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TheBoschYellowkckets Edition2OO3 ExpertKnow-HowonAutomotiveTechnology Diesel-EngineManagement

Dia'stribubil r% so= Timpe

FAMI-ArdectionJ Pumps


System Overview
Helix-and-port-controlled distributor injection pumps
Axial-Piston Pump (VP29, VP30)
Radial-Piston Pumps (VP44)
by: Reproduction, duplication and translation of this
Robert Bosch GmbH, 2003 publication, either in whole or in part, is permis-

Postfach 1129, sible only with our prior written consent and

D-73201 Plochingen. provided the source is quoted.

Automotive Aftermarket Business Sector, Illustrations, descriptions, schematic diagrams

Department AA/PDT5. and the like are for explanatory purposes and

Product Marketing, Diagnostics & illustration of the text only. They cannot be used

Test Equipment as the basis for the design, installation, or speci-

fication of products. We accept no liability for

Editor-in-chief: the accuracy of the content of this document

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Horst Bauer. in
respect of applicable statutory regulations.

Robert Bosch GmbH is exempt from liability,

Editorial staff: Subject to alteration and amendment.

Dipl.-Ing. (BA) JOrgen Crepin,
Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Heinz Dietsche. PriMed in Germany.
lmWA6 en Allemagm
Hans Bir,der 1
st edit5n, Welber 2Ma
(Woe AstiQ of Me 1
st German Won
Dipl@lng Johames Feger dated:OctoberW2
(VP29, VP30), Om

GBW Haupt
(Service TrainingL

"btang He&
Mating EDC SystemO,
DiplAng. TIsomas KQW
NozzWs, NozAe HoldeW,

Albert Uenloacher
(Service TrainingL

DnAg. Ulach PlAn

Juel Supply SymemW,
rev Nat. Dietmar Ottenlaacher
DoAng. Rainer Rehage
(Overview of Service Technology),

DiplAng. (FH) Helmut Simon

(Pump and Governor Descriptions),

At Sprengn
(High-Pressure Connectionsh
Rolf W6mer
(ReldnVoon Pump To Benches,
Testing Distributor Injection Pumps)

and the editorial team in cooperation with

the responsible technical departments at

Robert Bosch GmbH.

Unless otherwise indicated, the above are

employees of Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart.
Diesel Fuel-injection Pumps

Robert Bosch GmbH

4 Overview of diesel fuel-injection 78 High-pressure stage of the radial-
systems piston distributor injection pump
4 RequiremeMs 82 Deliery valves
83 High-pressure solenoid valve
6 Overview of distributor 84 Injection timing adjustment
fuel-injection pump systems 90 Electronic control unit

6 Areas of application 91 Summary

6 Deigns
8 Helix and port-controlled systems 92 Nozzles
10 Solenoid-valve controlled systems 94 Pintle nozzles
96 Hole-type nozzles
14 Fuel supply (low pressure stage) 100 Future development of the nozzle
14 Fueltank
14 Fuellines 102 Nozzle holders
15 Diesel fuel filters 104 Standard nozzle holder
105 Stepped nozzle holders
16 Helix and port-controlled 106 Two-spring nozzle holders
distributor injection pumps 107 Nozzle holder with needle-motion
17 Applications and installation sensor
19 Deign
22 Low-pressure stage 108 High-pressure lines
25 High-pressure pump with 108 High-pressure connection fittings
fuel distributor 109 High-pressure delivery lines

34 Auxiliary control modules for 112 Electronic diesel control (EDC)

distributor injection pumps 112 Technical requirements
34 Overview 1
4 SyMernowrview
36 Governors Y13 System blocks
43 Timing device 114 Helix and port-controlled
46 Mechanical torque-control axial-piston distributor pumps
modules 115 Solenoid-valve-controlled
59 Load switch axial-piston and radial-piston
59 Potentiometer distributor pumps
60 Delivery-signal sensor
61 Shutoff devices 116 Service technology
62 Electronic Diesel Control 116 Overview
65 Diesel-engine immobilizers 118 Testing EDC systems
122 Fuel-injection pump test benches
66 Solenoid-valve-controlled 124 Testing helix and port-controlled
distributor injection pumps distributor injection pumps
66 Areas of application 128 Nozzle tests
66 Deigns
68 Fining and drive system 130 Index of technical terms
70 Deign and method of operation 130 Technical terms
72 Low-pressure stage 132 Abbreviations
74 High-pressure stage of Ke axial-

piMon distributor injection pump

Requirements 5
Ovemlew d Mind WWANdlon systems

Properties and characteristl data of he most important fuel-injection systems for diesel engines

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6 Overview of distributor fuel-injection pump systems Areas of application, Designs

Overview of distributor fuel-injection pump systems

The combustion processes that take place by electronic control systems with electrical
inside a diesel engine are essentially depen- actuator mechanisms. Later on, pumps with
dent on the way in which the fuel is deliv- high-pressure solenoid valves were developed.
ered by the fuel-injection system. The fuel-
injection pump plays a decisive role in that Apart from their compact dimensions, the
connection. It generates the necessary fuel characteristic feature of distributor injection
pressure for fuel injection. The fuel is deliv- pumps is their versatility of application
ered via high-pressure fuel lines to the noz- which allows them to be used on cars, light
zles, which in turn inject it into the combus- commercial vehicles, fixed-installation en-
tion chamber. Small, fast-running diesel gines, and construction and agricultural
engines require a high-performance fuef machinery (off-road vehicles).
injection system capable of rapid injection The rated speed, power output and design
sequences, and which is also light in weight of the diesel engine determine the type and
and compact in dimensions. Distributor model of distributor injection pump chosen.
injection pumps meet those requirements. They are used on engines with between
They consist of a small, compact unit com- 3 and 6 cylinders.

prising the fuel pump, high-pressure fuel-

injection pump and control mechanism. Axial-piston distributor pumps are used on
engines with power outputs of up to 30 kW
per cylinder, while radial-piston types are suit-
Areas of application able for outputs of up to 45 kW per cylinder.
Distributor injection pumps are lubri-
Since its introduction in 1961 the axial-pis- cated by the fuel and are therefore mainte-
ton distributor injection pump has become nance-free.
the most widely used fuel-injection pump
for cars. The pump and its control system
have been continually improved over that
period. An increase in the fuel-injection
pressure was required in order to achieve Three types of distributor injection pump
lower fuel consumption and exhaust-gas are distinguished according to the method
emissions on engines with direct injection. of fuel-quantity control, type of control
A total of more than 45 million distributor system and method of high-pressure genera-
in)ection pumps were produced by Bosch tion (Figure 1).
between 1962 and 2001. The available de-
signs and overall system configurations are Method of fuel-quantity control
accordingly varied. Port-controlled in'ection pumps
The injection duration is varied by means
Axial-piston distributor pumps for engines of control ports, channels and slide valves.
with indirect injection (IDI) generate pres- A hydraulic timing device varies the start
sures of as much as 350 bar (35 MPa) at of injection.
the nozzle. For direct-injection (DI) engines,
both axial-piston and radial-piston distribu- Solenoid-valve-controlled injection pumps
tor injection pumps are used. They produce A high-pressure solenoid valve opens and
pressures of up to 900 bar (90 MPa) for closes the high-pressure chamber outlet,
slow-running engines, and up to 1,900 bar thereby controlling start of injection and
(190 MPa) for fast-running diesels. injection duration. Radial-piston distributor
injection pumps are always controlled by
The mechanical governors originally used on solenoid valves.
distributor injection pumps were succeeded
Designs 7
Overview of distributor fuel-injection pump systems

Method of high-pressure generation and the ambient conditions (e.g. crankshaft

Type VE axial-piston distributor pumps position and speed, charge-air pressure,
These compress the fuel by means of a pis- temperature of intake air, engine coolant
ton which moves in an axial direction rela- and fuel, vehicle road speed, etc.). The con-
tive to the pump drive shaft. trol unit then operates the actuators or the
solenoid valves in the fuel-injection pump
Type VR radial-piston distributor pumps according to the required settings.
These compress the fuel by means of several
pistons arranged radially in relation to the The EDC (Electronic Diesel Control) system
pump drive shaft. Radial-piston pumps can offers many advantages over a mechanical
produce higher pressures than axial-piston governor:
versions. * Lower fuel consumption, lower emissions,
higher power output and torque by virtue
Type of control system of more precise control of fuel quantity
hAechanical governor and start of injection.
The fuel-injection pump is controlled by a * Lower idling speed and ability to adjust
governor linked to levers, springs, vacuum to auxiliary systems (e.g. air conditioning)

actuators, etc. by virtue of better control of engine speed.

9 Greater sophistication (e.g. active surge
Electronic control system damping, smooth-running control, cruise
The driver signals the desired torque output/ control).
engine speed by means of the accelerator * Improved diagnostic functions.
pedal (sensor). Stored in the control unit are * Additional control functions (e.g. pre-
data maps for starting, idling, full load, accel- heating function, exhaust-gas recircula-
erator characteristics, smoke limits and pump tion, charge-air pressure control, elec-
characteristics. tronic engine immobilisation).
Using that stored information and the 9 Data exchange with other electronic con-
actual values from the sensors, specified set- trol systems (e.g. traction control system,
tings for the fuel-injection pump actuators electronic transmission control) and
are calculated. The resulting settings take ac- therefore integration in the vehicle's
count of the current engine operating status overall control network.

Types of dishibutor injecbon pump

Distributor injection pumps

Port-controIll6d Solenoi,&valve corr@ 01

Control Mechanically c lectronically controlled (EDC)


Goneration I
of high Axial-piston pump Radial-piston p


8 Overview of distributor fuel-injection pump systems Helix and port-controlled systems

Helix and port-controlled 4), the diesel fuel-injection system includes

the fuel tank (I 1), the fuel filter (10), the pre-
supply pump (12), the nozzle-and-holder as-
The operating Mechanically controlled distributor sembly (8) and the fuel lines (1, 6 and 7). The
concelpt is revemed
ited5n pumps nozzles and their nozzle-and-holder assem-
on marine engines.
Mechanical control is used only on axial- blies are the vital elements of the fuel-injec-
On these power-
plants, the ELAB
piston distributor pumps. This arrange- tion system. Their design configuration has a
ment's assets consist of low manufacturing major influence on the spray patterns and the
closes under
current. cost and relatively simple maintenance. rate-of-discharge curves. The solenoid-oper-
Mechanical rotational-speed control mon- ated shutoff valve (5) (ELAB) interrupts the
itors the various operating conditions to en- flow of fuel to the pump's plunger chamber 1)
sure high quality in mixture formation. Sup- when the "ignition" is switched off.
plementary control modules adapt start of A Bowden cable or mechanical linkage (2)
delivery and injected-fuel quantity to various relays driver commands recorded by the
engine operating statuses and load factors: accelerator pedal (3) to the fuel-injection
Engine speed pump's controller. Specialized control mod-
Engine load ules are available to regulate idle, intermedi-
Engine temperature ate and high-idle speed along.
Charge-air pressure and The VE..F series designation stands for
e Barometric pressure "Verteilereinspritzpumpe, fliehkraftgeregelt",
which translates as flyweight-controlled dis-
RI 1

1 Fuel supply line In addition to the fuel-injection pump (Fig. 1, tributor injection pump.
2 Linkage
3 Accelemtor pedal Fuel-injection system with mechanically controlled axial-piston distributor Type VE..F
4 Distributor jection
pump 2
5 Solenoid-operaod
sMW%Ww (EON 3
High"essure Wel MI
line 5
7 Fuel-return
10121 6
8 NoVeand-holder IN out
assembly it
9 Sheathed-elemerd

1 0 Fuel filter

12 NW presuploly ymp
WMalled only with

extremely long sup-

ply ines or skMarn UAT
tial dMemmesin is

rel"ve Wevations

fuel-injection pump)
13 Battery
14 Glow-plug and
WWO swit&

r1mon switchi 13 14
15 Glow control uQ
16 Diesel engne UIDU
Overview of distributor fuel-injection pump systems Helix and port-controlled systems 9

Electronically controlled distributor The solenoid-controlled actuator mecha-

injection pumps nism in the distributor injection pump (ro-
Electronic Diesel Control (EDC) supports tary actuator) replaces the mechanical con-
a higher level of functionality than that pro- troller and its auxiliary modules. It employs
vided by mechanical control systems. Elec- a shaft to shift the control collar's position
tric measuring combines with the flexibility and regulate injected fuel quantity. As in the
contributed by electronic data processing mechanical pump, control collar travel is
and closed-loop control featuring electric employed to vary the points at which the
Fig. 2

actuators to embed additional operational port is opened and closed. The ECU uses the 1
parameters in the control process. stored program map and instantaneous data 2 Fuel filter
Figure 2 illustrates the components in a from the sensors to define the default value 3 Distributor injection
fully-equipped fuel-injection system featur- for the solenoid actuator position in the pump with solenoid

ing an electronically-controlled axial-piston fuel-in)ection pump. actuator, rack-travel

distributor pump. Some individual An angle sensor (such as a semidifferential sensor and fuel-
temperature sensor
nents may not be present in certain applica- short-circuiting ring sensor) registers the ac- 4 Solenoid-operated
tions or vehicle types. The system consists of tuator mechanism's angle. This serves as an shutoff valve, Type
four sectors: indicator of control collar travel and this EMB

Fuel supply (lov"pressure drcuio information is fed back to the ECU. 5 Timing-device

Fuel-injection pump solenoid valve

6 Nozzle-and-holder
Electronic Diesel Control (EDC) with sys- A pulse-controlled solenoid valve compen-
assembly with
tem modules for sensors, control unit and sates for fluctuations in the pump's internal
final controlling elements (actuators), and pressure arising from variations in engine sensor (usually
Peripherals (e.g. turbocharger, exhaust- speed by shifting the Wing device to mod- an cyhWer
gas recirculation, glow-plug control, eQ ify start of delivery. 7 Glow plug, Type
Fuel-injection system with electronically controlled axial-piston distributor pump, Type VE..EDC 8 Engine-tempemture
(in coolant
22 system)
9 CmAshaWsped
10 Diesel engine (DI)

moil I
1 1
Electronic control
um WSG
1 12 Glow cmtrol unk
6 !1@111
20 1 i

Type GZS
3 MEN, 13 Velhicle-speed
K. sensor
7 14 Accelerator-pedal

(Jerwor evel for
8 cmise control
16 Glow-plug and
5 marter swrts
1 7 Bmtery
18 DagnoMic intuface
I M Ai&empemtwe
14 15
12 sensor
F 1


22 Air-mass meter
1 0 Overview of distributor injection pump systems Solen6doakocoMrol5cisystems

Solenoid-vealve-controlled Control-unit configuration

Separate control urits
systems First-generation diesel fuel-injection systems
Solenoid-valve controlled fuel-injection Sys- with solenoid-valve controlled distributor
tems allow a greater degree of flexibility with injection pumps (Type VE..MV [VP30], VR
regard to fuel metering and variation of injec- [VP44] for DI engines and VE..MV [VP29]
tion start than port-controlled systems. They for IDI engines) require two electronic con-
also enable pre-injection, which helps to re- trol units (ECUs) engine ECU (Type
- an
MSG) and a pump ECU (Type PSG). There
duce engine noise, and individual adjustment
of injection quantity for each cylinder. were two reasons for this separation of func-
tions: Firstly, it was designed to prevent the
Engine management systems that use sole- overheating of certain electronic compo-
noid-valve controlled distributor injection nents by removing them from the immedi-
pumps consist of four stages (Figure 1): ate vicinity of pump and engine. Secondly, it
The fuel supply system (low-pressure stago allowed the use of short control leads for the
The high-pressure stage including all the solenoid valve. This eliminates interference
fuel-injection components signals that may occur as a result of very
The Electronic Diesel Control (EDQ high currents (up to 20 A).

system made up of sensors, electronic

control unit(s) and actuators and While the pump ECU detects and analyzes
9 The air-intake and exhaust-gas systems the pump's internal sensor signals for angle
(air supply, exhaust-gas treatment and of rotation and fuel temperature in order to
exhaust-gas recirculation) adjust start of injection, the engine ECU

Components of an enine ECU with distributor injection pumps

EDC Electronic Diesel Control: engine management, sensors, interfaces


Fuel supply Oow- Air intake and

pressure system) exhaust systems

- - - - - - - - - --
- - - - - - - - - 1

System with
C.Hol u"S Enghe

Diesel fuel

C 1

-- ------------- .. ........... ........ . . ....... ..... .....

... .......... . ............. - - -
............... .. .................
Owiview 4 diKQuWHnJed&n pump yKerns Solenoidwalve-cont5led systems

processes all engine and ambient data sig- Exhaust-gas treatment

nals Rom external sensors and uses them There are various means employed for im-
to calculate the actuator adjustments on the proving emissions and user-friendliness.
fuel-injection pump. They include such things as exhaust-gas
The two ECUs communicate over a CAN recirculation, control of injection pattern
interface. (e.g. the use of pre-injection) and the use
of higher injection pressures. However, in
Integrated ECU order to meet the increasingly stringent ex-
Heat-resistant printed-circuit boards de- haust-gas regulations, some vehicles will
signed using hybrid technology allow the require additional exhaut-gas treatment
integration of the engine ECU in the pump systems.
ECU on second-generation solenoid-valve-
controlled distributor injection pumps. A number of exhaut-gas treatment systems
The use of integrated ECUs permits a are currently under development. It is not
space-saving system configuration. yet clear which of them will eventually be-
come established. The most important are
dealt with in a separate chapter.

12M EmmOedadtmltwooatnqsomwqhsoWndd*aNesoMrdWdmdWTAWndWHWWryeatnpmp
M11.7070e contol uhts for engine and pump ECUs


----------- Rg. 2

Type GZS glow
coMG unit

1 2 Type MSG engine


3 -12
3 Type GSK
glow plug
4 Type VP44 radial-
piston distributor
injection pump with

Type PSG5 pump


5 Aftemator
6 NW uter
7 Engine-temperature
smsm coobg
8 Crankslhaft sped
i 9
Add havel sensor

7 Rd NW
Fuel Mum

............ ......................... ------------- - - - ...................... ........................... . . ........... .............
13 Air-mass meter
1 2 Cherview of distributor injection pump systems Solenoid-valve-controlled systems

System diagram The CAN bus in the "Interfaces" section (13)

Figure shows an example of a diesel fuel-
3 provides the means for data exchange with
injection system using a Type VR radial-pis- a wide variety of systems and components
ton distributor injection pump on a four- such as
cylinder diesel engine (DI). That pump is * The starter motor
fitted with an integrated engine and pump * The alternator
ECU. The diagram shows the full-configura- * The electronic immobilizer
tion system. Depending on the nature of the 9 The transmission-shift control system
application and the type of vehicle, certain * The traction control system (ASR) and
components may not be used. * The electronic stability program (ESP)

For the sake of clarity, the sensors and de- The instrument cluster (12) and the air con-
sired-value generators (A) are not shown in ditioner (13) can also be connected to the
their fitted locations. One exception to this CAN bus.
is the needle-motion sensor (21).

Fig. 3

Engine, engine ECU and high-pressure C Fuel supply system (low-pressure stage)
fuel-injection components 19 Fuel filter with overflow valve

16 Fuel-injection pump drive 20 Fuel tank with preliminary filter and presupply pump
17 Type PSG16 integrated engine/pump ECU (preliminary pump is only required with long fuel pipes
18 Radial-piston distributor injection pump (VP44) or large height difference between fuel tank and fuel-
Nozzle-and-holder assembly with needle-motion sensor injection pump)
(cylinder no.

22 Sheathed-element glow plug D Air supply system

23 Diesel engine (DO 24 Exhaust-gas recirculabon positioner and valve
25 Vacuum pump
Eq. 26 Control valve

A Sensors and desired-value generators 27 Exhaust-gas turbocharger with VTG (variable turbine
pedal-tMel sansor geometry)
2 Cloch sWmh 28 Charge-pressure actuator
3 Bralke (2)
4 Velhicle-speed control operator unit E
Exhaust-gas treatment
5 Glow-plug and starter switch ("ignition switch") 29 Diesel-oxidation catalytic converter (DOC)
6 Vehicle-speed sensor
7 Crankshaft-speed sensor (inductive)
8 Engine-temperature sensor (in coolant system)
9 Intake-air temperature sensor
10 Boost-pressure sensor
1 1 Hot-film air mass-flow sensor (intake air)

B Interfaces
12 Inshument clWx with signal oQut
for 50 cowun6m, row6onal speet No
13 Air-conditioner compressor and operator unit

14 Diagnosis interface
15 Glow control unit

CAN Controller Area Network

nn&a& bus)
sod data
Overview of distributor injection pump systems Solenoicloake-cowdledsystems 13


Iff DNA fudAyam

and Type PSG16
vWth Type VP44 solenodsalve-consded
engine and pump ECU
radial-piston distributor injection pump

12 19

13 17

[77940- T@(__




21 not !Anne,!!!!


1101111111 1

5 C@@

24 D

8 MIT_



1 4 Nei supiply Fuel tank fuel lines, dos& fuel Wers

Fuel supply (low-pressure stage)

It is the job of the fuel-supply stage to store Fuel tank

the required fuel, filter it, and under all
operating conditions supply it to the fuel- As its name implies, the fuel tank stores the
injection system at the stipulated pressure. fuel. It must be corrosion-resistant and not
For some applications the fuel is also leak even at a pressure defined as double the
cooled. normal operating pressure, or at least at
13 bar overpressure. Suitable openings,
The fud-supply stage comprises the follow- safety valves etc. must be provided to permit
ing major components: excess pressure to escape. Fuel must not

Fuel tank (1) escape past the filler cap, nor through the
UIS for passen- pressure-equalisation devices. This also ap-
Preliminary filter (not on
ger cars) (2) plies in the case of road shocks, in curves, or
ECU cooler (optional) (3) when the vehicle is tilted. The fuel tank must

be remote from the engine so that ignition
Presupply pump (optional, on passenger
cars also in-tank pump) (4) of the fuel is not to be expected even in the
Fuel filter (5) event of an accident.
Fuel pump (low pressure) (6)
o Pressure-control valve (overflow valve)
(7) Fuellines
Fuel cooler (optional) (9)
Low-pressure fuel lines Fuel lines for the low-pressure stage can be
manufactured from seamless metal tubing,
Individual components can be combined to or flame and fuel-resistant synthetic hose.
form modules (for instance the fuel pump They must be protected against mechanical
and the pressure limiter). On the axial and damage, and must be positioned so that the
radial-piston distributor pumps, as well as possibility of dripping or evaporating fuel
on the Common Rail System, the fuel pump accumulating on hot components where it
is integrated in the high-pressure pump. can ignite is ruled out. Fuel lines are not to
be impaired in their correct operation by
vehicle twist, engine movement or similar
motions. All fuel-carrying components must
be protected against heat which could other-
wise impair correct operation.

(lompremure cap)
Diesel fuel filters
77 The fuel filter removes the solid particles
1 Fuel tank kom the fuel in order to reduce its level of
co nurnination. By doing so, it ensures that
2 Wter

3 ECU cooler
the injection components which are subject
Prasup* pump Al 3 7
non-return valve to wear are supplied with fuel which has a
5 Fuel Ner minimum level of contamination. In order
6 Fuel pump 9 to ensure long service intervals, the filter
7 Pressure-control must feature adequate particle-storage ca-
valve (UlS, UPS)
pacay. A, blocked filter results in a reduction
8 Distributor Wbe
of fuel delivery and engine output power
(passenger-car UIS)
D drops accordingly.
9 Fuel cooler IX

(Us UPI GM . ...... ............ .. .............. . .......

00 SWWY DiesY 10 Rom 1 5

Extremely high precision applies in the Water droplets form on the filter medium
manufacture of the components of the due to the different surface tensions of water
diesel fuel-injection systems, and these react and fuel, and accumulate in the water sepa-
drastically to even the most minute contam- rator (Fig. 2, Pos. 8). For free (non-emulsi-
ination. This means that in order to guaran- fied) water, an additional water separator
tee that reliability, fuel-consumption figures, can be used which removes water droplets
and compliance with the emission limits are by means of centrifugal force. Conductivity
maintained throughout the vehicle's service sensors are used to monitor water level.
life (for commercial vehicles this is taken
to be approx. 1,000,000 km), very high de- Fuel preheating
mands are made upon the measures taken During low-temperature operation, this
to protect against wear. The fuel filter must facility prevents the filter-element pores
be precisely matched to the fuel-injection becoming blocked due to paraffin crystals
system in question. in the fuel. The preheating components are
For extended maintenance intervals or usually incorporated in the filter and heat
particularly high levels of protection against the fuel either electrically, by means of the
wear, filter systems are installed which fea- engine coolant, or by using heat from the
ture a preliminary filter and a fine filter. fuel-recirculation system.

VemOns tiand primer pump

A variety of combinations are available Used to refill and vent the system following
which incorporate the following functions: a filter change, and usually incorporated in
the filter cover.
Preliminary filters for presupply pumps
The preliminary filter (Fig. 1, Pos. 2) is usu-
ally a strainer with 300 mm mesh size, and is
installed in addition to the main fuel filter
(Fig. 1, Pos. 5).

Main filter
Main filters in the form of easy-change fil-
ters (Fig. 2) with pleated-star or wound filter
elements (Fig. 2, Pos. 3) are in widespread
use, and are screwed onto a filter bracket in
Diesel f.@I filter with water separator
the vehicle. Two filters can also be fitted in
parallel (higher retention capacity), or in se-
ries (multistage filter for increased filtration
e5ciency or fine filter with precisely
matched preliminary filter). Filters in which
only the filter element is replaced are be-
coming increasingly popular again. 3-
i Fig. 2

Water separator 1
Her inwt

The diesel fuel can contain water in emuls- 2 Filter oWW

fied or free Orn (for instance, condensate as 3 FHter clement

4 Water drain screw
a result of temperature change). Such water
5 Filter cover
must be prevented from entering the injec- 4 6 Film case
tion system. 7
Suppmt tube

8 Water reservoir
- - -- --
1 6 Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pumps

Helix and port-controlled distribUtol- injeCtion JDUrT1 [) 13

The helix-and-port distributor injection 42 million VE pumps were manufactured at

pump is always an axial-piston unit. As the Bosch. Every year well over a million of these
design relies on a single high-pressure ele- ultra-reliable pumps emerge from assembly
ment to serve all of the engine's cylinders, lines throughout the world.
units can be extremely compact. Helices,
ports and collars modulate injected-fuel The fuel-in'ection pump pressurizes the
quantities. The point in the cycle at which fuel to prepare it for injection. The
fuel is discharged is determined by the hy- pump supplies the fuel along the high-pres-
draulic timing device. Mechanical control sure injection lines to the nozzle-and-holder
modules or an electric actuator mechanism assemblies that Sect A into the combustion
(refer to section on "Auxiliary control mod- chambers.
ules for distributor injection pumps") pro- The shape of the combustion process in
vide flow control. The essential features of the diesel engine depends on several factors,
this injection-pump design are its mainte- including injected-fuel quantity, the method
nance friendliness, low weight and compact used to compress and transport the fuel, and
dimensions. the way in which this fuel is injected in the
combustion chamber. The critical criteria in
This type of pump makes up our VE series. this process are:
This design replaced the EP/VA series pumps 9 The timing and duration of fuel injection
in 1975. In the intervening years it has
un- o The distribution pattern in the combus-
dergone a range of engineering advances in- tion chamber
tended to adapt it to meet growing demands. * The point at which combustion starts
The electric actuator mechanism's advent in 9 The quantity of fuel injected for each
1986 (Fig. 2) started a major expansion in degree of crankshaft travel and
the VE distributor pump's performance po- 9 The total quantity of fuel supplied relative
tential. In the period up to mid-2002 roughly to the engine's load factor

Se,i,s VE F rn,ch.nically-controlled distributor injection pump on a 4-cylinder diesel engine



Purnp doe
2 Nel inlet

3 Accelerator pedW

40 reWrn

5 Hg4pressum
Id he
6 Nomle-anclolcer
Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pumps Applications and installation 1 7

i ........... ... .

FiJ 2


jection omp
:3 2 Bectric actuator

Applications and installation demand (DI or IDI). These pressures reach

levels of 354- a5O ban1

Fast-turning with limited displace-

diesels The distributor injection pump is flange-
ment are one of the applications for helix mounted directly on the diesel engine
and port-controlled distributor injection (Fig. 1). Motive force from the crankshaft

pumps. The pumps furnish fuel in both di- is transferred to the pump by toothed belt,
rect-injection (DI) and prechamber (IDI) pinion, ring gear, or a chain and sprocket.
powerplants. Regardless of the arrangement selected, it
The application and the fuel-injection ensures that the pump remains synchro-
pump's configuration are defined by such nized with the movement of the pistons
factors as nominal speed, power output and in the engine (positive coupling).
design of the individual diesel engine. Dis- On the 4-stroke diesel engine, the rota-
tributor injection pumps are fitted in pas- tional speed of the pump is half that of
senger cars, commercial vehicles, construc- the crankshaft. Expressed another way: the
tion and agricultural machinery, ships and pump's rotational speed is the same as that
stationary powerplants to produce power of the camshaft.
of up to 30 kW per cylinder.
These distributor in'ection pumps are Distributor injection pumps are available for
available with high-pressure spill ports for both clockwise and counterclockwise rota-
engines of 3-6 cylinders. The maximum in- tion 1). While the in'ection sequences varies Rotational direction
jected-fuel quantity is 125 mm3 per shoke. according to rotational direction, the injec- as viewed from the

Requirements for injection pressure vary tion sequence always matches the geometri- pump drive side
according to the specific engine's individual cal progression of the delivery ports.
Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pumps Applications and installation

In order to avoid confusion with the designa- tion system's requirements, is another factor.

tions of the engine's cylinders (cylinder no. 1, These two elements combine to prevent
2, 3, etc.) the distributor pump's delivery ports damage to pump components, delivery
carry the alphabetic designations A, B, C, etc. valves and nozzles and ensure trouble-free
Example: on a four-stroke engine with the fir- operation throughout a long service life.
ing order 1-3-4-2, the correlation of delivery
ports to cylinders is A- 1, B-3, C-4 and D-2. Diesel fuel can absorb 50 200 ppm water
(by weight) in solution. Any additional water
The high-pressure lines running from the entering the fuel (such as moisture from
fuel-injection pump to the nozzle-and- condensation) will be present in unbound
holder assemblies are kept as short as possi- form. Should this water enter the fuel-injec-
ble to ensure optimized hydraulic proper- tion pump, corrosion damage will be the re-
ties. This is why the distributor injection sult. This is why fuel filters equipped with a
pump is mounted as close as possible to water trap are vital for the distributor injec-
the diesel engine's cylinder head. tion pump. The water collected in the trap
must be drained at the required intervals.
The distributor injection pump's lubricant is The increasing popularity of diesel engines
fuel. This makes the units maintenance-free. in passenger cars has resulted in the need for

The components and surfaces in the fael- an automatic water level warning system.
injection pump's high-pressure stage and the This system employs a warning lamp to sig-
nozzles are both manufactured to tolerances nal that it is time to drain the collected water.
of just a few thousandths of a millimeter. As Both the ftiel-injection system and the diesel
a result, contamination in the fuel can have engine in general rely on consistently opti-
a negative impact on operation. This consid- mized operating parameters to ensure ideal
eration renders the use of high-quality fuel performance. This is why neither fuel lines nor
essential, while a special fuel filter, custom- nozzle-and-holder assemblies should be mod-
designed to meet the individual fuel-injec- ified during service work on the vehicle.

Rim Basch ype code for distributor injection pumps

V E 4 9 F 2200 L 12

V Distributor injection pump Type code

L Counterclockwise
R Clockwise
E Axial-piston high-pressure pump (View toward
R Radial-piston high-pressure pump pump d6e)

Uppa nomirial

2.6 pump pew*

F Me0anict gowmor
E EWMK actuator mechanism
8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Pump plunger diameter in mm M
High-pressum solemAdvalve

Fig 1

This data code is affixed

to the distributor injection

Pump speed =
half engine speed for four-stroke engine W

pump housing for precise

Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pumps Design 1 9

Design Control mechankm M

The control mechanism regulates the injec-
The distributor injection pump consists of tion process. The configuration of this
the following main assembly groups (Fig. 2): mechanism is the most distinctive feature
of the helix-and-port distributor pump.
Low-pressure stage (7) Here the operative distinction is between:
The vane-type supply pump takes in the e The mechanical governor assembly, with
diesel fuel and pressurizes the inner cham- supplementary control modules and
ber of the pump. The pressure-control valve switches as needed and
controls this internal pressure (3 4 bar at * The electric actuator mechanism
idle, 10 12 bar at maximum rpm). Air is (VE EDC), which is controlled by
... ...
discharged through the overflow valve. It the engine ECU
also returns fuel in order to cool the pump.
Both can be equipped
with a solenoid-oper-
High-pressure pump with distributor (8) ated shutoff valve (ELAB)(4). This solenoid
High pressure in the helix and port-con- device shuts off the fuel-injection system by
trolled distributor injection pump is gener- isolating the high-pressure from the low-
ated by an axial piston. A distributor slot in pressure side of the pump.
the pump's rotating plunger distributes the Pump versions equipped with a mechani-
pressurized fuel to the delivery valves (9). cal governor also include a mechanical shut-
The number of these valves is the same as off device which is integrated in the gover-
the number of cylinders in the engine. nor cover.

Hydraulic timing device (10)

The timing device varies the point at which
the pump starts to deliver fuel.

Component assemblies in axial-piston distributor injection


Fig. 2

1 1
NW supply
2 Control mec1hanism

3 Accelerator pedal
4 Solenoid-operated
shutoff valve (ELAB)

5 Nozzle-and-holder
6 Pump drive

7 Mvppressure cage
(vane-ype supply
pump with pressure-
control valve and

not t1hrottle

HigWyessure pump

9 Ddivery valve

10 Hydraulic timing

1 1
Diesel engine
20 Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pumps Design

Fuel flow and control lever FuelsuppQ

The diesel engine powers an input shaft The fuel-injection pump depends on a con-
mounted in two plain bearings in the tinuous supply of pressurized bubble-free
pump's housing (Fig. 4, Pos. 2). The input fuel in the high-pressure sWgin On passenger
shaft supports the vane-type supply pump cars and light trucks, the difference in the
(3) and also drives the high-pressure pump's elevations of fuel-injection pump and fuel
cam plate (6). The cam plate's travel pattern tank is usually minimal, while the supply
is both rotational and reciprocating; its mo- lines are short with large diameters. As a re-
tion is transferred to the plunger (I 1). sult, the suction generated by the distributor
injection pump's internal vane-type supply
On injection pumps with mechanical con- pump is usually sufficient.
trol, the input shaft drives the control as-
sembly (9) via a gear pair (4) with a rubber Vehicles with substantial elevations differ-
dampen ences and/or long fuel lines between fuel
At the top of the control assembly is a tank and fuel-injection pump need a pre-
control-lever shaft connected to the external supply pump to overcome resistance in lines
control lever (1) on the governor cover. This and filters. Gravity-feed fuel-tank operation
controblever shaft intervenes in pump oper- is found primarily in stationary power-
ation based on the commands transmitted plants.
to it through the linkage leading to the ac-
celerator pedal. The governor cover seals the
Fiq 3

Vane supply pump top of the distributor injection pump.
with pressure-
control valve:
Fuel induction and
generation of inter- (cutaway)
C.-p.n,nt assemblies and their functions
nal pmp yessum
2 High-pressure
pump MM
disthibutor Had:
GeneratIn of

Wel delivery and dis-

tribohn to indidual
engine cylinders
3 Mechanical

mer1hanim- my

in coritW range
4 Solenoid-operated
shutoff valve
(ELABlInteaups 1

off engine
5 Timing device:
Determiries sort of

delivel as function
A wyne syk arid
(parbally) engine

Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pumps Design 21

Hal Skes VEI axial-pistm distributor injection pump with mechanical governor

10 F4 4

Flow-control lever
tor pecal)
2 Input SW
3 Vane-type supply

4 Govemor drive gear
5 Roller on kW ring

3 6 Cam plate
7 Hydraulic timing

8 Overflow restriction
5 9 Governor assembly
6 10
10 Solenoid-operated
12 shutoff valve (ELAB)

1 1
Distributor plunger
12 Delivery valve

Component assemblies and their locations

RS 5

Govennor awernioly
2 Premure-control

3 Input Aah
4 Rdler kg
3 5 Hydraulic timing

6 Overhow restridion

Werner ewer
4 8 Solenoid-operated
shutoff valve (ELAB)

hyWyessure pmp
10 Cam plate
22 Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pump Low-pressure stage

Low-pressure stage ized fuel for the high-pressure side is avail-

able in the fuel-injection pump.
The distributor injection pump's low-pres-
sure stage comprises the following compo- Design
nents (Fig. 1): The vane-type supply pump is mounted on
9 The vane- type supply pump (4) supplies the main pump unit's input shaft (Fig. 2).
the fuel The impeller (10) is mounted concentrically
The pressure-control valve (3) maintains on the input shaft (8) and powers the for-
the specified fuel pressure in the system mer through a disk spring (7). An eccentric
The overflow restriction (9) returns a ring (2) installed in the pump housing (5)
defined amount of fuel to the pump to surrounds the impeller.
promote cooling
Operating concept
Vane-type supply pump As the impeller rotates, centrifugal force
The vane-type supply pump extracts the fuel presses the four floating blades (9) outward
from the tank and conveys it through the against the eccentric ring. The fuel in the
supply lines and filters. As each rotation sup- gap between the bottom of the blade and the
plies an approximately constant amount of impeller body supports the blade's outward
fuel to the inside of the fuel-injection pump, motion.
the supply volume increases as a function of
engine speed. Thus the volume of fuel that Fuel travels through the fuel-injection pump
the pump delivers reflects its own rotational housing's inlet passage and supply channel
speed, with progressively more fuel being (4) to a chamber formed by the impeller,
supplied as pump speed increases. Pressur- blades and eccentric ring, called the cell (3).
The rotation presses the fuel from between

.!nteP!ay@ vane-type supply pump, pressure-control valve and overflow restriction

3 4 5 6 7 8 10

rI., r

Pumpdhe NOT
2 Nel supply Hill,

3 Pressure-conUol

Eccentric mg on

mm MP# purnp
5 Support ring

6 Gmernor drive gear

High-pressae pump
8 Pump houmny
OverMow resnaon
10 NW reWn .. .... . ... .................. .......................................... ....
Helix and po&conVc;lled distiributm injection pump 23

the bMs MwaM the spill port (6), from Vane-type supply pump for low-pressure delivery
where it proceeds through a bore to the .................

pump's inner chamber. The eccentric shape

of the ring's inner surface decreases the
volume of the cell as the vane-type supply
pump rotates to compress the fuel. A portion
of the fuel proceeds through a second bore
to the pressure-control valve (see Fig. 1).
The inkt and discharge sides operate u -
ing suction and pressure cells and have the
shape of kidneys. 1
2 6 i

----- \J
Pressure-control valve

As fuel delivery from the vane-type supply

pump irwreases as a function of pump
1 Eccentric ring
speed, the pump! internal chamber pressure
is proportional to the engine! rotational
speed. The hydraulic timings device relies on 4 NW inlet

these higher pressurization levels to operate

(see section on "Auxiliary control modules 5 Pump housing
4 0 6 Fuel discharge
for distributor injection pumps"). The pres-
C@ (pressure cells)
sure-control valve is needed to govern pres- 7 Woodruff key
surization and ensure that pressures corre- 8 Input shaft
spond to the levels required for optimized 9 Made
operation of both the timing device and the I . . .. .... .... ...............
10 Impeller

Components of vane-type supply pump on input shaft

Fig. 3

2 Impeller
3 Blade
4 Eccenvic Og
5 Support ring

6 Governor drive gear

2 3 4 5 6 7 7
High-pressure pump
24 Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pump Low-pressure stage

PmssurewonUol valve OverNow valve

F" 4

1 Valve body
2 Compression spring limit 5
3 Valve plunger
4 Bore
5 Supply from vany Hills Haiti!
W vane-ype
supply pump
1101111 Roll
Awn ARK 3
Housing !HAITI!!!@,,,
.1110, lot is

2 RlWr 1 asoll HN

3 Goverm over
Rd supp
5 T%We Mm
6 Return km W Mel

engine Aself. The regulator controls internal Overflow restriction

chamber pressures in the fuel-injection The distributor injection pump is cooled
pump according to the quantity of fuel sup- by fuel that flows back to the tank via an
plied by the vane-type supply pump. At a overflow restriction screwed to the governor
specific rotational speed, a specific internal cover (Fig. 5). The overflow restriction is
pump pressure occurs, which then induces located at the fuel-injection pump's highest
a defined shift in start of delivery. point to bleed air automatically. In applica-
tions where higher internal pump pressures
A passage connects the pressure-control are required for low-speed operation, an
valve to the pressure cell (Fig. 2). It is di- overflow valve can be installed in place of the
rectly adjacent to the vane-type supply overflow restriction. This spring-loaded ball

pump. valve functions as a pressure-control valve.

The amount of fuel that the overflow re-
The pressure-control valve is a spring- striction's throttle port (5) allows to return
loaded slide valve (Fig. 4). When fuel pres- to the fuel tank varies as a function of pres-
sure rises beyond a specified level, it pushes sure (6). The flow resistance furnished by
back the valve plunger (3), compressing the the port maintains the pump's internal pres-
spring (2) and simultaneously exposing the sure. Because a precisely defined fuel pres-
return passage. The fuel can now proceed sure is required for each individual engine
through the passage to the vane-type supply speed, the overflow restriction and the pres-
pump's suction side (6). When fuel pressure sure-control valve must be matched.
is low, the spring holds the return passage
closed. The actual opening pressure is de-
fined by the adjustable tension of the spring.
Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pump High-pressure pump with fuel distributor 25

High-pressure The cam plate transforms the input shaft's

pump with
rotation into a motion pattern that combines
fuel distributor
rotation with reciprocation (total stroke of
2.2 3.5 mm, depending on pump version).
The fuel-injection pump's high-pressure The shaft's motion is translated by the mo-
stage pressurizes the fuel to the levels re- tion of the cams on the cam plate (4) against
quired for injection and then distributes this the rollers on the roller ring (5). While the
fuel to the cylinders at the specified delivery latter runs on bearing surfaces in the hous-
quantities. The fuel flows through the deliv- ing, there is no positive connection joining
ery valve and the high-pressure line to the it to the input shaft. Because the profiles of

nozzle-and-holder assembly, where the noz- the cams on the cam plate extend along the
zle injects it into the engine's combustion plane defined by the input shaft, they are
chamber. sometimes referred to as "axial cams".

Distributor plunger drive The distributor plunger's base (10) rests

A power-transfer assembly transmits the in the cam plate, where its position is main-

rotational motion of the input shaft (Fig. 1, tained by a locating stud. Plunger diameters
Pos. 1) to the cam plate (6), which is coupled range from 8 ... 12 mm, depending on the
to the distributor plunger (10). In this desired injected-fuel quantity.
process, the claws from the input shaft and
the cam plate engage in the intermediate
yoke (3).

Fiji High-lpmssure circuit in inner chamber of a helix and port-controlled distributor injection pump

2 Roller ring
3 Ye ke
lately TDC
4 Cams
5 Roller
11book 6 Cam plMe
IMIR 7 Spring-loaded
A -

cross lowe
8 Plunger return
9 Control collar
Orgy i 10 DistriloWorplunger
1 1
Distributor head
7-7- 12 Delivery valve
177 Disdharge to higlh-
pressure line

TDC Top Dead Center

for pump plunger
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0
BDC Bottom Dead
Genterfor pump

.............. ............................
26 HIM and pod-wntmHed disWbWor injedion pumps High-pressure pump with fuel distributor

Pump assembly with distributor head

.... . .. ... .......... ....... ... .. ...................... ......... ........ .... ............. ..................

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

RI 2

Input shaft
2 Gmemor We gear
3 Claw
4 Ake
5 Ro1W Hy
6 Claw
7 Cam plate
8 Cams
9 Distributorplungn
10 Distributor plunger
1 1
Spring-loaded cross
Cwha c6lar
13 Plungn return

14 GAle On

15 Distributor head
16 Delivery valve

(discharge W

higIn-pressure ine)
9 10 A 12 13 14 15 16
RJ6 DistribWor head
assembly .. .. . ............ .................... .. ... .............. . . ... ..................
... .................................................. ................ ....... ....... . ..... ... .. ...

The cam plate's cams drive the plunger to- Cam plates and cam profiles
ward its Top Dead Center (TDC) position. The number of cams and rollers is deter-
The two symmetrically arranged plunger mined by the number of cylinders in the
return springs (Fig. 2, Pos. 13) push the engine and the required injection pressure
plunger back to Bottom Dead Center (Fig. 3). The cam profile affects injection
(BDC). At one end, these springs rest against pressure as well as the ma)dmurn potential
the distributor body (IQ, while the force injection duration. Here the primary criteria
from the other end is transferred to the dis- are cam pitch and stroke velocity.
tributor plunger (10) through a spring cou-
pling (I 1). The plunger return springs also The conditions of injec6on must be matched
prevent the cam plate (7) from slipping off to the combustion chamber! configuration
the roller 6ng4 rollers (5) in response to and the engine's combustion process (DI or
high rates of acceleration. IDI). This is reflected in the cam profiles on
The heights of the plunger return springs the face of the cam plate, which are specially
are precisely matched to prevent the plunger calculated for each engine type. The cam
from tilting in the distributor body. plate serves as a custom component in the
specified pump type. This is why cam plates
in different types of VE injection types are
not mutually interchangeable.
Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pumps High-pressure pump with fuel distributor 27

Distributor body Various roller and carn combinations Fig 3

The plunger (5) and the plunger band (2) ... .... .... . ... ... .. .......... . .... .... ... . . ... .. a Three-cylinder
are precisely matched Uapped assembly) in
Roller ring Cam plate Six-cylinder version
the distributor body (Fig. 4, Pos. 3) which is
kw m also available.
screwed to the pump housing. The control 4 ths version, every
collar 0) is also put of a cuAorn-makhed second WM is
assembly with the plunger. This allows the rerouted to the inner

components to provide a reliable seal at ex- chamber of the

trernely high pressures. At the same time, a pump.

b Four-cylinder
light pressure not orAy unavoidable loss is I
On two-cylinder
A is Aso desirable en
as a source of lubrication
gines, every second
for the plunger. Precise mutual tolerances spill port is rerouted
in these assemblies mean that the entire dis- to the inner chamber

tributor group must be replaced as a unit; of

to PM,
no attempt should ever be made to replace C
c Five-cylinder

the plunger, distributor body or control engine

The &lers 5 Un an
collar as individual components.
not fitted to pumps
for I DI engines as
Also mounted in the distributor body are these operate at

the solenoid-operated shutoff valve (ELAB) d lower fuel-inje c tion

(not shown in this illustration) used to in- pressures and

reduced physical
terrupt the fuel supply along with the screw co
cap (4) with vent screw (6) and delivery i
2 d Six-cylinde r
en 9 ine
valves (7). co
Only four rollers
head component assembly
............... . ... . . .... ..... . ...... ................. ... .. ....... .. .................. used in
.... . . ..... ..... .... .. .. ..... ....................... ......... ... . ............. ... .. ........ ............ .. .

,.!i@ Modifications i:;@

Fig. 4

Control Alar
2 Rungw barrel
3 Distributor head
4 Screw cap
5 Distriloutorplunger
6 Vent screw
7 Delmery valve
.............................................. ................ ...... ... .............................. ............. ....
28 Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pumps High-pressure pump with fuel distributor

Fuel metering Fuel delivery (effective stroke, 6c)

The distributor head assembly generates The plunger continues moving toward TDC,
the pressure required for injection. It also closing the prestroke passage in the process.
distributes the fuel to the various engine The enclosed fuel is now compressed. It
cylinders. This dynamic process correlates travels through the distributor slot (8) to the
with several different phases of the plunger delivery valve on one of the delivery ports
stroke, called delivery phases. (9). The port opens and the fuel is propelled
through the high-pressure line to the nozzle-
The plunger's stroke phases as illustrated in and-holder assembly.
Figure 6 show the process of metering fuel
kg a single cylVda. Although the plunger's Residual stroke (6d)
motion is horizontal (as in the in-line fuel- The effective stroke phase terminates when
injection pump), the extremes of As travel the lateral control passage (I 1) on the
are still refereed to as top and bottom dead plunger reaches the control collar's helix
center (TDC and BDQ. On four-cylinder (10). This allows the fuel to escape into the
engines the plunger rotates by one fourth of pump's inside chamber, collapsing the pres-
a turn during a delivery phase, while a sixth sure in the element chamber. This terminates
of a turn is available on six cylinder engines. the delivery process. No further fuel is deliv-
ered to the nozzle (end of delivery). The de-
Suction (6a) livery valve closes off the high-pressure line.
As the plunger travels from top to bottom Fuel flows through the connection to the
dead center, fuel flows from the pump inside of the pump for as long as the plunger
chamber and through the exposed inlet pas- continues to travel toward TDC. The inlet
sage (2) into the plunger chamber (6) above passage is opened once again in this phase.
the plunger. The plunger chamber is also
called the element chamber. The governor or actuator mechanism can
shift the control collar to vary the end of
Prestroke (option, 6b) delivery and modulate the injected-fuel
As the plunger rotates, it closes the inlet quantity.
passage at the bottom dead center end of its
travel range and opens the distributor slot
(8) to provide a specific discharge.

After reaching bottom dead center, the

plunger reverses direction and travels back
toward TDC. The fuel flows back to the 131triloumr plunger

pump's inner chamber through a slot (7)

at the front of the plunger.
This preliminary stroke delays fuel supply
and delivery until the profile on the cam
plate's cam reaches a point characterized
by a more radical rise. The result is a more
Fig 5 rapid rise in injection pressure for improved
Distributor plunger engine performance and lower emissions.
2 Control collar
3 DaRbutor Not

4 INV metering AM

0 meteAg do is

provided for each of

engine cylinders)
Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pumps High-pressure pump with fuel distributor 29

Stroke phases on WIN and port-controlled distributor injection pump



3 4

1 C
h, a Suction

D I W-Olke
c 10fective strolve

d Residual strul,

umnoutor head
2 Aletpassage
3 Distributor plunger
4 Plunger barrel
9 5 low mwering do
6 Plunger chamber
Wernent chamber)
d 7 Prestroke groove
8 Distributor slot

9 Inletpassage to

delbery vaNe
Whol c6lar
Control bore

BhaM StrOW
Resclual mrolm
-MC Top Dead Center
on pump plunger
BDC Bottom Dead
Center on pump

30 Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pumps High-pressure pump with fuel distributor

Distributor plunger with precharge groove Precharge slot

During rapid depressurization at the end
of delivery, the venturi effect extracts the
iTmwnmg fuel from the area between the
delivery valve and the plunger. At high rota-
tional speeds with substantial delivery quan-
1 2
tities, this area is closed off before enough
fuel can flow back in. As a result, the pres-
sure in this area is lower than that in the
p ump's inner chamber. The slot must thus
be recharged before the next fuel injection.
This reduces the delivery quantity.
The precharge slot (Fig. 7, Pos. 2) con-
nects the pump's inner chamber to the area
- -- -- -- -- between the delivery valve and the plunger.
The fuel always flows through the discharge
opposite the clischarge controlled for deliv-

tmhg fuel.
FiJ 7

2 Precharge groove

In addition to their use in on-road vehicles, hicil. with VE pm p

helix and port-controlled distributor injection

pumps are also used in

a multitude of off-road

Excavator with 1 1 2 kW applications. This sector includes stationary

052 bho powerplants as well as construction and agri-
cultural machines. Here, the primary require-

ments are robust construction and ease of

The conditions that fuel-injection systems
meet in off-road use can be exceptionally chal-
lenging (for instance, when exposed engines

are washed down with high-pressure steam

Combine harvester w1th
cleaners, poor fuel quality, frequent refuelings
125 kW (170 bhp)
from canisters, etc.). Special filtration syste s

operate in conjunction with water separators

to protect fuel-injection pumps against dam-
age from fuel of poor quality).
PTOs of the kind employed to drive pumps

and cranes rely on constant engine speeds with

minimum fluctuation in
response to load shifts

(low speed droop). Heavy flyweights in the gov-

Hawester with 85 kW

016 bho emor assembly provide this performance

Tractor with 98 kW U)

033 bhp)
Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pumps High-pressure pump with fuel distributor 31

DeSeq vake through the nozzle at the end of the injec-

The delivery valve closes the high-pressure tion process. It also stabilizes pressure in
line to the pump in the period between fuel the high-pressure lines between injection
supply phases. It insulates the high-pressure processes to compensate for shifts in in-
line from the distributor head. jected-fuel quantities.

The delivery valve (Fig. 8) is a slide valve. Delivery valve with torque control
The high pressure generated during delivery The dynamic response patterns associated
lifts the valve plunger (2) from its seat. The with high-pressure delivery processes in the
vertical grooves (8) terminating in the ring fuel-injection pump cause flow to increase
groove (6) carry the fuel through the deliv- as a function of rotational speed. However,
ery-valve holder (4), the high-pressure line the engine needs less fuel at high speeds. A
and the nozzle holder to the nozzle. positive torque control capable of reducing
At the end of delivery, the pressure in the flow rates as rotational speed increases is
plunger chamber above the plunger and in thus required in many applications. This
the high-pressure lines falls to the level pre- function is usually executed by the governor.
sent in the pump's inner chamber. The valve Another option available on units designed
spring (3) and the static pressure in the for low injection pressures (IDI power-
high-pressure line push the valve plunger plants) is to use the pressure-control valve
back against its seat. for this function.

Yet another function of the delivery valve Pressure-control valves with torque-control
is to relieve injection pressure from the in- functions feature a torque-control collar (2)
jection line after completion of the delivery adjacent to the retraction piston (Fig. 9, Pos.
phase by increasing a defined volume on the 1) with either
one or two polished recesses
line side. This function is discharged by the (3), according to specific requirements. The
retraction piston (7) that closes the valve resulting restricted opening reduces delivery
before the valve plunger (2) reaches its seat quantity at high rpm.
This pressure relief provides precisely cali-
brated termination of fuel discharge

Delivery valve Deliv,ry-,al,, plunger with torque control

Rg. 8
2 3 4
a Closed
b Open

I Valve holder
2 Valve plunger
3 Valve Spring
4 Delmery-valve hoder
5 6 7 5 Stern
6 Ring game
b 8 Osumi
7 Retrachon piston

8 WrAcalgroove
NEU -3
F9 9

took 1
Retraction piston
2 Conhobtorquecollar
3 SyciWly ground

..... ....... ............... ......... ..... ............ recess

32 Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pumps High-pressure pump with fuel distributor

Cutoff bores with flattened surfaces in the The return-flow restriction consists of a
control collar, specially designed for the in- valve plate (Fig. 10, Pos. 4) with a throttle
dividual engine application, can also provide bore (3) and a spring (2). The valve plate
a limited degree of torque control. lifts to prevent the throttle from exercising
any effect on delivery quantity. During re-
Delivery valve with return-flow restriction turn flow, the valve plate closes to inhibit
The precise pressure relief required at the pulsation.
end of the injection event generates pressure
waves. These are reflected by the delivery Constant-prcssure valve
valve. AA high injection
pasure& these On high-speed diesel engines, the volumet-
pulses have the potential to reopen the ric relief provided by the retraction piston
nozzle needle or induce phases of negative and delivery valve is often not enough to
pressure in the high-pressure line. These prevent cavitation, dribble and blowback
processes cause post-injection dribble, with of combustion gases into the nozzle-and-
negative consequences on emission proper- holder assembly under all conditions.
ties and/or cavitation and wear in the high- Under these conditions, constant-pressure
pressure line or at the nozzle. valves (Fig. I 1) are installed. These valves
Harmful reflections are inhibited by a cal- use a single-action non-return valve with
ibrated restriction mounted upstream of the adjustable pressure (such as 60 bar) to re-
delivery valve, where it affects return flow lieve pressure on the high-pressure system
only. This calibrated restriction attenuates (line and nozzle-and-holder assembly).
Fly 10 pressure waves but is still small enough to
Pressure valve allow maintenance of static pressure be-
tween injection events.
2 Valm spring
(NW Pate) ConstanSpressure valve
We with returrObw reMBion
3 Return-flow
4 Valve pWe
5 Valw spring
i A

(delivery valve)
6 Valve homer -
7 Reliefplunger
2 PNtHi loll
8 Plunger gem 211 HAMI

OR 10

Delivery-valve holder
-toso a 3
2 Spring-guided Iller
3 Valve spring
(delivery valve)
4 Delivery-valve
5 Ball (constant- 0
pressure valve)

6 Spring seat 9-
7 Valve spring
7. 8
valve) 8
8 SeHing sleeve
9 Valve holder
10 Shims
Helix and port-controlled distributor injection pumps Diesel records in 1972 33

In 1972a modified Opel GT so a total 0 20 As a result, the distributor injedion pump

iMemational records for dieseWpowemd vehi- had to be installed in the location originally in-

chs. Re odynal roof structure was replaced tended for the ignition distributor. This led to a
to reduce aerodynamic resistance, while the virtuallyvertical installation in the engine
600-liter fuel tank was installed in place of the partment, Numerous issues awaited resolution:
passenger seat control variables based on horizontal installa-
This velhicle was Wn had to be mcalculated for vertical
propelled tion, lamblems with air
by a in the Eel led
2A -liter to difficult
4-cylin- ------------- baling,
der Me
diesel pu p

te d- 8
eMine N

Mted ed to
with corn- cavitate, 0
budon swirl AC.

chambers. distinguishing factor relative to

A Here is a sampling of the records posted for
le wandarcl
diesel was the exhaust- this vehicle:
gas turbocharger. This engine produced covered 10,000 kilometers in 52 hours

DIN bhp (approx. 70 kAQ ancl

95 at Q00 rpm 23 minVes.
owslates VW an aver-
while consuming fuel at the rate of 13 liters age speed of 190.9 kph. The car was driven
per hundred kilometers. Optimized fuel injec- by six drivers relieving each other every
Wn was provided by an EP/VA CL 163 rotary three to four hours.
axial-piston pump with mechanical injection 9 Absolute world records for all vehicle
774 kph)
from Bosch. classes were posted for 1
0 km

Unhke today's diesel =goes this unit was and 10 miles (184.5 kph) from standing
designed around an existing gasoline engine. start.

2.1 -1-Diesel engine from Opel GT record vehicle of 1972



I R.

HIM @i@llld
34 Auxiliag conhol modulks Qr dhMbutor itection pumps Overviw

Auxiliary control modules for

distributor injection pumps

The auxiliary control modules installed on In the period since the distributor injection
distributor injection pumps with axial pistons pump's introduction in 1962, an extensive
govern start of delivery and regulate the vol- range of controllers has evolved to suit a wide
ume of fuel discharged into the combustion range of application environments. Numerous
chamber during injection. These control component configurations are also available
modules are composed of mechanical control to provide ideal designs for a variety of engine
elements, or actuators. They respond to varia- versions. Any attempt to list all possible ver-
tions in operating conditions (load factor, ro- sions of auxiliary control modules would
tational speed, charge-air pressure, etc.) with break the bounds of this section. Instead, we
precise adjustments for ideal performance. On will concentrate on the
most important con-
distributor injection pumps with Electronic trol modules. The individual units are the:
Diesel Control (EDC), an electric actuator * Speed governor
mechanism replaces the mechanical actuators. 9 Timing device
9 Adjustment and torque control devices
Overview * Switches and sensors
Auxiliary control modules adapt the start of 9 Shutoff devices
delivery and delivery period to reflect both * Electric actuator mechanisms and
driver demand and the engine's instanta- e Diesel immobilizers (component in the
neous operating conditions (Fig. 1). electronic vehicle immobilizer)

Component assernUbs in t1he

MTWun MGM pump hamatt)

1 Fuel supply
2 Controlling system
3 Accelerator pedal
AM dewce
5 NoVe-anckh6der R

6 Pump Me 7 8
7 1-ow-pressure Wye
wane-ope suPA
Pump with pressure-
control valve and
oveMow throMe

8 Hig4pressure pump
wo Ed Al
DM, Me
10 Hydraulic King
1 1
Dudengne -- - --------------- -------------
Control modules for distributor injection pumps History of the distributor injection pump 35

. . ..
ON . ... ..... .............

1995 D&seIarAQheRprotWlonMDn1W

1993 DeliverysignalsemorTS19) 10


1988 Poteliorneter JGR)

and mhoswIch
incme "A 5

1986 Pneumatic switch

1984 iVrrwspher&pressur"eper;dvt fulldoad ship

Manifold-pressure compensator (LDA, 6)

1983 and hydraulically controlled torque control (HBA, 5)

I iming-device solenoid valve (4)

1982 Temperature-controlled idle-speed increase (TLA, 3)

Load-dependent start of delivery
1978 with deactivation feature (ALFIB, 2)

VE (d) with colkstart accelerator JSB) md

sdwaWsperaled WA valve QLAN 1)

1960 EPNA.X (c)

1903 EPN&..B(N

1962 EPNM (a)

Control modules for distributor injection pumps Governors

Other requirements
in addition to its primary functions, the
Function governor also controls the following:
Engines should not stall when exposed to 9 Releases or blocks supplementary
flow for starting
progressive increases in load during acceler-
ation when starting off. Vehicles should ac- * Modulates full-throttle delivery quantity
celerate or decelerate smoothly and without as a function of engine speed (torque

any surge in response to changes in accelera- control)

tor pedal position. Speed should not vary on
gradients of a constant angle when the accel- Special torque-control mechanisms are

erator pedal does not move. Releasing the required for some of these operations.
pedal should result in engine braking. They are described in the text boom
The dht6buwr injec6on pump governor
offers active control to help cope with these Control precision
operating conditions. The index defining the precision with which
the governor regulates rotational speed
The basic function of every governor is to when load is removed from the engine is the
limit the engine's high idle speed. Depend- droop-speed control, or droop-speed con-
ing on the individual unit's configuration, trol. This is the relative increase in engine
other functions can involve maintaining
Speed governor response curve
constant engine speeds, which may include

spedfic selected row6onal speeds or the en-

tire rev band as well as idle. The different
governor designs arise from the various
assignments (Fig. 1):
mm MEN

Ile controller
The governor in the fuel4njec6ori pump
controls the idle speed of the diesel engine.

Maximum-speed governor
When the load is removed from a diesel en-
9:,ine operated at WOT, its rotational speed 0

should not rise above the maximum permit-

ted idle speed. The governor discharges this
func6on by retracting the control collar to- b

F11 maird Nop" at a certain speed. This reduces mm

a Idle/maximum-speed the flow of fuel into the engine. MEE

gmemor imp
b AQUospeed Khriable-speed governor Not
This type of governor regulates intermediate
&art quaMtty engine speeds, holding rotational speed con- i
2 Fulkload delivery stant within specified limits between idle
and high idle. With this setup, fluctuations i
3 Torque control
in the rowdonal speed n of an engine oper-
ating under Mad at any point in the power 0 Engine speed rpm
MAK ad band are limited to a range between a speed
5 WI on the fulkload curve nVT and an unloaded
6 Intermediate speed engine speed nLT. ..........
Control modules for distributor injection pumps Governors 37

speed that occurs when load is removed The desired droop-speed control is defined
from the diesel engine while control lever by the diesel engine's intended application
position (accelerator-pedal travel) remains environment. Thus low degrees of propor-
constant. The resulting rise in engine speed tionality (on the order of 4%) are preferred
should not exceed a certain level in the con- for electric power generators, as they re-
trolled range. The maximum rpm specified spond to fluctuations in load factor by hold-
for an unloaded engine represents the high- ing changes and engine speed and the resul-
idle speed. This figure is encountered when tant frequency shifts to minimal levels.
the load factor of a diesel engine operating Larger degrees of proportionality are better
at wide-open throttle (WOT) decreases from in motor vehicles because they furnish more
100% to 0%. The rise in rotational speed is consistent control for improved driveability
proportional to the variation in load factor. under exposure to minor variations in load
Larger load shifts produce progressively (vehicle acceleration and deceleration). In
larger increases in rotational speed. vehicular applications, limited droop-speed
control would lead to excessively abrupt
6 so-Mm response when load factors change.

or in It: Design structure

The governor assembly (Fig. 2) consists of
nno nvo
6 - .100% the mechanical governor (2) and the lever
To assembly (3). Operating with extreme preci-
where: 6 droop-speed control, tqo upper no- An, 4 controls the position (A the control
load speed, tko tipper full-load speed (sonde collar (4) to define the effective stroke and
sources refer to the upper no-load speed as with it the injected-fuel quantity. Different
the high-idle speed). versions of the control lever assembly can
be employed to vary response patterns for
various applications.

Axial-pimon distributor pump with governor assembly (section)

................ ................


RS 2

control Wm
(accelerator pecal)
2 Mechanical governor
3 4 3 Lever assembly

4 Control collar
38 Control modules for distributor injection pumps Governors

Variable-speed governor sliding sleeve (10). The force and travel of

The variable-speed governor regulates all the sliding sleeve modify the position of the
engine speeds from start or high idle. In ad- governor mechanism. This mechanism con-
dition to these two extremes, it also controls sists of the control lever (3), tensioning lever
operation in the intermediate range. The (2) and starting lever (4).
speed selected at the rotational-speed con- The control lever's mount allows it to ro-
Vol lever (accelerator pedal or supplemen- tate in the pump housing, where its position
tary lever) is held relatively constant, with can be adjusted using the WOT adjusting
actual consistency varying according to the screw (1). The starting and tensioning levers
droop-speed control (Fig. 4). are also mounted in bearings allowing them
to rotate in the control lever. At the lower
This sort of adjustment is required when an- end of the starting lever is a ball pin that
cillary equipment (winch, extinguisher wa- engages with the control collar (7), while a
ter pump, crane, etc.) is used on commercial starting spring (6) is attached to its top. At-
Ry 3 vehicles or in stand-alone operation. This tached to a retaining stud ( 8) on the upper 1

a Start position function is also frequently used in commer- side of the tensioning lever is the idle-speed
(rotational-speed cial vehicles and with agricultural machinery spring (19). The governor spring (17) is also
control lever can (tractors, combine harvesters). mounted in the retaining stud. A lever (13)
be at ACT or At combines wAh the controblever shaft (16)
position Kr starting)
b Idle position
Design to form the link with the rotational-speed
The governor assembly, consisting of fly- control lever (14).
1 Full-load screw
weight housing and flyweights, is powered The spring tension operates together with
2 Tensioning lever by the input shaft (Fig. 2). A governor shaft the sliding sleeve's force to define the posi-
3 Control lever mounted to allow rotation in the pump tion of the governor mechanism. The ad-
4 Starting lever housing supports the assembly (Fig. 3, justment travel is transferred to the control
5 Stop pin in housing
Pos. 12). The radial travel of the flyweights collar to determine the delivery quantity hi
Stawg syng
(I 1) is translated into axial movement at the and h2, etc.).
7 Sliding sleeve
8 Distributor plunger iljiz@il;i@

Variable-speed governor during starting and idle
10 Sliding sleeve
1 1
12 Controller base
13 Lever
17 IS c 19

14 Rotational-sned
conhol kw 14

15 WW,Wed alusting 13

screw 2
16 Conimldevw s1haft
3 F,77711ililii

1 7
Governor sqmg 4
18 Retaining pi

1 9 Idle-speed spring 10

M2 M,
a StarungMnytrmel
C IdIt-spwd spring 7
Mm efWan strow
Min effeam Ems

Nh Rvotpoid Mr

4 and 5
............... .................. .............. ..........
Control modules for distributor injection pumps Governors 39

Startingresporise Characteristic curves of variable-speed governor
Men Be distributor injection pump is sm- 7__
@i A: Control-collar position.
tionary, the flywdghu and the sliding sleeve
S: Engine start quantity.
are at their base positions (Fig. 3a). The S-L: Reduction of start qua", to WA quariti,
starting spring pushes the starting lever into In Idle speed nLN after engine start (no loaf.
the position for starting by rotating it about L- 13:
Engine acceleration phase after rotational-speed

its axis My Ile starting lever simultane- control lever is moved from idle to set speed nc.

B-B':The control collar remains briefly at full-load

ously transfers force through the ball pin
position to initiate rapid rise in engine speed.
onto the distributor plunger to shift the
B@C:Cokrolvolk r6rawbri pHse (An quantity,
control collar to its starting position. This
higher eng&e speed), droop-speed control defiries
causes the distributor plunger (9) to execute extent to which vehicle now maintains desired
substantial effective stroke. This provides speed or engine speed nc in part-load range.
maximum fuel start quantity. i E: Engine speed nLT, occurs when rotational-speed

Low rotational speeds are enough to over- i

control lever remains stationary after load is

removed from engine.

come the compliant starting spring's tension
and shift the sliding sleeve by the distance 0
The starting lever again rotates about As
plot axis 540 and the initial enhanced start
quantity is automatically reduced to idle !rnm MOWN
delivery quantity.

Idle-speed control
After the diesel engine starts and the acceler-
ator pedal is released, the control lever re-
turns to its idle position (Fig. 3h) an defined
by Be full-load stop on the idle adjusting
screw (15). The selected idle speed ensures
that the engine consistently continues to
turn over smoothly when unloaded or tinder 0 00 1,000 1,5001 2,000 rpm
minimal loads. The control mechanism reg- I

nA nL nc nLT nVH 2i
ulates the idle-speed spring mounted on the Engine speed n nLO I
retaining stud. It maintains a state of equi- ... .. .. ... . .......... ................ ...... . ...............

librium with the force generated by the

spring attached housing (LFG)
flyweights. to governor
..................... .............

By defining the position of the control

collar relative to the control passage in the i

plunger, this equilibrium of forces deter- 4711

mines the effective stroke. At rotational
speeds above idle, it traverses the spring
travel c to compress the idle-speed spring.
At this point, the effective spring travel c
is zero. look 1

The housing-mounted idle-speed spring

allows idle adjustments independent of ac-
celerator pedal position while accommodat-
Fig. 5
ing increases to compensate for temperature (fixed
Rocker to
and load factor shifts (Fig. 5). housing)
2 ldh-speed sp&g
3 Lever assemNy
. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .
40 Conhol modules for dishibutor injection pumps Governors

Operation under had speed. The flyweights

generate additional
During normal operation, the rotational- force, which the sliding sleeve (I 1) then
speed control lever assumes a pos4ion in its transfers to oppose the spring force.
overall travel range that corresponds to the The control collar remains in its WOT
desired rotational or speed. The driver dic- position until the opposed forces achieve
tates this position by depressing the acceler- equilibrium. From this point onward, any
ator pedal to the desired angle. Because the additional increase in engine speed will pro-
starting and idle-speed springs are both fully pel the flyweights further outwards and the
compressed at rotational speeds above idle, force exerted by the sliding sleeve will pre-
they have no influence on control in this dominate. The starting and tensioning levers
range. Control is exercised by the governor turn about their shared pivot axis (M2) to
spring. slide the control collar toward "stop" to ex-
pose the cutoff bore earlier. The mechanism
Example (Fig.6): ensures effective limitation of rotational
The driver uses the accelerator pedal or aux- speeds with its ability to reduce delivery
iliary control lever to move the flow-control capacity all the way to zero. Provided that
lever (2) to a position corresponding to a the engine is not overloaded, each position
specific (higher) speed. This adjustment of the flow-control lever corresponds to a
motion compresses the governor spring (4) specific rotational range between WOT and
by a given increment. At this point, the gov- no-load. As a result, the governor maintains
ernor spring's force exceeds the centrifugal the selected engine speed with the degree of
force exerted by the flyweights (1). The intervention defined by the system's droop-
Ry 6 spring@ force rotates the starting lever (7) speed control (Fig. 4).
a Opembon w4h rising and tensioning lever (6) around their pivot Once the imposed loads have reached
speed axis M2 to shift the control collar toward its such a high order of magnitude as to propel
b Operation with
WOT position by the increment defined by the control collar all the way to its WOT
falling speed
the design's ratio of conversion. This in- position (hill gradients, etc.), no additional
Flyweights creases delivery quantity to raise the engine increases in fuel quantity will be available,
2 Rotational-speed
control lever Variable-speed governor under load (shown without control lever)

3 Idle adjusting screw

4 Governor sloring
5 Iclespeed spring
6 Tensioning %er d_1 Fh
7 StarUnglem 3 -2 4 12

8 Ansioning NW 5
UK& ship
&add sloring

1 1 Shchng sleeve
QUM speed @M'=
adjusting screw
13 Distrikautorplunger
14 Dishbutor plunger A
strow ---

Boa. strow at 1
13 2 1

vade-open t1hrottle
h, 14
6 and 7
.. .. .... .... .... ..
r) @4'

Control-collar travel 0 P @r = P -t@

n =
s rD


- ,

= 3 C1.
.. ... ........
i D 0 0
MM- rD
j 0
rD "
rD "0 -
rn ro
il@ll@l ill ilm m
fill moll 0

i II III memo Sol :4

ID $jlj@

loll 110
@i; P' ID'
Nook g C")

CaL. -
y 3
rD rD
I'D "I

rD I-ZD rt@



----------- --

rD I-D
D r) @n.

I-D Er-
rD " @n.

g "O
@i@ ='
" CA

rD rD
rD C',
C', rD) e_
CD '71

ca@ CA CL
C) C)
zt. @7'

M @:; 7
rD -A
C@ M
L g -p
CL I'D C")
r) C)

I-D t

rD -t rD


CL w

42 Conhol modults fw dKVburl:w itwbon amps Gommors

speed spring and engages the intermediate This leads to greater centrifugal force, and
spring (6), which smoothes the transition the flyweights push the sliding sleeve against
to the unregulated range on engines with the starting and tensioning levers with in-
idle/maximum-speed governors. Rotating the creased force. The full-load speed governor
rotational-speed control lever further toward assumes active control only once the sleeve's
WOT allows the intermediate spring to ex- force overcomes the spring's tension.
pand until the retainer's shoulder is against When the load is completely removed
the tensioning lever (Fig. 8b). The assembly from the engine, it accelerates to its high-
moves outside the intermediate spring's OR- idle speed, where the systern protects it
tive control sector to enter the uncontrolled against further increases in speed.
range. The uncontrolled range is defined by
the tension on the governor spring, which Part-load governor
can be considered as rigid in this speed range. Passenger vehicles are usually equipped with
The driver! adjustments to the rotational- a combination of variable-speed and idle/
speed control lever (accelerator pedal) can maximum-speed governors. This type of
F" 8 now be transferred directly through the con- part-load governor features supplementary
a Idle position trol mechanism to the control collar. Delivery governor springs allowing it to function as
b position quantity now responds directly to movement a variable-speed governor at the low end
at the accelerator pedal. of the rev band while also operating as an
The driver must depress the pedal by an idle/maximum-speed governor when engine
2 Rotational-speed
additional increment in order to raise the speed approaches the specified maximum.
contrd ever
3 Idle-speed adjusting vehicle speed or ascend a gradient. If the ob- This arrangement provides a stable rota-
screw ject is to reduce engine output, the pressure tional speed up to roughly 2,000 rpm, after
4 Governor spring on the accelerator pedal is reduced. which no further constraints are imposed on
5 Guide If the load on the engine decreases while further rises if the engine is not under load.
6 Intermediate spring
the control lever position remains un-
Retaining pin
changed, the delivery quantity will remain
8 Idle-speed spring
Stawg NW constant, and rotational speed will increase.
10 Tensioning lever
(shown [email protected] .ntrl lever)
1 1
Tensioning lever
................ ..... .................................................
fulkload sto 7 1

12 SWAN Wn% 8 b
13 ConUol collar 1
14 Full-load speed 4 5 b

16 WhibuMpWrign ......
splIport 1
1 7 Distributorplunger 9

a Free travel of 11

speed springs M2 M2
Iritemneche pring
travel 13

wide-open throttle
h, h2
M2 MM point for
8 and 9
. . . .. ... ...... . ....
injection Timing device 43
Control module for distributor pumps

liming device Im
Progress of a compression and ignition stroke at
widempen throWe and [ow wind No W scale)

FuncUon 7_
The injec6on event must be initiated at a
Piston ition h
specific crankshaft angle (piston position) bar T

to ensure efficient combustion and optimal

power generation The pump`s start of delm- l

ery and the resultant start of delivery must E 1

thus vary as rotational speed changes in or- a

der to compensate for two primary factors: co:

W Itf
lnJeaion kg !tl

Fuel delivery to the nozzles starts when the El up

plunger in the distributor head closes the in-

let passage (start of delivery). The resulting
pressure wave initiates the injection event BDC

when it reaches the injector (start of deliv-

ery). The pulse propagates through the in- I

SD Si El
jection line at the speed of sound. The travel
bar Nyletutiono 1
pit 11
duration remains essentially unaffected b y 1 El
MPH ism T

rotational speed. The pressure wavel propa-


2 400 1-1-0-0 -- Eig
lilloolli - T

I Hills NOR

gallon period is defined by the length of the No NM m%RzE 13

Mims @@,HNNEN
mm m California l

injection line and the speed of sound, which

112" IS U

is approximately 1500 m/s in diesel fuel. "

o E
is m
11 RIVER imp
CL I 1

The period that elapses between the start 100 so; N-
Ems la A 1 No 1 1
Too l

ill MONO " I

of delivery and the start of injection is the EN mill ism R

injection lag. TDC

mm PiNiO smon 11 of
Thus We actual son of injection always MIMS mmo


oil 11005HURM,
occurs with a certain time oftlet relative to
We man of delivery. As a result of this phe-
02 090.0",
nomenon, the nozzle opens later (relative to looms...

engine piston position) at high than at low (D
rotational speeds. lb compensate far this, coal ygypTymml E111.111111.1- NEE

start of delivery must be advanced, and this EIRE @10 10 Rg. I

forward shift is dependent on pump and 1
engine spud. pressure
2 Compression
Ignition lag ICA N
SD Stan of
Following injection, the diesel fuel reqihires lHill !Ml
if fill 1N1
S !Pat of
a certain period to evaporate into a gaseous 101 0 Ojecum mg
state and form a combustible mixture with "Bull SC Son of combustion
the air. Engine speed does not affect the time IGL Ignition bg
2 B Enddinjechon
requdred for mixture formation. The time BOB' mill
EC End of combustion
reqtdred between the sort of injection and H

1E 7 BDC Engine piston at

ABA2 A A-2TDC24 8 12
the start of combustion in diesel engines is In
Bottom Dead
'CA before TDC 'CA after TDC 10

the ignition lag. Camshaft angle (CA) Center

TDC Engine piston at

Top Dead Center

..... . ........ ..... .......... ....... ........
44 Control module for distributor injection pumps Timing device

Factors influencing ignition lag include The hydraulic timing device compensates
9 The ignitability of the diesel fuel for lag in the start of injection and ignition
(as defined by the cetane number) by advancing the distributor injection
The compression ratio pump's start of delivery by varying numbers
The air temperature, and of degrees on the diesel engine's crankshaft.
The fuel discharge process This promotes the best-possible combustion
and power generation from the chesel engine
The usual ignition lag is in the order of one at all rotational speeds.
Spill and end of combustion
If the start of in'ection remains constant, the Opening the cutoff bore initiates a pressure
crankshaft angle traversed between the start drop in the pump's high-pressure system
of injection and the start of combustion will (spill), causing the nozzle to close (end of
increase as rotational speed rises. This, in injection). This is followed by the end of
turn, prevents the start of combustion from combustion. Because spill depends on the
occurring at the optimal moment relative to start of delivery and the position of the
piston position. control collar, it is indirectly adjusted by
the timing device.

mia!-piston @is,ributor injection pump with hydraulic timing control

- ------ ------------------ .. .... ........ .. . ................ ........ ...... . ................ ... ..... . . . .. .......... .......... .

- ---
- - - -- -

r --- F==Ai

Rder Ng
2 Rollers an Gler kg
MN block
4 Rn
2 3 4 5 6 7
?AN plunger 2
6 Cam plate
7 DisUibutor plunger ........ .......
Control module for distributor injection pumps Timing device 45

DeAgn OperalJon of Me hydrauk timing device

The hydraulic timing device is located in the
I An

distributor injection pump's underside at a

right angle to the pump's longitudinal axis
(Ft. 2 and 31
Ile timing plunger (Fig.X 150) is
guided in the pump housing (I Y Both ends
of this housing are scaled by covers (6). A A

bore (5) in the timing plunger allows fuel

inlet, and a spring (9) is installed on the
opposite side.
1, sliding block (8) and pin (4)
be timing plunger to the roller ring (2).

Operating concept
The timing plunger in the distributor injec-
tion pump is held in its base position by the
pre-loaded Wnsion of the compressed tim- 0 5

ing spring (Fig. MY As le pump operawS,

the pressure-convol valve regulates the pres-
sure of the fuel in its inner chamber in pro-
portion to rotational speed. The fuel thus
acts on the side of the plunger opposite the 6 8 7

timing spring at a pressure proportional to

the pump's rotational speed.
The pump must reach a specific rotational
speed, such as 300 rpm, before the fuel pres-
sure (pressure in inner chamber) overcomes
the spring's tension to compress it and shift
the timing plunger (to the left in Fig, 3b).
The sliding block and pin transfer the
plunger's axial motion to the rotating roller
ring. This modifies the relative orientation
of the cam disk and roller ring, and the
rollers in the roller ring lift the turning cam !!Irwin
Rg. 3

disk earlier. Thus the rollers and roller ring a Pambe state
rotate relative to the cam disk and plunger b operation

by a specific angular increment (a) deter-

Pump housing
mined by rotational speed. (a). The maxi-
2 Roller ring
mum potential angle is usually twelve 3 Rollers on Gler ning
camshaft degrees (24 degrees crankshaft. 4 Pit
5 Bore 6 timing
6 Cover plate
Thing Munger
Sdng dock
co 9 Timing spring

U RdW ring OM
46 Contrd modules for clistriNtor injection pumps Mechanical torque-control modules

Mechanical torque-control between the basic distributor injection

pump and the different torque-control
modules modules (Fig. 2).
Distributor injection pumps are designed Torque control
around modular building blocks, with vari- The torque-control process the operation is

ous supplementary control devices available in which delivery quantity is adjusted to the
to satisfy individual engine requirements (as engine's full-load requirement curve in re-
in Fig. 1). This concept affords an extended sponse to changes in rotational speed.
range of torque-control options allowing
pumps to provide maximum torque, power This adaptive strategy may be indicated
and fuel economy along with low emissions. when special demands on full-load charac-
This overview serves as a compilation of the teristics (improved exhaust-gas composi-
various torque-control modules and their tion, torque generation and fuel economy)
effects on the diesel engine. The schematic are encountered.
diagram illustrates the interrelationships

11H MUTMon distautor wripmon pump NE9 WO mmmAcal poteMometer and

timing-deNe solenoid valve (illustration)



2 Hydrauhc cold-start

aweleNor KSB
3 Load-dependent
Mal of deheV wth
deactivation teature-

4 Connmtor
5 Reurnato dY
speedincrease FILA co

6 HydradAly
controlled torque-
mmN HBA ..........
Control modules for distributor injection pumps Mechanical torque-control modules 47

Block diagram of VE dWnloutor jection pump WM mechardmVhydradc fullo" torque control

-- -- - - -- - -
. .. . .... ... .. . ... . .. .. .

pressure-dependent manifold-pressure compensator LDA

Delivery-quantity control relative to charge-air pressure (engine with turbocharger).

Hydraulically controlled torque control device HBA

Control of delivery quantity based on engine speed (not on turbocharged engines with LDA).

Load-dependent start of delivery LFB

Adjust start of delivery to reflect load to reduce noise emissions and, as primary aim, to reduce exhaust-gas emissions.

Atmospheric-pressure dependent full-load stop ADA

Control of delivery quantity based on atmospheric pressure.

Cold-start accelerator KSI3

Adjusts start of delivery for improved performance during cold starts.

Graduated (or adjustable) start quantity GST

Avoid start enrichment during hot starts.

Temperature-controlled idle-speed increase TLA

Improved post-start warm-up and smoother operation with idle-speed increase on cold engine.

Solenoid-operated shutoff valve ELAB

Makes it possible to shut down engine with "ignition key".

Basic version MM Adapter

UN n,,t PL IPA

77ii E7@i 777777777@EIE@@

sum Mi
REST M, limummou 1

amen; pill

1 NIMBI 1 1
Speed govern ng Vohmec 11 1
HE control Mh coMrok
At t" MENNI 1
law assemlAy
010 101
H! 01
sum MON 2 FQdmulic full-load

i 13101 MIN ART
to 0
torque comrol
0=0 -M 1
HBA :m;
Mill 2

A (AMU bore
nay MIN to tiiiiiiiEl", Actual syed
Drivelapu M
Varienell fu @@? .
High-pressure p
I (into
Supply pump WM distributor
Fuel ence paramwer)
SOONER QF DelNery quant"

4A Engine tempemae
ku Ambew Kr
...... 1

HEM iiiullmmlm temperature
PL Charge-air pressure
ayst -
p Pump
in chamber

I Current at ELAB

................................... ............
_J (PWM signal)
48 Control modules for distributor injection pumps Mechanical torque-control modules

The object is to inject precisely the amount duction potential. Again, delivery quantity
of fuel required by the engine. Following an decreases as engine speed increases. In this
initial rise, the engine's fuel requirement falls case, power generation is the factor that is
slightly as its speed increases. Fig. 3 shows less than optimal. Conclusion: A means is
the curve for fuel delivery on an fuel-injec- required to adjust injected fuel quantities
tion pump without torque control (1). to reflect the engine's actual instantaneous
As the curve indicates, the distributor injec-
tion pump delivers somewhat more fuel at On distributor injection pumps, this torque-
high rotational speeds, while the control control can be executed by the delivery
collar remains stationary relative to the valve, the cutoff bore, an extended control
plunger. This increase in the pump's delivery lever assembly or hydraulically controlled
quantity is traceable to the venturi effect at torque control (HBA). The control lever as-
the cutoff bore on the plunger. sembly is employed when negative full-load
torque control is required.
Permanently defining the fuel-injection
pump's delivery quantity for maximum Positive torque control
torque generation at low rotational speeds Positive full-load torque control is required
results in an excessive rate of high-speed fuel on fuel-injection pumps that would other-
injection, and the engine is unable to burn wise deliver too much fuel at the top of the
the fuel without producing smoke. The re- speed range. This type of system is em-
sults of excessive fuel injection include en- ployed to avoid this issue by reducing the
gine overheating, particulate emissions and fuel-injection pump's high-speed delivery
higher fuel consumption. quantity.

The contrasting case occurs when maximum Positive torque control with the pressure-
fuel delivery is defined to reflect the engine's control valve
requirements in full-load operation at maxi- in certain limits, pressure-control valves can

mum rotational speed; this strategy fails to provide positive torque control, for instance,
exploit the engine's low-speed power-pro- when equipped with more compliant
springs. This strategy limits the magnitude
Delivery quantity curves WM wd wboutfddoad of the high-speed rise in the pump's internal
toque control
Fig. 3
Positive torque control using cutgp-bore
Selected shapes and dimensions for the
a Negative
toque Only
t; ;@-3
. .. ........... ... plunger's cutoff bore can be selected to
Pike toque reduce delivery quantities delivered at high
1 FWHoad delivery all
quantity WM no mom inssid p 1

toque control
Dom Id two
requirement Till
3 Full-load delivery I MIN

quart, WI torque also

!on 11
too to MOM! 08,

Engine speed n
.5aded area:
incessive WM booed
Control modules for distributor injection pumps Mechanical torque-control modules 49

Negative torque control 111@;iijj@jj

Negative torque control with control-lever assembly
Negative full-load torque control may be
----- -------------------
indicated with engines that suffer from a
low-speed tendency to generate black smoke
or need special torque-rise characteristics
Turbocharged engines often require negative 2 1

Fig. 4
torque control to take over from the mam- 1
Governor spring
fold-pressure compensator (LDA). The re- 2 Tensioning lever
sponse to these scenarios is to increase deliv- 3 Full-load stop pin

ery quantity as engine speed rises (Fig. 3, M4 4

Song Vny
Sector a). 3 5 Ph shoulder
4 Imlaact
Mqale torque control with control lever
Song ever
6 8 Control collar
assembly (Fig. 4)
7 9 Torque-control lever
The starting spring (4) compresses and the 10 Torque-control
torque-control lever (9) presses against the 10 SP&g
tensioning lever (2) via the stop pin (3). The 9
8 v orque-mmy soft
torque-control shaft (I 1) is also pressed
M, Pivot poiM Or
against the tensioning lever.'01hen speed
2 and 7
rises, increasing the sleeve force FM, the I-*- M4 Pivot axis for
torque-control lever presses against the As 7 and 9

torque-control spring. If the sleeve force emp F

Steve One
ceeds the torque-control spring's force, the S Controlsdar trawl
. . .. ..... ..... ...................... ............................. ........ .....

torque-control lever (9) is pressed toward i@z@i@i

the pin shoulder (5). This shifts the pivot Hydraulically controlled torque control

axis PA4 shared by the starting lever and the

torque-control lever. The starting lever si-
multaneously rotates about M2 to slide the
control collar (8) for increased delivery
quantity. The torque-control process termi-
nates with the torque-control lever coming
to rest against the pin shoulder.
Negative torque control with hydraulically 2
controlled torque control (HRA) i
My 5

A torque control mechanism similar to the 1

Adjusting screw
manifold-pressure compensator (LDA) can 2 Spring

be used to define the full-load delivery char- 8

3 Pin
7 4 Pump cover
acteristics as a function of engine speed
5 Reverse-transfer
(Et 5Y As engine speed increases, rising 6
lever with full-load
pressure in the pump's internal chamber pi 4
is transferred to the control plunger (6). 6 AdjustmeW piYon
This system differs from spring-based ad- 7 Slhim

justment by allowing use of a cam profile on 8 Base disk

the control pin to define full-throttle 9 Stop pin

10 Cover plate
(to a limited degree).
1 1

Pumpiwer chamloer

- ---- ---- --- -- -
50 Control modules for distributor injection pumps Mechanical torque-control modules

Charge-air pressure torque control throttle fuel flow below a specific (selected)
During artificial induction a (turbo)super- charge-air pressure (Fig. 7).
charger forces pressurized fresh air into the
intake tract. This charge-air pressure allows DesQn
a diesel engine of any given displacement to The manifold-pressure compensator is
generate more power and torque than its mounted on top of the distributor injection
atmospheric-induction counterpart in any pump (Fig. 8 and 9). On top of this mecha-
given speed band. The rise in effective power nism are the charge-air-pressure connection
corresponds to the increase in air mass (7) and the vent port (10). A diaphragm (8)
(Fig. 6). In many cases, it proves possible separates the inside chamber into two air-
to reduce specific fuel consumption at the tight and mutually isolated sections. A
same time. A standard means of generating compression spring (9) acts against the
charge-air pressure for diesel engines is the diaphragm, while the adjusting screw (5)
exhaust-gas turbocharger. holds the other side. The adjusting screw
is used to adjust the spring's tension. This

Manifold-pressurc compensator (LDA) process adapts the manifold-pressure com-

Function pensator to the charge-air pressure gener-
Fuel delivery in the turbocharged diesel en- ated by the turbocharger. The diaphragm is
gine is adapted to suit the increased density connected to the sliding bolt (I 1). The slid-
of the Or charges produced in charging ing bolt features a control cone (12) whose
mode. When the turbocharged diesel oper- position is monitored by a probe (4). The
ates with cylinder charges of relatively low probe transfers the sliding bolt's motion
density (low induction pressure), fuel deliv- through the reverse-transfer lever (3) to vary
ery must be adjusted to reflect the lower air the full-load stop. The adjusting screw (6)

mass. The manifold-pressure compensator on top of the LDA defines the initial posi-
performs this function by reducing fuel- tions of the diaphragm and sliding bolt.

P.vver and torque comparison: charge-air vs. 1harge-air pressure range

natus" asoratecl

kW ON Nrn MM3

I[ lump

mom 1 IN N

Ry6 mom
Naturally aspirated
Turbochargecl ism
- MOM 755



Ry 7

a with

10 1 10

p, Lmver clwrgewir
Pi P2 mbar 8
Engine speed rz Charge-air pressure p
................. . .......... ....................
Control modules for distributor injection pumps Mechanical torque-control modules 51

Operating concept The tensioning lever thus mimics the re-

At the lower end of the speed range, the verse-transfer lever's rotation, and the start-
charge-air pressure generated by the tur- ing and tensioning levers execute a turning
bocharger is not powerful enough to com- motion around their shared pivot axis to
press the spring. The diaphragm remains in shift the control lever and raise delivery
its initial position. Once the rising charge-air quantity. This process adapts fuel flow to
pressure PL starts to deflect it, the diaphragm meet the demands of the greater air mass
pushes the sliding bolt and control cone with the engine's combustion chambers.
down against the pressure of the spring.
This vertical movement in the sliding bolt
shifts the position of the probe, causing the
reverse-transfer lever to rotate about its piv-
otal point Ml. The tensile force exerted by
the governor spring creates a positive con-
nection between tensioning lever, reverse-
transfer lever, probe and control cone.

&W-piston distributm injechon pump WM compensator

.................. ............


5 8



3 13
Governor spring
2 PI 2 Governor cover
14 3 Reverse-transfer
4 Sensm On

5 Aomment nut
6 Alubment pin
I 7 Chargeak pressure
8 Diaphragm
9 Spring
1 0 Vent
Sliding bdt
a At oill!! JI 12 Control
I&I cone
M Aqushng screw Mr

full-bad delme,
14 Control lever
onsioning WM


a Charge-air possum
. ..... ............ ............ ..................... ................ -
52 Control modules for distributor injection pumps Mechanical torque-control modules

As charge-air pressure falls, the spring be- Atmospheric pressure-sensitive

neath the diaphragm presses the sliding bolt torque control
back up. The control mechanism now acts in Owing to the lower air density, the mass
the opposite direction, and fuel quantity is of inducted air decreases at high altitudes.
reduced to reflect the needs of the lower If the standard fuel quantity prescribed for
charge-air pressure. full-load operation is injected, there will not
be enough air to support full combustion.
The manifold-pressure compensator re- The immediate results are smoke generation
sponds to turbocharger failure by reverting and rising engine temperatures. The atmos-
to its initial position, and limits full-throttle pheric pressure-sensitive full-load stop can
fuel delivery to ensure smoke-free combus- help prevent this condition. It varies full-
tion. Full-load fuel quantity with charge-air load fuel delivery in response to changes
pressure is adjusted by the full-throttle stop in barometric
screw in the governor cover.


A.i.1 -piston distributor noction pump WM compensator Nectan

... . ...... ...





............ .................... ...........

Control modules for distributor injection pumps Mechanical torque-control modules 53

Atmospheric-pressure sensitive fuH-load LDA, a reverse-trarKer lever then reduces

stop (ADA) the injected fuel quantity.
The basic structure of the atmospheric pres- Load-sensitive torque control
sure-sensitive full-load stop is identical to Load-sensitive start of delivery (LFB)
that of the charge-air pressure-sensitive full- Function
load stop. In this application, it is supple- As the diesel engine's load factor changes,
mented by a vacuum unit connected to a the start of injection and thus the start of
vacuum-operated pneumatic device (such delivery
must be advanced or retarded
as the power brake system). The vacuum
unit provides a constant reference pressure The load-sensitive start of delivery is de-
of 700 mbar (absolute). signed to react to declining loads (from full-
load to part throttle, etc.) at constant control
Operating concept lever positions by retarding start of delivery. It
Atmospheric pressure acts on the upper side responds to rising load factors by shifting the
of the ADA:s internal diaphragm. On the start of delivery forward. This adaptive process
other side is the constant reference pressure provides smoother engine operation along
supplied by the vacuum unit. with cleaner emissions at part throttle and idle.
Reductions in atmospheric pressure Fuel-injection pumps with load-sensitive
(as encountered in high-altitude operation) start of delivery can be recognized by the
cause the adjustment piston to rise away press-fit ball plug inserted during manufac-
from the lower full-load stop. As with the ture (Fig. 10, Pos. 10).

---,.-., ..................
Govemm assembly with load-dependent start of delivery (design)
------------ .......................


9 10 11

R" 10
Govemn spring
2 Sicingskeve
3 AnsionIng Wm
M2 5 Control collar
1 6 DiMnlautor o1mger
7 8
7 Controller base
5 8 Flyweight
9 Pump housing
10 Cone
1 1
cold Wm

........... ....................... .........................

M2 PWt K 3 and 4
54 Control modules for distributor injection pumps Mechanical torque-control modules

Design load speeds can be specified by the rota-

Load-sensitive start of delivery torque con- tional-speed control lever (I 1).
trol (Fig. 10) relies on modifications to the
Aiding sleeve (2), governor base (7) and If the engine attains this speed without
pump housing (9). In this configuration, the reaching wide-open throttle, the rotational
sliding sleeve is equipped with a supplemen- speed can continue to rise. The flyweights
tary control port while the base includes a (8) respond by spinning outward to shift the
ring groove, one longitudinal and two trans- position of the sliding sleeve. Under normal
verse passages. The pump housing contains control conditions, this reduces delivery
an additional bore allowing this assembly to quantity, while the sliding sleeve's control
link the pump's inner chamber with the suc- port is exposed by the ring groove in the
tion-side of the vane-type supply pump. base (open, Fig. I 1). At this point, a portion
of the fuel flows through the base's longitu-
Operating concept dinal and transverse passages to the suction
Rises in engine speed and the accompanying side, reducing the pressure in the pump's
increases in the pump's internal pressure ad- inner chamber.
vance the start of delivery. The reduction in
the pump's inner chamber supplied by the This pressure reduction moves the timing
LFB provide a (relative) retardation of the plunger to a new position. This forces the
timing. The control function is regulated by roller ring to rotate in the pump's rotational
the ring groove on the base and the control direction, retarding the start of delivery.
port on the sliding sleeve. Individual full-
The engine speed will drop if load factor
continues to rise while the control lever's
Load-depeMeM oart of deWery Wperating concef position remains constant. This retracts the
Fif 11
- -_ flyweights to shift the sliding sleeve and re-

a Start Jase) positon 1

2 3 4 close As control port. The flow of fuel to the
b FWHoad position
just before activation pump s inside chamber is blocked, and pres-
c Activation (pressure sure in the chamber starts to rise. The tim-
reduction in inner W
ing plunger acts against the spring pressure
to turn the roller ring against the pump's di-
d Load-dependent 5 6 7
rection of rotation and the start of delivery
start of delivery with
is advanced.
deactivation feature
b Load-dependent start of delivery with
Longitudinal deactivation feature (LFB)
passage in plunger The LFB can be deactivated to reduce HC
2 Controller axis
emissions generated by the diesel engine
3 Sliding sleeve
when it is cold (< 60'Q. This process em-
control port C

ploys a solenoid valve (8) to block the fuel
4 sleeve
floNn This solenoid open when de-enngizel
5 Transvers@

A contwW
6 contromelix W ring d 2 4

game on WntWW

7 Transverse loamne
in comww ams
8 Solenoid valve

Vaneqpesypy P

PUMP .............
Control modules for distributor injection pumps Mechanical torque-control modules 55

Cold-start compensation When the driver activates the cold-start ac-

The cold-start compensation device im- celeration device (KSB timing device), a po-
proves the diesel engine's cold-start response sition shift of approximately 2.5' camshaft
by advancing the start of delivery. This fea- (b) remains, regardless of the adjustment
ture is controlled by a driver-operated cable called for by the timing device (Fig. 14a).
or by an automatic temperature-sensitive
control device (Fig. 13). M hani,al .Id-start accelerator (section)

Mechanical cold-start accelerator (KSB)

2 3 4
on roller ring

The KSB is mounted on the pump's

housing. In this assembly, a shaft (Fig. 12, "I
Pos. 12) connects the stop lever (Fig. 13,
Pos. 3) with an inner lever featuring an ec-
Fig. 12
centrically mounted ball head (3). This lever
1 Lever
engages with the roller ring. The stop lever's
.7 2
Adjuvent window
initial position is defined by the full-load
stop and the leg spring (13). The control 13 12 4 Vertical groove
cable attached to the upper end of the stop I
5 Pump housing
lever serves as the link to the adjustment 6 Rder ring
mechanism which is either manual or auto- 7 Rollers in roller ring

8 Timing plunger
matic. The automatic adjuster is installed in
a bracket on the distributor injection pump
10 Sliding block
(Fig. 13), while the manual adjustment cable
A 10 9
1 11 Timing spring
terminates in the passenger compartment. 12 Shaft
There also exists a version in which the ..... .. ......... . .................
13 Leg spring
adjuster intervenes through the timing
plunger. Mechanicalcoldlart accelerator, adjuster with
automatic mMW (cold "sitioN

Operating concept 7
The only difference between the manual and
automatic versions of the cold-start acceler- 1

ator is the external control mechanisms. The


key process is always the same. When the

control cable is not tensioned, the leg spring
presses the stop lever against its full-load
stop. Both ball head and roller ring (6) re-
main in their initial positions. Tension on
the control cable causes the stop lever, shaft
and inside lever to turn with the ball head.
Fig. 13

This rotation changes the position of the 1


roller ring to advance the start of delivery- 2 Bowden cable

3 Stop ever
The ball head engages a vertical groove in 0
3 4 5 6 4
Ng spriN
the roller ring. This prevents the timing
1 5 Control lever KSB
plunger from advancing the start of delivery Adjuster
6 depmalent
further before a specified engine speed is on coolarvt wd am-
reached. ................ ....................
bient temperatures
56 Control modules for distributor injection pumps Mechanical torque-control modules

In cold-start systems with automatic con- tional-speed control lever to return to its
trol, the actual increment depends on engine own full-load stop, at which point the tem-
temperature and/or ambient temperature. perature-controlled idle-speed increase
Automatic adjustment relies on a control system is no longer active.
mechanism in which a temperature-sensitive
expansion element translates variations in Hydraulic cold-start accelerator
engine temperature into linear motion. There are inherent limits on the use of
This arrangements special asset is that it strategies that shift the timing plunger to ad-
provides the optimum start of delivery and vance start of injection. Hydraulic start of
start of injection for each individual temper- injection advance applies speed-controlled
ature. pressure in the pump's inside chamber to
Qrious lever layouts and actuation the timing plunger. The system employs a
mechanisms are available according to the bypass valve in the pressure-control valve to
mounting side and rotational direction en- modify the inner chamber's automatic pres-
countered in individual installation environ- sure control, automatically increasing inter-
ments. nal pressure to obtain additional advance
extending beyond the standard advance
Temperature-controlled idle-speed increase curve.
The temperature-controlled idle-speed Design
increase, which is combined with the auto- The hydraulic cold-start accelerator com-
matic KSB, is also operated by the control prises a modified pressure-control valve
mechanism (Fig. 15). The ball pin in the ex- (Fig. 17, Pos. 1), a KSB ball valve (7), an elec-
tended KSB control lever presses against the trically heated expansion element (6) and a
rotational-speed control lever to lift it from KSB control valve (9).
the idle-speed stop screw when the engine is
cold. This raises the idle speed to promote
smoother engine operation. The KSB con-
trol lever rests against its full-load stop when
the engine is warm. This allows the rota-

TT@,111 Eff.ds.frnechanicalcold-sMill IOWA -1 ""W-Me-c-halical
accelerator WMmatk) VA

te perature -controlled idle-speed increase
................ ........................

U121111111111 symms

R% 14
a hochon adjusted by

b Minimum apstment 3

(approximately 2.5'

mu Mon
R% 15 2 -1 -

control Wm
2 BO On Pump speed p
4 FWHoad ship .......... ........... ...............
Control modules for distributor injection pumps Mechanical torque-control modules 57

Operating concept
W --------
slow I
Qdradc cold-start accelerator
The fuel supplied by Be supply pump (5) ........... ........... .....

flows through the distributor injection

pump's inner chamber and to the end. of the ICA

timing plunger (I 1), which compresses the

return spring (12) and shifts position in 0 1111anine oil
response to the inner chamber pressure to
vary the start of injection. The pressure-con-
trol valve controls the pressure in the inner
chamber, raising pressure for greater deliv- 1E

ery quantity as engine speed increases 1

(H& 16,

The throttle port in the pressure-control

valve's plunger (Fig. 17, Pos. M supplies the
added pressure that allows the KSB to pro- Pump speed
Start of delivery
vide Be Kward ofEwt in start of injection ............. ...............
advance (Fig. 16, blue curve). This conveys
an equal pressure to the spring side ofthe pressure curve is controlled by the timing
pressure-control valve. The KSB ball valve, edge on the control plunger and the opening
with its higher pressure setting, regulates ac- on the valve holder. The spring rate on the
tivation and deactivation (with the thermal control valve and the control port configu-
element) while also serving as a safety, re- ration can be modified to match KSB func-
lease. An adjusting screw on the integrated tionality to the individual application. The
KSB control valve is available for adjusting ambient temperature will act on the expan-
KSB operation to a specific engine speed. sion element to open the cold-start accelera-
Pressure from the supply pump presses the tor ball valve before starting the hot engine.
KSB control-valve plunger (10) against a
spring. A damping throttle inhibits pulsa-
tion against the control plunger. The IKSB

@ydau _.,cad-surta..Wraty I

F4 17

2 Valve plunger
3- 3 Throthed bore
4 InnercInamber

5 Vane-type supply
6 ElectricWly heated
8 expansion element
7 Ball valve KSB
8 Nel drains wbout
9 Adjustable KSB
11 10 control valve

10 Control plunger
1 1 Timing device

----------------------- ................... .......... ......... .. . ....................... .....................

1 2 Return spring
58 Control modules for distributor injection pumps Mechanical torque-control modules

Soft-running device (operatio"

To achieve the desired emission properties,
oil Quiet running
the system injects the fuel charge into the
engine's combustion chamber in the briefest
possible time span; it operates at high fuel-
delivery rates. !indications! i

Depending on system configuration, these


a !limit
wimiles 1
high fuel-delivery rates can have major con- 01110
sequences, especially in the form of diesel alp
knock at idle. Remedial action is available

through the use of extended injection peri- t5

ods to achieve smoother combustion YCA
processes at and near idle. @8,

RI 18
-- - - - - - - = WCA
who& "iet
running Design and operating concept L)egrees of camshaft Wailion
2 with quiet runnin In distrTMor injection pumps featuring an
integral soft-running device, the plunger is
equipped with two longitudinal passages each degree of camshaft travel). The travel
(Fig. 19, Pos. 3 and 5) connected by a ring that the camshaft executes for any given
groove (6). The longitudinal passage 3 is con- quantity of fuel injected is roughly doubled
nected to a cutoff bore (7) with a restrictor in (Fig. 18).
the area adjacent to the control collar (1). Under extreme loads, the control collar is
The plunger travels through the stroke hi closer to the distributor head. This makes
on its path toward TDC. The cutoff bore (7) the distance h2 smaller than hl. When the
connected to passage 3 emerges from We plunger now moves toward TDC, We ring
control collar earlier than the cutoff bore (2) groove (6) is covered before the cutoff bore
on passage 5. (7) emerges from the control collar. This
Because the ring groove (6) links passages cancels the link joining passages 3 and 5,
3 and 5, this causes a portion of We awl to deactivating the soft-running mechanism
seep from the plunger chamber back to the in the high-load range.
pump's inner chamber. This reduces the
fuel-delivery rate (less fuel discharged for
@@@li!:@ -
] I
Quit running device Nection)

Fig. 19

Control collar
2 Cutoff bore
3 Port 3

4 1
-way non-return
valve for nozzle

5 Port 5

6 Ring groove
7 Cutoff bore

Lih 1

LM 2

TDC Top Dead Center

on diatribuior 7 6
------- ............. ................. ................
Control module for distributor injection pumps Load switch, potentiometer 59

Load smAch Microswitch

The electric microswitch is a bipolar make-
The load switches are installed at the distrib- and-break switch. It consists of leaf spring
utor injection pump's main rotational-speed elements with a rocker arm. A control pin
control lever. These switches control opera- presses on the springs. A supplementary
tion of assemblies outside of the fuel-injec- control element (Fig. 1, Pos. 6) limits me-
tion pump. They rely on microswitches for chanical wear and provides a unified control
electronic control, or valves for pneumatic stroke for all applications on distributor in-
switching of these external units. Their jection pumps.
primary application is in triggering the ex-
haust-gas recirculation valve. In this applica- Pneumatic valve
tion, the switch opens and closes the valve in The pneumatic valve (Fig. 2) blocks air flow
response to variations in the main control in a vacuum line.
lever's position.

Two different elements are available to con- Potentiometer

trol microswitches and pneumatic valves:
Angular stop plate with control recess and The potentiometer is an option available for
Cast aluminum control cams cases in which the object is to control several
different points on the curve for rotational
The control plate or cam attached to the speed vs. load factor. It is mounted on top of
main control lever initiates activation or the rotational-speed control lever, to which
deactivation based on the leveA traveL The it is attached by clamps (Fig. 1). When ener-

switching point corresponcls to a specific gVed, the potentiometer transmits a contin-

coordinate on the pump's response curve uous electrical voltage signal that retlects the
(rotational Teed vi delivery quantity). control lever's position with a linear re-
Either two microswitches or one pneu- sponse curve. A suitable governor design
matic valve can be installed on the fuel- then provides useful information in the
injection pump due to differences in the defined range.
respective layouts.

RI 1

2 Angular stop bracket
Powntiometers and microswitches Pneumatic valve
3 Rotational-speed

5 control lever
4 Potentiometenr
2 3 4 5 6 5 Bectrical
6 Audiaq contrAler

RI 2

2 1
2 11cuum a*sting
3 Pneumatic valve

4 Control lever
5 Control ro1hr
f 6

............. .................
Como mu
60 Control modules for distributor injection pumps Delivery-signal sensor


Delivery-signal -,""I'll"

sensor Delivery-signal sensor (effect/response curve)


AppHcation bu

T oil
The FSS delivery-signal sensor is a dyna rMC U, 400 @Wgmw

pressure sensor installed in the threaded i

center plug of the diesel fuehinjection pump MEW
in place of the vent screw (Fig. 2). It moni-
tors pressure in the element chamber. The -Ji i Oa
who hill! Rom
sensor signal can be employed to register the a mm -
-"Wq ii
t !in! 1!

Stan of delivery, the delivery period and the Monts


pump speed n.

The pressure-signal measurement range
1111 IN
extends from WAO MPa, or 0 400 bar, at Z@l

which it is suitable for use with IDI fuel- 5

injection pumps. This device is a "dynamic 01 Mill

H111 mill
sensor t registers pressure variations
in- IN
stead of monitoring static pressure levels.
0 oil ME7111
a Pressurecmefor
element chamber
Design and operating concept
b Signal from delivery- The delivery-signal sensor relies on piezo- Degmes of camshaft rotation

SY, sensor electric principles for operation. The pres- .... ... . . ................... ............. .. ........

sure in the element chamber acts on a sensor

measurement cell (Fig. 2, Pos. 13). This con-
tains the piezoelectric ceramic layer. Pressure
variations modify electrical charge states in
this layer. These charge shifts generate
minute electric voltages, which the inte-
grated circuit (I 1) in the sensor converts
FiJ 2 to a square-wave signal (Fig. 1).
2 Spring
3 Seal 6eiiv y-signw 6.sign@
e r
4 Contact pin ... .. ............ .. . . .... .. .... ...... ...............

5 Housing
6 Contact spring
Cable housing
2 3 4 5 6 7' 8
8 Powersuppy
9 Signalconneebon

MA b oarcl Ws INNER
integrated circuit
12 InsuWa M

13 Sensor measure-
mew cd We7-
dectric ceramc
14 13 12 11 10 9
14 Fudkoction pump
element chamber ........... ____ ----------------- . ........................ .................... . .. . ... .................. ..........................
Control modules for distributor injection pumps Shutoff devices 61

ShutoV: devices Mechanical shutoff device

The mechanical shutoff devices installed on
Shutoff distributor injection pumps consist of lever
One inherent property of the diesel engine's assemblies (Fig. 2). This type of assembly
auto-ignition concept is that interrupting consists of an inside and outside stop lever
the fuel supply represents the only way to mounted on the governor cover (1, 5). The
switch off the engine. driver operates the outer stop lever from the
1 1

shutoff valve

- I - , I

The mechanically controlled distributor

injection pump is usual, deactivated by an
electric shutoff valve (ELAB). It is only in
rare special application environments that
these pumps are equipped with mechanical
shutoff devices.

Solenoid-operated shutoff valve (ELAB)

The electric shutoff device is a solenoid
valve. Operation is controlled by the "igni- [H
tion" key to offer drivers a high level of con- 1 Inlet passage
venience. 2 1 2 Distributor pWnger
The solenoid valve employed to interrupt 3 Distributor head
4 Solenoid (pulling
fuel delivery in the distributor injection
3 electromapet A
pump A nmunted on top of We distributor
head (Fig. 1). When the diesel engine is run- 5 Spring
ning, the solenoid (4) is energized, and the 6 Armature with

armature retracts the sealing cone (6) to sealingcone

hold the inlet passage to the plunger cham- ............ ............... ................ .................. ................
7 PWnger Aamber
ber open. Switching off the engine with the
key interrupts the current to the solenoid Mechanical skw"e&e
coil. The magnetic field collapses and the
spring (5) presses the armature and sealing
cone back against the seat. By blocking fuel
flow through the plunger chamber's inlet 5

passage, the seal prevents delivery from the

plunger. The solenoid can be designed as
either pulling or pushing electromagnet.

The ELABs used on marine engines open

when de-energized. This allows the vessel
to continue in the event of electrical system lFig. 2

failure. Minimizing the number of electrical 1

External ship lever
consumers is a priority on ships, as We No M2 2 Starting lever
tromagnetic fields generated by continuous 3 CorAN collar
DiNribuWr plunger
current flow promote salt-water corrosion. 7 4
5 Inn
a Mop ever

4 6 Tensioning ever
Como Poo

PI FKA axis Or

aQ 6
62 Con9ol modules for dishiloutor Qedion pumps ShAoR devices, Electronic Diesel Control

vehicle's interior via Bowden cable, etc. Ca- Electronic Diesel Control
ble operation causes the two stop levers to
rotate about their pivot axis, with the inside Systems with mechanical rotational-speed
stop lever pressing against the control mech- control respond to variations in operating
anism's (2) starting lever. The starting lever conditions to reliably guarantee high-quality
pivots about its axis M2 to push the control mixture formation.
collar (3) into its stop position. This acts on EDC (Electronic Diesel Control) simulta-
the control passage (7) in the plunger to pre- neously satisfies an additional range of per-
vent fuel delivery. formance demands. Electric monitoring,
flexible electronic data processing and
Electric actuator mechanism closed-loop control circuits featuring elec-
Systems with electronic diesel control em- tric actuators extend performance potential
ploy the fuel-delivery actuator to switch off to include parameters where mechanical
the engine (control parameter from elec- systems have no possibility of supply regula-
tronic control unit (ECU): injected-fuel tion. At the core of EDC is the electronic
quantity = zero; refer to following section). control unit that governs distributor injec-
The separate solenoid-operated shutoff tion pump operation.
valve (ELAB) serves only as a backup system As Electronic Diesel Control supports
in the event of a defect in the actuator data communications with other electronic
mechanism. systems (traction control, electronic trans-
mission-shift control, etc.) it can be inte-
grated in an all-encompassing vehicle system

and port-controlled axal-piston d0trbutor boom pump WM electric control mechanism (VP37)
.. ..........................

2 3 4

2 Fud inlet

3 FueldnJeampump 6
delivery rmstoner
4 Fuel temperature 7

5 Anglesensw
40 return
Tpe EMB elmtric
shutoff valve
B Delivery valve

WhAaMe to nwdO
Comeom fm Mad
boom solenow

Conneom fm C:01

fwjjecdon =mP
delivery positionw
Timingdmhe I ..................
- -- - -- --- - - ............... ..............
- - --- -------------------- ---- ---- ---- .. ....... . ... ......... .. ..... . .... .. ...... .
injection Electronic Diesel Control 63
Control modules for distributor pumps

Helix and port-controlled electronic distrib- position, back to the control unit 1). This ac- 1)
On 1
st generation

utor injection pumps use a fuel-delivery ac- tion determines the injected-fuel quantities pumps, a poten-
tiometer was em-
tuator mechanism to regulate injected-fuel for the instantaneous engine speed.
ployed to register
quantities and a solenoid valve to control rotation angle.

start of injection. Solenoid valve for start of

injection timing
Solenoid actuator for As with mechanical timing devices, the tim-
fuel-delivery control ing plunger reacts to pressure in the pump's
The solenoid actuator (rotary actuator, inner chamber, which rises proportionally to
Fig. 2, Pos. 2) acts on the control collar via rotational speed. This force against the tim-
shaft. On mechanically controlled fuel-injec- ing device's pressure-side is controlled by
tion pumps, the position determines the the timing-device solenoid valve (5). This
point at which the cutoff bores are exposed. valve is triggered by a PWM signal.
Injected fuel quantity can be pmgressively When the solenoid con- valve remains
varied continuously from zero to the sys- stantly open, pressure falls to retard start of
tem's maximum capacity (for instance, dur- injection, while closing the valve advances
ing cold starts). This valve is triggered by the timing. The electronic control unit can

a pulse-width modulated (PWM) signal. continuously vary the PWM signal's pulse-
When current flow is interrupted, the ro- duty factor (ratio of open to closed periods
tary-actuator return springs reduce the fuel- at the valve) in the intermediate range.
delivery quantity to zero.
sensor with a semidifferential short-cir-
cuit ring (1) relays the actuator-mechanism
rotation angle, and thus the control collar

HeIR and pon-controlled axWlTiston dWAWm injection pumps with electric control mechanisms (VE..EDC)

is 2




2 Sdenoicl cunhol
3 BeAric AMR valve

-4 EUB
j 4 Distributor plunger
5 Timing-clevice

6 5 solenoicl valve

. .........
6 Control collar
...... ....... . .... ..... . . .... .... . ........... . ........ ....... .. ...... ...............
- - -- --
64 Control modules for distributor injection pumps Electronic Diesel Control

Sensor with sernidifferential Changes in the measuring ring's position

short-circuiting ring change the magnetic flux to vary the coil's
Applications voltage, while the control unit maintains
Semidifferential short-circuit ring sensors voltage at a constant level (impressed cur-
are position sensors for monitoring travel rent).
and angles. These sensors are extremely
precise and robust. They are used as: Evaluation circuitry calculates the ratio of
voltage reference voltage
Control-rack travel sensors for monitor-
UA to URef
ing control-rack position on in-line diesel (Fig. 5), which proportional is
to the deflec-
fuel-injection pumps and tion angle of the measurement short-circuit-
Angle sensors for fuel-delivery actuator ing ring. This curve's gradient can be adjusted
assemblies in diesel distributor injection by bending the reference short-circuiting ring
pumps while the base point is repositioned by shift-
ing the position of the measuring ring.
Design and operating concept
The sensors (Figures 3 and 4) are built
around a laminated soft-iron core. Attached
to each leg of the soft-iron core are a sensor
coil and a reference coil.
As the AC current transmitted by the con- IN11 Deign of Me HDK sernWifferential showdrcuit-Ag
trol unit permeates the coils, it aeates aher- gMT smsor as used A d0triloutor jection pumps for
nadng magnetic fields. The copper short-
circuiting rings surrounding the legs of the 1
2 BW 3 4
RI 3
soft-iron core serve as a shield against these
Sensw cd alternating magnetic fields. While the short- 0
2 Sensor short-
circuiting ring for reference remains station- J
circuiting ring

3 Soft iron core ary, the measuring ring is attached to the UA

4 Control collar shaft

control rack or control-collar shaft (control-
5 Reference coil rack travel s or advance angle TY
6 Reference Whorl

circang ring

T_ AQWmmt range
of corAG,50 5
Agistered angle
. ............................ ....................... .........................

Sir Desian of RWG Control-rack travel sensor for ratio as a function of control-rack travel
PEI 045 diesel Wok"ection pumps Alm
F" 4
. . ..................... .................
. . .. ....... .............
Soft-iron core
2 Referewe cod
- - ---- -
3 Reference slhoT
urcuiting ring

4 CoWd ma 2

5 Smsor coil RC)

6 Sensor short-
circuiting ring

V Control-rack travel

R15 mm
Voltage output Controkrack travel s -m@

URy Reference voltage ............ ............................. .

Control modules for distributor injection pumps Diesel-engine immobilizers 65

Diesel-engine immobilizers Control units

The DDS 1. 1. and DDS 3.1 control units are
Diesel immobilizers is a component in the available for diesel-engine immobilizers.
electronic vehicle immobilizer installed on
vehicles with a mechanically-controlled dis- DDS1.1
tributor injection pump. The diesel immobi- DDS 1.1 is a PCB-equipped ECU featuring
lizer is mounted above the solenoid-oper- an integrated protective housing made of
ated shutoff valve (ELAB) of the distributor plastic with injected sheet metal. On its own,
injection pump. It responds to signals bona DDS 1. I provides only the lowest degree of
the immobilizer control unit by switching protection. The security rating can be raised
current flow to the ELAB off and on to allow by adding various external protection fea-
or block the flow of diesel fuel to the engine. tures to the pump.
The diesel immobilizer unit and ELAB are
mounted behind a metal plate which must DDS3.1
be destroyed for removal. DDS 3.1 is a hybrid controlunit with a sup-
plementary housing made of protective
The diesel-engine immobilizer's input manganese steel. DDS 3.1 can provide opti-
wiring usually comprises three terminals, mum security without any supplements.
consisting of power supply, data line and
ground wire. The single exit wire carries the The DDS system must be released on the
current to the ELAB. pump for operation on the test bench.

.............. pm1ection
Helix -controlled axW-pWon distribWor
an jection purnp with diesel
.......... .............

Fig. 1

5cm 1

- -------------- ---------- --- ............ ................ ---------- - ------
2 Plug connection
66 Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Areas of application, Designs

SOlenoich/ealve controlled distributor injection pumps

Ever stricter emission limits for diesel engines The nominal speed, power output and de-
and the demand for further reductions in fuel sign of the diesel engine determine the type
consumption have resulted in the continuing and size of the fuel-injection pump. Distrib-
refinement of electronically controlled dis- utor injection pumps are used on car, com-
tributor injection pump. High-pressure con- mercial-vehicle, agricultural tractor and
trol using a solenoid valve permits greater fixed-installation engines with power out-
flexibility in the variation of start and end of puts of up to 45 kW per cylinder. Depending
delivery and even greater accuracy in the me- on the type of control unit and solenoid
tering of the injected-fuel quantity than with valve, they can be run off either a 12-volt
port-controlled fuel-injection pumps. In ad- or a 24-volt electrical system.
dition, it permits pre-injection and correction
of injected-fuel quantity for each cylinder. Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injec-
tion pumps are available with high-pressure
The essential differences from port-con- outlets for either four or six cylinders. The
trolled distributor injection pumps are the maximum injected-fuel capacity per stroke
following: is in the range of 70 175 MM3. The required
o A control unit mounted on the pump maximum injection pressures depend on the
e Control of fuel injection by a high- requirements of the engine (DI or IDI).
pressure solenoid valve and They range from 800 ... 1,950 bar.
o Timing of the high-pressure solenoid
valve by an angle-of-rotation sensor All distributor injection pumps are lubri-
integrated in the pump cated by the fuel. Consequently, they are
As well as the traditional benefits of the dis-
tributor injection pump such as light weight
and compact dimensions, these characteris- Designs
tics provide the following additional benefits:
o A high degree of fuel-metering accuracy There are two basic designs:
within the program map o Axial-piston distributor pumps
o Start of injection and injection duration (Type VE..MV or VP29/VP30) and
can be varied independently of factors o Radial-piston distributor pumps
such as engine speed or pump delivery (Type VR or VP44)
o Injected-fuel quantity can be corrected for There are a number of design variations
each cylinder, even at high engine speeds (e.g. number of outlets, pump drive by ring
o A high dynamic volume capability gear) according to the various types of ap-
o Independence of the injection timing plication and engine.
device range from the engine speed and
o The capability of pre-injection The hydraulic performance capacity of the
axial-piston pump with injection pressures
up to 1,400 bar at the nozzle will remain suf-
Areas of application ficient for many direct-injection and indi-
rect-injection engines in the future.
Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injec- Where higher injection pressures are re-
tion pumps are used on small and medium- quired for direct-injection engines, the ra-
sized diesel engines in cars, commercial dial-piston distributor pump introduced in
vehicles and agricultural tractors. They are 1996 is the more suitable choice. It has the
fitted both on direct-injection (DI) and in- capability of delivering injection pressures
direct-injection (IDI) engines. of up to 1950 bar at the nozzle.
Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Family tree of distributor injection pumps 67

!ideal! ...........

IDI-engines Di-engines

VR NP44, h) with integral

engine-management control unit (PSG16)

1999 VE..MV NP30, g)

f 9
1900 VE..MV (VP 29, f)

996 VR NP44, e)


Solenoid-valve controlled


c d

100 'Sim NMI 0


1989 VE..EDC NP34, b)

1986 VE..EDC(VP15,,)

68 Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Fitting and drive system

changed when carrying out servicing work.

Fitting and drive system
In the high-pressure system between the
Distributor injection pumps are flange- fuel-injection pump and the nozzles, there
mounted directly on the diesel engine. The are degrees of free play manufactured to an
engine's crankshaft drives the fuel-injection accuracy of a few thousandths of a millime-
pump's heavy-duty drive shaft by means of ter. That means that dirt particles in the fuel
a toothed-belt drive, a pinion, a gear wheel can impair the function of the system. Con-
or a chain. In axial-piston pumps, the drive sequently, high fuel quality and a fuel filter
shaft runs on two plain bearings in the are required specifically designed to meet the
pump housing. In radial-piston pumps, requirements of the fuel-injection system.
there is a plain bearing a the mange end and They prevent damage to pump components,
a deep-groove ball bearing at the opposite delivery valves and nozzles and guarantee
end. The distributor injection pump is fully trouble-free operation and long service life.
synchronous with the engine crankshaft and
pistons (positive mechanical link). Diesel fuel can absorb water in solution in
On four-stroke engines, the pump speed quantities ranging between 50 200 ppm ...
is half that of the diesel-engine crankshaft (by weight), depending on temperature.
speed. In other words, it is the same as the This dissolved water does not damage the
camshaft speed. fuel-injection system. However, if greater
quantities of water find their way into the
There are distributor injection pumps for fuel (e.g. condensate resulting from changes
Direction of rotation clockwise and counterclockwise rotation 1). in temperature), they remain present in

as viewed from Consequently, the injection sequence differs undissolved form. If undissolved water ac-
pump, it may result
drive-shaft according to the direction of rotation cesses the fuel-injection
of the pump
but is always consecutive in terms of the
- in corrosion damage. Distributor injection
geometrical arrangement of the outlets pumps therefore need fuel filters with water
(og.?"B-C or C-B-A). chambers (see chapter "Fuel supply sys-
In order to prevent confusion with the tem"). The collected water has to be drained
numbering of the engine cylinders (cylinder off at appropriate intervals. The increased
no. 1, 2, 3, etc), the distributor-pump ous toe of diesel engines in can has resulted in
lets are identified by letters (A, B, C, etc., the demand for an automatic water warning
Fig. 1). For example, the assignment of device. It indicates whenever water needs to
pump outlets to engine cylinders on a four- be drained off by means of a warning light.
cylinder engine with the firing sequence i@r@iiihii'
iilii IT!@
Outlet designation of a six-cylinder distributor
1-3-4-2 is A-1, B-3, C-4 and D-2.
injection pump

In order to achieve good hydraulic charac-

teristics on the part of the fuel-in'ection sys-
tern, the high-pressure fuel lines between the
R&AWection pump and the nozzle-and-
holder assemblies must be as short as possb
ble. For this reason, the distributor injection
pump is fitted as close as possible to the F
diesel-engine cylinder head.
The interaction of all components has to be D
Fig. 1

optimized in order to insure that the diesel

Outlets are always num-
engine and the fuel-injection system function V
bered counte5onWise.
correctly The fuel lines and the nozzle-and-
stars 0 top
righL holder assemblies must therekwe not be inter- ...... ............... ............ ............................ . ........... ..............
Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps 1998 Diesel Records 69

mg-1 ag I Dim- IMEC.M

The 24-hour race on Germany's famous piston distributor injection pump that has been
race track is not just about
Nurburgring" in volume production since 1996.
speed but about the durability of automotive
technology. On 14th June 1998 the race was Compared with normal production engines,
won for the first time by a diesel-erighed can the racing diesel is an "enhanced-perfor-
The BMW 320 d left its gasoline-engined mance" model achieved by larger injected-tuel
rivals trailing. quantitiesand even higher injection pressure

and engine speeds. For this purpose, a new

he average speed achieved during practice high-pressure stage with 4 delivery plungers
was appoximately 160 kph. The maximum instead of 2 was fitted in combination with
speed was around 250 kph. The 1,040-kg new nozzles. The software for the control units
vehicle accelerated from 0 to 100 kph in
was also modified.
4.5 seconds.
These design modifications and the fact that
The racing car was powered by a four-cylinder the engines are run continuously at full power
direct-injection diesel engine with a capacity of obviously reduce the life of the components

WbU cc and a maximum power output of more (designed for 24 48 hours of service), and in-
than 180 kW (245 bhp) at 4,200 4,600 rpm. crease the concentration levels of thti 11UA1UuZj
The engine produced its maximum torque of constituents and fuel consumption. The car
430 N-rn at 2,500 3,500 rpm. used arourid 23 MOO km (a comparable
... gm,
line rating engine uses almost twice as much).
The car's performance was due in no small
part to its high-performance fuel-injection sys- That impressive victory demonstrates once
tem designed by Bosch. The central compo- again that the diesel engine is no longer the
nent of the system is the Type VP44 radial- "lame duck" that it
used to be.

Flod: VW- of Me MOB 241mur race_-I


........... ............ ................................................
70 Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Design and method of operation

Design and method ance with strict tolerances and fully meets
demands regarding performance character-
of operation istics.
Assernklies The high pressures and the associated
Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injec- physical stresses require a wide variety of
tion pumps are modular in design. This sec- fine-tuning adjustments in the design of the
tion explains the interaction between the in- components. Lubrication is carried out by
dividual modular components. They are de- the fuel itself In some cases, lubricant-film
scribed in more detail later on. The modular thickness is less than 0. I @tm and is much less
components referred to are the following than the minimum achievable surface rough-
(Figs. I and 2): ness. For this reason, the use of special mate-
The low-pressure stage (7), consisting rials and manufacturing methods is neces-
of the vane-type supply pump, pressure- sary in addition to special design features.
control valve and overflow throttle valve
The high-pressure stage (8) Fuel supply and delivery
The delivery valves (1 1) Low-pressure stage
The high-pressure solenoid valve (10) The vane-type supply pump in the low-pres-
The timing device (9) with timing-device sure stage (7) pumps fuel from the fuel tank
solenoid valve and angle-of-rotation and produces a pressure of 8 ... 22 bar inside
sensor and the fuel-injection pump depending on
The pump ECU (4) pump type and speed.

he combination of these modular compo- The vane-type supply pump delivers more
nents in a compact unit allows the interac- fuel than is required for fuel injection. The
Fuel supply tion of individual functional units to be very excess fuel flows back to the fuel tank.
(low-pressure stage)
precisely coordinated. This allows compli-
2 Type MSG engine

3 Accelerator pedal
Assemblies and theHunctions Nchm= dinra" 1

..................... . ............. ..................

4 Type PSG pump

5 NozAyholcler
6 Pumpdriveslhaft
7 Low-pressure stage
(vane-type supply
pump with pressure-
control valve and
overflow throttle

8 1-1g4pressure stage
QA x mddyiston
high-pressure pump
Wm Wel so
9 Timing device
w& bming-deAce
solenoid valve and 12

10 Hio-pressure
solenoid valve

12 Diesel engine
Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Design and method of operation 71

High-pressure stage pressure depends on the pump speed and

The high-pressure pump (8) generates the the injection duration.
high pressure required for fuel injection and
controls the injected-fuel quantity as re- Timing
quired. At the same time the fuel rail opens As with port-controlled distributor injection
the outlet for the appropriate engine cylin- pumps, the timing device (9) varies the start
der so that the fuel is delivered via the deliv- of injection. It alters the cam position in the
ery valve (II) to the nozzle-and-holder as- high-pressure pump.
sembly (5). The assembly then injects the An injection-timing solenoid valve con-
fuel into the combustion chamber (12) of trols the supply-pump pressure acting on
the engine. It is in the design of the high- the spring-loaded timing-device piston. This
pressure pump and fuel distributor that the controls the start of injection independently
axial-piston and radial-piston distributor of engine speed.
pumps differ the most. The integrated angle-of-rotation sensor
detect and, as necessary, correct the pump
The high-pressure pump is able to deliver speed and, together with the speed sensor on
fuel as long the high-pressure solenoid valve the engine crankshaft, the position of the
(10) keeps the pump's plunger chamber timing device.
sealed. In other words, it is the high-pressure
solenoid valve that determines the delivery Electronic control unit
period and thaeVe, in conjunction with The pump ECU (4) calculates the triggering
pump speed, the injected-fuel quantity and signals for the high-pressure solenoid valve
injection duration. and the timing-device solenoid valve on the
The injection pressure increases during basis of a stored amp
the period of fad injection. The maximum My 2

For he sAe A clarity,

various components am
.................... ................ shown end-on rather
Assemblies and their functions (schematic section diagram of a radial-piston distributor injection pump) 1

than side-on.
.... ........
. .............................................. .............. .... ........ ................... . ...... . . ...............

The index figums am we

same as Q Q 1.

2 &gineECU
4 Pump ECU

5 PAMolholcer
7 assembly
2 6
7 1-ow-pressum Wage
(vane-ye supply
pump with pressure-
convol valve and
6 overflow broMe

8 High-pressure pump
with fuelrail
9 Timing device
with timingAevice

sohnoid valve

A 1 1
Ddivey valve
- - - - - - - - --- ........... .......... ............. ------- -------- ---- .....................
...................... ... .
72 Solenoidwahte corrtrdled distributor injection pumps Low-pressure stage

Low-pressure stage in the impeller hold the vanes (8) which are
forced outwards against the inside of the re-
The low-pressure stage delivers sufficient taining ring by centrifugal force. Due to the
fuel for the high-pressure stage and gener- higher delivery pressures involved in radial-
ates the pressure for the high-pressure pump piston distributor injection pumps, the
and the timing device (8 25 bar depending vanes have integrated springs which also
on pump type). Its basic components in- help to force the vanes outwards. The corn-
clude the vane-type supply pump, the pres- pression-chamber "cells" (7) are formed by
sure-control valve and the overflow valve. the following components:
9 The inner surface of the pump housing
Vane-type supply pump ("base")
Ile purpose of the vane-type supply pump * The support ring ("cap")
(Fig. 1) is
to draw in a sufficient quantity of 9 The shaped inner surface of the retaining
fuel and to generate the required internal ring
pressure. 9 The outer surface of the impeller and
e Two adjacent vanes
The vane-type supply pump is positioned
around the drive shaft (4) in the distributor The fuel that enters through the inlet pas-
injection pump. Between the inner surface sage in the pump housing and the internal
of the pump housing and a support ring act- passages in the compression-chamber cell is
ing as the end plate is the retaining ring (2) conveyed by the rotation of the impeller to
which forms the inner surface of the vane- the compression-chamber outlet. Due to the
pump stator. On the inner surface of the eccentricity (VP29/30) or profile (VP44) of
pump housing, there are two machined re- the inner surface of the retaining ring, the
cesses which form the pump inlet (5) and cell volume reduces as the impeller rotates.
outlet (6). Inside the retaining ring is the This reduction in volume causes the fuel
impeller (3) which is driven by an interlock- pressure to rise sharply until the fuel escapes
ing gear (Type VP44) or a Woodruff key through the compression-chamber outlet
(VP2960) on the drive shaft- Guide don in other words, the fuel is compressed. From

ne-_:@pe __.pply
Me su pump Presswe-contrd Me
2 Eccentric retaining

3 1mpW1er

4 Pump d&e shaft

6 NW 0AW to Pump
intake chamber MINT ORION
7 Compression- 6
1-0-0 vim
chamber cd Allegheny,!

8 Vane
All 2
Nils. SEE 1
144 MIEN
1 1 I
RI 2
Me body
2 Compression spring
3 Valve plunger HIM
4 0AW1 to purnp
intake 0
polio Ell 0
5 kW
6 Bore
Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Low-pressure stage 73

the compression-chamber outlet, the vari- Pressure-control valve

ous components are supplied with pressur- The fuel pressure created at the pressure out-
ized fuel via internal passages in the pump let of the vane-type supply pump depends
housing. on the pump speed. To prevent the pressure
from reaching undesirably high levels at high
The pressure level required in a radial-piston pump speeds, there is a pressure-control
distributor injection pump is relatively high valve in the immediate vicinity of the vane-
compared with other types of distributor type supply pump which is connected to the
injection pump. Due to high pressure, the pressure outlet by a bore (Fig. 1, Pos. 1). This
vanes have a bore in the center of the end spring-loaded slide valve varies the delivery
face so that only one of the end-face edges pressure of the vane-type supply pump ac-
is in contact with the inner surface of the cording to the fuel quantity delivered. If the
retaining ring at one time. This prevents the fuel pressure rises beyond a certain level, the
entire end face of We vane from being sub- valve plunger (Fig. 2, Pos. 3) opens radially
jected to pressure, which would result in an positioned bores (6) through which the fuel
undesirable radial movement. At the point can flow via an outlet (4) back to the intake
of changeover from one edge to the other port of the vane-type supply pump.
(e.g. when changing over from inlet to out- If the fuel pressure is too low, the pressure-
let), the pressure acting on the end face of control valve remains closed and the entire
the vane can transfer to the other side of the fuel quantity is pumped into the distributor-
vane through the bore. The opposing pres- pump intake chamber. The adjustable ten-
sures balance each other out to a large extent sion on the compression spring (2) deter-
and the vanes are pressed against the inner mines the valve opening pressure.
surface of the retaining ring by centrifugal
force and the action of the springs as de- Overflow valve
scribed above. In order to vent and, in particular, cool the
distributor injection pump, excess fuel flows
back to the fuel tank through the overflow
valve (Fig. 3) screwed to the pump housing.
The overflow valve is connected to the
............................... .....

Overflow valve
overflow valve (4 " Inside the valve body (I
there is a spring-loaded ball valve (3) which
allows fuel to escape when the pressure ex-
ceeds a preset opening pressure.
In the overflow channel to the ball valve,
there is a bore that is connected to the pump
overflow via a very small throttle bore (5).
Since the overflow valve is mounted on top
of the pump housing, the throttle bore facil-
itates automatic venting of the fuel-injection
The entire low-pressure stage of the fuel-
5 injection pump is precisely coordinated to
III" allow a defined quantity of fuel to escape Fig. 3
1 Valve body
through the overflow valve and return to
in! oil 611 6
2 Compression sp&g
0 the fuel tank.
3 Valve ball

4 Fuel overflow
nrattle Km
Q1 6
P=p housbg
74 Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps High-pressure stage of the axial-piston distributor injection pump

High-pressure stage of the roller ring (2). The roller ring is mounted
inside the pump housing but has no connec-
axial-piston distributor
tion to the drive shaft.
injection pump
Solenoid-valve controlled (Fig. 1) and port- The cam plate is rigidly connected to the
controlled distributor injection pumps have distributor plunger (8). Consequently, the
essentially the same dimensions, fitting re- distributor plunger also performs the rotat-
quirements and drive system including cam ing-reciprocating movement described by
drive. the cam plate. The reciprocating movement
of the distributor plunger is aligned axially
Design and method of operation with the drive shaft (hence the name axial-
A clutch unit transmits the rotation of the piston pump).
drive shaft (Fig. 2 overleaf, Pos. 1) to the
cam plate (5). The claws on the drive shaft The movement of the plunger back to the
and the cam plate engage in the yoke (3) roller ring takes place the symmetrically
positioned between them. arranged plunger return springs (7). They are
braced against the distributor body (9) and
The cam plate converts the purely rotational act against the distributor plunger by means
movement of the drive shaft into a com- of a thrust plate (6). The piston return springs
bined rotating-reciprocating movement. also prevent the cam plate from jumping away
This is achieved by the fact that the cams on from the rollers in the roller ring when sub-
the cam plate rotate over rollers held in the jected to high acceleration forces.

Sownoidnaw @cutawq vieM

................ .. . ..... .. . . ..... ...
controlled axial-pWon
MGM pump

F4 1

3 EdBE
2 Fkmp We shaft
3 SupportrOgof
vaneype supoy
pump 4
4 Ro1W ring

Cm PWe
7 DWribWorplunger
soWnoid We
9 HigNpressure WM i
..................... ..................... ............. ........... ............... ..................... .................. .... ................... .............
Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps High-pressure stage of the axial-piston distributor injection pump 75

The lengths of the plunger return springs When designing the fuel-injection pump,
are precisely matched to one another in the in)ection parameters must be individu-
order to prevent lateral forces from acting ally adapted to suit the design of the com-
on the distributor plunger. bustion chamber and the nature of the com-
bustion process (DI or IDI) employed by the
Although the distributor plunger moves engine on which the pump is to be used. For
horizontally, the limits of its travel are still this reason, a specific cam profile is calcu-
referred to as top dead center (TDC) and lated for each type of engine and is then ma-
bottom dead center (BDC). The length of chined on the end face of the cam plate. The
the plunger stroke between bottom and top cam plate produced in this way is an appli-
dead center is application-spedfic It can be cation-spedfic component of the divibuwr
up to 15 mm. injection pump. Cam plates are not inter-
changeable between different types of pump.
The number of cams and rollers is deter-
mined by the number of cylinders in the en-
gine. The cam shape affects injection pres-
sure (injection pattern and maximum injec-
tion pressure) and the maximum possible
injection duration. The factors determining
this connection are cam lift and the speed of

p,,.essu,e stage Wide a solenoidwalVe controlled axial-piston distributor injection Pump I

................ ...........

Fig. 2

13 BDC TDC 1
2 Roller ring

3 Yoke

4 RdW
5 Cam plate
6 Spring plate
7 Piston Mum spring
WI Om shown)
8 Distdoutor ONW
9 DWributor bo*
(also called
distribuWr head
or dWriloutardhead
011 NOME! 10 Delivery valve

solenoid valve

OM to ho-
pressure delbery
13 Pump ECU

TDC Distributor-plunger
2 3 4 5 6 7 ts 9 10 I 1 top dead center
BDC Distriloutor-plungn
bottom dead

--- ------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------------- ----------- __ ---------------- ............. .............. ..........................
76 Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps High-pressure stage of the axial-piston distributor injection pump

Delivery phases Residual stroke (Figure 4c).

Induction (Fig. 4a) Once the desired injected-fuel quantity has
As We distributor plunger (4) moves towards been delivered, the ECU cuts off the power
bottom dead center (BDC), it draws fuel into supply to the solenoid coil. The high-pres-
the plunger chamber (6) through the fuel sure solenoid valve opens again and pressure
inlet (1) in the distributor body (3) and the in the high-pressure stage collapses (end of
open high-pressure solenoid valve (7). delivery). As the pressure drops, the nozzle
and the valve in the high-pressure outlet
Effective stroke (Fig. 4b) close again and the injection sequence
At bottom dead center, before the cam lobes comes to an end. The point of closure and
are in contact with the rollers, the pump the open duration of the high-pressure sole-
ECU sends a control signal to the high-pres- noid valve, the cam pitch during the delivery
sure solenoid valve. The valve needle (9) is stroke and the pump speed determine the
pressed against the valve seat (7). The high- injected-fuel quantity.
pressure solenoid valve is then closed.
The remaining travel of the pump plunger
When the distributor plunger then starts to to top dead center forces the fuel out of the
move towards top dead center (TDC), the plunger chamber and back into the pump
fuel cannot escape. It passes through chan- intake chamber.
nels and passages in the distributor plunger
to the high-pressure outlet (10) for the ap- As there are no other inlets, failure of the
propriate cylinder. The rapidly developed high-pressure solenoid valve prevents fuel
high pressure opens the orifice check valve injection altogether. If the valve remains
(DI) or delivery valve (IDI), as the case may open, the required high pressure cannot be
be, and forces fuel along the high-pressure generated. If it remains closed, no fuel can
fuel line to the nozzle integrated in the noz- enter the plunger chamber. This prevents
Ae holder (Aart of delivery). The maximum uncontrolled over-revving of the engine
injection pressure at the nozzle is around and no other shutoff devices are required.
000 ban

The rotation of the distrib-

utor plunger directs Te .......... ................ ...............
fuel to the next outlet on
the next effective stroke.

The rapid release of pres-
sure when the high-pres-
sure solenoid valve opens
Fig. 3
cart cause the space be- 7
He Adex figures an the
Tween the delivery valve
same as for Fig. 4.
and the distributor 9

2 Filter plunger to be over-de-

4 Distributor plunger p ressurized. The filler
6 Plunger chamber channel (5) simultane- I
7 Valve seat ously fills the space for
9 Solenoid-valve
the outlet opposite to the
outlet which is currently
ova to No-
pressure deWery
being supplied by the
line delivery sooke. ........... ...........
Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps High-pressure stage of the axial-piston distributor injection pump 77

MQj1 Delivery Oases of solenoidwal[ve controlled axial-piston distributor injection pumps

........... . . . . .. ........ ......... ..... .. . .......... ..........

2 3


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


RI 4

b Effectwe strow


imet passage
Out WIN)

2 Rter
3 DWrbutor body
Mributor pWnger
5 RW game
7 Valve seat
BIDC 8 Delive, valve

9 Solenoidwalve
Alh-pressure oudet
Outlet to higW

pressure delivery

0>) TDC Pump-plunger

OWN: top dead center
BDC Pum,pWnger
------------- . . ........................................ . .. ... ............. ............ .
- -- ...................................
78 Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps High-pressure stage of the radial-piston distributor injection pump

High-pressure stage of the The drive shaft drives the drive plate by
means of radially positioned guide slots.
radial-piston distributor
The guide slots simultaneously act as the
injection pump locating slots for the roller supports. The
Radial-piston high-pressure pumps (Fig. 1) roller supports and the rollers held by them
produce higher injection pressures than run around the inner cam profile of the
axial-piston high-pressure pumps. Conse- cam ring that surrounds the drive shaft. The
quently, they also require more power to number of cams corresponds to the number
drive them (as much as 3.5 4.5 kW com- of cylinders in the engine.
pared with 3 kW for axial-piston pumps).
The drive plate drives the distributor shaft.
DeAgn The head of the distributor shaft holds the
The radial-piston high-pressure pump delivery plungers which are aligned radially
(Fig. 2 overleaf) driven directly by the dis-
is to the drive-shaft axis (hence the name
tributor-pump drive shaft. The main pump "radial-piston high-pressure pump").
components are
The cam ring (1) The delivery plungers rest against the roller
The roller supports (4) and rollers (2) supports. As the roller supports are forced
The delivery plungers (5) outwards by centrifugal force, the delivery
The drive plate and plungers follow the profile of the cam ring
9 The front section (head) of the distributor and describe a cyclical-reciprocating motion
shaft (6) (plunger lift 3.5 4.15 mm).

SolenoidNalve-controlled radial-piston distrlbuWr pump (cWaway dewl


2 Vane-tpe syply 7

4 Fkmp ECU
5 RM01"ston high-

pressure pump
MAW s1haft

solenoid valve
8 Delivey valve
. ............................................. ---------------- ............... .......................... .......... ------------ -
Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Hig4pressure stage of he radial-piston VOW, injedion pump 79

Men the delivery plungers are pushed in- There may be 2, 3 or 4 delivery plungers de-
wards by the cams, the volume in the central pending on the number of cylinders in the
plunger chamber between the delivery engine and the type of application (Fig. 2).
plungers is reduced. This compresses and Sharing the delivery work between at least
pumps the fuel. Pressures of up to 1,200 bar two plungers reduces the forces acting on
are achievable at the pump. the mechanical components and permits the
Through passages in the distributor shaft, use of steep cam profiles with good delivery
the fuel is directed at defined times to the rates. As a result, the radial-piston pump
appropriate outlet delivery valves (Fig. 1, achieves a high level of hydraulic efficiency.
Pos. 8 and Fig. 3, Pos. 5). The direct transmission of force within
the cam-ring drive gear minimizes the
amount of "give", which also improves the
hydraulic performance of the pump.

................ ........................ . . .. ................ ................................
F4 2

6 w 6nh&r
2 3 4 5 6 7
a b C b For 6vyinder
a engines
oil" c For 4mylinder

Cam ring

2 Roller

3 Guide slot 6 drive

4 Roller support
5 EhImery olmger
6 Distriburtor MR
7 Plunger clamber
............................ ..........
- ................. .. ..... . .. . . ...............

................ .....................


191% 3

MOB For he salce of clarity

components am
s%wn end-on Wher
El- tan side-on.

Purnp ECU

2 Radakpiston high-

pressure pump

3 Distributor MR
4 HigNpressure
solendd valve

5 DeliNery valve
......... .. .............
80 Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Kgh-pressve bage of
le mdAkpikon disuibutor itedion pump

Distributor-body assembly Delivery phases (method of operation)

The distributor-body assembly (Fig. 4) Induction
consists of the following: During the induction phase (Fig. 5a), the
The distributor body (2) delivery plungers (1) are forced outwards by
The control sleeve (5) which is shrink- the supply-pump pressure and centrifugal
fitted in the distributor body force. The high-pressure solenoid valve is
The rear section of the distributor shaft open. Fuel flows from the diaphragm cham-
(4) which runs in the control sleeve ber (12) past the solenoid-valve needle (4)
The valve needle (6) of the high-pressure and through the low-pressure inlet (13)
solenoid valve and the annular groove (10) to the plunger
The accumulator diaphragm (1) and chamber (8). Excess fuel escapes via the
The delivery valve (7) with orifice check return passage (5).
Effective stroke
In contrast with the axial-piston distributor The high-pressure solenoid valve (Fig. 5b,
pump, the intake chamber that is pressur- Pos. 7) is closed by a control pulse from the
ized with the delivery pressure of the vane- pump ECU when the cam profile is at bot-
type supply pump consists only of the di- tom dead center. The plunger chamber is
aphragm chamber enclosed by an accumula- now sealed and fuel delivery starts as soon as
tor diaphragm (I Y This produces higher the cams start to move the pistons inwards
pressures for supplying the high-pressure (start of delivery).
Residual stroke
Once the desired injected-fuel quantity has
been delivered, the ECU cuts off power sup-
ply to the solenoid coil. The high-pressure

Distbutorbody module 0 a mdWTWon dWbutor Yedio 9

.. .. . . . . .. . . . . .

2 11MAutor
Debe, PuNer
DANAn s4ft 7
Cook sleeve
We neede
7 Delbey Me ----------------- ............. ..........
Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps High-pressure cage of
le radbl-Pston distributorinjection pump 8 1

Induction and effective stroW of

distMor head of radial-loiston distributor injection purely

a 2 3 4 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rg. 5

le sake of clarity,

the pump plungers am

Kom end-on man
&an sice-on.

mm NEI
a Induction
b Effeave strolm

0 13 9 8 9
5 A 12
n 14 15 16 17 1 Delivery Ounger
2 Distributor shaft
3 ContG sleeve

b oil 4 Valve needle

5 NW mum
6 Distriloutor body
7 Solenoiccoil
Phyer c1haler
9 High-pressure fuel
10 Annular game
12 Diaphragm chamber
K! 13 Lompressure inlet

14 Distributor slot

15 High-pressure outlet
16 OrAce c1heck valve

17 Delivery-valve body
.......... ...... ...............

solenoid valve opens again and pressure in Fuel metering takes place between the start
the high-pressure stage collapses (end of de- of the cam lift and opening of the high-pres-
livery). The pressure drop closes the nozzle sure solenoid valve. This phase is referred to
and the delivery valve again and the injeo as the delivery period. It determines the in-
tion sequence comes to an end. jected-fuel quantity in conjunction with the
pump speed.
The excess fuel that is delivered by the pump
while the pistons continue to move toward the The high-pressure solenoid valve can com-
cam top dead center is diverted back to the pletely shut off high-pressure fuel delivery in
diaphragm chamber (12). The high pressure order to stop the engine. For this reason, an
peaks that are thus produced in the low-pres- additional shutoff valve as used with port-
sure stage are damped by the accumulator controlled distributor injection pumps is
diaphragm (I 1). In addition, the fuel stored not necessary.
in the diaphragm chamber helps to fill the

plunger chamber for the next injection cycle.

82 Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Delivery valves

undesired dribble which adversely affects

Delivery valves
pollutant levels in the exhaust gas. In addi-
Between injection cycles, the delivery valve tion, areas of low pressure can be created
shuts off the high-pressure delivery line and this can lead to cavitation and compo-
from the pump. This isolates the high-pres- nent damage.
sure delivery line from the outlet port in the
distributor head. The residual pressure re- A throttle bore (2) in the valve cone damp-
tained in the high-pressure delivery line ens the reflected pressure waves to a level at
ensures rapid and precise opening of the which they are no longer harmful. The throt-
nozzle during the next injection cycle. tle bore is designed so that the static pressure
in the high-pressure delivery line is retained
Integrated orifice check valve between injection cycles. Since the throttle
The delivery valve with integral Type RSD bore means that the space between the fuel-
orifice check valve (Figure 1) A a piston injection pump and the nozzle is no longer
valve. Al We start of the delivery sequence, hermetically sealed, this type of arrangement
the fuel pressure lifts the valve cone (3) away is referred to as an open system.

from the valve seat. The fuel then passes

through the delivery-valve holder (5) to the Separate Type RDV orifice check valve
high-pressure delivery line to the nozzle- On axial-piston pumps and some types of
and-holder assembly. At the end of the radial-piston pump, a delivery valve with a
delivery sequence, the fuel pressure drops separate orifice check valve is used (Fig. 2).
abruptly. The valve spring (4) and the pres- This valve is also referred to as a Type GDV
sure in the delivery line forces the valve cone constant-pressure valve. it creates dynamic
back against the valve seat (1). pressure in the delivery line. During the in-
jection sequence, the valve plate (5) opens
With the high pressures used for direct-in- so that the throttle bore (6) has no effect.
jection engines, reflected pressure waves can When fuel flows in the opposite direction,
occur at the end of the delivery lines. They the valve plate closes and the throttle comes
can cause the nozzle to reopen, resulting in into action.

Ofery_valve with integrated orifice check valve Delivery valve WI separaM orifice check We
a Valve closed
b Valve open a

2 T%We Mm
3 Valve cone
4 Valvespring
5 DelNery-valve holder

2 3 4 5
Alve hoder
2 Pressure-vake bern b
3 Retraction p6on I Z 3 4 5 6 7 8
4 Alve spna T
(dWivery valve)

5 Valve owe
6 Amweloore
7 Valve spring
walve p1we)
8 Delivery-valve holcer ............

-------- --------
Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps High-pressure solenoid valve 83

High-pressure solenoid valve The high-pressure solenoid valve is con-

trolled by regulating the current. Steep cur-
The high-pressure solenoid valve (Fig. 3) is a rent-signal edges must be used to achieve a
2/2-way valve, i.e. it has two hydraulic ports high level of reproducibility on the part of
and two possible settings. It is built into the the injected-fuel quantity. In addition, con-
distributor-body assembly. The valve needle trol must be designed in such a way as to
(3) protrudes into the distributor shaft (5) minimize power loss in the ECU and the
and rotates in synchronization with it. solenoid valve. This is achieved by keeping
Arranging the solenoid coil (7) concentri- the control currents as low as possible, for
cally with the valve needle creates a compact example. Therefore, the solenoid valve re-
combination of high-pressure solenoid valve duces the current to the holding current
and distributor body. (approx. 10 A) after the pickup current
(approx. 18 A) has been applied.
The high-pressure solenoid valve opens and
doses in
response to control signals from the The pump control unit can detect when the
pump ECU (valve-needle stroke 0.3 ... 0.4 mm). solenoid-valve needle meets the valve seat
The length of time it remains closed deter- by means of the current pattern (BIP signal;
mines the delivery period of the high-pressure Beginning of Injection Period). This allows
pump. This means that the fuel quantity can the exact point at which fuel delivery starts
be very precisely metered for each individual to be calculated and the start of injection to
cylinder. be controlled very precisely.

The high-pressure solenoid valve has to

meet the following criteria:
Large valve cross-section for complete
filling the plunger chamber, even at high
Light weight (small mass movements)
in order to minimize
component stress
Rapid switching times for precise fuel
Generation of high magnetic High-pressuresolenoidvalve
forces keeping with the

loads encountered at high

pressures 1
2 3 4

The high-pressure solenoid

valve consists of

The valve body consisting of

the housing (4, and attach-
rnents sit lot Rg. 3

The valve needle (3) and sole- 1

Alve seW
noid armature (6) 2 Closing diremion

The solenoid plate and @!iq 3 Valve needle

The electromagnet (7) with ilk ANT 4 Housing

5 DW&utor MR
its electrical connection to
6 Solenod a"Aure
the pump ECU (8) 1 7 Solenoid coil
5 6 7
............. connedion
84 Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Injection-timing adjustment

Injection timing adjustment Injection lag

The start of delivery (SD, Fig. 1) occurs after
Purpose the point at which the high-pressure sole-
The point at which combustion commences noid valve closes. High pressure is generated
relative to the position of the piston/crank- inside the fuel line. The point at which that
sham has a decisive impact on engine perfor- pressure reaches the nozzle opening pressure
mance, exhaust emission levels and noise and opens the nozzle is the start of injection
output. If the start of delivery remains con- (SI). The time between the start of delivery

stant without adjusting the injection timing and the start of injection is called the injec-
as engine speed increases, the amount of tion lag (IL).
crankshaft rotation between the start of de-
livery and the start of combustion would The injection lag is largely independent of
increase to such an extent that combustion pump/engine speed. It is essentially
would no longer take place at the correct mined by the propagation of the pressure
Me. wave along the high-pressure delivery line.
The propagation time of the pressure wave
As with port-controlled distributor injection is determined by the length of the delivery
rotates the roller
the timing device line and the speed of sound. In diesel fuel,
ring/cam ring so that the start of delivery the speed of sound is approx. 1,500 m/s.
occurs earlier or later relative to the position
of the engine crankshaft. The interaction be- If the engine speed increases, the amount of
tween the high-pressure solenoid valve and degrees of crankshaft rotation during the in-
the timing device thus varies the start of in- jection lag also increases. As a consequence,
jection and the injection pattern to suit the the nozzle opens later (relative to the posi-
operating status of the engine. tion of the engine piston). This is undesir-
able. For this reason, the start of delivery
Explanation of terms must be advanced as engine speed increases.
For a proper understanding of injection
timing adjustment, a number of basic terms Ignition lag
require explanation. The diesel fuel requires a certain amount
of time after the start of injection to form a

jai PmmmgWhdoperatingcycleatfullpowerand combustible mixture with the air and to ig-

high speed (not to scale)
On The length of time required from the
start of injection to the combustion start
(SC) is the ignition lag (IGL). This, too, is

M 1 independent of engine speed and is affected
2 Compression by the follovring variables

pan * The ignition quality of the diesel fael

(indicated by the cetane number)
SD Start of delivery C9:

TDC Eyine-pRon
a The compression ratio of the engine
top dead center
a The temperature in the combustion
SI Sta"finjection
B EA of Injechon a The degree of fuel atornization and
Injechon lag
9 The exhaust-gas recirculation rate
BDC Engine-pWon
bottom dead
The ignition lag is in the range of 2
90 of
Piston position
crankshaft rotation.
SC Start of combustion
EC EA A comloustion
IGL Ifinition lag
- - - - - -- - - --
--- - - - -
Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Injection-timing adjustment 85

End of injection * The hydraulic timing device for axial-

When the high-pressure solenoid valve piston pumps and
opens again, the high fuel pressure is re- 9 The hydraulically assisted timing device
leased (end of injection, El) and the nozzle for radial-piston pumps
closes. This is followed by the end of corn-
bus6on (EC). Hydraulic timing device
The hydraulic timing device (Fig. 2) is used
Other impacts on Type VP29 and VP30 axial-piston dis-
In order to limit pollutant emissions, the tributor injection pumps. Its design is the
start of injection also has to be varied in re- same as the version used on the electroni-
sponse to engine load and temperature. The cally modulated Type VE..EDC port-con-
engine ECU calculates the required start of trolled distributor injection pump.
injection for each set of circumstances.
The hydraulic timing device with its timing-
Design and method of operation device solenoid valve (5) and timing-device
The timing device "advances" the position of piston (3), which is located transversely to
the cams in the high-pressure pump relative the pump axis, is positioned on the under-
to the diesel-engine crankshaft position as side of the fuel-injection pump. The timing-
engine speed increases. This advances We device piston rotates the roller ring (1) ac-

start of injection. This compensates for the cording to load conditions and speed, so as
timing shift resulting from the injection lag to adjust the position of the rollers accord-
and ignition lag. The impacts of engine load ing to the required start of delivery.
and temperature are also taken into account.
As with the mechanical timing device, the
The injection timing adjustment made up is pump intake-chamber pressure, which is
of the timing device itself, a timing-device proportional to pump speed, acts on the
solenoid valve and an angle-of-rotation sen- timing-device piston. That pressure on the
sor. Two types are used:

Tminq..device of an axial-piston distributor pump


...... Is-
2 3 5

Rg. 2

a Front view

b Top We.

2 Pump intalke-
chamber pressure
3 TimingAmice pWon
Mr 4 Pressure cmholled
by mlenod valm
5 Thing-clevice
solenoid vaNe

4 advanced ed 4
00 reWm
7 Fuel inlet from pump
intake chamber
.. . ......... ... . ... ... ....... ..................
86 Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Injection-timing adjustment

pressure side of the timing device is regu- adjuster piston so that it can be held in any
lated by the timing-device solenoid valve. position.
When the solenoid valve is open (reduc-
ing the pressure), the roller ring moves in Hydraulically assisted timing device
the "retard" direction; when the valve is fully The hydraulically assisted timing device is
closed (increasing the pressure), it moves in used for radial-piston distributor injection
the "advance" direction. pumps. It can produce greater adjustment
In between those two extremes, the sole- forces. This is necessary to securely brace the
noid valve can be "cycled", i.e. opened and cam ring with the greater drive power of the
closed in rapid succession by a pulse-width radial-piston pump. This type of timing de-
modulation signal (PWM signal) from the vice responds very quickly and regardless of
pump control unit. This is a signal with a the friction acting on the cam ring and the
constant voltage and frequency in which the adjuster piston.
ratio of "on" time to "off " time is varied. The
ratio between the "on" time and the "off "
time determines the pressure acting on the

Hydraulically assisted timing device
.............. ............................. ............... .................. .......

Elm 10

3 Am


Ry3 7
a Advance setting
b Elm
Road setting

Cam ring

2 Ball pivot

3 WO clhanneV
oWlet c1hannel

4 Timing-device pRon
5 CoMW cN*
6 Inlet from vaneype

7 Throttle Not 'Allen!!


spring -
9 Return spring
Whol plunger
U /Wnular c1hamber

of hydraW
solendd valve
...................... .....................
Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Injection-timing adjustment 87

The hydraulically assisted timing device, like of injection. The degree of advance possible
the hydraulic timing device, is poisoned on can be as much as 200 of camshaft rotation.
the underside of the injection pump (Fig. 3). On four-stroke engines, this corresponds to
It is also referred to by the Bosch type desig- 400 of crankshaft rotation.
nation NLK.
Retarding injection
The cam ring (1) engages in a cross-slot in The timing-device solenoid valve (12) opens
the adjuster piston (4) by means of an ad- when it receives the relevant PWM signal
juster lug (2) so that the axial movement of from the pump ECU. As a result, the control
the adjuster piston causes the cam ring to pressure in the annular chamber of the hy-
rotate. In the center of the adjuster piston is draulic stop (I 1) drops. The control plunger
a control sleeve (5) which opens and closes (10) moves in the "retard" direction (to the
the control ports in the ad'uster piston. In left in Figure 3) by the action of the control-
axial alignment with the adjuster piston is a plunger spring (8).
spring-loaded hydraulic control piston (10) The timing-device piston (4) remains sta-
which defines the required position for the tionary to begin with. Only when the con-
control sleeve. trol collar (5) opens the control bore to the
At right-angles to the adjuster piton is outlet channel can the fuel escape from the
the injection-timing solenoid valve (Pos. 12, space behind the timing-device piston. The
shown schematically in Fig. 3 in the same force of the return spring (9) and the reac-
plane as the timing device). Under the con- tive torque on the cam ring then force the
trol of the pump control unit, the solenoid timing-device piston back in the "retard"
valve modulates the Femme acting on the dhechon and to is initial position.
control piton.
Regulating the control pressure
Advancing injection The timing-device solenoid valve acts as a
When at rest, the adjuster piston (4) is held variable throttle. It can vary continuously
in the "retarded" position by a return spring the control pressure so that the control
(9). When in operation, the fuel supply plunger can assume any position between
pump pressure is regulated according to the fully advanced and fully retarded posi-
pump speed by means of the pressure con- tions. The hydraulically assisted timing de-
trol valve. That fuel pressure acts as the con- vice is more precise in this regard than the
trol pressure on the annular chamber (I 1) straightforward hydraulic timing device.
of the hydraulic stop via a restrictor bore (7) If, for example, the control plunger is to

and when the solenoid valve (12) is closed move more in the "advance" direction, the
moves the control piston (10) against the on/off ratio of the PWM signal from the
force of the control-piston spring (8) to- pump ECU is altered so that the valve closes
wards an "advanced" position (to the right more (low ratio of "on" time to "off " time).
in Fig. 3). As a result, the control sleeve (5) Less fuel escapes through the timing-device
also moves in the "advance" direction so that solenoid valve and the control plunger
the inlet channel (3) opens the way to the moves to a more "advanced" position.
space behind the adjuster piston. Fuel can
then flow through that channel and force
the adjuster piston to the right in the "ad-
vance" direction.
The rotation of the cam ring relative to
the resulting pump drive shaft causes the
rollers to meet the cams sooner in the ad-
vanced position, thus advancing the start
88 Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Injection-timing adjustment

Timing-device solenoid valve Incremental angle-time system with

The timing-device solenoid valve (Fig. 4) angle-of-rotation sensor
is the same in terms of fitting and method The closed-loop position control of the tim-
of control as the one used on the port-con- ing device uses as its input variables the sig-
trolled type VE..EDC electronically regu- nal from the crankshaft speed sensor and the
lated distributor injection pump. It is also pump's internal incremental angle-time sys-
referred to as the Type DMV IO diesel sole- tem signal from the angle-of-rotation sensor.
noid valve. The incremental angle-time system is lo-
cated in the fuel-injection pump between
The pump ECU controls the solenoid coil the vane-type supply pump and the roller
(6) by means of a PWM signal. The solenoid ring/cam ring (Fig. 6). Its purpose is to mea-
armature (5) is drawn back against the force sure the angular position of the engine
of the valve spring (7) while the solenoid camshaft and the roller ring/cam ring rela-
valve is switched on. The valve needle (3) tive to one another. This information is used
connected to the solenoid armature opens to calculate the current timing device set-
the valve. The longer the "on" times of the ting. In addition, the angle-of-rotation
PWM signal are, the longer the solenoid sor (2) supplies an accurate speed signal.
valve remains open. The on/off ratio of the
signal thus determines the flow rate through Design and method of operation
the valve. Attached to the pump drive shaft is the in-
crement ring (4). This has a fixed number of
In order to avoid problems caused by reso- 120 teeth (i.e. one tooth for every Y). In ad-

nance effects, the otherwise fixed timing fre- dition, there are reference tooth spaces (3)
quency of the PWM signal (Fig. 5) does not according to the number of cylinders in the
remain constant over the entire speed range. engine. The increment ring is also called the
It changes over to a different frequency angle-sensor ring or the sensor ring.
(30 70 Hz) in specific speed bands.

solenoid valve PWIVI signals

F" 4

Tkonle bore
2 Valve body 1
3 Valve needle
4 Valve houby loo
HMOs i
5 Solenoicl an-nature
6 Sdenoid coil

7 spHng
8 Momthng lmge
9 Bectrical

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a
F4 5

Fixed Wing The


time ............ .......... .......... ........................
Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Injection-timing adjustment 89

The speed sensor is connected to the bearing alternatively, from a needle-motion sensor
ring (5) of the timing device. As the incre- in the nozzle. This variable control method
ment ring rotates, the sensor produces an is referred to as "electronic" injection timing
electrical signal by means of magnetically adjustment.
controllable semiconductor resistors and
relative to the number of teeth that pass by The benefits of a start-of-delivery control
the pickup. If the position of the timing de- system are its rapid response characteristics,
vice changes, the sensor moves along with since all cylinders are taken into account.
the roller ring/cam ring. Consequently, the Another benefit is that it also functions
positions of the reference tooth spaces in the when the engine is overrunning, i.e. when
increment ring alter relative to the TDC no fuel is in'ected. It means that the timing
signal from the crankshaft speed sensor. device can be preset for the next injection
The angular separation between the refer- sequence.
ence tooth spaces (or the synchronization
signal produced by the tooth spaces) and the Fitted position of angle-of-rotation sensor
TDC signal is continuously detected by the
pump ECU and compared with the stored
reference figure. The difference between the
two signals represents the actual position of

the timing device.

,4 Q'
If even greater accuracy in determining the i

Fig. 6

start of injection is required, the start-of-de- 3 1

Flexible conductive
livery control system can be supplemented 5 foil to ECU
by a start-of-injection control system using 2
IQ, DWS angle-
a needle-motion sensor. of-MaHnsensw
low 3 Tooth space
4 Increment ring
Start-of-injection control system 5 Bearing ring
The start of delivery and start of injection 3 (connected to roller
are directly related to one another. This rela- ring/cam ring)
tionship is stored in the "wave-propagation A 6
P=p Me shaft

time map"in the engine ECU. The engine

......... .....................
--- ---
ECU uses this data to calculate a sUrbof-in- @11E,11111@
Control 4 incimment mgWArrie system sigH
jection setpoint according to the operating
status of the engine (load, speed, tempera-
ture). It then sends the information to the
pump ECU. The pump ECU calculates the N
i Fig. 7

necessary control signals for the high-pres- a Cam pitch

b Control pulse for

sure solenoid valve and the setpoint position
for the timing-device piston.
solenoid valve
The timing-device controller in the pump b
c Valve lift of high-
ECU continuously compares the actual posi- Premium WM&
tion of the timing-device piston with the valve

setpoint specified by the engine ECU and, if C

there is a difference, alters the on/off ratio of of-rotation sensor

the signal which controls the timing-device
Tooth space
solenoid valve. Information as to the actual
swroof-injection setting is provided by the
d ri nruirinnruirunnrun-Ln.
IN Effective stroke
signal from an angle-of-rotation sensor or . ................
u Delivery angle
.. ............... ...............
90 Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Electronic control unit

Electronic control unit The control of fuel injection must operate

very precisely so that the fuel-injection
Requirements pump delivers precisely and consistently
Screwed to the top of the fuel-injection the required quantity of fuel at the required
pump and identifiable by Is cooling fins is time K all engine operating conditions. Even
the pump ECU or combined purnp/engine minute cliscrepancies in start of injection
ECUAt i an I_TCC (Low Temperature and injection duration have a negative effect
Cofired Ceramic) hybrid design. This gives on the smooth running and noise levels in
it the capability to withstand temperatures the diesel engine as well as its pollutant
of up to 125'C and vibration levels up to emissions.
100 g (acceleration due to gravity). These
ECUs are available in 12-volt or 24-volt The fuel-injection system also has to re-
versions. spond very quickly to changes. For this rea-
son, the calculations taking place in the mi-
In additionto withstanding the external crocontroller and conversion of the control
conditions the engine compartment, the
in signals in the output stages are performed
pump ECU has to perform the following in real time (approx. 50 ps). In the case of
tasks: a fuelinjeaWn pump RY a six-cylWer en-
Exchange data with the separate engine gine, the fuel-injection data is calculated up
ECU via a serial bus system to 13,000 times a minute.
Analyze the increment angle-time system
signals A pre-injection (PI) phase controlled by
Control the high-pressure solenoid valve the high-pressure solenoid valve is also a
Control the timing-device solenoid valve viable option. This involves the injection of
and I 2 mm' of fuel before the main injection

Detect fuel temperature with the aid of an (MI) phase. This produces a more gradual
integrated temperature sensor in order to increase in combustion pressure and there-
take fuel density into account when calcu- fore reduces combustion noise.
lating injected-fuel quantity During the pre-injection phase, the fuel-
quantity solenoid valve is operated ballisti-
cally, i.e. it is only partially opened. Conse-
quently, it can be closed again more quickly.
This keeps the injection gap as short as pos-
sible so that even at high speeds, there is suf-
ficient cam lift remaining for the main injec-
UMC MO bmM d a prnp ECU
don phase The entire injection sequence
lasts approx. I ... 2 ms.

The timing of the individual control phases

is calculated by the microcontroller in the
pump ECU. It Wo makes use of qored data
maps. The maps contain settings Rn the spe-
cific vehicle application and certain engine
i characteristics along with data for checking
the plausibility of the signals received. They
Aso form the basis for determining various
calculated variables.
Solenoid-valve controlled distributor injection pumps Electronic control unit 91

In order to achieve specific and rap& open- calculate actuator adjustments on the fuel-
ing of the solenoid valve, "fast extinction" of injection pump.
the energy stored in the solenoid valve takes The two control units communicate via
place combined with a high extinction a CAN interface.
Integrated engine and pump ECU on the
Two-ECU concept fuel-injection pump
Separate ECUs are used in diesel fuel-injec- Increasing levels of integration using hybrid
tion systems with solenoid-valve controlled technology have made it possible to com-
axial-piston distributor injection pumps and bine the engine-management control unit
first-generation radial-piston distributor in- with the pump control unit on second-gen-
jection pumps. These systems have a Type eration solenoid-valve controlled distributor
MSG engine ECU in the engine compart- injection pumps. The use of integrated
ment and a Type PSG pump ECU mounted ECUs allows a space-saving configuration.
directly on the fuel-injection pump. There Other advantages are simpler installation
are two reasons for this division of func- and lower system costs due to fewer electri-
tions: Firstly, it prevents the overheating of cal interfaces.
certain electronic components by removing The integrated engine/pump ECU is only
them from the immediate vicinity of pump used with radial-piston distributor injection
and engine. Secondly, it allows the use of pumps.
short control leads for the high-pressure
solenoid valve, so eliminating interference
that may occur as a result of the very high Summary
currents (up to 20 A).
The overall system and the many modular
Ile pump ECU detects and analyzes the assemblies are very similar on different types
pump's internal sensor signals for angle of of solenoid-valve controlled distributor
rotation and fuel temperature in order to injection pump. Nevertheless, there are a
adjust the start of injec6on- n the other number of differences. The main distin-
hand, the engine ECU processes all engine guishing features are detailed in Table 1.
and ambient data signals from external
sensors and interfaces and uses them to


Application ]DI engines I

high= M eNines
............... -------------------
Maximum injection 800 bar 1,400 bar 1,950 bar
ressure 5 noule
High-pressure Axial -piston AxW-pistan
--------- - - - ------------------------------------------ - - ------------ ------------------
WOO= ---------------
Delivery valve Separate Integrated Integrated
orifice check valve orifice check valve orifice check valve
---- -- ----------------- - ----- - . ............ . .. . . .. .
Timing device Hydraulic Hydraulically
.................. __ ................................................... ...
_@rofiied retainin i
Vane-type Circular
Whow sp&gs
Q VWMS Withow

Vanes Wm


1EYMECILlad - - - --- -also p

. . . .................
..................... .. ... . ...............
Integrated or separate
L. pump ECLI
....... .... ............ ............. . ........... ......... .. ........... ........... . j owe 1
............. ......................
-- - - - - -
92 NoWes

Pk I

The nozzle injects the fuel into the combus- The nozzles are opened by the fuel pressure.
tion chamber of the diesel engine. It is a de- The nozzle opening, injection duration and
termining factor in the efficiency of mixture rate-of-discharge curve (injection pattern) are
formation and combustion and therefore the essential determinants of injected fuel
has a fundamental effect on engine perfor- quantity. The nozzles must close rapidly and
reliably when the fuel pressure drops. The clos-
mance, exhaust-gas behavior and noise. In
order that nozzles can perform their ftinc- ing pressure is at least 40 bar above the maxi-
tion as effectively as possible, they have to be mum combustion pressure in order to prevent
designed to match the fuel-injection system unwanted post-injection or intrusion of com-
and engine in which they are used. bustion gases into the nozzle.
The nozzle must be designed specifically
The nozzle is a central component of any for the type of engine in which it is used as
fuel-injection system. It requires highly spe- determined by
cialized technical knowledge on the part of * the injection method (direct or indirect)
its designers. The nozzle plays a major role in 9 the geometry of the combustion chamber
9 shaping the rate-of-discharge curve (pre- * the required injection-jet shape and direction
cise progression of pressure and fuel dis- * the required penetration and atornization
tribution relative to crankshaft rotation) of the fuel jet
optimum atornization and distribution e the required injection duration and
of fuel in the combustion chamber and 9 the required injected fuel quantity relative
sealing off the fuel-injection system from to crankshaft rotation
the combustion chamber
Standardized dimensions and combinations
Because of its exposed position in the combus- provide the required degree of adaptability
tion chamber, the nozzle is subjected to con- combined with the minimum of component
stant pulsating mechanical and thermal diversity. Because of the superior performance
stresses from the engine and the fuel-injection combined with lower fuel consumption that it
system. The fuel flowing through the nozzle offers, all new engine designs use direct injec-
must also cool it. When the engine is overrun- tion (and therefore hole-type nozzles).
nQ when no less being injected, the nozzle
temperature increases steeply. Therefore, it The nozzle as the interface between
system and diesel engine
must have sufficient high-temperature resis-
tance to cope with these conditions.

In fuel-injection systems based on in-line
injection pumps (Type PE) and distributor
it-I .4 loll VENR
injection pumps (Type VE/VR), and in unit C
pump systems (UPS), the nozzle is com- UP
bined with the nozzle holder to form the
nozzle-and-holder assembly (Figure 1) and
installed in the engine. In high-pressure
fuel-injection systems such as the common ozzle holder
rail (CR) and unit injector systems (UIS) the
nozzle is a single integrated unit so that the
nozzle holder is not required.

Indirect-injection (IDI) engines use pintle Com5bion

chamber of 2
nozzles, while direct-injection engines have Z
diesel engine Z
hole-type nozzles. .. .. ............ ...........
Nozzles Dimensions of diesel fuel injection technology 93


The wodd of diesel 56 bjection 0 a world of a -Me injection duration is 1

2 milliseconds
superlatives. (rns). In
one millisecond, the sound wave
from a loudspeaker only travels about
The valve needle a commercial-vehicle
of 33 cm.
nozzle will open and close the nozzle more e The injection durations on a car engine vary
MM3 (pre-injection)
tan a billion times A the course of As service between 1
and 50 MM3
life. It
provides a reliable seal at pressures as (full-load delivery); on a commercial vehicle
high as 250 bar as well as hmhg to with- between 3 rnnn3 (pre-injection) and 350
stand many other stresses such as MM3 (full-load delivery). 1
MM3 is equivalent
e the shocks caused by rapid opening and to half the size of a pinhead. 350 MM3 is

closing (on cars this can take place as about the same as large raindrops

frequently as 1QOOO Onnes a minute A

Kere Po MM3 per raindrop). That amount of
am pre- and powAtedion phases) fuel is forced at a velocity of 2,000 km/h
* the nqn flow-mWed stresses during fuel through an opening of less than 0.25 MM2

injection and inthe space of only 2 ms.

9 the pressure and temperature of the 9 The valve-needle clearance is 0.002 mm

combustion chamber (2 [tm). A human hair is 30 times as thick

(066 mat.
The factsand Qures below illuorke who
modern nozzles an capaNe of. Such high-precision technology demands
9 The pressure in the fuel-injection chamber an enormous amount of expertise in develop-
can be as high as 2,050 bar. That is equiva- ment, materials, production and measurement
lent to the pressure produced by the weight techniques.
of a large executive car acting on an area
the size of a fingernail.


250 bar
laid Clearance 0.002 mm

Pinhead (2MM3)


11, 1

Speed of sound C133

Nected Id quantity
350 MY
. InjectAn duratian 1.3nns
94 Nozzles Pintle nozzles

Pintle nozzles Throttling pintlc nozzle

One of the variations of the pintle nozzle is the
Usage throttling pintle nozzle. The profile of the pin-
Pintle nozzles are used on indirect injection de allows a specific rate-of-discharge curve to
(IDI) engines, i.e. engines that have precham- be produced. As the nozzle needle opens, at
bers or whirl chambers. In this type of engine, first only a very narrow annular orifice is pro-
the mixing of fuel and air is achieved primar- vided which allows only a small amount of fuel
ily by the whirl effects created inside the cylin- to pass through (throttling effect).
der. The shape of the injection jet can also As the pintle draws further back with in-
assist the process. Pintle nozzles are not suit- creasing fuel pressure, the size of the gap
able for direct-injection engines as the peak through which fuel can flow increases. The
pressures inside the combustion chamber greater proportion of the injected fuel quan-
would open the nozzle. The following types tity is only injected as the pintle approaches
of pintle nozzle are available: the limit of its upward travel. By modifying
Standard pintle nozzles the rate-of-discharge curve in this way, "softer"
Throttling pintle nozzles and combustion is produced because the pressure
9 Flatted-pintle nozzles in the combustion chamber does not rise so
quickly. As a result, combustion noise is re-
Design and method of operation duced in the part-load range. This means that
The fundamental design of all pintle nozzles is the shape of the pintle in combination with
virtually identical. The differences between the throttling gap and the characteristic of the
them are to be found in the geometry of the compression spring in the nozzle holder
p0ide YFQwe 1, Item 7). Inside the nozzle produces the desired rate-of-discharge curve.
body is the nozzle needle (3) It is pressed
downwards by the force FF exerted by the Standard pintle nozzle

spring and the pressure pin in the nozzle

holder so that it seals off the nozzle from the
combustion chamber. As the pressure of the 5MM 14
fuel in the pressure chamber (5) increases@ 'a 1

Rg" acts on the pressure shoulder (6) and forces the

Stroke-limiting nozzle needle upwards (force FD). The pintle 2
shoulder Has away from the injector orifice (8) and
2 Ring game
opens the way for fuel to pass through into the 3 12
3 NoNe neede
4 NozAe body
combustion chamber (the nozzle "opens";
5 Pressure chamber opening pressure
M. 70 bao. Men be


pressure drops, the nozzle (loses again. 1 @Ii@

6 PAN Khoulcler
7 Pirale Opening and closing of We nozzle is thus
Injection 4
aim controlled by the pressure inside the nozzle.
10 Inlet port
1 1
NouW-body shoulder
Design variations
12 Nozzle-body collar
Standard pintle nozzle
13 Sealing face The nozzle needle of (Figure 1, Item 3) of a
14 Pressure pin standard pintle nozzle has a pintle (7) that
15 Pressure-pin fits into the injector orifice (8) of the nozzle
Contaw mm
with a small degree of play. By varying the

dimensions and geometry of the of the pintle, 9 S

FF Sloring One
the characteristics of the injection )et pro- 6
actng on
Pressure Shoulder duced can be moMed to suit the require
due to 06 preswre Ments of different engines.
Nozzles Pintle nozzles 95

Flatted-pintle nozzle Heat shielding

The flatted-pintle nozzle (Figure 3) has a pintle Temperatures above 220'C also promote
with a flatted face on its tip which, as the nozzle nozzle coking. Thermal-protection plates or
opens (at the beginning of needle lift travel) sleeves (Figure 2) help to overcome this
produces a wider passage within the annular problem by conducting heat from the com-
orifice. This helps to prevent deposits at that bustion chamber into the cylinder head.
point by increasing the volumetric flow rate. As
a result, flatted-pintle nozzles "coke" to a lesser
degree and more evenly. The annular orifice
between the jet orifice and the pMde 1 very ThemnalTroteubn some
lot 1

narrow (< 10 pnt. The flatted face is frequently --- - - -_ ____ - --- -_ -_ .,

parallel to the axis of the nozzle needle. By @Xh 10

setting the maned face at an angle, the volu- iP-
@Z@@-7@7 I
iK diii

metric flow rat, Q, can be increased in the !&list
flatter section of the rate-of-discharge curve 2

(Figure 4). In this way, a smoother transition MI A@M

1 @1 o", MI

between the initial phase and the fully-open 1

is! mast
phase of the rate-of-discharge curve can be 4
Fig. 2
obtained. Specially designed variations in pintle
geometry allow the flow-rate pattern to be
2 Thermal-protection
modified to suit particular engine require- some
ments. As a result, engine noise in the part- 3 Proteave chm
load range is reduced and engine smoothness Z 4 Concer head

improved. . . ..... . ... .. . .. . .. .. .. .... ....... .............. ... ................ ......... .........

'Flatte -@mtle mule Volumetric low rate as a functbn of pinde Q. 3

travel wd mule deAgn a Side view

b Front view

a 1/h (Motion of 90'

r elative to side view)
ply; I

jump! Ulp'" NON, i

0 QRS 4
11H 1 1
mm, mm am

glum lips 1
2 Nozzle-Rdy Rse
3 11mling ontle
1 4 Flatted Am
2 7
200 5 Injection orifice

3 ww"1111 $!!MIT
sIlp 6
R., led pintle
alas 1
7 Total contact ratio
5 6 i
8 Cylindrical overlap
.. ..... .. .. .
adown Hill! Flom loom
pig, 9 Nozzle-bocy mat

anz ;ago, HIM""

!!hotly P111111 Fig. 4

AnatOW lantle
U111 2 FlatiAckpintle nozAe
AQ Existentialistically 111111 OmMy pintle mke
alw@ of
Kools W
with flatted bee)
A. @,'- tr
i@ .. ........
. .....

Ill T

1 1
AO IDWerence in
0 02 DA OA 0.8 rnm

Needle travel h volumetric low rate


............ dw W flatted face

MM Hohqpe nozzlm

Hole-type nozzles Design

The injection orifices (Figure 2, Item 6)

Usage are positioned around the cladding of the

Hole-type nozzles are used on direct-injection nozzle cone (7). The number and size are
(DI) engines. The position in which the noz- dependent on
zles are fitted is generally determined by the e the required injected fuel quantity
engine design. The injector orifices are set at * the shape of the combustion chamber, and
a variety of angles according to the require- e the air vortex (whirl) inside the combustion
ments of the combustion chamber (Figure 1). chamber
Hole-type nozzles are subdivided into
blind-hole nozzles and The bore of the injection orifices is slightly
sac-less (vco) nozzles. larger at the inner end than at the outer end.
This difference is defined by the port taper
Hole-type nozzles are also divided according factor. The leading edges of the injection
to size into orifices may be rounded by using the hydro-
Type P which have a needle diameter erosion (HE) process. This involves the use
of 4 mm (blind-hole and sac-less (vco) of an HE fluid that contains abrasive particles
nozzles), and which smooth off the edges at points where
Type S which have a needle diameter of high flow velocities occur (leading edges of
5 or 6 mm (blind-hole nozzles for large injection orifices). Hydro-erosion can be used
engines) both on blind-hole and sac-less (vco) nozzles.
Its purpose is to
In the common rail (CR) and unit injector * optimize the flow resistance coefficient
(UI) fuel-injection systems, the hole-type e pre-empt erosion of edges caused by par-
nozzle single integrated unit. It therefore
is a ticles in the fuel and/or
combines the functions of nozzle and nozzle e tighten flow-rate tolerances
The opening pressure of hole-type nozzles Nozzles have to be carefullydesigned to match
is in the range 150
350 bar. the engine in which they are used. Nozzle
design plays a decisive role in
Poskion of hole,pe nozzle in combustion chamber
e precise metering of injected fuel (injection
duration and injected fuel quantity relative
to degrees of crankshaft rotation)
fuel conditioning (number of jets, spray
shape and atornization of fuel)
fuel dispersal inside the combustion
chamber and
sealing the fuel-injection system against the
2 combustion chamber
pH T1

The pressure chamber (10) is created by

electrochemical machining (ECM). An elec-
trode through which an electrolyte solution
is passed is introduced into the pre-bored
nozzle body Material is then removed from
2 Sealing washer
le poshively charged nozzle body (anodic
Fhlye nonfe
v Inclination
6 Jet cone angW
Nozzles Hole-type nozzles 97

DesQn vadabons
The fuel in the space below the seat of the
nozzle needle evaporates after combustion
and, therefore, contributes significantly to
the hydrocarbon (HQ emissions produced 2
by the engine. For this reason, it is important oil
to keep that dud volume or "detrimental" MIT 13

volume as small as possible.

In addition, the geometry of the needle HE

seat and the shape of the nozzle cone have a Ry 2

decisive influence on the opening and clos- 0

ing characteristics of the nozzle. This in turn IN
M 9
affects the soot and NOx emissions too

pro- UN

duced by the engine. @_M

The consideration of these various factors guide
in combination with the demands of the en- E 5 Needle shaft
girie and the flael-injection system has led to 6 Injection orifice

a variety of nozzle designs. 7NoMecone

Nonk billy
There are two basic types of injector:
BlKd-hole nozzles and 5
8 1 1 InWt
Sac-less Qco) nozzles 12 Neede guicle

13 NoMwbocy collar

Among the blind-hole nozzles, there are a M,

M Smog Am
number of variMons,
P A Spning force
Force wAg on
Blind-hole nozzles
pressure shoulder
On a blind-hole nozzle (Figure 2, Item 6) ....... ........ ................. ............ . ............. ............ ..........

the injection orifices exit from a blind hole

in the tip of the nozzle. I Features of a nozzle with cylindrical blind hole and
I .... ..
onical tip
If the nozzle has a cone, the injection ori-
fices Eve drilled either mechanically or by
electro-erosion depending on design.
In blind-hole nozzles with a conical tip,
the injection orifices are generally created by
Blind-hole nozzles may have a cylindrical 1 RS3
or conical blind hole of varying dimensions. i 0

2 Seat Walk
MM 3 Needle-seat face
Bhnlhde nozzles with a cylindrical blind i I 12
4 Needle tip
hole and conical tip (Figure 3), which consists
5 Injection orifice
of a cylindrical and a hemispherical section, 3 6 Conical nozzle tip
offer a large amount of scope with regard to 7
COMM blind hole
4 9
the number of holes, length of injection ori- (dead volume)
5 8
fices and orifice taper angle. The nozzle cone 8 Injection orifice

is hemispherical in shape, which in combi-

nation with the shape of the blind hole
6 7
9 Neck radius

- en-
sures that all the spray holes are of equal length.
10 Nozzle-cone taper
1 1
Nozzle-body seat face
12 Damping taper
98 Nozzles Hole-type nozzles

Blind-hole nozzles with cylindrical blind holes and Blind-hole nozzles with conical blind holes and
conical tip (Figure 4a) are produced only with conical tip (Figure 4b) have a smaller dead
a spray-hole length of 0.6 mm. The conical- volume than nozzles with a cylindrical blind
shaped tip increases the strength of the cone by hole. The volume of the blind hole is between
virtue of the greater wall thickness between the that of a sac-less (vco) nozzle and a blind-hole
neck radius (3) and the nozzle-body seat (4). nozzle with a cylindrical blind hole. In order
to obtain an even wall thickness throughout
Nozie cones the cone, it is shaped conically to match the

shape of the blind hole.

A further refinement of the blind-hole nozzle

a is be Kcro-blind-hole nozzle (Figure 4c). Its
blind-hole vcAurne is around 30 96 smaller than
that of a conventional blind-hole nozzle. This

type of nozzle is particularly suited to use in
common-rail fuel-injection systems, which
operate with a relatively slow needle lift and
consequently a comparatively long nozzle-seat
restriction. The micro-blind-hole nozzle cur-
rently represents the best compromise between
minimizing dead volume and even spray
b H@
dispersal when the nozzle opens for corn-

mon-rail systems.
Wnv ton am- Sac-less (vco) nozzles
In order to minimize the dead volume and
therefore the FIC emissions
the injection
2 -
orifice exits from the nozzle-body seat face.
When the nozzle is chsed, the nozzle needle
more or less covers the injection orifice so
C that there is no direct connection between
the blind hole and the combustion chamber
(Figure 4d). The blind-hole volume is con-
Hong- siderably smaller than that of a blind-hole
ncazle. Sac-less (vco) nozzles have a signiti-
cantly lower stress capacity than blind-hole
nozzles and can therefore only be produced
with a spray-hole length of I mm. The nozzle
Ry4 tip has a conical shape. The injection orifices
a Cylindrical blind hole
d are generally pr oduced by electro-crosion.
and conical to
a Conhal MM hole

and conical tip

Special spray-hole geometries, secondary nee-
c Micro-blind-hole dle guides and complex needle-tip geometries
d Sac-less (vco) nozzle are used to further improve spray dispersal,
and consequently mixture formation, on both
Cylindrical blind hole
blind-hole and sac-less (vco) nozzles.
2 Conkal nozzle tip

3 Neck radius
4 Nozzle-body seat face
5 Conkal bhd hole
.. . ..... ... .
Nozzles Hole-type nozzles 99

Heat shieWirlig Hole-type nozzles have up to six injection

The maximum temperature capacity of hole- orifices in cars and up to ten in commercials.
type nozzles is around 300'C (heat resistance The aim of future development will be to
of material). Thermal-protection sleeves are further increase the number of injection ori-
available for operation in especially difficult fices and to reduce their bore size (< 0. 12 mm)
conditions, and there are even cooled nozzles in order to obtain even finer dispersal of fuel.
for large-scale engines.

Effect on emissions
Nozzle geometry has a direct effect on the I Dechive areas of nozAe geometry

engine's exhaust-gas emission characteristics.

The spray-hole geometry (Figure 5, Pos. 1)
affects particulate and NOx emissions.

The needle-seat geometry (2) affects engine

noise due to its effect on the pilot volume,
i.e. the volume injected at the beginning of
the injection process. The aim of optimizing
spray-hole and seat geometry is to produce
a durable nozzle capable of mass production
to very tight dimensional tolerances.
Blind-holegeometry (3) affects HC emissions,

as previously mentioned. The designer can

select and combine the various nozzle char-
acteristics to obtain the optimum design for
a particular engine and vehicle concerned.
2 Seat geometry
For this reason, it is important that the noz- 3 Blind-hole geometry
zles are designed specifically for the vehicle,
engine and fluel-injection system in which High-speed p1hotographs of rate-of-clWarge

they are to be use& When servicing is re- low curve of a mr1hole-type nozzle

quired, it is equally important that genuine

OEM parts are used in order to ensure that mm

engine performance is not impaired and ex- 0.25

haust-gas emissions are not increased.

Earay shapes
Basically, the shape of the injection jet for car Z
engines is long and narrow because these en-
gines produce a large degree of swirl inside
the combustion chamber. There is no swirl The WS
effect in commercial-vehicle engines. There-
fore, the injection jet tends to be wider and
shorter. Even where there is a large amount
of swirl, the individual injection jets must
not intermingle otherwise fuel would be in-
jected into areas where combustion has al-
ready taken place and therefore where there
is a lack of air. This would result in the
pro- 7-

duction of large amounts of soot. J

100 Nozzles Future development of the nozzle

Future development j@j@j!

Main points of focus of nozzle development

of the nozzle
In view of the rapid development of new, high- Tribology
perkgrnance engines and Welwinjection systems
with sophisticated functionality (e.g. multiple I IWAI
injection phases, continuous development

resisWnce gin
of the nozzle is a necusity; In addition, there Dead volume
are number of aspects of nozzle design which Injection-
offer scope for innovation and further im- pattern shaping

prevenient of diesel engine performance in

the future. Ile most important ainis are:
0 Minimizing untreated emissions in order to Flow Wlemnce
reduce or even eliminate the expense of
costly exhaust-gas treatment equipment
that also presents difficulties with regard
to waste disposal (e.g. soot filters)
Minimizing fuel consumption
Optimizing engine noise

There various different areas on which atten-

tion can be focused in the future development
of the nozzle (Figure 1) and a correspond,
variety of development tools (Figure 2). New
materials are also constantly being developed Long-term stability
which offer improvements in durability. The Seat geometry
use of multiple injection phases also has con- Body heat
sequences for the design of the nozzle. resistance
If chArent types of fuel (e.g, designer MO DeYmental volume diameter
Blind hole leading-edge
am used, this also agects nozzle design because
of the differences in viscosity or flow charac- shape
teristics. Such changes will in some cases variability
abo demand new production processes such
as laser drilling for the injection orifices.

Development tools for nozzles

3D flow simulation (a)

Transparent nozzle
Mechanical jet exam ination
opt ical jet examination (b)

Transparent engine



............... ..............................
102 NoWe hoWem

Nozzle holders

A nozzle holder combines with the matching Depending on design, the nozzle holder may
nozzle to form the nozzle-and-holder assem- also contain seals and spacers. Standardized
bly. There is a nozzle-and-holder assembly dimensions and combinations provide the
fitted in the cylinder head for each engine required degree of adaptability combined
cylinder (Figure 1). These components form with the minimum of component diversity.
an important part of the fuel-injection system
and help to shape engine performance, ex-
haust emissions and noise characteristics. In
order that they are able to perform their func- Schematic diagram of a nozzle-and-holder assembly
on a direct-injection engine
tion properly, they must be designed to suit
the engine in which they are used.

The nozzle (4) in the nozzle holder sprays

fuel into the diesel-engine combustion
11 2
chamber (6). The nozzle holder contains the
following essential components: 10 3
1 Fuel supply
o Valve spring(s) (9) 9
2 Holder body
which act(s) against the nozzle needle
3 Fuel return 8
so as to close the nozzle
4 NomW 77777

5 Sealing gasWt 0 Nozzle-retaining nut (8) K 1


6 Combustion which retains and centers the nozzle ININ NOR

a filter (I 1) lull
&arm d
diesel engine for keeping dirt out of the nozzle 6
7 Cylinder head
* Connections for the fuel supply and return
8 Nozzle-retaining nut
lines which are linked via the pressure
9 Valve spring
10 Pressure channel
channel (10)
1 1

Bosch type designation codes for nozzle holders
. ....................... ....................

K B A L Z 105 S V XX...
Set no.
K Nozzle Alda
it 7


B Attached by flaqe or damp

Ekemd thmd m nmloredning ut V Test holder
ut No letta = SkMarcl
nozzle holder
A Spring at bottom
Nozzle-holder dia. 17 mm (Type P nozzle),

dik 25 Jype S P Nozzle (collar dia. 14.3 mm)

mm nuk)
E Spring at bottom S Nozzle (colW dk 17 mm)

Nozzle-holder dia. 21
mm (Type P and S
noa e

N Spring at bottom
Nozzle-holder dia. 17/21 mm (Type P nozzle) Length (mm)

L Long nozzle collar

No letter = Short nozzle collar
My 2
Z Two inlet passages
This number is stamped @3 1
No letter =
One inlet passage
on be nozzle holcer
and enaUes precie U)

. ... .... .... ................................... ......................
Nozzles High-precision technology 1 01


The image associated with diesel engnes nozle injection orifices are rounded off by

in many people's minds is more one of heavy- special abrasive fluids (hydro-erosion machining).
duty machinery than high-precision engineering.
But modern diesel fuel-injection systems are The minute tolerances demand the use of highly

made up of components that are manufactured specialized and ultra-accurate measuring

to the highest degrees of accuracy and required equipment such as
to withstand enormous stresses. 9 optical 3-D coordinate measuring machine
for measuring the injection orifices, or
The nozzle is the interface between the fuel- * laser interferometers for checking the
injedhn system and the engine. hasto It
smoothness of the nozzle sealing faces.
open and close precisely and reliably for the
entire life of the engine. When it is closed, it The manufacture of diesel fuel-injection com-
must not leak. This would increase
fuel con- ponents is thus "high-volume, high-technology".
sumption, adversely affect exhaust-gas emis-
sions and might even cause engine damage.
To ensure that the nozzles seal reliably

at the high pressures generated in modern A

matter of high-precision
fuel-injection systems such as the VIR (VP44),
CR, UPS and UIS designs (up to 2150 bar),
they have to be specially designed and very
precisely manufactured. By way of illustration,
here are some examples:
To ensure that the sealing face of the

nozzle body (1) provides a reliable seal,

Its has a dimensional tolerance of 0.001 mm
Vm). That means it
must be accurate
to within approximately 4,000 metal atom

he nozzle-needle guide clearance (2)

is 0.002 0.004 mm (2 4 Vm).

... ...
The dimensional tolerances are similarly
less than 0.001 mm

The injection orifices (3) in the nozzles are cre-

ated by an electro-erosion machining process.
This process erodes the metal by vaporization

caused the high temperature generated by


the spark discharge between an electrode

and the workpiece. Using high-precision elec-
trodes and accurately configured parameters,
extremely precise injection orifices with diame-
ters of 0.12 mm can be produced. This means
that the smallest injection orifice diameter is 0
only twice the thickness a human hair of 1
Nozzle body sealing
(0.06 mm). In order to obtain better injection face

characteristics, 2 Nozzle-needle guide

the leading edges of the
3 Injection orifice
104 Nowk hoWns StaAaW nozzle &1ders

Standard rrozzleandOolcler assemialy far Standard nozzle holders
drect-injction (DI) engines

Design and usage

The key features of standard nozzle holders
are as follows:
e Cylindrical exterior with diameters of 17,
21, 25 and 26 mm
e Non-twist hole-type nozzles for engines
Nvith direct injection and
Standardized individual components
(springs, pressure pins, nozzle retaining
I nuts) that permit different combinations

4he nozzle-and-holder assembly is made up

of nozzle holder and nozzle (Figure 1, with
3 13
hole-type nozzle). The nozzle holder consists
of the following components:
* Holder body (3)
* Intermediate disk (5)
9 Nozzle-retaining nut (4)
* Pressure pin ( 8)

* Compression spring (17)
* Shim (15), and
* Locating pin (20)

The nozzle is attached centrally to the holder

by the nozzle-retaining nut. When the retain-
ing nut and holder body are screwed together,
Rg. 1 4 the intermediate disk is pressed against the
Sealingcone sealing faces of the holder and nozzle body.
Scow tread for
5-@ ism
The intermediate disk acs as a linOng stop
20 for the needle lift and also centers the nozzle
relative to the nozzle holder by means of the
3 Hader bo

locadng pins.

6 Nozzle body The pressure pin centers the compression

7 Nozzle needle spring and is guided by the nozzle-needle
8 Nozzle-bo dy
pressure pin (191
9 Jection orMce
The pressure passage (16) inside the nozzle
1 1
Sheveno 7 holder body connects through the channel
in the intermediate disk to the inlet passage
Edgeqpe filter

13 Leak fuel connection of the nozzle, thus connecting the nozzle to

14 Leak fuel port the high-pressure line of the fuel-injection
15 SNm
9 pump. If reqWred, an edge-type filter (12)
16 Possure passage
17 Compression spring
may be Red inside the nozzle holder. This
18 Pressure pin
keeps out any dirt that may be contained in
19 Possum pin the W
20 Locating ph
104 Nowle hoWws Sonclad nwhe hoders


Standard wzzleandOolder assembly for Standard nozzle holders
direcl-injection (DI) engines

Design and usage

The key features of standard nozzle holders
are as follows:
9 Cylindrical exterior with diameters of 17,
21, 25 and 26 mm
o Non-twist hole-type nozzles for engines
with direct injection and
Standardized individual components
(springs, pressure pins, nozzle retaining
nuts) that permit different combinations

The nozzle-and-holder assembly is made up

of nozzle holder and nozzle (Figure 1, with
hole-type nozzle). The nozzle holder consists
of the following components:
0 Holder body (3)
9 Intermediate disk (5)
* Nozzle-retaining nut (4)
9 Pressure pin (18)
HSI * Compression spring (17)
a Shim (15), and
9 Locating pin (20)
The nozzle isattached centrally to the holder
by the nozzle-retaining nut. When the retain-
ing nut and holder body are screwed together,
Fig. 1 4 la the intermediate disk is pressed against the
SmMgcme 1
5 sealing faces of the holder and nozzle body.
2 Screw thread for
19 The intermediate disk acts as a hnAng stop
ceMA pressure
connection Bull - ------
to the needle hi and also center"he nozzle
relative to the nozzle holder by means of the
3 Holder body
4 NoulwWaining nW
locating phs.
5 Intermediate disk
6 Nozzle body The pressure pin centers the compression
7 Nozzle needle spring and is guided by the nozzle-needle
8 Nozzle-body sew
Inessure ph (19).
Yedun wilce
10 Fuel inlet
The pressure passage (16) inside the nozzle
Sleeveno 7 holder body connects through the channel
12 Edgeppe filter in the intermediate disk to the inlet passage
13 Leak fuel connection of the nozzle, thus connecting the nozzle to
14 Leak fuel port the high-pressure line of the fuel-injection
15 Shim
16 Pressure
9 pump. If required, an edge-type filter (12)
17 Compression spring
co may be fitted inside the nozzle holder. This
18 Pressure pin
I keeps out any dirt that may be contained in
19 Pressure pin
We awl-
20 Locating pin
Nozzle holders Standard nozzle holders, Stepped nozzle holders 105

MeTod of opembon Stepped nozzle holders

The compression spring inside the nozzle
holder acts on the nozzle needle via the pres- Design and usage
sure pin. The spring tension is set by means On multi-valve commercial-vehicle engines
of a shim. The force of the spring thus deter- in particular, where the nozzle-and-holder
mines the opening pressure of We nozzle. assembly has to be fitted vertically because of
The fuel passes through the edge-type fil- space constraints, stepped nozzle-and-holder
ter (12) to the pressure passage (16) in the assemblies are used (Figure 3). The reason for
holder body (3), through the intermediate the name can be found in the graduated di-
disk (5) and finally through the nozzle body mensions (1).
(6) to the space (8) surrounding the nozzle
needle. During the injection process, the nozzle The design and method of operation are the
needle (7) is lifted upwards by the pressure of same as for standard nozzle holders. The es-
the fuel (1 10 170 bar for pintle nozzles and sential difference lies in the way in which the
150 350 bar for hole-type nozzles). The fuel fuel line is connected. Whereas on a standard
passes through the injection orifices (9) into nozzle holder it is screwed centrally to the top
the combustion chamber. The injection process end of the nozzle holder, on a stepped holder
comes to an end when the fuel pressure drops it is connected to the holder body (I 1) by
to a point where the compression spring (I 7) means of a delivery connection (10). This
is able to push the nozzle needle back against type of arrangement is normally used to
its seat. Start of injection is thus controlled achieve very short injection fuel lines, and has
by fuel pressure. The injected fuel quantity a beneficial effect on the injection pressure
depends essentially on how long the nozzle because of the smaller dead volume in the
remains open. fuel lines.
In order to limit needle lift for pre-injec- Stepped nozzle holders are produced with Fig. 2

tion, some designs have a nozzle-needle or without a leak fuel connection (9). a Closed nozzle

b Damped lift
damper (Figure 2).
Compression spring
h1ozzleneede damper SWOpecl no&yandvolder assernwy
2 Holcler boj
3 Leak gap
a 4 QdraWk cushion
12 5 Damper oiston
11 6 Nome neede

h, Undampedlift
(approx. 1/3 of full lift)


9 F" 3

2- 8
2 Pressure pawage
3 Pressure On
3 7
4 Intermediate disk
2 4
PAM loody

7 I-ocating On
8 Compression spring
4 5
NA Well
1 0 Delivery connection
1 1
Holder My
2cm Q T&wd
0 extractor
. ................. ................ ........................ . ....... ...... ... bolt
106 Nozzle holders Two-spring nozzle holders

Tw.-spring injector assembly Two-spring nozzle holders

The two-spring nozzle holder is a refinement
of the standard nozzle holder. It has the same
external dimensions. Its graduated rate-of-
discharge curve (Figure 2) produces "softer"
combustion and therefore a quieter engWe,
particularly at idle speed and part load. It is
used primarily on direct-injection (DI) engines.
Nil 2

Design and method of operation

Ott 3
The two-spring holder (Figure 1) has
two compression springs positioned one be-
hind the other. Initially, only one of the com-
pression springs (I is acting on the nozzle
needle (13) and thus determines the opening
5 pressure. The second compression spring (6)
rests against a stop sleeve (10) which limits the
plunger lift to port closing. During the injec-
tion process, the nozzle needle initially moves
towards the plunger lift to port closing, hi
8 (101. 0.06 mm for DI engines, 0. I mm for
Holder body IDI engineo. This allows only a small amount
2 Shim of fuel into the combustion chamber.
3 Compression 9
As the pressure inside the nozzle holder
son 1

continues to increase, Qe stop sleeve over-

4 Pressure pi,
5 Guide washer 11 comes the force of both compression springs
6 Compresson (3 and 61 The nozzle needle then completes

spring 2
Te main lift (hi + h2, 0.2 ... 0.4 mm) so that
Pressure On the main injected fuel quantity is injected.
8 Spring seat
9 Intermediate disk 13
10 Stopsheve
1 1
Nozzle body CQ

12 INAMe-Kairung
Comparimn (A
neede lift
13 Nozzle neede Y (14
mm Philippine

hi Plunger IN to pot
cbsing !!:Pillsbury 0-2
Main lift

Al 2 0.4
a Standad nozAe 1111110

holder kinglenring)
b Two-spring nozzle

hi Plunger lift to port 0 t 1
h2 Main lift
. . .. .... .... ............... ....................... ......................
MM holdws NozAe holders with needle-motion sensor 107

Nozzle holders with

needle-motion sensors

Usage Iwo-spring nozzle holder with needle-motion

Start of delivery is a kry variable for optimiz- sensor or d!rect-injection engines

ing diesel-engine performance. DeWahn of -

- -----

this va6able allows the adjustment of start of

delivery according to engine load and speed
within a closed control loop. In systems with
distributor and in-line fuel -injection pumps,
this is achieved by means of a nozzle with a
needle-motion sensor (Figure 2) which
transmits a signal when the nozzle needle
starts to move upwards. It is sometimes also 4,Y
called a needle-motion sensor. 2

Design and method of operation 8

A current of approximately 30 mA is passed i

through the detector coil (Figure 2, Item I 1).

This produces a magnetic field. The extended 3

pressure pin 02) slides inside the guide pm 1


(9). The penetration depth X determines the

magnetic flux in the detector coil. By virWe of 5

6 2cm
the change in magnetic flux in the coil,
mew of the nwzle needle induces a velocity-
dependent voltage signal (Figure 1) in the coil
which is processed by an analyzer circuit in
the electronic control unit. When the signal
level exceeds a threshold voltage, it is inter- a Neede-lift curve
preted by the analyzer circuit to indicate the b Corresponding coil

start of injection. signal voltage curve

R% 2
Neeae-motion senior signa]
. .. .. ... ...
Holder body

DWaH Y 2 Needle-motion

M; At-, 9
3 Compression spring
BE N i 4 Guide washer
1 Compression spring
Z lit
8 Connection W

9 Guide pin

10 Contact tab
13 11
Detector coil
1 2 Pressure pH

Chankhaft angh -a- 13


.............. ... ................... .. ................

X Penetration depth
08 High-pressure lines High-pressure connection fittings

1-1 I
11 h - p rESSUre hines

Itegardless of the basic system concept in- * Fitting can be disconnected and reconnected
- times
line fuel-injection pump, distributor injection numerous
pump or unit pump systems it is the high- 9 The sealing cone can be shaped from the
- base material
pressure delivery lines and their connection
fittings that furnish the links between the
fuel4jection purnp(s) and the nozzle-and- At the end of the high-pressure line is the
holder assemblies at the individual cylin- compressed pipe-sealing cone (3). The union
ders. In common-rail systems, they serve as nut (2) presses the cone into the high-pres-
the connection between the high-pressure sure connection fitting (4) to form a seal.
pump and the rail as well as between rail Some versions are equipped with a supple-
and nozzles. No high-pressure delivery lines mentary thrust washer (1). This provides a
are required in the unit-injector system. more consistent distribution of forces from
the union nut to the sealing cone. The cone's
open diameter should not be restricted, as
High-pressure connection this would obstruct fuel flow. Compressed
sealing cones are generally manufactured in
conformity with DIN 73 365 (Fig. 2).
The high-pressure connection fittings must
supply secure sealing against leakage from Heavy-duty insert fittings
fuel under the maximum primary pressure. Heavy-duty insert fittings (Fig. 3) are used
The following types of fittings are used: in unit-pump and common-rail systems as
Sealing cone and union nut installed in heavy-duty commercial vehicles.
Heavy-duty insert fittings and With the insert fitting, it is not necessary to
Perpendicular connection fittings route the fuel line around the cylinder head
to bring it to the nozzle holder or nozzle.
ealing cone with union nut This allows shorter fuel lines with associated
All of the fuel-injection systems described benefits when it comes to space savings and
above use sealing cones with union nuts ease of assembly.
(Fig. 1). The advantages of this connection
layout are: The screw connection (8) presses the line in-
Easy adaptation to individual fuel-injection sert (3) directly into the nozzle holder (1) or
Ry I
systems nozzle. The assembly also includes a mainte-
Thrust washer
2 Union nut
High-pressure connection WM smhg cone and Compressed sealing cone (main dimensions)
3 Rpe seahng cone uni..n nut HIM

delivery line
... .. ... . ................ . .. ... .. .. ....

. . .I ............ . ..

4 Pressure connection

pump or nomle

F4 2
Selig some

d Outer line diameter

d, Inner line diameter

VW cme damet.
Own cone dAmeta
LwWh of cone 4

k R2 Radii
-------- ----
High-pressure lines High-pressure connection fittings, high-pressure delivery lines 109

nancobee edge-type filter (5) to remove High-pressure delivery lines

coarse contamination from the fuel. At its
other end, the line is attached to the high- The high-pressure fuel lines must withstand
pressure delivery line (7) with a sealing cone the system's maximum pressure as well as
and union nut (6). pressure variations that can attain very high
fluctuations. The lines are seamless precision-
Perpendicular connection fittings made steel tubing in killed cast steel which
Perpendicular connection fittings (Fig. 4) has a particularly consistent microstructure.
are used in some passenger-car applications. Dimensions vary according to pump size
They are suitable for installations in which (Table 1, next page).
there are severe space constraints. The fitting All high-pressure delivery lines are routed
contains passages for fuel inlet and return to avoid sharp bends. The bend radius should
(7, 9). A bolt (1) presses the perpendicular not be less than 50 mm.
fitting onto the nozzle holder (5) to form a
sealed connection.


Nil `111 1111

Nomle holder
2 SeNing cone
3 High-pres,sure MAg
4 Seal
A mom
M.--- Roo 5
Edge-"e Wer

Tim! 1
Y 6 Union nut

3 4 5 6 7 High-pressure
100H delivery Me
Mom MM

M=t;@ 1 8 Screw connections

- 9 CyMder head

Q! sawmapemendicularfMing

Fig. 4

Expansion bolt
2 PeMendicuWr Wing
3 Molded seal
4 Edge-type Ner
5 Nozzle holder
6 Cylinder head
i 0 7 NeImturnMe
(leakage-fuel line)
lot 0 Union nut
delivery Me
110 High-pressure connections High-pressure delivery lines

Length, diameter and wall depth of the high- All cylinders are fed by high-pressure deliv-
pressure lines all affect the injec6on process. my lines of a single, uniform length. More or
To cite some examples: Line length influences Ins angled bends in the lines compensate for
speed-sensAive the rate of discharge, while the different distances between the outlets
internal diameter is related to throttling loss from the fuel-injection pump or rail, and
and compression effects, which will be re- the individual engine cylinders.
flected in the injected-fuel quantity. These
considerations lead to prescribed line di- The primary factor determining the high-
mensions that must be strictly observed. pressure line's compression-pulsating fatigue
Tubing of other dimensions should never be strength is the surface quality of the inner
installed during service and repairs. Defec- walls of the lines, as defined by material and
tive high-pressure tubing should always be peak-to-valley height. Especially demanding
replaced by OEM lines. During servicing or performance requirements are satisfied by
maintenance, it is also important to observe prestressed high-pressure delivery lines (for
precautions against fouling entering the sys- applications of 100 bar and over). Before 1

tem. This applies in any case to all service installation on the engine, these customized
work on fuel-injection systems. lines are subjected to extremely high pressures
A general priority in the development of (up to 3,800 bar). Then pressure is suddenly
fuel-injection systems is to minimize the length relieved. The process compresses the material
of high-pressure hne@ Shorter lines produce on the inner walls of the lines to provide
better injection-system performance. increased internal strength.

Injection is accompanied by the formation The high-pressure delivery lines for vehicle
of pressure waves. These are pulses that engines are normally mounted with clamp
propagate at the speed of sound before 6- brackets located at specific intervals. This
nally being reflected on impact at the ends. means that transfer of external vibration to
This phenomenon increases in intensity as the lines is either minimal or nonexistent
engine speed rises. Engineers exploit it to The dimensions of high-pressure lines for
raise injection pressure. The engineering test benches are subject to more precise tol-
process entails defining line lengths that are erance specifications.
precisely matched to the engine and the
fuel-injection system.

Mtn dimensions of major high-pressure delivery lines in mm

TaWe 1

d Outo hne diameter

Wall thickness s
Inner line diameter
4 173 1.25 1.2

5 1.8 135 U 1A
indicated in bold 2.25 2.2 2.1 2
1.9- 177@ 17@ l!P
.................. ..................... . .....

should be selected ---------- 3 Z9 235 16 2Z Z2 2

when possible. ya &75 IS U 12 3 235 U


15 12 4
Dirnermons K 1
14 5 4.75 4.5 4 3 i

ines are usually

premure ............... -_-I'll",
... . ........

---- 5

inckwed as follows:
d I
- - -- -
- -
--- ---------------- -------- - -

x s x

Une ength ............

High-pressure lines Cavitation in
le hQl,pressure system ill

Cavitation can damage fuel-injection systems so DischaMe processes

(Fig. 1). The process takes place as follows: so Closing valves
Local pressure variations occur at restrictions Pumping between
so moving gaps, and
and in bends when a fluid enter an enclosed area 9 Vacuum waves in
passages and lines
at extremely high speeds (for instance, in
a pump
housing or in
a high-pressure line). If the flow Attempts to deal with cavitation problems by

characteristics are less than optimum, low- improving material quality and surface-harden-
pressure sectors can form at these locations ing processes cannot produce anything oler
for limited periods of time, in turn promoting than very modest gains. The ultimate objective
the formation of vapor bubbles. is and remains to prevent the vapor bubbles
These gas bubbles implode in the subsequent from forming, and, should complete prevention
high-pressure phase. If
a wall is located imme- prove impossible, to improve flow behavior to
diately adjacent to the affected sector, the con- limit the negative impacts of the bubbles.
centrated high energy can create a cavity in

the surface over time (erosion effect). This is jj@ij @!@!!

Cavitation damage in the distributor head
called cavitation damage. of a VE pump

As the vapor bubbles are transported by the

fluid's flow, cavitation damage will not
sarily occur at the location where the bubble
forms. Indeed, cavitation damage is frequently
found in eddy zones.

The causes behind these temporary localized

low-pressure areas are numerous and varied.
Typical factors include:

Fig. 1


Implosion of a cavitation bubde Fig 2

a A bubble
b is formed
- - - - - - b The vapor bubble

NOREEN NEEMEN collaloses

c TM cdWpA
sections han a

sharp edge ST

- - - - - - - - - - - - extremely high

The imploding vapor
bubble hams a

- - - - - - -WM i

Vapor bubble
- - - - - - - - - - Y)
2 Wall
- - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Recess
DOM VW& (EDC) Technical requirements
112 Bedwit

Electronic diesel control (EDQ

Modern electronic diesel-engine control 9 Adaptation of injected fuel quantity, boost

permits the precise and highly flexible defi- pressure, and injected fuel quantity to the
nition of the fuel-injection parameters. This given operating state
is the only way to comply with the wide 9 Temperature-dependent start quantity
range of technical demands made on a * Load-independent idle-speed control
modern diesel engine. The Electronic Diesel * Cruise Control
Control (EDQ is subdivided into the three * Closed-loop-controlled exhaust-gas recir-
system blocks "Sensors and desired-value culation (EGR)
generators", "ECU", and "Actuators". 9 Tighter tolerances for injected fuel quan-
tity and injection point, together with
high accuracy to be maintained through-
Technical requirements out the vehicle's useful life

The calls for reduced fuel consumption and Conventional mechanical (flyweight) gover-
emissions, together with increased power nors use a number of add-on devices to reg-
output and torque, are the decisive factors ister the various operating conditions, and
behind present-day developments in the ensure that mixture formation is of high
diesel fuel-injection field. standard. Such governors, though, are re-
In the past years this has led to an increase stricted to simple open-loop control opera-
in the use of direct-injection (DI) diesel en- tions at the engine, and there are many im-
gines. Compared to prechamber or whirl- portant actuating variables which they can-
chamber engines, the so-called indirect-in- not register at all or not quickly enough.
jection (IDI) engines, the DI engine operates
with far higher injection pressures. This The increasingly severe demands it was sub-
leads to improved AN mixture formation, jected to, meant that the EDC developed from
combustion of the more finely atomized fuel a simple system with electrically triggered ac-
droplets is more complete, and there are less tuator shaft to become a complex engine-
unburnt hydrocarbons (HQ in the exhaust management unit capable of carrying out
gas. In the DI engine, the improved mixture real-time processing of a wide variety of data.
formation and the fact that there are no
overflow losses between pre-chamber/whirl
chamber and the main combustion chamber System overview
results in fuel-consumption savings of be-
tween 10 ... 15% compared to the IDI engine. In the past years, the marked increase in the
computing power of the microcontrollers
In addition, the increasing requirements re- available on the market has made it possible
garding vehicle driveability have a marked for the EDC (Electronic Diesel Control) to
effect on the demands made on modern en- comply with the above-named stipulations.
gines, and these are subject to increasingly In contrast to diesel-engine vehicles with
more severe requirements with regard to ex- conventional in-line or distributor injection
haust-gas and noise emissions (NOx, CO, pumps, the driver of an EDC-controlled ve-
HC, particulates). hicle has no direct influence, for instance
This has led to higher demands being through the accelerator pedal and Bowden
made on the injection system and its control cable, upon the injected fuel quantity.
with respect to:
High injection pressures
Structured rate-of-discharge curve
Pilot injection and possibly post injection
Electronic Diesel Control (EDC) System blocks 113

On the contrary, the injected fuel quantity is

System blocks
defined by a variety of actuating variables,
for instance: The EDC system comprises three system
Driver input (accelerator-pedal setting) blocks: (Fig. 1):
Operating state
Engine temperature 1. Sensors and desired-value generators (1)
Intervention from other systems for the detection of operating conditions
Q. TCS) (e.g. engine rpm) and of desired values (e.g.
Effects on toxic emissions etc. switch position). These convert the various

physical quantities into electrical signals

Using these influencing variables, the ECU
not only calculates the injected fuel quantity, 2. Electronic unit (ECU) (2) processes
but can also vary the instant of injection. the information from the sensors and the
This of course means that an extensive safety desired-value generators in accordance with
concept must be implemented that detects given computational processes (control al-
deviations and, depending upon their sever- gorithms). The ECU triggers the actuators
ity, initiates appropriate countermeasures with its electrical output signals and also sets
(e.g. limitation of torque, or emergency up the interfaces to other systems in the ve-
(limp-home) running in the idle-speed hicle (4) and to the vehicle diagnosis facility
range). EDC therefore incorporates a num- (5).
ber of closed control loops.
3. Solenoid actuators (3) convert the ECU's
EDC also panic the exchangeof data with electrical output signals into mechanical
other electronic systems in the vehicle (e.g. quantities (e.g. for the solenoid valve which
with the traction control system JCS), the controls the injection, or for the solenoid of
electronic transmission-shift control, or the actuator mechanism).
with the electronic stability program (ESP).
This means that engine management can be
integrated in the overall vehicle system (e.g.
for engine-torque reduction when shifting
gear with an automatic gearbox, adaptation
of engine torque to wheel slip, release signal major EDC components

for fuel injection from the vehicle immobi-

lizer, etc.).
The EDC system is fully integrated in the 2

vehicle's diagnostics system. It complies with

all OBD (On-Board-Diagnosis) and EOBD BOSCH

(European On-Board Diagnosis) stipula- 0

tions. 2IR-T--al L


3 1
Senors ancl

TV desirelvaWe


3 Actuators
4 Interface to other
[71 -
- --- - - systems

.................. . ...
5 Diagnosis interface
114 Bectmnic Diesel Control (EDQ Helix and polcorrtrdhd aWal-pbon dArbutor pumps

Helix and-Port-controlled axial-piston distributor pumps


Accelerator-pecal sew Actuator position

with bwAdle switch 4
sor ECU EDC 15V Actuator

Engine rpm f7@ Signal inputs

Distributor pump
(crankshaft) Sensor evaluation
Ambient-pressure sensor
Book lawsure
Signal processing:

Intake-air Idle-speed control

Engine temperature
(coolant) Active surge damper

Fuel temperature solenoid valve
torque intervention
Immob izer

Engine-oil temperature Injected-fuel-quantity

control and limitatibn
EGR pwToner
Cruise Control
Air mass Vehicle-speed limitation
Boost-pressure actuator
Calculation of start of
delivery and delivery +
Vehicle speed
(Aso possibivia CAN) period MCCMpressor

Swoommary I

Soplem-tary driver
Multi-stage Cruise
Control switch System diagnosis
Substitute functions

Engine diagnosis
Warning lamp
Brake switch Powerstages
Sjml outputs
CAN communication K E77A ISO interface
Clutch switch
LLLLLLLJ OBD communication 417-L! 94 OBN
EoL programming L
Gbwog and
starter switch
-4_@M Glow control unit

Main NC switch Power supply


Start of injection* sioal RQ sipal)

(neede-motion Enghespeed signal
sensor) (TD signal)
Input for pwm
+ CAN interface*
ii i t activity

lnpd signals Communication

Electronic Diesel Control (EDC) Solenoid-valve-controlled axial-piston and radial-piston distributor pumps 11 5

Solenoid-valve-controlled axial-piston
and radial-piston distributor pumps
OvervWw of the EDC components for soWncidnalve-coMrolled distrbuWr pumps VE-MY VR

- ----- ---
- - --

Accelerator- lowls 1 AVW of rotation of the trigger wheel, timing-device setAg OWZ mg A
sor with

and kick-down switch 12V +

Distributor pump
(24VI /P 30
Engine rom F71D---- VP 44
44- M

Boost pressure relay

Air temperaWre

Engine temperature Powersupply ----w + 1 2V

signal inputs
Sensor evaluation
Fuel temperature C412-- I
tram MAB

signal PMQ"*04
Engine-oil temperature czq@ IdL-Speed control
EGIR positioner

Air mass Boost-pressure

Active surge damper actuator

torqLw interve
Vehiclepossibla A/C compressor
(also CAN) Immobd

lrocted-fuekquantity Supplementary driver

contro and firnitat stages'
Multi-stage Cruise
Control switch Actuators
V limitation

Cylinder shutoff (only

forcommercial vehs@)
+ Warning lamp
voaknolion@ofibit of
Brake switch delivery, and of delivery
__&@ Diagnosis lamp

Pilot-infection cont I*
ISO interface
Glow-plug and diagnowls)
starter switch

ads switch
Systern cliagnosis signal (TO signal)
Substitute functions Engine Mm signal
+ diagnosis
Main A/C switch Erone RD sig&
Input for pwm signals*
Soloid-valve driver .4@@
Start of injection* stages
(needle-motion CAN interface*
zPbwer stages
Signal outputs
CAN communication
Glow control unit
EoL programming
Input signah Communication V

ECU EDC 15 M 21

On distributor pumps with pump ECU PSG 1 6, the engine ECU is integrated in the pump ECU
116 Service technology Overview

Oervice technology

Importam NVhen car driven need help, they can count Bosch universal testers ranging from the ba-
This chapter provides on more than 10,000 Bosch Service centers sic battery tester to the complete vehicle test
general descriptions
located in 132 countries. As these centers are stand are being used in automotive repair
A seNice te&nobgy
not associated with any specific automotive
shops and by inspection agencies all over the
and K notintencled
to replace repair and
manufacturer, they can provide neutral, im- world.
instruction manuals. partial assistance. Fast assistance is always Service personnel receive training in the ef-
Repairs should always available, even in the sparsely populated re- ficient use of this test technology as well as in -
be performed by
gions of South America and Africa. A single set formation on a range of automotive systems.
qualified professional
of quality standards applies everywhere. It is Meanwhile, feedback from our customers
110 wonder, therefore, that the Bosch service constantly flows back to the development of
warranty is valid throughout the world. new products.

AWN service network

Overview list technology
It is still possible to test mechanical systems
The specifications and performance data of in motor vehicles using relatively basic
Bosch components and systems are precisely equipment. But mastering the increasingly
matched to the requirements of each indi- complex electronic systems found in modern
vidual vehicle. Bosch also develops and de-
signs the test equipment, special tools and
diagnosis technology needed for tests and Bosch service technology stems from development activities
carried out by the Bosch AWN service network.
The "asanetwork GmbH` is responsible for advanced
development and marketing under the "AWN" name.

The AWN scam nowork I


Alignment Engine and

Power test check electronics test
Acceptance system
(test line)

Light test


Data storage
rake test

DU entry Emissions
(DP system) inspechon

Service technology Overview 117

vehicles means using new test methods that it accommodates a larger range of potential
rely on electronic data processing. The fu- applications. It can also be incorporated in
ture belongs to a technology that links every electronic data processing networks.
IT system in every service center in a single,
unified network, the AWN Asanet Work- Application
shopNetwork (Fig. 1). In 1998 Bosch received The ESI[tronic] software package supports
the Automechanika Innovation Prize in the service personnel throughout the entire ve-
Shop and Service category for this innova- hicle-repair process by providing the following
tion. information:
9 Spare component identification
list process (correlating spare part numbers
When a vehicle arrives for a service inspec- with specific vehicles, etc.)
tion, the job-order processing system data- 9 Flat rates
base provides immediate access to all the e Repair instructions
available information on the vehicle. The 9 Circuit diagrams
moment the vehicle enters the shop, the 9 Test specifications
system offers access to the vehicle's entire 9 Test data from vehicle diagnosis
service history, including all service and
repairs that it has received in the past. Service technicians can select from various
Individual diagnostic testers provide the options for diagnosis problems and malfunc-
data needed for direct comparisons of set- tions: The KTS500 is a high-performance
point values and actual measured values, portable system tester, or the KTS500C,
with no need for supplementary entries. which is designed to run on the PCs used
All service procedures and replacement corn- in service shops (diagnostic stations). The

ponents are recorded to support the billing KTS500C consists of a PC adapter card, a
process. After the final road test, the bill is plugin card (KTS) and a test module for
produced simply by striking a few keys. measuring voltage, current and resistance.
The system also provides a clear and concise An interface allows ESI[tronic] to communi-
printout with the results of the vehicle diag- cate with the electronic systems in the vehi-
nosis. This offers the customer a full report cle, such as the engine control unit. Working
detailing all of the service operations and at the PC, the user starts by selecting the SIS
materials that went into the vehicle's repair. (Service Information System) utility to initi-
ate diagnosis of on-board control units and
Electronic Service Information access the engine control unit's fault storage.
(ESI[tronicl) ESI tronic] uses the results of the diagnosis

Even in the past the wide variety of vehicle as the basis for generating specific repair in-
makes and models made the use of IT sys- structions. The system also provides displays
tems essential (for part numbers, test speci- with other information, such as component
fications, etc.) Large data records, such as locations, exploded views of assemblies,
those containing information on spare parts, diagrams showing the layouts of electrical,
are contained on microfiche cards. Micro- pneumatic and hydraulic systems, etc. Work-
fiche readers provide access to these micro- ing at the PC, users can then proceed directly
fiche libraries and are still standard equip- from the exploded view to the parts list with
ment in every automotive service facility. part numbers to order the required replace-
In 1991 ESI[tronic] (Electronic Service ment components.
Information), intended for use with a stan-
dard PC, was introduced to furnish data on
CDs. As ESI [tronic] can store much more
data than a conventional microfiche system,
118 Workshop technology Testing EDC systems

Testing EDC systems Reading thefault memory: The KTS500 can

read out faults stored in the fault memory
Every EDC system has a self-diagnosis capa- during system operation by the self-diagno-
bility which allows comprehensive testing of sis function and display them on screen in
the entire fuel-injection system. plain text.
Reading actual data: Actual data that is used
Testing equipment in calculations by the engine ECU can be
Effective testing of the system requires the read and displayed as a physical quantity
use of special testing equipment. Whereas in (e.g. engine speed in rpm).
the past an electronic fuel-injection system Actuator diagnosis: The function of the
could be tested using simple electronic electrical actuators can be tested.
testers (e.g. a multimeter), the continuous Engine test. The system tester initiates pro-
advancement of EDC systems means that grammed test sequences for checking the
complex testing devices are essential today. engine ECU or the engine (e.g. compression
The system testers in the KTS series test).
are widely used by vehicle repairers. The Multimeterfunction: Electrical current, volt-
KTS500 (Fig. 1) offers a wide range of capa- age and resistance can be tested in the same
bilities for use in the workshop, enhanced way as with a conventional multimeter.
in particular by its graphical display of data, Time graph display: The measured data
such as test results. In the descriptions that recorded over time is displayed as a signal
follow, these system testers are sometimes graph as on an oscilloscope.
also referred to as "engine testers". Additional information: Specific additional
information relevant to the faults/compo-
Functions of KTS500 nents displayed can also be shown (e.g. loca-
The KTS500 offers a wide variety of func- tion, component test data, electrical circuit
tions which are selected by means of buttons diagrams).
and menus on the large display screen. The Printout. All data (e. g. list of actual data)
list below details the most important func- can be printed out on standard PC printers.
tions offered by the KTS500. Programming. The software on the engine
ECU can be reprogrammed with the
KTS500 (software update).

System test,, KTS500

.............. .... ................ .................



a MO&& dispay of

MAW function
Graocaldisoyof L

an electrical terminal

dagram ...................... .... ....................................... .. .. ..........

Workshop technology Testing EDC systems 119

The extent to which the capabilities of the Fault localization

KTS500 can be utilized depends on the sys- For some types of engine fault, the self-diag-
tem under test. Not all engine ECUs support nosis function is unable to establish the
its full range of functions. cause. Maintenance technicians must be able
to identify and rectify these types of fault
Workshop procedures quickly and reliably.
(standard procedures) For both types of fault those recorded in
The diagnosis procedure is the same for
the fault memory and those that are not
all systems with an electronic diesel-engine the Electronic Service Information
control (EDC) system. The most important ESI[tronic] provides assistance with fault
tool is the engine tester which is connected localization. It offers instructions for fault
to the engine ECU via the diagnosis inter- localization for every conceivable problem
face. (e.g. engine stutter) or malfunction (e.g.
engine-temperature sensor short-circuit).
Vehicle identification
First of all, the vehicle must be identified. Fault rectification
The engine tester has to know which model Once the cause of the fault has been local-
of vehicle is under test so that it can refer to ized with the aid of the ESI[tronic] informa-
the correct data. tion, the fault can be rectified.

Reading the fault memory Clearing the fault memory

The self-diagnosis function of the EDC sys- When the fault has been rectified, the record
tem checks the electrical components for of the fault must be deleted from the fault
malfunctions. If a fault is detected, a record memory. This function can be performed
is permanently stored in the fault memory using the menu option "Clear Fault Mem-
detailing ory" on the engine tester.
the fault source (e.g. engine temperature
sensor) Road test

the failure mode (e.g. short circuit to In order to ensure that the fault has really
ground, implausible signal) been eliminated, a road test is carried out.
the fault status (e.g. constantly present, During the road test, the self-diagnosis func-
sporadically present) tion checks the system and records any faults
the ambient conditions (readings at the that are still present.
time the fault was recorded, e.g. engine
speed, temperature, etc.) Rechecking the fault memory
After the road test, the contents of the fault
Using the menu option "Fault Memory", the memory are checked again. If the problem
fault data stored on the engine ECU can be has been solved, no faults should have been
transferred to the engine tester. The fault recorded. Assuming that is the case, the
data is displayed on the tester in plain text repair procedure is then successfully com-
giving details of the fault source, location, pleted.
staWs, eV.
1 20 Workshop technology Testing EDC systems

Other testing methods Engine test function

The KTS 500 system tester offers other EDC Faults that the self-diagnosis function can-
diagnosis facilities in addition to the stan- not identify can be localized by means of
dard diagnosis functions. The additional supplementary functions (engine-testing
functions are initiated by the engine tester functions). There are testing routines stored
and then carried out by the engine ECU. on the engine ECU that can be initiated by
the engine tester (e.g. compression test).
Actuator diagnosis These tests last for a specific period of time.
Many ECU functions (e.g. exhaust-gas recir- The start and finish of the test are indicated
culation) only operate under certain condi- by the engine tester. The results are trans-
tions when the vehicle is being driven. For mitted to the engine tester by the engine
this reason, it is not possible to check the ECU in the form of a list.
function of the relevant actuators (e.g. the In the case of the compression test, the
exhaust-gas recirculation valve) in the work- fuel-injection system is deactivated while the
shop without a means of operating them engine is turned over by the starter motor.
selectively. The engine ECU records the crankshaft
The engine tester can be used to initiate speed pattern. From the fluctuations in
actuator diagnosis in order to check the crankshaft speed, i.e. the difference between
function of actuators in the workshop. The the highest and lowest speeds, conclusions
correct functioning of the components con- can be drawn as to the compression in indi-
cerned is then indicated by audible or visual vidual cylinders and, therefore, about the
feedback. condition of the engine.
The actuator diagnosis function tests the
entire electrical path from the engine ECU Engine-speed and in'ected-fuel quantity
via the wiring harness to the actuator. How- comparison tests
ever, even that is insufficient to make a de- Different injected-fuel quantities in different
finitive statement about the complete func- cylinders produce varying, cylinder-specific
tional capability of the component. torque levels and, therefore, uneven engine
Actuator diagnosis is generally carried out running. The engine ECU measures the mo-
with the vehicle stationary. It extends only to mentary speeds and transmits the readings
those actuators that do not affect the fun& to the engine tester. The engine tester then
tion of important components. This means shows the speeds for each cylinder. Large
that actuators that could be damaged or divergences in speed and injected-fuel quan-
could cause engine damage if the actuator tity between individual cylinders indicate
diagnosis were to be incorrectly carried out fuel-metering problems.
(e.g. nozzle solenoid valves) are excluded The engine-smoothness function on the en-
from the test. gine ECU evens out engine-speed fluctuations
by adjustments to the injected-fuel quantity
Signal testing for each cylinder. For this reason, the engine-
_01here there is a component malfunction, an smoothness function is deactivated while the
oscilloscope function allows the progression speed-comparison test is in progress.
of an actuator control signal to be checked The quantity-comparison test is carried
over time. This applies in particular to actu- out with the engine-smoothness function
ators that cannot be included in the actuator active. The engine tester displays the in-
diagnosis function (e.g. nozzles or injectors). jected-fuel quantities for each cylinder re-
quired to produce smooth engine running.
The assessment is based on a comparison
of the cylinder-specific speeds and injected-
fuel quantities.
Workshop technology Global service 121

"Once you have driven an automobile, you creased rapidly. In the 1920s Robert Bosch
willsoon realize that there is something started systematically
to create a nationwide
unbelievably tiresome about horses customer-service organization. In all
But you do require a conscientious me- repair centers were uniformly named "Bosch
chanic for the automobile Y. Service" and the name was registered as a
Robert Bosch wrote these words to his trademark.
friend Paul Reusch in 1906. In those days, it Today's Bosch Service agencies retain the
was indeed the case that breakdowns could same name. They are equipped with the latest
be repaired on the road or at home by an em- electronic equipment in order to meet the de-
ployed chauffeur or mechanic. However, with mands of 21
st-centur y automotive technology
the growing number of motorists driving their and the quality expectations of the customers.
own cars after the First World War, the need
i for workshops offering repair services in-

@Mqn __ ............... . .............. ........... .. .

pi shop in 1925 Sew

........... ............

A Bosch service in 20M, carried out with the very latest electronic testing equipment

---------- ...........
122 Service technology Fuel-injection pump test benches

repeatable, mutually comparable

Fuel-injection pump measure-
ments and test results.
test benches
Accurately tested and precisely adjusted Flow measurement methods
fuel-injection pumps and governor mecha- An important test procedure is to measure
nisms are key components for obtaining the fuel pumped each time the plunger
optimized performance and fuel economy moves through its stroke. For this test, the
from diesel engines. They are also crucial in fuel-injection pump is clamped on the test
ensuring compliance with increasingly strict bench support (1), with its drive side con-
exhaust-gas emission regulations. The fuel- nected to the test bench drive coupling. Test-
injection pump test bench (Fig. 1) is a vital ing proceeds with a standardized calibrating
tool for meeting these requirements. oil at a precisely monitored and controlled
The main specifications governing both test temperature. A special, precision-calibrated
bench and test procedures are defined by ISO nozzle-and-holder assembly (3) is connected
standards; particularly demanding are the to each pump barrel. This strategy ensures
specifications for rigidity and geometrical mutually comparable measurements for each
consistency in the drive unit (5). test. Two test methods are available.
As time progresses, so do the levels of
peak pressure that fuel-injection pumps are Glass gauge method (MGT)
expected to generate. This development is The test bench features an assembly with
reflected in higher performance demands two glass gauges (Fig. 2, Pos. 5). A range of
and power requirements for pump test gages with various capacities are available
benches. Powerful electric drive units, a large for each cylinder. This layout can be used to
flyweight and precise control of rotational test fuel-injection pumps for engines of up
speed guarantee stability at all engine speeds. to 12 cylinders.
This stability is an essential requirement for

Bosch fuel-injection pump test bench with eWctronic test system (KMA)

3 4 5 6

RI 1

Fuel-injection pump
an NM bench
2 Quantity WM system

Do nozie-and-
holder assembly
4 HyMpressure NM

1 1
5 Bectric Me =4 :D
6 Cantrok dispWy and
procesing unit
. ................... . .. ...............
Service technology Fuel-injection pump test benches 123

Layout of test stand using glaw-gauge melhocs (MGT) Measurement cell concept (KMA) F4 2

Fuel-injection pump
2 Bectric d&e unit

2 4 1
3 5 3 Am no&eaA-
holder assembly
4 High-lomssure VW

5 Glass gages

F4 3

Return line to

calibrating oil tank

311, 6 6 2 Gear pump


4 Photocdl
5 Window
4 ZD
6 Plunger
AWNer with

electronic control

In the Ent stage, the discharged calibrating test nozzle (10), the plunger remains in its 8 Electric motor
Rows past the glass gages to return directly center position. If the flow of calibrating oil is 9 Pulse counter

to the oil tank. As soon as the fuel-injection greater, the plunger moves to the left if the 10 Test nozzle-and-

pump reaches the rotational speed indicated

flow of calibrating oil is lower, the plunger holder assembly

in the test specifications, a slide valve openn

1 1
Monitor (PQ
moves to the right This plunger motion con-
allowing the calibrating oil from the fuel-in- trols the amount of light traveling from an LED
jection pump to flow to theglass gages. Sup- (3) to a photocell (4). The electronic control
ply to the glass containers is then interrupted circuitry (7) records this deviation and responds
when the pump has executed the preset by varying the pump's rotational speed until
number of strokes. its delivery rate again corresponds to the
The fuel quantity delivered to each cylin- quantity of fluid emerging from the test nozzle.
der in cm' can now be read from each of The control plunger then returns to its center
the glass gages. The standard test period is position. The pump speed can be varied to
1,000 strokes, making it easy to interpret the measure delivery quantity with extreme pre-
numerical result in MM3 per stroke of deliv- cision.
ered fuel. The test results are compared with Two of these measurement cells are present
the setpoint values and entered in the test on the test bench. The computer connects all
record. of the test cylinders to the two measurement
cells in groups of two, proceeding sequentially
Electronic flow measurement system (KNIA) from one group to the next (multiplex oper-
This system replaces the glass gauges with a ation). The main features of this test method
control, display and processor unit (Fig. 1, are:
Pos. 6). While this unit is usually mounted e Highly and reproducible test results
on the test bench, it can also be installed on * Clear test results with digital display and
a cart next to the test bench. graphic presentation in the form of bar
This test relies on continuous measuring graphs
the delivery capacity (Fig. 3). A control 9 Test record for documentation
plunger (6) is installed in parallel with the * Supports adjustments to compensate for
input and output sides of a gear pump (2). variations in cooling and/or temperature
When the pump's delivery quantity equals the
quantity of calibrating oil emerging from the
124 Service W&ndo" lesting ME and po&wW&led distributor injection pumps

Testing helix and port- Test bench measurements

The test procedures described here are suit-
controlled distributor able for use on helix and port-controlled ax-
injection pumps ial-piston distributor pumps with electronic
Good engine performance, high fuel econ- and mechanical control, but not with sole-
omy and low emissions depend on correct noid-controlled distributor injection
adjustment of the helix and port-controlled pumps.
distributor injection pump. This is why
compliance with official specifications is ab- Test bench operations fall into two cate-
solutely essential during testing and adjust- gories:
ment operations on fuel-injection pumps. 9 Basic adjustment and
One important parameter is the start of * Testing
delivery (in service bay), which is checked
with the pump installed. Other tests are con- The results obtained from the pump test are
ducted on the test bench (in test area). In entered in the test record, which also lists all
this case, the pump must be removed from the individual test procedures. This docu-
the vehicle and mounted on the test bench. ment also lists all specified minimum and
Before the pump is removed, the engine maximum results. The test readings must
crankshaft should be rotated until the refer- lie within the range defined by these two

ence cylinder is at TDC. The reference cylin- extremes.

der is usually cylinder No. 1. This step eases A number of supplementary, special-pur-
subsequent assembly procedures. pose test steps are needed to assess all the
different helix and port-controlled axial-pis-
ton distributor pumps; detailed descriptions
of every contingency, however, extend
beyond the bounds of this chapter.

EquipmeM far teding the distributor injection pump (on test bench)
............. ............... .............

Fig 1

1 Test layout with drain

hose ancl did gauge
2 DistribuWr injection

3 Timing device travel

teMer with vernier

4 Pumpdrive
5 CalilbMing ad Wet
Roan We
7 Ovedbw reMnWor
8 Adapter with

connection for

pressure gauge
9 Eleoric shutaff valve

(ELAM KneqizeT ... ...... ..... ............. ...... . . . .............. ............... .. .......................
injechon 1 25
Service technology Testing helix and port-controlled distrbutor pumps

Basic adjustments Supply-pump pressure

The first step is to adjust the distributor in- As it affects the timing device, the pressure
jection pump to the correct basic settings. of the supply pump (internal pressure) must
This entails measuring We blowing para- also be tested. For this procedure, the over-

meters under defined operating conditions. flow restrictor (7) is unscrewed and an
adapter with a connection to the pressure
LPC adjustment gauge (8) is installed. Now the overflow re-
This procedure assesses the distributor strictor is installed in an adapter provided in
plunger lift between bottom dead center the test assembly. This makes it possible to
(BDQ and the start of delivery. The pump test the pump's internal chamber pressure
must be connected to the test-bench fuel upstream of the restrictor.
supply line for this test. The technician un- A plug pressed into the pressure-control

screws the 6-point bolt from the central plug valve controls the tension on its spring to
fitting and then installs a test assembly with determine the pump's internal pressure.
drain tube and gauge in its place (Fig. 1, Now the technician continues pressing the
Pos. 1). plug into the valve until the pressure reading
The gauge probe rests against the distrib- corresponds to the setpoint value.

utor plunger, allowing it to measure lift.

Now the technician turns We pump's Qut Uming device travel
sham (4) by hand until the needle on the The technician removes the cover from the
gauge stops moving. The control plunger timing device to gain access for installing
is now at top dead center (TDC). a travel tester with a vernier scale (3). This
A supply pressure of roughly 0.5 bar scale makes it possible to record travel in
propels the calibrating oil into the plunger the timing device as a function of rotational
chamber behind the distributor plunger (5). speed; the results can then be compared
For this test, the solenoid-operated shutoff with the setpoint values. If the measured
valve (ELAB) (9) is kept energized to main- timing device travel does not correspond
tain it in its open position. The calibrating with the setpoint values, shims must be
oil thus flows from the plunger chamber to installed under the 6ning sp6ng to correct
the assembly before emerging Rom the As ini6al spring tension.
drain hose.
Now the technician manually rotates the Adjusting the basic delivery quantity
input shaft in its normal direction of rota- During this procedure the fuel-injection
tion. The calibrating oil ceases to flow into pump's delivery quantity is adjusted at a
the plunger chamber once its inlet passage constant rotational speed for each of the
closes. The oil remaining in the chamber following four conditions:
continues to emerge from the drain hose. 9 Idle (no-load)
This point in the distributor plunger's travel * Full-load
marks the start of delivery. * Full-load governor regulation and
The lift travel between bottom dead cen- * Starting
ter (BDQ and the start of delivery indicated
by the gauge can now be compared with the Delivery quantities are monitored using the
setpoint value. If the reading is outside the MGT or KMA attachment on the fuel-injec-
tolerance range, it will be necessary to dis- tion pump test bench (refer to section on
mantle the pump and replace the cam "Fuel-injection pump test benches").
mechanism between cam disk and plunger. First, with the control lever's full-load
stop adjusted to the correct position, the
full-load governor screw in the pump cover
is adjusted to obtain the correct full-load
126 Serne WcMobo Testing helix and port-controlled distributor injection pumps

delivery quantity at a defined engine speed. pending on the selected test procedure. The
Here, the governor adjusting screw must be other end is then placed in a glass gauge in
turned back to prevent the full-load stop the MGT assembly, or installed on a special
from reducing delivery quantity. connection on the KMA unit. The overflow
The next step is to measure the delivery quantity from a I 0-second test period is
quantity with the control lever against the then converted to a delivery quantity in
idle-speed stop screw. The idle-speed stop liters per hour.
screw must be adjusted to ensure that the If the test results fail to reach the setpoint
monitored delivery quantity is as specified. values, this indicates wear in the vane-type
The governor screw is adjusted at high supply pump, an incorrect overflow valve or
rotational speed. The measured delivery internal leakage.
quantity must correspond to the specified
full-load delivery quantity. Dynamic testing of start of delivery
The governor test also allows verification of A diesel engine tester (such as the Bosch
the governor's intervention speed. The gover- ETD 019.00) allows precise adjustment of
nor should respond to the specified rpm the distributor in'ection pump's delivery
threshold by first reducing and then finally timing on the engine. This unit registers
interrupting the fuel flow. The breakaway the start of delivery along with the timing
speed is set using the governor speed screw. adjustments that occur at various engine
There are no simple ways to adjust the speeds with no need to disconnect any
delivery quantity for starting. The test con- high-pressure delivery lines.
ditions are a rotational speed of 100 rpm
and the control lever against its full-load Testing with piezoelectric sensor and
shutoff stop. If the measured delivery quan- stroboscopic timing light
tity is below a specified level, reliable starting The piezoelectric sensor (Fig. 2, Pos. 4) is
cannot be guaranteed. clamped onto the high-pressure delivery
line leading to the reference cylinder. Here,
Testing it is important to ensure that the sensor is

Once the basic adjustment settings have mounted on a straight and clean section of
been completed, the technician can proceed tubing with no bends; the sensor should also
to assess the pump's operation under vari- be poKoned as close as possible to the fud-
ous conditions. As during the basic adjust- injection pump.
ment procedure, testing focuses on The start of delivery triggers pulses in the
Supply-pump pressure fuel-injection line. These generate an electric
Timing device travel signal in the piezoelectric sensor. The signal
Delivery quantity curve controls the light pulses generated by the
timing light (5). The timing light is now
The pump operates under various specific aimed at the engine's flywheel. Each time the
conditions for this test series, which also pump starts delivery to the reference cylin-
includes a supplementary procedure. der, the timing light flashes, lighting up the
TDC mark on the flywheel. This allows cor-
Overflow quantity relation of timing to flywheel position. The
The vane-type supply pump delivers more flashes occur only when delivery to the ref-
fuel than the nozzles can inject. The excess erence cylinder starts, producing a static im-
calibrating oil must flow through the over- age. The degree markings (6) on the crank-
flow restriction valve and back to the oil shaft or flywheel show the crankshaft posi-
tank. It is the volume of this return flow that tion relative to the start of delivery.
is measured in this procedure. A hose is Engine speed is also indicated on the
nected to the overflow restriction valve; de- diesel engine tester.
Service technology Testing helix and port-controlled distributor injection pumps 1 27

SeWng slid of ddiVery its way from As bottom dead center poison
If the results of this start-of-delivery test to the TDC mark on the reference cylinder.
deviate from the test specifications, it will It is vital to comply with the precise specifi-
be necessary to change the fuel-injection cation figure for this travel contained in the
pump's angle relative to the engine. fuel-injection pump's datasheet. If the dial
The first step is to switch off the engine. gauge reading is not within the specification,
Then the technician rotates the crankshaft it will be necessary to loosen the attachment

until the reference cylinder's piston is at the bolt on the pump flange, turn the pump
point at which delivery should start. The housing and repeat the test. It is important
crankshaft features a reference mark for this to ensure that the cold-start accelerator is
operation; the mark should be aligned with not active during this procedure.
the corresponding mark on the bellhousing.
The technician now unscrews the 6-point Measuring the idle speed
screw from the central plug screw. As for ba- The idle speed is monitored with the engine
sic adjustment process on the test bench, the heated to its normal operating temperature,
technician now installs a dial-gauge assem- and in a no-load state, using the engine
bly in the opening. This is used to observe tester. The idle speed can be adjusted using
distributor plunger travel while the crank- the idle-speed stop screw.
shaft is being turned. As the crankshaft is
turned counter to its normal direction of ro-
tation (or in the normal direction on some
engines), the plunger retracts in the pump.
The technician should stop turning the
crankshaft once the needle on the gauge
stops moving. The plunger is now at bottom
dead center. Now the dial gauge is reset to
zero. The crankshaft is then rotated in its
normal direction of rotation as far as the
TDC mark. The dial gauge now indicates the
travel executed by the distributor plunger on

MEN CMcQg Mad of delivery with piezoelectric sensor and timing light

no 1 1

Fig. 2
DC- 1
i no 2 Diesel tester
Bill 1 3 Distributor


NOW= 4 Piezo-eWric senior

5 Stroboscopic timing

f 6
Mg, and TDC

Al marm
128 Service technology NoBe Wsts

Nozzle tests The EPS100 (0684200704) nozzle tester is

specified for testing nozzles of Sizes P, R, S
The nozzle-and-holder assembly consists of and T. It conforms to the standards defined
the nozzle and the holder. The holder includes in ISO 8984. The prescribed calibrating oil is
all of the required filters, springs and defined in ISO standard 4113. A calibration
tions. case containing all the components is required
The nozzle affects the diesel engine! output to calibrate inspect the nozzle tester.
fuel economy, exhaust-gas composition and This equipment provides the basic condi-
operating refinement. This is why the nozzle tions for reproducible, mutually compatible
test is soimportant. test results.
An important tool for assessing nozzle
performance is the nozzle tester. Test methods
Ultrasonic cleaning is recommended for the
Nozzle tester complete nozzle-and-holder assemblies once
Keep your hands away The nozzle tester is basically a manually they have been removed from the engine.
from the nozzle jet ated fuel-injection pump (Fig. 1). For testing, Cleaning is mandatory on nozzles when they
Spray from the nozzle
a high-pressure delivery line (4) is used to are submitted for warranty claims.
stings and penetrates
connect the nozzle-and-holder assembly (3) Important: Nozzles are high-precision corn-
t1he shm
Nam to the tester. The calibrating oil is contained ponents. Careful attention to cleanliness is
I a Ak A blood
in a tank (Y. The required pressure is vial for ensuring correct operaWn.
porsonAg. gener-
eed using the hand lever (8). The pressure The next step is to inspect the assembly to
Wear safety goggles.
gage (6) indicates the pressure of the cali- determine whether any parts of the nozzle or
brating oh; a valve (7) can be used to discon- holder show signs of mechanical or thermal
nect it from the high-pressure circuit for wear. If signs or wear are present, it will be
specific test procedures. necessary to replace the nozzle or nozzle-and-
holder assembly.

The assessment of the nozzle's condition pro-

Nomle AM, whin noKyanddhodw assemloly ceeds in four test steps, with some variation
depending on whether the nozzles are pintle
or hole-type units.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Chatter test
The chatter test provides information on the
I smoothness of action of the needle. During
injection, the needle oscillates back and forth
to generate a typical chatter. This motion en-
sums ef6dent dispersOn ofthe fael particles.
The pressure gage should be disconnected
for this test (close valve).
SmOn equipment
Pinde nozAe
hembn P
3 QzWanckhol[der The lever on the nozzle tester is operated at a
rate of one to two strokes per second. The pres-
4 High-pressure test line
sure of the calibrating oil rises, ultimately
5 calibratog 61 MA
climbing beyond the nozzle's opening pres-
with filter

6 Pressure gage sure. During the subsequent discharge, the

nozzle should produce an audible chatter;
8 Hand lever if it fails to do so, it should be replaced.
...................... I I
Service technology Nozzle tests 1 29

When installing a new nozzle in its holder, The pressure gage must be switched back on
always observe the official torque specifica- for this test (valve open).
tions, even on hole-type nozzles.
Pintle nozzle and hole-type nozzle
Hole-type nozzle with single-spring nozzle holder
The hand lever is pumped at high speed. The operator slowly presses the lever down-
This produces a hum or whistling sound, ward, continuing until the gage needle indi-
depending on the nozzle type. No chatter cates the highest available pressure. At this
will be present in some ranges. Evaluation point, the valve opens and the nozzle starts
of chatter is difficult with hole-type nozzles. to discharge fuel. Pressure specifications can
This is why the chatter test is no longer as- be found in the "nozzles and nozzle-holder
signed any particular significance as an as- components" catalog.
sessment tool for hole-type nozzles. Opening pressures can be corrected by re-
placing the adjustment shim installed against
Spray pattern test the compression spring in the nozzle holder.
High pressures are generated during this test. This entails extracting the nozzle from the
Always wear safety goggles. nozzle holder. If the opening pressure is too
The hand lever is subjected to slow and by, a thicker shim should be installed; the
even pressure to produce a consistent discharge response to excessive opening pressures is
plume. The spray pattern can now be evalu- to install a thinner shim.
ated. It provides information on the condition
of the injection orifices. The prescribed re- Hole-type nozzle with two-spring nozzle holder
sponse to an unsatisfactory spray pattern is This test method can only be used to deter-
to replace the nozzle or nozzle-and-holder mine the initial opening pressure on two-
assembly. spring nozzle-and-holder assemblies.
Ile pressure gage should also be switched The is no provision for shim replacement
off for this test. on some nozzle-and-holder assemblies. The
only available response with these units is to
Pintle nozzle replace the entire assembly.
The spray should emerge from the entire
periphery of the injection orifice as even Leak test
tapered plume. There should be no concen- The pressure is set to 20 bar above the open-
tration on one side (except with flatted pin- ing pressure. After 10 seconds, formation of
de nozzles). a droplet at the injection orifice is acceptable,
provided that the droplet does not IdL
Hole-type nozzle The prescribed response to an unsuccessful
An even tapered plume should emerge mom lealaest is to replace the nozzle or nozzle-and-
each injection orifice. The number of indi- holder assembly.
vidual plumes should correspond to the
number of orifices in the nozzle.

Checking the opening pressure

Once the line pressure rises above the opening
pressure, the valve needle lifts from its seat
to expose the injection orifice(s). The speci-
fied opening pressure is vital for correct
eration of the overall fuel-injection system.
130 Index of technical terms

Index of technical terms

Technical Terms F

A nozz1% 95

Actuator diagnosis, 120 Flow measurement methods, 122f

Actuator mechanism, 62 NWMWO4

89 Fuellinw (low-pressurQ, M

AtmoQuKlammure sale NW pleatingJ5

fulload Mop, 53 NW Mp*J4f
Audly control module% 34H NW tank, 14

AxialTbton distributor Fuel-injection pump test benches, 122f

noction MR

B Glass gauge method, 122f

Blind-hoW none, 97 GbM serA, 121

Bosch SerAq 121 Govemo, 36U


Cavitatir@ 1
Hwd primer pump, 15

Charge-air pressure torque control, 50 Heavy-duty insert fittings, 108

Cold-start accelerator, 55f Helix and port-controlled distributor

Constant-pressure valve, 32, 82 injection pumps, 16

Control precision, 36 Helix and port-controlled systems, 8

High-precision technology, 101

D High-pressure connection fittings, 108f

Delivery phases, axial-piston High-pressure fuel lines, 109f

distributor injection pump, 76f High-pressure solenoid valve, 83

Delivery phases, radial-piston Hole-type nozzles, 96ff

distributor injection pump, 80

Delivery valve, 31 f

Delivery-signal sensor, 60 wwwlera6

Diesd"gim immobilizers, 65 Incremental aNhIme sysem, 88

Diesel fuel-injection systems, Injected-fuel quantity comparison

ovewiew, 4 Qsts@ 120

Injeaw LA, adjubmM, 84ff

DUmmions of
did 564jecbon
technology 93
Distributor body, 27, 80
Distributor fuel-injection pump system, Load switch, 59

system overview, 6 Load-clepencent Oak of deliveV with

Droop-speed control, 37 deadivation featu, 54

LoadvensIve start of d5way, 53

E Low-pressure stage, 22ff, 72f

Effective stroke, 28, 76, 80

Electric actuator mechanism, 62 M

Electronic control unit, 90f Main filter, 15

Electronic diesW comrol EDC, 112ff Manifold-pressure compensator, 50

Electronic low measuremerrt Maximum-speed governor, 36

system, 123 Microswitch, 59

Electronic Service Information, 117 Minimum-maximum speed
Engine test function, 120 governo,
Engine VNeW 1 1 8
Index of technical terms 1 31

Need4nabon sensor, 107
Motu Qco nuzle, 98
Negative torque coMrol, 49 Sealing cone, 108
Nozzle cones, 98 Sensw w4h mmidifbreoial
Nozzle holders, 1029 s1hort-&mKg &M 64

Nozzle haders, type designation Sewice technology 1 1 BR

codes, 102 Shutol devices, 61 f

Nozzle holders, without fuel leakage Soft-running device, 58

connection, 103 Solenoid actuator, 63

NoVe tests, 12W Solenoid valn,thing device, 63

NoNe-and-holder assembly 1029 Solenoid-opemted shAdR valm 61

Nozzle-needle damper, 105 Solenoid-valve-controlled distributor

Nozzles, 92ff injection pumps, 66ff
Solenoid-valve-controlled systems, 10ff

0 Speed-comparison test, 120

Off-road applications, 30 Standard nozzle holders, 104f
Orifice check valve, 82 Standarcl pintle nozzle, 94
Overflow restriaon, 24 Sort of delivery Muhl 126f
Overflow valve, 73 Start-o"elivay control system, 89

S5064"Obn control system, 89

Stepped nozzle holdeq 105
Ad-bad governor, 42 System diagao solenoid-valve
PeTendcuWr connecdon fittings, 1 09 contmIled distriloutor injection
Pirrtle 94
pan 12

Plungar strol, 28 System testers, 118

Pneumatic valve, 59

Positive torque control, 48 T

Potentiometer, 59 Temperature-controlled idle-speed

Precharge slot, 30 incmasq 56

PrelimAry No" 5
Do backs 120
Premu"cmud vake, 21 73 Testing EDC systems, I
Prestreved higlh-pressure delivery Testing equipmerA, 118

lie, 110 Throtthng pintle noul 9M

Prestrok% 28 Timing clevIe, 43K 85

Timing-device solenoid valve, 63, 88

RadAbouhn distributor injection Torque control, 46

pump, 78ff Torque-control modules,

Records, 33, 69 mechanial, 46m

Residual stroke, 28, 76, 80 Two-spring nozzle holders, 106

Return-flow restriction, 32 Type designation codes,
Roller and cam combinations, 27 nozzle holders, 102

Vane-type supply pump, 22, 72f

Variable-speed governor, 38ff

Water separato, 15

EAT Solenoid-operated shutoff vabe

Inle fuel-injechon pump EC: End of combustion
size A ECM: Electrochemical Machining

Holeype nomles)
ADA: Atmospheric-pressure
sale ECU: Electronic Control Unit
(German: Atmosph,@renclruck- EOC: Uctronic Diesel Cknkol

amAngiger EDR: Maximum-speed governor

ALDA: Manifol0pressure compensator (German: Enddrehzahiregelung)
(German: Ladeclruckabh@ingiger EGS: Electronic transmission control
alosolut messenW Werman: EeWonisclhe
ALFB: Load-dependent start of Getriebesteuerung)

delivery WE deactiMion feature EGR: Exhausugas recirculathn

(German: Abschaltbarer, El: End of injection
lastabhdngiger F6rderbeginn) ELAB: Solenoid-operated shutoff valve

ASIC: Application-Specific (German: EhWisclnes

IntegUed Circdt Abstellver0l)

ASR: Traction control system Eoll. programming: End of Line
(German: Antriebsschlupfregelung) programming
AWIT Bosch workhop network ESIUmnick Electronic Service
B ESP: Electronic SWbility Program
BDC: Bottom Dead Center
(pistoucranksom F

bhp: Brake home power FD: DAKV period

MP-Signal: Begin of Injection (German: Fbrderdauer)

Period-Signal FGB: Vehicle-speed limitation

(German: Fahrgeschwindigkeits-
C begrenzung)
CA: Camshaft FG% Cruise convol (Genman:
CAN: Cowdler Area Network Hogeschwindgworegelung)
cks: Crankshaft FSS: Delivery-signal sensor
CR System: Common-Rail System (German: F6rdersignalsensor)

CRS: Common-Rail System

CW pump: In-line fuel-injection pump G

NM CW GOT Constar0pressure valve

DDS: Diesel-engine immobilizers (German:
(German: Diesel-Diebstahl-Schutz) GST: Graduated (or adjustable)
DHK: Nozzle-and-holder assembly start quantity
(German: Dosenhalterkombination) GZS: Glow plug control unit
DI: Direct Injection (German: GlohzeitsteuergerAt)
DIMT Diesel solenoid valve

(German: Diesel-Magnetventil)
DWS: Angle-of-rotation sensor
(German: Drehwinkelsensor)
DZG: Speed sensor (German:
Drehzahlgeber (Drehzahisensor))
Index of technical terms Abbreviations 133

hi oumpAn-line conad-sleeve nVction M
pump: In-line fuel-injection pump SC: Start of combustion
pump (German: Hubschieber- size M SD: Start of delivery
Reiheneinspritzpumpe) MAB: Fuel cutout SI: Start of injection
HBA: Hydraulically controlled (German: Mengenabschaltung)

torque control device (German: MBEG: Fuel limitation T

Hydraulisch betdtigte Angleichung) (German: Mengenbegrenzung) TD signal: Engine-speed signal

HDK: Sensor with sernidifferential MGT: Glass gauge method TLA: Temperature-controlled
short-circuiting ring (German: (German: Messglas-Technik) idle-speed increase
Halb-Differenzial-Kurzschlussring) MPC: Manifold-pressure compensator (German: Temperaturabhdngige
process: Hydro-erosion process MI: Main Injection Leerlaufanhebung)
(Hole-type nozzles) MSG: Engine ECILI (German: TDC: Top Dead Center
HGB: Maximum-speed limiter Motorsteuergerdt, Motor-ECU) (piston/crankshaft)
(German: H6chstgeschwindig- MV: Solenoid valve TO signal: Fuel-consumption signal
keitsbegrenzung) (German: Magnetventil)
MW pump: In-line fuel-injection pump U

cm MW UIS: Unit INector System
!DE Indirect "ection UPS: Unit Pump System

EL Ignition lag N

1: Qection Ng NBS: Needle-motion sensor V

ISO: International Organization for (German: Nadelbewegungssensor) VE-MY Solenoid,alve-controlled

Standardizabn N LK: Hydraulically assisted timing injection pump
JWZ "Mem: Incremental angle-time device (German: Nachlaufkolben- VE pump: Axial-piston distributor
system (German: Inkrementales- Spritzversteller) pump (German: Axialkolben-
Winkel-Zeit-System) VerAWWnspriyunyaW
K P purny InTne pmp PortsontWled injection purnp
KMA: Electronic low rneasurement she P VP29, VP30: Solenoid-valve-controlled
system (German: Kontinuierliche PE pump: In-line fuel-injection pump injection pump
Mengenanalyse) (German: Reiheneinspritzpumpe YNT R"WTWon distAutor pump
KS& Cold-start accelerator mit eigener WcWmWW VR
pumW RadalTiston diMributor
(German: Kaltstartbeschleuniger) PF pump: Discrete fuel-injection pump pump (German: Radialkolben-
KTS: Small Wster subs (Germam Einzeleinspritzpumpe Verteilereinspritzpumpe)
(German: Klein-Tester-Serie) mit FremdaMrieb) VT& Variable Turloirte Geometry
kW: Kilowatt (= 1.3596 bhp) PI: Pre-injection
PLA: Pneumatic idle-speed increase W
(German: Pneumatische WOT: Wide-open throttle
LDk MamfoldTressure compensator Leerlaufanhebung)
(German: Ladedruckabhdngiger PO: Post-injection Z

Volllastanschlag) ppm: Parts per million ZDR: Intermediate-speed control

LED: LyhrEmling Dhde (tooo ppm -= 01 (German: Zwischendrehzahl-
LFM Loadsmsihve Man 0 delivery PSM Purnp ECU ryelung)
(Geman: ImstalMAyler (German: Pumpensteuwgerdt) ZW ournp: HAM purnp
Fbrclerbeginn) PWM: Pulse-Width modulation signal size ZW
LFG: WW-speed spring allaaed ZW(M) InAne fueldNecthn
M govemor housing (Gerrnam R
pump size ZW for multifuel
Leerlauffeder gehdusefest) R
pump: In-line fuel-injection pump operation
I.TCC: Low Temperature Cofired size R

Ceramic RDV: Orifice check valve

(German: Rockstr6mdrosselventil)
RSD: OrMce check valve

(German: Rockstrbmdrosselventil)
IRWG: Control-rack travel sensor
(German: Regelweggeber)
I 1

ISBN-3-934584-65-9 Order Number 1

987 722 144 AA/PDT-10.03-En

'Me Program Orclu ISfurnbu ISBN

Automotive Electrics/Autornotive
Motor-Vehicle Batteries and Electrical Systems 1
987 722 143 3034581710
Alternatom a& Starter Motors 1
987 722 128 3034581601
Automotive Lighting Kchnology, Windshield
and Rear-V0ndovv Cleaning 1
987 722 176 30345807&5
AwomotiveSensors 1
987 722 10 3034580500
Automotive Microelectronics 1
987 722 122 3034580407

Diesel-Engine Managennent
Diesel-Engine Management: An Overview 1
987 722 138 303458162q
Bectrorric Diesel Control EDC 1
987 722 135 30345804TO
Diesel Accumulator Fuel-Injection System
Common RAI CR 1
987 722 175 3-934584-40-3
Diesel Fuel-Injection Systems
Unit Injector System/Unit Pump System 1
987 722 179 3-934584-41-1
Distributor-Type Diesel Fuel-Injection Pumps 1
987 722 144 303458?650
Diesel In-Une Fuel-Itevion Pumps 1
987 722 137 3034581680

Gasolline-Engine Management
Emissions-Control Technology
Or Gasoline Engines 1
987 722 102 30345802&8
Gasoline FueldnJection System hNetronic 1
987 722 159 30345802T6
Gasoline Fueldnjectbn System KEJetrwic 1
987 722 101 3034580281
Gasoline FuelAnjection System L-Jetronic 1
987 722 160 3-934584-29-2
Gasoline Fuel-Injection System Mono-Jetronic 1
987 722 105 3-934584-30-6
Ignition Systems for Gasoline Engines 1
987 722 130 3034580612
Gasoline-Engine Management:
Basics and Components 1
987 722 136 3034580409
Gasoline-Engine Management:
MotronicSystems 1
987 722 139 3034580750

Safety, Comfort and Convenience Systems

Conventional and Electronic Braking Systems 1
987 722 103 3034580600
ESP Electronic Stability Program 1
987 722 177 3034580406
ACC Adaptive Cruise Control 1
987 722 134 3034580600
Compressed-Air Systems for Commercial
Vehicles Ob Systems and Schematic Diagrams 1
987 722 165 3034580451
Compressed-Air Systems for Commercial
Vehicles (2): Equipment 1
987 722 166 30345804&2
Safety, and Co"enieme
Comfort Systems 1
987 722 150 3-934584-254
Audio, Navigation and Telematics in the Vehicle 1
987 722 132 303458?530

The up-to-date program is available on the Internet at:

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