Angela Chen Trump

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Author tcpic (sparrow)

Kanban PublicIssue
Title Re: [Explosive] Ma Ying-jeou's
firewall (3) - Dai Zhang swing
mysterious background big announcement
Time Sat Feb 14 20:49:17 2015
quote "Fant1408 ()" of the
inscription :: Recently, many people
seem to have a lot of interest in the
chapter: including his own is the top
of several new directors and the
relationship between Ma Ying-jeou :
and his wife suddenly emerge Dry NCC
Chairman : Basically his wife's origin
has been enough mysterious : but Dai
Zhang played this person's background
more mysterious : I will help you open
the foundation of this person : Dai
chapter of the integral private equity
fund in addition to him There are five
members : the first is mentioned
before and we mentioned Xu Xiaobo Ma
Ying-jeou circle of people : the
second is a product holding chairman
Wu Yujun also mentioned the previous
product to make waste metal imports
Taiwan Of the business time : EPA
announced in September to open the
scrap metal imports : the third before
the Shanghai Grace Semiconductor
Chairman Cai Ruizhen : Cai Ruizhen
grew up in Taiwan but now take the
United States : when the founder of
Shanghai Grace Semiconductor should be
quite Familiar with one is Wang
Wenyang is a son of Jiang Zemin :
these three or the circle of people
will be together to do a private
equity fund is also reasonable : the
next two people appeared on the magic
: the fourth is the US Chinese
business leaders Wang Zhanghua :
06-09/25/content_8124179.htm : Wang
Zhanghua is the founder and president
of the Asia-Pacific Business
Development Center. He played an
important role in the development of
Sino-US trade. Asia-Pacific Business
Development Center in the past decade,
organized a number of Sino-US : trade,
government and parliamentary
delegation to visit and exchange
between the two countries for the
Sino-US enterprises in trade
development focus : Establish a good
business relationship, laid a solid
network of relationships. : The Asian
American Business Development Center,
headquartered in Wall Street, New
York, is a US government that is
committed to helping Asian companies
enter the mainstream US business
market and increase their competitive
edge; promote and develop the US Non-
profit organizations developed with
Asian countries for business
development and international
relations. : In recent years, in
addition to care and help Asian
companies in the United States local
development, the Asia-US business
development center is committed to
promoting China and the United States
: economic and trade cooperation. It
has successfully held a large number
of influential Chinese government
economic and trade delegation to visit
the US investment and different sizes
: the provincial and municipal
investment seminars. At the same time
each year according to the needs of
different provinces and
municipalities, individual
enterprises, the organization of
different shapes : the US government,
local chambers of commerce and
successful entrepreneurs delegation to
visit China to enhance understanding
and create business opportunities,
Asia-US Business Development Center in
Sino-US trade Gradually play an
important role in the bridge. : Quite
normal : Wang Zhanghua is to do the
Chinese government and the Asian Asian
business people : how will come to
insert Dai Zhanghui private equity
fund? : The last person interesting
and interesting : she called Angela
Chen : : Ms. Angela
Chen is a Founder and former Managing
Director of Global Alliance .: Global
Alliance this company I checked for a
long time to see Angela Chen this
person is also very low-key : low-key
to wear with the front of the four
partners do not match : just mentioned
four people are in specific areas of
the Weight : but Angela Chen this
person in the business community is
almost impossible to find any traces :
only know that from the Chinese
mainland to the United States has been
considered an American development :
Fortunately, the American Chinese has
a Chinese name is called Chen Yu :
http: / : The picture on
the right is Chen Yu : Christine
Schwarzman, a lawyer, and Angela Chen
,: founder of Global Alliance
Associates : and president and founder
of the China Arts Foundation
International .: ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: Chen Yu's another identity Chinese
Art Foundation Chairman : This
foundation is certainly not an
ordinary foundation : Most of the
directors inside the Chinese official
color : there is a person : Deng
Xiaoping's three daughters - Deng Rong
news1/41998-2014-02-01-06-27-48.html :
China Art Foundation in 2006 in Deng
Xiaoping's daughter Deng Rong founded
under the guidance of the current in
Beijing, Hong Kong and New York with :
branches, and 30 evening celebration
is the first time the Foundation held
a similar celebration in New York.
However, according to the Foundation:
Mr Chan said that the Foundation has
sponsored a number of Sino-American
art exchange activities in New York
for several years, including New York
Philharmonic and Shanghai : New Year's
Concert. : Chen Yu This person in the
business community almost can not hear
the name : her background is also
quite mysterious : but obviously and
the Chinese overseas princelings have
deep roots : Integarl members of this
fund have to say very interesting :
that from Integral NCC Chairman Chen
Yuanling : who is also a member of the
top of the new subsidiary of the
company : In the end what is the way :
we can pondering pondering : I added a
horrible thing : :
Ms . Chen is also the founder and
managing partner of Global Alliance :
Associates, a corporate conducted its
expertise in cross-border :
transactions between China and the
Unites States. She is also the
Managing : Partner and Founder of The
Epoch Fund, a private equity Fund
investing in : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : China
and Taiwan. There is just one
registered in the Cayman Islands
company called Integral Epoch Fund LP
FINANCIAL-HOLDING-6495503 / societe /
: You can point to see the
shareholders of Risheng gold control
One of them is called Integral Epoch
Fund LP : whether it is integral or
Chen Yu this woman : the water behind
is very deep : And has reached into
Taiwan : we must pay careful
attention! The Spent a little time and
then a little bit of a little bit let
me Tucao about the NGO there is the
official establishment of this sub-
NGO ... Chinese
Art Foundation Director: Yu Long
Secretary -General Lu Wei Yu Long 11th
CPPCC National Committee members Lu Wei China
International Friendship Association
Deputy Secretary -General in China
probably no what is unofficial ... -
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tcpic : 02/14
Push yudi1991 : 02/14 22:31

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