Cos461 Final Answers

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Computer Science 461

Final Exam
May 20, 2007




Questions Score

#1 (15 pts)

#2 (20 pts)

#3 (10 pts)

#4 (10 pts)

#5 (15 pts)

#6 (10 pts)

#7 (10 pts)

#8 (10 pts)

QUESTION 1: Scalability of Peer-to-Peer Systems (15 POINTS)

The first three parts of this question explore the scalability of peer-to-peer systems, compared to
client-server systems. For this question, we assume that the interior of the network has ample
bandwidth, and that propagation delay is infinitesimal. The server has a 100 kbyte file that it
wants to distribute to a group of 31 receivers. All hosts have bidirectional 40 kilobit/second links
to the Internet that is, they can upload and download 40 kilobits/second and the core of the
Internet is not congested.

(1a) What is the minimum time for the server to transmit the data to all of the receivers in a
client-server configuration (i.e., where the receivers do not upload any content)? (3 points)

The server must transmit the 100 kbyte (800 kbit) file to 31 receivers at a rate of 40 kbits/sec.
The total time is (31*100*8)/40, or a total of 620 seconds.

(1b) Now, suppose that the receivers can upload data, too, but only after receiving an entire copy
of the 100 kbyte file. What is the minimum time for the server and the cooperating peers to
transmit the data to all receivers in this configuration? (3 points)

The number of receivers with a copy of the file doubles after each full 100 kbyte transmission.
Each round takes (100*8)/40 = 20 seconds. The number of rounds is log232 = 5. (That is, 1
receiver completes in the first round, 2 in the second, 4 in the third, 8 in the fourth, and 16 in the
fifth, for a total of 31 receivers.) Hence, the total time is 20 * 5, or 100 seconds.

(1c) Now, suppose that a receiver can start uploading data to others after receiving the first 20
kbyte chunk of data. How long does it take to deliver the data to all receivers? (3 points)

Similar to question 1(b), the first 20 kbytes require five rounds to complete, where each round
requires (20 * 8)/40 = 4 seconds to complete. So, by the end of five rounds, 20 seconds (4 * 5)
have elapsed, and every peer has the first 20 kbytes of data. The remainder of the data transfer
is pipelined, where the last peers download the remaining 80 kbytes as quickly as they can. They
need a time of (80 * 8)/40 = 16 seconds to download the rest, for a total of 20 + 16 = 36

The remainder of this question focuses on BitTorrent.

(1d) Suppose there are many peers transferring chunks of the same large file some broadband
users with very high bandwidth and some dial-up users with very low bandwidth. Why would
the broadband peers exchange chunks mostly with each other, and similar the dial-up peers
exchange mostly with each other? (2 points)

Peers exchange with other peers that upload to them at a high rate. Hence, broadband peers
will exchange chunks with other broadband peers, leaving dial-up peers to exchange chunks
with each other.

(1e) Why is BitTorrent vulnerable to incomplete downloads? What steps are taken to prevent it?
(2 points)

After downloading the complete file, peers may leave the system rather than remaining to
provide chunks to others.

The rarest chunk first policy increases the likelihood that each chunk is available from at least
one active peer. The random chunk policy also helps by distributing the chunks across the

(1f) BitTorrent is primarily useful for popular files. Suggest ways to extend BitTorrent to work
better for less popular files. (2 points)

Currently, BitTorrents incentive mechanisms apply to each file independently. Instead,

BitTorrent could provide incentives for peers to store chunks for less popular files, even if these
peers are not interested in these files. For example, the system could offer virtual currency that
could be used to achieve faster downloads on the files these peers actually want.

QUESTION 2: Routing Protocols (20 POINTS)

The first two questions concern a shortest-path, link-state routing protocol running on the
following network, where the numbers correspond to link weights:

k m
3 1
n 5
2 1 j
r 4 3

(2a) Suppose the link between nodes k and m fails. Before the failure, what is the shortest path
from node i to node j? What is the new path after the failure, when routing-protocol convergence
completes? (2 points)

Before the failure: i-k-m-j (cost 6)

After the failure: i-r-n-j (cost 8)

(2b) A transient forwarding-loop might occur during routing-protocol convergence. Involving

what nodes? List two examples of what would happen to the data packets sent from i to j during
this period. (3 points)

The nodes k and n may experience a forwarding loop, if k learns about the failure first and starts
forwarding the packets along the path k-n-j, while n is still forwarding along the (old) path n-k-

Some packets will be discarded when their TTL expires. Others may eventually escape the loop,
and experience high delay and arrive out of order.

The remaining parts of the question focus on interdomain routing using BGP.

(2c) BGP supports flexible routing policies. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) often have a
prefer customer policy where they prefer to route through a customer, even if a shorter route
exists through a peer or provider. Why? How is this policy realized in BGP? (3 points)

Directing traffic through a customer generates revenue, whereas sending through a peer or
provider is (at best) revenue neutral and may, in fact, cost money.

The policy is realized in BGP by having an import policy that assigns a higher local-preference
value to routes learned from customer ASes.

(2d) A customer AS (like Princeton) is not supposed to announces routes learned from one
upstream provider (like USLEC) to another (like AT&T). Suppose Princeton accidentally
advertised all USLEC-learned routes to AT&T, and AT&T applied a prefer customer path-
selection policy. What would be the consequences, for Princeton, AT&T, and the larger Internet?
(3 points)

Princeton would direct traffic through Princeton to reach most of the rest of the Internet. This
would lead to a heavy load on the AT&T-Princeton and Princeton-USLEC links, and poor
performance for many parts of the Internet (particularly AT&Ts customers).

(2e) Suppose two directly-connected routers A and B have a BGP session between them, running
over a TCP connection. BGP is used to propagate routing information, yet BGP relies on
establishing a TCP connection before exchanging any update messages. TCP, in turn, relies on
the routing system to deliver TCP segments. How is this apparently circularity resolved? How
do the two TCP end-points know how to reach each other? (3 points)

Since the two routers are directly connected, they have interfaces on the same subnet (i.e., the
two BGP speakers have IP addresses in the same subnet). As such, they know how to reach each
other, perhaps requiring a simple ARP query to learn the associated MAC address.

(2f) Suppose two directly-connected routers A and B have a BGP session between them, running
over a TCP connection with port 179 on both ends. A third party C, several hops away, could
conceivably launch a denial-of-service attack on router B by sending unwanted packets to router
B on port 179. To defend B from such attacks, the network operators might install a packet filter
that discards all packets destined to B on port 179, except for packets sent from IP address A.
However, C could easily send spoofed packets (with a source IP address that corresponds to A)
to B, and get through the packet filter to place unwanted load on router B. The BGP TTL
Security Hack defends against such attacks by having A sends packet to B with a TTL field of
255, and B discard any BGP packets from IP address A that has a TTL smaller than 254. How
does this prevent C from successfully launching the attack? (4 points)

The 8-bit TTL field has a maximum value of 255. C cannot set a value higher than 255, and
each hop along the path from C to A decrements the value (discarding when 0 is reached). As
such, it is impossible for C to direct a packet to A that will have a TTL value of 254 when it
reaches A.

(3g) What other ways could node C disrupt the TCP connection between A and B? How could A
and B defend against it? (2 points)

C could send excessive traffic to other destinations reachable via paths that traverse the A-B
link. This would lead to congestion on the A-B link that might cause the BGP sessions TCP
connection to back off and, in the worst case, even timeout and reset.

A and B could put BGP packets in a separate (high-priority) queue to protect them from
congestion induced by other traffic.

QUESTION 3: Multimedia Streaming and Quality of Service (10 points)
(3a) Suppose a server transmits one frame of a video every second, and the client starts playing
the video at one frame per second as soon as the first frame arrives. Suppose the first ten frames
arrive at times 0, 1.2, 1.99, 4.17, 4.01, 5.03, 8.05, 7.50, 8.90, 8.99, all in seconds. Which frames
reach the client too late for playout? How much extra playout delay is needed to ensure that all
frames have arrived by the time the client needs to play them? (2 points)

Starting with frame 0 at time 0, frame i should play at time i. Hence, the frames arriving too late
to play are frame 1 (1.2 instead of 1), 3 (4.17 instead of 3), 4 (4.01 instead of 4), 5 (5.03 instead
of 5), 6 (8.05 instead of 6), 7 (7.50 instead of 7), and 8 (8.90 instead of 8). Only frames 2 (1.99
instead of 2) and 9 (8.99 instead of 9) arrive in time.

The worse offender is frame 6 that arrive 2.05 seconds early. A playout time of 2.05 seconds is
enough to ensure that all frames arrive in time for playout.

(3b) List three reasons why TCP is ill-suited to transmitting interactive audio and video? Why is
it often used anyway? (3 points)

1. TCP retransmits lost packets, even when the retransmitted packets would arrive too late
to be useful.
2. TCP has a large (20-byte) header that is wasteful in small audio packets.
3. TCP sometimes drops its sending rate dramatically, which may cause the transmission to
fall behind.
4. When packet loss occurs, TCP does not deliver subsequent packets to the application,
even though the data may be necessary for playout.

TCP is often used anyway because many firewalls block UDP packets.

(3c) What are the similarities between a TCP connection and a virtual circuit? What are the
differences? (3 points)

- Both have a connection set-up and tear-down phase
- Data are delivered reliably and in-order

- Virtual circuits tend to reserve bandwidth to offer performance guarantees, whereas
routers/switches do not reserve resources for TCP connections.
- Routers/switches have state for forwarding packets on behalf of each virtual circuit, but
not for TCP connections.

(3d) In quality-of-service routing, the routers periodically update each other about the available
(unreserved) bandwidth on each link. Given that the source knows the available resources in
advance, how could signaling (to set up the path and reserve resources) ever fail? (2 points)

The resources might have been allocated to another connection in the meantime. That is, two
ingress switches may have both tried to set up a virtual circuit over the same link. The second
connection set-up may fail, then, due to insufficient resources.

QUESTION 4: Ethernet and Wireless (10 points)
(4a) Ethernet bridging relies heavily on flooding. For example, broadcast traffic is flooded. List
two protocols that generate broadcast traffic, and explain why broadcasting is done. (2 points)

- ARP: ARP requests are sent to learn the MAC address associated with a particular IP
address. The machine sending the request has no idea where the destination machine is
located and, as such, sends a broadcast packet to ensure the query reaches the machine
with the target IP address.
- DHCP: As part of boot-strapping, a host sends a DHCP request in the hope that a DHCP
server will respond to assign an IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, and DNS
server address. The host has no idea what machines are serving as DHCP servers and,
as such, sends a broadcast traffic to ensure one or more DHCP servers hear the request.

(4b) When (and why) might a unicast frame require flooding? (2 points)

When a node does not know how to reach the destination MAC address, the frame is flooded in
the hope of reaching the destination.

(4c) Ethernet switches compute a spanning tree using the spanning-tree protocol. Explain briefly
how the spanning tree protocol works. (2 points)

Each switch has an identifier, and these ids impose an ordering on the switches; in particular,
the switch with the smallest id will (eventually) become the root. Initially, each switch proclaims
to be the root, announcing a distance of 0 to reach the root. The switches repeatedly send
messages to their neighbors with (root-id, distance to root, local id), updating as they learn
about smaller root-ids and shorter paths to that root. In the end, every switch knows which
neighbor(s) to use to forward traffic along the spanning tree rooted at the switch with the
smallest id.

(4d) Do the switches learn the network topology (connecting the switches), like routers do in a
link-state protocol? Does each pair of switches communicate over a shortest path, like routers
do in link-state protocols? (2 points)

No, the switches do not learn the entire topology only the distances to the root from each
neighbor. No, the switches communicate over a (single) spanning tree, rooted at the node with
the smallest id; some links are never used, and traffic does not necessarily follow a shortest path.

(4e) Why are acknowledgments used in 802.11 but not in wired Ethernet? (2 points)

In wired Ethernet, the transmitted can sense the wire and decide if the frame was successfully
delivered, so no ACK is necessary. In the wireless scenario, the sender has no idea if the frame
was successfully delivered, for two reasons. First, fading or the hidden-terminal problem may
mean that interference occurred without the sender knowing. Second, the sender may not be
capable of transmitting and listening at the same time, making collision detection impossible.
Hence, an ACK is useful.

QUESTION 5: Overlay Networks (15 points)
(5a) Overlay routing can sometimes react more quickly to network events (such as equipment
failures) than the underlying routing system. How is this possible? At what cost? (3 points)

The small number of nodes in an overlay can send active probes aggressively, allowing them to
identify performance and reachability problems quickly. In contrast, the routers may be
somewhat conservative in detecting failures, and routing-protocol convergence can be slow in a
large topology. The cost is the overhead the active probes impose on the network.

(5b) In a Resilient Overlay Network (RON), an overlay node may direct traffic through a single
intermediate node to circumvent a performance or reachability problem on the direct path to the
destination node. That is, RON decided to limit paths to two overlay hops. Why does RON
impose this restriction? What is one advantage and one disadvantage of this design decision? (4

RON imposes this restriction because one extra hop is usually enough to circumvent the problem
on the direct path, and limiting to one hop makes the protocol simpler. The advantage is
protocol simplicity, and the disadvantage is the lost opportunity to find the very best path (which
might, on rare occasion, involve two or more intermediate hops).

(5c) Routing overlays like Resilient Overlay Networks (RONs) can, by definition, be deployed
without requiring the support of the underlying network. Yet, support from the underlying
network could undoubtedly help RON run better. List two ideas for changes to the underlay to
support RON. (4 points)

Active probing wastes network resources. Instead, the routers could explicitly notify the overlay
nodes about changes in network conditions.

Forwarding packets through intermediate hosts wastes bandwidth going in and out of the
intermediate hosts network, and the processing of the packets on the intermediate host can add
unnecessary latency. Instead, the routers could support packet deflections that forward
packets through intermediate points inside the network, without traveling in and out of the
intermediate host.

(5d) Napsters central directory and Gnutellas query flooding represent two extremes in how to
support queries for content in peer-to-peer file-sharing systems. List two advantages and two
disadvantages of the Napster approach over the Gnutella approach. (4 points)

Advantages: A central directory leads to a simpler protocol, and reduces the overhead for
processing queries (since queries go directly to the central server rather than hopping multiple
times through an overlay, as in Gnutella).

Disadvantages: The central directory is a single point of failure or attack. Also, the central
directory does not scale. In addition, the central directory was a point of legal vulnerability for

QUESTION 6: Application-Layer Protocols (10 POINTS)

(6a) The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is very chatty. That is, sending an e-mail
message requires numerous short, back-and-forth messages between the user agent and the e-
mail server. Explain why this is a problem for sending e-mail from a wireless mobile device.
What could be done to solve this problem without changing all of the e-mail servers? (3 points)

The wireless mobile device may not remain connected long enough to complete many round-trip
times to the mail server. Sending all of the information in one shot would be more likely to
succeed. This would be possible with an intermediate server that allows the mobile to use a less
chatty protocol, while having this intermediate server speak SMTP to the e-mail server for
backwards compatibility.

(6b) Why is it useful to have official standards (i.e., RFCs) for application-layer protocols? What
are the advantages of forgoing the standardization process? How is it possible to forego the
standardization process and still have a wide deployment of a new application? (2 points)

Official standards allow for interoperability between software written by different parties.
However, standardization takes time, and makes established players vulnerable to new entrants
who can build software that interoperates. An application-developer can forego the
standardization process by making all of the necessary software available (e.g., peer software, or
both the client and server software) for purchase, or free of charge.

(6c) YouTube converts uploaded videos to Flash and makes them available for downloading via
HTTP. How has (i) using Flash format, (ii) using HTTP, and (iii) using TCP helped make
YouTube so successful? (3 points)

Flash is widely available and installed on end-host machines, obviating the need for YouTube
users to install a new plug-in. HTTP clients are widely available and used in Web browsers.
TCP runs under HTTP and also allows YouTube to work well through firewalls and NATs.

(6d) Web proxy caches and content distribution networks (CDNs) both reduce the time for a
client to download Web pages by moving content closer to the users. Give two reasons why
CDNs have been more widely deployed (and successful) than Web proxy caching. (2 points)

The content providers can contract with CDNs to deliver their content, which improves
performance, reduces cost, and makes their site robust to unexpected surges in demand. In
contrast, the content provider cannot require millions of sites throughout the world to deploy
proxy servers.

Also, proxies cannot cache all content. Some content is uncacheable because it is dynamically
generated. CDNs can run the server software that generates the dynamic content.

QUESTION 7: Layering (10 points)
(7a) Why does TCP perform badly on wireless links? What can be done to improve performance
without requiring all wired hosts to upgrade to a new protocol? (2 points)

In contrast to wired networks, packet loss in wireless networks is not necessarily a sign of
congestion; rather, inference and fading may be the cause. Yet, TCP treats packet loss as an
implicit sign of congestion and decreases the sending rate. The performance could be improved
by employing a TCP proxy at the wireless/wired boundary.

(7b) Within 30 minutes of the 9/11 attacks, the Web site experienced a ten-fold
increase in page views. CNN changed the main page of the web site to text, taking great care to
reduce the size to around 1000 characters. Why this size? (2 points)

The 1000 bytes would (coupled with the HTTP response header) fit in a single 1500-byte IP
packet, reducing the load on the servers and CNNs connection to the Internet. This allowed
them to satisfy more page-view requests per unit time during the period of heavy load.

(7c) IP routers operate at the network layer, yet sometimes they do inspect the transport-layer
header (such as the TCP/UDP port numbers). Give two reasons why this might be done. (2

Routers sometimes filter packets (or place them in different queues) based on the port numbers.
Also, routers may perform NAT functions requiring them to inspect and remap the port numbers.
The routers might also perform measurement functions that log the port numbers or collect per-
flow statistics based on the port numbers. Routers could conceivably punish flows that are not
TCP friendly (i.e., that deviate from the AIMD congestion control rules), and this would
require maintaining per-flow state and inspecting the port numbers of packets.

(7d) What protocol layer (application, transport, or network) does BGP operate at? What
about DNS? (2 points)

BGP and DNS are application-layer protocols. BGP runs on top of TCP, and DNS runs on top
of either TCP or UDP.

(7e) Suppose an enterprise network (like Princeton) takes on a second upstream provider for
better reliability. List two reasons why this might not improve reliability as much as expected.
(2 points)

Princetons connections to the providers might run over the same fiber, or over fibers that share
a common risk (like running through the same tunnel). Also, one provider might be a customer
of the other, making Princeton very vulnerable to a complete failure of the larger provider.

QUESTION 8: Source Routing (10 POINTS)
In source routing, the end host or edge router computes the path through the network, and the
packet carries the list of hops along the path. The routers, in turn, forward the packet as
instructed. This question explores the advantages and disadvantages of source routing.

(3a) List three advantages of source routing, relative to todays intradomain and interdomain
routing protocols. (3 points)

- The sender could exploit knowledge of the performance or reliability of the links.
- The sender could pick a path that matches the application requirements (e.g., low delay
vs. high throughput)
- The sender could pick paths that avoid untrusted links or ASes.
- The sender could react quickly to changes in network conditions (e.g., failure) by
rerouting to a new path.

(3b) List three disadvantages of source routing, relative to todays routing system. (3 points)

- The sender would need to perform extra work.

- The packet could not easily adapt its route in mid stream.
- The packets would be larger, because of needing to carry the path information.
- The sender would need to learn the connectivity information for the Internet, which might
not be scalable.
- ISPs would lose control over how traffic flows through their networks.
- Denial-of-service attacks would be easier to launch.

(3c) Source routing is implemented in todays IP routers, but network operators almost always
disable the feature. List three reasons why network operators disable source routing. (4 points)

- Otherwise, they would lose control over the flow of traffic, leading to congestion and lost
revenue (when customers pick paths that contradict the ISPs business incentives).
- The ISP would be much more vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks.
- Source routing requires extra processing on the routers, leading to extra overhead.


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