Enhanced Smart Doorbell Facial Recognition (Ayman Ben Thabet, 2015)
Enhanced Smart Doorbell Facial Recognition (Ayman Ben Thabet, 2015)
Enhanced Smart Doorbell Facial Recognition (Ayman Ben Thabet, 2015)
Abstract In recent years considerable progress has been made embedded systems are very practical to be used in different
in the area of face recognition. Through the work of computer applications such as terrorists identification, security systems
science engineers, computers can now outperform humans in and identity verification access. In fact it is implemented in
many face recognition tasks, particularly those in which large many public and even dedicated areas. Thanks to the well-
databases of faces must be searched. A system with the ability to developed technologies related to computer science, we can
detect and recognize faces has many potential applications obtain considerably good and satisfying results of face
including crowd and airport surveillance, private security and identification and reveal. The extracted details from faces, will
improved human-computer interaction. An automatic face be analyzed and compared with the already existing similar
recognition system is perfectly suited to fix security issues and
face operated details in the database. For example in
offer flexibility to smart house control. This project aims to
monitoring systems the detection of an anonymous face more
replace costly image processing boards using Raspberry pi board
with ARMv7 Cortex-A7 as the core within Opencv library. This than once leads to saving this face traits in the database for
project is mainly based on image processing by porting the further identification. This strategy is very efficient in detecting
Opencv library to the Raspberry Pi board. Algorithm for face criminals and thieves.
recognition, based on principal component analysis (PCA), is In this paper, face recognition is initiated by pressing the
programmed and implemented on the platform. The system is doorbell button. Indeed, an integrated camera will capture
based on the criteria of low power consumption, resources several pictures of the visitor. The face recently scanned will be
optimization, and improved operation speed.
verified in the present database. In case of unknown face, a
This paper reviews the related work in the field of home
automation systems and presents the system design, software
template will be generated then stored. Otherwise, in case of
algorithm, implementation and results. known face, actual template is matched with templates stored
in the database. Furthermore, the owner will be notified,
through his mobile phone, speakers and an administrative
Keywords face recognition; security; home automation; secured website, about all the visiting details. Comparing to old
intelligent; Principal Component Analysis; low cost; OpenCv; face recognition systems that are already commercialized, this
domotic; project is more efficient in real time response with better
recognition rate.
I. INTRODUCTION The system design and project process are detailed in
The human face has a particular shape that requires section 2 of this paper. Section 3 is dedicated for the
complex calculations in order to recognize it. Individuals are corresponding implementation architecture and experimental
distinguished by their faces, with which they are being results.
identified. We can memorize many faces during our life
journey and get to know them immediately, even after years. II. DESIGN CONCEPT AND WORK PROCESS
Aging and distractions like glasses, beard or change of skin
color may gradually vary face recognition rates. Face A. Design concept
identification represents one of the most used types of The main goal of this work is to create an intelligent
biometry. It proceeds as follows: Starting with calculating and doorbell system mainly based on human face identification.
subtracting specific characteristics, then verifying them with The first part involves face detection using haar-like filters [1],
the already existing database, in addition to obtaining a positive then seek likeness in the database entries. A flowchart of the
correspondence between the compared faces. After getting the control procedures is shown in Figure 1.
face shape details, the system adjust them by using some
algorithm models, finally face images are stored in the database To achieve the described functioning, we subdivide the face
and resolved using other algorithm. The face recognition recognition process into three sections: Face Detection, Trait
Extraction and Face Recognition (Figure 2).
C. Feature extraction
After detecting the face in the image, human-face patches
are extracted from images. To avoid environmental
Figure 1. Flowchart of system procedures deficiencies like illuminations, face expressions, occlusion and
clutter [2], feature extractions are implemented to extract
information from the image in order to reduce dimension,
B. Face detection conspicuous extraction, and noise decreasing. After this step,
The fundamental role of this section is to resolve the the face image is extracted and transformed into a vector with
images in order to determine whether human faces appear, and fixed dimension with space vector containing points and their
pinpoint the location of faces to prepare for cropping. The corresponding locations in a XML file (training file) or as a
resulting output of this process are patches characterizing each PCD file (Point Cloud Data). Faces are described as polygons
face image, to improve the effectiveness of the algorithm, face or objects. Figure 5 shows face detection and feature
alignment and scaling filters are applied to the input image. extraction process.
Face detection is used also for region-of-interest detection,
video classification, retargeting images, etc.
By applying the Haar-like features, the system could
recognize the presence or the absence of a human face. As
shown in Figure 3.
D. Face recognition perform SSH connexion, drivers for the Wireless network
After preparing the training file and interpret the face adapter and sound output software.
vector, the next step is to apply the matching algorithm
between the stored data and the input image [3]. The process B. Software and dependencies implementation
of the system is working as follows: as an input image comes 1) Essential dependencies
in, face detection will pinpoint the traits of a face, then feature To completely afford a functioning smart doorbell system,
extraction will apply the filters to extract only the face and installing useful dependencies such USB Camera, Wireless
then compare the traits extracted to the ones available in the adapter and screen drivers in the Linux operating system is
database, major previous works were infirm with low needful. Then, OpenCv library which is used to allow
recognition rate or with undefined time response. In this developers to flexible manipulation of the camera flux and to
branch two main applications are established: the first is create a proper algorithm based on computer vision is
identification [4] and the second one is verification [5]. installed. Python and C compilers are needed also for
On one hand, using face identification, the system could programming. Finally SQL, PHP and Apache dependencies
recognize the person through a given face image, or, in worst should be installed in order to access the local website to view
case, could precise the most probable identification using the camera streaming.
Eigen Face algorithm, too many issues of face stimulus
appeared in previous work in face recognition field, especially
2) Software
when the camera is exposed in the outdoor to environmental
changes, this lead us to create a new approach in order to To access the Raspberry Pi Graphic User Interface
determine the real unique traits of a human face, this may have (GUI), it is highly recommended to use XRDP: a small
important implications for the use of identification tools such software that provides simple way to remote control raspberry
as Eigenface, the algorithm represents every image as vector, pi. For the sound output, Espeak library that pronounce a text
compute the mean of all images, eigenvectors, and then given as an input is installed. For external access to the
represent each face with a linear combination of the best raspberry pi local website we need to configure the access on
eigenvectors calculated. NO-IP software so it redirect all external requests to the main
On the other hand, systems using face verification could website of the project.
differentiate if a given face image matches or not with a guess
face to improve the verification. Steps of face recognition are 3) Administration and website
shown in figure 6.
The main page of the administration panel of the
smart doorbell website is secured with login and password
access in order to give permission only to the owner to take
control of the entries.
The main idea is to access the database and differentiate
Figure 6. Steps of face recognition between the visitors, show their details, pictures, time of their
last visit, and full flexible manipulations: adding details,
deleting entries, modifying names, dates, number of visits, etc.
Dependencies needed to build a smart doorbell based on the
face recognition algorithm are detailed in this section.
A. Technical specifications
Since this work is based on the Raspberry Pi model B
embedded board: the operating system need to be configured.
Thus, an easy access to the system and control all the hardware
related to the board could be possible. For such applications, Figure 7. Data table of visitors
Raspbian OS is opted to be installed since it runs on a Linux
kernel and programming the face recognition algorithm will
not be tough and this differs from prior work in time execution 4) Android Notification
and developing tools [6]. This project only entails few hard
devices: wireless network adapter, memory card, push button To inform the owner of new visitors when the doorbell is
and a webcam, which offers better manipulation with the pushed, an android application providing to the user a
wireless flexibility, and the low cost of equipment. notification showing the name and the last visit time is
Besides, we need software tools to facilitate the work and
the build of the project. Also, pre-compiled libraries and source
files should be installed on the board to access the GPIO pins,
C. Result
This project uses the Eigen faces algorithm in OpenCV
library to perform face recognition. The script will capture an
image which is converted to grey scale image, then apply the
Eigen face approach and detect a face then crop the image in
N dimensions.
To reduce the amount of information stored in database,
face images are converted into two-dimensional array with 8
bit intensity values, with the exact trait extraction the
algorithm calculate the average face image (in grey-scale
mode for more information reduction) and subtract the
resulting vector from each eigen face vector to finally obtain
the essential vector in order to identify a person, this
normalization of each vector is called principal component
Figure 10. Analysis of recognition accuracy
and helps to find the appropriate vector within the shortest
possible time, the purpose of using principle component The proposed algorithm operate friendly with the
analysis is to create a linear combination of a vector that raspberry pi board and provides a better result.
optimally represent the input image with less memory
footprint.. [7]
Table 1. Intra-facial distances for different lighting filters information about the visitors in a dynamic website and phone
application, could be used in other fields like industries,
offices and even air-ports for identifying wanted people.
Lighting filter Intra-facial distance time
In this paper, face recognition system has been developed
None 0.130 0.154 in order to study the potential application for home automation
L2 norm to unity 0.110 0.095 door security with real time response and better recognition
L2 norm to unity and mean to zero 0.101 0.075 rate. Among the other bio-metric techniques, face recognition
Histogram equalization 0.104 0.124 approach offers one great advantage which is user friendliness.
Non-linear block processing 0.125 0.131
Sobell filter 0.120 0.178 REFERENCES