Reported Speech

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Reported Speech

1-"Wouldn't it be a good idea to apply for a job with the local paper? Jack said to

Jack suggested...

2-"Drop in and see me tomorrow" Peter said to Ann

Peter told...

3-"I'm so sorry I broke the printer" Tom said to Helen

Tom apologized...

4-"Can I bring a friend along to the party?" John asked me

John asked me....

5-"What has happened to your knee?" Paul's mother asked him

Paul's mother asked him....

C)Reported Speech
He said: "Bob often reads a book." He...

My mother said to me: "When did the girls help in the house." My mother...

Jim said to his wife: "Must I do the shopping?" Jim...

Mrs Smith said to my mother: "I will be 50 years old next week." Mrs Smith...

He said to his friend: "I was ill." He...

Tom said to the teacher: "I didn't have time to do my homework." Tom...

6. We visited her this morning, they said

They said

7. They were here three months ago, he said.

He said
8. I havent been waiting long, she said

She said

9. I can see you tomorrow, he told him

He told

10.I spoke to Jane last week, Susan said.


1. When are you coming back?, I asked them

I asked them

2. Have you finished your exams? she asked me

She asked

3. When was the timetable changed? I asked

I asked

4. Where were you last night, her father asked her

Her father asked

5. Do you know who broke the window? he asked

He asked if I knew who had broken the window

6. When did you start learning Spanish? she asked me

She asked me

7. Did you telephone my mother? Tom asked her.

Tom asked her

8. Does this bus stop in Manchester? she asked me

She asked me

9. Why didnt you telephone? my mother asked me

My mother asked me

10.Are you wearing your new dress this evening, Sam asked her.

Sam asked

Relative clauses
43-Sheila speaks good American English. She was born in Washington D.C

Sheila, ...

44-A shop assistant spoke to me. She was very helpful

The shop assistant......

Report the statements:

-I dont feel very well Rowena said

Rowena said.

-Im going to go home at lunchtime He said

He said..

-We cant repair your motorbike this afternoon The mechanic said

The mechanic told me

-Our bus didnt come until half past nine The students explained

The students explained that.

Report the questions:

-Why are you waiting here? We asked the photographers

We asked the photographers.

-Which restaurant did you go to with your cousins? My father asked me and my

My father asked
-Has the press ever published untrue stories about you? The interviewer asked the

The interviewer asked the


Report the orders, advice.:

-Dont drink this can of beer She warned

She warned me

-Get to the concert early I advised Paul

I advised Paul

-We should catch this train tomorrow morning My father insisted

My father insisted.
-I arrived at the Language lesson late He apologised to the form teacher

He apologised..

-Why dont we meet at the Expo Pavilion?

How about.

-Would you like to go to a party next weekend?


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