Waste Management

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Our state proper waste collection and disposal system have

made the scenario nearly unmanageable . The project Waste
Management in velloor , Newsprint Nagar spreading awareness and
an urgent call for action among the younger generation who obviously
are the beneficiaries of tomorrow . One of the major problems that we
face today is indiscriminate dumping of waste without caring for its
serious consequences.Kerala is believed to the Gods own country ,
known for its enchanting hills and serene back waters . The highly
literate , politically conscious society of kerala with impressive social
indicators , are now struggling with epidemics and other public
health issues due to poor environment at hygiene. To be precise , lack
of awareness about

Waste Managemement is the collection , transport , processing,

or disposal managing and monitoring of waste materials . The term
usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and process
generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health the environment
on aesthetics. Waste management is a district practice for resources
recovery which focuses on delaying the rate of consumption of
natural resources . All waste materials , whether they are solid, liquid,

and gaseous or radioactive fall within the unit of waste management.

can be managed at two levels centralized and decentralized. The

waste treatment plants in Vilappilsala, and Kureepuzha are examples
of centralized treatment. In decentralized waste management , the
waste are managed at sources. As more than 70% of waste are
domestic wastes are domestic wastes, this is the most preferred
method in our houses.

1.2 Significances of the study

Waste management is not a modern principal but impact a
natural response to existence. There is a great need in understanding
the importance of waste management because unless it is
acknowledge by all the people waste management efforts will not
progress to further heights.


Historically the amount of waste generated by humans was
insignificant due to low population density , coupled with

insignificant exploitation of natural resources. Common waste
produced during early human society was mainly ashes and human
biodegradable waste, and these were released back into the ground
locally , with minimum environmental impact.

Before the widespread use of metals , wood and widely used for
most applications. However reuse of wood has been well
documented . Nevertheless, it is once again well documented their
reuse and recovery of such metals have been carried out by earlier

The Maya of Central America had dumps, which exploded

occasionally and burned they also recycle home markers brought trash
to local dumps, and monthly burning would occur. Many Mayan
sissies demonstrated such careless consumption. Consumption and
waste of resources to probably related to supply available more than
any other factor.

With the advent of industrial revolution waste management

become a critical issue. This was due to the increase in population and
industrial towns and cities from rural area during the 18 th century.
There was a consequent increase in industrial and domestic wastes
poring threat to human health and environment. The living
conciliations of rural areas in England during this time forced society
to propose solution and bring about change. The understanding of
good hygiene was important in order to maintain a desired lifestyle.

1.4 Objectives
1. To examine the protection of the environment through effective
waste management measures.

2. To analysis awareness regarding the impact of waste on health and

the environment.

3. To analysis the issue of waste.

4. To provide the information about health and environmental


1.The problem of waste can be already seen in the Vellore Gramapanchayath.

2.Many of the people are suffering from many health problems in vellore HNL
local area.

3.Effective waste management measures are taken by HNL authorities.

Both primary and secondary data were used for the study ;
primary data were obtained from survey , questionnaire, discussion
and personal interview at different households at H N L News Print
Nagar. Secondary data are were obtained from published audited

statement of central state and local government, books, journals, and



1. The information collected is very personal in character. Hence it
has its own limitations.

2. Time difficulties.


The study is divided into 4 chapters. The first chapter is an
introductory one which contains an introduction , significant , history
of waste management , objectives, methodology, limitations etc

The second chapter gives an overall idea about the waste management

The third chapter explains data analysis and presentation. And

concluding chapter deals with findings and suggestions of the study.

Chapter 2


The Government of India enacted a technology policy statement
in 1983, which has devoted a good deal on waste management
activities that recycling waste material and make full utilization of
by production and ensure harmony with the environment preserve
the ecological balance and improve the quality of habitat.

The technology statement further states that development should

not upset the ecological balance for short as well as long term
consideration. Poorly planned efforts to achieve apparently rapid

development , ignoring the long term effect of many technologies on
the environment have caused serious ecological damage. It is
therefore, essential to analysis the environmental impact of the
application to each technology. Due regard should be given to the
preservation and enhancement of the environment in the choice of

The technology policy implementations committee in India has

recommended that waste utilization be promoted by a clean cut policy
selling upper nodel agency and a comprehensive legal support.
Accordingly ; A National Waste Management Council has been set up
in January 1990, by the Government of India , Ministry Of

and Forests, New Delhi. The Ministry Of Non- conventional Energy

Sources (MNES) has launched a National Pilot Programme.

As we approach the 21st century , the availability of fuel supplies

will continue to be a major determent of economic growth and
development. Waste many not to be limits to growth , but there may
be some limits to the waste. What is a waste for one industry many be
a resources to an another industry. A poor economy cannot afford to
waste any resource. Because of verifying quality and quantity of

waste for any given location, in depth studies on technology and
economic aspect are crucial. This needs efforts co-ordination , action
oriental planning, programming, and implementations.


Our state depends on its neighbours for all the essential
commodities. But it is really ridiculous that we do not even have a
culture to process the waste that we generate. Waste management to
the collection, transportation, and processing on disposal managing
and monitoring of waste materials.

Waste can be managed at two levels- Centralized and
decentralized. The waste treatment plant in Vilapilsala and
Kureepuzha are example of centralized treatment. The waste
treatment plant at Vilapilsala Was forced to close after residence of
adjoin localities . vehemently protested against the formation of toxic
gases at the site due to mismanagement of the plant. Even though
funds under JNNURM were allocated for the modernization of the
plant , the process could not be completed due to growing protests.

Earlier people under Kudumbasree scheme would collecte and

dispose daily waste but since 6 months even this structure has
collapsed. The residents now restore dumping garbage outside each
other houses or by road sides for the lack of any other option. The bio
decompose pits are not a viable option for everyone , especially in
cities due to limited and availability.

The technology statement further states that development should not

upset the ecological balance for short as used as long term
consideration poorly planned efforts to achieve apparently rapid
development ignoring the long term effect of many technologies on
the environment have caused serious ecological damage. It is there for
essential to analysis the environment impact of the application to each

technology. Due regarded should be given to the preservation and
enhancement of the environment in the choice of technologies.


Velloor village is quite popular because Asias largest Newsprint
factory is located here in this village. Due to this amount of waste
handled here in this area is also much higher than any other
neighboring villages. In this project we are included a portion of
velloor village near the HNL which includes HNL quarters area also.
Waste water from the company is treated there itself but solid waste is
dumping in the dump yard which is near to the habited area. Waste
from the HNL quarters area and township are collecting by HNL
authorities by providing separate waste bins for organic and plastic
wastes. Even though this is an appreciable

act, the waste is still dumping to the dump yard. The dump yard is
creating several hardships for the people in the area which includes
severe health issues.

Dump yard area

Other waste disposing near the company premises

Chapter 3



Most part of vellore gramapanchayath is situated in the banks of

Muvattupuzha river. The river is a historically significant one because
of the boat race held in the river a long time before. The vellore grama
panchayath is situated in the legislative constituency of vaikom and
the loksabha constituency of kottayam. And it is in the vaikom taluk
that the vellore gramapanchayath is situating. And one of the main
speciality of this gramapanchayath is that this is the panchayath which
have a great number of women population. HNL the biggest paper
manufacturing company in India is situating in this grama

Fig: 1 Vellore panchayath map


The term analysis refers to computation of certain measures
along with searching for patterns far relationship that exit among data
groups. In other words the term analysis refers to closely related to
operation that are performed with the purpose of summarizing the

collected data and organizing it in such a manner that yields answer to
question in simple words, it means studding the tabulated material in
order to determine coherent fact and meaning. The term interpretation
refer to such process facilitating the data for the operation designed to
draw conclusion explaning the figures what they mean in the context
of their theory on termed.

The researcher has organized the data in the meaningful manner

and interpreted it, with appropriate tool of analysis , which explains
facts and the interpretation outcome of the analysis.

We analyze the waste management among house holds with

special reference to H N L local area. For this purpose of a survey has
been conducted and primary data have been collected from the
families in near the company premises.

It can be simply represented by the way of graph, chart etc. Such

representation helps to make visual explanation. The data collected
are analyzed following measures.

a. Table
b. Percentage

c. Bar chart etc.

Table 1

Income of Families

Income No. of families Percentage

Below 5000 4 26.67
5000-10000 2 13.33
10000-15000 3 20
Above 15000 6 40
Total 15 100

Source: Primary Data

Figure 2: Percentage distribution of Monthly Income

Percentage distribution of Monthly Income
Percentage distribution of
Monthly Income

In the above diagram, X axis shows income of families and Y axis

shows No. of families.

The table shows that majority of families belong to the income

range above 15000 and 2 family have 5000-10000.

Table 2

Type of waste content in household

Type of Waste No of families Percentage

Plastic 3 20
Bio waste 4 26.67
Both 8 53.33
Total 15 100

Source: Primary Data

Figure 3: Waste content in household

Percentage of waste content in household



Percentage of waste
content in household



Plastic Bio Waste Both

The above diagram sdhows that most of the families are have both
plsastic and bio waste about 3 families have plastic waste and 4
families have bio waste.

Table 3

Occupation of Families

Occupation No. of Families Percentage

Agriculture 2 13.33
HNL Employee 6 40
Casual Labour 4 26.67
Others 3 20
Total 15 100

Source: Primary Data

Figure 4: Occupation of families

Occupation of families
20 Occupation of families

The diagram shows that about 40% peoples are H N L employees and
26% peoples are casual labours. Only 12% peoples are agriculture

Table 4
Disposal minimization of waste

Process of Waste No. of families Percentage

Dumping in Waste Bin 9 60
Burning 2 13.33
Throwing out 4 26.67
Total 15 100
Source: Primary Data

Figure 5: Disposal minimization of waste

Type of waste disposal




40 Type of waste disposal




Dumping in waste bin Burning Throwing out

The above diagram shows that most of the house holders managed
their waste by dumping process. And 4 families are throwing out their
waste. Only 2 families managed their waste by burning process.

Table 5

Type of Health issues facing

Name of diseases No. of Families Percentage

Breathing troubles 8 53.34
Skin diseases 2 13.33
Heat problems 2 13.33
Others 3 20
Total 15 100
Source: Primary Data

Figure 6: Type of Health issues facing

Type of Health issues
20 Type of Health issues


The diagram above shows the major health problems found in velloor
HNL region. Hindustan Newsprint Limited is the major industrial
sector of this area which provides employment facility for a great
number of people in this area. But on the other hand it had a negative
version too. There are so many health problems arising in this area
due to the outcomes of this factory. One of the major and most
prominent health problem in this area is breathing trouble . There are
so many people in this area which were suffering from the problem of
breathing trouble. When we look into its calculations we can find that
about 53 percentage people of this area is suffering from breathing
trouble. Other than the

problem of breathing trouble there also prevails health problems like
skin disease and heat problem.

Table 6

Water Sources of household

Sources No. of families Percentge

Well 3 20
Pipe 10 66.67
Others 2 13.33
Total 15 100
Source: Primary Data

Figure 7: Water Sources of household

Water sources



Water sources




Well Pipe Others

The above diagram shows the major water resources of the
households of Vellore HNL region. This region is situated near the
banks of Muvattupuzha river which was a major historical river. The
major water resource of the house holds of this area is through pipe
water. As mentioned before HNL is the major industrial concern of
this area. HNL provides house hold pipe water connection to almost
all the households of this area. It is due to this the major water
resource of this area become pipe water. There are also a certain
number of house holds which were using wells as their major water
resource for household purposes.

Table 7

Social Issue from HNL Dump Yard

Type of social issue No. of families Percentage

Land Problem 4 26.67
Pollution 8 53.33
Others 3 20
Total 15 100
Source: Primary Data

Figure 8: Social Issue from HNL Dump Yard

Social issues from dump yard



Social issues from dump



Land problem Pollution Others

The above diagram shows the social problems arised by HNL

dumpyard. There are a large number of social problems which were
arising by the dumpyard of HNL. One of the major problem which is
arising due to this is that of pollution. There are a wide variety of
pollution arising because of HNL.some of it can be considered to be
that of air pollution, sound pollution and water pollution. There are
also far reaching effects for all this variety of pollutions.there are also
some land problems which were arising due to the HNL dumpyard.

Chapter 4

1. The study found that around 50% of house holders how manage
their waste.
2. Majority of people dump their plastic waste in waste bin
provided by H N L and H N L authority removes it to dump
3. 100% of responders are aware of the side effects of dumping
yard at H N L
4. To find out that responders try to reduce the use of plastic waste.

1. Go for any other efficient method than dump yard for waste
removal such as waste recycling plant.
2. Make it more efficient.
3. Remove waste from waste bin in regular periods
4. Follow the govt. regulations regarding waste management.
5. Create awareness among the people.


Waste is a valuable raw material located at a wrong place. It can
be converted into useful products by making use of appropriate
processing technology. A country with limited resources can handily
affonded to ignore every kind of resources material. Many of waste
are at present used on reused in uneconomic manner or left
completely unutilized causing great hazards to the environment.
Waste management for no hazards residential and institutional
waste in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of local
government authorities , while management for no hazards
commercial and industrial waste is usually the responsibility of local,
national and international authorities.
waste include solid, liquid, and gaseous substances. Waste
management practices differ for developing nations for urban and
rural areas and for residential, industries, and commercial producers.


1. Name :
2. Address :
3. Occupation :
4. Monthly income :
5. Is there any waste in your family yes no
6. What types of waste more in your family Bio degradable

non degradable
7. How do you manage your domestic waste burning

throwing dumping in waste bin.

8. Do you have bio gas plant? Yes no
9. If yes is it profitable ? yes no
10. If there any waste management orientation programmes in your

panchayath yes no
11. Are you suffering from any health problems? Yes

12. Do you get safe drinking water? Yes no
13. If there exist any difficulties for farming? Yes no
14. Are you felt air pollution in this area? Yes no
15. Do you accept the existing dump yard? Yes no


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