Changing Markets - Medicinal Plants in The Markets of La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia

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Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695

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Changing markets Medicinal plants in the markets of La Paz and El

Alto, Bolivia
Rainer W. Bussmann a,b,n, Narel Y. Paniagua Zambrana c, Laura Araseli Moya Huanca b,
Robbie Hart a
William L. Brown Center, Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, MO 63166-0299, USA
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Calle Ovidio Suarez (26), Cota Cota, La Paz, Bolivia
Herbario Nacional de Bolivia, Instituto de Ecologa-UMSA, Campus Universitario, Cota Cota Calle 27, La Paz, Bolivia

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ethnopharmacological relevance: Given the importance of local markets as a source of medicinal plants
Received 19 June 2016 for both healers and the population, literature on market ows and the value of the plant material traded
Received in revised form is rather scarce. This stands in contrast to wealth of available information for other components of Bo-
26 July 2016
livian ethnobotany. The present study attempts to remedy this situation by providing a detailed in-
Accepted 28 July 2016
Available online 29 July 2016
ventory of medicinal plant markets in the La Paz-El Alto metropolitan area, hypothesizing that both
species composition, and medicinal applications, have changed considerably over time.
Keywords: Materials and methods: From October 2013October 2015 semistructured interviews were conducted
Medicinal plants with 39 plant vendors between October 2013 and October 2015 in the Mercado Rodriguez, Mercado Calle
Santa Cruz, Mercado Cohoni, Mercado Cota Cota, and Mercado Seguencoma and Mercado El Alto in order
to elucidate more details on plant usage and provenance. The results of the present study were then
compared to previous inventories of medicinal plants in La Paz and El Alto studies to elucidate changes
over time and impact of interview techniques.
Results: In this study we encountered 163 plant species belonging to 127 genera and 58 families. In
addition, 17 species could not be identied. This species richness is considerably higher than that re-
ported in previous studies (2005, 129 species of 55 families; 2015, 94 identied species). While the
overall distribution of illness categories is in line with older reports the number of species used per
application, as well as the applications per species, were much higher in the present study. Overall,
informant consensus was relatively low, which might be explained by the large number of new species
that have entered the local pharmacopoeia in the last decade, although some species might simply have
been missed by previous studies. In course of the present study it became apparent that even well known
species might often be replaced by other apparently similar but botanically unrelated species due to
environmental and market forces
Conclusions: The present study indicated that, while the oristic composition of markets in the La Paz
metropolitan area remained relatively constant over the last decade, with this inventory adding about
20% of species to previous studies, the number of indications for which certain species were used in-
creased tremendously, and that profound differences exist even between markets in close proximity. The
dramatic increase in previously not used species used per indication might pose serious risks for con-
sumers. We found serious problems due to species replacements. Even plants that have a well estab-
lished vernacular name, and are easily recognizable botanically, can be replaced by other species that can
pose a serious health risk. Vendor education and stringent identication of the material sold in public
markets are clearly needed.
& 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

General ethnobotanical studies in Peru and Bolivia have fo-

cused mostly on Quechua herbalism of the Cusco area (e.g. De
Corresponding author at: William L. Brown Center, Missouri Botanical Garden,
Ferreyra, 1978, 1981; Franquemont et al., 1990). Other compre-
P.O. Box 299, MO 63166-0299, USA. hensive studies have centered on the border region of Peru and
E-mail address: [email protected] (R.W. Bussmann). Bolivia around Lake Titicaca (Roersch, 1994), with many treating
0378-8741/& 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695 77

the Kallawaya, famous itinerant traditional healers (Andel-Malek metropolitan area, hypothesizing, based on long term experience
et al., 1996; Bastien, 1982, 1983, 1987, 1992; Girault 1987). Other in the area, that both species composition, and medicinal appli-
broad studies from Bolivia include the pioneering work of Crde- cations, have changed considerably over time.
nas (1943, 1989), De Lucca and Zalles (1992), Oblitas (1992), Zalles
and De Lucca (1996), and Beck et al. (1999). In addition, studies in
Bolivia exist in for individual ethnic groups, e.g. Mosetn-Tsiman 2. Materials and methods
(Aguirre, 2006), Jampiris (Alba and Tarifa, 1993), Ese Eja (Alex-
iades, 1999), Yuracar (Hinojosa et al., 2001; Vargas, 1997), Tacana 2.1. Ethnobotanical inventory
(Paniagua-Zambrana, 2001), and Chcobo (Boom, 1987; Bussmann
and Paniagua-Zambrana 2014; Paniagua-Zambrana et al., 2014), as Since October 2013 we have been conducting an ongoing col-
well as for individual regions, e.g. Cochabamba (Arrzola et al., lection of medicinal plant species and associated plant use
2002; De Lucca, 2004), Chiquitana (Birk, 1995; Toledo 1996), Po- knowledge in the main plant markets of La Paz, Bolivia. Semi
tosi (Fernandez, 1999; Fernandez et al., 2003; Fisel, 1989), and structured interviews following Bussmann and Sharon (2006b),
Chaco (Bourdy, 2002; Bourdy et al., 2000, 2004; Quiroga et al., under consideration of the collection standards established by
2009, 2012; Quiroga, 2012). During the last years, the con- Cook (1995) were conducted with 39 plant vendors between Oc-
temporary use of plants by local healers (curanderos) in the wider tober 2013 and October 2015 in the Mercads Rodriguez, Calle
region has been well documented (Bussmann, 2013; Bussmann Santa Cruz, Cohoni, Cota Cota, Seguencoma and El Alto in order to
and Sharon, 2006a, 2006b, 2009, 2015a, 2015b; Bussmann et al., elucidate more details on plant usage and provenance. Mercado
2007a, 2007b, 2008a, 2008b, 2010a, 2010b; Monigatti et al., 2013; Rodriguez is the main daily market that supplies much of the
Revene et al., 2008). center of La Paz (covering a population of about 500,000 in-
Both healers and laypeople often buy their medicinal plants in habitants) with fresh vegetables, owers, and other products.
local markets. Information on the composition of the market ora, Fresh herbs are sold in a dedicated area by about a dozen vendors
the origin of the plant material, and the quantities of plant ma- in nonpermanent posts. Mercado Calle Santa Cruz is the so called
terial sold exists to some extent (Bussmann et al., 2007b, 2008a, witch market of La Paz, where plants are sold in about three
2009, 2010a; Bussmann and Sharon, 2009; Revene et al., 2008), dozen permanent stalls and in a handful of specialized herbal
and some studies focus on the interface between traditional and stores. Mercado Cohoni, Mercado Cota Cota, and Mercado Se-
allopathic medicine (Bussmann et al., 2007a, 2009). Previous stu- guencoma are small markets in the more modern southern part
dies indicate that patients regularly receive their diagnosis from of the city. Mercado El Alto is the main plant market in the in-
allopathic doctors, and then go to the markets to buy traditional dependent city El Alto above La Paz proper. Vendor participants
remedies to treat this illness previously diagnosed by a biomedical were self-selected: every vendor in the studied markets was asked
health provide (Bussmann et al., 2007a, 2009). Vendors also fol- if they wanted to participate in the study. Specialized herbal shops
lowed the allopathic concept. Initial bioassays indicate that at least were excluded from the study because they sold mostly plant
for antibacterial applications the efcacy of parts of the medicinal material that was, according to the owners, obtained from Peru,
ora can be proven (Bussmann et al., 2008b, 2010b; Hammond for mesasofferings that are blessed and burned, and artifacts
et al., 1998), and preliminary data on plant toxicity exist (Buss- for healing ceremonies, but few medicinal plants. Interviews were
mann et al., 2011). However, there is very little comparative in- conducted only after explaining the study to all participants and
formation available about which plants are sold under which obtaining their oral prior informed consent. All vendors were fe-
vernacular name at any given time, for which indication, and male and all were members of cooperatives regulating the sale of
which dosage information, and what kind of information about plants for medicine as specied by the semigovernmental SO-
side effects vendors provide to their clients. BOMETRA (Sociedad Boliviana de Medicina Tradicional). Age and
Given the importance of local markets as a source of medicinal ethnicity of the vendors were not disclosed.. The structure of the
plants for both healers and the population in general literature on market stands in La Paz, as well as sourcing plant material and the
local markets, market ows and the value of the plant material function of the vendors as advisors consulted for health problems
traded is rather scarce. This stands in contrast to wealth of avail- of the public, were comparable to the markets in northern Peru
able information for other components of Bolivian ethnobotany. (Bussmann and Sharon, 2006b). Initial contact and prior informed
Although the value of the international market for medicinal re- consent were made and obtained by all authors together. Given
ceives high interest (e.g. Breevort, 1998), and ecosystem services as that only female participants were encountered the detailed in-
well as non-timber forest products do receive some attention terviews were conducted in Aymara and Spanish by the female
(Constanza et al., 1997; Godoy et al., 2000; Grimes et al., 1994), authors to avoid gender inuence, because in initial surveys the
studies on the trade volumes of local medicinal markets hardly authors found that female vendors did not talk to men about
exist, and mostly focus on the export market (Olsen, 1998, 2005; specic female conditions, e.g. menstruation, childbirth etc.
Olsen and Helles 1997). Vouchers of all species were collected, and all plant material
Latin America is still terra incognita with regards to its medic- was identied and deposited in the National Herbarium of Bolivia
inal plant markets, and detailed studies are of high importance as (LPB). No material whatsoever was exported from Bolivia. The
even local health care authorities begin to promote com- nomenclature of all species follows, under AP-
plementary alternative medicine. Macia et al. (2005) provided the GIII (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, 2009).
rst study of a high Andean market, focusing on La Paz, Bolivia. The results of the present study were then compared to pre-
This was followed by a short study by Justo Chipana and Moraes vious inventories of medicinal plants in La Paz and El Alto studies
(2015) in the same region. In addition, studies exist especially for (Maca et al., 2005; Justo Chipana and Moraes, 2015) to elucidate
the very large medicinal plant markets of Northern Peru (Buss- changes over time and impact of interview techniques.
mann et al., 2007b), and a recent review of Lima et al. (1996) fo-
cused on Amazonian markets. However, information on the com- 2.2. Statistical analysis
position of the overall market ora of the La Paz metropolitan area,
and possible changes over the last decade is still lacking. The Among markets and among studies, we compared plants spe-
present study attempts to remedy this situation by providing a cies reported as being used (unique Latin binomials eg. Aloe vera),
detailed inventory of medicinal plant markets in the La Paz-El Alto plant-uses (unique combinations of a species used for an ailment
Table 1
Species table.

Family/Scientic name Vernacular name Medicinal Use categories (Ailment/Illness) Market Collection # LM

Sambucus canadensis L. Khojla (a) Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Wound swelling) Mercado Rodriguez 347
Sambucus peruviana Kunth Sauco (s); Khojla (a) Muscular-skeletal system (Strong blows); Non-specic symptoms and general Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 383, 488
illnesses (Inammation); Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Wound swelling)

Chenopodium quinoa Willd. Quinoa (s); Jaru jupa (a) Muscular-skeletal system (Strong blows) Calle Santa Cruz 412
Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin Paico (s) Digestive system (Colics, Gallbladder, Gastritis/Ulcers, Stomach ache, Vomiting); Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 555
& Clemants Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Desinammatory) Rodriguez

Allium cepa L. Ajo macho (s) Blood and circulatory system (High blood pressure, Varicose veins); Metabolism Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto 546A
and nutrition (Blood cleansing, Diabetes); Muscular-skeletal system (Rheuma-
tism); Respiratory system (Asthma, Cough)

R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695

Allium sativum L. Ajo (s) Blood and circulatory system (High blood pressure); Cultural illnesses (So that Cota Cota 566
the kari kari (a spirit) stays away, To stay young); Respiratory system (Cough,
Tonsils); Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Hemorrhage)

Schinus molle L. Molle (s) Blood and circulatory system (Varicose veins); Cultural illnesses (Against curses, Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 447
Air, Incense for cleansing, Lightning strike, Ritual cleansing, Sajra (a specic Rodriguez
curse), To make children speak (13 years)); Digestive system (Stomach ache);
Muscular-skeletal system (Rheumatism, Sprains)

Apium graveolens L. Apio (s) Digestive system (Liver) Calle Santa Cruz 654
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Hinojo (s) Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Galactogogue); Skin and subcutaneous Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 446
tissue (Skin spots) Rodriguez
Mulinum spinosum (Cav.) Pers. Choke kaylla (a) Respiratory system (Cough, Pneumonia) Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto 407, 531
Pimpinella anisum L. Ans (s) Digestive system (Stomach ache) Calle Santa Cruz 571

Aristolochia sp. Huaji (a) Cultural illnesses (Air) Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 439

Achyrocline sp. Wira wira (a) Respiratory system (Cough) 313
Ageratina pentlandiana (DC.) R.M. King Chillca (s) Muscular-skeletal system (Fracture bones) Mercado Rodriguez 473
& H. Rob.
Ambrosia arborescens Mill. Altamisa (s) Blood and circulatory system (Varicose veins); Digestive system (Stomach ache); Calle Santa Cruz, Cohoni, Mercado 320, 352
Muscular-skeletal system (Bone pain, Muscular pain, Rheumatism); Non-specic Rodriguez
symptoms and general illnesses (Affected by the cold air); Urinary system
(Kidney infection)
Artemisia absinthium L. Ajenko (s) Cultural illnesses (Air); Digestive system (Diarrhea, Gallbladder, Stomach ache); Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Final Bajo 371, 441, 515
Infections and infestations (Anthelmintic); Metabolism and nutrition (Diabetes) Seguencoma, Mercado Rodriguez
Baccharis genistelloides (Lam.) Pers. Carkeja, Charara (s); Kimsa kuchu (a) Blood and circulatory system (High blood pressure): Digestive system (Stomach Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 535
ache); Urinary system (Kidney infection)
Baccharis pentlandii DC. Chillca (s) Cultural illnesses (Air, Lightning strike); Muscular-skeletal system (Arthritis, Calle Santa Cruz, Cohoni, El Alto, 338, 339
Blows, Bone pain, Fractures, Sprains, Strong blows); Non-specic symptoms and Mercado Rodriguez
general illnesses (Fever); Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Acne, Wound healing,
Wound swelling)
Baccharis tola Phil. Thula (a) Dental health (Molar pain); Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Blemishes) Mercado Rodriguez 466, 478
Baccharis tola Phil. var. tola Lejia (s) Digestive system (Gallbladder, Stomach ache) Mercado Rodriguez 450
Bidens sp. Chiri chiri (a) Muscular-skeletal system (Fractures); Nervous system and mental health (Epi- Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 516
lepsy); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Headache); Reproductive
system and sexual health (Menopause)
Bocconia sp. Amakari (a) Muscular-skeletal system (Arthritis, Rheumatism); Non-specic symptoms and Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto 457
general illnesses (Tumors); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Washing if a
fetus dies); Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Wound swelling)
Chersodoma sp. Wira wira (a) Respiratory system (Cough) Mercado Rodriguez 485
Chrysanthemum sp. Santa Mara (s) Digestive system (Stomach infection); Muscular-skeletal system (Arthritis, Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto 552
Cynara cardunculus L. Alcachofa (s) Blood and circulatory system (High blood pressure); Digestive system (Gall- Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 367, 502
bladder, Liver); Metabolism and nutrition (Cholesterol, Diabetes) Rodriguez
Eupatorium azangaroense Sch. Bip. ex Mankapaki (a) Digestive system (Stomach ache); Muscular-skeletal system (Bone pain, Frac- Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 563
Wedd. tures, Rheumatism); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Fever)
Gnaphalium cheiranthifolium Lam. Wira wira (a) Respiratory system (Asthma, Cold, Cough) Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Final Bajo 342, 365, 513
Seguencoma, Mercado Rodriguez
Grindelia boliviana Rusby Chili chili (a) Muscular-skeletal system (Fracture bones, Sprains) Mercado Rodriguez 321, 504
Loricaria thuyoides (Lam.) Sch. Bip. Kili koa (a) Cultural illnesses (Against curses) Calle Santa Cruz 536
Matricaria chamomilla L. Manzanilla (s) Digestive system (Stomach ache, Stomach infection); Muscular-skeletal system Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 492
(Rheumatism); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Desinammatory, Rodriguez
Inammation); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Childbed, Post partum care,
Post-partum washing, Uterus, Uterus inammation); Reproductive system and
sexual health (Uterus prolapse); Respiratory system (Cold, Cough, Sinusitis, Sore
throat); Sensory system (Eye irritation); Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Skin
cleansing, Wounds); Urinary system (Kidney infection)

R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695

Mutisia acuminata Ruiz. & Pav. Chinchircoma (a) Muscular-skeletal system (Bone pain); Nervous system and mental health (Epi- Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 368, 459
lepsy); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Headache, Nausea)
Mutisia orbignyana Wedd. Muthu muthu / Kutu kutu (a) Cultural illnesses (Against curses, Black altar (offering), Lightning strike); Di- Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 455, 458
gestive system (Hemorrhoids); Metabolism and nutrition (Goiter); Muscular- Rodriguez
skeletal system (Muthu kata (damage to the vertebral column), Strong blows)
Parastrephia quadrangularis (Meyen) Pulica (s) Muscular-skeletal system (Fractures); Nervous system and mental health Mercado Rodriguez 449
Cabrera (Nerves)
Senecio sp. Paas akana (a) Muscular-skeletal system (Rheumatism) Calle Santa Cruz 437
Senecio canescens (Bonpl.) Cuatrec. Kea kea (a) Muscular-skeletal system (Arthritis); Non-specic symptoms and general ill- Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Final Bajo 328, 411, 489
nesses (Cancer, Fever); Respiratory system (Asthma, Cough, Throat) Seguencoma, Mercado Rodriguez
Senecio nutans Sch. Bip. Chachakoma (a) Digestive system (Diarrhea, Gastritis/Ulcers, Stomach ache); Metabolism and Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto 406
nutrition (Blood cleansing)
Senecio smithioides Cabrera Lampazo (s) Muscular-skeletal system (Back pain, Bone pain, Waist pain); Non-specic Calle Santa Cruz, Cohoni, El Alto, 364
symptoms and general illnesses (Fever, Inammation); Respiratory system Mercado Rodriguez
(Cough, Pneumonia); Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Bruises, Wound swelling);
Urinary system (Kidney infection)
Sonchus oleraceus L. Kana paku (a) Digestive system (Gallbladder, Liver, Stomach ache, Stomach acidity); Non-spe- Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 387, 498, 544
cic symptoms and general illnesses (Alcoholism)
Tagetes multiora Kunth. Chijchipa (a) Digestive system (Stomach ache); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Childbed, Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 319, 421, 505, 509
Post partum care, Post-partum washing) Rodriguez
Taraxacum ofcinale F.H. Wigg. Diente de len (s) Digestive system (Gallbladder, Liver, Stomach ache, Stomach acidity); Metabo- Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 508
lism and nutrition (Anemia); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Al- Rodriguez
coholism); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Galactogogue)
Werneria sp. Akana (s) Cultural illnesses (Against curses); Metabolism and nutrition (Diabetes) Calle Santa Cruz 436
Werneria heteroloba Wedd. Marancela (s), Janko warmi (a) Reproductive system and sexual health (Uterus prolapse); Urinary system (Kid- Calle Santa Cruz 422, 434, 422A
ney infection)
Werneria nubigena Kunth Janko warmi, Janukara (a) Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Cancer, Inammation, Quirwacin Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto 520, 534
(pain on the sole of the feet)); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Uterus);
Reproductive system and sexual health (Bloody vaginal discharge); Respiratory
system (Cold)
Xanthium spinosum L. Amor seco (s); Anuchapi (a) Cultural illnesses (Rage); Dental health (Mouth ulcers); Infections and infesta- Calle Santa Cruz, Cota Cota, El Alto, 518
tions (Chickenpox, Malaria, Measles, Scarlet fever); Metabolism and nutrition Mercado Rodriguez
(Blood cleansing); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Cancer, Fever);
Respiratory system (Cough, Flu, Mucus in the lungs); Skin and subcutaneous
tissue (Acne)
Xenophyllum poposum (Phil.) V.A. Funk Poposa (s), Zazawi blanca (a), Alcuma Infections and infestations (Anthelmintic); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed Calle Santa Cruz 403, 530
blanco (akana blanca) (s) (Childbed, Uterus), Blood and circulatory system (High blood pressure); Cultural
illnesses (Air); Digestive system (Gastritis/Ulcers); Muscular-skeletal system

Alnus acuminata Kunth. Lampara (s) Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Insolation) Mercado Rodriguez 346

Table 1 (continued )

Family/Scientic name Vernacular name Medicinal Use categories (Ailment/Illness) Market Collection # LM

Borago ofcinalis L. Morraja (s) Respiratory system (Cough) Calle Santa Cruz 417

Brassica rapa L. Mostaza (s) Cultural illnesses (Rage); Digestive system (Gastritis/Ulcers); Non-specic Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 391
symptoms and general illnesses (Fever); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed Rodriguez
(Accelerate childbirth)
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. Bolsa bolsa, Bolsa de pastor (s) Digestive system (Liver); Urinary system (Kidney infection, Prostate) Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 375, 468
Lepidium bipinnatidum Desv. Anukara (a) Digestive system (Gastritis/Ulcers, Laxative); Infections and infestations (An- Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 324
thelmintic); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Cancer)
Matthiola incana (L.) W.T. Aiton Alel (s) Cultural illnesses (Against curses, Lightning strike) Calle Santa Cruz
Nasturtium ofcinale W.T. Aiton Berro (s) Digestive system (Liver, Metabolism and nutrition); Metabolism and nutrition Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 380


R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695

Protium sp. Copal, Copal blanco, Copal negro (s) Cultural illnesses (Against curses, Air, Ajayu, Altar (offering), Depression, Light- Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 572, 573
ning strike); Nervous system and mental health (Nerves) Rodriguez

Opuntia cus-indica (L.) Mill. Penca (s) Digestive system (Gallbladder, Liver); Metabolism and nutrition (Diabetes); Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 561
Muscular-skeletal system (Back pain, Fractures, Strong blows); Non-specic Rodriguez
symptoms and general illnesses (Fever, Hair care, Inammation); Respiratory
system (Lung pain); Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Wound swelling); Urinary
system (Kidney infection)

Calceolaria bartsiifolia Wedd. Termentina (s) Muscular-skeletal system (Fractures, Strong blows) Cohoni, Mercado Rodriguez 348
Calceolaria buchtieniana Kraenzl. Zapato zapato (s); Amay zapato (a) Blood and circulatory system (Heartache); Cultural illnesses (Larpha); Urinary Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 337, 340, 349, 392
system (Kidney infection, Prostate)
Calceolaria engleriana Kraenzl. Zapato zapato (s) Digestive system (Liver); Urinary system (Cystitis, Kidney infection) Mercado Rodriguez 463, 340A
Calceolaria sp. Amay zapato (a) Respiratory system (Cold) Mercado Rodriguez

Valeriana micropterina Wedd. Valeriana (s) Blood and circulatory system (Heartache); Nervous system and mental health Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto 550
(Nerves, Stress, Tranquilizer); Urinary system (Kidney infection)

Dianthus plumarius L. Clavel blanco (s) Blood and circulatory system (Heartache); Cultural illnesses (Against curses, Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Final Bajo 373
Lightning strike); Digestive system (Liver); Nervous system and mental health Seguencoma, Mercado Rodriguez
(Nerves); Sensory system (Eye irritation)

Maytenus laevis Reissk. Chuchuhuasi (a) Urinary system (Prostate) Calle Santa Cruz 430

Clusia lechleri Rusby Incienso (s) Cultural illnesses (Lightning strike) Calle Santa Cruz 558

416 Mora (s) Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Hair care) Calle Santa Cruz 416

Cucurbita maxima Duchesne Zapallo (s) Digestive system (Laxative) Calle Santa Cruz 562

Cupressus sargentii Jeps. Pino (s) Respiratory system (Asthma, Cough) Calle Santa Cruz, Final Bajo Se- 395
guencoma, Mercado Rodriguez

Ephedra americana Humb. & Bonpl. ex Cola de caballo, Cola de caballo hembra Digestive system (Liver); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Uterus); Urinary Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 382, 551
Willd. (s) system (Kidney infection, Prostate)
Ephedra rupestris Benth. Sanu sanu (a) Digestive system (Liver, Stomach ache); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed Calle Santa Cruz, Cota Cota, El Alto, 317, 433, 525
(Childbed); Urinary system (Kidney infection, Prostate) Mercado Rodriguez
Equisetum bogotense Kunth Sanu sanu (a) Digestive system (Stomach ache); Muscular-skeletal system (Foot pain, Fractures, Calle Santa Cruz, Cohoni, Mercado 363
Cramps); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Childbed, Post-partum washing); Rodriguez
Reproductive system and sexual health (Abortive); Urinary system (Kidney
Equisetum giganteum L. Cola de caballo, Cola de caballo macho, Blood and circulatory system (Varicose veins); Digestive system (Liver); Meta- Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 370
Cola de caballo yungueo (s) bolism and nutrition (Blood cleansing); Muscular-skeletal system (Waist pain); Rodriguez
Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Uterus); Urinary system (Kidney infection,

Erythroxylum coca Lam. Coca (s) Digestive system (Stomach ache); Muscular-skeletal system (Arthritis) El Alto 542

Croton lechleri Muell.-Arg. Sangre de grado (s) Digestive system (Gastritis/Ulcers); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 575
(Cancer); Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Hemorrhage, Wound healing) Rodriguez
Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex. Flor de Pascua (s) Cultural illnesses (Lightning strike) Calle Santa Cruz
Hura crepitans L. Habilla (s) Digestive system (Gallbladder, Gallstones, Laxative); Non-specic symptoms and Calle Santa Cruz, Cota Cota 427

R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695

general illnesses (Alcoholism)
Jatropha curcas L. Pin (s) Digestive system (Gallstones, Laxative); Non-specic symptoms and general ill- Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto 424, 528
nesses (Alcoholism)
Ricinus communis L. Macororo, Macororo rojo (s) Digestive system (Gallstones, Laxative); Non-specic symptoms and general ill- Calle Santa Cruz 425, 426
nesses (Alcoholism)

Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Willka (a) Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Accelerate childbirth) Calle Santa Cruz 405
Astragalus garbancillo Cav. Garbanzo (s) Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Pain) Calle Santa Cruz 442
Lupinus sp. Janko janko (a) Sensory system (Earage) Mercado Rodriguez 467
Lupinus altimontanus C.P. Sm. Kela (a) Cultural illnesses (Against curses); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses Calle Santa Cruz, Cohoni, Mercado 343, 469
(Cancer); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Abortive when fetus dies, Child- Rodriguez
birth, Post-partum washing); Reproductive system and sexual health (Abortive);
Respiratory system (Cold); Urinary system (Kidney infection)
Medicago sativa L. Alfa alfa (s) Metabolism and nutrition (Anemia, Iron deciency, Strengthen the bones); Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 547
Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Galactogogue); Reproductive system and
sexual health (Sexual potency); Urinary system (Kidney infection)
Ormosia coccinea (Aubl.) Jacks. Huayruro (s); Wayruro (a) Cultural illnesses (Against curses) Calle Santa Cruz
Otholobium pubescens (Poir.) J.W. Wallakaya (a) Cultural illnesses (Against curses, Larpha); Metabolism and nutrition (Diabetes); Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 332, 377, 510
Grimes Reproductive system and sexual health (Menstrual pain); Urinary system (Kid-
ney infection)
Prosopis laevigata (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Algarrobo / Tajo (s) Cultural illnesses (Against curses); Metabolism and nutrition (Anemia, Frailty, Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 560
Willd.) Kunth Strengthening); Urinary system (Kidney infection, Prostate)
Senna aymara H.S. Irwin & Barneby Moto moto (s) Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Wounds); Muscular-skeletal system (Back Mercado Rodriguez 350, 484
Spartium junceum L. Retama (s) Blood and circulatory system (Heartache); Cultural illnesses (Against curses, Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 557
Good luck, Lightning strike, To drive away evil spirits); Pregnancy, childbirth and Rodriguez
child-bed (Post partum care)
Vicia faba L. Haba (s) Sensory system (Eye irritation) Mercado Rodriguez

Erodium cicutarium (L.) LHr. ex Aiton Aguja aguja, Reloj reloj (s) Dental health (Molar pain); Digestive system (Gallbladder); Infections and in- Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 325, 385, 461, 500
festations (Measles); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Anti-in-
ammatory, Inammation); Urinary system (Cystitis, Kidney infection, Prostate)

Thamnolia vermicularis (Sw.) Ach. ex Wari kunka (a) Respiratory system (Cough) Calle Santa Cruz 578

Sisyrinchium sp. Aika aika (a) Cultural illnesses (To make children speak (13 years)); Digestive system (Sto- Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 322, 440
mach ache, When babies have green feces)

Table 1 (continued )

Family/Scientic name Vernacular name Medicinal Use categories (Ailment/Illness) Market Collection # LM

Juglans boliviana (C. DC.) Dode Nogal (s) Metabolism and nutrition (Diabetes) Calle Santa Cruz 423

Clinopodium bolivianum (Benth) Khoa (a) Cultural illnesses (Larpha); Digestive system (Stomach cleansing, Stomach ache); Calle Santa Cruz, Cohoni, El Alto, 314, 318, 335, 470,
Kuntze Metabolism and nutrition (Blood cleansing); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed Mercado Rodriguez 543
(Post-partum washing)
Lavandula latifolia Medik. Alhucema (s) Cultural illnesses (Air, Incense for cleansing); Digestive system (Swellings of the Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado
stomach); Muscular-skeletal system (Bone pain); Non-specic symptoms and Rodriguez
general illnesses (Fever); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Post partum care);
Reproductive system and sexual health (Uterus prolapse)
Lepechinia meyenii (Walp.) Epling Salvia (s) Blood and circulatory system (Varicose veins); Cultural illnesses (Air); Muscular- Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 524, 533
skeletal system (Arthritis, Bone pain, Rheumatism); Nervous system and mental Rodriguez
health (Memory); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Affected by the

R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695

cold air, Quirwacin (pain on the sole of the feet)); Pregnancy, childbirth and
child-bed (Post partum care); Reproductive system and sexual health (Menstrual
regulation); Respiratory system (Cold); Urinary system (Kidney infection)
Melissa ofcinalis L. Toronjil (s) Blood and circulatory system (Heartache); Nervous system and mental health Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 559
(Epilepsy, Nerves, Relaxant); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses
Mentha  piperita L. Menta (s) Digestive system (Gastritis/Ulcers, Swellings of the stomach); Metabolism and Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 386, 435
nutrition (Blood cleansing)
Mentha spicata L. Hierba buena (s) Digestive system (Stomach ache); Infections and infestations (Anthelmintic); Calle Santa Cruz, Final Bajo Se- 390
Metabolism and nutrition (Blood cleansing) guencoma, Mercado Rodriguez
Ocimum basilicum L. Albahaca (s) Cultural illnesses (Spiritual owering) Calle Santa Cruz 565, 570
Rosmarinus ofcinalis L. Romero (s) Blood and circulatory system (Varicose veins); Cultural illnesses (Air, Good luck); Calle Santa Cruz, Cota Cota, Mercado 374, 393, 482
Dental health (Stained teeth); Digestive system (Liver, Stomach ache); Muscular- Rodriguez
skeletal system (Bone pain, Rheumatism); Nervous system and mental health
(Memory, Nerves); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Cancer);
Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Childbed, Post partum care, Post-partum
washing); Respiratory system (Cold);Urinary system (Kidney infection)
Salvia hispanica L. Chia (s) Digestive system (Gastritis/Ulcers); Metabolism and nutrition (Blood cleansing); El Alto 549
Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Slimming)
Stachys pusilla (Wedd.) Briq. Verbena, Verbena blanca (s) Blood and circulatory system (Heartache); Digestive system (Gallbladder, Liver, Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 580
Stomach acidity); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Alcoholism);
Urinary system (Kidney infection)

Linum usitatissimum L. Linaza (s) Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Fever) El Alto 569

Ligaria cuneifolia (Ruiz. & Pav.) Tiegh. Jamillo (s) Cultural illnesses (Lightning strike); Muscular-skeletal system (Blows, Bone pain, Calle Santa Cruz, Cohoni, El Alto, 341, 366
Fractures, Sprains, Strong blows); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses Mercado Rodriguez
(Fever); Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Acne, Wound swelling); Urinary system

Malva parviora L. Malva (s) Cultural illnesses (Rage); Digestive system (Stomach infection); Non-specic Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 545
symptoms and general illnesses (Fever); Urinary system (Infection)
Nototriche abellata (Wedd.) A.W. Hill Altea (s) Respiratory system (Cough) Calle Santa Cruz 429

Peumus boldus Molina Boldo (s) Digestive system (Gallbladder, Liver); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto 548
(Uterus); Reproductive system and sexual health (Bloody vaginal discharge);
Urinary system (Kidney infection)

Ficus carica L. Hoja de higo (s) Digestive system (Stomach ache); Metabolism and nutrition (Blood cleansing); Calle Santa Cruz, Cota Cota, El Alto, 420, 493
Reproductive system and sexual health (Abortive, Menstrual hemorrhage, Mercado Rodriguez
Menstrual pain, Uterine cysts); Urinary system (Kidney infection)

Myristica fragans Houtt. Nuez moscada (s) Cultural illnesses (Air); Nervous system and mental health (Nerves) Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 563

Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Eucalipto (s) Cultural illnesses (Air); Muscular-skeletal system (Rheumatism); Pregnancy, Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 381
childbirth and child-bed (Post partum care); Respiratory system (Asthma, Cough, Rodriguez
Mucus in the lungs)
Myrtus communis L. Arrayn (s) Dental health (Sensitive teeth) Calle Santa Cruz 401

Hypseocharis pimpinellifolia J. Rmy Huanchaca (a) Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Alcoholism) Calle Santa Cruz 556
Oxalis tuberosa Molina Isao negro (s) Urinary system (Prostate) Calle Santa Cruz, Cota Cota, Mercado 410

Passiora mollissima (Kunth) L.H. Tumbo (s) Metabolism and nutrition (Diabetes) Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 353, 415

R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695

Phyllanthus niruri L. Chanka piedra (s) Digestive system (Gallbladder, Kidney stones); Urinary system (Kidney infection) El Alto

Piper acutifolium Ruiz. & Pav. Matico (s) Cultural illnesses (Air); Muscular-skeletal system (Arthritis, Rheumatism, Shor- Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 327, 329
tened tendons); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Affected by the
cold air, Quirwacin (pain on the sole of the feet)); Pregnancy, childbirth and
child-bed (Uterus); Reproductive system and sexual health (Uterus prolapse);
Respiratory system (Cold, Flu, Internal cold); Urinary system (Kidney infection,
Piper elongatum Vahl. Matico (s); Sotoja (a) Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Steam baths) Calle Santa Cruz 454

Plantago major L. Llantn (s) Blood and circulatory system (Heartache); Digestive system (Gallbladder, Gas- Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 388, 511
tritis/Ulcers, Liver); Metabolism and nutrition (Blood cleansing); Non-specic
symptoms and general illnesses (Cancer, Inammation); Urinary system (Kidney
Plantago lanceolata L. Llantn (s) Blood and circulatory system (Heartache); Digestive system (Liver); Urinary Mercado Rodriguez 465
system (Kidney infection)

Cortaderia sp. Sewenka (a) Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Childbed); Reproductive system and sexual Calle Santa Cruz, Cota Cota, Mercado 444
health (Abortive, Menstrual pain); Urinary system (Kidney infection) Rodriguez
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf Hierba luisa (s) Digestive system (Stomach ache); Metabolism and nutrition (Correct the blood); Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 490, 503
Nervous system and mental health (Nerves); Respiratory system (Cold)
Hordeum vulgare L. Cebada (s) Urinary system (Kidney infection) Calle Santa Cruz
Zea mays L. Maz blanco, Choclo (s) Blood and circulatory system (Heartache); Cultural illnesses (Lightning strike); Calle Santa Cruz, Cota Cota, El Alto, 539
Metabolism and nutrition (Blood cleansing); Non-specic symptoms and general Mercado Rodriguez
illnesses (Hair growth); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Uterus); Urinary
system (Kidney infection, Prostate)

Cantua exuosa (Ruiz. & Pav.) Pers. Cantuta amarilla (s) Cultural illnesses (Lightning strike) El Alto

Muehlenbeckia volcanica (Benth.) Endl. Muaka (a) Digestive system (Gallbladder) Calle Santa Cruz
Rumex cuneifolius Campd. Kento (s); Kentu (a) Muscular-skeletal system (Arthritis, Rheumatism); Pregnancy, childbirth and Calle Santa Cruz, Cohoni, El Alto, 311, 554
child-bed (Uterus); Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Acne, Disinfectant, Wound Mercado Rodriguez

522 Helecho (s) Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Uterus); Urinary system (Kidney infection, El Alto 522


Table 1 (continued )

Family/Scientic name Vernacular name Medicinal Use categories (Ailment/Illness) Market Collection # LM

Lachemila sp. Pimpilina (s) Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Headache) Calle Santa Cruz 574
Lachemilla pinnata (Ruiz. & Pav.) Sillu sillu (a) Blood and circulatory system (Heartache); Digestive system (Gallbladder, Liver); Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 323, 369
Rothm. Metabolism and nutrition (Blood cleansing); Nervous system and mental health
(Nerves); Urinary system (Kidney infection)
Malus sylvestris Mill. Manzana (s) Nervous system and mental health (Memory) Calle Santa Cruz
Polylepis pacensis M. Kessler & Keua (s) Digestive system (Stomach ache); Urinary system (Prostate) Mercado Rodriguez 330, 333
Polylepis tomentella Wedd. Keua (s) Digestive system (Stomach ache); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses Mercado Rodriguez 462, 475
Rosa odorata (Andrews) Sweet Rosa blanca (s) Blood and circulatory system (Heartache); Cultural illnesses (Lightning strike); Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 372
Nervous system and mental health (Epilepsia, Nerves, Relaxant); Non-specic Rodriguez
symptoms and general illnesses (Headache, Nausea)
Rubus boliviensis Focke Khari khari (a) Cultural illnesses (Stuttering in children, To make children speak (13 years)); Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 376, 460
Urinary system (Kidney infection)

R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695

Sanguisorba minor Scop. Pimpinela (s) Blood and circulatory system (Heart attack, Heartache); Nervous system and Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 378, 389
mental health (Epilepsia, Nerves, Relaxant); Non-specic symptoms and general
illnesses (Headache, Nausea)

Galium sp. Chapi (a) Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Stomach ache in pregants, Uterus) El Alto 445
Morinda citrifolia L. Noni (s) Digestive system (Gastritis/Ulcers); Metabolism and nutrition (Blood cleansing); El Alto 581
Muscular-skeletal system (Osteoporosis); Non-specic symptoms and general
illnesses (Cancer, Tumores)
Uncaria guianensis (Aubl.) J.F. Gmel. Ua de gato (s) Digestive system (Gastritis/Ulcers, Liver); Muscular-skeletal system (Rheuma- Calle Santa Cruz, Cota Cota, Mercado 408
tism, Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses); Non-specic symptoms and Rodriguez
general illnesses (Cancer); Reproductive system and sexual health (Uterine
cysts); Urinary system (Kidney infection)

Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle Naranja (s) Blood and circulatory system (Heartache, High blood pressure); Cultural illnesses Calle Santa Cruz, Cota Cota, El Alto, 428, 514
(So that the kari kari (a spirit) stays away, To stay young); Digestive system Mercado Rodriguez
(Gallbladder); Nervous system and mental health (Nerves, Tranquilizer); Preg-
nancy, childbirth and child-bed (Accelerate childbirth); Respiratory system
(Cough, Mucus in the lungs, Tonsils); Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Hemorrhage,
Wound healing)
Citrus medica L. Cidra (s) Cultural illnesses (Rage); Digestive system (Gallbladder, Gallstones); Respiratory Calle Santa Cruz, Cota Cota, Mercado 414, 527, 537
system (Cold, Cough) Rodriguez
Citrus x limon (L.) Osbeck Limn (s) Digestive system (Gallbladder, Liver, Stomach ache); Non-specic symptoms and Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez
general illnesses (Desinammatory); Respiratory system (Asthma, Cold, Cough);
Urinary system (Kidney infection)
Ruta chalepensis L. Ruda, Ruda macho (s) Cultural illnesses (Against curses, Air, Good luck, Lightning strike, To drive away Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 384, 507
evil spirits); Muscular-skeletal system (Rheumatism); Nervous system and Rodriguez
mental health (Nerves); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Childbed, Post
partum care, Post-partum washing); Respiratory system (Cold)

Phoradendron nervosumOliv. Sulta que sulta (s) Muscular-skeletal system (Bone pain, Fractures, Internal blows, Rheumatism, Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Final Bajo 394
Sprains, Strong blows); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Fever, Seguencoma, Mercado Rodriguez
Quirwacin (pain on the sole of the feet)); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed
(Childbed, Uterus); Reproductive system and sexual health (Uterus prolapse);
Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Wound swelling); Urinary system (Kidney infec-
tion, Prostate)
Quinchamalium chilense Molina Kinchamali, Mali chapi (a) Muscular-skeletal system (Fractures); Nervous system and mental health Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 419, 487
(Nerves); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Uterus); Reproductive system and
sexual health (Fertility)

Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. Chakhataya (a) Blood and circulatory system (Varicose veins); Cultural illnesses (Air, Lightning Calle Santa Cruz, Cohoni, El Alto, 379
strike); Muscular-skeletal system (Blows, Bone pain, Fractures, Rheumatism, Mercado Rodriguez
Sprains, Strong blows); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Fever);
Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Childbed, Post partum care, Post-partum
washing, Uterus); Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Acne); Urinary system (Kidney

Illicium verum Hook. f. Ans estrella (s) Metabolism and nutrition (Blood cleansing) Calle Santa Cruz

Buddleja coriacea J. Rmy Kiswara (a) Muscular-skeletal system (Rheumatism); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 310, 351, 456, 476
(Childbed); Reproductive system and sexual health (Uterine cysts); Urinary
system (Kidney infection, Prostate)

Smilax sp. Zarzaparrilla (s); Wila layu (a) Cultural illnesses (Black altar (offering)); Metabolism and nutrition (Blood Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 443, 582
cleansing, Diabetes); Muscular-skeletal system (Waist pain); Pregnancy, child- Rodriguez
birth and child-bed (Uterus, Uterus inammation); Urinary system (Kidney

R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695

Brugmansia sp. Floripondio (s) Cultural illnesses (Hallucinogen) Calle Santa Cruz
Brugmansia arborea (L.) Lagerh. Floripondio (s) Anti-venom (Poison); Infections and infestations (Scarlet fever); Muscular-ske- Mercado Rodriguez 567
letal system (Rheumatism); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Tu-
mores); Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Acne)
Brugmansia sanguinea (Ruiz. & Pav.) D. Floripondio (s) Cultural illnesses (Lightning strike) El Alto 568
Cestrum parqui LHr. Andrs wailla (a) Cultural illnesses (Rage); Digestive system (Gastritis/Ulcers, Stomach ache); Calle Santa Cruz, Cohoni, El Alto, 326, 480
Muscular-skeletal system (Back pain, Body pain, Fractures, Strong blows, Swel- Mercado Rodriguez
lings ); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Cancer, Desinammatory,
Fever, Inammation); Reproductive system and sexual health (Menstrual pain);
Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Bruises, Skin infectionss, Wound swelling)
Solanum marginatum L. f. Cardo santo (s) Cultural illnesses (Larpha); Respiratory system (Cough, Flu) Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 418, 517
Solanum nitidum Ruiz. & Pav. uu maya (a) Cultural illnesses (Against curses, Larpha); Digestive system (Stomach ache); Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 494
Metabolism and nutrition (Blood cleansing); Muscular-skeletal system (Strong Rodriguez
blows); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Allergies); Skin and sub-
cutaneous tissue (Acne, Skin spots)
Solanum tuberosum L. Papa (s) Metabolism and nutrition (Blood cleansing); Urinary system (Kidney infection) Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez

Urtica urens L. Ortiga / Itapallo (s) Blood and circulatory system (High blood pressure); Cultural illnesses (Air); Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 312
Muscular-skeletal system (Rheumatism)

Aloysia triphylla Royle Cedrn (s) Blood and circulatory system (Heartache); Digestive system (Liver); Nervous Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 540
system and mental health (Nerves); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses
(Affected by the cold air)
Lampayo medicinalis F. Phil. Lampaya (a) Digestive system (Gastritis/Ulcers, Stomach ache, Stomach infection); Metabo- Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez 404, 448
lism and nutrition (Blood cleansing, Cramps); Muscular-skeletal system (Bone
pain, Rheumatism, Sore muscles); Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses
(Shudders); Pregnancy, childbirth and child-bed (Childbed, Uterus inamma-
tion); Reproductive system and sexual health (Menstrual pain, Ovary infection);
Respiratory system (Cold, Cough); Skin and subcutaneous tissue (Skin spots);
Urinary system (Cystitis, Diuretic, Kidney infection, Prostate, Urinary infection)

Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. Sbila (s) Digestive system (Gastritis/Ulcers, Liver); Metabolism and nutrition (Diabetes); Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 362
Muscular-skeletal system (Fractures, Strong blows); Non-specic symptoms and Rodriguez
general illnesses (Hair care, Hair loss); Sensory system (Eye irritation); Skin and
subcutaneous tissue (Facial care, Skin cleansing, Skin spots, Wound healing,
Wound swelling); Urinary system (Kidney infection)

Non identied
402 Kalawala (a) Muscular-skeletal system (Arthritis, Bone pain, Internal blows, Rheumatism); Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Mercado 402

Table 1 (continued )

Family/Scientic name Vernacular name Medicinal Use categories (Ailment/Illness) Market Collection # LM

Urinary system (Kidney infection, Prostate) Rodriguez

403 Raz de la china (s) Muscular-skeletal system (Rheumatism); Non-specic symptoms and general Calle Santa Cruz 403
illnesses (Quirwacin (pain on the sole of the feet)); Pregnancy, childbirth and
child-bed (Childbed); Reproductive system and sexual health (Uterus prolapse);
Urinary system (Kidney infection)
413 Almidn del pas (s) Digestive system (Gastritis/Ulcers) Calle Santa Cruz 413
526 Lloque (a) Cultural illnesses (Larpha, Lazynenss, Lightning strike) Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto 526
529 Cristalachin (s) Metabolism and nutrition (Blood cleansing); Muscular-skeletal system (Internal Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto, Final Bajo 529
blows); Urinary system (Kidney infection, Prostate) Seguencoma, Mercado Rodriguez
546 Waji (a) Cultural illnesses (Air); Digestive system (Gastritis/Ulcers); Metabolism and nu- Calle Santa Cruz 546
trition (Blood cleansing); Muscular-skeletal system (Rheumatism)

No specimen
No specimen Ankaoque (a) Digestive system (Gallbladder); Infections and infestations (Anthelmintic) Calle Santa Cruz

R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695

No specimen Canchalawa (a) Metabolism and nutrition (Blood cleansing) Calle Santa Cruz
No specimen Chapi espina (a) Cultural illnesses (Against curses) Calle Santa Cruz
No specimen Chata (a) Muscular-skeletal system (Rheumatism) Calle Santa Cruz
No specimen Hoja blanca (s) Digestive system (Liver) Calle Santa Cruz
No specimen Kolomoni (s) Digestive system (Gallbladder); Muscular-skeletal system (Back pain); Urinary Calle Santa Cruz, El Alto
system (Kidney infection)
No specimen Kara (a) Metabolism and nutrition (Blood cleansing); Urinary system (Kidney infection) Calle Santa Cruz
No specimen Kara llanten (a) Digestive system (Gastritis/Ulcers; Stomach ache); Urinary system (Kidney Calle Santa Cruz, Mercado Rodriguez
No specimen Kuphi (a) Muscular-skeletal system (Osteoporosis) Mercado Rodriguez
No specimen Lari lari (s) Cultural illnesses (Against curses) Calle Santa Cruz
No specimen Llausa mora (a) Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Hair care); Urinary system (Kidney El Alto
No specimen Locororo (s) Infections and infestations (Tuberculosis); Respiratory system (Pneumonia) Calle Santa Cruz
No specimen Pata de cabra (s) Non-specic symptoms and general illnesses (Cancer) Calle Santa Cruz
No specimen Phusa phusa (a) Muscular-skeletal system (Swellings) Cohoni
No specimen Sayri sayri (a) Cultural illnesses (Against curses); Cultural illnesses (Larpha) Calle Santa Cruz
No specimen Ure ure (s) Cultural illnesses (Larpha) Calle Santa Cruz
No specimen Wanchaca (a) Digestive system (Laxative); Digestive system (Stomach cleansing); Non-specic Calle Santa Cruz; El Alto
symptoms and general illnesses (Alcoholism)
R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695 87

Table 2
Market consensus for plants and for uses, plus some summary metrics of consensus among studies.

(A) Within RBU Markets

# Shared

Plants Calle Santa Cruz Cohoni (12) Cota Cota (12) El Alto (60) Final Bajo Seguencoma (8)
Cohoni (12) 10
Cota Cota (12) 11 0
El Alto (60) 52 8 5
Final Bajo Seguencoma (8) 8 0 0 6
Mercado Rodriguez (97) 88 12 10 43 8
Plant Uses (Illness) Calle Santa Cruz Cohoni (21) Cota Cota (27) El Alto (146) Final Bajo Seguencoma
(392) (10)
Cohoni (21) 3
Cota Cota (27) 6 0
El Alto (146) 44 1 2
Final Bajo Seguencoma (10) 8 0 0 4
Mercado Rodriguez (327) 100 8 5 44 10
Plant Uses (Category) Calle Santa Cruz Cohoni (17) Cota Cota (21) El Alto (105) Final Bajo Seguencoma (8)
Cohoni (17) 7
Cota Cota (21) 10 0
El Alto (105) 53 7 4
Final Bajo Seguencoma (8) 8 0 0 3
Mercado Rodriguez (234) 111 13 7 49 8

(B) Within RBU Markets

Euclidian Distance

Plants Calle Santa Cruz Cohoni Cota Cota El Alto Final Bajo Seguencoma
Cohoni 55
Cota Cota 55 12
El Alto 46 22 23
Final Bajo Seguencoma 55 8 11 21
Mercado Rodriguez 44 42 43 37 42
Plant Uses (Illness) Calle Santa Cruz Cohoni Cota Cota El Alto Final Bajo Seguencoma
Cohoni 23
Cota Cota 23 7
El Alto 24 13 13
Final Bajo Seguencoma 23 6 6 12
Mercado Rodriguez 25 20 20 21 19
Plant Uses (Category) Calle Santa Cruz Cohoni Cota Cota El Alto Final Bajo Seguencoma
Cohoni 30
Cota Cota 30 8
El Alto 29 16 17
Final Bajo Seguencoma 30 7 7 16
Mercado Rodriguez 30 26 28 25 27

(C) Among RBU Markets and Other


# Shared

Calle Santa Cruz - Calle Santa Cruz - J El Alto - RBU (60) El Alto - J
RBU (126) (44) (94)
Calle Santa Cruz - J (44) 33
El Alto - RBU (60) 52 23
El Alto - J (94) 61 34 28
La Paz - El Alto - M (131) 75 33 36 73
Plant Uses (Illness) Calle Santa Cruz Calle Santa Cruz - J El Alto - RBU (146) El Alto - J
(392) (170) (318)
Calle Santa Cruz - J (170) 21
El Alto - RBU (146) 44 9
El Alto - J (318) 31 149 13
La Paz - El Alto - M (329) 53 17 16 34
Plant Uses (Category) Calle Santa Cruz Calle Santa Cruz - J El Alto - RBU (105) El Alto - J
(292) (125) (242)
Calle Santa Cruz - J (125) 34
El Alto - RBU (105) 53 17
El Alto - J (242) 58 108 20
La Paz - El Alto - M (250) 93 30 32 70
88 R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695

Table 2 (continued )

(D) Among RBU Markets and Other


Euclidian Distance

Calle Santa Cruz - Calle Santa Cruz - J El Alto - RBU El Alto - J
Calle Santa Cruz - J 56
El Alto - RBU 46 33
El Alto - J 56 26 40
La Paz - El Alto - M 49 36 32 33
Plant Uses (Illness) Calle Santa Cruz - Calle Santa Cruz - J El Alto - RBU El Alto - J
Calle Santa Cruz - J 26
El Alto - RBU 24 18
El Alto - J 28 14 22
La Paz - El Alto - M 27 22 21 25
Plant Uses (Category) Calle Santa Cruz - Calle Santa Cruz - J El Alto - RBU El Alto - J
Calle Santa Cruz - J 31
El Alto - RBU 29 22
El Alto - J 34 17 26
La Paz - El Alto - M 31 25 25 26

(E) Among Studies

# Shared Euclidian Distance

Plants Justo (104) Maca (131) Justo Maca

Maca (131) 78 Maca 8,7
RBU (163) 70 78 RBU 5,6 9,5
Plant Uses (Illness) Justo (339) Maca (329) Justo Maca
Maca (329) 35 Maca 21,8
RBU (738) 53 67 RBU 14,5 18,1
Plant Uses (Category) Justo (259) Maca (250) Justo Maca
Maca (250) 72 Maca 17,2
RBU (467) 91 116 RBU 11,9 14,6

Fig. 1. Proportional Euler diagrams of plants (A) and plant uses (B) among markets.

or illness, eg. Aloe vera for eye irritation), and plant-categories uses, and plant-categories in each market (Wilkinson, 2011). In
(unique combinations of a species used for a category of ailments, addition to these raw counts, we also used Euclidian distance as a
eg. Aloe vera sensory system). metric of the difference among markets. To look for change over
To compare the geographic/market structure of plants and time, or with methodological differences among studies, we em-
plant-uses, we extracted lists of unique and shared plants, plant- ployed similar methods on the plants and plant-uses reported in
R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695 89

Table 3 3. Results and discussion

Unique species to studies.
3.1. Participants
Unique to this study Unique to Macia et al., 2005 Unique to Justo
et al., 2014
All 39 participants were women of an estimated 2570 years of
Allium sativum Adesmia miraorensis Abutilon sp. age, although the majority fell into the age group of an estimate-
Baccharis tola var. tola Austrocylindropuntia exaltata Alnus acuminata dut 40 years. Plant bundles (normally a handful, i.e. what could
Bidens sp. Canavalia sp. Cajophora horrida
Bocconia sp. Chenopodium ambrosioides Calendula ofcinalis
t into the ring of thumb and index nger) sold for 1-3Bs. (about
Brugmansia sp. Coffea arabica Hedeoma 0.150.45$), indicating a 100300% price increase compared to
mandoniana Maca et al. (2005).
Calceolaria bartsiifolia Corryocactus melanotrichus Laurus nobilis
Calceolaria engleriana Dasyphyllum sp. Lepechinia sp.
3.2. Plants in the market
Calceolaria sp. Dunalia brachyacantha Nicotiana sp.
Chrysanthemum sp. Echinopsis pachanoi Ocimum sp.
Citrus aurantiifolia Echinopsis sp. Perezia coerulescens In this study we encountered 163 plant species belonging to
Citrus x limon Hypseocharis cf. Petroselinum sativum 127 genera and 58 families in all markets studies. In addition, 17
pimpinellifolia species could not be identied (Table 1). This species richness is
Croton lechleri Kageneckia lanceolata Psoralea pubescens
Cucurbita maxima Lachemilla sp. Salvia haenkei
considerably higher than reported in Maca et al. (2005, 129 spe-
Equisetum bogotense Lobivia sp. Senecio sp. cies of 55 families) and Justo Chipana and Moraes (2015, 94
Euphorbia pulcherrima Loricaria thuyoides Weinmannia sp. identied species). One reason for this discrepancy might be that
Hordeum vulgare Mucuna sp. the present study ran over several years, and repeated sampling of
Hura crepitans Myroxylon balsamum
all vendors yielded species that previous studies might have
Illicium verum Oenocarpus bataua
Lampaya medicinalis Opuntia soehrensii missed because the material was not available e.g. during the dry
Ligaria cuneifolia Ormosia sp. southern winter.
Lupinus altimontanus Puya sp. The most common plant families used were Asteraceae (33
Malus sylvestris Relbunium sp. species, 20.25%), Fabaceae (17 species, 6.75%), Lamiaceae (11 spe-
Maytenus laevis Rubus megalococcus
Morinda citrifolia Satureja boliviana
cies, 6%), Rosaceae (8 species, 5%), Solanaceae (7 species, 4.25%),
Nasturtium ofcinale Solanum palitans Brassicaceae and Euphorbiaceae (5 species, 3%), followed by Poa-
Nototriche abellata Thamnolia vermicularis ceae, Rutaceae, Calceolariaceae and Apiaceae (each 4 species,
Ormosia coccinea Tropaeolum tuberosum 2.5%). This distribution is relatively similar to Maca et al. (2005).
Oxalis tuberosa
One major difference is the place of Cactaceae, which Maca et al.
quadrangularis (2005) lists as the fourth most important family, and here played
Phoradendron nervosum almost no role. The recent prohibitions on sale of CITES species
Phyllanthus niruri likely are responsible for this lack, which is also attested in the
Piper acutifolium family distribution of Justo Chipana and Moraes (2015). Some
Polylepis pacensis
Prosopis laevigata
changes, e.g. the complete lack of some hallucinogenic species like
Ricinus communis Echinocereus pachanoi in the present study, as compared to Maca
Salvia sp. et al. (2005) might have its base in a prohibition against the sale of
Sambucus australis hallucinogenic species also enacted during the last decade.
Senecio nutans
Of the identied species 106 (61.2%) were native to Bolivia, and
Solanum tuberosum
Uncaria guianensis 47 (28.8%) were introduced. This shows differences to Justo Chi-
Werneria heteroloba pana and Moraes (2015) who report only 52% of native species,
Werneria nubigena most likely because during their study period native species due to
Werneria poposa the dry southern winter conditions were not available.
Xenophyllum poposum
Almost 65% of all species (106) were known only by their
Spanish names, (7%) had Spanish and Aymara names, and 46 (28%)
were only traded under their Aymara name. This indicates that
especially species that were added to the pharmacopoeia in the
this study versus previous studies (Maca et al., 2005; Justo Chi-
last decade were mostly known by their Spanish names. Overall
pana and Moraes, 2015). We also specically compared the same
Maca et al. (2005) reported only 56.6% Spanish vernacular names,
markets as sampled in the difference studies. and while the percentage of Aymara names remained almost
To evaluate plant importance, we used the Logarithmic In- constant, no Quechua names were recorded in the present study.
formant Consensus index of Dudney et al. (2015). Here, we con- This might relate to the fact that our interviewers were native
sidered markets as occurrences, so for a species: Aymara speakers.
In most cases (over 75%), the prepared remedies were taken
LICs=sum ICu* ln( FCus) orally as decoctions / infusions, and another 15% were applied as
cataplasm. Applications involved preferentially leaves (45%), aerial
where for each use of a species ICu (FCu NSu)/(FCu  1), FCu is parts of the plant (21%) or the whole plant (10%), very similar to
previous studies (Maca et al., 2005; Justo Chipana and Moraes,
the total reports of that use and NSu is the number of species
reported for the use.
To evaluate the diversity of uses across markets, we calculated,
3.3. Most common medicinal applications
for each plant that occurs in at least two markets, the percent of its
uses that are unique to each market. The most treated illness categories were Digestive system (152
All analyses were performed using the R program package mentions, 16%), Muscular-skeletal-system (136, 14%), Urinary sys-
(Oksanen et al., 2015). tem (112, 12%), Cultural illnesses (99, 10%), Non-specic symptoms
and general illnesses (89, 9%), Respiratory system (72, 8%), and
90 R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695

Fig. 2. Proportional Euler diagrams of plants (A) and plant uses (B) in this study (Bussmann) and two previous studies (Maca Maca et al., 2005, Justo Justo Chipana
and Moraes, 2015).

Table 4
Species differences between markets in present study.

Calle Santa Cruz Mercado Rodriguez El Alto Cota Cota Final Bajo Seguencoma Cohoni

Anadenanthera colubrina Baccharis tola var. tola Cantua exuosa Allium sativum
Apium graveolens Calceolaria engleriana Erythroxylum coca
Borago ofcinalis Calceolaria sp. Linum usitatissimum
Chenopodium quinoa Parastrephia quadrangularis LM 522
Clusia lechleri Polylepis pacensis Morinda citrifolia
Cucurbita maxima Sambucus australis Phyllanthus niruri
Euphorbia pulcherrima Vicia faba Salvia sp.
Hordeum vulgare
Illicium verum
Juglans boliviana
LM 403
LM 413
LM 416
LM 546
Malus sylvetsris
Matthiola incana
Maytenus laevis
Muehlenbeckia volcnica
Myrtus communis
Nototriche abellata
Ormosia coccinea
Pimpinella anisum
Piper elongatum
Ricinus communis
Werneria heteroloba
Werneria poposa
Xenophyllum poposum

pregnancy (63, 7%). Among the individual illnesses kidney infec- (19 species, 11%) and cough / ulcers (18 species, 10%).
tions stood out as the most common illness treated by traditional While the overall distribution of illness categories is in line
remedies (74 mentions, 8%), followed by stomach ache (36, 4%) with previous studies (Maca et al., 2005; Justo Chipana and
and cough (33, 4%). Rheumatism, gallbladder, prostate, liver, frac- Moraes, 2015), the number of species used per application, as well
tures, bad air, gastritis/ulcers, blood cleansing and nerves followed as the applications per species, were much higher in the present
with 32-22 mentions (3%). study.
Digestive system disorders were treated with 72 species (40%
of the total), followed by non-specic illnesses (55 species, 30%), 3.4. Market comparison
urinary and musculo-skeletal system (52 species, 28%), cultural
illnesses (51 species, 28%), pregnancy related issues and metabo- In the present study, almost without exception, the small
lism (36 species, 20%), and respiratory system (28 species, 15%). markets contained much less species than the main markets in La
The most important individual illnesses were kidney infections, Paz, and carried subsets of the plants the main markets had
treated with 48 species (27%), stomach ache (28 species, 26%), (Table 2A-B, Fig. 1A). However, plant-uses diverge much more,
rheumatism (24 species, 13%), liver (23 species, 13%), blood with a substantial proportion of the plant-uses in Cota Cota and
cleansing (22 species, 12%), gallbladder (21 species, 12%), prostate Cohoni unique, and more structure of shared plant-uses among
R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695 91

Bussmann - Justo

Bussmann - Maca


-10 0 10 20 30 40
number of species
Fig. 3. Number of plants reported within each use category in this study (Bussmann) and two previous studies (Maca Maca et al., 2005, Justo Justo Chipana and
Moraes, 2015). For use categories shared between the studies for the number of plants by which RBU counts are greater than (green) or less than (red) each previous study is
shown. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

markets (Table 2, Fig. 1B). Plants which were common to at least (fractures at three , sprains at three ), Gnaphalium cheiranthifolium
four of the markets tended to also have uses in common, e.g. Ar- (cough at three ), Ligaria cuneifolia (fractures at four), LM 529
temisia absinthium (anthelmintic at three markets, stomach ache at (kidney infection at four, prostate problems at four), Phoradendron
three markets), Baccharis pentlandii (fractures at four, strong blows nervous (fractures at three , kidney infection three , sprains at
at 3), Dianthus plumarius (heartache at three ), Dodonaea viscosa three ), Senecio canescens (cough at four), Senecio smithioides
92 R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695

kidney infection



stomach pain

number of species


bladder prostate
ulcer cough

bad air

cough stomach pain
kidney infection cold fractures

10 diabetes

bladder fever headache sprain varicose blood pressure

blood pressure cold
prostate anthelmintic diabetes sprain anthelmintic
bad air headache anemia
ulcer liver diarrhea galactogogue
anemia lung pain diarrhea
varicose fractures cramps galactogogue lung pain cramp
Maca Justo Bussmann

Fig. 4. Comparison of the number of plants reported within each use category in this study (Bussmann) and two previous studies (Maca Maca et al., 2005, Justo
Justo Chipana and Moraes, 2015).

(kidney infection at three , pneumonia at three ), Xanthium spi- in the street, which is not acceptable with Western clothing. This
nosum (cough at four), Zea mays (kidney infection at three ). A few might indeed lead to a higher incidence of cystitis cases. Combined
common plants had more variable uses among markets these with a high antibiotic resistance of standard urinary pathogens
plants (those at four or more markets but with no use shared (e.g. E. coli) as veried through interviews in public clinics, this
among more than two markets) were: Cestrum parqui, Citrus aur- might explain the growing use of a diversity of plant remedies for
antiifolia, Clinopodium bolivianum, Ephedra rupestris, and Ficus this condition.
carica (Table 3).
Comparing all three available studies, the picture for the spe- 3.5. Informant consensus
cies composition is rather similar and shows large consistency
over the last decade (Fig. 2A, Table 2C-D), although some species The logarithmic informant consensus (Dudney et al., 2015)
were unique to the individual studies (Table 4). In contrast, there ranking of all species is given in Table 4. This index takes into
were many more unique plant-uses; representing sizable differ- account the frequency of citation as well as consensus. Species
ences among the three studies in what the plant species were with exceptionally high scores often were indicated for a large
actually used for (Fig. 2B, Table 2E). number of uses and tended to be common local (Clinopodium
Overall our study encountered a much broader variety of plant bolivianum, Cestrum parqui, Schinus molle) or cosmopolitan spe-
uses per use category (467), vs. 259 (Justo Chipana and Moraes, cies: (Rosmarinus ofcinalis, Aloe vera, Matricaria recutita, Equise-
2015) and 250 (Maca et al., 2005), and individual uses (738), in tum giganteum, , Xanthium spinosum, and Opuntia cus-indica).
contrast to 339 (Justo Chipana and Moraes, 2015) and 329 (Maca However, some highly ranked species, e.g. Lampaya indica were
et al., 2005) (Fig. 3). In addition, for the 28 uses reported from each traded from other countries. Overall, informant consensus was
of the three studies, we encountered signicantly more species relatively low, which might be caused by the large number of new
associated with each use on average, 8 (95%iles 4-11) more species, both native and indigenous, that have entered the local
species per illness than Maca et al. (2005), and 5 (95%iles 2-8) pharmacopoeia in the last decade (Table 5).
more than Justo Chipana and Moraes (2015) (paired Wilcoxon
p-values o0.001 and o 0.01 respectively, Fig. 4). It is interesting 3.6. The problem of species replacements the example of Ephedra
to note that the greatest increase of species per use found in this and Equisetum
study relates to the treatment of kidney infections, according to
the vendors especially in women. This might be explained by In course of the present study it became apparent that even
changes in lifestyle i.e. work further away from home, and more well known species might often be replaced by other apparently
western style clothing which makes it harder to nd a spot to similar but botanically unrelated species due to environmental
relieve oneself, given that there are hardly any public restrooms, and market forces, as also encountered in other markets (Buss-
because previously women could simply lift their skirts and squat mann et al., 2013). The replacement of Equisetum sp. by Ephedra sp.
R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695 93

Table 5
Logarithmic Index of species use (logarithmic use importance value).

Scientic name LIC Scientic name LIC Scientic name LIC

Rosmarinus ofcinalis 7,5 Mentha x piperita 2,0 Pimpinella anisum 0,8

Clinopodium bolivianum 7,1 Mutisia orbignyana 2,0 Senecio nutans 0,8
Cestrum parqui 5,0 Phoradendron trianae 1,9 Foeniculum vulgare 0,7
Aloe vera 4,8 LM 402 1,9 Borago offcinalis 0,7
Matricaria recutita 4,6 Eupatorium azangaroense 1,8 Dianthus caryophyllus 0,7
Equisetum giganteum 4,5 Sambucus sp. 1,8 Croton lechleri 0,7
Schinus molle 4,4 Eupatorium azangaorense 1,8 Brugmansia arborea 0,7
Xanthium spinosum 4,3 Mentha spicata 1,8 Cantua buxifolia 0,7
Lampaya medicinalis 4,2 Ficus carica 1,7 Clusia lechleri 0,7
Opuntia cus-indica 4,1 Sanguisorba minor 1,7 Chrysanthemum coronarium 0,7
Brassica rapa 4,1 Rosa alba 1,7 Psoralea pubescens 0,7
Senecio smithioides 3,8 Citrus x limon 1,7 Lupinus altimontanus 0,5
Dodonaea viscosa 3,6 Urtica urens 1,7 Bocconia 0,5
Spartium junceum 3,6 Medicago sativa 1,7 Weinmannia 0,5
Ruta chalepensis 3,5 Lepidium bipinnatidum 1,6 Apium graveolens 0,5
Baccharis latifolia 3,5 Sonchus oleraceus 1,6 Baccharis tola var. tola 0,5
Phoradendron nervosum 3,4 Capsella bursa-pastoris 1,6 Chenopodium ambrosioides 0,5
Plantago major 3,3 Matthiola incana 1,5 Erythroxylum coca 0,5
Valeriana micropterina 3,1 Aloysia triphylla 1,5 Perezia coerulescens 0,5
Taraxacum ofcinale 3,1 Erodium cicutarium 1,5 Phyllanthus niruri 0,5
Artemisia absinthium 3,1 Lepechinia sp. 1,5 Ricinus communis 0,5
Cynara cardunculus 2,9 Rumex cuneifolius 1,5 Satureja boliviana 0,5
Ephedra rupestris 2,9 Cupressus sargentii 1,4 Senecio graveolens 0,5
Tripodanthus acutifolius 2,8 Solanum nitidum 1,4 Thamnolia vermicularis 0,5
Baccharis pentlandii 2,8 Sambucus peruviana 1,4 Calceolaria engleriana 0,4
Mutisia acuminata 2,8 Equisetum bogotense 1,4 LM 522 0,4
Citrus aurantiifolia 2,7 LM 529 1,3 Quinchamalium chilense 0,4
Piper acutifolium 2,6 Baccharis genistelloides 1,3 Solanum tuberosum 0,4
Stachys pusilla 2,5 Hura crepitans 1,3 Adesmia miraorensis 0,4
Peumus boldus 2,5 Uncaria guianensis 1,3 Austrocylindropuntia exaltata 0,4
Buddleja coriacea 2,5 Piper elongatum 1,2 Brugmansia sanguinea 0,4
Allium cepa 2,4 Cymbopogon citratus 1,2 Cantua exuosa 0,4
Tagetes multiora 2,4 Citrus medica 1,2 Corryocactus melanotrichus 0,4
Dysphania ambrosioides 2,4 Protium sp. 1,2 Dasyphyllum sp. 0,4
Calceolaria buchtieniana 2,4 Mulinum spinosum 1,2 Dunalia brachyacantha 0,4
Lachemilla pinnata 2,4 Sisyrinchium sp. 1,1 Echinopsis sp. 0,4
Ambrosia arborescens 2,4 Rubus boliviensis 1,1 Lobivia sp. 0,4
Lavandula latifolia 2,4 Rosa sp. 1,1 Loricaria thuyoides 0,4
Malva parviora 2,4 Citrus sinensis 1,0 MM 7133 0,4
Lepechinia meyenii 2,3 Grindelia boliviana 1,0 Opuntia soehrensii 0,4
Senecio canescens 2,3 Myristica fragans 1,0 Puya sp. 0,4
Otholobium pubescens 2,3 Werneria villosa 1,0 Solanum tripartitum 0,4
Dianthus plumarius 2,3 Jatropha curcas 1,0 Passiora mollissima 0,4
Zea mays 2,3 Bocconia integrifolia 0,9 Tagetes terniora 0,4
Ephedra americana 2,2 Oxalis tuberosa 0,9 Xenophyllum poposum 0,4
Melissa ofcinalis 2,2 Werneria nubigena 0,9 Lachemilla sp. 0,3
Solanum marginatum 2,2 Allium sativum 0,9 Morinda citrifolia 0,3
Eucalyptus globulus 2,1 Muehlenbeckia volcanica 0,8 Myrtus communis 0,3
Cortaderia sp. 2,1 Prosopis laevigata 0,8 Echeveria sp. 0,2
Gnaphalium cheiranthifolium 2,0 Calceolaria bartsiifolia 0,8 Juglans boliviana 0,2
Smilax sp. 2,0 Chenopodium quinoa 0,8 All other species 0,0
Ligaria cuneifolia 2,0 Chrysanthemum sp. 0,8

serves as a prime example on which we previously gave a short vernacular name Samu Samu, as diuretic, but more commonly for
report (Bussmann et al., 2015). Equisetum is traditionally known as abortions and menstrual retardation. These ndings of Maca et al.
Cola de Caballo (horsetail) in Spanish speaking countries, and (2005) already indicate a change in usage and vernacular name of
Bolivia is no exception (Crdenas 1989; Vandebroek et al., 2003). Ephedra from the reports of Cardenas (1989) and Vandebroek et al.
Species of the genus are widely used for kidney problems and the (2003), where the species is still listed as Sanu-Sanu, and is not
washing of wounds, as well as prostate problems, inammations reported for urinary system problems. In the present study, over
of the reproductive tract in women, and arthritis (Bussmann and 90% of vendors sold Ephedra americana and Ephedra rupestris as
Sharon, 2006a, 2006b; Gonzalez de la Cruz et al., 2014; Hua- Cola de Caballo. A reason for the decrease of Equisetum in the
mantupa et al., 2011), and are widely sold in markets of the region. surroundings of La Paz and El Alto might be urban sprawl de-
The aqueous extracts produced by immersing whole plants in stroying most wetlands in the Mecapaca valley and much of the
boiling water, used traditionally for treatment turned out to show former wetlands of the high plateau, eliminating habitat that
no toxicity (Bussmann et al., 2011). formerly harbored Equisetum. This could explain a shift to Ephedra,
In their 2005 inventory, Maca et al. reported Cola de Caballo which, growing on rocky slopes, is not affected by urban extension.
macho as Equisetum giganteum, used for urinary problems and In contrast to Bolivia, we never found this confusion for the two
kidney swellings. However, the same authors indicated that species in Northern Peru (Bussmann and Sharon, 2006b). Ephedra
Ephedra americana was sold as Cola de Caballo hembra for ex- americana was sold in the markets as Diego Lopez, and a con-
actly the same indication. Ephedra rupestris was sold under the coction was drunk for bruises, but with a maximum use time of
94 R.W. Bussmann et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 193 (2016) 7695

two weeks. Gonzalez de la Cruz et al. (2014) reported the same use Author contributions
for Central Peru. In addition, they found Ephedra being used as
bath for colds. Humantupa et al. (2011) however do report Ephedra RWB and NYPZ designed the study; RWB, NYPZ, and LAMH
americana var. rupestris under the vernacular name Pinco-Pinco conducted the eldwork, RHE conducted the main statistical
used as remedy to clean the prostate. In addition, crude plant analysis; RBU, NYPZ, and RHE analyzed the data and wrote the
material was applied to mend fractures. For the latter application manuscript; all authors read, corrected and approved the
the vernacular name of the plant changed to Suelda con Suelda. manuscript.
Interestingly, the same vernacular name was also used for various
Loranthaceae (Bussmann and Sharon, 2006b). The latter fact is
interesting, because it shows that in this case the vernacular name Competing nancial interests
appears clearly linked to a use: Soldar in Spanish signies mend
/ solder, thus Suelda con Suelda mends broken bones. The authors declare that they have no competing nancial
These ndings of the current study are problematic, because interest.
Cola de Caballo is widely regarded as a safe and simple long-term
remedy for urinary problems and kidney inammation. Con-
sumers always relied on the vendors identication, and may be Acknowledgments
unaware that this name now refers primarily to Ephedra and not
the Equisetum. Given that Ephedra sold as Sanu-Sanu was used as We gratefully acknowledge the participation of the market
abortive in Bolivia (Maca et al., 2005), the potentially serious ef- vendors in La Paz, and the Herbario Nacional de Bolivia for access
fects of the plant must have been known, but none of the vendors to comparative plant material.
selling Ephedra as Cola de Caballo mentioned any side-effects or
potential risks. Apart from potentially causing abortions, other
possible side effects include insomnia, irritation, nausea, tachy- References
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