GRN News: Coastal Recovery Plans

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Volume 11, Issue 1 March 2007



Protecting Florida’s Nature 2
In the aftermath of the 2006 hurricane season, state and federal authorities Coast
mobilized to develop plans for coastal protection and restoration in
Mississippi and Louisiana. The plans are being developed separately in each Healthy Waters Update
state and the GRN has been monitoring the process to ensure that the plans Wastewater Treatment in 3
incorporate wetland protection and restoration and do not further degrade Louisiana Wetlands
the coast.
Aveda & GRN Re-United
IN MISSISSIPPI The Mobile District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Earth Month
(Corps) is developing a plan for the coast as part of what the Corps is calling Member spotlight:
the Mississippi Coastal Improvement Program (MSCIP). The Corps is Louisiana Bucket Brigade 6
working closely with the state to examine a range of options from heavily
engineered floodwalls, levees, and floodgates, to preservation and restoration Network News and
Calendar of Events 7
of wetlands. The Corps is required to present its long-term plan to Congress
by the end of 2007. The first draft of the report, along with a draft
environmental impact statement, will be made public in May.

Despite overwhelming public support for proposals such as the restoration of degraded wetlands, better
floodplain management, government buyouts of flood-prone land, and elevation of buildings, the Corps
seems intent on pushing many costly engineered solutions. Though still in the planning phase and
subject to change, the Corps is considering many well-worn and ill-conceived ideas that have failed in
other parts of the country.

Perhaps the most ridiculous option currently under consideration involves

dumping 50 million cubic yards of sand on the Gulf Islands National Seashore.
The project, publicly supported by Governor Haley Barbour is supposed to
restore the islands to their pre-Hurricane Camille footprint. In order to find
such an immense quantity of sand, the Corps would have to go 45 miles off the
USFWS photo

coast of Mississippi and the cost to taxpayers would be astronomical. By the

Corps’ own estimate, restoring the barrier islands to
a pre-Camille level would only reduce hurricane
storm surge by about 5% for much of the coast. In
Sea turtle hatchlings addition, much of the sand would need to be
depend on the beaches continually replenished and the burial of the islands
of the National Seashore in twenty feet of sand would harm or kill much of
the plant and animal life present.

The Corps is also considering major coastal armoring, including ring levees
around the towns of Gautier and Ocean Springs, mechanical barriers or
gates across coastal inlets, seawalls, and inland floodwalls. Such a system
of levees and floodgates would create a need for an array of pumps to force
water out from behind floodwalls and levees that would accumulate due to
rainfall. The Corps’ initial estimate is that such a system would require 140
pumping stations.

Beyond the sheer cost of engineering Mississippi’s coast, there would likely
be significant environmental consequences. Scientists have long opposed

(Continued on page 4)
Dear GRN Members and Supporters,

The Nature Coast region of Florida, if strictly defined by geography,

comprises the coastal counties that stretch from the northern Tampa Bay
area to St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge (see map at right.) This stretch of
coastline is the wildest left in Florida, and, for that matter, one of the wildest and longest
natural coastlines left in America. Geography alone can neither fully define, nor capture
the essence of the Nature Coast. This is a place of magic, wonder, and mystery. It’s
where Florida’s culture, history, and natural heritage mingle together and create a place
that offers a glimpse of what was, and, if we have the grace and wisdom to protect it, what
still could be.

The Nature Coast is the Florida Black Bear that travels the secret pathways it has traveled for
generations. It is the freshwater, crystal clear springs that gently emerge from the Earth and
dance in their newfound freedom in the sunlight. It is a Swallowtail Kite floating above a coastal
marsh, a Bald Eagle soaring above the Gulf of Mexico, and an American Alligator silently prowling a slough
in search of sustenance. It is a place where the raw power and magic of nature flows freely and can be felt.

I’m proud that the GRN is continuing to expand our campaign work into Florida in 2007. We are working
to protect water quality, coastal wetlands, coastal communities, and places like the Nature Coast. We are
working to oppose the Magnolia Bay development in Taylor County, which threatens the beauty and
natural functions of the entire region. Worst of all, the developers have proposed a two-mile channel that
would cut right through the Big Bend Seagrass Aquatic Preserve. The seagrass beds in this part of the
Gulf are critical to recreational and commercial fisheries as they are the nurseries for hundreds of marine
species. (See “Preserve the Nature Coast” on page seven for an update.)

Few places in Florida offer us the chance to save vast, wild chunks of natural Florida. With dedication and
strength we can do this in the Nature Coast. Someday we can gaze out across a vast coastal marsh and
then look our grandchildren in the eye and say with honesty that at least we had the grace and wisdom to
protect this place. I sincerely pray that this is true. It is the kind of place worth dedicating a life’s work to.

Joe Murphy
Chair, Board of Directors, Gulf Restoration Network

Joe Murphy is a native Floridian who grew up on the Gulf Coast of Florida and now
lives in Hernando County, Florida with his wife and three dogs. Joe has worked
on conservation and coastal issues as an advocate and community organizer in
Florida since 1990, working for groups like the Sierra Club, Florida PIRG, the
Endangered Species Coalition, and Oceana. Joe also volunteers with the
Hernando Audubon Society and Florida Defenders of the Environment. He enjoys
kayaking and fishing along the Gulf Coast of Florida, and is always looking for an
excuse to spend time along Florida's Nature Coast. He currently works as the
Southeastern U.S./Gulf of Mexico Campaign Projects Manager for Oceana.

If you are a member group we invite you to share your news with us.
Whether it’s a short update on a current campaign or a full page article,
we’d like to hear what you’re up to.
Please send submissions to [email protected].

Page 2 MARCH 2007

Last September, the Louisiana Department of meeting, we offered revisions to the draft rule that
Environmental Quality (LDEQ) issued a proposed we felt more closely accomplished the goal of
rule involving “wetland assimilation,” which entails strategically using treated wastewater to nourish
using wetlands to treat disinfected municipal some of the Gulf’s threatened wetlands. LDEQ
wastewater. In theory, wetland assimilation is a accepted some of our suggestions and, most
good idea. Treated and disinfected wastewater is importantly, the revised rule keeps in place the
discharged into specifically chosen wetlands, protections for wetlands that currently exist for all
allowing the wetlands to take up nutrients in the wetlands in Louisiana.
wastewater. If everything works properly, the
wastewater gets treated to a greater extent than it While the GRN has often disagreed with LDEQ, we
would otherwise have been, and wetlands that are hope that the process involved in revising the
starved of nutrients are enhanced, slowing the rate wetland assimilation rule can serve as a model for
of wetland loss in Louisiana. future collaboration. We feel that, by working
closely with LDEQ,
Wetland assimilation all parties were able
can have multiple to devise a wetland
benefits, but projects assimilation rule that
must be properly allows for projects to
designed, maintained, move forward while
and monitored. The better ensuring the
original rule proposed protection of
by LDEQ had some Louisiana’s streams
serious flaws. The main and wetlands.
problem was that in the
process of changing Although the wetland
state regulations, LDEQ assimilation rule has
proposed to remove been significantly

GRN Photo
protections from all improved, some
wetlands in Louisiana, issues still remain.
rather than confining There is a document
the rules to apply to that outlines
only those wetlands that Wetlands Assimilation Project in Thibodaux, LA procedures for
had been carefully assimilation projects
selected for assimilation projects. Because that still requires more details and each of these
wetland assimilation involves using treated projects must be closely monitored.
wastewater, it should only be used in places where
there is a scientifically demonstrable benefit and GRN will continue to watch the development of
there is no degradation to the environment. these projects and comment on any permits that
do not agree with the new rule or the Clean Water
With the help of letters sent by over 130 GRN e- Act. To accomplish this we will continue to depend
activists, the GRN, member group Louisiana on our members and member groups to ask
Environmental Action Network (LEAN), and legal questions, point out potential problems with future
advisors from Tulane Environmental Law Clinic projects, and take action when needed.
were able to meet with LDEQ to discuss our
concerns with the proposed rule. After that

To stay informed on the GRN’s Healthy Water Campaign,

join the Water Quality Action Network (WQAN)

Volume 11, Issue 1 Page 3

Aveda distributors, the Neill Corporation and The Salon People, have once
again chosen the GRN as their Earth Month partner. Across the South,
Aveda salons will be raising money for the GRN and our Healthy Waters
Campaign. In addition, salons will ask their customers to take part in
Aveda’s first ever “text message” cell phone action campaign. Each text message containing the word “water”
sent to the United Nations (dial 30644 in North America) during Earth Month will make strides in support-
ing clean water as a human right. Check Aveda’s webite (below) in April for more details.

We, at the GRN, are excited about this opportunity to educate the public and raise support for our Healthy
Waters campaign across the Gulf. We thank all of the Aveda salons participating in Earth Month for their
hard work and dedication to a healthy Gulf! Earth Month gives us an unprecedented opportunity to reach
out to thousands of new supporters and introduce them to the GRN.

Do your part to protect our waters and visit your local Aveda salon to support Earth Month and the GRN.
Continue your support of Aveda salons throughout the year and know that you are supporting a company
committed to protecting the Gulf region. Visit to find your local salon!

COASTAL RESTORATION—(continued from page one)

seawalls and other types of engineered structures, Protection - Louisiana's Comprehensive Master Plan for
pointing out that they often destroy the very beaches a Sustainable Coast (Master Plan).
they are supposed to protect (see diagram on page
one.) Inland floodwalls would likely have to cross Some elements of the draft Master Plan were well
Bay St. Louis and the Back Bay of Biloxi, disrupting received, while others represent a step backward.
ecological life, local aesthetics, and recreational and One troubling item includes the assertion of the need
fishing uses. for closure of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet
(MRGO) while reserving opportunities for a
The Corps is also considering diverting river water functioning shallow-draft transportation system.
from the Bonnet Carré spillway in Louisiana into the This language seems to indicate that the state has
Mississippi Sound. The project is being proposed in been pressured to support fast-tracking the inner
order to reduce salinity in the Mississippi sound to harbor navigation canal (IHNC or Industrial Canal)
benefit oyster beds. Unfortunately, historical data lock replacement project, holding our natural
actually suggests that opening the spillway reduces defenses hostage until that questionable expansion
oyster yields in Mississippi, rather than increasing is finished.
them. In addition, a Bonnet Carré diversion project
would carry Mississippi River water that is high in Shipping interests claim that they desperately need
nitrogen into Lake Pontchartrain, likely creating a the old lock replaced and expanded in order to stop
dead zone in the lake where aquatic life could not using the MRGO when the lock is broken, a claim
live. refuted by information provided by the Corps. To
make New Orleans and the surrounding area safe as
With the Corps still in the planning process, it’s soon as possible, and provide the necessary
important for the GRN, our members, and our confidence to those considering rebuilding, the
supporters to carefully watch as the process unfolds. MRGO needs to be closed now.
Together we can stop bad projects before they start!
Another troubling aspect of the draft Master Plan is a
IN LOUISIANA Big developments are happening significant absence of discussion of the risks and
around the planning and actions needed for coastal rewards of putting so much of our protection hopes
restoration and hurricane protection for South on the relatively untested idea of 'leaky
Louisiana. The Governor and state legislature- levees' (placing flood gates and other drainage
created Coastal Protection and Restoration structures into the levees to minimize impediments
Authority (CPRA) recently unveiled its draft to the hydrology.) The draft Master Plan seems
Integrated Ecosystem Restoration and Hurricane (Continued on page 5)

Page 4 MARCH 2007

COASTAL RESTORATION—(continued from page four)
predicated on the construction of these levees CPRA’s charge, the remaining, laudable objectives
across significant portions of important coastal (sustainable coastal ecosystems, healthy habitats, and
wetlands. sustainable heritage and culture) must be further
developed. The GRN and coastal experts feel that
The idea of building levees that bisect the very moving ahead with a flood protection plan without
wetlands the CPRA has been charged with restoring those remaining objectives fully developed may
is a questionable option; one that many coastal eventually compromise the success of the entire plan.
experts feel is doomed to fail. If wetlands are
impounded, even by ‘leaky levees,’ they will lose at Whether it is the state’s draft Master Plan, the Corps’
least some of their hydrologic Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration (LACPR)
integrity, and thus become stressed, project (the parallel federal plan for
most likely jeopardizing their critical Louisiana’s coast, also currently
functions as natural storm defenses, under development), or the Corps’
fish and wildlife habitat, and plan for closure of the MRGO,
filtration for Gulf water. these large-scale protection plans
must all be consistent with the goal
Included in the draft Master Plan’s of coastal restoration. Yet the
Appendix C are some of the trend so far has been to also
significant scientific questions that include all the on-going and
remain about these possible cross- previously authorized Corps
basin 'leaky levees.' These maps projects unchanged in all
supply an incomplete picture for restoration plans. These projects
how comprehensive restoration and must be re-evaluated in order to
protection will be. If the Master Plan make sure that they are consistent
is to be comprehensive, it must with the goals of restoring
include plans to preserve and restore Louisiana’s coast.
important habitats throughout the GRN Photo
coast, and conceptually and While the state, its citizens and
graphically place them on equal the CPRA will need to make tough
footing with structural flood Aerial view of Coastal Louisiana
choices - let's make sure these
protection. When levee alignments difficult choices are well-informed.
are considered, the least hydrologically and If we don't fully understand the ramifications of
ecologically damaging alignments should be given developing these structures, no management
highest consideration. technique will be able to put the genie back in the
While four objectives are laid out in the draft Master To stay informed and involved, visit the sites below
Plan, only flood and storm surge protection is covered and be sure that you’re a member of the GRN’s e-
in any detail. In order for the plan to accomplish the action list. Sign up at

Integrated Ecosystem Restoration and Hurricane Protection - Louisiana's
Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast:
Corps MRGO Report:
Corps LACPR:
Corps’ Mississippi plans:
Lines of defense: (see Natural Defenses)

Volume 11, Issue 1 Page 5

Louisiana Founded in 1994, the Gulf Restoration
Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
Bucket Brigade organization committed to uniting and
The Louisiana Bucket Brigade empowering people to protect and restore
(LABB) is an environmental health the resources of the Gulf Region for
and justice organization that uses future generations.
grassroots action to free
neighborhoods from industrial pollution. An important part Board of Directors
of that grassroots action is media coverage. Since its
inception in 2000, the LABB has earned over 550 media
stories featuring Louisiana neighbors standing up to Mark Davis—Secretary/Treasurer
polluting refineries and chemical plants. Tulane Institute for Water Policy and Law
New Orleans, LA
A grant has helped the LABB to expand its media work over
the past year. They hired Hess Marketing to help in their Robert Hastings
campaign with the St. Bernard Citizens for Environmental Montgomery, AL
Quality. Together they are targeting ExxonMobil’s refinery in Joe Murphy—Chair
Chalmette. The goal is implementation of the community’s Oceana
post Katrina Four Point Community Refinery Collaborative Hernando County, FL
Plan. For details of the plan, see
Juan Parras
The LABB’s TV campaign has been highly visible. Their non Citizens’ League for Environmental Action Now
profit status meant that they were able to secure free air Houston, TX
time for every ad purchased. The LABB ensured that the ads
Bob Schaeffer
would run during the day and not just during the wee hours
Public Policy Communications
of the night. The TV ads, combined with billboards – one
Sanibel, FL
right in front of the Exxon refinery in Chalmette – have
greatly increased the profile of the St. Bernard Citizens for Louis Skrmetta
Environmental Quality’s demands. Ship Island Excursions
Gulfport, MS
The first ad was friendly, asking, ‘Please Exxon, follow the
community’s Four Point Plan’. Exxon ignored the request, Susan Spicer
and the ads are now more aggressive, linking the refinery to Bayona Restaurant
asthma and cancer in the parish. New Orleans, LA
Page Williams
The ads have escalated the campaign, and will continue to Sierra Club—Lone Star Chapter
be a part of the larger strategy to pressure Exxon. Because Houston, TX
Exxon made $36 billion in profit in 2006 — a record high for
a U.S. company and Exxon’s highest profits ever—LABB Robert Wiygul—Vice Chair
believes they can afford to help St. Bernard Parish. Waltzer and Associates
Ocean Springs, MS

Cynthia Sarthou, Executive Director
Aaron Viles, Campaign Director
Dan Favre, Campaign Organizer
Matt Rota, Water Resources Program Director
Jeff Grimes, Assistant Director, Water Resources
Stephanie Powell, Outreach Associate, Water
Resources Program
Briana Kerstein, Director of Organizational
Alison Chase, Director of Administration
Marianne Cufone, Fisheries Consultant
Cynthia Ramseur, Mississippi Field Consultant

Page 6 MARCH 2007

Updates from Member Groups Across the Gulf
The Steps Coalition, representing over 30 organizations working for a just and sustainable recovery
on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, held the first meeting of its Environmental Justice Alliance in February.
The GRN is working with other Steps Coalition allies to devise a strategy to address environmental jus-
tice issues on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The Coalition is currently looking at ways to address such
issues as: wetland loss that causes flooding in coastal communities; the continued need for cleanup
and remediation of toxic waste sites; and drinking water and wastewater infrastructure needs in
coastal communities. To learn more about the Steps Coalition, visit
Preserve the Nature Coast—An update on the Magnolia Bay Development. The Environmental
Alliance of North Florida, the Florida Wildlife Federation, the GRN, and many other Florida environ-
mental and civic organizations have formally voiced opposition to the Magnolia Bay Resort and Marina
with comments submitted to the Corps and Florida Department of Environmental Quality. Using the
GRN e-mail action system, over 1,000 individual citizens also weighed in. The proposed resort would
impact water quality, important fisheries, endangered species, and start an unsustainable rush of de-
velopment. We will keep you posted as we move through the process.
Coastal Stewardship Awards. The Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana is accepting nominations
for its Coastal Stewardship Awards honoring those individuals and groups that have made significant
contributions to the preservation and restoration of Louisiana’s coastal wetlands. For more details or
to download a nomination form, goto

Mercury victory! The GRN recently partnered with member group Oceana on an e-action alert to
stop mercury pollution. We generated nearly 2000 letters to Pioneer Companies Inc., a Houston-based
chemical company asking it to reduce its mercury emissions from a Louisiana plant. Within weeks,
Pioneer announced it would eliminate mercury emissions by the year 2008.

Keep up-to-date on conservation developments and our work in the

Gulf at

MAR OUT OF BALANCE: ExxonMobil’s APR 21 Outdoor Photo Workshop
25 Impact on Climate Change Free Film. Mississippi Wildlife Federation,
Doors at 6:30, Program at 7pm. 921 S. Ridgeland, MS
Carrollton Ave. New Orleans, LA
MAR Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management
26-30 Council Meeting. Destin, FL. APR 21 EARTH DAY
APR 27 Save Our Cypress Arbor Day of
SEASPACE 2007 Houston's annual Action
31- exposition of adventure sports, travel,
and scuba diving. Houston, TX. MAY 8 Louisiana Environmental Voter
APR 1 Lobby Day. Baton Rouge, LA
APR Wild Wing River and Nature
Festival, Moss Point, MS MAY Conference on Climate Change
13-22 9-11 Tampa, FL
APR 14 Step It Up 2007 Nationwide events to
call on the U.S. Congress to cut carbon MAY River Networks’ River Rally 2007,
emissions. 18-22 Stevenson, WA

Volume 11, Issue 1 Page 7

United for a Healthy Gulf

P.O. Box 2245

New Orleans, LA 70176
Phone: (504) 525-1528
Fax: (504) 525-0833

The GRN would like to thank the following for

making this newsletter, and the work of the
GRN, possible: The Arntz Family Foundation,
Aveda, The Booth-Bricker Foundation, The
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Currents of
Change, The Elizabeth Ordway Dunn
Foundation, The McKnight Foundation, The
Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation,
Patagonia, the Regional Marine Conservation
Project, the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors,
and The RosaMary Foundation.


There are many ways that you can make a difference in the health of the Gulf region. Check out
our website for recent action alerts and take action now.

If you’re not already, consider becoming a member of the GRN to receive this newsletter and our
weekly action alerts, or if you’re already a member, consider giving an additional donation in
support of the work of the GRN, or a specific issue that we work on.

Please be as generous as you can to help us safeguard all the natural resources that protect and
enrich our coastal communities. Thank you in advance.

Mail to: GRN, P.O. Box 2245, New Orleans, LA 70176

__$50 __$75 __$150 __$30(min memb.)

Name: __________________________________ ______Other
Address: ________________________________
City: ___________ State: ______ Zip: _____
E-mail:__________________________________ Please make your checks
payable to GRN

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