Grammar Exercises For Bachillerato

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1- They (live) have lived in our street since 1982. They (live)
lived in our street some years ago.
2- I'll come as soon as I’m (be) ready.
3- I enjoy swimming (swim) very much.
4- I like the coat you were wearing (wear) when I met you.
5- They will come (come) with us to the theatre tonight.
6- I had just left (just + leave) when the phone rang.
7- He was talking (talk) to a reporter when I saw (see) him.
8- They would lose (lose) business if they didn't expand.
9- By the end of June, we will have raised (raise) the necessary capital, I hope.
10- When it stopped raining (rain) we left the café.
11- When did you see (you, see) him last?
12- She's my best friend. -'How long have you know (you, know) her?'
13- What would have happened if he hadn’t done (not/do) his job?
14- Everyday, Sandra wakes up (wake up) at 7am.
15- Don't disturb your brother! He’s doing (do) his homework!
16- Don't come before 5pm, I will be working (I/ work) at my office.
17- I'm sure you won’t fail the exam next week. (not fail)
18- Those clouds are really black. It is going to rain (rain) hard.
19- It's my birthday next Friday. Mum is going to bake a cake.
20- She wants him to go (go) with her to England
21- She is working (work) as a doctor now.
22- The phone is ringing. I will answer it(answer)
23- By this time next year, we will have left (leave) school.
24- The boys are hot because they have been plating (play) football for 3 hours.
25- Where did you live (you / live) when you were young?
26- He didn’t think (not / think) that she was right.


1- There are twenty students in the classroom.

How many students are there in the classroom?

2- Andy did his homework very quickly.

How quickly did Andy do his homework?

3- We have known them for ten years.

How long have we know them?

4- I used to go to the cinema twice a week

How often did you go to the cinema?

5- It costs 100 $.

How much does it cost?

1- They will award Samuel a scholarship.

Samuel will be awarded a scholarship

2- Why did the student do such a mistake?

why was such a mistake done by the student

3- I was told by my brother that you wanted to buy a new car.

My brother told me that you wanted to buy a new car

4- Who taught you English?

who taught you English?

5- Byron is said to have lived on vinegar and potatoes

It is said that Byron lived on vinegar and potatoes

6- No one can do anything unless someone gives us more information.

Unless we’re given more information. nothing can be done by anyone

7- They used to start these engines by hand. Now they start them by electricity

These engines used to be started by hand. Now they’re started by electricity

8- The dog and the cat have been found in the forest.

They have found the dog and the cat in the forest

9- They are showing Barbara the new models.

They’re showing the new models to Barbara

10- Everybody says that she was upset. (Two ways)

Everybody says that she was upset


1- “Did you watch TV last night?” Alex wanted to know.

Alex wanted to know, “Did you watch TV last night”

2- “Buy me the paper if you’re going out”, Alice asked her brother.

Alice asked her brother, "Buy me the paper if you're going out."

3- The Professor said, “I will finish my lecture before the bell rings.”

The Professor said, "I will finish my lecture before the bell rings."

4- Many people said that a domestic revolution was beginning in their country.

Many people said, "A domestic revolution is beginning in our country."

5- He pointed out that his wife was a working woman and he did his share of the

He pointed out, "My wife is a working woman and I do my share of the


6- A businessman said: “I have no idea how long it will take me to speak English.”
A businessman said, "I have no idea how long it will take me to speak English."

7- He suggested that we should make spaghetti sauce then.

He suggested, "Let's make spaghetti sauce then."
8- Helen asked how much the ring cost.

Helen asked, "How much does the ring cost?"

9- "Don't eat so many sweets", the doctor said

The doctor said, "Don't eat so many sweets."

10- Diana apologised for losing the book.

Diana apologized for losing the book.


1- This is the hotel. I first met Seine there.

This is the hotel where I first met Seine.

2-This is Hassan. I’m sharing my flat with him.

This is Hassan, with whom I'm sharing my flat.

3- Romeo and Juliet were lovers. Their parents hate each other.

Romeo and Juliet were lovers whose parents hate each other.

4- Where is the lady? She ordered fish.

Where is the lady who ordered fish?

5- It's a new game. I know absolutely nothing about it.

It's a new game about which I know absolutely nothing.

6- You are sitting on a bench. The paint on the bench is still wet.

You are sitting on a bench, the paint on which is still wet.

7- I won’t forget that day. I met my girlfriend then.

I won't forget that day when I met my girlfriend.

8- Mary spent the money. It belonged to her sister.

Mary spent the money that belonged to her sister.


1- People think she is a good singer (She…)

She is thought to be a good singer.

2- We lost the match although we were the better team (Despite…)

Despite being the better team, we lost the match.

3- I’m sorry, but I can’t help you now (I wish ..)

I wish I could help you now.

4- Unless he tries harder, he won’t pass (If he…)

If he doesn't try harder, he won't pass.

5- The last time it rained was in March (… since March)

It hasn't rained since March.

6- The post arrived 2 minutes ago (just)

The post arrived just 2 minutes ago.

7- When did Sue start learning Chinese? (How long…?)

How long has Sue been learning Chinese?

8- She speaks with such a strong accent that people can’t understand her (Her accent…)

Her accent is so strong that people can't understand her.

9- Silvia is so beautiful that she could be a model (Silvia is such…)

Silvia is such a beautiful woman that she could be a model.
10- He can’t reach that shelf. He is too short (enough)
He isn't tall enough to reach that shelf.

11- The soup is very hot. I can’t drink it. The soup is ….

The soup is too hot for me to drink.

12- It is possible that she has had an accident (She may…)

She may have had an accident.

13- I’m sure he isn’t Spanish (He….

He isn't Spanish.

14- Is it necessary for me to pay for my ticket now?

Is it necessary for me to pay for my ticket now?

15- Maybe my boyfriend is coming to see me tonight (My boyfriend…)

My boyfriend might be coming to see me tonight.

16- Today domestic work is not so hard as it was in the past (In the past domestic

In the past, domestic work was harder than it is now.

17- I don’t have a bigger problem than pronunciation (My…)

My pronunciation isn't my biggest problem.

18- I have never seen a dirtier-looking dog (This is…)

This is the dirtiest-looking dog I have ever seen.

19- There was a terrible traffic jam. He arrived on time (Although …)

Although there was a terrible traffic jam, he arrived on time.

20- Although MN is very famous in Spain, she isn’t widely known abroad (In spite
In spite of being very famous in Spain, MN isn't widely known abroad.

21- I got wet because I forgot my umbrella (If I…)

If I hadn't forgotten my umbrella, I wouldn't have gotten wet.

22- She doesn’t do her homework, so she doesn’t get good marks (If…)

If she did her homework, she would get good marks.

23- It's very popular because it's very easy to use. Since...

Since it's very easy to use, it's very popular.

24- The hacker will probably not be arrested because there's a lack of evidence. Due

The hacker will probably not be arrested due to a lack of evidence.

25- We ordered somebody to repair the ceiling. We…

We ordered someone to repair the ceiling.

26-I study English in that school (That is the school…)

That is the school where I study English.

27-That woman’s son used to go to school with me (That is the woman…)

That is the woman whose son used to go to school with me.

28- I’m sorry that I didn’t finish my homework last night (I wish…)

I wish I had finished my homework last night.

29- They would prefer you to come in the afternoon. (would rather)

They would rather you came in the afternoon.

30- Jim should go to the dentist immediately. (had better)

Jim had better go to the dentist immediately.

31- Although Ann isn't very attractive, she is very popular. (HOWEVER)

However unattractive Ann is, she is very popular.

32- Seeing that we'd run out of milk, we went to the supermarket. (BECAUSE)

Because we'd run out of milk, we went to the supermarket.

33- John won the race. Nevertheless, he didn't feel happy. (DESPITE)

John won the race. Despite that, he didn't feel happy.
34- Since you are her elder brother, you must take care of her. (BECAUSE)
Because you are her elder brother, you must take care of her.

35- She opened the car window so that she could get some fresh air. (IN ORDER TO)

She opened the car window in order to get some fresh air.

36- We didn't go swimming because the water wasn't very clean. (SO)

We didn't go swimming, so the water wasn't very clean.

37- They say Heidi was one of the most successful TV cartoons. (Heidi…..
Heidi is said to have been one of the most successful TV cartoons.

38- A computer technician is going to revise my system. I…

I'm going to have my system revised by a computer technician.

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