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NR Electric Co., Ltd.

Overcurrent Relay

The PCS-9691E overcurrent relay is designed for fast and

selective protection, control and monitoring of feeders, shunt
capacitor banks, reactors or motors etc. in directly grounded, Protection
impedance grounded, Peterson coil grounded or ungrounded Three-stage phase overcurrent protection. (50/51P)
Three-stage neutral overcurrent protection. (50/51G)

Three-stage negative sequence overcurrent protection. (51Q)

Directional ground time overcurrent protection. (67G)

Breaker failure protection. (51BF)

Thermal overload protection. (49)

Functional Block Diagram

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NR Electric Co., Ltd.

Broken conductor protection. (46BC)

Undervoltage/overvoltage protection. (27/59)
O n t h e p r e m i s e o f 3 2 s a m p l e s p e r c y c l e , a l l d a ta
Multi-slot three-pole auto-reclosing (Up to 3 slots). (79) measurement, calculation and logic discrimination could be
done within one sampling period. The event recording and
Ten (10) available curves complied with ANSI and IEC
protection logic calculation are completed simultaneously.
standard. (IDMT)

Thermal model overload curve. Definite time and inverse time of phase overcurrent
protection are both provided.
Voltage transformer supervision. (VTS)

Current transformer supervision. (CTS) Definite time and inverse time of zero sequence overcurrent
Current drift auto-adjustment. protection are both provided.

Metering and monitoring This relay constantly measures and calculates analog
Tripping/Closing circuit supervision quantities for metering including phase current and zero
sequence current.
Circuit breaker status monitoring

Operation time supervision of breaker This relay is equipped with two EIA RS-485 standardized
electrical interfaces for uplink communication.
256 SOE records, including tripping, alarm, change of binary
inputs and self-check.
This relay can communication with SAS or RTU, the
Eight (8) wave records, up to 4.5 seconds for each wave communication protocol of this device is IEC60870-5-103,
record, compatible with COMTRADE format. Modbus or DNP3.0.

Supervision of tripping time, CBF starting current, CB

Event recording function: 32 latest fault reports (up to 8
switching counter, CB travelling time and internal relay fault.
records in a report), 64 alarm records and 256 records of
time tagged sequence of event can be recorded.

Control Perfect fault and disturbance recording function: 3 latest fault

10 configurable binary inputs waves. the fault and disturbance file format is COMTRADE.

7 binary outputs for DC voltage (including 4 configurable

This device can store settings, history reports and fault
contacts), 9 binary outputs for AC voltage (including 6
waves in a 2Mbit FRAM, which means the information will
configurable contacts)
not be lost even if the power supply is switched off.
8 LEDs, including 4 configurable LEDs

Local/remote opening/closing logic of breaker

Faceplate buttons for local control of breaker

Communication and HMI

One RS-232 port for testing

Two RS-485 ports for communication with SCADA

IEC 60870-5-103 DNP 3.0 serial, and MODBUS protocol

RCS-PC assistant software for testing

Clock Synchronization

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