Destination: Connected Travel: 5 Big Ideas To Master Digital in Hospitality
Destination: Connected Travel: 5 Big Ideas To Master Digital in Hospitality
Destination: Connected Travel: 5 Big Ideas To Master Digital in Hospitality
Connected Travel
5 Big Ideas to Master Digital in Hospitality
Welcome to Connected Travel
The modern hospitality industry has weathered many changes through the years.
But nothing has transformed the industry as broadly or as swiftly as the digital
revolution has. Its impact is reinventing the entire customer lifecyclefrom
booking and the on-property experience to checkout and beyond.
Customers are in control like never before. From These are the players who make the digital business
peer-to-peer to metasearch and more, customers have case. They know that return on investment is not about
countless choices in how to search for and book a stay. the latest cool gadget. They see the bigger picture,
Information about properties, prices and performance is prioritizing digital investments to deliver business
at their fingertips on their mobile devices. Digital valueacquisition, retention and profitabilitywhile
technologies constantly push the boundaries of guest developing a flexible infrastructure and entrepreneurial
Disruption and disintermediation are everywhere. From Achieving this is a complex undertaking. But it does not
niche virtual hotel brands to some of the worlds most have to happen all at once. As traditional industry
powerful digital players, new entrants with inventive players set their digital itineraries, they must be willing
business models are vying for hospitality and travel to break from the status quo. What follows are five big
Only the savviest players can win the battle for the
More options > Less loyalty
Customers have many more options for
shopping, booking and managing their hotel
of travelers consider
of customers consider several
stays, and as such, are less likely to be loyal to shopping for a better hotel providers before booking.2
one brand, independent or OTA. deal important.1
More information > Less control BOOK
New technology
More technology > Less excuses
82% 64%
From mobility to analytics and digital platforms,
emerging technology is continually extending the
art of the possible in hospitalityand customers of guests say that in room are satisfied with this service
know it. Wi-Fi is important today.5
of guests say that free
are satisfied with this service
property-wide connectivity today.6
is important
1 2 3
4 5
Digital is part of peoples daily lives at home and at Hotels must mix digital basics and digital cutting
work. So they expect digitally-powered customer edge for such unique and unified guest
experiences in room and on property during their experiences. At a minimum, travelers expect free
hotel stays, whether they are traveling for business access to a modern Wi-Fi network and in-room
or for pleasure. While guests digital appetites run technologies. Guests desire to bring their own
the gamut from digital-savvy to traditional, technologies and the warp speed that these
on-property digital options are increasingly technologies evolve up the ante on the high
non-negotiable and will become the norm sooner performance technology infrastructure. The quality
than many realize. Hotels will increasingly need to and availability of digital on-property options can
collaborate and integrate with an ecosystem of make or break future bookings. Good and bad
companies to provide guests with so much more experiences fuel the vast social media machine
than a traditional room stay. and can instantly damage brand reputation. Any
weakness is magnified a hundred times.
Hotel can take advantage of new technologies to enable a unified guest experience
Lighting devices
using IoT standards
controlled via the
Temperature controlled
device gateway with
via device gateway and
commands from
energy management
smartphone app
with commands from
smartphone app
Alarm clock controlled
via device gateway with
commands from
smartphone app
Room devices are accessed from
TV controlled via device
the guests smartphone, using the
gateway using
device gateway and hotel digital
hub, giving full control to
content personalized by
interaction in the room
smartphone app
Digital tools on the property are not just for guests. But realizing new efficiencies from digital takes
Hotels can harness digital to make hotel associates more than distributing tools to on-property staff.
who serve guests more productive. There are Hotels cannot assume that all hotel associates are
opportunities at every corner of the property. For digital-savvy and must help them build their digital
instance, front desk associates can ease peak-time IQ. The right training can help hotels transform
bottlenecks by using tablets for remote guest hotel associates into digital ambassadors. This
check-in. Or housekeeping managers can send way, hotel associates build guest relationships by
mobile alerts to staff members when rooms are helping them make the most of all available
ready for cleaning after guests check out. on-property digital services.
Mary, a housekeeper, arrives for She securely fixes it into her She touches her NFC-enabled Mary is then able to go straight
her shift, and collects an preferred accessory, a wrist employee badge and the device to her first task.
available SmartWorker device strap. downloads her current schedule.
from the docking station.
Dynamic scheduling eliminates the need for initial Dynamic scheduling enables flexible working
shift planning, enabling the supervisor to focus on patterns, reacting to the needs of both the property
higher value tasks. and workers.
Smart problem reporting
Mary notices a broken room She selects the type of report Maintenance automatically John in maintenance has
lamp. By pressing the report and attaches a short audio receives the report on their enough information to repair
key, she is able to create a recording. She continues with tablet via the PMS and can the lamp. The PMS ensures
damage report using her her work. listen to the audio at their the task is completed.
SmartWorker device. convenience.
Mary, a housekeeper, knocks She discretely reports that the Janine is notified by the PMS of Marys schedule is updated to
and enters a guests room to room is occupied and continues the schedule change and incorporate the earlier
find out that the room is to her next assigned task. Marys new location, via the her postponed task at the optimal
occupied. Management Portal. time.
As a guest tries to check in During a room clean, Mary is Mary follows the change of Once completed, reception is
early, reception logs the discreetly notified that her next schedule and makes up the able to notify the guest that
request in the PMS. scheduled task has changed. waiting guests room. their room is ready.
Digital evolves at the blink of an eyefrom the disruptorsand meet evolving customer
latest app to the development of an entire digital expectations. When enhanced to their fullest
ecosystem. Many companies in the hospitality potential, several operational, organizational and
industry are struggling to keep up with this analytic capabilities can drive competitive
rapid-fire change. When it comes to their internal advantage and grow revenue potential.
digital capabilities, they are often failing to meet
customers digital expectations.
Use digital to redefine corprate travel.
Business travelers are increasingly taking While digital is evolving the nature of business
advantage of the choices travel provides. From travel, digital can bridge all stakeholder needs and
booking a spa visit after hours to adding personal interests too. While it is challenging for hotels to
days to a business trip, business travelers want personalize individual travel at scale, it is often less
more ways to personalize their travel decisions. complex to personalize the corporate experience.
This expectation impacts hotels, OTAs, sharing Groups of travelers working for the same company
services and corporate travel managers too. They are likely to have common interests, which gives
must balance accommodating employee requests hotels a springboard to personalize on-property
while controlling costs and compliance. meeting and events experiences for starters. Digital
tools made just for corporate travel managers and
those approved for use by employees can limit
compliance challenges.
Keep guests coming back with digital.
Break down the guest lifecycle at every stage
to provide the best options based on data input
and analysis of past preferences.
Expand capture and integration of a broader
set of guest preferences.
Loyalty today is being disrupted by digital. The Use analytics targeting engines and
proliferation of loyalty programs from suppliers, algorithms to suggest options to guests.
OTAs and others gives customers endless choices. Surprise and delight guests with targeted
Points are no longer the prime loyalty differentiator. offers, leaving them with the perception that
Guest experiences and personalization are.
they really know me.
Hotels or any third parties are not in the best
position to personalize the experience. Guests are.
It is simply too complex and costly for both hotels Accenture surveyed
and OTAs to consistently deliver significant 23,600 customers in
personalization either on property or in the booking 33 countries about their
processespecially as customers needs preferences, levels of
constantly change. But the industry can still meet satisfaction and
guests expectations for just-for-me experiences. switching rates in
They can use analytics to empower people to relation to hotel loyalty
personalize their own experiences. for leisure travel.
stated they are very satisfied
with their providers
participate in Loyalty programs
do not feel loyal to their providers