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Cultural Importance Indices: A Comparative Analysis Based on the Useful

Wild Plants of Southern Cantabria (Northern Spain)

Article  in  Economic Botany · January 2008

DOI: 10.1007/s12231-007-9004-5


859 5,893

2 authors:

Javier Tardío Manuel Pardo de Santayana

Instituto Madrileño de Investigación y Desarrollo Rural, Agrario y Alimentario Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


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Cultural Importance Indices: A Comparative Analysis Based
on the Useful Wild Plants of Southern Cantabria
(Northern Spain)1
Instituto Madrileño de Investigación y Desarrollo Rural, Agrario y Alimentario, Apdo. 127, 28800,
Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Departamento de Biología (Botánica), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, c/ Darwin 2. Campus de
Cantoblanco, 28049, Madrid, Spain
*Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected]

Cultural Importance Indices: A Comparative Analysis Based on the Useful Wild Plants of
Southern Cantabria (Northern Spain). This paper compares four indices based on informant
consensus. Each index aims to assess the cultural significance of plant species and is suitable
for statistical testing of different hypotheses. For the comparison, we used data concerning
plants traditionally used in the Campoo area of southern Cantabria in northern Spain. Our
results show a positive and significant correlation between the number of uses (NU) and the
frequency of citation (FC) of the species. It seems to be a general rule that the more versatile
a plant, the more widespread its usefulness. In addition, NU is highly influenced by the num-
ber of use-categories in the study. Consequently, an objective index must rely on FC more than
NU. We propose the use of the cultural importance index (CI), which is defined as the sum-
mation of the informants’ proportions that mention each of the uses of the species. The CI
index is highly correlated with FC and, although it also considers diversity of use, each use-
category is conveniently weighted by the number of informants mentioning it. Despite the use
of cultural significance indices being questioned, we believe that indices based on in-depth,
semi-structured interviews are still very useful for compilation studies of passive knowledge,
such as most ethnobotanical works conducted in the last three decades in Europe.
Key Words: Quantitative ethnobotany, cultural importance index, traditional knowledge,

Introduction There have been different approaches regarding

Since the first use of the term “quantitative measurement (Hoffman and Gallaher 2007). Some
ethnobotany,” coined by Prance et al. (1987), authors have developed indices based on the
there has been growing interest in improving the researcher’s subjective allocation of the importance
traditional compilation-style of ethnobotanical of each use. Turner (1988) defined the cultural
studies by incorporating quantitative research significance index (CSI) as the sum of different
methods in data collection, processing, and values obtained for each use of a plant. These
interpretation of results (Höft et al. 1999). One values were obtained by a product of different
key issue relating to these studies is the relative figures estimated for “quality of use,” “intensity of
importance of plant taxa to different human use,” and “exclusivity of use” for each species.
groups by elaborating indices of cultural signifi- Other authors have followed the same system with
cance or use values for plants. some modifications. Stoffle et al. (1990) added a
variable to measure present use. Pieroni (2001)
created a specific cultural food significance index
(CFSI) for wild food plants. Besides frequency of
Received 3 March 2007; accepted 11 September use, it takes into account other variables such as
2007; published online 6 May 2008. frequency of quotation of the species, availability,

Economic Botany, 62(1), 2008, pp. 24–39

© 2008, by The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, NY 10458-5126 U.S.A.

the part of the plant used, multifunctional food products. He demonstrates with several examples
use, taste score appreciation index, and its medic- that, due to the placebo effect, many plants with
inal use. Silva et al. (2006) proposed a new way of low indices of global consensus can heal by their
calculating the CSI by simplifying the alternatives meaning to the particular cultural group.
for each variable and adding a term that measures In contrast, other researchers have developed
the degree of consensus among informants. Re- indices of relative importance based only on the
cently, a slightly altered CFSI has been utilized by diversity of plant uses, independent of informant
Garibay-Orijel et al. (2007) for evaluating edible consensus. Prance et al. (1987) constructed their
mushrooms in Mexico. Nevertheless, even the use value index as a sum of uses for every species,
latter indices are influenced in some way by using a value of 1 for major uses and 0.5 for minor
research value judgments. They have to be uses. More recently, following the same system,
calculated with parameters, such as frequency of Bennett and Prance (2000) defined the relative
use, quality of use, plant availability, and taste, all importance index for a medicinal plant as a mean
of which must be obtained through specific between the number of pharmacological proper-
interviews or subjective estimations. ties and the number of body systems it affects.
However, the most popular indices are based on In order to obtain a more objective index,
“informant consensus,” i.e., the degree of agree- Phillips and Gentry (1993a) modified the index of
ment among the various interviewees (Albuquerque Prance et al. (1987) by including the number of
et al. 2006). They are founded on the reasonable informants citing a given plant-use. Their use-
assumption that the greater the salience of a given value (UV) index for species “s” is defined by the
plant or use in the community, the more likely it is following formula (simplified by Rossato et al.
to be mentioned. Phillips (1996) pointed out that 1999 and Albuquerque et al. 2006).
these procedures tend to be more objective as they X
are designed to reduce researcher bias in attribut- UV s ¼ Ui =N ð1Þ
ing relative importance. One of the simplest and
most widely employed indices is the frequency of where Ui is the number of different uses men-
citation (or frequency of quotation), i.e., the tioned by each informant i and N is the total
number of informants that mention a useful number of informants interviewed in the survey.
species. Adu-Tutu et al. (1979) used this index
In their original formulation, Phillips and Gentry
to evaluate the relative importance of the different
species used as a chewing stick in Ghana. Some (1993a) also considered the number of times that
authors utilize the frequency of citation for the each informant referred to a given species and the
species as useful (Bonet and Vallès 2002; Ladio denominator was Ns, i.e., the total number of in-
and Lozada 2001; Lozada et al. 2006). For others, formants interviewed for species “s.”
the frequency of citation specifically refers to each On the basis of the abovementioned index of
plant-use considered (Bonet et al. 1992; Bonet and Bennet and Prance, Pardo-de-Santayana (2003a)
Vallès 2003; Camejo-Rodrigues et al. 2003; developed a relative importance index (RI), also
Pardo-de-Santayana et al. 2005; Pieroni et al. used by San Miguel (2004) and Carvalho (2005),
2005; Tardío et al. 2005). The latter value, which which takes into account both the number of
is also called “number of use-reports,” is widely informants who mention the useful species and
used by authors who followed the Informant the different uses for it. This index is the mean
Consensus Factor (Canales et al. 2005; Case et value of the relative frequency of citation
al. 2006; Kufer et al. 2005; Monteiro et al. 2006) (RFCmax) and the relative number of uses of the
defined by Heinrich et al. (1998). This factor is species. This relative number of uses is calculated
based on a previous ratio created by Trotter and as well as a mean of the relative number of use-
Logan (1986) for assessing the importance of categories (RNUmax) and the relative number of
medicinal plants used for certain ailments. Recent- subcategories (RNUSubmax) in which the species
ly, Moerman (2007) used a similar analysis for the is classified. All these relative numbers were
medicinal flora used by native peoples of North calculated by dividing each figure by the maxi-
America, providing a critical perspective on this mum value of each addend.
“informant consensus analysis” for the detection of Recently, Reyes-García et al. (2006) proposed
medicinal plants with pharmacologically active using an integrated index called “total value” to

estimate the significance of plant species for in the Campoo area of northern Spain, the result
humans. This is the sum of three values obtained of a research project for compiling the useful
along three different dimensions: “cultural value” plants in this area (Pardo-de-Santayana 2003a).
that was obtained with free-listing interviews,
“practical value,” with observational data, and
“economic value,” taking into account the price
Material and Methods
(real or estimated) of the ethnospecies. This SURVEY AREA
“cultural value” multiplicative index takes into The Campoo region, which is in the south
consideration frequency of citation and versatility of northern Spain’s Cantabria Province, is on
of the species and its formula is explained in the the border between the Mediterranean and
Material and Methods section of this study. Eurosiberian floristic regions (Fig. 1). It covers
The existence of several indices based on 1,000 km2 at an average altitude of 800 m on
“cultural consensus” and the need to evaluate the southern slopes of the Cantabrian Range.
the cultural importance of the different species in Cuchillón peak reaches 2,222 m. Although the
our ethnobotanical studies led us to conduct a climate over most of the Cantabria region is
comparative analysis to choose the most suitable oceanic, some drier areas in the Campoo have a
index. As we were not totally convinced with any summer dry period lasting up to 2 months.
of the existing indices, we constructed the cultural Mean annual rainfall in the study area is about
importance index (CI), which could be regarded 1,000 mm, ranging from 1,900 mm on the
as a simplification of the cultural value of Reyes- highest peaks to 767 mm in the drier southern
García et al. (2006) and eventually as a redefini- areas. The landscape includes a mosaic of
tion of the Phillips and Gentry’s use-value meadows, forests, moorland, rivers, and high
(Phillips and Gentry 1993a). This paper aims to mountain vegetation growing on varied
present and evaluate this index and to compare it geological materials and soils. Several types of
with other indices, discussing their advantages oak forests predominate. Quercus pyrenaica
and disadvantages. To do so, we rely on the covers most of the area although it is more
information about wild plants traditionally used dominant to the south. Q. robur and Q. petraea


0 5 10 km
Cantabria Vizcaya





Fig. 1. Study area location.


are more common in the central and northern familiar and spontaneous setting. When possible,
areas whereas Q. faginea and Q. ilex are walks in the countryside were organized to collect
established in the warmer parts. In addition, plant specimens and to complete the list of plant
Fagus sylvatica or Betula alba forests are uses known by the informant. Open questions
common in the moister areas. were asked about the plants used or managed in
This region includes Saja-Besaya Natural Park, the past and nowadays. Notes on these conversa-
as well as other proposed protected areas, such as tions were recorded in a notebook, though most
the Ebro Reservoir, River Ebro Canyon, and the interviews were taped and subsequently tran-
Hijedo Forest. scribed. Voucher specimens were deposited at the
The population of the area is around 23,000, herbarium of the Royal Botanical Garden of
half of which live in the town of Reinosa. Until Madrid, CSIC (MA).
1970, the Campoo economy was based on With regard to plant identification, we sought
agriculture, cattle breeding, and a number of to relate folk names and scientific botanical names
minor activities. While the household economy of the species. Although we identified all the plant
was largely subsistence-based, additional income species, and most of them presented a one-to-one
was derived from the sale of animals, eggs, butter, correspondence, in cases of under-differentiation,
and handicrafts. Low salaries meant that even we used the botanical genus. For instance,
people working in factories combined wage labor Equisetum sp. pl. (species pluribus) refers to
with cattle raising. Many wild plants were Equisetum arvense L. and E. telmateia L., since
gathered for a range of different purposes. They both can be included in the same folk species. In
were used to meet material needs such as food, the case of “robles” referring to deciduous oaks,
fodder, health, firewood, and construction mate- there were differences among informants (Pardo-
rials. They also were used in religious celebra- de-Santayana 2003b). Some people considered
tions, as ornamentals, and for other symbolic them as a unique folk species (Quercus sp. pl.),
aspects of culture. A profound transformation of whereas others differentiated among the various
the economy has occurred since 1970s. Mecha- botanical species. Botanical species names were
nization and intensification of agricultural prac- assigned only in the latter cases.
tices and the transition to a market economy has Although a more detailed classification based
led to basic economic, social, and environmental on informants’ categories was used in the original
changes. Fields of cereals and grains (for bread), work, for this study, data were grouped into 10
pulse crops, and potatoes have been replaced by broad categories (see Table 1) that as far as possible
cattle pasture and many harvesting practices have reflect emic categories. The category of “medici-
been abandoned. nal” includes plants used for both human and
animal diseases. “Technology and craft” covers
plants used for making objects (e.g., basketry,
An ethnobotanical survey was conducted in the TABLE 1. NUMBER OF USE-REPORTS (UR) AND PER-
Campoo area between 1997 and 2000 (Pardo-de- CENTAGE OF USE CATEGORIES.
Santayana 2003a) to compile the knowledge of
plants that were employed in the area in the last Categories (Codes) Number of UR Percentage
century. Information was obtained through 117
Medicinal (MED) 505 21
semi-structured, in-depth interviews of 107 people
Human food (HF) 432 18
(age range of 35–93 years, mean age 68 years). Animal food (AF ) 431 18
Open questions were asked about the plants used Technology and 341 14
in the area. Similar questions were posed to every craft (TECH)
informant in order to compile the full knowledge Weeds (WEE) 178 7
of each informant in the different contexts of plant Firewood (FW) 162 7
use (e.g., health, food). Key informants with a Symbolic uses (SYM) 137 6
sound traditional knowledge of useful wild plants Ornamental (ORN) 79 3
were sought—mostly elderly people who had lived Toxic (TOX) 59 2
and worked in the region for many years. Inter- Others (OTH) 50 2
Total 2374 100
views were conducted in informants’ homes, a

wood for tools or construction), dye and aromatic of the species, also known as frequency of citation
plants, and plants used for hunting birds. “Sym- (FC), by the number of informants participating
bolic uses” include plants used in festivities, rituals, in the survey (N). Using the same terminology,
religious events, and children’s games. Toxic plants the numerator can be seen as the summation of
consist of those considered inedible for humans the UR of all the informants interviewed for the
and animals as well as ichthyotoxic plants. Finally, species without considering the use-category.
the category “Others” covers species for smoking,
hedges, and as rootstocks.
UR i
RFCs ¼ ¼ ð3Þ
All the ethnobotanical indices are founded on the N N
basic structure of the ethnobotanical information:
“informant i mentions the use of the species s in the
use-category u.” The event resulting from the For example, Acer campestre was reported
combination of these three variables has been as useful by 9 out of 107 informants; hence,
defined as a use-report (UR; Kufer et al. 2005). In RFCAcer campestre ¼ 9=107 ¼ 0:08. This index
a particular survey that yields NS species (s1, s2,..., theoretically varies from 0, when nobody refers
sNS), with a total number of use-categories NC to the plant as useful, to 1 in the unlikely case that all
(u1, u2,..., uNC) and N informants (i1, i2,..., iN), the informants would mention the use of the species.
URsui can reach the value of 1 when a combina-
tion exists or 0 when this combination is not Relative Importance Index (RI)
mentioned. These ethnobotanical data can be
grouped in different manners fixing one or two Created by Pardo-de-Santayana (2003a), this
of the variables. For studying the cultural impor- index takes into account only the use-categories—
tance of plants, one of the most commonly used not the subcategories—using the following formula.
tools is the total number of use-reports (UR) for
each species, i.e., fixing the variable s. This can be
mathematically expressed as RFCsðmaxÞ þ RNUsðmaxÞ
RIs ¼ ð4Þ
X iN
UR s ¼ UR ui : ð2Þ where RFCs(max) is the relative frequency of citation
u¼u1 i¼i 1
over the maximum, i.e., it is obtained by dividing FCs
 the maximum value in all the species of the survey
First, we sum the UR of all the informants (from RFCsðmaxÞ ¼ FCs =max ðFCÞ , and RNUs(max) is
i1 to iN) within each use-category for that species the relative number of use-categories over the max-
(s); i.e., the number of informants who mention imum, obtained dividing the number of uses of the
species NU ¼ URu by the maximum value in
each use-category for the species. Second, we sum s
all the UR of each use-category (from u1 to uNC). all the species of the survey RNsðmaxÞ ¼ NUs =
In this paper, we have compared the impor- max ðNUÞ.
tance of each species using the following four In the former example, Acer campestre was
indices: relative frequency of citation (RFC), mentioned as useful by 9 informants while the
relative importance index (RI), cultural value maximum number of informants citing any
index (CV), and cultural importance index species was 42 (Quercus sp. pl.). It was employed
(CI). in four different use-categories (technology
and craft, animal food, firewood, and sym-
bolic uses). The maximum number of use-
Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC)
categories mentioned for a species in the
This index, which does not consider the survey was nine (Crataegus monogyna). Sub-
variable u (use-category), is obtained by dividing sequently, RIAcer campestre ¼ ½9=42 þ 4=9=2 ¼ 0:33.
the number of informants who mention the use The RI index theoretically varies from 0, when

nobody mentions any use of the plant, to 1 in the Cultural Importance Index (CI)
case where the plant was the most frequently
The cultural importance index (CI) is defined
mentioned as useful and in the maximum number by the following formula.
of use-categories.

X iN
Cultural Value Index (CV) CIs ¼ UR ui= ð6Þ
u¼u1 i¼i1
This index, developed by Reyes-García et al.
(2006), is calculated using the following formula.

" #
This index, the third factor of the previously defined
h i h i u NC X
X iN
CV index, also can be seen as the sum of the
CV s ¼ NU =NC 
s FCs=N  UR ui=N ð5Þ
u¼u 1 i¼i1 proportion of informants that mention each species
use. As explained in our example of Acer campestre
for the previous index, CIAcer campestre ¼ 7=107þ
where the first factor is the relationship between 3=107þ2=107þ1=107¼0:065þ0:028þ0:019þ
the number of different uses reported for the 0:009 ¼ 0:121. This additive index takes into
species (“ethnospecies” in the original work) and account not only the spread of the use (number of
the total number of use-categories considered in informants) for each species, but also its versatility,
the study (NUs divided by NC). The second i.e., the diversity of its uses. The theoretical
factor is the relative frequency of citation of the maximum value of the index is the total number
species (previously defined). Finally, the third of different use-categories (NC), reached in the
factor is the sum of all the UR for the species unlikely case that all the informants would
(defined at the beginning of this section), i.e., the mention the use of the species in all the use-
sum of number of participants who mentioned categories considered in the survey, i.e., ten in our
each use of the species, divided by N. These three study. In the case of species with only one use, this
factors are then multiplied together. index would be equal to RFC.
In our example, as pointed out before, Acer Another important property of the CI index is
campestre was employed in four out of ten that each addend is a measure of the relative
different use-categories considered (4/10). It importance of each plant use. In the aforemen-
was mentioned as useful by 9 out of 107 tioned example, it can be seen that the most
informants interviewed (9/107). Finally, seven important use of Acer campestre is in the use-
informants reported this species as used in the category of technology and craft as it was cited by
category of technology and craft, three used the 6.5% of the informants, followed by its use for
species as animal food, two as firewood, and one animal food (2.8%), for firewood (1.9%), and for
reported using the species for symbolic uses, symbolic uses (0.9%).
while the total number of participants in the It is worth noting that the total figure of the CI
survey was 107. Hence, CV Acer campestre ¼ index is identical to the simplified formula for the
½4=10  ½9=107  ½7=107 þ 3=107 þ 2=107þ UV index, although both indices are defined in
1=107 ¼ 0:00409. The theoretical maximum different ways. Following the same notation we
value would be reached when all the factors have previously used, the UV index can be
reached their maximum; in the unlikely case that defined by the following formula.
all the informants would mention the use of the
species (FCs =N) in all the use-categories consid- iN X
ered in the survey (NUs =NC), the first two UV s ¼ UR iu= ð7Þ
i¼i 1 u¼u1
factors would be equal to 1 and, as will be
explained in the following index, the third factor
would be the total number of different use- where it can be seen that we are summing the
categories (NC). Therefore, this index varies as same data (URs), but grouping them in a different
well from 0 to NC. manner. In the case of CI index, we first sum the

UR grouping by uses (the sum of the informants The second species in the ranking is Crataegus
who cited each given use) and then we sum all these monogyna (CI=0.52). As the figures for CI index
UR. However, in the case of the UV index, we first components in Table 2 indicate, its use was cited
sum the UR grouping by informants (the sum of by several informants in nine out of the ten
the uses cited by each informant) and then we sum categories. The most important is human con-
sumption of the fruit (CIHF=0.16), followed by
all these data. Obviously, they yield the same result
tool making (CITECH=0.09), leaves and fruit as
because we are adding the same events (URs). For
animal food (CIAF=0.07), and as a rootstock for
example, Acer campestre was described as useful by grafting fruit trees (CIOTH=0.07).
nine informants, but the sum of UR is 13, being In the case of ties, the species quoted by a
the informants who mentioned each use-category greater number of informants (higher FC) has
7 +3 + 2 + 1. The same result is obtained by been assigned the first position in the ranking.
summing the UR grouping by informants (3+4+ That is the case of Corylus avellana, Sambucus
6), since one informant cited three uses (three nigra, and Ulmus minor, all with 48 use-reports
uses), two mentioned two (four uses), and six and hence the same CI index value (0.45);
mentioned one (six uses). Finally, the denominator however, they were mentioned by 37, 36, and
of the UV formula also could be the same if we 30 informants, respectively.
consider that all the participants in the survey have Interestingly, the 25 species with the highest
been interviewed for all the species, as it is in the CI index value include ten trees, five shrubs, and
ten herbs, the first seven taxa being trees, as
simplified formula of UV (Eqs. 1 and 7).
shown in Table 2. The differences among the
Like other authors (Albuquerque et al. 2006;
mean CI index value of trees, shrubs, and herbs
Estomba et al. 2006; Monteiro et al. 2006), we
have been tested by pairs with the non-paramet-
used the Spearman correlation coefficient to
ric test of Mann–Witney (p<0.05). The mean
compare the various indices since all the variables
CI index value for trees (0.18±0.03) is signifi-
considered are not distributed normally. Howev-
cantly higher than that for shrubs (0.10±0.03;
er, when the Pearson correlation coefficient is
p=0.03) and herbs (0.06±0.02; p=0.00). Never-
used, the results are exactly the same, presenting
theless, the mean CI index value for shrubs is
very similar figures. not significantly higher than the one for herbs
Results and Discussion (p=0.06) at the same level of significance. Al-
though not completely accepted for all the use-
Table 2 shows the contribution of each use-
categories and regions (Albuquerque and Lucena
category to the total cultural importance index
2005; Stepp and Moerman 2001), the salience
(CI) of the 25 most relevant and useful species
and usefulness of trees and shrubs over that of
in the Campoo area. The folk species of Quercus
herbaceous plants has been noted frequently
sp. pl. (“robles” in Spanish), which includes all
(e.g., Berlin 1992; Moerman 1994). According
the citations (FC=42) that could not be assigned
to Moerman (1994), a tree, with a high number of
to a certain botanical species, is the most
distinct parts (wood, bark, leaves, fruits, seeds,
culturally significant according to the CI index. roots, etc.) is more likely to be a medicinal plant
It has a CI index value of 0.60, which would as
than herbaceous plants. In our opinion, this
high as 0.88 if we included the 41 citations (57
rationale can be extrapolated to the overall uses
use-reports) that clearly were assigned by the
of a plant. More complex plants, such as trees
informants to the species: Quercus pyrenaica (22
and shrubs, are more likely to be useful plants
citations, 28 use-reports), Q. petraea (10, 14), Q.
(sometimes with several uses) than herbaceous
faginea (5, 9) and Q. robur (4, 6), all of which
plants. Our group found similar results in a
also were called “robles.” As Table 2 indicates, the
historical and literary study of the plants
timber of these oak species is mainly used for
mentioned in the complete works of Cervantes
technology and craft, (CITECH=0.20) or as fire-
(Pardo-de-Santayana et al. 2006).
wood (CIFW=0.11) and their leaves and acorns for
animal feed (CIAF=0.20). Other minor uses were
also mentioned. As pointed out in the description COMPARING DIFFERENT INDICES
of the survey area, they are the dominant species in Table 3 shows a comparison with the other
the landscape, especially Q. pyrenaica. three indices described in the “Material and


Quercus sp. pl. 0.20 0.01 0.04 0.20 0.11 0.01 0.04 0.60
Crataegus monogyna 0.07 0.16 0.03 0.09 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.52
Fagus sylvatica L. 0.05 0.06 0.01 0.17 0.14 0.01 0.05 0.03 0.50
Ilex aquifolium L. 0.19 0.01 0.13 0.05 0.02 0.07 0.01 0.47
Corylus avellana L. 0.07 0.12 0.04 0.19 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.45
Sambucus nigra L. 0.07 0.27 0.08 0.03 0.45
Ulmus minor Mill. 0.24 0.15 0.05 0.01 0.45
Origanum vulgare L. 0.19 0.23 0.42
Rubus ulmifolius 0.05 0.21 0.07 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.42
Urtica dioica L. 0.09 0.03 0.22 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.41
Rosa sp. pl. 0.07 0.21 0.09 0.03 0.40
Prunus spinosa L. 0.04 0.23 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.39
Fraxinus excelsior L. 0.12 0.03 0.16 0.01 0.07 0.39
Pteridium aquilinum 0.02 0.09 0.14 0.02 0.03 0.08 0.38
(L.) Kuhn
Rumex acetosa L. 0.33 0.02 0.01 0.36
Populus nigra L. 0.17 0.10 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.36
Chamaemelum nobile 0.06 0.24 0.01 0.01 0.32
(L.) All
Salix sp. pl. 0.03 0.02 0.16 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.32
Asphodelus albus Mill. 0.20 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.30
Ulex gallii Planch. 0.07 0.13 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.27
Genista florida L. 0.04 0.07 0.12 0.01 0.03 0.27
Carduncellus 0.02 0.24 0.26
(L.) DC.
Malva sylvestris L. 0.02 0.22 0.01 0.01 0.26
Equisetum sp.pl. 0.02 0.18 0.07 0.26
Quercus pyrenaica 0.07 0.11 0.07 0.01 0.26

AF Animal food, HF human food, MED medicinal, TECH technology and craft, FW firewood, ORN ornamental, SYM
symbolic uses, TOX toxic, WEE weeds, OTH others.

Methods” section, indicating species ranking CV indices place Crataegus monogyna in first
based on each index and the three basic values position because these two indices assign greater
of the study, i.e., frequency of citation (FC), importance to the multiplicity of uses and the
number of use-reports (UR) and number of uses species was mentioned in a higher number of
(NU) for each species. As mentioned, except for use-categories (NU=9). In our opinion, Quercus
FC, which only considers the spread of knowl- sp. pl. logically should be considered the most
edge of useful plants (number of people that important as they predominate in the landscape
mention them as useful), the other indices also and are mentioned by a higher number of
take into account multiplicity of use (number of informants.
use-categories mentioned for a species). Table 3 also indicates that whereas Fagus
There are appreciable differences in species sylvatica is in twelfth position when only number
ranking yielded by the various indices set out of informants is considered, i.e., the FC index, it
in Table 3. Although the first two species are rises to the third position when diversity of uses is
the same in all of them, the order varies taken into account with the CI index (or the CV
depending on the chosen index. The RI and index) and to the 6th on the basis of the RI index.


Basic values Indices Ranking


Quercus sp. pl. 42 64 7 0.60 0.39 0.89 1.64E−01 1 1 2 2
Crataegus monogyna Jacq. 38 56 9 0.52 0.36 0.95 1.67E−01 2 2 1 1
Fagus sylvatica L. 31 54 8 0.50 0.29 0.81 1.17E−01 3 12 6 3
Ilex aquifolium L. 36 50 7 0.47 0.34 0.82 1.10E−01 4 4 5 4
Corylus avellana L. 37 48 7 0.45 0.35 0.83 1.09E−01 5 3 4 5
Sambucus nigra L. 36 48 4 0.45 0.34 0.65 6.04E−02 6 5 10 9
Ulmus minor Mill. 30 48 4 0.45 0.28 0.58 5.03E−02 7 14 16 11
Origanum vulgare L. 36 45 2 0.42 0.34 0.54 2.83E−02 8 6 19 18
Rubus ulmifolius Schott 33 45 8 0.42 0.31 0.84 1.04E−01 9 8 3 6
Urtica dioica L. 32 44 6 0.41 0.30 0.71 7.38E−02 10 9 7 7
Rosa sp. pl. 29 43 4 0.40 0.27 0.57 4.36E−02 11 15 17 14
Prunus spinosa L. 32 42 6 0.39 0.30 0.71 7.04E−02 12 10 8 8
Fraxinus excelsior L. 32 42 5 0.39 0.30 0.66 5.87E−02 13 11 9 10
Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn 23 41 6 0.38 0.21 0.61 4.94E−02 14 22 12 12
Rumex acetosa L. 36 38 3 0.36 0.34 0.60 3.58E−02 15 7 14 17
Populus nigra L. 28 38 5 0.36 0.26 0.61 4.65E−02 16 16 11 13
Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All 31 34 4 0.32 0.29 0.59 3.68E−02 17 13 15 16
Salix sp. pl. 23 34 6 0.32 0.21 0.61 4.10E−02 18 23 13 15
Asphodelus albus Mill. 25 32 4 0.30 0.23 0.52 2.80E−02 19 18 21 19
Ulex gallii Planch. 22 29 5 0.27 0.21 0.54 2.79E−02 20 25 18 20
Genista florida L. 19 29 5 0.27 0.18 0.50 2.41E−02 21 30 23 23
Carduncellus mitissimus (L.) DC. 26 28 2 0.26 0.24 0.42 1.27E−02 22 17 31 29
Malva sylvestris L. 25 28 4 0.26 0.23 0.52 2.45E−02 23 19 22 22
Equisetum sp. pl. 24 28 3 0.26 0.22 0.45 1.76E−02 24 21 28 26
Quercus pyrenaica Willd. 22 28 4 0.26 0.21 0.48 2.15E−02 25 26 25 24

CI=cultural importance, RFC=relative frequency of citation, RI=relative importance, CV=cultural value, FC=frequency of
citation, UR=number of use-reports, NU=number of uses.

The same occurs to Ulmus minor, which changes species (FC/N), number of uses (NU/NC), and
from the fourteenth with the FC to the seventh number of use-reports (UR/N). In our opinion,
position based on the CI index. this index gives excessive weight to diversity of
Some extensively used species, such as Origa- use since UR measures both FC and NU and,
num vulgare (mentioned by 36 informants) but being multiplicative, the effect is amplified. The
with few uses (two, condiment and medicine), are RI index is the mean between the relative FC and
underestimated when using the CV and RI the relative NU, but, as indicated below, the
indices, reaching the eighteenth and ninteenth latter two are positively correlated; hence, it
positions, respectively, instead of the eighth (see overweights the multiplicity of uses. However,
Table 2) with the CI index. although the CI index also considers diversity of
Prunus spinosa is another example of excessive use, each use-category is conveniently weighted
importance being assigned to diversity of uses as a by the number of informants who mentioned it.
result of the RI and CV indices. It ranks eight with These uses only influence the final result when
both instead of thirteenth based on the CI index they are mentioned sufficiently, i.e., the uses are
because, although six uses were mentioned for the widespread in the population.
species, some are not very widespread in the The descriptive statistics of the results obtained
population with only few citations (see Table 2). using the different indices and basic values are
The CV index is obtained by multiplying the shown in Table 4. The RI index tended to over-
relative values of frequency of citation of the rate the species (mean=0.21, standard deviation=


Basic values Indices

Mean 7.2 8.9 2.2 0.08 0.07 0.21 0.01
Minimum 1 1 1 0.01 0.01 0.07 8.73E−06
Maximum 42 64 9 0.60 0.39 0.95 0.17
Standard deviation 8.8 12.0 1.5 0.11 0.08 0.18 0.02
Percent variation 122 135 69 135 122 85 317

CI=cultural importance, RFC=relative frequency of citation, RI=relative importance, CV=cultural value, FC=frequency of
citation, UR=number of use-reports, NU=number of uses.

0.18) in relation to other indices. The reason is this close correlation is due to the large number
that the relative frequency of citation and the of species whose use is included in only one use-
relative number of use-categories are normalized category (121, 45.1%) since, in those cases, the
by dividing by the maximum value, ranging from FC and CI indices attain the same value.
0.07 to 0.95. On the contrary, the CV index Nevertheless, this close correlation persists
assigned the lowest values (mean=0.01, standard (0.98) if, in the analysis, only the 147 plants
deviation=0.02). Although the authors of this index with two or more uses are considered. In
(Reyes-García et al. 2006) defined it as we have addition, most (84%) useful plants in the
calculated, they normalized it by dividing it by the Campoo area have few uses (three or less); only
mean. In that case, the CV index varies from 0.00 16% of the species have more than three.
to 24.20 (mean=1, standard deviation=3.17). However, among the 25 species with a higher
Table 5 shows the Spearman correlations among CI index, only 4 have three uses or less
all the variables. All the correlations are significant (Origanum vulgare, Rumex acetosa, Carduncellus
at P<0.05 (n=268), some being stronger than mitissimus, and Equisetum sp. pl., see Table 3).
others. An interesting point that appears to Similarly, using an index that does not consider
corroborate these data is that the frequency of the diversity of uses (FC), only six species with
citation is not completely independent of use three uses or less appear among the 25 most
diversity. The correlation index between the FC important plants. They are the same aforemen-
and NU is quite high (0.73), meaning that a tioned taxa, as well as Gentiana lutea and Inula
versatile species is more likely to be mentioned by sp. pl.
a higher number of informants. This relationship The latter analysis shows that, in general, the
also is shown in the scatter plot of Fig. 2. more versatile a plant the more widespread the
Regarding differences among the indices, RI knowledge of its usefulness, as is shown in Fig. 2.
and CV have the highest correlations with the This fact means that although we would use an
number of uses, and hence with the number of index that does not explicitly include the diversity
categories considered. The choice of categories of uses of the plant, like the FC, this variable is
is rather subjective and depends on the criterion
of the researcher. The criterion can be more
synthetic or more analytical by choosing a TABLE 5. SPEARMAN RANK ORDER CORRELATIONS AMONG
lower or higher number of use-categories, ALL THE VARIABLES: BASIC VALUES AND INDICES.

respectively. Therefore, it can be stated that

indices that depend more on the number of
informants who mentioned the usefulness of FC 0.99 0.73 1.00 0.99 0.94 0.98
the species (such as FC) or, at least, on the UR 0.78 0.99 1.00 0.97 0.99
number of use-reports (such as CI) are more NU 0.73 0.78 0.90 0.84
objective than those influenced more by the RFC 0.99 0.94 0.98
CI 0.97 0.99
number of use-categories. RI 0.99
Table 5 also shows that the CI and FC indices
are highly correlated (0.99). It may appear that All the correlations are significant at P<0.05 (n=268).

Fig. 2. Relationship between the number of use-categories for each species (NU) and frequency of citation
(FC), i.e., the number of informants mentioning the species as useful. Each dot represents one species, but only the
most important ones are labeled.

implicitly contained in the number of informants normalized it by dividing it by the mean value
that mention the plant as useful. Nevertheless, if in order to calculate their “total value” (Reyes-
we want to increase the differentiation of plants García et al. 2006).
by their multiplicity of uses, we highly recom-
mend the use of the CI index because it is the
most objective of the indices that include this INTEREST OF USING A CULTURAL IMPORTANCE
variable. The number of informants that men- INDEX
tioned it weights each use and only the most cited As stated in the Introduction, including quan-
will influence the final figure. titative methods in ethnobotany as a way of
Finally, another important advantage of the CI improving the traditional compilation-style has
index is that it is valid for comparing the been commented upon repeatedly (e.g., Höft et
botanical knowledge of different regions studied al. 1999; Phillips 1996; Prance et al. 1987).
with a varying number of interviewees (Pardo-de- Phillips and Gentry (1993a, b) demonstrated that
Santayana et al. 2007). This is because the CI several hypotheses could be tested statistically
index measure is independent of the number of using their use-value index. Many other authors
informants, the denominator of the index. That is have followed the same technique, introducing
not the case of the RI index, which is relative to minor modifications (Byg and Balslev 2001;
the maximum value of frequency of citation and Galeano 2000; Kristensen and Balslev 2003;
the maximum value of use-categories and so is Rossato et al. 1999). All the same advantages of
only valid for comparison with the useful plants using their indices in statistical analysis can be
in the same survey. The same reasons could be attributed to all the cultural significance indices
argued for the CV index when the authors employed in this paper.

Some authors have expressed misgivings re- of agreement and disagreement in plant knowl-
garding the interest of a cultural value index. edge. The global value of the CI index value of a
Reyes-García et al. (2006) stated that the cultural plant in a particular human population does not
value of a plant species, obtained through inter- discriminate whether it is a central plant for a
views using a free-list method, does not necessar- particular category or a more diversified one. For
ily correspond to its practical value, using example, Corylus avellana and Ulmus minor have
observational data. They found that some species the same total CI index value (0.45), but the
frequently mentioned in interviews, are rarely number of informants mentioning them is quite
used at present because they were exploited different (37 versus 30) as is the number of use-
almost to extinction. categories (7 versus 4). However, this analysis is
All of the aforementioned reasoning must be possible using the CI index value components of
taken into account for studying present uses of each use-category (Table 2). In this example, it is
plants (active uses). This kind of cultural signif- possible to say that Ulmus minor is the most
icance index does not, in all cases, measure which important plant as an animal food, while the use
plants people habitually use; rather, it measures of its wood is also considered important in the
knowledge about their use (passive knowledge). area but less than Corylus. The agreement or
In addition, data obtained using in-depth, semi- disagreement in the use of a plant in a particular
structured interviews gather a greater proportion culture also could depend on the geographical
of informant knowledge than those involving focus of the survey. A plant with a low consensus
free-list methods, which work better for present (and subsequently a low CI index value) in the
uses. That is the case of this survey and most whole survey area could be a very important plant
of the ethnobotanical studies conducted recently for the people of a few municipalities. That is the
in Europe (e.g., Carvalho 2005; Lastra 2003; case of Viburnum lantana (CI, 0.18), which is a
Pieroni 1999; San Miguel 2004). Therefore, in widespread species whose fruits were appreciated
our opinion, such indices based on the results of only in some villages of the center and west of the
semi-structured interviews still can be very useful Campoo (Pardo-de-Santayana et al. 2005). The
for studies whose general aim is to compile a same idea was mentioned by Moerman (2007)
record of passive knowledge rather than data on who makes note of some meaningful medicinal
active plant use. plants that are utilized only by a few cultures of
Furthermore, it has been stated that indices native North Americans. However, the CI index
based on “cultural consensus” do not take into can be used to compare the plant knowledge
consideration relevant cultural aspects such as among different cultures (Pardo-de-Santayana et
intensity, types, and multiplicity of uses; role in al. 2007) and to study the intracultural differ-
narratives, ceremonies, or in symbolism; naming ences if some subgroups are previously estab-
and terminology in a language (Albuquerque et lished. It can be said that the CI index is an
al. 2006; Garibaldi and Turner 2004). In our efficient tool for highlighting those species with a
opinion, however, the cultural consensus methods high-agreement for the survey culture and so to
based on citation frequency reflects most of these recognize the shared knowledge of these peoples.
variables since, according to them, the most The last question we raise is the use of the term
relevant plants will be the ones most often cited “cultural importance” for the index. Heinrich et
in comprehensive ethnobotanical surveys made al. (1998) explain that “culturally important
with in-depth, semi-structured interviews. The plants are those that are used by a large number
case of Gentiana lutea in the Campoo area is an of people for the same category of use,” assuming
interesting example of a culturally important the idea of cultural consensus for evaluating the
plant (26th and 20th in the ranking of CI and importance of plants for people. According to
FC indices, respectively) that is not frequently Albuquerque et al. (2006), the terms “cultural
used. Its rhizomes, which are chiefly used as an importance” and “relative importance” usually are
apéritif for children and for digestive disorders, used interchangeably in the literature to refer to
can be preserved easily for long periods; most the importance of certain plants to a given
informants have or have had the plant at home. culture. However, the term “relative importance”
Another important question regarding the use was used first by Bennett and Prance (2000) for
of the CI index is the ability to discover patterns defining an index that takes into account only the

number of uses. For all the above reasons, we datum also is presented) and dividing it by the
considered the term “cultural importance” appro- total number of informants to calculate the CI
priate for the proposed index. index. In other works, only the number of
informants who mentioned the species as useful
CULTURAL IMPORTANCE VERSUS USE VALUE (FC) is shown. Bearing in mind the relationship
As previously explained, although they are between this figure and the number of uses
defined in different ways (the CI index is the discussed earlier, we recommend the direct use
sum of the proportions of informants cognizant of the FC or, for comparative purposes, the
of each use-category, whereas the UV index is relative frequency of citation (RFC), dividing it
the average number of use-categories for a by the total number of informants.
certain plant per informant), the result of both
indices is the same. The latter is better suited to Conclusions
an ecological approach seeking to evaluate The traditional compilation style used extensive-
natural resources. Obviously, this was the aim ly in ethnobotany does not allow the identification
of Prance et al. (1987) in the first definition of of the relative importance of different plant species
the UV index and of Phillips and Gentry in the cultures surveyed. Several kinds of quantita-
(1993a) in their subsequent modification of the tive indices have been developed for measuring the
index. By contrast, the way of grouping the cultural value of useful plants, allowing different
results of the CI index corresponds with an hypotheses to be tested statistically.
interest in detailing the specific uses of plants If we accept that culture is a shared system of
that better reflect the cultural aspects of plant knowledge and competence among a group of
utilization. In fact, ethnobotanical publications people, most central aspects of culture will be
usually present plant uses in tables or catalogs widely shared by its members (e.g., Pelto and
where the information is grouped by species, Pelto 1975; Wan et al. 2007). Hence, a culturally
indicating their particular uses, and commonly important plant can be defined as a species
the number of informants who mentioned them. desired, preferred, or with an affective evaluation
This way of grouping is much more reasonable by most members of this culture. An indirect
for evaluating the importance of each plant measure of the perceived cultural importance is
species by its cultural consensus. Nevertheless, therefore the extension of its knowledge. In our
the mode that the UV index uses to group plant- opinion, indices of cultural importance based on
uses better suits a study for comparing the “informant consensus” are more objective because
differences of plant-use knowledge among they reduce researcher bias in the attribution of
informants, i.e., intracultural variation. the relative importance of plants.
Another reason for grouping results in the It is commonly assumed that the cultural
manner of the CI index is that the different uses importance of a plant depends on the number
of a plant are intrinsic characteristics of the of informants who mention its usefulness (FC)
species and are derived from the physical or and on the number of uses (NU). Diverse indices
chemical properties observed by humans. How- have considered both variables, such as the UV
ever, the number of uses attributed by an index (Phillips and Gentry 1993a), the RI index
informant to a plant is intrinsic to people’s (Pardo-de-Santayana 2003a), and the CV index
knowledge. (Reyes-García et al. 2006). However, NU is
Finally, using published works as a basis for highly influenced by the number of use-categories
comparative studies of the cultural importance of considered in the study, according to the
plants among different regions is only possible researcher’s wider or narrower criteria in defining
with a CI index, not with a UV index, because them. In addition, as our results confirm, there is
the number of uses that each informant attributes a positive correlation between NU and FC that
to each species is not usually published. What is probably can be stated as a general rule: the more
frequently presented is the number of informants versatile a plant, the more widespread is its
who mentioned a particular use (or number of usefulness. That is, those versatile plants with
reports for the use-category). For those papers, it several uses are generally more familiar to people
is possible to determine the total number of use- than those with only one use. Consequently, to
reports (UR) for the species (sometimes this achieve a more objective index, we must rely

more on FC than on NU. Except for FC, CI is on in-depth, semi-structured interviews still can
the index with the lowest correlations with NU. be very useful in analyzing passive knowledge,
The cultural importance index (CI) proposed such as most of the ethnobotanical studies
in this paper is strongly correlated with FC and, conducted in the last three decades in Europe.
although it also considers the diversity of uses, We propose the use of the CI index, which we
each use-category is conveniently weighted. The believe is the most objective of the indices based
index considers the contribution of each use- on informant consensus that also consider the
category according to the number of informants diversity of uses.
mentioning them and only widespread uses
significantly influence the final result. However, Acknowledgements
other indices, such as RI or CV, overestimate the We are grateful to all the people of the Campoo
multiplicity of uses at the cost of informants’ region who kindly shared their knowledge and time
opinions. and to everyone who provided introductions to
The CI index is an efficient tool for highlighting local people. We also thank the Spanish Ministry of
those species with a high-agreement for the culture Science and Education for financing this work
of the whole survey area and so to recognize the (AP97 00827638, CGL2006-09546/BOS) and
shared knowledge of these people. This does not Ramón Morales for his help and encouragement
mean that plants with low indices are always less during the fieldwork and for revising the manu-
interesting. The knowledge about useful plants is script. We are also grateful to Lesley Ashcroft, Roy
not homogenously distributed and the intracul- Thompson, Marisa Tello, Susana González, and
tural differences can be studied considering several Laura Aceituno for checking the manuscript and to
subgroups. The CI index also can be used to three anonymous reviewers and Daniel Moerman
compare the plant knowledge among different for their valuable remarks.
cultures (Pardo-de-Santayana et al. 2007).
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