Theory and Practice of Writing Rubric: Total

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Theory and Practice of Writing Rubric

WPELO 2: Students will demonstrate a broad understanding of the theory and practice of writing.
Measurement 1: 80% of students will earn a 12 or better on the Theory and Practice of Writing rubric for the Senior English Portfolio item 6 (Literacy Narrative).

Performance Area 5 4 3 2 1 Score

Visual elements of the All but a few of the Some of the visual Very few of the visual Little to no evidence of
work make effective use visual elements of the elements of the work elements of the work the use of the visual
of arrangement, work make effective use make effective use of make effective use of elements to
Use of visual rhetoric
emphasis, clarity, of arrangement, arrangement, emphasis, arrangement, emphasis, communicate the works
in delivery and
conciseness, tone, and emphasis, clarity, clarity, conciseness, clarity, conciseness, ideas.
ethos to communicate conciseness, tone, and tone, and ethos to tone, and ethos to
the works ideas ethos to communicate communicate the works communicate the works
the works ideas ideas, but many do not. ideas.
Displays a sophisticated Displays a solid level of Displays a competent Displays marginal level No evidence of
and exceptional level of awareness of how level of awareness of of awareness of how awareness of how
awareness of how context and audience how context and context and audience context and audience
context and audience influence the writing audience influence the influence the writing influence the writing
influence the writing situation, by using writing situation by situation by using situation
situation by using both appropriate tone or using appropriate tone inappropriate tone or
an appropriate and diction and being or diction but does not diction; does not
highly effective tone or accommodating to the accommodate to accommodate to
diction and readers needs. readers needs. Attempts readers needs and/or is
accommodating the Provides evidence, to provide evidence, often confusing. Lacks
Understanding of
readers needs. visual elements, or other visual elements, or other clear or appropriate
Provides evidence, definitive details that definitive details for the evidence, visual
writing situations
visual elements, and sufficiently support the reader, but some elements, or other
other definitive details argument. Word information is either definitive details, though
that clearly and strongly choices demonstrate an extraneous or some attempt has been
support the argument. awareness of audience insufficient. Word made. Word choices do
Word choices and the identity of the choices indicate an not demonstrate a clear
demonstrate an audience is clear. awareness of audience, awareness of audience
awareness of audience but the identity of the or inaccurately depicts
and the identity of the audience is either the audience.
audience is clear. unclear or inappropriate
in some respects
Displays comprehensive Displays solid Displays some Displays marginal No attempt to project
understanding of understanding of writing understanding of writing understanding of writing argument through a
rhetorical theory; and rhetorical theory; and rhetorical theory; and rhetorical theory; theoretical lens
Theoretical exemplary projection of solid projection of projects argument somewhat projects
foundation argument through argument through through theoretical lens, argument through
theoretical lens theoretical lens, with with some theoretical lens but in an
little to no misapplication over-general way

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