Cap 10

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Designing and
In this chapter, you
will learn how to: D esigning and building multimedia projects go hand in hand.
For CD-ROM and DVD projects, design input is never over until the
Design the structure and user interface forproduct
a multiismedia
frozen and shipped. The best products are often the
result ofand
How to produce a success ful multimedia project continuing feedback
work with and modifications implemented throughout
the production process; projects that freeze a design too early become
brittle in the production workplace, losing the chances for incremental
improve- ment. But there is a danger: too much feedback and too many
changes can kill a project, draining it of time and money. Always balance
proposed changes against their cost to avoid the creeping features
For a project bound for a web site, the design may be completed and
implemented, yet the sites content may be regularly updated and
changed, so the project may (by its very design) never be completely
frozen. In such cases, it is especially important to set clear deadlines and
Just as the architect of a high-rise office tower must understand how
to utilize the materials with which he or she works (lest the construction
collapse on trusting clients), designers of multimedia projects must also
understand the strengths and limitations of the elements that will go into
their project. It makes no sense, for example, to design the audio
elements of a multimedia project in memory-consuming 16-bit, 44.1 kHz
stereo sound when the delivery medium will not have sufficient room for
it; or to produce lengthy, full-screen, video clips to play at 30 frames per
second over the Internet when targeted end users connect by dial-up
modems; or to design lovely 1024 768 pixel graphics for elementary
school laptops when that environment supports only 800 600 pixel
screens. Architects dont design inner city parking garages with 14-
foot ceilings and wide turning radii for 18-wheel big rigs, and they
dont build them using wood or mud laid on a swampy foundation.
Designers must work closely with producers to ensure that their ideas
can be properly realized, and producers need to confirm the results of
their work with the designers. These colors seem to work betterwhat
do you think? It plays smoother now, but I had to change the animation
sequence . . . Doing the index with highlighted lines slows it down
can we eliminate this feature? Feedback loops and good communication
between the design and production effort are critical to the success of a
Chapter 10 Designing and 295
The idea processing (described in Chapter 9) of your multimedia project will
have resulted in a detailed and balanced plan of action, a pro- duction schedule, and
a timetable. Now its time for implementation!

The design part of your project is where your knowledge and skill with computers;
your talent in graphic arts, video, and music; and your ability to conceptualize
logical pathways through information are all focused to create the real thing. Design
is thinking, choosing, making, and doing. It is shaping, smoothing, reworking,
polishing, testing, and editing. When you design your project, your ideas and
concepts are moved one step closer to reality. Competence in the design phase is
what separates amateurs from professionals in the making of multimedia.

Tip Never begin a multimedia project without first outlining its

structure and content.

Depending on the scope of your project and the size and style of your team, you
can take two approaches to creating an original interactive multi- media design. You
can spend great effort on the storyboards, or graphic outlines, describing the
project in exact detailusing words and sketches for each and every screen image,
sound, and navigational choice, right down to specific colors and shades, text
content, attributes and fonts, but- ton shapes, styles, responses, and voice inflections.
(This approach is par- ticularly well suited for teams that can build prototypes
quickly and then rapidly convert them into finished goods.) Or you can use less-
detailed storyboards as a rough schematic guide, allowing you to exert less design
sweat up front and expend more effort actually rendering the product at a
The method you choose depends on whether the same people will do the whole
thing (both the designing and the implementing) or whether implementation will be
tasked or outsourced to a new team who will then need a detailed specification
(that is, a detailed storyboard and sketches). Both approaches require the same
thorough knowledge of the tools and capabilities of multimedia, and both demand
a story- board or a project outline. The first approach is often favored by clients
who wish to tightly control the production process and labor costs. The second
approach gets you more quickly into the nitty-gritty, hands-on tasks, but you may
ultimately have to give back that time because more iterations and editing will be
required to smooth the work in progress. In either case, the more planning on paper,
the better and easier it will be to construct the project.
296 Multimedia: Making It Work

Designing the Structure

A multimedia project is no more than an arrangement of text, graphic,
sound, and video elements (or objects).The way you compose these
elements into interactive experiences is shaped by your purpose and
How you organize your material for a project will have just as great
an impact on the viewer as the content itself. Since the explosive growth
of the World Wide Web and proliferation of millions and millions of
multi- media-capable HTML documents that can be linked to millions of
other similar documents in the cyberspace of the Web, your designs and
inven- tions may actually contribute to the new media revolution: other
creators may discover your work and build upon your ideas and methods.
On some projects, you may be both the designer and the programmer.
This can work well because you will understand how the design features
you choose will actually be implemented. Indeed, your design will be
tem- pered, if not defined, by your programming and coding skills, and
you will be less likely to specify features impossible or overly difficult to

Mapping the structure of your project is a task that should be started early
in the planning phase, because navigation maps outline the connections
or links among various areas of your content and help you organize your
content and messages. A navigation map (or site map) provides
you with a table of contents as well as a chart of the logical flow of the
interac- tive interface. While with web sites a site map is typically a
simple hier- archical table of contents with each heading linked to a page,
as a more detailed design document your map may prove very useful to
your project, listing your multimedia objects and describing what
happens when the user interacts.
Just as eight story plots might account for 99 percent of all literature
ever written (boy meets girl, protagonist versus antagonist, etc.), a few
basic structures for multimedia projects will cover most cases: linear
naviga- tion, hierarchical navigation, nonlinear
navigation, and composite navigation. Figure 10-1 illustrates
the four fundamental organizing struc- tures used in multimedia projects,
often in combination:
Users navigate sequentially, from one frame or bite of infor-
mation to another.
Hierarch Also called linear with branching, since users navi-
gate along the branches of a tree structure that is shaped by the natural
logic of the content.
Nonlin Users navigate freely through the content of the project,
unbound by predetermined routes.
Chapter 10Linear
Designing and 29

Compos Users may navigate freely Hierarchical

(nonlinearly) but are occasionally con-
strained to linear presentations of mov-
ies or critical information and/or to
data that is most logically organized in
a hierarchy.
The method you provide to your
viewers for navigating from one place to
another in your project is part of the user
interface. The success of the user interface
depends not only upon its general design
and graphic art implementations but also
upon myriad engineering detailssuch as
the position of interactive buttons or hot
spots rela- tive to the users current
activity, whether these buttons light up,
and whether you use standard Macintosh or
Windows pull- down menus. A good user
interface is criti- cal to the overall success
of your project.
The nature of your interface will vary
depending on its purpose: browsing, data-
base access, entertainment, information,
instruction, reference, marketing, and gam-
ing projects require different approaches
and different navigation strategies.
Figure 10-1 The four primary navigational structures used
in multimedia
Structural Depth

Professor Judith Junger from the Open University of the Netherlands

in Amsterdam suggests that when you design your multimedia product,
you should work with two types of structure: depth structure and surface
structure. Depth structure represents the complete navigation map
and describes all the links between all the components of your project
(see Figure 10-1). Surface structure, on the other hand, represents
the struc- tures actually realized by a user while navigating the depth
structure. Thus the following depth structure
might be realized as the following surface structure:
298 Multimedia: Making It Work

Some surface structures generated by users might look like this:

The following depth structure for a quiz thus consists of three possible
surface structures:

When you design your navigation map, it helps to think about surface
structureto view the product from a users perspective. Surface struc-
tures are of particular interest to marketing firms in tracking users routes
through a web site to determine the effectiveness of the sites design and
to profile a users preferences. When a users preferences are known, a
custom web site experience can be dynamically tailored and delivered to
that user. Acquisition and management of such profiling data is a hot
topic, with pri- vacy advocates claiming the personal information
revealed in these surface structures is akin to a persons medical and
health records.
Many navigation maps are essentially nonlinear. In these
navigational systems, viewers are always free to jump to an index, a
glossary, various
Chapter 10 Designing and 29

First Person
Dear Tay, plot lines, the permuta tions plot that provides the cumulative
With regard to the creation can become staggering. To action, and use arrays of
of inter active fiction, what an author, this means each returning branches for detail and
kinds of software new plot pathway chosen by illustration. In this way you can
engineering strategies would user interaction requires its entirely avoid the permutations
you recommend for creating own development, and one of alternative uni verses and still
stories that maintain a story may actually become offer the adventure of interactive
strong sense of cumula tive sev eral hundred or more. To exploration.
action (otherwise known as constrain this fearsome
plot) while still offering the explosion of narrative Dear Tay,
audience a high frequency pathways, yet retain a high I just read your answer to Patrick
of interaction? In other fre quency of interaction, try Dillons question about
words, how do you constrain designing your fiction interactive fiction in your
the combinatoric explosion around a single core column. My response is difficult
of the narrative pathways, to contain: Aaarrrrgggh hhh!!!!
while still main taining the You Ignorant Slut! OK, per haps
Aristotelian sense of a unity I am overreacting, but you are
of plot? refusing to let go of linearity.
Patrick Dillon, Why ever do you want
Atlanta, GA toconstrain the combinatoric
explosion of narrative
One and onehalf Tshirts to
pathways? Good Lord, thats
Patrick Dillon! Would have
what makes the gametree bushy.
been two for your invocation
This is exactly the kind of work
of a famous Greek
thats well suited for a computer
philosopher, but then I
to perform grinding out three
couldnt find combinatoric
billion story variations!
in Websters. Aristotle himself
Chris Crawford, San Jose,
would have been pleased
by the harmonious balance
of your reward: you have Chris, Ive been called a lot of
asked a really good things over the years (like Fay
question. and Ray), and its with a smile
As multimedia and the that I add your gift to my
power of computers begin collection. Playing Jane Curtin to
to change our approach to your Dan Aykroyd, Ill be happy to
literature and story telling, counter your counterpoint.
new engineering strategies Your challenge represents a
do need to be serious subject for multimedia
implemented. designers today. I agree that
When fiction becomes interactive stories with too few
nonlinear, and users can branches are disap pointingly
choose among alternative flat and shallow. When a plot is
broadly nonlinear, however, intellectual challenge bandwidth cable and
the permutations of events and costly in time and telephone delivery systems
and pos sible outcomes effort. is being born in the working
become staggering, and the designs of developers. The
story as a whole becomes A truly openended final test for successful
difficult to visualize and hypermedia navigation multimedia design is the
manage. system for consumer marketplace, where
Producing such work is also consumption risks death consumers will decide. Your
an by shock caused by open interestingalgorithms for
arterial branches and loss interpersonal behavior,
of story pressure, where person ality models,
plot lines become too artificial personality,
diffuse and users founder languages of expression,
in trivia. Most users may, and facial displays
indeed, prefer a structured, represent, perhaps, a suc
organized, and welldefined cessful marriage of this
story environment. computer power with
The argument for literature containing
simplicity is voiced by malleable plots and
Steven Levy, the author seemingly endless
of Hackers and Artificial variations. Indeed, your
Life, who says, Theres forthcoming epic game, Le
really something to be Morte DArthur, will surely
said for documents with break new ground and quite
a beginning, middle, and possibly prove your point.
end. Cant wait to get a copy!

The shape of this new From correspondence in

literature made possible Ask the Captain, a
by multimedia com monthly column by Tay
puters and wide- Vaughan in NewMedia
300 Multimedia: Making It Work

Because all forms of informationincluding text, numbers, photos, video, and soundcan exist in a common
an information
menus, stream,
Help or About . . . just as people
sections, or even use
to a their various
rendering of thesenses
map simulta
itself. It is often important to give viewers the sense that free choice is
Bill Gates, Chairman, Microsoft Corporation
available; this empowers them within the context of the subject matter.
Nonetheless, you should still provide consistent clues regarding
importance, emphasis, and direction by varying typeface size and look,
colorizing, indenting, or using special icons.
The architectural drawings for your multimedia project are the story-
boards and navigation maps. The storyboards are married to the naviga-
tion maps during the design process, and help to visualize the
information architecture.
A simple navigation map is illustrated in Figure 10-2, where the sub-
ject matter of a small project to teach the basics of animation was
organized schematically. The items in boxes are not only descriptions of
content but also active buttons that can take users directly to that content.
At any place in the project, users can call up this screen and then
navigate directly to their chosen subject.

Figure 10-2 A simple navigation map

Chapter 10 Designing and


A storyboard for this same project, originally built for a small black-
and-white low-resolution display, is organized sequentially, screen by
screen, and each screen is sketched out with design notes and
specifications before rendering. On the left, in Figure 10-3, are parts of
the storyboard for this project; on the right are corresponding finished

Title (use a gradient)

sans serif, clean type

Menu, five buttons

Navigation bar, Quit, About

Card 1
Visual Effects

Sample image for

visual effects
Timing and speed controls
Multiple effects test

Card 2 Section title


Card 3
Blowup of icon in
Fat Bits
Animated icon Individual icon

Card 4

Figure 10-3 Storyboards on the left, with finished screens on the right
302 Multimedia: Making It Work

Really good software prod- ucts should be simple, hot, and deep. People need to get into your software in abo
got to be fully cooking the machine, with allMultimedia
its graphics and sound
provides capa-for jumping about within your
great power
bilities, conveying
projects content. something
And though dynamic
it is important andusers
to give exciting that
a sense competes wit
of free
all ages: some kids will just wade out in a foot of surf, other guys with scuba gear
choice, too much freedom can be disconcerting, and viewers may get go way out and
lost. Try to keep your messages and content organized along a steady
Trip Hawkins, Founder,
Electronic Arts
stream of the major subjects, letting users branch outward to explore
details. Always provide a secure anchor, with buttons that lead to
expected places, and build a familiar landscape to which users may return
at any time.
Your content may not always be an assembly of discrete subjects as
illustrated in Figure 10-2. If your material deals with a chronology of
events occurring over time, for example, you may wish to design the
struc- ture as a linear sequence of events and then send users along that
sequence, allowing them to jump directly to specific dates or time frames
if desired (see Figure 10-4). A timeline will graphically show the
positioning of your multimedia elements and can be helpful during the
design phase: where there are overlapping events, you may wish to create
cross-sectional paths or views for a slice in time.

Figure 10-4 A chronological navigation map with active buttons

Even within a linear, time-based structure, you may still wish to sort
events into categories regardless of when they occur. There is no reason
you cant do this and offer more than one method of navigating through
your content. Figure 10-5, for instance, illustrates a navigation map that
accesses the same events from the timeline form of Figure 10-4, but
arranged here instead into meaningful groups of events.
Chapter 10 Designing and 30
Figure 10-5 A navigation map based on events that are active

Hot Spots, Hyperlinks, and Buttons

Most multimedia authoring systems allow you to make any part of the
screen, or any object, into a hot spot. When users hover over or click
a hot spot at that location, something happens, which makes multimedia
not just interactive, but also exciting. Hot spots can be given more
specific names based upon either their function or form. For example, if
clicking the hot spot connects the user to another part of the document or
program or to a different program or web site, it is referred to as a link or
hyperlink. If the hot spot is a graphic image designed to look like a
push button or toggle switch, it is called a button, more formally
defined as a meaningful graphic image that you click or touch to make
something happen.
Hot spots can be text or graphic images. Most authoring systems pro-
vide a tool for creating text buttons of various styles (radio buttons,
check boxes, or labeled push buttons, for example), as well as graphic

Tip Designing a good navigation system and creating original

buttons appro- priate for your project are not trivial artistic
tasks. Be sure you budget sufficient time in your design process
for many trials, so youll be able to get your buttons looking
and acting just right.

Text buttons and their fonts and styles are described in Chapter 2.
Graphic buttons can contain graphic images or even parts of imagesfor
example, a map of the world with each country color coded, and a mouse
click on a country yields further information. Icons are graphic
304 Multimedia: Making It Work

designed specifically to be meaningful as buttons and are usually small

(although size is, in theory, not a determining factor). Icons are
fundamen- tal graphic objects symbolic of an activity or concept:

Once a style has been selected, you need to determine how your user
will know that the button is active or is being selected. Highlighting a
button or object, or changing its state, when the cursor rolls over it or the
button is clicked, is the most common method of distinguish-
ing it as the object of interest. Highlighting is usu-
ally accomplished by altering the objects colors
and optionally moving the object a pixel or two or,
if text, changing its size. Depending upon how you
high- light, you can make a button appear off (not
pressed) or on (pressed) as illustrated on the left.
Or you can use an animated GIF image that animates when the
mouse hovers over it. The dove in the illustration begins flying when the
mouse passes over the word Habitat.
Your navigation design must provide buttons that make sense, so
their actions will be intuitively understood by means of their icon or
graphic rep- resentation, or via text cues. Do not force your viewers to
learn many new or special icons; keep the learning curve to a minimum.
Its also important to include buttons that perform basic housekeeping
tasks, such as quitting the project at any given point, or canceling an

Hot Spots in Web Pages HTML documents do not directly

support interactive graphic buttons that follow the rules of good interface
design by highlighting or otherwise confirming a hover or mouse-
down action. In most web browsers, you know you have clicked on a
linked graphic (a button) only when the cursor changes while the browser
seeks another document and loads it. But you can make plain and
animated buttons for your HTML documents on the Web using plug-ins
such as Flash or JavaScripts. A simple JavaScript or CSS a:hover in an
HTML document can replace one image with another on mouseOver or
hover. Other ways to
Chapter 10 Designing and


make interesting buttons and interactive graphical interfaces on the World

Wide Web are described more fully in Chapter 13.
The simplest hot spots on the Web are the text anchors that link a
document to other documents. This is because a browser usually
indicates that some specific text is a hot link or anchor by coloring or
underlining the text so it stands out from the body. Default colors for
anchor text are a user-defined preference, though you can override the
default in the
<BODY> tag.
Using CSS in web site design, text can be easily colored and high-
lighted on hover and hyperlinked or anchored to other document URLs
on clicking. Drop-down text menus (see Figure 10-6) allow for a dense
hierarchy of menu choices to be displayed.

Figure 10-6 Dropdown menus at web sites are built using a combination of HTML, CSS, and

Other common buttons found on the Web consist of small JPEG or

GIF graphic images that are themselves anchor links. Browsers indicate
that an image is hot by drawing a border around it (you can remove this
border by placing BORDER=0 into the <IMG> tag). Larger images
may be sectioned into hot areas with associated links; these are called
image maps.
Figure 10-7 shows a graphic image of a village that has been pro-
grammed in HTML to have 32 hot spots with links (the document to
open when clicked) and a JavaScript routine called set that will place
an image into the frame at the left when the mouse rolls over that area.
The code looks like this:

<AREA shape="rect" coords="180,85,230,135" href=" ../vendors/v25/index.html"

306 Multimedia: Making It Work

Figure 10-7 Using a large image map and JavaScript embedded in a normal HTML web page, when
the mouse rolls over a house or barn, the content of that building is displayed as a separate graphic at
the left. Users can actively explore this seaside village to discover whats hidden behind its doors.

Designers will build screens where there In
are tiny little
Macintosh things
and going
Windows on all over
operating it aticons
systems, different
have aplaces,
special and every
meaning, in that they constitute a suite of image resources that are linked
Trip Hawkins, Chairman & CEO, 3DO Company
to and identify an application, file, volume, or service.
On the Macintosh, icon image files (.icns) can contain one or more
images of 16 16, 32 32, 48 48, 128 128, 256 256, and 512
pixels as well as alpha channels for transparency masking. The Mac
operat- ing system automatically scales the image(s) to display at other
sizes. To use your own icon for a file or folder, open the Get Info . . .
dialog (com- mand-i), click once on the icon shown at the top left of the
Get Info panel to highlight it, and paste any 512 512pixel bitmap from
the clipboard. The old icon is replaced with the new. You can also
highlight an icon in the Get Info panel and copy it to the clipboard
(command-c) for pasting into your image editor or directly into a project.
Windows 7 icons are 256 256 pixels and are scaled to Extra Large,
Large, Medium, or Small sizes in the Views menu. To replace a folder
or alias icon with your own, simply create a 256 256 pixel .png file and
save it. Then go to a folder or shortcut and right-click it; select
Chapter 10 Designing and


Choose the Customize tab and select Change Icon. Browse to find your
saved icon and click OK.
Building and saving icon files is simpler using an icon editor such as
IcoFX ( or the ICOformat plugin for Photoshop (www. If you want to use a system icon
within your project, it is often quickest to capture or grab it off the screen
and place it directly into your project as a bitmap. Use caution, however,
because the design of some icons (particularly those using corporate
logos) may be protected by copyright or trademark.
Browsers automatically look for a tiny 16 16 pixel icon file named
favicon.ico in the root of a web site, which they will display in one or
more places in their chrome (the toolbars, status bars, sidebars, menus,
and navigation elements surrounding the web page itself ). In the
following illustration, the Facebook icon is shown by the Firefox browser
both in the URL address field and in the tab:

If you wish to identify your own web site with an icon, simply
include a Windows-style .ico file (named favicon.ico) in the root folder
of your site. It will be discovered by the browser and used for all pages at
the site. Preferred, however, you can add a link tag in the <HEAD>
element of your web page that identifies your icon image to the browser:

<link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href="">

And with this method, you can use a .gif, .jpg, or .png image. Remember
you can use transparency in a .gif or .png image when you dont want your
icon to fill the 16 16 pixel box in the corners or edges. Use simple
shapes, keep your lines sharp, and experiment in your image editor: it is
very hard to make a decent image with only 16 16 pixels to work with.
Apples handheld touch devices such as iPod(touch),
iPhone, and iPad use a custom Safari browser to display web
clips on a Home screen; they will display a custom icon for
your web site if you include in the <HEAD> tag of your page
a <LINK> tag to an appropriate image. Apple recommends a
flat (not shiny) and simple 57 57 pixel image in .png
format with sharp 90 corners. The display software will then
render your icon with rounded corners, a drop shadow, and a
reflec- tive shine, as shown here.
308 Multimedia: Making It Work

Put the following code into your HTML <HEAD> tag:

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/somepath/image.png" />

or to force your icon not to be rendered,

<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png" href="/somepath/image.png" />

Designing the User Interface

The user interface of your multimedia product is a blend of its
He arrived at a screen with details aboutgraphic
another hostel,
elements andbut he did not
its navigation notice
system. he was
If your looking
messages at a different sc
and content
are disorganized and difficult to find, or if users become disoriented or
Lynda Hardman of the Scottish HCI Centre, after focus group testing the Glasgow Online
bored, your project may fail. Poor graphics can cause boredom. Poor
hypertext system
navigational aids can make viewers feel lost and unconnected to the
content; or, worse, viewers may sail right off the edge and just give up
and quit the program.

Novice/Expert Modes
Be aware that there are two types of end users: those who are computer
literate and those who are not. Creating a user interface that will satisfy
both types has been a design dilemma since the invention of computers.
The simplest solution for handling varied levels of user expertise is to
provide a modal interface, where the viewer can simply click a
Novice/ Expert button and change the approach of the whole interface
to be either more or less detailed or complex. Modal interfaces are
common on bulletin boards, for example, allowing novices to read
menus and select desired activities, while experts can altogether eliminate
the time- consuming download and display of menus and simply type an
activity code directly into an executable command line. Both novices and
experts alike may quickly learn to click the mouse and skip the annoying
ragtime piece you chose for background music.
Unfortunately, in multimedia projects, modal interfaces are not a
good answer. Its best to avoid designing modal interfaces because they
tend to confuse the user. Typically, only a minority of users are expert,
and so the majority are caught in between and frustrated. The solution is
to build your multimedia project to contain plenty of navigational power,
provid- ing access to content and tasks for users at all levels, as well as a
help sys- tem to provide some hand-holding and reassurance. Present all
this power in easy-to-understand structures and concepts, and use clear
textual cues. Above all, keep the interface simple! Even experts will balk
at a complex screen full of tiny buttons and arcane switches, and will
appreciate having neat and clean doorways into your projects content.
Chapter 10 Designing and 30
The Macintosh and Windows graphical user interfaces (GUI, pronounced
gooey) are successful partly because their basic point-and-click style is
simple, consistent, and quickly mastered. Both these GUIs offer built-in
help systems, and both provide standard patterns of activity that produce
standard expected results. The following actions, for example, are consis-
tently performed by similar keystrokes when running most programs on
the Macintosh or in Windows:

Action Macintosh Windows

Keystroke Keystroke
New file #N alt-f-n or ctrl-n

Open file #O alt-f-o or ctrl-o

Save file #S alt-f-s or ctrl-s
Quit #Q alt-f-x or ctrl-q
Undo #Z alt-e-u or ctrl-z
Cut #X alt-e-t or ctrl-x
Copy #C alt-e-c or ctrl-c
Paste #V alt-e-r or ctrl-v

Tip Since Cut, Copy, and Paste are used so often, this
mnemonic device may
help you to remember their keyboard shortcuts: X looks like
scissors and is to Cut. C is straightforward; C is for Copy. Think
of V as an upside-down insertion caret (used to insert text
when copy editing) and you will remember that it is for Paste.

For your multimedia interface to be successful, you, too, must be

con- sistent in designing both the look and the behavior of your human
inter- face. Multimedia authoring systems provide you with the tools to
design and implement your own graphical user interface from scratch. Be
prudent with all that flexibility, however. Unless your content and
messages are bizarre or require special treatment, its best to stick with
accepted con- ventions for button design and grouping, visual and audio
feedback, and navigation structure.
Stick with real-world meta-
Vaughans General Rule for Interface Design
phors that will be understood by best user interface demands the least learning effort.
the widest selection of poten-
tial users. For example, consider
using the well-known trash can
for deleting files, a hand cursor for dragging objects, and a clock or an
hourglass for pauses. If your material is time-oriented, develop metaphors
310 Multimedia: Making It Work

Throw out your tried and true training or software development methodolo- gies, and pretend that youre Spie
for past, present,interacts with
and future. If itthe system you deliver.
is topic-oriented, Create an experi
choose metaphors
related to the topics themselves. If it is polar (the pros and cons of an
David A. Ludwig, Interactive issue, for example), choose relevant contrasting images.
Learning Designs

Tip Most multimedia authoring systems include tutorials and

for creating and using buttons and navigation aids. Typically,
they also supply templates or examples of attractive
backgrounds and distinctive buttons that serve as an
excellent starting place. In a large project, you might want to
use a different metaphor as the backbone of each major
section, to provide a helpful cue for users to orient
themselves within your content. For the Travel section, for
example, you could use icons that are sailing ships with
various riggings; for the Finance section, buttons that are
coins of different denominations; and for the buttons of the
Computer graphics is more left- and right-brainedand not sosection,
International Business spontaneous
you couldasuse
doing it byflags
colorful hand. The ramp tim
from various countries.
Cornelia Atchley, a fine artist creating multimedia art with computers, Washington, D.C.
Users like to be in control, so avoid hidden commands and unusual
keystroke/mouse click combinations. Design your interface with the goal
that no instruction manual or special training will be required to move
through your project. Users do not like to have to remember keywords or
special codes, so always make the full range of options easily available as
interactive buttons or menu items. And finally, users do make mistakes,
so allow them a chance to escape from inadvertent or dangerous predica-
ments (Do you really want to delete? Delete/Escape). Keep your inter-
face simple and friendly.

Graphical Approaches
Designing excellent computer screens requires a special set of fine art
skills, and not every programmer or graduate in fine arts may be suited to
creating computer graphics. Like programmers who must keep up with
current operating systems and languages, computer graphic artists must
also stay informed about the rapidly changing canvas of new features,
techniques, applications, and creative tools.
The artist must make broad design choices: cartoon stick figures for a
childrens game, rendered illustrations for a medical reference, scanned
bit- maps for a travel tour of Europe. The graphic artwork must be
appropriate not only for the subject matter, but for the user as well. Once
the approach is decided, the artist has to put real pixels onto a computer
screen and do the work. A multimedia graphic artist must always play the
role of the end user during the design and rendering process, choosing
colors that look good, specifying text fonts that speak, and designing
buttons that are clearly marked for what they do.
Chapter 10 Designing and 31
Things That Work Here are
some graphi- cal approaches that get good
Neatly executed contrasts: big/small,
heavy/light, bright/dark, thin/thick,
cheap/dear (see Figure 10-8)
Simple and clean screens with lots of
white space (see Figure 10-9)
Eye-grabbers such as drop caps, or a
single brightly colored object alone on
a gray-scale screen
Shadows and drop shadows in various
Reversed graphics to emphasize impor-
tant text or images
Shaded objects and text in 2-D and 3-D
Figure 10-8 Contrasts attract the eyeBud Knight, PGA
Junior Champion at the turn of the century, was made thick
by stretching him in an image editing program.

Figure 10-9 Use

plenty of white space
312 Multimedia: Making It Work

Things to Avoid Here are some mistakes you will want to

avoid in creating computer graphics:
Clashes of color
Busy screens (too much stuff )
Using a picture with a lot of contrast in color or brightness as a
Trite humor in oft-repeated animations
Clanging bells or squeaks when a button is clicked
Frilly pattern borders
Cute one-liners from famous movies
Requiring more than two button clicks to quit
Too many numbers (limit charts to about 25 numbers; if you can, just
show totals)
Too many words (dont crowd them; split your information into
bite- sized chunks)
Too many substantive elements presented too quickly
Most graphic artists will tell you that design is an intuitive thing,
and they will be hard-pressed to describe the rules they follow in their
everyday work. They know when colors are not working and will
change them again and again until theyre right, but they usually wont
be able to explain why the colors work or dont work. A project with a
good naviga- tion design, though it may have been developed with good
planning and storyboarding, is indeed more often the result of many
hours of crafty finagling with buttons and editors. Visit to see a huge number of web site templates,
some of them Flash-based, and many with multimedia features such as
animations, dynamic interfaces, and sound.

Audio Interfaces
A multimedia user interface may include important sound elements that
reflect the rhythm of a project and may affect the attitude of your audi-
ence. Sounds can be background music, special effects for button clicks,
voice-overs, effects synced to animation, or they may be buried in the
audio track of a video clip. The tempo and style of background music can
set the tone of a project. Vivaldi or Bach might be appropriate for a
banking or investment annual report delivered on DVD. Comic laughs
and screeching effects might be appropriate for a clothing web site aimed
at preteens. Choose music that fits the content and the atmosphere you
wish to create. In all cases, use special effects sparingly. Always provide
a toggle switch to disable sound. (Many AOL users prefer to disable the
Youve Got Mail! voice, for example.) And always test a project that
contains sound with potential users.
Chapter 10 Designing and 31
For more about design, visit:
Developing web site navigation interfaces around usability
Digital Web magazine, The Psychology of Navigation, Jan 2003
Fittss UI Law applied to the Web
Heuristic evaluation: a system checklist (Xerox Corp.)
Apple human interface guidelines
Microsoft inductive user interface guidelines
Jakob Nielsens guidelines for usability and Web design
User-centered design
Eye-tracking study of Web readers
User empowerment and the fun factor
Reduce redundancy: decrease duplicated design decisions
DVD menu design: the failures of Web design re-created yet again
Usability metrics
Color symbolism
Color basics and theory
314 Multimedia: Making It Work

A Multimedia Design Case

This section presents an example of the design process for a simple
multi- media project about the construction and launch of a 31-foot
ocean-going sailboat. This project was initially crafted in SuperCard (a
Macintosh-only, page-based, authoring tool), but it was later ported to
Adobes Director (a time-based tool) so that it could be played on both
Mac and Windows platforms (see Chapter 7 for details about authoring

Storyboarding a
The source material (all that was available) practically sorted itself into
logical groups: a pile of old photographs, a magazine article and news-
paper clippings, engineering drawings, official documents, and some
recorded sounds. The first storyboard was a simple hierarchical structure
with branches to each subject area, as shown in Figure 10-10.

Figure 10-10 The first storyboard

Putting It Together
The most eye-catching photograph was chosen as a background for the
main menu, and, as shown in Figure 10-11, the main menu was planned
to contain clearly labeled buttons navigating to linear presentations of
each topic area. From every screen in the project, users would be able to
return to the main menu. Where sound bites were appropriate, clicking
buttons on screens would play sounds. Adding a Quit button was
necessary, also on the main menu, so that users would never be more
than two button clicks from exiting the project (back to the main menu,
and then quit).
Chapter 10 Designing and 31

The 50 or so 4 5
photographs were old color prints
that offered poor contrast and
faded colors (due to a saltwater
dunking in a storm off the Central
American coast- line). Digitized
on a flatbed scan- ner in gray-
scale, however, they worked fine,
and Photoshop was available to
improve contrast. All the prints
were scanned, cropped to the
same dimension, optimized, and
stored as bitmapped objects within
Director. While at the scan- ner,
merchant marine licenses and
documents were also digitized, and
the magazine article was scanned
using OCR software to bring it
into ASCII format. The story text Figure 10-11 Main menu screen with relevant artwork as
was imported into the project. background
After all the content was in
Directors Cast (see Chapter 11),
and work on the navigation system was under way, several issues
emerged. First, it is terrifically boring to read a 3,000-word story by
scrolling a long text field. Second, the photos were too small to be placed
alone on a single screen. So it made sense to combine the story line with
the images, even though they were not directly related; the story about
launching the boat would progress from beginning to end as the boat was
slowly built in the pictures. The storyboard changed to that shown in
Figure 10-12.
Figure 10-12 The second storyboard
316 Multimedia: Making It Work

The photo-essay-and-story
combination worked out to 28
screens. The photos were
placed into the score, and the
text was cut and pasted into
fields (see Figure 10-13). It
became clear that users might
want to scan rapidly through
the photo- graphs to watch the
boat being built, ignoring the
text of the story. So a special
button was programmed to
scan through the images until
the mouse was clicked.
Images that did not fit into
the photo essay about build-
ing the boatfor instance,
the launching party with its
roast pig, the long haul to the
beach by trailer, and setting
Figure 10-13 Snapshots are combined with text to form a 28screen the mooringwere withdrawn
story line.
from the pile of construction
photographs; but because they were interesting, they were attached as
separate branches accessible by button from the main menu. This was the
third time the navigation changed, proving that you can continue to hang
elements on a menu until the menu screen is too busy (and then you use
submenus), or until you run out of material, as shown in Figure 10-14.

Figure 10-14 The third storyboard

Chapter 10 Designing and 31
Next, the sound bites were recorded,
digitized, and added to the project.
Figure10-15, the screen where the sounds
were to play, shows the special button
installed to play sound bites. Its simply a
picture of a loudspeaker.
The documents for the project
included engineering drawings, highway
permits, and licenses. The highway
permit, for example, was 8.5 by 11 inches
(por- trait); but after some
experimentation, once it was scaled to
480 pixels in height, it was (barely)
readable and acceptable for this project.
The licenses and draw- ings were in
landscape orientation and fit more easily
on a 640 480-pixel screen (see Figure
10-16). Figure 10-15 Sound is played when the loudspeaker icon is

Figure 10-16 Larger fonts of some scanned documents can be read at 72 dpi resolution, and
engineering drawings in landscape orientation can be resized to fit.
318 Multimedia: Making It Work

Developing multimedia can be like taking a joy ride in a washer/dryer. When its all over you feel like youve b
The buttons on the main menu were the wrong color, so they were
changed a few times until the color worked. Helvetica title text wasntKevin McCar
fancy enough, so it was reworked and a drop shadow was laid in. A spe-
cial slider button was built and programmed to allow the construction
sequence to go immediately to any of the pictures in the sequence. The
backgrounds were tweaked a little, and the order of images changed
somewhat. A small red car was animated to drive along the edge of the
The project described here was simple and straightforward. With the
exception of designing a few custom buttons for auto-scanning through
some of the images and designing the animations, the entire project was
a progression of screens of information, with links activated by clicking

By the time you reach the development phases of your multimedia
project and you start building, you should already have taken care to
prepare your plan and to get organized. The project plan (see Chapter 9)
now becomes your step-by-step instruction manual for building the
product. For many multimedia developers, following this plan and
actually doing the construction workbeing down in the trenches of
hands-on creation and productionis the fun part of any project.
Production is the phase when your multimedia project is
actu- ally rendered. During this phase you will contend with important
and continuous organizing tasks. There will be times in a complex project
when graphics files seem to disappear from the server, when you forget
to send or cannot produce milestone progress reports, when your voice
talent gets lost on the way to the recording studio, or when your hard disk
crashes. So its important to start out on the right foot, with good
organization, and to maintain detailed management oversight during the
entire construction process. This rule applies to projects large and small,
projects for you or for a client, and projects with 1 or 20 people on staff.
Above all, provide a good time-accounting system for everyone working
on the project. At the end of the week, its hard to remember how much
time you spent on the tasks you did on Monday.

Tip If your project is to be built by more than one person,

establish a manage- ment structure in advance that includes
specific milestones and the production expectations for each
Chapter 10 Designing and


Starting Up
Before you begin your multimedia project, its important to check your
development hardware and software and review your organizational
and administrative setup, even if you are working alone. This is a serious
last-minute task. It prevents you from finding yourself halfway through
the project with nowhere to put your graphics files and digitized movie
segments when youre out of disk space, or stuck with an incompatible
version of a critical software tool, or with a network that bogs down and
quits every two days. Such incidents can take many days or weeks to
resolve, so try to head off as many potential problems as you can before
you begin. Here are some examples of things to think about.
Desk and mind clear of obstructions?
Best computers you can afford?
Time-accounting and management system in place?
Biggest (or most) monitors you can afford?
Sufficient disk storage space for all work files?
System for regular backup of critical files?
Conventions or protocols for naming your working files and
managing source documents?
Latest version of your primary authoring software?
Latest versions of software tools and accessories?
Communication pathways open with client?
Breathing room for administrative tasks?
Financial arrangements secure (retainer in the bank)?
Expertise lined up for all stages of the project?
Kick-off meeting completed?

First Person
At 18, I used to hang and adjusting the clearance a jewelers fine work. It required
around with people who between tappet and rocker special wrenches and feeler
drove fast cars, and once arm seemed to me akin to gauges and an uncommon touch
volunteered to help an to rotate the highcompression
acquaintance prepare his engine so the cam was precisely
Ferrari at its highest point for each
Berlinetta for a race at valve. I was blown away by the
Watkins Glen. My job was to sheer quantity of moving parts
set the valves while my under the Ferraris long and
friend went over the suspen shiny valve coversmy own fast
sion, brakes, and later, the car had only four cylinders and
carbure tor. The car boasted eight simple valves. It took
12 cylinders and 24 valves,
me about seven exhausting (including double- however, learned a much
hours tougher lesson: he spun out
checking) to get it
right. As the sun came and rolled his Ferrari at the
up, though, the engine hairpin turn in the seventh
sounded great! Tuning lap. He crawled unhurt from
up and preparing, I the twisted wreckage, but
learned, is as important all he was able to salvage
to the race as the race from the car was the
itself. My friend, engine.
320 Multimedia: Making It Work

Working with
Making multimedia for clients is a special case. Be sure that the orga-
nization of your project incorporates a system for good communication
between you and the client as well as among the people actually building
the project. Many projects have turned out unhappily because of commu-
nication breakdowns.

Client Approval
Provide good management oversight to avoid endless feedback loopsin
this situation the client is somehow never quite happy, and you are forced
to tweak and edit many times. Manage production so that your client is
continually informed and formally approves by signing off on artwork
and other elements as you build them. Occasionally, the technology will
improve during development and you may be able to offer new features
that will improve your project. Develop a scheme that specifies the
number and duration of client approval cycles, and then provide a
mechanism for change orders when changes are requested after sign-off.
For change orders, remember that the client should pay extra and the
changes should be costly.

First Person
boss wanted something with more money and effort on
We made up two sample a Ser geant Pepper feel. So this task than originally
musical tracks to play in the we sent a fifth creation, this budgeted.
background and sent them time with a note that they
Several months later, in the
off by overnight courier to would have to either settle
next job requiring original
the client. Four days later, on one of the five styles
music composi tion, we
the client phoned to say submitted, sup ply the music
specified a maximum of two
that both were good, but themselves, or pay us more
review/feedback cycles and
they were wonder ing if we money to keep up the
added a clause for cost
couldnt make it sound a creative composition work.
overrun beyond that. The
little more like Windham They chose the music the
first sound we submitted to
Hill. So we redid the music boss liked, but we wound up
this new client was
and sent two more samples. more than two weeks behind
approved, and we stayed
Five days later, the client schedule and had spent
ahead of schedule and
said the samples were significantly
great, but the

Data Storage Media and Transportation

Its important that the client be able to easily review your work.
Remember that either you and the distant site need to have matching data
transfer systems and media, or you need to provide a web or FTP site for
your project. Organize your system before you begin work, as it may take
Chapter 10 Designing and


time for both you and the client to agree on an appropriate system and on
the method of transportation.
Because multimedia files are large, your means of transporting the
proj- ect to distant clients is particularly important. Typically, both you
and the client will have access to the Internet at high bandwidth. If not,
the most cost- and time-effective method for transporting your files is on
DVD- ROM by an overnight courier service (FedEx, DHL, or Postal
Service Express Mail). Material completed in time for an afternoon
pickup will usually be at the clients site by the next morning.
If you use the Internet to deliver your multimedia to the client, be
sure that you set up rules and conventions for naming files placed at an
FTP site, and use codes in the subject headers of your e-mail to describe
the content of the message. After a project has been under way for a
while, there will be many files and many communications, so these
keywords and clues will make life easier. This is another place where
planning ahead pays off!

Organize a method for tracking the receipt of material that you will
incor- porate into your multimedia project. Even in small projects, you
will be dealing with many digital bits and pieces.
Develop a file-naming convention specific to your projects
struc- ture. Store the files in directories or folders with logical names.
Version control of your files (tracking editing changes) is critically
important, too, especially in large projects. If more than one person is
working on a group of files, be sure that you always know what version
is the latest and who has the current version. If storage space allows,
archive all file iterations, in case you change your mind about something
and need to go back to a prior rendering.

Commonly used authoring platforms may allow access to the software
programming code or script that drives a particular project. The source
code of HTML pages on the Web may also be easily viewed.
In such an open-code environment, are you prepared to let others see
your programming work? Is your code neat and commented? Perhaps
your mother cautioned you to wear clean underclothing in case you were
sud- denly on a table among strangers in a hospital emergency room
well, apply this rule to your code. You can insert a copyright statement in
your project that clearly (and legally) designates the code as your
intellectual property (see Figure 10-17), but the code, tricks, and
programming tech- niques remain accessible for study, learning, and
tweaking by others.
322 Multimedia: Making It Work

Figure 10-17 Typical copyright and ownership statements embedded in <meta> tags at the
top of an HTML page

Hazards and Annoyances

Even experienced producers and developers commonly run into at least
some light chop and turbulence during the course of a projects develop-
ment. The experts, however, never crash when their vehicle shudders or
loses some altitude. You can expect the going to get rough at any number
of stagesfrom trying to design the perfect interface, to endless testing,
to problems with client sign-off or payment. Expect problems beyond
your control, and be prepared to accept them and solve them.
Chapter 10 Designing and


Small annoyances, too, can become serious distractions that are

coun- terproductive. The production stage is a time of great creativity,
dynamic intercourse among all contributors, and, above all, hard work.
Be prepared to deal with some common irritants, for example:
Creative coworkers who dont take (or give) criticism well
Clients who cannot or are not authorized to make decisions
More than two all-nighters in a row
Too many custom-coded routines
Instant coffee and microwaved corn dogs
Too many meetings; off-site meetings
Missed deadlines
Software and hardware upgrades that interrupt your normal
If your project is a team effort, then it is critical that everyone works
well togetheror can at least tolerate one anothers differences
especially when the going gets tough. Pay attention to the mental health
of all per- sonnel involved in your project, and be aware of the dynamics
of the group and whether people are being adversely affected by
individual personalities. If problems arise, deal with them before they
become hazardous; the mix of special creative talents required for
multimedia can be volatile. If you stay organized and flexible throughout,
you will complete your project suc- cessfully. See Chapter 14 for how to
deliver it!

First Person
In 1975, I was hired to deliver apple. It wasnt just that wouldnt light, the boat heeled
a 41foot cruising sailboat she couldnt cookshe too much, her socks were wet,
from Fort Lauderdale to the whined about everything: her sleep ing bag tore on a
British Virgin Islands for the the stove
cleat, her hair was tangled, she
charter trade. In three days I couldnt get her favor ite radio
assembled a crew of station (now a few hundred
strangers, provisioned the miles astern). It was unending.
boat, and checked all the
equipment. Then we took off The whining began to envelop
across the Gulf Stream and her in a smogcolored, onionlike
into the Bermuda Triangle. layer ing, each new complaint
accreting to the last one, like
After two days it was clear growing coral. By the fifth day,
that the cook was a bad her unpleasant aura saturated
the entire main cabin, and seek sanctuary in the paid her off and arranged for
the rest of us had to cockpit or the small aft a room at the quaint
cabin. Efforts were made waterfront hotel, where she
to solve this bizarre could wait three days for the
situation, but by then, weekly airplane back
nobody could get near to Florida. Everyone felt bad
her (or wanted to). When about her disappointment
we pulled into and how it all turned outfor
tiny Caicos Island for about an hour. The rest of the
water and fresh stores, I voyage was jubilant.
Chapter 10 Review
Chapter Summary
For your review, heres a summary of the important Stick with accepted conventions for button design
concepts discussed in this chapter. and grouping, visual and audio feedback, and
navigation structure.
Design the structure and user
interface for a multimedia How to produce a successful
project multimedia project and work with
The best products are often the result of clients
continuing feedback and modifications imple- Production is the phase when your multimedia
mented throughout the production process. project is actually rendered.
However, too much feedback and too many
changes can kill a project; always balance Provide a time-accounting system for
proposed changes against their cost. everyone working on the project.

You can either describe the project in great detail Check your development hardware and software
before the production, or you can use rough story- and review your organizational and
boards and refine the design as you produce it. administrative setup.

How you organize your material for a project will Have a system for communication between
have just as great an impact on the viewer as the you, the client, and the people actually building
content itself. the project in place.

Start mapping the structure of your project early Provide management oversight and control the
in the planning phase. client review process to avoid endless
feedback loops.
Project designs are typically linear, hierarchical,
nonlinear, or composite. Establish a process in which your client is contin-
ually informed and formally approves the project
The method you provide to your viewers for as you develop it.
navigating from one place to another in your
project is part of the user interface. Organize a method for tracking the receipt of
material that you will incorporate into your multi-
Depth structure represents the complete media project.
navigation map and describes all the links
between all the components of your project. Develop a file-naming convention specific to
your projects structure.
Surface structure represents the structures actually
realized by a user while navigating the depth Version control of your files (tracking editing
structure. changes) is critically important, especially in
large projects.
Hot spots can be text, graphic, and icon.
Key Terms

busy screen (312) modal interface (308)

button (303) navigation map (296)
composite nonlinear navigation (296)
navigation (296) production (318)
depth structure (297) site map (296)
storyboard (295)
convention (321)
surface structure (297)
user interface (308)
navigation (296)
version control (321)
hot spot (303)
white space (311)
hyperlink (303)
icon (303)
image map (305)
linear navigation

Key Term Quiz

1. The graphic outlines that describe each page of a project in exact detail are called .
2. A multimedia structure in which users navigate sequentially, from one frame or bite of information to
another, could be called .
3. A multimedia structure in which users navigate along the branches of a tree structure that is shaped by the
natural logic of the content could be called .
4. A multimedia structure in which users navigate freely through the content of the project, unbound by
predetermined routes, could be called .
5. A multimedia structure in which users may navigate freely, but are occasionally constrained to
linear presentations, could be called .
6. The complete navigation map that describes all the links between all the components of your project
is known as .
7. The structures actually realized by a user while navigating the projects content is known as .
8. Fundamental graphic objects that represent an activity or concept are called .
9. The standard that ensures that project files are given logical names and stored in folders with logical
names is the .
10. Making sure that old files are archived and new versions are properly tracked is called .
Multiple-Choice Quiz
1. Which of these is not an advantage of d. a rollover
creating detailed storyboards before e. an icon
beginning production?
a. It will be better and easier to construct the 6. An interface in which a user can click a button
and change the approach of the whole interface is
b. Less time is required in polishing the final
a. a prototype
b. a navigation map
c. Getting to the production stage is faster.
c. a modal interface
d. It is better suited to separate design and
d. a site map
production teams.
e. Clients who like to tightly control the e. a transitional GUI
production process prefer it. 7. Having separate novice and expert interfaces for
a multimedia program is generally not a good
2. Which of these is not one of the listed types of
idea because:
organizational structures?
a. it tends to take up too much disk space or
a. linear
b. hierarchical
b. novice users tend to get caught in the expert
c. nonlinear
d. composite
c. only a minority of users are expert;
e. recursive
most users are caught in between and
3. The visual representation of a project that are frustrated
includes a table of contents as well as a chart d. most authoring systems are not capable of
of the logical flow of the interactive interface handling parallel structures
is often called: e. it makes developing documentation
a. a storyboard awkward and unwieldy
b. a workflow diagram
8. GUI stands for:
c. a prototype
a. General/Universal/Individual
d. a navigation map
b. General Utilization Instructions
e. a master layout
c. Global Usage Image
4. The method you provide to your viewers for d. Guidelines for Usability and Interaction
navigating from one place to another in your e. Graphical User Interface
project is part of the:
9. The Macintosh and Windows GUIs are
a. script
successful partly because:
b. user interface
a. they enable cross-platform file structures
c. storyboards
b. their basic point-and-click style is simple,
d. depth structure
consistent, and quickly mastered
e. surface structure
c. they are highly customizable,
5. The generic term for any area of an image allowing programmers to use
that can be clicked on is: program-specific keyboard shortcuts
a. a hot spot d. they tend to make the computer run more
b. a storyboard efficiently
c. an image map e. slick marketing efforts tricked
gullible consumers

10. Noninformation areas left intentionally free from visual a. negative space
clutter are often referred to as: b. screen real estate
c. advanced organizers 13. Default colors for anchor text are found in which HTML
d. white space tag?
e. depth structure a. <HEAD>
11. The standards that ensure that project files are given b. <FRAME>
logical names and stored in folders with logical names c. <LINK>
are the: d. <COLOR>
a. usability guidelines e. <BODY>
b. pattern-recognition algorithms 14. Which of these is probably not a good step to take before
c. file-naming conventions starting the production process for a multimedia project?
d. review-cycle management a. Lock in the design so there are no further changes to
e. project tracking protocols delay production.
12. Perhaps the most significant problem with creating a b. Establish limits on client review cycles to reduce
multimedia program that gives users complete free reign cost overruns.
is that: c. Set up an FTP site for sending and receiving
a. such freedom is difficult to program production files.
b. computers cannot yet process so many variables d. Establish clear file-naming and version control
concurrently standards.
c. too much freedom can be disconcerting to users e. Check the state of your hardware and software to
d. it is difficult to organize data into ensure reliability and capability, and integrate any
meaningful structures upgrades.
e. such interfaces tend to be cluttered and unwieldy 15. An image on a web page can be sectioned in HTML into
areas that are clickable links. This is called:
a. a sweet spot
b. a site map
c. a rollover
d. a frameset
e. an image map

Essay Quiz

1. You are given the task of managing a design and production team to complete a multimedia web site for your own company.
The site is to use the latest plug-ins for interactive 3-D presentation. The design team consists of a writer and a designer, and the
production team includes two programmers. Would you make sure the design and storyboards were nailed down before
beginning production, or would you start and allow the design to be changed during the production process? How would factors
such as the client, the technology, and the relationship between the design and production teams affect your approach?

2. List the four different types of multimedia structures. Next, describe four hypothetical projects, one
that might be appropriate for each of the four types. For each of these four projects, comment on why
the project is best suited to that structure and why each of the three structures is less appropriate for
that project.
3. Discuss the relationship between a programs content, its interface, and its usability. What is the
best way to make the content accessible to users without unnecessary complexity? Where are modal
interfaces useful? What are their drawbacks? Where are navigation or site maps useful? How might
you use themes to identify different areas of a program or different approaches to the contents
4. What are the steps you would take in gearing up for the production phase of a multimedia project?
Organize your thoughts according to the infrastructure (hardware, software, networks, web/FTP site),
team management, and client interaction.
5. Describe the tracking process you might use to control the project development process. Be sure to
include a discussion of version control, file-naming convention, client review cycles, and team

Lab Projects

Project 10.1
Locate three different web sites: a news site, a shopping site, and a hobby or special interest site. Print out
the home page for each site (the home page should include the primary navigation; it should not be a splash
page that includes little navigation). Circle all the buttons on the interface. Note any buttons that are
common to each site. Compare the layout and structure of the sites, ignoring aesthetic considerations. List
the buttons that are different. Comment on why the buttons are laid out and grouped as they are. Is the site
accessible? How are icons used? How are menus used? Write a report documenting your observations, and
include the printouts.

Project 10.2
Locate three different web sites that have similar content and that include site maps. Print out each sites map.
How are the structures similar? How are they different? How are the differences related to their content? How
are the differences related to a different way of structuring the information? Write a report documenting your
observations, and include the printouts.

Project 10.3
Create a site map for a hypothetical multimedia DVD project on the history of computers. Use the composite
structure, and provide two means of navigating the content, one being a timeline. Be sure to include various
options such as help, glossary, and so on. Trace the surface structures that three hypothetical users might take
through the program: a novice user, an expert user, and someone looking for a particular fact about computer
history. Explain why each user would take that particular path through the project.
Project 10.4
Using simple text blocks and icons, create a user interface for the project you developed in Project 10.3.
Discuss what buttons are included, how they are logically grouped together, and why. What non-text interface
elements might you include to provide navigational cues?

Project 10.5
Create five storyboards for the history of computers project. Storyboard a splash screen, the main menu, a
submenu, and two different content screens.

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