/Zoom Worksheets
(Organizao do Programa) Tables Version

To enter, edit or delete data in protected cells (which are shaded or contain entries in black font), double-click on the cell. An entry form will appear.
To change the table format, double-click on the table header. A table format form will appear.

Project and Conservation Targets

Project Central California Coast Coho Salmon ~ Soquel Creek

Target #1 Adults

Target #2 Eggs

Target #3 Summer Rearing Juveniles

Target #4 Winter Rearing Juveniles

Target #5 Smolts

Target #6 Watershed Processes

Key attributes are defined as critical components of a conservation targets biology or ecology

(TNC 2007). Viable populations result when key attributes function and support transitions

between life history stages. By this definition, if attributes are missing, altered, or degraded,

survival is adversely affected. Factors with the greatest potential to impair survival across life

stages and limit salmonid production at the population scale were defined as key attributes.

There are three general categories of attributes (Table 10):

Specific elements of aquatic habitats (e.g., site specific conditions of water, wood, sediment);

Watershed processes; and

Life stage and population viability.

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Indicators are a specific habitat, watershed process or population parameter providing a

method to assess the status of a key attribute. An attribute may have one or more indicators.

Each indicator has a rating which is a reference value describing the conditions of the key

attribute as it relates to life stage survival. These conditions are described as poor, fair, good or

very good. Reference values or indicator ratings were developed using established values from

published scientific literature or the best available information. Measurable quantitative

indicators were used for most indicators; however, the formulation of other more qualitative

decision making structures were used when data were limited or non-existent. Qualitative

decision structures were used to rate three attributes: instream flow conditions, estuary

conditions, and toxicity.

Very good values were considered fully functional to allow complete life stage function and life

stage transition. Good values were considered functional but slightly impaired, fair values

were considered functional but significantly impaired, and poor values were considered

inadequate for transition from one life stage to the next life stage. In watersheds where the

majority of indicators were rated as good or very good, overall conditions were likely functional

and support transitions between life history stages within the historical range of variability.

Based on the quantitative or qualitative data for each indicator, key attributes were rated for

each life stage at the population level. Due to natural variability within watersheds and

influences of human caused changes to streams and landscapes, habitat conditions vary greatly

within and across streams, watersheds, and populations. To capture this variability, rating

values and thresholds varied by indicator type and scale of the available data (e.g., site, reach,

stream, watershed or population). All final indicator ratings are reported at the population

level; however, some rating required additional steps to arrive at a population level rating. For

example, landscape pattern data (e.g., percent of urban development) are readily available at the

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watershed scale, and a single-step rating process can characterize conditions for an entire

population. However, habitat condition data (e.g., percent of primary pools), collected at the

habitat unit scale, were averaged to obtain reach, then stream, then watershed level values.

This multiple step analysis was necessary to evaluate condition at a population (watershed)

scale. Stream level rating criteria were based on indicator thresholds developed from the

scientific literature values, while population scale rating criteria incorporated a spatial element.

To rate current condition of each habitat attribute at the population level, NMFS determined the

percentage of streams, or the percentage of IP-km, within a population meeting criteria for a

very good, good, fair, or poor rating. Spatializing information enabled scaling up of stream

level habitat data to the population level without compromising data protocol or integrity.

Table 10: CCC coho salmon CAP Conditions by Target Life Stage

CCC Coho Population Conditions By Target Life Stage

Target Attribute Indicator
Adults Habitat Complexity Large Wood Frequency (BFW 0-10 meters)
Adults Habitat Complexity Large Wood Frequency (BFW 10-100 meters)
Adults Habitat Complexity Pool/Riffle/Flatwater Ratio
Adults Habitat Complexity Shelter Rating
Adults Hydrology Passage Flows
Adults Passage/Migration Passage at Mouth or Confluence
Adults Passage/Migration Physical Barriers
Adults Riparian Vegetation Tree Diameter (North of SF Bay)
Adults Riparian Vegetation Tree Diameter (South of SF Bay)
Adults Sediment Quantity & Distribution of Spawning Gravels
Adults Velocity Refuge Floodplain Connectivity
Adults Water Quality Toxicity
Adults Water Quality Turbidity
Adults Viability Density
Eggs Hydrology Flow Conditions (Instantaneous Condition)
Eggs Hydrology Redd Scour
Eggs Sediment Gravel Quality (Bulk)
Eggs Sediment Gravel Quality (Embeddedness)
Summer Rearing Juveniles Estuary/Lagoon Quality & Extent
Summer Rearing Juveniles Habitat Complexity Large Wood Frequency (Bankfull Width 0-10 meters)
Summer Rearing Juveniles Habitat Complexity Large Wood Frequency (Bankfull Width 10-100 meters)
Summer Rearing Juveniles Habitat Complexity Percent Primary Pools
Summer Rearing Juveniles Habitat Complexity Pool/Riffle/Flatwater Ratio

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Summer Rearing Juveniles Habitat Complexity Shelter Rating
Summer Rearing Juveniles Hydrology Flow Conditions (Baseflow)
Summer Rearing Juveniles Hydrology Flow Conditions (Instantaneous Condition)
Summer Rearing Juveniles Hydrology Number, Condition and/or Magnitude of Diversions
Summer Rearing Juveniles Passage/Migration Passage at Mouth or Confluence
Summer Rearing Juveniles Passage/Migration Physical Barriers
Summer Rearing Juveniles Riparian Vegetation Canopy Cover
Summer Rearing Juveniles Riparian Vegetation Tree Diameter (North of SF Bay)
Summer Rearing Juveniles Riparian Vegetation Tree Diameter (South of SF Bay)
Summer Rearing Juveniles Sediment (Food Productivity) Gravel Quality (Embeddedness)
Summer Rearing Juveniles Water Quality Temperature (MWMT)
Summer Rearing Juveniles Water Quality Toxicity
Summer Rearing Juveniles Water Quality Turbidity
Summer Rearing Juveniles Viability Density
Summer Rearing Juveniles Viability Spatial Structure
Winter Rearing Juveniles Habitat Complexity Large Wood Frequency (Bankfull Width 0-10 meters)
Winter Rearing Juveniles Habitat Complexity Large Wood Frequency (Bankfull Width 10-100 meters)
Winter Rearing Juveniles Habitat Complexity Pool/Riffle/Flatwater Ratio
Winter Rearing Juveniles Habitat Complexity Shelter Rating
Winter Rearing Juveniles Passage/Migration Physical Barriers
Winter Rearing Juveniles Riparian Vegetation Tree Diameter (North of SF Bay)
Winter Rearing Juveniles Riparian Vegetation Tree Diameter (South of SF Bay)
Winter Rearing Juveniles Sediment (Food Productivity) Gravel Quality (Embeddedness)
Winter Rearing Juveniles Velocity Refuge Floodplain Connectivity
Winter Rearing Juveniles Water Quality Toxicity
Winter Rearing Juveniles Water Quality Turbidity
Smolts Estuary/Lagoon Quality & Extent
Smolts Habitat Complexity Shelter Rating
Smolts Hydrology Number, Condition and/or Magnitude of Diversions
Smolts Hydrology Passage Flows
Smolts Passage/Migration Passage at Mouth or Confluence
Smolts Smoltification Temperature
Smolts Water Quality Toxicity
Smolts Water Quality Turbidity
Smolts Viability Abundance
Watershed Processes Hydrology Impervious Surfaces
Watershed Processes Landscape Patterns Agriculture
Watershed Processes Landscape Patterns Timber Harvest
Watershed Processes Landscape Patterns Urbanization
Watershed Processes Riparian Vegetation Species Composition
Watershed Processes Sediment Transport Road Density
Watershed Processes Sediment Transport Streamside Road Density (100 m)

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Past, continuing, and newly identified threats are the ultimate cause for a species decline. To

accurately address these issues, a threats assessment is required under NMFS Interim Guidance

(NMFS 2010a). The Interim Guidance recommends when discussing each threat and its

sources, the geographic scope, severity, and frequency of the various threats should be

indicated. Using the CAP method, a threats assessment was conducted to determine the

severity, frequency, and contribution of a threat to each population.


Stresses represent altered or impaired key attributes for each population, such as impaired

hydrology or reduced habitat complexity. They are the inverse of the key attributes. For

example, the attribute for passage becomes the stress of impaired passage. These altered

conditions, irrespective of their sources, are expected to reduce population viability. For each

population and life stage, stresses were ranked using two metrics, which are combined using

algorithms contained in CAP to generate a single rank for each stress identified:

1. Severity of damage: The level of damage to the conservation target that can reasonably

be expected to occur into the future under current circumstances (i.e., given the

continuation of the existing situation). Stresses ranked as very high for severity are

likely to destroy or eliminate the target life stage over time. Stresses ranked as high are

likely to seriously degrade the target. Medium ranks are likely to moderately degrade

the target, and low ranks are applied to stresses that are likely to slightly impair the


2. Scope of damage: The geographic scope of impact on the conservation target at the site

that can reasonably be expected into the future under current circumstances (i.e., given

the continuation of the existing situation). Stresses ranked as very high for scope are

likely widespread or pervasive. Stresses ranked as high are likely to be widespread,

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medium ranks are more localized, and low ranks are applied to stresses that are more


Fifteen stresses were evaluated for specific life stages:

1. Altered Riparian Species Composition & Structure;

2. Altered Sediment Transport: Road Condition & Density;

3. Estuary: Impaired Quality & Extent;

4. Floodplain Connectivity: Impaired Quality & Extent;

5. Hydrology: Gravel Scouring Events;

6. Hydrology: Impaired Water Flow;

7. Impaired Passage & Migration;

8. Impaired Watershed Hydrology;

9. Instream Habitat Complexity: Altered Pool Complexity and/or Pool/Riffle Ratios;

10. Instream Habitat Complexity: Reduced Large Wood and/or Shelter;

11. Instream Substrate/Food Productivity: Impaired Gravel Quality & Quantity;

12. Landscape Disturbance;

13. Reduced Density, Abundance & Diversity;

14. Water Quality: Impaired Instream Temperatures; and

15. Water Quality: Increased Turbidity or Toxicity.

Stresses with a high level of severity and/or broad geographic scope are ranked as high or very

high. For example, in Table 11 the stress of hydrology impaired water flow was ranked as

very high for its effects to the summer rearing life stage. This stress also ranked as high for

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smolts, because in low water years, flows are inadequate for out migration. This stress was

ranked medium for adults and eggs, indicating it was not as severe and/or more limited in

scope and, therefore, not as detrimental to those life stages, since flows during adult migratory

periods and egg development periods are typically adequate. Stresses to the population are

compiled in a summary table to describe major stresses for each population by target (Table 11).

Table 11: CAP Stress Table for Soquel Creek

Stress Matrix 1 2 3 4 5 6

Central California Coast Coho Salmon ~ Soquel Creek

Stresses Summer Winter

(Altered Key Ecological Attributes) Adults Eggs Rearing Rearing Smolts
Juveniles Juveniles
Across Targets
1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Reduced Density, Abundance & Diversity Very High Very High Very High

Instream Habitat Complexity: Reduced Large

2 High Very High High Very High
Wood and/or Shelter

3 Hydrology: Impaired Water Flow Medium Medium Very High High

Instream Substrate/Food Productivity: Impaired

4 Low High Medium High
Gravel Quality & Quantity
Instream Habitat Complexity: Altered Pool
5 High Medium High
Complexity and/or Pool/Riffle Ratios
Floodplain Connectivity: Impaired Quality &
6 Medium High

7 Water Quality: Impaired Instream Temperatures High Low

Altered Sediment Transport: Road Condition &

8 High

9 Hydrology: Gravel Scouring Events High

10 Impaired Watershed Hydrology High

11 Water Quality: Increased Turbidity or Toxicity Medium Medium Medium Medium

12 Impaired Passage & Migration Medium Medium Low Low

13 Estuary: Impaired Quality & Extent Medium Medium

14 Landscape Disturbance Medium

Altered Riparian Species Composition &

15 Low Low

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CAP defines direct threats to the species as the sources of stress likely to limit viability into the

future. Threats may result from currently active issues such as ongoing land uses, or from

issues likely to occur in the future (usually within ten years), such as increased water diversion

or development. Threats are expected to contribute to stresses in ways likely to impair

salmonid habitat into the future. Many threats are driven by human activities; however,

naturally occurring events such as earthquakes may also threaten the habitat of the species. For

each population and life stage, threats were ranked using two metrics, which were combined by

CAP algorithms to generate a single rank for each threat identified:

1. Contribution: The expected contribution of the source, acting alone, to the full

expression of a stress under current circumstances (i.e., given the continuation of the

existing management/conservation situation). Threats ranked as very high for

contribution are very large contributors to the particular stress. Threats ranked as high

are large contributors, medium ranks are moderate contributors, and low ranks are

applied to threats that contribute little to the particular stress; and

2. Irreversibility: The degree to which the effects of a threat can be reversed. Threats

ranked as very high for irreversibility produce a stress that is not typically reversible

(e.g. wetland converted to a shopping center). Threats ranked as high are reversible, but

are not practically feasible to reverse. Medium ranked threats produces a stress that is

reversible with a reasonable commitment of resources, and threats ranked as low are

easily reversible.

Fourteen threats were evaluated in relation to each stress for a specific life stage:

1. Agriculture;

2. Channel Modification;

3. Disease/Predation/Competition;

4. Fire, Fuel Management and Fire Suppression;

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5. Fishing/Collecting;

6. Hatcheries;

7. Livestock Farming and Ranching;

8. Logging and Wood Harvesting;

9. Mining;

10. Recreational Areas and Activities;

11. Residential and Commercial Development;

12. Roads and Railroads;

13. Severe Weather Patterns; and

14. Water Diversion and Impoundments.

Threats with a high level of contribution to a stress and/or high irreversibility were ranked as

high or very high. For example, in Table 12 the threat of residential and commercial

development was ranked as very high for its effects to two life stages, and high for three others,

because residential development is a very high contributor to poor water quality and impaired

riparian conditions in Soquel Creek. Summary tables of threats ranked for each population

describe major threats for each target (Table 12). Using the CAP taxonomy, fourteen threats

were evaluated in relation to each stress for a specific life stage. A summary describing each

threat is provided in Appendix B. The overall threat rank summarizes the aggregate threat

rating and thereby identifies the most limiting threats to a population.

The threat status for each target summarizing the aggregate ranks applied across all life stages

and illustrates the targets most vulnerable. Threats ranked as high or very high are more likely

to contribute to a stress that in turn, reduces the viability of a life stage. When multiple life

stages of a population had high or very high threats, the viability of the population was


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Table 12: CAP Threats Table for Soquel Creek

Summary of Threats 1 2 3 4 5 6

Central California Coast Coho Salmon ~ Soquel Creek

Summer Winter
Watershed Overall Threat
Threats Across Targets Adults Eggs Rearing Rearing Smolts
Processes Rank
Juveniles Juveniles

Project-specific threats 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Residential and Commercial Development High Medium Very High High Very High High Very High

2 Water Diversion and Impoundments Medium Medium Very High Medium Very High High Very High

3 Severe Weather Patterns Medium High Very High High High High Very High

4 Roads and Railroads High High High High High High Very High

5 Fire, Fuel Management and Fire Suppression Medium Medium High Medium High Medium High

6 Logging and Wood Harvesting Medium Medium High Medium High Medium High

7 Channel Modification Medium Medium High High Medium Low High

8 Fishing and Collecting High - Medium - High - High

9 Mining Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium

10 Agriculture Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Low Medium

11 Disease, Predation and Competition Medium - Medium Low Medium Low Medium

12 Recreational Areas and Activities Low Low Medium Low Medium Low Medium

13 Livestock Farming and Ranching Low Low Low Low Medium Low Low

14 Hatcheries and Aquaculture - - - - - - -

Threat Status for Targets and Project High High Very High High Very High High Very High

Some threats occurred in all or most populations (e.g. roads), while others were limited in

distribution (e.g. mining); thus, some threats not relevant were not rated in some populations.

Table 13 is a matrix of the threats that were evaluated against the stresses. For example, the

threat of fishing and collecting was only ranked against the population stress of reduced

abundance, diversity, and competition. This approach reduced overestimating the impact of a

stress across multiple threats. Threats that contribute to impaired water flow, for example, were

evaluated under that category rather than under each factor (e.g., agriculture, urban, etc.).

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Table 13: Matrix of Stresses Compared Against Threats

Stresses Habitat Condition Watershed Processes Population

Instre am Instre am Instre am
Habitat Habitat Substrate / Alte re d
Wate r Wate r Alte re d
Floodplain Comple xity Comple xit Food Se dime nt
Estuary: Hydrology Hydrology Quality: Quality: Riparian Re duce d
Conne ctivity : Alte re d y: Productivit Impaire d Impaire d Landscape Transport:
Impaire d : Grave l : Impaire d Incre ase d Impaire d Spe cie s De nsity,
: Impaire d Pool Re duce d y: Passage & Wate rshe d Disturbanc Road
Quality & Scouring Wate r Turbidity Instre am Compositi Abundance &
Quality & Comple xity Large Impaire d Migration Hydrology e Condition/
Exte nt Eve nts Flow or Te mpe rat on & Dive rsity
Exte nt and/or Wood Grave l De nsity,
Toxocity ure s Structure
Pool/Riffle and/or Quality & Dams, e tc.
Threats Ratios She lte r Quantity

Agriculture N/A N/A

Channel Modification N/A

Competition(Invasive N/A N/A N/A
Animals and plants)

Fire N/A N/A

Fishing/Collecting N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Hatcheries N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Livestock N/A N/A
Logging N/A N/A
Mining N/A N/A
Recreation N/A N/A
Roads N/A N/A
Severe Weather N/A
Water Diversion and

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To inform the CAP analyses of current conditions, stresses and threats, NMFS used a variety of

data sources and data types. Sources included the CDFG, SWRCB, U.S. EPA, RCDs, private

timber companies, conservation organizations, consultants, local watershed groups and other

contributors. In particular, CDFG provided extensive habitat typing data for most of the focus


Some data required additional evaluation, analysis and synthesis. Major data sources and the

methods used to analyze and apply the data for the CAP analyses are detailed in Appendix B,

and discussed in more detail below. These sources and methods are briefly summarized into

the following categories:

1. CDFG Stream Survey Data: Eight indicators were informed by the CDFG stream habitat

typing data. These data provided wide coverage across many of the watersheds across

the NCCC Domain using a standardized data collection protocol (Flosi et al. 2004).

NMFS obtained all available CDFG reach level habitat typing data (Hab-8) for the

NCCC Domain from CDFG Regional Offices. The UC Davis Hopland Research Center

entered these data into an Access database with funding provided by SCWA;

2. Stream flow: Lack of sufficient gage data in rearing and migration habitats led NMFS to

derive ratings for stream flow indicators from a structured decision making model

informed by a panel of experts familiar with watershed conditions (see Appendix B for

the complete protocol). Five indicators were developed using this method. The

indicator for number of diversions was calculated using SWRCB data sets;

3. Stream temperature: A single indicator informed this habitat attribute, but it required

extensive compilation of disparate datasets. Temperature data was grouped into

condition classes when multiple location information was available and extrapolated to

inform a watershed-wide rating. Final ratings were made by estimating the proportion

of a watersheds IP network that fell within each temperature class;

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4. Water quality (turbidity and toxicity): The indicator for turbidity was difficult to

quantify, so ratings were informed by an assessment of the erosion potential developed

by the California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology (NMFS

GIS 2008), literature review and expert opinion. A structured decision making model

was used to rate toxicity;

5. Estuary conditions: Multiple indicators for open estuaries and closed lagoons were used

in a structured protocol informed by a panel of NMFS staff familiar with individual

estuaries to provide an overall rating. Indicators included historical extent, current

configuration, and alteration to physical extent, as well as other physical, chemical and

biological parameters to describe conditions for rearing and smolt life stages;

6. Land use assessments: Nine indicators were informed by GIS queries of available

spatial datasets (NMFS GIS 2008);

7. Population viability: Three viability indicators (abundance, density, and spatial

structure) were informed by review and synthesis of readily available fisheries

monitoring data in the ESU; and

8. Other indicators: The remaining indicators were informed by various methods ranging

from queries of existing databases to best professional judgment. For example, physical

barriers were assessed using the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Council Passage

Assessment Database14. The indicator for passage at mouth or confluence was assessed

by NMFS staff with local knowledge of the watershed conditions.

NMFS Habitat Conservation Division Geographical Information System (GIS) unit provided

extensive information and analysis, particularly for land use attributes. For each focus

population, a report was developed with information on factors such as acreage and percentage

of urbanization, land ownership, land cover, current and projected development, road densities,

14 http://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/PAD/Default.aspx

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erosion potential, amount of farmland, timber harvesting history, location and types of barriers,

diversions, and industrial influences (mines, discharge sites, toxic release sites) and stream

temperature. These reports are called watershed characterizations. The characterizations are

available at: http://swr.nmfs.noaa.gov/sr/watershed_characterizations.htm. Other resources

used to evaluate conditions and threats were watershed assessment documents, government

planning documents, personal communications, staff expertise, spatial data (e.g. GIS and Google

Earth), and CDFG habitat inventories.


NMFS secured all available CDFG habitat typing data for the NCCC Domain. These datasets

were standardized into an Access database under funds provided by SCWA. This Stream

Summary Application (Appendix C) was developed by UC Davis Hopland Research and CDFG.

UC Hopland completed the following: (1) entering field data from datasheets and importing

databases from individual surveys into the stream habitat application; (2) performing quality

control and assurance on spatial datasets; (3) creating spatial representations of stream surveys;

and (4) using the stream habitat application to summarize the data for use by NMFS, CDFG,

SCWA, stakeholders and the general public. This database summarizes reach level data of all

CDFG surveys across all habitat parameters collected under the CDFG Habitat Typing



NMFS contracted with the Sonoma Ecology Center (SEC) to manage data acquisition (from

CDFG and other sources); spatially reference data, conduct bias analyses and quality control, as

well as develop necessary queries to match data to the 28 focus populations and associated

indicators. SEC supported assessments of passage issues using the Pacific States Marine

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Fisheries Council Passage Assessment Database and used the National Landcover Database15 to

calculate the percent of impervious surface and percent of land in agricultural use.


Population profiles (Volume II) were developed for each focus population to provide general

information and results regarding status of coho salmon, watershed conditions supporting each

focus populations, CAP results, maps and population specific recovery actions.

To align implementation of recovery actions to higher probabilities of improving coho salmon

survival, an assessment was conducted of occupancy patterns of coho salmon across

subwatersheds. Streams known to support coho salmon were mapped and an assessment was

made of associated habitats. Population profile maps were developed displaying

subwatersheds for each population as Core, Phase I or Phase II areas. Subwatershed

boundaries coincide with existing CalWater units. The intent is to provide a guide for

restoration and protection of the most important habitats first, direct actions to prevent

extinction, and increase probability of survival and set a sequence to prioritize work and


This approach front-loads recovery actions into areas critical for species survival, and further

emphasizes protection of remaining habitats and their populations. Restoration of Core areas is

the highest priority for near-term restoration projects and threat abatement actions.

Sequentially, Phase I and II areas will need to be rehabilitated to the extent necessary to achieve

recovery goals. Once restoration of Core areas is accomplished, the next priority is to restore

subwatersheds with generally suitable habitat conditions that are currently unoccupied, or

rarely occupied (i.e., Phase I areas). Finally, as a long-term goal, the plan recommends restoring

unoccupied watersheds (i.e., Phase II areas). Phase II areas can be occupied in the future once

15 http://www.mrlc.gov/nlcd2001.php

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conditions improve by expanding coho salmon populations. The three ranks, the rationale

behind their definitions, and the strategy for restoration and subsequent monitoring are

described below:

Core Areas are:

1. Locations known to have current or recent occupancy of CCC coho salmon according to

(a) status reviews conducted prior to the initial listing on October 31, 1996 (61 FR 56138)

and (b) data provided by numerous agencies, individuals, and others including the

presence/absence database developed by CDFG; and

2. Areas within each watershed identified for immediate focus of restoration and threat

abatement actions. Most focus watersheds have identified Core Areas.

Core Area Goals:

1. Implement Priority 1 actions without delay; and

2. Restoration or threat abatement should be designed to improve freshwater survival

probability of individuals at any life stage.

Core Area Concepts:

1. High-cost and intensive restoration efforts are appropriate;

2. Projects should evaluate possible short term negative impacts against long term benefits

to coho salmon life stage survival. Large scale restoration projects, for example, may

have significant inputs of sediment and short term habitat degradation, but will result in

large long term benefits. In some special cases, short term impacts cannot be tolerated if

the species is particularly vulnerable to short term impacts (i.e., relatively isolated

populations with low abundance). All possible impacts to remaining CCC coho salmon

populations should be carefully considered;

3. Watershed assessments to focus restoration actions, water quality monitoring, and fish

population monitoring (including trend monitoring) are necessary to provide feedback

on the effectiveness of restoration actions; and

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4. Recovery actions in Core Areas are extremely high priorities for the near term.

Phase I Areas are:

1. Areas identified for near-term expansion of coho salmon populations;

2. Locations with high potential for supporting all or some coho salmon life stages;

3. Extensive habitat restoration and threat abatement may be required; and

4. May or may not currently support low numbers of coho salmon.

Phase I Area Goals:

1. Rehabilitate, maintain, and enhance instream habitat conditions to support all

freshwater life stages;

2. Projects should consider instream, upstream, and upslope processes affecting

downstream habitat conditions (e.g., recruit upstream wood to ensure downstream

wood supply, where limited); and

3. Careful analysis of limiting factors and connectivity of project sites are necessary to

ensure restoration activities address critical limiting factors in the correct sequence.

Phase I Concepts:

1. Recovery actions in Phase I areas are high priorities for the next 12 years (four coho

salmon generations); and

2. Coordinate Priority I actions in Core Areas and adjacent Phase I areas.

Phase II Areas are:

1. Likely to support high valued seasonal habitat or connectivity between habitats;

2. Habitats often highly divergent from historical conditions and often require large-scale

and sustained long-term restoration and threat abatement actions;

3. All remaining habitats needed by CCC coho salmon to achieve full recovery; and

4. Areas providing watershed conditions necessary for a full range of variability

commensurate with historical conditions.

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Phase II Area Goals:

1. Consideration for Phase II areas should focus primarily on re-establishing or

maintaining watershed processes and preventing further degradation.

2. Enhance, and prevent degradation of, habitat conditions for expanding populations such

that distribution and abundance begin to shift towards patterns resembling historical

patterns; the long-term survival of the species depends on this shift.

Phase II Concepts:

1. Recovery actions in Phase II areas will require sustained efforts to return watersheds to

more suitable conditions.


Section 4(f)(1)(B)(i) of the ESA outlines that each recovery plan must include to the maximum

extent practicable, "(i) a description of such site-specific management actions as may be

necessary to achieve the plan's goal for the conservation of the species. The Interim Guidance

(NMFS 2010a) outlines that recovery actions must include specific actions needed to control

each of the identified threats to the species, as categorized under the five statutory listing factors

of the ESA. Case law has affirmed that an increase in population numbers is insufficient to

delist a species. In the Fund for Animals v Babbitt (903 F. Supp. 96 D.D.C. 1995), the courts

determined that (grammatically) the word specific modifies site, not management actions.

This ruling infers that recovery plans are required to have site specific management actions

rather than just specific management actions. In the same case, the court found site specific

management actions must link to identified threats (i.e., the underlying causes of decline)

organized by the five listing factors in section 4(a)(1) and the plan must document changes in

threats since listing and must recommend appropriate actions to address threats. Id.

Recovery actions for CCC coho salmon are designed to meet ESA and case law requirements,

are site-specific (e.g., action steps), and organized by the section 4(a)(1) listing factors. Recovery

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actions in this plan were written to explicitly improve an indicator in poor condition according

to the CAP viability assessment (called restoration strategies), and abate threats found to rank

as high or very high (threat strategies). Few actions were developed for good conditions or low

threats. The objective of all recovery actions is to shift the status of the listing factors and

threats to allow CCC coho salmon to recover to the point they no longer require protection

under the ESA.

NMFS reviewed a wide range of resources to develop and prioritize recovery actions including

the California Recovery Strategy for California Coho Salmon (CDFG 2004), and the Draft

SONCC Coho Salmon Recovery Plan (NMFS 2012a). Many relevant actions were also included

from State and local watershed assessment reports, total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) plans,

environmental impact reports (EIRs), strategic management plans from counties, coordination

with other divisions of NOAA, outreach to knowledgeable constituents, staff expertise, and

many other sources.

Recovery actions are hierarchical according to the recovery guidance: Objective, Recovery

Action and Action Step (Figure 21 and Figure 22 are examples of this hierarchy). Action steps

are site-specific recommendations to improve the status of conditions and threats. Recovery

Actions are the conditions requiring improvements as it relates to CAP criteria and Objectives

are assigned to one of the five statutory Section 4(a)(1) listing factors (Figure 21). There are two

categories of recovery actions: actions to improve CAP viability ratings (more restoration-based

actions) and actions to abate threats. Restoration actions link to the CAP rating criteria in the

viability table (e.g., increase large wood frequency to 6-11 key pieces per 100 meters). For threat

abatement, recovery actions focus on preventing future impairments. Each recovery action is

supported by a series of site-specific action steps (e.g., install large wood in the lower reaches of

Scott Creek to the maximum extent practicable). Action steps are site specific management

actions required to restore conditions and prevent future threats.

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Restoration- Estuary
1.1. Objective: Address the present of threatened destruction, modification or
curtailment of the species habitat or range

1.1.1. Recovery Action: Increase the extent of estuarine habitat Action Step: Restore estuarine habitat and the associated wetlands
and sloughs by providing fully functioning habitat (CDFG 2004). Action Step: Remove structures impairing or reducing the

historical tidal prism, where feasible, and where benefits to coho
salmon and/or the estuarine environment are predicted. Evaluate
benefits to lagoon tidal prism from the proposed bridge
replacement for the Highway 1 bridge over Scott Creek lagoon.

Figure 21: Example Recovery Action Structure (Restoration Actions for Scott Creek, Santa Cruz)

Photo Courtesy 45: Giacomini Estuarine Restoration, Marin County, CA; Robert Campbell.

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Threat- Roads/Railroads
1.1. Objective: Address the inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms.

23.2.1. Recovery Action: Prevent impairment to instream substrate Action Step: Establish a moratorium on new road construction

within floodplains, riparian areas, unstable soils or other sensitive
areas until a watershed specific and/or agency/company specific
road management plan is created and implemented. Action Step: Conduct annual inspections of all roads prior to

winter. Correct conditions that are likely to deliver sediment to
streams. Hydrologically disconnect roads. Action Step: Improve enforcement of Erosion Control Ordinance for

private roads. The current Santa Cruz Erosion Control Ordinance
has provisions requiring the responsible parties to repair and
alleviate erosion problems that are deemed severe. Santa Cruz
Planning should create new erosion control staff positions to help
coordinate the County's cooperative efforts, but also to conduct
inspections and enforcement actions as necessary.

Figure 22: Example Recovery Actions (Threat Abatement Actions for Scott Creek, Santa Cruz)

Objective: One of the Five Section 4(a)(1) Listing Factors

Recovery Action: CAP Conditions or Threats

Action Step: Site specific action to restore a condition or abate a threat

Specific categories of actions (e.g., habitat improvements, regulatory, etc.) were reassigned to

one of the five listing factors as described in the FRN at the time of CCC coho salmon listing.

Organizing actions and actions steps to a specific listing factor allows tracking of listing factors

more directly through time. Figure 23 illustrates the relationship of actions and action steps to

listing factors.

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Figure 23: NMFS Listing Decision Framework

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Volume II contains implementation schedules (tables) and outlines of all recovery actions

specific to each focus population. The outline is a skeletal list of the objective, recovery actions,

and action steps without accompanying descriptions found in the implementation schedule. It

provides a succinct alternative to the more detailed implementation schedules. Implementation

schedules satisfy the requirements under the ESA by including estimates of the time required

and the cost to carry out those measures needed to achieve the plans goal and to achieve

intermediate steps towards that goal (ESA section 4(f)(1)(A)(iii)). The implementation

schedule provides the basis for tracking plan implementation performance. An example

implementation schedule is provided in Table 14.

The Implementation Schedule in Volume II outlines actions and estimated costs for the recovery

program for the CCC coho salmon ESU. It is a guide for meeting the recovery goals outlined in

this plan. This schedule indicates action priorities, action numbers, action descriptions,

duration of actions, the recovery partners (either funding or carrying out), and estimated costs.

Entities with authority, responsibility, ownership, or expressed interest to implement a specific

recovery action are identified in the Implementation Schedule. Designation of an entity in the

Implementation Schedule does not require the identified party to implement the action(s) or to

secure funding for implementing the action(s).


A unique recovery number is assigned to each objective, action, and action step and the

numbers are hierarchical. The first series of digits correspond to the specific population, the

second series to the ESU and the third series is the recovery action number (Table 15).

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Table 14: Example Implementation Schedule (Scott Creek Population)

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
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Table 15: Recovery Strategy Number Table 16: Strategy Categories & Unique
Recovery Strategy Number Follows Example:
1 Estuary
Unique Identifier for Population
XXXX: 2 Floodplain Connectivity
A: Species Identifier 3 Hydrology

4 Landscape Patterns
1: Strategy Level
5 Pool Habitat
2: Objective Level
6 Riparian
3: Recovery Action Level
7 Sediment
4: Action Step Level
8 Viability

9 Water Quality

10 Agricultural Practices

11 Channel Modification

12 Severe Weather Patterns

13 Disease/Predation/Competition

14 Severe Weather Patterns

15 Fire/Fuel Management

16 Fishing/Collecting

17 Hatcheries

18 Livestock

19 Logging

20 Mining

21 Recreation

22 Residential/Commercial Development

23 Roads/Railroads

24 Severe Weather Patterns

25 Water Diversion/Impoundment

26 Habitat Complexity

27 Passage

28 Watershed Process

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
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For example, the recovery action number ScC-CCC-3.1 corresponds to an action for the Scott

Creek population in the CCC coho salmon ESU and is an objective for Hydrology. The recovery

action number corresponds to the targeted attribute or threat (Table 16). Not all restoration or

threat actions have recovery actions and therefore the numbering system may not be sequential

(e.g., 3.1, 4.1, 8.1) in the implementation schedule. This will show as No species-specific actions

were developed in the recovery outline.

Indicates the level of action which can be an Objective, Recovery Action or Action Step.


Describes whether the action is intended to improve a CAP attribute (e.g., habitat, population or

watershed condition) or abate a future threat (e.g., minimizing impacts of a land use activity,

reducing fire risk and planning for natural events such as floods). Many actions written to

improve a CAP attribute are restoration type actions and actions for threat abatement are

recommendations for best management practices, outreach, enforcement, compliance, and

implementation of existing statutes, laws, policies and education, etc.

The specific action needed to improve conditions or abate threats.

Priorities are assigned to each action step in the implementation table in concordance with the

NMFS Endangered and Threatened Species Listing and Recovery Priority Guidelines (55 FR

24296). Assigning priorities does not imply that some recovery actions are of lower importance;

instead it implies they may be deferred while higher priority actions are implemented (NMFS

2010a). All recovery actions have assigned priorities based on the following:

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
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Priority 1: Actions that must be taken to prevent extinction or to prevent the species

from declining irreversibly. These actions are generally focused on areas where CCC

coho salmon persist and where actions can increase freshwater survival probabilities,

Priority 2: Actions that must be taken to prevent a significant decline in population

abundance, habitat quality, or other negative impacts (55 FR 24296) and focus primarily

on efforts directed to restore and expand the current range of CCC coho salmon.

Priority 3: All other actions necessary to achieve full recovery of the species. These

actions focus on preventing further degradation and reestablishing long-term recovery

for expanding populations.

These time estimates are important in estimating the overall cost of recovery and describe the

estimated length of time for the action to be implemented.

This information outlines the suite of partners who may contribute to full and effective

implement the action step. Listing a recovery partner does not commit any party to actually do,

fund or support the work.

Development of costs for the lowest level actions (e.g. specific action steps) is required pursuant

to section 4(f) of the ESA. These estimates are presented in five year intervals out to 25 years

and include a total cost for the duration of the action. Estimated costs are aggregated into an

estimated total for the cost to recovery CCC coho salmon and presented in the Chapter 9. The

accuracy of recovery cost estimates are governed by many factors such as the specificity of the

recovery action step, labor, materials, site location, duration, and timing of action. As a result,

predicting costs into the future becomes increasingly imprecise due to a lack of information

regarding these various constraints. Furthermore, many actions either build on previous

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
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actions to create cost benefits or are required under mandates other than the ESA, such as other

Federal, State and local laws.

To account for these uncertainties, NMFS recovery staff developed a framework to estimate

costs. The framework was based on Southwest Regions Habitat Restoration Cost References for

Salmon Recovery Planning (Thomson and Pinkerton 2008) and Cost and Socioeconomic Impacts of

Implementing the California Coho Recovery Strategy (CDFG 2004). Wherever possible, this

framework was applied to determine the cost of recovery actions. Due to the varying degree of

specificity for most identified recovery actions, assumptions about the type, magnitude, number

or extent of individual recovery action steps were necessary. Assumptions on the costs of

recovery action steps were based on various information sources that estimated the cost of

similar activities.

Assumption tables were adjusted for the NCCC Domain to include information from CDFGs

cost estimates from the State Coho Salmon Recovery Strategy (CDFG 2004) and reflect regional

variability in costs for labor wage, materials, and inflation. To account for regional variability in

costs, a multiplier was applied to standard costs as outlined in the NMFS framework, CDFG

(2004) and Thomson and Pinkerton (2008). For example, Mendocino and Sonoma counties have

an average county wage similar to the average of all counties in California and no multiplier

was applied to costs in those areas. The San Francisco Bay Area and San Mateo County have an

average county wage 20% higher than the average of all California counties; thus, a multiplier

of 0.20 was adjusted for these areas. For Santa Cruz County, a multiplier of 0.14 was added

since the average county wage is 14% higher than the average across California.

Assumption tables were also adjusted to 2012 values. Annual average U. S. rate of inflation for

the 98 year period of record is 3.3% (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2012). Using the 2004, CDFG

estimate for cost of recovery, and applying the annual average rate of inflation, recovery cost for

2012, has risen by 26.4% since 2004. For example, a passage treatment with an estimated cost of

$900,000 in 2004, was estimated to cost $1,137,600 in 2012, and $1,175,140 in 2013. NMFS cannot

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
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predict the future financial projections of the U.S. economy and based our recovery costs on

current 2012, estimates. Appendix D provides all the cost estimates includes the difference in

cost of recovery actions from 2004, to 2012.

Cost estimates are mainly focused on the direct expenditure required to physically perform the

task, and may not always include secondary costs associated with administrative needs. In

instances where the timing or extent of recommended action steps was not available or were

undetermined, assumptions were developed from the CAP ratings and projected amount of

potential habitat requiring improvements. These assumptions include:

Large wood placement in 50% of potential habitats;

Off channel habitat improvements are one project per mile across 25% of potential


Water projects are assumed at one per mile across 55% of potential habitats;

Riparian thinning assumes 80 acres/mile planted across 5% of potential habitats;

Road decommissioning should reduce road density to two miles per squared miles;

25% of roads upgraded;

Levee setback for 1% of potential habitat and cost of breach for 1% of potential habitat at

a rate of one project per mile;

Barrier removal assumes 1 barrier/5 miles of potential habitat;

Stabilizing banks assumes 1% of potential habitat;

Purchasing or leasing water rights assumes 10% of low flow volume affected;

Fuel reduction assumes 25% of potential habitat treated with mechanical thinning and

25% of potential habitat fuel management; and

Invasive vegetation species control assumed 80 acres/mile treated in 5% of potential


Actions were grouped into four categories described in more detail below: in-kind, planning,

monitoring and implementation (Table 17).

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Table 17: Recovery Action Categories

Recovery Action Categories and Types

Category Action Type
In-Kind Cost of Doing Business
Planning Scoping
Monitoring Pre-project
Implementation Habitat Complexity
Riparian Vegetation Structure
Species Diversity
Floodplain Connectivity
Species Migration Pattern
Sediment Transport
Estuarine Ecology

In-kind actions are those occurring irrespective of Federal listing. These include actions as

mandated by other laws and policies (e.g., State of California ESA, Clean Water Act, county and

city ordinances, etc.). No costs were assigned to these types of actions and are defined as those

associated with the cost of doing business.

Planning actions were included in the cost of implementing the action. They were assigned a

cost estimate when known. If it was unclear whether or not the action would coincide with

another action, costs were not assigned. Planning actions include scoping, designing, and


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Specific habitat and fish monitoring costs are provided in the Monitoring Chapter (Chapter 11).

Actions organized into monitoring include pre-project, post-project, effectiveness, and

biological/ecological. Costs were calculated by mile, year, and acre or project level. Costs were

applied but may vary substantially between populations depending on level of intensity,

duration, and protocol.

These actions have a specific focus on improving freshwater habitat conditions and were

assigned costs based on the type of action as described below:

Habitat Complexity
Cost of instream habitat complexity varies with techniques implemented. To determine the cost

of increasing habitat complexity for recovery actions such as increasing LWD frequency, shelter

ratings, and primary pools a flat rate of $25,000 per mile was applied. This assumes a minimum

of one project per mile (involving multiple structures along the targeted stream reach). In

instances when placement of LWD was not feasible, the cost of an engineered log jam at a rate

of $101,120 per jam was applied.

Riparian Vegetation Structure

To rehabilitate riparian composition and distribution, an estimated cost of $20,057 per acre was

used. The variability in riparian buffers is difficult to determine, therefore, we assumed that an

average of 80 acres per mile (40 acres per streambank) would be treated to achieve the desired

recovery targets.

Species Diversity
The variability in vegetative composition between regions and populations is diverse.

Therefore, we established a standard rate of $1,422 per acre with the assumption of 80 acres per

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mile treated for upslope vegetative management. Non-native species recovery actions consist of

several distinct activities, including assessment, control, education and outreach, as well as

development of monitoring programs. The costs for controlling and removing non-native

species were derived on a per acre basis.

Floodplain Connectivity
The costs to reconnect floodplains are contingent upon the restoration method implemented.

Removing or setting back levees, creating alcove and backwater habitat, or off-channel wetlands

are some methods used to reconnect floodplains; each with a varying degree of planning,

design, and implementation. A rate of $36,046 per mile, assuming one project per mile, was

considered the average across the various implementation methods outlined in this recovery


Species Migration Patterns

The costs of recovery actions associated with dams and diversions were calculated using the

CalFish.org mapping tool when available. When specific information was unavailable, the

assumption table for fish passage improvement was used.

Culvert replacement costs were calculated from the assumption that a minimum of one culvert

would be replaced in each identified watershed, or sub-watershed, annually for the first five

years of Recovery Plan implementation.

Sediment Transport
Costs to execute recovery actions associated with road upgrades or decommissioning were

calculated from 12,000 per mile to 21,000 per mile depending on method. If number of miles to

be upgraded or decommissioned were unknown, then road densities were reduced to meet

viable criteria.

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Estuarine Ecology
Costs to implement estuarine recovery actions were calculated at a rate of $272,120 per acre.

Estimates incorporate components of wetland restoration, LWD placement, and riparian

planting. Each estuary was mapped for current extent of acres and a total of 10 percent of total

estuarine habitat was estimated for treatment.

In some instances comments are provided with the action to provide specificity regarding

rationale, context, references, etc. to clarify the action.


NMFS capitalized on a full range of resources to develop and prioritize recovery actions which

included public comments, watershed assessment reports, online resources, personal

knowledge, T

California Recovery Strategy for California Coho Salmon

(16 U.S.C. 1531-1544, as amended)


In 2008, NMFS developed a database to facilitate the development, revision process, and final

output of recovery actions. The recovery actions database is in Access and has a user interface

to allow staff to input and query actions across any and all fields. This capability will allow us

to track implementation of actions for each listing factor over time.

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We believe the described methods meet the goals in the Interim Recovery Planning Guidance

(NMFS 2010a) which strongly recommends a structured approach to assessing threats, sources

of threats, and their relative importance to the species status We selected populations for

recovery, assessed the status of conditions and threats, and developed site specific recovery

actions to shift the status of listing factors. Actions are linked with our analysis and organized

according to the statutory Section 4(a)(1) listing factors. This approach will fully inform future

status reviews and evaluations regarding the threats identified at the time of listing (e.g., section

4(a)(1) factors A-E). This approach will also ensure that continuing or new threats are

addressed to the extent recovery and delisting are possible.

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Whenever a large sample of chaotic elements are taken in hand an unsuspected and
most beautiful form of regularity proves to have been latent all along.
Francis Galton, 19th century

This chapter summarizes the results outlining the final list of populations that will represent the

recovery scenario, status of listing factors and protective efforts, CAP assessments and the total

cost of implementing recovery actions over a 100 year period for the 28 focus populations.

Viability and Threat result tables are provided at the end of the chapter. The individual CAP

workbooks and the aggregated data that informed the analyses can be made available upon

request; however, it is anticipated that the information will be uploaded online.


A total of 28 focus populations and 11 supplemental populations were selected to fulfill

recovery criteria for the CCC coho salmon ESU. The total area associated with these 28

populations represent 1736 km of potential habitat, or 33%, of the total 5,194 km of habitat

identified by the historical structure analysis (Chapter 6). The status of the Section 4(a)(1) FRN

listing factors and protective efforts were evaluated (See Chapters 4 and 5). While many

protective efforts are in place, the threats are not sufficiently ameliorated or abated to prevent

the continued decline of CCC coho salmon populations.


A summary of attributes and indicator ratings for all life stages and watershed processes across

diversity strata are presented in Table 18 and Table 19. These tables display the CAP results by

target life stages as well as by attributes and indicators. These tables informed an analysis for

each diversity stratum.

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Table 18: Viability Summary Table by Target Life Stage

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Table 19: Viability Summary Table by Attribute and Indicator Rating

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Figure 24: Attribute Indicator Ratings for CCC coho salmon across Diversity Strata


Across strata, the Coastal stratum had a slightly larger percentage of poor and fair viability

attribute ratings followed by Navarro Point- Gualala Point and Santa Cruz Mountains (Figure

24). The Lost Coast diversity stratum had the fewest attributes rated as poor or fair.

Winter rearing juveniles are the most threatened life stage across the ESU with 77% of the

indicator ratings reported as poor or fair. The adult, egg, summer rearing juvenile and smolt

life stages are also threatened with approximately 60% of the indicator ratings reported as poor

or fair (Figure 25). Watershed processes, on an ESU level, have 37% of the attributes reported as

poor or fair.

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Figure 25: Attribute Indicator Ratings for CCC coho salmon- ESU by Lifestage


The following results came from the viability tables which lists the indicator rankings for

habitat attributes for each population.

Lost Coast: This stratum had the lowest percentage of poor and fair ratings of the ESU. The

winter rearing life stage appears most limiting for this stratum.

Navarro Point-Gualala Point: The egg, summer rearing juvenile and smolt all had higher

percent poor and fair ratings than winter rearing juveniles.

Coastal: This stratum has the greatest percent of poor and fair ratings for each life stage, except

for the egg life stage, across the ESU.

Santa Cruz Mountains: This stratum had the second highest percentage of poor and fair

ratings of the ESU.

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Adult Viability Results

ESU Level Results: The indicators of greatest concern were habitat complexity (LWD),

pool/riffle/flatwater ratio, shelter rating, riparian, floodplain connectivity, water quality and

viability (Figure 26).

Diversity Strata Results: Adult conditions were similar across strata with little differences

between stratum.

Egg Viability Results

ESU Level Results: The indicators of most concern were redd scour and gravel quality

(Figure 27).

Diversity Strata Results:

Lost Coast: Sediment was the indicator of greatest concern.

Navarro Point Gualala Point: Flow, redd scour and gravel quality all ranked fair.

Coastal: Instantaneous flow and redd scour are of greatest concern.

Santa Cruz Mountains: Hydrology and sediment indicators are of greatest concern.

Summer Rearing Viability Results

ESU Level Results: Indicators of greatest concern (> 68% poor or fair) are estuary/lagoon

quality and extent, habitat complexity (LWD), percent primary pools, pool/riffle/flatwater

ratio, shelter rating, baseflow, riparian vegetation, sediment, water quality and viability

(Figure 28).

Diversity Strata Results:

Lost Coast: Hydrology had better than average summer rearing ratings than other


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Navarro Point Gualala Point: Passage/migration are more a concern in this

stratum than the other diversity stratum.

Coastal: Number of diversions, canopy cover and viability had a greater percentage

of poor and fair ratings than other strata.

Santa Cruz Mountains: Number of diversions, toxicity and viability had a greater

percentage of poor and fair ratings than other strata.

Winter Rearing Viability Results

ESU Level Results: This life stage had the largest percentage of poor and fair ratings

across the ESU. The indicators of greatest concern were LWD, pool/riffle/flatwater ratio,

shelter rating, riparian, sediment, floodplain connectivity and water quality (Figure 29).

Diversity Strata Results:

Lost Coast: Fair to poor winter rearing conditions.

Navarro Point Gualala Point: Ratings higher than other strata for LWD,

sediment, floodplain connectivity and water quality.

Coastal: Fair to poor winter rearing conditions.

Santa Cruz Mountains: Fair to poor winter rearing conditions.

Smolt Viability Results

ESU Level Results: Attributes of concern are quality and extent of estuary/lagoon,

shelter rating, turbidity, and abundance (Figure 30).

Diversity Stratum Results:

Lost Coast: Strata results mimic ESU level results.

Navarro Point Gualala Point: Habitat complexity (shelter rating) and viability

(abundance) had a 75% poor rating and a 25% fair rating. Estuary/lagoon

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(quality and extent) has a 100% fair rating and all other attributes are rated 75%

fair and 25% good for smolts.

Coastal: All attributes that are of concern on the ESU level were of similar

concern for smolts.

Santa Cruz Mountains: In addition to all of the above listed ESU attributes of

concern, hydrology (number, condition, and/or magnitude of diversions) had a

greater poor/fair indicator rating than the ESU average for smolts.

Watershed Processes Viability Results

ESU Level Results: Road density and streamside road density are the greatest overall

source of impairment to watershed processes (Figure 31).

Diversity Strata Results:

Lost Coast: Timber harvest is the most significant concern to this stratum.

Navarro Point-Gualala Point: Road density is the greatest concern in this


Coastal: Riparian vegetation and species composition are the greatest concern in

this stratum.

Santa Cruz Mountains: Urbanization is the greatest concern in this stratum.


ESU Level Results

Table 20 is the ESU output of threats across populations. Of the 15 identified threats, the

four of greatest concern across the ESU were roads and railroads, water diversions and

impoundment, residential and commercial development and severe weather (Figure 32).

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Diversity Threat Results: Lost Coast

The greatest threats were roads and severe weather the in this stratum. No very high

threats were identified (Figure 33).

Diversity Threat Results: Navarro Point Gualala Point

Logging and wood harvesting, severe weather, roads, and water diversion and

impoundment were the greatest threat in the stratum. No very high threats were

identified (Figure 34).

Diversity Threat Results: Coastal

Residential and commercial development, water diversions and impoundments, severe

weather, roads and railroads, channel modification, and livestock farming and ranching

are the greatest threats in this stratum (Figure 35).

Diversity Threat Results: Santa Cruz Mountains

Roads and railroads, severe weather patterns, water diversions and impoundments,

residential and commercial development, and fire and fuel management are the greatest

threats in this stratum (Figure 36).


For the plan to be successful, it is important that actions are rapidly implemented to address,

minimize, or prevent current and future threats resulting from water toxins (e.g., nutrients,

pesticides, and pharmaceuticals), climate change, water diversions, urbanization, and the

adverse effects associated with the actual size of a population (e.g., small population dynamics).

We anticipate strategies and actions addressing these emerging threats are not fundamentally

different than actions already recommended in this plan which address existing threats.

However, some limiting factors may extend to more life stages or to larger spatial areas than

anticipated, which will require implementation of recovery actions over large spatial and

temporal scales. Additionally, some areas may become increasingly more important for

protection and restoration than other areas. NMFS recognizes the need to develop a research,

monitoring, and evaluation plan (RME) to assess the status of listed species and their habitat.

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The RME should track progress toward achieving recovery goals and provide information to

refine recovery strategies and actions through the process of adaptive management. For

example, a formal risk analyses at the population level, specific to climate change projections,

may be needed. This assessment will help prioritize existing actions and identify new strategies

and actions.


NMFS recognizes climate change is a serious risk to coho salmon in California. The best

available scientific information indicates the Earths climate is warming, driven by the

accumulation of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) in the atmosphere (IPCC 2007). The

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded in 2007 that warming of the

climate system is unequivocal based on observations of increases in global average air and

ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level.

Changes in seasonal temperature regimes affect fish and wildlife (Quinn and Adams 1996;

Schneider and Root 2002; Walther et al. 2002).

Climate shifts can affect fisheries, with profound socio-economic and ecological consequences

(Osgood 2008). In a recent 2011 report on the Global Climate Change Impacts in the U. S. it was

noted that, salmon in the Northwest are under threat from a variety of human activities, but

global warming is a growing source of stress. Salmon and steelhead from northern California

to the Pacific Northwest are now challenged by global warming induced alteration of habitat

conditions throughout their complex life cycles (Mantua and Francis 2004; Glick 2005; ISAB

2007; Martin and Glick 2008; Glick et al. 2009). Salmon productivity in the Pacific Northwest is

sensitive to climate-related changes in stream, estuary, and ocean conditions. Specific

characteristics of a population or its habitat vulnerable to climate change include temperature

requirements, suitability of available habitat, and the genetic diversity of the ESU. Climate

change could alter freshwater habitat conditions and affect the future survival of Pacific salmon

stocks. Nearly 75 percent of Californias anadromous salmonid populations are vulnerable to

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climate change, and future climate change will affect the ability to influence their recovery in

most or all of their watersheds (Moyle et al. 2008). Because coho salmon depend on freshwater

streams and the ocean during different stages of their life history cycle, populations throughout

the ESU, but particularly at the southern end of the range, are likely to be significantly impacted

by climate change in the future. Climate change as it relates to salmonids is discussed in further

detail in Appendix A.


As populations decline random events have a larger impact on population dynamics and the

ability of a population to persist. The perils small populations face may be either deterministic,

the result of systematic forces that cause population decline (e.g., overexploitation,

development, deforestation, inability to find mates, inability to defend against predators), or

stochastic (the result of random fluctuations that have no systematic direction). Stochastic

pressure can express itself in three ways: genetic, demographic and environmental.

Descriptions of these pressures are described below:

Genetic stochasticity refers to changes in the genetic composition of a population

unrelated to systematic forces (selection, inbreeding, or migration), (i.e., genetic drift). It

can have a large impact on the genetic structure of populations, by reducing the amount

of diversity retained within populations and by increasing the chance that deleterious

recessive alleles may be ultimately expressed throughout a population. Loss of diversity

could limit a population's ability to adaptively respond to future environmental

changes. Additionally, an increase in the frequency of expressed deleterious recessive

alleles (from increased homozygosity) could reduce individual viability and

reproductive capacity;

Demographic stochasticity refers to the variability in population growth rates arising

from random seasonal differences between individuals in survival and reproduction.

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This variability will occur even if all individuals have the same expected ability to

survive and reproduce and if expected rates of survival and reproduction do not change

from one generation to the next. Small populations are particularly vulnerable to the

adverse consequences of demographic stochasticity; and

Environmental stochasticity refers to variation in birth and death rates from one season

to the next in response to weather, disease, competition, predation, or other factors

external to the population.

Many populations of CCC coho salmon have declined in abundance to levels well below low-

risk abundance targets, and several are, if not extirpated, far below the high-risk depensation

thresholds specified by Spence et al. (2008). These populations are at risk from natural

stochastic processes, in addition to deterministic threats, that may make recovery more difficult.

As wild populations get smaller, stochastic processes may cause alterations in genetics,

breeding structure, and population dynamics that may interfere with the success of recovery

efforts. These impacts need to be considered when evaluating population response to recovery

actions. The effects of stochastic processes associated with small population size have placed

CCC coho salmon at a high risk of extinction.

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Figure 26: ESU Viability Results for Adults

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Figure 27: ESU Viability Results for Eggs

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Figure 28: ESU Viability Results for Summer Rearing Juveniles

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Figure 29: ESU Viability Results for Winter Rearing Juveniles

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Figure 30: ESU Viability Results for Smolts

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Figure 31: ESU Viability Results for Watershed Processes

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Figure 32: ESU Threat Results

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Figure 33: Lost Coast Diversity Strata Threat Results

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Figure 34: Navarro Pt. Gualala Pt. Diversity Strata Threat Results

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Figure 35: Coastal Diversity Strata Threat Results

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Figure 36: Santa Cruz Mountains Diversity Strata Threat Results

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Table 20: Threat Summary Table

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When I first came in 1906 there was plenty of fish and game; Anderson Valley and its hills were a
boy hunters paradise. When we lived in Mendocino I fished in Russian Gulch many times. The fish
were small but it was not trouble to catch fifty which was the limit.
The Navarro River was a fine stream for its entire length even to its smallest tributaries. Hookbills (coho)
and steelhead both ran in great numbers, although it was harshly treated by the lumber industry, not
as bad however as the Garcia.
Fifty years, looking back is quite a while but we well remember when the fish houses in Noyo were
piled with big king salmon every day and everyone was busy. We bought them for a while for 10
cents a pound.
Throughout the years, the supply of fish and game has risen and fallen, nature took care of things.
Now with smaller limits and managing plus civilization; fish and game as we knew it is about gone;
soon we hang up the rifle and put aside the rod. We few old ones left had it; we too are also about
Judge Tindall 1966-1977 Mendocino County Remembered


The plight of salmon is tied to the story of the changing landscape. Naturalists, fishermen and

biologists across Europe, the Eastern Pacific and North America have monitored salmon and

chronicled their decline and extinctions. For over a century, salmon were seldom seen in

England or France, that is, until recently. Actions to reduce pollution and improve stream

conditions are working and salmon have returned in recent years to rivers such as the Thames

in England, and Seine in France.

Fisheries biologists alone cannot shift a species trajectory from extinction to recovery; it requires

a united community forming alliances and strategically implementing recovery actions to this

single purpose. Salmon survival will depend on our sustainable uses of land and water.

However, we also depend on salmon; perhaps more so. Salmon can support whole

communities and businesses; they are our recreation, our food, a part of the environment, and

our natural heritage. To achieve these goals, we can do something uniquely human,

contemplate our impact on the environment and shift our actions when necessary. Improving

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and sustaining the human well-being, while sustainably using our natural resources (including

securing a future for our salmon), are one-in-the-same challenge.


An array of conditions have reduced the population size and historical distribution of coho

salmon across the CCC ESU. Many of the causes of decline are systemic and persistent, and

cross numerous environmental and political boundaries. The sources and reasons for decline

are identified in the listing rule, the Recovery Strategy for California Coho Salmon (CDFG 2004),

and this recovery plan. Effectively addressing these causes involves multiple challenges and

opportunities including: (1) development of new and effective implementation of current laws,

policies and regulations; (2) securing adequate funding for recovery implementation, (3)

developing strategic partnerships; (4) assuring prioritization and implementation of restoration,

threat abatement, and monitoring actions; and (5) conducting education and outreach. The

status of CCC coho salmon requires addressing the highest priority issues at all appropriate

levels described above (e.g., policy, funding, partnerships, restoration and outreach) which in

turn, dictate that a substantial and targeted investment is needed for recovery. Furthermore,

action must be targeted and occur equitably across the four diversity strata; to

disproportionately conduct actions in one strata over another would compromise ESU viability.


The recovery actions are organized at the ESU, diversity strata and population scales (Volume

II). For each population a summary of current conditions and threats are provided along with

outputs of; (1) maps providing information on Core Areas and where instream restoration

should occur first, (2) CAP results tables for Viability and Threats, and (3) recovery actions and

associated information (e.g., priority, duration, cost, partners, etc.).

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Section 4(f) of the ESA requires that recovery plans include estimates of the time required and

the cost to carry out those measures needed to achieve the plans goal and to achieve

intermediate steps toward that goal (Lindley et al. 2007). NMFS estimates recovery of CCC

coho salmon will cost approximately 1.5 billion dollars over 100 years.


Healthy salmon populations provide significant economic benefits. Entire communities,

businesses, jobs and even cultures have been built around the salmon of California. Monetary

investments in watershed restoration projects can promote the economic vitality in a myriad of

ways. These include stimulating the economy directly through the employment of workers,

contractors, and consultants, and the expenditure of wages and restoration dollars for the

purchase of goods and services. Habitat restoration projects stimulate job creation at a level

comparable to traditional infrastructure investments such as mass transit, roads, or water

projects (Nielsen-Pincus and Moseley 2010). In addition, viable salmonid populations provide

ongoing direct and indirect economic benefits as a resource for fishing, recreation, and tourist-

related activities. Dollars spent on CCC coho salmon recovery will promote local, state, Federal,

and tribal economies, and should be viewed as an investment that yields societal,

environmental (e.g., clean rivers, healthy ecosystems), and economic returns.

Based on studies that examined streams in Colorado and salmon restoration in the Columbia

River Basin (Washington, Oregon and Idaho), the San Joaquin River (California), and the Elwha

River (Washington), the value of salmonid recovery could be significantly larger than the fiscal

or socioeconomic costs of recovery (CDFG 2004). Importantly, the general model for viewing

cost versus benefits should be viewed in terms of long-term benefits derived from short-term

costs. Recovery actions taken on behalf of CCC coho salmon are likely to benefit other

imperiled species in the NCCC Domain, thus increasing the cost effectiveness of the actions.

Habitats restored to properly functioning conditions offer enhanced resource value such as

improved water quality, and future savings associated with reduced expenditures on bank

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stabilization or flood control actions. In addition, restoration of habitat in watersheds provides

substantial benefits for human communities. These benefits include: improving and protecting

the quality of important surface and ground water supplies and reducing damage from

flooding resulting from floodplain development. Restoring and maintaining healthy

watersheds also enhances important human uses of aquatic habitats, including outdoor

recreation, ecological education, field-based research, aesthetic benefits, and the preservation of

tribal and cultural heritage. Salmonid recovery is an investment and opportunity to diversify

and strengthen the economy while enhancing the quality of life for present and future

generations. The dollars necessary to recover salmon should be made available without delay

such that the suite of benefits can begin to accrue as soon as possible.

The largest economic returns resulting from recovered salmon (and steelhead) populations are

associated with sport and commercial fishing. On average 1.6 million anglers fish the Pacific

region annually (Oregon, Washington, and California) and six million fishing trips were taken

annually between 2004 and 2006 (NMFS 2010c). Most of these trips were trips out of California

by anglers living in California. Projections of the economics and jobs impact of restored salmon

and steelhead fisheries for California have been estimated from $118 million to $5 billion dollars

with the creation of several thousand jobs (Southwick Associates 2009; Michael 2010). With a

revived sport and commercial fishery, these substantial economic gains and the creation of jobs

would be realized across California, most notably for river communities and coastal counties.


Successful implementation of the recovery plan will require the efforts and resources of many

entities. NMFS primary role is to promote the recovery strategy and provide technical

information and expertise to other entities implementing the plan or contemplating actions that

may impact the species chances of recovery. To be successful, NMFS must commit to creating

and maintaining a cooperative working environment which includes listening to stakeholders,

recognizing concerns, problem-solving and developing a dialog with partners and constituents.

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NMFS defines outreach as two-way communication between the agency and the public to

establish and foster mutual understanding, promote public involvement, and influence

behaviors, attitudes and action with the goal of improving the foundations for stewardship

(NMFS 2012e). In addition, the agency recognizes that outreach encompasses constituent,

congressional, corporate, media, non-governmental and governmental relations and includes

public involvement, public information activities, and informational products.

The National Outreach Plan for NMFS was developed to help in the execution of a strategy

identified in NOAAs Strategic Plan. Specifically, the strategy is to develop coordinated regional

and national outreach and education efforts to improve public understanding and involvement in

stewardship of coastal and marine ecosystems. To that end and to focus our stewardship and

outreach efforts in areas critical for recovery NMFS shall serve as ambassadors of the recovery

plan to:

Inform Federal, state and local governmental agencies of the provisions of the Plan, and

discuss how the respective agencies activities, planning and regulatory efforts can assist

in the implementation of the plan;

Develop outreach and educational materials to increase public awareness and

understanding of the multiple societal and economic benefits that can be gained from

salmon recovery;

Develop partnerships to facilitate dissemination of information to a broad array of

interested and affected parties about salmon and steelhead recovery efforts;

Provide technical support and assistance to partners engaged in implementing recovery

actions identified in the plan;

Facilitate and participate in public forums and workshops designed to provide the

public with an opportunity to directly share experiences and ideas, and learn about the

methods and mechanism for implementing recovery actions;

Advise watershed groups and other non-governmental organizations about the plan,

and the role of ongoing watershed conservation efforts that are directly or indirectly

related to implementing recovery actions within their respective watersheds; and

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Work with all entities to support compliance of existing protective legal requirements

for land and water use, natural resource protection laws, codes, regulations and

ordinances for recovery of salmon.


CCC coho salmon habitat quality currently diverges significantly from historical conditions.

This divergence, along with a recent shift in marine conditions that has lowered salmon

survival in the marine environment, has led to the extreme decline in CCC coho salmon

abundance across the ESU. CCC coho salmon population numbers are so low that a

coordinated effort across each watershed looking at limiting habitats and life stages is needed.

For example, retrofitting a problem culvert can improve passage upstream, but unless upstream

habitat exists that allows completion of all life stages this single action will have little effect on

improving probability of survival or a net gain to the population. In this plan, restoration

actions are emphasized to improve freshwater survival probability across life stages, increase

carrying capacity, and ultimately improve population numbers.

This recovery plan proposes actions expected to result in substantial increases in the abundance,

productivity, spatial distribution of CCC coho salmon. Recovery will require a systematic and

sustained watershed by watershed approach to rehabilitate impaired habitats and degraded

watershed processes and protect currently functioning processes. This will take time.

We recommend a watershed view for restoration. For example, implementing Priority 1 actions

which coincide with Core Areas should be considered a high priority for immediate

implementation. Difficult, expensive, controversial and unpopular projects ranking as high

priorities should not be delayed in favor of uncontroversial projects with lower priority

rankings. Projects must be built to appropriate specifications with appropriate funding

commitments to ensure they are adequately maintained. Monitoring must reflect the goals and

scale of the restoration project. Monitoring and evaluation do not usually affect the success of

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individual projects, but they improve the design of future projects and are an important

component of a restoration strategy.

Early coordination is essential for timely approval and execution of restoration projects,

particularly when many stakeholders are involved or for potentially contentious restoration

projects (i.e., large wood supplementation in urban areas). Considerable support is usually

available to individuals and organizations willing to undertake restoration projects, even

difficult or controversial projects. Local, State, and Federal agencies can provide technical and

financial assistance for use in design, implementation, and monitoring. Numerous non-

governmental organizations (NGOs) provide similar services and also offer project

management, liability coverage, and environmental compliance coordination and support.

These services are typically provided at no or low cost to the landowner or project proponent.

Private consulting firms also provide technical assistance, project management, environmental

compliance, monitoring, as well as engineering and other services necessary for successful

project implementation.

The availability of in-kind services and grant funding depends on:

Location: most programs serve a limited geographic area;

Land ownership and use: some programs serve only private, public, agricultural or

urban lands;

Importance or priority of the project;

The identification of a project in a stream inventory, watershed plan, or within a

local/state/Federal management plan;

Ecosystem type: some programs focus on streams, wetlands, estuaries or uplands; and

Cost share, commitment or participation by private landowners or a local sponsor.

Permitting and project management can be considerable obstacles to landowners, individuals,

and small organizations wishing to carry out restoration projects. Permit waivers or

programmatic permits can reduce costs and streamline the regulatory process by providing

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umbrellas for local, state or Federal consultation. However, the availability of permit waivers or

programmatic permits depends on project type, location, and funding source. Additional work

by public agencies is essential to facilitate projects and remove unnecessary or redundant

regulatory obstacles. Permit streamlining is an absolute necessity to provide incentives to

landowners and managers wanting to implement restoration and enhancement projects,

particularly for projects that do not receive funding assistance through the Pacific Coastal

Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF) and Fisheries Restoration Grant (FRGP) programs

administered by CDFG.


Many project types use well-understood and documented techniques that have been

consistently demonstrated to benefit salmonids and their habitats. Examples include: barrier

removal; installing properly sized instream woody materials; and establishing and protecting

riparian buffers.

High priority projects designed to lead to long-term restoration of functional stream processes,

but which are not as well understood, will require more research, monitoring, and long-term

evaluation to ensure success. Examples include:

Reconnecting incised stream channels with their floodplains;

Reconnecting wetlands with streams and re-creating off-channel habitat, especially in

developed areas where channel stability is questionable or flooding is a concern; and

Providing safe passage for adult and juvenile salmonids through channelized streams

with inadequate flows, as often found in urbanized and agricultural areas.

To be more widely implemented, some high priority projects need regulatory solutions to

reduce costs, time, and risk to private landowners and public entities. Examples include:

Off-channel water storage during winter, with the goal of reducing dependency on

summer water diversions (without increasing total annual water withdrawals, or

impairing aquifer recharge and channel forming flows);

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Addition of secured and engineered large wood projects upstream of culverts, bridges,

and urban infrastructure; and

Actions to improve degraded lagoons and estuaries where urban or agricultural

encroachment is a concern or conflicts with other listed/protected species occur.

Because many of the actions outlined in this recovery plan will be carried out on a voluntary

basis, public support is important. NMFS believes collaboration by public and private entities is

essential to the survival and long-term recovery of CCC coho salmon, particularly in light of the

significant amount of privately owned land within the ESU. Conducting outreach and assisting

interested and affected parties to become partners in restoration and recovery is critical to

success, particularly for complicated and controversial projects. NMFS and other regulatory

agencies must improve their outreach efforts to bring critical landowners and organizations into

recovery planning efforts. Important stakeholders in restoration projects include:

Landowners who wish to carry out restoration activities in critical stream reaches on

their own property, either alone or in cooperation with agencies and NGOs. Project

management and grant funding is available to help landowners carry out projects at no

or reduced cost to themselves;

Resource Conservation Districts and NGOs, who often serve as a bridge between

government agencies and private landowners to assist in navigating the permitting

process, assuage fears regarding regulations, and to encourage landowners to

implement recovery actions;

Members of the public who do not own land suitable for restoration yet contribute by

volunteering in restoration, monitoring, or planning efforts; and

Clubs, social organizations, and other organized groups assisting in restoration by

providing volunteer labor for projects, conducting outreach within their communities,

and coordinating and contacting regulatory agencies.

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The following is a partial list of organizations that can assist in restoration design and

implementation. Additional resources are available in most areas from watershed groups,

alliances, or other NGOs. Occasional funding may be available from agencies in the form of

mitigation or disbursements from environmental fines. Congress established the Pacific Coast

Salmon Recovery Fund to contribute to restoration and conservation of Pacific salmon and

steelhead populations and their habitats (Chapter 11).

The NOAA Restoration Center

The NOAA Restoration Center provides funding and technical assistance for restoration

projects benefiting NOAA trust resources, including salmon and steelhead. Since 1996, the

Restoration Center has funded over 300 projects benefiting California salmon and steelhead.

The Restoration Center works with NMFS staff and others to develop and implement projects

addressing limiting factors to salmonid recovery; partners with grassroots organizations to

encourage hands-on citizen participation, and delivers technical support to help ensure project


NMFS PRD will work with the NOAA Restoration Center to coordinate recovery efforts for

CCC coho salmon. The PRD and the NOAA Restoration Center, in combination with other

funding programs, will facilitate funding, permit streamlining, technical assistance, and

outreach to the restoration community. The NOAA Restoration Center will bring its funding

and restoration partners into the recovery process, while also networking to find new recovery

partners and determining who is best suited to address specific recovery actions. The NOAA

Restoration Centers goal to fund community-based habitat restoration and provide technical

restoration assistance directly compliments the goals of the recovery plan.

NMFS Science Centers

The NMFS PRD will coordinate with the NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Centers to identify

and address research needs for recovery.

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State & Local Governmental Agencies

The State of California has a final CCC Coho Salmon Recovery Strategy (CDFG 2004) and

NMFS participates on the State Coho Recovery Team. NMFS will continue coordination with

the CDFG and other state agencies on planning, research, monitoring, and carrying out projects

and programs. These agencies include: CDFG; CalFire; California Coastal Conservancy;

University of California Cooperative Extension; California Conservation Corps; Resource

Conservation Districts; the State Water Resources Control Board; local flood control districts;

water agencies; and city and county governments.

Non-Governmental Organizations

Numerous non-profits, volunteer groups, watershed groups, professional organizations, and

quasi-governmental organizations are engaged in ecological restoration. Where their focus

intersects with NMFS recovery goals, NMFS will coordinate with those NGOs to facilitate

planning, research, monitoring, and project implementation. Some NGOs include Trout

Unlimited, The Nature Conservancy, Mid-Peninsula Open Space District, CalTrout, and many



Federal programs that provide information, funding and/or technical assistance include:

NMFS, Southwest Region swr.nmfs.noaa.gov

NOAA Restoration Center nmfs.noaa.gov/habitat/restoration/

USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife fws.gov/partners/ and Coastal Programs


US EPA epa.gov

NRCS nrcs.usda.gov

USACE http://www.usace.army.mil/missions/environment.html

State programs that provide information, funding and/or technical assistance include:

California Department of Fish and Game www.dfg.ca.gov/fish/

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California Coastal Conservancy www.scc.ca.gov

State Water Resources Control Board www.swrcb.ca.gov

California Conservation Corps www.ccc.ca.gov/

University of California Cooperative Extension http://ucanr.org/index.cfm

Local and regional programs that provide information, funding and/or technical assistance


CalFish www.calfish.org

Coastal Watershed Planning and Assessment Program (CWPAP)


Resource Conservation Districts www.carcd.org

Santa Cruz Resource Conservation District http://www.rcdsantacruz.org/

San Mateo County Resource Conservation District http://www.sanmateorcd.org/

Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District http://www.goldridgercd.org/

Sotoyome Resource Conservation District http://sotoyomercd.org/

Marin Resource Conservation District http://www.marinrcd.org/

Southern Sonoma Resource Conservation District http://www.sscrcd.org/

Mendocino County Resource Conservation District http://www.mcrcd.org/

And others

Various city and county governments

Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program www.5counties.org

Fishnet 4C http://fishnet.marin.org

The Fish Passage Forum:


Klamath Resource Information System (KRIS) http://www.krisweb.com/

Salmonid Restoration Federation http://www.calsalmon.org/

Trout Unlimited http://www.tu.org/

California Trout http://www.caltrout.org/

The Nature Conservancy http://www.nature.org/

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In the end, we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will
understand only what we are taught.
Baba Dioum, Senegal


CCC coho salmon populations have been in steep decline for more than four or five decades

and their risk of extinction is great. Many CCC coho salmon streams are in poor condition and

these conditions limit survival across multiple life stages. While some conservation efforts are

improving conditions, the rate of ongoing habitat degradation is likely greater than the rate of

habitat restoration and recovery. In addition, tracking recovery will continue to be a challenge

without a systematic and consistently funded monitoring program (i.e., CMP) at spatial scales

sufficient to evaluate status and progress.

CCC coho salmon populations are near extinction

Habitats are limiting coho survival across life stages

Rate of habitat degradation is greater than rate of restoration

Monitoring is critical to track habitats and populations

NMFS expects it may take as long to recover salmon as it did for them to decline to their current

levels. Recovering a species is a challenging and slow process (Adams et al. 2011) as habitat

conditions and population responses are typically not observable for many years once recovery

or restoration actions are implemented. NMFS estimates that, in general, habitats will respond

to restoration actions (depending on physical processes) between one to five years. Some

recovery actions, such as installing large woody material where salmonids are present, may

have more immediate results. Other recovery actions, such as growing large diameter trees in

the riparian corridor for long term natural wood recruitment or increasing shade for stream

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temperature improvements, will take considerably longer. Populations are expected to respond

positively to incremental improvements in habitat conditions even though increased

abundances may not be readily observable for three to four coho salmon generations or longer.

Therefore, NMFS anticipates at least 40 years or more will be necessary to change the trajectory

of the species from extinction to recovery after recovery actions are fully implemented, and

nearly 100 years to realize delisting.


The current strategy for CCC coho salmon recovery is based on the following:

Designation of 28 focus populations and development of minimum spawner density

targets across four Diversity Strata;

Designation of 11 supplemental populations;

Recommendations to improve habitat conditions and watershed processes;

Recommendations to abate threats that led to the decline of habitats and populations

and those to abate and/or prevent future threats; and

Employ all ESA protections (including retention of current critical habitat designation)

for the conservation of all populations, including populations not designated in the

recovery scenario.

The focus of this strategy includes:

Preserve genetic integrity and provide for population growth overtime:

Protect all extant populations and their habitats to prevent extinction;

Conserve existing genetic diversity and provide opportunities for interchange of genetic

material between and within metapopulations;

Evaluate conservation hatchery (broodstock) programs; and

Maintain current distribution of salmonids and restore their distribution to previously

occupied watersheds and subwatersheds identified as focus populations.

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Conserve habitat diversity:

Maintain and restore freshwater and estuarine environments and the natural physical

interactions of land, water, wood and sediment to support the extent, diversity and

quality of habitats required for spawning, rearing, food productivity, migration, growth,

predator avoidance, etc. that allow coho to thrive and be self-sustaining in the wild.

Adapt and modify restoration and conservation techniques to ensure they account for

impacts from existing and future development and environmental change:

Human population growth and development, and expected shifts in climate and marine

conditions will demand novel and innovative approaches to planning and conservation

(e.g., retreats from floodplains, building climate change scenarios into restoration, etc.).

Shift paradigms; the status quo is insufficient to recover CCC coho salmon:

Ongoing declines of CCC coho salmon populations are an indication the status quo, for

most protective measures (in regard to land and water management) and restoration

actions, are insufficient to prevent extinction.

Monitor fish and habitats and adapt to new information:

Without long term monitoring, progress in developing and refining appropriate actions

will be slow and potentially misguided. Develop, fund and maintain an adaptive

program of monitoring, research, and evaluation to advance our understanding of the

complex array of factors associated with salmonid survival and recovery.


The vision of this plan is to ensure freshwater habitats, improved through restoration and threat

abatement, are supporting self-sustaining and well-distributed wild CCC coho salmon

populations that are providing significant ecological, cultural, social and economic benefits to

the people of California.

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The overarching goal of the recovery plan is to realize downlisting and delisting of the CCC

coho salmon ESU. Additional goals of this recovery plan include:

1. Preventing CCC coho salmon extinction in the wild and reversing population declines;

2. Immediately protecting CCC coho salmon occupied habitats and those in good


3. Restoring impaired habitats; and

4. Facilitating improvements for listing factors and protective efforts.

Objectives of the recovery plan and associated timing are:

Prevent extinction and reverse population declines over the next 24 years by:

Ensuring adequate funding for current captive broodstock facilities in the Russian River

(Sonoma County), and Scott Creek (Santa Cruz County);

Increasing capacity of broodstock programs and/or developing additional facilities; and

Immediately implement focused instream restoration actions where coho salmon persist to

increases the probability of salmonid survival within, and across, all freshwater life stages.

Protect habitats in good conditions and supporting populations of coho salmon:

Pursue conservation banking, easements or other mechanisms to protect, in perpetuity, high

quality coho salmon habitats; and

Secure outplanting sites with high quality habitats on private lands; and

Immediately conduct restoration in key locations identified for broodstock outplanting.

Restore currently impaired habitats:

Prioritize restoration projects that can have immediate benefits to coho salmon freshwater

survival probability; and

Consider restoration and threat abatement coordination at the life stage and population

scales (e.g., coordinate restoration in a watershed focusing on ensuring successful life stage

transition to and from the marine environment).

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Facilitate improvements of listing factors and protective efforts:

Organize a comprehensive recovery implementation strategy for the ESU and each diversity

stratum to reduce identified threats and improve protective efforts;

Support and fund the CMP to ensure a long term salmonid monitoring program;

Conduct a comprehensive education and outreach program to inform the public on the

priorities for salmon recovery and how they can contribute to recovery; and

Plan for severe weather including climate change.


Evaluating a species potential for downlisting or delisting requires both an explicit analysis of

population or demographic parameters (biological recovery criteria) and the physical or

biological conditions that affect the species continued existence, categorized under the ESA

section 4(a)(1) listing factors (listing factor criteria). Together these make up the objective,

measurable, criteria and the delisting criteria required under section 4(f)(1)(B)16 of the ESA.

Downlisting and delisting criteria are organized by the Section 4(a)(1) listing factors below

(Table 21, Table 22) and include criteria for populations, habitat conditions, threats and

implementation of recovery actions. During status reviews or consideration of a downlisting or

delisting decision, NMFS will determine whether the populations have achieved viability and if

section 4(a)(1) listing factors have been adequately addressed, i.e. whether the underlying

causes of decline have been addressed and mitigated and are not likely to re-emerge.

16 See NMFS 2010 and Fund for Animals v. Babbitt 903 F. Supp. 96 (D.D.C. 1995, Appendix B).

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Table 21: Criteria for downlisting of the CCC coho salmon ESU

Biological Downlisting Section 4(a)(1) Listing Factor

Criteria Downlisting Criteria

ALL 28 Focus For Each Diversity 50% of ESU & Diversity Strata Actions
Populations Stratum: Implemented

Downlisting spawner target For Each Population:

achieved CAP Attributes:
Hydrology & Water Quality Indicators:
Rank FAIR, GOOD or VERY GOOD across all
life stages
Remaining CAP Habitat* Condition Attributes:
Rank FAIR or better across populations

CAP Overall Threat Ranks:

Threats status for targets rank Medium or better

Actions Assigned to Listing Factors:

All Priority 1 actions implemented;
50% of Priority 2 actions for all Listing Factors are
implemented or plans are in place for implementation;
- AND -
During status reviews, assess progress of recovery
action implementation by identifying (1) actions
completed, (2) new actions needed or (3) actions no
longer relevant (due to unforeseen or changed

For Each Diversity Stratum:

Two Independent populations and 50% of the
remaining populations meet biological and Listing
Factor criteria.

*excludes landscape and size attributes

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Table 22: Delisting Criteria for the CCC coho salmon ESU

Section 4(a)(1) Listing Factor

Biological Delisting Criteria
Delisting Criteria

All ESU & Diversity Strata Actions


Effective population size per generation For Each Population

All Independent
> 500 OR Total population size per CAP Attributes:
generation > 2500 Hydrology & Water Quality Indicators:
- AND - Rank GOOD or VERY GOOD across all
No population decline apparent or life stages
probable Remaining CAP Habitat* Condition Attributes:
- AND - Rank GOOD or better across populations
Catastrophic decline not apparent
- AND - CAP Overall Threat Ranks :
Delisting spawner target achieved Threats status rank LOW
See Table 23 (Medium for Listing Factor E)
- AND -
No evidence of adverse genetic, Actions Assigned to Listing Factors:
demographic, or ecological effects of All Priority 1 actions implemented
hatchery fish on wild populations or deemed no longer necessary
All Priority 2 actions implemented
or deemed no longer necessary
75% of Priority 3 actions implemented
or deemed no longer necessary
Delisting spawner target achieved
All Dependent - AND -
See Table 23
Populations During status reviews, assess progress of
recovery action implementation by identifying
(1) actions completed, (2) new actions
Confirm presence of juveniles or adults needed or (3) actions no longer relevant (due
for at least one year class over 12 years
to unforeseen or changed circumstances).
50% of Attribute Actions for each listing For Each Diversity Stratum:
factor have been implemented or
determined not necessary All Independent populations, 75% of the
remaining focus populations and all
See Figure 37 supplemental populations must meet criteria.
*excludes landscape and size attributes

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Downlisting Criterion:

DW-BC1 All diversity strata (and 28 focus populations) meet minimum spawner

density. See Table 23.

Delisting Criteria:

DL-BC2 Effective population size per generation > 500 OR Total population size per

generation > 2500 for all independent populations.

DL-BC3 No population decline apparent or probable for all independent


DL-BC4 Catastrophic decline not apparent for all independent populations.

DL-BC5 Minimum spawner density achieved for all 28 populations.

DL-BC6 No evidence of adverse genetic, demographic, or ecological effects of

hatchery fish on wild populations.

DL-BC7 Populations selected to support connectivity within and between Diversity

Strata (i.e., supplemental populations) confirm presence of juveniles or

adults for at least one year class over 12 years. See Figure 37.

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Downlisting Criteria

Downlisting Criterion (DW-A1): For each population the CAP Attributes (Hydrology and

Water Quality) rank fair, good or very good across all life stages AND remaining CAP

attributes rank fair or better across populations.

- AND -

Downlisting Criterion (DW-A2): For each population the Overall CAP Threat Ranks rank

medium or low. This applies to all threats except Disease Predation and Competition, Fishing

and Collecting, Hatcheries and Aquaculture and Severe Weather Patterns (downlisting criteria

for these threats are outlined in other listing factor categories).

- AND -

Downlisting Criterion (DW-A3): For each population all Priority 1 actions implemented, 50%

of Priority 2 actions under Listing Factor A are either implemented, plans are in place for

implementation or the actions are deemed no longer necessary.

- AND -

Downlisting Criterion (DW-A4): During status reviews, assess progress of recovery action

implementation by identifying (1) actions completed, (2) new actions needed or (3) actions no

longer relevant (due to unforeseen or changed circumstances).

- AND -

Downlisting Criterion (DW-A5): For each Diversity Stratum: Two Independent populations

and 50% of the remaining populations are meeting both spawner and listing factor criteria.


Downlisting Criterion (DW-A6): For the ESU & Diversity Strata: 50% of the ESU and

Diversity Strata Actions are implemented.

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
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Delisting Criteria

Delisting Criterion (DL-A1): For each population the CAP Attributes are ranked good or very

good across all life stages

- AND -

Delisting Criterion (DL-A2): For each population the CAP Threat Ranks are low. This applies

to all threats except Disease Predation and Competition, Fishing and Collecting, Hatcheries and

Aquaculture and Severe Weather Patterns (delisting criteria for these threats are outlined in

other listing factor categories).

- AND -

Delisting Criterion (DL-A3): All Priority 1 actions implemented, all Priority 2 actions

implemented, and 75% of Priority 3 actions implemented for this listing factor or deemed no

longer necessary.

- AND -

Delisting Criterion (DL-A4): During status reviews, assess progress of recovery action

implementation by identifying (1) actions completed, (2) new actions needed or (3) actions no

longer relevant (due to unforeseen or changed circumstances).

- AND -

Delisting Criterion (DL-A5): For each Diversity Stratum: All Independent populations, 75% of

the remaining focus populations and all supplemental populations meet population and listing

factor criteria.


Delisting Criterion (DL-A6): For the ESU & Diversity Strata: All ESU and Diversity Strata

Actions are implemented.



Downlisting Criteria

Downlisting Criterion (DW-B1): For each population the CAP Attribute, Viability, is ranked

fair, good or very good across all life stages.

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- AND -

Downlisting Criterion (DW-B2): For each population the CAP Threat Rank for Fishing and

Collecting is ranked medium or low.

- AND -

Downlisting Criterion (DW-B3): For each population all Priority 1 actions implemented, 50%

of Priority 2 actions under Listing Factor B are either implemented, plans are in place for

implementation or the actions are deemed no longer necessary..


Downlisting Criterion (DW-B4): During status reviews, assess progress of recovery action

implementation by identifying (1) actions completed, (2) new actions needed or (3) actions no

longer relevant (due to unforeseen or changed circumstances).


Downlisting Criterion (DL-B4): For the ESU & Diversity Strata: 50% of the ESU and Diversity

Strata Actions are implemented.

Delisting Criteria

Delisting Criterion (DL-B1): For each population the CAP Attribute (Viability) is ranked good

or very good across all life stages.

- AND -

Delisting Criterion (DL-B2): For each population the CAP Threat Rank for Fishing and

Collecting is ranked low.

- AND -

Delisting Criterion (DL-B3): All Priority 1 actions implemented, all Priority 2 actions

implemented, and 75% of Priority 3 actions implemented for this listing factor or deemed no

longer necessary.

- AND -

Delisting Criterion (DL-B4): During status reviews, assess progress of recovery action

implementation by identifying (1) actions completed, (2) new actions needed or (3) actions no

longer relevant (due to unforeseen or changed circumstances).

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
10.0 Recovery Goals and Delisting Criteria 255

Delisting Criterion (DL-B5): For the ESU & Diversity Strata: All ESU and Diversity Strata

Actions are implemented.


Downlisting Criteria

Downlisting Criterion (DW-C1): For each population the CAP Attribute, Viability, is ranked

fair, good or very good across all life stages.

- AND -

Downlisting Criterion (DW-C2): For each population the CAP Threat Rank for Disease and

Predation is ranked medium or low.

- AND -

Downlisting Criterion (DW-C3): For each population all Priority 1 actions implemented, 50%

of Priority 2 actions under Listing Factor C are either implemented, plans are in place for

implementation or the actions are deemed no longer necessary.


Downlisting Criterion (DW-C4): During status reviews, assess progress of recovery action

implementation by identifying (1) actions completed, (2) new actions needed or (3) actions no

longer relevant (due to unforeseen or changed circumstances).


Downlisting Criterion (DW-C5): For the ESU & Diversity Strata: 50% of the ESU and

Diversity Strata Actions are implemented.

Delisting Criteria

Delisting Criterion (DL-B1): For each population the CAP Attribute Viability is found good or

better across all life stages.

- AND -

Delisting Criterion (DL-B2): For each population the CAP Threat Rank for Disease and

Predation is ranked medium or better.

- AND -

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
10.0 Recovery Goals and Delisting Criteria 256
Delisting Criterion (DL-B3): All Priority 1 actions implemented, all Priority 2 actions

implemented, and 75% of Priority 3 actions implemented for this listing factor or deemed no

longer necessary.

- AND -

Delisting Criterion (DL-B4): During status reviews, assess progress of recovery action

implementation by identifying (1) actions completed, (2) new actions needed or (3) actions no

longer relevant (due to unforeseen or changed circumstances).


Delisting Criterion (DL-B5): For the ESU & Diversity Strata: All ESU and Diversity Strata

Actions are implemented.


Downlisting Criteria

Downlisting Criterion (DW-D1): For each population all Priority 1 actions implemented, 50%

of Priority 2 actions under Listing Factor D are either implemented, plans are in place for

implementation or the actions are deemed no longer necessary.


Downlisting Criterion (DW-D2): During status reviews, assess progress of recovery action

implementation by identifying (1) actions completed, (2) new actions needed or (3) actions no

longer relevant (due to unforeseen or changed circumstances).


Downlisting Criterion (DW-D3): For the ESU & Diversity Strata: 50% of the ESU and

Diversity Strata Actions are implemented.

Delisting Criteria

Delisting Criterion (DL-D1): All Priority 1 actions implemented, all Priority 2 actions

implemented, and 75% of Priority 3 actions implemented for this listing factor or deemed no

longer necessary.


Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
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Delisting Criterion (DL-D2): During status reviews, assess progress of recovery action

implementation by identifying (1) actions completed, (2) new actions needed or (3) actions no

longer relevant (due to unforeseen or changed circumstances).


Delisting Criterion (DL-D3): For the ESU & Diversity Strata: All ESU and Diversity Strata

Actions are implemented.



Downlisting Criteria

Downlisting Criterion (DW-E1): For each population the CAP Attribute, Viability, is ranked

good or very good across all life stages.


Downlisting Criterion (DW-E2): For each population the CAP Threat Rank for Severe Weather

Patterns, Hatcheries and Aquaculture are ranked medium or better.


Downlisting Criterion (DW-E3): For each population all Priority 1 actions implemented, 50%

of Priority 2 actions under Listing Factor E are either implemented, plans are in place for

implementation or the actions are deemed no longer necessary.


Downlisting Criterion (DW-E4): During status reviews, assess progress of recovery action

implementation by identifying (1) actions completed, (2) new actions needed or (3) actions no

longer relevant (due to unforeseen or changed circumstances).


Downlisting Criterion (DL-E5): For the ESU & Diversity Strata: 50% of the ESU and Diversity

Strata Actions are implemented.

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10.0 Recovery Goals and Delisting Criteria 258
Delisting Criteria

Delisting Criterion (DL-E1): For all populations the CAP Attribute, Viability, is ranked good or

very good across all life stages.


Delisting Criterion (DL-E2): For each population the CAP Threat Rank for Severe Weather

Patterns and Hatcheries and Aquaculture are ranked medium.


Delisting Criterion (DL-E3): All Priority 1 actions implemented, all Priority 2 actions

implemented, and 75% of Priority 3 actions implemented for this listing factor or deemed no

longer necessary.


Delisting Criterion (DL-E4): During status reviews, assess progress of recovery action

implementation by identifying (1) actions completed, (2) new actions needed or (3) actions no

longer relevant (due to unforeseen or changed circumstances).


Delisting Criterion (DL-E5): For the ESU & Diversity Strata: All ESU and Diversity Strata

Actions are implemented.

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10.0 Recovery Goals and Delisting Criteria 259
Table 23: Population Level Downlisting & Delisting Spawner Density Criteria

Diversity Strata Population Status Miles of Downlisting Delisting

Potential Spawner Target Spawner Target

Lost Coast Usal Creek D 10.9 180 360

Cottaneva Creek D 14.5 235 469
Wages Creek D 9.8 170 340
Ten Mile River I 118.5 1850 3700
Pudding Creek D 26.4 492 983
Noyo River I 127.0 2000 4000
Caspar Creek D 12.5 218 435
Big River I 214.8 2750 5500
Albion River I 59.2 1150 2300
Big Salmon Creek D 16.8 289 578
Stratum Total: Stratum Total:
7,750 15,500
Navarro-Gualala Point
Navarro River I 220.4 2850 5700
Garcia River I 103.7 1850 3700
Gualala River I 266.6 3100 6200
Stratum Total: Stratum Total:
7,800 15,600
Coastal Russian River I 457.5 5050 10,100
Salmon Creek D 35.9 684 1367
Pine Gulch D 11.4 197 394
Walker Creek I 67.6 1300 2600
Lagunitas Creek I 64.5 1300 2600
Redwood Creek D 6.8 136 272
Stratum Total: Stratum Total:
7,650 15,300
Santa Cruz Mountains
San Gregorio D 36.7 682 1363
Pescadero Creek I 54.9 1150 2300
Gazos Creek I 7.1 140 279
Waddell Creek D 8.0 157 313
Scott Creek D 13.9 255 510
San Vicente Creek D 3.4 53 105
San Lorenzo River I 117.5 1900 3800
Soquel Creek D 31.9 561 1122
Aptos Creek D 26.0 466 932
Stratum Total: Stratum Total:
5,462 10,924

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Figure 37: Coho Focus and Supplemental Populations for Recovery

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It is imperative that California, which is well behind other states in the Pacific Northwest, begin conducting
monitoring at spatial scales relevant to recovery planning if we are to have any hope of accurately evaluating
status and progress towards recovery.
Spence et al. 2008


Population-level estimates of abundance and distribution are disparate and currently

insufficient; yet, these data are critical to informing recovery criteria. The State of California

and NMFS are engaged in the development of the California Coastal Salmonid Monitoring Plan

(CMP, Shaffer in prep), which is being designed to collect data that can inform recovery criteria.

Adams et al. (GRTS, Larsen et al. 2008) provides the scientific and statistical foundation for

monitoring coastal salmonid populations. While the focus has been on developing a protocol

for population monitoring, habitat monitoring is equally important and both are anticipated for

inclusion into the monitoring plan.

Population level monitoring is a high priority as these data can be aggregated up to the

biological organizational levels of a Diversity Stratum and ESU. The methods recommended

and discussed in greater detail below include spatially balanced spawner/redd surveys,

population-level life cycle monitoring (LCM) stations to calibrate redd survey estimates and

distinguish ocean versus freshwater survival, and juvenile spatial distribution and abundance

assessments. All monitoring will be conducted at the population level, which will then be used

to inform diversity stratum and ESU-level abundance and viability over time.

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Photo Courtesy 46: Adult CCC coho salmon males collected at the Pudding Creek dam Life
Cycle Monitoring station, Fort Bragg, California. Pudding Creek maintains one of the stronger
remaining runs of coho salmon in the ESU. The lifecycle station is a cooperative effort between
Campbell Timberland Management (CTM) and CDFG (partially funded by the Fisheries
Restoration Grants Program) and is an important source of information regarding adult coho
salmon returns. David Wright CTM

The ultimate goals of the CMP are to finalize a robust and adaptive monitoring program that

includes all coho salmon, Chinook salmon and steelhead populations in California. The plan


Provide regional (ESU-level) and population abundance estimates for both status and

trend of salmonid populations that will inform recovery criteria;

Estimate productivity trends from status abundance data;

Provide estimates of regional and population level spatial structure of coastal salmonids;

Consider the diversity of life history and ecological differences in the three species of


Create permanent LCM stations that will allow deeper evaluation of both freshwater

and marine fish-habitat relationships and provide long-term index monitoring; and

Assess freshwater and estuarine habitat conditions.

Currently, only a few organizations (e.g. CDFG Region 1 and NMFSs Southwest Science

Center) have implemented population-level monitoring programs for adult returns outlined in

the CMP; these efforts are critical first steps to build experience and data that can ultimately be

used to inform trend data and progress towards recovery abundance targets. Several other

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organizations (e.g. CDFG Region 3, Sonoma County Water Agency, Marin Municipal Water

District and National Park Service) have also begun some level of adult return and juvenile

distribution monitoring in other coastal populations.

NMFS and CDFG acknowledge the CMP must be built overtime as methods are tested and

refined and funding secured. While the fundamental principles of the CMP (i.e., the need for

random, spatially balanced sampling and the need for robust population estimates) will remain

more or less the same, the specific metrics and procedures used to evaluate recovery will evolve

and likely change over time as we learn from early implementation of the plan. To track coho

salmon abundance trends; however, we must expand upon our existing monitoring efforts

immediately throughout the ESU using the existing CMP framework. NMFS and CDFG have

outlined goals for the CMP at one year, five years and 10 years. In 2013, a definitive framework

should be in place with continued and expanded monitoring. In 2016, all diversity strata for

CCC coho salmon should have LCM stations established and initial trend data being collected.

By 2022, adult escapement trends and associated marine survival estimates should provide data

that informs recovery goals. Data collected over a broad geographic scope will assist with the

refinement of methods, experimentation of other methods, and highlight additional data needs.

During 5-Year Status Reviews (required by NMFS) the progress of recovery action

implementation will be assessed, specifically those actions aimed at improving habitat

conditions and reducing threats to determine their effectiveness. Critically needed, however,

are partners and a long term source of funding.

This chapter describes specific research, monitoring and adaptive management strategies

necessary to inform the downlisting and delisting criteria provided in Chapter 10.

Given the imperiled nature of cohoin California it is critical that coastwide instream monitoring
programs be implemented and maintained to allow warning of impending problems to these valuable
resources. Without the existing minimal monitoring effort, since coho are not commercially fished or
regulated, there would be little notice of their decline.

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The most important metric for population viability criteria is spawner abundance measured

over time (e.g. multiple generations). Spawner abundance will be assessed using a two-staged

sampling approach (Adams et al. 2011). First-stage sampling is comprised of extensive regional

and spatially balanced spawning surveys to estimate escapement in stream reaches selected

under a GRTS (Gallagher et al. 2010) design. The GRTS is a rotating panel design at a survey

level of ten percent of available habitat each year. Second-stage sampling consists of producing

escapement estimates in intensively monitored census streams (e.g. LCM stations) through

either total counts of returning adults or capture-recapture studies. The second-stage estimates

are considered to represent true adult escapement and resulting spawner to redd ratios are used

to calibrate first-stage estimates of regional adult abundance (Crawford and Rumsey 2011).

The LCM stations consist of either fixed counting facilities, or portable, seasonally installed

facilities where fish are either trapped and marked or directed through a viewing chamber and

counted. Another method, especially in smaller coastal systems, is the use of DIDSON acoustic

cameras. This method for counting adult escapement provides reliable estimates, particularly

where species identification is not an issue (Adams et al. 2011). For watersheds with more than

one salmonid species, the date of capture and size of fish can be used to help differentiate

between species. LCM stations are used where smolt and summer rearing abundance can be

monitored to estimate freshwater and marine survival and to evaluate life histories that can

inform regional status and trend information (the stage one data). These populations

(watersheds) are also intended to be focal points for evaluating restoration and encouraging

further research. NMFS monitoring guidelines (2011) also recommend using a robust unbiased

spawner abundance sampling scheme that has known precision and accuracy. Similar to

Adams et al. (2011), they offer probabilistic sampling of all accessible spawning areas using

unbiased randomized sites with rotating panels (i.e. GRTS) as an option that will produce

statistically valid estimates of spawner abundance with known certainty. The monitoring needs

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and recommendations presented below rely heavily on the CMP discussions ongoing between

NMFS and CDFG along with guidelines presented in Crawford and Rumsey (2008).

The recommendations outlined below address the VSP criteria of abundance, productivity,

spatial distribution, and diversity, at the ESU, diversity strata and population levels. The VSP

criteria are described in detail in Chapter 6. Table 24 shows the recommended monitoring that

NMFS will use to inform the progress toward meeting specific recovery criteria (Chapter 10) for

biological viability.

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Table 24: ESU, Diversity Strata and population level biological viability recovery criteria and
recommended monitoring.

ESU Diversity Strata Population

Recovery -All Diversity Strata Each Diversity Strata meets Independent Populations
Criteria criteria are met. Representation, - Effective population size per generation
Redundancy and > 500 OR Total population size per
Connectivity criteria generation > 2,500
- NO population decline apparent or
- Catastrophic decline not apparent
- Delisting spawner target achieved.
- No evidence of adverse genetic,
demographic, or ecological effects of
hatchery fish on wild populations.
Dependent Populations
Delisting spawner target achieved

Supplemental Populations
Confirm presence for at least one year
class over a 12 year period
50% of the recovery actions have been
implemented or deemed not necessary
Recovery Sum of Diversity Sum of Population-level - GRTS-based spawner/redd surveys for
Criteria Strata-level monitoring. abundance and productivity (10 percent
monitoring monitoring. of habitat assessed annually);
- Life Cycle Monitoring stations for
abundance, productivity, and diversity;
- GRTS-based summer/fall juvenile
surveys for spatial distribution, and
diversity (10 percent of habitat assessed
*Minimum of 12 years (~ 4 generations)
of monitoring.


Recommendations for monitoring adult spawner abundance include:

1. Implementation of an unbiased two-stage GRTS based ESU-wide monitoring program (i.e.,

the CMP) for adult CCC coho salmon that has known precision and accuracy. The

monitoring plan should:

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a. Provide yearly adult spawner abundance estimates for the ESU, diversity stratum,

and where possible, each focus population;

b. Establish a minimum of one (preferably two) LCM stations within each diversity

stratum to estimate spawner: redd ratios. These stations will be used for calibrating

regional redd counts, and smolt/adult ratios for marine/freshwater survival

estimations. Maintain current LCM stations in Mendocino and Santa Cruz counties

and seek to incorporate other existing monitoring programs into the master sample

GRTS design;

c. Overtime as populations approach recovery strive, to have ESU-level adult spawner

data with a coefficient of variation (CV) on average of 15 percent or less (Crawford

and Rumsey 2011);

d. Regional spawner data should have the statistical power to detect a change of 30

percent with 80 percent certainty within 10 years;

e. Strive to have abundance estimates at the LCM stations with a CV on average of 15

percent or less;

f. Estimate migration rates between basins and tributaries of larger basins to validate

assumptions that underlie population delineations and to assess potential role of

inter-basin exchange on extinction probabilities;

g. Evaluate hatchery impacts and hatchery-to-wild ratios (this should cover a range of

issues from genetic changes to brood stock mining) and implement hatchery

recommendations per Spence et al. (Johnson et al. 2007); and

h. All monitoring should utilize the protocols published in the American Fisheries

Society Salmonid Field Protocols Handbook (1998).


Recommendations for monitoring population productivity include:

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1. Productivity is calculated as the trend in abundance over time. Develop a 12 year17 or

greater data set of accurate spawner information to estimate geometric mean recruits per

spawner and evaluate population trends.

2. Using the LCM stations, conduct annual smolt abundance/trend monitoring.

a. Juvenile monitoring should strive to have data with a CV on average of 15 percent or


b. Power analysis for each monitored juvenile population should be conducted to

determine the statistical power of the data to detect significant changes in

abundance; and

c. Estimate apparent marine and fresh water survival (couple adult data with the smolt

abundance estimates).


Recommendations for monitoring spatial distribution include:

1. Evaluate changes in adult spawning distribution (stage one sampling) using probabilistic

sampling. Annually, compare spawner distribution with the total habitat available to

determine the percent occupancy across the species range. Environmental conditions, such

as precipitation and stream flow, will influence the distribution of spawners by expanding

(wet years) or shrinking (dry years) the amount of habitat available to returning adults.

Therefore, analysis of annual spawner distribution must consider both biological (small

population) and environmental (weather patterns) factors.

2. Develop and implement a spatially balanced GRTS-based summer and fall sampling

strategy for juvenile coho salmon. Crawford and Rumsey (2011) recommend assessments

should detect a change of 15 percent with 80 percent certainty; however, further research

is needed to establish which indicator will be most appropriate for evaluating trends.

17 Approximately four generations.

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3. As discussed above, the relationship between environmental factors (particularly stream

flow and water temperature) can influence the likelihood of coho salmon presence and

spatial distribution. Where necessary and applicable, implement stream flow and water

temperature monitoring in order to assess their implications on occupancy during the adult

(stream flow) and juvenile (stream flow and water temperature) life stages.


Diversity traits are strongly adaptive for local areas and populations, and these traits allow salmonids

to survive in the face of unique local natural and anthropogenic challenges. Higher level diversity traits

have been considered in the creation of the listing and stratification units; however, population level

diversity traits may be very different from one geographical or population unit to another. Therefore, local

diversity traits will need to be surveyed, eventually leading to local diversity monitoring plans. Specific

projects targeting both broad and focused levels and patterns of genetic diversity will be developed.

Adams et al. (2011).

Recommendations for monitoring diversity traits include:

1. Monitor status and trends of spawn timing, sex ratio, age distribution, fecundity, etc. (see

Adams et al. 2011) across populations, diversity strata, and the ESU. Spawn timing, sex

ratio, and age distribution should be assessed during both stage-one (spawner surveys) and

stage-two (LCM station) adult monitoring. Age distributions for juvenile coho salmon

should be assessed during spatial distribution monitoring using length frequencies, analysis

of scales, and by mark-recapture PIT-tagging programs.

2. Develop a genetic baseline of DNA micro satellite markers for the CCC coho salmon ESU.

Tissue sample collection required for the development of this baseline can be conducted

during all sampling activities associated with spawner surveys (carcasses), LCM stations

(live adult and juvenile fish), and spatial distribution surveys (live juvenile fish).

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3. Compare differences in population abundance, growth rates, habitat use, and juvenile

migration timing with overall watershed and in-stream habitat conditions (i.e., water

temperature, canopy closure, shelter, and summer base stream flow).

4. Assess the influence (percentage) of hatchery fish in populations (both intended releases

and from straying). The presence of adipose fin clips or tags applied at hatchery facilities

will be used to identify fish origin.


Cost estimates for implementing the CMP have not been developed (Adams et al. 2011)

although some cost estimates are available for monitoring conducted in the Pudding Creek

watershed in coastal Mendocino County, California (Gallagher et al. 2010). These existing

values were used to form preliminary costs estimates for monitoring needed to inform recovery

criteria and trends for the CCC coho salmon ESU.

For streams on the Mendocino Coast, regional spawning ground surveys for CCC coho salmon

cost approximately $3,000 to survey one reach a sufficient number of times each season to

generate reliable redd counts (Gallagher et al. 2010). Sample units, or reach lengths, for both

spawner distribution/abundance and juvenile spatial distribution described in Adams et al.

(2011) range from approximately 1.6 to 3.2 km. Using the total number of kilometers of

potential habitat for the focus populations listed Chapter 7 and a ten percent sample of 3 km

reaches, the estimated annual cost to conduct spawning ground surveys for CCC coho salmon

would be approximately $343,010 (Table 25). This does not include data storage and report

preparation. For watersheds with more than one salmonid species, there will be overlap of

species monitoring due to differences and overlap in run timing and life history strategies.

Coho salmon adult migrations typically begin after Chinook salmon and before steelhead.

Depending on the degree of overlap, total costs for monitoring CCC coho salmon spawner

abundance would be reduced considerably.

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In this Plan, a minimum of one LCM station was recommended for each diversity stratum. We

provide cost estimates for CCC coho salmon monitoring for one and two LCM station per

diversity stratum. Adult monitoring at the Pudding Creek LCM station costs about $36,000 per

year (Gallagher and Wright 2008, Gallagher et al. 2010). This estimate does not include smolt or

summer rearing abundance estimates nor does it include data analysis and reporting. Based on

these values, annual cost estimates for adult monitoring at LCM stations within each diversity

stratum would range from $144,000 (1 LCM station per diversity stratum) to $288,000 (2 LCM

stations per diversity stratum). These costs were calculated assuming 4 diversity strata, each

with a LCM station, at $36,000 per station. These annual costs could also be reduced

substantially by selecting drainages with more than one listed salmonid species.

At Pudding Creek, juvenile monitoring at the LCM station costs approximately $15,000 per year

to conduct (Gallagher et al. 2010). Based on these values, total annual cost estimates for juvenile

monitoring (juvenile emigration) at the LCM stations could range between $60,000 and


The total annual costs for LCM station (stage two) monitoring for all life stages and applicable

VSP criteria could range between $204,000 and $408,000 depending on the number of stations.

It is important to note these estimates are based on monitoring costs for Pudding Creek, a

relatively small stream and watershed with only one landowner. Life cycle monitoring in larger

populations would undoubtedly be more difficult and likely more expensive due to the larger

size of the river and, in most cases, a lack of existing infrastructure and access issues.

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Table 25: CCC Coho salmon spawning survey cost estimates.

10% # of 3 km Spawning
Potential Potential reaches Ground
Habitat Habitat sampled Surveys
Diversity Strata / populations (km) (km) annually Annual Cost
Lost Coast - Navarro Point
Usal Creek 17.6
Cottaneva Creek 23.3
Wages Creek 15.8
Ten Mile River 190.7
Pudding Creek 42.5
Noyo River 204.4
Caspar Creek 20.1
Big River 345.7
Albion River 95.2
Big Salmon Creek 27
sub-total 982.3 98 33 $ 98,230
Navarro Point - Gualala Point
Navarro River 354.7
Garcia River 166.9
Gualala River 429.1
sub-total 950.7 95 32 $ 95,070
Russian River 736.3
Salmon Creek 57.8
Pine Gulch Creek 18.3
Walker Creek 108.8
Lagunitas Creek 103.8
Redwood Creek 11
sub-total 1036 104 35 $ 103,600
Santa Cruz Mountains
San Gregorio Creek 59
Pescadero Creek 88.4
Gazos Creek 11.5
Waddell Creek 12.8
Scott Creek 22.3
San Vicente Creek 5.5
San Lorenzo River 168.3
Soquel Creek 51.4
Aptos Creek 41.9
sub-total 461.1 46 15 $ 46,110

Total 3430.1 114 $ 343,010

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Assessing juvenile spatial distribution and habitat monitoring for CCC coho salmon using the

GRTS based sampling design will likely cost approximately $1,000 per reach to survey. There is

a great deal more juvenile habitat than spawning habitat, perhaps twice as much, thus an

annual sample of 228 reaches across the ESU might cost about $228,000 per year. This estimate

does not include data analysis, storage, or report preparation. Final sample size and reach

variance issues will have to be developed for juvenile spatial structure (and habitat monitoring).

In watersheds with CCC coho salmon and either NC or CCC steelhead, portions of the juvenile

coho distribution will be assessed simultaneously, thereby lowering costs.

Determining actual costs of this monitoring would need to include cost estimates for evaluating

habitat conditions, restoration actions, implementing a recovery tracking system, and for

developing and maintaining a coordinated data management system. Population or

watersheds selected for LCM station placement will also affect totals costs due to watershed

size differences and potential for multiple species. Finally, monitoring the recovery of CCC

coho salmon will require continuing evaluation of costs, dedicated funding, and a long term

commitment of resources by all involved parties.


In addition to monitoring for biological criteria, recovery plans must also provide monitoring

strategies to address each of the Section 4(a) (1) listing factors. These are tracked using the key

habitat attributes used in the CAP analysis. In addition, NMFS developed criteria and

monitoring recommendations to track reduction in threats and implementation of recovery

actions. The criteria and monitoring strategies are organized in Table 26, Table 27, and Table

28). The criteria and recommended monitoring are designed to track the effectiveness of actions

specifically implemented to improve current habitat conditions, reduce the impacts of current

threats (and the stresses they contribute to), or highlight new and emerging threats.

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
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1. Develop and implement a GRTS-based habitat status and trend monitoring program which

is coordinated with the juvenile spatial structure evaluations (10 percent of available habitat

each year).

Develop a standardized survey method for evaluating habitat attributes with a focus

on population-specific attributes identified as having a High or Very High rating (See

Chapter 8). The general methods for assessing habitat attributes should follow those

outlined by Flosi et al. (2004) and Bleier et al. (2003);

Select one population within each diversity stratum (preferably a population with a

LCM station) to conduct a basin-wide intensive habitat assessment which is repeated

every 12 years;

Incorporate consistent habitat monitoring protocols that provide comparable

watershed information and integrate ongoing habitat assessment work into a master

GRTS sample design;

Develop and employ suitable habitat assessment criteria and models that provide

high level indicators of watershed conditions; and

Approximately every 10 years, assess changes in land use and other non-landscape

attributes using GIS. In addition to general land use patterns (i.e. agriculture, timber,

urban), other watershed-specific attributes that should be measured include: extent

of impervious surfaces, landslides, watershed road density, and overall riparian


2. NMFS is currently emphasizing to Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska, Nevada and

California the importance of effectiveness monitoring when using Pacific Coastal Salmon

Recovery Funds (Whiteway et al. 2010; NMFS 2012d). Implementation of all habitat

restoration activities should have both implementation and effectiveness monitoring

components. Work in populations with LCM stations and other intensively monitored

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watersheds should also incorporate validation monitoring.

The design and implementation of all restoration actions should be reported and

correlated with habitat limiting factors so cumulative impacts can be tracked across

the ESU;

Where restoration actions are implemented, effectiveness monitoring should be

conducted at both the reach and site-specific scales following the Before After

Control Impact (BACI) design. For example, the installation of large woody debris

and other habitat enhancement structures should be coupled with long-term

monitoring plans that attempt to determine success in terms of habitat

enhancement/creation and coho salmon abundance (Isaak et al. 2011);

Establish at least one Intensively Monitored Watershed (as detailed in Crawford and

Rumsey 2011) within each diversity stratum (preferably a population with a LCM

station). Conduct power analysis early in development to determine amount of

watershed required to be treated necessary to detect 30-50 percent change in salmon

response; and,

Use salmonid response (presence, abundance, and fitness monitoring) at restoration

sites to inform effectiveness over time.

3. Conduct annual assessments of the status and spatial patterns of water quality and stream

flow conditions within individual populations and across diversity strata.

EPA, state agencies, and local governments should monitor storm-water and

agricultural runoff to assess status/trends of turbidity and concentrations of other

identified toxins and identify their sources;

Basin-wide water temperature monitoring using stratified arrays of automated data

loggers (Hill et al. 2010; Moore et al. 2011) should be implemented wherever feasible

and particularly within each watershed with an LCM station. In addition, water

temperature monitoring using data loggers should be conducted in streams within

populations where water temperature has been identified as Fair or Poor; and,

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Annually monitor the status and spatial pattern of stream flows particularly for

populations where impaired stream flow was rated as Fair or Poor. Stream flow

monitoring should include assessing for stream flow response (i.e., degree of

flashiness) in urban and urbanizing watersheds which could affect the potential for

redd scour. Where necessary, coordinate with USGS and/or local governments, non-

governmental organizations and water agencies to install additional stream flow

gages to assist with stream flow tracking.

4. Conduct baseline water-quality and habitat-condition monitoring of estuaries and bar-built


Lagoon water quality monitoring should be conducted for populations where the

quality and extent of estuarine/lagoon habitat were rated as Fair or Poor. This

should include diurnal, seasonal, and event-based (i.e., a sudden change in weather,

inflow, or management actions) monitoring of water temperature, dissolved oxygen,

and salinity profiles, as well as an analysis of seasonal changes in freshwater inflow,

lagoon depth, and finally, invertebrate abundance and community composition; and,

Monitor the frequency, timing, and associated impacts (see above) of sand bar

breaching for all lagoons where authorized and unauthorized manual breaching


5. Monitor the implementation and effectiveness of Best Management Practices (BMPs).

With the assistance of other Federal, State, and local resource agencies, track

voluntary and required implementation of best management practices (BMPs)

within each diversity stratum, compile any post-implementation data that may

indicate the effectiveness of the implemented BMPs, and where necessary, conduct

effectiveness monitoring of BMPs.

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1. A comprehensive and coast-wide monitoring program tracking the freshwater and

ocean catch/harvest of CCC coho salmon does not exist. NMFS recommends:

Develop Fisheries Monitoring and Evaluation Plans (FMEP) which are specifically

designed to monitor and track catch and mortality of wild and hatchery salmon

stemming from recreational fishing in freshwater and the marine habitats; and,

Encourage funding for the continued implementation, refinement, and expansion of

the GSI monitoring of Pacific salmon. This will help track ocean migrations of CCC

coho salmon, origin, and an index of incidental capture and mortality rates of CCC

coho salmon in the commercial and recreational salmon fisheries.

2. Encourage continued scientific research on the effects of CCC coho salmon population

decline on reduced marine-derived nutrients in freshwater habitats (Walters 1997;

Walters 2002).

3. NMFS will continue to coordinate with CDFG on revisions to freshwater sport fishing

regulations to ensure adverse effects to CCC coho salmon during migrations are


4. Annually review results from Steelhead Fishing Report-Restoration Cards and creel

surveys conducted by CDFG to assess incidental capture and mortality rates of CCC

coho salmon in the recreational freshwater fishery for steelhead.

5. Continue to annually monitor and assess intentional and incidental capture and

mortality rates of CCC coho salmon resulting from permitted research to ensure

established take limits are adequate to protect these species. Utilize the results of this

research to help assess population status.

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1. Annually estimate the infection and mortality rates of juvenile CCC coho salmon from

pathogens in populations where diseases are identified as a High or Very High threat.

2. Annually monitor the status and trends of non-native predators in populations where

predation is identified as a High or Very High threat. Coordinate with CDFG to develop

and implement plans to track their impacts on CCC coho salmon populations and,

where necessary, reduce populations of these predatory, non-native species.

3. During the 5-year status reviews, re-assess the status of non-native predatory species in

populations where predation was not originally identified as a High or Very High threat

to ensure expansion of non-native predatory species or the introduction of new

predatory species has not occurred.

4. Compile information on predation rates of juvenile coho salmon by birds (freshwater

and marine) and pinnepeds, and encourage additional research and monitoring to

further evaluate their impacts and potential strategies for predation reduction.


1. Develop a recovery plan tracking system to track the implementation status of specific

recovery actions identified in this recovery plan.

2. Develop and implement a randomized sampling program to test whether permits issued

under local and State regulatory actions designed to protect riparian and instream

habitat are in compliance and that the provisions have been enforced.



1. Monitoring the effects of climate change (severe weather patterns) on CCC coho salmon

and their habitat should include expanding stream flow and water temperature

monitoring and their effects on freshwater and estuarine survival. See monitoring

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associated with the CAP attributes (e.g. water temperature, stream flow, and estuarine


2. Tracking ocean conditions (i.e. productivity) will rely on monitoring data obtained from

the LCM stations (ocean survival), ocean net surveys conducted by the SWFSC as part of

their California Current Salmon Ocean Survey (early ocean survival/condition), hatchery

returns, and compiling and assessing existing and ongoing oceanic data collected by

satellites and buoy arrays along the Pacific Coast.

3. Where applicable, conduct annual assessments of the percent of hatchery origin

spawners (pHOS). To achieve broad sense recovery, pHOS should not exceed 10 percent

in any population. Provide monitoring and documentation which demonstrates

HGMPs have been developed and implemented.

4. Encourage Conservation Hatchery programs for CCC coho salmon that follow criteria

outlined in Spence et al. 2008.

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Table 26: Recovery criteria and recommended monitoring for listing factors and CAP attributes.

ESU Diversity Strata Population

Section 4(a)(1) All Diversity Strata 75% (or at least 2) of the CAP Attributes:
Listing Factor within ESU meet populations in each Hydrology & Water Quality
Recovery Diversity Strata and stratum must meet Indicators:
Criteria Population-level Population-level criteria. Rank GOOD or better across life
criteria. stages
Remaining CAP Habitat* Condition
Rank GOOD or better across
* excludes landscape and size
Section 4(a)(1) - Sum of Diversity - Establish at least one - Develop and implement a spatially
Listing Factor Strata and Population- Intensively Monitored balanced habitat monitoring protocol
Monitoring level habitat Watershed habitat as part of the CMP to track condition
monitoring condition assessment of key CAP habitat attributes;
(preferably a population - Assess effectiveness of population-
with a LCM station): specific Recovery Actions and other
Repeat every 12 years. restoration projects (using BACI
- Sum of Population-level - Conduct water quality and stream
habitat and water-quality flow monitoring
monitoring results - Install and monitor water
temperature using data logger arrays
- Update CAP workbooks; in populations with LCM stations.
- Develop and implement a
comprehensive estuary/lagoon
monitoring program that tracks the
condition, management scenarios and
highlights elements of concern.
- Track implementation and
effectiveness of BMPs aimed at
improving water quality and
- Assess general land-use patterns
using GIS every 10 years. Some non-
landscape attributes (e.g., extent of
impervious surfaces) will be tracked
using GIS, others will rely on Habitat
Monitoring at the Population level.

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Table 27: Recovery criteria and recommended monitoring for CAP threats.

ESU Diversity Strata Population

CAP Threat All Diversity Strata 75% (or at least 2) of the CAP Overall Threat Ranks:
Condition within the ESU meet populations in each - Threats Status rank Medium or
criteria Diversity Strata and stratum must meet better
Population-level Population-level criteria.
CAP Threat - In order to assess the - Annually assess - See also CAP Habitat Attribute
Condition impacts of climate Diversity Strata-wide Monitoring above.
monitoring change on salmonid impacts of sport fishing - Address/modify freshwater sport
freshwater and pressure through the fishing regulation changes.
estuarine habitats development of FMEPs, - Monitor infection and mortality rates
expand assessments of Steelhead Fishing Report- of juvenile coho salmon from
water temperature and Restoration Card and pathogens where diseases are
stream flow. annual creel survey identified as High or Very High;
- Track ocean results. - Assess the abundance and
conditions - Assess predation distribution of non-native predators
(productivity) using impacts on coho salmon and develop strategies for their
Life Cycle Monitoring by birds and pinnepeds reduction.
stations, ocean net and develop methods to - Assess the distribution and impact of
surveys (SWFSC reduce mortality where non-predatory species that affect
California Current applicable. salmonid habitats.
Salmon Ocean - Annually assess pHOS in watersheds
Survey), hatchery * CMP results should with hatchery influences and develop
returns, and water track Diversity Strata level HGMPs where necessary.
quality data collected trends
along the Pacific
- Continue/expand the
GSI monitoring
program for Pacific
salmon captured in the
ocean fisheries;
- Annually assess
capture/ mortality
rates of CCC coho
resulting from
permitted research

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Table 28: Recovery criteria and recommended monitoring for recovery action implementation.

ESU Diversity Strata Population

Recovery Action All Diversity Strata 75% (or at least 2) of the Actions Assigned to Listing Factors:
Implementation within the ESU populations in each - All Priority 1 Actions Implemented
- Criteria meet Diversity stratum must meet - All Priority 2 Actions Implemented
Strata and Population-level criteria. - All Priority 3 Actions implemented
Population-level for Listing Factor A or plans are in
criteria. place for implementation
- AND -
- During status reviews assess existing,
and identify new actions, and those no
longer relevant due to unforeseen or
changed circumstances.
Recovery Action - Develop a central tracking database
Implementation for tracking the implementation of all
Monitoring recovery actions at the Population,
Diversity Stratum and Recovery
Domain/ESU levels.


. This should be housed and maintained in one place by one entity. All

entities collecting habitat and fish monitoring data should coordinate their sampling and data

collection to fit into a master sample program for the CCC coho salmon ESU.


The ESA requires NMFS to monitor delisted species for at least five years post-delisting to

ensure that removal of the protections of the ESA does not result in a return to threatened or

endangered status. Section 4(g), added to the ESA in the 1988 reauthorization, requires NMFS

to implement a system in cooperation with the states to monitor for not less than five years the

status of all species that have recovered and been removed from the lists of threatened and

endangered {50 CFR 17.11, 17.12, 224.101, and 227.4}. The development of a post-delisting

monitoring plan is, thus, a recommended recovery criterion to ensure a plan is in place at the

time of delisting.

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Adaptive management is a systematic process that uses scientific methods for monitoring,

testing, and adjusting resource management policies, practices, and decisions, based on

specifically defined and measurable objectives and goals (Panel on Adaptive Management for

Resource Stewardship 2011). Adaptive management is predicated on the recognition that

natural resource systems are variable, and that knowledge of natural resource systems is often

uncertain. Further, the response of natural resources systems to restoration and management

actions is complex and frequently difficult to predict with precision. The CCC Coho Salmon

Recovery Plan provides both overall goals in the form of viability criteria and a suite of ESU

wide watershed specific recovery actions. However, there is a need to adapt resource

management policies, practices and research decisions to changing circumstances, or a better

understanding of natural resource systems and their responses.

The success of an adaptive management program depends on coordination among stakeholders

and scientists who develop a shared vision for an undefined future together. The development

of a guiding image for recovery will aid in an adaptive management program, align interests,

and enhance cooperation in a complex recovery plan process. Focusing on fundamental values

can help open up possible alternative solutions.

Adaptive management can be applied at two basic levels: the overall goals of the recovery

effort, or the individual recovery or management actions undertaken in pursuit of overall goals.

The monitoring sections above are intended to address the first application. The following

discussion is focused on the second application of the concept of adaptive management.


While adaptive management must be tailored to action-, site- and impact-specific issues; any

effective adaptive management programs will contain three basic components: 1) adaptive

experimentation where scientists and others with appropriate expertise learn about ecosystem

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functions response to recovery or management actions; 2) social learning (through public

education and outreach) where stakeholders share in the knowledge gained about ecosystem

functions, and 3) institutional structures and processes of governance where people respond by

making shared decisions regarding how the ecosystem will be managed and how the natural

services it provides will be allocated. Six specific elements associated with adaptive

management have been identified (Thomas et al. 2001) and explained below.

1st Element: Recovery Action Strategy and Goals are Regularly Revisited and Revised
The recovery strategy and actions should be regularly reviewed in an iterative process to

maintain focus and allow revision when appropriate. Progress and implementation of the

recovery actions at the ESU, diversity stratum and population scales, should provide a starting

point for the adjustment of recovery strategy and goals. The mandatory fiveyear review

process can serve as a means of conveying any needed modification to the overall recovery

goals, as well as individual recovery actions.

2nd Element: Model(s) of the System Being Managed

Four types of models are identified in the use of adaptive management program to test

hypotheses regarding the effectiveness of recovery actions (Ruckelshaus et al. 2008; Levin et al.

2009; Tallis et al. 2010). These include:

Conceptual model: Synthesis of current scientific understanding, field observation and

professional judgment concerning the species, or ecological system;

Diagrammatic model: Explicitly indicates interrelationships between structural

components, environmental attributes and ecological processes;

Mathematical model: Quantifies relationships by applying coefficients of change,

formulae of correlation/causation; and,

Computational Model: Aids in exploring or solving the mathematical relationships by

analyzing the formulae on computers.

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River systems are generally too complex and unique for controlled, replicated experiments per

traditional scientific models. However, conceptual models based on generally recognized

scientific principles can provide a useful framework for refining recovery actions and testing

their effectiveness. Diagrammatic models, such as the one used to characterize the parallel and

serial linkages in the coho salmon life cycle, can also be used in lieu of formal mathematical

models to test hypotheses regarding the effectiveness of recovery actions. Mathematical and

computational models themselves have their limitations in the context of an adaptive

management program: they are difficult to explain and they require specific assumptions that

may be difficult to justify.

3rd Element: A Range of Management Choices

Even when a recovery goal is agreed upon, uncertainties about the ability of possible recovery

or management actions to achieve that goal are common. The range of possible recovery or

management choices should be considered at the outset. This evaluation addresses the

likelihood of achieving management objectives and the extent to which each alternative will

generate new information or foreclose future choices. A range of recovery actions and

management measures should be considered, either through a planning process or the

environmental review process prior to permitting the individual recovery action.

4th Element: Monitoring and Evaluation of Outcomes

Gathering and evaluating data allow testing of alternative hypotheses and are central to

improving knowledge of ecological and other systems. Monitoring should focus on significant

and measurable indicators of progress toward meeting recovery objectives. Monitoring

programs and results should be designed to improve understanding of environmental systems

and models, to evaluate the outcomes of recovery actions, and to provide a basis for improved

decision making. It is critical that thresholds for interpreting the monitoring results are

identified during the planning of a monitoring program. This element of adaptive management

will require a design based upon scientific knowledge and principles. Practical questions

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include which indicators to monitor, and when and where to monitor. Guidance on a number

of these issues is provided in the sections above regarding research and monitoring.

5th Element: A Mechanism for Incorporating Learning into Future Decisions

This element recognizes the need for protocols and guidance to disseminate information to a

variety of stakeholders and a decision process for adjusting various management measures in

view of the monitoring findings. Periodic evaluations of a proposed recovery action,

monitoring data and other related information, and decision-making should be an iterative

process where management objectives are regularly revisited and revised accordingly. Public

outreach, including webbased programs, should be actively pursued. Additionally, the

mandatory fiveyear review process can serve as the process for conveying needed modification

to the Recovery Plan as well as individual recovery actions.

6th Element: A Collaborative Structure for Stakeholder Participation and Learning

This element includes dissemination of information to a variety of stakeholders as well as a

proactive program for soliciting decisionrelated inputs. This general framework can be a

shared vision to develop and pursue restoration that supports a network of viable coho salmon

populations while providing sustainable ecological services to the human communities of

northern and central coasts of California (NMFS 2010a). Such a vision also provides

opportunities for the protection and restoration of other native freshwater and riparian species

which form an integral part of the ecosystems upon which coho salmon depend.

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Recovery plans and the threats assessment process will provide the guide map for
priority setting. Once recovery plans are in place, species protection and conservation
will be facilitated by ongoing use of the plans to guide policy and decision-making. The
Division will refocus its priorities from a project-by-project approach to one that focuses
efforts on those activities or areas that have biologically significant beneficial or adverse
impacts on species and ecosystem recovery.
NMFS SWR PRD Strategic Plan for 2007-2011 (NMFS 2006)


To promote species and ecosystem conservation, NMFS will coordinate the recovery actions

outlined in this recovery plan with its decision-making, programs and policies. For example,

listing reviews, critical habitat designations (ESA section 4), consultations (ESA section 7), and

permit actions (ESA section 10) are all components of the ESA that NMFS will use to guide

recovery efforts.

Implementation of the recovery plan will take many forms. To maximize existing resources

with ongoing workload issues and existing budgets, the SWR PRD Strategic Plan champions

organizational changes and shifts in workload priorities to focus efforts towards those

activities or areas that have benefits or which adversely impact listed species and ecosystem

recovery (NMFS 2006). Additionally, NMFS plans to be more strategic and proactive, rather

than reactive in regards to issues impacting CCC coho salmon. The resultant shift will reduce

NMFS engagement in activities or projects not significant to species and ecosystem recovery.

The Interim Recovery Planning Guidance (NMFS 2010a) also outlines how NMFS will work

with other agencies to fulfill the objective and goals of the plan. These documents, in addition

to the ESA, will be used by NMFS to set a strategic and proactive framework for coho salmon.

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To promote implementation of the recovery plan NMFS will:

Formalize recovery planning goals on a program-wide basis to prioritize work load

allocation and decision-making, including developing mechanisms to promote

implementation (e.g., restoration);

Participate in the land use and water planning processes at the federal, state, and local

level to ensure recommendations of the plan are reflected in a wide range of decision

making processes;

Conduct outreach and education programs aimed at stakeholders (i.e., federal, tribal,

state, local, non-governmental organizations, landowners and interested parties);

Provide a consistent framework for research, monitoring, and adaptive management

that directly informs recovery objectives and goals listed in the plan; and

Develop an adaptive management strategy that includes tracking implemented recovery

actions over various spatial and temporal scales within the NCCC Domain. This

tracking mechanism can be used to inform annual reporting for the Government

Performance and Results Act, bi-annual recovery reports to Congress and five-year

status review up-dates for ESA-listed species.


As a means of providing funding to the states, Congress established the PCSRF to contribute to

restoration and conservation of Pacific salmon and steelhead populations and their habitats.

The states of Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, and Alaska, and the Pacific

Coastal and Columbia River tribes receive PCSRF appropriations from NMFS each year. The

fund supplements existing state, tribal, and local programs to foster development of Federal

statetriballocal partnerships in salmon and steelhead recovery and conservation. NMFS has

established memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with Washington, Oregon, California,

Idaho, and Alaska, and with three tribal commissions on behalf of 28 Indian tribes. The MOUs

establish criteria and processes for funding priority PCSRF projects. In California, NMFS will

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continue to work with CDFG to ensure the recovery strategies and priorities are considered

when funding restoration projects. NMFS will also use PCSRF reports as a mechanism to

highlight where recovery actions in high priority areas have been implemented (using PCSRF

funds) that otherwise might not have occurred in the absence of PCSRF funds.


The ESA provides NMFS with various mechanisms for protecting and recovering listed

species. The ESA focuses on identifying species and ecosystems in danger of immediate or

foreseeable extinction or destruction and protecting them as their condition warrants. Secondly,

the ESA focuses on the prevention of further declines in a species condition through the

consultation provisions of section 7(a)(2), habitat protection and enhancement provisions of

sections 4 and 5, take prohibitions through sections 4(d) and 9, cooperation with the state(s)

where these species are found (section 6) and needed research and enhancement as well as

conservation of species taken by nonfederal actions through section 10. Finally, the ESA

focuses on the conservation of these species and ecosystems through the recovery planning

provisions of section 4, and direction to all federal agencies to conserve species in section

7(a)(1). Clean Water Action section 404 is an important tool for regulating the discharge of

material or the addition of fill material to the rivers, streams, and estuaries of California, and is

one of the principle means by which consultations under section 7(a)(2) can be initiated.

12.3.1 ESA SECTION 4

Section 4 provides a mechanism to list new species as threatened or endangered, designate

critical habitat, develop protective regulations for threatened species, and develop recovery

plans. Critical habitat is designated in specific geographic areas where physical or biological

features essential to the species are found and where special management considerations or

protections may be needed to preserve and protect them. Critical habitat for CCC coho salmon

was designated in 1999 (64 FR 24049), and included all areas occupied by naturally spawned

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populations at that time. Critical habitat was not designated with the recent range extension

into Soquel and Aptos Creeks (77 FR 19552). Prior to making any determination regarding the

designation of critical habitat in these watersheds, NMFS will complete an analysis to determine

if habitat in Soquel and Aptos creeks should be designated and whether any modification of the

existing critical habitat designation is warranted.

Unlike endangered species, which are automatically subject to the prohibitions of section 9,

special regulations must be developed under section 4(d) to prohibit take of threatened species.

Tailored 4(d) take prohibitions, under section 9, and regulatory limits that contribute to the

recovery of the species may be developed for threatened species. However, because CCC coho

salmon are listed as endangered, section 4(d) is not allowed and, thus, section 7(a)(2) and

section 10 processes are the only legal mechanisms available under the ESA to address actions

that may result in take.


Section 4 of the ESA requires NMFS to conduct a review of listed species at least once every five

years. Five year status reviews conducted by the Services consider the status of listed species

and identified threats as well as progress towards recovery as outlined in the recovery plan. A

determination to change the status is made on the basis of the same five listing factors that

resulted in the initial listing of the species [50 C.F.R. 424.11 (d)] and recovery plan criteria.

Recovery plans provide delisting criteria, summaries of species status, descriptions of threats

and limiting factors, site-specific actions, estimates of the time and cost to achieve recovery, and

research monitoring and evaluation plans. They also provide important context for evaluating

the status of the species and the listing factors for the five-year reviews. NMFS will continue to

provide periodic reports on species status and trends, limiting factors, threats, and plan

implementation status. A recent review of the status of CCC coho salmon ESU was conducted

and it was determined that the ESU is at greater risk of extinction than the previous status

review in 2005 (Spence and Williams 2011). All future status reviews should build on the two

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Chapters describing the assessment of the Section 4(a)(1) listing factors and protective efforts

(Chapters 4 and 5).

12.3.3 ESA SECTION 5

Section 5 is a program that applies to land acquisition with respect to the National Forest

System. No National Forest lands are present within the range of CCC coho salmon. It is

unlikely that new National Forests will be established within this species range in the

foreseeable future. Therefore, this program is not anticipated to benefit coho salmon recovery.

12.3.4 ESA SECTION 6

In 2003, NMFS instituted a grant program for states pursuant to section 6 of the ESA using

funding provided by Congress. Species recovery grants to states can support management,

research, monitoring and outreach activities that provide direct conservation benefits to listed

species and recently delisted species. However, projects focusing on listed Pacific salmonids are

not considered under this grant program because state conservation efforts for these species are

supported through the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund.

12.3.5 ESA SECTION 7

Section 7(a) (1)

Section 7(a)(1) states all federal agencies shall in consultation with and with the assistance of

the Secretary, utilize their authorities in furtherance of the purposes of this Act by carrying out

programs for the conservation of endangered species. Section 7(a)(1) allows a federal

agency the discretion to deem the conservation of endangered species a high priority.

Conservation is defined in the ESA as those measures necessary to delist a species. Recovery

plans generally do not create legally enforceable obligations for action agencies to carry out any

particular measure, but they may be directly relevant and highly informative to the question of

whether or not an action agency will reduce appreciably the likelihood of recovery of the

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species. Information gathered through section 7 consultations, including providing technical

assistance to avoid and minimize project impacts, tracking required actions, and monitoring

reports, will help NMFS to update the plan as needed.

To aid in the development of conservation programs, NMFS will:

Prepare and send, after recovery plan approval, a letter to all other appropriate federal

agencies outlining section 7(a)(1) obligations and meet with these agencies to discuss

coho salmon conservation and recovery priorities;

Consider development of a formal agreement with other Federal agencies to further

implementation of recovery priorities (e.g., MOU similar to a now-expired 1994 MOU

between Bureau of National Affairs Inc. and other agencies which expired in 1999).

Incorporate recovery actions in formal ESA consultations as conservation


Encourage meaningful and focused recommendations, in alignment with recovery goals

for restoration and threat abatement, for all actions that incidentally take CCC coho

salmon or affect their habitat (e.g., Conservation Banking);

Encourage federal partners and their constituents to include recovery actions in project


Encourage all entities to implement conservation efforts (i.e., restoration and mitigation

efforts) in focus watersheds that are in alignment with recovery goals and objectives

identified in the plan;

When feasible, support the establishment of conservation bank sites that will protect and

restore habitat and provide credits as compensation for unavoidable impacts from

actions that may affect CCC coho salmon; and

Incorporate conservation actions, as appropriate, into the actions that NMFS authorizes,

funds or carries out.

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Section 7(a)(2)

The purpose of section 7(a)(2) is to ensure that any action authorized, funded, or carried out by

a Federal agency is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any listed species or result

in the destruction or adverse modification of a listed species critical habitat. Federal agencies

request interagency consultation with NMFS and/or USFWS when they determine an action

may affect a listed species or its critical habitat. NMFS then conducts an analysis of potential

effects of the proposed action and provides a biological opinion on whether an agencys actions

jeopardizes a species continued existence or destroys or adversely modifies its critical habitat.

As a result, consultations with NMFS have helped to minimize direct take and, in many

instances, contribute to recovery.

Because section 7(a)(2) applies only to federal actions, its applications are limited only to those

areas and actions with federal ownership, oversight, or funding. Across the CCC coho salmon

ESU, land ownership varies by watersheds from areas with some portions of publicly owned

land to areas entirely privately owned. Current land use practices on private lands do not

trigger interagency consultation. There is a lack of a federal review and oversight regarding

consultations, due in part to the USACEs Clean Water Act section 404(f) exemptions for

farming, logging, and ranching activities. Although take is prohibited under the ESA, these

exemptions hinder federal oversight, including actions that may adversely affect coho salmon

and their habitat.

Currently, NMFS devotes significant staff time and resources on section 7(a)(2) consultations.

In order to devote more resources to recovery action implementation and to ensure section

7(a)(2) consultations are effective, NMFS will utilize its authorities to:

Use the plans recovery criteria, objectives, and recommended monitoring efforts as a

reference point to determine effects of proposed actions on the likelihood of species


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Use identified threats information when evaluating impacts of proposed federal actions

on CCC coho salmon;

Prioritize and streamline consultations for actions that implement the recovery strategy

or specific recovery actions;

Develop and maintain databases to track the amount of incidental take authorized

through section 7 consultations and the effectiveness of conservation and mitigation


Incorporate recovery actions in formal consultations as Reasonable and Prudent

Measures (RPMs) and conservation recommendations;

Focus staff priorities towards sections 7 and 9 compliance in watersheds with extant

coho salmon populations for the purposes of minimizing take and preventing


Streamline consultations for actions with little or no adverse effects on recovery areas or


Develop streamlined programmatic approaches for those actions that do not pose a

threat, or are entirely beneficial, to the survival and recovery of the species;

Consider conducting the jeopardy analysis for each Diversity Stratum since jeopardizing

one stratum would jeopardize the overall ESU; and

Apply the VSP framework and recovery priorities to evaluate population and area

importance in jeopardy and adverse modification analyses.

In addition, NMFS will utilize its authorities to implement a framework for encouraging:

USACE to reevaluate section 404 Clean Water Act exemptions for farming, logging, and

ranching activities. Specifically NMFS will focus efforts towards terminating section

404(f) exemptions for discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United

States associated with agricultural activities;

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FEMA to fund upgrades and modify flood insurance program for flood-damaged

facilities to meet both ESA requirements and facilitate recovery objectives;

The EPA to prioritize actions on pesticides known to be toxic to salmonids and/or are

likely to be found in and potentially degrade fish habitat. For example, encourage the

EPA to develop guidelines restricting pesticide use near surface waters;

The FHWA and Caltrans to develop pile driving guidelines approved by NMFS for

bridge construction projects in key focus populations and other watersheds;

The development of section 7 conservation recommendations based on recovery actions

to help prioritize federal funding towards recovery actions (NFMS, USFWS, NRCS, EPA,

etc.) during formal consultations;

Early engagement by NMFS to provide technical assistance to federal and non-federal

agencies prior to the development of a biological assessment (BA) to ensure BAs are

adequate and in compliance with regulations;

Federal agencies to coordinate and develop programmatic incidental take authorization

for activities that contribute to species recovery and to streamline their permitting

processes, particularly for recovery and restoration actions; and

The development and adoption of a systematic approach for fish passage improvement

projects and programs supporting recovery actions recommended in the plan. The

approach should be supported by scientifically sound biological and ecological

principles and support recovery plan goals and objectives.

12.3.6 ESA SECTION 9

Section 9 prohibits any person from harming listed species, which includes direct forms of harm

such as killing an individual fish, or indirect forms such as destroying habitat where fish rear or

spawn. NOAA OLE is dedicated to enforcing laws that conserve and protect our nation's living

marine resources and their natural habitat. Focus watersheds and their Core areas should be

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considered the highest priority areas for oversight and enforcement. The plan is designed to

assist NOAAs OLE personnel by targeting key focus populations and watersheds essential for

CCC coho salmon recovery. NMFS PRD staff will work closely with OLE to identify threats

and other activities that put CCC coho salmon at high risk of take and/or extirpation. NMFS

actions will include the following:

Identifying and prioritizing activities that occur to focus populations that pose the

greatest threat to recovery efforts;

Conducting outreach and providing NOAAs OLE with a summary document which

includes threats, recovery priorities, and high priority focus areas for oversight and

enforcement. NMFS PRD will continue work with OLE and the CDFG, under the Joint

Enforcement Agreement, to inform landowners of outreach opportunities and potential

areas for increased patrols in focus watersheds;

When unauthorized take has occurred in a focus population and/or watershed, NMFS

SWR PRD will make it a high priority to work closely with OLE to develop take

statements; and

Periodically assess and review existing protocols that increase and streamline

collaboration between NMFS PRD and OLE in high priority areas to ensure the highest

level of protection for ESA-listed species.

12.3.7 ESA SECTION 10

Section 10(a)(1)(A) provides permits for the authorization of take for scientific research, or to

enhance the propagation or survival of listed species. NMFS has authorized conservation

hatcheries and research activities under section 10(a)(1)(A). Section 10(a)(1)(B) (i.e., Habitat

Conservation Plans) provides permits for otherwise lawful non-federal activities regarding

incidental take of listed species. Habitat conservation plans are required to minimize and

mitigate the incidental take of listed species from non-federal activities. Currently, both

processes take a significant amount of time to implement, however; recovery plans will be used

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to guide priorities for permit issuance. To improve the section 10 authorization process, NMFS

will utilize its authorities in the following ways:

Section 10(a)(1)(A) Research and Enhance Survival Permits

Prioritize staff time and increase staff resources to streamline the section 10 permitting

process to achieve recovery objectives and goals in the plan;

Prioritize permit applications that address identified research and monitoring needs in

the recovery plan, and/or enhance the survival of CCC coho salmon populations (e.g.,

captive brood stock programs). Develop streamlined approaches to permit similar types

of research and monitoring in high priority watersheds;

Encourage development of pilot projects with federal and non-federal agencies to

address specific research topics related to summer and winter rearing survival and key

limiting factors. These pilot projects could potentially proceed under a 10(a)(1)(a)

research permit;

Encourage the development of monitoring programs to assess spawner abundance,

population viability and key habitat attributes in all independent populations (i.e.,

functionally independent populations). These programs will require consistent

methods, reporting, databases and adaptive management across the NCCC Domain to

evaluate population and habitat responses to recovery actions; and

Promote the implementation of the California Coastal Salmonid Population Monitoring

Plan to provide information on population abundance at the appropriate life stages

and spatial scales to evaluate adult salmonid abundance (i.e., larger regional scales and

population level). Conduct population research and monitoring focusing on life stage

survival (e.g., life cycle stations) within each Diversity Stratum, including survival and

fitness in wetlands, estuaries and lagoons.

It is important to note that the combined CDFG and NMFS efforts to implement the

CSMP should continue. Funding and implementation of a coordinated program is

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necessary to enable population tracking to inform status and recovery. Additionally

collaboration with NMFS PRD and SWFSC is essential to ensure the monitoring

program will meet the data needs for ESA listed species and 5-year status reviews.

In addition, under section 10(a)(1)(A) NMFS will work to:

Develop and maintain a national research and enhancement database to track the take

authorizations; the effectiveness of conservation and mitigation measures identified in

the recovery plan; and

Facilitate regional forums to develop research, monitoring, and evaluation (RME)

processes that track action effectiveness and status and trends of ESA-listed species at

the population and ESU and DPS levels.

Section 10(a)(1)(B) Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs)

NMFS recommends all future HCPs adopt the viability and threats assessment protocols

established in this recovery plan. Adopting these guidelines addresses the need for broad-

based standardization to track recovery actions and threat abatement strategies. Adopting the

assessment protocols will facilitate consistency in the development of standards to determine

the appropriate levels of mitigation necessary to ensure the continued existence of CCC coho

salmon. HCPs should strive for consistency of mitigation measures. Although not a preferred

option, if offsite mitigation is necessary, this recovery plan can be used to direct mitigation

efforts in watersheds with one of the 28 focus populations (or the 11 supplemental populations).

At present, NMFS is currently working to establish other ESA compliance tools, such as Safe

Harbor Agreements; a policy that provides landowners with incentives for private property

owners to restore, enhance, or maintain habitats for listed species. Within this framework,

NMFS will utilize its authorities to:

Prioritize areas and actions where restoration and threat abatement has the potential to

provide the most effective contribution to species recovery based on the threats

assessment developed in the plan;

Develop and establish a framework for a standardized monitoring approach for HCPs

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tailored to recovery plans. A standardized monitoring approach will set the framework

for consistent data collection techniques, allowing comparison between similar datasets

over space and time. In addition, these data can inform the five year status review and

tracking recovery actions;

Develop strategies to identify potential focus areas to increase the number of HCP and

Safe Harbor agreements (e.g., key watersheds, activities amenable to consolidated

landowner application such as forestry, water diverters and target increased

participation, etc.);

Streamline the approval process for HCPs (i.e., develop a template for small scale HCPs

agreements). A streamlined approval process will likely increase land owner

participation (by reducing time and cost in HCP development); and

Work with NOAA OLE to encourage ESA compliance through HCPs.

Section 10(j) Experimental Populations

Among changes made in the 1982 amendments to the ESA was the creation of section 10(j),

which provides for the designation of specific populations of species listed as "experimental

populations" so long as they are wholly separate from other non-experimental populations.

Under section l0(j), reintroduced populations of endangered or threatened species established

outside the current range may be designated, at the discretion of NMFS, as "experimental,"

lessening the ESA's regulatory authority over such populations. Because these populations are

not provided full ESA protection, management flexibility is increased, local opposition is

reduced, and more re-introductions are possible. NMFS has not promulgated regulations

implementing section 10(j) of the ESA or authorized the release of any experimental populations

to date. However, the USFWS has promulgated implementing regulations to guide their use of

section 10(j) (see 50 CFR 17.80 through 17.84) and has authorized the release of many

experimental populations, including fish (e.g., bull trout). The SWR continues to explore the

designation of 10(j) experimental populations in the NCCC Domain. Currently in the Central

Valley and southern California, NMFS is considering the designation of 10(j) experimental

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populations primarily due to the loss of historical spawning and rearing habitat above dams. In

the Central Valley NMFS can use regulatory tools such as section 7 and FERC relicensing (e.g.,

on the Feather, Merced, and Tuolumne Rivers) to promote reintroduction of listed fish to

blocked historical habitat above dams; the use of 10(j) could facilitate these regulatory



For the past two decades, NMFS has worked closely with federal agencies and private

landowners pursuant to sections 7(a)(2) and 10(a)(1) of the ESA to avoid and minimize harm to

listed species as a result of water and land use activities. As a result significant ecological

benefits to the species occurred in some portion of the ESU. However, in many watersheds,

salmon populations continue to decline (Spence and Williams 2011; Williams et al. 2011).

NMFS will use a broad suite of regulatory mechanisms under the ESA as well as cooperation

between all entities to implement the plan. Table 29 briefly summarizes a few of the regulatory

mechanisms and/or authorities under the ESA and Magnuson Stevens Fisheries Management

Act we will utilize for recovery plan implementation.

Successful implementation of the recovery plan will require the efforts and resources of many

entities, from federal agencies to individual members of the public. NMFS efforts must be as

far-reaching as the issues adversely affecting the species, extending beyond the direct

regulatory jurisdiction of NMFS. NMFS is committed to working cooperatively with other

individuals and agencies to implement recovery actions and to encourage other federal agencies

to implement actions where they have expertise or authority. To achieve recovery, NMFS will

promote the recovery plan and provide technical information and assistance to other entities

that implement actions that may impact the species recovery.

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Table 29: Regulatory mechanisms and/or authorities under the ESA and Magnuson Stevens
Fisheries Management Act

ESA Authority Description Implementation Actions

Section 7(a)(1) Interagency Use threats assessments and recovery actions to guide federal partners
Section 7
Cooperation to further the conservation of salmonids.

Use recovery criteria and objectives to determine effects of proposed

actions on the likelihood of species recovery, and to develop
Section 7
Section 7(a)(2) Interagency conservation recommendations and reasonable and prudent measures
Cooperation (Consultation) and alternatives.

Note: Permits issued under

section 10(a)(1) of the ESA
Section 7
undergo section 7 consultation Use threats assessments and recovery strategy to prioritize consultations
prior to issuance. when making workload decisions.

Prioritize and streamline consultations for actions that implement

Section 7
recovery strategy or specific recovery actions.

Streamline consultations for actions with little or no effect on recovery

Section 7
areas or priorities.

Prioritize actions and areas deemed of greatest threat or importance to

Section 9 Section 9 Enforcement
recovery efforts for focused efforts to halt illegal take of listed species.

Consider development of no-take guidelines for land use activities

Section 9
associated with high threats in identified high-priority areas.

Section 10(a)(1)(A) Research Prioritize permit applications that address research and monitoring
Section 10
Permits needs identified in the recovery plan.

Section 10(a)(1)(B) Incidental Prioritize cooperation and assistance to landowners proposing activities
Section 10
Take Permits or programs designed to achieve recovery objectives.

Section 10 Standardize monitoring methods in GCPs/HCPs to conform to TRT

research needs and the recovery plan template.

Assess and implement, if necessary, fishery regulations to maintain

MSFMA Fishery Management salmon harvest levels at or below those necessary to allow the recovery
of listed salmon and steelhead.

Assess and implement, if necessary, fishery regulations to reduce by-

catch of salmonids in Federally-managed fisheries.

NMFS specific recovery goals, objectives, strategies and action items are clearly identified in the

plan. Not all of the strategies will be implemented each year and specific activities related to

the identified strategies will be tied to available resources and agency priorities. The plan will

be updated as actions are implemented and new information or data are made available. NMFS

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SWR will focus efforts to create a plan that can be updated easily. NMFS SWR is proposing a

protocol to ensure recovery plans remain relevant over time, as living plans. The plan will be

updated when a major change to the plan is made (e.g., those that affect the recovery strategy,

recovery criteria, or significant changes to the threats analysis or recovery actions). NMFS SWR

expects that both minor and major changes to the plan will be necessary as more information is

gathered and recovery actions and strategies are implemented. For example, improvements in

scientific understanding of the species and its population dynamics may lead to changes in the

recovery criteria. In other cases, changes may be simple updates or edits to plan text and tables

to reflect ongoing plan implementation.

In addition, NMFS SWR is developing a web-based Recovery Action Tracking System (RATS)

in coordination with the NMFS Northwest Region. Because the progress of recovery action

implementation will be tracked using this web-based system the public will be able to monitor

the current status of all implemented actions in the NCCC Domain. The living plan approach

will be used to synchronize and update information for use by the public when applying for

restoration grant programs.

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This glossary contains terms commonly used in fisheries and resource sciences and terms used
throughout the National Marne Fisheries Service documents, as defined by laws, regulations,
manuals, handbooks and specifications.

Abundance: Refers to the total number of individual organisms in a population or

subpopulation. For the Plan, abundance refers to the total number of spawning adults within a

Adaptive management: An action-oriented approach to resource management that brings

science and management together and allows managers to move forward in the face of
uncertainty when dealing with complex ecological problems. Adaptive management tackles
uncertainty about the system head-on by identifying clear objectives, developing conceptual
models of the system, identifying areas of uncertainty and alternative hypotheses, learning from
the system as actions are taken to manage it, updating the conceptual models, and
incorporating what is learned into future actions.

Adipose fin: A small fleshy fin found on the back behind the dorsal fin, and just forward of the
caudal fin.

Alevin: The larval salmonid that has hatched but has not fully absorbed its yolk sac and
generally has not yet emerged from the spawning gravel.

Allele: An allele is an alternate form of a gene (the basic unit of heredity passed from parent to
offspring). By convention, the 100 allele is the most common allele in a population and is the
reference for the electrophoretic mobility of other alleles of the same gene. Other genetic terms
used in this document include allozymes (alternate forms of an enzyme produced by different
alleles and often detected by protein electrophoresis); dendrogram (a branching diagram,
sometimes resembling a tree, that provides one way of visualizing similarities between different
groups or samples); gene locus (pl. loci; the site on a chromosome where a gene is found);
genetic distance (D) (a quantitative measure of genetic differences between a pair of samples);
and introgression (introduction of genes from one population or species into another).

Anadromous Fish: Pertaining to fish that spend part of their life cycle in the ocean and return
to freshwater streams to spawn, for example salmon, trout, and shad.

Anthropogenic: Caused or produced by humans.

Artificial propagation: See hatchery.

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD): A bacterial kidney disease in fish caused by the bacterium
Renibacterium salmoninarum.

Basin: Region drained by a single river system.

Benthic: Animals and plants living on or within the substrate of a water body

Biodiversity: The variability among living organisms on the earth, including the variability
within and between species and within and between ecosystems.

Biological Review Team (BRT): The team of scientists from National Marine Fisheries Service
formed to conduct the status review.

Biota: The combined flora and fauna of a region

Brackish Water: A combination of seawater and freshwater.

Captive Broodstock Program: A form of artificial propagation that breeds coho salmon from
local genetic stock at a conservation hatchery and releases the produced juveniles into historic
coho streams.

Carrying Capacity: The maximum equilibrium number of a particular species that can be
supported indefinitely in a given environment.

Channel: A natural or artificial waterway of perceptible extent that periodically or

continuously contains moving water. It has a definite bed and banks that serve to confine

Channel Complexity: Measure of multiple components determining the makeup of a given

waterway. Some of these would include slope, meander, bedload/substrate makeup (i.e. gravel,
cobble, boulder, or combination), presence/absence of large instream woody material, thalweg,

Coded-wire Tag (CWT): A small piece of wire, marked with a binary code, which is normally
inserted into the nasal cartilage of juvenile fish. Because the tag is not externally visible, the
adipose fin of coded wire-tagged fish is removed to indicate the presence of the tag. Groups of
thousands to hundreds of thousands of fish are marked with the same code number to indicate
stock, place of origin, or other distinguishing traits for production releases and experimental

Cohort: A group of fish that hatched during a given spawning season. When the spawning
season spans portions of more than one year, as it does for coho salmon, the brood-year is

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
identified by the year in which spawning began. For example, offspring of coho salmon that
spawned in 1996-1997 are identified as brood-year 1996. (Synonym: Brood-year).

Conceptual Model: A qualitative model of the system and species life stages with the
interrelations between the system and threats shown in diagrammatic form. Several threats are
interlinked or Independent and these can be illustrated on the model of the system.

Confluence: A flowing together of two or more streams.

Connectivity: A natural pathway that provides for the movement of organisms from one
habitat to another and creates a physical linkage between habitats. Spatial structure should
have permanent or appropriate seasonal connectivity to allow adequate migration between
spawning, rearing, and migration patches.

Conservation-Reliant Species: Species dependent on enforced protections for survival.

Conveyance: A pipeline, canal (natural or artificial), or similar conduit that transports water
from one location to another.

Copepod: Small aquatic crustacean.

Critical Habitat: The specific areas within the geographical area occupied by the listed species,
at the time it is listed in accordance with the provisions of the ESA. The habitat has the needed
physical or biological features that are essential to the conservation of the species and may
require special management considerations or protection.

Culvert: Buried pipe structure that allows streamflow or road drainage to pass under a road.

Cumulative Effects: Cumulative effects are "those effects on the environment that result from
the incremental effect of the action when added to past, present and reasonably foreseeable
future actions regardless of what agency (federal or nonfederal) or person undertakes such
other actions. Cumulative effects can result from individually minor but collectively significant
actions taking place over a period of time" (FEMAT, 1993).

Delisting: A species formally listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA.

Deme: A local population of organisms of one species that actively interbreed with one another
and share a distinct gene pool. When demes are isolated for a very long time they can become
distinct subspecies or species.

Dependent Population: Populations that rely upon immigration from surrounding populations
to persist. They are an at risk group that has a substantial likelihood of going extinct within a

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
100-year time period in isolation, yet receives sufficient immigration to alter their dynamics and
extinction risk, and presumably increase persistence or occupancy.

Depensation: The effect where a decrease in spawning stock leads to reduced survival or
production of eggs through either 1) increased predation per egg given constant predator
pressure, or 2) the "Allee effect" (the positive relationship between population density and the
reproduction and survival of individuals) with reduced likelihood of finding a mate.

Desiccation: To dry out thoroughly, dehydrate.

Distinct Population Segment (DPS): A subdivision of a vertebrate species that is treated as a

species for purposes of listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). To be so recognized, a
potential distinct population segment must satisfy standards specified in a FWS or NOAA
Fisheries policy statement (See the February 7, 1996, Federal Register, pages 4722 4725). The
standards require it to be separable from the remainder of and significant to the species to
which it belongs.

Diversity: All the genetic and phenotypic (life history, behavioral, and morphological)
variation within a population.

Diversity Strata (Recovery Unit): Populations are categorized into diversity strata based on the
geographical structure described in Spence et al. (2008).

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): DNA is a complex molecule that carries an organisms heritable
information. The two types of DNA commonly used to examine genetic variation are
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), a circular molecule that is maternally inherited, and nuclear
DNA, which is organized into a set of chromosomes.

Downlisting: The moving of a species from the Endangered list to the Threatened list
under CESA as a result of recovery of population sizes to the point where danger of extinction
is less extreme than before, although continued protection is still warranted.

Ecosystem: The physical and climatic features of all the living and dead organisms in an area
and are interrelated in the transfer of energy and material.

Effective population size: Used in management of genetic resources to express information

about expected rates of random genetic change due to inbreeding and/or genetic drift.
Typically the effective population size is lower than the census population size.

Effluent: Discharge or emission of a liquid or gas (usually waste material).

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
El Nino: A warming of the ocean surface off the western coast of South America that occurs
every 4 to 12 years when upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water does not occur. It causes die-
offs of plankton and fish and affects Pacific jet stream winds, altering storm tracks and creating
unusual weather patterns in various parts of the world.

Endangered Species Act (ESA): Federal legislation that provides protection for species at risk
of extinction. Through federal action and by encouraging the establishment of state programs,
the 1973 Endangered Species Act provides for the conservation of ecosystems upon which
threatened and endangered species of fish, wildlife, and plants depend.

Endangered Species: Any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a

significant portion of its range

Endemic: Native to or confined to a certain region

Entrainment: To capture in a diversion by the flow of water.

Ephemeral stream: A stream that flows briefly and only in direct response to local
precipitation, and whose channel is always above the water table.

Essential Fish Habitat (EFH): Those waters and substrate necessary for fish spawning,
incubation, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity. These areas include migration corridors
and adult holding areas. Essential Fish Habitat must also include wetland/riparian shore that
supports vegetation that projects shade/cover over waterways used by listed species.

Escapement: Adult fish that escape fishing gear to migrate upstream to spawning grounds.
The quantity of sexually mature adult salmon (typically measured by number or biomass) that
successfully pass through a fishery to reach the spawning grounds. This amount reflects losses
resulting from harvest, and does not reflect natural mortality, typically partitioned between
enroute and pre-spawning mortality. Thus, escaped fish do not necessarily spawn successfully.

Estuarine: Relating to an estuary.

Estuary: An area of water which joins marine and freshwater components. As such, these areas
are heavily influenced by both tidal and riverine inputs.

Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU): A population (or group of populations) considered

distinct (and hence a species) for purposes of the ESA. A population must meet two criteria in
order to be considered an ESU: 1) it must be reproductively isolated from other conspecific
population units; and 2) it must represent an important component of the evolutionary legacy
of the species.

Extant: A population still existing or persistent.

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Extinction: The failure of groups of organisms of varying size and inclusiveness (e.g., local
geographic or temporally-defined groups to species) to have surviving descendants.

Extinction risk: In this document, the probability that a given population will become extinct
within 100 years. Low probability of extinction is arbitrarily defined for this purpose as 5
percent over 100 years.

Extirpation: Loss of a taxon from a portion of its range.

Extirpated Species: A species that no longer survives in regions that were once part of its
range, but that still exists elsewhere in the wild or in captivity.

Exotic Species (Also called Alien, Non-Indigenous or Non-Native Invasive Species): Plants and
animals that originate elsewhere and migrate or are brought into an area. They may dominate
the local species or have other negative impacts on the environment because they can often
outcompete native species and they typically have no natural predators.

Fauna: Animals, especially the animals of a particular region or period, considered as a group

Fecundity: The number of offspring produced per female

Federal Register: The official journal of the U.S. Government, containing public notices and
other routine publications. Published daily, the Federal Register includes rules, proposed rules,
and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other
presidential documents. Fisheries regulations are not considered final until they are published
in the Federal Register.

Fish Ladder: Structure that allows fish passage to areas upstream of obstructions (e.g. dams,
locks). Fish ladders employ a series of stepped, terraced pools fed with spillover water
cascading down the ladder. This allows fish to make incremental leaps upstream from pool to
pool to access historical/ancestral habitat upstream...

Fish Screens: Physical exclusion structures placed at water diversion facilities to keep fish from
becoming entrained, trapped and dying in a given water body.

Fishery Management Council: A regional fisheries management body established by the

Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to manage fishery resources in
eight designated regions of the United States

Fishery Management Plan (FMP): A document prepared under supervision of the appropriate
fishery management council for management of stocks of fish judged to be in need of

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
management. The plan must generally be formally approved. An FMP includes data, analyses,
and management measures.

Floodplain: Level lowland bordering a stream onto which the stream spreads at flood stage

Flora: Plants considered as a group, especially the plants of a particular country, region, or

Focus Population: Populations selected by the recovery team to fulfill biological viability
criteria per Spence et al. 2008 and be the focus of the CCC coho salmon recovery plan.

Fry: The life stage of salmonids between alevin and parr and must attain a length of at least one
inch. They can typically swim and catch their own food. They are sometimes called

Functionally Independent Population (FIP): Population having a high likelihood of persisting

over 100-year time scales and conform to the original definition of Independent viable
salmonid population.

Fundamental Unit: A set of units for physical quantities from which every other unit can be
generated. A reference unit.

Genetic Drift: The random change of the occurrence of a particular gene in a population;
genetic drift is thought to be one cause of speciation when a group of organisms is separated
from its parent population.

Gene(tic) Flow: The rate of entry of non-native genes into a population, measured as the
proportion of the alleles at a locus in a generation that originated from outside of the
population. Can be thought of as the genetically successful stray rate into a population.

Genetic Divergence: The process of one species diverging over time into more than one

Genetic Fitness: Generally depicted as the reproductive success of a genotype, usually

measured as the number of offspring produced by an individual that survive to reproductive
age relative to the average for the population.

Genetic Introgression: Introduction by interbreeding or hybridization of genes from one

population or species into another.

Genetic Robustness: Demographic robustness.

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Genotype: The genetic makeup, as distinguished from the physical appearance, of an organism
or a group of organisms.

Gill net: With this type of gear, the fish are gilled, entangled or enmeshed in the netting. These
nets can be used either alone or, as is more usual, in large numbers placed in line. According to
their design, ballasting and buoyancy, these nets may be used to fish on the surface, in
midwater or on the bottom.

Grilse: Salmon that have returned to their natal river.

Habitat: Areas that provide specific conditions necessary to support plant, fish, and wildlife
communities. The natural abode of a plant or animal, including all biotic, climatic, and soil
conditions, or other environmental influences affecting life.

Hatchery: Salmon hatcheries typically spawn adults in captivity and raise the resulting
progeny in freshwater for release into the natural environment. In some cases, fertilized eggs
are out-planted (usually in hatch-boxes), but it is more common to release fry (young
juveniles) or smolts (juveniles that are physiologically prepared to undergo the migration into
salt water). This outplanting of fish are released either at the hatchery (on-station release) or
away from the hatchery (off-station release). Releases may also be classified as within basin
(occurring within the river basin in which the hatchery is located or the stock originated from)
or out-of-basin (occurring in a river basin other than that in which the hatchery is located or the
stock originated from). The broodstock of some hatcheries is based on adults that return to the
hatchery each year; others rely on fish or eggs from other hatcheries, or capture adults in the
wild each year.

Hatchery-origin Fish: Also, hatchery fish. Fish that have spent some portion of their lives,
usually their early lives, in a hatchery (see natural-origin fish.).

Headwaters: The source of a stream. Headwater streams are the small swales, creeks, and
streams that are the origin of most rivers. These small streams join together to form larger
streams and rivers or run directly into larger streams and lakes.

Heavy Metal: A group that includes all metallic elements with atomic numbers greater than 20,
the most familiar of which are chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc but
that also includes arsenic, selenium, silver, cadmium, tin, antimony, mercury, and lead, among

Hook-and-line: A type of fishing gear consisting of a hook tied to a line. Fish are attracted by
natural bait that is placed on the hook, and are impaled by the hook when biting the bait.
Artificial bait (lures) with hooks are often used. Hook-and-line units may be used singly or in
large numbers.

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Hybridization: The process of mixing different species or varieties of organisms to create a

Hydrologic Unit: A definitive geographical area, typically an entire watershed defined by the
United States Geological Survey (USGS).

Inbreeding Depression: Reduced fitness in a given population as a result of breeding of related


Independent Population: A population that is any collection of one or more local breeding
units whose population dynamics or extinction risk over a 100-year time period is not
substantially altered by exchanges of individuals with other populations. In other words, if one
Independent population were to go extinct, it would not have much impact on the 100-year
extinction risk experienced by other Independent populations. Independent populations are
likely to be smaller than a whole ESU and they are likely to inhabit geographic ranges on the
scale of entire river basins or major sub-basins.

Indigenous: Originating and living or occurring naturally in an area or environment.

Interbreeding: To breed with another kind or species.

Intrinsic Potential: The potential of the landscape to support a fish population.

Invasive Species: See exotic species.

Irreversibility: The trend/probability of a process to continue in only one direction once a

tipping threshold has been crossed or met.

Iteroperous: A condition in which a fish may spawn multiple times. Steelhead (Oncorhynchus
mykiss) and cuttroat trout (O. clarkii) display this trait routinely while other Pacific salmonids
expire after spawning only once (see semelparous).

Jacks: Precocious male salmonids that return from the ocean to spawn one or more years before
full-sized adults of their same cohort return. For coho salmon in California, Oregon,
Washington, and southern British Columbia, jacks are typically 2 years old, having spent only 6
months in the ocean, in contrast to adults, which are 3 years old after spending 1 years in the

Jeopardize: To reduce appreciably the likelihood of both the survival and recovery of a listed
species in the wild by reducing reproduction, numbers, or distribution of that species.

Jills (sometimes also called Jennys): Female salmonids that have spent only a year at sea but
have returned to spawn. This is a relative rarity within the population.

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Kelt: A post-spawning salmonid. Salmon or trout that remains in freshwater after spawning in
the fall and may return to the ocean. This is extremely rare in salmon and uncommon in trout.

Large Woody Debris: Any large piece of woody material that intrudes into a stream channel,
whose smallest diameter is greater than 10cm, and whose length is greater than 1 m.

Limiting Factor: An environmental factor that limits the growth or activities of an organism or
that restricts the size of a population or its geographical range.

Listed Species: Any species of fish, wildlife or plant which has been determined to be
endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act: Federal legislation

responsible for establishing the fishery management councils (FMCs) and the mandatory and
discretionary guidelines for Federal fishery management plans (FMPs). This legislation was
originally enacted in 1976 as the Fishery Management and Conservation Act; its name was
changed to the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act in 1980, and in 1996 it
was renamed the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.

Mass Wasting: Downslope transport of soil and rocks due to gravitational stress.

Metapopulation: A population of sub-populations which are in turn comprised of local

populations or demes. Individual sub-populations can be extirpated and consequently
recolonized from other sub-populations. Stability in a metapopulation is maintained by a
balance between rates of sub-population extinction and colonization.

Monitoring: Scientific inquiry focused on evaluation of a program in relation to its goals (see

Morphology: Refers to the form and structure of an organism, with special emphasis on
external features.

Natal Stream: The stream where a salmonid was produced and hatched.

Natural-origin fish: Also, natural or wild fish. Fish that are offspring of parents that
spawned in the wild. Natural-origin fish spend their entire lives in the natural environment.
(See hatchery-origin fish).

Nautical Miles: A unit of length used in sea and air navigation, based on the length of one
minute of arc of a great circle. One nautical mile is equal to 1,852 meters.

Pacific Northwest: A region of the northwest United States usually including the states of
Washington and Oregon.

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Parr: A young salmonid, in the stage between alevin and smolt, which has developed
distinctive dark parr marks on its sides and is actively feeding in freshwater. Parr marks are
vertical oval bars on the flanks of salmon fry that fade completely as the fish go through the
smoltification process

Pelagic: Living in open oceans or seas rather than waters adjacent to land or inland waters.

Phenotype: The observable physical or biochemical characteristics of an organism, as

determined by both genetic makeup and environmental influences.

Pinniped: Piscivorous aquatic mammals that include the seals, walrus, and similar animals
having finlike flippers to use for locomotion.

Polymorphic: Having more than one form (e.g., polymorphic gene loci have more than one

Population: A group of individuals of the same species that live in the same place at the same
time and exhibit some level of reproductive isolation from other such groups. In some contexts,
a randomly mating group of individuals that is reproductively isolated from other groups. A
population may consist of a single isolated run or more than one connected run.

Population size: In this document, is the number of adult fish in the population. Also known as
census size of the population.

Potentially Independent Population (PIP): Populations having a high likelihood of persisting

in isolation over 100-year time scales, but are too strongly influenced by immigration from other
populations to exhibit independent dynamics.

Precocious: Early arrival of sexual maturity. Some precocious males (jacks) return after only
six months of ocean residence.

Predation: The act of acquiring sustenance and nutrition by killing and consuming living

Primary Constituent Elements (PCE): A physical or biological feature essential to the

conservation of a species for which its designated or proposed critical habitat is based on, such
as space for individual and population growth, and for normal behavior; food, water, air, light,
minerals, or other nutritional or physiological requirements; cover or shelter; sites for breeding,
reproduction, rearing of offspring, and habitats that are protected from disturbance or are
representative of the species historic geographic and ecological distribution.

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Principal component analysis (PCA): A statistical technique that attempts to explain variation
among several variables in terms of a smaller number of composite independent factors called
principal components.

Progeny: An offspring or a dependent.

Proposed Rule: When one of the agencies of the United States wishes to add, remove, or
modify a regulation, they inform the public through the administrative process called a
proposed rulemaking. The public can comment on proposed rules. Rules are incorporated in
the Code of Federal Regulations when approved.

Recovery: The reestablishment or rehabilitation of a threatened or endangered species to a self-

sustaining level in its natural ecosystem. NMFS (2010) defines recovery as: the process by
which listed species and their ecosystems are restored and their future safeguarded to the point
that protections under the ESA are no longer needed.

Recovery Domain: The geographic area for which a Technical Recovery Team is responsible.

Recovery Plan: Under the ESA, a document identifying actions needed to improve the status of
a species or ESU to the point that it no longer requires protection.

Recovery Supplementation: Short-term artificial propagation designed to reduce the risk of

extinction of a small or chaotically fluctuating recovering population in its natural habitat by
temporarily increasing population size using recovery hatchery fish, while maintaining
available genetic diversity and avoiding genetic change in the natural and hatchery

Redd: Nest-like depression constructed by female salmonids facilitating increased hyporheic

flow for developing eggs and alevins. A type of fish-spawning area associated with running
water and clean gravel.

Refugia: An area where special environment circumstances occur, enabling a species to survive
in specific life stages.

Research: Scientific inquiry focused on answering original questions or increasing knowledge.

May consist of experiments, systematic observations, or original descriptions of structures,
relationships, and processes.

Restoration Potential: The potential for returning a damaged habitat, watershed or ecosystem
to a condition or function that is (1) similar to pre-disturbance, or (2) self-sustaining and in
equilibrium with the surrounding landscape and ecological processes necessary for carrying out
the basic life history functions of target organisms. An area characterized as having a high
restoration potential would be considered to have a high likelihood of returning to this

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
condition or function. Conversely, an area with low restoration potential would have little to
no likelihood of returning to this condition or function.

Riparian Area: An area with distinctive soils and vegetation between a stream or other body of
water and the adjacent upland. It includes wetlands and those portions of floodplains and
valley bottoms that support riparian vegetation.

Riparian Vegetation: Vegetation growing on or near the banks of a stream or other body of
water in soils that exhibit some wetness characteristics during some portion of the growing

Rip-rap: Layer of large, durable materials (usually rock) used to protect a stream bank or lake
shore from erosion.

Riverine: Habitat within or alongside a river or channel.

River kilometer (RKm): Distance, in kilometers, from the mouth of the indicated river. Usually
used to identify the location of a physical feature, such as a confluence, dam, waterfall, or
spawning area.

Run: The spawning adults of a given species that return to a stream during a given season (e.g.
winter run).

Salmon or salmonid: Any of various large food and game fishes of the family Salmonidae, the
biological Family which includes the salmon, trout, and whitefish (genera Salmo and
Oncorhynchus), of northern waters, having delicate pinkish flesh and characteristically
swimming from salt to fresh water to spawn.

Salmon Fishery Management Plan: Any of a variety planning documents relating to salmon
fisheries implemented or enforced by Federal or State, or local agencies.

Scope: The geographic area of the threat to the species or system. Impacts can be widespread
or localized.

Sedimentary Rocks: Rocks formed by the deposition of sediment. Sediment: solid fragments
of inorganic or organic material that comes from the weathering of rock and are carried and
deposited by wind, water, or ice.

Sedimentation: Deposition of materials suspended in water or air, usually when the velocity of
the transporting medium drops below the level at which the material can be supported.

Seine: A large fishing net made to hang vertically in the water by weights at the lower edge
and floats at the top.

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Self-sustaining Population: A population that perpetuates itself without human intervention,
without chronic decline, and in its natural ecosystem, at sufficient levels that listing under ESA
is not warranted.

Semelparous: Reproducing only once in a lifetime. Most salmon are semelparous, and die
after spawning (see also interparous).
Severity: A measure of the level of damage to species or system(s) that can reasonably be
expected within 10 years under current circumstances. Severity ranges from total destruction
down to slight impairment.

Smolt: (Verb) - The physiological process that prepares a juvenile anadromous fish to survive
the transition from fresh water to salt water. (Noun) - A juvenile anadromous fish that has
made those physiological changes.

Smoltification: Describes the process by which salmonid fish acclimate metabolically over time
from fresh water to marine environments as they emigrate from their natal streams to the ocean.
During this process, parr marks fade and the fish takes on a silver color.

Spawner surveys: Spawner surveys utilize counts of redds (nests dug by females in which they
deposit their eggs) and fish carcasses to estimate spawner escapement and identify habitat
being used by spawning fish. Annual surveys can be used to compare the relative magnitude of
spawning activity between years.

Spawner-to-spawner Ratio: Several measures are employed to estimate the productivity of

salmon populations. The spawner-to-spawner ratio estimates the number of spawners (those
fish that reproduced or were expected to reproduce) in one generation produced by the
previous generations spawners. A spawner-to-spawner ratio of 1.0 indicates that, on average,
each spawner produced one offspring that survived to spawn. The recruit-to-spawner ratio
estimates the number of recruits (fish that are available for harvest in addition to those that
bypass the fishery to spawn) produced by the previous generations spawners.

Species: A fundamental category of taxonomic classification, ranking below a genus or

subgenus and consisting of related organisms capable of interbreeding.

Splash Dam: A dam built to create a head of water for driving logs downstream.

Stochastic: The term is used to describe natural events or processes that are random and
unpredictable. Examples include environmental conditions such as earthquakes and severe
storms, or life-cycle events, such as radically changed survival or fecundity rates.

Stock: See population.

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
Stock transfer: Human-caused transfer of fish from one location to another, typically in the
context of out-of-basin or out-of-ESU transfers.

Stratified Random Sampling (SRS): Provides an estimate of the number of spawners in a

given area based on spawner counts in both standard and supplemental surveys.

Straying: Occurs when some adult salmonids spawn in a stream other than the one they were
produced in. Straying may be influenced by hatchery practices, water quality or water

Take: As defined by the Endangered Species Act, take refers to activities that harass, harm,
pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect; or attempt to engage in any such
conduct to a listed species.

Technical Recovery Team (TRT): An appointed group of fishery experts, led by the NMFS
Southwest Fisheries Science Center, and charged with development of technical documents
providing the foundation for the development of recovery plans.

Thalweg: A line defining the deepest continuous portion of a valley, stream or waterway.
Sometimes referred to as the valley line.

Thermocline: That layer in a body of water where the temperature difference is greatest per
unit of depth. It is the layer in which the drop in temperature equals or exceeds one degree C.
(1.8 degrees F) per meter (39.37 inches).

Threatened Species: Any species which is likely to become an endangered species within the
foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range.

Total Maximum Daily Load: The amount of pollutant that a water body can receive and still
meet water quality standards. These levels are set by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Tributary: A stream that flows into a larger stream or other body of water.

Trophic Levels: Hierarchical tiers within a food web system (e.g. top predator or primary

Turbid: Water that is not clear, having sediment or foreign particles stirred up or suspended.

Viability: The likelihood that a population will sustain itself over a 100-year time frame.

Viable Salmonid Population: An independent population of any Pacific salmonid (genus

Onchorhynchus) that has a negligible risk of extinction due to threats for demographic variation

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
(random or directional), local environmental variation, and genetic diversity changes (random
or directional) over a 100-year time frame

Watershed: The region draining into a river, river system, or other body of water

Weir: A notch or depression in a dam or other water barrier through which the flow of water is
measured or regulated. Also, a barrier constructed across a stream to divert fish into a trap or
to raise the water level or divert water flow

Wetland: An ecological community such as a marsh or swamp that is permanently or

seasonally saturated with moisture.

Zooplankton: Non-photosynthetic, heterotrophic planktonic organisms, including protists,

small animals, and larvae, which exist within the water column.

Final CCC Coho Salmon ESU Recovery Plan (Volume I of III) September 2012
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