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Encyclopedia of

Nursing Research, Second Edition

Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, PhD, RN, FAAN

Meredith Wallace, PhD, APRN-BC

Associate Editor
is the Elizabeth Brooks Ford Professor of Nursing, Frances
Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve
University in Cleveland Ohio where she was Dean from
1982 through 1997. She has received numerous honors
and awards including the American Journal of Nursing
Book of the Year Award 18 times. Dr. Fitzpatrick is widely
published in nursing and health care literature. She is
senior editor of the Annual Review of Nursing Research
series, now in its 23rd volume. In 1998 Dr. Fitzpatrick
was senior editor of the first volume of the classic Encyclo-
pedia of Nursing Research as well as a series of Research
Digests, including Nursing Research Digest, Maternal
Child Health Nursing Research Digest, Geriatric Nursing
Research Digest, and Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Research Digest. She has coedited four books focused on nurses and the internet: Internet
Resources for Nurses (2000) and Nurses Guide to Consumer Health Web Sites (2001), Essen-
tials of Internet Use for Nurses (2002) and Internet for Nursing Research (2004). Dr. Fitzpa-
trick has provided consultation on nursing education and research throughout the world,
including universities and health ministries in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America,
and the Middle East.


nurse since she completed her BSN degree Magna Cum
Laude at Boston University in 1988. Following this, she
earned an MSN in medical-surgical nursing with a spe-
cialty in geriatrics from Yale University and a PhD in
nursing research and theory development at New York
University. During her time at NYU she was awarded a
predoctoral fellowship at the Hartford Institute for Geriat-
ric Nursing. In this capacity she became the original author
and editor of Try This: Best Practices in Geriatric Nursing
series. In 2001, she won the Springer Publishing Company
Award for Applied Nursing Research. She was the Manag-
ing Editor of the Journal of Applied Nursing Research
and is currently the research brief editor for the journal.
She is the author of numerous journal articles and book
chapters. Dr Wallace published Prostate Cancer: Nursing Assessment Management and Care,
in April 2002, which won the American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award. Preceding
this, she was the Associate Editor of The Geriatric Nursing Research Digest, which also won
the American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award in 2002. She is the recent recipient
of the Eastern Nursing Research Society/John A. Hartford Foundation junior investigator
award. Dr. Wallace is currently an Associate Professor and the Elizabeth DeCamp McInerney
Chair in Health Sciences at Fairfield University School of Nursing, in Fairfield, CT.
Fitz ENR title pps 8/3/05 4:10 PM Page 1

Encyclopedia of
Nursing Research, Second Edition
Copyright 2006 by Springer Publishing Company, Inc.

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a re-

trieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, elec-
tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without
the prior permission of Springer Publishing Company, Inc.

Springer Publishing Company, Inc.

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New York, NY 10036

Acquisitions Editor: Ruth Chasek

Production Editor: Sara Yoo
Cover design by Joanne Honigman
Typeset by International Graphic Services, Inc., Newtown, PA

05 06 07 08 09 / 5 4 3 2 1

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Encyclopedia of nursing research / Joyce J. Fitzpatrick and

Meredith Wallace [editors]. 2nd ed.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8261-9812-0
1. NursingResearchEncyclopedias. 2. Evidence-based nurs-
ingEncyclopedias. I. Fitzpatrick, Joyce J., 1944- . II. Wallace,
Meredith, PhD, RN.
[DNLM: 1. Nursing ResearchEncyclopediasEnglish.
2. Evidence-Based Medicinemethods. WY 13 E5632 2006]
RT81.5.E53 2006
610.73'072dc22 2005017674

Printed in the United States of America by Maple-Vail Book

Manufacturing Group.

Advisory Board vii

Preface ix

Contributors xi

List of Entries xxxiii

Encyclopedia of Nursing Research A-Z 1

References 637

Appendix: Contributors to the First Edition 755

Subject Index 767


Patricia Archbold, PhD, RN, FAAN Joanne S. Stevenson, PhD, RN,

Professor FAAN
School of Nursing Professor Emerita
Oregon Health Sciences University College of Nursing
Portland, OR The Ohio State University and
Rutgers University
Marie J. Cowan, PhD, RN, FAAN Columbus, OH and Newark, NJ
Professor and Dean
School of Nursing Diana Taylor, PhD, RN, FAAN
University of California Los Angeles Professor Emeritus
Los Angeles, CA School of Nursing
University of California, San
Barbara Given, PhD, RN, FAAN Francisco
Professor San Francisco, CA
College of Nursing
Michigan State University Nancy F. Woods, PhD, RN, FAAN
Lansing, MI Professor and Dean
School of Nursing
Angela Barron McBride, PhD, RN, University of Washington
FAAN Seattle, WA
School of Nursing
Indiana University
Indianapolis, IN

This second edition of the Encyclopedia of Nursing Research (ENR), like the first, is a
comprehensive, yet concise and authoritative guide to existing nursing research literature. It
charts the course of nursing research since 1983 when the first edition of the Annual Review
of Nursing Research (ARNR) was published.
The original edition of ENR, published in 1998, grew from a long-standing commitment
of the publisher, Dr. Ursula Springer, to the field of nursing, and my commitment to nurse
scholars around the globe. The original encyclopedia followed 15 years of publication of the
ARNR series. This second edition of ENR follows publication of 22 volumes of ARNR and
incorporates the research topics included in the ARNR series. Through these formative years
of nursing science, I have had the privilege of serving as editor of the ARNR series and
witnessing the rapid growth of knowledge and expertise in nursing research. Having served
as editor for the first edition of ENR, I am joined in this edition by Meredith Wallace, the
Associate Editor.
Nurse researchers and graduate students in nursing will be the primary audience for this
edition of ENR. Yet, as with the first edition, nurses in all phases of education, from basic to
doctoral, from formal university and college-based programs to continuing education offerings,
within all health systems, will find this an important introduction to current nursing research
topics. The alphabetical list of entries is provided to assist the reader in quickly finding the
relevant term. While every effort was made to include the most comprehensive list of entries,
based on both a literature review of key terms in journals and the ARNR series and the expert
advice of the Advisory Board members, we are cognizant of the fact that some terms may
have been overlooked. Thus, we encourage readers to advise us of new terms that should be
added to the already extensive list.
This project has been one of the most rewarding endeavors of my professional career. It
has been met with a great deal of professional interest and, most importantly, an extra measure
of enthusiasm by students at all levels. The References section lists the most critical references
on each topic. It is this attention to key references that may be of most use to graduate students
who wish to pursue a topic in more depth.
This publication would not have been possible without the experts in nursing research who
authored the hundreds of entries. Each author, some of whom have contributed multiple
entries, deserves thanks for the written entries, for the willingness to respond to strict guidelines
and page and reference limitations, and, of course, for adhering to a very demanding time
line for publication. Distilling ones life work into a few hundred words is often the most
difficult accomplishment.
We also are indebted to the colleagues who served as members of the Advisory Board for
both the first and second editions of ENR. I thank each of you for your input into the terms
to be included here, the suggestions of potential contributors, and your willingness to plunge
into yet another publishing project with me.


As with any large continuing project such as this, a true team effort is necessary for a
quality project. First, my thanks to Dr. Ursula Springer for conceiving the project and asking
me to undertake the editing at a time when my commitments were at a peak. I am glad that
I did not hesitate. To the Springer staff who facilitated the production at the many levels, I
owe a huge thank you, most especially to Ruth Chasek, Senior Nursing Editor, who saw the
project through its many stages. I also acknowledge the endless energy, dedication, and
expertise of Meredith Wallace, Associate Editor for this edition. There was never too daunting
a task for Meredith as we worked tirelessly over the past 2 years to complete the project. A
number of students assisted Meredith and me in our activities for this edition of ENR. I would
like to thank Ali Salman and Yi-Hui Lee, PhD candidates at Case Western Reserve University,
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, and Kara Diffley, Lindsey Neptune, and Christine
McGurk, undergraduate students at Fairfield University School of Nursing. I am certain that
there are numerous other graduate students who assisted the authors in completing their
entries. We hope that this edition of ENR will continue to be rewarding to them in their
future academic and professional careers.

Joyce J. Fitzpatrick

Lauren S. Aaronson, PhD, Donna L. Algase, PhD, Ida Androwich, PhD,

Professor Josephine M. Sana Professor
University of Kansas Collegiate Professor of School of Nursing
School of Nursing Nursing Loyola University Medical
Kansas City, KS University of Michigan Center
Data Analysis; Fatigue; School of Nursing Maywood, IL
Grantsmanship; Ann Arbor, MI Nursing Informatics;
Sampling Activities of Daily Nursing Information
Living Systems
Faye G. Abdellah, EdD,
ScD, RN, FAAN Elaine J. Amella, PhD, Karen J. Aroian, PhD, RN,
Dean & Professor Emeritus APRN, BC FAAN
Uniformed Services
Associate Professor and Katharine Faville Professor
University of the Health
Associate Dean for of Nursing Research
Research Wayne State University
Graduate School of
Medical University of College of Nursing
South Carolina Detroit, MI
Bethesda, MD
College of Nursing Immigrant Women
History of Nursing Charleston, SC
Research Carol A. Ashton, PhD, RN
Ivo L. Abraham, PhD, RN, Director of Nursing
FAAN Gene Cranston Anderson, Research
Visiting Professor PhD, RN, FAAN LDS, Cottonwood, and
University of Pennsylvania Edward J. & Louise Mellen Alta View Hospitals
School of Nursing Professor of Nursing Salt Lake City, UT
Philadelphia, PA Case Western Reserve Research Utilization
Applied Research; University
Experimental Research; Frances Payne Bolton Joan K. Austin, DNS, RN,
Quasi-Experimental School of Nursing FAAN
Research Cleveland, OH Distinguished professor
Kangaroo Care Indiana University
Raeda Fawzi AbuAlRub, School of Nursing
PhD, RN Indianapolis, IN
Assistant Professor
Jordan University of Attitudes; Chronic
Science and Technology Conditions in Childhood;
College of Nursing Epilepsy
Irbid, Jordan
Social Support

Kay C. Avant, PhD, RN, Suzanne Bakken, DNSc, Sandra C. Garmon Bibb,
Associate Professor Alumni Professor of Assistant Professor
University of Texas Nursing & Professor of Uniformed Services
School of Nursing Biomedical Informatics University of the Health
Austin, TX Columbia University Sciences
Concept Analysis; School of Nursing Graduate School of
Nursing Diagnosis New York, NY Nursing
Bethesda, MD
Formal Nursing
Cynthia Guerrero Ayres, Languages; SNOMED Leiningers Theory of
PhD, RN International; Unified Culture Care Diversity
Director Language Systems and Universality;
Health Systems and Population Health
CollaborationsNew Jane Barnsteiner, PhD, RN, Carol E. Blixen, PhD, RN
Jersey FAAN Senior Nurse Researcher
American Cancer Professor and Director Cleveland Clinic
SocietyEastern University of Pennsylvania Foundation
Division School of Nursing Department of Nursing
North Brunswick, NJ Philadelphia, PA Education and Research
Clinical Preventive Online Journal of Cleveland, OH
Services Delivery Knowledge Synthesis for Osteoarthritis
Terry A. Badger, PhD, Ella Blot, MA, RN, GNP
APRN, BC Mara M. Baun, DNSc, New York University
Professor FAAN Division of Nursing
University of Arizona Lee & Joseph D. Jamail New York, NY
College of Nursing Distinguished Professor Urinary Incontinence
Tucson, AZ University of Texas Health Rebecca J. Bonugli, MSN,
Depression in Families Sciences Center at RN
Houston Clinical Instructor
Judith A. Baigis, PhD, RN, School of Nursing
FAAN University of Texas Health
Houston, TX Science Center
Associate Dean for
Pet Therapy School of Nursing
Research and Scholarship
San Antonio, TX
Georgetown University Cheryl Tatano Beck,
School of Nursing and Serious Mental Illness
Health Studies Professor Joan L. Bottorff, PhD, RN
Washington, DC University of Connecticut Professor and UBC
Health Conceptualization School of Nursing Distinguished University
Storrs, CT Scholar
Tamilyn Bakas, DNS, RN University of British
Associate Professor, Meta-Analysis;
Department of Adult Phenomenology;
School of Nursing
Health Replication Studies Vancouver, British
Indiana University Colombia
School of Nursing Canada
Indianapolis, IN Nurse-Patient
Stroke Interaction; Nurse-
Patient Relationship
Contributors xiii

Meg Bourbonniere, PhD, Helen Kogan Budzynski, Jeeyae Choi, RN, MS

RN PhD, FAAN Doctoral Student
Assistant Professor Faculty Emeritus Columbia University
Yale University University of Washington School of Nursing
School of Nursing School of Nursing New York, NY
New Haven, CT Seattle, WA Formal Nursing
Physical Restraints Biofeedback Languages
Diane K. Boyle, PhD, RN Vern L. Bullough, PhD, Norma J. Christman, PhD,
Associate Professor RN, FAAN RN, FAAN
University of Kansas Distinguished Professor Associate Professor
School of Nursing Emeritus Emeritus
Kansas City, KS State University of New University of Kentucky
Job Satisfaction York College of Nursing
Barbara Braden, PhD, RN, Stony Brook, NY Lexington, KY
FAAN Gender Research; Sex Preoperative
Professor and Dean, and Gender Psychological
Graduate College Preparation for Surgery
Andrea Calaluce, BSN, RN
Creighton University
Yale New Haven Hospital Deborah A. Chyun, PhD,
Medical Center
New Haven CT RN
School of Nursing
Adult Pulmonary Medicine Associate Professor
Omaha, NE
Milford, CT Yale University
Computerized Decision School of Nursing
Support Systems Parkinsons Disease
New Haven, CT
Geraldine Britton, PhD, Sara L. Campbell, DNS, Angina; Cardiovascular
FNP RN, CNAA, BC Disease
Assistant Research Associate Professor and
Professor Associate Dean Amy Coenen, PhD, RN,
Decker School of Nursing Illinois State University FAAN
Binghamton University Mennonite College of Associate Professor
Binghamton, NY Nursing University of Wisconsin
Bloomington, IL College of Nursing
Feminist Research Milwaukee, WI
Dorothy Brooten, PhD, Methodology International
FAAN Classification for
Professor Suzanne Hetzel Campbell, Nursing Practice
Florida International PhD, APRN, IBCLC (ICNP)
University Assistant Professor
School of Nursing Fairfield University Marlene Zichi Cohen, PhD,
Miami, FL School of Nursing RN, FAAN
Clinical Trials; Fairfield, CT John S. Dunn, Sr.,
Transitional Care Breast-feeding Distinguished Professor
in Oncology Nursing
Emma J. Brown, PhD, RN Victoria Champion, DNS, University of Texas Health
Associate Professor and RN, FAAN Science Center at
Chatlos Endowed Chair Associate Dean of Research Houston
University of Central Indiana University School of Nursing
Florida School of Nursing Houston, TX
School of Nursing Indianapolis, IN Descriptive Research;
Orlando, FL
Breast Cancer Screening Nursing Assessment
Urban Health Research:
Nursing Research in
Urban Neighborhoods

Kathleen Byrne Colling, Barbara J. Daly, PhD, RN, Danielle Deveau, BS, MPS
PhD, RN FAAN Research Analyst
Assistant Research Scientist Associate Professor California State University,
University of Michigan Case Western Reserve Fresno
School of Nursing University Central California Center
Ann Arbor, MI Frances Payne Bolton for Health & Human
Middle-Range Theories School of Nursing Services
of Dementia Care Cleveland, OH Fresno, CA
Karen Corcoran, BSN, RN Critical Care Nursing HIV Symptom
Staff Nurse Management and
Greenwich Hospital Jennifer P. DAuria, PhD, Quality of Life
Greenwich, CT RN, CPNP
Associate Professor Mary Jo Devereaux
Family Satisfaction With
University of North Hospital Librarian
End-of-Life Care
Carolina Chapel Hill Community Medical
Inge B. Corless, PhD, RN, School of Nursing Center
FAAN Chapel Hill, NC Scranton, PA
Professor Bibliometrics Orems Self-Care Deficit
Massachusetts General Nursing Theory
Hospital Sabina De Geest, PhD, RN
Institute of Health Director Elizabeth C. Devine, PhD,
Professions University of Basel RN, FAAN
Boston, MA Institute of Nursing Science Professor
Hospice; Terminal Illness Basel, Switzerland University of Wisconsin-
Cynthia L. Corritore, PhD Applied Research; Milwaukee
Associate Professor Medications in Older College of Nursing
Creighton University Persons Milwaukee, WI
College of Business Patient Education
Administration Alice S. Demi, PhD, RN,
Omaha, NE FAAN Nancy Diekelmann, PhD,
Professor RN, FAAN
Computerized Decision
Support Systems Georgia State University Helen Denne Schulte
Byrdine F. Lewis School of Professor
Colleen Corte, PhD, RN Nursing University of Wisconsin-
Postdoctoral Research Atlanta, GA Madison
Fellow School of Nursing
Delphi Technique; Grief;
University of Michigan Madison, WI
School of Medicine
Ann Arbor, MI Karen E. Dennis, PhD, RN,
Self-Concept FAAN Rose Ann DiMaria-Ghalili,
Disturbances and Eating Professor PhD, RN
Disorders University of Central Assistant Professor
Jessica Shank Coviello, Florida West Virginia University
MSN, RN School of Nursing Robert C. Byrd Health
Lecturer Orlando, FL Science Center
Yale University Obesity as School of Nursing
School of Nursing Cardiovascular Risk Charleston, WV
New Haven, CT Factor Nutrition in the Elderly
Angina; Cardiovascular
Contributors xv

Fabienne Dobbels, MSc Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacob, Janet Enslein, MA, RN

Katholieke Universiteit PhD, RN, FAAN Assistant Professor of
Leuven Dean and Professor Nursing
Center for Health Services University of Pittsburgh St. Ambrose University
and Nursing Research School of Nursing School of Nursing
Leuven, Belgium Pittsburgh, PA Davenport, IA
Medications in Older Adherence/Compliance; Ethnography
Persons Behavioral Research Carol Diane Epstein, PhD,
Joanne McCloskey Patricia C. Dykes, DNSc, RN, FCCM
Dochterman, PhD, RN, RN Associate Professor
FAAN Senior Nurse Fairfield University
Professor Informatician School of Nursing
University of Iowa Partners HealthCare Fairfield, CT
College of Nursing Wellesley, MA Critical Care Nursing
Iowa City, IA Clinical Judgment W. Scott Erdley, DNS, RN
Nursing Interventions Clinical Assistant Professor
Classification (NIC); Karen L. Elberson, PhD,
University at Buffalo
Taxonomy RN
School of Nursing
Associate Professor and
Buffalo, NY
Moreen Donahue, DNP, Associate Dean
RN Uniformed Services Electronic Network
Sr. Vice President Patient University of the Health Lois K. Evans, DNSc, RN,
Care Services Sciences FAAN
Greenwich Hospital Graduate School of Viola MacInnes/
Greenwich, CT Nursing Independence Professor
Clinical Judgment Bethesda, MD in Nursing
Capitation; Health University of Pennsylvania
Sue K. Donaldson, PhD, Indicators School of Nursing
RN, FAAN Philadelphia, PA
Dean and Professor Jennifer Harrison Elder, Physical Restraints
Johns Hopkins University PhD, RN, FAAN
School of Nursing Associate Professor Melissa Spezia Faulkner,
Baltimore, MD University of Florida DSN, RN
Basic Research College of Nursing Associate Professor
Gainesville, FL Department of Maternal-
Dianna Hutto Douglas, Child Abuse and Neglect Child Nursing
DNS, RN, CNS University of Illinois at
Associate Professor Marsha L. Ellett, DNS, Chicago
Louisiana State University RN, CGRN Chicago, IL
School of Nursing Associate Professor Diabetes
New Orleans, LA Indiana University
Jacqueline Fawcett, PhD,
Empathy School of Nursing
Indianapolis, IN
Annemarie Dowling- Professor, College of
Enteral Tube Placement Nursing & Health
Castronovo, MA, APRN,
BC Veronica F. Engle, PhD, Sciences
Assistant Clinical Professor GNP, APRN, BC, FAAN University of
New York University Professor Massachusetts-Boston
Division of Nursing University of Tennessee College of Nursing &
New York, NY School of Nursing Health Sciences
Memphis, TN Boston MA
Gerontological Advanced
Practice Nursing Newmans Theory of (Dorothy) Johnsons
Health Behavioral System Model

Suzanne L. Feetham, PhD, Ellen Flaherty, PhD, Emily Fox-Hill, PhD, RN

RN, FAAN APRN, BC Associate Professor
Professor Emeritus Director of Quality University of Tennessee
University of Illinois at Improvement College of Nursing
Chicago Village Care of New York Memphis, TN
College of Nursing New York, NY Newmans Theory of
Chicago, IL Geriatric Health
Director of Division of Interdisciplinary Teams
Clinical Quality Maureen A. Frey, PhD, RN
Robin Fleschler, PhD,
Bureau of Primary Health Director of Research and
Care Advanced Practice
Assistant Professor
Health Resources and Childrens Hospital of
University of Texas
Services Administration Michigan
Medical Branch
Bethesda, MD Detroit, MI
School of Nursing Medical
Family Care; Family Branch (Imogene) Kings
Health Galveston, TX Conceptual System and
Evidence-Based Practice Theory of Goal
Donna Fick, PhD, RN Attainment
Associate Professor of Beverly C. Flynn, PhD,
Nursing, College of RN, FAAN Sara T. Fry, PhD, RN,
Health and Human Professor FAAN
Development Indiana University Henry R. Luce Professor of
Associate Professor of School of Nursing Nursing Ethics
Medicine, Department of Indianapolis, IN Boston College
Psychiatry Community Health School of Nursing
The Pennsylvania State Chestnut Hill, MA
Marquis D. Foreman, PhD,
University Research in Nursing
University Park, PA Ethics; Rights of Human
Ageism University of Illinois at Subjects
Joseph M. Filakovsky, Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN,
College of Nursing
Chicago, IL
CS, FAHA The Erline Perkins McGriff
Delirium Professor and Division
Doctoral Student
Case Western Reserve Frances Foster, MS, RN, Head
University CS New York University
Frances Payne Bolton Adult Health Nurse Division of Nursing
School of Nursing Practitioner New York, NY
Cleveland, OH Massachusetts General Acute Care of the
Hospital Elderly; Elder
Boston, MA Mistreatment
Functional Health
Mary L. Fisher, PhD, RN, Patterns Carol D. Gaskamp, PhD,
Jeanne C. Fox, PhD, RN Assistant Professor
Associate Professor Professor Emeritus
Indiana University University of Texas Austin
School of Nursing School of Nursing
School of Nursing University of Virginia
Indianapolis, IN Austin, TX
School of Nursing
Cost Analysis of Nursing Charlottesville, VA Quality of Life
Care; Health Services Mental Health Services
Administration Research
Contributors xvii

Rauda Gelazis, PhD, RN, Patricia A. Grady, PhD, Hurdis M. Griffith, PhD,
Associate Professor Director Professor and Dean
Ursuline College National Institutes of Emeritus
Breen School of Nursing Health Rutgers University
Pepper Pike, OH National Institute of College of Nursing
Individual Nursing Nursing Research Newark, NJ
Therapy Bethesda, MD Clinical Preventive
National Institutes of Services Delivery;
Deborah L. Gentile, MSN,
Health; National Current Procedural
Institute of Nursing Terminology-Coded
Doctoral Student
Research Services
University of Wisconsin-
Milwaukee Judith R. Graves, PhD, Deborah Gross, DNSc,
College of Nursing RN, FAAN RN, FAAN
Milwaukee, WI Professor, College of Professor
Patient Education Nursing Rush University
Adjunct Associate Professor College of Nursing
Phyllis B. Giovannetti, ScD,
Department of Medical Chicago, IL
Informatics Mother-Infant/Toddler
School of Medicine Relationships
University of Alberta
University of Utah
Faculty of Nursing
Salt Lake City, UT Sheila Grossman, PhD,
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada Bibliographic Retrieval APRN
Systems; Representation Professor
Nursing Workload
of Knowledge for Fairfield University
Measurement Systems;
Computational Modeling School of Nursing
Patient Classification
in Nursing: The Arcs Fairfield, CT
Barbara Given, PhD, RN Program; Secondary Genetics; Mentoring
Professor Data Analysis; Sigma
Michigan State University Theta Tau International Sarah Hall Gueldner, DSN,
College of Nursing Nursing Research RN, FAAN
East Lansing, MI Classification System; Dean and Professor
Family Care Virginia Henderson Binghamton University
International Nursing Decker School of Nursing
Barbara A. Goldrick, Library Binghamton, NY
MPH, PhD, RN, CIC Osteoporosis
Nurse Consultant Bobbe Ann Gray, PhD,
Chatham, MA RNC Linda C. Haber, DNS, RN,
Nosocomial Infections Assistant Professor CS
Wright State University Clinical Specialist
Marion Good, PhD, RN, College of Nursing and Veterans Affairs
FAAN Health Northern Indiana Health
Professor Dayton, OH Care System
Case Western Reserve
Childbirth Education Fort Wayne, IN
Frances Payne Bolton Family Theory and
School of Nursing Research
Cleveland, OH
Music Therapy; Pain;
Pain Management: A
Mid-Range Theory

Barbara K. Haight, DrPH, Emily J. Hauenstein, PhD, Martha N. Hill, PhD, RN,
Professor Emeritus Associate Professor Professor and Dean
Medical University of University of Virginia John Hopkins University
South Carolina School of Nursing School of Nursing
College of Nursing Charlottesville, VA Baltimore, MD
Charleston, SC Depression in Women; Hypertension
Reminiscence and Life Mental Health in Public
Sector Primary Care Mary Angelique Hill,
Laura Hayman, PhD, RN, Associate Professor of
Edward J. Halloran, PhD,
FAAN Nursing
Professor Lake City Community
Associate Professor
New York University College
University of North
Division of Nursing Lake City, FL
Carolina Chapel Hill
New York, NY Boykin & Schoenhofer:
School of Nursing
Chapel Hill, NC Cardiovascular Risk The Theory of Nursing
Factors: Cholesterol; as Caring
Hendersons Model; Nutrition in Infancy and
Nurse Staffing; Nursing Childhood Marilyn Hockenberry,
Studies Index PhD, RN-CS, PNP,
Marion Hemstrom- FAAN
Charlene M. Hanson, EdD, Krainess, DNSc, RN, CS Professor of Pediatrics
RN, CS, FAAN Assistant Professor Baylor College of Medicine
Professor Case Western Reserve Nurse Scientist, Director
Georgia Southern University Center for Nursing
University Frances Payne Bolton Research
Center for Rural Health School of Nursing Texas Childrens Hospital
and Research Cleveland, OH Houston, TX
Statesboro, GA Wellness Cancer in Children
Advanced Practice
Eileen M. Hermann, RN, Diane Holditch-Davis,
Gail A. Harkness, DrPH, Critical Care Nurse Professor
Educator, Cardiovascular University of North
Services Carolina at Chapel Hill
Professor Emeritus
Hartford Hospital School of Nursing
University of Connecticut
Hartford, CT Chapel Hill, NC
School of Nursing
Storrs, CT Bowel Elimination Parenting
Among Older Adults
Infection Control Barbara J. Holtzclaw, PhD,
Patricia A. Higgins, PhD, RN, FAAN
Gretchen Harwood, MS, RN Professor Emeritus
RN Assistant Professor University of Texas Health
Doctoral Student Case Western Reserve Science Center
The Ohio State University University School of Nursing
Columbus, OH Frances Payne Bolton San Antonio, TX
Smoking Cessation School of Nursing Fever/Febrile Response;
Cleveland, OH Shivering; Thermal
Failure to Thrive (Adult) Balance
Contributors xix

William L. Holzemer, PhD, Ann Hurley, DNSc, RN, Michele Freeman Irwin,
Professor and Associate Executive Director New York University
Dean Center for Excellence in Division of Nursing
University of California Nursing Practice New York, NY
San Francisco Brigham and Womens Neuroleptic Use in
School of Nursing Hospital Nursing Homes
San Francisco, CA Brookline, MA
Nursing Education; Mental Status Sharol F. Jacobson, PhD,
Substruction Measurement: The Mini- RN, FAAN
Mental State Associate Dean for
June Andrews Horowitz, Research and Practice
RN, PhD, FAAN and Professor
Professor Sally A. Hutchinson, PhD, University of Alabama
Boston College RN, FAAN School of Nursing
William F. Connell School Professor Tucsaloosa, AL
of Nursing University of Florida Cultural/Transcultural
Chestnut Hill, MA College of Nursing Focus
Postpartum Depression Jacksonville, FL
Grounded Theory; Ada Jacox, PhD, RN,
Carol Noll Hoskins, PhD, FAAN
Research Interviews
RN, FAAN Director, Clinical Practice
Professor Guidelines Program
New York University Kathleen Huttlinger, PhD, University of Virginia
Division of Nursing RN Charlottesville, VA
New York, NY Professor Pain
Breast Cancer: Kent State University
Psychosocial Adjustment College of Nursing Loretta Sweet Jemmott,
to Illness Kent, OH PhD, RN, FAAN
van Ameringen Professor in
Susan Houston, PhD, RN, Content Analysis;
Psychiatric Mental
CNAA, FAAN Exploratory Studies;
Health Nursing, and Co-
Professor Participant Observation
Director of the Center
University of Texas at Gail L. Ingersoll, EdD, RN, for Health Disparities
Austin FAAN Research
School of Nursing Professor & Director of University of Pennsylvania
Austin, TX Clinical Nursing School of Nursing
Managed Care Research Philadelphia, PA
University of Rochester Urban Health Research:
Heddy Bishop Hubbard,
School of Nursing Nursing Research in
Rochester, NY Urban Neighborhoods
Staff Member
Agency for Healthcare Evaluation; Health Carole P. Jennings, PhD,
Quality and Research Systems Delivery; RN, FAAN
Rockville, MD Organizational Redesign Associate Professor and
Health Services Research Pamela Magnussen Deputy Director
Ironside, PhD, RN Center for Health Policy,
Ronda G. Hughes, PhD, Research and Ethics
MHS, RN Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin- College of Nursing and
Senior Health Scientist Health Science
Administrator Madison
School of Nursing George Mason University
Agency for Healthcare Fairfax, VA
Research and Quality Madison, WI
Rockville, MD Hermeneutics Health Policy
Patient Safety

Jean E. Johnson, PhD, RN, Maureen Keckeisen, RN, Mary E. Kerr, PhD, RN,
Professor Emeritus Clinical Nurse Specialist Professor and
University of Rochester Transplant/Surgical UPMC Health System
School of Nursing Specialties ICU Chair of Nursing Science
Rochester, NY UCLA Medical Center University of Pittsburgh
Surgery Department of Nursing School of Nursing
Los Angeles, CA Pittsburgh, PA
Marion Johnson, PhD, RN
Professor Emeritus Hemodynamic Cerebral Ischemia;
University of Iowa Monitoring Nursing Diagnosis
College of Nursing Gwen Brumbaugh Keeney,
Iowa City, IA Shake Ketefian, EdD, RN
Benchmarking in Health Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Michigan
Care; Nursing Outcomes University of Illinois at
School of Nursing
Classification Chicago
Ann Arbor, MI
College of Nursing
Dorothy A. Jones, EdD, Research in Nursing
Chicago, IL
RNc, FAAN Ethics
Professor Primary Health Care
Boston College Lisa Skemp Kelley HaeSook Kim, RN, BSN
William F. Connell School University of Iowa Graduate Student
of Nursing College of Nursing University of Michigan
Chestnut Hill, MA School of Nursing
Iowa City, IA
Functional Health Ann Arbor, MI
Qualitative Research
Patterns; Nursing Activities of Daily Living
Practice Models Susan J. Kelley, PhD, RN,
FAAN Hesook Suzie Kim, PhD,
Josette Jones, PhD, RN,
Dean and Professor RN
Assistant Professor College of Health and Professor Emerita
Indiana University Human Sciences University of Rhode Island
School of Nursing and Georgia State University Kingston, RI
School of Informatics Atlanta, GA Professor
Indianapolis, IN Grandparents Raising Buskerud University
Telehealth Grandchildren College
Kongsberg, Norway
Evanne Juratovac, RN, Alice R. Kempe, PhD, CS
MSN, CS Associate Professor Action Science;
Lecturer and Project Ursuline College Discourse Analysis;
Coordinator Breen School of Nursing Narrative Analysis
Prentiss Care Networks Pepper Pike, OH
University Center on Aging Karin T. Kirchhoff, PhD,
Family Caregiving and
and Health RN, FAAN
the Seriously Mentally
Case Western Reserve Professor
Ill; Homelessness and
University University of Utah
Related Mood Disorders
Frances Payne Bolton College of Nursing
School of Nursing Salt Lake City, UT
Cleveland, OH Nurse Researcher in the
Disparities in Minority Clinical Setting
Mental Health
Contributors xxi

Kenn M. Kirksey, PhD, Marjorie Thomas Lawson, Wendy Lewandowski, PhD,

Associate Professor of Associate Professor Assistant Professor
Nursing University of Southern Kent State University
California State University, Maine College of Nursing
Fresno College of Nursing and Kent, OH
Department of Nursing Health Professions Community Mental
Fresno, CA Portland, ME Health
HIV Symptom Interpersonal Irene Daniels Lewis, DNS,
Management and Communication: Nurse- APN, FAAN
Quality of Life Patient College of Applied Sciences
Mia Kobayashi, MSN, RN, and Arts
CNM Regina Placzek Lederman, San Jose State University
Doctoral Candidate RN, FAAN School of Nursing
New York University Professor San Jose, CA
Division of Nursing University of Texas Ethnogeriatrics
New York, NY Medical Branch
School of Nursing Judith A. Lewis, PhD,
End-of-Life Planning and RNC, FAAN
Choices; Unlicensed Galveston, TX
Assistive Personnel Maternal Anxiety and Virginia Commonwealth
Adaptation During University
Katharine Kolcaba, PhD,
Pregnancy School of Nursing
Associate Professor Richmond VA
Yi-Hui Lee, MSN, RN
University of Akron Genetics
PhD Candidate
College of Nursing Patricia Liehr, PhD, RN
Case Western Reserve
Akron, OH Professor and Director of
Comfort Frances Payne Bolton Doctoral Program
Heidi V. Krowchuk, PhD, School of Nursing Florida Atlantic University
RN, FAAN Cleveland, OH College of Nursing
Associate Professor West Palm Beach, FL
HIV Risk Behavior
University of North Middle-Range Theories
Carolina at Greensboro Elizabeth R. Lenz, PhD, Deborah F. Lindell, ND,
School of Nursing RN, FAAN APRN, BC
Greensboro, NC Dean and Professor Assistant Professor of
Child Lead Exposure Ohio State University Nursing
Effects; Failure to Thrive College of Nursing Case Western Reserve
(Child) Columbus, OH University
Doctoral Education Frances Payne Bolton
Helen Lach, PhD, RN
School of Nursing
Assistant Professor
Eugene Levine, PhD Cleveland, OH
St. Louis University
School of Nursing Professor Emeritus Grounded Theory
St. Louis, MO Uniformed Services Ada M. Lindsey, PhD, RN,
Dizziness in the Elderly University of the Health FAAN
Sciences Dean and Professor
Cheryl A. Larson, MS, RN Graduate School of Emeritus
Doctoral Candidate Nursing University of Nebraska
University of Arizona Bethesda, MD Medical Center
College of Nursing College of Nursing
Quantitative Research
Tucson, AZ Omaha, NE
Spirituality Research Careers

Adrianne D. Linton, PhD, Marilyn J. Lotas, PhD, RN Kiran Mangrola, MSN,

RN Associate Dean for Student RN, CS-GNP
Associate Professor Services and Director New York University
University of Texas Health BSN Program Division of Nursing
Science Center at San Associate Professor New York, NY
Antonio Case Western Reserve Acute Care of the
School of Nursing University Elderly
San Antonio, TX Frances Payne Bolton
Wandering School of Nursing Anne Manton, PhD,
Cleveland, OH APRN, FAAN
Terri H. Lipman, PhD, Prevention of Preterm Psychiatric Mental Health
CRNP, FAAN and Low-Birthweight Nurse Practitioner
Associate Professor Births Cape Cod Hospital
University of Pennsylvania Courtney H. Lyder, ND Emergency Nursing
School of Nursing University of Virginia
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Medical Center Lucy N. Marion, PhD, RN,
Division of Endocrinology Professor of Nursing FAAN
Childrens Hospital of Professor of Internal Professor and Dean
Philadelphia Medicine and Geriatrics Medical College of Georgia
Philadelphia, PA University of Virginia School of Nursing
Clinical Decision Making School of Nursing Augusta, GA
Charlottesville, VA Primary Care
Doris Troth Lippman, Pressure Ulcers
PhD, APRN Patricia A. Martin, PhD,
Professor Brenda L. Lyon, DNS, RN RN
Fairfield University Professor Dean and Professor
School of Nursing Indiana University Wright State University
Fairfield, CT School of Nursing College of Nursing and
Indianapolis, IN Health
Interventions (PSI) Job Stress; Stress; Stress Dayton, OH
Nurse Researcher in the
Jane Lipscomb, PhD, RN, Meridean Maas, PhD, RN, Clinical Setting;
FAAN FAAN Organizational Culture;
Associate Professor Emeritus Professor and Research Dissemination
University of Maryland Director of the John A.
School of Nursing Hartford Center of Linda J. Mayberry, PhD,
Baltimore, MD Geriatric Nursing RN, FAAN
Workplace Violence Excellence Associate Professor
University of Iowa Director, Muriel and
Juliene G. Lipson, PhD, College of Nursing Virginia Pless Center for
RN, FAAN Iowa City, IA Nursing Research
Professor Nursing Outcomes New York University
University of California Classification Division of Nursing
San Francisco New York, NY
Linda Manfrin-Ledet, DNS,
School of Nursing Postpartum Depression
San Francisco, CA
Assistant Professor of
Immigrant Women Nursing
Nicholls State University
Department of Nursing
Thibodaux, LA
Contributors xxiii

Angela Barron McBride, Susan H. McCrone, PhD, Mary L. McHugh, PhD,

Distinguished Professor and Associate Professor Associate Professor and
University Dean Emerita West Virginia University Director, Professional
Indiana University Robert C. Byrd Health Development and
School of Nursing Science Center Extended Studies
Indianapolis, IN School of Nursing University of Colorado
Feminist Research Morgantown, WV Health Sciences Center
Methodology; Womens Coronary Artery Bypass School of Nursing
Health Graft (CABG) Surgery Denver, CO
Artificial Intelligence;
Melen R. McBride, PhD, Deborah Dillon McDonald, Nursing Intensity
Stanford University Associate Professor Mary J. McNamee, PhD,
Stanford Geriatric University of Connecticut RN
Education Center School of Nursing Associate Professor and
School of Medicine Storrs, CT Director
Palo Alto, CA Office of Student Equity
Health Care and Multicultural Affairs
Ethnogeriatrics Communication University of Nebraska
Medical Center
Maureen P. McCausland, Graham J. McDougall, Jr.,
Omaha, NE
Senior Vice President, Chief Professor Homeless Health;
Nursing Officer and University of Texas at Research Careers
Patient Care Services Austin Barbara Medoff-Cooper,
University of Wisconsin- School of Nursing PhD, RN, FAAN
Madison Hospital and Austin, TX Helen M. Shearer Professor
Clinic Cognitive Interventions; in Nutrition
Madison, WI Self-Efficacy University of Pennsylvania
Primary Nursing School of Nursing
Beverly J. McElmurry, Philadelphia, PA
Sandee Graham McClowry, EdD, RN, FAAN Neurobehavioral
PhD, RN, FAAN Professor and Associate Development and
Professor Dean Nutritive Sucking
New York University University of Illinois at
Division of Nursing Chicago Paula M. Meek, PhD, RN
New York, NY College of Nursing Assistant Professor
Mental Disorders Chicago, IL University of Arizona
Prevention Primary Health Care College of Nursing
Tucson, AZ
Ruth McCorkle, PhD, Elizabeth McGann, DNSc, Instrumentation;
FAAN RN, CS Reliability; Validity
Florence S. Wald Professor Chairperson
of Nursing Quinnipiac University Sue E. Meiner, EdD,
Yale University Department of Nursing APRN, BC, GNP
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing School of Health Sciences
University of Nevada, Las
New Haven, CT Hamden, CT
Chronic Illness Pulmonary Changes in School of Nursing
Elders Las Vegas, NV
Gastroesophageal Reflux

Janet C. Meininger, PhD, Koen Milisen, PhD, RN Ethel L. Mitty, EdD, RN

RN, FAAN Center for Health Services Adjunct Clinical Professor
Professor and Nursing Research of Nursing
University of Texas Health Katholieke Universiteit New York University
Sciences Center at Leuven Division of Nursing
Houston Leuven, Belgium New York, NY
School of Nursing Medications in Older End-of-Life Planning and
Houston, TX Persons Choices; Unlicensed
Observational Research Assistive Personnel
Design Nancy Houston Miller,
BSN, RN Wanda K. Mohr, PhD,
Afaf Ibrahim Meleis, PhD, Associate Director RN, FAAN
FAAN Stanford Cardiac Associate Professor
Dean of Nursing Rehabilitation Program University of Medicine and
University of Pennsylvania Stanford University Dentistry of New Jersey
School of Nursing Medical Center School of Nursing
Philadelphia, PA Palo Alto, CA Newark, NJ
Immigrant Women; Smoking/Tobacco as a Children Exposed to
International Nursing Cardiovascular Risk Intimate Partner
Research; Transitions Factor Violence; Intimate
and Health Partner Violence
Peggy A. Miller, MS, RN Mary Moller, MSN, RN
Victoria Menzies, PhD, RN Research Coordinator
Center for the Study of Doctoral Student
University of Kansas Case Western Reserve
Complementary and School of Nursing
Alternative Therapies University
Kansas City, KS Frances Payne Bolton
University of Virginia
Job Satisfaction School of Nursing
School of Nursing
Charlottesville, VA Cleveland, OH
Susan M. Miovech, PhD,
Complementary and Schizophrenia
Alternative Practices and Assistant Professor Rita Monsen, DSN, MPH,
Products (CAPPs) Holy Family University RN
School of Nursing & Allied Interim Executive Director
Bonnie L. Metzger, PhD, Health Professions Genetic Nursing
RN, FAAN Philadelphia, PA Credentialing
Professor Commission, Inc.
University of Michigan Fetal Monitoring
Keuka Park, NY
School of Nursing
Merle H. Mishel, PhD, Genetics
Ann Arbor, MI
Time Series Analysis Kenan Professor of Nursing Kristen S. Montgomery,
University of North PhD, RN
Margaret Shandor Miles, Assistant Professor
Carolina, Chapel Hill
PhD, RN, FAAN University of South
School of Nursing
Professor Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
University of North College of Nursing
Carolina at Chapel Hill Uncertainty in Illness Columbia, SC
School of Nursing
Fitzpatricks Rhythm
Chapel Hill, NC
Model; Pregnancy;
Parental Response to the Watsons Theory of
Birth and Hospitalization Human Caring
of a High-Risk Infant;
Contributors xxv

Shirley M. Moore, PhD, Barbara Munro, PhD, RN, Alvita Nathaniel, DSN,
Professor and Associate Dean and Professor Assistant Professor
Dean for Research Boston College West Virginia University
Case Western Reserve School of Nursing School of Nursing
University Chestnut Hill, MA Morgantown, WV
Frances Payne Bolton Data Management; Moral Distress; Moral
School of Nursing Quantitative Research Reckoning
Cleveland, OH Methodology; Statistical
Mary Duffin Naylor, PhD,
Pain Management: A Techniques
Mid-Range Theory;
Shirley A. Murphy, PhD, Professor
Theoretical Framework
RN, FAAN University of Pennsylvania
Susan K. Moore, LMSW- Professor Emeritus School of Nursing
ACP University of Washington Philadelphia, PA
Independent Consultant School of Nursing Transitional Care
San Antonio, TX Seattle, WA
Kathleen M. Nokes, PhD,
Minority Women Disaster Nursing RN, FAAN
Offenders Professor
Carol M. Musil, PhD, RN
Hunter College, CUNY
Sue Moorhead, PhD, RN Associate Professor Hunter-Bellevue School of
Associate Professor Case Western Reserve Nursing
University of Iowa University New York, NY
College of Nursing Frances Payne Bolton
HIV/AIDS Care and
Iowa City, IA School of Nursing
Nursing Outcomes Cleveland, OH
Classification; Quality of Cohort Design; Family Jeanne M. Novotny, PhD,
Care Caregiving to Frail RN, FAAN
Elders; Pilot Study Dean and Professor
Patricia Moritz, PhD, RN, Fairfield University
FAAN Madeline A. Naegle, PhD, School of Nursing
Professor and Dean APRN-BC, FAAN Fairfield, CT
University of Colorado Professor Nursing Education
Health Sciences Center New York University
School of Nursing Division of Nursing Cassandra Okechukwu,
Denver, CO New York, NY RN, MSN, MPH
Funding Substance Abuse and Research Coordinator/
Addiction Among Clinical Instructor
Diana Lynn Morris, PhD, Registered Nurses University of Maryland
RN, FAAN School of Nursing
Associate Professor Yolanda Narvaez-Edwards, Baltimore, MD
Case Western Reserve RN, BSN Workplace Violence
University Graduate Student
Frances Payne Bolton University of Texas Health Lisa Onega, PhD, RN,
School of Nursing Science Center
Associate Professor,
Cleveland, OH School of Nursing
Hartford Foundation
Parses Theory of San Antonio, TX
Gerontology Fellow
Nursing: Human Minority Women Radford University
Becoming Theory; Offenders School of Nursing
Watsons Theory of Radford, VA
Human Caring

Ann L. OSullivan, PhD, Linda R. Phillips, PhD, Eileen J. Porter, PhD, RN

CRNP, FAAN RN, FAAN Associate Professor
Professor Professor University of Missouri
University of Pennsylvania University of Arizona School of Nursing
School of Nursing College of Nursing Columbia, MO
Philadelphia, PA Tucson, AZ Widows and Widowers
Adolescence; Adolescent Clinical Nursing Lorrie L. Powel, PhD, RN
Pregnancy and Research Associate Professor
Parenting; Infant Injury Sally Phillips, PhD, RN School of Nursing
Director of Bioterrorism College of Health and
Joanne OSullivan, PhD, Preparedness Research Public Affairs
APRN, BC, FNP Program University of Central
Assistant Professor Agency for Health Care Florida
Graduate Program of Research and Quality Orlando, FL
Nursing Rockville, MD Cancer Survivorship;
Massachusetts Institute of Prostate Cancer
Caring; Nursing Process
Health Professions
Boston, MA Joanne M. Pohl, PhD, Diane Shea Pravikoff, PhD,
Associate Professor, Director of Research/
Associate Dean for Professional Liaison
Mary H. Palmer, PhD,
Community Partnerships CINAHL Information
University of Michigan Systems
Umphlet Distinguished
School of Nursing Glendale, CA
Professor in Aging
University of North Ann Arbor, MI Cumulative Index to
Carolina at Chapel Hill Nursing Centers Nursing and Allied
School of Nursing Health Literature
Denise F. Polit, PhD
Chapel Hill, NC President Jana L. Pressler, PhD, RN
Prostate Cancer Humanalysis, Inc. Assistant Dean for
Saratoga Springs, NY Research, Professor,
Jin-Hwa Park, MA, RN, College of Nursing
Data Collection Methods University of Oklahoma
New York University Sue A. Popkess-Vawter, College of Nursing
Division of Nursing PhD, RN, ARNP Oklahoma City, OK
New York, NY Professor Fitzpatricks Rhythm
Chronic Gastrointestinal University of Kansas Model
Symptoms School of Nursing
Mary T. Quinn Griffin,
Kansas City, KS
John R. Phillips, PhD, RN Weight Management Assistant Professor
Professor Emeritus Demetrius J. Porche, DNS, Case Western Reserve
New York University RN University
School of Education Associate Dean of Frances Payne Bolton
New York, NY Research & Evaluation School of Nursing
(Martha E.) Rogers and Professor Cleveland, OH
Science of Unitary Louisiana State University Health
Persons Health Sciences Center Conceptualization;
School of Nursing Parses Theory of
New Orleans, LA Nursing: Human
Violence Becoming Theory; Roy
Adaptation Model
Contributors xxvii

Joanne W. Rains, DNS, Mary Anne Rizzolo, EdD, Norma Martinez Rogers,
Dean and Associate Director for Professional Assistant Professor
Professor Development University of Texas Health
Indiana University East National League for Science Center
Division of Nursing Nursing School of Nursing
Richmond, IN New York, NY San Antonio, TX
Collaborative Research Research on Interactive Minority Women
Video Offenders
Barbara Rakel, MA, RN
Advanced Practice Nurse Carol A. Romano, MS,
Beverly L. Roberts, RN,
Supervisor RN, FAAN
PhD, FAAN, FGSA Director, Nursing
University of Iowa
Arline H. and Curtis F. Information Systems and
Hospitals and Clinics
Garvin Professor of Quality Assurance
Iowa City, IA
Nursing Warren Grant Magnuson
Ethnography Frances Payne Bolton Clinical Center
Pamela G. Reed, PhD, RN, School of Nursing National Institutes of
FAAN Case Western Reserve Health
Professor University Bethesda, MD
University of Arizona Cleveland, OH Data Stewardship
College of Nursing Falls; Functional Health
Tucson, AZ Eileen Virginia Romeo,
Karen R. Robinson, PhD MSN, RN
Peplaus Theoretical
Non Clinical Lecturer in Doctoral Student
Model; Spirituality
Gastroenterology Case Western Reserve
Barbara Resnick, PhD, Institute of Infection, University
CRNP, FAAN, FAANP Immunity and Frances Payne Bolton
Associate Professor Inflammation School of Nursing
University of Maryland University Hospital Cleveland, OH
School of Nursing Queens Medical Center Orems Self-Care Deficit
Baltimore, MD Nottingham, United Nursing Theory
Continuing Care Kingdom Marlene M. Rosenkoetter,
Retirement Communities PhD, RN, FAAN
Current Procedural
Virginia Richardson, DNS, Terminology-Coded Professor
RN, CPNP Services; Denial in Medical College of Georgia
Assistant Dean for Student Coronary Heart Disease School of Nursing
Affairs Atlanta, GA
Associate Professor Bonnie Rogers, PhD, Retirement
Indiana University COHN-S, LNCC, FAAN
Associate Professor and Virginia K. Saba, EdD,
School of Nursing
Director, Occupational RN, FAAN, FACMI
Indianapolis, IN
Safety and Health Distinguished Scholar,
Pediatric Primary Care Adjunct
Education and Research
Susan K. Riesch, DNSc, Center Georgetown University
RN, FAAN School of Nursing and
University of North
Professor, School of Health Studies
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Nursing Washington, DC
School of Public Health
University of Wisconsin- Chapel Hill, NC Home Health Care
Madison Classification System;
Nursing Occupational
School of Nursing Home Health Systems;
Injury and Stress Nursing Informatics;
Madison, WI
Nursing Centers Nursing Information

Ali Salman, MD, RN Judith Kennedy Schwarz, Shyang-Yun Pamela K.

PhD Candidate PhD, RN Shiao, PhD, RN, FAAN
Case Western Reserve Consultant, Ethics and Associate Professor
University End-of-Life Care University of Texas
Frances Payne Bolton New York, NY Health Sciences Center
School of Nursing Advance Directives School of Nursing
Cleveland, OH Houston, TX
Depression and Joan L. Shaver, PhD, RN,
Endotracheal Suctioning
Cardiovascular Diseases; FAAN
in Newborns: NICU
Hypertension Professor and Dean
Preterm Infant Care
University of Illinois at
Helen A. Schaag, RN, Chicago Elaine K. Shimono, MA,
MSN, MA College of Nursing RN
Project Director, CPAP Chicago, IL Clinical Director
Research Study Sleep Psychiatry Care Center
University of Kansas Mount Sinai Medical
School of Nursing Nelma B. Shearer, PhD,
Kansas City, KS RN
New York, NY
Caregiver; Home Care Assistant Professor
College of Nursing (Martha E.) Rogers
Arizona State University Science of Unitary
Karen L. Schumacher, PhD, Tempe, AZ Persons
RN Peplaus Theoretical
Assistant Professor Mary Cipriano Silva, PhD,
Model RN, FAAN
University of Pennsylvania
School of Nursing Caryn A. Sheehan, MSN, Professor Emeritus
Philadelphia, PA RN George Mason University
Assistant Professor College of Nursing and
Transitions and Health
St. Anselm College Health Science
Elizabeth A. Schlenk, PhD, Department of Nursing Fairfax, VA
RN Manchester, NH Clinical Professor
Assistant Professor Penders Health School of Public Health
University of Pittsburgh Promotion Model and Health Sciences
School of Nursing University of
Pittsburgh, PA Mary Shelkey, PhD, RN, Massachussetts
Patient Contracting ARNP Amherst, MA
Assistant Professor Ethics of Research;
Donald F. Schwarz, MD, Seattle University Philosophy of Nursing
MPH, MBA College of Nursing
Deputy Physician-in-Chief Seattle, WA Carol E. Smith, PhD, RN
Chief, Craig-Dalsimer Alzheimers Disease Professor
Division of Adolescent University of Kansas
Medicine Deborah Shelton, PhD, School of Nursing
University of Pennsylvania RN, CNA, BC Kansas City, KS
Schools of Medicine and Associate Professor of
Nursing Nursing Caregiver; Home Care
Philadelphia, PA University of Connecticut Technologies; Quality of
School of Nursing Life
Adolescence; Adolescent
Pregnancy and Storrs, CT
Parenting; Infant Injury Child Delinquents
Contributors xxix

Marlaine C. Smith, PhD, Theresa Standing, PhD, Patricia W. Stone, PhD,

Professor and Associate Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Dean for Academic Case Western Reserve Columbia University
Affairs University School of Nursing
University of Colorado Frances Payne Bolton New York, NY
Health Sciences Center School of Nursing Patient Safety
School of Nursing Cleveland, OH
Denver, CO Triangulation Ora L. Strickland, PhD,
Caring RN, FAAN
Els Steeman, MSN
Center for Health Services Professor
Mary Jane Smith, PhD, RN Emory University
Professor and Associate and Nursing Research
Katholieke Universiteit Nell Hodgson School of
Dean for Graduate Nursing
Academic Affairs Leuven
Leuven, Belgium Atlanta, GA
West Virginia University
Robert C. Byrd Health Medications in Older Measurement and Scales
Science Center Persons
School of Nursing Neville E. Strumpf, PhD,
Karen Farchaus Stein, PhD, RN, FAAN
Morgantown, WV
RN, FAAN Edith Clemmer Steinbright
Drinking and Driving Associate Professor of Professor in Gerontology
Among Adolescents; Nursing Director of the Center for
Middle-Range Theories University of Michigan Gerontologic Nursing
School of Nursing Science
Bernard Sorofman, PhD Ann Arbor, MI
Professor University of Pennsylvania
Self-Concept School of Nursing
University of Iowa
Disturbances and Eating Philadelphia, PA
College of Pharmacy Disorders
Iowa City, IA Physical Restraints
Ethnography Joanne Sabol Stevenson,
PhD, RN, FAAN Sheri Stucke, PhD, FNP
Susan M. Sparks, PhD, Professor Emeritus Kresge Center Research
RN, FAAN Ohio State University Assistant
Project Officer College of Nursing Decker School of Nursing
National Library of Columbus, OH Binghamton University
Medicine and Binghamton, NY
Bethesda, MD Rutgers College of Nursing
Electronic Network Newark, NJ
Adult Health; Alcohol Hussein A. Tahan, DNSc,
Ann M. Stalter, MS, RN Dependence; Drug RN, CNA
Clinical Instructor Abuse; Geriatrics Director of Nursing,
Wright State University Cardiovascular Services
Kathleen Stone, PhD, RN,
College of Nursing and Columbia University
Health Medical Center
Professor Emeritus
Dayton, OH New York-Presbyterian
Ohio State University
Vulnerable Populations College of Nursing Hospital
Columbus, OH New York, NY
Endotracheal Suctioning Case Management

Hsin-Yi (Jean) Tang, PhD, Diana L. Taylor, PhD, RN, Barbara S. Turner, DNSc,
Teaching Associate Professor Emeritus, Professor and Associate
University of Washington Department of Family Dean
School of Nursing Health Care Nursing Duke University
Seattle, WA Adjunct Professor, Center School of Nursing
Biofeedback for Reproductive Health Durham, NC
Policy & Research Informed Consent
Siew Tzuh Tang, DNSc University of California,
Assistant Professor San Francisco Doris C. Vahey, PhD
College of Nursing San Francisco, CA Special Projects Consultant
National Yang-Ming Menstrual Cycle; Mount Sinai Hospital
University Premenstrual Syndrome New York, NY
Taipei, Taiwan Patient Satisfaction
Chronic Illness Debera Jane Thomas,
DNS, RN, CS Barbara Valanis, PhD,
Susan Dale Tannenbaum, Associate Professor FAAN
RN, BSN Florida Atlantic University Director of Nursing
Staff NurseCardiac Unit Boca Raton, FL Research
Johns Hopkins University Kaiser-Permanente Center
School of Nursing Case Study as a Method
of Research for Health Research
Baltimore, MD Portland, OR
Hypertension Mary E. Tiedeman, PhD, Consortial Research
Anita J. Tarzian, MS, RN RN
Associate Professor, Connie Vance, RN, EdD,
Research Associate
College of Nursing FAAN
University of Maryland
Brigham Young University Professor, School of
School of Nursing
College of Nursing Nursing
Baltimore, MD
Provo, UT The College of New
Descriptive Research Rochelle
Roy Adaptation Model
Roma Lee Taunton, PhD, School of Nursing
RN, FAAN Sara Torres, PhD, RN, New Rochelle, NY
Senior Scientist FAAN Mentoring
University of Kansas Dean and Professor
Medical Center University of Medicine and Patricia E. H. Vermeersch,
School of Nursing Dentistry of New Jersey PhD, RN
Kansas City, KS School of Nursing Assistant Professor
Newark, NJ Wright State University
Job Satisfaction;
Children Exposed to School of Nursing and
Outcome Measures
Intimate Partner Health
Ann Gill Taylor, EdD, RN, Dayton, OH
Violence; Intimate
FAAN Delirium
Partner Violence
Betty Norman Norris
Professor of Nursing and Toni Tripp-Reimer, PhD, Joyce A. Verran, PhD, RN,
Director, Center for the RN, FAAN FAAN
Study of Complementary Professor and Associate Professor
and Alternative Dean University of Arizona
Therapies University of Iowa College of Nursing
University of Virginia College of Nursing Tucson, AZ
School of Nursing Iowa City, IA Instrumentation;
Charlottesville, VA Ethnography; Qualitative Reliability; Validity
Complementary and Research
Alternative Practices and
Products (CAPPs)
Contributors xxxi

Antonia M. Villarruel, Lynn I. Wasserbauer, PhD, Margaret A. Wheatley,

Professor Assistant Professor Instructor
Director, Center for Health University of Akron Case Western Reserve
Promotion College of Nursing University
University of Michigan Akron, OH Frances Payne Bolton
Ann Arbor, MI Experimental Research; School of Nursing
Health Disparities Quasi-Experimental Cleveland, OH
Research Disparities in Minority
Ladislov Volicer, PhD, MD Mental Health
Clarann Weinert, SC, PhD,
Boston University
School of Medicine Sharon A. Wilkerson, PhD,
Professor & Director
Boston, MA RN
Center for Research on
Geriatric Research Associate Professor of
Chronic Health
Education and Clinical Nursing
Conditions in Rural
Center Dwellers Purdue University
Edith Nourse Rogers College of Nursing School of Nursing
Memorial Veterans Montana State University- West Lafayette, IN
Hospital Bozeman (Dorothy) Johnsons
Bedford, MA Bozeman, MT Behavioral System Model
Mental Status Longitudinal Survey;
Measurement: The Mini- Rural Health Carolyn A. Williams, PhD,
Mental State RN, FAAN
Examination Joan Stehle Werner, DNSc, Dean and Professor
RN University of Kentucky
Madeline Musante Wake, Professor School of Nursing
PhD, RN University of Wisconsin- Lexington, KY
Provost, Marquette Eau Claire Populations and
University College of Nursing and Aggregates
Marquette University Health Sciences
Milwaukee, WI Eau Claire, WI Danny G. Willis, RN, MN
International Coping Doctoral Candidate
Classification for Louisiana State University
Mary Ellen Wewers, PhD,
Nursing Practice School of Nursing
(ICNP) New Orleans, LA
Ohio State University Violence
Patricia Hinton Walker,
College of Nursing
PhD, RN, FAAN Celia E. Wills, PhD, RN
Columbus, OH
Dean and Professor Associate Professor
Uniformed Services Smoking Cessation
Michigan State University
University of the Health Ann Whall, PhD, RN, College of Nursing
Sciences FAAN, FGSA East Lansing, MI
Graduate School of Professor and Mental Health in Public
Nursing Associate Director, Sector Primary Care;
Bethesda, MD University of Michigan Mental Health Services
Capitation; Case Geriatrics Center Research
Management; Neuman University of Michigan
Systems Model School of Nursing
Ann Arbor, MI
Middle-Range Theories
of Dementia Care

Holly Skodol Wilson, PhD, JoAnne M. Youngblut, Cora D. Zembrzuski, PhD,

Professor Emeritus Professor Lecturer and Clinical
University of California Florida International Coordinator
San Francisco University Community Health
School of Nursing School of Nursing Nursing
San Francisco, CA Miami, FL Yale University
Grounded Theory; Causal Modeling; New Haven, CT
Research Interviews Structural Equation Bowel Elimination
(Qualitative) Modeling Among Older Adults;
Hydration and
Sarah A. Wilson, PhD, RN Renzo Zanotti, PhD Dehydration in Older
Associate Professor Professor Adults
Marquette University University of Padova
College of Nursing Padova, Italy Tamara L. Zurakowski,
Milwaukee, WI Scientific Development PhD, CRNP
Death and Dying Lecturer
Jaclene A. Zauszniewski, University of Pennsylvania
Chris Winkelman, PhD, PhD, RNC, FAAN School of Nursing
RN Kate Hanna Harvey Philadelphia, PA
Assistant Professor Professor of Community (Florence) Nightingale
Case Western Reserve Health Nursing
University Case Western Reserve
Frances Payne Bolton University
School of Nursing Frances Payne Bolton
Cleveland, OH School of Nursing
Physiological Monitoring Cleveland, OH
Depression in Older
May L. Wykle, PhD, RN, Adults; Factor Analysis;
FAAN, FGSA Resourcefulness
Dean and Florence Cellar
Professor of
Gerontological Nursing
Director, University Center
on Aging & Health
Case Western Reserve
Frances Payne Bolton
School of Nursing
Cleveland, OH
Depression in Older

A C Community Mental Health

Complementary and
Action Science Cancer in Children Alternative Practices and
Activities of Daily Living Cancer Survivorship Products (CAPPs)
Acute Care of the Elderly Capitation Computer-Aided
Adherence/Compliance Cardiovascular Disease Instruction
Adolescence Cardiovascular Risk Computerized Decision
Adolescent Pregnancy and Factors: Cholesterol Support Systems
Parenting Caregiver Concept Analysis
Adult Health Caring Consortial Research
Advance Directives Case Management Content Analysis
Advanced Practice Nurses Case Study as a Method of Continuing Care
Ageism Research Retirement Communities
Alcohol Dependence Causal Modeling Coping
Alzheimers Disease Cerebral Ischemia Coronary Artery Bypass
Angina Child Abuse and Neglect Graft (CABG) Surgery
Applied Research Child Delinquents Cost Analysis of Nursing
Artificial Intelligence Child Lead Exposure Care
Attitudes Effects Critical Care Nursing
Childbirth Education Cultural/Transcultural
B Children Exposed to Focus
Basic Research Intimate Partner Violence Cumulative Index to
Behavioral Research Chronic Conditions in Nursing and Allied
Benchmarking in Health Childhood Health Literature
Care Chronic Gastrointestinal Current Procedural
Bibliographic Retrieval Symptoms Terminology-Coded
Systems Chronic Illness Services
Bibliometrics Clinical Decision Making
Biofeedback Clinical Judgment D
Bowel Elimination Among Clinical Nursing Research Data Analysis
Older Adults Clinical Preventive Services Data Collection Methods
Boykin and Schoenhofer: Delivery Data Management
The Theory of Nursing Clinical Trials Data Stewardship
as Caring Cognitive Interventions Death and Dying
Breast Cancer: Psychosocial Cohort Design Delirium
Adjustment to Illness Collaborative Research Delphi Technique
Breast Cancer Screening Comfort Denial in Coronary Heart
Breast-Feeding Community Health Disease


Depression and Family Health HIV Risk Behavior

Cardiovascular Diseases Family Satisfaction With HIV Symptom
Depression in Families End-of-Life Care Management and
Depression in Older Adults Family Theory and Quality of Life
Depression in Women Research HIV/AIDS Care and
Descriptive Research Fatigue Treatment
Diabetes Feminist Research Home Care Technologies
Disaster Nursing Methodology Home Health Care
Discourse Analysis Fetal Monitoring Classification (HHCC)
Disparities in Minority Fever/Febrile Response System
Mental Health Fitzpatricks Rhythm Home Health Systems
Dizziness in the Elderly Model Homeless Health
Doctoral Education Formal Nursing Languages Homelessness
Drinking and Driving Functional Health Homelessness and Related
Among Adolescents Functional Health Patterns Mood Disorders
Drug Abuse Funding Hospice
Dysphagia Hydration and
G Dehydration in Older
E Adults
Gastroesophageal Reflux
Elder Mistreatment Disease Hypertension
Electronic Network Gender Research
Emergency Nursing Genetics I
Empathy Geriatric Interdisciplinary Immigrant Women
End-of-Life Planning and Teams Individual Nursing Therapy
Choices Geriatrics Infant Injury
Endotracheal Suctioning Gerontological Advanced Infection Control
Endotracheal Suctioning in Practice Nursing Informed Consent
Newborns: NICU Grandparents Raising Instrumentation
Preterm Infant Care Grandchildren International Classification
Enteral Tube Placement Grantsmanship for Nursing Practice
Epilepsy Grief (ICNP)
Ethics of Research Grounded Theory International Nursing
Ethnogeriatrics Research
Ethnography H Interpersonal
Evaluation Communication: Nurse-
Health Care
Evidence-Based Practice Patient
Experimental Research Intimate Partner Violence
Health Conceptualization
Exploratory Studies
Health Disparities
Health Indicators J
Health Policy Job Satisfaction
Factor Analysis Health Services Job Stress
Failure to Thrive (Adult) Administration (Dorothy) Johnsons
Failure to Thrive (Child) Health Services Research Behavioral System Model
Falls Health Systems Delivery
Family Care Hemodynamic Monitoring K
Family Caregiving to Frail Hendersons Model
Elders Hermeneutics Kangaroo Care
Family Caregiving and the History of Nursing (Imogene) Kings
Seriously Mentally Ill Research Conceptual System and
List of Entries xxxv

Theory of Goal Neurobehavioral Osteoarthritis

Attainment Development and Osteoporosis
Nutritive Sucking Outcomes Measures
L Neuroleptic Use in Nursing
Homes P
Leiningers Theory of
Newmans Theory of Pain
Culture Care Diversity
Health Pain Management: A Mid-
and Universality
Nightingale (Florence) Range Theory
Longitudinal Survey
Nosocomial Infections Parental Response to the
Nurse-Patient Interaction Birth and Hospitalization
Nurse-Patient Relationship of a High Risk Infant
Managed Care Nurse Researcher in the Parenting
Maternal Anxiety and Clinical Setting Parkinsons Disease
Adaptation During Nurse Staffing Parses Theory of Nursing:
Pregnancy Nursing Assessment Human Becoming
Measurement and Scales Nursing Centers Theory
Medications in Older Nursing Diagnosis Participant Observation
Persons Nursing Education Patient Classification
Menstrual Cycle Nursing Informatics Patient Contracting
Mental Disorders Nursing Information Patient Education
Prevention Systems Patient Safety
Mental Health in Public Nursing Intensity Patient Satisfaction
Sector Primary Care Nursing Interventions Pediatric Primary Care
Mental Health Services Classification (NIC) Penders Health Promotion
Research Nursing Occupational Model
Mental Status Injury and Stress Peplaus Theoretical Model
Measurement: The Mini- Nursing Outcomes Pet Therapy
Mental State Classification Phenomenology
Examination Nursing Practice Models Philosophy of Nursing
Mentoring Nursing Process Physical Restraints
Meta-Analysis Nursing Studies Index Physiological Monitoring
Middle-Range Theories Nursing Workload Pilot Study
Middle-Range Theories of Measurement Systems Population Health
Dementia Care Nutrition in Infancy and Populations and Aggregates
Minority Women Childhood Postpartum Depression
Offenders Nutrition in the Elderly Pregnancy
Moral Distress Premenstrual Syndrome
Moral Reckoning O Preoperative Psychological
Mother-Infant/Toddler Preparation for Surgery
Obesity as Cardiovascular Pressure Ulcers
Risk Factor Prevention of Preterm and
Music Therapy
Observational Research Low-Birthweight Births
Design Primary Care
Online Journal of Primary Health Care
Narrative Analysis Knowledge Synthesis for Primary Nursing
National Institute of Nursing Prostate Cancer
Nursing Research Orems Self-Care Deficit Psychosocial Interventions
National Institutes of Nursing Theory (PSI)
Health Organizational Culture Pulmonary Changes in
Neuman Systems Model Organizational Redesign Elders

Q Scientific Development Thermal Balance

Secondary Data Analysis Time Series Analysis
Qualitative Research
Self-Concept Disturbances Transitional Care
Quality of Care
and Eating Disorders Transitions and Health
Quality of Life
Self-Efficacy Triangulation
Quantitative Research
Serious Mental Illness
Quantitative Research U
Sex and Gender
Shivering Uncertainty in Illness
Sigma Theta Tau Unified Language Systems
International Nursing Unlicensed Assistive
R Research Classification Personnel
System Urban Health Research:
Reliability Sleep Nursing Research in
Reminiscence and Life Smoking Cessation Urban Neighborhoods
Review Smoking/Tobacco as a Urinary Incontinence
Replication Studies Cardiovascular Risk
Representation of Factor V
Knowledge for SNOMED International
Computational Modeling Social Support Validity
in Nursing: The Arcs Spirituality Violence
Program Statistical Techniques Virginia Henderson
Research Careers Stress International Nursing
Research Dissemination Stress Management Library
Research in Nursing Ethics Stroke Vulnerable Populations
Research Interviews Structural Equation
(Qualitative) W
Research on Interactive Substance Abuse and Wandering
Video Addiction Among Watsons Theory of
Research Utilization Registered Nurses Human Caring
Resourcefulness Substruction Weight Management
Retirement Suicide Wellness
Rights of Human Subjects Surgery Widows and Widowers
(Martha E.) Rogers Science Womens Health
of Unitary Persons T Workplace Violence
Roy Adaptation Model
Rural Health
S Terminal Illness
Theoretical Framework

Action Science tice and generating knowledge. Argyris

(1987) suggests further that action science is
Action science is an approach to generating an interventionist approach in which three
knowledge for practice by engaging prac- prerequisites must be established for the re-
titioners in that process through reflection search to ensue: (a) a creation of normative
on their own behavioral worlds of practice models of rare universes that are free of defen-
(Argyris, Putnam, & Smith, 1985; Schon, sive routines, (b) a theory of intervention that
1983). Schon contrasts action science as ad- can move practitioners and organizations
vanced by these authors with the traditional, from the present to a new desirable universe,
positivistic science, which he calls technical and (c) a theory of instruction that can be
rationality. Technical rationality for profes- used to teach new skills and create new cul-
sional practice is concerned with knowing ture.
that, whereas action science is oriented to Action science holds that actions in profes-
knowing how in practice. Although know- sional practice are based on practitioners
ing how in practice contributes to the creation theories of action. Theories of action are
of knowledge that is not available from tradi- learned and organized as repertoires of con-
tional research, what practitioners actually cepts, schemata, and propositions and are the
design in their practice may be limiting, rou- basis on which practitioners behavioral
tinized, and self-sealing. Hence, action sci- worlds are created in specific situations of
ence addresses generation of knowledge practice. Argyris, Putnam, and Smith (1985)
through reflection that fulfills the functions identified espoused theories and theories-in-
of discovery and change. Action science is use as two types of theories of action. Es-
primarily oriented to studying individual poused theories of action are the rationale
practitioners in their practice and generation expressed by practitioners as guiding their
of knowledge from individuals practice; actions in a situation of practice, whereas
however, it can be applied to organizational theories-in-use refers to theories that are actu-
behaviors and organizational intervention. ally used in practice. Theories-in-use are only
R. Putnam (1992) suggests that action sci- inferable from the actions themselves, and
ence is based on three philosophical premises: practitioners usually are not aware of or not
(a) human practice involves meaning making, able to articulate their theories-in-use except
intentionality in action, and normativity from through careful reflection and self-dialogue.
the perspective of human agency; (b) human Argyris and Schon (1974) and Argyris,
practice goes on in an interdependent milieu Putnam, and Smith (1985) identified Model
of behavioral norms and institutional poli- I theories-in-use as a type that seals prac-
tics; and (c) the epistemology of practice calls titioners from learning and produces routin-
for the engagement of practitioners in gener- ization and ineffectiveness in practice. Model
ating knowledge. Action science thus is a II theories-in-use are proposed within action
method and philosophy for improving prac- science as an intervention for Model I theo-


ries-in-use. Model II theories-in-use encom- also acts as an interventionist by engaging the

pass principles of valid information, free and practitioner to move toward new learning.
informed choice in action, and internal com- Nursing practice is a human-to-human
mitment. Reflection and learning are the two service that occurs in the context of health
key processes necessary for the transforma- care. Nurses practice within on-line condi-
tion from Model I theories-in-use to Model tions that are complex not only with respect
II theories-in-use. Action science, then, aims to clients problems but also in terms of orga-
to engage both practitioners and researchers nizational elements of the health care envi-
in this process of transformation through the ronment. Nursing practice is not based sim-
creation of a normative model of rare uni- ply on linear translations of relevant theoreti-
verse and application of theories of interven- cal knowledge that governs the situation of
tion and instruction. practice but has to be derived and designed
Knowledge of practitioners theories-in from the nurses knowledge of and responses
use and espoused theories provides a descrip- to the competing and complex demands of
tive understanding about the patterns of in- the situation (Kim, 1994). In addition, as the
consistencies between theories-in-use and es- action scientists suggest, nursing practice in
poused theories recalled in actual practice. general, as well as particular nursing actions,
Through action science, practitioners en- may be entrenched with routinization or fro-
gaged in Model II theories-in-use produce zen within Model I theories-in-use.
practice knowledge that informs their ap- On the other hand, a great deal of nursing
proach to practice without routinization or as practiced may be exemplary and creatively
the self-sealing mode. In addition, action sci- designed and enacted. The general aim of ac-
ence generates knowledge regarding the pro- tion science for nursing is then to improve
cess involved in self-awareness and the learn- nursing practice by freeing nurses from self-
ing of new theories-in-use through reflective sealing practices and engaging them in the
practice and practice design. process of learning and participatory re-
Research process in action science calls for search.
the cooperative participation of practitioner
and researcher through the phases of descrip- HESOOK SUZIE KIM
tion, discovery of theories-in-use, and inter-
vention. Transcriptions of actual practice by
the researcher or narratives of actual practice Activities of Daily Living
by the practitioner are analyzed together in
order to describe and inform reflectively the Ability to care for oneself and meet basic
nature of practice and theories-in-use. R. Put- needs is fundamental to maintaining health
nam (1996) suggests the use of the ladder of and independence. The term activities of
inference as a tool to discover practitioners daily living (ADL) is used to refer to the set
modes of thinking and action as revealed in of skills that constitute these essential abili-
transcripts or narratives. The research pro- ties. ADL are evaluated for many purposes,
cess is not oriented to the analysis of action such as to assess current capabilities, to deter-
transcripts or narratives by a researcher inde- mine care requirements, to gauge progress
pendent of the practitioner. It involves a post- or response to intervention, and to evaluate
practice face-to-face discussion (interview) outcomes. Thus, ADL are useful to many
between the researcher and the practitioner. health disciplines and professions across a
Such session, are used to get at the recon- wide range of health care settings and popula-
structed reasoning of practitioners regarding tions for addressing both clinical and re-
critical moments of the practice and to pro- search goals.
vide opportunities for reflection on the think- ADL are generally viewed hierarchically
ing and doing that were involved in the prac- from the most basic of human skills (e.g.,
tice. Through such sessions, the researcher ability to feed oneself) to somewhat higher
Activities of Daily Living 3

ones (e.g., ability to bathe and dress oneself). may color responses. Further, it is also im-
Higher still are those more complex skills portant to distinguish between what the in-
necessary to maintain independence in the formant says the individual can do, what the
community, such as using the telephone, do- individual actually can do, and what the indi-
ing household chores, and managing ones vidual is expected to do, all of which may or
finances. This higher level skill set is usually may not actually correspond with one an-
distinguished from the more basic ones by other (Smith & Clark, 1995). Even when ob-
use of the term instrumental activities of taining ratings of actual rather than reported
daily living or IADL. ADL and IADL are performance, accuracy can be a problem. An
also part of the broader concept of functional evaluator should take care to note, or control
assessment, which generally encompasses when possible, both environmental factors
more domains, such as cognitive and social (e.g., familiarity, glare, and noise), and per-
functioning. sonal factors (e.g., fatigue or depression),
Many scales have been developed to mea- when conducting and interpreting assess-
sure ADL and IADL. Among the most widely ments of ADL performance.
used are the Katz Index of Activities of Daily The application of ADL and IADL mea-
Living, the Barthel Index, and the Functional sures to particular clinical populations is a
Independence Measure, each of which ad- new approach that is beginning to gain no-
dresses basic ADL. These and similar scales tice, much as quality of life measures have
encompassing IADL can be used alone, to- been specified to various clinical populations.
gether, or in combination with other mea- Such specific ADL measures may be applied
sures of function, depending upon the pur- best when the most commonly affected ADL
pose and breadth of the assessors goals. and related performance limitations are
ADL scales vary, not only in the range and known for a given population. In these situa-
complexity of skills they include, but also in tions, the assessment can be targeted toward
the way skills are rated. Generally, each scale the most relevant ADL and scaled more
measures along one dimension, such as diffi- meaningfully to the nature of the difficulty
culty in performing a skill (e.g., performs with encountered. For example, knowing that a
ease) or type of support (e.g., physical, cogni- person with dementia is unable to dress them-
tive) or level of assistance (e.g., single person selves independently is useful; but knowing
assist) needed to perform a skill. Dichoto- that the person needs help with sequencing
mous and ordinal scaling approaches are the steps involved in selecting and donning
most common. The scaling model is espe- appropriate clothing is substantially more
cially important in determining not only the useful in supporting a higher level of indepen-
dimension of ADL to be assessed, but also in dence for the individual. This approach to the
determining the scales sensitivity to change. assessment of ADL may be most beneficial in
Although ADL and IADL assessments have a clinical context where prescriptions for the
been used for many years, the prevalence of kinds and levels of ADL assistance are made.
dichotomous and broad ordinal scaling mod- One disadvantage of specifying ADL assess-
els has led to only a limited understanding of ments to particular populations is that the
the pattern of ADL and IADL change over narrowed view may result in a failure to iden-
time for various patient populations. tify uncommon areas of difficulty.
ADL scales can be used to elicit informa- In sum, ADL and IADL are widely used
tion from various informants including the concepts in nursing and health care practice
individual being assessed, a family member and research because they are valuable in un-
or informal caregiver, a health professional, derstanding the impact of illness or injury on
or research staff. To obtain accurate ADL a persons everyday life and in determining
ratings it is essential to consider the infor- their needs for assistance in support of contin-
mants knowledge of the individuals abilities ued independence. Particular approaches to
and any motivations of the informant that assessing ADL and IADL should be selected

based on the purpose of the assessment and likely to be institutionalized. Asplund, Gus-
the quality of information available from in- tafson, and Jacobsson (2000) also demon-
formants. Careful consideration should be strated that ACE units reduce the institution-
given to factors that may affect ADL and alization rate of hospitalized elders. Siegler,
IADL ratings so that the most accurate assess- Glick, and Lee (2002) found that the com-
ment can be made. Tailored approaches for monality of the ACE unit was their interdisci-
specific patient populations are emerging as plinary care and focus on functional improve-
the next advancement in ADL measurement. ment, patient and staff satisfaction, and re-
duction of length of stay. In a prospective
DONNA L. ALGASE study of 804 patients 80 years of age or older,
HAESOOK KIM 42% of the elderly patients with no baseline
dependencies at admission had developed one
or more limitations within 2 months (Hart,
Acute Care of the Elderly 2002). Individuals older than 65 years of age
are more likely to be admitted to acute care
Older people have a greater prevalence of from the emergency department than other
chronic diseases and disorders that lead to age groups. The hospitalized elderly are at
hospitalization. On average, people over 65 an increased risk for poor outcomes such as
are hospitalized more than three times as of- increased length of stay, readmissions, func-
ten as younger individuals, and the length of tional decline, and iatrogenic complications,
their stay is estimated to be 50% longer than as compared with other age groups. There is
that of younger individuals. Nursing research a 33% rate of readmission within 3 months
that defines the evidence for practice inter- and complications such as acute confusion
ventions is needed for patients of all ages, and and nosocomial infections, which are com-
especially for the elderly (Fulmer & Mezey, mon among the elderly, resulting in increased
2002). Nursing research that provides the ba- morbidity and mortality. Fifty-eight percent
sis for best practice for hospitalized elders is of patients who are hospitalized will experi-
often embedded in interdisciplinary studies. ence at least one iatrogenic complication
For example, in one study, 244 patients aged (Hart).
70 years and older were enrolled in a geriatric Data for acute care are also found in re-
care program which used a geriatric resource- search that looks at nurse sensitive indica-
nurse intervention to improve the quality of tors for patient outcomes. For example, hos-
care received by the hospitalized elderly. The pital staff has been shown to make a differ-
intervention decreased patients length of stay ence in patient outcomes (Aiken, Sloane,
and improved quality indicators (Inouye et Lake, Sochalski, & Weber, 1999; Kovner &
al., 1993a, 1993b). In another study, Palmer Gergen, 1998). Nurse accountability and
and colleagues were able to demonstrate im- models of patient and nursing administration
proved care through the use of an ACE (Acute also have been examined (Mark, Salyer, Ged-
Care of the Elderly) unit, in which protocols des, & Smith, 1998; Scherb, Rapp, John-
for skin care, urinary-incontinence manage- son, & Maas, 1998). These studies provide
ment, and pressure-ulcer prevention were some information regarding outcomes for the
used (Palmer, Landefeld, Kresevic, & Ko- elderly, but intensive effort needs to be fo-
wal, 1994). cused on understanding the differences be-
ACE units have shown improved out- tween outcomes for younger individuals ver-
comes among older patients who have been sus older individuals in the case of hospital
hospitalized. A widely cited study conducted care. For example, do older adults have dif-
by Landefeld, Palmer, and Kresevic (1995) ferent cardiac output after coronary artery
demonstrated that patients admitted to an bypass surgery than younger individuals
ACE unit were more likely to improve in ac- when other variables are held constant, such
tivities of daily living (ADL) and were less as premorbid conditions? Such parameters
Adherence/Compliance 5

are needed for the improvement of care for pliance, therapeutic alliance, and patient co-
the elderly. A study conducted by Kleinpell operation. Although the literature is filled
and Ferrans (1998) explored functional sta- with discussion of the acceptability of these
tus and quality of life outcomes for elderly terms and the differences between them, most
patients after ICU hospitalization; survival investigators view the terms as synonymous
rates 4 to 6 months after discharge were ex- and independent of the decision to engage in
amined in patients aged 45 and older. In this a particular therapeutic regimen. The most
study, the severity of the illness was a pre- complete literature can be obtained from
dictor of ICU outcome; age was not. structured databases with the term compli-
Historically, elders were not considered to ance.
be suitable candidates for surgeries and Adherence to health care regimens has
treatments that today are considered routine. been discussed in the literature since the days
In the early 1970s, individuals over the age of Plato. However, little systematic attention
of 65 were excluded from surgical intensive was given to this phenomenon until the
care units, as it was felt that the cost-benefit 1970s, when there was a proliferation of re-
was not going to be in favor of the older search. One of the first reviews of the litera-
patient. Today individuals in their 80s and ture was published in Nursing Research
90s undergo open-heart surgery and require (Marston, 1970). Since that time there has
appropriate postoperative care that only a been a profusion of research from a variety
surgical intensive care unit can provide. of disciplines. The majority of the research
Ethical issues abound regarding elders has been focused on patient adherence, al-
during a hospitalization. For example, if there though there is a smaller body of literature
is an insufficient number of beds in an inten- on the adherence of research staff to clinical
sive care unit, should older individuals be sent protocols and a growing body of literature on
out to the floor before younger individuals? provider adherence to treatment guidelines.
Are scarce resources allocated to younger in- One of the issues that continues to arise
dividuals before they are used to care for the in discussions of patient adherence is patient
elderly? Further, elder abuse, a serious and autonomy. Is nonadherence a patient right
potentially fatal syndrome, is frequently over- or is adherence a patient responsibility? This
looked when elders come into the hospital argument presumes that the patient is aware
with severe symptoms, such as bilateral bruis- of his or her own behavior and has con-
ing, histories incompatible with injuries, and sciously decided not to follow a treatment
overt fear of caregivers. These issues are a regimen. The literature suggests that fewer
part of acute care of the elderly and need to than 20% of patients with medication regi-
be addressed with rigorous research studies. mens consciously decide not to engage in a
Studies involving younger individuals need to treatment program. Those patients who have
be replicated among older adults to discern decided to follow the regimen but do not
differences between the age cohorts. carry it out are unaware of episodic lapses in
behavior or have difficulty in integration of
TERRY FULMER the health care regimen into their lives. The
KIRAN MANGROLA most common reasons given by patients for
lapses in adherence are forgetting and being
too busy. This group comprises on average
Adherence/Compliance 40% to 50% or more of patients in a treat-
ment regimen.
Adherence is defined as the degree to which The problem of nonadherence is costly in
behavior corresponds to a recommended terms of dollars and lives. The national phar-
therapeutic regimen (Haynes, Taylor, & macy council estimates that nonadherence to
Sackett, 1979). Numerous terms have been pharmacological therapies costs approxi-
used to describe this behavior, including com- mately $100 billion annually (Grahl, 1994).

Although the cost of nonadherence to non- being used to obtain better information, such
pharmacological therapies has not been esti- as electronic monitors, PDAs and other tech-
mated, the contribution to morbidity and nologies.
mortality is high. Failures to quit smoking, Future research on adherence should ad-
to lose and maintain weight, to exercise regu- dress strategies by which nurses can improve
larly, to engage in safe sex practices, to avoid adherence to treatment regimens with atten-
excess alcohol, and to use seat belts contrib- tion directed toward various age groups, clin-
ute significantly to declines in functional abil- ical populations, and regimen behaviors. The
ity as well as to early mortality. Further data research would benefit from theoretical ap-
suggest that nonadherence to pharmacologi- proaches to the problem of patient adherence
cal as well as nonpharmacological therapies and the design of intervention strategies. Ef-
contributes to excess hospitalization and fective strategies delivered by nurses have
complication rates (Dunbar-Jacob & considerable promise of a favorable impact
Schlenk, 1996). on health outcomes and costs (Dunbar-Ja-
Poor adherence then is a significant prob- cob & Schlenk, 1996).
lem of direct relevance to nursing. Nurse
practitioners may prescribe or recommend JACQUELINE DUNBAR-JACOB
therapies. Home health and community
nurses provide education and assistance in
carrying out health care advice. Hospital, Adolescence
clinic, and office nurses provide education
regarding treatment plans. There is a need for Adolescence is a developmental stage distinct
intervention studies that will guide practice as from childhood and adulthood. At what age
nurses prepare and support patients in the the label adolescence is appropriate depends
conduct of treatment regimens. on the data source. The Guide to Clinical
Research on adherence has been focused Preventive Services (U.S. Preventive Services,
heavily on the determination of the extent of 1996a) uses ages 11 to 24 years. The most
the problem and on predictors or contribut- meaningful approach to this stage is to sepa-
ing factors. Recent reports by the Cochrane rate adolescence into three periods: (a) early
Collaboration suggested that just 36 random- adolescence, ages 10 to 14; (b) middle adoles-
ized controlled studies have evaluated inter- cence, ages 15 to 19; and (c) late adolescence,
ventions to improve medication adherence ages 20 to 24. During this transitional period
and examine both adherence and clinical in- adolescents reach physical and sexual matu-
dicators as outcomes. Fewer still have exam- rity, develop more sophisticated reasoning
ined adherence to lifestyle behaviors. Most of ability, and make important educational and
these used general educational or behavioral occupational decisions that will shape their
counseling interventions. Just 1/3 of the inter- adult careers.
ventions were found to have an effect on both The actual number of adolescents and
adherence and outcome. Strategies that their proportion in the U.S. population is in-
showed effectiveness were those that included creasing. This group represented 14% of the
components of self-management and/or en- population in 1990, 13.9% in 1993, and
hanced attention by health professionals. 14.2% in 2002. Of the adolescent popula-
One problem in evaluating interventions tion, those between ages 10 and 14 years
and identifying relevant predictors is that of represent 53% compared to 47% between
measurement. Most clinical studies have re- ages 15 and 19 years (U.S. Bureau of the
lied on self-report of adherence. There is a Census, 2003). As a result, the cohort of ado-
growing body of evidence indicating that in- lescents will likely continue to increase in size.
dividuals do not report accurately and those According to Day (1996) reasons for this in-
reports are biased toward an overestimate of crease include the fact that baby boomers
performance. Thus, alternative strategies are are having children later in life, non-White
Adolescence 7

populations are experiencing high fertility become a focus of investigations. Researchers

rates, and a large number of immigrants are in are making some progress in understanding
their 20s. Also, the percentage of adolescents how parental health attitudes and behaviors,
within the White population (12.8%) is lower social norms, peer pressures, and mass media
than that within the Hispanic (17.5%) or affect teenagers; health-related beliefs and
Black populations (17.1%). In 2001, the ado- lifestyles. There is still much to learn regard-
lescent population between the ages of 10 ing cognitive aspects (attitude, beliefs, per-
and 19 consisted of 63.2% Whites not of ceptions), emotional aspects (feelings, con-
Hispanic origin, 14.7% Blacks, 15.6% His- cerns, moods, personality), social effects
panics, 3.6% Asian/Pacific Islanders, and 1% (norms, culture, environment, socioeconomic
American Indians, Eskimos, and Aleuts; status), and biobehavioral (neurohormonal,
therefore, it is crucial for nurses to be cultur- psychoneuroimmunological) influences on
ally competent in order to care for adoles- the health practices of adolescents.
cents (Health Research Service Administra- Before working with adolescents, nurses
tion, 2001; American Medical Association, must understand how the egocentrism of this
1999). period influences behavior. Elkind (1984) de-
Common concerns by adolescents and scribed the imaginary audience as one con-
their parents have been documented sequence of adolescent egocentrism, that is,
(Neinstein, Radzik, & Sherer, 2002). Adoles- the assumption that everyone around them
cents concerns include parental conflicts, is watching them and is concerned about their
peer interpersonal concerns, identity, school, appearance and behavior. Hence, they are
social situations, depression, medical prob- very self-conscious and often go to extreme
lems, psychosomatic issues, safety, and pros- lengths to avoid what they are convinced will
pects for the future. Parents concerns include be mortifying experiences. Another conse-
acting-out behaviors, risk-taking, emotional quence of the adolescent egocentrism and
lability, drug and alcohol use, academic prob- self-centeredness is the personal fable,
lems, sexual activity, eating disorders, safety which is a set of beliefs in the uniqueness of
issues, peer influences, psychosomatic prob- ones feelings and ones immortality. Others
lems, and wasting time. The authors con- often describe this belief as It wont happen
cluded that any adolescent concern should to methe story we tell ourselves, whether
lead to assessment. When problems involve having sex without protection, driving fast,
high-risk violent or self-injurious behavior or smoking, or drinking, that other people may
a severe or chronic disorder, referral is re- experience the negative consequences but we
quired. Other issues can generally be handled will not.
by discussion and reassurance with family, Romer (2003) offered an excellent over-
health care providers, or other community re- view of research on risk reduction to promote
sources. the health of adolescents. Two important
Most adolescent mortality and morbidity concepts related to adolescent lifestyles are
results from behavior and lifestyle and there- (a) how adolescents organize their lives and
fore is preventable. Many behavior patterns pattern their behavior in ways that put them
developed during adolescence continue into at lower or higher risk for serious health
adulthood, and most of the leading health problems; and (b) how these patterns de-
problems of adults are those associated with velop, persist, or cease at different times dur-
behaviors initiated early in life (e.g., smok- ing the life span. Research topics included
ing). In the past 10 years, major advances decision making, problem solving, peer and
have been made in understanding the health parental influence, personality, and specific
beliefs of adults and how these beliefs influ- risks: suicide, alcohol and other substance
ence health-related behaviors. As our focus use, sexual activity, and gambling behaviors.
has turned to the early origins of health beliefs Most of the health problems of adolescents
and behaviors, adolescence has increasingly have their origins in environmental or behav-

ioral factors. Reducing adolescent morbidity and birth and on the development of pro-
and mortality requires strategies that involve grams to prevent pregnancy. Controversy re-
multiple approaches delivered through multi- mains about whether a single birth to an ado-
ple settings, including schools, the mass me- lescent has negative effects on the life of that
dia, communities, families, and health care young woman or her infant (Geronimus,
settings. In addition, legislation that prevents 2003). Also controversial is whether adoles-
adolescents access to cigarettes, alcohol, and cent parenting prevention programs work
guns can promote health. Regardless of the (DiCenso, Guyatt, Willan, & Griffith, 2002;
approach, it is essential that all nurses under- Kirby, 2002; Elfenbein & Felice, 2003).
stand how to provide culturally competent These programs have tended to focus broadly
health care for adolescents. on issues ranging from abstinence, hormonal
contraceptive and condom use, public policy
ANN L. OSULLIVAN change for welfare support for young moth-
DONALD F. SCHWARZ ers, and male-focused efforts.
In contrast, growing evidence suggests that
parenting interventions may make a differ-
Adolescent Pregnancy and ence in outcomes for teens infants (Coren,
Parenting Barlow, & Stewart-Brown, 2003). Successful
programs have included both group and indi-
The incidence of adolescent pregnancy has vidual interventions, programs that are
declined steadily in the U.S. since 1990 when home-based and those that require participa-
rates peaked at 116.3 pregnancies per 1,000 tion at a center or institution, and programs
teenage women (Ventura, Abma, Mosher, & that involve both majority and minority
Henshaw, 2003). The rate in 1999 was 86.7/ teens. Early Head Start programs funded by
1,000 (a decline of 25.4%). Similarly, the rate the National Institute on Child Health and
of births to adolescents has decreased. The Human Development have recently begun to
2002 rate of 42.9 births per 1,000 young show promising outcomes with respect to
women was 31% lower than the 1991 rate maternal school attendance as well as child
of 61.8 births/1,000. Adolescent birth rates development (Love et al., 2002). Programs
have declined for all racial and ethnic groups have not yet begun to look at the processes
and for all age subgroups: those under 15, within the programs that have correlated
those 1517 years and those 1819 years. with success by the infants.
Since 1990 the rate of decline in births has
been slower for Hispanics than for non-His- ANN L. OSULLIVAN
panic Whites or Blacks. In 1991, the Black DONALD F. SCHWARZ
teen birth rate at 118/1,000 young women
was higher than that for Hispanics (105/
1,000). By 2001 the Hispanic rate was 86/ Adult Health
1,000 compared with the non-Hispanic Black
rate of 74 births/1,000 or the non-Hispanic Human adulthood refers to the stages or
White rate of 30/1,000 adolescent women phases of the life cycle after childhood and
(Child Trends, 2003). Some of the declines adolescence. It is the longest period of the
in rates across all groups have been attributed life course. Physical, intellectual, educational,
to revisions in Census population estimates occupational, social, economic, spiritual, and
in 2000. This effect is greatest for Hispanic, health-related changes characterize the multi-
Asian/Pacific Islander, and Native American ple stages of adulthood. The changes that
adolescent girls (Arias, MacDorman, Strob- take place in adulthood are of importance to
ino, & Gwyer, 2003). nursing for two reasons. First is that adults,
Much research has been focused on under- especially older adults, comprise the largest
standing the impact of adolescent pregnancy population served by nurses. Second is that
Adult Health 9

adults are the parents or guardians of infants, providers in the form of accidents, chemical
children, and adolescents and the informal abuse, violence, or acute or chronic illness.
caregivers of elders. Adults make up the The conditions are rarely perceived or treated
family that is the basic unit of nursing care; within the developmental context. Rather
thus, they are the direct or indirect clients for adults are decontextualized by health care
essentially all of nursing care. professionals, who treat the immediate symp-
Ideally, nursing care and client education toms or condition while ignoring the adult
about self-care would be designed to produce context in which it occurs (Stevenson, 1993).
the maximum positive benefit for clients. Furthermore, health researchers, including
However, rarely are nursing actions designed nurse investigators, do not study health or
to fit within the specific life stage, develop- care phenomena within the context of the
mental stage, or personal contextual reality adult life course.
of adult clients. One conception of the health of adults that
The study of adult development is a 20th has wide appeal in the medical community is
century phenomenon, ostensibly because attributable to Dubos (1965), who defined
people did not live long enough to merit in- health as a state of equilibrium, adaptation,
quiry in previous centuries. One notable ex- and harmony. Dunn (1980) went beyond
ception was a treatise by Queletet published mere equilibrium and devised the new con-
in 1842, entitled A Treatise on Man and the cept of higher-level wellness. Dunns concept
Development of His Faculties. G. Stanley of higher-level wellness embodied the idea of
Hall and E. L. Thorndike were two early 20th actualizing and maximizing human potential
century scholars of the adult years. In mid- through the pursuit of three sub-goals: mak-
20th century, Erik Erikson (1959) published ing progress toward a higher level of func-
a set of life stages that expressed the middle- tioning, having an open-ended expanding
class norms of the 1940s and 1950s. Fortu- goal to seek a fuller potential, and progressing
nately, he lived long enough to revise them toward a more integrated and mature human
and add additional stages as people lived ever existence through the entire life course.
longer. From 1960 through 1980, Neugarten Pender (1996; 2002) attempted to incorpo-
(1968) and other investigators at the Univer- rate both Dunns actualizing focus and Du-
sity of Chicago generated much of the work boss concept of health as maintaining stabil-
that serves as the foundation of extant theory ity through adaptation to the environment.
on adult development. According to Penders thesis, health is the
The life-span perspective of adult develop- optimization of inherent and acquired human
ment and aging is oriented to the scientific potential through goal-directed behavior, in-
study of adult life stages and critical situa- formed self-care, and satisfying relationships
tions that most closely fits within the nursing with others. Adjustments are made as needed
goal to maximize quality of life for as much to maintain structural integrity and harmony
of the life span as possible. The life-span per- within the context of the environment. WHO
spective focuses on change, continuity, and representatives redefined health as a re-
discontinuity over the life course. Each stage source for everyday life, not an outcome or
of adulthood has normative patterns, and as end product to be obtained at some definable
one stage folds into the next, personal point in time. According to the highly influen-
changes occur and integration of these tial WHO Ottawa Charter (Kaplan, 1992),
changes is necessitated. This process may pro- good health is viewed as a resource that goes
duce anxiety, anger, frustration, and physio- hand in hand with social, economic, and per-
logical stress responses during the transition sonal development, and it is a critically im-
while the conflicts between the old and the portant resource for attaining and main-
new self are resolved and the changes are taining a high-level quality of life for the en-
integrated into the self-system. These stress tire life course. The goal is to live long and
responses frequently present to health care die short; this implies avoiding chronic dis-

eases and disabilities and dying of old age at Although much has been learned, there is
the natural end of the human life span. great difficulty in trying to separate the im-
The prevailing theories about physical pact of lifestyle from what is ultimately possi-
normality and the adult stages have changed ble for adult health under ideal conditions.
since the 1960s. The prolongation of physical This is true not only for the biological possi-
well-being has become a norm as humans bilities but also for the socioemotional realm
are living ever longer, even in third world and for the development of intellect, creativ-
countries. Although the stages of adulthood ity, and wisdom. Much of the extant research
differ by theorist, the middle stages have been is plagued by the inability of researchers to
expanded to accommodate the acceleration disentangle the overlay of familial and cul-
of longevity. Young adulthood lasts from tural expectations, cohort-specific life experi-
about 18 to about 29; the core or traditional ences, the environment, and idiosyncratic
middle years encompass the years from 30 to tendencies. What is generally considered nor-
50 (50 was the average life span in 1900); mal for men or women during the major
the new middle years cover the years from stages of adult life is open to criticism as being
about 51 to either 65 or 70, depending on tied to specific historical periods (e.g., studies
the theorist. Young old age covers the period done in the 1950s or the 1980s), to expecta-
from either 65 or 70 to 75; middle old age tions within an age cohort (e.g., those whose
extends to 85, and old-old age, or the frail childhood occurred during the early years of
age, is 85 and beyond. The latter three ages television versus the internet age), to gender
are relatively new designations and are evolv- differences that were influenced by prevailing
ing. It is quite likely that during the first 3 values and expectations (e.g., prewomens
decades of the 21st century, as the baby liberation or sexual liberation), or to physical
boomers move into the higher age brackets, adult health status in light of varying mores
the old-old age designation will move upward about smoking, fat or carbohydrate intake,
and begin at age 90 or higher. and exercise.
Different aspects of development are dom- Cultural, cohort, and gender-expectation
inant in different stages of adulthood. The biases can be overcome to some extent with
biological self reaches its peak in the middle cross-cultural or cross-sequential designs.
20s, and then a very gradual decline in physi- Nurse researchers were challenged to do
ological efficiency in organ systems occurs more of their adult health research contextu-
during the next 7 or 8 decades. The rate of ally tied to the specific adult ages and stages of
change is mediated by genetics, lifestyle, and their subjects (Stevenson, 1993). Even now,
environment, but everyone experiences the most nursing research either erroneously
decline. There is a rise in cognitive abilities lumps three or more distinct adult stages into
in young adulthood that does not peak for one group (e.g., 25 to 60) or makes up anti-
most until middle age, and these abilities then developmental age categories (e.g., 25 to 45,
decline at an even slower rate than the physi- 45 to 65, and 65 and above). Developmental
cal parameters. Emotional and spiritual de- and situational confounders abound in data
categorized and analyzed in this anti-theoreti-
velopment is postulated to continue well into
cal manner. Findings would be more valid
old age and to peak near death for the cogni-
and reliable, even about purely physiological
tively and emotionally healthy. Any of these
phenomena, if scientifically based adult life
norms may be altered for individuals by ge-
stages were used as the grouping categories
netics, mental or physical illness, catastrophic
in research on adult health.
emotional events, or other significant situa-
tions. In the ideal world, health professionals JOANNE SABOL STEVENSON
would be cognizant of the developmental
stage of each adult client and formulate care
to match the needs and context of that stage Advance Directives
(Stevenson, 1993). This ideal assumes that
the necessary knowledge base exists, but it Since the early 1970s, Americans have been
does not. encouraged to complete advance directives to
Advance Directives 11

ensure that physicians and family members burdensome in light of the patients current
will know their end-of-life treatment wishes condition.
in the event that they become unable to par- Since 1976, when the first so-called right-
ticipate in decision making. Many Americans to-die case involving Karen Ann Quinlan
fear becoming trapped in a dehumanizing was decided, members of the public, religious
medical system that ignores their personal groups, and health care professionals have
goals and wishes, robs them of privacy and engaged in a vigorous debate about the ac-
dignity, and prolongs their dying with painful ceptability of stopping life-prolonging treat-
and ineffective technological interventions. ment and allowing death to occur. The indi-
Health care providers, educators, and those viduals at the center of these early right-to-
involved in health care policy maintain that, die cases were almost always young adults
in order to avoid unwanted end-of-life situa- who had lost decisional capacity, often as a
tions, decisionally capable adults can extend result of a traumatic injury, and left no writ-
their current autonomy into the future by ten documentation or clear verbal instruc-
participating in advance care planning and tions about their end-of-life treatment wishes.
completing advance directives (ADs). Their family members had to petition the
There are two general forms that these courts in order to stop unwanted life-pro-
legal documents take. The instructive direc- longing treatments. In 1990, the United States
tive (i.e., living will) aims to direct future Supreme Court upheld Missouris evidentiary
medical interventions by stipulating in writ- standard that required clear and convincing
ing a preferred course of action such as the evidence of the then vegetative Nancy Cru-
refusal of particular therapies, or less com- zans wishes before permitting her family to
monly, requesting that all life-extending mea- discontinue the tube feedings that were sus-
sures be used, in the event that the patient taining her life.
loses the ability to directly participate in In order to better inform the public about
health care decisions. Although each state the expected benefits of advance directives
stipulates and defines the conditions under and encourage their use, Congress passed the
which ADs become operational, honoring the Patient Self-Determination Act of 1990. This
instructions in living wills is invariably con- Federal legislation requires all health care in-
tingent upon a clinicians determination that stitutions to inform newly admitted patients
the patient has lost decisional capacity and about ADs and offer them assistance in com-
that he or she has a terminal or incurable pleting a directive. Individual state legisla-
condition. Both of these qualifying conditions tures have provided additional support for
require a medical judgment to be made. ADs; all 50 states have completed some form
The proxy directive (i.e., durable power of statutory recognition of these documents.
of attorney for health care) designates a per- Despite a great deal of effort and subsequent
son to function as a surrogate decision maker publicity that included syndicated newspaper
and make all medical decisions in the event columns by Ann Landers and Dear Abby
that the patient loses decision-making capac- among other attempts to educate and moti-
ity. Treatment decisions made by the surro- vate the public about these documents, com-
gate are expected to be consistent with those pletion rates for advance directives continue
that would have been made by the now in- to range from 4% to 25% (Perkins, 2000).
competent patient, a standard of decision Even when patients have completed an AD,
making known as substituted judgment. clinicians observe that they are often unavail-
Some state statutes combine written and ap- able, or not applicable in many situations
pointment directions in one document. A de- involving critically ill adults (Tonelli, 1996).
cision not to attempt cardiopulmonary resus- Researchers are now examining how ADs
citation is another form of ADs and is usually actually function in various clinical settings,
made by a surrogate following a physician and are exploring whether the presence of an
recommendation, when the physician deter- AD ensures compliance with patients end-of-
mines that a resuscitation attempt would ei- life treatment wishes. Others are questioning
ther be medically futile or extraordinarily the very relevance of ADs to advance care

planning (Perkins, 2000; Drought & Koenig, gally invalid (Ho, Thiel, Rubin, & Singer,
2002). Nonetheless, surveys of patients and 2000).
health care professionals have consistently Another group of researchers compared
demonstrated widespread support for the the accuracy of substituted judgments made
idea of ADs as an effective means to ensure by primary care physicians, hospital-based
that end-of-life interventions conform with physicians, and family surrogates on behalf
patients wishes. Studies have found that of elderly outpatients, and explored the effec-
while ADs are reassuring to patients who tiveness of ADs in improving the accuracy of
complete them, they do not ensure that a those judgments. Coppola, Ditto, Danks, and
patients end-of-life wishes will be followed. Smucker (2001) found that familiarity with
In a study by Tierney et al. (2001), investiga- the patients AD did not improve the accuracy
tors found that discussions about ADs im- of substituted judgments for primary care
proved the care satisfaction of elderly patients physicians or family surrogates; it did in-
with chronic illnesses, but a second study crease the accuracy of the judgments made
found that having an instructional AD did by hospital-based physicians.
not increase the likelihood that family deci- Drought and Koenig (2002), nurse eth-
sion makers would make treatment choices icists, conducted an ethnographic, longitudi-
that accurately reflected the patients end-of- nal study of terminally ill patients with solid
life wishes as stipulated in the AD (Ditto et tumor cancer or AIDS that explored the diffi-
al., 2001). Ditto and colleagues also found cult medical decisions each patient faced in
that family members predictions of what the the course of their illness and treatment.
patient would want were correct less than These researchers concluded that shared deci-
70% of the time, and families were two to sion making is illusory, terminal patients fre-
three times as likely to make errors of over- quently resist advance care planning, and
treatment as under-treatmente.g., approv-
hold values other than autonomy as im-
ing life-sustaining treatments the patient
portant. They cited substantial support for
would not have wanted under the circum-
their observations that no studies to date have
shown that ADs significantly facilitated end-
In a study by geriatric nurse researchers
of-life decision making, truly direct care, or
that aimed to explore advance care planning
saved resources at the end of life.
(ACP) and end-of-life care for nursing home
Many commentators noted the following
residents who were hospitalized during the
last 6 weeks of life, Happ and colleagues difficulties associated with use of instructive
(2002) found that the primary focus of ACP directives: incomplete information, the in-
in the nursing home was on cardiopulmonary ability to anticipate future medical condi-
resuscitation preferences. By so limiting ACP tions, and uncertainty regarding the meaning
discussions, end-of-life treatment choices and intent of written instructions. These
were inappropriately constrained and over- problems of interpretation require clinicians
simplified, with the result that the benefits of to seek information from others in the at-
palliative or hospice end-of-life interventions tempt to determine what the patient really
were underutilized. In another study, re- meant (Tonelli, 1996). Tonelli and others
searchers aimed to evaluate the effect of an concluded that, because of the limitations as-
ACP intervention on the completion of ADs sociated with the use of instructive directives,
and patient satisfaction among persons with proxy directives are the preferred form of AD
HIV/AIDS. Although the rate of completion (Dexter, Wolinsky, Gramelspachar, Eck-
for ADs went from 16.4% to 40.7% follow- ert, & Tierney, 2003; Perkins, 2000; Tonelli).
ing three face-to face counseling sessions Clearly, there is a need for further research
about ADs, it was subsequently noted that to explore whether ADs facilitate good end-
23% of the completed ADs were deemed le- of-life care, and nurses are ideally situated to
Ageism 13

direct and participate in furthering under- midwives, certified registered nurse anesthetists,
standing of these documents. and clinical nurse specialists) serve as a rich
and comprehensive base for nursing research.
JUDITH KENNEDY SCHWARZ Patient-centered outcomes research that ex-
plores outcomes of patients served by APNs is
central to the health care system that is un-
Advanced Practice Nurses folding in the United States. The overused Of-
fice of Technology Assessment study of 1986,
Advanced practice nursing is described as the which evidenced the safety and satisfaction of
application of an expanded range of practical, using APNs to improve access to health care,
theoretical, and research-based therapeutics to can no longer be cited as the only research
phenomena experienced by patients within a support for the education and practice of APNs.
specialized clinical area of the larger discipline Health policybased nursing research that ex-
of nursing (Hamric, Spross, & Hanson, 1996). plores workforce demographics, cost, reimburse-
The history and evolution of advanced practice ment, and privileging, as well as the creden-
nursing is a tapestry of patient care provided by tialing and regulation of APNs, is an undisputed
expert nurses who have expanded the bound- data need. Nursing research focused in the realm
aries and scope of the practice of nursing. of managed care and interdisciplinary, collabo-
Advanced practice nurses (APNs) need basic rative approaches to care is a highly sought after
core competencies to fulfill the advanced prac- commodity. Research into the education and
tice nursing role. These competencies include evaluation of APNs is critical to health policy
skills in expert clinical practice, consultation, forecasting and workforce planning.
teaching and coaching, research, leadership, Advanced practice nurse researchers who en-
collaboration, change agency, and ethical deci- gage in clinical practice are the key to most of
sion making. APNs offer high levels of autono- the research topics outlined above. Clinically
mous decision making in the assessment, diag- based research networks that allow for data gen-
nosis, and management of patients. Conceptu- eration on patient outcomes are the single most
ally, the practice is nursing-based, with emphasis important research agenda for the decade. Ad-
on health promotion, disease prevention, and vanced nursing practice research, as a part of
education of patients and families. Advanced nursing as a whole, offers researchers the ability
practice nurses must have a graduate degree in to explore new and expanding areas that support
nursing in a chosen specialty and are differenti- the use of expert nurses as competent, sought-
ated by the ability to carry out direct, expert after providers of primary and specialty care for
clinical practice. Although advanced practice the American people.
nursing is an evolving field, currently the role
of the APN is limited to nurse practitioners, CHARLENE M. HANSON
clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse mid-
wives, and certified registered nurse anesthetists,
who provide direct clinical care for patients.
One of the hallmarks of advanced practice Ageism
nursing is the commitment to collaboration
with other disciplines. Advanced practice nurses Ageism is defined as a negative attitude or
work within the designated scope of practice and bias toward older people that can lead to a
collaborate with or refer to other professional belief that older people cannot or should not
colleagues those patients and problems that fall participate in certain activities or be given
beyond the expertise of APNs. the same opportunities as younger persons
Advanced practice nursing and the practice (Holohan-Bell & Brummel-Smith, 1999).
roles, issues, and evaluation of the four groups Ageism, according to geriatrician Robert But-
of APNs (nurse practitioners, certified nurse ler in his book Why Survive, suggests that

there is a deep and profound prejudice against are persons with mental illness, dementia,
older people (Butler, 1975). and mental retardation. The diagnosis of de-
By 2030, it is projected that over 20% of mentia often stigmatizes both the patient and
the population will be 65 and older. Almost the family. Research by Beck and others has
all health care personnel will find themselves helped explain aggressive behaviors in per-
at one time or another caring for the elderly. sons with dementia by illustrating the need
In fact, the majority of nurses will spend most for individualized care and behavioral sys-
of their career caring for older adults in a tems theory to understand aggression in Alz-
variety of settings. As these challenges are heimers disease patient. This has promoted
met, it is necessary to continually examine autonomy and personal control in the care
the development of attitudes and roles in the of persons with dementia, and has high-
prevention of ageism. Older persons may be lighted the need for greater resources to care
discriminated against because of the way they for older adults with mental illness (Rice,
look, speak, or function in a society that val- Beck, & Stevenson, 1997; Buckwalter,
ues productivity, economic wealth, speed, Maas, & Reed, 1997; Beck et al., 1997; Sher-
youth, and beauty. rell, Anderson, & Buckwalter, 1998). Other
How to define aging and the aging process research on dementia has advanced the un-
is a controversial topic. Prejudice and stereo- derstanding of persons with dementia and has
typing may lead to policies for rationing exposed myths often held about this popula-
health care: withholding treatment based on tion (Strumpf & Evans, 1988; Evans,
age alone, a lack of qualified personnel to Strumpf, Allen-Taylor, et al., 1997; Sherrel &
care for older adults, the underrepresentation Buckwalter, 1997; Frengley & Mion, 1998;
of older adults in clinical trials, and the under- Minnick, Mion, Leipzig, Lamb, & Palmer,
recognition of geriatric problems and syn- 1998; Mezey & Fulmer, 1998; Brod, Stew-
dromes (Haight, Christ, & Dias, 1994; Bo- art, & Sands, 1999; Volicer, Hurley, & Cam-
gardus, Yneh, & Shekelle, 2003; Alliance for berg, 1999; Fick & Foreman, 2000; Fick,
Aging Research, 2003). Ageism may also be Agostini, & Inouye, 2002). This research is
seen on a personal level when a nurse or other important as it forces the reexamination of
health care worker has low expectations of stereotypes held about older persons with de-
an older persons ability to perform a task. mentia, and influences both care and treat-
Ageism may lead staff to perceive that an ment of older persons.
older adult does not know what is going Ageism will continue to be important in
on and individuals may be excluded from almost every area of geriatric nursing re-
decision making during hospitalization and search. Ageism will influence both the type
care. Ageism may exist on a population level of research that is done and the public dissem-
when older adults are excluded from disease ination of research. Researchers must de-
screening or primary prevention programs. scribe the relationship of ageism with qualita-
Nursing research in ageism has centered tive and quantitative research in the areas
on several main areas including education, of ethics, workplace studies, decision making
student and practicing nurses attitudes, and informed consent research, genetics,
socio-political issues, clinical care, and bio- health promotion and preventive screening,
logical issues such as the differentiation of cancer, presentations of disease, symptom re-
normal aging and disease processes. Several search, biomarkers of aging, quality of life,
early nursing studies highlighted the problem barriers to treatment, nursing home care and
of student attitudes toward aging and care of organizational studies, resource utilization in
the older adult, the lack of trained profession- health care, dementia care, mental health,
als in gerontology, and the need for more and the care of the disabled older adult.
research in gerontology. Researchers have agreed that past experi-
The older population that is at the greatest ences with the elderly and faculty role models
risk of prejudice and stereotyping, however, affect attitudes (Wilhite & Johnson, 1976;
Alcohol Dependence 15

Chaisson, 1980; Penner, Ludenia, & Mead, Alcohol is a solvent that permeates all
1984; Fox & Wold, 1996). Several govern- body cells, including the blood-brain barrier,
ment and privately funded programs are pro- and has lipid-dissolving qualities. It is this
moting positive attitudes toward older adults latter quality that leads to findings that mod-
by showcasing geriatric nursing as a challeng- erate drinking decreases fatty plaques in
ing and attractive specialty for practicing blood vessels and thus decreases the risk for
nurses, bringing national attention to nursing heart attacks. Alcohol is a depressant drug
care of the elderly, reaching out to hospital, and continued abuse leads to negative psy-
home care, and nursing home nurses, and chological and physical detriments including
illustrating the need for more advanced prac- hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, cardio-
tice nurses and basic gerontology content in myopathy, hemorrhagic stroke, liver damage,
baccalaureate nursing programs (Abraham et distortions and errors in conceptual thought
al., 1999; Fulmer & Abraham, 1998; Titler & processes, memory decrements, depression,
Mentes, 1999). increased risk for all types of accidents, and
Nursing has had a vital role in combating risk for suicide.
ageism and continues to be in a key position Measuring alcohol intake presents re-
to minimize ageist attitudes in the future. search challenges. The amount of alcohol in
Nurses must be involved in future studies to a standard drink differs across countries and
investigate these important and relevant areas is made more complex by the fact that beer,
of research. In addition, nurses must be prom- wine, and other drinks may contain differing
inent in other relevant arenas (intergenera- percentages of pure alcohol. Generally in the
tional linkages, global attitudes on aging) that U.S. a standard drink is 12 ounces (oz.) of
challenge stereotypes of aging and promote beer or wine cooler, 5 oz. of wine, or 1.5 oz.
appropriate views and care of older adults. of 80 proof distilled spirits; that is, approxi-
Perhaps the most lasting and powerful way mately 12 grams of pure alcohol per drink.
to combat ageism is through the mentoring Collecting data about alcohol intake is com-
of other practicing nurses, nurses in training, plex; in addition to the basic measure of a
and young adults, and through active dia- standard drink, it is crucial to determine the
logue with older persons. number of drinks consumed in a week or a
month, the duration of the current and any
DONNA FICK prior patterns of alcohol intake, the number
of drinks consumed in one drinking episode
(binge drinking is defined as five or more
Alcohol Dependence drinks for a man and four or more for a
woman during one episode), and the number
The DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Associa- of binge episodes during the past month/year.
tion, 1994) diagnostic term for alcoholism is Although many survey instruments and
alcohol dependence. Although many people biomarkers exist to measure the amounts and
still use the older term alcoholism. Alcohol effects of alcohol intake, no single approach
dependence is a chronic relapsing disease in- is valid and reliable for men and women;
volving craving for, loss of control over, phys- across age groups; or for differentiating
ical dependence on, and higher than normal among binge drinking, alcohol abuse, and
tolerance for alcohol. The excessive intake of alcohol dependence. Blood alcohol level only
alcohol over time leads to social, emotional, reveals intake within recent hours, but does
and physical damage to health, interpersonal/ not inform about recurring or chronic intake.
familial relationships, and occupational sta- Carbohydrate deficient transferrin informs
tus. It is a primary disease with genetic, psy- about longer term heavy drinking, but has
chological, lifestyle, and environmental acceptable sensitivity and specificity primar-
causal influences that have not been ade- ily for young adult and middle-aged men; it
quately differentiated to date. is much less valid for older men and for

women of all ages. Most other biomarkers Alcohol consumption differs among the
are not specific to alcohol effects, but simply three main ethnic groups in the U.S. (Cae-
report abnormalities in liver enzymes or he- tano, Clark, & Tan, 1998). In general fre-
matological contents. There is also a mea- quent heavy drinking and binge drinking has
surement issue related to abstinence in com- decreased among White men (from 20% in
parison groups; it is essential to separate out 1984 to 12% in 1995), but has remained
sick quitters from lifelong abstainers or stable among Black and Hispanic men (15%
very low quantity users. Otherwise the results and 18% respectively in both years). Fre-
of studies are contaminated by the presence quent heavy drinking is much less prevalent
of subjects with alcohol-related sequelae (i.e. among all groups of women (25%). Within-
sick quitters) in the abstainer group. group differences exist for ethnic minorities
Young adults, especially men, have the depending on where they were born. Asians,
highest rate of drinking, binge drinking, and Pacific Islanders, and Hispanics who were
heavy drinking. Women at all ages drink less, born in the U.S. have higher rates of heavy
but are at higher risk for negative effects of drinking than those who immigrated to the
alcohol. The reasons have not been clearly U.S. Unfortunately, Blacks and Hispanics
explicated, but lower body water to lipid con- who have alcohol problems are much less
tent and less muscle mass are generally ac- likely to seek treatment compared to Whites.
cepted facts. More controversial is the hy- Alcohol dependence is treatable with med-
pothesis that women produce much less alco- ication regimens (especially for detoxifica-
hol dehydrogenase, thus increasing the time tion), individual and family counseling, sup-
necessary for first pass metabolism and pro- port groups, and self-help groupsprimarily
longing the half-life of pure alcohol in body Alcoholics Anonymous and the 12 Step Pro-
systems. Whatever the cause, women experi- gram. Relapses are common, but the key is
ence higher levels of cardiac, liver, and other to get the drinker back into treatment and
system dysfunctions and psychological dis- after-care following each relapse and eventu-
tress (depression and suicide attempts) earlier ally sobriety can be attained and maintained.
in their drinking histories and at much lower Family solidarity is required to stop all cover-
quantities compared to men. These findings ups on behalf of the drinker. It is important
led to the NIAAA (1995) guideline for moder- that the drinker experience the full conse-
ate drinking of two standard drinks per day quences of the drinking without being res-
for young and middle adult men and one cued so that continued denial of the effects
standard drink per day for non-pregnant of the drinking becomes impossible.
women of all ages and elderly men. The research opportunities in this field are
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and alcohol- myriad. At the fundamental science level re-
related birth defects (ARBD) are manifesta- search is needed on the root causes of alcohol
tions of neuro-developmental insults that re- dependence including the role of genetics.
sult from alcohol ingestion by the mother The reasons for the excess risk among women
during pregnancy. The negative effects are merit considerably more research attention.
especially marked during periods of fetal Social, behavioral, and cultural studies are in
brain growth spurts and continue during the order to address the many unanswered ques-
postnatal period for breast-fed infants of tions about adolescent drinking, college binge
drinking mothers. Consequences of FAS, and drinking, late onset alcohol dependence
the milder form ARBD, include impaired at- among elders, and differential risk for alcohol
tention, intelligence, memory, motor coordi- problems among ethnic minorities. Theory-
nation, complex problem solving, and ab- based interventions should be developed and
stract thinking. There are also physical stig- tested to enhance the case finding, referral,
mata that attend FAS including abnormal fa- and successful treatment for adolescents,
cial features and other anatomical alterations women, minorities, elderly persons, and
(Connor & Streissguth, 1996). white men. In the area of measurement, the
Alzheimers Disease 17

current paper and pencil survey instruments AD, affects only 1% of those between 60 and
are biased toward white men and toward the 64 years of age, with the number of cases
young and middle aged. New biomarkers doubling every 5 years in people over 65
must be developed that are sensitive and spe- (Beers & Berkow, 2000). In 2000, 40% (1.8
cific for women and for older adults. These million) of people over 85 years of age were
are but a few of the many areas available for estimated to be afflicted with the disease. As
future inquiry. a result of the rapidly aging U.S. population,
the next 50 years is expected to show a three-
JOANNE SABOL STEVENSON fold increase in the number of people with
AD (Hebert, Scherr, Bienias, Bennett, & Ev-
ans, 2003).
Alzheimers Disease Alzheimers disease has a protracted
downward trajectory. The average length of
Alzheimers disease (AD) is a progressively the disease is 8 years, but it can span up to
degenerative neurological disorder (syn- 20 years (National Institute of Aging, 1995).
drome) that results in impaired cognition, As a result of its progressively degenerative
mood, behavior, and function. Dr. Alois Alz- course, symptom progression is typically di-
heimer (1906) first described the disorder in vided into three stages: mild, moderate, and
a published case report on a 52-year-old pa- severe. Mild symptoms consist of personality
tient who suffered from psychosis, memory changes, memory loss, and impaired word
loss, agnosia (impaired sensory perception), finding. As the disease progresses, the initial
apraxia (impairments in carrying out tasks), symptoms worsen, with AD sufferers often
and aphasia (impaired communication). developing increased behavioral problems
After the patients death, Dr. Alzheimer per- such as wandering, physical and verbal ag-
formed an autopsy and discovered clumps gression, and resistance to personal care
senile plaquesand knotsneurofibrillary (grooming and hygiene). In the severe stage,
tanglesin the patients brain (Dharmara- the AD sufferer is profoundly cognitively and
jan & Ugalino, 2003). functionally disabled, typically requiring 24-
One hundred years later, despite decades hour care. Death usually results from an in-
of research, there remains no known etiology fectious process such as pneumonia.
or cure for the disease. The diagnosis relies Care is provided primarily by family mem-
on a thorough clinical history and physical bers, and an estimated 75% of older adults
examination, including mental status testing, with dementia are cared for at home (Dun-
both to establish a diagnosis and to rule out kin & Anderson-Hanley, 1998). This care is
other causes of dementia, such as brain tu- primarily uncompensated and includes emo-
mors, metabolic disorders, or infection. tional, physical, and financial assistance. As
Many genetic and nongenetic factors, such the disease progresses, families are increas-
as estrogen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory ingly burdened in trying to provide care, often
medication, and apolipoprotein (apoE) al- suffering adverse personal physical and psy-
leles, have been speculatively associated with chosocial consequences (Ory, Hoffman, Yee,
AD; researchers continue to discover defini- Tennstedt, & Schultz, 1999). AD causes se-
tive links between these factors and the ill- vere cognitive impairments, and families are
ness. often forced to make decisions for the AD
Due to the lack of a diagnostic marker and sufferer (e.g., whether to resuscitate or
the associated difficulties in diagnosing early- whether to institutionalize), without the guid-
stage AD, precise prevalence rates are diffi- ance of advance directives.
cult to determine. Although a rare familial Treatments for AD are multiple and vary
form of AD (afflicting people between 30 and by illness stage. Pharmacologic treatments in-
60 years of age) exists the disease is more clude medications to improve cognition, treat
prevalent as people age. Dementia, notably depression, or treat behavioral symptoms

(e.g., physical aggression or agitation). Be- ities have dedicated units designed to address
cause each person with AD experiences a the specific needs of this population.
unique confluence of symptoms, treatment Behavioral strategies are extremely varied,
strategies require careful tailoring to meet the typically successful, and do not have the unfa-
respective needs of each person. vorable side-effect profiles of many of the
Researchers have discovered decreased medications used to treat behavioral symp-
levels of acetylcholine in the brains of AD toms. Diversion and redirection to a preferred
sufferers; thus, acetylcholinesterase inhibi- activity remain highly successful strategies to
tors are indicated in the mild to moderate deal with problems related to the AD suffer-
stages of AD to slow the progressive cognitive ers short- and long-term memory loss. Real-
decline. Some families have reported that ity orientation is often unsuccessful, so vali-
these drugs resulted in some amelioration of dation therapy (Feil, 2002) is the preferred
behavioral symptoms. Certain behavioral form of communication. Validation therapy
symptoms, such as physical aggression or agi- techniques include carefully attending to a
tation, may require antipsychotic medica- confused older adults expressions of im-
tions. However, these drugs often are associ- paired cognition (e.g., thinking past events
ated with increased confusion, resulting in are occurring in the present) and responding
decreased function, and therefore require a with acceptance and empathy. In communi-
careful risk-benefit analysis and ongoing cating with confused older adults, careful at-
evaluation of their effectiveness. Benzodiaze- tention also needs to be taken to provide im-
pines are generally not useful for the control plements such as hearing aides or glasses, to
of behavioral symptoms and have been asso- compensate for sensory losses.
ciated with increased falls in older adults Physical restraints typically increase agita-
(Frenchman, Capo, & Hass, 2000). Depres- tion and are not associated with a decrease in
sion is a common comorbid condition with falls (Strumpf, Robinson, Wagner, & Evans,
1998). Individual and family therapy should
AD, requiring early recognition and treat-
be encouraged, to assist families in planning
mentboth pharmacologic and non-phar-
and preparing for the sufferers future needs.
macologicaimed at maximizing function
Support groups, in particular the Alzheimers
and minimizing additional disability.
support groups, are also an excellent source
Certain behavioral symptoms (e.g., wan-
of information and assistance. In the latter
dering, verbal aggressiveness, or resistance to
stage of AD, hospice is another source of
personal grooming) do not respond favorably
family support.
to pharmacologic therapy. These symptoms AD research is overwhelmingly biomedi-
require environmental modifications and be- cal, attempting to uncover a cause, better
havioral strategies. AD sufferers agnosia, treatment, or a cure for the illness. Many
combined with other cognitive deficits (e.g., behavioral strategies have been researched
memory loss or lack of insight/judgment), of- and reported to be clinically successful in
ten results in unsafe behaviors. For instance, treating AD, including music therapy, remi-
AD sufferers may turn on stoves and then niscence therapy, strategies to prevent wan-
forget to turn them off. They may inadver- dering, and therapy animals. Although posi-
tently drink toxic substances or step into a tive results have been reported in utilizing
bathtub of scalding water. Driving becomes behavioral strategies, the methodological
increasingly unsafe. Each AD sufferer needs limitations of the studies (small sample sizes,
to be evaluated for possible sources of injury, sampling bias, short evaluation periods, and
and strategies must be initiated to safeguard lack of consideration of confounding vari-
living environments. In institutional settings, ables) affect the scientific rigor of these find-
similar types of environmental modifications ings (Beavis, Simpson, & Graham, 2002).
are needed to ensure the persons safety. The rapidly aging U.S. society and subse-
Many assisted living and skilled nursing facil- quent increase in the number of people with
Angina 19

AD afford unique nursing opportunities and absence of symptoms may not only lead to
challenges. Most AD sufferers live in the com- underdiagnosis of CHD, but in the setting
munity and are cared for by their families. of MI, to delay in seeking treatment and in
Families interface with the health care deliv- diagnosis (Tresch & Alla). This may contrib-
ery system at various points in time along the ute to a higher morbidity and mortality
trajectory. It is then that nurses, in collabora- (Tresch & Alla). Differentiation of atypical
tion with people in other disciplines, can pro- symptoms from other chronic conditions is
vide needed assistance to families struggling difficult, and MI may not even be suspected.
to manage in the face of this devastating ill- Individuals may often present with dyspnea,
ness. gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, syncope,
stroke, confusion, faintness, giddiness, weak-
MARY SHELKEY ness, or restlessness. The individual who has
suffered an unrecognized MI days to weeks
earlier may in fact present to the hospital in
Angina heart failure (HF) or with recurrent angina.
MI may also be the result of another primary
Angina pectoris, a major manifestation of process causing an increase in demand or a
myocardial ischemia, is found in 13.7% of decrease in flow, such as intercurrent illness,
women and 21% of men aged 6569 (Mit- GI bleed, or HF. Since prompt recognition
tlemark et al., 1993). In women aged 7084 and treatment of MI is crucial to limiting
the prevalence is 19% and in those 85 and infarct size and preserving myocardial func-
older it is 24.7%. In men aged 70 and older tion, it is vital that nursing research address
the prevalence of angina is 27.3%. Although issues central to atypical presentation (Reilly,
angina usually indicates the presence of un- Dracup, Dattolo, & King, 1994; Dracup &
derlying coronary heart disease (CHD), myo- Moser, 1991; Funk, Naum, Milner, &
cardial ischemia can result from a variety of Chyun, 2001) such as: identification of angi-
conditions that lead to an imbalance between nal equivalents, factors that delay decision to
oxygen supply and demand, for example, left seek treatment (perception of symptoms and
ventricular hypertrophy and aortic valve ste- expectations), caregiver reactions to symp-
nosis. Myocardial ischemia, however, fre- toms, health care provider recognition, as-
quently occurs in the absence of angina or its sessment strategies, and educational interven-
equivalents (jaw pain, numbness, dyspnea, tions aimed at reducing delay in seeking treat-
fatigue, or nonspecific symptoms related to ment.
transient left ventricular dysfunction). An- Despite the limitation of using angina as
gina, therefore, is neither a reliable nor sensi- a sole marker of CHD, the presence of angina
tive marker of myocardial ischemia. Many supports the diagnosis of CHD and is useful
elderly have atypical findings or have totally in assessing disease progression and efficacy
asymptomatic CHD. Nursing research, there- of medical management. However, imple-
fore, must be directed at these different mentation of primary and secondary CHD
CHD presentations. prevention has been shown to be lacking and
Atypical angina manifested by nontypical health care provider noncompliance with es-
chest, shoulder, or back pain, dyspnea, pul- tablished guidelines is high (Feder, Griffiths,
monary edema, and cardiac arrhythmias Eldridge, & Spence, 1999; Rolka, Fagot,
(Gibbons, Bachulis, & Allen, 1999), along Campagna, & Narayan, 2001). Nursing has
with atypical presentation of myocardial in- an important role in studying dissemination
farction (MI) are common the prevalence in- and adoption of guidelines for secondary pre-
creasing with increasing age (Tresch & Alla, vention established by the American College
2001). The presence of chest pain with MI of Cardiology (ACC)/American Heart Asso-
may occur in fewer than 20% of the elderly ciation (AHA) to the elderly and their health
presenting with MI. Atypical symptoms or care providers (Smith et al., 2001; Pearson et

al., 2002; Williams et al., 2002; Gibbons, lems, myocardial ischemia and infarction can
Chatterjee, et al., 1999), with careful atten- also exist in the total absence of signs and
tion to use of aspirin, encouragement of phys- symptoms, and unrecognized MI is common
ical activity, and control of lipids, HTN, obe- (Tresch & Alla, 2001). Individuals with
sity, and smoking, along with side effects as- asymptomatic ischemia tend to have a higher
sociated with these interventions (Abete et incidence of asymptomatic MI, underscoring
al., 2001). In addition, nursing research fo- the importance of detecting ischemia early in
cused on provider and patient-related factors its course. Silent episodes outnumber symp-
contributing to inadequate CHD risk factor tomatic episodes in patients with chronic sta-
control is urgently needed, along with strate- ble angina, unstable angina, and in asymp-
gies to improve compliance with guidelines. tomatic patients following MI. Silent isch-
The importance and feasibility of optimiz- emia, present in 50,000 to 100,000 persons
ing self-management of CHD risk factors, in- following MI and in 3 million persons with
cluding from a nursing perspective, have been angina, along with symptomatic ischemia
demonstrated. Additional studies are needed during daily activities, extent of CHD, the
in the elderly population, who are often ex- degree of left ventricular dysfunction, unsta-
cluded from intervention trials, and who are ble angina, is associated with an adverse
often confronted with comorbidites and a prognosis. Asymptomatic ischemia may also
lack of social and financial resources. In addi- occur in the absence of known CHD and is
tion, consideration of psychosocial factors frequently found in individuals with lower
specific to the elderly that influence CHD extremity arterial disease and diabetes. Re-
management is also warranted. Psychosocial cently, it has been shown that in older adults
(social support and interactions and relation- with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) without known
ships between persons managing the condi- CHD, 22% have CHD in the absence of
tion), personal (self-efficacy, denial, lack of symptoms (Wackers et al., 2004). Wide-
motivation, educational, lifestyle, beliefs and spread screening of the elderly for asymptom-
past experience with management), environ- atic CHD, however, has not been accom-
mental, and cultural influences which may plished, so the true prevalence in the elderly
contribute to CHD management and quality population is not known.
of life which may be affected by control of The asymptomatic nature of CHD, partic-
CHD, have not been widely studied in the ularly in individuals with diabetes mellitus
elderly population. Anxiety and depression, (DM), presents a unique challenge in primary
may not only adversely affect CHD-risk-re- and secondary prevention as the large areas
duction behaviors, but have a role in the de- of potentially jeopardized myocardium are
velopment of CHD and adverse CHD out- commonly found in these individuals. Not
comes (Hegleson & Heidi, 1999; Sullivan, only are these individuals at risk for adverse
LaCroix, Spertus, & Hecht, 2000; van Eld- CHD outcomes, but without cues such as
eren, Maes, & Dusseldore, 1999). The impor- angina, the individual may not be motivated
tance of depression and social support has to engage in control of CHD risk factors
been well documented especially in individu- (Rockwell & Riegel, 2001) or know how to
als with CHD (Stuart-Shor, Buselli, Car- modify their activities. Although it has been
roll, & Forman, 2003); however, few inter- shown that intensive lifestyle interventions
ventional studies have extended these find- and medical management in individuals with
ings. Psychosocial and educational factors known CAD who also have asymptomatic
have been linked to how individuals perceive myocardial ischemia may improve outcomes,
their own health status and manage chronic little is known about the behavioral
illness; these require further study, along with (Chyun & Minicucci, 2002; Chyun & Mel-
the influence of other comorbid conditions. kus, 2002) and psychological factors (Chyun,
While assessment and management of typ- Melkus, et al.) that may contribute to control
ical and atypical angina are important prob- of CHD risk factors in this population. Addi-
Applied Research 21

tionally, in individuals with known CHD un- asymptomatic myocardial ischemia, even in
dergoing revascularization, quality of life the acute care setting. Most contemporary
(QOL) has been shown to predict long-term monitoring systems provide the capability to
outcomes, disease progression, and response monitor ST-segment changes, without extra
to therapy; however, little is known regarding costs to the individual and with minimal time
QOL in individuals with asymptomatic myo- commitment by nursing staff (Drew & Kru-
cardial ischemia (Chyun, Khuwat- coff, 1999). Nursing, therefore, has several
samrit et al., 2003). Much needs to be deter- unique opportunities to participate in as-
mined regarding the individual and health sessing elderly individuals with or at high risk
care system factors that contribute to self- of asymptomatic myocardial ischemia, as
management of T2DM and CHD risk factors, well as to correlate the presence of asymp-
as well as interventions that will successfully tomatic episodes with precipitating factors,
reduce their burden of risk. psychosocial factors, response to medica-
Nursing also has an important role in iden- tions, and adverse outcomes. As current stud-
tifying individuals with asymptomatic isch- ies progress, asymptomatic myocardial isch-
emia. Early studies suggested that a defect emia, is likely to receive increasing attention.
in pain perception may account for lack of Nursing must be prepared to implement edu-
anginal awareness (Droste & Roskamm, cational interventions and document their ef-
1983). Recently, the presence of asymptom- ficacy, as well as play an active role in as-
atic myocardial ischemia has been strongly sisting the individual in the recognition and
linked to the presence of cardiac autonomic management of asymptomatic disease.
neuropathy (Chyun, Young, et al., 2003), yet
standardized autonomic testing is infre- DEBORAH A. CHYUN
quently used in clinical practice. Nursing also JESSICA SHANK COVIELLO
should share the responsibility for expanding
the knowledge base of timing and circadian
variation of episodes of asymptomatic myo- Applied Research
cardial ischemia and the psychosocial, envi-
ronmental, cultural, and pathologic factors In an attempt to differentiate between various
influencing the individuals response to pain. types of research, the scientific community
Although research is limited in the area, cer- uses a myriad of terms, which, however, tend
tain personality traitsthose who score to fall into a discrete classification. On the
lower on levels of nervousness, dominance, one end, terms such as basic, fundamental,
and excitability, and higher on the masculin- and theoretical research are used to refer to
ity scalehave been associated with silent research focused on discovering fundamental
ischemia (Droste & Roskamm; Stuart-Shor principles and processes governing physical
et al., 2003). Further research utilizing per- and life phenomena. On the other end, we
sonality characteristics, not only to identify find such terms as applied, clinical, practical,
asymptomatic individuals but as a basis for and product research. These refer to the ap-
patient education, is warranted. Identifying plication of the findings of basic/fundamen-
ischemia triggers, such as daily activities and tal/theoretical research to generate research
mental stress, and assisting the person to rec- aimed at answering focused and problem-
ognize other vague symptoms associated with specific questions. Though it is the subject of
ischemia may allow more aggressive manage- ongoing debate, it is assumed that there are
ment of the condition. fundamental principles and processes that are
Although ST-segment monitoring has core to the nursing discipline and its central
been shown to be a reliable measure of myo- tenets of health, patient, nurse, and environ-
cardial ischemia following thrombolytic ther- ment. In addition, it is assumed that nursing
apy or coronary angioplasty, it has not been draws on fundamental principles and pro-
widely used in monitoring the elderly for cesses discovered in other disciplines to gener-

ate new knowledge about nursing and pa- operative skin preparation procedures in cor-
tient care. onary artery bypass graft (CABG) patients
Under these assumptions, applied research provides additional data to support the neces-
in nursing can be defined. The etymology of sary process of altering routine nursing prac-
applied goes back to the Latin ad-plicare, tice to evidence-based nursing (De Geest et
meaning to put something (a law, a test, etc.) al., 1996).
into practical operation. Applied research in
nursing, then, refers to research aimed at con- IVO L. ABRAHAM
crete and practical issues and questions of SABINA DE GEEST
concern to the delivery of nursing care. The
most evident type of applied research is inter-
vention researchfrom exploratory investi- Artificial Intelligence
gations to rigorous clinical trials. This type
of applied research is aimed at providing an- The term artificial intelligence (AI) was first
swers to questions about the effectiveness and used in 1956 at a computer conference at
efficacy of nursing interventions. Dartmouth College. Artificial intelligence has
Yet nonintervention (or descriptive) re- been variously defined as: the design and op-
search may be categorized as applied research eration of computer systems capable of im-
as well if it meets the general criterion of proved performance based on (a) experience
being focused on concrete and practical issues (i.e., learning), (b) the computerization of ac-
and questions about nursing care. For in- tivities that people believe involve thinking
stance, understanding the dynamics of clini- (such as problem solving and decision mak-
cal and subclinical noncompliance in trans- ing), and (c) the development of computer
plant patients and their relationship to the systems that exhibit what people describe as
occurrence of adverse posttransplant events intelligence, or the ability to reason and learn
helps nurses and other health professionals from experience. All three defined areas
in developing interventions to enhance adher- machine learning, decision making, and rea-
ence to prescribed drug regimens (De Geest, soninghave produced distinct lines of re-
Borgermans, et al., 1995). Developing risk search.
profiles for institutionalization among vari- Typical areas of AI research include cogni-
ous cohorts of community-dwelling elderly tive models of human learning, machine
furthers the knowledge base for designing learning models, case-based learning models,
preventive strategies and models of care for and neural network research. The Navy Cen-
patients, caregivers, and families (Abraham, ter for Applied Research in Artificial Intelli-
Currie, Neese, Yi, Thompson-Heisterman, gence conducts advanced research in several
1994; Steeman, Abraham, & Godderis, of these fields, especially those of machine
1997). learning, sensor-based control of autono-
In addition to effectiveness and efficacy, mous activity, integration of a variety of rea-
applied research in nursing also refers to cost soning to support complex decision making,
calculations of nursing interventions. Manag- and neural networks. Other major centers of
ing the costs of care is a major issue in health AI development are located at Massachusetts
care, and health care workers need evidence Institute of Technology, the University of
about the cost-effectiveness of the interven- Georgia, and SRI International (produces
tions used. For instance, implementation of commercial AI products).
a modified isolation protocol incorporating Four capabilities have been identified for a
only those elements with supported effective- computer to be able to produce an artificially
ness in the care of heart transplant recipients intelligent product. First, it must be pro-
can be a source of considerable cost savings grammed with natural language processing to
(De Geest, Kesteloot, Degryse, & Vanhaecke, enable successful communication in a human
1995). Clinical and cost comparisons of pre- language. Second, it must have a strategy for
Artificial Intelligence 23

knowledge representation so that it can store The term AI has been used to deter to both
its own knowledge base as well as the infor- expert systems and true artificially intelligent
mation input by the user. Third, it must have systems. The confusion stems from differ-
programming that provides it with one or ences among users in the meaning of the term
more information-processing and problem- intelligence. The AI literature discusses two
solving strategies. Fourth, it must have ma- capacities of human intelligence: reasoning
chine learning strategies programmed. The and learning from experience. All expert sys-
research areas in AI that hold the most prom- tems reason; that is, they apply one or more
ise for nursing applications are machine problem-solving strategies to specific infor-
learning, expert systems, and knowledge en- mation provided by a user and produce ex-
gineering and representation. The fourth re- pert advice (or a decision) as a product. When
quirement needs further definition because humans perform this process, they are using
how a machine learns mimics a human pro- reason. Some AI researchers add the require-
cess that may not be known to all readers. ment for machine learning to the definition of
Much work has been done on machine AI. Computer systems that are sophisticated
learning and reasoning in Defense Depart- enough to analyze their own performance
ment laboratories. Machine learning requires and change their processing strategies in re-
the machine to evaluate its own performance sponse to experience are said to learn. The
and to change its decision-making strategies capacity to learn is what differentiates AI
when performance success drops below pre- from expert decision-support systems that do
determined acceptability levels. In general, not achieve the level of true intelligence. It is
this area of research focuses on pattern recog- typical to find the terms AI and expert system
nition and pattern reconstruction. Pattern used interchangeably. However, the term AI
recognition is a major source of human un- should be restricted to systems that both rea-
derstanding, and making changes in mental son and learn from experience.
In nursing the majority of publications
protein-solving patterns is one definition of
that list AI as a search keyword address com-
learning. Learning has been defined as adap-
puterized nursing expert systems, which are
tation to new circumstances by extrapolating
usually clinical decision-support tools. The
the parameters of the problem and the defi-
terms expert systems and decision-support
ciencies of the old problem-solving pattern to
systems are used interchangeably. Primarily,
newly constructed patterns. The new patterns
these are systems that help support decisions
are tested until a more successful pattern is
about nursing assessment or care planning.
found. Thus, pattern recognition and elabo- Much work also has been done on nurse
ration is defined as the nature of learning. staffing and scheduling systems, such as the
When machines are programmed to recog- MEDICUS or GRASP systems. These are
nize ineffectiveness of existing patterns and management decision support systems that
to construct and test changes in those patterns could also be considered expert systems for
until a new pattern proves more successful, management. Decision-support systems may
they are considered to exhibit machine learn- serve as an online reference without much
ing. This area of research has produced signif- reasoning ability. Poison control centers use
icant new knowledge and applications in the such systems to determine the lethality and
defense industry. Of greater interest to nurs- antidotes (if any) to a variety of substances
ing, it also led to new understandings about considered to be poisonous to human beings.
human reasoning and ways to improve hu- Other types of expert systems accept data
man thinking, problem solving, and decision input from the user and provide a recom-
making. Woolery, Grzymala-Busse, Sum- mended course of action based on a prepro-
mers, & Budjhardjo (1991) examined the use grammed problem-solving strategy. Still oth-
of machine learning for development of ex- ers guide the user in the selection of one or
pert systems in nursing. more problem-solving algorithms. The latter

system may not offer action recommenda- cognitive abilities so that they can function
tions but merely serve to support a logical, in the sophisticated health care environment.
systematic approach to the users own prob-
lem-solving abilities. MARY L. MCHUGH
Another line of nursing scholarship in the
field of AI involves knowledge engineering in
nursing (Chase, 1988). Knowledge engi- Attitudes
neering is a subfield of AI that seeks to under-
stand the ways in which nursing experts con- An attitude can be defined as the persons
ceptualize and define nursing problems and summary evaluation (like or dislike) associ-
how they think about developing problem- ated with an object. An attitude object can be
solving strategies. Knowledge representation anything that is discriminated by the person.
studies focus on a component of knowledge Attitudes are dispositions to evaluate objects
engineering. This field seeks methods of rep- and to respond. These responses are typically
resenting (programming and storing) infor- divided into three types: cognitive, affective,
mation and human thinking processes in the and behavioral (Eagly, 1992). Cognitive re-
computer. Knowledge is ultimately extracted sponses are beliefs or thoughts associated
from study of the ways that highly successful with the attitude object. Affective responses
experts mentally depict external reality consist of emotions such as positive or nega-
(knowledge representation) and from study tive feelings associated with the object. Be-
of experts problem-solving techniques, strat- havioral responses are actions toward the at-
egies, and approaches. titude object that reflect favorable or unfa-
Just as a hammer is a tool that expands vorable evaluations (Stroebe & Stroebe,
the power of the human hand, the computer 1995). Attitudes are thought to be acquired
both directly through personal experience
is a tool that can expand the power of the
with an attitude object and indirectly through
human mind. Artificial intelligence can
social learning (e.g., classical conditioning
greatly enhance the power of human cogni-
and modeling) from other persons (Baron &
tion. The knowledge base of health science
Byrne, 1994).
has increased exponentially over the past 20
The primary reason attitudes are relevant
years. The amount and complexity of infor-
for nursing practice is their relationship to
mation available for clinical situations can
health behavior. Although attitudes had long
easily exceed the ability of an unaided nurse been assumed to influence behavior, early re-
to use that information clinically. The human search failed to support a strong causal rela-
mind evolved to function under relatively tionship between them. It was the inability
simple survival conditions, not to integrate to predict behavior from attitudes that led to
multiple, highly complex, technical sources new approaches to understanding attitudes.
of information nor to calculate interaction Social psychology has two different schools
effects and probable outcomes of many vari- of thought about how attitudes affect behav-
ables. Unassisted, people cannot do that kind iors, reflected in two models: expectancy-
of work with an acceptable degree of consis- value and automatic attitude activation (Aj-
tency. Yet that level of information pro- zen, 2001).
cessing is exactly what modern science (and The rationale behind the expectancy-value
the U.S. legal system) demands of nurses. model is that the process linking attitudes to
When the requirements of a task exceed hu- behaviors is a reasoned one. According to this
man performance parameters, people must model (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975), attitudes
have tools that expand their capabilities. Arti- influence behavior through behavioral inten-
ficial intelligence is one type of tool that can tions or the intention to engage in the behav-
be developed to support and expand nurses ior. The direct antecedents of these behav-
Attitudes 25

ioral intentions are (a) the attitude toward activated, and the stronger the attitudes in
the behavior and (b) the subjective norm, fluence on behavior. Therefore, anything that
which is the persons perception of the extent would lead to an attitude becoming more ac-
to which important others think that he or cessible would lead to behaviors that are con-
she should engage in the behavior. Ajzen sistent with the attitude. For example, when
(1988) revised this model by including addi- the attitude is derived from direct experience
tional concepts. The most popular revision is with the attitude object, attitude accessibility
the theory of planned behavior; it proposes is more rapid, and the relationship between
an additional predictor of behavioral inten- attitudes and behavior is stronger (Eagly,
tion, perceived behavioral control, which is 1992).
the persons perception of how easy or diffi- Attitude toward having a chronic condi-
cult it will be to perform the behavior. Propo- tion has been found to be associated with
nents of expectancy-value models point out adjustment. For example, in children with
that the degree of correspondence between chronic epilepsy, attitudes toward epilepsy
the specificity of the attitude and the specific- have been associated with depression symp-
ity of the behavior is important. If the corre- toms (Dunn, Austin, & Huster, 1999). The
spondence between level of specificity of the attitude-behavior relationship is also relevant
attitude and the behavior are similar, atti- for nursing practice because nurses com-
tudes are stronger predictors of behavior. For monly intervene to assist persons in changing
example, an attitude toward a specific object health behaviors. The expectancy-value
(taking hypertension medication) would be model of attitude has been used much more
a better predictor of the behavior of taking extensively as a framework to guide health
hypertension medication than would a more behavior than has the automatic attitude acti-
global attitude toward maintaining a healthy vation model (Stroebe & Stroebe, 1995). For
lifestyle. The major criticism of these models example, Blue, Wilbur, and Marston-Scott
is that they do not account for other causes of (2001) used the theory of planned behavior
behavior. Current research focuses on these to study exercise behavior in blue-collar
other causes such as past behavior, habit, per- workers. The expectancy-value model and its
sonality traits, and self-identity (Ajzen, extension, the theory of planned behavior,
2001). provide frameworks on which to build nurs-
The attitude-accessibility model, which ing interventions by providing an under-
was developed by Fazio and Williams (1986), standing about the beliefs and perceptions
proposed that attitudes are not carefully rea- that shape attitudes and subjective norms.
soned as proposed in the expectancy-value With further development the automatic atti-
model. In contrast, this model proposes that tude activation model will have implications
attitudes are automatically accessed in mem- for nursing practice through improving the
ory without conscious awareness and influ- understanding of circumstances when inten-
ence behavior directly (Baron & Byrne, tions to stop negative health behaviors (e.g.,
1994). An important component of this overeating) are not predictive of the behavior
model is attitude accessibility, or the ease (Stroebe & Stroebe, 1995). Also relevant to
with which attitudes can be brought from nursing practice are strategies for changing
memory. The more accessible the attitude, attitudes, such as social influence and mes-
the greater the strength of the association in sage-based persuasion (Wood, 2000).
memory between the attitude object and its
evaluation, the more readily the attitude is JOAN K. AUSTIN

Basic Research spite the growing number and popularity of

doctoral programs in nursing, small numbers
Basic research includes all forms of scholarly of nurses continue to pursue degrees in the
inquiry for the purpose of demonstrating the basic sciences in the United States. This edu-
existence or elucidation of phenomena. Basic cational path is used more often in countries
where doctoral programs in nursing are not
research is conducted without intent to ad-
available. Another link between the basic sci-
dress specific problems or real-world applica-
ences and nursing has evolved as a result of
tion of knowledge. The discipline of nursing
doctoral students in nursing pursuing a grad-
is primarily applied rather than basic, al-
uate minor in a basic science or a postdoctoral
though basic research is a part of the disci-
fellowship in a basic science. These basic re-
pline (Donaldson, S. K., & Crowley, 1978). search programs for nurses with doctoral de-
As a discipline and a science, nursing is in- grees in nursing are facilitated by nurses with
formed by knowledge from basic and applied doctoral degrees in basic research disciplines.
research, and nursing disciplinary knowledge Nurse researchers often engage in basic re-
is integrated into the broader context of the search to generate knowledge that may lead
whole of human knowledge. to new perspectives for applied research in
The origins of nursing research trace back nursing.
to Florence Nightingale (Woodham-Smith, All clinical research in nursing is by defini-
1951). Over time, the majority of the schol- tion applied research. Studies using animal
arly work is best categorized as applied rather subjects are often applied rather than basic
than basic research in that nursing research research in nursing. Animal research is cate-
has been conducted for the primary purpose gorized as applied research if the work is de-
of solving problems related to human health. signed to answer a clinical question, such as
Nursing seeks knowledge from the perspec- how does mammalian (e.g., rat) skeletal mus-
tive of the human experience of health. Hu- cle adapt to non-weight-bearing conditions
man perceptions and experiences of health equivalent to bed rest (Kasper, Maxwell, &
are studied with the intent to generate knowl- White, 1996)? In contrast, research involving
edge to solve problems through nursing care human subjects or human cells and tissue
and practice. might be basic research, particularly if the
There is a cadre of nurses who were doc- intent of the study is to elucidate an inher-
torally prepared in the basic sciences, both ent mechanism.
social and biological, as part of the U.S. Pub-
lic Health Service Nurse Scientist Training
Program from 1962 until the late 1970s.
Nurses with doctoral degrees in basic sciences Behavioral Research
were prepared to contribute as basic research-
ers, and then they adapted their knowledge An examination of behavioral research is best
and skills to conduct nursing research. De- begun by examining what it is and differenti-

Behavioral Research 27

ating it from related areas of research. Behav- mental stimuli or random exploratory ac-
ioral research within nursing generally refers tions, which are then sustained by the occur-
to the study of health-related behaviors of rence of positive reinforcement following the
persons. Studies may include the following behavior. Laws have been established that
areas: (a) health-promoting behaviors such address the identification of reinforcers, the
as exercise, diet, immunization, and smoking schedules of administration of reinforcers for
cessation; (b) screening behaviors such as initiation and maintenance of behavior, and
mammography, breast self-examination, and strategies for the extinction of behavior. In
prostate examinations; and (c) therapeutic this model, motivation is seen as a state of
behaviors such as adherence to treatment reg- deprivation or satiation with regard to rein-
imen, blood glucose monitoring, participa- forcers. Numerous strategies have evolved
tion in cardiac rehabilitation programs, and from this work, including but not limited to
treatment-related appointment keeping. The contracting and tailoring, which have been
research spans medical and psychiatric popu- used in studies of patient adherence; token
lations. It is directed toward an understand- economies, which have been used in studies
ing of the nature of behavior and health rela- on unit management with the mentally ill or
tionships and to the modification of behav- developmentally delayed; and contingency
iors that affect health. It has been estimated management, which has been used in the pro-
that over half of premature deaths could be motion of treatment behaviors such as exer-
prevented if health behaviors were altered. cise.
Behavioral research has its roots in learn- As the operant model has expanded over
ing theories that arose in the early part of the time, self-management has evolved as a spe-
20th century. Classical or respondent condi- cial case of contingency management. With
tioning was followed by instrumental or op- self-management the individual is responsible
erant conditioning and evolved into the cog- for establishing intermediate goals, monitor-
nitive-behavioral theories that dominate the ing progress toward those goals, and adminis-
field today. In classical conditioning an un- tering self-reinforcement for success. Self-
conditioned stimulus is paired with a condi- management has been studied particularly for
tioned stimulus, resulting in the development chronic, long-term regimens such as those for
of a conditioned response. Much of the re- diabetes, asthma, and cardiovascular disease.
search emphasizes conditioned physiological In both of these models there is an empha-
responses. An example is found in the study sis on behavior rather than motivation or per-
of anticipatory nausea and vomiting during sonality or relationships, beyond that of the
chemotherapy. In this case, chemotherapy reinforcing behaviors of significant others.
(unconditioned stimulus) may induce nausea The history of the behavior is of less interest
and vomiting. After several exposures to che- than the factors that currently sustain the be-
motherapy in a particular setting (condi- havior. An empirical model is used with an
tioned stimulus), the setting itself may induce assessment of the frequency or intensity of
nausea and vomiting (conditioned response) the behavior over time, the stimulus condi-
prior to and independent of the actual admin- tions that precede the behavior, and the con-
istration of the chemotherapy (unconditioned sequent or reinforcing events that follow the
stimulus). Another example is reciprocal inhi- behavior. Intervention is then directed to the
bition or desensitization in which anxiety is specific areas targeted by the initial assess-
viewed similarly as a conditioned response to ment. Detailed assessment continues through
stimuli. An incompatible response (relax- the course of intervention and often through
ation) is paired with progressively stronger a period following intervention to assess
levels of the conditioned stimulus in order to maintenance or generalization.
inhibit anxiety responses. Each of the cognitive-behavioral models
With instrumental or operant condition- identifies a cognitive feature as a major moti-
ing, behavior is seen as arising from environ- vational determinant of behavior. Self-effi-

cacy theory postulates the role of perceived related behaviors of research participants.
capability to engage in a behavior under vari- Also there is a broad set of studies to identify
ous conditions. The theory of reasoned action the relationship between behavior and dis-
postulates that intention to engage in a behav- ease etiology, such as studies of the role of
ior is significant and is influenced by beliefs exercise on the maintenance of function in
regarding behavioral outcomes and attitudes the older adult, mechanisms of addiction in
toward the behavior. The health belief model smoking behavior, and the effect of neuro-
postulates that ones perceptions about the transmitters on eating behaviors.
illness in terms of its threat (severity and sus- Given the prevalence of lifestyle behaviors
ceptibility), as well as the perception of the that adversely affect health and the manage-
benefits and barriers to engaging in the be- ment of illness, research to understand and
havior, influence intentions and subsequently modify those behaviors would benefit the in-
behavior. However, the common sense model dividual as well as the population. There is
of illness proposes that the individuals own a need for nursing research to expand into
model of the illness influences his or her ill- the interdisciplinary arenas, particularly in
ness or treatment-related behaviors. the examination of health behavior change
Behavioral research can be distinguished in the community, studies within multicenter
from psychosocial research, which tends to clinical trials, and the etiological relationship
emphasize adjustment and coping as well as between behavior and health and illness. Fur-
predictor and moderator variables arising ther, many of the studies in nursing have been
from the psychological state or the social en- descriptive in nature or have focused on the
vironment of the person. Behavioral research, development of assessment instruments. Al-
including cognitive-behavioral studies, em- though few of the studies have examined how
phasizes behavior. In the classical and instru- to intervene with behaviors that contribute
mental models, observable behavior is to the development or progression of illness,
stressed. In the cognitive-behavioral model, this research would be useful to better direct
both observable and covert behaviors are interventions with patients.
stressed. Within nursing much of the behav-
ioral research has addressed participation in This paper was supported in part by a National
treatment, exercise, sexual behaviors, health Institute of Nursing Research grant (5 P30
promotion, breast self-examination and NR03924) and a National Heart, Lung, and Blood
mammography utilization, childbirth and Institute grant (1 UO1HL48992).
maternal behaviors, behavioral symptoms of
dementia, self-management in chronic condi- JACQUELINE DUNBAR-JACOB
tions, management of alcohol or drug depen-
dency, and the role of biofeedback in such
behaviors as pelvic floor muscle exercise in
incontinence and heart rate variability. Un- Benchmarking in Health Care
like psychosocial studies, factors such as per-
sonality, coping strategies, and socioeco- Benchmarking is a structured process used to
nomic status are not primary interests; how- discover, compare, and incorporate the best
ever, they may be of interest in determining practices of high-performing organizations
reinforcers and stimulus conditions. for the purpose of improving the benchmark-
There is an additional body of behavioral ing organizations performance. It was first
research that tends to be interdisciplinary in used in the late 1970s by the Xerox Corpora-
nature and is of relevance to nursing. There tion and soon became popular in other indus-
are studies in the community to modify health tries. The introduction of benchmarking in
behaviors within populations and studies industry was aligned with total quality man-
within multicenter clinical trials that attempt agement (TQM) and continuous quality im-
to influence the health behavior or protocol- provement (CQI). When used correctly,
Benchmarking in Health Care 29

benchmarking offers the opportunity for ex- nizations and has access to data from similar
ponential improvement rather than the incre- organizations recognized as high performers.
mental changes most frequent with tradi- Analysis requires two discrete sets of data:
tional quality improvement methods. As (1) the benchmarks, or performance mea-
health care became more industrialized, with sures, to be used in comparing the bench-
enormous pressure to increase efficiency, marking organizations performance against
quality, and customer satisfaction, health the selected high performers; and (2) a thor-
care organizations began to adopt bench- ough description of the operational process
marking. As in other industries, benchmark- being benchmarked in the organization using
ing is often used in conjunction with TQM, benchmarking and the comparison organiza-
CQI, other quality assurance programs, or tions. This operational description is often
competitive analysis in health care organiza- referred to as process mapping and is essential
tions. It has been used to improve business to identifying practices in the comparison or-
processes, management processes, and clini- ganizations that enable them to be high per-
cal processes in health care organizations. formers. Identification of these best prac-
Benchmarking is most effectively intro- tices is a necessary prerequisite to the analy-
duced in an organization with a preexisting sis, identification, and adoption of practices
culture of process orientation and analysis. It that can improve the benchmarking organiza-
is a continuous, ongoing process that requires tions performance. Implementation of oper-
planning, analysis, and adoption of new pro- ational processes identified through bench-
cesses. Processes to be benchmarked are iden- marking, followed by reevaluation of the se-
tified during the planning phase, and because lected performance measures, is a cyclical
benchmarking costs can be significant, it is process that is repeated until performance
important that the organization identify key goals have been reached and maintained
processes for improving performance. Perfor- over time.
mance data to be used as benchmarks must Although benchmarking has the potential
be identified and available for analysis and to assist health care organizations to make
comparison with selected high performers. quantum improvements in operational and
Selection of organizations to benchmark delivery systems, it also has the potential to
against is another major decision during the increase stress and cost and to be counterpro-
planning phase. The organization may ductive if used inappropriately or improperly.
choose internal benchmarking to compare Because benchmarking is in its infancy in
performance of similar operations or divi- health care, a number of pitfalls must be
sions within the organization, within one op- avoided. A common problem is comparing
eration or division over time, or with findings the benchmarks (performance measures) and
from research literature. not looking at the process to find out how
However, to reap the full benefit of bench- the high-performing organization achieves
marking the organization must move to ex- performance and how it differs from the
ternal benchmarking and comparisons with benchmarking organizations performance.
other organizations. External benchmarking Truly effective benchmarking requires in-
may be conducted with like organizations in depth, personal examination of the reasons
a geographical region, with similar organiza- for the high performers success. It also re-
tions in a collaborative project, with recog- quires that performance and productivity
nized high performers in health care, or with measures be consistent with the philosophy
high-performance industries outside health and objectives of the organization (Smeltzer,
care. Identification and comparison with high Leighty, & Williams-Brinkley, 1997). Prob-
performers is costly and time consuming and lems also may arise from an inadequate study
may be more efficiently handled by a con- design, inadequate data analysis, and inade-
sulting group or benchmarking clearinghouse quate preparation of the organization for
that does benchmarking for health care orga- benchmarking.

Benchmarking studies have only recently of terms with cross-references, it is called a

been published in health care literature. thesaurus (Landgridge, 1992).
Many of these studies are reported as case The major bibliographic classification
studies that provide information about the schemes dealing with the nursing literature
process being used, the organizational are implemented in computerized biblio-
changes made, and the outcomes achieved graphic database retrieval systems for nursing
through the benchmarking process. Exam- and medicine. Computerized bibliographic
ples of business and management processes databases based on specialty-subject thesauri
studied include workers compensation pro- are available for many other reference disci-
cess, admissions process, scheduling systems, plines of psychology, education, sociology,
and operating room use. Studies of bench- and so forth.
marking with clinical processes (Bankert, Access to bibliographic databases is either
Daughtridge, Meehan, & Colburn, 1996; through a search service offered by the pri-
Czarnecki, 1996) and patient populations mary developer of the classification system
(Clare, Sargent, Moxley, & Forthman, 1995; or is licensed for use by bibliographic retrieval
Lauver, 1996) are reported in the literature services that provide access to multiple biblio-
and often contain cost information as well as graphic databases. Fees for such services
patient outcomes. Although consulting orga- vary considerably.
nizations have accumulated comparative A bibliographic retrieval system is a special
data from the organizations they service, this type of information retrieval system. The in-
information may surface in the literature formation that is stored (and retrieved) pro-
slowly, if at all. To determine the usefulness vides citations of documents represented in
of benchmarking for achieving improvements the system. Citations commonly include the
in health care organizations, more evaluative article author, title, and the exact location of
studies are needed to assess the effectiveness the article (the title of the journal in which
of benchmarking for improving the cost and it is published, journal volume and issue num-
quality of services provided by health care or- ber, and pages). Other document types
ganizations. (books, videos, etc.), if incorporated in the
system, have descriptors appropriate for that
MARION JOHNSON document type. Other data that help to locate
a specific documentfor example, accession
number and author addresswill be added
Bibliographic Retrieval Systems to the database by the producer of the system.
Abstracts are usually included.
Classifying knowledge in books and other Computerized bibliographic retrieval sys-
documents is in the domain of library and tems have three components: (a) the classifi-
information sciences. Books and other docu- cation system for the field of knowledge (sub-
ments are considered physical objects that ject headings, thesaurus, controlled vocabu-
can be classified in a number of ways; how- lary); (b) a database of documents indexed
ever, subject classification is considered the with the controlled vocabulary of the classifi-
most significant characteristic. Whereas sci- cation system; and (c) the retrieval system
entists in a field identify the knowledge of search engine (software). The quality of re-
the field, bibliographic classifiers organize the trieval is a function of all three elements. The
knowledge produced by the scientists (Land- controlled vocabulary must adequately repre-
gridge, 1992). The classification system is sent the literature in the field. Terms from
used to index the literature and thus serves the controlled vocabulary must be accurately
a purpose of location and retrieval of the assigned to the documents in the field. The
indexed documents. When the classification search software logic with which searches are
system is accompanied by an alphabetical list done facilitates certain types of searches and
Bibliographic Retrieval Systems 31

hinders others, thereby affecting the quality bases are limited to the published research
of the retrieval. literature. Frequently, the published litera-
Nursing has long been dissatisfied with ture fails to reflect adequately the knowledge
bibliographic databases that index the nurs- being generated in a field. Cost of publishing
ing literature. In part, this is because the vo- and availability of reviewers limit the number
cabulary used by major systems has not satis- of articles that can be published. Publication
factorily reflected nursing terminology. Sys- bias against small studies with nonsignificant
tems oriented toward nursing literature over- findings and perhaps of parochial interest
come some of this difficulty by classifying works against publication of clinical research
things of importance in nursing but not in in nursing. With more focus on statistical
medicine, such as nursing theoretical frame- meta-analysis strategies, these studies might
works. be combined and thus yield valuable new
Another long-standing disappointment in knowledge. The consequence of large
the profession has been the inability to locate amounts of fugitive research lies not just in
nursing research by variables studied. This is the invisibility of knowledge to the discipline
because variable names are sometimes so far but results in a significant waste of resources
out on the classification tree that they are to duplicate work that has already been done
usually not suitable for subject headings. This or to identify work that needs to be done.
makes sense because variables usually repre- The strategy or logic that software uses
sent the new nomenclature in a field. These to search databases determines how docu-
new terms are frequently renamed or incor- ments can be retrieved and how accurately
porated into another term or they may disap- the document set of interest can be retrieved.
pear altogether. Vocabularies need more sta- Although other search strategies are becom-
bility than is characteristic of research vari- ing available, the primary search strategy
able names. Because variable names are not used by bibliographic retrieval systems in
always included in bibliographic classifica- nursing and related fields is based on Boolean
tions, articles are not indexed by the names logic. The searcher must fully understand the
of variables studied in the research. logic used by the search system and how it
The results section of research articles, is implemented in the database of interest.
where the variable names reside, is rarely used Boolean logic is based in set theory, which
for assigning index terms (Horowitz, R. S., & is a way of combining sets of thingsin this
Fuller, 1982). The identification of variable case, search terms in documents. The opera-
names as keywords by researchers is of little tors, called Boolean operators, dictate how
use. Currently, there is no way to tell whether the documents containing the terms will be
an author-identified term or a classifier-as- combined. The operator and causes all the
signed subject heading is a research variable documents containing one term, x, and all
name or just another topic the article is documents containing another search term,
about. It is fair to say that aboutness y, to be combined into the set of documents
indexing has a serious impact on retrievals that contain both x and y. This set of docu-
of interest to researchers (Weinberg, B. H., ments is called the search result.
1987). The operator or results in a set of docu-
Research document representation in ments that have either the term x or y. It
nursing-related databases is a problem for includes the set of documents that have both
several reasons. First, if a controlled vocabu- x and y. Other common operators are not,
lary is inadequate for any reason, indexers adjacent, includes, excludes, begins with.
cannot assign terms to adequately represent Generally, the more Boolean operators a sys-
documents. Second, research by nurses that is tem makes available, the more accurate the
published outside the field may be in journals search that can be performed.
that are not indexed by the database develop- Accuracy is a generic term that refers to
ers in the domain. Third, bibliographic data- the concepts of sensitivity and specificity of

the search result. In Boolean search systems headings (see The Virginia Henderson Inter-
of bibliographic databases, sensitivity and national Nursing Library).
specificity are inversely related: the search ei-
ther results in many documents that are not JUDITH R. GRAVES
relevant but includes most that are relevant
or it results in a few of the most relevant
documents being found but fails to turn up Bibliometrics
others of relevance.
In addition to Boolean operators, common Bibliometrics is broadly defined as the appli-
bibliographic database retrieval systems will cation of mathematical and statistical meth-
have tags that identify other salient features ods to published scientific literature in a disci-
of documents in the field; for example, the plinary field (Pritchard, 1969). Bibliometric
language the article is written in, document research methods are based on a literary
type, and whether the article is about humans model of science. Using bibliometrics, infor-
or other animals. These characteristics can mation scientists assume that published re-
be used to further delimit a search. search documents reflect new knowledge in
Researchers are interested in scientific a scientific field and that references in these
findings, not documents (Doyle, 1986; Wein- reports represent relationships among scien-
berg, B. H., 1987). All that can be obtained tists and their work.
from a bibliographic database search is a list Bibliometrics is a useful research method-
of citations of documents or perhaps the full ology for describing and visually representing
text of some documents that may or may not the communication structure of a scientific
contain research findings. The accuracy of field. It has been used successfully to evaluate
these searches can be extremely low, de- such things as emergence, change, and com-
pending on the complexity of the search. munication networks in specialty areas. Bibli-
ometric methods have been helpful in identi-
The scientific knowledge is the research
fying the foundational fields (i.e., other scien-
result or findings; however, bibliographic
tific fields) that have driven the genesis of a
classification is done to organize the scientific
new scientific field. They also can be used to
knowledge produced after it has been embod-
identify prominent scientists or documents
ied in documents (Landgridge, 1992). When
that have influenced the intellectual develop-
viewed this way, perhaps the results of re-
ment of a scientific field. Thus, bibliometric
search should not be part of a literature classi-
studies may provide insights into the histori-
fication system because the results are the cal and sociological evolution of nursing sci-
knowledge, not the document with the ence as well as the design of information re-
knowledge. Or perhaps this was and is the trieval systems in nursing.
only legitimate method available to library Research questions addressed by biblio-
and information scientists when approaching metric studies generally fall into one of four
the literature of all disciplines. categories: (a) characterization of a scholarly
Nonetheless, research knowledge can be community, (b) evolution of a scholarly com-
indexed by its variables (Graves, 1997; munity, (c) evaluation of scholarly contribu-
Weiner, Stowe, Shirley, & Gilman, 1981) and tions, and (d) diffusion of ideas from within
linked to its source (the researchers); if pub- and across disciplines (Borgman, 1990). Cita-
lished, the dissemination history of the study tion data are often used in bibliometric stud-
(bibliographic citations) can be provided. The ies and are generally collected from bibliogra-
Virginia Henderson International Nursing phies, abstracting and indexing services, cita-
Library makes the nursing research that is in tion indexes, and primary journals. Typically,
the Registry of Nursing Research accessible the references of research journal articles are
by directly indexing the studies by variable analyzed in bibliometric studies. Biblio-
names as well as by researcher and by subject graphic attributes such as authors, citations,
Bibliometrics 33

and textual content are used as variables in Review of Research

bibliometric research.
Citation analysis is the best-known biblio- There have been at least five bibliometric in-
metric strategy. It is a set of strategies for vestigations of the nursing literature. Garfield
studying relationships among cited and citing (1985), an information scientist, conducted
literature in a scientific field. Bibliographic a journal citation study on core nursing jour-
coupling and co-citation analysis use citation nals indexed in the 1983 Social Sciences Cita-
analysis to demonstrate linkage of citation tion Index, using citation data from 1981 to
data. In bibliographic coupling, the focus is 1983. Four bibliometric studies have been
on the citing literature; that is, the number conducted by nurse researchers. Messler
of references two articles have in common (1974) conducted a citation analysis investi-
reflects the similarity of their subject matter. gating the growth of maternity nursing
In co-citation analysis the focus is on the cited knowledge as reflected in published nursing
literature, that is, the number of times two practice literature from 1909 to 1972. Wil-
documents are cited together in the reference
ford (1989) used citation analysis techniques
lists of later publications. Sets of co-cited doc-
to study citation patterns depicted in the ref-
ument pairs may be grouped together and
erences of a random sample of 310 nursing
mapped, using graphical display techniques
dissertations from 1947 to mid-1987. John-
such as cluster analysis and multidimensional
son (1990) conducted a bibliometric analysis
scaling. The unit of analysis for co-citation
using the technique of keyword analysis to
analysis studies can also be journals (journal
describe the evolution of the holistic para-
co-citation analysis) or authors (author co-
digm in the field of nursing. DAuria (1994)
citation analysis). Co-word analysis is an-
used citation analysis techniques, including
other bibliometric strategy based on the anal-
author co-citation analysis, to demonstrate
ysis of co-occurrence of keywords used to
index documents or articles. This method is the feasibility of using author co-citation
useful for mapping content in a research field analysis for identifying emerging networks of
or for tracing the evolution of networks of researchers in the subfield of maternal and
problems in a disciplinary field. child health nursing from 1976 to 1990. Fur-
Bibliometric strategies are practical and ther bibliometric analyses of the research lit-
may be applied to citation data that are erature from the general field or subfields of
readily accessible on citation indexes and on- nursing will provide a baseline for describing
line electronic databases. No subjective judg- and interpreting citation data in the field of
ments are made by the researcher about what nursing.
literature best defines a scientific field or spe- At this point in the development of nursing
cialty area. It is the scholars themselves who science, it is critical that nurse scholars create
publish in the scientific literature that deter- ways to increase the visibility and retrieval
mine the intellectual base of the specialty of scientific information being generated in
area. However, citation data can portray only the field. Bibliometric methods can provide
what the scientific community in a field of a way to track disciplinary influences and
study has recognized by way of publication. the identities of nurse scientists and scientists
In addition, bibliometrics does not have a from other disciplines whose interests are
theory that integrates the methods and tech- shaping the generation of scientific informa-
niques used in the analysis of citations. There- tion in nursing. The findings of bibliometric
fore, it is important that the investigator studies will provide nurse scholars with a
clearly delimit the specialty area to be investi- guide for scholarship for doctoral students
gated, be familiar with the field of interest, and researchers in the field of nursing that
and interpret citation data in conjunction may differ from information that has been
with other sources of information relevant to passed down as traditional wisdom. Thus,
the area of interest. the findings of bibliometric studies will open

up new avenues for debate and hypotheses in tracing evidence of the capability of the
generation in regard to the evolution of nurs- body to perform neurogenesis and neuroplas-
ing science. ticity (Kempermann, Kuhn, & Gage, 1997;
As the nursing research literature contin- Eriksson et al., 1998; Kempermann & Gage,
ues to grow, rigorous and systematic biblio- 1999; Bjorklund & Lindvall, 2000; Magavi,
metric research of citation data may contrib- Leavigtt, & Macklis, 2000). Early evidence
ute working models of the development of of the possibility of generating growth or re-
nursing science that could be used to evaluate growth in neural tissue was reported by Mar-
scientific progress. By discovering trends in ion Diamond (1988). In these early studies,
disciplinary and interdisciplinary linkages, Diamond stimulated brain growth in older
nurse scholars can identify underdeveloped rats by enriching the environment. From this
or neglected areas of research in nursing sci- study were derived the studies by Budzynski
ence. Evaluating the degree of scientific activ- (1996), Budzynski and Budzynski (1997) to
ity in research areas would help nurse schol- improve cognitive functioning of elderly hu-
ars determine if research resources are allo- mans by enhancing the brain with neurofeed-
cated correctly as well as assist them in de- back and light/sound stimulation.
termining the need for new journals and Results of studies on cellular restoration
books in the field of nursing. It will also pro- of nerve tissue together with reports of im-
vide an avenue by which nurse scholars may provement of body functioning through neu-
access scientific information and prevent the rofeedback suggested that changes in bodily
loss of information generated in the field of functioning can be reached through the brain.
nursing. By managing appropriate change in the EEG
or the brains electrical activity, the body not
JENNIFER P. DAURIA only can rid itself of chronic symptoms but
can also heal itself. These new directions for
intervention are reaching consumers of
Biofeedback health care.
There are over 100 nurse professionals in
While in the past, biofeedback for chronic the Biofeedback Certification of America
symptom patterns has been thought to be (BCIA), the certifying body for biofeedback/
simply training muscles and body functioning neurofeedback. There are untold other nurses
through operant conditioning, now it is more practicing without current certification.
common to consider the brain and central Many of these practitioners are performing
nervous system as the central focus of treat- exciting biofeedback/neurofeedback work
ment. It is, after all, the electrical-biochemical with target chronic problems, such as atten-
systems through which all bodily activity is tion deficit disorder, epilepsy, stroke, mild
finally determined. To focus on the brain/ head injury, migraines, and other symptom
neural pathway acknowledges the mind-body patterns. But they practice outside the main-
interface and the centrality of the brain in the stream of nursings institutions of care. They
disease process. practice privately alongside multiple other
The use of biofeedback and its accompa- health disciplines. Other schisms are that
nying belief in helping persons master self- these practitioners are not inclined to under-
regulation of body function and optimum take research, and those who are doing re-
states has been greatly impacted by the cellu- search (often in universities) have little access
lar research in the recent years. While on the to practice settings. The nursing biofeedback
one hand, groups of neuroscientists have ex- field could advance markedly if these activi-
plored the progress of using stem cells as a ties and professionals could merge, as has
way of repairing organs, another movement medicine, to develop research based pro-
in research has realized exciting possibilities grams for specific target clinical problems.
Bowel Elimination Among Older Adults 35

Nursing biofeedback research has shown Bowel Elimination Among Older

effective changes in patient symptoms Adults
through application of complementary tech-
niques. A review of biofeedback/self-manage-
Bowel elimination is the end process of diges-
ment training research by nurses prior to
1997 indicated favorable patient outcomes tion resulting from interactions of the central
when performing management of stress and autonomic nervous systems, and endo-
symptoms, progressive relaxation, reduction crine, gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal
of tension with EMG training, hand warm- systems. Three major bowel elimination
ing, training during childbirth, respiratory problems have been studied and consistently
training, and heart rate variability training. have been shown to affect the older popula-
These publications predominantly indicated tion: constipation, incontinence, and colo-
individual efforts to inform the field of their rectal cancer (American Cancer Society,
respective specialized treatments. Over the 2003a; Hogstel, 2001; Memorial Sloan-Ket-
years since then, there is very little shift to tering Cancer Center, 2003; Vogelzang,
indicate that programs of care by nurses have 1999).
proliferated. Also, fewer biofeedback studies Constipation, defined as the accumulation
have been generated in nursing publications. of feces in the lower intestines with difficulty
But there is evidence that research methods evacuating this waste, is the most common
and physiologic measurement has markedly complaint among older adults (Abrams,
improvedmany articles using feedback are Beers, Berkow, & Fletcher, 1995). According
competitive in nonnursing journals. to Annells and Koch (2002), laxatives have
It is informative to point out the following: become the most commonly sought treatment
Chronic symptom patterns such as advanced for constipation. More than one third of older
heart failure, sudden cardiac arrest, inconti- adults use weekly laxatives to reduce strain
nence following surgery, and elderly cogni- and enhance fecal elimination (Reiss & Ev-
tive decline as listed above have not pre- ans, 2002). Research findings demonstrate
viously been treated with feedback training. that increasing fiber and fluid in the diet sig-
Physiologic indicators with a psychological nificantly decreases the need for laxative use
self-care orientation are used to demonstrate and stool softeners (Howard, West, & Ossip-
change. These above studies are few in num- Klein, 2000; Robinson & Rosher, 2002).
ber, but recently the kinds and quality of non- Vogelzang (1999) cited seven reasons for
invasive instrumentation on the market are constipation in the elderly. Multiple medica-
allowing researchers to trace change in bodily tions (polypharmacy) had been identified as
and psychological processesEEG, heart a primary reason for constipation, especially
rate variability, blood sugar levels, blood in nursing home residents. Six or more medi-
flow, CO2, and respiratory activity, to name cations have been shown to adversely effect
a few. The stage is set for offering feedback
motility of the digestive tract (Vogelzang).
to any number of chronic problems which
Older adults living at home may be at an
have heretofore been neglected. Lynda Kirk,
even higher risk for overdose related to self-
the new President of the Association for Ap-
medication with over-the-counter drugs (Vo-
plied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, a
gelzang). In addition, limited income influ-
nurse, recognized the dominance of the brain
in feedback by quoting William James on the ences the quality of food purchased and the
latest cover of AAPB Biofeedback: The degree of fiber-rich foods incorporated into
greatest thing, then, is to make the nervous the older adults diet. Annual income is less
system our ally instead of our enemy. than $6,000 in 40% of older Americans, leav-
ing them limited funds for groceries. Most do
HELEN KOGAN BUDZYNSKI not take advantage of funded food programs.
HSIN-YI (JEAN) TANG Selection of the same foods is common, lead-

ing to a poorly balanced diet (Vogelzang). fecal incontinence and overall poor health in
Non-healthy snacking throughout the day older adults.
also counteracts appetite as well as bowel Approximately 90% of individuals with
regularity. Lack of social interaction, physical colorectal cancer are over 50 years of age
inactivity, nausea caused by contaminated (American Cancer Society, 2003a). The
food due to unclean food preparation, and United States Preventive Task Force recom-
inadequate cooking skills also have been mends individuals beginning at age 50 be
identified as contributing factors to risk for screened for colorectal cancer as follows: (a)
constipation (Vogelzang). Constipation can yearly fecal occult blood test, (b) flexible sig-
be controlled by a well-balanced diet high in moidoscopy every 5 years, (c) colonoscopy
fiber, adequate hydration (at least 68 eight- every 510 years (American Cancer Society;
ounce glasses of water/day), along with in- Donovan & Syngal, 1998). Screening can re-
creased activity (Hinrichs, Huseboe, Tang, & duce risk by up to 75% (Donovan, & Syngal).
Titler, 2001). Those with a family history of colon cancer
Fecal incontinence has been shown to con- and/or polyps should be screened at a
tribute to decreased social activity (Giebel, younger age and more frequently.
Lefering, Troidl, & Blochl, 1998). Older Borum (1998) evaluated the relationship
adults are embarrassed that incontinence may of age with screening for colorectal cancer.
occur in public, so they tend to limit outside A retrospective chart review of 200 patients
activity with friends and family. There exists over 50 years old in an ambulatory clinic
a strong correlation between urinary and fe- showed that more rectal exams were done on
cal incontinence (Chassagne et al., 1999). In 5060 year olds than on 6070 year olds.
a survey conducted by Giebel and colleagues, These results indicate that less screening is
500 randomly selected older adults in Ger- done in the older elderly than the younger
many responded to a questionnaire about elderly. As aggressive screening diminishes,
bowel habits. It was found that 4.8% were risk for colorectal cancer increases (Borum).
unable to control solid stool, whereas 19.6% Diet plays an important role in the preven-
experienced at least one type of incontinence. tion of colorectal cancer. Negri, Franceschi,
Women had more of a problem with pasty Parpinel, and La Vecchia (1998) researched
or liquid stools. They also experienced an fiber intake and the risk of colorectal cancer.
urgent sensation to quickly reach the toilet. Dietary habits of patients (1,225 with colon
Men described soiling their underwear as cancers, 728 with rectal cancers, and 4,154
most problematic. Controlling flatus was also with no history of cancer) were studied. The
described as a concern. Findings suggest that data indicated that dietary fiber has a protec-
the lack of control associated with bowel hab- tive effect against colorectal cancer. High fi-
its plus the reduction in activities necessitate ber diets may protect against colorectal can-
interventions aimed at education about intes- cer by allowing brief mucosal exposure to
tinal health and dietary change. Another carcinogens. The longer stool remains in the
study done on fecal incontinence enrolling intestine, the more likely the chance of cancer.
1,186 older adults 60 years of age and older Caygill, Charlett, and Hill (1998) investi-
in a long-term care setting identified five risk gated the relationship between intake of high
factors associated with fecal incontinence: (1) fiber and risk of breast and bowel cancer. The
history of urinary incontinence, (2) neurolog- study showed cereal and vegetables protect
ical disease, (3) poor mobility, (4) severe cog- against both colorectal and breast cancer.
nitive decline, and (5) age greater than 70 Fruit had no protective effect on colorectal
(Chassagne et al.). Fecal incontinence associ- or breast cancer. However, fruit was shown
ated with impaction and diarrhea occurred to be more protective against cancers of the
in 234 (20%) of the sample. The study upper digestive tract (Caygill, Charlett, &
showed an association between permanent Hill).
Boykin & Schoenhofer: The Theory of Nursing as Caring 37

In summary, older adults are at risk for The focus of Nursing as Caring is that
developing bowel elimination complications, nursing, both as a discipline and as a profes-
which may be associated with the physiologi- sion, involves the nurturing of persons living
cal changes occurring with advancing age and and growing in caring (Boykin & Schoen-
lack of screening. Screening for cancer needs hofer, 2001a, p. 12). Central concepts include
to be done on all elderly, regardless of ad- caring, characterized by altruistic actions and
vanced age. Diets high in fiber, adequate hy- the recognition of value and connectedness
dration, increased activity, and education between the nurse and the nursed, the nursing
programs encourage prevention of complica- situation, a shared lived experience in which
tions. the caring between nurse and nursed en-
hances personhood (Boykin & Schoenhofer,
CORA D. ZEMBRZUSKI p. 13), and the caring between, a personal
EILEEN M. HERMANN connection encounter between the nurse and
the nursed within which personhood is nur-
tured (Boykin & Schoenhofer, p. 14).
An integral component of Nursing as Car-
Boykin & Schoenhofer: The ing, the Dance of Caring Persons, represents
Theory of Nursing as Caring the circular nature of caring grounded in the
valuing of one another (the nurse and the
The theory Nursing as Caring (Boykin & nursed) as unique caring individuals (Boy-
Schoenhofer, 1993, 2001) provides a concep- kin & Schoenhofer, 2001a; Boykin, Schoen-
tual framework for the nature of nursing as a hofer, Smith, St. Jean, & Aleman, 2003). This
caring discipline and profession. Embodying element of the theory acknowledges the need
the aesthetic and personal realms of knowing for a paradigm shift from the traditional top-
in nursing (Carper, 1978; Chinn & Kramer, down hierarchical structures present in health
2004; Boykin, Parker, & Schoenhofer, 1994), care organizations to circular structures of
the theory incorporates the artistic and em- mutuality and respect found within nurse-
pathic aspects of nursing situations as per- client collaborative partnerships.
sonal caring connections between the nurse Research approaches developed within the
and the nursed as they occur in the moment. context of the theory of Nursing as Caring
The theory of Nursing as Caring is essential include focusing on the discovery of the
to the core essence of nursing, providing a meaning of lived caring, and the understand-
structure for practice, administration, educa- ing of value experienced in nursing situations
tion, and research. (Boykin & Schoenhofer, 2001a). A qualita-
Major assumptions/fundamental beliefs tive group phenomenology approach was uti-
underlying the transformational model of the lized to provide insight into the meaning of
theory of Nursing as Caring include: lived caring. Research participants generated
data in focus group settings and also devel-
persons are caring by virtue of their hu- oped the synthesis of meaning (Schoenhofer,
manness Bingham, & Hutchins, 1998). Qualitative re-
persons are caring, moment to moment search methodologies grounded in dialogue
persons are whole and complete in the and description and interpreted as themes
moment characterize research into the value experi-
personhood is a process of living ground-
enced in nursing situations (Boykin &
ed in caring
Schoenhofer, 2001b; Boykin et al., 2003).
personhood is enhanced through partici-
pating in nurturing relationships with car- Nursing as Caring guides research by pro-
ing others viding a broad conceptual framework for the
nursing is both a discipline and a profes- development of middle-range theories that
sion address more specific phenomena of nursing
(Boykin & Schoenhofer, 2001a, p. 11). as caring in areas of nursing practice, admin-

istration, and education. Examples of devel- body image. To address the issue of multiple
opments of such mid-range theoretical mod- interpretations and dimensions, Dow, Ferrell,
els based on the theory of Nursing as Caring Haberman, and Eaton (1999) conducted a
include the theory of technological compe- qualitative study of 687 survivors of various
tence as caring in critical care nursing (Locsin, kinds of cancer and identified themes of
1998); Dunphys (1998) circle of caring struggle among independence-dependence,
model for advanced practice nursing which wholeness, life purpose, reclaiming life, mul-
focuses on caring processes; and the caring- tiple losses, control, and surviving cancer
based nursing model that grounded an acute from a family perspective. Narrowing the fo-
care unit in the perspective of nursing as car- cus of quality of life to breast cancer survi-
ing (Boykin et al., 2003). Future directions vors, Ferrell, Grant, Funk, Otis-Green, and
include the development of new methods of Garcia (1998) concluded that adjustment in-
nursing inquiry appropriate to the study of volves demands across the physical, psycho-
Nursing as Caring allowing for research of logical, social, and spiritual domains.
the meaning of nursing within the lived expe- Similarly, Aaronson (1990) recognized the
rience of the nursing situation (Boykin & multidimensionality of quality of life and pro-
Schoenhofer, 2001a). posed the four major dimensions of func-
tional status, symptoms related to the disease
MARY ANGELIQUE HILL and treatment, psychological functioning,
and social functioning. In general, it is agreed
that the broad domains of adjustment to
Breast Cancer: Psychosocial breast cancer may be conceptualized as psy-
Adjustment to Illness chological (Walker, Nail, & Croyle, 1999),
physical (Given & Given, 1992; Cohen,
Classified as a chronic disease, the demands Kahn, & Steeves, 1998; Wyatt & Friedman,
of breast cancer extend over time, with some 1998), and social (Tulman & Fawcett, 1990;
phases characterized by more demands and Northouse, Dorris, & Charron-Moore,
stress than others. Acceptance of the diagno- 1995).
sis, treatment decisions, emotional distress re- The adjustment process has a strong effect
lated to physical change and loss, alterations on the family as a system (Cooley & Mori-
in lifestyle, uncertainty, and need for infor- arty, 1997; Germino, 1998). Usual roles are
mation and support are ongoing issues (Lo- altered with resultant interpersonal tension
veys & Klaich, 1991; Walker, Nail, Larsen, in both patients and partners (Lewis & Ham-
Magill, & Schwartz, 1996). Although the di- mond, 1996). The factor of time is reflected
agnostic and immediate postoperative phases in longitudinal studies of emotional and phys-
are particularly stressful (Northouse, 1990), ical adjustment in both patients and partners.
emotional distress (Hoskins et al., 1996b), In their seminal study of 50 newly diagnosed
distress from side effects (Walker et al., breast cancer patients and spouses, Nort-
1996), and limitations in role performance house and Swain (1987) noted that the emo-
and sense of control may last longer. tional distress and mood disturbance among
Although adjustment has been commonly the spouses at 3-days post-surgery differed
conceptualized as quality of life, the breadth significantly from population norms. The dis-
of the broad conceptualization inhibits defin- tress and disturbance continued to 18
itive studies of its dimensions and predictors. months. Higher emotional distress and lower
Adjustment has, however, been conceptual- adjustment among spouses (Given & Given,
ized in many ways, including role perfor- 1992), as compared to patients, may continue
mance (Derogatis, 1983), sexual function for as long as 3 years. As the person most
(Lasry, 1991), emotional symptoms (Hoskins intimately involved in the events related to
et al., 1996b; Pasacreta, 1997), cognitive the patients illness and treatment, the partner
function (Cimprich, 1995), self-esteem, and struggles with fear of the cancer, demands
Breast Cancer Screening 39

placed on personal life (Samms, 1999), and 40 to 49. Consequently, both the American
feelings of being ineffectual. As demands es- Cancer Society and the National Cancer Insti-
calate, increased depression among partners tute now recommend screening beginning at
affects marital adjustment (Zahlis & Shands, age 40. Obviously, breast cancer screening by
1993). Studies in which the partner, identified mammography does not magically become
by the patient as the person most intimately effective at age 40 or 50 or 60, and one mis-
involved in the breast cancer experience are take that fueled controversy was comparing
rare and require furthur resources. one decade to another. Comparing women
Finally, the wide variety of predictors of aged 40 to 49 with women 50 and over cre-
adjustment include life stress, age (Lehto & ates artificial boundaries that cause much
Cimprich, 1999), stage of disease (Zabalegui, confusion. Now that the American Cancer
1999), time since diagnosis (Irvine, Brown, Society and National Cancer Institute are in
Crooks, Roberts, & Browne, 1991), initial agreement, energy may be focused on other
emotional status (Iscoe, Williams, & Osoba, issues.
1991), previous diagnosis of cancer (Nort- The effectiveness of clinical breast exami-
house, Laten, & Reddy, 1995), perceived nation is not as clear as that of mammogra-
support (Northouse, Dorris, & Charron- phy, although it is currently recommended.
Moore, 1995; Hoskins et al., 1996a, 1996b), Some studies demonstrating a mortality de-
social integration (Loveys & Klaich, 1991), crease for mammography have included clini-
side effects and associated distress (Wilson & cal breast examination, but the independent
Morse, 1991; Budin, 1998), and uncertainty effect of the latter has not been studied. In
(Christman, 1990). addition, the efficacy of breast self-examina-
tion (BSE) has been documented although not
CAROL NOLL HOSKINS in randomized, prospective mortality-based
trials. To date, retrospective studies have
found that BSE may detect an earlier stage
Breast Cancer Screening of disease or smaller tumor size.
Despite its apparent effectiveness, breast
Breast cancer is a disease for which there is cancer screening is not used to its fullest ad-
no foreseeable cure, and indications are that vantage. While screening rates may approach
the incidence will remain high. The American 70% to 74%, rates are lower for minorities
Cancer Society estimates that more than and women over 65. The rates for consistent
211,300 women were diagnosed with breast mammography screening at recommended
cancer in 2003, and almost 39,800 will die. intervals are not good. Rates for mammogra-
Although breast cancer remains a significant phy in 2000 ranged from 57%72%. Rates
form of cancer mortality for women, in 1996 for clinical breast examination and mammog-
an overall decrease in mortality was reported. raphy were higher, ranging between 37.3%
Because treatment is extremely effective with and 69%. Recent data indicate that women
Stage I tumors, increases in mammography may report BSE practice as frequently as
screening have influenced breast cancer mor- seven to eight times a year but have low profi-
tality. When discovered early, breast cancer ciency scores.
victims may anticipate a 97% chance for It is obvious that breast cancer screening
complete cure. Prospective mortality-based has the potential to reduce mortality and
studies have demonstrated the effectiveness morbidity from this dreaded disease. Breast
of mammography screening, particularly in cancer screening rates, although increasing,
women 5070 years of age, and therefore are not optimal. Most problematic is the fact
most organizations recommend periodic that women do not follow current recommen-
screening beginning at age 50. dations for screening. Minority rates for fol-
Recently, mammography recommenda- low-up are dismal, and access to care is a
tions have been expanded to include women real issue. This health-promoting detection

activity is of primary importance to nurses in enced by knowledge, previous health habits,

all areas of practice. Nurses are in an optimal particular demographic characteristics, and
position to increase all three screening meth- health care systems.
ods (mammography, clinical breast examina- A number of studies spanning over a de-
tion, and BSE). Interventions to promote cade have used various models to predict
mammography and teach BSE can be carried mammography screening. In general, attitu-
out during general health promotion or while dinal variables such as perceived susceptibil-
women are being seen for other reasons. Clin- ity, perceived benefits to screening, and per-
ical breast examination is a skill that should ceived barriers to screening have been pre-
be learned by all nurse practitioners and con- dictive of mammography. Rakowski and co-
ducted yearly on all women aged 20 and over. workers (1992) found that perceived pros
Several important theoretical variables (benefits) and cons (barriers) varied across
have been tested for relationships to breast stages of mammography. The most consistent
cancer screeningin particular, mammogra- predictors of mammography use have been
phy and BSE. The theory that has generated physician recommendation and barriers. The
the most research is the health belief model. latter have included perceived lack of need,
The health belief model was initially concep- fear of results, fear of radiation, cost, pain,
tualized in the early 1950s to predict preven- time, and inconvenience. Recently, the trans-
tive behaviors such as influenza inoculations theoretical model has been used for pre-
(Rosenstock, 1966). As originally formu- dicting mammography by postulating that
lated, the health belief model included the women move through a series of stages from
variable of perceived threat to health, which precontemplation, or not thinking about
included the concepts of risk of contracting mammography, to maintenance of mammog-
the disease (perceived susceptibility) and per- raphy over time.
sonal cost should the disease be contracted Descriptive studies to predict BSE have
(perceived seriousness). In addition, benefits spanned the past 2 decades. Again, the vari-
and barriers to taking a preventive action ables of perceived susceptibility, benefits, and
were predicted to influence the health behav- barriers have been significantly related to
ior. In 1988, the concept of self-efficacy, or BSE. A less significant prediction of BSE com-
perceived confidence in carrying out a pre- pliance has been physician recommendation.
ventive behavior, was added to the health Instead, women who were taught personally
belief model. and returned a demonstration have been
Other theories that have been used to pre- found to comply at higher rates. A major
dict breast cancer screening have included problem with BSE research has been the mea-
Fishbein and Ajzens (1975) theory of rea- surement of outcomes. In many earlier studies
soned action, which postulates that two ma- women were asked how many times they ex-
jor concepts are related to breast cancer amined their breasts, and this was used as
screening: (a) beliefs and evaluations of these the operational measure of compliance.
beliefs and (b) social influence. Social influ- Later, self-report proficiency scales were
ence is also composed of two components: widely used. Research has shown that there
beliefs of significant others and the influence is often little correlation between reported
of significant others on the individual. Most frequency and proficiency, indicating that
recently, the transtheoretical model has been even if women practice BSE, they may not be
tested with mammography use and found to doing it proficiently enough to detect lumps.
predict behavior (Prochaska et al., 1994). Actual measurement of BSE proficiency
This model defines the outcome in terms of also has been problematic. The best studies
stages of preparedness to engage in a health- have used trained observers to watch women
promoting activity. In addition to the factors either complete BSE or identify silicon lumps
involved in these models, descriptive research embedded in models. Subjective norms, as
suggests that breast cancer screening is influ- identified in the theory of reasoned action,
Breast-Feeding 41

have been predictive in some studies. Most return demonstrations. Studies using models
research has identified low to moderate corre- to identify lumps have been the most vigor-
lations between attitudinal variables and ous. Studies that include personal demonstra-
BSE. Perceived confidence for completing tions, guided feedback, and both cognitive
self-examination has been one of the strong- and personal instruction evidence the greatest
est predictors. increase in proficiency.
Intervention research for both mammog- Descriptive and intervention studies based
raphy and BSE has systematically built on the on similar theories of breast cancer screening
descriptive studies of earlier decades. Inter- have extended over the past 2 decades. The
ventions have ranged from multistrategy major difference in relation to promoting
community interventions to individual pa- mammography is the addition of physician
tient-oriented interventions. Many of the in- recommendation. Physician recommenda-
dividually focused interventions targeted per- tion is important both because medical advice
ceptions of risk, benefits, and barriers. Multi- is related to mammography and because an
strategy interventions often targeted physi- order may be necessary to obtain a mammo-
cian recommendation, which had been found gram. For BSE, personal teaching has been
to be an important predictor of mammogra- found to be a most important predictor. We
phy screening. Various ways of delivering now know enough about breast cancer
messages have been tried, including the me- screening to make certain recommendations
dia, telephone delivery, tailored letters or for nursing practice. For both BSE and mam-
postcards, and in-person counseling. Access mography, clinicians must take into account
has been identified as a problem, as shown the individuals perceptions about her suscep-
by the fact that persons in health maintenance tibility to breast cancer. If this perceived sus-
organizations (HMOs) consistently have ceptibility is unrealistically low, efforts must
higher rates of mammography screening than be made to paint a more accurate picture.
do patients in private medical practice. Ac- Perceived benefits and barriers to both mam-
cess-enhancing interventions have included mography and BSE also should be addressed
the use of mobile vans, which provide easier and individualized strategies developed. For
access for women with transportation prob- BSE teaching, the set of skills needed to com-
lems. Costs of mammography for indigent plete this exam and observation of profi-
women continue to be a problem, although ciency will be important. A major future di-
agencies such as the American Cancer Society rection related to mammography will be to
and Little Red Door have helped to defray increase interval compliance.
these costs. Social network interventions have Breast cancer screening research has broad
been effective with minority groups. Peer implications for increasing other health be-
leaders can sometimes be important links for haviors, such as colorectal or prostate screen-
low-income, African American, or Hispanic ing. Preventive behaviors such as the use of
women. Most interventions, especially those skin protection and adherence to low-fat diets
based on sound theory, have been successful can also be targeted for intervention trials.
in increasing mammography. Finally, nurses must actively encourage pub-
Interventions addressing BSE often focus lic policy decisions that increase screening ac-
on teaching women the correct skills for prac- cess for all people.
tice. Many of the interventions use educa-
tional strategies, with or without counseling, VICTORIA CHAMPION
related to the theoretical constructs of per-
ceived susceptibility, benefits, and barriers.
Many studies have used reminder systems or Breast-Feeding
self-prompts to increase practice. Interven-
tions have ranged from handing out pam- Breast-feeding continues to be the gold stan-
phlets to one-to-one teaching sessions with dard for feeding infants, as it provides nutri-

tional, immunological, cognitive, and psy- to breast-feed and their roles in promoting
chological benefits for young children. Re- and reinforcing womens decision. Investiga-
cently, a burgeoning body of research in the tors have demonstrated the importance of
immunological and biochemical sciences has health care professionals recommendations
continued to identify the unique properties to mothers (Ahluwalia et al., 2003). Nurses
and unreplicable living tissue transferred to need updated education based on research to
infants and children through breast-feeding. provide this support at critical times, and to
These studies have made the connection be- identify women at risk for complications
tween breast-feeding and a decreased risk of early on, so that interventions can be initiated
illness and health problems in infants and and referrals made in a timely fashion to pre-
children, supporting its importance and ne- serve the breast-feeding relationship. They
cessity to the health of humans (Heinig, need to be aware of new research on breast-
2001). Once seen as a personal lifestyle feeding in areas such as: breast reduction/
choice, documentation of the superiority of augmentation surgery, HIV status, medical
breast-feeding to the health and well-being conditions, and drugs. Careful assessment of
of infants, children, and women, has led to the benefits and risks of not breast-feeding
the recognition that breast-feeding is a health should be in the forefront in nursing research.
care behavior. There continues to be a large The advent of the Breastfeeding-Friendly
discrepancy in the United States between Hospital Initiative in 1997 in the United
breast-feeding rates, especially according to States by United Nations Childrens Fund
income, education, race, and ethnicity (Ah- (UNICEF) encouraged the identification of
luwalia, Morrow, Hsia, & Grummer-Strawn, practices that impact breast-feeding duration.
2003). When breast-feeding is examined as Studies have demonstrated the negative effect
a health care behavior, nurses have an oppor- on breast-feeding initiation and duration of:
tunity for health promotion and disease pre- labor medications, vigorous suctioning, forc-
vention among mother-child dyads which can ing baby to breast, ineffective positioning,
affect all of society. The Healthy People 2010 early introduction of pacifiers, delayed feed-
(2000) national health objectives target, 75% ings, routine separation of mother and baby,
initiation of breast-feeding, 50% breast-feed- failure of nurses to frequently assess breast-
ing at 6 months, and 25% breast-feeding chil- feeding encounters, use of supplements, and
dren until 1 year of age. provision of gift packs with promotional ma-
Breast-feeding has an international and in- terials for artificial infant milk (Auerbach,
terdisciplinary focus. Many professionals 2000). In contrast, a meta-analysis of over
from various arenas of health care and the 35 studies demonstrated that breast-feeding
sciences are interested in lactation and the educational programs had the greatest single
field continues to grow; however, experts, effect on initiation and short-term duration
especially lactation consultants, are still un- of breast-feeding, although support programs
derutilized. Nurses have intimate contact did increase both short and long-term dura-
with women at key times to make a difference tion (Guise et al., 2003).
in their breast-feeding experiences. The ma- In a thorough review of the literature from
jority of nursing breast-feeding research re- 1990-2000, Dennis (2002) examined breast-
lates to promotion, protection, and support feeding initiation and duration and con-
of breast-feeding. cluded that mothers who weaned prior to
Breast-feeding researchers in nursing ex- 6 months postpartum experienced perceived
amined the policies and practices that impact difficulties with breast-feeding. These studies
breast-feeding initiation. Nurse scientists identified those least likely to breast-feed as:
continue to develop instruments to assess young, low income, ethnic minority, unsup-
breast-feeding (Dennis, 2002; Riordan, Bibb, ported, full-time employed women with a
Miller, & Rawlins, 2001). More research is negative attitude toward breast-feeding and
needed into nurses influence on the decision low confidence in their ability to breast-feed.
Breast-Feeding 43

Partners and nonprofessionals were most Clinical issues being explored by nurse sci-
supportive, hospital routines were often det- entists include: biological benefits of breast-
rimental to breast-feeding, and health care feeding to the mother, breast-feeding and cir-
professionals who lacked knowledge related cumcision, HIV and breast-feeding, lactation
to breast-feeding were seen as negative mastitis, and positioning and attachment.
sources of support providing inaccurate and The influence of the health care delivery sys-
inconsistent advice (Dennis). These results tem, community, and society/culture cannot
provide a target population for intervention be ignored.
and indicate that even as knowledge has Challenges related to the study of breast-
grown, the shift from knowledge to practice feeding include three major areas: the lack of
is painful and takes time (Hong, Callister, & consistency in the definition of breast-feeding
Schwartz, 2003). (e.g., exclusivity), making comparison of
A major population needing attention fo- studies tedious if not impossible; the difficulty
cused on breast-feeding are low-income measuring cross-cultural effects (lack of relia-
women, especially women of color within this bility and validity studies of major breast-
group. African-American women have feeding instruments with various cultures);
among the lowest rates of breast-feeding in and the development of prospective designs
the United States (Ahluwalia et al., 2003), and randomized controlled trials.
45% report ever breast-feeding (compared to Although breast-feeding is now recognized
66% and 68% of Hispanic and white as a right of mothers, a health care behavior
women) (Bentley, Dee, & Jensen, 2003). Rea- contributing to the reduction of infant and
sons given by women for not breast-feeding maternal morbidity and mortality rates, less
include: embarrassment, a lack of social ac- expensive than artificial milk supplementa-
ceptability of breast-feeding (both public and tion and more environmentally friendly, the
private), work or school, the difficulty keep- national breast-feeding goals are far from be-
ing the infant close, and lack of support. ing met. Federal funding for breast-feeding
Nurse scientists are using different meth- research in the United States demonstrates an
odologies to study breast-feeding, including: incongruity with the national priorities for
ethnographies, phenomenological studies, breast-feeding. Only 13.7% ($5.6 million out
historical-cultural approaches, and ecologi- of $40.4 million available) of federal research
cal perspectives. Theoretical frameworks funds from 1994 to 1996 were awarded to
used to explore the health behavior of breast- projects having an impact on the Healthy
feeding include the theory of planned behav- People 2000 goals for increasing the inci-
ior, the health belief model, social cognitive dence and duration of breast-feeding. In con-
theory using the concept of self-efficacy, and trast, 27 projects (7.5% or $4.1 million) in-
the social ecological framework. Nurses are volved the use of human milk composition
exhibiting a stronger role in publishing stud- and technologies to improve artificial milks
ies examining breast-feeding education, sup- (Brown, Bair, & Meier, 2003). Nurses need
port, and prenatal and postnatal interven- to be at the forefront in protecting, promot-
tions to support the mother and infant. Re- ing, and supporting breast-feeding for the
searchers have demonstrated the importance health of society. This will require exploring
of peer and social support, the effect of hospi- the ways that cultural norms and structures
tal interventions, the need for comprehensive at all levels support or interfere with breast-
breast-feeding education and support, com- feeding for all women and ways in which
munication-related barriers, socioeconomic nursing can make a difference.
issues, the effect of values and practice, and
most importantly the culturally relevant is- SUZANNE HETZEL CAMPBELL
sues that influence breast-feeding choices.

Cancer in Children congenital anomalies. Children with syn-

dromes caused by abnormal numbers of chro-
Pediatric oncology represents only a small mosomes (e.g., Down syndrome) have an in-
fraction of the discipline of oncology. How- creased incidence of cancer (Gurney &
ever, the numerous advances in the diagnosis Bondy, 2002). Children with immune defi-
and treatment of childhood cancer have re- ciencies are at greater risk for developing can-
sulted in significant improvements in sur- cer. Despite the lack of knowledge about the
vival. Approximately 75% of all children di- origin of cancer, there is some information
agnosed with malignant neoplasms will sur- on risk factors that increase the likelihood
vive more than 5 years (Smith & Gloeckler of children developing cancer. Environmental
Reis, 2002). agents such as exposure to ionizing radiation
The annual incidence of childhood cancer have been found to cause cancer in children
is 15.6 per 100,000 children ages birth to 19 (Gurney & Bondy).
years (U.S. Cancer Statistics Working Group, Major areas of pediatric oncology nursing
2003). There is a slightly higher incidence in research include psychosocial care needs,
males (16.5 per 100,000) compared to fe- physical impact of cancer, nursing care proce-
males (14.6 per 100,000). There are approxi- dures, nursing professional issues, and man-
mately 12,400 children and adolescents less agement of health care resources. A review
than 20 years of age diagnosed each year by Hinds, Hockenberry, and Schum (2002)
with cancer (Smith & Gloeckler Ries, 2002). found that the majority of published studies
Childhood cancer is the third leading cause (70%) are related to psychosocial care needs
of death in children ages 1 to 19 years (Arias, of the child and family. Only 5.5% of the
McDorman, Strobino, & Guyer, 2003). For published studies were on nursing care proce-
children of all ages, leukemia is the most fre- dures, and less than 5% were on nursing pro-
quent type of cancer, followed by brain tu- fessional issues. Most studies (78.2%) were
mors and lymphomas. Tumors of the kidney published in nursing journals and of those,
and soft tissue are more common in African 67% were published in cancer nursing jour-
Americans, whereas tumors of the bone are nals. While increased attention on nursing
more common in Caucasians. research has occurred over the past 10 years,
The cause of childhood cancer is not many areas of pediatric oncology nursing
known. Some childhood cancers, in particu- have yet to be explored.
lar retinoblastoma, Wilms tumor, and neuro- The emphasis on psychosocial care needs
blastoma demonstrate patterns of inheritance of children with cancer and families has
that suggest a genetic basis for the disorder. changed over the past 20 years, due to the
Chromosome abnormalities have been found improvement in childhood cancer survival.
in acute leukemia and lymphoma as well as Nursing research in the 1980s focused on
in other pediatric solid tumors. Wilms tumor grief and loss experienced by the parents and
is associated with an increased incidence of siblings of children who died of cancer. Re-

Cancer in Children 45

searchers studied how care was provided in Also, a relatively new area of symptom
the home care environment, the needs of par- management research focus is the evaluation
ents facing the loss of a child, and terminal of fatigue in children and adolescents with
care costs. As survival improved, chronic ill- cancer. Fatigue has been found to be one of
ness and its impact on the child and family the most distressing symptoms experienced
living with a cancer took center stage. In re- during childhood cancer treatment. The prev-
cent years researchers have evaluated percep- alence of this symptom confirms the need to
tions of clinical trials and understanding of explore the interrelationships between fa-
the consent process, while continuing to eval- tigue and other symptoms commonly experi-
uate stress and coping in the child and family. enced by children with cancer. This symptom
Adolescent risk-taking behaviors is a new re- has been evaluated from both qualitative and
search area as survival rates continue to im- quantitative research perspectives. Fatigue
prove and childhood cancer survivors move measurement instruments have been devel-
toward adulthood. oped and tested during the past 5 years.
In order to evaluate the status of the cur- Multi-center trials have been implemented to
rent research on symptom management in evaluate this symptom in children with
individuals with cancer, the National Insti- cancer.
tutes of Health recently held a State of the As survival for childhood cancer continues
Science Conference on Symptom Manage- to improve, nursing investigations are focus-
ment in Cancer: Pain, Depression, and Fa- ing on survivorship issues and quality of life
tigue (NIH, 2002). The review of existing following the diagnosis and treatment of can-
research revealed that efforts to manage cer. Nursing studies have documented the ad-
symptoms of cancer and its treatments have verse effects of central nervous system (CNS)
not kept pace with new advances in the causes treatment on cognitive, academic, and psy-
and cures for cancer. Three landmark studies chosocial functioning. Interventions designed
to minimize the adverse effects of central ner-
have addressed distressing cancer events and
vous system therapy are now being con-
symptoms from the specific perspective of the
child and their families (Hedstrom, Haglund,
Docherty (2003) recently completed a re-
Skolin, & von Essen, 2003; Woodgate & Deg-
view of the published literature on symptom
ner, 2003; Collins et al., 2000). Hedstrom et
experiences of children and adolescents with
al. discovered that the most common causes
cancer. This review revealed no longitudinal
of distress in a group of 121 children with
symptom management study designs, limited
cancer were treatment-related pain, nausea, use of conceptual models or theories, fre-
and fatigue. Collins et al. described the most quent adaptation of adult instruments as
common physical symptoms (prevalence > symptom measures, and no attention to the
35%) in a group of 160 children with cancer impact of these symptoms on the childrens
as lack of energy, pain, drowsiness, nausea, lives.
cough, and lack of appetite. Woodgate and It is evident from the recent childhood can-
Degner evaluated expectations and beliefs cer pain literature that there is still much to
about childhood cancer symptoms in a group be gained from continued research. The im-
of 39 children and their family members and portance of striving for symptom relief in
found that these individuals expected to expe- children cannot be over emphasized. Recog-
rience suffering as part of the cancer treat- nition and acknowledgment of the beliefs and
ment. The families felt unrelieved or uncon- expectations of children and their parents re-
trolled symptoms were necessary for cure. garding cancer-related symptoms (Wood-
Nurse researchers have evaluated pain man- gate & Degner, 2003) should continue to be
agement issues, complications of central ve- a major research focus. Limited research is
nous access, blood product infusion methods, found regarding assessment of pain in chil-
and chest tube care. dren with cancer. Longitudinal studies evalu-

ating the trajectory of pain over time are not evolved from a peer-support organization to
found. The effective use of pain management what is now a formidable advocacy group
teams in hospital settings and their relation- setting public policy priorities on behalf of
ship with cancer center staff need further de- people with cancer. Moreover, as a result of
velopment and evaluation. Continued explo- the efforts of the NCCS as well as other grass-
ration of the most effective drug regimens roots organizations, in 1996 the NCI created
and methods of delivery should be pursued the Office of Cancer Survivorship (OCS) in
for children experiencing all types of cancer recognition of the large number of individuals
pain. Finally, utilization of research findings now surviving cancer and their unique and
in the clinical setting is lacking. More innova- unstudied needs. Since its inception the OCS
tive, creative methods for dissemination of has funded initiatives geared towards the
our knowledge of cancer pain and its manage- stimulation of research on long-term cancer
ment must be explored. survivorship. Thus, although the concept of
cancer survivorship is relatively young, these
MARILYN HOCKENBERRY novel efforts have provided important struc-
ture for a small but rapidly increasing field
of cancer survivorship research.
Cancer Survivorship In his annual report to the nation, Dr. An-
drew von Eschenbach of the National Cancer
As we move forward in the new millennium Institute identified areas of focus for survivor-
more people are living with cancer than dying ship research. They included long-term fol-
from it (National Cancer Institute [NCI], low-up of childhood cancer survivors and is-
2003). Indeed barring death by other causes, sues faced by cancer survivors from un-
63% of adults treated for cancer are alive 5 derserved populations (NCI, 2003). These ar-
years after diagnosis, accounting for 10 mil- eas are uniquely relevant to nursing practice
lion cancer survivors (NCI). For most people and therefore represent important areas for
this means that cancer has gone from a death future research as the number of cancer survi-
sentence to a chronic disease. This success vors increases in the coming decades. Find-
has resulted from continued advances made ings of studies related to these foci will be dis-
both in the laboratory and at the bedside. cussed.
The word survivor is derived from the Cancer survivorship research originated
Middle French survivre, to outlive, and from from studies conducted with adolescent and
the Latin supervivere, to live more (Merriam- adult survivors of pediatric cancers culminat-
Webster Online, 2004). Thus, cancer survi- ing from 3 decades of successful treatment
vorship is the period of time after the diagno- for pediatric cancers. Recent statistics indi-
sis and treatment of cancer through the re- cate that 1 in 1,000 20-year-olds is a child-
mainder of life (NCI, 2003). It encompasses hood cancer survivor (Meadows, Krejmas, &
the physical, psychosocial, and economic se- Belasco, 1980). Ironically, the same treat-
quelae of cancer diagnosis and its treatment ment that produced successful response rates
and issues related to health care delivery, ac- can also cause long-term adverse effects
cess, and follow-up care among both pediat- (Smith, M., & Hare, 2004). For many pediat-
ric and adult survivors of cancer (NCI). ric cancer survivors, survivorship is marked
The current focus on cancer survivorship by the occurrence of treatment-related late
is in large part a result of the visionary efforts effects, i.e., side effects that do not resolve or
of the National Coalition for Cancer Survi- that arise after completion of therapy, and
vorship (NCCS). Founded in 1986, it was may result in physical, social, and emotional
established to refocus attention from people consequences. Such effects include a plethora
victimized by cancer to people living with and of physical, intellectual, pubertal, and repro-
surviving cancer (NCCS, 2003). The NCCS ductive manifestations, as well as the poten-
Cancer Survivorship 47

tial for secondary cancers (Swartz, 1999). auro, & Feuer, 2001). As increasing numbers
These effects represent a lifelong risk that of people from underserved populations are
often negatively influence quality of life and diagnosed and treated for cancer, significant
may be linked to the practice of high-risk differences have been reported with respect
lifestyle behaviors, including smoking and to patterns of cancer-specific survival and rel-
consumption of alcohol, practices that are ative risks of cancer death (Surveillance Epi-
further complicated in this population be- demiology and End Results [SEER], 2004),
cause of their genetic predisposition and pre- as well as other issues such as access to care
vious exposure to cytotoxic agents (Lar- (Shavers & Brown, 2002), cost of treatment
combe, Mott, & Hunt, 2002; Swartz). (Brandeis, Pashos, Henning, & Litwin,
An important vehicle for addressing some 2001), access to educational and emotional
of these and other childhood cancer survivor support services (Wilson, Andersen, &
concerns is the Childhood Cancer Survivor Meischke, 2000), and meaning of cancer
Study (CCCS). Funded by the National Can- (Phillips, Cohen, & Moses, 1999). These dif-
cer Institute, the CCCS is a collaborative, ferences have implications for the adaptation
multi-institutional, longitudinal survey of to and survival of cancer. Moreover, these
over 14,500 5-year childhood cancer survi- factors may be complicated by poorer overall
vors initially diagnosed between 1970 and health status as a result of comorbidities or
1986. Survivors who participated in the study lifestyle.
completed baseline and follow-up question- In a review of the current state of knowl-
naires including items related to organ system edge of cancer survivorship among ethnic mi-
functioning, health habits, psychosocial norities and medically underserved groups,
health, fertility, and second malignancies. Aziz and Rowland (2002) found that research
Highlights of four studies reporting initial related to the impact of ethnic and minority
findings were: (a) a statistically significant groups on issues of survivorship is largely
excess of secondary malignancies, the most related to epidemiologic analysis of cancer
common being breast cancer, thyroid cancer, risk and survival. Thus, research related to
meningioma, sarcoma, and bone cancer issues of the underserved and cancer survivor-
(Neglia et al., 2001); (b) reduced general ship is needed. Some of their findings in-
physical and mental health, and activity and cluded the following: (a) a majority of studies
functional limitations when compared with of late effects of treatment of secondary can-
siblings (Hudson et al., 2003); (c) increased cers were conducted on Caucasian survivors
use of special education services when com- of cancer; (b) while there is a growing body
pared with siblings (23% vs. 8%) (Mitby et of literature on sociocultural and behavioral
al., 2003); and (d) increased reports of de- determinants of cancer decision making, few
pressive and somatic distress when compared studies explored interventions in underserved
with siblings (Zebrack et al., 2002). These populations and; (c) culturally relevant mea-
important findings provide insight into a vari- sures that capture concerns of cancer survi-
ety of concerns relevant to childhood cancer vors were largely absent.
survivors. As a result of this work, the CCCS The number of people with cancer is ex-
has laid the groundwork for further examina- pected to reach 2.6 million by the year 2050.
tion into other issues that will provide addi- Thus, there is a growing emphasis on con-
tionally important contributions to child- ducting research that improves the under-
hood cancer survivors. standing of cancer survivors. Needed are in-
Cancer survivors from underserved popu- tervention studies that develop or test strate-
lations may include the elderly, those with gies to promote optimal health status in survi-
low income and educational levels, survivors vors of cancer, information on survivors of
from ethnic and cultural minorities, and those cancer who have previously been understud-
who live in remote areas (Rowland, Aziz, Tes- ied, and research on the impact of cancer

on the family (Rowland et al., 2001). Nurse new. They grew out of the private sector
researchers have the potential to make a sig- when prepaid plans were implemented in
nificant contribution to improving the lives health maintenance organizations (HMOs).
of people who live with cancer. Implemented in the 1970s, HMO providers
first shared the risk of financing health care
LORRIE L. POWEL for an enrolled population. Providers (pri-
marily physicians) were offered the choice of
collecting a fee for service from the patient
Capitation or having the HMO pay the physician directly
out of a prepaid per capita payment (capi-
Capitation, a form of payment for health ser- tation) for health services. Any excess revenue
vices, is usually associated with managed generated above expenses could be shared by
care. This form of payment is a change from providers, and enrollees (members) were also
fee-for-service payments as a method of com- able to save health insurance premiums by
pensation to capitation for services and to reducing unnecessary hospital admissions
negotiation of reduced payments to health- and lengths of stays. Many forms of managed
care providers (Schramm, 1996). Kongsvedt care organizations besides HMOs exist, but
(1995) defined capitation specifically as pre- the challenge for all these provider organiza-
payment for services on a per member per tions is to remove inefficiencies and reduce
month (PMPM) basis (p. 76). Capitation costs from the current fee-for-service systems
can also be defined as a fixed payment per and through capitation to improve the quality
health plan enrollee being paid to a provider and coordination of care across the con-
for a defined set of services for a prescribed tinuum.
period of time (Knowlton, 1996). Under capi- In many cases, one capitated payment is
tation, providers or provider organizations in place that covers care across the contin-
receive the same amount of dollars every uum. In other situations, a blended capitation
month (PMPM rate) for each enrolled mem- rate such as $x PMPM may exist for primary
ber regardless of how expensive the services care services, with an additional capitated
are or whether the member actually received pool of #xx for referral services, and $xxx
services. Capitation payments are usually cal- for inpatient or institutional care. Capitation
culated on the capitation equivalent of aver- affects nurses in all care settings across the
age fee-for-service revenues of the provider continuum, from the staff nurse in acute care
or provider organization (based on actual or to the home health nurse to the primary care
existing data for the population of interest) nurse practitioner. Awareness of the value of
and vary according to the age and gender prevention, health promotion, and coordina-
of the enrolled members. In some cases, the tion of care in order to reduce unplanned
capitation rate is also based on risk, or on visits and unexpected admissions is key to
expected high utilization of service based on success in a capitated managed care system.
risk, or on specific conditions such as use New nursing roles of case management and
of illegal drugs, selected chronic illness, and primary care provider in community-based
so forth. settings offer opportunities created by man-
Although health care reform as a legisla- aged care and challenges to manage care
tive agenda is no longer relevant, market- within specific limited resources.
driven reform is rapidly changing the struc- Research related to capitation in the con-
ture and terminology of health care delivery text of managed care is health systems re-
to managed care. Managed care has grown search, health services research, or evaluation
out of the need to control escalating health research. Holzemer and Reilly (1994) used
care costs and has become accepted as an the term variations research as an important
inevitable way for health care to be delivered. strategy designed to improve the quality of
Managed health care organizations are not care while controlling costs. They proposed
Cardiovascular Disease 49

an outcomes model (based on the work of researchers who study the impact or effective-
Donabedian) that allowed for measurement ness of capitation in the context of man-
of variability related to client or population aged care.
(age, gender, risk, etc.), variability of provid- Finally, an important issue is educating
ers (such as advanced practice nurses vs. phy- practicing nurses, current nurse researchers,
sicians), variability of interventions or pro- and future students in the risk, cost, and qual-
cess of care, and variability in outcomes of ity issues related to capitation in managed
care (which may include quality indicators, care. The rapid increase in managed care or-
costs, cost savings, and patient/provider satis- ganizations and systems has introduced new
faction). terms and concepts into medical and nurs-
Research related to capitation may involve ing language.
assessment of risk for population-based care More current literature suggests that pro-
and determining the appropriate capitation viders are turning to fee-for-service charges
based on variability within different popula- to make up revenue lost under capitation
tions. Community health assessment per- (Dalzell, 2002). Nonetheless, even though
formed by community health nurses may be health care on a fixed, per-capita budget has
used for these types of assessments. Research lost favor of late, many trends are cyclical
related to capitation may involve study of just as this trend may be (Dalzell, 2002).
the different uses and types of providers or
processes of care needed to achieve required PATRICIA HINTON WALKER
outcomes at a particular price (capitation rate UPDATED BY KAREN L. ELBERSON
PMPM). Finally, the research may focus on
the cost savings of a particular intervention,
for example, transitional models of care be- Cardiovascular Disease
tween hospital and home or the use of case
management models to reduce inappropriate Cardiovascular diseases (CVD), which in-
utilization of care. clude stroke, hypertension (HTN), arrhyth-
The unit of analysis in research related to mias, coronary heart disease (CHD), and
capitation is of paramount importance. heart failure (HF) are major contributors to
Nurse researchers may study the client and mortality and morbidity. Although the most
client characteristics, the provider or provider prevalent form of CVD is HTN, the majority
system, specific interventions, or outcomes. of CVD deaths are attributed to CHD. The
Outcomes research is of great interest to man- prevalence and incidence of CHD increase
aged care companies that are implementing dramatically with age and CHD is the leading
capitation models. These companies desire cause of death in the elderly, with 84% of
quality outcomes (functional and clinically all CHD deaths in those 65 years of age or
relevant changes) in the client and client satis- older (American Heart Association [AHA],
faction with the care, and they want them in 2001). Angina, sudden death and myocardial
a cost-effective manner. Variations research infarction (MI) are the major manifestations
is an attempt to control confounding vari- of CHD. Twenty-five percent of men and
ables such as risk, severity of illness, and cli- 38% of women will die within 1 year of their
ent characteristics that influence outcomes of MI (AHA). Although HF may result from
care. Risk adjustment of outcomes is complex valvular dysfunction and other conditions,
but must be addressed in variations research. the majority of cases of HF are attributable
Use of information systems to obtain data to CHD with approximately 22% of men and
related to costs and other outcomes from or- 46% of women disabled by heart failure post-
ganizational databases must be addressed. MI (AHA). Despite the importance of CHD,
The issue of decisions related to data substitu- prevention and management of CHD are only
tion and use of proxies to handle missing beginning to be studied in the elderly popula-
data is a relevant issue for health systems tion. The Second World Assembly on Aging

in 2002 addressed the international issue of of aggressive hypertension treatment in re-

supporting patients in both primary and sec- ducing risk of CHD (Puddey, 2000). Identifi-
ondary prevention of CHD and HF that are cation and evaluation of the efficacy of other
so prevalent in the geriatric population. Al- preventive interventions, therefore, need to
though control of hypertension and dyslipi- be documented, as well as individual charac-
demia have been shown to reduce CVD mor- teristics that contribute to better risk factor
tality and morbidity in both middle-aged and control. Nursing also has an important role
elderly individuals, the efficacy of other mea- in studying methods and adequacy of dissem-
sures such as lowering homocysteine and fi- ination of guidelines for primary prevention
brinogen levels, quitting smoking, exercising of CHD established by the AHA, not only
or weight reduction are not yet established to the public, but to health care providers
in the elderly. Nevertheless, such measures (Williams et al., 2002). Levels of physical ac-
appear to be warranted (Kannel, 1997; Glad- tivity and control of lipids, HTN, obesity,
dish & Rajkumar, 2001). Much of our cur- and smoking need to be determined, along
rent knowledge, however, is still based on with side effects of these interventions. Man-
studies conducted with non-elderly individ- agement of diet and exercise may pose special
uals. challenges; medications to treat hypertension
CHD and subsequent MI are potentially and lipid abnormalities may not be well-toler-
preventable conditions. The recent publica- ated and the potential for side effects and
tion of the standards of care for both dyslipi- drug interactions is increased in the setting
demia (Adult Treatment Panel III [ATP III] of polypharmacy. Finally, consideration of
Guidelines, 2001) and hypertension (Cho- psychosocial factors is warranted. Psychoso-
banian et al., 2003) do not make guidelines cial influences, which may contribute to con-
specific to different adult age groups. Older trol cardiac risk factors, and quality of life,
and younger adults are classified by their risk which may be affected by control of cardiac
factors, with increasing age yielding a higher risk factors, however, have not been widely
risk score in the Framingham Risk Profile. studied in the elderly population.
Research aimed at prevention must address Advanced age is known to be associated
the importance of established risk factors in with an increased risk of in-hospital death
the elderly, as well as identifying new risk following MI, and a beginning understanding
factors specific to the elderly population. of prognostic factors for short-term mortality
Age-related differences exist between is available (Normand et al., 1997; Chyun et
younger and elderly individuals regarding al., 2002). Efficacy of monitoring for compli-
cardiac risk factors, and the role of conven- cations, and methods to prepare individuals
tional cardiac risk factors remains controver- and their caregivers for discharge, within a
sial. In addition, diabetes mellitus is a preva- shortened hospital stay, however, need to be
lent problem, and is considered a CHD equiv- studied. Awareness of prognostic factors can
alent (ATP III). Diabetes is also associated assist in identifying patients at risk of short-
with an increased risk of recurrent MI, HF, term mortality so that interventional nursing
and death following MI. Knowledge of diabe- care can be targeted, delivered to, and as-
tes management in relation to the of develop- sessed in high-risk individuals. Many individ-
ment of CHD and MI, as well as to long- uals who are eligible for aspirin or beta-
term outcomes, however, is limited. blocker therapy following MI do not receive
Secondly, although information regarding these medications upon discharge. Discrep-
patient management of cardiac risk factors is ancies between other medications known to
limited, recent trials of lipid-lowering agents have a survival benefitACE inhibitors, lipid
have demonstrated a beneficial effect on mor- lowering agentsmay also exist and need to
bidity and mortality (Mostaghel & Waters, be documented, along with reasons for any
2003). Large multicenter hypertension trials discrepancy. Although coronary revasculari-
have also begun to demonstrate the efficacy zation proceduresangioplasty or bypass
Cardiovascular Disease 51

surgeryare being used more frequently, been shown to predict subsequent functional
nursing research is also needed to document dependence (Gill, Williams, Mendes de
post-discharge complications and long-term Leon, & Tinettit, 1997). Subjects at risk of
management of underlying CHD. Hospital- functional decline may be identified early,
ization for acute MI or revascularization may prior to loss of function, so that interventions
provide the only opportunity to maximize may be targeted. Although physical perfor-
CHD management, as well as link the individ- mance and functional status may influence
ual to a cardiac rehabilitation program fol- participation in a cardiac rehabilitation pro-
lowing discharge. gram, both can be greatly improved through
Older age has consistently been associated exercise rehabilitation. Therefore, low levels
with poorer long-term outcomesdeath, re- at outset should not prohibit participation.
current MI, and CHFfollowing MI. Al- Cardiac rehabilitation, including exercise
though acute MI-related prognostic factors rehabilitation, has been shown to improve
are beginning to be identified (Chyun et al., exercise tolerance and assist in control of car-
2002), information on post-discharge factors diac risk factors; however, few studies are
that may have contributed to these outcomes, available that address these issues in the el-
as well as to use of health care services, has derly (Lavie & Milani, 1995; Pasquali, Alex-
not been documented. It is unknown how ander, & Peterson, 2001). Although physical
patients manage their cardiac condition, con- activity is central to management of CHD,
trol specific cardiac risk factors, or if they and it is recommended that men and women
participate in cardiac rehabilitation. Nor is it should be strongly encouraged to participate
known what factors contribute to or prevent in exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation and
successful CHD management in the elderly. that special efforts be made to overcome ob-
Angina and psychosocial factors may con- stacles to entry and participation, the elderly,
tribute to long-term management of CHD particularly elderly women, are referred to
and adverse outcomes, yet only limited infor- and enroll less frequently than younger indi-
mation is available on these possible influ- viduals (Lavie & Milani, 1995). Despite im-
ences (Stuart-Shor et al., 2003). These data provements in functional status, anxiety, de-
are crucial prior to much-needed interven- pression, mobility, health care resource con-
tional studies aimed at decreasing the sub- sumption, and mortality with exercise, the
stantial mortality and morbidity associated majority of older adults report having no reg-
with CHD and MI. Potential psychosocial ular exercise and most report not having
factors that may contribute to poorer long- walked a mile in the past year. The reasons
term outcomes, therefore, need to be identi- that individuals do not enroll in cardiac reha-
fied. Educational strategies directed specifi- bilitation have not been well defined, but
cally to the needs of the elderly and their probably result from a combination of physi-
caregivers also need to be identified and cal, psychosocial, and economic factors. Bar-
tested. In addition, factors, such as the impact riers to participation, therefore, need to be
of functional status, which has been linked to explored and strategies for improving access
mortality require further study in the elderly and maintaining participation tested.
population with CHD. Prevalence of HF in the elderly MI popula-
Functional status has been shown to be an tion increases with increasing age, and fol-
important prognostic factor after MI, even lowing MI, older age has been shown to be
after adjustment for other prognostic factors, related to the development of HF despite nor-
yet it has not been widely studied, despite mal systolic function. Normal age-related
higher levels of functional disability in the changes in the elderly also appear to affect
elderly. Functional loss appears to be pro- diastolic, rather than systolic function. HF is
ceeded by a decline in physical performance, associated with decreased quality of life and
and early functional limitations or mild im- a decrease in functional capacity. While mul-
pairments that are not evident clinically have tidisciplinary teams, focusing on coordina-

tion of inpatient, outpatient and home care lipoprotein, typically constitutes 60%70%
have demonstrated positive outcomes in of serum TC and is the primary target of
terms of functional capacity, length of stay, cholesterol-lowering therapy. In 1988, based
readmission rates, self-care knowledge, pa- on available epidemiological and clinical
tient satisfaction, and quality of life (Rich et data, the National Cholesterol Education
al., 1995; Venner & Solitro-Seelbinder, 1996; Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel
Naylor et al., 1994; Stanley & Prasun, 2002; (ATP) issued the first guidelines for identi-
Grady et al., 2000), and prognostic factors fying and managing hypercholesterolemia in
for readmission have been identified, HF re- adults. Throughout the past 16 years, results
mains the leading cause of hospitalization in of numerous randomized controlled trials
the elderly. Additional interventional studies confirmed that lowering LDL-C was im-
are needed on management of common prob- portant in primary and secondary prevention
lems in this populationmonitoring for dete- of CHD. The most recent revision of these
rioration in clinical status, medication, di- guidelines (Executive Summary of the Third
etary and fluid adjustment, social support, Report of the National Cholesterol Educa-
and noncomplianceas well as in innovative tion Program, 2001), referred to as ATP III,
strategies, such as use of structured exercise continues to focus on LDL-C as the primary
programs, in HF management. In addition, target of risk reduction therapy, considers
with the recent publication of new guidelines other lipid and nonlipid risk factors, and em-
for HF, a new staging system expands the phasizes therapeutic lifestyle change (TLC)
continuum of care to encompass prevention and pharmacological therapies for reducing
and includes screening and treatment targets individual risk and the public health burden
for people at high risk for developing heart of CHD. With continued emphasis on identi-
failure (Hunt et al., 2001). As HF will con- fication of individuals at risk and more atten-
tinue to be an important problem in the el- tion to adherence-enhancing strategies, ATP
derly population, nursing research should fo- III incorporates numerous roles for nurses
cus on evaluating nursing interventions that and nursing across health care settings where
reduce hospital admission and improve qual- lipid abnormalities are diagnosed and
ity of life. treated.
ATP III continues to define hypercholes-
JESSICA SHANK COVIELLO terolemia as TC 240 mg/dl (6.21 mmol/L)
DEBORAH A. CHYUN for individuals 20 years of age and older;
TC levels of 200239 mg/dl are considered
borderline high and < 200 mg/dl is considered
Cardiovascular Risk Factors: desirable. LDL-C levels are categorized as fol-
Cholesterol lows: very high ( 190 mg/dl), high (160189
mg/dl), borderline high (130159 mg/dl),
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a major above optimal (100129 mg/dl), and optimal
cause of morbidity and premature mortality (< 100 mg/dl). Results of very recent clinical
in men and women in the United States, the trials suggested that LDL-C lowering beyond
industrialized world, and many developing 100 mg/dl in secondary prevention (after an
countries. Atherosclerotic-CHD processes acute coronary event) was associated with
begin early in life and are influenced over time improved cardiovascular outcomes and
by the interaction of genetic and potentially raised questions regarding the currently es-
modifiable environmental factors including tablished cutpoints for LDL-C (Cannon et
health-related lifestyle behaviors. Hypercho- al., 2004; Nissen et al., 2004; Topol, 2004).
lesterolemia, elevated serum total cholesterol The National Cholesterol Education Pro-
(TC), is recognized as an independent risk gram (NCEP) has not revised the 1991 defini-
factor for CHD. Low-density lipoprotein tions and guidelines for management of hy-
cholesterol (LDL-C), the major atherogenic percholesterolemia in children and adoles-
Cardiovascular Risk Factors: Cholesterol 53

cents in the United States; however, the Amer- weight. Important components of the TLC
ican Heart Associations (AHA) recent diet are saturated fat (less than 7% of total
guidelines for primary prevention are consis- calories), polyunsaturated fat (up to 10% of
tent with NCEP definitions: acceptable TC total calories) and monounsaturated fat (up
(< 170 mg/dl [4.4 mmol/L]), borderline TC to 20% of total calories). Less than 200 mg/
(170199 mg/dl), elevated TC ( 200 mg/dl) day of dietary cholesterol, 5060% of total
(Kavey et al., 2003). Similar to adults, both calories from carbohydrates and approxi-
lipid and nonlipid risk factors are addressed, mately 15% of total calories from protein are
LDL-C levels are targeted as the basis for recommended. Other key components of the
treatment decisions, and TLC is the corner- TLC diet include viscous fiber, plant stanols/
stone of treatment. LDL-C levels 110 mg/ sterols, and soy protein. Considerable varia-
dl are considered acceptable for children and tion in response to dietary modification has
adolescents without comorbidities; LDL-C < been observed in males and females across
100 mg/dl is recommended for children and the life span. Variations in serum TC, for
adolescents with diabetes. ATP III recom- example (ranging from 3% to 14%) are at-
mends a fasting lipoprotein profile (TC, LDL- tributed to individual differences in biological
C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol mechanisms, baseline TC levels, nutrient
[HDL-C], and triglyceride) should be ob- composition of baseline diets, and adherence
tained once every 5 years in adults aged 20 over time to the prescribed dietary regimen.
years or older. A basic principle of prevention The first priority of pharmacological ther-
is emphasized throughout ATP III: the inten- apy is to achieve the appropriate LDL-C goal
sity of risk-reduction therapy should be ad- (as defined by the individuals category of
justed to an individuals absolute risk. risk). ATP III recommends the use of HMG-
The Framingham projections of 10-year CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) as first-line
absolute CHD risk (i.e., the percent probabil- therapeutic agents. In a meta-analysis of clini-
ity of having a CHD event in 10 years) are
cal trials, the average reduction in TC in over
used to identify and risk-stratify individuals.
30,000, middle-aged men followed for over
In addition to LDL-C, risk determinants in-
5 years was 20%, the average reduction in
clude: presence or absence of CHD and other
LDL-C was 28%, and the decline in triglycer-
clinical forms of atherosclerotic disease, ciga-
ide averaged 13% (LaRosa, He, & Vuppu-
rette smoking, hypertension (blood pressure
turi, 1999). Results of a very recent secondary
140/90 mm Hg or on antihypertensive med-
prevention trial suggested that early and con-
ication), low HDL-C (< 40 mg/dl), family
history of premature CHD, and age (men tinued lowering of LDL-C with an intensive
45 years, women 55 years). The category lipid-lowering (statin) regimen provides
of highest risk (10-year risk > 20%) includes greater protection against death or major car-
CHD and CHD risk equivalents (other clini- diovascular events than a standard regimen
cal forms of atherosclerotic disease, diabetes) (Cannon et al., 2004). Other pharmacologi-
has a goal of LDL-C defined as < 100 mg/dl. cal agents currently used in treatment of dys-
The intermediate risk category (10-year risk lipidemia in adults include bile-acid binding
20%) includes multiple (2+) risk factors resins, niacin, and fibrates. Decisions to initi-
and has goal LDL-C as 130 mg/dl; the lowest ate LDL-C lowering drug therapy, the type
risk category (10-year risk < 10%) includes and dosage of agent to be used, and the sched-
01 risk factors with LCL-C goal of 160 ule for monitoring individual response to
mg/dl. therapy are based on the individuals baseline
The cornerstone of treatment for hyper- risk status. Normally, the patients response
cholesterolemia and other lipid abnormalities is evaluated about 6 weeks after starting drug
is therapeutic lifestyle change (TLC) with em- therapy. Relatedly, TLC continues through-
phasis on dietary modification, increased out (and beyond) the duration of pharmaco-
physical activity and normalization of body therapy.

Consistent with recommendations of the and does not receive monetary compensation
33rd Bethesda Conference on preventive car- for the help. A more descriptive definition of
diology (Ockene, Hayman, Pasternak, a caregiver is a person who not only performs
Schron, & Dunbar-Jacob, 2002), ATP III common caregiver responsibilities (i.e., pro-
identifies and targets adherence-enhancing viding physical, social, spiritual, financial
interventions that consider the characteristics management, and technical care) but also ad-
of the individual patient, the provider, and vocates for the ill person within health care
systems of health care delivery. Case manage- systems and society as a whole. The caregiver
ment by nurses within the context of multidis- role is often anticipated in relationship to el-
ciplinary team approaches is considered an ders, yet rarely is there preparation for care-
integral component of increasing adherence giving to ones child or ones spouse.
to therapeutic regimens for hypercholesterol- Delineating the role of the caregiver re-
emia and other lipid abnormalities. veals potential problems they experience. Di-
Assessment and management of hypercho- rect patient care encompasses much more
lesterolemia and other lipid abnormalities is than physical care; it also necessitates learn-
an important component of both individual/ ing an extensive amount of information
high risk and population-based approaches about illness, symptoms, medications, tech-
to CVD risk reduction. Current evidence- nological treatments, and how to relate to
based guidelines, including ATP III and the health care professionals (Smith, 1995).
AHA primary prevention guidelines for chil- Caregivers also must be prepared for emer-
dren and youth, consider both lipid and non- gencies and be capable to respond. Usually
lipid risk factors, target LDL-C in algorithms the caregiver must also maintain their per-
for assessment and treatment considerations, sonal responsibilities, whether as breadwin-
and emphasize TLC as the cornerstone of ner, housekeeper, or both. The caregivers
treatment. Therapeutic regimens including relationship with the patient, the caregivers
pharmacotherapy and TLC are based on the age and life developmental stage, the patients
individuals risk status; treatment outcomes illness severity, and the suddenness and
are optimized with case management by amount of the change in the patients need for
nurses within the context of a multidiscipli- caregiving have been predictive of caregiver
nary team approach. Directions for future re- burnout in various illness populations such
search build on and extend current programs as cancer care with home chemotherapy, car-
of nursing and multidisciplinary research fo- diac rehabilitation, muscle deterioration, and
cused on innovative models for primary and dementia victims (Biegel, Sales, & Schultz,
secondary prevention of CVD across the life 1991).
span and with emphasis on both quality and The indirect familial caregiver tasks in-
cost as outcomes (Allen et al., 2002). In addi- clude designating others to assist with patient
tion, current recommendations emphasize care, exchanging information, and main-
family-based approaches to CVD risk reduc- taining decision making among appropriate
tion; however, minimal data exist regarding persons. Caregivers also have numerous ex-
strategies for effective implementation in clin- pectations for themselves and from others
ical practice. around them to perform various psychosocial
tasks such as coping with changes in role,
LAURA HAYMAN grieving the loss of the health and personality
of their loved one, releasing tension, resolving
uncertainty or guilt, and providing positive
Caregiver regard for those with whom they interact.
Because the caregiver by definition is laden
The term caregiver is defined as an individual with tasks and expectations, it is no wonder
who assists ill person(s), helps with a patients that the major area of research has been care-
physical care, typically lives with the patient, giver burden and negative outcomes on care-
Caregiver 55

givers physical, mental, and financial health. quality of life. Nursing interventions have
The majority of burden studies have been been found efficacious for caregiver problems
descriptive and correlational and have re- of depression, sleep deprivation, social isola-
sulted in identification of multiple factors rec- tion, and lack of access to evidence-based
ognized as being significant for burden: char- information, caregiving and complex tech-
acteristics of the care needed by the patient nology problem solving. These interventions
that are often measured as illness demands. include counseling, peer support, high-qual-
Numerous variables (e.g., demographic in- ity internet information, and contacts with
formation, developmental stage, social sup- experts. For example, there is a dearth of
port) that have been studied in relation to research on caregiving with lifelong technol-
caregiver experience are influential yet not ogy dependence that begins unexpectedly in
universally predictive of caregiver burden middle life (when teenagers and elder family
(Biegel et al., 1991). Research across disci- members also need assistance) and continues
plines identifies significant negative health on a trajectory of intermittent disease exacer-
outcomes of caregiving (reduced physical bations and slow, progressive decline (Col-
function, immune status, wound healing, lins, Stommel, Wang, & Given, 1994; Di-
greater fatigue, mortality, and cardiovascular Martini et al., 1998; Howard & Malone,
disease) (Beach, Schultz, Yee, & Jackson, 1996).
2000; Federal Interagency Forum on Aging, The most widely recommended clinical
2000; Given & Given, 1998; Schultz & yet unverified approach is to provide guide-
Beach, 1999; Silver & Wellman, 2002). The lines to manage specific caregiving problems
majority of caregivers experience depression, (Schultz, Lustig, Handler, & Martire, 2002).
social isolation, financial strain, sleep depri- A step-by-step approach is an essential care-
vation with daytime sleepiness, and ineffi- giving skill. Step-by-step guidelines on com-
cient use of family resources (Fitzgerald, puter algorithms can guide systematic think-
2003; Smith, 1996). These caregiver prob- ing and develop skills for solving stressful
lems directly influence patient outcomes, re- problems (Smith et al., 2003; Wilkinson &
sulting in complications and high health ser- Mynors-Wallis, 1994). The state of the sci-
vice use (Smith, Pace, et al., 2002). Smiths ence report on computer-based algorithms
(1994) research indicated caregivers motives that aid patients to make step-by-step deci-
for helping consistently explain variance in sions about treatment options concluded that
their depression, coping, and quality of life improved knowledge, attitudes, and lower
(Smith, Kleinbeck, Boyle, Kochinda, & Par- health services used resulted from patients
ker, 2002). use of algorithms (Agency for Health Care
Problem-solving ability is lauded as essen- Policy and Research [AHCPR], 1998). The
tial and caregivers ability to solve problems Cochrane review and randomized trial results
can avert patient problems (National Family concur, adding that patients with step-by-
Caregivers Association, 2002; Schultz, step decision aids had realistic treatment ex-
2000), yet only a handful of studies on prob- pectations, satisfaction with care, and low-
lem solving in caregiving were found and not ered anxiety (OConnor et al., 2002). The
all had positive outcomes (Roberts et al., more successful problem-solving algorithms
1995). Unique research on the positive as- included logical, easily-remembered steps,
pects of caregiving is being conducted by multi-perspective (psychological and physi-
Smith under the concept of caregiving effec- cal) information, long-term access, and
tiveness. Effective caregiving is defined as booster repetition, all tailored to a specific
family provision of technical, physical, and group with common problems (Shaw,
emotional care that results in optimal patient McTavish, Hawkins, Gustafson, & Pingree,
health and quality of life and minimal techno- 2000).
logical side effects (e.g., catheter infections) Research should continue on the cultur-
while maintaining the caregivers health and ally-related aspects of caregiving strategies

used in various ethnic groups (Picot, 1995). body of knowledge that can be referred to as
Another contemporary focus in caregiving re- caring science. While criticism has been levied
search should be the caregiving family, as against this body of literature for its lack of
research has clearly indicated that multiple conceptual clarity, there seems to be a grow-
members of families are involved in providing ing international consensus in nursing that
direct and indirect care, both to the patient knowledge about caring is key to understand-
and in support of the primary caregiver ing human health, healing, and quality of life.
(Smith CE, 1996). In addition to the care- One analysis (Morse, Bottoroff, et al., 1991)
giving family, the caregiving neighborhood elaborated five perspectives of caring in nurs-
or parish should be a focus of study. In some ing literature as: (a) a human trait or condi-
countries giving care is a way of life that tion of being human, (b) a moral imperative,
extends to friends, neighbors, and society. In (c) an affect, (d) an interpersonal interaction,
the Netherlands the term mantlezork is used and (e) a therapeutic intervention. In another
to define caregiving. This term is translated analysis of caring theory, Boykin and Schoen-
as the care cloak, protecting not only the hafer (1990) argue for a multidimensional
patient but also the caregiver. In the U.S., approach that poses ontological (meaning of
Share the Care, a program designed for the caring), anthropological (meaning of being a
care of people with cancer, is an example of caring person), and ontical (function and
mantlezork (Lakey, Singh, Warnock, El- ethic of caring) questions to fully understand
liott, & Rajotte, 1995). the concept. Watson (2001) defined caring
Historically, research on the topic of care- as an ontology, a way of being, or a quality
givers has come from the literature on aging of consciousness that potentiates healing. She
in which burden and supportive interventions also defined caring as an ethic or moral im-
have been studied. Interventions tested in- perative for relating with the other in which
clude teaching mastery of caregiving tasks, the humanity of the person is preserved.
social interventions such as support groups Swanson (1991) defined caring as a nurtur-
or telephone contacts, and direct clinical ser- ing way of relating to a valued other toward
vices such as counseling and respite care. Out- whom one feels a personal sense of commit-
comes of many of these intervention studies ment and responsibility (p. 165). She identi-
indicated that in the short term, the interven- fied five processes by which caring is enacted:
tions may reduce caregiver stress in a limited knowing, being with, doing for, enabling, and
way but the burden returns when the inter- maintaining belief.
ventions cease. Research with midlife caregiv- Three reviews of the research literature on
ers reveals the need for interventions on re- caring have been published. Swanson (1999)
source management (Smith, 1993b) and mo- summarized and categorized the research re-
tivation to help (Smith, 1994a). Further re- lated to caring in nursing science and Sher-
search is needed to test more interventions wood (1997) reported a meta-synthesis of the
and match the timing of the intervention with qualitative research on caring. Smith (2004)
the developmental life stage of the caregiver. reviewed the research related to Watsons
theory of human caring. Many different de-
CAROL E. SMITH signs and methods have been used to investi-
HELEN A. SCHAAG gate caring including descriptive qualitative
designs, surveys, phenomenology, and quasi-
experimental designs using standardized
Caring scales and physiological measurement.
Swanson (1999) reviewed 130 databased
Caring has been identified as a central con- articles, chapters, and books on caring pub-
cept in the discipline of nursing. In the past lished between 1980 and 1996. The studies
25 years theory and research on caring have were categorized into five levels: the capacity
grown steadily, contributing to a substantive for caring (characteristics of caring persons);
Caring 57

concerns and commitments (beliefs or values iors, but patients do. Patient vulnerability and
that underlie nursing caring); conditions the taken for granted nature of the instru-
(what affects, enhances or inhibits the occur- mental activities by nurses might explain the
rence of caring); caring actions (what caring differences. An expanding area of research
means to nurses and clients and what it looks is related to evaluating outcomes of caring.
like); and caring consequences (outcomes of Research is indicating that caring-based ac-
caring). In her summary of 30 qualitative tivities impact mood following miscarriage,
studies that described outcomes of caring and patient satisfaction, pain and symptom dis-
noncaring relationships Swanson found that tress in patients with cancer, well-being, and
outcomes of caring for the recipients of care even blood pressure.
were: emotional and spiritual well-being (dig- Watsons (2002) compendium of instru-
nity, self-control, personhood); enhanced ments to assess and measure caring is an im-
healing; and enhanced relationships. Conse- portant contribution toward the advance-
quences of noncaring were humiliation, fear, ment of research in the field. This text pro-
and feeling out of control, desperate, helpless, vides background on 21 instruments, cita-
alienated, and vulnerable. Nurses who care tions of work in which they were used, and
report a sense of personal and professional a copy of the tools. Some of these tools are:
satisfaction and fulfillment while noncaring (a) the Caring Assessment Report Evaluation
is related to outcomes of becoming hardened, Q-sort (CARE-Q) to measure perceptions of
oblivious, depressed, frightened, and worn nursing caring behavior, (b) the Caring Be-
down. havior Inventory (CBI) to measure that which
Sherwoods (1997) meta-synthesis of 16 is associated with the process of caring, (c)
qualitative studies revealed four patterns of the Caring Behavior Assessment Tool (CBA)
nurse caring: interaction, knowledge, inten- and the Caring Assessment Tool (CAT) to
tional response, and therapeutic outcomes. measure patient perceptions of nurse caring
Caring was defined within content, context, behaviors, (d) the Nyberg Caring Attribute
process, and therapeutic or healing outcomes. Scale (CAS) to measure caring attributes of
Two types of caring knowledge and skills nurses, and (e) the Caring Efficacy Scale
were identified as person-centered and tech- (CES) to measure the belief in ones ability
nical-physical. to express a caring orientation and develop
Smith (2004) reviewed 40 studies pub- caring relationships.
lished between 1988 and 2003 that focused The future of research in caring is promis-
specifically on Watsons theory of transper- ing. An international community of scholars
sonal caring. Four major categories of re- is actively building knowledge in caring sci-
search were identified: the nature of nurse ence. The International Association for Hu-
caring, nurse caring behaviors as perceived man Caring (IAHC) meets annually to dis-
by clients and nurses, human experiences and seminate the work of its members and the
caring needs, and evaluating outcomes of car- International Journal in Human Caring pub-
ing in nursing practice and education. The lishes research and scholarship that expands
highest number of studies were focused on caring science. Scholars are examining the
nurse caring behaviors as perceived by clients transtheoretical linkages between caring the-
or nurses. It is important to note that while ories and other nursing conceptual systems
patients rank behaviors such as knowledge (Watson & Smith, 2002). Important research
and technological competence as the most questions center on the relationship between
important nurse caring behaviors, nurses caring and healing outcomes, the qualities of
rank behaviors such as presence, honoring a caring consciousness, the ontological com-
dignity, and touch as most important. These petencies and types of nursing therapeutics
differences suggest that nurses do not con- that are caring-based, and the types of envi-
sider competence with medical and technical ronments and communities that facilitate car-
skills within the realm of nurse caring behav- ing. Nursing is the discipline that is studying

the relationship between caring relationships sence of a standard or universal definition.

and healing. Research needs to move beyond The literature contains multiple definitions
examining caring in nurse-patient relation- for CM, and each definition frequently de-
ships to caring in relationships with family, pends on the setting and model that is used,
friends, God, etc. and how these relationships the discipline that employs it, and the type
affect health and healing outcomes. It will be of personnel used to accomplish the functions
important to study both caregiver and recipi- (Cohen & Cesta, 1997); that is, those who
ent outcomes of caring theory-based models assume the role of the case manager.
of practice in different settings. Swanson There is no clear agreement in the litera-
(1999) offered several suggestions for future ture about the definition and component ac-
research related to caring: developing mea- tivities/elements of CM practice. There also
sures of caring capacity, examining the effects exists considerable confusion regarding what
of nurturing and experience on caring capac- constitutes CM, who is best to assume the
ity, identifying and measuring the competing case managers role, and which professional
variables that may confound the links be- discipline owns or should own the account-
tween caring actions and their outcomes, ability for the practice of CM. Some health-
moving from studying the individual as unit care professionals view CM as a patient care
of analysis to studying aggregates, and devel- delivery system; others see it as a process or
oping clinical trials to test the effectiveness an approach to better care delivery and out-
of caring-based therapeutics in promotion of comes. This difference in perception results
health and well-being. Different designs and in differences in the scope of CM practice. For
methods must be used to capture the emerg- example, when CM is viewed as a delivery
ing questions in the field. Multiple ways of system, its scope is wide and entails a contin-
knowing from empirics to aesthetics are re- uum of care focus that transcends beyond
quired to explore all dimensions of caring one care setting or an episode of illness. How-
phenomena. A model of research that inte- ever, as an approach to care or a process, it
grates these multiple perspectives and ways tends to be narrow, short-term, and focuses
of knowing may be the preferred epistemo- on one episode of illness/care, addresses the
logical model for studying caring (Quinn, main issue(s) at that point in time, and takes
Smith, Ritenbaugh, Swanson, & Watson, place in a specific care setting.
2003). There are multiple case management mod-
els in use today; however, all share similar
SALLY PHILLIPS aims: to improve health care delivery (access,
UPDATED BY MARLAINE C. SMITH continuity, and quality), eliminate fragmen-
tation and duplication of services, and con-
trol or reduce costs. Models include private
Case Management or independent case management, social case
management, primary care case manage-
Case management (CM) is a growing patient ment, nursing case management, advanced
care delivery structure that has been imple- practice case management, telephonic case
mented in almost all care settings including management, disability case management (in-
acute, subacute, ambulatory (emergency de- cluding rehabilitation and vocational coun-
partments and outpatient clinics), long-term, seling), chronic care, workers compensation,
health insurance organizations, community- and insurance case management (Cesta & Ta-
based centers, and palliative/hospice. Despite han, 2003). Regardless of the model, core
the fact that CM has been recognized as an functions identified are integration of care
effective and desirable approach to care deliv- across the continuum, consumer advocacy,
ery for the patient and the health care organi- coordination of services among providers,
zation, there continues to be little consensus and direct delivery of services to meet patient
as to what CM is, which resulted in the ab- needs efficiently and effectively attending to
Case Management 59

cost and the use of resources (Cohen & Cesta, However, more recently (especially since the
1997; Cesta & Tahan). mid-1980s), case management has become a
When attempting to define CM, one must dominant and desired approach to care and
examine the views of two professionally cred- cost savings in the context of market-driven
ible and leading groups in the delineation of health care reform. The federal government
the knowledge base for CM. These are the enhanced the use of case management during
American Nurses Association (ANA) and the the 1970s by way of funding certain commu-
Case Management Society of America nity-based demonstration projects. However,
(CMSA). The ANA defines CM as: the nurse case management model was first
introduced in 1985 as a relatively new out-
. . . A dynamic and systematic collaborative growth of primary nursing and as a strategy
approach to providing and coordinating to counteract the nursing shortage and meet
health care services to a defined population. the demands of the prospective payment sys-
It is a participative process to identify and tem. This case management model empha-
facilitate options and services for meeting sized early assessment and intervention, com-
individuals health needs, while decreasing
prehensive care planning, and service system
fragmentation and duplication of care and
referrals to specialty providers (Cohen &
enhancing quality, cost-effective outcomes
. . . (American Nurse Credentialing Center Cesta, 1997). In the early 1990s and due to
[ANCC], 1999, p. 3) the proliferation of managed care, nursing
case management models increasingly be-
The CMSA defines CM as: came interdisciplinary in structure; hence, the
case management model of today focuses on
. . . A collaborative process which assesses,
interprofessional collaboration, with the case
plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, manager assuming the role of the gatekeeper
and evaluates options and services to meet of health care delivery and services.
an individuals health needs through com- Case management and managed care are
munication and available resources to pro- two dominant concepts in discussion today
mote quality cost-effective outcomes . . . in relation to the challenges of managing pa-
(CMSA, 2002) tients and resources in a cost-conscious and
quality health care delivery system. Although
Case management as a concept and role managed care and case management are used
function is not new. It has been used by men- to achieve effective management of care, it is
tal health providers, public health nurses, and important to differentiate between these two
social services for about a century. The use terms. Managed care can be described as a
of CM in the U.S. goes back to the last quarter general system of care delivery that has re-
of the 19th century in the provision of care placed fee-for-service systems of care for im-
for the immigrants by the settlement houses proved management of resources, costs, qual-
(in 1860), and in coordinating public human ity, and effectiveness of health services. Case
services by the first Board of Charities in Mas- management, on the other hand, is a process
sachusetts (in 1863) (Tahan, 1998). Around of care that may be used as one strategy to
the turn of the 20th century, the use of CM control costs and inappropriate use of re-
became popular in the public health sector sources and services in a managed care sys-
and in community-based social work services tem. Nursing case management provides out-
in the form of case coordination. After comes-oriented care with attention to appro-
World War II and in the 1950s, CM branched priate hospital length of stay and access to
into the area of mental health especially to services, monitors use of patient care services
keep veterans out of the hospital (Tahan). based on type of client, integrates and coordi-
Major emphasis in the past was on the nates clinical services, fosters continuity of
recipient of care and the coordination of ser- care in the context of interdisciplinary and
vices to meet the needs of the patient or client. collaborative practice, and enhances patient

and provider satisfaction (Cohen & Cesta, cance and utility of these studies are compro-
1997; Cesta & Tahan, 2003). mised (Tahan, 2003).
The literature describing CM practice and Issues of cost, quality, access to care, and
its outcomes is focused on select areas associ- scope of services should be examined when
ated with the design, structure, roles, pro- evaluating CM delivery models, especially be-
cesses, implementation, and evaluation of cause of the claim that they are implemented
these CM models; however, the absence of to improve access to care, enhance quality,
theoretical underpinnings for these descrip- and control costs. The examination of these
tions is dominant. Nurse scholars have pur- variables is essential so that the implications
sued the conduct of CM evaluative research of CM for health policy decisions can be
to validate its value, aims, and outcomes, i.e., heightened. Very rarely a combination of
cost-effectiveness and quality care. Although these four variables is examined. The combi-
it is evident in the literature that research nation of variables most commonly used is
supports these goals and strengthens the ben- cost and quality or access and quality. This
efits of implementing CM strategies for the existing limitation may be attributed to the
provision of care, the ability to link these challenge of conducting a study that com-
outcomes to the CM system has not been as bines the four types of variables. Such studies
strong because of the lack of clear or stan- are also known to be complex, costly, time
dardized definitions for either CM or CM consuming, and require the coordination of
interventions or outcome measures/indica- a professional with specialized knowledge
tors. In addition, there seems to be a lack of base in CM practice and research methods.
clear theoretical frameworks that define the Other challenges are attributed to the confu-
relationships between the structure and pro- sion of identifying the classification of the
cesses of CM interventions and their effect variables studied, such as readmission rate,
on outcomes, or that integrate the different complication rate, and length of stay, which
are defined as both cost and quality variables
aspects of CM practice (Tahan, 2003).
depending on the researcher conducting the
The CM research literature shows that
evaluation. Such confusion results from the
CM models are rarely appropriately evalu-
lack of theoretical underpinnings of CM
ated, and in some instances the variables ex-
practice, con model frameworks, or standard
amined are loosely defined or measured. In
definitions of the variables examined (Ta-
most of the studies the research design, data
han, 2003).
collection, and sampling methods seem to be
Designing a study that evaluates the inter-
an afterthought. The dominant approach
connectedness and relationships of structure,
to CM evaluation is the examination of cost process(es), and outcomes of CM models is
and quality outcomes employing perfor- not an easy task. Research related to CM
mance improvement and outcomes-measure- can be approached by evaluation research,
ment study designs. The dominant research experimental or quasi-experimental designs,
studies are basically retrospective attempts at or qualitative methods. However, because of
validating the value of CM. Although in some the challenge of matching, randomizing, or
cases structure, process, and outcome vari- controlling for control and experimental
ables are examined, evaluating the interrela- groups, quasi-experimental research is fre-
tionships among the variables or how they quently used. CM research may focus on the
affect each other remains lacking. The major- processes of care (describing and differentiat-
ity of the published studies are primarily de- ing CM models of care delivery) or on the
scriptive in nature and tend to ignore examin- outcomes of care that frequently include out-
ing the effects of confounding variables (e.g., comes indicators such as quality and cost
denials and appeals management, interdepen- measures. Examples may include decreased
dence among multiple professionals includ- length of stay, reduced hospitalization or re-
ing the physicians) that may have influenced hospitalization rates, nonroutine visits to
the results obtained. Therefore, the signifi- providers and emergency departments, and
Case Study as a Method of Research 61

consumer satisfaction. However, outcome Case Study as a Method of

studies must not dominate the research with- Research
out attention to the specific structure (context
of care delivery) and processes (tasks, activi-
There are many references to case study in
ties, and behaviors) of care that may influence
the literature, but there is little agreement
evaluation studies of CM practice.
Data collection may be facilitated through about what a case study actually is. Case
the use of patient questionnaires, self-report study is described by some as a research
instruments completed by those providing method (Yin, R., 1989), a data collection
CM services, or large data sets from health method, and a reporting method (Lincoln &
care provider agencies or payers. Issues and Guba, 1985). Others argue that case study
considerations related to CM roles and func- is not a methodologic choice, but a choice of
tions must be addressed. Two of the most object to be studied . . . case study is defined
significant issues related to the implementa- by interest in individual cases, not by methods
tion of CM roles and research related to CM of inquiry (Stake, 1994, p. 236).
are educational preparation and ethical com- Thirty years ago case study was a popular
petence of the case manager. Because this design for nursing research. Today it is used
practice arena continues to be changing rap- less frequently in nursing because of the de-
idly, it has been difficult for educators to velopment of more sophisticated methods of
clearly define core competencies of the case research. Disciplines such as nursing, medi-
manager and to be clear about the necessary cine, psychology, sociology, anthropology,
level of educational preparation. Also, the ethics, and history frequently use case study
various models of CM require attention to as a teaching method. Used as a research
the structure of care, whom the case manager method, case study can be quantitative; but
works for, and the primary purpose of the because of the narrative nature of the case
CM role. These issues impact the research study, it is often used as a qualitative method.
designs and questions, depending on setting, Case studies can be as simple as a single,
type of case manager, and population man- brief case or very complex, examining a large
aged by case managers. number of variables. It is also used for hy-
Another critical issue related to CM that pothesis testing and theory generation.
affects practice and research is that of ethics. Generally, case study is defined as an in-
Because many case managers face competing tensive systematic study of an entity or enti-
loyalties and priorities, the question of ensur- ties with definable boundaries, conducted
ing ethical competence becomes as important within the context of the situation and exam-
as clinical, intellectual, financial, and admin- ining in-depth data about the background,
istrative competence. Cohen and Cesta environmental characteristics, culture, and
(1997) identified six challenges to be ad- interactions (Bromley, 1986). Used as a re-
dressed in practice and research as the role search method, case study can be explor-
of case manager continues to evolve: (a) fidel- atory, descriptive, interpretive, experimental,
ity to the unique needs of individual patients,
or explanatory. The level of analysis also var-
(b) competing loyalties, (c) resolving role con-
ies from factual or interpretive to evaluative,
flicts, (d) owning responsibilities to un-
with the unit of analysis a single person, fam-
derserved populations, (e) identifying per-
ily, community, or institution.
sonal biases, and (f) balancing care for others
with appropriate self-care. Additional im- Case studies must be conducted within the
portant ethical issues are consumer advocacy, context of the individual or group of individ-
balancing access to care and services with uals because beliefs and values are an integral
cost-effectiveness, and ensuring that consum- element in defining and influencing the be-
ers rights and safety are protected. havior and experience of people. To deter-
mine if the conclusions of a case study can
PATRICIA HINTON WALKER be applied to other situations, the case-in-
UPDATED BY HUSSEIN A. TAHAN context must be delineated. Another charac-

teristic of case studies is that they are present- case designs also are useful to add depth to
oriented. Even though historical data about explanatory and descriptive studies.
the entity being studied is included in the Data for case study can be quantitative or
research, the study focus is on the present. qualitative and often include both in the same
One purpose of case study is to expand study. To improve the rigor of the study, three
the understanding of phenomena about principles of data collection are employed:
which little is known. The data then can be (a) multiple sources of data are used; (b) a
used to formulate hypotheses and plan larger case study base is developed using field notes,
studies. Other purposes of case study include audio- or videotapes, logs, documents, and
theory testing, description, and explanation. narratives; and (c) an audit trail is evident
For example, the intensive analysis involved whereby the reader can follow the research-
in case study is appropriate to answer ques- ers process from question to conclusion (Lin-
tions of explanation, such as why subjects coln & Guba, 1985).
think or behave in certain ways. The case Data analysis in case study is not well de-
study approach also can be used when a prob- veloped. Methods for analyzing qualitative
lem has been identified and a solution needs data include content analysis, analytic induc-
to be found. tion, constant comparison, and phenomeno-
The research process for case study design logical analysis. Unlike statistical analysis,
is similar to techniques used in other designs. there are few fixed formulas [for data analy-
First, the purpose and the research questions sis] . . . much depends on an investigators
are developed. Questions of what, how, and own style or rigorous thinking . . . and care-
why are appropriate for case study designs. ful consideration of alternative interpreta-
A theoretical framework may be used to tions (Yin, R., 1989, p. 105). Methods for
guide the case study. This helps identify as- analyzing quantitative data are similar to
sumptions that the researcher may have those in any quantitative study and would
about the phenomenon at the beginning of depend on the research questions.
the study. Case study reports are presented in a vari-
At the outset of the study the unit of analy- ety of ways, from formal written narratives to
sis must be clearly delineated. The unit of creative montages of photographs, videotape,
analysis can be an individual, family, organi- and arts and craft work. Most case study
zation, or event. Clearly identifying the unit reports in nursing, however, are formal writ-
of analysis has implications for data collec- ten narratives. The written product of case
tion and the study protocol. The protocol study is often artistic in its composition.
should list how subjects will be recruited, There are no rules or standardized ways to
what constitutes data (documents, letters, in- write a report, but most case studies include
terviews, field observation, etc.), what re- an explanation of the problem or issue and
sources will be needed, and a tentative time a detailed description of the context and pro-
line for data collection. The protocol may cesses surrounding the phenomenon under
need to be modified as the study progresses investigation. A discussion of the results is
and problems emerge. The protocol also iden- also included in the report, which can contain
tifies a plan for data analysis and reporting inferences about how these results fit with the
the data. existing literature and practice implications.
There are two basic designs in case study The standard measures of reliability and
research. The first is the single-case design, validity apply to case studies that are quanti-
which is used when a case represents a typical, tative. When a qualitative study meets the
extreme, critical, unique, or revelatory case. criteria for credibility, transferability, de-
Multiple-case designs draw inferences and in- pendability, and confirmability, it is consid-
terpretations from a group of cases. When ered to be trustworthy. Credibility of the in-
the purpose of the study is theory generation, terpretations is supported by techniques such
multiple-case design is appropriate. Multiple- as triangulation of data collection methods,
Causal Modeling 63

negative case analysis, and checking the inter- cal indicators that are analyzed with iterative
pretation with the participants themselves. programs such as LISREL or EQS. A common
Transferability (or fittingness) is an indica- misconception is that these models can be
tion of whether the findings or conclusions used to establish causality with nonexperi-
of the study fit in other contexts and fit with mental data; however, statistical techniques
the existing literature. When another person cannot overcome restrictions imposed by the
is able to follow the researchers audit trail studys design. Nonexperimental data pro-
or the process and procedures of the inquiry, vide weak evidence of causality regardless of
then the study is considered to be dependable. the analysis techniques applied.
Confirmability is achieved when the results, A causal model is composed of latent con-
conclusions, and recommendations are sup- cepts and the hypothesized relationships
ported in the data and the audit trail is evi- among those concepts. The researcher con-
dent. structs this model a priori based on theoreti-
Conducting case studies requires a re- cal or research evidence for the direction and
searcher who is flexible and comfortable with sign of the proposed effects. Although the
ambiguity. It is essential that the investigator model can be based on the observed correla-
be open to the idea that there is more than tions in the sample, this practice is not recom-
one truth. It is necessary for the researcher mended. Empirically derived models capital-
to be aware of his or her own assumptions, ize on sample variations and often contain
preconceived ideas and values, and of how paths that are not theoretically defensible;
these impact data collection and analysis. findings from empirically constructed models
Case studies are essential to nursing be- should not be interpreted without replication
cause they are an excellent way to study phe- in another sample.
nomena within the context in which they oc- Most causal models contain two or more
cur. Because nurses believe in the uniqueness stages; they have independent variables, one
of human beings, case study is a method to or more mediating variables, and the final
capture this uniqueness and afford a way to outcome variables. Because the mediating
gain knowledge about human interaction and variables act as both independent and depen-
behavior as it is situated within time and cul- dent variables, the terms exogenous and en-
ture. dogenous are used to describe the latent vari-
ables. Exogenous variables are those whose
DEBERA JANE THOMAS causes are not represented in the model; the
causes of the endogenous variables are repre-
sented in the model.
Causal Modeling Causal models contain two different struc-
tures. The measurement model includes the
Causal modeling refers to a class of theoreti- latent variables, their empirical indicators
cal and methodological techniques for exam- (observed variables), and associated error
ining cause-and-effect relationships, gener- variances. The measurement model is based
ally with nonexperimental data. Path analy- on the factor analysis model. A respondents
sis, structural equation modeling, covariance position on the latent variables is considered
structure modeling, and LISREL modeling to cause the observed responses on the empir-
have slightly different meanings but often are ical indicators, so arrows point from the la-
used interchangeably with the term causal tent variable to the empirical indicator. The
modeling. Path analysis usually refers to a part of the indicator that cannot be explained
model that contains observed variables rather by the latent variable is the error variance
than latent (unobserved) variables and is ana- generally due to measurement.
lyzed with multiple regression procedures. The structural model specifies the relation-
The other three terms generally refer to mod- ships among the latent concepts and is based
els with latent variables with multiple empiri- on the regression model. Each of the endoge-

nous variables has an associated explained Causal models can be analyzed with stan-
variance, similar to R2 in multiple regression. dard multiple regression procedures or struc-
The paths between latent variables represent tural equation analysis programs, such as
hypotheses about the relationship between LISREL or EQS (see Structural Equation
the variables. The multistage nature of causal Modeling). Multiple regression is appro-
models allows the researcher to divide the priate when each concept is measured with
total effects of one latent variable on another only one empirical indicator. Path coeffi-
into direct and indirect effects. Direct effects cients (standardized regression coefficients,
represent one latent variables influence on or s) are estimated by regressing each endog-
another that is not transmitted through a enous variable on the variables that are hy-
third latent variable. Indirect effects are the pothesized to have a direct effect on it. Fit of
effects of one latent variable that are trans- the model is calculated by comparing total
mitted through one or more mediating latent possible explained variance for the just identi-
variables. Each latent variable can have many fied model with the total explained variance
indirect effects but only one direct effect on of the proposed overidentified model (Pedha-
another latent variable. zur, 1982). Data requirements for path analy-
Causal models can be either recursive or sis are the same as those for multiple regres-
nonrecursive. Recursive models have arrows sion: (a) interval or near-interval data for the
that point in the same direction; there are no dependent measure; (b) interval, near-inter-
feedback loops or reciprocal causation paths. val, or dummy-, effect-, or orthogonally
Nonrecursive models contain one or more coded categorical data for the independent
feedback loops or reciprocal causation paths. measures; and (c) 5 to 10 cases per indepen-
Feedback loops can exist between latent con- dent variable. Assumptions of multiple re-
cepts or error terms. gression must be met.
An important issue for nonrecursive mod- In summary, causal modeling techniques
provide a way to more fully represent the
els is identification status. Identification sta-
complexities of the phenomenon, to test theo-
tus refers to the amount of information (vari-
retical models specifying causal flow, and to
ances and covariances) available, compared
separate the effects of one variable on another
to the number of parameters that are to be
into direct and indirect effects. Although
estimated. If the amount of information
causal modeling cannot be used to establish
equals the number of parameters to be esti-
causality, it provides information on the
mated, the model is just identified. If the
strength and direction of the hypothesized
amount of information exceeds the number effects. Thus, causal modeling enables inves-
of parameters to be estimated, the model is tigators to explore the process by which one
overidentified. In both cases, a unique so- variable might affect another and to identify
lution for the parameters can be found. With possible points for intervention.
the use of standard conventions, recursive
models are almost always overidentified. JOANNE M. YOUNGBLUT
When the amount of information is less than
the number of parameters to be estimated, the
model is underidentified or unidentified, Cerebral Ischemia
and a unique solution is not possible. Nonre-
cursive models are underidentified unless in- Cerebral ischemia is defined as inadequate
strumental latent variables (a latent variable blood flow to the brain to meet metabolic and
for each path that has a direct effect on one nutritive needs of the brain tissue (Edvinsson,
of the two latent variables in the reciprocal MacKenzie, & McCulloch, 1993). The sever-
causation relationship but only an indirect ity of ischemia depends on the severity and
effect on the other latent variable) can be duration of the reduction in cerebral blood
specified. flow (CBF) adversely affecting various func-
Cerebral Ischemia 65

tional and metabolic processes as CBF de- with a corresponding increase in lactic acid
creases (Heiss & Rosner, 1983). The brain production, metabolic derangement, and loss
stores no oxygen and little glucose, and is of ion and transmitter homeostasis. If this
thus dependent on a constant supply of oxy- process continues unchecked, there will be
gen and glucose from the blood. inadequate energy to maintain the sodium
Cerebral ischemia may be focal or global, potassium pump across the cell membrane
depending on whether a part of the brain or (Jones et al., 1981). Researchers have increas-
the entire brain is ischemic. Focal cerebral ingly detailed the process in an attempt to
ischemia occurs when a major cerebral artery identify and improve the brains tolerance to
becomes occluded or constricted from arte- recover from an ischemic challenge.
rial spasm, emboli, or thrombosis. Global Servetus, in the 16th century, first pre-
ischemia occurs from an overall decrease in sented the idea that blood flowed through
CBF, for example after cardiac arrest. Global the lungs; he was burned at the stake for his
oxygen deprivation of the brain may also oc- efforts. William Harvey (15781657) sup-
cur as a result of asphyxia, anemia, hypoxia, ported Servetus findings by describing the
or near drowning. Nurses are responsible for flow of blood through the body. Nearly 200
identifying individuals at risk for focal or years later, oxygen was discovered by Priest-
global cerebral ischemia. Nursing assessment ley, and Steele and Lavoisier made the con-
of early symptoms of cerebral ischemia can nection that oxygen contributed to the pro-
allow for intervention and minimize the prob- duction of heat or energy. Adolf Fick, in
ability of permanent damage. 1870, defined blood flow as the quantity of
Spielmeyer first described ischemic cell a substance, such as oxygen, that is taken up
change in 1922, (Spielmeyer, 1922), and by a specific organ over a unit of time (Fick,
Brierley presented the time course for neu- 1870; Obrist, 2001). The first measures of
ronal change during a low flow state and CBF involved direct and indirect observations
provided evidence of the threshold for cere- of intracranial vessels (Roy & Sherrington,
bral anoxic ischemia (Brierley, Brown, & 1890). It was not until 1945, when Kety and
Meldrum, 1971; Chiang, Kowada, Ames, Schmidt applied the Fick principle to diffus-
Wright, & Majno, 1968). He observed and ible gas, nitrous oxide, that one was able to
described in further detail the process of isch- estimate cerebral blood flow (Kety, 1950;
emic cell change (Brierley, 1973). With the Kety & Schmidt, 1948).
initial decrease in blood flow, oxygen, and/ Kety was the first person to measure global
or glucose to the brain, the contour of cells, CBF in humans using vascular transit time.
the nucleus, and nucleolus remain un- The technique was modified by Lassen and
changed. There is disruption of mitochondria Ingvar when Xe-133, a highly diffusible gas,
and an increase in the astrocyte processes sur- was injected into the internal carotid artery
rounding the neurons. As the ischemic pro- (Lassen & Ingvar, 1972). Multiple extracra-
cess continues, there is neuronal shrinkage, nial detectors traced the transit time of the
changes within organelles in the cytoplasm, radiation from the Xe-133 as it flowed
and the cell is further surrounded by through the brain, providing focal CBF mea-
astrocytic processes. As the nucleus continues sures. Diffusible tracers are now combined
to shrink and the cytoplasm becomes more with tomographic reconstruction such as
amorphous, incrustations begin to form. Fi- computed tomography, PET, or magnetic res-
nally, as the incrustations disappear and the onance imaging (MRI), to calculate vascular
cytoplasm becomes increasingly homoge- transit time. For example, stable xenon-en-
neous, astrocytes proliferate and lipid phago- hanced CT scanning measures CBF via con-
cytes form in preparation for removal of the ventional scanner interfaced with computer
now ghost cell. As the flow lowers and hardware and software and directs the deliv-
the mitochondria fail, energy sources change ery of xenon gas transit throughout brain
from an aerobic to an anaerobic pathway, regions. Serial CT scans are conducted during

the inhalation of a gas mixture containing that noninvasively detect, track changes in,
30% xenon, 30% to 60% oxygen, and room or treat cerebral ischemia.
air. The serial images are stored and regional The determination and prediction of cere-
flows are calculated. bral ischemia is only as good as the technique
CBF is also estimated from measurement used to detect low flow states. Absolute CBF
of cerebral blood volume. One way to esti- of the cerebral vessels combined with a
mate cerebral blood volume is using a gradi- marker of tissue response would provide the
ent-echo planar system on MR systems. The ultimate information in the evaluation of ce-
dynamic contrast-enhanced susceptibility- rebral ischemia. However, the perfect tech-
weighted perfusion imaging technique in- nique is not yet available.
volves giving a bolus of paramagnetic con- Future directions in cerebral ischemia in-
trast material (i.e., gadolinium). The contrast clude the development of noninvasive tech-
media is traced and the amount of signal at- niques to measure regional blood flow that
tenuation is proportional to the cerebral have increased sensitivity and resolution. As
blood volume. With a series of multi-slice techniques become increasingly more porta-
measurements, one may generate a time-den- ble and useable, there will be a translation
sity curve, and the area under the curve pro- from the radiology department to application
vides an index of relative blood volume by nurses in the community or at the bedside
(Grandin, 2003). Similar techniques are to assess, predict, and identify patients at risk
adapted to CT scanners with the capability for cerebral ischemia.
for rapid sequential scanning.
The threshold for irreversible brain dam- MARY E. KERR
age from cerebral ischemia is generally de-
fined as below 20 ml/100g of tissue/minute
(Jones et al., 1981; Yonas, Sekhar, John- Child Abuse and Neglect
son, & Gur, 1989). CBF below this level al-
Child abuse and neglect, often referred to by
ters the functioning of the mitochondria to
the broader term child maltreatment, are
produce energy. Studies show that the thresh-
recognized as major social and mental health
old for irreversible brain damage are volume
problems throughout the world (Bonner,
and time dependent. Global brain ischemia
Logue, Kaufman, & Niec, 2001). In the
that is sustained for longer than 4 to 5 min-
United States, child maltreatment has been
utes will result in permanent brain damage
identified as a national emergency and one
(Brierley, Meldrum, & Brown, 1973). The of our nations most compelling problems
majority of studies show that above 23 ml/ (U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser-
100g/minute, little impairment occurs; how- vices, 1998). All forms of child maltreatment
ever, below 20 ml/100g/minute symptoms of pose major threats to the integrity of families
neurologic impairment develop (Branston, and society at large and are known to be
Symon, Crockard, & Pasztor, 1974). Below associated with a variety of mental health
1820 ml/100g/minute evidence of dimin- concerns as well as criminal activity (Gelles &
ished electrical activity by evoked potentials Cornell, 1990; Hobbs, Hanks, & Wynne,
or electroencephalogram occurs (Sundt, 1999).
Sharbrough, Anderson, & Michenfelder, Child maltreatment can be differentiated
1974). Below 15 ml/100g/minute is consid- in terms of acts of commission (i.e., physical
ered to be a threshold for synaptic transmis- abuse, sexual abuse, and/or psychological
sion (Astrup, Siesjo, & Symon, 1981). In ad- maltreatment) and caregiver omission (i.e.,
dition, factors including temperature, drug abandonment, neglect) (Cowen, 1999).
administration, and individual variation con- Child abuse is legally defined as Any form
tribute to the complexity of defining this of cruelty to a childs physical, moral or men-
threshold. Recent work focuses on methods tal well-being (Nolan & Nolan-Haley,
Child Abuse and Neglect 67

1990, p. 239). Examples of child abuse in- ment than the severity of physical abuse (Gla-
clude overt physical abuse such as hitting, ser, 2002). Researchers are faced with the
grabbing, burning, and shaking as well as challenge of clearly defining each type of mal-
emotional abuse that may be more subtle and treatment so it can be studied separately,
difficult to detect. While reports of physical while also evaluating the potential influence
abuse still dominate the literature, there has of one type of maltreatment on another. For
been increasing interest in other acts of com- example, in longitudinal studies of physical
mission, particularly sexual abuse. However, abuse, mechanisms are needed to determine,
to focus on sexual abuse alone, as is the recent if possible, sequelae of physical abuse versus
trend, may be limiting as other important coexisting emotional abuse and neglect.
experiences commonly co-occur with sexual Other related questions include whether co-
abuse that need identification and interven- existence of two or more types of mal-
tion (Dong, Anda, Dube, Giles, & Felitti, treatment more adversely affect child progno-
2003). sis than a single type of maltreatment, and
Child emotional abuse and neglect are very whether current treatment modalities should
common but have traditionally been, and be modified to address maltreatment coexis-
continue to be, understudied, perhaps be- tence.
cause professionals have difficulty recogniz- Male victims and perpetrators are also un-
ing and defining these terms. Generally derrepresented in the literature, perhaps be-
speaking, child emotional abuse and neglect cause females are traditionally more likely to
refer to a caregiver-child relationship that is volunteer for research studies or because male
characterized by patterns of harmful but non- child abuse victims are less likely to report.
physical interactions with the child. Unlike Gender differences are found in many areas
other types of abuse that are performed in of psychology and child-related research. For
secret, this emotional maltreatment is often example, literature suggests that females are
publicly demonstrated (Glaser, 2002). Chil- more likely to be victims of child sexual
dren who frequently witness family violence abuse, whereas males are more likely to suffer
and abuse are also described as psychologi- more physical abuse (Behl, Conyngham, &
cally maltreated (Dong et al., 2003). Ne- May, 2003). The first step in addressing this
glect has been defined as the chronic failure concern and other gender issues is to obtain
of a parent or caretaker to provide children accurate gender-specific prevalence data.
under 18 with basic needs such as food, cloth- Then efforts can be directed toward de-
ing, shelter, medical care, educational oppor- termining if child and/or perpetrator gender
tunity, protection, and supervision (Bonner constitute risk factors and how those findings
et al., 2001, p. 1016). Currently efforts are might be incorporated into prevention pro-
underway to further define the concepts of grams and intervention development.
emotional abuse and neglect (Glaser, 2002) The relationship between the caregiver
so that important research questions related and child is nested within the family that
to the prevalence, risk factors, and long-term is, in turn, significantly influenced by each
effects of this type of maltreatment can be an- family members personal belief system and
swered. history as well as the social environment and
Different forms of child abuse and neglect culture. Yet, to date, the effect and interaction
frequently coexist. For example, Clauseen of these personal, social, and cultural influ-
and Crittenden (1991) found that 90% of ences have not been adequately studied. Fer-
children who had been physically abused and rari (2002) provided a useful model for study-
neglected had also been psychologically mal- ing the predictive effect of cultural factors on
treated. Another important factor worthy of parenting behaviors and definitions of mal-
further investigation is the finding that psy- treatment in three ethnic groups. Noting how
chological maltreatment was more strongly the commonly used term ethnicity is com-
predictive of impairment in child develop- plex and vague, the author defined three con-

cepts associated with ethnicity (maschismo, tioned to lead the way in advancing this im-
familism, valuing children) and defined them portant area of science.
for study. Measuring these components, the
author also examined the possibility of inter- JENNIFER ELDER
generational transmission of abuse among
cultures. This is another area warranting con-
tinued research. Child Delinquents
Child maltreatment is clearly a specific and
challenging area of inquiry that is in need of Child delinquents (juveniles between the ages
further research to develop and empirically of 7 and 12) constitute a population not usu-
validate effective diagnostic, treatment, and ally recognized as needing services to prevent
prevention programs for all forms of child them from becoming tomorrows serious, vi-
maltreatment. Since the publication of olent, and chronic juvenile offenders. The
Kempe, Silverman, Steele Droegenmuller, most violent behaviors demonstrated by de-
and Silvers seminal article over 4 decades linquent youth are homicide and sex offenses.
ago (1962), there have been promising trends Although the number of cases involving of-
in the development of relevant multidiscipli- fenses included in the FBIs Violent Crime
nary theoretical models and increased focus Index (criminal homicide, forcible rape, rob-
for child maltreatment research. However, bery, and aggravated assault) decreased by
several important knowledge gaps remain. 8% between 1997 and 1998 (FBI, 1999), for
These include the need for (a) more specificity children under the age of 12, child arrests
and differentiation regarding the type of mal- for violent crimes increased by 45%. Overall,
treatment that is studied and reported, (b) child delinquents arrested in 1997 were more
likely to be charged with a violent crime, a
more adequate conceptualization and re-
weapons offense, or a drug law violation than
search in the understudied areas of child emo-
a property offense (Snyder, 2001). A larger
tional abuse and neglect, (c) examination of
proportion of these young child delinquents,
the coexistence and interaction of different
as compared with later onset delinquents, be-
forms of maltreatment, (d) more information
come serious, violent, and chronic offenders
regarding both male victims and perpetra-
(Loeber, Farrington, & Petechuk, 2003).
tors, and (e) examination of cultural influ-
To treat youth who have committed some
ences upon child-rearing practices and defini- violent act, an understanding of violence in
tions of maltreatment. the lives of children is necessary. Violent be-
In addition to focusing on the previously havior has specific risk factors and more com-
discussed knowledge gaps, future research mon forms of violence that vary by gender,
must also address important methodological age and race/ethnicity. Risk factors for vio-
issues. These include developing and using lence include 2 or more hours of media vio-
more standardized measures for identifying lence daily, history of physical fighting, harsh
and differentiating forms of child mal- spanking as a form of discipline, carrying
treatment, measuring outcomes through re- weapons, exposure to domestic violence, his-
cidivism data, conducting longitudinal stud- tory of suicidal attempts, bullying, fear of
ies to evaluate the childrens health, academic attack at school, crime victimization, mal-
performance, and psychological adjustment, treatment, and sexual abuse (Brown & Bzos-
and developing culturally sensitive diagnostic tek, 2003).
and evaluative measures to ensure accurate For infants and young children, the pri-
representation and assessment of ethnically mary locus of violence is in the home. Health
diverse children and families. Nurses are edu- consequences of abuse include permanent
cationally, clinically, and ethically well posi- brain damage from shaken baby syndrome
Child Delinquents 69

and homicide. The perpetrators are almost are more likely to suffer significant injury
always a parent or other relative. The homi- from such violence (Hawkins et al., 2000).
cide rate for infants is higher than for any age A public health strategy used for public
group up to age 17 (Gells, 2002). Surviving health risks should be applied to preventing
toddlers exposed to domestic violence experi- serious and violent juvenile delinquency, with
ence depression and psychological distress a focus on targeting early risk factors associ-
and are more likely than other children to be ated with persistent disruptive child behavior.
physically violent (Gells, 2003). Media vio- Because it is not possible to accurately predict
lence and violence in the schools, which in- which children will progress from serious
cludes bullying and physical fighting, are problem behaviors to delinquency (Loeber,
more common sources of violence in middle Farrington, & Petechuk, 2003), it is better to
childhood. Data indicate that chances of be- address problem behaviors before they be-
ing bullied in school are higher for 6th graders come more serious. Interventions delivered
than for any other group up to grade 12 early are most effective to prevent child delin-
(DeVoe et al., 2002). For teens, homicide and quency, whether these interventions focus on
suicide increase rapidly and the risk of being the individual child, the home and family, or
a victim of sexual assault, aggravated assault, the school and community.
and robbery also increases (Minino, Arias, The most promising prevention programs
Kochanek, Murphy, & Smith, 2002). for child delinquency focus on several risk
Differences in violence experiences by race domains at a time (Herrenkohl, Hawkins,
and ethnicity and by type of violence also Chung, Hill, & Battin-Pearson, 2001) in an
exist. These factors reflect social factors re- effort to shift the balance toward a greater
lated to family structure, income, education number of protective domains. To achieve
this effect, multisystemic programs designed
level, and neighborhood characteristics.
to target the child, family, school, peers, and
Black infants are four times as likely to be
the community have proven most effective.
murdered than Hispanic or white infants
These include parent training and family ther-
(Overpeck, Brenner, Trumble, Trifiletti, &
apy in combination with classroom and be-
Berendes, 1998). Black teens are twice as
havior management programs.
likely to be murdered as Hispanic teens and
The first step toward obtaining effective
about 12 times as likely to be murdered as
treatment is to provide families with access
white teens (Anderson, 2002). Black youth to mental health and other services. The delay
are more likely to have been abused (U.S. between symptom onset and help seeking
Department of Health and Human Services, contributes to poor behavioral health out-
2003a) and more likely to report being vic- comes. Awareness and use of culturally con-
tims of aggravated assault and robbery than gruent approaches reduce the challenges to
their Hispanic or white counterparts implementing interventions. Interventions
(Hawkins et al., 2000). must deal with the multiple problems stem-
As might be expected, there are variations ming from generations of dysfunctional fami-
in the types of violence experienced by males lies. To be effective, these public health inter-
and females. Females at any age are more ventions must address both the social condi-
likely to be victims of sexual abuse and rape tions and institutions that impact family func-
(Finkelhor & Hashima, 2001). Males under tioning.
the age of 8 are more likely to be victims While the very early detection of emo-
of physical abuse in the home, a trend that tional and behavior problems is a public
changes to female teens between ages 12 to health goal, results have been limited. Juve-
17. Both male and female students are equally nile justice systems continue to be dumping
likely to report dating violence, but females grounds for children who are inadequately

served by other institutions (Kupperstein, children within the last 30 years. The major
1971; Office of Juvenile Justice and Delin- sources of environmental lead exposure have
quency Prevention, 1995). been greatly decreased through the elimina-
tion of lead in gasoline, the banning of lead-
DEBORAH SHELTON based paint for residential use, and the elimi-
nation of lead solder from food and beverage
cans. Despite the success of these efforts, lead
Child Lead Exposure Effects poisoning continues to occur in about 5% of
children 5 years of age and younger, and
Childhood lead poisoning is recognized as much higher levels of lead poisoning have
the most important preventable pediatric en- consistently been documented among low-
vironmental health problem in the United income, urban, and African-American chil-
States. The adverse health effects of lead ex- dren living in older housing in the Midwest
posure in early childhood are well docu- and Northeast (Pirkle et al., 1994).
mented. Lead poisoning is defined as expo- Childhood lead poisoning was first de-
sure to environmental lead that results in scribed in the late 1800s by Gibson and col-
whole blood lead concentrations 10 g/ leagues (Gibson, Love, Hendle, Bancroft, &
dL (micrograms/deciliter) (U.S. Centers for Turner, 1892), who encountered a case of
Disease Control and Prevention, 1992). Ex- peripheral paralysis in a young child and de-
posure to environmental lead begins in the scribed the similarities of the case to that of
prenatal period when physiologic stress mo- chronic lead poisoning in adults. Gibson
bilizes lead from its storage in maternal bone speculated that the source of the lead poison-
into the blood, where it easily crosses the ing was paint, and he described the long-last-
placenta and is deposited in fetal tissue. De- ing effects of the exposure. Unfortunately,
pending on the level of lead present in the most of Gibsons observations were ignored,
environment, the exposure can continue as as the prevailing view of the time was that
infants and children develop. Absorption of once a child survived lead poisoning, there
lead is dependent on age and nutritional sta- were no lasting effects. It was not until the
tus; young children and those who have diets early 1970s that cross-sectional and longitu-
high in fats are most susceptible. Lead is most dinal studies of low-level lead exposure
commonly ingested through exposure to were conducted.
lead-contaminated paint and the resulting These early studies of lead exposure in-
dust, soil, and paint chips. Once ingested, volved comparisons of a lead-exposed group
lead is distributed in the blood and eventually and a comparison group on intelligence test
is deposited in bone and teeth. measures. As knowledge accumulated and re-
Whole blood lead levels (BLL) greater than search strategies became more sophisticated,
10 g/dL put children at risk for developing researchers began to assess the influence of
a variety of health problems. At high level covariates, such as parental intelligence, so-
exposures (BLL > 20 g/dL), damage to the cioeconomic status, and parental education
nervous, hematopoietic, endocrine, and renal level (Gatsonis & Needleman, 1992).
systems can occur. At lower level exposures, Though conflicting results were common,
these health problems include altered cogni- lead exposure and neurobehavioral deficits
tive and neurobehavioral processes. Re- remained significantly associated.
searchers have suggested that some of these Although few nurse researchers have in-
effects may be seen in children with BLL as vestigated the effects of low-level lead expo-
low as 5 g/dL (Lamphear, Deitrich, Au- sure on the neurobehavioral development of
inger, & Cox, 2000; Landrigan, 2000; Nee- children, low-level lead exposure certainly
dleman & Landrigan, 2004). falls within the realm of the phenomena of
Direct results of primary and secondary concern to the discipline. Lead exposure is
efforts at prevention of lead toxicity have sig- unquestionably of clinical significance; until
nificantly reduced BLL among young U.S. all lead is removed from the environment,
Childbirth Education 71

clinicians will be faced both with screening Scientists criticized the work done by Nee-
children for lead exposure and treating the dleman and his colleagues (1979) because the
effects of this preventable public health prob- study lacked baseline data about early cogni-
lem. The deleterious effects of lead exposure tive abilities of the subjects. For instance, it
have been known for a hundred years; how- was proposed that the affected children may
ever, progress in prevention has been slow. have had neurological deficits at birth that
Some of the reasons for this are related to would lead them to certain behaviors (in-
societys indifference to problems of poor and creased mouthing) that predisposed them to
vulnerable populations. Until recently, lead be lead exposed. To address this issue, subse-
exposure was thought to be a problem only quent studies were designed to follow large
for poor inner-city minority populations, and numbers of subjects from birth through early
parenting practices were thought to contrib- school age and major outcomes (e.g., IQ level,
ute to the problem. Also, many considered motor development, cognitive development)
the elimination of lead in gasoline and paint were measured, while large numbers of co-
sufficient to eradicate the problem of lead variates were controlled. Numerous investi-
poisoning. The Centers for Disease Control gators using comparable designs reported
(CDC), in 1992, issued comprehensive guide- similar findings; thus a solid consensus
lines for preventing and treating the problem among investigators began to emerge that
of childhood lead exposure. These guidelines lead was toxic at extremely low concentra-
were issued after the CDC accumulated large tions. Research with lead-exposed primates
amounts of scientific evidence from animal strengthened the consensus, and the toxic
and human studies that supported the hy- level of lead was redefined by the CDC as a
pothesis that the deleterious effects of lead BLL 10 g/dL.
exposure occurred at levels previously Researchers continue to study the effects
thought to be harmless. of low-level lead exposure on the develop-
The earliest studies of lead poisoning were ment of children. While these efforts are
conducted on children who had BLL 60 g/ worthwhile, future efforts could focus on (a)
dL and were symptomatic. During the 1970s, identifying mediators of lead exposure ef-
researchers focused on asymptomatic chil- fects, (b) investigating the effects of lowering
dren who had BLL in the 4050 g/dL. Con- blood lead levels (chelation) on the neurobe-
clusions about the effects of lead exposure havioral outcomes of children, (c) investigat-
were difficult to make from these studies be- ing the synergistic effects of other environ-
cause of their methodological shortcomings. mental exposures on neurocognitive develop-
In 1979, researchers conducted a major inves- ment, and (d) investigating the effects of pro-
tigation of large cohorts of asymptomatic viding educational materials about reducing
children and used shed deciduous teeth rather environmental lead exposure to families of
than BLL to measure lead exposure (Nee- low-level exposed children. Any efforts that
dleman et al., 1979). These researchers con- address the primary prevention of the prob-
trolled for major confounding variables and lem would help to protect thousands of chil-
concluded that BLL was associated with dren against the long-lasting effects of lead
lower IQ, decreased attention span, and poor exposure.
speech and language skills in the children
studied. Long-term follow-up of these chil- HEIDI V. KROWCHUK
dren led the researchers to conclude that the
effects of low-level lead exposure (equivalent
to BLL 25 g/dL) persisted throughout Childbirth Education
young adulthood; failure to complete high
school, reading disabilities, and delinquency Childbirth education focuses on the learning
were behaviors exhibited by children who needs of expectant families and covers a
had elevated BLL at age 7 (Needleman, Riess, broad range of topics from the physical care
Tobin, Biesecker, & Greenhouse, 1996). needs of expectant women to the psycho-

socio-cultural needs of the new family. The conditioning methods to reduce both the fear
goal of childbirth education is to assist fami- and the pain became the basis for natural
lies in acquiring the knowledge and skills nec- childbirth. While philosophical differences
essary to achieve a healthy transition through still exist among childbirth education meth-
the childbearing process and initial phases ods, common aspects of all programs include
of parenthood. Classes range from courses education on: (a) the physical process of la-
designed for those considering pregnancy bor, (b) physical and psychological condi-
through courses dealing with infant care tioning methods, and (c) supportive assis-
needs and early parenting issues. tance during the birthing process.
Nurses are the professional practitioners A review of the Cumulative Index to Nurs-
who assume the primary responsibility for ing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL)
teaching childbirth education classes within for the years 19972003 reveals 173 pub-
the United States. Nurses are in a unique posi- lished research-based articles listed under the
tion to serve as childbirth educators because keywords childbirth education. A wide va-
of their broad base of knowledge including riety of topics are covered including: (a) post-
both the behavioral and biological sciences. partum skills such as parenting and breast-
In addition, nursings focus on caring and feeding; (b) classes for special populations
emphasis on client education enable nurses such as grandparents, siblings, fathers, teens,
to guide families toward their childbirth goals disabled persons, and preparenthood cou-
with sensitivity using appropriate educa- ples; (c) effects of mother-friendly and baby-
tional methods. Nurses are the health profes- friendly hospital protocols; (d) self-care mea-
sionals within the hospital environment who sures during pregnancy and labor such as nu-
provide the majority of hands-on care and trition, fitness, pain control, breathing, and
labor support. Thus, nurses are in a strategic relaxation techniques; (e) effects of medical
position to act as patient advocates and to interventions such as epidural anesthesia, an-
provide anticipatory guidance regarding the algesics, and cesarean deliveries; (f) caregiver
decision making that is often required during effects focusing on the outcomes achieved by
a birth within an increasingly complex health midwives and doulas; and (g) childbirth edu-
care system. cator competencies and teaching methods.
Formal childbirth education in the United Expectant fathers are currently the focus
States began with the classes in hygiene, nutri- of many research efforts. Greenhalgh, Slade,
tion, and baby care provided by the American and Spiby (2000) reported that fathers at-
Red Cross. During the early part of the 20th tending childbirth education classes who
century, classes on childbirth and family care wished to avoid information perceived as
became increasingly available to American threatening had significantly less fulfilling
women. However, the classes provided little childbirth experiences than similar fathers
information regarding coping with the who did not attend classes. This finding ques-
stresses related to labor. With the shift from tions whether traditional mother-focused
the female controlled, social model of child- childbirth education classes meet the varying
birth to the medical illness model of child- needs of fathers, some of whom are eager to
birth that occurred during the first half of the participate in the childbirth experience and
20th century, the scientific community paid others who are reluctant to do so. Diemers
increasing attention to the control of pain (1997) quasi-experimental study comparing
during labor. Thus, classes initially focused traditional prenatal classes with classes using
on management of pain related to childbirth father-focused discussion groups found a de-
(Ondeck, 2000). crease in psychological symptoms and greater
Contemporary childbirth education dates improvement in spousal relationships for
back to the work of Dick-Read, Lamaze, and men attending father-focused groups. The
Bradley. The notion of pain during labor as need for attention to the special interests of
secondary to fear and the use of psychological fathers was also supported by the work of
Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence 73

McElligott (2001) and Smith (1999) who re- wishing to provide high-quality, yet conve-
ported mens need for information about nient, classes for todays busy families.
their unique contribution to the childbear-
ing experience. BOBBE ANN GRAY
Prenatal education related to breast-feed-
ing continues to be a major focus of research.
Cox and Turnbull (1998) reported that at- Children Exposed to Intimate
tending a breast-feeding workshop signifi- Partner Violence
cantly increased both womens confidence
level and the length of time the women breast- Given the magnitude of this problem, there
fed their infants. Brittons (1998) qualitative is a growing awareness of the potential harm
study of the sources used by women for to children exposed to violence within fami-
breast-feeding information identified discord lies. Following a 2-year analysis of violence
between womens expectations of breast- and children, the American Academy of Pedi-
feeding and the reality of the experience. This atrics issued a policy statement indicating
study underscored the continuing need for that the U.S. is experiencing an epidemic of
prenatal breast-feeding education courses children exposed to violence. Despite recog-
and development of peer-support and self- nition that domestic violence seriously threat-
help groups. ens the health and emotional well-being of
A third area receiving continuing attention children, only recently have researchers fo-
concerns childbirth education methods and cused on children affected by domestic vio-
content. The need for use of adult learning lence. There has been intense advocacy and
principles and identification of specific legislative action to combat violence against
learner needs is continually reinforced. In ad- women; however serious concerns about
dition, extension of the traditional childbirth their children did not appear in the research
literature until recently (Mohr, Lutz, Fan-
education program to include gender-specific
tuzzo, & Perry, 2000).
information on early parenting skills is sup-
Children who live in homes where partner
ported (Callaghan, Jones, & Leonard, 2001;
violence occurs are at risk for developing a
Schmied, Myors, Wills, & Cook, 2002).
range of emotional, physical, and behavioral
Lamaze International (2002) presented a
symptoms. Research suggested that they are
position paper for the 21st century which
at serious risk of developing a host of aggres-
identifies the need to reshape the birth envi-
sive, antisocial, or fearful and inhibited be-
ronment to be supportive of womens confi- haviors and deficits in social skills (Farrell &
dence, control, and comfort as well as main- Bruce, 1997). They are reported to have im-
taining rewarding family interactions paired concentration and difficulties in
through encouragement and support. With school performance (Schwab-Stone et al.,
the advent of the mother-friendly and baby- 1999; Delaney-Black et al., 2002) and higher
friendly initiatives, additional research is levels of alcohol abuse as adults (Dube, Anda,
needed to identify educational needs of both Felitti, Edwards, & Croft, 2002). They per-
consumers and practitioners that will support form overall at lower levels than nonexposed
cost-effective, collaborative policies and high children on a variety of measures of cognitive
levels of consumer satisfaction. In addition, and motor development (Jaycox et al., 2002).
continued examination of the traditional Children who witness domestic violence dem-
course content in light of the needs of fathers onstrated higher levels of depression and anx-
and special populations is required. Use of iety than counterparts in nonviolent homes
the internet as a media for childbirth educa- (Berman et al.; Hurt, Malmud, Brodsky, &
tion has not been reported in the literature. Giannetta, 2001; Cuffe et al., 1998; Jaycox
Online courses and support groups may pro- et al.). They see violence as an acceptable
vide a fruitful avenue for childbirth educators form of resolving interpersonal conflicts and

they are at risk for potential deviance in fu- gess (2002) conducted interviews with 13
ture social relationships (Hurt et al.). children ages 9 to 11 years during the initial
Children from families with domestic vio- 1 to 3 months after a family homicide and
lence are at risk of suffering physical violence provided insight into themes of bereavement.
themselves. The link between marital conflict A major finding in the study was that the
and child maltreatment has received much witnessing or hearing the news of a family
attention in the past 10 to 15 years. It has member homicide was a powerful associative
been observed that children of battered factor for childhood PTSD and for compli-
women are at an increased risk of being cated bereavement.
abused themselves, with estimates of an over- In sum, nursing research concerned with
lap between spousal abuse and child abuse victims children is scant when compared to
ranging from 30% to 60% (Hartley, 2002; what is being studied by psychologists, physi-
Dong et al., 2003). cians, and social workers. Findings in all cases
In addition, child exposure to family vio- comparing children exposed to domestic vio-
lence can be deadly. Dube et al. (2001) exam- lence with children from nonviolent homes
ined the relationship between the risk of sui- indicate that this exposure (a) has an adverse
cide attempts and adverse childhood experi- impact across a range of child functioning, (b)
ences and the number of such experiences. produces different adverse effects at different
The researchers conducted a retrospective co- ages, (c) increases the risk of child abuse, and
hort study of 17,337 adult health mainte- (d) is associated with other risk factors such
nance organization members who attended a as poverty and parental substance abuse.
primary care clinic in San Diego within a 3- However, comprehensive reviews of this liter-
year period (19951997). Subjects completed ature indicate no reliable information about
a survey about childhood abuse and house- the impact of particular types or frequencies
hold dysfunction, suicide attempts (including of domestic violence on children or the im-
age at first attempt), and multiple other pact of various degrees of exposure on chil-
health-related issues. The researchers discov- drens functioning and across time. Close in-
ered a powerful relationship between adverse spection of the child impact research indicates
childhood experiences and risk of attempted that it does not provide a substantial basis to
suicide throughout the life span. Alcoholism, inform strategic national policies and sys-
depressed affect, and illicit drug use, which temwide action due to many gaps and inade-
are strongly associated with such experiences, quacies. Some of these include retrospective
appeared to partially mediate this relation- analysis, no longitudinal studies unsubstanti-
ship. ated reports of child exposure or the violent
Finally, in a landmark intervention study, episode itself, exclusive use of the CBCL as
Stein and a multidisciplinary group of col- opposed to instruments that are more domain
leagues (2003) evaluated the effectiveness of specific, and others (for more in-depth discus-
a collaboratively designed school-based cog- sion on shortcomings of this literature, see
nitive behavioral group therapy intervention. Mohr, Lutz, Fantuzzo, & Perry, 2000). Yet,
The 10-session intervention significantly de- without accurate, reliable information about
creased symptoms of posttraumatic stress dis- the prevalence and nature of childrens expo-
order (PTSD) in students who were exposed sure to domestic violence, prevention and in-
to violence and experiencing distress. tervention efforts cannot be designed for, and
There is a dearth of research conducted public and private resources cannot be appro-
by nursing scholars on children exposed to priately targeted to the affected children.
violence. Some recent work has been pub- Effective responses and effective interven-
lished on the issue of childrens reactions to tions depend on responses to several ques-
exposure to family homicide, which may be tions. First, how many children are exposed
considered within the context of family or to domestic violence, and what is the nature
intimate partner violence. Clements and Bur- of these childrens exposure? Second, how
Chronic Conditions in Childhood 75

do these traumatic events uniquely affect the with chronic conditions at any given point in
course of healthy development for child vic- time, vary according to the definition used.
tims? Third, what factors increase risk for, Estimates of prevalence range from less than
or provide protection against, the potentially 5% to more than 30% (Newacheck & Tay-
deleterious effects of child exposure to do- lor, 1992); they tend to be higher when the
mestic violence? Fourth, what types of inter- definition is based on duration and lower
ventions can mitigate these specific negative when the definition is based on impact on
effects? Responses to these critical questions the childs functioning. In 2001, more than
require a scientifically rigorous research 4 out of 5 children (83%) were rated as hav-
agenda, leading to the development of a trust- ing very good or excellent health by their
worthy database. parents; about 8% of school-age children
Nurses are often the first care providers were reported to have their activities limited
identifying and assessing not only adult vic- because of a chronic condition (Federal Inter-
tims but their children. Their presence in the agency Forum on Child and Family Statis-
area of adult victimology is laudable, but tics).
nurse scholars are relatively absent in the dis- Risk factors for health problems have been
cussion surrounding the child victimsas in- identified. Boys have more limitations from
visible as the children themselves a scant 2 chronic conditions than do girls. School-age
decades ago. children (ages 517 years) are twice as likely
to have a chronic condition as preschoolers
WANDA K. MOHR (under 5 years). Children living in lower-in-
SARA TORRES come families are less healthy than children
living in families of higher income. There is
also a trend for Black and Hispanic families
Chronic Conditions in Childhood to have poorer health than White, non-His-
panic children. In contrast, White adolescents
There is no one accepted definition of a child- have the highest rates of substance use such
hood chronic condition; however, a research as smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and
consortium on chronic illness in childhood using marijuana (Brown et al., 1999). There
recommended that it be defined on two levels: are also changes in the prevalence of health
duration of the condition and impact on the problems experienced by children. For exam-
childs functioning (Perrin et al., 1993). In a ple, pediatric AIDS cases are declining. In
definition based on duration, a chronic condi- contrast, asthma is increasing among all chil-
tion is one that has lasted or is expected to dren, with the highest increases in children
last more than 3 months (Perrin et al.). This who are under 4 years (National Center for
definition would include recurring acute con- Health Statistics).
ditions (e.g., repeated ear infections) as well A large amount of research has been car-
as those that are expected from the onset to ried out to investigate children with chronic
be long-term (e.g., diabetes). In a definition conditions. There is an increasing emphasis
based on impact on the child, a chronic condi- on assessing the health-related quality of life
tion would be one that limits the childs func- of these children. This research has estab-
tioning or leads to the childs receiving addi- lished that, compared to the general popula-
tional medical attention beyond that ex- tion peers, children with chronic conditions
pected for a child the same age. A recent are at risk for a poorer quality of life related
trend is to address morbidities that are often to physical, psychological, social, and aca-
associated with risk-taking behavior such as demic functioning. Moreover, the families of
alcohol use, substance use, contraceptive use, these children are at increased risk for adjust-
and being overweight (Brown et al., 1999). ment problems.
Prevalence estimates for childhood Two major approaches to sample selection
chronic conditions, or the number of children are used in research on children with chronic

conditions and their families: noncategorical tion, painless diarrhea, and fecal incontinence
and categorical. The major assumption be- (Talley et al., 2001)may be common
hind the noncategorical approach is that among the public (Talley et al.), but for the
there are many commonalities in the experi- health provider they are also among the most
ence of families of children with chronic con- difficult conditions to read and treat. When
ditions. These researchers generally study a chronic gastrointestinal pathology cannot
samples in which many different chronic con- be identified, it is more generally diagnosed as
ditions are represented. In contrast, research- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Functional
ers using the categorical approach generally Bowel Disorder (FBD) (Heitkemper, Jarrett,
study samples that are homogeneous in re- Caudell, & Bond, 1998).
gard to chronic condition. An example of IBS is a recurrent disorder characterized
nursing research using the categorical ap- by chronic abdominal pain, bloating, and al-
proach is the research on behavior problems tered bowel patterns. It is the most common
in children with epilepsy (Austin, Dunn, & disorder treated by gastroentrologists (Amer-
Huster, 2000). Even though there has been ican Gastroenterological Association, 2002;
much discussion about which approach is Fass et al., 2001) and is more commonly
better to use, the current thinking is that the found among women than men. IBS has also
purpose of the research should determine the been found to contribute to lowering of eco-
approach used. In nursing, both approaches nomic and other quality-of-life factors. One
are needed to provide important information study showed that 15.4 million people in the
that will improve nursing care of children United States suffer from IBS regularly, with
with chronic conditions and their families. most missing three times as many work days
In the past decade there has been a strong as those without symptoms (13.4 days vs. 4.9
trend to study chronic illness from the per- days), costing employers $1.6 billion in direct
spective of the person who is chronically ill. costs and another $19.2 billion in indirect
Many of these nurse researchers use qualita- costs (American Gastroenterological Associ-
tive methods to learn about the illness experi- ation).
ence (Thorne & Patterson, 2000). This focus Although the etiology of IBS has not been
on the subjective experience is also reflected clearly identified, it is thought to be related
in a number of scales being developed to mea- to such factors as the following: (a) abnormal
sure chronically ill childrens perceptions of GI motility, described as high-amplitude
the quality of life. Another trend is the in- propagating contractions or delayed transit
creasing focus on interventions to help chil- of gas; (b) visceral hypersensitivity; (c) enteric
dren cope with a chronic condition. For ex- infection; (d) autonomic dysfunction; and (e)
ample, common interventions for children dysregulation of brain-bowel interactions. In
with diabetes include educational programs, addition, stress and psychological affliction
psychosocial interventions (e.g., coping skills are important psychosocial factors in IBS
training, psychotherapy, stress management, (American Gastroenterological Association,
and social support groups), and family inter- 2002; Fass et al., 2001); however, these are
vention (Grey, 2000). only partially correlated with symptoms and
are not sufficient to explain reports of
JOAN K. AUSTIN chronic, recurrent IBS. Although there are
several pathophysiologies of IBS based on this
etiology, further studies are needed to clarify
Chronic Gastrointestinal such findings.
Symptoms There are multiple potential causes for IBS,
and the diagnosis of each case must be based
Chronic gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms relative to the symptoms (Rome criteria).
which include frequent bowel-related ab- Symptoms include at least 12 weeks of ab-
dominal pain, reflux, dyspepsia, constipa- dominal discomfort or pain in the preceding
Chronic Gastrointestinal Symptoms 77

12 months, accompanied by two or three of In cases in which individuals with IBS do

the following additional features: (a) the pain not respond to physiological treatments, psy-
or discomfort is relieved with defecation, (b) chological factors should be considered. Sev-
the onset of the pain or discomfort is associ- eral psychological procedures have been stud-
ated with a change in the frequency of the ied in IBS patient therapy trials, including
movement of stool, and/or (c) the onset of cognitive-behavioral treatment, stress man-
the pain or discomfort is associated with a agement, dynamic/interpersonal psychother-
change in the form of the stool. In addition, apy, hypnotherapy, and relaxation/arousal
cumulatively supportive symptoms include: reduction training (Ringel, Sperber, &
(a) abnormal stool frequency (for research Drossman, 2001; Drossman, 1995). Due to
purposes, abnormal may be defined as methodological limitations, however, there
more than three times a day and less than are as yet no comparative data demonstrating
three times a week), (b) abnormal stool form that one psychological intervention is supe-
(lumpy/hard or loose/watery stool), (c) ab- rior to any other for any given patient group
normal stool passage (straining, urgency, or or set of conditions (American Gastroentero-
feeling of incomplete evacuation), (d) passage logical Association, 2002). Several recent
of mucus, and (e) bloating or feeling of ab- findings in nursing research have focused on
dominal distention (Thompson et al., 2000). the relationship between gastrointestinal
Management of IBS is based on the domi- symptoms and women (Heitkemper et al.,
nant symptoms, their severity, and psychoso- 1998), the effects of coping with stress among
cial factors. It is also imperative in the man- women with gastrointestinal disorders
agement of IBS that the patient take responsi- (Drossman et al., 2000), differences in pa-
bility as an active participant in his or her tients and physicians perceptions about
treatment. Nurses can engage patients by en- women with IBS (Heitkemper, Carter,
couraging them to write down their symp- Ameen, Olden, & Cheng, 2002), and the
toms and times of occurrence in a diary, sense of coherence and quality of life in
which can also be used to monitor the daily women with and without IBS (Motzer, Her-
food intake, activities, and events of the pa- tig, Jarrett, & Heitkemper, 2003). These
tient in order to identify possible exacerbat- studies supply information suggesting that GI
ing factors. If, on examination of the diary, symptoms in some women are linked to the
symptoms prove mild, prescription medica- following: (a) reproductive cycling (increased
tion may not be needed, though in general GI symptoms at menses), (b) negative health
the patient will benefit from normal daily outcome due to maladaptive coping and de-
activities that include dietary and lifestyle creased self-perceived ability concurrent with
modification (Ringel, Sperber, & Drossman, or in response to a history of abuse, (c) dis-
2001). Once the patient has monitored symp- cordance between patients and physicians
toms for 2 to 3 weeks by writing them in views about IBS, and (d) reduced sense of
the symptom diary, certain foods and other coherence and holistic quality of life.
agents that worsen symptoms can be identi- The care of patients with chronic GI symp-
fied and avoided. However, nurses should toms is particularly challenging because the
remind patients not to be overly restrictive in diagnosis is never assured and symptomatic
their diet to avoid the risk of malnutrition. treatments are not always successful. Diagno-
Some studies recommend a high fiber diet to sis and treatment tailored on the basis of indi-
resolve symptoms, even though it may ini- vidual need should be carefully performed.
tially cause bloating and flatulence. However, In addition, establishing an effective relation-
although helpful in treating constipation, ship between the patient and the health pro-
maintaining high levels of fiber intake is con- vider requires patience, education, and reas-
troversial when used to relieve diarrhea and surance for vital therapeutic management.
abdominal pain (American Gastroenterologi- Future studies are needed to determine the
cal Association, 2002). degree to which the modification of manage-

ment will improve symptom treatment, clini- From the societal perspective, living with
cal outcomes, and the patients overall quality a chronic illness is a major source of health
of life. Finally, the treatments that are consis- care utilization. In the United States, chronic
tently effective for all symptoms should be diseases account for three quarters of health
further investigated. care costs (Vlieland, 2003). Specifically,
Druss and colleagues (2001) indicated that
JIN-HWA PARK almost half of U.S. health care costs in 1996
were borne by persons with one or more of
five chronic conditions: mood disorders, dia-
betes, heart disease, asthma, and hyperten-
Chronic Illness sion. In addition, the nonmedical costs are
substantial due to lack of productivity. Druss
The practice of nursing has long been identi- and colleagues (2002) reported that the most
fied with the care and comfort of the chroni- expensive chronic illness at a population level
cally ill. It is apparent, however, that the was ischemic heart disease; at the per capita
health care delivery system, in general, has level it was respiratory malignancies. The
not adequately responded to the changing conditions with the greatest disability (in-
needs of the population, particularly in terms cluding bed days, missed workdays, and rates
of the increasing numbers of chronically ill of impairment in activities of daily living and
adults. Currently, in the United States, by age instrumental activities of daily living) relative
70, a majority of the U.S. population copes to expenditures were mood disorders,
with the effects of at least one chronic illness chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and
(Nesse, 2002). Blendon and colleagues arthropathies.
(2001) reported that when asked what they The traditional approach to studying
thought were the most important health chronic illness has been limited, focusing on
problems facing the nation, over 80% of re- the medical model. A new health para-
spondents identified three chronic illnesses: digma care-oriented model of illnesshas
cancer, human immunodeficiency virus emerged. The concept of health is more
(HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome readily measured in terms of maximizing
(AIDS), and heart disease as the top three. physical, psychological, social, and spiritual
Chronic illness includes a broad spectrum well-being. In this paradigm, a holistic health-
of diseases that differ significantly from one focused model has become accepted with a
another in their underlying causes, modes of resulting change towards care of the whole
treatment, symptoms, and effects on a per- person as well as the family. In addition, in
sons life and activity. Chronic illness refers chronic disease management, all clinical deci-
to diseases that are caused by nonreversible sions need to be individualized, because they
pathology; are characterized by a slow pro- usually involve choices between possible out-
gressive decline in normal physiological func- comes that may be viewed differently by dif-
tion; are permanent with cure unlikely; and ferent patients. Vlieland (2003) recognized
require long-term surveillance, leaving resid- that a constant tailoring of care to the actual
ual disability (Hwu, Coates, & Boore, 2001). needs of individual patients as well as the
Families are drained physically, emotionally, complexity and long duration of the disease
and financially. There is often upheaval of are the distinguishing features of chronic dis-
relations among the patient, family, and other ease management. Another related frame-
members of society. Overall, chronic illnesses work that has emerged is the self and family
vary greatly in their developmental course. management in chronic illness (Grey, Knafl,
Some conditions improve over time, some Gilliss, & McCorkle, in press).
stabilize, and others are progressively degen- Pollock (1987) provided an initial review
erating and debilitating. of nursing research related to adaptation to
Clinical Decision Making 79

chronic illness. More recently, Fitzpatrick order to capture these complex relationships,
and Goeppinger (2000) edited ten chapters designs that include mixed methods will be
that reflected a variety of chronic illnesses essential.
and a full range of interventions to manage
them. Valuable contributions to increase our RUTH MCCORKLE
understanding have come from first-person SIEW TZUH TANG
accounts of patients experiences (Thorne &
Patterson, 2000). Other noteworthy efforts
have been expanded to families, including Clinical Decision Making
ethnically diverse families (Chesla & Run-
greangkulkij, 2001). Other important contri- Clinical decision making is the process nurses
butions have focused particularly on nursing use to gather patient information, evaluate
interventions. For example, Frich (2003) con- the information, and make judgments that
cluded that nursing interventions for patients result in the provision of patient care (White,
with diabetes can improve psychosocial and Nativio, Kobert, & Enberg, 1992). Clinical
health outcomes in terms of facilitating ad- decision-making ability is defined as the abil-
herence to regimens or behavior changes ity by which a clinician identifies, prioritizes,
(greater self-care skills), patient satisfaction, establishes plans, and evaluates data. Deci-
good clinical outcomes (reduction in plasma sion making is central to professional nursing
glucose, decreased blood pressure and choles- and has vital links to patient-care outcomes
terol), and cost savings. (Catolico, Navas, Sommer, & Collins, 1996).
Research related to improving the quality Researchers have investigated the process,
of life for people with chronic illness should types, and quality of clinical decision making.
be a national priority given that people are Catolico and colleagues (1996) studied deci-
living much longer and better with conditions sion making of practicing staff nurses. It was
that used to be fatal. The existing literature demonstrated that nurses with better commu-
is limited in several critical ways. Much of nication skills had a greater frequency of ac-
the research in chronic illness addresses a par- tual decision-making practices. Intuition was
ticular illness or disability. Findings may be a critical component of clinical decision mak-
applied too narrowly or too inclusively to ing in a qualitative study of 10 novice nurse
illnesses with markedly different demands. practitioners (Kosowski & Roberts, 2003).
The landscape of chronic illness is diverse and Some researchers have looked at approaches
complex, presenting a vast range of symp- such as informatics or algorithms to aid deci-
toms and trajectories, accomplished by a vari- sion making. Akers (1991) showed that
ety of demands over the natural history of nurses who used algorithms to aid their deci-
the diseases. Research to date has focused sion making utilized more thorough patient
on only specific phases of the trajectory of assessment and a more informed nursing re-
specific diseases, and not on the unfolding of sponse, which resulted in better patient man-
illness related to developmental tasks over agement. Another critical issue is the educa-
the entire course of an illness. The impact tional level and preparation of the nurses who
of chronic illness on the patient, well family are formulating decisions. Studies have ex-
members, and key caregivers differs and de- plored the decision-making process of stu-
pends on when an illness strikes in the family dent nurses, staff nurses, and nurse prac-
and on each members individual develop- titioners. A group of nursing students were
ment. Many complex management interven- given didactic and interactive teaching ses-
tions are eventually aimed at improving or sions on clinical decision making. Students
maintaining the patients independent partic- decision making was in accordance with the
ipation in society. Outcome measures cov- decision making of experts significantly more
ering this dimension are rarely applied. In often than that of the student nurses who

did not receive the decision-making content chest pain are hospitalized less often than
(Shamian, 1991). A study in the United King- white patients (Pope et al., 2000). There was
dom demonstrated that nurses having a col- a significant difference in reports of suspected
lege education were significantly better at de- abuse after the evaluation of fractures be-
cision making than their colleagues educated tween minority and non-minority children
in diploma programs (Girot, 2000). Ad- (Lane, Rubin, Monteith, & Christian, 2002).
vanced practice nurses in specialty practices Competent clinical decision making by nurses
tend to generate fewer hypotheses in their requires being cognizant of potential biases.
clinical decision making. Those nurses must Decision making is critical to nursing prac-
be aware that formulating a diagnosis too tice. Gathering, organizing, and prioritizing
early in the data-gathering phase precludes data are major components of the process.
the possibility of considering all options (Lip- Continued research in this area can foster
man & Deatrick, 1997). the development of decision-making skills in
When investigating the decision-making novice nurses and cultivate high clinical deci-
process, researchers have utilized simula- sion-making ability in expert nurses.
tions, together with interviews regarding the
thought processes individuals use to reach TERRI H. LIPMAN
decisions. The quality of decision making is
defined as having the ability to make fre-
quently required decisions (Catolico et al.,
1996). That aspect of decision making has Clinical Judgment
been studied by using computer-assisted sim-
ulations requiring nurses to make decisions in Clinical judgment has been defined as the
controlled clinical situations. To investigate process by which nurses come to understand
clinical decision making by nurse prac- problems, issues, or concerns of patients, at-
titioners, the nurses care for patients via com- tend to salient information, and respond in
puter and interactive videos. To more objec- concerned and involved ways. Clinical judg-
tively assess student clinical competencies, ment occurs within a framework of clinical,
the clinical decision-making skills of nurse legal, ethical, and regulatory standards and
practitioner students were evaluated using a is closely aligned with phenomena such as
standardized simulated patient encounter critical thinking, decision making, problem
(Stroud, Smith, Edlund, & Erkel, 1999). solving and the nursing process (Benner, Tan-
Various factors have been shown to affect ner, & Chelsa, 1996).
clinical decision making, such as the experi- Expert clinical judgment is held in high
ence and the knowledge base of the nurse. regard by nurses as it is generally viewed as
Those with case-related experiences are more essential for provision of safe, effective nurs-
likely to choose appropriate interventions. A ing care and the promotion of desired out-
study of nurse practitioners by White and comes. Nursing research has been conducted
colleagues (1992) concluded that case con- on the processes of clinical judgment with
tent expertise is crucial for clinical decision the intent of better understanding how nurses
making from the aspect of understanding the identify relevant information from the vast
significance of the data acquired and in mak- amounts of information available and then
ing the correct decision. Nurses decision how information is used to make inferences
making is also affected by the sociodemo- about patient status and appropriate inter-
graphics of the patient. Age, sex, race, reli- ventions. The complexity of the clinical judg-
gion, and socioeconomic status can impact on ment process has brought about collabora-
decision making. Racial disparities in health tion of nurse researchers with multidiscipli-
care may be due to racial biases when formu- nary experts from a broad array of scientific
lating clinical decisions. Non-white patients backgrounds including cognitive psychology,
presenting to the emergency department with informatics, phenomenology, and statistics.
Clinical Judgment 81

The body of research on clinical judgment and involves the process of weighing cues and
generated by interdisciplinary collaboration employing mathematical models (generally
has been categorized into two disparate theo- made possible through expert systems) to de-
retical classifications: the rationalistic and termine the course of action most likely to
the phenomenological perspectives. In this produce desired outcomes.
context, the term rationalistic describes Corcoran (1986) used an information-
scientific inquiry into the deliberate, con- processing approach and verbal-protocol
scious, and analytic aspects of clinical judg- technique to compare care-planning strate-
ment (Benner et al., 1996). Examples include gies used by hospice nurses. She found that
research on the role of information pro- unlike novice nurses, the overall approach
cessing, diagnostic reasoning (Tanner, Pa- of expert nurses differed by case complexity
drick, Westfall, & Putzier, 1987) and deci- with a systematic approach employed for less
sion analysis (Schwartz, Gorry, Kassirer, & complex cases and an exploratory approach
Essig, 1973) in the clinical judgment process. for cases of greater complexity. In addition,
The term phenomenological refers to re- expert nurses generated more alternative ac-
search on the skill-acquisition component of tions during the treatment planning process,
clinical judgment as advanced by Benner et were better able to evaluate alternative ac-
al. in the Novice to Expert Model (Benner & tions, and developed better care plans than
Tanner, 1987; Benner et al., 1996). did novices.
Information processing theory and diag- Tanner et al. (1987) used verbal responses
nostic reasoning are based on the work of to videotape vignettes to describe and com-
Newell and Simon (1972b) and Elstein pare the cognitive strategies of diagnostic rea-
(Elstein, Shulman, & Sprafka, 1978) and col- soning used by nursing students and practic-
lectively describe problem-solving behavior ing nurses. They found that practicing nurses
and the effect of memory and the environ- were more likely to employ a systematic ap-
ment on problem solving. These theories hold proach and to be more accurate in diagnosis
that human information processing capacity than the students. Henry (1991) examined
is restricted by short-term memory and effec- the effect of patient acuity on clinical decision
tive problem-solving ability is dependent on making of experienced and inexperienced
adoption of strategies to overcome human critical care nurses using computerized simu-
limitations. Information processing theory lations. Findings suggest that inexperienced
and diagnostic reasoning have been applied nurses collected more data and had poorer
widely to the study of clinical judgment and patient outcomes than experienced nurses.
the use of information in the clinical judg- Salantera, Eriksson, Junnola, Salminen,
ment process. Published research suggested and Lauri (2003) employed simulated case
that nurses and physicians use a similar pro- descriptions and the think-aloud method to
cess for clinical judgment which involves in- compare and describe the process of informa-
formation gathering, early hypothesis genera- tion gathering and clinical judgment by
tion and then additional information gather- nurses and physicians working with cancer
ing to confirm or rule out a suspected diagno- patients. The authors found that while nurses
sis or clinical problem. According to the and physicians identify similar problems,
rationalistic theories, early hypothesis gen- they employ divergent approaches to infor-
eration chunks data and is an effective mation gathering and clinical judgment.
strategy for conserving short-term memory Unlike the objective, detached approach
(Corcoran, 1986; Elstein et al., 1978; Tanner to the study of clinical judgment characteris-
et al., 1987). While knowledge generated tic of the rationalistic perspective, the phe-
from work completed in the fields of informa- nomenological perspective holds that intu-
tion processing and diagnostic reasoning has ition is a legitimate and essential aspect of
been descriptive in nature, decision analysis clinical judgment and is the feature that dis-
is a prescriptive approach to decision making tinguishes expert human judgment from that

of expert systems (Benner & Tanner, 1987). models hold potential for bringing effective-
Benners work is based on the skill acquisition ness to EBP by providing a holistic evaluation
model advanced by Dreyfus. According to of patient systems. A holistic perspective
this model, there are six key aspects of intu- would serve as a guide to clinicians in the
itive judgment: pattern recognition, similarity care of individuals through identification and
recognition, commonsense understanding, application of evidence which is most rele-
skilled know-how, sense of salience, and de- vant at the local level and for individual pa-
liberative rationality (Benner & Tanner). tients.
Much of the research related to Benners
work and the Novice to Expert Model relates PATRICIA C. DYKES
to the relationships that exist between nurs- MOREEN DONAHUE
ing knowledge, clinical expertise and intu-
The Novice to Expert Model is based on Clinical Nursing Research
Benners early work where a phenomenologi-
cal approach was used to interview and ob- Clinical nursing research is both broadly and
serve nurses with varying degrees of clinical narrowly defined. Broadly, it denotes any re-
expertise. In the interview process, nurses search of relevance to nursing practice that
were asked to describe outstanding clinical is focused on care recipients, their problems
situations from their practice. Benner found and needs. This broad definition stems from
that a holistic grasp of clinical situations is a the 1960s, when a major change occurred in
necessary precursor to expert clinical judg- nursing science. Prior to the 1960s the re-
ment (Benner, 1984). Subsequent research search of nurses had focused on nurses and
has supported these findings and has teased the profession of nursing including major
out differences in clinical judgment between questions of interest related to nursing educa-
clinicians with varying levels of experience tion and the way in which nurses practiced
(Corcoran, 1986). In a six-year interpretive within care delivery structures (i.e., hospi-
study of nursing practice, Benner et al. (1996) tals). The reasons for these foci are many, but
identified five interrelated aspects of clinical for the most part they stem from the dearth
judgment: (1) disposition towards what is of nurses with advanced degrees at that time
good and right; (2) extensive practical knowl- and the fact that nurses with advanced de-
edge; (3) emotional responses to the context grees were educated in other disciplines
of a clinical situation; (4) intuition; and (5) (e.g., education).
the role of narrative in understanding a pa- In the late 1950s and 1960s a major shift
tients story, meanings, intents and concerns. occurred, driven by three factors. First, lead-
The authors suggested that these aspects play ers in nursing successfully lobbied for the in-
a significant role in clinical judgment and de- stitution of the nurse scientist program
serve equal consideration along with the as- through the federal government, which pro-
pects arising from the rationalistic perspec- vided financial support for nurses to be edu-
tive of clinical judgment cated in the sciences (e.g., physiology, biol-
Research on clinical judgment identified ogy, anthropology, psychology). Second,
two divergent but legitimate perspectives. nurse theorists such as Faye Abdellah, Vir-
The challenge for future research is to inte- ginia Henderson, Imogene King, Ida Or-
grate these perspectives to study the impact of lando, Hildegard Peplau, and Martha Rogers
integrated models on clinical reasoning and began to formulate conceptual models to di-
patient outcomes. Synthesis holds promise rect nursing practice, and attention was fo-
for promoting evidence-base practice (EBP). cused on designing research that more or less
Rationalistic models can be employed in the was guided by those models (or at least the
form of guideline-based tools to bring the best substantive areas circumscribed by the mod-
evidence to patient care. Phenomenological els). Third, as more nurses attained advanced
Clinical Nursing Research 83

degrees, doctoral education with a major in The next stage in the evolution occurred
nursing finally became a reality, and the focus with the realization that little was known
of nursing research shifted more firmly away about many of the phenomena of concern to
from nurses and nursing education to the nurses. This heralded a period during which
practice of clinical nursing. The broad defini- emphasis shifted away from experimental
tion of clinical nursing research, then, was methods to exploratory/descriptive methods,
originally formulated to differentiate be- such as grounded theory. Guided by the meta-
tween the research conducted by nurses prior paradigm of nursing (person, nursing, health,
to the 1960s, which focused on nurses, to the environment), nurse scientists began focusing
major shift in focus on practice. on discovering and naming the concepts of
Strongly influenced by the establishment relevance for study in nursing, delineating the
of the Center for Nursing Research (at pres- structure of these concepts, and hypothesiz-
ent the National Institute of Nursing Re- ing about the relationships of these concepts
search) in the National Institutes of Health in theoretical systems.
(NIH), clinical nursing research has recently More recently, clinical nursing research
taken on a narrower definition, modeled after has become clearly defined as a cumulative,
the definition of clinical trials (large-scale ex- evolutionary process. Investigators are still
periments designed to test the efficacy of advised to derive questions from clinical
treatment on human subjects) used at NIH. problems, but the focus is on knowledge gen-
This narrow definition limits clinical nursing eration, specifically the generation and test-
research to only those studies that focus on ing of middle-range theory (a theory that ex-
testing the effects of nursing interventions on plains a class of human responses), for exam-
clinical or nurse sensitive outcomes. ple, self-help responses, symptom experience
In addition to an evolution in definition, and management, and family responses to
clinical nursing research also has changed in caregiving. Because knowledge is viewed as
form and complexity over time. Early clinical cumulative, investigators usually study vari-
nursing research was characterized by a focus ous aspects of one particular concept or re-
on circumscribed areas of inquiry using ex- sponse; studies build on one another, and
perimental and quasi-experimental method- each study adds a new dimension of under-
ologies. Investigators were few and tended to standing about the concept of interest. This
work in isolation. Prompted by metatheorists approach to clinical nursing research requires
such as Dickoff, James, and Wiedenbach investigators to use multiple methodologies
(1968) and methodologists such as Abdellah in their programs of research, including (a)
and Levine (1965) and Mabel Wandelt inductive techniques to discover knowledge
(1970), nurse scientists were advised to derive from data; (b) deductive techniques to test
questions directly from problems encoun- hypotheses that are either induced or de-
tered in their clinical practice and to strive to duced; and (c) instrumentation to increase
develop and test interventions to solve these the sensitivity, reliability, and validity of the
problems. Often an investigator conducted measurement system designed for the con-
single studies on different problems rather cept.
than series of studies focused on different as- The methodologies being used include
pects of the same problem. As a result, study qualitative methods such as ethnomethodol-
results tended to be context-bound and lim- ogy, grounded theory, and phenomenology
ited in generalizability to other settings, sam- and quantitative methods ranging from tradi-
ples, or problems. The relationship between tional experimental methods and designs to
theory development and research was dis- less traditional methods, such as path analysis
cussed abstractly but not explicitly operation- and latent variable modeling. Because human
alized, and a philosophy of knowledge build- responses change over time based on contex-
ing, rather than problem solving, had not tual factors or treatments (independent vari-
yet developed. ables) applied by the nurse investigator and

because understanding the nature of change tion and testing while developing measure-
often is at the crux of the theory building, ment systems and using research methods
skills in measuring change also may be re- that capture the holism of the client and the
quired. This has resulted in the need for many holistic nature of the health care experience.
investigators to incorporate techniques such
as time series analysis and individual regres- LINDA R. PHILLIPS
sion into their research.
Understanding the human responses of
concern to nurses can also require an under-
standing of cellular mechanisms that are best Clinical Preventive Services
studied in animal models and a coupling of Delivery
biological techniques such as radioimmuno-
assay and electron microscopy, with psy- Empirical support of preventive health care
chosocial techniques such as neurocognitive and health promotion has grown consider-
assessment or self-report of psychological ably over the past decade, demonstrating that
states. In addition, measurement of different the short-term investment in preventive care
units of analysis (e.g., individual, family, or- could avert health problems and medical
ganization) may be required, along with strat- costs over time (U.S. Preventive Services Task
egies for understanding the effect of care con- Force, 2000). Many serious disorders can be
texts (e.g., social, physical, organizational en- prevented or postponed by immunizations,
vironments) on the human response of con- chemoprophylaxis, and healthier lifestyles, or
cern. Needless to say, single investigators detected with screening and treated effec-
rarely have all the skills needed to advance tively (U.S. Public Health Service, 1994).
the understanding of a particular concept. As However, many preventive care services are
a consequence, single investigators are be- frequently not being delivered by clinicians
coming more and more a thing of the past in practice.
as teams of scientists, including nurses and Despite the benefits of preventive care ser-
individuals from other disciplines, collabo- vices, such as cancer screening and immuniza-
rate in the knowledge-building endeavor. tions, utilization of specific preventive care
Nursing is concerned with human re- services in New Jersey remain below state
sponses and is based on the assumption that and national goals. Documented barriers to
humans are holistic and embedded in history the implementation of these services included
and various environments. Clinical nursing (a) clinician uncertainty about what services
research is about generating a body of knowl- to offer, to whom, and how often; (b) lack
edge on which nurses can base practice. It of reimbursement and associated time con-
is about assuring the efficacy and safety of straints; (c) clinician attitudes and lack of
nursing actions, substantiating the effect of knowledge about preventive services; (d) pa-
nursing actions on patient outcomes, and tient attitudes, confusion, and lack of under-
conserving resources (costs, time, and effort) standing about clinical preventive services;
while effecting the best possible results. It is and (e) lack of organized systems to facilitate
about identifying strategies for improving the the delivery of services (Griffith, Dickey, &
health of the population and promoting hu- Kamerow, 1995).
manization within a health care environment Clinicians are confronted with different
that has a natural tendency to be mechanistic, recommendations regarding preventive care
compartmentalized, and focused on short- practices from the HPs they contract with.
term rather than long-term gain. It is about Multiple recommendations for preventive
client advocacy, client protection, and client care sometimes conflict with each other, leav-
empowerment. The challenge of clinical nurs- ing clinicians confused about which services
ing research is to develop an understanding to provide. Literature shows that lack of a
of human response through theory genera- standardized approach to the delivery of clin-
Clinical Preventive Services Delivery 85

ical preventive services (CPS) is a barrier to Agreed-upon guidelines of the coalition

implementation (Griffith et al., 1995). were based on the evidence-based U.S. Pre-
HP medical directors seek recommenda- ventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) guide-
tions from government agencies and profes- lines. The USPSTF, a body of preventive care
sional organizations in selecting CPS their HP experts convened by the U.S. Public Health
should recommend. Some medical directors Services, conducted comprehensive evalua-
work with a committee of practicing member tion of the scientific evidence for CPS, includ-
clinicians, obtaining feedback regarding rec- ing counseling interventions, screening tests,
ommendations they should provide. How- immunizations, and chemoprophylaxis
ever, some medical directors decide what (Fox & Cuite, 2001). Therefore, the coalition
should be recommended on their own, re- agreed on the value of these evidence-based
viewing original empirical research to supple- guidelines as the standard for which preven-
ment the national guidelines, particularly for tive care should be delivered to the general
newer or more controversial services (Fox & population.
Cuite, 2001). In either circumstance, HP Seventy areas identified by the USPSTF for
medical directors work independently from preventive care were reviewed by each medi-
other HPs. cal director, individually through question-
Through a partnership between the New naires and collectively through coalition
Jersey Association of Health Plans and Rut- meetings. Two rounds of questionnaires were
gers College of Nursing, nine NJ HP medical sent to the medical directors to assess their
directors were brought together to form a HPs level of agreement and/or disagreement
coalition to identify a set of CPS guidelines with the USPSTF guidelines. Positively stated
that all plans could endorse as priorities for recommendations that the medical directors
implementation. In meeting this objective, disagreed on were addressed at subsequent
these HPs will be able to provide contracting coalition meetings to promote consensus. A
clinicians with information on the value of third questionnaire was then sent to the medi-
preventive services to their patients, compen- cal directors, requesting them to rank order
sating for uneven knowledge and skill that these guidelines according to priority for im-
many clinicians have in the area of preven- plementation.
tion. Using consensus-building strategies in-
Sisk (1998) discussed that initiatives to im- cluding three Delphi rounds and four coali-
prove consistency, both scientific evidence tion meetings over the course of a year, medi-
and clinical practice, are increasingly focus- cal directors were able to identify a subset of
ing on managed care plans and integrated USPSTF guidelines that all HPs could endorse
delivery systems. HPs should be able to imple- as priorities for implementation in clinician
ment guidelines, particularly because plans practice. Medical directors discussed that
are being held accountable for care provided. these guidelines serve as the minimum for
HPs have leverage, if not control, over clini- which preventive care services should be de-
cians utilizing patterns. livered and do not replace the clinicians judg-
The New Jersey Association of Health ment based on patient risk. However, imple-
Plans and Rutgers College of Nursing collab- mentation of these guidelines will ensure that
orated in this concerted effort with nine HPs all patients receive a consistent level of pre-
in NJ, HPs covering 4.8 million New Jersey- ventive care.
ans that represent 98% of the states HMO Decisions made at each level were based
market. Medical directors from competing on scientific evidence and needs of their mem-
HPs brought to the table expertise on CPS, bers at large. Their decision to include only
discussed the current knowledge of evidence- those guidelines with good to fair evidence
based practice, and established a consistent to support the recommendation that the con-
set of guidelines to which all of the nine dition be specifically considered in a periodic
HPs agreed. health examination, a level of strength A

or B recommendation as determined by introduces biases from many sources. These

the USPSTF, illustrates their commitment to potential biases are usually of such magnitude
sound and safe practice for their members. that the results of nonrandomized studies are
They also identified diabetes mellitus (DM) as often ambiguous and not universally ac-
a growing problem that warrants attention. cepted unless the therapeutic effect is very
Although there is no evidence-based recom- large. These same biases are not present to
mendation to screen for DM as a preventive the same degree in randomized trials. Recent
measure, the medical directors identified development and use of mega-trials repre-
methods to screen for complications of this sents one variation.
disease. They unanimously agreed that clini- The mega-trial is a large, simple, random-
cians should provide services to prevent mor- ized trial analyzed on an intent to treat
bidity and/or mortality in this population. basis. In mega-trials randomization serves to
Conflicting and confusing guidelines are achieve identical allocation groups (equal dis-
detrimental to the delivery of preventive care tribution of bias) where there is poor experi-
and create a major barrier to CPS delivery. mental control and large between-subject
This project used a systematic approach to variation. Results of mega-trials cannot
reach consensus among medical directors readily be generalized because their conclu-
from competing HPs regarding CPS. It pro- sions are observations, not causal hypotheses
vides a template for other HPs nationwide to and therefore not testable. Mega-trials can
come to consensus on guidelines that support be repeated but not replicated. Mega-trials
clinicians in the delivery of CPS. dispense with the scientific aim of maximum
experimental control to remove or minimize
CYNTHIA GUERRERO AYRES bias and instead use randomization to achieve
HURDIS M. GRIFFITH equal distribution of bias between groups
(Charlton, 1995).
In clinical drug trials, following approval
Clinical Trials by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
three phases of clinical trials begin. Phase I
A clinical trial is a prospective controlled ex- studies generally establish whether a treat-
periment with patients. There are many types ment is safe and at what dosages. Phase II
of clinical trials, ranging from studies to pre- studies assess the efficacy of treatments after
vent, detect, diagnose, control, and treat their safety and feasibility has been estab-
health problems to studies of the psychologi- lished in Phase I. Phase III studies compare
cal impact of a health problem and ways to effectiveness of Phase II treatments against
improve peoples health, comfort, function- currently accepted treatments.
ing, and quality of life. Some scientists divide clinical trials into
The universe of clinical trials is divided three groups: (a) exploratory (initial trials in-
differently by different scientists. Clinical tri- vestigating a novel idea), (b) confirmatory
als are often grouped into two major classifi- (designed to replicate results of exploratory
cations, randomized and nonrandomized trials), and (c) explanatory (designed to mod-
studies. A randomized trial is defined as an ify or better understand an established point).
experiment in which therapies under investi- Other scientists divide the universe into two
gation are allocated by a chance mechanism. groups, such as pragmatic (practical benefits
Randomized clinical trials are comparative to the overall subject population treated) and
experiments that investigate two or more explanatory (Viscoli, Bruzzi, & Glauser,
therapies. Nonrandomized clinical trials usu- 1995).
ally involve only one therapy, on which infor- Issues surrounding clinical trials include
mation is collected prospectively and the re- biasing, expense of clinical trials, small sam-
sults compared to historical data. Comparing ple sizes, and ethical issues. There are many
prospective data with historical control data biases that can compromise a clinical trial,
Cognitive Interventions 87

such as observer bias, interviewer bias, use according to event rate in the controls, effect
of nonvalidated instruments, uneven subject sizes, and quality of the trials or according
recruitment by physicians, and individual to covariables of interest supplies unique in-
subject factors. Recent concerns have focused formation. If carried out prospectively, the
on bias in sample selection. technique provides information on the need
To date, the majority of clinical trials have for another trial, the number of subjects nec-
included a limited segment of the U.S. popula- essary to determine the validity of past trends
tion, that is, mainly middle-class, married, and the type of subjects who might be bene-
White males with little to no inclusion of fited.
women and minorities. This lack of diversity Ethical issues in clinical trials include is-
in trial samples has yielded results that are not sues of informed consent, withholding of
always generalizable and effective. Research treatment, and careful monitoring of clinical
also has demonstrated bias due to subject trial results. Additional issues of informed
factors. For example, subjects were more consent include assuring that subjects thor-
likely to participate in clinical trials on multi- oughly understand potential risks and bene-
ple sclerosis if they had a higher than median fits of participation and any effects on their
income and were disabled from work care should they decide to withdraw at any
(Schwartz, C. E., & Fox, 1995). Suggested point in the study. Issues of withholding treat-
approaches to reduce selection bias include ment include increasing subject risk or subject
(a) using a broad recruitment base to reduce benefit if there is reasonable evidence of posi-
patient and physician biasing factors and (b) tive effects of the intervention or treatment.
facilitating subject transportation to the Careful monitoring of the effects of interven-
study site. tions or treatment is necessary to stop the
Clinical trials are expensive and resource- trial if there is associated morbidity or mor-
intensive. As a result, subject numbers are tality and extending the intervention or treat-
generally limited to the minimum number ment to the control group in the event of
needed to demonstrate a significant effect not significantly positive treatment effects.
caused by chance. However, small clinical Clinical trials remain the principal way to
trials may not provide convincing evidence collect scientific data on the value of interven-
of intervention effects. Small clinical trials are tions and treatment. However, in designing
valuable in (a) challenging conventional but and evaluating clinical trials, rigor of method,
untested therapeutic wisdom, (b) providing including careful evaluation of potential bias-
data on number of events rather than number ing factors, is essential. Meta-analysis pro-
of patients and thus may be sufficient to iden- vides a summary of all available, unbiased
tify the best therapy, and (c) serving as a basis evidence on the relative effects of treatment.
for overview and meta-analysis (Sackett & However, rigor of methods used to conduct
Cook, 1993). the meta-analysis also must be evaluated.
To deal with the issue of small sample
sizes, meta-analysis is increasingly being DOROTHY BROOTEN
used. Meta-analysis (quantitative overview)
is a systematic review that employs statistical
methods to combine and summarize the re- Cognitive Interventions
sults of several trials. Well-conducted meta-
analyses are the best method of summarizing Cognitive interventions have been defined as
all available unbiased evidence on the relative mechanisms designed to change cognitive
effects of treatment (Richards, S. M., 1995). function, such as attention, concentration, or
In a meta-analysis the individual studies are memory (Baltes & Danish, 1980). An inter-
weighted according to the inverse of the vari- vention may be defined as a programmatic
ance; that is, more weight is given to studies attempt at altering the course of life-span de-
with more events. Arrangement of the trials velopmental phenomena. Interventions may

be classified as concrete technologies involv- treatment are published. Since chemotherapy

ing such parameters as the goal (enrichment, often causes individuals to experience cogni-
prevention, or alleviation), the target behav- tive difficulties and physical fatigue, which
ior (attention, cognition, memory, or percep- last over time, the programs of two research-
tion), the setting (family, classroom, commu- ers are illustrated. Elderly cancer survivors
nity, or hospital), and the mechanism (train- reported difficulty with attention, concentra-
ing, practice, or health delivery). Nurse scien- tion, and memory. Women undergoing treat-
tists have broadened the scope of their ment for breast cancer have difficulty with
research in health and illness by including attention fatigue, and cancer survivors may
multivariate models of affective, cognitive, suffer cognitive losses. McDougall (2001)
and behavioral interventions. This review de- tested the effectiveness of an efficacy-based
scribes the research of nurse scientists in two intervention designed to improve memory
areas: (1) the integrative reviews of nonphar- performance, memory self-efficacy, and met-
macological interventions, and (2) programs amemory in older adult cancer survivors and
of research in chronic illness, medication ad- those with other chronic conditions. A total
herence, and pain. These programs are exam- of 78 older adults (58 Fs, 20 Ms) with an
ples, and are not presented as a comprehen- average age of 82 years participated in the
sive review of cognitive intervention research eight-session program. Individuals were
from nurse scientists. grouped by chronic condition: cancer = 11,
Eller (1999) reviewed the research on arthritis = 16, heart disease = 32, and other
guided imagery, visualization, cognitive-be- = 19. The cancer group was older, M = 84.82,
havioral techniques for symptom manage- reported greater memory decline, and had
ment of stress, anxiety, depression, and for lower self-reported instrumental activities of
reducing blood pressure, pain, and the side daily living scores. The cancer group made
effects of chemotherapy. McDougall (1999) significant gains in short-term memory of im-
reviewed cognitive-behavioral interventions mediate and delayed story recall, memory-
designed to improve cognitive function in efficacy (M1 = 48.22, M2 = 58.00), and meta-
older adults without cognitive impairment. memory (subjective memory evaluation)
Snyder and Chlan (1999) reviewed the re- change (M1 = 2.18, M2 = 2.50). The responses
search on music therapy designed to manage of a group of elderly to training varied de-
pain, decrease anxiety and aggressive behav- pending on their health status.
iors, and improve performance and well-be- Cimprich and Ronis (2003) tested the effi-
ing. Even though the three integrative reviews cacy of a natural environment intervention,
were framed within the paradigm of comple- delivered 120 minutes per week of exposure,
mentary and alternative therapies, they illu- in the home of the individual. Capacity to
minated the vast differences between and direct attention was assessed with objective
among the interventions. Three major differ- measures at two time points: 2 weeks before
ences in the interventions emerged from these surgery and 2 weeks after surgery. Compared
comprehensive reviews: (1) dose (number of with the control group, the intervention
sessions and length of exposure), (2) the tar- group showed greater ability to direct atten-
get populations, and (3) the methodologies. tion. These two studies are examples of pro-
Chronic illness, such as cancer, HIV, and grams of research in which aspects of cogni-
fibromyalgia, do not have cure as their pri- tive function have been used as outcomes of
mary goal for treatment. Therefore, pallia- health promotion interventions.
tion, symptom management, and health pro- A unique program of research is the work
motion become important day-to-day activi- of Stuifbergen, Becker, Blozis, Timmer-
ties to maintain function and live with the man, & Kullberg (2003). Over more than 10
illness. A number of intervention studies to years of systematic inquiry, she has demon-
ameliorate symptoms from chemotherapy strated that cognitive behavioral health-pro-
Cognitive Interventions 89

motion interventions reduce the burden of Nurse researchers are making progress in
illness and improve the health of women with developing cognitive interventions to manage
multiple sclerosis (MS). pain. Two programs of research are described
Older adults are particularly vulnerable to here. Wells-Federman and her team (Wells-
medication errors, whether intentional or un- Federman, Arnstein, & Caudill, 2002) pro-
intentional. With older adults, age, cognitive vided a cognitive-behavioral treatment pain-
function, and presence of depression are management intervention to chronic pain pa-
known to influence compliance and adher- tients. Physicians who determined that these
ence behaviors. Two programs of research, individuals did not receive relief from pain
emphasizing technology, are relevant to this and suffering after they had undergone multi-
review. Fulmer and her team (1999) tested ple evaluations and treatments referred all
two experimental interventions: video tele- individuals to the research project. The inter-
phone and standard telephone against a con- vention was a group pain-management pro-
trol group receiving usual care. Compliance gram that met once per week for 10 consecu-
was determined as the percent of therapeutic tive weeks. Topics explored during these
coverage as recorded by Medication Event weekly sessions were the role of lifestyle fac-
Monitoring System (MEMS) caps. The exper- tors such as diet, activity, and physical and
imental groups, while not significantly differ- emotional tension. As a result of the interven-
ent from each other, showed greater medica- tion, pain intensity lowered by 18% and de-
tion compliance than the control group, pression scores were reduced by 29%. In ad-
which worsened at 8 weeks. dition self-efficacy for pain management in-
Insel and Cole (2004) also incorporated creased 36%. This intervention demon-
the MEMS as a mechanism to enhance the strated that cognitive behavioral treatment
availability of environmental cues to not only reduced suffering and improved the well-
remember to take medications, but also to being of persons with chronic pain.
remember if the medications were taken as Good, Anderson, Stanton-Hicks, Grass,
intended. The primary outcome measure, the and Makii (2002) evaluated the results of
percentage of days in which the correct num- three nonpharmacological interventions de-
ber of doses was taken, significantly in- livered to 311 patients following gynecologi-
creased. The intervention focused on provid- cal surgery: jaw relaxation, music, combina-
ing external memory cues to older adults re- tion of relaxation and music and a control
sponsible for self-management of medica- group. Participants in the intervention groups
tions. The cues assist in both remembering practiced the technique for 2 minutes preop-
to perform the intended action (prospective eratively and received coaching. The investi-
memory) and remembering if the action was gators evaluated sensation and distress of
performed as intended (source monitoring). pain, opioid intake, or patient-controlled an-
Therefore, the cues used both visual place- algesia (PCA), and sleep. The intervention
ment in salient places surrounding the time groups experienced less pain than the control
of day medicines need to be taken and also group only receiving PCA. When combined
provided a way for older people to check if with PCA, the three interventions had the
they have taken the medicines as desired. The same effects, that is a 9% to 29% reduction
interventions were tailored to the unique in pain. Those individuals who slept well had
needs/lifestyle of the individual and embed- less pain on the following day.
ded in the context of their living situation. With the greatly increasing older popula-
These two studies provide examples in which tion, the cognitive function of older adults
the use of a commercially available technol- remains a great concern. Research focused
ogy produces significant health outcomes to on maintaining cognitive function and pro-
assist older adults to maintain their indepen- moting improved cognitive function is ac-
dence. tively being investigated. The future holds

great promise for the ability of science to such as biased sample selection, intervening
assist older adults in maintaining cognitive historical events that may influence the out-
function necessary for quality of life. come variable, maturation of subjects, and
testing effects, a strong cohort design can ac-
GRAHAM J. MCDOUGALL, JR. count for many of these threats to the internal
validity of a study.
There are two major types of cohort de-
Cohort Design sign: cohort design with treatment parti-
tioning and the institutional cycles design. In
A cohort design is a time-dimensional design a cohort design with treatment partitioning,
to examine sequences, patterns of change or respondents are partitioned by the extent of
growth, or trends over time. A cohort is a treatment (amount or length) received. In the
group with common characteristics or experi- institutional cycles design, one or more earlier
ences during a given time period. Cohorts cohorts are compared with the experimental
generally refer to age groups or to groups of cohort on the variable(s) of interest. The insti-
respondents who follow each other through tutional cycles cohort design is strengthened
formal institutions such as universities or hos- if a nonequivalent nontreatment group is
pitals or informal institutions such as a fam- measured at the same time as the experimen-
ily. Populations also can be classified ac- tal group. A well-planned cohort design can
cording to other time dimensions, such as control for the effects of age or experience
time of diagnosis, time since exposure to a when these might confound results in a pre-
treatment, or time since initiating a behavior. test-posttest design or when no pretest mea-
A cohort might be graduates of nurse prac- sures of experimental subjects are available.
titioner programs in the years 1995, 2000, Cohort designs might utilize a combination
2005 or siblings in blended families. Cohort of cross-sectional and longitudinal data.
designs were originally used by epidemiolo- The term cohort studies broadly refers to
gists and demographers but are increasingly studies of one or more cohort groups to ex-
used in studies conducted by nurses and other amine the temporal sequencing of events over
researchers in the behavioral and health sci- time. Cohort studies may eventually lead to
ences. hypotheses about causality between variables
In the most restrictive sense a cohort de- and to experimental designs. Most cohort de-
sign refers to a quasi-experimental design in signs are prospective (e.g., the Nurses Health
which some cohorts are exposed to a treat- Study, in which 100,000 nurses were enrolled
ment or event and others are not. The purpose in 1976 and have been followed since) al-
of a cohort design is to determine whether though some are retrospective.
two or more groups differ on a specific out- There are a number of types of cohort
come measure. Cohort designs are useful for studies. The panel design, in which one or
drawing causal inferences in quasi-experi- more cohorts are followed over time, is espe-
mental studies because cohort groups are ex- cially useful for describing phenomena.
pected to differ only minimally on back- Trend studies are prospective designs used to
ground characteristics. Recall that a quasi- examine trends over time. In trend studies,
experimental design lacks random assign- different subsamples are drawn from a larger
ment of subjects to groups. Although the cohort at specified time points to look at pat-
groups in a cohort design may not be as com- terns, rates, or trends over time (Polit & Hun-
parable as randomly assigned groups, archi- gler, 1995). Panel designs with multiple co-
val records or data on relevant variables can horts are used to study change in the vari-
be used to compare cohorts that received a able(s) of interest over time, to examine dif-
treatment with those that did not. Because ferences between cohort groups in variables,
simple comparisons between cohorts may and to identify different patterns between
suffer from a number of design problems, groups. In a panel study with multiple co-
Collaborative Research 91

horts, the groups can enter the study at differ- can maximize the potential of all participants
ent points in time, and the effects of aging and contribute to a greater outcome.
can be differentiated from the effect of being Related to scarce resources is the call for
a member of a particular cohort group increased accountability of research efforts.
(Woods & Catanzaro, 1988). A prospective If finite resources are to be allocated, society
study is a variation of a panel design in which and specific funding sources ask that the proj-
a cohort free of an outcome but with one or ect demonstrate societal relevance and a con-
more risk factors is followed longitudinally to nection to public concerns. Through partner-
determine who develops the health outcome. ships with consumers, communities, or cur-
The prospective design is used to test hypoth- rent practitioners, relevant and timely issues
eses about risk factors for disease or other are more likely to emerge as inquiry topics.
health outcomes. Some authors limit the term Potential collaborators fall into several
cohort study to designs in which exposed and categories. Individuals can come to the proj-
nonexposed subjects are studied prospec- ect with expertise in the research process or
tively or retrospectively from a specific point. in a substantive clinical area. Individuals can
A major problem with prospective studies contribute the perspective of education, ser-
of all types is subject attrition from death, vice, or research. Agencies or institutions can
refusal, or other forms of loss. The loss of participate as collaborators, bringing specific
subjects in a prospective study may lead to human or material resources. Population
biased estimates about the phenomena of in- groups can contribute the perspective and
terest. wisdom of a community. Nursing literature
also advocates international collaborative ef-
Collaborative research involves multiple
advantages. One potential advantage is a
strengthened process and improved outcome
Collaborative Research through the contribution from multiple indi-
viduals with varying expertise and perspec-
Collaborative research involves cooperation tives. Investigator bias can be reduced with
of individuals, agencies, and organizations in multiple inputs. Multisite partnerships give a
the planning, implementation, evaluation, potential of larger sample size over a shorter
and dissemination of research activities. Ideal time frame and the benefits of built-in replica-
collaboration brings the perspectives of nurs- tion. Resources and potential funding sources
ing practice, research, and education to bear can be increased through collaboration. The
on complex issues of health and nursing. The possibility of greater dissemination of find-
research process, context, design, and needed ings increases with more participants. Collab-
resources for collaborative projects are not oration with clinical agencies can help iden-
unique within the research arena. The unique tify potential student clinical placement and
feature involves the configuration of a re- supports a context for research that is com-
search team whose members bring varying patible with the realities of nursing practice.
expertise, perspectives, and authority within Additionally, innovations in nursing practice
an institution or agency. or policy are more likely to be adopted if
Two prevailing trends support collabora- those involved in implementation partici-
tion, namely, constrained resources and so- pated in the inquiry process. Finally, collabo-
ciopolitical accountability. With diminishing rative interaction can enhance professional
resources to fund research and to deliver creativity, collegiality, and productivity.
health care, partnerships can be an effective Although benefits exist, collaborative re-
and efficient way to use human, fiscal, and search also presents distinct disadvantages.
material resources. Pooling resources of a va- Most disadvantages are related to interper-
riety of individuals, agencies, and disciplines sonal issues and the complexities of pulling

together different perspectives, priorities, and legiality. Disadvantages relate to the com-
styles. Teamwork requires clear communica- plexity of blending two institutions perspec-
tion, trust, openness, administrative coordi- tives and priorities, the challenges of meeting
nation, and distinct role delineation. Without time and place, and the need to decrease
those features, the integrity of the research teaching or work load for the researchers.
and the professional productivity of the col- The consortium model involves individu-
laborators are at risk. Another disadvantage als from multiple health care agencies in a
of collaboration is the possibility of multiple geographic region. This model provides the
review boards and organizational protocols. benefits of cost sharing, large subject pool,
Collaboration also may add to the time com- decreased data collection time, and the mo-
mitment. mentum and inspiration of a shared project.
Five major types of collaborative research Because of the geographic distance between
described in the nursing literature are the tra- sites, communication and decision making
ditional model, health care setting model, present major challenges. Multiple agencies
unification model, consortium model, and also introduce multiple protocols or review
participatory action research. Each model has boards. Researchers in this model often re-
advantages and disadvantages. port an ambiguity regarding their role in
In the traditional model, individual re- the project.
searchers from the same or different institu- The participatory action research (PAR)
tions work together. In this model, research- model combines community participation,
ers learn from the expertise of each other. research, and action to solve pressing social
The usual equal distribution of experience problems. This mode of inquiry involves the
and expertise means that the research tasks community as an equal partner at every step
can be divided. The project ideas can be cri- of the process. Benefits include empowerment
tiqued by two or more researchers with train- of local communities, development of lay
ing in the research process or in a substantive leadership, and resolution of real-life situa-
area. Detrimental characteristics of the tradi- tions. Disadvantages involve a long time com-
tional model relate to the necessity of de- mitment and difficulty in obtaining funding.
creased teaching load for researchers with an Collaborative efforts can be enhanced by
educational appointment and the need for the explicit discussion and written communi-
resources of funding and research assistance. cation of guidelines. Thiele (1989) mentioned
Examples of the traditional model abound. three significant issues that require attention:
In the health care model, research occurs questions of authorship, contribution and
within a clinical institution under the leader- recognition of effort (p. 150). Written
ship of an employed nurse researcher. Collab- agreement among collaborators should clar-
orators include the clinical staff and the nurse ify role responsibilities for each participant,
researcher. The strongest merit of this model decision-making processes, tentative time
is the development of practice-relevant re- schedules, spin-off projects, and subsequent
search; and because clinicians are involved, use of data. Engebretson and Wardell (1997)
there is ownership, accepted innovation, and listed the requisite personal attributes as
practice based on scientific research. In this trustworthiness, competence, and flexibil-
model, subjects are easily accessible, and in- ity (p. 43) and the requisite relationship at-
terdisciplinary collaboration is easily ar- tributes as acceptance, validation, and com-
ranged. Disadvantages involve the potential mitment (p. 44) and often synergy and fun.
for poor generalizability, investigator bias,
role conflict, and scarce research funding. JOANNE W. RAINS
In the unification model, academic re-
searchers from educational institutions and
clinicians from health care agencies collabo- Comfort
rate as equal partners. Benefits include com-
bined resources from education and service, Comfort has been conceptualized as a holistic
practice-relevant research, and enhanced col- outcome of nursing care and defined as the
Comfort 93

experience of having needs for relief, ease, lism, conscious and subconscious experiences
and transcendence addressed or met in four influence motivation for patients/families to
contexts of experience. The four contexts for engage in HSBs. Because HSBs are construc-
experiencing comfort were derived from the tive, they are reciprocally and positively re-
literature on holism and were labeled physi- lated to comfort. Comfort Theory states that
cal, psychospiritual, environmental, and soci- patient/family comfort is the immediate goal
ocultural (Kolcaba, 1991). Relief, ease, and of comforting interventions, and HSBs, spe-
transcendence, three types of comfort, were cific to health-related goals, are subsequent
derived from a concept analysis of comfort outcomes.
(Kolcaba & Kolcaba, 1991). Comfort Theory is focused on enhancing
Comfort care is nursing care that is in- patient/family comfort for altruistic and
tended to enhance a patients comfort beyond pragmatic reasons. Patients/families want to
its previous baseline. Comfort care consists be comforted by nurses in stressful health-
of goal-directed, comforting activities (the care situations. Because comfort is related to
process of comforting) through which en- subsequent desirable health and institutional
hanced comfort (the desired end product or outcomes, the outcome of enhanced comfort
outcome) is achieved. The process is initiated is elevated in stature among other more tech-
by the nurse after an assessment of the com- nical and narrow outcomes. It is a holistic and
fort needs of the patient/family. Because the nursing-sensitive outcome that is congruent
specified product or goal is enhanced com- with recent mandates to measure nursing ef-
fort, a successful process is evaluated by com- fectiveness in terms of positive and desirable
paring comfort levels before and after inter- patient/family goals (Magvary, 2002).
ventions that are targeted towards comfort. The Theory of Comfort directs research in
The process is incomplete until the product several ways. First, it guides nurses to test
of enhanced comfort is achieved (Dretske, relationships between particular holistic in-
1988; Kolcaba, 2003). terventions and comfort. Second, it guides
Kolcaba (1994, 2003) provides a theoreti- nurses to test relationships between comfort
cal framework for practicing comfort care and setting-related HSBs. If the relationship
and for generating nursing research about is positive, nurses have a pragmatic rationale
comfort. Briefly, the theory states that inter- for enhancing patient comfort. Third, it
ventions should be designed and imple- guides nurses to test relationships between
mented to address unmet comfort needs of HSBs and institutional outcomes.
patients and their families. Because comfort Qualitative studies have been conducted
is a basic human need, patients and families to determine the nature of comforting nursing
often assist nursing efforts towards enhanced actions and what comfort means to patients.
comfort. (In fact, some self-comforting mea- Journal publications by these authors did not
sures can be negative, such as alcohol or drug define or operationalize the outcome of com-
abuse.) The effectiveness of comforting inter- fort. Several empirical tests of Comfort The-
ventions is perceived in the context of existing ory have been conducted by Kolcaba and as-
intervening variables. Intervening variables sociates (Kolcaba, 2003).These comfort stud-
are factors that recipients bring to the situa- ies demonstrated significant differences be-
tion and upon which nurses have little influ- tween treatment and comparison groups on
ence, such as financial status, existing social comfort over time. The following interven-
support, previous experience with health tions were tested: (a) types of immobilization
care, and religious beliefs. Enhanced comfort for persons after coronary angiogram, (b)
strengthens patients and their families during guided imagery for women going through ra-
stressful health care situations, thereby facili- diation therapy for early breast cancer, (c)
tating health-seeking behaviors (HSBs). cognitive strategies for persons with urinary
Schlotfeldt (1975) discussed HSBs in terms frequency and incontinence, (d) hand mas-
of those that are internal (fertility, healing), sage for persons near end of life, and (e) gen-
external (self-care, functional status), or lead- eralized comfort measures for women during
ing to a peaceful death. Consistent with ho- first and second stages of labor. In each study,

interventions were targeted to all attributes study of community health include cultural
of comfort relevant to the research settings, change theories, social change theories, criti-
comfort instruments were adapted from the cal theories, community development, diffu-
General Comfort Questionnaire (Kolcaba, sion of innovation, ecological models, com-
2003), and there were at least two measure- munity participation, community power, and
ment points, usually three, to capture change community decision making.
in comfort over time. Community health research can be classi-
To demonstrate that comfort is an im- fied in different ways. For example, categori-
portant mission for nursing, additional tests cal programs include large-scale interdisci-
of Comfort Theory should be conducted, in- plinary studies such as the Minnesota Heart
cluding attention to increased functional sta- Health Program, the Pawtucket Heart Health
tus, faster progress during rehabilitation, Program, and the Stanford Five-City Project.
faster healing, or peaceful death (when ap- Noncategorical programs include Healthy
propriate). Institutional outcomes could in- Cities and action research. Epidemiological
clude decreased length of stay for hospitalized research includes community needs, assets as-
patients, decreased readmissions, and higher sessments, and risk factors for disease. Fi-
patient satisfaction. nally, there are evaluations of community
health interventions. Increasingly, nurses are
KATHARINE KOLCABA conducting community health research and
involving other disciplines and the commu-
nity in the process.
Community Health Opportunities for nursing research in com-
munity health are enormous. The growth of
Community health is influenced by environ- managed care is placing increased demands
mental, biomedical, organizational, and be- on state and local public health systems to
havioral factors and encompasses a broad assure the continuation of vital programs. Re-
definition of health. For example, good jobs, search in managed care and its impact on
education, safe neighborhoods, access to community health is needed to assure ac-
health and social services, and recreation and countability of essential services. The extent
leisure activities all promote community to which underserved populations receive
health. Community health is a process of care within cost-containment strategies
health promotion and disease prevention in should be studied. The development of com-
which community leaders identify commu- munity coalitions for health throughout the
nity problems and assets, create consensus country requires further study. Most major
on goals, take action, and reach goals. Key health programsfor example, Assessment
aspects of this process are community devel- Protocol for Excellence in Public Health
opment and multisectoral interventions, in- (APEX/PH), Planned Approach to Commu-
cluding health policy and community partici- nity Health (PATCH), Healthy Cities and
pation. Ongoing community-wide efforts as- Communities, and HIV/AIDS Community
sess and monitor progress in achieving explic- Planninginvolve the development of com-
itly stated community goals, for example, munity coalitions as part of the community
those adapted from Healthy People 2010 health process.
(U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser- Research is needed to explain under what
vices [USDHHS], 2000). conditions coalitions succeed in promoting
Because the health of people is affected by community health programs and policies.
broad contextual factors, nurses, particularly How effective are these programs and policies
community health nurses, must collaborate in changing key community health indicators
with other disciplines in developing a knowl- of success? Nursing interventions, such as
edge base for community health. Useful theo- nurse-managed clinics or community nursing
ries and models that can be applied to the centers, need further research. What are the
Community Mental Health 95

critical factors that sustain successful nurse- nursing research in each of these countries
managed services at the local level? To what emerged.
extent are these services being integrated into From the early 19th century until the
the networks of provider services? Dissemi- 1960s, mental hospitals, or asylums, con-
nation of research findings is also important. stituted the major treatment resource for the
For example, what are the characteristics of mentally ill in both the U.S. and U.K. Ad-
successful nurse-managed services that can vances in the use of psychotropic medications
be applied elsewhere and in what types of and government policy directives in each
communities? country spurred movement of mentally ill pa-
Likewise, the challenges are enormous. tients into the community. The historic re-
Nurses can take the lead in interdisciplinary port, Action for Mental Health, presented to
research collaboration. The skills for commu- the U.S. Congress in 1961, recommended a
nity health research require the expertise of shift to community-based care. This was fol-
many disciplines in addition to nursing, in- lowed in 1963 by the enactment of the Com-
cluding epidemiology, health economics, munity Mental Health Centers Act, which
medicine, dentistry, health policy, statistics, authorized $150 million in federal funds to
and urban planning. The challenge is to share develop comprehensive community mental
the expertise of each discipline as well as health centers (Miller, 1981). The U.K. fol-
share the credit and rewards of collaboration. lowed suit in 1962 when British politician
Although the time is ripe for funding such Enoch Powell presented his Hospital Plan for
research efforts, such funding is highly com- England to Parliament; however, it was not
petitive in the current health care arena. until the publication of the 1975 White Paper,
The concept of community health incorpo- Better Services for the Mentally Ill, that any
rates a broad definition of health, one that real increase in resources were initiated
recognizes the multiple community factors (Bonner, 2000).
that support and impinge on health. Scientific The shift from hospital to community
inquiry that includes both qualitative and posed challenges for psychiatric nursing in
quantitative research approaches is needed to both countries. Most psychiatric nurses in the
further build the body of knowledge relevant U.S. were educated through hospital-based
to the theory and practice of community programs, making them ill equipped to take
health. on the demands of an expanded community
role. Although the findings of several early
BEVERLY C. FLYNN descriptive studies (Hess, 1969; Hicks, De-
loughery, & Gebbie, 1971) show psychiatric
nurses functioning in diverse roles, nursing
leaders (Mereness, 1983) during this period
Community Mental Health expressed concern that too often nurses in
community mental health adopt residual
Over the past 50 years, the community men- roles, resulting from their lack of education
tal health movement has had a tremendous in psychiatric theory and unequal status
impact on psychiatric nursing, taking psychi- among fellow professionals.
atric nurses into communities and freeing In the U.K., social workers were the pri-
them from their almost exclusive practices in mary professionals delivering care to men-
large state hospitals. Nursing research in the tally ill patients in the community. Nursing
area of community mental health has steadily was represented by the part-time activity of
increased, the United Kingdom having con- hospital-based psychiatric nurses who were
tributed most to this body of literature, espe- seen merely as a technology through which
cially in recent years. Historic influences in psychiatrists could extend their authority be-
the United States (U.S.) and United Kingdom yond the confines of the hospital (Bonner,
(U.K.) created different climates from which 2000). In both countries, the main role for

community psychiatric nurses during these as professionals and their relationships with
early years was the task of administering de- general practitioners grew, however, their
pot injections to patients with severe men- caseloads became comprised of patients with
tal disorders. less severe problems (Godin, 1996). The find-
The 1970s and 1980s were characterized ings of one U.K. study (Barratt, 1989) show
by role differentiation and expansion for community psychiatric nurses self-perceived
community psychiatric nurses in both coun- roles becoming more differentiated, empha-
tries. In the U.S., there was recognition of the sizing prevention, counseling, and a variety
need for advanced educational preparation of therapies for certain patient populations.
of psychiatric nurses to meet the challenges Another study (Wetherill, Kelly, & Hore,
of this evolving role (DeYoung & Tower, 1987), investigating the effectiveness of a
1971). The findings of one descriptive study structured home intervention to improve pa-
(Davis & Underwood, 1976) show that, al- tient compliance in alcohol treatment and re-
though half of the nurses employed in four covery, demonstrates the growing ability of
community mental health centers earned a community psychiatric nurses in the U.K. to
bachelors degree and provided some consul- develop innovative interventions and expand
tation and counseling, most of their time was their practices to include a varied clientele
spent performing traditional functions. With base.
increased educational opportunities, funded In the U.S., psychiatric nurses continued
largely by the National Institute of Mental to develop pivotal roles in a variety of com-
Health (NIMH) in the 1980s, psychiatric munity treatment modalities. In one national
nurses grew more sophisticated and diversi- survey of assertive outreach programs, find-
fied. They began to function as therapists for ings show that 88% had a psychiatric nurse
individuals, families, and groups and to serve as an integral member of the treatment team
as case managers and coordinators of com- (Deci, Santos, Hiott, Schoenwald, & Dias,
munity services. Psychiatric home care nurs- 1995). Over time, psychiatric clinical nurse
ing also began to flourish during this period specialists became recognized as independent
as reimbursement for these services became practitioners, eligible for third-party reim-
available (Fagin, 2001). Although nursing re- bursement, and active in caring for seriously
search related to community mental health mentally ill patients (Iglesias, 1998; White,
was still scarce, an early intervention study 2000); however, research addressing specific
(Slavinsky & Krauss, 1982), funded by the psychiatric nursing interventions for this pop-
NIMH, characterized nurses commitment to ulation was still quite limited (Beebe, 2001;
the care of psychiatric patients in the commu- Rabbins et al., 2000). The Decade of the
nity and their skill in developing innovative Brain in the 1990s brought the medicaliza-
programs for this population. tion of psychiatric practice. In response to the
The drive for autonomy for community challenge of integrating biologic knowledge
psychiatric nurses in the U.K. was away from into clinical practice, psychiatric nurses
psychiatry and general nursing. Their working in community mental health centers
professionalization and expansion was and in private practice in the U.S. sought pre-
largely achieved through their successful in- scriptive authority. Current nursing research
cursion into primary health care and distanc- reflects efforts to understand prescribing
ing from mental health teams. Government practices of advanced-practice psychiatric
initially supported community psychiatric nurses (Talley & Richens, 2001) and identify
nurses efforts in building new relationships barriers to prescriptive practice (Kaas, Dahl,
with general practitioners, and even funded Dehn, & Frank, 1998).
their training (Godin, 2000). Community By the 1990s, community psychiatric
psychiatric nurses expanded in number, and nurses in the U.K. were numerically the most
also in the range of therapeutic approaches dominant occupational group within com-
used in their practices. As their self-image munity mental health care; however, this also
Complementary and Alternative Practices and Products (CAPPS) 97

meant that they were perceived as responsible Complementary and Alternative

for many of its failures. Criticism was primar- Practices and Products (CAPPS)
ily directed toward their decision to shift fo-
cus away from the care of patients with severe
A large percentage of persons worldwide are
mental illnesses in favor of work in primary
using complementary and alternative prac-
health care. Many also questioned the effec-
tices and products (CAPPs), referred to also
tiveness of their work in primary care, con-
as complementary and alternative medi-
tending that counseling-based interventions
cine (CAM), and, more recently, integrative
were of unproven worth with people experi-
medicine (NIH, 2003). However, the term
encing minor, self-limiting problems, and
CAM is not a true descriptor in that use of
were not cost effective (Hannigan, 1997).
these practices and products is not limited to
Not only were community psychiatric nurses
medicine. Integrative medicine is the newest
directed to reappraise the value they placed
term added to the range of definitions related
upon serving those with severe mental illness,
they were also directed to develop and apply to the concept of complementary and alter-
evidence-based interventions with this popu- native medicine. The term integrative is
lation. increasingly used by clinicians and research-
One needs only to scan recent reviews of ers, reflecting findings in the survey literature
nursing research to gain an appreciation of that suggested most people use CAPPs in con-
the effort that has and is being put forth by junction with, rather than as an alternative to,
psychiatric nurses in the U.K. to meet this conventional or mainstream medical services
mandate. The nursing literature is replete (NCCAM, 2003; Ni et al., 2002).
with studies investigating the clinical impact Despite any confusion in use of terms, sur-
of specific interventions with severely men- veys indicated that a significant percentage
tally ill patients. Examples include nursing of the adult population in the United States
interventions for early detection of medica- (ranging from 30% to 45% at the beginning
tion side effects (Jordan, Tunnicliffe, & of the new millennium) is trying a variety of
Sykes, 2002), for identifying psychiatric ill- these ancient and modern CAPPs to treat a
ness in the elderly (Waterreus, Blanchard, & variety of symptoms and conditions (Eisen-
Mann, 1994), for providing sex education berg et al., 1993, 1998; Ni et al., 2002). A
to mentally ill patients (Woolf & Jackson, parallel trend is the increasing use of CAPPs
1996), for delivering a psychosocial inter- among senior citizens, specifically in the
vention to families caring for a relative with aging U.S. population. A recent national sam-
schizophrenia (Brooker & Butterworth, ple study has shown that 30% of people aged
1991), and for using an insight program 65 and older used at least one CAPP modality
with patients diagnosed with schizophrenia compared with 46% of those younger than
(Pelton, 2001). While psychiatric nurses age 65 (p = < .001) (Ai & Bolling, 2002).
throughout the world can use the wealth of These surveys indicate, also, that the Ameri-
knowledge gained from these studies, it is can public is spending billions of dollars for
equally important that research be directed CAPPs, most of which is not reimbursed by
toward testing nursing interventions within third-party payers.
the context of specific communities and dif- In response to the increasing interest of the
ferent cultures, and that nursing research in American people in the healing potential of
this area become more interdisciplinary in CAPPs, the Federal Government created in
nature. It is also important that nurse re- 1992 the Office of Alternative Medicine
searchers study the effects of disparity and (OAM) (elevated in 1999 to the National
stigma in access to community mental health Center for Complementary and Alternative
care across the life span. Medicine [NCCAM]). The mission of the
NCCAM is to assure users, through rigorous
WENDY LEWANDOWSKI research studies, that the CAPPs widely used

by the American people do what the prac- selected CAPPs may access a Public Informa-
titioners of these modalities and the manufac- tion Clearinghouse Database, and the Evalu-
turers of these products claim. It is acknowl- ations Section of NCCAM may be accessed at
edged today that anecdotes about efficacy the web site http://nccam.nih.gov/ (NCCAM,
and effectiveness of practices for which there 2003; Taylor, 1998).
are not plausible explanations are insuffi- Selected complementary and alternative
cient, thereby giving importance to well-de- practices have been studied sufficiently to
signed and well-executed research. provide conclusive evidence of effectiveness.
The term complementary medicine/thera- For example, there are data to support a num-
pies was introduced during the decade of the ber of behavioral and relaxation practices
1970s in the United Kingdom and refers to used to treat pain and insomnia. However,
those practices and products that link the data currently available are insufficient to be
most appropriate therapies to meet the indi- definitive that one practice or procedure is
viduals physical, mental, emotional, and more effective than another for a given condi-
spiritual needs. In some cultures the term al- tion. Yet, because of psychosocial differences
ternative refers to those practices and prod- among persons, as well as variations in per-
ucts that are provided in place of conven- sonality traits among individuals, one proce-
tional health care, many of which are outside dure or product may be more suited than
the realm of accepted health-care theory and another for a given person (NIH Technology
practices in the United States. Still today, Assessment Panel, 1996; Owens, Taylor, &
practices and products categorized as com- DeGood, 1999).
plementary and alternative reflect a broad The challenge today for health care profes-
spectrum of modalities and beliefs. Conse- sionals is to become and stay informed re-
quently, what is defined as such varies based garding indications and contraindications for
upon professional or occupational perspec- use of the myriad of procedures and products
tive. Among the early initiatives of the that patients are using, including the potential
NCCAM was identification of broad catego- interactions of natural products with phar-
ries of CAPPs as a beginning to the classifica- maceuticals, foods, and lifestyles. Movement
tion of the more than 200 modalities that to offer some content about CAPPs within
are reported to have more than 10,000 uses. the curricula of schools of nursing, medicine,
These categories fall under the rubrics of al- and pharmacy is evident. However, while fac-
ternative medical systems (e.g., homeopathy, ulty responsible for the integration of this
naturopathy); mind-body interventions (e.g., content sometimes desire to include it, there
mental imagery, music therapy); biologically appears to be less agreement among faculty
based therapies (e.g., dietary supplements, on the practical aspects of its integration
herbal products); manipulative and body- (Gaydos, 2001; Kligler, 1996). A more recent
based methods (e.g., massage, chiropractic); effort of the NCCAM focuses on introduc-
and energy therapies (e.g., qi gong, therapeu- tion of CAPPs information into allopathic,
tic touch, electromagnetic energy fields as in osteopathic, nursing, dental, and pharmacy
magnet therapy). The NCCAM fosters re- schools to capture the attention of young
search to reduce barriers that keep promising health professionals (Taylor, Menzies, &
therapies from emerging. To promote re- Boyden, 2001).
search in CAPPs, OAM initially established The main issue regarding research in
10 research centers across the country, one CAPPs is not the adversarial position, e.g.,
of which is directed by a nurse. NCCAM has CAPPs vs mainstream, but the more schol-
since enlarged this number to 13 research arly position of asking whether an interven-
centers across the country and has reported tion is effective or not; is it safe or not?
plans to develop international research cen- (NCCAM, 2001). Rigorous programs of re-
ters as well (NCCAM). Interested persons search involving any of these practices and
seeking state-of-the-science information on products may begin with basic questions:
Computer-Aided Instruction 99

Whats going on with a particular therapy in factors foster optimism and increase the po-
the investigators target population? How do tential for additional evidence-based holistic
individual differences, as assessed by a given care, facilitating the safe integration of se-
measurement tool, influence what happens lected CAPPs into health care.
or does not happen in the use of a particular
therapy for management of a specified symp- ANN GILL TAYLOR
tom? From general questions such as these, VICTORIA MENZIES
coupled with extensive literature reviews and
consultation with experts, more specific ques-
tions about the use of these therapies in pa- Computer-Aided Instruction
tient care evolve to guide the investigators re-
search. Computer-aided instruction is an educational
Because nursing takes the position that pa- method in which specially designed computer
tients perceptions, thoughts, and feelings are programs are delivered to learners as replace-
an important part of their reality, these influ- ment or adjunct to standard classroom or
ence the nature of inquiry and the choice of practical experience. This form of instruction
outcome measures. Focusing on individual may be offered in a classroom setting by an
differences among patients when assessing instructor. Instruction may be offered in the
use, efficacy, and effectiveness of CAPPs per- form of clinical simulation, where the pro-
mits the investigator to analyze disparate pa- gram reproduces a virtual scenario similar to
tient care findings and synthesize these into what the learner would experience in a live,
questions that will add to the body of knowl- clinical situation; it may also be used in adap-
edge about these therapies (Owens et al., tive testing which tailors the testing in re-
1999). Findings resulting from research stud- sponse to a learners ability. Computer-aided
ies testing the efficacy of CAPPs may lead instruction may also be offered in an inter-
to knowledge that can be useful in making active format for purposes of mastering the-
reliable predictions and linking appropriate ory in addition to clinical/psychomotor skills.
therapies to a person for promotion of health Ayoub et al. (1998) proposed that use of an
or symptom management (Taylor, 1998). interactive computer classroom will help fos-
Definitions of complementary and alterna- ter the development of critical thinking
tive procedures and products (CAPPs) and within groups at all levels of education. Utili-
estimates of consumer use will continue to zation of this model of education becomes
change as researchers complete rigorous sci- increasingly relevant in a basic or advanced
entific studies in this area. While health con- practitioner role with the advent of the in-
sumers today are empowered to take control creasingly restricted clinical time allotments
of their health care outcomes, a large number to students and faculty. Problem-solving skill
of nurses and other health care professionals development is impacted, and not uncom-
still lack knowledge about CAPPs, thus creat- monly, places students with inadequate
ing a barrier to consumers achieving their knowledge and insufficient clinical skills in
goal. Rigorous clinical studies continue to be situations which can ultimately prove harm-
needed to provide evidence of treatment effi- ful to patients (Weis & Guyton-Simmons,
cacy for many symptoms and conditions. Re- 1998).
search monies are available for competitive One of the biggest impediments to broader
research proposals through the NCCAM and use of the computer as an instructional device
other departments within the National Insti- in the period from the late 1980s through the
tutes of Health. Consumer demand and pres- early 1990s was anxiety regarding computer
sure will continue to drive integration of se- use, commonly referred to as technopho-
lected CAPPs into the conventional health bia (Geibart, 2000). Age is also a factor,
care system as well as prompting the need for with older students exhibiting more anxiety
continued rigorous science in this field. These than younger ones about computer technol-

ogy. Initial attempts to integrate the com- world. Clinical simulation in the form of vir-
puter into education were limited to using the tual reality will take the learner to new
device as an alternative to paper-and-pencil heights in very realistic learning adventures.
assignments and testing. Gibbons, Bachulis, As the use of computers in and out of the
and Allen (1999) compared a group of 45 classroom continues to increase, research ex-
students who were asked to design a com- ploring the outcomes of this educational
puter program on a relevant clinical topic method will be forthcoming.
and compared this group to another group
assigned a paper-and-pencil independent JOSEPH M. FILAKOVSKY
study. Students with the computer assign-
ments expressed more satisfaction with their
assignment. Ravert (2002) reviewed nine ed- Computerized Decision Support
ucational programs (five medical, four nurs- Systems
ing) utilizing clinical simulation as a part of
their instructional program and found that Although there is no clear agreement about
only one of the nine, at a medical school how to define Computerized Decision Sup-
located outside the United States, did not port Systems (DSSs), most would agree that
score positively as favoring computer simula- a DSS can be defined in general as a compu-
tion as a part of its academic program. Simu- terized system used to aid decision making
lation lends itself to a number of learning related to semi-structured problems. But
opportunities, particularly with complex pa- some incorrectly include under the umbrella
tients and patients utilizing complex medical of DSS software that are not truly DSSs, such
technologies normally seen in a critical care as expert systems. While differentiation is
area. The study of pathophysiologic process fuzzy, in general a true DSS is a collection of
also lends itself well to simulation (Hart, software programs, at the core of which are
2000). mathematical and statistical modeling com-
Computer adaptive testing which adapts ponents which act with real data to facilitate
to the individuals ability forms the basis for decision making. A defining characteristic of
many of the specialty practice and achieve- DSSs is that they are proactive. They provide
ment examinations taken by practitioners. rapid responses to real situations based on
Probably the most familiar form of this type real data, models, and established guidelines.
of testing is the National Council Licensing They are designed to be flexible, and allow
Examination (NCLEX) which was started in ad hoc queries and easy changing of parame-
1994. Forker and McDonald (1996) note that ters in order to accommodate clinician intu-
with the increased availability of microcom- ition and judgment.
puters in schools, exclusive use of traditional DDS systems vary in terms of complexity
paper-and-pencil testing is changing. It is safe and scope, ranging from simple provision of
to assume that this would be the case with integrated reports to use of inferencing meth-
computer simulation activities as well. It can ods to determine complex associations be-
also be assumed that with the almost daily tween pieces of data. While their goal is to
advances in web-based technology, clinical facilitate effective decision making, they deal
education as well as education of a more theo- with problems that are relatively unstruc-
retical nature, such as epidemiology or bio- tured. For example, such a system might be
ethics, will continue to lend itself to this mode used to predict how a new patient care treat-
of education. ment might affect the average duration of
The technology surrounding computer- patient stay in an institutional setting.
aided instruction and testing will continue to The ultimate goal of any DSS is to help
expand greatly in the future. Distance learn- clinicians overcome their cognitive resource
ing will continue to become more widely used limitations for processing and storage as well
and embraced by educators throughout the as problem solving in an increasingly com-
Computerized Decision Support Systems 101

plex medical environment. DSSs do this by (McAlister, Covvy, Tong, Lee, & Wigle,
helping clinicians to manage information 1986). Their goal is to generate, at the point-
overload in order to properly assess all of the of-care, patient-specific evidence-based ther-
relevant information and generate systematic apy instructions that can be carried out by
and reasonable therapy. This has the net ef- different clinicians with little interclinician
fect of facilitating standardization of care, variability. Individualization of patient ther-
reducing errors, and improving quality of apy is preserved by these explicit protocols
care. since they are driven by individual patient
Healthcare DSS systems use actual patient data (Morris, 2001). A good example in nurs-
data to provide information that can help ing of such a DSS is the Braden System (Berg-
clinicians make decisions. Wyatt and Spiegel- strom, 1997). This is a DSS that guides the
halter (1990) add the requirement that a med- caregiver through risk assessment and then
ical DSS generate case-specific advice. The suggests risk-based care tailored to the spe-
use of DSSs in clinical decision support can cific patient risk-factors based on published
be divided into two categories: diagnostic guidelines. However, while the use of DSSs
and therapeutic. in therapeutics seems reasonable, research is
There are several types of diagnostic DSSs. need that demonstrate their benefits in terms
First are systems generating differential diag- of outcome measures (Weiner & Pifer, 2000).
noses. Such systems provide lists of possible Nursing research in the area of informatics
diagnoses based on given clinical data. How- has a history of perhaps 25 years, most of
ever, such systems are often problematic as which has been heavily invested in the basic
the potential benefit for the differential diag- work necessary for the building of DSS sys-
nosis-generating DSS to inform caregivers tems. This basic work includes the develop-
about additional relevant diagnoses can be ment and identification of classification sys-
outweighed by the noise that arises from tems, taxonomies, vocabularies, best prac-
the presentation of irrelevant or inappropri- tices, essential data elements, and types of
ately ranked diagnostic choices (Weiner & information used in nursing research and
Pifer, 2000). Another type of DSS is based nursing decision making (McCormick &
on a rule in/out model. These are used by Jones, 1998; Werley, Devine, Zorn, Ryan, &
caregivers to rule in or out a small set of Westra, 1991; Benner, 1984). While nurse
diagnoses based on a given set of objective informaticists have also developed circum-
clinical signs and symptoms. They function scribed DDS systems using these building
like a second opinion and have been success- blocks, research related to the accuracy of
ful in limited application (Weiner & Pifer). the decisions and the efficacy of these systems
A third type of DSS is used for computer- in improving outcomes is fairly limited (John-
aided review of clinical tests such as radio- ston, Langton, Haynes, & Mathieu, 1994).
graphs or pathology specimen evaluation One study was located which tested the accu-
(Alberdi et al., 2000; Peters, 1996). Such sys- racy of a DSS system in using assessment data
tems help caregivers to interpret results, and with a forward chaining inference engine to
have again had success in limited application. identify nursing diagnoses and interventions
Therapeutic DSSs focus on decision mak- appropriate to the patient (Hendrickson &
ing in point of care treatment. Some focus on Paganelli, 1994). A few studies have moved
medication dosing, with the goal of reducing beyond these basic issues to test the effective-
errors and complications. Others manage ness of specific DSS systems in producing
complex processes such as ventilation and nursing decisions that result in better out-
oxygenation (East et al., 1999). Most thera- comes of care (Cuddigan, Logan, Evans, &
peutic DSSs focus on compliance of caregiv- Hoesing, 1988; Petrucci et al., 1992). Some
ers with established quality-of-care guide- have also moved to development of decision
lines, such as embedding hypertension guide- support systems based on established guide-
lines within the hypertensive patient record lines (Bowles, 2003). Future research will

likely focus on how DSSs can help nurses help Concept Analysis
patients make decision in scenarios character-
ized by the need for careful deliberation about Concept analysis is a strategy used for exam-
alternatives due to the risk or uncertainty of ining concepts for their semantic structure.
the outcomes or the value-laden nature of the Although there are several methods for con-
decision (OConnor et al., 1997). ducting concept analysis, all of the methods
In 1993, the National Institute of Nursing have the purpose of determining the defining
Research (NINR) constituted an expert panel attributes or characteristics of the concept
on Nursing Informatics. They were charged under study. Some uses of a concept analysis
with setting research priorities for nursing are refining and clarifying concepts in theory,
informatics as part of the National Nursing practice, and research and arriving at precise
Research Agenda. In carrying out this man- theoretical and operational definitions for re-
date, the panel identified seven foci for re- search or for instrument development. Con-
search, and within each focus, these experts cept analysis has been used in other disci-
assessed the state of the science, then identi- plines, particularly philosophy and linguis-
fied and prioritized more specific research tics, for many years. However, the techniques
needs (NINR, 1993). These foci were: (a) us-
have only recently been discovered by
ing data, information, and knowledge to de-
nurses interested in semantics and language
liver and manage patient care; (b) defining
development in the discipline.
and describing data and information for pa-
Concept analysis is a useful tool for nurses
tient care; (c) acquiring and delivering knowl-
conducting research. Because the outcome of
edge from and for patient care; (d) investigat-
a concept analysis is a set of defining charac-
ing new technologies to create tools for pa-
tient care; (e) applying patient-care ergonom- teristics that tell the researcher what counts
ics to the patient-nurse-machine interaction; as the concept, it allows the researcher to (a)
(f) integrating systems for better patient care; formulate a clear, precise theoretical and/or
and (g) evaluating the effects of nursing infor- operational definition to be used in the study;
mation systems. Similarly, in 2001 lawmak- (b) choose measurement instruments that ac-
ers provided the Agency for Health Research curately reflect the defining characteristics of
and Quality (AHRQ) with $50 million to the concept to be measured; (c) determine
undertake a major research initiative investi- if a new instrument is needed (if no extant
gating the problem of medical errors. Among measure adequately reflects the defining char-
funded projects now under way are four dif- acteristics); and (d) accurately identify the
ferent studies (two in adult and two in pediat- concept when it arises in clinical practice or
ric populations) assessing the impact of using in qualitative research data.
handheld DSSs in ambulatory care settings Concept analyses were relatively rare in
(Ortiz & Clancy, 2003). nursing research until the early 1980s but
Health care delivery today is so complex have increased dramatically in number over
that it is currently straining the resources of the past 2 decades. Concept analysis is partic-
the country, and multifaceted clinical deci- ularly relevant to a young science such as
sions are being made in an environment of nursing. The process, regardless of method,
rapidly escalating intensity. As DSS systems requires rigorous thinking about the language
are developed to produce specific patient-care used to describe the phenomena of concern
protocols that have been validated through to the discipline. Doing a concept analysis
using rigorous methodologies, these systems causes the researcher to be much more aware
have the potential to decrease harmful varia- of and sensitive to the use of language in
tion in care, improve clinical decision mak- research. A conscious awareness of the lan-
ing, reduce errors, optimize outcomes of care, guage chosen to represent phenomena is nec-
and cut health care costs. essary if nursing scientists are to develop a
BARBARA BRADEN comprehensible body of knowledge for the
Consortial Research 103

It is also necessary for thoughtful prac- (b) to increase the ethnic diversity or other
titioners to be aware of the language of the characteristics of a sample, thus increasing
discipline. How nurses think about and de- generalizability of results; (c) to shorten the
scribe the problems and solutions relevant to time line for conducting the study by simulta-
their practice is of paramount importance in neously recruiting subjects at multiple sites;
helping the consumer of nursing care and the (d) to provide mentoring to more junior re-
policymakers who influence the practice mi- searchers and staff nurses; (e) to share re-
lieu to understand what nursing is and what sources, tasks, and costs when external fund-
nurses do. If nurses do not have a central ing is not available; and (f) to increase oppor-
core of well-defined concepts to describe their tunities for replication and dissemination.
practice, then confusion and ambiguity will Consortial studies may be conceived by
persist, and the development of nursing sci- one or a few investigators, who draft the ini-
ence will suffer. tial proposal then recruit colleagues at other
Concept analysis has become a useful ad- sites to participate in the study. These other
junct to nursing research. The outcome of a investigators may be involved in helping to
concept analysis significantly facilitates com- refine the proposal before it is submitted for
munication between researchers and prac- funding. When the purpose of the consortium
titioners alike. By specifying the defining is more focused on mentoring junior col-
characteristics of a concept, the researcher or leagues or is a way to share resources and
practitioner makes it clear what counts as the costs, it is more likely that development of
concept so that anyone else reading about it the proposal will be a group endeavor from
or discussing it understands what is meant. the start. In the latter case, the choice of topic
Being clear about meaning allows better com- may be generated by an advisory or steering
munication between scientists and prac- committee. Whichever approach is taken, the
titioners about the usefulness and appropri- pool of ideas generated by expertise from sev-
ateness of nursing language. eral institutions creates synergy that leads to
There is considerable discussion in the lit- more creative and productive research.
erature about which method of analysis is the To conduct these multisite studies, one site
most useful. Regardless of the method used, usually serves a coordinating function for the
concept analyses can contribute significant study. Most often in externally funded stud-
insights into the phenomena of concern to ies, the coordinating center is responsible for
nurses. identifying or developing questionnaires or
other data collection forms, for data collec-
KAY C. AVANT tion and processing procedures, and for re-
ceiving and centrally analyzing the study
data. The oversight role of the coordinating
Consortial Research center includes development and implemen-
tation of a quality control plan to assure stan-
Consortial research is a form of collaborative dardization of sample identification, recruit-
research that can be used to increase the ment, and data collection procedures. Scien-
quantity and quality of nursing research tific issues for the conduct of the study are
within clinical settings. It involves coopera- usually managed by a steering committee, of-
tive efforts among researchers at several insti- ten composed of the principal investigator
tutions. The sites have formal, well-defined from each participating site and a few key
administrative and working relationships individuals at the coordinating center. Stand-
that spell out agreed-upon roles and responsi- ing or ad hoc subcommittees of the steering
bilities. committee are often formed to propose stan-
Consortial studies are done for a number dards and oversee the work on specific as-
of reasons: (a) to achieve the required sample pects of the study. For example, the subcom-
size when studying a low-prevalence disease; mittees bring proposals for publications and

presentations, participant safety and end- been formed to facilitate the conduct of col-
points, or clinical aspects before the steering laborative clinical nursing research (Riz-
committee for approval. The degree to which zuto & Mitchell, 1988a, 1988b, 1990; Schut-
the steering committee is involved in develop- zenofer & Potter, 1989; Zalar, Welches, &
ment of protocols, questionnaires, and so Walker, 1985).
forth, as opposed to approving those devel- It may be expected that consortial research
oped by the coordinating center, varies by will increase as nursing researchers do more
study and the reason the consortium was cre- experimental research. Another factor that
ated. may promote consortial research in nursing
In a consortium formed primarily for the is the changing health care system. As health
purpose of sharing resources, mentoring ju- care systems increase the number of contrac-
nior researchers, replicating a previous study, tual arrangements in attempts to provide
or disseminating results, the steering commit- cost-effective, integrated care across the con-
tee may be composed of representatives ap- tinuum of patient needs, consortial research
pointed by each participating institution. In is likely to become more common.
such cases the steering committee often serves
the purpose of setting priorities for the activi- BARBARA VALANIS
ties of the consortium. Funding of studies
conducted by a consortium may take several
forms. When external funding is involved, Content Analysis
the two most common types are (a) providing
one large grant to a coordinating center, Content analysis is a data analysis technique
which then subcontracts with each clinical that is commonly used in qualitative research
site, and (b) providing individual grants to and focuses on structuring particular topics
each participating institution with a separate or domains of interest from unstructured
grant to the coordinating center. The first data. It is a time-consuming process that in-
approach gives the coordinating center budg- volves organizing, identifying, coding, and
etary leverage when a site is not performing making categories from patterns of data that
up to par. This is an advantage for involving a are reflective of the topics (Patton, 1990). The
new site or increasing the number of subjects topics or domains of interest are descriptive
enrolled at existing sites by redistributing names chosen by the researcher and are some-
funds from the nonperforming site. The sec- times also referred to as category labels
ond approach requires that each site meet (Morse, J. M., & Field, 1995). Historically,
the commitments for the good of the overall early content analysis focused on linguistic
study. A third model, used when external and observational data. However, in addition
funding is not available, shares the cost of to information derived from interviews and
the research among participating institutions casual or structured observations, researchers
within the consortium. may analyze written text from special docu-
In medical treatment research and public ments, archival records, field logs, and diaries
health prevention research, consortial ar- or may develop schemes to analyze visual
rangements have been a preferred structure data from pictures or videotapes.
for large randomized trials that must recruit Content analysis begins with reading the
substantial populations in a relatively short text or written transcription of an interview,
time, provide intervention, and have suffi- notes from an observation, or some other
cient follow-up time to generate adequate sta- mode of data collection. The investigator
tistical power to compare the effects of treat- reads the completed text and determines the
ment on the study outcomes. Nursing has main ideas or topics of the transcription or
generally had less experience with this ap- observation. The investigator then rereads
proach, although consortia of schools of the text and numbers and assigns a code to
nursing with several practice settings have each segment or group of lines from the tran-
Content Analysis 105

scription. Sometimes this may also be called membering what categories go into each topic
labeling. Segments may consist of a single as the study progresses and more data are
word or line, multiple words or lines, one or collected. With each subsequent interview or
more paragraphs, or a pictorial schema and observation, the topics may be combined or
may vary according to the chosen topic or subdivided into multiple categories as the
topics. The codes developed by the investiga- need arises. As repetitive patterns arise, rela-
tor reflect some commonality, such as an ac- tionships between the categories and then be-
tion or behavior, an event, thought, concept, tween topics may be seen. Often the relation-
and so forth. Line segments or groups of lines ships may occur at the same time or be con-
are separated and are grouped into catego- current with each other. For example, in a
ries, and the categories are grouped according study of adolescent face care, the topics
to the topics that were identified by the inves- blemish care and facial scrubbing are
tigator. related and occur at the same time. In the
Topics or domains of interest may be cho- same study, the topic facial preparation
sen prior to a study, as with a focused study, occurs or is antecedent to the topics of blem-
or after the first interview. A focused qualita- ish care and facial scrubbing, whereas the
tive study centers on one particular area of topical area making up the face may occur
interest or intent, such as metaphorical analy- as a consequence of one of the earlier catego-
sis or feminist research. Another kind of fo- ries that was formed (Morse & Field). Some
cused study might center on a particular phe- researchers choose to quantify part of the
nomenon like leadership style, body adorn- analysis by counting frequency and sequenc-
ment among adolescent girls, or a demonstra- ing of particular words, phrases, or topics.
tion of how caring activities are performed, The major reliability and validity issues of
to name a few. content analysis involve the subjective nature
The researcher may also chose to develop of the researcher-determined topics or cate-
topics after a first interview or observation. gory labels. What should be included within
Sometimes the topics seem to arise naturally each topic should be clearly defined and
from the data, whereas at other times the should be clearly different from the others so
researcher must decide on and develop the that the results are mutually exclusive. The
topics from the information given. Devel- easiest way to determine reliability in a study
oping a topic may be similar to making an that uses content analysis is to have two or
index for a book or file labels (Patton, 1990). more readers, other than the researcher, agree
The researcher reads through the transcript that the topics are appropriate for a particular
of the interview or observation and begins to study and that data can easily be organized
sort and organize the interview data ac- under each. This is typically carried out by
cording to likenesses and similarities. The re- having the researcher randomly choosing a
searcher usually gets a sense of the main top- part of the study and having the readers look
ics that pervade the text soon after the tran- over the text and the topics independent of
scribing process is complete and after the first each other. A consensus of the readers would
reading. This organization of the data may indicate the studys reliability.
be done by hand or by using one of the many Validity in content analysis can be
computer software packages that are avail- achieved by determining the extent that the
able to assist organization of qualitative data. topics represent what they are intended to
J. M. Morse and Field (1995) suggest using represent. If the topics are based on a concep-
between 10 and 15 main topics per study. tual framework or a particular focus, they
They caution against making topics too spe- must be justified, described, and explained in
cialized as only very small amounts of data terms of being representative of that concep-
will be able to fit into each. On the other tual framework or focus. Therefore, topics
hand, too many topics can cause confusion, that are developed to reflect a conceptual
and the researcher may have difficulty in re- framework or focus must be consistent with

the original definitions described by that third of the nations CCRCs. Despite the
framework. However, because content analy- growth of CCRCs, proportionally they ac-
sis is often used in exploratory and descriptive count for a smaller percentage of senior hous-
research, a conceptual orientation may not ing than previously. This is due to the dra-
be used. matic increase in assisted living facilities.
Generally older adults who live in CCRCs
KATHLEEN HUTTLINGER are those who were never married, or married
without children, are well educated, and
health conscious (Krauskopf, Brown, To-
Continuing Care Retirement karz, & Bogutz, 1993; Petit, 1994; Resnick,
Communities 1989, 1998a). Initially CCRCs were for afflu-
ent older adults; however CCRCs are becom-
A continuing care retirement community ing more affordable and attracting those with
(CCRC) is a type of facility that provides more moderate incomes (Kitchen & Rouche,
housing, meals, and other services, including 1990). The decision to move into a CCRC
nursing home care, for older adults in ex- requires a good deal of planning and adjust-
change for a one-time capital investment or ment for older adults, especially if they are
entrance fee, and a monthly service fee. Most relocating to another city or state, and/or
CCRCs are sponsored by religious or other moving from a large home to a smaller apart-
nonprofit organizations, but for-profit orga- ment.
nizations have entered into the retirement The initial research in CCRCs focused on
business as well. The CCRC is usually con- the adjustment to the community and the im-
structed as a village or community, and the pact this had on the older adult. Resnick
individual remains within this community for (1989), using a qualitative approach, de-
the remainder of his or her life. All CCRCs scribed the challenges of adjustment to a
have a written contract that residents must CCRC and identified groups of individuals
sign. The terms of the contract vary, and have who were particularly at risk for relocation
been separated into three categories by the stress: (a) those who had experienced a recent
American Association of Homes for the loss, (b) those with a decline in mental status,
Aged: (1) Type A homes are all inclusive and (c) the young-old (60 to 70 years) age
as they offer guaranteed nursing care in the group. Anticipating problems and letting resi-
nursing facility at no increase in the residents dents know that they might have certain feel-
monthly fee; (2) Type B CCRCs do not guar- ings helped residents in the adjustment pro-
antee unlimited nursing home care but have cess. The study also identified the need for
a contractual agreement to provide a specific frequent follow-up in the first 6 months to a
number of days per year or lifetime of the year following the move-in as many residents
resident in the nursing facility; and (3) Type C did not begin to grieve over their losses until
CCRCs are based on a typical fee-for-service they fully completed the work of the move.
approach. Financial stability, particularly of Petit (1994) implemented the findings of this
Type A and Type B CCRCs, depends on high work as she developed the role of the wellness
occupancy rates in the independent living nurse in a CCRC.
apartments and maintaining the residents The majority of the nursing research done
optimal health and function so as to need in CCRCs has been on the health practices
fewer health care services. and health promotion of these individuals
The number of CCRCs has increased dra- (Adams, 1996; Crowley, 1996; Resnick,
matically (50%) during the 1980s and has 1998a; Resnick, Palmer, Jenkins, & Spell-
continued to grow. CCRCs are located bring, 2000; Resnick, 2003). Generally these
throughout the United States although five are descriptive surveys in which residents are
states (Pennsylvania, California, Florida, Illi- asked about specific health behaviors such as
nois, and Ohio) are home to more than one- getting vaccinations, monitoring cholesterol
Continuing Care Retirement Communities 107

and dietary fat intake, exercise activity, alco- health behaviors of older adults in a CCRC
hol and nicotine use, and participation in and the outcomes of a wellness program
health screenings including mamograms, Pap which encouraged regular exercise. A total
tests, stools for occult blood, or prostate ex- of 21% of the 225 residents exercised, and
aminations. The majority of residents in the case reports identified positive outcomes such
CCRCs studied did get yearly flu vaccines as weight loss and improved recovery follow-
and a pneumonia vaccine, and approximately ing a fracture. Resnick (1999) explored the
61% had an up-to-date tetanus booster. A incidences and predictors of falls in a CCRC
smaller percentage (approximately 30%) and found that the number of falls was the
monitored their diets. About 50% of those only variable associated with having an inju-
living in CCRCs drink alcohol regularly, only rious fall. Resnick (1998b, 1999) also used a
a small percent use nicotine (11%), and under combined qualitative and quantitative ap-
50% exercise regularly. Approximately 40% proach to explore what increased or de-
to 50% of the residents get yearly mamo- creased residents willingness to participate
grams, 31% to 37% get Pap tests, 65% to in and actual performance of activities of
80% get prostate examinations, approxi- daily of living, such as bathing, dressing, and
mately 60% have stools checked for blood ambulating. Personality (i.e., determination),
yearly, and a little over 50% monitor their beliefs in their ability, the unpleasant sensa-
skin for abnormal growths regularly. Overall tions associated with the activity, goals, and
there is better participation in health promot- fears, such as the fear of falling, were identi-
ing activities of older adults living in CCRCs fied as common themes that influenced per-
when compared to older adults in the com- formance of functional activities. Based on
munity (Blustein & Weiss, 1998; Smith et al., quantitative findings, motivation (self-effi-
1999). The findings, however, suggest that cacy expectations, outcome expectations,
even in this population continued education and the personality component of motiva-
is needed to encourage personal decision tion) as well as physical condition (standing
making related to health promotion activi- balance and lower extremity contractures)
ties. The findings can also be used to develop were the most important predictors of func-
interventions to improve specific health be- tional performance in these individuals. Al-
haviors. though not extensively studied, Russell
In a series of analyses examining the rela- (1996) considered the care-seeking behavior
tionships between health behaviors among of older adults living in a CCRC. This was
residents of CCRCs, age was the only variable a qualitative study using ethnographic field
that was significantly related to health behav- research that incorporated semi-structured
iors and accounted for 7% of the variance. interviews, participant observation, and fo-
With increased age the residents participated cus group interviews. The care-seeking pro-
in fewer health-promoting or preventive be- cess was described as sequential phases and
haviors. Age, gender, physical and mental stages that evolved over time. Resnick (2003)
health, self-efficacy expectations, outcome tested the impact of an individualized ap-
expectations, and stage of change related to proach to health promotion in these sites,
exercise directly and/or indirectly influenced and Resnick and Andrews (2002) tested an
exercise behavior in the residents (Resnick, educational intervention to help older adults
1998a; Resnick et al., 2000; Resnick & Nigg, make end-of-life treatment preferences. Some
2003). The influence of these variables on work has also been done to test exercise inter-
exercise behavior was supported in a qualita- ventions in these settings (Resnick, Wagner &
tive study (Resnick & Spellbring, 2000) House, 2003; Vaitkevicius et al., 2002).
which focused on what helped older adults in CCRCs continue to be a viable living envi-
a CCRC adhere to a regular walking program ronment for older adults. In order for these
and what decreased their willingness to ad- facilities to keep costs down and remain lu-
here. Crowley (1996) also considered the crative it is imperative that there be a focus on

maintaining health and function. Continued what the person actually thinks or does
research needs to build on the preliminary (p. 142).
findings from exploratory studies and begin Nursing research portrays coping as part
to develop and test interventions that will of a dynamic process consisting of a stressor,
help older adults in CCRCs maintain their appraisal, resources, coping, and outcomes.
health and function. For example, many Stress in this perspective is defined as a rela-
CCRCs have wellness programs which are tionship between the person and the environ-
nursing driven. The outcomes of these pro- ment that is appraised by the person as taxing
grams need to be considered both from a or exceeding his or her resources and endan-
health perspective as well as a fiscal perspec- gering his or her well-being (Lazarus &
tive. Other important areas of research within Folkman, 1984, p. 19). Stress involves ap-
CCRCs that nursing should consider include praisal of the stressor for well-being (primary
care processes around relocation to different appraisal) and what can be done to manage
levels of care, end-of-life issues, injury pre- the situation (secondary appraisal). Stressors
vention, health-care utilization patterns and in nursing research can be categorized as an
the impact this has on nursing care services. internal or external event, condition, situa-
tion, and/or cue (Werner, Frost, & Orth,
BARBARA RESNICK 2000, p. 10) that has the potential to bring
about or actually activates significant physi-
cal, psychological, social, or spiritual reac-
Coping tions. They can be either normative or cata-
Coping is one of the most prolific topics in Lazarus and Folkman (1984) also distin-
all of nursing research. Thousands of studies guish between problem-focused and emo-
have been conducted by nurse researchers on tion-focused coping. Problem-focused strate-
coping, mainly with chronic illness, acute gies are directed at managing or altering
conditions, and treatment stress; family re- the problem causing the distress (p. 150).
sponses related to illness/disease; child/ado- Emotion-focused coping is coping that is
lescent illness and hospitalization; specific ill- directed at regulating emotional response to
ness, disease, diagnosis, medical treatment, the problem (p. 150).
and hospitalization stressors; caregiving, and Other coping theories tested in nursing re-
sequelae such as distress. Prominent are stud- search with individuals include Scott, Oberst,
ies of individuals and families facing chronic and Dropkins Stress-Coping Model incorpo-
illness. The most frequent disease/illness situ- rating anxiety in the stress and coping pro-
ations in nursing coping research are cancer cess. The theory most often employed in nurs-
and cardiac disease or events. Coping is an ing research on family coping is the Resiliency
exceedingly important area of nursing re- Model of Family Stress, Adjustment, and Ad-
search since coping has important observable aptation (McCubbin & McCubbin, 1996).
and measurable effects on health outcomes. Coping resources examined in nursing can
With few exceptions, coping in nursing be categorized as social, psychological, spiri-
research is defined using the definition and tual, and other, such as finances and educa-
theory of psychologists Lazarus and Folkman tion. The social resource most studied is so-
(1984). They define coping as constantly cial support (Underwood, 2000). Nursing re-
changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to search has shown that social support works
manage specific external and/or internal de- through main, mediating, and moderating
mands that are appraised as taxing or ex- (buffering) mechanisms (Underwood, p.
ceeding the resources of the person (p. 141). 372). These processes are active and dynamic,
This definition accentuates the fact that cop- and there is evidence that specific functions
ing is a process requiring effort, free of posi- of social support and other resources become
tive or negative evaluation, focusing on important in certain situations and specific
Coping 109

phases of illness, health crisis, or treatment. Coping can be differentiated as coping

Generalizations indicate that context deter- style or coping strategies (behaviors). Coping
mines social support needs; social support style suggests typical responses across situa-
can come from a variety of sources such as tions. Coping strategies are what people actu-
confidant or network; perceived support ally do in the face of stress. Nurse researchers
availability is often more strongly related to examine coping strategies much more fre-
coping effectiveness than actual support re- quently than coping styles. Choice of strate-
ceived; social support has both positive and gies has been found to differ based on illness
negative aspects; and there is a negative asso- phase, specific stressors, and/or resources.
ciation between social support and deleteri- People in many health/illness situations use a
ous outcomes such as depression and anxiety mix of problem-focused and emotion-fo-
(Underwood). Instruments most frequently cused strategies. Theoretically, problem-fo-
utilized for measuring social support with in- cused strategies are specifically tailored to the
dividuals are Norbecks Social Support Ques- situation, while more global emotion-focused
tionnaire and Weinerts Personal Resource strategies are used across situations (Laza-
Questionnaire. Evidence is growing that sup- rus & Folkman, 1984). Instruments used
port is an important family resource, particu- most often to assess coping strategies in nurs-
larly when families are faced with caregiving ing research are the Jaloweic Coping Scale,
stress/burden. Family instruments include the Ways of Coping Questionnaire, and the
McCubbin and colleagues Social Support Family APGAR.
Index, and Finks Family Social Support In- Over the last decade, there has been re-
dex (DeMarco, Ford-Gilboe, Friedemann, markable growth in the nursing research on
McCubbin, & McCubbin, 2000). coping in several areas. One of these areas
Hardiness is the psychological resource is family coping. Another area is coping in
most studied in nursing coping research children/adolescents (Stewart, 2003), where
Lazarus and Folkmans theory is most often
(Ford-Gilboe & Cohen, 2000). Hardiness, a
applied. Most of these studies concentrate
personality phenomenon encompassing com-
on serious illness, traumatic situations, and
mitment, challenge, and control, especially
developmental transitions. While most inves-
health-related hardiness conceptualized by
tigations tap stressors specific to the situa-
Pollock, has been shown to be related to posi-
tion, many also focus on behaviors based on
tive health outcomes for adults. Emerging as
Ryan-Wengers taxonomy of childrens cop-
important in family nursing research, there
ing strategies. Another newer area is spiritual
is support that hardiness mediates the rela- coping (Baldacchino & Draper, 2001). Many
tionships between stressful life events and researchers have found that spiritual coping
family adaptation (Ford-Gilboe & Cohen, strategies enhance positive health outcomes.
p. 427). It includes control, challenge, com- Specific findings of nursing coping investi-
mitment, and confidence. Evidence is grow- gations are numerous; several generalizations
ing that hardiness enhances coping for both stem from the research. Problem-focused
individuals and families. coping is consistently related to positive
Other coping resources gaining nursing re- health outcomes and general well-being. Op-
search attention include hope, control, sense timism is an important strategy for individu-
of coherence, and self-efficacy. Antonovsky als, facilitating constructive action, choice
defined sense of coherence as an enduring among options, and retaining control. Posi-
orientation rendering events and stimuli com- tive social support for adults, children, and
prehensible, manageable, and meaningful. families is related to positive health out-
Family sense of coherence is conceptualized comes, and may function through obtaining
as an explanation of how these resources assistance, supporting self-esteem, receipt of
may contribute to health (Antonovsky, advice or information, and/or presence of a
1998, p. 8). confidant. Use of spiritual resources or cop-

ing strategies, such as prayer or religious at- (CVD), independent of classic risk factors, in
tendance, is related to positive health out- patients with established CAD and in pre-
comes. Exerting control is also associated viously healthy individuals. Prevalence rates
with positive outcomes. Emotion-focused for patients with CVD range from 16%
strategies, often associated with more nega- 23%, for clinical depression, and 31.5% and
tive outcomes, can be beneficial, especially in 60% for depressive symptoms (Pignay-De-
situations where there are few options. Cop- maria, Lesperance, Demaria, Frasure-
ing strategies change over the course of illness Smith, & Perrault, 2003).
stages. Less desirable coping strategies are Evidence that depression and anxiety have
associated with negative outcomes. Finally, prognostic importance in determining CABG
coping strategies perceived by participants as surgery outcomes supports the development
most effective are often not those they engage of pre- and postoperative nursing assessment
in frequently. strategies to identify patients at risk for ad-
Research designs most frequently used are verse events. Nurses can play pivotal roles in
descriptive/correlational and qualitative or identifying patients who need further evalua-
interpretive. Longitudinal research is becom- tion, providing education about the effects
ing more prevalent. Most studies employ self- of depression and anxiety on CABG surgery
report instruments, but interviews are gaining outcomes, and developing and evaluating in-
in popularity. Nurse researchers investigating terventions aimed at ameliorating the effects
coping are too numerous to mention, coming of these risk factors on postoperative morbid-
from all nursing specialty areas and many ity and mortality.
countries. Exemplary programs of research Demand for CABG surgery exceeds re-
include those of Grey, Hagedoorn, Hinds, sources in many developed countries, leading
Hoskins, Jaloweic, J. Johnson, M. McCub- to waiting lists. The experience of waiting for
bin, Nail, Northouse, and Ryan-Wenger. surgery has been studied from quantitative
as well as qualitative perspectives. Patients on
JOAN STEHLE WERNER waiting lists experienced anxiety, depression,
and negative impacts on quality of life
(Screeche-Powell & Owens, 2003; Fitzsim-
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft mons, Parahoo, & Stringer, 2000; Teo et al.,
(CABG) Surgery 1998; Jonsdottir & Baldursdottir, 1998).
Levels of anxiety and depression in patients
Coronary artery bypass graft surgery, a com- awaiting CABG surgery were significantly re-
mon treatment for coronary artery disease duced in a randomized controlled trial of a
(CAD), provides significant improvement in nurse-led shared care intervention (McHugh
symptoms in 76%90% of the patients (Rah- et al., 2001).
imtola, 1982). An estimated 800,000 surger- Longitudinal studies of the impact of psy-
ies are performed worldwide each year (Boro- chological variables on outcomes of CABG
wicz et al., 2002) with 519,000 performed surgery demonstrate that recovery is neither
in the United States in 2000 (American Heart simple nor experienced consistently in all pa-
Association, 2001). Although CABG surgery tients. Although some studies included the
succeeds in treating physiological problems, measurement of both anxiety and depression,
a significant number of patients report feel- most examined the impact of depression on
ings of anxiety and depression pre- and/or recovery. Researchers have found that anxi-
postoperatively and depression has been ety levels significantly decreased over time
linked to morbidity and mortality (Borowicz and remained linear. Relationships between
et al.). anxiety and depression over time were rela-
Research findings support the relationship tively weak while those relationships, at the
of depression, anxiety, or a combination of same points in time, were relatively strong
the two with risk for cardiovascular disease (Duits, Boeke, Taams, Passchier, & Erdman,
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery 111

1997; Duits et al., 1999). Postoperative anxi- (2001) determined that patients meeting cri-
ety was directly related to perception of pain teria for major depressive disorder at dis-
with the strongest relationship on postopera- charge were significantly more likely to expe-
tive day two. In a study of 38 males, 80% rience a cardiac-related event than were those
scored in the moderate range of anxiety pre- who failed to meet the criteria (including
operatively with anxiety-prone reactivity per- those with depressive symptoms). Further-
sisting in 38.9% of the patients postopera- more, depression was a predictor indepen-
tively. These patients exhibited significantly dent of classic cardiovascular risk factors.
more sleep disturbances, energy deficits, In a study investigating the impact of de-
tiredness, immobility, and a lower quality of pression on mortality, Baker, Andrew,
life (Edell-Gustafsson & Hetta, 1999). Schrader, and Knight (2001) found mortality
Recently-reported longitudinal studies rates to be six times higher among the patients
evaluating depression pre- and postopera- with preoperative symptoms of depression.
tively report prevalence ranging from 16 Blumenthal et al. (2003) also identified higher
50% preoperatively and 1961% postopera- mortality rates for patients with moderate
tively. Almost all studies used self-report to severe depression at baseline and mild or
questionnaires for measuring depression. moderate to severe depression that persisted
Subjects (n = 50 to 336) mean ages ranged from baseline to 6 months. Limitations of
from 54 to 65 years, represented a 3:1 male- these reviewed studies include low enrollment
to-female ratio, and ranged from 85% of women, racial homogeneity, high rates of
100% Caucasian. refusal to participate, high attrition, and use
An issue in evaluating patients for depres- of self-report measures to evaluate anxiety
sion is the timing of the evaluation. Poston, and depression.
Haddock, Conard, Jones, and Spertus (2003) Several studies have addressed gender dif-
found depression 1 month after surgery to be ferences in recovery from CABG surgery.
a better predictor of depression at 6 months Vaccarino et al. (2003) found that women
than the preoperative score. Pirraglia, Pe- were older and more often had unstable an-
terson, Williams-Russo, Gorkin, and Charl- gina, congestive heart failure, lower physical
son (1999) identified other predictors of post- function, and more depressive symptoms in
operative depression: poor social support, at the month before surgery. Younger women
least one stressful life event in the last year, were at a higher risk of in-hospital death than
low level of education, and moderate to se- men, a difference decreasing with age (Vac-
vere dyspnea. Hypothermia during CABG carino, Abramson, Veledar, & Weintraub,
has been associated with higher levels of post- 2002). Postoperatively, for women but not
operative emotional distress (Khatri et al., men only, pain was correlated with de-
2001), and early extubation has been associ- pressive symptomatology and functional im-
ated with fewer patients with depressive pairment (Con, Linden, Thompson, & Ignas-
symptoms on day three postoperatively (Sil- zewski, 1999) and women had a more diffi-
bert et al., 2001). cult recovery, unexplained by illness severity,
Depression has consistently been associ- presurgery health status, or other patient
ated with adverse outcomes after CABG sur- characteristics.
gery. Investigators (Perski et al., 1998; Postoperative neuropsychological deficits
Scheier et al., 1999; Saur et al., 2001) have are a common complication of cardiac sur-
found depressive symptoms, pre- or postop- gery, with incidence ranging from 25%80%
eratively to predict postoperative cardiac (Borowicz, Goldsborough, Selnes, & Mc-
events (unstable angina, myocardial in- Khann, 1996). Although investigators have
farction (MI), repeat CABG, or angioplasty) found that changes in anxiety and depression
and were positively correlated with the rate of did not influence changes in neuropsycholog-
readmission for cardiac events. Connerney, ical performance (Andrew, Baker, Knee-
Shapiro, McLaughlin, Bagiella, and Sloan bone, & Knight, 2000), multiple investiga-

tors have found that anxiety and depression parameters (Trzcieniecka-Green & Steptoe,
impact perception of cognitive functioning 1996). Data is also accumulating about the
(Vingerhoets, De Soete, & Jannes, 1995; efficacy of selective serotonin reuptake inhib-
Khatri et al., 1999). Factors predictive of itors on the treatment of depression (specifi-
post-CABG cognitive deficits were preex- cally sertraline and fluoxetine) in patients
isting cognitive deficits, greater age, lower with cardiovascular disease (CVD). To date,
premorbid intelligence, and, at 3 months no studies investigating the effect of antide-
postsurgery, patients who received their first pressants after CABG surgery have been pub-
CABG surgery without cardiopulmonary by- lished. Clearly, there is a need for large, ran-
pass (Millar, Asbury, & Murray, 2001; Van domized trials of both antidepressants and
Dijk et al., 2002). psychosocial interventions post CABG sur-
Based upon several reviews of recent data, gery to determine their efficacy, especially
symptoms of depression and, to some extent, since depression has clearly been linked to
anxiety may be associated with cardiac events increased morbidity and mortality.
and mortality through multiple pathophysio-
logical pathways. These include exerting a SUSAN H. MCCRONE
direct influence on health-related lifestyle be-
haviors (smoking, poor diet, low activity lev-
els, poor adherence to treatment), effects on
of hyperactivation of the hypothalamic-pitu- Cost Analysis of Nursing Care
itary-adrenal and/or sympathomedullary
axes, diminished heart rate variability, myo- Cost analysis of nursing care reflects a body
cardial and ventricular instability in reaction of administrative studies that focus on quan-
to mental stress, alteration in platelet recep- tifying nursing costs needed to deliver care
tors and/or reactivity, and the inflammatory to individual clients or aggregates in a variety
processes. To date, no one mechanism has of settings, employing a variety of practice
been identified as the causal link between psy- models and analysis tools. All cost analysis is
chological states and cardiac events. based on assumptions that must be examined
Although the benefits of short-term preop- and made explicit when reporting findings
erative interventions have been examined in (Friedman, De La Mare, Andrews, & Mc-
only one randomized controlled study of pa- Kenzie, 2002).
tients awaiting CABG surgery (McHugh et Much of the research on cost analysis of
al., 2001), clinical experience suggests that nursing care has focused on costing out
routine screening and effective treatment pre- nursing services for the purpose of measuring
operatively may decrease postoperative anxi- productivity, comparing costs of various
ety and depression and facilitate recovery. nursing delivery models, charging individual
There is general agreement that early postop- patients for true nursing costs, and relating
erative intervention should be offered to pa- nursing costs to other cost models, most nota-
tients experiencing depression and/or anxi- bly Diagnostic Related Group (DRG) catego-
ety. Some studies have shown that early psy- ries. The need and motivation for these cost-
chological intervention may be associated ing efforts have evolved with the economic
with reduction in length of hospital stay, an- underpinnings of the health care system, as
algesic use, less subjective tension, and post- have the methodologies and setting focuses.
surgical morbidity (Mumford, Schlesinger, & For example, most studies in the 1980s were
Glass, 1982; Ashton et al., 1997; Perski et al., performed in acute-care hospitals, whereas
1999; Karlsson, Berglin, & Larsson, 2000). more studies now relate to other settings.
A stress-management program, based upon Today, cost analysis of nursing care fo-
relaxation techniques, offered 3 months after cuses on justifying the cost effectiveness of
the MI or CABG surgery improved emotional professional practice models, evaluating re-
well-being, daily activities, and several social design efforts, and monitoring and control-
Cost Analysis of Nursing Care 113

ling nursing costs within an ever-tightening, ing in nonacute settings that are the emerging
cost-conscious health care environment. focus of health care. Not all DRG categories
Within the context of rising capitation pene- have been studied, and there has been little
tration, cost analysis is essential to accurate validity or reliability reported on the instru-
capitation bidding and financial viability of ments used to measure related variables. Defi-
the parent organization. As best practices nitions critical to this area of study must be
benchmarking pushes the envelope of com- standardized. For example, which nursing
petitive bidding, demonstrating cost-effective staff or other care providers are included in
nursing practice becomes essential to securing direct care calculations? What support ser-
managed care contracts. vices are included in indirect care calculation?
Cost analysis research is a type of nursing What role should overhead and depreciation
administrative research that evaluates aspects costs of nursing-related resources play?
of the delivery of nursing care. More recently, Another major area of dispute for costing
this type of research has been performed in studies is the lack of a standard acuity mea-
a multidisciplinary fashion under the broader sure because of the proprietary nature of most
rubric of health services administration re- acuity systems. One study (Phillips, Castorr,
search. Prescott, & Soeken, 1992) compared GRASP
Cost analysis studies always have been rel- and Medicus acuity systems to the Patient
evant to decision making by nursing adminis- Intensity for Nursing Index (PINI). PINI sig-
trators in selecting delivery models, treatment nificantly correlated with both systems (p <
protocols, and justifying budgets; but such .0001), but the shared variability was only
studies may become central to the survival of 44% and 49% respectively. Shared variabil-
the entire profession for the future. As cross- ity between GRASP and Medicus was only
trained, unlicensed assistive personnel 34%, and it was concluded that the two acu-
(UAPs) proliferate, nurse administrators ity systems do not measure nursing resource
must struggle to support the cost-effective- use in the same way. Neither system was pre-
ness of professional nursing practice. Larger dictive of PINI items knowledge deficit,
questions of appropriate skill mix cannot be emotional status, severity of illness, or poten-
determined solely on a cost per hour of ser- tial for injury. Such PINI items as hours
vice, cost per case, or cost per DRG basis. of care, task/procedure complexity, and mo-
New studies are needed that will combine bility were significant predictors of both
traditional cost analysis with differential out- Medicus and GRASP scores (Phillips et al.,
come analysis to secure a larger picture of 1992). These findings seem to indicate that
the true cost-benefit ratio for specific nurs- task aspects of professional practice are mea-
ing models. sured by these systems but that interpersonal
The most notable characteristic of cost and observational aspects may not be fully
analysis studies is the variety of definitions, appreciated. This work was confirmed by
variables, and measurement tools used in the Cockerill, Pallas, Bolley, and Pink (1993)
studies. Eckhart (1993) performed a compre- whose study compared case costs for patients
hensive review of 73 studies published from across six acuity systems. Variances in esti-
the early 1980s through 1990, focusing on mated hours of care across workload mea-
costing-out nursing. Because of the impact of surement tools were statistically significant
DRGs, length of stay (LOS) was a consistent and varied by up to 30%. It is impossible to
variable. Length of stay was found to corre- distinguish between true differences in case
late highly to nursing work performed, costs and measurement error across institu-
whether measured by acuity indexes, nursing tions in these circumstances. More study is
care hours, nursing costs, patient charges, or needed to normalize acuity systems before
percent of nursing costs to hospital costs. cross-institutional data will be meaningful.
These studies focused on in-patient settings, Cost and efficiency of nursing procedures
so little is known about cost analysis of nurs- or treatments continue to be studied. Capasso

and Munro (2003) compared two wound Finally, we must move toward a cost-bene-
treatments (saline vs. hydrogel). Although fit analysis model that incorporates the out-
both were comparable for wound closure rate comes of practice. This aspect has been espe-
and cost of treatment supplies, one was signif- cially elusive, given the generic and group
icantly more expensive. The saline treatment nature of nursing practice. With multiple
required a higher number of home nursing nursing providers impacting a patients care,
visits, accounting for the difference in cost. how do we separate the relative contributions
Clearly, such analyses demonstrate the multi- of each person or each subspecialty of nursing
factorial nature of costing research and the practice that a patient may experience in the
need to look beyond the obvious in doing course of their care from contributions of
such analyses. other disciplines? Additionally, we need to
Another fertile area for cost analysis is to quantify the costs of increased patient mortal-
evaluate cost differences among professional ity and failure to rescue associated with
practice models. However, most of these changes in nurse/patient ratios based on re-
studies use proprietary practice models that cent landmark studies (Aiken et al., 2002;
are difficult to duplicate in other settings. Cho et al., 2003).
Variables are identified in these studies that
do impact nursing costs, such as nursing turn- MARY L. FISHER
over, ratio of productive to nonproductive
hours, and nursing satisfaction. Russo and
Landcaster (1995) evaluated unlicensed as- Critical Care Nursing
sistive personnel models relative to cost-effec-
tiveness, quality patient outcomes, and cus- In the history of nursing the development of
tomer satisfaction. More complex issues the specialty of critical care is fairly recent,
emerge for this type of analysis. Relative pro- paralleling the growth and development of
intensive care units (ICUs) in the 1960s and
ductivity across discipline levels, recruitment,
1970s. The first ICUs were areas in the hospi-
training, and impact on quality must be
tal designated for the care of patients recov-
added to the equation.
ering from anesthesia who required close
Given the growth of capitation, cost analy-
monitoring during a period of physiological
sis of nursing services will need to take new
instability. Recognition of the efficiency and
directions. As critical pathways (benchmark
effectiveness gained from segregating any pa-
performance tools) evolve as care guides, the
tients who required intensive nursing care for
costs of pathway changes on nursing delivery, a short period of time was spurred by experi-
patient outcomes, and case costs must be cal- ences in managing groups of critically ill pa-
culated. What are the most efficient and effec- tients, such as those injured in the Boston
tive pathways toward resolution of a given Coconut Grove fire of 1942 and victims of
health problem? What practice setting is ap- the polio epidemics of the 1950s. The devel-
propriate for patients at each step of the path- opment of the mechanical ventilator and ad-
way? For example, when is it safe to transfer vances in coronary care led to recognition of
a fresh open heart patient from critical care the need for specialized skills and knowledge
to a stepdown environment? (Earliest transfer bases among nurses caring for these patients.
to a least costly delivery mode saves money.) The first specialty organization was
These calculations may be critical for institu- formed by nurses working in coronary care.
tions to secure managed-care contracts in a As electrocardiographic monitoring became
cost-competitive environment. Determining a routine tool in the care of many patients
what activities can be safely eliminated from and critical care broadened to include the
a pathway without negatively impacting care care of patients other than postanesthesia and
outcomes will have cost and resource savings those with cardiac disease, the American As-
as we move to best demonstrated practices. sociation of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN),
Critical Care Nursing 115

originally named the American Association outcome in patients receiving long-term me-
of Cardiovascular Nurses, was formed in chanical ventilation, and an ethnographic
1969 (Lynbaugh & Fairman, 1992). This step study of dying patients in surgical intensive
was rapidly followed by the development of care unit, examining family interactions with
continuing education programs, formal rec- clinicians as the goal of care shifts from cure
ommendations for critical care curricular to comfort.
content in undergraduate programs, and a Phenomena of interest can be described as
certification program. Today, AACN is the falling into five broad areas: (a) the critical
largest specialty nursing organization in the care environment, (b) critical care nurses, (c)
world, with more than 65,000 nurses in the monitoring techniques, (d) interventions, and
U.S. and 45 other countries. (e) outcomes of critical care. Journal articles
Heitkemper and Bond (2003) reviewed published since 2003 in American Journal of
major advances in nursing research in critical Critical Care, Critical Care Nurse, Heart and
care. Domains of nursing science predicted to Lung, Nursing Research, and Biological Re-
emerge as important contenders for research search for Nursing were reviewed for evi-
priorities include genetic therapeutics and dence of significant trends and changing pat-
counseling, infection and emerging infectious terns of inquiry.
epidemics, the aging population, high-risk ne- Interest in studying the critical care envi-
onates, health disparities, man-made and nat- ronment began with observation of postcar-
ural disasters, and the impact of gender on diotomy delirium in open heart surgery pa-
the mechanism, detection, and management tients in the 1960s. Efforts to describe this
of disease. phenomenon and identify causative factors
From the outset, critical care has been a soon broadened to include all forms of delir-
research intensive discipline, both in medicine ium and disorientation, grouped under the
and in nursing. The initial narrow focus on heading ICU psychosis. This syndrome is
maintaining physiological stability of the car- now called delirium, described as a distur-
diopulmonary system undoubtedly contrib- bance of consciousness, characterized by in-
uted to the early commitment to research- attention and a change in cognition or percep-
based practice. Dracup and Bryan-Brown tual disturbance that develop rapidly (Tru-
(2003) observed an unprecedented change in man & Ely, 2003). Delirium, one of the most
the pace of critical care research and practice. common complications in the ICU, has been
Critical care researchers are venturing into found to be an independent risk factor for
multiple areas, including the impact of geno- prolonged ICU and hospital stay, and higher
mics and molecular biology on disease states. mortality rates 6 months after discharge. De-
At the same time, there is an increasingly vast lirium may be associated with visual and au-
amount of published research, coupled with a ditory hallucinations, and sometimes para-
trend toward specialization. Yet critical care noid ideation. It is thought to be related to
nurse scientists have been extraordinarily a variety of physiological, psychological, and
productive, creative, and sophisticated in environmental factors.
their investigations. A search of grants funded Characteristics of the ICU environment
in 2003 by the National Institute of Nursing that have been consistently implicated in
Research (NINR) yielded 24 federally funded studies and have been the target of changes in
studies of pediatric and adult patients with environment and care routines include sleep
cardiac problems, four genetically-based deprivation, social isolation, and multiple
studies, and more specifically, critical care sources of unusual sensory stimulation, such
research focusing on complex subjects such as lighting and noise (Noble, 1982). Predis-
as heart-rate variability, prone positioning in posing risk factors that are present prior to
pediatric patients with acute lung injury, gene hospital admission may trigger deliriums on-
expression in cerebral ischemia, the use of set, including age over 70 years, recent history
acute-care nurse practitioners in improving of alcohol abuse, and transfer from a nursing

home (Truman & Ely, 2003). Precipitating was particular interest in the effects of work-
risk factors occurring following patient ad- ing in the ICU environment on stress levels
mission have been found to be any noxious and the effects of stress, such as burnout and
stimuli initiated in the ICU setting, such as rapid turnover.
the administration of benzodiazepines, opi- Currently, the focus of research on critical
ates, the performance of invasive procedures, care nursing has shifted to a broader recogni-
and the emergence of electrolyte and fluid tion of the importance of collaborative, inter-
imbalance. Severe metabolic changes causing disciplinary care and appropriate levels of
imbalances in neurotransmitter concentra- staffing in order to ensure patient safety, im-
tions are thought to act as the basic mecha- prove patient outcomes, and address the
nism for delirium, although environmental growing nursing shortage due to dissatisfac-
factors are known to play a role in its develop- tion with working conditions. In a landmark
ment and symptomatic escalation. study of more than 10,000 nurses and
Another growing environmental concern 230,000 surgical patients, Aiken and col-
is the potentially deleterious effects of light leagues (2002) reported that when the safe
and noise in the neonatal intensive care unit patient-staff ratio exceeded 4 to 1 on a surgi-
on the growth and development of neonates, cal floor, the frequency of patient deaths in-
a subject that has received increasing atten- creased by 7% for each additional patient
tion from nurse scientists and greater funding assignment added to the nurses workload.
for nursing research. A third recurring theme This problem is particularly salient in the
in the scientific literature is the need for the highly complex critical care environment,
ICU environment to appear less threatening where Cullen and colleagues (as cited in
to patient family members and to meet family Dracup & Bryan-Brown, 2003) found that
needs. Thus, the subject of ICU visitation has preventable adverse drug events are twice as
been examined by many investigators, partic- frequent when compared with the incidence
ularly as it affects attitudes of family members of medication-related errors outside of the
and staff nurses alike. The emergency depart- ICU, and where the risk of an adverse event
ment as an environment of care has also been rises by 6% for each day of ICU stay. Pro-
showcased as an important context of care, posed solutions evident in the literature in-
as the issue of family presence during patient clude nursing interventions using a teamwork
resuscitation has received considerable atten- model to improve patient outcomes and the
tion by nurse researchers over the past several use of acute care nurse practitioners to over-
years. The boundaries between the sheltered see continuity of patient care.
ICU environment and the rest of the world, Physiological monitoring has been the
however, have become more permeable, hallmark of critical care since its inception.
given the recent turmoil and changing nature Until the recent emphasis on reducing the
of world events. In response to these changes, cost of expensive services, the most common
Heitkemper and Bond (2003) recommend reason for ICU admission was either for fre-
that nursing broaden its definition of environ- quent and close physical assessment by nurses
ment to capture the threats of infectious dis- or for monitoring of some physiological pa-
ease, disasters, and health disparities as envi- rameter that required specialized technology
ronmental factors in need of further research. not available on the general hospital ward,
During the first decade of critical care de- such as electrocardiography or intracranial
velopment, there was considerable interest in pressure monitoring. It is understandable,
studying the practitioners of this new spe- then, that studies of monitoring techniques
cialty. In general, research projects were have been so prevalent. In a review of critical
aimed at describing characteristics of nurses care practice research conducted in the de-
who chose this area of practice, comparing cade 1979 to 1988 (VanCott, Tittle,
them with non-ICU nurses. In addition to Moody, & Wilson, 1991), the most common
looking for demographic differences, there content areas were the effect of patient posi-
Critical Care Nursing 117

tion on hemodynamic parameters (11%), search program of large, multi-site studies

cardiac output measurement (6%), and coag- coordinated by an AACN research team.
ulation studies (5%). In the past decade, the These investigations, termed Thunder Proj-
usefulness of physiologic monitoring contin- ects, have enabled researchers to conduct
ues to receive attention, especially in the con- large, tightly controlled studies of nursing
tinuing interest in the accuracy of measure- problems specific to critical care. For exam-
ment of cardiac output with position change, ple, Thunder Project I was a comparison of
temperature, oxygen consumption, work of the effectiveness of heparinized versus non-
breathing, neuromuscular blockade, as well heparinized flush solutions for maintaining
as the determination of novel biomarkers of patency of arterial catheters. This study,
inflammation, rejection of organ transplanta- which supported the practice of heparinizing
tion, and sepsis. Greater numbers of critical flush solutions, had a sample of 5,024 sub-
care nurse researchers are receiving genetic jects (AACN, 1993). The objectives of Thun-
training as well as federal funding for con- der Project II were to describe and compare
ducting basic laboratory and animal investi- patients perceptions of pain and their re-
gations, including such topics as diaphrag- sponses to turning, wound drain removal,
matic fatigue, cytokine response to inflamma- tracheal suctioning, femoral line removal,
tion, and genetic susceptibility to cerebral central line insertion, and nonburn wound
ischemia following brain injury. dressing change (Puntillo, 2003). The sample
Interventional studies have become more size consisted of 91 children (ages 4 to 12),
frequent in the recent past. The majority of 151 adolescents (ages 13 to 17), and 5,959
these studies have focused either on psy- adults (over 18 years of age). Procedural pain
chosocial interventions, such as teaching, intensity and its associated distress were
communication techniques, or family sup- found to vary depending on the specific pro-
port, or on specific nursing procedures, such cedure performed. Overall, adults and chil-
as suctioning or chest tube drainage proce- dren (ages 4 to 7) reported turning to be the
dures. Like much of nursing research in gen- most painful and distressing procedure, while
eral, many ICU intervention studies have children (8 to 12 years old) rated tracheal
been limited by small sample sizes. In addi- suctioning as the worst, and adolescents
tion, earlier studies have typically used inves- found wound care to be the most painful and
tigator-designed instruments, making com- distressing. More than 75% of children did
parisons across studies difficult; however, the not receive medication prior to and during a
use of standardized acuity rating systems, painful procedure, and more than 63% of
such as APACHE or TISS, to describe study adults did not receive any medication for pro-
populations and control for acuity have be- cedural events. How patients were prepared
come more common. In her year-end review for the procedure was found to be a key fac-
of nursing intervention research, Naylor tor; anticipatory preparation should include
(2003) noted that between 1999 and 2002, analgesic administration and information
there were 78 nurse-led studies funded by the about expected sensations that might occur.
NINR: several of these projects focused on As is occurring in other disciplines, there
the critically ill patient, such as measuring has been a recent trend toward emphasizing
changes in cerebral blow flow during suc- outcomes research in critical care focused
tioning, determination of proper feeding tube particularly on use of quality management
placement and detection of aspiration, the tools such as critical pathways; systems of
provision of ventilator care in patients with care, such as case management; and alterna-
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, and tive environments of care, such as special care
meeting the psychosocial needs of the patient units and observation units. It has been esti-
following acute myocardial infarction. mated that critical care accounts for 15% to
One very promising approach to the prob- 20% of total hospital costs (Berenson, 1984;
lem of small sample sizes is the AACN re- Rudy & Grenvik, 1992). The high cost of

critical care in the context of a national com- sessment, management, and/or out-
mitment to reducing health care spending will comes
continue to make testing of more cost-effec- 2. Creation of a healing, humane envi-
tive approaches to care a research priority. ronment
The emphasis for research efforts has also 3. Processes and systems that foster the
been directed toward establishing best prac- optimal contribution of critical care
tices for nursing care. It is in this area of nurses
research that one can find numerous nursing 4. Effective approaches to symptom
studies in the scientific literature. Nursing management
bedside practices of interest have included 5. Prevention and management of com-
testing different methods for providing oral plications.
care for intubated patients, endotracheal suc-
tioning with saline lavage, skin breakdown In addition to the need for more multi-site
in open-heart patients, the beneficial effects studies in order to generate adequate sample
of tight glycemic control of preoperative pa- sizes, there continues to be a need for the
tients, and the success of a weaning protocol development of valid and reliable instruments
for patients receiving mechanical ventilation. that can measure outcomes, other than physi-
Qualitative approaches in research method- ological parameters, that are sensitive to
ologies have flourished, such as focusing on nursing interventions. In addition, many of
patients living with heart failure, prolonged the previously reported intervention studies
mechanical ventilation, nurse decision mak- should be replicated and tested with varying
ing about hemodynamic status, patient anxi- populations. Naylor (2003) pointed out that
ety following cardiac surgery, and end-of-life given the complex nature of effective inter-
care. Predictive studies of risk factors have ventions, the science underlying these inter-
focused on long-term disability posthead in- ventions often spans knowledge derived from
jury, transient myocardial ischemia, atrial fi- multiple disciplines, requiring the expertise
brillation following open-heart surgery, delay and collaboration of scientists working in the
in seeking treatment for chest pain, heart fail- basic, clinical, social, and behavioral sciences.
ure readmission, heart transplantation, and For nurse scientists to succeed in the imple-
functional and cognitive status after cardiac mentation of programs of research and dis-
surgery and cardiac rehabilitation. Educa- semination of findings, they will need to uti-
tional nurse-led interventions have targeted lize interdisciplinary collaboration and, ulti-
compliance as a primary goal in patients with mately, find ways to effectively transcend tra-
heart failure using telephone counseling and ditional disciplinary boundaries for the sake
a web-based approach, as well as supporting of addressing fundamental health issues and
patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitation, improving the health of individuals, families,
Critical care research is expected to con- communities, and society.
tinue to concentrate in the areas of monitor-
ing techniques, specific procedural interven- BARBARA J. DALY
tions, and outcomes research. AACNs re- UPDATED BY CAROL DIANE EPSTEIN
search priorities for the 1990s included venti-
lator weaning procedures, hemodynamic
monitoring techniques, measurement of tis- Cultural/Transcultural Focus
sue oxygenation, and nutritional support mo-
dalities (Lindquist et al., 1993). Cultural/transcultural focus is the study of
Current research priorities (www.aacn. the environment shared by a group seeking
org/research, 6/24/02) include the following: meaning for its existence. Nurse investigators
pursue this focus to understand the associa-
1. Effective and appropriate use of tech- tion of culture to health and to provide cultur-
nology to achieve optimal patient as- ally competent care. Although this focus is
Cultural/Transcultural Focus 119

growing within research, its impact on pa- istent or inadequate; (f) although reports
tient care has been limited. Culture receives specify a focus on a cultural group, discussion
only cursory emphasis in most curricula or may not relate findings to that group; and
practice settings, and few nurses are cultural (g) findings ascribed to culture are often not
experts. In light of projections that racial and distinguished from the effects of socioeco-
ethnic minorities will be the majority in the nomic status, history, or political structures.
United States by 2030 and the persistence of Most quantitative C/TCR is theory-based.
major health disparities between Euro- Frequently used frameworks include Leining-
Americans and others, more and better nurs- ers culture care theory, self-care, health-seek-
ing research on culture is needed. ing behavior, health belief models, stress and
Different perspectives on the meaning of coping, self-efficacy, and transitions. The
cultural/transcultural research (C/TCR) ex- transtheoretical model of behavior change is
ist. To some, the terms are essentially synony- becoming popular. Reports are now ap-
mous and questions of disciplinary origin are pearing on the cultural appropriateness of
unimportant. Researchers in the Leininger existing frameworks for particular groups.
tradition regard transcultural nursing as the For example health belief models have been
proper term for a formal, worldwide area of criticized for inadequately recognizing real
study and practice about culture and caring (rather than perceived) barriers to care, spiri-
within nursing. tuality, and the interconnectedness (rather
Cultural/transcultural research is found in than the individuality) of African-American
a great variety of research and clinical jour- women. Studies seeking explanatory models
nals. Some C/TCR studies (particularly inter- of illness are increasing, a welcome trend
ventions and randomized controlled trials) since this approach, which parallels an intake
may be found in the Cochrane database for history and involves all aspects of the disease
evidence-based practice using a keyword course and clinical encounter, seems relevant
search based on such terms as the disease and practical to clinicians as well as research-
name, nurs* and care, nurs* and interven- ers. Culture-specific models such as McQuis-
tion, and names of racial or cultural groups. ton and Flaskeruds (2000) model for HIV
Recent reviews of C/TCR include race and prevention among Latinos are under develop-
ethnicity as nursing research variables (Drev- ment. Studies of model development to pro-
dahl, Taylor, & Phillips, 2001), health dis- mote culturally competent organizations and
parities among vulnerable populations as build culturally diverse workforces, such as
published in Nursing Research over five de- the Diversity Competency Model and the Lei-
cades (Flaskerud et al., 2002), and applica- ninger-based Model of Culturally Competent
tion of the Oncology Nursing Societys cul- Leadership, are increasingly represented in
tural competence guidelines to published on- administrative journals.
cology research (Phillips & Weekes, 2002). Although most data collection strategies,
Searchers are cautioned that (a) the names of including physiological measurements are
racial or ethnic groups are often used only used in C/TCR, the most frequently used are
descriptive labels, and findings do not ad- focus groups, interviews, ethnographies, par-
vance true cultural knowledge; (b) race, cul- ticipant observation, and written question-
ture, and ethnicity lack consensual definitions naires. Qualitative approaches have long
and are often used interchangeably; (c) ac- been recognized as well-suited to C/TCR and
ceptable names for groups change over time are frequently used. However, the realization
(e. g., Negro, Black, Afro-American, African of their potential depends on the investiga-
American); (d) the name of the highest stage tors awareness of or openness to the com-
of cultural knowledge changes over time, plexity and pervasiveness of culture in the
with cultural competence or cultural profi- research encounter (Morse, 2001).
ciency being currently preferred; (e) data- The overwhelming majority of C/TCR has
bases on special populations are often nonex- been intracultural, descriptive, small scale,

and nonprogrammatic. The typical study is interventions to randomized controlled trials.

an interview or survey on health knowledge, The sheer volume of very similar studies of
health beliefs and practices, or a concept like the health beliefs, family values, sex roles,
self-efficacy within one designated group and the importance of family decision mak-
conducted by a single investigator. However, ing, folk remedies, or spirituality within cer-
cross-national nursing studies, studies with tain groups suggests a sufficient base for in-
large sample sizes, studies done by interdisci- tervention studies. A second great need is for
plinary or international teams, and program- application of existing guidelines for cultur-
matic research are becoming more frequent. ally competent research (Meleis, 1996; Phil-
Active C/TCR programs and their princi- lips & Weekes, 2002; Porter & Villaruel,
pal investigators include diabetes education 1993; Villaruel, 1996). Research needs to be
for Mexican-Americans (Brown), diabetes planned to be culturally competent. Cultur-
management in ethnically diverse families ally competent research is broader than ef-
(Chesla et al., 2004), HIV risk reduction in- forts to select culturally appropriate instru-
terventions for impoverished Latina and ments or to recruit appropriate subjects. Ap-
Asian women (Flaskerud, et al., 2000), car- plication of these guidelines should mesh
diovascular health for African-American nicely with the third great need of C/TCR,
school children (Harrell, McMurray, Gan- which is for research to be planned and con-
sky, Bandiwula, & Bradley, 1999), condom ducted with greater community involvement.
use in African-American adolescents (Jem- More studies, particularly programmatic
mott, 2000), HIV prevention among Latinos studies, are needed of Native-American
(McQuiston & Flaskerud, 2000, 2003), and health. Studies of multiracial or multiethnic
health needs of South American, Middle East- persons are rare but urgently needed, given
ern, and Korean women (Meleis, 1996). The the growing numbers of people who identify
dearth of programmatic nursing research on themselves as having multiple heritages. Stud-
Native-American health is noteworthy. ies of rural, occupational, and sexual subcul-
Methodological research, including stud- tures (groups not defined by race or ethnicity)
ies of recruiting and retaining subjects and are needed, as are comparative explorations
instrumentation, is growing rapidly. The of cultural perspectives on ethics. Folk and
quality of measurement in C/TCR is improv- alternative healing practices and their pos-
ing steadily. The standards for rigorous trans- sible combinations with biomedical ap-
lation are widely recognized, and both the proaches, need systematic, sensitive study.
cultural fit of items and the psychometric Studies of cultural adaptations of care in
properties of an instrument for the target homes, the development of brief rapid strate-
group are increasingly being reported and gies for cultural assessment, and development
studied. Instrument reading level is receiving of the economic case for culturally competent
considerable attention in recognition of the care are needed to insure that culture is con-
prevalence of low literacy and low English sidered in this era of managed care, case man-
proficiency in many populations (Weinrich, agement, and ever briefer inpatient stays.
Boyd, & Herman, 2004). Instruments such
as the Cultural Self-Efficacy Scale and the SHAROL F. JACOBSON
Cultural Awareness Scale are being devel-
oped to measure the outcomes of programs
to promote multicultural awareness. Cumulative Index to Nursing and
There are three major needs in C/TCR. Allied Health Literature
First is the need for more intervention studies
(Douglas, 2000). Recent estimates of the pro- In the late 1940s, although Index Medicus
portion of interventions in the C/TCR litera- existed for the biomedical literature, there
ture range from 3.6% to 14%. More investi- was no index to the few nursing journals pub-
gators must move from descriptive studies to lished at the time. Individual librarians took
Current Procedural Terminology-Coded Services 121

it upon themselves at particular hospitals or Other changes have taken place over these
schools of nursing to index the journals they years. Recognizing that the boundaries of
received for their own population. One such nursing intersect with many other health care
librarian in Los Angeles, Ella Crandall, used disciplines, Allied Health was added to the
3 5 index cards to meet the needs of nurses Index title in 1977, resulting in The Cumula-
on the staff of White Memorial Hospital and tive Index to Nursing and Allied Health Liter-
later, Los Angeles County Hospital. This in- ature (CINAHL). There are 17 such disci-
dex, which began as an internal project, was plines covered, including physical therapy,
published as The Cumulative Index to Nurs- occupational therapy, and communicative
ing Literature in 1961, a cumulation of in- disorders. In 1983 the CINAHL electronic
dexing covering the period 1956 to 1960. database became part of several online ser-
Seventeen journals were included in this pub- vices and was released as a CD-ROM in
licationfrom the American Journal of 1989. Individual access via the Internet is
Nursing and Nursing Research to the Ameri- available as well.
can Association of Industrial Nurses Journal. Recent years have seen the development
The red books, as this publication became of CINAHL-created documents as part of the
known, were well received in the nursing database. These include research instrument
community (Raisig, 1964) and became a fa- descriptions, clinical innovations, accredita-
miliar part of nursing education throughout tion materials, and legal case descriptions.
the United States. The database can no longer be viewed as only
Over the next several decades the Index a bibliographical database, although that
grew and changed, reflecting the changes tak- continues to be its primary function.
ing place in the profession itself. As would Throughout the nearly 40 years of its exis-
be expected, many indexing terms are similar tence, the primary goal of the organization
or identical to those used in the indexing of has been to connect nursingand later allied
biomedical journals. There are some im- healthprofessionals with materials written
portant differences, and many terms added to about and for them. The basic premise under-
lying the existence of the Index is that effec-
the thesaurus demonstrate the development
tive and knowledgeable practice depends on
and growth of the nursing profession, both
access to materials describing or studying that
as a practice and as a science. Increased em-
practice. These materials may be present in
phasis on nursing research, specialty and ad-
a variety of formats and from a variety of
vanced practice, and managed care has re-
sources. Whereas indexing began with fewer
sulted in indexing terms such as phenomenol-
than 10 journals, the current journal list in-
ogy, survival analysis, family nurse prac-
cludes more than 1,000 titles. Content other
titioners, case management, and nursing
than that listed above includes practice guide-
intensity. Research terms describing design,
lines, practice acts, standards of practice, crit-
methodology, analysis, and data collection ical pathways, and even full text of some jour-
have been added, as have the names of nurs- nal articles. Searching this material on a regu-
ing specialties, organizations, and classifica- lar basis should be a professional obligation
tion systems. of members of all health care disciplines for
Aside from the terms used, the materials the duration of their careers.
indexed are different from those in indexes
of the biomedical and other literature. Books DIANE SHEA PRAVIKOFF
and book chapters, pamphlets and pamphlet
chapters, dissertations, audiovisuals, and
consumer health and patient education mate- Current Procedural Terminology-
rials are just a few of the other types of materi- Coded Services
als indexed. Because of the difficulty in ob-
taining these materials they are often defined Current procedural terminology-coded ser-
as elusive or fugitive literature. vices (CPT) include more than 8,000 services

listed in the Physicians Current Procedural The American Journal of Nursing (AJN)
Terminology manual published annually by (Griffith & Fonteyn, 1989) published a ques-
the American Medical Association (AMA). tionnaire on the performance of CPT-coded
Developed by the AMA in 1966, the purpose procedures by registered nurses; 4,869 RNs
of the CPT system is to provide a uniform returned the questionnaire and 150 made
language that describes medical, surgical, and telephone calls or wrote letters. The average
diagnostic services and thereby serves as a number of coded services performed by the
method for payment by public (Medicare and respondents was 27, with a range of 0 to 60
Medicaid) and private (commercial insurers) (Griffith et al., 1991). Given the large number
payers. It is used by policy makers in their of currently published codes in the manual,
deliberations on reforming the payment this number appears to be small; however,
system. at the time of the survey, only 107 codes
In 1986 Congress created the Physician comprised 56.9% of all Medicare procedures
Payment Review Commission (PPRC) to ad- (Health Care Financing Administration and
vise it on reforms of the methods used to pay Bureau of Data Management and Strategy,
physicians under the Medicare program (Part 1990). Survey results revealed that associate
B). Nursing groups such as the American and baccalaureate degree nurses performed
Nurses Association lobbied PPRC to consider significantly more coded services than nurses
the contributions of nurses as they engaged with diplomas and masters degrees. The more
in the process of revising the payment system. experienced nurses (practicing more than 10
In its report to Congress, the PPRC stated years) reported performing significantly
that nonphysician providers should be paid fewer coded services and, as expected, nurses
at a percentage of physician payment levels working in hospital settings performed more
reflecting differences in physicians and non- services. This exploratory study suggested
physicians resource costs: work as well as that nurses often perform CPT-coded services
practice and malpractice expense. The Ameri- with little or no supervision by physicians.
can Nurses Association (ANA) disagreed, After realizing that the generalist AJN
stating that nurses should be paid the same study was clearly supported by nurses, nine
for the same service (Mittelstadt, 1991). The nurse specialist groups were surveyed and it
first nurse to serve on the Commission, Carol was determined that 493 of over 7,000 CPT
Lockhart, PhD, RN, FAAN, expressed con- codes were performed by school nurses, en-
cern about the lack of nursing data available terostomal nurses, family nurse practitioners,
to the PPRC. She stated: critical care nurses, oncology nurses, rehabili-
tation nurses, orthopaedic nurses, nephrol-
Nursings role in the delivery of Medicare ogy nurses, and mid-wives (Griffith & Rob-
Part B services is undocumented. We have
inson, 1993; Robinson & Griffith, 1997).
little or no data showing how much of a
particular service, now billed by a physician,
The number of CPT codes performed by spe-
is done by a nurse, or how many services cialty nurses ranged from 233 for family
are delivered by the nurse and billed under nurse practitioners to 58 for school nurses.
the physicians name. (Griffith & Fonteyn, The mean number of coded services per-
1989, p. 1051) formed by individual respondents ranged
from 79 for family nurse practitioners to 18
In an attempt to identify whether CPT for school nurses; individual respondents per-
codes might explain nursing work and there- formed 0 to 162 codes. Supervision by physi-
fore provide the needed data, studies were cians for these groups of nurses was infre-
conducted to look at how many billable CPT quent. Charges to Medicare in 1988 for the
activities were performed by nurses (Griffith, coded services included in the survey were
Thomas, & Griffith, 1991; Griffith & Rob- $22,793,427.34 (aggregate allowable char-
inson, 1993; Robinson & Griffith, 1997). ges).
Current Procedural Terminology-Coded Services 123

A criticism of the CPT codes is their limita- Nonphysician Practitioners, is reviewing

tion to describe only physician services and and evaluating weaknesses of the current
not the full range of health services provided system for coding the provisions of health
by the entire team. In a study comparing the services by nonphysician health care profes-
frequency with which nursing activity terms sionals (http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/
could be categorized using Nursing Interven- category/3883.html). Efforts are being made
tions Classification (NIC) and Current Proce- to gather information from other provider
dural Terminology (CPT) codes, findings re- organizations to determine where and how
vealed evidence that NIC is superior to CPT the CPT system lacks adequate codes for the
for categorizing these activities in a study appropriate description of services of differ-
population of 201 AIDS patients hospitalized ent providers. It is anticipated that the CPT-
for pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Nursing 5 Project will be completed in the near future.
activity terms were categorized into 80 NIC ANA, active in dialogues with AMA on inclu-
interventions across 22 classes and into 15 sion of nursing work in CPT-5, has represen-
CPT codes. All terms in the data set were tatives serving on AMA work groups of the
classifiable using the NIC system and 60% project (Robinson, Griffith, & Sullivan-
of the terms were classified into 14 NIC inter- Marx, 2001).
vention categories while only 6% of the terms As we progress further through the 21st
were classifiable by CPT codes. These find- century, the public-consumers of care that
ings supported the importance of nursing- nurses deliver will become even more inter-
specific classifications for categorization of ested in cost, accessibility, satisfaction, and
health care interventions in an effort to dem- quality. Because nurses have the abilities to
onstrate nursings contribution to quality and deliver in all of these areas, they should be
cost outcomes (Henry, Holzemer, Randell, directly reimbursed for their services. If
Hsieh, & Miller, 1997). However, another nurses want to proceed in this direction, then
way to address the issue is to introduce nurs- their challenge must be to accurately docu-
ing services into CPT if they are not otherwise ment their contribution of nursing practice
described in another CPT code (Sullivan- to patient and program productivity and ef-
Marx & Mullinix, 1999). fectiveness through workload analysis,
Recognizing that the CPT system does thereby providing meaningful data to con-
have deficiencies, the AMA, in 1998, began sumers, policy makers, and payers (Robinson
the task of developing the next generation, et al., 2001).
the CPT-5. The CPT-5 Project includes six
workgroups and an Executive Project Advi- HURDIS M. GRIFFITH
sory Group (PAG). One of the workgroups, KAREN R. ROBINSON

Data Analysis nal data, others assume ordinal data, and still
others assume an interval level of measure-
Data analysis is a systematic method of exam- ment. Although each test has its own set of
ining data gathered for any research investi- mathematical assumptions about the data, all
gation to support conclusions or interpreta- statistical tests assume random sampling.
tions about the data. Although applicable to Several statistical computer programs
both qualitative and quantitative research (e.g., SPSS, SAS, LISREL, EQS) can aid the
data analysis is more often associated with investigator with the tedious and complex
quantitative research. Quantitative data anal- mathematical operations necessary to calcu-
ysis involves the application of logic and rea- late these test statistics and their sampling
soning through the use of statistics, an ap- distributions. These programs, however,
plied branch of mathematics, to numeric serve only to expedite calculations and ensure
data. Qualitative data analysis involves the accuracy. Because the investigator must un-
application of logic and reasoning, a branch derstand the computer programs to use them
of philosophy, to nonnumeric data. Both re- appropriately, there is a hidden danger in the
quire careful execution and are intended to ease with which one may execute such pro-
give meaning to data by organizing disparate grams. For valid data analysis, the investiga-
pieces of information into understandable tor must fully understand the underlying sta-
and useful aggregates, statements, or hypoth- tistical procedures and the implied assump-
eses. tions of these tests in order to apply them ap-
Statistical data analysis is based in proba- propriately.
bility theory and involves using a number of The logic of null hypothesis statistical data
specific statistical tests, or measures of associ- analysis is one of modus tollens, denying the
ation between two or more variables. Each antecedent by denying the consequent. That
of these tests or statistics (e.g., t, F, , 2, , is, if the null hypothesis is correct, our find-
, etc.) has a known distribution that allows ings cannot occur but our findings did occur,
the calculation of probability levels for differ- so the null hypothesis must be false. How-
ent values of the statistic under different as- ever, J. Cohen (1994) and others have con-
sumptionsthat is, the test (or null) hypothe- vincingly argued that, by making this reason-
sis and the sample size, or degrees of freedom. ing probabilistic for null hypothesis statistical
Specific tests are selected because they pro- testing, the original syllogism is invalidated.
vide the most meaningful representation of Moreover, for decades scientists from differ-
the data in response to the research questions ent disciplines have questioned the usefulness
or hypotheses posed. The selection of specific and triviality of null hypothesis statistical
tests, however, is restricted to those for which testing (see Labovitz, 1970; LeFort, 1993;
the available data meet certain required as- Loftus, 1993; Rozeboom, 1960; Walker, A.
sumptions of the tests. For example, some M., 1986, for examples from sociology, psy-
tests are appropriate for (and assume) nomi- chology, public health, and nursing). Conse-

Data Collection Methods 125

quently, increased attention to the factors dimensions. One dimension involves whether
that contribute to findings of statistical signif- the data being collected are quantitative or
icance is warranted and power, effect sizes qualitative. Until the 1980s, nurse researchers
(for substantive significance), sample sizes, predominantly used methods of collecting
and confidence intervals are receiving in- quantitative data (information in numeric
creased attention in quantitative data anal- form) that could be analyzed by statistical
ysis. techniques. The collection of quantitative in-
In contrast to quantitative data analysis, formation tends to involve highly structured
which requires that the investigator assign a methods in which exactly the same informa-
numeric code to all data prior to beginning tion is gathered from study participants in a
the analyses, qualitative data analysis consists comparable, prespecified way. Although
of coding words, objects, or events into co- quantitative data collection remains the most
herent or meaningful categories or themes as frequently used approach, nurse researchers
part of the actual data analyses. Also, because have shown increasing interest in collecting
qualitative data analysis involves nonnumeric qualitative data (information in narrative
data, there are no statistical probabilistic tests form). Researchers collecting qualitative data
to apply to their coding. tend to have a more flexible, unstructured
Historically, qualitative data coding has approach to collecting information, relying
been done manually, but more recently com- on ongoing insights during data collection to
puter programs (e.g., NUDIST) have been de- guide the course of further data gathering.
veloped to aid the investigator in this labori- Another important dimension concerns
ous effort. However, as with the computer the basic mode of data collection. The most
programs for quantitative analyses, those for frequently used modes of data collection by
qualitative data analysis are merely aids for nurse researchers are self-reports, observa-
the tedious and error-prone tasks of analysis. tions, and biophysiological measures. Self-re-
Using them still requires that the investigator ports involve the collection of data through
make the relevant and substantive decisions direct questioning of people about their opin-
and interpretations about codes, categories, ions, characteristics, and experiences. Self-re-
and themes. ports can be gathered orally by having inter-
Quantitative data analysis allows for sta- viewers ask study participants a series of
tistical probabilistic statements to support the questionsin writing by having participants
investigators interpretations and conclu- complete a paper-and-pencil task or, less fre-
sions. Qualitative data analysis depends more quently, by having participants engage in
exclusively on the strength and logic of the some other activity, such as sorting cards.
investigators arguments. Nonetheless, both Structured, quantitative self-report data are
types of data analysis ultimately rest on the usually collected by means of a formal, writ-
strength of the original study design and the ten document or instrument that specifies ex-
ability of the investigator to appropriately actly what questions are to be asked. The
and accurately execute the analytic method instrument is called an interview schedule
selected. when the data are collected orally and a ques-
tionnaire when the data are collected in writ-
LAUREN S. AARONSON ing. Interviews can be conducted either in
person or over the telephone. Interviews and
questionnaires often incorporate one or more
Data Collection Methods formal scales to measure certain clinical data
(e.g., fatigue) or a psychological attribute
Nurse researchers use a wide variety of meth- (e.g., attitudes toward nursing homes). A
ods for collecting data (the pieces of informa- scale typically yields a composite measure of
tion used to address a research problem), and responses to multiple questions and is de-
these methods vary on a number of important signed to assign a numeric score to respon-

dents to place them on a continuum with or with the aid of observational equipment
respect to the attribute being measured (e.g., such as videotape cameras. Researchers who
depression). A less frequently used method collect qualitative observational data do so
of collecting structured self-report data is re- with a minimum of researcher-imposed struc-
ferred to as a Q-sort, which involves having ture and interference with those being ob-
the participant sort cards with words or served. People are observed, typically in so-
phrases on them according to some contin- cial settings, engaging in naturalistic behav-
uum (e.g., most like meleast like me). ior. The researcher makes notes of his or her
Self-report methods are also used by re- observations in narrative form. A special type
searchers who are primarily interested in of unstructured observation is referred to as
qualitative data. When self-report data are participant observation: the researcher gains
gathered in an unstructured way, the re- entry into the social group of interest and
searcher typically does not have a specific set participates to varying degrees in its function-
of questions that must be asked in a specific ing while gathering the observational data.
order or worded in a given way. Instead, the Structured observational methods dictate
researcher starts with some general questions what the observer should observe and how
and allows respondents to tell their stories in to record it. In this approach the observers
a natural, conversational fashion. Methods of often use checklists to record the appearance,
collecting qualitative self-report data include frequency, or duration of preselected behav-
completely unstructured interviews (conver- iors, events, or characteristics. Alternatively,
sational discussions on a topic), focused inter- the observer may use a rating scale to measure
views (conversations guided by a broad topic dimensions such as the intensity of observed
guide), focus group interviews (discussions behavior. Observational techniques are an
with small groups), life histories (narrative, important alternative to self-report tech-
chronological self-disclosures about an as- niques, but judgmental errors and other bi-
pect of the respondents life experiences), and ases can pose a threat to the validity and
critical incidents (discussions about an event accuracy of observational data.
or behavior that is critical to some outcome Data for nursing studies may also be de-
of interest). Although most unstructured self- rived from biophysiological measures, which
reports are gathered orally, a researcher can can be classified as either in vivo measure-
also ask respondents to maintain a written ments (those performed within or on living
diary of their thoughts on a given topic. Pro- organisms) or in vitro measurements (those
jective techniques, although not always con- performed outside the organisms body, such
sidered a form of self-report, encompass a as blood tests). Biophysiological measures are
variety of data collection methods that rely on quantitative indicators of clinically relevant
the participants projection of psychological attributes they require specialized technical
traits in response to vaguely structured stim- instruments and equipment. Qualitative clini-
uli (e.g., a Rorschach test). Projective tech- cal datafor example, descriptions of skin
niques almost always solicit qualitative data, pallorare gathered not through technical
but the data can sometimes be quantified. instruments but rather through observations
Self-report methods are indispensable as a or self-reports. Biophysiological measures
means of collecting data on human beings, have the advantage of being objective, accu-
but they are susceptible to errors of reporting, rate, and precise and are typically not subject
including a variety of response biases. to many biases.
The second major mode of data collection Although most nursing research involves
is through observation. Observational meth- the collection of new data through self-re-
ods are techniques for collecting data through port, observation, or biophysiological instru-
the direct observation of peoples behavior, mentation, some research involves the analy-
communications, characteristics, and activi- sis of preexisting data, such as are available
ties, either directly through the human senses through written documents. Clinical records,
Data Stewardship 127

such as hospital records, nursing charts, and Once each variable has been inspected and
so forth, constitute rich and relatively inex- corrected where necessary, new variables
pensive data sources. A variety of other types may be created. This might include the devel-
of documents (e.g., letters, newspaper arti- opment of total scores for a group of items,
cles) can be used as data sources for both subscores, and so forth. Each of these new
qualitative researchers (e.g., those conducting variables also must be checked for outliers,
historical research) and quantitative ones skewness, and out-of-range values. The cre-
(e.g., researchers doing a quantified content ation of some new variables may involve the
analysis). use of sophisticated techniques such as factor
The collection of data is often the most and reliability analyses.
time-consuming and costly activity in the re- Prior to each statistical test, the assump-
search process. It is also a challenging task tions underlying the test must be checked.
that requires creativity, the ability to ade- If violated, alternative approaches must be
quately match the research question with the sought. Careful attention to data manage-
appropriate approach, and the ability to ment must underlie data analysis. It ensures
work within budgetary constraints. the validity of the data and the appropriate-
ness of the analyses.

Data Management
Data Stewardship
Data management is generally defined as the
procedures taken to ensure the accuracy of Data and information are the symbolic repre-
data, from data entry through data transfor- sentation of the phenomena with which nurs-
mations. Although often a tedious and time- ing is concerned. Data are defined as discrete
consuming process, data management is ab- entities that are objective; information is de-
solutely essential for good science. fined as data that are structured and orga-
The first step is data entry. Although this nized and that have meaning or interpreta-
may occur in a variety of ways, from being tion. Information that has been synthesized
scanned in to being entered manually, the so as to identify and formalize interrelation-
crucial point is that the accuracy of the data ships is referred to as knowledge. When one
be assessed before any manipulations are per- term represents all three types of content, it
formed or statistics produced. Frequency dis- is usually information. From this perspective,
tributions and descriptive statistics are gener- data are viewed as the raw material on which
ated. Then each variable is inspected, as ap- nursing knowledge and science are devel-
propriate, for out-of-range values, outliers, oped. Data stewardship refers to the responsi-
equality of groups, skewness, and missing bility to manage, administer, attend to, and
data. Decisions must be made about dealing take charge of the universe of relevant nurs-
with each of these. Incorrect values must be ing data.
replaced with correct values or assigned to Nursing data issues revolve around several
the missing values category. Outliers must be factors. The first relates to identification of
investigated and dealt with. If a categorical the universe of relevant nursing data. Cur-
variable is supposed to have four categories rently, there is no consensus regarding what
but only three have adequate numbers of sub- data elements make up a minimum nursing
jects, one must decide about eliminating the data set nor what data elements are required
fourth category or combining it with one of to capture nursing diagnoses, interventions,
the others. If continuous variable are skewed, and outcomes. Systems to label or name these
data transformations may be attempted or elements also are inconsistently defined.
nonparametric statistics employed. Next, the complex nature of nursing phenom-

ena poses measurement difficulties. Measure- point of care delivery, the time of documenta-
ment is the process of assigning numbers to tion, and when data are retrieved or ab-
objects to represent the kind or amount of a stracted for studies (Hays, Norris, Martin, &
character possessed by those objects. It in- Androwich, 1994).
cludes qualitative means (assigning objects With the advent of automated data pro-
to categories that are mutually exclusive and cessing and computerized information sys-
exhaustive) and quantitative measures (as- tems, decisions about data content, control,
signing objects to categories that represent and cost need careful consideration. The con-
the amount of a characteristic possessed). tent and design decisions concern format,
Unlike other biological sciences, few nurs- standardized languages, level of detail, data
ing phenomena can be measured by using entry and retrieval messages, and interfaces
physical instruments with signal processing with nonclinical data systems. A primary con-
or monitoring. Measurement difficulties oc- cern of clinicians is the amount of time in-
cur because nursing consists of a multiplicity vested in harvesting data and recording it.
of complex variables that occur in diverse Minimum time investment, with maximum
settings. If one is able to identify what signifi- clarity and comprehensiveness of data col-
cant variables should be measured, then one lected and recorded, is needed. Redundancy
is challenged with the difficulty of isolating must be eliminated. Decisions related to con-
those variables to measure them. Ambiguities tent of data demand stewardship to ensure
and abstract notions must be reduced to de- privacy, confidentiality, and security, espe-
velop concrete behavioral indicators if mea- cially when data are in electronic form. Re-
surement is to be meaningful. Measuring quirements for legitimate access to data must
nursing phenomena also requires the ac- be managed to facilitate the flow of clinical
knowledgment of the fuzzy and complex data while simultaneously restricting inap-
nature of nursing phenomena and the rich- propriate access. There is a cost associated
ness of the meaning contained in the context with the use and development of automated
of the data. Finally, the value and use of data databases; however, accuracy, reliability, and
that are not coded or numeric, such as whole comprehensiveness of information should
text data, must be studied to understand their not be sacrificed because of cost.
benefits and boundaries for representing Data stewardship poses challenges and re-
nursing phenomena. Content analysis of sponsibilities for nurses in building knowl-
nursing data and their usefulness have to be edge bases. Standardization of terms of data
further explored. is critical, and coordination and synthesis of
Processing data implies the transfer of data current efforts are needed. If nurses are to
in raw form to a structured, interpreted infor- be stewards of their data, then further study
mation form. Information has characteristics should focus on the following areas: (a) the
of accuracy, timeliness, utility, relevance, definition and description of the data and
information required for patent care, (b) the
quality, and consistency. Data stewardship
use of data and knowledge to deliver and
suggests that attention be paid to these char-
manage patient care, and (c) how one ac-
acteristics. For example, accuracy is of con-
quires and delivers knowledge from and for
cern at the level of judgment in collecting
patient care (National Center for Nursing Re-
data as well as at the level of the data col-
search, 1993).
lected. Quality of data and information is
related to the ability and willingness of clients CAROL A. ROMANO
to disclose information as well as to the
nurses ability to observe, collect, and record
it. Reliability refers to random measurement Death and Dying
errors such as ambiguities in data interpreta-
tion. These measurement errors that affect Death is the cessation of life. The definition
clinically generated data can occur at the of death has changed over time as advances
Death and Dying 129

in medicine and technology made it possible research are described in the following sec-
to prolong cardiac and respiratory functions tions.
by artificial means. Today the widely ac- Early studies of death and dying by nurses
cepted definition of death is the irreversible in the 1960s and early 1970s took place in
cessation of circulatory and respiratory func- hospitals and focused on nurses attitudes to-
tions, or the irreversible sensation of all brain ward death and dying and family responses.
functions, including the brain stem (Presi- Benoliel (1983), in a comprehensive review
dents Commission, 1981). Dying is one of of nursing research on death and dying from
the many the transitions we experience in life. 1969 to 1984, noted most nursing studies
It is difficult to determine when dying begins, were descriptive in approach and lacked a
it occurs at different rates and ways in indi- central paradigm. She concluded that al-
viduals. The American Geriatrics Society though the stressful nature of death and dying
(AGS) offered clinicians some guidance for was well documented, little was known about
determining when dying begins with the the nature of support that is helpful to pa-
statement: people are to be considered to be tients and families and the influence of other
dying when they have a progressive illness variables, such as age and culture.
for which there is no treatment that can sub- The hospice movement began in the
stantially alter the outcome (AGS, 1997). United States in 1974 with the opening of
Dying has been defined by researchers on the Hospice, Inc. in New Haven, Connecticut.
basis of a diagnosis of a terminal illness or Florence Wald, Dean of Nursing at Yale Uni-
one without a cure, physician prognosis, versity Nursing, and a group of volunteers
prognostic assessments of patients or family were instrumental in starting the first hospice.
members, and by care settings such as hos- Hospice experienced rapid growth due in part
pice. to the growing dissatisfaction with medical
Other terms associated with end-of-life care of the terminally ill. Studies of hospice
care are palliative care and hospice. The began to appear in the literature in the 1980s.
World Health Organization (WHO, 1989) Corless (1994) reviewed hospice studies from
defined palliative care as the active total care 1983 to 1992 and noted that researchers ex-
of patients whose disease is not responsive to amined the impact of hospice as an innova-
curative treatment when the control of pain tion, family perceptions of hospice care, cop-
and other symptoms and of psychological, ing strategies of families in hospice home
social, and spiritual problems is paramount care, and satisfaction with hospice home care.
(p. 152). Hospice refers to a concept of care Studies of the effectiveness of interventions to
that can be provided in a variety of settings. control symptoms such as pain were lacking.
The family is the unit of care and a multidisci- The approaches used in these studies were
plinary approach is used to address physical, primarily case studies, Q-sort techniques, and
psychological, and spiritual needs of the dy- retrospective medical record analysis.
ing person and their family. The focus of care Research on hospice family caregivers has
is enhancing the quality of remaining life and focused on persons with a diagnosis of can-
providing support to the family in the dying cer. The educational needs of caregivers for
process and bereavement. persons with a diagnosis of cancer were the
A number of recent studies of death and focus of seven studies (Thiemann, 2000).
dying have identified problems with the care Both quantitative and qualitative methods
of dying persons and their families (SUP- were used with similar findings. The most
PORT, 1995; Field & Cassel, 1997; Teno et frequent educational needs were for informa-
al., 2004). Nurses, as the largest group of tion on the patients illness, instructions on
health care providers, have the opportunity to caregiving techniques, and information on
change the experience of dying and promote community resources.
quality end-of-life care. Nursings contribu- Caring for a dying family member is an
tions to end-of-life care and areas for further emotionally intense experience. Hospice fam-

ily caregivers for persons with a diagnosis of pain management. Nurses were an important
cancer need time for self, time for rest and part of the intervention and worked with pa-
sleep, spiritual needs, information on how to tients, families, and physicians. Unfortu-
deal with the patient, and how to maintain nately the intervention failed. Communica-
independence (Thielemann, 2000; Harring- tion remained flawed, there was an overuse
ton, Lackey, & Gates, 1996). Studies of fam- of aggressive treatment, and patients suffered
ily needs and coping are descriptive with undue pain at the end of life.
small samples and lack diversity of age, diag- Dying trajectories differ at the end of life
nosis, and ethnic groups. with various patterns of functional decline;
Research on the experience of dying is lim- however there are few studies of functional
ited and has occurred in acute care hospitals decline in large populations. Lunney, Lynn,
or hospices. The setting of care for older Foley, Lipson, and Guaralniks study (2003)
adults has a direct impact on the quality of of 4,190 participants in the Established Popu-
life at the end of life (Mezey, Dubler, Mitty, & lations for Epidemiological Studies (EPES)
Brody, 2002). The majority of studies are found that functional decline differs among
with persons who have a diagnosis of cancer. four types of illness trajectories: sudden
As people are living longer with chronic ill- death, cancer death, death from organ failure,
ness, there is a need for studies to examine the and frailty. Each of the four groups had dif-
experience of dying from chronic illnesses, for ferent trajectories of dependency and needs.
example heart failure and dementia. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,
Several large-scale national studies in the the Project Death in America, and the Depart-
1990s described problems and deficiencies in ment of Health and Human Services have
end-of-life care. The Institute of Medicine made funding available to educate nurses in
studied end-of-life care and identified the fol- end-of-life care and support research. Nurse
lowing major deficiencies in care: too many researchers need to conduct research in a vari-
people suffer at the end of life; legal, eco- ety of settings with diverse population groups
nomic, and organizational obstacles obstruct in order to influence practice and improve
excellent care at the end of life; the education the quality of end-of-life care.
of physicians and other health providers fails
to provide them with the knowledge and SARAH A. WILSON
skills required to care for dying patients, and
current knowledge is inadequate to support
evidence-based medicine at the end of life Delirium
(Field & Cassel, 1997).
The Study to Understand Prognoses and Delirium is an acute, fluctuating disturbance
Preferences for Outcomes and Risk of Treat- of consciousness and cognition (American
ment, known by the acronym SUPPORT, was Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000). It fre-
a large-scale controlled clinical research study quently accompanies acute physical illness
of more than 9,000 patients in five teaching and is found in all care settings. Estimates of
hospitals. The study was designed to examine the incidence of delirium range from 7% to
end-of-life decision making and test an inter- 80% for all hospitalized patients; 46% for
vention to improve end-of-life care. The first older patients receiving home health care ser-
phase of the study examined decision making vices; and 14% to 39% for residents in long-
and patient outcomes. SUPPORT investiga- term care settings. More recently, in a com-
tors concluded that physician-patient com- munity-based sample, delirium was found to
munication was often unreliable and physi- be superimposed on dementia in 13% of
cians showed little interest in the patients the cases.
preferences for care. The second phase was Previously, delirium was thought to be
an intervention designed to improve commu- self-limiting and benign. Recent discoveries
nication, end-of-life decision making, and indicate that delirium is associated with cog-
Delirium 131

nitive and functional impairments persisting Scale (DAS), and Breitbarts Memorial Delir-
for 12 months or more after the index inci- ium Assessment Scale (MDAS). Each has its
dent of delirium. Moreover, delirium por- advantages and disadvantages; the selection
tends poorer outcomes, greater costs of care, of which instrument to use depends in part
and greater chances for dementia and death. on the purpose and patient population. The
Despite these profound negative conse- most frequently used instrument in research
quences for patients, families, health care and clinical practice is Inouyes CAM. These
providers, and society, delirium remains un- instruments are reviewed in greater detail
derstudied. The current state of knowledge elsewhere (Foreman & Vermeersch, 2004;
of delirium is summarized here. Rapp et al., 2000). Expert opinion recom-
Delirium is frequently underrecognized mends the routine use of brief, standardized
and misdiagnosed (although there is disagree- bedside screening measures as timely, effec-
ment as to whether more patients are misclas- tive, and inexpensive methods for assessing
sified as false positive or false negative) (In- cognitive status and diagnosing delirium.
ouye, Foreman, Mion, Katz, & Cooney, Current standards for surveillance of delir-
2001). Recognition of delirium is especially ium are to screen for the presence of delirium
problematic in elderly patients with an under- on admission to the hospital and at a mini-
lying dementia or those with the hypoactive- mum daily. Others recommend brief screen-
hypoalert variant of delirium. Explanations ing every 8 hours as an element of the stan-
for the underrecognition and misdiagnosis of dard nursing assessment. Additionally, when
delirium include the fluctuating nature of de- there is evidence of new inattention, unusual
lirium; the variable presentation of delirium; or inappropriate behavior or speech, or no-
the similarity among and frequent cooccur- ticeable changes in the way the patient thinks,
rence of delirium, dementia, and depression; it is recommended that the assessment be re-
and the failure of providers to use standard- peated.
ized methods of detection. A few strategies to prevent and/or treat
Improving the recognition of delirium re- delirium in hospitalized patients have been
quires a complex and dynamic solution. tested with various groups of hospitalized
Knowledge of delirium and skill in its detec- adult patients; most have resulted in only
tion are necessary starting points for improv- modest benefits (Cole, 1999). The prevailing
ing the recognition of delirium. However, principles guiding prevention and treatment
knowledge and skill alone are insufficient, consist of multifactorial interventions that:
given the profound impediment to the recog- (a) identify patients at risk, (b) target strate-
nition of delirium posed by negative ageist gies to minimize or eliminate the occurrence
stereotypes. These conclusions are supported of precipitating factors as primary prevention
by the work of McCarthy (2003), which also accomplished through risk reduction, and (c)
highlights the powerful influence of the prac- identify, correct or eliminate the underlying
tice environment on how providers think cause(s) while providing symptomatic and
about and respond to delirium. supportive care.
Several instruments have been developed Multicomponent interventions targeting
to screen for or diagnose delirium. Such in- several risk factors, rather than targeting a
struments include: Folsteins Mini-Mental single risk factor for delirium, and interven-
State Examination (MMSE), Inouyes Confu- tions with surgical versus medical patients
sion Assessment Method (CAM), Ver- have proved more successful in reducing the
meerschs Clinical Assessment of Confusion- incidence, severity, or duration of delirium.
Form A (CAC-A), Alberts Delirium Symp- However, interventions have had no effect
tom Interview (DSI), Trzepaczs Delirium on the recurrence of delirium or on outcomes
Rating Scale (DRS), Neelon and Cham- 6 months after discharge from the hospital.
pagnes NEECHAM Confusion Scale (NEE- To better understand why these interven-
CHAM), OKeefes Delirium Assessment tions have not been more successful, some

investigators have conducted post-hoc analy- and to better target and time interventions.
ses to identify characteristics of patients for Greater insight into the underlying pathoge-
whom these interventions have failed. These netic mechanism(s) of delirium would enable
analyses have indicated that these interven- more rigorous development and testing of the
tions were less successful with patients who efficacy and effectiveness of interventions to
are at greatest risk for delirium: those who are prevent and treat delirium.
demented, functionally impaired, and frailer.
However, it is difficult to determine how to MARQUIS D. FOREMAN
improve these interventions because these PATRICIA E. H. VERMEERSCH
studies have been conceptually confused: effi-
cacy has been confused with effectiveness;
changing provider behavior has been con- Delphi Technique
fused with preventing or treating underlying
causal agents for delirium; and primary pre- The Delphi technique is a research method
vention has been confused with secondary used to identify key issues, to set priorities,
prevention. Moreover, interventions have and to improve decision making through ag-
targeted risk factors rather than the underly- gregating the judgments of a group of individ-
ing pathogenetic mechanisms (i.e., the meta- uals. The technique consists of using a series
bolic and physiologic deviations that disrupt of mailed questionnaires to develop consen-
neurotransmitter synthesis and functioning) sus among the participants without face-to-
(Trzepacz, 1999). Also, these studies have not face participation. It provides the opportu-
been designed or powered in such a way as nity for broad participation and prevents any
to determine which of the multicomponents one member of the group from unduly influ-
actually contributed to the positive outcomes. encing other members responses. Feedback
To improve the recognition, prevention, is given to panel members on the responses
and treatment of delirium, the APA (1999), to each of the questionnaires. Thus, panel
British Geriatrics Society (1999), and Univer- members communicate indirectly with each
sity of Iowa Gerontological Nursing Inter- other in a limited, goal-directed manner.
ventions Research Center (Rapp and the Iowa The first questionnaire that is mailed asks
Veterans Affairs Nursing Research Consor- participants to respond to a broad question.
tium, 1998) have developed practice guide- The responses to this questionnaire are then
lines. These guidelines tend to be comprehen- used to develop a more structured question-
sive and are generally based on expert clinical naire. Each successive questionnaire is built
opinion; few aspects of these guidelines are on the previous one. The second question-
based on empirical evidence. Moreover, naire requests participants to review the items
Young and George (2003)the individuals identified in the first questionnaire and to
responsible for compiling the British guide- indicate their degree of agreement or dis-
linesfound that the existence of guidelines agreement with the items, to provide a ratio-
failed to improve the process and outcomes of nale for their judgments, to add items that
care in delirium, indicating that much work are missing, and to rank-order the items ac-
remains to improve the care of individuals at cording to their perceived priority. On return
risk for or experiencing delirium. of the second questionnaire the responses are
On the basis of this summary of the state reviewed, items are clarified or added, and the
of knowledge of delirium, the need for further mean degree of agreement and the ranking of
study of delirium in all care settings is clearly each item are computed. In the third ques-
documented. Such study should focus on all tionnaire, participants are asked to review the
aspects of delirium, including the epidemiol- mean ranking from the second questionnaire
ogy and natural history of delirium, to im- and again to indicate their degree of
prove our understanding of the duration, se- agreement or disagreement and give their ra-
verity, persistence, and recurrence of delirium tionale if they disagree with the ranking. Ad-
Denial in Coronary Heart Disease 133

ditional questionnaires are sent until the normal grief by enlisting a panel of experts
group reaches consensus. Many variations of in the field of grief and mourning.
this procedure have been used, the number
of questionnaires used ranging from three ALICE S. DEMI
to seven.
To be eligible to participate as a panelist
in a Delphi study the respondent should (a) Denial in Coronary Heart Disease
be personally concerned about the problem
being studied, (b) have relevant information Coronary heart disease, and the experiences
to share, (c) place a high priority on complet- associated with it, precipitate many sudden
ing the Delphi questionnaire on schedule, and changes that severely disrupt the balance of
(d) believe that the information compiled will psychosocial and environmental factors in an
be of value to self and others (Delbecq, Van individuals life. Those who experience these
de Ven, & Gustafsen, 1975). changes use various resources such as denial
Several disadvantages of the Delphi tech- in an attempt to cope with the anxiety caused
nique limit its application. First, there must be by the various types of threatened or real
adequate time for mailing the questionnaires, losses associated with the disease (Cassem &
their return, and their analysis. Second, parti- Hackett, 1971; Ketterer et al., 1998; Rob-
cipants must have a high level of ability in inson, 1988, 1993, 1994, 2003).
written communication. And third, partici- Denial is the ability of an individual to
pants must be highly motivated to complete mentally ignore or push from ones con-
all the questionnaires. sciousness the reality of the situation at hand.
The Delphi technique was first developed It is one of the first adaptive behaviors or
by the Rand Corporation as a forecasting tool mechanisms that an individual uses during
in the 1960s, when investigators found that the stress-producing event of an acute episode
results of a Delphi survey produced better of chest pain (Hackett & Cassem, 1982).
predictions than round-table discussions. The Through this defense mechanism, the individ-
technique was later used to solicit opinions ual attempts to minimize or ignore the signifi-
of experts on atomic warfare as a means of cance of the symptoms. For coronary pa-
defense. It has since been applied in diverse tients, it is not difficult to use denial as a form
fields, such as industry, social services, and of coping because once the pain has been
nursing because of its usefulness and accuracy alleviated and the person is resting comfort-
in predicting and in prioritizing. ably, there are no other symptoms. As a re-
The Delphi technique has been used in sult, it is easy for the patient to rationalize or
nursing studies to identify priorities for prac- deny that anything significant has happened.
tice and research. The American Nurses Asso- Denial can be either healthy or unhealthy.
ciation Center for Nursing Research (1980) Denial of the fact that a coronary event has
used the technique to identify national re- occurred can be adaptive behavior during the
search priorities for the 1980s; Demi, Mere- first few weeks of recovery, enabling the per-
dith, and Gray (1996) used it to identify pri- son to cope with the shock and confusion.
orities for urological nursing research; Lew- However, this denial can be maladaptive if it
andowski and Kositsky (1983) and Lindquist interferes with ones ability to deal with the
and colleagues (1993) used it to identify re- lifestyle changes needed to recover from the
search priorities for critical care nursing; and acute phase of the illness (Cassem & Hackett,
Lindemann (1981) surveyed members of the 1971; Robinson, 1993, 1994). That is, pro-
American Academy of Nursing to identify longed denial or disbelief might cause the in-
and prioritize issues important to nursing in dividual to ignore necessary activity restric-
the next decade. In a creative application of tions, fail to take prescribed medications, or
the method Demi and Miles (1987) attempted realize the significance of the illness. The
to achieve consensus on the parameters of problem then becomes one of understanding

when denial is helpful to the coronary patient reactions to illness and it is designed as a
and when it is harmful. paper-and-pencil, self-administered instru-
Given that coronary events result in nu- ment.
merous real and threatened losses, and all Using the RSAI-Form D, Robinson (1994)
loss, whether real, threatened, or perceived, found a significant decrease in mean denial
produces a grief response (with denial, shock, scores from the 2nd to the 4th hospitalized
and disbelief being the initial response) (En- day of potential or actual myocardial in-
gel, 1962), it becomes necessary to work farction patients. These findings were consis-
through the grief process. However, this pro- tent with those reported by Cassem and
cess should not be prolonged, since move- Hackett (1971), who stated that feelings of
ment from denial to the next phase of the denial are generally mobilized on the 2nd day;
grief process might have a long-range effect however, by the 4th day as the patients con-
on ones ability to work through the losses dition stabilizes, denial decreases. Factor
and changes in lifestyle caused by having cor- analysis indicated that the 20-item RSAI-
onary problems. Since denial does not repre- Form D probably is a multidimensional mea-
sent a single, easily understood phenomenon, sure; however, a larger sample is needed with
it is often difficult to determine if denial is the addition of items to the scale to make the
adaptive or maladaptive. final determination. Four aspects of denial
The use of denial by coronary clients is were extracted to include denial of secondary
described extensively in the literature. How- consequences, denial of illness and treatment,
ever, little attention has been given to measur- denial of anxiety, and denial of impact; thus,
ing it. In addition, clues that coronary clients providing supportive evidence to the health
are using denial may not be recognized care professional that using single specific or
through personal interviews or traditional as- global criteria does not provide sufficient
sessment methods. Therefore, the Robinson data for assessing denial. Some individuals
Self-Appraisal Inventory (RSAI), a self-report may use one type of denial, whereas others
assessment instrument, was designed to iden- may use another type. Each type of denial has
tify denial in persons with coronary heart its own purpose for the person. Therefore, it
disease, quantify it, and aid in its further is beneficial for the health care professional
study (Robinson, 1988, 1994, 2003). It could to observe and listen closely to patients to
also assist health care professionals to plan understand their perspective as well as deter-
interventions to manage denial. mine the type of denial that is being utilized
The RSAI has been under development for (Robinson, 1994).
approximately 10 years. Earlier studies led In summary, denial makes it possible for
to revisions and reconceptualizations (Rob- cardiac patients to block out information
inson, 1988), which have resulted in Form with which they cannot cope. It allows them
D. Even though the Hackett-Cassem Denial to deal with reality in smaller, more manage-
Scale was available for measuring denial, the able pieces. Denial can be adaptive, so instead
number of items on the scale regarding pa- of trying to push the patient out of denial
tients personality traits and behaviors were before they are ready, one can assist them in
not related to coronary heart disease and the adjusting to the loss. The nurse can determine
general use of denial as a defensive trait. An the patients degree of denial and its effective-
additional weakness of this measurement was ness as a coping strategy, listen closely to the
that the nature of several questions in the patient, use counseling strategies, provide the
scale required the interviewer to make infer- patient with opportunities to express any
ences when rating denial behavioral charac- fears, and should not directly confront the
teristics of the participant; it was not a paper- patients denial. However, if the denial is mal-
and-pencil self-report (Hackett & Cassem, adaptive, the nurse should not directly con-
1974). Rather than measuring traits, the front the patients denial, but rather focus
RSAI directly focuses on the patients present on establishing a trust relationship with the
Depression and Cardiovascular Diseases 135

patient, use reality-focusing techniques, uti- tion, RR = 1.30 for angina pectoris, and RR
lize teaching strategies, and provide a psycho- = 1.15 for myocardial infarction). Further,
logical professional to meet and discuss the Cox proportional hazards regression model
diagnosis with the patient (Robinson, 1993). demonstrated that depressive symptoms were
an independent predictor of mortality. In an-
KAREN R. ROBINSON other study of the relationships among de-
pression, coronary heart disease (CHD) inci-
dence, and mortality, Ferketich, Schwartz-
Depression and Cardiovascular baum, Frid, and Moeschberger (2000) found
Diseases that depressed men and women were at in-
creased risk for incident CHD events, com-
Over the past 10 years, there has been grow- pared with nondepressed counterparts (RR
ing interest in the relationship between de- = 1.73 (1.112.68), RR = 1.71 (1.142.56),
pression and cardiovascular diseases. These correspondingly). Moreover, unlike de-
are two of the most widespread public health pressed women, depressed men had an in-
problems in the United States, and are among creased risk of cardiac mortality with ad-
the leading sources of functional impairment justed RR = 2.34 (1.543.56).
and disability. Recent research findings link- Prospective population-based studies of
ing depression and cardiac disease will there- depression also found an increased risk for
fore be discussed, along with implications for CHD due to depression. Mendes de Leon and
future research. others (1998) conducted a cohort study and
In response to the growing awareness of found a slight increase in risk for CHD events,
the magnitude of the interaction between de- RR = 1.03 (1.011.05), in fairly healthy older
pression and adverse cardiac outcomes, sev- women. However, de Leon failed to find sup-
eral large-scale community-based studies port for depression as an independent risk
have been conducted. Penninx and others
factor for CHD events in elderly men and
(2001) followed a cohort of 2,847 men and
women in the aggregate. Another prospective
women aged 55 to 85 years for 4 years. These
study used data from the Yale Health and
investigators examined the effect of minor
Aging Project (Williams, S. A., et al., 2002).
depression (i.e., Center for Epidemiologic
The sample consisted of 2,501 men and
StudiesDepression scale [CES-D] score of
women, with a mean age of 74 years who
16) and major depression (i.e., using DSM-
were disease-free elders and were followed
III criteria) on heart disease mortality. They
found that patients with major depression for up to 14 years. In comparison with nonde-
had significantly higher risk for cardiac mor- pressed individuals, depressed individuals
tality compared with those who had minor demonstrated 69% increase in the risk for
depression. These findings suggest that the incident heart failure. In addition, depressed
severity of depression is related to higher car- participants were more likely to be women;
diac mortality. In another study, Schulz and consequently, depression was a significant
others (2000) studied a total of 5,201 men risk factor of heart failure among women but
and women aged 65 years and older enrolled not among men.
in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Control- Using a randomized clinical trial, Berkman
ling for sociodemographic variables and com- and others (2003) assessed the preventive ef-
mon comorbid conditions, individuals with fect of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
higher scores of depressive symptoms were on depression in 2,481 myocardial infarction
more likely to die than those who had lower (MI) men and women. Although CBT re-
scores. Depressed participants with heart fail- duced depression and decreased social isola-
ure at baseline had the highest mortality risk tion, it failed to reduce mortality or recurrent
(adjusted RR = 2.44, RR = 1.62 for stroke infarction events after a 6-month interven-
patients, RR = 1.60 for intermittent claudica- tion period.

In short, research findings from commu- ines, such as IL-6 and TNF-, depression,
nity-based studies suggest that depression is and incidents of negative cardiac outcomes.
a risk factor for cardiac morbidity and mor- Briefly, any single mechanism will fall short
tality. However, interventions that may re- of capturing the underlying pathogenesic pro-
duce depression have failed to reduce depres- cesses of depression and cardiac disease.
sion-related cardiac outcomes (e.g., see Berk- Therefore, several mechanisms are needed to
man et al., 2003). It is essential to note that account for the development and progression
many of these studies have controlled for de- of the two.
mographic variables and medical comorbid- This overview from a biopsychosocial per-
ity that might otherwise explain the find- spective reveals that there is sufficient evi-
ings reported. dence to support an important association
Recognition of the overlap between de- between depression and cardiac disease. It
pression and cardiovascular disease has led also suggests a number of significant direc-
to increased interest in finding plausible bio- tions for future research. Large, randomized
behavioral mechanisms which link them to- clinical trials are needed to determine
gether. In fact, there is evidence to indicate whether early detection of depression cou-
that depression may contribute to increased pled with early intervention can prevent the
incidence of cardiovascular events. This effect development of cardiac disease or reduce the
may be mediated by other behavioral and risk for incidents of negative cardiac events.
biological factors that play major roles in the Another research priority is to elucidate the
development of negative cardiac outcomes. potential mediating factors related to depres-
There are several known behavioral risk fac- sion, such as failure to comply with medical
tors (e.g., sedentary lifestyle, smoking, high- care, sedentary lifestyle, eating habits, and
fat dietary intake) among depressed individu- smoking. Also, biological studies are needed
als that may contribute to the development of to quantify the latent effect of the alterations
cardiac disease. In addition, recent research in the level of risk biomarkers (e.g., homocys-
findings suggest that several biomarkers are teine, IL-6, TNF-, IL-2, serotonin, dopa-
implicated in both depression and cardiac dis- mine, cortisol, heart rate variability, and
ease pathogenesis. First, research showed that platelet activation), which could have a nega-
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical tive effect on cardiac function. Moreover, de-
(HPA) axis is activated during depression, pression seems to be more of a problem for
which increases sympathoadrenal activity. women with cardiac disease than for men.
Consequently, some risk markers such as cat- Therefore, future studies are needed that fo-
echolamines, cortisol, and serotonin are ele- cus on whether there is a disproportionate
vated in both depression and some cardiac weight of comorbid depression and cardiac
diseases. Second, depressed patients are at outcomes among women.
increased risk for rhythm disorders. Recent Designing large-scale clinical trials that
evidence indicates that cardiac patients who test biobehavioral research models, along
are depressed exhibit reduced heart rate vari- with considering both physiologic and behav-
ability, a known risk factor for sudden death ioral outcomes, are essential to better un-
in patients with CVD (Carney et al., 1995). derstating of the depression-cardiac disease
Third, depressed patients are more likely have communication. In addition, studies designed
platelet dysfunction that may have a negative to develop a more clear account of psychoso-
impact on the development and prognosis of cial risk factors to cardiac disease are urgently
cardiovascular disease such as atherosclero- needed. Finally, in an era of genetic research,
sis, acute coronary syndromes, and thrombo- identifying genes or gene expression mecha-
sis. Finally, the research demonstrated a close nisms that may link depression and cardiac
relationship among proinflammatory cytok- disease may pave the path for ultimate under-
Depression in Families 137

standing of the link between depression and toms are present for a minimum of 2 weeks
cardiovascular diseases. most of the day, nearly every day: (a) de-
pressed mood, (b) loss of interest or pleasure
ALI SALMAN in all activities, (c) decrease or increase in
appetite or significant weight change, (d) in-
somnia or hypersomnia, (e) psychomotor re-
Depression in Families tardation or agitation, (f) fatigue or loss of
energy, (g) feelings of worthlessness or exces-
Depression is a major mental health problem sive guilt, (h) difficulty concentrating or inde-
affecting 25 million Americans and their fam- cisiveness, and (i) recurrent thoughts of
ilies. By 2020, depression will be the third death, recurrent suicide ideation or attempt
leading cause of disability worldwide. Most (American Psychiatric Association (APA),
people suffering from depression live with 1994). One of the five symptoms must be
their families, usually their spouses and chil- depressed mood or loss of interest or plea-
dren, and the negative impact of depression sure. Together, these symptoms cause signifi-
on families has been well-documented cant functional impairment. In addition to
(Coyne et al., 1987; Keitner, Archambault, MDD, depression is further classified in the
Ryan, & Miller, 2003; Lee, 2003; Miller et Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
al., 1992). Nursing has long viewed families Disorders (DSM-IV) (APA, 1994) into other
as a context for caring for the individual with diagnostic subtypes such as minor depression
depression, but only recently has focused on or dysthymia by signs and symptoms, onset,
the whole family. course, duration, and outcomes.
Depression is a rather vague descriptive Family refers to any group that functions
term with a broad and varied meaning rang- together to perform tasks related to survival,
ing from normal sadness and disappointment growth, safety, socialization, or health of the
to a severe incapacitating psychiatric illness. family. Family members can be related by
William Styron (1990) describes in Darkness marriage, birth, adoption, or can self-identify
Visible the unsatisfactory descriptive nature themselves as family. This definition is suffi-
of the term depression: a noun with bland ciently broad to be inclusive of all types of
tonality and lacking any magisterial presence, families; however it is recommended that re-
used indifferently to describe the economic searchers provide specific definitions of fam-
decline or rut in the ground, a true wimp of ily appropriate to their research.
a word for such a major illness (p. 37). Genetic-biological research of depression
Depression is a universal mood state with in families includes genetic and biological
all people experiencing a lowered mood or marker studies (Flaskerud, 2000; Viguera &
transient feelings of sadness related to nega- Rothschild, 1996). The four research ap-
tive life events such as loss. For most, the proaches to the genetics of mood are: (a) fa-
feelings of sadness or disappointment resolve milial loading studies (e.g., comparing fami-
with time and normal functioning resumes. lies with depression to families without the
In contrast, the symptoms associated with the disease), (b) studies evaluating the inheritabil-
psychiatric illness of depression can disrupt ity of mood disorders (e.g., twin studies), (c)
normal functioning, influence mortality and studies of incidence of the risk for, but not
morbidity, and can cause a myriad of prob- yet ill from, mood disorders to determine bio-
lems within the family (Badger, 1996a; logical or psychological antecedents, and (d)
Bluementhal et al., 2003; Cuijpers & Smit, in theory, studies using genetic probes to de-
2002; Katon, 2003). The psychiatric illness termine which relatives and which pheno-
of major depressive disorder (MDD) is diag- types are associated with the genetic contri-
nosed if five out of the following nine symp- butants to mood disorders (Suppes & Rush,

1996). The results of the familial loading adults being sufficiently distressed themselves
studies are clear whether the approach used to require therapeutic intervention (Coyne et
is the top-down (i.e., studies of children al., 1987). The majority of recent studies of
with depressed parents) or the bottom-up families with members with depression have
approach (i.e., studies of relatives of de- used primarily inpatient samples, have fo-
pressed children) (Birmaher, Ryan, & Wil- cused on women as the identified patient,
liamson, 1996; Jacobs & Johnson, 2001). have often excluded parents with depression,
Children with depressed parents have a sig- and have been quantitative in nature
nificantly greater risk of developing de- (Schwab, Stephenson, & Ice, 1993). Few
pressive disorders and other psychiatric dis- studies have used qualitative approaches to
orders than do children with parents without understand family members perspectives and
depression (Buckwalter, Kerfooot, & Stolley, treatment needs. Badger (1996a) used a
1988; Peterson et al., 2003; Nomura, Wick- grounded theory method to describe the so-
ramaratne, Warner, Mufson, & Meissman, cial psychological process of families living
2002). Biological marker studies have fo- with members with depression. The process,
cused on growth hormone, serotonergic and family transformations, refers to the cogni-
other neurotransmitter receptors, sleep, and tive and behavioral changes that occur within
hypothalamic-pituitary axis (Keltner, 2000; the family from the time the member initially
Viguera & Rothschild, 1996). Despite evi- exhibits symptoms through recovery and at
dence from genetic studies about the strong remission. As family members moved
support for the genetic inheritance of depres- through the three stages (acknowledging the
sion, and the fact that abnormalities in bio- strangers within, fighting the battle, gaining
logical markers persist throughout the life a new perspective), all members are trans-
span, the relationship between genetic-bio- formed and family functioning forever al-
logical predisposition and environment re- tered. These results support findings from
mains unclear. previous studies and provide perspectives of
Psychosocial research of depression in family members not normally included in de-
families has focused on communication, mar- pression research.
ital problems and dissatisfaction, expressed Despite identifying the multiple problems
emotion, problem-solving, coping, and fam- in these families, the role of the family in the
ily functioning (Beach, Sandeen, & OLeary, treatment process has received less attention.
1990; Biglan et al., 1985; Keitner, Miller, Systematic family interventions have only be-
Epstein, Bishop, & Fruzzetti, 1987). The evi- gun to be developed and modeled after pro-
dence strongly supports that families who grams used with people with other psychiat-
contain members with depression have ric disorders and their families (Holder &
greater impairment in all areas than matched Anderson, 1990; Kietner et al., 2003). For
control families, and than families whose example, Lee (2003) found that in mothers
members are diagnosed with alcohol depen- who participated in a program to improve
dence, adjustment disorders, schizophrenia, maternal coping skills, these coping skills
or bipolar disorders (Coyne et al., 1987; moderated between depression and negative
Keitner, Miller, & Ryan, 1993). It is not sur- life events, reducing the negative effects on
prising that depression has its most negative children. To date, few clinical trials have vali-
impact on families during acute depressive dated the effectiveness of these interventions.
episodes (Miller et al., 1992), yet families Families have identified the need for informa-
with depressed members consistently experi- tion about how to facilitate communication,
ence more difficulties than matched control decrease negative interactions, handle stigma,
families even 1 year after initial treatment gain a new perspective, care for self and rede-
(Billings & Moos, 1985). Family members sign their relationships (Badger, 1996b). In
living with members with depression report theory, education, support and partnering
greater health problems, with about 40% of could move family members more quickly
Depression in Older Adults 139

through the stages to prevent depression from symptoms (Futterman, Thompson, Gal-
becoming a recurrent and chronic illness for lagher-Thompson, & Ferris, 1995). Clinical
the entire family. Future research should de- depression is usually qualified by an adjective
velop and test psychoeducational and sup- to specify a particular type or form, including
port interventions with families. Although a reactive, agitated, and psychotic. In addition,
common concern with research with families based on etiology, depression is classified as
remains the unit of analysis (individual, dyad, endogenous (due to internal processes) or ex-
or family as a whole), research representing ogenous (due to external factors). Depression
all perspectives is needed for nursing to more is termed primary when it is not preceded
fully understand and treat depression in fami- by any physical or psychiatric condition and
lies. secondary when preceded by another physi-
cal or psychiatric disorder. Finally, depres-
TERRY A. BADGER sion is classified as acute (less than 2 years
duration) or chronic (more than 2 years).
Clinical depression consists of characteristic
Depression in Older Adults signs and symptoms, as well as type of onset,
course, duration, and outcome. The Diagnos-
Depression is the most common mental disor- tic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor-
der among older adults in the United States ders (DSM IV) (American Psychiatric Associ-
and one of the most disabling conditions ation, 1994) classifies clinical depression into
among elderly persons worldwide (Sable, major, minor, and dysthymic subtypes. Ma-
Dunn, & Zisook, 2002). More than 6 million jor depression refers to a depression that
Americans age 65 and older representing ap- meets specific diagnostic criteria for duration,
proximately 15% of U.S. older adults suffer impairment of functioning, and the presence
from depression (Sable et al., 2002). The of a cluster of physiological and psychologi-
prevalence of clinical depression ranges from cal symptoms (American Psychiatric Associa-
about 5% in community samples to 20% in tion). Minor depression includes fewer de-
nursing home residents and nearly 30% of pressive symptoms than major depression.
older adults seen in primary care settings Dysthymia consists of fewer symptoms than
(Alexopoulos, 2001). About 50% of older are expressed in major depression but more
adults who are hospitalized for medical ill- than in minor depression, and it is more
nesses or receiving long-term care experience chronic (American Psychiatric Association).
clinically significant depression (Alexo- Diagnosing depression in older adults is
poulos). Older adults are vulnerable to de- fraught with challenges. Depressed mood is
pression for a number of reasons. Approxi- one of the depressive symptoms that older
mately 80% have at least one chronic medical adults may experience, but others may also
condition that can trigger depression (Sable et experience a range of affective responses (Fut-
al.). In addition, about 6 million older adults terman et al., 1995). Indeed, many studies
need assistance with their daily activities (Sa- have reported that in older adults, a predomi-
ble et al.), and inability to meet ones own nant depressed mood may not be as promi-
personal needs has been associated with in- nent as symptoms of irritability, anxiety, or
creased vulnerability to late-life depression. physical or somatic symptoms and changes
While depression is often viewed as a clini- in functioning (Alexopoulos, 2001; Futter-
cal syndrome with specific diagnostic criteria, man et al.; Sable et al., 2002). In addition,
depression has also been conceptualized as a symptoms of cognitive impairment that may
mood state or as a collection of symptoms occur in elders with depression may be mis-
(Beck, 1997). Because older adults may not taken for dementia (Sable et al.). It is esti-
meet the diagnostic criteria for the clinical mated that about 15% of older adults have
syndrome, studies of older adults commonly depressive symptoms that do not meet diag-
use the term depression to mean depressive nostic criteria specified by the Diagnostic and

Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM (Blazer, 2003). Depression is thought to af-
IV) (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) flict older adults of all racial and ethnic back-
for diagnosis of major depression (Alexo- grounds similarly (Alexopoulos, 2001; Bruce,
poulos). Nevertheless, these older adults can 2002); however, its symptoms may not be
experience functional deficits in activities of consistent across racial/ethnic groups, mak-
daily living (ADL) and instrumental activities ing early diagnosis and treatment chal-
of daily living (IADL) that compromise their lenging.
independence and quality of life. Indeed, the Research on depression among older
symptoms of depression can lead to total in- adults was ignored in the past and is still a
ability of the older individual to care for self neglected area. Clearly, much more nursing
and to relate to others. There is also a poten- research is needed. It is critical that nurses
tial for persons with depression to negatively assume leadership in disseminating informa-
affect family members and others around tion about the outcomes of a variety of treat-
them. ments that can be used for depression in later
Not surprisingly, few elders in the commu- life. There is a particular need to examine
nity seek mental health services. Most de- suicide in late life and to develop better assess-
pressed elders are seen by general prac- ment instruments for detecting suicidal ide-
titioners for psychosomatic complaints. Part ation in elders.
of the symptomatology of depression is a fo-
cus on physical problems, and this requires JACLENE A. ZAUSZNIEWSKI
practitioners to carefully assess for depressive MAY L. WYKLE
symptoms. Suicide is a risk factor for de-
pressed older adults. The suicide rate for indi-
viduals aged 80 and over is twice that of the Depression in Women
general population and is particularly high in
older White males. Interestingly, most sui- Women seeking help in the general health
cidal elders recently visited a general prac- care sector often are depressed. Studies indi-
titioner prior to their suicidal act. cated that between 20% to 45% of women
Studies of risk factors for late-life depres- using primary care have major depressive dis-
sion have examined the effects of gender, age, order (MDD) (Bixo, Sundstrom-Poromaa,
and race/ethnicity. Like earlier depression, Bjorn, & Astrom, 2001; Hauenstein, 2003;
late-life depression more commonly strikes Kirmayer & Robbins, 1996; Miranda, Azo-
women than men, at approximately a 2:1 car, Komaromy & Golding, 1998). In these
ratio (Kockler & Heun, 2002). Recent popu- settings, patients are more likely to report
lation-based studies have estimated the prev- their depressive symptoms as physical prob-
alence of geriatric depression at 4.4% for lems (Barsky, Peekna, & Borus, 2001; Katon,
women and 2.7% for men, while the esti- Sullivan, & Walker, 2001) and physicians
mated lifetime prevalence for clinical depres- less likely to identify and treat the disorder
sion is about 20% in women and 10% in (Freiman & Zuvekas, 2000; Katz et al., 1997;
men (Kockler & Heun; Sable et al., 2002). Sundstrom, Bixo, Bjorn, & Astrom, 2001).
Although female gender is a risk factor for Nurses are positioned to detect and manage
depression throughout the life span, gender this major public health problem because of
differences decrease with increasing age (Sa- their prominence in the general health sector
ble et al.), and white men ages 80 to 84 years and their often greater proximity to patients.
are at greatest risk for suicide (Kockler & MDD remains a significant source of mor-
Heun). bidity and disability in women under 65. The
Cohort studies have shown that the oldest- physical symptoms of lethargy and sleep and
old, those over age 85 years, are more likely appetite disturbance combine with the cogni-
than the younger-old, those between 65 and tive symptoms of disinterest, helplessness,
74, to experience depressive symptoms hopelessness, and worthlessness to exact both
Depression in Women 141

significant mood disturbances and functional ability in women (NIMH Research on Wom-
impairments. Unfortunately, MDD is com- ens Mental HealthHighlights FY2001
mon among women. The population preva- 2002).
lence of MDD in women is 6% to 17% (Kes- Maternal depression also has significant
sler et al., 2003). Combined with dysthymia, effects on children. Research has shown cog-
a milder but more chronic and equally disa- nitive and social deficits in children of de-
bling mood disorder, the population preva- pressed mothers that appear early in infancy
lence ranges from 12 to 25%, a rate twice (Essex, Klein, Cho, & Kalin, 2002; Field,
that of men (Kessler, 2003). Womens key 1998; Kaplan, Bachorowski, & Zarlengo-
risk factors for MDD include a family history Strouse, 1999). These deficits persist into
of the disorder, single parenting, a history childhood and adolescence and have chronic
of child abuse, impoverishment, and poorer effects on personal, school, and social func-
educational achievement (Brown & Moran, tioning (Essex, Klein, Miech, & Smider,
1997; Hanson et al., 2001; Kessler et al., 2001; Gotlib et al., 1998; Murray, Sinclair,
1994; Kessler et al., 2003; Weiss, Long- Cooper, Ducournau, & Turner, 1999; Oyser-
hurst, & Mazure, 1999). Social discrimina- man, Bybee, & Mowbray, 2002).
tion and sexual harassment also contribute A complex interaction of biological, psy-
to the preponderance of MDD in women. chological, and social factors contribute to
Marginalized women have the highest rates MDD in women. Gender disparities in the
of MDD (Brown, Schulberg, Madonia, occurrence of MDD and its coincidence with
Shear, & Houck, 1996; Hauenstein & Ped- womens hormonal changes point to estrogen
dada, in revision; Miranda et al., 1998). as a physiological mechanism in womens de-
While MDD is present in elderly women, pression (Shors & Leuner, 2003; Steiner,
the highest incidence of the disorder occurs Dunn, & Born, 2003). Gonadal hormones
in women 25 to 34, a time when women are thought to alter neurotransmitter func-
are developing both their work and family tioning and learning resulting in more af-
careers. Depressed women have higher rates fective symptoms and nonresponsiveness in
of unemployment or partial employment, ab- stressful circumstances. There is mounting
senteeism, poor work productivity, and fail evidence that childhood trauma such as sex-
to progress in their work careers. This trans- ual abuse can alter hypothalamic-pituitary-
lates to an estimated annual cost per em- adrenal axis (HPA) functioning and increase
ployer of almost $10,000 for every depressed vulnerability to future depression (Putnam,
woman working in the firm (Birnbaum, 2003).
Leong, & Greenberg, 2003). Mood disorder Hormonal factors alone do not precipitate
also impairs womens family careers (Gotlib, MDD in women (Kessler, 2003). The unsta-
Lewinsohn, & Steely, 1998; Wade & Cair- ble HPA system is affected by womens psy-
ney, 2000). Depressed women are more likely chological and social environment, which
to divorce than are unaffected women, and may serve to precipitate physiological events.
divorced women tend to be economically dis- For example, animal models show that fe-
advantaged. Divorced women often are re- male rats when exposed to uncontrollable
sponsible for young children, and raising stress will fail to respond in subsequent con-
these children alone is difficult. These work trollable stress situations, a response style not
and family patterns associated with MDD shared by males (Shors & Leuner, 2003). In-
contribute to a cycle of hopelessness, worth- terpersonal distress is one example of uncon-
lessness, and poverty that promotes a chronic trollable stress. Research has shown that
and recurrent course of MDD that is refrac- women locked in dysfunctional relationships
tory to treatment. This is a global phenome- for economic or other reasons are more likely
non; the World Health Organization Global to have recurrent depressive episodes (Ham-
Burden of Disease study showed that MDD men, 2003). Pessimistic thinking arising from
was the leading cause of disease related dis- low self-esteem also has been associated with

depressive symptoms in women (Peden, Hall, The multifactorial nature of depression in

Rayens, & Beebe, 2000). Not surprisingly, women, however, may require different or
MDD is more common among women who more complex psychological and social inter-
exhibit dependent personality traits (Widi- ventions than those that meet the minimum
ger & Anderson, 2003). Despite progress in standards for depression treatment. Many of
reducing gender discrimination, many wom- the psychotherapies are considered gender
ens social environment contributes to MDD neutral but few studies address gender differ-
by stripping them of personal power. Early ences in outcome. One example where gender
victimization contributes to victimization as differences in outcome were examined is that
adults. Low self-esteem increases the likeli- by Pyne and his group who used a simple,
hood of an early and often unstable marriage nurse-managed intervention, which included
that leads to divorce. Divorce is associated tailoring known efficacious treatment to the
with economic hardship and single parenting. preferences of the patients and regular tele-
Victimization, marital instability, single par- phone follow-up. The treatment was cost-
enting, and economic hardship have all been effective in women, but not in men, when
associated with often intractable depression quality of life was evaluated as the outcome.
(Bauer, Rodrguez, & Perez-Stable, 2000; Gender-specific treatments might target psy-
Brown & Moran, 1997; Earle, Smith, Har- chological and social factors known to exac-
ris, & Longino, 1998; Gotlib et al., 1998; erbate depression in women. For example,
Kessler, Walters, & Forthofer, 1998; because of the reciprocal effect of marital in-
McCauley, Kern, Kolodner, Derogatis, & stability and MDD, interventions that focus
Bass, 1998; Petterson & Albers, 2002; on reducing interpersonal distress and spou-
Scholle, Rost, & Golding, 1998; Wade & sal conflict may be especially promising for
Cairney, 2000). While the evidence for these women (Hammen, 2003; Wade & Kendler,
associations is convincing, the reciprocal rela- 2000; Worell, 2001). Interventions that stim-
tionship between MDD and the social condi- ulate positive life change also may work pref-
tion of women is far less understood and is erentially in women (Albertine, Oldehinkel,
an area of needed research. Ormel, & Neeleman, 2000). Treatment for
Evidence-based treatments for MDD in- MDD driven by gender-specific theories
clude pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. based on womens own voices and experi-
Minimum treatment includes 2 months of an ences, and the diversities and complexities of
antidepressant at a dose known to be effica- womens experience may promote recovery
cious in treating MDD or at least eight visits instead of simply remission (Eun-Ok & Afaf-
to a specialty mental health provider that last Ibrahim, 2001; Worell, 2001).
a minimum of 30 minutes each (Kessler et Recommendations for needed research on
al., 2003; Young, Klap, Sherbourne, & Wells, MDD in women have been enumerated by
2001). The data show that minimum treat- the American Psychological Association and
ment can effect remission in the short-term the Office of Womens Health at the National
but the extent to which there are long-term Institutes of Health (Mazure, Keita, &
benefits is yet to be determined. There is sig- Blehar, 2002; U.S. Department of Health and
nificant evidence, however, that few receive Human Services, 1999b). Recommendations
even this minimum level of care (Kessler et for research range from bench research to
al.; Wang, Berglund, & Kessler, 2000). While public education. Research focused on treat-
there are few large trials focusing specifically ment approaches is especially relevant to
on women, three studies using evidence- nursing. First, gender-specific treatments for
based treatments have demonstrated modest MDD need to be developed and tested. Treat-
treatment effects with both urban and rural ments must be based on the unique biological,
women attending primary care (Hauenstein, psychological, and social conditions of
2003; Miranda, Nakamura, & Bernal, 2003; women generally, and tailored to the needs
Pyne et al., 2003). of ethnically diverse women and those in dire
Descriptive Research 143

social circumstances. The design of treatment The progress in descriptive research activ-
programs should target recovery, not simply ity in nursing has been influenced by several
symptom remission. Second, research on events and movements over the past several
treatment outcome requires evaluation of decades: advanced degree education in nurs-
multiple areas of functioning including mari- ing, philosophical debate about the role of
tal stability, parenting, and work productiv- nursing and nursing research in the scientific
ity. From a policy perspective, MDD in community, establishment of centers for
women will not become a priority until the nursing research, and the formation of an
impact of MDD at the family and community agenda for knowledge development in
level is realized and the effects of adequate nursing.
treatment are determined. Third, attention With the help of federal traineeship
must be paid to the provision of treatment money, the earliest doctorally prepared
that is accessible. Health services research in nurses obtained degrees in basic science pro-
this area should consider novel venues and grams. The adoption and rejection of the logi-
providers. For example, treatment services cal positivist view of science helped clarify
for women could be moved to the community linkages between philosophy, theory, and
in places where women commonly gather, method. At one extreme, nurse scientists and
such as churches, schools, and community theorists argued that the future of nursing
centers. Because mental health care is a dwin- knowledge development lay in empirical
dling commodity it is important to consider studies that allowed for repeated observa-
nonspecialty professional and lay providers. tional statements under a variety of condi-
Nurses can be pivotal here, both in providing tions. It was believed that one ultimate truth
direct service and in organizing and supervis- could be found after repeated objective obser-
ing lay providers. Research paradigms that vations, which would eventually lead to dis-
develop and test alternative health delivery covery of universal laws.
methods will go far in closing the gap between Critics of the logical empiricist approach
need and treatment. argued that truth is influenced by history,
context, and a chosen methodology and is
EMILY J. HAUENSTEIN constantly in a state of flux. What is humanly
unobservable one day may be observable
with the help of technological innovation an-
other day. Although logical positivism is no
Descriptive Research longer espoused in nursing theory and sci-
ence, its role was crucial in initiating dialogue
Descriptive research encompasses a broad about what nursing knowledge is and how
range of research activity in nursing and has research in nursing should be advanced.
comprised the majority of nursing studies. These dialogues have helped swing the pen-
Early research efforts were focused on de- dulum from valuing experimental research as
scriptive epidemiological studies. Nightin- the gold standard in nursing to recognizing
gales pioneering work is a well-known exam- the important role of descriptive and explor-
ple of this type of research. Well schooled in atory research.
mathematics and statistics, Nightingale cre- Over the years, nursing leaders have strug-
ated elaborate charts demonstrating morbid- gled to establish which approach to knowl-
ity and mortality trends of soldiers during and edge development is appropriate and neces-
after the Crimean War. Her detailed record sary for nursing. Dickoff, James, and Wieden-
keeping and graphic representation of these bachs (1968) four levels of theory for nursing
data convinced officials of the need to im- included the most basic type, factor-isolating
prove sanitary conditions for soldiers, which theory, as the product of descriptive studies,
drastically reduced mortality rates (Cohen, with higher level theories built on the neces-
L. B.,1984). sary base of this first level of theory. Steven-

son (1990) depicted a stepwise conceptualiza- vational studies, case studies, life histories,
tion of research in nursing, with exploratory grounded theory studies, concept analyses,
research at the bottom and utilization in prac- ethnographic studies, and phenomenological
tice at the top. Descriptive research was studies. Many qualitative methodologies em-
thought to build on exploratory research ploy exploratory as well as descriptive tech-
findings and to provide a foundation of sup- niques.
port for intervention studies, with the ulti- A large portion of descriptive research in-
mate goal of utilizing research findings in volves the use of surveys or measurement
practice. N. R. Reynolds, Timmerman, An- tools, physiological measurements, and inter-
derson, and Stevenson (1992) encouraged views. Other naturalistic or qualitative meth-
nurse researchers to employ meta-analysis odologies (e.g., ethnography, grounded the-
techniques to descriptive research. Meta- ory, phenomenology) have become more
analysis is a useful statistical tool that synthe- available to nurse researchers in the recent
sizes extant nursing research, but it has past and continue to add to the descriptive
largely been applied only to experimental research knowledge base in nursing.
studies. Application of this technique to de- Many nursing organizations and associa-
scriptive studies can help determine when a tions have delineated priorities for a nursing
phenomenon is ready for testing with inter- research agenda that include clarifying philo-
vention studies. sophical underpinnings of holism, research
Descriptive studies often are used when on care and caring, health promotion, disease
little research has been done in an area, to prevention and wellness, development of
clarify and define new concepts or phenom- knowledge about the family and social sup-
ena, to increase understanding of a phenome- port networks, and research on minority
non from another experiential perspective, groups and culturally different views of
or to obtain a fresh perspective on a well- health and illness. Adding to nursings
researched topic. Also, the formulation and knowledge base in these areas will require
testing of measurement tools (e.g., to measure using descriptive research along with other
depression, anxiety, or quality of life) employ research methodologies and incorporating
descriptive research techniques. The develop- the results of these studies into nursing prac-
ment and refinement of these tools will con- tice and research endeavors.
tinue, with increasing emphasis on outcomes
research as nurses are required to demon- ANITA J. TARZIAN
strate how their interventions make a differ- MARLENE ZICHI COHEN
ence for their patients.
Public and private funding of nursing re-
search has allowed for an expansion of nurs- Diabetes
ing knowledge based in research. Of the many
studies funded by National Institute of Nurs- According to the Diabetes Research Working
ing Research, Sigma Theta Tau, and private Groups recent report Conquering Diabetes:
foundations, descriptive research continues A Strategic Plan for the 21st Century, diabe-
to command a large portion of research dol- tes is the 6th leading cause of death in the
lars. Descriptive research can employ quanti- U.S., primarily resulting from cardiovascular
tative or qualitative (including naturalistic) disease. Diabetes is a disease that affects peo-
methodologies. Quantitative descriptive ple of all ages and from every racial back-
methodologies include surveys, measurement ground. African, Hispanic, Native, and Asian
tools, chart or record reviews, physiological Americans, the fastest growing segments of
measurements, meta-analyses, and secondary the U.S. population, are particularly vulnera-
data analyses. Qualitative descriptive meth- ble to diabetes and its most severe complica-
odologies include interviews, focus groups, tions (National Institute of Diabetes and Di-
content analyses, reviews of literature, obser- gestive and Kidney Diseases, 2003). For ex-
Diabetes 145

ample, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, sensitive approaches include Sharon Brown
blindness, and death due to diabetes are more at the University of Texas at Austin; Felicia
common in African-American versus Cauca- Hodge at the University of California, San
sian adults. Francisco; Gail Melkus at Yale University;
The simplified criteria for diagnosis of dia- and Anne Skelly at the University of North
betes using fasting plasma glucose 126 mg/ Carolina, Chapel Hill. Although each of the
dl or casual plasma glucose 200 mg/dl with principal investigators has developed specific
classic symptoms confirmed on a subsequent aims for their individual programs of research
day may be impacting the numbers of persons using quasi-experimental designs, there are
identified as having diabetes (American Dia- some common areas of study. Examples of
betes Association, 2003). The total preva- the diabetes-related outcomes that these in-
lence of diabetes in the United States is esti- vestigations are addressing are diabetes
mated to be 18.2 million: 13 million diag- knowledge, health beliefs and behaviors, met-
nosed and 5.2 million undiagnosed (Centers abolic control of glucose, body mass index,
for Disease Control, 2003). Along with the lipid levels, blood pressure, self-efficacy, and
tendency for obesity, inactivity, and an ever- QoL. Focus groups with diverse populations
aging population, the incidence of diabetes is are commonly used to gain a more compre-
expected to grow. In pediatric populations, hensive understanding of the sociocultural
an emerging epidemic of type 2 diabetes is concerns of the study participants regarding
occurring due to higher rates of overweight diabetes management, to assist with tailoring
and sedentary behavior in youth as young as culturally sensitive and feasible interventions,
10 years of age, seen predominantly in ethnic and to allow for detecting differences in more
minorities (Fagot-Campagna, 2000). successful versus less successful results. Most
Given these sobering statistics, there is of the studies included longitudinal evalua-
strong evidence that the United States will tions of the interventions, which address dia-
face ongoing public health challenges to ad- betes education in nutrition, exercise, home
dress the potential burgeoning onslaught of glucose monitoring, and coping skills
individuals who face declining health status, training.
quality of life (QoL), and lost productivity Limited research with adults who have
related to an earlier onset of diabetes. Tighter type 2 diabetes was available on the physio-
glycemic control is shown to decrease the pro- logical benefits of interventions. Laurie
gression of diabetes complications in persons Quinn at the University of Illinois at Chicago
with type 1 and type 2 diabetes (Diabetes has collaborated with James Rimmer, an ex-
Control and Complications Trial Research ercise physiologist, to identify the feasibility
[DCCT], 1993; United Kingdom Prospective of a health promotion intervention with pre-
Diabetes Group Study [UKPDS], 1998). The dominantly low-income, low-education,
conundrum facing nurse researchers is how American women with multiple chronic con-
best to develop interventions that promote ditions (e.g., obesity, hypertension, joint
effective, individualized self-management in pain, and depression) in addition to diabetes.
persons diagnosed with diabetes and to im- The 12-week intervention consisted of health
plement screening procedures for early detec- behavior training with peer support, nutri-
tion and prevention in those most at risk for tion education, and prescribed exercise based
developing diabetes. upon personal aerobic capacity (peak V02).
The majority of nursing studies focus on Using a 3 day per week format with transpor-
adults with diabetes, particularly in African- tation provided, subjects had significant im-
American women and Mexican and Native provements in total and LDL cholesterol, car-
Americans with type 2 diabetes. The nurse diovascular fitness, muscular strength, and
researchers investigating symptom manage- nutrition knowledge. Thus, there is compel-
ment, self-management or self-care, and com- ling need to devise interventions that target
munity-based interventions using culturally approaches for individuals with complex so-

ciocultural, economic, and educational back- This research is partly based upon earlier
grounds (Rimmer, Silverman, Braunschweig, work that found decreased heart rate vari-
Quinn, & Liu, 2002). ability, a marker for early cardiovascular au-
Studies of youths with diabetes are ad- tonomic disease, associated with having type
dressing the needs of adolescents and their 1 diabetes and poorer metabolic control
families. The nurse researchers examining is- (Faulkner, Hathaway, Milstead, & Burgh-
sues in this population are Margaret Grey at en, 2001).
Yale University, Carol Dashiff at the Univer- Improvements in glycemic control through
sity of Alabama at Birmingham, and Melissa individualized interventions developed and
Faulkner at the University of Illinois at Chi- tested through scientific inquiry will increase
cago. Family and developmental perspectives the odds for minimizing complications of dia-
are incorporated into the designs of studies betes, which affect personal QoL and produc-
of youths. Key variables are self-care or self- tivity and contribute to the economic burden
management, self-efficacy, QoL, coping, associated with diabetes care. Future research
family adaptation, and autonomy as related must embrace not only better outcomes, in-
to improvement in metabolic control. Grey cluding decreasing health disparities in mi-
is conducting a longitudinal study using QoL norities, but also the enormous need for pre-
and metabolic control to evaluate the effects vention in those predisposed to the disease.
of coping skills training (CST) in youths re- Newer technologies for insulin delivery, con-
ceiving intensive diabetes management. This tinuous glucose sensing, and genetic engi-
investigation is the longest ongoing clinical neering for individual therapies are on the
trial specifically testing the efficacy of an in- horizon. Through their leadership in interdis-
tervention with youths who have type 1 dia- ciplinary science, nurse researchers will re-
betes. Adolescents who received CST and in- main integral to the advancement of evi-
tensive diabetes management had signifi- dence-based diabetes care.
cantly better metabolic control and less im-
pact of diabetes on their QoL than youths MELISSA SPEZIA FAULKNER
receiving intensive diabetes management
alone after 1 year. Such evidence lends sup-
port for devising interventions to optimize Disaster Nursing
both glycemic control and perceptions of
QoL in youths with diabetes. Dashiff is devel- Norris et al. (2002) defined a disaster as a
oping a model of influences on the develop- sudden event that has the potential to terrify,
ment of adolescent autonomy and family pro- horrify, or engender substantial losses for
cesses for self-care and diabetes control in many people simultaneously. Disasters are
early and middle adolescence. Her data will classified by the nature of the event, i.e., natu-
reflect the evolutionary development of the ral, technological, and deliberate acts of mass
parent-adolescent subsystem prospectively violence (terrorism), and/or by the impact of
over a 2-year period with the goal of identi- exposure, i.e. dose response. Natural disas-
fying factors that improve diabetes control ters are geophysical forces (e.g., earthquakes)
when providing family-based interventions. or weather forces (e.g., hurricanes, torna-
Consistent with the overall aim of pre- does). Technological disasters are frequently
venting long-term diabetes-related complica- attributed to human negligence and error and
tions as teens make the transition to adult- include collapse of structures, environmental
hood, Faulkner is investigating cardiovascu- catastrophes, and failures of public transpor-
lar risks in adolescents with type 1 and type tation equipment. Traumatic events are rele-
2 diabetes. The intent is to describe potential vant to nursing science and practice for sev-
sociodemographic, behavioral, or physiologi- eral reasons. First, these events are more com-
cal factors that predispose youths with either mon and have more pervasive impacts than
type of diabetes to subsequent heart disease. previously thought. Norris (1992) in a survey
Disaster Nursing 147

of residents in four Southeastern cities All three types of disaster, natural, technolog-
showed a lifetime exposure rate of 69%. ical, and mass violence events, were examined
Those surveyed had experienced at least one and analyzed for effect size. The magnitude
traumatic event. Tragic death, robbery, and of severity of negative consequences for the
serious motor vehicle injuries were the three individual level response samples reviewed by
most frequently reported. The impacts of di- Norris et al. was rated by level of impairment:
sasters on individuals and communities are minimal11%, moderate51%, severe
multidimensional and immense, and adapta- 21%, and very severe18%. When the data
tion to loss is of long rather than short dura- were assessed by type of event, victims of
tion (Murphy, 2001; Norris et al.). terrorist attacks (as opposed to natural and
Research findings (Hall, Norwood, Ur- technological events) suffered the most severe
sano, Fallerton, & Levinson, 2002; Murphy, consequences. Norris et al. reported that
2001; Norris et al., 2002) resulting from all women and youths were more severely af-
types of traumatic events suggests five major fected than men and older adults. Rescue and
domains of human responses following expo- recovery workers were reportedly the most
sure to one of these events: (a) Specific psy- resilient. Examples of U.S. disasters rated as
chological problems include shock, terror, high impact by Norris et al. were the Buf-
guilt, horror, irritability, anxiety, hostility, falo Creek dam collapse (1972), the Exxon
post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and Valdez oil spill (1989), Hurricane Andrew
depression; (b) Cognitive responses include (1992), and the Oklahoma City bombing
inability to concentrate, confusion, self- (1995). Findings emerging from World Trade
blame, intrusive thoughts (flashbacks) about Center study samples, i.e., Manhattan and
the experience, decreased sense of self-effi- nearby areas, showed incidence of symptoms
cacy, fear of losing additional control over of stress ranging from 20% to 40%, sug-
life events, and fear of reoccurrence of the gesting a high disaster impact (Galea et al.,
event; (c) Biological responses include sleep 2002; Schuster et al., 2001).
disturbance (insomnia, nightmares), exagger- Disasters and their outcomes are difficult
ated startle response, and indicators of stress to study. There are several reasons for this
and immune disorders. Behavioral responses and some cannot be overcome. First, pre-
include avoidance, social withdrawal, inter- event data are rarely available. It may be
personal stress (decreased intimacy and low- that mental disorders are overestimated in
ered trust in others) and substance abuse; (d) some postdisaster samples. Second, study re-
Resource losses include losses of income, so- ports vary widely in their methods. Norris et
cial support, time for noneffect activities, so- al. (2002) noted that 68% of the samples in
cial embeddedness, optimism, self-efficacy, their data set provided single, one-time data
and perceived control; and (e) Collective re- frequently by telephone. Initial, postevent
sponses. Neighborhood and community re- data collections ranged from immediately
sponse studies are rare with assessments gen- after an event up to 7 years later, making the
erally taking three approaches: Participants determination of immediate impact difficult
have been asked to report community condi- to estimate. Most longitudinal studies have
tions, individual level responses have been not collected follow-up data for more than a
aggregated, and archival data have been used year, leaving long-term outcomes unknown.
to illustrate loss and responses to loss, for Thus, study design variability poses a threat
example, changes in liquor sales in a given to generalizability of findings.
neighborhood or community (Bromet, Par- Four suggestions for the study of disasters
kinson, Schulberg, & Gondek, 1982; Gleser, are to: increase the number of community and
Green, & Winget, 1981; Norris et al.). family studies, examine the roles of protective
Norris et al. (2002) summarized both the factors and lost resources, develop and test
individual and collective outcomes obtained evidence-based interventions, and increase
from 160 disaster samples from 29 countries. nurse researcher involvement. Research is

needed in regard to factors that prevent or per accounts, that are not directed to specific
impede negative consequences, e.g., the roles individuals as their audiences. Discourse as
of social networks and the efficiency of relief the object of analysis is usually obtained from
agencies. Collective responses interact with natural occurrences rather than from con-
individual responses, making outcome mea- structions designed solely for the purpose of
surement a challenge. The measurement and analysis as either exemplary or ideal cases.
documentation of posttrauma responses has The term discourse in discourse analysis
improved over time, but there is a lack of is commonly accepted as a mass noun with
understanding in regard to how to reduce the above definition. However, the use of a
high levels of PTSD. Beaton and Murphy discourse or discourses can be often
(2002) have made some initial recommenda- found in discourse analysis with the post-
tions in regard to the timing of psychosocial structural, critical perspective. But the cur-
interventions following terrorist events. Fi- rent literature abounds with both usages of
nally, nurses provide postdisaster emergency the term (i.e., discourse and a discourse),
services and follow-up treatment, and some not necessarily used consistently within one
have assisted in study data collection, but specific perspective.
only a few have been study investigators. Discourse analysis has its historic origin in
the ancient Greek differentiation of grammar
SHIRLEY A. MURPHY and rhetoric in language use (van Dijk, T. A.,
1985). Although the study of rhetoric was
differentiated from the study of grammar in
Discourse Analysis linguistics throughout the centuries, it was
not until the middle of the 20th century that
Discourse analysis is a method that has multi- a more formal approach to discourse analysis
ple meanings referring to a wide range of gained its appeal in linguistics. Hence, prag-
analytical procedures. Such methodological matics in linguistics emphasizing discourse
diversity has resulted not only from various analysis has been separately developed, in
philosophical traditions that treat discourse contrast to the study of language proper that
differently but also from conceptualization focuses on formal grammatical, syntactical,
of discourse analysis by diverse disciplines and morphological structures. Following this
that emphasize different aspects or meanings modern revisit in linguistics, many other dis-
of discourse. Discourse is viewed as an appro- ciplines have begun to take discourse as the
priate subject matter for research by various proper subject of their scientific study. Al-
disciplines, including linguistics, philosophy, though there are cross-disciplinary discus-
anthropology, sociology, psychology, infor- sions of the methodology and application of
mation science, literary criticism, journalism, various approaches of discourse analysis,
and practice disciplines such as nursing and there is no unified, integrated approach to
medicine. discourse analysis. The literature across the
Although the term discourse in relation to disciplines suggests that there are at least
discourse analysis is defined and used differ- three general perspectives within discourse
ently in linguistics and in other disciplines, analysis: (a) the linguistic perspective, (b) the
discourse refers to language-in-use as con- conversation perspective, and (c) the ideol-
nected speech or written texts produced in ogy/critical perspective.
social contexts, rather than in terms of single The linguistic perspective takes discourse
sentences considered in terms of grammar as text produced by language use in either
and syntax. Discourse analysis deals with speech or writing. Thus, discourse text for
texts of conversations and written texts pro- this perspective can be from interpersonal
duced among individuals, as well as those conversations, written texts, or speech expo-
produced within larger social, historical envi- sitions such as testimonies. This perspective
ronments such as journal articles or newspa- encompasses the formal pragmatics in lin-
Discourse Analysis 149

guistics, sociolinguistics in sociology, and phasis is on the linguistic forms as used in

ethnography of communication and ethno- social life.
poetics in anthropology. Hence, within this The conversation perspective takes dis-
perspective there are several different meth- course as conversational texts; it has been
odological approaches to discourse analysis. developed from the ethnomethodological tra-
Even within each orientation there are varia- dition of Garfinkel in sociology. In this tradi-
tions in the ways discourse texts are analyzed, tion, Sacks (1967) and others pioneered con-
depending on the frame within which various versation analysis as a form of discourse anal-
contextual features are brought into the ana- ysis. Conversation analysis views discourse as
lytic schema. a stream of sequentially organized discursive
The formal pragmatics that had its begin- components that are designed jointly by par-
ning with Z. S. Harris (1952) has been recast ticipants of conversation applying a set of
by speech act theory in the philosophical tra- social and conversational rules. Conversation
dition of Searle (Searle, Kiefer, & Bierwisch, analysis studies rules that participants in con-
1980) and J. L. Austin (1975) and also by versation use to carry on and accomplish in-
poetics of the literary study. Discourse analy- teraction, such as topic organization, turn
sis from the formal pragmatics orientation taking, and use of response tokens. In recent
addresses such aspects as speech competence years, however, conversation analysis has ex-
with respect to discursive rules, text gram- tended to include behavioral aspects of inter-
mar, discourse comprehension, or discourse action (e.g., gesture, gaze, and laughter) as its
organization. analytical components. The use of transcripts
Sociolinguistics as a branch of sociology is and transcription symbols has been exten-
a study of language use within the functional sively developed in this perspective.
paradigm of sociology, which views social Discourse analysis in the ideological/criti-
life in relation to larger social structures such cal perspective differs from that in the other
as gender, status, social class, role, and eth- two perspectives in its emphasis on the nature
nicity. Sociolinguists are concerned with of discourse as historically constructed and
ways in which people use different linguistic constrained idea and knowledge. Discourse
forms according to macrostructural and con- in this perspective is not considered in terms
textual differences. of linguistic form or interactive patterning.
Anthropological approaches in the linguis- Rather, discourse is not only what is said or
tic perspective are ethnopoetics and ethnog- written but also the discursive conditions that
raphy of communication. Ethnopoetics is the produce imagined forms of life in given local,
study of oral discourse as speech art in the historical, and sociocultural junctures and
tradition of literary analysis and is concerned thus is embedded in and with power and ide-
with the structures of verbal aesthetics. The ology.
focus is on the poetic patterning of discourse This perspective was represented by post-
within different cultures. On the other hand, structuralists such as Foucault (1972) and Ly-
ethnography of communication, advanced by otard (1984), who viewed discourse analysis
Hymes (1964), is concerned with general lan- not simply as an analytical process but as a
guage use as practiced in specific sociocultu- critique and intervention against marginali-
ral context. Ethnography of communication, zation and repression of other forms of
done either from the cross-cultural, compara- knowledge and discursive possibilities. Fou-
tive orientation or from the single-culture ori- cault treats discourses in relation to rules tied
entation, is based on the assumption that dis- to specific historical conditions of usage and
course should be studied, positing it within as power relations. Hence, discourse analysis
the dynamics and patterns of discourse events in this perspective is oriented to revealing soc-
in a given cultural context. In all these iohistorical functions and power relations
branches of the linguistic perspective, the em- embedded in statements of talks and texts as

well as what Foucault called systemic ar- attributes found in nursing research, educa-
chives, of which statements form a part. tion, and practice, nurses are prepared to ad-
The foregoing discussion indicates that dress the issues of disparities in minority men-
discourse analysis is not a unified approach tal health. Nurses have ethical responsibilities
to studying language use. Although three per- that include doing no harm through the pro-
spectives are identified for this method, there vision of safe patient care (Gastmans, 1998).
is a blurring of differences among the perspec- Practicing within an ethically challenging en-
tives. The method, however, remains multi- vironment calls for nurses to be aware of and
discipline-oriented. In nursing, discourse to address the issues of health disparities for
analysis is being applied with all three per- racial/ethnic minorities. It is imperative that
spectives. Discourse analysis with the linguis- nurses become culturally competent in the
tic perspective has been applied to study dis- care that they give to all people including
course comprehension in client-nurse interac- racial/ethnic minorities. The Institute of Med-
tions or discourse organization of nurses icine Committee on understanding and elimi-
notes and to analyze various discourses on nating racial and ethnic disparities in health
such topics as abortion, individualized care, care (I.O.M.) defines disparities in health-
and professionalism in the nursing literature care as racial or ethnic differences in the qual-
related to macrostructural or contextual fac- ity of health care that are not due to access-
tors. related factors or clinical needs, preferences,
On the other hand, discourse analysis with and appropriateness of intervention (pp. 3
the conversation perspective has been applied 4). Racial/ethnic minorities are less likely to
to the study of turn taking and topic organiza- receive needed mental health care and when
tion in client-nurse interactions and to exam- they do it is of poorer quality than whites.
ine the dynamics of home visiting. Within The four major minority groups are both
the ideological/critical perspective, discourse racialBlack, Native Indian/Alaskan Native,
analysis has been applied to examine nursing and Asian/Pacific Islanders, and ethnic
documentation as a form of power relations, Hispanic (any race). Miranda, Nakamura,
to analyze discourse of nursing diagnosis in and Bernal (2003) stated that although race
the nursing literature, and to explicate the is based on an outdated impression of biolog-
language of sexuality, menopause, and abor- ical origin, race does designate strong social
tion as power relations and ideology. Written meanings, whereas ethnicity refers to affinity
texts produced by clients and nurses and cli- with a group that is believed to share a com-
ent-nurse conversations, as well as texts in mon lineage. According to the U.S. Census
the public domain, are the rich sources for Bureau (2001), from 1900 to 1965, racial/
applying discourse analysis to study the lan- ethnic minorities made up 10% of the U.S.
guage-in-use from these perspectives. population. By 2000, they were almost 30%
of the U.S. population, and by the mid-21st
HESOOK SUZIE KIM century racial/ethnic minorities will be ap-
proximately 40% of the U.S. population. The
U.S. Census Bureau reported that of the 281.4
Disparities in Minority Mental million people that live in the United States,
Health 12.3% are Black, 0.9% are Native Indians/
Alaskan Natives, 3.7% are Asian/Pacific Is-
Disparities in mental health services for ra- landers and 12.5% are Hispanic.
cial/ethnic minorities are continuous, ongo- Today, racial/ethnic minorities still are af-
ing, and persistent (Miranda, Lawson, & Es- fected by long-term legalized racism/discrimi-
cobar, 2002; Institute of Medicine [I.O.M.], nation. For Blacks, it was slavery; Native
2003; U.S. Department of Health and Human Americans and Japaneseforced relocations;
Services [U.S.D.H.H.S.], 2003; Sue, 2003). Hispanicsconquest; and Chineseinvol-
Because of the holistic and preventive care untary noncitizenship. This led to institution-
Disparities in Minority Mental Health 151

alized racism, with a continued distrust by cluding whites but it occurs to a more signifi-
minorities of organized systems, including the cant degree in minorities (Miranda et al.,
health-care system. Stigma prevents many mi- 2002; I.O.M., 2003). Racial/ethnic minorit-
norities with mental illness from seeking help. ies were less likely to receive appropriate care
According to the Surgeon General, stigma for depression or anxiety than were whites.
plays a stronger role in not seeking treatment Black patients with affective disorders are
with racial/ethnic minorities than with more likely to be diagnosed as schizophrenic
whites. As stigma lessens, a change in public than are white patients and therefore, less
attitude should occur and people will be more like to receive lithium (Miranda et al.; I.O.M.;
likely to seek care. U.S.D.H.H.S., 2003).
Prevalence of mental disorders are rela- Misdiagnosis leads to mistreatment in the
tively similar across racial/ethnic popula- form of no treatment, inappropriate treat-
tions, although there are clear variances ment, or undertreatment. Tardive dyskinesia
within subgroups (Miranda et al., 2002). (a major side effect of major antipsychotic
Blacks in need of mental health care receive medication), excessive dosing, and as needed
only half the care of whites, and the rate of medications are complications more likely to
uninsured minorities to whites is 2:1 occur in racial/ethnic minority groups than
(U.S.D.H.H.S., 2003). Almost 30% of His- in the white population (Miranda et al., 2002;
panics and 20% of Blacks do not have a pri- I.O.M., 2003; U.S.D.H.H.S., 2003). Unless
mary source of health care and many racial/ a proper diagnosis is made, mindful of the
ethnic minorities live in remote and rural ar- varying presentations of mental health symp-
eas. People who do not have a primary source toms among racial/ethnic minorities and pa-
of health care or who live in remote and rural tients acceptance of the interview process,
locations are less likely to be insured or more which may not be culturally competent, effec-
likely to be underinsured. Being insured in- tive treatment is unlikely to occur (I.O.M.).
creases the likelihood for accessibility to men- Other studies indicate that minorities are
tal health care. likely to have untoward effects from treat-
Mental health disparities for racial/ethnic ment because of sensitivity to medication,
minority populations are sustained by barri- improper medication, and intermittent or
ers to cultural competence that include rac- inappropriate treatment (I.O.M., 2003;
ism/discrimination, stigma, communication, U.S.D.H.H.S., 2003). Further, a lack of cul-
misdiagnosis, treatment, and lack of research tural competence among service providers
(U.S.D.H.H.S., 2003; Miranda et al., 2002; has contributed to a lack of use of mental
I.O.M., 2003). The Surgeon General in the health services that contributes to the likeli-
landmark supplement, Mental Health: Cul- hood of minority persons receiving more in-
ture, Race and Ethnicity (2003) reasoned that appropriate care than whites (I.O.M.;
racial/ethnic minorities experience (a) less op- U.S.D.H.H.S.).
portunity of entry to and ease of use of mental Stigma of people with mental illness has
health services, (b) less potential for receipt existed throughout history (I.O.M., 2003).
of mental health services, (c) poorer quality Over this period of time, the treatment of
of mental health treatment, and (d) underrep- mental illness has always been separated from
resentation of racial/ethnic minority clini- the treatment of physical illness. Stigmatiza-
cians, researchers, and educators in the men- tion of mental illness leads to the avoidance
tal health field. of and the treatment of persons with mental
There are major gaps in empirical data illness. Stigma is so widespread and such a
for mental health services for racial/ethnic formidable barrier to seeking mental health
minorities. Misdiagnosis, treatment, and cul- services that it is imperative to determine its
tural competence have been studied. Most dynamics and the impact on persons who
research has been done with the black popu- need and deserve mental health services
lation. Misdiagnosis occurs in all groups in- (U.S.D.H.H.S., 2003).

Significant gaps in nursing literature exist positive health outcomes, treatment continu-
regarding minority mental health. Future re- ity, and function (Maramba & Hall, 2002).
search is needed to increase knowledge and Also, studies (Miranda, 2003; Baker & Bell,
ameliorate racism/discrimination, stigma, 1999; I.O.M., 2003; U.S.D.H.H.S., 2003)
communication problems, misdiagnosis, and have recommended that theoretically-based
treatment in minority mental health (I.O.M., inquiry, culturally-appropriate measure-
2003; U.S.D.H.H.S., 2003). Mental health ments, and culturally-competent mental
screening instruments need to demonstrate health treatment options comprise future sci-
satisfactory reliability and validity across di- entific studies with racial/ethnic minority
verse ethnic minority populations to deter- populations.
mine their cultural relevance and sensitivity Knowledge development regarding the
(Baker & Bell, 1999). Although Baker and needs of racial/ethnic minorities is influenced
Bell addressed instrument appropriateness by several factors, including historical and
among mental health care of blacks, the data ethical influences, provider cultural incompe-
are generalizable to other racial/ethnic minor- tence, and the academic and clinical commu-
ities. nitys lack of consensus guiding inquiry into
The treatment outcomes for racial/ethnic minority mental health care. Academic and
minorities are influenced by the cultural in- empirical study of minority mental health and
competence and bias of providers (I.O.M., related disparities in mental health care are
2003; U.S.D.H.H.S., 2003; Sue, 2003). Diag- needed to correct the providers knowledge
nostic criteria for quantifying mental health and decrease prejudice. This is a step toward
symptoms exist, though their use may para- bringing the best evidence into day-to-day
doxically limit the provider from making an practice.
appropriate clinical formulation when vary-
ing presentations of mental health symptoms MARGARET A. WHEATLEY
in minority ethnic populations exist. An ap- EVANNE JURATOVAC
pendix to the DSM-IV TR (2000) features
guidelines for the cultural formulation to be
putatively incorporated into the clinical inter- Dizziness in the Elderly
view. These have not been included in the text
as an integrated part of multiaxial assessment Dizziness is a common and perplexing com-
due to incomplete empirical data to guide plaint for older adults and their health pro-
practice. Cultural competence needs to be viders. The many presentations of the symp-
well-defined, evidence-based, and empiri- tom and multiple etiologies make diagnosis
cally-measured for its impact on outcomes and treatment difficult. Since it cannot be
associated with mental health therapies seen, the symptom may be discounted by
(Sue, 2003). health professionals and treatment may be
Cultural influences of both provider and delayed. This elusive symptom effecting bal-
patient potentiate communication difficulties ance has been associated with falls, fear of
that direct the uninformed provider to under- falling, anxiety, functional decline, and a de-
estimate the prevalence of clinically-signifi- crease in quality of life (Aggarwal et al., 2000;
cant mental health symptoms among racial/ Yardley, 2000). Because dizziness results
ethnic minorities (Baker & Bell, 1999; from impairments or diseases in multiple sys-
I.O.M., 2003). After many years of looking tems, Tinetti and colleagues (2000) suggested
at ethnic match of provider and client, where the best approach to dizziness is to consider it
both are of a common ethnic background, a geriatric syndrome. This designation would
cultural match, where the client regards the lead to a multifactorial approach to evalua-
provider as culturally-sensitive, flexible, and tion and treatment that has been successful
willing to regard the individuals unique with other geriatric syndromes such as falls
needs, is identified as a better predictor of and delirium. However, dizziness can often
Dizziness in the Elderly 153

be linked to distinct underlying causes that as to the underlying cause of the dizziness
can be treated (Drachman, 2000). and appropriate treatment.
The prevalence of dizziness has been re- Vertigo is often caused by benign paroxys-
ported to range from 24% to 34% of older mal positional vertigo (BPPV) and may be
adults living in the community (Boult, Mur- caused by displaced otoconal crystals in the
phy, Sloane, Mor, & Drone, 1991; Tinetti, inner ear. Acute labyrinthitis and Menieres
Williams, & Gill, 2000). Dizziness increases disease are also common peripheral vestibu-
with age and is more common in women lar causes. Vertebrobasolar insufficiency may
(Boult, Murphy, Sloane, & Drone, 1991; Ag- interrupt blood flow to the vestibular system.
garwal et al., 2000). One population-based Presyncope is often related to cardiovascular
study in a biracial community found a lower causes including orthostatic hypotension, ar-
prevalence of 9.6% when defining dizziness rhythmia, transient ischemic attacks, carotid
as a regular symptom that occurred at least sinus hypersensitivity, and vasovagal syncope
once per month (Aggerwal et al.), and dizzi- and is often associated with lightheadedness
ness was not associated with race. or syncope more than vertigo. Disequilibrium
Descriptions of dizziness can range from can also be due to vestibular causes or balance
a sensation of spinning or motion to light- disorders. Medication effects, anxiety, and
headedness, fainting or falling, and many neurological conditions should also be ex-
variations of these. Balance or the ability to plored.
maintain an upright position results from vi- Treatments for dizziness in elderly clients
sual, proprioceptive, and vestibular input to are based on the etiology of the symptom.
the brain. Central integration and motor re- Symptoms arising from cardiovascular disor-
sponse are needed. Dizziness results when ders are often resolved through medical man-
there is a mismatch between the messages as agement. Postural hypotension may involve
to our position in space. Aging can cause ongoing safety measures to avoid dizziness,
lightheadedness, or falls. Benign paroxysmal
decreased efficiency or function in any or all
positional vertigo often responds to move-
of these balance mechanisms, which may ex-
ment therapy designed to move the displaced
plain the increased incidence of dizziness with
otoconia, through a 360 rotation of the
age. The multiple disease processes which can
head. Medication treatment can decrease the
result in a feeling of dizziness are many, mak-
symptoms of Menieres disease.
ing diagnosis and treatment difficult, and
Despite medical strides, many must learn
even deciding which specialist to refer a pa-
to live with ongoing symptoms. Patients can
tient to can be challenging. But clinical char- learn to manage their symptoms through an
acteristics usually help the practitioner deter- understanding of situations that exacerbate
mine a cause. their symptoms and their responses. Yardley
Recent efforts have focused on defining tested a nursing educational program includ-
the symptom of dizziness and its subtypes so ing exercises that ameliorated anxiety and
that it can be studied empirically in order physical symptoms (Yardley, Beech, Zander,
to develop guidelines for medical practice. Evans, & Weinman, 1998). Vestibular reha-
Sloane, Coeytaux, Beck, and Dallara (2001) bilitation using physical therapy can amelio-
proposed four subtypes of dizziness: vertigo rate symptoms, and one study has shown that
is the feeling that the surroundings or person older adults do just as well as younger adults
is moving or spinning, presyncope is the sen- in responding to a rehab program (Whitney,
sation of feeling faint or lightheaded, disequi- Wrisley, Marchetti, & Furman, 2002).
librium is the sense of unsteadiness, and a Dizziness has a negative impact on quality
final category includes other sensations. of life for older adults, causing feelings of
While they note that the elderly may have insecurity and anxiety (Mendel, Bergenius, &
difficulty placing their dizziness into one of Langius, 2001). Kao, Nanda, Williams, and
these categories, these subtypes can give clues Tinetti (2001) found dizziness associated

with depression, anxiety, gait and balance available for treatment, additional research
disorders, medical conditions, and medica- into the best ways to educate and deliver in-
tions. Others have also found dizziness asso- formation to older adults who suffer its con-
ciated with falls (Lawson et al., 1999), fear sequences will be needed.
of falling, which can lead to avoidance of
activity (Yardley, 2000), and functional de- HELEN LACH
cline (Aggarwal et al., 2000).
Measures to explore the effects of dizziness
have been developed. A vertigo symptoms Doctoral Education
scale was developed by Yardley, Masson,
Verschuur, Haacke, and Luxon (1992) and Doctoral education in nursing includes two
used to examine the relationship of anxiety general types of programs offering distinctly
and vertigo, and in other studies. Question- different types of degrees. The basic differen-
naires were completed by 127 patients from tiation is between research-focused and prac-
a specialty clinic. Factor analysis identified tice-focused programs. Research-focused
items for exploring symptoms of vertigo, anx- doctoral programs comprise the majority of
iety, and somatization. programs. They are designed to prepare the
The Inventory for Dizziness (Hazlett, graduate for a lifetime of scholarship and re-
Tusa, & Waranch, 1996) measures symp- search. Research-focused doctoral programs
toms, responses of significant others to the offer either the academic doctorate (Doctor
dizzy person, and activity levels. The instru- of PhilosophyPhD) or the professional
ment was an adaptation of a pain inventory, Doctor of Nursing ScienceDNS, DSN, or
administered to 184 patients presenting to a DNSc) degree; one research-focused program
specialty dizziness clinic. Factor analysis was offers the EdD. Practice-focused doctoral
used for item selection and factor develop- programs, which are fewer in number, are
ment, and support further investigation of designed to prepare the nurse for leadership
the instrument. in practice and for specialized advanced prac-
The Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI5) tice and administrative roles. The degree titles
(Jacobson & Newman, 1990) was developed that are currently offered by practice-focused
to explore the impact of dizziness on everyday programs include the Doctor of Nursing
life and includes 25 three-level items, and has (ND), and the Doctor of Nursing Practice
been used in several studies. Effects were (DNP or DrNP); one practice-focused pro-
grouped into three categories: functional, gram awards the DNS. Currently, over 88
emotional, and physical. The scale was tested institutions offer doctoral programs in nurs-
in 63 patients who complained of dizziness ing and several (7 currently) offer both a re-
and findings indicated good test-retest relia- search-focused and a practice-focused pro-
bility as well as homogeneity of the con- gram. Six programs are offered jointly or col-
structs; another study demonstrated good laboratively between two or more institu-
test-retest reliability. A short version was de- tions.
veloped by Tesio, Alpini, Cesarani, and Per- Over three fourths of existing programs
ucca (1999) using item-response methodol- offer the academic doctorate, reflecting the
ogy for item reduction. Dizziness is common trend in research-oriented programs to offer
and the difficulties of diagnosis and treatment the PhD rather than the professional degree,
only increase the patients challenges in man- because the PhD is universally recognized and
aging this uncomfortable symptom. Some accepted and enjoys considerable prestige,
measures have been developed to help under- particularly in academia. Curricula for pro-
stand the problem of dizziness and its impact. grams leading to research-focused doctorates
Further research is needed to explore the ef- typically contain a core of required courses
fects of dizziness and interventions to manage addressing nursing theory, methodology, the-
the symptoms. As new interventions are ory development strategies, and various as-
Doctoral Education 155

pects of research methodology and statistics. toral programs include: the scientific under-
Additionally, students usually are required to pinnings for practice; advanced practice in a
develop substantive expertise in a specialized given specialty area of nursing; organization
area of nursing knowledge and research by and system leadership, change strategies and
selecting courses in nursing and related disci- quality improvement; analytic methodologies
plines (cognates), becoming involved in related to the evaluation of practice and the
hands-on research-related experiences such accrual and application of evidence for prac-
as research residencies or practica and re- tice; use of technology and information; de-
search assistantships, and conducting a major velopment, application and evaluation of
independent research protect and writing the health policy; and interdisciplinary collabo-
dissertation. Typically, half or more of the ration. In addition, programs provide the ba-
credits focus on research methodology and sis for advanced specialized expertise in at
actual conduct of research. On the average, least one area of nursing practice. A disserta-
full-time students complete their doctoral tion is generally not required; however, most
study in 4 years: 2 years to complete the programs include a practice-related project
course work and an additional 2 years to and a residency experience. Some practice-
complete the dissertation. Although the de- focused doctoral programs limit their spe-
gree title is different, research-focused pro- cialty areas to those concerned with the direct
grams leading to the professional doctorate care of patients as implemented in advanced
(DNS, DNSc, DSN) have curricula that are practice nursing roles (i.e., nurse practitioner,
quite similar to the academic doctoral pro- nurse midwife, nurse anesthetist, clinical
grams. Theoretically programs offering the nurse specialist), while others also include
DNS are more likely to emphasize research specialty preparation in administration or ex-
that is applied and relates directly to clinical, ecutive practice. There are several different
administrative, or policy-related practice and points of entry into practice-focused doctoral
leadership. In addition to research prepara- programs; some require students to enter
tion, curricula for such programs often in- with some specialty preparation at the mas-
clude practicum experiences designed to de- ters level and others permit post-baccalaure-
velop a high level of research expertise in ate entry. In all cases, graduates are expected
a specialized area of nursing practice. The to provide visionary leadership in the practice
required dissertation is often applied in na- arena as advanced practice nurses, program
ture. Graduates of research-focused pro- managers and evaluators, and nursing service
grams are most likely to assume faculty posi- administrators. Graduates of practice-fo-
tions upon graduation, but increasingly are cused doctoral programs frequently assume
being employed as researchers in clinical envi- positions as clinical educators in schools of
ronments. nursing.
An important trend in nursing is the rapid Historically, doctoral nursing education
increase in practice-focused doctoral pro- began at Teachers College, Columbia Univer-
grams. Although they are not new to nursing, sity, and at New York University in the
practice-focused doctoral programs have re- 1920s. After a 30-year hiatus during which
ceived renewed interest as a viable alternative no new programs were opened, interest in
to the academic doctorate for individuals doctoral education was rekindled; by the end
who wish to attain the highest level of exper- of the 1970s, a total of 18 programs had been
tise in clinical practice. The curricula differ initiated. During the 1980s the number of
considerably from those of the research-fo- programs more than doubled, and with the
cused programs, with the major differences rapid increase in programs and enrollments
being that they typically have fewer credits came concern about maintaining high qual-
addressing research and do not require a dis- ity. The American Association of Colleges of
sertation. Areas of content that are common Nursing took a leadership role in developing
to virtually all of the practice-focused doc- indicators of quality regarding student and

faculty qualifications, curriculum content, brations, parties, and leisure activities. In ad-
administrative patterns, and support re- dition, advertisements on television, maga-
sources. During the 1990s, ideas about the zines, and billboards present messages that
nature of scholarship and doctoral education shine a positive light on drinking. Given this
were refined as the emphasis on establishing situation and despite drinking laws, adoles-
and maintaining quality continued. Emphasis cents drink and drive, and adolescents who
expanded from the tools of scholarship to have been drinking are involved in fatal
increasingly addressing the growing body of crashes at twice the rate of adult drivers (Na-
substantive nursing knowledge. The dispro- tional Highway Traffic Safety Administra-
portionate focus on process changed to tion, 2002). Thirty percent of youth aged 15
greater emphasis on the content that consti- to 20 who were killed in automobile accidents
tutes the input to and products of the scien- had been drinking (National Center on Ad-
tific process. diction and Substance Abuse at Columbia
In addition to the growing interest in prac- University, 2002).
tice-focused doctoral programs, an important Six articles on drinking/driving were pub-
trend is that increasingly students are being lished in the nursing literature from 1995 to
encouraged to progress as quickly as possible 2001. No nursing publications were uncov-
toward the terminal degree. Fueled in part by ered on drinking/driving for 2002 and 2003.
a growing faculty shortage and the need to Only two of the six focused on drinking/driv-
produce more doctoral graduates, programs ing among adolescents (Kuthy, Grap,
are increasingly streamlining progression be- Penn, & Henderson, 1995; Shreve, 1998).
tween degree levels and eliminating work ex- Kuthy and colleagues evaluated a 20-minute
perience as prerequisite to admission. As a program showing pictures of automobile ac-
result the profile of the typical doctoral cidents to determine if there was a change in
student is changing. The average age of doc- drinking/driving behavior after the program.
toral nursing students is gradually decreasing, One month after the program a telephone
and students often enter doctoral study from interview indicated that the 274 high school
clinical as well as academic backgrounds. drivers education students showed a signifi-
Doctoral education continues to be an cant change in drinking/driving behavior.
arena of excitement and innovation in nurs- Shreve evaluated a student drinking/driving
ing education. The need for doctoral gradu- prevention program with 39 students. Fol-
ates continues to escalate, yet the challenge lowing the program, 40% of the students in-
to maintain quality in the face of rapid change dicated they would change their behavior. It
is of paramount concern. For individuals, the can be concluded that little has been pub-
doctorate is the pinnacle of attainment in lished in the nursing literature on drinking/
nursing education, and for institutions it is driving and there are no studies focusing on
the pinnacle of academic attainment. The vir- intervening in drinking/driving situations.
tually universal acceptance of the doctorate However, health promotion is a major goal
as the terminal degree signifies nursings sta- of nursing, and investigating intervening as a
tus as a true academic discipline. passenger in drinking/driving situations may
offer approaches to change behavior that may
ELIZABETH R. LENZ prevent the injurious consequences associ-
ated with drinking/driving among adoles-
Drinking and Driving Among In a national study of 10,277 drunken
Adolescents driving fatalities, Isaacs, Kennedy, and Gra-
ham (1995) found that in 5% to 10% of these
Drinking and driving is rooted in the central cases there were sober passengers who could
role that alcohol plays in American life and have intervened. Furthermore, half of the fa-
culture. Alcohol is commonly found at cele- talities in persons 16 to 19 years of age had
Drug Abuse 157

at least one sober passenger in the car who orders (American Psychiatric Association
could have intervened. In a study of adoles- [APA], 1994). The most common drugs of
cents in grades 912 conducted in 199 abuse in the U.S., other than alcohol, nico-
schools in 34 states, 30% reported that in tine, and caffeine, are cocaine (crack), am-
the previous 30 days they had ridden with a phetamines, cannabis (marijuana), hallucino-
driver who had been drinking alcohol and gens, inhalants, opioids, phencyclidine (PCP),
13% had driven a car or other vehicle after sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics (anti-
drinking alcohol (Grunbaum et al., 2002). anxiety agents). Drug abuse interferes with
Shore and Compton (2000) describe suc- normal brain functioning, usually creating
cessful interventions in drinking/driving as powerful feelings of pleasure or euphoria;
forceful statements, clear demands, and con- however, there are long-term effects on brain
crete actions. These are more effective than metabolism and activity such that physical
requests, pleas, or suggestions. Thus, more addiction and craving for more of the drug
assertive interventions tend to be more suc- occurs (http://www.nida.gov/Infofax/under
cessful than less assertive interventions. stand.html).
Threatening the drinking drivers competence The societal economic impact of drug
is less likely to be effective in stopping the abuse in the U.S. was estimated at $97.7 bil-
drinker from driving (Shore & Compton, lion per year in 1992. These costs included
1998). Smart and Stoduto (1997) found that crime, medical care, drug addiction treat-
people tend to intervene more with friends ment, social welfare programs, and lost work.
than with strangers. Having some familiarity Money spent on illicit drug purchases was
with the intoxicated individual seems to be found to be $57.3 billion, of which $38 bil-
more conducive to intervening. Smith and lion was paid for cocaine, $9.6 billion for
colleagues (2004) in a qualitative study on heroin, $7 billion for marijuana, and the rest
intervening as a passenger in drinking/driving for all other illegal drugs or misuse of legal
queried 52 youths about drinking/driving sit- drugs (White House Office of National Drug
uations and interventions. Findings of the Control Policy [ONDCP], 1996).
study included the following drinking/driving Most drug abusers are men. In 1995 there
situations where the participants were: entan- were 874,000 admissions to publicly funded
gled with a drinking driver who was deter- treatment facilities, with men accounting for
mined to drive, endangered while riding in 70% and women 30% of admissions. The
a car with a drinking driver, and stranded largest percentage of admissions was for co-
because they did not get in the car with a caine (38.3%), followed by heroin (25.5%)
drinking driver and had no one to turn to for and marijuana (19.1%). Treatment methods
a ride. Interventions described by the partici- include behavioral therapies (counseling, psy-
pants were: to persuade, to interfere, to plan chotherapy, support groups, or family ther-
ahead, and to threaten. It can be concluded apy), treatment medications (methadone
that if youth passengers intervene and break maintenance for heroin addiction), short-
the link between drinking and driving there term and residential in-patient treatment,
is potential for reducing drinking/driving fa- drug-free outpatient treatment, and thera-
talities. peutic communities. In general longer and
more comprehensive treatment programs
MARY JANE SMITH have better results compared to short-term
or minimalist treatment programs (http://
Drug Abuse Drug abuse among women often presents
different health and treatment challenges
Drug abuse or addiction is a chronic, relaps- compared to men. Up to 70% of drug-abus-
ing, and treatable disease subcategory of psy- ing women report histories of physical and
chiatric illnesses called substance-abuse dis- sexual abuse and drug and alcohol abuse in

one or both parents. Case finding and treat- tionyouth, adolescents, adult women,
ment are exceptionally difficult because drug- adult men, or elderly men or women.
abusing women are often in relationships
with drug-abusing partners and they have JOANNE SABOL STEVENSON
well-founded fears of losing the relationship
and its economic protection if they seek treat-
ment. Treatment for women often means fall- Dysphagia
ing into poverty, homelessness, power-
lessness, and losing custody of their children. Dysphagia is a symptom exhibited by either
Furthermore, drug-abusing women were difficulty swallowing or pain on swallowing
found to have exceptionally low self-esteem, that is experienced on a continuum from the
self-confidence, and sense of powerlessness, inability to move food back in the mouth to
making the decision to seek drug treatment a total inability to take nourishment. While
a daunting experience. the prevalence of dysphagia in the general
Among both men and women there have population is unknown, risk has been esti-
been recent increases in illicit use of prescrip- mated in adults over 50 from 16% to 22%.
tion opiates (oxycodone, hydrocodone), The number of nursing home residents re-
while cocaine/crack use has decreased quiring extensive to total assistance with
slightly. Use of PCP and club drugs (MDMA/ eating, sometimes an indicator of swallowing
Ecstasy, GHB/date rape drugs, and Ketamine/ problems, ranges between 17% to 43% de-
Special K/Vitamin K) has increased. The GHB pending on the state (Centers for Medicare
trend is of particular concern as the drug is and Medicaid, 2001; Lindgren & Janzon,
tasteless and often is put into drinks without 1991). Generally, persons most likely to be
at high risk for dysphagia include persons
the victim being aware of ingesting the drug.
with head injuries, stroke, Parkinsons dis-
Women on college campuses are especially at
ease, and malignancy of the head and neck
risk for this scenario.
(Lind, 2003). Persons with severe cognitive
Areas for future research include preven-
impairments may simply forget how to eat
tion research on the special issues facing men
or may have accompanying neurological
versus women and specific to each age group
compromise affecting the swallow.
from school-aged youth through the elderly.
Swallowing has both voluntary and invol-
The major foci of prevention researchthe untary phases; the oral stage, where food is
individual, the peer group, or the community masticated and moved back to the pharynx, is
all require additional research and theory de- under conscious control, and the pharyngeal
velopment and testing. Genetic research is and esophageal stages, where food is auto-
adding new insights every day and young sci- matically moved through coordinated reflex-
entists would do well to become trained in ive actions, is under involuntary control.
this area so as to be on the cutting edge of Thus, depending on an individuals health
drug-abuse knowledge development. Better problem, such as impairment of the neuro-
approaches to case finding and referral for muscular pathways, structural or connective
treatment are needed. Finally, the realm of tissue diseases, or mental disorders ranging
drug-abuse treatment is fraught with drop- from Alzheimers disease to psychogenic dys-
souts, treatment failures, and relapses. Cre- phagia, dysphagia may occur anywhere along
ative new treatment modalities need to be the route food and fluid take to the stomach.
developed and tested. Rather than one-size- While aging has been suggested as a risk fac-
fits-all treatment modalities, perhaps it is time tor for dysphagia, there is currently no evi-
to develop ones that are designed to best dence to substantiate this claim among
match the needs of a specific subpopula- healthy older adults and the reasons it is seen
Dysphagia 159

are more likely related to other factors such proved survival, change in pressure ulcer sta-
as poor oral health or adverse effects of medi- tus, decline in risk of infection, improvement
cations. of functional status and comfort. By using a
Identification of persons with dysphagia national nursing home database, the Mini-
can be a critical assessment that the nurse mum Data Set (MDS), researchers found
needs to make early to prevent further prob- wide regional variation in use of tube feeding
lems and start effective treatment for a poten- in this impaired population (Aronheim, Mul-
tially occult disease. Accompanying symp- vihill, Sieger, Park, & Fries, 2001) and that
toms (Palmer, 2002) associated with all select organizational characteristics, e.g.,
stages of dysphagia include weight loss, dehy- larger, for-profit homes in urban areas lack-
dration, complaints of food sticking in the ing a nurse practitioner, influenced the rate
throat, change in dietary habits, and drool- of tube feeding (Mitchell, Teno, Roy, Kabu-
ing, while oral and pharyngeal dysphagia in- moto, & Mor, 2003). Several national orga-
cludes a change in voice, coughing, difficulty nizations, including the Hospice and Pallia-
initiating a swallow, and coughing or choking tive Nurses Association (HPNA) (2003), de-
with swallow. Persons with esophageal dys- veloped a position statement on the use of
phagia experience recurrent pneumonias. For artificial nutrition and hydration in which
some individuals, dysphagia may be tempo- they addressed the point at the end of life
rary and with aggressive rehabilitation may when persons are unable to take foods be-
reverse, for example in the acute stroke vic- cause of dysphagia or other problems, or re-
tim. However, for persons with progressive sist foods. While not advocating for either
diseases such as dementia and Parkinsons using or not using tube feedings, the HPNA
disease, the goal of care is to maintain func- recommended counseling patients, families,
tional and safe swallowing for as long as pos-
and caregivers concerning the benefits and
burdens of this intervention as well as advo-
Ethical issues in dysphagia dramatically
cating for advance care planning concerning
increased within the past 5 years as results
this issue. Thus, nurses need to consider
from large studies began to demonstrate the
causes of dysphagia, the individuals capacity
medical futility of tube feeding in persons
for rehabilitation, prior declarations regard-
with severe cognitive impairments. As pro-
ing end-of-life care, and put possible treat-
viders of information and counseling to fami-
lies and caregivers regarding end-of-life deci- ments into an evidence-based perspective
sion making, nurses need to be familiar with when they consider this issue in persons with
these findings. While the ethical arguments severe cognitive impairments (Amella, 2003).
of sanctity of life versus quality of life Assessment of dysphagia can be accom-
are often at the core of debates regarding use plished by the nurse through the use of psy-
of tube feeding for persons with dementia, chometrically sound instruments; two instru-
the issue may initially present as a safety ments were developed in the past 5 years, the
problem: should someone with a severe cog- McGill Ingestive Skills Assessment (MISA)
nitive impairment with an ineffective swallow (Lambert, Gisel, Groher, & Wood-Dau-
who is losing weight be tube fed? A review phinee, 2003) and the Massey Bedside Swal-
of the literature concerning the use of enteral lowing Screen (MBSS) (Massey & Jedlicka,
feeding in persons with severe cognitive im- 2002). The MISA addresses a range of crite-
pairments by Finucane, Christmas, and riapositioning, texture management, feed-
Travis (1999) demonstrated that much of the ing skills, liquid and solid ingestion, and has
justification for use of tubes was not sup- good interrater reliability and internal consis-
ported by well designed studies: the preven- tency. However, the testing of the MBSS was
tion of the consequences of malnutrition, im- criticized for having too broad inclusion crite-

ria, small sample size, and questionable eating patterns, thus decreasing complica-
screening criteria (Sasaki & Leder, 2003). tions. In a descriptive study of 27 persons
Nurses should not only be assessing who who were determined to be dysphagic by a
is at risk for dysphagia, but once this is speech pathologist, only 3 had awareness of
known, who will develop complications. Us- their problem when directly asked (Parker,
ing MDS data from three states (n = 102,842), C., et al., 2004). Poor awareness of swal-
Langmore, Kimberly, Skarupski, Park, and lowing problems also was a predictor at 3
Fries (2002) sought to determine predictors months for persons with more complications.
of aspiration pneumonia, one of the assumed Westergren, Ohlsson, and Rahm Hall-
consequences of dysphagia. In this descriptive berg (2001) found that among patients who
study, the researchers found that of the 3% were admitted to a facility after stroke with
of the residents who had pneumonia (n = swallowing difficulties (n = 24) and received
3,118), 18 factors predicted aspiration using individualized nursing interventions, the level
a logistic regression model: the highest were of alertness and the energy level of the pa-
suctioning, chronic obstructive pulmonary tients was most predictive of increased ability
disease (COPD), congestive heart failure to eat and swallow and development of fur-
(CHF), tube feeding, bedfast, Case mix index, ther complications.
indicators of delirium, weight loss, and dys- It is critical for nurses to examine quality-
phagia/swallowing problems, while interest- of-life issues for all persons with impairment
ingly, cerebrovascular accident (CVA) was in eating and swallowing problems. Several
actually protective (OR = .83). Results of this studies (Perry & McLaren, 2003; Merca-
large study support and refute an earlier 5- dante, Casuccio, & Fulfaro, 2000; Sjostrom,
year study led by the same author (Langmore Holmberg, & Strang, 2002) showed that
et al., 1998) that examined predictors of aspi- among persons with stroke and progressive
ration: tube feeding was found to be a pre- cancer, dysphagia can be both painful as well
dictor of aspiration in both studies, dysphagia as a barrier to the enjoyment of previous ac-
was not found to be a predictor in the earlier tivities. Nursing interventions should facili-
study while feeding dependence was the tate the social as well as nutritional aspects
strongest predictor in the earlier study but of meals so that the one of the critical factors
was only mildly predictive in the larger. Re- to eatingthe pleasure of a good meal and
searchers sought to determine if persons who good companyis not lost.
had experienced a stroke were aware of their
swallowing problems and would alter their ELAINE J. AMELLA

Elder Mistreatment health. Exploitation is fraudulent activity in

connection with an older adults property or
Elder mistreatment (EM) is a complex syn- assets, and abandonment is defined as the
drome that can lead to morbid or even fatal deliberate and abrupt withdrawal of services
outcomes for those afflicted. Mistreatment is in caring for an older adult. Restriction as a
the term used to describe outcomes from such form of EM has recently been examined in
actions as abuse, neglect, exploitation, and an investigation of caregiver behaviors that
abandonment of the elderly, and it affects all have fewer social sanctions but may be
socioeconomic, cultural, ethnic, and religious equally deleterious to the older person
groups. The prevalence of EM is estimated (Fulmer & Gurland, 1996). Evidence sug-
between 700,000 and 1.2 million cases annu- gests that only 1 in 14 EM cases is reported
ally in this country (Pillemer & Finkelhor, to some public agency. Nurses can do much
1988). The National Elder Abuse Incidence to help in the screening and detection process
Study documented over 500,000 new cases of EM by doing a careful history and physical
annually (Tatara, 1993). assessment with attention to the subjective
The National Research Council (NRC) complaint of EM, along with any signs or
(2003) convened an expert panel to review symptoms of the same. Underreporting of
prevalence and risk for elder abuse and ne- EM is a serious concern because older adults
glect and concluded that EM is an intentional may have disease symptoms or age-related
action that causes harm or creates a serious changes that imitate or conceal mistreatment
risk of harm (whether or not harm is in- symptoms, making the assessment process
tended) to an at-risk elder by a caregiver or complex. Few clinicians have been trained in
other person who stands in a trusting rela- EM assessment and intervention, which has
tionship to the elder, or is the failure by a also led to underreporting. With an unprece-
caregiver to satisfy the elders basic needs or dented number of individuals living beyond
to protect the elder from harm. There are the age of 65 and even beyond the age of 85,
several types of EM described in the NRC nurses must be sensitive to the possibility of
report. Abuse is generally understood as EM (Bergeron & Gray, 2003; Capezuti,
physical assault inflicted on an older adult Brush, & Lawson, 1997; Fulmer et al., 2003;
resulting in harmful effects. Abusive behavior Fulmer, Guadagno, Bitondo Dyer, & Con-
may include hitting, kicking, punching, and nolly, 2004; Harrell et al., 2002; Heath, Dyer,
other physical contact. Neglect is the refusal Kerzner, Mosqueda, & Murphy, 2002).
or failure to fulfill any part of a caregivers Theories for EM causality have been pos-
obligations or duties to an older adult. Ne- ited. The dependency theory refers to the
glect may be intentional or unintentional. amount of care an elder person requires and
Self-neglect occurs when an older adult, ei- is related to stressed caregiver research, which
ther knowingly or unknowingly, lives in such describes overwhelmed caregivers who lose
a manner that is deleterious to his or her their control or stop providing reasonable


care. Conversely, there are data that reflect The American Medical Associations Diag-
the caregivers dependency on the elder (for nostic and Treatment Guidelines on Elder
shelter, money, etc.), which puts the elder at Abuse and Neglect (American Medical Asso-
risk. Transgenerational violence theory refers ciation, 1992; Aravanis et al., 1993), al-
to children who learn violent behavior as nor- though over 10 years old, provides excellent
mal and then become violent and abusive as guidelines for the assessment of EM, along
they grow older. This might be viewed from with flowcharts for assessing and intervening
a learning theory perspective, although some in cases. A summary of EM instruments for
have looked at it as a retribution act: an adult screening and assessment is available (Ful-
child may strike back at a parent or caregiver mer, Hyex, et al., 2004). Special attention
who was once abusive. The psychopathology must be given to an older adult who has di-
of the abuser theory refers to any nonnormal minished or absent decision-making capacity.
caregiver, such as substance abusers (alcohol, Dementia has been documented as a risk fac-
drugs), psychiatrically impaired individuals, tor for EM and should automatically trigger
or mentally retarded caregivers. The number EM assessment (Lachs, Williams, OBrien,
of mentally retarded elders over 65 years of Hurst, & Horwitz, 1997; Coyne, A. G.,
age has grown substantially over the past de- Reichman, & Berbig, 1993). Cognitive status
cade, creating situations where mentally re- can only be determined by rigorous clinical
tarded or disabled offspring become caregiv- testing and use of validated instruments. Ov-
ers for very elderly parents (National Re- erzealous protection of a competent elder is
search Council, 2003). a form of ageism that infantilizes the older
Early studies looked at the prevalence of individual and takes away their autonomy.
EM from a variety of perspectives: acute care, Each state has elder mistreatment reporting
community nursing care, and the nursing laws or requirements that professionals
home setting. Differences in operational defi- should be familiar with. Interdisciplinary care
nitions, methodological approaches, and the teams are especially important in the EM as-
lack of national prevalence studies have made sessment process. Each team member is able
it difficult to understand the conditions under to use their own expertise to the benefit of
which EM is likely to occur. Although EM older adults (Fulmer et al., 2003). A key prac-
education and training has improved, there is tice implication for EM is the inclusion of
still a great need for more systematic nursing family violence questions in every history
assessment, care planning, and follow-up with attention to and documentation of any
with the older adult. The need for researchers signs or symptoms of EM.
who can contribute to this area of inquiry
is great. TERRY FULMER
There is no Denver Developmental screen
for older adults that enables the clinician to
understand what an 80-year-old looks like Electronic Network
and what conditions are likely to represent
EM. Signs and symptoms of EM might in- In general, a network is composed of a mini-
clude unexplained bruises, fractures, burns, mum of two connected points. For example,
poor hydration, reports of hitting or any one person talking with another, face-to-face,
other violent behavior against the older adult, can constitute a network. Telephone net-
sexually transmitted disease in institutional- works connect at least two people using
ized older adults, unexplained loss of money transceivers, wire, switches, and computers.
or goods, evidence of fearfulness around a Television networks connect large numbers
caregiver, or the subjective report of abuse. It of people. An electronic network is consid-
is especially difficult to evaluate the demented ered to be the connection or linking of two
older adult for EM; a careful and thorough or more computers to allow data and infor-
interdisciplinary team approach is required. mation exchange. Electronic computer net-
Emergency Nursing 163

works may be as small as two computers or networks and resource availability for nurses.
as large as the Internet, considered to be a In the early 1990s she championed the Educa-
network of networks. tional Technology Network (E.T.Net). E.T.
The goal of networks is information ex- Net promoted the exchange of information
change and may or may not be bidirectional. and ideas for nurses, nurse educators, and
Person-to-person conversations, even if using nursing students. It was the first international
some sort of intermediary like the telephone, electronic network managed by a nurse.
are usually bidirectional. Television and some Barnsteiners (1993) and Gravess (1993)
computer network applications may be unidi- work with nursing resource availability (On-
rectional; however, bidirectional computer line Journal of Nursing Knowledge Synthesis
networks are the most common. Examples and the Virginia Henderson STTI Electronic
include local area networks (LAN), which Library, respectively) and DuBois and Riz-
may serve a department; larger networks zolos (1994) in the American Journal of
called wide area networks (WAN); and the Nursings AJN Network to promote continu-
Internet. Intranets, which are the internal de- ing education for nurses are additional exam-
ployment of Internet technologies, are be- ples of nursing use of electronic networks.
coming more and more common. As information technology increases in use
Electronic networks are exciting tools for and health care requires increased efficiency,
nursing and will be increasingly important in nurses will rely more and more on informa-
information acquisition and dispersion. Elec- tion technology as one tool for providing the
tronic networks, such as the Internet and the best possible patient care. Local electronic
World Wide Web (WWW), not only provide networks, such as clinical information sys-
a means of communicating but also facilitate tems, will include other larger networks so
collaborative research, promote education re- that nurses will have the best information
gardless of geographic limitations, and allow resources to assist nursing care. Research
access and acquisition of needed resources. concerning the effects of electronic net-
Electronic networks will continue to affect working on nurses and other health care pro-
areas integral to nursing, such as a lifetime fessionals, as well as on patients and their
electronic health record, nursing research, in- families, is needed. Electronic networking
creased interdisciplinary collaborative re- should be examined as an independent vari-
search, education without walls for patients able through the inclusion of electronic net-
and nurses, and nursing knowledge acquisi- works in all stages of the research process.
tion and information exchange. This research will promote the advancement
Although the essence of nursing has been of health and patient care by providing the
a network, that is, the nurse-patient relation- scientific foundation for the appropriate ap-
ship, there is limited nursing research on elec- plication of electronic networking techno-
tronic networks. Brennan, Moore, and Smyth logies.
(1991) and Ripich, Moore, and Brennan
(1992) investigated the use of electronic net- W. SCOTT ERDLEY
works to facilitate nursing support of home SUSAN M. SPARKS
care clients and their caregivers. They con-
cluded that a computer network is an excel-
lent tool to facilitate support and information Emergency Nursing
exchange among caregivers and between
nurses and caregivers for patients with AIDS Emergency nursing is by its very nature multi-
and Alzheimers disease. faceted. Emergency patients range from new-
There are anecdotal reports and case stud- borns to the old-old and the nursing and
ies to support nurses use of electronic net- medical diagnoses for which they seek treat-
works. Sparks (1993) has been instrumental ment include common illnesses such as flu
in her advocacy and promotion of electronic symptoms to life-threatening injuries or

events. Emergency nursing research, then, has mechanisms to assure effective, efficient, and
many foci. The breadth of emergency nursing quality emergency nursing care delivery; (b)
care enables emergency nurses to apply evi- effective and efficient outcomes of emergency
dence-based knowledge from other clinical nursing services and procedures; (c) factors
nursing specialties, but emergency nursing affecting emergency nursing practice; (d) in-
presents challenges that are unique to the fluence of health care technologies, facilities,
emergency or urgent care setting. and equipment on emergency nursing prac-
While the exact number is unknown, it is tice; (e) factors affecting health care cost, pro-
estimated that about 80,000 RNs consider ductivity, and market forces to emergency
emergency nursing to be their clinical spe- services; (f) ways to enhance health promo-
cialty. What is known is that in 2003, Ameri- tion and injury prevention; (g) methods for
cans made 110.2 million visits to hospital handling complex ethical issues related to
emergency departments (National Hospital emergency care; and (h) mechanisms to as-
Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2002 sure quality and cost-effective educational
Emergency Department Summary, Centers programs for emergency nurses.
for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]). While these initiatives gave a sense of di-
This represents a 23% increase in emergency rection, in many ways they were considered
department usage in the past decade. Of note to be too broad to foster the concerted effort
is that while usage of the emergency depart- needed to build an emergency nursing knowl-
ment has increased, the number of emergency edge base necessary for evidence-based prac-
departments in the U.S. has decreased by tice. Excellent studies that have had im-
approximately 15% (National Center for portant consequences for the care of emer-
Health Statistics, March, 2004). gency patients and their families have been
In 1991, the Emergency Nurses Associa- the direct result of funding provided by the
tion (ENA) Foundation was established as a ENA Foundation. One such study involved
means to provide funding (and encourage-
the issue of family presence during resuscita-
ment) for peer reviewed research. In addition,
tion. The concept of family members being
shortly thereafter, a doctorally prepared
present at stressful times has received a good
nurse researcher was hired to be the Director
deal of attention, not only by and for emer-
of Research at the Emergency Nurses Associ-
gency nurses, but this knowledge base has
ations headquarters. Several multisite studies
been extended to use in other areas of
were developed and conducted by a team of
researchers, using practicing emergency
nurses as data collectors. The convergence of A review of research presentations and
these factors served to aid in the creation of posters displayed at the most recent annual
a research culture as a visible component meeting of the Emergency Nurses Association
of emergency nursing. can give an overview of topics of interest in
As noted by Bayley, MacLean, Desy, and emergency nursing research. Included in oral
McMahon (2004), the number of emergency presentations were topics focusing on blood-
nursing research articles increased from 49 drawing techniques, injury prevention, use
studies in the years between 19821991 to of the emergency department for nonurgent
262 published studies between 19922002, illnesses, emergency nurse burnout, and as-
representing a fivefold increase. They found, pects of pain management. Some examples of
however, that emergency nursing research poster presentations included: triage, trauma
was scattered across many topics. care, standardized language usage (NIC,
As the major source of funding for emer- NOC, NANDA), pain management proto-
gency nursing research, the ENA Foundation cols, and pediatric issues. It becomes clear
established a list of research initiatives that that although the research culture in emer-
would receive preference in funding deci- gency nursing has consistently increased and
sions. The current research initiatives are: (a) excellent studies are being conducted, the is-
Empathy 165

sue of the research being scattered rather than The authors noted the consistency of the
focused remains a concern. findings with ENAs mission and values, es-
The Emergency Nurses Association also pecially the value statement All individuals
has worked closely with the U.S. Coast Guard have a right to quality emergency care deliv-
in research funded by the Coast Guard to ered with compassion. They postulated that
examine factors related to boating injuries. all of the highly ranked research topics had
This is in keeping with a commitment of the safety and quality of care as the central or-
Association to engage in injury prevention ganizing principle. The information derived
activities from a number of different perspec- from this important study will be of immense
tives. In addition, the Association has also help to future emergency nurse researchers
conducted extensive research funded by the as well as practicing emergency nurses who
Health Resources and Services Administra- seek to provide the most relevant, evidence-
tions Maternal and Child Health Bureau based practice to their patients. The results
(HRSA/MCHB) focused on the provision of of the study can organize and focus future
family-centered care in the emergency depart- research endeavors as well as establish fund-
ment. ing priorities for the ENA Foundation and
In 2002, Bayley, MacLean, Desy, and others. The future for emergency nursing re-
McMahon, with funding and support from search is brighter because of the Delphi study.
the Emergency Nurses Association and the Now, emergency nursing researchers will be
ENA Foundation, undertook a Delphi study able to develop the knowledge base essential
to identify and prioritize research questions for effective emergency nursing practice.
of greatest value to emergency nurses and of
highest importance for health care consum- ANNE MANTON
ers. Participants in the study were highly
experienced in emergency nursing and most
had advanced degrees. After the round I re-
sponses were collapsed into 154 research top- Empathy
ics, participants in round II were asked to
evaluate each of the topics using two ques- Empathy is a dimension of nursing that is
tions: (1) what is the value of research on central to caring competence, and it is often
this question for practicing emergency nurses, touted as the essence and art of nursing. Em-
and (2) what is the importance of research pathy in nursing is the ability of nurses to
on this question for consumers of emergency penetrate the covert thoughts and feelings of
nursing services? the client, to accurately interpret the clients
Results demonstrated that the answer to thoughts and feelings as if they were their
the first question about value of the research own, and to verbally and nonverbally convey
question to practicing emergency nurses con- that interpretation back to the client in form-
cerned issues related to staffing, holding pa- ing a positive nurse-client relationship. When
tients in the emergency department for long empathy is appropriately expressed it is in
periods of time, and the ongoing educational the form of sincerity, genuine positive regard,
needs of emergency nurses. The second ques- and sensitive understanding of the clients pri-
tion, having to do with the importance of vate world. Empathic nursing care has been
the research to consumers of emergency care, shown to improve physiological and psycho-
issues of pain management were of most con- logical outcomes for clients (Hope-Stone &
cern. Other areas of highly ranked research Mills, 2001).
needs for emergency nurses included methods Carl Rogers (1961) believed that empathy
of effective patient education, and the provi- is the ability to perceive the internal frame of
sion of sufficient numbers of adequately pre- reference of another with such exactness as
pared professional nurses for the care of per- to be one with the other persons frame of
sons with emergency health problems. reference. Carper (1978) correlated empathy

with aesthetic knowing in her description of outcomes indicating advancement of the sci-
fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing. ence regarding empathy in nursing.
From a historical perspective, the roots of G. Evans, Wilt, Alligood, and ONeil
morality are found in empathy. Being able to (1998) addressed empathy as a multidimen-
empathize with potential victims encourages sional phenomenon and stressed the impor-
people to act and help others. Empathy un- tance of understanding two types of empathy:
derlies many facets of moral judgment and basic and trained. They likened basic empa-
action. An instance when empathy leads to thy to natural, raw, or ordinary feelings for
moral action is when a bystander is moved others, such as the innate tendency of a child
to intervene on behalf of a victim; the more to cry when recognizing distress in another
empathy a bystander feels for the victim the human. They likened trained empathy to in-
more likely it is that the bystander will inter- creased empathy as a result of knowledge and
vene (Goldman, 1998). The level of empathy education. They used the Layton Empathy
felt toward another will shape ones moral Test and the Hogan Empathy Scale to mea-
judgments and empathic attitudes. Putting sure trained and basic empathy in 106 nurs-
oneself in anothers place leads people to fol- ing students and found that trained empathy
low certain moral principles. was not sustained over time, causing the re-
Developmentally, there is a natural pro- searchers to call into question attempts by
gression of empathy from infancy onward. nursing faculties to teach empathy to stu-
At 1 year, children feel distress and will start dents. They emphasized the importance of
to cry when they see another child cry. After obtaining a measurement of students base-
1 year, the child will try to sooth another line empathy as a way of monitoring changes
child that is crying. The most advanced level in basic empathy after exposure to various
of empathy emerges in late childhood when empathy learning modalities. G. Evans and
children begin to feel empathy for the plight colleagues (1998) suggested new approaches
to facilitate students discovery of their basic
of an entire group, such as the poor or the
empathy and emphasized that basic empathy
oppressed. During adolescence, empathic un-
can be identified, reinforced, and refined in
derstanding can reinforce moral convictions
order to develop expertise in the expression
developed earlier in life that center on a desire
of empathy.
to alleviate misfortune and injustice (Gold-
Oz (2001) conducted a quasi-experimen-
man, 1998).
tal investigation of empathy with 260 nurses
Early nursing research on empathy indi-
who were randomly assigned to intervention
cated that empathy development programs and control groups. They utilized Dokmens
had little to no effect on empathy. However, Scale of Empathic Skills, and the Empathic
later studies have shown that by including Tendency Scale to measure empathic commu-
strategies such as art, nurse educators can nication skills and empathic tendency levels.
enhance basic empathy among nursing stu- Their intervention consisted of education
dents, which may have implications for about empathic communication. Results in-
nurses. dicated that nurses gained empathic commu-
Kunyk and Olson (2001) described the nication skills as a result of empathy training.
concept of empathy found in the nursing liter- However, this training did not significantly
ature between 1992 and 2000. They found change the nurses basic empathic tendency
five conceptualizations of empathy: (a) empa- levels.
thy as a human trait, (b) empathy as a profes- Wikstrom (2001) investigated the effect of
sional state, (c) empathy as communication an intervention program on student nurses
process, (d) empathy as caring, and (e) empa- engagement in learning about empathy. The
thy as a special relationship. Nurse authors investigator assigned participants to interven-
are approaching empathy from a variety of tion and control groups. The intervention
perspectives, time frames, measurements, and group received empathy exercises involving
End-of-Life Planning and Choices 167

the use of a reproduction of Edvard Munchs for developing strategies to enhance empathic
painting, The Sick Girl, to stimulate dis- responding to clients. Nursing as a profession
cussion and account-making regarding inter- needs more replication of studies to identify
pretations of empathy depicted in the paint- basic empathy skills and to discern the differ-
ing. There was a significant improvement in ential impact of empathy education versus
the intervention group members levels of em- empathy education combined with experien-
pathy as compared to the matched control tial exercises in empathic understanding such
group. The research findings supported the as art, film, and literature. With continued
use of art as a complementary strategy to research and growth in the understanding of
theoretical knowledge on empathy to stimu- empathy, the art of nursing can be enhanced.
late nurses basic empathy.
Kunyk and Olson (2001) found evidence DIANNA HUTTO DOUGLAS
that the concept of empathy is being ad-
vanced conceptually and empirically with
more depth and breadth in the nursing litera- End-of-Life Planning and Choices
ture. They, however, insisted that a more ma-
ture concept of empathy must emerge before End-of-life (EOL) planning and decision-
empathy can be fully useful in nursing prac- making (i.e., choices) have been explored
tice, research, and education. from myriad perspectives: patient, family, or
Alligood (2001) and the Empathy Re- surrogate decision maker, professional pro-
search Team at the University of Tennessee, vider, informal or formal caregiver, health
Knoxville, developed an implicit middle system costs, ethics and morality, law and
range theory of empathy to explain how the regulation, barriers and facilitators, con-
concept of empathy operates within the con- sumer and professional education needs, cul-
text of Kings general systems framework of ture, sites of care, and organizational charac-
personal, interpersonal, and social systems. teristics. Research represents virtually all
A middle range theory of empathy conceptu- health care clinical and management domains
alized within this established nursing frame- and is widely published in peer-review jour-
work provides new understandings of basic nals. The nursing research surrounding deci-
empathy for nursing. According to Alligood, sion-making capacity, life-sustaining treat-
empathy has been viewed from a behavioral ment decisions, age and site-specific issues
(state) approach; however, the more current (e.g., pediatrics, nursing homes), clinical is-
view of empathy emanates from a develop- sues (e.g., pain, change of condition), and
mental (trait) perspective. Viewing empathy ethicomoral perspectives on choices at the
as a state rather than a trait of individuals end of life, is presented here.
represents a perspectival shift and opens ave- Clinicians, ethicists, and legal scholars
nues for research in nursing related to empa- agree that the decision to choose/appoint an-
thy and emphasizes the importance that other to make decisions for one in the event
nurses have to develop and understand their of loss of decision-making capacity (i.e., Du-
own empathy as a basis for clinical practice rable Power of Attorney for Health Care/
(Alligood). Health Care Proxy [HCP]) is less risky and
In the past 20 years, empathy has been requires less cognitive capacity than the cre-
conceptually and empirically advanced in the ation of a list of treatments desired and not
nursing literature. Studies have raised critical desired at some point in the future regarding
questions about the nature of empathy and unknown conditions (i.e., Living Will). There
how empathy may or may not be teachable is scant research on how nurses assess a pa-
using various educational and experiential tients decisional capacity to make choices
strategies. Research findings suggest that about life-sustaining treatments. Molloy et al.
baseline measurements of empathy in nurses (1996) assessed individuals living in nursing
and nursing students can be a starting point homes, retirement homes, and homes for the

aged for their capacity to create an advance event, and provide relevant information (e.g.,
directive (AD). Five different measures of ca- what antibiotics can and cannot do) (Wilson,
pacity were used, including assessment by a S. A., & Daley, 1999). Qualitative analysis of
specially trained nurse and by a geriatrician the investigator-designed interview revealed
independent of each other. The investigators that staff caring behaviors, family participa-
determined that it was possible to differenti- tion in decision making prior to death,
ate between those who could learn about and knowledge of what the dying process looked
create an AD from those who could not, using like and how long it might take, being present
the Standardized Mini-Mental Status Exami- at the time of death, and receiving spiritual
nation (SMMSE). Mezey, Teresi, Ramsey, support were important for family members
Mitty, and Bobrowitz (2000) developed an making difficult choices. In a review of the
instrument (Guidelines) for determining if research literature about the EOL care pro-
a nursing home (NH) resident had the capac- vided in NHs and assisted living residences
ity sufficient to create a HCP, that is, to (ALRs), Cartwright (2002) concluded that
choose a surrogate health care decision staff and family differ about the kind and
maker. The tool demonstrated criterion-re- quality of EOL care in these settings.
lated validity and reliability. Data analysis Hospice care can be provided in ALRs in
indicated that many cognitively impaired res- virtually all states, but the availability of
idents had this capacity. Mezey and col- skilled nursing care and oversight is ex-
leagues suggest that the Guidelines are more tremely variable (Mitty, 2003). Thus, an
predictive than the MMSE in identifying such older person choosing to remain in an ALR,
residents and could be used for that circum- that is, to age in place and die there, may
scribed purpose. have to use additional private funds to access
Schlegel and Shannons (2000) descriptive the kind of care needed at the end of life. Few
study of nurse practitioners (NP) (n = 145) states require that ALR residents or staff be
reported that most (but not all) NPs were educated about ADs but many ALRs want
knowledgeable about the legal guidelines for residents to have made a decision about CPR
EOL decision making but few included ACP at the time of admission. Most NHs provide
as part of their practice. To address this, the hospicelike care or have a contract with a
investigators recommended that formal di- hospice provider and all NHs must educate
dactic curricula and role modeling be in- staff and residents about ADs. Some NHs and
cluded in NP education. Lehna (2001) de- most ALRfor a variety of reasonstransfer
vised and tested a needs assessment for EOL dying residents to the hospital.
education among NP students. Findings indi- Orems self-care deficit model was used to
cated that students were gaining knowledge, elicit factors associated with the option for
competency, and confidence from practice patients with terminal cancer to die at home
rather than from theory and class discussion. (Grov, 1999). Self-care deficit of patient and
Goodwin, Kiehl, and Peterson (2002) suggest caregiver, availability of nurses and other
that primary care nurse practitioners should supports, and resources were key factors in
use Kings interacting systems or transac- maintaining patient autonomy. The nurse
tion model, and goal achievement theory, to was instrumental in identifying and facilitat-
facilitate advance care planning. This ap- ing patients choices regarding self-care defi-
proach has not been tested although the au- cit and symptom relief. Ladd, Pasquarelle,
thors suggest that it would be good only for and Smith (2000) used case-based analysis to
RNs and NPs who wanted to actively address describe and discuss ethical and legal issues
EOL issues using a nursing model. that arise in nursing care of patients dying at
For family members of NH residents, deci- home. The authors suggest that the nurse-
sions about EOL care are easier when staff patient relationship in a home care setting is
listen to familys fears and concerns, engage different, richer, and more nuanced than in
them in ACP well before a crisis or terminal the hospital setting. Dying at home means
End-of-Life Planning and Choices 169

that the family has to be prepared and the disease to consent to or to forgo LSTs. Pre-
nurse has to try to anticipate their disagree- sented with two conditionscritical illness
ment with the patients AD wishes. Ladd et and irreversible comaspouses were asked
al. propose a holistic assessment that includes to rate their agreement with, certainty of, and
assessment of the patients decisional author- comfort with four LSTs: CPR, ventilator,
ity and relationship with significant others. feeding tube, and antibiotics. In the face of
They also recommend that the nurse work critical illness, almost equal numbers of
with the patient to define the role of each spouses would consent to or forgo CPR and
family member in decision makingwith and a breathing machine; far fewer (n = 5) would
for the patient. forgo antibiotics. Among 50 spouses, 5 chose
Many legal scholars and ethicists hold that to forgo all LSTs. In the face of irreversible
there is no difference, ethically or legally, be- coma, spouses were more likely to forgo all
tween withholding or withdrawing a life-sus- LSTs and were more certain and comfortable
taining treatment (LST). To study the deci- with their decision. Spouses experiencing
sion makers involved in withdrawing or with- high burden were more likely to consent to
holding LSTs, Reckling (1997) directly ob- treatment. Few spouses appeared to be acting
served and interviewed family members (n = under the substituted judgment standard of
16) and professional staff (n = 29) of 10 ICU decision making.
patients. Some items from the Social Context In general, there are many limitations to
Survey were used to measure attitude toward the research regarding EOL planning and
withdrawing and withholding LSTs. Three choices. Many of the studies we reviewed
basic decision-making roles were identified: were based on small and uncontrolled sam-
advocate (to withhold/withdraw LST), neu- ples. Design weakness can generate mis-
tral party (will go with any position), and leading and unrepresentative findings. Sev-
resistor (to withdraw/withhold LSTs). In- eral studies discussed in this chapter suggest
terrater agreement is reported with regard to future research that would vary with regard
the assigned role. More healthcare profes- to site, subject, design and methods, ques-
sionals were advocates than resistors; more tions to be addressed, or interventions to be
family members were resistors than advo- tested. Baggs and Mick (2000) suggest that
cates. Nurses were the only professionals who collaboration among health care providers,
assumed a neutral role. Among Recklings patients, and families could be an effective
findings was the feeling that those who made approach to ACP, given that such collabora-
the decision to withdraw a LST did not al- tive models have support value in commu-
ways carry it out; this often fell to nurses nity-based care delivery to elders. S. A. Nor-
who carried out the action but claimed no ton and Talericos (2000) strategies to facili-
responsibility for its consequences. Some re- tate EOL decision making include guidelines
spondents felt that it was permissible to with- for communication, such as, clarifying goals
hold a LST but were resistant to withdrawal. and burdens of treatments, and using words
Factors associated with advocacy included such as death and dying in discussions
poor prognosis, patient discomfort, attention with patients and families. They suggest as-
to scare resources, and the patients known sessing patient and family understanding and
preferences. Factors associated with neutral- information needs. Yet, culture studies advise
ity or resistance were constraints on practice, caution in using the d words: How should
fear of legal liability, and distrust. Reckling one proceed? Which nursing model, if any,
also suggests that situational factors and or- can best guide the nursing strategy? Bosek,
ganizational culture may have influenced Lowry, Lindeman, Barck, and Gwyther
nurses passive role-taking. (2003) delineate several recommendations to
Mezey, Kluger, Maislin, and Mittelman promote a positive death experience that in-
(1996) described the decisions made by clude professional as well as patient and fam-
spouses (n = 50) of patients with Alzheimers ily education about the physiological dying

process, comfort interventions, and the utility Despite almost 80 years of research, con-
of ADs for decision making at the end of life. troversy continues regarding the most effica-
Given the cultural diversity of caregivers and cious endotracheal suctioning procedure.
care recipients, understanding the nature, While components of the endotracheal suc-
context, and content of EOL care continues tioning procedure have been well researched,
to require thoughtful and sensitive research the utilization of research findings has been
design. variable in the clinical setting. The compo-
nents of the endotracheal suctioning proce-
ETHEL L. MITTY dure have been developed to prevent the com-
MIA KOBAYASHI plications associated with the procedure.
The majority of research has been con-
ducted to develop techniques to minimize the
most common complication: hypoxemia. Hy-
Endotracheal Suctioning poxemia, which is the lowering of blood oxy-
gen levels, may result from the disconnection
Endotracheal suctioning (ETS) is a common of the patient from the ventilator during the
nursing intervention to remove mucus and procedure and/or due to the removal of oxy-
debris from the tracheobronchial tree by the gen from the respiratory tract during the ap-
insertion of a suction catheter through the plication of vacuum. Researchers have docu-
endotracheal tube and the application of vac- mented other side effects which include: (a)
uum during catheter withdrawal to aspirate atelectasis, (b) bronchoconstriction and tra-
tracheal secretions. Endotracheal suctioning cheal trauma, (c) alterations in arterial pres-
is usually performed every 12 hours or as sure (hypotension and hypertension), (d) in-
needed to maintain airway patency and arte- creased intracranial pressure, (e) cardiac ar-
rial oxygenation. There is insufficient re- rhythmias, (f) cardiac arrest, and (g) death.
search data to identify the most significant Atelectasis is due to the insertion of a suction
clinical indicators to determine the need for catheter with an outer diameter that is too
ETS. However, clinicians report the follow- large for the inner diameter of the endotra-
ing clinical cues: color, breath sounds, respi- cheal tube, causing catheter impaction and
ratory rate and pattern, coughing, presence the removal of respiratory gases from distal
of secretions in the tubing, saw-toothed flow- alveoli with the application of vacuum. Bron-
volume loops on the mechanical ventilator, choconstriction and tracheal trauma are due
and blood oxygen levels to indicate need. The to the catheter stimulating the bronchial
ETS procedure has a number of components smooth muscle and inner lining of the trachea
including: hyperoxygenation (increased in- (Czarnik, Stone, Everhart, & Preusser, 1991;
spired oxygen) which can be delivered either Turner & Loan, 2000).
via the ventilator or manual resuscitation Hyperoxygenation/hyperinflation is a
bag, hyperinflation (volume of inspired air component of the ETS procedure used to pre-
above baseline tidal volume), open vs. closed vent hypoxemia. Hyperoxygenation is the ad-
ETS through an inline suction catheter to ministration of a fraction of inspired oxygen
maintain mechanical ventilation, and post- (FiO2) greater than the patients baseline
oxygenation. Associated variables include: FiO2, either prior to (pre-hyperoxygenation)
saline instillation for the purpose of irriga- or following (post-hyperoxygenation) suc-
tion, suction catheter size, level of negative tioning. Hyperinflation is defined as the deliv-
suction pressure, depth of suction catheter ery of a breath of inspired air greater than
insertion, application of negative pressure ei- the patients baseline tidal volume. Research
ther continuously or intermittently, duration has shown that patients who receive no form
of negative pressure application, and number of hyperoxygenation/hyperinflation with
of hyperoxygenation/hyperinflation suction ETS show a significant decline in arterial
sequences. blood oxygen. A critical evaluation of the
Endotracheal Suctioning 171

research examining the effect of hyperoxy- tion, via the ventilator or MRB, the decline
genation/hyperinflation on suction-induced in blood oxygen levels is equal or less with
hypoxemia shows variability in the tech- closed ETS.While saline instillation prior to
niques and the results. However, despite the ETS is common clinical practice, there is in-
conflicting findings, investigators have docu- conclusive research to support any physiolog-
mented that three to four hyperoxygenation ical benefit and it may actually cause a decline
breaths at 100% oxygen and 135150% of in blood oxygen levels (Raymond, 1995). The
tidal volume has been effective in preventing relationship between the outer diameter (OD)
suction-induced hypoxemia (Stone & Tur- of the suction catheter and inner diameter
ner, 1989). A recent survey indicated that the (ID) of the endotracheal tube can be a signifi-
majority of critical care nurses use hyperoxy- cant factor in the development of atelectasis
genation alone (n = 55/60) (Paul-Allen & Os- during ETS. Researchers recommend an OD/
trow, 2000). Researchers have documented ID ratio of 1:2. This can be achieved with a
that hyperinflation followed by ETS may 14 Fr. catheter and an endotracheal tube of
cause both a decrease or increase in mean 7, 8, or 9 mm. Since the level of negative
arterial pressure and may be due to the num- pressure or suction applied to the catheter
ber of hyperoxygenation/hyperinflation suc- influences the degree of tracheal trauma, neg-
tion sequences. ative airway pressure, secretion recovery, and
Hyperoxygenation/hyperinflation breaths hypoxemia, researchers recommend a suction
can be delivered using either a manual resus- pressure of 100120 mm Hg. The suction
citation bag (MRB) or a ventilator. Investiga- catheter should be advanced down the endo-
tors have reported inconsistently on the abil- tracheal tube without the application of vac-
ity of different MRBs to deliver 100% oxy- uum until gentle resistance is met to reduce
gen. Research has shown that consistency is mechanical stimulation of the tracheal tissue
improved when the MRB has a reservoir of that may cause bradycardia, premature atrial
1,0002,000 cc attached to an oxygen source contractions, and increased intracranial pres-
at a flow rate of 15 L/min or flush and ade- sure (Rudy, Turner, Baun, Stone, & Brucia,
quate time is allowed for refill from the reser- 1991; Kerr, M. E., Rudy, Brucia, & Stone,
voir. Recent studies comparing the ventilator 1993). The catheter should be withdrawn a
and the MRB, which have controlled im- few centimeters prior to the application of
portant intervening variables, have con- vacuum to prevent catheter wedging, the vac-
cluded that hyperoxygenation/hyperinflation uum can be applied either continuously or
breaths delivered via the ventilator have re- intermittently with no significant difference
sulted in elevated blood oxygen levels which in tracheal trauma while withdrawing the
are superior or equivalent to the MRB in pre- catheter in a rotating motion (Czarnik et al.,
venting suction-induced hypoxemia. Investi- 1991). The duration of suction application
gators have also determined that the MRB should be no more than 10 seconds. The num-
produces a greater increase in airway pres- ber of hyperoxygenation/hyperinflation suc-
sure, arterial pressure, and heart rate when tion sequences or catheter passes should be
compared to the ventilator. Hence, the venti- limited to no more than two per episode, as
lator is the preferred mode for delivering hyp- research data indicate that there is a cumula-
eroxygenation/hyperinflation breaths (Stone, tive increase in arterial pressure, heart rate,
K. S., 1990; Grap, Glass, Corley, & Parks, and intracranial pressure with each pass
1996). (Stone, K. S., Bell, & Preusser, 1991; Rudy
Closed ETS using an inline suction cathe- et al.). If additional suction passes are needed,
ter permits uninterrupted ventilation, oxy- 510 minutes should elapse to allow for the
genation, and positive end expiratory pres- patients hemodynamic variables to return to
sure during ETS. Without hyperoxygenation, baseline. The patient should be assessed for
blood oxygen levels decline more with open changes in blood pressure, heart rate, ar-
ETS than with closed. With hyperoxygena- rhythmias, and increased intracranial pres-

sure and the patients ability to tolerate the gardless of modes of MV support, including
procedure should be documented. The lungs conventional MV and all new forms of high-
should be auscultated to assess airway clear- frequency ventilators, and these traumas can-
ance and the character of secretions (amount, not be recovered until 28 days after removing
color, and viscosity) should be recorded fol- the ET tube and discontinuing MV (Turner &
lowing ETS. Loan). ETS tops all NICU procedures in caus-
ing worst desaturation events (Shiao, 2002)
KATHLEEN STONE and in causing hypoxia lasting 4 minutes or
longer (Wrightson, 1999).
Neonates, particularly preterms, who need
MV are very sensitive to environmental stim-
Endotracheal Suctioning in uli and easily develop episodes of desatura-
Newborns: NICU Preterm Infant tion. In addition to RDS, the presence of pa-
Care tent ductus arteriosus and the increased oxy-
gen-hemoglobin affinity of fetal hemoglobin
Neonates with respiratory distress syndrome are cardiopulmonary causes of hypoxemia in
(RDS) who require endotracheal (ET) tube preterm neonates. Ventilatory weaning,
intubation and mechanical ventilation (MV) though aggressive, must follow a fine line
are the major population in need of a modern between oxygen toxicity and hypoxemia.
neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). MV is Thus, a better monitoring approach is crucial
lifesaving to provide adequate oxygen and during MV support in neonates (Shiao,
gas exchange in these neonates. During the 2002). Significant changes have been demon-
period(s) of MV, ET suctioning (ETS) proce- strated for ETS procedures with hemody-
dure has to be performed by nurses to main- namic monitoring, cerebral blood flows, au-
tain patent airways to ensure adequate gas tonomic neural responses, and behavioral as-
exchange. ETS is the only method that can sessment (Bernert et al., 1997; Segar, Merrill,
be used to maintain the airway by clearing Chapleau, & Robillard, 1993; Shiao, 2002;
the airway secretions and debris when the ET Skov et al., 1992).
tube is inserted, as the ET tube essentially Since the 1970s, nurse researchers includ-
stops the mucociliary transport system and ing Turner and the ETS critical care nursing
inhibits the infants capacity to cough and study groups, as well as researchers from
clear out the secretions and debris in the air- medical sciences, have investigated ETS pro-
way. ETS involves steps of inserting a sterile cedures closely, leading to publications with
catheter through the ET tube, stopping no very clear understanding of pathophysiology
more than 1 cm past the end of the ET tube, for the airway system and ETS trauma in
and using negative pressure while withdraw- neonates (Turner & Loan, 2000). Interven-
ing the ET catheter to clear out the secretions tions minimizing the detrimental effects of
and debris (Turner & Loan, 2000). ETS include preoxygenation, shallow suc-
ETS could be one of the most detrimental tioning, sedations, and comforting measures,
procedures in NICU care, causing tracheo- the nature of catheters and ETS, and the fre-
bronchial trauma including mucosal necrosis, quencies and duration of ETS procedure.
tracheal lesions, ulceration, perforation of the The summary reviews from Wrightson
trachea and hypopharynx, pneumothorax, (1999) supported the use of hyperoxygena-
and bacteremia (Turner & Loan, 2000). tion (preoxygenation) for different durations
Other complications of ETS include hypoxia before the ETS procedure, though the most
and desaturation, bradycardia, and increased conclusive study on preoxygenation indi-
intracranial pressure (Shiao, 2002; Skov, cated providing 1 minute 100% oxygen be-
Ryding, Pryds, & Greisen, 1992). The trauma fore ETS using a manual Ambu bag (Kerem,
to the tracheobronchial tissues can be cumu- Yatsiv, & Goitein, 1990). When closed ETS
lative over the duration of ET insertion re- system (insufflation of suction catheter using
Enteral Tube Placement 173

a special adapter to allow MV to continue Three additional matters for ETS are sug-
while suctioning occurs) is used to cause less gested from Wrightsons reviews (1999). ETS
interruption of oxygen supply, hyperoxygen- should only be performed on an as-needed
ation can be supplied using MV (Turner & basis by observing and assessing (including
Loan, 2000). Unlike adults, hyperinflation auscultation) the signs of secretion in the air-
using peak inspiration pressure is not recom- way and in the ET tube. ETS procedures
mended in neonates because of the potential should not last longer than 1 minute, with
to cause pneumothorax from excessive pres- no more than two consecutive ETS passes
sure due to the infants poor alveolar compli- each time. Also, the monitor readings includ-
ance. Hyperventilation is commonly used in ing oxygen saturation should be examined to
combination with hyperoxygenation in neo- prevent hypoxia and to ensure the recovery
nates, and the individual effect has not from ETS procedure before next ETS.
been documented. Other recent studies indicated that seda-
Also supported from the reviews was the tions and music therapy, involving the com-
use of shallow ETS method (to insert the suc- forting management of infants with ETS,
tion catheter only 1 cm beyond the ET tube) caused less aggravations and negative affer-
instead of deep ETS method (stopping suction ent vagal stimulation, and attenuated auto-
catheter when it meets resistance, indicating nomic neural responses for hemodynamic
that the catheter is touching the tracheal ca- changes in the infants (Burgess, Oh, Brann,
rina or tissue), since this caused less damage Brubakk, & Stonestreet, 2001) and caused
to the tracheal tissue (Wrightson, 1999). The less desaturation (Chou, Wang, Chen, & Pai,
newest shallow ETS method, however, sug- 2003). ETS catheters are now designed with
gests advancing the suction catheter to the multiple side holes to prevent abruptly in-
same length as the ET tube (Ahn & Hwang, creased suction pressure; thus the trauma to
2003) and not beyond the ET tube to prevent the trachea in neonates is less than using ear-
lier catheters with fewer or a single side hole
trauma to the tracheal tissue.
(Turner & Loan, 2000). Future research
Saline installation before ETS was not sup-
could be designed for the following areas in
ported by the reviews (Wrightson, 1999).
neonates, including more advanced monitor-
Turning the infants head sideways for ETS
ing of tissue oxygenation to prevent hypoxia
to reach the left lung was not supported either
associated with ETS, comforting interven-
as it only increases the chances of traumatiz-
tions in addition to preoxygenation with ETS
ing the airway with the increased risk of dislo-
to prevent detrimental hypoxia and cerebral
cating and removing the ET tube from the effects, and ways to eliminate ETS trauma to
airway, without the benefits of removing air- the airway tissue such as the shallow ETS
way secretions. As the length of the trachea method.
is only about 4 cm in neonates, 3 cm of the
tube can be moved in and out of the trachea SHYANG-YUN PAMELA K. SHIAO
when the infants head is turned sideways
or extended; thus, turning the head sideways
will only increase the risk of ET tube removal Enteral Tube Placement
and lead to airway trauma from the deep
suction method, without any benefits of re- An enteral tube is defined as any small-bore
moving the airway secretions (Turner & tube passed through the nose or mouth into
Loan, 2000). Chest physical therapy was not the stomach or small intestine for the purpose
supported as it only stimulates afferent vagal of decompression, medication instillation, or
nerves to produce aggravating bradycardia feeding. Because safety issues related to en-
and hypoxia in infants without obvious bene- teral tubes that can be passed directly through
fits in removing airway secretions (Turner & the wall of the stomach or jejunum are differ-
Loan; Wrightson). ent, only the issues surrounding nasogastric/

orogastric (NG/OG) tubes and nasointestinal occur. Increasing the safety of NG/OG feed-
(NI) tubes will be discussed. ing requires knowledge development in at
It is estimated that approximately one mil- least two areaspredicting the insertion dis-
lion enteral tubes are placed in adults and tance for correct tube placement and de-
children in the United States annually (Meth- termining tube position. The state of the sci-
eny, Spies, & Eisenberg, 1986). Feeding by ence regarding each of these knowledge needs
NG/OG/NI tubes is preferred when the gas- will be reviewed. At present no methods have
trointestinal (GI) system is functional and the been shown empirically to be adequate for
need for assisted feeding is expected to be predicting correct tube insertion length. The
short-term. Enteral feeding is physiologic, one adult study (Hanson, R. L., 1979) con-
achieves a positive nitrogen balance sooner cluded that use of the direct nose-ear-xiphoid
than total parenteral nutrition, enhances gut (NEX) distance to determine the insertion
healing, and reduces bacterial translocation, length, the standard measurement used in
and also is less costly and is associated with practice, was not accurate. Hanson recom-
low rates of sepsis. Even in clients maintained mended a formula ([NEX 50 cm]/2 + 50
primarily by total parenteral nutrition, small cm) adapted from his regression equation on
amounts of nutrients are fed into the lumen NEX, which in his sample was 91.4% accu-
of the gut through enteral tubes to maintain rate for estimating the distance for placing
the structure and function of the small intes- the NG tube tip correctly in the stomach.
tine. For many clients, feeding by NG/OG/ Only a few studies have addressed inser-
NI tubes remains an essential lifesaving pro- tion-length estimators in children. Ziemer
cedure. and Carroll (1978) found at autopsy in in-
Previous studies found NG/OG/NI tube fants that an NG tube inserted using the NEX
placement errors to be common, with preva- distance almost always reached just past the
lence rates of errors in adults ranging from lower esophageal sphincter and needed to be
1.3% to 89.5% depending on how narrow advanced a few centimeters for correct place-
or broad the definition of error was (McWey, ment in the stomach. They proposed that a
Curry, Schabel, & Reines, 1988; Niv & Abu- more accurate method would be using the
Avid, 1988). Studies in children show that length from the tip of the nose to the lobe of
between 20.9% and 43.5% of enteral tubes the ear to a point midway between the xiph-
are placed incorrectly when placement error oid process and the umbilicus (NEMU). Wei-
is broadly defined (Ellett & Beckstrand, bley, Adamson, Clinkscales, Curran, and
1999; Ellett, Maas, & Forsee, 1998). Al- Bramson (1987) found on radiograph that
though estimates of error rates vary, there is 55.6% of NG/OG tubes in 30 premature in-
no doubt that they are common. fants were incorrectly placed using the NEX
Errors in placement of NG/OG feeding distance and 39.3% of NG/OG tubes were
tubes, which include initial erroneous place- incorrectly placed using the NEMU distance.
ments as well as displacements over time, can All of these errors involved high placements
lead to serious complications. If a tube ends (which, if in the respiratory tract or the esoph-
in the airway, feeding through the tube will agus, often result in serious complications,
result in pulmonary aspiration or other pul- such as aspiration pneumonia or parenchy-
monary complications. Feeding through a mal perforation with resulting pneumotho-
tube ending in the esophagus increases the rax). Surprisingly, however, in spite of the
risk of pulmonary aspiration. When an NG/ evidence from these studies, a telephone sur-
OG tube erroneously passes into the duode- vey of 113 Level II and III nurseries in five
num and the client is fed formula requiring midwestern states found that 98% of nurses
both gastric and pancreatic enzymes for com- continued to use NEX to calculate tube inser-
plete digestion, malabsorption that results in tion distance (Shiao & DiFiore, 1996).
inadequate weight gain (or weight loss), diar- Beckstrand and colleagues (1990) investi-
rhea, and possibly dumping syndrome may gated the methods recommended in the nurs-
Enteral Tube Placement 175

ing literature for predicting correct placement duce a sound indistinguishable from that pro-
length for NG/OG tube insertion, including duced by injecting air into the GI tract (Meth-
NEX, NEMU, and regression on height. In eny, McSweeney, Wehrle, & Wiersema,
a sample of 500 children, they found regres- 1990). Metheny, Reed, Berglund, and Wehrle
sion on height in three age groups to be the (1994) showed that visual characteristics im-
superior predictor of esophageal length. This proved nurses predictions of stomach and
method, referred to as the age-related, height- intestinal placements but reduced discrimina-
based method, was supported by Hansons tion of respiratory placements. Finally, there
(1979) study in adults. is evidence that CO2 monitoring has the po-
Currently an abdominal radiograph is the tential to differentiate respiratory from GI
only consistently valid and reliable way to placement; however, it has yet to be used
verify the position of flexible small-bore NG/ clinically to detect respiratory placements
OG tubes. Indeed, radiographs have been rec- (Burns, S. M., Carpenter, & Truitt, 2001;
ommended by many to determine tube place- Thomas, B. W., & Falcone, 1998). To sum-
ment in patients; however, placement must marize, in adults pH and bilirubin of aspirate
be checked frequently while a tube is in place, are the only reliable indicators of tube posi-
and the summative radiation risk of multiple tion.
radiographs as well as their expense makes Fluids aspirated from different organs
the development of adequate bedside place- have different mean pH values, and Metheny,
ment-locating methods imperative. Stewart, and coresearchers (1999) suggested
Several methods of detection have been that these expected differences might be use-
investigated in adults, including: (a) aspirat- ful for testing for feeding tube placement er-
ing gastric contents and measuring the pH, rors. Although an advance over auscultation,
bilirubin, pepsin, and trypsin levels; (b) plac- pH testing alone is an inadequate locator in
ing the proximal end of the tube under water both adults and children because of overlap
and observing for bubbles in synchrony with in pH between sites, difficulty in obtaining
expirations; (c) auscultating for a gurgling aspirate, and other factors affecting pH read-
sound over the epigastrium or left upper ings.
quadrant of the abdomen; (d) examining the In a study of 800 aspirates collected from
visual characteristics of aspirates; (e) measur- 605 fasting adults, Metheny and coresearch-
ing the length from the nose/mouth to the ers (1999) found that gastric aspirates had
proximal end of the tube; and (f) measuring significantly lower pH values (mean 3.5) than
CO2 level at the proximal end of the NG/OG intestinal aspirates (mean 7.0). About 15%
tube. Each of these methods has its problems, of the gastric aspirates had pH values over-
however. Metheny, Smith, and Stewart lapping with the pH values of intestinal aspi-
(2000) found that the combination of pH, rates. In addition, pH values from four tubes
bilirubin, pepsin, and trypsin correctly classi- inadvertently placed in the respiratory tract
fied 100% of respiratory placements and overlapped with the range in intestinal place-
93.4% of GI placements in adults; however, ments. Although in the research setting inves-
no bedside tests are currently available for tigators were very successful in obtaining as-
measuring pepsin and trypsin, thus limiting pirate, in the clinical setting this may be more
their clinical usefulness. Placing the proximal of a problem. It may be impossible to obtain
end of the tube under water and observing any fluid if one or more of the orifices are
for bubbles in synchrony with expirations in- not in a pool of fluid. Furthermore, flexible
volves risk that clients will aspirate water on small-bore tubes tend to collapse when nega-
inspiration, especially those being mechani- tive pressure is applied with a syringe; there-
cally ventilated. Simple auscultation is not a fore, the absence of fluid is not necessarily
reliable method to assess tube position be- evidence of improper placement. Another
cause injection of air into the tracheobron- factor that may reduce the usefulness of pH
chial tree or into the pleural space can pro- testing is the administration of gastric acid-

inhibiting medications resulting in an ele- it is evident that pH alone is not a reliable

vated gastric pH, although the evidence is method for discriminating among gastric, in-
mixed on this question (Metheny et al., 1993; testinal, and respiratory placements. Further-
Metheny, Eikov, Rountree, & Lengettie, more, these problems may be worse in chil-
1999). dren than adults. Joint measurement of biliru-
Metheny, Smith, and Stewart (2000) rec- bin and pH may be a better alternative to the
ommended that the bilirubin level and pH use of pH alone.
of aspirates be jointly used as tests to help
differentiate gastric, intestinal, and respira- MARSHA L. ELLETT
tory placement of tubes. They measured bili-
rubin and pH of aspirates from NG and NI
tubes as well as tracheobronchial suction and
pleural fluid aspirates and found bilirubin Epilepsy
levels to differ as predicted. Metheny and
Stewart (2002) found bilirubin levels in neo- Epilepsy refers to a chronic condition charac-
nates gastric fluid comparable to adult levels. terized by recurrent seizures. A seizure is a
Although the pH/bilirubin test correctly iden- temporary alteration in functioning caused
tified 100% of actual respiratory aspirates, by abnormal discharge of neurons in the cen-
it correctly identified only 85.9% of nonre- tral nervous system (Holmes, G. H., 1987).
spiratory aspirates. Furthermore, only 29.4% The exact nature of the seizure depends on
of predicted respiratory aspirates were actu- the function of the brain cells that are affected
ally respiratory, and 87.7% of nonrespira- by the abnormal discharge. Seizures are clas-
tory placements were accurately predicted. sified into two major types: partial and gener-
Metheny and Stewart concluded that a biliru- alized. Partial seizures, which occur when the
bin concentration of 5 mg/dL was a good electrical discharge remains in a circum-
predictor of intestinal tube placement, where- scribed area of the brain, can be broken down
as a bilirubin concentration of < 5 mg/dL was further into elementary or complex divisions.
a good predictor of gastric tube placement With elementary partial seizures, the persons
whether or not the adult was fasting. Biliru- consciousness is not impaired. With complex
bin can be easily measured at the bedside partial seizures, there is some impairment of
using the method developed by Metheny and consciousness. In some persons with partial
Stewart in which reagent strips are compared seizures, the abnormal discharge spreads
to a color scale. throughout the brain and is referred to as a
In summary, although estimates of tube partial seizure with secondary generalization.
placement errors vary, there is no doubt that Generalized seizures occur when the dis-
they are common and can lead to serious charge affects both brain hemispheres and
complications. The direct NEX distance, the results in a loss of consciousness. The two
standard measurement currently used in most common types of generalized seizures
practice, has been seen to be inaccurate in are generalized tonic clonic (grand mal) and
both adults and children. The NEMU dis- absence (petit mal). In generalized tonic clo-
tance, tested only in children, also seems to be nic seizures, the person typically stiffens all
inaccurate. Although the age-related height- over in the tonic phase, has jerking move-
based method has some research support, it ments of the arms and legs in the clonic phase,
has never been tested clinically. Because of and is incontinent of urine. Following the
the overlap in pH values for respiratory, gas- seizure the person is commonly sleepy. In ab-
tric, and intestinal placements; the difficulty sence seizures, there are a few seconds of loss
in obtaining aspirate to test pH; and the possi- of consciousness. The person generally stares
ble effects of acid-inhibiting medications, to- blankly and sometimes rotates the eyes up-
tal parental nutrition, and physiologic imma- ward. An absence seizure begins and ends
turity in young infants on the pH of aspirate, abruptly (Dreifuss & Nordli, 2001).
Ethics of Research 177

Epilepsy affects over 2 million persons in life. Some persons have severe quality-of-life
the United States. The cumulative incidence problems that prevent them from engaging
to age 80 years is 1.3% to 3.1%. Incidence in fully productive lives. The exact prevalence
rates are highest among those under 20 years of these problems is difficult to establish be-
of age and over 60 years of age. The trend is cause most studies have been carried out on
for the frequency of epilepsy to be decreasing clinic samples, that is, on persons with sei-
in children and to be increasing in the elderly. zures that are more difficult to control. Prob-
Rates are slightly higher for men than for lems most commonly found in children in-
women. The prevalence of active epilepsy, clude anxiety, poor self-concept, social isola-
defined as having had a seizure in the past 5 tion, depression, behavior problems, and aca-
years or taking daily antiepileptic medication, demic underachievement (Austin & Dunn,
is between 4.3 and 9.3 per 1,000. In approxi- 2000). The most common problems found
mately 70% of new cases of epilepsy there is in adults with epilepsy are unemployment,
no specific identified cause. In the remaining depression, social isolation, and problems
30% the risk factors for epilepsy are severe with adjustment. Unemployment may be
head trauma, infection in the central nervous twice as high in persons with epilepsy as in
system, and stroke. In the United States the the general population (Hauser & Hesdorf-
prevalence of epilepsy is lower in Whites than fer, 1990). Factors generally associated with
in non-Whites, although the reasons for these quality-of-life problems are severe and fre-
differences are not clear (Hauser & Hesdorf- quent seizures, presence of other conditions
fer, 1990). or deficits, chronic condition, negative atti-
Remission of epilepsy, defined as 5 years tudes toward having epilepsy, and lack of a
without seizures, is more common among supportive family environment.
persons with generalized seizures, those with Research to guide the nursing care of per-
no neurological deficits, and those with a sons with epilepsy is limited. Research is
younger age of onset. Approximately 70% needed to understand the factors that lead to
of persons with epilepsy can be expected to quality-of-life problems. A recent study with
enter remission (Hauser & Hesdorffer, children suggests that behavior problems are
1990). already evident at the time of the first recog-
The major treatment of epilepsy is antiepi- nized seizure (Austin et al., 2001). Moreover,
leptic medication. Most epilepsy is well con- research that tests nursing interventions is
trolled with such treatment, but approxi- needed to guide nursing care designed to pre-
mately 20% of persons continue to experi- vent and reduce the development of adjust-
ence seizures despite treatment with medica- ment problems. More nursing research is
tions. When partial seizures originate from a needed on teaching self-management to per-
well-defined focus in an area of the brain that sons with epilepsy. DiIorio and colleagues
could be excised without serious neurological (2003) are studying self-management in
deficits, surgery to remove the affected part adults with epilepsy. Nurses should play a
of the brain is an option. Other treatments major role in developing knowledge to pro-
for epilepsy have been tried with some suc- vide a research base for nursing practice with
cess. The ketogenic diet, which consists of persons with epilepsy.
food high in fat and low in carbohydrates,
has been used since the 1920s. Recently, there JOAN K. AUSTIN
has been increased interest in the ketogenic
diet as a treatment. Another recent treatment
is the vagus nerve stimulator, which sends Ethics of Research
electrical energy to the brain via the vagus
nerve (Epilepsy Foundation, n.d.). The ethics of researchdefined as what one
Most nursing research has been devoted morally ought to do in conducting, dissemi-
to the impact of epilepsy on the quality of nating, and implementing results from sys-

tematic investigation or scholarly inquiry ing to participate. In addition, subjects com-

are determined by both traditional and prehension of information about the study
changing social values. These values vary and the informed consent process should be
within and among cultures worldwide; there- ascertained initially and throughout the study
fore, as international nursing research in- as indicated. Subjects have the right to stop
creases, nurse researchers must be attuned participation in a study at any time and with-
to the ethics of conducting research in other out fear of retaliation. The preceding steps
countries (Olsen, 2003). However, within the are based on the ethical principles of auton-
preceding context, two points cannot be dis- omy and respect for autonomy. If subjects
puted: (a) all research has ethical dimensions, are not autonomous, proxy consents must
and (b) all research must be ethical. be obtained.
Rapid advances in science and technology The ethical conduct of research also fo-
have led to several important policy docu- cuses on the ethical principle of nonmalefi-
ments and ethical guidelines for nursing re- cence (do no harm). The researcher must un-
search. The policy documents include the derstand that the possibility of harm or po-
1980, 1995, and 2003 American Nurses As- tential harm can occur to subjects at any time
sociations (ANA) Nursings social policy while conducting research. Therefore, the re-
statement. The ethical guidelines for nursing searcher must carefully weigh any benefits
research include the ANAs 1975 and 1985 against therapeutic harms (i.e., harms that
Human rights guidelines for nurses in clinical are necessary to produce a greater good in
and other research, as well as part of Provi- the conduct of the research). However, thera-
sion 7 of the 2001 ANA Code of ethics for peutic harms always require moral justifica-
nurses with interpretive statements. tion, and under no circumstance should the
The conduct of research with humans im- subject be used solely as a means for the ad-
poses strong moral obligations on nurse re- vancement of science.
searchers especially in light of genetic ad- The ethical principle of nonmaleficence
vances and the use of human biological mate- also applies to scientific misconduct. Scien-
rials in nursing research (Jeffers, 2001). Nev- tific misconduct is viewed as an intended act
ertheless, once the ethics of the research have of deception that deviates from a disciplines
been approved by an institutional review ethical norms. It typically takes the form of
board or its equivalent, subject or participant plagiarism, irresponsible authorship, data
selection (or human biological materials se- falsification, data fabrication, and question-
lection) occurs. The decision of whom or able research practices. Nurse researchers
what to include and exclude from a study should be familiar with their organizations
places the following moral burdens related policies and procedures about scientific mis-
to the ethical principle of justice on the re- conduct, as well as federal regulations to de-
searcher: (a) how to weigh the ethical pros ter scientific misconduct. In addition, nurse
and cons of using human biological materials researchers should be aware of three reports
or vulnerable persons as subjects, (b) how to authored by the Institute of Medicine on sci-
avoid consistently selecting human biological entific integrity (James, N., Burrage, &
materials or subjects based solely or primarily Smith, 2003).
on ease of accessibility or any attribute that When an interdisciplinary team is involved
is not essential to the studys objectives, and in the conduct of research, the principal inves-
(c) how to avoid overuse or underuse of hu- tigator should be clearly designated and
man biological materials or any group of re- should assume overall accountability for the
search subjects. study. He or she is responsible for the supervi-
Once human subjects are selected, they sion of all team members, including research
should be given sufficient and unbiased infor- assistants. Each team member must not only
mation about all important aspects of the assume accountability for a part of the re-
study and their roles in the study before agree- search but also must understand how that
Ethnogeriatrics 179

research builds on that of other team mem- needed to understand research or to use the
bers. Finally, all members of the interdisci- findings in practice. This lack of knowledge
plinary research team must come to a com- and comprehension diminishes nurses au-
mon understanding of what the ethics of re- tonomy and puts them at risk for potentially
search means for their study. unsound ethical decision making about re-
The conduct of research with animals also search utilization. Therefore, persons respon-
has ethical import because of past and current sible for implementation of research into
cruelty to them and because of the increased practice must assist practitioners of nursing
need for basic research in nursing. The guid- to critique research for scientific and ethical
ing ethical principles for researchers are (a) merit and for clinical applicability. This cri-
to use animals for studies only when neces- tique includes the insight that studies typi-
sary, (b) to inflict the least amount of harm cally are replicated before being implemented
and suffering to the fewest number of animals into practice. Furthermore, persons imple-
while still attaining research objectives, and menting research into practice must ensure
(c) to obtain the approval of institutional ani- that strong and ethical administrative sup-
mal care and use committees or their equiva- port exists so that implementation can begin,
lent. continue, and terminate if necessary without
Some scholars and ethicists would argue causing harm to patients, staff, or the organi-
that significant research of high quality that zation.
is not disseminated presents an ethical issue In summary, the most important aspect of
because persons who could benefit from that research is that it be ethical. Although the
research are denied that benefit. Further- ethics of research are complex, nurse re-
more, undisseminated research cannot be im- searchers should respect these ethics and in-
plemented into practice. The ethics of the dis- corporate them into their studies or scholarly
semination of research also involves research- inquiries now and in the future.
ers and peer reviewers. Researchers as au-
thors have an ethical obligation to clarify MARY CIPRIANO SILVA
primary and coauthor credits as soon as pos-
sible during the preparation of a manuscript;
to designate when the manuscript is part of Ethnogeriatrics
a larger study; to submit a manuscript to only
one editor at a time; to present accurate, un- Ethnogeriatrics is an evolving multidiscipli-
biased, relevant, and appropriately docu- nary subspecialty in geriatrics which exam-
mented information in the manuscript; to no- ines health and aging issues in the context of
tify appropriate persons when scientific mis- cultural beliefs, values, and practices among
conduct is detected in ones own or others racial and ethnic minority elders. Demo-
studies; to avoid the use of retracted or invalid graphic effects, heterogeneity, barriers to ac-
study results; and to understand the ethical cess and utilization of services, interaction of
issues involved in internet research (Im & culture-based practices and formal systems,
Chee, 2003). impact of public policies, and culturally sensi-
Researchers as peer reviewers have an ethi- tive patient-provider relationships are key
cal obligation to be objective in their review concepts in the field (Harper, 1990; McBride,
of research manuscripts and timely in their Morioka-Douglas, & Yeo, 1996; Richard-
return of them; to offer constructive critiques son, 1996). They provide useful information
that demonstrate respect; to avoid any con- to guide health care delivery systems and ser-
flicts of interest; and to maintain anonymity vice providers in reducing health disparities.
of authors and confidentiality of content until Because nursing science is deeply rooted in
the manuscript is published. integrative and holistic perspectives, it is well
The research literature indicates that many positioned to explore multifaceted concep-
practitioners of nursing lack the education tual frameworks such as the explanatory

model (Kleinman, Eisenberg, & Good, 1978) cal to improving quality of care for racial
and transtheoretical models (Plowden & and ethnic minorities is a serious challenge
Miller, 2002; McBride et al., 1998), and to current and future nurse scientists.
blend them into established or evolving nurs-
ing theories (Chen, 1996; Leininger, M., & IRENE DANIELS LEWIS
McFarland, M., 2002). MELEN R. MCBRIDE
A review of literature from 19962002 on
African-American and Asian-American older
adults was summarized according to: what Ethnography
is known about access to community-based
health care, issues raised by research findings, The term ethnography translates as the writ-
and gaps in research (McBride & Lewis, ten description of the folk (people/nation).
2004). The limited research on chronic dis- However, the term is currently used to refer
eases shows variations in type of illness, prev- to both a specific naturalistic research
alence of disease, and quality of care (e.g., method and the written product of that
Baumann, Chang, & Hoebeke, 2002; De la method. As a research process ethnography
Cruz, McBride, Compas, Calixto, & Van is a comparative method for investigating hu-
Derveer, 2002; Ness, Nassimiha, Feria, & man behavior and patterns of cognition
Aronow, 1999). Information on cohorts of through observations in the natural setting.
older African Americans are predominantly As a written product, ethnography is a de-
on individuals born in the United States and scriptive analysis of the beliefs, behaviors,
descendants of slaves from Africa. In con- norms, and patterns of a culture. The focus
trast, studies on cohorts of older Asian on culture and cultural processes is central
Americans, whose ethnic origins are from to ethnography and is one of the ways in
over 50 countries, consist of a mix of recent which ethnography differs from other natu-
immigrants, long-stay residents, and U.S. ralistic methods, such as grounded theory
born. Important differences between and (the study of basic social processes) and phe-
within groups (or heterogeneity) in terms of nomenology (the study of the individuals
cultural beliefs and historical experiences are lived experience).
seldom measured and examined as factors Ethnography was developed primarily by
contributing to disparities in access and utili- anthropologists as they sought to understand
zation of services. Descriptive, exploratory, other cultures and traditions. Although eth-
cross-sectional studies dominate the research nography remains the primary research
effort on African-American and Asian-Amer- method in anthropology, it is employed by
ican older adults to identify unmet needs; few several other disciplines, most notably sociol-
focus on culturally appropriate interventions. ogy, psychology, education, and nursing. As
In some large databases, health status is often the method was adopted outside anthropol-
measured by self-reports (McBride & Lewis). ogy, the focus of study shifted from small-
However, it is unlikely that the information scale or tribal societies to areas more closely
is verified by clinical data or linked with cul- linked with the discipline adopting the
ture-based practices, particularly for those method. For example, the study of small ur-
who are monolingual, low acculturated, or ban social communities was undertaken by
less educated older people. sociologists from the Chicago School, investi-
In view of the projected 12% increase of gations of schools as microcosms of society
racial and ethnic minority elders by 2030 and were addressed by educators, and the health
a continuing climate of rapidly diminishing beliefs and lay systems of ethnic groups were
resources, pursuing well-designed longitudi- targeted by nurse anthropologists.
nal intervention studies with randomized In the discipline of nursing, ethnography
samples using culturally relevant research de- was introduced into the literature primarily
signs (e.g., case study designs) which are criti- by nurse anthropologists beginning in the late
Ethnography 181

1960s. Two seminal articles appearing in widely used in nursing research. A prominent
Nursing Research by Elizabeth Byerly (1969/ example is that of Leiningers sunrise model.
1990) and Antoinette Ragucci (1972/1990) The goal of ethnoscience, a third ethno-
laid the foundation for future nurse ethnogra- graphic tradition, is to discover folk systems
phers. As doctoral education came to be of classification to determine the ways people
sponsored through the nurse scientist pro- perceive and structure their thinking about
gram, several nurses chose anthropology as their world and to identify the rules that guide
a focus of doctoral study. This first genera- decision making. The taxonomy known as
tion of nurse anthropologists who conducted the Nursing Interventions Classification
ethnographies included pioneers such as (NIC) was derived by using the ethnosci-
Madeleine Leininger, Agnes Aamodt, Pamela ence approach.
Brink, Margarita Kay, Elizabeth Byerly, and Symbolic ethnography is a fourth ap-
Oliver Osborne. A second generation of nurse proach, which is rapidly growing in applica-
anthropologists included Juliene Lipson, Eve- tion in nursing research. Here, investigators
lyn Barbee, JoAnn Glittenberg, Marjorie view culture as a system of shared meanings
Muecke, Janice Morse, and Toni Tripp-Re- and symbols. They further believe that cul-
imer. Later, as schools of nursing developed tural knowledge is embedded in thick de-
their own doctoral programs, some nurse eth- scriptions provided by cultural members.
nographers began to be trained within Most nursing research that deals with infor-
schools of nursing. mants explanatory models use this ethno-
There are several different traditions sub- graphic tradition.
sumed under the term ethnography. Each of Fieldwork is the hallmark of ethnographic
these has emerged with its own particular research. Fieldwork involves the investiga-
historical context, and each addresses some- tors immersion in the target community for
what different elements of culture. However, long periods of time in order to gain under-
each of these approaches may be used fruit- standing for contextualizing the ethno-
fully in nursing research, given the appro- graphic data. Stages of fieldwork include (a)
priate research question. Although there are field entry, (b) development of relationships,
over a dozen distinct ethnographic traditions, (c) data collection, (d) data manipulation, (e)
examples of four will be provided to demon- data analysis, and (f) termination. Many of
strate the diversity of approaches within eth- these stages, particularly (b)(e), overlap in
nography. time.
An early ethnographic approach devel- In conducting fieldwork an investigator
oped by Boas around the turn of the century may employ several strategies for data collec-
is termed historical particularism. The central tion, including participant observation, infor-
tenets of this approach are that each culture mal interviews, structured interviews, pic-
has its own long and unique history and that tures and videotapes, census and other statis-
all elements of a culture are worthy of docu- tical data, historical documents, projective
mentation. A typical product of historical tests, and psychosocial surveys. The variety
particularism is the creation of cultural lists of research strategies that are appropriately
or inventories. This approach has been used employed is another way in which ethnogra-
in nursing research to identify specific folk phy differs from most other naturalistic meth-
treatments used in ethnic groups and to gen- ods. Further, ethnographers may use quanti-
erate items to be used later in the construction tative data to augment qualitative data. How-
of structured instruments. ever, the mainstay strategies of ethnography
Functionalism is a second ethnographic rest in participant observation and informant
tradition. Here, however, the task of ethnog- interviews. If the focus of the ethnography
raphy is to describe the structural elements concerns the cognitive realm (attitudes, be-
and their interrelated functioning in a culture. liefs, schemata) of the members of the culture,
This approach historically has been the most then interviewing is the primary strategy. On

the other hand, if the focus of the ethnogra- ods are used to allow for generalization to
phy involves structural features or patterns of other comparable situations. In actuality, the
behavior, then observations are the primary use of informal practices for determining in-
strategy. The majority of ethnographies, tervention outcome is never appropriate.
however, use a combination of strategies. Consequently, the term evaluation should
Methods used for data manipulation in- suffice for all efforts in which a systematic
clude strategies for taking notes and making process is used to determine the effect of some
memos, coding strategies, and indexing sys- intervention on some anticipated outcome.
tems. More recently, computerized software The research component of the term is as-
programs such as ETHNOGRAPH and sumed. No matter what the purpose of the
NUD*IST have been fruitfully employed to evaluation, the issue of rigor is always fore-
aid in the management of data. Methods used most, and the methods and measurement ap-
in data analysis include matrix, thematic, and proaches used should involve the same level
domain analysis. of attention given to any research method.
In summary, ethnography is a method de- According to Rossi and Freeman (1985),
signed to describe a culture. The ethnogra- evaluations serve one of three purposes: (1)
pher seeks to understand another way of life to conceptualize and design interventions, (2)
from the perspective of a person inside the to monitor implementation of some interven-
culture (emic view). Participant observation tion, or (3) to assess the utility of some action.
and informant interviewing are the major In the first type of evaluation, studies focus
strategies used during fieldwork. The specific on (a) the extent of the problem needing inter-
ethnographic tradition used by the investiga- vention, (b) who should be involved in or
tor determines the form of the ethno- targeted for the intervention, (c) whether the
graphic product. intervention proposed will address the prob-
lem or the needs of individuals, and (d)
TONI TRIPP-REIMER whether the chance for successful outcome
JANET ENSLEIN has been maximized.
BARBARA RAKEL In the second type of evaluation, studies
LISA ONEGA focus on what is done; they generally are re-
BERNARD SOROFMAN ferred to as process evaluation studies. These
studies also determine whether the interven-
tion is reaching the targeted population and
Evaluation whether what is done is consistent with what
was intended. Process evaluations are essen-
Evaluation is a method for measuring the ef- tial for determining cause and effect, al-
fect of some purposeful action on a particular though they are not sufficient by themselves
situation. It is often described as an assess- for measuring impact. That is where evalua-
ment of worth. In evaluation, both antici- tion researchers often get into trouble. They
pated and unanticipated outcomes are im- stop collecting data once they describe what
portant and are included in the discussion of was done; therefore, process evaluation
findings and the publication of results. The methods have tended to be viewed with disfa-
purpose of evaluation is to provide informa- vor, which is unfortunate. Although they are
tion for decision makers who usually have insufficient by themselves, they are absolutely
some stake in the outcome of the interven- necessary for determining whether the inter-
tion. vention caused the outcome and if so, how
Evaluation methods have been categorized and if not, why not.
along a continuum ranging from simple as- In the third type, studies determine both
sessment, in which informal practices are the degree to which an intervention has an
used to look for indication of outcome, to impact and the benefit of the intervention in
evaluation research, in which research meth- relation to the cost. The degree of impact is
Evidence-Based Practice 183

referred to as the interventions effectiveness, sures are used to determine effect. Type IV
and the degree of cost is referred to as its error occurs when the evaluator provides in-
efficiency (Rossi & Freeman, 1985). formation that is useless to stakeholders.
Recent writings on evaluation focus on the Type V error involves confusing statistical
need for theory to guide the investigation and significance with practical significance,
frame the results. Authors have identified the- which ultimately leads to Type IV error (In-
ories that range from those targeted solely gersoll, 1996).
for the purposes of designing evaluations to Evaluation is key to measuring interven-
those directed at the expected relationships tion magnitude and effect. To assure that
between intervention and outcome. For ex- evaluations are useful, however, steps must
ample, behavioral theories often are used to be taken to design them according to some
develop interventions targeted at changing meaningful conceptual framework; and close
health behaviors; they also are used to select attention must be paid to maximizing the
measures for determining impact. Evaluation rigor of the methods, analysis, and rejection
theories, on the other hand, focus on the pur- of alternative hypotheses. Approaches to
pose of the studywhether it is for determin- quality control recommended for other non-
ing what goals or outcomes should be exam- experimental, quasi-experimental, and ex-
ined, how the treatment should be developed perimental designs are appropriate. With at-
and delivered, or under what conditions cer- tention to these aspects of the evaluation pro-
tain events occur and what their conse- cess, evaluations become an effective means
quences will be. H. T. Chen (1990) has de- for extending nursing science.
fined these two types of evaluation theory as
normative (the first type) and causative (the GAIL L. INGERSOLL
second). Normative theory is derived from
prior knowledge, usual practice, or theory.
Causative theory is empirically based and Evidence-Based Practice
specifies causal relationships between inter-
vention and outcome. Evidence-based practice (EBP) refers to nurs-
Measuring the true effect of the interven- ing practice that utilizes research findings as
tion often is difficult. Evaluation studies are the foundation for nurses decisions, activi-
subject to the same measurement and analysis ties, and interactions with clients. Another
problems associated with other designs. In term which is often used synonymously but
addition, Ingersoll (1996) has summarized is slightly different is the term research utili-
several others that are important to evalua- zation. Research utilization specifically re-
tion research. Among these is the need to fers to the practical utilization of findings
measure the extent of the intervention intro- from one or more scientific studies and is a
duced, which is frequently absent from re- predecessor of EBP. EBP is broadly conceptu-
ports of evaluation studies. This information alized as a continuum of synthesized informa-
assists in demonstrating cause-and-effect re- tion used to improve practice and patient out-
lationships and clarifies what magnitude of comes (Bakken, 2001). These two terms en-
the intervention is required before an effect compass the burgeoning interest in devel-
is seen. It also helps to prevent the potential oping a practice in which there is solid
for Type III, IV, and V evaluation errors, evidence from scientific research that explicit
which affect statistical conclusion validity nursing actions are clinically relevant, cost-
and generalizability validity. effective, and result in positive quality out-
Type III evaluation error is an error in comes for clients. The focus of EBP is its
probability and results in solving the wrong emphasis on integrating the best available re-
problem instead of the right problem. It usu- search evidence within the clinical, patient,
ally occurs when the program is not imple- and organizational context of an institution
mented as planned and when insensitive mea- to attain high-quality and cost-effective care.

According to Hewitt-Taylor (2002), evi- The Cochrane Collaboration, which was

dence-based practice is a process that entails founded in the United Kingdom in the 1970s,
six elements: (a) selecting an area of practice was a foundation of the evidence-based prac-
that requires an evidence base, (b) making tice movement. British epidemiologist Archie
decisions about what constitutes evidence, (c) Cochrane, noting the paucity of evidence sup-
conducting a systematic search for evidence, porting care, advocated for the availability
(d) evaluating individual pieces of evidence, of clinical summaries upon which health care
(e) snythesizing the findings of these sources providers could base their decisions. This led
into a cohesive whole, and (f) applying this to the formation of the Cochrane Collabora-
evidence appropriately to patient care situa- tion (www.cochrane.org), whose aim is the
tions. preparation and dissemination of systematic
The desire to explore the path and timing reviews of the results of health care interven-
of research to practice began in the 1960s and tions. As the Cochrane movement was going
1970s. N. Caplan and Rich (1975) coined on, Dr. David Sackett pioneered evidence-
the terms instrumental utilization (changing based medicine (EBM) at McMaster Medical
practice based on empirical evidence) and School. He conceptualized EBM as the con-
conceptual utilization (inability to change be- scientious, explicit, and judicious use of cur-
havior based on the results, but a new aware- rent best evidence in making decisions about
ness during caregiving). The slow evolution the care of individual patients. The practice
of practice change was called knowledge of EBM means integrating individual clinical
creep and decision accretion by C. Weiss expertise with the best available external evi-
(1980). Practice changes occur slowly over dence from systematic research (Sackett,
time as nurses and other health care providers Rosenberg, Muir Gray, Haynes, & Richard-
repeatedly come into contact with new son, 1996, p. 71).
knowledge during readings, discussions, and Rigorous rating systems for evaluating evi-
at local and national meetings. Estabrooks dence have been developed by Sackett and
(1999) reported three types of research utili- others (1996), Stetler and others (1998), as
zation: indirect (changes in nurses thinking), well as the AHCPR (2003) (now Agency for
direct (incorporating findings into patient Healthcare Research and Quality [AHQR]
care), and persuasive (using findings to http://www.ahcpr.gov/new/press/pr2002/
change decision makers behaviors and be- strengpr.htm). In general, the rating systems
liefs). order the types of evidence in the following
Two formal efforts undertaken in the manner: meta-analyses of randomized, con-
1970s to bridge the gap between nursing re- trolled trials (RCT) (strongest evidence); ex-
search and nursing practice were the Western perimental studies (or RCT); quasi-experi-
Interstate Commission for Higher Education mental studies (time series, nonequivalent
(WICHE) Regional Program and the Con- control group) or matched case-control stud-
duct and Utilization of Research in Nursing ies; nonexperimental studies (correlational,
(CURN) projects. In the WICHE project, al- descriptive); and program evaluations, qual-
though nurses were successful in increasing ity improvement projects, case reports, au-
research utilization, they noted a dearth of thoritative opinions (weakest evidence).
scientifically sound nursing research with Two models (Stetler Model, Iowa Model)
identifiable nursing implications. The goal of that were originally designed for research uti-
the CURN project was to increase the use of lization have been adapted for use in EBP
research results in daily practice by dissemi- projects. These models have been the inspira-
nating current findings, encouraging collabo- tion for the following steps to change prac-
rative research with relevance to nursing is- tice: (a) identify a clinical problem; (b) collect
sues, and enhancing administrative and orga- the evidence about clinical issue (literature
nizational change supportive of implement- review, integrative review); (c) review, evalu-
ing new evidence. ate, and synthesize available evidence; (d)
Experimental Research 185

plan the EBP change; (e) design, implement, search, disseminate findings energetically in
and evaluate a pilot EBP project; (f) design, multiple media (journals, conferences), and
implement, and evaluate a larger EBP project; finally, prepare integrative and critical re-
and finally (g) disseminate the results (Polit & search reviews and make them available to
Beck, 2004). busy practicing nurses.
Currently, informatics has become a key Polit and Beck (2004) also identify nursing
contributor to EBP and the promotion of and organizational barriers to the utilization
quality patient care (Bakken, Cimino, & of evidence by practicing nurses. Bedside
Hripcsak, 2004). Although this is not yet the nurses may not be prepared to critically ap-
standard, the methodology exists and pre- praise the evidence. Nurses may not only lack
sents an opportunity to impact quality of care the motivation to make changes, but be resis-
through using up-to-date evidence about best tant to making changes that impact their
practice tailor-made for an individual patient. comfortable practice. For organizations, ad-
For example, a patient is admitted for a spe- ministrators can foster a climate conducive to
cific operative procedure; reminders are sent innovation. They can offer emotional, moral,
to the physician and nurses regarding type of and instrumental support for innovation, and
antibiotics, changes in care and testing based can reward nurses for innovative and evi-
on laboratory functions, and best educational dence-based practice at the bedside as well
methodologies for the patient based on his as support organizational initiatives.
demographics. These care processes are
changed based on the most current and best ROBIN FLESCHLER
evidence for care and treatment. Computer-
based reminders have been demonstrated to
decrease errors of omission and enhance ad- Experimental Research
herence to clinical practice guidelines (Over-
hage, Tierney, Zhou, & McDonald, 1997). True experiments have the potential to pro-
There is some concern by practitioners vide strong evidence about the hypothesized
that the systematic reviews used by clinicians causal relationship between independent and
are a watered-down version of the scientific dependent variables. Experiments are charac-
method and raw data. Although Cochrane terized by manipulation, control, and ran-
reviews, summarizations, and metasyntheses domization. The quality of experiments de-
of data are used by clinicians in the formation pends on the validity of their design.
of guidelines, nurses continue to appreciate Manipulation means the researcher ac-
the scholarly merit of single study or a series tively initiates, implements, and terminates
of studiesexcellently formulated and con- procedures. In most instances, manipulation
ducted. In this authors experience, since the is linked to the independent variable(s) under
nature of nursing problems do not always fit consideration. Essential to manipulation is
the structure of a randomly controlled trial, that the researcher has complete control over
evidence in one or a series of studies is evalu- the process. The researcher decides what is
ated and considered by their scientific sound- to be manipulated (e.g., selected nursing in-
ness and clinical significance. tervention protocols), to whom the manipu-
Polit and Beck (2004) recommend eight lation applies (e.g., samples and subsamples
strategies for promoting the use of research of subjects), when the manipulation is to oc-
findings in current practice. Researchers cur according to the specification of the re-
should collaborate with staff nurses to: iden- search design, and how the manipulation is
tify current clinical problems, use rigorous to be implemented.
designs, replicate findings, write clear re- Manipulation implies and is impossible
search reports and share the information, re- without researcher control over extraneous
port findings that are conducive to meta-anal- sources that might affect and lead to incorrect
ysis, present clinical implications of the re- scientific conclusions. Control aims to rule

out threats to valid inference. It also adds Randomization entails two separate pro-
precision, the ability to detect true effects of cesses: (a) random selection of subjects from
smaller magnitude (Cook, T., & Campbell, the population and (b) random assignment of
1979, p. 8). Unlike laboratory studies where subjects to treatment and control conditions.
total control is often possible, in clinical re- Random selection is the process of randomly
search control is a relative matter. The re- drawing research subjects from the popula-
searcher has the responsibility for ensuring tion about which the researcher wants to gain
as much control over extraneous forces as knowledge and to which the researcher hopes
possible. to generalize the findings of a study. Random
Control also includes the ability to deter- assignment entails allocating sampling units
mine which units receive a particular treat- (e.g., patients) to treatment and control con-
ment at a particular time (Cook, T., & ditions by using a decision method that is
Campbell, 1979, p. 8). This refers to control known to be random (e.g., coin toss, random
over two processes that determine who gets drawing, use of random tables, computer-
what at what time. The first process is the generated random sequences of options).
researchers use of random methods to assign Random selection is virtually nonexistent in
subjects to treatments. This is the preferred intervention studies in nursing; moreover, a
method of exerting control over subjects and large proportion (55.3%) of nursing inter-
their treatment as, theoretically, it ensures vention studies do not even use random as-
that known and unknown extraneous forces signment methods (Abraham, Chalifoux, &
inherent to subjects are dispersed equally Evers, 1992).
across the different treatment options. This T. Cook and Campbell (1979) reviewed
may not always be possible, in which case four types of validity of research designs, po-
tential threats to each, and strategies to rem-
the second process comes into playthat of
edy these threats. Statistical conclusion valid-
structuring the assignment process in such
ity addresses the extent to which, at the math-
a way that major, known extraneous forces
ematical/statistical level, covariation is pres-
are controlled.
ent between the independent and dependent
Commonly used design strategies include
variables (i.e., the extent to which a relation-
blocking, matching, and counterbalancing. In
ship exists between the independent and de-
blocking the potentially confounding vari-
pendent variables). Internal validity refers to
able is incorporated into the study design as whether an observed relationship between
an independent variable. Subjects are then variables is indeed causal or, in the absence
randomly assigned within each block. In of a relationship, that indeed there is no
matching, a weaker but very common causal link. Construct validity of putative
method of control, the researcher identifies causes and effects refers to whether the causal
one or more extraneous (usually up to three) relationship between two variables is indeed
variables to be controlled. As soon as a sub- the one and tries to refute the possibility
ject is recruited for one of the treatment that a confounding variable may explain the
groups, the researcher then tries to find sub- presumed causal relationship. External valid-
jects for the other group(s) identical to the ity refers to the generalizability of an ob-
first subject on the specified matching vari- served causal relationship across alternate
ables. Counterbalancing occurs when the re- measures of the cause and effect and across
searcher is concerned that the order in which different types of persons, settings, and
treatments are administered influences the re- times (Cook, T., & Campbell, 1979, p. 37).
sults. When counterbalancing is used, all sub- Validity of any type is not a yes/no issue of
jects receive all treatments; however, the or- whether or not it is present. Rather it is a
der of administration of treatments is varied. matter of degree, determined by the extent
Exploratory Studies 187

to which the researcher has tried to cope with are many reasons for an exploratory study.
the various potential threats to each type of Such studies are particularly useful when the
validity. investigator seeks to gather baseline informa-
tion on a particular variable, like loneliness,
IVO L. ABRAHAM widowhood, anxiety, or culture. Other re-
LYNN I. WASSERBAUER searchers may wish to investigate a process
about which little is known, such as the types
and meanings of caring behaviors among el-
Exploratory Studies derly nursing home residents or the meaning
of loss of a nursing role. Exploratory research
Exploratory studies are those that investigate may focus on one concept that has not been
little-known phenomena for which a library described in any great detail in the literature,
search fails to reveal any significant examples such as isolation or comfort, or researchers
of prior research. These kinds of studies have may initiate an exploratory study to deter-
been very useful in nursing research in finding mine the feasibility of or need for a more
out more about nursing-related problems extensive study or to establish baseline infor-
that occur in all areas of clinical practice, mation that could lay the groundwork for a
administration, and academe. Typically, an future study.
exploratory study will use a small sample and Regardless of the intent of exploratory re-
will focus on one particular area of interest search, a flexible design that enables the re-
or on one or two variables. The following searcher to investigate and examine all as-
are the kinds of research questions that might pects of a phenomenon is encouraged. Flexi-
indicate an exploratory study in nursing: bility in the design allows the researcher to
What is it like being a pregnant teenager? explore all kinds of emerging ideas and to
What kinds of patients need home care? What change direction, if needed, as data are col-
health-promoting behaviors do cafeteria lected and analyzed. Thus, exploratory re-
workers engage in? What is the lived experi- search is not limited to one particular para-
ence of military widows? digm but may have either a quantitative or
Since the intent of exploratory research is qualitative design. Studies that propose a hy-
to find out and explore unknown phenom- pothesis and seek to provide a measure of a
ena, it is considered Level I research (designed phenomenon as a description employ a quan-
to elicit descriptions of a single topic or popu- titative design. One example of an explor-
lation) and is reflected in many of the early atory study that used a quantitative design is
research studies in nursing. An examination described by Schaefer, Swavely, Rothen-
of the kind of research designs that were used berger, Hess, and Williston (1996). In this
in nursing just 25 to 30 years ago reveals study the researchers described the nature
a predominance of exploratory studies and and frequency of sleep pattern disturbances in
includes such examples as (a) staff nurse be- patients who were recovering from coronary
haviors and patient care improvement (Gor- artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery.
ham, 1962), (b) the self-concept of children Qualitative or naturalistic designs gener-
with hemophilia and family stress (Garling- ally explore phenomena in the natural setting
house & Sharp, 1968), and (c) womens be- in which they occur and are commonly car-
liefs about breast cancer and breast self-ex- ried out by using semistructured or open-
amination (Stillman, 1977). ended interviewing techniques and by obser-
Exploratory studies are still very useful. vation. There are multiple approaches associ-
They can be found in nursing journals and ated with qualitative research, but they all
are often thought of as an initial step in the focus on those aspects of human behavior
description of a researchable problem. There that are difficult to measure in numerical

terms. One example of an exploratory quali- able to a larger population, and cannot be
tative study that used a grounded theory ap- used as a basis for prediction. In spite of these
proach is that by Fleury, Kimbrell, and Krus- limitations, however, exploratory studies are
zewski (1995). In this study the investigators useful to uncover or discover information
sought to describe the healing experiences of about little-known phenomena or single con-
13 women who recovered from an acute car- cepts, to explore the existence of relationships
diac event. Verbal transcripts were analyzed between and among variables, to find out
to find out more about the important issues more about human behavior in a naturalistic
and concerns of women during the recov- setting, to lay the groundwork for more sys-
ery process. tematic testing of hypotheses, and to deter-
Any critique of exploratory research mine the feasibility for a more in-depth study.
would include the facts that these studies are
limited in scope and focus, are not generaliz- KATHLEEN HUTTLINGER

Factor Analysis specifically selected to reveal underlying pro-

cesses or associations.
Factor analysis is a multivariate technique The raw data should be at or applicable
for determining the underlying structure and to the interval level, such as the data obtained
dimensionality of a set of variables. By ana- with Likert-type measures. Next, a number of
lyzing intercorrelations among variables, fac- assumptions relating to the sample, variables,
tor analysis shows which variables cluster to- and factors should be met. First, the sample
gether to form unidimensional constructs. It size must be sufficiently large to avoid errone-
is useful in elucidating the underlying mean- ous interpretations of random differences in
ing of concepts. However, it involves a higher the magnitude of correlation coefficients. As
degree of subjective interpretation than is a rule of thumb, a minimum of five cases
common with most other statistical methods. for each observed variable is recommended
In nursing research, factor analysis is com- however, Knapp and Brown (1995) reported
monly used for instrument development (Fer- that ratios as low as three subjects per vari-
ketich & Muller, 1990), theory development, able may be acceptable. Others generally rec-
and data reduction. Therefore, factor analysis ommend that 100 to 200 is advisable (Nun-
is used for identifying the number, nature, nally & Bernstein, 1994).
and importance of factors, comparing factor Second, the variables should be normally
solutions for different groups, estimating distributed, with no substantial evidence of
scores on factors, and testing theories (Nun- skewness or kurtosis. Third, scatterplots
nally & Bernstein, 1994). should indicate that the associations between
There are two major types of factor analy- pairs of variables should be linear. Fourth,
sis: exploratory and confirmatory. In explor- outliers among cases should be identified and
atory factor analysis, the data are described their influence reduced either by transforma-
and summarized by grouping together related tion or by arbitrarily replacing the outlying
variables. The variables may or may not be value with a less extreme score. Fifth, in-
selected with a particular purpose in mind. stances of multicollinearity and singularity of
Exploratory factor analysis is commonly used the variables should be deleted after examin-
in the early stages of research, when it pro- ing to see if the determinant of the correlation
vides a method for consolidating variables matrix or eigenvalues associated with some
and generating hypotheses about underlying factors approach zero. In addition, a squared
processes that affect the clustering of the vari- multiple correlation equal to 1 indicates sin-
ables. Confirmatory factor analysis is used gularity; and if any of the squared multiple
in later stages of research for theory testing correlations are close to 1, multicollinearity
related to latent processes or to examine hy- exists. Sixth, outliers among variables, indi-
pothesized differences in latent processes cated by low squared multiple correlation
among groups of subjects. In confirmatory with all other variables and low correlations
factor analysis, the variables are carefully and with all important factors, suggest the need


for cautious interpretation and possible elimi- Various criteria have been used to deter-
nation of the variables from the analysis. Sev- mine how many factors account for a sub-
enth, there should be adequate factorability stantial amount of variance in the data set.
within the correlation matrix, which is indi- One criterion is to accept only those factors
cated by several sizable correlations between with an eigenvalue equal to or greater than
pairs of variables that exceed .30. Finally, 1.0 (Guttman, 1954). An eigenvalue is a stan-
screening is important for identifying outly- dardized index of the amount of the variance
ing cases among the factors. If such outliers extracted by each factor. Another approach
can be identified by large Mahalanobis dis- is to use a scree test to identify sharp disconti-
tances (estimated as chi square values) from nuities in the eigenvalues for successive fac-
the location of the case in the space defined tors (Cattell, 1966).
by the factors to the centroid of all cases in Factor extraction results in a factor matrix
the same space, factor analysis is not consid- that shows the relationship between the origi-
ered appropriate. nal variables and the factors by means of
When planning for factor analysis, the first factor loadings. The factor loadings, when
step is to identify a theoretical model that squared, equal the variance in the variable
will guide the statistical model (Ferketich & accounted for by the factor. For all of the
Muller, 1990). The next step is to select the extracted factors, the sum of the squared
psychometric measurement model, either loadings for the variables represents the com-
classic or neoclassic, that will reflect the na- munality (shared variance) of the variables.
ture of measurement error. The classic model The sum of a factors squared loadings for
assumes that all measurement error is ran- all variables equals that factors eigenvalue
dom and that all variance is unique to individ- (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994).
ual variables and not shared with other vari- Because the initial factor matrix may be
ables or factors. The neoclassic model recog- difficult to interpret, factor rotation is com-
nizes both random and systematic measure- monly used when more than one factor
ment error, which may reflect common emerges. Factor rotation involves the move-
variance that is attributable to unmeasured ment of the reference axes within the factor
or latent factors. The selection of the classic space so that the variables align with a single
or neoclassic model influences whether the factor (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). Or-
researcher chooses principal-components thogonal rotation keeps the reference axes at
analysis or common factor analysis (Ferket- right angles and results in factors that are
ich & Muller). uncorrelated. Orthogonal rotation is usually
Mathematically speaking, factor analysis performed through a method known as vari-
generates factors that are linear combinations max, but other methods (quartimax and equi-
of variables. The first step in factor analysis max) are also available. Oblique rotation
is factor extraction, which involves the re- allows the reference axes to rotate into acute
moval of as much variance as possible or oblique angles, thereby resulting in corre-
through the successive creation of linear com- lated factors (Nunnally & Bernstein). When
binations that are orthogonal (unrelated) to oblique rotation is used, there are two re-
previously created combinations. The princi- sulting matrices: a pattern matrix that reveals
pal-components method of extraction is partial regression coefficients between vari-
widely used for analyzing all the variance in ables and factors and a structure matrix that
the variables. However, other methods of fac- shows variable to factor correlations.
tor extraction, which analyze common factor Factors are interpreted by examining the
variance (i.e., variance that is shared with pattern and magnitude of the factor loadings
other variables), include the principal-factors in the rotated factor matrix (orthogonal rota-
method, the alpha method, and the maxi- tion) or pattern matrix (oblique rotation).
mum-likelihood method (Nunnally & Bern- Ideally, there are one or more marker vari-
stein, 1994). ables, variables with a very high loading on
Failure to Thrive (Adult) 191

one and only one factor (Nunnally & Bern- underlying medical condition; nonorganic, in
stein, 1994), that can help in the interpreta- which the causes are psychosocial; or mixed.
tion and naming of factors. Generally, factor Advances in pediatric research also have pro-
loadings of .30 and higher are large enough duced a theoretical framework in which mal-
to be meaningful (Nunnally & Bernstein). nutrition is of fundamental importance, ei-
Once a factor is interpreted and labeled, re- ther as a primary cause of failure to thrive
searchers usually determine factor scores, or a secondary symptom of a chronic illness.
which are scores on the abstract dimension Based on several years of clinical and re-
defined by the factor. search experience with the elderly, Verdery
Replication of factor solutions in subse- (1996) proposed two interesting ideas about
quent analysis with different populations the etiology of adult FTT. The first is that
gives increased credibility to the findings. the syndrome may occur in response to an
Comparisons between factor-analytic solu- event that triggers a more rapid than normal
tions can be made by visual inspection of the rate of decline. The idea that a trigger event
factor loadings or by using formal statistical may be a precursor to FTT needs further in-
procedures, such as the computation of Cat- vestigation but it is intuitively believable from
tells salient similarity index and the use both a clinical and research perspective: an
of confirmatory factor analysis (Gorsuch, event could be physiological in nature (for
1983). example, a hip fracture), environmental (for
example, a change in residence), psychologi-
JACLENE A. ZAUSZNIEWSKI cal (for example, death of a spouse), or a
combination of all three. Verderys second
proposition is that there are two categories
Failure to Thrive (Adult) of adult FTT. This first is primary adult FTT,
where the reasons for the patients decline
Adult failure to thrive (FTT) syndrome is de- are ambiguous or obscure. In secondary adult
fined as a lower-than-expected level of func- FTT, the reasons are diagnosable and poten-
tioning associated with nutritional deficits, tially treatable and there is a wide range of
depressed mood state, and social isolation. possible underlying factors: (a) medical his-
This definition is derived from numerous the- tory and treatment, for example, immune
oretic, clinical, and research sources (New- function or polypharmacy; (b) psychological
bern & Krowchuk, 1994; Verdery, 1996). problems, primarily depression; (c) nutri-
Clinically, FTT has been used interchange- tional factors, including eating disorders; and
ably with the terms cachexia, frailty, dwin- (d) social and/or environmental factors such
dling, nonspecific presentation of illness, and as isolation or alcohol intake. Although many
decompensation. Although it has been dis- of the factors in the secondary category of
cussed primarily in relation to the elderly (Eg- adult FTT have been investigated in relation
bert, 1996), based on the above definition, it to health behaviors and outcomes, few have
is likely that the syndrome crosses age bound- been examined from within a theoretic frame-
aries and exists in other chronically ill patient work of adult FTT. The framework is in its
populations, for example, adults with multi- early stages, and unlike pediatric FTT, there
ple sclerosis, AIDS, or diabetes. is no consensus on the critical concepts and
In the International Classification of Dis- their relationships, nor are there objective cri-
eases, 10th revision (ICD-10), FTT is most teria that can be used to evaluate deviation
frequently classified as a pediatric diagnosis. from the norm.
In children, FTT is very broadly defined as There also is relatively little published re-
deviation from an expected growth pattern search on adult FTT, particularly in the last
in terms of norms for age and sex (Frank & 57 years. Methodological approaches have
Zeisel, 1988). Pediatric FTT is generally clas- varied and, without a dominant model of
sified as organic, in which there is a known adult FTT, studies have used different defini-

tions of the syndrome, as well as various de- than a medical diagnosis (Verdery, 1997).
fining criteria. The following brief summaries And although it frequently is thought of as
of four articles illustrate this feature of our a precursor to death, there also is support for
current state of knowledge about adult FTT. the idea that adult failure to thrive is not
In one of the earliest reported studies, Mes- normal aging, the unavoidable result of
sert, Kurlanzik, and Thorning (1976) identi- chronic disease, or a synonym for the termi-
fied adult FTT through documentation of a nal stages of dying (Egbert, 1996).
cluster of symptoms in five adult patients di-
agnosed with neurological disorders (age PATRICIA A. HIGGINS
range = 2467, mean = 49 years). All of the
patients had irreversible weight loss despite
high caloric intake, wide variations in body Failure to Thrive (Child)
temperature, decreased level of conscious-
ness, unexplained rapid development of de- Failure to thrive is a term used to describe a
cubitus ulcers, and sudden death. A second deceleration in the growth pattern of an in-
study examined characteristics of 62 male pa- fant or child that is directly attributable to
tients admitted with a medical diagnosis of undernutrition (Steward, D. K., Ryan-Wen-
FTT (Osato, Stone, Phillips, & Winne, 1993), ger, & Boyne, 2003). Typically, the decelera-
using retrospective chart review. The patients tion is a growth deficit whereby the rate of
had a wide age range (37104 years), an aver- the childs weight gain is below the 5th per-
age of seven medical diagnoses, required an centile for age, based on the National Center
average of five medications, and 62% had for Health Statistics (NCHS) standardized
low levels of serum albumin (< 3.5 g/dL). growth charts. Undernutrition, or caloric in-
A third study retrospectively examined the adequacy, and thus a deceleration in a childs
medical records of 82 elders admitted with a growth pattern, can occur for any number of
diagnosis of FTT (Berkman et al., 1986) and physiological reasons, such as nutrient mal-
used factor analysis to group FTT factors into absorption or transient weight loss due to
three categories: patient care management acute illness. When a childs lack of weight
problems, functional problems, and patient gain is attributed to psychosocial factors and
coping problems. A fourth study followed developmental concerns rather than organic
252 subjects for 2 years after new hip fracture or disease related factors, the term nonor-
(Fox, Hawkes, Magaziner, Zimmerman, & ganic failure to thrive (NOFTT) is used.
Hebel, 1996). Subjects were generally older Traditionally, the failure to thrive syn-
(mean = 77 years) and FTT was defined as a drome has been classified into three catego-
decline in walking 612 months post-fracture ries: organic, nonorganic, and mixed. Al-
after subjects had achieved an initial gain in though the term NOFTT frequently is used
mobility. Results were mixed: those classified in contemporary literature, most researchers
as FTT (n = 26) were significantly worse off agree that the classification is not so clear,
than the no decline group (n = 226) in their especially since all cases of failure to thrive
cognitive decline, number of hospitalizations have an organic etiology (i.e., undernutri-
at 12 months, and self-reported health at 24 tion). NOFTT is a common problem of in-
months. No statistically significant differ- fancy and early childhood, and researchers
ences were found between the two groups on have documented a dramatic increase in its
the variables of social interaction or depres- incidence since the late 1970s. NOFTT ac-
sion scores, mortality, physician visits, or counts for 3%5% of the annual admissions
nursing home stays. to pediatric hospitals and about 10% of
Although the literature has yet to produce growth failure seen in outpatient pediatrics
a universally accepted definition, it appears (Schwartz, I. D., 2002). Infants with NOFTT
that adult FTT is a multidimensional concept typically present not only with growth fail-
more accurately defined as a syndrome rather ure, but also with developmental and cogni-
Failure to Thrive (Child) 193

tive delays and signs of emotional and physi- In the mid-1950s, a number of case reports
cal deprivation, such as social unrespon- were published in the psychiatric literature
siveness, a lack of interactive behaviors, rumi- that documented depression, malnutrition,
nation, anorexia, and poor hygiene. and growth failure in infants living in intact
Infant nutrition has long been the focus of families. These case studies were the first to
pediatric research. Holt (1897) was one of report feeding and interactional difficulties
the first to describe marasmus, a significant between the mothers and their infants. Feed-
infant nutrition problem and a condition sim- ing episodes for the mothers were anxiety-
ilar to the failure to thrive syndrome de- provoking, which led the mothers to decrease
scribed in contemporary literature. It was in both the frequency of infant feedings as well
1915 that the term failure to thrive was first as their contact with the infants. Ethnologists
used in the pediatric literature to describe and child development experts began study-
rapid weight loss, listlessness, and subsequent ing institutionalized and noninstitutionalized
death in institutionalized infants. In the early infants to further define the concepts of ma-
1900s, the mortality rate for institutionalized ternal deprivation and failure to thrive. On
infants was near 100%, and few realized the the basis of several studies, researchers then
importance of environmental stimulation and concluded that decreased maternal contact
social contact for infant growth and develop- directly lead to failure to thrive in the infants.
ment. It was during this time that the first From these works, the maternal deprivation
foster home care program for institutional- framework for failure to thrive was estab-
ized marasmic infants was developed. The lished, and the mothers role in the infants
home care program involved the identifica- well-being became a central focus. Support
tion and training of families, by nurses, to for this framework grew as data accumulated
care for the ill infants, and included a signifi- documenting the association between mater-
cant amount of nursing intervention to moni- nal neglect and failure to thrive in infants.
The maternal deprivation framework
tor the progress of the infants. Unfortunately,
dominated the literature until the late 1970s,
this early work was not recognized by the
when a transactional framework was devel-
pediatric community, despite a 60% drop in
oped to explain the psychosocial correlates
the mortality rate of marasmic infants cared
of NOFTT. The transactional framework
for in the foster homes.
proposes that an infants growth and devel-
It was not until 1945 that the concept of
opment is contingent upon the quality of pa-
failure to thrive captured the attention of the
rental care, the nature of parent and infant
psychiatric and pediatric communities. In a interactions, and the ecological conditions
classic paper, Spitz (1945) described depres- impinging on the family. Furthermore, the
sion, growth failure, and malnutrition in 61 transactional model recognizes that the qual-
foundling home infants. He used the term ity of the parent-infant interaction reflects
hospitalism to describe the syndrome that he infant characteristics as well as parent charac-
observed, and he proposed that a lack of emo- teristics (Bithoney & Newberger, 1987). His-
tional stimulation and the absence of a torically, the emotional deprivation compo-
mother figure were the main contributors to nent of NOFTT has been investigated more
infant growth failure. Spitz postulated that than the nutritional deprivation component.
with adequate love, affection, and stimula- Although NOFTT experts would agree that
tion, the infants would grow. Researchers undernutrition is the primary biologic insult,
demonstrated weight gain in infants with hos- systematic studies investigating this element
pitalism when stimulation and affection were are lacking.
provided. Thus, these findings provided a Nutritional deprivation again became the
foundation for a failure to thrive theoretical focus of NOFTT research in the early 1970s,
framework based on maternal deprivation in when some researchers disputed the hypothe-
institutionalized infants. sis that maternal deprivation was the princi-

pal cause of NOFTT. More recent evidence Falls

suggests that the environmental deprivation
may occur before the undernutrition. Al- A fall is an unintentional slip, trip, or drop
though the primary cause of NOFTT may from an upright position resulting in the per-
never be fully understood, it is apparent that son landing on the ground or furniture. In
nutritional deficits are dependent on the envi- older adults, a fall often leads to fear of falling
ronmental context in which they occur. that may contribute to restriction of daily
Nurse researchers developed the ecologi- activities or requests for assistance in per-
cal model to describe parent-child interac- forming these activities (Howland et al.,
tions, and the model is used to explain 1998). The inactivity contributes to decondi-
NOFTT (Barnard & Eyres, 1979; Lobo, Bar- tioning and disability that place an older
nard, & Coombs, 1992). The ecological adult at an even greater risk for falls. Injury,
model focuses on the three major interaction disability, and death are serious consequences
components of the parent-child relationship: of falls, making this a critical issue for
those of the child, the parent, and the envi- older adults.
ronment. These interactions are synchronous Falls are multifactorial in nature and rep-
and reciprocal. Barnard and her colleagues resent the interplay between personal and en-
(1989) emphasized the importance of the par- vironmental factors whose pattern of interre-
ents and childs physical and emotional char- lationships varies among individuals and set-
acteristics, as well as the supportive or non- tings. Often falls occur because of a mismatch
supportive nature of the environment in un- between these factors. Although being female
derstanding the interactions. and over 65 years of age consistently have
Researchers have examined parent-child been found to be risk factors for falls across
interactions by means of direct, structured all settings (community, long-term care, and
observations during feeding and other situa- acute care), these are not sensitive enough for
tions, and found that NOFTT infants demon- identifying those at greatest risk because all
strated more difficult behaviors, were less vo- older adults would be considered at risk for
cal, exhibited negative affect, and had more a fall. Moreover, these demographic charac-
gaze aversion than infants who were not fail- teristics are not amenable to intervention and
ing to thrive (Steward, D. K., 2001; Lobo et provide no direction for interventions to re-
al., 1992). Furthermore, parents of NOFTT duce the risk for falls. Although certain dis-
infants were less able to determine their in- eases and medications have been found to
fants needs, showed a decreased ability to be risk factors, consistency in findings across
discriminate infant cues, and exhibited less studies and settings have not been found, and
social interactiveness with their infants when these factors may be of little use in clinical
compared to parents of healthy infants (Stew- practice to identify those at greatest risk for
ard, D. K.). These studies supported that in- a fall (Lord, Sherrington, & Menz, 2001) and
terference with the reciprocal process of the provide little direction for intervention except
parent-child relationship disturbs the oppor- for changes to pharmacologic treatments. Al-
tunity to attain optimal growth and develop- though fear of falling has been found to be
ment. Since growth problems, such as a risk factor for falls (Harada et al., 1995),
NOFTT, in infancy place a child at significant this fear may be attributable to poor balance,
risk for developmental delays as a toddler, it gait, and muscle strength (Kressig et al.,
is important to recognize the interactional 2001) that also have been related to falls and
problems between parents and their infants are more amenable to intervention than de-
so that interventions aimed at improving in- mographic characteristics.
teractions can begin. Much of the early epidemiological and
clinical research on falls focused on environ-
HEIDI V. KROWCHUK mental factors, while more recent research
Falls 195

focuses on personal risk factors. Inconsistenc- ment that includes medical history, medica-
ies of findings related to environmental fac- tions, evaluation of balance, gait, vision, and
tors among studies and settings abound. Clin- cardiovascular and neurological status.
ical and research interventions targeted to en- Other measures with good sensitivity and
vironmental factors were designed to educate specificity were the Elderly Fall Screening
older adults about how to eliminate these Test (Cwikel, Fried, Biderman, & Galinsky,
risks. These environmental interventions and 1998), and the STRATIFY (Oliver, Britton,
education of older adults were marginally Seed, Martin, & Hopper, 1997).
successful at best. In some studies, commu- Risk factors for falls are multifactorial,
nity-dwelling older adults often were reluc- and interventions also must be multidimen-
tant to make the recommended environmen- sional. Interventions must target the deficits
tal changes and were more interested in inter- of the older person that place them at risk
ventions to reduce the risks related to per- for a fall and compensate for nonmodifiable
sonal factors. In contrast, clinicians and factors. Consideration of the capabilities of
architects used the clinical and research infor- the older adult and the setting are essential
mation to design health care facilities and in selecting interventions. Comprehensive de-
have begun to examine the effects of environ- scriptions for interventions can be found in
mental factors, such as carpeting, on personal Falls in Older People: Risk Factors and Strat-
factors (Dickinson, Shroyer, & Elias, 2002). egies for Prevention (Lord et al., 2001) and
Balance, gait, and muscle strength emer- Falls in Older People: Prevention and Man-
ged from more recent research as significant agement (Tideiksaar, 2002).
risk factors for falls. The Physiologic Profile The American Geriatric Society Panel on
Assessment (PPA) consists of physiologic fac- Falls Prevention (2001) recommended guide-
tors associated with balance control (vision, lines for interventions. Reducing medica-
muscle strength, postural sway, reaction tions, exercise, and treatment of disease were
time, and peripheral sensation) (Lord, Menz, most effective in community-based interven-
& Tiedemann, 2003). Using the Internet, the tions. Reducing environmental hazards in the
results of the PPA can be compared to a nor- home, comprehensive assessment of fall risk,
mative sample. Many screening tools contain and education were not effective. Exercise,
similar information and have strong sensitiv- aerobic and muscle-strengthening, was the
ity and specificity in predicting falls (Perell et most effective single intervention. The con-
al., 2001). Consensus regarding the assess- current management of visual impairment
ment of risk and determination of risk pro- and reduction of environmental hazards in-
files is needed before clinically useful screen- creased the effects above those attributed to
ing tools appropriate for various settings are exercise alone (Day et al., 2002). The panel
widely used. found that staff education, reduction of medi-
In 1991, the American Geriatrics Society cations, and comprehensive assessment sig-
and the American Academy of Orthopedic nificantly reduced falls in long-term care
Surgeons Panel on Falls Panel (2001) put facilities. The panel found no significant mul-
forth an evidence-based tiered approach to tifactorial interventions for the hospital set-
screening. The initial screen includes the Get ting where shortened hospital stays preclude
Up and Go test that had good specificity and some interventions (e.g., exercise). Environ-
sensitivity (Perell et al., 2001; Shumway- mental interventions, medication manage-
Cook, Brauer, & Woollacott, 2000) and as- ment, and treatment of disease or injury may
sesses the older adult for instability or inabil- be the most effective in the hospital setting.
ity in getting up from a chair without using No matter the setting, the acceptability of
their arms, walking a known distance, and the intervention to the older adult and their
sitting down. If the Get Up and Go (Podsi- ability to use the intervention are significant
adlo & Richardson, 1991) is abnormal, the factors in adherence. Strategies to increase
panel recommends a comprehensive assess- acceptability and adherence, particularly for

exercise interventions, have achieved limited and follows the mother across time looking
success. The most potent strategies are engag- at parenting (Evans, M., 2004; McCreary &
ing older adults in the selection of relevant Dancy, 2004).
interventions and assisting them to remove The role that is difficult and assumes the
barriers and to increase support for using nonnormative role of the parent is caring for
the intervention. a child with low birth weight and infants
and children with physical or developmental
BEVERLY L. ROBERTS disabilities. There are also studies of parents
with the provision of technological support.
Decisions and normalization around children
Family Care with disabilities and birth defects are also
present in the literature. The effort of the
Family care is defined in many ways, depen- patient then is to try to normalize the experi-
dent on the study and approach and how it ence for the whole family (Deatrick, Knafl,
is applied in health care system policies or & Murphy-Moore, 1999; Sullivan-Bolyai,
regulations affecting support to family mem- Knafl, Sadler, & Gilliss, 2004; Sullivan-Bo-
bers. The role of the family in providing care lyai, Sadler, Knafl, & Gilliss, 2003). Consid-
is considered a normative family role with eration of time away from school, social re-
the obligations and responsibilities that go strictions, fear of exacerbations, and uncer-
with such roles. Family care as a normative tainty about treatment evolve. Child, parent
role includes that of a person caring for a caregiver, and family outcomes in general
child or the usual role relationships with may be examined. Parental concerns are
other members, such as a spouse. Family care about time management, child status, fi-
however, is also care that goes beyond such nances, and family relations. Family hardi-
a role and takes on the role of a health care ness, family functioning, family stressors, and
provider as the family member assists the in- family need for knowledge to reduce uncer-
dividual with the tasks, duties, and responsi- tainty, are areas reviewed in family care re-
bilities required of one with a chronic illness, search.
injury, or disability. Formal professional caregivers must work
Research on family care includes the nor- in partnership with family members of a child
mal parenting for the growth and develop- with a chronic and long-term illness. Much
ment of children, care of children with disa- of the research on family care of children with
bilities, care of children with chronic illness chronic disease is related to the child with
such as cancer or asthma, care of an ill spouse, asthma, cancer, or diabetes. Health care pro-
care of an aging and frail parent, caring for fessionals support the family by providing
brain damaged adults, caregiving for adults thorough advice, helping them to cope, as-
with dementia, and grandparents caring for sessing perceptions, encouraging expression
children. The care role activities and demands of feelings, and securing resources (Kurnat &
on family members vary markedly depending Moore, 1999). The environment, child, fam-
on age, relationship, and patient problems. ily view of health, attitudes toward illness,
The parental care of an infant or child is everyday routines, and social network are im-
considered a normative patient role. Research portant. The chronic illness must be normal-
in the normative areas examines mother-in- ized so that both the family and child can
fant bonds or father-infant bonds and rela- have a positive quality of life (Miles, M. S.,
tionships, parenting, and the role of the par- 2003). Although a lot of the research is re-
ent in growth and development. Recent activ- lated to quality of life of the parent and child,
ities include the father more often, and exam- coping, and adjustment, some recent models
ine the father-child bonds (Coleman & look at family strengths, assets, and resilience
Garfield, 2004). Some work looks at the role rather than negative dimensions of care. Care
of the single parent with infants and children, responsibilities of parents include managing
Family Care 197

illness, coordinating resources, maintaining on the stress and coping literature. There is
the family unit, and maintaining themselves concern that families may benefit from skill
(Sullivan-Bolyai et al., 2003). building, which may be more beneficial than
Recent research includes studies on grand- information and support (Farran, Loukissa,
parents caring for grandchildren. Many of Perraud, & Pann, 2004).
these studies are descriptive and identify the Literature also includes increasing re-
distress experienced by those who provide search on younger family members who care
care. Grandparents often care for grandchil- for the older parent or parent-in-law. Most
dren with developmental disabilities, chronic research on family care examines the role of
illness, or HIV/AIDS. Others care for children the adult daughter (Chumbler, Grimm,
from dysfunctional families where a parent Cody, & Beck, 2003). Few studies exist that
is not responsible, abuses substances, abuses look at sons caring for parents (Kramer &
or neglects the children, and those whose par- Thompson, 2002). The mix of task and care
ents are divorced. Many of the grandparent activities and response to that care seem to
family caregivers are older and have chronic differ by gender, relationship, and age of the
illnesses themselves, which puts them at risk caregiver. Care tasks provided by family
for additional health problems. In addition, members and concerns may center around
the multiple roles add to their stress and dis- competency to perform tasks (Farran et al.,
tress. Grandparents who live on fixed in- 2004; Schumacher, Stewart, Archbold,
comes may lack support and respite, as well Dodd, & Dibble, 2000). Males may not be
as experience emotional and financial strains comfortable with cooking, cleaning, or com-
(Green, S., 2001; Fuller-Thompson & Min- munity services, but females may find these
kler, 2001) from their care role. activities normative. Models for the adult
For the spouse of the adult with chronic children caring for a parent are likewise built
illness, literature is limited for the younger around stress and coping, although a few
spouses, although there is some work in can- models look at role theory (Sherwood, P.,
cer, especially bone marrow transplants and et al., 2004). The problem with family care
hematological cancers (Langer, Abrams, & literature is that most of the outcomes for all
Syrjala, 2003). Most of the spouse literature ages to date have been coping, adjustment,
focuses on the female spouse and relates to and mental health issues such as burden or
the older patient with chronic illness. Most depression. Only recently has there been re-
of that research relates to dementia, stroke, search to examine the health practices, health
and degenerative diseases such as multiple promotion, health status, and skill require-
sclerosis and Parkinsons disease, with cancer ments of the adult family member providing
being a more recent focus (Palmer, S., & care. Recent research has begun to examine
Glass, 2003; Bakas, Austin, Jessup, Wil- the long-term effect on family members who
liams, & Oberst, 2004). The definition of this provide care, and indeed, the mortality rate
care usually calls the person a family carer, is higher than for the noncaregiver (Schultz &
and is defined as one who provides assistance Beach, 1999). The distress that family mem-
with health-related tasks for someone who is bers experience for parent care is determined
frail or chronically ill. Recent work includes by gender and age. Women more than men
other family relationships, including men and younger persons more than older persons
who care (Kramer, B., & Lambert, 1999; who are involved in family care, report
Kramer, B., & Thompson, 2002). The tasks more distress.
of care provided by family members sort out Methodologically, most of the early stud-
those that are direct tasks, and those that are ies of family care are descriptive and cross-
subjective or less direct, such as supervision sectional, and many still are. Recent studies
for patient protection. A variety of concep- of families providing health care are begin-
tual models have been used to examine family ning to include intervention studies. These
care of the adult, but most have been built studies often do not include a family frame-

work as a guide to the research, but are based chronic health problems, including end-of-
on stress, coping, and/or role theory. At life care. Such care is frequently provided in-
times, some family dimensions are added to formally by family members and supple-
the studies as the antecedent variable, but not mented by formal care arrangements. The
a family focus in general. family caregiver does not always live in the
Data is collected increasingly from both same home as the care recipient, and although
patients and family members who provide there is no minimum amount of time that
care, even if they are children. Often, how- family must provide care to be considered
ever, function and family dynamics are not a family caregivers, many researchers use 5
part of family care data collection, but data hours of care per week as a criterion.
is collected about individuals. Most do not Women are more likely to assume the role
examine the family as a unit. Tools to evalu- of family caregiver to elders, in part due to
ate family processes after the major insult their traditional caregiving roles in families.
of these problems are inadequate and need Balancing competing responsibilities as a
further development. Ethnicity and socio- caregiver, employee, spouse, parent, and fam-
economic status are not adequately examined ily and community member is a challenge
in the family context. often faced by midlife women. At what point
There are many untapped areas for re- in ones life caregiving occurs may influence
search to help understand how the family as the effects of caregiving (Moen, Robison, &
a unit contributes to or hinders family mem- Dempster-McClain, 1995). Some studies sug-
bers health. More work is needed on the gest that initiating caregiving is especially
areas of family care so that nurses can provide stressful because it requires many adapta-
the support to family members that they need tions, but that continued caregiving may be
to be able to continue their care. The family viewed as less difficult as it becomes more
must be considered as a unit of care since it routine. Family caregivers often report both
is essential to the outcomes of the care of
burden and reward from the caregiving expe-
individuals or illnessespecially in chronic
rience. Whether adult children experience
illness at a time of restricted health care re-
more burden than do spouses is not conclu-
sive. There appear to be ethnic differences in
Interventions are needed to relate psycho-
burden from caregiving, with minority care-
logical factors to facilitate coping, family and
givers likely to report less burden. Instrumen-
parent education about disease and treatment
tal support from other family members has
to reduce uncertainty, and assist the family
member to mobilize resources for the unity been associated with less burden.
of the family. Family caregiving affects the entire family,
regardless of whether the caregiver and care
SUZANNE L. FEETHAM recipient live in the same home. Caregiving
BARBARA GIVEN requires an investment of resources (time, en-
ergy, money) that are diverted from other
activities. In one study of caregivers of frail
Family Caregiving to Frail Elders elders (Covinsky et al., 2001), 22% of care-
givers either quit a job or reduce work hours.
Family caregiving to frail elders refers to the Minority care recipients and those with lower
informal caretaking by immediate and ex- ADL function, dementia, or a history of
tended family of older adults needing assis- stroke were more likely to have family who
tance due to physical or cognitive impair- reduced or quit work; daughters and daugh-
ments. Family caregiving is an important con- ters-in-law of the elder were likely to quit
cept for nurses because many older adults working (Covinsky et al.). Minority caregiv-
will receive some help with activities of daily ers were more likely to care for frail elders
living and/or in-home care for acute or at home (Cagney & Agree, 1999).
Family Caregiving to Frail Elders 199

Maintaining the health of family caregiv- caregiving, although provider support has
ers is a priority, and caregiver health has been been shown to influence the perceived re-
the focus of considerable research. Caregivers wards of caregiving (Musil et al., 2003). An
are often older adults themselves (spouses, emerging area of interest involves the types
siblings, or friends of the care recipient), of provider interactions that are viewed as
prone to muscle and back injuries from lifting supportive by caregivers, or at what points in
and other activities, and may neglect their the caregiving trajectory various interactions
own health in the process of caregiving. Many are viewed as beneficial by family caregivers.
studies examining the health of older adults Family caregivers to frail elders participate
have been cross-sectional, and thus evidence in caregiving not only in-home, but across
about the long-term consequences of care- transitions to other facilities, including hospi-
giving is scanty. In general, caregivers who tals, nursing homes, long-term care, and hos-
report greater stress and burden and less mas- pice. Involvement in discharge planning is im-
tery tend to report worse health, more health portant for the caregiver and care recipient
problems, and more depressive symptoms. well-being; caregivers who were more in-
Most studies have used self-report rather than volved in discharge planning for their elder
objective or direct measures. Few studies have care recipient reported better health and
followed caregivers after they cease care- greater acceptance of their caregiving role 2
giving, although the Canadian Study of months post discharge (Bull, Hansen, &
Health and Aging Working Group (2002) Gross, 2000). Recent trends include pre-
found that caregivers to healthy elders re- dicting when families will seek nursing home
ported fewer health problems than caregivers placement. Coordination of care between in-
to impaired elders, but that death or institu- formal and formal caregivers with nurse and
tionalization of the elder did not have a con- physician providers is advocated in the litera-
sistent impact on caregiver health. Under- ture but often difficult to achieve in practice.
standing of the consequences of caregiving is A number of recent studies have looked
complicated by the need to disentangle the at interventions to support caregivers work,
effects of caregiver aging from any effects of maintain or improve caregiver health, or in-
caregiving burden or activity. crease caregiver knowledge of the care recipi-
In many situations, formal, paid support ents disease processes. Intervention studies
services (meal service, home health, respite have examined the effects of support groups,
care) supplement the familys caregiving ef- telephone support, computer support, and
forts. Such formal assistance often is associ- RN and Advanced Practice Nurse interven-
ated with less caregiver depression and better tions (Dellasega & Zerbe, 2002). In a meta-
self-assessed health, although one longitudi- analysis of 26 intervention studies, Yin,
nal study (Musil, Morris, Warner, & Saeid, Zhou, and Bashford (2002) found positive
2003) found that an increase in formal sup- effects for group and individual interventions
port over 2 years was associated with worsen- to reduce caregiver burden. Another line of
ing self-assessed but better muscular-skeletal intervention research focuses on interven-
health. Caregivers may seek outside support tions to assist caregivers in their daily care of
from formal services if they need to compen- impaired elders. Interventions focus on care-
sate for their own deficits, but lack of help giver activities, such as toileting and feeding
may cause wear and tear from the physical impaired elders; maintaining care recipient
burdens of caregiving. Current research is ex- nutritional status, mobility, and skin integ-
amining ethnic differences in the use of ser- rity; dealing with confusion, verbal outbursts,
vices, including formal care and respite ser- wandering, and falls; and participation in
vices. adult day-care situations.
Little is known about how the support Increasingly, current research examines
from the care recipients health care provider family caregiving from different cultural per-
(nurse practitioner, physician) affects family spectives, including international compari-

sons of burden, stress, coping, and support. 1998). Family caregiving for the mentally ill
In addition, ethnographic methods illuminate involves the family steadfastly assisting the
similarities, differences, and the nuances of mentally ill family member with basic physi-
family caregiving within cultural groups. cal and emotional needs as well as main-
Such research is increasingly important. taining a positive relationship and environ-
Other directions for future family caregiver ment that nurtures a sense of self and belong-
research include the need for longitudinal ing and allows the mentally ill person to strive
perspectives and mixed-method designs in- towards educational and vocational goals.
corporating qualitative and quantitative The roadblocks facing families attempting to
methods to better describe aspects of the fam- care for their ill family member continue to
ily caregiving experience, including gender be: (a) laws, policies, and regulations affect-
differences in caregiving. Additional work ing care, (b) attitudes of health care providers
with interventions aimed at the caregiver and including psychiatrists and nurses, and (c)
at the care recipient is needed. consumer misinformation and stigma.
From the 1960s through the 1990s care-
CAROL M. MUSIL giving studies identified several negative is-
sues such as burden and related stressors
(Maurin & Boyd, 1990). Caregivers were
Family Caregiving and the identified as needing much social support.
Seriously Mentally Ill Since 1990, these burdensome issues contin-
ued to exist but many positive aspects also
Approximately eleven million adults in the have been described. It has now been con-
United States live with serious mental illness cluded that health care professionals must
and about three million dependent children develop the theoretical flexibility to accom-
suffer from a severe emotional disturbance modate the diverse situations which family
(Dean, 2003). The United States currently caregivers face in caring for their ill members.
spends over $70 billion per year on mental Encouraging family caregivers to listen to ex-
health treatment. Effective care of the men- periences of others in caregiving roles and
tally ill and their families requires early com- then learn to think creatively about them-
munity intervention using a variety of inte- selves and their experiences has been a strat-
grated approaches including mental health egy that is helpful (Doornbos, 2002).
and social service teams. Effective mental Levine (1998) identified that families want
health treatment must encompass sick indi- information about mental illness and how to
viduals and their families and take into ac- cope with the situation. It was also found that
count the complex relationship between men- family caregivers value a positive relationship
tal illness and unemployment, homelessness, with health care providers, which includes
drug addiction, and involvement in the crimi- respect and nonjudgmental approaches
nal justice system. (Rose, K. E., 1998a). In addition, Biegel, Rob-
The importance of alliance building be- inson, and Kennedy (2000) found that fami-
tween family caregivers, the mentally ill mem- lies also wanted dialogs within groups and
ber and the health care team was described individualized whole family support. Those
by Kempe (1994). Families are continuing to studies reported that families continue to ex-
ask health professionals to communicate with perience difficulties with the mental health
them in a reciprocal way (Biegel, Rob- system and financial issues.
inson, & Kennedy, 2000). As mental health Chronic mental illness can effect the family
care continues to become more community- in many ways, including changes in familiar
based, the family is required to assume more roles, changes in subsystems within the fam-
responsibility and care of their mentally ill ily, possible isolation of family members, in-
member, yet families are not getting the direc- creased need for problem-solving skills, and
tion and support that is needed (Levine, adjustments with adaptability to family role
Family Health 201

changes. Caregivers experience more distress tion to the biological family, when examining
as the number of tasks they must complete health in the context of the family, the family
increases and the ill members depression in- can be defined as constituting the group of
creases. The social support required is really persons acting together to perform functions
a large affirming social network of support required for the survival, growth, safety, so-
that includes professionals participating in cialization, and health of family members.
the care of the mentally ill person (Margliano These functions include supporting health
et al., 1998). and caring for ill and disabled members. Re-
More research that focuses on family care- search on health has focused primarily at the
givers of the mentally ill is needed. Research- level of the individual and has demonstrated
ers need to focus on how to remove barriers the interdependence between the health of
that impede access to quality care. Long- the individual family members and the family
standing barriers include: mistaken public (Feetham, 1999).
policy, insufficient health insurance coverage, Factors influencing family health include
money, the attitudes and practices of health (a) genetics; (b) physiological and psychologi-
care providers, and the attitudes and prefer- cal responses of individual family members;
ences of health care consumers. One neces- (c) cultural influences; and (d) the physical,
sary research need is to determine ways to social, economic, and political environments,
convince the political system of the need for including resources. Researchers have shown
parity in reimbursement for mental illness that health and risk factors cluster in families
from insurance providers. because members often have similar diets, ac-
Doornbos (2002) summarized the many tivity patterns, and behaviors, such as smok-
difficulties experienced by families as they ing and alcohol abuse, as well as a common
provide care for their mentally ill members. physical environment. Identification of
She found that the issues that families and healthy families has focused on family inter-
their mentally ill members must cope with action patterns, family problem solving, and
include stress, powerlessness, physical health patterns of responses to changes in the family
issues, financial problems, and the enormous system. These definitions and concepts of
burden borne by nonprofessionals at- family health provide a framework for de-
tempting to provide care for the mentally ill. termining measurable outcomes of family
Finding a better way to meet the many needs health while also accounting for the diversity
described by family members with a mentally in family structure (Feetham, 1999, 2000).
ill member is also an important contribution In 2003 we entered the genomic era, with
needed in nursing. Meeting these needs may findings from genomic research and advances
best be accomplished through research and in genetic technologies requiring a reframing
development of a health care model for all of how we think of the continuum of health
mental health professionals. and illness, and even the concept of disease.
The way in which diseases are categorized,
ALICE KEMPE and ultimately how they are treated and man-
aged, will change. No longer named by their
symptoms (such as asthma), diseases will be
Family Health more specifically identified by knowing the
genetic and environmental causes leading to
No universal definition of family has been more focused treatments (Guttmacher &
adopted by the legal and social systems, fam- Collins, 2002). Individuals and families will
ily scientists, or the clinical disciplines that be faced with reframing their concept and
work with or study families. How the family experience with diagnosis, treatment, and
is defined determines the factors that will be prevention to include the term genetically-
examined to evaluate the health of individual linked disorder, with the blurring of the
family members and the family unit. In addi- boundary between health and illness (Fee-

tham & Thomson, in press). Genetic infor- dence-based practice guidelines for caring for
mation may result in the need to extend the patients and families at this critical transition.
concept of illness time phases to include This review reports on the evidence that exists
knowledge of a risk state, or in some cases, to guide practice and what knowledge gaps
a presymptomatic phase (Rolland, 1999; need to be addressed. Specifically, this review
Street, E., & Soldan, 1998). The risk state focuses on family perspectives regarding end-
refers to the time before a statistical risk is of-life care: how is the quality of patient care
known or acknowledged or the point in time measured and evaluated by the family at end
when symptoms occur. The risk state may of life; how satisfied are decedents families
require interventions for individuals and fam- with communication and support received at
ilies to respond to the increased awareness of end of life; what are the needs of families and
risk, new genetic risk information, or even patients and how well are these needs ad-
the earliest occurrence of symptoms. Families dressed.
may need to begin to deal with anticipatory Teno and others (2004) evaluated the
loss, accept increased surveillance, adhere to United States dying experience at home and
changes in health behaviors, or accept inter- in institutional settings. A sample of 3,275
ventions that may potentially delay the onset was generated from death certificates in 22
or progression of the disease. states. A total of 1,578 actual telephone inter-
Effective interventions with families incor- views resulted to provide national estimates
porate an understanding of what health of the dying experience for a target popula-
means to individual family members and to tion of 1.97 million deaths in the year 2000.
the family as a unit, and how the environment The setting was predominately patients dying
influences their health actions. The family has in an institution (hospital or nursing facility)
been described as the primary social agent (67.1%) but also included patients who died
in the promotion of health and well-being; at home (32.9%). Of the group who died
therefore, our knowledge of the family and at home, 12.5% received nursing services,
its relationship to the health of its individual 38.2% did not receive nursing services, and
members is central to research related to 49.3% received hospice services. The study
health promotion and to families responding concluded that one third of respondents cared
to risk information and experiencing illness for by a home health agency, nursing home,
and disability. or hospital reported insufficient emotional
support for the patient and/or one or more
SUZANNE L. FEETHAM concerns with family emotional support,
compared with about one fifth of those re-
ceiving home hospice services. Of all catego-
Family Satisfaction With End-of- ries, nursing home residents were less likely
Life Care to have been treated with respect at end of
life. Of family members of patients who re-
The nurse is uniquely positioned to provide ceived hospice services, 70.7% rated care as
the kind of care most needed by patients and excellent compared with less than 50% of
families at the end-of-life transition family members of those dying in an institu-
interventions that not only promote health tion or with home health services. The re-
and healing, but also promote comfort and searchers noted that even within hospice care
emotional support for patients and their fam- there is a need for improvement, as 1 in 4
ilies. Applying the nursing model, the desired respondents reported unmet needs in the
outcome at end-of-life is a good death. Given management of dyspnea and in the emotional
the lack of research available about the needs support provided.
of dying patients and their families, nurses Baker and others (2000) examined family
are not adequately equipped to provide inter- satisfaction regarding patient comfort, com-
disciplinary leadership in establishing evi- munication, and decision making at end of
Family Satisfaction With End-of-Life Care 203

life. The participants were surrogate respon- but greater satisfaction was seen when pa-
dents (97% were family members) for 767 tients were in less pain (Baker et al., 2000).
seriously ill hospitalized adults who died. The Steinhauser and others (2000) gathered
study design was a prospective cohort study descriptions of the components of a good
with patients randomized to either usual care death from patients, families, and care pro-
or to an intervention that included clinical viders through focus-group discussions and
nurse specialists to assist in symptom control in-depth interviews. The sample consisted of
and facilitation of communication and deci- 75 participants and included physicians,
sion making. The intervention was drawn nurses, social workers, chaplains, hospice
from the Study to Understand Prognoses and volunteers, patients, and recently bereaved
Preferences for Outcomes and Risks of Treat- families. Six broad components of a good
ments (SUPPORT), which evaluated inter- death were identified: pain and symptom
ventions that increased attention to pain, pro- management, clear decision making, prepara-
vided objective estimates of patient progno- tion for death, completion, contributing to
sis, facilitated communication among medi- others, and affirmation of the whole person.
cal staff, patients, and their surrogates, and The study found that for patients and fami-
increased patient or surrogate involvement in lies, psychosocial and spiritual issues are as
decision making. The patient settings were important as physiologic concerns. For all
five teaching hospitals in urban areas distrib- categories, professional role distinctions were
uted throughout the United States. The study more influential to attitudes than sex or eth-
examined family members ratings of patient nic differences. Physicians groups views dif-
comfort and communication/decision mak- fered the most from the other groups and
ing in end-of-life care using telephone inter- offered the most biomedical approach. A
views conducted 4 to 10 weeks after the date weakness of this study was that researchers
of death. The study found that 84% of family did not report specifics about other profes-
sional focus groups such as nurses. Also, as
members expressed no dissatisfaction with
the researchers pointed out, although all so-
patient comfort, and 70% expressed no dis-
cioeconomic, educational, and age groups
satisfaction with communication and deci-
were represented, most patients were re-
sion making. Examination of data revealed
cruited from a Veterans Affairs medical cen-
that the hospital site was the only factor that
ter and were mostly men, and as a result, these
was significantly related to both measures of
findings may not generalize to other groups.
satisfaction. The researchers suggested that
This literature review revealed a paucity
because the structure of care and practice af- of research on the topic of family satisfaction
fected patient satisfaction, defined quality in- and end-of-life care. It was heartening to find
dicators could be used to improve satisfac- that in the study by Baker and others (2000),
tion. Also, the study found that satisfaction in many areas family and patient needs are
with patient comfort decreased with increas- being well met. However, satisfaction levels
ing impact of the patients illness on family were not high across the board, and other
finances. The findings suggested that those research pointed to areas where changes in
with less financial resources might have re- practice are needed. The research by
ceived less comfort care. The SUPPORT in- Steinhauser and others (2000) begins to build
terventions were significant primarily for a consensus of what constitutes a good death,
those patients who died after their index hos- but a more comprehensive random sample of
pitalization. Respondents for those that died patients and families (as opposed to health
after the index hospitalization and had not care professionals) is needed to truly define
received the interventions were significantly this concept. The results from such a study
less satisfied than those who had received the could be incorporated into a subsequent
SUPPORT intervention. The study concluded study that evaluates how often a good death
that male family members were less satisfied, is actually experienced by the dying and their

families. After evaluating the dying experi- for adolescent mothers and married couples,
ence against a well-defined universal bench- and adaptation to divorce, remarriage, and
mark of what constitutes a good death, it stepfamilies, also have been studied. Nurses
would make sense to apply various indepen- have published reports in major family jour-
dent variables, such as those that have been nals as well as in nursing research and spe-
touched on in the study by Baker and others. cialty journals and the new Journal of Fam-
The independent variables might include test- ily Nursing.
ing the effect of SUPPORT interventions, ex- Scholars from various disciplines have
amining the differences between structure of studied families, using diverse approaches.
care provided by same-type institutions and Theories presented here (except for stress the-
then versus other types, and then determining ory) are based on descriptions provided by
precisely which elements of hospice care Klein and White (1996).
make it so much more effective in meeting The central focus in exchange theory is on
the needs of dying patients and their families. the individual and what motivates his or her
Another variable to be examined is how pro- actions. Individuals are viewed as rational
fessionals in various disciplines are educated and self-interested, seeking to maximize re-
(or not) to address the needs of the terminally wards and avoid costs. Individuals compare
ill. This variable was touched upon in the their own situation to others in the same cir-
study by Steinhauser and others, but much cumstances and to others in different circum-
more could be done to better understand the stances. In exchange theory the family is
impact of this component. viewed as a collection of individuals. The
Caring for the terminally ill is an essential family group is considered to be a source of
aspect of professional nursing, and this re- rewards and costs for individual members.
view indicates that much research still needs Exchange theory could be used by nurse re-
to be done to understand and appropriately searchers to investigate the processes of fam-
care for the dying and their families. ily negotiation and problem solving.
Like exchange theory, conflict theory as-
KAREN CORCORAN sumes that individuals are motivated by self-
interest. Individuals compete for scarce re-
sources, which include knowledge, skills,
Family Theory and Research techniques, and materials. Resources provide
a potential base for the exercise of power.
Family refers to any group whose members Conflict within the family is seen as the result
are related to one another through marriage, of inequity of resources among individuals.
birth, or adoption. E. Burgesss (1926) de- Because conflict is both endemic and inevita-
scription of a family as a unit of interacting ble, a primary focus in the study of families
personalities is still relevant to how families is how they manage conflict.
are viewed today. Because of the variety of Concepts of symbolic interactionism in-
family forms, theorists and researchers clude interaction patterns, meanings and defi-
should provide their own definitions of nitions, symbols, sense of self, and role expec-
family. tations. Socialization is the process by which
Nursing has long been interested in fami- individuals acquire the symbols, beliefs, and
lies as the context for individual members attitudes of their culture. Individuals con-
and has focused more recently on the family struct a sense of self and meanings for events
as a whole. Families have been a component and things through interactions with other
of studies of psychiatric illness, caregiving, people and with the environment. Role in-
violence, adaptation to chronic illness in both volves each persons adjusting behavior to
children and adults, and cardiac conditions what he or she thinks the other person is
and other acute illnesses. Family transitions, going to do. Children and adults have partic-
including grieving, transition to parenthood ularly significant interactions in the context
Fatigue 205

of the family. Likewise, roles that develop Family development theory emphasizes the
within the family are a crucial component of dimensions of time and change. Using family
the individuals self-image. development theory, Mercer, Ferketich, De-
The family as a whole is the focus of family Joseph, May, and Sollid (1988) investigated
systems theory. All parts of the system are the effect of stress on family functioning dur-
interconnected, and therefore, changes in one ing pregnancy.
part of the system influence all other parts of The double ABCX model is an extension
the system. Subsystems are smaller units of of R. Hills (1958) original ABCX family
the system, such as individuals and dyads. stress model, in which A refers to the stressor
Boundaries define who participates in the event and related hardships, B refers to re-
family and who participates in each subsys- sources, and C to perception of A (McCub-
tem. Boundaries exist between family mem- bin & Patterson, 1983). The crisis, X (the
bers, between subsystems, and between the amount of disruptiveness or disorganization),
family system and the external environment. emerges from the interaction of the event,
The degree of permeability of boundaries resources, and perception of the event. The
(open or closed) refers to the extent of impedi- familys accumulation of life events and
ments to the flow of information and energy. added stressors over time (Aa, pileup of de-
A homeostatic system dynamically maintains mands) influences family adaptation both di-
equilibrium by feedback and control. rectly and indirectly through Bb (adaptive re-
The central concept in the ecological ap- sources) and Cc, which is the perception of
proach is adaptation. The child always devel- X, Aa, and Bb. J. Austins (1996) study of
ops in the context of family-type relation- family adaptation to childhood epilepsy is
ships, and that development is the outcome based on a modification of the double
of the interaction of the persons genetic envi- ABCX model.
ronment with the immediate family and even- Research on families typically is an effort
tually with components of the environment. to test theoretical propositions or to develop
The individual is embedded in four nested theory. Although family research reflects dif-
systems. The microsystem is the immediate ferent theoretical orientations, a common
setting in which the person fulfills his or her concern is the most appropriate unit of analy-
roles, such as family, school, or place of em- sis. Is the concept of interest a property of
ployment. The mesosystem refers to the inter- the individual, dyad, or the family as a whole?
relations between two or more settings in For example, can families as a whole or only
which the developing person actively partici- individual members perceive? Another recur-
pates. The exosystem consists of external set- ring issue in family research is how to con-
tings that do not include the person as an struct family variables if discrepant reports
active participant but instead include systems are provided by different members of the
(such as the legal system) that affect the per- same family. As family scholars address these
sons immediate settings. Macrosystem refers problems, they can better explain the com-
to culture. Bishop and Ingersoll (1989) used plexities of family life and ultimately provide
the ecological framework in their research guidance for intervention.
on the effects of marital conflict and family
structure on self-concepts of children. LINDA C. HABER
Family development theory focuses on sys-
tematic changes experienced by families as
they move through stages of their life course. Fatigue
Family stage is an interval of time in which
the structure and interactions of role relation- Fatigue is a universal symptom associated
ships in the family are noticeably distinct with most acute and chronic illnesses. It also
from other periods of time. Shifts from one is a common complaint among otherwise
family stage to another are called transitions. healthy persons, and often is cited as one of

the most prevalent presenting symptoms in tigue. In one qualitative study, participants
primary care practices. Defining fatigue, distinguished acute fatigue from chronic fa-
however, has challenged scientists for years. tigue in terms of origin (specific single event
No clear biological marker of fatigue has vs. long-term ongoing condition), onset
been identified and fatigue remains a per- (quick vs. slow), duration (brief vs. continu-
plexing symptom for all health care pro- ous), recovery (quick vs. slow) and control
viders. (yes over acute, no over chronic) (Aaronson,
Not only was fatigue named one of the Pallikkathayil, & Crighton, 2003). These dis-
top four symptoms for study by an expert tinctions are similar to those put forth by
panel on symptom management convened by Piper (1989), who identified acute fatigue as
the National Institute of Nursing Research protective, linked to a single cause, of short
(NINR) in the early 1990s, but recently fa- duration with a rapid onset, perceived as nor-
tigue has been singled out as among the symp- mal, generally occurring in basically healthy
toms or health outcomes needing attention persons with minimal impact on the person,
for standardized measurement in the Na- and usually relieved by rest; whereas chronic
tional Institutes of Health (NIH) Roadmap fatigue is identified as being perceived as ab-
for Research initiatives recently released. Be- normal, having no known function or pur-
cause nursing is centrally interested in symp- pose, occurring in clinical populations, hav-
toms and symptom management, fatigue is ing many causes, not particularly related to
of major concern for nurse researchers and exertion, persisting over time, having an in-
clinicians alike. sidious onset, not usually relieved by rest, and
The North American Nursing Diagnosis having a major impact on the person (see also
Association (NANDA) defines fatigue as: Potempa, 1993, for a review of chronic fa-
An overwhelming sustained sense of ex- tigue).
haustion and decreased capacity for physical In the research and clinical literature, fa-
and mental work at usual level (NANDA, tigue related to childbearing (see Milligan &
2003, p. 74). Although a number of nurse Pugh, 1994, for a review) and fatigue related
researchers have studied fatigue and offered to cancer (see Irvine, Vincent, Bubela,
various proposals for categorizing fatigue, Thompson, & Graydon, 1991; Smets, Gars-
most accept the NANDA definition of fa- sen, Schuster-Uitterhoeve, & de Haes, 1993;
tigue. An alternative view of fatigue as: The Winningham et al., 1994; and Nail, 2002,
awareness of a decreased capacity for physi- for reviews) have received the most attention.
cal and/or mental activity due to an imbal- Even these areas, however, remain largely un-
ance in the availability, utilization, and/or derstudied and poorly understood. While fa-
restoration of resources needed to perform tigue has been studied in numerous chronic
an activity (Aaronson, L. S., et al., 1999) also illnesses, such as AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and
has been proposed. This definition is not in- rheumatoid arthritis, cancer-related fatigue is
consistent with the NANDA definition; how- somewhat unique in that it is often fatigue
ever, it adds a generic understanding of po- associated with the treatment for cancer
tential causes of fatigue that may differ in (both radiation and chemotherapy) that is
different situations, in order to facilitate most troublesome in terms of distress to the
studying the mechanisms of fatigue in differ- individual. In fact, fatigue associated with
ent clinical conditions. This addition also cancer treatment has been cited as a major
allows for a clearer conception of fatigue as reason for prematurely discontinuing treat-
a biobehavioral phenomenon. ment.
With increased recognition of the impor- Fatigue also has been consistently associ-
tance of studying symptoms within nursing, ated with fever and infectious processes, and
more work on fatigue has emerged. Both in- one of the more puzzling manifestations of
vestigators and study participants have made fatigue is what is currently called Chronic
distinctions between acute and chronic fa- Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). CFS is a diagnosis
Fatigue 207

used for cases of severe and persistent fatigue ment of other measures targeting fatigue in
for which no specific cause has been identified ill persons.
(see Fukuda et al., 1994, for the current full There are now a plethora of generic mea-
case definition of CFS and Reeves et al., 2003, sures of fatigue, as well as a growing list of
for recommended revisions to address the measures of fatigue in specific illnesses (e.g.,
ambiguities in the current case definition). cancer, AIDS). However, because there is no
Under varying names (e.g., neurasthenia, my- known biochemical test or marker for fa-
algic encephalomyelitis, postinfectious or tigue, and because fatigue is first and fore-
postviral syndrome, and chronic fatigue im- most a subjective symptom, these measures
mune disorder syndrome, CFIDS), a syn- of fatigue generally rely on self-reports. This
drome of unexplained, chronic, persistent fa- also has led to several studies that directly
tigue has been documented in the literature compare measures of fatigue within single
since the late 19th century. Preliminary evi- samples (e.g., Hwang, Chang, & Kasimis,
dence from controlled studies and extensive 2003; Meek et al., 2000).
clinical descriptions point to both a hypothal- A major problem with so many different
amic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) disorder (De- measures of fatigue is that each taps into a
mitrack et al., 1991) and an immune system somewhat different aspect of fatigue and,
disregulation (Bearn & Wesseley, 1994) as consequently, it is not clear whether they are
likely central mechanisms operating in CFS. all measuring the same thing. Some focus on
Difficulty studying, understanding, and the emotional and cognitive expression of fa-
consequently, treating fatigue is largely due tigue; others include the physical expression
to its ubiquitous nature and the unknown, of fatigue. Some attempt to quantify the
but likely multiple, causes of fatigue. Untan- amount of fatigue; others include attention
gling the relationship between fatigue and de- to how fatigue interferes with activities of
pression, in particular, further confounds in- daily living. When different measures of fa-
tigue are used in different studies, it is difficult
vestigations of fatigue. While fatigue is an
to know if discrepant findings are due to real
identified symptom of depression, long-
substantive differences in fatigue, or simply
standing chronic fatigue, unrelated to an ex-
to the differences in the measures. This di-
isting affective disorder, actually may precipi-
lemma, in part, is why the NIH Roadmap for
tate depression. Evidence that the HPA axis
Research initiative aimed at patient-reported
is implicated in both CFS and depression, and
outcomes is concerned with identifying and
that a different pattern of neuroendocrine dis-
standardizing self-report measures, including
turbance in CFS from that seen in depression fatigue. Identifying a set of standardized mea-
has been identified in at least one study (Ray, sures of fatigue with strong psychometric
1991), is encouraging for establishing an im- properties that clearly address the different
portant distinction between fatigue that is a aspects of fatigue and its expression will go
symptomatic expression of depression and fa- far in aiding future research on this elusive
tigue due to other causes. symptom.
A lack of consistent, valid, and reliable There may well be many causes of fatigue
measures of fatigue also contributes to prob- and each may ultimately be traced to a spe-
lems studying and understanding fatigue. cific disruption in the HPA axis, in the im-
Early work focused on fatigue in the work- mune system, or in both. If so, then continued
place and was conducted by industrial psy- investigations into CFS, in particular, may
chologists, hygienists, and the military. These lead to a better understanding of fatigue in
measures focused on healthy individuals and other, more clearly diagnosed clinical prob-
fatigue experienced at the time of measure- lems. Until such work is done that also sug-
ment. More recent concern about the debili- gests specific treatments for fatigue, nursing
tating and distressing health effects of fatigue intervention studies that target ameliorating
in clinical populations has led to the develop- fatigue in different clinical populations must

continue. Although rest generally alleviates ens points of view and a holistic approach
acute fatigue, currently there are no known to health.
methods to eliminate the fatigue that plagues There has been much to critique in tradi-
persons with various chronic illnesses or tional research methods. Methods have not
those whose fatigue is secondary to the treat- distinguished sex differences from gender-re-
ments for their chronic illness. With the use lated differences (e.g., differences due to lack
of standardized measures of fatigue, this is a of opportunity rather than genetic ability)
fertile area for nursing research. and have overemphasized gender differences
when they account for relatively little vari-
LAUREN S. AARONSON ance. There has been a systematic preference
for the so-called objective perspective of the
(usually male) researcher over that of the fe-
male subject. The actor-observer effect, dis-
Feminist Research Methodology closed in tests of attribution theory, noted
that actors make more use of situational attri-
Feminist research methodology refers to a butions than do observers, so it is not surpris-
perspective that espouses research on women, ing that male researchers have described some
by women, and for women, with the use of single mothers as overprotective when
rules for gathering evidence whereby feminist those mothers would have emphasized the
principles are applied to research. Feminist demands placed on them by an absent father.
research methodology does not seek merely Because womens behavior has traditionally
to be nonsexist, but to take persons lived been explained in terms of male-as-norm the-
experience as the methodological starting oretical frameworks, female behavior has
point for all knowledge-development efforts been pejoratively labeled, describing as de-
bearing on girls and women. This means re- pendent the woman whose husband is the
fusing to rely solely on the loosely structured breadwinner and not labeling in that way the
beliefs that pass for givens or common man whose wife bakes the bread, cleans, and
sense truths about the phenomenon under cares for their children. Indeed, research on
study. women has been defined largely in terms of
By refusing to assume beforehand that any childbearing and child-rearing.
beliefs about womens experiences are neces- Sometimes sample selection has been bi-
sarily true, the expectation is that the re- ased by using women employed in low-level
searcher is better prepared to see clearly, to positions and men employed in high-status
be critical, and to complete a systematic in- professions to represent employed women
vestigation of their diseases. In womens and men. The possibility that the gender of
health research it is difficult to rely on data the experimenter and choice of setting may
from earlier studies of the menstrual cycle, have differential effects on women and men
exercise, or child rearing because of the many has been ignored; for example, young male
recent changes in the social context. For ex- interviewers in a macho cardiac rehabilita-
ample, the notion that the empty nest is tion setting may not be sensitive to how alien
associated with depression in midlife women older women feel in such an environment.
is a conceptualization that was embedded in Inappropriate instruments have been used to
a world where the majority of women did evaluate womens behavior, for example, the
not work outside the family. Masculinity-Femininity (Mf) scale of the
In the past 3 decades, womens health re- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inven-
search as a subset of womens studies has tory to operationalize femininity in women
become distinct and with it an emphasis both when the validity items for establishing femi-
on conducting nonsexist research (e.g., es- ninity originally involved a criterion group
chewing traditional biases) and on asserting of gay men. Because main effects have been
a new sensibility that positively values wom- sought over interaction effects, women
Fetal Monitoring 209

have been excluded from research when they we search for knowledge, but reductionism
acted in unexpected ways. remains dominant in the sciences. It remains
Feminist research methodology has en- true that context-stripping methods are easier
couraged some new positive directions. to implement, particularly for the beginning
Women have been encouraged to develop re- researcher who does not have the skills to
search careers. Federal guidelines now re- handle multifactorial designs.
quire women to be included as subjects in all Matters are complicated by the fact that
studies related to their experience, and men some qualitative researchers discuss their ap-
are not to be excluded as subjects when the proach with more enthusiasm for their meth-
focus is on the traditional concerns of fe- ods than specificity about why their methods
males. Context-stripping methods have been are appropriate to explore a particular phe-
called into question because they ignore the nomenon. Even feminists have tended to treat
extent to which social integration is associ- women as a monolithic group, thus ignoring
ated with lower rates of disease and quality the special concerns of minority women, who
of life; grounded-theory methods have been are even more affected by contextual matters
encouraged because they permit the individ- (e.g., poverty, violence, and racism) than their
ual to discuss fully the lived experience. The White sisters. There remains a significant dis-
emphasis is increasingly on doing research crepancy between the methods espoused by
with women rather than on women. feminist researchers and those actually uti-
Because one of its basic tenets is the per- lized. Nevertheless, the future will increas-
son-environment fit, nursing has long been ingly demand that health researchers use
concerned about the importance of context in biopsychosocial models to frame their pro-
understanding health behavior. Nurses were grams of study and develop new ways of
among the first to question a preference for analyzing human experience within inter-
the so-called objective view of the researcher locking contexts.
over the subjective view of the patient and to
emphasize the lived experience. They took ANGELA BARRON MCBRIDE
the lead in menstrual cycle research, which SARA CAMPBELL
underscored the extent to which there is more
to midlife womens health than menopause,
and in the use of the diary/health journal as Fetal Monitoring
a way to analyze the complexity of womens
reality. The establishment of the National Fetal assessment is part of the process of pro-
Center for Nursing Research in 1986, along viding prenatal care. It involves early identifi-
with the concurrent growth of doctoral nurs- cation of real or potential problems and en-
ing programs, meant that there were more ables the achievement of the best possible
women scientists to approach seriously wom- obstetric outcomes. Fetal assessment involves
ens health and caregiving (rather than cure- low-tech and high-tech modalities such as fe-
finding) research. Nursing also has extended tal movement counting (kick counts), inter-
the notion of a feminist research methodol- mittent auscultation (IA), electronic fetal
ogy to include the development of a feminist monitoring (EFM), nonstress tests (NST), vi-
pedagogy in teaching. broacoustic stimulation (VAS), auscultated
Although nonsexist research methods acceleration (AAT), contraction stress tests
have gained ground when judged in terms of (CST), amniotic fluid index (AFI), biophysi-
the most egregious biases, and the concerns cal profiles (BPP), and Doppler velocimetry.
of women are no longer automatically given The basis for all of these testing modalities is
short shrift, the prevailing scientific model evaluation of certain biophysical parameters
still reifies an empiricist, positivist, objective related to the developmental and health-re-
paradigm. Feminist researchers have chal- lated patterns of fetal behavior in utero. Ade-
lenged the very nature of science and how quate uteroplacental function is necessary for

these patterns of healthy behavior. Uteropla- natal seizures and decreased operative inter-
cental insufficiency (UPI) has been shown to vention for fetal distress, with improved anal-
be the cause of at least two thirds of antepar- ysis.
tal fetal deaths (Gegor & Paine, 1992). The major problem is still the risk of misin-
Electronic fetal monitoring is the basic in- terpretation of the EFM tracing. Schmidt and
tervention used in fetal assessment. Electronic McCartney (2000) included study results
fetal monitoring as an electronic data-gather- that, with a reassuring pattern, EFM can be
ing and data-processing device was developed a sensitive tool for identifying the well-oxy-
during the 1960s. By the end of the 1970s genated fetus. But it is not a specific tool
almost all major obstetrical units had at least for identifying the compromised fetus when
one monitor, and 70% of all women in labor a nonreassuring pattern is seen. Current con-
in the United States were monitored (Bassett, cerns are focused on the best ways to prevent
K., 1996). K. R. Simpson (2000) reported or reduce inappropriate use of EFM and de-
that the use of EFM increased from 22.5% velop the best ways to assess and monitor
of women in labor in 1975 to 84.0% by 1998. fetal development and safety in labor.
In addition to its use in monitoring fetal status McCartney (2000) discussed the proposed
during labor, modifications of EFM have benefits of automated EFM assessment (com-
been developed for antepartal fetal assess- puter analysis): it is objective, standardized,
ment to determine optimal fetal development and reproducible. She discusses the use of
and diagnose conditions of actual or potential artificial intelligence (AI) and how it may
fetal compromise (e.g., NST, CST, VAS, prove to be of great value along with smart
and BPP). monitors and electronic databases in improv-
Controversies still continue over the ap- ing interpretation of EFM. M. L. Porter
propriate place of EFM in obstetric care. It (2000) reported that the use of fetal pulse
was introduced into clinical practice on the oximetry was approved by the FDA for clini-
basis of animal studies and became widely cal use in May, 2000 to provide more infor-
used, with no controlled assessment of its mation about fetal oxygen status, especially
effectiveness in improving the outcome of de- in cases of nonreassuring fetal heart rate pat-
livery (Smith, M. A., Ruffin, & Green, 1993). terns.
It was supposed to provide more accurate The American College of Obstetricians
fetal assessment with the accompanying and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Associa-
prompt identification of fetal compromise. tion of Womens Health, Obstetrical, and
Early retrospective studies suggested that Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) have devel-
EFM was associated with fewer infants born oped standards and guidelines for practice
with low Apgar scores, lower neonatal mor- concerning fetal assessment and the use of
tality rates, and better neurological outcomes EFM and other modalities of fetal heart rate
(Smith et al.). assessment. As cited in Schmidt and McCart-
Schmidt and McCartney (2000) presented ney (2000), the ACOG Technical Bulletin
a thorough historical review and discussion No. 207 entitled Fetal heart rate patterns:
of the development of fetal heart rate assess- Monitoring, interpretation, and management
ment. They found that expectations of the states that intermittent auscultation is a safe
benefits of EFM exceeded and preceded re- technique for monitoring low-risk births.
search on outcomes, efficacy and safety. As AWHONN issued Basic, High Risk and Crit-
knowledge accumulated through research ical Care Intrapartum Nursing: Clinical
and practice, the theories of correlation of Competencies and Education Guide in 1999
causation and intrapartal events has changed. and the 2000 Position Statement entitled The
What were once considered to be significant use of fetal monitoring in support of laboring
intrapartal events cannot now be linked as women. These standards of practice deter-
conclusively to brain damage in neonates. mine the accepted conduct of antepartal and
Current research and improvements continue intrapartal care and provide the core of safe
to report benefits of EFM: a decrease in neo- practice. It is the responsibility of all nursing
Fever/Febrile Response 211

and medical health care providers to be profi- pyrogens (fever producers). An alternate term
cient in the use and interpretation of EFM for fever is pyrexia, with hyperpyrexia refer-
and other intervention modalities employed ring to high fever. It is misleading to define
in perinatal health care delivery. Other rec- fever simply in terms of temperature eleva-
ommendations include using EFM as a diag- tion, however, because it emphasizes only the
nostic rather than a screening tool and not thermal manifestations of the nonspecific sys-
as a substitute for supportive health care per- temic host-defense called the acute phase re-
sonnel. Additionally, specific indications, sponse (APR). APR is triggered by endoge-
such as oxytocin induction or augmentation nous release of cytokines, including interleu-
of labor, an abnormal fetal heart rate by aus- kin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor
cultation, twin gestation, hypertension or (TNF), that cause a cascade of biochemical
pre-eclampsia, dysfunctional labor, meco- events, autonomic reactions, and immune re-
nium staining, vaginal breech delivery, diabe- sponses including heat generation. Some pro-
tes, or prematurity, as noted by Smith and mote immunostimulant properties against in-
others (1993), are still applicable. fectious disease and tumors.
Haggerty (1999) presented an extensive Pyrogens readjust hypothalamic regula-
overview of the reliability, validity, and effi- tory centers to a higher set-point range, so
cacy of EFM. Her work looks at both sides that body temperature is maintained at higher
of the controversy, and includes the recom- levels. In true fever, other cytokines, hor-
mendations of ACOG, the United States Pre- mones, and endogenously produced bio-
ventive Services Task Force (1996), and chemicals act as cryogens with antipyretic
AWHONN that EFM and IA both have a properties that limit temperature elevation in
place in fetal monitoring. Feinstein (2000) fever. Controlled temperature elevation and
also researched the efficacy of IA, especially intact thermoregulatory function differenti-
with low-risk pregnant women. Miltner ate fever from hyperthermia, a potentially le-
(2002) concluded that integrating supportive thal condition in which unregulated thermo-
care provided by labor nurses with other di- regulatory function can produce neurologi-
rect and indirect care interventions (such as cally damaging high temperatures. Fever oc-
monitoring modalities) may offer the best curs in three phases, reflecting rise and fall of
model for providing high-quality intrapar- circulating pyrogens. Initially, the chill phase
tum nursing care. occurs when thermostatic mechanisms are ac-
Further prospective studies should be con- tivated to raise body temperature to the newly
ducted to try to determine the optimal bal- elevated set-point range. Vasoconstriction
ance of intermittent or continuous EFM and decreases skin perfusion, conserving heat but
auscultation and the other modalities of fetal making skin feel cold. Shivering generates
assessment and pregnancy management. Rig- heat and is stimulated by sensory inputs that
orous study protocols and close attention to detect discrepancies between existing temper-
the principles of scientific inquiry are needed atures and the new set point. The plateau
so that study results will be reliable and valid. phase follows when body temperature rises
The major concerns of perinatal care should to the new set point and warming responses
be optimal and cost-effective outcomes for cease. Finally, falling pyrogen levels lead to
mother and infant, without concern for pro- the defervescence phase, with diaphoresis
tection of the caregiver from litigious actions. and vasodilation.
Nurses have managed fever throughout
SUSAN M. MIOVECH history, yet the scientific evidence supporting
care decisions is relatively recent. The lag be-
tween basic research findings and clinical ap-
Fever/Febrile Response plication is evident in the reluctance of many
nurses to change methods of care that have
Fever is an abnormally high body tempera- been used for the past century. Early tradi-
ture that occurs as part of a host response to tions of cooling febrile patients were empiri-

cally based on the limited state of scientific ventions are generalizable. Contrasted with
knowledge and the erroneous fear that ele- studies of fever management in other disci-
vated body temperature was the cause, rather plines that center primarily on pharmacologic
than the result, of febrile illness. Intervention control of underlying infection, nursing re-
was therefore geared toward lowering body search focuses on symptom management of
temperature. Current knowledge confirms fever responses regardless of etiology. Nurse
that fever is the host response to illness or researchers began studying interventions in
invasion. Cooling the body is counterproduc- the early 1970s to cool the body during fever
tive, distressful to patients, and may cause without causing shivering or temperature
compensatory overwarming. Evidence of fe- drift. By the late 1980s, concern grew
vers host benefits led investigators to focus about metabolic and cardiorespiratory effects
on methods to reduce distressful febrile symp- of fever on vulnerable patients with cancer
toms rather than reducing temperature. Fe- or HIV infection (Holtzclaw, 1998). The set
brile shivering is among the most distressful point theory of temperature regulation was
and energy-consuming symptoms of fever, central to these intervention studies, but as
particularly in immunosuppressed patients discoveries of the 1990s identified and clari-
with opportunistic infections or those receiv- fied mechanisms of endogenous pyrogens, cy-
ing antigenic drugs or blood products. Vigor- tokines and other biological messengers of-
ous shivering is sometimes described by pa- fered new measurable biomarkers of fever as
tients as bone shaking. Nonpharmacologic a host response. Nurse scientists contributed
nursing interventions are based primarily on significant scientific information about the
thermoregulatory dynamics to: (a) insulate febrile response using human and animal
thermosensitive areas of skin from cooling to models (D. McCarthy, Murray, Galagan,
reduce shivering, (b) facilitate heat loss from Gern, & Hutson, 1998; Richmond, 2002;
less thermosensitive regions without chilling, Rowsey & Gordon, 2000).
and (c) restore fluid volume and improve cap- Responsible nursing research on fever
illary blood flow to skin. Fear of neural dam- draws on principles from physiology, physics,
age due to protein denaturation during high biochemistry, and psychoneuroimmunology.
fevers is justified at temperatures over 42 C. It is often interdisciplinary and diverse in na-
However, true fevers are usually self-limiting ture, varying from laboratory studies of hu-
and remain well below this level. Body tem- mans and animals to clinical studies in hospi-
peratures of about 39 C may have added tals and homes. Circadian variations in tem-
immunostimulant and antimicrobial effects. perature are well-documented (Bailey &
These features make comfort the primary rea- Heitkemper, 2001), but there are few recent
son for treating low-grade fever with antipy- studies that confirm that daily temperature
retic drugs. Higher set-point levels raise sensi- screening in hospitals adequately detects fe-
tivity to heat loss, causing even mild cooling ver in persons with abnormal cytokine ex-
to stimulate shivering. Aggressive cooling pression, such as those with HIV/AIDS. A
with conductive cooling blankets and ice study of febrile-symptom management in pa-
packs evokes vigorous shivering, raising en- tients with cancer tested interventions to sup-
ergy expenditure 3 to 5 times resting values. press drug-induced febrile shivering (Holtz-
As the consistent clinical observer of patient claw, 1990) showed that insulating thermo-
body temperatures, nurses find that issues of sensitive skin regions during the chill phase
measurement, febrile patterns, physiological of fever not only reduced shivering (see Shiv-
correlates, and sensory responses are of sig- ering) but improved comfort. This prelimi-
nificance to practice and research (see Ther- nary work provided the basis for a compre-
mal Balance). hensive febrile-symptoms management pro-
Febrile symptoms are nonspecific re- tocol, tested in hospitalized and home-care
sponses to both infectious and host defense HIV-infected persons with febrile illness
activities so that many symptoms and inter- (Holtzclaw, 1998). In a controlled trial, the
Fitzpatricks Rhythm Model 213

intervention of insulative coverings to sup- more nursing time, caused shivering, and
press shivering was shown to be effective. was distressful.
Body water loss and dehydration were moni- Todays nurse scientist is prepared to in-
tored by body weight, serum osmolality, and vestigate many of the questions that remain
urine specific gravity in hospitalized patients, unanswered in fever care. As investigators
while a fever diary and home visits reported acquire skills and resources for these biologi-
changes in patients at home. No patients with cal measurements, they can be used to quan-
insulative wraps shivered, while controls ex- tify and qualify the effects of fever and results
perienced both shivering and higher peak of intervention. Research is needed to demon-
temperatures. Systematic oral fluid replace- strate effects of elevated body temperature,
ment was not effective in replacing loss de- cooling interventions, and measures to sup-
spite metabolic, cardiorespiratory, and fever- port natural temperature-stabilizing mecha-
related fluid expenditures, because fever sup- nisms. Fever may provide study variables,
pressed thirst. Findings documented the nega- with body temperature, cytokines, and bio-
tive effects of fever on hydration and febrile chemical correlates being the outcome of in-
shivering on cardiorespiratory effort. Higher terest. The febrile episode itself may be the
fatigue levels, lower thermal comfort, higher context of other questions for study. Psycho-
rate pressure product (RPP) and respiratory neuroimmunological factors surrounding
rate (RR) were experienced by those in the sleep, irritability, and tolerance of febrile
control group who shivered. A growing symptoms remain untapped topics. Likewise,
awareness that cooling measures exert dis- the metabolic toll of fever on nutritional vari-
tressful and sometimes harmful effects has ables, effects of intravenous fluid on endoge-
stimulated inquiry surrounding procedures nous antipyresis, and measures of energy ex-
commonly used to cool patients. The prac- penditure are important, but relatively un-
tice of sponge bathing with tepid water to touched, areas of research for nursing.
cool down febrile (38.9 C) children was
studied in a group of 20 children, ages 5 to
68 months, seen in an emergency room and
randomly assigned to acetaminophen alone
or acetaminophen with sponge bathing
Fitzpatricks Rhythm Model
(Sharber, 1997). Although the sponge-bathed
Fitzpatrick (1989) presented a rhythm model
children cooled faster during the 1st hour,
for the field of inquiry for nursing. Person,
rapid cooling evoked higher distress and no environment, health, and nursing are defined
significant temperature difference between and related to the model. All of these elements
groups over the 2-hour study period. There have been linked to the idea that meaning is
is evidence that a gradual, less drastic reduc- essential to life. Meaning is seen as the most
tion in body temperature evokes fewer ad- crucial piece of the human experience and
verse responses during aggressive fever treat- necessary to enhance and maintain life. Fitz-
ment with cooling blankets. Warmer settings patrick incorporated Rogers (1983) postu-
effectively lower body temperature as well lated correlates of human development as the
as cooler levels, without inducing shivering basis to differentiate, organize, and order
(Caruso, Hadley, Shukla, Frame, & Khoury, lifes reality.
1992). Two studies demonstrate that in com- Fitzpatrick (1989) recognized the impor-
parisons of sponge baths, hypothermia cool- tance of information systems as part of the
ing blankets, and acetaminophen (Morgan, field of inquiry within her rhythm model for
S., 1990) and of cooling blankets vs. acet- nursing. By asserting that nursing knowledge
aminophen (Henker et al., 2001), no temper- is fundamentally inseparable from the strate-
ature-lowering advantage was seen in the gies and structures that represent it and that
physical cooling treatment, which required nursing informatics comprises a new focus to

manage the technologies involved in nursing, patrick postulated the dynamic concepts of
Fitzpatrick suggested that information sys- congruency, consistency, and integrity as
tems be linked to nursing knowledge develop- complementary with rhythmic patterns. The
ment. nonlinear character of patterns noted by Rog-
Rogerss (1983) correlates of shorter, ers has supported Fitzpatricks incorporation
higher frequency waves that manifest shorter of Rogers specifications regarding four-di-
rhythms and approach a seemingly continu- mensionality. Fitzpatrick stated that health is
ous pattern serve as Fitzpatricks (1989) foci a basic human dimension undergoing contin-
for hypothesizing the existence of rhythmic uous development. She offered heightened
patterns. Rogers position that the human life awareness of the meaningfulness of life as an
span approximates transformation with hu- example of a more fully developed phase of
man development aimed toward transcen- human health. The ontogenetic and phyloge-
dence has been incorporated within Fitzpa- netic interactions between person and health
tricks descriptions of life perspective. The are regarded as the essence of nursing. Fitzpa-
developmental correlate whereby time seems trick attended not only to relationships
timeless represents a beginning of Fitzpa- within or between these interactions but also
tricks theorizing regarding temporal pat- included latent relationships external to per-
terns. Motion patterns have been developed son and health. Nursing interventions were
from Rogers proposal of motion seeming to interpreted as facilitating the developmental
be continuous with development. Conscious- process toward health. Fitzpatrick stated that
ness patterns are aligned with Rogers idea nursing interventions can be focused on en-
that one progresses from sleep to wakefulness hancing the developmental process toward
and from there to a pattern that is beyond health so that individuals might develop their
waking. The correlates of visibility becom- human potential.
ing more ethereal in nature and heaviness Because person and environment are inte-
approaching a more weightless phase serve as gral with one another and have no real
the basis for Fitzpatricks perceptual patterns. boundaries, environment is applied when the
Fitzpatricks (1989) definitions of person term person is used. The human element is
and environment are from her interpretations treated as an open, holistic, rhythmic system
of Rogers (1983) developmental correlates that is described by temporal, motion, con-
and explanations of person and environment. sciousness, and perceptual patterns. Fitzpa-
Envisioned as patterns within a pattern, or tricks (1989) conception of person is aug-
rhythms within a life rhythm, Fitzpatricks mented by awareness of the meaningfulness
rhythm patterns serve as the specifications of life or health. The meaningfulness of life
for person and environment. Occurring is manifest through a series of life crisis expe-
within the context of rhythmical person/envi- riences with potential for growth in ones
ronment interaction, indices of holistic hu- meaning for living. Nursings central concern
man functioning are identified by Fitzpatrick is focused on the person in relation to the
as temporal, motion, consciousness, and per- dimension of meaning within health.
ceptual patterns. Fitzpatricks writings are Fitzpatricks (1989) conceptualizations
consistent with Rogers position regarding have been investigated by graduate students
person and environment being open systems in nursing at the masters and doctoral level.
in continuous interaction. Studies looking at temporality in combina-
Fitzpatrick (1989) has asserted that the tion with adult and elderly populations, tem-
four indices of human functioning are intri- porality in association with psychiatric cli-
cately related to health patterns throughout ents, temporality in pregnant adolescents,
the life span, and these indices are rhythmic and temporality in relation to terminally ill
in nature. In a projection of Rogers (1983) individuals provide a base for the existence of
principle regarding the continuous interac- temporal patterns. However, from a holistic
tion of persons and their environments, Fitz- perspective of life span, use of the model is
Formal Nursing Languages 215

absent in nursing research focused on infants patterns (as described by Rogers) in relation
and childrens notions of temporality. to perceived health status in healthy adoles-
Both younger and elderly groups have cents and found results consistent with the
been addressed in investigating motion (Rob- life perspective rhythm model. More recently,
erts & Fitzpatrick, 1983). Nevertheless, pat- numerous qualitative researchers have used
terns of consciousness have been examined Fitzpatricks model to compare and contrast
exclusively in older age groups (Floyd, 1982). their findings, particularly in phenomenolog-
Different types of perceptual patterns, in- ical studies that examine participants experi-
cluding for example, perception of color and ence of phenomena (see Chiu, 1999; Cowan,
music, have been investigated. Because ones C., 1995; Criddle, 1993; Montgomery, 2000,
perception would seem to be dependent on 2001; Moore, S. L., 1997; Pasquali, E. A.,
present pattern of consciousness, these stud- 1999; Ross, 1996).
ies seem to be related to patterns of conscious- Borrowing from some of her own ideas
ness. about temporality, Fitzpatrick (1989) has hy-
Empirical support for the existence of non- pothesized the field of inquiry for nursing
linear temporal patterns emerged from a knowledge development by outlining nursing
number of research endeavors and helped to inquiry of the past. She has traced major his-
identify the need to generate questions about torical milestones of nursing research and
ways to measure the experience of time. The identified important events leading up to
prevalence of temporal distinctions on the present-day research in nursing.
basis of differences in development were ap- In cooperation with two colleagues, Fitz-
parent in at least one study (Fitzpatrick & patrick (Fitzpatrick, Wykle, & Morris, 1990)
Donovan, 1978). A sense of timelessness was attempted to specify the field of inquiry for
described as being characteristic of behaviors nursing in the area of geriatric mental health.
identified among the dying. Through the development of collaborative,
Pressler, Wells, and Hepworth (1993) in- interdisciplinary teaching, research, and
vestigated methodological issues relevant to practice relationships, Fitzpatrick and col-
very preterm infant (< 30 weeks gestation) leagues (1990) described how organizational
outcomes based on the idea of the existence theory could be used to support the develop-
of microrhythms within some larger rhythmic ment of a collaboration model for promoting
pattern. By applying time series techniques the mental health of elderly persons across
and fuzzy subsets to the analysis of longitudi- care settings. Intervention research with el-
nal data collected in the neonatal intensive derly populations was used to determine
care unit (NICU) environment, this study ex- ways for improving the understanding, treat-
amined single-subject results for generaliza- ment, and rehabilitation of the mentally ill.
tion across individuals. In general terms, the The significance of Fitzpatricks ideas lies in
sequelae and risks associated with the NICU how rhythmic methodologies might be used
for very preterm neonates indicate that infor- to develop nursing knowledge and provide
mation processing deficits, attention deficit, external validity to the model.
and hyperactivity disorders are not uncom-
mon during the preschool and school-age JANA L. PRESSLER
years. It is speculated that these problems UPDATED BY KRISTEN S. MONTGOMERY
might reflect these infants inabilities to cope
with stressors or care received while in the
NICU environment. Shiao (1993) investi-
gated perceptual patterns of low birth weight Formal Nursing Languages
infants in neonatal intensive care in terms of
routine care interrupting breathing, oxygen The National Institute of Nursing Research
saturation, and feeding rhythms. Yarcheski Priority Expert Panel on Nursing Informatics
and Mahon (1995) examined human field (1993) defined nursing language as

. . . the universe of written terms and their Also reflective of the current generation is the
definition comprising nomenclature or the- integration of nursing-specific terminologies
sauri that are used for purposes such as in- into large concept-oriented terminologies
dexing, sorting, retrieving, and classifying such as SNOMED Clinical Terms (CT) (Bak-
varied nursing data in clinical records, in
ken et al., 2002) and the Logical Observation
information systems (for care documenta-
tion and/or management), and in literature
Identifiers, Names, and Codes (LOINC) da-
and research reports. . . . Determining the tabase (Matney, Bakken, & Huff, 2003).
way that nursing data are represented in Standardized language for nursing devel-
automated systems is tantamount in defin- oped within the framework of the nursing
ing a language for nursing. (p. 31) minimum data set, comprising five data ele-
ments specific to nursing: (a) nursing diagno-
This report also differentiated between sis, (b) nursing interventions, (c) nursing out-
clinical terms, which represent the language comes, (d) intensity of care, and (e) unique
of practice, and definition terms, which repre- RN provider number (Werley, Devine, &
sent the language of nursing knowledge com- Zorn, 1988). Early research on standardized
prising theory and research. The distinction terminologies focused on the creation of
between language that supports practice ver- language systems that represented nursing
sus language that supports theory and re- practice in various settings (Table 1). For ex-
search is blurring as the state of the science in ample, the North American Nursing Diagno-
this area moves toward definitional, concept sis Association Taxonomy I (NANDA)
representations that can be processed by com- (NANDA, 2004), Nursing Interventions
puter algorithms and shared among heteroge- Classification (NIC) (McCloskey & Bu-
neous information systems (Henry & lechek, 2000), and Patient Care Data Set
Mead, 1997). (PCDS) (Ozbolt, 1996) were initially devel-
The research on standardized language to oped for the acute care setting, the Omaha
represent nursing concepts reflects four gen- System for the community setting (Martin &
erations of inquiry. Initial research focused Scheet, 1992), and the Home Health Care
on the development of standardized coding Classification (HHCC) (now the Clinical
and classification systems that represented Care Classification) for the home care setting
the phenomena of clinical practice. Testing (Saba, 1992).
of systems for multiple clinical and research The advent of computer-based nursing
purposes by persons other than the develop- documentation systems was only one motiva-
ers followed. As confidence grew that the tion for standardization of nursing language;
nursing-specific systems that had been devel- others were to document nursing practice,
oped reflected the domain of nursing and the articulate nursing contributions to patient
drivers for multidisciplinary care and care care outcomes, and seek reimbursement for
systems grew, some investigators evaluated nursing care. Consequently, a number of
the extent to which terminologies not devel- studies evaluated whether a particular nurs-
oped for nursing had utility for nursing prac- ing terminology was useful in a particular
tice. Currently, with the increasing sophisti- clinical domain. For example, J. Carter and
cation in terminological science and the need associates (J. Carter, Moorhead, McClos-
for data sharing across heterogeneous infor- key, & Bulechek, 1995) demonstrated the
mation systems, nursing terminology devel- usefulness of NIC in implementing clinical
opers, standards experts, and nursing in- practice guidelines for pain management and
formatics researchers have collaborated to pressure ulcer management. Parlocha (Parlo-
conduct research toward the goal of semantic cha & Henry, 1998) reported the usefulness
interoperability, i.e., that data collected in of the HHCC for categorizing nursing care
one information system using one terminol- activities for home care patients with a diag-
ogy can be understood in another informa- nosis of major depressive disorder. Several
tion system that uses a different terminology. studies demonstrated the capacity of the
Formal Nursing Languages 217

TABLE 1 Standardized Terminologies with Utility for Nursing Care

Terminology Contents ANA UMLS HL7 SNOMED Availability

Clinical Care Classifi- Nursing diagnoses, x x x x Public domain
cation1 interventions, out-
comes, goals
Omaha System Problems, interven- x x x x Public domain
tions, outcomes
North American Nursing diagnoses x x x x License
Nursing Diagnosis As-
sociation Taxonomy
Nursing Interventions Nursing interventions x x x x License
Nursing Outcomes Patient/client out- x x x x License
Classification comes
Patient Care Data Set Patient problems, x x x Only at
care goals, care or- Vanderbilt
ders University
Perioperative Nurs- Nursing diagnoses, x x x x License
ing Data Set interventions, patient
Current Procedural Medical services x License
Terminology Codes
Logical Observation V/S, obstetric mea- x x x Laboratory Copyrighted,
Identifiers, Names, surements, clinical as- LOINC only but free for use
and Codes sessment scales, re-
search instruments
SNOMED Clinical MD/RN diagnoses, x x x x 5-year federal
Terms healthcare interven- license
tions, procedures,
findings, substances,
organisms, events

Formerly the Home Health Care Classification
ANA: Recognized by the American Nurses Association
UMLS: Included in Unified Medical Language System
HL7: Registered with Health Level 7
SNOMED: Included in SNOMED Clinical Terms

Omaha system to predict service utilization augmented as needed for their specialty prac-
(Marek, 1996) and outcomes of care (Martin, tice (Perioperative Nursing Data Set)
Scheet, & Stegman, 1993). Moreover, instead (AORN, 1997).
of creating new terminologies from scratch, Other investigators provided evidence that
groups such as the Association of Periopera- nursing terminologies were useful to retro-
tive Registered Nurses (AORN) adopted spectively abstract and codify patient prob-
some terms from existing terminologies and lems and nursing interventions from sources

of research data such as care logs (Naylor, viding evidence for the superiority of NIC in
Bowles, & Brooten, 2000) or patient records representing nursing activity data.
(Holzemer et al., 1997). In another investiga- In recent years, consistent with the state
tion, Holzemer, Henry, Portillo, and Mira- of terminological science and the clear indica-
montes (2000) based the documentation of tion that a single terminology could not meet
their nursing-delivered adherence interven- all needs (Cimino, 1998), the focus of inquiry
tion on HHCC in order to determine the dose related to nursing language has been on the
of the nursing intervention in a randomized creation of computable representations of
controlled trial. nursing concepts and on the subsequent inte-
Complementary to the research that was gration with concept-oriented terminologies
being conducted, the American Nurses Asso- with broad coverage for the domain of
ciation played a significant policy role in rec- health care.
ognizing nursing language systems (Table The core of a concept-oriented terminol-
1) that met specific criteria not only related ogy is the reference terminology model. A
to utility for nursing but scientific rigor number of nurse researchers focused on de-
(McCormick et al., 1994). This process facili- veloping and testing models for nursing diag-
tated the inclusion of selected nursing termi- noses and nursing actions (Bakken, Cashen,
nologies into the Unified Medical Language Mendonca, OBrien, & Zieniewicz, 2000;
System (UMLS) (Table 1) (Humphreys, Lind- Hardiker & Rector, 1998; Hardiker & Rec-
berg, Schoolman, & Barnett, 1998). tor, 2001; Henry & Mead, 1997; Moss,
Several research studies examined whether Coenen, & Mills, 2003). Under the leader-
or not standardized terminologies not de- ship of the International Council of Nurses
signed specifically for nursing were useful for and the Nursing Special Interest Group of the
encoding nursing-relevant content such as di- International Medical Informatics Associa-
agnoses, interventions, goals, and outcomes. tion, and with input from many including
The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) the Nursing Terminology Summit (Ozbolt,
comprises more than 7,000 codes designed 2000), the International Standards Organiza-
for reimbursement of health care services pro- tion developed an international standard for
vided by physicians; as such, these terms are a reference terminology model for nursing
present in numerous state and federal data- diagnoses and nursing actions (Bakken,
bases (American Medical Association, 2000). Coenen, & Saba, 2004). These models facili-
Studies by Griffith and Robinson (1992, tated the integration of selected nursing ter-
1993) provided evidence that nurses perform minologies (Table 1) into SNOMED CT, a
many CPT-coded functions and that some concept-oriented health care terminology
functions are performed multiple times in a that is currently available for free use in
single day. Henry, Holzemer, Reilly, and the U.S.
Campbell (1994) demonstrated that the Sys- SNOMED CT is an evolving national stan-
tematized Nomenclature of Human and Vet- dard for clinical terminology. Selected nurs-
erinary Medicine (SNOMED) was more com- ing assessments, goals, outcomes, and stan-
prehensive than NANDA to describe the dardized measurements have also been inte-
problems of persons living with HIV/AIDS. In grated into LOINC, a national standard for
another study, Henry and colleagues (1997) observation names (Matney et al., 2003). In
compared the frequencies with which 21,366 addition, a number of the nursing terminol-
nursing activity terms from multiple data ogy developers have registered their terminol-
sources (patient interviews, nurse interviews, ogies with the Health Level 7 standards orga-
intershift reports, and patient records) could nization (Table 1) for use in messaging among
be categorized using NIC and CPT codes. information systems (Bakken, Campbell,
There were significantly (p < .0001) greater Cimino, Huff, & Hammond, 2000).
numbers of nursing activity terms that could This evolution in nursing language re-
be categorized in NIC than in CPT, thus pro- search is important because concept-oriented
Functional Health 219

terminologies are an essential component of In spite of the confusion related to nomen-

the evolving National Health Information In- clature, Nagis (1991) model of disability has
frastructure (NHII) and to the four goals of been supported by an extensive research and
the related NHII framework for strategic ac- is useful to guide research, because disability
tion: 1) inform clinical practice, 2) intercon- in this model is conceptually clear, logically
nect clinicians, 3) personalize care, and 4) consistent, and useful in interpreting current
improve population health (Thompson, T. and past research. Disability (poor functional
G., & Brailer, 2004). Consequently, it is vital health) is the result of a sequence of factors
that nursing as well as medical terms are in- with temporal relationships. Pathology or
cluded. Moreover, the significant progress lifestyle contributes to functional impair-
through nursing language research has laid ments that are anatomic, physiological, and
the foundation for other types of research psychological abnormalities causing func-
including clinical decision support and data tional limitations at the level of the whole
mining for nursing knowledge development. person (e.g., poor memory or inability to get
up from a chair). Functional limitations then
SUZANNE BAKKEN lead to disability, which is the inability to
JEEYAE CHOI perform daily tasks or roles independently.
Risk factors and external and internal factors
were added to this model to increase its ex-
planatory capacity (Pope & Tarlov, 1991;
Verbrugge & Jette, 1994). Another signifi-
Functional Health cant addition to Nagis model was the notion
that upper-extremity limitations were more
Functional health is a requirement for inde- related to personal care activities of daily liv-
pendent living and is the ability to engage in ing, while lower-extremity limitations were
daily activities related to personal care and more relevant for instrumental activities of
socially defined roles. Performance of these daily living (e.g., shopping, housework, meal
activities is integral to quality of life and to preparation) (Verbrugge & Jette). Unique to
living independently and safely. Although Nagis model is the notion of thresholds,
functional health represents well-being, most where a certain amount of change must occur
nomenclature reflects deficits in this health. before change in a subsequent concept is ob-
Terms include disability (Nagi, 1991), frailty served. For example, impairments in mobility
(Lawton, 1991), functional limitation (John- emerged when the strength of leg muscles was
son, R. J., & Wolinsky, 1993), and handicap below a certain threshold (Rantanen et al.,
(World Health Organization). Often these 1999; Rantanen et al., 2001).
terms are used to refer to other concepts that Lacking in these models is the influence of
lead to confusion in nomenclature and theo- decision making on disability. Persons engage
retical definitions. The World Health Organi- in activities that they believe they have the
zation definition of disability lacks concep- ability to do without risk of injury or exces-
tual clarity and theoretical consistency, and sive exertion. Evaluative judgments about the
this makes operationalization and establish- environment and personal competencies af-
ing relationships difficult. In the disablement fect decisions about what activities to partici-
model (Johnson & Wolinsky), functional lim- pate in and how. Although the congruence
itations are sometimes confused with factors between actual and perceived physical com-
affecting these limitations, and perceived petencies is modest at best, little is known
health is used as a proxy for functional limita- about how these affect disability (Roberts, B.
tions. Leidy (1994) proposed nomenclature L., 1999).
and definitions of functional status and other Since functional health is the ability to en-
concepts related to this status that add to the gage in everyday activities, a plethora of re-
conceptual confusion in this area. search has focused on daily activities related

to personal care (ADLs) and tasks related to arms) was related to ADLs, while lower-body
providing food and shelter and caring for the function (e.g., muscle strength of the legs)
home (IADLs), because impairment in these were associated with IADLs (Lawrence &
contributes to excessive dependency, morbid- Jette, 1996). Although the effects of exercise
ity, mortality, and poor quality of life. Health on strength, balance, and mobility are well
care costs and personal and social resources established, exercise has had little to no ef-
needed to manage disability are substantial, fects on ADLs or IADLs (Latham, Bennett,
particularly as the baby-boom generation en- Stretton, & Anderson, 2004).
ters older adulthood when the proportion Recently, biomarkers of increasing depen-
and number of older adults are expected to dency associated with frailty have emerged.
increase greatly as well as the associated fi- Biomarkers of catabolic protein metabolism,
nancial, personal, and societal costs. pro-inflammatory cytokines, and other hor-
In 2000, 41.9% of elders had at least one mones were related to dependency, frailty,
disability with nearly 60% of them being and loss of muscle mass and strength (Cheva-
women (Waldrop & Stern, 2003). While only lier, Gougeon, Nayar, & Morais, 2003; Fer-
9.5% had self-care deficits, 20.4% had diffi- rucci et al., 2002; Roubenoff, 2003). An un-
culty going outside, and women were more derstanding of their roles may lead to new
disabled in this activity than men (23.0% and assessment strategies and interventions.
16.8%, respectively). Racial and ethnic dif- Relevant psychological factors include
ferences exist, with only 40.4% of non-His- cognitive impairment and depression. Cer-
panic whites being disabled compared to tain types of social support are factors that
52.8% of African Americans. In 1997, 38% can contribute to dependency in daily activi-
of older adults reported severe disability with ties (Seeman, Bruce, & McAvay, 1996), while
14% and 22% requiring assistance with men and women use different types of social
ADLs and IADLs, respectively (Administra- support in response to limitations in ADLs
tion on Aging, 2003). In the last year of life,
and IADLs (Roberts, B. L., Anthony, Matejc-
dependency increases (Covinsky, Eng, Lui,
zyk, & Moore, 1994). The role of the envi-
Sands, & Yaffe, 2003; Lunney, Lynn, Foley,
ronment has not been well established, except
Lipson, & Guralnik, 2003).
for the increase in dependency noted during
ADLs are hierarchically structured by the
hospitalization and long-term residence in a
complexity of the motor skills required (Spec-
nursing home. Although there is beginning
tor, Katz, Murphy, & Fulton, 1987). IADLs
evidence that the relationship between actual
are dependent on some of the same motor
skills as ADLs but are more dependent on abilities and perceptions of them is low, how
cognitive capabilities. ADLs and IADLs are these perceptions influence decisions people
highly related and may represent a continuum make about what activities to perform and
of the same construct (Johnson & Wolinsky, how have not been well studied.
1993; Thomas, V. S., & Hageman, 2003). More research is needed to identify thresh-
Early empirical indicators were self-re- olds in factors related to functional health
port, whose accuracy cannot be verified and where declines in this health occur, and to
can be biased by cognitive impairment, social identify factors and processes by which peo-
desirability, or minimization of dependency. ple make decisions about performing daily
Although observational measures reflect activities. This knowledge may provide direc-
what a person is able to do, they may not tions for assessment in populations at risk of
reflect what a person actually does. Gait, dy- poor functional health and may lead to more
namic and static postural stability, and mus- sensitive assessment strategies. A greater un-
cle strength are physical factors affecting derstanding of the interplay between environ-
ADLs and IADLs (Guralnik et al., 2000; Rob- mental and personal factors with functional
erts, L., 1999). Upper-body function (e.g., health may lead to multidimensional inter-
muscle strength and range of motion of the ventions that may be more effective than the
Functional Health Patterns 221

one-dimensional interventions most often Historically, assessment tools were devel-

studied. oped to assess clinical populations, frequently
duplicating medical information. The lack of
BEVERLY L. ROBERTS a consistent nursing assessment framework
resulted in inadequate data and limited infor-
mation about nursings judgments and con-
tribution to care outcomes. The National
Functional Health Patterns League for Nursing was the first to support
a movement away from nursings task focus
A functional health pattern (FHP) is a mani- to one that was patient-centered and prob-
festation of an individuals behavior and re- lem-based. Forty schools of nursing partici-
sponses across time. The typology of the 11 pated in a survey that generated a classifica-
functional health patterns identifies and de- tion list of nursings 21 problems (Abdellah,
fines each pattern under the following catego- 1959). Later, in 1966, Henderson classified
ries: (a) health perception-health manage- 14 basic needs related to patient care. This
ment, (b) nutritional metabolic, (c) elimina- work identified human needs, articulated
tion, (d) activity-exercise, (e) cognitive-per- nursing functions, and helped direct nursing
ceptual, (f) sleep-rest, (g) self-perception-self- care toward patient responses.
concept, (h) role-relationship, (i) sexuality- Gordons (1982) typology of the 11 func-
reproductive, (j) coping-stress tolerance, and tional health patterns provided a structure
(k) value-belief (Gordon, 1982). for organizing and documenting patient be-
The organization of the FHP assessment havior over time. The FHP framework of-
framework provides a structure to examine fered nurses a consistent framework for iden-
a sequence of behaviors and responses within tifying human responses that resulted in au-
each pattern area over time. Subjective and tonomous nursing interventions and linked
objective data obtained during the assessment evidence-based patient outcomes. This focus
of each health pattern facilitates pattern con- continues to be consistent with the Profes-
struction for the individual, family, or com- sional Standards of Nursing Practice and
munity. Data from all of the functional health Nursings Social Policy Statement (American
patterns areas are assessed within the context Nurses Association, 2003).
of age and stage of development, culture and The FHP framework provides nurses with
ethnic background, current health status, and an opportunity to know the patient in a
environment. Each individual functional unique way. Through a series of semi-struc-
health pattern reflects a unique response to tured interview questions, each of the 11
a particular experience. functional health patterns is assessed as the
A health pattern may be described as func- individuals story unfolds. When additional
tional, potentially dysfunctional, or dysfunc- information is required, the nurse uses
tional. A functional health pattern is both branching questions to elicit new perceptions.
mutually exclusive and interactive, reflecting This descriptive approach to data collection
a holistic perspective. Often data obtained is then subjected to analysis where data bits
about one pattern may be best understood (or cues) are isolated and data are synthe-
in relation to information assessed in other sized, leading to the formulation of tentative
patterns. Behaviors (cues) obtained during an diagnostic statements that reflect phenomena
FHP assessment can be used to generate and of concern to nursing.
support a tentative nursing hypothesis (e.g., Many clinical investigations have used the
nursing diagnosis). To identify a clinical judg- FHP framework as a structure for data collec-
ment (nursing diagnosis), data from all 11 tion, patient problem identification, and eval-
functional patterns must be obtained and syn- uation of care outcomes. These studies de-
thesized. Clinical judgments are described as scribed high-frequency nursing diagnoses and
probabilistic and noncausal statements. isolated patient responses to phenomena

(e.g., eating disorders, sleep disturbances) languages including Portuguese, Spanish, and
and linked intervention strategies to specific Japanese. In clinical practice, it has been used
nursing diagnoses. Other investigations have in England with HIV males, and as a screen-
used the FHP framework to validate cues as- ing tool to assess adults in medical inpatient
sociated with a particular nursing diagnosis. units in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Nurse researchers
Nurses working in clinical specialties (e.g. identified the tools ease of administration
ambulatory surgery, oncology, rehabilita- and the ability of the tool to isolate functional
tion, and cardiovascular nursing) have used health patterns requiring further assessment
the FHP framework to identify patient re- and evaluation as positive strengths.
sponses (nursing diagnoses) throughout ill- Movement toward the use of standardized
ness experience and recovery at home. Nurse nursing language and continued refinement
administrators, using data from FHP assess- of standardized nursing language classifica-
ments, reported that findings help predict tions (NANDA, NIC, NOC, and the Interna-
nurse and patient mix, help identify patient tional Classification of Nursing Language,
problems, link nursing interventions with evi- ICNP) will promote the use of a consistent
dence-based outcomes, and ultimately help database for communicating nursing assess-
cost out care more accurately. Nursing educa- ments, diagnoses, interventions, and out-
tors have used FHP assessment data to evalu- comes across countries. The continued testing
ate clinical reasoning skills and diagnostic ac- and refinement of the FHPAST will improve
curacy (Lunney, 2003). the use of a valid and reliable instrument to
Currently, research continues to clinically measure patients functional health over time.
test an assessment screening tool using the The use of the FHP framework can expand
11 functional health patterns to generate nursing knowledge, isolate human experi-
screening questions. The Functional Health ences in illness and wellness, promote creative
Pattern Assessment Screening Tool interventions, and help articulate evidence
(FHPAST) is a patient-completed, functional that is nurse-sensitive.
health screening instrument (Foster & Jones,
2003). The tool contains 58 items and orga- DOROTHY A. JONES
nizes responses to each item on a 4-point FRANCES FOSTER
scale. Psychometric properties of the tool
have been established with well adult popula-
tions. To date, data analysis reveals the emer- Funding
gence of four factors: Interpersonal Percep-
tion, Risk/Threat to Function, Health Pro- Funding is the provision of money or other
moting Behaviors/Beliefs, and Health Pro- resources to carry out a research proposal,
tecting Behaviors. The FHPAST is a reliable usually for a specific period of time. Re-
and valid assessment screening tool. The sources may be money, time, or people to
FHPAST assesses data across all pattern areas carry out the scientific work. Funding may
and is easily administered. The tool offers a be intramural (coming from an individuals
quantitative measure of patient responses and place of employment, such as a university)
identifies cues that guide further assessment or extramural (coming from a source that is
by the nurse. external to the recipient or the recipients
The FHPAST has been used in the United place of employment, such as a federal or
States with a variety of populations across state agency or a private foundation). Extra-
settings, including same day surgery with pa- mural funding almost always is preceded by
tients with congestive heart failure in an out- a scientific or technical review for merit by
patient program. The tool has also been used experts who are considered peers of intended
to evaluate health perceptions and behaviors applicants. At times there is also a second-
in black Caribbean populations. In addition, level review made to determine the goodness
the FHPAST has been translated into several of fit between the proposed project and the
Funding 223

program that will fund it. Many research in- and health promotion research and demon-
stitutions also have instituted internal peer stration projects and can be contacted at
review of scientific merit for intramural http://www.cdc.gov. Also, the Agency for
funding. Health Care Policy and Research funds re-
In addition to scientific merit, proposals search on general health services, care deliv-
are usually reviewed for human subject ery models, outcomes, and health care costs.
safety, animal welfare if animal models are Information about its research interests can
proposed, and the reasonableness of the sci- be found at http://www.ahcpr.gov. Gener-
entific return for the overall cost of the re- ally, federal agencies make their research in-
search to be undertaken. This last focus is terests known through their homepages or
designed to provide opportunity for consider- through contacts with staff listed on the
ation of cutting-edge research in comparison homepages. Also, some agencies provide ac-
to research that may be very well designed cess to information about funded research.
but may not provide new knowledge. It also The NIH provides this through the Computer
provides opportunity for discussion of new, Retrieval of Information on Scientific Proj-
highly innovative research that may lead to ects (CRISP) database, available through the
future advances. Organizations that fund re- NIH homepage under grants and contracts.
search are looking for scientifically superb Other nonpublic sources of funding are foun-
proposals focused on cutting-edge health dations, product and drug companies, and
problems and issues where the expenditure is business corporations.
reasonable given the complexity of the study. Foundations usually have highly targeted
Funding sources for nursing research are interest areas or specific populations of inter-
numerous and varied. Such support could be est. For example, the W. T. Grant Foundation
funding for the conduct of research or for is interested in children; the Robert Woods
research training and career development for Johnson Foundation is interested in end-of-
nurse scientists interested in a mentored re- life care, home care, and economics of health
search experience. The National Institute of care projects, among others. Many founda-
Nursing Research at the National Institutes tions have homepages; for example, Robert
of Health (NIH) is the principal federal Woods Johnsons is http://www.rwjf.org.
source. It announces its research interest ar- The Foundation Directory and various online
eas on the NIH homepage and through the programs available through libraries are
literature. However, other NIH institutes and good sources of information on national, re-
offices that fund clinical research with a spe- gional, and local foundations. Product and
cific focus, such as cancer, heart disease, or drug companies frequently seek clinical inves-
complementary therapies, are also important tigators to assist with human testing, and
resources for nurse investigators. All the insti- nurse investigators have been active in this
tutes at NIH accept and encourage investiga- area. There are research grant programs
tor-initiated research. Therefore, it is advis- available for small businesses to test products
able not to wait for publication of informa- and to transfer technology into useable health
tion about an exact topic; if the general topic products. The NIH, the Food and Drug Ad-
is related to the institutes mission, contact ministration, and other federal agencies that
them to discuss specific ideas. These and simi- fund clinical research are sources for these
lar sources with specific interests should be funds. Funding from entities that may have
pursued because their use enlarges the re- a vested interest in a particular outcome from
sources available for nursing research. the research they support requires special
Information about research interests of the consideration that offices of university-spon-
NIH and its institutes can be found through sored programs usually can provide.
the NIH homepage at http://www.nih.gov.
The Centers for Disease Control and Preven- PATRICIA MORITZ
tion are an important source for prevention

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease carcinoma are the most serious complications

of GERD (Williams, 2003). If unchecked,
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a simple complaints can progress to terminal
common occurrence affecting 15% to 20% illness.
of older adults (Braunwald et al., 2001) and Causes of GERD include gastric acid hyp-
more than 40% of U.S. citizens (Hill, C., ersecretion, impaired gastric motility, weak-
2004), resulting in a lowered quality of living ened pressure of the lower esophageal sphinc-
and health complications. Quality-of-life is- ter (LES), transient lower esophageal sphinc-
sues stem from esophageal complaints and ter relaxations (TLESRs), ineffective esopha-
other symptoms presented in the primary- geal peristalsis, and loss of the integrity of the
care setting, including aspiration pneumonia. esophageal mucosa. Increased gastric volume
GERD can result in an overwhelming use of after meals, incorrect positioning that allows
antacids, which often negate the effects of gastric contents to remain close to the LES,
medications used to manage chronic diseases such as bending over or lying down, and obe-
common to older adults (Meiner, 2003). sity or wearing tight clothing add to the
GERD includes a wide array of illnesses causes of GERD (Storr, Meining, & Al-
that stem from the retrograde flow of gastric lescher, 2000).
contents into the esophagus. Symptoms of Swallowing abnormalities associated with
GERD include globus pharyngitis, chronic GERD can cause a complex interaction be-
cough, asthma, hoarseness, laryngitis, tween the various nerves and muscles with
chronic sinusitis, dental erosions, dyspepsia, involuntary and voluntary patterns of control
belching, heartburn, regurgitation, and de- and the upper airway (Mokhlesi, 2003).
layed gastric emptying (Sermon et al., 2004; These swallowing abnormalities range from
Lackey & Barth, 2003; Williams, J. L., 2003). dyspepsia to aspiration of esophageal con-
The association between GERD and pa- tents resulting in a chronic cough. While the
tients complaints of ear, nose, and throat association between GERD and asthma has
symptoms has led to several new research been previously established (Mujic & Rao,
studies that look at the phenomenon while 1999), the relationship between GERD and
attempting to identify a diagnostic feature chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(Sermon et al., 2004; Vaezi, Hicks, Abel- (COPD) is still being studied due to the com-
son, & Richter, 2003). These studies include plex interactions of symptoms, including the
an in-depth look at dental erosions caused use of bronchodilators. Data does indicate
by GERD (Lackey & Barth, 2003; Van that the presence of GERD in patients with
Roekel, 2003). COPD is higher than in normal populations
Chronic abnormal gastric reflux results in (Mokhlesi). Further study is needed to estab-
erosive esophagitis in up to 60% of patients lish the association between the swallowing
diagnosed with GERD. Esophageal stricture, dysfunction of GERD and stable and acute
Barretts esophagus, and esophageal adeno- episodes of COPD.

Gender Research 225

A progressive increase in the prevalence of Lifestyle changes are the cornerstone for
severe erosive esophagitis was observed with effective patient education and an under-
each decade of life until greater than 37% of standing of GERD treatment. Further nursing
patients over age 70 were identified as being research is needed to identify behavior modi-
affected (Johnson, D. A., & Fennerty, 2004). fications that are more likely to be sustained
These researchers found that heartburn is an over time. Future nursing studies that may
unreliable indicator of the severity of erosive produce long-term lifestyle changes will need
disease among older adults. This lead to the to include the following elements that are
recommendation that more aggressive inves- known to reduce GERD: (a) dietary modifica-
tigation and treatment may be needed for tions designed to avoid foods and fluids that
older adult patients with or without com- lower LES pressure (e.g., tomatoes, pepper-
plaints of heartburn (Johnson, D. A., & Fen- mint, licorice, alcohol, and caffeine-con-
nerty). taining foods and drinks such as coffee, tea,
Following the recent establishment of in- chocolate, and colas); (b) providing a com-
ternational control values for diagnostic prehensive history with defining characteris-
(scintigraphic) gastric emptying assessment, tics to the primary health care provider at
an improvement in the ability to diagnose the onset of ambulatory care; (c) weight loss,
GERD-associated symptoms from the delay when obesity is a factor; (d) elevating the
in gastric emptying can be identified (Buckles, head of the bed 4 to 6 inches with blocks
Sarosiek, McMillin, & McCallum, 2004). (raising the entire angle of the bed); (e) elimi-
The significance of this research is to identify nating all food and fluids for the 2 hours
a subgroup of patients that may have GERD before bedtime; and (f) smoking cessation.
without having the cardinal symptoms, but GERD is a chronic problem among many
are at risk for pathophysiology. The gold adults. Well-controlled trials are beginning
standard study for confirming or excluding to glean information related to successful life-
the presence of abnormal gastroesophageal style modifications, improved diagnostic
reflux that continues to be used most widely evaluations, and treatment protocols. Nurs-
across the U.S. is the 24-hour ambulatory ing research should be undertaken to study
esophageal pH monitoring test (Szarka, De- ways of improving adults willingness to
Vault, & Murray, 2001). The best marker make long-term lifestyle and dietary changes.
for the ability to heal erosive esophagitis with Studies that investigate symptomatic control
any drug is the ability to keep the gastric pH may provide the foundation for improvement
above four. The longer any dose of any drug in the quality of life of patients with GERD.
can keep the pH above four (pH 4), the more Studies that identify drugs and foods that in-
likely it is to heal erosive esophagitis (Hatle- crease inappropriate LES relaxation are
bakk, 2003). needed. Obtaining a thorough past history of
The introduction of fiberoptic instruments illnesses, current symptoms, with past and
and ambulatory devices for continuous moni- current medication use including over-the-
toring of esophageal pH (24-hour pH moni- counter drugs, is a key factor to being able
toring) has led to great improvement in the to identify hypotheses for nursing research.
ability to diagnose reflux disease and reflux-
associated complications. Treatment options SUE E. MEINER
include lifestyle changes, medication, and
surgery. Polypharmacy and changes in renal,
hepatic, and gastrointestinal function can Gender Research
complicate treatment. Due to the large num-
ber of medications taken by older adults for Gender is an old term used in linguistic dis-
comorbidities, drug interactions and treat- course to designate whether nouns are mascu-
ment responses must be carefully assessed in line, feminine, or neuter. It was not normally
this population (Ramirez, F. G., 2000). used either in the language of social sciences

or nursing until after 1955, when the psychol- identification of masculine traits might be in-
ogist-sexologist John Money adopted the dependent from, rather than the opposite of,
term to serve as an umbrella concept distin- the identification of feminine traits. The
guishing femininity, or womanliness, and both/and concept of psychological identifi-
masculinity, or manliness, from biological cation quickly replaced the either/or no-
sex (male or female). By using the word gen- tion that had dominated thinking on the mat-
der he believed he could avoid continually ter since Lewis Terman developed his scales
making qualifying statements about the her- of masculinity and femininity. Sandra Bem
maphrodites he was studying, such as John (1974) developed a gender identity measure,
was in a male sex role except that his sex the Bem Sex Role Inventory, that treated
organs are not male and his genetic sex is identification with masculine traits indepen-
female (Money, 1955). Sex, in his research, dently of identification with feminine traits.
belonged more to reproductive biology than Spence and Helmreich (1974) found wide
to social science, romance, and nurture, variation in gender traits, although they also
whereas gender belonged to both (Money & found that stereotypical masculine personal-
Ehrhardt, 1972). By using a new term to de- ity traits in males were correlated with self-
scribe a variety of phenomena, Money esteem, which reflects just how much influ-
opened up a whole new field of research. It ence society and culture have on self-esteem.
was a field ripe for exploration because it However, the difficulty remains because the
appealed to the increasingly powerful femi- scales are based on observable patterns with-
nist movement (Bullough, 1994). out any attempt to evaluate whether there
Even as Money was putting forth his ideas are behaviors that must be distinctly limited
about the influence of sociopsychological fac- to males or to females.
tors (nurture) during critical periods of child Bonnie Bullough held that the formation
development, he was strongly criticized by of gender identity and sexual preference in-
Milton Diamond, another psychologist active cluded three steps: (a) a genetic predisposi-
in sex research. Diamond (1965) indicated tion, (b) prenatal hormonal stimulation that
that gender decisions for hermaphrodites, might follow or interfere with the genetic pre-
about whom Money had originally drawn his disposition, and (c) socialization patterns that
data, were perhaps not as clear-cut as Money shape specific manifestation of the predispo-
implied. Diamond hypothesized that an indi- sition (Bullough & Bullough, 1993). This the-
vidual hermaphrodite might be receiving ory would allow for wider variations in gen-
mixed biological signals, which allowed him der behavior than those of some other theo-
or her to conform to the assigned gender rists. For example, Nancy Chodorow (1978)
rather than change it. He charged that Money noted out that infants, both males and fe-
was in danger of deemphasizing biology, or males, generally have the most contact with
nature, and overemphasizing nurture. their mothers and initially identify and form
The argument over nature versus nurture intense relationships with their mothers. For
continues although both sides recognize the girls, this identification is never completely
influence of both factors and it remains an severed, but boys must relinquish their identi-
argument over degree. At their scientific best, fication with their mothers as they take on
most biologists and social or behavioral sci- masculine roles.
entists agree that the coding of gender is mul- Chodorow maintained that this differing
tivariate, sequential, and developmental, re- experience produced distinct coping strate-
flecting a complex interaction across the gies for males and females in dealing with the
boundaries of disciplines and across biologi- world. Specifically, women emphasize rela-
cal and social variables. tionships with others, whereas men focus on
Ann Constantinople (1973) questioned their own individualism and independence
the assumption that masculinity was the op- from others. Gilligan (1982) pointed out that
posite of femininity and suggested that the to hold this view limits personality develop-
Genetics 227

ment. A woman (or for that matter, a man) just about everything in the body. It is these
who views herself only in relationship to oth- coded scripts that determine the entire life of
ers (e.g., wife or mother but not an individual an individual (Guttmacher & Collins, 2002).
in her own right) may limit her own inde- Clinicians can now determine if people will
pendent development. The man (or woman) have certain genetic conditions in utero and
who views himself only in terms of his hereditary conditions can actually be pre-
own achievements and independence (boss, dicted using Mendelian Inheritance Theory.
owner, director, sole author) may handicap Nurses are understanding the significance of
his capacity for intimate connections with how using the correct questions regarding ge-
others. Obviously, conceptions of gender in- netic history during patient admission assess-
fluence the way we think about what men ments will assist in preparing a customized
and women can accomplish or achieve. treatment and health promotion plan for each
Probably most nursing theorists have fol- patient (Lea, 2003).
lowed Gilligan (1982), although a minority Genetic research by nurses is in the infancy
have emphasized the unique nature of being stage. Recently multiple opportunities for
a woman. This is particularly true of some of nurse scientists to conduct biological and be-
the caring theorists. Dorothy Johnson (1959), havioral studies in genetics, either individu-
who wrote before the concept of gender was ally or in multidisciplinary teams, have be-
fully developed, distinguished between caring come available. The National Institutes of
and curing, and emphasized the caring as- Health (NIH) guide: Opportunities in genet-
pects of nursing. This influenced Jean Watson ics and nursing research (NIH, 1997) identi-
in the establishing of caring centers. The con- fied the following topics regarding genetics
cept of caring also became part of the basic in need of research: holistic and community
educational mission of nursing. approaches, role of biopsychosocial factors in
The caring theory fits well into traditional health and illness, managing and diagnosing
concepts now associated with gender, but the cardinal symptoms of chronic conditions,
problem is that one faction of nursing inter- cognitive decision making and learning skills,
preted caring as a uniquely feminine quality family education and counseling, risk behav-
and in the process ignored most of the main- ior symptoms and reduction, and health pro-
stream research on gender. Nurses are in- motion. Genetics offers nursing multiple re-
volved in gender research, but only a few search opportunities relating to biological
nurses have really done the quantitative stud- and behavioral studies that could advance
ies needed to challenge the persistence of ear- nursing science. Nurse clinicians need more
lier stereotypes both within and outside of research-based evidence to impact practice
the profession. in every area, especially pharmacology, the
neurological and immune systems, genetic
VERN L. BULLOUGH testing and screening, and health promotion
strategies. Nurse educators must study curric-
ulum program outcomes to insure that Core
Genetics Competencies in Genetics (National Coali-
tion for Health Professional Education in Ge-
The genomic era of health care began in April, netics [NCHPEG], 2001) are included.
2003, with the completion of the sequencing The National Institute of Nursing Re-
of the Human Genome. The Human Genome search (NINR) and the National Human Ge-
uses four proteins: adenosine, cytosine, gua- nome Research Institute (NHGRI) offer sup-
nine, and thymine that replicate indefinitely. port to nurse scientists studying the clinical
This double helix is the basis of DNA and, implications of human genetics research.
along with RNA, which substitutes uracil for Cashion (2002), a nurse faculty member at
thymine, makes up approximately 20 differ- the University of Tennessee, is studying the
ent amino acids. These proteins constitute effects of genetics and environment on disor-

ders such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, and genstein, Meyer, & Bagby, 1998). Providing
transplantation. Her study, Genetic Markers comprehensive care to geriatric patients with
of Acute Pancreas Allograft Rejection, is multiple illnesses, disabilities, increased so-
funded by NINR and focuses on identifying cial problems, and fragmented care requires
patients who might experience rejection given skills that no one individual possesses; there-
their genetic make-up prior to actually mani- fore, older adults are best cared for by a team
festing the symptoms. One study about the of health professionals (Baldwin, 1996; Pfeif-
use of genetic testing (Giarelli, 2003) gener- fer, 1998; Regenstein et al., 1998). Geriatric
ated important clinical relevance regarding interdisciplinary team care improves older
patients perceptions that they had gained sig- adults functional status (Sommers et al.,
nificant health knowledge about either their 2000), perceived well-being (Boult et al.,
own or a family members genetic illness or 2001; Knaus, Draper, Wagner, & Zimmer-
predisposition. man, 1986), mental status, and depression
Nurses need to become more involved in (Eng, Padulla, Eleazur, McCann, & Fox,
researching ways to promote health and de- 1997). Geriatric interdisciplinary team care
crease disease by using genetics, study ethical has also been shown to be cost effective by
and legal concerns of genetic health, and be- reducing patient readmission rates and num-
come involved in advocating for people with ber of physician office visits (Burns, R., Nich-
genetic risk factors. Also they should partici- ols, & Martindale-Adams, 2000).
pate in developing evidence-based protocols The most recent report demonstrating the
for identifying genetic risk factors to delay positive outcomes of team care came from a
or prevent the onset of chronic illness, and large, randomized trial of 1,388 frail patients
develop methods to positively impact patient 65 years of age or older who were hospital-
and families involved in decisions influenced ized at 11 Veterans Affairs medical centers
by genetic conditions by disseminating im- (Cohen et al., 2002). Participants were ran-
portant information regarding genetics. domly assigned according to a two-by-two
factorial design to receive either care in an
RITA MONSEN acute inpatient geriatric unit or usual acute
JUDITH A. LEWIS inpatient care, followed by either care at an
UPDATED BY SHEILA GROSSMAN outpatient geriatric clinic or usual outpatient
care. The interventions involved teams that
provided geriatric assessment and manage-
Geriatric Interdisciplinary Teams ment according to Veterans Affairs standards
and published guidelines. The primary out-
A recent report from the Institute of Medicine comes were survival and health-related qual-
of the National Academies (IOM) challenges ity of life, measured with the use of the Medi-
all health care professionals to recognize the cal Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form
need for effective interdisciplinary team care General Health Survey (SF-36), 1 year after
(Institute of Medicine, 2001). The sense of randomization. Secondary outcomes were
urgency implied by the IOM report is related the ability to perform activities of daily living,
to the growing body of evidence that effective physical performance, utilization of health
interdisciplinary team care prevents medical services, and costs. The results demonstrated
errors and leads to improved patient out- significant improvements in scores for four
comes (Boult et al., 2001; Cohen, H., et al., of the eight SF-36 subscales, activities of daily
2002; Sommers, Marton, Barbaccia, & Ran- living (p < .001), and physical performance
dolph, 2000). of those patients cared for by a geriatric inter-
Geriatric interdisciplinary team care has disciplinary health care team as inpatients (p
been shown to be essential to manage the < .001). Neither the inpatient nor the outpa-
complex syndromes experienced by frail tient intervention had a significant effect on
older adults (Cohen, H., et al., 2002; Re- mortality (21% at 1 year overall), nor were
Geriatric Interdisciplinary Teams 229

there any synergistic effects between the two prove outcomes for targeted older adults. In
interventions. At 1 year, patients cared for addition, Burns and colleagues have demon-
by an outpatient geriatric team had better strated the sustainability of positive geriatric
scores on the SF-36 mental health subscale, interdisciplinary team outcomes over time.
even after adjustment for the score at dis- The success of team care has also been
charge, than those assigned to usual outpa- demonstrated by investigating service utiliza-
tient care. Total costs at 1 year were similar tion, including rehospitalizations, office vis-
for the intervention and usual-care groups. its, emergency department visits, and nursing
This study suggests the quality-of-life benefits home admissions (Sommers et al., 2000). A
of geriatric interdisciplinary team care. Al- controlled cohort study of 543 patients in
though geriatric interdisciplinary team care 18 private office practices of primary care
did not have an impact on overall survival at physicians was conducted to examine the im-
1 year, preserving function and improving pact of a team intervention involving a pri-
mental health are consistent with the goals mary care physician, a nurse, and a social
of care for frail older adults. worker for community-dwelling seniors with
Another randomized clinical control trial chronic illnesses. The intervention group re-
demonstrating the positive effects of team ceived care from their primary care physician
care included 128 veterans, age 65 years and working with a registered nurse and a social
older, who were outpatients in a primary care worker, while the control group received care
Geriatric Evaluation and Management Unit as usual from their primary care physician.
(GEM) (Burns, R., et al., 2000). This study The outcome measures included changes in
investigated the outcomes of patients who number of hospital admissions, readmissions,
were randomized to outpatient GEM or usual office visits, emergency department visits,
care (UC). Two-year follow-up analyses were skilled nursing facility admissions, home care
based on the 98 surviving individuals. Study visits, and changes in patient self-rated physi-
outcome measurements included health sta- cal, emotional, and social functioning. From
tus, function, quality of life, affect, cognition, 1992 (baseline year) to 1993, the two groups
and mortality. The results, after 2 years, dem- did not differ in service use or in self-reported
onstrated positive intervention effects for health status. From 1993 to 1994, the hospi-
eight outcome measures, five of which at- talization rate of the control group increased
tained significance at 1 year. GEM subjects, from 0.34% to 0.52%, while the rate in the
compared with UC subjects, had significantly intervention group stayed at baseline (p <
greater improvement in health perception (p .03). In the intervention group, mean office
< .001), smaller increases in numbers of clinic visits to all physicians fell by 1.5 visits com-
visits (p < .019), improved instrumental activ- pared with a 0.5-visit increase for the control
ities of daily living (IADL) (p < .006), im- group (p < .003). The patients in the interven-
proved social activity (p < .001), greater im- tion group reported an increase in social ac-
provement in Center for Epidemiologic Stud- tivities compared with the control groups
ies-Depression (CES-D) scores (p < .003), im- decrease (p < .04). With fewer hospital admis-
proved general well-being (p < .001), life sions, average per-patient savings for 1994
satisfaction (p < .001), and Mini-Mental State were estimated at $90, inclusive of the inter-
Exam (MMSE) scores (p < .025). There were ventions cost but exclusive of savings from
no significant treatment effects in activities fewer office visits. This geriatric interdisci-
of daily living (ADL) scores (p < .386), num- plinary team model of primary care shows
ber of hospitalizations (p < .377), or mortality potential for reducing the utilization of health
(p < .155). These findings suggest that a pri- care services and maintaining health status
mary care approach that combines an initial for older adults with chronic illnesses.
geriatric interdisciplinary comprehensive as- The effectiveness of geriatric interdisci-
sessment with long-term, interdisciplinary plinary team care is dependent on the process
outpatient management may significantly im- of team functioning (Drinka & Clark, 2000;

Farrell, M., Schmitt, & Heinemann, 2001). The GITT program was foremost a training
Well-developed team skills are necessary for model and therefore the core measures that
clinicians to represent their various disci- were collected were focused on the trainees,
plines when developing a geriatric interdisci- the ultimate unit of analysis. The purpose of
plinary care plan (Farrell, M., et al.). Geriatric the core measures was to evaluate the effec-
interdisciplinary team care has been shown tiveness of the intervention, the team train-
to improve patient outcomes through the de- ing program.
velopment of team skills and a willingness to The results from the GITT study demon-
collaborate more effectively (Grant, Finoc- strated an overall effect of GITT training at
chio, & the California Primary Care Consor- posttest on measures of attitudinal change,
tium Subcommittee on Interdisciplinary Col- change in test of geriatric care planning, and
laborative Teams in Primary Care, 1995; the test of team dynamics (Fulmer, Hyer, et
Drinka & Clark). The process of team func- al., 2004). Changes were greatest for attitudi-
tioning is dependent on the team skills and nal measures including team skills and mod-
attitudes of the individual team members, est for knowledge changes in geriatric care
their ability to identify ineffective team be- planning and test of team dynamics. At the
haviors, and their ability to develop an inter- level of the individual variables, significant
disciplinary plan of care (Drinka & Clark; changes were observed between the pre- and
Heinemann, Schmitt, & Farrell, 1994). posttest mean scores for overall team skills
In addition to team skills, positive atti- scale and for the overall attitudes scale and
tudes toward health care teams contribute to each of its subscales. The GITT program
effective geriatric interdisciplinary team care serves as a model for implementing and evalu-
(Leipzig et al., 2002; Farrell, M., et al.). Atti- ating geriatric interdisciplinary team train-
tudes toward geriatric interdisciplinary team ing programs.
care of nurses, physicians, and social workers The need to improve the effectiveness of
have been shown to have an impact on team geriatric interdisciplinary team care has never
success, as reflected in, for example, hospital been more urgent then in todays health care
readmission rates (Sommers et al., 2000). environment. Providing comprehensive care
Negative attitudes toward geriatric interdisci- to older adults with multiple illnesses, disabil-
plinary team care that contribute to sources ities, increased social problems, and frag-
of team conflict include: (a) differing disci- mented care compounds the demographic im-
plinary and personal perspectives, (b) role perative we face in our aging society. Effective
competition and turf issues, (c) differing in- geriatric interdisciplinary team care has been
terprofessional perceptions of roles, (d) varia- shown to improve patient outcomes by im-
tions in professional socialization processes, proving functional status (Sommers et al.,
(e) physician dominance of teams and deci- 2000), perceived well-being (Boult et al.,
sion making, and (f) the perception that phy- 2001; Knaus et al., 1996), mental status and
sicians do not value collaboration with other depression (Eng et al., 1997). In addition,
groups (Abramson & Mizrahi, 1996; Leipzig effective geriatric interdisciplinary team care
et al., 2002). has been shown to reduce medical errors
In 1995, the John A. Hartford Foundation (IOM, 2001).
of New York City funded the Geriatric Inter-
disciplinary Team Training (GITT) program, ELLEN FLAHERTY
a large multisite national team training pro-
gram designed to create models to train 2,500
health care professionals in interdisciplinary Geriatrics
team care. From 1997 to 2000, the eight
GITT sites measured the effectiveness of this The term geriatrics evolved from the Greek
training intervention by conducting a prepost word geras, old age, and it refers to the
training evaluation of the GITT participants. branch of medicine that covers the diagnosis
Geriatrics 231

and treatment of the diseases and syndromes cism about this new label was that gerontol-
that occur primarily among older people. A ogy refers to the study of or science-work
board-certified medical practitioner of geriat- about the aging processes and the biological,
ric medicine is called a geriatrician. In the lay psychological, sociological, and economic ex-
press the term has sometimes been overgener- periences of normal aging (Lueckenotte,
alized to include comprehensive health care 1996). Using an ology term did not logi-
and preventive services for older adults, but cally lend itself to the name of a clinical spe-
this blurs the original meaning of the term. cialty in a practice field. This problem led
In the specialty of nursing devoted to care some leaders in the field to lobby for the term
of the aged, there has been considerable lin- gerontic nursing to identify the specialty. Ge-
guistic confusion and philosophical contro- rontic nursing as defined by Gunter and Estes
versy about what to call the practice specialty. (1979) is more philosophically palatable than
Various attempts were made to clarify and geriatric nursing and more linguistically cor-
specify terminology and make the terms fit rect than gerontological nursing. Gerontic
the consensual philosophy and goals of prac- nursing was defined as a nursing specialty
titioners within the specialty, but no term has that includes the art and practice of nurtur-
been found that pleases everyone. ing, caring, and comforting older adults. Sup-
A specialty referred to as geriatric nursing porters of this term maintained that it in-
was first suggested in an anonymous 1925 cluded both the science and the art of nursing.
editorial, Care of the Aged, in the Ameri- Detractors argued that it left out health pro-
can Journal of Nursing, and the first nursing motion and disease prevention.
textbook on the topic was published in 1950. A review of the titles of the most popular
However, the actual birth of the specialty clinical textbooks in nursing today still shows
occurred in 1962, when the American Nurses considerable ambivalence. Nursing textbook
Association (ANA) formed the Conference titles include: geriatric nursing, gerontologi-
Group on Geriatric Nursing Practice. In 1966 cal nursing, clinical gerontological nursing,
the ANA officially created the Division of gerontologic nursing, gerontic nursing, and
Geriatric Nursing, and in 1976 the name was care of the aged; however, the latter three are
changed to the Division of Gerontological less in evidence than a decade ago. Interest-
Nursing (ANA, 1982). The ANA published ingly, the National Institute on Aging at NIH
the first set of Standards of Practice for Geri- (2004) acknowledged the single-term di-
atric Nursing in 1970. The Journal of Geron- lemma by naming its clinical research pro-
tological Nursing began operation in 1975, gram the Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontol-
and Geriatric Nursing: Care of the Aged was ogy Program (GCG). The Geriatrics branch
first published in 1979. The ANA divisions supports research on health issues of the
name change and the titles of these two jour- aged, including disease and disability in older
nals reflect the ongoing debate about proper personsboth specific conditions and multi-
terminology for the nursing specialty. ples morbidities. The Clinical Gerontology
Many people rejected the term geriatrics branch sponsors research on clinically related
because it did not properly reflect nursings issues regarding aging and research on aging
interest in the entire continuum of health and changes over the life span.
disease, including health promotion, disease An ideal term for the nursing specialty
prevention, care of acute illness, and long- would cover the full range of knowledge
term care. Others rejected it as a medical term needed and services to be provided in this
that did not convey inclusion of the art of practice field that has age of client as its sole
nursing. parameter. The specialty is practiced at all
Although the ANA divisions name change levels of the health continuum, with persons
to the Division of Gerontological Nursing who are aged 60+ to 115+, in any and all
pleased some nurses, others said it introduced types of settings where older adults are to be
a new error in terminology. The main criti- found, and for periods of time that stretch

from minutes to decades. Finding a fitting and physical assessments make diagnosis,
replacement for the term geriatrics or geriat- and prescribe appropriate medical treat-
ric nursing has already challenged some of mentsincluding pharmaceuticals within a
the best minds in the profession for over 40 collaborative agreement with a physician.
years. The search for a single ideal term is Scopes of practice for both vary between
not likely to end soon. states. Literature demonstrates more similari-
Even without a clear title for the specialty, ties between nurse practitioners (NPs) and
nurse researchers have made significant con- clinical nurse specialists (CNSs) than differ-
tributions to knowledge about older adults ences. Nursing leaders are currently debating
across the spectrum from health promotion role integration (Fenton & Brykczynski,
through end-of-life care. As genetic knowl- 1993; Soehren & Schumann, 1994; Lincoln,
edge and stem cell research opens new vistas P. E., 2000).
for inquiry, myriad unanswered questions The literature reported APNs favorably in-
about preventing and arresting the chronic fluence health care outcomes such as: mortal-
illnesses and disabilities of old age will pro- ity, morbidity, length of stay, functional sta-
vide ample fodder for the fertile intellects of tus, mental status, stress level, and patient
present and future nurse scientists for many satisfaction, burden of care, and cost of care.
years to come. Overall, studies demonstrated consumer ac-
ceptance and satisfaction with NPs, physician
JOANNE SABOL STEVENSON comparative quality of care, increased pro-
ductivity, cost savings, saved physician time,
effective management of both preventive and
Gerontological Advanced Practice chronically ill care, and improved patient ed-
Nursing ucation (Feldman et al., 1987; Naylor, Mun-
ro, & Brooten, 1991).
During the last 3 decades, research examining The GAPN role impacts the quality of care
the proliferation of Advanced Practice Nurses in long-term care (LTC) populations by de-
(APNs) has demonstrated that APNs improve creasing hospitalizations, reducing pharma-
quality of care, increase patient and staff sat- ceutical usage, and improving patient-family-
isfaction, while being cost effective across staff satisfaction. GAPNs hold an essential
health care settings (Feldman, Ventura, role in reducing restraints in the nursing home
Crosby, 1987; Master et al., 1987; Miller, population (Evans, L. K., et al., 1997). Most
S. K., 1997; Naylor, Brooten, et al., 1999; notably, the GAPNs provide cost-effective
Ramsay, McKenzie, & Fish, 1982; Sox, quality care. Using a quasi-experimental de-
1979; Spitzer et al., 1974). sign, Kane and colleagues (1989) compared
During the late 1960s to 1970s graduate data of pre- and post-GNP time periods in
nursing programs began developing special- 60 nursing homes (30-GNP; 30-control) dis-
ties in gerontological nursing. GAPN is an persed throughout eight western states and
umbrella term refering to Geriatric Nurse discovered that GNP provided cost-effective
Practitioner (GNP) or Gerontological Clini- care to residents primarily by reducing hospi-
cal Nurse Specialist (GCNS). Currently there tal utilization. Another study, a 1-year retro-
are near 4,000 certified GNPs and over 1,000 spective data analysis for 1,077 LTC resi-
certified GCNSs (American Association of dents, compared 414 residents followed by
Colleges of Nursing, 2004). GAPN sub- GNP/MD teams and 663 residents followed
groups presently require gerontological-fo- by MDs alone. Patients of the GNP/MD
cused graduate education. Traditionally, teams yielded a $72 per resident per month
GCNS roles include educator, researcher, savings (Burl, Bonner, Rao, & Khan, 1998).
practitioner, manager, and consultant. In ad- GNPs may succeed in nursing home man-
dition to the GCNS roles, GNPs have the agement. Grzeczkowski and Knapp (1988)
ability to conduct advanced health histories evaluated a 120-bed nursing home after a
Gerontological Advanced Practice Nursing 233

GNP became the Director of Nursing. Their Case studies of older adults living at home
findings demonstrated decreased medication describe the accessible, comprehensive, ac-
usage, lower rates of urinary/respiratory tract countable, continual, and collaborative care
infections, decreased utilization of indwelling delivered by GNPs (Burns-Tisdal & Goff,
urinary catheters, and less decubiti. GNPs 1989). Alessi and colleagues (1997) studied
extensive geriatric education and ability to 414 home care clients (215-intervention and
work well within interdisciplinary teams 199-control). The intervention group had
yielded effective patient care. GNP-performed geriatric assessments
GAPN education, focused on geriatric is- (CGAs) annually for 3 years, along with quar-
sues such as falls, restraint usage, delirium, terly follow-up visits. The authors examined
polypharmacy, and normal versus abnormal the GNPs health care recommendations
physical changes, carves a vital role in acute given to clients and proposed that repetitive
care management of frail older adults. Often reinforcement and the GNP-patient relation-
GAPNs anticipate these conditions and pro- ship contributed to achieving patient adher-
vide early intervention. Models of care that ence to therapies. This warrants further inves-
have improved hospital care to the elderly tigation.
include geriatric evaluation teams, Nurses The Program of All-inclusive Care for the
Improving Care to the Hospitalized Elderly Elderly (PACE), developed in San Francisco
(NICHE), Geriatric Resource Nurse (GRN), known as On Lok in 1971, focuses on health
Case Management (CM), Geriatric Evalua- and social day services to enable frail older
tion and Management (GEM) units and adults to remain in the community. PACEs
Acute Care of the Elderly (ACE) units. model requires GAPNs in the interdisciplin-
GAPNs have been integral members of these ary team. PACE programs now exist in nine
models of care. states providing cost-effective quality care
A retrospective analysis of nursing home with a reduction in institutional care use
patients admitted to an acute care facility (Eng, Pedulla, Eleazer, McCann, & Fox,
demonstrated a mean decrease of 2.78 (p < 1997).
0.05) days in length of stay when care in- GNPs provide effective ambulatory care.
volved a GNP (Miller, S. K., 1997). Naylor McDowell, Martin, Snustad, and Flynn
and colleagues (1999) went further than eval- (1986) performed a retrospective review of
uating in-house statistics. Their random- 800 patients comparing GNPs care to two
ized clinical trial included 363 patients (186 internal medicine board-certified physicians
control; 177 intervention) with follow-up with geriatric experience using polypharmacy
data collection up to 24 weeks posthospital and functional status as comparison measure-
discharge. In the intervention group, GAPNs ments. GNPs provided high-quality, cost-ef-
were responsible for comprehensive dis- fective care. Another study (Mahoney, D. F.,
charge planning and maintaining a home fol- 1994) compared medication usage of NPs
low-up protocol. Examples of the outcome and MDs; three geriatric vignettes designed
measures were hospital readmission, recur- by GNPs, geriatricians, and geriatric pharma-
rence or exacerbation of the index hospital- cists were presented to 373 MDs and 118
ization diagnostic-related groups (DRG), NPs. Analysis of the MDs and NPs was dis-
comorbidity, cumulative days of rehospital- cussed and it was discovered that NPs utilized
ization, functional status, depression, and pa- fewer drugs. The NP sample was not specifi-
tient satisfaction. The findings at 24 weeks cally limited to GNPs; family and adult nurse
posthospital discharge demonstrated that practitioners were included in the sample.
GAPN patients experienced fewer hospital- Geriatric experience and prescribing experi-
ization days, yielding a Medicare savings of ence proved to be significant factors affecting
almost $600,000. Other findings: functional appropriate prescribing. Mahoney proposed
status, depression scores, and patient satisfac- that gerontological education for APNs and
tion, were similar in both study groups. Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) would en-

sure proper pharmaceutical usage for the el- While caregiver burden among those pro-
derly. viding for elderly parents or spouses has been
Meta-analysis methods have allowed re- studied extensively over the past few decades,
searchers to examine conflicts in the data and only recently has it been examined among
deduce clearer and more conclusive findings. older adults raising grandchildren and great-
Often lacking in the literature is a clear pre- grandchildren. With the dramatic rise in the
sentation of APN preparation and specialty. number of grandparents raising grandchil-
Future research needs to be rigorous with dren in households that do not include either
attention to (a) conceptual definitions birth parent, research on this population has
sensitivity of outcome measures, study of care only recently evolved. Researchers studying
delivery processes not solely on the provider, this phenomenon represent a number of disci-
relationship between the process and out- plines including nurses, sociologists, geron-
comes of care; (b) measurement of variables; tologists, and psychologists. Nurse research-
(c) APN educational backgrounds; and (d) ers have made important contributions to em-
methodologymore blind randomized trials pirical knowledge related to the impact of the
with attention to internal and external valid- caregiving role on grandparents raising
ity (Brown, S. A., & Grimes, 1995). grandchildren.
Recent research indicates that raising
ANNEMARIE DOWLING-CASTRONOVO grandchildren was associated with negative
consequences for the well-being of grandpar-
ents. For instance, numerous studies indicate
that grandparents raising grandchildren are
Grandparents Raising at an increased risk for physical health prob-
Grandchildren lems, with some health problems serious
enough to jeopardize their ability to provide
According to the 2000 Census Supplemen- care for their grandchildren (Dowdell, 1995;
tary Survey, an estimated 6 million or 8.4% Whitley, White, Kelley, & Yorker, 1999).
of children in the U.S. live with nonparental Based on a nationally representative sample,
relatives, a 173% increase since 1970 and a researchers found that grandmothers raising
78% increase since 1990 (U.S. Bureau of the grandchildren were more likely than noncare-
Census, 2001). Of the 6 million children liv- giving grandmothers to report their health as
ing with nonparental relatives, 75% are being fair or very poor (Fuller-Thomson & Mink-
raised by grandparents. Although this phe- ler, 2000). These grandmothers were also
nomenon impacts all racial and economic more likely to report physical limitations
groups, the most significant rises have been when performing daily living activities. Simi-
among African Americans and low-income larly, Dowdell found that 45% of the custo-
families. dial grandmothers identified themselves as
The most common antecedents to children having a physical health problem or illness
being raised by grandparentswhile often in- that seriously affected their general health,
terrelatedinclude child abuse and neglect, with single grandmothers more likely than
substance abuse, mental illness, incarcera- married grandmothers to report health prob-
tion, homicide, and HIV/AIDS among par- lems. In a prospective cohort study as part of
ents (Dowdell, 1995; Kelley, Yorker, Whit- the Nurses Health Study, researchers found
ley, & Sipe, 2001). While some children have that providing high levels of care to grand-
been removed from the care of their birth children increases of the risk of coronary
parents by the child protection system and heart disease (Lee, S., Colditz, Berkman, &
placed with foster parents, many more are Kawachi, 2003).
with grandparents through informal arrange- In a study involving 102 custodial grand-
ments among family members (Yorker et mothers, almost half self-reported their
al., 1998). health as only fair or poor (Whitley et al.,
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren 235

1999). Health assessments by registered populations, researchers analyzing data from

nurses indicated that 25% of the participants the National Survey of Families and House-
were diabetic, 54% were hypertensive, and holds reported similar findings. For instance,
80% met the criteria for obesity, which is when researchers compared custodial grand-
associated with cardiovascular problems. parents to noncustodial grandparents, they
Participants scored significantly worse in the found that custodial grandparents were al-
areas of physical functioning, bodily pain, most twice as likely to be categorized as de-
social functioning, role functioning, and gen- pressed (Fuller-Thomson et al., 1997). Even
eral health than national norms on a stan- after controlling for depression that pre-
dardized self-report measure of health. existed the onset of caregiving, custodial
Researchers consistently have found that grandmothers had higher rates of depression.
assuming full-time parenting responsibilities Minkler and Fuller-Thomson (2001) also
for grandchildren was associated with in- found that custodial grandmothers were
creased rates of psychological distress, in- more likely than noncustodial grandmothers
cluding depression, in grandparents (Bur- to have significant levels of depressive symp-
nette, 1998; Emick & Hayslip, 1999; Force, tomatology.
Botsford, Pisano, & Holbert, 2000; Fuller- A number of factors have been identified
Thomson, Minkler, & Driver, 1997; Kelley, as contributors to increased psychological
Whitley, Sipe, & Yorker, 2000; Szinovacz, distress, including depression, in grandparent
DeViney, & Atkinson, 1999). In a study of caregivers. Some of the most well-docu-
African-American women raising grandchil- mented correlates included poor physical
dren, Minkler and Roe (1993) found that health, social isolation, and financial diffi-
37% of grandmothers raising grandchildren culties. For example, in one study, researchers
reported their psychological health had found that family resources, participants
worsened since assuming full-time caregiving physical health, and to a lesser extent social
responsibilities, with the majority (72%) re- support predicted levels of psychological dis-
porting feeling depressed in the week prior tress in grandparents raising grandchildren
to data collection. In another study, research- (Kelley et al., 2000). Other factors contribut-
ers found that nearly 30% of grandparents ing to mental health status that have been
raising grandchildren had psychological dis- identified by researchers include circum-
tress scores in the clinical range, which is stances involved with the onset of assuming
indicative of a need for mental health inter- full-time parenting responsibilities (e.g.,
vention (Kelley, Whitley, et al.). abandonment by, addiction in, incarceration
Grandparents raising children with special or death of their adult child), changes in role
needs or behavioral problems experience demands, conflict with the childrens parents,
even higher rates of psychological distress. In behavior problems of grandchildren, and le-
one study, researchers found that grandpar- gal issues (Caliandro & Hughes, 1998; Dow-
ents raising special-needs children reported dell, 1995; Emick & Hayslip, 1999; Yorker
poorer mental health well-being than those et al., 1998).
raising children without special needs By assuming full-time parenting responsi-
(Brown, D. R., & Boyce-Mathis, 2000). bilities, grandparents are often faced with in-
Other studies have found that grandparents creased financial pressures at or near a time
raising grandchildren viewed as difficult or in their lives when income is dramatically
as having behavioral problems experienced decreased. This decrease in income is most
more negative affects than grandparents rai- often related to retirement and living on fixed
sing children viewed as normal (Hayslip, Em- incomes or from having to leave full-time em-
ick, Henderson, & Elias, 2002; Pruchno & ployment because of the demands of full-time
McKenney, 2002). parenting, especially when the grandchildren
While many of the studies discussed above have special needs. While some families may
involve relatively small and homogeneous be entitled to Temporary Assistance to Needy

Families (TANF) cash benefits, the monthly press the reviewer with the soundness, impor-
payments are typically nominal and insuffi- tance, and perhaps even the creativity of the
cient for adequately housing, clothing, and science of the proposal. At the same time,
feeding children. Furthermore, a lack of re- the grant writer must stimulate an excitement
sources has been found to contribute to in- that turns the reviewer into an advocate or
creased psychological stress in grandparents enthusiastic champion of the proposed
raising grandchildren (Kelley et al., 2000). project.
Findings from several studies portray Achieving a balance between generating
grandparent caregivers as socially isolated such enthusiasm and sticking with a some-
from peers due to demands of raising children what rigid formula in the actual writing is an
at a point in their lives when they would artful enterprise. Grant writing itself is not
otherwise have few childcare responsibilities particularly creative. Rather, grant writing
(Fuller-Thomson & Minkler, 2000; Hayslip, can be viewed as a type of formula writing.
Shore, Henderson, & Lambert, 1998; Musil, Good basic writing skills are essential. The
1998). The social isolation typically reported grant writer must methodically walk the
by grandparents raising grandchildren is im- reader or reviewer through a well-con-
portant given that social support is a media- structed logical argument. The reviewer
tor of psychological distress in grandparents should have no question about where the
raising grandchildren (Kelley et al., 2000). grant writer is going. Moreover, a good grant
Further research on the well-being of cus- writer anticipates the reviewers questions
todial grandparents is needed. Longitudinal and answers them before the question is
studies would contribute to knowledge of the raised.
long-term impact of this type of caregiving. Repetition of important content is a key
Experimental studies will be necessary to de- aspect of good grant writing. An important
termine which intervention strategies are point is worth repeating to ensure that a re-
most effective in improving the physical and viewer does not miss it. Repetition also is
mental health of this population. An increase essential in the choice of words for key con-
in policy-relevant research is needed to ad- cepts. Once a concept is named and defined,
dress the health care, financial, and housing the grant writer should stick with the identi-
needs of grandparents raising grandchildren. fied word, term, or phrase. Altering a phrase
or using alternative terms in order to provide
SUSAN J. KELLEY some variety only serves to confuse a reviewer
trying to follow the specific ideas presented.
Good grantsmanship also requires the
Grantsmanship ability to handle criticism. Many more grants
are written and submitted than are actually
Grantsmanship is the knowledge and skill funded. Therefore, a good grant writer will
needed to prepare a grant application. It is seek multiple reviews from colleagues before
the art behind the science. It cannot make actually submitting a grant to the funding
bad science fundable, but poor grantsman- agency. It is wise to seek reviewers for a vari-
ship can keep good science from receiving the ety of purposes. Some should be familiar with
favorable review needed for funding. Al- the content area of the grant application to
though good science is a necessary prerequi- identify any important errors or gaps in con-
site for success in obtaining funding, good tent. Others should be unfamiliar with the
grant writing is what makes the good science specific content area to protect against as-
shine. Indeed, many characterize good sumed knowledge by insiders and to deter-
grantsmanship as a type of salesmanship. mine if the grant is written in a manner that
Everything a grant writer does to make the convinces a knowledgeable but otherwise un-
grant reviewers job easier is part of good informed reviewer about the worthiness of
grantsmanship. The grant writer wants to im- the proposed project. Still others may be used
Grief 237

for things such as grammar, editing, and ty- The grant writer should specifically ad-
pographical errors not found by computer dress the stated priorities and goals of the
spell-checks. The ability to handle criticism funding agency or foundation for support of
is needed to request and receive a brutal re- the proposed project. This is particularly true
view and to respond to all concerns and criti- for foundation grants. A helpful strategy
cisms without defensiveness. It is far better when making these arguments is to use the
to acknowledge the concern from a colleague exact language of the program announce-
and be able to revise the grant application ment or the foundations mission statement.
accordingly than to have the very same con- It is rarely in the grant writers best interest to
cern raised in the official review and result try to convince a foundation or other funding
in a poor evaluation and no funding. entity of a worthwhile project not clearly
Although the specific proposal is the heart within its mandate.
of the grant, grantsmanship involves much There are a number of references to assist
more than just writing the actual proposal. a grant writer. One particularly useful book
Good grant writers understand other aspects is the Grant Application Writers Handbook
as well. For example, a cardinal rule is to by Liane Reif-Lehrer (1995). In addition to
follow the directions. It seems simple enough, general information about writing and
but it is surprising how many would-be grant applying for grants, it contains extensive in-
writers neglect to read carefully all instruc- formation about the grant programs of the
tions for a particular grant application and NIH. Over half of the volume is devoted to
to follow them faithfully. appendices, with useful resources, references,
Most grant applications come with spe- and information about the NIH, the National
cific guidelines about such things as eligibility Science Foundation, and applying to founda-
to apply, budget limits, allowable costs, page tions. Although some of the specific informa-
limits, margins, font sizes, section sequenc- tion rapidly becomes dated, much remains
valuable and timeless. The NIH also pub-
ing, the type of content expected, the number
lishes a volume titled Helpful Hints on Pre-
of references allowed, what may go into ap-
paring a Research Grant Application to the
pendices (if allowed), who must sign where
National Institutes of Health that contains
and what, and so on. It is imperative that
several useful and informative articles and
the grant writer adhere to all the identified
presentations. It is available free of charge
specifications. Some funding agencies will re-
from the NIH website, http://www.nih.gov.
turn grants unreviewed if the directions are
not followed. Not following directions raises LAUREN S. AARONSON
questions about the careful attention to detail
needed to carry out most projects and thus
may reflect poorly on the applicant. Grief
Another basic element of good grantsman-
ship is to know and understand the goals and Grief is a multifaceted response to the loss of
mission of the particular funding agency to a significant person, object, belief, relation-
which one plans to submit the grant. For ex- ship, body part, or body function. Grief in-
ample, each institute in the National Insti- cludes the entire range of physical, psycholog-
tutes of Health (NIH) has a specific mandate ical, cognitive, and behavioral responses to
to fund certain types of research. Further, loss. Grief is characterized by intense mental
each institute generally sets priorities identi- anguish and varies in duration from a few
fying specific areas in which they are seeking weeks to many years. Three types of grief
proposals. Prior to writing a grant, one have been identified: conventional grief, an-
should investigate and determine what fund- ticipatory grief, and pathological grief. Con-
ing agency would be the best match for the ventional grief occurs after a loss, while antic-
intended project. ipatory grief is the response to an impending

loss. Although there is little agreement on the grief and grief after the death of a pediatric
exact nature of anticipatory grief, there is hospice patient. Corless, in 1994, critiqued
general agreement that anticipatory grief fa- research on symptom control within hospice
cilitates coping with a loss when the loss actu- care and reviewed research on coping with
ally occurs. Grief that falls outside normal dying. A number of nurses developed re-
parameters is often labeled pathological grief; search programs focused on grief, including
however, there are no specific signs or symp- J. Q. Benoliel, R. Constantino, A. Demi, M.
toms that differentiate conventional grief Diamond, N. Hogan, M. Miles, S. Murphy,
from pathological grief. J. Saunders, and M. Vachon. Hogan and
Loss, bereavement, and mourning are Schmidt (2002) recently developed a model
terms related to grief. Loss is the experience of grief to personal growth through structural
of parting with an object, person, belief, or equation modeling.
relationship that is valued, wherein the loss Standardized instruments such as the
necessitates a reorganization of one or more Texas Inventory of Grief, the Grief Experi-
aspects of the persons life. Losses range from ence Inventory, and the Bereavement Experi-
minor ones, such as the loss of a wallet which ence Questionnaire have been used to assess
necessitates only minor adjustments, to major grief manifestations. The emotional distress
ones, such as the death of a loved one or the that accompanies grief was often measured
loss of ones home in a fire or flood which with instruments such as the Brief Symptom
necessitates major adjustments. Bereavement Inventory, the Profile of Mood States, the
is the state of having experienced a loss, par- Impact of Events Questionnaire, or a depres-
ticularly the death of a significant other. sion scale such as the Becks or Hamiltons.
Mourning encompasses the socially pre- Childrens and adolescents grief was often
scribed behaviors after the death of a signifi- measured by the Child Behavior Checklist.
cant other. Such behaviors vary from culture A recent addition is the Hogan Grief Reaction
to culture. Mourning behaviors are conven- Checklist (Hogan, Greenfield, & Schmidt,
tional outward signs of grief that are socially 2001).
constructed and do not necessarily indicate Much nursing research on bereavement
the presence or absence of grief. has been directed at describing the manifesta-
Throughout time, nurses have had key tions of grief among diverse samples: be-
roles managing grief. Whether working in the reaved parents, children, siblings, and wid-
emergency room, a critical care unit, labor ows; suicide survivors; and people facing a
and delivery, a psychiatric setting, or any life-threatening or terminal illness. Other re-
other setting, nurses frequently deal with in- searchers have described bereaved persons
dividuals and families who are experiencing responses to events such as the loss of a home
either anticipatory grief or grief following a by fire (Keane, Brennan, & Pickett, 2000)
loss. Despite the importance of nurses in car- or a spontaneous abortion (Van & Meleis,
ing for the grieving, little nursing research 2003). Still other researchers have focused on
was conducted on grief until the late 1980s. describing nurses responses to caring for the
In 1983, Jeanne Quint Bonoliel reviewed dying or the bereaved. These descriptive stud-
nursing research on death, dying, and termi- ies have used diverse analytical approaches,
nal illness at a time when few nurses were such as grounded theory and phenomenol-
conducting research in those areas. Since ogy, and diverse data collection methods in-
then, research on grief and bereavement has cluding participant observation, semistruc-
proliferated. In 1987 Demi and Miles pub- tured interviews, survey questionnaires,
lished a review of research on bereavement. structured instruments, and q-sort tech-
Opie, in 1992, published a review on child- niques.
hood and adolescent bereavement. In 1995 Some nursing research on bereavement has
Martinson reviewed research on pediatric focused on comparing different modes of be-
hospice care and addressed both anticipatory reavement (suicide vs. accident, expected vs.
Grounded Theory 239

unexpected) or comparing bereaved persons though many grieving people find that partic-
with a nonbereaved group. For example, ipating in research that focuses on their grief
Murphy, Johnson, Wu, Fan, and Lohan provides them an opportunity to express their
(2003) compared grief manifestations of par- thoughts and feelings to a nonjudgmental re-
ents whose child died by suicide, accident, searcher, there is the potential of increasing
and homicide. the participants pain and distress. The re-
A number of nursing studies have investi- searcher must have the skills to provide im-
gated variables related to bereavement out- mediate support if this occurs and also should
comes such as self-blame, coping processes, be prepared to refer participants for counsel-
and social support. A few studies have used ing if they need further support.
quasi-experimental designs to investigate the
effects of specific interventions to help the ALICE S. DEMI
bereaved or to help nurses to better meet the
needs of the bereaved. For example, research-
ers have studied the effect of a support group Grounded Theory
on bereaved parents whose child died from
cancer, the effect of a support group on be- Grounded theory refers to a method of quali-
reaved children and adolescents, and the ef- tative research which seeks to explain varia-
fect of a grief workshop for pediatric oncol- tions in social interactional and social struc-
ogy nurses. tural problems and processes. The goal is to
Descriptive studies have contributed generate theory from the data and resultant
greatly to our understanding of the grief pro- conceptual schema. The grounded theory ap-
cess and the many forms it may take. Com- proach presumes the possibility of dis-
parative and correlational studies have pro- covering fundamental patterns in all of social
vided insight into variables related to be- life, called core variables or basic social pro-
reavement outcomes. However, very little re- cesses (Hutchinson, 1993; Wilson, H., 1993).
search has been done to assess the effects According to its sociologist originators, Bar-
of bereavement interventions. More attention ney Glaser and Anselm Strauss (1967),
needs to be paid to intervention studies that grounded theories should be relevant and
address what helps people deal with conven- work to explain, predict, and be modified by
tional grief and anticipatory grief. Further, social phenomena under study. Data are not
most of the participants in the studies re- forced to fit existing theories but rather are
viewed were White Americans. With increas- used to develop rich, dense, complex ana-
ing cultural diversity in the U.S., it is im- lytic frameworks.
portant that research address bereavement re- Grounded theory as an original mode of
sponses among diverse cultural groups. For- inquiry oriented to the discovery of meaning
tunately, a few researchers have addressed emerged from the social philosophy of sym-
cultural differences in bereavement. Lee and bolic interactionism and an intellectual tradi-
Chu (2001) studied the grief of Chinese men tion in social science called pragmatism. Both
who were diagnosed as infertile, and Van and emphasize (a) the importance of qualitative
Meleis (2003) studied African-American fieldwork in data collection in order to
womens grief after involuntary pregnancy ground theory in reality, (b) the nature of
loss; however, much more research is needed experience as a process of continuous change,
on grief of diverse cultural groups. In addi- and (c) the interrelationships among condi-
tion, researchers should work on developing tions, interpretive meaning, and action.
culturally relevant instruments to assess be- Knowledge is viewed as relative to particular
reavement outcomes. contextual circumstances. Such a worldview
Grieving people are vulnerable and need was in contrast to the dominant paradigm
special attention to protect them from studies that emphasized stability and regularities in
that could increase their vulnerability. Al- social life.

Grounded theory, as a qualitative, non- purposive, theoretical sampling is used so

mathematical analytic process is particularly that concepts emerging from the data guide
well suited to nursing studies that are con- additional data collection.
ducted to uncover the nature of clinically rele- Doing grounded theory research departs
vant phenomena such as chronic illness, care- from the typically linear sequence of theory
giving, and dying in real-world rather than verifying research because data collection and
laboratory conditions. The resulting theoreti- analysis go on simultaneously. As soon as
cal formulation not only explains human ex- data are available, an orderly, rigorous, con-
perience and associated meanings but also stant comparative method of data analysis is
can provide a basis for nursing intervention initiated. Analysis proceeds through stages
research and nursing practice. of in vivo (or substantive) coding in which
The influence of grounded theory methods themes and patterns are identified in the
has been particularly striking in the evolution words of participants themselves, coding for
of nursing research because Glaser and categories in which in vivo codes are clustered
Strauss, who developed the method, were together in conceptual categories, and theo-
professors in the School of Nursing at the retical coding in which relationships among
University of California, San Francisco, start- concepts are developed. Memos are written
ing in the 1960s. Consequently, many of the detailing each of the codes and categories and
seminal methodological references and land- linking them to exemplars from the data.
mark publications of findings in the nursing Concepts and propositions that emerge from
literature can be traced to nursing doctoral the data direct subsequent data collection.
students who studied and collaborated with The sample is considered complete when
them in the 1970s and 1980s. Subsequently, saturation is achieved. Saturation refers to
those early colleagues mentored cohorts of the point at which no new themes, patterns,
other nurse researchers. Several nurse re- or concepts appear in the data. Sorting
searchers, including Jeanne Benoliel, Juliet memos (conceptual notes about codes and
Corbin, Sally Hutchinson, and Holly Wilson, categories and their data exemplars) into an
have been leaders in the application, articula- integrative schema provides an outline for
tion, and dissemination of the use of integrating and then reporting the grounded
grounded theory methods by nursing and theory discovered.
other disciplines. The outcome of analysis is a dense, parsi-
Grounded theories are focused on what monious, integrative schema that explains
may be unarticulated social-psychological most of the variation in a social psychological
and social-structural problems and are inte- situation. Properties, dimensions, categories,
grated around the basic social process that is strategies, and phases of the theory are inex-
discovered in observational, interview, and tricably related to the basic social process.
document data (Wilson, H. S., & Hutchin- Grounded theory may be context-bound to
son, 1996). The researcher does not begin a specific substantive area (substantive the-
with a preconceived theory and experimen- ory) or may be at a more conceptual level and
tally prove it. Rather, the researcher begins applicable to diverse settings and experiences
by studying an area under natural conditions. (formal theory) (Glaser, B., 1978).
Data are usually derived from qualitative The grounded theory approach has reso-
data sourcesinterviews, participant obser- nated with a wide variety of social scientists
vation (fieldwork), and document analysis and professional practitioners interested in
although quantitative data can also inform human experiences with health and illness.
the emerging analysis. Sensitizing questions In their book, Discovery of Grounded The-
are asked to learn what is relevant in the ory, B. Glaser and Strauss (1967) acknowl-
situation under study. Sampling is not con- edged that it was a beginning venture and
ducted according to conventions of probabil- did not offer clearcut procedures and defini-
ity, nor is sample size predetermined. Instead, tions (p. 1). Over time, grounded theory, as
Grounded Theory 241

an approach to the generation of theory from going discourse among qualitative research-
data has undergone some major transforma- ers is part of an intellectual movement essen-
tions. Some of the changes that were designed tial to grounded theorys refinement and evo-
to promote rigor in the method have been lution. The hallmarks, however, continue to
criticized as diverting the research from gen- be data-theory interplay, making constant
erating theory directly from data, for risking comparisons, asking theoretically oriented
theoretical sensitivity in the investigator, and questions, conceptual and theoretical coding,
for eroding the method. Others are of the and the development of theory.
opinion that assuming that grounded theory
was taught and conducted from a single uni- HOLLY SKODOL WILSON
fied perspective is erroneous and that the on- SALLY A. HUTCHINSON

Health Care Communication communicating with patients and to evaluate

their own communication. Stage two, engag-
Health care communication remains at the ing the patient, moved beyond feeling like an
core of nursing practice providing the intruder to establishing acceptable bound-
groundwork for relationships with patients, aries, and developing a relationship and rap-
family members, and health care colleagues; port with patients. To engage the patient,
and the medium for teaching and caring. Ver- students used social talk (superficial conver-
bal communication includes all behavior sation), professional talk (communication
conveying messages with language (Caris- strategies learned in school), and personal
Verhallen, Kerkstra, & Bensing, 1997, p. talk (communication used on special occa-
916). Nonverbal communication includes sions to share a common experience). During
any behavior that imparts information with- stage three, students experienced communi-
out the use of verbal language, including body cation breakdowns when they worked with
movement, physical appearance, conversa- more challenging patients, but learned to
tion timing, voice qualities, personal space, keep going by using additional communica-
and touch (Oliver, S., & Redfern, 1991). Sus- tion strategies. Students relied heavily on how
tained programs of research in health care the staff nurses talked with more challenging
communication remain scarce. S. Browns patients and incorporated the helpful com-
(1999) review of the research literature on munication strategies into their repertoire.
patient-centered communication in the An- During stage four, refining the repertoire, stu-
nual Review of Nursing Research contained dents became more facile in selecting or
only 15 nursing journal references out of 69 switching to more effective communication
references. The majority of health care com- strategies, and did so with greater confidence
munication research has been conducted in in order to persevere through more challeng-
psychology and medicine. The following re- ing patient-care situations.
view highlights contributions that nursing re- The majority of nursing research in health
search has made to health care communica- care communication has focused on describ-
tion. ing how nurses communicate with patients
The development of expertise in communi- across a variety of clinical contexts. In some
cation has been examined in the clinical set- studies communication has been conceptual-
ting and with educational interventions. Ko- ized as either affective (providing social or
techi (2002) conducted a grounded theory emotional support) or instrumental (complet-
study of baccalaureate nursing student com- ing a necessary task). Caris-Verhallen and
munication and found that the students colleagues (1997) examined nurses commu-
moved through a four-stage process to de- nication with older adults in both the commu-
velop a personal communication reper- nity and extended care setting. Nurses, nurs-
toire (p. 63). Stage one, affirming the self, ing assistants, and older adults were video-
involved self-talk to bolster confidence in taped and Roters Interactional Analysis sys-

Health Care Communication 243

tem was used to score the interactions. A total communication. Nurses and patients devel-
of 44% to 72% of the communication was oped positive statements by elaborating on
socioemotional. Most of the older adults had more positive points. Conversations were
received care for a year or more, which may generally ended on a positive note, often with
have facilitated the increased interpersonal the patient spontaneously providing the com-
nature of the communication (Caris-Verhal- ment (Jarrett & Payne, 2000). Listening in
len, Kerkstra, van der Heijden, & Bensing, order to understand what has been said is an
1998). essential part of therapeutic communication.
A different pattern of verbal communica- Listening involves focusing on the patient,
tion was found in an experiment in which and providing patients the opportunity to
nurses were videotaped admitting a simulated talk and find their own interpretation of their
cancer patient. A total of 62% of the verbal experience (Fredriksson, 1999). Research is
communication was instrumental. Few of the needed to translate descriptive findings about
verbalizations encouraged patient input such therapeutic communication into effective in-
as asking if patients understood (Kruijver, terventions.
Kerkstra, Bensing, & van de Weil, 2001). The Supporting patients to communicate effec-
simulated conditions of the study might have tively has reemerged as a nursing research
decreased the usual efforts that nurses make focus, moving beyond testing the effects of
to provide emotional support and involve pa- communication boards. Augmentative and
tients during admission interviews. Home alternative communication (AAC) devices
care nurses initiated talk about compliance improve or supplement talking and writing,
with the medical regimen, an instrumental and include devices such as computer-gener-
focus, approximately 60% of the time (Viv- ated speech. Uncovering the meaning of using
ian & Wilcox, 2000), suggesting that an in- AAC devices might encourage nurses to value
strumental focus might predominate in nurs- and support use of such devices. Patients ex-
ing communication with patients. Studies perience of using AAC devices to communi-
testing the effects of socioemotional/instru- cate was found to enable humanness. Use of
mental communication and patient involve- AAC devices helped communicate thoughts
ment on patient outcomes might guide the use but was less effective in communicating emo-
of more effective communication strategies. tion (Dickerson, Stone, Panchura, & Usiak,
The context for the communication has 2002). A less technical means of supporting
generally not been directly examined, with patient communication was tested by teach-
the exception of Caris-Verhallen et al. (1998). ing pain-communication skills via videotape
Studies that have examined nurse and patient to older adults awaiting surgery. Older adults
communication across different populations who were taught the communication skills
and settings provided some insight into the reported greater pain relief on the 1st day
effect of context. For example, while nurses after the operation (McDonald, D., & Mo-
initiated most of the child-health topics with lony, in press). The study did not directly
parents during a well-child visit, nurses in- measure patient communication and did not
vited questions from parents in 66% of the clarify which specific communication strate-
visits (Baggens, 2001), a finding contrary to gies or combinations were most helpful.
Kruijver and colleagues (2001). It would be Nursing research in health care communi-
helpful to more closely examine the impact cation continues to be widely dispersed. Ap-
of context in future communication studies. proaches that microanalyze segments of con-
Therapeutic use of communication pro- versation provide some description of the
vides a helpful area for nursing research and content of the communication, but they do
shifts the focus to the patient and health care not capture the context, motivations, or con-
provider interaction. Nurses and patients sequences. Naturalistic studies (e.g., Jar-
were found to encourage optimism in a con- rett & Payne, 2000; Kotechi, 2002) have pro-
structive, realistic manner during cancer-care vided some helpful insights, suggesting the

need to further explore aspects of health care of health, the term has to be understood in
communication from the naturalistic ap- terms of the purposes to which it is being ap-
proach, for example, conducting a grounded plied.
theory study to identify the basic process by What is the meaning of health for nursing
which expert nurses effectively communicate science, that is, for human responses to actual
with patients. The majority of the research and potential health problems? The concept
has focused on how nurses communicate with of health has been dominated by two broad
patients. Future research must include patient approaches: (a) descriptive analysis, and (b)
contributions to the communication, testing visioning the goals and practice of nursing
ways to support patients to effectively com- for the future. In this context, the intention
municate with health care providers. Ways of the descriptive analysis is to understand the
of enhancing patient communication must be aims, goals, and criteria of success in current
linked to positive patient outcomes such as nursing practice. Investigators are trying to
increased self-care and decreased pain, and understand, systematize, and render coherent
must be obtainable within the constraints of what nurses understand themselves to be do-
current health care systems. ing and to clarify the different forms that
disease or failures of health can take. As-
DEBORAH DILLON MCDONALD sessing the results of this approach amounts
to determining which conception makes bet-
ter sense of nursing practice and how the
Health Conceptualization different parts of nursing practice fit to-
The concept of health is a critical concept for To most nursing clinicians and research-
nursing as it informs the professions goals, ers, regardless of specialty area, the concep-
scope, and outcomes of practice. The goals of tion of health most applicable to practice is
nursing are to restore, maintain, and promote health as the absence of signs and symptoms
health; the scope of nursings concern is with of physiological malady and disability. Most
problems of health. When nursing practice nurses spend their careers observing, admin-
assists people back to a healthy condition, istering, modifying therapies, interpreting
successful outcomes are correctly declared. conditions, and treating people who are sick
To be effective, nurses must have an under- and need to be restored to health or teaching
standing of health. them how to stay free of those signs and
Health has been conceptualized in many symptoms. There are many theories that illus-
ways in our society, including physical, emo- trate this approach. These include Nightin-
tional, mental, spiritual, and social well-be- gales conceptualization of health as an innate
ing; what people in a culture value or desire; process that could be influenced by educa-
maximization of potential; high-level well- tion, lifestyle changes, and improvement of
ness; fulfillment of personal goals; successful environment (Nightingale, 1885). Smiths
performance of social roles; successful inter- (nee Baigis) clinical, role-performance, and
action with the environment; and proper adaptive models of health (Smith, J. A., 1981)
functioning. Health has also been viewed also illustrates this approach as do the con-
as subjective or relative (self-report), object ceptual models, including the self-care frame-
ive (measured against an agreed-upon stan- work (Orem, 2001). Orem identified health
dard), comparative (a more-or-less condition as the state of being whole and sound, where
viewed as a continuum or gradation), classifi- sound means strength and absence of disease,
catory (a dichotomy), holistic (indivisible), a and whole means nothing is missing. She con-
state (condition), and a process (continuous ceptualized health as an outcome of self-care
change over time). Thus, with such multiple, and as an influencing factor on both self-
sometimes overlapping, sometimes redun- care agency and self-care demand. Finally,
dant, sometimes contradictory conceptions theories focused on stability, balance, and ad-
Health Disparities 245

aptation (e.g., Johnson, 1990; Roy & An- concepts are not at issue. There are cases in
drews, 1999) also illustrates this approach the second approach where success in prac-
clearly. D. E. Johnson (1961) identified tice has not been achieved, yet success in prac-
health as a constantly moving equilibrium tice implicitly determines what health is. If
during the health change process whereas someone does not have any signs and symp-
Roys model of health emphasizes well-being toms of malady or disability and is still not
rather than illness. actualized, the nurse has not done her job.
The second approach visions the goals and Does this make the nurses job unbounded?
practice of nursing for the future. What cur- Is the nurse being set up for burnout? Does
rently passes for nursing is fundamentally in- nursing practically and theoretically want to
adequate; only by articulating a proper con- claim that its domain covers all of the actual
ception of health can we clearly explain what and potential health problems inherent in all
nurses should be doing. Assessing the results of these meanings of health? The profession
of this approach is much more difficult and must be clear about what a health problem
controversial. In part, this is because some of is so that it can determine who has the prob-
the particular proposals reflect specific theo- lem and who does not.
ries of human nature or philosophical orien- Nursing is not the only profession analyz-
tations, like existential phenomenology, that ing the idea of health. Much work is also
have assessments that are a matter of dispute. being done in the philosophy of medicine,
In addition, these nondescriptive approaches public health, and public policy. For example,
disagree not only in their proposals for what some theories of health care allocation rest
nursing should be but also in what they iden- on specific conceptions of health and dis-
tify as fundamentally wrong with current easewhy there might be a right to adequate
nursing practice. health care but not necessarily a right to con-
Holistic theories of health are one type venient transportation (e.g., having a car) gets
illustrating this second approach. Some of explained in terms of the details of what is
these are based on M. E. Rogers (1990) sci- health and why it is important. Nursing re-
ence of unitary human beings. They are at- searchers should try to integrate these con-
tempts to operationalize what Rogers meant cerns into current theories or at least explore
by health as a state of continuous human common themes in this work.
evolution to ever higher levels. Examples are
health as a process of becoming as experi- JUDITH A. BAIGIS
enced and described by the person (Pase, UPDATED BY MARY T. QUINN GRIFFIN
1992), and as the totality of the life process,
which is evolving toward expanded con-
sciousness (Newman, 1990a). In Fitzpatricks Health Disparities
life-perspective rhythm model, health is iden-
tified as a basic human dimension in continu- The term health disparity has been widely
ous development (Pressler & Montgomery, used to refer to both inequalities, or differ-
2005). ences, and also inequities, differences that im-
The concept of health as self-actualization ply unfairness or injustices. Health disparities
is another type illustrating this approach, as have been discussed in relation to health care
in Smiths (nee Baigis) eudaimonistic model access and quality, health status, burden of
(Smith, J. A., 1981) and Penders (1996) defi- disease, and excess deaths (Carter-Pokras &
nition of health in her health-promotion be- Baquet, 2002). Health disparities in the
havior model. United States have been associated with age,
How are these theories applicable to prac- gender, income, educational level, sexual ori-
tice? Within the context of these theories of entation, disability, geographic location, and
health, there can be something wrong with racial and ethnic minority status. Recogniz-
a person even though the standard clinical ing these categories are not mutually exclu-

sive, the focus on this section will be on health in hazardous environments, limited opportu-
disparities of racial and ethnic minority nities for education, and finally barriers to
groups. health care including limited access, cultural
In the 1980s, the U.S. Department of and linguistic barriers, and institutional rac-
Health and Human Services (DHHS) created ism in health care and other settings.
the Task Force on Black and Minority Nursing groups have provided direction
Health. It was convened in response to a for research needed to address racial and eth-
national paradox of phenomenal scientific nic disparities in health. For example, the Na-
achievement and steady improvement in tional Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nursing
overall health status, while at the same time, Associations (NCEMNA) partnered with the
persistent, significant health inequities exist National Institute of Nursing Research
for minority Americans (U.S. DHHS, 1985, (NINR) to develop recommendations for a
p. 2). The Task Force examined mortality nursing research agenda for minority health.
data between minority groups and nonminor- Basic research, epidemiological, clinical, and
ity groups to determine excess deaths. Six community studies, as well as health services
causes of death accounted for more that 80% research were identified as being needed to
of the mortality among minority populations. address the top 10 causes of death for each
The causes of excess deaths in minority popu- ethnic minority group. Specific research areas
lations included cancer, cardiovascular dis- identified in the areas of health promotion
ease and stroke, cirrhosis (attributed to chem- and illness management included the need for
ical dependency), diabetes, homicide and un- descriptive research to identify health-pro-
intentional injuries, and infant mortality. motion and disease-management behaviors,
Since that time, there have been numerous the development of culturally and linguisti-
national policy initiatives to address health cally appropriate instruments and interven-
disparities. Healthy People 2000, for exam- tions, consideration of spiritual dimensions,
ple, called for a reduction in health disparit-
and the integration of mental health with ill-
ies, while Healthy People 2010 set as a na-
ness management. In considering health dis-
tional priority the elimination of health dis-
parities, NCEMNA called for an accounting
parities among racial and ethnic groups. Pres-
of social justice and parity. Further, there was
ident Clinton in 1998 focused attention on
emphasis on focusing on positive aspects of
six health disparities confronted by racial and
racial and ethnic minority populations such
ethnic minority groups, which were remark-
as resilience, cultural strengths, and family
ably similar to those identified in 1985. These
areas included cardiovascular disease, diabe- and community supports. The need to iden-
tes, cancer, HIV/AIDS, infant mortality, and tify vulnerable points across the life span also
pneumonia and influenza. Finally, the cre- was identified.
ation of the National Center for Minority The challenge for nurses in addressing ra-
Health and Health Disparities within the Na- cial and ethnic disparities in health and health
tional Institutes of Health helps to focus re- care are many. First, there is an insufficient
search priorities and resources towards elimi- breadth and depth of nursing research with
nating health disparities. racial and ethnic minority populations that
While there is no denying that health dis- is adequate to guide practice. Certainly the
parities exist for racial and ethnic minorities, lack of research in this area is not unique to
the cause of disparities and therefore the de- nursing. As Zambrana (2001) pointed out,
sign of appropriate strategies and interven- there is a tendency to attribute culture and
tions to eliminate disparities is the subject language as influences on health outcomes
of many debates. Causes of disparities range because they are easier to talk about rather
from individual influences, including genetic than the more powerful influences of socio-
predisposition and behavioral choices, to economic status, literacy, poverty, and ineq-
broader social determinants including living uity.
Health Indicators 247

The lack of an adequate science base to health indicators, they were referred to as
direct nursing practice with racial and ethnic goals. Subsequent publications (Healthy Peo-
minority populations is a critical barrier in ple 2000 & Healthy People 2010) were more
guiding the delivery of culturally competent comprehensive in terms of objectives and in
care. Both are also compounded by the lim- priority areas for research and improving
ited racial and ethnic diversity within nursing. health. Each of these documents can be used
It is critical that nurses increase their lead- to draw attention to benchmarks related to
ership in eliminating health disparities among the health of the nation. Today, the challenge
racial and ethnic minorities as well as other that HHS has to address is the identification
segments of the population. In order to do of the indicators that are not only priorities,
this, we need to consider the role that nurses but also are reasonable in number. Addition-
play in contributing to these disparities. Rec- ally, more extensive work was directed to
ognizing the influence of social determinants listing of leading indicators and extending the
on health and health care, acknowledging reach of HHS beyond the health community
and working toward the elimination of insti- to opinion leaders, the public, and nonhealth
tutional racism and discrimination in health professionals (U.S. Department of Health and
care settings and schools, increasing the racial Human Services).
and ethnic diversity within the nursing work- In 1998, the Canadian Institute for Health
force, and the need for true partnerships with Information (CIHI) and Statistics Canada
racial and ethnic minority communities are were instrumental in launching a collabora-
several of the needed strategies that nursing tive effort in order to ultimately share the
must take. resulting health indicators report with Cana-
dians from province to province. More than
ANTONIA M. VILLARRUEL 500 health-related individuals (providers and
consumers) met to identify health informa-
tion needs. A priority for this group was to
Health Indicators establish a list of health indicators for health
and health services that could be used as com-
Health indicators are defined as the means parable data (Statistics Canada, 2004). The
by which one can describe either quantita- list of indicators was relevant to Canadian
tively or qualitatively an individuals state of health goals, based on standard or compara-
health or those factors that influence the ble definitions and methods, and available
health of a health system, population, or com- electronically throughout Canada. As in the
munity (Atlas of Canada, 2001). Health indi- United States, Canada has as a primary goal
cators are constructs of public health sur- of the Health Indicators project to support
veillance that define a measure of health (i.e., health regions in monitoring progress in im-
health status or other risk factor) among a proving and maintaining the health of the
specified population (Lengerich, 1999). population and the functioning of the health
In 1870, Farr, founder of modern concepts system for which they are responsible . . .
of surveillance, depicted statistics by devel- (Statistics Canada).
oping graphic displays that took into account Key aspects of health indicators are that
age at death (Lengerich, 1999). In so doing, they are measurable, credible, and valid,
Farr initiated a focus on health descriptions based on data that are relatively easy and
and analyses based on mortality and survival economical to collect, easily understood, and
measures. In 1979, the U.S. Surgeon Gener- capable of providing information either for
als Report established measurable improve- communities that are geographically defined
ment targets to be achieved by 1990 for indi- or for populations or subpopulations that are
viduals at each of the five major life stages well-defined (Atlas of Canada, 2001). Ten
(U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser- items were listed by Healthy People 2010
vices [HHS], 1998). Instead of being called as leading health indicators. Leading health

indicators represent the important determi- Several models have been set forth to re-
nants of health for the full range of issues in flect different but overlapping approaches to
the 28 focus areas of Healthy People 2010 the development of health indicators. They
(Office of Disease Prevention and Health Pro- include the Mortality Model, Health Status
motion, 2002). These indicators are: physical Model, Disparities Model, Leading Contrib-
activity, overweight and obesity, tobacco use, utors Model, Focus Area Model, Summary
substance abuse, responsible sexual behavior, Measures Model, Social Indicators Model,
mental health, injury and violence, environ- Environmental Model, Report Card Model,
mental quality, immunization, and access to Index Model, Single Parameter Model, Senti-
health care (Office of Disease Prevention and nel Model, Prevention Model, Human Devel-
Health Promotion). opment (or Life Stage) Model, and Change
The Canadian Health Indicators project Theory Model. Of these models, the ones that
resulted in the identification of the following: help advance the initiative of Healthy People
health status (well-being, health conditions, 2010 focus on areas that need more attention
human function, and deaths); nonmedical de- (lifestyle, disparities in health, social and en-
terminants of health (health behaviors, living vironmental factors that influence health)
and working conditions, personal resources, (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Pro-
and environmental factors); health system motion, 2002).
performance (acceptability, accessibility, ap- Data gathered related to the health indica-
propriateness, competence, continuity, effec- tors provide a basis for comparison of health
tiveness, efficiency, and safety); and commu- status locally, regionally, and nationally.
nity and health system characteristics (com- Changes in the health status should be readily
munity, health system, and resources) (Statis- available and appropriate interventions can
tics Canada, 2004). be initiated accordingly. Naturally, care must
Health status indicators include mortality be taken to ensure that data that are compiled
can be verified. With verified data, responsi-
indicators (deaths and types of deaths), infec-
ble decisions can be made in terms of health
tious disease indicators, maternal and infant
policy, health care delivery, health system
health indicators, and community health sta-
management, and public awareness of
tus indicators (risk factors, access to care,
health concerns.
preventive services use, death rates, birth
The overarching goals for Healthy People
measures, summary measures of health, lead-
2010 are to increase the quality and years of
ing causes of death, vulnerable populations,
healthy life and to eliminate health disparities
and environmental health). Other indicators (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Pro-
are the health determinants and health out- motion, 2002). Interdisciplinary or multidis-
come indicators (physical environment, pov- ciplinary collaboration can lead to compre-
erty, high school graduation, tobacco use, hensive plans to ensure that any deficits in
weight, physical activity, health insurance, health status are addressed in a timely man-
early detection of cancer, preventable deaths ner. Data gathered may support current
from injury, and disability), life course deter- health care efforts or identify areas for im-
minants (tobacco use, health care access, low provement at home, in communities, at work-
birth weight, physical activity, poverty, cog- sites, businesses, or beyond.
nitive development, substance abuse, vio- In summary, health indicators serve as
lence, and disability), and prevention-ori- measures for spatial and/or temporal com-
ented indicators (disability, preventable parisons, help health care professionals assess
deaths from injury, poverty, tobacco use, health conditions, provide empirical evidence
childhood immunizations, cancer screening, that could be used to support health pro-
hypertension screening, diabetes manage- grams and policies, clarify starting and end
ment, and health care access) (Public Health points for interventions, and identify extent
Foundation, 1999). of gaps in population or community health
Health Policy 249

and well-being (Atlas of Canada, 2001). Health policy in the public governmental sec-
Health indicators are useful in charting prog- tor mainly focuses on legislative proposals,
ress, forecasting trends, and directing pro- policy implementation (writing and publish-
grammatic attention and resources to areas ing regulations), and judicial review of policy
that require attention (Office of Disease Pre- decisions. In the private sector, policy deci-
vention and Health Promotion, 2002). sions are made that lay out operational prin-
Access to quality health services is a major ciples to guide action and behavior within an
concern, especially for those who are unin- institution. Achieving understanding of cur-
sured or underinsured. Health promotion rent health issues and finding suitable solu-
and disease prevention are important foci tions to policy problems have fueled a distinct
that relate directly to health indicators. En- field of policy research that includes two sub-
suring appropriate care for individuals who fields, that of health services research and
are diagnosed with chronic disease or who that of policy analysis.
have a predisposition to chronic disease is Health services research examines how
imperative. Health care education directed to people get access to health care, how much
diverse individuals requires heightened care costs, and what happens to patients as
awareness of potential barriers in communi- a result of this care. Todays issues drive the
cation. Also, cultural sensitivity issues must investigations. For example, how will the na-
be addressed in order to develop strategies tion identify and address the most effective
that will overcome such barriers. ways to organize, manage, finance, and de-
Research areas are many and varied from liver high-quality care for all, and at the same
health care delivery issues to health policy to time, reduce medical errors and improve pa-
health awareness. Identifying the most signif- tient safety?
icant health indicators and asking re- Policy analysis uses a comparative meth-
searchable and meaningful questions is essen- odology that examines how current policy
tial if health care providers wish to support proposals compare favorably or unfavorably
the goals and objectives set forth by Healthy with selected criteria. Criteria are drawn from
People 2010. Clearly, priorities that need at- previous research and a thorough review of
tention include those that could be improved the literature on the policy issue. Legislative
by changes in lifestyle such as smoking and proposals, in particular, lend themselves to
obesity. Education and intervention research this type of analysis.
are major activities that could result in im- The need for policy research has grown in
proved outcomes. Nurses and other health importance as the nation confronts the rising
care providers need to keep these health indi- costs and inadequacies of present day health
cators in mind and seek to incorporate a vari- care. It has been demonstrated that health
ety of sources when integrating and applying policy research can assist in a number of ar-
interventions that will potentially improve in- eas, including: the elimination of health dis-
dividual, population, or community health parities; the closure of the gap between the
and well-being. haves and have-nots in health care; the
protection of communities from avoidable
KAREN L. ELBERSON health hazards; and the shift from a purely
biomedical model, that accorded priority to
science and services to treat the diseases of the
Health Policy individual, to one that focuses on population
health and the many determinants of health
Health policy is what governments or private and disease (Boufford & Lee, 2001, p. 1).
institutions choose to do, or not to do, in As governments and the private sector ex-
regard to health. If a choice is made to take plore suitable policy solutions to the nations
action, a formal plan for a course of action health care woes, the call for credible health
is adoptedthis is the realm of health policy. policy is greater than ever. In the past, both

health services research and health policy temic change, interdependence, financial via-
analysis have been concerned with issues, bility, and the changing face of the health
such as access, quality, and cost of health professions. The ability to adapt to systemic
care, with more emphasis on cost than access change within the health care system, the
and quality. Today, there are perceptible movement toward the interdependence of all
changes, principally because consumers of health care providers (along with the chang-
health care are increasingly more vocal and ing face of the health professions), and the
more prominent players. Health care con- realization that financial viability drives and
sumers are assisting in moving the health care determines which health care institutions and
industry toward increased accountability systems of care survive and flourish (Jen-
through evidence-based practice and the nings, C. P., 2000). Taken as a whole these
elimination of medical errors. characteristics provide the context for nurs-
As health care problems increase in com- ing education, practice, and research.
plexity, it has become obvious that no one Participation of nurses in the shaping of
health professional can address all of the is- health policy and public health policy is criti-
sues and find all of the appropriate solutions. cal for the future of the profession and the
Within this context, research efforts have be- well-being of all citizens (Algase, Beel-
come increasingly grounded in the multidisci- Bates, & Ziemba, 2004). Political participa-
plinary investigations of complex policy tion goes hand in hand with policy develop-
problems. ment. Political participation or action is not
As the largest group of health care profes- new to nurses. For many years nurses have
sionals, nurses are in an ideal position to advocated for issues that promote the profes-
collaborate with and lead health policy re- sionmoney for education and research,
searchers in the exploration of significant ar- scope of practice concerns, reimbursement
eas of concern. To do this, nursing must de- for services by third-party payers, and more
velop a new dialogue with other health pro- recently the passage of the Nurse Reinvest-
fessions and all those who participate in ment Act (a federal effort to combat the nurs-
health policy decision making by developing ing shortage). Today, nurses are lobbying to
greater flexibility and enhanced collaborative secure a place at the table. They are active
behaviors (Dickenson-Hazard, 1999). Fur- participants in setting the broader health pol-
thermore, many health policy decisions di- icy agenda. Nurses have been influential in
rectly influence the practice of nursing. These developing protocols for first responders in
include: defining the scope of practice, regula- bioterrorist attacks; they have challenged
tion of practice environments, cost of mal- some of the key provisions in the Medicare
practice insurance, government subsidization Prescription Drug Benefit legislation; they
of nursing education and research, and secur- have fought to expand access to primary care
ing direct and indirect reimbursement for ser- services in rural and underserved areas; and
vices. Examples of federal agencies within the they are strong proponents for universal
Department of Health and Human Services health care.
(DHHS) that directly impact nurses are: the Health policy is a worthy and exciting
Health Services and Resource Administration arena for nursing practice. It includes the po-
(HRSA) and, in particular, the Division of litical imperative to participate in all phases
Nursing; the Centers for Medicare and Med- of the policy and political cycle. Achieving
icaid Services (CMS); and the National Insti- political maturity is a goal that requires
tute for Nursing Research (NINR). that each and every nurse have the proper
Four interrelated characteristics of pres- education and skill development to effectively
ent-day health care systems have significantly intervene in the policy process in order to
shaped health policy and will continue to in- achieve professional and national goals for
fluence the practice of nursing now and in long-term health and well-being. Nursing or-
the near future. These characteristics are: sys- ganizations, such as the American Nurses As-
Health Services Administration 251

sociation (ANA), lobby on behalf of all If quality of services is to be assured and

nurses. Often, organizations such as the ANA improved, this type of research is necessary
are able to directly interface with policymak- for improving care systems. Whether the re-
ing bodies at the local, state, and federal level. search focus is smoking cessation or health
It is important that nurses develop effective policy, the HSA approach would be to inves-
channels for communicating with policy deci- tigate preferred systems for optimal client
sion makers. outcomes. Nurse researchers must shift their
In closing, nurses must remember that the focus from studying individual adaptation to
relationship between nursing and health pol- illness or disease to investigating the systems
icy is reciprocal and mutually reinforcing that facilitate maximizing such adaptation if
herein lies the greatest hope for the future of they are participating in HSA research. The
nursing and the nations health care. relevance to nursing comes in the ability to
replicate such systems across practice settings
CAROLE P. JENNINGS and to extend the influence of research
knowledge in practice. Magnet hospital re-
search is attempting to do this by linking mag-
Health Services Administration net characteristics to lower mortality rates
and increased patient satisfaction as well as
Health services administration (HSA) re- other outcome markers (Scott, J., Sochal-
search is multidisciplinary and focuses on fac- ski, & Aiken, 1999).
tors and issues effecting delivery of health In this age of multidisciplinary emphasis,
services in a wide variety of settings from a nurses participation in HSA research places
systems perspective. HSA also focuses on the them in a position to influence client out-
effect of health care processes on the health comes on a larger scale than in the past. Many
and well-being of clients and populations. Is- nursing research efforts have been hampered
sues such as access to care, development of by not accounting for the influence of other
tools to measure health status, effectiveness disciplines on client outcomes. The contribu-
of treatment modalities, health policy, deliv- tion of nursing to those outcomes is difficult
ery systems, professional practice, impact of to measure in isolation from medical and al-
magnet hospitals, outcomes of care, impact lied health treatments. There is tremendous
of managed care, financing of health care, potential for nursings effects on client out-
and organizational change only partially rep- comes to be showcased by involvement in
resent the vast diversity of foci for HSA re- HSA research. Such research is presented in
search. A breadth of issues, and intent to af- national and international multidisciplinary
fect care delivery, are the hallmarks of HSA forums that have potential to influence health
research. policy beyond the discipline of nursing.
Health services administration research, Donabedians (1980) model of using a
by its multidisciplinary nature, must address structure, process, and outcome frame-
nursing issues for full impact on systems af- work for evaluating the quality of medical
fecting care delivery. Nurses, as the largest care has been widely adopted for many HSA
health care delivery professional discipline, studies. Structure relates to the physical and
are integrally involved in all aspects of the organizational framework of the setting
health care system. Nurse researchers in nurs- where care is delivered. Process refers to the
ing administration, practice specialties, nurs- dynamic exchange between provider and
ing health policy, and community health can client that includes all interchanges that oc-
lead or participate in HSA research. These cur in support of care events. Outcomes are
types of research reflect the team concept by the dependent variables, the measurable
including all disciplines involved in a specific events that occur as a result of the structure
project and by reflecting those disciplines and process of care (Scott, J. D., 1996). The
perspectives in the study design and findings. Joint Commission on Accreditation of

Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) has used study results available to policymakers, care-
this framework to evaluate health care orga- givers and the public. Information is available
nizations for decades. In 1997, JCAHO at governmental web sites. At its Research in
shifted emphasis, through its Agenda for Action site (AHRQ, 2003b), AHRQ-spon-
Change, to stress outcomes and to develop sored studies in the categories of cost, disease-
performance indicators that are less reliant related, elderly, pharmaceuticals, and quality
on structure and process. Beginning in 2002, of care are synthesized for the purpose of
JCAHO has the ability for rigorous compar- making them generally available for the im-
ison of the actual results of care across hospi- provement of care. A similar AHRQ page
tals (JCAHO, 2003b). highlighting the National Quality Measures
Health care delivery systems routinely en- Clearinghouse provides evidence-based
gage in action research aimed at improving quality measures and measure sets
the quality of care. Quality improvement re- (AHRQ, 2003a).
search has become ingrained in the very pro- Private foundations actively fund HSA re-
cess of care delivery, and nurses are integrally search. The Robert Wood Johnson Founda-
involved in these studies. Although often not tion is notable for its efforts to improve nurs-
theoretically based, such studies have a direct ing care delivery. The Commonwealth Fund,
impact on quality of care in our country and the Henry J. Kaiser Foundation, and the Pew
have potential to improve care broadly if the Charitable Trusts are among the most nota-
results are disseminated more widely, rather ble organizations that support HSA research
than serving solely as the basis for internal, on an ongoing basis.
proprietary improvement processes. Health Services Administration research
Insurers are using the results of treatment can be found in almost every health care-
effectiveness studies to determine which pro- related journal. Journals that concentrate on
cedures to cover. Health Maintenance Orga- this multidisciplinary focus include the fol-
nizations (HMO) practices are evaluating the lowing: Advances in Health Economics,
effect of their wellness plans on subsequent American Journal of Public Health, Frontiers
client illness patterns. Many of these studies of Health Services Management, Health Care
examine cost-effectiveness. Financing Review, Health Care Forum Jour-
The federal government routinely invests nal, Health Policy, Health Services Research,
in HSA research. Agencies such as the Agen- Inquiry, International Journal of Health Ser-
cy for Healthcare Research and Quality vices, Journal of Health Economics, Journal
(AHRQ), the Center for Medical Effective- of Health Politics, Policy and Law, and Qual-
ness Research, the Health Care Financing Ad- ity Review Bulletin.
ministration, the National Institutes for HSA research is engaged in investigating
Health, the Health Resources and Services improvement of health care delivery and in
Administration, and the National Institutes discovering ways to provide more effective
for Nursing Research, to name a few, are all and efficient care, both of which can have a
engaged in funding and directing HSA re- great impact on the health care system. Scarce
search. The Medical Treatment Effectiveness resources can be more effectively utilized if
Program was begun in 1989 by the Agency we improve care delivery to best demon-
for Health Care Policy and Research (now strated practices levels. Of course, these lev-
AHRQ) to investigate clinical conditions that els continue to evolve and to be refined as
are costly, have high incidence, evidence vari- knowledge expands. Thus, HSA research
ation in clinical outcomes, and affect Medi- must continually expand understanding to
care or Medicaid programs. There are, at maximize the potential of an evolving health
present, 19 Clinical Practice Guidelines that care system.
review best practices for these clinical condi- HSA research can provide a valuable check
tions. Government support for HSA research to the financial emphasis of our current man-
directly influences health policy by making aged care system. An emphasis on the popula-
Health Services Research 253

tions needs and how they might influence plied research questions are addressed, in-
health care systems and health policy to max- cluding aspects of individual and system be-
imize public health would be a welcome havior and the application of interventions
change from the financial emphasis of the in practice settings (Eisenberg, 1998).
past (Ingersoll, Spitzer, & Cook, 1999). Out- The health care environment is changing
comes research can demonstrate unantici- rapidly and is characterized by consolidation
pated effects of limiting access to care, treat- of health plans and movement of patients and
ment options, and care provider choice. providers into managed care settings. Efforts
Long-term outcomes can be monitored to contain rising health care costs are coupled
through systematic longitudinal studies to de- with fears that cost-containment measures
termine relative health status of client popula- will lower the quality of care. Problems re-
tions based on payer system, for-profit status, lated to access to health care and health insur-
demographic variables, and treatment op- ance coverage persist for many Americans.
tions. HSA research is needed to investigate This market-driven health care system cannot
these larger issues and to influence health pol- function efficiently without better informa-
icy for years to come. tion for all decision makers in health care.
Purchasers are looking for value at low cost,
MARY L. FISHER patients want to make informed decisions
about care, clinicians need information about
evidence-based treatments, health plans must
Health Services Research determine which services to cover, and insti-
tutional providers need to make organiza-
Health services research is a part of a broad tional and management decisions. Health ser-
scientific continuum which addresses funda- vices research addresses the information
mental mechanisms of health and disease in- needs of all of these groups at the clinical,
cluding prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and
system, and policy decision level (Agency for
the evaluation of health care services and the
Healthcare Research and Quality, 2004).
system in which they are delivered. It is de-
Outcomes and effectiveness research is a
scribed by the Institute of Medicine as the
type of health services research that studies
interdisciplinary field that investigates the
the impact of interventions on patients and
structure, processes, and effects of health care
the effectiveness of treatments in noncon-
services (Institute of Medicine, 1995). It is
trolled settings. The terms outcomes re-
different from biomedical research; however,
the boundaries between the two are not dis- search and effectiveness research have
tinct, nor should they be. Domains along the been used to refer to a range of studies, and
research continuum overlap, thereby reduc- no single definition for either has gained wide
ing the gaps that would occur if they were acceptance (Stryer, Tunis, Hubbard, &
totally separate (Eisenberg, 1998). Clancy, 2000). Effectiveness research is often
Health services research addresses issues contrasted with efficacy research. Effective-
of health care organization, delivery, financ- ness research is conducted in typical practice
ing, and utilization, as well as patient and settings with diverse patient populations; effi-
provider behavior and the quality, outcomes, cacy research is carried out in more controlled
effectiveness, and cost of health care. It ap- research settings, often with a less diverse
praises both clinical services and the system in population (Hubbard, Walker, Clancy, &
which these services are provided. It evaluates Stryer, 2002). Outcomes research seeks to
information about the cost of care and its understand the end results of particular
effectiveness, efficiency, quality, and out- health care practices and interventions. In this
comes and it includes studies of the structure, context, end results include effects that peo-
process, and effects of health services for indi- ple experience and care about, such as change
viduals and populations. Both basic and ap- in the ability to function.

Health services research is heavily invested search needing further development. As

in issues of quality, patient safety, and dispar- prime observers of and participants in health
ities in health care. Evidence is needed to in- care delivery, nurses can make important and
form practice. Health services research pro- valuable contributions to health services re-
vides that information on interventions re- search (Hubbard et al., 2002).
lated to benefits, risks, and results so that Copyright statement:
both clinicians and patients can make in- The author was an employee of the U.S. Federal
formed choices about care. Propelled by the Government when this work was conducted and
Institute of Medicine report To Err Is Human prepared for publication. Therefore, it is not sub-
(Institute of Medicine, 2000), there is grow- ject to the Copyright Act, and copyright cannot
ing recognition of the need for research into be transferred.
better methods of safeguarding health care *Disclaimer:
services and delivery (Hubbard et al., 2002). The views expressed in this article are those of the
An important end result of health services author and do not necessarily reflect those of the
research is the translation or transformation Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality or
of the findings into practice and policy and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser-
the utilization of evidence-based care. Health vices.
services research will continue to improve sci-
ence-based information on health disparities HEDDY BISHOP HUBBARD
so that the health of minorities, women, and
children is enhanced.
Health services research is germane to Health Systems Delivery
nurses. Understanding the impact of nursing
interventions is an important component of Health systems delivery is a global term used
health services research because enhanced to define the structures and processes by
nursing care is critical for the growing num- which health care is provided to individuals
ber of elderly and chronically ill people. and populations. The term generally refers to
Nurses play a large and significant role in the collective availability of services rather
the interdisciplinary team, and many of the than to an individual organization by itself,
outcomes critical to health services research although larger organizations such as aca-
function (e.g., improved health status and sat- demic health science centers may use the term
isfaction) are measures that are usually de- to reflect the extent of their capacity. The
pendent on the collective practice of the entire features that distinguish health systems from
health care team (Hubbard et al., 2002). other connected services are their level of dif-
Nurses have always been involved in patient ferentiation, their extent of centralization,
outcomes, and the outcome measures noted and their degree of integration (Bazzoli, Shor-
above are important components of current tell, Dubbs, Chan, & Kralovec, 1999). Health
nursing education. Nurses high degree of in- systems have a single owner and some type
teraction with patients makes them likely of decision-making oversight group, whereas
candidates as health services researchers or health networks (which also provide an array
members of the health service research team. of services) are more loosely linked and each
The Agency for Healthcare Research and participating organization maintains its origi-
Quality, a major funder of health services nal ownership (Bazzoli et al.).
research, encourages nurse scientists to apply Probably the most significant influence on
for grant support. Funding opportunities can health systems delivery has been the introduc-
be found at AHRQs nursing web site: tion of managed care, which places restric-
www.ahrq.gov/about/nursing. tions on access and consumption of services
Investigating the various components of and has prompted delivery systems to identify
nursing care and how they influence patient ways to provide a variety of services more
outcomes represents an essential area of re- efficiently and at a lower cost (Cook, J. A.,
Health Systems Delivery 255

Ingersoll, & Spitzer, 1999). Investigations of dence-based management of organizational

managed care delivery systems have identi- structures and processes, assuring high levels
fied five characteristics common to the service of leadership ability, providing sufficient
delivery processes associated with these sys- staffing, promoting ongoing learning and de-
temsthe use of population-based strategies cision support at the point of care, encourag-
for cost containment, a focus on wellness ing interdisciplinary collaboration, creating
rather than illness care, the increased influ- work designs that promote safety, and
ence of consumers on services offered and achieving an organizational culture that con-
selected, the interdependence of professionals tinuously addresses patient safety (pp. 16
involved in care, and the use of delivery sys- 17).
tems reengineering to improve services (In- Multisite studies supporting the IOM ex-
gersoll, Spitzer, & Cook, 1999). Comprehen- pert panels recommendations have been
sive studies of these processes are limited, drawn from acute care, long-term care, and
with even less information available concern- home care settings. Among the studies pro-
ing the impact of systems delivery models on viding data to support these recommenda-
care delivery outcome. tions were several multisite investigations
Subsumed within the broader classifica- conducted by nurse researchersfour of
tion of health services research, studies per- which are summarized here. The studies in-
taining to health systems delivery focus on cluded in this description were selected be-
which collection of services are most effective cause of the variables they investigated, their
and efficient for achieving maximum care de- inclusion of institutions from a variety of lo-
livery outcome. Few large-scale investiga- cations, and their potential application to
tions of delivery systems are available, how- health delivery systems regardless of size or
ever, with most studies examining specific type of services delivered.
types of organizations (e.g., hospitals, long- The most commonly measured structure
term care, hospice care). Although these stud- variable in health delivery systems research
ies are not focused on health delivery systems, is nurse resources, with several large-scale in-
per se, they provide useful information about vestigations exploring the impact of nurse
the structures and processes that may achieve staffing mix and nursing care hours on em-
favorable outcomes in individual or linked ployee, organizational, and patient outcome.
organizations. Three studies of hospitals drawn from across
The organizational characteristics investi- the U.S. have demonstrated consistent evi-
gated in prior research were examined re- dence of the beneficial effect of registered
cently in a comprehensive analysis of the nurse (RN) care hours on length of stay
ways in which care delivery systems influence (Kovner & Gergen, 1998; Needleman, Buer-
patient safety. The state of the science was haus, Mattke, Stewart, & Zelevinsky, 2002),
reviewed by an Institute of Medicine (IOM) mortality (Aiken, Clarke, Sloane, Sochal-
expert panel, which identified four environ- ski, & Silber, 2002), and adverse events (Ai-
mental factors that consistently contribute to ken, Clarke, Sloane, et al.; Kovner & Green;
the quality of care delivered and the patient Needleman et al., 2002).
outcomes seen (Page, 2003). The IOM expert Comparable findings were seen in a
panel described these systems characteristics multisite investigation of the best and worst
as sources of threats and labeled them man- performing nursing homes, although the in-
agement, workforce, work processes, and or- vestigators of this study defined nurse re-
ganizational culture. Using the literature source variables as an indicator of care deliv-
available, they proposed several safeguards ery process, rather than organizational struc-
for addressing these systems components and ture (Anderson, R. A., Hsieh, & Su, 1998).
improving patient safety. Included in the rec- Although a case can be built for defining
ommendations were: developing governing nurse resources as both a structure and a pro-
boards that focus on safety, introducing evi- cess variable, simply identifying skill mix or

percent of RN hours does little to clarify what health care errors (Ingersoll & Schmitt,
actually occurs during the delivery (or pro- 2003). Because the number and makeup of
cess) of care by one type of provider (RN) teams varies significantly even within a single
versus another (licensed practical nurse institution, measuring the effect of team per-
[LPN] or patient technician). Nonetheless, in formance on care delivery outcome is trouble-
this study the greater the number of RNs, the some. Moreover, the structure of the team,
better the patient outcome. Structure vari- including its hierarchical nature, its place-
ables associated with type of ownership, size ment within the organizational system, and
of nursing home, and percentage of private- its mission and purpose all contribute to its
pay residents were not associated with any potential for effectiveness and ultimate im-
of the outcomes measured. pact on care. Consequently, measuring one
Few studies have explored the impact of teams performance will not necessarily help
processes of care on care delivery outcome, with understanding what processes result in
primarily because this variable is difficult and favorable care delivery outcomes. Ideally, a
costly to assess. Care delivery processes variety of teams should be monitored to iden-
evolve over time and change in response to tify differences in the ways the team members
work-group makeup, leader vision, standards work together to achieve a good effect.
used to guide care delivery, and types of pa- Studies of comprehensive health delivery
tients served. Monitoring what transpires systems are in their infancy, with limited in-
during the interactions that take place among formation available from comprehensive
care providers and between care providers multisite investigations of health care organi-
and patients and families requires an under- zations. Additional research is needed that
standing of group relationships, individual focuses on both the structures and the pro-
motivation and need, and the ways in which cesses that promote favorable outcomes for
work gets done. Consequently, studies of or- employees, patients, and organizations. A
ganizational processes are inherently com- combination of approaches will be required
plex and difficult to carry out. As a result, to achieve this goal, with qualitative methods
employee perceptions are often used as proxy used for understanding care delivery pro-
indicators for work-group or leadership be- cesses and expectations of providers and
haviors and the processes they use to get work quantitative methods for examining causal
done. For example, nurses are commonly sur- relationships between organizational struc-
veyed about their perceptions of ideal and tures, processes, and outcomes seen.
actual nurse leaders or work groups. Favor-
able perceptions of both are frequently re- GAIL L. INGERSOLL
lated to nurse satisfaction and retention
(Page, 2003). What processes nurse leaders
and work groups use to produce these favor- Hemodynamic Monitoring
able or unfavorable perceptions are less clear,
with most reports describing general catego- Hemodynamic monitoring is the use of ad-
ries of behaviors (e.g., inclusiveness, cohe- vanced technology and application of physio-
siveness) to denote the characteristics of ideal logical principles to clinically assess the car-
leaders and group members. How they go diac function and circulatory system in criti-
about creating an inclusive and cohesive pro- cally ill patients. The pulmonary artery cathe-
cess is unknown. ter was first introduced in 1970 by Dr. Jeremy
One area of increasing interest in health Swan (Swan et al., 1970), and continues to
systems delivery research is the impact of be a frequently used tool in the critical care
health care teams and team functioning on setting. The catheter tip is positioned in the
care delivery outcome. This interest is gener- distal pulmonary artery and is used to moni-
ated by evidence linking poor interpersonal tor pulmonary artery systolic, diastolic, and
interactions among team members with mean pressures, and to obtain blood samples
Hemodynamic Monitoring 257

to determine mixed venous oxygenation. The nology can be used for different modes of
distal balloon port is used to measure the mechanical ventilation with or without spon-
pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) taneous breathing. Examining the impact
when the balloon port is inflated with 1.5 cc these new technologies may have on patient
of air. Additional hemodynamic parameters outcomes is an important area for future
and data are obtained from other ports and nursing research.
lumens of the catheter, such as right atrial Hemodynamic monitoring has great rele-
pressure, cardiac output measurements, vance to nurses in critical care because of the
blood (core) temperature, and saturation of important role it plays in the care of critically
venous oxygenation (SvO2). ill patients. Critical care nurses are responsi-
Using data obtained at the bedside from ble for continuous monitoring, interpreta-
the pulmonary artery catheter and other tion, and trending of hemodynamic indices
physiologic indices such as cardiac output, and for communicating critical information
heart rate, preload, afterload, and contractil- to physician colleagues. Understanding the
ity, critical care nurses and physicians are implications of subtle changes in pressures
able to make rapid assessments and determi- and parameters will directly impact a pa-
nations about the clinical status of the criti- tients response to complex therapeutic inter-
cally ill patients. The catheter enables clini- ventions such as fluid administration and ma-
cians to assess ventricular function, diagnose nipulation of vasoactive drips. Utilizing re-
complications following acute myocardial in- search to examine existing practices and to
farction, differentiate shock states, cardiac change practice is vital to ensure research-
and pulmonary disorders, manage high-risk based practice and positive patient outcomes.
cardiac surgical patients, and monitor unsta- The majority of nursing research on hemo-
ble patients with complexities such as sepsis dynamic monitoring has been focused on the
and multiple organ dysfunction. The original technical and clinical variables affecting accu-
balloon-tipped, flow-directed thermodilution racy of pulmonary artery pressure monitor-
catheter has evolved since 1970 and has ing. Because many variables affect accuracy,
added enhancements such as saturation of this topic is particularly relevant for nurses
venous oxygenation (SVO2), right ventricular caring for critically ill patients. The standard
volumes and ejection fraction, continuous in critical care has traditionally been to refer-
monitoring of cardiac output, and intracar- ence (level the air/fluid interface stopcock at
diac atrioventricular sequential pacing. the phlebostatic axis) and zero the catheter
Newer technologies to monitor cardiac system a minimum of once per shift and at
output using noninvasive methodology in- times more often, to offset zero drift, and to
clude the Esophageal Doppler monitor and ensure accuracy. The results of one nursing
the Exhaled Carbon Dioxide (CO2) monitor. study suggested that zeroing disposable trans-
The Esophageal Doppler monitor measures ducers may be required only once during he-
cardiac output via a probe placed within a modynamic monitoring, before initial read-
naso-gastric tube that measures aortic blood ings are obtained (Ahrens, Pennick, &
flow, enabling the clinician to assess stroke Tucker, 1995). These findings encourage
volume and heart rate adjusted cardiac out- practitioners to reevaluate a long-held critical
put. A second technology, Exhaled CO2, is a care nursing standard and demonstrate the
noninvasive method of cardiac output moni- value of keeping pace with new technology.
toring that measures blood flow from exhaled Replication studies are needed in this area to
CO2 using a modified Fick Equation. Its clini- validate this practice.
cal application is limited to the operating A major focus in recent nursing research
room setting since the technology requires has been to study hemodynamic pressures in
measurement of blood flow from exhaled various backrest elevations. There is consid-
CO2 under controlled ventilation, but it has erable nursing research supporting accurate
great potential for the future when the tech- and reliable measurement of hemodynamic

pressures in backrest elevations from 0 to examining traditional thermodilution meth-

60 if the air/fluid interface (zeroing stop- ods of cardiac output in patients with low
cock) is leveled or referenced at the phlebos- cardiac output (Kiely, Byers, Greenwood,
tatic axis. Lateral positioning may be used if Carroll, & Carroll, 1998).
the air/fluid interface is leveled at the phlebos- To ensure accuracy and reliability, all he-
tatic axis, but the patient must be at a 90 modynamic pressures are read at end expira-
side position with the backrest flat to ensure tion in ventilated patients as well as those
accuracy. The phlebostatic axis in the right breathing spontaneously. Numerous studies
lateral 90 position is the fourth intercostal continue to support the use of a strip chart
space at midsternum, compared to the fourth recorder to provide more reliable and accu-
intercostal space at the left sternal border in rate hemodynamic readings than do digital
the left lateral 90 position (Paolella, Dorf- data (directly off the monitor) in both venti-
man, Cronan, & Hasan, 1988). The question lated and spontaneously breathing patients.
of accuracy and reliability of measurements Since the advent of the pulmonary artery
in lateral positioning other than 90 has been catheter, technology in hemodynamic moni-
the subject of two recent nursing studies. In toring has advanced at a rapid pace. Future
one study, pulmonary artery (PA) pressures studies must continue to keep pace with the
were obtained with patients in the 60 lateral ever-changing technology. Technical diffi-
position (Aitken, 2000). The dependent mid- culties in measurement, as seen in patients
clavicular line at the level of the fourth inter- with severe respiratory variation, in venti-
costal space was used as the zero reference lated patients on high levels of positive end
level. Statistically significant differences were expiratory pressure (PEEP), and in the pres-
found and the author concluded that PA pres- ence of large v waves on the hemodynamic
sures cannot be obtained with patients in the waveform, are examples of clinical issues that
60 lateral position. Another group of re- continue to confound critical care nurses.
searchers studied the effect of 30 lateral re-
Critically evaluating the use of both new and
cumbent position on PA and PAWP pressures
traditional technology is essential to the pro-
(Bridges, Woods, Brengelmann, Mitchell, &
vision of good patient care.
Laurent-Bopp, 2000). Using an angle-specific
The potential risk versus benefit of pulmo-
left atrial reference point, the investigators
nary artery catheterization is an important
found a statistically significant difference be-
ethical consideration in hemodynamic moni-
tween measurements of PA pressures with
toring. Questions have been raised within
the patient supine and those obtained in 30
lateral position. Mean differences were small major medical journals and the media about
and the author considered the measures clini- the safety and efficacy of pulmonary artery
cally equivalent to those of patients in supine catheterization. As a result of the contro-
position. The optimal reference point for lat- versy, organizations such as the Society of
eral positions other than 90 with backrest Critical Care Medicine have intensified ef-
flat continues to be an area that will require forts to conduct large randomized controlled
further study and validation in future re- trials to evaluate critically the safety and ef-
search studies. fectiveness of PA catheters in critically ill pa-
Recent studies have examined cardiac out- tients.
put technology in patients with low cardiac The results of studies on the clinical com-
output. Continuous cardiac output technol- petency of critical care nurses knowledge of
ogy was found to be more precise than mea- PA catheters have been less than impressive,
surements using the bolus technique in one and underscore the need to provide ongoing
study of patients with low-cardiac output (Al- training and competency assessments of nurs-
bert, Spear, & Hammel, 1999). The practice ing staff to ensure safe and quality patient
of using room-temperature injectate versus care. Hemodynamic monitoring is a valuable
iced solution was supported in another study tool if used judiciously by specially trained
Hendersons Model 259

and competent medical and nursing profes- There are also pathological states (as con-
sionals. trasted with specific diseases) that modify ba-
sic need, such as marked disturbances of fluid
MAUREEN KECKEISEN and electrolyte balance including starvation
states, pernicious vomiting, and diarrhea,
acute oxygen want, and shock (including
Hendersons Model collapse and hemorrhage).
According to Hendersons model, the
Since 1960 when the International Council
nurse is temporarily the consciousness of the
of Nurses (ICN) first published Basic Princi-
unconscious, the love of life for the suicidal,
ples of Nursing Care, a work their Nursing
the leg of the amputee, the eyes of the newly
Service Committee commissioned, Virginia
blind, a means of locomotion for the infant,
Hendersons description of nursing and the
knowledge and confidence for the young
unique function of the nurse has been used
mother, a voice for those too weak to
throughout the world to standardize nursing
speak, and so on. (Henderson, 1997, pp.
practice. Basic Principles of Nursing Care
was written just after the 1955 publication
of Harmer & Hendersons Textbook of the
That this model was first authored in 1950
Principles and Practice of Nursing, 5th edi-
when Henderson was preparing the 5th edi-
tion (Henderson, 1955), which until 1975
tion of her textbook is noteworthy. The era
was the most widely used nursing textbook
of the antibiotic made much of what Nightin-
in English and Spanish speaking worlds. A
gale wrote in Notes on Nursing about the
third book, The Nature of Nursing (Hender-
son, 1966, 1991), included implications for importance of nature obsolete. Needed was
how nursing could provide direction for four a description of nurses functions that built
essential functions of a profession: service, on Nightingales intervention-focused book
education, research, and leadership. Hender- and extended it into the era of science and
sons model of nursing is most succinctly pre- biotechnology. Basic Principles of Nursing
sented in the ICNs Basic Principles of Nurs- Care [BPNC] and Notes on Nursing [NN]
ing Care, a work available in 30 of the worlds are remarkably similar in content. Eat and
languages. She says: drink adequately in BPNC became the mod-
ern version of the Taking food and What
The unique function of the nurse is to assist food? sections of NN, for example. Hender-
the individual, sick or well, in the perfor- son continued the emphasis on interventions
mance of those activities contributing to but shifted the ideal performer of procedures
health or its recovery (or to a peaceful death) from nurses to nurse-educated and nurse-sup-
that the person would perform unaided ported patients, encouraging independence,
given the necessary strength, will or knowl- especially important in chronic illness. Nei-
edge. And to do this in such a way as to
ther doctors nor hospitals are required to
help the individual gain independence as
rapidly as possible. (Henderson, 2004, p.
practice nursing under this model.
12) Gladys Nite (Nite & Willis, 1964) explic-
itly tested the Henderson model of nursing
Basic nursing care means helping patients in clinical experiments of effective nursing
with activities such as eating and drinking care for cardiac patients. Brooten (Brooten &
adequately, eliminating body wastes, and Naylor, 1995) and Naylor (Naylor et al.,
moving and maintaining desirable postures 1999) implicitly examined this model in clini-
or providing conditions under which he can cal research. The nurse dose which they
perform them unaided. seek to measure may indeed be some quanti-
Henderson also described conditions in fied measure of this unique function. Simi-
persons that always affect basic needs such larly, other researchers seem to be addressing
as nursing care of newborn or the dying. the universality of this unique nurses func-

tion in their examination of the effectiveness tice elaborated on in the documents related
of nurses in different roles and in different to the Henderson model.
settings (S. Douglas et al., 1995; Landefeld,
Palmer, Kresevic, Fortinsky, & Kowal, 1995; EDWARD J. HALLORAN
Olds et al., 1997, 2002).
Henderson went on from this work to pre-
pare a critique of nursing research and an Hermeneutics
index of the English-language nursing litera-
ture written between 1900 and 1960. When Historically, hermeneutics described the art
finished, she revised the textbook which she or theory of interpretation (predominantly
had twice previously redone. Remarkably, that of texts) and was prevalent in disciplines
the textbook incorporated countless citations such as theology and law. German philoso-
from the professional literature synthesizing pher Wilhelm Dilthey (18331911) redefined
what was known about the nursing profes- hermeneutics as a science of historical under-
sion up to its 1978 publication date. Princi- standing and sought a method for deriving
ples and Practice of Nursing, 6th edition objectively valid interpretations. Martin Hei-
(Henderson & Nite, 1978), organized a dis- degger (18891976) recast hermeneutics
parate literature around her model of nursing from being based on the interpretation of his-
which had not appreciably altered in the torical consciousness to revealing the tempo-
nearly 20 years since it first appeared. Rather rality of self-understandings (Palmer, R.,
than changing her mind based on her close 1969).
reading of the literature, Henderson synthe- Hermeneutics is an approach to scholar-
sized the citations into a coherent reference ship that acknowledges the temporal situat-
document, an evidence-based text as it were. edness of both the researcher and the partici-
Three of Hendersons papers extend her pants. Time as it advenes, or time-as-lived,
model; two by validation, the other by con- is central to the work of hermeneutics. The
tradiction. The Concept of Nursing (Hender- centrality of time is what differentiates her-
son, 1978) specifically addressed her work as meneutics from traditional forms of Hus-
a model. Preserving the Essence of Nursing serlian phenomenology. The hermeneutic
in a Technological Age (Halloran, 1995, p. scholar works to uncover how humans are
96) extended her ideas to include services always already given as time. Hermeneu-
nurses provide in intensive care units and was tics has no beginning or end that can be con-
organized using the four essential profes- cretely defined but is a continuing experience
sional functions first depicted in The Nature for all who participate.
of Nursing: practice, education, research, and Interpretation presupposes a threefold
leadership. In Nursing ProcessIs the Title structure of understanding, which Heidegger
Right?, Henderson (Halloran, p. 199) contra- called the fore-structure. The premise of the
dicted what had become the accepted alterna- fore-structure is that all interpretations are
tive to the use of the word nursing by ar- based on background practices that grant us
guing that the word process unnecessarily practical familiarity with phenomena. Hei-
constrained professional vision and pre- degger called this sense of phenomena fore-
cluded experience, logic, expert opinion, and having. Our background practices also form
research as bases for practice. the perspective from which we approach un-
The most complete exposition of Hender- derstanding. Our interpretive lens, termed
sons model of nurses function and nursing fore-sight, is constituted by background prac-
practice is contained in the 6th edition of tices. Fore-conception describes our antici-
Principles and Practice of Nursing. This refer- pated sense of what our interpreting will re-
ence text is a modern book largely unknown veal. This too is shaped and framed by our
to the American nurses who today struggle background practices. Understanding is cir-
with many of the issues of professional prac- cular, and humans as self-interpreting beings
Hermeneutics 261

are always already within this interpretive who discuss hermeneutical methodology in
(hermeneutic) circle of understanding. Thus, more detail.
interpretation is never a resuppositionless Commonly, hermeneutical researchers
grasping of something previously given work in teams and study areas of personal
(Heidegger, 1927/1996, p. 141). Hermeneu- interest and expertise. Each interview, as text
tic researchers do not attempt to isolate or analogue, is read by team members to obtain
bracket their presuppositions but rather to an overall understanding. Members of the
make them explicit. Hans-Georg Gadamer research team identify common themes
(1989), a student of Heideggers, has ex- within each interview and share their written
tended hermeneutical research in this area. interpretations, including excerpts from each
The essence of hermeneutics lies not in some interview, with the team. Dialogue among
kind of mystic relativism but in an attitude team members clarifies the analyses. As the
of respect for the impossibility of bringing team analyzes subsequent interviews, they
the understanding of Being to some kind read each text against those that preceded
of final or ultimate closure. The way of her- it. This enables new themes to emerge and
meneutics is to allow oneself to be drawn into previous themes to be continuously refined,
the complexity of the simple and overlooked expanded, or overcome. Team members clar-
(Heidegger, 1977/1993). ify any discrepancies in their interpretations
The work of interpretive phenomenolo- by referring to the interview text or rein-
gists moves beyond traditional logical struc- terviewing participants. This is not to say that
tures to reveal and explicate otherwise hidden hermeneutic researchers reduce phenomena
relationships. Calling attention to human to differences or similarities. Rather, through
practices and experiences, hermeneutics is dialogue, the team members explicate the
closely related to critical social theory, femi- practices of identifying the seemingly simple
nism, and postmodernism. Unlike them, and overlooked.
Team members identify and explore
however, hermeneutics does not posit politi-
themes that cut across interview texts. They
cally or psychologically determined frame-
reread and study interpretations generated
works as the modus operandi of the method,
previously to see if similar or contradictory
nor does the interpretive phenomenologist at-
interpretations are present in the various in-
tempt to posit, explain, or reconcile an under-
terviews. Though an underlying assumption
lying cause of a particular experience. Rather,
of hermeneutical analysis is that no single
the description of the common practices and
correct interpretation exists, the teams con-
shared meanings is intended to reveal, en- tinuous examination of the whole and the
hance, or extend understandings of the hu- parts of the texts with constant reference to
man situation as it is lived. the participants ensures that interpretations
The thinking that accompanies hermeneu- are focused and reflected in the text. When-
tical scholarship is reflective, reflexive, and ever conflicts arise among the various inter-
circular in nature. However, describing the pretations of the interviews, team members
process of hermeneutical research may sug- provide extensive documentation to support
gest a linearity and structure that belies the their interpretations.
seamless, fluid nature of this approach to in- Reading across postpositivist, feminist,
quiry. On the other hand, not describing the critical, and postmodern texts, team members
process implies a thoughtless or haphazard hold open and problematic the identification
approach that does not reflect the scholarli- and interpretation of common practices.
ness of hermeneutical research. Therefore, al- Team members read across all texts and write
though a brief summary of hermeneutical critiques of the interpretations. The purpose
analysis is given here, the reader is referred is to conduct critical scholarship using other
to several authors (Benner, 1994; Gadamer, interpretive approaches to extend, support,
1960, 1989; Grondin, 1995; Palmer, 1969) or overcome the themes and patterns identi-

fied by hermeneutics. In this way analysis has recast clinical judgment making and clini-
proceeds in cycles of understanding, inter- cal thinking as interpretive practices. Nancy
pretation, and critique (Benner, 1994, p. Diekelmann is utilizing hermeneutics to de-
116). Like the hermeneutic circle, interpreta- scribe the concernful practices of teaching
tions are complete but never ending. and learning. These shared practices of stu-
During the interpretive sessions, patterns dents, teachers, and clinicians offer a view of
may emerge. A pattern is constitutive, present schooling, teaching, and learning as interpre-
in all the interviews, and expresses the rela- tive practices to transform conventional nurs-
tionships of the themes. Patterns are the high- ing education.
est level of hermeneutical analysis. The her-
meneutic approach provides an opportunity NANCY DIEKELMANN
for team members and researchers not on the PAMELA MAGNUSSEN IRONSIDE
team to review the entire analysis for plausi-
bility, coherence, and comprehensiveness. In
addition, participants in the study may be History of Nursing Research
asked to read interpretations of their inter-
views as well as the interviews of other parti-
cipants to confirm, extend, or challenge the The first public health policy act was signed
analysis. Others, not included in the analysis on July 16, 1798, by President John Adams.
but likely to be readers of this study, may A public health service organization, later
review the written interpretations. This re- named the U.S. Public Health Service
view process exposes unsubstantiated and (USPHS), would operate hospitals and rest
unwarranted interpretations that are not sup- homes for sick merchant seamen. The act was
ported by the texts. The purpose of the re- expanded in 1877 as a result of a yellow fever
search report is to provide a wide range of epidemic in New Orleans that required the
explicated text so that the reader can recog- passage of the Quarantine Act of 1878.
nize common practices and shared experi- In 1879 a national Board of Health was
ences. The researcher writes the final report established to monitor public health regu-
using sufficient excerpts from the interviews larly, especially in the area of sanitation. A
to allow the reader to participate in the anal- weekly report that later became the Public
ysis. Health Reports was published. The board
Hermeneutical research that draws on in- had the authority to intervene in case of an
terpretive phenomenology was introduced to epidemic. In the late 19th century, Robert
nursing by Patricia Benner in Expertise in Koch and Louis Pasteur made important dis-
Nursing Practice: Caring, Clinical Judgment, coveries about the nature of infectious dis-
and Ethics. This study revealed nursing as a eases that explained the transmission of such
interpretive practice with skills, expertise, diseases and aided in controlling their spread.
and practical knowledge (Benner, Panner, & In this control, government had a signifi-
Chesla, 1996). Viewing nursing as a practice cant role.
rather than as an applied science presents a Although the role of the federal govern-
new approach to understanding that has im- ment became significant in 1938 through
plications for practice, research, and educa- grants-in-aid to universities under a research
tion. Hermeneutics deconstructs the corres- grants program, it is generally held that nurs-
ponding relationship between theory and ing research began after World War II, even
practice and reveals the practical knowledge though the work of Florence Nightingale
and expertise that evolves over time. (18201910) introduced the use of statistics
Following the Benner study, hermeneutics in analyzing nursing data. Beginning in 1920,
emerged as a significant area of scholarship the Goldmark study was the first of the land-
in nursing. Christine Tanner, through herme- mark studies of nursing. Research developed
neutical analyses of the narratives of nurses, into nursing education, time studies, salaries,
History of Nursing Research 263

supply and demand, employment conditions, report was published as Nursing and
costs, status of nurses, job satisfaction, needs, Nursing Education the United States.
and resources. In 1955 the Nursing Research 1924. The first nursing doctoral program
Grants and Fellowship Program of the Divi- was established at Teachers College,
sion of Nursing, USPHS, was established; it Columbia University.
awarded grants for nursing research projects, 1926. May Ayres Burgess was commis-
nursing research fellowships, and nurse-sci- sioned by the Committee on the Grad-
entist graduate training. In 1978 the Division ing of Nursing Schools to ensure that
of Manpower Analysis was established nursing service provided adequate pa-
within the Division of Nursing in the Bureau tient care. The result was the classic re-
of Health Manpower to conduct research port, Nurses, Patients, and Pocket-
on manpower. books.
In the 19th century, Florence Nightingale, 1934. The second project of the Commit-
a founder of modern nursing, was the first tee on the Grading of Nursing Schools
nurse to do research in connection with nurs- was a job analysis reported in An Activ-
ing, when she used statistics in the analysis ity Analysis of Nursing. The grading of
of her data. She was the first biostatician in nursing schools was not realized until
nursing. Nightingale did her work alone and the establishment of the National Nurs-
not until after World War II was there an ing Accrediting Service in 1950.
organized, continuing effort to conduct fur- 1935. The American Nurses Association
ther nursing research. Nursing care research (ANA) published Some Facts About
is defined as research directed to understand- Nursing: A Handbook for Speakers and
ing the nursing care of individuals and groups Others, which contained yearly compi-
and the biological, physiological, social, be- lations of statistical data about regis-
havioral, and environmental mechanisms in- tered nurses.
fluencing health and disease that are relevant 1936. The ANA scrutinized the economic
to nursing care. Nursing research develops situation of nurses by studying incomes,
knowledge about health and the promotion salaries, and employment conditions; it
of health over the life span, care of persons excluded public health nurses.
with health problems and disabilities, and 1940. Pfefferkorn and Rovetta compiled
nursing actions that enhance the ability of basic data on the costs of nursing service
individuals to respond effectively to actual or and nursing education.
potential health problems. The following is 1941. The United States Public Health Ser-
a summary of major hallmarks in the history vice (USPHS) conducted a national cen-
of nursing research: sus on nursing resources in cooperation
with state nursing associations as
1920. Josephine Goldmark, under the di- World War II loomed.
rection of Haven Emerson, conducted 1943. The National Organization of Pub-
a comprehensive survey that identified lic Health Nursing surveyed needs and
the inadequacies of housing and in- resources for home care in 16 communi-
structional facilities for nursing stu- ties. The work was reported in Public
dents. Health Nursing Care of the Sick.
1922. In a time study of institutional nurs- 1948. The publication of the Brown Re-
ing, the New York Academy of Medi- port identified issues facing nursing ed-
cine, showed wide discrepancies in the ucation and nursing services for the first
costs of nursing education and services. half of the century. The recommenda-
1923. The Committee for the Study of tions led to much research during the
Nursing Education conducted the first next 10 years, for example: studies on
comprehensive study of nursing schools nursing functions, nursing teams, prac-
and public health agencies. The final tical nurses, role and attitude studies,

nurse technicians, and nurse-patient re- and grants for nursing research. The
lationships. Other studies rooted in the foundation conducts its own programs
Brown report were on the hospital envi- of research and provides consultation
ronment and economic security as well to nursing students, research facilities,
as the report Nursing Schools at Mid- and others engaged in nursing research.
Century, from the National Committee Twenty Thousand Nurses Tell Their
for the Improvement of Nursing Ser- Story was published. The Nursing Re-
vices. The Division of Nursing Re- search Grants and Fellowship Programs
sources (now the Division of Nursing) of the Division of Nursing, USPHS,
of the USPHS conducted statewide sur- were established to stimulate and pro-
veys and developed manuals and tools vide financial support for research in-
for nursing research. Major break- vestigators and nursing research educa-
throughs in nursing research were made tion.
by such studies as: (a) patient satisfac- 1956. The study of Patient Care and Pa-
tion, (b) patient classification studies, tient Satisfaction in 60 Hospitals was
(c) problem-oriented record. These published.
studies laid the ground-work for nurs- 1957. The Department of Nursing, estab-
ing research for the next 2 decades. lished at Walter Reed Army Institute
1949. The ANA conducted its first na- of Research, provided opportunities for
tional inventory of Professional Regis- growth in military nursing research.
tered Nurses in the United States and The Western Interstate Commission
Puerto Rico. An Interim Classification for Higher Education (WICHE) spon-
of Schools of Nursing Offering Basic sored the Western Interstate Council
Programs was prepared with classifica- on Higher Education for Nursing
tions I, II, and III according to spe- (WICHEN) to improve the quality of
cific criteria. higher education for nursing in the
1950. The National Nursing Accrediting western U.S., focus on preparing nurses
Service, established a system for accred- for research, and develop new scientific
iting schools of nursing. knowledge and communicate research
1952. The journal Nursing Research was findings. Other such groups were the
published in June 1952. It was the Southern Regional Education Board
ANAs first official journal for re- (SREB), New England Board of Higher
porting nursing and health research. Education (NEBHE), Midwest Alliance
1953. Leo Simmons and Virginia Hender- in Nursing (MAIN), and Mid-Atlantic
son published a survey and assessment Regional Nurses Association (MAR
of nursing research which classified and NA).
evaluated research in nursing during the 1959. The National League for Nursing
precious decade. Teachers College, Co- (NLN) Research and Studies (later the
lumbia University, established the Insti- Division of Research) was established
tute of Research and Service in Nursing to conduct research, provide consulta-
Education under Helen Bunge. tions to NLN staff, and maintain infor-
1954. The ANA established a Committee mation about NLN research products.
on Research and Studies to plan, pro- 1960. Faye Abdellah developed the first
mote, and guide research and studies federally tested Coronary Care Unit and
relating to the functions of the ANA published Patient Centered Approaches
(1968 published) ANA Guidelines in to Nursing, which altered nursing the-
Ethical Values. ory and practice.
1955. The ANA established the American 1963. The Surgeon Generals Consultant
Nurses Foundation (ANF), a center for Group on Nursing reported on the nurs-
research to receive and administer funds ing situation in the U.S. and recom-
History of Nursing Research 265

mended increased federal support for 1971. The ANA Council of Nurse Re-
nursing research and education of re- searchers was established by the ANA
searchers. Nursing Studies Index, Vol- Commission on Nursing Research to
ume IV, 19571959, was completed as advance research activities and pub-
a guide to analytical and historical liter- lished issues in research: Social, Profes-
ature on nursing in English from 1900 sional, and Methodology (1973). The
1959. Volume I, 19001929, was pub- Secretarys Commission, Department
lished in 1972; Volume II, 19301949, of Health, Education and Welfare
was published in 1970; and Volume III, (DHEW) published Extending the
19501956, was published in 1966. Scope of Nursing Practice as a position
1964. Nursing Research: A Survey and As- of the health professions to support the
sessment provided a review and assess- expansion of the functions and respon-
ment of research in areas of occupa- sibilities of nurse practitioners.
tional health, career dynamics, and 1973. The American Academy of Nursing
nursing care. was founded with 36 charter fellows to
1965. ANA Nursing Research Confer- advance new concepts in nursing and
ences (1965 through the 1980s) pro- health care, to explore issues in health
vided a forum for critiquing nursing re- care, the profession and society as di-
search and opportunities for nurse re- rected by nursing, to examine dynamics
searchers to examine critical issues. of nursing, and to propose resolutions
1966. International Nursing Index was for issues and problems in nursing
published. One of the first textbooks and health.
on nursing research was published by 1977. Nursing Research became the first
Abdellah and Levine: Better Patient nursing journal to be included in Med-
Care Through Nursing Research. line, the computerized information re-
trieval service.
1968. The ANA Blueprint for Research in
1979. Healthy People, the Surgeon Gener-
Nursing and The Nurse in Research,
als report on health promotion and dis-
ANA guidelines in ethical values were
ease prevention, was published. Clinical
content of nursing proceedings Forum
1970. ANA Commission on Nursing Re-
on Doctoral Education in Nursing de-
search was established and prepared
fined the content of nursing research at
position papers on human rights in re-
the doctoral level.
search. Papers included: Human rights 1980. Promoting Health, Preventing Dis-
guidelines for nurses in clinical and ease: Objectives for the Nation was
other research (1974), Research in nurs- published. ANA published a social pol-
ing: Toward a science of health care icy statement, which defined the nature
(1976), Preparation of nurses for par- and scope of nursing practice and char-
ticipation in research (1976), and Prior- acteristics of specialization in nursing.
ities for nursing research (1976). An ab- 1981. Strategies for Promoting Health
stract for action made recommenda- for Specific Populations was published
tions for changes in nursing such as in- by the Department of Health and Hu-
creased practice research, improved man Services (formerly Department
education, role clarification and prac- of Health, Education, and Welfare).
tice, and increased financial support for DRGs (Diagnostic Related Groups)
nursing. Overview of Nursing was sup- were mandated by Health Care Financ-
ported by the Department of Health, ing Administration for Medicare re-
Education, and Welfare, 19551968, to garding reimbursement. This stimu-
assess nursing research, knowledge, lated the importance of evidence-based
gaps, and future needs. practical nursing.

1983. The 1981 White House conference on the development of clinical practice
on aging: Executive summary of techni- guidelines, outcome measures, and ef-
cal committee on health maintenance fectiveness research. (The name was
and health promotion and Report of changed to Agency for Health Care Re-
the mini conference on long-term care: search and Quality).
Report of the technical committee on
health services: Nursing and nurse edu- Thirty years after the idea was first pro-
cation-Public policies and private ac- posed by the National Institute of Healths
tions. Report of the Institute of Medi- National Advisory Council, the National
cine, National Academy of Sciences de- Center for Nursing Research (NCNR) was
fined nursing research and delineated established in 1986. Its mandate was to ad-
its direction. Magnet Hospitals: At- vance science to strengthen nursing practice
traction and Retention of Professional and health care that promotes health, pre-
Nurses was published by the American vents disease, and ameliorates the effects of
Academy of Nursing. Report of the illness and disability. The placement of
Task Force on Nursing Practice in Hos- NCNR at the National Institute of Health
pitals. New legislation established reim- (NIH) moved nursing research into a broader
bursement policies for hospitals based based biomedical research environment and
on prospective payment of Diagnosis facilitated the collaboration between nursing
Related Groups (DRGs) the determined and other research disciplines. On June 9,
amount paid for Medicare patients. 1993, the NCNR was renamed and became
1983. The first volume of the Annual Re- the National Institute of Nursing Research,
view of Nursing Research series was which placed nursing on an equal footing
published by Springer Publishing Com- with other NIH institutes.
pany. The National Institute of Nursing Re-
1984. The ANA formed the ANA Council search (NINR) is the key organ for funding
on Computer Applications in Nursing nursing research grants and contracts and has
to focus on computer technology perti- approved priority areas for research as deter-
nent to nursing practice, education, ad- mined by its National Advisory Council for
ministration, and research. The ANA Nursing Research. NINR provides a scientific
Cabinet on Nursing Research published base for patient care and is used by many
Directions for Nursing Research: To- disciplines among health care professionals
ward the Twenty First Century. especially by the nations 2.5 million nurses.
1985. The National Center for Nursing NINR-supported research spans both health
Research (NCNR) was established in and illness and deals with individuals of all
the PHS. Programs would work to en- age groups. Nursing research addresses the
large scientific knowledge underlying issues that examine the core of patients and
nursing services, administration, and families personal encounters with illness, dis-
education. The Center was initially lo- ability, treatment, and disease prevention. In
cated in the Division of Nursing, Bureau addition, nursing research addresses issues
of Health Manpower, Health Re- with a community or public health focus.
sources, and Services Administration, NINRs primary activity is clinical research,
but in 1986 it became part of the Na- and most of the studies directly involve pa-
tional Institutes of Health (NIH). In tients. The basic science is linked to patient
1993, the NCNR was renamed the Na- problems.
tional Institute of Nursing Research. The nursing programs of the USPHS stim-
1988. The Agency for Health Care Policy ulated the postwar expansion of nursing ser-
and Research (AHCPR) within the De- vices through pilot studies, nursing research,
partment of Health and Human Ser- and community health services. The Division
vices (DHHS) was established to focus of Nursing Resources, with a modest budget
HIV Risk Behavior 267

of $95,000 and a small staff, was able to covering research at the School of Aerospace
undertake a number of landmark studies to Medicine at Brooks Air Force Base, Texas.
find solutions to postwar nursing problems Among the research topics reported are the
in hospitals and health agencies. During the development of equipment for aeromedical
years 1949 to 1955, a number of state surveys evacuation (such as examination lamps, oxy-
of nursing needs and resources were con- gen and humidity apparatus, hand disinfec-
ducted in almost all states. tion devices, patient monitoring and blood
In 1954, among the many studies and tools pressure measurement, litter lift, and trans-
developed by the USPHS Division of Nursing portable airborne stations). Physiological and
Resources, (now the Division of Nursing) was psychological changes experienced by air
a cooperative study carried out with the Com- force nurses associated with flying duty on
mission on Nursing of Cleveland, Ohio, to jet and propeller aircraft and ways to evaluate
discover the reasons for the understaffing of patient care in flight are other areas of re-
nursing departments. A by-product of the search.
study was that it produced the outcome mea- In the Fall of 1990, representatives from
sure satisfaction study. Another study in- the army, navy, and air force met to discuss
volved the use of disease classification for collaborative research among the services.
nursing planning. The diagnoses were then This group formed the Federal Nursing Re-
coded and classified into 58 groups represent- search Interest Group, which later became the
ing discrete nursing problems. A similar Tri-Service Nursing Research Group (TSNR
methodological approach was followed in the Group). The TSNR Group was made respon-
development of the problem-oriented medi- sible for finding ways to promote military
cal record more than a decade later and in nursing research both collectively and indi-
the development of Diagnostic Related vidually, within and across the services. The
Groups. In 1955, Congress earmarked initial appropriation for the TSNR program
$625,000 for nursing research and fellow- under S.R. 102-154 was $1 million for fiscal
ships that were awarded directly to universi- year (FY) 1992 and it increased to $5 million
ties, hospitals, health agencies, and profes- in FY 1996, $6 million thereafter, authorizing
sional associations. the TSNR program as part of the Department
The Army Nurse Corps initiated nursing of Defense Health Care Program, adminis-
research in the military and has been a major tered by the TSNR Group and established
contributor to the evolution of both military at the Uniformed Services University of the
and civilian nursing research. The army de- Health Sciences. In 2000, the Council for the
veloped a program designed to concentrate Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS)
on clinical nursing research in addition to created the research policy and facilitation
fostering participation in the collaborative arm of the American Academy of Nursing.
studies of other disciplines.
The history of nursing research in the navy FAYE G. ABDELLAH
(primarily unpublished masters theses) cov-
ers research topics that are broad and focus
on various aspects of the organization and HIV Risk Behavior
administration of nursing service. Further
work to incorporate nursing research into the By the end of 2003, an estimated 40 million
Navy Nurse Corps became prominent in people throughout the world were living with
1987, when the navy conducted a review of HIV/AIDS (United Nations Program on
billets and identified the need for doctorally AIDS/HIV [UNAIDS], 2004a). With the
prepared nurses. highest incidence rate in any one single year
The history of nursing research in the air since the commencement of the pandemic, 5
force is found primarily through the review million people worldwide become newly HIV
of unpublished mimeographed documents infected in 2003 (UNAIDS, 2004b). This in-

creasing rate of HIV/AIDS infection is a criti- cial isolation, were also found to influence
cal public health crisis and highlights the need the likelihood of becoming HIV infected.
to continually advocate for the reduction of Many behavioral contributors that in-
HIV risk behaviors. Since an effective vaccine crease or decrease the risk of HIV infection
or cure for HIV/AIDS infection has not been have been explored and identified; however,
invented yet, developing effective interven- the contextual risk factors and their casual
tion programs to prevent or reduce the risk relationships with HIV risk behaviors are still
of becoming HIV/AIDS infected is extremely not well understood. This limited under-
important. Nurses, with an obligatory role standing is an obstacle for developing effec-
in providing quality health care for all, are tive interventions to prevent or reduce HIV
cooperating with other professional disci- riskassociated behaviors.
plines and contributing to the prevention of Several health behavior theories, such as
HIV/AIDS infection. Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1994),
Studies to date have identified that unpro- Health Belief Model (Rosenstock, 1974), and
tected sexual intercourse, having multiple the Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein &
sexual partners, and injection drug uses are Ajzen, 1975), have suggested possible mecha-
the main risk behaviors for HIV transmission. nisms and been popularly employed in the
Sexual contact is the major exposure to the understanding and prevention of HIV-related
HIV transmission in most reported AIDS-in- risk behaviors. Most of the cognitive-behav-
fected cases. Therefore, HIV risk behaviors ioral interventions that stem from these theo-
generally imply sexual activities in which the ries report effectiveness in reducing risk of
likelihood of having HIV infection is in- HIV infection. Strong evidences have shown
creased. Unsafe sexual behavior, risky sexual that humans cognitive functions, such as self-
behavior, or sexual risk-taking behaviors are efficacy, uniquely contribute to the rationale
the terms commonly and widely used by sci- of the safer sexual behaviors, and especially
entists and researchers to represent sexual ac- in the domain of condom use. For example,
tivity that increases the risk of getting sexu- a cross-sectional survey tested the social cog-
ally transmitted diseases, including HIV/ nitive-based model for condom use in a ran-
AIDS infection, or becoming pregnant. Since domly selected sample of 1,380 participants
the tragedy of the HIV/AIDS epidemic is with ages 18 to 25 years who were single
spreading gravely, these terms in most studies and reported initiation of sexual intercourse
specifically refer to HIV/AIDS-related sex- (DiIorio, Dudley, Soet, Watkins, & Maibach,
ual behavior. 2001). Self-efficacy was found to be directly
Many psychosocial, biological, and socio- related to condom-use behaviors and indi-
logic circumstances or cofactors have been rectly through its effect on outcome expectan-
recognized as impacting the likelihood of cies.
HIV risks as well. The personal factors, in- Thousands of experts have contributed to
cluding age, gender, race, developmental research in this field since the beginning of
stage, early age of initiation of intercourse, the HIV epidemic. Research related to HIV
HIV/AIDS-related sexual knowledge, sexual risk behaviors has significantly moved to-
identity, self-esteem, self-efficacy, alcohol ward interventional studies. Ongoing re-
uses, and the use of illicit drugs, are associated search is also being conducted on the contex-
with HIV infection-related risks. Interper- tual factors that increase HIV risk behaviors.
sonal factors such as discussing safe sex with Successful programs for reducing HIV risk-
sexual partners and asking sexual partners related sexual behaviors are targeted toward
about his/her sexual history may also be cor- different populations (e.g., based on race/eth-
related with reduced risk of HIV infection. nicity, sexual orientation, drug use).
Environmental factors, such as social eco- When examining the effectiveness of an
nomic status, peer, school, family, and gender intervention, measurement issues regarding
role, cultural norms, religious beliefs, and so- the indications of the HIV risk behaviors are
HIV Symptom Management and Quality of Life 269

especially important. Because of its complex this field are encouraged to include biological
nature, HIV risk behaviors are measured vari- markers that can bolster the validity of the
ously by researchers in terms of content and studies, because risk behaviors and factors
form. In most of the existing correlational are complex and not easily measured. It is
studies, HIV risk behaviors were measured expected that future studies on the effective-
using relative frequency data collected ness of prevention programs and change of
through Likert scales or count data which HIV risk behaviors utilize randomized con-
provided the accurate number of behavioral trolled trial designs, as these are the most
events used in interventional studies (2003). powerful designs for intervention studies.
The condom use measure is the most fre- Meta-analysis research that integrates the re-
quently used indicator for HIV risk behaviors sults from various individual HIV risk-behav-
in many related behavioral studies. Many in- ioral studies is also needed to provide multi-
terventional programs also focus on improv- perspective views for future direction of nurs-
ing the constant condom use. Besides the sin- ing practice. Developing a specific HIV risk-
gle item or several questions asked to measure behavioral reduction theory from the nursing
risk behaviors, a small number of question- perspective may be useful and efficacious for
naires for measuring HIV risk-related sexual nurses to apply to the reduction of HIV
behaviors are also available, such as the Safe risk behaviors.
Sex Behavior Questionnaire (SSBQ) (DiIorio Effective interventions that prevent or re-
et al., 1992). duce HIV risk behaviors must be dissemin-
Research is urgently needed to involve ated to successfully contain the HIV/AIDS
women and young people, especially adoles- epidemic. Bridges between research, practice,
cents, because these groups have increasingly and policy, as well as with other disciplines,
high HIV risks (UNAIDS, 2004b). It is im- must be built. This includes releasing research
portant to track emerging behavioral risks to findings to the public and translating them
identify the settings, subpopulations, or areas into community-based practices.
at particular risk for HIV infection so that
preventive interventions can take these fac- YI-HUI LEE
tors into consideration. For example, drug
users, men who have sex with men, homeless
people, HIV-positive individuals, and people
affected with psychiatric disorders have di- HIV Symptom Management and
verse potential risks and disparate abilities Quality of Life
to reduce their HIV risk-related behaviors.
Moreover, intervening factors of HIV risk Since the advent of highly active antiretrovi-
behaviors, such as culture, race, age, and gen- ral therapy, persons with human immunode-
der among the target populations as men- ficiency virus (HIV) are generally living
tioned earlier in this section, should be identi- longer. Viral loads have diminished to unde-
fied and considered in order to design effec- tectable levels, CD4+ cell counts have in-
tive HIV prevention programs. creased, and opportunistic infections have be-
To understand and evaluate the mainte- come more manageable. However, persons
nance of behavior change for reducing the with HIV frequently reported increased med-
risk of HIV infection, longitudinal and multi- ical and disease-related symptomatology
variate studies are necessary to detect causal (Kirksey et al., 2002). Therefore, client-initi-
relationships and the changing patterns of ated or provider-directed symptom manage-
HIV risk behaviors. Moreover, methodologi- ment has become an increasingly important
cal issues, including criterion measures, valid- component of care. The primary objective of
ity of self-report risk behaviors, comparabil- nursing interventions is to enhance health-
ity and generalizability of studies, need spe- related quality of life (HRQOL) for persons
cial consideration. Future nursing studies in with HIV.

Symptoms are primary reasons why indi- greater risk of recurrence of symptoms. Pre-
viduals seek health care (Lee, K., & Carrieri, cipitating factors may include lack of partner
2003). A symptom is any condition accom- support and inability to master or control
panying or resulting from a disease or physi- life events. J. G. Johnson, Williams, Rabkin,
cal disorder and serving as an aid in diagno- Goetz, and Remien (1995) found a relation-
sis (Websters New World College Diction- ship between preexisting personality disorder
ary, 2001, p. 1451). Symptoms are subjective and the onset of HIV-related anxiety. The
phenomena that indicate a departure from researchers compared 52 HIV-negative and
normal functioning, sensation, or appear- 110 HIV-positive men, 19% of whom had a
ance. These entities are a persons perception preexisting personality disorder. Participants
of abnormal physical, emotional, or cognitive in the HIV-positive group displayed greater
states. I. B. Wilson and Cleary (1995) de- levels of anxiety than those persons in the
scribed symptom reporting as an expression HIV-negative group. In another study with
of subjective experiences that summarize and a similar premise, Ferrando and colleagues
integrate data from an array of different (1998) noted a relationship among depres-
sources. Several authors have noted that sion, substance use, and prevalence of anxiety
when symptom control is not achieved, qual- in an ethnically-diverse sample of 267 HIV-
ity of life can be adversely affected (Hol- negative and HIV-positive males. HIV-posi-
zemer, Spicer, Wilson, Kemppainen, & Cole- tive participants (n = 183) who continued to
man, 1998; Lee, K., & Carrieri). use illegal substances reported higher levels
The University of California, San Fran- of emotional stress.
cisco, School of Nursing Symptom Manage- Neidig, Smith, and Brashers (2003) postu-
ment Faculty Group (1994) defined symp- lated that aerobic training may assist in re-
toms as subjective experiences based upon ducing or preventing depression symptoms
cognitive changes, sensation, or biopsychoso- experienced by persons living with HIV. Sixty
cial function. The model is comprised of three HIV-infected adults participated in a ran-
interrelated dimensions: symptom experi- domized controlled trial where clients were
ence, management strategies, and outcomes. subjected to a 12-week aerobic exercise train-
The first category reflects an individuals per- ing program. When compared with the con-
ception of a symptom. The second category, trol group, participants in the exercise group
management strategies, includes self-care be- showed significant reductions in depressive
haviors. And the last category, symptom out- symptoms.
comes, may include entities like HRQOL. In another study using a telephone support
The University of California, San Fran- group for HIV-positive persons over the age
cisco (UCSF) International HIV Nursing Re- of 50 years, Nokes, Chew, and Altman
search Network has conducted a number of (2003) determined that identifying symptoms
multisite studies in order to identify the per- and exploring the use of effective medications
vasive symptoms and self-care management and treatments aided in reducing depression.
strategies used by persons with HIV. Among Fatigue is a common symptom of HIV and
the most frequently reported symptoms were: is associated with impaired physical function-
anxiety, depression, fatigue, and neuropathy. ing and poor HRQOL (Breitbart et al., 1998).
The following sections contain brief summar- Piper, Lindsey, and Dodd (1987) defined fa-
ies of recent scientific studies related to each tigue as a subjective feeling of tiredness that
of these symptoms. is influenced by circadian rhythm. It can vary
According to Kemppainen and others in unpleasantness, duration and intensity (p.
(2003), anxiety is one of the most prevalent 19). Some researchers (Capaldini, 1998; Per-
symptoms experienced by persons with HIV. kins, D. O., et al., 1995; Walker, K., McGo-
Dew and colleagues (1997) noted that clients wan, Jantos, & Anson, 1997) have postulated
with a prior history of an anxiety disorder that there is a correlation between depression
prior to being diagnosed with HIV were at and fatigue in persons with HIV infection.
HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment 271

However, others (Breitbart et al., 1998; Fer- positively affects general health perceptions
rando et al., 1998) disagreed and observed and enhances overall HRQOL. Douaihy and
that although it is associated with depression, Singh (2001) noted that physical manifesta-
fatigue makes a separate contribution to mor- tions, antiretroviral therapy, psychological
bidity in HIV-infected persons. well-being, social support systems, coping
Nicholas and colleagues (2002) stated that strategies, spiritual well-being, and psychiat-
peripheral neuropathy is the most common ric comorbidities are important predictors of
neurological complication in HIV disease QOL . . . (p. 1).
(p. 763). These investigators noted that neu- This review presented select articles ad-
ropathy was the third most frequently re- dressing symptom identification and manage-
ported symptom in a convenience sample of ment as correlates to HRQOL in persons with
422 persons living with HIV. Forty-four per- HIV infection. Scholarly endeavors concern-
cent of the self-care management strategies ing quality of life have helped shape standards
were categorized as complementary or alter- of care by broadening conceptualizations of
native therapies; however, there was lack of outcome measures. However, additional sci-
consensus about the efficacy of these inter- entific studies designed to explore the efficacy
ventions. of complementary and alternative therapies,
Quality of life is a perception of circum- as well as public discourse on symptom man-
stances which is dependent upon psychologi- agement strategies related to quality-of-life
cal makeup. The central assumption is that enhancement, are still needed.
individuals are the best sources of judgment
about HRQOL, and it cannot be assumed KENN M. KIRKSEY
that everyone will value life circumstances in DANIELLE DEVEAU
the same way. Burgoyne and Saunders (2001)
stated that quality-of-life assessment involves
an appraisal of ones current state against HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment
some ideal. Goal attainment, coping, deci-
sion-making assessment, and value systems There has been a major shift in the nursing
are examples of predictors of HRQOL. of persons with HIV/AIDS in resource rich
Kemppainen (2001) examined whether or countries after 1996. With the introduction
not variables relating to sociodemographic of highly active antiretroviral medications
attributes, illness severity, and psychological targeting different phases of the host/virus
status predict quality of life in persons with interaction, HIV rapidly changed from an
HIV. Using a convenience sample (n = 162), acute, often terminal, infection to a chronic
the author found that the strongest predictor illness with a long disease trajectory. Symp-
of decreased HRQOL scores was depression. tom management and identification of strate-
Additionally, the investigator noted that the gies to promote treatment adherence emerged
number of symptoms also had a profound as important foci of nursing research. In com-
effect on HRQOL. munities like the United States where medica-
In another study, Sousa, Holzemer, Henry, tions are readily available through govern-
and Slaughter (1999) performed a secondary ment-supported medication access programs,
analysis (n = 142) to empirically test the influ- nursing research moved its area of concentra-
ence of symptom status, functional status, tion from the needs of tertiary-care patients
and general health perceptions on overall to community-living clients and their sup-
HRQOL in persons living with HIV. Analysis port systems.
suggested that these variables were key di- Goldrick, Baigis, Larsen, and Lemert
mensions of HRQOL. The investigators con- (2000) reviewed the nursing research litera-
cluded that focusing nursing interventions on ture (1986 to 1997) and found that, although
decreasing symptoms or assisting the client many descriptive and/or correlational studies
in identifying self-care management strategies described clinical problems experienced by

HIV positive persons, they believed that fu- son but promote viral mutation and resis-
ture studies should focus more on clinical tance. Other interventions tested by nurse re-
interventions. The Delphi technique was used searchers have focused on health promotion
with expert members of the Association of behaviors such as regular aerobic exercise
Nurses in AIDS Care (Sowell, 2000) to iden- (Baigis et al., 2002).
tify HIV/AIDS research priorities into the The two major routes of HIV transmission
21st century. Five categories were identified: are sexual and sharing blood products often,
(a) HIV community-level education and pre- through injection drug use. Populations living
vention, (b) development of more tolerable with HIV/AIDS vary vastly in ethnicity, so-
drugs, (c) prevention focusing on individual cioeconomic, and educational status. Physi-
or specific group behavior, (d) vaccine devel- cal comorbidities such as hepatitis, especially
opment, and (e) development of new and hepatitis C, must also be considered. Differ-
more effective drugs. Hare (2003) identified ences must be addressed in the development
the six major categories of National Institute of intervention protocols. Recruitment issues,
of Nursing Research funded research as: (a) especially the use of incentives, must be care-
biobehavioral and sociocultural research in fully considered to avoid situations where the
HIV prevention and intervention, (b) risk re- incentive becomes such an important benefit
duction, (c) interventions to improve adher- that the potential study participant minimizes
ence to drug regimens, (d) end-of-life care, (e) the risk. Retention is a major issue when the
symptoms, and (f) shifting trends including study population is not in stable housing and
informal caregiving. does not have regular access to phones or
Symptoms can emerge from the disease pa- mailing addresses.
thology, treatment strategies, and comorbidi- Depending upon the nature of the inter-
ties. Nurse researchers have examined indi- vention, the setting may be the home, primary
vidual symptoms such as diarrhea (Anas- care setting, hospital unit, or community-
tasi & McMahon, 2003), but through de- based organization. Some nurse researchers
scriptive studies that used instruments such have conceptualized their interventions using
as the SSC-HIV (rev) (Holzemer, Hudson, principles of models from other disciplines,
Kirksey, Hamilton, & Bakken, 2001), it was such as the Stages of Change model, while
found that HIV positive persons usually re- others used nursing theorists such as the Per-
port more than one symptom. The UCSF In- sonalized Nursing LIGHT model based on
ternational HIV/AIDS Nursing Research Martha Rogers science of nursing (Anderson
Network identified six commonly reported et al., 2003). Many of the intervention studies
symptoms: anxiety, depression, diarrhea, fa- require multiple points of contact over time,
tigue, nausea, and neuropathy. Identification which can be difficult to achieve in a highly
of self-care symptom management strategies mobile, resource-poor population. Findings
were described for anxiety and fear (Kemp- emerging from these behavioral intervention
painen et al., 2002), neuropathy (Nicholas et studies may seem disappointing since there is
al., 2002), and fatigue (Corless et al., 2002). often not a significant statistical improve-
In order to suppress the HIV viral load, ment in the outcome variable after the inter-
adherence with prescribed medications must vention. This lack of significant findings may
be almost perfect. Research with chronically be due more to the lack of sensitivity in the
ill populations has demonstrated medication instruments being used than in the effective-
adherence rates as low as 30%. Therefore, ness of the intervention. Nursing interven-
nurse researchers have developed many dif- tions are usually noninvasive and care is used
ferent protocols to examine strategies that to avoid harm. Rather than being discour-
promote treatment adherence and informed aged by a lack of significant improvement,
decision making since incomplete viral sup- nurse researchers are using these findings to
pression cannot only harm the infected per- refine their interventions and choose more
Home Care Technologies 273

sensitive instruments to measure change over (Cohen, 2003; Noddings, 1994). Nursing re-
a relatively short period of time. search has contributed to study findings in
several areas. C. E. Smith (1995, 1996) has
KATHLEEN M. NOKES a series of studies on families, caregivers, and
patients dependent on technology for lifelong
survival (Smith et al., 2002). The ethical is-
Home Care Technologies sues in technological home care were summa-
rized and research questions posed in a Has-
The Office of Technology Assessment, in a tings Center report (Arras, 1995). Family
1987 memorandum to the U.S. Congress, de- members reported being ill-prepared for tech-
scribed a technology-dependent person as nology caregiving (McNeal, 2000; Scott, L.
one who needs both ongoing nursing care O., 2001) and little has been done to support
and a medical device to compensate for loss caregivers with their long-term daily technol-
of a vital body function. Home care techno- ogy care (Gorski, 1995).
logies include mechanical ventilation; apnea Research with home care technologies
detection monitoring; oxygen assist; continu- should be systems-oriented on a variety of
ous positive airway pressure (CPAP); nutri- levels: machine reliability and safety, com-
tion or hydration via central venous infusion; pensated physiological systems, family care-
hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis spinal giving, community support, health care pro-
infusion for pain; infusion for chemotherapy, viders, and third-party payers reimburse-
insulin, or antibiotics; automatic internal de- ment. The most extensive research has been
fibrillation; and other systems that avert at the machine level, where manufacturers
death or further disability. With home care studies of the mechanical system has led to
technology a family member provides nursing Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) ap-
care, makes complex decisions, and learns proval for clinical trials conducted by nurses.
skills in managing machines without inadver- Government regulation also has called for
tently causing harm. Studies verify the addi- research on the manuals accompanying de-
tive length, quality of life, and cost-effective vices to determine readability and effective-
outcomes from use of various home care tech- ness of instructions for laypersons. In 1996,
nologies (Smith, O. E., 1995). the National Academy of Science presented
A common requirement for placing com- a report to Congress from manufacturers,
plex technological equipment in the home is regulators, health professionals, families, and
that a competent and willing caregiver is patients regarding findings from research on
available to manage the equipment before safety and issues of home technologies and
treatment (such as home parenteral nutrition family care. Problems to be studied included
therapy) will be authorized (Ireton-Jones, the impact of family caregiver quality of life
1998; Steiger & Ireton-Jones, 2001). Prob- (Smith, 1996), ethical decision making in use
lems to be studied included the impact on of technologies, costs of safety regulations for
family caregiver quality of life (Smith, C. E., manufacturers, and quality control mea-
1994), ethical decision making in use of tech- surers for home care.
nologies, costs of safety regulations for manu- Major conclusions from research are that
facturers, and quality control measures for home care technologies enhance and extend
home care. quality of life for those who would otherwise
Technology caregiving resembles a minia- succumb to illness, frailty, or disability. Fur-
ture, urgent care center where families pro- ther, family members are very capable and
vide complex, direct patient care, maintain desirous of home care for their technology-
equipment and supply inventories, obtain dependent loved one. Direct physical care and
needed home services, negotiate for reim- indirect costs (reduced income, innumerable
bursement, and manage caregiver problems expenses, and transportation fees) are shifted

to the family (Gaskamp, 2004) and evidence Home Health Care Classification
of emotional and physical strain occurs in (HHCC) System
family caregivers. Delivery of technology ser-
vices in home care is costly and uncoordi-
The Home Health Care Classification
nated, although cost-savings and quality im-
(HHCC) system is a decision-support system
provements occurred when models of com-
prehensive care were followed. In some com- designed to assess, document, and code home
munities and states and in some populations health care, using two interrelated terminolo-
of patients (e.g., ventilator-dependent), coor- gies. Its documentation method tracks home
dinated services do exist (Naylor et al., 2004). health care over time, across settings, and
Future directions for research include the geographical locations, whereas the terminol-
need for continued study of informatics that ogies are used to code and classify the care.
can support safe, optimal technology care. A The HHCC system is based on a conceptual
variation of the word technology is techno- framework using the nursing process to as-
genesis, which is used in educational technol- sess, document, and evaluate a patient holisti-
ogy where health care students, practitioners, cally.
and faculty nurture new technologies while The HHCC system was developed by Saba
preserving safety equipment. For instance, and colleagues at Georgetown University
Healthy People 2010 goals for supporting School of Nursing, Washington, DC. It was
those persons requiring restorative technol- developed from the Home Care Project re-
ogy devices (ANA, 2002) and the Library of search study (19881991) funded by the
Medicine Quality Chasm report have a goal Health Care Financing Administration
for safe use of infusion pumps. Effective inter- (HCFA; Cooperative Agreement No. 17009
ventions (such as step-by-step algorithms, 8983/3) to develop a method to assess and
videoscene illustrations of equipment assem- classify home health Medicare patients in or-
bly, use, cleaning, and trouble shooting) de- der to predict their need for nursing and other
livered over modern informatics technology home care services as well as measure their
will achieve the Picker Institutes 1998 Health outcomes of care. A national sample of 646
Care Quality Improvement goal from the pa- home health agencies (HHAs) randomly stra-
tients perspective of establishing access to tified by size, type of ownership, and geo-
information to overcome the discontinuity graphic location participated in the study.
between inpatient and home care setting The HHAs collected retrospective data on
(Picker Institutes, 2005). Effectiveness of the 8,961 newly discharged cases for the entire
informatics interventions themselves and the episode of home health care, from admission
technology devices must be tested. to discharge. This landmark study, which
Study of interventions for technology represents the largest sample of HHA data in
home care in culturally diverse populations is the United States, provided new knowledge
still needed (Smith, 1994). In addition, policy, for the home health care industry.
ethical, professional, and interdisciplinary ar-
The Home Care Project produced several
eas of authority issues should be studied to
materials, including the HHCC of Nursing
reduce duplication and enhance resource
Diagnoses and Outcomes and the HHCC of
availability. Predicting cost and outcomes of
Nursing Interventions and Actions. The
care should be compared to patients and
HHCC terminologies were created empiri-
families desired quality of life. Consumer de-
mand and technological advances will con- cally from computer processing of approxi-
tinue, one hopes, with nursing research veri- mately 40,000 textual phrases representing
fying theoretical frameworks that guide effec- nursing diagnoses and/or patient problems
tive home technology. and 72,000 phrases depicting patient care ser-
vices and/or actions collected on the study
CAROL E. SMITH cases. The textual phrases were processed by
HELEN A. SCHAAG computer, using keyword sorts from which
Home Health Care Classification (HHCC) System 275

the standardized coded labels were devel- an HL7 language, are integrated into Logical
oped. The coded labels were also grouped Observations Identifiers Names and Codes
into 20 Care Components providing the (LOINC), and the Systematized Nomencla-
framework for classifying, coding, and in- ture of Human and Veterinary Medicine
dexing the textual phrases for the two termi- Combined Terminology (SNOMED CT).
nologies. Further, they are translated into Dutch, Por-
The HHCC terminologies are used to as- tuguese, Spanish, Finnish, Korean, and Chi-
sess, document, and code the six steps of the nese, and they are being translated into other
nursing process, its conceptual framework languages. The original 20 Care Components
for documenting nursing practice. The stan- were adapted by Ozbolt for her development
dards of nursing practice recommended by of the Patient Care Data Set (PCDS).
the American Nurses Association in 1991 The system provides the coding strategy
comprise these six steps of nursing process, and methodology for tracking clinical care
namely: assessment, diagnosis, outcome iden- for decision support, offers standardized as-
tification, planning, implementation, and sessment data for mapping and predicting
evaluation. health care resources, and provides informa-
The coding framework for the two HHCC tion for quality management and evaluation
terminologiesHHCC of Nursing Diagno- of various clinical care pathways. The clinical
ses and HHCC of Nursing Interventions is information allows for the aggregation of
structured according to the 21 Care Compo- data to provide meaningful cross-population
nents. Each is structured hierarchically and comparisons as well as administrative deci-
coded according to International Classifica- sions for allocating human resources. Fur-
tion of Diseases Version 10 developed by the ther, the HHCC System can be used in home
World Health Organization. Each term uses health, community health, ambulatory care
a five-character alphanumeric code: (a) first settings as well as hospitals and long-term
position: an alphabetic character for the care care settings.
component; (b) second and third positions: a The HHCC System consisting of two ter-
two-digit code for a core data element (major minologies makes it possible not only to as-
category) followed by a decimal point; (c) sess and document but also to code, index,
fourth position: a one-digit code for a subcat- and classify the nursing care according to the
egory (if needed); and (d) fifth position: a 21 Care Components. This innovative system
one-digit code for a modifier. provides the structure and coding strategy for
This structure facilitates the design of clini- the EHR, can identify a nursing minimum
cal care pathways as well as other applica- data set, and track the nursing care process
tions that make the terminologies useful. It across time, different settings, and geographic
is also critical for the development of decision locations. The HHCC System facilitates the
support and/or expert systems. The HHCC documentation of patient care electronically
of Nursing Diagnoses and HHCC of Nursing at the point of care instead of by the tradi-
Interventions have been recognized by the tional paper-based method. The data once
ANA as providing a valid and useful nursing collected can be used many times, which
language that can be used not only to classify allows for better documentation and more
nursing practice but also to document nursing efficient analysis. The HHCC system is free-
care of patients in the electronic health record standing and can be integrated into any home
(EHR). Additionally, the two HHCC termi- health system and linked electronically to any
nologies have been incorporated in the Met- system designed to collect the data required
athesaurus developed by the National Li- for professional and/or federal home health
brary of Medicine for its Unified Medical care reporting. It can be used to (a) improve
Language System (UMLS), indexed in the Cu- the efficiency of assessing and documenting
mulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health home health nursing care, (b) develop clinical
Literature (CINAHL). They are registered as care protocols and/or pathways, (c) provide

the strategy for evaluating quality and mea- to shift from acute short-term hospital care
suring outcomes of care, and (d) develop a to community home-based and chronic long-
method for costing patient care. term care. Patients began to be discharged
A complete description of the HHCC of sicker and quicker and required more
Nursing Diagnoses and HHCC of Nursing health care services in the home.
Interventions, classified by the 21 Care Com- Home health systems were initially intro-
ponents including their definitions, is avail- duced as management information systems
able on the Internet at http://www.sabacare. designed to manage the flow of information
com in the proper time frame and to assist in the
decision-making process. The early home
VIRGINIA K. SABA health systems were introduced in large vis-
iting nurse associations and other nonprofit
HHAs as billing and financial systems. They
Home Health Systems were developed for the sole purpose of im-
proving cash flow, holding down costs, and
Home health systems are computer-based in- addressing the federal regulatory needs for
formation systems designed to support care HHAs. They were designed to furnish the
of the sick in the home. Home health systems information required for payment by Medi-
primarily support home health and hospice care, Medicaid, and other third-party payers
programs provided by home health agencies for reimbursement for services.
(HHAs). Home health is more than care in Home health systems were generally devel-
the home. It focuses on the continuity of care oped by commercial vendors who obtained
from the hospital to the community, public the computer system hardware and devel-
health concepts of disease prevention and oped the software to process the services data
health promotion, and out-of-hospital acute provided by the HHAs. The computer ven-
illness services. dors owned the home health system and were
Home care is the oldest form of health care responsible for maintaining and updating
and yet the newest. Home health nursing, them. Home health computer vendors were
previously called care of the sick in the home, usually contracted by the HHAs to provide
is one of the earliest developments in the field billing services and financial management,
of public and community health. Care of the without the HHAs having to develop their
sick at home traditionally has been provided own system. With the introduction of the mi-
by voluntary nonprofit agencies, such as vis- crocomputer and online communication sys-
iting nurse associations (VNAs), organized tems, local area networks (LANs) and wide
to provide out-of-hospital services (Saba & area networks (WANs) were introduced, de-
McCormick, 1996). signed to advance and enhance the home
In 1966, with the introduction of Medi- health systems. They were used to link state
care and Medicaid legislation, home health and local units, to share hardware and soft-
programs emerged from hospital-based am- ware, and to integrate data (Saba & McCor-
bulatory care, health maintenance organiza- mick, 1996).
tions, and proprietary home health agencies. Home health systems are designed not
The programs and providers increased in only to collect and process home health data
number and size. They increased faster than required by the federal government and third-
all other organized providers in the health party payers for reimbursement of services
care industry because Medicare primarily ad- but also for the efficient management of the
dressed the health care needs of the aging HHA. They focus on billing and financial
population. As this population grew, more applications, such as general ledger, accounts
health services were required, resulting in an receivable, accounts payable, billing, reim-
increase of health care costs that required cost bursement management, and cash manage-
containment. As a result, health care began ment. They also may include other manage-
Homeless Health 277

ment applications, such as scheduling, patient the homeless around the world confirm that
census, visit tracking, cost statistics, utiliza- there are greater numbers each year.
tion reports, accounting statements, and dis- In the United States, the increase in the
charge summaries. number of homeless became a subject of lo-
Newer home health systems have emerged cal, state, and national concern in the 1980s,
that are designed to focus on the patient en- with the profile of the homeless changing
counter and visit during an episode of care. from that of an older male with alcohol addic-
They include clinical applications used to as- tion to that of young men and women (2139
sess and document the care process, to gener- years) who often entered homelessness ac-
ate care plans, and to prepare critical path- companied by their young children (National
ways or protocols that outline the critical Coalition for the Homeless, 2002). In 1987
events. These newer systems are using the the federal government, in the Stewart B. Mc-
electronic information superhighway to com- Kinney Act, initially enacted legislation pro-
municate patient information for continuity viding limited funding for health care for the
of care from hospital to the home, to the homeless via the federally funded community
community, and back to the hospital. The health centers.
systems also offer other applications that fo- Since the number of homeless continued
cus on decision support, evaluation of care, to increase, this funding was reapproved in
and measurement of outcomes across set- 1994. In this act a homeless person is defined
tings, time, and geographic locations. The as one who
systems are considered part of the lifelong
longitudinal record containing patient-spe- lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-
cific health-related data. time residence; and . . . has a primary night
HHCC systems are being used to identify time residency that is (a) a supervised pub-
care needs in terms of care components and licly or privately operated shelter designated
their respective nursing diagnoses and inter- to provide temporary living accommoda-
tions . . . (b) an institution that provides a
ventions and to determine resource use in
temporary residence for individuals in-
terms of nursing and other health providers.
tended to be institutionalized, or (c) a public
They are being designed to document the clin- or private place not designated for, or ordi-
ical care pathways and record protocols for narily used as, a regular sleeping accommo-
an entire episode of care. Further, they are dation for human beings. This definition
being used to determine care costs and pro- does not include individuals incarcerated by
vide a payment method for managed care federal or state governments. (42 U.S.C.
organizations offering home health care ser- 11302(c)
Currently the Urban Institute estimates
VIRGINIA K. SABA that in the U.S. the number of individuals
experiencing homelessness at some time
within a given year is 3.5 million, with 39%
Homeless Health (1.5 million) of this group being children (Ur-
ban Institute, 2000). This estimate is flawed
Ongoing armed conflicts and poor economic and minimal as it reflects only the homeless
conditions are daily increasing the ranks of counted by agencies servicing the homeless.
the homeless in the world through the cre- The homeless who are not included in this
ation of refugees and immigrants. The level estimate are those who do not seek services
of increase in the homeless population world- from homeless shelters and reside outside, in
wide can only be estimated because of the abandoned buildings or autos, or with rela-
continuous fluctuation of this population. tives or friends.
However, the World Health Organization as Homelessness and health are interrelated
well as nongovernmental agencies managing in three major ways: health issues may lead

to homelessness; being homeless may predis- and validated with various subgroups of this
pose an individual to health threats; and population, and new theoretical frameworks
homelessness can impact health by limiting have been offered to better explain the phe-
ones access to health care. Health status can nomenon of homelessness in particular
easily lead to homelessness. When an individ- homeless subgroups (veterans, single moth-
ual with physical or mental illness or drug/ ers, substance abusers, domestic violence vic-
alcohol addiction is unable to maintain em- tims, adolescents, etc.).
ployment and housinghomelessness re- These research studies have expanded the
sults. Being homeless in a shelter setting expo- base of nursing knowledge through examin-
ses the individual to health threats (communi- ing areas unique to this population, such as
cable diseases) from living in close quarters the relationship of early childhood trauma
with others (primarily respiratory, gastroin- and abuse to adult homelessness; identifica-
testinal, and dermatological health threats) tion of the stressors and coping behaviors
and exacerbates common health problems of individuals (adults, mothers, and children)
(colds, extremity swelling, foot lesions, etc.) who are homeless; identification of the per-
due to shelter restrictions which require resi- sonal strengths of the homeless; and identifi-
dents to rise early and leave the premises. cation of the meaning and value of pets for
Being homeless also makes access to health the homeless. Through these studies unique
care more difficult since most homeless indi- factors impacting the physical, mental, and
viduals do not have health insurance, and spiritual health of subsets of the homeless
most shelters do not have onsite health care have been identified and nursing interven-
providers or access to cost-free medications. tions proposed to utilize this new knowledge
Consequently, the homeless seek care for in addressing their health issues. Nurse re-
acute episodes of illness at their peak and do searchers have also been active in developing
not seek preventive care. mechanisms to include the homeless and their
Nurses and nurse researchers around the nursing care needs in nursing school curricula
world have been in the forefront studying the through service learning projects, faculty-
health care needs of the incoming homeless managed care centers, and clinical homeless
(refugees and immigrants). The U.S. nursing shelter rotations (Wilk, 1999).
literature focuses primarily on the health of New research instruments have also been
homeless U.S. citizens who have descended used in studies with the homeless. Some have
into homelessness for various reasons (evic- been adapted and validated for use with the
tion, substance abuse, release from prison, general homeless population and others de-
domestic abuse, etc.). Early research in this veloped and validated specifically for use
area was directed primarily at gathering de- with subgroups of this population, such as
mographic information related to the home- homeless sheltered women (Hogenmiller,
less, such as age, sex, reason(s) for home- 2004).
lessness, health care needs, etc. (Lindsey, In the future, nursing research related to
1995) and providing reports of the health the health of the homeless will expand on
care needs of this population from newly de- current new directions to include: (a) identifi-
veloped nurse-managed clinics. cation of how to incorporate preventive
Although reporting of demographic infor- health activities for individuals in the home-
mation has continued, in the last 5 years nurs- less state, (b) empowering the homeless to
ing research in this area has evolved in new become competent health care consumers, (c)
directions. Qualitative studies to better un- identification of the unique elements and
derstand the lives of the homeless and the health care needs of second-generation home-
homeless experience have been published less, (d) identification of a continuum of
(Rew, 2003; Huang & Menke, 2001; Mor- health care strategies for individuals with re-
rell-Bellai, Goering, & Boydell, 2000). New current homeless episodes, and (e) develop-
research instruments have been developed ment of cost-analyses and cost sharing mod-
Homelessness 279

els with other health care institutions to pro- (Ringwalt, Greene, Robertson, & Mc-
vide needed health care that is cost effective. Pheetes, 1998).
The life of a homeless person holds more
MARY J. MCNAMEE uncertainty than its poverty. Homeless peo-
ple are marginalized within the marginaliza-
tion of poverty (Hall, J. M., Stevens, & Mel-
Homelessness eis, 1994). There are more labels for homeless
people than for segments of mainstream
The phenomenon of homelessness is multidi- America. There is fringe homeless, long-term
mensional with macro (health policy), meso homeless, temporary homeless, emergency
(health care systems), and micro (individual) homeless, visibly homeless, and invisibly
structural mechanisms. Homelessness is not homeless. Within all of these categories there
a random event that occurs to families and are different groups of homeless: single
individuals outside the context of their lives women never married without children, sin-
and personal history. Epidemiological medi- gle women who are pregnant and underage,
cine and social researchers continue to amass divorced women with children, single unmar-
a body of literature whose focus is the identi- ried women with children, single men, di-
fication and description of individual risk fac- vorced men with children, divorced men
tors that are correlated with homelessness. without children, families with children, run-
These studies have documented the rates of aways (minor children), adolescents, throw-
mental illness, substance abuse, experiences aways (children whose parents have told
of childhood physical and sexual violence, them to leave home and never return), lesbian
and experiences of abuse and neglect (Bau- and gay youth, transgender youth and adults,
man, 1993). This work has promoted the hu- elderly, disabled, handicapped, veterans
manization of homeless people through its homeless, impoverished, immigrants, and il-
descriptive distinctions between the various legal aliens. In addition to the aforemen-
subgroups within this population. However, tioned categories, there are homeless who
focusing on individual-level risk factors, in have been evicted or those who are addicted
describing who is at risk for becoming or to substances; there are homeless who are
remaining homeless is only part of the pic- mentally ill; those who are homeless because
ture. of domestic violence and/or abusive family
Contemporary analyses have looked at the situations; and those who are homeless be-
interaction of individual and structural fac- cause of release from incarceration without
tors that contribute to homelessness. This ap- transitional support mechanisms in place.
proach continues to be informed by a simple, When considering all of the above categories
sequential causal relationship. What needs to of homelessness, how then does a generally
be considered at this point in time is a model accepted definition of homeless result? The
that stresses the myriad ways in which factors National Coalition for the Homeless (2002)
on the macro, meso, and micro levels interact reports a definition according to the Stewart
in the formation of various pathways into B. McKinney Act, 42 U.S.C. 11301, et
homelessness. Researchers have pointed out seq. (1994),
that structural factors are heightened when
there are fewer housing subsidies and the gap
. . . a person is considered homeless who
between median rents and median income is lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-
relatively wide. These structural factors in time residence, and has a primary nighttime
conjunction with individual factors such as residency that is: (a) a supervised publicly
gender, race, history of childhood or adult or privately operated shelter designed to
abuse, substance abuse, and the level of social provide temporary living accommoda-
support, contribute to a complex interplay tions . . . (b) an institution that provides a
exerting a dominant effect on homelessness temporary residence for individuals in-

tended to be institutionalized, or (c) a public Within the rise of the trajectory into home-
or private place not designed for, or ordi- lessness there is a rapidly growing increase in
narily used as, a regular sleeping accommo- the number of homeless elders. This can be
dation for human beings. 42 U.S.C. attributed to their vulnerability to poverty
11302(a) The term homeless individual
and undertreated mental illness, accelerating
does not include any individual imprisoned
a course of nursing home placement and/or
or otherwise detained pursuant to an Act of
Congress or a state law. 42 U.S.C.
early death. Women have become a major
11302(c). segment of the homeless population, with ac-
cess to health care a major issue. Lim and
colleagues (2001) conducted a study inter-
People experiencing homelessness in rural
viewing 974 homeless women in 78 homeless
areas are less likely to live on the street or in
shelters and soup lines in Los Angeles
shelters, and more likely to be couch surf-
County. Using multivariate analyses, the key
ing, living with relatives or friends in over-
enabling factors associated with improved
crowded or substandard housing. Although
health care access were having health insur-
homeless people are heterogeneous, while ex-
ance and a regular source of health care.
periencing homelessness they do have certain
Families are the fastest-growing segment
shared basic biopsychosocial needs, such as
of the homeless population representing di-
affordable housing, adequate incomes, men-
verse backgrounds. Most are female-headed
tal and physical health care, and possible sub-
single-parent households with mounting inci-
stance abuse treatment. All of these needs
dences of violence, abuse, and neglect. Nu-
must be met to prevent and end homelessness.
merous researchers reported the intense stress
An ongoing dilemma is estimating how and adverse effects that homelessness has on
many people are homeless. There are several a childs development, health, behavior, and
national estimates, many of which are based academic success.
on dated information. No one estimate is a Research pertaining to homeless adoles-
definitive representation of an accurate count cents incorporated biopsychosocial, cultural,
but only the best approximation. In 2000, and spiritual health problems in addition to
the Urban Institute found that there were ap- the homeless adolescents propensity for en-
proximately 3.5 million people, 1.35 million gaging in delinquent or maladaptive social
of them children, who probably have or will and health behaviors. Concepts such as risk,
experience homelessness in any given year resiliency, and connectedness were found to
(OSullivan, 2003). be critical for survival, supported by the cre-
Baumann (1993) reported that the re- ation of peer communities or street families
search on homelessness could be divided into (Ensign & Gittelsohn, 1998; Jezewski, 1995;
three levels of analysis. The first focus was OSullivan, 2003; Rew, Taylor-Seehafter,
on the individual with numerous biopsycho- Thomas, & Yockey, 2001).
social issues, disaffiliated, disabled, mentally Nursing research, education, and practice
ill and addicted, and living in a shelter. The have philosophical foundations in advocating
second level focused on homelessness in the and facilitating health care for marginalized
context of the persons environment and the and vulnerable populations. In light of the
third level of inquiry defined homelessness increasing number of groups of homeless peo-
as economic dislocation related to housing ple and the known biopsychosocial outcomes
shortages. A significant amount of research of homelessness, intervention research is
focused on specific homeless populations needed not only to prevent the trajectory of
such as those with mental illnesses and disaf- homelessness but also to develop programs
filiated by society (McCarthy, D., Argeriou, and educate health care providers to the spe-
Huebner, & Lubran, 1991). cific concerns of the homeless. Nursing re-
Homelessness and Related Mood Disorders 281

search and advocacy as a course of action is American, 12% Hispanic, 4% Native Ameri-
essential on the macro, meso, and micro can, and 3% Asian American. Approximately
levels. 22% of the homeless population left their
last place of residence because of domestic
JOANNE OSULLIVAN violence (Homes for the Homeless, 1998).
The homeless population commonly iden-
tified the usual signs of mood disorders such
Homelessness and Related Mood as: ongoing sadness, anxiety, lack of energy,
Disorders loss of interest in ordinary activities, sleep
problems, excessive weight loss or gain, phys-
The causes of homelessness are complex, and ical aches and pains, difficulty concentrating,
mental illness and related mood disorders add hopelessness, and thoughts of suicide and
additional layers of difficulties. Approxi- death (McMurray-Avila, 1997). One of the
mately 25% of the homeless population suf- identified mood disorders, depression, is the
fers from some serious mental illness most treatable of all mental illnesses. About
(Kusmer, 2002). Many homeless suffer from 60%80% of depressed people can be suc-
common mental illnesses such as depression, cessfully treated outside the hospital with
psychotic disorders, substance abuse, and psychotherapy alone or with specific drugs.
personality disorders. In addition, the popu- Unfortunately, most drug therapies, if
lation of homeless is very diverse including needed, take at least 6 to 19 weeks before
all ethnic groups, usually ranging in age be- there are real signs of improvement. There is
tween 30 to 50 years of age, unmarried, un- a reluctance to receive drug treatment due to
employed, with the largest segment of the side effects of the drugs (McMurray-Avila)
population being women (Martens, 2002). and the continuing stigma of mental illness
Two growing trends are increasingly re- in our society.
sponsible for the rise in homelessness over Advocacy is critical to ending home-
the past 20 years: the growing shortage of lessness. Advocacy means working with the
affordable rental housing and a simultaneous homeless to bring about positive changes in
increase in poverty (National Coalition for policies and programs on the local, state, and
Homeless, 2005). In 1998, the U.S. Confer- federal levels. Breaking the cycle of home-
ence of Mayors survey of homelessness in lessness and related mood disorders also re-
30 cities found that children under the age quires eliminating some of the obstacles to
of 18 years accounted for 25% of the urban receiving medical care that the homeless face.
homeless population. This same study found Obstacles for the homeless include: a lack
that unaccompanied minors comprised 3% of awareness of services available, lack of
of the urban homeless. Most studies of the financial resources and health insurance, lan-
homeless show that single adults are more guage or cultural barriers, poor attitudes of
likely to be male and comprise 45%, while some providers of services, lack of transpor-
14% are single women (U.S. Conference of tation, difficulty scheduling and keeping ap-
Mayors, 1998). Families with children are pointments, fear and distrust of institutions,
among the fastest-growing segments of the and fragmented community services (Kus-
homeless population representing approxi- mer, 2002).
mately 40% of people who become homeless On the bright side, organizations which
(Shinn & Weitzman, 1996). offer information and assistance with depres-
The homeless population varies demo- sion and treatment include: The National In-
graphically according to location. The U.S. stitute of Mental Health Depression Aware-
Conference of Mayors (1998) found that ness, Recognition, and Treatment Program
49% are African Americans, 32% Caucasian (2003); the National Depressive and Manic-

Depressive Association (2003); the National Hough, & Hotstetter, 1998). This study was
Alliance for the Mentally Ill (2003) and its one of the first to look at the strength of
branch organizations available in each state; homeless family relationships over time. As
and the National Mental Health Association contact with family members increased, so
(2003) which publishes information on a va- did their mental health as did greater satisfac-
riety of mental health issues. In addition, the tion in their relationships and housing.
Presidents New Freedom Commission on The most useful strategies for profession-
Mental Health (2003) clearly identified goals als working with homeless mentally ill indi-
needed to transform mental health care in the viduals and families include: setting a tone
United States, which in turn should decrease of respect using observational, listening, and
the number of homeless with mental illness interviewing skills that quickly identify prob-
when implemented. lems; locating existing resources; making
There is a paucity of nursing research link- timely and appropriate referrals; and func-
ing the role that professional nurses play as tioning as an advocate when needed (Wil-
advocates in improving the care for homeless liams, 1994).
with mental illness and related mood disor- There has been a slow increase in research
ders. Because primary health care for the targeting the problems and needs of the
homeless population is often provided by homeless over the past decade. However, in
nurses, there is an excellent nursing opportu- the field of nursing there continues to be a
nity to initiate helpful research in this area paucity of research related to the important
as well as assist those with mental illness to roles that professional nurses can play and
get care so that they may function at a higher the interventions they could use to provide
level in our society. care for the homeless chronically mentally
Interventions are those successful actions ill. Research is needed on the nature of the
taken to attempt to break the cycle of home- relationship between homelessness and re-
lessness. Project Achieve (www.homeless lated mental disorders such as depression and
ness.net, 2003) attacked the cycle of home- related mood disorders. The etiology of
lessness for families and individuals with in- homelessness needs studies which include de-
formation resources described on their web mographics comparing national, cultural,
site. This web site lists access to social services psychosocial, genetic, and neurobiological
and emergency shelters to meet basic needs, determinants of specific homeless popula-
services to prepare individuals for successful tions. Other studies might explore the impact
independent living, and case-management of urban versus rural environments on person
services sites to provide counseling, assistance vulnerable to homelessness. Both qualitative
with employment, and housing placement. and quantitative nursing research cojoined
This kind of web site assistance could be pro- with the research done by other disciplines is
vided regionally throughout the country, edu- essential to clearly document the important
cating health professionals and others who role and interventions already used in prac-
lack the knowledge of available resources. tice by the professional nurse in providing
Another valuable resource is a listing of avail- care to the mentally ill individuals and
able grant money on this web site that can their families.
be used to develop additional programs to
better meet the needs of the homeless. ALICE R. KEMPE
The strengthening of the family unit of
individuals with chronic mental illness is an
important need revealed by community- Hospice
based case management programs. This was
a longitudinal study of family support among Hospice research in the United States began
homeless mentally ill in community-based with studies of the differences between hos-
housing programs (Wood, P., Harbert, pice care and care received in traditional set-
Hospice 283

tings for the terminally ill. Although these husbands had received such care and those
studies examined the impact of care provided who had not (Jacob, 1996). A similar study in
by hospice, largely nursing care, such studies Finland examined the adjustment of relatives
were not nursing research. In Canada, Mary after the death of a hospice patient. Again
Vachon, a U.S.-trained nurse, was invited by the focus was on the adjustment and not the
the palliative care team at the Royal Victoria differential impact of the hospice program on
Hospital in Montreal, Canada, to investigate such adjustment.
stress in the caregivers who composed the In an attempt to validate the impact of a
palliative care team. Other researchers exam- hospice palliative-care unit on perceived fam-
ined pain pathways, medications for pain, ily satisfaction, and to examine the demo-
and the impact of music therapy. In England, graphics of patients, Kellar, Martinez, Finis,
Dame Cicely Saunders, trained as a physician, Bolgar, and von Gunten (1996) surveyed 240
social worker, and nurse, and others exam- families of patients of the program. The most
ined the impact of medications for symptom frequent response to an opened-ended ques-
relief. These early studies had as their focus tion about the advantage of the program was
the improvement of care of the dying and, in the professional nursing care. Few remarks
the United States, the evaluation of whether were made about disadvantages and these
hospice care improved such care and was fis- had to do with parking-facility expenses, the
cally sound so as to be worthy of a new bene- distance families had to travel, and the poten-
fit to fund such care. These studies were con- tial for patient transfer due to the facilitys
ducted by researchers from a number of disci- designation as an acute-care facility. Of the
plines. 92 eligible surveys returned, the researchers
Nursing research about hospice has been found that 88% (81/92) considered the hos-
conducted using a variety of methodological pice to be very helpful to the patient, 9% (8/
approaches including qualitative ones: eth- 92) found the program to be helpful, and
nography, observations, semi-structured in- 1% (1/92) were neutral. This type of study
terviews, and interviews; and quantitative is representative of a host of studies con-
ones: quasi-experimental, questionnaires/ ducted by hospice programs to assess their
surveys, and audit; as well as a combination audience and the satisfaction with the pro-
of methods. Research about hospice covers gram.
an array of topics. Topics include organiza- Hospice referral remains crucial to the via-
tional methodologies, demographic data, so- bility of such programs. While interest is usu-
cial support, physiological, psychosocial, and ally expressed in the attitudes of physicians,
spiritual issues, self-care, how patients spend Schim, Jackson, Seely, Gruinow, and Baker
their time, grief, bereavement, studies of (2000) examined the attitudes of home care
nurses and their knowledge, and the impact nurses to hospice referral. Attitudes of 160
of hospice care. Some of these topics use hos- nurses were assessed with a 15 item survey.
pice for a setting for research but are not Surveys were completed by 75 nurses for a
about hospice per se. Topics for such studies response rate of 46.9%. Home care nurses
include an examination of cancer pain in saw little difference between home care and
home hospice patients, a comparison of hospice services. Many (42.6%) of the re-
nurses knowledge about AIDS by practice spondents thought insurance with a hospice
setting, training, and educational programs benefit was necessary for referral. These and
where the focus is the program and not the other misperceptions underscored the impor-
hospice patients and nurses, and the grief ex- tance of home care nurses understanding the
perience of older women. In this case, the requirements and components of hospice
husbands had received hospice care but that care.
was not the focus of the study. Indeed the The importance of attitudes as well as
researcher suggested that a future study might knowledge was underscored by a study in-
compare the experience of women whose vestigating the factors that increased the like-

lihood that nurses would discuss terminal ill- the family caregivers as the needs for care of
ness care and hospice care with patients and the patient. The authors recommend a longi-
families. Cramer, McCorkle, Cherlin, John- tudinal study on this subject.
son-Hurzeler, and Bradley (2003) found that The congruence between patient and care-
prior experience with hospice, greater knowl- giver reports of symptom intensity was exam-
edge, and religiosity, as well as greater com- ined by McMillan and Moody (2003). The
fort in initiating such discussions, were re- symptom intensity of pain, dyspnea, and con-
lated to their initiation by nurses. stipation were evaluated by both patients and
Another example of program-related re- their family caregivers. Symptom intensity of
search is a study on patient-focused menu all three symptoms were significantly overes-
planning (Fairtlough & Closs, 1996). Over timated by caregivers (p = .000). This overes-
a 4-week period, 108 interviews were con- timation is the basis upon which hospice
ducted related to specific meals. Foods not nurses base their clinical decisions. The au-
liked included those difficult to swallow, thors note that this study has implications for
tough or fried foods, or those with bones. the education of hospice family caregivers.
Patients indicated they wanted seafood in- Perceptions of the intensity of symptoms
cluding salmon and prawns, beef, Yorkshire by nurses might be expected to be closer to
puddings, yoghurt, eggs, fruit juices, and those of their patients than was true for fam-
beer. Three major comments concerned the ily caregivers. In a study by Rhodes, McDan-
size of the portions (too large), foods not the iel, and Matthews (1998), 53 hospice pa-
right temperature (not hot enough), and the tients, mean age 69 years, were queried about
time of food service (preferred later in the their symptom experience with the Adapted
day). This study, although used to help nurses Symptom Distress Scale Form 2 (ASDS-2).
understand the research process, had an im- The nurses were also questioned about their
pact on patient care in the facility where the patients symptom experience. Like the infor-
research was conducted. Although not com- mal caregivers, the nurses in this study overes-
mented on by the authors, it would be helpful timated the symptom intensity of their pa-
in future research if a larger sample of pa- tients. The authors note that this is congruent
tients were included in the study where close- with some other findings of overestimation
ness to death was taken into account in exam- but conflicted with findings of underestima-
ining food preferences of hospice care recipi- tion, particularly with regard to perceptions
ents. of pain. Indeed, McMillan (1996) demon-
The needs of family caregivers also have strated that pain was still not well managed
been of concern to hospice providers. V. Har- in cancer patients. The importance of the in-
rington, Lackey, and Gates (1996) studied strument as a reliable means of assessing
the needs of caregivers of both hospice and symptoms resulted in the incorporation of
clinic patients. Results indicated that the top the ASDS-2 into the clinical practice of the
information need required by caregivers of nurses.
clinic patients was for honest and updated Quality of life (QOL) is an important con-
information and specifically information re- cept in health care. N. Hill (2002) examined
garding treatment side effects. In contrast, both the measurement of QOL and how it
the information needs of hospice caregivers might be improved in hospice patients. This
concerned the symptoms to be expected. study, like the previous one, underscored the
These represent the differences in the point importance of nurses understanding how the
in the illness trajectory of the two sets of patient assessed aspects of QOL. This knowl-
patients. Spiritual needs were the second most edge was a guide to the reflective practice of
frequently noted for both groups. Personal the nurse and assured clinically significant
needs included the need for adequate rest for improvements of care for the patient.
both groups of family caregivers, but these In an exploration of the context for care,
were not considered to be as important by Rasmussen and Sandman (1998) investigated
Hydration and Dehydration in Older Adults 285

how patients in an oncology unit and in hos- ity for patients. Not only does an approach
pice spend their time. It was found that family such as this measure the discrepancy between
members and nurses spend more time with patient expectations and effectiveness of care,
patients in hospice than in oncology units it also has the potential to evaluate the impact
but the time nurses spend is concerned with of hospice care for patients.
tasks. If hospice nurses increased their time Another example of research that exam-
with patients due to the increased need for ined the impact of hospice care was that by
tasks, then the context has had little effect Kabel and Roberts (2003), who examined
on the type of caregiving. The authors note how the philosophy of hospice providers in-
the importance of time spent being with fluences their perceptions of patient per-
patients, not only in doing for patients. sonhood. Specifically, this qualitative study
The time devoted solely to tasks raises the examined how hospice staff at two hospice
question of whether death anxiety is a signifi- facilities in northwest England approached
cant factor in hospice nurses. Payne, Dean, normalizing the symptoms of terminal ill-
and Kalus (1998) examined death anxiety in ness. Special patients were found to be re-
hospice and emergency nurses and found that lated to support of personhood of all patients
the latter had higher death anxiety and less although the special patients were per-
support from their peers and supervisors. In ceived to receive no preferential treatment.
another study, support was also deemed to In fact, special patients were found to have
be significant for hospice nurses if they were a positive impact on the caregivers.
not engaging in blocking behaviors when As noted, much hospice research has ex-
confronted with the emotions of patients amined the impact of hospice on costs, an
(Booth, Maguire, Behir, Butterworth, & Hill- early concern of government officials when
ier, 1996). Research demonstrating the inter- the development of a hospice benefit was be-
est and need for advanced education for hos- ing considered. The coming of age of hospice
pice nurses had the additional benefit of pro- is indicated by the focus on enhancing hospice
viding information to nurses interested in access and focusing on the quality of re-
hospice as a career (Wright, D., 2001). Death maining life of hospice patients as well as the
anxiety can be reduced for student nurses quality of care received. Research is crucial
through educational experiences, as Mallory to assuring that hospice care is all that it
(2003) demonstrated. purports to be.
The bottom line question for patients and
families is whether hospice has a positive im- INGE B. CORLESS
pact on quality of life. Using the Hospice Care
Performance Inventory, Yeung, French, and
Leung (1999) identified six issues in which Hydration and Dehydration in
patient expectations and effectiveness of care Older Adults
were not congruent. Maximization of self-
care and mobility were the two issues with Hydration is the chemical combination of a
the greatest discrepancy. Patients preferred substance with water, the addition of water
to do their own self-care rather than have it to a substance or tissue (Tabers Cyclopedic
done to them. Another patient priority in- Medical Dictionary, 1997, p. 920). Water is
cluded dispelling fear of death which, given essential to sustain all cellular function (Cher-
that this was investigated with a Chinese pop- noff, 1999). The percentage of water in older
ulation where it is considered a forbidden adults is approximately 60%. Clinicians con-
topic of conversation, is a challenge. Other tend that by promoting sufficient quantity
patient priorities identified included gaining and quality of fluids, especially water, fluid
enough sleep, willingness to listen and give balance will more likely be achieved. Dehy-
reassurances, and providing a satisfying diet. dration is the rapid weight loss of greater
Interestingly, pain relief was not a high prior- than 3% of body weight (Weinberg, A. D., &

Minaker, 1995, p. 1553). Clinical symptoms 1. Older adults sustain lower baseline
of dehydration may be absent in older adults, TBW (total body water). Episodic ill-
until the condition warrants immediate hos- nesses such as diarrhea, nausea ac-
pitalization and intravenous replacement flu- companied by vomiting, and fever re-
ids (Weinberg & Minaker). Symptoms in- sult in even lower TBW. Depletion of
clude change in mental status, confusion, as little as 1 to 2 liters of water can
lethargy, tachycardia, and syncope. Assessing create a state of dehydration in an
skin turgor and dry mouth, a diagnostic older adult. Infants and young chil-
marker of dehydration in middle-aged adults, dren dehydrate for the same reason
is unreliable for detection of dehydration in lower baseline TBW. With decreased
older adults because of common age-related TBW, hypernatremia or hypona-
changes. Skin turgor may already be poor tremia become a potential electrolyte
because of decreased subcutaneous tissue, problem.
while dry mouth may be due to mouth- 2. Thirst response is diminished in older
breathing or lack of oral care. adults. As TBW drops below 1 liter,
Dehydration is one of the top 10 reasons older adults may not experience thirst
for hospitalization of older adults (Centers as a prompt to drink fluids due to
for Disease Control [CDC], 2002). In 1996, changes in baroreceptors, decreases in
the hospitalization of older people with the vasopressin, and antidiuretic hor-
primary diagnosis of dehydration cost $1.36 mone (ADH) (Phillips, P. A., et al.,
billion Medicare dollars (Burger, Kayser- 1984).
Jones, & Bell, 2000). Older adults with a 3. Decreased reserve capacity, especially
primary hospital admission diagnosis of de- in renal function and creatinine clear-
hydration are three times more likely to die ance, and slower response to illness
within 30 days of admission compared to and stressors create a more delicate
those with a primary admission diagnosis of
homeostatic balance. Thus, it takes a
a hip fracture (CDC). Managing hydration
lesser body stressor to fuel a crisis in
status to increase oral fluid intake in older
an older adult than would be neces-
people may reduce the number of hospitaliza-
sary to similarly affect a middle-aged
tions and deaths associated with dehydration
adult. The older adults ability to re-
(Burger, Kayser-Jones, & Bell).
cover is also extended beyond that
The prevalence of dehydration in the nurs-
which would be expected in a middle-
ing home is not easily tracked, but it is
aged adult.
thought to be significantly higher than among
community-dwellers because of nursing 4. Older adults limit their fluid intake
home residents comorbidites, polyphar- for convenience, especially if inconti-
macy, declining functional and cognitive sta- nence is present (Gaspar, 1999). For
tus, insufficient oral fluid intake (OFI), and some individuals, the embarrassment
dependence on scarce staff and the institu- of incontinence may outweigh the
tional food delivery system. Estimated preva- health benefit of drinking water or
lence of dehydration among Skilled Nursing other fluids. In addition, disease
Facility (SNF) residents is 35% or higher states, such as diabetes or congestive
(Weinberg & Minaker, 1995). Of those SNF heart failure, could place the older
residents with dehydration, mortality rates adults fluid balance at risk for imbal-
are as high as 50% (Wakefield, Mentes, Dig- ance (Weinberg & Minaker, 1995).
gelmann, & Culp, 2002). Yet, in many cases,
dehydration of nursing home residents is re- Preventively, evaluating OFI and labora-
versible and preventable. tory values over time may be useful in de-
Across all settings, older adults are at risk tecting insufficient hydration in older adults.
for insufficient hydration and for dehydra- Older people generally fail to drink sufficient
tion for the following major reasons: amounts of fluids. The recommended older
Hypertension 287

adult OFI is a minimum of 1.5 L of liquid support an effective hydration program

over 24 hours (Chernoff, 1999). Thirty milli- which may improve hydration status.
liters per kilogram of body weight has also Robinson and Rosher (2002) demon-
been used as a parameter to estimate the ade- strated that using a beverage cart in nursing
quacy of daily fluid intake (Chernoff). Labo- home residents (N = 51) improved OFI and
ratory tests include: blood urea nitrogen/ was associated with reduced use of laxatives,
creatinine ratio (BUN/Cr), sodium, plasma improved bowel function, and fewer falls.
specific gravity, and serum osmolality (Wein- They based their hydration program on sug-
berg & Minaker, 1995). Bioelectric imped- gestions of Zembrzuski (1997) and T. Welch
ance analysis (BIA), a noninvasive method (1998) to use beverage carts, provide appeal-
using electrodes to measure body compart- ing fluids, offer choice of beverage, and use
ments including intracellular, extracellular, containers with visual appeal. Four types of
and TBW, has been used to detect fluid bal- between-meal fluids were displayed on a bev-
ance (Chumlea & Guo, 1994; Robinson, S. erage cart along with colorful glassware and
B., & Rosher, 2002). Urine color charts have seasonal decorations. Nursing home resi-
also been used and show correlation with dents were assisted by two hired Certified
some laboratory tests (Wakefield et al., Nurses Aides (CNAs) to consume an addi-
2002). Yet further research needs to be con- tional 480 cc daily over 5 weeks. Use of BIA
ducted to study sensitivity and specificity of showed that at the end of the intervention,
tests to detect varying degrees of hydration the residents TBW increased significantly (p
status, from adequate hydration to mild- = .001), laxative use decreased significantly
moderate-acute dehydration. (p = .05), falls declined (p = .05), and number
Prevention of dehydration in the most vul- of bowel movements increased (p = .04). Rob-
nerable groupnursing home residents inson and Rosher concluded by recommend-
needs to be studied empirically. Two recent ing beverage cart service at mid-morning and
mid-afternoon. Application of this research
evidence-based studies provide findings to
suggests that offering 480 cc total of between-
support specific effective protocols.
meal fluids to nursing home residents can
S. F. Simmons, Alessi, and Schnelle (2001)
make a clinical as well as statistically signifi-
tested a three-phase 8-month intervention on
cant difference in their hydration status.
63 nursing home residents. They used three
Increasing OFI of older adults can prevent
behavioral approaches to improve residents
dehydration and unnecessary hospitaliza-
hydration status: (a) prompting (four times/
tions. Assessment and early-detection screen-
day for 16 weeks), (b) increased prompting ing tools and empirically supported hydra-
(eight times/day for 8 weeks), and (c) in- tion programs are needed.
creased prompting plus offering choice of
beverage each day for 8 weeks. Eighty-eight CORA D. ZEMBRZUSKI
percent of the sample was mildly or moder-
ately dehydrated at baseline. OFI, serum os-
molality, and BUN/cr ratio laboratory tests Hypertension
were measured before, during, and after each
phase of the intervention. Eighty-one percent Hypertension is the term applied to sustained
of the intervention group showed significant and elevated levels of systolic and/or diastolic
increases in between-meal oral fluid intake blood pressure. The exact level at which hy-
(OFI). Serum osmolality and BUN/Cr ratios pertension poses a health risk has been arbi-
in dehydrated residents significantly im- trarily and continually redefined; however,
proved compared with the control group. A the importance of hypertension is based on
behavioral approach that combines consis- a rational association between sustained, ele-
tent and frequent prompting and giving nurs- vated levels of arterial pressure and the prob-
ing home residents choices of beverage can ability of increased risk for morbidity and

mortality from cardiovascular disease. The on drug therapy. Among Mexican Ameri-
Joint National Committee on Prevention, De- cans, 40.3% of the hypertensive individuals
tection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High were under treatment, but only 17.7% of all
Blood Pressure defined hypertension as sys- Mexican-American hypertensive individuals
tolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg and/or had controlled blood pressures, compared to
diastolic blood pressure 90 mm Hg or tak- 28.1% and 33.4% of the non-Hispanic Black
ing antihypertensive medication (Chobanian and White populations, respectively, with
et al., 2003). The committee classified blood controlled blood pressures. Given equal ac-
pressure into three categories and introduced cess to therapy, Black Americans, who are
the prehypertensive category for use in medi- among the most affected population group,
cal diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment (see achieve less blood pressure reductions.
Table 1). Hypertension increases with age, is more
Sustained and elevated systolic blood pres- common in Blacks, and is more prevalent
sure is now considered to be as crucial a mea- among lower socioeconomic populations.
sure as the diastolic level in evaluating the Hypertension has a higher prevalence in men
risks for cardiovascular disease. Elevated sys- throughout young adulthood to middle age.
tolic blood pressure accompanied by normal Thereafter, the prevalence in women rises
diastolic levels, known as isolated systolic hy- above that of men. The highest rates among
pertension, is common in older populations. women are found in non-Hispanic Black
Primary hypertension, formerly known as es- women and among men in non-Hispanic
sential hypertension, occurs in as many as Black men.
95% of all individuals with high blood pres- In the 2003 report, the Joint National
sure, as opposed to secondary hypertension, Committee (JNC) on Prevention, Detection,
which is due to an identifiable and usually and Evaluation of High Blood Pressure
treatable cause (Kaplan, N. M., 1994). amended the standards for clinical classifica-
Hypertension affects approximately 50 tion of adult patients with high blood pres-
million Americans, a major portion of the sure. The new classification (Table 1) differs
U.S. adult population. In the 19992000 Na- in several ways from that published in 1997.
tional Health and Nutrition Examination A new clinical category has been added: pre-
Survey (NHANES III), 33.5% of non-His- hypertension which is not a disease category;
panic Blacks, 28.9% of non-Hispanic Whites, also there are now two instead of three stages
and 20.7% of Mexican Americans had hyper- in the hypertension category.
tension (Hajjar & Kotchen, 2003). Two Hypertension seldom exists in isolation
thirds of hypertensive individuals were aware but most often occurs with other risk factors
of their condition, and 58.4% reported being that increase the probability for cardiovascu-
lar disease. Factors commonly associated
with hypertension that are nonmodifiable in-
TABLE 1 Classification of Blood Pressure for clude low birth weight, older age, family his-
Adults Age 18 Years and Older tory of high blood pressure, and history of
diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease,
Category Systolic Diastolic
(mm Hg) (mm Hg)
stroke, or end-stage renal disease. Modifiable
confounders include smoking, alcohol con-
Normal < 120 and < 80 sumption, high saturated dietary fats, excess
Prehypertenisve 120139 or 8089 dietary sodium, adiposity, and a sedentary
Hypertension lifestyle, as well as recreational and over-the-
Stage 1 140159 or 9099 counter drugs. In addition, psychosocial and
Stage 2 160 or 100 environmental factors create life stressors
that may influence hypertension as well as
Hypertension 289

care and management. Target-organ disease strategies targeted to the general population
as a consequence of sustained, uncontrolled lack cultural sensitivity, neglect active
elevated blood pressure includes arterioscle- involvement of the patient in decision mak-
rosis, heart failure, transient ischemic attacks ing, and fail to motivate and keep the patient
(TIA), stroke, peripheral vascular disease, an- in care. More individually oriented treatment
eurysm, and end-stage renal disease. Cur- methodologies that address the patients con-
rently, researchers have identified several cerns, including their social support system,
emerging cardiovascular risk markers such employment status, health insurance, and
as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (Blake, barriers in daily life to meeting compliance
Rifai, Buring, & Ridker, 2003) and homocys- goals, are required. Nursing can provide the
teine (Lim & Cassano, 2002). training, education, and support to design
Hypertension is a major independent risk planned health programs to increase the effi-
factor for coronary artery disease and stroke, cacy of interventions and improve overall
the first and third causes of mortality in the compliance.
United States, respectively, yet its importance Lifestyle modification, formerly termed
is not emphasized satisfactorily in research nonpharmacological therapy, includes inter-
and practice. The individuals hardest to reach ventions targeted toward healthier lifestyles
and at the highest risk are often not in care and reducing the risks for cardiovascular
or are uninsured. Medical and behavioral in- complications at the family, community, and
tervention approaches lack cohesiveness and population levels. Lifestyle modifications for
cultural relevance, therefore failing to achieve blood pressure control include reduction in
the strength of their impact as a combined weight, adoption of the Dietary Approaches
intervention. Additional research is required to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan,
to evaluate multidisciplinary strategies with adequate physical activity, dietary decreases
a team approach to increase entry into care, in sodium, and moderation of alcohol con-
remaining in care, and long-term compliance sumption. Smoking, although not directly re-
with prevention and treatment recommenda- lated to hypertension, is a major cardiovascu-
tions. Research also is needed to increase un- lar risk and should be avoided.
derstanding of cost-benefit of interventions Nonpharmacological therapy for treat-
and the effects of self-monitoring and titra- ment of hypertension is an evolving strategy
tion, including pharmacological vacations. in line with the objectives of Healthy People
Identifying markers for early detection con- 2010 (Healthy People 2010). It represents a
tinues to be a challenge, and research should prevention area ideally suited for nursing
focus on exploring biochemical and geno- practice and research. Public-health preven-
typic methods to define and classify the popu- tion strategies focusing on lifestyle modifica-
lation at risk. tion at the community and practice setting
The ultimate goal for treatment is to pre- will help achieve an overall downward shift
vent morbidity and mortality by the least in- in the distribution of blood pressure levels in
trusive means. The treatment regimen is de- the general population. Interventions should
termined by evaluating the severity of the target high dietary sodium, fats, alcohol, and
blood pressure elevation, the presence of tar- low intake of potassium, as well as physical
get-organ disease, and the effects of other inactivity. Although these intervention strate-
coexisting risk factors. The inability to adhere gies show promise in prevention of high
to treatment recommendations is a major blood pressure, societal barriers, such as the
barrier in attaining and maintaining goal lack of satisfactory food substitutes, lack of
blood pressure levels in long-term manage- access to care, and absence of economic re-
ment, evidencing the need for planned patient sources, constrain compliance and achieve-
education programs. Traditional treatment ment of intervention goals. Moreover, further

research should focus on patient-oriented

outcomes that affect patients well-being such
as sexual functioning, ability to sustain family
and social tasks, and ability to carry out activ-
ity of daily livings.


Immigrant Women womens health and health care, and many

of the variables have not been adequately
Immigration is a process of movement of peo- studied.
ple from one country to another. Immigrants Foreign-born or immigrant women tend
experience a transition that begins with prep- to work in environments that increase their
aration for immigration and includes the act health risks. They are more likely to work at
of immigrating, the process of settling in, and home or in family businesses that provide
over time, identity transformation. Through- them with limited benefits. When employed
out this transition process, individuals and outside the home, they often work in low-
families experience both euphoric and highly income jobs such as work in garment shops
stressed responses. These experiences in- or domestic work. Women often accompany
crease the vulnerability of immigrating popu- male family members in immigrating to the
lations to health risks. The effects of margin- United States rather than obtaining their own
alization and barriers to health care access, visas. Therefore, their status is insecure, and
resources, and support are magnified for im- they are more vulnerable and less likely to
migrant women. disclose battering, harassment, or abuse.
The uniqueness of womens health care A nursing perspective focusing on immi-
needs is well established and has led to several grant women and their health includes re-
womens health care centers. Immigrant search on gender and health, culturally influ-
women share unique characteristics that re- enced explanatory models of illness, transi-
quire special gender-sensitive research and tions and health, and marginalization and
clinical efforts. Immigrant women share the health (Aroian, 2001; Meleis, 1995; Meleis,
vulnerabilities and the marginalization of mi- Lipson, Muecke, & Smith, 1998). Immigrant
nority women in general. Immigrant women womens gender relates to their ability to ac-
face constraints associated with being new in cess and receive quality care. They are ex-
the United States, such as language, transpor- pected not only to cook, do housework, care
tation, and role overload. Another constraint for children, and often to contribute income
is maintaining home country heritage and de- but also to act as family mediators and culture
veloping new values and beliefs to integrate brokers. Health care professionals have lim-
themselves and their families into the host ited knowledge of the demands and the na-
culture. Although most studies of immigrant ture of immigrant womens multiple roles and
women focus on groups with gender inequal- their health care needs, nor has research ade-
ity, there is some evidence that even women quately uncovered the contextual conditions
from groups without gender inequality expe- that influence their health-seeking strategies,
rience more psychological distress and have the nature of their illnesses, and compliance
different sources of distress than their male with treatment (Anderson, J., 1991b). How
counterparts (Aroian, Norris, & Chiang, immigrant women express their symptoms
2003). These variables influence immigrant and what meaning they attach to health care


encounters also determine their health out- covering the critical markers in the transition
comes. Describing their explanatory models process that render immigrants more vulnera-
of illness may improve provision of care and ble. Developing and testing culturally compe-
ultimately their health (Reizian & Meleis, tent models of care is of top priority with the
1987). increasing diversity of populations and the
Conceptualization of immigration as a backlash against women and immigrants.
transition allows researchers to focus on the
process, timing, and critical points in the pro- AFAF IBRAHIM MELEIS
cess of becoming an American. Lipson (1993) JULIENE G. LIPSON
described the traumatic experiences of Af- UPDATED BY KAREN J. AROIAN
ghan refugees before leaving Afghanistan,
during transit, and while settling in the United
States. Knowledge of the traumatic experi- Individual Nursing Therapy
ences of the immigrants and refugees helped
to explain their responses to the immigration Nursing practice is becoming increasingly
transition and provided a context in which complex and diverse, and many changes have
to identify their health care needs. During been noted by authors in psychiatric mental
transitions there is loss of support and net- health nursing in recent years (Jones, 2003).
works. In addition to these stressors, women Increasingly, mental health services are tak-
in particular are expected to take responsibil- ing place in the community rather than in
ity for family health and to mediate between inpatient settings. As a result, contact time
the demands of the new social structure and between nurses and clients has become lim-
members of their families for health care, ited. In discussing individual nursing therapy
schools, and social services. and nursing interventions on a one-to-one
Several strategies have been developed to basis, one must move beyond the traditional
provide care for immigrant women. Some of parameters of individual therapy as first de-
the most effective models are groups that fo- scribed by Peplau and consider brief psycho-
cus on womens strengths (Meleis, Omid- therapy and crisis intervention, case manage-
ian, & Lipson, 1993; Shepard & Faust, ment, and even family interventions as crucial
1994), the use of cultural interpreters (Jezew- aspects of the nurse-client relationships. To-
ski, 1993), and feminist participatory models, day, with the emphasis on psychobiology in
such as group discussion of dreams to deal the cause and treatment of mental illness, the
with psychosocial issues (Thompson, J., importance and relevance of individual nurs-
1991). However, there is a need for further ing therapy is in question (Kraus, 2000;
research to capture the transition experiences McCabe, S., 2002; Raingruber, 2003).
of such neglected populations as women im- The cornerstone of psychiatric mental
migrants from South America, Eastern Eu- health nursing today is the therapeutic rela-
rope, and the Middle East, as well as studies tionship. Peplau defined the therapeutic
that address issues of language, symbolic in- nurse-client relationship as the interpersonal
terpretation, and cultural competence in process between professional nurse and the
health care. In particular, there is need to client (Peplau, H. E., 1952). In this process
develop and test nursing interventions that the nurse needs to establish trust, strive to-
decrease structural barriers to health care as ward mutually established goals of the rela-
well as those that support culturally appro- tionship, and focus the movement of the in-
priate preventive and health-promoting be- terpersonal process toward growth for the
haviors (Lipson & Meleis, 1999). client (Gelazis & Coombe-Moore, 1993).
Future areas for scholarship include meth- Peplau described the nurse as the basic tool
ods for defining populations, developing cul- or resource for the betterment of the client.
turally competent research tools, using ap- Researchers have studied various aspects
propriate theoretical frameworks, and un- of Peplaus theory, including the phases of
Individual Nursing Therapy 293

the nurse-client relationship (Forchuk, 1995), cal approach with medication. The recent
the various roles of the nurse studied by Mor- success of dialectical behavioral therapy,
rison (1992) and concepts and constructs DBT, with patients having this disorder sug-
identified as important to nurses by Peplau gests that more complex treatments are in
(OToole & Welt, 1989). Forchuk et al., order which blend various paradigms in treat-
(2000) studied Peplaus theory and clarifies ment of mental illness (Perseius et al., 2003).
many aspects of the theory, including the as- Brief therapies or short-term psychothera-
sumptions, basic definitions, and relation- pies are time limited, have limited goals, and
ships between the concepts. Future research- generally cost less than longer forms of ther-
ers need to continue the study of Peplaus apy. Psychiatric nurses and particularly psy-
interpersonal paradigm, for it is a rich source chiatric nurse clinical specialists are well
of knowledge about the therapeutic individ- suited and prepared to use a brief psychother-
ual nurse-patient relationship and the inter- apy model because their education and clini-
personal process as it is used and is rele- cal experience prepares them well to use this
vant today. form of therapy (Shires & Tappan, 1992).
Other nurse theorists based their own Brief therapy usually lasts for six to twelve
ideas and frameworks on Peplaus nurse-cli- sessions, but for clients with chronic prob-
ent relationship theory (Orlando, 1961; lems the sessions may be spaced over a 3
Travelbee, 1972). Theorists, such as King, to 6-month period (Wells, R., & Gionnetti,
have communication and interpersonal pro- 1990). Visits tend to be shorter and may be
cess as central to the theory (King, 1992). from 15 to 30 minutes (Budman & Gurman,
Some have studied aspects of therapeutic pro- 1988). In brief therapy the therapist is usually
cess, such as empathy (Evans, G., Wilt, Alli- quite active and can use techniques such as
good, & ONeil, 1998). Individual one-to- homework assignments to extend treatment
one nurse-client relationships continue to be (Shires & Tappan). Frequently therapeutic
highly important in psychiatric mental-health experiences occur in the community setting
nursing. Much of nursing, both inpatient and (Budman & Gurman). Nurses are usually
outpatient, involves the nurses ability to en- knowledgeable regarding community re-
gage the client in interpersonal interactions. sources and may work for community-
In recent years, however, as care is more based agencies.
profit-driven, the nurse-client relationship The psychiatric mental-health nurse prac-
has undergone some changes. The fact that ticing in the community setting deals with
the client has much shorter contact with the chronically mentally ill clients both in long-
nurse in inpatient settings due to short hospi- term therapeutic relationships and in crisis
tal stays means that the phases of the nurse- situations. In this setting communication
client relationship, which in the past had skills are even more important because trust
more time to develop, now must solidify needs to be established in a relatively short
within brief periods of time. Sometimes there period of time. The nurse applying crisis in-
are only a few days available and at times tervention uses her assessment skills to the
only hours for contact between nurse and utmost and builds trust to have clients confide
patients (Vaughn, Webster, Orahood, & important information. For example, if the
Young, 1995). The relevance of individual client is suicidal, trust is a highly important
nursing therapy has been called into question element to buy time for the client so that
by those who claim that giving the appro- emergency services can be sent (Wheeler,
priate medication to the mentally ill person 1993).
is the most important feature of care, thereby Another use of crisis intervention in indi-
calling forth serious discussion of how psy- vidual nursing therapy is by the triage nurse
chiatric nurse clinical specialists should use in community mental-health nursing, who
their time (Raingruber, 2003). Complex men- frequently deals with suicidal clients or clients
tal illness seems to require more than a medi- who may be dangerous or threatening to oth-

ers due to exacerbation of psychiatric symp- therapy, which include brief psychotherapy,
toms (Wheeler, 1993). The nurse not only crisis intervention, and case management. All
must communicate therapeutically with cli- of these frequently occur in community set-
ents, but also with distraught families. The tings. Nurse researchers need to study the
principles of individual therapy as outlined therapeutic process in various settings and
by Peplau must therefore be expanded to in- time frames to establish the effectiveness of
clude family members and clients, all of the nurses interactions and interventions.
whom may be in crisis at the time of contact The interpersonal framework and theory it-
(Gilliss, 1991). Some work has been done self also would benefit from continued study
in this area, but nurse researchers need to and research, particularly because of the ex-
continue to systematically study how the in- treme emphasis today on the psychobiologi-
terpersonal process can be expanded to in- cal aspects in the care of the mentally ill.
clude family and others and how this process
is therapeutic. RAUDA GELAZIS
The psychiatric mental-health nurse is part
of the community mental-health system and
is able to help coordinate care of clients Infant Injury
through the use of case management. Often
the criticism of the care of the chronically Injuries are defined in two ways: (a) the physi-
mentally ill in the community is that care is cal damage to the body caused by the transfer
fragmented and uncoordinated (Anthony, W. of mechanical, chemical, or thermal energy
A., Cohen, Farkas, & Cohen, 2000). Re- (e.g., a broken bone, salicylate-related poi-
search has shown that care-management ser- soning, or frostbite to a toe); and (b) as the
vices may be available to clients in the com- event that caused the damage (e.g., motor
munity, but that clients rarely take advantage vehicle crash, aspirin ingestion, or prolonged
of such services due to lack of knowledge or exposure to cold). When talking about unin-
other reasons (Parson, 1999). Some research- tentional injuries, it is still common to use
ers pointed out that case management can be the word accident as if unexpectedness or
the key to adjusting to the community for the lack of intent were the primary feature of
chronically mentally ill because it provides a the injurious process. However, although the
link for the client to the support services he moment of occurrence of an injury may not
or she needs (Forchuk & Brown, 1989). For- be precisely known, its likelihood of oc-
chuk recommends that an essential compo- curring is usually predictable. If events are
nent of a case-management model is the es- predictable, they are not called accidents;
tablishment of a one-to-one relationship, rather, the term injury is used.
which can be the basis for continued long- It is crucial that those who study injury
term care in the community. Thus Peplaus and collect injury data recognize that the term
theory comes into play through its use in case injury can refer both to the physical damage
management. The Peplau case-management caused to the body and to the predictable
model provides a framework for delivering causative event. In fact, the International
nursing care and comprehensive care for the Classification of Disease (ICD-10-CM) uses
chronically mentally ill client (Forchuk & two separate systems to classify injuries. One
Brown). is a set of physical damage codes (N-codes;
In the demanding environment in which e.g., humerus fracture); the other is a set of
psychiatric mental-health nursing takes place event codes (E-codes or External Cause of
today, the nurse must use basic skills in new Injury Codes; e.g., fall on stairs). Together
applications. The individual therapy that these two systems of classification provide a
nurses use is based on Peplaus interpersonal fuller picture of an injury episode than does
framework. This theory is still relevant and either alone (knowing that an infant fell on
can be used in various forms of individual stairs is important; knowing that the fall re-
Infant Injury 295

sulted in head trauma provides a more com- infants, more siblings in the family, and a
plete description. higher proportion of interpartum intervals or
Unintentional injuries are the principal less than 2 years.
cause of death in the United States for individ- Data from studies by Jordan, Dugan, and
uals from the newborn period, 29 days, to Hardy (1993) and OSullivan and Schwarz
age 44 years. For infants in particular they (2000) documented the nonfatal injury rate
represent the predominant cause of nonbirth- specifically for infants (< 15 months) of ado-
related death. Fatal injuries are usually re- lescent mothers as 15.7 and 16.3 per 100
corded according to the events that cause children, respectively. Falls and burns were
them, such as the number of deaths from the two leading causes of injury in both stud-
motor vehicle crashes or house fires; whereas ies. Additional studies on injury rates for in-
nonfatal injuries usually have been reported fants through age 18 months of life also docu-
by physical damage groups. This is because mented falls, burns, and ingestions as the
fatality data are derived from death certifi- leading causes of nonfatal injuries, as shown
cates, which classify cause of death by cir- by the work of OSullivan and Schwarz with
cumstances and facilitate E-coding. Morbid- infants of teenage mothers and Schwarz and
ity data generally are gathered from medical coworkers (Schwarz, Grisso, Holmes et al.,
records and often are derived from N-coding. 1994) in an urban African-American popula-
National mortality data are routinely tion.
available from death certificate reviews. The most recent explorations of infant in-
These vital statistics mortality data from juries have generally been event-specific, for
2001 show the principal causes of infant (un- instance Banever and colleagues description
der 1 year) injury death as suffocation, 16.41 of infant hand burns caused by touching
deaths/100,000; homicide, 4.07 deaths/ home treadmills (Banever et al., 2003); for-
100,000; motor vehicle, 3.45 deaths/ eign body ingestions, particularly coins and
100,000; drowning, 1.69 deaths/100,000;
batteries (Wahbeh, Wyllie, & Kay, 2002);
fire and burns, 1.24 deaths/100,000; and
or the large body of work on infant injuries
other, 5.63 deaths/100,000 (Centers for Dis-
caused by sitting in the front seat of a motor
ease Control, 2003). Hospital discharge data
vehicle with a passenger-side air bag (Arbo-
from the State of California found that for
gast, Cornejo, Kallan, Winston, & Durbin,
infants 0 to 2 months of age the most frequent
2002). Suffocation in adult beds and sofas or
injury cause was falls from heights, not from
chairs has also recently become more widely
furniture; for 3 to 5 months, battering; for 6
to 8 months, falls from furniture; and for recognized as an important cause of injury
9 to 11 months, nonairway foreign bodies to infants, with a 20-fold increase reported
(Agran et al., 2003). since 1980 (Sheers, Rutherford, & Kemp,
National data are not routinely available 2003).
regarding the incidence of and associated risk Injury researchers bemoan the flaws in
factors for nonfatal injuries in infants, which studies of external causes in fatal injuries and
means that most morbidity data by type of the fact that existing mortality data do not
injury event are generated only by special give a good picture of how injuries occur. To
studies. Siegel and colleagues (1996), investi- target intervention efforts, nurses must know
gating the association between maternal age how injuries are occurring. These data do
and other risk factors for infants deaths in not exist because fatal injuries are relatively
the state of Colorado from 1986 to 1992, infrequent events. The few studies on injury
found that rates peaked at a maternal age risk factors usually use data on nonfatal and
of 22 years for unintentional infant injury minor injuries (which are relatively more fre-
deaths. Among the unintentional injury quent) to identify risk factors for injury. Un-
deaths, more mothers had inadequate educa- fortunately, whether or not nonfatal and fatal
tion, higher proportion of low-birthweight injuries involved the same causative factors

and sequence of injury is not known (Pe- Much more work is needed by nurses and
terson & Brown, 1994, for review). other researchers to define and evaluate in-
In addition to these data-specific barriers jury-control strategies. In the meantime, re-
to effective injury prevention, there are oth- search to understand injury etiology and bet-
ers. Many injuries occur because of an inter- ter data collection systems are urgently
action between environmental and behav- needed.
ioral risk; for example, burns from hot water
could not occur if water heaters were all set ANN L. OSULLIVAN
at a safe temperature (below 125). Environ- DONALD F. SCHWARZ
mental change strategies that avoid change
in behavior have been favored by injury pre-
vention professionals (e.g., air bags in cars, Infection Control
sprinkler systems in buildings). For many in-
fant injuries, the behavioral piece in injury The infectious process depends on the inter-
prevention must be addressed with parents, action between an infectious agent, a suscep-
but there is sparse information about chang- tible host, and the environment. Essential to
ing parental behavior with regard to injury this interaction is a means of transmission of
or most other infant health-promoting activi- the agent from an infected host to a suscepti-
ties. Unfortunately, injury often has no mean- ble host. This occurs through direct contact,
ing to families until after an injury has already airborne droplet transmission, and indirect
affected a child. Moreover, parents can often contact. Airborne transmission involves the
repeatedly behave in a relatively risky fashion dissemination of particles suspended in air
without injury occurring. This leads to com- that contain infectious microorganisms.
placency and denial of risk. In fact, as parents When replication of the infectious agent oc-
obtain more experience with the environment curs in the tissues of the host, causing local
around the infant, there is evidence that their cellular injury, secretion of toxins, and/or an
expectations of severity of injury decreases. antigen-antibody reaction that produces
They become more willing to take risks. This signs and symptoms, infectious disease is
adds to the difficulty of undertaking success- present. Communicable diseases are infec-
ful behavior change with parents to improve tious diseases that may be transmitted from
infant safety. one person (or animal) to another. Not all
To provide a framework for injury preven- infectious diseases are communicable.
tion strategies, Haddon and Baker (1980) de- Infection control occurs both in the com-
scribed the occurrence of injuries through the munity and within institutions. However,
interaction of three factors: an agent that can since 1980 increasing emphasis has been
do harm, a vector or vehicle that conveys the placed on hospital-acquired infections.
agents, and a host. Knowledge exists on how The CDC has long been involved in the
to change the agents, vehicles, and hosts to development of guidelines for infection con-
prevent death and disability. The value of trol programs. The Joint Commission on Ac-
these options for nurses is that they specify creditation of Healthcare Organizations
the various stages in the injury process in (JCAHO) sets standards for practice and re-
which intervention could be considered, and quires infection control committees to recom-
they address both behavioral and environ- mend and approve surveillance programs
mental approaches. based on previous nosocomial infection sta-
At present, other than for motor vehicle tistics. In addition, the Occupational Safety
injuries, where passenger restraints, drunk- and Health Administration (OSHA) has pub-
driving laws, and road and automotive safety lished a regulatory document titled The
standards have been shown to reduce infant OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard. This
injury and death, there are few supported document requires that all employers of
injury-prevention interventions for infants. health care workers provide employees with
Informed Consent 297

an environment safe from exposure to blood- iatrogenic, costly complications of hospital-

borne pathogens (U.S. Department of Labor, ization. In order of incidence, the top four
1991). The American Public Health Associa- nosocomial infections are urinary tract infec-
tion has published a classification system for tions, pneumonia, surgical wound infections,
reporting communicable diseases that is used and bacteremia. Preventive interventions for
by state and national public health services. high-risk patients are the most effective mea-
The National Nosocomial Infection Surveil- sures to prevent morbidity and mortality.
lance system collects data from a variety of
hospitals nationwide. Reports of findings are GAIL A. HARKNESS
published periodically.
The purpose of infection control surveil-
lance is to establish and maintain a database Informed Consent
that describes the endemic rates of nosoco-
mial infections. Knowledge of endemic rates Informed consent is the process by which a
allows recognition of increased rates of noso- potential subject or a legal representative is
comial infection resulting in clusters or out- given explanations about the purpose of the
breaks. These data also can be used to priori- research and the risks, inconveniences, costs,
tize infection control activities and identify potential benefits, and right to withdraw
trends such as shifts in prevalent pathogens from the study without repercussions. This
or outcomes of hospital-acquired infections. must occur prior to obtaining written or ver-
The surveillance process includes definition bal consent for enrollment. The use of in-
of nosocomial infections, systematic gather- formed consent for research and the process
ing of case findings, and tabulation, analysis, for obtaining it have evolved over the past
interpretation, and reporting of relevant data 50 years. The major impetus for increased
to individuals or groups for appropriate ac- attention to the issues of informed consent
tion. was a series of studies involving unethical
There are three major types of surveil- actions on the part of researchers toward
lance. Total house surveillance detects and their subjects. These studies involved human
records all nosocomial infections that occur rights violations in which subjects were nei-
anywhere in the hospital. It is expensive be- ther informed nor had the ability to refuse
cause of the time and personnel required. Pri- participation. Highly publicized examples in-
ority-directed or targeted surveillance con- cluded experiments conducted on Nazi pris-
centrates on specific areas, patient popula- oners in concentration camps; withholding
tions, or procedures, depending on the char- treatment for a group of poor Black men with
acteristics of the hospital. Problem-oriented syphilis in Tuskeegee, Alabama, to determine
surveillance is conducted to measure the oc- the course of the untreated disease; and not
currence of specific infection problems, such informing elderly patients at the Jewish
as outbreaks in specific areas of the hospital. Chronic Disease Hospital in New York that
Other surveillance programs may include they were injected with live cancer cells (Na-
prevalence surveys or a focus on the identifi- tional Commission for the Protection of Hu-
cation of risk factors associated with nosoco- man Subjects, 1979).
mial infections. The Nuremberg Code, which outlined eth-
Control of infectious diseases depends on ical standards for research, was adopted in
interrupting the interaction between an infec- response to the human rights violations in
tious pathogenic agent, a susceptible person, Nazi prison camps. This was followed by the
and the characteristics of the environment. Declaration of Helsinki, adopted by the
The characteristics of transmission of the or- World Medical Assembly in 1964. In the
ganism through direct contact, airborne United States the National Commission for
droplets, and indirect contact are important the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomed-
considerations. Nosocomial infections are ical and Behavioral Research (1979) devel-

oped a code of ethics for the protection of Until the fall of 1996 the ability of re-
human subjects, specifying guidelines for re- searchers to conduct studies in emergency
search sponsored by the federal government. and critical care situations, when the poten-
The basic principles of beneficence, justice, tial subject was not able to give informed
and respect for persons were the guiding ethi- consent and the legal representative was not
cal principles. This was followed by federal available, was severely limited. A change in
regulations, specifying in greater detail the federal regulations (USDHHS, 1996) allows
conditions under which humans could be the exemption from informed consent re-
used in research sponsored by the federal gov- quirements for emergency research under
ernment. Professional organizations then is- very specific conditions: (a) the subjects con-
sued their own guidelines. In 1975, the Amer- dition is life-threatening, (b) available treat-
ican Nurses Association published Human ments are unproved or unsatisfactory, (c)
Rights Guidelines for Nurses in Clinical and consent cannot reasonably be obtained prior
Other Research. to the initiation of the intervention, (d) there
Today research involving human subjects is the potential for direct benefit to the sub-
requires that, prior to giving consent, the sub- ject, and (e) the community is aware of the
ject or legal representative be informed of research prior to the initiation of the study.
the purpose, duration, and procedures of the Nursing research on informed consent pri-
study; risks or discomforts; potential benefits; marily has addressed the issue of patient ad-
alternatives to participation; confidentiality; vocacy, with emphasis on the patients ability
compensation; person to contact for ques- to understand the informed consent docu-
tions; and a statement that participation is ment. Susman, Dorn, and Fletcher (1992) in-
voluntary. There are special provisions when vestigated how much information 44 sub-
subjects are fetuses (in and ex utero), chil- jects, aged 7 to 20 years, retained about the
dren, pregnant women, or prisoners research protocol in which they were en-
rolled. They found that over 50% of the sub-
(USDHHS, 1983).
jects understood that they could ask ques-
Not all research involving humans re-
tions about the research study, knew how
quires informed consent. The local institu-
long they would be in the study and what the
tional review board (IRB) is the authority for
benefit of the study would be, and were aware
determining the need for informed consent.
that they could withdraw at any time. How-
Issues about informed consent debated in the
ever, less than 3% knew the purpose of the
literature include understandability of the
study, 9% knew the risks associated with the
consent form, research in emergency or criti- study, and 14% knew what procedures were
cal care situations, genetic research, and use associated with the study.
of blood cell line development. A second study focused on what subjects
Understandability of the consent form has understood of the words used in research con-
two components: the subjects ability to un- sent forms. Lawson and Adamson (1995) in-
derstand the information in the consent form terviewed 86 adults on research protocols
and the reading level. The subject must be and found that over 80% understood the fol-
legally competent to give informed consent. lowing commonly used terms: efficacy, le-
Competency to give consent can be affected sion, orally, benefits, adverse reactions, pla-
by the age of the potential subjects (child vs. cebo, compensation, ineligible, and with-
adult); mental ability (Alzheimers patients or drawal of consent. Conversely, less than 50%
mentally retarded adults); medical condition of the subjects understood words such as pro-
(unconsciousness, sedated, incubated); or tocol, open label, and nonsteroidal antiin-
ability to read, speak, and understand En- flammatory drugs.
glish. The researcher has to ensure that the Techniques for improving subject under-
consent form is written at a level that can be standing of the research include giving a copy
understood by the subject. of the informed consent form to the subject,
Instrumentation 299

viewing a videotape of the research proce- whether a subject has or has not achieved a
dure, and calling subjects after they have predetermined set of target behaviors. Steps
signed the consent to answer questions or in instrumentation for these two categories
concerns. Additional research is needed in the differ; however, the majority of attitudinal
area of informed consent. and behavioral measures applicable to nurs-
ing are norm-referenced, and their construc-
BARBARA S. TURNER tion and testing is emphasized.
Instrumentation for self-report measures
involves three general phases: development,
Instrumentation testing, and revision. Instrument develop-
ment involves concept clarification, devel-
Instrumentation is a general term for the ac- oping a theoretical definition, operationaliz-
tivities involved in developing, testing, and ing the concept, and generating items. Con-
revising measures of concepts important to cept analysis involves a careful review of liter-
nursing. The term is usually applied to these ature with attention to consistencies and
processes as they relate to psychosocial or inconsistencies in the use of the concept. Con-
self-report measures of attitudes and behav- cept synthesis uses clinical observations to
iors. However, instrumentation also refers to explore the phenomenon of interest. Concept
the validating of measures for physiological derivation consists of moving a concept from
parameters or laboratory devices. The goal one field or discipline to another. After the
of instrumentation is to create measures that concept to be measured is clarified, a theoreti-
reduce error in research through consistency, cal definition is formulated that delineates
accuracy, and sensitivity of measurement. For the dimensions of the concept to be measured
self-report instruments, consistency is analo- based on the result of concept clarification.
gous to reliability, and accuracy is analogous Operationalization is the process of moving
to validity. With laboratory instruments, va- to an operational variable that is isomorphic
lidity is also used to describe the accuracy with the theoretical definition. Item genera-
of the measures, but precision refers to the tion involves decisions about concept dimen-
instruments consistency in measurement. sionality and scaling methodology.
Sensitivity is directly applicable to both types When the phenomenon of interest is a
of measurement and refers to the instruments highly abstract concept, the theoretical defi-
ability to finely discriminate in individual dif- nition will include a number of conceptual
ferences and changes in the concept under aspects. Less abstract concepts can often be
study. Control of measurement error is indexed with items that tap only one, more
achieved by assuring that as much response finite aspect. For each aspect of the concept,
variability as possible is due to the subjects items must be developed in a manner that
relationship to the concept under study rather assures homogeneity within that conceptual
than to inconsistent or systematic extrane- dimension. Thus, the instrument may have
ous factors. to be multidimensional or unidimensional,
The term psychometrics is often used to depending on the concept of interest. Typi-
refer to the results of testing self-report mea- cally, multidimensional concepts will be mea-
sures and to the statistics that are utilized in sured with instruments that have a subscale
that examination. Self-report measures gen- that relates to each dimension.
erally fall into the categories of norm-refer- Decisions about scaling involve whether
enced and criterion-referenced. With norm- the model is meant to scale stimuli or people.
referenced instruments the goal is to obtain Methods used for scaling stimuli are paired
a spread of scores across a wide range for the comparisons, constant stimuli, successive cat-
purpose of discriminating between subjects. egories, and psychophysical methods. Com-
Criterion-referenced measures are con- mon approaches to scaling people are cumu-
structed for the purpose of determining lative (e.g., Guttman-type), differential (e.g.,

Thurstone-like), and summated (e.g., Likert- sults of testing do not meet established stan-
type) instruments. Nunnally (1978) provided dards for precision and accuracy.
an excellent overview of these scaling proce-
dures. Other decisions in item generation in- JOYCE A. VERRAN
clude factors involved with instrument for- PAULA M. MEEK
matting. These factors relate to levels of mea-
surement, scaling responses, and the appear-
ance of the scale to the respondent. International Classification for
Instrument testing for self-report measures Nursing Practice (ICNP)
involves two aspects. Initially, the content of
the instrument is examined to assure its rela- The International Classification for Nursing
tionship to the theoretical definition of the Practice (ICNP) is a program of the Interna-
concept. The procedures include estimates of tional Council of Nurses (ICN). The ICNP
whether the concept has been sufficiently in- is intended to be used to represent nursing
dexed by the instruments items and whether phenomena (diagnoses), nursing interven-
the format is clear and promotes response tions, and nursing outcomes in documenta-
consistency. Evaluation of the link between tion in the health care record. As a combina-
the concept and items is primarily performed torial terminology, the ICNP facilitates
by a panel of content and instrument experts. cross-mapping of local terms or terms from
Once it is determined that the concept is ade- other standardized classifications and serves
quately indexed, a second phase of testing as a unified nursing language system. As a
involves the use of the instrument with a sam- unifying framework or unified nursing lan-
ple from the target population. This testing guage system, the ICNP enables compari-
results in a quantitative examination of relia- son of nursing data across recognized nursing
bility and validity measures (see Reliability classifications, across organizations, across
and Validity). sectors within health care systems, and
Instrument revision for self-report mea- among countries. In addition to promoting
sures includes a critical examination of test- comparable nursing data, the ICNP is in-
tended to facilitate comparison of nursing
ing results and individual items. Options for
data with data from other health disciplines
items are (a) inclusion as is, (b) alteration to
Use of standardized terminologies can sup-
clarify or meet theory, and (c) elimination.
port the electronic capture of clinical data by
Once the instrument has been revised, it must
nurses at the source of care delivery. This data
be tested again with another sample from the
can be reused for many purposes, including
target population.
communication, clinical decision-support,
Instrumentation for laboratory measures policy making, and knowledge generation. In
involves the similar phases of development order to represent nursing practice world-
and testing. However, the development phase wide, the ICNP needs to be broad enough
typically focuses on the establishment of pro- to capture the domain of nursing practice
cedures for the use of the device. Testing eval- globally and sensitive enough to represent the
uates the precision, accuracy, and sensitivity diversity of nursing practice across countries
of the device, given the procedures estab- and cultures. The benefits of the ICNP
lished. Examination of precision must include are to:
calibration of the device and evaluation for
inconsistency in readings, given repetitive Establish a common language for describ-
use. Assessment for accuracy includes not ing nursing practice in order to improve
only the meeting of established standards but communication among nurses, and be-
appraisal of appropriate theoretical specifica- tween nurses and others;
tion of results to the concept of interest. Revi- Represent concepts used in local practice,
sion of procedures may be needed when re- across languages and specialty area;
International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) 301

Describe the nursing care of people (indi- The ICNP Program facilitates participation
viduals, families, and communities) world- of individuals and groups in the ongoing de-
wide; velopment and maintenance of the ICNP.
Enable comparison of nursing data across Recent research and development efforts
client populations, settings, geographical have focused on testing the ICNP Beta Ver-
areas, and time; sion and preparing ICNP Version 1.
Stimulate nursing research through links It is important to understand that the
to data available in nursing and health in- ICNP will always be dynamic. Just as nurs-
formation systems; ing science and technology evolve, the termi-
Provide data about nursing practice in or- nology that represents nursing practice must
der to influence nursing education and evolve. In addition, the ICNP must continue
health policy making; to meet international criteria set by standards
Project trends in patient needs, provision organizations and to work in harmony with
of nursing treatments, resource utilization, other informatics and terminology initiatives.
and outcomes of nursing care. The ongoing development and revision of the
ICNP continue to be complementary to ef-
ICN, representing member associations in forts already underway in nursing, building
over 120 countries, has provided an infra- on and unifying the existing work in nurs-
structure to enhance the development of an ing classifications.
ICNP. Along with the ICNP member as- As a program of ICN, there is a major
sociations, additional partners, such as in- emphasis on worldwide participation of
formatics experts, researchers, governments/ nurses in the development of the ICNP.
health ministries, and industry, are needed to Through the European Union-funded Tele-
realize the vision of the ICNP. The vision nurse Project and the support of many ICN
of ICNP is to have nursing data readily member National Nurses Associations, over
available and used in health care systems 25 translations of the ICNP Beta Version
worldwide. have been completed. The translations ex-
In 1989, based on the concern that there panded opportunities for nurses to partici-
was no common language to describe nurs- pate in research and development in their
ings contribution to health, the ICN ap- own language.
proved the resolution that launched the A number of ICNP program activities
ICNP project. The ICNP Development and mechanisms facilitate research and devel-
Team was organised in 1990 and facilitated opment; for example the ICNP Evaluation
the work of many nurses around the world, Committee was formed to provide formal re-
which resulted in the ICNP Alpha Version, view, consultation, and recommendations for
published in 1996 and followed then by the the purpose of revising the ICNP. Evalua-
ICNP Beta Version in 1999. The Beta 2 tion Committee members have already estab-
Version was released in 2000. lished the ICNP Review Process, to facili-
Although the ICNP has been a project tate submission of new terms and other rec-
of the ICN since 1989, it was only in 2000 ommendations to ICN for review and consid-
that a formal ICNP Program was estab- eration. Currently, there are more than 150
lished. As a program the ICNs commitment Nursing Practice Expert Reviewers, repre-
to the ICNP is strengthened. The objectives senting more than 25 countries, participating
and plans of the ICNP program are identi- in the ICNP review process. To date, hun-
fied and reviewed annually and organized dreds of recommendations have been submit-
into three activity clusters: ted to ICN and more that 100 reviews for new
terms and definitions have been completed.
communication and marketing, Some examples of new terms submitted to
research and development, ICNP include: homelessness (South Africa),
coordination and program management. gender violence (Swaziland), family crisis

(Chile), informal settlements (South Africa), International Nursing Research

community development (Botswana and Co-
lombia), and newborn care (Portugal). International nursing research represents
To facilitate networking among research- comparative research on nursing phenomena
ers, a reference list and a database of ICNP and on nursing issues conducted in more than
development and evaluation projects are pub- one country. This includes research that is
lished on the ICN web site. Examples of types conducted cross-nationally to examine issues
of ICNP research projects include (a) con- of global interest to nurses and to test and
cept validation studies, (b) computer-based develop theories. The research is usually con-
information system demonstration projects, ducted by a nurse who resides in one country
(c) evaluation studies, and (d) cross-map- and studies phenomena in another country.
ping projects. The purpose is to compare the findings with
In a study by Hyun and Park (2002), terms the results of similar research obtained in
from other nursing classifications were cross- other countries. Such research provides op-
mapped to the ICNP and demonstrated that portunities to clarify scientific values, explore
the ICNP was able to describe many of the assumptions, and develop shared frame-
existing terms in these systems. One effort works.
International research in nursing is grow-
underway to support the ICNP as a unified
ing with the increased opportunities for
nursing language system is the development
travel, networking, and collaboration. The
of ICNP catalogues (or subsets) of nursing
increasing abilities of nurses to study abroad,
diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes. Proj-
to attend international conferences, to visit
ects are underway to create a number of cata-
international institutions, and to communi-
logues, including for example, work with spe-
cate through electronic mail systems, enhance
cialty nursing areas such as maternal-child comparative and collaborative research proj-
and perioperative nursing. ects. International scholarship has focused on
Partnerships are a priority for the ICNP the use of U.S. nursing theories and the evalu-
Program. ICN already has a strong infra- ation and testing of their utilities and appro-
structure, including collaborative relation- priateness to the different nursing cultures.
ships with the member national nurses associ- There are many descriptive and analytical di-
ations and other established nursing, health alogues related to theory in the international
care, and governmental organizations. A new literature. These dialogues have resulted in
ICN initiative to facilitate collaboration is the scholarly publications related to the introduc-
establishment of ICN Research and Develop- tion and analysis of U.S. theories in many
ment Centers. The initial ICN Centers will countries.
focus on ICNP Research and Development. Human resources analyses and investiga-
The first ICN Center is the German-language tions led to several international projects.
ICNP Users Group, including participants Questions related to the image and status of
from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. nursing, shortage of nurses, and distributions
Ongoing efforts such as these will continue of nurses in urban and rural settings were
to promote open partnerships and the use of examined. The results were compared and
ICNP as a unifying framework. contrasted among and between countries and
ICN plans to launch the release of the regions. There is general agreement among
ICNP Version 1 in 2005, at the ICN Con- researchers in many countries on the percep-
gress in Taipei. ICNP Version 1 will include tion of nursing and the difficulty in recruit-
revision to comply with relevant interna- ment of students and retention of nurses in
tional standards. the workforce.
There are commonalities in nurses rea-
sons for leaving the countries and seeking
MADELINE MUSANTE WAKE employment in other countries or regions.
UPDATED BY AMY COENEN Nurses emigrate to seek better job opportuni-
Interpersonal Communication: Nurse-Patient 303

ties, to secure a better future for their chil- tients or patient companions for the purpose
dren, to improve their skills, and to complete of sharing relevant health information. Inter-
their graduate education. personal communication is one of many skills
Other research areas that received the at- nurses use when caring for patients. It is cen-
tention of international nurses were the car- tral to the work of a profession that depends
ing practices of nurses and the relationship on interpersonal expertise as much as clinical
between nurses cultural heritage and lan- expertise. Effective delivery of health care fre-
guage and patients cultural heritage and their quently depends to a great extent on the qual-
primary language of communication. There ity of communication between health care
is beginning evidence that nurses of multicul- providers and their patients. Communication
tural heritage who speak more than one lan- can encompass the verbal, nonverbal, vocal,
guage tend to provide more culturally compe- content, and process aspects of the interac-
tent care. tion as well as the social, cultural, relational,
Other areas of comparative and collabora- behavioral, and interactional characteristics
tive research were focused on womens health of participants. The majority of health-re-
and quality of life. Questions about womens lated research has been on the verbal commu-
health were considered within a sociopolitical nication styles of providers during patient in-
context, with attention to health and health teractions.
care in the overall development of women Interpersonal communication is the pri-
through better options, more education, and mary means by which patients learn about
higher status. Other research examples were their particular health problems, appropriate
in ethical and clinical decision making, pain prevention and treatment strategies, and the
management, and the management of the roles both nurses and patients play in achiev-
care of the elderly. ing health outcomes. Such communication is
Future international research requires the likely to influence patients willingness to
development of culturally competent meth- share information, adhere to treatment plans,
ods, analysis of ethical issues in conducting and participate in follow-up. Interpersonal
collaborative international research, develop- communication in health care is often com-
ment of guidelines for international collabo- plexinfluenced by personal characteristics
ration, and a framework for decisions related and interaction styles of nurses, patients, or
to data ownership, authorship, and culturally patient companions as well as contextual fac-
sensitive rules for data dissemination. tors. Despite the complexity and importance
The International Council of Nursing, in of such interactions, studies of nurses com-
collaboration with the U.S. Institute for Nurs- munication and its impact on the processes
ing Research, developed a list of priorities for and outcomes of care are few.
international research, which addressed the The majority of research on provider-pa-
urgency for preparing researchers interna- tient communication has occurred over the
tionally and providing international strate- past 30 years. The focus of this research has
gies to support nursing research. A future been on communication styles and strategies
direction for priorities in substantive research that occur within the provider-patient rela-
questions has to be identified to enhance in- tionship. Physicians verbal communication
ternational collaboration and provide nurses has been studied far longer and more fre-
with shared goals. quently than that of any other type of health
care provider. Medical researchers have
AFAF IBRAHIM MELEIS largely ignored the role of nonphysician pro-
viders and have excluded them from commu-
nication analysis. Much of what is known
Interpersonal Communication: from this research is limited to what is said
Nurse-Patient by white male primary-care physicians during
initial acute-care visits (Roter, 2003). Nurse-
Interpersonal communication is defined as patient communication has also been exam-
verbal interactions between nurses and pa- ined during this time period and has provided

a basis upon which to describe the types of ferences in patients behavior directed back to
communication styles used by nurses in prac- them. Discerning whether relationships exist
tice. Important issues have been raised re- between specific provider characteristics and
garding the communication styles nurses their ability to pay attention, give comfort,
most frequently employ and their effect on use feedback behaviors, and adjust communi-
patient responses and health outcomes cation styles to various individual patients
(Courtney & Rice, 1997; Jarrett & Payne, would be important. A better understanding
1995; Lawson, M. T., 2002). The communi- of the effects of nurse characteristics on com-
cation patterns studied have been mainly munication behaviors and clinical judgment
those of white female advanced practice is needed.
nurses in primary-care settings or basic clini- Patient characteristics. Researchers have
cal nurses in acute-care settings. Until re- been mostly concerned with one direction of
cently, little attempt has been made to disen- causalityhow providers influence patients.
tangle the independent effects on communi- Little work has been done to determine if
cation of key provider, patient, and contex- patient characteristics impact a nurses com-
tual characteristics. This has resulted in munication style. Patient characteristics in-
diminished attention to the important role clude race, gender, age, health status, diagno-
these characteristics may play in shaping the sis, communications styles, role of patient
nature and dynamics of communication. companion, and values. What research has
Critical methodological issues are also raised been done frequently showed no significant
about limitations in the ways provider-pa- correlations or unexpected relationships
tient communication research has been (Caris-Verhallen, de Gruijter, Kerkstra, &
studied. Bensing, 1999). Because the relationship is
Effective communication does not just de- both reciprocal and dynamic there is a press-
pend on the acquisition of the right skills. A ing need to capture the contribution of both
variety of characteristics have been identified participants. Not only can a nurse be influ-
that affect the quality and quantity of pro- enced by his or her own attributes and atti-
vider-patient communication (Wilkinson, S., tudes, but by those of the patient.
Roberts, & Aldridge, 1998; Roter, 2003). Contextual characteristics. Interpersonal
Provider characteristics. Provider commu- exchange does not occur out of context. Most
nication has been studied more than patient communication research has been focused al-
communication; however, provider charac- most exclusively on the verbal interchange
teristics were studied less than patient charac- between nurse and patient without taking
teristics. Provider characteristics include role, into consideration the setting and context in
gender, race, specialty training, level of edu- which it occurred. Contextual characteristics
cation, practice experience, and communica- comprise environmental and situational fac-
tion styles. Most communication studies en- tors such as site of interaction, initial or estab-
listed small numbers of providers and mean- lished relationship, type of care provided,
ingful individual differences in providers time constraints, stressors for participants,
were difficult to find. There may also be as- and role of participants. Research on nurse
sumptions that only patients attitudes, emo- practitioner-patient communication occurs
tions, and characteristics influence the inter- mainly in the context of initial or episodic
personal communication. Since nurses are encounters, although in practice the majority
human beings, it is important to discern how of dialogue occurs in the context of estab-
their specific characteristics are reflected in lished relationships (Lawson, 2002). Most re-
the care provided and the outcomes of that search between basic clinical nurses and pa-
care. It would be important to discover if tients occurs during the provision of physical
there are behavioral differences in the com- care with the focus on providing instructions
munication styles of male and female nurses and explanations (Jarrett & Payne, 1995).
and if they produce corresponding gender dif- This restricted view has limited the discovery
Intimate Partner Violence 305

of relevant factors and their implications for in a relationship. Although relationship vio-
clinical practice. To obtain a more reflective lence affects both sexes, women are victim-
view of the real contributions of nurse-patient ized more and they sustain the most severe
communication to health outcomes, the con- injuries. Data reported by the Bureau of Jus-
text in which the interpersonal exchange is tice Statistics show that almost 700,000
studied must be broadened. events of nonfatal intimate partner violence
Nurse leaders developed conceptual mod- were documented in 2001 (Bureau of Justice
els that focused on describing aspects of Statistics, 2003). Federal Bureau of Investiga-
nurse-patient communication and the intrica- tion data show that in the last 25 years,
cies of the nurse-patient relationship; these 57,000 individuals have been killed in domes-
leaders are known as interactionist theo- tic violence situations. The problem is a sig-
rists (Orlando, 1990; Peplau, H. T., 1952; nificant one for the health care community
Travelbee, 1971). Most communication re- and society at large. Health-related costs of
search remains atheoretical, exploratory, and rape, physical assault, stalking, and homicide
descriptive and appears to be driven by avail- by intimate partners exceed $5.8 billion each
able methodology rather than application of year. Of this total, nearly $4.1 billion are for
dedicated theories. Discoveries in knowledge direct medical and mental health care ser-
about the presumed mechanisms behind the vices.
effects of communication will occur when Nurse researchers have conducted many
theory-driven questions and hypotheses are investigations regarding the physical and
systematically asked and tested. Other issues mental health of adult victims of intimate
to consider are the realistic selection of sub- partner or domestic violence. Representative
jects (patients or providers), studying subjects nursing research conducted since 1998 is in-
in various contexts, and use of simulated pa- cluded here. Campbell (2002) and her col-
tients and contexts; the use of multiple re- leagues compared selected physical health
search methods (experimental, observa- problems of abused and never-abused women
tional, survey, ethnographic); the develop- with similar access to health care. Employing
ment of valid and reliable instruments; data a case-control study of enrollees in a multisite
collection methods; and the inclusion of other metropolitan health maintenance organiza-
research designs to track the patterns and tion, they sampled 2,535 women enrollees
possible changes in nurse and patient commu- aged 21 to 55 years, and found that abused
nication over time. In addition to being stud- women have a 50% to 70% increase in gyne-
ied as a process, communication may serve cological, central nervous system, and stress-
as an outcome, a predictor, a mediator of related problems, with women who were sex-
process, or a moderator of relationships ually and physically abused most likely to
among other variables. When these issues be- report problems. Glass, Dearwater, and
gin to be addressed the profession will be Campbell (2001) surveyed all women (N =
better able to determine how the findings on 4,641) aged 18 years or older who came to
nurse-patient communication research can be the emergency department in 11 mid-sized
used to impact the clinical and educational community-level hospital emergency depart-
aspects of nursing. ments in Pennsylvania and California. They
found that more than a third of women who
MARJORIE THOMAS LAWSON had recently been abused and 76% of women
who acknowledged experiencing physical or
sexual intimate partner violence within the
Intimate Partner Violence past year reported that they did not come to
the emergency department for treatment of
Intimate partner violence refers to physical, an injury. The majority of women (76% to
sexual, and psychological abuse and stalking 90%) agreed with the concept of health care
committed by one partner against the other providers reporting intimate partner violence

to police. Dienemann and colleagues (2000) an intervention protocol report a significant

surveyed 82 women to determine the extent increase in safety behavior adoption during
to which domestic violence was part of the and after pregnancy. In a randomized con-
history of women diagnosed with depression. trolled study, McFarlane et al. (2002) tested
They found a 61.0% lifetime prevalence of the efficacy of an intervention administered
domestic violence, and that abused women to abused women in order to increase safety-
were less healthy. Prevalence of headaches, seeking behaviors. They demonstrated that
chronic pain, rape including marital rape, and such an intervention is highly effective when
sleep problems or nightmares were signifi- offered following an abusive incident and re-
cantly higher. Severity of abuse was signifi- mains effective for 6 months.
cantly correlated to severity of depression. In Other noteworthy research conducted by
a similar vein, Torres and Han (2000) exam- nurses on women exposed to intimate partner
ined psychological distress in a sample of 62 violence include findings by McFarlane,
White and an equal number of Hispanic Soeken, et al. (1998), who investigated the
women who had been abused. They found relationship between abuse to pregnant
that White women experienced a higher prev- women and gun access, finding that women
alence of psychological distress than Hispanic who reported gun access by their abusers also
women. Japanese nurse researchers (Wein- reported higher levels of abuse. Nurse re-
gourt, Maruyama, Sawada, & Yoshino, searchers also studied nurses attitudes and
2001) also found that women who experi- behaviors toward abused women (Hender-
enced abuse had significant clinical symp- son, A., 2001), tensions between service pro-
toms of depression and anxiety. viders and victims (Peckover, 2002), and ste-
Researchers also conducted research on reotypical thinking focusing on physical
safety and assessment issues and educational problems among nurses that precluded as-
protocols. Mohr, Fantuzzo, and Abdul-Kabir sessment of danger and safety issues of vic-
(2001) studied the ingenious ways in which tims (Varcoe, 2001).
women keep themselves and their children In sum, studies of the abused adult victim
safe in the face of intimate partner and com- constitute a well-developed and developing
munity violence, while R. E. Davis (2002) body of research. Not only are nurses explor-
documented the phenomena of leaving the ing aspects of safety, education, and assess-
abusive situation. Employing specific educa- ment, but they are also carrying out interven-
tional protocols, McFarlane, Parker, Soeken, tion studies.
Silva, and Reel (1998) found that pregnant
women who were abused and were offered WANDA K. MOHR

Job Satisfaction measures estimate an individuals overall feel-

ings about the job. In dimension-specific mea-
Job satisfaction is the degree to which indi- sures, subconstructs distinguish satisfaction
viduals like their jobs. As a general attitudinal about specific facets of the job, such as the
construct, job satisfaction reflects a positive work or task, pay and benefits, administra-
affective orientation toward work and the tion, and, for nurses, dimensions such as pro-
organization, whereas job dissatisfaction re- fessional status, nurse-physician relation-
flects a negative affective orientation. ships, and quality of care. As work on job
Job satisfaction has been studied exten- satisfaction continued, debate arose about
sively in nursing, psychology, sociology, whether job satisfaction and dissatisfaction
management, and organizational develop- were opposite ends of a single continuum or
ment. Most commonly, researchers have were two separate constructs. Although job
studied job satisfaction as a dependent vari- satisfaction currently is reported most often
able in assessing the impact of organizational in the research literature, the one-or-two-con-
changes and innovations, or as an intervening structs issue has not been resolved. The terms
variable with multi-staged models of em- are used inconsistently and sometimes inter-
ployee turnover, retention, or absenteeism. changeably. A more recent concern is the pos-
Currently, nurses job satisfaction is being sibility that positive and negative affectivity,
studied as a part of the organizational con- which are mood-dispositional personality
text, in conjunction with variables such as traits, contaminate effects of determinants
nurse staffing, autonomy, control over nurs- (e.g., autonomy, stress, burnout) on strain-
ing practice, burnout, and emotional exhaus- related variables such as job satisfaction. In
tion to determine effects on outcomes such as a meta-analysis of affective underpinnings of
patient satisfaction, quality of care, adverse job perceptions, Thoresen, Kaplan, Barsky,
events, morbidity, mortality, length of stay, Warren, and de Chermont (2003) found that
and costs. Registered nurse (RN) staff in both positive and negative affect uniquely
acute care hospitals has been the population contributed to the prediction of job satisfac-
of greatest interest in studies of nurses job tion, organizational commitment, emotional
satisfaction. Less is known about job satisfac- exhaustion, and personal accomplishment.
tion among RNs who work in other settings Commonly used measures of job satisfac-
or about licensed practical/vocational nurses tion have been influenced by or adapted from
in any setting. instruments developed in the organizational
In early studies of organizations, workers research field. Subsets of the Brayfield and
liking or disliking their jobs usually was la- Rothe (1951) items have been used frequently
beled morale. Midway through the 20th cen- as general measures of job satisfaction. Prom-
tury, researchers began to develop both gen- inent in the measurement of dimension-spe-
eral and dimension-specific measures of sat- cific job satisfaction among nurses are the
isfaction-dissatisfaction. General or global Index of Work Satisfaction (IWS) (Stamps,


1997), the McCloskey-Mueller Satisfaction with more moderate correlations are commu-
Scale (MMSS) (Mueller & McCloskey, nication with supervisor, recognition, routin-
1990), and the Nursing Work Index (NWI)/ ization, communication with peers, fairness,
Revised Nursing Work Index (NWI-R) (Ai- and locus of control. In general, variables
ken & Patrician, 2000; Kramer & Hafner, measuring job characteristics (e.g., routiniza-
1989). These measures all estimate job satis- tion, autonomy) and work environment (e.g.,
faction at the individual level. Recently, leadership, stress) have stronger relationships
Taunton et al. (in press) adapted the Stamps than economic (e.g., pay, opportunity else-
IWS for use in the National Database of where) or individual difference (e.g., age, ex-
Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI). The perience, organizational tenure) variables.
adaptation included changing the wording of More recently, researchers of the organiza-
items to a unit-level referent so that satisfac- tional context for nursing have found higher
tion data could be aggregated to the unit level nurse-to-patient ratios are associated with
and analyzed with other unit-level indicators lower job satisfaction and higher emotional
(e.g., nursing care hours per patient day, exhaustion, as well as higher patient risk-
nurse staffing mix, pressure ulcers, patient adjusted mortality and failure-to-rescue (Ai-
falls, and patient satisfaction) as part of the ken, Clarke, Sloane, Sochalski, & Silber,
American Nurses Association Safety and 2002).
Quality initiative. A high priority for current and future re-
Researchers choose measures of job satis- search is examining the relationship between
faction based on the nature of the study and nurses job satisfaction and outcomes of care,
the response burden for subjects. For in- such as quality of care, patient satisfaction,
stance, a short, general job satisfaction mea- adverse events (e.g., falls, pressure ulcers, fail-
sure would impose less subject burden in a ure-to-rescue, infections), mortality, and the
multisite study that includes multiple mea- like. These relationships need to be studied
sures of organizational and clinical variables not only in acute care settings, but also in the
or when assessing the overall relationship of community, in home care, and in long-term
job satisfaction to behavior. In contrast, re- care facilitieswhich will allow improve-
searchers focused on the impact of a specific ment of outcomes across all health care set-
nursing practice innovation in one setting tings. Issues that still need more elucidation
might be interested in nurse satisfaction are first, the degree to which nurses positive
about professional status, nurse-physician re- and negative affectivity confound relation-
lationships, quality of care, or other dimen- ships between job satisfaction and variables
sion-specific facets. Also, as more researchers such as autonomy, job stress, burnout, and
study job satisfaction as part of the unit orga- emotional exhaustion. Second, the associa-
nizational context, it will be important to use tion between patient positive and negative
a measure that is reliable and valid at the affectivity and patient satisfaction with nurs-
aggregated unit or hospital level, such as the ing care is not clear. Here again, associations
NDNQI-Adapted IWS (Taunton et al., in between nurse satisfaction and patient satis-
press). faction could be confounded by underlying
Researchers (Blegan, 1993; Irvine & Ev- affectivity. Last, the unresolved issue about
ans, 1995) conducting meta-analyses of accu- whether job satisfaction and dissatisfaction
mulated nursing job satisfaction research are separate constructs warrants further at-
have found that autonomy, stress, commit- tention. Nurses satisfaction and dissatisfac-
ment to the organization, and intent to stay tion may associate differently with outcomes
in the job demonstrate the strongest, most of care.
consistent correlations with job satisfaction;
autonomy and stress usually are antecedents ROMA LEE TAUNTON
of job satisfaction, whereas commitment and UPDATED BY DIANE K. BOYLE
intent to stay are outcomes. Other variables PEGGY A. MILLER
Job Stress 309

Job Stress shortages, lack of autonomy, equipment fail-

ures, conflict with physicians, conflict with
Results of a 1995 survey conducted by the administration or perceived lack of support
American Nurses Association indicated that from administration, lack of communication,
nurses considered stress to be their number- ethical issues concerning patients on life sup-
one occupational hazard. The nursing litera- port, high personal expectations for perfor-
ture is replete with opinion articles on factors mance, and caring for high-acuity patients.
in the work setting that make situations con- Several factors have been examined as possi-
ductive to stress for nurses; however, few arti- ble buffers to job stress experienced by
cles report research results. It was during the nurses, including hardiness (Wright, Blache,
1970s that nurse researchers as well as sociol- Ralph, & Luterman, 1993) and social sup-
ogists and psychologists became interested in port (Cronin-Stubbs & Rooks, 1985). There
studying job stress for nurses. Early research is a fairly consistent finding in research re-
on job stress for nurses centered on the dis- ports that social support acts as a buffer to
stress experienced by nurses in all settings.
ruptive effects of changing shifts on circadian
Consistent with previous findings, a criti-
rhythms and subjective sense of well-being.
cal review and meta-analysis of the research
In large measure as a result of research on
that focused on strategies to help nurses with
the effects of frequent shift changes, the prac-
work-related stress (McVicar, 2003) found
tice of changing shifts more frequently than
that . . . work overload, leadership/man-
every 2 weeks ceased during the 1980s. Re-
agement style, professional conflict and the
search to identify other factors that contrib-
emotional cost of caring have been the main
uted to job stress focused on intensive care
sources of distress for many years . . . (p.
nurses, neonatal intensive care nurses, and
633). Importantly, McVicar also found that
hospice nurses.
although there were common themes across
One of the first studies concerning the ex- studies, it is apparent that stress perceptions
perience of stress by staff nurses was con- are subjective and individualized, making it
ducted by Gray-Toft and Anderson (1981). difficult to generalize from one clinical area
They developed a measure of stress for nurses to another. Therefore, it is critical to examine
called the Nursing Stress Scale (NSS). The the personal factors that influence the percep-
commonly used NSS contains 34 potentially tion of stress.
stressful events divided into seven categories: According to Mimura and Griffiths
death and dying, workload, uncertainty con- (2003), based on an extensive search of data-
cerning treatment, conflict with physicians, bases including CINAHL, Medline, and the
conflict with other nurses, lack of staff sup- Cochrane Library, there were only seven ran-
port, and inadequate preparation to deal with domized controlled trials and three prospec-
emotional needs of patients. In 1983, Jacob- tive cohort studies assessing the effectiveness
son and McGraw published Nurses Under of stress management interventions to assist
Stress, which included a summary of their nurses to either prevent or manage stress ef-
research on stress experienced by neonatal fectively at work. Although the use of cogni-
intensive care nurses as well as the work of tive techniques and social support has dem-
other nurse researchers on stress experienced onstrated more effectiveness than exercise,
by nurses. During the 1980s through early music, and relaxation training, the results of
2004, much of the research on nurses and the ten studies reviewed cannot be interpreted
stress has been as conducted by nurse re- with confidence due to small sample sizes and
searchers in European and Asian countries. methodological problems.
Among the studies focused on nurses and Given the growing shortage of nurses in
stress there have been consistent findings that the United States over the last decade, it is
the following factors make situations conduc- very surprising that the issue of work-related
tive to stress for nurses: work overload, staff stress for nurses in the U.S. has not become a

significant focus of nurse researchers. Future The function of the attachment/affiliative

directions for nursing job stress research subsystem is security. Social inclusion, inti-
should include: (a) studies to evaluate the per- macy, and social bonding are part of that
son-environment fit model (French, Rod- security. The dependency subsystem evolves
gers, & Cobb, 1974) or the job demand developmentally from total dependence on
model (Karasek & Theorell, 1990) to explain others to independence that continues to pro-
factors that contribute to job stress for nurses; vide nurturance in terms of approval, atten-
(b) identification of personal factors that put tion, or recognition as well as physical assis-
a nurse at risk for job stress; (c) intervention tance. The achievement subsystem is con-
studies to evaluate the effectiveness of stress cerned with mastery or control of some aspect
management strategies, including cognitive of self or environment. Proposed conse-
restructuring to bolster resistance resources quences include physical, creative, mechani-
such as hardiness and use of social support; cal, and social skills.
and (d) longitudinal studies to evaluate the Behavioral, rather than biological, aspects
effectiveness of stress prevention and stress are the focus of the ingestive and eliminative
management strategies taught to students in subsystems. Therefore, appetite satisfaction
nursing by following them to job sites. is identified as the function of the ingestive
subsystem and behavioral excretion of wastes
BRENDA L. LYON as that of the eliminative subsystem. The em-
phasis is on when, where, how, what, how
much, and under what conditions individuals
(Dorothy) Johnsons Behavioral eat or eliminate wastes. Social and psycholog-
System Model ical factors are major influences on these sub-
Johnsons Behavioral System model consists Procreation and gratification are the dual
of two major components, nursing and per-
functions of the sexual subsystem. Cultural
son. Nursing is a function of actions and goals
norms and values as well as biological sex
while person is described as a behavioral sys-
influence this subsystem. Consequences of
tem (Johnson, D. E., 1980). As a behavioral
this subsystem include gender identity, court-
system, the person is made up of interrelated
ing, and mating. The function of the aggres-
subsystems that influence one another and
sive subsystem is defined as self-protection
are influenced by the environment. The seven
and preservation, and is not viewed as a
subsystems are open and linked. While equi-
librium is the goal of the behavioral system, learned, negative response.
maturation causes each subsystem to contin- The Behavioral System model leads the re-
uously change which results in temporary dis- searcher to problems and solutions. Re-
turbances in equilibrium. Greater disequilib- searchers have investigated behavioral system
rium occurs due to environmental stimuli or distresses that are connected to illness or ma-
internal forces, and nursing is an external jor environmental stimuli. In clinical practice,
regulatory force that assists the person to re- the usefulness of Johnsons model has been
gain equilibrium. The seven subsystems have demonstrated, particularly with the nursing
requirements of protection, nurturance, and process and assessment of outcomes. Using
stimulation from the environment. Without this model, nursing assessments are based on
the existence of those requirements, the sub- patterns that individuals have for meeting
systems are unable to perform their function. their needs. Johnsons model has also been
Behavioral actions of the subsystem are also used as a framework for nursing interven-
driven by a particular goal, the individuals tions that are personalized for individual pa-
set which is a predisposition to respond in tients (Cox, M., 1994; Derdiarian, 1990; Ho-
a particular way, and the choices that the laday, 1997), and patient classification sys-
individual may make. tems have been developed based on the sub-
(Dorothy) Johnsons Behavioral System Model 311

systems identified in this model (Poster, strated the usefulness of the Behavioral Sys-
Dee, & Randell, 1997). tem model in nursing practice in a variety of
With the goal of maintaining or restoring settings (Raudonis & Acton, 1997; Stuifber-
balance to an individuals behavioral system, gen, Becker, Rogers, Timmerman, & Kul-
nurses can develop precise measurements for berg, 1999). Thus the ultimate goals of re-
evaluating the efficacy of nursing actions. search using the Behavioral System model are
Majesky, Brester, and Nishio (1978) devel- to study the effects of nursing action on the
oped patient indicators of nursing care. This behavioral system equilibrium and to foster
tool is considered one measure of quality changes as appropriate.
nursing care. W. Reynolds and Cormack
(1991) have been able to evaluate outcomes JACQUELINE FAWCETT
of nursing interventions with psychiatric pa- UPDATED BY SHARON A. WILKERSON
tients. Numerous other studies have demon-

Kangaroo Care Energy Principles, Nightingales Model, Or-

ems Self-Care Model, Rogers Energy Fields,
Most nurses working in an intensive care and Roys Adaptation Model (Fitzpatrick, J.
nursery have witnessed parents expressing in- J., & Whall, 1989).
tense need to hold their ill preterm infants. There are five categories of kangaroo care,
A new method of care addressing this need based primarily on how soon kangaroo care
is kangaroo care, a term derived from its begins (Anderson, G. C., 1995). Late Kanga-
similarity to the way marsupials mother their roo Care, still the most common category in
immature young. During kangaroo care the U.S., begins when infants are stable in
(KC), mothers simply hold their diaper-clad room air and approaching discharge. Infants
infant underneath their clothing, skin-to- given Intermediate Kangaroo Care have com-
skin, and upright between their breasts; if pleted the early intensive care phase, but usu-
needed for warmth, a cap and a blanket ally still need oxygen and probably have some
across the infants back may be added. In apnea and bradycardia. Also included in this
complete kangaroo care mothers allow self- category are infants who are stabilized with
regulatory breast-feeding. In developing mechanical ventilation and infants who, al-
countries the method is called kangaroo though too weak to nurse, are placed at the
mother care (KMC), because mothers are breast during gavage feedings, a method that
usually the central figure responsible for care facilitates lactation. Early Kangaroo Care is
and they breast-feed exclusively. Kangaroo used for infants who are easily stabilized and
care, also known as skin-to-skin contact begins as soon as infants become stable, usu-
(SSC), is widespread in Scandinavia and Af- ally during the 1st week and perhaps even
rica and is proliferating elsewhere. The the 1st day postbirth. The idea is that mothers
method, which originated in Bogota, Colom- can help maintain stability by giving kanga-
bia, represents a blend of technology and nat- roo care. Very Early Kangaroo Care begins
ural care. Full-term infants also are vulnera- in the delivery or recovery room between 15
ble during the physiologically demanding in- and 60 minutes postbirth. With Birth Kanga-
trauterine-extrauterine transition following roo Care the infant is returned to the mother
birth and therefore benefit from kangaroo immediately following birth. The rationale in
care (Anderson, G. C., Moore, Hepworth, & these last two categories is that the mother
Bergman, 2003). can help to stabilize her infant.
Relevant theoretical paradigms include Numerous important extensions of kanga-
stress, mutual caregiving, and self-regulation roo care have been reported as separate case
(Anderson, G. C., 1977, 1989, 1999), pro- studies, mostly in MCN, The American Jour-
gramming, inappropriate stress responsivity, nal of Maternal-Child Nursing; examples are
and allostatic load, all of which are physio- with twins, triplets, an intubated preterm in-
logical/developmental and life span in nature; fant, full-term infants having breast-feeding
and Fitzpatricks Rhythm Model, Levines difficulties, a near-term infant with gastric

Kangaroo Care 313

reflux, adoptive parents, and a mother who remarkable behavioral organization, began
felt depressed during early postpartum (An- breast-feeding exclusively by 2 hours, and
derson, G. C., Dombrowski, & Swinth, were breast-feeding competently within 24
2001). Other journals that frequently carry hours. Importantly, two infants had devel-
kangaroo care articles include Acta Paediat- oped respiratory distress (grunting) by the
rica (formerly Acta Paediatrica Scandinav- time kangaroo care began, but this disap-
ica); Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and peared quickly while the infants stayed in
Neonatal Nursing (JOGNN); and Neonatal kangaroo care and received warmed humidi-
Network, the Journal of Neonatal Nursing. fied oxygen via oxyhood; the warmth and
Kangaroo care is safe and has health bene- humidity are essential (Anderson, G. C.,
fits based on evidence (Anderson, G. C., 1999). Seven randomized trials done in devel-
1991, 1995, 1999). In the United States oping countries, numerous others in Europe,
nurses have done most of this research. Find- and two in Taiwan have led to additional
ings included adequate warmth, energy con- publications.
servation, regular heart rate and respirations, Although fully implemented in some hos-
fourfold decrease in apnea, adequate oxygen- pitals, use of the kangaroo care method gen-
ation, more deep sleep and alert inactivity, erally remains scattered. The method is not
less crying, less cranial deformity, no increase allowed in some hospitals and may not last
in infections, fewer days in incubators, in others due to resistance from some hospital
greater weight gain, and earlier discharge; staff with resultant variable support for par-
lactation and breast-feeding increase and last ents. An elegant model for introducing the
longer. Kangaroo care, especially during method and effecting desired change and im-
breast-feeding, was analgesic for infants, pro- plementation is described by Bell and
vided mothers feel relaxed. Fathers also gave McGrath (1996). Because kangaroo care ben-
kangaroo care effectively, as do grandpar- efits are dose-related, parental burdens such
ents, young siblings, and selected important as time required, fatigue, discomfort, home-
others. Parents feel more fulfilled, become related responsibilities, stress, and anxiety
deeply attached to their infants, and feel con- warrant creative initiatives including broad
fident about caring for them even at home. social services to facilitate relaxation and ex-
Cost-effectiveness and improved long-term tend caregiving (Anderson, G. C., Chiu, et
outcomes exist but are not yet evidence- al., 2003).
based. Other trends in kangaroo care include in-
The National Institute of Nursing Re- creasingly rigorous research, federal funding,
search has funded nurses to conduct six ran- publication of detailed guidelines (e.g., by
domized trials with preterm infants in which WHO [2003a], available online), conferences
kangaroo care was the intervention. Five tri- devoted to kangaroo care, kangaroo care for
als have been conducted by Ludington; three sicker infants and for full-term infants, kan-
completed trials were with infants in open- garoo care provided by selected family mem-
air cribs, in incubators, and on mechanical bers or friends, consumer awareness of and
ventilation (e.g., Ludington et al., 2003). Two desire for kangaroo care, and increased use
trials are in progress: one on sleep and brain of kangaroo care to facilitate lactation and
development measured by electroencephalo- breast-feeding especially for dyads having
gram and the other on blunting of pain mea- breast-feeding difficulties. The new realiza-
sured by heart rate variability. The sixth trial tion that very early kangaroo care can help
was with 3236 week healthy infants begin- stabilize some preterm infants and prevent
ning kangaroo care on average 4.5 hours NICU admission has increased interest in giv-
postbirth (e.g., Anderson, G. C., Chiu, et al., ing kangaroo care as soon as possible post-
2003). In a pilot trial for the funded trial, birth, as often as possible thereafter, and for
3436 week infants began almost continuous as long as possible each time. Nursing re-
kangaroo care by 30 minutes postbirth, had search is needed to document the great poten-

tial that kangaroo care in its various forms sense data and memory (King, 1981, p. 24).
has for quality care, mutual relaxation and Interaction is defined as two or more persons
stress reduction, improved outcomes, paren- in mutual presence and includes a sequence
tal satisfaction, and cost reduction. of goal-directed behaviors (King, p. 85). Or-
ganization is a system whose continuous ac-
GENE CRANSTON ANDERSON tivities are conducted to achieve goals (King,
p. 119). The metaparadigm concepts of per-
son, health, environment, and nursing are
well-defined and explicitly linked: The focus
(Imogene) Kings Conceptual of nursing is human beings interacting with
System and Theory of Goal their environments leading to a state of health
Attainment for individuals, which is the ability to func-
tion in social roles (King, p. 143). There
Imogene Kings initial interest in theory was have been few changes to the conceptual sys-
to develop a conceptual frame of reference tem since it was first published. King has,
to focus and organize nursing knowledge however, provided clarification, explanation,
with the goal of identifying a systems theory and expansion of concepts through multiple
for nursing (King, 1981). Introduced in 1981, publications; addressed concerns and ques-
Kings theory focused on individuals as per- tions raised by others; and explicated the phil-
sonal systems, two or more individuals as osophical and ethical basis of the conceptual
interpersonal systems, and organized bound- system (Frey, 2004).
ary systems that regulate roles, behaviors, val- As a grand level theory, Kings Conceptual
ues, and roles as social systems. Interactions System provides a distinct focus for the disci-
within and across systems influence human pline, the process of nursing, and a frame-
acts, or behavior, and subsequently, health work for deriving middle-range theories. The
outcomes. According to King, systems, and first middle-range theory derived from the
interactions are best understood by concepts, conceptual system was Kings Theory of Goal
the building blocks of theory. Concepts for Attainment (King, 1981). The Theory of Goal
understanding personal systems are percep- Attainment was derived from personal and
tion, self, growth and development, body im- interpersonal system concepts and focused on
age, learning, time, personal space, and cop- nurse-client interactions that lead to transac-
ing. Concepts important for understanding tions and goal attainment. A descriptive study
interpersonal systems are interaction, com- of nurse-client interactions by King resulted
munication, role stress/stressors, and transac- in the Model of Transactions and a classifica-
tion. Concepts useful for understanding so- tion system of behaviors in nurse-patient in-
cial systems are organization, authority, teractions that lead to transactions and goal
power, status, and decision making. King attainment. Key behaviors in the process of
identified that concepts and relationships are transactions include mutual goal setting, ex-
interrelated both within and between sys- ploration of means to achieve goals, and
tems, which is consistent with general systems agreement on means to achieve goals. The
theory. Interpersonal systems are composed theory of goal attainment specifies the pro-
of personal systems, and interactions with cess of nursing. In addition, it clearly reflects
social systems influence both interpersonal Kings historical emphasis on nursing out-
and personal. Interactions influence behav- comes. Outcomes are defined as goals
ior, attitudes, beliefs, values, and customs. achieved and can be used to evaluate the ef-
Perception, interaction, and organization fectiveness of nursing care.
are comprehensive concepts for personal, in- In the past 2 decades there has been a
terpersonal, and social systems, respectively. considerable extension and application of
Perception is a process of organizing, inter- Kings Conceptual System and Theory of
preting, and transforming information from Goal Attainment (Frey & Sieloff, 1995; Sie-
(Imogene) Kings Conceptual System and Theory of Goal Attainment 315

loff, Frey, & Killeen, in press). Sieloff, Frey, others address family (Doornbos, 2000;
and Killeen present a state-of-the-art perspec- Wicks, 1995), health outcomes in children
tive by reviewing application of the concep- with chronic conditions (Frey, 1995), empa-
tual system and theory of goal attainment thy (Alligood, 1995), and nursing department
across systems, client concerns, patient popu- power (Sieloff, 2003). Each theory represents
lations, nursing specialties, and work set- an ongoing program of research.
tings; implementation in hospitals and com- Imogene King is a strong advocate for the-
munity settings; the fit of the conceptual ory-based education and practice for nursing.
system and theory of goal attainment with Her conceptual system for nursing provides
evidence-based practice, nursing process, a broad and enduring framework to guide
standardized nursing languages, performance nursing practice, derive middle-range theo-
improvement, and technology; and middle- ries, and integrate ongoing changes in nursing
range theories derived from the conceptual and the health care system.
system. In addition to Kings theory of goal
attainment, middle-range theories derived by MAUREEN A. FREY

Leiningers Theory of Culture Leininger established the theory of culture

Care Diversity and Universality care to account for and explain much of the
phenomena related to transcultural nursing.
The Theory of Culture Care Diversity and The purpose of the theory is to discover hu-
Universality is derived from the disciplines of man care diversities and universalities while
nursing and anthropology. Madeline Lei- the goal of the theory is to improve and pro-
ninger conceptualized the theory in the mid- vide culturally congruent care. Leininger first
1950s while working as a clinical nurse spe- published the theory in 1985 with subsequent
cialist with disturbed children and their fami- publications of revisions in 1988, 1991,
lies (George, 2001). Troubled by the lack of 1995, and 2001 (Leininger, 2001a). With
each publication of the theory, the conceptual
knowledge available to help nurses under-
definitions have evolved to higher levels of
stand the variations in care required for peo-
clarity, as has the nature of the underlying
ple from different cultures, Leininger set out
theoretical assumptions and statements.
to establish a new direction for nursing and
The components of the theory are depicted
to bridge the knowledge gap between nursing
in the Sunrise Model. The Sunrise Model is
care and culture (Leininger, 2001a). designed to function as a cognitive map for
Leininger was the first professional nurse the study of culturally congruent care. Even
to earn a doctorate in anthropology. She is though Leininger provides orientational defi-
credited with establishing transcultural nurs- nitions for the concepts in the model, she
ing and coining the term culturally congru- discourages the use of operational definitions
ent care (Leininger, 2001a). According to in the study of culture care (Leininger,
Leininger, culture care is the broadest holistic 2001a). Leininger supports exploring and
means of knowing, explaining, interpreting, discovering the essence of care for a particular
and predicting nursing care phenomena to culture, and puts forth the theory of culture
guide nursing practices. Culturally congruent care worldwide as necessary research for epi-
care is beneficial care and occurs only when stemic knowledge for the profession of nurs-
the culture care values, expressions, or pat- ing. The theory has three theoretical modes:
terns of the client (individual, group, family, cultural care preservation and/or mainte-
or community) are known and used in appro- nance, cultural care accommodation and/or
priate and meaningful ways by the nurse. negotiation, and cultural care repatterning or
Thus, transcultural nursing focuses on com- restructuring (Leininger). The three modes
parative care knowledge of specific and di- were developed based on Leiningers experi-
verse cultures that helps clients regain and ences with using culture care knowledge to
maintain their well-being, and face death, dis- assist clients in several Western and non-
abilities, or chronic illnesses in ways that are Western cultures. According to Leininger, the
beneficial to them and fit with their beliefs, modes are care centered and use both emic
values, and lifeways (Leininger, 1995, (generic or folk care) and etic (professional
2001b). care) knowledge.

Leiningers Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality 317

In Leiningers theory, culture care diversity manistic and scientific profession and disci-
points to the differences in meanings, values, pline whose central purpose is to serve human
patterns, and lifeways that are related to as- beings worldwide. Leininger asserts that even
sistive, supportive, or enabling human care though the concepts of health, person, nurs-
expressions within or between collectives, ing, and environment are supported by nurs-
while culture care universality points to the ing theorists as the major elements under con-
common, similar, or dominant uniform care sideration in the practice of nursing, care is
meanings (Leininger, 1995, 2001a). World- the essence of nursing and includes concrete
view is the way people look at the world and phenomena related to assisting, supporting,
form a picture about their lives and the world. or enabling experiences or behaviors toward
According to the tenets of the theory, this or for others with evident or anticipated
worldview is defined by cultural and social needs to ameliorate or improve a human con-
structure dimensions that involve dynamic dition or lifeway (Leininger, 2001a, p. 46).
patterns of a particular culture that include The Theory of Culture Care Diversity and
technological, religious, philosophical, kin- Universality is broad, comprehensive, and
ship, social, political, economic, and educa- worldwide in scope, demonstrating the crite-
tional interrelated factors as well as culture rion of generality, and addressing nursing
values and lifeways. The environmental con- care from a multicultural and worldview per-
text is the totality of an event or experience spective. The ethnonursing research method
and gives meaning to human expressions, so- was designed to systematically explore the
cial interactions, and interpretations in par- purpose, goal, and tenets of the theory
ticular physical, sociopolitical, ecological, through a naturalistic and predominantly
and/or cultural settings. Ethnohistory refers emic open-inquiry discovery approach (Lei-
to past facts, experiences, and events that are ninger, 2001a). Ethnonursing focuses on the
primarily people-centered and describe, ex- study of nursing care beliefs, practices, and
plain, and interpret human lifeways within a values, cognitively perceived and known by a
particular cultural context. Generic care sys- particular culture through their experiences,
tem refers to folk or lay knowledge and skills beliefs, and value systems. Over the past 40
that are culturally learned and transmitted years, Leiningers theory of culture care has
and used to provide assistive, supportive, or become well-known and valued; studies have
enabling acts for another individual. Profes- been conducted in approximately 100 cul-
sional care system refers to health, illness, tures using the culture care theory (Leininger,
and wellness-related knowledge and practice 2001b). Leininger has published approxi-
skills that are formally taught, learned, and mately 27 books and 250 articles on transcul-
transmitted. tural nursing and human caring, and the Jour-
In the Theory of Culture Care Diversity nal of Transcultural Nursing, which was
and Universality, Leininger orientationally founded by Leininger, has been a major
defines health as a state of well-being that source for dissemination of caring constructs
is culturally defined, valued, and practiced, and culture care information. The knowledge
and which reflects the ability of individuals gap between nursing care and culture has nar-
(or groups) to perform their daily role activi- rowed and clients worldwide are realizing the
ties in culturally expressed, beneficial, and benefits of culturally congruent care. There
patterned lifeways (Leininger, 2001a, p. is a wealth of new generic and professional
48). Care is described as being essential to culture care knowledge available to guide
curing, healing, health, well-being, and sur- transcultural nursing teaching and practices.
vival. Care is also presented as the dominant The theory has contributed significantly to
and unifying feature of nursing, and one of soundly establishing the field of transcultural
the most important concepts of transcultural nursing as a formal area of study, research,
nursing (Leininger, 1985a, 1995, 2001a). and practice, and Leininger predicts that by
Nursing is presented as a transcultural hu- the year 2010, transcultural nursing with a

human care diversity and universality focus attrition is financially costly and threatens
will become the arching framework of nurs- the internal and external validity of results.
ing (Leininger, 2001a, p. 414). There are many reasons for sample attrition,
including loss of interest, loss to follow-up
SANDRA C. GARMON BIBB due to address changes, burden of participa-
tion, and exacerbation of the illness.
Obtaining an adequate response rate for
Longitudinal Survey cross-sectional surveys requires careful atten-
tion. A more challenging task is maintaining
In longitudinal study designs the variables of the response rate from participants who are
interest are measured at several points in time repeatedly answering the same set of ques-
for the same individuals. A value of longitudi- tions over several test points, extending for
nal designs is the ability to shed light on months or even years. Dillman (1978) estab-
trends and the temporal sequencing of phe- lished techniques that have been shown to
nomena. Most health-related phenomena of facilitate the process of engaging respondents
interest in nursing science are dynamic in na- and enhancing the quality and quantity of
ture. Describing patterns of change in phe- responses. The total design method (Dillman)
nomena and evaluating the outcomes of nurs- is based on the process of getting potential
ing interventions over time often are the focus participants to complete questionnaires hon-
of nursing research. Topics such as sense of estly and return them. The process can be
well-being, family coping in chronic illness, viewed as a special case of social exchange.
adaptation to parenthood, and recovery from Classic social exchange theory asserts that the
life-threatening illness are appropriate for actions of individuals are motivated by the
longitudinal investigation. Nursing interven- return these actions are expected to bring
tion outcomes are often measured during the (Blau, 1964; Homans, 1961). The assump-
course of the intervention and at several fol- tions are that (a) people engage in any activity
low-up pointsfor example, changes in qual- because of the rewards they hope to reap,
ity of life following a telecommunications (b) any activity incurs some costs, and (c)
nursing intervention or improvement in par- individuals attempt to keep their costs below
ents ability to discipline children after partic- the rewards they expect to receive. In the case
ipating in a series of parenting classes. A vari- of research there are three things that mush be
ety of longitudinal designs are employed in done to maximize survey response: minimize
nursing research, such as time series design the costs of responding, maximize the re-
with repeated measures on a single entity or wards, and establish trust that rewards will
a number of entities at a relatively large num- be delivered (Dillman).
ber of time points. Panel designs may be used Costs to participants in survey research
for making observations on many entities but include tangible costs, such as envelopes and
at relatively few times. Although the relation- postage, which can be easily addressed by the
ship of the selected variables to the appro- researcher. The intangible costs of time and
priate timing of measurement is critical in effort take more creativity and thought-
longitudinal research, nurturing a longitudi- fulness. A questionnaire that is attractive, dis-
nal sample is an art that researchers often un- tinctively identified with the project, easy to
derestimate. read and complete, reduces perceived cost.
Attrition of the sample is a serious com- Techniques for reducing the effort in com-
promise to meaningful study outcomes. De- pleting the questionnaire include (a) stapling
spite a precise sampling strategy, the popula- the booklet in the centerfold, thus allowing
tion of interest will be represented inade- it to open out flat; (b) using clip art through-
quately if a large proportion of the sample out the booklet to reduce boredom; (c) con-
fails to respond to the questions. Once a sam- structing response choices so that a simple
ple is accrued, retention is essential because mark is required, thus reducing error and
Longitudinal Survey 319

mental effort; and (d) using adequate white research team often come to be viewed as
space to give the image of being easy to com- experts. When phone calls are received asking
plete. for advice about a specific disease or a new
Thibaut and Kelley (1959) noted that be- treatment or requesting information about
ing regarded positively by another person has the availability of support groups or educa-
reward value. Techniques to increase intangi- tional programs, the response should be
ble rewards include (a) frequent expressions friendly and accurate; and a referral is made
of positive regard in all correspondence; (b) when appropriate. Dealing with phone calls
expressions of the importance of participa- and mail in a manner that is respectful and
tion; (c) personal salutations and real signa- helpful is critical to the maintenance of the
tures; (d) a consultative approach, including study sample.
an open-ended question asking for informa- Attention to follow-up is critical to a good
tion that the respondent thinks would be im- response rate. The total design method con-
portant for the study; (e) holiday greetings tains a detailed routine for prompting nonre-
and birthday cards; (f) newsletter every 6 sponders that has been very effective. An im-
months; and (g) handwritten notes in re- portant aspect of follow-up is a personalized,
sponse to those who share personal informa- signed thank-you letter after the return of
tion. Tangible rewards such as money or gifts the questionnaire. In a 5-year study in which
should be carefully considered. questionnaires were completed annually, a
Identification of the research with an systematic follow-up routine was used. A re-
agency with a good reputation may increase sponse rate of 89% for usable data for the
the sense of trust. Respondents may return 5th year was reported (Weinert & Catan-
their questionnaires to the researcher, not so zaro, 1994).
much because of any feelings of obligation Undertaking longitudinal research re-
to the researcher but because they feel that quires a skillful and creative research team.
they have received past benefits from the uni- Attention to issues related to costs and re-
versity or health care agency (Dillman, 1978). wards, engendering trust, and maintaining in-
Over the course of a longitudinal study, car- terest are essential elements of success. Non-
rying out promises for a newsletter with up- response and loss to the study cannot be to-
dates on the progress of the study and brief tally eliminated, but careful attention must
reports of results is critical for engendering be paid to techniques designed to increase
trust. Sensitivity to the needs of particular response rates and engage participants in the
groups may also increase trust. For example, activities of the research project. Successful
calling the post office in a small rural town longitudinal research is truly an art form. Al-
before sending a mass mailing, to express though careful attention to minor points may
concern about the additional workload, can appear to be overly labor-intensive, they can
engender trust with a key person in the com- lead to sustaining the sample for long periods
munity. This trust and interest in the study of time and obtaining higher quantity and
will be translated to the community at large. quality of data.
Exchange relationships must be nurtured
throughout the course of the study. For exam- CLARANN WEINERT
ple, as the project unfolds, members of the

Managed Care Prior to the 1960s only a few MCOs ex-

isted, such as Community Hospital Associa-
The health care industry has experienced a tion of Elk City, Oklahoma (1929) and Kaiser
dramatic transformation over the last 50 Foundation Health Plan in California (1942).
years. After World War II, American health MCOs became prominent in the 1970s to
care witnessed an unprecedented growth. inhibit cost inflation. Peer review, rate set-
With the advent of social programs such as ting, and passage of certification-of-need leg-
Medicare and Medicaid, the number of islation was also instituted to decrease costs.
Americans with access to health care in- Today purchases of health care have become
creased as did the number of health care pro- active price setters of health services and sur-
fessionals and hospitals. The demand for veyors of quality care instead of passive nego-
health care with a traditional payment fee- tiators. By 1996, over 25% of the U.S. popu-
for-service resulted in insurers passively reim- lation, 67 million people, were enrolled in
bursing for what was charged. This fact, cou- some form of managed care. Today more
pled with emerging technology, resulted in than 50% of insured individuals are enrolled
increased health care utilization and cost of in a MCO.
care (Light, 1991; Robinson, J. C., 1995). As MCOs have proliferated so has the type
The term managed care has been broadly and amount of related research. Initially re-
defined as a system that provides health care search efforts focused on variations in health
at an acceptable level of quality and cost services provided throughout the United
(Kirk, 1997). Specifically, it is the combining States (Wennberg & Cooper, 1999). Cur-
of a prepaid, capitalized payment for health
rently managed care researchers explore such
insurance with group medical practice as the
issues as cost, quality, and the impact of
means of delivery of services (Newbrander &
MCOs on the health care environment. Theo-
Eichler, 2001). Physician and hospital pay-
ries such as the principle/agent theory (Bu-
ments are made through an agreed-upon cap-
chanan, A., 1988), and social exchange the-
itated reimbursement. The benefits of man-
ory (Blare, 1964) are used to explain the be-
aged care include the spreading of risks, since
haviors and outcomes of individuals in the
premiums are prepaid by large populations;
a focus on prevention with a wide range of health care system. The emerging work envi-
services; and the performance of case man- ronment will include a continued focus on
agement (preauthorization, utilization ser- quality and decreased costs. Managed care
vices, and discharge planning). Four basic will heighten the need for preventative ser-
forms of managed care organizations (MCO) vices offered in community agencies. Addi-
exist. These include health maintenance orga- tional research should be conducted that sub-
nizations (HMO), preferred provider organi- stantiates the positive cost/quality ratio.
zations (PPO), exclusive provider organiza-
tions (EPO), and point-of-service (POS). SUSAN HOUSTON

Maternal Anxiety and Adaptation During Pregnancy 321

Maternal Anxiety and Adaptation works of maternal prenatal adaptation have

During Pregnancy been presented by Rubin (1975) and by Led-
erman (1996). Rubin posited trimester tasks
concerning binding-in and binding-out of
Pregnancy, as a period of substantial biologi-
pregnancy. Lederman identified seven dimen-
cal and psychosocial change, can be expected
sions of maternal development based on stud-
to raise anxiety about the future. Anxiety is
ies of prenatal health outcomes and postpar-
the psychological consequence of exposure
tum adaptation:
to stressful circumstances that challenge ones
capacity to cope. Patterns of maternal anxiety
Acceptance of Pregnancy: Planning and
may be adaptive or maladaptive from psy-
wanting the pregnancy, happiness, toler-
chosocial and psychophysiological perspec-
ance of discomforts, ambivalence.
tives. Maladaptive psychosocial prenatal re-
Identification with a Motherhood Role:
sponses have been associated with postpartal
Motivation and preparation for mother-
maternal adaptive difficulty, marital distur- hood.
bance, and infant and childhood develop- Relationship to Mother: Availability of the
ment problems. gravidas mother, her (mothers) reactions
Psychophysiological responses to anxiety to the pregnancy, respect for the gravidas
involve neuroendocrine pathways. The sym- autonomy, willingness to reminisce; the
pathetic autonomic nervous system, through gravidas empathy with the mother.
catecholamine release, may alter uterine con- Relationship to Husband/Partner: Mutual
tractile activity in pregnancy and labor and, concern for each others needs as expectant
by arterial vasoconstriction, may restrict parents; effect of pregnancy on the rela-
uteroplacental perfusion and fetal growth. tionship.
Also, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal Preparation for Labor: Practical steps; ma-
(HPA) axis and corticotropin-releasing hor- ternal thought processes.
mone production during pregnancy may con- Fears Pertaining to Pain, Helplessness, and
trol the timing of birth and influence preterm Loss of Control in Labor: Stress, pain, self-
birth. Adrenocorticotropic hormone also is a estimated coping ability.
sensitive indicator of maternal psychological Concern about Well-Being of Self and In-
stress. Another HPA axis pathway may alter fant in Labor: Regarding deviations from
immune system response, rendering the ex- the norm.
pectant mother less resistant to infection.
While such disregulation is associated with These seven dimensions are measurable using
maladaptive responses, other factors can questionnaire and interview instruments,
modify stress responses. The magnitude and both showing high reliabilities for each di-
duration of the stressor, the timing of a criti- mension.
cal event, the genetic vulnerability of the Significant differences have been found in
mother and fetus, and social environment fac- the outcomes of pregnancy for women expe-
tors, may foster homeostasis and offset dis- riencing high prenatal-state anxiety and psy-
regulation. chosocial or developmental conflict. In sev-
In general, pregnant women have higher eral studies (summarized in Lederman,
anxiety in all trimesters of pregnancy than 1995a, 1995b, 1996), the personality dimen-
nonpregnant women (Singh & Saxena, sions on adaptation to pregnancy showed
1991). Studies of maternal anxiety cite psy- that higher maternal anxiety in pregnancy
chosocial factors as the most frequent and and labor were correlated with higher plasma
significant influences on pregnancy adapta- catecholamines during labor, decreased uter-
tion, birth outcomes, and subsequent post- ine contractility, fetal heart rate deceleration,
partal maternal/infant adaptation. Two dif- and prolonged labor. Recently, results of an-
ferent and complementary conceptual frame- other study (Lederman, Weis, Brandon, &

Mian, 2002) showed that anxiety, as mea- Kramer (1998) found that the strongest pre-
sured by the different personality dimensions, dictors of intrauterine growth restriction
predicted length of gestation (preterm labor), were smoking and low gestational weight
gestational age at first prenatal visit, and gain. Thus, prior studies suggested that ma-
antepartal and labor complications. Of par- ternal anxiety (pregnancy-specific anxiety,
ticular interest were findings that none of the psychosocial adaptive anxiety, and major
demographic dimensions, such as age, educa- life-event stress) and maternal coping re-
tion, and income, when entered into a multi- sponses have more associations with preterm
ple regression analysis with the personality labor, whereas chronic stress, smoking, and
dimensions, retained predictive significance. other physical factors (height, weight, hyper-
These novel results build on earlier findings, tension) may be more consistently related to
suggesting that the mothers psychosocial his- infants that have restricted growth in utero
tory and her perception of the meaning, chal- or are low birthweight. The aggregate of find-
lenges, and expectations of pregnancy are of ings suggest different modes of preventive in-
paramount importance in the adaptation to tervention for the two disorders.
pregnancy, and they carry greater weight Decisions regarding wantedness and ac-
than demographic factors in predicting ceptance of pregnancy remain relatively sta-
birth outcomes. ble or constant throughout pregnancy (Leder-
Although they are conceptually and clini- man, 1996). Not wanting pregnancy is asso-
cally related, research results suggested a dis- ciated with inadequate maternal prenatal
tinction may be warranted between preterm care (Albrecht, Miller, & Clarke, 1994) and
delivery and newborn birthweight. Signifi- physical violence (Gazmararian et al., 1995).
cant relationships have been reported be- Women who report an unwanted pregnancy
tween life-event stress and infant birthweight, were more likely to have lower birthweight
and between a measure of pregnancy-related newborns, higher infant mortality rates
anxiety (adapted from Ledermans dimension (Myhrman, 1988), a more than twofold-in-
measures, 1996) and gestational age at birth; creased risk of neonatal death (Bustan &
both results occurred independent of sub- Coker, 1994), and children who later devel-
jects biomedical risk (Wadwha, Sandman, oped psychopathology (Ward, 1991).
Porto, Dunkel-Schetter, & Garite, 1993). So- Studies of motherhood role identification
cially stressful factors, such as single marital indicate that maternal attachment and par-
status, little contact with neighbors (Peacock, enting confidence showed consistent and sta-
Bland, & Anderson, 1995), not cohabitating ble responses across prenatal and postpartum
with a partner or having a confidante, and periods (Deutsch, Ruble, Fleming, Brooks-
highly stressful major life events (Nordentoft Gunn, & Stangor, 1988; Fonagy, Steele, &
et al., 1996), have been associated with pre- Steele, 1991; Lederman, 1996). Deutsch and
term delivery. Paarlberg, Vingerhoets, Pass- colleagues also found that the womans rela-
chier, Dekker, and van Geijn (1995) likewise tionship with her mother during pregnancy
concluded that the most consistent finding in strongly correlated with self-definition of her
the literature was the relationship between maternal role.
preterm birth and taxing situations. Kin relationships of the gravida with her
Low birthweight appears to have a greater husband/partner and mother have relation-
association with altered biophysical states. ships to pregnancy outcomes. A lack of social
Smoking, hypertension, prenatal hospitaliza- stability, social participation, and emotional
tion, and prior preterm birth have been asso- and instrumental support increased the moth-
ciated with low birthweight (Orr et al., 1996). ers likelihood of giving birth to a small-for-
Paarlberg and colleagues (1999) found that gestational-age infant (Dejin-Karlsson et al.,
first-trimester smoking and maternal height, 2000). As in the study by Lederman and col-
weight, and educational level were significant leagues (2002), these results occurred inde-
risk factors for low birthweight. M. S. pendent of background, lifestyle, and biologi-
Measurement and Scales 323

cal risk factors, attesting to the significance assign numbers to persons, objects, or events
of kin relationships, particularly the husband/ which represent the amount or kind of a spec-
partner relationship. Lederman (1996) re- ified attribute. However, measurement also
ported high intercorrelations among the de- involves identifying and specifying common
velopmental dimensions in all trimesters, in- aspects of attributes for meaningful interpre-
dicating that early anxiety measures were sta- tation and categorization, using a common
ble predictors of later anxiety. This suggested conceptual perspective. Ambiguity, confu-
that prenatal assessment can identify women sion, and disagreement will surround the
who would benefit from early counseling. meaning of any measurement when it is unde-
Socially supportive community interven- fined. The measurement relevancy can be de-
tion during pregnancy may have near-term termined only when an explicit or implicit
and long-term beneficial effects for mother theory structures the meaning of the phenom-
and child. A registered nurse home visit pro- enon to be studied. Qualitative assessments
gram for African-American gravidas with in- apply measurement principles by providing
adequate social support substantially reduced meaning and interpretation of qualitative
low birthweight (Norbeck, DeJoseph, & data through description and categorization
Smith, 1996). Pregnant women who received of phenomena. Thus, measurement may not
social support from midwives had fewer low result in scores per se but may categorize phe-
birthweight infants, and at a 7-year follow- nomena into meaningful and interpretable at-
up still showed significant benefits for moth- tributes. Therefore, measurement is also basic
ers and children (Oakley, Hickey, Rajan, & to qualitative analysis.
Rigby, 1996). Another supportive prenatal Measurement is a crucial part of all nurs-
nurse home-visitation program (Olds et al., ing settings. Nurses depend on measuring in-
1998) yielded beneficial maternal-child re- struments to determine the amount or kind
sults as much as 15 years later, including im- of attributes of patients and use the results
provement in womens health behaviors and of measurements such as laboratory and
the quality of child caregiving. physical examination results to determine pa-
In summary, maternal anxiety and specific tient needs and their plan of care. Nurse re-
prenatal personality dimensions, operating searchers use a large array of clinical labora-
through neuroendocrine pathways, influence tory, observational, and questionnaire mea-
maternal and fetal/newborn birth outcomes sures to study phenomena of interest. Nurse
as well as longer-term outcomes. Many ad- educators depend on measurement instru-
verse outcomes may be modified or prevented ments and test scores to help determine a
by supportive prenatal nurse-visitation pro- students mastery. Measurement is central to
grams. all that nurses do.
The rules used for assigning numbers to
REGINA PLACZEK LEDERMAN objects to represent the amount or kind of
an attribute studied have been categorized as
nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. These
Measurement and Scales types of measurement scales are common in
nursing. Measurements that result in nomi-
The focus of measurement is the quantifica- nal-scale data place attributes into defined
tion of a characteristic or attribute of a per- categories according to a defined property.
son, object, or event. Measurement provides Numbers assigned to nominal-level data have
for a consistent and meaningful interpreta- no hierarchical meaning but represent an ob-
tion of the nature of an attribute when the jects membership in one of a set of mutually
same measurement process or instrument is exclusive, exhaustive, and unorderable cate-
used. The results of measurement are usually gories. For example, categorizing persons in
expressed in the form of numbers. Measure- a study as either female or male is measure-
ment is a systematic process that uses rules to ment on the nominal measurement scale. In

ordinal-scale measurement, rules are used to statisticians who believe that only nonpara-
assign rank order on a particular attribute metric statistical procedures can be used for
that characterizes a person, object, or event. data analysis when data are nominal or ordi-
Ordinal-scale measurement may be re- nal and that inferential statistics can be prop-
garded as the rank-ordering of objects into erly applied only with interval and ratio data.
hierarchical quantitative categories ac- There is controversy about whether Likert
cording to relative amounts of the attribute scaling (which is often used in nursing with
studied. The categorization of heart murmurs measures of attitude or opinion) is in actuality
in grades from 1 through 6 is an example. In ordinal-level measurement for which only
this ordinal measure, a Grade 1 murmur is nonparametric statistics should be used. Lik-
less intense than a Grade 2, a Grade 2 less ert scaling involves having subjects rank their
intense than a Grade 3, and so forth. The responses to a set of items on a range of
rankings in ordinal-level measurement numbers, such as 1 to represent lack of
merely mean that the ranking of 1 (for first) agreement to 5 to represent complete
has ranked higher than 2 (for second) and so agreement. It has been the accepted practice
on. Rankings do not imply that the categories for investigators to use scores generated with
are equally spaced nor that the intervals be- Likert-type scales as interval-level data.
tween rank categories are equal. Nurses have typically borrowed many
Interval-scale measurement is a form of measures from other disciplines. This reflects
continuous measurement and implies equal the fact that nursing is a field that considers
numerical distances between adjacent scores the biological and psychosocial aspects of
that represent equal amounts with respect to care and is based on knowledge generated
the attribute that is the focus of measurement. by many fields of inquiry. Therefore, many
Therefore, numbers assigned in interval- instruments developed by other disciplines
scale-measurement represent an attributes are consistent with nurses measurement
placement in one of a set of mutually exclu- needs. However, the heavy dependence on
sive, exhaustive categories that can be or- borrowing instruments from other disciplines
dered and are equally spaced in terms of the reflects the trend in the 1970s for nurses to
magnitude of the attribute under consider- pursue doctoral education in related fields,
ation. However, the absolute amount of the such as education, psychology, sociology,
attribute is not known for a particular object and physiology. Nurses became familiar with
because the zero point is arbitrary in an inter- instruments from other fields during their
val scale. The measurement of temperature graduate studies and were encouraged to use
is a good example of an interval-level measure them in the nursing context.
because there is no true zero point. For exam- By the mid 1970s nurses became more cog-
ple, the zero point is different based on nizant of some of the limitations in borrowing
whether the Fahrenheit or Centigrade mea- certain instruments from other disciplines. It
surement approach is used, and one cannot is not unusual for instruments developed to
say that an object with a temperature of 0 measure psychosocial variables in other fields
F or 0 C has no temperature at all. Ratio- to be cumbersome and inefficient for use in
level measures provide the same information the clinical settings of nurse researchers.
as interval-level measures; in addition they Often the instruments needed by nurses to
have absolute zero points for which zero actu- measure attributes in populations such as
ally represents absence of the attribute under children, frail patients, the elderly, and the
study. Volume, length, and weight are com- culturally diverse, instruments that measure
monly measured by ratio scales. important variables from the nursing per-
There is controversy about the level of spective, do not exist. Nursing studies of fam-
measurement scales and the type of statistical ilies, communities, and organizations and
procedures that may be appropriately used systems have been hampered by the lack of
for data analysis. There are researchers and effective measures to address group and sys-
Medications in Older Persons 325

tem variables from the nursing perspective veloping instruments. In addition, nurse in-
(Strickland, 1995). vestigators tended to rely too heavily on pa-
The movement in nursing to develop more per-and-pencil self-report measures and did
rigor in the use and development of measure- not give adequate attention to selecting bio-
ment instruments gained prominence in the logical measures as indicated by the concep-
1970s. In June 1974, a contract was awarded tual frameworks of the studies (Strickland &
to the Western Interstate Commission for Waltz, 1986). The Maryland group published
Higher Education by the Division of Nursing, the first measurement textbook for nurses,
Bureau of Health Manpower, and Health Re- Measurement in Nursing Research, and de-
sources Administration to prepare a compila- veloped and implemented a measurement
tion of nursing research instruments and project funded by the Division of Nursing of
other measuring devices for publication. the Department of Health and Human Ser-
With Doris Bloch as project officer, a two- vices. This project prepared over 200 nurse
volume compilation of instruments, titled In- researchers in clinical or educational settings
struments for Measuring Nursing Practice to develop and test instruments for use in
and Other Health Care Variables, was pub- nursing and resulted in an award-winning
lished in 1978. Priority was placed on compil- four-volume series of books, Measurement of
ing instruments dealing with nursing practice Nursing Outcomes, which compiled instru-
and with patient variables rather than nurse ments developed by project participants.
variables. This was an important milestone In 1993, Ora Strickland initiated and ed-
for nursing measurement because it was the ited the Journal of Nursing Measurement
first effort that placed a large number of clini- with Ada Sue Hinshaw as coeditor. This jour-
cally focused instruments developed or used nal brought nursing measurement to a new
by nurses in the public domain. level of focus, responding to the need for con-
During the late 1970s and early 1980s, tinuing development and dissemination of
two groups of nurse scientists focused their nursing measurement instruments and pro-
work on developing measurement as an area viding an identifiable forum for the discus-
of special emphasis in nursing. At the Univer- sion and debate of measurement concerns
sity of ArizonaTucson, Ada Sue Hinshaw and issues of interest.
and Jan Atwood focused their efforts on re- The nursing profession has developed
fining and further developing instruments for nursing measurement to a great degree be-
clinical settings and for clinically focused re- tween the late 1970s and the present. Nurses
search. The first postdoctoral program in have developed and tested instruments for
nursing instrumentation and measurement use in a variety of settings. In addition to
evolved at the University of Arizona, and an- creating new instruments, nurses have further
nual national conferences on nursing mea- developed instruments designed in other dis-
surement were offered. These conferences ciplines for use in nursing studies. Although
provided nurses a forum in which to discuss much has been done, much remains to be
measurement issues and problems and to done in nursing measurement.
present information on instruments used in
Ora Strickland and Caroyln Waltz at the
University of Maryland at Baltimore focused
on defining measurement principles and prac- Medications in Older Persons
tices to build rigor in nursing research. Care-
ful assessments of nursing research published Due to increased life expectancy, older age
in professional journals were conducted. The is associated with the prevalence of multiple
assessments revealed that nurse investigators comorbidities (e.g., congestive heart failure,
were not giving adequate attention to reliabil- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dia-
ity and validity issues when selecting and de- betes mellitus), which often necessitate life-

long and multiple medication intake. Conse- mation regarding medication prescriptions
quently, older persons are the largest consum- ordered by other providers serves as a signifi-
ers of medication. Polypharmacy is worri- cant factor in increasing the complexity of
some in the elderly because of the increased the therapeutic regimen. Every new drug
risk for adverse events. Moreover, polyphar- added to the medication regimen will increase
macy may result in nonadherence to the ther- the risk for adverse outcomes (Raik).
apeutic regimen, a factor found to be associ- Suboptimal use of prescribed medications
ated with poor outcomes in view of physical is often associated with unplanned hospital-
and psychological health. Adherence needs izations among the chronically ill: 28.1% of
to be monitored as a clinical parameter dur- visits in an emergency department were due
ing each clinical encounter. Evaluating older to medication-related visits, and 63.35% of
persons capabilities and risk-factors for suc- hospital admissions due to drug reactions
cessful management of the medication regi- could have been prevented (Mc Donnell &
men should be part of a thorough geriatric Jacobs, 2003). Furthermore, the risk of medi-
assessment as a cornerstone of chronic illness cation mishaps is higher in the older popula-
management. Nurses play an important role tion due to errors in self-administration,
in this assessment and assist older persons caused in part by visual and cognitive impair-
and their families in the management of and ment, illiteracy, high medication costs, the
adherence to their medication regimen. complexity of the medication regimen, dura-
Older persons are the largest per capita tion of treatment, and/or side effects of the
consumers of medications. Several interna- medications (Raik, 2001).
tional studies show that persons older than Adherence is defined as the extent to which
65 years account for 15%18% of the popu- a persons behavior (taking medications, fol-
lation, but consume 40%50% of prescribed lowing a recommended diet, and/or executing
drugs (Klauber, 1996; Linjakumpu et al., lifestyle changes) corresponds with the agreed
2002; Swafford, 1997). Prevalence of poly- recommendations of a health care provider
pharmacy increases with higher age and num- (Haynes, McDonald, Garg, & Montague,
ber of concomitant comorbidities (Linja- 2003). In persons aged 60 years or older,
kumpu et al., 2002; U.S. Agency for Health- nonadherence with medication regimens var-
care Research and Quality, 1996). In two ies from 26% to 59% (Van Eijken, Tsang,
recent large-scale studies, it was noted that Wensing, de Smet, & Grol, 2003), numbers
11%25% of older persons use five or that are very similar to those of younger pop-
more medications simultaneously (Chen, ulations. Nonadherence with drug treatment
Dewey, & Avery, 2001; Linjakumpu et al., is highly prevalent in all chronic patient pop-
2002). ulations among different age groups and is
Polypharmacy is worrisome in view of the not more prevalent in older normally aging
increased risk for adverse events as this may persons, as is sometimes wrongly stated.
be associated with poor outcomes in view of Because nonadherence has been found to
poor physical and psychological health. It has be associated with poor outcomes, adherence
to be noted that, secondary to higher age or needs to be monitored as a relevant clinical
multiple chronic diseases, older persons are parameter during each clinical encounter.
most vulnerable to pharmacokinetic, phar- Clinicians can use direct as well as indirect
macodynamic, and homeostatic changes methods to assess adherence with medication
(Raik, 2001). These changes make them par- regimens. Direct methods refer to assay of
ticularly sensitive to adverse events, interac- medication, medication by-products or trac-
tions, and toxicity of medications. Older per- ers in bodily substances (e.g., digoxin, pheno-
sons are also at greater risk for inappropriate barbital), and observation of medication ad-
prescribing. The average clinician often lacks ministration. Indirect measurement methods
sufficient knowledge regarding possible drug- are self-report, collateral report, prescription
drug interactions. In addition, a lack of infor- refills, pill-count, and electronic event moni-
Medications in Older Persons 327

toring. Yet there is no gold standard to evalu- (Maison, Gaudet, Gregorie, & Bouchard,
ate adherence with a medication regimen, as 2002), admittedly restricting options for ade-
all methods have specific drawbacks in view quate medication management. Older per-
of underestimating of nonadherence or the sons have to be aware of the intended effect of
lack of revealing medication-taking dynam- the medication, how to administer it, possible
ics. Electronic event monitoring (EEM) has side effects, and other relevant aspects of the
emerged as the most valid and reliable medication regimen. A significant proportion
method to date. EEM consists of a pill bottle of the older population has inadequate or
fitted with a cap that contains a microelec- marginal functional health literacy, making
tronic circuit. The date and time of each bot- it difficult to process the health information
tle opening and closing are recorded as a pre- and instructions given to them.
sumptive dose. Recorded data can be down- Although cognitive decline is associated
loaded to a computer that lists and graphi- with aging, in the absence of pathophysiolog-
cally depicts individual medication-taking ical decline such as Alzheimer disease, cogni-
dynamics. Indirect, electronic event monitor- tive functioning of older persons is normally
ing has superior sensitivity compared to other sufficient to independently manage their own
direct and indirect methods, as it allows as- medication regimen (Park et al., 1999). For-
sessment of noncompliance at a continuous getfulness is a common reason for nonadher-
level and in a multidimensional manner (De ence in older persons; however, severe cogni-
Geest, Abraham, & Dunbar-Jacob, 1996). tive impairment most compromises patients
A number of processes associated with abilities to independently manage their treat-
aging may negatively influence older persons ment regimen. Cognitively impaired persons
ability for independent and correct medica- are more likely to receive assistance with
tion management and prevent adherence. medication management compared to cogni-
Knowledge of risk-factors for nonadherence tively intact subjects (Conn, Taylor, &
will allow identification of older patients at Miller, 1994).
risk for inadequate medication management. Treatment-related factors such as dura-
Modifiable factors can be targeted for adher- tion, complexity, and cost of medication regi-
ence-enhancing interventions. A selection of mens can also negatively affect adherence.
factors with special relevance for the older Medication restriction, i.e., taking less medi-
population will be discussed next. cations than prescribed, is common in seniors
Aging is associated with decline in audi- who lack prescription coverage, particularly
tory, visual, cognitive, and functional capaci- among certain vulnerable groups (Steinman,
ties. It can be more difficult for older persons Sands, & Covinsky, 2001). The fact that
to handle childproof caps, blister packages, many older persons live alone and are rela-
or nebulizers, or to swallow large pills. Ad- tively socially isolated deprives them of neces-
herence to medication regimens requires, sary social support and places them at risk
among other abilities, reading labels and dis- for depression, both of which are known risk
tinguishing tablets according to their color. factors for medication nonadherence (De
Nineteen percent of persons aged 70 years Geest, von Renteln-Kruse, Steeman, De-
and older have visual impairments, including graeve, & Abraham, 1998).
blindness; one third have hearing impair- Compliance-enhancing interventions should
ments (Desai, Pratt, Lentzner, & Robinson, be built on the available empirical evidence
2001). Labels may be misread and colors of of modifiable risk-factors and intervention
pills may not be recognized. Reading diffi- studies. Evidence shows that compared with
culties with regard to prescription labeling single, generalized, and short interventions,
was not significantly related to nonadherence multifaceted, tailored, and continuous inter-
in seniors, although 38.8% were not able to ventions result in improved medication ad-
read all the prescriptions labels and 67.1% herence (Haynes, McDonald, Garg, & Mon-
did not fully understand all information tague, 2003; Peterson, Takiya, & Finley,

2003; Roter et al., 1998; Van Eijken, Tsang, Menstrual period and menstrual cycle are
Wensing, de Smet, & Grol, 2003). This im- not one and the same: menstrual period refers
plies a combination of educational, behav- to the days that a woman bleeds. An average
ioral, and social support strategies tailored length of a period is 5 days; about half of all
to the specific situation of each individual women bleed for 34 days and another 35%
older person and his family within a biopsy- bleed for 56 days (Voda, Morgan, Root, &
chological care paradigm. Moreover, it is im- Smith, 1991). The term menstrual cycle (or
portant that older patients and their families menstrual cycle interval) refers to the span of
are seen as partners in the development of time from the start of one period to the start
tailored and multifaceted medication man- of the next. The length of a menstrual cycle
agement interventions. can range from 21 to 35 days, with 29 days
Successful management of medication reg- as the average.
imens in older persons requires an under- The basic facts about the cyclical changes
standing of the risks associated with poly- in hormonal levels and in the reproductive
pharmacy and specific factors associated with organs are well-known and appear in many
the aging process that put patients at risk for medical and nursing textbooks (Fogel &
nonadherence. Interventions aiming at sup- Woods, 1995; Speroff, Glass, & Kase, 1999).
porting older persons and their families with The neuroendocrine mechanisms which con-
regard to medication-taking further should trol the reproductive cycle are by no means
be multifaceted and tailored along the contin- completely understood. Most interest has fo-
uum of chronic illness management. cused on the ovarian hormones estrogen and
progesterone, and on their influence on the
SABINA DE GEEST release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
FABIENNE DOBBELS and luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pitu-
ELS STEEMAN itary gland at the base of the brain. Not only
KOEN MILISEN a physiologic process, menstruation is associ-
ated with feminine role development and feel-
ings of health and well-being, and it is embed-
ded in the sociocultural context of wom-
Menstrual Cycle ens experience.
Nursing scholarship and science focused
The menstrual cycle is a truly gender-specific on menstrual-cycle phenomena can be traced
process that has a profound effect on wom- to the care our profession provided to women
ens lives. When viewed in the general context and their children beginning with Lillian
of biological rhythms, the menstrual cycle re- Walds work among the poor women of New
quires a complex sequence of physiological York, Margaret Sangers efforts to help
events coordinated by the hypothalamus in women control their fertility, and Mary
conjunction with the pituitary glands, ova- Breckenridges efforts to provide maternity
ries, and uterus, along with the adrenal and care in the rural Kentucky Hills.
thyroid systems, and that adapts to environ- Since the late 1970s, nursing research has
mental phenomena. contributed in unique ways to understanding
Derived from the Latin mensis (month), menstrual cycle eventsmenarche, menstru-
the menstrual cycle is marked by the shedding ation, and menopauseas normative experi-
of the uterine liningmenstruation, or a ences and symptoms related to the menstrual
menstrual period. We start menstruating cycle and menopause as illness experiences. In
at 1112 years of age (menarche) and have contrast, during the same period, biomedical
our last menstruation at about 51 years research has focused on understanding the
(menopause). With a few interruptions, such problems related to menstruation and meno-
as pregnancy or taking the Pill, women will pause as disease or risk factors for disease
have about 400 periods during their lifetime. with little attention to the interaction of psy-
Menstrual Cycle 329

chosocial, behavioral, cultural, or health fac- Pherson, 2002). Feminist methods of inquiry
tors. Nursing science and scholarship have have been expanded by nurse researchers to
contributed new conceptual models, ad- provide information for women rather
vanced research methods, and new interven- than merely about women. For example,
tions that link therapeutics with advocacy. nurse investigators use of methods such as
Nurse investigators have explored phe- researcher-in-relation, reflexivity, and social
nomena such as beliefs and attitudes among transformation to understand womens per-
menarcheal girls, menstrual cycle characteris- imenstrual and menopausal symptom experi-
tics and premenstrual changes among adult ences provides the basis for women-cen-
women, experiences typical of menopausal tered therapeutics.
transition among midlife women, as well as In the past decade, multidisciplinary ef-
examining the menstrual cycle experiences in forts have increased our power to institute
populations seldom studied, such as disabled change in womens health status through
women, athletes, shift workers, toxic expo- cross-disciplinary research, building on the
sures in oncology nurses, diabetic women, wisdom of early pioneers. For example, the
and beyond those of gynecology clinic popu- Society for Menstrual Cycle Research
lations to the broader spectrum of healthy (SMCR), a multidisciplinary organization
community samples. They have contributed with strong nursing leadership, has been the
to work complementing biomedical research vanguard of the movement away from a re-
in describing physiologic patterns across the ductionist perspective to a more comprehen-
menstrual cycle, developing diagnostic cate- sive approach to the study of womens health
gories and criteria for phenomena such as (SMCR web site). Since 1977, the Societys
dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, pre- published research conference proceedings
menstrual dysphoric disorder, and therapies have provided an invaluable chronology of
for problems related to menstruation and research on the menstrual cycle and advanced
menopause. thinking across several disciplines: nursing,
Nurses with a concern for womens health psychology, sociology, epidemiology, an-
have historically included feminist ap- thropology, biostatistics, physiology, medi-
proaches in their clinical practice as well as cine, and literature (SMCR web site). Instead
their research. Angela McBride (McBride & of a circumscribed phenomenon peculiar to
McBride, 1981) was one of the first nurse sex hormones, the Society defined the men-
scholars to embrace feminist theory as a re- strual cycle in the context of other bio-
search paradigm, calling for a reframing of rhythms of human variability or a sociocultu-
gynecological disease within the greater con- ral network of meanings, and of a new under-
text of a womans everyday life. The early standing of how the endocrine system inter-
nursing literature related to the menstrual cy- acts with other functions.
cle reflects a definition of health grounded Nursing research has been at the forefront
in everyday life (gyn-ecology) and not just in the study of normative experiences of men-
clinical definitions of health such as risk fac- strual cycle events. Menarche presents nurses
tors and diseases (gynecology) (McBride, with a unique opportunity to address health
1993). Nurses have focused their study on promotion issues, particularly those related
biopsychosocial response patterns, norma- to reproductive and sexual health of school-
tive or developmental transitions, functional age girls. In a review of nursing research con-
status, role performance, adaptation to envi- tributions to menstrual cycle research
ronmental demands, and high-level wellness (Woods, Mitchell, & Taylor, 1999), investi-
(Woods, 1988). Nursing research has helped gators addressed images of menstruation pre-
to focus womens development and norma- sented to menarcheal girls, menstrual atti-
tive transitions (menarche and menopause) tudes, symptoms, and the relationship of re-
as normal rather than deficiency conditions called menarcheal experiences and attitudes
that need medical treatment (Andrist & Mac- to adult womens subsequent experiences of

symptoms. Since the last Encyclopedia of tal status, self-esteem, occupation, and men-
Nursing Research review by Reame, Medline strual attitudes (Woods, Most, & Longen-
and CINAHL searches yielded 34 published ecker, 1985). They have documented the dy-
papers related to menstrual function and al- namic nature of symptom formation across
terations related to daily activities, menstrual and within individuals in response to their
attitudes and knowledge, and preparation for changing social environments (Taylor,
menarche across multiple cultures. In con- Woods, Lentz, & Mitchell, 1991).
trast to the last review, the cultural and ethnic A by-product of nursing studies has been
context is addressed by nurse researchers the development of improved designs and
more than by other disciplines. These studies methods for the biobehavioral assessment of
of menarcheal experiences and programs for menstrual cycle phenomena (Woods,
menarcheal preparation in 12 cultures, in- Most, & Dery, 1982; Shaver & Woods,
cluding African-American girls, provides an 1986; Taylor, D., 1990; Mitchell, Lentz, &
expansive understanding of the develop- Woods, 1991; Reame, Kelch, Beitins, Yu, Za-
mental opportunity presented by menarche. wacki, & Padmanabhan, 1996; Woods,
More recently, nurses have been at the fore- Mitchell, & Lentz, 1999; Mitchell, Woods, &
front of translating research to practice in the Mariella, 2000; Woods, Mitchell, & Ma-
development of menstrual health advocacy riella, 2002). Such methods have included the
groups (Red Web Foundation) and internet- measurement of menstrual flow absorbency,
based education (www.redspot.org). assessment of perimenstrual symptom pat-
Early efforts to understand the normative terns and cluster types, statistical methods
experience of menstruation and menstrual for handling the detection of LH pulsatile
symptoms as illness experiences have in- secretion, and comparison of daily menstrual
cluded studies of healthy community-based symptoms across cycles of the same individ-
populations of women. From these studies, ual. The Washington Womens Daily Health
we have been able to estimate the normative Diary includes a menstrual symptom severity
experiences of women and identify some that list of positive and negative experiences. It
are idiosyncratic. has been used by several nurse researchers to
The Tremin Trust Database, first adminis- define a variety of menstrual cycle symptom
tered by Ann Voda at the University of Utah patterns, including menarcheal and meno-
and now at Pennsylvania State University, pausal experiences.
represents a national resource of information Nursing research on menopause, like that
about womens menstrual cycles that includes on the menstrual cycle, has emphasized stud-
data from over 5,000 women spanning four ies of normative experiences. A review of the
generations (Voda, 1991). From the Tremin literature contains rich descriptions of symp-
Trust Database it is possible to follow women toms associated with menopause, including
from menarche through menopause and in studies of hot flashes, sleep problems, and
some instances to do so for three generations. depression (Woods, Mitchell, & Taylor,
This database has provided important infor- 1999). In addition, nurses have focused on
mation about menstrual cyclicity across the the meanings of menopause, womens atti-
reproductive years, length of cycles and tudes toward the experience, and the social
bleeding episodes, regularity, and estimates context in which it occurs and how the social
of menopause. context modifies the experience. In a recent
Since the early 1980s, nurse researchers review of nursing research on the menopausal
have expanded the scope of explanatory transition, Andrist and MacPherson (2002)
models and methods for menstrual cycle re- demonstrated that nursing research has
search. Woods and colleagues have systemat- helped to refocus womens development and
ically examined how symptoms synchronized developmental transitions as normal rather
to the menstrual cycle are influenced by the than deficiency conditions that need medical
context of social class, education, race, mari- treatment. Nursing scholars have also fo-
Mental Disorders Prevention 331

cused on the experience of menopause across prevalence, causes, and consequences of pub-
cultures (George, 1996; Punyahotra & Street, lic health problems and the development,
1998; Meleis & Park, 1999; Berg & Taylor, evaluation, refinement, and dissemination of
1999), studies of decision processes women interventions intended to prevent the occur-
use in arriving at a commitment to use (or not rence or reoccurrence of those problems
use) hormone therapy (Rothert & OConnor, (Coie et al., 1993; Institute of Medicine
2002), and more recently on nonhormonal [IOM], 1994). Among the tenets underlying
symptom management strategies (Cohen, the science of prevention is that many mental
Rousseau, & Carey, 2003). disorders result from environmental stressors
Nursing research results reflect a wide that place individuals and communities at
range of studies with women seeking care in risk. Moreover, dysfunctional intra- and in-
clinical settings as well as community-based terpersonal patterns that evolve from social
populations of women. Comorbidity in these and health disparities contribute toward the
samples remains a challenge, as does account- development of mental health problems (Al-
ing for the influences of oral contraceptives, bee, 1996). However, behavioral strategies
other drugs, psychiatric history, age, ovula- can be powerful preventive interventions that
tory status, and characteristics of the men- block the onset or recurrences of mental dis-
strual cycle. Encouraging is the promotion of orders.
the menstrual cycle as the fifth vital sign The goal of preventive intervention is to
to be incorporated into all womens health as- reduce malleable risk factors and/or enhance
sessment. protective processes. Risk factors are those
There is only beginning work focusing on attributes or circumstances that contribute to
biological changes surrounding menarche an individuals vulnerability (National Insti-
and in relation to symptoms. More studies tute of Mental Health [NIMH], 1998a). The
of menarcheal preparation are needed to pro- likelihood of developing a mental disorder
vide young girls with optimum preparation increases for adults with each additional risk
for healthy experiences of menstruation and factor that they possess or encounter. Among
their sexuality. The type of information girls children, each additional risk exponentially
need, beyond how to cope with the hygienic raises their susceptibility to mental disorders
challenge of menstruating, is yet to be de- (Reiss, D., & Price, 1996). Protective pro-
fined. Psychoeducational interventions for cesses, on the other hand, are the compensa-
school-age girls provided by school nurses is tory resources that moderate or even mollify
an area for continuing study. the negative consequences of adversity (IOM,
What is needed for future menopause-re- 1994). Protective factors include individual
lated research are studies of health education attributes such as an easy temperament,
interventions, such as those designed to re- above-average intelligence, competency
duce womens uncertainty about the experi- skills, and a supportive family environment.
ence. In addition, primary care models of
The resiliency of children is enhanced by ef-
therapeutics for menopause are needed.
fective parenting and the involvement of
There is an acute need to find nonpharmaco-
other caring adults. For adults, a supportive
logical and culturally-appropriate options for
marital relationship can be protective.
symptom management for symptoms such as
Two major classifications of mental health
hot flashes and sleep disturbances.
preventive intervention exist. The first
DIANA L. TAYLOR evolved from a public health perspective
(IOM, 1994). Primary prevention is intended
for individuals who do not have mental
Mental Disorders Prevention health problems, but who wish to gain greater
competence. Secondary prevention is in-
The prevention of mental disorders is based tended for individuals and families who are at
on a science that examines the incidence, risk for developing mental disorders because

they live in communities with more than one problem or disorder. Partnership with the rel-
environmental stressor. Appropriate partici- evant stakeholders is critical to assess the
pants in secondary preventive intervention in- cultural appropriateness of the program
clude those individuals who are experiencing (McClowry, Mayberry, Snow, & Tamis-
mild or moderate psychological symptoms, LeMonda, 2004).
but who are not in crisis. Tertiary prevention The timing of prevention programs is es-
is directed at those who are in crisis. The goal sential for maximizing effectiveness. The op-
of such intervention is to prevent psychiatric timal time is before dysfunctional behaviors
hospitalization or incarceration. Once the cri- are established (Coie et al., 1993). Transi-
sis is past, such individuals and families tional times that occur during the life course
should be directed to primary or secondary are particular periods during which individu-
intervention programs to sustain or enhance als and families are vulnerable. The birth of
their adaptational outcomes. a child or the death of a family member are
Another classification is derived primarily just two examples of such normative experi-
from the mental health field (IOM, 1994). ences that are transitional and thus lend
Universal preventive interventions are di- themselves to preventive intervention.
rected at populations of individuals. Mc- Prevention science and its related interven-
Clowry (2003) used a translational approach tions are consistent with the nursing profes-
to provide low-risk consumers with a self- sion. Nurses have a history of being engaged
help parenting manual. Selective prevention in prevention activities, often labeling them
is intended for individuals, families, and com- anticipatory guidance or health promo-
munities who are at risk for the development tion (McClowry et al., 2004). Examples of
of mental disorders. Nies, Chrusical, and such clinical services include suicide, domes-
Hepworth (in press) engaged inner-city tic violence, or drug-abuse prevention, HIV
women in a walking exercise program to en- education, pregnancy prevention, and be-
hance their health and reduce their level of reavement support. Other prevention pro-
stress. Indicated interventions are for those grams include parenting programs aimed at
high-risk individuals who have biological reducing child neglect or abuse and those
markers or who have experienced early psy- aimed at supporting caregivers of chronically
chological symptoms of a mental disorder ill or elderly family members.
that has not reached a DSM-IV diagnostic Nurses engaged in preventive services,
level. Schepp and colleagues (1999) reported however, are unfortunately experiencing the
on an indicated intervention for adolescents same challenges that face other disciplines in
who are diagnosed with schizophrenia. the field. The time restraints imposed by the
Preventive science is an expansive multi- current health care system compromises the
disciplinary field comprised of researchers amount of time many health care providers
and clinicians who often work in teams to can spend with their clients. Since most types
capitalize on their various types of expertise. of preventive services are not reimbursable
Moreover, prevention scientists employ a from third-party payers, a danger exists that
wide range of qualitative and quantitative preventive intervention will be further re-
strategies to examine the multiple and inter- duced due to the current health care environ-
acting causes related to prevention issues. Ep- ment. As patient advocates, nurses will need
idemiological and other descriptive studies to work diligently to make sure preventive
identify how risk factors and protective pro- services remain accessible to health care con-
cesses are related to mental disorders. The sumers.
results from such studies subsequently inform A recent report on prevention science
interventionists about the mechanisms that (NIMH, 1998a) identified recommendations
are related to the disorder that they are trying for future initiatives that will advance the
to prevent. Interventionists also need to be field. A higher level of funding dedicated to
aware of the cultural implications of the preventive intervention and the related basic
Mental Health in Public Sector Primary Care 333

prevention science topics is essential. The pre- cially acceptable, and affordable. In the U.S.,
vention field especially needs to strengthen this optimistic vision for high-quality primary
its epidemiologic foundations and expand the care has been only partially achieved. Ongo-
number of interventions that have been evalu- ing challenges to high-quality primary care
ated empirically. Preventive intervention pro- services are especially pronounced for public
grams often lack standardization and, too fre- sector primary care. Public sector primary
quently, have been inadequately tested to de- care services serve disproportionate of num-
termine whether they are achieving their in- bers health care users who have limited ability
tended outcomes. Demonstration of the to pay for health services and experience sig-
efficacy of prevention programs supports the nificant health disparities. Both economic
fact that this type of research is valuable and barriers to care and health disparities
worthy of additional funding. inequalities in health care related to race and
Challenges, however, are embedded in ethnicity (Institute of Medicine, 2003b)are
expansion of the field. Coordination across key priorities for research on improving
federal, state, and private agencies will be health services. These issues cut across all
difficult to achieve, but necessary to assure areas of public health need, including mental
that duplication of services is avoided and health services.
that the highest quality of programs are devel- Also in the late 1970s, the primary care
oped and tested. Findings should be dissemin- setting became formally recognized as the de
ated so that constituents, funding agencies, facto mental health services system in the U.S.
and policy makers are kept informed of the Of the minority of individuals who receive
developments of the field. needed mental health services, most receive
Although the prevention field has ex- their services in primary care instead of the
panded rapidly over the last decade, highly mental health specialty sector. Many people
qualified researchers and interventionists are seen in primary care for medical problems
still needed. Nurses are particularly well pre-
have significant clinical comorbid mental
pared to contribute toward a recent emphasis
health conditions (Miranda, Hohmann, Att-
on the comorbidities between mental and
kinson, & Larson, 1994), especially anxiety,
physical disorders. The ideal way to prepare
depression, and substance-misuse disorders.
nurses to engage in such research and to be
The burden of unmet mental health needs is
prevention interventionists is the same as for
higher for racial and ethic minorities com-
other professionsinterdisciplinary courses,
pared to whites (U.S. Department of Health
mentoring, and opportunities for collabora-
tion. and Human Services, 2001b). Significant bar-
riers exist to accessing public sector health
SANDRA GRAHAM MCCLOWRY services, including the affordability of care,
social stigma associated with mental illness,
and fragmented care delivery systems acting
Mental Health in Public Sector as barriers to care when care is sought (U.S.
Primary Care Department of Health and Human Services).
Recent changes in the financing of public
Primary care was first comprehensively de- health care services for cost-containment rea-
fined by the World Health Assembly follow- sons may have further exacerbated health dis-
ing a seminal conference in Alma-Ata in 1977 parities by creating heightened barriers to ef-
(Health for All by the Year 2000). Building fective community-based care (Leigh, Lillie-
upon the key aspects of Alma-Ata, the 1978 Blanton, Martinez, & Collins, 1999), includ-
World Health Organization emphasized the ing primary care services. These issues in the
defining aspects of primary care as essential, quality and access to primary health care ser-
first-level health care embedded in the com- vices are particularly problematic in public
munity, available to all, evidence-based, so- sector primary care mental health.

A central goal of contemporary mental pression) has burgeoned over the past decade.
health services research is to generate new However, there are still very few tests of nurs-
knowledge directed to the transformation of ing interventions using advanced practice
mental health services to achieve high-qual- nurses (such as nurse practitioners and men-
ity, accessible, recovery-oriented care for all tal health clinical nurse specialists) to manage
(Presidents New Freedom Commission on mental health issues in usual care primary
Mental Health, 2003). Some significant prog- care and community-based settings. This is
ress toward this goal has been achieved over especially so for public sector primary care
the past decade. Tests of interventions for with populations that are most underserved
primary care mental health care have been and which experience health disparities. Re-
evolving in recent years from primarily effi- cent examples of research with underserved
cacy assessments to effectiveness assessments. populations include the work of Hauenstein
In effectiveness assessments, understanding (1996) to test a nursing intervention for man-
what approaches work for which populations aging major depression in rural women, and
and individuals under what set of circum- Torrisi and McDanel (2003) on the participa-
stances becomes of central importance. Effec- tion of two urban nurse-managed centers in
tiveness research also involves testing inter- a depression collaborative to improve care
ventions in populations that experience sig- for depression.
nificant health disparities and other barriers The second area of research opportunity
to high-quality health care. Examples of pri- concerns evaluations of now rapidly evolving
mary care research topics funded by the Na- blended roles for advanced practice nurs-
tional Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in- ing, nursing roles in which medical and men-
clude incorporating sociocultural aspects of tal health skills are available in the same pri-
mental health care delivery, managing com- mary care provider (Williams, C. A., et al.,
plex comorbid conditions, access to and ac- 1998). Advanced practice nurses who effec-
ceptance of mental health services, effective- tively blend medical and mental health
ness of mental health care delivered in usual training are well-positioned to manage the
care primary care settings, and quality of holistic needs of the patients they see in pri-
mental health care processes in relation to mary care settings. For example, Lyles and
treatment guidelines and outcomes (NIMH, others (2003) reported on the use of nurse
2003). practitioners trained to manage the medical
As primary care research continues to and mental health needs of primary care pa-
evolve to better address issues of health dis- tients with medically unexplained symptoms.
parities and mental health care delivery mod- These types of blended roles need additional
els for primary care settings, there are key research testing for combinations of comor-
opportunities for nurse researchers. Nurse re- bid health conditions most commonly seen
searchers have the potential to make signifi- in primary care settings.
cant contributions to mental health services
and interventions research for redesigned pri- EMILY J. HAUENSTEIN
mary care mental health services in two key UPDATED BY CELIA E. WILLS
areas. The first area concerns testing models
of care for common mental health issues
within the primary care setting that are tai- Mental Health Services Research
lored in ways acceptable for various high-
need patients populations and which can be Mental Health Services Research (MHSR) is
shown to be both effective and cost-effective. a relatively new, evolving area of health ser-
In general, consistent with other bodies of vices research that focuses on access to, costs
clinical literature in medicine and other fields, of, and quality of mental health care services
the nursing literature on managing mental within diverse health care delivery systems
health issues in primary care (especially de- and socio-politico-cultural contexts (Na-
Mental Health Services Research 335

tional Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], funding and continues its focus on unmet
2003). The importance of MHSR to inform mental health needs in rural settings.
improvements to public health services has Distinctions between interventions (treat-
become increasingly recognized in recent ment) and services research are somewhat
years, especially as mental disorders recently vague (see NIMHs Bridging Science and Ser-
have been shown to be a leading cause of vice report, 1998b). However, during the past
disability in the U.S. and worldwide (Office decade, nurse researchers have most often fo-
of the Surgeon General, 1999; World Health cused on mental health interventions (treat-
Organization, 2001). MHSR generates new ment efficacy and effectiveness) research as
knowledge directed to the transformation of opposed to broader service systems research.
mental health services to achieve high-qual- MHSR programs led by nurses remain un-
ity, accessible, recovery-oriented care for all common, in parallel with the small number of
(Presidents New Freedom Commission on nurses entering psychiatric nursing (Delaney,
Mental Health, 2003). In MHSR, the meth- K., Chisholm, Clement, & Merwin, 1999)
ods of general health services research are and the very limited numbers of nurses with
applied to examining a diverse range of topics doctoral and postdoctoral training in mental
such as: sociocultural aspects of mental health services research. Relatively few doc-
health care delivery; access to and acceptance toral programs in nursing prepare students
of mental health services; effectiveness of to conduct MHSR. In 2001, in recognition
mental health care delivered in usual care of the need to increase the numbers of mental
settings; economics and financing of mental health services researchers, the American Psy-
health services; and, quality of mental health chiatric Nurses Association (APNA) facili-
care processes in relation to treatment guide- tated the initiation of a postdoctoral mental
lines and outcomes (NIMH). health mentorship program, Building the
MHSR is interdisciplinary and integrative Capacity of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse
Researchers, cosponsored by the National
of the expertise of researchers in diverse
Institute of Nursing Research and the Na-
fields, including psychiatric-mental health
tional Institute of Mental Health (Cochrane,
nursing, psychology, psychiatry, social work,
2001). This program included a Phase I tech-
anthropology, sociology, economics, biosta-
nical workshop on knowledge and skills for
tistics, health administration, and public pol-
preparing grant applications, and a follow-up
icy. Broad interdisciplinary research expertise
phase in which a concept paper was prepared
is needed for the diverse range of health ser-
and a mentoring plan developed to prepare
vices research topics that require the integra- a full grant application for review by NINR
tion of literature from multiple fields, con- or NIMH. The current supply of mental
struction of complex research designs and health services researchers remains low in re-
data collection protocols, and the use of so- lation to present and projected future needs.
phisticated approaches to data analysis. Re- There remains an urgent need to increase the
search funding for MHSR is supported by supply of doctorally-trained nurses with
multiple sources, including local, state, and funded MHSR research programs to improve
federal. At the federal level MHSR is espe- the key contribution of nursing to this grow-
cially supported by the NIMH Division of ing field.
Services and Intervention Research (DSIR). Results of MHSR appear in journals pub-
Most academically-based federally-funded lishing mental health services research, such
research centers for mental health services as the Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, Issues
research are led by nonnurse researchers. An in Mental Health Nursing, the Journal of the
exception is the Southeastern Rural Mental American Psychiatric Nurses Association, the
Health Research Center (SRMHRC) at the Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental
University of Virginia School of Nursing, Health Services, Mental Health Services Re-
which began in 1992 supported by NIMH search, and Psychiatric Services, as well as

many other journals not specifically focused ety of settings and for preliminary screening
on mental health or health services research. of elders for neurodegenerative disorders
Pullen, Tuck, and Wallace (1999) concluded such as Alzheimers disease (AD).
that quality outcomes and mental health de- The MMSE was developed over 30 years
livery systems are among mental health nurs- ago for serial testing of the cognitive mental
ing research priorities, based on a review of state of patients on a neurogeriatric ward.
literature published in the mid-1990s in men- The MMSE was specifically developed to be
tal health nursing journals. Merwin and a formal and relatively thorough clinical eval-
Mauck (1995) concluded that few psychiatric uation tool that is brief and easy to adminis-
nursing studies were published in major nurs- ter, and consists of eleven tasks of cognition:
ing journals and that there was a lack of pro- (1) orientation to time and place, (2) registra-
grammatic research upon which to base rig- tion assessed by ability to learn the names
orous evaluation of outcomes. A review of of three unrelated objects, (3) attention and
the nursing literature done for this Encyclo- calculation by performing serial sevens or
pedia of Nursing Research manuscript a de- spelling the word world backwards, (4)
cade later obtained results that remained con- recall by naming the three objects previously
sistent with the earlier conclusions of Merwin learned, (5) language assessed by six items of
and Mauck. Some representative examples of naming objects, following verbal and written
MHSR appearing in nursing journals over commands, writing a sentence spontane-
the past 5 years include the work of Baradell ously, and (6) visual-spatial ability by copy-
and Bordeaux (2001) on outcomes and satis- ing two intersecting pentagons. The tester
faction of patients of psychiatric clinical asks the patient to respond to items and re-
nurse specialists, and Merwin, Hinton, Dem- cords the score for each. Item scores are
bling, and Stern (2003) on shortages of rural added to provide the MMSE score, which can
mental health professionals. range from 30 (all correct) to 0 (no correct)
JEANNE C. FOX Before conducting an MMSE assessment,
UPDATED BY CELIA E. WILLS the nurse should make the patient comfort-
able and establish rapport. The test is not
timed but usually takes 510 minutes. During
Mental Status Measurement: The the testing, the nurse should praise success
Mini-Mental State Examination and attempt to enhance cooperation by not
pressing on items the patient finds difficult.
Individualized assessment of cognitive status The testing situation may be an embar-
is necessary for the planning and evaluation rassment for patients who are aware that they
of nursing care to determine the patients ca- are missing some of the items (Mahoney,
pacity to understand instructions, be an ac- Volicer, & Hurley, 2000) and the nurse needs
tive participant in his/her care, make health to be sensitive to this phenomenon and pro-
care decisions, and detect changes that will tect the self-esteem of such patients while pre-
determine subsequent nursing actions. It is serving the integrity of the testing procedures
especially important to assess the cognitive to assure administration accuracy.
status of elders who may have an undetected The degree to which the MMSE is reliable
mild cognitive impairment or delirium; for and valid is critical to the interpretation of
example, assessing baseline cognitive status scores. The tester needs to follow the adminis-
of hospitalized elders would allow early de- tration procedures exactly. The MMSE is
tection of side effects from receiving a new considered to have satisfactory psychometric
medication or of postoperative delirium. The properties. Initial reliability and accuracy by
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) measuring consistency in the items and differ-
(Folstein, Folstein, & McHugh, 1975) is fre- ent raters were adequate for interrater
quently used as a clinical assessment in a vari- agreement and retest stability when two sam-
Mental Status Measurement: The Mini-Mental State Examination 337

ples of patients and several test administra- ley, Lathi, & Kowall, 1994) and internal con-
tors were compared (Folstein, Folstein, & sistency to be acceptable by examination of
McHugh, 1975). Validity, the degree to Cronbachs alpha (Hurley, Volicer, Hanra-
which the MMSE measures the construct of han, Houde, & Volicer, 1992; Mahoney, E.
cognitive impairment, was supported by con- K., et al., 1999; Camberg et al., 1999). Our
vergent and discriminant validity comparing experience shows that research assistants can
hypothesized similarities/differences between easily learn to administer the MMSE, are ac-
scores from three groups of participants: nor- curate and consistent in its administration to
mal, demented, and depressed subjects with patients following training, and do not upset
and without cognitive symptoms. Age and patients when using it. Because the MMSE is
education may influence test scores (Butler, used in so many studies, it is almost incum-
S. M., Ashford, & Snowdon, 1996) in that bent on researchers to include the MMSE
elders and persons with low education may to characterize subjects so that consumers of
score slightly lower yet have higher cognitive research have a benchmark of cognitive ca-
capacity, so there are MMSE test norms pacity for comparing results across studies.
based on these variables (Crum, Anthony, The MMSE is a brief scale that can be
Bassett, & Folstein, 1993). After many years administered to patients who have very dif-
of use in several studies, a score of 23 points ferent levels of cognitive impairment, from
or less is considered to be preliminary evi- no impairment to being quite impaired. How-
dence of cognitive impairment and grounds ever, once a patient scores 0, the MMSE
for further evaluation (Cockrell & Folstein, does not quantify the cognitive differences
1988). that can exist between patients who all score
Clinically, scores on the MMSE should be 0. If it is important to clearly characterize
considered with other assessment data to pro- research participants in an AD project, an-
vide clinicians with an estimate of patients other scale such as the Bedford Alzheimer
cognitive capacity to make treatment and re- Nursing Subscale (BANS) (Volicer et al.,
search decisions. MMSE scores are one of 1994) does allow additional discrimination
several neuropsychological test results used of dementia severity for subjects who bot-
to assess the need for and/or efficacy of cogni- tom on the MMSE. Because the MMSE does
tive enhancing medications for persons with not measure executive function, the MMSE
AD. In the research arena, the MMSE is used alone should not be used as an enrollment
both as an enrollment criterion as well as to criterion in AD research, but should be com-
describe project participants, enabling com- bined with additional neuropsychological
parisons across studies. tests.
At least reliability and if possible validity The lack of complexity in administration
estimates of instruments used in particular leads to high levels of rater reliabilitya very
studies should be reported each time the in- important feature. The MMSE can be scored
strument is used in a study. Over 30 years without need for a calculator or computing
use of the MMSE in reported studies illus- scores and the total can be entered onto the
trates the stability of the initially reported patients record or data. Despite ease of ad-
psychometrics. The MMSE has been trans- ministration and scoring of the MMSE, relia-
lated into several languages and modifica- bility checks need to be in place and testers
tions have been made for versions that are should periodically be observed for accuracy.
culturally and linguistically appropriate For example, one item asks the patient to
(Folstein, 1998). follow a standardized 3-stage command, not
Our research team has used the MMSE in three sequential single commands. During
all our studies conducted since 1990 with rater training for our research projects, we
persons who have AD and found measure- have found that some testers wanted the pa-
ment properties of interrater reliability to be tient to do well and needed to be corrected
adequate by rater agreement (Volicer, Hur- for imprecisely administering (giving three se-

quential commands versus one 3-stage com- courage their experienced and new members
mand) and scoring (It was so close). to pair up in a variety of activities such as:
The MMSE is a brief screening test and starting new local chapters, developing evi-
scores were never intended to be a proxy for dence-based protocols, preparing for a lead-
AD severity or to provide a cut score rule ership role, and conducting clinical research.
for determining when an individual has the Higher education uses mentoring models to
capacity to provide informed consent. MMSE connect their students to practicing and expe-
scores provide a useful and objective assess- rienced alumni and to friends or partners of
ment for nurses in a wide range of clinical sit- the university.
uations. Most mentees see the person who eventu-
ally becomes their mentor as a role model.
ANN HURLEY Role modeling has been used in nursing peda-
LADISLOV VOLICER gogy to improve interpersonal skills and im-
pact change as well as with clinical skills
(Kolb, 1982). Whether the experience is la-
Mentoring beled an internship, externship, apprentice-
ship, fellowship, preceptorship, or mentor-
A formal definition of mentoring is a sponta- ship, the fact remains that an experienced
neous pairing by two individuals or a group- person is facilitating the role transition of an
ing of two or more individuals who feel they inexperienced individual to some extent. The
can assist each other in professional and degree of success of this growth is influenced
sometimes personal growth. The mentor by many variables including: the selection
mentee relationship tends to evolve and en- method of mentors, the way the assignment
dure for the rest of ones career and consists of mentees is determined, the readiness of the
of counseling, teaching, networking, and mentee to assume the formal as well as the
coaching. Vance and Olson (1998) described
informal knowledge from the mentor, and
mentoring as a developmental and caring
the organizational culture that surrounds the
support or connection between two people
mentormentee relationship.
which assists with socialization at each stage
The process of an experienced individual
of a mentees career.
coaching, guiding, or mentoring a novice has
More and more nurses are seeing the bene-
frequently been cited in nursing as a mecha-
fits of having an expert-to-novice relationship
nism of building leadership skills (Vance &
both as an expert as well as a novice. Cer-
tainly the advantages to the novice are clear. Olson, 1998; Grossman & Valiga, 2000; Ben-
Mentors see the experience as an extremely netts, 2000; Peluchette & Jenaquart, 2000).
positive opportunity to expand their own vi- Many of these labeled mentorships are actu-
sion, and at the same time, impact the profes- ally preceptorships since they are an assigned
sion by assisting in shaping future nurse lead- relationship that is part of a course assign-
ers. The health care organizations employing ment or a component of job orientation.
the mentors view the experiences as a favor- There are multiple peer, professional, and
able and cost-effective recruitment and reten- faculty mentorship publications in the litera-
tion tool, which ultimately improves job sat- ture that focus on specific skill acquisition
isfaction and morale. With the current inter- over a set, prescribed time frame (Suen &
est in acquiring Magnet Status for hospitals Chow, 2001; Price & Balogh, 2001; Lloyd
and health care organizations, the concept Jones, & Walters, 2001). Some of the skills
of providing staff and new graduates with include acquiring: new communication strat-
ongoing mentoring relationships will flour- egies for success as a nurse, methods to en-
ish. Professional organizations such as the hance creative abilities, all types of clinical
American Association of Critical Care Nurses skill building, and mechanisms to facilitate
and Sigma Theta Tau International also en- research and publications. In nursing it is also
Meta-Analysis 339

accepted that nurses can have different men- portant for longitudinal research studies to
tors during the various stages of their careers. be conducted which track a mentoring rela-
Due to our tumultuous health care envi- tionship from the beginning to its current sta-
ronment it is more imperative than ever that tus. It would be interesting to assess how
nurses gain self-confidence, a goal that can many assigned preceptorpreceptee relation-
be achieved by becoming competent not only ships evolve into mentoring dyads and to
with clinical skills but also with leadership identify patterns which may predict a success-
skills such as negotiation, creative thinking, ful match between experienced nurses and
communication, and collaboration. In order novices. More databased outcome studies
to achieve this confidence nurses need to be measuring a mentees leadership skills, as-
mentored or guided by experienced nurses sessing a mentees career status, and identi-
who can provide clinical knowledge and fying the mentees mentoring of others are
skills, practice with leadership and manage- needed. Noe, Greenberger, and Wang (2002)
ment skills, as well as psychosocial support. cite several ideas for conducting future re-
Having a mentor can assist a nurse to gain search studies which have clear significance
insight into their ability to impact change, to the nursing profession. If having a men-
think creatively, empower themselves and toring experience as a beginning nurse clini-
others, and acquire various skills to prepare cian, educator, researcher, and/or adminis-
themselves for a successful career as well as trator is found to be a reliable predictor for
to strengthen the nursing profession (Gross- success, an evidence-based protocol of men-
man & Valiga, 2000). toring could be established.
Nursing students need to be socialized into As for specific studies regarding mentoring
the profession in order to adjust to the new in nursing research, Byrne (2003, 2002),
graduate role. The nursing profession often Zambroski (2004), Records (2003), and
uses preceptors to orient new staff and to Morrison-Beedy (2001) describe strategies
assist them in gaining competency-based for assisting faculty and students to partici-
skills as well as to increase clinical decision- pate in research. Jacelon (2003) describes
making ability before being deemed safe to mentoring for new faculty that includes sug-
practice independently. In fact, having a men- gestions on succeeding with the scholarship
tor is extremely important as a developmental aspect of the tensure process and Olson
tool for the progression of a nurses career, (1995) and K. Roberts (1997) present ideas
for it can influence ones confidence and self- for increasing faculty scholarship productiv-
esteem in assisting with preparing people for ity through mentoring in predoctoral fellow-
leadership roles (Vance & Olson, 1998). ships. No studies were found depicting mea-
The mentormentee dyad does not include surable outcomes of how mentoring assisted
the aspect of formal evaluative feedback. faculty and students with research.
When two people are assigned to work to-
gether by faculty or administration it is con- CONNIE VANCE
sidered a form of mentoring called a precep- UPDATED BY SHEILA GROSSMAN
torpreceptee relationship and involves eval-
uation (Flynn, 1997). Historically, precepting
has been a tried and true method of assisting Meta-Analysis
new graduates and inexperienced nurses in
acquiring the supervised practice of working Meta-analysis is a quantitative approach that
with patients requiring specific nurse compe- permits the synthesis and integration of re-
tencies. This one-to-one assigned expert and sults from multiple individual studies focused
novice relationship allows the novice to gain on a specific research question. Meta-analysis
skills and decision-making experience, while was first introduced in 1976 by Glass, who
receiving instant feedback from the expert, referred to it as an analysis of analyses. A
and still provide safe patient care. It is im- meta-analysis is a rigorous alternative to the

traditional narrative review of the literature. with nonsignificant results that would be nec-
It involves the application of the research pro- essary to change the conclusion reached by
cess to a collection of studies in a specific the meta-analysis.
area. The individual studies are considered It can be argued that not all studies synthe-
the sample. The findings from each study are sized in a meta-analysis should be given equal
transformed into a common statistic called weight. Some studies may be poorly designed
an effect size. An effect size is a measure of and have small unrepresentative samples,
the magnitude of the experimental effect on whereas other studies use randomized control
outcome variables. group designs with large sample sizes. To
Once the results from each study have been remedy this problem, studies can be evaluated
converted to a common metric, these findings and assigned a quality score. The meta-analy-
can be pooled together and synthesized. The sis can then be calculated with studies
most common effect size indicator is r, which weighted by their quality scores.
is the Pearson product moment correlation. A source of nonindependence in a meta-
Another effect size indicator is the d index. analysis can result from using multiple hy-
Cohens d is the difference between the means pothesis tests based on multiple variable mea-
of the experimental and control groups di- surements obtained from a single study
vided by the standard deviation. Cohen (Strube & Hartman, 1983). One suggested
(1988) has provided guidelines for interpre- remedy when selecting findings obtained
ting the magnitude of both the r and d effect from multiple measures of the hypothesis
size indicators. For the r index, Cohen has tests located within a single study is to col-
defined small, medium, and large effect sizes lapse the various findings into a single, global
as .10, .30, and .50 or more, respectively. For hypothesis test.
the d indicator an effect size of .2 is consid- One assumption that should be met before
ered small, .5 is medium, and .8 or more specific studies are quantitatively combined
is large.
in one meta-analysis is that each study pro-
Approaches are available to examine and
vides sample estimates of the effect sizes that
reduce bias from operating within a meta-
are representative of the population effect
analysis. Some ways that biased conclusions
size. Homogeneity tests can be calculated to
can occur in a meta-analysis are effects of a
identify any outlier studies. If outliers are
bias toward publishing positive but not nega-
identified, they can be removed.
tive results, giving each study an equal weight
Meta-analysis first appeared in the nursing
in the meta-analysis despite the fact they dif-
fer in sample size or quality, inclusion of mul- literature in 1982, when OFlynn published
tiple tests of a hypothesis from an individual her article describing meta-analysis in the
study, and not ensuring an acceptable level Methodology Corner of Nursing Re-
of agreement or reliability among raters in search. A meta-analysis of the effects of psy-
coding the study characteristics. choeducational interventions on length of
The possibility that unknown, unpub- postsurgical hospital stay (Devine & Cook,
lished studies may exist, whose results fail to 1983) was the first meta-study analysis pub-
support the pattern illustrated by the pub- lished in nursing. Since then meta-analyses
lished findings, is referred to as the file drawer have been conducted and published in a wide
problem (Rosenthal, 1979). The conclusions variety of areas, such as patient outcomes of
of the meta-analysis can be distorted if the nurse-practitioners and nurse-midwives, job
retrieval of studies yielded only published satisfaction and turnover among nurses, rela-
studies in which a publication bias in favor tionship between postpartum depression and
of significant results may occur. R. Rosenthal maternal-infant interaction, effects of educa-
developed a technique to assess the magni- tional interventions in diabetes care, quality
tude of the file drawer problem by calculating of life in cardiac patients, and nonnutritive
the minimum number of unpublished studies sucking in preterm infants.
Middle-Range Theories 341

The outcome of this quantitative approach structure of ideas, less abstract than grand
for reviewing the literature has tremendous theory and more abstract than empirical gen-
potential for a practice-based discipline such eralizations or micro-range theory. Middle-
as nursing. One example of a meta-analysis range theory is a set of related ideas that are
that has consequences for nursing practice focused on a limited dimension of the reality
integrated the research on predictors of post- of nursing. These theories are composed of
partum depression. C. T. Becks (1996) meta- concepts and suggested relationships among
analysis of 44 studies helped to clarify which the concepts that can be depicted in a model.
variables were significantly related to post- Middle-range theories are developed and
partum depression; there had been conflicting grown at the intersection of practice and re-
findings reported in the literature. The fol- search to provide guidance for everyday prac-
lowing eight variables were revealed to be tice and scholarly research rooted in the disci-
significant predictors: prenatal depression, pline of nursing.
history of previous depression, social sup- In 1999, a review of a decade of nursing
port, life stress, child care stress, maternity literature identified the existing foundation of
blues, marital satisfaction, and prenatal anxi- middle-range nursing theory (Liehr & Smith,
ety. An instrument based on the findings of 1999). To locate this literature, the Cumula-
this meta-analysis can be designed to help tive Index to Nursing and Allied Health Liter-
detect women at risk for developing postpar- ature (CINAHL) was searched using the
tum depression. terms middle-range theory, mid-range
Meta-analysis of the abundance of re- theory, and nursing. All papers written
search being conducted can benefit nursing in English were evaluated according to four
practice. Not only will the use of meta-analy- inclusion criteria: 1) the theorys author iden-
sis further knowledge development in the dis- tified it as middle-range in the paper, 2) the
cipline of nursing, but it also can help nurses theory name was accessible in the paper, 3)
in the clinical setting to decide whether to concepts of the theory were explicitly or im-
apply research findings to their practice based plicitly identified, and 4) the development of
on the size of the difference an intervention the theory was the major focus of the paper
makes. Meta-analysis can resolve issues in (Liehr & Smith, p. 83).
nursing where there are multiple studies with Twenty-two theories, published from
conflicting findings. In addition, meta-analy- 1988 to 1998, met these criteria and were
sis highlights gaps in nursing research for fu- addressed. Seven were published between
ture studies. 1988 and 1992, and 15 were published be-
tween 1994 and 1998 (Liehr & Smith, 1999).
CHERYL TATANO BECK The 22 middle-range theories were grouped
as high, middle, and low relative to each other
based on the generality or scope of the theory
Middle-Range Theories as determined by the name of the theory. Six
of the 22 were high-middle, 7 were at the
Middle-range theories are described by Mer- middle range, and 9 were grouped as low-
ton (1968, p. 9) as those that lie between middle (Liehr & Smith). It was recommended
the minor but necessary working hypotheses that persons creating middle-range theory: (a)
that evolve in abundance during day-to-day describe clearly the theory name and how it
research and the all-inclusive systematic ef- was generated, (b) clarify conceptual linkages
forts to develop unified theory. He goes on with a model, (c) articulate the research-prac-
to say that the principal ideas of middle-range tice links, and (d) tie the theory to the disci-
theories are relatively simple. Simple here plinary perspective of nursing.
means rudimentary, straightforward ideas A 2001 CINAHL search using the same
that stem from the focus of the discipline. search terms and the same criteria for inclu-
Thus middle-range theory is a basic, usable sion resulted in identification of 14 new mid-

dle-range theories published from 1998 each theory and what is known from experi-
through 2001. Two of the theories on the ence, and apply the theories so that the body
list of 14 (Precarious Ordering: Theory of of nursing knowledge remains a vibrant, rele-
Womens Caring and Experiencing Transi- vant foundation for guiding practice and re-
tions) are referred to as emerging by their search.
authors, indicating that they are in early
stages of development (Smith, M. J., & Liehr,
2003). Four of the theories (Enlightenment,
Family Health, Urine Control, and Pathway
Community Empowerment
to Chemical Dependency in Nurses) were de- Middle-Range Theory
rived from grand theories of nursing or other
middle-range theories (Smith, M. J., & The middle-range theory of community em-
Liehr). powerment was developed by Cynthia Arm-
The 14 middle-range theories were strong Persily and Eugenie Hildebrandt
grouped as high, middle, and low relative to (2003). This theory evolved from participa-
each other based on the generality or scope tory action research (Hildebrandt, 1994,
of the theory as determined by the name of 1996) and is an amalgamation of theories
the theory. One theory (Enlightenment) was related to community development and em-
high-middle; 7 were at the middle range (At- powerment. It is based on the premise that
tentively Embracing Story, Comfort, Cultural improving the health of people rests in pro-
Negotiation, Experiencing Transitions, Fam- grams that enable active participation of
ily Health, Investing in Self-Care, and Truth- members of the community to take responsi-
ful Self-Nurturing); and 6 were grouped as bility for their own health (Persily & Hilde-
low-middle (Caring Through Relation and brandt). Community development is embed-
Dialogue for Patient Education, Family Dy- ded in models advocating the development of
namics of Persons with Chronic Pain, Path- strength and confidence of community people
way to Chemical Dependency in Nurses, Pre- while they are working on problems they
carious Ordering: Theory of Womens Car- have identified (Persily & Hildebrandt).
ing, Prevention as Intervention, and Urine The purpose of the theory is to provide a
Control Theory) (Smith, M. J., & Liehr, framework for interventions at individual
2003, pp. 1117). and community levels; it explicates for nurs-
All middle-range theories are works in ing the direct transfer of knowledge and ex-
progress. It is to be expected that middle- pertise from nurse professionals to lay people
range theories change over time as they are to promote health (Persily & Hildebrandt,
applied to guide practice and research. Theo- 2003, p. 111). The theory offers a community
ries are published so that others can critique, involvement process to augment the knowl-
test, revise, and use them as a source of schol- edge and health care decision-making poten-
arly productivity in research and practice. tial of persons living in the community.
The 8 middle-range theories that follow cover There are three major concepts in the the-
a broad spectrum, including ones that were ory. The concepts are: involvement, a link-
proposed decades ago and have been used ing of people in the community to identify
extensively, to those that are newly developed needs, resources and barriers; lay workers,
and just beginning to be used. Some of the trained persons who share backgrounds
theories were originated by nurses and some with persons in the community; and recipro-
were originally created by persons outside of cal health, actualization of inherent and ac-
nursing. Middle-range theories are offered as quired human potential (Persily & Hilde-
starting points for nurses wishing to structure brandt, 2003, pp. 113114).
their practice and research. With these theo- A model of the middle-range theory of
ries comes a challenge to stretch the bound- community empowerment is depicted as the
aries of thinking, consider the rub between involvement of lay workers in the promotion
Middle-Range Theories 343

of health (Persily & Hildebrandt, 2003, p. This theory offers a beginning foundation
117). When considered together, the concepts for future development through practice and
explain the potential for empowerment of research. Use of the theory in advanced prac-
community people through the involvement tice nursing provides opportunities to de-
of lay workers in promoting reciprocal velop the potential of a community by realiz-
health. Lay workers in the community work ing achievement of outcomes that empower
with health care professionals to increase ac- reciprocal health for individuals and groups.
cess and extend opportunities to promote Identifying research questions related to the
health. This partnership of lay community theory can structure the design of studies that
members with professional providers offers will test and refine the theory.
opportunities to facilitate community in- This theory should be a part of the educa-
volvement and attain reciprocal health. tion of undergraduate and graduate students
Hildebrandt (1994) applied the theory in to enhance the awareness of community em-
participatory action studies in South Africa powerment. Teaching students to apply the-
with an exploratory descriptive design aimed ory in practice will give direction to their care
at meeting the health needs of black South and advance their understanding of theory-
Africans in a township setting. Indigenous lay based practice.
workers diminished the barriers of distrust,
race, and language. Identified needs were:
health knowledge, diagnostic screening, liter- Family Stress and Adaptation
acy training, and food through gardening. Middle-Range Theory
Findings of the study revealed that lay work-
ers and health care personnel effectively re- Family Stress and Adaptation theory is de-
sponded to basic human health needs with rived from a framework known as the Double
all age groups in the community; it took a ABCX Model of family adaptation (McCub-
considerable investment of time and re- bin, H. I., & Patterson, 1982). This middle-
sources to introduce community involve- range theory, which has its roots in sociology,
ment; and it was fitting to empower lay peo- developed over decades beginning with the
ple in the promotion of community health. study of family response to war following
Application of the theory of community World War II (LoBiondo-Wood, 2003). The
empowerment in advanced practice nursing original theory included the concepts of stres-
offers widespread opportunities to promote sor event, family existing resources, and fam-
health. Some applications include: organizing ily perception of the stressor contributing to
lay community members to become involved a crisis; additions to the theory over time
in strategies to provide access to health care included postcrisis variables, such as pile-up,
clinics to empower persons who have diffi- coping, and adaptation; most recently the
culty with transportation in rural areas, edu- model has been configured to include resil-
cating lay resource mothers to be involved iency (LoBiondo-Wood). All of these con-
in the care of empowering pregnant women ceptualizations add important pieces to the
during and after delivery, and involving older puzzle of what the family is and how it func-
lay members of the community in different tions and adapts in periods of tranquility as
community roles to empower frail elder per- well as upheaval (LoBiondo-Wood, p. 93).
sons who live alone (Persily & Hildebrandt, LoBiondo-Wood notes five underpinning as-
2003, p. 121). Each of these applications of sumptions which address: (1) hardships as
the theory offers the potential to increase natural aspects of family life; (2) basic family
community competence and empower the strengths that protect the family unit and fos-
community through the process of structur- ter growth when families are faced with
ing community participation with lay work- change; (3) basic and unique competencies to
ers to promote reciprocal health. protect the family unit and foster recovery in

the face of unexpected stress; (4) connection that the first appearance of perception of
with communities to give and receive re- the stressor occurs precrisis while the second
sources during stress and crisis; (5) work to appearance, entitled family perception of
restore order and harmony when families are the stressor, occurs postcrisis. This pre- to
faced with crisis demanding change. The as- postcrisis view is another strength of the the-
sumptions and concepts of this theory make ory. Even though the pre- to postcrisis view
it applicable to nursing, when nurses are seek- contributes to complexity and a cumbersome
ing a structure for guiding practice and re- structure, it provides a longitudinal perspec-
search focused on family stress and adapta- tive, enabling application to situations which
tion. are changing over time, as most health prob-
The key concepts of the middle-range the- lems are. The model calls upon nurses not
ory of family stress and coping are stressor, only to be able to understand the processes
existing resources, perception of the stressor, and stages of the illness, but also how families
crisis, pile-up, existing and new resources, respond to the illness trajectory (LoBiondo-
family perception of the stressor, coping and Wood, p. 106).
adaptation (LoBiondo-Wood, 2003). Stres- In spite of this strength of providing a lon-
sors are family hardships; existing resources gitudinal perspective, when the theory is used
include intrafamilial and community sources for research the researcher often selects spe-
of support; perception of the stressor is the cific variables from the model rather than
meaning assigned to the hardship by the fam- using the whole model (LoBiondo-Wood,
ily; crisis is the demand for family change; 2003). LoBiondo-Wood (2003) and col-
pile-up is the effect experienced when change leagues have used the model to study children
is confronted over time; existing and new re- undergoing liver transplant, employing the
sources refer to evolving opportunities for Family Inventory of Life Events & Changes
facing the hardship; family perception of the (FILE) to address pile-up; the Family Inven-
stressor is the meaning assigned to the total tory of Resource Management (FIRM) to ad-
experience of facing the hardship; coping is dress existing and new resources; the Coping
an active process of using resources; and ad- Health Inventory for Parents (CHIP) to ad-
aptation is the outcome of this middle-range dress coping; the Family Coping Coherence
theory, suggesting that the family has accom- Index (FCCI) to address perception of the
modated (LoBiondo-Wood). stressor; and the Family Adaptation Device
LoBiondo-Wood (2003) notes strengths (FAD) to address adaptation. It is apparent
and weaknesses of this middle-range theory. from this list of instruments which operation-
Central strengths are that the theory focuses alize theory concepts that the theory of Fam-
on the family as a whole and has multiple ily Stress and Adaptation is very amenable to
instruments developed to address the con- use by researchers. The theory has provided a
cepts of the theory. Family Stress and Adapta-
tion theory is unique in this way because the wealth of instruments for testing family re-
instruments have been specifically created to sponse to chronic illness. The model, exten-
measure the ideas of the theory and psycho- sions, and conceptual distinctions may seem
metric data are available for the existing in- cumbersome, but when the model is broken
struments. From a negative perspective, the down and the elements that are consistent
theory has a large number of concepts and with a problem are delineated, the measure-
sometimes the concepts are not well distin- ment and testing of hypotheses can be ac-
guished from each other (LoBiondo-Wood). complished. (LoBiondo-Wood, p. 107)
For instance, the reader may have noticed
that in the listing and description of the con- In spite of years of research and continued
cepts, perception of the stressor appears twice development of the Family Stress and Adap-
with little to distinguish one concept from tation theory, LoBiondo-Wood (2003) has
the other. Examination of the model indicates identified several areas for continued study,
Middle-Range Theories 345

such as examination of the fit of ethnicity Goals Test, Meaning in Suffering Test, and
and culture and consideration of new defini- the List of Values. Research has been con-
tions of family, where parents may be same- ducted with hospice patients and families,
gender individuals or individuals from two breast cancer patients, persons with HIV/
generations who come together to coparent AIDS, a physically disabled population with
a child. The middle-range theory of Family people who had a permanent spinal cord in-
Stress and Adaptation is a valuable structure jury, and with persons in a nursing home
for guiding nursing research and practice and (Starck, pp. 135138). These research studies
it could be an asset to undergraduate and focused on how the experience of intense suf-
graduate students learning to care for families fering is related to the search for meaning
in crisis. Further, nursing research could ef- and finding purpose in life.
fectively contribute to the areas in need of Logotherapy is described as a method to
further development, making this middle- help persons separate themselves from their
range theory even more relevant for the socio- symptoms, to tap into the resources of their
cultural context of todays families. noetic dimension, and to arouse the dynamic
power of the human spirit and is a contrast
to psychotherapy (Starck, 2003, p. 139).
Middle-Range Theory of Meaning Three logotherapeutic approaches are identi-
fied by Starck as useful for application of the
The middle-range theory of meaning evolved theory of meaning to nursing practice. These
out of the work of Victor E. Frankl (1984) are dereflection, paradoxical intention, and
who used the theory to administer to persons Socratic dialogue. Dereflection is the act of
with problems of a psychological nature. Pa- de-emphasizing or ceasing to focus on a trou-
tricia L. Starck (2003) used the theory for blesome phenomenon, issue, or problem; it
application to average human beings who are is putting this issue aside (Starck, p. 139). It
coping with the stresses of everyday life and is believed that dereflection strengthens ones
significant life-changing events. The theory capacity for transcending the problem and
can also be applied with groups and commu- finding a greater purpose. Paradoxical inten-
nities. tion is intentionally acting the opposite to
There are three major concepts in the the- ones desired ends, thereby confronting ones
ory. These concepts are life purpose, freedom fears and anxieties (Starck, p. 140). Para-
to choose, and human suffering. Life purpose doxical intention distances one from the trig-
is defined as that to which one may feel gers of the problem, thus neutralizing the trig-
called to and to which one is dedicated gers and breaking the cycle of fear. Socratic
(Starck, 2003, p. 129). Finding a purpose is dialogue is a conversation of questions and
related to the changing meaning in life. Free- answers, probing deeply into existential is-
dom to choose is the process of selecting sues such as ones values. It is a rhetorical
among options over which one has control debate to trigger a change in attitude, behav-
(Starck, p. 132). Human suffering is a sub- ior or both (Starck, p. 141). In the dialogue,
jective experience that is unique to an individ- there is a conversation punctuated by probing
ual and varies from simple discomfort to an- questions to facilitate a deeper level of aware-
guish and despair (Starck, p. 133). The rela- ness.
tionship among the concepts suggests that This theory should be a part of the educa-
meaning is a journey toward life purpose with tion of undergraduate and graduate students
the freedom to choose ones path in spite of to enhance the awareness of the importance
inevitable suffering (Starck, p. 134). of finding meaning and purpose in ones suf-
Starck (2003) identifies four instruments fering. Teaching students to apply theory in
that have been used in research and practice practice will give direction to their care and
to quantify meaning. These instruments are: advance their understanding of theory-
the Purpose in Life Test, Seeking of Noetic based practice.

Self-Efficacy Middle-Range Theory pendent on self-efficacy judgments. Resnick

also describes times when outcome expecta-
The theory of self-efficacy, which was origi- tions are dissociated from self-efficacy expec-
nally developed by Bandura (1977), is based tations (behavior change is loosely linked or
on social cognitive theory. The theory not linked to outcomes). For example, disso-
ciated expectations would occur if the smoker
conceptualizes person-behavior-environ-
previously discussed believed that her bron-
ment interaction as triadic reciprocality, the chitis was related to the geographic area
foundation for reciprocal determinism. where she lived. In this instance, smoking is
. . . Triadic reciprocality is the interrelation- not firmly linked to bronchitis symptoms in
ship among person, behavior and environ- the mind of the smoker, influencing likeli-
ment; reciprocal determinism is the belief hood of attempting behavior change.
that behavior, cognitive and other personal Resnick (2003) discusses four information
factors and environmental influences all op- sources which influence judgment about
erate interactively as determinants of each ones self-efficacy: (1) enactive attainment
other. (Resnick, 2003, p. 49) actual performance of the desired behavior,
(2) vicarious experiencewatching others
Early work by Bandura and colleagues at- who are similar to self perform the desired
tempted manipulation of the level and behavior, (3) verbal persuasionencour-
strength of an individuals self-efficacy to ef- agement by others, noting the individuals
fect behavioral change (Resnick). Self-effi- capability for performing the desired behav-
cacy theory is at the middle range of abstrac- ior, and (4) physiological feedbackbodily
tion, appealing to nurses who are interested experience while performing the desired be-
in a conceptual structure which will guide havior. Each of these information sources be-
practice and research focused on behavioral comes an avenue for nursing intervention to
change. To say the theory is at the middle affect behavior change in practice or to study
range means that it is more complex than behavior change in research. In addition to
simple hypotheses and yet targeted enough information sources which may influence
to be applicable. Self-efficacy is defined as self-efficacy, experience interacts with indi-
an individuals judgment of his or her capa- vidual characteristics and environment to af-
bilities to organize and execute courses of fect self-efficacy and outcome expectations.
action (Resnick). The major concepts of self- Resnick (2003) reports that within the de-
efficacy theory are self-efficacy expectations cade more than 400 articles in nursing jour-
and outcome expectations. Resnick describes nals incorporate self-efficacy theory when ad-
self-efficacy expectations as judgments about dressing behavior change. These articles
ones own ability to accomplish a particular cover a broad range of topics including the
task; outcome expectations are judgments education of nurses and parental training, but
about what will transpire if a particular task the majority of these articles have been re-
is successfully accomplished. Self-efficacy lated to chronic health problems and partici-
and outcome expectations were differenti- pation in health-promoting activities, such as
ated because individuals can believe that a exercise, smoking cessation, and weight loss.
certain behavior will result in a specific out- Resnick herself has used self-efficacy theory
come; however, they may not believe that to develop interventions such as the WALC
they are capable of performing the behavior (Walk, Address unpleasant symptoms, Learn
required for the outcome to occur (Resnick, about exercise, Cueing to exercise) interven-
p. 51). For instance a smoker might believe tion, the Exercise Plus Program, and the
that her frequent bouts of bronchitis would Seven Step Approach to Developing and Im-
diminish if she would stop smoking; however, plementing an Exercise Program. She has
she may not believe that she is able to stop. used the theory to guide research intended to
In this instance, expected outcomes are de- influence elders participation in functional
Middle-Range Theories 347

activities and exercise (Resnick). When mea- ment and capable of an awareness that ex-
suring self-efficacy, scale items query respon- tends beyond temporal/spatial dimensions,
dents confidence (0 = not confident; 10 = and that self-transcendence is an innate hu-
very confident) regarding specific factors that man characteristic that necessitates expres-
might affect behavior change. The develop- sion and the realization of full potential
ment of appropriate self-efficacy and out- (Reed, 2003).
come expectation measures enables the test- Reed (2003) makes the case that the theory
ing of interventions designed to help partici- is grounded in research and theories on post-
pants believe in the benefits and overcome the formal thinking, which is reasoning about life
challenges of performing selected activities situations that is more pragmatic, spiritual,
(Resnick, p. 60). and tolerant of ambiguity. When engaging
In less than 30 years since Bandura intro- in postformal thinking, a person integrates
duced self-efficacy theory, it has been widely experience as an expanded awareness of the
used by professionals from many disciplines. moral, social, and historical context of life.
Its usefulness for nursing stems from its rele- There is an enhanced appreciation of self
vance for health promotion through behav- and life.
ioral change. The theory could offer valuable There are three concepts that make up the
guidance for undergraduate and graduate theory. These concepts are self-transcen-
students who wish to teach patients about dence, well-being, and vulnerability. Self-
changing health behaviors; it would provide transcendence, a major concept of the theory,
an evidence-based framework for selecting is defined as
potentially effective teaching strategies. Self-
efficacy is a mature middle-range theory, the capacity to expand self boundaries intra-
which has been tested through research and personally (toward greater awareness of
has demonstrated application for practice. ones philosophy, values, and dreams), in-
Since most of the research on the theory has terpersonally (to relate to others and ones
focused on self-efficacy expectations (Res- environment), temporally (to integrate ones
nick, 2003), there continues to be a need for past and future in a way that has meaning
studying outcome expectations and the rela- for the present), and transpersonally (to con-
tionship between self-efficacy and outcome nect with dimensions beyond the typically
discernible world). (Reed, 2003, p. 147)
expectations. Nursing is well positioned to
lead the way with continuing development of
this middle-range theory to promote further Well-being is defined as a sense of feeling
understanding of factors influencing health- whole and healthy, in accord with ones own
promoting behavior change. criteria for wholeness and health (Reed, p.
148). Vulnerability is defined as awareness
of personal mortality (Reed, p. 149). The
relationship between self-transcendence and
Self-Transcendence Middle-Range vulnerability is nonlinear in that very low and
Theory very high levels of vulnerability are unrelated
to increased transcendence. The relationship
The middle-range theory of self-transcen- between self-transcendence and well-being is
dence was developed by Pamela G. Reed direct and positive when the outcome indica-
(1991, 1996, 2003) to provide an under- tor of well-being is positive.
standing about enhancing well-being for any The Self-Transcendence Scale developed
person in a life situation where there is an by Reed (1991) has been used in research
increase in the awareness of vulnerability and related to the theory. Reed (2003) reports
mortality. The two assumptions underpin- research focused on well elders, elders who
ning the theory of self transcendence are that were hospitalized for treatment of depres-
human beings are integral with their environ- sion, the oldest-old (80 to 100 years of age),

healthy adults, and adults facing end-of-life direction to their care and advance their un-
experiences with advanced breast cancer and derstanding of theory-based practice.
AIDS (Reed, 2003, pp. 152156). These stud-
ies demonstrated the consistent finding that
transcendence was related to outcome indica- Story Middle-Range Theory
tors of well-being. In addition, Reed (2003)
cites several dissertation studies on self-tran- Story theory, which was originally titled At-
scendence. It can be concluded that there is tentively Embracing Story (Smith, M. J., &
significant research providing support that Liehr, 1999), proposes that story is a narra-
self-transcendence is related to well-being tive happening of connecting with self-in-re-
across a diversity of human health experi- lation through nurse-person intentional dia-
ences. logue to create ease. The authors of this mid-
The theory has been used in nursing prac- dle-range theory recognize story as a funda-
tice that aims to facilitate self-transcendence mental dimension of human experience and
in bereavement, in caregivers of adults with nursing practice (Smith, M. J., & Liehr,
dementia, sobriety, and in primary care situa- 2003b). All nursing encounters occur within
tions (Reed, 2003, pp. 158161). Intraper- the context of story. The stories of the nurse,
sonal strategies, interpersonal strategies, and patient, family, and other health care provid-
transpersonal strategies for enhancing self- ers are woven together to create the tapestry
esteem are proposed (Reed). Intrapersonal of the momentthe unfolding story about a
strategies include: meditation, prayer, visual- complicating health challenge. The idea of
ization, life review, and journaling. It is be- story is not new to nursing but has been ex-
lieved that these strategies assist a person to plicitly or implicitly incorporated into theo-
look inward to clarify and expand an under- ries, used as an intervention, or as a source of
standing about self and the meaning of a situ- research data (Smith, M. J., & Liehr, 2003b).
ation. Positive self-talk and involving oneself Story theory calls attention to the human
in challenging activities can help a person to story as a health story in the broadest sense,
heal, grow, and transcend beyond an illness structuring concepts to provide one perspec-
experience (Reed). Interpersonal strategies tive of the place of story in health promotion.
include support groups, altruistic activities, The theory is based on three assumptions
and group psychotherapy. Support groups which underpin the conceptual structure. The
enable people to connect with each other assumptions state that people: (a) change as
around a challenging life event and enhance they interrelate with their world in a vast
self-transcendence through sharing experi- array of flowing connected dimensions, (b)
ences and reaching out to help and be helped live in an expanded present moment where
by others. Transpersonal strategies include past and future events are transformed in the
facilitating the connection with a power here and now, and (c) experience meaning as
greater than self (Reed). Providing an envi- a resonating awareness in the creative un-
ronment where a person can look beyond self folding of human potential (Smith, M. J., &
toward a higher power for help can promote Liehr, 2003b). The three concepts of the the-
self-transcendence. ory are connecting with self-in-relation, in-
Self-transcendence is a theory at the mid- tentional dialogue, and creating ease. Inten-
dle range of abstraction, appealing to nurses tional dialogue is the central activity between
who are interested in a conceptual structure nurse and person which brings story to life
which will guide practice and research focus- as a health-promoting endeavor.
ing on enhancing well-being. This theory Intentional dialogue is querying emer-
should be a part of the education of under- gence of a health challenge story in true pres-
graduate and graduate students to enhance ence. It is purposeful engagement with an-
an awareness of self-transcendence. Teaching other to summon the story of a complicating
students to apply theory in practice will give health challenge (Smith, M. J., & Liehr,
Middle-Range Theories 349

2003b). Intentional dialogue demands that is composed of the story-plot that links to
the nurse come to the other with full attention the health challenge and suffuses it with
to learn the meaning of a complicating health meaning; and the resolving process is a shift
challenge through abandoning pre-existing in view that enables progressing with new
understanding. (Smith, M. J., & Liehr,
assumptions, respecting the storyteller as the
2003b, p. 173)
expert who knows the meaning, and querying
vague story directions to clarify what is be-
ing shared. Each time a nurse engages a patient to
Connecting with self-in-relation occurs as learn about what matters, story theory is ap-
reflective awareness on personal history. It is plicable. By abandoning preexisting assump-
an active process of recognizing self as related tions, respecting the storyteller as the expert,
with others in a developing story plot uncov- and querying vague story directions, the
ered through intentional dialogue (Smith, M. nurse intentionally engages the other, en-
J., & Liehr, 2003b). To connect with self-in- abling connecting with self-in-relation to cre-
relation, people see themselves not as isolated ate ease. When the foremost intention of the
individuals but as existing and growing in a nurse is caring-healing, the nurse queries the
context, which includes awareness of other story about what matters to a unique indi-
people and times, sensitivity to bodily expres- vidual culminating in a distinct story of how
sion, and a sense of history and future in the one person is living a presenting health chal-
present moment. lenge. The distinct story enables nursing care
which is fine-tuned to uniqueness, addressing
In following the story path, the nurse en- what is most important from the perspective
courages reckoning with a personal history of the patient.
by traveling to the past to arrive at the story A health story gathered for the purpose of
beginning, moving through the middle, and scholarly inquiry represents a different fore-
into the future all in the present, thus going most intention. When scholarly inquiry is the
into the depths of the story to find unique intention, the nurse has posed a research
meanings that often lie hidden in the ambi- question about a particular health challenge
guity of puzzling dilemmas. (Smith, M. J., &
and the participant is queried to understand
Liehr, p. 171)
how the health challenge has been lived. Re-
gardless of the intention, caring-healing or
Creating ease is re-membering disjointed
scholarly inquiry, stories are gathered with a
story moments to experience flow in the
focus on essential story processes: complicat-
midst of anchoring (Smith, M. J., & Liehr,
ing health challenge, developing story-plot,
2003b). The re-membering creates a space of
movement toward resolving. The only quality
fit where one can anchor even for only a
moment. Paradoxically, anchoring is accom- that distinguishes the caring-healing from the
panied by flowing as energy surfaces with scholarly inquiry intention is where the inten-
the coming together of story moments into a tional dialogue beginseither with what
comprehensible whole and there is movement matters most as identified by the patient or
toward resolving the complicating health with a phenomenon addressed in the research
challenge. question developed by the nurse. Regardless
Story theory comes to life in research and of intention, story-plot can be pursued by
practice through complicating, develop- drawing structures like a family tree or story
mental, and resolving processes, essential ele- path (Smith, M. J., & Liehr, 2003b, p. 175).
ments of all stories. Likewise, with either intention, movement to-
ward resolving is possible as the storyteller
When gathering health story data, the com- is immersed in sharing a health challenge ex-
plicating process focuses on a health chal- perience with someone who really cares to
lenge that arises when there is a change in listen. Finding a center of stillness and let-
the persons life; the developmental process ting go of busyness and distractions energizes

mindful attention to the story and propels dressed living with continuous uncertainty,
movement toward resolving (Smith, M. be it a chronic illness or an illness that may
J., & Liehr, p. 176). reoccur. Mishel refers to these theories as UIT
A story of a health challenge gathered for for the uncertainty in illness theory and RUIT
the purpose of scholarly inquiry demands a for the reconceptualized uncertainty in illness
research strategy based on a research ques- theory (Mishel & Clayton, 2003). The theo-
tion. M. J. Smith and Liehr (2003b) propose ries can be applied to the experience of ill
approaches for qualitative and quantitative persons, caregivers, and parents of children
analyses of story data. They are pioneering who are ill as well as to all age groups.
the dual analyses (qualitative and quantita- Uncertainty is defined as the inability to
tive) of a single set of stories, suggesting that determine the meaning of illness-related
dual analyses may provide the most meaning- events occurring when the decision maker is
ful direction for practice, further theory de- unable to assign definite value to objects or
velopment, and continued research. Qualita- events and/or is unable to accurately predict
tive approaches for use in dual analyses in- outcomes (Mishel & Clayton, 2003, p. 29).
clude any qualitative method in which stories They identify three major themes in the UIT.
have been gathered and audio-recorded for These themes are: antecedents of uncertainty,
transcription. Quantitative analysis is accom- appraisal of uncertainty, and coping with un-
plished with narrative analysis software, Lin- certainty. The antecedent theme is composed
guistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC), us- of stimuli frame (symptom pattern, event fa-
ing the transcriptions prepared for qualitative miliarity, and event congruence), cognitive
analysis (Smith, M. J., & Liehr). capacity (information processing ability), and
Research and practice have contributed to structure providers (resources available). The
the development of story theory, establishing appraisal of uncertainty is composed of infer-
the middle-range foundation for the theory. ence (based on personality dispositions, expe-
Since the theorys publication in 1999, the rience, knowledge, and context), and illusion
authors have been developing methods (beliefs that have a positive outlook). Coping
guided by the theory. The real test of any with uncertainty is composed of danger (pos-
theory, especially a middle-range theory, oc- sibility of a harmful outcome), opportunity
curs as it is used to guide practice and re- (possibility of a positive outcome), coping (re-
search. By this criterion, story theory is in ducing and managing uncertainty), and adap-
early stages of growth, but the theory is well- tation (usual range of biopsychosocial behav-
positioned for use by nurses who share a be- ior). The proposed health outcome related to
lief about the central place of story for the the UIT is adaptation and the regaining of
discipline of nursing and it is well-positioned personal control of ones life. Mishels model
for use with undergraduate and graduate stu- of the UIT (Mishel & Clayton, p. 30) shows
dents who are seeking guidance about engag- linear relationships among the themes with
ing patients to talk about a health challenge. no feedback loops. The model depicts uncer-
tainty resulting from antecedents with the
major pathway going through the stimuli
frame variables that have been influenced by
Uncertainty in Illness Middle- cognitive capacities.
Range Theories The RUIT includes the antecedent theme
in the UIT and adds the two concepts of self-
Two middle-range theories of uncertainty in organization and probabilistic thinking
illness were developed by Merle Mishel. The (Mishel & Clayton, 2003, p. 31). Mishel and
original uncertainty in illness theory (Mishel, Clayton describe self-organization as the
1988) addressed the diagnostic and treatment structuring of a new sense of order that comes
phases of illness and the reconceptualized un- from the acceptance of uncertainty as a natu-
certainty in illness theory (Mishel, 1990) ad- ral life rhythm. Probabilistic thinking is a pat-
Middle-Range Theories 351

tern of thinking incorporating a conditional age sources of uncertainty in illness for pa-
view of the world. The RUIT sets forward tients. Providing well thought out informa-
four factors that influence the formation of tion directly related to uncertainty is a way
a new life perspective. These are prior life of providing structure to the stimuli frame.
experience, physiological status, social re- Communication with patients experiencing
sources, and health care providers (Mish- uncertainty by providing contextual cues,
el & Clayton, p. 31). On the basis of this such as what will be heard and felt during
theory it can be concluded that a person procedures, is a way to reduce ambiguity and
comes to a different view of the continuous increase understanding. Uncertainty is a hu-
experience of uncertainty in illness that goes man response to the illness experience that is
on through time. The health outcome of the found in the frontlines of nursing practice.
RUIT is the expansion of consciousness. These theories directly relate to the planning
Mishels model of the RUIT (Mishel & Clay- of care to reduce or prevent uncertainty for
ton, p. 33) shows a spherical configuration persons with acute or chronic illness.
over time representing repatterning and reor- These theories can enhance the education
ganization resulting in a different view of un- of undergraduate and graduate students by
certainty in illness. bringing awareness of uncertainty in illness
Mishel published an Uncertainty in Illness to routine care planning. Teaching students
Scale in 1981 and the scale has been fre- to apply theory in practice will give direction
quently used to study the experience of uncer- to their care and advance their understanding
tainty for persons in acute or chronic illness of theory-based practice.
situations. Mishel and Clayton (2003, pp.
3438) report research that directly supports
elements of the UIT, such as symptom pat-
tern, event congruence, event familiarity, so- Unpleasant Symptoms Middle-
cial support, credible authority, appraisal, Range Theory
coping, and adjustment to uncertainty. They
note that the RUIT has less frequently been The middle-range theory of unpleasant symp-
used for research and support, for the RUIT toms was created for application with a broad
has come from qualitative studies of people range of diseases whenever unpleasant symp-
with chronic illness (Mishel & Clayton, p. toms demand nursing attention. The original
38). theory was published nearly a decade ago
Within the last decade, an uncertainty (Lenz, Suppe, Gift, Pugh, & Milligan, 1995)
management intervention was evaluated in as a result of collaboration between faculty
four clinical trials with persons with breast and graduates of the doctoral program at the
cancer and prostate cancer (Mishel & Clay- University of Maryland School of Nursing.
ton, 2003). The intervention was based on Each of the graduates had studied an unpleas-
the UIT and implemented with weekly tele- ant symptom for dissertation research. Gift
phone calls. The intervention demonstrated had studied dyspnea; both Milligan and Pugh
effectiveness for teaching skills to manage un- had studied fatigue (Lenz & Pugh, 2003).
certainty, teaching problem solving, improv- The individuals who developed the theory
ing cognitive reframing, enhancing patient-
provider communication, and improving the
had collaborated in dyads or triads on vari-
management of the side effects of cancer ous empirical studies and theoretical arti-
treatment (Mishel & Clayton). cles. They shared geographic proximity,
Mishel and Clayton (2003) propose sub- which facilitated collaboration, and, by vir-
stantive direction for practice guided by the tue of their common association with one
theories and tested in research. Use of the PhD program in nursing, they also shared
two theories in practice offers opportunities exposure to the same philosophical and met-
for nurses to understand, address, and man- atheoretical perspectives regarding the de-

velopment and substance of nursing science. research being done by the developers of the
(Lenz & Pugh, p. 70) theory themselves. Some of this research has
examined interventions to diminish symp-
A philosopher of science who taught in the toms and therefore improve performance
doctoral program at the University of Mary- outcomes; some has examined the relation-
land, Frederick Suppe, coauthored the manu- ship between influencing factors which im-
script which introduced the theory. Two pact symptom experience. Some of the un-
years after its first publication, a refined ver- pleasant symptom research completed by
sion of the theory, which emphasized the reci- people other than the developers of the theory
procity between the concepts of the theory, has examined symptoms in cancer patients
was introduced into the nursing literature undergoing chemotherapy, people with
(Lenz, Pugh, Milligan, Gift, & Suppe, 1997). heart-lung transplants, end-stage renal dis-
The theory of unpleasant symptoms has ease patients, and people with Alzheimers
three major concepts: symptoms, influencing disease (Lenz & Pugh). Use of the theory for
factors (physiological, psychological, and research has resulted in critique of the theory
situational), and performance outcomes which was considered and applied when the
(Lenz & Pugh, 2003). A symptom is defined developers refined the theory (Lenz et al.,
as an individually perceived indicator of aber- 1997).
ration in normal function, which may occur Lenz and Pugh (2003) note that published
in isolation or in combination with other reports of use of the theory in practice are
symptoms and is characterized by intensity, few. This is surprising given the fact that un-
distress, duration/frequency, and quality, pleasant symptoms are a common experience
which refers to the nature of the symptom or for most patients whom nurses encounter.
how it is manifested (Lenz & Pugh). Influenc- Unlike theories at a lower level of abstraction
ing factors are physiological (e.g., anatomic/ which focus on one symptom, such as pain,
structural, genetic, bodily processes), psycho- the more generic theory of unpleasant symp-
logical (affective and cognitive), or situa- toms guides approaches for more complex
tional (social and physical environment) symptom combinations, as often occur in
qualities that can influence and be influenced real-world practice situations. For instance,
by symptom experience. In addition, the the- the theory emphasizes the importance of in-
ory suggests that when more than one symp- depth assessment of symptoms which consid-
tom is experienced, the symptom experiences ers the contribution of influencing factors.
influence each other, emphasizing a recipro-
cal nature depicted by the model. The authors It suggests that multiple management strate-
(Lenz & Pugh) give the example of nipple gies may need to be applied simultaneously,
pain and fatigue, common symptoms for given the multivariate nature of the factors
nursing moms which can exacerbate each influencing symptoms. It also emphasizes
other and lead to premature termination of the importance of considering the effect of
breast-feeding, an undesirable performance several symptoms, occurring together, on
outcome. Performance outcomes are the con- patients functioning, and encourages as-
sequences of the symptom experience. Quite sessment of functional patient outcomes.
simply, the theory asserts that the experience (Lenz & Pugh, pp. 8586)
of symptoms can have an impact on the indi-
viduals ability to function, with function in- Thus far, the research guided by the mid-
cluding motor skills, social behaviors and dle-range theory of unpleasant symptoms has
cognition (Lenz & Pugh, p. 78). addressed the symptoms of pain, dyspnea,
Lenz and Pugh (2003) report that research nausea, vomiting, and fatigue (Lenz & Pugh,
related to the middle-range theory of unpleas- 2003). Clearly, there are more symptoms to
ant symptoms is just recently beginning to be be explored. Likewise, there is need for fur-
reported in the literature, with much of the ther elaboration of the relationship between
Middle-Range Theories of Dementia Care 353

the influencing factors and how the factors e.g., at first, formal operational skills are lost,
relate with the symptom experience. Finally, followed by concrete operational tasks, and
Lenz and Pugh note the potential for further lastly, sensorimotor abilities which include
development of the performance component speech and motor dysfunction. Propositions
of the model, suggesting the consideration of derived from the model are based on an as-
primary and secondary outcomes as well as sessment of the appropriate cognitive level
temporally proximal and distal outcomes. and problem behaviors associated with it. Be-
There is no question that the middle-range havioral management, environmental modi-
theory of unpleasant symptoms is a work in fication, and caregiver interactions are then
progress, which could benefit practicing determined according to the appropriate de-
nurses, undergraduate and graduate students, velopmental stage. Preliminary results of
and researchers if used as a guiding frame- model testing indicate that it was possible to
work. Likewise, the theory could benefit from manage behaviors while reducing the number
use in practice and research so that continued of psychotropic medications (Matteson, Lin-
empirically based development would further ton, Barnes, Cleary, & Lichtenstein, 1995).
enhance the usefulness of the theory. Instrument development to assess earlier peri-
ods of cognitive function and the combina-
tion of this approach with other staging and
assessment models have been suggested.

Middle-Range Theories of
Dementia Care Individualized Care for Frail
Elders (ICFE) Model
Nursing has developed and synthesized a
number of approaches to guide research and
The ICFE Model (Happ et al., 1996) embod-
practice for the care of people with dementia.
ies an interdisciplinary approach to care and
Primarily middle-range theory in nature,
emphasizes four points. These are: (1) know-
these approaches drew upon theoretical
ing the person (life story and patterns of re-
propositions developed within and outside
sponse), (2) the relationship (staff continuity
nursing that were modified via experiential
and reciprocity), (3) choice (decision-making
observations. Nursing knowledge concerning
and risk-taking), and (4) resident participa-
dementia care has grown tremendously dur-
ing the past decade. Utilizing the criteria of tion (daily planning). Evans cross-cultural
publication and dissemination within nurs- observations in four European countries sup-
ing, the following middle-range theories were ported related propositions and delineated
selected (listed alphabetically) : Cognitive De- three factors that contributed to individual-
velopmental (CD) Model (Matteson, Lin- ized care: (1) congruent societal and health
ton, & Barnes, 1996), Individualized Care care values, (2) commonalities of patient
for Frail Elders Model (Happ, Williams, needs in all settings, and (3) primacy of caring
Strumpf, & Burger, 1996), the Need-Driven through knowing the person. Rowles & Dal-
Dementia-Compromised Behavior Model las (1996) found that family involvement in
(Algase et al., 1996), and the Progressively nursing home decision making served to indi-
Lowered Stress Threshold Model (Hall, G. vidualize care and provided a continuing link
R., & Buckwalter, 1987). to the persons personal history and prefer-
The CD Model (Matteson, Linton, & ences. Several studies supported cost-effec-
Barnes, 1996) posits in part that loss of cogni- tiveness linked to lowered medication costs
tive abilities in dementia follows a reverse and staff turnover. Further research on out-
order from acquisition. Piagetian theory de- comes and refinements in definitions, goals,
termines the order in which skills are affected, and critical attributes is ongoing.

Need-Driven Dementia- ing: (1) maximize the level of safe function

Compromised Behavior (NDB) by supporting all areas of loss in a prosthetic
manner, (2) provide unconditional positive
regard, (3) use behaviors indicating anxiety
to determine limits of stimuli and activity, (4)
The NDB approach views the person with
teach caregivers to listen and evaluate verbal
dementia as experiencing an unmet need or
and nonverbal responses, (5) modify environ-
goal that results in need-driven behaviors
ment to support losses and enhance safety,
such as aggression, wandering, problematic
vocalizations, and a recent addition, passive and (6) provide education, support, care, and
behaviors. Behaviors reflect the interaction problem-solving for caregivers. The PLST
of salient background and proximal factors Model has been used to investigate caregiver
found either within the person or in the envi- education effects on caregiving consequences.
ronment or both. Background variables in- Training decreased the impact of caregiving
clude neurological, cognitive, health status, (Garand et al., 2002), and improved caregiv-
and psychosocial factors. Proximal factors in- ers mood (Buckwalter et al., 1999). The
clude physiological and psychosocial need model has been tested in regard to interven-
states and the physical and social environ- tions centered on music, touch, pain, nonnu-
ment. NDBs are evaluated on dimensions of tritive sucking, and sleep. Continued research
frequency and duration. Nursings role is to will test the main assumptions of the model.
identify those at risk and to intervene with Examples of other approaches from the
strategies under various sets of environmental last decade (organized chronologically) in-
circumstances. Collective programs of re- clude: the Sensoristasis Model (Kovach,
search on the model were highlighted in a 2000), the Cognition-Sensitive Approach
special issue of the Journal of Gerontological (Barnes & Adair, 2002), the Implicit Memory
Nursing (Overview of NDB Model, 1999). and Familiarity Framework (Son, Ther-
Multiple methods for deriving practice inter- rien, & Whall, 2002), and the Comprehen-
ventions from the model were also published sive Model of Psychiatric Symptoms of Pro-
in a subsequent special focus section of this gressive Degenerative Dementias (Volicer &
journal (NDB Intervention, 2002). A special Hurley, 2003). Algorithmic frameworks
section in Aging and Mental Health was de- (Beck, Heacock, Rapp, & Mercer, 1993) and
voted to model-derived measurement and in- decision trees (Richie, 1996) have addressed
tervention strategies (Behavioral Symptoms, strategies to determine level of assistance and
2004). Current research efforts are focused nursing interventions.
on the identification of variables common to A number of other approaches explicated
and different from each of the behaviors and selected aspects of middle-range theory work
on the application of linear modeling to fur- for dementia and produced instruments
ther build the theory. which assess model variables. These include
the modification as an observational tool of
the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory by
Progressively Lowered Stress Whall (Chrisman, Tabar, Whall, & Booth,
Threshold (PLST) Model 1991), the Ryden Aggression Scale (Ryden,
Bossenmaier, & McLachlen, 1991), Hurleys
The PLST Model (Hall, G. R., & Buckwalter, Discomfort Scale (Hurley, Volicer, Hanra-
1987) views the person with dementia as ex- han, Houde, & Volicer, 1992), the Modified
periencing baseline anxieties and dysfunc- Interaction Behavior Measure (Burgener, Jir-
tional states throughout the course of the dis- ovec, Murrell, & Barton, 1992), the Demen-
ease. Anxious behavior occurs during stress, tia Mood Picture Test (Tappen & Barry,
and if stress continues, dysfunctional states 1995), and the Algase Wandering Scale (Al-
such as panic occur. Six principles guide nurs- gase, Beattie, Bogue, & Yao, 2001).
Minority Women Offenders 355

The past decade has been characterized by been coerced into drug offenses or other crim-
a resurgence of interest in the development inal behavior because of an abusive spouse
and testing of middle-range theories of de- or boyfriend. This type of influence is referred
mentia care. As these efforts continue to be to as gender entrapment (Ritchie, 1996).
supported by programs of research, they hold Probation and parole periods were initially
great promise for more effective care in the intended to afford the opportunity of gradual
years ahead. reintegration into the community, eliminat-
ing the social stigma in due time; however,
KATHY COLLING this hoped-for pattern of reintegration into a
ANN WHALL healthy life pattern generally does not occur
(Simon, 1993). There is a lack of opportuni-
ties for reintegration and acceptance by soci-
Minority Women Offenders ety. The stigma remains, marking the ex-felon
and often creating angry and defiant re-
To date, criminal justice programs are based sponses to the related feelings of shame and
on the male experience because of the prepon- rejection (Scheff & Retzinger, 1991).
derance of men prisoners. However, criminal Female offenders have several unique
justice statistics indicate female detainees are needs and concerns different from their male
increasing in numbers more rapidly than the counterparts. According to Greenfield and
male detainee population (Haywood, Krav- Snell (1999), women offenders have different
itz, Goldman, & Freeman, 2000). Addition- needs than men, probably due to their dispro-
ally, because minority women are dispropor- portionate victimization from sexual or phys-
tionately represented in the numbers of incar- ical abuse. They have histories of trauma and
cerated women, there is a need for cultural- substance abuse, and their pathways to crime
specific, gender-responsive programs. are based on survival of abuse and poverty
Although the majority of federal female (Bloom, 2000). They begin to use alcohol
offenders are under community supervision, and other drugs at an early age, and there is
there is very little information available on indication that there is a link between their
their characteristics and needs. There is even addiction and physical and sexual abuse
less known about supervision issues and (Covington, 1998).
strategies, treatment approaches, and charac- When they are besieged with problems of
teristics that enhance effective programs and low self-esteem and the stigma and shame
successful outcomes for female offenders. of incarceration, the separation from their
The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs children and/or the potential to lose their chil-
for the general offender population has re- dren will present their probation officer with
ceived much attention; however, there is a supervision difficulties. Multiple studies indi-
paucity of research dedicated to the female cate that they present with more complicated
offender population (Koons, Burrow, Mar- and severe mental health problems (DeCos-
ash, & Bynum, 1997). tanzo, 1998).
Many of these women offenders are super- Criminal justice supervision, programs,
vised by a probation agency and are consid- and services have been based on the male
ered as low risk and therefore have very little experience, mostly due to the higher number
contact with their probation officer. There is, of men in the criminal justice system as com-
however, indication that this lack of contact pared to women. Therefore, many of the su-
with their supervising agent leads to higher pervision and program needs of women have
rate of failure on community supervision been ignored. Thus there is very little empiri-
(Chesney-Lind, 2000). cal evidence indicating what works for female
The rationale for women committing a offenders to prevent relapse and recidivism
crime is generally different than for their male (Bloom, 2000). Programs dominated by men
counterpart. For instance, a woman may have result in womens issues being minimized and

they are less likely to be adequately ad- people, particularly in relation to human re-
dressed. Women have been socialized to value sponsibilities. The term distress signifies a
relationships and connectedness; thus devel- profoundly negative outcome demonstrated
oping a support system for them is congruent in affective, physical, and relationship do-
with their orientation. To prevent relapse and mains. Moral distress is the pain or anguish
recidivism, strategies that are gender-respon- affecting the mind, body, or relationships in
sive need to be developed and implemented. response to a situation in which the person
Although the Federal Court system in San is aware of a moral problem, acknowledges
Antonio has recently adopted the Level of moral responsibility, and makes a moral
Service InventoryRevised (LSI-R) for use judgment about the correct action, yet, be-
as the risk/need assessment tool for all per- cause of real or perceived constraints, partici-
sons who are in the probation phase, the tool pates in perceived moral wrongdoing (Na-
has not been evaluated for validity and clarity thaniel, 2004).
with minority women. This pilot represented Virtually absent from common language
the first step in a series of pilot studies prelimi- usage, the term moral distress originated
nary for development of a mentoring support when ethicist Andrew Jameton (1984) recog-
program directed to decrease recidivism nized that nurses stories about moral dilem-
among minority women offenders. mas were inconsistent with the definition of
The Level of Service InventoryRevised dilemma. In a moral dilemma, one struggles
(LSI-R) is an instrument designed to provide to decide between two or more mutually ex-
a basis for correctional intervention program- clusive courses of action with equal moral
ming that is both appropriate to the level of weight. Jameton asked nurses to talk about
need for service and to the level of risk for moral dilemmas in practice. Consistently, the
recidivism (Andrews & Bonta, 1995). It was nurses talked about moral problems for
unknown if the major and minor crimino- which they felt they clearly knew the morally
genic targets reflected in the LSI-R were ap- correct action, but believed they were con-
propriate for minority women or if these strained from following their convictions
womens recidivism risk can be accurately as- (Jameton, 1993). Jameton concluded that
sessed. nurses were compelled to tell these stories
The psychometric properties of the Level because of their profound suffering and the
of Service InventoryRevised (LSI-R) were importance of the situations. Jameton defined
found to be reliable, had content validity, and moral distress as follows: Moral distress
were understood by the majority of partici- arises when one knows the right thing to do,
pants. This assessment tool will be effective but institutional constraints make it nearly
in assessing the recidivism risk of minority impossible to pursue the right course of ac-
female offenders who are in the community tion (Jameton, 1984, p. 6). Further refining
supervision phase of their federal sentencing. the concept in 1993, Jameton stipulated that,
in cases of moral distress, nurses participate
NORMA MARTINEZ ROGERS in the action that they have judged to be mor-
SUSAN K. MOORE ally wrong. Based upon Jametons work, J.
YOLANDA NARVAEZ-EDWARDS M. Wilkinson (198788) defined moral dis-
tress as the psychological disequilibrium
and negative feeling state experienced when
Moral Distress a person makes a moral decision but does
not follow through by performing the moral
Moral distress describes a feeling that occurs behavior indicated by that decision (p. 16).
in relation to a particular type of morally Further refining the definitions and offering
troubling experience. The term moral repre- examples for clarification, nearly every subse-
sents judgments about good or bad (right or quent source relies on Jameton and/or Wil-
wrong) actions, thoughts, or character of kinsons definition of moral distress.
Moral Distress 357

Situations involving moral distress may be moral awareness, their orientation toward
the most difficult problems facing nurses. consequences rather than rules, or their orien-
Moral distress results in unfavorable out- tation toward justice rather than caring (Wil-
comes for both nurses and patients. Because kinson, 198788; Millette, 1994).
of moral distress, nurses experience physical Institutional setting also contributes to
and psychological problems, sometimes for moral distress. Many nurses view themselves
many years (Nathaniel, 2004; Wilkinson, J. as powerless within hierarchical systems
M., 198788; Fenton, 1988). Reports of the (Wilkinson, 198788; Rodney, 1988). They
number of nurses who experience moral dis- perceive little support from nursing and hos-
tress vary slightly. Between 43% and 50% pital administrations (Fenton, 1988). Nurses
of nurses leave their units or leave nursing may experience moral distress as a result of
altogether after experiencing moral distress having been socialized to follow orders, re-
(Wilkinson; Millette, 1994; Nathaniel). membering the futility of past actions, or fear-
Moral distress requires a complex inter- ing job loss. Other organizational factors
play of human relationships, institutional fac- contributing to nurses moral distress include
tors, personal attributes, and a morally trou- their views concerning the quality of nursing
bling situation. Moral distress occurs in high- and medical care, organizational ethics re-
stress situations or with vulnerable patients. sources, their satisfaction with the practice
Areas that engender high overall stress levels, environment, and the law and/or lawsuits
such as critical care or other areas with very (Wilkinson).
vulnerable patients, harbor a greater propor- Since conflicting moral judgment is a cen-
tion of moral problems (Bassett, C. C., 1995; tral theme in moral distress, relationships be-
Corley, 1995; Rodney, 1988; Fenton, 1988; tween nurses and physicians are the most fre-
Hefferman & Heilig, 1999; Millette, 1994). quently mentioned institutional constraints
Moral distress has been documented in the (Wilkinson, 198788; Bassett, 1995; Corley,
following specific situations: prolonging the 1995). Nurses experience moral distress be-
suffering of dying patients through the use of cause physicians and nurses have different
aggressive/heroic measures; performing un- moral orientations, different decision-mak-
necessary tests and treatments; lying to pa- ing perspectives, and an adversarial relation-
tients, failing to involve nurses, patients, or ship (Wilkinson; Bassett; Corley).
family in decisions; and incompetent or inad- Psychological and physical sequelae and
equate treatment by a physician (Wilkinson, changes of behavior may be indicative of
198788; Bassett, C. C.; Hefferman & Heilig; moral distress. Psychosocial indicators of
Rodney; Corley; Nathaniel, 2004). moral distress include blaming self or others,
Individual nurses sense of moral responsi- excusing ones actions, self-criticism, anger,
bility is an integral part of the moral distress sarcasm, guilt, remorse, frustration, sadness,
process (Wilkinson, 198788; Jameton, withdrawal, avoidance behavior, power-
1984). The level of nurses moral distress may lessness, burnout, betrayal of personal values,
be influenced by their perceptions of the de- sense of insecurity, and low self-worth (Wil-
gree to which they are responsible for what kinson, 198788; Fenton, 1998). Nurses de-
happens to their patients and the degree to scribe a need to detach themselves emotion-
which they are able to say, it is my decision ally or withdraw from the situation when
to make (Wilkinson; Hefferman & Heilig, they are no longer able to deal with the stress,
1999; Jameton, 1993). and may leave the unit for a less stressful area
Moral judgment is also a factor in moral or leave nursing altogether (Fenton; Heffer-
distress. Moral distress is not a response to man & Heilig, 1999). Nurses somatic com-
a violation of what is unquestionably right, plaints related to moral distress include weep-
but rather a violation of what the individual ing, palpitations, headaches, diarrhea, and
nurse judges to be right. Nurses respond dif- sleep disturbances (Fenton; Wilkinson; Na-
ferently to moral problems in terms of their thaniel, 2004). In addition, empirical evi-

dence suggests that prolonged or repeated of nursing and comfortable with the integra-
moral distress leads to loss of nurses moral tion of core beliefs and professional and insti-
integrity (Wilkinson). tutional norms. For some, though, a morally
Moral distress also affects the quality of troubling event will challenge the integration
patient care. Some nurses lose their capacity of core beliefs with professional and institu-
for caring, avoid patient contact, and fail to tional norms. Nurses find themselves in situa-
provide good physical care because of moral tional binds that herald a critical juncture in
distress. Nurses may physically withdraw their professional lives.
from the bedside, barely meeting patients ba- Situational Binds. A situational bind inter-
sic physical needs (Hefferman & Heilig, rupts the Stage of Ease and places the nurse
1999; Wilkinson, 198788; Millette, 1994; in turmoil when core beliefs and other claims
Corley, 1995, Nathaniel, 2004). conflict. Situational binds force nurses to
Moral distress is a serious problem in nurs- make difficult decisions and give rise to criti-
ing. It affects the individual nurse, the patient, cal junctures in their lives. Binds involve seri-
and the health care system. It also offers im- ous and complex conflicts within individuals
portant implications for nursing practice, ed- and tacit or overt conflicts between nurses
ucation, and administration, and in the face and othersall having moral/ethical over-
of a nursing shortage of crisis proportions, tones. Inner dialogue leads the nurse to make
presents urgent and unique opportunities for critical decisionschoosing one value or be-
further investigation. lief over another. Types of situational binds
include (a) conflicts between core values and
ALVITA NATHANIEL professional or institutional norms, (b) moral
disagreement in the face of power imbalance,
and (c) workplace deficiencies. These binds
Moral Reckoning lead to consequences for nurses and patients.
Stage of Resolution. Situational binds con-
The Grounded Theory of Moral Reckoning
stitute crises of intolerable internal conflict.
in Nursing identifies a process that nurses
The move to set things right signifies the be-
move through when they have experienced
ginning of the Stage of Resolution. For most,
moral distress in the workplace. Moral reck-
this stage is a critical juncture that alters pro-
oning includes a critical juncture in nurses
fessional trajectory. There are two founda-
lives and explains a process that includes mo-
tivation and conflict, resolution, and reflec- tional choices in the Stage of Resolution:
tion (Nathaniel, 2003). Moral Reckoning is making a stand or giving up. These choices
a three-stage process that offers important are not mutually exclusive. In fact, many
implications for nursing practice, education, nurses give up initially, regroup, and make a
and administration. Distinct stages include stand. Others make an unsuccessful stand
the Stage of Ease, the Stage of Resolution, and later give up.
and the Stage of Reflection. Stage of Reflection. Moving from the Stage
Stage of Ease. During the Stage of Ease, of Resolution, nurses reflect as they reckon
nurses are motivated by core beliefs and val- with their behavior and actions. The Stage of
ues to uphold congruent professional and in- Reflection may last a lifetime. In most cases,
stitutional norms. They are comfortable: they the incidents nurses recall occurred early in
have technical skills and feel satisfied to prac- their careers. The Stage of Reflection raises
tice within the boundaries of self, profession, questions about prior judgments, particular
and institution. They know what is expected acts, and the essential self. The properties of
of them and experience a sense of flow and the Stage of Reflection include remembering,
at-homeness. The Stage of Ease continues as telling the story, examining conflicts, and liv-
long as the nurse is fulfilled with the work ing with consequences. These properties are
Mother-Infant/Toddler Relationships 359

interrelated and seem to occur in every in- burden than mothers of normal birthweight
stance of moral reckoning. infants (May & Hu, 2000). Such early biolog-
ical risk can have significant effects on the
ALVITA NATHANIEL quality of the mother-infant/toddler relation-
The relationship between parenting envi-
Mother-Infant/Toddler ronment and the mother-infant/toddler rela-
Relationships tionship has been extensively studied, al-
though the theory underlying cause-and-ef-
The study of mother-infant/toddler relation- fect relationships remains poorly understood.
ships centers on knowledge related to the For example, there are many hypotheses to
health and development of the mother-child account for the significant associations found
dyad from birth to 3 years. This focus of between parenting in low-income environ-
inquiry is necessarily large because the ments and poorer outcomes in very young
mother-child system is an open one, respon- children (Duncan & Brooks-Gunn, 1997;
sive to genetic, biological, environmental, Mistry, Vandewater, Huston, & McLloyd,
cognitive, and psychological influences (Insti- 2002). As a result, interventions for promot-
tute of Medicine, 2000). ing healthy parent-child relationships among
The mother-infant/toddler relationship is low-income families simultaneously target
influenced by genetic factors such as the many environmental risk factors (e.g., sup-
childs temperament. Temperament is an in- port, psychological guidance, education, nu-
born constellation of traits that affect the in- trition, and facilitating access to community-
dividuals behavioral reactions to environ- based services). The complexity of the parent-
mental stimuli. Temperamental qualities such ing environment and understanding how so-
as high-intensity reactions, low adaptability cial contexts in early life affect young children
to change, or shyness, influence childrens and parents is an important but underdevel-
abilities to regulate emotions in stressful situ- oped area of inquiry (Boyce, W. T., et al.,
ations, relate to other people, and adjust to 1998).
changes in daily routines. Similar tempera- The psychological health of the mother
mental qualities in the mother are likely to and child has received much attention. Ma-
affect her ability to adjust her parenting be- ternal stress, low social support, marital dis-
haviors to accommodate an unpredictable in- cord, and maternal depression have been
fant or a defiant 2-year-old (Gross & Conrad, viewed as important factors placing young
1995). A poor fit between parent and infant/ children at risk for poor developmental out-
toddler temperamental styles has been associ- comes (Gross, Sambrook, & Fogg, 1999; Pet-
ated with more child behavior problems and terson & Albers, 2001). Recently, researchers
increases in physiological indices of stress have shifted the focus away from unidirec-
(Bugental, Olster, & Martorell, 2003). tional to bidirectional effects. For example,
Biological factors can influence the childs depressed mothers who are sad, preoccupied,
developmental trajectory, making parenting and irritable may be unable to attend to their
more stressful and altering the quality of the infants needs or to deal calmly and effectively
mother-infant/toddler relationship. For ex- with their toddlers demands for attention.
ample, low birthweight infants with neonatal However, it is also possible that behaviorally
medical complications are at greater risk for demanding children cause mothers to feel in-
later developmental, visual, physical, and be- effective, fatigued, and ultimately depressed.
havioral disabilities (Boyce, G. C., Smith, & The clinical implications of viewing problems
Casto, 1999). Even in the absence of medical in the mother-infant/toddler relationship as
complications, mothers of low birthweight bidirectional is that effective nursing inter-
infants experience greater stress and caregiver ventions should focus on the mother-child

dyad or the family unit rather than on the cost-effective nursing interventions dissemin-
mother or child alone. ated to populations in need.
In the past 10 years, greater attention has
been placed on the role of race/ethnicity in DEBORAH GROSS
the development of the mother-infant/toddler
relationship. Demographic trends toward
greater multiculturalism and expectations for Music Therapy
researchers to understand how parenting pro-
cesses may differ across racial/ethnic groups Music therapy is the use of music for the
have led to more thoughtful examinations of purpose of improving physiological and psy-
parenting processes among families of color chological health and well-being. For music
(Garcia Coll et al., 1996; McLloyd, Cauce, to be therapeutic, there must be an interaction
Takeuchi, & Wilson, 2000). Different family between the music and the person who desires
structures and childrearing values will affect a health outcome from the music (Meyer,
how parents socialize their infants and tod- 1956). This implies that there are individual,
dlers. While all children thrive under the care age, culture, and situation-related differences
of a loving and responsive parent, research in choice and effect. The saying that music is a
has shown that there is no single way that universal language gives the false impression
love and attention need to be expressed. In- that everyone appreciates and is helped by
deed, research has shown that some parenting the same music. Although all cultures of the
strategies that negatively affect behavioral world use music in some form and derive
outcomes in European-American children ap- meaning from it, different cultures and differ-
pear to have no such affect on African-Ameri- ent generations are accustomed to listening
can children (Whaley, 2000). to widely divergent kinds of music. There
Finally, maternal cognitions affect how may be large differences in volume, pitch,
mothers interpret and respond to their chil- rhythm, tempo, harmony, disharmony,
drens behavior. For example, a mothers be- words, and meaning (Cross, 2003). In addi-
lief that using corporal punishment with her tion, there is variation within age and cultural
defiant 2-year-old may be based on a series groups (Good, Picot, Salem, Picot, & Lane,
of cognitions related to her values about child 2000).
defiance and physical punishment, cultural Music therapy may be provided by a regis-
expectations, perceived environmental dan- tered music therapist who has been taught to
gers, how she was raised, and her knowledge use music in many therapeutic ways. How-
of alternative discipline strategies (Garvey, ever, any member of the health care team
Gross, Delaney, & Fogg, 2000; Goodnow & may suggest to patients that soft music can
Collins, 1990). be helpful for stress, pain, and mood, and
Although many investigators have under- can use stimulating music to encourage so-
standably narrowed their research to one or cialization, expression, and exercise. Nurses
two conceptual areas of inquiry, the dyad is can assess musical preferences, offer a choice
dynamically affected by all of these influ- of selections, and encourage patient involve-
ences. That is, mothers identify parenting ment in the music with the goal of achieving
goals and devise child-rearing strategies that specific health outcomes.
are consistent with their temperaments, biol- Throughout history, music has been used
ogy, child-rearing environments, cognitions, for a variety of therapeutic purposes by primi-
and psychological capacities (Gross, 1996). tive people to ward off evil spirits, prevent
Likewise, childrens responses to parents are or cure illnesses, relieve depression, modify
similarly tied to these same factors. Future emotions, and achieve inner harmony. Early
research should refine how these influences cultures had little means to treat disease, so
transact within the parent-child relationship music and spirituality were used to provide
so that research methods can be clarified and comfort and help people cope. During the
Music Therapy 361

Renaissance, physicians became interested in painful procedures (e.g., injections, gastroin-

the therapeutic value of music and incorpo- testinal endoscopy, and lumbar punctures).
rated it in their training and practice. From Music has been generally found to reduce
the 17th century onward, physicians studied anxiety before, during, and after surgery, dur-
the effect of music on physiology and psy- ing burn debridement, in chronically ill pa-
chology, and debated whether to focus on tients, and after myocardial infarction. It has
the type of music that was effective versus been studied for circumcision pain in infants,
the type of person who responds positively for injection pain in children and adults, for
to music. Nightingale used music with injured disturbances in psychiatric, demented, and
soldiers in the Crimea. She had recreation agitated patients, in the critically ill, in dys-
areas where recovering men could go to listen lexic children, in postanesthesia patients, in
to singing or playing of musical instruments. the emergency department, and in those who
At the beginning of the 20th century, the are comatose or dying. Lullabies have shown
first laboratory studies of the physiological beneficial effects on preterm infants. A dou-
effects of music were conducted on animals ble-blind study of music during surgery
and humans. These experiments demon- showed effects on recovery. In mice, music
strated changes in vital signs and body secre- reduced stress and metastasis and improved
tions in response to various types of music. immune factors.
They are rejected by most investigators today Music has been categorized into stimula-
because of the poor quality of measurement, tive and sedative types. Stimulative music has
analysis, and control. In the 1930s music be- strong rhythms, volume, dissonance, and dis-
gan to be used in patients hospital rooms, connected notes, whereas sedative music has
in surgery prior to general anesthesia, and a sustained melody without strong rhythmic
during local anesthesia. Music was used in or percussive elements. Stimulative music en-
obstetrics and gynecology to reduce the side hances bodily action and stimulates skeletal
effects of inhalation anesthetics. muscles, emotions, and subcortical reactions
Nursing reviews of research on the effect in humans. Sedative music results in physical
of music on health outcomes can be found sedation and responses of an intellectual and
in chapters by Good (1996), Guzzetta (1988, contemplative nature (Gaston, 1951). Precat-
1997), Standley and Hanser (1995), and Sny- egorization by the nurse, however, does not
der and Chlan (1999). The American Music consider the kind of subject response. Other
Therapy Association and two journals, the ways of categorizing are slow and fast music,
Journal of Music Therapy and Music Therapy or by type of music or instrument.
Perspectives, are excellent resources. To choose music that is therapeutic, the
Music can transport patients thoughts to nurse should consider the nature of the music,
a new place, give them new perspectives, lift the patient preferences, and the health state.
their mood, provide comfort, familiarity and Nurses can assess patients sex, cultural back-
pleasure to patients, and stimulate memories, ground, musical preferences, music training,
meanings, and self-insight. In addition, stud- participation in music, degree of auditory dis-
ies have shown that music reduces pain and crepancy, time available, and, most of all,
anxiety, reduces muscle tension, raises levels degree of liking for the music under consider-
of beta-endorphins, and lowers adrenocorti- ation. Variations in the nature of the health
cotropic stress hormones. Music has been state determine whether music will be used
found to improve the immune system, sali- to cheer, encourage, soothe, relax, distract
vary cortisol, postoperative and cancer pain, the mind, stimulate exercise, or evoke emo-
sleep, nausea and vomiting of chemotherapy, tions of joy, triumph, resolve, or peace. Stud-
mood during stem cell transplantation, pain ies have indicated that different kinds of mu-
of osteoarthritis, and cardiac anxiety and au- sic result in positive or negative feelings and
tonomic balance. It has also been effective for differences in serotonin. Music is economical
acute and chronic pain and during stressful or for patient use. Tapes, compact discs, and

players are relatively inexpensive, and a small world and between cultures in each country.
library can be maintained on any nursing More work on comparing symptomatic re-
unit. Music piped into patients rooms also sponse with physiological response is needed
may be available. Nurses can suggest that to generate theories of conditions in which
patients and their families bring in favorite music is effective, how it affects body pro-
music from home that is likely to invoke cesses, and what effect it has on recovery,
healthy responses. They can refer patients to immune function, and health.
a music therapist if one is available. Music brings an air of normalcy, entertain-
There are some contraindications and con- ment, pleasure, and escape into a world
siderations when using music for patients. where illness is often the enemy and both
Contraindications include hypersensitivity to patients and caregivers are fighting back. Mu-
sound, tone deafness, musicogenic epilepsy, sic is an integral part of most peoples normal
and inability to recognize music in some lives and should not be forgotten when they
stroke patients. Nurses should consider any go to hospitals and other health care facilities.
patient dislike for any particular selection or With the increased reliance on technology in
type of music, their inability to turn it off health care today, music can add a humanistic
when desired, cochlear implants, and cultur- touch. Beyond the humanistic value of music
ally incongruent music. In addition, those is the therapeutic value in reducing stress,
with hearing loss may or may not find that pain, anxiety, and depression and promoting
listening to music is beneficial. Future re- movement, socialization, and sleep.
search in music may include studies that de-
termine the kinds of music that are effective MARION GOOD
for health outcomes in countries around the

Narrative Analysis ject of analysis, along with narratives them-

selves, in narrative analysis.
Narrative analysis is gaining popularity The heterogeneity of narratives, represen-
among nurse researchers as one of the repre- tative disciplinary plurality, and the varieties
sentative modes of studying human experi- in narrative theories have evidenced in vari-
ous approaches and orientations in narrative
ences, of both clients and nurses, especially
analysis. There are at least three diverse orien-
from the perspective of interpretivism. Narra-
tations within narrative analysis: (a) struc-
tive analysis is being used in many different
tural orientation, (b) storytelling orientation,
disciplines: literary studies, linguistics, an-
and (c) interpretive orientation (for other
thropology, psychology, sociology, theology,
ways of categorizing narrative analysis and
history, and practice disciplines such as nurs-
a typology of models, see Mishler, 1995).
ing, medicine, occupational therapy, and so-
Structural orientation can be identified
cial work.
with structuralists such as Barthes (1974) and
All sorts of oral and written representa-
sociolinguists such as Labov (1972) and Gee
tions are considered narrativesfables, folk- (1991). In this orientation, narratives are
tales, short stories, case histories, exemplars, thought to be organized about a specific set
news reports, personal stories, historiogra- of structural units that bring about coherence
phy, interview data, and so forth. Although and connectivity in the narratives. Attention
there are controversies, the term narrative in to narrative structures is analytically juxta-
narrative analysis refers to a story that con- posed to such aspects as functions that differ-
tains two or more sequentially ordered units, ent structural units performsense making
with a beginning, middle, and ending, and in story, or narrativity.
represents structured meaning. Narratives Narrative analysis in the structuralist tra-
are structured about a story plot or plots illus- dition within literary studies and linguistics
trated by characters (actors) and events. Nar- focuses on structural-functional connections,
ratives as stories are characterized by a sense as in Propps (1968) morphology in relation
of internal chronology (either temporal or to internal patterning and narrative genre and
thematic) and connectedness that brings in Genettes (1988) three specific aspects of
about coherence and sense making. Narra- a storys temporal articulation (i.e., order,
tives differ from discourse in that narratives frequency, and duration). In this tradition,
contain descriptions of chronologically artic- narratives subjected to analysis tend to be
ulated events along with sketches of charac- public material such as folktales, novels,
ters of that story. short stories, and case histories.
As narratives are human linguistic prod- Sociolinguists attend to natural or situ-
ucts, their construction is closely tied to sto- ated narratives, which are constructions
rytelling, that is, the processes involved in produced in specific situations of social life.
producing them. Storytelling is often the ob- Labov (1972) identified six structural units


for fully formed narratives: abstract, orienta- ries. Narrative analysis in this orientation car-
tion, complicating action, evaluation, resolu- ries out an analysis of narrative texts in terms
tion, and coda. He suggested that these struc- of form and content, along with an analysis of
tural units are related to two functions in the flow of storytelling, with the assumption
narrative: the referential function and the that the nature of narrative text is integrally
evaluative function. Gee (1991), on the other connected to the processes of construction.
hand, identified structural properties of nar- Narratives in the interpretive orientation
rative as poetic structures of lines, stanzas, are chronological in a double sense: chronol-
or strophes, which organize meaning con- ogy in terms of temporal serialization of
structions in telling a story. The structural events and chronology in terms of temporal-
orientation is primarily an examination of ity of story itself. Ricoeur (1984) specified
structural elements of story in relation to the episodic and configurational dimensions as
narratives form, function, and meaning. the temporal dialectics that integrated plot
In storytelling, narratives are not viewed in narrative. Hence, narratives are stories of
simply as products that can be taken out of individuals etched within the communal sto-
the context of narrating but as process-ori- ries of the time and context. Narrative analy-
ented constructions that are enmeshed with sis thus involves interpretation of representa-
linguistic materialization of cognition and tion posed within the contexts in which the
memory, interactive structuring between the story is shaped and the storytelling occurs,
teller and listener, and contextually and cul- reflecting on the worldviews that provide a
turally constrained shaping of experiences larger contextual understanding. In this
and ideas. From this standpoint, narrative sense, the interpretative orientation is more
analysis is closely aligned with discourse anal- concerned with meaning of narratives than
ysis, as in ethnography of communication in with either the structure or the process.
anthropology and ethnomethodology in soci- Riessman (1993) offers five levels of repre-
ology. sentation in the research process of narrative
Narrative analysis in this orientation is dif- analysis: attending, telling, transcribing, ana-
ferentiated into two schools: linguistic/cogni- lyzing, and reading. Interpretation occurs at
tive and sociocultural. The linguistic/cogni- the levels of transcribing and analyzing by
tive version focuses on how narratives are the researcher, whereas the level of reading
materialized in language from ideas and expe- implies additional interpretation that occurs
riences. This construction is viewed to be ac- in the readers of research reports. Riessman
complished by applying communicative and favors the use of poetic structures as the mode
interactive functions of language and through of structuring narratives as interpretive; how-
scripting and schematizing of yet unorga- ever, the use of any specific structuring model
nized information into connected storytell- is less critical for the analysis than interpreta-
ing. In this version, storytelling is considered tion.
as the processing of nonlinguistic ideas, Although there are distinct differences
events, and actions into a series of connected among these orientations, there are many hy-
and coherent representation of meanings. brid forms of narrative analysis used in actual
On the other hand, narrative analysis in research practice. Hybrid forms often com-
the sociological version within the ethno- bine analysis of process or meaning with
methodological tradition is concerned with structural analysis. In nursing research, nar-
the interactive process of narrative making. rative analysis has been applied with various
Conversational narratives are of prime inter- orientations and in different hybrid forms.
est. The listener is an active part of story- Narratives of clients personal experiences,
telling as an interactive participant in the such as suffering, being diagnosed with can-
making of a story. From an anthropological cer, isolation, and dying, have been studied
perspective, storytelling is viewed as bounded by applying Labov or Gee as well as within
by cultural conditions and cultural catego- the storytelling orientation. Narratives of
National Institute of Nursing Research 365

practice by nurses have been subjected to the NIH Revitalization Act of 1993. Its bud-
analyses in the interpretive orientation for get of $16 million in 1986 had grown to
understanding the meanings of their practice $139 million in 2005. The original staff of 9
and their value orientations. In addition, the members has increased to over 50 people,
interpretive orientation from the feminist per- including scientists, administrators, and sup-
spective has been used to study womens ex- port staff.
periences, such as health care seeking, preg- Nursing research is a relative newcomer
nancy with the history of drug abuse, and to the scientific community. Unlike other
recovery. Research of narrative accounts of health-related disciplines, nursing began as
clients and nurses, as well as their interac- an occupation in hospital settings, not as a
tions, can produce deep understanding of hu- discipline in academic institutions. Although
man experiences that are fundamental to there is a history of nurses receiving advanced
nursing practice. degrees in many different academic fields, it
has been only within the past 25 years that
HESOOK SUZIE KIM doctoral preparation has been available in
the field of nursing, paving the way of nursing
research to grow and flourish at universities
National Institute of Nursing and research centers.
Research The mission of the NINR supports basic
and clinical research to establish a scientific
The National Institute of Nursing Research basis for the care of individuals across the life
(NINR) is one of 24 institutes, centers, and spanfrom management of patients during
divisions that comprise the National Insti- illness and recovery to the reduction of risks
tutes of Health (NIH). The NIH is one of for disease and disability and the promotion
eight health agencies of the Public Health Ser- of healthy lifestyles. With this broad man-
vice in the U.S. Department of Health and date, the institute seeks to understand and
Human Services. Headquartered in 75 build- ease the symptoms of acute and chronic ill-
ings on more than 300 acres in Bethesda, ness, to prevent or delay the onset of disease
Maryland, the NIH is the steward of biomedi- or slow its progression, to find effective ap-
cal and behavioral research for the nation. proaches to promoting good health, and to
Its mission is to improve the health of the improve the clinical settings in which care is
American people through increased under- provided. The NINR supports research on
standing of the processes underlying human problems encountered by patients families
health and the acquisition of new knowledge and caregivers. It also emphasizes the special
to help prevent, detect, diagnose, and treat needs of at-risk and underserved populations.
disease. Approximately 80% of the annual These efforts are crucial in translating scien-
NIH investment is made through grants and tific advances into cost-effective health care
contracts to support extramural research and that does not compromise quality.
training in more than 1,700 universities; med- The first NINR director, Dr. Ada Sue Hin-
ical, dental, and nursing schools; hospitals; shaw, who held the position from 1987 to
and other research institutions throughout 1994, is widely recognized for her contribu-
the United States and abroad. About 10% of tions to teaching, nursing research, and aca-
its budget goes to the more than 2,000 proj- demic administration. Under her leadership
ects conducted in its own intramural labora- the institute was established as an active par-
tories. ticipant within the federal research commu-
In 1996 the NINR celebrated the 10th an- nity and achieved national recognition for
niversary of its establishment at the NIH. nursing research. The current director, Dr.
Originally designated as the National Center Patricia A. Grady, an internationally recog-
for Nursing Research by Public Law 99-158 nized stroke researcher, was appointed in
in 1986, it attained institute status through 1995, following positions as deputy director

and acting director of the National Institute supports the recipients activities and pro-
of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. vides for substantial involvement of the fund-
The NIH employs a two-level system for ing agency during the period of performance.
reviewing grant applications. In the first level, The NINR also supports research training
panels of extramural experts evaluate the sci- through individual and institutional National
entific merit of the proposed research. The Research Service awards (F31s, F32s, F33s,
second level of review is carried out by na- and T32s).
tional advisory councils, which consider sci- As the NINR identifies new opportunities
entific merit as determined in the first level of for research, nursing researchers are moving
review, program relevance, and appropriate to the forefront of many innovative areas of
allocation of resources. Councils also advise scientific exploration. For example, the
on policy development, program implemen- NINR is responding to the clinical implica-
tation, evaluation, and other matters of im- tions of genetics discoveries with research
portance to the missions and goals of the NIH programs in the clinical management of con-
institutes and centers. Advisory councils are ditions associated with genetic disorders, in-
composed of scientific and lay representatives cluding genetic screening and counseling,
who are noted for their expertise or interest clinical decision making, and bioethical con-
in issues related to the missions of the insti- siderations. Nursing researchers are also tak-
tutes and centers they serve. ing the lead in the remediation of cognitive
The NINRs advisory councilthe Na- impairment, the prevention and control of
tional Advisory Council for Nursing Re- pain, and the management of side effects as-
searchis composed of 15 members. Ten are sociated with medical treatment. In addition,
leaders in the health and scientific disciplines nursing research focuses on methods to stem
relevant to the activities of the NINR, and microbial threats to health through improved
five public members are leaders in health care, approaches to prevention and adherence to
public policy, law, and economics. The advi- treatment. NINR-funded research also links
sory council also includes six ex officio mem- biological and behavioral approaches to
bers: the secretary of the Department of health care. A further area of research interest
Health and Human Services (DHHS), the is the role of cultural sensitivity as a factor
NIH director, the chief nursing officer of the in health research and health care.
Department of Veterans Affairs, the assistant The NINR research portfolio is broad, in-
secretary for health affairs of the Department vites collaboration among many disciplines,
of Defense, and the director of the Division and is cosponsored by most of the other NIH
of Nursing, Health Resources and Services research institutes and centers. The NINR
Administration, DHHS. supports research across six major areas: (1)
NIH award mechanisms are divided into neurofunction and sensory conditions; (2) re-
three categories: grants, contracts, and coop- productive and infant health; (3) immune,
erative agreements. The primary mechanism infectious, and neoplastic diseases; (4) cardio-
used by the NINR is the investigator-initiated pulmonary and acute illnesses; (5) metabolic
grant. This mechanism supports research and and other chronic illnesses; and (6) human
research training projects for which the appli- development and health risk behaviors. Indi-
cant develops the protocol, concept, method, viduals who are interested in submitting ap-
and approach. It includes research projects plications for grants to conduct research in
(R01s), First Independent Research Support areas of interest to the institute are encour-
and Transition (FIRST) awards (R29s), and aged to contact the NINR program staff at
Research Scientist Development awards the following address and telephone number
(K01s). In certain instances, the NINR may to discuss research opportunities and pro-
solicit applications for special mechanisms posed areas of investigation before em-
such as core center grants (P30s) and small barking on the application process. Division
research grants (R03s). The NINR uses the of Extramural Activities, National Institute
cooperative agreement mechanism, which of Nursing Research, NIH, Building 45,
National Institutes of Health 367

Room 3AN-12, 45 Center Drive, MSC 6300, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Insti-
Bethesda, MD 20892-6300; telephone: (301) tute (NHLBI)
594-6906. General questions regarding the National Institute on Aging (NIA)
NINR may be addressed to Office of Science National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Policy and Information, National Institute of Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Nursing Research, NIH, Building 31, Room National Institute of Allergy and Infec-
5B13, 31 Center Drive, MSC 2178, Bethesda, tious Diseases (NIAID)
MD 20892-2178; telephone: (301) 496- National Institute of Arthritis and Muscu-
0207. loskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)
National Institute of Child Health and Hu-
PATRICIA A. GRADY man Development (NICHD)
National Institute on Deafness and Other
Communication Disorders (NIDCD)
National Institutes of Health National Institute of Dental Research
Begun as the one-room Laboratory of Hy- National Institute of Diabetes and Diges-
giene in 1887, the National Institutes of tive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
Health (NIH) today is one of the worlds National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
foremost biomedical research centers. Al- National Institute of Environmental
though the institutions roots extend back Health Sciences (NIEHS)
over a century, the modern NIH dates from National Institute of General Medical Sci-
the years following World War II, when ences (NIGMS)
growing awareness of public health needs National Institute of Mental Health
converged with new scientific capabilities and (NIMH)
an increased national investment in health- National Institute of Neurological Disor-
related science. As the federal focal point for ders and Stroke (NINDS)
health research, the NIH is one of eight health National Institute of Nursing Research
agencies of the Public Health Service, which, (NINR)
in turn, is part of the U.S. Department of National Human Genome Research Insti-
Health and Human Services. The NIH is com- tute (NHGRI)
posed of 24 separate institutes, centers, and National Library of Medicine (NLM)
divisions, each focused on a particular aspect National Center for Research Resources
of health research. The NIH has 75 buildings (NCRR)
on more than 300 acres in Bethesda, Mary- John E. Fogarty International Center (FIC)
land. From about $300 in 1887, the NIH Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center
budget has grown to nearly $28 billion as
Division of Computer Research and Tech-
of 2005.
nology (DCRT)
Since its inception the NIH has had 14
Division of Research Grants (DRG)
directors. The first was Joseph James
Kinyoun, who was the founder and director The NIH website at http://www.nih.gov con-
of the Laboratory of Hygiene that later grew tains links to each of the above organizations
to become the NIH. The current director is websites, which contain information on their
Elias Z. Zernouni, a well-respected leader in missions and activities in support of research
radiology and medicine. (Office of Communications, 1996).

NIH Institutes, Centers, and The NIH Mission, Goals, and

Divisions Research Support
National Cancer Institute (NCI) The NIH is the steward of biomedical and
National Eye Institute (NEI) behavior research for the nation. Its mission is

science in pursuit of fundamental knowledge 1. Mortality from heart disease, the

about the nature and behavior of living sys- number-1 killer in the United States,
tems and the application of that knowledge dropped by 41% between 1971
to extend healthy life and reduce the burdens and 1991.
of illness and disability. The NIH works to- 2. Death rates from strokes decreased
ward that mission by conducting clinical and by 59% during the same period.
basic research in its own laboratories, sup- 3. Improved treatments and detection
porting research institutions throughout the methods increased the relative 5-year
country and abroad, helping in the training survival rate for people with cancer
of research investigators, and fostering com- to 52%. At present, the survival gain
munication of information on health im- over the rate that existed in the 1960s
provement. represents more than 80,000 addi-
The goals of the agency are as follows: tional cancer survivors each year.
(a) to foster fundamental creative discoveries, 4. Paralysis from spinal cord injury is
innovative research strategies, and their ap- significantly reduced by rapid treat-
plications as a basis to advance significantly
ment with high doses of a steroid.
the nations capacity to protect and improve
Treatment given within the first 8
health; (b) to develop, maintain, and renew
hours after injury increases recovery
scientific human and physical resources that
in severely injured patients who have
will assure the nations capability to prevent
lost sensation or mobility below the
disease; (c) to expand the knowledge base in
biomedical and associated sciences in order point of injury.
to enhance the nations economic well-being 5. Long-term treatment with anticlot-
and ensure a continued high return on the ting medicines cuts stroke risk by
public investment in research; and (d) to ex- 80% from a common heart condi-
emplify and promote the highest level of sci- tion known as atrial fibrillation.
entific integrity, public accountability, and 6. In schizophrenia, where suicide is al-
social responsibility in the conduct of science. ways a potential danger, new medi-
In realizing these goals the NIH provides cations have reduced troublesome
leadership and direction to programs de- symptoms such as delusions and hal-
signed to improve the health of the nation by lucinations in 80% of patients.
conducting and supporting research in the 7. Chances for survival have increased
causes, diagnosis, prevention, and cure of hu- for infants with respiratory distress
man diseases; in the processes of human syndrome, an immaturity of the
growth and development; in the biological lungs, because of development of a
effects of environmental contaminants; and substance to prevent the lungs from
in the understanding of mental, addictive, collapsing. In general, life expec-
and physical disorders. The NIH also directs tancy for a baby born today is almost
programs for the collection, dissemination, three decades longer than one born
and exchange of information in medicine, at the beginning of the century.
nursing, and health, including the develop- 8. Those suffering from depression
ment and support of medical libraries and now look forward to returning to
the training of medical librarians and other work and leisure activities, thanks to
health information specialists (National Insti-
treatments that have given them an
tutes of Health, 1996).
80% chance to resume a full life in
a matter of weeks.
NIH Impact on the Health of the 9. Vaccines protect against infectious
Nation diseases that once killed and disabled
millions of children and adults.
NIH research played a major role in making 10. Dental sealants have proved 100%
possible the following achievements of the effective in protecting the chewing
past few decades. surfaces of childrens molars and
Neuman Systems Model 369

premolars, where most cavities sponding to these stressors. The ultimate goal
occur. of the unique profession of nursing is to assist
11. Molecular genetics and genomics re- the client in achieving the goals of an opti-
search has revolutionized biomedical mum state of wellness.
science. In the 1980s and 1990s re- Betty Neuman first developed the Neuman
searchers performed the first trial of Systems Model to assist graduate students at
gene therapy in humans and were the University of California, Los Angeles, to
able to locate, identify, and describe conceptualize a systems approach to health
the function of many of the genes in care. It is based on Neumans personal philos-
the human genome. Scientists predict ophy shaped by the philosophical and theo-
this new knowledge will lead to ge- retical tenets mentioned previously, and her
netic tests to diagnose diseases such experience as a consultant in public health
as colon, breast, and other cancers and community mental health nursing
and to the eventual development of (Walker, P. H., 2004). It was developed in
preventive drug treatments for indi- 1970 and is used by practitioners, educators,
viduals in families known to be at and increasingly by researchers nationally
risk. The ultimate goal is to develop and internationally.
screening tools and gene therapies The main concepts of the NSM are consis-
for the general population, not only tent with those of the nursing metaparadigm
for cancer but for many other dis- which undergird most of the other grand the-
eases. ories in nursing: person, environment, health,
and nursing. Within the context of the nurs-
PATRICIA A. GRADY ing metaparadigm, the primary components
of the NSM include: stressors, lines of defense
and resistance, levels of prevention, the five
Neuman Systems Model client systems variables (basic structure, in-
terventions, internal and external environ-
The Neuman Systems Model (NSM) provides ment, and reconstitution). All concepts have
a broad, comprehensive, systems approach been defined by Neuman in each of her texts
as a framework for the profession of nursing (Neuman, 1982, 1989, 1995, 2001).
to organize care, educate future providers, Neuman describes nursing as a unique
and conduct research. The model offers a ho- professionconcerned with the interrela-
listic approach, a wellness orientation, client tionship of all variables affecting a clients
perception, and motivation with a systems possible or actual response to stressors. Thus,
perspective of variable interaction with the nursing uniqueness is related to the way the
environment (Neuman, 2001, p. 12). The discipline organizes and utilizes its knowl-
models philosophical and theoretical under- edge (Neuman, 1989, p. 24). The nurse is an
pinnings include: von Bertalanffys (1968) intervener who uses three levels of prevention
general systems theory, De Chardins (1955) (primary, secondary, and tertiary) to achieve
philosophical views of the wholeness of life, the goal of reducing the clients encounter
gestalt theory and its focus on perception with stressors and/or mitigating the impact
(Pearls, 1973) and field theory (Edelson, of the stressor. The ultimate goal is to help
1970), and the typology of prevention inter- the client system retain stability.
ventions (Caplan, G., 1964). Additionally, The client or client system is the term Neu-
Seyles (1950) theory of stress and adaptation man uses for person, because the focus of the
and Lazarus and Folkmans (1984) theory of model is wellness and fostering a collabora-
stress and coping were foundational to the tive relationship between the client and the
development of the NSM. Consequently, two caregiver (the nurse, in this case). The client
components undergird much of the focus of or client system may be an individual, group,
the model: exploring the clients response to family, and/or community and is composed
stressors, and identifying the nurses preven- of five interrelated variables (physiological,
tive interventions that assist the client in re- psychological, sociocultural, developmental,

and spiritual). The spiritual variable was administration (14%), nursing education
added to the model in 1989 to be more consis- (9%), with the least on continuing education
tent with Neumans holistic belief about hu- (2%). The fact that much of the research is
mans (Neuman, 1989). These variables are related to practice-oriented questions hope-
surrounded by various lines of defense and fully begins to address concerns by P. H.
resistance. According to Neuman, a clients Walker and Redman (1999) that evidence-
normal line of defense is dynamic, evolves based practice may be threatening the foun-
over time, and contains the clients normal dation of nursings disciplinary perspective
range of responses to stressors, thereby re- on theory-guided practice. Analysis of the sci-
flecting his or her usual wellness level (Neu- entific merit revealed the following: 37%
man, 2001, p. 18). Further, the client or client were descriptive studies, 32% were experi-
system has internal lines of resistance which mental studies, 25% were correlation studies,
function to protect the clients basic structure and approximately 4% were designed to de-
or system integrity which, if ineffective, will velop and test instruments (Fawcett & Gian-
result in system energy depletion and eventu- grande, 2001, p. 124). A summary of the
ally death (Neuman, 2001, p. 18). analysis of elements related to the NSM indi-
Environment, according to Neuman con- cated: most frequently, development of test-
sists of internal, external and created environ- ing of prevention as intervention; next, 24%
ment(s). The internal environment is com- explored perception of stressors; 9% were
posed of forces within the client identified studies involving client variables; and only a
by Neuman as intrapersonal stressors. Other few studies (1% to 5%) were on lines of de-
stressors (interpersonal and extrapersonal) fense and/or resistance.
make up the external environment. The con- In reference to use of instrumentation,
cept of a created environment was also added Gigliotti and Fawcett (2001) reviewed 212
in 1989, again to reflect Neumans holistic research reports and identified different in-
perspective and beliefs. The created environ- struments explicitly linked to the NSM
ment is considered to be unconsciously devel- sometimes more than once, and for different
oped by the client in order to protect the purposes. These instruments included: Beck
client from intra-, inter-, and extrapersonal Depression Inventory, State Trait Anxiety In-
stressors and maintain system stability (Neu- ventory, the Norbeck Social Support Ques-
man, 1989, p. 12). tionnaire, the Dynamap, the Carter Center
Health, according to Neuman is equated Institute Health Risk Appraisal, and the
with living energy, determined by the degree Health Status Questionnaire. In an important
of harmony among the five client variables evaluation of instrumentation related to mid-
and basic structure factors, on a continuum dle-range theory, Gigliotti and Fawcett found
from wellness to illness. The degree of well- that 26 instruments measured concepts re-
ness is determined by the amount of energy lated to stressors, 24 measured concepts re-
required to retain, attain, or maintain system lated to lines of defense, and 22 measured
stability (Neuman, 2001, p. 12). prevention interventions. Other NSM-related
Although the NSM has been used widely concepts (middle-range) were measured by
in practice and education, it is increasingly the remaining 16 instruments. Of those in-
being utilized in the research community, par- struments, 59 were classified as standardized
ticularly by students in masters and doctoral (having sufficient evidence of validity and re-
programs. An integrative review of NSM- liability testing) and 62 were considered non-
based research conducted by Fawcett and Gi- standardized (Gigliotti & Fawcett, pp. 153
angrande (2001) found 200 research reports 154).
with an analysis focused on general informa- To enhance and facilitate future research
tion, scientific merit, and the NSM. The ma- related to the NSM, Neuman and Fawcett
jority of the 200 studies were related to clini- (2001) have established a set of guidelines for
cal nursing topics (75%), followed by nursing NSM-based research. Additionally, Fawcett
Neurobehavioral Development and Nutritive Sucking 371

and Giangrande (2001, pp. 136137) encour- neurological insults. Infants probably de-
age collaborative research and cluster studies velop normally when neural plasticitythe
which would look at related phenomena. For process by which the brain develops new con-
example, one researcher might explore the nections after neural damagecompensates
impact of inter- or extrapersonal stressors on for abnormalities due to any atypical ontoge-
some of the five variables while another re- netic adaptation and neurological insults. In-
searcher could study the impact of intra- or fants exhibit abnormal neurobehavioral de-
interpersonal stressors on the same variables velopment when neural plasticity is not able
using the same sample of study participants. to compensate, or when compensatory pro-
Finally, Gigliotti and Fawcett (2001, pp. cesses result in structural or functional
166169) concluded that more attention changes that are maladaptive at later ages.
should be paid to validity of existing instru- The Synactive Model of Neonatal Behav-
mentation and to the examination of the util- ioral Organization provides a framework for
ity of instruments used in NSM-based clinical exploring the concept of neurobehavioral de-
practice with an eye to the research potential velopment. Als (1991) has proposed a dy-
of clinical and educational tools. namic model for assessing infant behavioral
organization. She proposed that the behav-
PATRICIA HINTON WALKER ioral organization displayed by an infant is
a reflection of the infants central nervous
system integrity, defined as the potential for
Neurobehavioral Development and the brain to develop normally. The infants
Nutritive Sucking behaviors reflect subsystems of functioning,
which include the autonomic, motor, state,
Neurobehavioral development is a geneti- attentional or interactive, and regulatory sys-
cally determined process by which the primi- tems. The autonomic system controls physio-
tive central nervous system (CNS) achieves logic functions that are basic for survival,
maturity in form and function. Neurodevel- such as respiration and heart rate. The motor
opment also depends on the environment system involves muscle tone, infant move-
since CNS development occurs through an ments, and posture. State organization en-
experience expectant process in which nor- compasses clarity of states and the pattern
mal species-typical experiences enable the of transition from one state to another. The
CNS to make the structural and functional attentional or interactional system can be ob-
changes necessary for the next stages of devel- served only in the alert state and is indicative
opment (Greenough, Black, & Wallace, of an infants ability to respond to visual and
1987). In order to balance the needs of the auditory stimulation. An infants regulatory
present developmental stage and the antici- system reflects the presence and success of
pated needs of subsequent stages, this process an infants efforts to achieve and maintain a
is somewhat plastic (Oppenheim, 1981). balance of these other subsystems.
When an infant is placed in an atypical envi- Another framework used is the perspective
ronment such as a neonatal intensive care of developmental science, a multidisciplinary
unit, ontogenetic adaptation is affected. Al- field that brings together researchers and the-
though the infant may initially adapt success- orists from psychology, biology, nursing, and
fully, changes in the trajectory of the infants other disciplines (Cairns, Elder, & Costello,
neurobehavioral development may be mal- 1996; Miles & Holditch-Davis, 2003). In this
adaptive at older ages. The effects of this dis- perspective, infants are viewed as developing
turbance vary depending on the timing and in a continuously ongoing, reciprocal process
severity of environmental stresses, individual of interaction with the environment. Infants
genetic background, the interaction of genetic and their environments form a complex sys-
background and prenatal history, adapta- tem, consisting of elements that are them-
tions made to uterine stresses, and specific selves systems, such as mother and child, in-

teracting together so that the total system term infants. They reported a systematic pat-
shows less variability than the individual ele- tern of gestational related change in sucking
ments. Moreover, plasticity is assumed to be behavior that was reflected at each level of
inherent in infants, their families, and the en- temporal analysis, with a strong correlation
vironment. Infants are active participants in between increasing maturation and more or-
their families and the greater environment, ganized sucking patterns (Medoff-Cooper,
constantly changing them at the same time 2002). When comparing sucking behaviors
that they are influencing the infant. Interac- at term of 213 extremely early born infants
tions, rather than causation, are the focus of (gestational age 29 weeks), more mature
this perspective. No action of one element preterm infants (3032 weeks gestational
can be said to cause the action of another age) and newly born full-term infants, feeding
since interactions between elements are si- behaviors were noted to be a function of ges-
multaneous and bidirectional. The interac- tational age at birth as well as the interaction
tions affecting development of infants are too of maturation and experience. Extremely
complex to ever be totally identified, and in- early born preterm infants were found to
fants can achieve the same developmental demonstrate less competent feeding behav-
outcomes through different processes. iors than either more mature preterm infants
Newborn behavior, which includes suck- or newly born full-term infants.
ing, sleeping, and waking, is the infants pri- Lau, Smith, and Schandler (2003) also
mary expression of brain functioning and the found that with increasing postconceptual
critical route for communication with adults. age (PCA), preterm infants demonstrated sig-
Investigation of these behaviors and their cen- nificant improvement in feeding perfor-
tral mechanisms is essential for nursing un- mance. They reported a significant relation-
derstanding of the needs of infants and in ship between average bolus size and sucking
planning interventions to improve their neu- pressures and sucking frequency. Tolerating
rodevelopmental status. as well as adapting to increasing bolus size
The idea of evaluating the vitality and cen- serves as an indicator of maturation in feed-
tral nervous system integrity of a neonate by ing behaviors.
assessing sucking is not new. Nutritive suck- Gewolb, Bosma, Reynolds, and Vice
ing is initiated in utero and continues to de- (2003) used increasing rhythmic stability as
velop in an organized pattern in the early the index of maturation of sucking or feeding
weeks after birth. It involves the integration behaviors. In their comparison of healthy pre-
of multiple sensory and motor central ner- term infants and preterm infants with bron-
vous system functions (Wolff, 1968). Sucking chopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), an increase
behaviors are thought to be an excellent ba- in stability of rhythm and uniformity of wave-
rometer of central nervous system organiza- form morphology was correlated with feed-
tion. They can be quantified in detailed analy- ing efficiency and increasing PCA in healthy
sis and are disturbed to various degrees by preterm infants. This relationship was not
neurologic problems. Wolff describes the found to be true in the BPD cohort. They
study of sucking rhythms to investigate serial concluded that the poor feeding efficiency
order in behavior and development, which may be related to decreased respiratory re-
has remained among the most resistant to serves or may be secondary to nonspecific
empirical investigation. neurologic impairment.
The work of Medoff-Cooper and col- The potential link between nutritive suck-
leagues (Medoff-Cooper, 1991; Medoff-Coo- ing and future developmental problems has
per, McGrath, & Bilker, 2000; McGrath & been identified throughout the feeding litera-
Medoff-Cooper, 2001) demonstrated that ture. One early study by Burns and colleagues
changes in the pattern of nutritive sucking (1987) showed that infants with significant
behaviors can be described as a function of intraventricular hemorrhage were delayed in
gestational age in healthy preterm and full- their ability to achieve a nutritive suck reflex.
Neurobehavioral Development and Nutritive Sucking 373

At week 40 only 75% of the 110 infants Sleeping and waking states have wide-
demonstrated mature nutritive sucking pat- spread physiological effects. The functioning
terns. Medoff-Cooper and Gennaro (1996) of cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological,
reported that sucking organization or rhyth- endocrine, and gastrointestinal systems dif-
micity was a far better predictor than neona- fers in different states. Sleeping and waking
tal morbidity of developmental outcome at 6 also affect the infants ability to respond to
months of age. At 12 months of age, orga- stimulation. Thus, infant responses to nurses
nized feeding patterns at 40 week PCA were and parents depend to a great deal on the
significantly correlated with both Mental state the infant is in when the stimulation is
Developmental and Psychomotor Develop- begun. Timing routine interventions to occur
mental Index (Medoff-Cooper, 2002). when the infant is most responsive is an im-
Sleeping and waking states are clusters of portant aspect of current systems of individu-
behaviors that tend to occur together and alized nursing care.
represent the infants level of arousal, respon- Studies have indicated that sleep and wak-
sivity to external stimulation, and central ner- ing patterns are closely related to neurologi-
vous system activation. Three states have cal status (Thoman, 1982; Halpern, Ma-
been identified in adults: wakefulness, non- clean, & Baumeister, 1995). State patterns of
REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, and REM infants with neurological insults differ mark-
sleep. In infants, it is also possible to identify edly from those of healthy infants. Abnormal
states within waking and states that are tran- neonatal EEG patterns are associated with
sitional between waking and sleeping. Be- severe neurological abnormalities and major
cause the electrophysiological patterns asso- neurodevelopmental sequelae during child-
ciated with sleep in infants are different than hood. Also, preterm infants with severe medi-
those in adults, infant sleep states are usually cal illnesses exhibit patterns of sleep-wake
designated as active and quiet sleep. states that differ from those of healthier pre-
Because of infants neurological immatu- terms, although most of these differences dis-
rity, EEG and behavioral scoring of states in appear when infants recover (see Holditch-
preterm and full-term infants provide quite Davis et al., 2003b for references).
similar results. Sleeping and waking states in Sleep and wakefulness may be directly re-
infants can be validly scored either by EEG or lated to brain development. For example, be-
by directly observing infant behaviors. Four cause active sleep is less common in adults
standardized systems for scoring behavioral than non-REM sleep but is much more com-
observations of sleep-wake states are cur- mon in infants, it has been hypothesized to be
rently being used by nurse researchers: the 6 necessary for brain development (Roffwarg,
state system developed by T. Berry Brazelton, Mazio, & Dement, 1966). Also, EEG changes
the 10 state system of Evelyn Thoman, the 12 over age in sleep architecture, increasing spec-
state system from Heideliese Alss Assessment tral energies, and greater spectral EEG coher-
of Preterm Infants Behavior (APIB), and 12 ence probably indicate maturational changes
state scoring system based on the Anderson in the brain, including synaptogenesis, evolu-
Behavioral State Scale (ABSS) developed by tion of neurotransmitter pools, and myelina-
Gene Anderson (see Holditch-Davis, Black- tion.
burn, & Vandenberg, 2003). These systems Sleep-wake patterns can also be used to
define states in very similar ways and are predict developmental outcome. Measures of
probably equally useful for clinical purposes. sleepwake states during the preterm period
However, the Brazelton system is the most (amount of crying, quality of state organiza-
limited for research as it can only be used tion, sleep cycle length, and amount of night
with infants between 36 and 44 week PCA, sleep) predict Bayley scores during the 1st
and Thomans is the most flexible as it has year. Developmental changes in the amounts
been used with 27 week PCA preterm infants of specific sleep behaviors during the 1st year
through 1-year-olds. are related to developmental and health out-

comes in the 2nd year. Further, the stability chart review involving 298 residents in seven
of behavioral sleep-wake patterns in the late nursing homes. They found that 70% of the
fetal period and in the 1st month predicts subjects took at least one psychotropic, 32%
later development. EEG sleep measures in were taking benzodiazepines, and 42% were
preterm infants have been related to develop- on neuroleptics. Within the AD group 54%
mental outcome at up to 8 years. Acoustic were taking neuroleptics, 27% were taking
characteristics of infant cries have been used benzodiazepines, and 13% took both. An-
to predict developmental outcome in preterm other study involving a secondary analysis
infants and infants exposed to drugs prena- of a clinical trial with 446 subjects in three
tally (see Holditch-Davis et al., 2003b for ref- nursing homes yielded lower but still signifi-
erences). cant results. Between 14% and 19% of the
In summary, nutritive sucking, a noninva- subjects were taking neuroleptics in the three
sive and easily measured behavior, appears groups studied (Siegler et al., 1997). Al-
to be an excellent index of neurodevelopment though neuroleptics are commonly used to
in preterm infants. Sleeping and waking pat- treat disruptive or psychotic features of de-
terns appear to provide an excellent index mentia, the potential for anticholinergic and
of neurodevelopmental status in preterm and extrapyramidal side effects requires careful
full-term infants that can be either scored be- weighing of risks and benefits.
haviorally or by EEG. Chemical restraints is a term used to
describe the excessive or inappropriate use of
BARBARA MEDOFF-COOPER psychotropic medications, particularly seda-
tives and neuroleptics, in residents who do
not have a psychiatric diagnosis or behavioral
Neuroleptic Use in Nursing symptoms that justify their use (Siegler et al.,
Homes 1997). Another description is a drug that is
used to limit the physical movement of the
Psychiatric illnesses, particularly dementia, patient (Fletcher, 1996). In an effort to pro-
are common diagnoses in nursing home resi- tect the residents of nursing homes from over-
dents. Often they are the main reason for reliance on psychotropics and their adverse
nursing home placement (Stoudemire & reactions, the federal government passed leg-
Smith, 1996). It has been reported that de- islation restricting their use. This legislation
mentia, mostly Alzheimers disease (AD), was part of the Omnibus Budget Reconcilia-
may be present in over 70% of residents in tion Act of 1987 (OBRA 1987). In 1990, the
nursing homes and 24% of those residents Health Care Financing Administration
may exhibit psychotic features (Stoude- (HCFA) issued guidelines based on OBRA
mire & Smith). Primary care providers, in- 1987 regulations (Gurvich & Cunningham,
cluding advance practice nurses (APNs), are 2000).
treating a growing population of older adults The first step in the guidelines requires
with dementia and many cases will be compli- clinicians to rule out medical or environmen-
cated with behavioral problems such as agita- tal causes of a problem behavior. This is es-
tion. In addition to the complexities of the sential in avoiding the misdiagnosis of delir-
illness the clinician must frequently practice ium, which would dictate a different course
in an environment of fiscal constraints, staff of treatment possibly targeting an underlying
shortages, and concerns about meeting fed- medical cause. To justify the use of a neuro-
eral standards. leptic the target behavior must be diagnosed
Treatment can be divided into pharmaco- and documented. The resident with delirium
logical and nonpharmacological interven- must be reevaluated at set intervals with a
tions. Psychotropic medications are the main- goal of reducing or eliminating the medica-
stay of pharmacological treatment. Lasser tion. Ideally the smallest effective dose will
and Sunderland (1998) did a retrospective be used for the shortest period necessary
Newmans Theory of Health 375

(Gurvich & Cunningham, 2000). Behaviors According to Bartels and colleagues

that may be inconvenient to the staff but not (2002), research suggested that nonpharma-
dangerous to the resident or others are not cological interventions have been effective in
considered appropriate for neuroleptic use. reducing behavioral problems, and evidence-
Residents diagnosed as having psychosis or based practice recommends their use. They
certain medical conditions are not included should be instituted before psychotropic
in these restrictions. Short-acting benzodiaze- medications, when possible, and continued
pines may also be used to treat dementia with after medications are prescribed. Some of the
agitation. They also have restrictions that interventions for behavioral symptoms in-
seek to limit adverse reactions and long- clude light exercise, music, and environmen-
term use. tal modifications (Bartels et al.). The Na-
Research done by Siegler and colleagues tional Guideline Clearinghouse has similar
(1997) indicated a decrease in use of neuro- evidence-based practice guidelines for AD, in-
leptics after the OBRA 87 legislation. In cluding specific interventions to reduce wan-
1998, a panel consisting of the American Psy- dering and to treat problem behaviors.
chiatric Association and the American Asso- The guidelines issued by HCFA seem to
ciation for Geriatric Psychiatry reported that concur with evidence-based practice guide-
there had been decreased use of psychotropic lines. The clinician is expected to assess the
medications in nursing facilities in response cause of a problem behavior and weigh the
to OBRA 87 (Colenda, Streim, Greene, Mey- risks and benefits of prescribing a neuroleptic
ers, Beckwith, & Rabins, 1999). The panel to a person with dementia. Nonpharmaco-
also reported that there might be uncertain logic interventions should be considered first
or negative outcomes related to OBRA 87. line and may be used in conjunction with psy-
The focus on eliminating chemical re- chotropics.
straints from nursing homes may have led One randomized controlled trial compar-
ing psychotropics, behavior management
to a tense atmosphere between clinicians who
techniques, and a placebo found no signifi-
feel they are making sound clinical decisions
cant differences in efficacy for treatment of
and state surveyors (Colenda et al.). It is un-
agitation (Teri et al., 2000). Future research
certain whether these regulations have af-
should be directed at comparing the effective-
fected quality of life for the nursing home
ness of combining pharmacological and non-
residents (Colenda et al.).
pharmacological interventions. Randomized
Research involving neuroleptics for treat-
control studies comparing anticonvulsants
ment of agitation shows modest improve- with neuroleptics in subjects with dementia
ment at best; however, consensus statements may also be of benefit. As the population
recommends their use (Bartels et al., 2002). continues to age, APNs will be providing care
Overall, evidence that psychoactive medica- for a growing number of patients with de-
tions are effective was inconclusive. The ad- mentia. Knowledge of the treatment options
verse reactions such as sedation and anticho- and their effectiveness is essential and will
linergic effects are known to be a risk for this apply to all practice settings that encounter
frail population. The atypical neuroleptics older adults.
may offer a lower side-effect profile, but still
carry risks such as extrapyramidal side ef- MICHELE FREEMAN IRWIN
fects. Herrmann (2001) reported that there
is emerging evidence that antidepressants and
anticonvulsants are effective in reducing non- Newmans Theory of Health
cognitive symptoms of dementia. These
classes of medications may be better choices Margaret Newman is an eminent, visionary
for some patients depending on comorbidi- nurse theorist whose contributions to nursing
ties present. science and nursing practice span 30 years of

sustained scholarship on the theory of health of attunement during which the underlying
as expanding consciousness. Newmans the- patterns of the client and nurse are identified
ory of health exemplifies her focus on a uni- and both individuals are transformed.
tary-transformative paradigm for the disci- Newman was an early eloquent advocate
pline of nursing and on research as praxis for nursing to identify, develop, and differen-
methodology. tiate a paradigm that addressed the unique
Newmans conceptual framework of knowledge of nursing embodied in practice
health was introduced in her book Theory and in scholarly inquiry. In collaboration
Development in Nursing (1979) and was ex- with Sime and Corcoran-Perry (Newman,
panded and refined in two editions of her Sime, & Corcoran-Perry, 1991, p. 3), she de-
book Health as Expanding Consciousness fined the focus of nursing as caring in the
(1986, 1994). Her work was published at a human health experience. Differences be-
time when less-abstract theories of nursing tween (a) the prevailing particulate-determin-
based on current practice were emphasized. istic and interactive-integrative paradigms
Rather than being viewed as visionary with that had previously shaped nursing educa-
a creative and futuristic conceptualization of tion, research, and practice and (b) a unitary-
health, Newmans highly abstract grand the- transformative paradigm for the discipline of
ory as well as other grand theories of nursing nursing in the future were discussed. In the
was dismissed by the majority of nurses as unitary-transformative paradigm, a phe-
far removed from the real world of everyday nomenon is viewed as a unitary, self-organiz-
practice. As scientists in other disciplines ing field embedded in a larger self-organizing
revolutionized their former mechanistic field (Newman et al., p. 4) and is identified
worldviews to align more closely with a uni- by its pattern and its interaction with the
tary-transformative paradigm, Newmans larger whole. Change is unidirectional and
theory of health has achieved greater accep- unpredictable, with systems moving through
tance by nurse scientists and practitioners,
stages of organization and disorganization to
particularly transcultural nurses and holis-
increasingly complex levels. Knowledge,
tic nurses.
which is personal and involves pattern recog-
Newmans (1986, 1994) theory of health
nition, is seen as a function of both the viewer
was inspired by her own nursing experiences,
and the phenomenon viewed.
grounded in Rogers science of unitary hu-
In accordance with the unitary-trans-
man beings and later expanded to include
formative paradigm, Newman (1990b) de-
premises from Bentovs life process as ex-
panding consciousness and Prigogines the- scribed a model of differentiated nursing
ory of dissipative structures. She reconceptu- practice having three levels based on educa-
alized health as a manifestation of an underly- tion, with advanced practice nurses having
ing unitary field pattern rather than as a graduate preparation in the unitary-trans-
health-disease dichotomy. Health was de- formative paradigm. Newman proposed us-
fined as a unitary pattern of the whole, re- ing nursing diagnoses that recognize patterns
flecting the dynamic, evolving human-envi- of person-environment interaction, rather
ronment process of expanding consciousness than the North American Nursing Diagnosis
which occurs within a multidimensional ma- Association diagnoses which reflect a static
trix of movement, time, and space. Con- client in isolation from the environment. Her
sciousness was defined as the informational work subsequently moved away from con-
capacity of the whole. She utilized Bohms ventional assessment and diagnosis as part of
theory of undivided wholeness of reality and the nursing process toward nursing practice
Youngs theory of human evolution to sup- and research using her model of research as
port the concept of unitary field pattern and praxis, in which nursing interventions may
the pivotal influence of human choice. Nurs- be viewed as inherent in the mutual process
ing practice was defined as a mutual process of client and nurse pattern recognition.
(Florence) Nightingale 377

Newman (1990a) identified the lack of strated the congruency of Newmans theory
conceptual fit between conventional quanti- of health and of the research as praxis meth-
tative research methods and the unitary- odology for pattern identification with differ-
transformative paradigm of her theory of ent cultures (Engle & Fox-Hill, 2005).
health. She posited that nurse scientists Newmans theory of health exemplifies the
should use research as praxis methodology, relationship between theory, research, and
a hermeneutic method of inquiry in which practice. The mutual process of evolving pat-
the client and nurse are coresearchers in iden- tern recognition by the client and nurse using
tifying, describing, and verifying the clients research as praxis informs nursing practice.
pattern of expanding consciousness from nar- As pattern recognition occurs, clients gain
rative data about the most meaningful events insights that create the opportunity for ac-
in the clients life. Nurse scientists identified tion. This practice approach exemplifies the
patterns of individual study participants in participatory paradigm (Litchfield, 1999)
their practice, with qualitative comparison of emphasized by current health care systems
patterns across study participants. Research that values shared decision making, collabo-
as praxis is therefore both a research method ration, and partnering with multicultural cli-
and a transformative intervention. ents, families, and interdisciplinary health
Early quantitative research using conven- care providers.
tional methods emphasized testing proposi-
tions derived from Newmans (1979) concep- VERONICA F. ENGLE
tual framework of health, focusing on the EMILY J. FOX-HILL
concepts of movement, time, space, and con-
sciousness (Engle, 1996). Nurse scientists in-
cluded Engle, Guadiano, Mentzer, Newman, (Florence) Nightingale
Schorr, and Tompkins. Healthy adults were
studied in community and laboratory settings Florence Nightingale was born on May 12,
with predominantly small, nonprobability 1820, in Florence, Italy, and died on August
samples of male college students, female col- 13, 1910, in London, England. She is widely
lege students, older adults, and older women. considered to be the founder of contemporary
Subsequent elaboration and refinement of nursing and nursing education, as well as an
Newmans (1986, 1994) theory of health early expert on health care statistics, hospital
shifted the focus of research to health as ex- design and construction, and military health
panding consciousness, recognition of uni- care. Nightingales remarkable success at de-
tary field pattern, and research as praxis creasing the death rates during the Crimean
methodology (Engle, 1996). Nurse scientists War gave birth to legends of the Lady with
included Lamendola, Moch, Newman, the Lamp. Her personal fame was critical to
Schorr, and Schroeder. Small convenience her ability to gain attention for her ideas,
samples of adults with and without health including those about the value of female,
problems were studied in community and well-trained, nurses. Nightingales birthday
health care settings, including adults who ex- is remembered each year as International
ercised regularly, women with rheumatoid Nurses Day, and it is the anchor date for
arthritis, women with breast cancer, adults Nurses Week in the U.S.
with cancer, adults with coronary heart dis- Nightingale did NOT found the first nurs-
ease, and persons with HIV/AIDS. Much of ing school: religious orders had been training
the current research has demonstrated a nursing nuns for centuries, and the Kai-
transcultural theory application. Interna- serwerth Institute opened its training school
tional nurse scientists include Connor and in 1836. Nightingale was much impressed by
Litchfield in New Zealand, Endo in Japan, both the training techniques and quality of
Jonsdottir in Iceland, and Yamashita in Can- care evident at Kaiserwerth (Nightingale,
ada. The preceding studies have demon- 1851/1956), and later recommended some of

the same strategies for the Training School quate amounts of exercise (Nightingale,
at St. Thomas. Nightingales contribution 1863a).
was the attention she brought to nursing edu- Nightingales most far-reaching ideas may
cation and in developing a system for nursing have been her conceptualizations of persons,
education that was secular and could be repli- their environments, and the interaction be-
cated in many different places. By the time tween them that affected health. She identi-
she died, Nightingale schools could be fied persons as having physical, intellectual,
found in 24 countries on five continents (Do- social, emotional, and spiritual components
nahue, 1996). (Nightingale, 1859/1969). This holistic un-
Nightingale has further contributed to derstanding was a unique one, distinct from
nursing by identifying what has become that of other scholars of her day (Welch, M.,
known as the meta-paradigm of nursing: per- 1986). Her holistic view of human beings
son, environment, health, and nursing (Faw- continues to be a hallmark of nursing, differ-
cett, 1978). She also established a firm tradi- entiating it from other health care profes-
tion of basing nursing practice on carefully sions.
collected and analyzed data, the forerunner Nightingales insistence on the role of the
of todays evidence-based practice emphasis. environment in the health of individuals was
Nightingales most widely circulated work, also extremely innovative. She was adamant
Notes on Nursing: What it is and What it is that deficiencies of light, fresh air, space, and
Not (Nightingale, 1859/1969), was written sanitation were the chief culprits in disease,
not only for trained nurses, but for all women and she was fearful that the emphasis on anti-
who would have the charge of anothers sepsis and disinfection would divert attention
health, and explicated how all persons were from the dirt, drink, diet, damp, draughts,
able to learn the laws of health through obser- and drains that needed to be addressed
vation, experience, and reflection. This is re- (Nightingale, 1859/1969, 1893/1949). She
flective of her view of nursing as part of a initially came to her beliefs about the environ-
larger whole, an opportunity for all women ments role in health in Scutari, where she was
to become useful citizens and develop their greeted by filthy conditions and a hospital
spirituality. Nursing was also meant to be a mortality rate of 57% (Cohen, I. B., 1984).
part of social progress, and Nightingale Conscientious application of her principles
(1892) encouraged all women to use their of sanitation soon reduced the mortality rate
influence to improve life for everyone. to 2% and gave her access to the military
Nightingale did not set out to develop a medical chiefs. She refined her thoughts
conceptual model for nursing, yet her writ- about environmental impacts on disease by
ings contain the elements needed for nursing studying the mortality rates and locations of
theories, a clear conceptualization of the cli- English hospitals. She noted that hospitals in
ent, nursing goals, and nursing interventions the congested city of London had mortality
(Meleis, A. I., 2004). The essential concepts rates of 90.84%, while those in small country
she considered were the patient, the patients towns were much more successful at dis-
environment, and nursing. She defined nurs- charging their patients alive (Nightingale,
ing as putting the patient in the best condi- 1863b). Healthy hospitals provided sufficient
tion for nature to act upon him (Nightin- fresh air, light, and space, and subdivided
gale, 1859/1969, p. 133) through scrupulous the sick into separate buildings or pavilions.
attention to fresh air, light, warmth, cleanli- Using these data, Nightingale laid out de-
ness, [and] quiet, and the proper selection tailed plans for the construction of hospitals,
and administration of diet (p. 8). Health including site selection, and hospitals for spe-
was defined as being able to use well every cial populations such as children. A careful
power we have to use (Nightingale, 1885, p. reading of her principles of hospital construc-
1043). Health was affected by environmental tion demonstrates that her ideas are as salient
factors, as well as by dietary choices and ade- now as when they were written.
Nosocomial Infections 379

A liberally educated woman, Nightingale fection can increase up to 4 days for a urinary
brought the skills of a classical scholar to tract infection (UTI), 8 days for a surgical-
her study of nursing and health, and she was site infection (SSI), 21 days for a bloodstream
passionate about the use of data and statistics infection, and up to 30 days for pneumonia.
(Grier & Grier, 1978). She laid a strong foun- The overall mortality rates associated with
dation for nursing research and evidence- nosocomial bloodstream infections and
based practice, and strove for the use of pneumonia can be as high as 50% and 71%,
knowledge in patient care, writing What respectively. In addition, these infections
then? Shall we have less theory? God forbid. have attributable mortality rates of 16% to
We shall not work better for ignorance 35% (Jarvis, 1996). Serious nosocomial
(Nightingale, 1851/1956, p. 6). It is a curios- bloodstream infections are associated with
ity that over 100 years lapsed between her central venous catheters (CVCs) placed in pa-
initial enunciation of these ideas and their tients in intensive care units (ICUs), and it
general acceptance by the nursing profession. has been estimated that approximately
Too many nurses equate Nightingale with 80,000 CVC-associated bloodstream infec-
outdated notions of etiquette and deport- tions occur in ICUs each year in the United
ment, rather than with the volumes of data States (OGrady et al., 2002).
and statistics she produced. Even fewer are Pneumonia is the second most common
aware of her phenomenal grasp of politics nosocomial infection in the United States, fol-
and the use of personal power, tenacity, and lowing UTIs, which can add 7 to 30 days to
shrewdness to achieve her goals (Baly, 1988). a hospital stay at an average cost of $4,947
Professional nursing has made tremendous (Jarvis, 1996). Nosocomial pneumonias are
strides since Nightingale set out to establish mostly bacterial, with gram-negative bacilli
the school at St. Thomas. It is almost mind- generally the predominant organisms. How-
boggling to think where the profession (and ever, Staphylococcus aureus (especially meth-
discipline) might be today without that 100 icillin-resistant S. aureus, MRSA) and Strep-
year gap. tococcus pneumoniae have emerged as signif-
icant pneumonia pathogens. Also, outbreaks
TAMARA L. ZURAKOWSKI of Aspergillus pneumonia have been reported
in granulocytopenic bone-marrow transplant
patients. Although patients with mechanical
Nosocomial Infections ventilation are not a major proportion of pa-
tients with nosocomial pneumonia, they have
Approximately two million nosocomial (hos- the highest risk of developing an infection
pital-associated) infections occur annually in (Tablan et al., 1994).
the United States, resulting in increased mor- Surgical-site infections rank third among
bidity, mortality, and cost (U.S. Department reported nosocomial infections, accounting
of Health & Human Services, 2000). Despite for 14% to 16% of all infections (Mangram,
a decrease in the average length of hospital Horan, Pearson, Silver, & Jarvis, 1999). Ac-
stay in the United States from 7.9 days in cording to Jarvis (1996), hospital stays in-
1975 to 5.3 days in 1995, the rate of nosoco- creased 7 to 8 days for each SSI, at a cost of
mial infections rose from 7.2 per 1,000 pa- $2,734. The main criterion for an SSI is that
tient-days to 9.8 per 1,000 patient-days, re- it occurs within 30 days after surgery (or
spectively; an increase of 36%. Hospital sur- within 1 year with an implant). Studies show
veillance data indicate a 5% nosocomial in- that most SSIs occur within 21 days of sur-
fection rate, or an incidence of 5 infections gery, and 12% to 84% of all SSIs are diag-
per 1,000 patient-days; however, the infec- nosed after patients are discharged from the
tion rate may be closer to 10% in larger insti- hospital. Declines in average length of hospi-
tutions (Wenzel & Edmond, 2001). The tal stays and increasing numbers of outpa-
length of hospital stay due to nosocomial in- tient surgical procedures place limitations on

surveillance to identify SSIs (Mangram et al.). hygiene procedures among health care pro-
Avato and Lai (2002) found that 72% of viders had an overall average of 40%, with
post-coronary artery bypass graft SSIs were rates ranging from 5% to 81% (CDC). Pittet
identified after discharge, compared to 28% reported that alcohol-based hand rubs may
before patients were discharged. Without be better than traditional handwashing be-
postdischarge data, including surveillance cause they require less time, contribute to
data for SSIs by nurses and other health care sustained improvement in compliance, and
providers in clinics and ambulatory care set- are associated with decreased infection rates.
tings, meaningful comparisons cannot be A study comparing the efficacy of an alcohol-
made, making it difficult to identify best prac- based hand rub versus conventional hand-
tices to improve patient safety (Goldrick, washing using an antiseptic soap found that
2003). the alcohol-based hand rub was significantly
The total cost of nosocomial infections to more efficient in reducing hand contamina-
society is unclear; however, it is estimated tion (Girou, Loyeau, Legrand, Oppein, &
that they are the fifth leading cause of death in Brun-Buisson, 2002). Another study found
the United States, with approximately 90,000 that the introduction of easily accessible dis-
deaths attributed to such infections annually pensers with a waterless alcohol-based anti-
(Haley, Culver, White, Morgan, & Emori, septic led to significantly higher handwashing
1985). In 1992, the total cost of nosocomial rates among health care providers (Bischoff,
infections in the United States was estimated Reynolds, Sessler, Edmond, & Wenzel,
to exceed $4.5 billion (CDC, 1992), which 2000). The CDCs revised hand hygiene
converted to $5.7 billion in 2001 dollars guidelines strongly recommend an alcohol-
(Stone, P. W., Larson, & Kawar, 2002). In based hand rub for routine decontamination
prospective payment systems based on diag- of hands in certain clinical situations; how-
nosis-related groups, Jarvis (1996) estimated ever, the CDC also emphasizes that hands
that the average cost to the health care system must still be washed with soap or an antimi-
for nosocomial infections in 1996 ranged crobial product and water when visibly soiled
from $576 for each UTI to $22,000 for each or contaminated with blood or other body
bloodstream infection. fluids.
In an audit of 72 distinct results in pub- Nurses play an important role in the pre-
lished studies, P. W. Stone and colleagues vention of nosocomial infections, and repre-
(2002) found that 40% of the infection con- sent the first line of defense for such adverse
trol interventions studied were cost-saving in- outcomes. In a study, the American Nurses
terventions. For example, Papia and col- Association (2000b) identified five adverse
leagues (1999) found screening high-risk pa- outcomes related to nurse staffing: length of
tients for MRSA colonization on admission stay, pneumonia, postoperative infections,
prevented nosocomial transmission and was pressure ulcers, and UTIs. Multiple regres-
cost-effective. Kotilainen and Keroack (1997) sion analyses found statistically significant in-
found that extending ventilator circuit verse relationships between nurse staffing
changes from 72 hours to 7 days was cost- and all five outcome measures. A recent study
effective and did not increase rates of nosoco- reported that a higher proportion of hours
mial pneumonia in ICU patients. of care provided by registered nurses (RNs)
Handwashing is considered to be the most was associated with lower rates of nosoco-
important infection control practice to pre- mial infections (Needleman, Buerhaus, Matt-
vent the transmission of pathogenic microor- ke, Stewart, & Zelevinsky, 2002). Other
ganisms, and studies demonstrate a relation- studies have shown that health care facilities
ship between improved hand hygiene and re- with appropriate levels of nursing staff can
duced infection rates (CDC, 2002c; F. Pittet, prevent infections. For example, Cho, Kete-
2001). However, observational studies indi- fian, Barkauskas, and Smith (2003) showed
cate that adherence to recommended hand- that a 10% increase in RN staffing decreased
Nurse-Patient Interaction 381

the odds of a patient acquiring nosocomial instruments and studies specifically for exam-
pneumonia by 9.5%. Kovner, Jones, Zhan, ining nurse-patient interactions. As one ex-
Gergen, and Basu (2002) found an inverse ample, the Nurse Orientation System devel-
relationship between RN staffing and post- oped by Diets was used by researchers to
surgical adverse events. A study of the effect examine the effect of nursing on patient expe-
of nurses educational level on surgical pa- riences of pain (Diets, Schmidt, McBride, &
tient mortality found, after controlling for all Davis, 1972).
other risk factors, that surgical patients who Researchers continued to study those as-
were cared for in hospitals where a higher pects of the nurse-patient interaction that
proportion of direct-care RNs held bachelors were quantifiable, using predominantly de-
degrees had a better survival rate over those ductive approaches; and despite the use of
treated in hospitals where a lower proportion increasingly sophisticated techniques, the re-
of staff nurses held bachelors degrees (Aiken, sults of many studies raised concern about the
Clarke, Cheung, Sloane, & Silber, 2003). Al- quality of nurse-patient interactions. Some
though these studies do not imply causation, researchers attempted to explain their find-
nurses who incorporate evidence-based infec- ings in terms of nurses lack of communica-
tion prevention and control recommenda- tion skills or their busy workloads; others
tions into their practice can decrease infec- pointed to problems inherent in the research,
tious adverse events and the odds of failure citing a lack of attention to the patients role
to rescue while reducing health care costs. in nurse-patient interaction, unsubstantiated
assumptions about the nature of nurse-pa-
BARBARA A. GOLDRICK tient interactions, and failure to take into con-
sideration important contextual factors that
influence nurse-patient interactions as major
Nurse-Patient Interaction issues. In addition, in the absence of adequate
definitions of nurse-patient interaction or its
Nurse-patient interaction refers to the dyadic components (e.g., touch) researchers used
reciprocal interactions that occur between narrow and simplistic conceptualizations. As
nurses and patients in the context of provid- a result, in deciding a priori what behaviors
ing and receiving nursing care. Early nursing were important to study, researchers risked
theorists such as Peplau, Orlando, Travelbee, missing important behaviors or focusing on
and Widenbach, who drew attention to the insignificant behaviors; as a consequence,
process of interaction in nursing practice, they ended up with incomplete or invalid de-
prompted researchers to describe, operation- scriptions.
alize, and measure the efficacy of nursing in- As support for caring in nursing devel-
teractions. In 1977, Diets and Schmidt classi- oped in the 1980s, theorists drew attention
fied the rapidly expanding research on nurse- to the complexities inherent in the process of
patient interaction as descriptive or correla- providing nursing care, stimulating a resur-
tional studies, studies that measure the indi- gence of interest in examining nurse-patient
ces of nursing by using hypothetical interac- interactions with a variety of new ap-
tions, and studies that describe or evaluate proaches, such as grounded theory, conversa-
nursing interactions using conception or in- tional analysis, ethology, and discourse anal-
teraction frameworks borrowed from other ysis. By using inductive approaches, research-
disciplines (e.g., counseling psychology). ers identified nurse and patient behaviors that
These initial research efforts were largely fo- were important to study (rather than deciding
cused on single channels of communication this a priori), explored interaction patterns
(e.g., nurse conversation or touch) and pro- from the perspective of the nurse and pa-
duced only partial information about the in- tients, and considered important factors of
teraction. Resulting failures to capture rele- context and relationship. Studies completed
vant clinical data prompted the redesign of by researchers such as Carl May, Maura

Hunt, Jocalyn Lawler, and Janice Morse are tive role in decision making and their nursing
representative examples. Using these new ap- care. To develop innovative and supportive
proaches, researchers identified exceptional strategies to foster collaboration in care and
nursing interaction skills, such as tactics, involvement in decision making, a sound un-
comfort talk, minifisms, and other pre- derstanding of the nature of interactions be-
viously unrecognized interaction strategies tween nurses and patient, with a strong focus
that nurses typically used in clinical settings on the role of patient behavior in these inter-
skills that were rarely part of communication actions, is necessary. In addition, the links
courses and often devalued. between nurse-patient interaction and types
One of the most important developments of nurse-patient relationships must be ex-
in the study of nurse-patient interactions is plored.
the use of video technology. Videotaping ob-
servations preserves the observational con- JOAN L. BOTTORFF
text, verbal content, nonverbal behaviors,
and interactive processes for analysis and
coding. Of particular advantage is the ability Nurse-Patient Relationship
to repeatedly review videotapes, both in real
time and in slow motion. This facilitates in- The interpersonal relationship between
depth study of a wide range of simultaneous nurses and patients has become an important
behaviors, including rarely occurring events subject of discussion, theorizing, and research
and subtle or rapid changes in behavior. Vid- since Peplau and Orlando introduced the con-
eotaped observations are particularly useful cept of the nurse-patient relationship as an
when studying interactions with patients who essential component of nursing practice. Rec-
are preverbal, unconscious, or otherwise un- ognition of the need for individualized nurs-
able to recall interactions with sufficient de- ing care, the introduction of new approaches
tail. to care delivery (e.g., primary nursing), in-
Although new lines of research show creasing concerns about dehumanization re-
promise and appear to be unraveling some lated to advances in technology, and the
of the unique complexities inherent in nurse- emergence of theories delineating caring as a
patient interaction, much work remains to pivotal concept in nursing have reinforced the
understand nursing interactions as they occur centrality of the nurse-patient relationship in
in health care settings, including patients contemporary practice. The nurse-patient re-
homes or other community settings. Far more lationship is now viewed as essential content
attention has been given to identifying and in nursing curricula, and clinicians value the
describing components and patterns of nurse- development of therapeutic relationships
patient interaction than studying the efficacy with patients as a significant part of their
of different types of interactions in relation work. Yet despite the overwhelming endorse-
to patient outcomes. It appears that some ment of the importance of the nurse-patient
patterns of interaction may be powerful ther- relationship, the practical difficulties associ-
apeutic tools, yet more systematic investiga- ated with developing relationships remain
tion is needed to demonstrate these effects. unresolved. Of importance are issues related
Furthermore, negative or undesirable psycho- to balancing personal involvement and pro-
logical and physiological sequalae associated fessional detachment. Other important issues
with interaction patterns should be docu- concern building relationships in contexts
mented. where the organization of nurses work limits
Although the definition of nurse-patient involvement or where reporting practices un-
interaction has not received careful attention, dermine the development of trust. Issues also
the focus has been on the verbal and nonver- arise from challenges related to renegotiating
bal behaviors of the nurse. Yet increasingly, relationships in response to changes in patient
patients are being encouraged to take an ac- dependence and vulnerability.
Nurse Researcher in the Clinical Setting 383

Nurses have attempted to identify the proaches (such as sociolinguistics, ethno-

unique characteristics of the nurse-patient re- methodology, and in-depth videotape analy-
lationship through their conceptualizations, sis), advances in interpretive methodology
although to date there is little evidence to (e.g., using a feminist perspective), and trian-
support this assumption. The nurse-patient gulation (e.g., triangulating conversational
relationship has been described as a therapeu- analysis with data from ethnographic re-
tic instrument with levels or types of involve- search), as well as by taking advantage of
ment and as an interactive process requiring constructionist, critical, and postmodern the-
the active participation of both patients and ory to understand the dynamics of nurse-pa-
nurses. Important components of the nurse- tient relationships. For example, observa-
patient relationship include concepts such as tional studies of the development of nurse-
empathy, trust, respect, knowing the patient, patient relationships as they occur in every-
commitment, advocacy, and social control. day clinical settings would augment nurses
Nursing writers critiquing current conceptu- narratives of memorable relationships. Some
alizations of the nurse-patient relationship researchers are exploring the potential value
have pointed out the failure to consider the of using video recorders to capture the devel-
collective nature of nursing work and other opment of relationships over time. Detailed
realities of everyday practice such as the pro- analysis of videotaped patient and nurse be-
vision of bodily comforts. Theorists such as haviors at the interaction level have produced
Sally Gadow and Jean Watson have at- some encouraging results.
tempted to explain the nature of the links For the most part, researchers have fo-
between nurse-patient relationships and posi- cused on the affective dimensions of nurse-
tive health care outcomes, and there is some patient relationships by interviewing nurses,
empirical evidence that supports these asser- particularly those who were able to provide
tions. exemplar cases. Other dimensions of the
Although researchers have begun to ex- nurse-patient relationship should be exam-
plore the complex dynamics involved in ined, as well as outcomes, as they relate to
nurse-patient interactions and their therapeu- different phases and types of relationships.
tic potential, there is relatively little empirical Attention must be given to the patients per-
data related to what takes place in everyday spective and role in shaping relationships.
clinical settings to support current conceptu-
alizations of the nurse-patient relationship. JOAN L. BOTTORFF
Early investigations of nurse-patient relation-
ships were influenced by definitions from the
social sciences and the traditions of logical Nurse Researcher in the Clinical
positivism. However, explanations of the re- Setting
lationship proved difficult to quantify. With
increasing acceptance of qualitative research The term nurse researcher in the clinical set-
methods in nursing, researchers have turned ting is used to denote nurses who have re-
to a variety of new approaches to examine search as one of their responsibilities or their
patterns of relationships in nursing, including sole responsibility and are at least partly sup-
grounded theory and narrative analysis. ported by salary from a clinical setting, inclu-
These studies have revealed important new sive of hospitals, clinics, and other agencies
information about nurse-patient relation- providing health care to patients. Such nurses
ships, some of which has contradicted profes- are usually prepared at the doctoral level but
sional rhetoric surrounding the development sometimes at the masters level. The addi-
of these relationships. tional responsibilities of these individuals
The complexities inherent in the nurse-pa- may include education, quality improvement,
tient relationship demand that the research evaluation in the clinical facility, and the req-
agenda be augmented by micro-level ap- uisite administration accompanying those

duties. The position in the clinical setting can found impact on the outcomes of ones work.
be either line or staff. The individual also may This is especially true for nurse researchers
be jointly appointed to a school or college of in clinical settings, whose outcomes are influ-
nursing or another health-related institution enced by their environment. Within clinical
for a percentage of their time. agencies the following have been associated
The specific responsibilities for these indi- with research productivity: (a) research cul-
viduals include conducting research and as- ture (policies and procedures indicative of a
sisting others in conducting, applying, and consistent commitment to nursing research,
utilizing research. Although those are the ex- such as the presence of research in the
plicit role responsibilities, the nurse re- agencys mission); (b) resources for research
searcher in a clinical setting is expected to activities (e.g., library holdings, funding of
affect the nursing staff positively in several research activities, presence of other nurses
indirect ways. The nurse researcher is an edu- with advanced nursing education); (c) atti-
cator, teaching about the research process, tudes (e.g., belief that the public and other
guiding critiques of completed research for professional colleagues value nursing re-
application and utilization, and developing search; and (d) esprit, a positive group work
research days for sharing of research. The morale. Clearly, these nurse researcher roles
researcher is involved in the professional de- are complex and not an insignificant addition
velopment of staff, facilitating staff to present to any staff.
and publish their databased projects under One of the first tasks for the nurse re-
the tutelage of the researcher. Nurse research- searcher new to a setting is to assess the work
ers in clinical agencies usually have the re- environment, including the resources avail-
sponsibility to represent the agency with out- able. In particular, the nurse researcher can-
side researchers using the agency as a data not function well if isolated from others with
collection site. In the role of change agent, the research skills. Baccalaureate graduates with
researcher helps to make practice research- a foundation in research, masters-prepared
based. The change agent role and the re- nurses who have completed a thesis or have
searcher role are often combined with the had strong intermediate research instruction,
quality control role, where pre- and postmon- and doctorally prepared nurses with ad-
itoring or longitudinal monitoring around a vanced research preparation are important
change are needed. resources. The last may not be part of the
To carry out these responsibilities, the re- researchers organization but available
searcher must possess several attributes. through an affiliated university. The avail-
Knowledge and skills in the research are the ability of university-educated nurses is both
most obvious, but equally important are peo- an indication of the education programming
ple skills (e.g., motivating, confirming, guid- needed and whether the environment has a
ing professional development) and concep- critical mass of nurses for research activi-
tual skills. The latter set of skills comes into ties.
play in several ways, for example, identifying
a researchable problem and reworking com- KARIN T. KIRCHHOFF
plaints and questions into a basis for find- PATRICIA A. MARTIN
ing solutions.
A major difference between the academic
researcher and the nurse researcher in the Nurse Staffing
clinical setting is the mission of the employer.
The university has a societal responsibility Nurse staffing is the number and type of
for knowledge advancement. The health care workers employed by an agency to provide
institution has a responsibility for health care. nursing care to the persons served by the
Mission is a key work environment character- agency. Nurse staffing numbers are typically
istic, and the work environment has a pro- given in full-time equivalents [FTE] that rep-
Nurse Staffing 385

resent fifty-two 40-hour work weeks of five yielded nurse-to-patient ratios and have pro-
8-hour days, or 2,080 hours, the typical an- vided health policy with a metric that may
nual paid work time for a full-time employee. replace the standardized nursing hours per
The hours that individuals actually work patient day (NHPD). Studies of this type,
would be fewer and depend on paid benefit while important, have problems associated
hours (vacation, holiday, sick, etc.) that are with standardization, selection of variables,
included in each FTE-paid 2,080 hours. The and multicollinearity (Silber, Rosenbaum, &
advent of 12-hour shift schedules has either Ross, 1995). Mark and Saylor (1999) out-
reduced the full-time work week to three 12- lined the methodological issues associated
hour shifts, 36 hours, or has extended the with large samples of hospitals or patients
work week by 2 hours to 42, typically three that employ existing data for secondary anal-
12-hour shifts one week and four 12-hour yses or study specific prospective data.
shifts the next, averaging 42 hours per week. Analyses of nurse staffing are performed
Hours are reported by the type of worker retrospectively (essentially a count of the
used or needed and staff are classified as regis- workers who were present and cared for the
tered nurses [R], licensed practical (or voca- patients who were present) and prospectively.
tional) nurses [L], and aides [A], variously While nurse staffing research has been pro-
called attendants, technicians, or assistants. spective, in that studies attempt to predict the
Nightingale (1863b) identified ward size number and type of worker needed to care
as a contributor to variation in hospital nurse for specified patient (or person) groups, the
staffing. Smaller wards (like intensive care more influential quantitative research reports
units or ICUs) have high fixed costs, sug- have looked back on the nurse staffing that
gesting both the relevance of new applica- was in place when patient samples were
tions for studies of ward design and use, and/ drawn and used regression analyses to both
or controlling for ward size and use in explain and predict.
staffing studies. Implicit in the study of nurse staffing is an
After the publication of the Institute of expectation that research will yield results
Medicine report, Nursing Staff in Hospitals that are generalizablethat is, others in the
and Nursing Homes: Is it Adequate?, re- specified universe can safely apply the find-
search on nurse staffing has been advanced ings from valid and reliable studies and expe-
by reports that have employed large data sets rience comparable results. It may be unrea-
where variations in staff numbers and com- sonable to expect a high degree of standard-
position have been used to explain differences ization among the individuals (patients) who
in end results of hospital care. Prominent use nursing services, those (nurses) who pro-
among the studies are those reported in medi- vide them, and the agencies that enroll the
cal journals by Aiken, Needleman, and their patients and employ the nurses. Yet it seems
colleagues who analyzed abstracted patient worthwhile to understand the reasons for the
records and hospital characteristics and re- one consistent finding in nurse staffing analy-
ported structure-outcome associations (Ai- ses: some hospitals (where nurse staffing has
ken, Clarke, Cheung, Sloane, & Silber, 2003; been studied most) provide twice as much
Aiken, Clarke, Sloan, Sochalski, & Silber, nursing care for their patients as other similar
2002; Needleman, J., Buerhaus, Mattke, institutions (Dartmouth Medical School,
Stewart, & Zelevinsky, 2002). The definition 1998).
of nurse was refined to incorporate consider- The three traditional perspectives from
ation of basic nursing education, and hospital which to study nurse staffing are: (a) task,
outcomes were extended beyond mortality procedure, intervention, or work analysis; (b)
to include complication rates and rates of by disease and treatment; and (c) through
failure-to-rescue (Aiken et al., 2003, 2002; nursing viewpoints.
Needleman et al.). Results reported in these Nurse staffing studies based on task or
newer, aggregated staffing studies have work analysis emanate from F. W. Taylors

Principles of Scientific Management (1911). search results, qualitative studies of nursing

These were first applied to hospital work in care, and nearly all concepts or theories of
the 1920s and have been in use since that nursing. In one concept of nursing work,
time. The most important development of nurses assist individuals to perform their own
work-analysis methods applied to hospitals tasks/procedures/interventions through en-
was the linkage J. Connor (1960) established couragement and education as a means to
between nurse staffing and variability in pa- their independence (Henderson & Nite,
tient types and numbers. Patients are classi- 1997).
fied based on the type of work they generate, Nurse staffing research has been linked to
and the classifications are mapped to an un- the diseases and treatments afforded patients
standardized number and mix of nursing on hospital specialty units. Most hospital in-
staff. It is uncommon to find reports that patient wards care for specific patient groups
compare patient classification done in one organized by the physicians who admit the
institution to that of another. patients. Common groupings include ortho-
A great deal of attention has been directed pedics, cardiology, oncology, neurology, re-
to the reliability of patient classification tech- spiratory, gynecology, psychiatry, obstetrics,
niques, and few reports validate patient clas- pediatrics, geriatrics, and many others. The
sification beyond the face validity established earliest nurse staffing studies differentiated
in the agency using the instrument. Two medical from surgical units, and many recent
nurses classifying the same patient, at the reports are addressed to even more specific
same time, in the same way, achieve perfect physician and patient disease groupings, for
reliability. Because of differences in nurses, example, HIV-AIDS.
it is not infrequent that ratings of the same The assumption that underlies this repre-
patient differ. To bypass this reliability con- sentation of patients disease as the basis for
cern, prototype patient classification instru- nurse staffing is that the care rendered is ho-
ments have been developed. Prototype instru- mogeneous for the members of the patient
ments cumulate weighted factors (items from group and different from other groups and
a list of procedures done or a list of patient that it is associated with a specific mix and
conditions for which interventions are number of nursing staff. Also implicit in the
needed) into scores that two nurses can agree use of disease and treatment classification for
on, but which may have been derived from the assignment of nursing staff is that nursing
different factors. The result is to refer to the care is prescribed by physicians. The diagno-
classified patient as a member of class I, II, sis related group (DRG) is the most common
III, or IV, rather than as a patient who needs representation of medicine applied to nurse
assistance with toileting, feeding, and/or am- staffing. Medical methods for computing
bulating. Further validity is lost because psy- staff needs should be used with caution as
chosocial aspects of care, long described as much nursing literature addresses the differ-
essential to effective care, have never been ences in individual human beings, even if they
associated with weights reflecting the time should be suffering from the same disease
nurses spend with patients. (Henderson & Nite, 1997). Staffing methods
Failure to specify intended results and based on medical diagnoses and treatment
measure the capacity of different patterns of are inconsistent with clinical nursing research
work and worker to achieve those results is results, qualitative studies of nursing care,
the most common problem with work-analy- and nearly all concepts or theories of nursing.
sis techniques for the study of nurse staffing. A clear exposition for the representation
Few have studied the appropriateness of ei- of time in nurse staffing research is needed.
ther the task or the performer in achieving a In nurse staffing research, time can be repre-
specified end result. Work-analysis methods sented in three ways: by nurse (or nursing)
are criticized because they result in standards hours per patient-day, by nursing hours per
of care that are inconsistent with clinical re- case, and by length of hospital stay (LOS).
Nursing Assessment 387

The association between nurses time and vided. There is consensus that nursing assess-
length of patients stays raises questions of ment is crucial as the starting point for estab-
causality. Are physicians and medical care lishing relationships and for determining how
responsible for variability of length of stay patients and nurses will subsequently inter-
(and thus nursing hours per case)? Develop- act. Assessment begins with the initial nurse-
ment and use of LOS norms established by patient encounter; it involves collecting infor-
physicians suggests that doctors control LOS mation to plan care and is an important basis
and nursing hours per case. DRGs are a poor for determining which interventions can be
predictor of LOS. Further, LOS variability delegated to other providers. Information
within DRGs has been explained and pre- collected includes social and health history
dicted from nurses classifications of patients data, which come directly from patients, or
(Rosenthal, Halloran, Kiley, Pinkley, & Lan- physical assessment data, which are derived
defeld, 1992; Rosenthal, Halloran, Kiley, & from physical assessment techniques and di-
Landefeld, 1995). If the discharge decisions agnostic studies.
made by physicians are more optimally made The purposes of assessment are to begin
(in terms of care quality and cost) by nurses, to establish a therapeutic relationship and to
ineffectiveness and inefficiency results. identify the patients strengths and problems
Research on staffing should be intrinsi- in order to determine appropriate interven-
cally linked to concepts and theories of nurs- tions. Both the process and content of assess-
ing as well as to the scientific and expert ment are important. Process includes using
opinion literature on nursing. Existing meth- communication and physical assessment
ods for studying nurse staffing that employ skills to establish a relationship and to gather
work measurement methods, or that assume needed information. The important content
nursing care is derived from medical care, will vary with the patient but generally in-
should be viewed with caution. Much more cludes physical assessment, other diagnostic
study of nurse staffing is required for general- data, assessment of the meaning of the health
ization. Needed research should take place experience, quality of life, symptoms, and
on two levels. First and foremost, differences cultural factors that may affect health.
in nursing care and their effects on patients Florence Nightingale was among the first
should be examined at the bedside. Second, to discuss nursing assessment (Nightingale,
comparisons should be made among institu- 1860/1969). She believed that observation
tions using standardized methods that cap- was essential, and provided specific guidance
ture valid, reliable, and retrievable data from about nursing assessments. Nightingale
nurses about patients. These institutional noted that the best process for interactions
comparisons should also incorporate data (including assessment) was to: Always sit
about nurses (education, experience, assign- down when a sick person is talking business
ments, etc.) so that inference can be drawn to you, show no signs of hurry, give complete
about nurses contributions to the end results attention and full consideration . . . Always
of patient care. sit within the patients view (pp. 4849).
Assessments must be complete and de-
EDWARD J. HALLORAN tailed. Nightingale noted that leading ques-
tions are useless or misleading (p. 107).
Rather than asking for evaluation (e.g., ask-
Nursing Assessment ing if a nights sleep was good), details should
be asked for (e.g., the number of hours the
Assessment is widely recognized as the first person slept). These details need to be re-
step in the nursing process. Nurses use assess- ported rather than just the opinions derived
ment to determine patients actual and poten- from them. Nightingale attributed physi-
tial needs, the assistance patients require, and cians not believing nurses assessments to
the desired outcomes to evaluate the care pro- nurses failing to provide these details (p.

123). Nightingale also gave examples of in- placed on tasks, and not having the attitudes,
formation that was misleading because it was desires, and skills needed to effectively com-
incomplete or based on incomplete observa- municate (Kruijver, Kerkstra, Bensing, & van
tions (e.g., the difference between how often de Wiel, 2000). Nurses have also been found
the bowels acted and the number of times to be confused about the purpose of nursing
the utensil was emptied, p. 107). assessment. Observations have found that
Nightingale discussed the content needed nurse-patient interactions are superficial,
in assessment, which included the importance routinized, and task-related, and that nurses
of individualizing assessment, as taking av- create barriers in communication.
erages is misleading (p. 120). She noted the Surveys of nurses revealed that most had
need to understand all the conditions in received training in communication skills, felt
which the patient lives (p. 121), including they were fairly effective in using these skills,
lifestyle factors, social conditions, and hy- and felt that the skills are important to their
giene. Among the areas that ought to be ob- jobs. However, they also thought they needed
served were patients dietary intake, symp- and were willing to receive additional train-
toms and their meaning, changes in patterns ing. Communication training programs have
(such as physical abilities), and idiosyncra- had mixed results, including that benefits did
cies of patients. She noted that peculiarities not persist, that changes were limited, and
might be observed and indulged much more that nurses taught communication skills did
than they are (p. 117). not improve in their ability to elicit and iden-
Assessment begins the nurse-patient rela- tify patient concerns despite increased use of
tionship and determines how they will work the skills learned. The Study to Understand
together. Considerable research has been Prognoses and Preference for Outcomes and
conducted on factors that influence interper- Risks of Treatment (SUPPORT) was a strik-
sonal relationships. Several classic works in ing example of a communication intervention
nursing have dealt with the process of estab- that did not improve outcomes (Lynn, J., et
lishing these relationships, including the roles al., 2000).
in nursing at various phases in relationships Physical assessment skills are routinely in-
and the importance of observation and com- cluded in nursing curricula. They include (a)
munication, including use of self-disclosure a general survey of patients appearance and
and empathy, in establishing relationships behaviors; (b) assessment of vital signs, tem-
(e.g., Peplau, 1952). perature, pulse, respiration rates, and blood
Communication is essential in assessment, pressure; (c) assessment of height and weight;
and is both the means for nurses and patients and (d) physical examination to assess pa-
to influence each other and the process that tients structures, organs, and body systems.
leads to therapeutic and supportive influences Physical assessment can be complete, as-
on patients health. Patients successful com- sessing all of the persons organs and body
munication of their needs to nurses is vital systems, or modified to focus only on areas
to individualized care. Individualized patient suggested by the persons health history or
care has been found to produce more favor- symptoms.
able outcomes and to reduce the cost of health Perceptions of symptoms and quality of
care (Attree, 2001). life are important areas for assessment. Both
Although assessment and communication symptoms and quality of life are primarily
skills have been taught for decades, many subjective experiences, influenced by many
studies have found that nurses had difficulty factors but knowable primarily through pa-
facilitating communication and that the pa- tients descriptions of their experiences.
tients analysis of communication is often Moreover, symptoms that are not properly
omitted. A variety of factors have been re- managed can be life-threatening.
lated to low facilitation of communication, Nurses need to explore the meaning of
including management in some health care illness from patients perspectives in order to
settings, increased patient volume, the value help patients mediate between the medical
Nursing Centers 389

role of fighting disease and the patients per- centers, or community nursing organizations,
spectives (Steeves, Cohen, & Wise, 1994). provide nursing services to individuals, fami-
The link between meaning making and the lies, and communities and serve as unique
experience of illness and treatment may help sites for linking nursing research, education,
elucidate important nursing interventions service, and faculty practice. Types of services
that can assist patients in meaning making in provided range from health teaching, assess-
ways that are helpful to coping with their ment, and referral to increasingly full pri-
experiences and symptoms (Kleinman, mary-care services including health promo-
1988). tion, risk reduction, and management of
Understanding experiences of illnesses and health-related issues common to primary care
treatments of members of diverse cultures is including prenatal care.
important but currently limited. Many have Historically, the nursing center idea origi-
argued for the need to understand clients nated in the early 1900s with the establish-
lived experiences and their interactions in or- ment of district and public health nursing.
der to provide quality nursing care (Cohen, Later examples were Kentucky Frontier
M. Z., & Palos, 2001). Producing unbiased Nursing Services and the New York City
and culturally appropriate knowledge is both Loeb Center. During the 1970, storefront
important and complex (Cohen, M. Z., Phil- clinics, independent nursing practices, and
lips, & Palos, 2001). This knowledge is im- community nursing center demonstration
portant because those from diverse cultures sites represented the nursing center concept.
may differ in ways that profoundly affect During the 1980s, many schools and colleges
their health, what we need to assess, and the of nursing, as well as hospitals, clinics, and
interventions that will be effective. public health agencies, established nursing
Despite consensus about the importance clinics. With increasing emphasis on primary,
of understanding patients perspectives, pa- managed, and interdisciplinary care in the
tients descriptions show a consistent and per- 1990s, nursing centers entered into partner-
sistent discrepancy between their views of ships and business agreements.
their health care experiences and profession- Based on a national survey of academic
als understandings of these experiences. The nurse-managed centers, there are close to 200
meanings that patients attribute to their expe- such centers across more than 90 schools of
riences help determine what needs they have nursing (Sebastian, Barkauskas, Stanhope,
and how these needs can best be met. Since Pohl, & Vonderheid, 2004). In addition, 22
action is based on meanings, common mean- reported closing in the past 5 years, the pri-
ings between nurses and patients will provide mary reason being financial. There has been
the most effective base for helpful nurse-pa- increasing emphasis on financial sustainabil-
tient relationships. Research indicates that ity of these centers as reported in the literature
nurses need to understand the patients per- (Vonderheid, Pohl, Barkauskas, Gift, &
spective in order to deliver effective nursing Hughes-Cromwick, 2003; Vonderheid et al.,
care, but that often nurses assume they know 2004). In addition, in the past 5 years there
what their patients need without eliciting ac- has been an increased effort to bring NMCs
tual patient concerns. Effective assessment is into the health care system through creden-
the essential basis for providing effective tialing practitioners, obtaining federal fund-
nursing care. ing for community health centers, and other
reimbursement efforts. With increasing em-
MARLENE ZICHI COHEN phasis on full primary-care services, nursing
centers are developing more sophisticated
business plans and entering into partnerships
Nursing Centers and business contracts with a broad range
of consumers. Sound fiscal management has
Nursing centers, also known as nurse-man- emerged as a critical skill for sustainability
aged centers (NMCs), nurse-managed health (Frenn, Lundeen, Martin, Riesch, & Wilson,

1996; Vonderheid et al., 2003; Vonderheid Faculty practice, independent nursing

et al., 2004). Although many nursing centers practices, and entrepreneurship are the third
do provide a safety net function in the current type of model. Whether these practices are
health system, others do this in combination linked with nursing centers or set up as part
with strong commercial and government con- of a network of practices within a school of
tracts including managed care (Pohl, Vonder- nursing, they often serve a specific population
heid, Barkauskas, & Nagelkerk, 2004). or need in the community.
Nursing centers may be classified by the Research on and in nursing centers is both
types of services they provide as well as by quantitative and qualitative. Research utiliza-
their sponsors. Many nursing centers are af- tion is evident in the development of stan-
filiated with schools of nursing and essen- dards of care and protocols. Research in cen-
tially serve as academic centers in which the ters has been descriptive of patient/clients,
tripartite mission of the university is modeled services provided, patient/client satisfaction,
(e.g. Michigan Academic Consortium and the differentiation of nurse practitioners (NPs)
Midwest Nursing Center Consortium). Oth- versus physician roles, and student experi-
ers are freestanding and do not have formal ences and satisfaction with those experiences.
connections with academia. The first model is In addition, outcomes of care, using the
full primary-care community-based nursing Health Plan Employer Data and Information
centers. A recent survey (Sebastian et al., Set (HEDIS) and other national benchmarks,
2004) indicates that 94% of the nursing cen- as well as cost of care in nursing centers have
ters associated with academic units are lo- been more recently documented along with
cated in either fully or partially medically un- intervention studies and their outcomes. Posi-
derserved areas. Funding for these centers is tive outcomes with chronic disease (e.g., hy-
diverse and includes patient revenues includ- pertension, diabetes, asthma) have been doc-
ing managed care contracts (such as Michi- umented (Barkauskas, Pohl, Breer, Benk-
gan State Universitys contract with the Vet- ert, & Wells, in press).
erans Administration), grants, school of nurs- Patients and families who receive care in
ing/university support, and other contribu- nursing centers report an extraordinary high
tions (Vonderheid et al., 2003; Pohl et al., level of satisfaction with their care (Benkert,
2004). Many centers partner with their com- Barkauskas, Pohl, Tanner, & Nagelkerk,
munities and also have community advi- 2002). Findings from focus groups report
sory boards. that the NP spends more time with patients,
Nursing centers based on wellness and prevents emergency room visits, provides pa-
health promotion are the second type of tient-centered care, and provides this care in
model and commonly are located where peo- the community close to their work, home, or
ple gatherin workplaces, schools, meal school. Findings indicate that nursing centers
sites, neighborhoods, and homeless shelters. are located in community settings such as
Services provided are based on aggregate public schools, public housing, churches, mo-
needs. Creative use of private and public bile vans, other community agencies, and
funding sources is necessary to establish and small community settings. Patient volume per
maintain these services. The following are ex- clinic is relatively small but large enough to
amples of wellness and health promotion be sustainable. Although reimbursement and
models: the Pine Street Inn of Boston, sup- credentialing of NPs continue to be issues,
ported by city and county funds and servicing there are increasing contracts with managed
homeless persons; and the Minnesota Block care organizations.
Nurse Program funded as a community nurs- The Midwest Nursing Center Consortium
ing organization (CN) demonstration project has been funded by the Agency for Healthcare
of the federal Health Care Financing Admin- Research and Quality as a Research Network
istration (HCFA) and servicing Medicare Group (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
beneficiaries who are homebound elders. as has the Yale School of Nursing. This fund-
Nursing Diagnosis 391

ing facilitates the infrastructure for research nurses were dealing with on a regular basis
in nursing centers. In addition the creation were not well described by the patients medi-
of a data warehouse for nursing centers that cal diagnoses. It was apparent to them that
is funded by the W.K. Kellogg foundation nursing needed a standard set of nursing-spe-
advances the research agenda for nursing cen- cific terms or names for the patient situations
ters. and problems they were treating indepen-
The use of electronic health records dently. And thus began the effort to develop
(EHRs) and electronic practice management nursing diagnoses that would describe the
systems are changing the way nursing centers responses patients were having to their ill-
do business. Although EHRs are still rela- nesses, life transitions, and lifestyle changes.
tively rare, it is expected that these will be That work eventually evolved into an organi-
critical to creating the national database and zation (the North American Nursing Diagno-
warehouse on nursing centers. sis Association, now NANDA, International)
Development of a national database and of nurses interested in developing names for
warehouse is critical for nursing centers to nursing-specific diagnoses and later for nurs-
continue to move into the main health care ing interventions and outcomes as well.
area. The National Network for Nurse Man- Although interest in nursing diagnosis
aged Health Centers (http://www.nnnmhc. waned in the late 1980s and early 1990s, it
org) is developing such a database and ware- began to revive as the move toward electronic
house. The standardization of nursing lan- health records accelerated. Nurses began to
guage diagnoses, interventions, and out- realize that the only way to be sure nursing
comes contributes to understanding the pro- information was available, retrievable, and
cess of care in these centers. Nursing centers usable in an electronic system was if it was
offer an excellent choice for cost-effective, coded so the computers could read it. Free
high-quality care with high patient/client sat- text such as that in nurses paper notes can-
isfaction. Nursing centers provide a very rich not be used or retrieved in an electronic data-
resource for student experiences that is con- base. So if nurses wanted to have their own
gruent with the model of care learned in the information available and reusable for de-
classroom (Tanner, Pohl, Ward, & Dontje, termining patient outcomes or staffing, for
2003), service to the community, research for example, that nursing information needed to
faculty and students, and faculty practice. be captured using a standardized language
They provide a model of care that might be that could be coded and used by nurses in
replicated on a larger scale and inform policy any system. Thus the interest in nursing diag-
as health care costs and health care systems noses, nursing interventions, and nursing out-
are reexamined. comes has been increasing steadily.
With the emphasis today on evidence-
SUSAN K. RIESCH based practice and monitoring patient out-
UPDATED BY JOANNE M. POHL comes, reliable nursing data is imperative.
Nurses are being asked to prove they are ef-
fective. The best way to do that is to use
Nursing Diagnosis standardized languages to document the pa-
tients responses to their illness and to their
The nursing diagnosis movement began in nursing care in such a way that outcomes can
1972 in a meeting of a group of nurses dis- be demonstrated and even compared across
cussing the need for better nursing documen- settings.
tation. Those nurses were concerned that Nursing diagnosis is the second step in
nursing information was not being valued nor the nursing process. It is the judgment made
was it being used to demonstrate the effective- about the meaning of a cluster of signs and
ness of nursing care. Something was missing. symptoms (defining characteristics) found in
The patients life situations and problems that the nursing assessment of the patient. With-

out a nursing diagnosis, a nurse is left rud- readiness for enhanced therapeutic regimen
derless to determine what goals should be set management defined as a pattern of regu-
for the patient, what outcomes are desired, lating and integrating into daily living a pro-
or what interventions to choose to meet the gram(s) for treatment of illness and its se-
goals and resolve the nursing diagnosis. quelae that is sufficient for meeting health-
NANDA, International (2003) defines a related goals and can be strengthened and
nursing diagnosis as a clinical judgment supported by defining characteristics such as
about individual, family, or community re- expresses desire to manage the treatment
sponses to actual or potential health condi- of illness and prevention of sequelae and
tions/problems/life processes. A nursing diag- choices of daily living are appropriate for
nosis provides the basis for selection of nurs- meeting the goals of treatment or preven-
ing interventions to achieve outcomes for tion, etc. (NANDA, p. 190).
which the nurse is accountable (p. 263). NANDA does not develop diagnoses. Its
There are three types of nursing diagnoses: mission is to foster development and to pro-
actual, risk, and wellness. vide mentorship and publish the new lists
An actual nursing diagnosis is a human every 2 years. All diagnoses are developed by
response to health conditions/problems/life real working nurses and then submitted to
processes that exist in individuals, families, NANDA. Revisions and deletions of diagnos-
or communities. An actual nursing diagnosis tic terms are handled in the same way. Sub-
is supported by defining characteristics mission guidelines are available online at
(manifestations, signs, symptoms) that clus- http://www.nanda.org.
ter in patterns of related cues or inferences By the early 1980s there were a sufficient
(NANDA, 2003, p. 263). An example of an number of diagnoses to require some way to
actual nursing diagnosis is impaired skin in- organize them. Taxonomy 1 was developed
tegrity defined as altered epidermis and/or by a group of nursing theorists based on pat-
dermis with the defining characteristics of terns of unitary human beings. It remained
invasion of body structures, destruction of in place until it became clear that it was hin-
skin layers (dermis), disruption of skin sur- dering instead of helping classify the new di-
face (epidermis) and supported by related agnoses. Work began on a new taxonomy in
external and internal factors such as shearing 1994 and Taxonomy II was adopted in 2000.
forces, pressure, restraint, altered fluid status,
skeletal prominence, altered sensations, etc. KAY C. AVANT
A risk nursing diagnosis describes a human
response that may develop in vulnerable indi-
viduals, families, or communities. It is sup- Nursing Education
ported by risk factors that contribute to in-
creased vulnerability (NANDA, 2003, p. In 1873 three hospital training programs,
263). An example of a risk diagnosis is risk modeled on Florence Nightingales work in
for impaired skin integrity defined as at the United Kingdom, were established in the
risk for skin being adversely altered and sup- United States. In 1907 a Department of Nurs-
ported by risk factors such as radiation, mois- ing and Health was initiated at Teachers Col-
ture, extremes of age, medications, alter- lege, Columbia University, to provide gradu-
ations in nutritional state, etc. (NANDA, p. ate-level leadership for the preparation of
167). nurse tutors, faculty, and administrators
A wellness nursing diagnosis describes a (Dock, 1912). Not until 1923 did nursing
human response that indicates a readiness for education enter the university with the estab-
enhancement in levels of wellness in the indi- lishment of programs at Yale University and
vidual, family, or community (NANDA, at Western Reserve University. These were
2003). An example of a wellness diagnosis is the countrys first schools of nursing to have
Nursing Education 393

an independent status among the schools and authority for requirements and regulations
colleges of a university. These early develop- rests at the state level. All the states have
ments led to nursing education both as a agreed to use the same licensing examination
training program controlled by the hospitals to facilitate the mobility of the nursing work
and an academic program within the univer- force in the United States.
sity setting. Currently there are three types of educa-
As early as 1915 the National League of tional programs to prepare students for licen-
Nursing Education called for university-level sure as registered nurses (RN): baccalaureate
education, a demand reinforced by the Com- degree (BSN), associate degree (ADN), and
mittee for the Study of Nursing Education, diploma programs. BSN programs, including
in the Goldmark (1923) report and other im- accelerated options for second-degree seek-
portant reports on nursing education (Brown, ers, are currently offered at 673 schools in
1948). However, Mildred L. Montags the United States. On the graduate level, 400
(1959) writing on the potential role of nurs- masters programs and 88 doctoral programs
ing education at the community college level are available nationwide. In 2003, there were
has had the greatest impact on nursing educa- 126,981 nursing students enrolled in bacca-
tion today. From these early writings arose laureate programs, 37,241 in masters pro-
the distinction between the professional grams, and 3,299 in doctoral programs
nurse, educated at the baccalaureate level or (AACN, 2004a). As of 2002, there were 700
above, and the technical nurse educated at ADN programs and only a small number of
the community college level. In 1951 the first diploma programs operating in the U.S.
nursing program at a community college (BLS, 2004).
opened in Middletown, New York. Today In 2003, there were 10,167 full-time fac-
community colleges prepare the largest num- ulty in nursing programs offered in four-year
ber of nurses for practice. colleges and universities. The faculty in these
From the turn of the century until the programs were 9.4% minority and 4.5%
1960s nursing leaders often obtained their male (AACN, 2004b).
graduate preparation in schools of education. As of 2000, there were 2,694,540 RNs
Consequently, most major developments that in the United States, and these nurses were
took place in schools of education were rather 94.6% female, 86.6% white (non-Hispanic),
quickly transferred to nursing curricula. The and 81.7% were employed in nursing
University of Chicagos influence, through (HRSA, 2000). Their level of education is
Ralph Tyler, had a major impact on nursing as follows: 22.3% diploma, 34.3% associate
education, with focuses on learner objectives degree, 32.7% baccalaureate, 9.6% masters
and curricular structure. However, in the degree, and 0.6% doctorate (U.S. DHHS,
1980s there was a backlash against the objec- HRSA 2000).
tives-based curriculum and a renewed focus Nursing has many professional organiza-
on the nursing curriculum as a humanistic tions, yet it has successfully developed a uni-
endeavor, where caring and not behavioral fied position in dealing with federal issues
objectives formed the core of the content that affect nursing education and patient
(Watson, 1988). care. The vehicle for cooperation is the Tri-
Licensure is required to practice nursing Council, made up of representatives from
in each state, and until 1944 each state devel- three major nursing organizations: the Amer-
oped its own testing mechanism to license ican Nurses Association (ANA), the National
nurses. Today the National Council of State League for Nursing (NLN), and the American
Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) has jurisdiction Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN).
throughout the United States and its territor- The AACN, headquartered in Washington,
ies. The NCSBN sets standards for require- DC, is an organization composed of colle-
ments and regulations for schools of nursing giate schools of nursing. It conducts annual
and licensure of new graduates. However, surveys of faculty salaries, faculty workload,

and similar topics of primary interest to deans of nursing informatics evolved to incorporate
and directors of programs. the core elements considered to be key,
The ANA provides a voluntary creden- namely: nurse, patient, health, environment,
tialing mechanism that recognizes both RNs decision making, and nursing data, informa-
who are involved in advanced practice and tion, knowledge, information structures, and
those who are generalists practicing in a spe- information technology. Nursing informatics
cialty area. is defined as a
E. Smith (1979) defined continuing educa-
tion as postregistered learning activity de- specialty that integrates nursing science,
signed to increase knowledge or skill or to computer science, and information science
challenge attitudes. Several states now re- to manage and communicate data, informa-
quire varying amounts of additional educa- tion, and knowledge to support patients,
tion for relicensure. Moreover, some states nurses, and other providers in their decision-
(including Michigan, Idaho, Utah, and Min- making in all roles and settings. This support
nesota) require competency-based continu- is accomplished through the use of informa-
tion structures, information processes, and
ing education.
information technology (ANA, 2001, p. 17).
Research on topics related to nursing edu-
cation has been comprehensive and have ex-
amined many different areas, including qual- Informatics is derived from the French
ity of education, care planning, clinical judg- word informatique, which refers to all aspects
ment, clinical decision making, clinical teach- of the computer milieu. Informatics emerged
ing, learning styles, performance on licensure in the 1960s with the introduction of comput-
examination, faculty productivity, computer- ers in the health care industry. As the industry
assisted instruction, socialization processes, advanced and expanded, computer applica-
teaching learning processes, competencies, tions and information systems emerged for
and others. health care facilities, specialties, and profes-
sions. During the past 3 decades, several nurs-
WILLIAM L. HOLZEMER ing initiatives also have advanced the prog-
UPDATED BY JEANNE NOVOTNY ress of nursing informatics for the profession.
This period included several ANA recom-
mendations designed not only to advance the
Nursing Informatics development of nursing practice but also
nursing data standards for computer-based
Nursing informatics is a branch of informa- systems.
tics concerned with all aspects of the nursing As early as 1970 the ANA recommended
professions use of computer technology. It that the nursing process be used as the stan-
can be viewed as the use of computer technol- dard for documenting clinical nursing prac-
ogy to support nursing (Hebda, Czar, & Mas- tice. In 1988 the ANA recognized the Nursing
cara, 2001). Nursing informatics enhances Minimum Data Set (NMDS) as those 16 min-
and facilitates the legitimate access to and use imum data elements designed to document
of data, information, and knowledge. It is nursing care of patients and their families in
integrated in nursing practice, administra- any delivery setting. Four nursing care data
tion, education, and research programs and elements in the NMDSnursing diagnoses,
activities. It is incorporated in the design and nursing interventions, nursing outcomes, and
development of computer-based patient re- intensity of nursing carewere envisioned as
cords and other health-related systems essential to be incorporated into computer
(Saba & McCormick, 2001). systems with the idea of comparing nursing
In 1992 the American Nurses Association data across health care facilities, clinical pop-
(ANA) designated nursing informatics as a ulation groups, and geographic areas (Wer-
new nursing specialty. In 2001 the definition ley & Lang, 1988).
Nursing Informatics 395

Since 1992 the ANA, through the Com- sociation, and others, has resulted in the first
mittee on Nursing Practice and Information proposed nursing international standard.
Infrastructure (CNPII), has recognized sev- The nursing informatics specialist, a nurse
eral vocabulary classification schemes or ter- with formal education and practical experi-
minologies as meeting nursing data standards ence using computers to support the informa-
and clinical practice standards. These include tion needs of all facets of nursing practice
the NANDA Taxonomy, the Home Health (Hebda, Czar, & Mascara, 2001), has the
Care Classification (HHCC) System, the goal of improving the health of individuals,
Omaha System, the Nursing Intervention families, communities, and populations by
Classification (NIC), the Nursing Outcomes optimizing information and communication
Classification (NOC), the Nursing Minimum (ANA, 2003). This is accomplished by incor-
Data Set (NMDS), the Nursing Management porating theories, principles, and concepts
Minimum Data Set (NMMDS), the Interna- from appropriate sciences into the use of tech-
tional Classification for Nursing Practice nology in direct patient care, in the establish-
(ICNP), the Patient Care Data Set (PCDS), ment of effective administration systems, in
the Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS), managing and delivering educational experi-
SNOMED-CT, and Clinical LOINC. Each of ences, and in supporting nursing research
these schemes addresses one or more of the (ANA). Nursing informatics focuses on the
data elements in the NMDS, and they are information management and processing of
professionally recognized as the data stan- nursing data. It provides the framework for
dards essential for computer-based nursing nursing data, information, and knowledge
information systems. Many of these terminol- processed by the computer. Nursing informa-
ogies are included in the National Library of tics concepts require nursing classification
Medicines (NLM) Unified Medical Lan- schemes and vocabularies to provide the
guage System (McCormick et al., 1994; structure and framework for the data. Appli-
Saba & McCormick, 2001).
cations of nursing informatics are needed to
Another national nursing initiative, an ex-
standardize nursing documentation, to im-
pert panel in Nursing Informatics, was con-
prove communication, to support the deci-
vened in 1988 by the National Institute for
sion-making process, and to develop and dis-
Nursing Research (NINR), National Insti-
seminate new knowledge. They also are
tutes of Health (NIH), Public Health Service
needed to enhance the quality, effectiveness,
(PHS), and Department of Health and Hu-
and efficiency of health care; empower clients
man Services (DHHS) to investigate the scope
of nursing informatics. The panel indicated to make health care choices; and advance the
that research was needed to determine the science of nursing (ANA).
data and information needed by nurses for Basic to the understanding of nursing in-
the computer-based patient record systems formatics is an understanding of nursing
that affect nursing practice. They also recom- data, data standards, and practice standards.
mended that efforts be focused on designing Nursing data form the basis and foundation
decision support systems, evaluating nursing of nursing informatics. They are essential for
information systems, and developing other the documentation of nursing care and man-
applications to improve patient care. agement of clinical nursing practice. Nursing
Since 1999, annual Nursing Terminology data refers to the atomic-level data elements
Summit Conferences have been held with rep- or the unstructured raw facts. These data,
resentation from national and international once processed with other data elements, are
nursing informatics experts. The work from transformed by the computer into informa-
these conferences, combined with the efforts tion, and information, once aggregated and
of the International Council of Nurses, the synthesized, creates new knowledge. Nursing
Nursing Informatics Special Interest Group knowledge forms the basis of knowledge-
of the International Medical Informatics As- based systems, expert systems, and decision

support systems that advance the science of Early information systems focused on fi-
nursing (Saba & McCormick, 2001). nancial transactions models and were de-
Nursing informatics is critical to the con- signed primarily to support charge capture,
duct of research of nursing practice problems. administrative, and operational transactions.
Computer hardware and software are being With the increased introduction of computer
used to design research tools, collect and pro- technology in the health care industry, com-
cess research data, and analyze and retrieve puter developers of the early hospital, medi-
research information. The nursing vocabula- cal, and patient care information systems be-
ries and data standards are being used to re- gan to expand their systems to include subsys-
search the critical data elements for the com- tems that addressed the documentation of
puter-based patient record (CPR) systems, in- nursing care. Then, as now, the challenge re-
cluding the lifelong longitudinal health care mains as to how to best computerize the ex-
record. The data elements also are being used isting paper-based methods of documenting
for nursing information systems designed to nursing in health care facilities to support
document patient care, measure outcomes, nursing and patient care. Developers began
and determine quality indicators. Nursing in- by computerizing the standardized nursing
formatics is becoming an integral component care protocols or plans that focused on medi-
in nursing administration, practice, educa- cal diagnoses, surgical procedures, or disease
tion, and research as well as the nursing pro- conditions. With the introduction of the mi-
fession and health care industry. crocomputer, NISs emerged as stand-alone
systems for a specific nursing application for
VIRGINIA K. SABA different aspects of nursing administration,
UPDATED BY IDA ANDROWICH practice, education, research, and community
health. Such systems were designed by nurses
who were becoming proficient in their design.
Nursing Information Systems In 1996, the American Nurses Association
(ANA) established the Nursing Information
and Data Set Evaluation Center (NIDSEC) to
Saba and McCormick (2001) described nurs-
develop and disseminate standards pertaining
ing information systems as the use of technol-
to information systems that support nursing
ogy and/or computer systems to collect, store,
practice, and to evaluate voluntarily submit-
process, display, retrieve, and communicate
ted information systems against those stan-
timely data and information in and across
health care facilities that:
A number of models for viewing informa-
tion systems have been proposed. One model,
administer nursing services and resources, developed by Graves and Corcoran, focuses
manage the delivery of patient and nurs- on the design of an NIS as the framework
ing care, that represents the management processing
link research resources and findings to of data, information, and knowledge. Ziels-
nursing practice, and dorff, Hudgings, and Grobe (1993) identified
apply educational resources to nursing ed- design criteria for systems supporting the
ucation. nursing process that included system capabil-
ities, such as performance, flexibility, and
Nursing information systems are used to sup- connectivity, as well as user-machine inter-
port nursing education, nursing practice, and face, hardware, and data security and integ-
nursing research. A nursing information sys- rity requirements. They also believed it essen-
tem (NIS) is an information system that sup- tial that the system would promote efficiency
ports the use and documentation of nursing and effectiveness of care by supporting deci-
processes and provides tools for managing sion-making by the nurse. Androwich et al.
the delivery of nursing care (Hebda, Czar, & (2003) emphasize that the information sys-
Mascara, 2001). tems of the future must go beyond meeting
Nursing Intensity 397

basic information needs to support practice. viders and can be used for discharge planning
They envision data, information, and knowl- and referral to community health agencies
edge available to the nurse as needed to in- and home health care services for follow-up.
form every present clinical encounter and to In the area of nursing education, NIS form
provide and generate new knowledge to im- the technology that support the education
prove future encounters. NIDSEC identified process, such as computer-assisted instruc-
four dimensions of nursing data sets and the tion (CAI), interactive video (IVD) programs,
systems that contain them: nomenclature (the and web-based courseware for synchronous
terms used), clinical content (the linkages or asynchronous learning. They use a wide
among terms), clinical data repository (how range of educational strategies that enhance
the data are stored and made available), and and integrate nursing informatics into the ed-
general systems characteristics. ucational process (Saba & McCormick,
Nursing information systems can be found 2001).
in all areas where nurses function and in all In nursing research, NIS support the re-
settings where nurses provide patient care: search process. Without such systems, nurs-
hospitals, community health agencies, man- ing research cannot be accomplished on
aged care organizations, ambulatory care large-scale databases and population groups.
facilities, and other settings where services NIS are needed to process and analyze re-
are provided. search data that only a computer application
NIS in nursing administration are used pri- can perform. Nursing research applications
marily for the administration of nursing ser- include searching the literature by using bib-
vices and the management of nursing units. liographic retrieval systems containing nurs-
For the administration of nursing services, ing-related material. Other applications in-
these information systems are designed to clude classification systems needed to code,
generate information focusing on budget, classify, process, and analyze nursing re-
personnel, and resource management. The fo- search data, as well as the instruments and
cus is on the specific applications needed to tools used to conduct research: database
run a nursing department effectively and effi- management systems, file managers, spread-
ciently, such as staffing, scheduling, utiliza- sheets, and statistical software designed to
tion, productivity, quality assurance, and dis- process research data. Other applications,
charge planning. Systems designed for the such as graphic displays, text preparation,
management of nursing units focus on the and editors, are designed to disseminate and
patient care services and address nursing in- communicate research findings and conclu-
tensity, patient classification, acuity, decision sions via online databases or the Internet.
support, and patient outcomes. These sys- Nursing information systems represent the
tems are used to track the care process during nursing informatics applications. They are
an episode of illness as well as measure the described by the focus of the specific applica-
impact and outcomes of the care. tion, which varies according to the focus of
In the area of nursing practice, NIS are the nursing activities supported. NIS are used
used to document care planning and patient in all major areas of nursing, namely, nursing
care services and comprise the computer- administration, practice, education, research,
based patient record (CPR). The major appli- and community health.
cations are order entry, results reporting,
medication protocols, care planning proto- VIRGINIA K. SABA
cols, patient education, quality assurance, UPDATED BY IDA ANDROWICH
and discharge planning systems. The system
utilizes the point-of-care computer terminals
to capture direct patient care and can support Nursing Intensity
the care process with decision support sys-
tems. Well-designed systems focus on the in- The concept of nursing intensity relates to
tegration of information and care by all pro- the amount of nursing care provided to one

or more patients. While there is not yet a as the number of nurses available to provide
universally accepted definition or measure of care. Second, the approach assumes no differ-
nursing intensity, all sources agree that it is ences between nurses with different educa-
partly a function of average hours of care tion or different experience. In a report sub-
provided to patients in a particular setting in a mitted to the American Nurses Associations
specific time frame. In the research literature, Database Steering Committee, M. McHugh
nursing intensity has often been operationally (1994) recommended that a measure of nurs-
defined as patient acuity. ing intensity have at least the following six
The first controlled clinical trial that var- critical attributes: A time frame in which the
ied nursing intensity levels in a patient care care is delivered, hours of nursing care pro-
unit was done by New, Nite, and Callahan vided in that time frame, educational level of
in 1959. In an attempt to determine optimal the nurses providing the care, years of experi-
staffing, they varied nursing hours per patient ence of the nurses, years of experience in the
day from the usual 4.5 to as high as 7.9 hours particular clinical specialty, and years of ex-
of care per day. They discovered that chronic perience in the particular setting in which the
overstaffing had deleterious effects on mo- care is delivered. Recent studies have greatly
rale. New, Nite, and Callahan did not mea- increased the interest in the effects of educa-
sure or address patient acuity as part of tional levels of the nurses due to findings that
their study. this variable may have significant effects on
Patient acuity was first measured as a pre- patient outcomes.
dictor of nursing care needs by Robert Con- More recently, a variety of studies exam-
nor in 1960. Connors research demonstrated ined the relationship between Magnet Hospi-
that need for nursing hours was not predict- tal Status and patient outcomes. A key char-
able from census alone, but by a combination acteristic of Magnet Hospitals is professional
of census and illness level of the patients. nursing, and studies of nursing in Magnet
Connor developed the first patient acuity Hospitals set the stage for later studies of
measure and concurrently developed a plan nursing intensity and patient outcomes. Ai-
for allocating nursing resources by patient ken, Smith, and Lake (1994) reported a lower
requirements. A serious problem with match- mortality rate in Magnet Hospitals and re-
ing nursing intensity to patient care needs is lated that to nursing autonomy and adequate
the reality that patient care needs are not staffing. In a review of research related to
constant. Connor found that providing a Magnet Hospitals (Scott, Sochalski, & Aiken,
fixed number of nurses in a particular patient 1999), nursing intensity was not specifically
care unit guaranteed that there would be fre- addressed, but their discussion of primary
quent incongruity between nursing resources nursing, nursing control of practice, and
and care requirements. Connor found and nursing autonomy as characteristics of Mag-
other researchers confirmed that patient care net Hospitals clearly relates to professional
workload varied randomly from day to day nurses rather than to Licensed Practical
and concluded that nursing resources must Nurses or unlicensed assistive personnel.
be able to be varied since care requirements There are several major issues that require
varied (Connor, R., 1960). study in nursing intensity. First is the total
Patient acuity is readily measured through number of care hours provided relative to
use of a set of patient care requirements. patient care needs. That was the focus of the
There are algorithms that allow patient care studies from the 1960s through the early
needs to be translated into required hours of 1990s. However, beginning with Aiken,
nursing care. There are two major problems Smith, and Lakes study in 1994, the focus
with using patient acuity as a measure of shifted from simply matching nursing re-
nursing intensity. First, there is no guarantee sources to measured patient care require-
that the number of nursing hours called for ments to studying patient care outcomes re-
by the patient acuity system will be the same lated to nursing care.
Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) 399

The first research concerns the relation of cational level of nurses to patient care out-
RN skill mix to patient outcomes. The second comes.
concerns the relation of educational level of Blegen, Vaughn, and Goode (2001) found
the RNs to patient outcomes. Blegen, Goode, that experience of professional nurses, but
and Reed (1998) studied RN skill mix and not education, was associated with lower
patient outcomes. In that study and others, rates of falls and medication errors. In fact,
a higher RN skill mix means that of the staff, in units with a higher percentage of BSNs
more are RNs than LPNs or unlicensed as- there was a slightly higher medication error
sistive personnel. This study found that a rate. However, in a landmark study in 2003,
higher skill mix was associated with a lower Aiken, Clarke, Cheung, Sloane, and Silber
rate of adverse patient occurrences such as found that even after adjusting for a wide
falls, medication errors, and decubitus ulcer variety of patient and hospital characteristics,
formation. Other studies confirmed the rela- a 10% increase in the proportion of nurses
tionship between RN care and positive qual- holding a bachelors degree was associated
ity and patient outcomes. In a secondary anal- with a 5% decrease in both the likelihood of
ysis of a survey of over 11,547 Pennsylvania patients dying within 30 days of admission
nurses, Sochalski (2001) found that intensity and the odds of failure to rescue. Aiken did
of nursing care (defined as workload) was not study mediation error rates as did Blegen,
significantly associated with quality of care. Vaughn, and Good. Therefore, the difference
Aiken, Clarke, Sloan, Sochalski, and Silber in the results may be related to the different
(2002) reported that in hospitals with high dependent variables, to different patient pop-
patient-to-nurse ratios (lower nursing inten- ulations (all Aiken and colleagues subjects
sity), surgical patients experienced higher were in Pennsylvania hospitals while Blegen
risk-adjusted 30-day mortality and failure- and colleagues studied hospitalized patients
to-rescue rates, and nurses were more likely in the Midwest). Also the two researchers
to experience burnout and job dissatisfaction. used very different methodologies.
Lichtig, Knauf, and Milholland (1999) In summary, much has been learned about
the positive outcomes of having sufficient
conducted a study of hospitals in California
staff to provide patient care. Research has
and New York. Their most consistent finding
demonstrated that a higher percentage of
was that more nursing hours and a higher
RNs is associated with more positive patient
skill mix of nurses were both associated with
outcomes. However, the research on the ef-
reduced hospital length of stay. They also
fects of nursing experience and of BSN versus
found that a higher nursing skill mix was
non-BSN prepared nurses is limited and the
associated with a lower rate of decubitus ul-
results are not yet sufficiently confirmed so
cerseach additional percentage point of
as to draw definitive conclusions. Ultimately,
personnel who were RNs was associated with
an index of nursing intensity that includes
a reduction in pressure ulcers of between nursing time, nurses experience and nurses
.79% and 1.77%. In the California hospitals, educational level would greatly facilitate fur-
a higher percentage of RNs was also associ- ther studies of the effects of management de-
ated with lower rates of pneumonia and cisions about nurse staffing on patient care
lower postoperative infection rates. outcomes.
Given the repeated findings of lower
lengths of stay, lower complication rates, and MARY L. MCHUGH
lower mortality rates associated with a higher
RN skill mix, there can no longer be any
question that a nursing staff that includes a Nursing Interventions
high percentage of RNs produces more posi- Classification (NIC)
tive patient outcomes and lower lengths of
hospital stay. To date, only two studies were The Nursing Interventions Classification
found that examined the relationship of edu- (NIC) is a comprehensive standardized classi-

fication of interventions that nurses perform. The portions of the intervention that are
It is useful for clinical documentation, com- standardized are the intervention labels and
munication of care across settings, integra- the definitionsthese should not be changed
tion of data across systems and settings, effec- when they are used. This allows for commu-
tiveness research, productivity measurement, nication across settings and comparison of
competency evaluation, reimbursement, and outcomes. Care can be individualized, how-
curricular design. The Classification includes ever, through the activities. From a list of
the interventions that nurses do on behalf of approximately 10 to 30 activities per inter-
patients, both independent and collaborative vention, the provider selects the activities that
interventions, both direct and indirect care. are appropriate for the specific individual or
An intervention is defined as any treatment, family and then can add new activities if de-
based upon clinical judgment and knowledge, sired. All modifications or additions in activi-
that a nurse performs to enhance patient/cli- ties should be congruent with the definition
ent outcomes (Dochterman & Bulechek, of the intervention. For each intervention, the
2004, p. xxiii). Although an individual nurse activities are listed in logical order, from what
will have expertise in only a limited number a nurse would do first to what s/he would do
of interventions reflecting her or his specialty, last. The short lists of background readings at
the entire classification captures the expertise the end of each intervention are those found
of all nurses. NIC can be used in all settings most helpful in developing the intervention
(from acute care intensive care units, to home or supporting some of the activities in the
care, to hospice care, to primary care) and intervention. They are a beginning place
all specialties (from critical care to ambula- to start reading if one is new to the interven-
tory care and long-term care). The entire clas- tion, but they are by no means a complete
sification describes the domain of nursing; reference list, nor are they inclusive of all the
however, some of the interventions in the research on the intervention.
classification are also done by other pro- The interventions are grouped into 30
viders. classes and seven domains for ease of use.
The first edition of NIC was published in The seven domains are: Physiological: Basic,
1992 with 336 interventions; the second edi- Physiological: Complex, Behavioral, Safety,
tion was published in 1996 with 433 inter- Family, Health System, and Community. A
ventions; the third edition in 2000 with 486 few interventions are located in more than
interventions; and the fourth edition in 2004 one class, but each intervention has a unique
with 514 interventions. NIC interventions in- number (code) that identifies the primary
clude both the physiological (e.g., Acid-Base class and is not used for any other interven-
Management) and the psychosocial (e.g., tion. In the fourth edition the interventions
Anxiety Reduction). Interventions are in- are also grouped into a second organizing
cluded for illness treatment (e.g., Hyperglyce- structure, the Taxonomy of Nursing Practice,
mia Management), illness prevention (e.g., developed by a collaborative group working
Fall Prevention), and health promotion (e.g., toward a common structure for NANDA di-
Exercise Promotion). Most of the interven- agnoses, NIC interventions and NOC out-
tions are for use with individuals, but many comes (Dochterman & Jones, 2003).
are for use with families (e.g., Family Integrity NIC interventions have been linked with
Promotion) and some are for use with entire North American Nursing Diagnosis Associa-
communities (e.g., Environmental Manage- tion (NANDA) nursing diagnoses, Omaha
ment: Community). Indirect care interven- System problems, Nursing Outcomes Classi-
tions (e.g., Supply Management) are also in- fication (NOC) outcomes, resident assess-
cluded. Each intervention as it appears in the ment protocols (RAP) used in nursing homes,
classification is listed with a label name, a and OASIS (Outcome and Assessment Infor-
definition, a set of activities to carry out the mation Set) used for collection for Medicare/
intervention, and background readings. Medicaid-covered patients receiving skilled
Nursing Occupational Injury and Stress 401

home care. The research to develop NIC be- for information system vendors in the ANAs
gan in 1987 and has progressed through four Nursing Information and Data Set Evalua-
phases, each with some overlap in time: tion Center (NIDSEC). NIC is included in the
National Library of Medicines Metathes-
Phase I: Construction of the Classifica- aurus for a Unified Medical Language. The
tion (19871992) Cumulative Index to Nursing Literature (CI-
Phase II: Construction of the Taxonomy NAHL) includes NIC interventions in its in-
(19901995) dexes. NIC is included in the Joint Commis-
Phase III: Clinical Testing and Refine- sion on Accreditation for Health Care Orga-
ment (19931997) nizations (JCAHO) accreditation require-
Phase IV: Use and Maintenance (1996 ments as one nursing classification system
ongoing) that can be used to meet the standard on
uniform data. Alternative Link Systems
The research was begun with 7 years of (2001) has included NIC in its ABC codes
funding from the National Institutes of for reimbursement for alternative providers.
Health, National Institute of Nursing. Multi- NIC is registered in HL 7 (Health Level 7), the
ple research methods have been used in the U.S. standards organization for health care.
development of NIC. An inductive approach NIC is also licensed for inclusion in
was used in phase I to build the classification SNOMED (Systematized Nomenclature of
based on existing practice. Original sources Medicine). Interest in NIC has been demon-
were current textbooks, care planning guides, strated in several other countries, and transla-
and nursing information systems. Content tions into Chinese, Dutch, French, Icelandic,
analysis, focus group review, and question- German, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Por-
naires to experts in specialty areas of practice tuguese are completed or underway.
were used to augment the clinical practice Many health care agencies have adopted
expertise of team members. Phase II was char- NIC for use in standards, care plans, compe-
acterized by deductive methods. Methods to tency evaluation, and nursing information
construct the taxonomy included similarity systems; nursing education programs are us-
analysis, hierarchical clustering, and multidi- ing NIC to structure curriculum and identify
mensional scaling. Through clinical field-test- competencies for nursing students; vendors
ing, steps for implementation were developed of information systems are incorporating
and tested and the need for linkages between NIC in their software; authors of major texts
NANDA, NIC, and NOC were identified. are using NIC to discuss nursing treatments;
Over time, more than 1,000 nurses have com- and researchers are using NIC to study the
pleted questionnaires and approximately 50 effectiveness of nursing care.
professional associations have provided input
about the classification. JOANNE MCCLOSKEY DOCHTERMAN
Several tools are available that assist in the
implementation of the Classification. In-
cluded are the taxonomic structure to assist Nursing Occupational Injury and
a user to find the intervention of choice, link- Stress
ages with NANDA diagnoses to facilitate de-
cision support with these diagnostic lan- According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics
guages, the core intervention lists for areas (BLS, 2000), there were approximately 11
of specialty practice, as well as the amount million workers employed in the health ser-
of time and level of education need to perform vices sector in 1999 representing nearly 9%
each intervention. of employed U.S. workers. Health care work-
NIC is recognized by the American Nurses ers face numerous work-related hazardous
Association (ANA) and is included as one exposures that can result in injury and illness.
data set that will meet the uniform guidelines Health care workers can include nurses, phy-

sicians, physical therapists, aides, physician (Rogers, 1997). While there are many biolog-
assistants, laboratory workers, and the like. ical agents of importance, most notably HIV
As reported by BLS (2000), an estimated and hepatitis B and C are of most concern.
606,000 cases of health services worker in- Each year an estimated 600,000 to 800,000
jury or illness occurred in 1998, with an inci- needlestick or sharps injuries occur among
dence rate of 7.7 injuries or illnesses per 100 health care workers (Twitchell, 2003a,
full-time workers. The rate compared with 2003b). As of 1999, the Centers for Disease
an overall rate of 5.2 injuries or illnesses per Control and Prevention (CDC) (2000a) has
100 full-time workers in all service industries documented 56 cases of occupationally ac-
(including health care) and a rate for private quired HIV infection or AIDS among health
industry in general of 6.7 per 100 full-time care workers and, of these, exposures in-
workers. Of the 606,000 cases, 279,700 in- cluded 49 percutaneous, 5 mucotaneous, 2
volved days away from work and days of with both percutaneous and mucotaneous,
restricted work activity. This rate of 3.6 cases and 1 had an unknown exposure route. The
per 100 full-time workers exceeded that for CDC is also aware of a possible 138 addi-
all service industries at 2.4 cases per 100 full- tional occupationally acquired HIV infec-
time workers and for private industry at 3.1 tions or AIDS.
cases per 100 full-time workers. In 1989, the CDC estimated that approxi-
Occupational health hazards include: mately 12,000 health care workers were an-
nually occupationally infected with hepatitis
1. Biologic and infectious hazards: infec- B virus (HBV) and that approximately 250
tious and biologic agents, such as bac- would die. As a result of the Occupational
teria, viruses, fungi, or parasites, that Safety and Health Administrations Blood-
may be transmitted through contact borne Pathogen Standard in 1991, the stan-
with infected individuals or with con- dard compelled employers to offer cost-free
taminated body secretions or fluids. HBV vaccine to at-risk employees. This has
2. Chemical hazards: various forms of resulted in a steady decline in the number of
chemicals that are potentially toxic or infections of HBV to an estimated 400 cases
irritating to the body system, includ- annually in 1995 (Mahoney et al., 1997).
ing medications, solutions, and gasses. This change is attributed to immunization
3. Enviromechanical hazards: factors en- and use of standard precautions.
countered in the work environment Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is the
that cause or potentiate accidents, in- most common blood-borne infection, with
juries, strain, or discomfort (e.g., poor nearly 4 million persons estimated to have
equipment of lifting devices, slippery chronic infection worldwide. In the U.S. an
floors). estimated 3.9 million people are infected with
4. Physical hazards: agents within the HCV, resulting in 8,000 to 10,000 deaths
work environment, such as radiation, annually from acute and chronic liver disease
electricity, extreme temperatures, and (CDC, 1998). Among health care workers
noise, that can cause tissue damage. the prevalence of HCV infections is about
5. Psychosocial hazards: factors and sit- 1%3% (Alter et al., 1998).
uations encountered or associated Chemical agent exposures in the health
with ones job or work environment care work environment can be irritating and
that create or potentiate stress, emo- toxic to tissues, mostly through inhalation or
tional strain, or interpersonal prob- skin contact exposures. The most common
lems. exposures include disinfectants, sterilizing
agents, inhaled anesthetics, aerosolized phar-
Exposure to biologic agents and subse- maceuticals, chemotherapeutic agents, and
quent diseases that can develop are the most latex. Disinfectants can result in airway
familiar risk faced by health care workers symptoms and skin problems, while ethylene
Nursing Occupational Injury and Stress 403

oxide, used to sterilize equipment, has muta- Fragala, & Menzel, 2003), and back injuries
genic and carcinogenic properties, as demon- are cited as the most costly workers compen-
strated in animal studies (Rogers, 1997). sation problem today. While back injuries are
Glutaraldehyde is an extremely effective highly prevalent in the health care industry,
microbiocide used for cold sterilization of en- the actual incidence is thought to be underes-
doscopes and bronchoscopes. While techni- timated. Several studies implicate lifting tech-
cal personnel bear the brunt of the exposure, niques, poor staffing, lack of ergonomic de-
nurses and physicians also have significant sign, and constitutional factors as contribu-
contact if fumes are not vented or scopes are tory (Nelson et al., 2003). In addition to the
not adequately rinsed. Skin, eye, and respira- aforementioned factors the authors cited lack
tory tract irritation is the result along with of accessibility, physical stress, lack of skill
the possibility to develop allergic dermatitis and training, and increased patient transfer
and asthma. activities, lack of use of assistive devices, and
The principal hazardous drugs of concern solo lifting as etiologic factors. Nurses aides
for occupational exposure are the antineo- are at higher risk for back injuries than con-
plastic agents. Pharmacists and nurses who struction workers and laborers (NIOSH,
handle and administer the agents are at signif- 2001). The impact of these injuries is enor-
icant exposure risk. As a result health care mous in terms of worker pain and safety,
workers exposed to antineoplastic agents disability, lost work time, absenteeism, medi-
have been found to have a significantly cal care costs, personnel replacement costs,
greater risk of urine mutagenicity and adverse and decreased productivity. Better use of
symptoms common to specific agents includ- equipment, training, and improved work
ing lightheadedness, nasal sores, nausea, hair conditions and staffing could help prevent
loss, depressed leukocytes, skin rash, and this disabling problem.
higher fetal loss (Rogers & Emmett, 1987; Physical agents are probably the least im-
Valanis, Vollmer, & Steele, 1999). Those portant hazard in health care environments;
most at risk for toxicologic effects will have however, exposures do occur. Radiation is a
regular cumulative exposure in practice set- common hazard used in medical therapeutics,
tings such as hospital oncology floors, oncol- and exposure can occur during diagnostic x-
ogy units, private physicians offices, and out- rays, radioactive implants, and from patient
patient clinics. body fluids with metabolized therapeutic nu-
Latex allergy is a growing problem for clear radiation. Obviously developmental
health care workers with some reports of anomalies can occur from exposure during
more than 17% prevalence (NIOSH, 1997). pregnancy (Wagner, Lester, & Saldano,
Latex is ubiquitous in home and health care 1997). Lasers emit non-ionizing radiation
environments to which nurses are exposed. and can cause eye or skin injury from a point
The allergen is usually a protein which binds of impact. Laser is an acronym for light
to the glove powder as part of the manufac- amplification by stimulated emission of radi-
turing process (Kurup et al., 1996; Posch et ation. Exposures to lasers can result in skin
al., 1997). Inhalation occurs when the pow- thermal burns and corneal damage as a result
der is expelled into the air during glove don- of poor use of protective wear. In addition,
ning or removal. Reactions can range from air contaminants may be generated when a
contact dermatitis, systemic reactions, and/ specific laser beam (class 3b or 4) interacts
or anaphylaxis. with matter (NIOSH, 1999), which may pro-
Enviromechanical agents relate to expo- duce toxic and noxious vapors, the presence
sures resulting from poorly designed or inade- of dead and live cellular materials and viruses,
quate equipment or devices, work stations, and metal or plastic fumes to which health
or situations that can result in worker injury. care workers are exposed.
There is a high prevalence of low-back pain Psychosocial agents or stressors and their
and injury among nursing personnel (Nelson, effects are often reported in nursing literature

(Rogers, 1997). While many areas in nursing In summary, work-related hazards are
have been studied and are highly stressful, ubiquitous and becoming more problematic
intensive care nursing, hospice, emergency in the health care environment. Recognition
nursing, and oncology nursing have been of the events and those at potential risk is
studied the most. Factors cited most fre- critical as is developing strategies to prevent
quently as contributory to workplace stress in and control the exposure and the risk.
nursing include death and dying, inadequate
staffing and resources, interpersonal con- BONNIE ROGERS
flicts, dealing with family needs, work over-
load, organizational politics, and poor com-
munications. Issues related to quality con- Nursing Outcomes Classification
cerns have created job stress, resulting in in-
creased depressive symptomology, increased The Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)
role conflict, and decreased job satisfaction is a comprehensive, research-based standard-
(NIOSH, 2002). ized classification of patient/client, family,
Burnout continues to be a serious problem and community outcomes developed to eval-
and has been found to be associated with uate the effects of nursing interventions
shift work, lack of autonomy, floating, and across the continuum of care. An outcome is
lack of administrative support. Many of the stated as a variable concept representing an
same factors that contribute to stress also individual, family, or community condition
lead to burnout, resulting in decreased job that is measurable along a continuum and
satisfaction, increased absenteeism, and turn- responsive to nursing interventions. The defi-
over. nition of a nursing-sensitive patient out-
Health care workers are at continual and come is
increased risk for injury and death from
workplace violence (Drury, 1997; Boyd, an individual, family or community state,
1998; NIOSH, 2001). This includes both behavior, or perception that is measured
threatening behavior and physical assaults. along a continuum in response to a nursing
Homicide is the second leading cause of occu- intervention(s). Each outcome has an associ-
pational fatality in the U.S. and victims of ated group of indicators that are used to
determine patient status in relation to the
workplace violence account for 15% or al-
outcome. (Moorhead, Johnson, & Maas,
most 1 million violent acts experienced. 2004, p. 26)
Health care institutions mirror society and
increasingly nurses are called to manage po- Each outcome has a label name, definition,
tentially harmful situations at work (Drury). set of specific indicators, and a 5-point scale
The Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) to measure the concept and indicators. The
identified that the most important workplace outcomes are developed for use in all special-
factors determining violence in the emergency ties and with all patient populations and have
room were the presence or absence of security been used in interdisciplinary care plans and
personnel, presence or absence of safety care maps. Since the outcomes describe pa-
equipment, work norms, policies, staffing tient/client status, other disciplines may find
patters, staff training, and physical design of them useful for the evaluation of their inter-
the work area. They also concluded that the ventions. An important characteristic of the
nurses size, gender, and work experience classification is that NOC outcomes can be
mattered. Though some studies have identi- used across the care continuum to follow pa-
fied gender as a factor that increases vulnera- tient outcomes throughout an illness episode
bility to assault, most experts agree that male or over an extended period of care.
and female health care workers are equally The first edition of NOC was published
vulnerable to assault (ENA, 1994). in 1997 with 196 outcomes (Johnson, M., &
Nursing Outcomes Classification 405

Maas, 1997) and is the first classification fo- bers clustered like concepts into grouping for
cused on outcomes of nursing care. The sec- further refinement by eight focus groups.
ond edition, published in 2000, contained Each focus group then developed each out-
260 outcomes (Johnson, M., Maas, & Moor- come with its definition and indicators from
head, 2000) and the third edition contained this sorting process for review by the research
330 outcomes (Moorhead, Johnson, & team. The focus group chairs were doctorally
Maas, 2004). The classification is on a 4- prepared investigators on the research team,
year publication cycle. In the third edition, and focus group members included research
76 outcomes have a new 2-scale format. This team members and practicing clinicians. Fo-
format uses two scales to measure the indica- cus groups used a modified concept analysis
tors of the outcome. The second scale is used to establish face validity as outcomes were
to measure symptoms that previously were developed for the classification. Each out-
difficult to state using the primary scale. For come was reviewed by the entire team, sug-
example the outcome Endurance defined gestions for revision were offered by mem-
as the capacity to sustain activity uses the bers, and the final draft was approved by the
severely compromised scale to rate the major- research team prior to placement in the tax-
ity of the indicators such as performance of onomy.
usual routine, activity, and concentra- The outcomes in the classification are
tion. This scale has the following anchors: grouped into seven domains: Functional
severely compromised, substantially compro- Health, Physiologic Health, Psychosocial
mised, moderately compromised, mildly Health, Health Knowledge and Behavior,
compromised, and not compromised. The Perceived Health, Family Health, and Com-
second scale measures severity of symptoms munity Health. Within each domain are sev-
using endpoints of severe, substantial, moder- eral classes that contain the outcomes specific
ate, mild, and none. Three symptoms are to that class. For example the domain Func-
measured using this scale: exhaustion, leth- tional Health has the classes Energy Mainte-
argy, and fatigue. The overall outcome is nance, Growth and Development, Mobility,
measured on the compromised scale. and Self-Care. Examples of outcomes under
New to the third edition is the ability to Energy Maintenance are Activity Tolerance,
set a target outcome rating that allows the Endurance, Energy Conservation, and Sleep.
nurse to determine if the goal of nursing inter- The classification has 29 classes under these
vention is to maintain the outcome at a de- seven domains to assist nurses in finding the
sired rating or to increase the rating to a outcomes that they use in practice. Each do-
higher score. In some circumstances the main main and class is defined to facilitate the
goal of nursing intervention is to prevent de- placement of outcomes in the taxonomy as
cline in the outcome. An example of this situ- they are developed. The entire taxonomy
ation is often seen when elderly patients are (outcomes, indicators, and measurement
admitted to a nursing home. The nursing staff scales) is coded for implementation in compu-
focuses on preventing deterioration in out- terized clinical information systems and for
comes such as mobility and endurance. the manipulation of data to answer questions
The classification was developed using in- about nursing care quality and effectiveness.
ductive and deductive methods as well as The original taxonomy was developed us-
quantitative and qualitative approaches. ing hierarchical cluster analysis, a technique
Nursing outcome statements were extracted used previously by the Nursing Interventions
from nursing textbooks, clinical information Classification research team in the develop-
systems, and research studies as a first step ment of their initial taxonomy (Moorhead,
in building the classification. Most of these Head, Johnson, & Maas, 1998). Building on
statements were goal statements that were their procedures, three groups of nurse ex-
evaluated as met or unmet. A series of perts sorted the developed outcomes into cat-
sorting exercises was used where team mem- egories. Following these sorts by individual

team members, the outcomes were grouped well as their feasibility in practice settings.
into 5, 10, 15, and 25 tentative categories This study focused on testing the classifica-
using hierarchical clustering techniques. Us- tion across the continuum of care in the
ing the 25-category structure, the original United States. Clinical sites participating in
taxonomy had 24 classes identified and the study include two academic teaching hos-
names and definitions were created for each pitals, three community hospitals, one nurs-
class. The domain level of the taxonomy was ing home, one parish nursing organization,
created in the same way using the classes, two visiting nurse associations, and one nurse
and the original structure had six domains. practitioner clinic.
Community Health was added as commu- This study focused on testing the 190 out-
nity-level outcomes were developed. comes from the first edition of the classifica-
Initial phases of the research tested content tion. Data were collected on over 2,300 pa-
validity of the outcomes by using survey re- tients with a total of over 12,500 outcome
search methods and masters prepared nurse ratings. Methods used were inter-rater relia-
experts. Questionnaires were developed by bility, construct validity using criterion tools,
team members that asked respondents to rate and an evaluation of the sensitivity of the
the importance of each indicator for de- outcome measures to capture change in out-
termining the outcome on a 5-point scale, come ratings over time. The measurement
from never important to always im- scales used in the NOC have been shown
portant. In addition the research team was to be sensitive to nursing interventions with
interested in the sensitivity of the outcomes to patients in a variety of care settings and have
nursing interventions. Each respondent was been able to capture change in patient status
asked to rate each indicator on a five-point even during short admissions in acute care.
scale, from no contribution to contribu- This research produced important data for
tion is mainly nursing. Fehrings methodol- the revisions made to the classification for
ogy (1987), using ratios identified by Sparks the third edition. Many nurses have contrib-
and Lien-Gieschen (1994), was the basis of uted to this important work in outcome lan-
evaluation of the importance and sensitivity guage development for nursing.
of the indicators and outcomes. These surveys Refinement of the outcomes and outcome
reinforced the importance of the indicators. development are still a large part of the work
There was more variation in the nursing con- of the research team. New outcomes are being
tributions of the outcomes surveys and this developed to meet the needs of practicing
was especially true for physiological indica- nurses, and beginning work on the identifica-
tors. During the work with these surveys, tion of core outcomes by specialty organiza-
there was a major shift in practice to a more tions was published in the third edition. More
interdisciplinary model. On some outcomes work in the identification of core outcomes
respondents suggested additional indicators is needed as nurses shift their practice from
which the team reviewed and added as appro- goals to outcomes. Linkage work with the
priate. Following the survey work, the out- North American Nursing Diagnosis Associa-
comes were piloted in a tertiary care setting, tion (NANDA) International diagnoses is in-
a community hospital, and a nursing home cluded in the book, and an additional book
with favorable results. identifying linkages among diagnoses, inter-
The research team realized that a more ventions, and outcomes was published in
thorough study of the outcomes use in prac- 2001 (Johnson, M., Bulechek, Dochterman,
tice was needed and determined that a grant Maas, & Moorhead, 2001). More recently
focused on measurement was the next step the need for a common taxonomic structure
needed in the refinement of the classification. for NANDA, NIC, and NOC led to an invita-
A 10-site study was funded by the National tional conference that developed an initial
Institute of Nursing Research to test the relia- common structure known as Taxonomy of
bility and sensitivity of NOC outcomes as Nursing Practice, published in 2003 by the
Nursing Practice Models 407

American Nurses Association (Dochter- sification of nursing-sensitive patient out-

man & Jones, 2003). The importance of ef- comes currently available for nurses to use
fectiveness research using standardized lan- with individuals, families, and communities
guages is becoming a reality, as hospitals and across the care continuum and in specialty
other agencies where nurse work begin to practice.
gather the needed data to evaluate in more
detail the effectiveness of nursing interven- MARION JOHNSON
tions on the problems nurses face with pa- MERIDEAN MAAS
tients, families, and communities. Accurate UPDATED BY SUE MOORHEAD
measurement of outcomes using NOC is an
important piece of effectiveness studies.
The NOC is endorsed by the American Nursing Practice Models
Nurses Association as a classification for use
by nurses to capture the outcomes of care. A nursing practice model can be described as
This recognition occurred in 1998 as did the a guide, a road map, or a framework that
inclusion of NOC in the National Library provides a structure for the organization and
of Medicines Metathesaurus. In 2001 NOC the delivery of care. Practice models have
was registered in Health Level 7. NOC was been developed by administrators and man-
also licensed for inclusion in the Systematized agers in response to changes in health care.
Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED) in Over the years, practice models used within
2002 and content was added in 2003. NOC organizations have resulted in various out-
has been translated into Dutch, French, Ger- comes, including decreased cost and in-
man, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. A Por- creased quality of care. Several practice mod-
tuguese translation of the second edition of els have incorporated dimensions such as
NOC is forthcoming. Endorsement of NOC interdisciplinary practice, differentiated prac-
by the international community has been im- tice, and communication as integral compo-
portant to its development. nents of the framework.
NOC is an important classification for the The goal of most nursing practice models
implementation of the Nursing Minimum focuses on decreasing cost, improving quality
Data Set (Werley & Lang, 1988). It has been outcomes, increasing nurse satisfaction, au-
used with other standardized languages such tonomy, financial compensation, and impact
as the NANDA International Nursing Diag- on patient satisfaction with care. Models de-
noses (NANDA, 2003), Nursing Interven- veloped during the past decade have focused
tions Classification (Dochterman & Bule- on shared governance, professional practice,
chek, 2004), and the Omaha System (Martin, collaborative governance, theory-based prac-
1982), and it has been linked to the Long- tice, and transitional models of care.
Term Care Minimum Data Set Resident As- Shared governance is designed to increase
sessment Instruments (RAI), the Resident As- nursings presence in the health care system
sessment Protocols (RAPs), and the Outcome by differentiating responsibilities of providers
and Assessment Information Set (OASIS). based on education and experience while
Standardized languages for nursing prac- compensating expert practitioners finan-
tice are essential to capture the nursing prob- cially. This model provides opportunities for
lems, interventions, and outcomes of nursing shared decision making and organizational
care. They are also essential for todays health participation through committee work. Eval-
care system focused on quality outcomes in uation of successful implementation of the
a cost-conscious environment. We need data model has varied. Cost and commitment to
about outcomes of care to influence policy the governance process have became issues,
and policy makers focused on changing the although evaluation reports indicate satisfac-
health care system. The Nursing Outcomes tion with staff participation in decision mak-
Classification is the most comprehensive clas- ing and teamwork. Some continue to use the

model, whereas others have abandoned it for Models using advanced practice nurses as
other structures. case managers or clinical specialists enable
Use of professional practice models and patients to move rapidly from the acute care
collaborative governance is a more recent settings to a less costly care site, such as
practice model and builds on some aspects the home.
of shared governance. The model focuses on Use of various models to guide nursing
the contribution of all professionals within practice helps to foster the philosophy, val-
the organization, including nurses and other ues, and beliefs of an organization. A nursing
providers. Collaborative governance is used practice model can serve as a structure for
to implement many of the components of the the planning and direction of nursing and
professional practice model. A committee health care and help guide resource distribu-
structure is developed to involve staff from tion. Strategic planning is improved as partic-
across disciplines to participate in the leader- ipation from all providers in organizational
ship of patient care services. Interdisciplinary decisions can occur when nurses have a
team building is used to bring about change. shared vision about health care. Through the
Emphasis is placed on communication among use of nursing practice models, practitioners
caregivers and respect for each disciplines from beginner to expert can be recognized
contribution to quality patient care. The for unique contributions to care and for their
model offers individuals who deliver patient educational and clinical expertise.
care at all levels a voice in decision making Organizing care around a nursing practice
through a committee structure and open fo- model also can create a stronger patient-cen-
rums. The goal of the model is to work to- tered environment, where providers can come
ward increased recognition of all providers to know the patient and use nursing knowl-
and as a result improve the work environment edge to improve care outcomes. A profes-
and patient care outcomes. sional practice model can help to expand
Theory-based practice models incorporate nursings leadership for patient care and fos-
nursing, and theoretical perspectives outside ter those behaviors associated with patient,
the discipline to guide practice. Other models family, and community health. Through
have implemented midrange theories (e.g., practice models, new strategies and nursing
pain and stress) to direct practice. Commu- interventions can be generated and tested to
nity-based practices have focused on preven- expand nursing knowledge and inform clini-
tion and risk reduction to decrease mortality cal practice.
related to smoking. Nursing theories also With the continued emphasis on health
have been used as practice frameworks. For care reform, cost savings, and quality, it is
example, advanced practice nurses in man- essential that practice be implemented within
aged care setting structured nursing practice a framework that is realistic and useful.
around the Neuman system model. Nursing Within nursing, the continued creation of
practice models have been found successful practice models will promote quality care and
in directing resource utilization and staffing. facilitate the articulation of nursings contri-
In addition, nursing models have been used bution to care outcomes. Emerging practice
with high-risk populations in rural communi- models that are patient-centered and respect-
ties to demonstrate the impact of nursing in- ful of the contribution of all providers will
terventions (e.g., teaching) on decreasing cost foster quality health care for all and initiate
while improving and maintaining health creative approaches to practice that can
across populations and settings. maintain and sustain individuals in less costly
Transitional models of care have been de- environments. Through teamwork, coopera-
veloped to focus on care outcomes such as tive planning, and increased participation in
cost, length of stay, and patient satisfaction. decision making, system members can move
Nursing Process 409

the organization toward a shared vision and the implementation of the nursing process. A
new directions in care delivery. large amount of the research conducted on
this concept has come from the United King-
DOROTHY A. JONES dom. However, studies on the implementa-
tion of the nursing process in both the United
States and the United Kingdom reveal that
Nursing Process nursing process has not been implemented.
Researchers have attempted to identify and
Nearly all authors define the nursing process study what barriers exist to the full use of
as a problem-solving process composed of the nursing process as identified by educators
the elements of assessment, planning, imple- and clinicians in both countries. Studies fo-
mentation, and evaluation. Many a priori as- cused on the attitudes of nurses, environmen-
sumptions have been identified and studied tal factors, educational preparation, strate-
concerning the nursing-process approach to gies to promote and encourage use, and in-
patient care that includes decision making as strument development to measure the con-
a characteristic of the process. These assump- cept more empirically. The reports were very
tions are that the nursing process is a holistic, consistent in finding that nurses placed a high
scientific, individualized, problem-solving value on the nursing process as a vehicle to
approach with an emphasis on diagnosing. provide quality, individualized, patient care,
The concept emerged as early as the 1950s although they did not implement the nursing
from Lydia Hall and was more directly de- process regardless of their preparation and
scribed by Orlando (1961). knowledge of the process or their educational
Interest in the type of systematic identifica- level or years of experience. The data indicate
tion of a nursing process spread rapidly, as that even those novice nurses recently edu-
evidenced in many proceedings, position cated within the nursing process did not use
statements, and policies from groups as influ- it in actual patient situations when providing
ential as the American Nurses Association independent nursing care.
and the Joint Commission on the Accredita- There are problems with the evaluation
tion of Hospitals. By the mid 1970s there was and study of such a multidimensional concept
widespread implementation underway. Early as the nursing process. A review of the litera-
writings began to emerge in the literature at ture reveals few objective indicators or crite-
this time. Although little research appeared ria to measure this concept. A variety of re-
in publications, writings in journals and text- search designs and methodologies have been
books were abundant, promoting the process described in the literature primarily aimed at
as a useful tool for teaching and understand- investigating the implementation or lack of
ing nursing. It was commonly held that full implementation. Instrument development to
implementation of the nursing process would measure the nursing process has been re-
bring about radical changes in nursing educa- ported in the literature. Authors have de-
tion and nursing practice. In the late 1970s signed quantitative studies using such strate-
the World Health Organization (WHO, gies as attitudinal questionnaires with com-
1977) endorsed the use of the nursing pro- plex analyses, intervention studies intended
cess. With this support the United Kingdom to compare group outcomes, retrospective
quickly adopted the approach throughout studies, and questionnaires assessing docu-
nursing. mentation. Other research strategies to study
A review of the research on nursing pro- implementation issues have been inductive in
cess in the past 15 years has focused less on nature. Researchers have used extensive liter-
the merits, processes, and structure of the ature analyses on the subject, grounded the-
nursing process and more on the study of ory approaches, action research, direct obser-

vation with field recording, and cooperative greatly to the new outcomes-focused initia-
inquiry to describe and understand these phe- tives shaping nursing for the 21st century.
There is a considerable amount of unpub- SALLY PHILLIPS
lished dissertation work in the United States
addressing issues and concerns about educa-
tional variations, environmental impact, and Nursing Studies Index
barriers in attitude and structure to the full
implementation of the nursing process. Inter- The Nursing Studies Index is a four-volume,
vention studies have attempted to influence annotated, guide to literature on nursing as
attitude and behavior with motivational ther- published in English from 1900 through
apy, increased education through innovative 1959. The literature indexed was cumulated
teaching strategies and on-site inservice, and in a broad and systematic search of periodical
skills-reinforcement strategies. and nonperiodical sources and the indexing
Throughout the reported studies a clear of everything in those journals, books, and
theme emerges. The profession of nursing pamphlets of an analytical or historical na-
holds a high value for the nursing process. ture that involved nursing or nurses. The In-
There seems to be a convergence of thinking dex was designed to serve a public with
that it is the best vehicle to individualize pa- widely different interests and educational
tient care. Nurses verbally articulate this backgrounds, and as such the indexing staff
commitment and value on behalf of the pro- developed an inclusive policy. Historical and
fession and practice of nursing, but consis- biographical articles and monographs were
tently the data support the reality that nurses included as were articles believed to involve
do not use the nursing process in practice and nurses or nursing. No effort was made to
that the assumptions and characteristics of index publications of interest to nurses and
the nursing process are not supported as the Index did not supplant Index Medicus,
tested in a myriad of research approaches. Hospital Literature Index, the Education In-
Researchers interested in this field in the dex or other essential library tools.
future might take some direction from this Computer technology has stimulated re-
review as well as from clinical judgment. newed interest in bibliographic searches but
There are strong indications that a scientific, at the same time has relegated non-digital
analytical, systematic approach to patient documents such as the Nursing Studies Index
care is of value to the novice student who to remote corners of health science libraries
experiences the complexities of the human if they are retained at all. The Nursing Studies
condition in early training. However, equally Index was as important when published in
supportive research indicates that more ad- 1963 as the Internet is today. Both have made
vanced students and practicing nurses revise it possible to access professional literature
and adapt the nursing process within the real- and became indispensable library tools in
ities of practice. Some nursing process re- their day.
searchers, as well as those that study clinical The Nursing Studies Index filled a void
judgment (decision making), call for a new in the development of the modern nursing
model that reflects a more holistic approach profession. The professional literature was
to analyzing patient situations and arriving scattered and inaccessible to those who de-
at individualized care that is open to multiple sired to systematically review a topic. This
ways of knowing and the evolving contexts of was especially true of nurses involved in re-
the environment and the patient. One future search, but it also concerned practitioners
direction might be generating theory-based and teachers. Virginia Henderson, director
practice models for individualized patient of the indexing project, was aware of the
care and testing the effectiveness of these new challenge in accessing nursing literature be-
process models. This research may contribute cause of her involvement in two related activi-
Nursing Workload Measurement Systems 411

ties: textbook writing, and review and cri- ture. The 6-year gap between the Index and
tique of nursing research. The latter project the 1966 beginning of the International Nurs-
was performed under the direction of Leo ing Index was filled by the Cumulative Index
Simmons and together they published a vol- to Nursing Literature. CINAHL is now the
ume entitled Nursing Research: A Survey and primary source for digital searches of profes-
Assessment (Simmons & Henderson, 1964). sional nursing literature (Seventh Day Ad-
Henderson had previously prepared two edi- ventist Hospital Association, 1961, 1967)
tions of the textbook, Principles and Practice while the nursing journals subset of Index
of Nursing (Harmer & Henderson, 1939, Medicus is a close second. The International
1955). Nursing Index was discontinued by Lippin-
The index is organized chronologically, cott, Williams, & Wilkins after the American
with volume I covering the years 1900 Journal of Nursing was sold to them by the
through 1929; II, 1930 through 1949; III, American Nurses Association.
1950 through 1956; and IV, 1957 through The four-volume Index is now used pri-
1959. They were published inversely, volume marily for historical research. It is still the
IV first in 1963 followed by volumes III, II, only source of citation information about the
and I in 1966, 1970, and 1972, respectively. profession cumulated before 1961. Hender-
The entries are arranged using the first edition son went on from the Indexing project to
of Medical Subjects Headings (MeSH, 1960). write a sixth edition of her text, Principles
MeSH was employed in the hope that both and Practice of Nursing, coauthored with
doctors and nurses would access each others Gladys Nite (1978). It is the only edition that
professional literature when searching topics capitalized on her exhaustive knowledge of
of mutual interest. Contemporary, auto- the professional literature, and as such, is per-
mated, library database literature searches haps the first evidence-based nursing text-
make this hope more remote as a keystroke book and the most important book written
now divides the medical and nursing litera- on nursing in the 20th century.
ture, even when the topics generate results
applicable to both fields. Most thorough da- EDWARD J. HALLORAN
tabase searches on nurses and nursing now
require the use of at least two databases: Cu-
mulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Nursing Workload Measurement
Literature (CINAHL), and Index Medicus Systems
(Medline and PubMed) as some nurse-writ-
ten and nursing publications appear in medi- Nursing workload systems refer to the array
cal journals only. of methods and procedures designed for the
Volume IV of the Index contains a classifi- determination and allocation of nursing per-
cation system for nursing studies that was not sonnel in both inpatient and community set-
used in the work. The classification scheme is tings. Some of the systems are based on the
instructive and timely now that the prolifera- concept of patient classification, yielding an
tion of professional literature has made it average number of hours of care for each
challenging to place articles and studies in patient category. Others identify a unique
context and into mutually exclusive and ex- care-time requirement for each patient. In
haustive categories. Organizing entries for general, the systems have become a major
the Encyclopedia of Nursing Research is one component of the management of nursing re-
possible use for the Classification for Nursing sources.
Studies (Henderson et al., 1963, p. xii). Nursing resource management is not a
The Nursing Studies Index was the direct new concept. Florence Nightingale not only
forerunner of the International Nursing In- addressed the question of how many nurses
dex (American Journal of Nursing, 1966), were needed for her many exploits but gave
once the standard reference to nursing litera- serious thought to the larger question of hu-

man resource planning. From a historical per- ested in the historical development in the
spective, Giovannetti (1994) identified three United States, Canada, and the United King-
major perspectives for addressing the ques- dom (Baar, Moores, & Rhys-Hearn, 1973;
tions related to nurse staffing. First, staffing Giovannetti, 1978).
decisions were made primarily on the basis The terminology employed in reference to
of the perceived requirements of recognized nursing workload measurement systems var-
leaders in the field, employing both personal ies widely, and according to Edwardson and
and professional sources of power. This ap- Giovannetti (1994), has contributed to both
proach was employed by Nightingale and re- misunderstanding and misuse. The term pa-
mained dominant until about the mid-1930s. tient classification systems is frequently used,
The second perspective, in part driven by leading to confusion with many other types
rapid growth in both the size and complexity of patient classification systems such as diag-
of institutional care and the demand for a nostic related groups (DRG), case mix groups
less variable assessment, led to the develop- (CMG), and medical severity of illness sys-
ment of global staffing standards. Fixed staff- tems. Further, many nursing workload mea-
to-patient ratios in terms of hours per patient- surement systems do not employ the concept
day became the norm. This approach as- of grouping or classification of patients. A
sumed that the basis for staffing was the num- common nonclassification approach employs
ber of occupied beds, and thus the staff re- the development of standard times for each
quired was a function of the number of occu- nursing task. Staffing calculations are then
pied beds multiplied by the global standard determined on the basis of the unique set of
hours per patient-day. tasks required for each patient. The terms
The work of Connor, conducted at the nursing severity, nursing acuity, and patient
Johns Hopkins Hospital in the 1960s, was dependency systems have also been used
instrumental in bringing about a more scien- to label nursing workload measurement
tific perspective, that involved the concept of schemes, although these terms suggest a pur-
classification theory coupled with use of time pose or intent beyond the assessment of nurs-
studies to determine the average amount of ing care time. Further, the usage of these
care time for each patient category. In con- terms has frequently led to the erroneous as-
trast to global standards, the focus of the sumption that the more acute or serious the
measurement model attended to the variable patients condition is, the more nursing care
needs of patients who occupied the beds time is required. The preferred and probably
(Connor, Flagle, Hseih, Preston, & Singer, most accurate term used in North America
1961). This was the beginning of the third appears to be that of nursing workload mea-
stage, the development of workload measure- surement systems.
ment systems. Connor developed a three-cat- A variety of approaches to the measure-
egory patient classification scheme using cri- ment of nursing workload has been devel-
teria from observational studies of the direct oped; and although substantial differences
nursing care time provided to patients. The exist among the approaches, they all aim to
criteria for assigning patients to categories estimate the total hours of nursing care, in-
included physical needs (based on activities cluding both direct and indirect time required
of daily living), emotional needs, selected to care for patients. Most employ a prospec-
treatment needs such as oxygen and suc- tive or predictive approach to the assessment
tioning, and certain patient states such as un- of patients nursing care needs; however, as
consciousness and impaired vision. Follow- the systems are increasingly used for costing
ing the work of Connor, there was a prolif- out nursing care, retrospective assessments
eration of nursing workload measurement are common. Edwardson and Giovannettis
systems, developed by individual nurse inves- (1994) integrative review of systems is a com-
tigators, institutions, and vendors. A number prehensive source for the research base of
of sources are available for the reader inter- the systems, whereas Lewis (1989) contains
Nutrition in Infancy and Childhood 413

a compendium of many of the systems used growth and developmental processes from
in North American hospitals. birth through the school-age years. Substan-
The proliferation of systems attests to both tial recent research attention has focused on
the numerous issues that surround the use of the role of nutrition in health promotion and
nursing workload measurement systems and disease prevention across the life span. Di-
the complexity of the challenges inherent in etary intake has emerged as a major modifi-
determining appropriate nurse staffing levels. able determinant of numerous chronic dis-
The nursing literature is replete with advice eases including hypertension, osteoporosis,
on implementation strategies as well as tech- type 2 diabetes, some forms of cancer, and
niques for measuring and monitoring reliabil- coronary heart disease. Accumulated data
ity and validity. Recent work by OBrien- suggest that many of these disease processes
Pallas, Cockerill, and Leatt (1991) and Phil- begin early in life and are influenced over
lips, Castorr, Prescott, and Soeken (1992) time by patterns of dietary intake. Obesity,
highlighted concerns about the comparability the most prevalent nutritional disorder in
of different systems and thus raised new con- childhood and adolescence, is linked with
cerns about their inherent validity. The differ- many of these chronic conditions. Nutrition
ent systems tested by these investigators re- has always been a cornerstone of pediatric
vealed a high degree of correlation, yet evi- primary health care; however, these collective
dence of comparability was not obtained. diet-disease observations, primarily of adult
This finding has major implications for wide- populations, have placed increasing emphasis
spread application of workload and cost on preventive interventions beginning early
comparisons. in life.
In the last decade there has been a surge Infancy is a time of rapid growth and de-
of research and interest in the area of nurse velopmental change in all domains including
staffing, resulting in enhanced recognition physical, cognitive, and psychosocial pro-
that the measurement of nursing workload cesses. Energy requirements during this pe-
attributed to the nursing needs of patients riod of the life span exceed others and ap-
is only one of the numerous and significant proximate 90 to 100 kilocalories per kilo-
variables to be considered in the provision gram (kg) of body weight per day. Recom-
of safe and competent nurse staffing. Issues mended (or reference) intakes of most
related to the mix of nursing staff, educa- nutrients have now been established and ap-
tional preparation, evidence-based practice, pear to fulfill the unique nutritional needs of
environmental complexity, nursing work-life infants and young children. The Food and
conditions, and patient safety, to name a few, Nutrition Board of the National Academy of
have been examined for their impact on both Sciences (NAS) has provided Estimated Aver-
patients and nurses. The reader is directed age Requirement (EAR) and Adequate Intake
to several references: OBrien-Pallas, Irvine, (AI) reference data for infants (birth to 6
Doran, Peereboom, and Murray (1997); months of age and 7 to 12 months of age),
OBrien-Pallas and colleagues (2001, 2002); toddlers (1 to 3 years of age), and children of
Aiken, Clarke, Sloane, Sochalski, and Silber early school-age (4 to 8 years). The currently
(2002); and Sochalski, (2002). recommended energy intakes are based on
total energy expenditure measured by the
PHYLLIS B. GIOVANNETTI doubly labeled water technique plus allow-
ance for growth based on changes in body
composition. These are about 15% lower
Nutrition in Infancy and than the previous Recommended Daily Al-
Childhood lowance (RDA) established requirements.
Sufficient fat for essential fatty acid require-
Nutrition in infancy and childhood refers to ments (0.51.0 g/kg/day of linoleic acid plus
dietary intake necessary to support optimal a smaller amount of alpha-linoleic acid) and

sufficient carbohydrate to prevent hypoglyce- early postpartum period and throughout the
mia and/or ketosis is required (~5.0 g/kg/ first 6 months of life. Breast-feeding has in-
day). Controversy continues regarding the creased in some segments of the population:
need for long-chain polyunsaturated fatty however, national goals, as indicated in
acid (LC-PUFA) supplementation (for for- Healthy People 2010, are far from realized.
mula-fed infants). A recent evidence-based re- The prevalence of iron-deficiency has de-
port to the Food and Drug Administration creased in the past several decades; however,
reaffirmed selected neurodevelopment bene- data indicate that low income, ethnically di-
fits associated with this supplementation; verse infants continue to be a population
however, since results were not consistent at-risk.
across studies, infant formula manufacturers In addition to supplementation of com-
have the option to include LC-PUFA. mercial formulas with LC-PUFA, recent re-
The American Academy of Pediatrics search attention has focused on the relation-
Committee on Nutrition (AAP-CON) (1997) ship of infant nutrient intake and risk fac-
recommends human milk as the ideal source tors for adult-onset cardiovascular disease
of nutrition for the first 4 to 6 months of (CVD), the protective role of breast-feeding
life. In situations where breast-feeding is not in prevention of childhood and adolescent
practical or desired, commercial formulas are overweight, and gene-diet interactions early
recommended as the alternative form of in- in life. Answers to questions raised in each
fant nutrition. Recent AAP-CON (2004) rec- of these areas will assist in defining guidelines
ommendations reaffirm human milk or com- for preventive interventions relevant to di-
mercial formula as the primary milk source etary intake in early life.
throughout the 1st year of life and discourage The epidemic of overweight in children
cows milk, reduced fat and evaporated milk. and adolescents in the United States com-
In addition, breast-fed infants should receive bined with the national emphasis on the role
400 International Units (IU) of Vitamin D of nutrition in health promotion and disease
daily and iron supplementation at 4 months prevention has prompted several recent sur-
of age. veys of dietary intake in children and youth.
Accumulated data indicate that the age of Methodological differences make cross-study
introduction of supplemental foods should comparisons difficult to interpret; however,
not be rigidly specified; however, 4 to 6 accumulated data indicate that dietary pat-
months of age appears to be optimal for the terns of U.S. children are not consistent with
majority of healthy term infants. AAP (2004) recent recommendations. Data from the Na-
emphasizes the introduction of single-ingre- tional Health and Nutrition Examination
dient foods, started one at a time at weekly Surveys (NHANES) indicate that dietary fat
intervals, to allow for the identification of intake has decreased over the past 2 decades
food intolerance. Progression of feeding prac- from 36.3% to 34% of total food energy
tices beyond this point may vary as a function intake (EI); however, saturated fat intake
of individual, family, cultural, and economic (12% to 13% of EI) exceeds current recom-
factors. Achievement of individual growth mendations ( 30% of EI). Paralleling the
and developmental milestones, however, is NHANES prevalence and trend data for
universally recommended as a major determi- those who are overweight, minority youth
nant of nutrition throughout the 1st year of (Black and Mexican-American) have signifi-
life (AAP). cantly higher fat intakes than their white
Although significant advances in the art counterparts. In addition, data from the
and science of infant nutrition have been Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance (YRBS) in-
made in the past 2 decades, many challenges dicate that almost 80% of schoolchildren do
remain. A continuing focal point for pediatric not consume the recommended 5 or more
health care professionals is increasing the servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Col-
proportion of women who breast-feed in the lectively, these observations point to the im-
Nutrition in Infancy and Childhood 415

portance of both high-risk and population- health policies on both local and national
based preventive interventions focused on the levels. With knowledge of nutritional science,
determinants of childrens patterns of di- human behavior, and experience and exper-
etary intake. tise across the continuum of health care,
Numerous agencies have advanced dietary nurses and nursing are particularly well-qual-
recommendations for children and youth. Re- ified to participate in these efforts.
cent recommendations reflect the state of Programs of nursing and multidisciplinary
knowledge regarding diet-health relation- research focus on feeding practices and di-
ships and place emphasis on prudence and etary intake in infancy and childhood; results
moderation in macronutrient consumption. to-date have contributed to the existing body
While specific RDAs vary as a function of age of knowledge in these areas of pediatric
and other individual factors, recent guidelines health care and have influenced clinical prac-
also emphasize increased consumption of sol- tice. Nurse researcher and scholars have also
uble and insoluble fiber and decreased con- contributed to evidence-based scientific state-
sumption of sucrose and sodium. The Ameri- ments and guidelines designed to improve the
can Academy of Pediatrics (2004), and the nutrition of infants, children, and adolescents
American Heart Association are consistent in clinical and community-based settings As
in recommending that childrens diets should Kennedy (1997) observed, nursing research
provide calories to support growth and devel- has contributed substantial information rele-
opmental processes, maintenance of desirable vant to neonatal and preterm infant feeding.
body weight, and include a variety of foods. Nurse-initiated research focused on infancy
In addition, daily food intake should provide and childhood has been primarily descriptive
30% of total calories from fat, less than in design; however, nurses have contributed
10% from saturated fat, and less than 300 in various roles in multidisciplinary research
mg of cholesterol. that incorporated dietary interventions. Rele-
Pediatric health care professionals are
vant programs of nursing research focused
faced with both challenges and opportunities
on promotion and determinants of breast-
in implementing these guidelines across
feeding in diverse populations include those
health care settings. Translating provider-ori-
conducted by Dr. Linda Brown and col-
ented dietary guidelines and recommenda-
leagues at the University of Pennsylvania and
tions for consumers of varying develop-
Dr. Paula Meier at the University of Michi-
mental, educational, and cultural back-
gan. Drs. Mary and Marguerite Engler at the
grounds is a particular challenge. The revised
Dietary Guidelines for Americans (forthcom- University of California-San Francisco have
ing in 2005) will provide more specific recom- implemented a program of research focused
mendations on implementation. From a pedi- on enthothelial function and dyslipidemia in
atric population perspective, numerous fac- children with emphasis on the effects of anti-
tors influence dietary intake including the oxidants. Using a gene-diet-environment in-
contexts of family, school, and community. teraction paradigm, they are currently ex-
Traditional, individualized approaches to di- tending this research with inclusion of addi-
etary behavior change in children and youth tional genetic determinants of CVD. With
have yielded varying results. Recent data sup- emphasis on prevention and management of
port earlier observations and suggest an eco- type 2 diabetes in children and youth, Dr.
logical approach to improving the nutritional Margaret Grey and colleagues at Yale Univer-
status of U.S. children with efforts that extend sity include nutritional assessment and man-
beyond the individual level to the school and agement as a major component of this well-
community environments. By definition, such established program of research. Finally, in
interventions will be multicomponent, re- developing programs of research in Thailand,
quire a multidisciplinary team approach, and nurse researchers Pulsuk Siripul and Piya-
involve formulation and implementation of nuch Jittanoon are focusing on school-based

programs for improving dietary intake in amount of food consumed. The quality of
children and youth. the reciprocal relationship was found to be
A major challenge for all school-based and related to the proportion of food consumed.
other nutrition interventions is maintenance Extending this work, the resistance or will-
of behavioral change over time. From a ingness to accept assistance at meals by per-
health-promotion and disease-prevention sons with dementia was shown to be related
perspective, adherence to dietary recommen- to personal interaction and contextual fac-
dations continues to be a viable area for nurs- tors. The quality of the interaction between
ing and multidisciplinary research. the caregiver and the person being fed is one
important determinant in the resistance to
LAURA HAYMAN feeding persons with dementia. These find-
ings provided a framework for a study evalu-
ating a mealtime intervention that can be used
Nutrition in the Elderly by in-home caregivers to maintain or increase
food intake in older persons with dementia.
Research on nutrition in the elderly focuses This program of research is significant in that
on the older persons (age 65 years and older) it provided evidence that it is not merely the
balance of nutrient intake, physiological de- quantity of nutrients consumed that impacts
mands, and metabolic rate along a continuum nutrition in older persons with dementia, but
from optimum to poor nutrition (DiMaria- the contextual aspects of feeding and eating
Ghalili, 2002). Older persons are particularly are also important.
vulnerable to poor nutrition as a result of In a study evaluating the changes in nutri-
normal aging, chronic diseases, and social, tional status and postoperative outcomes in
psychological, and economic factors. In a re- elderly persons undergoing elective coronary
cent review, prevalence rates for malnutrition artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery, Di-
in the elderly ranged from 10% to 85%
Maria-Ghalili (2002) demonstrated that
(Chen, C. C., Schilling, & Lyder, 2001).
older persons lose weight from the preopera-
While researchers in other disciplines have
tive (preop) period to the 46 weeks postdis-
significantly contributed to the science of ger-
charge period. Furthermore, the more weight
iatric nutrition, nurse researchers are also
lost, the lower the older persons self-reported
making notable additions. As the population
physical health and the higher the likelihood
continues to age, it is even more imperative
of hospital readmission. The initial weight
for nurses to examine nutrition in the elderly,
since assessing the nutritional needs of pa- lost from preop to postdischarge is never fully
tients is an important role for the nurse recovered, since weight at 18 month follow-
(Nightingale, 1969) in the promotion, pre- up is still lower than preop weight. Older
vention, and restoration of health. persons with depressive symptoms postdis-
Nurse scientists have focused on varied charge also lost more weight than those per-
aspects of nutrition in the elderly including sons without depressive symptoms postdis-
feeding the older person with late-stage de- charge. While both older and younger per-
mentia, examining the relationship between sons experience weight loss from preop to
nutritional status and health outcomes in el- postdischarge, older persons never recovered
derly coronary artery bypass graft patients, the initial weight lost, even 3 years after sur-
evaluating the role of arginine on wound gery. This work is significant because weight
healing in the elderly, and identifying pre- loss is an ominous sign in older persons and
dictors of malnutrition in nursing home resi- an indictor of frailty. Future directions in-
dents. Amella (1999) examined the interac- clude development of an explanatory model
tion that occurs between elderly nursing of factors contributing to weight loss in the
home residents with dementia and the rela- elderly as the basis for a targeted interven-
tionship with nurse aide caregivers on the tion study.
Nutrition in the Elderly 417

Arginine, a nutrient shown to enhance in- ment tools often detracts from the ability to
flammatory and immunological responses in consistently compare the results of nutrition
animal models (Stechmiller, Childress, & studies in the elderly. The positive aspect of
Porter, 2004), is being evaluated in a prospec- a variety of measurement tools is that it facili-
tive randomized trial as a supplement in older tates the ease by which a researcher can mea-
nursing home residents with pressure ulcers. sure components of nutrition status if there is
This work is significant because it is targeted limited access to a specific measurement tool.
at a vulnerable group of elderly at nutritional For the last 3 decades, the prevalence of
risk who could benefit from specific nutri- poor nutrition in hospitalized and institution-
tional interventions. In order to restore opti- alized older people has been clearly docu-
mal health, additional programs of research mented. The Nutrition Screening Initiative
in which targeted interventions are developed (NSI), a 5-year multifaceted effort to promote
and tested for a specific group of older people routine nutrition screening and better nutri-
with nutritional risk are needed. tion care for older Americans communicated
Determining the prevalence of malnutri- the importance of malnutrition in the elderly
tion in any group of older adults is not a to professional and lay groups (NSI, 1991).
novel research topic, but the ability to de-
Four major nursing organizations (National
termine the prevalence from large data sets
League for Nursing, American Nurses Asso-
has important implications for the ease in
ciation, National Gerontological Nurses As-
which the older person at nutritional risk is
sociation, and National Association of Direc-
identified. Crogan, Corbett, and Short (2002)
tors of Nursing Administration in Long-Term
have shown the most significant predictors
Care) served on the Blue Ribbon Advisory
of protein-calorie malnutrition on admission
Committee for the NSI. The work of the NSI
using the Minimum Data Set to be weight
is important in that it was a response to the
loss, leaving 25% or more of food uneaten
at most meals, psychiatric/mental diagnosis, Department of Health and Human Services
deteriorated ability to participate in activities call to increase the proportion of health pro-
of daily living, and old age. These findings viders who provide nutrition screening in the
are significant in that they could lead to devel- Health People 2000 report. The work of the
opment of a set of routine factors identifying NSI also validates the important research ef-
older patients at nutritional risk upon nursing fort that must be continued to promote,
home admission without extensive anthropo- maintain, and restore optimal nutrition in
metric and invasive laboratory analysis so the elderly.
that appropriate nutrition interventions can Future studies need to be aimed at identifi-
be instituted in a timely fashion, thereby pro- cation of the most vulnerable older people
moting positive health outcomes. who would benefit most from targeted nutri-
Since nutrition is a complex phenomenon, tional interventions to promote positive out-
there is no gold standard in the measurement comes. It is quite obvious that poor nutrition
of nutritional status. A variety of anthropo- is not an all or nothing phenomenon, par-
metric data (weight, height, skin-fold thick- ticularly in this age group. Malnutrition is
ness, muscle circumference, bio-impedance an indicator for the complex phenomenon of
analysis), visceral protein levels (serum albu- frailty. The major factors related to frailty
min, transferrin, pre-albumin), nutritional are sarcopenia, atherosclerosis, cognitive im-
screening tools (Determine Your Nutritional pairment, and malnutrition (Morley, 2003).
Health Checklist, Mini-Nutritional Assess- To promote optimal nutritional health, de-
ment, Subjective Global Assessment), and di- signing studies that solely focus on dietary
etary intake studies (food recalls, diet diaries, interventions may not be sufficient without
measurement of food consumed) are used in yconsidering the antecedent or contributing
studies on nutrition in the elderly. The ability factors to poor nutrition in this age group.
to quantify nutrition using several measure- A bio-behavioral approach to studying nutri-

tion in the elderly is warranted so that the

physiological, psychological, and social fac-
tors can also be examined.



Obesity as Cardiovascular Risk factors for heart disease were high body fat
Factor percentage and environmental tobacco
smoke in the home. Few children had a body
fat percentage within the healthy range. Thus,
With over 60% of the American population
the investigators suggested that the third-
classified as overweight or obese, and with
grade children possessed some of the known
the medical costs attributable to obesity rang-
risk factors for CVD, with some of the risk
ing upwards from $100 billion per year, the
factors being under the control of the child.
national, indeed global, crisis of obesity
Women. A study was conducted to deter-
stands in the ignominous position of being
mine whether there was a difference between
the one epidemic that nursing research has
African-American and Caucasian women in
virtually ignored. In the last few years there
the self-reported CVD risk factors of obesity,
has been a slow increase in the number of
physical inactivity, and smoking (Harrell &
studies and publications by nurses that focus Gore, 1998). In that study of 1,945 women
on obesity. While cardiovascular disease aged 2353 years, African-American women
(CVD) and many of its risk factors have been of low and middle socioeconomic status (SES)
prominent in the nursing literature for quite were much more likely than high SES African
some time, the intersection of obesity and Americans to be obese, inactive, and smokers.
cardiovascular risk has been virtually unex- Among Caucasian women, however, only
plored from a nursing perspective. The most those with low SES had the greatest preva-
common approach of nurses studying obesity lence of these three risk factors for CVD.
and CVD has been to include body weight, After controlling for income and education,
either directly measured or self-reported, in African-American women were more than
descriptive studies of CVD risk factors. This twice as likely as Caucasian women to be
data point subsequently is analyzed as Body obese and inactive. A secondary analysis of
Mass Index (BMI), calculated as weight/ the Canadian National Population Health
height (kg/m). Survey (Cycle I: 1994/95; Cycle II: 1996/97)
Children. Among 340 elementary school focused on the CVD risk factors of physical
children, 53% had one or more risk factors inactivity, hypertension, cigarette smoking,
for CVD (Cowell, Warren, & Montgomery, diabetes, obesity, and socioeconomic status
1999). Moreover, 25% of the children were (SES) among women aged 20 years and older
obese, and among the children who were (Wong & Wong, 2002). Results indicated an
obese, 47% had additional risk factors for increased prevalence of obesity, diabetes, hy-
CVD. Despite a low prevalence of poor fit- pertension, and physical activity from Cycle
ness, 84% of the low-fitness children also had I to Cycle II, and supported previous studies
high blood pressure or were obese. In a study that there is an SES gradient for CVD risk
involving 32 third-grade children (Skybo & factors. In this study age, physical activity,
Ryan-Wenger, 2002), the most prevalent risk hypertension, and household incomebut


not obesityemerged as significant pre- obese, postmenopausal women (Nicklas,

dictors of heart disease. Katzel, Bunyard, Dennis, & Goldberg, 1997).
Older adults. In a study of patients after The AHA diet alone lowered concentrations
coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), fe- of total, low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) and
male sex (odds ratio 4.7) and obesity (odds high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C) choles-
ratio 3.7) significantly predicted hospital re- terol. Weight loss increased HDL-C concen-
admission (Sabourin & Funk, 1999). Other trations, but brought no additional changes
investigators used a cross-sectional design to in total cholesterol or LDL-C. Reductions in
assess CVD risk factors in Korean-American total cholesterol and LDL-C were significant
elderly, aged 6089 years, who resided in a for participants with hypercholesterolemia,
large city in the eastern United States (Kim, but not for normocholesterolemic women.
M. T., Juon, Hill, Post, & Kim, 2001). In The investigators conjectured that because
these older adults, hypertension was the lead- the AHA diet alone lowered HDL-C in the
ing CVD risk factor, followed by high blood total sample of women, a low-fat diet without
cholesterol, overweight, sedentary lifestyle, substantial weight loss may not be beneficial
and smoking. for improving lipoprotein lipid risk factors
Intervention studies. Intervention studies for CVD in obese, postmenopausal women
of obesity as a CVD risk factor where major with normal lipid profiles. In research to de-
dependent variables were physiological, were termine the specific dietary factors associated
only found when nurses appeared as mem- with the decrease in HDL-C on an AHA diet
bers of multidisciplinary investigator teams. alone (Bunyard, Dennis, & Nicklas, 2002),
One of these teams (McMurray, Ainsworth, the one significant dietary change was the
Harrell, Griggs, & Williams, 1998) examined increase in the percent of energy consumed
cardiovascular fitness (VO2max) and physical from simple sugar. There were no relation-
activity (PA) rather than obesity per se as ships between changes in HDL-C and
CVD risk factors in young adult men and changes in the percentage of energy con-
women. A cross-sectional analysis revealed sumed from total, saturated, polyunsatu-
that those in the highest tertile of VO2max had a rated, or monounsaturated fat.
reduced relative risk for elevated cholesterol, Findings from a study of racial differences
blood pressure, and obesity, while those in in resting metabolic rate (RMR) fat oxidation
the highest tertile of self-reported PA only had and VO2max in obese, postmenopausal women
a lower relative risk for high systolic blood showed that RMR, adjusted for differences
pressure (BP). After a 9-week exercise pro- in lean mass, fat oxidation rate, and VO2max,
gram for low-fit young adults, only those who were significantly higher in white than in
increased VO2max had a reduction in relative black women (Nicklas, Berman, Davis, Do-
risk for high cholesterol and systolic BP, but brovolny, & Dennis, 1999). In a multiple re-
not for diastolic BP or obesity. gression model including race, body weight,
From a research program focusing on obe- lean mass, and age, lean mass was the only
sity and sedentariness as major risk factors independent predictor of RMR, while race
for CVD in postmenopausal women, and the was the only independent predictor of fat oxi-
corresponding lifestyle modifications of dation. The best predictors of VO2max were
weight loss and physical activity to mediate lean mass and race. The efficacy of a 6-month
these risks, Nicklas and colleagues reported hypocaloric AHA diet and low-intensity
the physiological aspects of these phenomena walking in improving CVD risk factors in
in numerous publications. The sequential ef- obese Caucasian and African-American post-
fects of a 2-month American Heart Associa- menopausal women was evaluated by mea-
tion (AHA) Step I diet and subsequent weight surements of body composition (dual-energy
loss through 6 months of hypocaloric AHA x-ray absorptiometry), abdominal fat areas
diet and low-intensity walking were exam- (computed tomography scan), lipoprotein
ined for their effects on lipoprotein lipids in lipids, insulin, glucose tolerance, and blood
Observational Research Design 421

pressure (Nicklas, Dennis, et al., 2003). Al- greater than 105 cm2 was associated with a
though absolute weight loss was similar in the higher risk of having low HDL-C, while a
two races, Caucasian women lost relatively VAT greater than 163 cm2 also was associ-
more fat mass. Women across the sample de- ated with a higher risk of having a high LDL-
creased fat in the abdominal region with no C/HDL-C ratio and a higher risk of being
differences in magnitude by race. The inter- glucose intolerant.
vention decreased triglycerides and increased Findings from additional studies in over-
HDL-C in both races, and decreased total weight and obese postmenopausal women
and LDL-C in the Caucasian women. Fasting conducted by this same multidisciplinary re-
glucose and glucose area during an oral glu- search team suggested that a reduction in adi-
cose tolerance test decreased in Caucasian pose tissue lipoprotein lipase activity (AT-
women, whereas there were no racial differ- LPL) with weight loss was associated with
ences in the decreased insulin area. Blood improvements in lipid metabolic risk factors
pressure decreased the most in women with from weight loss and diminished weight re-
higher blood pressures at baseline. Changes gain. In genetic studies, variations in the lipo-
in lipids, fasting glucose, and insulin, their protein lipase gene PvuII were associated
responses during the oral glucose tolerance with AT-LPL activity and lipoprotein lipid
test, and blood pressure were not different and glucose concentrations, which resulted
between racial groups. in a more problematic CVD risk factor profile
The accumulation of visceral fat, indepen- for these women. Women with variation in
dent of total body obesity, is widely acknowl- the peroxisome proliferator-activated recep-
edged for its association with the develop- tor (PPAR)-gamma2 gene (Pro12Ala) re-
ment of dyslipidemia, hypertension, glucose gained more weight during follow-up than
intolerance, and hyperinsulinemia in women. those who were homozygous for the Pro al-
Examining whether the loss of visceral adi- lele.
pose tissue (VAT) was related to improve- Obesity is a global epidemic with a com-
ments in VO2max during a hypocaloric diet and plex etiology of physiologic, metabolic, ge-
low-intensity walking intervention, Lynch netic, cognitive, psychological, behavioral,
and colleagues (Lynch, Nicklas, Berman, environmental, social, and political factors.
Dennis, & Goldberg, 2001) found significant Obesity also is a major risk factor for CVD,
declines in visceral as well as subcutaneous the leading cause of mortality in women as
adipose tissue areas, with no change in lean well as men.
body mass. Women with an average 10%
increase in VO2max reduced VAT by an aver- KAREN E. DENNIS
age of 20%, significantly more than women
who did not increase VO2max, despite compa-
rable reductions in total body fat, fat mass, Observational Research Design
and subcutaneous adipose tissue area. In a
cross-sectional analysis of peri- and post- Observational designs are nonexperimental,
menopausal women 4565 years old, who quantitative designs. In contrast to experi-
ranged widely in adiposity and fat distribu- mental designs in which the investigator ma-
tion (Nicklas, Penninx, et al., 2003), women nipulates the independent variable and ob-
in the lowest quintile for VAT (< 105 cm2) serves its effect, the investigator conducting
had significantly higher concentrations of observational research observes both the in-
HDL-C, lower LDL-C/HDL-C ratios, triglyc- dependent and the dependent variables. In
eride concentrations, fasting glucose, and in- observational studies, variation in the inde-
sulin concentrations than women in the four pendent variable is due to genetic endow-
remaining quartiles. Women in the two high- ment, self-selection, or occupational or envi-
est VAT quintiles ( 163 cm2) had the highest ronmental exposures. Because of the myriad
glucose and insulin concentrations. A VAT sources of bias that can invalidate naturally

occurring events, rigorous designs and meth- of an experiment. Subjects are measured or
ods are required to minimize bias. Observa- categorized on the basis of the independent
tional designs should not be confused with variable and are followed over time for obser-
observational methods of data collection. vation of the dependent variable. In a cohort
Observational designs are used when there study it is established at the outset that sub-
is not enough knowledge about a phenome- jects have not already exhibited the outcomes
non to manipulate it experimentally. Some- of interest (dependent variable). Thus, the
times research involving human subjects is time sequencing of events can be established.
restricted to observational designs because of In other words, it can be demonstrated that
the nature of the phenomenon; that is, experi- the independent variable preceded the occur-
mental research is precluded for ethical rea- rence of the dependent variable.
sons. Another type of longitudinal, comparative
Observational designs include quantita- design is a case-comparison study. In this de-
tive, descriptive studies as well as analytical sign the flow is the opposite of a cohort study.
studies that are designed to test hypotheses. Subjects are selected and categorized on the
Descriptive, observational studies provide a basis of the dependent variable (the outcome
basis for further study by describing and ex- of interest). The purpose of the study is to
ploring relationships between variables, in- test hypotheses about factors in the past (in-
forming the planning of health services, and dependent variables) that may explain the
describing clinical practice for individual cli- outcome. Although case-comparison designs
ents or groups of clients. In contrast, analytic are not prevalent in the nursing research liter-
research is designed to test specific hypothe- ature, they have great potential for studies of
ses in order to draw conclusions about the outcomes that occur infrequently. Further-
impact of an independent variable or set of more, this design is very efficient because it
variables on an outcome or dependent vari- is possible to achieve greater statistical power
able under scrutiny. Observational designs
with fewer subjects than in other types of
are classified as longitudinal or cross-sec-
observational designs.
tional. In a cross-sectional study, all the mea-
Longitudinal comparative designs are also
surements relate to one point in time; in the
classified according to the time perspective
longitudinal approach, measurements relate
of the events under study in relation to the
to at least two points in time.
investigators position in time. A study is ret-
A cross-sectional study, sometimes re-
rospective if, relative to when the investigator
ferred to as a correlational study, is con-
ducted to establish that a relationship exists begins the study, the events under investiga-
between variables. The term correlational re- tion have already taken place. A study is pro-
fers to a method of analysis rather than a spective if the outcomes that are being investi-
feature of the design itself. Cross-sectional gated have not yet taken place when the study
studies are useful if the independent variable is initiated. Various hybrid designs are also
is an enduring or invariable personal charac- possible; referred to as ambidirectional stud-
teristic, for instance, gender or blood type. ies, they combine features of both designs.
Cross-sectional studies are also useful for ex- As in experimental research, observational
ploring associations between variables. research designs and methods are selected
Longitudinal comparative designs are usu- with the aim of minimizing bias. Bias refers
ally undertaken to explain the relationship to distortion in the result of a study. A biased
between an independent variable and an out- study threatens internal validity if the distor-
come. One type of longitudinal, comparative tion is sufficient to lead to an erroneous infer-
design is referred to as a cohort study. Al- ence about the relationship between the inde-
though the investigator does not manipulate pendent and dependent variable. Potential
the independent variable, the logic and flow sources of bias that can threaten the internal
in a cohort study is the same as the logic validity of observational studies are those re-
Online Journal of Knowledge Synthesis for Nursing 423

lated to selection, measurement, and con- sample or by matching the comparison

founding. groups. At the analysis stage confounding can
Selection bias is a distortion in the estimate be controlled or minimized by using a multi-
of effect resulting from (a) flaws in the choice variable approach to the statistical analysis
of groups to be compared; (b) inability to to adjust for the confounding factors or by
locate or recruit subjects selected into the examining the independent-dependent vari-
sample, resulting in differential selection ef- able relationship within specified levels or
fects on the comparison groups; and (c) sub- categories of the confounding factors (strati-
sequent attrition of subjects who had initially fied analysis). Confounding variables should
agreed to participate, which changes the com- not be confused with mediator and modera-
position of the comparison groups. tor variables.
Measurement bias occurs when the inde- In summary, observational designs are
pendent variable or outcome (dependent vari- prevalent in nursing research because they are
able) is measured in a way that is systemati- used to describe phenomena in early stages of
cally inaccurate and results in distortion of knowledge development and provide a basis
the estimate of effect. Major sources of mea- for designing experimental interventions. Ad-
surement bias are (a) a defective measuring ditionally, they are the only feasible approach
instrument, (b) a procedure for ascertaining to hypothesis testing when it is unethical to
the outcome that is not sufficiently sensitive manipulate the independent variable. In the
and specific, (c) the likelihood of detecting absence of randomization and manipulation,
the outcome dependent on the subjects status myriad sources of bias can influence observa-
on the independent variable, (d) selective re- tions and conclusions drawn from naturally
call or reporting by subjects, and (e) lack of occurring events, thus, rigorous observa-
blind measurements when indicated. tional designs and methods are essential.
Because of the lack of randomization in a
nonexperimental study, uncontrolled con- JANET C. MEININGER
founding variables are a major threat to inter-
nal validity. Unless confounding factors are
controlled in the design of the study or in its Online Journal of Knowledge
analysis, distortion in the estimate of effect Synthesis for Nursing
will result. A confounding factor operates
through its association with both the inde- The Online Journal of Knowledge Synthesis
pendent and the dependent variables. It can for Nursing (OJKSN) is a full-text peer-re-
distort the results in either direction; that is, viewed electronic journal published by Sigma
it can lead to an overestimation of the rela- Theta Tau International. The journal began
tionship between the independent and depen- publication in January 1994 and was the first
dent variables by producing an indirect statis- peer-reviewed electronic journal in nursing.
tical association, or it can lead to an underes- There is no paper version; it is completely
timate of the relationship between the inde- electronic.
pendent and dependent variables by masking The purpose of the journal is to publish
the presence of an association between the timely, synthesized knowledge to guide nurs-
independent and dependent variables. A dis- ing practice and research. Knowledge synthe-
tinction between confounding bias and other sis is the gathering of research studies on a
types of bias is that confounding is correcta- topic, assessing the validity of the findings,
ble at the design or analysis stage of the study, and asserting implications for practice from
whereas bias due to selection and measure- the valid findings. The process includes iden-
ment problems are usually difficult or impos- tifying gaps in the knowledge base that would
sible to correct in the analysis. Confounding provide direction for future research on the
can be controlled or minimized at the design topic. OJKSN provides critical reviews of re-
stage of the study by restricting the study search pertinent to clinical practice and re-

search situations that nurses can access and In Practice Implications, the specific im-
use immediately. The journal does not have plications for practice based on the research
articles that are reports of a single study, such are presented and discussed. This section de-
as you would find in other nursing research lineates what practitioners can or should do
journals. as a result of the research on the topic. The
An online electronic journal delivers arti- research references are cited for all practice
cles across commercial telecommunications directives so that the clinician can refer to
to a computer terminal at a workstation or a them if desired. Research Needed discusses
personal computer. Transmission is through the various directions for future research and
the Internet. The OJKSN is accessible on the the questions that remain unanswered.
World Wide Web through Sigma Theta Tau Knowing about the knowledge that does not
Internationals web site (http://stti-web.iupui. exist is often as important as knowing what
edu). It is available through subscription, exists. This section is a good guide for direct-
which may be either individual or institu- ing masters theses and doctoral dissertations,
tional. A combined subscription with the as well as for clinical research studies.
Registry of Nursing Research is also avail- Search Strategies describes how the re-
able. search cited was identified, the citation bases
All articles include a statement of the prac- searched, the search terms that were used,
tice problem, a summary of the research, an- and the years that were searched. References
notated critical references, practice implica- cited are listed in the American Psychological
tions, directions for future research, search Association format. Each reference listed in
strategies used, and references. Features of MEDLINE or CINAHL has a hypertext link
the journal include full-text searches, access so that the entire citation, including abstract,
to graphical displays such as tables and can be accessed.
charts, links to referencing in external biblio- There are many advantages to an online
graphical databases such as Cumulative In- journal. These include faster publication, im-
dex to Nursing and Allied Health Literature mediate access, continuous publication, hyp-
(CINAHL) and MEDLINE. ertext links, and instant access. Once a manu-
Statement of the Practice Problem Issue script for a paper journal is accepted and
is a brief statement explaining the scope of the revised, it may be anywhere from 6 to 24
article. Summary of the Research contains months before it is out in print. With the
the review, analysis and synthesis of the re- electronic journal, articles are brought on-
search on the topic. The review is a state of line generally within weeks after final accep-
the science for the topic. The extensiveness tance and editing. The journal is available
of the review depends on the depth and online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Al-
breadth of the research on the topic. The sum- though it may take weeks or months for an
maries differ from a literature review in that international journal to come through the
there is an assessment of the validity of the mail, with a computer journal there is in-
information contained in the research re- stant access.
ports. It may include a meta-analysis, the sta- Unlike a traditional print journal, where
tistical manipulation of findings from multi- there are numerous issues a year with a vary-
ple research studies. The narrative is used to ing number of articles per issues, an electronic
make summary statements about the research journal has continuous publication. As an ar-
as a whole, and tables are used to describe ticle is finalized, it is brought online. Articles
the individual review of studies and the sig- are identified by the year and the article num-
nificant variables and findings. Annotated ber for that year (e.g., 1997, No 11). Uniform
Critical References contains an abstract of standards are being developed for citing elec-
the most significant research publications on tronic publications.
the topic. A maximum of seven are anno- Hypertext links allow direct access to the
tated. database of a reference (e.g., MEDLINE) for
Orems Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory 425

scanning the abstract of the reference. Once part of patient care. A person becomes a pa-
the abstract is read and perhaps printed, the tient because of a legitimate inability to care
reader is able to click back into the article at for himself or herself when recovering from
the same spot. There is instant access to all illness or injury. One of the problems Orem
previously published articles in the journal; evaluated was how patient care did not truly
keeping paper copies of back issues is unnec- meet patient needs. The advances in medical
essary. and allied research and treatment changed
Subscription information is accessed the way nurses evaluated and planned patient
through the Sigma Theta Tau International care. A broader concept of patient care was
web site at http://stti-web.iupui.edu or by re- necessary. The active participation of patients
questing subscription information through in their treatment would be required to suc-
the international headquarters. Once a sub- cessfully meet the changing perspectives of
scription is processed, the user is sent a user patient care. Understanding the care needs of
guide, authorization, and password. the patient was the obvious starting point for
There is a tremendous amount of knowl- Orem. The act of nursing is practiced by
edge available for use in nursing practice. The doing for the person with the disability, by
key is accessing, synthesizing, and having it helping him to do for himself, and/or by
organized to readily make clinical decisions. helping him to learn how to do it for him-
The OJKSN greatly increases nursings op- self (Orem, 1956, p. 85).
portunities for knowledge-based practice, ed- This general nursing theory is accepted as
ucation, and research. a relationship between self-care agency and
therapeutic self-care demands, distinguishing
JANE H. BARNSTEINER self-care deficit from dependent care. Orem
deliberately selected the term deficit for
this relationship to be interpreted as insuffi-
Orems Self-Care Deficit Nursing cient, not as a human disorder. The incapac-
Theory ity to meet demands of self-care reflects the
fact that a need for nursing exists. Orem rec-
One of nursings grand theories, Orems Self- ognized an apparent discontinuity between
Care Deficit Nursing Theory (SCDNT), is a patient care and patient needs. The concept
vital component of nursings philosophical that nurses had of their practice had not
foundation. The impetus of the theory, to evolved at the same pace as had patient needs.
define a curriculum for practical nursing, led The obvious starting point for Orem toward
Orem to recognize that effort needed to be understanding the care needs of the patient
exerted on the conceptualization of nursing was to define, What is self-care? When is
and nursings relationships to patient needs nursing needed? and How do nurses pro-
and patient care. Orem proposed that nurses vide nursing care? The answers to these
should be expected to have specialized abili- questions are derived from three intercon-
ties that qualifies a person to nurse. These nected theories central to the SCNDT: the
abilities she called nursing agency which, to- theory of nursing systems, the theory of self-
gether with patient needs and patient abili- care, and the theory of self-care deficit. All
ties, became the structure and focus of the three theories combined become one general
SCDNT (Melnyk, K. A., 1982). theory of nursing, with self-care deficit as the
In 1952, working as a hospital consultant most comprehensive and at the core of her
nurse with the Indiana State Board of Health, ideas. The relationship between the three the-
Dorothea Orem was concerned about the ories is described in the following way. In
state to which nursing was evolving. Nurses the theory of self-care, self-care is an activity
were engaging in nursing practice but were initiated on ones own behalf in the interest
not able to articulate what nursing was. of health and well-being. The theory of self-
Nursing of the patient provided a major care deficit is the relationship between thera-

peutic self-care demand and self-care agency national developments for practitioners, re-
whereas self-care capabilities are not known searchers, administrators, and educators
or able to be met. The theory of nursing sys- (World Congress of Self-Care Deficit Nursing
tems is the deliberate practice actions of Theory, 2004).
nurses carried out to meet the therapeutic
self-care or develop the patients self-care EILEEN VIRGINIA ROMEO
agency. This answers the questions about the MARY JO DEVEREAUX
nature of care and the nature of nursing.
The central concepts of Orems theory
consist of (a) Self-Carecaring for ones self Organizational Culture
to maintain life, health, and well-being; (b)
Self-Care Demandsvaried degrees and An organizations culture is understood by
kinds of care requirements needed at specific shared beliefs, norms, values, policies, work
times or over a duration of time for meeting group rules, shared meanings, expectations,
all of an individuals needs; (c) Self-Care and myths. Organizational culture is often
Agencythe power and capabilities to en- used interchangeably with organizational cli-
gage in self-care, influenced by external and mate (Sleutel, 2000). Reichers and Schneider
internal factors; (d) Nursing Agencythe (1990) traced the development of these two
broad ability of nurses to perform nursing; (e) unique concepts. Organizational climate (the
Self-Care Deficitthe actions and demands older term, traceable to the 1930s) is the
needed for self-care that are greater than the groups perceptions about the organization,
persons current capability for self-care; (f) whereas organizational culture (dating to the
Conditioning Factorsinternal or external 1970s) is determined by the message inherent
factors that affect an individuals ability to in the organization which gives shared mean-
engage the kind and degree of self-care re- ing. Strength of the culture refers to the con-
quired (Orem, 2001). This view distinguishes sistency of the message/meaning found when
self-care from dependent care and nursing examining norms, values, etc. For example,
care, in which the agent acts on behalf of strength of the research culture in hospitals
another person. However, the substantive was determined by a survey that looked for
theoretical and practical knowledge of self- evidence in mission, goals, policies, and activ-
care is the foundation for both dependent ities (Martin, P., 1993). The organizational
care and nursing care. From this theoretical culture is an important part of nurses work
view, it is essential that nurses have substan- environment and has been shown to influence
tive knowledge about self-care and under- the worker, the work, and the outcomes of
stand that human beings are both the focus the work.
of their actions and the agents of their actions The work of Coeling has done most to
(Orem, 1991). In conclusion, nurses utilize show the utility of the concept organiza-
the self-care deficit theory of nursing to aid tional culture in nursing. In her 1988 article
them in their practice. Many clinical studies with Wilcox, she showed how to not only
have shown that implementing Orems the- understand the work groups culture, but
ory has a positive effect on patients, nurses, how knowing the culture should inform man-
and health care organizations. Orems semi- agement decision making (Coeling & Wilcox,
nal work, originally published in 1971, Nurs- 1988). How culture can impede or be a cata-
ing: Concepts of Practice, has been revised lyst for change has been the primary focus of
to its current 6th edition in 2001. Orems her work (Coeling & Simms, 1993). This
book remains a standard, having been pub- body of research stressed the importance of
lished in seven languages and implemented understanding that culture for both the staff
by nurses in over 19 countries. Beginning in nurses and their leadership when implement-
1989, the World Congress of Self-Care Defi- ing change. The work showed not how one
cit Nursing Theory, offers a forum for inter- must fit into a prevailing culture, but how
Organizational Redesign 427

understanding organizational culture can as- nizational culture provide a pronounced ef-
sist in innovations and other positive changes fect on outcomes. The outcomes identified
needed for the good of the work group. Coe- include worker retention, quality/nature of
ling asserted that organizational culture is im- the work, success in strategic initiatives, pro-
portant to inform plans for moving the orga- ductivity, and quality of the outcomes. Some
nization both in new directions and more effi- of these outcomes are direct, and others are
ciently and effectively along the same path. indirect. What is clear is that organizational
Organizational culture is important to as- culture and the consistency of the message
sess before a nurse accepts a position or be- about key values and priorities is an im-
fore a nurse manager selects a new employee portantand may be the most important
(Barowsky, 2003; Dowd, Davidhizar, & responsibility of the administrative/manage-
Giger, 1999). All these authors address fit ment team. While culture may be a major
between new employee and the new work factor in dysfunction, it can be revised or
group. Employers are looking for indications revived with dramatic positive results.
of shared values and compatible goals; the The state of research currently is hampered
nurse seeking a position is looking for similar by the limited availability of empirical tools
matches. Consistency of message in values to measure organizational culture that have
and verifying interpretations can lead to the good psychometric properties. Anthropol-
right match from both manager and em- ogy, from which the concept of culture was
ployee perspectives. adopted, uses qualitative research ap-
The leader/manager/supervisor has an im- proaches. This qualitative tradition has ap-
portant responsibility in developing the most propriately followed the concept into the dis-
appropriate organizational culture (Bruhn, cipline of nursing and organizational re-
2001). The leader is in the best position to search; however, the research to a large de-
know the values and group rules necessary gree often omits or does not report the
accepted qualitative rigor. A quantitative ap-
for the work important to the organization
proach may better link the phenomenon of
as a whole. Consistency among workers and
organizational culture to outcomes in a
in the work toward the organizations mis-
causal way, clarifying the nature of the rela-
sion and goals can be orchestrated through
tionship. Whether organizational culture is a
work policies, rewards, and structure. Com-
phenomenon that can be appropriately cap-
munication is a critical means of establishing
tured quantitatively could be debated. Be-
and maintaining the most appropriate cul-
cause of the promise organizational culture
ture. A leader may need to change an undesir-
shows for guiding both the practicing nurse
able work culture, one that contradicts or
and nurse managers/administrators in their
fights with the organizations mission and interface with the work setting, the concept
goals (Baker, C., Beglinger, King, Salyards, & continues to call for more research to expli-
Thompson, 2000). Crow and Hartman cate how the environment can best be man-
(2002) demonstrated how important it is for aged to support excellence in practice and
the leader to understand, use, and, if neces- quality outcomes.
sary, systematically change the culture in or-
der to execute the work and attain the out- Supported in part by 1 R01 NR 007738 from the
comes expected by the organization. National Institute of Nursing Research, National
The relevance of organizational culture to Institutes of Health
outcomes has been a major topic in research,
professional, and management journals the
last 10 years (Larson, 2002; McDaniel &
Stumpf, 1993). Sometimes the concept orga- Organizational Redesign
nizational culture is unnamed, but the re-
search demonstrated that policies and prac- Organizational redesign, or restructuring, as
tices which could be conceptualized as orga- some experts refer to the process, is the trans-

formation of an organizations architecture (Blythe et al.), anger, despair (Ingersoll,

and methods for providing services. It in- Fisher, Ross, Soja, & Kidd, 2001), anxiety,
volves a revamping of structures and pro- emotional exhaustion, depression, cynicism
cesses for purposes of achieving efficiency (Greenglass & Burke), fragmentation of rela-
and maximum production outcome. In the tionships (Blythe et al.), and mistrust of ad-
case of health care organizations, the rede- ministration (Ingersoll et al., 2001). When
signed production process is expected to pro- redesign initiatives are targeted at the institu-
duce improved employee, patient, and orga- tion as a whole, redesign impact is felt at
nizational outcome. Although the term or- all levels of the organization, with midlevel
ganizational redesign generally implies a managers also reporting feelings of inade-
fundamental change in the way things are quacy, ambiguity, frustration, and loss of po-
done, the term also is commonly used to de- sition power as a result of redesign activities
scribe a variety of changes occurring at the (Ingersoll, Cook, Fogel, Applegate, & Frank,
unit, department, or organizational level. 1999). A survey of chief executive officers in
This variation in level of focus and measure- one study supported employee beliefs that the
ment has posed difficulties in measuring the overall gains in quality of care are not as
true effect of organizational redesign on em- substantial as the cost savings to the institu-
ployee and care delivery outcomes. tion and that the cost savings are overpow-
Studies of organizational redesign in- ered by the serious dissatisfaction of the staff
creased dramatically during the 1990s after (Urden & Walston, 2001).
health care institutions across the U.S. and Several studies of organizational redesign
elsewhere began instituting varying degrees suggested that individual and organizational
of organizational change. Most of this re- characteristics can reduce the negative effects
search was conducted after health care orga- of the organizational change. Employees with
nizations made the decision to redesign. Con- higher levels of perceived self-efficacy and
sequently, most redesign initiatives were im-
positive coping (Greenglass & Burke, 2001)
plemented without the benefit of supporting
reported less distress in response to organiza-
evidence to guide the changes made or the
tional redesign. In addition, organizations
effects proposed. As a result, a number of the
that promote increased nurse involvement in
redesign efforts failed and many institutions
decision making (Ingersoll, Kirsch, Merck, &
have reinstituted some of the processes elimi-
Lightfoot, 2000; Laschinger, Finegan, Sham-
nated during the redesign activities.
ian, & Almost, 2001) and that have a prior
Nursing studies of organizational redesign
have explored a number of individual and history of effective change processes, which
organizational factors that contribute to the has been defined in one study as organiza-
outcomes seen. Most investigations have fo- tional readiness (Ingersoll et al.) were less
cused on the employees response to redesign, likely to report serious negative effects from
although a few have included organizational redesign initiatives.
and patient outcome indicators as well. Find- Regardless of the extent of the redesign
ings are mixed, with some studies showing underway, staff reaction is strong. Clearly
improvements in nurse perceptions of work evident in the reports of organizational rede-
group collaboration, interpersonal relation- sign is a level of employee disruption that
ships, and job satisfaction (Ingersoll et al., is well beyond what was anticipated by the
2002) and others reporting increased uncer- administrators undertaking the redesign ini-
tainty (Blythe, Baumann, & Giovannetti, tiatives. Even when information was shared,
2001), worry (Barry-Walker, 2000), emo- concerns were expressed about what to ex-
tional stress (Denton, Zeytinoglu, Davies, & pect and when the disruption would end.
Lian, 2002; Greenglass & Burke, 2001), dis- Staff nurse and manager worry about quality
satisfaction (Barry-Walker; Denton et al.; of patient care also is a consistent theme
Greenglass & Burke), disempowerment across studies.
Osteoarthritis 429

Investigations of the impact of organiza- Future investigations of organizational re-

tional redesign on patient outcomes are less design initiatives also should focus on both
evident, although a few do exist. In a study by the processes used to implement the redesigns
Sovie and Jawad (2001), redesign outcomes and the outcomes they are expected to
were assessed primarily through a compari- achieve. Without an indication of what was
son of nurse resource variables and their im- done, which is best identified through the
pact on patients and cost. In this study, most process component of an organizational as-
hospitals had implemented reductions in RN sessment, no cause/effect determinations can
staff as a component of their redesign initia- be made about the changes in the outcomes
tives. Findings suggested that hospitals with seen. In addition, the consistent use of reli-
the greatest reductions in RN staff have the able, valid instruments developed according
poorest outcomes. An important finding of to some theoretical framework is essential for
this study was the increased cost per patient cross-comparisons of study findings and the
discharge in hospitals with lower rather than development of databased recommendations.
higher percentages of RN staff. This cost- The establishment of standards for the collec-
outcome finding was supported in a small tion of organizational performance and pa-
study by Barry-Walker (2000), in which costs tient outcome indicators also would be use-
of care per patient-day increased rather than ful, with national clearinghouses for the de-
declined following organizational redesign. velopment of comparison benchmarks. Some
Most of the research concerning organiza- work is currently underway in this regard, but
tional redesign has been conducted either not all institutions can afford to participate in
during the course of or shortly after the rede- the data analysis processes required and
signs were implemented. Little information many are unaware of the resources available.
is available concerning the long-term effect Published standards of practice, organiza-
of these change processes and whether any or tional processes, and benchmarked outcome
all of the redesign components remain intact. indicators would help eliminate this concern.
Follow-up studies would be useful to clarify
which elements have been sustained or re- GAIL L. INGERSOLL
fined over time. Moreover, because the stud-
ies reflected immediate postimplementation
time frames, some of the observed effect may
have been the result of the turbulence caused Osteoarthritis
by the change rather than the components of
the redesign models themselves. Osteoarthritis, the most common of the rheu-
Evident in the research concerning organi- matic diseases, is characterized by progressive
zational redesign is the need for better meth- loss of articular cartilage and by reactive
ods for determining cause and effect relation- changes at the margins of the joints and in
ships between redesign components and out- subchondral bone. Clinical features can in-
comes seen. Determining the effect of organi- clude pain in the involved joint, which is typi-
zational, environmental, and individual cally worse with activity and relieved by rest;
factors on redesign outcomes also is im- stiffness after periods of immobility; enlarge-
portant, as preliminary results suggest differ- ment of the joint; instability; limitation of
ences exist across employees and work set- motion; and functional impairment. De-
tings. Attention to the organizations culture pending on the absence or presence of an
and history of (readiness for) change experi- identifiable local or systemic etiological fac-
ences, likewise, appears to be an important tor, osteoarthritis has been classified into id-
aspect of successful organizational redesign. iopathic (primary) and secondary forms.
Opportunities for staff nurse involvement in Classification of the disease is based on vari-
decision making and planning for change also ous combinations of clinical, radiographic,
is apparent. and laboratory parameters.

The prevalence of osteoarthritis is strik- dress important issues of patient concern,

ingly correlated with age; it is uncommon in such as psychological stress, quality of life,
adults under 40, but it is the number-one and autonomy. Because of the chronicity of
chronic disease in late life, with more than the disease, patients must learn to manage
80% of those over the age of 75 being af- and cope with osteoarthritis on a day-to-day
fected. Osteoarthritis is a major cause of dis- basis. The ability to succeed in this task differ-
ability in older adults, and knee osteoarthritis entiates those who are incapacitated from
is more likely to result in disability than osteo- those who continue to lead full and active
arthritis of any other joint. However, the lives in the face of equal disease severity. For
prevalence of osteoarthritis at all joint sites this reason, health education has a potentially
increases progressively with age, which is the important role.
most powerful risk factor for the disease. One of the most common educational in-
Women are about twice as likely as men to be terventions used for chronic disease is self-
affected, and African-American women are management. Self-management has been de-
twice as likely as Caucasian women to have scribed as the day-to-day tasks an individual
knee osteoarthritis. The pattern of joint must undertake to control or reduce the im-
involvement also differs with sex: women pact of disease on health status; it includes
have a greater number of joints involved and all the tasks for handling clinical aspects of
more frequent complaints of morning stiff- the disease away from the hospital or physi-
ness, joint swelling, and nocturnal pain. Fac- cians office. For persons with osteoarthritis
tors that appear to be associated with osteo- this may include using medications, manag-
arthritis, based on cross-sectional and longi- ing acute episodes and emergencies, main-
tudinal studies, include obesity, bone density, taining adequate exercise and activity, using
trauma and repetitive stress, and genetic fac- relaxation and stress-reducing techniques,
tors. seeking information, using community ser-
The impact of osteoarthritis on function vices, adapting to work, managing relations
and costs of care are substantial. Patients with with significant others, and managing emo-
osteoarthritis are more likely to be limited in tions and psychological responses to the ill-
the amount and kind of major activities they ness.
can perform, have more restricted bed days, The graying of America and its con-
and are more likely to report disability. When comitant increase in the prevalence of osteo-
disease prevalence figures were applied to es- arthritis poses problems for an ever spiraling
timates of health care utilization and disabil- health care budget. Incurable by definition,
ity for both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoar- management of osteoarthritis extends over
thritis, an aggregate economic impact some time, creating continuous costs to both pa-
30-fold greater was found for osteoarthritis tient and provider. It is important that we
than for rheumatoid arthritis. In addition to examine innovative ways to deliver high-
the functional disability and economic impact quality care for older adults with osteoarthri-
of osteoarthritis, older people with this dis- tis in as efficacious and economical a manner
ease experience an inordinate amount of suf- as possible.
fering, depression, and diminished quality
of life. CAROL E. BLIXEN
Treatment approaches to patients with os-
teoarthritis have been mainly pharmacologi-
cal, usually combined with physical therapy Osteoporosis
and sometimes surgery. Although these inter-
ventions are useful, they often fail to control Bone mass density (BMD) accounts for 70%
disease progression, and symptoms may be of bone strength, is measured as grams of
associated with high costs and many toxici- mineral per area, and is reflective of both
ties. In addition, they frequently fail to ad- peak bone mass and the amount of bone loss
Osteoporosis 431

(National Institutes of Health [NIH], 2000). teoporosis is a sex-segregated problem

Osteoporosis is not only the result of acceler- (Wolf, Penrod, & Cauley, 2000, p. 7). Asian
ated bone loss during aging, but may also and white non-Hispanic women have the
develop because of sub-optimal bone growth lowest bone mineral densities throughout life,
in childhood and adolescence. Osteoporosis and African-American women have the high-
is a pediatric disease with geriatric conse- est. Mexican-American women have bone
quences (Drugay, 1997, as cited in Gueld- densities that are intermediate between the
ner, 2000). Bone quality, a poorly understood two groups. Japanese and Native-American
factor, is thought to result from the bones women (limited data) have peak BMD that
micro and macro structure, biochemical com- are lower than white non-Hispanic women
position, distribution and integrity of mate- (NIH, 2000).
rial components within the bone, turnover, Osteoporosis may be viewed as a silent
and microdamage accumulation. That a 50 systemic disease or as a progressive risk factor
year-old woman with low bone density has for fractures. Several factors associated with
a much lower risk of fracture than an 80 low bone density and/or risk for fractures
year-old woman with the same bone density have been identified by large prospective
speaks to changes in bone quality (Kolata, studies, including the 35-state National Os-
2003). teoporosis Risk Assessment (NORA) (Siris et
Pregnancy-associated osteoporosis is a al., 2001). These risk factors are classified as
rare and temporary condition that occurs either primary or secondary (Field-Munves,
during the 3rd trimester or postpartum pe- 2000; NIH, 2000; NOF, 2002). Primary
riod of a first pregnancy. Symptoms include causes include:
back pain, loss of height, and vertebral frac-
tures. Lactation is also associated with tran- Female gender
sient bone loss, with recovery of full bone Advancing age
density within 6 months (National Womens White or Caucasian and Asian races
Health Information Center, 2003). Estrogen deficiency as a result of meno-
In the United States, using the same criteria pause, especially early or surgically in-
of BMD of the hip, prevalence of osteoporosis duced. This may also be categorized as sec-
ranges from 3.9% of Caucasian-American ondary.
women 5059 years, to 47.5% for those older Low weight and body mass index, having
than 80 years (World Health Organization a small frame
[WHO], 2003b). The National Osteoporosis Personal history of fracture after age 50
Foundation (NOF, 2002) estimates that 55% years
of all Americans aged 50 years and older in Family history of osteoporosis
the year 2002, nearly 44 million people, had History of fracture in a first-degree relative
either osteoporosis or low bone mass. Based Cigarette smoking
on the 2000 Census, prevalence estimates in- Low lifetime calcium and Vitamin D intake
crease to 52 million women and men for the An inactive lifestyle.
year 2010, and to 61 million in 2020. Preva-
lence varies by gender, race, and ethnic group. Sometimes listed as a contributing factor,
Both men and women experience a decline lack of sun exposure, especially in many older
in BMD starting in midlife, with women ex- adults and during the winter months in higher
periencing more rapid bone loss in the imme- latitudes, significantly reduces cutaneous
diate years after menopause. Of the 44 mil- production of Vitamin D essential for calcium
lion Americans estimated to have osteoporo- absorption (Feskanich, Willett, & Colditz,
sis and low bone mass in the year 2002, 32% 2003). Other suspected predictors of low
(14 million) of them were men and 68% (30 bone mass, such as use of alcohol and caf-
million) were women (NOF). These esti- feine-containing beverages, have been proven
mates challenge the long-held myth that os- to be inconsistent in their association (NIH,

2000). In fact, the NORA study of 200,160 to calculate the osteoporosis fracture burden
postmenopausal women aged 50 years or is promising (WHO, 2003).
older found that alcohol consumption signifi- Worldwide, the incidence of hip fractures
cantly decreased the likelihood of osteoporo- was estimated to be 1.66 million in 1990
sis (Siris et al., 2001). Other data from this (WHO, 2003). Increasing exponentially with
large diverse population found that higher age, virtually all occur in persons aged 35
body mass index, African-American heritage, years and older, with 80% of these occurring
estrogen use, diuretic use, and exercise are in women. The highest incidence rates are
BMD protective factors, while age, personal reported from northern Europe, the northern
or family history of fracture, Asian or His- part of the United States, and among South-
panic heritage, smoking, and cortisone use East Asian populations, and the lowest are
were significant predictors of osteoporosis. from African countries. The rates, however,
Many diseases and drug therapies are also differ within racial groups, for example,
associated with osteoporosis and increased rates vary by a factor of about 10 between
fracture risk (Field-Munves, 2000; NIH). A Sweden and Turkey (WHO, p. 31). The dif-
comprehensive list is outlined in the National ferences in incidence of hip fractures between
Osteoporosis Foundation Physicians Guide countries are greater than those between gen-
to Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis ders.
(NOF, 2003). Hip fractures are associated with lengthy
Osteoporosis causes skeletal changes re- hospital admissions, difficulty in activities of
sulting in chronic morbidity and mortality. daily life, nursing home placement, death,
It has profound physical, financial and psy- and the corresponding economic burden.
chosocial consequences for the individual, There is an increase in mortality of 10% to
family, and community (Gueldner, 2000; 20% within 1 year of fracture; 30% of frac-
NIH, 2000). Changes in bone mass or qual- ture patients will fracture the opposite hip;
up to 25% require long-term nursing home
ity, however, occur without symptoms, and
care; 40% have full recovery to prefracture
are usually not detected until a fracture oc-
walking status (NOF, 2003). Mortality is re-
curs. Fractures of the proximal femur (hip),
lated to comorbid diseases, such as stroke or
vertebrae (spine), and distal forearm (wrist)
chronic lung disorders, and to complications
are the most clinically apparent complica-
arising from immobility and/or treatment of
tions of osteoporosis, and profoundly affect
the fracture (Wolf et al., 2000).
quality of life (Delmas & Fraser, 1999; NIH;
Vertebral fractures, often called crushing
NOF, 2003; Wolf, Penrod, & Cauley, 2000). fractures, result in the characteristic physical
Bone loss associated with the aforementioned changes often associated with osteoporosis,
risk factors and age-related changes, such as most notably kyphosis or dowagers hump.
a decrease in proprioception and balance, This collapsing of the vertebral column onto
leads to an increased risk of fracture. itself impacts other body systems: gastroin-
The risk of fracture rises when BMD de- testinal, respiratory, genitourinary, and cra-
clines. The use of BMD, therefore, to identify niofacial, and produces concomitant morbid-
those at risk for fractures is analogous to the ity: height loss, abdominal protuberance and
use of blood pressure monitoring to identify fullness, inhibited breathing patterns, back
those at risk for stroke (Wolf et al., 2000). pain, back disability, and functional limita-
The estimated lifetime risk for wrist, hip, and tions in walking, bending, and reaching
vertebral fractures is 15%, similar to that for (Gueldner, 2000; NIH, 2000; NOF, 2003;
ischemic heart disease (Brundtland, 2000). Wolf et al., 2000).
The majority of these fractures in persons The psychosocial ramifications of osteo-
over 50 years of age result from osteoporosis, porosis, though many, are often underad-
but attempts to classify fractures have been dressed when considering the sequelae of this
less than ideal. Use of the hip fracture rate disorder. Fear, anxiety, anger, depression,
Outcome Measures 433

and loss of self-esteem threaten the individu- women (mean age, 56.12; median age, 55;
als successful adaptation to lifestyle and cos- range, 32 to 87) found that nearly 24%
metic changes, chronic pain, and physical (23.5%) of these women had heel ultrasound
limitations. Often, the decrease in functional T-scores 1.0. Data were also analyzed for
abilities leads to social isolation (Gueldner, relationships among demographic variables,
2000). The high morbidity and consequent risk factors, and T-scores. Age (p = .012) and
loss of mobility and independence associated the final score on the Merck Osteoporosis
with osteoporosis have a ripple effect on the Evaluation SCORE Sheet (p < .001) were in-
family system, the community, and society. versely correlated with T-scores; the older the
The demands of chronic care, whether formal subject and the higher the score on composite
or informal, strain family, social, health care, risk factors, the lower the T-scores. Age at
and government networks. Global graying menopause was positively correlated with T-
will further magnify this major public scores (p = .032); the higher the age at meno-
health problem. pause, the higher the T-scores. In addition,
The economic burden of osteoporosis to women who had taken estrogen had signifi-
society is formidable. In the United States, cantly higher T-scores (p = .038) than those
the National Osteoporosis Foundation who had not. Comparison of self-report of
(2003) estimates that the annual cost to the height to the measured height on the day of
health care system associated with osteopo- data collection found that self-reported
rotic fractures was $17 billion in 2001 dol- height was significantly lower than measured
lars. Because these fractures occur in a mainly height (p < .001).
aged, retired population, costs are associated These preliminary findings have several
with direct care services, inpatient and outpa- implications for clinical practice. That 23.5%
tient services, and nursing home care, rather of this sample has low bone mass or osteopo-
than weighted by a loss of wages (Wolf et rosis underscores the importance of early
al., 2000). Few financial cost estimates are screening in order to develop awareness and
available for the total burden of osteoporosis provide education on bone health. The high
and all its consequences. correlation of the SCORE questionnaire with
A recent literature search of the CINAHL T-scores suggests that this instrument may
database entering the keywords nursing re- alone effectively identify at risk women for
search and osteoporosis for the years 1997 follow-up. This study also supports the
2003 revealed 333 articles. For the year 2003, unique contribution of estrogen to bone
43 articles were found, 10 of which were strength, and in light of recent evidence of
original nursing studies. These studies fell hormone replacement therapy risks, the need
into 5 categories: dealing with patients with for research on alternative therapies. Lastly,
hip fractures (3), effect of physical activity on the finding on height discordance mandates
osteoporosis (3), knowledge of osteoporosis the accurate objective measurement of height
(2), attitudes on menopause (1), and develop- and weight during health care visits, rather
ment of tools to assess risk factors for osteo- than relying on self-report.
porosis (1). The nursing profession, integral
to health care from the cradle to the grave, SARAH HALL GUELDNER
needs to increase osteoporosis awareness, GERALDINE BRITTON
and to research the prevalence, prevention, SHERI STUCKE
and adaptation of individuals to this
chronic disease.
One ongoing nursing research project is Outcome Measures
profiling the incidence of osteoporosis in peri-
and postmenopausal women in Pennsylvania Outcomes of nursing and health care encom-
and the southern tier of New York (Gueldner pass changes in both client variables and or-
et al., 2003). Preliminary results of 234 ganizational variables as a consequence of

specific processes. Examples of client out- tual factors influence client outcomes, includ-
comes include satisfaction and preferences, ing organization ownership (public/private,
disease- or problem-specific indicators, func- profit/not for profit), involvement in teach-
tional status, and quality of life. Examples ing, case mix, volume of patients treated, or-
of organizational outcomes include internal ganization size, and the extent to which the
customer satisfaction (i.e., nurse or physician organization engages in high-tech proce-
satisfaction), personnel safety (i.e., injuries dures. Still to be determined is the impact on
from needles and other sharps), and cost- client outcomes of the integration of health
effectiveness. Client-focused variables that care providers into complex networks.
cross multiple diseases and conditions, such Projects to develop standardized measures
as mortality, nosocomial infections, falls, abound. For example, John Ware Jr. and col-
skin integrity, and medication errors, have leagues (Medical Outcomes Trust, 1993)
been reported as both client and organiza- published the SF-36 Health Survey, which
tional outcomes. investigators are using with increasing fre-
The national thrust toward outcomes quency to assess health status and quality of
management and research emanates from life from the clients point of view. The SF-
studies of medical practice variation, which 36 measures eight concepts: (a) limitations in
became a priority research agenda in the physical activities because of health prob-
1980s. Outcomes management is an ongoing, lems, (b) limitations in social activities be-
research-based quest to meet specified quality cause of physical or emotional problems, (c)
goals. Outcomes research seeks to determine limitations in usual role activities because of
whether specific interventions or practice physical health problems, (d) psychological
models are beneficial in naturalistic environ- stress and well-being, (e) limitations in usual
ments. It is aimed at broad-based populations role activities because of emotional problems,
and includes service settings other than aca- (f) bodily pain, (g) vitality, and (h) general
demic medical centers or large urban environ- health perceptions.
ments. In addition to randomized clinical tri- Prominent among efforts to standardize
als, investigators attempt to link information measures for outcomes research is the ongo-
about client outcomes with large administra- ing project conducted by McCloskey and Bu-
tive and clinical databases. Given an impetus lechek (1996), M. Johnson and Maas (1997),
to improve the outcomes of nursing care, in- and their colleagues at the University of Iowa
vestigators must solve various puzzles around College of Nursing to develop and maintain
appropriate target populations, the right out- taxonomies of nursing interventions and out-
come variables, and the associated process comes. In a different arena, the Joint Com-
and structure variables. mission on Accreditation of Healthcare Or-
Outcome measures incorporate intermedi- ganizations (1997) has initiated a program
ate clinical variables, such as blood pressure, that will require organizations seeking ac-
as well as more extended outcomes, such as creditation to report patient outcomes. Under
return to work. Researchers and managers that program, Oryx Outcomes: The Next
are challenged to select or design outcome Evolution in Accreditation, hospitals choose
measures and establish their reliability and two clinical performance indicators for re-
validity by issues related to sensitivity, speci- porting from among 60 measurement sys-
ficity, situational contaminants such as sever- tems; the selected outcomes must relate to at
ity of illness, and response set and other bi- least 20% of the hospitals patient popula-
ases. Variations in definitions, formulas, and tion. The Agency for Health Care Policy and
data collection procedures frustrate between- Research (AHCPR) and the president and fel-
group comparisons, particularly for research- lows of Harvard College have released a com-
ers who work with the large databases avail- puterized compendium of approximately
able from government agencies and organiza- 1,200 clinical performance measures devel-
tions within the health care industry. Contex- oped by public and private sector organiza-
Outcome Measures 435

tions to examine the quality of health care. from the AHCPR World Wide Web home
CONQUEST 1.0 (COmputerized Needs- page at (http://www.ahcpr.gov/).
Oriented Quality Measurement Evaluation
System) can be accessed and downloaded ROMA LEE TAUNTON

Pain to 6 months. Chronic pain is said to be that

which lasts for longer.
Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional The undertreatment of pain has been well
experience associated with actual or potential documented for at least the past 30 years
damage or described in terms of such damage; (Marks & Sachar, 1973). Barriers to the ef-
pain is always subjective (International As- fective treatment of pain include clinicians
sociation for the Study of Pain, 1979, p. 250). lack of knowledge of pain management prin-
People in pain not only suffer considerably ciples, clinician and patient attitudes toward
but are at risk for long-term adverse effects. pain and drugs, and overly restrictive laws
Pain is a common component of illness and and regulations regarding use of controlled
is the most common reason that people seek substances. The undermanagement of pain
medical attention. People experience pain in has been particularly pronounced in children,
different ways and only those who have the the elderly, and those who cannot speak. Pain
pain know what it is really like. Communica- relief in palliative care and at the end of life
tion of that pain to caregivers is dependent is receiving increased attention in research
on the verbal abilities of the patient, with and practice.
those who are very young and those who are The gate control theory published by Mel-
cognitively impaired being at risk for misun- zack and Wall (1965) provided a theoretical
derstanding of its effects. basis for showing how pain, transmitted pe-
Pain generally is classified into two types: ripherally to the brain, can be influenced by
acute and chronic. However, there are many cognitive and affective as well as physiologi-
different types and causes of pain. There is cal factors. Theories of pain have evolved in
acute pain following surgery and injury, and recent years to the idea of a mind-body unity
during labor, sickle cell crisis, and health care that Melzack (1996) calls a neuromatrix. An
procedures. Chronic pain can occur in the active brain is part of a whole person who
musculo-skeletal system, the gastrointestinal has been shaped by genetics and learning to
system, and the urinary system, and can be respond to noxious stimuli in individually
recurrent or constant. Cancer pain is from characteristic patterns. Recent studies of the
the enlarging tumor, its metastases, or its role of genetics, endorphins, and immune fac-
treatment and is often chronic, increases in tors, imaging studies of the thalamus, the an-
intensity and extent; also acute pain can terior cingulate, the limbic system, and the
break through the usual pain. Some types of cortex, support a holistic theory that goes
pain are classified by the context in which beyond the mechanics of transmission of
they occur. These include pain in infants, the noxious messages. An appreciation of the
critically ill, the cognitively impaired, and at mind-body experience of pain provides a ba-
the end of life. Acute pain subsides as healing sis for multidisciplinary research and prac-
takes place. Acute pain has a predictable end tice, multicultural responses, and multimodal
and is of brief duration, usually less than 3 strategies for managing pain.

Pain 437

Within the neuromatrix of a whole and to opiate receptors. They are used with mod-
active person, tissue damage causes the re- erate and severe pain and can be administered
lease of pain-producing substances, such as orally, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, in-
serotonin, histamine, bradykinin and sub- travenously, rectally, transdermally, epidur-
stance P, which stimulate nerve endings called ally, nasally, intraspinally, and intraventricu-
nociceptors. Action potentials travel along larly. Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) can
the peripheral nervous system, are modified be accomplished by mouth or by use of equip-
in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, and ment set to prescribed parameters to adminis-
travel to the brain where sensory, affective, ter a drug intravenously, subcutaneously, or
and cognitive responses occur. Nerve fibers epidurally. Adjuvant drugs are used to in-
descending from the brain to the dorsal horn crease the analgesic efficacy of opioids, to
can inhibit the perception of pain. Opiate treat other symptoms that exacerbate pain, or
receptors in the brain or spinal cord react to provide analgesia for specific types of pain.
both to opiates that are externally adminis- Physical modalities for pain management
tered and to enkephalins and endorphins pro- include use of heat and cold, counterstimula-
duced by ones own body to modulate pain. tion such as transcutaneous electrical nerve
Pain management includes pharmacologi- stimulation (TENS), and acupuncture. Cog-
cal, cognitive-behavioral, physical, radiation, nitive techniques are focused on perception
anesthetic, neurosurgical, and surgical tech- and thought and are designed to influence
niques. Analgesics administered orally or in- interpretation of events and bodily sensa-
travenously are needed for moderate to severe tions. Providing information about pain and
pain, and cognitive-behavioral techniques its management, helping patients think differ-
such as relaxation, music, and distraction can ently about pain, and distraction strategies
increase the relief. More complex pain, such are examples of cognitive techniques. Behav-
as that experienced by patients with reflex ioral techniques are directed at helping pa-
sympathetic dystrophy or by cancer patients tients develop coping skills and modify their
who have unrelieved pain from several ori- reactions to pain. Cognitive-behavioral tech-
gins as well as neurogenic and breakthrough niques commonly used by nurses and other
pain, may require evaluation and treatment clinicians include relaxation, music, imagery,
by a multispecialty pain management team. distraction, and reframing. Psychotherapy,
The successful management of pain generally support, and hypnosis also have been used
depends on a careful assessment of the pain, successfully in pain management.
patient education for pain management, ap- When the use of drugs, with or without
propriate pharmacological and nonpharma- physical and cognitive behavioral modalities,
cological intervention, reassessment to deter- is not adequate to manage pain, other man-
mine the effectiveness of interventions used, agement techniques may be used. These de-
and reintervention until satisfactory relief is pend on the cause of the pain and may be
obtained (Good, 2003). temporary or permanent. Radiation therapy
Pharmacological management of pain usu- is used to relieve metastatic pain and symp-
ally is treated by three types of drug: (a) aspi- toms from local extension of primary disease.
rin, acetaminophen, and nonsteroidal anti- Nerve blocks include the injection of a local
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS); (b) opioids; anesthetic into a spinal space and peripheral
and (c) adjuvant analgesics. NSAIDS decrease nerve destruction. Surgical procedures are
the levels of inflammatory mediators gener- used to remove sources of pain, such as de-
ated at the site of tissue injury, thus blocking bulking a tumor that is pressing on abdomi-
painful stimuli. They are useful in the man- nal organs or removing bone spurs that are
agement of mild pain and may be used in compressing nerves. Neuroablation tech-
combination with opioids for moderate to niques include peripheral neurectomy, dorsal
severe pain. Opioids are morphine-like com- rhizotomy, cordotomy, commissural myelo-
pounds that produce pain relief by binding tomy, and hypophysectomy.

In recent years, various agencies and orga- pain. It is a new conceptualization of acute
nizations have published guidelines for the pain management compared to the previous
management of pain. These have included notion of only giving analgesics (Moore, S.
guidelines published by the Agency for M., 2004).
Health Care Policy and Research on the man- The theory of a balance between analgesia
agement of acute pain, cancer pain, and low- and side effects is the first integrated, pre-
back problems. In addition there are three scriptive nursing theory for acute pain man-
books from the American Pain Society (APS): agement in adults. Middle-range nursing the-
on analgesic use, guidelines for pain in arthri- ories are more useful in practice and research
tis, and pain in sickle-cell disease. In the near if they have empirical support. Useful sources
future APS will publish two new guidelines of mid-range theories are clinical practice
for cancer pain and for fibromyalgia. The guidelines that are based on research and
Joint Commission for Accreditation of consensus of interdisciplinary experts. Such
Healthcare Agencies has included policies guidelines can provide a jump-start for empir-
and procedures for pain management in their ically based theories and a body of scientific
standards. Pain relief is a patients right, but knowledge for practicing nurses. The re-
there is greater consensus regarding manage- sulting knowledge then can be taught, used,
ment of acute and cancer pain than for and developed further. The acute pain man-
chronic nonmalignant pain. agement guidelines published by the Agency
for Health Care Policy and Research (Acute
MARION GOOD Pain Management Guideline Panel, 1992)
ADA JACOX were the source that Good and Moore (1996)
used to develop a mid-range pain manage-
ment theory.
Pain Management: A Mid-Range Although analgesic medication is the
Theory mainstay of pain therapy after surgery, espe-
cially at first, there are large differences in
The theory of a balance between analgesia individual response to pain and analgesics.
and side effects proposes that multimodal In addition, there may be a mind-body effect
therapy, attentive care, and patient education from relaxation and soft music. These non-
contribute to a balance between pain relief pharmacological modalities have been found
and minimal side effects of analgesic medica- to reduce the pain further. Good and col-
tion (Good, 1998, 2004; Good & Moore, leagues (1999) found that they reduced pain
1996). Multimodal therapy consists of a com- up to 31% more than patient-controlled opi-
bination of strong analgesics and pharmaco- oids alone at ambulation and rest. The find-
logical adjuvants (e.g., nonsteroidal antiin- ings supported the integrated mid-range in-
flammatory drugs) plus nonpharmacological tervention theory.
adjuvants (e.g., relaxation, music, guided im- The assumptions of the theory are practi-
agery). Attentive care means vigilance and cal. First, the nurse and physician must have
consists of regular assessment of pain and current knowledge of pain management and
side effects, plus identification of inadequate collaborate to achieve relief. Second, the the-
relief, intervention, reassessment, and rein- ory is expected to be applied with acute pain
tervention. Patient education consists of pa- in situations in which systemic opioid analge-
tient teaching for pain management and mu- sics or epidural anesthesia are prescribed and
tual goal-setting between the nurse and pa- medication for side effects is administered as
tient. The three principles are proposed to needed. Third, it is applicable to adults who
result in more relief and less side effects than have the ability to learn, set goals, and com-
simply giving analgesic medication (Good, municate symptoms (Good, 1998, 2004;
1996, 1998, 2004). The theory is based on Good & Moore, 1996).
the premise that a balance between analgesia This theory has not directly been applied
and its side effects is the desired goal in acute to labor pain, cognitively impaired adults, or
Pain Management: A Mid-Range Theory 439

patients with special problems such as opioid abdominal surgical patients in Bangkok,
tolerance, shock, trauma, or burns. However, Thailand (Roykulcharoen & Good). A cur-
other theories can be developed from the rent randomized controlled trial, funded by
acute pain management guidelines or from NINR, is underway to study the effects of
other practice guidelines. For example, Huth nonpharmacological interventions on side ef-
and Moore (1998) published an integrated fects of opioids after surgery and also the
prescriptive theory of acute pain management effects of patient teaching for pain manage-
for infants and children which has been sup- ment (Good, Anderson, Albert, & Wot-
ported by research (Huth, Broome, & Good, man, 20012005).
2004). Ruland and Moore (1998) published Critical reviews of this theory have noted
a mid-range theory of the peaceful end of life the clear theoretical and operational defini-
based on existing standards of care. tions given and the clarity and consistency in
Articles about this theory contain exam- the use of concepts and prescriptive proposi-
ples of testable research concepts and hypoth- tions, making it easy to test in randomized
eses that can be deduced from it. In addition, controlled trials (Moore, S. M., 2004; Suppe,
this literature contains hypothetical cases that 1996). The theory presents a comprehensive
ground the theory in reality and illustrate its approach to clinical management of acute
use with surgical patients and in clinical re- pain, yet with only three propositions it is
search (Good, 1998, 2004). It has been re- fairly parsimonious, which is important when
published in part in a textbook of theory de- teaching it to others. It is reality based, as is
velopment (McEwen, 2002), and practicing evident in the assumptions, concept names,
nurses taking graduate courses ask about its and principles; they are in terms that practic-
usefulness for research and practice. ing nurses can easily understand and use. The
When the theory was created, it was based criteria for a theory in the middle range are
on empirical support for two of its three prop- met. It is narrow in scope because it is limited
ositions and on a consensus of experts for
to acute pain. It is appropriate for testing
the third one about patient teaching and goal
because hypotheses can be deduced. Never-
setting (Acute Pain Management Guideline
theless it is abstract enough to be useful in
Panel, 1992; Good & Moore, 1996). Since
practice (Moore, S. M.).
then, there have been research findings that
Pain management is important to quality
support the effect of nonpharmacological
of life. Surgical events are critical stressors
therapies in providing additional pain relief
in peoples livesa few days when nursing
when used with analgesics after surgery
interventions are key factors in preventing
(Good & Chin, 1998; Good et al., 2001;
ongoing pain and in patients satisfaction and
Good et al., 1999; Roykulcharoen & Good,
memory of the event. Pain is a complex phe-
in press). These studies took place in the U.S.,
Taiwan, and Thailand. The largest was a ran- nomenon because human response to pain
domized controlled trial of 500 abdominal varies greatly. Pain management is central to
surgical patients in the U.S., which demon- good nursing care and relief calls for contin-
strated that jaw relaxation, music, and the ual growth of prescriptive knowledge for
combination of both had a small to medium practitioners. Mid-range theories that clearly
effect size compared to analgesics alone. Sup- and parsimoniously describe this knowledge
ported by the National Institute of Nursing for nurses can help meet this basic human
Research (NINR), the interventions were ef- need in our society. Although more research
fective on postoperative days 1 and 2 and at on the theory is needed and encouraged, what
ambulation and rest (Good et al., 1999). The is known thus far can be used to educate the
same music as used in the U.S. study had next generation of nurses on management of
large effects after gynecological surgery in acute pain.
Kaoshiung, Taiwan (Good & Chin). A test
of a longer, whole-body relaxation technique MARION GOOD
resulted in a large effect size in postoperative SHIRLEY M. MOORE

Parental Response to the Birth The emotional distress of parents that re-
and Hospitalization of a High sults from having a sick infant hospitalized
in an NICU has been another direction of
Risk Infant research. Studies have focused primarily on
depression, anxiety, and general psychologi-
Recognizing that parents play an important cal adjustment (Doering, Moser, & Dracup,
role in the lives of their infants, nurses have 2000; Meyer et al., 1995; Miles et al., 1992;
long been concerned about the needs of par- Miles, Holditch-Davis, Burchinal, & Nelson,
ents of high-risk infants, that is, preterm and 1999; Shields-Poe & Pinelli, 1997). It has
term infants with serious health problems been hypothesized that mothers responses
who are hospitalized in neonatal intensive are similar to those reported for posttrau-
care units (NICUs). The recent thrust on fam- matic stress (Holditch-Davis, Bartlett, Blick-
ily-centered care in the NICU is a direct result man, & Miles, 2003). While most of this
of these concerns about parental needs. Thus, research has focused on negative outcomes,
a major focus of research in maternal-child there is a beginning focus on positive out-
nursing has been on parents of preterm in- comes and growth (Miles et al., 1999).
fants hospitalized in an NICU, with a few In general, this research suggested that
studies also focusing on parents of term in- parents of preterm and seriously ill infants
fants with serious health problems. Over the experience stress during hospitalization and
past 2 decades, much of nursing research in have intense emotional responses, particu-
this area has focused on two broad areas: (a) larly anxiety and depressive symptoms. Sev-
describing the sources of stress experienced eral studies have reported that mothers re-
by parents and identifying factors related to ported more stress than fathers (Doering et
this stress, and (b) examining the emotional al., 1999; Meyer et al., 1995; Miles et al.,
responses of parents. Research in this area 1992; Shields-Poe & Pinelli, 1997). However,
reflects the works of nurses across the world. most of these studies use small convenience
Identification of the stressors experienced samples of mostly Caucasian, married fa-
by parents related to the hospitalization of thers. More research is needed regarding the
their infant in an NICU was greatly facilitated experience and needs of single and married
by the development of the Parental Stressor fathers and fathers from diverse ethnic back-
Scale: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PSS: grounds. Also important is understanding the
NICU) (Miles, Funk, & Carlson, 1993). fathers contribution to maternal mental
Worldwide research has been conducted us- health and parenting and to infant outcomes.
ing this scale. In general the findings indicate Most of the studies have used quantitative
that aspects of the parental role, such as not descriptive studies with limited use of concep-
being able to protect the baby, feeling help- tual frameworks to explore factors related to
less, separation, and the appearance and be- parental distress (Miles & Holditch-Davis,
havior of the sick infant, such as seeing the 1997). A handful of studies have found that
child experiencing pain or apnea, seeing nee- parent and family characteristics and charac-
dles and tubes put into the child, and watch- teristics of the infants illness are related to
ing the respirator breath for the child, cause stress and emotional distress (Doering et al.,
the most distress (Miles, Funk, & Kasper, 2000; Miles et al., 1999; Shields-Poe & Pi-
1992; Miles & Holditch-Davis, 1997; nelli, 1997). Few longitudinal studies have
Shields-Poe & Pinelli, 1997). Limited focus been conducted, leaving the findings incon-
has been placed on parents perception of clusive regarding the long-term implications
their relationship with nursing and medical of this distress (Miles & Holditch-Davis). As
staff, particularly related to life-and-death de- preterm infants often experience long hospi-
cisions, and to the interplay between the talizations and the assumption and attain-
nurses and parents as they each assume re- ment of the parental role with newborn in-
sponsibility for the sick infant. fants is known to be a process that occurs
Parenting 441

over time, it is essential that we study parental and hospitalization of a preterm or seriously
responses over time to really understand the ill infant. This research has undoubtedly in-
process and outcomes of this experience. fluenced nursing interventions with parents.
Likewise, we need to link parents and the NICUs generally have open visiting hours,
infants conceptually or methodologically in recognize the important role of parents, and
the design of these studies in order to under- work hard to facilitate the development of
stand how parental emotional distress and the parental role even while the infant is criti-
other responses influence parenting behav- cally ill.
iors in the critical care period and parenting
and the parent-child relationship during MARGARET SHANDOR MILES
childhood. While there is another body of
literature related to parent-infant interaction
within the NICU, this research is rarely linked Parenting
to parental emotional responses (Holditch-
Davis & Miles, 1997). There are only a lim- Parenting is a process that involves a complex
ited number of studies using methods of qual- set of responsibilities, including being present
itative design that could add more depth to for the child; caregiving, teaching, protecting,
our understanding of parental experiences. and encouraging the child; and advocating
Given the amount of descriptive research on behalf of the child. These responsibilities
on parental stress in the NICU, few research- evolve over time as the child and parent ma-
ers have developed and tested interventions ture and change in response to environmental
aimed at reducing the distress of parents and contexts and any special needs of the child.
enhancing their parental role with their in- Parenting is a major focus of nursing re-
fant. Melnyk and colleagues (Melnyk, B. M., search. Currently three nursing diagnoses re-
et al., 2001) tested a parent-empowerment late to parenting: altered parenting, parental
intervention and reported positive outcomes role conflict, and altered parent-infant at-
for low-birthweight infants and their moth- tachment (Sparks, 1995). The diagnosis of
ers, who reported less stress related to the altered parenting involves at-risk or problem-
NICU environment and a better understand- atic parenting. Parental role conflict involves
ing of their preterm infants behavior. the changes in parenting that occur when a
Future research should be more firmly child is ill, such as providing illness-related
grounded in developmentally sensitive eco- care, comforting the child, and stimulating
logical conceptual models that explore per- the childs growth and development. Altered
sonal and illness-related factors that affect parent-infant attachment is an interference
parental responses and link parental re- with the development of appropriate paren-
sponses to parenting and child outcomes. tal relationship.
Methods of qualitative and quantitative re- An identifiable group of nurse researchers
search should be used and even combined to who study parents and parenting has emerged
gain a fuller picture of parental experiences. (Beeber & Miles, 2003; Faux, 1998; Hol-
Longitudinal and repeated measures designs ditch-Davis & Miles, 1997; Hoyer, 1998;
are essential. Research on emotional distress McBride & Shore, 2001; Mercer, 1995;
and mental health of parents should include Miles, 2003). Like parenting researchers
both problematic responses and growth out- from other disciplines, nurse researchers
comes. Of utmost importance is the need to agree that parenting plays a critical role in
examine how parents from different ethnic child development. However, the other side
groups respond to birth and hospitalization of parentingits effects on the lives of
of a high-risk infant. adultshas received relatively little attention
In conclusion, nurse researchers interna- (McBride & Shore). The substantive focus of
tionally have made important contributions nursing research on parenting includes par-
to the study of parental responses to birth enting during the transition to parenthood,

parenting of high-risk infants, parental re- emotional responses, participation in care,

sponses to childrens acute and chronic ill- and stress during hospitalization (Youngblut,
nesses, parenting of healthy children, and 1998). Recently, a few studies have moved
problematic parenting. beyond physical illnesses and have begun to
Parenting during the transition to parent- explore the effect of child psychiatric condi-
hood has probably received the most atten- tions, such as attention deficit disorder, con-
tion from nurse researchers (Mercer, 1995). duct disorder, and schizophrenia, on parent-
Areas of research include maternal identity ing. A small but important body of descrip-
and competence, adjustments to parenting a tive research about parents relationships
newborn, parent-infant interactions, and the with nurses and other health care providers
effects of stressors such as older maternal age, demonstrates the powerful role nurses have in
infertility, or a high-risk pregnancy. Fathers affecting parental responses and maintaining
are beginning to be studied. Researchers also the parental role, especially during acute ill-
have studied the development of the parental nesses.
identity during pregnancy, maternal-fetal at- Studies of parents of ill children have
tachment, and the emotional tasks of preg- largely been limited to descriptive, cross-sec-
nancy. tional studies done with small convenience
A related area of research focuses on par- samples from one institution. Very few are
enting high-risk infants, including infants longitudinal even within the period of hospi-
who are premature, technologically depen- talization. More research is needed to explore
dent, prenatally exposed to substances, multi- the nature of the interaction of health care
ple births, or temperamentally difficult. A providers and parents and how to strengthen
number of descriptive studies has explored those interactions. More research on the in-
the emotional distress and sources of stress of fluence of parenting on health and develop-
parents during the infants neonatal intensive mental outcomes in ill children is also needed.
care hospitalization (Holditch-Davis & Nurse researchers have also studied par-
Miles, 1997). Of particular concern is the enting of normal, healthy children. Preschool
impact of parental distress and parent-infant children have been studied the most, with
separation on subsequent parent-child inter- less attention to parenting the school-aged,
actions and attachment. Parental influences adolescent, and young adult child. Much of
on development of high-risk infants have also this research has looked at parental percep-
been identified through longitudinal studies. tions of the child or parental effects on child
Recently, nurse researchers have tested a outcomes, such as obesity or substance abuse,
number of intervention studies for this popu- rather than parenting per se. However, disci-
lation, including support programs in the in- pline as an aspect of parenting has received
tensive care unit and home visiting programs attention. This research has examined the ef-
(Kearney, York, & Deatrick, 2000). fects of maternal employment, supports for
Another focus of nursing research has been parenting, and issues involved in parenting
on parents of ill children. Although much of by grandparents, parenting after divorce, par-
this research has been focused on the family, enting during maternal chronic illness, or par-
parents are the most important element of enting after the death of a spouse. In addition,
family responses (Faux, 1998). Studies of par- nurse researchers have begun to study ethnic
ents of children with chronic illnesses or de- differences in parenting.
velopmental disabilities have focused on the Problematic parenting has been another
impact of the childs diagnosis, stressors asso- focus of nursing research. Studies have exam-
ciated with treatments and repeated hospital- ined the impact of maternal mental health
izations, and parental management of the ill- problems or substance abuse on parenting
ness (Miles, 2003). Similarly, researchers and parents who are abusive to their children.
have focused on the experiences of parents Another important aspect of problematic
of acutely ill children, exploring parental parenting has focused on parenting by low-
Parkinsons Disease 443

income parents (Beeber & Miles, 2003), but research that examines parenting from a cul-
the area receiving the most attention from tural perspective. Nursing researchers need
nurse researchers has been adolescent parent- to go beyond comparing ethnic groups and
ing (Hoyer, 1998). Although a number of move toward understanding what is effective
intervention studies has been conducted to and adaptive for parents from varying ethnic
improve parenting in these at-risk groups backgrounds. Likewise, nurse researchers
(Kearney et al., 2000), many of the interven- need to conduct more longitudinal studies
tions were atheoretical. More theoretically that study parenting as a process that unfolds
based intervention studies aimed at improv- over time.
ing parenting and removing situational or en-
vironmental obstacles to positive parenting DIANE HOLDITCH-DAVIS
The theoretical models used as frame-
works for nursing research on parenting have
been as diverse as the substantive foci. Re- Parkinsons Disease
searchers interested in the transition to par-
enthood often build on the concepts put forth Parkinsons Disease (PD) is a progressive, de-
by Rubin based in role-attainment theory generative neurological disorder that mani-
from sociology and adapted by Ramona Mer- fests severe physical symptoms and also
cer and Lorraine Walker. Another commonly brings emotional issues to the surface. PD is
used framework is ecological-systems theory, not a new illness; as far back as 1817 an
influenced by the work of Uri Bronfenbren- article was written by James Parkinson in
ner, Jay Belsky, and Arnold Sameroff, and which he described a shaking palsy. The
based in psychology. Within nursing, Kath- cause, which was a mystery then, remains
ryn Barnards theory follows in this tradition. one today. The symptoms of PD result from
Other theories used in parenting research a significant degeneration of the neurotrans-
by nurses include attachment, cognitive, and mitter dopamine located in the substantia ni-
stress theories. Attachment theory has its ori- gra of the brain. Dopamine is responsible for
gins in ethology and is influenced by the work maintaining the normal function of the extra-
of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth. This pyramidal motor system, including control
framework is widely used in infancy and pre- of posture, support, and voluntary motion.
school parenting research. Cognitively based The symptoms of PD may vary greatly from
theories of parenting, such as that developed individual to individual. However, the clas-
by Karen Pridham, are used in studies of sic triad of symptoms includes: tremor, ri-
mothering during the prenatal and postpartal gidity, and bradykinesia. Patients may com-
periods. Finally, stress models, influenced by plain of hand tremors as their first symptom.
Richard Lazarus and Hans Selye, have been As the disease progresses, patients become
used in studies of the impact of acute illness rigid as their muscles lose the ability to relax.
on parents. The third symptom many people complain
Despite this theoretical diversity, much of about is related to the slowing of movement.
the nursing research conducted in the area Patients can describe feeling frozen and
of parenting remains atheoretical and highly they become stuck in one place. It may take
descriptive. Therefore, the findings in this them up to several minutes to begin moving
area of research are generally fragmented, again. Due to the degenerative nature of the
and often nurse researchers are not building disease, many patients begin with mild symp-
a coherent science on parenting. The major toms and over time become significantly de-
gaps in the parenting literature in nursing bilitated. Pharmacological therapy is the
include a need for more information about mainstay in treatment for PD. There are sev-
fathering and about parenting of adolescents eral well-known medications in use, the most
and young adults. There is also a need for common being Carbidopa/Levodopa (Sine-

met). Sinemet is effective in treating PD by needs of patients must remain a top priority
allowing more dopamine to be available for in research surrounding this disease.
use in the brain. Unfortunately, over time,
this and many of the other drugs become less ANDREA CALALUCE
effective, causing a return of symptoms.
Nurses can be pivotal forces in helping
patients live with PD. C. Hayes (2002) identi-
fied important issues for people living with
Parses Theory of Nursing:
PD. Her research focused on seven key areas: Human Becoming Theory
Anatomy and Physiology/Medical Aspects,
Activities of Daily Living, Lifestyle, Mobility, Human becoming theory (Parse, 1992, 1995)
Psychological Issues, Medication, and Ad- was first entitled Man-Living-Health: A the-
vice. The three most important issues identi- ory of nursing (Parse, 1981). In 1998, Parse
fied in the study were available treatments, published The Human Becoming School of
maintaining independence, and the effects of Thought: A Perspective for Nurses and Other
PD on the brain (Hayes). Health Professionals (HBST), a welcome sec-
Due to the debilitating nature of PD, many ond edition of her original work. This new
spouses often find themselves assuming the book gives clear undated explanations of the
caregiver role. Many times relationships dras- model, reflecting and elaborating on the re-
tically change as people assume new roles. search and practice methodologies that were
Caregiving can be a 24-hour responsibility, developed after the publication of the first
edition. Parses theory evolved from concern
and the needs of caregivers as well as the
about the use of the medical model applied
needs of patients must be addressed. Edwards
to the nursing discipline. She was dissatisfied
and Scheetz (2002) explored the factors that
with the mechanistic view of human beings
contribute to the perceived burden of caregiv-
and its lack of congruence with the focus
ers of PD patients. This study supported the
and goals of nursing. The human becoming
hypothesis that caregivers are affected when
theory describes a theory of nursing that
their spouse/significant other is diagnosed
views the mysteries and uniqueness of hu-
with PD, and their needs must also be ad- mans as unitary beings in mutual process with
dressed when formulating a plan of care. It a multidimensional universe.
was suggested that the nurse prepare and sup- Parse (1998) draws from Rogers Science
port the family for the progression of the of Unitary Human Beings and the writings on
disease. The nurse should assume the role of existential phenomenology when she defines
counselor, educator, and supporter. Nurses the person as being in a process of continuous
should recognize that caregivers have varying becoming within the HBST. Humans are de-
abilities, and support groups can be an indis- scribed as unitary living beings who are a
pensable avenue for venting feelings and emo- unity and have more than the sum of their
tions (Edwards & Ruettiger, 2002). parts. Each person cocreates reality in mutual
Future research in PD will continue to ex- process with the environment. Quality of life
plore the causes and treatments of this dis- is a central concept within the HBST. Ac-
ease. Nursing research will continue to inves- cording to Parse, any individual capable of
tigate ways in which patients with this disease the experiences of a living person has a qual-
and their caregivers can obtain the most ap- ity of life. She further clarifies that quality of
propriate treatment, while maintaining the life is subjective and that the nurse should
highest possible level of function and quality accept quality of life as the patient sees it
of life. Lifestyle alterations as well as medica- regardless of the nurses objective assessment
tions are necessary when treating Parkinsons of the patients quality of life. The goal of
disease, and the physical as well as emotional nursing is quality of life in Parses theory
Parses Theory of Nursing: Human Becoming Theory 445

(Parse) thus demonstrating the importance of pants. There are three phases involved in this
this concept with the theory. research, dialogical engagement (researcher-
Within the HBST Parse states that hu- participant), extraction-synthesis (dwelling
mans health is becoming and is a way of with the data), and heuristic interpretation
living. She clarifies this by stating that health (Parse). The foci of knowledge development
is nonlinear and therefore one cannot have for the discipline within this type of research
degrees of health. According to this definition are the universal lived experiences of individ-
it appears that all one needs to have health uals, such as hope, joy-sorrow, grieving,
is the ability to lead a human life. Human and persevering.
Becoming Theory is guided by nine philo- In addition, Parse (1998) has delineated a
sophical assumptions about human beings practice method that guides the practice of
and becoming that were synthesized from nurses implementing the theory. She has de-
Rogers Science of Unitary Human Beings veloped dimensions and processes to guide
and the writings on existential phenomenol- nurses within the HBST. The goal of nursing
ogy. Becoming is the humans patterns of is quality of life from the perspective of the
relating value priorities (Parse, 1998, p. 20). patient. The artistic medium employed by the
It is the way one leads ones life. The choices nurse is described as true presence, the basis
an individual makes identify not only that of nursing practice. True presence is an in-
individuals value priorities but also the type tentional reflective love (Parse, p. 71). The
of person he identifies himself as being. nurse engages with the person by devoting
Three principles about human becoming ones attention to the person and trying to
constitute the theoretical structure. Principle immerse oneself in that persons universe.
1 states, structuring meaning multidimen- Nurses must understand that both the indi-
sionally is cocreating reality through the lan- viduals perspective of his illness and the
guaging of valuing and imaging (Parse, views of his family about his illness are very
1998, p. 35). The major conceptual processes important. Within the HBST, nursing pro-
of this principle are imagining, valuing, and vides suitable conditions so that the patient
languaging (Parse). Principle 2 is that co- and the family can accept the health concern.
creating rhythmical patterns of relating is liv- Parse does not expect the nurse to change
ing the paradoxical unity of revealing-con- anything apart from providing optimum con-
cealing, enabling-limiting, and connecting- ditions to facilitate acceptance in the patient
separating (Parse, p. 42). Principle 3 states, and family.
cotranscending with the possibles is pow- Parse (2004) continues to expand her theo-
ering unique ways of originating in the pro- retical perspectives with the introduction of
cess of transforming (Parse, p. 46). The key the human becoming teaching-learning pro-
conceptual processes for this principle are cesses. The human becoming teaching-learn-
powering, originating, and transforming ing model is made up of essences, paradoxes,
(Parse). Parse identifies two types of research and processes. The essences are semantic co-
within the HBST, basic and applied (Parse, herence, synergistic patterning, and aesthetic
p. 61). Basic research is research that explores innovating (Parse). The paradoxes are ratio-
the lived experience and human becoming, nal-intuiting, clarifying-obscuring, waring-
while applied research evaluates HBST and woofing, ebbing-flowing, considering-com-
its application in nursing practice. The basic posing, and beholding-refining (Parse). The
research focuses on the individuals life expe- processes are living with ambiguity, appreci-
riences. Parse has developed a specific re- ating the mystery, potentiating integrity,
search methodology based on phenomeno- weaving multidimensionally, honoring wis-
logical hermeneutic methods. It is a qualita- dom, and witnessing unfolding (Parse). Parse
tive method that focuses on universal human believes that these essences, paradoxes, and
experiences described by research partici- processes provide a model for teaching-learn-

ing in which pattern-seeing-see-changing-all- pects of the Parse model but was unable to
at-once shifts understanding in the never-end- provide the depth and skills required to be-
ing journey of coming-to-know. Nurse edu- come expert in the practice methodology of
cators have incorporated the teaching-learn- the theory. Further research is needed in this
ing processes into students experiences area, particularly looking at the synchronized
through development of a reflective jour- versus nonsynchronized discussions, video
naling process to enhance the normally ex- conferencing, chat rooms, and other technol-
pected journaling experience (Letcher & ogy that potentially could benefit this teach-
Yancey, 2004). The teaching-learning pro- ing-learning strategy.
cesses used by Letcher and Yancer included
living with ambiguity, appreciating the mys- DIANA LYNN MORRIS
tery, honoring the wisdom, inventing the pos- UPDATED BY MARY T. QUINN GRIFFIN
sibles, and witnessing the unfolding. Through
reflective journaling the students explored the
meaning of their teaching-learning experi- Participant Observation
ence. An outgrowth of this work was the
development of an interactive distance learn- Participant observation is an approach to
ing experience between two groups of stu- data collection that is most often associated
dents at different schools of nursing so that with naturalistic or qualitative inquiry, and
they could explore the meaning of this experi- it involves the researcher as a participant in
ence with others. Recommendations for fu- the scene or observation that is being studied.
ture work include linking groups of students The primary purpose is to gain an insiders,
earlier in their nursing program and develop- or emic, view of an event, setting, or general
ment of distance strategies for such linkage situation. The researcher focuses on the con-
(Letcher & Yancey). The human becoming text of the scene along with the ways that
teaching-learning model provides new ap- individuals are behaving. Examples might in-
proaches to journaling and networking with clude making and participating in observa-
students while enriching the nursing experi- tions in a busy emergency room, observing
ence from a theoretical perspective. the ways in which people carry out rites of
Bunkers (2002) has developed a theoreti- passage, or participating in a special feast or
cal perspective on lifelong learning through occasion. The researcher attempts to make
linking Parses theory of human becoming to sense of the situation by interpreting personal
seven Da Vincian principles identified by experiences and observations and talking
Gelb (1998). The Da Vincian principles re- with individuals who are present, while si-
flect all the salient features of Parses model. multaneously being fully involved in all of
This unique link provides a nursing theory the experiences that occur in that setting. In
perspective on lifelong learning and sets out this way participant observation enables the
a framework for the development of new pos- researcher to gain a view of a society but also
sibilities for lifelong learning. Nurse educa- serves as a way to validate verbal information
tors are exploring teaching strategies that ad- that was provided by members of a society
dress the needs of todays student, such as or group being studied. Another way in which
opportunities to learn theoretical underpin- participant observation may be used in re-
nings of nursing and availability of distance search is with populations in which there is
courses. J. R. Norris (2002) explored one- limited communication, such as very small
to-one tele-apprenticeship as a teaching and children, the mentally impaired, or elderly
learning strategy for Parses model. Tele-ap- stroke survivors. The challenge for the re-
prenticeship is defined as a one-to-one learn- searcher is to combine the activities of obser-
ing relationship, developed solely by e-mail, vation and participation so that understand-
between a mentor and student. This was use- ing is achieved while maintaining an objec-
ful in guiding a student in the theoretical as- tive distance.
Patient Classification 447

To carry out participant observation the out for the length and duration of the re-
researcher needs to decide on (a) the role of search. In other research studies, participant
the observer, (b) the degree to which the role observation may occur at only one point dur-
is known to others, (c) the degree to which the ing the study. For example, sometimes a re-
purpose is known to others, (d) the amount searcher may choose to enter the field and
of time that will be spent in conducting the become a participant observer prior to con-
observation, and (e) the scope of the observa- ducting interviews. This gives the researcher
tional focus. There is a continuum along time to learn about a community, group of
which the role of the observer may be in- people, or situation and then to use this
volved that ranges from involvement of the knowledge to develop questions for subse-
researcher in all aspects of the observational quent interviews. In addition, the focus and
experience to only partial or minimal involve- intent of the observations may vary from
ment. The researcher bases this determina- making general observations of the entire sit-
tion on the research question and the nature uation, context, or event to very focused ob-
of the research. For example, a researcher servations. For example, a focused observa-
who assists in a homeless shelter may wish to tion might include personal interactions or a
be involved in all aspects of the daily routine; specific nursing or caring behavior.
another researcher may wish only to conduct One major concern in using participant
observations in a busy emergency room for observation is the degree to which subjects
which the routine is more complex. On the may become sensitized to the researchers
other hand, an invitation to participate in a presence and may not behave as they nor-
special ceremony or ritual may involve only mally would if the researcher were not pres-
partial participation. ent. The issue of subject sensitization can be
The degree to which the observers role addressed by increasing the duration of time
and the purpose of the observation are known the researcher spends in the observational ex-
to others also is related to the intent of the perience. A longer time spent in observing can
research. In some cases the role of the re- also enhance and strengthen the researchers
searcher will be known to all, and in others credibility, as well as any theoretical and em-
it may not. If the purpose of the study is to pirical generalizations that are made.
know and understand a particular ritual or In summary, participant observation is a
religious ceremony, for example, the role of commonly used approach to data collection
the researcher may be known to all involved that is used in naturalistic or qualitative re-
in the situation. In other cases the role of the search. It is an approach that allows the re-
researcher may be minimized, as in situations searcher to gain an insiders perspective on a
in which the informants may not fully under- social situation or event and can permit the
stand the researchers participation: observ- researcher to be totally or minimally in-
ing children on a playground or in a childrens volved.
unit in a hospital. However, ethical and moral
issues arise when the nature and role of the KATHLEEN HUTTLINGER
researcher are not made known to all of the
individuals being observed. The extent to
which individuals are informed varies greatly, Patient Classification
from full disclosure to no disclosure, and is
often based on the researchers estimation of Patient classification is a generic term refer-
how scientific truth can best be obtained. ring to the grouping or categorization of pa-
The amount of time the researcher spends tients according to a predetermined set of
in observation and the scope or focus of the characteristics. Until the late 1980s, this term
observation also depend on the purpose and was used almost exclusively to refer to the
intent of the research. In some cases the par- classification systems for grouping patients
ticipant observation experiences are carried according to their requirements for nursing

care and nursing resource determination and of classification into the study and measure-
allocation. The exclusive use of the term to ment of nursing workload. The critical indi-
represent nursing systems became inappro- cators or predictors of nursing care emanat-
priate with the widespread development of ing from this work appear in most contempo-
other patient classification systems (diagnos- rary nursing patient classification systems.
tic related groups, case mix groups, and medi- Two types of patient classification sys-
cal severity of illness systems) to capture med- tems, prototype evaluations and factor evalu-
ical resource use and complexity as the basis ations, were identified by Abdellah and Lev-
for hospital case costing. ine (1979). Prototype evaluations rely on the
With some peril, the terms severity and creation of several mutually exclusive and ex-
acuity systems were and continue to be used haustive patient categories. These are graded
as equivalent terms. Connotations associated in terms of an ordinal scale in which the cate-
with these terms from the perspective of med- gories represent greater or lesser require-
ical status led to misconceptions, as neither ments for nursing care. The patient is classi-
patient severity nor patient acuity correlates fied into the category that most closely
uniformly with nursing workload. In con- matches the profile or prototype description.
trast, patient dependency and nursing inten- Factor evaluation systems employ the selec-
sity have been offered as more suitable labels tion of specific elements or indicators of care,
to describe the intent of the patient classifica- representing either unique care activities or
tion systems designed for nursing. During the clusters of care activities. Ratings on individ-
past decade, however, a shift in the use of ual elements are combined on the basis of a
terms has occurred. Those patient classifica- predetermined set of decision rules to provide
tion schemes that form the basis for the mea- an overall rating that determines the appro-
surement of patients requirements for nurs- priate category.
ing care for the express purpose of nursing The end product of the two types of evalu-
resource determination and allocation are ations is essentially the same. The difference
now referred to as nursing workload mea- lies in the method of rating; in prototype, the
surement systems. patient is rated on a number of characteristics
The process of classifying is defined as the simultaneously, whereas in factor, the char-
ordering or arranging of objects or concepts acteristics are evaluated one by one. Edward-
into groups or sets based on relationships son and Giovannetti (1994) noted that many
among the objects or concepts. The relation- systems have been developed by vendors and
ships can be based on observable or inferred consequently were not fully described in the
properties. Classification theory also includes published literature. More systems have been
the distinction between monothetic and poly- developed or modified at the institutional
thetic classifications. Monothetic schemes re- level and also not published.
fer to those in which the classes established Transforming classification schemes for
differ by at least one property that is uniform their ultimate use as resource determination
among the members of each class. In contrast and allocation methods requires an estimate
polythetic schemes refer to those in which of the nursing care time required of patients
the classes share a large proportion of the in each category. The literature is replete with
properties but do not necessarily agree on techniques for doing so and discussions of
any one property. Patient classification the central issues of reliability, validity, and
schemes for nurse staffing are recognized as comparability. Similar to nursing workload
polythetic, and their development coincides measurement system research, research on
with the principles of this type (Giovan- patient classifications systems has much to
netti, 1978). offer nursing practice, nursing administra-
Work by Connor, Flagle, Hsieh, Preston, tion, health care administration nursing, and
and Singer (1961) at the Johns Hopkins Hos- other institutional policy formation. Infor-
pital during the 1960s introduced the concept mation on patient classification systems is
Patient Contracting 449

available in professional, scholarly, manage- when the patient has successfully performed
ment, and policy journals as well as in texts the behavior (Steckel, 1982). The patient
and government reports. chooses the behavior and reinforcer in the
contract with direction by the nurse. Patient
PHYLLIS B. GIOVANNETTI contracting is based on the principle of posi-
tive reinforcement, which states that when a
behavior is followed by a reinforcing conse-
Patient Contracting quence, there is an increased likelihood of the
behavior being performed again (Boehm,
Patient contracting is an intervention for pro- 1992).
moting patient adherence in practice or re- The nursing process provides the context
search settings. Patient contracting provides within which to develop the patient contract.
an opportunity for patients to learn to ana- The nursing process provides the clinical data
lyze their behavior relative to their environ- that can be jointly used by nurses and patients
ment and to select behavioral strategies that to establish priorities for adherence behaviors
will promote learning, changing, or main- (Steckel, 1982). The adherence behavior is
taining adherence behaviors (Boehm, 1992). the ultimate complex behavior to be learned
Patient contracting is relevant to nursing or changed. The adherence behavior is bro-
practice and research because it can assist ken down into successive approximations or
patients to adhere to treatment regimens, small steps. By performing small steps of the
such as medication taking, meal planning, behavior, the patient gradually achieves per-
and physical activity. formance of the adherence behavior. Over a
Research on the effectiveness of patient series of patient contracts, the patient will
contracting in nursing has been reported for specify a variety of behaviors, which include
a variety of behaviors across settings and dis- such behavioral strategies as self-monitoring,
orders. For example, patient contracting has arranging and rearranging antecedent events,
been used to control serum potassium levels practicing small steps of the adherence behav-
(Steckel, 1974) and serum phosphorus levels ior, and arranging positive consequences
(Laidlaw, Beeken, Whitney, & Reyes, 1999) (Boehm, 1992). The first several patient con-
in patients on dialysis; to increase knowledge tracts are usually for self-monitoring to iden-
and consistency in use of contraceptive meth- tify the successive approximations of the ad-
ods by sexually active college women from a herence behavior and the antecedents and
student gynecology clinic (Van Dover, 1986); consequences of the behavior. In later patient
to increase knowledge, keep appointments, contracts, patients specify behavioral strate-
and reduce diastolic blood pressure in hyper- gies related to arranging antecedent events,
tensive outpatients (Steckel & Swain, 1977; practicing a small step of the behavior, or
Swain & Steckel, 1981); and to keep appoint- arranging positive consequences. Self-moni-
ments, lose weight, and reduce blood pressure toring is ongoing throughout the behavior
among outpatients with arthritis, diabetes, change process to provide data about the ef-
and hypertension (Steckel & Funnell, 1981). fectiveness of the new antecedents, the perfor-
Patient contracting did not reduce blood glu- mance of the small steps of the behavior, and
cose and glycosylated hemoglobin in patients the new positive consequences.
with diabetes (Boehm, Schlenk, Raleigh, & Behavioral analysis is the foundation of
Ronis, 1993; Morgan, B. S., & Littell, 1988; the patient contracting intervention. Behav-
Steckel & Funnell). ioral analysis is the process by which the pa-
Patient contracting is the process in which tients behavior is observed, recorded, and
the nurse and patient negotiate an individual- analyzed in order to describe the successive
ized, written, and signed agreement that approximations of the adherence behavior,
clearly specifies the behavior and identifies in the antecedent events that precede the behav-
advance the positive consequences to be given ior, and the consequences that follow the be-

havior. The behavioral data used in the analy- activities; social reinforcement, such as
sis are obtained by the patient through self- praise; and cognitive reinforcement, such as
monitoring (Boehm, 1992). Behavioral anal- feelings of pride. Conversely, eliminating pos-
ysis begins with the patient self-monitoring itive reinforcement can be used to decrease
the adherence behavior. Self-monitoring pro- or extinguish an undesired behavior. For ex-
vides baseline data that can be used to deter- ample, eating with selected companions may
mine the effectiveness of the behavioral strat- eliminate positive consequences for inappro-
egies implemented later in the behavior priate food item selections.
change process. By using the patients self- There are several directions for future re-
monitoring records, the nurse can teach the search. First, studies are needed to determine
patient to identify antecedent events that pre- the frequency of contact needed with subjects
cede the behavior, small steps that comprise to produce progressive changes in adherence
the behavior, and consequences that follow interventions using patient contracting. Sec-
the behavior. Based on the behavioral analy- ond, patient contracting during the mainte-
sis, behavioral strategies are specified that nance phase of adherence interventions has
will assist in the behavior change. not been studied. Third, electronic self-moni-
Behavioral analysis can identify the multi- toring by personal digital assistants or In-
ple small steps that comprise the adherence ternet web sites could be utilized during stud-
behavior. When the small steps are identified, ies. Fourth, studies could include objective
the behavioral strategy is to perform a small measures of adherence behaviors, such as,
step of the adherence behavior for a desig- electronic event monitors to assess medica-
nated period of time. When that small step tion adherence and accelerometers or pedom-
is being successfully performed, the patient eters to assess physical activity.
moves onto the next small step. Eventually,
patients gradually achieve performance of the ELIZABETH A. SCHLENK
adherence behavior (Steckel, 1982). This be-
havioral strategy is effective because patients
are often overwhelmed by expectations of a Patient Education
treatment regimen, which can lead to nonad-
herence. For example, sedentary patients who Patient education is defined as a planned
are beginning a walking program might start learning experience using a combination of
by walking 5 minutes three times per week. methods such as teaching, counseling, and
Each week the walking goal is gradually in- behavioral strategies that influence the pa-
creased until they achieve their goal of accu- tients knowledge and behavior (Bartlett,
mulating 30 minutes of moderate-intensity 1985). Since the mid-19th century patient ed-
walking 5 days per week. ucation has been a fundamental cornerstone
Positive reinforcement is the behavioral of health care and today it is an integral com-
strategy in which a positive consequence is ponent of professional standards of care is-
provided contingent upon performance of the sued by nursing organizations, such as A
desired behavior, which results in an increase Patients Bill of Rights published by the
in performance of the behavior. Behavioral American Hospital Association, and the regu-
analysis can identify positive consequences lations of the Joint Commission on Accredita-
for behaviors and provide ideas for new con- tion of Healthcare Organizations. Its impor-
sequences (Boehm, 1992). The behavioral tance rests on the fact that the well-being
strategy is to arrange positive reinforcement of individuals, whether or not they have a
to acquire or maintain a desired behavior. diagnosed disease, often is dependent on
For example, adopting a walking program health-related actions those individuals take
will be strengthened if a positive consequence on their own behalf. In the managed care
follows each walking goal that is met. Positive environment of today, with its concomitant
consequences can be pleasurable items and decrease in the incidence and length of hospi-
Patient Education 451

talizations for specific health problems, and adults with diabetes [Brown, S. A., 1992]),
the shortening of time allocated to outpatient and lung function, school absenteeism, and
office visits to a health practitioner, patients number of visits to the emergency department
and familys responsibility has increased in children and adolescents (Guevara, Wolf,
while the time to provide traditional face-to- Grum, & Clark, 2003). However, statisti-
face patient education has decreased. Innova- cally significant positive effects have not al-
tive strategies for delivering patient educa- ways been found. For example, there was
tion, such as the use of electronically medi- not a consistent beneficial effect of patient
ated technologies, need to be explored (e.g., education on hospital admissions and lung
CD-ROM or Internet-based education, or ed- function among adults with chronic obstruc-
ucation as a component of telehealth). Strate- tive pulmonary disease, although there was
gies to increase effective self-management a decrease in the need for rescue medication
such as patient empowerment, collaborative (Monninkhof et al., 2003). Preterm-birth pre-
goal setting, and problem-solving skills vention education did not decrease the pre-
(Wagner, Davis, Schaefer, Von Korff, & Aus- term delivery or the neonatal death rates
tin, 2002) may need to be added to traditional among high-risk women (Hueston, Knox,
didactic content. Eilers, Pauwels, & Lonsdorf, 1995). There
Research on the effect of patient education were short-term but not long-term effects on
began in the early-1960s, and in the late both blood sugar levels in diabetics (Brown,
1980s meta-analyses of this research began 1992) and on disability, joint counts, psycho-
to be published. Major researchers in this logical status, and depression in adults with
area and the patient population that was the rheumatoid arthritis (Riemsma, Kirwan,
focus of their review(s) include: A. C. Ber- Taal, & Rasker, 2003). Clinicians wanting
nard-Bonnin and associates, and J. P. Guev- to apply patient education research findings
ara and associates (children/adolescents with in their practice will need to review the re-
asthma); S. A. Brown, and Gary and associ- search carefully to find primary research or
ates (adults with diabetes); E. C. Devine and meta-analyses of research that match both
associates [(1) adults having surgery, (2) their client group and the outcomes they want
adults with hypertension, (3) adults with can- to affect.
cer, (4) adults with chronic obstructive pul- Critical issues for the profession remain.
monary disease, and (5) adults with asthma]; These include: What combinations of treat-
E. Monninkhof and associates (adults with ment components and modes of treatment
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease); W. delivery are the most effective? To what ex-
J. Huestron and associates (women at risk tent have educational interventions been
for preterm birth); P. D. Mullen and associ- tested in minority populations? Are cultur-
ates [(1) adults with coronary disease, (2) ally-specific interventions needed with mi-
adults with arthritis, (3) pregnant women nority populations? How do we adapt patient
who smoke]; and A. M. Peterson (medica- education for nonliterate populations? How
tion adherence). do we make the best use of newer computer-
Many but not all of the meta-analyses of based technologies (e.g., the Internet)? How
the effect of patient education have found do we educate patients to evaluate and make
that it is beneficial for the patients receiving good use of Internet-based information?
it. These beneficial effects have included not While many of the reviews of patient edu-
only increased patient knowledge, but also cation research suggested that patient educa-
positive effects on a wide range of disease- tion is beneficial for patients, the research
specific outcomes (e.g., blood pressure con- was less clear about which specific types of
trol among individuals with hypertension patient education and which modes of treat-
[Devine & Reifschneider, 1995]; pain among ment delivery are the most effective for which
cancer patients [Devine, 2003]; blood sugar types of patients. This limitation arises from
control at 6 months postintervention among three problems. First, it is common for patient

education researchers to contrast the experi- Given the research base for patient educa-
mental patient education program with usual tion and the professional standards that dic-
health care for the setting, and yet they rarely tate its use, clearly the question is no longer
described the patient education included in simply: Does research suggest that systematic
usual care. Second, very few studies con- patient education should be provided? The
trasted different types of patient education or many remaining researchable questions are
different modes of treatment delivery in the at a finer level such as: Is it possibly to im-
same study. Third, many studies failed to pro- proving patient education through the use of
vide detailed descriptions of the subjects in- technology, or are culturally-specific educa-
cluded in their sample. Because of these limi- tion programs more effective in underserved
tations, it is difficult to make causal infer- groups?
ences about which types of content and which There are ethical and professional man-
modes of treatment delivery are the most ef- dates to educate patients so that they can
fective ones for which types of patients. More make informed decisions about their health.
research in this area is needed. These mandates are undoubtedly over time
Clinicians and researchers interested in pa- helping to change the patient education in-
tient education will face many new opportu- cluded in usual care. This dynamic nature
nities and challenges as use of the Internet of care makes it even more important for
increases. Many patients, from their homes researchers and clinicians to be aware of the
or local libraries, can use the Internet to ac- patient education typically provided as part
cess an almost limitless amount of health- of usual care in their setting.
related information (e.g., from literature
searches, professional or consumer organiza- ELIZABETH C. DEVINE
tions, support groups, and disease-specific DEBORAH L. GENTILE
chat groups). This provides an opportunity
for clinicians and researchers to provide pa-
tient education in innovative ways that allows Patient Safety
the patient to have some control over the
topic, timing, and pacing of the education. Past efforts to reduce costs and streamline the
Some innovative educational programs also delivery of health care have led to significant
allow patients to submit questions using elec- changes, not always with a positive effect.
tronic mail and receive a response from their The Institute of Medicines (IOM) report, To
health care provider. The Internet will also Err is Human, which spotlighted the problem
provide many challenges to clinicians and re- of patient safety, reported that tens of thou-
searchers. Patients may receive inaccurate in- sands of Americans die each year as a result
formation over the Internet and be ill- of human error in the delivery of health care
equipped to judge its trustworthiness. In (Institute of Medicine, 2000). The second re-
some situations patients may become aware port in this series described broader quality
of the latest research findings (e.g., on treat- issues and defined six aims: These included
ment options for their health problem) before that care should be (1) safe, (2) effective, (3)
their nurses and doctors. Clinicians and re- patient-centered, (4) timely, (5) efficient, and
searchers should determine if their patients (6) equitable (Institute of Medicine, 2001).
are using the Internet to seek health-related The most recent report found that nursing is
information, and be prepared to help their inseparably linked to patient safety, empha-
patients make good use of this resource. sizing that poor working conditions for
When appropriate, they also should direct nurses and inadequate nurse staffing levels
them to authoritative sources of information threaten patient safety and increase the risk
that are appropriate for health care consum- of errors (Institute of Medicine, 2003).
ers (e.g., http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medline To improve patient safety, common defini-
plus.html). tions should be used and it should be under-
Patient Safety 453

stood that not all adverse events are patient In another study of 799 hospitals from 11
safety problems. Essentially, patient safety states, researchers found UTI and pneumonia
applies to initiatives designed to prevent ad- to have a consistently strong inverse relation-
verse outcomes resulting from errors and near ship with nurse staffing ratios (Needleman,
misses. Near misses are of interest because of Buerhaus, Mattke, Stewart, & Zelevinski,
the high probability of the event causing harm 2001).
to the patient. Unfortunately, many adverse A line of research with a broader focus
events and near misses are related to low than staffing levels is the investigations in-
nurse staffing levels or unskilled and inexperi- volving Magnet hospitals (i.e., hospitals that
enced clinicians. attract nurses, hence the term Magnet). When
Health care leaders and managers should Magnet hospitals were matched with control
strive to create nursing work environments hospitals, controlling for case mix, Aiken and
that are conducive to patient safety. To do colleagues observed a Medicare mortality
this, evidence-based management (EBM) rate that was lower by 4.6 per 1,000 dis-
strategies are suggested. Most clinicians are charges (95% confidence interval 0.9 to 9.4)
now familiar with the notion of evidence- (Aiken, Smith, & Lake, 1994). However, be-
based practice, defined as the conscientious, sides the attainment of Magnet status, specif-
explicit, and judicious integration of current ics were not identified. Magnet hospitals are
best evidence to inform clinical decision mak- known for higher nurse-to-patient ratios,
ing. However, EBM is a fairly new term and lower staff turnover rates, and higher rates
framework (Sacket et al., 1996). EBM implies of nursing satisfaction
that managers, like clinical practitioners, Nurses are in the position of being at the
search for, critically appraise, and apply em- sharp end of health care interventions by
pirical evidence from management research being the patients advocate, providing care
in their practice. Currently, both managers that may result in an error, or witnessing the
and clinicians have little research-based evi- error(s) of other clinicians. Accidents, errors,
dence to apply and are often not experienced and adverse outcomes result from a chain of
in the use of such evidence. events involving human decisions and actions
In a seminal study on leadership, transac- associated with active failures and latent fail-
tional leaders were differentiated from the ures. Many of these failures are associated
more potent transformational leaders (Burns, with individual performance that is impaired
J., 1978). Transactional leadership typifies by stress, distractions/interruptions, and fa-
most leader-follower relationships; it in- tigue.
volves a you scratch my back, Ill scratch Care delivery needs to be redesigned re-
yours exchange. In contrast, transforma- specting human limitations, particularly the
tional leadership occurs when leaders engage debilitating effects of stress and fatigue on
with their followers in jointly held goals. This performance (Norman, 2002). Research con-
leadership approach is recommended because tinues to confirm that clinicians with the ap-
it transforms all workersboth managers propriate skill, experience, and workload are
and staffin the pursuit of the higher collec- less likely to make patient safety errors. Yet
tive purpose of patient safety and quality one of the barriers to improving patient
care. safety, considering the level and types of in-
An emerging evidence base is finding a teractions among clinicians and components
strong correlation between higher staffing within health care, is the ability to recognize
levels and lower occurrence of adverse events. and correct errors (Kohn, Corrigan, & Don-
In an study of 589 hospitals in 10 states, the aldson, 2000).
registered nurse (RN) staffing level was found There is increasing consensus that the or-
to be inversely related to urinary tract infec- ganizational culture impacts patient safety
tions (UTI) and pneumonia after major sur- and the quality of care (Gershon, Stone, Bak-
gery (p < .0001) (Kovner & Gergen, 1998). ken, & Larson, 2004). Important aspects of

safety cultures include communication, non- 25-year period prior to 1975. The taxonomy
hierarchical decision making, constrained im- initially included the art of care, technical
provision, training, and rewards and incen- quality of care, accessibility/convenience, fi-
tives (IOM, 2003a). nances, physical environment, availability,
Organizational and individual commit- efficacy, and continuity. After decades of con-
ment to improving patient safety requires ef- tinued research, the dimensions of care were
fective leadership and proactive interven- refined to include the following six dimen-
tions. Patient safety improvements need to sions: nursing and daily care, hospital envi-
draw from qualitative and quantitative re- ronment and ancillary staff, medical care, in-
search describing work processes and respon- formation, admissions, and discharge and
sibilities, methods to improve performance billing (Ware & Berwick, 1990).
respecting human limitations, and designs of Risser (1975) developed an instrument to
patient safety supportive communication and ascertain patient satisfaction that was specific
team approaches to health care delivery. to nursing care. The Risser Patient Satisfac-
tion Scale (PSS) included 25 questions and
PATRICIA W. STONE three subscales: Technical/Professional Area,
RONDA G. HUGHES Educational Relationship Area, and Trusting
Relationship Area. The PSS was originally
developed to measure the care of ambulatory
Patient Satisfaction patients and was later adapted to the hospital
setting through minor rewording and a repli-
Patient satisfaction has become increasingly cation study (Hinshaw, A. S., & Atwood,
popular as a critical component in the mea- 1982). La Monica, Oberst, Madea, and Wolf
surement of the quality of care. Donabedian (1986) further developed the PSS to reflect
(1988) theorized that the quality of medical nursing behaviors in the acute care setting
care could be evaluated from three perspec- and additional items were added and then
tives: its process (how and what things are subjected to psychometric testing to ensure
done), structure (the setting in which the care reliability and validity (Munro, Jacobsen, &
is administered), and outcomes (e.g., the ef- Brooten, 1994).
fects on health status and patient satisfac- Patient satisfaction with nursing care has
tion). Few studies of patient satisfaction ex- consistently been found to be correlated with
isted prior to the 1970s. After that time, there overall satisfaction with care, and has been
was an increase in the research conducted in defined as the patients subjective evaluation
this area. The number of studies of patient of the cognitive/emotional response that re-
satisfaction parallels the research on con- sults from the interaction of the patients ex-
sumer satisfaction, which has historically pectations of nursing care and their percep-
been conducted by industries interested in tion of the actual nurse behaviors/characteris-
maintaining and/or increasing their market tics (Erikson, 1995, p. 71). Measuring pa-
share. Research on patient satisfaction has tient satisfaction with care is instrumental to
continued to gain momentum with the Total the success of providing patient-centered care
Quality Management (TQM) and out- and allows consumers to participate in the
comes movements of the 1980s and 1990s, evaluation process.
and over the last decade as the health care The majority of studies on patient satisfac-
marketplace has become more competitive. tion have been cross-sectional and descriptive
Patient satisfaction is a complex concept in nature. Characteristics of providers or or-
with several dimensions. Ware, Davies- ganizations that result in more personal
Avery, and Stewart (1978) developed a de- care have been associated with higher levels
tailed taxonomy of patient satisfaction from of satisfaction (Cleary & McNeil, 1988). The
their review of 111 studies published over the nurse work environment has been found to
Patient Satisfaction 455

be both directly and indirectly (through nurse cational information, nursing care, and over-
burnout) related to patient satisfaction (Va- all care (National Center for Nursing Qual-
hey, Aiken, Sloane, Clarke, & Vargas, 2004). ity, 2004). The CMS has implemented a
Patients cared for on units which nurses char- three-state pilot project to test and refine a
acterized as having adequate staff, good ad- standardized Patient Experience of Care
ministrative support for nursing care, and (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Ser-
good relations between doctors and nurses vices, 2003).
were more than twice as likely as other pa- Another challenge is for health care re-
tients to report high satisfaction with their searchers to refine the methodological strate-
care; additionally, their nurses reported sig- gies so that techniques with greater sensitivity
nificantly lower burnout. Patient satisfaction can be achieved. Cross-sectional studies limit
has also been found to be associated with the ability to identify causal relationships and
patient adherence to care provider recom- generalize findings. Results from mail and
mendations and intent to return for or refer telephone surveys, which are the most com-
services (Hill, M. H., & Doddato, 2002). mon methodologies, can be biased because
It is clear that there are many important of the timing of these surveys and the rigor
implications for assessing and improving pa- in which responses are obtained. Moreover, it
tient satisfaction with nursing care. The is argued that patients tend to report socially
American Nurses Association (ANA), the desirable ratings, which result in data that
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health are skewed and typically reported as high
Care Organizations (JCAHO), and others levels of satisfaction. Some researchers there-
have identified patient satisfaction as an im- fore have recommended that health care pro-
portant quality indicator (American Nurses viders focus only on areas of dissatisfaction
Association, 1996, 2000a; Donabedian, or patient complaints. Future research should
1988; Joint Commission on Accreditation of
consider other methods for assessing patient
Healthcare Organizations, 2003a). However,
satisfaction, which may include focus groups,
there are several challenges facing researchers
observation, or qualitative studies. These
in the 21st century.
methods may help isolate critical mo-
A major challenge is the need for psycho-
mentssuch as specific episodes of care or
metrically sound, reliable, and valid measures
interactions with care providers, or more
(McDaniel & Nash, 1990). Patient satisfac-
clearly identify patient expectations prior to
tion with nursing care is a multidimensional
phenomenon and therefore a single item will service and whether they are metwhich is
not suffice. However, researchers must con- likely to be a more effective and efficient way
sider the burden to patients and limit the to assess important dimensions of care and
number of items to only those that are essen- to make improvements.
tial. Additionally, a standardized approach Finally, one of the main indications for
to the measurement of patient satisfaction measuring patient satisfaction with nursing
will allow care providers to benchmark their care is to identify areas for improvement;
services and consumers to adequately com- however, few studies have examined the ef-
pare across providers in order to make in- fects of interventions. Recognizing the contri-
formed decisions about their care. Currently, butions of nursing to improved patient out-
the ANA and the Centers for Medicare and comes and the quality of care will lead to
Medicaid Services (CMS) are working to- the provision of safe patient-centered care.
ward this goal by developing multisite data- Designing studies to evaluate interventions
bases. The ANA is sponsoring the National that take into consideration increasing pa-
Database for Nursing Quality Indicators tient acuity, shorter lengths of stay, and the
(NDNQI), which plans to collect data on pa- cultural diversity of patients will provide for
tient satisfaction with pain management, edu- enduring changes resulting in high-quality

health care that benefits both patients and be a major health concern in primary care.
providers. Health People 2000 and the Presidents
Childhood Immunization Initiative man-
DORIS C. VAHEY dated a goal of 90% immunizations for chil-
dren younger than 2 years of age by the year
2000. In 1992, only 55% of children under
Pediatric Primary Care the age of 2 years had received an adequate
number of immunizations. By 1994, the rate
Pediatric primary care has existed for a long had risen to 73%, and now it is close to the
time and has been provided by family practice 90% goal. While these are excellent numbers,
physicians and pediatricians. In the last 25 there still remain pockets primarily in large
years, primary care has changed to include cities where immunizations rates are much
pediatric nurse associates who are now called lower. Data from the CDC National Immuni-
pediatric nurse practitioners (PNPs). PNPs zation Survey suggest that minority children,
were the first nurse practitioners; they are primarily African-American and Hispanic,
advanced practice nurses who are educated children living below the poverty level, chil-
to provide primary care services to children. dren of teen mothers, children in large fami-
Dr. Henry K. Silver and Dr. Loretta Ford lies, children of parents who lack education,
started the PNP program in Colorado in families with transportation problems, and
1964. Although the role has remained much children of mothers who lack social support
the same from its inception, one major change have lower rates of receiving immunizations
is the level of education required. Originally by age 2 years than the national average.
it was a 4-month continuing education pro- Obesity is another health issue commonly
gram and now it is a 2-year educational pro- seen in primary care. It is a complex issue and
gram culminating with a masters degree. Na- not fully understood. The number of obese
tional certification is required, in some states children has increased substantially in the last
to allow PNPs to practice. There are two cer- 20 years, putting them at risk for serious
tifying organizations for PNPs: the American health problems as adults including cardio-
Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and vascular disease and stroke, diabetes, hyper-
the Pediatric Nursing Certification Board tension, arthritis, and psychological prob-
(PNCB). lems. Obesity during infancy and childhood
Currently, there are differences in health increases the risk of obesity in adolescence
care outcomes between minority and major- and adulthood. Children with a body mass
ity ethnic groups. Children in minority index equal to or more than the 95th percen-
groups are at much greater risk for poor tile are more likely to become obese adults.
health care factors, and there is a lack of Obesity is considered to be multifactorial
culturally competent health care providers. with both genetic and environmental compo-
In 1998, President Clinton presented the Ini- nents. Family lifestyle, stress, socioeconomic
tiative to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Dispar- status, and maternal characteristics are some
ities in Health. This proposal seeks to elimi- of the environmental components. Sowan
nate disparities by the year 2010, and focuses and Stember (2000) studied infants until 15
on the same goals and outcomes as Health months of age to identify parental character-
People 2010: infant mortality, child and adult istics and to see whether obesity was linked
immunizations, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, cardio- to any of these characteristics. Age of the
vascular disease and stroke, and cancer mother at the time of the infants birth was
screening and management. Access to health predictive of obesity in the infant at 10
care and quality of health care are also part months of age. The chances of obesity in-
of the focus (Stinson, 2003) creased in the infant with every 5 years of age
Childhood immunizations, particularly in increase in the mother. For every 25 pound
children less than 2 years of age, continue to increase in the mothers usual weight, the
Penders Health Promotion Model 457

chances of the infant being obese at 7 months K. James (2000) introduced a school-
of age increased. Maternal smoking increased based intervention to reduce television and
the chances of infant obesity at 1 and 7 video viewing and then measured body mass
months of age. The usual stressors one might index (BMI) at baseline and 7 months later.
think could cause childhood obesity such as The children in the intervention group had a
family stresses, socioeconomic status, and significant decrease in BMI when compared
family life were found not to be significant to those in the control group. There are few
predictors. studies which demonstrate significant reduc-
Faulkner (2002) studied 18 mothers of tion in childrens weight. More innovative
preschool children enrolled in a nutrition low or no cost programs aimed at families
clinic for mothers and children in low-income and children need to be developed and per-
households. Mothers were questioned in a haps schools are the place for implementa-
1-hour focus group as to how they defined tion.
overweight, how they thought their children It is imperative that adequate and appro-
became overweight, and what barriers ex- priate health services are available to children
isted in preventing and managing obesity. In- and families to help ensure positive outcomes.
terestingly, the mothers described their chil- A variety of health care providers, including
dren as strong or solid and did not think nurse practitioners with knowledge of the
that standardized growth charts reflected a needs of children, is essential for changes to
healthy weight. As long as children were ac- occur.
tive the mothers did not consider them over-
weight but if they were lazy or lay around VIRGINIA RICHARDSON
then they were considered overweight. The
mothers thought that heredity and the envi-
ronment determined the childs weight. In Penders Health Promotion Model
their attempts to manage their childrens
Penders Health Promotion Model (HPM)
weight, the mothers had lots of difficulty.
has been classified as a middle-range theory.
Food was used as a reward by some, others
The model seeks to explain and predict how
did not want to deny their children food, and
the complex interaction among perceptual
with others, family members did not want
and environmental factors influences the
the mother restricting the childs diet. Moth-
health-related choices that people make. Spe-
ers also thought that their own obesity af-
cifically, Pender intended the focus of the
fected their management of their childs model to be high-level wellness and health
weight. promotion, instead of disease prevention.
Prevention of obesity and development of The model has been used internationally as
effective programs for those who are over- the basis for nursing research, practice, and
weight are critical to reversing the devastating education (Pender, 2001b, Most frequently
long term effects. Unfortunately, there are not asked questions).
many effective programs available for chil- Penders representation of healthy behav-
dren. Dietary management, increasing physi- ior is deductive in that it was originally based
cal activity, and parental behavior manage- on concepts from the Health Belief Model,
ment are critical ingredients in any program Expectancy Value Theory, and Social Cogni-
(Betz, 2000). Primary care providers need to tive Theory (Pender, 1982). However, the
include appropriate eating patterns, types of model is also inductively formulated because
foods and amounts when talking with parents over time Pender has made modifications
during well-child visits. Parents have a crucial based on research findings. Since her first
role in how childrens eating habits develop published model in 1982, Pender has made
and how that affects their overall health and two major revisions to her model resulting in
psychological well-being. a 1987 version and a 1996 version. Changes

were based on research that supported using termed the behavioral outcome. The de-
fewer variables with more direct and indi- sired outcome is the health promotion behav-
rect relationships. ior, which is influenced by competing de-
The assumptions of the Health Belief mands and making a commitment to chang-
Model stress the interactive nature of client ing behavior.
and environment. They include: Penders HPM has been used in research,
clinical practice, and nursing education. Doz-
1. People desire conditions that facilitate ens of published nursing articles have used the
the expression of their individual po- model as a theoretical framework. Research
tential. based on the HPM covers a variety of clinical
2. People have the capacity for self- applications such as the use of hearing protec-
awareness. tion, smoking cessation, exercise, sexual be-
3. People value positive growth, and at- haviors and contraceptive use, dietary goals
tempt to balance change and stability. and cholesterol levels, use of seat belts, job
4. There is a natural human desire to strain/absenteeism/productivity, and stress
control ones own behavior. reduction. Nursing implications derived from
5. Humans both change their environ- the HPM research offer specific nursing inter-
ment and are changed by it. ventions that can be readily used in clinical
6. As part of the environment, health practice. Information about how to promote
care workers influence others. healthy choices and lasting behavior modifi-
7. Lasting behavior modification is cation is valuable to both health care profes-
based on self-initiated change (Pender, sionals and the public. Pender has also pub-
Murdaugh, & Parsons, 2002). lished an article specifically outlining health
promotion recommendations for BSN, MSN,
The theoretical propositions of the revised and PhD nursing curricula (Pender, Bar-
HPM state that characteristics and beliefs of kauskas, Hayman, Rice, & Anderson, 1992).
an individual will influence the persons level The HPM offers a high degree of generaliz-
of commitment and likelihood of demonstra- ability to many diverse groups of people.
ting the health promotion behavior. The Pender has consulted internationally in such
HPM consists of nine groups of interrelated countries as Japan, Korea, Dominican Re-
variables. Some of the variables that are pro- public, Jamaica, England, New Zealand, and
posed to indirectly and directly influence Mexico (Pender, 2001a, Biographical
ones commitment to a healthy plan of action sketch). Currently the HPM is available in
are past behavior and personal characteris- English, Spanish, Japanese, and Korean
tics, positive emotions, perceived self-effi- translations (Pender). Research based on the
cacy, perceived benefits and barriers, expec- model has tested both males and females at all
tations of others, environment, and compet- ages from preschool children to older adults.
ing demands (Pender et al., 2002). Research participants have been from a vari-
In Penders conceptual map (1996) related ety of settings including inpatient, outpatient,
variables are clustered together and separated primary care, and community dwellings.
into three main categories. The antecedents Most importantly, the research based on the
to action are the Individual Characteristics HPM has not been limited to healthy subjects.
and Experiences, which include variables that Some populations that have been studied
have been determined by past experiences, have included people diagnosed with CAD,
genetics, or biopsychosocial influence. The HIV, asthma, cancer, hypertension, cognitive
majority of the other variables that are based disorders, and chronic disease.
on beliefs and outside influences are fused Past critiques of the model have suggested
together under the heading Behavior Specific that Pender needs to further clarify interac-
Cognitions and Affect. Both of these group- tions among the variables (Tillett, 1994). In
ings are related to the last cluster of variables her most recent revision, she has clustered
Peplaus Theoretical Model 459

and labeled the variables differently in order change. Peplaus interpersonal relationship is
to specify relationships. The HPM may also also a process through which nursing knowl-
be inappropriate when nurses are interacting edge is developed and validated (Reed,
with clients who are cognitively impaired or 1996b). Peplau (1992) purposefully linked
unable to communicate. Examples would in- her theory to practice and research, as evi-
clude infants or individuals with severe neu- denced in her basic assumption that what
rological deficits. Overall, the predictive goes on between people can be noticed, stud-
power of the model will always be limited by ied, explained, understood, and, if detrimen-
the inherent uniqueness and variation of each tal, changed (p. 14).
humans behavior. Peplaus theoretical model derives from
Strengths of the HPM include its use of the perspective of a critical philosophy that
concepts that are logical and basic, its gener- integrates both the science and practice of
alizability, and its usefulness in research and nursing in theory development. Peplaus the-
clinical practice. Penders model also ad- oretical model was based upon her study,
dresses the barriers to action that are im- observation, and analyses of nurses and pa-
portant areas to focus nursing intervention. tients and was influenced by Harry Stack Sul-
Lastly, Pender has taken a truly holistic ap- livan and others psychodynamic perspec-
proach, considering sociocultural, psycho- tives. Peplaus (1952) classic descriptions of
logical, and biological variables. The content nursing express the nature and goals of the
of the HPM model is consistent with contem- interpersonal process: Nursing is a human
porary beliefs that health promotion is a na- relationship between an individual who is
tional and international priority and a cost- sick or in need of health services, and a nurse
effective alternative to sick care. especially educated to recognize and to re-
spond to the need for help (pp. 56). Nurs-
CARYN A. SHEEHAN ing is an educative instrument, a maturing
force, that aims to promote forward move-
ment of personality in the direction of cre-
Peplaus Theoretical Model ative, constructive, productive, personal, and
community living (p. 16). Peplau (1988) fur-
Hildegard Peplau (19091999) formulated ther described nursing as an enabling, em-
her theoretical ideas about the therapeutic powering, or transforming art (p. 9).
process of nursing in the 1940s and published Health, according to Peplau (1952), is a
them in the now-classic 1952 book, Interper- word symbol that implies forward move-
sonal Relations in Nursing, after a lengthy ment of personality and other ongoing hu-
dispute with publishers about the ability of man processes in the direction of creative,
a nurse to author a book. At a time when constructive, productive, personal and com-
nurses were doers for patients and follow- munity living (p. 12). Illness forces a stock-
ers of physicians orders, Peplaus theoreti- taking by the sick person, which nurses can
cal work and teachings helped catapult nurs- use to promote learning, growth and im-
ing from an occupation to a profession. Pep- proved competencies for living (Peplau,
laus ideas provided a foundation for nurses 1992, p. 13). Health and illness are closely
to understand health from a nursing theoreti- linked to successful management of anxiety,
cal perspective and to establish interpersonal which ranges from pure euphoria to pure
relationships with patients as the significant anxiety. An optimal level lies between these
context in which nurses facilitate patients anxiety extremes, as determined by nurse
well-being. and patient.
Through Peplaus therapeutic relation- Through the therapeutic relationship, the
ship, the patient develops inner resources for nurse uses a complex set of strategies to assist
healthy behaviors by actively participating the patient in using energy provided by the
with the nurse in a developmental process of anxiety to identify and grow from a problem-

atic situation (OToole & Welt, 1989; Reed, that the power to accomplish the tasks at
2005). The nurse-patient relationship is fun- hand resides within the patient and is facili-
damental to providing nursing care and de- tated through the workings of therapeutic re-
rives from the human need for connectedness lationship.
that is still essential in the 21st century (Pep- The focus of the working phase is on: (a)
lau, 1997). Through this interpersonal rela- the patients efforts to acquire and employ
tionship, nurses assess and assist people to: knowledge about the illness, available re-
(a) achieve healthy levels of anxiety intraper- sources, and personal strengths, and (b) the
sonally and (b) facilitate healthy pattern inte- nurses enactment of the roles of resource
grations interpersonally, with the overall goal person, counselor, surrogate, and teacher in
of fostering well-being, health, and develop- facilitating the patients development toward
ment. This relationship also provides the con- well-being (Peplau, 1952, 1997). The rela-
text for the nurse to develop, apply, and eval- tionship is flexible enough for the patient to
uate theory-based knowledge for nursing function dependently, independently, or in-
care. Nurse interpersonal competencies, in- terdependently with the nurse, based on the
vestigative skill, and theoretical knowledge patients developmental capacity, level of
as well as patient characteristics and needs anxiety, self-awareness, and needs.
are all important dimensions in the process Termination is the final phase in the pro-
and outcomes of the relationship (Peplau). cess of the therapeutic interpersonal relation-
The structure of the interpersonal relation- ship. Patients move beyond the initial identifi-
ship was originally described in terms of four cation with the nurse and engage their own
phases: orientation, identification, exploita- strengths to foster health outside the thera-
tion, and resolution (Peplau, 1952). Forchuk peutic relationship (Peplau, 1952, 1988). In
(1991), with the support of Peplau, clarified addition to addressing closure issues, the
the structure as consisting of three main nurse and patient engage in planning for dis-
phases: orientation, working (which incorpo- charge and potential needs for transitional
rated identification and exploitation), and care (Peplau, 1997).
termination. In a 1997 publication, Peplau Peplaus theoretical model can be catego-
endorsed this three-phase view and explained rized as a middle-range theory. It is narrower
that the phases were overlapping, each having in scope than a conceptual model or grand
unique characteristics. Throughout these theory and addresses a clearly defined num-
phases the nurse functions cooperatively with ber of measurable concepts (e.g., therapeutic
the patient in the nursing roles of stranger, relationship, anxiety). The theory has a spe-
resource person, counselor, leader, surrogate, cific focus on the characteristics and process
and teacher. The nurses range of focus in- of the therapeutic relationship as a nursing
cludes the patient in relationship with the method to help manage anxiety and foster
family, other health care providers, and com- healthy development. As such, the model is
munity (Peplau, 1952, 1997). directly applicable to research and practice.
The orientation phase marks a first step Peplau was explicit in promoting research-
in the personal growth of the patient and is based theory. Research based on Peplaus the-
initiated when the patient has a felt need oretical model has addressed topics related
and seeks professional assistance (Peplau, to both nurse behaviors and patient health
1952, p. 18). The nurse focuses on knowing conditions. Nurse-focused topics include: (a)
the patient as a person and uncovering erro- the practices of psychiatric mental-health
neous preconceptions, as well as gathering nurses, (b) family systems nursing, and (c)
information about the patients mental health the nature of the nurse-patient relationship
problem (Peplau, 1997). The nurse and pa- in reference to roles and role changes over
tient collaborate on a plan, with consider- the trajectory of a mental illness, boundary
ation of the patients educative needs. issues in pediatric nursing, and concepts such
Throughout the process, the nurse recognizes as therapeutic intimacy. Patient-focused re-
Pet Therapy 461

search has addressed health conditions in- [2000]). The clinical significance of the thera-
cluding depression, psychosis, sexual abuse, peutic relationship is likely to increase as
Alzheimers disease, and multiple sclerosis. A health problems shift to those related to
particularly notable Peplau-based researcher stress-related conditions, chronic illness,
is Forchuk (e.g., Forchuk, 1994; Forchuk et aging processes, and end of life, where medi-
al., 1998; Forchuck, Jewell, Tweedell, & cal-surgical approaches alone have little suc-
Steinnagel, 2003) who, along with col- cess in promoting well-being. Peplaus inter-
leagues, has conducted a program of research personal relationship theory is expected to
into applications of the interpersonal rela- withstand the current health care crisis and
tionship process in psychiatric mental-health provide a cost-effective and satisfying re-
nursing care. source for patient well-being across a variety
Peplaus model is historically significant of nursing contexts.
for practice in that it propelled psychiatric The reawakening of nursing by Peplaus
nursing from custodial-based care to inter- ideas in the 1950s continues today through
personal relationship theory-based care. Pep- exploration, study, and use of the science-
lau is considered the founder of professional based practice of interpersonal relations the-
psychiatric mental-health nursing and was ory. Beebers (1998) research and theory de-
the first to initiate an area of advanced prac- velopment have extended Peplaus model in
tice nursing. Her theoretical ideas continue important ways, using aesthetic knowing to
to be significant in contemporary nursing for elaborate on the concept of interpersonal pat-
their relevance in not only psychiatric mental- tern and formalizing Peplaus (1997) idea of
health nursing practice but practice anywhere transitions in a practice theory of depression.
a nurse-patient relationship exists. Applica- Metatheoretical writings of Peden (1998) and
tions of the model are found in individual Reed (1996a), inspired by Peplaus practice-
psychotherapy, reminiscence therapy, termi- based strategy of theory development, por-
nal illness care, and group and family ther- tend an emerging philosophy of nursing sci-
apy. Practices based upon Peplaus theory ence that sanctions clinicians as well as tradi-
range from hospital to community and tional researchers as knowledge-builders.
home-based. Through the creative scholarship of nurses,
Peplaus theory has provided an enduring Peplaus theoretical model can continue to
educational foundation for teaching the evolve and inspire development of nurse-pa-
nurse-patient relationship as a pivotal nurs- tient processes that meet contemporary
ing process in all contexts of practice. A com- health needs of society.
mon philosophy underlying all nursing cur-
ricula is a belief in the value of a therapeutic PAMELA G. REED
nurse-patient relationship that promotes ac- NELMA B. SHEARER
tive participation of patients in their health
care. Peplaus theoretical work has also pro-
moted a paradigm of professionalization Pet Therapy
and empowerment for educating nurses for
the 21st century (Sills, 1998). Pet therapy (use of a companion animal to
Peplaus theoretical model continues to in- benefit the health of humans) has become
fluence nursing research, practice, and educa- a very popular intervention for a variety of
tion (OToole & Welt, 1989), although her clients, and many nurses as well as pet owners
original contributions have become knowl- have become involved in its delivery. While
edge in the public domain and are not always at the intuitive level pet therapy appears to
explicitly acknowledged. Internationally, be beneficial, there are relatively few scientific
nurses are recognizing Peplaus legacy and studies to support its effectiveness. This
the enduring relevance of her theory for nurs- growing body of research on pet therapy has
ing in the new millennium (e.g., Barker largely been generated by multidisciplinary

scholars, of which nurses have been active and mean), heart rate, and respiratory rate
participants. across three protocols (interacting with a dog
In general, the research on pet therapy gen- to whom the subject was attached, interacting
erated by nurses falls into three distinct cate- with an unknown [control] dog, and reading
gories: research on the bio-physiological ef- quietly). There was a statistically significant
fects of pet therapy; research on the effects difference among the three protocols. Interac-
of companion animals in alleviating the dis- tion with a known dog resulted in greater
tress of children undergoing painful proce- decreases in BP than either interacting with
dures; and research on the effectiveness of the control dog, or reading quietly. This study
companion animals for the elderly. This re- was the first to suggest that attachment to
view is divided into these three categories. the animal played an integral role the in the
Studies are included if at least one of the humans physiological responses to that ani-
authors is a nurse. mal. Subsequent nursing studies on hyperten-
One of the earliest studies that demon- sives (Schuelke et al., 1991) and other sub-
strated the health benefits of companion ani- jects (Oetting, Baun, Bergstrom, & Langston,
mals was coauthored by a nurse, Sue Ann 1985) confirmed these findings.
Thomas (Friedmann, Katcher, Lynch, & Children and animals seem drawn to each
Thomas, 1980). A group of patients who had other and several studies have explored the
been admitted to either coronary care or in- benefits of this relationship in the clinical set-
tensive care units with diagnoses of myocar- ting. In a study of the effects of the presence of
dial infarction or angina pectoris were fol- a companion animal on physiological arousal
lowed for 1 year after discharge. At one year, and behavioral distress exhibited by pre-
28% of the patients who did not own pets school children during a routine physical ex-
had died, but only 6% of the pet owners had amination, a within subject, time series design
died. Caring for the animal was not a factor was used to study healthy children during
in the survival rate, and pet ownership was two physical examinations, with and without
correlated with survival but not with the a dog present, conducted in a behavioral lab-
physiological severity of the disease. Thomas oratory (Nagengast, Baun, Megel, & Leibow-
also coauthored a subsequent study that dem- itz, 1997). Statistically significant differences
onstrated that the presence of a friendly ani- were found with greater reductions in sub-
mal could modify childrens perceptions of jects systolic and mean arterial pressure,
an experimental situation and result in lower heart rate, and behavioral distress when a
blood pressures while the children were rest- dog was present.
ing and while they were reading (Friedmann, A follow-up study was conducted on pre-
Katcher, Thomas, Lynch, & Messent, 1983). school children attending a pediatric clinic
The first controlled trial of the effect of using a two-group, repeated measures design,
interaction with a companion dog on blood in which the experimental group had a ther-
pressure was published in Nursing Research apy dog present during their pediatric exami-
in 1984 (Baun, Bergstrom, Langston, & nation and the control group did not have
Thomas, 1984). Prior to this time, several the dog present (Hansen, Messinger, Baun, &
investigators outside of nursing had released Megel, 1999). Physiological measures of
findings from non-experimental observations blood pressure and finger temperature were
that seemed to indicate that petting a dog not statistically significantly different be-
could lower blood pressure, but these studies tween the dog and no-dog groups but were
were never published as scientific journal arti- found not to be good measures of physiologic
cles. Thus, the Nursing Research article be- arousal in this age group. Behavioral distress
came a landmark study in the fledgling field was statistically significantly less in the dog
of the human-animal bond. The study used group versus the no-dog group. These find-
a within subject, repeated measures design to ings replicated those of Nagengast and col-
measure blood pressure (systolic, diastolic, leagues (1997) and suggested that companion
Phenomenology 463

animals may be useful in a variety of health Cardiello, & Baun, 1997). The experimental
care settings to decrease procedure-induced group (bird) had a significant decrease in de-
distress in children. pression but not in morale or loneliness com-
A third study evaluated the effectiveness pared to the control group (no bird). Results
of a companion animal on physiologic of this study supported the use of companion
arousal and behavioral distress among chil- animals other than dogs to lessen the negative
dren undergoing a dental procedure (Havener effects of hospitalization in institutionalized
et al., 2001). A two-group, repeated measures elderly.
experimental design was used to study school The use of a therapy dog with persons
age children undergoing procedures in a pedi- with Alzheimers disease (AD) has resulted
atric dental children. Half the children had in increased socialization (Batson, McCabe,
the dog present during the procedure and half Baun, & Wilson, 1998; Churchill, Safaoui,
did not. Children who initially verbalized dis- McCabe, & Baun, 1999), improved social
tress on arrival at the clinic had decreased behaviors (Kongable, Stolley, & Buckwalter,
physiologic arousal during the time the child 1990) and decreased agitation (Churchill et
was on the dental table waiting for the dentist al.). When a resident dog was introduced on
to arrive. Both of these studies demonstrated an AD special care unit, the number of prob-
that a therapy dog could be used in clinical lem behaviors decreased and remained de-
settings to alleviate procedural distress in creased across the entire 4 weeks of the study
children. (McCabe, Baun, Speich, & Agrawal, 2002).
The majority of studies of the benefits of Residents of AD special care units increased
companion animals have been conducted nutritional intake, which continued over 6
with the institutionalized elderly, both cogni- weeks when aquariums were introduced in
tively intact and cognitively impaired. One the dining rooms. This increased nutritional
of the earliest landmark studies was con- intake resulted in increased weight gain
ducted by nurses in the Veterans Administra- among the residents (Edwards & Beck,
tion system (Robb, Boyd, & Pristash, 1980). 2002).
At different times a wine bottle, a plant, or From the studies cited above it is clear that
a caged dog were placed in the day room of quantity of research on the health benefits
a long-term care division and socially inter- of companion animals has increased steadily
active behaviors were measured. Of the three and that nurses have been active investigators
stimulus objects, the caged puppy produced in a multidisciplinary field. Published studies
the most dramatic increase in social behavior. on human-animal interactions generally have
Two early studies addressed the effect of had significant findings and support the use
a dog on social interaction among nursing of animals to benefit the health of humans.
home residents, one on cognitively intact resi- Thus, there is some support for pet therapy,
dents (Buelt, Bergstrom, Baun, & Langston, although a lot more research on the health
1985) and the second on cognitively impaired benefits of companion animals still needs to
residents (McArthur, Brunmeier, Bergs- be conducted.
trom, & Baun, 1986). Within subject, re-
peated measures designs were used in both MARA M. BAUN
studies to measure socially interactive behav-
iors, which increased in the presence of a dog
although the majority of the behaviors were Phenomenology
directed at the dog.
Caged birds were placed in the rooms of Phenomenology refers to both a philosophi-
elderly residents of skilled rehabilitation cal movement and a research method. The
units, and before and after measures of de- philosophical underpinnings of phenomenol-
pression, loneliness, and morale were com- ogy are first summarized to provide a back-
pleted on admission and after 10 days (Jessen, drop for what this methodology aims to ac-

complish. One of the philosophical tenets of argued that it was not possible to bracket
phenomenology is intentionality, which re- ones being-in-the-world.
fers to the inseparable connectedness of hu- The phenomenological philosophies of
man beings to the world (Husserl, 1962). Husserl and Heidegger have different meth-
Subject and object are united in being in the odological implications for nurse researchers.
world. One cannot describe either the subjec- Husserlian phenomenology focuses on the
tive or objective world but only the world as analysis of the subject and object as the object
experienced by the subject (Merleau-Ponty, appears through consciousness. Bracketing is
1964). The observer is not separate from the essential in this descriptive phenomenology.
observed. One can know what one experi- In Heideggerian phenomenology, bracketing
ences only by attending to perceptions and is not used because this phenomenology
meanings that awaken conscious awareness. views people as being in the world. This no-
Phenomenologists hold that human existence tion of being-in-the-world allows researchers
is meaningful only in the sense that persons to bring their experiences and understanding
are always conscious of something. Meaning of the phenomenon under study to the re-
emerges from the relationship between the search.
person and the world as the person gives As a research method, phenomenology is
meaning to experiences. Phenomenology fo- inductive and descriptive. Phenomenology
cuses on lived experience, that is, human provides a closer fit conceptually with clinical
involvement in the world. nursing and with the kinds of research ques-
Perception is ones original awareness of tions that emerge from clinical practice than
the appearance of a phenomenon in experi- does quantitative research. The goal of phe-
ence (Merleau-Ponty, 1962). In phenomenol- nomenological research is to describe the
ogy the process of recovering our original meaning of human experience (Merleau-
awareness is called reduction. Through phe- Ponty, 1964). In its focus on meaning, phe-
nomenological reduction one refrains from nomenology differs from other types of re-
preconceived notions and judgments. Schutz search, which may, for example, focus on
(1973) described reduction as a process that statistical relationships among variables. Phe-
is completed in degrees. Little by little, ones nomenology tries to discover meanings as
layers of preconceived meaning and interpre- persons live them in their everyday world. It
tation are peeled away, leaving the perceived is the study of essences, that is, the grasp of
world. The layers of meaning provided by a the very nature of something (Merleau-Ponty,
researchers knowledge and interpretation 1962). Essence makes a thing what it is; with-
are preserved by being temporarily set out it, the thing would not be what it is. The
asidethat is, bracketing. Through phenom- phenomenological approach is most appro-
enological reduction the world of everyday priate when little is known about a phenome-
experience becomes accessible. non or when a fresh look at a phenomenon
Edmund Husserl is considered the father is indicated.
of phenomenology. His is a descriptive phe- As a research method, there are various
nomenology. He was interested in the episte- interpretations of the phenomenological
mological question, How do we know about method available, from which nurse research-
man? The goal of his phenomenology is the ers may choose. Examples of descriptive phe-
description of the lived world. Husserls stu- nomenology include Van Kaams (1966),
dent, Martin Heidegger, took phenomenol- Colaizzis (1978), and Giorgis (1985) ap-
ogy in a different direction. Heidegger (1962) proaches. Van Manens (1990) method is a
was more interested in the ontological ques- type of hermeneutic phenomenology. Specific
tion, What is being? The goal of his phenome- examples of how these different methods
nology, called hermeneutic phenomenology, were used in nursing research are provided.
was understanding. This understanding is Van Kaams (1966) phenomenological
achieved through interpretation. Heidegger method of analysis was used by C. T. Beck
Phenomenology 465

(1992a) in exploring the meaning of nursing contemplating death. Finally, these 11 theme
students caring with physically/mentally clusters were integrated into an exhaustive
handicapped children. The 36 nursing stu- description of the experience of postpartum
dents written descriptions of their caring ex- depression.
periences yielded 199 descriptive expressions Bennett (1991) used Giorgis (1985)
related to the phenomenon under study. The method of phenomenological analysis to un-
next step in Van Kaams method focuses on cover the meaning of adolescent girls experi-
grouping these descriptive expressions into ence of witnessing marital violence. Inter-
necessary constituents, which are moments views with five adolescent girls who had
of the experience expressed either implicitly grown up in violent homes were read and
or explicitly in the majority of the partici- reread to identify what Giorgi labeled as
pants descriptions. meaning units. These units were segments
The following six necessary constituents of of the interviews that revealed some aspect of
a caring experience between a nursing student the phenomenon under study. These meaning
and an exceptional child were revealed: au- units were then transformed into statements
thentic presencing, physical connectedness, that expressed implicit or explicit meaning.
reciprocal sharing, delightful merriment, bol- Next, the transformed meaning units were
stered self-esteem, and unanticipated self- synthesized into a summary of each adoles-
transformation. In the final step in Van cents experience of witnessing physical vio-
Kaams (1966) analysis the necessary constit- lence directed toward her mother by her fa-
uents are synthesized into one description of ther. Giorgi refers to this synthesis as the sit-
the experience being studied. In Becks uated level description. The final phase of
(1992a) study this description of caring be- Giorgis analysis called for an integration of
tween a nursing student and an exceptional each of these individual descriptions into one
child was as follows: an interweaving of au- general level description that was com-
thentic presencing with physical connected- posed of shared themes and meanings. Ben-
ness and reciprocal sharing overflowing into netts general level description of violence ex-
delightful merriment, bolstered self-esteem, perienced included the following seven
and an unanticipated self-transformation themes: (a) remembering, (b) living from day
(pp. 34). to day, (c) feeling the impact, (d) escaping,
An example of Colaizzis (1978) phenome- (e) understanding, (f) coping, and (g) resolv-
nological method is found in Becks (1992b) ing or settling.
study of the lived experience of postpartum Lauterback (1993) used Van Manens
depression. After reading and rereading the (1990) method of doing phenomenology
transcriptions of interviews with seven moth- to study the meaning of mothers experiences
ers, 45 significant statements that directly of the perinatal death of wished-for babies.
pertained to postpartum depression were ex- The following four concurrent procedural ac-
tracted. Meanings were then formulated from tivities in Van Manens method were incorpo-
each of these significant statements. Next in rated in this study: turning to the nature of
Colaizzis method is the clustering of these lived experience, existential investigation,
formulated meanings into themes. Eleven phenomenological reflection, and phenome-
themes describing mothers experiences of nological writing. Data analysis and interpre-
postpartum depression emerged. These tation of the data yielded the discovery of the
themes captured the womens unbearable essences in meaning of mothers experiences.
loneliness, uncontrollable anxiety attacks These essential themes included (a) the es-
and obsessive thoughts, haunting fear that sence of perinatal loss; (b) reflective pulling
their lives would never return to normal, con- back, recovering, reentering; (c) embodiment
suming guilt, inability to concentrate, loss of of mourning loss; (d) the narcissistic inquiry;
control of their emotions, insecurity, lack of (e) the finality of death of the body; (f) living
positive emotions and previous interests, and through and with death; (g) altering

worldviews; (h) death overlaid with life; and What are the aesthetic claims that underlie
(i) falling and trying again. the phenomena of the discipline of
Diverse clinical specialties of nursing such nursing?
as maternal-child, gerontological, and medi- How can the basic phenomena of the disci-
cal-surgical nursing provide fertile ground for pline of nursing be known?
phenomenological research. These studies il- How should the basic phenomena of the
lustrate the breadth of applicability of this discipline of nursing articulate with ba-
qualitative research method for nursing. sic phenomena of other human, help-
ing-service disciplines?
As health care professionals living in the
Philosophy of Nursing 21st century, distinct disciplinary boundaries
are blurring rapidly and more interdisciplin-
A philosophy of nursing lays the essential ary fields are emerging. As this trend contin-
foundation for nursing knowledge. Whether ues, so too will the questions that constitute
explicitly articulated or just implied, all nurs- the essence of nursing philosophy. In sum-
ing knowledge begins and ends with a philos- mary, the preceding questions raised about
ophy of nursing. A philosophy of nursing is nursing have metaphysical, ontological,
important because it represents the values, moral, and aesthetic claims that emerge from
visions, and convictions of nurses about what philosophy but manifest themselves in phe-
ought to be nursings central phenomena, nomena related to nursing and ultimately to
that is, those phenomena that are both neces- nursing philosophy.
sary and sufficient to provide a viable frame- As a philosopher, Rescher (2001) believes
work for the discipline and practice of nurs- that human beings have an innate curiosity
ing (Silva, 1997). Therefore, to generate nurs- rooted in the need-to-know (p. 6) answers
ing knowledge, nurses must understand what to lifes questions. To get at these answers,
are considered to be nursings central phe- Rescher advocates philosophical inquiry as
nomena. To better understand the underpin- a methodology; this methodology includes a
nings of nursings central phenomena, nurses systematic process of constructing a doc-
must turn to the relationship between philos- trinal system that answers . . . [lifes] ques-
ophy and philosophy of nursing. tions in a coherent and comprehensive way
Philosophy is a specific discipline that (p. 1). But, according to Rescher, there is
deals with ultimate or first-cause questions more: philosophers not only must deal with
and phenomena that transcend other disci- the estimation of truth that involves errors
plines and cannot be answered by science or
of omission and/or commission but also must
scientific investigation, for example, what is
discern what constitutes the data of philoso-
reality? Like philosophy, nursing is viewed
phy (p. 15).
as a specific discipline; thus, a philosophy of
Philosophical inquiry in nursing is one ap-
nursing should address big or ultimate ques-
proach to advancing nursing knowledge. It
tions about nursing and its phenomena. Ex-
follows the same method of philosophizing
amples follow:
as described previously by Rescher (2001)
What ought to be the basic phenomena of but applies the method to substantive philo-
the discipline of nursing? sophical questions in nursing. The goal is co-
What are the metaphysical and ontological herent and comprehensive answers to nurs-
claims that underlie the phenomena of ings philosophical questions (e.g., Jacobs, B.
the discipline of nursing? B., 2001; Jones, T., 2003; Newman, 2002)
What are the moral claims that underlie with the best-fit estimation of truth (e.g., Pil-
the phenomena of the discipline of kington & Mitchell, 2003). Like philosophi-
nursing? cal inquiry in philosophy, nurses who con-
Physical Restraints 467

duct philosophical inquiry in nursing must that cannot be removed easily and restricts
discern what constitutes the data of nursing. freedom of movement. Bilateral full-length
Philosophy is not science, and nursing phi- siderails and some types of furniture are also
losophy is not nursing science. But philoso- considered restraints when used to limit
phy is the foundation of science, and nursing movement. Although this entry focuses
philosophy is the foundation of both nursing mainly on physical restraints, it is important
science (i.e., the body of nursings scientific to keep in mind that these devices are often
knowledge) and nursing research (e.g., the used in conjunction with psychopharmaco-
process of obtaining not only nursings body logic drugs. When such drugs are given for
of scientific knowledge but also the process of the purposes of discipline or convenience and
obtaining knowledge derived from scholarly are not required to treat specific medical or
critical analyses). psychiatric conditions, they are considered
Implicit in nursing research are assump- chemical restraints.
tions about human beings (i.e., study subjects The prevalence of physical restraints in
or participants), about selected phenomena non-psychiatric settings, estimated in 1989
of the discipline (e.g., variables), and about to affect 500,000 elderly persons daily in hos-
how the selected phenomena can be known pitals and nursing homes, led many to con-
(i.e., the research method). In addition, in clude that a restraint crisis existed. High prev-
qualitative research the meaning or artistry alence in the United States was sharply con-
of the selected phenomena is often addressed trasted with what at the time appeared to
(e.g., hermeneutics, photography). Finally, be lesser use in several countries in Western
regardless of whether the research is quantita- Europe. The historical antecedents for these
tive, qualitative, and/or scholarly critical differences appeared related to American be-
analysis, it must be ethical. Thus, all research liefs that were embedded by the end of the
grounded in nursing contains explicit or im- 19th century: restraint use was therapeuti-
plicit philosophies of nursing that determine cally sound, necessary to control troublesome
research approaches. behavior, and prevented tragic accidents
Future directions about philosophies of and injuries.
nursing and about nurses and nurse research- For nearly 100 years those beliefs were
ers include the following: (a) nurses need largely unchallenged; debate concerning the
greater knowledge about and appreciation efficacy of physical restraint was limited, and
for the discipline of philosophy; (b) nurse re- alternative interventions were rarely consid-
searchers must interact regularly with nurse ered. The efforts of advocacy groups and
philosophers to grasp more fully that a phi- committed clinicians, change in nursing home
losophy of nursing provides a foundation for regulation and standards for accreditation of
nursing science and other nursing knowledge; hospitals, warnings from the Food and Drug
(c) nurses must commit themselves in greater Administration (FDA), and research demon-
numbers to philosophical inquiry as a legiti-
strating successful restraint reduction have
mate method of obtaining nursing knowl-
forced a complete reexamination of their use.
edge; and (d) nurses must prepare themselves
Although prevalence has declined in U.S.
for the blurring of distinct disciplinary
nursing homes to approximately 8.86%, re-
boundaries as more interdisciplinary fields
straint use and the problems associated with
it remain a global concern.
MARY CIPRIANO SILVA Physical restraints are applied in hospitals
and nursing homes primarily for three rea-
sons: fall risk, treatment interference, and be-
Physical Restraints havioral symptoms. To date, no scientific ba-
sis of support demonstrates the efficacy of
A physical restraint is any device or object restraints in safeguarding patients from in-
attached to or adjacent to a persons body jury, protecting treatment devices, or alleviat-

ing such behavioral symptoms as wandering restraint use can lead to accidental death by
or agitation. Several recent studies, in fact, asphyxiation (Miles, S. H., & Irvine, 1992).
suggest relationships between physical re- Persons who are likely to be restrained are
straints and falls, serious injuries, or usually those of advanced age who are physi-
worsened cognitive function (Capezuti, cally and mentally frail, prone to injury and
Strumpf, Evans, Grisso, & Maislin, 1998). confusion, and experiencing invasive treat-
Nevertheless, health care professionals ments. The evidence is compelling that pro-
and other caregivers see few alternatives to longed physical restraint further contributes
restraint use in some situations. Misplaced to frailty and dysfunction.
fears about legal liability, lack of interdisci- Restraint-free care can be accomplished
plinary discussions about decisions to re- through implementation of a range of alter-
strain, and staff perceptions about individual native approaches to assessment, prevention,
behaviors also influence restraint practices. and response to the behaviors routinely lead-
Insufficient staffing levels and the costs of ing to restraint. For such practices, however,
hiring additional employees have long been changes in fundamental philosophy and atti-
regarded as obstacles to minimal use of physi- tudes among institutions and caregivers must
cal restraints. Hospital studies offer indirect occur. In settings where restraints have been
links between staffing levels and restraint use reduced, there is strong emphasis on individ-
by demonstrating that weekend days and ualized, person-centered care; normal risk
night shifts are the most frequent times when taking; rehabilitation and choice; interdisci-
restraints are used (Bourbonniere, Strumpf, plinary team practice; environmental features
Evans, & Maislin, 2001; Whitman, David- that support independent, safe functioning;
son, Sereika, & Rudy, 2001). Several reports involvement of family and community; and
of restraint reduction in nursing homes and administrative and caregiver sanction and
one clinical trial show that prevalence of support for change. The presence of profes-
physical restraints can be significantly re- sional expertise, particularly expert nurses
duced without increasing serious injuries or and physicians with education and skill in
hiring more staff (Evans, L. K., et al., 1997). geriatrics, is crucial for sustained cultural
Data show that caring for nursing home resi- change.
dents without restraints is less costly than Although legislation and other forms of
caring for residents who are restrained (Phil- external regulation or control do not in and
lips, C. D., Hawes, & Fries, 1993). of themselves change beliefs or entirely alter
Hospitals and nursing homes often do not entrenched practice, the Nursing Home Re-
have personnel with expertise in aging or with form Act, part of the Omnibus Budget Recon-
the requisite skills for assessing and treating ciliation Act (OBRA) of 1987 (enacted in
clinical problems specific to older adults. 1990), helped to raise standards in nursing
Studies provide promising evidence that a homes. The FDA, in response to the known
model of care using advanced practice nurses risks of physical restraints and reports of re-
specializing in geriatrics can reduce restraint straint-related deaths, mandates that all de-
use in nursing homes and hospitals through vices carry a warning label concerning poten-
staff education and consultation (Evans, L. tial hazards.
K., et al., 1997; Sullivan-Marx, Strumpf, Ev- Following a decade of emphasis on re-
ans, Capezuti, & Maislin, under review). straint reduction/elimination in nursing
Continued use of physical restraints is par- homes, clinicians, researchers, and regulators
adoxical in view of mounting knowledge have recently focused attention on these prac-
about their considerable ability to do harm. tices in acute care settings. As with nursing
Physical restraints are known to reduce func- homes, the Joint Commission on Accredita-
tional capacity and exert physical and psy- tion of Healthcare Organizations and the
chological effects (Castle & Mor, 1998; Ev- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
ans, L. K., & Strumpf, 1989). Furthermore, define restraint use as both physical and
Physiological Monitoring 469

chemical. Standards mandate that restraints Physiological Monitoring

be used only to improve well-being in cases
where less restrictive measures have failed to Physiological monitoring is used by nurse sci-
protect the patient or others from harm. In entists to measure biological functioning in
addition, continual individualized assessment living organisms. Generally, it refers to data
and reevaluation of the patient by clinicians collected through an interface of technologi-
and consultation with the patients own pro- cal instrumentation with a living organism.
vider must occur with restraint use. Direct Technological instrumentation can be rela-
care staff must also be trained in proper and tively simple, such as a thermometer, or as
safe use of restraining devices. complex as combined hemodynamic and clin-
Current approaches to restraint reduction ical laboratory instrumentation used to mea-
vary along a continuum from promotion of sure oxygen utilization in the critically ill pa-
restraint-free care to an attitude of tolerance tient. Physiological monitoring is used to ex-
for restraint use under certain circumstances. amine both normative functions (e.g., ho-
To some extent, successful reduction of phys- meostasis) and disordered responses (e.g.,
ical and chemical restraints in nursing homes illness and related manifestations). Physio-
underscores the need to achieve the same logical monitoring occurs in vivo and in vitro,
changes in hospitals, where a disproportion- among animal models, in laboratory settings,
ately high incidence of iatrogenesis occurs, and in clinical practice areas. Information
much of it exacerbated by the use of physical about physiological parameters promotes un-
restraints and adverse reactions to psychoac- derstanding about the phenomena with
tive drugs. The resulting complications which nurses are concerned: health-support-
especially delirium, pressure ulcers, infec- ing and health-restoring human responses.
tions, and fall-related serious injuriescan A variety of physiological variables are
add dramatically to the cost of care by con- measured by nurses: (a) electrical potentials
tributing to further loss of function. of the brain, heart, laboring uterus, and mus-
Although professional organizations in
cle; (b) pressures in arteries, veins, lungs,
nursing and medicine have endorsed nonuse
mouth, esophagus, bladder, vagina, uterus,
of physical restraints and appropriate use of
and brain; (c) sound (mechanical) waves in
psychoactive drugs as the standard of care in
the ear and heart; (d) temperature and the
all health care settings, the intensity of debate
concentration of gases in the lungs and blood;
surrounding physical restraint use in hospi-
(e) physical symptoms such as size and color
tals has escalated (Maccioli et al., 2003). Cli-
of bruising, stool, and wounds; and (f) serum
nicians caring for specialty populations, such
levels of hormones, coagulation factors, and
as those found in critical care, trauma, neu-
molecular proteins that influence local and
rology and neurosurgery, and hematology/
oncology, are confronted with the need to systemic responses to injury, illness and infec-
identify, test, and implement interventions tion. The most common physiological mea-
that reduce reliance on physical restraints. A sures reported in nursing research are blood
standard of least restrictive care will chal- pressure, heart rate, weight, and temperature.
lenge professional caregivers to use compre- Monitoring of physiological measures can be
hensive assessment to make sense of individ- either direct or indirect, can be utilized con-
ual behaviors and to employ a range of inter- tinuously or at a particular point in time, and
ventions that enhance physical, psychologi- can include physical, electronic, and bio-
cal, and social function, as well as to chemical devices. Physiological monitoring
acknowledge and affirm the uniqueness and devices are found in the acute care setting,
dignity of the older person. home health care settings, and outpatient and
surgical environments and offer a rich data
MEG BOURBONNIERE source for clinical research.
NEVILLE E. STRUMPF Research by nurses using physiological
LOIS K. EVANS monitoring has increased steadily since the

1980s (Sechrist & Pravikoff, 2002). In- problems with many aspects of study design.
creased numbers of nursing scientists are pre- One important design issue that can be evalu-
pared with a strong theoretical and experien- ated during the pilot work is determining the
tial base for designing physiological studies. number of data collection points and the opti-
One aspect of their work has been to evaluate mal time between phases of data collection.
the accuracy, selectivity, precision, sensitiv- Pilot work can be used to develop, test, or
ity, and error of physiological measures so refine a study protocol, including the treat-
that reliability and validity are supported. ment or intervention to be used in an experi-
Another important focus of physiological mental or quasi-experimental study. Suffi-
monitoring has been to link physiologic re- cient pilot work is necessary to support the
sponses to patient/client outcomes studies. A efficacy of an intervention prior to proposal
third and relatively new area of investigation submission for a large-scale intervention
is the examination of biomarkers, linking study. During a pilot study extraneous vari-
physiological monitoring with cellular and ables that had not been considered in the
molecular responses to illness and interven- design may become apparent, and methods
tions. Examination of changes that occur as to control for them can be introduced when
a consequence of nursing practice has pro- the larger study is designed.
duced a broad range of research, as evidenced Pilot work also allows the development
by the variety of physiological studies listed or refinement of data collection instruments,
by CINAHL and PubMed in the past 10 including questionnaires and equipment. The
years. performance of instruments with a particular
sample under specific conditions also can be
CHRIS WINKELMAN evaluated in the pilot project. When collect-
ing quantitative data, the reliability and valid-
ity of instruments and the ease of operation
Pilot Study and administration can be evaluated prior to
data collection in a large-scale study. This is
A pilot study is a smaller version of a pro-
an important step whether the data collection
posed or planned study that is conducted to
instruments are interview schedules, ques-
refine the methodology for a larger study. A
tionnaires, computers databases, or equip-
pilot study uses subjects, settings, and meth-
ment to gather biophysical data. For exam-
ods of data collection and data analysis simi-
ple, during pilot work, questionnaires can be
lar to those of a larger study.
It is recommended that all large-scale stud- evaluated for clarity of instructions, wording
ies have either pilot work or other prelimi- of questions, reading level, and time required
nary work as evidence of feasibility of the for completion. For qualitative studies, pilot
project and to demonstrate the competence work may be important for gaining experi-
of the investigator with the area of study. ence in interacting with the sample and with
Feasibility issues that might be addressed in a aspects of data collection, coding, and anal-
pilot study include the availability of subjects ysis.
and estimating the time required for recruit- The results of a pilot study are likely to
ment of subjects, the conduct of the investiga- be significant for the larger proposed study.
tion, and the cost of the study. Particularly If the pilot study is of sufficient size, estimates
when planning studies with populations that about the relationships between variables and
may not be easily available or accessible, a of effect sizes can be made. This is essential
pilot study is an opportunity to develop or not only for statistical power analysis but
refine sampling methods and to evaluate the for a better understanding of the phenomena
representativeness of a sample. under study. Pilot studies often provide im-
Preliminary work in the form of a pilot portant insights into the problem being inves-
study provides an opportunity to identify tigated and may lead to reconceptualization
Population Health 471

of the problem or refinement of the re- health practices, individual capacity and cop-
search questions. ing skills, human biology, early childhood
development, and health services (Health
CAROL M. MUSIL Canada, p. 2). The population health tem-
plate also identified eight key elements of a
population health approach: (1) focusing on
Population Health the health of populations, (2) addressing the
determinants of health and their interactions,
The term population health is fairly new. (3) basing decisions on evidence, (4) increas-
Current emphasis on improving health out- ing upstream investments, (5) applying multi-
comes, eliminating health disparities, and re- ple strategies, (6) collaborating across sectors
ducing health care costs amplify its impor- and levels, (7) employing mechanisms for
tance, but a single accepted definition of pop- public involvement, and (8) demonstrating
ulation health has yet to emerge. Szreter accountability for health outcomes (Health
(2003) traces the origin of the concept of Canada).
population health back to an historic 18th The Department of Defense Tricare Man-
century debate over the relationship between agement Activity (DoDTMA) published a
economic growth and human health. In an Population Health Improvement Plan and
article titled Producing Health, Consuming Guide in December 2001. The guide adopted
Health Care, R. G. Evans and Stoddart Kindigs definition of population health and
(1990) merged concepts and principles from outlined an approach to population health
economics and epidemiology to support the improvement focused on balancing aware-
idea that health is determined by multiple ness, education, prevention, and intervention
factors. In 1997 in a book titled Purchasing activities to improve the health of a specified
Population Health: Paying for Results, Kin- population (DoDTMA, 2001). Much like the
dig defined population health as the aggre- Health Canada template, the DoDTMA
gate health outcome of health adjusted life guide identified several process steps for pop-
expectancy (quantity and quality) of a group ulation health improvement: (a) identifying
of individuals, in an economic framework the population, (b) forecasting demand, (c)
that balances the relative marginal returns managing demand, (d) managing capacity,
from multiple determinants of health (p. (e) implementing evidence-based primary,
47). Kindigs definition proposed a unit of secondary, and tertiary prevention, (f) com-
measure for population health and under- munity outreach, and (g) analyzing perfor-
scored a relationship between economics mance and health status.
and health. In 2003, McAlearney published a model
In 2001, two models for implementing for population health in a book titled Popula-
population health were published, one in tion Health Management: Strategies to Im-
Canada and the other in the United States. In prove Outcomes. The author used the term
July 2001, Health Canada published a draft population health management to describe
document titled The Population Health Tem- a variety of approaches developed to foster
plate: Key Elements and Actions That Define health and quality-of-care improvements
a Population Health Approach. The publica- while managing costs. McAlearney outlined
tion consolidated current understandings of several major steps for implementing popula-
population health and outlined procedures tion health management programs: targeting
and processes for implementing a population the program, selecting the strategies, imple-
health approach. The Health Canada tem- menting and managing the program, and in-
plate defined population health as the health tegrating critical factors.
of a population as measured by health status In March of 2003, in an article titled What
indicators and as influenced by social, eco- is Population Health?, Kindig and Stoddart
nomic, and physical environments, personal attempted to distinguish population health

from public health, health promotion, and understanding of inductive or inferential sta-
social epidemiology. The authors also set out tistics. Stated succinctly by Blalock (1960),
to determine if population health was a field the purpose of statistical generalizations is
of study of health determinants or a concept to say something about various characteris-
of health. Following a critique of existing def- tics of the populations studied on the basis
initions and understandings of population of known facts about a sample drawn from
health dating back to the early 1990s, the that population or universe (p. 89). In statis-
authors concluded that population health is tics, population characteristics are called pa-
concerned with both the definition and mea- rameters and are denoted by Greek letters;
surement of health outcomes and the roles of sample characteristics, called statistics, are
determinants. Kindig and Stoddart defined denoted by Roman letters. According to Bla-
population health as the health outcomes of lock, in inductive statistics it is the popula-
a group, including the distribution of the out- tion, rather than any particular sample, in
comes within the group, and argued that the which we are really interested. As a matter
field of population health included health of convenience, a sample is selected but the
outcomes, patterns of determinants of health, goal is practically always to make inferences
and interventions and policies that link out- about various population parameters on the
comes with determinants. basis of known, but intrinsically unimportant
Current understandings and definitions of sample statistics (p. 90). The underlying
population health emphasize the link be- foundation for making inferences from sam-
tween multiple determinants of health and ples to the population is the mathematical
health outcomes. Population health is fo- theory of probability.
cused on improving the health status of popu- Within the health field, particularly in
lations, enhancing health care quality and ac- public health, the disciplines of epidemiology
cess, and decreasing costs. A population and biostatistics, and the nursing specializa-
health approach targets entire populations; tion of public health nursing, the term popu-
intervenes with families, communities, sys- lation usually refers to biological entities such
tems, and individuals; recognizes and empha- as people, animals, or microorganisms that
sizes multiple determinants of health; incor- hold characteristics in common. Population
porates primary, secondary, and tertiary pre- has a very prominent position in epidemiol-
vention; and includes ongoing assessment, ogy. In discussing the classical understanding
monitoring, and improvement. of epidemiology, J. N. Morris (1964) referred
to it as the study of the health and disease of
SANDRA C. GARMON BIBB populations (p. 4). More recently, Mausner
and Kramer (1985) defined epidemiology as
the study of the distribution and determi-
Populations and Aggregates nants of diseases and injuries in human popu-
lations (p. 1).
In a very broad sense the term population Historically, public health specialists such
refers to a collection of entities that have one as health officers focused on populations and
or more characteristics in common. Ac- subpopulations as the target for planning,
cording to Kendall and Buckland (1960), in service programming, and evaluation efforts.
statistical usage the term population is ap- Although public health nurses provided clini-
plied to any infinite collection of individuals. cal services in public health programs di-
It has displaced the older term uni- rected to target populations such as children
verse . . . it is practically synonymous with under 6 years or prenatal clients, predomi-
aggregate and does not necessarily refer to nant focus was clinical, at the level of the
a collection of living organisms (p. 223). patient or the family. The concept of using
The conception of population is basic to an a population or aggregate approach to the
Postpartum Depression 473

practice of public health nursing first began systematic, rational, and data-based ap-
to be seriously discussed in the literature in proach to decision making in the health
the 1970s (Williams, C. A., 1977). The con- care system.
ceptual shift from a focus on individual pa-
tients, the thrust in the clinical preparation CAROLYN A. WILLIAMS
of nurses, to a focus on populations, which is
the concern of public health, can be difficult.
However, it is necessary to understand public Postpartum Depression
health and the specialization of public
health nursing. Postpartum depression (PPD) is an important
Taking a population approach to decision womens mental health problem because of
making in health care, that is, defining prob- its timing, prevalence, and associated risks.
lems and proposing solutions for a popula- PPD is believed to affect approximately 13%
tion or aggregate, may facilitate health ser- of women following delivery; however, when
vices and care delivery research and the utili- self-report depression measures are used to
zation of research in practice for two reasons. identify women with milder symptom levels,
First, such an approach involves obtaining higher percentages are reported. According
data on each member of the population and to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
summarizing it in meaningful ways. Adopting Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) (American
strategies and methods used by nurse re- Psychiatric Association, 2000), diagnostic
searchers, epidemiologists, and others who criteria specify onset within 4 weeks postpar-
study community-based or clinical popula- tum. The most frequent symptoms are feel-
tions may be used. This process may be suffi- ings of inadequacy, sadness, fatigue, anxiety,
ciently systematic and rigorous to make a worry, compulsive thoughts, and diminished
contribution to the research literature. Sec- functioning that can occur from within 2
ond, a population approach to decision mak- weeks postpartum to beyond 1 year. Women
ing is highly compatible with the empirical experiencing PPD can experience symptoms
thinking of researchers. severe enough to require a combination of
Researchers study samples of populations pharmacological interventions and either
with specific characteristics. The extent to short- or long-term counseling and therapy
which a finding in a sample from a particular and even hospitalization. Nonetheless, after
population can be predicted in another can a comprehensive review of PPD treatment lit-
be assessed primarily by determining the erature, Boath and Henshaw (2001) con-
comparability between the populations. If the cluded that treatment efficacy has not been
individuals in a clinical or community-based clearly established, with recovery varying
program were identified as a population or from 23 months to as long as 2 or more
subpopulation, with key characteristics in years.
common, rather than unique individuals, the PPD is distinguished from commonly ex-
program population could be compared with perienced postpartum or maternity blues
another studied population. and postpartum psychosis. Postpartum blues
Although a population-focused approach is characterized by onset during the first 2
has traditionally been central to public health weeks after delivery, presence of mild de-
practice, the spread of capitated managed pressed symptoms with typically rapid reso-
care has precipitated a growing interest in the lution, and prevalence as high as 80% in the
concept of populations and decision making United States. In addition, postpartum blues
at the population level throughout the health wane without need for intervention. Postpar-
care industry. The population emphasis has tum psychosis, in contrast, is a rare (12/
many positive implications for health services 1,000) and severe disorder. Symptoms may
and care delivery research and for a more emerge as early as 1 month before delivery,

and rapid postpartum onset within 4 weeks adjustment problems and to test strategies for
postpartum is characteristic. Hallucinations, relieving distressing symptoms. Furthermore,
delusions, and paranoia are hallmarks and a growing body of literature indicates that
can be associated with suicidal and homicidal PPD affects women around the world and
ideation. Therefore, risk of harm to the infant challenges earlier assumptions that PPD is a
is a major concern with psychosis and with culturally based syndrome primarily associ-
severe PPD when cognitive distortions are ated with westernized countries without
present (American Psychiatric Association, widespread postpartum traditions (Affonso
2000). A more recently identified disorder, et al., 2000; Posmontier & Horowitz, 2004).
postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder PPD disrupts maternal-infant interactions
(OCD) (Sichel & Driscoll, 1999), is not speci- and childrens cognitive and emotional devel-
fied within the diagnostic nomenclature as a opment. Withdrawn, disengaged, and intru-
recognized postpartum syndrome. However, sive maternal behavior patterns may result in
expert practitioners have described height- fussy, aggressive, less affectionate, and less
ened vigilance about the possibility of harm responsive infants. Reduced vocalization and
to the baby as characteristic of postpartum slower neurological growth and motor skill
OCD. development have been documented among
A range of risk factors have been identified infants of depressed mothers (Abrams, Field,
with the development of PPD, including a Scafidi, & Prodromidis, 1995; Field, T.,
history of depression, difficult infant temper- 1995; Tronick & Weinberg, 1997). In re-
ament, marital or partner relationship prob- sponse to growing evidence of PPDs negative
lems, child care stress, low self-esteem and effects on infant development, investigators
poor social support. Researchers have ex- have begun to focus on evaluating interven-
tended examination of PPD to include sam- tions to promote improved mother-infant re-
ples from various cultures and countries lationships. One clinical trial designed to test
around the world. For example, a multisite
the efficacy of an interactive coaching ap-
study involving 892 women from nine coun-
proach delivered by a trained home visiting
tries was designed to compare differences in
nurse produced promising findings (Horo-
postpartum depressive symptomatology
witz, J. A., Bell, et al., 2001). The intervention
across samples at 46 weeks and 1012
had a positive effect on maternal-infant re-
weeks postpartum (Affonso, De, Horowitz,
sponsiveness among mothers. According to
Andrews, & Mayberry, 2000). Average de-
the nurse investigators, subsequent research
pression scores for women from countries in
which postpartum cultural traditions are is needed with diverse samples to test addi-
practiced were significantly higher than de- tional interventions to reduce negative effects
pression scores for women from Europe, Aus- of maternal depression on child development.
tralia, and the United Stateswestern in- Inclusion of partners or other family mem-
dustrialized countries without such wide- bers to examine family processes related to
spread rituals. In focus groups conducted in maternal depression was also recommended
each of the countries, similar patterns of (Horowitz, J. A., Bell, et al.).
symptoms were described (Horowitz, J. A., Nurse investigators are also involved in
Chang, Das, & Hayes, 2001). Fatigue and testing better tools for early detection of PPD.
pain were common physical symptoms, with The Postpartum Depression Screening Scale
irritability, anxiety, loneliness, worrying, in- (PDSS) (Beck & Gable, 2001) is a promising,
decisiveness, and poor concentration being 35-item self-report instrument to identify
emotional and cognitive symptoms. Role and women who are at high risk for postpartum
relationship conflicts were described within depression. Given the importance of PPD as
the context of cultural variations. These find- a clinical problem, mental health evaluation
ings demonstrate that additional research is of all postpartum women should be stan-
needed to explore postpartum cross-cultural dard care.
Pregnancy 475

Recommendations for future research di- Obesity results from an imbalance of en-
rections are: (a) a screening feasibility project ergy. Over time, when more nutrients are
to demonstrate ways to implement cost-effec- consumed than burned, weight gain occurs.
tive early PPD identification; (b) clinical trials Over time excessive nutrient intake results
to test non-pharmacologic treatments for in weight gain and obesity. Excessive weight
PPD and interventions to enhance the quality gain during pregnancy, particularly over mul-
of mother-child interaction; (c) longitudinal tiple pregnancies, contributes to overweight
studies to examine the course of maternal and obesity in women. Women who begin
depression over time; (d) family research to pregnancy overweight are at higher risk for
explore consequences of PPD on family increased gestational weight gain, postpar-
health and test family-oriented interventions; tum weight retention, and complications of
and (e) cross-cultural studies and inclusion pregnancy, including malpresentation, ar-
of diverse samples within the United States rested labor, and instrumental delivery.
to document prevalence rates, discern risk Physical activity and exercise have been
and protective factors, and test culturally rel- another predominant theme of nurse re-
evant interventions. searchers who study pregnancy. While it has
been known for quite some time that exercise
LINDA J. MAYBERRY and physical activity have benefits at every
JUNE ANDREWS HOROWITZ life stage, exercise research during pregnancy
has expanded in recent years. This expansion
is partly due to the problem of obesity and
excessive weight gain during pregnancy, but
Pregnancy also because exercise has been a useful mod-
ality in health promotion and disease preven-
Nurses continue to conduct research in vari- tion efforts. For example, pregnant women
ous areas related to pregnancy. Predominant who exercise on a regular basis have im-
areas of inquiry include nutrition/obesity/ges- proved birth outcomes and more energy. Re-
tational weight gain, physical activity and ex- cent investigations have focused on the use
ercise during pregnancy, the experience and of exercise during pregnancy to prevent and
symptoms of pregnancy, HIV prevention and treat hypertensive disorders and to keep
care, preventing negative consequences of ad- weight gain within normal limits, as recom-
olescent pregnancy, care during labor and mended by the Institute of Medicine (IOM)
birth, and health promotion. based on prepregnancy body mass index
Nutrition, obesity, and gestational weight (BMI).
gain can impact birth outcomes and how well Symptoms of pregnancy and their relief
a woman feels during pregnancy. Nutrition are another focus for nurse researchers. Ma-
research has focused on identifying optimal loni and others have extensively investigated
nutrition during pregnancy to promote fetal the symptoms of women placed on bed-rest
growth and development while preventing during pregnancy (Maloni, Kane, Suen, &
excessive maternal weight gain (Bechtel- Wang, 2002; Maloni & Schneider, 2002;
Blackwell, 2002; Wiles, 1998). Excessive Maloni, Brezinski-Tomasi, & Johnson,
weight gain during pregnancy can contribute 2001). Nausea and vomiting during preg-
to postpartum weight retention and long- nancy have also been investigated (Steele, N.
term weight gain and later obesity (Walker, M., French, Gatherer-Boyles, Newman, &
1996). Adequate nutrition during pregnancy Leclaire, 2001; OBrien, Evans, & White-Mc-
influences maternal weight gain. Pattern of Donald, 2002; Zhou, OBrien, & Soeken,
weight gain during pregnancy is significant. 2001). F. H. Chou, Lin, Cooney, Walker, and
Nurses have been instrumental in researching Riggs (2003) found that depressive symptoms
patterns of gestational weight gain associated were correlated with nausea and vomiting
with optimal birth outcomes. and that social support was negatively related

to nausea and vomiting. Depressive symp- childs early years. The focus of these pro-
toms were also found to be correlated with grams is health promotion and teaching, ill-
fatigue; however, the investigators did not ness prevention, social support, accessing ser-
examine which symptom appeared first. vices, and networking (Koniak-Griffin et al.,
Other investigators have examined the preg- 2003). Nurse researchers have also examined
nancy experience among various groups, in- HIV prevention among pregnant adolescents
cluding adolescents with a planned preg- who are often at risk because they lack re-
nancy (Montgomery, 2000, 2001, 2002), ad- sources, social status, and knowledge to pro-
olescent mothers, women with a high-risk tect themselves (Lesser, Oakes, & Koniak-
pregnancy, women with pregnancies con- Griffin, 2003).
ceived via in vitro fertilization, women preg- Nurse researchers have investigated vari-
nant with multiples, pregnancy after previous ous aspects of care during labor and birth,
loss, and the experiences of new fathers (Finn- including labor and pushing management
bogadottir, Svalenius, & Persson, 2003). In among women with epidural anesthesia
addition, pregnancy and childbirth experi- (Mayberry, Strange, Suplee, & Gennaro,
ences of women of various cultures have 2003), use of birth plans (Lundgren, Berg, &
been investigated. Lindmark, 2003), labor support by nurses
HIV prevention and care during preg- and others, cultural variations in the labor
nancy have also been investigated by nurse and birth experience (Callister, 2004), child-
researchers. HIV-positive pregnant women birth education strategies, and pain reduction
are a diverse group. Many women discover with interventions such as ice (Waters &
their HIV status following conception. How- Raisler, 2003). M. R. Sleutel (2002) devel-
ever, with increasing frequency women who oped and tested the Labor Support Scale with
are HIV-positive are planning to become positive results.
pregnant. Nurse investigators have examined Additional areas related to labor and birth
HIV-positive womens desire for pregnancy that need to be examined include excessive
despite their HIV disease and found that rates of labor inductions present in many hos-
women do not wish to give up the experience pitals throughout the U.S., Cesarean sections
of motherhood and that they have a healthy on demand, implications of increased physi-
focus on living life and not limiting them- cian malpractice insurance leading to few
selves based solely on their HIV diagnosis physicians attending deliveries and how this
(Sowell & Misener, 1997). Women also affects nursing care, birth outcomes, and the
noted that with current medical advances practice of certified nurse midwives (CNMs).
their chances of having a healthy pregnancy Complementary and alternative therapies to
and uninfected infant are better than ever relieve labor pain also warrant additional re-
before. HIV-positive women need a tremen- search by nurses.
dous amount of support and care during Pregnancy is one of the few instances in
pregnancy and beyond. Nurses have taken which health promotion efforts can have a
the lead in identifying the specific needs and direct and immediate impact. Various nurse
care for this group of women. researchers have investigated health promo-
While the rates of adolescent pregnancy tion during pregnancy in both a general sense
have decreased in recent years and continue of health promotion behaviors and specific
to decline, there are still nearly 1 million ado- behaviors, such as nutrition in pregnant ado-
lescents who become pregnant each year. lescents (Symon & Wrieden, 2003), physical
Nurses have investigated various support and activity, smoking cessation (Maloni, Al-
education programs to assist these young brecht, Thomas, Halleran, & Jones, 2003),
women with pregnancy and the transition to and drug and alcohol avoidance. Consider-
motherhood (Nuguyen, Carson, Parris, & able research effort has also focused on pre-
Place, 2003). Successful programs begin dur- vention of abuse and violence during preg-
ing pregnancy and continue through the nancy (Denham, 2003).
Premenstrual Syndrome 477

The vast majority of research with preg- In 1986, the Board of Trustees of the
nant women has been focused on birth out- American Psychiatric Association (APA)
comes, including rates of live birth, prematu- voted to include a PMS label as a diagnosis
rity, low birth-weight, congenital malforma- in the research appendix of the Diagnostic
tions, and other complications of pregnancy, and Statistical Manual, 3rd edition (DSM-
labor, and/or birth. IIIR) (American Psychiatric Association,
1986). Although the diagnostic term, Late
KRISTEN S. MONTGOMERY Luteal Phase Dysphoric Disorder (LLPDD),
was included in the 1987 DSM-IIIR in the
category requiring further study (or re-
search appendix), it was given a diagnostic
Premenstrual Syndrome code, title, list of symptoms, and cutoff points
exactly like diagnostic categories in the main
Until the 1970s, misogynist views of menstru- text of the DSM that is supported by scientific
ally-related experiences prevailed. Notably, evidence. In spite of the recommendation of
an article written by a Johns Hopkins Univer- its own subcommittee that there was little
sity physician, Erle Henrikson, in 1948 de- substantive science to support a diagnosis of
scribed premenstrual tension as the Bitch premenstrual mental illness, the APA in-
Syndrome. After carefully observing cluded a revised label of premenstrual dys-
many nurses and other perfectionistic phoric disorder (PMDD) in the DSM-IV re-
women, Henrikson declared in his study that search appendix and in main text under De-
women who were both high achievers and pressive Disorders. While symptom assess-
not satisfied with their work or roles had ment requires one of four mood symptoms
more severe symptoms (Speroff, 1988). With and four physical or somatic symptoms to
the advent of the 1970s, critique and counter- qualify for the PMDD diagnosis, only antide-
point arguments to negative classification of pressant drugs were recommended for psy-
perimenstrual experiences were beginning to chiatric treatment.
be published. Feminist scholars recom- It has been argued that the controversy
mended the use of the word change over over the labeling and treatment of PMS and
symptom, as in premenstrual changes its symptoms was not restricted to conflict
(Delaney, Lupton, & Toth, 1976; Parlee, between feminists and the APA, nor was it a
1973). In 1979, feminist epidemiologist and natural result of scientific progress. Rather,
nurse researcher Nancy Woods first used the using terms such as PMS or PMDD gives a
term premenstrual symptoms or experi- diagnostic (dysfunctional) label to premen-
ences (Woods & Hulka, 1979). In the mid- strual experiences and ignores the underlying
1980s, professional medical organizations in social causes, allowing the status quo to be
the United States and United Kingdom met maintained. Subsequently, women internal-
to define premenstrual syndrome (PMS) for ize patriarchal beliefs about femininity and
clinical trials and scientific research. The pub- pathology and blame their individual biology
lished proceedings established the medical for their feelings of dissatisfaction, rather
basis for the presentation and clinical exis- than challenge the cultural traditions by look-
tence of PMS as a disease classification (Da- ing for a political or social solution.
wood, McGuire, & Demers, 1985; Hal- So whats all of the fuss about a label?
breich, 1997). From this point forward, mis- More than an issue of semantics, the termi-
ogynist labeling shifted to medical diagnosis. nology we use to describe womens experi-
Notably, psychiatry and the Biological Psy- ences influences social, political, and medical
chiatry Branch of the National Institute of institutions. Classification of health-related
Mental Health provided the leadership in signs and symptoms generally leads to the
biomedical research (Rubinow & Schmidt, identification of diagnostic criteria but is ulti-
1995). mately a social process, and as such it is influ-

enced by multiple social forces. Unfortu- nursing research into the menstrual cycle.
nately, biomedical language has predomi- Studies have documented the importance of
nated with little attention paid to alternative stressful life circumstances in association
perspectives from other disciplines and, more with symptoms, as well as the importance of
importantly, from a womans perspective. socialization for menstruation. Nurse re-
Nursing research has independently and searchers have made clear the consequences
collectively, with colleagues in the Society for for women of a social context in which men-
Menstrual Cycle Research (SMCR), been at strual symptoms such as PMS are invalidated
the forefront of a woman-centered agenda for or used to invalidate womens complaints and
understanding menstrual cycle experiences as abilities. Nancy Woods with her team, first
both normative and illness processes. One at the University of North Carolina and later
early example of an outcome of the cross- at the University of Washington, developed
disciplinary SMCR conferences was the 1981 and tested multivariate models of perimen-
Guidelines for Non-Sexist Research (Psychol- strual symptoms and experiences that in-
ogy of Women Division). These guidelines, cluded sex role orientation, socialization, so-
sponsored by the SMCR, were a result of 2 cial context, stress, well-being, health status,
years of effort by a national task force of health practices, and health seeking (Brown,
psychologists appointed by Division 35 (Psy- M. A., & Woods, 1986; Brown, M. A., &
chology of Women Division of the American Zimmer, 1987a, 1987b; Macdougall, 2000;
Psychological Association, 1981) of the Mitchell, E., Woods, Lentz, & Taylor, 1991;
American Psychological Association and en- Mitchell, 1999; Mitchell, E. S., Woods, &
dorsed by them in 1981. Lentz, 1987, 1993; Mitchell, E. S., Woods,
A long history of funded research pro- Lentz, Taylor, & Lee, 1992; Mitchell, E. S.,
grams also demonstrates the scope, sophis- Woods, & Mariella, 2003; Oleson & Woods,
tication, and scientific rigor of nursing re- 1986; Taylor, D. T., & Woods, 1991; Taylor,
search in these areas. Since 1986, the Na- D., Woods, Mitchell, & Lentz, 1987; Woods,
tional Institute for Nursing Research has been 1985). Other nurse investigators have looked
actively supportive of research addressing the beyond negative mood and personal variables
cause and consequences of menstrual cycle to consider positive feelings and experiences,
and menopause-related health conditions generational differences of mood and physi-
(Reame, 2001). Nurse researchers have fo- cal experiences across social, monthly and
cused on comorbidities related to menstrua- seasonal cycles, and development of biopsy-
tion or menstrual cycle phase, such as sleep chosocial conceptual models that clarify the
function and disturbance, fatigue, fibromyal- limitations of the biomedical model and pro-
gia, gastrointestinal function and irritable vide a basis for hypothesis testing (Cahill,
bowel syndrome, brain function and neuro- 1998; Costos & Gleason, 1995; Lee, S., 2001;
cognition, depression, mood states, stress re- Taylor, D., 1990; Taylor, D., & Woods,
sponsivity, circadian rhythms, pain and anal- 1991).
gesic responses, bone biomarkers and osteo- As a normative experience, nurses have
porosis, HIV and AIDS, violence and post- carefully described the experience of women
traumatic stress syndrome, as well as chronic across menstrual cycle phases and transitions.
diseases such as heart disease variability, dia- Patterns of perimenstrual symptoms, includ-
betes, epilepsy, cancer, and arthritis (Gol- ing Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Premen-
ding, Taylor, Menard, & King, 2000; Taylor, strual Magnification (PMM), and dysmenor-
D., 1999; Woods, Lentz, Mitchell, & Kogan, rhea symptoms, have been described carefully
1994; Shaver, Giblin, Lentz, & Lee, 1988; as the basis for treatment. The existence of a
Heitkemper et al., 1995; Reame, 2001; Wil- symptom pattern consistent with definitions
liams, 2003). of PMS has been described, and the possibil-
Attention to the context in which menstru- ity for its idiosyncratic experience has been
ation occurs has been an important part of theoretically developed and tested. Defini-
Premenstrual Syndrome 479

tions and criteria for clinical assessment the menstrual cycle and PMS experience have
based on daily recordings as well as retrospec- been explored, examining the effects of per-
tive assessment have been established. imenstrual symptoms on work, marital rela-
One of the first epidemiologic studies of tionships, mother-daughter relationships,
premenstrual mood change in a healthy, com- and family functioning (Brown, M., & Zim-
munity-based sample was conducted by mer, 1986; Roberts, S. J., & Garling, 1980;
Woods in which womens daily experience Robinson, K., 1997).
of feelings, cognitions, and physical changes Nursing research has been influential in
were assessed across three menstrual cycles expanding therapeutic studies beyond the
using prospective daily diaries in multiple, context-free clinical drug trials while main-
non-clinical samples of regularly menstruat- taining the gold-standard experimental
ing women (Woods, Most, & Dery, 1982; methodsplacebo controlled, randomized
Woods & Hulka, 1979; Woods, Mitchell, clinical trial designs. The earliest studies in-
Lentz, Taylor, & Lee, 1987). An important cluded nonrandomized trials of the effective-
contribution by Nancy Woods to under- ness of biofeedback and autogenic training
standing what is and is not PMS is the rede- for menstrual pain, feminist self-help groups,
sign of the epidemiologic approach to esti- community education strategies, combined
mating the prevalence of PMS. Instead of as- self-help and professional support groups,
suming a set of a priori symptoms or signs and behavioral (transpersonal approach, re-
attributed to the label of PMS, she turned the laxation training, telephone counseling, and
epidemiologic model on its head by asking exercise) therapies (Amato, 1987; Heczey,
women about their daily experiences across 1980; Heinz, 1986; Miota, Yahle, & Bartz,
multiple menstrual cycles. Factor and cluster 1991; C. Morse, Dennerstein, Farrell, & Var-
analysis methods allowed classification of navides, 1991; Morse, G., 1999; Taylor,
these data based on womens lives across all D., & Bledsoe, 1986). In the 1990s, well-
menstrual cycle phases rather than only the designed, controlled clinical trials of comple-
premenstrual or menstrual phase. mentary therapies and cognitive-behavioral
The measurement of perimenstrual experi- therapies were reported (Cohen, S. M., 1989;
ences has become increasingly sophisticated Groer, 1993; Morse, G., 1999). The first
as well as reflecting its complex, nonlinear NIH-funded, randomized clinical trial of a
nature. Ellen Mitchell and colleagues (Mitch- pilot-tested, non-pharmacologic treatment
ell, E. S., et al., 1991; Mitchell, E. S., et al., included personal symptom management
1987, 1993; Mitchell, E. S., et al., 1992) have strategies as well as strategies for controlling
made important contributions to advancing social stress (Taylor, D., 1996, 1999, 2000).
the definition of PMS through their data- This clinical trial demonstrated how environ-
based models of perimenstrual experience mental stress management was as important
classification (perception, evaluation, re- as personal stress management strategies for
sponse patterns). Research methods that go coping with mood and physical symptoms.
beyond the traditional quantitative ap- Putting the science back into self-care has
proaches are now better able to capture the been a major contribution of menstrual cycle
womens subjectivity (lived experience) and research by nurse scientists, resulting in re-
diversity, such as the interview method, cross- search dissemination to consumers. In 2002,
cultural research, ethnography, and feminist Diana Taylor published one of the first sci-
experimental methods. A number of studies ence-based self-help books for women that
have compared views and experiences of described effective, non-drug remedies for re-
menstrual cyclicity, including PMS, of lieving PMS (Taylor, D., & Colino, 2002).
women from other cultures (Berg, J., 1999; Progress has also been made within profes-
Beyene, Taylor, & Lee, 2001; Brown, M., & sional and clinical communities to translate
Zimmer, 1986; Dan & Al-Gasseer, 1991). research into practice, using both empirical
Social and physical environmental effects on research as well as womens experiences as

an important aspect of the base of evidence. G., & Leonard, 1963). Since then more than
One national organization of womens health 190 investigations of preparation for surgery
nurses has implemented a model of clinical were conducted by nurses, physicians, or psy-
guideline developmentthe Association of chologists.
Womens Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Concerns about the prevention of pulmo-
Nursing (2003). This professional organiza- nary, gastrointestinal, or circulatory compli-
tion of womens health care providers devel- cations of surgery guided much of the early
oped an innovative clinical practice guideline research. Many investigators examined vari-
(Association of Womens Health, Obstetri- ous strategies to help patients deal with the
cal & Neonatal Nursing) based on a broad discomfort and anxiety caused by getting out
range of clinical, empirical, and theoretical of bed, walking, and coughing, and deep
evidence and subsequently evaluated the breathing exercises were designed to aid re-
guideline in nursing practice through a re- covery and prevent surgical complications.
search-based practice project (Collins-Sharp, These studies were often guided by pragmatic
Taylor, Kelly-Thomas, Killeen, & Dawood, concerns, such as whether structured or un-
2002). In this guideline, they recommend the structured teaching, group versus individual
term Cyclic Perimenstrual Pain and Discom- teaching, or different methods of information
fort (CPPD) to differentiate normal cyclic delivery produced less anxiety and aided pa-
changes associated with menstruation from tients in performing these preventive activi-
the severe, debilitating menstrual and pre- ties. Other early studies examined the effects
menstrual symptom experiences that require of provider-patient interaction. These inter-
professional or pharmacologic intervention. ventions were highly individualized to iden-
Albeit the label references the negative end tify and meet patient needs. Another ap-
of the perimenstrual experience spectrum, it proach to preparation for surgery included
is based on a range of empirical studies using descriptions of routines of care such as skin
quantitative and qualitative methods of preparation, preoperative medication, and
womens experiences, not just hypothetical transport to surgery and to the recovery room
pigeonholing. following surgery. This type of orienting in-
As more nurses assume roles as primary formation was derived from content found
care providers for women, the need for these in textbooks or hospital procedure manuals
evidence-based therapeutic models is criti- and was often called procedural information.
cally important. Clinical trials of treatment Although theories about stress and coping
models, coupled with interventions to pro- began to appear in the literature in the 1950s
mote the understanding of menstruation, and 1960s, the research about preparing pa-
symptoms, and self-care options, should be tients for the stressful experience of having
aggressively pursued. surgery generally remained atheoretical
through much of the 1970s. Beginning in the
DIANA L. TAYLOR mid 1970s some investigators began to test
more theoretically derived interventions to
help patients cope with the experience of hav-
Preoperative Psychological ing surgery. One of these interventions was
Preparation for Surgery preparatory sensory information, later called
concrete objective information. Based on self-
Study of methods for preparing adult patients regulation theory (Johnson, J. E., 1999), this
for the experiences associated with having intervention describes in concrete and objec-
surgery comprises one of the largest bodies of tive terms the typical physical sensations as-
research important to the practice of nursing. sociated with the experience of having sur-
The first experimental study of preparation gery; that is, what patients would see, feel,
for surgery was published in the early 1960s hear, or taste. These sensory experiences are
by a nurse, Rhetaugh Dumas (Dumas, R. linked to their cause. Examples include de-
Preoperative Psychological Preparation for Surgery 481

scription of the sensations associated with plementation of the diagnosis-related groups

preoperative medication (e.g., drowsiness), prospective payment system (Devine, OCon-
incisional sensations (e.g., burning, stinging) nor, Cook, Wenk, & Curtin, 1988). The abil-
and how these sensations may change with ity to replicate similar cost savings in todays
activity and over time, being in the recovery clinical environment is less likely because of
room with frequent checks of vital signs, and even more changes in the delivery of surgical
the timing of expected changes in physical care that reduce the length of hospitalization
activity following surgery. Other interven- for many patients.
tions related to stress and coping that have Research concerning the preparation of
been studied include a variety of relaxation patients for surgery has a long history, and
methods, hypnosis, and positive thinking. Re- it is clear that patients benefit from these in-
laxation strategies have been more frequently terventions. The research findings were pub-
studied in persons having surgery than have lished in numerous journals over these years
the latter two interventions. and they are also now included in nursing
Because many studies were atheoretical, textbooks. The use of preparatory interven-
most outcome indicators used to assess inter- tions for surgical patients is a common nurs-
vention effects were based on expectations ing practice. Because interventions frequently
drawn from clinical experience and infer- were combined in many studies, it is difficult
ences made about how the intervention was to determine the specific contribution of each
expected to improve specific patient out- intervention to these positive effects. Such in-
comes. Outcomes most frequently used in- formation would enhance clinical decision-
cluded length of stay, medications, pain, and making in selecting an intervention(s) to in-
emotions. Most studies assessed outcomes clude in the preoperative care of surgical pa-
only during hospitalization; however, a few tients. Increased use of theories in the study
investigators assessed intervention effects on of preoperative care, such as was done with
continued recovery and return to usual activi- self-regulation theory, will aid clinician deci-
ties following hospital discharge. sions in selecting interventions for preopera-
The authors of a series of meta-analyses tive care and the appropriate outcomes for
of studies testing preparatory interventions evaluation.
in patients having surgery (Devine & Cook, The nature of surgical care has changed
1986; Hathaway, 1986; Devine, 1992) and dramatically in recent years. The shift to
at least one narrative review (Johnson, J. E., same day or ambulatory surgery with ad-
1984) have drawn similar conclusions: pa- mission the day of surgery, discharge upon
tients who received any of the experimental recovery from anesthesia, or very short post-
preoperative preparatory interventions expe- operative hospital stays created the need for
rienced more positive outcomes than patients changes in the delivery of preoperative care.
not receiving such intervention, and these ef- It also shifted much of the responsibility for
fects are substantive. There also was some ensuring that preoperative procedures were
evidence that combining intervention strate- followed and that postoperative assistance
gies produced greater positive effects than did and monitoring of recovery were provided to
single interventions. Cost savings derived patients and their families. Even when pa-
from intervention effects on length of stay tients are hospitalized following surgery, the
and medical complications also were demon- postoperative stays are shorter and patients
strated in the meta-analysis of studies pub- frequently return home with need for contin-
lished between 1961 and 1983 (Devine & uing assistance from their families. The prac-
Cook), although the magnitude of the effect tice of minimally invasive surgery also has
was less, particularly for length of hospital become prevalent. These changes in surgical
stay, in the later years. Cost savings also were practices not only require changes in how
demonstrated in one study of psychoeduca- preoperative nursing care is provided, but
tional care delivered by staff nurses after im- also suggest that new or different care for

patients and families may be needed. At the It has been conservatively estimated that an-
same time there were fewer studies of preop- nually 1 million adults develop pressure ul-
erative preparation for surgery. cers. The incidence rates vary greatly de-
Because of these changes in surgical prac- pending on the health care sector. However,
tices and postoperative care, there is need for pressure ulcer incidence rates for hospitals
new research about psychological prepara- range from 0.4% to 38%, for skilled nursing
tion for surgery. This research should draw facilities from 2.2% to 23.9%, and for home
on prior research about preparation for sur- health agencies from 0% to 17% (Cuddigan,
gery and theories relevant to coping with Ayello, Sussman, & Baranoski, 2001). The
health care experiences. In an environment annual cost to treat pressure ulcers has been
of cost containment, new research must con- estimated at $1,335 billion, with an average
sider assessing cost outcomes. While preoper- cost range of $1,190 to $10,185 or more
ative preparation most likely will not de- (Kerstein et al., 2001).
crease hospital stays, using theory may sug- The development of pressure ulcers occurs
gest new ways to assess intervention cost ef- when there is sufficient pressure over time to
fects. For example, in a study of cardiac cause capillary destruction, resulting in tissue
surgical patients (Kim, Garvin, & Moser, necrosis. Although the amount of time and
1999), one group received routine preopera- pressure needed to obstruct normal capillary
tive information consistent with procedural closure vary (acuity of patient), research has
information. Another group received con- found that capillary pressure ranges from 20
crete objective information about mechanical mm Hg to 40 mm Hg, with 32 mm Hg consid-
ventilation and communication during venti- ered the average. However, this goal standard
lation plus procedural information. Patients is being revisited, since it is possible to de-
receiving concrete objective information re- velop pressure ulcers at much lower pres-
ported less negative mood and communica- sures.
tion difficulty, as expected. They also were The development of a pressure ulcer and/
intubated for less time than the comparison or failure to prevent the ulcer from pro-
group. The latter effect was unexpected but gressing to a more severe stage can result
interpreted within self-regulation theory. in negative consequences for the health care
Considering intubation time as a recovery in- system. Litigation has significantly increased
dicator for intervention effects suggests using related to pressure ulcer development. More-
intubation-related costs as an outcome. So- over, the U.S. Centers of Medicare and Med-
cial costs of care, such as family member loss icaid Services (formerly, Health Care Financ-
of income, out-of-pocket costs, or other costs ing Administration) consider the develop-
related to recovery and care in the home, ment of pressure ulcers as a failure in delivery
might also be considered when relevant to of quality services, since the prevention of
theoretical expectations. these ulcers depends on the cooperation from
Lastly, it is acknowledged that many of
the entire health care team.
the insightful, important ideas expressed by
Nursing research has remained at the fore-
Johnson in the first edition of The Encyclope-
front in building the knowledge base related
dia of Nursing Research are retained in the
to pressure ulcer prevention. The first step in
above paragraphsalthough possibly in less
effective pressure ulcer prevention is identi-
detail or in different ways.
fying those patients at risk for ulcers. Conser-
NORMA J. CHRISTMAN vatively, there are over 100 health factors
associated with pressure ulcer development.
The development of pressure ulcer prediction
Pressure Ulcers tools has made a significant difference in
identifying those vulnerable adults and chil-
Pressure ulcers remain a common health dren at risk for ulcer development. Nursing
problem throughout the health care system. research has lead to the development of pres-
Pressure Ulcers 483

sure ulcer prediction tools. Some of the most fective methods for preventing these ulcers.
common prediction tools are the Braden Scale Led by nurse researcher Dr. Bergstrom, these
for Predicting Pressure Ulcer Risk and the guidelines provided key areas for clinicians
Norton Scale (U.S. Agency for Health Care to consider for pressure ulcer prevention (risk
Policy and Research, 1992). The Braden and assessment, repositioning, use of support sur-
Norton Scales have good sensitivity (83% faces, etc.). Because pressure ulcer develop-
100% and 73%92% respectively) and good ment is a multivariate problem, no studies
specificity (64%77% and 61%94% re- could be found that successfully implemented
spectively), but have low positive predictive the guidelines in its entirety. Gunningberg,
value (approximately 40% and 20% respec- Lindholm, Carlsson, and Sjoden, (2001), in-
tively) (Bergstrom, Braden, Laguzza, & Holz- vestigating the incidence of pressure ulcers
man, 1987; Norton, D., McLaren, & Exton- in 1997 and 1999 among patients with hip
Smith, 1975). Thus, there are patients who fractures, found significant reduction in rates
are receiving preventive interventions that are (55% in 1997 to 29% in 1999). They attrib-
truly not at risk. Moreover, optimal cut-off uted these reductions in pressure ulcer inci-
scores may be different depending on patient dence rates to performance of systematic risk
population; thus continued research in this assessment upon admission, accurately stag-
area is greatly needed. ing pressure ulcers, using pressure-reducing
The use of pressure ulcer prediction tools mattresses, and continuing education of staff.
in non-White populations has been ques- Similar results have been noted in other stud-
tioned, since many of the prediction tools ies when they implement similar pressure ul-
being used have not been validated in non- cer prevention program (Xakellis, Frantz,
White populations. Lewis, & Harvey, 1998; Lyder, Shannon,
Several nursing research studies examining Empleo-Frazier, McGehee, & White, 2002).
the predictive validity of these pressure ulcer Although nursing research studies have iden-
prediction tools have emerged in the nursing tified the principles of pressure ulcer preven-
research literature. Lyder and others (1999) tion, additional studies are needed to deter-
examined the predictive validity of the Bra- mine optimal titration levels for preventive
den Scale in Blacks and Hispanics. The scale strategies based on the patient pressure ulcer
was found to be highly predictive (p = .01) risk levels and cost of interventions to the
when an optimal cut-off score of 18 or below health care system (resources, staff burden,
was used. Conversely, Pang and Wong (1998) etc.).
investigated the predictive validity of the Bra- In 1994, the Agency for Health Care Policy
den Scale, the Norton Scale, and the Wa- and Research (led by Dr. Nancy Bergstrom)
terlow Scale (primarily used in the United published guidelines on the treatment of pres-
Kingdom) in a Chinese population. These re- sure ulcers. Nurse researchers have been quite
searchers found that the Braden Scale had the active in leading the knowledge development
best sensitivity (91%) and specificity (62%). in specific areas of pressure ulcer treatment,
It appears that the Braden Scale may provide in particular, tools to objectively monitor
an overall better sensitivity and specificity in pressure ulcer healing. Bates-Jensen, Vre-
non-White populations; however there re- devoe, and Brecht (1992) developed the Pres-
mains a paucity of nursing research examin- sure Sore Status Tool (PSST) to assessing the
ing both risk factors and validation of predic- healing of pressure ulcers. The content valid-
tion scales in non-White populations. ity of the PSST was established by a panel of
The development of the Agency for Health 20 experts. Interrater-reliability was estab-
Care Policy and Research (now the Agency lished, r = .91 for first observation and r =
for Health Care Research and Quality) guide- .92 for second observation (Bates-Jensen et
lines for pressure ulcer prevention was a mile- al., 1992). Another area in which nurse re-
stone for both distilling and disseminating searchers have made an impact has been the
current research knowledge on the most ef- evaluation of dressings to assist in the healing

of pressure ulcers. Studies have found that, mothers (17.5% in 2002) and those by white
compared to traditional gauze, modern mothers (11.1% in 2002) (Centers for Dis-
wound dressings heal pressure ulcers faster, ease Control and Prevention, National Cen-
are more economical, and save on caregiver ter for Health Statistics, 2003). This growing
time (Bolton, van Rijswick, & Shaffer, 1997). disparity is not explained by known risk fac-
Much research is still needed on examining tors for preterm births.
the outcome (healing rates, costs, etc.) of The occurrence of preterm births and low-
standardized protocols for pressure ulcer birthweight births are a distinct but highly
treatment. Nursing studies are needed on de- related phenomena, with 98% of VLBW
veloping and implementing alternative thera- births and 66% of LBW births associated
pies for healing pressure ulcers. Qualitative with prematurity. Additionally, 20%30%
studies are needed to understand the lived of low-birthweight births are associated with
experience of patients with pressure ulcers. maternal smoking. The specific causes of pre-
Finally, nursing researchers can take the lead term birth remain unclear at this time despite
on developing and evaluating appropriate intensive research. However, risk factors as-
levels of pressure ulcer care for patients re- sociated with preterm birth include: maternal
ceiving palliative care. use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs dur-
ing pregnancy; low maternal weight pre-
COURTNEY H. LYDER pregnancy or low weight-gain during preg-
nancy; short interpregnancy interval; mater-
nal infections including periodontal disease;
Prevention of Preterm and Low- social stress; maternal age; and domestic vio-
Birthweight Births lence. Reflecting the continuing concern re-
garding preterm and LBW births in the
The prevention of preterm and low- United States, two of the objectives of
birthweight (LBW) births continues to be a Healthy People 2010 are the reduction in the
major health care challenge in the United incidence of low-birthweight and very-low-
States. Preterm or premature births are de- birthweight births, and the reduction of pre-
fined as those occurring before 37 completed term births.
weeks of gestation, with very preterm births Research related to preterm and LBW
considered to be those occurring before 32 births includes descriptive, correlational, and
completed weeks of gestation. Low- historical studies exploring the relationships
birthweight is defined as a weight of less than among possible risk factors and birth out-
2,500 grams (5 lbs 8 oz), while very-low- comes; the evaluation of common interven-
birthweight (VLBW) indicates a weight of less tions (traditionally designed prenatal care
than 1,500 grams (3 lbs 4 oz). In spite of and bedrest for prevention of preterm labor)
major advances in prenatal and perinatal designed to reduce the incidence of preterm
health care, the incidence of preterm birth in and low-birthweight births; and testing inter-
the United States increased by 27% between ventions directed at modifiable risk factors.
1981 and 2001, now representing 11.9% of One of the areas intensively studied is the
all births. In 2001, preterm birth with low- role of prenatal care in reducing the incidence
birthweight was the leading cause of death of LBW births. In 1985 the Institute of Medi-
in the 1st first month of life, accounting for cine (IOM) published a report concluding
23% of all neonatal deaths, and further, is a that, based on available research, early and
leading contributor to infant morbidity in- comprehensive prenatal care was effective in
cluding: mental retardation, cerebral palsy, reducing the incidence of LBW (Institute of
vision and hearing deficits, and chronic lung Medicine, 1985). This conclusion promoted
disease. Demographically, there is an increas- a national policy advocating universal and
ing disparity in rates of preterm and low- early prenatal care. However, in a recent
birthweight births by African-American meta-analysis of original research, systematic
Prevention of Preterm and Low-Birthweight Births 485

reviews, other meta-analyses, and commen- 2004). In addition, while the prescription of
taries evaluating the content, timing, and con- bedrest continues to be a common interven-
text of prenatal care, Lu, Tache, Alexander, tion to prevent preterm labor, no controlled
Kotelchuk, and Halton (2003) conclude that studies have been reported to support its ef-
there is little evidence that prenatal care as fectiveness.
currently practiced is effective in preventing Two interventions evaluated in controlled
preterm or LBW births. In a critical review of studies are the effectiveness of smoking cessa-
current science related to preterm and LBW tion programs and community-based nursing
births, Lu and colleagues propose that the telephone follow-up. Maternal smoking dur-
content of prenatal care be redesigned to in- ing pregnancy accounts for 20%30% of all
clude risk assessments for neuro-endocrine, LBW births in the United States (Healthy Peo-
immune-inflammatory, and vascular mecha- ple 2010, 2000) and is one of the most im-
nisms now thought to have a causative role portant modifiable causes of poor pregnancy
in preterm and LBW births. Further, they outcomes. Smoking cessation programs as
challenge the timing of prenatal care, sug- part of prenatal care have been studied to
gesting that many of the antecedents to pre- determine their impact on maternal smoking
term and LBW births occur early in the life behaviors. A nurse-managed smoking cessa-
of the mother, before the initiation of prena- tion program consisting of a 15-minute indi-
tal care or pregnancy. Factors including ma- vidualized intervention combined with tele-
ternal nutritional status, early exposure to phone follow-up after 710 days was evalu-
infectious or inflammatory disease, and early ated with 178 pregnant women (Gebauer,
chronic maternal stress may be related to later Kwo, Haynes, & Wewers, 1998). At 612
negative birth outcomes. Thus, the timing of weeks after the intervention, the intervention
prenatal care needs to be reconceptualized group had a 19% self-reported abstinence
to include early and comprehensive health and a 15.5% abstinence confirmed by saliva
care rather than limited to the period of the
cotinine, compared with 0% in the control
pregnancy. Finally, they propose that prena-
group. In related work, the 6th Research
tal care that does not address the social and
Based Practice program developed by the As-
environmental context of the mother is likely
sociation of Womens Health, Obstetrical
to be ineffective. The experience of racial dis-
and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) focused
crimination, air and water pollution, neigh-
on the development of an evidence-based pro-
borhood safety concerns, and the lack of a
tocol to address smoking in pregnancy (Ma-
socially supportive environment have all been
linked to an increased incidence of preterm loni, Albrecht, Thomas, Halleran, & Jones,
and LBW births. 2003). The AWHONN program uses transla-
The effectiveness of a second common in- tional research to create protocols for integra-
tervention, prolonged bedrest to prevent pre- tion directly into clinical practice. The proto-
term labor, has been challenged by nurse re- col to address smoking cessation during preg-
searchers. Maloni (1996) describes the com- nancy includes screening strategies and coun-
mon side effects of prolonged bedrest during seling during prenatal care.
pregnancy, including depression, anxiety, In a prospective, randomized trial with a
and muscle weakness. In a sample of 141 sample of 1,554 women receiving prenatal
women treated with prolonged antepartum care, the effectiveness of a nursing telephone
bedrest, maternal weekly weight-gain was intervention was tested. Women in the inter-
lower than the IOM recommendations (p < vention group received telephone calls from
0.001) and infant birthweights were lower a registered nurse one-two times per week
than the national mean when matched with during the 3rd trimester of their pregnancies.
the national average for each infants race, In a cohort of African-American women 19
gender, and gestational age (p < 0.001) (Ma- years of age or older, the incidence of LBW
loni, Alexander, Schluchter, Shah, & Park, births was reduced from 15.3% in the control

group to 11.3% in the intervention group care medicine is reported to be in crisis

(Muender, Moore, Chen, & Sevick, 2000). (Moore, G., & Showstack, 2003) due to con-
In summary, the mechanisms leading to sumer preference for specialists and emer-
preterm and LBW births are not clearly un- gency departments, less use of primary care
derstood. Therefore, much of current re- physicians as managed care gatekeepers, slip-
search is focused on the elucidation of causa- ping salaries and unfilled residencies, and in-
tion and on the evaluation of interventions creased access to alternative health care pro-
to reduce known risk factors. Interventions viders. Cooper, Getzen, McKee, and Laud
reported to be effective include smoking ces- (2002) predicted a shortage of primary care
sation classes and telephone follow-up and physicians in the near future.
support by nurse clinical specialists. Contro- In the face of change and challenges inher-
versies continue regarding the effectiveness of ent in the U.S. health care system without
prenatal care as it is commonly provided and coverage for many of its residents, advanced
the use of bedrest for the prevention of pre- practice nurses (APNs) have entered the field
term labor. of primary care delivery in increasing num-
bers. Teams of APNs have influenced tradi-
MARILYN J. LOTAS tional primary care and created innovative
models through basic health and health care
knowledge transfer. Nurse researchers, with
Primary Care funding by the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) and other funding sources, have inves-
Primary care is prevention-oriented general tigated health phenomena and have con-
wellness and illness care of individuals and ducted translational research by evaluating
families. Primary care is characterized as be- utilization of basic science and applied sci-
ing accessible, affordable, continuing, com- ence. In addition to the traditional nursing
prehensive, and coordinated. This form of research doctorate (PhD) for generating new
personal health care delivery evolved to its knowledge, there has been a resurgence of
contemporary state in the 1960s from earlier the practice doctorate to support evidence-
public health nursing and general medicine based practice and new delivery model devel-
practices. Later, primary care became the opment (Marion et al., 2003).
foundation and entryway to secondary and The nursing perspective is largely congru-
tertiary care, especially in managed care sys- ent with that of the 1996 Institute of Medi-
tems. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) de- cine, except that the family as well as the
fined primary care as the provision of inte- individual is considered to be a primary care
grated, accessible health care services by clini- client. Also, nurses place primary care in the
cians who are accountable for addressing a context of primary health care, a set of beliefs
large majority of personal health care needs, and principles concerning rights and respon-
developing a sustained partnership with pa- sibilities of individuals, communities, and
tients, and practicing within the context of providers as partners (World Health Organi-
family and community (Donaldson, Yordy, zation, 1978). Finally, nurses emphasize their
Lohr, & Vaneslow, 1996, p. 33). Primary teaching/coaching, case management, and
care can be defined according to the type of caring competencies in providing primary
provider, actual service, level of acuity of the care (National Organization of Nurse Prac-
illness, delivery setting, and client-provider titioner Faculties [NONPF], 2002).
relationship (Marion, 1996; Starfield, 1998). The ideal primary care team is multidisci-
Primary care is facing major challenges to plinary, with nursing, medical, and other
its value in the United States. Primary care types of professionals collaborating in a mu-
delivery is unequal in access and quality ac- tually respectful way to capitalize on each
cording to race, income, type of employment, members individual strengths. Outcomes of
and other factors (IOM, 2003). Also, primary this arrangement have shown potential for
Primary Care 487

reducing utilization while maintaining health fects of primary care trends in policy are ex-
status (Sommers, Marton, Barbaccia, & Ran- plored and described in this field of research.
dolph, 2000). Nurses who deliver primary Effectiveness among diagnostic methods
care include advanced practice nurses and care regimens for client-specific health
(APNs), such as nurse practitioners, certified needs has been a main focus of primary care
nurse midwives, nurse specialists, and gener- research. Primary care client needs span most
alist nurses with basic nursing preparation. of the health continuum from health promo-
Primary care physicians are prepared in fam- tion to palliative care. Various forms of effec-
ily and internal medicine, obstetrics and gyne- tiveness research encompass the development
cology, and pediatrics. Health care specialists and evaluation of (a) screening protocols
often provide primary care services to their based on the epidemiology of the problem
clientele, and these specialists may or may and the community; (b) diagnostic proce-
not ensure that a full range of primary care dures; (c) pharmocotherapeutics; (d) exercise,
services are delivered within the specialty nutrition, and other health promotion pre-
system. scriptions; (e) alternative therapies; (f) com-
Primary care research can generally be cat- fort measures; and (g) others. Effectiveness
egorized into health services delivery, effec- measures include benefits such as health/ill-
tiveness of diagnostic methods and care regi- ness and functional status, quality of life,
mens for specific health needs, and client- costs, and client (individual and family) satis-
provider interaction research. Primary care faction. Translating new knowledge to care
as a method of health service delivery includes delivery through evidence-based guidelines is
health services access and utilization: cost; a priority for the NIH Roadmap (NIH,
process and outcomes according to type of 2003).
provider, health care system, setting, geo- Client-provider interaction is of great in-
graphic region, and payment mechanism; cli- terest to primary care researchers. Interaction
is a vehicle to gain and deliver information,
ent satisfaction; barriers to care; and continu-
demonstrate caring and support, and plan
ity-of-care models. Defining primary care, de-
health care on a mutual basis. Besides the
termining essential (diagnosis and treatment)
development of a trusting relationship, inter-
and cutting edge (technology and genomics)
action is largely directed at improving client
primary care competencies, and identifying
health behaviors and supporting adherence
preferred providers for specific activities are
to recommended regimens for specific health
topics for further research. Distance care,
problems. Because the client is ultimately re-
such as telehealth to support self-care, is a sponsible for these activities, client-provider
health services delivery modality that is re- interaction is crucial to the health outcome.
ceiving much attention from researchers. Tar- Increasingly, providers are using methods
geting care to groups of individuals with com- such as computerized-based tailored inter-
mon needs and tailoring care to the actual ventions to extend their reach to more people
individual are foci of health promotion and and to get better outcomes. Reaching the
chronic disease management. To understand right balance of face-to-face and other meth-
commonalities appropriate for group inter- ods of behavior change and support is a focus
ventions, researchers are analyzing large data in primary care research today.
sets to identify what individuals fit into Research on nursing within a primary care
groups, such as for cost effective disease man- context has mostly centered on APN pro-
agement (Bodenheimer, 2003). To tailor in- cesses and outcomes in comparison of those
terventions to the individual, qualitative and of physicians and physician assistants using
mixed methods help to plan intervention pro- medical care models (Marion, 1996). Also,
tocols for testing. Related to health services primary care APN data are often buried and
delivery is health care policy research. The unidentifiable within physician and insurance
effects of policy on primary care and the ef- data sets. The numerous small studies with

limitations provided a convincing picture of In summary, primary care research has a

competence and cost effectiveness. More re- broad base, covering health phenomena of
cently, Mundinger and others (2000) con- individuals, families, and communities and
ducted a randomized trial comparing primary the delivery of health services, with the goal
care patient outcomes between physicians of improving the health of the nation.
and nurse practitioners with the same author-
ity, responsibilities, productivity, and admin- LUCY N. MARION
istrative requirements, and the same patient
populations. The investigators concluded
that the patient outcomes of health status, Primary Health Care
health service utilization, and satisfaction
were comparable. The interdependence and complimentary na-
In 1996, The American Academy of Nurs- ture of health with social and economic devel-
ing, with initial funding from the Agency for opment is a basic premise of primary health
Health Care Policy and Research (now care. A PHC approach emphasizes full devel-
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality opment of human potential, community mo-
[AHRQ]), Department of Health and Human bilization, and collaborative decision-making
Services, began to explore the possibility of between health professionals and commu-
a practice-based research network (PBRN) to nity members.
study primary care among primary care The World Health Organization (WHO)
APNs to describe their clientele, practices, and the United Nations Childrens Fund (UN-
and health delivery systems. Since that time, ICEF) sponsored the International Confer-
two APN primary care PBRNs have been es- ence on Primary Health Care held in Alma-
tablished with funding by AHRQ: one in the Ata, USSR, in 1978. The Declaration of
Northeast and another in the Midwest. The Alma-Ata, endorsed by member governments
of the United Nations at the 32nd World
Michigan Academic Consortium of nurse-
Health Assembly in 1979, provided founda-
managed academic centers has undergone
tional explication and a definition for Pri-
comparative financial analyses among the
mary Health Care. The basic components of
four centers (Vonderheid, Pohl, Barkauskas,
PHC were derived from case studies (Djuka-
Gift, & Hughes-Cromwick, 2003).
novic & Mach, 1975; Newell, 1975) that ex-
The potential for future APN primary care
amined diverse international health care pro-
PBRNs exists in evolving networks in na-
grams, functioning with limited human, tech-
tional organizations. In 2004, the National nological, and financial resources, to identify
Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties the common structures and strategies
has approximately 1,200 faculty members, across cases.
with over three quarters in clinical practice. Primary Health Care is essential health
These members represented over 100 gradu- care based on practical, scientifically sound,
ate nursing programs with academic nursing and socially acceptable methods and technol-
centers, and many of these programs had sev- ogy. It is made universally accessible to indi-
eral primary care delivery sites. These sites viduals and families in the community
include school and college-based clinics, oc- through their full participation and at a cost
cupational health settings, mental health that the community and country can afford
facilities, churches, homeless shelters, public to maintain at every stage of their develop-
housing, and other community agencies. At ment in the spirit of self-reliance and self-
the same time, the National Nursing Center determination. It forms an integral part both
Consortium is increasing numbers of nursing of the countrys health system, of which it is
centers throughout the nation and has the central function and main focus, and of
adopted a minimum data set for data collec- the overall social and economic development
tion. of the community. It is the first level of con-
Primary Health Care 489

tact of individuals, family, and community workers, physicians, or other appropriate

with the national health system, bringing multisectoral personnel.
health care as close as possible to where peo- While disease prevention and health pro-
ple live and work, and it constitutes the first motion activities are given priority by a PHC
element of a continuing health care process team, curative and rehabilitative services are
(World Health Organization, 1978). provided within a referral network. A pre-
Five basic principles for implementation of dominant function of the health team is pro-
PHC are: (a) equitable distribution ensuring vision of education for communities and cli-
accessibility of health services to all of the ents. Health education includes relevant in-
population, (b) maximum community in- formation about common health concerns,
volvement in the planning and operation of and strategies that enable community mobili-
health care services, (c) a focus on health ser- zation for full participation in community-
vices that prevent disease and promote health based health programs. PHC team members
rather than cure disease, (d) the use of appro- facilitate community involvement in an as-
priate technology and local resources that are sessment process that identifies local re-
socially acceptable and sustainable, and (e) a sources and capabilities for community
multisectoral approach that integrates health health and development. The Primary Health
programs with social and economic develop- Care process promotes health through self-
ment (WHO, 1985). learning, self-determination, self-care, and
Implementation of Primary Health Care is self-reliance.
contextually grounded. The development of The terms Primary Health Care and
PHC policies and services are based on the Primary Care have frequently been used
predominant health concerns of communi- interchangeably. However, they each have
ties, and adapted to the cultural, political, distinctive characteristics. Primary Care, as a
and economic conditions of each country or level of care focused on individuals, is one
community. Decentralization enables local component of a comprehensive Primary
community involvement in planning and im- Health Care framework that addresses popu-
plementation. Through collaboration, com- lation-based issues at community and coun-
munity members and health professionals try levels.
shape programs and services to the particular The essence of Primary Health Care is
socio-cultural circumstances of the commu- community participation in defining and ad-
nity. A system of PHC services requires politi- dressing problems; practical understanding
cal commitment and appropriate economic of the integral relationships among social,
policies locally, nationally, and internation- economic, and health conditions of a commu-
ally. Community development, multisectoral nity; commitment to essential health services;
collaboration, and multilevel coordination and collaboration between community resi-
facilitate implementation of services in keep- dents, health professionals, and a multisec-
ing with the PHC standards of what is accept- toral network of other professionals. There-
able, affordable, appropriate, effective, and fore, PHC is an interactive approach to health
sustainable. care where community residents are expected
Primary Health Care teams interact to co- to be knowledgeable in health matters, and
ordinate community health activities. The to actively engage in their health care man-
composition of a Primary Health Care team agement. Moreover, PHC addresses self-care
is determined by program needs, availability practices for physical and mental aspects of
of health professionals, and local practices. community health, as well as community so-
Lay community health workers (CHWs) and cial and environmental conditions. The basic
traditional practitioners are often provided goal of Primary Health Care is the attainment
with basic health education. CHWs serve on of optimum health, expressed in the interna-
health teams with nurses, midwives, social tionally recognized slogan Health for All.

Primary Health Care programs and litera- (MacIntosh & McCormack, 2000). A multi-
ture are frequently integrated with other con- sectoral literature review, with predominant
ceptual frameworks. Adult and popular edu- sampling from nursing publications, identi-
cation concepts, primarily based on Frieres fied five categories within the PHC literature:
work, and concepts of community assets and concepts, social discourse, human resources,
capacities have guided PHC implementation implementation, and participatory evalua-
with strategies that engage communities in tion (McElmurry & Keeney, 1999). This re-
identifying their issues and resources. Com- view highlighted the participation of nursing
munity development concepts have been in international PHC arenas and provided
merged with PHC approaches from the time direction for nursing leadership in present
of Alma-Ata. In more recent years, social cap- and future development of PHC policy, ser-
ital and social cohesion have emerged as con- vices, and research. Overall, PHC concepts
cepts incorporated to facilitate PHC dis- offer a framework for constructing future di-
course and the growth and development of rections for nursing within a rapidly changing
PHC programs. health care environment.
Over the years, various international and Since the ratification of the Alma-Ata Dec-
national nursing organizations have pro- laration, health policies and systems have
moted PHC as a means for meeting the health shifted, beginning with major international
needs of the public, with special attention to initiatives and funding for PHC implementa-
vulnerable and underserved populations. To tion, then moving to include health policy
this end, Dr. Halfdan Mahler (WHO, 1986), discourse that has questioned the effective-
the Director-General of the World Health Or- ness of PHC. With the 2004 celebration of the
ganization until 1988, recognized the poten- twenty-fifth anniversary of the declaration,
tial for nurses to be a powerhouse for change international leaders have named lack of at-
if they mobilized around advancement of tention, misinterpretation, and oversimplifi-
PHC ideas and convictions. Nursing leader- cation of PHC principles as basic critiques
ship in PHC is illustrated in the National for not achieving PHC goals and assert that
Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) it is essential for the global community to
Agenda for Community-Based Health Care reclaim the comprehensive approach for PHC
(NINR, 1995). The document presents an as delineated at the Alma-Ata Conference
NIH priority expert panels adoption of Pri- (Tejada de Rivero, 2003). The World Health
mary Health Care as a key concept for com- Organization has continued to refer to PHC
munity-based health care, providing a basis as a cornerstone for international health ini-
to identify strategies for developing nursing tiatives, with the Pan American Health Orga-
knowledge for practice in urban and rural nization (PAHO, the WHO Americas Re-
settings. Within the region of the Americas, gional Office) passing a resolution in 2004
nurses have engaged in PHC through the reaffirming commitment to Primary Health
Florence Nightingale tradition of combining Care as a strategy for continuing to work
political activism and scholarly work, devel- towards the goal of equity and Health for
opment of community programs, and educat- All (PAHO, 2004).
ing community health workers as change
agents for community health (McElmurry, BEVERLY J. MCELMURRY
Marks, & Cianelli, 2002). Nurses contribu- GWEN BRUMBAUGH KEENEY
tion to the development and continuation of
PHC is also evident in PHC literature. An
integrative literature review of curricular ap- Primary Nursing
plications of PHC found ongoing commit-
ment to PHC, with 184 nurse authors from Primary nursing is a nursing care delivery
a global sample presenting PHC concepts system that places the nurse-patient relation-
consistent with the Alma-Ata definition ship at its center. One nurse is accountable
Prostate Cancer 491

and responsible for planning, management, delivery models of the past. Concepts such
delivery, and evaluation of a patient and his as the nurse-patient relationship, professional
or her familys nursing care. Primary nurses nursing practice, and continuity between
practice with a small group of associate nurse and patient are conspicuously absent in
nurses who care for the patient in their ab- many of the new patient-focused care models.
sence. Continuity between nurse and patient Rather than recognizing primary nursing as
is essential. Primary nursing flourishes best one of the earliest process redesigns in health
in an environment that recognizes the unique care, elaborate new systems are being pro-
contributions of the professional nurse and moted that actually create numerous hand-
supports the various components of profes- offs between team members. Clinical nurses
sional practice. Typically, a decentralized ap- are in jeopardy of being pulled further from
proach to nursing management featuring a patients to coordinate an increased volume
clinical nurse manager, participation in pro- of support tasks. Interestingly, many of the
fessional committees, and strong systems of methodological flaws present in the initial
accountability are present. Autonomy and evaluation of primary nursing have returned
authority over nursing practice are empha- to the evaluation of patient-focused care
sized. models. Instruments lacking validity and re-
Primary nursing was initially conceived in liability, inappropriate sampling methods,
the early 1970s by Manthey, Ciske, Robert- and lack of operational definitions prevail.
son, and Harris (1970). Giovannetti (1980) Once again, major decisions are being made
extended this work, and Clifford (Clifford & about nursing care delivery without rigor-
Horvath, 1990) is widely recognized for ex- ous evaluation.
panding a nursing care delivery system into Those institutions that have reaffirmed a
a professional practice model. Historically, commitment to primary nursing and profes-
primary nursing has been anecdotally identi- sional practice models offer another opportu-
fied as a strong predictor of patient and nurse nity to scientifically assess the outcomes of
satisfaction. Research on primary nursing has this nursing care delivery system. Rigorous
been fraught with conceptual and method- qualitative and quantitative methods are re-
ological challenges. Many studies lack con- quired in this important area of investigation.
ceptual and operational definitions, theoreti-
cal frameworks are not explicitly stated, in- MAUREEN P. MCCAUSLAND
strumentation is frequently flawed, and re-
search design less than rigorous.
Despite this lack of research rigor, primary Prostate Cancer
nursing was widely implemented. Many of
the original magnet hospitals, for instance, Prostate cancer is the most prevalent visceral
used a primary nursing model. Lack of cost- cancer in men in the United States; some 1.3
benefit analyses and measures of efficacy con- million men now live with it (American Can-
tributed to a building sense in many hospitals cer Society, 2003b). It has been estimated that
that primary nursing was no longer af- 70% of men who survive to 80 years of age
fordable, and many of the myths associated have evidence of histologic or latent prostate
with primary nursing were promulgated. cancer (Pienta & Esper, 1993). Some re-
Many believed, for example, that a 100% RN searchers, and a great many clinicians and
skill mix was necessary for primary nursing. their patients, believe histologic prostate can-
Recent pressures to decrease the cost of cer eventually leads to clinically evident can-
inpatient hospital care and wide spread adop- cer (Pienta, Goodson, & Esper, 1996). Thus,
tion of reengineering principles have resulted in an effort to influence the natural history
in new patient care delivery models. Many of prostate cancer, intensive screening efforts
of the patient-focused care models herald a dominated by the use of prostate-specific an-
return to the team or functional nursing care tigens (PSA) in the past 2 decades have led

to the diagnosis of scores of asymptomatic, late to early stage disease has shifted dramati-
latent cancers. These efforts have resulted in cally. Recent findings indicated that there has
reports of both increased incidence and prev- been a significant reduction in the incidence
alence of prostate cancer (Newschaffer, of metastatic stage disease at diagnosis, and
1997), accounting for a doubling of incidence men are being diagnosed at an earlier age.
of prostate cancer in the U.S. in the 10-year These findings have supported the emphasis
period from 1984 to 1994 (Parkin, Pisani, & on local treatment (i.e., radical prostatectomy
Ferlay, 1999). and external beam radiotherapy), for which
Approximately 80% of the 220,900 men the 5-year survival rate approximates 100%.
diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2003 will However, the survival curve declines with
learn that they have locally confined dis- longer follow-up, with 54% of those deter-
easeearly stage prostate cancer (Jemal et mined to be at low risk of recurrence (risk
al., 2002). Therapeutic alternatives for early derived from initial PSA, Gleason score, and
stage prostate cancer include radical prosta- clinical stage) recurring by 15 years (DAmico
tectomy, external beam radiotherapy, et al., 1998). The mean onset of clinical me-
brachytherapy, cryosurgery, and observation tastasis (e.g., symptomatic skeletal metasta-
(watchful waiting). Although approxi- sis) corresponds to Gleason score; those men
mately one third of patients with early stage with Gleason scores of less than 8 having a
prostate cancer elect radical prostatectomy, 27% chance of disease progression at 5 years
none of the active treatments has been shown after biochemical recurrence, whereas men
to offer a survival advantage over observa- with Gleason scores of 8 to 10 have a 60%
tion, although an interim analysis of one trial chance of clinical metastasis at 5 years (Pound
suggests a small reduction in prostate cancer et al., 1999; Kupelian, Elshaikh, Reddy,
specific efficacy but not overall mortality Zippe, & Klein, 2002). Thus, while intensive
(Harris & Lohr, 2002; Holmberg et al, 2002). screening has led to the diagnosis of earlier
Moreover, each of the active treatments, in- stage disease and improved local therapy,
cluding radical prostatectomy, is associated many are left with lifelong physical conse-
with physical side effects, including urinary, quences of primary treatment, and recurrence
bowel, and sexual dysfunction, which may is increasingly common within 5 years. Thus,
have substantial effects on quality of life. prostate cancer represents a significant
Most research on quality of life out- health problem.
comes in early prostate cancer has focused Medical research is addressing many of the
on the often-problematic side effects of active clinical challenges endemic to prostate cancer
treatment, including urinary, bowel, and sex- management. Research that is underway re-
ual dysfunction (Talcott et al., 1998). Recent lates to the genetic predisposition of prostate
prospective studies have shown that after cancer and mechanisms of carcinogenesis,
brief declines, generic measures of quality of updates in the screening of prostate cancer,
life return to baseline levels by 12 months improved imaging techniques, recent ad-
after primary prostate cancer treatment. vances in the technical aspects of local thera-
However, for some, urinary and sexual dys- pies, the use of nomograms to predict out-
function may persist indefinitely, accounting come probabilities, advances in hormonal
for varying levels of psychological distress treatment for prostate cancer, including
related to changes in masculine identity, stig- mechanisms potentially useful in reducing the
matization, or demoralization (Powel, 2002; risk of prostate cancer, the role of dietary and
Clark, Rieker, Propert, & Talcott, 1999; complementary therapies in prostate cancer,
Pirl & Mello, 2002). the role of chemotherapy in the treatment of
Prior to the PSA era prostate cancer was a hormone-refractory prostate cancer, and the
malignancy often detected only in late stages, integration of bisphosphonates, radioiso-
and associated with imminent death (Litwin, topes, and radiation therapy in the treatment
1994). In the past 20 years the proportion of of bone metastasis. While these studies repre-
Prostate Cancer 493

sent impressive strides, other clinical con- how much information they would share
cerns are not well studied. With an estimated with others about the cancer (Gray, Fitch,
380,000 new cases of prostate cancer ex- Phillips, Labrecque, & Klotz, 1999). In an-
pected by 2025, research conducted by nurses other study, couples were concerned with
over the next few decades is warranted. how to cope with the changes and the uncer-
In an Index Medicus search of manuscripts tainty of their future (Harden et al., 2002).
on prostate cancer written by nurses, 170 Three intervention studies used psychological
articles were found from 19742003. Of distress as an outcome of insufficient infor-
these, 45 were reports of original research on mation to increase information-sharing that
16 different topics, including: cancer-related was consistent with the subjects interest and
fatigue (2), complementary/alternative care decision-making style. All showed decreased
(1), coping (2), couples (6), culturally-sensi- psychological distress as a result of informa-
tive care (1), decision making (3), spirituality tion-related interventions (Davidson, Gold-
(2), mens concerns (2), quality of care (2), enberg, Gleave, & Degner, 2003; Johnson, J.,
quality of life (7), screening (6), sexuality (1), Fieler, Wlasowicz, Mitchell, & Jones, 1997;
survivors (1), treatment outcomes (5), uncer- Johnson, J., 1996).
tainty (1), and watchful waiting (2). When an investigator takes the time to ask
In essence, nursing research on prostate about patients experiences, patients tell
cancer has focused on screening of high-risk them. The problem is that they are not being
individuals and effects of local therapy, in- asked very often. When they are asked, they
cluding feelings of uncertainty, impact on do not often feel as if their concerns are legiti-
quality of life, and impact of prostate cancer mized. Indeed several papers articulated the
on couples. Two themes were common to value of in-depth interviewing as a method of
many of these reports: (1) patients do not ascertaining sensitive information from men
receive sufficient information to make in- regarding feelings about changes in physical
formed decisions about treatment, and (2) function following primary treatment and the
patients are infrequently asked about their impact it has had on their relationships and
experiences related to prostate cancer and lifestyle. This concern was also apparent in
its treatment. two studies focusing on measuring cancer-
Several studies found that men have a poor related fatigue, a particularly distressing
understanding of prostate cancer and its problem for men with recurrent disease. They
treatment, what conditions to expect after found that dimensions of fatigue, particularly
treatment, and how to manage postoperative as it related to patients with metastatic can-
symptoms and the emotional consequences cer, had not been well articulated. The inves-
of primary treatment. Investigators addressed tigators recommended that more time be
this issue at various time points in the treat- spent on extrapolating meaning from peo-
ment experiencejust after diagnosis, while ples experiences rather than being so quick
waiting for surgery or radiotherapy, and im- to measure them with instruments that assess
mediately postoperatively. While several cancer-related fatigue and therefore may not
studies interviewed only men, others included include all of the attributes that patients expe-
a spouse or partner in the interview either rience.
individually, as a dyad, or both. The studies In addition to the papers that related to
that interviewed men typically focused on the these themes, Weinrich and colleagues
impact of physical changes men experienced (2004) impressive program of research in
after local therapy, whereas those that in- prostate cancer screening warrants mention.
cluded couples addressed concerns that were These investigators have focused on screening
slightly different. For example, in one study in African-American men, in whom prostate
couples expressed the need to readdress their cancer is disproportionately present, as well
marital relationship after the illness as well as rural low- and middle-income men. They
as a cohesive message from the couple about have crafted population-specific interven-

tions that have improved screening by at- all psychosocial interventions are determined
tempting to understand barriers as well as by the stress on the individual and the coping
what motivates individuals to participate in skills available to that individual (p. 373).
screening. An intervention can be considered to be in
The nature of the concerns that men with the psychosocial category if the intervention
prostate cancer describe warrants attention is designed to give people the opportunity
by nurse researchers. Given the recent evi- to participate more fully in their interactions
dence on prostate cancer screening, research- with their community and with society at
ers will be challenged to help interpret these large.
findings in a way that informs mens choices. Psychosocial interventions are those used
Treatment choices are incredibly complex by people to deal with stressors in their lives.
and thus studies that address the information There are many types of interventions, and
gap that men have articulated must be ad- the ones used are often determined by what
dressed. The physical consequences of pri- techniques are available and/or fit the unique
mary treatment, such as urinary incontinence needs of the individual/family. Most authors
and erectile dysfunction, often invoke diffi- on this subject agree that it is essential that
cult behavioral, emotional, and interpersonal trust and a therapeutic alliance be established
changes that are poorly understood and in order for PSI to be successful (Rossler &
therefore require attention. A clearer under- Haker, 2003; Gamble & Hart, 2003; Schein,
standing of the emotional and physical issues Bernard, Spitz, & Muekin, 2003). Relapse is
related to cancer recurrence is necessary in often seen with PSI, such as the return to
order to provide appropriate care to men who addictive behaviors (i.e., smoking and illicit
face recurrent prostate cancer. To date much drug use) after treatment is finished (Schein
of the research conducted by nurses has been et al.).
descriptive or exploratory; additional re- The objective of all psychosocial interven-
search is needed. tions is to integrate affected people into the
community, and as such, increase their sense
LORRIE L. POWEL of autonomy. The importance of a persons
MARY H. PALMER right to self-determination regarding which
PSI meets their unique needs cannot be over-
Psychosocial Interventions (PSI) Gamble and Hart (2003) explained how
PSI can be implemented in an acute psychiat-
According to Rossler and Haker (2003) in ric inpatient unit. They listed the following as
their review of the literature on the topic of psychosocial interventions: engagement and
psychosocial interventions, there is a paucity outcome-oriented assessment, the familys as-
of research in this area. The authors noted sessment of the patients needs, psychological
that in their search of the databases Medline management of psychosis-cognitive behav-
and PsycINFO (2002/2003) (search date June ioral therapies, coping strategy enhancement,
20, 2003), only 3% and 1.2%, respectively, self-monitoring approaches and training in
of the psychiatric articles addressed psy- problem solving, and medication manage-
chosocial interventions. A further concern ment via motivational interviewing tech-
was noted by authors Saks, Jeete, Granholm, niques. They stated, however, that there is a
and others (2002) and by L. L. Street and great deal of resistance by staff in acute care
Luoma (2002) about the ethics of psychoso- settings to implement PSI. Some of this is
cial intervention research, especially in regard related to staffing levels, its time-consuming
to the issue of having control groups. nature, and inexperience either in the tech-
Psychosocial intervention (PSI) is often an niques or in general. Using a case example,
inadequately defined concept. According to they demonstrated that both patients and
Gazzola and Muskin (2003): The goals of their families can benefit greatly from the use
Pulmonary Changes in Elders 495

of psychosocial interventions in the acute has been documented. Dreher (1998) re-
care setting. viewed the literature of preop preparation on
In their article, J. A. Baker, OHiggins, postop outcomes, including a meta-analysis
Parkinson, and Tracey (2002) indicated that of over 200 prior studies, and found that
the Department of Health, United Kingdom there were significant outcomes related to
(UK), identified the provision of psychosocial things like decrease in need for pain medica-
interventions as a priority in the treatment of tion and faster wound healing.
the severely mentally ill, PSI being seen as Rossler and Haker (2003) also mentioned
the only training that improved clinical skills that there is an emerging trend for online
(United Kingdom Central Council, 1999). self-help groups to increase interactions and
They also confirmed what other researchers therapeutic alliances between clients and
have indicatedthat there is often difficulty practitioners via the Internet. This will con-
with the implementation of psychosocial in- tinue to be a growing trend as the use of
terventions, partially related, they believe, to technology increases in the 21st century.
lack of organizational support for such mea- Huibers, Buerskens, Bleijenberg, and van
sures (Tarrier, Barrowclough, Haddock, & Schayck (2004) conducted a literature review
McGovern, 1999). In response to this identi- to determine the effectiveness of PSI when
fied problem, Baker and colleagues designed used by general practitioners (GPs). Studies
a care pathway specific for the implementa- were eligible for inclusion if they were pub-
tion of these types of interventions on an lished before January 2002 and were in the
acute inpatient care unit in the UK. The model categories of controlled clinical studies, con-
was based on research and evidence-based trolled patient preference trials, and random-
practice and was one of the first systematic ized control trials. A total of eight studies met
approaches to deal with this issue. All mem- the criteria and addressed different psychoso-
bers on the health delivery team participated cial interventions. The results indicated that
in the implementation of this approach from depression was effectively impacted by GP
its exploration phase through implementa- problem-solving behaviors, but that the data
tion and final evaluation phase. The out- was limited or conflicting on other interven-
comes were positive and received a certificate tions included in the review, such as counsel-
of excellence Lilly award. The authors do, ing to help patients stop smoking or cogni-
however, indicate that the model needs fur- tive-behavioral group therapy. The authors
ther testing and implementation (J. A. Baker indicated that further research is needed on
et al.). the use of PSI by general practitioners.
Often in todays high-tech world of medi- Overall, the subject of psychosocial inter-
cal care, the use of psychosocial interventions ventions has received little research attention.
by health care providers is sorely limited. It will be crucial that these important treat-
Schein and colleagues (2003) stated that they ment techniques be a focus for future study
believe that health care providers, specifically and nurses are uniquely qualified to conduct
physicians, often find it hard to keep up with and publish research in this area.
the rapidly increasing onslaught of technol-
ogy, and therefore focus on the specific illness DORIS TROTH LIPPMAN
they are treating rather than the individual
as whole. Although much evidence has been
collected on the power of the mind over body, Pulmonary Changes in Elders
the referral of the medically ill patient to clini-
cians trained in the area of psychosocial inter- Most of the pulmonary changes associated
ventions is frequently forgotten and therefore with aging are gradual, giving elders the op-
not done. portunity to adapt (Stanley & Beare, 1999).
The impact of the use of psychosomatic Normal lung aging is a benign process with
interventions in coping with physical illness relatively few clinical implications. A decline

in physiologic reserve is the only consistent designed by Lareau, Carrieri-Kohlman, Jan-

finding in healthy adults. This does not affect son-Bjerklie, and Roos (1994) is another reli-
usual activities of daily living and only has a able scale which has been used to measure
minor effect on exercise capabilities (Braun- dyspnea intensity and changes in functional
wald et al., 2001). However, the physiologic ability in elderly persons with pulmonary dis-
and functional consequences of age-related ease.
anatomic changes, altered gas exchange, ven- Elders who present with a pulmonary in-
tilatory changes, and altered pulmonary-pro- fection often do so atypically. Often this is
tective mechanisms are important considera- due to poor patient perception of their symp-
tions in the comprehensive assessment of the toms. Initial symptoms of pulmonary infec-
older adult. tion can be misdiagnosed as a pulmonary em-
Smoking accelerates the age-related de- bolism or as heart failure (Blair, 1990). The
cline in pulmonary function. Smoking, unlike classic triad of cough, elevated temperature,
other risk factors, can be eliminated. Smoking and pleuritic pain may not be present, or it
cessation, even after the age of 60, has been may be blunted in elders. Instead, such subtle
found to halt the progressive decline in pul- changes as increased respiration, increased
monary function (Higgins et al., 1993). sputum production, confusion, loss of appe-
Smoking cessation strategies for elders should tite, and hypotension can be clues to possible
encompass appropriate modalities, including pulmonary infection. Signs of sepsis may al-
the use of nicotine patches, oral medications, ready be evident when elders present with a
and behavioral interventions. Smoking-cessa- pulmonary infection (Stanley & Beare,
tion interventions must be planned, should 1999). Elders who have neurological illnesses
consider any medications being taken concur- such as Alzheimers disease or Parkinsons
rently, and should be sensitive to the difficult- disease, or who have sustained a cerebrovas-
ies associated with a long-standing nicotine cular accident (CVA), are at risk for aspira-
addiction. tion pneumonia and should be closely moni-
Dyspnea or shortness of breath is a fre- tored for dysphagia. Interventions aimed at
quently reported symptom associated with diminishing the risk for aspiration are critical.
illnesses such as chronic obstructive pulmo- Altered pulmonary-protective mecha-
nary disease (COPD), asthma, lung cancer, nisms have implications for elders undergo-
and heart failure. Dyspnea is the most com- ing surgery. In any given year, about 25%
mon reason for emergency department visits of the 600,000 elders who undergo major
and increases the likelihood for hospital ad- abdominal or thoracic surgical procedures in
mission (Parshall, 1999). Studies have shown the United States experience postoperative
that self-report of dyspnea does not always pulmonary complications. Common inter-
correlate with pulmonary function testing. In ventions aimed at preventing such complica-
a longitudinal study of elders with COPD, tions include cessation of smoking, bronchial
individual ratings of dyspnea were not di- hygiene, and incentive spirometry. Preven-
rectly linked to changes in lung impairment tion of venous thrombosis with possible pul-
(Lareau, Meek, Press, Ansholm, & Roos, monary embolization is critical in the elder
1999). This blunted perception is thought to population undergoing abdominal, thoracic,
be caused by physiologic adaptation over or orthopedic surgery. This is best accom-
time. Assessment of dyspnea can be accom- plished with low-dose heparin, administered
plished using several available scales. The use subcutaneously every 12 hours, and with the
of a visual analogue scale (VAS) to measure use of pneumatic stockings. For elders at high
dyspnea in elderly persons with COPD has risk for pulmonary embolism, more frequent
been validated by Gift (1989). This type of subcutaneous dosing of heparin may be used,
measure provides a quick and reliable mea- or coumadin may be ordered.
sure of dyspnea. The Pulmonary Functional
Status and Dyspnea Questionnaire (PFSDQ) ELIZABETH MCGANN

Qualitative Research is to obtain in-depth information about a phe-

nomenon, when little is known about a topic,
Taken literally, qualitative research includes or when new perspectives are needed. Sec-
all modes of inquiry that do not rely on num- ondary purposes for naturalistic approaches
bers or statistical methods. However, the include hypothesis generation, obtaining the
terms qualitative and quantitative research range of possible items for instrument devel-
are misnomers, albeit commonly used. The opment, providing illustrative examples or
terms qualitative and quantitative actually re- cases, and delineating the context from which
fer to the forms of the data, not to specific other data may be better interpreted.
research designs. It is more accurate to discuss There are several features that are com-
naturalistic and positivistic designs during mon to most naturalistic studies. A basic tenet
which qualitative or quantitative data may be is that reality is socially constructed; as such,
collected. For this reason, the subject usually there are multiple realities for any phenome-
considered under the topic of qualitative re- non, given the multiple lenses through which
search will be called naturalistic inquiry here. different individuals perceive and experience
Naturalistic approaches comprise a wide a situation. Naturalistic approaches favor
array of research traditions, most often in the conducting research in the field setting (vs.
categories of ethnography, grounded theory, an artificial laboratory) in order to observe
and phenomenology but also including eth- phenomena as they are lived and to preserve
nology, ethnomethodology, hermeneutics, the contextual elements of the phenomena.
oral/life histories, discourse analysis, case In contrast to positivist approaches, which
study methods, and critical, philosophical, use established instruments, in naturalistic in-
and historical approaches to inquiry. Each quiry the investigator is the instrument. How-
tradition has a distinct set of undergirding ever, investigators are aware that their own
philosophical or theoretical orientations, experiences, biases, and perceptual sets par-
strategies for data collection and analysis, ticularize both the data that they elicit from
and forms of research products. informants and ultimately the data analysis/
The ultimate purpose of all research is the interpretation. There are generally accepted
generation of new knowledge. However, dif- standards for rigor in naturalistic ap-
ferent modes of inquiry produce different proaches. These include the degree of inti-
kinds of knowledge. Knowledge developed macy of the investigator to the informants,
from naturalistic methods is at the level of the auditing of interviews and coding struc-
rich description or in-depth understanding. tures, trustworthiness, dependability, con-
Naturalistic inquiry tends to be exploratory formability, meaning-in-context, and satura-
in nature and is particularly useful in identi- tion/redundancy.
fying important contextual features of the Naturalistic approaches (also known as
phenomenon. Naturalistic approaches are constructivist or inductive inquiry, Paradigm
called for when the purpose of the research II, or field approaches) are often contrasted


with positivist approaches (also called em- during this period. Similarly, from 1962 to
piricism, Paradigm I, or experimental ap- 1967, Benoliel served as a member of the
proaches). Naturalistic and positivistic three-person team (with Glaser and Strauss)
modes of inquiry provide different types of studying dying and developing what was to
data. However, these data sets are most fruit- be called grounded theory.
fully viewed as complementary rather than Over the decade of the 1960s the number
in opposition. Together they provide a more and methodological specificity of naturalistic
complete understanding than can be obtained inquiry increased. By the end of the 1960s,
by using either approach singly. Sometimes Nursing Research had published articles spe-
the methods can be employed simultaneous- cifically using grounded theory methods, eth-
ly (methodological triangulation); at other nographic methods, and other naturalistic
times the methods must be applied sequen- approaches. Image: the Journal of Nursing
tially in order to satisfy the requirements of Scholarship was initiated in 1966 and also
each. The reciprocal interweaving of natural- published research using naturalistic methods
istic and positivist research builds nursing (although positivist approaches predomi-
knowledge as each contributes different but nated in both journals). With the advent of
important information. the Western Journal of Nursing Research in
Specific approaches to naturalistic inquiry 1978, edited by Brink, there emerged an out-
were developed primarily in the social sci- let with a balanced representation of qualita-
ences and philosophy. For example, phenom- tive research. In 1976, Paterson and Zderad
enology as a method derived from phenome- published a book based on phenomenological
nological and existentialist philosophy, eth- observations and Brinks (1976) book con-
nography from anthropologists study of tained a series of methodological articles on
culture, grounded theory, and ethnometho- conducting qualitative (largely ethnographic)
dology from sociology (specifically the school research. Nearly a decade later two broad-
of symbolic interactionism). based books on qualitative research were
In the discipline of nursing, there were sev- published (Field & Morse, 1985; Leininger,
eral early reports of qualitative data without 1985b). With the advent of the journal Quali-
a specified naturalistic approach. In 1952 the tative Health Research in 1991, also edited
first issues of the first volume of Nursing Re- by a nurse-anthropologist, Morse, an entire
search, articles report the qualitative results journal was fully dedicated to reporting natu-
of unstructured interviews. Orlando (1961) ralistic research.
used data from participant observation to de- Research conferences and societies also
scribe case examples and advocated the use have been influential in fostering the develop-
of open-ended interview techniques followed ment of naturalistic inquiry. The series Com-
by validation to determine each patients indi- municating Nursing Research, co-sponsored
vidual needs. Although not giving a formal by the Western Interstate Commission for
name to this approach, she used data Higher Education and the Division of Nurs-
grounded in clinical nursing observations to ing, and The Transcultural Nursing Care se-
inductively derive her theory concerning de- ries organized by Leininger from 1977 to the
liberative nursing practice. present offered an opportunity for the presen-
In 1962 nurse scientist graduate training tation of naturalistic research. More recently,
programs were initiated through the Division regional research societies such as the Mid-
of Nursing for the purpose of increasing the west Nursing Research Society have added
number of nurse research scientists with doc- qualitative research sections that meet annu-
torates in basic physiological or social sci- ally, sponsor symposia, and disseminate
ences. As a result, many nurses completed newsletters.
programs that trained them in the qualitative The selection of a particular naturalistic
methods developed in the social sciences. approach depends on the purpose of the re-
Many nurse anthropologists were trained search. For example, phenomenology is the
Quality of Care 499

method of choice when the purpose is to un- day it is an accepted scientific approach that
derstand the meaning of the lived experience complements knowledge derived from posi-
of a given phenomenon for informants; tivist inquiry.
grounded theory is selected to uncover or un-
derstand basic social processes; and ethnog- TONI TRIPP-REIMER
raphy is selected to understand patterns and/ LISA SKEMP KELLEY
or processes grounded in culture.
Although most qualitative approaches do
not employ formal theoretical frameworks,
they do rest on established philosophical as- Quality of Care
sumptions. However, some naturalistic in-
quiry (particularly ethnography) is conducted Interest in measuring the quality of health
in the context of theoretical orientations that care is a recurring theme in the U.S. health
reflect the training of the investigator and care system. Attempts to measure this con-
may focus attention on particular phenom- cept date back to the 1970s and have more
ena, relationships, data collection techniques, recently taken center stage, with the emphasis
or research products. on reducing costs of care becoming a key
In most forms of naturalistic inquiry, in- focus of the 1980s and 1990s. Care providers
vestigators typically use participant observa- today are expected to provide high-quality
tion, informant interviews, and document care at a reasonable cost while attending to
analysis. However, the extent to which the the increasing demand by consumers for
investigator relies on any one strategy will more information about care choices and the
vary. For example, phenomenology relies pri- outcomes of specific providers, whether they
marily on informant interviews, ethnogra- be hospitals or other providers of care. Gal-
phy, and grounded theory and generally has lagher and Rowell (2003) suggested that the
a more even reliance on participant observa- provision of outcome-oriented, cost-effective
tion and interviewing, whereas ethnology re- health care is no longer a goal but a mandate.
lies primarily on observations. Part of the issue in health care today, ac-
Methods for data manipulation include cording to these authors, is that the costs,
strategies for taking notes, making memos, processes, and outcomes of care are so inter-
and coding and indexing systems. More re- related and reciprocal that changes in one of
cently, computerized software programs such these areas may have significant effects on
as ETHNOGRAPH, NUD*IST, and MAR- the other components.
TIN have been fruitfully employed to aid in A recent report by the Institute of Medi-
the management of data. Methods used in cine (IOM) stated that Health care today
data analysis are inductive and include ma- harms too frequently and routinely fails to
trix, thematic, and domain analysis. Finally, deliver its potential benefits (IOM, 2001,
the form of the final product may vary. In p.1). This report further states that all health
grounded theory, a substantive theory with care should be safe, effective, patient-cen-
a process model is common; in ethnoscience tered, timely, efficient, and equitable (p. 6).
(a form of ethnography) a taxonomic struc- In this report four key aspects of the current
ture is the product. health care environment have been identified
In summary, naturalistic inquiry most as the underlying reasons for inadequacy of
commonly occurs in field settings, with inves- the health care provided in the U.S. These
tigators collecting data through participant are the increasing complexity of the fields of
observation and unstructured interviews and science and technology, the increasing issues
analyzing data through thematic content of chronic health conditions, a poorly struc-
analysis. It developed initially in the social tured health delivery system, and constraints
sciences and began to be incorporated in on capitalizing on the revolution in informa-
nursing research in the 1960s and 1970s. To- tion technology today.

The Institute of Medicine adopted a defini- sessing the appropriateness of care and the
tion that states that quality is the degree adherence to professional standards. Dis-
to which health services for individuals and charge Planning and Case Management are
populations increase the likelihood of desired nursing interventions included in the Nursing
outcomes and are consistent with current Interventions Classification (NIC) that focus
professional knowledge (IOM, 2001, p. on achieving quality care through a process
244). Patients receive quality care when the format (Dochterman & Bulechek, 2004).
services provided are technically competent, A third component of quality is outcomes
provide good communication, share deci- that provide evidence of the effectiveness of
sion-making with the patient and family, and the interventions nurses provide for the
are culturally sensitive. Donabedians model health problems and concerns of patients.
(1980) of quality measurement based on The IOM report states that the best measures
structure, process, and outcome has become of outcomes are those tied to the process of
the foundation of most current strategies to care. Attempts by nurses to enhance quality
measure quality of care in health care sys- strategies, such as critical paths and care
tems. Using Donabedians model, quality can maps, have challenged the sacred care plan
be evaluated based on the three components in nursing and have shifted nurses thinking
of structure, process, and outcomes (IOM). from goals to outcomes. Some of these paths
Using this framework, structural quality eval- and maps have included standardized nursing
uates the capacity of the health care structure languages as content areas for nursing. The
to provide high-quality care. In nursing this Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)
requires nurses to evaluate how the units (Moorhead, Johnson, & Maas, 2004) was
structure and that of the larger organization developed to measure the effectiveness of
affect quality of care for the patients under nursing interventions. Used with the Nursing
their care. Measures of structure have primar- Interventions Classification and diagnoses
ily included cost and financial resources re- from the North American Nursing Diagnosis
quired to provide care as well as human re- Association (NANDA) international, the out-
sources such as skill mix, staff characteristics, comes are designed to measure the effective-
patient severity of illness factors, and envi- ness of the nursing process. Linkage of these
ronmental factors of the hospital or care three classifications through a recent publica-
agency. During the 1970s and 1980s, patient tion assists nurses and students to use these
classification systems were developed but languages more effectively (Johnson, M., et
never were extensively implemented. More al., 2001). The NOC has 330 outcomes that
recently, Diagnosis Related Groups and measure along a continuum an individual,
Nursing Diagnoses are frequently used sepa- family, or community state, behavior, or per-
rately or together to describe patient charac- ception in response to a nursing intervention.
teristics in research and care effectiveness Each outcome has an associated set of indica-
evaluations. tors that are measured to determine the pa-
A second component of quality is process tient, family, or community status in relation
quality that focuses on the interactions of to the outcome. Examples of some of the
nurses with their clients. In nursing, a very outcomes relevant to a discussion of quality
process-focused discipline, we see the histori- are Pain Control, Symptom Control, Quality
cal contribution of care plans as an important of Life, Participation in Health Care Deci-
process tool, and more recently, critical paths sions, Asthma Self-Management, Cardiac
and care maps have added to this process Disease Self-Management, Risk Control, and
focus. The best process measures are based Knowledge Disease Process. Use of this classi-
on research evidence that the process leads fication in practice settings with an evalua-
to better outcomes for patients. In todays tion of the outcomes achieved provides
health care system, most attempts to measure needed knowledge to nurses related to the
quality focus on process evaluation by as- effectiveness of the interventions provided
Quality of Life 501

and the care planning process. This evalua- mental, physical, social, or spiritual health.
tion of real patient data on outcomes allows Despite a lack of consensus on what quality
for a continual review of the structure, pro- of life is, three broad approaches for defining
cess, and outcomes of nursing care. QOL have been suggested (Haas, 1999; Carr,
The current environment also is chal- Gibson, & Robinson, 2001; Dijkers, 2003).
lenged to meet patient expectations. Because One category characterizes QOL as evalua-
of this, NOC has added 14 client satisfaction tions or reactions such as well-being, happi-
outcomes to measure patient perceptions of ness, satisfaction, morale, or positive and
their care. While many would argue that the negative affect. Another category describes
patients can not usually judge quality as well QOL in terms of normality, meeting societal
as health providers can, their impression of standards, and status or achievements. Abil-
quality is very relevant to the discussion. Pri- ity to function and fulfill basic needs are ex-
vate nonprofit organizations such as the Na- amples of this QOL domain. A third ap-
tional Committee for Quality Assurance have proach suggests QOL is a matter of percep-
been created to improve health care. This or- tion regarding the differences between expec-
ganization evaluates health plans in the areas tations, what is valued or considered
of patient safety, confidentiality, consumer important in life, and current life experiences.
protection, access, and continuous improve- Many QOL instruments are multi-dimen-
ments. They have both accreditation and per- sional, combining the conceptual dimensions
formance measurement programs that pro- of evaluation, normality, and/or perception.
vide information to consumers. The importance of quality-of-life research
The challenges to measure quality are not is evident through federal funding of health
new issues in the health care system, but we research. One of the five future research pri-
are facing intensive pressure to provide safe, orities identified in September 2003 by the
cost-effective, patient-focused quality health National Institute of Nursing Research in-
care. Attention must remain on these key fac- cludes quality-of-life research in chronic ill-
tors as nurses and other health care providers ness (www.nih.gov/ninr/research/themes.
develop better structures, processes, and out- doc).The Centers for Disease Control also
come measures to evaluate the effectiveness has a division for health-related quality of life
of the care we provide. This desire for provid- that provides measures and data for tracking
ing quality of care is central to nursing prac- various aspects of population health (www.
tice. cdc.gov/hrqol/index.htm). The prevalence of
QOL as a variable in nursing studies is dem-
SUE MOORHEAD onstrated through a CINAHL search, using
the phrase quality of life and limited to
research and nursing journals. The search
Quality of Life yielded 1,744 articles published between
1982 and November 2003, with 824 or 47%
Quality of life (QOL) is a multifaceted con- entered since the year 2000.
struct without a single definition. QOL is QOL measurements are classified into five
used by many disciplines concerned with con- types (Garratt, Schmidt, Mackintosh, & Fitz-
ditions of human life, including social, envi- patrick, 2002). Generic measures, such as the
ronmental, political, economic, and health Medical Outcomes Study SF-36, can be used
(Anderson, K. L., & Burckhardt, 1999). with any patient population, or any disease
Nursing and health care researchers are inter- or health condition. Disease or population
ested in determining how disease or injury, specific instruments have been found to be
or the treatment of disease or injury, affects more sensitive to changes in QOL since these
QOL. Health promotion researchers may use tools are designed to measure more specifi-
QOL measures to ascertain the effectiveness cally how a disease or illness affects life di-
of measures taken to enhance or improve mensions. The European Organisation for

Research into the Treatment of Cancer qual- scores, respondent or administrative burden,
ity-of-life questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) alternative modes of administration, and cul-
is an example of a population-specific tool. tural and language adaptations of the instru-
Dimension-specific measurements focus on ment for use in other populations.
specific aspects of health, such as well-being Whether a study is cross-sectional or longi-
or depression. Utility measures, exemplified tudinal will also influence the instrument
by the Health Utilities Index, are beneficial choice. Tools used in longitudinal studies
in evaluating economic aspects of health need to be sensitive to change, without floor
treatments and require respondents to choose or ceiling effects associated with items in the
between alternative health states, with eco- tool (Hyland, 2003). Hyland also suggests
nomic or other costs associated with the that tools in longitudinal studies be relatively
choices. Individualized QOL tools, such as short, have multiple-response items such as
the Patient Generated Index or the Schedule Likert scales, and include items that describe
for the Evaluation of Individual Quality of problems common and relevant to the popu-
Life, ask respondents to identify and weigh lation being studied. QOL questionnaires
what they deem important in their lives. The used in cross-sectional studies need to be able
individualized approach is considered by to discriminate among respondents who will
some to be the most appropriate way to mea- have varying differences in QOL (Hyland).
sure quality of life, because the research parti- QOL tools for cross-sectional studies may
cipants are the only ones who can say what have more items with two or three response
matters most in their lives (Joyce, Hickey, choices, may include items that have floor
McGee, & OBoyle, 2003; Macduff, 2000). and ceiling effects, and may not be relevant
Because QOL is defined in a variety of to all respondents.
ways, many methods and tools are available Because of the variety of definitions and
to measure QOL as a research variable. The tools, QOL may be difficult to compare
MAPI Research Institute (Lyon, France) of- across studies (Garratt et al., 2002). Thor-
fers a free catalog describing over 1,000 QOL ough knowledge of conceptual and psycho-
instruments and provide access to these in- metric aspects of a QOL measure is essential
struments for a subscription fee (http:// for selecting the right tool for a research
www.qolid.org). Considerations for selecting study. Using the same instrument as other
or developing a QOL instrument include: de- researchers may not be appropriate if the in-
ciding who is evaluating QOL, what aspects strument does not adequately capture the re-
or dimensions of QOL are to be evaluated, searchers conceptualization of quality of life,
whether the measurement needs to be able or if the tool is not sensitive to change over
to detect changes over time, and how the time and the study is a longitudinal design.
information gained from the measurement Thus, definitional and measurement issues
will be used. The research participants age, may hamper building a body of knowledge
communication ability, severity of illness, about quality of life.
and cognitive ability will determine whether The dynamic nature of life also presents
QOL is scored by an outside observer or challenges for measuring QOL (Carr et al.,
proxy, such as a parent, spouse, or health 2001). People adapt to illness and their expec-
care provider (Addington-Hall & Kalra, tations about interventions may change over
2001). The Scientific Advisory Committee of time, so what effects QOL at one time may
the Medical Outcomes Trust (2002) suggests not at another. Priorities in life also change,
the following criteria for evaluating QOL in- so what a person considers important at one
struments: the conceptual and measurement time may be less important at another. Aggre-
model underlying the instrument, psychomet- gation of QOL data within a population may
ric properties of reliability and validity, sensi- be difficult because peoples expectations re-
tivity or responsiveness to change over time, garding the effects of a disease or intervention
ease of interpreting and understanding may differ. Despite these difficulties in mea-
Quantitative Research 503

suring QOL, it is an important concept for Much of the history of nursing research
nursing, and will continue to be an outcome involves quantitative research. Florence
variable in nursing studies. Nightingale, who was a skilled statistician,
used quantitative measures to describe and
CAROL D. GASKAMP evaluate hospital performance (Nightingale,
CAROL E. SMITH 1858). Studies of nursing in the United States,
beginning in the 1940s, used quantitative
techniques to survey and analyze nursing edu-
cation and supply and distribution of nurses.
Quantitative Research In the 1960s, with support from the federal
government, research in nursing began to use
Quantitative research consists of the collec- advanced research designs, such as controlled
tion, tabulation, summarization, and analysis experiments, which made extensive use of
of numerical data for the purpose of answer- quantitative tools, techniques, and processes
ing research questions or hypotheses. The (Hasselmeyer, 1961).
term quantitative research is of recent origin Quantitative data collected in quantitative
and is distinguished from qualitative research research are obtained by the use of measure-
in design, process, and the use of quantifica- ment scales. There are three distinct types
tion techniques to measure and analyze the of scales: nominal, ordinal, and continuous.
data. The vast majority of all nursing studies Nominal scales consist of two or more un-
can be classified as quantitative. graded or unranked categories of variables,
Quantitative research uses statistical meth- such as eye color (green, blue, brown) or po-
odology at every stage in the research process. litical affiliation (Republican, Democrat).
At the inception of a research project, when Ordinal scales possess categories that are
the research questions are formulated, ranked or graded, from high to low, small to
thought must be given to how the research large, near to far. Graded scales, such as the
variables are to be quantified, defined, mea- Likert and Guttman scales, are commonly
sured, and analyzed. Study subjects are often used in nursing research to measure intensity
selected for a research project through the of opinions, attitudes, and other psychologi-
statistical method of random sampling, cal variables. When nominal and ordinal
which promotes an unbiased representation scales are used, quantitative summaries of the
of the target population among the sample data collected consist of aggregating the num-
from whom generalizations will be made. Sta- ber of responses in each scale category, con-
tistical methods are used to summarize study verting them to relative frequencies such as
data, to determine sampling error, and in percentages, and if hypotheses are being
studies in which hypotheses are tested, to ana- tested in the research, applying one of many
lyze whether results obtained exceed those nonparametric techniques available to test
that could be attributed to sampling error the statistical significance of the data.
(chance) alone. The important role of statisti- Continuous scales have continuous quan-
cal methodology in quantitative research titative values rather than verbal categories,
should not obscure the fact that other meth- as in nominal and ordinal scales. These in-
odologies and scientific disciplines play im- clude the scientific measuring instruments
portant roles in nursing research. These meth- widely used in nursing to measure variables
ods are used in the delineation of research such as temperature, weight, height, blood
questions and hypotheses, exposition of con- pressure. Continuous measurement scales
ceptual frameworks and hypotheses, design have certain advantages over other scales be-
of data collection instruments and tools, and cause they yield more precise and sensitive
interpretation of study data, particularly de- data. Also, the statistical significance of con-
termination of the clinical significance of the tinuous data can be analyzed by the more
data and dissemination of findings. powerful parametric techniques.

Quantitative research is concerned with Some studies in nursing tend to overquan-

making generalizations from a study sample tify. Reports of these studies are dominated
to a target population, a process called statis- by statistical data and tests, with a minimum
tical inference. There are two categories of of narrative discussion, providing little inter-
generalizations in quantitative research: (a) pretation of the clinical significance of results.
estimates of the quantitative value of selected Sometimes too little time is spent on evalua-
characteristics of a target population, and (b) tion of the quality of data used or on the
results of tests of statistical hypotheses con- appropriateness of the statistical tests. Quali-
cerning relationships among variables in the tative research, with its focus on meaning and
target population. Studies in the first category interpretation of data, can help to enrich the
are called descriptive studies; those in the sec- results of quantitative studies in nursing. The
ond category are called analytical or explana- approach called triangulation, which utilizes
tory studies. The focus of many early nursing and integrates methodology from quantita-
studies was to describe nurses and nursing tive and qualitative research in a single study,
practice using questionnaire or interview can help achieve the best of both worlds of
techniques to collect data from large samples research methodology.
of respondents. Recent studies using concep- The history of nursing research reveals a
tual frameworks from emerging nursing theo- trend from purely descriptive studies of
ries and models have tested hypotheses in nurses and nursing to the evaluation of the
controlled or semicontrolled settings. effects of nursing care. Properly applied
Statistical techniques are used extensively quantitative research can advance the scien-
in descriptive studies to compute summary tific basis of nursing as well as provide a
measures, such as means, standard devia- potent tool for defining and evaluating the
tions, and coefficients of correlation, and to outcomes of nursing care. In the future, quan-
determine the sampling error of the measures. titative research will play an increasingly val-
In explanatory studies, statistical techniques uable role in nursing effectiveness studies.
are used to test whether there are significant The randomized clinical trial (RCT) method,
relationships among study variables that are perhaps the most quantitative of all research
delineated in the hypotheses, meaning rela- methods, will find increasing application in
tionships that cannot be explained by random nursing as attempts are made to determine the
sampling error (chance). Widely used statisti- efficacy of nursing interventions. Clinically
cal techniques to test hypotheses include oriented research using methods such as ran-
parametric tests such as the t test and analysis domized clinical trials requires development
of variance and nonparametric tests such as of quantitative outcome measures of vari-
chi-square and rank-order correlation. ables such as quality of care and quality of
Quantification in nursing research has life. This will stimulate quantitative research
helped advance nursing as a scientific disci- to provide the needed measures and indica-
pline. Quantification offers many advantages tors. As more replications of quantitative
to nursing research. There is a rich set of nursing research become available, the re-
statistical tools available for data analysis search synthesis techniques of meta-analysis
that can be applied to practically every re- will be increasingly applied to expand nurs-
search question to assist in summarizing the ings knowledge base.
data and evaluating their statistical signifi-
cance. The internal and external validity of EUGENE LEVINE
the data of quantitative research can be
readily verified by other researchers. Results
of similar quantitative studies can be synthe- Quantitative Research
sized and analyzed by the meta-analysis tech- Methodology
nique to shed new light on the research ques-
tions. Dissemination of the results of quanti- Research methodology is the term commonly
tative research is facilitated by the clarity and used for the procedures employed to accom-
objectivity possessed by quantitative data. plish the specific aims of a research project.
Quantitative Research Methodology 505

In other words, research methodology is the In nonexperimental designs there is no in-

means by which we collect data to answer vestigator-controlled intervention. Because
research questions or to test hypotheses. the investigator does no control the indepen-
The methods are derived from the research dent variable, it is more difficult to test the
design and generally include sample, inter- direct effects of one variable on another.
ventions (if applicable), instruments, data What is usually tested is the relationship be-
collection procedures, and plans for data tween and among variables. This includes the
analysis. A research design, according to Ker- testing of models through techniques such as
linger (1986), expresses both the structure path analysis and structural equation mod-
of the research problem and the plan of inves- eling.
tigation used to obtain empirical evidence on One type of experimental design that is of
the relations of the problem (p. 279). special interest to health care professionals
There is no best design. The appropriate is the randomized clinical trial. In such an
design is the one that fits the theoretical for- experimental design the intervention is tested
mulation underlying the research questions in practice rather than in a controlled labora-
or hypotheses. Theory generation often re- tory experiment. In the United States the first
quires qualitative approaches, whereas rela- randomized clinical trial was reported in
tion, association, and theory testing often re- 1951 by Yale researcher Cadman (1994). He
quire quantitative data. studied the effectiveness of penicillin in treat-
Quantitative designs are often divided into ing pneumococcal pneumonia. Another Yale
experimental, quasi-experimental, or nonex- researcher, Dumas (Dumas, R. G., & Leo-
perimental. We often think of experiments nard, 1963), published the first report of the
as having been around for a long time, but use of experimental design in nursing re-
actually it was only in the 1930s that the search. In 1963 she reported on nursing inter-
first experiments were conducted. Sir Ronald ventions to reduce postoperative vomiting.
Fishers (1935) book The Design of Experi- In all designs, sample selection is crucial.
ments provided the first details of experimen- Whether the sample consists of an N of 1, or
tal techniques. The purpose of experimental of thousands, the sample must represent the
design was to gain greater control and thus population of interest. Additionally, the size
improve validity. The aim is to associate a of the sample must be adequate for subse-
treatment with its outcome by minimizing the quent analyses.
effect of other variables on the outcome and Sample designs are often divided into
reducing error introduced by extraneous or probability and nonprobability designs.
confounding variables. Random assignment Some form of random sampling is used in
to groups, manipulation of the independent probability sampling. This enables the re-
variable, and control of extraneous variation searcher to make use of probability theory to
are the key elements in experimental design. determine the accuracy of results through the
Originally, experiments were conducted in computation of standard errors. The notion
laboratories; then the social sciences adopted is that all potential subjects have an equal
the techniques, and other designs emerged, possibility of being included in the sample.
such as quasiexperimental designs. In quasi- Nonprobability sampling includes several
experimental designs there is an experimental techniques, including selecting subjects based
intervention, but one or more of the other on some criteria (purposive or judgmental),
elements of experimental design are missing. taking those subjects that are available when
There may be no random assignment to the study is conducted (convenience or acci-
groups. In such cases, the investigator should dental), accruing a set number of subjects in
address the issue of group equivalence by various categories (quota), and advertising
comparing the groups on relevant variables. for volunteers.
There may be no control group, as when a The procedures for implementation of the
group of subjects is measured over time or study and for data collection are designed to
under different conditions. This is usually re- maintain the integrity of the study. In experi-
ferred to as a within-subjects design. mental designs, methods for assignment to

groups and implementation of the experi- Quasi-experimental research is a useful

mental conditions must be determined. Care- way to test causality in settings when it is
ful attention should be paid to ensuring that impossible or unethical to randomly assign
there is no contamination of experimental subjects to treatment and control groups or
intervention across study groups. to withhold treatment from some subjects.
D. T. Campbell and Stanley (1963) coined The main disadvantage of quasi-experimen-
the phrases internal and external valid- tal research is the increased threat to internal
ity. Internal validity refers to the integrity of validity (see Experimental Research for a
the study through which we can infer the review of types of design validity). Within
relationships among the variables under quasi-experimental designs, a distinction is
study. External validity refers to how general- made between preexperimental, nonequiva-
izable the results of the study are to other lent control group designs, and interrupted
samples, settings, and so forth. time series designs. Note also that the bound-
All variables included in the design must aries between experimental and quasi-experi-
be defined and measured. Selection of psy- mental research have blurred. Often investi-
chometrically sound instruments and estab- gators like to define their study as experimen-
lishment of controlled methods for data col- tal when in fact it is quasi-experimental.
lection are necessary for the integrity of the Preexperimental designs are the weakest
data. Data analysis is based on the questions of the quasi-experimental designs. They may
being answered, the characteristics of the lack a control/comparison group, observa-
data collected, the size of the sample, and the tion before the intervention (commonly
assumptions underlying the statistical tech- known as pretests), or both. Their use is
niques. strongly discouraged because they do not per-
Quantitative research methods from de- mit even remote inferences about the direc-
sign through data collection and analysis tion and dynamics of change and causality.
must be carefully explicated prior to em- Nonequivalent control group designs refer
barking on a study. Careful attention to all to situations in which naturally occurring
aspects of the methodology is necessary to groups of subjects are used as control/com-
produce valid results. parison group or those in which it is impossi-
ble or unethical to withhold treatment from
BARBARA MUNRO a given group. In spite of the absence of ran-
domization, nonequivalent control group de-
signs can be considered relatively strong de-
signs. The use of a control group and a pretest
Quasi-Experimental Research significantly increase the strength of non-
equivalent control group designs. Good pre-
Under Experimental Research in this ency- test data will enable the researcher to improve
clopedia, T. Cook and Campells (1979) defi- the level of analysis. When subjects from dif-
nition that experiments are characterized by ferent settings are used, a nonequivalent con-
manipulation, control, and randomization trol group design may control some threats
was cited. However, when conducting re- to internal validity, such as compensatory ri-
search in field settings, it is not always possi- valry and demoralization of controls. When
ble to implement design that meets these three subjects in each group are naturally kept sep-
criteria. Quasi-experimental research is simi- arate, it is less likely that they will have con-
lar to experimental research in that there is tact with each other, and it is often useful
manipulation of an independent variable. It to minimize contact between treatment and
differs from experimental research because control groups.
either there is no control group, no random In time series designs the researcher does
selection, no random assignment, and/or no not always use a control group and does not
active manipulation. use randomization. An interrupted time series
Quasi-Experimental Research 507

study uses several observations of subjects provides the researcher with equivalent con-
over time with a treatment given at a specified trol groups. Time series designs are used
point (or longitudinally over time, with start when a control group population is not avail-
and end time points). A time series study can able. When only one group is available to the
be designed to study the same individuals at researcher, the time series design significantly
specified intervals or to study different indi- increases the strength of the research.
viduals at some common point in time. When
the researcher studies one group of subjects, IVO L. ABRAHAM
the subjects act as their own controls, which LYNN I. WASSERBAUER

Reliability by a rater. For self-report measures, stability

is examined through test-retest procedures;
Reliability refers to the consistency of re- equivalence is assessed through alternative
sponses on self-report, norm-referenced mea- forms and internal consistency techniques.
sures of attitudes and behavior. Reliability For observational measurement intra- and in-
arises from classical measurement theory, terrater techniques assess the two forms of
which holds that any score obtained from an reliability respectively.
instrument will be a composite of the individ- Stability reliability is considered by some
uals true pattern and error variability. The to be the only true way to measure the consis-
error is made up of random and systematic tency of responses on an instrument. In fact,
components. Maximizing the instruments stability was the primary manner in which
reliability helps to reduce the random error early instruments were examined for reliabil-
associated with the scores, although the valid- ity. Stability is measured primarily through
ity of the instrument helps to minimize sys- test-retest procedures in which the same in-
tematic error (see Validity). The true strument is given to the same subjects at two
score or variance in measurement relies on different points in time, commonly 2 weeks
the consistency of the instrument as reflected apart. The scores are then correlated, or com-
by form and content, the stability of the re- pared for consistency, using some form of
sponses over time, and the freedom from re- agreement score that depends on the level of
sponse bias or differences that could contrib- measurement. Typically, data are continu-
ute to error. Error related to content results ous; thus, correlation coefficients and differ-
from the way questions are asked and the ence between mean scores are usually as-
mode of instrument administration. Time can sessed. A correlation tells the investigator
contribute to error by the frequency of mea- whether individuals who scored high on the
surement and the time frame imposed by the first administration also scored high on the
questions asked. Error due to response differ- second. It does not provide information on
ences results from the state or mood of the whether the scores are the same. Only a test
respondent, wording of questions that may that looks at the difference in mean scores
lead to a response bias, and the testing or will give that information.
conceptual experience of the subject. The problem with stability is that it is not
There are generally two forms of reliability always reasonable to assume that the concept
assessment designed to deal with random er- will remain unchanged over time. If the per-
ror: stability and equivalence. Stability is the sons true score on a concept changes within
reproducibility of responses over time. Equiv- 2 weeks, instability and high random error
alence is the consistency of responses across will be assumedwhen, in effect, it is possi-
a set of items so that there is evidence of a ble that the instrument is consistently measur-
systematic pattern. Both of these forms apply ing change across time. Reliance on a 2-week
to self-report as well as to observations made interval for measuring stability may be faulty.

Reliability 509

The time interval chosen must directly relate veloped in the 1950s, the formula basically
to the theoretical understanding of the con- computes the ratio of variability between in-
cept being measured. dividual responses to the total variability in
A special case of stability occurs with in- responses, with total variability being a com-
struments that are completed by raters on the posite of the individual variability and the
basis of their observations. Intrarater reliabil- measurement error. As a ratio, the values ob-
ity refers to the need for ratings to remain tained can range from 0 to 1, with 1 indicat-
stable across the course of data collection and ing perfect reliability and no measurement
not change due to increased familiarity and error. The ratio then reflects the proportion
practice with the instrument. The same as- of the total variance in the response that is
sessment procedures are used for intrarater due to real differences between subjects. A
reliability as for test-retest reliability. general guideline for use of Cronbachs alpha
Equivalence is evaluated in two major to assess an instrument is that well-estab-
ways. The first of these predated the availabil- lished instruments must demonstrate a coeffi-
ity of high-speed computers and easily ac- cient value above .80, whereas newly devel-
cessed statistical packages. This set of tech- oped instruments should reach values of .70
niques deals with the comparison of scores or greater. This should not be taken to indi-
on alternate or parallel forms of the instru- cate that the higher the coefficient, the better
ment to which the subject responds at the the instrument. Excessively high coefficients
same point in time. Parallelism means an item indicate redundancy and unnecessary items.
on one form has a comparable item on the A special case of alpha is the Kuder-Richard-
second form, indexing the same aspect of the son 20, which is essentially alpha for dichoto-
concept, and that the means and variances mous data.
of these items are equal. These scores are Cronbachs alpha is based on correlational
compared through correlation or mean dif- analysis, which is highly influenced by the
ferences in a similar manner to stability. Con- number of items and sample size. It is possible
sistency is assumed if the scores are equiva- to increase the reliability coefficient of a scale
lent. Assessment with alternative/parallel by increasing the number of items. A small
forms is not comparison with two different sample size can result in a reduced reliability
measures of the concept. It is comparison of coefficient that is a biased estimate. A limita-
two essentially identical tests that were devel- tion of alpha is that items are considered to
oped at the same time through the same pro- be parallel, which means they have identical
cedures. Therefore, a difficulty with this ap- true scores. When this is not the case, alpha
proach to equivalent reliability is obtaining is a lower bound to reliability; and other coef-
a true parallel or alternative form of an instru- ficients for internal consistency, based within
ment. models of principal components and com-
A more common way to look at equiva- mon factor analysis (e.g., Theta and Omega),
lence is through internal consistency proce- are more appropriate. Obtaining an adequate
dures. The assumption underlying internal alpha does not mean that examination of in-
consistency is that the response to a set of ternal consistency is complete. Item analysis
scale items should be equivalent. All internal must be accomplished and focused on the fit
consistency approaches are based in correla- of individual items with the other items and
tional procedures. An earlier form of internal the total instrument.
consistency is split-half reliability, in which Again, observational measures are a spe-
responses to half the items on a scale are cial case and require different formulas for
randomly selected and compared to re- the determination of equivalence. Interrater
sponses on the other half. reliability refers to the need for ratings to be
Currently Cronbachs (1951) alpha relia- essentially equivalent across data collectors
bility coefficient is the most prevalent tech- and not to differ due to individual rater vari-
nique for assessing internal consistency. De- ability. The most common assessment proce-

dure, kappa, is based on percent agreement sociological base and life review/reminiscence
and controlling for chance. arises from a psychological base. Narrative
Any discussion of reliability as approached therapy is still another form of recall and
through classical test theory should note arises from psychiatry. In narrative therapy
more recent proposals for test consistency. the individual tells the story surrounding a
Of these proposals, generalizability theory (G particular problem, a problem for which he
theory) has received the most attention. Un- has sought help from a psychiatrist. While
like classical test theory reliability, G theory retelling the story, new insights are gained by
can estimate several sources of random error both the patient and the psychiatrist, and in
in one analysis; in the process a generalizabil- the process, the story tends to mend the prob-
ity coefficient is computed. Proponents of G lem. Story is becoming a term with common
theory believe that its concentration on de- use in psychology as scholars and researchers
pendability rather than reliability offers a begin to report stories in the narrative and
more global and flexible approach to estimat- analyze them qualitatively.
ing measurement error. In the last 10 years alone, there have been
150 new publications with increased rigor
PAULA M. MEEK and a more scholarly approach. One of the
JOYCE A. VERRAN most important advances in this field of re-
search has been that researchers and prac-
titioners alike now define their process so
Reminiscence and Life Review that others can easily understand it, making
outcomes more comparable. Two books with
The words reminiscence and life review are integrated reviews on the work done in the
often used interchangeably. They are how- past 10 years, by Haight and Webster (1995)
ever two different methodologies of recall; and Webster and Haight (2002), will be espe-
their one commonality is that they both use cially helpful for additional information on
memory to operationalize themselves as con- reminiscence and life review.
cept and intervention. Reminiscence is a mul- Reminiscence and life review research use
tifaceted, multipurpose, naturally occurring both quantitative and qualitative paradigms.
mental phenomenon manifested across the In the last decade researchers have begun to
life span in a variety of forms and contexts. use the whole life story and larger sample
Life review is one of those forms of reminis- sizes while employing diverse ways to look
cence, but it differs in that it is more intense at functions, processes, and outcomes.
and has more depth. The life review covers A variety of theories have been used in
the life span, is more structured, and has an reminiscence research. The most common
evaluative component in which people re- one is the Eight Ages of Man. Erickson de-
view, revise, and reintegrate both good and scribed the last stage of life as integrity and
bad memories into a newly organized picture further stated that people who do not reach
of their lives as they were lived. Often life integrity will be in a continual state of de-
review is performed on a one-to-one basis spair. He defined integrity as accepting ones
rather than in groups. life as it has been lived. For many researchers
Presently other types of recall that have the life review is seen as the process for reach-
many similarities to life review and reminis- ing integrity. As people review their lives and
cence are popular and may be confused with begin to accept and reintegrate their life
life review modalities. One of these is oral events, they also accept their lives as they
history, where the fact and the content are were lived, thus reaching integrity.
sought rather than the effect on the person Tornstam (1999) argued that the theory of
recalling the memories. Reminiscence, life re- gerotranscendence is a better way of studying
view, and oral history differ in their origin, reminiscence, because gerotranscendence and
in that oral history arises from a historical/ reminiscence functions are intertwined. Torn-
Replication Studies 511

stam suggested that reminiscence contributes Qualitative analysis is an excellent way to

to the reconstruction of identity and the un- study peoples experiences to determine what
derstanding of reality as a process of reorga- makes them what they are. The life story is a
nization and reconstruction. Webster (2003) rich resource and can contribute an enormous
took still another approach, trying to marry amount to the study of people.
the fields of autobiographical memory and Heliker (1997) used a narrative approach
reminiscence with a circumplex model that similar to a modified life review to gather
would serve as a bridging technique within data on volunteers over the age of 75 years
and between reminiscence and autobiog- living in a nursing home. She used a seven-
raphy. step hermeneutical method to analyze the
Haight, Michel, and Hendrix (2000) con- data. Her results indicated that the revelation
ducted a longitudinal study with 256 newly of personal and shared meaning could guide
admitted nursing home residents. They not the development of new, innovative patient
only discovered a positive effect on depres- care interventions.
sion; they found that the therapeutic out- Melia (1999) collected life stories from sis-
comes increased over time for at least 2 years ters of three religious orders to examine the
in those receiving a life review. This is the question of whether the old-old undergo ad-
only longitudinal study published to date that ditional developmental stages after reaching
looks at the effect of life review over time ego integrity in their younger old age. She
and the information can be very important used a narrative approach to collect the sto-
to practice, showing that in 2 years the client ries and then used grounded theory to analyze
may be ready for another dose of life review 35 interviews. She found continuity and con-
to reinforce the positive response. tinued growth in the lives of the religious
Another very interesting study by a nurse women.
used life review psychotherapy with de- Much of the new research in 2000 looks
pressed homebound older adults. McDou- at the functions of reminiscence, how it
gall, Blixen, and Lee-Jen (1997) conducted a works, and on whom it works best. Continu-
retrospective analysis of notes from 80 pa- ing this work is necessary to understand the
tients over 65 years of age who were dis- process. Additionally, reminiscence as inter-
charged from a psychiatric hospital with a vention has been effective particularly with
primary diagnosis of depression. Home depression and partially with Alzheimers dis-
health nurses then used life review as an inter- ease and should be explored more fully in
vention and facilitated the ability of these future work.
patients to live at home and remain indepen-
dent. Most importantly, McDougal and col- BARBARA K. HAIGHT
leagues showed that these nurses were able
to bill for the intervention as a part of their
services. Replication Studies
A critical review and synthesis of literature
on reminiscing in older adults was recently Replication involves repeating or reproduc-
published in the Canadian Journal of Nursing ing a research study to investigate whether
Research. In this analysis and synthesis the similar findings will be obtained in different
authors reported that despite the many publi- settings and with different samples. Replica-
cations on the topic only a few were research- tion is needed not only to establish the credi-
based. However, they did conclude that the bility of research findings but also to extend
analysis resulted in clarity regarding the oper- generalizability. Blomquist (1986) listed five
ational definitions of reminiscence and life reasons why replication studies should be en-
review and provides guidance for the design couraged in nursing: (a) scientific merit is es-
of imaginative programs (Buchanan et al., tablished, (b) Type I and Type II errors are
2002). decreased, (c) construct validity is increased,

(d) support for theory development is pro- results. In independent replication, signifi-
vided, and (e) acceptance of erroneous results cant modifications in the design of the origi-
is prevented. Replication studies are essential nal study are made to verify the empirical
for developing a scientific knowledge base in generalization. In theoretical replication the
nursing. Incorporating research findings into inductive process is used to examine the feasi-
nursing practice has been seriously hampered bility of fitting the empirical findings into a
by the limited number of replication studies. general theoretical framework.
Clarification of replication terminology can A comparison of these three replication
assist in advancing replication research. classifications reveals that Finifters (1975)
Three of the most often cited classifications identical replication is similar to Lykkens
of replication research have been developed (1968) literal replication. The three classifica-
by Finifter (1975), LaSorte (1972), and Lyk- tions include strategies to approximate the
ken (1968). original research design. Finifter calls this vir-
Lykken (1968) identified three methods of tual replication, Lykken labels it operational,
replication: literal, operational, and construc- and LaSorte (1972) describes it as retest repli-
tive. Literal replication is an exact duplication cation. The purpose of choosing this type of
of the original researchers sampling, proce- replication is to determine if the original find-
dure, experimental treatment, data collection ings can be confirmed when modest changes
techniques, and data analysis. Operational in the research conditions have been made.
replication involves an exact duplication of When original findings are replicated, confi-
only the sampling and experimental proce- dence in the reliability of these results is en-
dures in the original research to check hanced.
whether the original design when used by All three classifications include an ap-
another leads to the same results. In construc- proach to increase empirical generalization
tive replication duplicate methods are pur- by significantly modifying the original design.
posely avoided. Finifter (1975) labels this systematic replica-
Finifter (1975) listed four replication strat- tion, Lykken (1968) describes it as construc-
egies: identical, virtual, systematic, and tive replication, and LaSorte (1972) calls it
pseudo. Identical replication involves a one- independent replication. This type of replica-
to-one duplication of the original studys pro- tion strategy is used when the researcher not
cedures and conditions. In virtual replication only wants to validate earlier work but also
the methods of the original study are re-cre- wants to extend the results and determine the
ated in varying degrees. In systematic replica- degree of generalizability.
tion neither the methods nor the substance Both Finifter (1975) and LaSorte (1972)
of the original study are duplicated. Pseudo- specifically identify types of replication where
replication is similar to identical and virtual data for both the original and replication
replication; however, data for pseudoreplica- studies are collected at the same time. Ac-
tion are collected at the same time as those cording to Finifter, this is pseudoreplication,
for the original study. The simultaneous con- and to LaSorte it is internal replication. This
firmation of the study is built into the origi- type of replication provides additional data,
nal design. which is used as a cross-check of the datas
LaSorte (1972) described retest, internal, reliability. LaSortes classification is the only
independent, and theoretical replication. Re- one that includes a replication strategy to de-
test replication involves repeating an original velop and verify theory.
study with few, if any, significant changes Replication studies conducted in nursing
in the research design. Internal replication is have addressed topics such as nursing educa-
incorporated into the original study. Data for tion, nurses characteristics, perioperative
both the original study and its replicated nursing, body image during pregnancy, car-
study are collected simultaneously to provide diac care, fetal monitoring, and time percep-
a cross-check for the reliability of the original tion.
Representation of Knowledge for Computational Modeling in Nursing: The Arcs Program 513

When publishing replicated studies nurse searchers and theorists have traditionally
researchers should include the following in- used the scientific literature to develop theo-
formation: (a) identification of the specific retical models of a process or event, then em-
type of replication that is conducted, (b) pro- pirically test the hypotheses suggested by
vision of specific information on how a repli- these models.
cated study is the same as and different from Knowledge is found in experts, in the
the original study, and (c) explanation of books and journals of a domain, and one
what is replicated and how. This information might say, in clinical databases if one knows
will help readers to more clearly understand how to acquire it. The process of searching
how the researchers methodically revised pre- the literature to find knowledge needed to
vious studies in a progressive manner. When build a testable theoretical model is an appall-
publishing original studies, researchers also ing task. Scientists want to know what vari-
should explicitly detail the important points ables were studied together with what result.
of their sampling and data collection tech- For them to obtain this knowledge, they must
niques and their research design to aid repli- sort through bibliographic databases and/or
cation of their work. Authors must be more specific journals and/or work with their in-
diligent in identifying the minimum essential visible college. The invisible college is a
conditions and controls necessary for produc- term that refers generally to a self-selected
ing findings because replication is crucial for group of researchers (or theorists) working
the further development of nursing knowl- in the same field who stay in touch to keep
edge. up with one anothers work instead of wait-
ing for publications to come out. Biblio-
CHERYL TATANO BECK graphic searches are generally designed so
that the searcher either finds too much that
is not relevant and not enough that is. Upon
finding the desired literature set, one must
Representation of Knowledge for wade through pages that represent the knowl-
Computational Modeling in edge in numeric relationship displays and
Nursing: The Arcs Program text. An alternative would be to index re-
search by variable names and findings. The
There are a number of computational ap- scientist can then go directly to the literature
proaches to management and application of that reports on the knowledge established be-
knowledge to clinical situations in medicine, tween those variables.
and to a small degree, nursing. Computers Although arcs does not help the user di-
can apply domain knowledge to data to diag- rectly with the literature search, arcs does
nose and suggest treatment of diseases. Com- demonstrate a methodology for indexing the
puters can also discover new knowledge. research literature by variables studied so that
Much of this discovery research uses data- all users could go directly to the studies that
bases of observations of scientific phenomena are of interest to them with 100% sensitivity
and falls into two categories: empirical laws and 100% specificity. Although arcs does not
and formation of theories. In contrast, arcs currently eliminate the work of wading
uses the scientific findings reported in the re- through pages of prose to identify the knowl-
search literature as data with which to pro- edge contained within the research article, it
pose theoretical models. does demonstrate an alternative methodol-
Historically, discovery of new knowledge ogy for reporting and storing research knowl-
in nursing has been more likely to start with edge that immediately makes the knowledge
theory than with clinical data. Many nursing and the salient characteristics obvious and a
observations (data) were discarded from the basis for computational modeling of nursing
care record and thus not systematically avail- knowledge. These methods are now enjoying
able for inducing hypotheses. Thus, nurse re- practical application at the Virginia Hender-

son International Nursing Library of Sigma these categories incorporated all types of sta-
Theta Tau International (STTI). tistical tests. A number of attributes were
The arcs program was developed initially added to further describe the conditions of
as a knowledge engineering project. Knowl- the study and the certainty associated with
edge engineering takes knowledge in one the finding, including direction and magni-
form (in this case the scientific literature) and tude.
processes it into a more easily used form (in Next, this structure was implemented by
this case textual and graphic relational maps, using relational database software. Instead of
also called causal/associational maps or con- calling the resulting product a database, it is
cept maps). Knowledge must be represented called a knowledge base because it stores the
in the computer so that the computer can entire unit of knowledge. Before it could be
process it predictably. tested by anyone other than the author, how-
The first step of the arcs project was to ever, a menu system had to be added to allow
identify and formalize a definition of knowl- users to interact with the software without
edge by examining the way it is structured in learning a database query language. The first
the scientific literature. A further decision program produced a text-based model of a
was made to delimit the project to knowledge focal variable with three levels of relation-
expressed relationally and generated from ships. One had to draw ones own relational
empiricist designs, published in English-lan- map, using the text model.
guage journals, and involving only reports of It was next necessary to test the generaliz-
research with humans. Numerous research ability of the knowledge structure. This was
articles from nursing, psychology, and sociol- done by having selected doctoral students use
ogy journals were used. For each article, the the program in their dissertation literature
expression of the finding(s) was recorded. reviews. It was found that they could use the
The overall structure of these knowledge ex- program to store units of knowledge from
pressions was virtually the same across disci-
very different domains, including research
plines. All contained names of variables,
from multiple disciplines.
stated the relationship studied, and the re-
When it was established that there was
sults. On the basis of these investigations, a
sufficient generalizability between research
structure of scientific knowledge was defined
domains, the software was then ported to a
grossly as the result or finding about the (sta-
machine that could more easily be pro-
tistical) relationship between two or more
grammed to build graphical knowledge mod-
variables, given the design, methods and con-
ditions, and source (Graves, 1990). els. The name was changed from Arks to
The second step of the project was to de- arcs to denote the mathematical concept of
vise a knowledge-base structure that would arc as a relationship (directional or nondirec-
store a unit of knowledge as defined above. In tional) between two entities in the worlda
order to retain the original research language, natural model for representing relational
variables are named as designated by the re- knowledge.
searcher at their operational (measured) level. Testing of this version consisted of enter-
To collect the potentially numerous variable ing subsets of knowledge in different domains
names into manageable models, a higher level to test the functionality of the program, the
abstraction term may be assigned by the re- accuracy of the models, and the value of the
searcher or by the knowledge base builder. graphics to a user. The program was modified
In addition to names, other attributes of vari- to incorporate suggestions from users as ap-
ables (measurement, dependency [and thus propriate. The arcs program was next con-
directionality]) were added. Numerical rela- verted to a Microsoft WindowsTM environ-
tionships were largely statistical and were cat- ment and can be used on a Macintosh with
egorized as descriptive, associational, direc- Soft WindowsTM. It is in active use for build-
tional, difference, and structural. Together, ing knowledge bases at Sigma Theta Tau.
Research Careers 515

The arcs computer program uses the con- view and produces a graph of validity distri-
cept of a knowledge base that contains linked butions for the user who wishes to describe
data about all essential elements of a unit of validities in a domain. Heuristic, internal, and
knowledge as defined above. Data must be external validities are graphed separately. In
entered into the program by the user, who addition, arcs provides a metastructure map
must obtain the data from research studies that graphs the frequency with which pairs of
published in a domain of knowledge. The variables are studied, using the metastructure
arcs program builds the models of knowledge categories of person, environment (health or
from the data entered by the user about pairs nursing) focus, intervention, and intervention
of variables, the relationship studied between outcome. The arcs program is labor-intensive
then, direction, sign, and effect size of the in the data input phase. Some research articles
finding. Each statistical relationship is repre- require up to an hour for extraction of all the
sented by a different type of line that includes relevant data about the knowledge, especially
the directionality of each relationship, if any. when the knowledge is embedded in text and
Indirect relationships can be modeled to two not represented in numeric relationship dis-
more levels. Discovery is supported only pas- plays. This limits usefulness.
sively now; the user must examine models to The broader modeling concepts of arcs,
identify gaps and conflicts in the modeled however, are implemented in the STTI Regis-
domain. However, the later version of arcs try for Nursing Research. In this case, the
will use a mathematical approach to identi- researchers themselves register their work
fying gaps and conflicts. Work is also in prog- and enter the details of their studies, so the
ress to design and test an algorithm to provide data does not have to be extracted from pub-
an estimate of belief in models, depending on lished articles. This provides a new paradigm
such things as research design and conflict- for publishing nursing knowledge and allows
ing findings. researchers access to unpublished as well as
There are many more attributes of a unit published nursing knowledge. Over time, the
of knowledge that can be stored in arcs. It is STTI Registry for Nursing Research, not a
up to the user to decide how much detail will traditional library of documents, will be the
be of value in modeling. This, in turn, will knowledge base with which computational
depend on the characteristics of the domain modeling of nursing knowledge will take
being modeled. Virtually all of the attributes place.
can be used to condition (restrict or specify)
the model. For example, one can elect to JUDITH R. GRAVES
model only studies that have certain validity
scores or effect sizes or studies of a single
sample type, such as children. By condition- Research Careers
ing the model to address time of publication,
arcs models will illustrate changes in what is Research expands the body of knowledge of
being studied in a domain over time, changes a discipline and profession. To ensure that
in level of testing, and methodologies, even students have an opportunity to learn about
variable names. The amount of replication the importance of nursing research to the pro-
will be visible in the models. Because new fession, the National League for Nursing Ac-
findings can be added as they are published, crediting Commission currently mandates
the model stays up-to-date. that baccalaureate nursing programs teach
The arcs Tracker is a menu-guided inter- nursing research methods and incorporate
face for building queries. The results are re- the utilization and evaluation of nursing re-
ported as text and can be used to build text search into their curricula. For baccalaureate
models as well as to summarize (count) vari- nursing graduates, the expectations are to
ous attributes in the knowledge base. The evaluate and utilize research in their practice.
arcs program provides a guided validity re- The expectation of masters program gradu-

ates is to participate in nursing research and Experienced nurses with evolving nursing
to facilitate research utilization; the expecta- research careers are challenged to maintain
tion of doctorally prepared graduates is that continued funding, serve as role models for
they conduct and disseminate their research. students and other nurses, further develop
Every nurse has a professional obligation to their research trajectory, and extend their re-
use research findings to inform his or her search network. Nurses at this level of their
practice. Some nurses choose a career in research careers find satisfaction in their
which the conduct of research is one expecta- growing reputation as researchers, the ability
tion, and others, nurse researchers, choose a to extend their study to addressing new ques-
career in which the primary expectation is tions, and working with colleagues on
the conduct of research, including the facilita- multisite studies.
tion of research by others. The challenges facing the senior researcher
As a result of their educational and prac- are to continue and extend their own schol-
tice experiences, nurses may decide to pursue arly research, with interdisciplinary col-
research careers in a broad continuum of clin- leagues as appropriate, finding funding
ical and/or practice areas. Research careers sources to support large studies and men-
in nursing, as in other disciplines, follow a toring novice researchers and students. Senior
developmental course, from novice to experi- researchers find career satisfaction in serving
enced to senior researcher, with each stage as consultants to other nurse researchers and
posing different demands and expectations interdisciplinary research teams, mentoring
and offering different satisfactions. novice researchers, developing as nursing
The educational preparation for a nursing scholars, and making significant contribu-
research career is an earned doctorate with tions to the body of nursing knowledge.
specialized courses in statistics and research For the nursing profession to remain viable
methodology. Generally, a nurse formally be- in a changing world, the continuous develop-
gins his or her research career with doctoral ment of nurse researchers is necessary. To
work. With the doctoral committee members, promote this development, the National In-
a research area of interest, a research prob- stitute of Nursing Research (NINR), the insti-
lem, and senior research advisor are identi- tute for nursing research within the National
fied. In doctoral work the student has the Institutes of Health, has funded core centers
opportunity to be actively involved in each for research at universities across the nation.
step of the research process, to develop re- Examples of those funded are University of
search skills, and to be formally socialized Pittsburgh, University of California at San
and mentored in the research environment. Francisco, University of North Carolina, Uni-
Nurses at this beginning stage of a research versity of Iowa, University of Pennsylvania,
career are intimately involved in building a and University of Washington. The specific
sound foundation in research design, com- areas of research identified for each university
pleting data collection and analysis, and start- center are chronic disorders, symptom man-
ing to develop a scholarly identity through agement, chronic illness in vulnerable people,
publication. The demands at this stage of a gerontological nursing interventions, advanc-
research career revolve around obtaining ini- ing care in serious illness, and womens
tial funding, prioritizing time for completing health, respectively.
the research data collection and analysis, and These core centers support the creation of
working with peers to develop a network of interdisciplinary collaborative nursing re-
research colleagues. The satisfaction of the search programs in specific areas of basic and/
novice researcher is in making a contribution or clinical nursing research and offer oppor-
to the body of knowledge in a specific area, tunities for nurses to consult with nursing
acquiring a scholarly identity, and presenting experts in these areas, train with mentors,
and publishing the results of research studies and develop professional networks with
that build the scientific base. other interdisciplinary researchers. Other
Research Dissemination 517

schools of nursing have research centers and other sources serve as resources for be-
(funded through other sources), and these ginning, experienced, and seasoned nurse re-
also provide the infrastructure necessary to searchers to extend their research trajectories.
support the research careers of faculty. The future holds many opportunities for
Financial support for individuals seeking nursing research careers in integrated health
a research career is also available from NINR. systems, industry, and academe.
There are funding mechanisms to support
nurses at various stages of research career MARY J. MCNAMEE
development: (a) predoctoral fellowships for ADA M. LINDSEY
researchers beginning their research careers,
(b) postdoctoral fellowships for nurses who
want to expand the knowledge gained in their Research Dissemination
doctoral study, and (c) senior fellowships for
investigators who have already been success- Research dissemination is the purposeful
ful in a research arena and want to acquire communication of research, particularly the
new research capabilities or pursue new di- findings and implications of those findings
rections of research. For information about to members of society who can utilize them.
this funding source, contact National Insti- Dissemination is initiated by those who
tute for Nursing Research, 31 Center Drive, know and extend to those who do not
MSC 2178 Building 31, Bethesda MD 20892- know but might apply the findings if they
2178. Professional nursing organizations are knew (Rogers, E., 1995). As a practice profes-
additional sources of research funding. Ex- sion, nursing cannot be satisfied with just
amples of these funding sources include awareness but is always interested in the ap-
Sigma Theta Tau International, Oncology plication prospects of the research.
Nursing Foundation, and American Associa- Dissemination is sometimes differentiated
tion of Critical Care Nurses. from diffusion when the latter term is re-
Research career development in nursing served for spontaneous spread and use of re-
historically was confined to faculty in a uni- search. Most writers on dissemination and
versity setting. With recent changes in the diffusion talk about a purposeful process
health care delivery systems, opportunities aimed at spread and use of research. Utiliza-
for research careers in industry, at clinical tion is another related term. Utilization is spe-
centers, and in outpatient care facilities are cifically focused on application and is more
increasing. Hospitals and integrated systems likely to be initiated at the user end, whereas
of health care delivery are increasingly em- dissemination is focused on knowledge acqui-
ploying nurse researchers to study practice sition and more likely is initiated at the re-
improvements, care quality, and health out- searcher end. The two are obviously linked
comes. Nurse researchers also assist in the with overlapping phases in their processes.
development of the informatics systems used A principal writer/researcher whose work
in these settings to support studies of compar- has directed research dissemination is Rogers,
ison of practices, outcomes, and the bench- who writes on the diffusion of innovations.
marking efforts required. E. Rogers (1995) noted that in 1962, at the
A research career offers nurses the oppor- time of his first book, 405 publications were
tunity to engage in a lifelong process of build- found on innovation diffusion, whereas by
ing a research program that attempts to find 1995 the number approached 4,000. Re-
answers to the questions that are central to cently, dissemination/diffusion is seen as a
the discipline and professional practice. To less linear process where the potential users
pursue this career pathway requires a strong of research have a responsibility to contribute
educational foundation, mentoring in the re- to the dialogue so that the movement from
search environment, and available funding. innovation to application can occur (Rog-
Research centers established by the NINR ers, E.).

E. Rogerss (1995) innovation-decision itates a scholarly critique. The criticism is

process has five stages: knowledge, persua- that too often these communications occur
sion, decision, implementation, and confir- between researchers and that the nurse care-
mation. In the knowledge stage, whether the giver is not linked into the research communi-
need for the innovation or the innovation cation networks. Fortunately, some prac-
occurs first is ambiguous. Three types of titioners do attend research conferences and
knowledge about innovations are essential: some practice-focused conferences devote
awareness, how-to, and principles. Each type programming to research.
represents a more thorough understanding A model for dissemination reported by S.
of the innovation. In the persuasion stage a Funk, Tournquist, and Champagne (1989)
positive or negative impression of the innova- included practice-oriented research confer-
tion is formed. Here the potential user clearly ences, edited (specifically for practice) mono-
engages in more active innovation informa- graphs of presentations, and an information
tion seeking, the outcome of this stage being center. The evaluation of the conference
formation of an attitude toward the innova- found the general responses extremely posi-
tion. Although knowledge and attitudes are tive, but still major communication problems
important factors in the use of the innova- existed in both oral and written reporting.
tion in practice, practice is clearly based on These problems persisted even with a great
more. Major factors contributing to the deal of support to the research communica-
knowledge-attitude-practice (KAP) gap in- tors. This communication deficit leaves a
clude (a) whether the practice of the innova- practitioner, who is unsure, responsible for
tion is outside individual control; (b) whether deciding about practice utility (persuasion).
the individual has interpersonal communica- Because the old way is usually comfort-
tion from a near-peer supporting the adop- able, the innovation may not move from
tion; (c) individual characteristics toward be- knowledge awareness to the more advanced
ing an early or late adopter, perhaps based how-to or principles knowledge. Conse-
on a sense of efficacy; and (d) whether the quently, the nurse prepared at the graduate
nature of the innovation is preventive. Adop- level has an important role in dissemination
tion of prevention-focused innovations oc- in a clinical agency. This nurse is usually the
curs more slowly. reader of research, can interpret the find-
The ultimate focus of this diffusion process ings, and sees the application possibilities.
is on the application of the innovation (Rog- Through means like continuing education
ers, E., 1995) as evidenced by the last three and journal clubs, the nurse from a graduate
stages. The adoption decision is made in the program can assist in filtering the research
decision stage. At this stage the process begins literature to match closely the practicing
to have more relevance for research utiliza- nurses concerns and interests.
tion than for research dissemination. In the Implicit dissemination also occurs. This
implementation stage the innovation is put dissemination occurs when educators (aca-
to use. The final stage, confirmation, is where deme, staff development, and continuing edu-
individuals seed reinforcement for their deci- cation) incorporate relevant research into
sion to adopt. In confirmation the innovation their offerings. Audiences frequently trust
is evaluated, an outcome being continuation that presenters have carefully critiqued the
or discontinuation. The first two stages can research they cite. Although this assumption
guide dissemination; the latter stages, utiliza- usually is well founded, the scholarly prac-
tion. titioner will seek references and do a per-
Explicit dissemination occurs as research- sonal review.
ers present their findings, implications, and As more nurses are university educated,
recommendations in articles, papers, and including nurse administrators, familiarity
posters. Usually, these communications in- with the relevant research has become a stan-
clude details of the research process that facil- dard of practice in some organizations. Al-
Research in Nursing Ethics 519

though this practice is not yet the norm, prac- graduate education makes a substantial con-
tice policies, standards, and procedures tribution to dissemination, students must
should be written, with a literature review know how to do more than tell. They should
that includes applicable research from nurs- learn also to persuade and dialogue. Educa-
ing and other relevant disciplines. With a pol- tors, administrators, and clinicians must all
icy or procedure focusing on the need to take responsibility with researchers for
know for the practitioner, the review of rele- strengthening the dissemination process so
vant research can be productive in practical that research can guide nursing practice.
dissemination by providing a context for con-
sidering whether to move into the applica- PATRICIA A. MARTIN
tion/utilization phases of knowledge diffu-
An additional means of dissemination is Research in Nursing Ethics
currently evolving, and that is via the In-
ternet. Universities, professional organiza- Recent developments in technology have cre-
tions, and individuals have home pages that ated increased awareness on the part of soci-
more and more are including research infor- ety and health professionals about the ethical
mation. Online journals also are available. dimensions of high-tech care. It is now recog-
Some of the home pages include only re- nized that our ability to deal with human and
searcher names and topics; others include ab- ethical issues has not kept pace with the rapid
stracts and findings. The additional caveat advancements made possible through various
needed is that few of the sites have any type technologies being applied in health care.
of peer review for quality and should be read Nursing ethics has evolved from the use
with that in mind. Sigma Theta Taus Online of etiquette or rules of conduct to the philo-
Journal of Knowledge Synthesis for Nursing sophical or empirical analysis of (1) the moral
is an example of a site with peer-reviewed phenomena found in nursing practice, (2) the
content. moral language and ethical foundations of
With the pressure on health care providers nursing practice, and (3) the ethical judg-
to be effective and efficient, the responsibility ments made by nurses (Fry, 1995).
to break the knowledge creep and decision It is a salutary development of the past two
accretion situation (Weiss, C., 1980) is in- decades that nurse investigators in increasing
cumbent upon providers. To speed the dis- numbers have engaged in ethical inquiry. Ear-
semination process and facilitate utilization, lier studies on ethical inquiry were mainly
the outcomes of any research project must be philosophical and normative. In more recent
communicated with clarity, especially for the years empirical and descriptive studies have
practice implications and for future research. predominated, utilizing both qualitative and
One approach is to market research find- quantitative methods. The aim of these stud-
ings. This is a persuasive approach and would ies, collectively, has been to understand
require more than not speaking solely in re- nurses ethical decision making and actions
searcher terms but also addressing the four under a variety of conditions of ethical ambi-
factors in Rogerss KAP gap. Marketing also guity and conflict, along with the factors that
addresses who is the persuader; witness the affect these actions and decisions (ethical
number of nurses selling pharmaceuticals and practice, moral behavior). In addition, there
medical supplies. Clinician partners, espe- has been interest in understanding how
cially clinical nurse specialists, are appro- nurses reason about moral choice (moral rea-
priate disseminators of research. A larger pro- soning) and what conditions promote high-
portion of research funds should be spent on quality reasoning.
dissemination, not just for the telling but Moral reasoning is defined as a cognitive
also for the necessary dialogue for quality and developmental process involving a se-
research (Backer & Koon, 1995). Although quential transformation in the way social ar-

rangements and ethical problems are inter- studies have focused on qualitative descrip-
preted. Each successive stage (of six stages) tions of nurses reasoning and whether they
is more complex, comprehensive, and differ- used the care or the justice conceptions of
entiated than the preceding stage. It has been morality. No clear direction emerged.
theorized that certain conditions stimulate Ethical practice refers to nursing decisions
moral development. These include cognitive and actions that reflect high ethical stan-
development and the nature of the educa- dards, such as those set forth by the nursing
tional and social climates, such as when op- profession. Various indices of ethical behav-
portunities are provided for assumption of ior have been proposed, which makes com-
responsibility or when cognitive disequilib- parisons across studies difficult. The mea-
rium is created to show inadequacies in ones sures vary as well. The most frequently used
mode of thinking (Kohlberg, 1978). tool is Judgments about Nursing Decisions
This conception of morality is ostensibly (Ketefian, 1989), but many investigators have
based on notions of rights, obligations, and developed their own measures. Ethical prac-
justice and is said to reflect a male-oriented tice, moral behavior, and ethical decision
perspective. Gilligan (1982) challenged this making are terms utilized interchangeably
perspective by proposing the ethic of care and have been studied as dependent variables.
or care-based reasoning, reflecting the way Educational variables, moral reasoning, and
women reason about moral choice. This organizational and personal variables have
mode of reasoning does not involve the appli- been used as predictors of ethical practice
cation of abstract ethical principles; rather, with inconsistent and mixed results.
moral conflict and possible choices of action Caring behaviors originate from a strong
are constructed and defined by the context interest in something or someone that contri-
of the situation and the relationship of self butes to the good, worth, dignity, or comfort
to others who are involved in the conflict. of others. A number of descriptive studies on
Research to date does not support the polar-
nurses caring behaviors have been con-
ization of and gender identifications with care
ducted. In samples composed of patients or
(as feminine) and justice (as masculine).
others, several aspects of nurses caring be-
Further, Gilligan (1982) contended that
haviors have been identifiedempathic com-
moral problems can be viewed from both jus-
munication, competence, providing continu-
tice and care perspectives by the same person,
ity, meeting needs, and being respectful, non-
and both perspectives contain important
judgmental, and solicitous. These aspects of
moral injunctions; they entail different (but
not opposite) ways of approaching moral nurses behaviors provide a starting point for
judgments. Several instruments have been de- further research on the effects of nurse behav-
veloped to measure care orientation in iors on patient satisfaction and patient out-
women. In a few studies using the Ethic of comes.
Care Interview, significant relationships have A few studies have identified the attitudes
emerged between age, ego identity, and use and values of nurses concerning ethical issues,
of care orientation among women. the extent to which nurses understand the
In an integrative review published in 1989, concept of ethical dilemmas, physicians and
Ketefian reported on empirical studies con- nurses perceptions of ethical problems, how
ducted in ethical practice and moral reason- nurses address ethical concerns in their prac-
ing and updated this information by a litera- tice, nurses perceptions of powerlessness in
ture search conducted in 1996. Nurse investi- influencing ethical decisions, ethical conflicts
gators have studied moral reasoning as a de- related to pain management, and ethical is-
pendent variable, trying to predict its sues in caring for patients receiving long-term
development from various educational, cog- tube feedings. Other studies have examined
nitive, environmental, and personal demo- nurses role in end-of-life treatment decisions,
graphic variables. Recently, a number of practices concerning assisted suicide and eu-
Research Interviews (Qualitative) 521

thanasia, and differences among nurses and in nursing studies. Some researchers who seek
physicians in their ethical decision making. quantitative data from questionnaires may
In addition, studies have identified and refer to the structured, standardized survey
compared the ethical decision making of that is administered face-to-face to large
nurses in various practice settings. Only a few groups of people. The present definition,
studies have included variables such as the however, refers to the in-depth and generally
frequency with which nurses encounter spe- less structured interview used in qualitative
cific ethical issues in their practice, how dis- research.
turbed they are by them, the relationship of The research method (e.g., grounded the-
demographic and work-related variables to ory, phenomenology, ethnography) suggests
frequency and disturbance, the resources that the style and purpose of the interview ques-
nurses use to clarify ethical issues, and nurses tions. The research objectives are fundamen-
knowledge of patient care ethics committees. tal to the interview questions to maintain the
A promising area of research relates to the integrity of the research. Grounded theory
way in which organizational variables im- research intended to discover contexts,
pinge on the quality of nurses reasoning, be- phases, and processes of a given phenomenon
havior, and judgments. There is a need for requires questions designed to acquire knowl-
clearer definition and measurement. Typi- edge, such as, what is the context of death in
cally, studies in nursing ethics tend to be iso- a nursing home or at home or what are the
lated, individual projects; many are con- phases of dying? Phenomenological research
ducted as dissertations, and few are pub- that aims to capture what is referred to as
lished. There is a need to move toward a the lived experience may use only one gen-
programmatic and cumulative approach, eral question: Please tell me all that you can
along with a need for replications, so that a about dying. Ethnographic research that is
meaningful body of science can emerge, one focused on culture may ask about which fam-
in which we can have a degree of confidence. ily members are involved in decisions con-
cerning death and what their roles are.
SHAKE KETEFIAN Interviews are structured in phasesthe
SARA T. FRY introduction, the working phase, and termi-
nation. In the introduction the researcher
gives a personal introduction, states the antic-
Research Interviews (Qualitative) ipated length of time of the interview, and
makes some initial comments to relax the
The interview is a major data collection strat- participant and to assist with the transition
egy in qualitative research that aims to obtain from social conversation to research inter-
textual, qualitative data reflecting the per- view. In the working phase the themes of the
sonal perspective of the interviewee. The in- research are introduced, and the researcher
terview creates an interactional situation in and participant work toward generating a
a face-to-face encounter between researchers shared understanding. In the termination
and participants. In the study the interviewer phase the interview draws to a close, and
acts as the instrument and through carefully often brief social conversation occurs again.
designed questions, attempts to elicit the The interview demands careful thought
other persons opinions, attitudes, or knowl- about the nature, wording, and sequence of
edge about a given topic. Research interviews questions. Generally, questions move from
have historically provided the foundation for general to specific, becoming more focused
sociological and anthropological studies that as themes emerge and as data from other
attempted to understand other societies and participants suggest additional leads. Ques-
cultures. As nurse scientists were trained in tions should be unambiguous, meaningful,
these methods in the late 1960s and the and successful in involving the interviewee in
1970s, they began using research interviews the process. The participants in the research

are often helpful in critiquing the usefulness questions and responses to the interviewee
and appropriateness of the questions and sug- must be analyzed in a reflexive manner to
gesting others that may be more relevant or ascertain the quality of the interview. Is the
successful in obtaining the desired data. interviewer cutting off the interviewee? Is the
Interviews are of two types: formal and interviewer asking closed instead of open-
informal. Formal interviews are scheduled as ended questions? Is the interviewer asking
to time and place and generally occur over a relevant questions in a sensitive way? Is the
period of 1 to 2 hours. Informal interviews interviewer giving the interviewee time to re-
are those used in participant observation, flect and to complete his or her comments?
when the interviewer spends time in a specific Unfocused, insensitive interviewing yields
environment and interviews participants as poor data. Quality data result from the ex-
they appear on the scene or around a signifi- pression of affective responses and detailed
cant event. Although effective interviews, es- personal information.
pecially informal ones, may appear simple The complexity of interviewing becomes
and comfortable, an expert interviewer is al- apparent in varied contexts. Interviewing in-
ways both in and out of the interview. The dividuals from a culture different from that of
interviewer listens carefully to the interviewee the interviewer presents other issues; likewise
and anticipates how to direct the interview interviewing the extremely poor or the ex-
to accomplish the aims of the research. tremely rich has it own sets of problems. In
Interviews are characterized as structured the past, nurses have relied on sociological
and focused when all questions are given in and anthropological researchers for guid-
the same order to participants. Interviews in ance. Nurse methodologists agree that it is
qualitative research studies are generally sem- now time to identify and address issues in
ifocused ones in which information about a interviewing that are especially relevant to
certain subject is desired from all partici- nursing topics and populations.
pants, but the phrasing and sequence of the Good interviews provide access to the
questions may be varied to reflect the charac- heart. Such personal information, essential
teristics of the participants in the context. to qualitative research that aims to access
Time is permitted to encourage participants human meaning, is a gift. The researcher re-
to introduce other subjects they believe are ciprocates by listening carefully and at-
relevant and to elaborate, often with the help tempting to render or interpret the experience
of interviewers probes, on earlier comments. of the other as accurately as possible. An in-
Participants interpretations of meanings and sensitive interviewer can harm the inter-
definitions are valued. Such information is viewee, leaving the person psychologically
obtained only through open-ended questions depleted or even wounded. Good interview-
and free-flowing conversation that follow the ers leave interviewees feeling that they gained
thinking of the interviewee. In a sense, the from the interview.
interviewee teaches the researcher about a
particular experience or event. SALLY A. HUTCHINSON
Interviews are generally tape-recorded, HOLLY SKODOL WILSON
and the researcher takes handwritten notes
that jog his or her memory during the inter-
view to return to a topic, to ask a hypothetical
question, or to request new, related informa- Research on Interactive Video
tion. These taped interviews are transcribed
as soon as possible by the researcher or a Interactive video (IAV) is defined as a tech-
transcriptionist and cross-checked against the nology in which a video program is under
audiotape for accuracy. the control of a computer, with user choices
Interviewing establishes the foundation affecting program branching. The video
for data analysis. The researchers interview source for IAV was videotape in early days
Research on Interactive Video 523

of development, but current applications use Weiner et al. found that students who
the videodisk. completed an IAV on labor and delivery,
Development of IAV programs for nursing along with clinical experience, had signifi-
education began in the early 1980s, and com- cantly greater clinical confidence and learn-
mercially produced programs appeared in ing than those who had only clinical experi-
1989. However, the body of research in this ence. Wittstadt found no difference in confi-
area is relatively small, and many studies were dence levels of nurses who used an interactive
dissertations. Studies generally fall into six video program on infusion pumps as com-
categories: cost-effectiveness, expert and us- pared to those who learned the material in
age surveys, effectiveness, learning in groups, lecture. Froman et al. found that the sequence
learner attributes, and strategies to facili- of lecture followed by IAV produced the
tate learning. largest gains in self-efficacy by students learn-
Parker examined a large-scale IAV project ing IV procedures.
initiated in 1981 to provide continuing edu- Middlemiss evaluated IAV as a teaching
cation for nurses scattered across 30 different strategy to help students develop ethical deci-
locations in Florida. She reported significant sion-making skills. Students wrote about and
savings in time and money when IAV was analyzed an ethical dilemma, then completed
compared with traditional workshops. an IAV program and analyzed the event
In 1987, Rizzolo solicited experts to par- again. She found that students focused more
ticipate in a three-round Delphi study. on emotions in their first analysis and used
Twelve significant factors that were impeding a rational approach after completing the
the development of new programs in nursing IAV program.
were identified. Participants were able to Conflicting results were reported in studies
identify clearly the content they wanted in of students using IAV in groups. Rizzolo
IAV programs, especially applications for (1994) compared the pre- and posttest scores
simulations. They agreed on the benefits of of students who worked though case study
IAV for students but were less certain about simulations in a large classroom situation to
how it might affect faculty roles. Conserva- those who worked independently. Although
tive predictions were made about how tech- both achieved significant increases in scores,
nology might change nursing education in the classroom group scored significantly
the future. higher on the posttest. Garcias study used
Two surveys examined the status of inter- one case from the same IAV program and
active video in nursing education. In 1989, found no significant differences among stu-
Clark surveyed 504 BSN programs. Of the dents working individually, in groups of 2 or
369 respondents, 66 reported that they were 3, and in groups of 10 to 12.
using IAV. One year later Cambre and Cast- Battista-Calderone studied three groups
ner conducted a study funded by FITNE, Inc. who worked through an IAV tutorial. Some
Of the 1,120 schools that responded, 207 worked individually, some in groups of 2 or
were using IAV. Visits and phone interviews 3, the rest in groups of 7 to 10. Results re-
revealed positive attitudes about IAV but lim- vealed no significant differences in learning
ited integration into the curriculum. and attitude. Moyer (1996) audiotaped stu-
Several early studies compared IAV to an- dents in groups of two and four as they
other form of instruction, usually a linear worked through six IAV programs and also
videotape or lecture. Most found no signifi- had every student write journal entries. Con-
cant differences in achievement. A few re- tent analysis revealed more problem-solving
ported other positive findings attributable to behaviors in the tetrad groups. Most felt the
IAV programs such as higher scores on reten- group experience was not as beneficial for
tion, more positive attitudes toward content, those who learned more slowly nor for con-
or savings in time required to accomplish ob- tent like ethical decision making, particularly
jectives. when a group member was very opinionated.

Several studies examined the interaction are a diverse group, and qualitative studies
between learner attributes and achievement might produce more useful data. Studies that
or attitudes. Glavin-Spiehs examined field de- identify ways to help students effectively
pendence, and Hasset studied psychological choose and use technology-based applica-
type. Neither found significant differences. tions to learn offer an important area of ex-
Billings and Cobb evaluated the effects of ploration.
learning style preferences, attitude, and GPA Because studies found little integration of
on learner achievement. The strongest pre- IAV into the curriculum and revealed that
dictor was attitude toward computer-based most faculty use IAV only for supplementary
instruction. In a later study, Billings assessed assignments, research on faculty use of tech-
student learning style and attitude toward nology is an important area of inquiry. Fac-
IAV instruction, then students worked ulty can easily evaluate program content, but
through an IAV program either in a group can they evaluate program design to deter-
or alone, as they wished. Students who stud- mine if appropriate strategies and media are
ied in a group reported greater comfort, but employed to match content and objectives?
there was no significant difference in learn- Can they decide if the degree of fidelity is
ing outcomes. appropriate for intended learners? These im-
Yoders (1994) study measured preferred portant questions must be answered so that
learning style, then randomly assigned stu- faculty can select and use technology appro-
dents to IAV or linear videotape instruction. priately and design curricula that free the
Students who preferred to learn through ac- teacher to provide those experiences than
tive experimenting learned better with IAV; only human interaction can accomplish.
those who preferred to learn by reflective ob-
serving scored higher after learning with lin- MARY ANNE RIZZOLO
ear videotape.
Most of the research on interactive video
has implications for newer multimedia for- Research Utilization
mats such as CD-ROM and interactive offer-
ings on the World Wide Web. It seems clear S. Rodgers (1994) defined research utilization
that well-designed programs can teach con- as a process directed toward the transfer of
tent just as well if not better than traditional research-based knowledge into nursing prac-
strategies. Some researchers are even using tice (p. 907) with the ultimate goals of im-
IAV programs as a tool for research. Predko proving patient care and advancing the disci-
tracked decisions made by cardiac care nurses pline of nursing. The importance of using
as they worked through case study simula- research findings in clinical practice has been
tions to examine the effect of clinical experi- discussed for at least 45 years; however, there
ence and education on clinical decision-mak- are relatively few initiatives actually taking
ing skills. place in clinical or nursing education settings.
Nurse researchers can look to instruc- The first research utilization models were
tional design and educational technology re- developed in the 1970s, beginning with the
searchers for models and suggestions for fu- Western Interstate Commission for Higher
ture investigation. Their studies include ap- Education in Nursing (WCHEN) Regional
proaches based on cognitive psychology, sys- Program for Nursing Research Development
tems modeling, and instructional events and (Krueger, 1978). Other models included the
have suggested researchable propositions to Conduct and Utilization of Research in Nurs-
test the validity of underlying assumptions ing (CURN) project (Horseley, Crane,
about the technology to discover the condi- Crabtree, & Wood, 1983), the Stetler/Mar-
tions of effective use. ram model (Stetler, 1994), the Iowa model
Although much additional research is of research in practice (Titler et al., 1994),
needed on how people learn, nursing students and the retrieval and application of research
Research Utilization 525

in nursing (RARIN) model (Bostrom & Wise, and what is more important, it demonstrates
1994). This list is not exhaustive; rather it is how to interpret and validate findings that
a representation of several well-known and can be used to change practice.
referenced models found in the literature. The RARIN model, funded by a National
The WCHEN model was focused on cross- Library of Medicine grant, was developed at
organizational planning and enhancing the Stanford University Hospital in Palo Alto,
value for research utilization. Nurses from a California. Distinct from the other models,
variety of clinical agencies were provided which focused on providing nurse education,
with 3 days of research training. Each clini- skill building, and organization support strat-
cian would identify a clinical problem, review egies, the RARIN model focused on improv-
the research in that area, and develop a plan ing staff access to research findings through
for implementing and evaluating the out- the use of computerized linkages to estab-
comes of the practice change. The annual lished research databases. Training a small
Communicating Nursing Research confer- set of nurses from each unit on the use of
ences also resulted from the initial WCHEN the computer network and the basics of the
work group, with emphasis on dissemination research critique was the other major compo-
of research results across academic and nurs- nent. The computer technology provided di-
ing service settings. There have been 30 con- rect access to the MEDLINE citation system
ferences prior to 1997. (including CINAHL) as well as databases of
The CURN project was a federally funded research abstracts that were written by ex-
initiative that focused on the use of a team perts. Hence, nurses could access almost any
approach for reviewing research results re- database, via use of the developed tools and
lated to specific patient care problems, devel- technologies, while working in a patient care
oping clinical protocols, and then testing the unit. The model assumption was based on a
protocol in an acute care clinical setting. A belief that if access to research findings was
key component of research utilization in this improved and the findings were represented
model was replication of previous studies. in an easily understood yet clinically sound
The focus of the Iowa model was similar to framework, then practicing nurses would be
that of the CURN project, with particular able to improve patient care.
attention to developing support for research Outcome results from these and other
utilization strategies at the organizational models have been limited. Numerous barriers
level. Both models were developed specifi- to transferring research-based knowledge
cally to bridge the gap between research and into nursing practice persist. Staff nurses re-
practice. Both recommended that organiza- ported the following as barriers to research
tional resources such as personnel, equip- utilization: (a) insufficient skills and knowl-
ment, time, and money be available to sup- edge about evaluating research, (b) lack of
port the nursing staff. Policy, procedures, awareness or access to research, (c) minimal
committee structures, and role expectations value of research for practice, (d) insufficient
must exist in relation to staff involvement authority to actually change practice, (e) in-
in research utilization activities. Both models sufficient time to read research and to learn
also supported a fundamental belief that re- research skills and how to implement changes
search can and must be applied to practice if when necessary, (f) lack of cooperation and
patient care is to improve. support from administration and other staff,
The Stetler/Marram model was developed (g) little personal benefit, (h) unclear and un-
primarily for use at the individual level and helpful statistical representation of results, (i)
specifically outlined the role clinical special- few replication studies to determine if suffi-
ists have in facilitating the application of re- cient evidence exists to change practice, and
search findings to clinical practice. The model (j) lack of access to databases and research
includes specific steps related to the need for a literature. Nurse administrators also reported
sound foundation in the conduct of research, barriers, such as (a) isolation from research

colleagues, (b) lack of time because of heavy value and attention should be given to repli-
workloads, (c) difficulty in reading and inter- cation research that would advance results
preting research findings and statistics, (d) that are more generalizable and easily applied
insufficient skills in research critique, (e) lack to clinical practice.
of replication studies to determine if practice The health care environment is changing
requires change, and (f) lack of access to data- rapidly, with increased attention to out-
bases and research literature. comes-based practice, evaluating patient out-
Facilitators for the research utilization comes, and demonstrating cost efficiency and
process have also been identified. They in- effectiveness. Research utilization must be-
clude (a) creating practice environments that come a matter of professional accountability
require research-based clinical standards, (b) for each nurse and every health care organiza-
providing expert consultation and activities tion. Nurses must be better prepared to ac-
such as research committees to increase ade- tively participate in and facilitate research uti-
quacy of research skills, (c) improving access lization. More attention should be given to
to computerized databases and research liter- implementing strategies that remove the bar-
ature, (d) allotting time and money to support riers identified in previous research. Technol-
conference attendance and participation, (e) ogy is now available to provide much access
developing performance standards that in- to research and relevant databases; however,
clude behavioral expectations to support there is still need for timely and readable re-
research-based practice, and (f) obtaining ports of completed research.
grants to support research projects. The critical challenge is how students,
The literature related to research utiliza- practitioners, educators, executives, and re-
tion is almost exclusively focused on nursing searchers can create learning environments
practice environments, with little attention to in which research utilization will become an
how research utilization is introduced into integral part of nursing practice. When nurse
the nursing curricula at all levels. Research colleagues share a common vision related to
utilization is a critical professional account- improving the health of our communities,
ability issue to resolve if the discipline of nurs- then research utilization becomes one method
ing is to advance. Therefore, it is essential for to ensure research-based care delivery mod-
nursing educators to socialize students at all els, with all nurses accountable for achieving
levels to the value of research utilization and optimal outcomes.
to model the required skills. For example,
most teaching about the research process at CAROL A. ASHTON
the baccalaureate level is isolated from dis-
cussions about actual caregiving and how
that care might be improved by applying re- Resourcefulness
search findings. Graduate students are not
adequately prepared for the integration of Resourcefulness is a collection of cognitive
research into the care of specific patient popu- and behavioral skills that are used to attain,
lations and have little preparation in areas of maintain, or regain health. Resourcefulness
quality improvement and outcomes-evalua- involves the ability to maintain independence
tion methodologies. Doctoral education con- in daily tasks despite potentially adverse situ-
tinues to be focused on the conduct of re- ations (i.e., personal resourcefulness or self-
search, with minimal emphasis on how to help) (Rosenbaum, 1990) and to seek help
report results in ways that are understandable from others when unable to function inde-
to practicing clinicians. Although learning a pendently (i.e., social resourcefulness or help-
thesis format of writing is important, it is seeking) (Nadler, 1990). Thus, two forms of
equally important to learn how to convert resourcefulness exist, and the skills compris-
research jargon into useful, specific, and di- ing the two are complementary and equally
rect reports for clinicians. In addition, more important for health promotion. Both the
Resourcefulness 527

self-help skills constituting personal resource- lished studies have examined the effects of
fulness and the help-seeking skills constitut- energy as a process regulator. Yet studies of
ing social resourcefulness are believed to be concepts related to resourcefulness and qual-
learned through either formal or informal in- ity of life suggest that energy level may play
struction. Since resourcefulness is thought to a mediating or moderating role in the rela-
be learned (Rosenbaum), the self-help and tionships between contextual variables and
help-seeking skills that comprise it can be resourcefulness or quality of life. The specific
taught. Numerous studies since the early roles played by various process regulators in
1980s have suggested that teaching personal affecting personal and social resourcefulness
and social resourcefulness skills is beneficial need more systematic examination.
in promoting and maintaining healthy physi- Positive health outcomes of personal and
cal, psychological, and social functioning social resourcefulness have been well-docu-
across the life span. mented through empirical research. These
Contextual factors affecting personal and outcomes, including adaptive functioning
social resourcefulness are both intrinsic and in depressed adults (Zauszniewski, 1995,
extrinsic. Intrinsic factors that have been 1996), life satisfaction in persons with
identified from empirical research are demo- chronic pain and in healthy elders (LeFort
graphic characteristics (e.g., age, gender, et al., 1998; Zauszniewski, 1996), perceived
race/ethnicity), number of chronic condi- health in caregivers and in diabetic women
tions, presence of illness symptoms, and per- (Rapp et al., 1998; Zauszniewski et al.,
ceived stress (Fingerman, Gallagher-Thomp- 2001), psychological well-being in women
son, Lovett, & Rose, 1996; LeFort, Gray- survivors of breast cancer and in elders (Dirk-
Donald, Rowat, & Jeans, 1998; Zauszniew- sen, 2000; Zauszniewski et al., 2001), and
ski, & Chung, 2001; Zauszniewski, Chung, health practices in women with type 2 diabe-
& Krafcik, 2001). Extrinsic factors include tes (Zauszniewski & Chung, 2001), fall un-
social network size, social support, and der the umbrella concept called quality of
health care orientation (Dirksen, 2000; Rapp, life. Self-rated health and caregiver well-be-
S. R., Schumaker, Schmidt, Naughton, & An- ing, which are also indicators of quality of
derson, 1998). life, have been reported as outcomes of social
Zauszniewski (1996) reported significant resourcefulness in primary caregivers of per-
associations between depressive cognitions sons with dementia (Rapp et al.). However,
and lower self-help (personal resourceful- while significant associations between both
ness) and help-seeking (social resourceful- personal and social resourcefulness and indi-
ness) behaviors in healthy, community-dwell- cators of quality of life have been consistently
ing elders. Self-esteem, an affective regulator, reported in the literature, few studies have
has also been reported to be significantly as- examined personal and social resourcefulness
sociated with personal resourcefulness and simultaneously in relation to quality-of-life
well-being in women survivors of breast can- indicators. In one of the few studies, Zausz-
cer (Dirksen, 2000). Health self-determinism, niewski (1996) found that in healthy elders
a motivational regulator, was found to be life satisfaction was a significant outcome of
a significant predictor of self-help (personal both forms of resourcefulness. However,
resourcefulness) and informal help-seeking both forms of resourcefulness in a study of
(social resourcefulness) in chronically ill el- chronically ill elders found that only personal
ders (Zauszniewski et al., 2001). Although resourcefulness significantly predicted physi-
studies have identified uncertainty as an ante- cal functioning and psychosocial well-being
cedent of personal resourcefulness (Dirksen; (Zauszniewski, Chung, & Krafcik, 2001).
LeFort et al., 1998), uncertainty may also There are reliable and valid measures of
function as a motivational process regulator, both personal and social resourcefulness. Per-
which intervenes between contextual vari- sonal resourcefulness, also termed learned re-
ables and resourcefulness. To date, no pub- sourcefulness, has been measured using Ro-

senbaums (1990) Self-Control Schedule. The considered to be much more complex. In pre-
Self-Control Schedule (SCS) consists of 36 industrial times, people did not retire; they
Likert-type items using a six-point scale. Sub- simply continued to work until their physical
jects indicate the degree to which each item capabilities would no longer allow them to
describes their behavior, ranging from ex- continue (Mulley, 1995). Many current older
tremely descriptive to extremely nonde- workers want to continue to work, or have
scriptive; a higher composite score indicates bridge employment (Kim, S., & Feldman,
greater personal resourcefulness. Internal 2000), but they often want a new career or
consistency estimates have ranged from .78 to work on different terms (AARP, 2003). As
to .85 in adults, including elders (Rosen- a result, determining what retirement is and
baum). As would be expected, the SCS is who is retired can be difficult, and the
moderately related to locus of control, reli- numbers can be equally misleading. The So-
gious orientation, anxiety, and depressive cial Security Administration (2003) provided
symptoms, supporting its construct validity an estimate of 29.4 million retirees in June
(Rosenbaum). The Social Resourcefulness 2003, based on the number of people receiv-
Scale (SRS) developed by Rapp and col- ing retired-worker benefits. This is indeed a
leagues (1998) consists of 20 Likert-type substantial population. Another indicator of
items using a five-point scale. Subjects indi- the number of retirees is the number of people
cate the frequency of use of behaviors to ob- in the civilian workforce by age group. In
tain and maintain help from others, ranging 2000, of the 281,421,906 U.S. population,
from never to always. Higher composite the Administration on Aging (2000) esti-
scores indicate greater social resourcefulness. mates that 34,991,753 people were 65 years
An internal consistency estimate was found of age or older. In a trend analysis for years
with elders (Rapp et al.), and construct valid- 19502005, workforce participation rates
ity was supported by significant correlations of men aged 50 and older have been falling
with social support and self-control (Rapp for all ages, and the rates for women have
et al.). been rising sharply for those aged 50 to 54
Fostering the development and mainte- and 55 to 59 (Bureau of Labor Statistics,
nance of both personal and social resource- 1992), but little change was noted for women
fulness is well within the purview of nursing over 65. The labor force of workers who are
interventions. Clinical trials are currently ex- 55 and older is expected to grow by about
amining various methods for teaching per- 8.5 million by 2010, and the 5564 year old
sonal and social resourcefulness skills to el- group is expected to increase by 7.2 million
ders with chronic conditions. Additional re- (Fullerton & Toossi, 2001). The retirement
search with children, adolescents, and ethni- age is declining, with or without social secu-
cally diverse populations is needed. rity benefits (Bureau of Labor Statistics,
JACLENE A. ZAUSZNIEWSKI This is particularly important when exam-
ining the overall characteristics of older citi-
zens as well as the changes that have occurred
Retirement over the last several decades. In A Profile of
Older Americans: 2002 (Administration on
The increased birth rate of the mid-1900s and Aging, 2002), it was reported that in 2000
longer life expectancies have resulted in an there were 35.0 million Americans who were
increase in the number of persons who are, 65 years or older, and they represented
or are soon going to be, retired (Anderson & 12.4% of the U.S. population. In the same
Weber, 1993). In addition, the concept of year, the 6574 age group (18.4 million) was
retirement has changed. While retirement eight times larger than it was in 1900, and
may simply mean the cessation of employ- the 7584 group (12.4 million) was 16 times
ment at a given age, the term is generally larger. Nearly one-half (46%) of all older
Retirement 529

women in 2001 were widows and there were retirement adjustment would depend on the
four times as many widows as widowers. The personal resources of the individual.
American Association of Retired Persons Retirement marks a transition into the
(AARP, 1999a) reports, Outliving men by later stages of life (Floyd et al., 1992), and
an average of seven years, women typically as a part of the Normative Aging Study, re-
have to finance those longer lives with lower searchers suggest that retirement is now a
wages, fewer benefits, and no pensions. The normative event, not the unplanned occur-
result? Three quarters of the older Americans rence it used to be (Bosse, Aldwin, Levenson,
living in poverty are women. In 1997 ap- Spiro, & Mroczek, 1993). Increased longev-
proximately 1 in 7 (14.2%) households that ity and a greater number of healthy older
had an elderly head of the family had an adults have changed expectations for retire-
income of less than $15,000, and in 1995 ment. Retirement may be a time for new rec-
older citizens accounted for approximately reational pursuits, such as travel, and pres-
40% of all hospital stays (Administration on ents an opportunity to develop new routines
Aging, 1998). These data have major implica- (Watts, 1987); however, economic con-
tions not only for retirees and their families straints may place limits on these activities,
and friends, but also for the health care deliv- and changes in the health of the retiree or
ery system and the rising costs of health care. significant other may interfere with previ-
For those who are mobile, states are actively ous plans.
recruiting retirees with sufficient incomes to Upon retirement, relationships with co-
positively impact on the states economy workers are terminated (van Tilburg, 1992),
(Duncombe, Robbins, & Wolf, 2003). and this has an impact on the life of the re-
Several theories of aging have been used tiree. As noted earlier, some retirees continue
to better understand retirement and as frame- working after their initial retirement. In fact,
works for retirement research. The major eight out of ten baby boomers reported
ones include continuity theory, activity the-
that they plan to work at least part-time after
ory, role theory, disengagement theory, and
retirement (AARP, 1999b). M. Carter and
political-economy theory. Each has it own
Cook (1995) noted that retirement is a time
set of criticismsas well as contributionsto
of redefining roles. Retirement can also have
the overall understanding of the retirement
an impact on marital relationships. The re-
phenomenon. Continuity theory suggests
tirement of one partner in a marriage sug-
that people develop habits and preferences
gested a reorganization of roles as the couple
that become an integral part of them and that
persist into their retirement years (Atchley, begins the transition to full-time retirement
1977). According to activity theory, people (Henretta, ORand, & Chan, 1993), and dif-
adjust most effectively in older age when they ferences have been found in the division of
maintain previously established activities household tasks among retirees and nonretir-
(Friedman, E., & Havighurst, 1954). Role ees (Szinovacz & Harpster, 1994). During
theories suggest that society is structured retirement, spouses have been found to be-
around various roles that provide both norms come increasingly aware of their partners
and expectations regarding a persons atti- faults (Johnston, T., 1990), and women may
tudes and behavior (Richardson, 1993). Dis- have problems of infringement when hus-
engagement theory is based on the premise bands spend more time at home (Vinick &
that people tend to withdraw from some of Ekerdt, 1989). Lee and Shehan (1989) found
the roles and activities as they age and enter no beneficial effects of retirement on marital
retirement (Cumming & Henry, 1961). Polit- satisfaction among husbands and wives. T.
ical-economy theory (Estes, C., Linkins, & Gall, Evans, and Howard (1997) found that
Binney, 1996) posits that retirement is the while interpersonal satisfaction and psycho-
result of decisions on the part of business and logical health peaked 1 year after retirement,
industry to reduce the workforce; as a result, it declined significantly by the 6th or 7th

years. Yet, they never fell below preretire- (1990) found that problem drinking in the
ment levels. elderly is a public-health problem of moder-
In recent years there have been a number ate proportion, and that many geriatric cases
of studies on retirement among women are not properly identified.
(Slevin & Wingrove, 1995). Because of the Retirement is an important concept for
prevailing myth among women that they both nursing practice and nursing research;
will be cared for in old age and womens yet it receives little emphasis in the nursing
fear of growing old, women often do not literature as a significant life event, transition,
aggressively plan for their retirement (Per- stressor, or component of routine nursing as-
kins, K., 1992, p. 526). Some studies suggest sessments and interventions. While marriage,
that women who have had recent employ- divorce, childbearing, and the like have re-
ment are healthier in their later years than ceived much attention not only as events but
women who have not been employed (Hib- as transitions, considerably less attention has
bard, 1995). Keddy and Singleton (1991) been directed toward retirement. Greater em-
found that among the women they studied, phasis is needed on the impact of retirement
the primary concerns related to finances, the on health and health care and its implications
use of leisure time, and keeping a positive for nursing. Nurses need to be attending to
attitude in retirement. Womens adaptation the issues of retirement when working with
to retirement may be more affected by life retirees and their significant others, as well
events than mens (Szinovacz & Washo, as with those who are in the preretirement
1992). phase. Assuming that retirement is a positive
Retirement is frequently treated as a point experience may not be appropriate or in the
in time rather than a complex process best interests of clients and their families or
(Siegel & Rees, 1992); yet planning for retire- friends.
ment was the second strongest predictor of
retirement satisfaction among male respon- MARLENE M. ROSENKOETTER
dents in a study by Dorfman (1989). Prere-
tirement planning tends to focus primarily on
financial planning without taking into ac- Rights of Human Subjects
count all of the psychosocial adjustment fac-
tors (Rosenkoetter, Garris, & Engdahl, Rights are just claims that are due to some-
2001). Among the elderly, a leisure repertoire one. Legal rights are valid claims recognized
is of concern due to the abundance of free by a legal system. Moral rights are valid
time that accompanies retirement (Mobily, claims derived from customs, traditions, or
Lemke, & Gisin, 1991). Differences have ideals which may be upheld or protected by
been noted across race. K. Allen and Chin- the law. Human rights are valid claims that
Sang (1990) used a qualitative research ap- are due to members of the human species and
proach to study older black women and may be legal, moral, or both.
found that they continued their history of The rights of human subjects in research
self-reliance in the context of leisure experi- include the right to informed consent, the
ences and service to others in old age. right to privacy, the right to refuse to partici-
Numerous psychosocial changes have pate in research, and the right to withdraw
been found to occur with retirement (Rosen- from a research study, without penalty, at
koetter & Garris, 1998), and depression is a any time. These four rights are all derived
factor for at least some retirees (Rosenkoet- from a general right to liberty and are both
ter, Garris, & Hendricksen, 1997). The effect moral and legal. They are supported by moral
of retirement on mental health and health principles of the social community, profes-
behaviors was investigated in the Kaiser Per- sional codes of research ethics, and by legal
manente Retirement Study (Midanik, Soghi- protections. They become relevant in nursing
kian, Ransom, & Tekawa, 1995). Atkinson research because all nurses have a responsibil-
Rights of Human Subjects 531

ity to protect, and sometimes defend, the ba- voluntariness are required for a subjects con-
sic rights of patients within the health care sent to be truly informed.
system. When the nurse is also a researcher, Nursing research on the informed consent
the nurse has the added responsibility to of human subjects has focused on the compre-
make sure that these particular rights are not hension of information by research subjects,
violated by the research process. subjects competency for informed consent
Informed consent is a process that protects (i.e., adolescents, mentally retarded minors),
research subjects autonomy, protects re- and the factors that influence the informed
search subjects from harm, and assists the consent of adolescents and adults. The study
researcher to avoid fraud and coercion in the designs have been exploratory and quasi-ex-
role of researcher. It is also a process that perimental and have included relatively small
encourages researcher responsibility for how sample sizes.
information is communicated in research, Right to Privacy. The right to privacy in-
promotes rational decision making by human cludes the right to keep personal information
subjects, and involves the public in promoting about oneself private, undisclosed, and away
self-determination as a social value. Informed from public scrutiny. It also includes the right
consent has information elements and con- to bodily integrity, or freedom from un-
sent elements. wanted intrusions on body parts. One way
Information Elements. For adequate dis- that the research subjects right to privacy is
closure of information, the research subject protected is by following rules of confidenti-
must be informed on the procedures to be ality. For example, information about the re-
used throughout the study. Information search subject may not be disclosed without
about available alternative treatment proce- the subjects permission and then only under
dures, a discussion of risks and benefits of certain conditions. In a like manner, research
these procedures, and the opportunity for data is not publicly connected to the research
subject, thereby assuring subject privacy.
questions about or withdrawal from the proj-
Another way that the research subjects
ect after treatment has begun, should all be
right to privacy is protected is by obtaining
provided to the research subject.
an informed consent and signed permission
For adequate comprehension of informa-
for invasive procedures used during the re-
tion, the research subject must have time to
search process. For example, informed con-
consider the information and to ask ques-
sent must be obtained before passing a Levine
tions. This means that when the ability to
tube to obtain gastric contents for analysis.
comprehend information is limited (such as Nursing research on the privacy of human
when a subjects mental competence is lim- subjects is not yet documented. Potential ar-
ited), the researcher must allow the research eas for nursing research are identifying how
subject additional opportunity to consider research studies protect or do not protect the
whether or not to participate in the study. privacy of human subjects, describing re-
Consent Elements. Voluntary consent to search subjects perceptions of how their pri-
participate in research means that the re- vacy was protected or not protected during
search subject has exercised choice, free of a study, identifying researchers attitudes to-
coercion and other forms of controlling influ- ward rules of confidentiality under different
ence by other persons. A research subjects research conditions, and identifying institu-
consent is valid only if it is voluntarily given. tional review board (IRB) members knowl-
Voluntariness protects the patients right to edge of and attitudes toward protection of
choose goals and to choose among several human subject privacy in research studies.
goals when offered options. But consent can- Right to Refuse to Participate in Research.
not be given unless the research subject is The right to refuse to participate in research
competent, or can make decisions based protects the subject from being coerced to
on rational reasons. Both competence and participate in research and assures that re-

search subjects are truly voluntary. Nursing Human Beings (1990), the response to the
research on the right to refuse to participate conceptual model has varied. The work has
in research is not yet documented. Potential been described as too abstract to be useful in
areas for nursing research are identifying the practice; yet its influence on practice, re-
conditions under which research subjects re- search, and education continue to grow inter-
fuse to participate in a study and describing nationally.
why subjects have refused to participate in The model is derived from many disci-
particular types of research studies. plines and results in an integrated whole,
Right to Withdraw from a Research Study. unique to nursing. It does not set out to define
Human subjects have the right to withdraw practice, but is considered a means of stimu-
from a research study without any untoward lating the development of a body of knowl-
treatment of them. Even though they had pre- edge. It is simple and elegant in design, al-
viously consented to participate in a research though it did not seem so initially.
study, subjects have the right to change their It is important to understand that when
minds and withdraw from the study at any she first wrote her book, we had just come
time. out of a one of the most tumultuous decades
Nursing research on the right to withdraw in American history: the 1960s. We were still
from a research study is not yet documented. grappling with an event that had stunned the
Potential areas for nursing research are iden- nationthe assassination of a vibrant young
tifying the conditions under which research presidentshown repeatedly and graphi-
subjects withdraw from a study and describ- cally, for the first time in our history, on
ing the course of treatment of subjects who do television. To understand the mood, one can
and do not withdraw from studies involving compare it to the relentless replay of 9/11/
particular diseases. 01the fall of the World Trade Center
The protection of human rights in research towers and the devastating and prolonged
studies is important to the moral integrity of
after-effects of this experience for people in
nursing research. International and profes-
this country. We were in the grip of the war in
sional codes of research ethics strongly sup-
Vietnam, which divided the country in ways
port the morality of research, and the Ameri-
similar to the war in Iraq today. We had just
can Nurses Associations Ethical Guidelines
landed a man on the moon and Woodstock
in the Conduct, Dissemination, and Imple-
and the Beatles were to become national
mentation of Nursing Research (Silva, 1995)
supports the morality of nursing research.
However, nursing research on the protection The majority of nurses were graduates of
of human rights in research is at an early diploma schools. The mode was to follow
stage of development. As the 21st century the doctors orders and the oral tradition of
approaches, nursing research should include previous generations of nurses. Few thought
studies of how human rights are protected of a career in nursing as being more than just
in research and the factors that inhibit or a job. We thought that wethe medical
promote their protection in various kinds of experts, led by the physician, knew what was
research designs. best, and that patients needed to learn to
be compliant with what we prescribed and
SARA T. FRY advised. Nursing theory did not exist.
Within this cultural framework, Rogers
writes about the natural process of change,
(Martha E.) Rogers Science of the inherent quality of human beings right
Unitary Persons to choose, and the infinite nature of the rela-
tionship between man and the universe. Her
Since 1970, when Martha Rogers initially description of nursing as a learned profession,
published The Science of Irreducible Unitary resulting from a strong academic preparation
Roy Adaptation Model 533

and based in knowledge unique to nursing, of the box (another unfamiliar concept in
was equally stunning and controversial. 1970).
Through 1994, she revised and refined her Her accomplishments were remarkable for
theory. She makes several assumptions to be the nursing profession. She established that
tested so that further nursing knowledge can professional nursing required knowledge
be formulated: the human being is greater gleaned from the arts and science and self-
than the sum of his parts; there is constant, understanding on the part of the individual
progressive interaction between the human nurse. She provided the basis for the formula-
being and environment; the environment is tion of nursing theory. She understood that
infiniteit extends to the universe and be- ongoing change, which is inherent in her the-
yond; reality is as it appearsit is con- ory, applied to her own work and she revised
structed; energy is matter is energy; the hu- it accordingly until her death on March 13,
man being can choose to engage in change. 1994. She studied and understood informa-
Rogers defines four postulates as the basis tion from all she read and experienced and
of her theory: synthesized it into a body of knowledge
unique to nursing.
Energy fieldsin Rogers world we are Martha Rogers epitomized her theory:
energy fields, as is everything around open, constantly changing, diverse, thinking
us. She uses the term unitary to de- without boundaries, and resonating to her
scribe the indivisible and irreducible na- world, her profession, and the future.
ture of the human being-environment
interaction. JOHN PHILLIPS
Opennessan attribute of all energy UPDATED BY ELAINE K. SHIMONO
fieldsa constant mutual interaction
and flow, as opposed to a cause and
effect relationship. Roy Adaptation Model
Patternthe manifestation of energy
fields and exchange which is experi- The Roy adaptation model for nursing de-
enced and known by all senses, includ- fines person as a holistic adaptive system that
ing intuition. is in constant interaction with the environ-
Pandimensionalitythe boundlessness of ment (Roy & Andrews, 1999). As a holistic
the universe, without spatial or linear adaptive system the person can be described
limits. as a set of interrelated arts with inputs, con-
trol and feedback processes, and outputs
In unison with these assumptions and postu- functioning as a whole for some purpose. In-
lates she proposed three principles of homeo- puts for the system are stimuli received exter-
dynamics: nally from the environment (external stimuli)
and internally from within the self (internal
Helicycontinuous, nonrepetitive and in- stimuli). These stimuli are classified as focal,
novative patterning (moving forward/ contextual, or residual. The stimuli immedi-
diversifying). ately confronting the person are called focal
Resonancypatterning which changes stimuli. All other stimuli in the situation that
from lower to higher frequency (respon- contribute to the effect of the focal stimuli
sivenessincreasing vibration). are called contextual stimuli. Stimuli whose
Integralitythe continuous mutual pro- effects on the given situation are unclear are
cess between person and environment called residual stimuli. Thus the environment
(feeling at one with the universe). comprises all the possible inputs for the hu-
man adaptive systems (Roy & Andrews).
Rogers, whatever ones opinion of her the- The control processes of the system are
ory, has to be credited with thinking outside two coping mechanisms, the regulator and

cognator subsystems, to adapt or cope with priate when conducting research based on the
a changing environment. The process of per- Roy adaptation model (Roy & Andrews,
ception links the regulator and cognator sub- 1999).
systems. Outputs of the system are responses, A search of the literature revealed numer-
called behaviors, that result from regulator ous studies that used the Roy adaptation
and cognator activity. Behaviors are mani- model as the conceptual framework for the
fested in four adaptive modes physiological, research, with considerable variability in the
self-concept, role function, and interdepen- clarity and specificity of the links between
dence. Behavior can be observed, measured, the Roy adaptation model and the research.
or subjectively reported, and in collaboration Some studies used the model in the develop-
with the person, judged as adaptive or ineffec- ment of data collection instruments within
tive. Adaptive responses maintain or promote the four adaptive models, while other studies
integrity or health, whereas ineffective re- used the four adaptive modes as a framework
sponses disrupt integrity. Through feedback for data analysis. Chiou (2000) conducted a
processes, behaviors (responses) provide fur- meta-analysis of nine empirical studies based
ther input for the person as a system. on Roys adaptation model to determine the
The goal of nursing is the promotion of magnitude of the interrelationships of the
adaptation in each of the four modes, thereby four modes. The results indicated that more
contributing to the persons health, quality research is needed to determine the credibility
of life, and dying with dignity (Roy & An- of Roys adaptation model (Chiou). Addi-
drews, 1999, p. 55). Roy defines health as tional studies identified specific concepts
a state and a process of being and becoming from the model, such as interdependence
an integrated and whole person (Roy & An- mode or physical self, and used them as the
drews, p. 54). In essence, health reflects adap- basis for the research.
tation of the individuals adaptative systems A number of studies identified specific
in an ever-changing environment. The role links, conceptually and operationally, be-
of the nurse is to promote health through tween the Roy adaptation model and the re-
promotion of adaptation and enhancing the search variables. In these studies specific con-
person-environment interaction through the cepts were linked to the various aspects of
use of the nursing process. Within the Roy the model, including focal, contextual, and
adaptation model, nursing interventions are residual stimuli control processes and adap-
conceptualized as the management or manip- tive modes. Yeh (2003) used this approach in
ulation of stimuli. Assumptions of the Roy research examining the relationships among
adaptation model are both scientific and phil- social support, parenting stress, coping style,
osophical. The scientific assumptions are de- and psychological distress in parents caring
rived from systems theory and adaptation for children with cancer. Zhan (2000) exam-
level theory, whereas the philosophical as- ined the relationship between cognitive adap-
sumptions are related to humanism (Roy & tation processes and self-consistency in hear-
Andrews). ing-impaired elderly. These concepts were
The elements and assumptions of the Roy then operationalized by identifying specific
adaptation model provide a perspective for measurement tools. Several studies identified
nursing research by suggesting what phenom- nursing interventions as the management or
ena to study, identifying the research ques- manipulation of stimuli, and some specifi-
tions, and identifying appropriate methods cally tested propositions derived from the
of inquiry. The phenomena of study are per- model. A urine control theory of the middle
sons as individuals or in groups. The distinc- range substructed from Roys adaptation
tive nature of the research questions is related model was studied to explain the phenome-
to basic life processes and patterns, coping non of urine control in memory-impaired in-
with health and illness, and enhancing adap- continent elders at home (Jirovec, Jenkins,
tive coping. Multiple methods are appro- Isenberg, & Baiardi, 1999). This intervention
Rural Health 535

study found that Roys adaptation model was odological instrument development and sub-
a useful model to explain the phenomenon stantive research related to childbearing fami-
of urine control (Jirovec et al.). lies. Retrospective and longitudinal studies
Among the studies there were differences examined factors associated with functional
in methodologies, designs, data collection status during the postpartum period, and one
procedures, and data analysis techniques. A study (Fawcett, 1990) tested an intervention
review of the research designs used in the derived from the Roy adaptation model. Pol-
studies revealed both cross-sectional and lon- lock (1993) and colleagues conducted a series
gitudinal designs, as well as prospective and of five longitudinal studies to examine human
ex-post-facto designs. Case study, single responses to chronic illness by identifying
group, and comparison group designs were predictors of adaptation to chronic illness
all represented in the studies reviewed. Addi- and determining whether adaptive responses
tionally, designs ranged from exploratory, in- differed by diagnostic group. These studies
cluding descriptive-correlational and descrip- by Fawcett, Pollock, and Tulman demon-
tive-comparative, to experimental and qua- strate the usefulness of the Roy adaptation
siexperimental. model as a guide for nursing research and
Similarly, variety was found in the ap- support the credibility of the model. Using
proaches used for data collection. Data were the Roy adaptation model to guide nursing
collected by record reviews, observation, in- research has contributed to both the basic
terviews, researcher-developed question- and the clinical science of nursing. Increased
naires, and standardized questionnaires such understanding of the factors influencing
as the Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire adaptive responses are examples. Studies
and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Meth- have provided some confirmation for the
ods of data analysis were both quantitative model, demonstrated its ability to generate
and qualitative. Several studies used qualita- new information, and contributed to clini-
tive data analysis procedures such as content cal practice.
analysis and the constant comparative Research that continues to test the model
method for grounded theory. Shyu (2000) and the relationships among its components
illustrated the role function mode in Roys is needed. One area that has been identified
adaptation model using constant comparison as a research concern is the overlap between
to analyze the data. Yeh (2001) used a quali- the four adaptive modes. Further research
tative approach to establish a framework for may clarify this issue. Additional research
the adaptation process of Taiwanese children should test nursing interventions to promote
with cancer. The studies reviewed revealed adaptive responses. Overall, the Roy adapta-
that the Roy adaptation model was appro- tion model is a very useful model in practice
priate for guiding research in a variety of and as a guide to research. The Roy adapta-
settings and populations. Shyus study was tion model continues to make a significant
conducted in Taiwan with families whereas contribution to nursing science as it continues
Zhan (2000) recruited older hearing-im- to evolve.
paired individuals from the northeastern part
of the United States. Villareal (2003) demon- MARY E. TIEDEMAN
strated the use of Roys adaptation model in UPDATED BY MARY T. QUINN GRIFFIN
young women contemplating smoking cessa-
tion. Roys adaptation model has also guided
research related to menopausal women (Cun- Rural Health
ningham, 2002).
Among those who have built a program Capturing the parameters of rural may ap-
of research using the Roy adaptation model pear quite simple, as each individual has a
are J. Fawcett, S. E. Pollock, and L. Tulman. personal view of rural life. For some it is
Fawcett and Tulman (1990) conducted meth- the place where, for generations, they have

engaged in farming, ranching, mining, or log- hearing loss from farm machinery noise, and
ging, and for others it is an escape from urban serious farm equipment injuries. Other health
tensionsa place to recreate and to relax. For concerns are domestic violence, smokeless to-
those providing health care, there are unique bacco use, heavy drinking and smoking, un-
challenges and opportunities in the rural set- intentional firearms injuries, and suicide.
ting. For small towns in the rural plains, loss is
Rural health requires an understanding of a defining characteristic. There has been a
the clients being served. While rural America slow demographic collapse with the young
is still the site of our food production, it is moving out, businesses closing, factories
also evolving into a new place with a new emptying, and poverty increasing. Most
demographic profile and new opportunities. alarmingly, polls show a quiet crisis of confi-
The economic base is marked by increasing dence. Rural people feel powerless to con-
diversification, with consumer services ac- trol their lives and are pessimistic about the
counting for 23% of rural earnings in 1999, future (Egan, 2003).
along with manufacturing (21%), public sec- The intention is not to create an exhaustive
tor (20%), recreational services (4%), and list of rural health problems. This sample of
only 5% from agriculture (Economic Re- health disparities serves as an indicator of the
search Services, 2000). The increasing variety complexity of social and health issues in rural
in occupations and rapid advances in technol- areas and the challenges to those engaged
ogy are quickly blurring differences within in evidence-based rural nursing practice. As
rural populations and between urban and ru- noted in Rural Healthy People 2010, this type
ral residents. of discussion should not diminish the advan-
Sketching a rural health profile is compli- tages and attractions that many rural areas
cated by the increasing diversity of the popu- already offer to residents and visitors, and to
lation, disparities in definition, inadequate the successes in many communities that are
measurement, and lack of adequate health a reflection of the hard work and commit-
statistics. Yet, from observation and statisti- ment of rural people unwilling to accept ex-
cal reports, it is clear that significant health isting conditions (Gamm, Hutchison, Dab-
disparities are present in certain segments of ney, & Dorsey, 2003).
rural America. Optimal nursing care is provided when
Rural dwellers often have limited access nurses and health care decision-makers have
to health care, high rates of poverty, high access to a synthesis of the latest research and
rates of uninsured and underinsured, trans- a consensus of expert opinion as a basis for
portation problems, and high risks for their judgment in planning and providing
chronic illness and accidental death. Among care. There are persisting deficits along with
rural men, the suicide rate is 54% higher than areas of optimism in rural nursing research
in urban areas (Dotinga, 2002). Rural women that guide evidence-based care. There contin-
tend to have less access to health education, ues to be a limited number of databased arti-
lower rates of cancer screening, fewer choices cles in the rural nursing literature. Continuing
in insurance plans, fewer options for cancer shortfalls in the literature include small sam-
treatment, and less access to oncologists than ple sizes, lack of random sampling, cross-
urban women (Hoekstra, 2001). The rural sectional designs, problems with operation-
homeless need particular attention in terms alization and measurement of rurality, and
of research and policy development (Bushy, small specific populations. Studies lack clear
2000). Among Native Americans and mi- descriptions of comparison groups and often
grant workers, homelessness is largely a rural fail to adequately account for key variables.
phenomenon (National Coalition for the Positive signs of the growth of rural nurs-
Homeless, 1999). Rural residents have a ing science are appearing. Among these are
greater likelihood of working in hazardous a new online rural nursing journal, programs
occupations, with exposure to chemicals, of rural nursing research including multisite
Rural Health 537

projects, a National Institute of Nursing Re- will increase the number of individuals pre-
search-funded exploratory research center fo- pared to conduct necessary rural research.
cused on rural health, interest in doctoral The Center for Research on Chronic Health
preparation in rural health, and use of new Conditions in Rural Dwellers at Montana
technology for education and in nursing re- State University-Bozeman, funded through
search (Weinert, 2002). the NINR Exploratory Centers Program,
The Online Journal of Rural Nursing and provides an opportunity to strengthen rural
Health Care, which focuses on dissemination research and is forging research linkages be-
of rural nursing research and health care in- tween Montana nurse scientists and rural
formation, is a sign of progress. There are nurse investigators in Oregon, Iowa, Wyo-
now a cluster of projects addressing some of ming, North Dakota, and Nebraska. The ex-
the pressing health issues such as womens plosion of activity in the arena of telecommu-
health, children and adolescents, the elderly, nications has been a boon to rural nursing
caregiving, and issues associated with manag- education, brought current practice and re-
ing cancer, stroke, Alzheimers disease, and search knowledge to the finger tips of nurses
end-of-life care in the rural setting. Programs in the remotest of areas, extended the reach
of rural nursing research are developing: Fahs of the community health nurse through tele-
and associates, at Binghamton University, on health, and enhanced computer-based re-
cardiovascular disease and rural women; search designs. There is progress in the devel-
Magilvy and colleagues, at the University of opment of the body of knowledge about rural
Colorado, on community health needs of el- health, with the crafting of more sophisti-
derly rural populations; and Weinert and col- cated and methodologically sound studies
leagues, at Montana State University-Boze- and an increase in the number of programs
man, using computer-based technology to of nursing research. A foundation has been
provide support and health information to laid for expanding the field of rural nursing
isolated rural women living with a chronic through a journal, doctoral program, and re-
health condition. Cross-state studies are be- search center. These advances in nursing sci-
ing designed to tease out which characteris- ence, along with better understanding of his-
tics are somewhat universal across rural pop- torical factors, changing demographics,
ulations and which may be specific to a cer- health disparities, strengths, and resources of
tain rural population. One example is the rural communities/individuals, enhance the
work of Shreffler-Grant, at Montana State delivery of evidence-based nursing care in the
University-Bozeman and her colleagues at the rural setting.
University of North Dakota, who are explor-
ing the use of complementary therapy by ru- CLARANN WEINERT
ral older adults. The launching of a nursing
doctoral program at Binghamton University

Sampling simple random sampling, but it can have vari-

ance estimation problems (Kish, 1965).
Sampling is a process or way in which one A minimum of two systematic random
selects a representative part of the population samples with independent random starts is
of interest to make valid inferences and gener- needed to estimate variance, unless one can
assume a random distribution of the cases on
alizations. A sample is not only more feasible,
the list used for sampling. Also, when using
economical, and practical than using the
systematic random sampling, one must be
whole population; it is often more accurate.
careful that the list does not have some sys-
A sample, in contrast to the greater number
tematic order or periodicity. If so, systematic
of cases in an entire population, decreases
random sampling may lead to a seriously mis-
the likelihood of nonsampling errors such as
represented sample or pattern. For example,
measurement errors, nonresponse biases, and
one might inadvertently select all head nurses
recording and coding errors. Most research-
if the sampling interval mimicked the se-
ers think of sampling as important for accu-
quencing of head nurses on the list. Or one
rately representing the population in descrip- might obtain blood samples only when cer-
tive terms, that is, external validity or general- tain hormones are at their peaks if the sam-
ization. Sampling, however, also is concerned pling time interval mimicked when the hor-
with the relationships found. Therefore, sam- mone peaked.
pling errors or biases may threaten internal Stratified sampling is another method of
validity as well. Also, strictly speaking, sam- random sampling. It involves identifying one
ples are not representative, unbiased, or or more classification variables for sampling
fair (Stuart, 1968). Because the researcher purposes. With stratified sampling, one ran-
never knows the true population values, one domly samples within each nonoverlapping
cannot determine if any given sample is truly stratum of the classification variables. For
representative of the population. It is the sam- example, if sex is the classification variable,
pling process that is representative, unbiased, one randomly samples men and women sepa-
or fair. rately. Stratified sampling is intended to de-
There are several types of sampling. Simple crease sampling variability by increasing the
random sampling is a procedure that may homogeneity of the strata. For research pur-
involve the use of a table of random numbers poses, it is best to select classification vari-
or the flip of a coin to determine who or what ables on the basis of their assumed associa-
will be included in the sample. This approach, tion with the dependent variable, choosing
however, is often impractical and tedious and those that are uncorrelated with each other.
is infrequently used. Systematic random sam- Stratified sampling facilitates obtaining sub-
pling involves the use of a random start and group parameter estimates, may increase the
then the selection of every kth case or inci- statistical efficiency of estimates if propor-
dence. This approach is more convenient than tional allocation is used, and may be more

Schizophrenia 539

convenient if sampling lists are organized ac- 1.3% of the population worldwide develops
cording to the selected strata. However, stra- the disease regardless of race, ethnic group,
tified sampling also may be more costly and gender, or country of origin. Between two
complex and generally is applied to some, and three million people in the United States
but not all, variables of interest. suffer from schizophrenia and the accompa-
Cluster sampling is a fourth type of ran- nying stigma. In three out of four cases the
dom sampling. Here the elements of interest illness begins between the ages of 17 and 25,
for the study and the sampling units are not robbing its victims of their most productive
the same. The sampling unit or cluster is a young adult years. The average life span of
convenient, practical, and economical group- a person with schizophrenia is 20% shorter
ing, such as practice sites, whereas the ele- than that of the general population.
ments of interest for the study may be the Schizophrenia is a chronic illness that is
individual patients obtained at the practice five times more common than multiple sclero-
sites. Thus, one randomly samples the clus- sis, six times more common than insulin-de-
ters and takes all elements (or a relevant, ran- pendent diabetes, 60 times more common
dom subset) within each cluster. In contrast than muscular dystrophy, and 80 times more
to stratified sampling, where one samples common than Huntingtons disease. To date
from all strata of the classification variable, schizophrenia is unpreventable, its exact
one samples only some clusters in cluster sam- cause is unknown, and it is not reliably cur-
pling. In contrast to desiring homogeneous able. The word schizophrenia is a combina-
strata, clusters should be as heterogeneous as tion of two Greek words, schizein meaning
possible. To the extent that the clusters are to split and phren meaning mind. The word
not heterogeneous, one loses some precision, refers to a split from reality, not split person-
and the cluster sample is less efficient than a ality.
simple random sample of the same size. At The criteria for diagnosis in the American
the extreme, if the cluster is completely homo- Psychiatric Associations (2000) Diagnostic
geneous, one achieves no gain from more and Statistical Manual (4th edition text revi-
than one case per cluster. sion) requires that at least two of the follow-
Finally, convenience samples, or nonprob- ing be present for a significant portion of time
ability samples, are frequently used in nursing during a 1-month period: delusions; halluci-
research. However, it is not possible to esti- nations; disorganized speech; grossly disorga-
mate sampling errors with such samples. nized or catatonic behavior; and, negative
Therefore, the validity of inferences drawn symptoms which refer to cognitive deficits
from nonprobability samples to the popula- such as alogia, poverty of speech, avolition,
tion remains unknown. Moreover, whenever and flattening of affect. For a significant por-
nonrandom selection is used, the potential tion of the time since the onset of the distur-
for serious sample selection biases exists. It bance, one or more major areas of function-
is well-known that sample selection bias may ing, such as work, interpersonal relations, or
threaten internal as well as external validity. self-care, is markedly below the level achieved
For this reason, sampling on ones dependent prior to the onset. Continuous signs of the
variable should never be done. disturbance must persist for at least 6 months.
Approximately 400,000 acute episodes
LAUREN S. AARONSON occur annually in the U.S. and three million
occur worldwide. Schizophrenia is ranked
fourth of the top ten of all diseases worldwide
Schizophrenia in terms of burden of illness. The top three are
unipolar disorder, alcohol use, and bipolar
Schizophrenia, the most serious and persis- disorder. Schizophrenia ranks second in
tent of the brain diseases in psychiatry, strikes women age 1444 years of all diseases world-
at least one in every hundred people. About wide in terms of burden of illness. It is pro-

jected that by 2020 neurobiological illnesses prevention is ongoing at the University of

will account for almost 15% of all illnesses Washington in Seattle (Kennedy, Schepp, &
worldwide. OConnor, 2000). Additional relapse preven-
Schizophrenia accounts for 40% of all tion research is being conducted in the Neth-
long-term-care days. $104 billion, 3% of the erlands by van Meijel, van der Gaag, Kahn,
total United States health care expenditure, is and Grypdonck (2002a, 2002b, 2003a,
spent annually on schizophrenia-related costs 2003b) and in South Africa by Mwaba and
not including loss of productivity. Twenty- Molamu (1998).
five percent of all United States hospital beds A large corpus of literature is evolving in
are occupied with someone diagnosed with the area of family and caregiver burden. Tool
schizophrenia. Twenty to fifty percent of pa- development for sibling burden is being con-
tients with schizophrenia attempt suicide, ducted at the University of Iowa by Friedrich,
while 10% succeed. Lively, Rubenstein, and Buckwalter (1999,
Recent research aided by new technologi- 2002), and Friedrich, Lively, and Buckwalter
cal advances has redefined schizophrenia as (1999). Researchers in Great Britain (Gall,
a major neurobiological disease, a concept in Elliot, Atkinson, & Johansen, 2001, 2003)
psychiatry that now replaces outdated psy- have developed a training program to support
chological theories of causation. There is now caregivers of relatives with schizophrenia.
indisputable evidence of anatomical, neuro- Also in Great Britain, Macinnes (1998) re-
physiological, biochemical, and electrical ab- ported on differences between health profes-
normalities, including loss of gray matter in sionals in assessment of caregiver burden.
the frontal and prefrontal lobes and enlarged Saunders (1999, 2003; Saunders & Byrne,
ventricles. Further biological evidence for the 2002) at the University of Texas has ongoing
brain disease model of schizophrenia has studies on overall family functioning. Hope
come out of studies of genetics, epidemiology, in relationship to family caregivers is docu-
neuroimmunology, and neuroradiography. mented in Bland and Darlington (2002).
Understanding of this disease is rapidly in- Wuerker (2000) has ongoing family research
creasing with recently developed advanced at the University of California in Los Angeles.
brain-imaging technologies. Canadian researchers at the University of
A CINAHL search of nursing research in British Columbia is studying the family illness
schizophrenia since 1998 returned 117 cita- experience (Teschinsky, 2000) while the Ry-
tions. The majority of these were descriptive erson Polytechnic University in Toronto is
reports of program development and/or nurs- focusing on parents of individuals experienc-
ing interventions. Ongoing nursing research ing a first episode of schizophrenia. Milliken
has been focused on 14 major categories. (2001), Milliken and Northcott (2003), and
These categories are: (1) symptom manage- Milliken and Rodney (2003) are studying the
ment and relapse prevention; (2) caregiver burden of families caring for adult children
and family burden; (3) treatment adherence with schizophrenia at the University of Victo-
and medication side effects; (4) management ria in British Columbia. German researchers
of hallucinations and delusions: (5) wellness, at the University of Leipzig are also looking
lifestyle, and medical comorbidity; (6) psy- at subjective burden of parents of patients
choeducation; (7) psychosocial rehabilita- with schizophrenia (Jungbauer, Wittmund,
tion; (8) outcomes measures and assessment Dietrich, & Angermeyer, 2003) as are Korean
tools; (9) inpatient treatment; (10) empathy researchers, Y. M. Lim and Ahn (2003) and
and hope; (11) suicide and depression; (12) Jung (2000). Researchers at Khon Kaen Uni-
children and adolescents; (13) psychothera- versity in Thailand are studying psychologi-
pies; and (14) womens issues. All 117 cita- cal morbidity of rural families as well as reli-
tions will be described. gious practices used as interventions (Run-
Qualitative and quantitative research re- greangkulkij, Chafetz, Chesla, & Gilliss,
lated to symptom management and relapse 2002; Rungreangkulkij & Chesla, 2001). The
Schizophrenia 541

effects of support groups on caregivers in 1999b) are studying the complications added
China is reported by K. Chou, Liu, and Chu to managing hallucinations and delusions
(2003). Attitudes and beliefs in families is when the patient is abusing substances. Sayer,
researched in South Africa (Mbanaga et al., Ritter, and Gournay (2000) are researching
2002). The reliability and validity of the con- patient beliefs about their voices and the ef-
cept as expressed in families and nurses in fects on coping.
Hong Kong is articulated by Arthur (2002). Wellness, medical comorbidity, and life-
Another growing body of research is in style in relationship to management of schizo-
the area of adherence with the treatment regi- phrenia is also a prominent focus of current
men. Australian researchers Pinikahana, research. The effects of antipsychotic medica-
Happell, Taylor, and Keks (2002) provided tion on quality of life, including weight man-
a comprehensive review of the complex issues agement and metabolism, is intensely re-
involved with compliance. In Great Britain, searched by the ProMedica Research group
Gray, Wykes, and Gournay (2002) are ad- in Georgia (Littrell, Hilligoss, Kirshner,
dressing compliance with antipsychotic medi- Petty, & Johnson, 2003; Littrell & Littrell,
cations while N. R. Harris, Lovell, and Day 1999). Health promotion is being addressed
are studying consent. L. Jennings and col- by Beebe (2003) while Chafetz and Ricard
leagues (2002) are evaluating effects of (1999) are addressing biopsychosocial ap-
knowledge of illness, insight, and attitudes proaches. Health outcomes related to satis-
toward taking medications. In Atlanta, faction with social functioning and general
Jarboe and Schwarz (1999) and Jarboe health are reported by Badger and colleagues
(2002) are also researching compliance with in 2003. The association of cigarette smoking
antipsychotics. Kozuki and Froelicher (2003) to schizophrenia is reviewed by McCloughen
reported on lack of awareness as a factor in (2003) and by Forchuk and colleagues
nonadherence. The evidence base for compli- (2002). A 21/2 year follow-up study on smok-
ance is being studied in Scotland by Marland ing, body mass index, and risk of heart dis-
(1999) and by Marland and Sharkey (1999). ease following the first episode of schizophre-
Marland and Cash (2001) are also studying nia is reported by Luty, Kelly, and McCreadie
why patients decide not to take prescribed (2002). Risk of HIV infection in the schizo-
medications. In Israel, Navon and Ozer phrenic population is being studied by Gray,
(2003) are exploring the patients reasoning Brewin, Noak, and colleagues (2002). The
regarding compliance. Managing medication primary care needs of people with schizo-
side effects to effect compliance is ongoing in phrenia is reported by J. Rodgers, Black,
Berkshire, England (Sin & Gamble, 2003). Stobbart, and Foster (2003).
Scandinavian researchers are studying the Psychoeducation was studied intensely in
morality of using depot neuroleptics (Sved- the 1980s and 1990s, primarily by the allied
berg, Hallstrom, & Lutzen, 2000). The role health disciplines. Current nursing research
of the community mental health nurse in do- is being conducted in Hong Kong (Chien, W.
ing more than just giving injections is re- T., & Norman, 2003; Chien, W. T., & Lee,
ported by Muir-Cochrane in 1998. 2002; Chien, W. T., Kam, & Lee, 2001) and
The management of hallucinations has in Australia (Fung & Fry, 1999).
been of concern to nurses throughout the his- The topic of psychosocial rehabilitation,
tory of psychiatric nursing. Ongoing research overall quality of life, and community-based
at the University of California at San Fran- care is appearing in the general nursing litera-
cisco involves randomized controlled trials ture as well as in specific psychiatric nursing
of a specific psychoeducational intervention journals. Antai-Otong (2003) provided a
(Buccheri et al., 2004; Trygstad et al., 2002). comprehensive review of psychiatric rehabili-
Similar research is ongoing in Great Britain tation while C. C. Williams and Collins
(Wykes, Parr, & Landau, 1999). Also in Brit- (2002) are looking at the social construct of
ain and Holland, Baguley and Davies (1999a, disability. Social function and quality of life

for persons with schizophrenia is described guide research in schizophrenia. Menzies and
by J. McDonald and Badger (2002) and by Farrell (2002) remind psychiatric nurses of
Walton (2000). A comparison between psy- the importance of the traditional Abnormal
chiatric nurses, psychiatrists, and the public Involuntary Movement Scale in evaluating
regarding beliefs about interventions is pre- patients for side effects related to antipsy-
sented by Caldwell and Jorm (2000). The chotic medications. McCay and Seeman
cognitive aspects of activities of daily living is (1998) developed a scale to measure impact
a focus at the University of Kansas (Rempfer, of schizophrenia on self-concept.
Hamera, Brown, & Cromwell, 2003). Func- The use of critical pathways to guide inpa-
tioning in the community is being studied in tient care at the Chinese University in Hong
the United States by Hampton and Chafeftz Kong is emphasized by S. W. Chan and Wong
(2002), B. Johnson and Montgomery (1999), in 1999 and also in London by A. Jones
and Beebe (2001, 2002). Australian research- (2000, 2001). At the University of Hawaii,
ers are studying grounded research in the will- Anders, Kawano, Mori, Kokusha, and Toku-
ingness to access community mental health naga (2001) are studying inpatient treatment
services (McCann, T. V., & Clark, 2003) in Japan, Thailand (Anders, Thapinta, Wi-
while Pinikahana, Happell, Hope, and Keks watkunupakan, Kitsumban, & Vadtana-
(2002) are looking at overall quality of life. pong, 2003) and the U.S. (Anders, 2000).
In Sweden the focus is the effect of living From the patient perspective, Finnish re-
in a homelike setting (Pejlert, Asplund, & searchers Koivisto, Janhonen, and Vaisanen
Norberg, 1999). In Taiwan work is ongoing (2003) are studying the patients experience
in the area of social skills training (Chien, H. of psychosis using phenomenological meth-
C., et al., 2003). In Hong Kong, Chan, S., odology. In India, Mahato (2000) studied the
Mackenzie, and Jacobs (2000), Tin-Fu, relationship between the length of hospital-
Chan, and Jacobs (2000), and Chan, S., Mac- ization and the ability to resume self-care.
Kenzie, A., Tin-Fu, and Leung (2000) are
Depression and suicide is being studied in
studying cost effectiveness of case manage-
Australia by Pinikahana, Happell, and Keks
ment versus routine community care, as are
(2003) and in Italy by Pompili, Mancinelli,
Lin, Yin, Kuo, and colleagues in Taiwin. Jap-
Girardi, and Tatarelli (2003). In the United
anese researchers are studying client empow-
States, Menzies (2000) at the University of
erment by public health nurses (Kayama, Zer-
Virginia is studying the neglected aspect of
wekh, Thornton, & Murashima, 2001).
postpsychotic depression. The concept of
Anger management is also being studied in
Hong Kong (Chan, H., Lu, Tseng, & Chou, hope is being studied by Kirkpatrick, Lan-
2003). Needs assessment and quality of life deen, Woodside, and Byrne (2001), T. V.
in Scandinavia is described in a 5-year follow- McCann (2002), and Salerno (2002).
up study by Foldemo and Bogren (2002). The use of psychotherapeutic techniques
An increasing number of studies are focus- include cognitive behavioral therapy (Sid-
ing on tool development for various mea- dle & Kingdon, 2000), transactional analysis
sures. In 1999 nursing students developed a (Paley & Shapiro, 2001), sense of coherence
tool for assessing safety (Blanchard et al., (Bengtsson-Tops & Hansson, 2001), general
1999). In Manchester, England, Lockwood psychosocial interventions (McCann, E.,
and Marshall (1999) have been studying the 2001), insight (Baier et al., 2000; Baier &
importance of standardized and reliable as- Murray, 1999), the nurse-patient relation-
sessment tools in schizophrenia research. ship (Forchuk, Westwell, et al., 2000), and
Sherrell, Buckwalter, Bode, and Strozdas Newmans theory (Yamashita, 1999).
(1999) are evaluating cognitive abilities Womens issues (Clarke, Chernomas, &
screening tools in the assessment of elderly Chisholm, 2001) and sexuality (McCann, E.,
schizophrenics. Beebe (2003b) is emphasizing 2000) are beginning to appear in the litera-
the importance of the vulnerability model to ture; however there was only one study docu-
Scientific Development 543

mented related to children and adolescents findings from previous research, conceptual-
with schizophrenia (Lambert, L. T., 2001). izations contributed by other scholars, and
In the past 5 years, the quality and quantity testing of more than one prediction. In this
of nursing research in schizophrenia has ex- perspective, scientific knowledge progresses
panded around the globe. Psychiatric nurse by a process of formulating bold conjectures
researchers are contributing significantly to and then subjecting them to equally bold criti-
the improvement of care for individuals with cism and test.
schizophrenia and their families. The corpus The main criticism against empirical ratio-
of research is maturing with the appearance nalism comes from the phenomenological
of randomized controlled trials involving perspective originated by preeminent philos-
nursing interventions. Research that has been ophers such as Husserl, Heidegger, and
presented in poster format at major research Merleau-Ponty. From the phenomenological
conferences but has yet to be published in point of view it does not make sense to objec-
refereed journals is demonstrating increased tify our knowledge because reality consists
sophistication in methodology in each of the of the meanings one assigns throughout expe-
14 major areas. riences. Therefore, to the phenomenologist
there is no reality separated from the interac-
MARY MOLLER tion of a person as a perceiving, meaning-
giving being. Reality cannot be known inde-
pendently of a persons experience with all
Scientific Development its meanings: My knowledge of the world,
even my scientific knowledge, is gained from
Scientific development is a term defining the my own particular point of view, or from
process of producing and making available some experience of the world without which
new knowledge through systematically test- the symbols of science would be meaningless
ing theories against empirical reality in order (Merleau-Ponty, 1962, p. vii).
to solve problems. The term scientific is used The development of modern science can
as an attribute of the human knowledge inter- be defined from different theoretical perspec-
preting natural, social, economic, historical, tives; each one provides a rational framework
and psychological systems as parts of the em- (or methodology) for understanding the his-
pirical world. Scientific knowledge consists torical development of human science. Each
of systems of theories able to explain and framework provides a set of rules for the vali-
solve scientific problems. Its essence is test- dation of testable theories; those rules also
ability (Popper, 1969); it requires agreement can be used as criteria for demarcation be-
among individuals about the nature of the tween common and scientific knowledge. At
problem and the validity of the explanation. least four different frameworks can be identi-
Controversies exist about what scientific fied, each one characterized by a specific set
knowledge is. For instance, the traditional of rules finalized to accept or reject theories
empirical rationalism perspective holds the or research programs.
position that knowledge is scientific only Inductivism dictates that only those prop-
when it has passed certain rigorous standards ositions describing hard facts or true general-
of method. Thus, only when reality has been izations of those facts (or very probable gen-
defined in a measurable way and tested under eralizations in the neoinductivist version) can
sufficiently controlled conditions as an ob- be accepted as scientific. Inductivisms basic
jective phenomenon (well protected from assumption is that primitive propositions can
the investigators subjective biases) can the be directly derived from facts, and it has been
generated knowledge be defined as scientific widely criticized. An inductivist accepts a sci-
and therefore valid and reliable. Deductive entific proposition when proved true; other-
reasoning facilitates objectivity by encourag- wise it will be rejected. This approach has a
ing examination of a phenomenon in light of very strict scientific rigor: a proposition has

to be demonstrated by facts or inductively- falsified theories; the more important they

deductively derived from propositions are, the more progress that has been made.
proved to be true. However, inductivism does Research programs have been proposed by
not offer any explanation about directions of Lakatos (1968) as methods of analysis for
the scientific development, nor can it ratio- scientific development. Research programs
nally explain the reasons for the main scien- are identified as testable results in terms of
tific progress of humankind. progressive and regressive problem shifts.
Conventionalism defines science develop- Scientific revolutions consist in substitution
ment as the building of systems organizing of a research program with a more advanced
facts into a consistent whole. When inconsis- one. According to this approach, a positive
tencies arise, a conventionalist changes or heuristic has to dictate the choice of problems
modifies the system, assuming that it can be for research instead of anomalies or incoher-
considered true or false by convention. Ac- ences, as in the falsificationism and inductiv-
cording to this approach, science develops ism methodologies. Therefore, the develop-
by accumulation on the level of facts and ment of scientific theories is characterized by
progresses through simplifications or better high degrees of freedom and is not influenced
conventional explanations. For example, Ein- by the dominant paradigms. Thus, a research
steins theory was progressive because it pro- program progresses because its theoretical
vided a simpler explanation than former the- development anticipates the empirical one. It
ories. For a conventionalist, false assump- is regressing when it can provide only post
tions can lead to true conclusions; therefore, hoc explanations because the empirical devel-
false theories may have great predictive opment is predominant over the theoretical
power (this is a solid philosophical position, one.
not to be confused with instrumentalism). Each one of the four frameworks defines
Under conventionalism any idea can be ac- scientific development in a specific way.
However, each perspective has to be inte-
ceptable and used for scientific inquiry; what
grated by external empirical theories able to
cannot be used is not considered nonscien-
explain the nonrational factors involved in
tific, as in the inductivist approach.
scientific development, such as the social con-
Falsificationism admits that the basic as-
text and the historical period, because these
sumptions about facts can be accepted by
are powerful forces driving or opposing any
agreement, but this does not apply to the
scientific development.
theories. According to this approach, a theory
A method of analysis that can define how
is scientific only if it can be tested against a knowledge evolves is essential for under-
basic assumption or if it can be experimen- standing scientific development in general as
tally falsified. Thus, a theory must be rejected well as in a particular disciplinary field. Three
if it conflicts with accepted assumptions. Pop- approaches can be proposed to understand
per (1969) stated that, in order to be consid- nursings scientific development: (a) revolu-
ered scientific, a theory has to predict new tion, (b) evolution, and (c) integration.
facts (new because they are not considered Development by Revolution. The concept
by other rival theories), has to be empirically of revolution was first used by Kant (1781/
testable, and must not be adjustable with ad 1991) to explain his idea that from an initial
hoc hypotheses. In the latter, more conven- revolution a discipline will find a secure path
tionalist version of this approach, some in- for its scientific development. Kuhn (1970)
ductive principles are accepted. introduced the idea that, under particular cir-
Falsificationists define the development of cumstances, the whole traditional paradigm
science as a process of falsifying the dominant (all theories, methods, applications, and in-
theories: behind each important discovery struments made available throughout a con-
there is a theory proved false. Scientific devel- sistent tradition of research) is subject to
opment is related to the importance of the change, not just a theory or a research pro-
Secondary Data Analysis 545

gram. Important progress in scientific devel- From an evolutionist perspective, nursing

opment is possible through a series of transi- has not accumulated enough knowledge to
tions, from crisis or revolutions to normal deserve the status of discipline; from an inte-
science, when members of the field accept in grationist perspective, nursing is a discipline
a unified way a common, dominant paradigm because it is able to provide new questions
(later defined as disciplinary matrix). Using and answers, including repatterning, in-
a revolutionary perspective, nursing is in a venting, and testing knowledge through re-
preparadigmatic stage. Because there may not search and practice.
be periods of normal science (even if nursing
knowledge is progressing), it is possible that RENZO ZANOTTI
the nursing scientific revolution may never
come (Meleis, 1997).
Development by Evolution. In this ap- Secondary Data Analysis
proach, knowledge progress is a gradual pro-
cess of change and differentiation toward a Secondary data analysis uses the analysis of
higher level of complexity. It is a process of data that the analyst was not responsible for
generating new ideas in continuity with the collecting or data that was collected for a
old ones and therefore systematically accu- different problem from the one currently un-
mulating knowledge following a well-defined der analysis. The data that are already col-
course. Propositions of one theory are used as lected and archived in some fashion are re-
premises for another; they are tested against ferred to as secondary information (Stewart,
practice, and vice versa. As in the Darwinian D. W., & Kamins, 1993). Statistical meta-
process, environment continuously chal- analysis might be considered a special case
lenges the existent theories, and only the ones of secondary analysis (see Meta-analysis).
that interpret and meet its demands can tem- Secondary information is an inexpensive
porarily survive. Using this approach to nurs- data source that facilitates the research pro-
ing, environmental demands for scientific de- cess in several ways. It is also useful for gener-
velopment come from its practice and the ating hypotheses for further research. It is
scientific community. However, to date in useful in comparing findings from different
nursing there are no recognizable trends of studies and examining trends. Steward and
systematic development by accumulation. Kamins (1993) point out that population
Development by Integration. According to data sets, such as Bureau of the Census data,
this approach, new ideas and theories are gen- may be used to compare sample to population
erated simultaneously without following any characteristics in order to examine the repre-
specific path. Thus, it is more than a process sentativeness of the study sample.
of testing, accepting, and rejecting theories; The analysis of secondary information is
it is a process of developing agreement or a useful strategy for learning the research pro-
disagreement about phenomena and method- cess. The secondary data sets that have used
ologies that are most congruent with the sub- optimum sampling techniques provide an op-
ject matter of nursing. It follows, from this timum resource for students by virtue of the
perspective, that nursing is greatly affected by quality of sampling and the time and expense
external factors; nurse scientists gain insights involved in data collection. Given that stu-
mostly from the ongoing scientific develop- dents are expected to understand, explain,
ments in other fields. Therefore, nursing sci- and defend the data set in terms of purpose,
entific development proceeds through a pro- sample selection, methods, and instruments,
cess of borrowing and repatterning ideas and only the real-life collection and recording of
theories across disciplines, as well as devel- data remain unexperienced by the student.
oping new ideas and differentiating them A further virtue of using the analysis from
from the traditional ones; all are competing secondary information while learning to do
and coexisting. research is that it protects the pool of poten-

tial research participants and agencies for For example, patients with congestive heart
participation in studies conducted by quali- failure in Alabama are not necessarily repre-
fied researchers. sentative of patients with congestive heart
Every research study is conducted with a failure in New England or California. The
specific purpose in mind. Delimitations are same is true of patients with congestive heart
specific to the original study and introduce failure in a community hospital versus those
specific types of sampling and other bias into in a teaching hospital in the same county.
the original study. Operational definitions These caveats necessitate close evaluation
may not be replicable in a second study. For of data sets to be used for secondary analysis.
learning purposes, differences in the original The information needed for such evaluation
study and data set can be handled through must be archived along with the data set.
careful critique processes by students. How- Such information includes study purpose;
ever, the biases and differences that exist may data collection details, such as who collected
be too extreme to permit a valid secondary the data, when, and where; sampling criteria
analysis outside the practice situation. and delimitations; known biases; operational
Archived data sets are rarely held in the definitions; and methods of data collection.
form of raw data because the data is usually Traditionally, nursing has not archived re-
summarized. The summarization may or may search data sets of its own for use in teaching
not be appropriate for the research question or secondary analysis. Nursing students and
under consideration for secondary analysis. nurse researchers do use large government
To analyze such data further confounds re- databases, but none are collected specifically
sults beyond acceptable limits. by nurse researchers to answer nursing re-
The question of using clinical nursing data search questions. This is a problem to the
sets for secondary analysis comes with the extent that learning takes place best when
advent of clinical nursing information sys- examples and experiences relate closely to
tems. The use of clinical databases as research daily (nursing) experience. Certainly, prob-
data sets must be examined carefully. One lems peculiar to but not exclusive to nursing
difficulty is that restricted data resources research are more easily taught with exam-
force clinicians to choose carefully which ples from real life. This is a problem also to
data to collect. These data are usually not the extent that nursing research data sets can,
identical with what the researcher needs. in fact, generate new knowledge, whether by
Beyond data restrictions another major reanalysis or by stimulation of further investi-
difficulty is that the sample biases of clinical gation and hypothesis generation.
databases and research data sets for random- Sigma Theta Tau International has begun
ized control studies are different. This differ- a program to archive selected research data
ence in bias of the data from clinical data- sets of nurse researchers. The project is still
bases and randomized controlled trial re- in its infancy, with acquisition and dissemina-
search data sets can be exploited as a strategy tion policy still under study (see Data Stew-
for doing cross-design synthesis. However, ardship). Descriptions of the research study
this special case aside, the issue is that of will be required to fulfill criteria for data set
sample representativeness. The research sam- evaluation mentioned above.
ple is selected for a specific reason, with spe-
cific delimitations in mind, to be representa- JUDITH R. GRAVES
tive of the general population. In contrast,
the clinical population from which the clini-
cal data set is drawn is representative only of Self-Concept Disturbances and
that type of patient or client on whom data Eating Disorders
is being collected in that location and rarely,
if ever, typical of the general population or Dating from early psychodynamic theories to
even all persons with that clinical problem. the more contemporary cognitive approaches,
Self-Concept Disturbances and Eating Disorders 547

the eating disorders have been characterized oretical framework for the self constructs. In
as disorders of the self. Research that has this study of 26 women with BN, identity
focused on the self-concept as a determinant confusion was defined as the subjective expe-
of eating disorder symptomatology has ad- rience of inconsistency in beliefs about the
dressed three aspects of the self-concept: body self, and enmeshment was defined as high
image, self-esteem, and structure of the self- reliance on others to define the self (Schupak-
concept. Although the majority of empirical Neuberg & Nemeroff, 1993). Both concepts
work on the self-concept in the eating disor- were measured using scales developed for the
ders has focused on body image and self- study. Identity stability was measured by de-
esteem disturbances, studies related to struc- termining the degree of consistency in self-
ture of the self-concept are distinguished in description over 2 weeks. Despite the limita-
that they build on early clinical theories that tions, results support the identity disturbance
focus on disturbances in the development of hypothesis showing that women with BN had
the total collection of beliefs about the self higher levels of confusion, instability, and en-
as the core vulnerability contributing to for- meshment compared to controls.
mation of the disorders. An overview of stud- More recently, studies that have focused
ies that suggest that disturbances in the struc- on self-concept disturbances in eating disor-
ture of the self-concept serve as a cognitive ders have utilized the cognitive model as the
vulnerability that contributes to internaliza- theoretical framework. In this model, the self-
tion of unrealistic cultural norms regarding concept is conceptualized as a well-developed
body-weight and the formation of eating dis- set of memory structures that are formed
order symptoms is presented. through interaction with the social environ-
Two eating disorders are recognized by the ment and have been shown to play a primary
American Psychiatric Association, anorexia role in information processing and behavioral
nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN). Di- regulation (Kendzierski & Whitaker, 1997).
agnostic criteria for AN include: (a) body The total set of memory structures about the
weight less than 85% of ideal, (b) amenor- self is referred to as the self-concept, which in
rhea for 3 consecutive months, and (c) disor- turn is composed of units of self-knowledge,
dered attitudes toward body-weight. Diag- referred to as self-schemas. Each self-schema
nostic criteria for BN include: (a) going on is itself an organized collection of memory
binges (ingesting large quantities of food structures that reflect knowledge of oneself
within 2 hours while feeling out of control), within one specific domain. Self-schemas
(b) compensatory weight control behaviors have been shown to be functional memory
(vomiting, laxative or diuretic use, fasting, or structures that influence attention and encod-
excessive exercise) in response to the binge ing and recall of stimuli, and motivate and
with the cycle occurring at least twice weekly regulate goal-directed behavior. Hence, indi-
for 3 months, and (c) disordered attitudes vidual differences in the number, valence,
toward body-weight. While important differ- content, and organization of the self-schemas
ences between the disorders have been identi- have important implications for emotional
fied, theories of etiology of the two disorders and behavioral self-regulation.
often converge. Two studies using the cognitive model
Although clinical theories converge to sug- have focused on the valence and organization
gest that disturbances in identity and self- of self-schemas. Using a card-sort instrument
concept are the core vulnerability that contri- with 31 women with subclinical BN, Showers
butes to development of eating disorders, the and Larson (1999) found that women with
lack of clarity in theoretical and operational BN differed from controls in the following
definitions of these constructs has limited em- configuration of self-schemas: (a) more nega-
pirical testing of the proposition. The first tive and fewer positive self-schemas, (b) a
study to address identity and self-concept dis- negative physical appearance self-schema,
turbances in women with BN utilized no the- and (c) more linkages between the negative

physical appearance self-schema and other der treatment approaches that focus on modi-
schemas. Similarly, in a study that examined fying weight-related cognitions, and point to
valence and organization of self-schemas in the importance of interventions designed to
a sample of women with clinically diagnosed modify the overall structure of the self-con-
BN, Stein, K. F., Corte, and Nyquist (2004) cept by building new and separate positive
found that women with BN had fewer posi- self-schemas and modifying the content of
tive and more negative self-schemas com- negative self-schemas and self-guides to pro-
pared to controls. Furthermore, the number mote long-term recovery from the eating dis-
of positive self-schemas positively predicted orders.
the availability of a fat self-schema which in
turn was highly predictive of eating-disor- KAREN FARCHAUS STEIN
dered attitudes and behaviors. COLLEEN CORTE
Finally, another study focused on discrep-
ancies between the content of the current self-
schemas and self-guides, which are defined Self-Efficacy
as knowledge structures that reflect the self
one would ideally like to be (ideal self-guide), Self-efficacy is one component of social cog-
and the self one believes that she is obligated nitive theory, along with outcome expecta-
to be (ought self-guide) (Strauman, Vookle, tions, goals, and impediments (Bandura,
Berenstein, Chaiken, & Higgins, 1991). Pre- 1997). An individual becomes efficacious in
vious studies have shown that discrepancies a particular domain of function through four
between the way the self is currently defined mechanisms: enactive mastery experience, vi-
and ideal and ought self-guides have im- carious experience, verbal persuasion, and
portant affective and motivational conse- physiological and affective states. Bandura
quences (Higgins, 1987). In two studies using differentiates efficacy beliefs and outcome ex-
nonclinical samples of college students, pectancies. An efficacy belief is the conviction
Strauman found that women with extreme that one can successfully execute the behavior
discrepancies between their current and ideal required to produce the outcomes. Self-effi-
self schemas had high levels of body dissatis- cacy instruments determine the level,
faction and bulimic symptoms, whereas strength, and generality of efficacy beliefs.
women with extreme discrepancies between Outcome expectancy is defined as a persons
their current and ought self-schemas had high estimate that a given behavior will lead to
dieting and anorexic symptoms. certain outcomes. These expectancies are
These studies provided evidence to sup- physical, social, and self-evaluative. Bandura
port the hypothesis that characteristics of the included the studies of eight nurse scientists
self-concept, including the relative absence of conducting self-efficacy research; however,
positive self-schemas, the presence of many studies from Gortner, Harvey, Jensen, Lasch-
negative self-schemas, high interconnected- inger, Lin, and Ruiz were not available. In this
ness among the self-schemas, and discrepanc- review, nursing research in cardiac recovery
ies between the content of the current self- and/or rehabilitation, chronic disease self-
schemas and self-guides contribute to forma- management, memory function, and parent
tion of a negative body weight/appearance and behavior training are presented as exam-
self-schema, which in turn is predictive of ples of self-efficacy derived programs of nurs-
disordered eating attitudes and behaviors. ing research. For a comprehensive review on
These findings are consistent with clinical self-efficacy research and Albert Bandura, see
eating disorder theories that suggest that dis- the Information on Self-Efficacy maintained
turbances in the structure of the self-concept by Professor Frank Pajares at http://www.
are a core vulnerability that contribute to emory.edu/EDUCATION/mfp/effpage and
eating disorder symptoms. Furthermore, Banduras (1997) book on human agency.
these findings challenge current eating disor- Two examples of memory self-efficacy re-
Self-Efficacy 549

search using qualitative designs are provided memory self-efficacy. McDougall (2004)
for future development of self-efficacy theory. found that in community-dwelling older
Self-efficacy for activity and exercise fol- adults greater than 70 years of age, memory
lowing cardiac events has been found to pre- self-efficacy predicted everyday memory per-
dict better health outcomes, not only in hos- formance in both black and white elders. The
pitalized patients but also in community re- participants in this study had lowered corre-
siding adults. Investigators have evaluated lates of perceived inefficacy and this nega-
the contribution of efficacy expectations for tively influenced their everyday memory per-
coronary bypass surgery, valve replacement, formance. Continued investigation of the
implantable cardioverter/defribillator (ICD), subjective aspects of memory function are
and participation in cardiac rehabilitation necessary since memory self-efficacy, or one
(Jenkins & Gortner, 1998; Moore, S. M., type of subjective evaluation, is associated
Dolansky, Ruland, Pashkow, & Blackburn, with actual memory performance.
2003). Removing barriers and increasing so- Problematic behaviors in young children
cial support clearly build self-efficacy in these may lead to decreased confidence in the par-
individuals who must sustain their efforts for enting role when the parents believe they can-
long periods of time. not successfully master these outbursts with
Lorig and colleagues (2001) have devel- their concomitant untoward outcomes in the
oped a program of efficacy-based interven- emotional and intellectual development of
tions aimed at empowering individuals to the child. Using self-efficacy-derived psy-
self manage their chronic disease. The chosocial interventions, Gross and her col-
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program leagues (2003) have developed behavioral
(CDSMP) incorporates three self-manage- parent-training interventions for families
ment tasksmedical management, role man- with toddlers in various settings, most re-
agement, and emotional managementand cently in day care and low-income urban
six self-management skillsproblem solving, communities. The boosting of parents self-
decision making, resource utilization, the for- efficacy through behavioral parent-training
mation of a patient-provider partnership, ac- promotes longitudinal health outcomes in
tion planning, and self-tailoring. Over 800 high-risk preschool-age children.
participants with heart disease, lung disease, However, research emphasizing outcome
stroke, or arthritis have participated in the expectations may need to include qualitative
CDSMP. The longitudinal outcomes include methodologies (Bandura, 2001). Two exam-
reduced emergency room visits, times hospi- ples of qualitative research evaluating mem-
talized, and health distress. In addition, this ory function with adults are used to elaborate
low-cost program significantly improved self- the methodology. In the Seattle Midlife
efficacy in these diverse populations. Womens Health Study (SMWHS), 230
Adults begin to lose confidence in their women averaging 47 years of age were asked
memory after age 40 years, and this is particu- to describe types of memory changes, their
larly strong in adults older than 60 years of attributions about the memory changes, and
age, regardless of their functional ability and how these changes affected their life roles and
living arrangement. Within the psychometric stress (Sullivan, Mitchell, & Woods, 2001).
tradition of intelligence and aging, research- Five categories of memory changes and prob-
ers are moving from a decremental model lems were identified: recalling words or num-
of cognitive function to a health promotion bers, forgetting related to everyday behav-
orientation that values an individuals ability iors, events, concentration problems, and
to improve their cognitive abilities through need for memory aids. In addition, the parti-
training or mental discipline. In the short cipants identified role burden and stress, get-
term, memory performance may be im- ting older, health, menstrual cycle changes/
proved. However, the ability to sustain these hormones, inadequate concentration, and
gains may be moderated by an individuals emotional factors. Memory change was at-

tributed to stress, physical health, and aging, cies that enforce the belief that a goal is
not to the menstrual cycle or use of hormones. achievable.
In another study of subjective memory
evaluation with 169 healthy older adults av- GRAHAM J. MCDOUGALL, JR.
eraging 68 years of age, McDougall and col-
leagues (2003) evaluated unsolicited com-
ments about memory from 26 participants. Serious Mental Illness
Fifty individuals were between the ages of 50
and 64, 90 between 65 and 74, and 29 were Serious mental illness (SMI) is a term used to
at least 75 and older. In addition to the quali- define those disorders that persist over time
tative themes, this investigation included two and result in extensive functional impairment
quantitative measures of memory self-effi- in daily living skills and abilities that involve
cacy, a subjective evaluation of memory func- social interaction, interpersonal relations,
tion. One measure consisted of 4 items and and work skills (Johnson, 1997). These disor-
the other measure contained 50 items. Con- ders include but are not limited to schizophre-
tent analyses of the qualitative data yielded nia, schizoaffective disorder, recurrent major
five themes: memory management, rational- depression, and bipolar disorder (Lyon,
ization, information seeking, reflection, and 2001). It has been estimated that about 2.8%
correlation establishment. The majority of of the adult population in the United States
the themes related to memory management, experience one of these disorders in a 1-year
and all four questions on the memory self- period (National Institutes of Mental Health
efficacy questionnaire emphasized mainte- [NIMH], 1994). Many of these disorders are
nance skills to prevent decline and strategies considered lifelong and involve some level of
for memory management. The qualitative disability, rendering the individual vulnerable
and quantitative data provided an unusual to poor health outcomes and decreased qual-
ity of life. Symptoms of severe mental illness
finding: there were no age-group differences
are manifested in cognitive dysfunction, so-
on memory self-efficacy with the 4-item mea-
cial skills deficits, disruption in emotional
sure, but there were significant age-group dif-
and behavioral responses, impaired commu-
ferences on the 50-item measure. This study
nication, and self-care deficits.
and the previous study provide a glimpse of
Cognitive impairment in individuals with
what adults experience regarding memory
chronic mental illness includes impairment
function and what they believe is important
in conceptualization, information processing,
for health care professionals to know. attention, executive functioning, and mem-
Examples of memory phenomena cap- ory. The more severe impairments involve the
tured through qualitative methods were pre- ability to problem solve and process complex
sented to provide examples of multimethod information. Insight and judgment are se-
research to quantify a domain-specific mea- verely limited. This is manifested as the in-
sure of self-efficacy. Both of the examples, ability to recognize the existence of illness
including the McDougall and the Mitchell and need for treatment, self-knowledge defi-
and Woods studies, are a beginning effort to cits, and poor decision-making abilities. Cog-
measure outcome expectancies in the domain nitive impairments are associated with poor
of cognitive function, specifically memory functional outcomes and variances in adap-
performance. However, neither study devel- tive functioning. Individuals with serious
oped a quantitative measure of outcome ex- mental illness have difficulty making deci-
pectancies in the memory function domain sions, as the ability to process and respond
as an outcome of the qualitative analyses. to information is often impaired. Often indi-
Nevertheless, both studies provided evidence viduals with serious mental illness are unable
supporting the theoretical distinction be- to meet their basic needs for food, shelter,
tween efficacy beliefs and outcome expectan- and money, resulting in increased risk-taking
Sex and Gender 551

behaviors. It is not an uncommon practice to charged into the community. Often the com-
barter sexual favors for these items and en- munities were ill-prepared to care for the
gage in unsafe sexual practices. Carey, Carey, large number of individuals with serious men-
Weinhardt, and Gordon (1997) measured the tal illness, resulting in increased homelessness
behaviors associated with risk of transmis- and increased numbers of incarcerated indi-
sion of HIV in a population of 60 adults with viduals with serious mental illness. Fortu-
serious mental illness. The findings indicated nately, community programs have emerged
that 48% of men and 37% of women engaged providing a range of treatment and rehabilita-
in at least one high-risk behavior. tion services, including case management and
Social skills deficits result in self-concept residential services. In addition, many advo-
changes, decreased stress response, and un- cacy groups have emerged such as the Na-
derassessment of personal resources. Social tional Alliance for the Mentally Ill. These
skills deficits include deficits in conversa- groups advocate for the rights of those with
tional capacity and impairments in pro- serious mental illness on both the local, state,
cessing interpersonal stimuli, such as eye con- and national level. Although there have been
tact or assertiveness. Individuals with SMI advances in understanding and treating seri-
may look eccentric or disheveled, have poor ous mental illness and the development of
hygiene and bizarre dress. Other behaviors more efficacious medications and commu-
such as aggression, psychomotor retardation, nity-based treatment services, the likelihood
and regression are often present and misinter- of nurses encountering clients with untreated
preted by others. Results are decreased finan- serious mental illness in a variety of health
cial status secondary to inability to gain em- care and community settings is high. Nurses
ployment, stigma, social isolation, financial must be in a position to assess, intervene,
disparities, and homelessness. Coping skills and evaluate individuals with serious mental
deficits result in self-concept changes, de- illness in order to provide holistic nursing
creased stress response, and underassessment care.
of personal resources. Many individuals with
SMI have suffered the loss of family support REBECCA J. BONUGLI
and relationships. As the symptoms of SMI
progress, an individual becomes increasingly
isolated. According to Borge, Martinsen, Sex and Gender
Ruud, Wante, and Frilis (1999), the degree of
loneliness, meaningful leisure time activities, Sex and gender research has exploded over
and satisfaction with living environment were the course of the past half century and conse-
identified as the most important factors influ- quently traditional ideas have been chal-
encing perceived quality of life in a popula- lenged and in many cases radically modified.
tion of clients with SMI. As social support Two factors seemed to be the driving forces
and factors related to perceived quality of behind modern sex research: the need to ex-
life wane, the individual becomes increasingly plain the existence of sexual variation, e.g.,
susceptible to negative health outcomes. prostitution, homosexuality, transvestism,
Examining historical trends in psychiatric and bisexuality on the one hand, and the de-
care reveals a shift from institutionalization sire to find some scientific means of family
to community-based care for individuals with planning or control of reproduction and dis-
serious mental illness. In the 1960s, deinsti- seminating information about this on the
tutionalization became a national objective as other hand. Germany was the home of early
deplorable conditions in state facilities were researchers such as Magnus Hirschfeld and
recognized, yet few communities were pre- Richard von Krafft Ebing, who explored
pared to care for individuals with serious what Krafft-Ebing called sexual pathology.
mental illness. Nonetheless, inpatient popula- Both authors are still read today although the
tions began to decline as patients were dis- key writings of Hirschfeld on homosexuality

and transvestism were not translated into En- not particularly harmful to the adult reader
glish until the 1990s. In England, the leading (Elias et al., 1999).
figure was Havelock Ellis, who used histori- One of the more intensely studied topics
cal and sociological data to challenge many in childhood is that of gender identity. Usu-
of the sexual beliefs of his generation. All ally by the time children begin to talk they
three were data collectors about human sex- can apply the appropriate gender identity to
ual variation but were not able to explain themselves, although they do not necessarily
why there was so much variation in human understand the concept of gender constancy.
behavior (Bullough, 1994). A little boy may believe, for example, that at
In the 20th century two Americans, John some later point in life he will be a girl or
D. Rockefeller II and Margaret Sanger, a vice versa. Gradually as their gender identity
nurse, were extremely influential in establish- becomes stronger, they also learn gender
ing the United States as a center for sexual roles, what is expected of females or males
research. Rockefeller originally was con- in the culture, and begin to acquire a gender
cerned with understanding why prostitution role identification (Money & Ehrhardt,
and prostitutes existed, while Margaret 1972). Not all children accept or adopt the
Sanger was concerned with family planning. norms expected of them. One study of this
Rockefeller in the 1920s established and fi- nonconformity was by Richard Green
nancially supported the Committee for Re- (1987). He recruited 66 families in which
search in the Problems of Sex, which concen- there was a boy (age 4 to 10 years) who
trated on research about the biological and was regarded as extremely feminine and in a
psychological sources of human sexuality. longitudinal study over a period of 15 years
Sanger in her campaign for effective birth he compared them with a sample of other
control realized the importance of changing boys. He started with the assumption that
public attitudes about sexuality, since actual socialization and parental treatment were the
main determinants of gender but found that
dissemination of any kind of information
this was not the case. Most of the feminine
about birth control or many other kinds of
boys in his study later identified as homosex-
sex information across state lines was illegal
uals, a development which did not take place
in the United States. For her, educating the
in his control study. This study and similar
public about what science knew was all im-
studies tended to give growing credibility to
portant, while Rockefeller felt finding out
biological factors in the development of ho-
about what people did sexually as well as the
mosexuality, bisexuality, and transgender be-
reasons for doing it was the key. One result haviors, resulting in a deemphasis on psycho-
of Rockefellers efforts were the books by dynamic theories. There is still a lot that re-
Kinsey and colleagues (1948, 1953), which mains unknown. The Bulloughs (1993) in
revolutionized the understanding of human their studies of transvestites and transsexuals
sexuality, and the ultimate result of Margaret argued that there were variations in gender
Sangers work was the development of the and sexual behavior which had some biologi-
pill for contraception which contributed im- cal basis and that, instead of one standard of
measurably to a changing role and status for definition of what was male and what was
women in the United States. Some sexual top- female, individuals appeared on different lev-
ics are more controversial than others. For els of two bell-shaped curves which had con-
example, concern over the effects of pornog- siderable overlap. There were in essence fe-
raphy has led to many studies on the topic, males who had a strong masculine compo-
with the majority of them concluding that it nent and males with a strong feminine one.
seems to have little correlation with the actual These differences were not due to genetic fac-
conduct of the viewer or reader. It is a sort tors per se (although this might have entered
of a fantasy literature, an adult Superman in) but more to developmental factors in the
comic, which almost all research indicates is fetal period. Studies have shown that adults
Shivering 553

who as children witnessed parents engaging come families. The effect of such relation-
in sex were not harmed by so doing (Okami, ships is not clear. Although most people vehe-
Olmstead, Abramson, & Pendleton, 1998; mently condemn them and claim that associa-
Lewis, R. J., & Janda, 1988). tions have dire effects on the child that last
Interestingly, boys and girls who engage in into adulthood, the data did not necessarily
consensual same-sex experiences in boarding support such a view (Rind, Tromo, Viten, &
schools or other sex-segregated institutions Bauserman, 1998). This finding, which was
do not seem to become homosexual and les- a summary of numerous studies, went con-
bian as adults in any greater proportion than trary to popular beliefs and was quickly de-
those who do not. There are also gender dif- nounced by the U.S. Congress.
ferences. Women as a group seem to have One of the areas in which current research
their sexual feelings more strongly influenced is focused is sexual function in physically
by considerations of love and intimacy than compromised, the blind, the deaf, the severely
men do, and this might result in greater fluid- physically handicapped; it is only in the past
ity in their sexual orientation than that of few years that the sexual problems have be-
men (Peplau, L. A., & Garnets, 2000; Peplau, gun to be understood (Knuth & Smith, 1984;
L. A., Spaulding, Conley, & Veniegas, 1999). Rubin, E., 1997). Research into sexuality has
Girls seem to be more traumatized by child revealed a wide variety of sexual behaviors
sexual abuse than are boys, but the reason and society is adjusting its attitudes toward
why is still not clear. the people involved. There are, however,
One of the more difficult problems for re- many question that sex research has not yet
searchers to study is that of adult-child sexual answered, particularly in how some of these
interaction. One reason for the difficulty is paraphilias develop and what is the prognosis
the intense emotions involved by the public in of many of them.
general to such behavior. Perhaps the easiest
way to do so is to survey adult recollections VERN L. BULLOUGH
of such experience. Even here results are con-
tradictory. One major study found about
15% of women and 7% of men had at least Shivering
one childhood sexual experience involving
physical contact with an adult (Gorey & Les- Shivering is defined as involuntary shaking
lie, 1997). But the definition of what physical of the body and is the adult humans primary
contact was is unclear. Other contemporary defense against the cold. Characterized by a
estimates based on random samples of adults protracted generalized course of involuntary
indicate different rates, ranging from 12% to contractions of skeletal muscles that are usu-
55% for females and from 3% to 6% for ally under voluntary control, thermoregula-
males. Figures vary to some extent as a func- tory shivering differs from transient tremors
tion of the population being sampled, the def- or shivers associated with fear, delight, or
inition of sexual abuse, and the cut-off age other forms of sympathetic arousal. Shivering
employed (e.g., before 14, 16, or 18). In the occurs when heat loss stimulates specific
national sample by Finkelhor (1990), 9% of heat-loss sensors in the skin, spinal cord, and
the males and 22% of the females who re- brain. Sensory impulses are received and inte-
ported being victims of attempted or com- grated at the preoptic area of the hypothala-
pleted sexual relations during childhood had mus. Shivering is stimulated when integrated
experienced them with relativesaunts or thermosensory information indicates body
uncles, siblings, parents or step-parents, or temperature is falling below optimal set
cousins. In general it appears that children in point range (see Thermal Balance). The shiv-
disrupted, isolated, and economically poor ering center in the posterior hypothalamus
families are at higher risk of sexual abuse is stimulated, sending impulses via anterior
than youngsters in more stable and high-in- spinal routes of the gamma efferent system.

Heat is generated by oscillation and friction azine, a drug with undesirable side effects.
of the fibrous muscle spindles of the fusimo- The wrapping intervention was based on ex-
tor system. Shivering occurs in fever despite isting physiological research demonstrating
rising temperatures because the set point level dominance of the heat loss sensors on hands
is raised to higher levels by circulating cyto- and feet in stimulating shivering. This land-
kines and other pyrogens. mark pilot study demonstrated that insula-
The consequences of shivering for seri- tion of extremities controls shivering and im-
ously ill or vulnerable patients are sometimes proves comfort without drugs, even when
overlooked because they seem to be harmless surface cooling induces hypothermic temper-
compensatory warming responses. However, atures.
the aerobic activity generated by vigorous Major studies by nurse investigators (Ab-
shivering activity raises oxygen consumption bey & Close, 1979; Holtzclaw, 1998) using
35 fold, approximately that of shoveling more extensive temperature and electromyo-
snow or riding a bicycle. The resulting oxida- graphic measurements further supported the
tive phosphorylation of glucose and fatty usefulness of wrapping extremities, with
acids raises metabolic demands, but it is only theoretical perspective based on Abbeys
about 11% efficient in raising body tempera- original work. Stated briefly, insulation
ture. The energy expenditure of shivering blunts the neurosensory stimulus of heat loss
may be tolerated by healthy persons who from dominant sensors, while larger but less
shiver for short periods, but it puts specific thermosensitive regions of the trunk allow
patient groups at risk for cardiorespiratory, heat exchange without inducing shivering.
metabolic, and thermal instability. Uncon- Historically, interest in postoperative shiv-
trollable shivering is distressful to patients, ering grew in the mid-1980s with the rise in
yet it occurs frequently in situations where hypothermic cardiac surgery. Research find-
ambient temperatures are cool, patients are ings show the hazardous increase in oxygen
exposed, or therapies induce fever. Shivering consumption, carbon dioxide production,
is often recalled by patients as a negative as- and cardiovascular exertion during postoper-
pect of postoperative recovery, childbirth, an- ative rewarming from hypothermic cardiac
tifungal drug administration, blood transfu- bypass (Holtzclaw & Geer, 1986; Phillips,
sions, or other hospital experience. Nursing 1997). Clinical predictors of shivering be-
research has documented correlates and se- came of interest as early prevention was indi-
quelae of shivering in an effort to determine cated. The mandibular hum was detected by
adverse consequences in postoperative care, palpation of referred masseter vibrations over
febrile illness, and during induced hypother- the ridge of the jaw (Holtzclaw & Geer,
mia. Intervention studies have tested efficacy 1994). Widening of skin to core-temperature
of nursing measures to prevent shivering dur- gradients was found to predict shivering in
ing surface cooling and febrile chills. Im- this population, presumed to reflect the dis-
portant to these studies has been the effort crepancy between hypothalamic set point and
to standardize the measurement of shivering peripheral temperatures that initiates shiv-
by use of a shivering severity scale, originated ering. Sund-Levander and Wahren (2000)
by Abbey and colleagues (1973). found that tympanic-to-toe temperature gra-
Although shivering had been studied ex- dients predicted shivering in neurologically
tensively by physiologists in healthy humans injured patients during hypothermic surface
and animals, little clinical interest was evident cooling and that patients were more likely
until the 1970s. Abbey and Close (1979) used to shiver if cooled too quickly. This study
wraps of ordinary terry-cloth towels as insu- supported Abbeys (1973) earlier contention
lation to protect thermosensitive regions of that shivering during surface cooling could
the skin during use of cooling blankets. Shiv- be reduced by modifying the rate of body
ering during surface cooling was a significant heat loss. Studies confirm that little difference
problem treated at that time with chlorprom- is found between pharmacologic suppres-
Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Research Classification System 555

sants, warmed blankets, or reflective wraps language nursing studies in the Nursing Stud-
in preventing shivering during perioperative ies Index between the years 1900 and 1959
rewarming (Hershey, Valenciano, & Book- (Henderson & Yale University). The term
binder, 1997); however, newer forced-air study was broadly defined as a structured
warming units (e.g., Bair Hugger) and radiant effort to solve a problem and included his-
lamps have been found in medical studies torical and biographical articles and mono-
to maintain normothermia more effectively. graphs in addition to what Henderson called
Extremity wraps were found to effectively analytical (research) articles (Henderson &
reduce febrile shivering severity and duration Yale University, 1959, p. vii). This classifica-
(See Fever/Febrile Response) in immunosup- tion system categorized the types of nursing
pressed cancer patients and persons with research according to fields on which nurse
HIV/AIDS (Holtzclaw, 1990, 1998). researchers focused their work.
As scientific evidence grows about neuro- This research classification system was
regulatory and immunological factors influ- abandoned because there was a desire to in-
encing shivering, new avenues of study dex all the nursing literature, not just the
emerge. Little is known about how shivering research literature. To facilitate indexing and
can be controlled in emergency situations retrieval of this broad literature, it was de-
during rescue and evacuation. Few studies cided to switch to a subject headings system.
have examined outcomes of shivering among Subject headings permit articles to be located
children. Surgery, trauma, circulatory by- according to what the various articles are
pass, and hypothermia have all been linked about. The headings describe important top-
in preliminary studies to acute phase reac- ics in a field and are usually organized into
tions that stimulate febrile shivering (Phillips, a tree structure to illustrate relationships be-
R. A., 1999). While shivering is common dur- tween the various topics and subtopics. A
ing the last stage of labor, little attention has subject heading system in and of itself does
been paid to its origin and management. Fu- not enable comparison of studies according
ture directions in the study of shivering by to aspects such as research design and meth-
nursing will likely address the biobehavioral ods and the myriad of other comparisons of
interface of environmental stimuli, biochemi- interest in the body of nursing research.
cal and neurotransmitter activity, energy ex- The idea of a classification system for nurs-
penditure, physics of heat exchange, and ther- ing research was not lost, however. Sigma
mal comfort. Theta Tau, the International Honor Society
of Nursing (STTI), began work on the Nurs-
BARBARA J. HOLTZCLAW ing Research Classification System (NRCS)
in the early 1980s. In addition to categorizing
the fields in which nurse researchers did stud-
ies and the research subjects and methods in
Sigma Theta Tau International which they had experience, an early purpose
Nursing Research Classification was to facilitate identification and location
System of the nurse researchers. Now in its third
edition, the system includes description of
The first nursing research classification sys- studies, variables, and findings. The NRCS
tem was developed during the project Survey serves as the structure for the databases that
and Assessment of Areas and Methods of Re- were combined and came to be known as
search in Nursing. It was conducted at Yale the (electronic) Registry of Nursing Research
University under the direction of Leo W. Sim- (Graves, 1994).
mons, a sociologist. Two other sociologists In this version it is a representation of the
and Virginia Henderson comprised the sur- language and the structure of clinical nursing
vey group (Cowan, M. C., 1956). This system research knowledge as well as the language
formed the basis for the annotation of English and structure of research knowledge in re-

lated domains in which nurses do research sampling, data collection site, design type,
such as education, administration, manage- extraneous variables.
ment, and so forth. In this usage, the term Each study may ask many research ques-
language refers to the names of research con- tions.
cepts and of variables studied together. The Each research question may have many
term structure refers to the descriptive details analyses.
of the research describing any study: (a) the Each analysis is classified according to na-
demographics (investigators, dissemination, ture of the inquiry (knowledge theory),
funding, title, conceptual framework); (b) the procedures, type of analysis, method of
sample, methodology and design, and analy- data analysis, research concept or names
sis and results; and (c) the relationships (hier- of variables studied together, relationship
archical arrangement) between these descrip- studied (if applicable), and findings.
tors. Multiple knowledge (generation) theo-
ries are accommodated. The NRCS category Domain of Research
The STTI Nursing Research Classification is analogous to the first 9 of 10 categories of
System (NRCS) is a detailed description of the the Henderson nursing research classification
structured inquiry process used in individual system. Although not absolutely identical in
nursing research studies. It identifies and logi- detail, the categories are remarkably similar.
cally relates salient characteristics of research Hendersons 10th category Conducting Re-
studies in nursing. Salience is defined by search, incorporates Research methods
whether a descriptive term (a) permits a com- and types including devices and techniques,
parison of studies according to the details of whereas these characteristics form the pri-
the research process, such as the design, the mary corpus of the STTI NRCS, with do-
subjects, and the findings; (b) enables re- mains being a secondary characteristic.
searchers and other users of research to make The NRCS provides a structure for a new
archetype for storing and retrieving research
a preliminary judgment about the quality of a
knowledge in all disciplines. Of all the health
registered study, given the design; (c) enables
science disciplines, only that of nursing has
direct indexing of the knowledge generated
developed a research classification system.
by each study (variable names and results);
The classification system serves as the logical
and (d) permits a comparison between studies
model for the database that organizes the Vir-
that is of interest to the nursing profession,
ginia Henderson Librarys Registry of Nurs-
such as funding sources and amounts or do-
ing Research. The Virginia Henderson In-
mains of research that nurses investigate (ed-
ternational Nursing Library is the only
ucation, administration, philosophy, cul-
known library to store research studies ac-
ture, etc.).
cording to a research classification system
In keeping with the original purpose of and to index that research by the names of
locating researchers, the category Researcher the variables or research concept studied.
is the primary hierarchical element. The basic The NRCS plays an active role in contrib-
organization is described here: uting the nursing subject headings main-
tained by the Cumulative Index for Nursing
Each researcher may have many research and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL).
studies. The single research study is the STTI has permission to use the subject head-
basic unit of analysis. A study may or may ings from the CINAHL subject heading list
not be a part of a larger research project. in selected NRCS categories (i.e., funding
Each research study is classified according sources, nursing theoretical framework, in-
to title, theoretical/conceptual framework, dexing terms, data collection sites). This pre-
research domain, funding, keywords (sub- vents the development of still another subject
ject headings), dissemination record, parti- heading system to describe the same topics,
cipants/sample, sampling plan, scope of thus facilitating searching of both the CI-
Sleep 557

NAHL bibliographic database and the STTI global impressions as histories or concurrent
Registry of Nursing Research. As the NRCS reporting in diaries or logs). Using somnogra-
becomes more widely used, new terms in use phy, sleep begins with transitional signs,
by researchers will provide real data to influ- progresses into a light stage, and then into
ence updates of the CINAHL subject heading deep (slow wave) sleep, followed by a period
list. In turn, the CINAHL subject heading list of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep to com-
will be used to maintain the descriptors in plete one sleep cycle, taking about 6090 mi-
selected NRCS categories. nutes. Consequently, a full night of sleep con-
The NRCS identifies the data elements sists of 36 cycles, depending on total sleep
necessary for generating an index to the stud- duration. Limitations of sleep measures in-
ies in the Registry of Nursing Research, or- clude that physiological measures are time-
ganized by variable name so that the index consuming, require expensive technology,
lists all studies in which a particular variable and can interfere with natural sleep. Behav-
is studied. ioral observations are tedious, time-consum-
ing, and potentially inaccurate. Self-report
JUDITH R. GRAVES methods are subject to preferred answers and
Copyright Nursing Research Classification System the propensity to report negative impressions
(NRCS), 1995, Sigma Theta Tau International. All indiscriminately. Peoples impressions of
rights reserved. their sleep do not always match physiologi-
Copyright for Registry of Nursing Research (RNR), cal documentation.
1996, Sigma Theta Tau International. All rights reserved.
CINAHL is the registered trademark for the Cumula-
Biological scientists seek to understand the
tive Index for Nursing and Allied Health Literature, regulation of sleep/wake states. Behavioral
1996. scientists seek to understand the function of
sleep, normative patterns across age groups
or species, the need for sleep, and insight into
Sleep features predictive of poor sleep. Abnormal
behaviors during sleep (e.g., apneas or large
Sleep is a behavior represented by a series of muscle movements) and abnormal bouts or
distinguishing brain and somatic state timing of sleep (e.g., narcolepsy) claim the
changes oscillating with waking on a regular interests of clinical scientists. Nursing scien-
basis in synchrony with the environmental tists most often seek to understand how sleep,
light/dark cycle (circadian = every 24 hours). or more precisely sleeplessness, is related to
Poor sleep has numerous health-related con- health and illness, what can be done to pro-
sequences, including impaired attention, mote sleep, and how sleep is affected by envi-
memory, and problem solving as well as phys- ronments and life contexts, which often in-
ical performance, altered immune system clude care environments, e.g., critical or long-
function, and tissue healing; in some cases it term care, or contexts, e.g., enduring pain,
may herald early onset of psychiatric impair- injury, diseases, or major transitions.
ment, particularly major depression. It has Sleep science generated to date by nursing
been associated with more injury accidents, scientists is built on the premise that personal
absences from work, medical problems, pro- stress impacts sleep/wake quality. The no-
vider visits, and hospitalizations. tions that illness/disease and hospitalization
In research, sleep can be measured physio- are sources of stress that interfere with usual
logically by using somnography (electroen- sleep/wake behavior are prominent. The vast
cephalogram [EEG], electromyogram, and majority of work is descriptive and only a
electrooculogram) to reveal a series of stages, few interventions, either individual or envi-
or by activity monitors that distinguish sleep ronmental, have been tested. K. C. Richards
from waking. Sleep also can be assessed be- (1998) tested massage and found it tended to
haviorally (by direct observation) or by self- improve the sleep of critically ill older men.
reported perceptions (retrospective recall or Other studies done several years ago used

ocean sounds with evidence of better per- than multigravidae. In a descriptive study of
ceived sleep in post-coronary-artery-bypass- registered nurses working and not working
graft surgery, and progressive muscle relax- outside of day shifts, shiftwork was associ-
ation in seniors with evidence of better per- ated with more sleep disturbances and sleepi-
ceived and somnographic sleep variables. In ness, but age and family factors, more than
one review, it has been noted that sleep- alcohol and caffeine intake, contributed to
lessness is very common in infants and chil- the differences in types of sleep disturbances.
dren, and clinicians frequently are asked for This group has also looked at fatigue issues
treatment advice in a review of cognitive-be- in women with HIV/AIDS.
havioral treatments (Owens, France, & Two groups of investigators have devel-
Wiggs, 1999). Studies were reviewed that oped research programs focused on individu-
used behavior extinction and modification of als with sleep problems. Rogers group has
parental behavior believed to reinforce wak- a program of research investigating subjects
ing behaviors as a theoretical basis, including with narcolepsy. They have found that those
the use of minimal checks, parental presence, with narcolepsy have disturbed sleep and nap
stimulus control, and scheduled awakenings. more, that memory is not measurably af-
While these interventions are relevant to fected although concentration is, and that
nursing practice, only one study appeared to timed naps can improve time to fall asleep
involve nursing scientists: a parent sleep edu- for certain patients (Rogers & Dreher, 2002).
cation program showing that a significantly Shaver (2002) and her colleagues have ongo-
smaller percentage of babies in the interven- ing work describing sleep in midlife (perimen-
tion groups had settling and night-waking opausal) women and particularly those with
difficulties than in the control group (Kerr, insomnia. They have found that menopausal
Jowett, & Smith, 1996). Earlier, the use of status is not profoundly linked to somno-
recorded bedtime stories for effect on the time graphic sleep except if hot flashes are mani-
to fall asleep in hospitalized children was fested. One group of midlife women re-
tested with implications that the use of paren- porting insomnia had high life strain, ex-
tal voice might prolong time needed to fall pressed high psychological distress, but ex-
asleep. Redeker (2000) in an integrative re- hibited little abnormality in somnographic
view of sleep in acute care settings revealed sleep patterns and few classical symptoms of
that sleep disturbances are common but menopause such as hot flashes. Another
highly variable, due to multiple personal, group with insomnia reported hot flash activ-
health status, and environmental factors. She ity but had less overall distress and life strain
advocated systematic research to determine than the other group. Implications are that
correlates of sleep disturbance to identify intervention to manage hot flash and meno-
those most at risk and to derive theoretical pausal symptoms are more warranted in the
and conceptual bases for sleep-promoting in- latter, and that life and stress management
terventions. skills might be more efficacious in the for-
K. A. Lee (2001) and colleagues have mer group.
looked at sleep and fatigue in times of transi- Research programs are developing related
tion in womenduring the menstrual cycle, to sleep and major illness. This includes, for
in pregnancy and postpartum, and in nurses example, in renal dialysis groups (Parker, K.
working shifts. In the menstrual cycle luteal A., 2003); in women with chronic fatigue and
phase, time to REM sleep was shorter when fibromyalgia (Landis et al., 2003); related to
compared to follicular phase, and women sleep apnea (Chasens & Umlauf, 2003) and
with premenstrual negative affect symptoms Parkinsons disease; but also with postab-
had less deep sleep during both menstrual dominal surgery, after CABG; with cancer,
cycle phases. Women transitioning through and in hospitalized adults and children.
pregnancy report sleep problems, both prena- In synchrony with a central focus for nurs-
tal and postpartum and primigravidae more ing practice, studies by nursing scientists
Smoking Cessation 559

mainly represent understanding sleep related 1.0% approximately, with 4.7% having quit
to illness/disease. The majority of studies in- for between 312 months in the past year.
corporate descriptive methodology limited to Smoking cessation, or smoking absti-
self-reports of sleep. It is imperative for the nence, differs from a quit episode, which is
development of nursing sleep science that considered as 24 hours of continuous absti-
more sustained study is done to predict those nence (Ossip-Klein et al., 1986). Smoking ces-
at high risk for negative consequences with sation is defined as the discontinuation of a
vulnerable populations, particularly older smoking behavior. The behavior is character-
adults and the chronically ill, those suffering ized as dynamic and is often accompanied by
from sleep disorders for which behavioral periods of slips and relapses. Smoking cessa-
treatments are prominent (e.g., insomnia, tion and tobacco use are important areas of
narcolepsy), and those in high-risk environ- research for nurses since, as clinicians, nurses
ments (e.g., hospitals, high-stress factors). represent key smoking cessation interven-
Since sleep is a behavior responsive to behav- tionists, capable of implementing effective
ioral interventions, behavioral intervention cessation programs (Fiore et al., 2000).
tests, including dose response, titration, tim- Sarna and Lillington (2002) conducted a
ing, individualized response types, and the review of databased articles that included the
factors affecting behavioral choice and adher- keywords tobacco use in Nursing Research
ence especially are needed. Furthermore, the during the years 19522000. Their findings
application of biobehavioral methods that indicated that 40 databased articles included
combine physiological and perceptual mea- this term in either the sample description or as
sures will do much to develop our future an independent or mediating variable. Fifty-
knowledge, which is important to symptom three percent of these articles had been pub-
management, illness/disease prevention, and lished since 1990, with 71% of the outcome
health promotion. studies being published within the past 5
years. While the authors recognized that
JOAN L. SHAVER nurses with a program of research in tobacco
control have published in other interdisciplin-
ary journals, they concluded that tobacco use
Smoking Cessation and cessation are emerging topics for nursing
research (Sarna & Lillington).
Twenty-three percent of all American adults According to the Treating Tobacco Use
continue to smoke, despite evidence that to- and Dependence Clinical Practice Guideline,
bacco is responsible for 430,000 deaths in published by the U.S. Public Health Service
the United States each year and remains the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
number one avoidable cause of death and (AHRQ), a brief intervention should be pro-
disease in this country (Centers for Disease vided to all tobacco users at each clinical visit
Control, 2003b). Direct medical costs associ- (Fiore et al., 2000). The intervention includes
ated with smoking or smoking-attributable five major steps (the 5 As) to managing
diseases have been estimated by the Centers tobacco dependence: ask the patient about
for Disease Control (CDC) to exceed $50 tobacco use, advise tobacco cessation, assess
billion annually. Of concern is the increase willingness to quit, assist with the quit at-
in smoking prevalence in adolescents since tempt, and arrange for follow-up to prevent
1990, with 3,000 children and adolescents relapse. All tobacco users attempting to quit
becoming regular users of tobacco every day. should receive one of the five AHRQ-recom-
Seventy percent of the approximately 50 mil- mended first-line pharmacotherapies for
lion smokers in the United States have made smoking cessation.
at least one prior quit attempt, with about Katz, D. A., Muehlenbruch, Brown, Fiore,
46% percent trying each year (CDC). How- and Baker (2002) conducted a pre- and post-
ever, the annual quit rate in the U.S. is only test design study of the AHRQ intervention

utilizing usual care as the control group. Par- The lack of biochemical verification to
ticipants in the intervention group were will- confirm smoking status does represent a limi-
ing to set a quit date within 30 days. Those tation in smoking cessation intervention re-
smoking at least 10 cigarettes a day were search. Cotinine, the major metabolite of nic-
offered an 8-week supply of transdermal nic- otine, can be measured in plasma, saliva, and
otine patches. Self-help material, as well as urine, with excellent specificity for tobacco
proactive telephone counseling by a trained use except in persons utilizing nicotine re-
cessation counselor, was also provided. The placement therapy. Carbon monoxide (CO),
6-month self-reported quit rate was 21% for a byproduct of cigarette smoke, can be mea-
the intervention group versus 13% in the con- sured in expired air. Unfortunately, CO has
trol group. Continuous abstinence was re- a shorter half-life of 24 hours and is rapidly
ported in 10% of the intervention partici- eliminated, whereas cotinine may be detected
pants versus 3% of the control participants. for several days after cessation. However, CO
It was also concluded that the implementa- assessments are often used to confirm absti-
tion of a guideline-driven smoking cessation nence in studies where nicotine replacement
intervention was associated with increased therapy is ongoing. It is recommended that
abstinence at two-month follow-up (p = biochemical verification be used in most or all
0.0004) among primary care patients inter- studies of smoking cessation among special
ested in making a quit attempt as compared populations, including adolescents, pregnant
to abstinence rates at baseline (21% vs. 4%) women, and medical patients with smoking-
(Katz et al., 2002). attributable disease (SRNT, 2002).
P. M. Smith, Reilly, Miller, DeBusk, and Smoking is pronounced in the less edu-
Taylor (2002) examined the application of a cated and poor (CDC, 2003b). Efforts to pro-
nurse-managed inpatient smoking cessation mote cessation and abstinence in these indi-
program. The program included physician viduals have, to date, been relatively unsuc-
advice, bedside education including take- cessful. Their lack of engagement in preven-
home materials (videotape, workbook, and tive health care services may, in part, be due
relaxation audiotape), counseling from a to barriers to access and lack of information
smoking cessation trained nurse, nicotine re- about prevention (U.S. Department of Health
placement therapy if requested, and four and Human Services, 2000). While the evi-
nurse-initiated postdischarge telephone dence-based AHRQ clinical practice cessa-
counseling calls. Patients from Stanford Uni- tion guideline has been developed (Fiore et
versity Hospital were recruited to participate al., 2000), its testing among vulnerable popu-
in the program. Of 2,091 patients identified lations is limited. As an example, the guide-
as smokers, 1,077 or 52% enrolled in the line deserves examination among minority
program, with only 720 patients eligible for groups, pregnant and postpartum women,
12-month follow-up. Seventy one percent (n HIV+ persons, and smokers who are poor
= 509) were reached for the 12-month follow- and often experiencing a comorbid condition,
up and of these 509 participants, 49% re- such as cancer or chronic obstructive pulmo-
ported that they were not smoking. However, nary disease (COPD).
a limitation noted by the authors included
potential underreporting of smoking by the GRETCHEN HARWOOD
participant at the time of the 12-month fol- MARY ELLEN WEWERS
low-up. The investigators acknowledged that
misclassification of smoking status by self-
report can be especially problematic in cessa- Smoking/Tobacco as a
tion studies of hospitalized patients, due to Cardiovascular Risk Factor
the demand characteristic of wanting to
please the provider (Smith, P. M., et al., Smoking is the single most preventable cause
2002). of death and disability in the United States
Smoking/Tobacco as a Cardiovascular Risk Factor 561

today. The death toll associated with smok- often highest in states where tobacco is
ing approaches 440,000 annually, with more grown, such as Kentucky. A strong relation-
than 4.8 million deaths occurring globally. ship exists between smoking and level of edu-
Moreover, by 2030 the World Health Orga- cation, with the prevalence being several
nization projects that tobacco will kill 10 mil- times higher among those with less than 12
lion individuals annually (Schroeder, 2004). years of education compared to those with
Smoking is a highly addictive disorder that more than 16 years of education. Smoking
causes both physiological and psychological prevalence is higher (33.3%) among those
dependence. Nicotine, which has both stimu- living below the poverty line than in those
lating and tranquilizing effects, is the drug with higher income levels (American Heart
that leads to addiction. Addictive disorders Association, 2003).
such as smoking are characterized by: (a) pre- Approximately 80% of people who smoke
dictable withdrawal symptoms, (b) physical began to use tobacco before the age of 18
dependence and tolerance for the drug, (c) years. The most frequent age of initiation is
use of the drug despite social and medical at 14 to 15 years. In 1998, 1.7 million Ameri-
disapproval, or harm to physical, social, psy- cans began to smoke cigarettes daily, which
chological, or economic well-being, (d) use of translates to more than 4,000 new smokers
the drug to cope with stress, (e) an immediate per day (American Heart Association, 2003).
sense of gratification, and (f) use of the drug To slow the rate of cardiovascular disease,
to restore physical and psychological com- prevention strategies must be incorporated
fort. Smoking is also an over-learned habit. into education efforts within schools. It is
Smoking is associated with many aspects of also known that, for those who use tobacco,
daily life such as driving in a car, eating a it is never too late to quit smoking. According
meal, talking on the telephone, or drinking to the World Health Organization, the risk
coffee. Finally, smoking is also used as a cop- of coronary heart disease (CHD) decreases
ing mechanism. Individuals use smoking to by 50% within 1 year of quitting. Within 15
deal with stress, boredom, anger, anxiety, years of quitting, the relative risk of dying
and other emotions. The success of interven- from CHD approximates that of a non-
tions to help smokers must focus on the com- smoker. In those with established CHD,
plexity of the behavior including nicotine ad- smoking cessation reduces both morbidity
diction, psychosocial influences, and the and mortality to a similar degree in both
habit itself. younger individuals and in those over 70
Since 1965, the prevalence of smoking has years of age (Williams, M. A., et al., 2002).
declined by 40% among those 18 years of Smoking affects almost every tissue and
age and older. However, the rate of smoking organ in the body. The deleterious effects on
has plateaued since 1990. In those 1824 the cardiovascular system include an increase
years of age, the prevalence actually rose from in blood pressure, heart rate, and peripheral
23% to 27% between 1991 and 2000. The vascular resistance; an increase in catechola-
prevalence of smoking in the United States in mines; an impairment in flow-mediated dila-
2001 was 48.1 million (1 in 4 adults), which tion of coronary arteries; increased suscepti-
includes 25.2% of males and 20.7% of fe- bility to clotting; and reduction in high-den-
males. All such individuals are at risk of a sity lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. These del-
myocardial infarction and stroke, with car- eterious effects are often associated with
diovascular deaths accounting for at least one angina pectoris, myocardial infarction,
third of all smoking-related deaths annually stroke, and death. Smoking significantly
(American Heart Association, 2003). compounds the risk of other cardiovascular
Smoking prevalence varies considerably risk factors such as dyslipidemia, hyperten-
from state to state, is highly dependant on sion, and obesity.
the success of tobacco-related legislation and Tobacco smoke also increases cardiovas-
changes in policies within a state, and is most cular risk among nonsmokers. The 4,000

chemicals and carcinogens found in tobacco Evidence from randomized clinical trials
smoke increase the risk of death from cardio- cited in the Clinical Practice Guideline, indi-
vascular disease by as much as 30% in non- cated that smoking cessation is fostered by:
smokers (American Heart Association 2003). (a) three-minute messages about the impor-
Finally, smoking imposes a significant so- tance of cessation, provided by multiple
cial burden due to the high costs of tobacco- health care professionals, (b) high-intensity
related illness. Health-related costs to Ameri- counseling (longer than 10 minutes per ses-
cans now exceed $157 billion annually. These sion with a total duration of 30 minutes or
figures are due to loss of productivity and more), (c) four or more follow-up sessions,
increased medical expenditures among smok- and (d) provision of multicomponent inter-
ing adults, and increased smoking-attribut- ventions such as self-help materials, tele-
able neonatal medical expenditures. Many phone follow-up, pharmacotherapies, and
strategies for both prevention and interven- behavioral counseling. Treatments lasting 8
tion are needed in order to combat the aggres- or more weeks will more than double cessa-
sive tobacco industry, which spent $11.2 bil- tion rates. Pharmacologic therapies including
lion on advertising and promotion in the nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) and
United States alone in 2001 (Schroeder, buproprion chloride (Zyban, Wellbutrin) fa-
2004). cilitate quitting. Nicotine replacement thera-
Several theories and models have been ef- pies including the gum and patch are avail-
fectively incorporated into smoking interven- able over the counter. Newer agents such as
tions. These include the transtheoretical the nicotine spray and inhaler are offered only
model (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1983), by prescription. Research suggests that unless
classifying individuals into stages based on carefully prescribed and combined with fol-
their desire to quit smoking; social learning low-up education, nicotine replacement ther-
apies are often ineffective (Pierce & Gilpin,
theory, specifically self-efficacy (Bandura,
2002). Thus, nurses may have a significant
1997); and the cognitive-behavioral model of
role in providing education and ensuring fol-
relapse which focuses on relapse prevention
low-up for patients who elect to use pharma-
training (Marlatt & Gordon, 1985).
cologic agents.
In 2000, the United States Department of
Nurse investigators have played a key role
Health and Human Services published the
in developing and testing efficacious interven-
Clinical Practice Guideline entitled Treating
tions in various treatment settings such as
Tobacco Use and Dependence (Fiore et al., hospitals and clinics. Interventions that link
2000). This guideline reviewed more than identification of smokers, strong physician
6,000 smoking-related studies conducted advice, and nurse-mediated behavioral coun-
from 19751999. Strength of evidence, pri- seling at the bedside with follow-up telephone
marily from randomized controlled trials, in- contacts have been shown to improve out-
dicates that tobacco dependence must be con- comes for both cardiovascular patients and
sidered a chronic disease. This is due to the those with various medical and surgical diag-
high rates of relapse that persist for weeks, noses (Miller, N. H., Smith, DeBusk, So-
months, or even years after quitting. Interven- bel, & Taylor, 1997; Taylor, Houston Miller,
tion strategies must incorporate persuasive Killen, & DeBusk, 1990). This research has
advice, behavioral interventions that antici- been replicated in cardiovascular patients in
pate and respond to periods of relapse and Canada, and more recently, in clinical prac-
remission, and the use of appropriate phar- tice settings (Smith, Reilly, Miller, DeBusk, &
macotherapies and support to help individu- Taylor, 2002). Research by Froelicher and
als to remain tobacco-free. Further, more colleagues (Froelicher et al., 2004) suggests
than 70% of smokers state their desire to that women with cardiovascular disease may
quit, yet only 5% succeed without assistance. represent a refractory group requiring more
SNOMED International 563

intensive intervention, including a systematic Many investigations have demonstrated

plan for follow-up and greater use of pharma- the usefulness of SNOMED for physician
cotherapies in conjunction with behavioral documentation, and a few have addressed the
interventions. utility of SNOMED for nursing. Nurses use
Cardiovascular disease remains the num- both NANDA diagnoses and other terms (i.e.
ber one cause of death and disability world- symptoms, signs, medical diagnoses) to de-
wide. The great strides that have occurred to scribe patient problems and that SNOMED
reduce smoking rates in the U.S. over the terms other than those of NANDA diagnoses
past 3 decades offer hope that this addictive were exact matches for terms used by nurses
behavior may someday be a distant memory. in their clinical documentation. Lange (1996)
Strong support by the nursing, medical, and found that SNOMED terms were useful for
public health communities is needed to representing terms used by nurses in intershift
achieve this goal. Thus, all health care profes- reports. J. Campbell and others (1997) com-
sionals must take an advocacy role in clinical pared SNOMED International with the Read
practice and other community settings. Codes and the Unified Medical Language Sys-
tem (UMLS) on the attributes of complete-
NANCY HOUSTON MILLER ness, clinical taxonomy, administrative map-
ping, term definitions, and clarity. Of the
1,929 records in the data set, 390 were nurs-
SNOMED International ing documents. Although no separate nursing
analyses were reported, SNOMED was
SNOMED International is a compilation of judged superior to Read and UMLS on the
nomenclatures organized into 11 modules or four categories of information (findings, di-
axes: (a) topography; (b) morphology; (c) liv- agnoses, interventions, and plans of care) that
ing organisms; (d) chemicals, drugs, and bio- comprised greater than 97% of the nursing
logical products; (e) function; (f) occupation; text sources and overall on the attributes of
(g) diagnosis; (h) procedure; (i) physical completeness, taxonomy, and compositional
agents, forces, and attributes; (j) social con- nature. It received lower ratings than Read
text; and (k) general (Cote, Rothwell, Palo- and UMLS on administrative mappings. If
tay, & Beckett, 1993). North American Nurs- the analyses related to nursing interventions
ing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) diagno- and plans of care had been reported sepa-
ses are included in the functional axis of rately from other health care interventions
SNOMED, and a limited number of nursing and plans of care, the findings might have
procedures are included in the procedure differed on the attribute of completeness be-
module. In contrast to taxonomic vocabulary cause the UMLS includes nursing interven-
systems with the primary purpose of disjunc- tion schema from the Omaha System, the
tive classification (e.g., International Classifi- Georgetown Home Health Care Classifica-
cation of Diseases or Current Procedural Ter- tion, and the Nursing Interventions Classifi-
minology Codes), SNOMED terms can be cation, although SNOMED does not.
combined for the purposes of concept repre- Some utility has been demonstrated, but
sentation for computer-based systems. For in- further work is needed to increase the use-
stance, the term pain from the function fulness of SNOMED for nursing. Two areas
axis can be joined with a severity modifier relate specifically to SNOMED itself, and the
from the general axis to represent the clinical third is a more generic requirement for repre-
expression severe pain or with an anatomic senting nursing concepts in computer-based
term from the topography axis to represent systems. First, additional terms for nursing
back pain. This multiaxial approach is sim- interventions must be added to SNOMED.
ilar to the proposed architecture of the inter- Second, rules (grammars) for combining
national classification of nursing practice. terms must be developed, using knowledge

formalisms such as conceptual graphs. Third, tional stress also has been associated with
data models that describe the attribute of problems in physical and mental health such
nursing data must be developed. as stomach disorders, high blood pressures,
headaches, depression, and emotional out-
SUZANNE BAKKEN bursts. Such consequences of occupational
stress are associated with alienation among
staff members (lack of emotional support)
Social Support more than any other factor (Maslach & Pines,
1978). In short, the direct and indirect effects
The concept of social support is a complex of stress in terms of job dissatisfaction, low
one that has many dimensions or constructs. job performance, turnover, and absenteeism
Dimensions of social support include the motivate researchers to investigate variables
function (e.g., emotional support, tangible such as social support that might offset or
aid), source of support (e.g., coworker, super- reduce the impact of occupational stress and
visor, spouse), and structure of support (e.g., enhance the morale and satisfaction of the
network, frequency of social interactions) staff.
(Hobfoll & Vaux, 1993). S. Cohen and Wills The two models of social support, the di-
(1985) described the function of social sup- rect-effect and the stress-buffering, have been
port as emotional, instrumental, informa- widely discussed (Cohen & Wills, 1985). The
tional, and social companionship. Emotional direct-effect model indicates the effect of so-
support is to provide one with love and care. cial support on certain variables such as job
On the other hand, instrumental support is performance and job satisfaction regardless
to provide one with financial aid, material of the level of stress, whereas the stress-buff-
resources, and services, whereas informa- ering model indicates the effect of social sup-
tional support (appraisal support) is to assist port on certain outcomes through decreasing
one to understand and deal with problematic
the level of stress. Selected literature of the
situations, and social companionship is to
direct and buffering effects of social support
spend good time (recreational activities) with
on organizational outcomes among nurses is
others (Cohen & Wills). The bulk of social
discussed below.
support studies were conducted during the
The literature revealed the consistency for
1980s and early 1990s. This might be attrib-
the direct effect of social support on outcomes
uted to the increased interest of researchers
such as burnout, job performance, job satis-
in occupational stress and its management in
the late 1970s. Social support was among the faction, and intention to stay. Emotional so-
approaches that were investigated in relation cial support has been found to associate nega-
to dealing with stress. tively with burnout despite the different in-
Research indicates that nursing is a stress- struments used to measure social support.
ful profession. Occupational stressors, if not Such finding was supported by Hare, Pratt,
managed successfully or effectively, could af- and Anderaw (1988). Both measurements
fect the psychological as well as physiological have adequate reliability and validity. AbuAl-
capacities of the individual. However, some Rub (2004) found that as social support in-
employers might consider the stress of their creased, job performance increased. McClos-
employees as a personal psychological state key (1990) found that social integration (so-
and ignore its consequences on the organiza- cial support from coworkers) was correlated
tions and the physiological and behavioral positively with job satisfaction, work motiva-
functions of the employees. Lawrence and tion, commitment to the organization, and
Lawrence (1987/88) described some of the intention to stay. Social integration also was
behavioral changes occurring as a result of found to buffer the bad effects of low auton-
work-related stress as low productivity, low omy. The autonomy-integration interactions
morale, and absenteeism. Moreover, occupa- for intent to stay and organizational commit-
Spirituality 565

ment at 6 months and job satisfaction at 12 studies that provide evidence for the direct
months were statistically significant. effect of social support on the organizational
On the other hand, the literature showed outcomes such as job stress, job performance,
inconsistent results for the buffering effect of and job satisfaction, peer and superior sup-
social support. For example, LaRocco, port programs are paramount in order to en-
House, and French (1980) tested the buff- hance the well-being and satisfaction of the
ering effect of social support on the relation- staff and the quality of care they provide
ships among stress-strain, strain-health, and for patients.
stress-health, The results indicated that social
support (a) did not buffer the impact of job RAEDA FAWZI ABUALRUB
stress on job strain, (b) did buffer the effect
of job stress on overall mental health, and (c)
did buffer the impact of job strain on mental Spirituality
health. AbuAlRub (2004) found that social
support did not buffer the relationship be- Spirituality represents the human propensity
tween job stress and job performance; that to reach beyond immediate boundaries of the
is, as perceived job stress increased, nurses self to experience a greater reality and mean-
with high social support in the workplace did ing. In nursing, spirituality is defined in terms
not perform better than nurses with less sup- of a variety of human experiences that pro-
port. vide a sense of transcendence or awareness
The results of W. Stewart and Barling of a connection to something greater than
(1996), who examined the effect of social the self without devaluing the self, through
support on the stress-performance relation- intrapersonal, interpersonal, and transper-
ship, indicated that only informational social sonal dimensions (Reed, P. G., 1992).
support moderated or buffered the subjective The intrapersonal dimension focuses on
stress-performance relationship. That is, in- looking inward to find personal meaning;
creased informational social support reduces concepts within this dimension address pur-
the negative impact of stress on job perfor- pose in life, inner strength, inner peace, cour-
mance. Fong (1990) examined the stress-sup- age, and serenity. The interpersonal dimen-
port-burnout relation among nursing faculty. sion focuses on relationships with other peo-
The results showed that support from super- ple and other living systems, as well as with
visors and work peers was positively corre- the broader environment and nature; con-
lated with all dimensions of burnout. On the cepts within this dimension include trust,
other hand, the results revealed that support sense of connectedness, forgiveness, intercon-
from supervisors and coworkers did not mod- nectedness, and love. The transpersonal di-
erate or buffer the stress-burnout relation: mension focuses on ones relationship to the
that is, as stress increased, the individuals unknown or unseen, mystery, God, a higher
with high support did not experience less being or power, and other supernatural enti-
burnout than those with less support. ties or expressions of a reality that exist be-
Based on the literature, further research yond ordinary experiences. Concepts within
using different designs and methodologies is this dimension include faith, hope, self-tran-
needed to test the buffering effect of social scendence, acceptance, mystical experiences,
support. In testing such an effect, control is awareness of a divine presence, experienced
needed not only for individual differences, grace, specific religious beliefs and practices,
but also for other job variables that may mask and nonreligious, nontheistic, or existential
the buffering or moderating effect of social expressions of transcendence.
support. Since hospitals spend a great deal Despite the often-cited description of spiri-
of money in the recruitment and orientation tuality as ineffable, a unifying force, the es-
processes of new staff, it becomes more im- sence of human beings, and other immeasur-
portant to keep them. Based on the research able terms, spirituality is regarded by nursing

theorists and researchers as a multidimen- tual Perspective Scale; (c) maturity of nursing
sional concept that can be studied systemati- as a discipline that defined itself a science
cally through various empirical indicators with theories whose focus extended beyond
and research methods, as suggested in Reeds the biomedical to include the breadth of hu-
(1992) paradigm for investigating spiritu- man health experiences and patients perspec-
ality. tives; (d) scientists increased attention to the
Spirituality is considered to be an im- voice of the clinicians (e.g., Highfield & Ca-
portant area for research and practice in nurs- son, 1983), whose patients attested to the
ing as a human experience or process relevant positive influences of spirituality in health
in everyday life and during health-related care; and (e) efforts to establish a more holis-
events, particularly in times of increased tic approach to nursing diagnosis and assess-
awareness of mortality. Dimensions of spiri- ment that included the spiritual dimension,
tuality have been addressed by eminent nurs- as found in Ruth Stolls 1979 Guidelines
ing theorists including Florence Nightingale, for Spiritual Assessment, published in the
Martha Rogers, Jean Watson, Betty Neuman, widely read American Journal of Nursing.
Madeline Leininger, Callista Roy, and Rose- The number of nurses who currently include
marie Parse, as well as by an increasing num- spiritually related questions and variables in
ber of researchers who are developing mid- their research has grown considerably since
dle-range theories. Spirituality is regarded as the mid-1980s.
integral to human wholeness, development, Research findings, as well as a fund of
and well-being, and increasingly is considered practice knowledge in nursing, support the
a fundamental concern of nursing practice. relevance of spirituality. Spiritually related
The turn of the 21st century evidenced variables such as hope, courage, and self-
fairly active inquiry into spirituality. How- transcendence consistently have been found
ever, research on spirituality was not consid- to be significant and at times critical factors
ered a legitimate area of nursing science until in processes of healing and during health-
the mid-1980s when nurse researchers pub- related events associated with particular life
lished the first reports of studies on spiritual- phases such as pregnancy, childhood, aging,
ity. Research activity was accompanied if not and end of life.
preceded by the expansion of clinical knowl- Dominant areas of research include: termi-
edge about spirituality. Noted examples are nal illness and dying, chronic illness, cancer,
two books that addressed spiritual and reli- life-threatening and acute illness, mental
gious dimensions of nursing practice: Fish & health in aging, alcoholism and substance
Shellys 1978 book, Spiritual Care: The abuse, critical losses and life events, and
Nurses Role and subsequent editions, and nurses and other caregivers health. The ma-
Verna Carsons 1989 Spiritual Dimensions jority of spiritually related research efforts
of Nursing Practice. have focused on enhancing well-being during
Several factors converged to stimulate and terminal illness. Important examples include
nurture the growth of spirituality research in Beverly Halls (1998) work with patients who
nursing: (a) publications in the social sciences have HIV/AIDS and research on women with
that linked spirituality to various indicators breast cancer at diagnosis and end-stage
of well-being and mental health, as found (Coward, 1991, 1998; Mickley, Soeken, &
in sociologist Mobergs research on religion, Belcher, 1992). Research findings from these
therapies based on the transpersonal move- and many other studies overall support the
ment in psychology, and life span develop- significance of spiritual factors in patient
mental theories about the spiritual dimen- well-being.
sions of aging; (b) development of instru- Another area of research is represented in
ments that measure spiritually-related con- the work of several British nurses (Draper,
cepts such as Ellisons (1983) Spiritual Well- McSherry, Narayanasamy, Owens, Ross) as
Being (SWB) Scale and Reeds (1987) Spiri- well as American nurses (such as Tuck and
Statistical Techniques 567

Emblen), who focused attention on the choose in the future. A major direction is the
nurses spirituality and approaches to spiri- intervention-based study. Several potential
tual care as important elements in practice. nursing interventions or patient strategies re-
Ethical questions about the congruence be- garding spirituality have already been identi-
tween patient and nurse perspectives, and be- fied in the literature: spiritual autobiography,
tween the nurses values and actions relative life review, therapeutic relationship, prayer in
to spirituality, are especially important to all its forms, meditation, spiritual counseling,
study as nurses assume a more active role in guided imagery, existential therapy, personal
spiritual care. writing and reflection, and engagement in al-
Researchers predominantly have used truistic activities.
quantitative designs that incorporate one or Nurse scientists also are likely to study
more instruments to measure spirituality and spirituality as related to not only psychosocial
its correlates. One caveat in quantitative indicators of well-being, but to biobehavioral
study results is that statistically significant indicators as well, including those derived
correlation coefficients between spiritual from the psychoneuroimmunological per-
variables and well-being variables not infre- spective. In contrast, a less likely direction
quently are of small to moderate magnitude. for future nursing research is the study of
This is attributed to small sample size, mea- a purely neurobiological basis for spiritual
surement error, or the influence of other in- religious beliefs, as is already occurring
tervening factors that relate to health and among some scientists outside of nursing.
well-being, and has not discouraged contin- Nurses will continue to publish on the clin-
ued study of spirituality as a relevant human ical as well as empirical significance of spiri-
experience. Increasingly, scientists are em- tuality for patient care, as illustrated, for ex-
ploying mixed methods and qualitative meth- ample, in the extensive writings by Margaret
ods, notably phenomenology and grounded Burkhardt and her colleagues. Understanding
theory, to better understand spirituality as the role of spirituality in nursing practice will
experienced during significant health experi- burgeon as more researchers and clinicians
ences or life events. work together to build knowledge about spir-
Methods to study spirituality across time ituality to generate nursing-theory-based
and cultures are expanding the terrain of strategies that facilitate well-being (e.g.,
knowledge. Researchers are just beginning to Coward, 1998; Relf, 1997).
address questions about potential changes in
spirituality over the trajectory of illness or PAMELA G. REED
across the life span. Their inquiry employs CHERYL A. LARSON
both qualitative and quantitative longitudi-
nal designs that provide insights into spiritual
experiences, practices, and strategies over Statistical Techniques
time. Another trend is the increasing number
of researchers who are examining spirituality Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) is a statis-
from a cultural perspective (e.g., Pinchar- tical technique that combines analysis of vari-
oen & Congdon, 2003). ance (ANOVA) with regression to measure
A final method to be recognized is concep- the differences among group means. The ad-
tual or philosophic inquiry. The resulting vantages of ANCOVA include the ability to
publications of conceptual articles that inte- reduce the error variance in the outcome mea-
grate clinical knowledge, provide ethical sure and the ability to measure group differ-
analysis, and clarify the complex concept of ences after allowing for other differences be-
spirituality have added substantially to the tween subjects. The error variance is reduced
research literature on spirituality. by controlling for variation in the dependent
There are several pathways to knowledge measure that comes from variables measured
about spirituality that nurses are likely to at the interval or ratio level (called covariates)

that influence all the groups being compared. F ratio. It is an extension of the t test, which
The covariate contributes to the variation and compares two groups. The independent vari-
reduces the magnitude of the differences able(s) are categorical (measured at the nomi-
among groups. In ANCOVA the variation nal level). The dependent variable must meet
from this variable is measured and extracted the assumptions of normal distribution and
from the within (or error) variation. The ef- equal variance across the groups. A one-way
fect is the reduction of error variance and ANOVA means that there is only one inde-
therefore an increase in the power of the anal- pendent variable (often called factor), a two-
ysis. way ANOVA indicates two independent vari-
ANCOVA also has been used in both ex- ables, and an n-way ANOVA indicates that
perimental and nonexperimental studies to the number of independent variables is de-
equate the groups statistically. When the fined by n.
groups differ on some variable, ANCOVA is The null hypothesis in ANOVA is that all
used to reduce the impact of that difference. groups are equal and drawn from the same
Although ANCOVA has been widely used population. To test this assumption, three
for such statistical equalization of groups, measures of variation are calculated. The to-
there is controversy about such efforts, and tal variation is a measure of the variability
careful consideration should be given to the of all subjects around the grand mean and
appropriateness of the manipulation. is composed of within-group variation and
As with ANOVA there are one or more between-group variation. Within-group vari-
categorical variables as independent vari- ation is a measure of how much the scores
ables; the dependent variable is continuous of subjects within a group vary around the
and meets the requirements of normal distri- group mean. Between-group variation is a
bution and equality of variance across measure of how much each groups mean
groups. The covariate is an interval- or ratio- varies from the grand mean or of how much
level measure. difference exists between the groups. Quanti-
There are additional assumptions to be fying total between- and within-group varia-
met in ANCOVA, and these are very im- tion is accomplished by calculating a sum of
portant to the valid interpretation of results. squares (the sum of the squared deviations
There must be a linear relationship between of each of the scores around the respective
the covariate and the dependent variable, and mean) for each component of the variation.
ANCOVA is most effective when the correla- When the null hypothesis is true, the
tion is equal to or greater than .30. The direc- groups scores overlap to a large extent, and
tion and strength of the relationship between the within-group variation is greater than the
the covariate and dependent variable must between-group variation. When the null hy-
be similar in each group. This assumption is pothesis is false, the groups scores show little
called homogeneity of regression across overlapping, and the between-groups varia-
groups. tion is greater.
ANCOVA is an extension of the ANOVA When the ratio of between- to within-
model that reduces the error term by remov- group variation (F ratio) is significant, the
ing additional sources of variation. It is a null hypothesis is rejected, indicating a differ-
means of controlling extraneous variation. ence among the groups. When more than two
As with other types of analysis of variance, groups are being compared, however, it can-
post hoc tests are used for pairwise compari- not be determined from the F test alone which
son of group means. groups differ from the others. In other words,
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a para- a significant F test does not mean that every
metric statistical test that measures differ- group in the analysis is different from every
ences between two or more mutually exclu- other group.
sive groups by calculating the ratio of be- To determine where the significant differ-
tween- to within-group variance, called the ences lie, further analysis is required. Two
Statistical Techniques 569

types of comparisons can be made among An ANOVA may include more than one
group means. They include post hoc (after dependent variable. Such an analysis usually
the fact) comparisons and a priori (planned) is referred to as multivariate analysis of vari-
comparisons based on hypotheses stated ance (MANOVA) and allows the researcher
prior to the analysis. to look for relationships among dependent
A variety of post hoc techniques exist. The as well as independent variables. When con-
purpose of all is to decrease the likelihood of ducting a MANOVA, the assumptions under-
making a Type I error when making multiple lying the univariate model still apply, and in
comparisons. The Scheffe test is reported fre- addition the dependent variable should have
quently. The formula is based on the usual a multivariate normal distribution with the
formula for the calculation of a t-test or F same variance covariance matrix in each
ratio, but the critical value for determining group (Norusis, 1994, p. 58). The require-
statistical significance is changed according ment that each group will have the same vari-
to the number of comparisons to be made. ance covariance matrix means that the homo-
A Bonferroni correction involves dividing the geneity of variance assumption is met for each
desired alpha (say .05) by the number of com- dependent variable and that the correlation
parisons. between any two dependent variables must
The least significant difference (LSD) test be the same in all groups. Boxs M is a mea-
is equivalent to multiple t tests. The modifica- sure of the multivariate test for homogeneity
tion is that a pooled estimate of variance is of variance.
used rather than variance common to groups In the univariate model, the F value is
being compared. Tukeys honestly significant tested for significance. In the multivariate
difference (HSD) is the most conservative model there are four outcome measures. They
comparison test and as such is the least pow- include Wilkss lambda, which represents the
erful. The critical values for Tukey remain error variance; Pillai-Bartlett trace, which
the same for each comparison, regardless of represents the sum of the explained variances;
the total number of means to be compared. Roys greatest characteristic root, which is
Student Newman-Keuls is similar to Tukeys based on the first discriminant variate; and
HSD, but the critical values do not stay the Hotelling-Lawley trace, which is the sum of
same. They reflect the variables being com- the between and within sums of squares for
pared. Tukeys wholly significant difference each of the discriminant variates. Wilkss
(WSD) uses critical values that are the average lambda is the most widely used. Analysis of
of those used in Tukeys HSD and Newman- variance is commonly used to test for group
Keuls. It is therefore intermediate in conser- differences. Multivariate analysis of variance
vatism between those two measures. includes more than one dependent variable.
Planned comparisons, or a priori con- Repeated measures analysis of variance is
trasts, are based on hypotheses stated before an extension of analysis of variance (AN-
data are collected. Prespecified contrasts that OVA) that reduces the error term by parti-
are orthogonal (statistically unrelated) to tioning out individual differences that can be
each other may be developed and tested. Such estimated from the repeated measurement of
comparisons are more powerful than post the same subjects. There are two main types
hoc contrasts. of repeated measures designs (also called
With two or more independent variables within-subjects designs). One involves taking
in an analysis, interactions between the inde- repeated measures of the same variable(s)
pendent variables can be tested. Testing for over time on a group or groups of subjects.
an interaction addresses the question of The other involves exposing the same subjects
whether or not the results of a given treatment to all levels of the treatment. This is often
vary depending on the groups or conditions referred to as using subjects as their own con-
in which it is applied. trols.

Because the observations are not indepen- sionals. There are fairly stringent require-
dent of each other, there is correlation among ments for the analysis, however.
the outcome measures. This necessitates an Correlation is a procedure for quantifying
assumption called compound symmetry. To the linear relationship between two or more
meet this assumption, the correlations across variables. It measures the strength and indi-
the measurements (time points) must be the cates the direction of the relationship. The
same, and the variances should be equal Pearson product-moment correlation coeffi-
across measurements. This is important be- cient (r) is the usual method by which the
cause the general robustness of the ANOVA relation between two variables is quantified.
model does not withstand much violation of There must be at least two variables measured
this assumption. on each subject; and although interval- or
Repeated measures ANOVA is a particu- ratio-level data are most commonly used, it
larly interesting technique because health is also possible in many cases to obtain valid
care providers tend to take repeated measures results with ordinal data. Categorical vari-
on clients, and it often makes sense to do ables may be coded for use in calculating
so with research subjects as well. There are correlations and regression equations.
stringent requirements for this analysis, how- Although correlations can be calculated
ever. The most important is meeting the crite- with data at all levels of measurement, certain
ria for compound symmetry. This assump- assumptions must be made to generalize be-
tion is often violated, leading to improper yond the sample statistic. The sample must
interpretation of results. Most computer pro- be representative of the population to which
grams provide a test of this assumption. If the inference will be made. The variables that
are being correlated must each have a normal
the assumption is not met, several alternatives
distribution. The relationship between the
are available.
two variables must be linear. For every value
First, rather than the univariate approach,
of one variable, the distribution of the other
in which the repeated measures are treated
variable must have approximately equal vari-
as within-subjects factors, one might use a
ability. This is called the assumption of ho-
multivariate approach (MANOVA). In MA-
NOVA, the repeated measures would be The correlation coefficient is a mathemati-
treated as multiple dependent variables. An- cal representation of the relationship that ex-
other approach is to use an epsilon correc- ists between two variables. The correlation
tion. The degrees of freedom are multiplied coefficient may range from +1.00 through
by the value of epsilon, and the new degrees 0.00 to 1.00. A +1.00 indicates a perfect
of freedom, which are more conservative, are positive relationship, 0.00 indicates no rela-
used to test the F value for significance. tionship, and 1.00 indicates a perfect nega-
The problems with repeated measures tive relationship. In a positive relationship,
analyses may be seen as the carry-over ef- as one variable increases, the other increases.
fect, the latent effect, and the order or learn- In a negative relationship, as one variable
ing effect (pp. 107108). When subjects are increases, the other decreases.
exposed to more than one treatment, previ- The strength of correlation coefficients has
ous treatments may still be having an effect, been described as follows:
that is, may be carried over. An interaction
with a previous treatment is referred to as a .00.25little if any
latency effect. This would occur if exposure .26.49low
to one treatment had an enhancing or de-
pressing effect on a subsequent treatment. .901.00very high
Randomization of the order of treatment is (Munro, 1997, p. 235).
used to control the order of learning effect.
Repeated measures ANOVA is a very use- The coefficient of determination, r2, often
ful technique for research by health profes- is used as a measure of the meaningfulness
Statistical Techniques 571

of r. This is a measure of the amount of vari- metric technique for measuring the relation
ance the two variables share. It is obtained between two ranked (ordinal) variables. The
by squaring the correlation coefficient. contingency coefficient can be used to mea-
Correlational techniques may be used for sure the relationship between two nominal
control of extraneous variation. Partial corre- variables. It is based on the chi square sta-
lation measures the relationship between two tistic.
variables after statistically controlling for the There are also formulas that can be used to
influence of a confounding variable on both estimate the correlation coefficient, r. Biserial
of the variables being correlated. It is usually can be used when one variable is dichoto-
expressed as r12.3, which indicates the correla- mized and the other is continuous. Dichoto-
tion between variables 1 and 2, with the effect mized means that the variable has been made
of variable 3 removed from both 1 and 2. dichotomouscut into two levels from a
Semipartial correlation is the correlation of variable that would have been naturally con-
two variables with the effect of a third vari- tinuous. Biserial estimates what r would be
able removed from only one of the variables if you changed the dichotomized variable into
being correlated. It is usually expressed as a continuous variable. The tetrachoric coeffi-
r1(2.3), which indicates the correlation between cient is an estimate of r based on the relation-
variables 1 and 2, with the effect of 3 removed ship between two dichotomized variables.
only from variable 2. Eta, sometimes called the correlation ratio,
Multiple correlation is a technique for is referred to as the universal measure of the
measuring the relationship between a depen- relationship between two variables. The val-
dent variable and a weighted combination of ues for eta range from 0 to 1. It can be used
independent variables. The multiple correla- to measure nonlinear as well as linear rela-
tion is expressed as R. R2 indicates the tionships. When it is used with two continu-
amount of variance explained in the depen- ous variables that have a linear relationship,
dent variable by the independent variables.
it reduces to r.
Canonical correlation measures the relation-
Correlational techniques are used to ex-
ship between two sets of variables and is ex-
plore and test relationships among variables.
pressed as Rc.
They serve as the basis for developing predic-
There are measures other than the Pearson
tion equations through regression techniques.
r for measuring relationships. Before the ad-
Logistic regression is used to determine
vent of computers, shortcut methods of
which variables affect the probability of the
calculation were developed for certain cir-
cumstances. Three such measures are phi, occurrence of an event. In logistic regression
point-biserial, and Spearman rho. These mea- the independent variables may be at any level
sures usually give the same result as r; their of measurement from nominal to ratio. The
only advantage is for doing hand calcula- dependent variable is categorical, usually a
tions. Phi is used with two dichotomous vari- dichotomous variable.
ables and is often reported in conjunction Although it is possible to code the dichoto-
with chi-square. Point-biserial can be used to mous variable as 1/0 and run a multiple re-
calculate the relationship between one di- gression or use discriminant function analysis
chotomous and one continuous variable. for categorical outcome measures (two or
Spearman rho can be used to measure the more categories), this is generally not recom-
relationship between two rank-ordered vari- mended. Multiple regression and discrimi-
ables. nant function are based on the method of
There are also nonparametric measures of least squares, whereas the maximum-likeli-
relationship. These are considered distribu- hood method is used in logistic regression.
tion-free, that is, the assumption of normal Because the logistic model is nonlinear, the
distribution of the two variables does not iterative approach provided by the maxi-
have to be met. Kendalls tau is a nonpara- mum-likelihood method is more appropriate.

In addition to providing a better fit with usis, 1994). This includes examination of the
the data, logistic regression results include Wald statistic, which provides a measure of
odds ratios that lend interpretability to the the significance (p) value for each variable.
data. The odds of an outcome being present Additionally, one can test the model by sys-
as a measure of association has found wide tematically including and excluding the pre-
use, especially in epidemiology, because the dictors. Variables that do not contribute to
odds ratio approximates how much more the model on the basis of these criteria should
likely (or unlikely) it is for the outcome to be eliminated and a new model fit. Once a
be present given certain conditions. An odds model has been developed that contains the
ratio is defined as the probability of occur- essential variables, the addition of interaction
rence over the probability of nonoccurrence. terms should be considered.
The probability of the observed results, Logistic regression has been reported in
given the parameter estimates, is known as the medical literature for some time, particu-
the likelihood. Since the likelihood measure larly in epidemiological studies. Recently, it
is a small number, less than 1, it is customary has become more common in nursing re-
to use minus 2 times the log of the likelihood search. This is the result of a new appreciation
as a measure of how well the estimated model of the technique and the availability of soft-
fits the data (Norusis, 1994, p. 10). In logis- ware to manage the complex analysis. This
tic regression, comparison of observed to pre- multivariate technique for assessing the prob-
dicted values is based on the log likelihood ability of the occurrence of an event requires
(LL) function. A good model is one that re- fewer assumptions than does regression or
sults in a high likelihood of the observed re- discriminant function analysis and provides
sults. A nonsignificant 2 LL indicates that estimates in terms of odds ratios that add to
the data fit the model. the understanding of the results.
The goodness of fit statistic compares the Nonparametric statistics are techniques
observed probabilities to those predicted by that are not based on assumptions about nor-
the model. Assessment of this is also provided mality of data. When parametric tests of sig-
in a classification table where percentages of nificance are used, at least one population
correct predictions are provided. This statis- parameter is being estimated from sample sta-
tic has a chi-square distribution. A nonsignifi- tistics. To arrive at such an estimation, certain
cant statistic indicates that the data fit the assumptions must be made; the most im-
model. portant one is that the variable measured in
The model chi-square tests the null hy- the sample is normally distributed in the pop-
pothesis that the coefficients for all the inde- ulation to which a generalization will be
pendent variables equal 0. It is equivalent to made. With nonparametric tests there is no
the F test in regression. A significant result assumption about the distribution of the vari-
indicates that the independent variables are able in the population. For that reason non-
contributing significantly. As in regression, parametric tests often are called distribu-
one must assess the significance of each pre- tion-free.
dictor. In multiple regression the b-weights At one time, level of measurement was
are used in the calculation of the prediction considered a very important determinant in
equation. In logistic regression the b-weights the decision to use parametric or nonpara-
are used to determine the probability of the metric tests. Some authors said that paramet-
occurrence of an event. ric tests should be reserved for use with inter-
As with all methods of regression it is of val- and ratio-level data. More recent studies,
utmost importance to select variables for in- however, have shown that the use of paramet-
clusion in the model on the basis of clear ric techniques with ordinal data rarely dis-
scientific rationale. Following the fit of the torts the results.
model, the importance of each variable in- The calculations involved in nonparamet-
cluded in the model should be verified (Nor- ric techniques are much easier than those as-
Statistical Techniques 573

sociated with parametric techniques, but the parametric techniques but are actually short-
use of computers makes that of little concern. cut formulas for the Pearson product-mo-
Nonparametric techniques are valuable when ment correlation (r). Biserial and tetrachoric
using small samples and when there are dis- coefficients are estimates of r, given certain
tortions of the data that seriously violate the conditions.
assumptions underlying the parametric tech- True nonparametric measures of relation-
nique. ship include Kendalls tau and the contin-
Chi-square is the most frequently reported gency coefficient. Kendalls tau was devel-
nonparametric technique. It is used to com- oped as an alternative procedure for Spear-
pare the actual number (or frequency) in each man rho. It may be used when measuring the
group with the expected number. The ex- relation between two ranked (ordinal) vari-
pected number can be based on theory, previ- ables. The contingency coefficient can be used
ous experience, or comparison groups. Chi- to measure the relationship between two
square tests whether or not the expected num- nominal-level variables. The calculation of
ber differs significantly from the actual num- this coefficient is based on the chi-square sta-
ber. Chi-square is the appropriate technique tistic.
when variables are measured at the nominal Nonparametric techniques should be con-
level. It may be used with two or more mutu- sidered if assumptions about the normal dis-
ally exclusive groups. tribution of variables cannot be met. These
When the groups are not mutually exclu- techniques, although less powerful, provide a
sive, as when the same subjects are measured more accurate appraisal of group differences
twice, an adaptation of chi-square, the and relationships among variables when the
McNemar test, may be appropriate. The assumptions underlying the parametric tech-
McNemar test can be used to measure change niques have been violated.
when there are two dichotomous measures Regression is a statistical method that
on the subjects. makes use of the correlation between two
When comparing groups of subjects on variables and the notion of a straight line to
ordinal data, two commonly used techniques develop an equation that can be used to pre-
are the Mann-Whitney U, which is used to dict the score of one of the variables, given
compare two groups and is thus analogous the score of the other. In the case of a multiple
to the t test, and Kruskal-Wallis H, which is correlation, regression is used to establish a
used to compare two or more groups and is prediction equation in which the independent
thus analogous to the parametric technique variables are each assigned a weight based on
analysis of variance. their relationship to the dependent variable,
When one has repeated measures on two while controlling for the other independent
or more groups and the outcome measure is variables.
not appropriate for parametric techniques, Regression is useful as a flexible technique
two nonparametric techniques that may be that allows prediction and explanation of the
appropriate are the Wilcoxon matched-pairs interrelationships among variables and the
signed rank test and the Friedman matched use of categorical as well as continuous vari-
samples. The Wilcoxon matched-pairs is ables. Regression literally means a falling
analogous to the parametric paired t test, and back toward the mean. With perfect correla-
the Friedman matched samples is analogous tions there is no falling back; using standard-
to a repeated-measures analysis of variance. ized scores, the predicted score is the same
In addition to nonparametric techniques as the predictor. With less than perfect corre-
for making group comparisons, there are lations there is some error in the measure-
nonparametric techniques for measuring re- ment; the more error, the more regression
lationships. There is some confusion about toward the mean.
these techniques. For example, point-biserial The regression equation consists of an in-
and Spearman rho are often considered non- tercept constant (a) and the bs associated

with each independent variable. Given those be coded and entered into the regression
elements and an individuals score on the in- equation.
dependent variables, one can predict the indi- When using regression, it is of utmost im-
viduals score on the dependent variable. The portance to select variables for inclusion in
intercept constant (a) is the value of the de- the model on the basis of clear scientific ratio-
pendent variable when the independent vari- nale. The method for entering variables into
able equals zero. It is the point at which the the equation is important, as it affects the
regression line intercepts the Y axis. interpretation of the results. Variables may
The letter b is called the regression coeffi- be entered all at once, one at a time, or in
cient or regression weight; it is the rate of subsets. Decisions about method of entry may
change in the dependent variable with a unit be statistical, as in stepwise entry (where the
change in the independent variable. It is a variable with the highest correlation with the
measure of the slope of the regression line, dependent variable is entered first), or theo-
which is the line of best fit and passes retical. Stepwise methods have been criticized
through the exact center of the data in a scat- for capitalizing on chance related to imperfect
ter diagram. Beta is the standardized regres- measurement of the variables being corre-
sion coefficient. lated. It is generally recommended that deci-
In multiple regression the multiple correla- sions about the order of entry of variables
tion (R) and each of the b-weights are tested into the regression equation should be made
for significance. In most reports the squared on the basis of the research questions being
multiple correlation, R2, is reported, as that addressed.
is a measure of the amount of variance ac- Problems with multiple regression include
counted for in the dependent variable. A sig- a high degree of interrelatedness among the
nificant R2 indicates that a significant amount independent variables, referred to as multi-
of the variance in the dependent variable has collinearity. Selection of variables based on
been accounted for. Testing the b-weight tells theoretical considerations, followed by care-
us whether the independent variable associ- ful screening of variables and testing of as-
ated with it is contributing significantly to sumptions prior to analysis, can reduce po-
the variance accounted for in the depen- tential problems. If multicollinearity is a
dent variable. problem, decisions must be made about
Although variables at all levels of measure- which variables to eliminate. Residual analy-
ment may be entered into the regression equa- sis, conducted as part of the regression proce-
tion, nominal-level variables must be spe- dure, can contribute an additional check on
cially coded prior to entry. Three main types whether or not the assumptions underlying
of coding are used: dummy, effect, and or- the analysis have been met.
thogonal. Regardless of the method of coding Multiple regression is the most commonly
used, the overall R is the same, as is its signifi- reported statistical technique in health care
cance. The differences lie in the meaning research. It can be used for both explanation
attached to testing the b-weights for signifi- and prediction but is more commonly re-
cance. With dummy coding the b-weight rep- ported as a method for explaining the vari-
resents the difference between the mean of ability in an outcome measure.
the group represented by that b and the group The t test involves an evaluation of means
assigned 0s throughout. In effect coding the and distributions of two groups. The t test,
bs represent the difference between the mean or Students t test, is named after its inventor,
of the group associated with that b-weight William Gosset, who published under the
and the grand mean. With orthogonal coding pseudonym Student. Gosset invented the t
the b-weight measures the difference between test as a more precise method of comparing
two means specified in a hypothesized con- groups. The t distributions are a set of means
trast. Interactions among variables also may of randomly drawn samples from a normally
Stress 575

distributed population. They are based on the to be used when appropriate as it is easy to
sample size and vary according to the degrees present and to understand.
of freedom.
The t test reflects the probability of getting BARBARA MUNRO
a difference of a given magnitude in groups
of a particular size with a certain variability
if random samples drawn from the same pop-
ulation were compared. Three factors are in-
cluded in the analysis: difference between the
group means, size of each group, and variabil- The term stress first appeared in the Cumu-
ity of scores within the groups. lative Index to Nursing and Allied Health
Given the same mean difference, an in- Literature (CINAHL) in 1956. Nursings in-
terest in stress as a focus of research has
crease in group size increases the likelihood of
mushroomed since 1970. Although the word
a significant difference between two groups,
stress is familiar to many and has become
and an increase in group variability decreases
part of our everyday vocabulary, the term
the likelihood of significant difference. In-
conveys divergent meanings, and multiple
creased variability increases the error term
theories have been proposed to explain it.
and the likelihood of overlap between the
Most of the theories attempting to describe
scores of the two groups, thereby diminishing
and explain stress as a human phenomenon
the difference between them.
can be categorized under one of three very
There are three t tests. The first is used
different orientations to the concept: re-
to compare two mutually exclusive groups
sponse-based, stimulus-based, and transac-
when the dependent variable is normally dis-
tion-based. The response-based orientation
tributed and the variances of the two groups was developed by Selye (1976), who defined
are equal. The equal variance assumption is stress as a nonspecific response of the body to
called homogeneity of variance and indicates any demand. That is, regardless of the cause,
that the groups are drawn from the same situational context, or psychological inter-
population. This version of the t test is re- pretation of the demand, the stress response
ferred to as the pooled or equal-variance t is characterized by the same chain of events
test because the denominator contains the or same pattern of physiological correlates.
variance for all the subjects. Defined as a response, stress indicators be-
If the assumption of homogeneity of vari- come the dependent variables in research
ance is not met, a second formula, called the studies. Nurse researchers who have used the
separate or unequal variance t test, can be response-based orientation measure cate-
used. In that case the variance is not pooled choloamines, cortisol, urinary Na/K ratio, vi-
for all subjects; instead, the separate vari- tal signs, brain waves, electrodermal skin re-
ances for each group are contained in the de- sponses, and cardiovascular complaints as in-
nominator. dicators of stress. The demand component of
When the two sets of scores are not inde- Selyes definition is treated as an independent
pendent, as when two measures are taken on variable, whereas hospitalization surgery or
the same subjects or matched pairs are used, critical care unit transfer were commonly the
a paired or correlated t test formula can be assumed stressor in much of the nursing re-
used. The formula incorporates the correla- search using this orientation. The response-
tion between the two sets of scores. based model of stress is not consistent with
The t tests are very useful when two groups nursings philosophical presuppositions that
or two correlated measures are being com- each individual is unique and that individuals
pared. Although analysis of variance can ac- respond holistically and often differently to
complish the same results, the t test continues similar situations (Lyon & Werner, 1987).

The stimulus-based theoretical explana- ronment transaction are to be studied (Laza-

tion treats stress as a stimulus that causes rus; Lazarus & Folkman). Commonly, the
disrupted responses. As a stimulus, stress is independent variables in experimental and
viewed as an external force similar to the quasiexperimental studies based on the trans-
engineering use of the term to represent dy- actional orientation are personal resources
namics of strain in metals or an external force such as self-esteem, perceived control, uncer-
directed at a physical object. Defined in this tainty, social support, and hardiness. Ap-
way stress becomes the independent variable praisal of threat versus appraisal of challenge
in research studies. The most frequently cited is commonly studied as a mediating factor
example of a stimulus-based theory is the life between resource strength and coping re-
event theory proposed by T. H. Holmes and sponses. Dependent variables often include
Rahe (1967). Stress is operationalized as a somatic outcomes such as pain, emotional
stable additive phenomenon that is measur- disturbances such as anxiety and depression,
able by researcher-selected life events or life and well-being. The transactional model was
changes that typically have preassigned nor- deemed by Lyon and Werner (1987) to be
mative weights. The primary theoretical compatible with nursings philosophical sup-
proposition of the stimulus-based orientation positions.
is that too many life events or changes in- Lyon and Werner (1987) published a criti-
crease vulnerability to illness. Results of stud- cal review of 82 studies conducted by nurses
ies (Lyon & Werner, 1983) using the life from 1974 to 1984. The studies reviewed fell
event perspective have failed to explain ill- evenly across the three different theoretical
ness, accounting for only 2% to 4% of the orientations, and approximately 25% of the
incidence of illness. Noting the limitations of studies were atheoretical in nature. In 1993,
the stimulus-based orientation yet recogniz- Barnfather and Lyon edited a monograph of
ing the need to attend the initiator of a the proceedings of a synthesis conference on
stress experience, Werner (1993) proposed a stress and coping held in conjunction with
useful classification of stressors that includes the Midwest Nursing Research Society. This
dimensions of locus, duration, temporality, critical review of the research covered 296
forecasting, tone, and impact. studies published from 1980 to 1990. Both
The third way to conceptualize stress is a the 1987 and 1993 critical reviews noted a
transaction between person and environ- disturbing absence of programs of research,
ment. In this context stress refers to uncom- making it difficult to identify what we have
fortable tension-related emotions that arise learned from the disciplines research efforts.
when demanding situations tax available re- A compilation of critical reviews of the nurs-
sources, and some kind of harm, loss, or nega- ing research literature from 19911995 fo-
tive consequence is anticipated (Lazarus, cused on stressors and health outcomes, stres-
1966; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). As a spe- sors and chronic conditions, coping, re-
cial note, the Lazarus (1966) reference repre- sources, and appraisal and perception; the
sents a class work in demonstrating how the- influence of nursing interventions on the
ory informs research and then how research stress-health outcome linkage consistently
in turn shapes and reshapes theory. In the noted the increase in well-designed studies
transactional orientation, stress represents a (Werner & Frost, 2000). Each of these critical
composite of experiences, including threaten- reviews noted knowledge gained and gaps in
ing appraisals, stress emotions (anxiety, fear, knowledge to guide future research.
anger, guilt, depression), and coping re- In the landmark Handbook of Stress, Cop-
sponses. As such, the term stress has heu- ing, and Health: Implications for Nursing Re-
ristic value but is a difficult construct to search, Theory and Practice (Rice, 2000), the
study. Use of a transactional theoretical ori- evolution of the efforts of nurse researchers
entation requires that the researcher clearly to test various theoretical models of stress,
delineate which aspects of the person-envi- coping, and health is critically reviewed. Im-
Stress Management 577

portantly the handbook includes critical re- cused aimed at decreasing or keeping in check
views of developing programs of nursing re- the intensity of stress emotions experienced
search. (Lazarus & Fokman, 1984).
It is clear from all of the aforementioned Nurse researchers have studied stress man-
critical reviews that our knowledge of how agement interventions and coping strategies
stress affects health is evolving. The signifi- in various groups of people including nurses,
cance of nursing research in the area of stress student nurses, and patients. It is interesting
grows even more important in the era of esca- to note that the majority of these studies have
lating costs for health care services. It is been conducted by nurse researchers in Euro-
widely recognized that as many as 65% of pean and Asian countries. Some of the coping
visits to physician offices are for illnesses that strategies frequently used by nurses to man-
have no discernible medical cause, and many age stress include taking action, drawing on
of those illnesses are thought to be stress- past experiences, using problem-solving tech-
related. Furthermore, productivity in the niques, using humor, talking over problems
workplace is thought to be greatly affected with coworkers, accepting the situation, tak-
by the deleterious effects of stress. Future di- ing breaks (escaping from the situation), us-
rections for nursing research in the area of ing diversions, using relaxation, and exercise
stress will focus on (a) effects of psychological (Lewis, D. J., & Robinson, 1986; Petermann,
stress on the somatic sense of self, functional Springer, & Farnsworth, 1995). Coping
ability, the experience of illness, and aberrant strategies taken to prevent stress involve bal-
behaviors such as abuse and use of alcohol ancing demands and resources, focusing on
and drugs; (b) the identification of patterns the positive in difficult situations, main-
of variables that predict vulnerability or at- taining perceived choice and sense of personal
risk status for stress-related illness experi- control, building social support, and viewing
ences and aberrant behaviors; and (c) inter- difficult situations as challenges that can
vention studies to evaluate the effects of vari- bring gain or benefit through learning (Di-
ous stress prevention and stress management onne-Proulz & Pepin, 1993; Lyon, 1996).
strategies including cognitive restructuring, Nursing research studies on the effects of
guided imagery, desensitization, meditation stress management interventions with vari-
on stress-related illnesses, and aberrant be- ous patient population groups have yielded
haviors. equivocal results. M. Snyder (1993) critically
reviewed all 54 stress-related intervention
BRENDA L. LYON studies appearing in the nursing literature
from 1980 through 1990. The types of stress
management interventions used included re-
Stress Management laxation strategies (e.g., progressive muscle
relaxation, imagery, meditation, breathing
Stress management is a broad term that en- techniques, massage, music), educational
compasses a wide range of methods intended strategies, and use of social support groups. A
to prevent stress or effectively manage it as major flaw of most of the intervention studies
evidenced by low levels of stress emotions was an inadequate description of the inter-
and improved coping abilities. Stress man- vention used, and there was a lack of attempts
agement interventions are deliberate actions to explain the theoretical link between the
taught to patients to help achieve outcomes intervention and outcome measures. Manip-
(Synder, 2000, p. 179). Coping strategies are ulation checks as a way to assure that subjects
actions self-initiated by a person to manage mastered the intervention also were lacking
stress. Coping strategies are typically catego- in the intervention studies. Studies using sen-
rized as direct action/problem-focused aimed sation information (e.g., Johnson, J. E., Rice,
at alleviating or decreasing the intensity of Fuller, & Endress, 1978) and studies using
perceived threat, or palliative/emotion-fo- progressive relaxation techniques (e.g.,

Pender, 1985) have demonstrated positive ef- search designed to contribute to knowledge
fects on health-related outcomes such as less generation offers little meaning if the re-
anxiety and an increased sense of well-being. searcher does not reflect on the meaning of
Since 1995 there has been little theoretical the findings in relation to proposed theoreti-
knowledge gained through nursing research cal formulations.
about the effectiveness of stress management Current developments in testing ABC
interventions or coping strategies. Two com- codes (Alternative Link, 2004) representing
mon findings, consistent with Lazarus (1966) nonpharmacological interventions and com-
and Lazarus and Folkman (1984), are that: plementary and alternative therapies offer
(a) direct action or problem-focused coping nursing the opportunity to demonstrate effec-
strategies and cognitive restructuring strate- tiveness of stress management interventions
gies are related to decreased stress-related in assisting patients to achieve desired health-
outcomes such as anxiety, other negative related outcomes (Lyon, 2000). The latter
mood states, and an increased sense of well- half of this decade will offer unprecedented
being; and (b) palliative or emotion-focused opportunities for nurse scientists to demon-
strategies are related to increased anxiety, strate the cost-effectiveness of stress manage-
other negative mood states, and distress. The ment interventions in nursing practice.
most common theme is that stress is a subjec-
tive phenomenon that is experienced differ- BRENDA L. LYON
ently by each person. The most common out-
comes measured as dependent variables have
been stress emotions such as anxiety, other Stroke
negatively toned mood states, and depres-
sion. Stroke, also known as cerebrovascular acci-
Future directions for nursing research dent or apoplexy, is a sudden loss of con-
should focus on identifying patterns of ap- sciousness due to either a loss of blood flow
praisal, emotions, and coping that result in to the brain or a sudden rupture of a blood
health-related outcomes. Additionally, for vessel in or near the brain. There are two
the disciplines research efforts to meaning- main types of strokes. An ischemic stroke is
fully contribute to knowledge generation, it caused by thrombus formation due to nar-
is imperative that nurse researchers clearly rowing of the arteries from arteriosclerosis,
define and delineate stress management inter- an embolus that has dislodged and traveled
ventions and offer testable theoretical formu- to the brain, or a lack of blood flow to the
lations that explain how the interventions af- brain due to circulatory failure (American
fect outcome variables within specified per- Heart Association, 2004). A hemorrhagic
son and environment contexts. It is also es- stroke results from the rupture of a blood
sential that the researcher incorporate vessel either in the space between the brain
manipulation checks into the methodology and the skull (subarachnoid hemorrhage) or
to verify that the intervention took. For deep within the brain tissue (intracerebral
example, when using a progressive muscle hemorrhage) (American Heart Association).
relaxation or autogenic relaxation strategy A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a brief
it is important to verify that the participant disruption of blood flow to the brain causing
experienced a sense of relaxation. Likewise warning signs to occur. Such warning signs
it is equally important for the researcher to of stroke include (a) sudden numbness or
verify that participants implement coping weakness of the face, arm, or leg; (b) sudden
strategies correctly following a psychoeduca- confusion, trouble speaking or understand-
tional intervention. Results must be able to ing; (c) sudden trouble seeing in one or both
demonstrate that the intervention actually al- eyes; (d) sudden trouble walking, dizziness,
tered the target variable as proposed in the loss of balance or coordination; or (e) a sud-
theoretical formulation. Furthermore, re- den severe headache (American Heart Associ-
Stroke 579

ation). Common disabilities from stroke in- hours a day for rapid evaluation of patients
clude hemiparesis (50%), inability to walk experiencing the warning signs of stroke (Al-
without assistance (30%), activities of daily berts et al.). Once stroke survivors are stabi-
living dependency (26%), aphasia (19%), de- lized, they enter the rehabilitation phase of
pressive symptoms (35%), and institutional- treatment where they learn how to live with
ization in a nursing home (26%) (American their disabilities from stroke. Multidiscipli-
Heart Association, 2003). nary rehabilitation teams consist of physi-
Stroke is the third leading cause of death cians, physiatrists, nurses, psychologists or
in the United States and about a quarter of psychiatrists, counselors, and physical, occu-
first-time stroke survivors die within 1 year of pational, recreational, and speech therapists
having a stroke (American Heart Association, (American Heart Association, 2004).
2003). Approximately 500,000 people each Learning how to live with disabilities re-
year experience a stroke for the first time, sulting from stroke is challenging for not only
and another 200,000 suffer a recurrent stroke stroke survivors, but also for their family
(American Heart Association). Stroke is also caregivers. Poststroke depression is a major
the number one cause of serious, long-term complication of stroke and can greatly im-
disability in the U.S. (American Heart Associ- pede recovery (American Heart Association,
ation). There are currently about 4,800,000 2004). Other quality-of-life issues for stroke
stroke survivors alive today in the U.S., survivors include disruption of personality
1,100,000 of whom report functional limita- and moods, diminished self-care, changes in
tions or deficits in activities of daily living social and family roles, loss of work or pro-
(American Heart Association). In 2004, ductivity, among others (Williams, L. S.,
stroke was estimated to cost $53.6 billion, Weinberger, Harris, Clark, & Biller, 1999).
with a mean lifetime cost for ischemic stroke Family caregivers often experience negative
estimated at $140,048 per person including changes in social functioning, subjective well-
inpatient care, rehabilitation, and follow-up being, and perceived health as a result of pro-
care (American Heart Association). viding care (Bakas & Champion, 1999).
Carotid endarterectomy is the most com- Caregiver tasks perceived as most difficult
mon surgical procedure and anticoagulants include managing behaviors and emotions of
and antiplatelet agents are the most common the stroke survivor, as well as providing
medications used to prevent stroke (Ameri- household tasks and managing finances after
can Heart Association, 2003, 2004). It has stroke (Bakas, Austin, Jessup, Williams, &
only been within the past 10 years that an Oberst, 2004).
effective treatment for acute ischemic stroke Nurses are involved with the care of stroke
has been made available to the public. Tissue- survivors throughout the continuum of care.
type plasminogen activator (tPA) is a drug E. T. Miller and Spilker (2003) found that
that must be given intravenously to patients their educational intervention was effective
with ischemic stroke within 3 hours of the in reducing stroke risk factors and increasing
first warning sign to prevent disability from stroke knowledge in a local family practice.
stroke. Unfortunately, few stroke survivors Judith Spilker and colleagues (1997) inte-
are able to make it to a physician who can grated the use of the National Institutes of
administer tPA within the 3-hour time win- Health Stroke Scale into current nursing prac-
dow. This dilemma has prompted the devel- tice as a clinical stroke assessment tool. It is
opment of primary stroke centers (Alberts now widely used in stroke centers across the
et al., 2000). Recommendations for primary nation. Nursing research is greatly needed in
stroke centers include an integrated emer- the area of demonstrating best practices in
gency response system, acute stroke team, in- the care of stroke survivors, particularly as
patient stroke unit, and written care proto- new protocols are written and evaluated.
cols. The acute stroke team must include a There are few published nursing research
physician and a nurse who are available 24 articles in the area of stroke survivor quality

of life. Perhaps the development of outcome stroke being the number one cause of serious,
measures, such as the Stroke-Specific Quality long-term disability in the U.S., it is impera-
of Life Scale (Williams, L. S., et al., 1999), tive that nurses take the lead in developing
will stimulate more research in this area. A programs that improve the care of stroke sur-
recent search of the Computer Retrieval of vivors and their family members.
Information on Scientific Projects (CRISP)
a database of biomedical research funded TAMILYN BAKAS
by the National Institutes of Health (n.d.)
revealed two studies of interest funded by
the National Institute for Nursing Research Structural Equation Modeling
(NINR). Pamela Mitchell has been funded
to evaluate a nurse-delivered psychosocial/ Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used
behavioral intervention for poststroke de- to describe theoretical and analytic tech-
pression. Sharon Ostwald has been funded to niques for examining cause-and-effect rela-
evaluate her intervention for stroke survivors tionships. It is used interchangeably with the
and spousal caregivers. It is hopeful that these terms causal modeling, covariance structure
intervention programs will provide promise modeling, and LISREL modeling. The theo-
for the future care of stroke survivors. retical issues are discussed in Causal Model-
Published nursing research focusing on ing. A description of the analytic issues
family caregivers of stroke survivors is grow- when programs such as LISREL or EQS are
ing. Brief research instruments that show used will ensue.
promise for clinical assessment in practice in- Structural equation modeling techniques
clude the Oberst Caregiving Burden Scale are extremely flexible. Most models of cause
(Bakas et al., 2004) and the Bakas Caregiving can be estimated. In some models the causal
Outcomes Scale (Bakas & Champion, 1999). flow is specified only between the latent vari-
J. S. Grant, Elliott, Weaver, Bartolucci, and able and its empirical indicators, such as in
Giger (2002) documented the effectiveness of a factor analysis model. This is known as
a problem-solving intervention in reducing confirmatory factor analysis. In other mod-
stroke-caregiver depression and improving els, causal paths among the latent variables
caregiver perceived health. A search of the also are included.
CRISP database (2004) revealed even more Conducting a confirmatory factor analysis
studies funded by NINR focused on family with SEM has many advantages. With SEM,
caregivers of stroke survivors. Patricia Clark the analyst can specify exactly which indica-
has been funded to explore family function, tors will load on which latent variables (the
stroke recovery, and caregiver outcomes. Ju- factors), and the amount of variance in the
dith Matthews has been funded to determine indicators not explained by the latent variable
the use of technology with stroke caregivers. (due to error in either measurement or model
Rosemarie King was recently funded to evalu- specification) is estimated. Correlations be-
ate the effectiveness of her problem-solving tween latent variables and among errors asso-
intervention for stroke caregivers, and Bakas ciated with the indicators can be estimated
has received funding to develop and pilot test and examined. Statistics that describe the fit
the Caregiver Telephone Assessment and of the model with the data allow the analyst
Skill-Building Kit. Linda Pierce has been to evaluate the adequacy of the factor struc-
funded to test her intervention entitled, The ture, make theoretically appropriate modifi-
Caring Web for stroke caregivers. All of cations to the structure based on empirical
these studies show great potential toward im- evidence, and test the change in fit caused
proving the care and well-being of families by these modifications. Thus, confirmatory
of stroke survivors. Now is a very fruitful factor analysis provides a direct test of the
time for nurses to conduct research in the hypothesized structure of an instruments
area of stroke and stroke caregivers. With scales.
Structural Equation Modeling 581

An advantage of using SEM to estimate creased) by larger sample sizes. Thus, most
models containing causal paths among the analytic programs provide other measures of
latent variables is that many of the regression fit. A well-fitting model is necessary before
assumptions can be relaxed or estimated. For the parameter estimates can be evaluated
example, with multiple regression, the ana- and interpreted.
lyst must assume perfect measurement (no In most cases, the original theoretical
measurement error); however, with SEM, model does not fit the data well, and modifi-
measurement error can be specified and the cations must be made to the model in order
amount estimated. In addition, constraints to obtain a well-fitting model. Although dele-
can be introduced based on theoretical expec- tion of nonsignificant paths (based on t val-
tations. For example, equality constraints, ues) is possible, modifications generally focus
setting two or more paths to have equal val- on the inclusion of omitted paths (causal or
ues, are useful when the model contains cross- correlational). Any path that is omitted speci-
lagged paths from three or more time points. fies that there is no relationship, implying a
The path from latent variable A at Time 1 to parameter of zero; thus, analysis programs
latent variable B at Time 2 can be set to equal constrain these paths to be zero. After esti-
the path from latent variable A at Time 2 to mating the specified model, most programs
latent variable B at Time 3. Equality con- provide a numerical estimate of the strain
strains also are used to compare models for experienced by fixing parameters to zero or
two or more different groups. For example, improvement in fit that would result from
to compare the models of effects of maternal freeing the parameters (allowing them to
employment on preterm and full-term child vary). Suggested paths must be theoretically
outcomes, paths in the preterm model can be defensible before adding them to the respeci-
constrained to be equal to the corresponding fied model.
paths in the full-term model. Because model respecification is based on
Data requirements for SEM are similar to
the data at hand in light of theoretical evi-
those for factor analysis and multiple regres-
dence and those data are repeatedly tested,
sion in level of measurement but not sample
the significance level of the 2 is actually
size. Exogenous variables can have indicators
higher than what the program indicates.
that are measured as interval, near-interval,
Thus, other criteria are necessary to evaluate
or categorical (dummy-, effect-, or orthogo-
the adequacy of the final model. First is the
nally coded) levels, but endogenous variables
theoretical appropriateness of the final
must have indicators that are measured at
the interval or near-interval level. The rule of model. Comparison of the original model
thumb regarding the number of cases needed with the final model will indicate how much
for SEM, 5 to 10 cases per parameter to be trimming has taken place. In addition, the
estimated, suggests considerably larger sam- values and signs of the parameters are evalu-
ples than usually needed for multiple regres- ated. The signs (positive or negative) of the
sion; thus, samples of 100 for a very modest parameters should be in the expected direc-
model to 500 or more for more complex mod- tion. Parameters on the paths between the
els are often required. Despite the advantages latent variable and its indicators should be
of SEM, these larger samples can result in .50 but 1.0 in a standardized solution. The
complex and costly studies. lower the unexplained variance of the endo-
Structural equation modeling is generally genous variables, the better the model per-
a multistage procedure. First, the SEM im- formed in explaining those endogenous vari-
plied by the theoretical model is tested and ables (similar to the 1-R2 value in multiple
the fit of the model to the observed data is regression). Results that are consistent with
evaluated. A nonsignificant 2 indicates ac- a priori expectations and findings from previ-
ceptable fit, but this is difficult to obtain be- ous research increase ones confidence in
cause the 2 value is heavily influenced (in- the model.

In summary, SEM is a powerful and flexi- to the Problem, followed (ANA, 1984). Re-
ble analysis technique for testing models of search related to the origins of impaired prac-
cause, investigating specific cause-and-effect tice by registered nurses dates from the 1980s,
relationships, and exploring the hypothesized and focuses on patterns of drug and alcohol
process by which specific outcomes are pro- use; nurse and nursing student attitudes
duced. With SEM programs, the researcher (Engs, 1982; Haack & Harford, 1984); the
has greater control over the analyses than course, recovery, and relapse of illnesses
with other factor analysis and multiple re- linked with alcohol and/or other drug prob-
gression programs. Model respecification is lems among registered nurses (Hutchinson,
usually necessary, but the role of theory in 1986; Sullivan, E., 1987); and more recently,
selecting appropriate modifications is crucial. potential contributing factors to the develop-
ment of addiction (Trinkoff & Storr,
JOANNE M. YOUNGBLUT 1998a, 1998b).
An estimate of alcoholism at 2% among
nurses was first extrapolated from a small
Substance Abuse and Addiction descriptive survey by Bissell and Haberman
Among Registered Nurses (N = 407) of nurses in Alcoholics Anonymous
(AA). Although these findings were limited
Drug use by health professionals has a long by the size of a small, primarily Caucasian,
history but became the focus of public health convenience sample of survivors of addiction,
concerns in the 1980s. Illicit drug use peaked they quickly became normative. Nurses in
in the 1970s and alcohol use by more than AA and recovery reported that 55%63%
half of Americans resulted in significant prev- had used narcotics and between 20% and
alence of alcohol and drug-related problems. 64% had used marijuana (Sullivan, E., Bis-
These were paralleled in physicians, nurses, sell, & Leffler, 1990). The estimate of drug
pharmacists, and others, causing concern and alcohol-related problems first adopted
based on the public trust vested in these pro- by ANA was 6%9%, based on estimates
fessionals. Research on substance use/abuse from the National Household Drug Survey
among registered nurses emerged in response on alcohol and illicit drug use rates in the
to a dearth of accurate data on nurses drug female population at large. The first findings
using and addiction problems, which com- of alcohol or drug use and abuse, the primary
promised the development of policy and edu- predispositions to addiction in registered
cational initiatives in this area. The climate of nurses, were those of Trinkoff, Eaton, and
social concern and the visibility of substance- Anthony (1991). The Epidemiologic Catch-
related problems within the profession ment Area Study (ECA) sponsored by the Na-
prompted the American Nurses Association tional Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
(ANA) and several specialty nursing associa- was a multisite probability sample, which in-
tions to support research and develop posi- cluded 142 nurses working full or part-time.
tions on the issue. The American Nurses As- These researchers found that nurses in the
sociation House of Delegates in 1982 passed study and control group members had similar
a resolution on impaired practice, defined as rates of illicit drug use: nurses 32.9% and
nursing practice which does not meet the nonnurses 31.5% (marijuana, cocaine, her-
professional ethical code and standards of oin, other opiates, psychedelics, tranquilizers,
nursing practice because cognitive, interper- and amphetamines). Nonnurses had a much
sonal, and/or motor skills of the practitioner higher prevalence of alcohol abuse, with
are impaired by psychiatric illness or exces- 3.8% reporting heavy use and 8.8% re-
sive use of alcohol and/or other drugs. A porting pathological use. Nurses parallel
policy statement, Addictions and Psychologi- rates were 0.7% heavy use and 4.9% patho-
cal Dysfunctions: The Professions Response logical use (Trinkoff, Eaton, & Anthony).
Substance Abuse and Addiction Among Registered Nurses 583

Despite the self-report and retrospective na- On further analyses, nurses in certain spe-
ture of data collection, these findings moved cialties were found to have much greater like-
forward efforts to delineate the scope of the lihood of substance use. Critical care and
use/abuse problem. emergency nurses were more likely to report
Blazer and Mansfields (1995) randomized marijuana or cocaine use, oncology nurses
descriptive survey (N = 1,525), measuring were more like to report binge drinking, and
substance abuse in relation to stress and job smoking rates were highest among psychiat-
outcomes, compared 920 nurses with other ric, gerontology, and emergency nurses. Trin-
female employees. They found low levels of koff and Storr (1998) further examined
use of illicit drugs and alcohol for all subjects, workplace issues in relation to the potential
with the lowest prevalence of smoking among demands and stressor of schedule variations
nurse subjects and about 79% reporting (rotating shifts and overtime). This analysis
moderate alcohol use. The same factors of the Nurses Worklife and Health Study
which predispose members of the general revealed that work schedule characteristics
population to addiction also predispose were associated with the prevalence and odds
nurses. These include family history of sub- of substance use. Working a few days over-
stance abuse, stress in various life realms, or time, working shifts longer than 8 hours, and
sexual and/or emotional abuse. Workplace/ working one or two weekends per month all
occupational factors, inasmuch as they in- increased the likelihood of using alcohol. In
crease risk for personal stress, have been re- addition, smoking was more prevalent
cently studied in an effort to understand the among night-shift workers and those work-
likelihood that nurses will develop addiction. ing several weekends per month, a factor that
One factor, access to controlled substances was also associated with increased drug use.
through prescribing and/or dispensing, such While the survey data used in the foregoing
as hypnotics and analgesics, have been linked, analyses were self-reports of drug use, such
for nurses and other health professionals. data have been found to be valid, although
Findings of The Nurses Worklife and Health use may be somewhat underestimated.
Study, an anonymous, national survey of a The trend to correlated workplace factors
stratified sample (4,438 registered nurses such as job demands and access to substances
with a 78% response rate), indicated alcohol represents a new direction from original ef-
and illicit drug use similar to those of the forts to estimate prevalence of actual illness
general population, but higher prescription by profession. On the whole, health profes-
drug use rates for nurses. Smoking and co- sional groups have been unable to verify the
caine/marijuana use was lower than in the prevalence of addiction to drugs and/or alco-
general population and binge-drinking rates hol by profession. Indirect data have been
were comparable (Trinkoff & Storr, 1998a, obtained by the review of reasons for disci-
1998b). The prevalence of past-year sub- plinary action, or through the study of nurses
stance use for all substances was 32%; for participating in peer assistance monitoring
marijuana/cocaine, 4%; prescription drugs, programs (Finke, Williams, & Stanley,
7%; cigarette smoking, 14%; and binge 1996). Research is just beginning to emerge
drinking, 16%. Males nurses were more on the patterns and progress of recovery in
likely to misuse prescription drugs, and of programs with various characteristics. A re-
drugs misused, opiates were used most fre- cent survey of nurses returning to work (N
quently (60.3%), and tranquilizers (44.6%) = 622) describes the challenges and obstacles
next. This research confirmed the link be- confronted by these professionals (Brown, J.,
tween easier workplace access and higher Trinkoff, & Smith, 2003). These current
rates of substance use and provided direction trends suggest a research emphasis on preven-
for further analyses of substance use by nurs- tion by deterring contributing workplace
ing specialty. conditions, such as easy access, and assisting

nurses with addiction to return to health and An author might hypothesize that as illness
optimal professional performance. becomes more severe, quality of life dimin-
MADELINE A. NAEGLE The authors may conceptualize severity of
illness to have related concepts, just as the
construct quality of life had three concepts.
Substruction Perhaps severity of illness is conceptualized
to have two concepts, including physiological
Substruction is a heuristic technique, de- status and severity of symptoms.
signed to be helpful in planning research and If one is reading or planning an interven-
critiquing published research. It was first in- tion study, the construct may be the interven-
troduced to the nursing research literature by tion itself, such as patient teaching. There
Hinshaw (1979). She outlined four steps in also may be concepts related to the interven-
the process of substruction: (1) identify and tion, such as type of delivery technique (group
isolate major concepts, (2) specify relation- vs. individual) or time spent on teaching ac-
ships among the concepts, (3) hierarchically tivity as a measure of dose of the treatment.
order concepts by level of abstraction, and (4) Each of these concepts may be operationa-
pictorially present relationships among the lized in the operational system as strategies
variables. She provided guidelines for con- to assess the take of the treatment, even
ducting theoretical substruction. though the treatment may have as its empiri-
Substruction now comprises two compo- cal indicator Yes or No or received treat-
nents. The theoretical system explicates the ment or did not receive treatment.
relationship between constructs and concepts The operational system was added by Du-
through articulating postulates or statements lock and Holzemer (1991) in their article on
of relationships. For example, the construct the process of substruction. The operational
of quality of life might postulate that it is system requires the investigator to link each
composed of three dimensions or concepts, concept identified in the theoretical substruc-
including physical, social, and spiritual. tion with an empirical indicator or measure.
Thus, there is an implicit level of abstraction The process of identifying the measures for
in substruction, moving vertically down from each concept (or subconcept) highlights for
the most abstract (constructs) to less abstract the reader how the investigator operationa-
notions (concepts). It is true that in the En- lized the constructs. Sometimes this process
glish language some authors will consider the reveals that, although an investigator in-
words constructs and concepts to be inter- cluded a construct or concept, the variable
changeable, and this must be recognized as was never actually measured in the study.
a potential source of confusion when dis- This process of identifying the empirical
cussing substruction. The labels are less im- indicators or measures also helps the investi-
portant than the idea of levels of abstraction. gator to give attention to the validity and
In addition to examining vertical, concep- reliability of each measure selected to ensure
tual relationships, the theoretical system ex- confidence in the results of the measurement.
amines across constructs through articulating Finally, a review of the empirical indicators
axioms and propositions. Axioms are state- assists with an analysis of the level of scaling
ments linking constructs; propositions are of the measures so that the reader can have
statements of relationships between or confidence that an appropriate statistical
among concepts. For example, an investiga- analysis was conducted. Labeling the ob-
tor may hypothesize the relationship between tained scores from empirical indicators or
the concepts of severity of illness and quality measures as continuous or discrete leads one
of life. The study might state as an axiom that directly to the discussion of parametric or
there is an inverse, predictable relationship nonparametric analyses and which approach
between severity of illness and quality of life. might be appropriate.
Suicide 585

Dulock and Holzemer (1991) outlined a tempts, attitudes toward suicide, and assisted
series of questions that can be generated re- suicide but have conducted very little research
lated to the process of substruction when ei- on these topics. A related topic that has been
ther planning or critiquing research studies. studied fairly extensively by nurses is suicide
These questions have been modified and in- survivors, those family members and signifi-
cluded the following: cant others who are bereaved by a suicide.
Few nursing studies have addressed suicide
1. What is the evidence that supports the specifically. Using a qualitative methodology,
relationships between constructs and messages of psychiatric patients who at-
concepts in the study? tempted or committed suicide were compared
2. What is the evidence that supports the by Valente (1994). She found that clear sui-
relationships between constructs and cidal messages were sent by most of these
concepts? psychiatric patients and that the messages of
3. How does the study propose to mea- suicide completers and suicide attempters
sure each of the identified concepts? could be differentiated. Demi, Bakeman, So-
4. Is there evidence of the validity and well, Moneyham, and Seals (1996) studied
reliability of the measures? suicidality in HIV-infected women and found
5. What level of measurement will result that suicidal thoughts were common among
from these instruments? the women and that family cohesion moder-
6. Are the data analysis techniques ap- ated the effect of HIV-related symptoms on
propriate for these measures? emotional distress. They also found that there
7. Is there a logical consistency between were clear differences between women who
the theoretical system and the opera- neither thought about nor attempted suicide
tional system? and those who thought about or attempted
suicide, but there were no significant differ-
They wrote: These questions are designed ences between those who thought about sui-
to guide the exploration of the relationships cide and those who attempted it. Grabbe,
between the theoretical and operational as- Demi, Camann, and Potter (1997) used a na-
pects of a study. The analytical process of tional database to assess suicidal risk factors
substructing helps one to focus upon the among the elderly during their last year of
study as a Gestalt of interrelationships (p. life; using logistic regression, they confirmed
86). Substruction has proved to be an ex- the traditional risk factors of age, race, gen-
tremely useful tool when developing a new der, alcohol use, and mental illness and pro-
research project as well as for analyzing pub- vided preliminary evidence that cancer is also
lished studies. As a heuristic technique, sub- a risk factor among the elderly.
struction helps the researcher to understand Several studies addressed adolescent sui-
how to think about the relationships among cide. Burge, Felts, Chenier, and Parrillo
the selected variables or to understand how (1995), using a national database, studied
the author conceptualized these relation- suicidal behaviors among U.S. high school
ships. students and found a significant positive rela-
tionship between cocaine use and severity of
WILLIAM L. HOLZEMER outcomes of suicide attempts. They also
found a significant but less strong relation-
ship between marijuana use, alcohol use, sex-
Suicide ual activity, and suicide attempts. Rew, Tay-
lor-Seehafer, and Fitzgerald (2001) found
Suicide is defined as a death that is the result that among homeless youths 35.1% had seri-
of an intentional self-destructive act. Nurses ously considered suicide during the past 12
have demonstrated a great deal of clinical and months and 12.3% had actually attempted
theoretical interest in suicide, suicide at- suicide; they also found that participants with

a history of sexual abuse were more likely to however, others note that no-suicide con-
have considered suicide in the past 12 tracts are negotiated when there is a high risk
months. In another study Rew, Thomas, of suicide. There is general consensus that
Horner, Resnick, and Beuhring (2001) found there should be national standards for obser-
that among a group of triethnic adolescents vation of patients identified as at risk for sui-
Hispanic Latina girls had significantly higher cide.
suicide attempts than any other ethnic-gen- Many studies have been conducted on sui-
der group. cide survivors, including parents, spouses,
Several studies by nurses have investigated children, siblings, and therapists. Most of the
nurses attitudes toward suicide in diverse studies of suicide survivors have been descrip-
groups. Oncology nurses knowledge and tive and have found that a death by suicide
misconceptions about suicide were explored produces extreme distress in the survivors,
through use of a vignette depicting a suicidal with evidence of increased guilt, stigma, and
cancer patient. Although the nurses correctly resentment and a continuing questioning of
identified a number of risk factors, few knew why the suicide occurred. Several studies
that race, age, and gender were risk factors. have compared those bereaved by suicide
Further, few nurses assessed whether patients with those bereaved by other modes of death
had a specific suicide plan, and less than one and have reported conflicting findings.
third identified appropriate interventions to The suicide rates for the elderly are rising.
prevent suicide in an at-risk patient. Another At the same time, there is increased interest
study compared nurses attitudes toward sui- in euthanasia and assisted suicide. Nurses are
cide based on their clinical specialty, age, and intimately involved with elderly and termi-
highest degrees; they found no significant dif- nally ill patients who are contemplating sui-
ferences on any of the subscales based on cide and assisted suicide. Matzo and Emanuel
clinical specialty, although age and degrees (1997) found that nurses were more likely to
were significant on only the right-to-die sub- have performed patient-assisted euthanasia
scale. A comparison of doctors and nurses than physicians; however the number who
attitudes toward the suicide of young people admitted to hastening a patients death was
revealed few differences (Anderson, M., Stan- very small. Much more research attention
den, Nazir, & Noon, 2000). Another study should be directed to this topic. Researchers
explored patients and psychiatric nurses should move beyond describing attitudes to-
opinions regarding care for in-patients; ward suicide and effects of suicide on survi-
nurses and patients believed that communi- vors and toward studying interventions to
cating with patients is the most important prevent suicide, to help nurses cope with re-
skill in psychiatric nursing (McLaughlin, quests for assisted euthanasia, and to assist
1999). those coping with a death by suicide.
The only study of nonnurses explored atti-
tudes toward suicide among low-income, el- ALICE S. DEMI
derly, inner city residents and compared atti-
tudes toward suicide of men and women,
African Americans and Whites, finding no Surgery
significant differences. The researchers sug-
gested that social class and place of residence The preparation of patients for their experi-
may be better predictors of attitudes toward ence with surgery is one of the largest bodies
suicide in the elderly than race and gender of clinical investigation relevant to the prac-
(Parker, Cantrell, & Demi, 1997). tice of nursing. The first report of an experi-
Several studies explored the effectiveness mental study was published by a nurse, Rhet-
of no-suicide contracts with conflicting augh Dumas (Dumas & Leonard, 1963), and
findings. Some found that there is no support the topic continued to attract researchers rep-
for the effectiveness of no-suicide contracts; resenting nursing, medicine, and psychology
Surgery 587

for over 20 years. The interest in psychologi- books, manuals used by care providers, and
cal preparation for the surgical experience providers experiences. Patients were told, for
started with the discovery that when patients example, that their skin would be prepared,
ambulated within hours after the operation, that they would receive preoperative medica-
instead of being in bed for 7 to 10 days, tion, and that they would go to the recovery
morbidity and mortality decreased. This room. The specifics of patients experiences
change in practice was anxiety-provoking for during those procedures were not included.
both patients and the people who cared for This type of information has been referred to
them. Preparing patients for the experience as procedural information.
of getting out of bed soon after surgery was In another type of informational interven-
a way to deal with the anxiety. Much of the tion, the patients perspective of the experi-
research stemmed from pragmatic concerns ence of undergoing surgery was emphasized.
about how to help these anxious patients am- These descriptions focused on physical sensa-
bulate and perform behaviors believed to re- tions associated with the events, when events
duce postoperative complications. Psycho- would occur, and how long they would last.
logical theories about coping with stressful For example, the interventions included state-
events began to emerge in the late 1950s and ments about how long patients could expect
1960s, but most of the research on preparing to be in the recovery room and about vital
patients for the stressful experience of under- signs being checked frequently, descriptions
going surgery was atheoretical. Connections of the sensations caused by preoperative med-
between the clinical research and theory, ication (e.g., dry mouth and drowsiness), de-
when attempted, were often vague. scriptions of sensations that abdominal sur-
Research on the effects of various ap- gery patients experienced when they
proaches to preparing patients for surgery coughed, and the expected progression of
has been reviewed by a number of people, physical activities. This type of information
using meta-analysis and narrative review. It was originally called sensory information and
was difficult to conduct a tightly controlled later called concrete objective information
study in the clinical settings, and there were because that phrase more accurately de-
methodological flaws in the studies. Never- scribed the content. Highly individualized
theless, there was consensus among the re- nurse-patient interactions, hypnosis, relax-
viewers for the overall conclusion that preop- ation, and positive thinking also have been
erative interventions aimed at helping pa- used as interventions in a few studies of surgi-
tients deal with their experiences postopera- cal patients. The impact of these studies on
tively had a substantial positive effect on practice was decreased because of inconsis-
patients welfare. tent findings and the special training required
The interventions varied in content and to deliver the intervention.
focus. The most frequently tested interven- Clinical experience influenced the aspects
tion was instruction in the exercises and be- of patient response, behaviors, and recovery
haviors that patients were expected to engage selected as outcome measures in the research
in postoperatively to reduce complications. on preparing patients for surgery. Length of
For abdominal and chest surgery patients, the postoperative stay, pain medication use, com-
intervention usually consisted of instruction plications, and ambulating behavior are rep-
in methods of deep breathing to effectively resentative of measures derived from clinical
inflate the lungs, effective coughing tech- experience. Some researchers included pa-
niques, leg exercises to increase circulation, tients psychological responses, such as mood
and methods of getting out of bed to minimize or emotions, pain reports, satisfaction with
incisional pain. The next most frequent inter- care, and well-being. Most researchers lim-
vention consisted of information that ori- ited their measurement of outcomes to the
ented patients to the routines of care. These time the patient was hospitalized. However,
descriptions were based on content in text- a few researchers were interested in the influ-

ence of the interventions on patients long- being, such as mood and satisfaction with
term recovery and measured patients return care. The combination of a practice activity
to usual activities and psychological response having positive effects on cost and quality of
after discharge from the hospital. care makes it an ideal practice to be widely
Although as many as 102 studies have adopted.
been included in reviews, confident conclu- The recent practice of ambulatory surgery
sions about relationships between content of with discharge after patients awaken from
interventions and specific outcomes cannot anesthesia and that of admitting patients the
be drawn. The practice of combining content day of surgery with brief hospital stays have
in interventions, instead of studying the ef- changed the nature of patients experiences
fects of each type of content separately, con- when undergoing surgery. Patients and their
tributes to the inability to sort out the content families have to provide postoperative care.
that was associated with specific outcomes. This includes assessing for complications,
However, reviewers agree that combined in- making decisions about the patients status,
terventions have the most consistent effects progression of physical activities, and care of
on outcomes. A frequently used combined the incision. There has been little research
content intervention consisted of instruction on preparing patients for surgery since this
in postoperative exercises and behaviors and change in practice.
informing patients about routines of care Because the needs of surgical patients and
(procedural information). This combined in- their families have changed, new research on
tervention appeared to have a positive effect preparation for surgery is necessary. That re-
on outcomes measured during hospitaliza- search should draw on the prior research on
tion. A combination of descriptions of experi- preparing patients for surgery and advances
ences from the patients perspective (concrete in theory about coping with health care expe-
objective information) and instruction in riences. Relying on informational processing
postoperative exercises and behavior also had explanations of behavior, self-regulation the-
a positive effect on outcomes measured dur- ory provides explanations for why specific
ing hospitalization. An additional benefit of types of information about an experience,
the concrete objective information interven- combined with instruction in self-care and
tion was that it was associated with patients coping activities, can help patients and fami-
returning earlier to their usual activities lies to cope with the surgical experience.
after discharge. In the current climate of containment of
The practice of preparing patients for sur- health care costs, insurance coverage deci-
gery has been widely disseminated and is in- sions are informed primarily by data about
cluded in textbooks of nursing. It has become cost of care. There is much less data about
a part of care in most health care settings. how coverage regulations affect patient wel-
The economic impact has been accepted as fare. Research on preparing surgical patients
self-evident because of the reduction in com- for their experience at this time has the poten-
plications and length of hospitalization and tial of influencing policies about services cov-
the early return to productive activities. In ered by health insurance.
addition, the interventions had a positive ef-
fect on patients subjective reports of well- JEAN E. JOHNSON

Taxonomy (Bowker & Star, 1999); used more in socio-

linguistics, anthropology, and nursing.
A taxonomy is an organizing structure for a Standards: a set of agreed-upon rules for
set of concepts/terms that helps identify rela- the production of objects; help to make things
tionships among the concepts and facilitates work together over distance; have significant
use of the concepts. Taxonomy is defined by inertia and can be difficult and expensive to
Fleishman and Quaintance (1984) as the change (Bowker & Star, 1999).
theoretical study of systematic classifications Terminology: words for concepts, the vo-
including their bases, principles, procedures, cabulary; can be the same as standardized
and rules; the science of how to classify and language if the terms are agreed upon and
identify (p. 22). In recent years the word have standardized definitions; sometimes
taxonomy is heard more often in nursing as used interchangeably with classification al-
the use of nursing knowledge classifications though it is preferable to think of the terms
(e.g., classifications of nursing diagnoses, in- as the vocabulary within a classification.
terventions, and outcomes). It is helpful to Naming and classifying are necessary for
distinguish the term taxonomy from other communication and for creating order in our
related terms: lives. Look around your home or office and
Standardized language: agreed-upon notice the ad hoc, often unnoticeable classifi-
terms for specific objects/conditions/actions, cations; for example, dirty and clean dishes,
with definitions; also called common lan- important mail separated from junk mail,
guage. books in a bookshelf organized by topics. The
Classification: a set of concepts/terms that nursing classifications identify and organize
brings sense and some structure to some part nursing knowledge; they make visible the
of reality; sometimes used interchangeably work of nurses. The standardized nursing
with taxonomy although it is preferable to language in these classifications allows nurs-
think of the taxonomy as the organizing ing to fit into existing health care memory
structure for a classifications terms. systems, such as Systematized Nomenclature
Aristotelian Classification: has binary of Medicine (SNOMED) or the information
characteristicspresent or not present; used systems in health care agencies. An excellent
in biology, geology, and physics; two types: reference about classification is the book by
a monethetic classification has a single set of Bowker and Star (1999), Sorting Things Out:
conditions whereas a polythetic classification Classification and its Consequences. Chap-
has a number of shared characteristics ters in this book include information and
(Bowker & Star, 1999). analysis of the International Classification of
Prototype Classification: a broad picture Disease (ICD), the race classification under
is created and this picture is extended by met- apartheid in South Africa, the classification
aphor and analogy; a best example is called of viruses and tuberculosis, and the Nursing
up to see if there is a reasonable resemblance Interventions Classification (NIC).


There is considerable confusion and mis- (McCloskey & Bulechek, 2004) consists of
use of the terms defined above. The term seven domains (e.g., Physiological: Basic, Be-
taxonomy is being used here to mean an havioral) and 30 classes (e.g., Activity and
organizing structure for a classification. In Exercise Management, Coping Assistance).
nursing in the United States, there are three Each domain and class has a definition. The
comprehensive (across all settings and spe- 514 interventions are placed in the classes at
cialties), clinically useable (have terms that the third level of the taxonomy.
clinicians can plan and document care with),
and current (have an ongoing submission and
review system in place) clinical nursing classi- Nursing Outcomes Classification
fications: NANDA, NIC, and NOC. Each of
these classifications is organized in its own
taxonomy as well as a common taxonomy,
Outcomes are measurable individual, family,
the Taxonomy of Nursing Practice. Each has
or community states, behaviors, or percep-
a similar structure composed of Domains (the
top, most abstract level) and Classes (the sec- tions influenced by and responsive to nursing
interventions. The NOC taxonomy (Moor-
ond level of the taxonomy, less abstract than
head, Johnson, & Maas, 2004) consists of
the top domain level, in which the concepts
seven domains (e.g., Functional Health, Phys-
of diagnoses, interventions, or outcomes are
grouped). Each of the four taxonomies is ov- iologic Health) and 31 classes (e.g., Energy
Maintenance, Growth & Development).
erviewed briefly below.
Each domain and class has a definition. The
260 outcomes are placed in the classes at the
third level of the taxonomy.
North American Nursing
Diagnosis Association
(NANDA)Taxonomy 2 Taxonomy of Nursing Practice
Diagnoses are clinical judgments about indi-
The Taxonomy of Nursing Practice (Dochter-
vidual, family, and community responses to
man & Jones, 2003) consists of four domains
problems or life processes that provide the
and 28 classes. The structure resulted from
basis for selection of nursing interventions
an invitational conference effort in 2001 to
to achieve outcomes for which the nurse is
provide an organizing structure useful for all
accountable. The NANDA Taxonomy 2
nursing classifications to promote linkages
(NANDA, 2003) was approved for adoption
among diagnoses, interventions, and out-
by the NANDA members at their conference
comes. It is a structure that is different from
in April 2000. It consists of 13 domains (e.g.,
the existing structures of NANDA, NIC, and
Health Promotion, Nutrition) and 46 classes
NOC, yet is not a radical departure from
(e.g., Health Awareness, Ingestion). Each do-
any. It is also placed in the public domain,
main and class has a definition and a total
available for use by any group or individual.
of 155 diagnoses are included at the third
The 2004 editions of NIC and NOC include
level of the taxonomy.
placements of interventions and outcomes in
this structure as well as their own structures.
The NNN Alliance Conference in March
Nursing Interventions 2004 includes sessions to further the ongoing
Classification (NIC) effort to refine and use this common tax-
Interventions are treatments performed based A taxonomy that classifies nursing knowl-
upon clinical judgment and knowledge to en- edge is useful to assist the clinician in identi-
hance patient outcomes. The NIC taxonomy fying related concepts, and assists in the de-
Telehealth 591

signing of nursing information systems and ing care at distant sites. This broad definition
in organizing nursing curricula. The organi- includes several means of transmission, in-
zation of nursing knowledge helps to identify cluding telephone and fax transmissions, in-
what is known and can be used to support teractive video and audio, store and forward
clinical decision making, and what is not technology, patient monitoring equipment,
known and needs more research. Multiple electronic patient records, electronic libraries
other benefits of taxonomy are also men- and databases, the Internet and intranet,
tioned in the literature. World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail
systems, decision and care planning support
JOANNE MCCLOSKEY DOCHTERMAN systems, and electronic documentation sys-
tems. When used optimally, telehealth can be
used to leverage limited health care resources
Telehealth to better meet the needs of patients (Darkins,
Fisk, et al., 1996; Wakefield, Flanagan, et
Telehealth is defined as the use of interactive al., 2001).
technology for the provision of clinical health Most nurses have already been involved
care, patient and professional education, and in telehealth without realizing it. Examples
health care administration over small and include telephoning or faxing a patient status
large distances (American Nurses Associa- report, telephone triage, home health visits
tion, 1999; Chaffee, 1999). The defining as- via telecommunication for monitoring, and
pect of telehealth is the use of electronic sig- designing websites for educating patients.
nals to transfer various types of information While much attention has been paid to tech-
from one site to another. Information ranges nology and innovative equipment as a poten-
from clinical records to health promotion in- tial to enhance the access and availability of
structions to still-images of wounds and mo- health care services for patients regardless of
tion-images demonstrating exercise routines. where they live, very little work has been
Throughout the published literatures relevant accomplished in the area of systematically
to the health sciences, telehealth is used inter- reviewing the efficiency and effectiveness of
changeably with telemedicine, and every so its applications. An exception is the use of
often the term telenursing will surface. The the telephone for consultations. Randomized
term telehealth is embraced as the more en- clinical trials have established the efficacy of
compassing concept, descriptive of the state telephone consultation to improve patients
of technology used in the provision of health outcomes across a broad spectrum of patient
care; telemedicine and telenursing are subsets populations (Balas, Jaffrey, et al., 1997).
of telehealth. Studies of interactive teleconsultations
Telehealth has tremendous potential for have been performed all over the world and
nursing, both as a means of communication most suggest that health care delivery via
between nurses, patients, and their caregiv- these technologies is acceptable to patients in
ers, and as a way to deliver tailored nursing a wide variety of circumstances.
services. Telehealth can serve in nearly every Telenursing provides other potentials for
area of nursing care, from emergency re- nursing practice. A small but persuasive set
sponse systems to hospital, home, and com- of research projects (Whitten, Mair, et al.,
munity care. Telehealth has the potential of 1997; Hayes, Duffey, et al., 1998; Wootton,
expanding health care services beyond tradi- Loane, et al., 1998; Hagan, Morin, et al.,
tional geographic boundaries and enabling 2000; Hanson, E. J., & Clarke, 2000; Han-
access to a broader range of care options in son, E. J., Tetley, et al., 2000; Johnson-Mek-
previously underserved areas and at times ota, Maas, et al., 2001; Jerant, Azari, et al.,
where health care providers commonly are 2003) identified the important components
not accessible. It can be used for bedside nurs- of home care that could be delivered via tele-
ing care, patient education, or to assist nurs- communications applications, demonstrated
Structural Equation Modeling 581

An advantage of using SEM to estimate creased) by larger sample sizes. Thus, most
models containing causal paths among the analytic programs provide other measures of
latent variables is that many of the regression fit. A well-fitting model is necessary before
assumptions can be relaxed or estimated. For the parameter estimates can be evaluated
example, with multiple regression, the ana- and interpreted.
lyst must assume perfect measurement (no In most cases, the original theoretical
measurement error); however, with SEM, model does not fit the data well, and modifi-
measurement error can be specified and the cations must be made to the model in order
amount estimated. In addition, constraints to obtain a well-fitting model. Although dele-
can be introduced based on theoretical expec- tion of nonsignificant paths (based on t val-
tations. For example, equality constraints, ues) is possible, modifications generally focus
setting two or more paths to have equal val- on the inclusion of omitted paths (causal or
ues, are useful when the model contains cross- correlational). Any path that is omitted speci-
lagged paths from three or more time points. fies that there is no relationship, implying a
The path from latent variable A at Time 1 to parameter of zero; thus, analysis programs
latent variable B at Time 2 can be set to equal constrain these paths to be zero. After esti-
the path from latent variable A at Time 2 to mating the specified model, most programs
latent variable B at Time 3. Equality con- provide a numerical estimate of the strain
strains also are used to compare models for experienced by fixing parameters to zero or
two or more different groups. For example, improvement in fit that would result from
to compare the models of effects of maternal freeing the parameters (allowing them to
employment on preterm and full-term child vary). Suggested paths must be theoretically
outcomes, paths in the preterm model can be defensible before adding them to the respeci-
constrained to be equal to the corresponding fied model.
paths in the full-term model. Because model respecification is based on
Data requirements for SEM are similar to
the data at hand in light of theoretical evi-
those for factor analysis and multiple regres-
dence and those data are repeatedly tested,
sion in level of measurement but not sample
the significance level of the 2 is actually
size. Exogenous variables can have indicators
higher than what the program indicates.
that are measured as interval, near-interval,
Thus, other criteria are necessary to evaluate
or categorical (dummy-, effect-, or orthogo-
the adequacy of the final model. First is the
nally coded) levels, but endogenous variables
theoretical appropriateness of the final
must have indicators that are measured at
the interval or near-interval level. The rule of model. Comparison of the original model
thumb regarding the number of cases needed with the final model will indicate how much
for SEM, 5 to 10 cases per parameter to be trimming has taken place. In addition, the
estimated, suggests considerably larger sam- values and signs of the parameters are evalu-
ples than usually needed for multiple regres- ated. The signs (positive or negative) of the
sion; thus, samples of 100 for a very modest parameters should be in the expected direc-
model to 500 or more for more complex mod- tion. Parameters on the paths between the
els are often required. Despite the advantages latent variable and its indicators should be
of SEM, these larger samples can result in .50 but 1.0 in a standardized solution. The
complex and costly studies. lower the unexplained variance of the endo-
Structural equation modeling is generally genous variables, the better the model per-
a multistage procedure. First, the SEM im- formed in explaining those endogenous vari-
plied by the theoretical model is tested and ables (similar to the 1-R2 value in multiple
the fit of the model to the observed data is regression). Results that are consistent with
evaluated. A nonsignificant 2 indicates ac- a priori expectations and findings from previ-
ceptable fit, but this is difficult to obtain be- ous research increase ones confidence in
cause the 2 value is heavily influenced (in- the model.
Terminal Illness 593

disease and its treatment. And for health care Examining the management of time in car-
providers, and particularly nurses, feeding ing for a terminally ill person in the home,
and hydration of patients including subcuta- K. E. Rose (1998) observed that in addition
neous fluids was deemed appropriate if it to the practical and emotional tasks as well
would make the family members more com- as outside demands facing caregivers, there
fortable. The ten nurse respondents in this was also the uncertainty that was the context
study of health care providers felt that the in which these activities transpired. With re-
decision regarding hydration was to be made gard to time this uncertainty means not
by the physician (McAulay, 2001). It would knowing how many hours, days, weeks, or
be interesting to see whether this finding months are left prior to the patients demise.
would be upheld were the study conducted Time and uncertainty also interact in the
with a larger number of nurses and if those question of what will happen prior to death
nurses represented a variety of countries. and how that time until death will be experi-
The needs of families of those who are enced. Finally there is also the uncertainty as
terminally ill has also been of interest to re- to what will happen in the time after the
searchers. The prevalence of pathologies and patients death. Nonetheless, other studies
decreasing health in the informal caregivers have found that the meaning that is found in
as well as their efforts, often unsuccessful, in caregiving enabled caregivers to develop a
getting physicians to give serious attention to new view of life and reach out to help others.
symptoms in their terminally ill family mem- In another qualitative study, Duke (1998)
bers adds to the stress of both patient and investigated the lived experience of being
caregivers (Davis, B. D., Cowley, & Ryland, with a terminally ill spouse and then being
1996). Interestingly, Tang, Aaronson, and bereaved. The themes that emerged during
Forbes (2004) found that terminally ill per- the illness phase were related to sharing the
sons who did not live with their caregivers illness experience, being a caregiver and pro-
had more social support, less pain intensity,
viding comfort, being in limbo, and knowing
higher spirituality, and a significantly better
that this time was a period of creating memo-
quality of life.
ries that would be treasured as well as those
The needs of caregivers of terminally ill
memories of experiences that were emblem-
children present other issues. Factors that in-
atic of the transition along the illness trajec-
fluence how families navigate this terrain in-
clude the relationship with health care pro-
Repeatedly in the research on caregivers
viders, the availability of information, and
the effectiveness of communication between of terminally ill persons, the need for infor-
parents (Steele, R. G., 2002). In a grounded mation has been stressed. In Norway and
theory investigation of a nurse-facilitated em- Sweden, using 45 forced choice open-ended
powering intervention of 24 family caregivers questions, researchers found that respon-
of terminally ill patients, it was found that dents supported ongoing disclosure of infor-
information, education, encouragement, and mation to terminally ill patients (Lorensen,
support were required by these caregivers Davis, Konishi, & Bunch, 2003). This con-
(Mok, Chan, Chan, & Yeung, 2002). The trasts sharply with parts of Europe and Japan
importance of a trusting relationship with where it is the custom to speak with the family
caregivers and the confidence that the care- rather than the patient. Interestingly this is
giver will not be abandoned was also found also the view of many Korean Americans and
to be crucial, reinforcing previous findings. Mexican Americans in the survey of 800 el-
The need for information and support was derly residents at 31 senior citizen centers in
underscored in another study examining the Los Angeles County conducted by Blackhall,
adequacy of primary care and the deployment Murphy, and Frank (1995). Younger and
of visiting nurses in Great Britain (Beaver, more affluent Korean Americans and Mexi-
Luker, & Woods, 2000). can Americans were more likely to share the

views of other Americans and expect to be term theoretical framework often is used in-
given information as patients. terchangeably with the terms theory, theoret-
Finally caregivers often serve as the source ical model, and theoretical system. Concep-
of information about the end-of-life experi- tual frameworks and conceptual models are
ence of the terminally ill person. Quality of related to but different from theoretical
care and satisfaction with care are measured frameworks in that conceptual frameworks
by the reports of family members of the pa- and models are more abstract and more com-
tients experience. Hintons (1996) rein- prehensive than theoretical frameworks and
terview of 71 relatives showed that there is usually are not able to be tested empirically.
variable agreement with earlier statements Theoretical frameworks consist of the fol-
made by these same individuals. This raises lowing components: (a) concepts that are
a question about the validity and reliability identified and defined, (b) assumptions that
of such measurements when used to indicate clarify the basic underlying truths from which
the satisfaction with care of the terminally ill and within which theoretical reasoning pro-
person. At the same time, there is no easy ceeds, (c) the context within which the theory
answer as to how satisfaction with care of is placed, and (d) relationships between and
terminally ill persons is to be measured given among the concepts that are identified. Theo-
the fragile condition of persons nearing the retical frameworks serve as guides for prac-
end of their lives. titioners and researchers in that they organize
Research with the terminally ill as with existing knowledge and aid in making new
other patients demands the calculation of a discoveries to advance nursing practice.
risk/benefit ratio. In this case, the research It is important to distinguish an empirical
may not benefit the individual participant but system from a theoretical one. An empirical
it may be of benefit to future terminally ill system is what we apprehend, through senses,
persons. Given the condition of terminally ill in the environment. A theoretical system is
persons, qualitative research has been fa-
what we construct in our minds eye to model
vored as a method of inquiry. That leaves the
the empirical system (Dubin, 1978). The sci-
question of the generalizability of the results;
entist focuses on making the empirical world
quantitative methods are important for fu-
and the theoretical world (represented by the-
ture studies. As the research results accumu-
oretical frameworks) as congruent as possi-
late, the translation of the research findings
ble. Linkages between the theoretical world
into practice will enhance the care of the ter-
and the empirical world to which it applies
minally ill.
are made through the formulation and testing
INGE B. CORLESS of hypotheses. As long as the abstraction of
the theoretical framework can be represented
with empirical indicators, hypotheses can be
Theoretical Framework generated and empirically tested. Theoretical
frameworks are developed and tested
A theoretical framework is a group of state- through theory-linked research. Theory-gen-
ments composed of concepts related in some erating research is designed to discover and
way to form an overall view of a phenome- describe concepts and relationships for the
non. As constructions of our mind, theoreti- construction of theory. Once theory is con-
cal frameworks provide explanations about structed, theory-testing research is used to
our experiences of phenomena in the world. validate how accurately the theory depicts
The explanations provided by theoretical empirical phenomena and their relationships.
frameworks are of two types: descriptive (un- Generation of theoretical frameworks in
derstanding the interaction among a set of nursing has followed an evolutionary pro-
variables) or prescriptive (anticipating a par- cess. Initially, nursing grappled with defining
ticular set of outcomes) (Dubin, 1978). The theory for a developing discipline. In the
Theoretical Framework 595

1960s and 1970s early nurse theorists at- scope and abstract concepts of grand theo-
tempted to answer questions such as: ries, they are not testable and therefore are
limited in their usefulness to researchers.
1. Around what phenomena do nurses Unlike grand theories, the scope of middle-
develop theory? range theories is not as broad as the full range
2. What are the things nurses think of phenomena of concern to the discipline
about and take action on? but involves more concepts than micro-range
3. What are the boundaries of the disci- theories. Middle-range theories are suffi-
pline? ciently abstract to generalize yet specific
enough to be empirically tested. In contrast to
In response to these questions, a proliferation grand theories, middle-range theories contain
of conceptual models and philosophies of concepts close to observed data, from which
practice of nursing were developed. These hypotheses may be logically derived and em-
nursing conceptual models are considered at pirical tested. Examples of middle-range the-
the grand theory level, examples of which oretical frameworks are Mishels theory of
are the theories of Johnson, Roy, Neuman, uncertainty in illness, Penders theory of
Rogers, and Watson. health promotion, and Lenz and colleagues
The discipline also addressed the question theory of unpleasant symptoms.
of how to develop theory for nursing and Micro-range theory (also called practice
proposed definitions emphasizing the struc- theory) is more specific than middle-range
ture, purpose, and use of theory. Nurse scien- theory and refers to precise goals and actions
tists and theorists debated methods of devel- to achieve goals in a particular nursing prac-
oping theory, including reformulation of bor- tice situation. Although micro-range theory
rowed theories and development of unique offers specific guidelines for practitioners, it
nursing theories based on quantitative and is often situation-specific and thus limited in
qualitative research. These discussions have generalizability. It is generally agreed that the
led to the acceptance of multiple approaches development of theoretical frameworks at all
to theory development in nursing, including three levelsgrand, middle range, and micro-
both inductive and deductive methods. Re- rangeare needed and will enhance the
cent attention has focused on the need to knowledge base of nursing.
develop knowledge about the substance of The process of developing theoretical
nursing. In response to this call, theoretical frameworks that inform nursing practice and
frameworks that address specific nursing drive nursing research is ongoing. Several
phenomena and that focus on the clinical pro- challenges prevail in the development of nurs-
cesses in nursing are being developed. This ing theoretical frameworks. One challenge is
knowledge is referred to as middle- and mi- how to integrate related theoretical frame-
cro-range theory. works that have arisen from the multiple
The notion of different levels of theory has ways of developing knowledge in nursing.
been a useful way to develop knowledge in For example, how does the theory about
nursing. Each level of theory has characteris- stages of behavior change, developed from
tics and purposes that are specific to that grounded theory methods, relate to theories
level. The scope or breadth of the concepts of self-efficacy for health behaviors that were
and goals of a theoretical framework deter- developed using empirical methods? Addi-
mine its usefulness for research and practice. tionally, what mechanisms are needed to en-
As the goal of a theory narrows in scope, it hance communication between practitioners
moves from grand to middle range to micro and researchers about the knowledge pro-
range. Grand theories provide global perspec- duced by both using divergent methods?
tives of the discipline and offer ways of look- Also, how do different levels of theory relate
ing at nursing phenomena based on these per- to each other? How can one level of theory
spectives. However, because of the broad be used to develop related theories at another

level? Another challenge is the need to build to air, contact surfaces, or liquids. Vasocon-
programs of research that are substantially striction creates a poorly perfused insulative
large enough to accrue sufficient knowledge layer of tissue that conserves heat. In infants,
around a particular set of phenomena. Such cold exposure causes metabolic breakdown
programs of research will require greater use of brown fat to generate heat. In older chil-
of collaborative approaches to knowledge de- dren and adults, the primary means of heat
velopment than those previously used within generation is shivering.
the discipline. The efficient development of Nurses have recognized the importance of
nursing theoretical frameworks will require assessing thermal balance as a vital health
extensive collaboration among institutions, indicator for as long as the profession has
disciplines, researchers, and practitioners. existed. Body temperature provides an im-
portant vital sign of metabolic, neurological,
SHIRLEY M. MOORE and infectious activity. Circadian rhythms,
monthly cycles, and daily body temperature
ranges are assurances of healthy variations.
Thermal Balance The pregnant mother provides heat exchange
both for herself and the fetus; therefore high
Thermal balance is defined as a thermal maternal body temperatures, from fever, hy-
steady state in which the loss of body heat perthermia, or prolonged hot tub use, put
is equal to the heat gain. In health, this bal- the unborn infant at risk for neurological
ance produces a thermoneutral state, optimal damage. Temperature elevations in the
for cellular function. In humans, this state acutely ill and injured may indicate either
averages about 37 C .05 for internal tem- fever or hyperthermia. Each has its own dy-
peratures and 33.5 C .05 for skin. Varia- namics and treatment. Fevers are usually self-
tions in body temperature respond to both limiting. Thermoregulatory control is lost
homeostatic and circadian influences. Circa- during hyperthermia and requires aggressive
dian rhythm of core temperature is regulated cooling treatment. Temperatures above 42 C
by a remarkably stable endogenous clock can cause irreversible neural cellular damage.
which has helped to make it the most widely Conductive cooling blankets, ice packs, and
used circadian indicator. Hypothalamic ther- cooling fans are used to lower core tempera-
moregulatory controls keep internal tempera- tures. In immunosuppression associated with
tures fairly stable, despite environmental cancer treatment, fevers may indicate fulmi-
changes and the propensity of heat to escape nating systemic infection. However, the im-
to cooler regions. Metabolic and physical ac- munosuppressed HIV-infected patient may
tivity continually generates heat, even as it become febrile from high cytokine levels,
is constantly lost to the cooler environment. without obvious secondary infection. In both
Current theory is that elaborate thermoregu- groups, constant assessment of other indica-
latory control systems maintain temperatures tors is necessary to rule out infection.
within the optimal set point range. Compen- Situations that promote heat loss or inter-
satory cooling or warming mechanisms re- fere with heat generations put patients at risk
spond to deviations above or below this for hypothermia. The neonatal nurse must
range. Temperatures rising above this range be extremely sensitive to the low-birthweight
evoke vasodilation and sweating, while fall- infants need for external heat source. Unable
ing temperatures cause vasoconstriction, to shiver, the neonate expends oxygen to me-
shivering, and increased metabolic activity. tabolize brown fat and can easily become
Each physiological response augments or in- hypoxic from cold exposure. Declining meta-
hibits the transfer of heat by affecting the bolic and vasomotor activity makes elders
thermodynamics of conduction, convection, particularly susceptible to heat loss during
radiation, and evaporation. Vasodilation surgery, trauma, or outdoor exposure. Hypo-
warms the skin where heat is more easily lost thermic states can destabilize thermoregula-
Thermal Balance 597

tory function further, leading eventually to ture measurement by Erickson and colleagues
death. (Erickson, R. S., 1999; McKenzie & Erick-
Fever patterns were used to detect the on- son, 1996), who have compared oral, skin,
set and progress of infections since early rectal, and tympanic membrane measure-
times. It was recognized that high tempera- ment sites in children and adults. Findings
tures could lead to brain damage, so nurses reassure nurses that oral measurement pro-
routinely cooled patients with fever or heat vided reliable intermittent thermal assess-
stroke with ice packs, cooling sponge baths, ment in afebrile patients. While placement
or circulating fans. In the 1970s, nurses used site and method of insertion yield statistically
conductive cooling blankets, with refriger- significant differences, they are of less impor-
ated circulating coolant, to treat refractory tance clinically. Ericksons work was set
hyperthermia. Sharp gradients between skin apart from other contemporary studies by
and core temperatures stimulated vigorous her appropriate statistical treatment beyond
and distressful shivering. Interventions to simple correlations and by meaningful inter-
prevent shivering were among the earliest to pretation of device reliability, accuracy, and
be tested by nurses. Interest in and awareness linearity. In the past decade, nurse researchers
of temperature variations became more acute began drawing inferences from observed rela-
among nurse researchers when advanced tionships between thermal changes and other
technology in thermometry was introduced variables. Gradients between skin and core
to clinical settings. In the 1970s, thermistor temperatures initiate thermoregulatory re-
probes in hemodynamic monitoring systems sponses (see Shivering). Studies have shown
made pulmonary artery temperatures possi- the importance of thermal gradients and rate
ble in some critical care settings. As probes of cooling in initiating shivering in a compari-
became available for bladder, tympanic mem- son of cooling blanket temperatures (Caruso,
brane, and skin temperatures, studies of gra- Hadley, Shukla, Frame, & Khoury, 1992;
dients between body regions and measure- Sund-Levander & Wahren, 2000). Nursing
ment sites were common. Variation in quality research has also tested methods to alleviate
and precision of instruments made studies of adverse effects of warming and cooling in
reliability and accuracy important. Recogni- patients of all ages. Particularly vulnerable
tion of malignant hyperthermia, a rare but are the preterm infant, the elderly, and pa-
lethal genetically-linked disorder occurring tients recovering from surgery, cardiopulmo-
when susceptible persons receive anesthetic nary bypass, or traumatic injury. Anderson
agents, led to closer surveillance of periopera- (Anderson, Chiu, et al., 2003) pioneered
tive body temperature. This precaution re- kangaroo care as a method of maintaining
duced mortality from hyperthermia in this thermal balance in preterm and term infants.
uncommon condition, but also brought to Drawn from perinatal practices of Western
awareness the high incidence of low body Europe, this method uses skin-to-skin care
temperatures in most surgical patients. In- for infants held against the skin under the
creased survival of preterm infants in the mother or fathers clothing. Self-demand
1970s created increased concern for thermal breast-feeding and lactation were promoted
balance of vulnerable infants. Studies of envi- by close constant maternal contact. More re-
ronmental influences, warming devices, and cently, the relationships between the infants
skin-to-skin contact were made possible by body temperature and environment, circa-
sophisticated continuous skin temperature dian rhythm, and parental cosleeping have
monitors. been investigated (Thomas & Burr, 2002).
Temperature measurement issues continue Several studies have compared cooling inter-
to dominate clinical nursing research, stimu- ventions in febrile adults with similar findings
lated by commercial development of new (Caruso et al., 1992; Henker et al., 2001).
technology in thermometers. There is an on- Most concluded that antipyretic drugs are as
going program of research in body tempera- effective as cooling without inducing dis-

tressful shivering. In a controlled trial with fort during a variety of life events and
febrile patients with HIV disease, insulating health alterations.
skin against heat loss actually kept peak fe-
brile temperatures lower (Holtzclaw, 1998). BARBARA J. HOLTZCLAW
While numerous small studies in nursing have
tested various products that cool febrile pa-
tients or restore heat loss in perioperative pa-
tients, they are often empirical in nature. By
Time Series Analysis
contrast, the investigations mentioned above
are theoretically based on principles of ther- Time series analysis and statistical time series
modynamics and physiological responses. models are basic to describing and studying
They seek to explain mechanisms, predict change in human responses and behavior.
They are appropriate to cyclical patterns as
consequences, and alleviate hazards of al-
well as periodic or systematic variance across
tered thermal balance.
time. Many of the phenomena of interest to
Some of the newer areas of investigation
nursing are intimately related to time. Thus,
conducted by nurse scientists related to ther-
time series statistical models are an appro-
mal balance are studies using animal models
priate and powerful methodology for longitu-
to demonstrate effects of exercise on thermo-
dinal nursing studies of intraindividual differ-
regulatory responses (Rowsey, Metzger, &
ences in rate and patterns of change.
Gordon, 2001) and circadian influences on
In contrast to inferential statistical models,
thermoregulation in obesity (Jarosz, Lennie,
where aggregate data are generalized to de-
Rowsey, & Metzger, 2001). As more nurses
scribe changes in human behavior, time series
enter fields of genetics, immunology, and mo- analysis uses individual patterns of change to
lecular biology, they will play important roles predict future behavior. Thus, the subject is
in seeking origins and mechanism of thermo- a unitary entity or system whose behavioral
regulatory responses. New avenues for nurs- state can be isolated within a given point and
ing research in thermal balance emerge as measured through a specified window of
new situations of vulnerability develop and time. For the purpose of time series analysis,
measurement techniques are advanced. At the singular system can be defined at many
particular risk is the rapidly growing popula- different levels of complexity and inclu-
tion of the frail elderly. Declining metabolic siveness. Examples of individual systems that
rate, lower vasomotor sensitivity, and dimin- are legitimate subjects for time series nursing
ishing insulation from body fat make this research include cardiovascular response to
group vulnerable to extremes in heat or cold. a cardiac stressor, individuals, families, com-
The existence and treatment of thermoregula- munities, health care systems, even political
tory failure in home-bound patients is an area institutions.
that nursing has not yet systematically stud- The characteristic feature of time series
ied. Improved survival of individuals with analysis is that the phenomenon to be studied
neurological, vasomotor, and endocrine im- has a distinctive temporal componentthe
pairments and with extensive burns creates behavioral state will vary predictably with
new situations where thermal balance is al- the passage of time. Obviously, the passage
tered. Only recently have nurses begun to of time can not be manipulated, thus, differ-
investigate relationships between the circa- ences in patterns of change are not a direct
dianicity of body temperature and the effec- function of time. Time is not the independent
tiveness of other therapies. Study and inter- variable; it is, instead, a necessary temporal
vention are needed in addressing thermal bal- frame or marker in any time series analysis
ance, thermal perception, and thermal com- study.
Transitional Care 599

Time series studies can be either univariate Some authors differentiate subacute care
or multivariate. However, a time series vari- from transitional care; others use the terms
able always consists, by definition, of a series interchangeably. Those who make the dis-
of observations that occur in temporal order. tinction view subacute care as a unit or com-
Thus, multivariate time series analysis is ac- ponent of inpatient care in an acute care facil-
complished by identifying the relationship be- ity, skilled nursing facility, or freestanding
tween or among two or more pairs of univari- medical or rehabilitation center. Transitional
ate time series. care ideally ends with normal functioning and
Unlike inferential statistical models, time recovery, functional independence, or stabili-
series data points are not intended to be inde- zation of the patients condition (Brooten).
pendent of one another. Each value is highly In the case of many frail children or adults,
correlated with every successive value. Thus, transitional services end in long-term care.
any observation in a time series has signifi- Key features of transitional care include
cantly less individual predictive significance comprehensive discharge planning from one
than its inferential counterpart. In time series site of care to another, coordination of post-
analysis, predictive power is not a direct func- discharge services, provision of in-home ser-
tion of sample size. Instead, predictive power vices on a short-term basis, and continued
depends on an accurate hypothesis of the in- health care follow-up. The most important
ternal temporal structure of the phenomenon, components of transitional care services are
selection of a sampling time window of suffi- continuity of care across sites of care, com-
cient length to capture multiple expressions munication of the plan of care among the
of the change being studied, and identifica- differing providers, and matching patient
tion of a sampling frequency that will ade- needs and knowledge with skills of the care
quately capture all critical phases of the providers.
evolving pattern. Transitional care services have increased
Although change in behavior is an essen- significantly over the past 10 to 15 years in
tial characteristic of many of the phenomena response to changes in health care delivery,
of interest to nursing science, the use of statis- especially earlier hospital discharge of pa-
tical time series models is not always appro- tients.
priate or feasible. However, although time Research issues in transitional care include
series analyses are complex and costly, they determining the nature and needed length of
permit nurse scientists to more completely the service, risk profiles of patients who need
examine and evaluate trends, cycles, and pat- the service, type and level of providers
terns of change that are framed within pre- needed, and cost-effectiveness of the service
dictable spaces of time. compared to alternative services. The length
of transitional services should vary with the
BONNIE L. METZGER specific needs of the patients or group of pa-
tients rather than being dictated by the reim-
bursement plan. However, data are not avail-
Transitional Care able demonstrating the most effective and
cost-efficient endpoint for services to achieve
Transitional care refers to care and services optimal patient outcomes in specific patient
required in the safe and timely transfer of groups or subgroups.
patients from one level of care to another or It is generally agreed that vulnerable
from one type of health care setting to an- groups such as the elderly, the technologically
other (Brooten, 1993). Transitional environ- dependent, the disabled, and some high-risk
ments include the hospital, home, nursing infants and children should receive transi-
home, rehabilitation center, and hospice. tional services. Decisions regarding which pa-

tients should receive these services are cur- ing services have virtually eliminated home
rently based on the patients functional abil- follow-up services to many patient groups.
ity, available caretakers at home, ethnicity, Current challenges for community nursing
age, previous hospitalization, and technol- services include updating the specialty knowl-
ogy dependence. edge and skills of agency nurses with a gener-
Currently, there is wide variation in the alist preparation, maintaining continuity of
type and level of transitional care provider, patient care from the hospital to the home,
and there is disagreement about who should providing sufficient services to maintain con-
provide the care. Whether APNs are needed tinuity of patient care from the hospital to
for transitional services to all patient groups the home, and providing sufficient services to
has not yet been tested. Home care provided maintain good patient outcomes as insurers
by professional nurses (RNs) has been re- reimburse for fewer services.
ported to decrease the negative psychosocial As reimbursed length of stay for even high-
impact on parents caring for medically fragile risk patients decreases, the hospitals need for
children at home. Improved patient outcomes improved discharge planning and postdis-
using home care provided by RNs also has charge home care services for these groups
been reported with ventilator-dependent chil- increases. Documented discharge planning is
dren, with oncology patients, and with elders. mandatory for hospitals, and many have
Data also are needed on the cost-effective- hired discharge planners to facilitate earlier
ness of transitional care compared to alterna- discharge. Some hospitals contract with com-
tive approaches to care. Although the direct munity nursing services or independent home
costs for transitional care have been calcu- care agencies to provide home care services
lated in some studies, costs such as prevention for their high-risk patients. An increasing
of rehospitalization, acute care visits, de- number of hospitals are establishing their
creased employment, and burden on family own home care services.
caregivers are less well documented. These HMOs have a clear financial incentive for
data are important in examining the overall discharging patients early and for preventing
cost benefit or cost-effectiveness of transi- costly rehospitalizations. They have used case
tional services. managers and nurses with specialty knowl-
Transitional care services are provided edge and skills to review patients discharge
through public agencies; private, not-for- and home care needs. Because realizing a
profit agencies; freestanding and privately profit is essential in the for-profit HMOs,
operated proprietary agencies; freestanding their approach has been one of minimal hos-
and operated for profit, hospital-based agen- pital length of stay and postdischarge ser-
cies; and dedicated units or departments op- vices. Home follow-up services vary in num-
erated by a hospital. Transitional services are ber of visits provided, type of nurse provider
provided by community nursing services, (nurse generalist or specialist), and length of
hospital home care services, health mainte- follow-up. More than the routine allowable
nance organization (HMO) follow-up ser- for home visits may be reimbursable for a
vices, and subacute care units established patient, but this must be negotiated between
within hospitals or skilled nursing facilities provider and insurer.
or as freestanding subacute care hospitals. Research is needed to determine: the na-
Community or public health nurses have ture, intensity, and length of transitional ser-
historically provided home follow-up to high- vices required to optimize patient and family
risk patients with complex health needs. outcomes; the profile of patients who would
Their services are well-known and accepted benefit most from these services; the type and
by the general public and health care provid- level of providers needed to deliver these ser-
ers. Unfortunately, over the past 10 to 15 vices; and the costs of such services. Contin-
years, budget reductions for community nurs- ued study of existing and emerging models
Transitions and Health 601

of transitional care also is necessary to deter- making, teaching, collaborating, referring,

mine which of these models achieves the high- monitoring, and evaluating.
est quality and most cost-effective outcomes.
Study findings suggest that, for selected DOROTHY BROOTEN
patient groups or subgroups, discharge plan- MARY DUFFIN NAYLOR
ning and home care protocols designed to
meet their unique needs are more effective
than the general protocols designed for all Transitions and Health
patients that is currently used by many hospi-
tals and home care agencies. Targeted proto- Nurses provide care to patients and families
cols should be derived from empirical data who are experiencing many kinds of transi-
regarding the unique needs of specific patient tions. Developmental transitions (pregnancy,
groups and their caregivers after hospital dis- birth, parenthood), situational transitions
charge. Transitional care protocols should be (immigration, widowhood, relocation), and
based on an empirical understanding of the health/illness transitions (diagnosis of a
nature of the patients and caregivers needs chronic disease, recovery from surgery, reha-
(e.g., lack of knowledge, complexity of thera- bilitation) are examples of the many types of
peutic regimen), strengths (e.g., supportive transitions encountered in clinical practice.
family) or barriers (e.g., language) to meeting Transitions also occur in the work setting of
needs, timing of needs (e.g., 24 hours after nurses and can be classified as organizational
discharge), most cost-effective strategy to transitions. Examples include changes in
meet needs (e.g., telephone contact vs. home leadership, new staffing patterns, implemen-
visit), and length of follow-up needed. Unfor- tation of new models for nursing care, and
tunately, for many patient groups, this re- structural reorganization. A focus on transi-
tions is so central to nursing practice that it
search base is limited. For these patient
has been argued that the mission of nursing
groups, research efforts should be targeted
is to facilitate transitions (Meleis &
first at identifying patients and caregivers
Trangenstein, 1994).
needs and subsequently at the design and test-
Transition is defined as a passage between
ing of interventions to meet their unique
two relatively stable periods of time. In this
passage the individual moves from one life
There is a need for studies that compare
phase, situation, or status to another. Transi-
and contrast existing and emerging models tions often are conceptualized in terms of
of transitional care, focusing on differences stages in order to capture their movement and
in both processes and outcomes of care. direction as they evolve over time. A classic
Knowledge generated from studies of these description of transition stages is found in
models would contribute to the ongoing dis- Bridges (1991) work. He identified three
cussion and debate about which providers are stages: (a) a period of ending or disconnect-
most effective and efficient in coordinating edness from what had been before, (b) a neu-
transitional care services and providing conti- tral period characterized by a sense of disrup-
nuity of care for patients and their caregivers. tion and disorientation as well as discovery,
Study findings also would advance our under- and (c) a period of new beginnings in which
standing about effective ways to engage a the individual finds new meanings and a sense
multidisciplinary team of providers in transi- of control and challenge. Transitions also can
tional services. Finally, the knowledge gener- be conceptualized in terms of critical points.
ated from this research would determine the Critical points are turning points that can
processes of care that available data suggest lead to either healthy or unhealthy outcomes.
are important to positive patient outcomes: The identification of stages, critical points,
assessing, communicating, clinical decision and strategies for coping during the transition

experience provides the basis for nursing Goals for knowledge development about
therapeutics to support healthy transitions transitions include increased understanding
processes and outcomes and to prevent un- of the following: (a) the processes and experi-
healthy transitions. ences of human beings who are in transition;
When using a transition framework in (b) the nature of life patterns and new identi-
clinical practice or research, several universal ties that emerge during transitions; (c) the
properties of transitions must be taken into processes or conditions that promote healthy
account. First, transitions are precipitated by transition outcomes; (d) environments that
significant marker events or turning points constrain, support, or promote healthy tran-
that require new patterns of response. These sitions; and (e) the structure and components
markers prompt the recognition that new of nursing therapeutics that deal with transi-
strategies are needed to handle familiar daily tions (Meleis, 1993). Numerous theories of
life experiences. Second, transitions are pro- family, ecology, problem solving, and self-
cesses that occur over time. Transition pro- care can be used to facilitate such knowl-
cesses encompass the period of time from the edge development.
first anticipation of a transition until a new Research has begun to contribute to devel-
identity is formed at the completion of the opment of knowledge about transitions.
transition. During this process the context, Transition frameworks have been used in re-
history, and future of the person are im- search to uncover the experiences of persons
portant. A sense of disconnectedness from living with chronic illness, new mothers, pa-
ones familiar world is another universal tients recovering from surgery, and persons
property of transition. There is often a sense taking on the caregiving role. Nursing thera-
of loss or alienation from what had been fa- peutics tested in research include debriefing,
miliar and valued. Another property is that transition services, and role supplementation.
transitions involve fundamental changes in Further research is needed to identify the
types and dimensions of transitions and the
ones view of oneself and the world. During
consequences of transition for individuals,
transitions, changes in identity, roles, and
families, and communities. Because transi-
patterns of behavior occur. New skills, new
tions are processes, appropriate research
relationships, and new coping strategies must
methods include qualitative and longitudi-
be developed.
nal approaches.
Persons in transition experience a wide
As a discipline, nursing is concerned with
range of responses. They may experience
the process and the experiences of human
losses or gains, suffer from physical debilita- beings undergoing transitions where health
tion, have lower or higher immune responses, and perceived well-being are the outcomes
feel an emergence or loss of spirituality, dis- (Meleis & Trangenstein, 1994). The concept
cover new meanings, or experience traumatic of transition was developed as a framework
stress symptoms. Indicators of a healthy tran- particularly appropriate for viewing nursing
sition include a sense of well-being, the devel- phenomena from the perspective of a human
opment of a new identity, mastery of new science and a practice-oriented discipline. A
roles, well-being in relationships, harmony transition framework provides a way of un-
with the environment, renewed energy, and derstanding human responses to events that
positive quality of life. Indicators of un- affect growth and development, health, and
healthy transitions may be protracted transi- person/environment interaction. A transition
tional periods or the continuation of re- framework also provides a focus for under-
sponses, such as role insufficiency or isola- standing the content and timing of nursing
tion, during the transition period. Previous interventions. From a transition perspective,
life patterns may be maintained that are in- both the timing and the duration of nursing
congruent with the demand for new identities interventions are of utmost importance. Fur-
and life patterns. ther, a transition perspective is focused on
Triangulation 603

clients and nurses as dynamic, changing be- Denzin points out that this approach can in-
ings evolving within the context of an envi- volve within-method or between-method tri-
ronment that may be healthy or unhealthy. angulation. E. S. Mitchell (1986) emphasized
During the process of transition, clients expe- the need for complementarity in the methods
rience losses and gains. They need new skills used with this approach. Within-method tri-
to develop new lifestyles or modify lifestyles, angulation refers to the use of several differ-
prevent illness or live with illness, and en- ent instruments to measure a construct, for
hance or maintain well-being. Nurses and example, the use of the Peabody Picture Vo-
nurses actions are instrumental in the process cabulary TestRevised (PPVT-R) as well as
of developing these skills. the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Chil-
In summary, the use of transition as a dren (KABC) to measure different dimensions
framework facilitates the development of of child development. Between-method (also
knowledge related to changes in persons, known as across-method) triangulation refers
health, and environment. Within this frame- to the use of more than one research method
work, scholarship should focus on uncov- to study a phenomenon, for example, the use
ering and explaining patterns of responses of a qualitative approach such as phenome-
and critical points in transitions that require nology in concert with a quantitative ap-
nursing interventions. proach such as a descriptive survey. Between-
method triangulation can be accomplished
AFAF IBRAHIM MELEIS simultaneously or sequentially.
KAREN L. SCHUMACHER A second type of triangulation, theoretical
triangulation, involves analysis of data using
several related yet perhaps contradictory the-
Triangulation ories or hypotheses. The hypothesis sup-
ported by the data can be strongly supported
Triangulation, as it is most commonly used
because other theories and hypotheses have
in nursing research, refers to the combination
been discounted (Mitchell, E. S., 1986). This
of qualitative and quantitative research meth-
type of triangulation can be utilized within a
ods within a single study. There are a number
quantitative or a qualitative methodology; it
of approaches to triangulation, and it can
seeks to avoid a narrow, specialized interpre-
serve a number of purposes. According to
tation of the data (Denzin, 1989). Denzin
Duffy (1987), triangulation is the use of
described this approach, explaining that the-
multiple methods, theories, data and/or in-
vestigators in the study of a common phe- oretical triangulation encourages an aware-
nomenon (p. 130). The term triangulation ness of the multiple ways data can be inter-
has its roots in surveying and navigation and preted.
describes the idea of using known points and A third type, data triangulation, involves
angles in a triangular fashion to locate an data collected from different sources. A
unknown point. D. Campbell and Fiske fourth type of triangulation is investigator
(1959) are credited as the first to apply this triangulation. Denzin (1989) suggested that
approach in their use of the multitrait- the use of more than one data collector helps
multimethod matrix to establish convergent to ensure the reliability of the data and the
validity. uses of multiple analysts to interpret the data
Denzin (1989) identified four different ap- guards against the risk of bias associated with
proaches to triangulation: methodological, only one point of view. E. S. Mitchell (1986)
data, theoretical, and investigator. Method- added a fifth variety of triangulation, multi-
ological triangulation, currently the most ple triangulation, or the combining of two or
commonly used triangulation approach in more types of triangulation, for example, the
nursing research, involves the use of two or use of methodological, data and investigator
more different methods within a single study. triangulation within a single study.

Originally, triangulation was carried out special demands on the investigator because
mainly for purposes of confirmation. Confir- combining methods requires, as Mitchell
mation is analogous to convergent validity noted, a broad knowledge base in research
and refers to the idea that through the use of methodology including both qualitative and
multiple methods, data sources, or investiga- quantitative methods (p. 24). Perhaps the
tors, a single, obvious conclusion or represen- greatest challenge of triangulation, however,
tation of reality can be researched. Recently, is found in the area of analysis. Mitchell noted
triangulation has been conducted to achieve that analysis in a triangulated study presents
completeness. This approach can illuminate special challenges, such as the difficulties of
many of the individual facets of a multidi- combining numerical and textual data. Prob-
mensional construct. These researchers used lems can also arise in interpreting divergent
qualitative and quantitative methods as they results from these types of data and in
sought both confirmation and completeness weighing data collected from different
in their study of families with a critically ill sources and from different methods.
child. However, not all scholars agree with In spite of these challenges, triangulation
the notion of triangulation for completeness. of method, data, theories, or investigators can
E. S. Mitchell (1986) identified a number be an important tool in developing nursing
of concerns with multiple triangulation that science. The concepts of interest to nursing
also apply to other triangulation approaches. are generally complex, multidimensional hu-
First, Mitchell noted that a common unit of man constructs and are difficult to examine
analysis is essential in any form of triangula- by means of a singular research approach.
tion. Second, some forms of triangulation, Triangulation is a means to a deeper under-
especially data and investigator triangula- standing of these constructs.
tion, can be especially costly in terms of time
and money. In addition, triangulation places THERESA STANDING

Uncertainty in Illness on living with uncertainty brought home the

invasion of uncertainty into multiple aspects
Uncertainty in illness has been defined by of life and the strategies to tolerate the uncer-
Mishel (1988) as the inability to determine tainty.
the meaning of illness-related events; this oc- Since the publication of the Mishel Uncer-
curs in situations where the decision maker tainty in Illness Scale (MUIS) (Mishel, 1981),
is unable to assign definite value to objects the Parents Perception of Uncertainty Scale
and events or is unable to accurately predict (PPUS) (Mishel, 1983b), the exploration of
outcomes due to lack of sufficient cues. The uncertainty scales for specific populations
uncertainty theory by Mishel explains how (Mishel, 1983a), along with early conceptual-
uncertainty develops in patients with an acute ization of the variable within illness (Mishel,
illness and how it is proposed that patients 1981), the study of uncertainty has expanded
deal with uncertainty. Mishel further defined considerably. Both qualitative and quantita-
the original theory to refer to chronic illness tive work in nursing and in other fields added
in 1990. to the knowledge on uncertainty in illness.
Uncertainty regarding an illness has been The research has spread to practice through
identified as the greatest single psychological clinical publications (Hilton, 1992; Righter,
stressor for the patient with a life-threatening 1995; Wurzbach, 1992). A second instru-
illness (Koocher, 1984). Uncertainty is not ment on uncertainty in illness has been devel-
the total experience in acute and chronic ill- oped by Hilton (1994). This instrument is
ness, yet it is a constant occurrence from diag- based on the stress and coping framework
nosis through living with a long-term illness by Lazarus and Folkman (1984) and is not
or condition. Study of uncertainty dates back derived from a nursing theory of uncertainty
to some of the early work by Davis (1960), in illness.
where he detailed the difference between clin- A number of reviews of the research on
ical and functional uncertainty and tied the uncertainty in illness have been published.
experience to the delivery of care and the The first review by Mast (1995) used the un-
agenda of health care providers. From 1960 certainty in illness theory as the framework
through 1974, other classic pieces on uncer- for the review of research on uncertainty.
tainty emerged, which included the work by Similarly the two reviews by Mishel (1997
McIntosh (1974, 1976) on the desire for in- and 1999) also used the Uncertainty in Illness
formation among patients with cancer. This theory published in 1988 as the framework
work provided some of the first ideas about for review although Mishel (1999) also in-
the ambiguity surrounding diagnosis and cluded the uncertainty theory published in
prognosis and the impact of this ambiguity 1990 to evaluate the qualitative work done
upon the patients psychological state. Work on uncertainty in chronic illness. Stewart and
by Wiener in 1975 explored the topic of un- Mishel (2000) reviewed the research on par-
certainty in chronic illness. This classic work ent and child uncertainty. Other recent re-


views of the research and theory on uncer- dispositions related to uncertainty has been
tainty include the review by Neville (2003) limited to a small number of studies, all with
with a focus on application to orthopedic cancer patients receiving treatment. Other
conditions and the chapter by Barron (2000) acute illnesses require study in order to see
on stress, uncertainty, and health. Further which personality dispositions are associated
work on the concept of uncertainty, has been with uncertainty and at which phase in the
published by McCormick (2002) and by Ba- illness experience. Further research is neces-
brow (2001) from the field of health commu- sary to determine if the acuity of illness immo-
nication. Discussion of the theory of uncer- bilizes personality variables and whether they
tainty has appeared in two sources on nursing come into play during the recovery phase or
theory (Aligood & Tomey, 2002; Mishel & during the management of continual uncer-
Clayton, 2003). tainty in chronic illness.
As noted by Barron (2000) and Mishel In chronic illness, interesting findings are
(1997), there has been a strong interest in the emerging from quantitative studies of per-
study of uncertainty; however, most of it has ceived personal control as a personality dis-
been atheoretical. Most of the quantitative position for influencing uncertainty and the
studies of uncertainty in illness have used one relationship between uncertainty and mood
of Mishels uncertainty scales, but the selec- state. Likewise, spirituality is also being stud-
tion of variables had not been tied to the ied for its potential in modifying the impact
theory of uncertainty in illness. Most of the of uncertainty in mood. Both of these avenues
research has been on uncertainty in specific of study are important and point out that in
clinical populations, with the predominance a long-term illness, personality dimensions
of the quantitative research on acute illness may come into play for their ability to reduce
and with more qualitative work on chronic uncertainty or to reduce the negative impact
illness. This may be due to the focus of the of uncertainty.
uncertainty scales on acute illness and hospi- Studies of coping with uncertainty in
talization, with less accurate measurement persons with acute illness have resulted in
available for the study of chronic illness. consistent findings for the relationship be-
In the study of uncertainty, most of the tween uncertainty and emotion-focused cop-
studies are cross-sectional and the findings ing. In order to determine if a broader range
are associative, although the analyses in many of coping strategies exists, attention needs to
studies are often considered predictive when be given to developing instruments that are
causal modeling is used. At this time, some related to the problem under study. If coping
consistent findings have emerged. Across all strategies were derived from the setting and
illnesses studied to date, uncertainty de- population, results may differ from those
creases over time and returns on illness recur- consistently accrued from global measures
rence or exacerbation, and uncertainty is of coping.
highest or most distressing while awaiting a There is sufficient evidence that uncer-
diagnosis. Current evidence is strong for the tainty has a negative impact on quality of life
role of social support in reducing uncertainty and psychosocial adjustment in acute illness
among those with an acute illness. Due to populations. Uncertainty has consistently
consensus of the findings, if further research been found to be related to depression, anxi-
is done in this area, it should be focused on ety, poorer quality of life, less optimism, and
building on what is known instead of re- negative mood states. Since the evidence is
peating similar findings. consistent and strong it provides direction
Concerning the role of personality disposi- for interventions to target outcome variables.
tions as antecedents of or modifiers of uncer- There is some evidence for the effectiveness
tainty, the evidence is not solid. In acute ill- of supportive educational interventions in
ness, there is some support for mastery in a modifying the adverse outcomes from uncer-
mediating role, but the study of personality tainty. Recently, interventions for managing
Unified Language Systems 607

uncertainty in breast and prostate cancer systems of relevance to nursing are the Uni-
have been published reporting strong inter- fied Medical Language System (UMLS) and
vention effect (Braden, Mishel, Longman, & the Unified Nursing Language System
Burns, 1998; Mishel et al., 2002). Repeated (UNLS).
testing of these interventions and the develop- In 1986 the National Library of Medicine
ment of other theory and research-based in- began a long-term research and development
terventions that build on the body of existing project to build the UMLS, utilizing the strat-
descriptive research should be the direction egy of successive approximations of the capa-
of future research. bilities ultimately desired. The UMLS cur-
In chronic illness, the work on manage- rently comprises four knowledge sources: the
ment of uncertainty has been enriched by the Metathesaurus, the Semantic Network, the
qualitative investigations where a variety of SPECIALIST Lexicon, and the Information
management methods have been found Sources Map. All sources are available via
across a number of chronic illnesses. In con- the Internet through the Knowledge Source
trast to the limited and ineffective coping Server.
strategies reported from the use of standard- The Metathesaurus is a database of infor-
ized scales, the findings from qualitative mation on concepts that appear in at least
studies indicate that people are very resource- one of a set of controlled source vocabularies.
ful in finding approaches for living with Thirty source vocabularies provide the
enduring uncertainty. More research is 252,892 concepts and 542,723 concept
needed in this area with an attempt to repli- names in the 1996 Metathesaurus (http://
cate findings across studies so that support wwwlst.nlm.nih.gov:8000/Docs). These in-
for particular strategies can emerge. At the clude Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), In-
present time, the findings are scattered with ternational Classification of Diseases: Clini-
no attempt to relate findings from one study cal Modification, and SNOMED Interna-
to another. tional. Four systems specifically designed for
In conclusion, the research on the concept use by nurses are source vocabularies in the
of uncertainty continues to spread across dis- Metathesaurus: the North American Nursing
ciplines and countries. Today the uncertainty Diagnosis Association (NANDA) Taxonomy
in illness scales have been translated into 1, the Omaha System, the Georgetown Home
more languages and the research continues Health Care Classification, and the Nursing
across all continents. Intervention Classification (NIC). The Met-
athesaurus is organized by concept, with en-
MERLE H. MISHEL tries connecting alternative names for the
same concept (e.g., synonyms, lexical vari-
ants, translations) from different vocabula-
Unified Language Systems ries. Thus, shortness of breath, breath-
lessness, and dyspnea share a common con-
A unified language system is a network of cept identifier but different lexical identifiers
linked terms that allows integration of ex- in the Metathesaurus.
isting sets of machine-readable terms, such The UMLS Semantic Network provides a
as thesauri, classification systems, and no- consistent categorization of concepts repre-
menclatures for the purposes of information sented in the Metathesaurus and a set of rela-
retrieval. Whereas a uniform language system tionships between the concepts. The 1996
would necessitate that a common set of terms version includes 135 semantic types (http://
is utilized for multiple purposes, a unified lan- wwwlst.nlm.nih.gov:8000/Docs). Concepts
guage system builds on the strengths of ex- are broadly categorized into the semantic
isting systems that have been designed from types of entity or event. Examples of semantic
a variety of perspectives and for a broad range types of relevance to nursing are Finding,
of purposes. The primary unified language Individual Behavior, Therapeutic or Pre-

ventive Procedure, and Disease or Syn- Outcomes Classification, and the Interna-
drome. The primary relationship among tional Classification of Nursing Practice.
concepts is IS__A, for example, Pain
Management IS__A Therapeutic or Preven- SUZANNE BAKKEN
tive Procedure. Other relationships include
temporalfor example, Diabetes Mellitus
PRECEDES Diabetic Retinopathyand Unlicensed Assistive Personnel
causal, for example, CMV Retinitis is
CAUSED__BY cytomegalovirus.
Unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) is an
The SPECIALIST Lexicon comprises a set
unlicensed individual who is trained to func-
of commonly used English and biomedical tion in an assistive role to the licensed nurse
terms. Entries include the base form of the (American Nurses Association, 1992). UAPs
term and its lexical variants, for example, provide direct and indirect patient care that
assess, assesses, and assessed. The Informa- has been delegated and is supervised by a
tion Sources Map describes the publicly avail- registered nurse. Known by a variety of
able databases of the National Library of names and practicing in distinctly different
Medicine and selected expert systems and da- sitesPatient Care Assistant (PCA), Nurse
tabases from outside the National Library Extender (NE), or nurse partner in acute care;
of Medicine. Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) in nursing
The American Nurses Association Steering homes; Resident Assistant (RA) in assisted
Committee on Databases to Support Nursing living residences; Personal Care Attendant
Practice has endorsed the concept of a unified (PCA) or Home Care Aide (HCA) in home
nursing language system within the structure care; aide, orderly, etc.job qualifications,
of the UMLS. The nursing care elements of training, and nursing activities vary widely.
the nursing minimum data set (NMDS) define The purpose of this entry is to describe recent
the data elements of a UNLS: nursing diagno- studies about UAPs conducted by nurse re-
sis, nursing intervention, nursing outcome, searchers.
and nursing care intensity (see Table 1). The There is a dearth of published information
current UNLS comprises the four nursing sys- about the content, duration, and effectiveness
tems in the UMLS: NANDA Taxonomy 1, of UAP-training in acute and home care (in-
the Omaha System, the Georgetown Home cluding assisted living). In the nursing home
Health Care Classification, and NIC. Exten- (NH) sector, mandatory education and train-
sive research is underway to enhance and re- ing curricula are set by the federal govern-
fine the existing UNLS, for example, the ment and can be no less than 75 hours. Topics
Nursing Intervention Lexicon and Taxon- include personal care of the elderly person
omy, the Patient Care Data Set, the Nursing (i.e., activities of daily living [ADLs]), com-

TABLE 1 Elements of NMDS in Systems Comprising the Current UNLS

System Diagnosis Intervention Outcome

Omaha x x x
Georgetown x x x
Unlicensed Assistive Personnel 609

munication and culture, age-related changes, Foner, 1994). Nurses and CNAs disagree
resident rights, and death and dying. R. A. about the likelihood of implementing individ-
Burns (1995) reported that this curriculum ualized care plans (a goal of care), but both
was sufficient for standard care, but addi- groups agree that barriers include inadequate
tional hours were needed for CNA-delivered staffing and poor communication (Walker,
care in subacute special care units. In assisted T., Porter, Gruman, & Michalski, 1999).
living (AL) and home care, each state regu- Hartig (1998) reported that CNAs and RNs
lates training and curricula. In acute care, it assessments of residents functional status
is institution-directed and ranges from 1.5 to were highly correlated but also found that
6 weeks, including on unit orientation (Barc- institutionally ascribed expert CNAs were
zak & Spunt, 1999). There is considerable performing nursing tasks that exceeded their
variation in level of required education; only training and education.
some hospitals require that UAPs have a high Hospital restructuring, job redesign, and
school diploma (Bernreuter & Cardona, adding UAPS to the skill mix in acute care
1997). A medication administration training are attributed to cost containment, managed
program for aides in Maryland AL facilities care, and more recently the shortage of li-
attributed the successful completion rate and censed professional nurses. Proponents argue
scores on the final examination to high school that UAPs free nurses to meet higher-level
education (Spellbring & Ryan, 2003). A patient care needs. As such, UAPs are assum-
study of the relationship between literacy ing more of the bedside, task-based care. In
skills and job performance found that NH some settings, UAPs draw bloods, take and
aide literacy was between 5th and 6th grade interpret EKGs, suction and administer respi-
level (Benjamin, 1995). It is unknown ratory treatments, and perform catheteriza-
whether or how this might affect reading and tion. More commonly in acute care than in
comprehension of a written nursing plan of nursing homes, and most probably in home
care in any setting. care, UAPs take blood pressures, perform
In their review of studies of UAP imple- catheterization, nasopharanygeal and trache-
mentation in acute care, Bernreuter and Car- ostomy suctioning and trach care, phlebot-
dona (1997) noted that nurse managers and omy, and enteral tube feeding (Barzak &
staff nurses feel that UAPs lack ADL and Spunt, 1999).
supportive skills, but had been adequately An American Nurses Association (ANA)
trained in technical skills. Yet, some nurses statement to the IOM (Institute of Medicine,
feel that training is inadequate, inconsistent, 1996) held that reducing RNs and adding
relies too heavily on on-unit training, and UAPs increased costs in many cases related
fails to teach UAPs how to recognize pa- to training UAPs and training RNs for delega-
tient problems. tion and supervisory roles. The anticipated
In most NHs, CNAs constitute 70% of the cost-savings by using UAPs in the delivery of
nursing staff. This has been standard practice nursing care is equivocal; some studies report
for decades although some states regulate the reduced costs, others report increased costs,
CNA-to-resident ratio. Primary nursing was and others are budget neutral (Huston, 1997;
never a delivery model. The workload for NH McClung, 2000). Most studies fail to incor-
CNAs has increased due to staffing cutbacks porate or calculate UAP turnover and train-
associated with reimbursement, the nursing ing costs, off-unit time for RNs to learn dele-
shortage, and higher acuity residents. How- gation and management skills, and cost re-
ever, quality of care is compromised and turn- ductions (or increases) among ancillary ser-
over increases when CNAs lack time to de- vices if UAPs assume, for example,
liver care, are unsure how to prioritize, and responsibilities for blood specimen collection
cut corners (Bowers & Becker, 1992; or food tray distribution (Bernreuter & Car-

dona, 1997; Zimmerman, 2000). The ab- by consumers as well (Zimmerman, 2000).
sence of an accepted methodology to calcu- Notwithstanding that UAPs are responsible
late productivity and the failure to recognize for accurate observation, reporting, and doc-
variables that could have an impact on costs, umentation of patient status, and are ac-
productivity, and quality weaken the validity countable for the nursing tasks delegated to
of findings of virtually all studies of cost- them, several studies found that as the num-
effectiveness of UAPs in acute care. ber of RNs in hospital staffing decreased and
Not surprisingly, UAPs want to be treated were replaced by UAPs, adverse clinical out-
with respect, thanked for doing a good job comes increased (Blegen, Goode, & Reede,
or going the extra mile, and not be thought 1998; Eastwood & Schechtman, 1999; Hus-
of as interested only in their paycheck (Burke, ton, 2001; IOM, 1996; Kovner & Gergen,
Summers, & Thompson, 2001). Responding 1998; Zimmerman, 2000). Among the nega-
to an investigator-designed survey (validity tive outcomes were medication errors, inap-
and reliability not reported), CNAs felt that propriate use of physical restraints, pressure
poor team communication and negative staff ulcers, increased mortality rates, patient falls,
attitudes were barriers to improved care and postsurgical complications (e.g., pneu-
(Curry, Porter, Michalski, & Gruman, 2000). monia, UTI). Huston suggested that her find-
They also felt that they were not respected ing of less effective pain relief for hospitalized
by other team members and that their sugges- patients with diagnostic related grouping
tions about individualized care were not val- (DRG) 209 (joint and limb reattachment)
ued or given a try. These findings were similar who were receiving nurse-administered anal-
to those reported in a study to implement a gesia might be attributed to changes in the
prompted voiding program in a nursing home staffing mix. On the other hand, M. J. Ven-
in which CNAs were directly responsible tura (1999) reported that hospital RNs felt
(Lekan-Rutledge, Palmer, & Belyea, 1998). that UAPs contributed to quality of care.
Nursing home CNAs feel that communica- Sophisticated research designs are needed
tion within the health care team and decisions to look at the complex relationships and fac-
about care should include the CNAs who, tors with a multilevel nursing staff, the most
after all, spend more time with the resident prominent being delegation, achievement
than the licensed nurses (Harrington, Car- needs, communication and interpersonal re-
illo, & Wellin, 2001). lations, competency and performance evalua-
Nurses feel they are not prepared to dele- tion, and cost-effectiveness. Virtually nothing
gate or supervise and are concerned about is known about the number of UAPs who
their legal liability and loss of protection un- choose to study professional nursing (RN and
der the collective bargaining provisions of the LPN) and the barriers and facilitators to that
National Labor Relations Act once they are movement. Studies of delegation must ac-
designated as a supervisor (Huston, 2001). count for the variables embedded in resources
Most, but not all, Boards of Nursing of the and systems that can affect outcomes.
50 states have guidelines for UAP supervision
by RNs, but few boards use the ANA or Na- ETHEL L. MITTY
tional Council of State Boards (NCSBN) MIA KOBAYASHI
definitions of delegation or assignment
(Thomas, S. A., Barter, & McLaughlin,
2000). Most state boards created their own Urban Health Research: Nursing
definitions and parameters for delegation and Research in Urban Neighborhoods
had no plans to standardize UAP training cur-
riculum. Urban communities are home to heteroge-
The single largest concern of RNs in insti- neous ethnic, age, and socioeconomic groups,
tutional settings is the relationship between populations that make up a large share of the
staff mix and quality of care; this is echoed underserved in this county. These un-
Urban Health Research: Nursing Research in Urban Neighborhoods 611

derserved populations face daunting hurdles ation and leisure; and the hustle and bustle of
that challenge their ability to maintain commerce, as well as violent crime, rampant
healthy lifestyles. Moreover, urban environ- drug abuse, crumbling infrastructure, trans-
ments may provide limited or inaccessible portation gridlock, and pollution. These im-
support for individuals seeking health-pro- ages not only depict sharp contrasts between
motion and disease-prevention information rich and poor but suggest that the worst states
and services. Many urban environments are of health are found among urban dwellers
marred by poverty, strained school systems, exposed to substandard housing, poverty, un-
crowded housing, unemployment, a perva- employment, and drug abuse.
sive drug culture, periodic street violence, and The process of attaching meaning to these
high levels of stress. Some health issues re- images is multifaceted. However, there is no
sulting from the urban environment include consensus on a common definition of urban.
high rates of HIV infections and AIDS, in- Most definitions include an interrelationship
creased morbidity and mortality due to vio- between people (demography) and space: po-
lence, increased morbidity and mortality sec- litical and administrative boundaries, social
ondary to substance abuse, the resurgence of and cultural arrangements, economic and
infectious diseases (tuberculosis and hepatitis technological restructuring. The process of
B), chronic illness, and maternal/child urbanization in the United States has resulted
health problems. in political, social, economic, environmental,
Many of the health problems experienced and health changes; at the same time, politi-
by residents in urban neighborhoods are pre- cal, social, economic, environmental, and
ventable, at least in part, through lifestyle health changes have influenced the process
changes. Steps also can be taken to reduce of urbanization. Urbanization is a dynamic
health disparities through early identification process, and its effects on health are seen and
and treatment. Unfortunately, statistics dem- felt in different ways within particular cities
onstrate that urban populations do not rou- and across the nation.
tinely receive early screening and preventive Striking disparities in health outcomes
health care. among urban populations provide compel-
When thinking about what urban means, ling evidence of the significant health risk
nurses are confronted with a number of im- these groups experience. The health out-
ages, ranging from shining tall buildings, comes described below are observed in non-
greater opportunities for employment, ups- urban populations but are disproportionally
cale housing, and community parks to dilapi- seen in urban populations.
dated buildings, vacant lots sewn with rubble,
high rates of unemployment, congested ex-
pressways, youth gangs, drug dealers and Chronic Illnesses
drug addicts, and, most of all, people. Per-
haps the images include the stark difference Hypertension and heart disease: Thirty-
between culturesAfrican, Asian, Carib- eight percent of Blacks suffer from hy-
bean, European, Hispanic, Middle Eastern pertension; of those, only 25% are man-
expressing the diversity and cosmopolitan at- aging their disease.
mosphere of everyday life in big cities. In Obesity: Forty-four percent of Black and
some cases the images are those of opportu- Latino women ages 20 and older are
nity; in others, of despair. Historically, urban obese, compared to 27% for all women
images in the United States have tended to and 37% for low-income women.
oscillate between the positive (cities as inno- Diabetes: The disease is 33% more com-
vative, progressive, and modern) and the neg- mon among Blacks than among the gen-
ative (cities as alienated, pathological, and eral population. Latino and Native
decadent). Today, popularly depicted urban American populations report elevated
images include culture, arts, and music; recre- morbidity rates from diabetes, often ex-

acerbated by poor nutrition and exer- HIV and AIDS

cise habits.
Cancer: Major disparity in cancer rates The rates of AIDS among Blacks and
exist among Blacks, Latinos, Native Latinos are more than triple that of
Americans, the elderly, and poor the general population.
Americans. Failure to screen is often Women and their children are one of
due to fatalism, lack of knowledge, or the largest groups infected.
limited access. Sexually active teens are a fast-growing
General health habits: Poor nutrition, population at risk for HIV infection.
smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, mini- Urban Health Research focuses on the fol-
mal exercise and stress management, lowing processes, which form a circular link:
along with other risk factors, appear to
be more common among persons with Identifying methodologies and models for
low incomes, who tend to be urban resi- developing culturally sensitive research
dents. approaches, data collection instru-
ments, and program evaluation instru-
Violence ments.
Building partnerships with community
Men, young adults, and teenagers members, nurses, and other health pro-
within minority populations, partic- fessionals who have community-based
ularly Blacks and Latinos, are most practices and with transdisciplinary re-
likely to be murder victims. searchers to identify and prioritize ur-
Domestic violence accounts for one of ban health issues that need investi-
six homicides, particularly among gating.
young adults and Blacks. Determining the most effective, culturally
Child abuse cases make up a significant sensitive health-promotion and disease-
portion of urban violence, affecting prevention intervention strategies and
mostly poor families. best-practice models for the targeted ur-
ban setting.
Maternal and Child Health Implementing the most effective health-
promotion and disease-prevention in-
Black, Native American, and Latino in- tervention strategies and best-practice
fants have the highest morbidity and models within the targeted urban com-
mortality rates in the United States. munity while simultaneously collecting
Low-birthweight Black babies ac- evaluation data that will be used to
count for most of these deaths, but modify the implementation process as
even normal-weight Black babies needed.
have a greater risk of death.
Asthma risk is increased for poor, mi- As nurses we must be concerned about
nority urban residents, both initial how the issues of urbanization affect the
attacks and exacerbations. Environ- health of urban communities. Residents of
mental factors such as air pollution such communities are the most reliable
and cockroach allergens have been sources for this information. However, they
correlated with emergency room vis- are not likely to volunteer this information
its for asthma. either because of distrust of researchers or
Teen pregnancy has risen for all girls, the perception that their opinions or facts are
particularly among poor and ethnic not valued by nurses or researchers. Hence,
minority groups, with significant so- one of the early steps in the urban health
cial, economic, and health conse- research process is to empower and recruit
quences. urban community members, especially mi-
Urban Health Research: Nursing Research in Urban Neighborhoods 613

norities, to become active research partners, based settings such as homeless shelters, com-
not just participants, in research programs. munity clinics, small independent practices,
The overall goal of urban-related nursing schools, and church clinics.
research is to integrate scientific knowledge, To summarize, for programs of nursing
professional skill, community input and sup- research to be effective in urban communities
port, and political advocacy of health promo- the researcher must do the following:
tion and disease prevention in an effort to
create and maintain healthy urban communi- Design programs that are based on a com-
ties. To achieve this goal, nurse researchers in prehensive needs assessment, including
urban settings, with community input, must an identification of the target popula-
seek to develop, test, and disseminate health tion.
care interventions, tailored to address the ma- Make programs accessible and affordable
jor urban health care issues, that are found to the target population.
to be scientifically sound, culturally relevant, Ensure that the programs are culturally
and effective. Once identified, the urban-re- competent and relevant to the target
lated nursing research process continues with population (i.e., consistent with norms,
the implementation of effective interventions attitudes, beliefs, and attitudes). Mem-
and best practices within the community bers of the target populations should be
while maintaining overall health care costs. included in program design, implica-
When logistically feasible, it is advisable to tions, and evaluation.
take the programs or practices to the target Ensure that the programs are consistent
populations because this approach tends to with the social and community norms
foster participant. of the target population so that pro-
Nurses can meet the challenges of ad- gram participants will receive consis-
dressing the needs of urban community resi- tent messages and reinforcement for the
dents by using a multidimensional approach prescribed health behavior plan.
that focuses on their social, psychological, Address the linguistic needs of the target
biological, and environmental needs. Histori- population (i.e., with translators and
cally, nurses have viewed the recipients of health and education reading materials
their care in a holistic manner, taking into in the communitys native language and
account all domains that have an impact on at the appropriate reading levels).
their lives. This approach is particularly use- When applicable, ensure that programs
ful with urban minority populations, who meet the needs of the deaf and hearing-
tend to experience many different stressors impaired members of the target popula-
and who also tend to value the interper- tion, as well as those with develop-
sonal process. mental disabilities.
Through innovative research projects, in-
novative educational programs, and new Residents of urban communities have nu-
strategies for providing services, we can meet merous health care challenges. Fortunately,
their needs. For today, urban health is a prior- nurses with the proper education and training
ity. With the recent economic trend that is can emerge to provide excellent compassion-
moving health care from hospitals to the com- ate and innovative care and to design cultur-
munity, current nursing students are being ally competent and theory-driven interven-
prepared to shift their work setting to the tion that will produce positive healthy out-
community and to interact with clients in comes. One advantage of meeting this need
their home environment. This educational is the fact that most schools of nursing are
preparation should result in better health care located in urban communities, which en-
as well as stronger client advocacy, another hances the interaction between and among
important aspect in the process. Nurses in the nurses, community members, and research-
future will increasingly work in community- ers. Nurse researchers are not the only ones

who benefit from such interaction; students Urge Incontinence, common in elderly
and the people in the community also benefit. people, occurs when, having had the urge to
Nursing research projects designed and im- urinate, the ability to do so is lost, or the
plemented by building bridges with the com- need to urinate comes before arriving at the
munity can provide the most efficacious and bathroom. An overactive bladder causes in-
cost-effective community-based health care. voluntary bladder muscle contractions. Some
medical conditions, such as stroke, multiple
LORETTA SWEET JEMMOTT sclerosis, and Parkinsons disease, can cause
EMMA J. BROWN urge incontinence.
Functional Incontinence occurs when
bladder function is normal, but the physical
act of getting to a bathroom is hampered,
Urinary Incontinence
either by cognitive impairment or physical
disability. Such conditions impair an individ-
Urinary Incontinence (UI) is the involuntary
uals ability to appropriately respond to their
loss of urine that creates a social or hygienic
cues to void. Severe arthritis and severe de-
problem. It is a common health concern for
mentia are examples of hindrances which
women (Sampselle et al., 1997). More than
cause functional incontinence.
20 million adults are estimated to have UI
Mixed Incontinence is a combination of
or Overactive Bladder (OAB). Between 15%
bladder and urethral dysfunction which
and 30% of adult women experience UI, and
causes stress and urge incontinence to oc-
the prevalence is even greater in the elderly
cur together.
population. UI is present in half the older
With a greater understanding among the
residents at nursing homes, and in 13% to
56% of home-bound elders (Anonymous, general population that UI is a treatable medi-
2003). The Agency for Healthcare Policy and cal condition, an increasing number of
Research (AHCPR) believes that UI was un- women are reporting incontinence and seek-
derreported, underdiagnosed, and under- ing treatment. Screening for UI is appropriate
treated in the 1990s. Although Urinary In- at any age but is especially so for older adults
continence is common, it is not a part of the due to its increased prevalence in this popula-
normal aging process and is therefore consid- tion. In fact, the at-risk population includes
ered abnormal despite the large numbers of those with immobility, impaired cognition,
people whose lives are affected by it. medications, morbid obesity, environmental
Stress Incontinence is most common in barriers, high-impact physical activities, dia-
older women. Stress incontinence occurs betes, stroke, estrogen depletion, and/or pel-
when urine leaks during lifting, exercise, vic muscle weakness (Dowling-Castronova,
coughing, sneezing, or laughing. Weakness 2001).
of the pelvic floor allows the proximal ure- The economic costs of urinary inconti-
thra and bladder base to be pushed out of nence in America have been estimated at
the pelvis during these periods of increased more than $15 billion annually. There are
abdominal pressure, resulting in leakage. costs other than economic as well: skin break-
This type of UI may also be caused by de- down and infection resulting from rashes and
creased estrogen levels after menopause. pressure ulcers, urinary tract infections, anxi-
Overflow Incontinence is more common ety, depression, low self-esteem, and social
among older men, especially those with en- isolation (Johnson, S., 2000). In the nursing
larged prostate glands, which creates con- home, the economic costs have been esti-
striction of the tube through which urine mated to be close to $5 billion annually, in-
drains from the bladder. This results in a con- cluding costs associated with staff, laundry,
stant dripping of urine and strained urina- and supplies. UI may also lead to falls among
tion. residents with nocturia, urge incontinence,
Urinary Incontinence 615

and impaired balance or gait (Ouslander & significant reduction (62%) in the amount of
Schnelle, 1995). urine leakage and reported episodes of incon-
Nursing has traditionally supported be- tinence, after a 16-week course of pelvic mus-
havioral approaches to incontinence manage- cle exercise. Biofeedback Training, which in-
ment. They include inhibition training volves electronic and mechanical instruments
(wherein the goal is to eliminate unwanted to relay messages to patients about their phys-
bladder contractions by decreasing the use iologic conditions, is known as the most effec-
of bladder irritants such as caffeine, alcohol, tive method of achieving pelvic muscle reha-
artificial sweeteners, pepper, spicy foods, bilitation. Other methods for augmenting
etc), active bladder relaxation (wherein pelvic muscle training include electrical stim-
movement is avoided), general relaxation, ulation and vaginal weights. Two random-
and contracting of the pelvic muscles until the ized controlled trials using 6-week treatment
urgency sensation goes away and it becomes periods reported 70% and 87% cure or sig-
safe to go to the bathroom. The key to nificant improvement rates with behavioral
success is to not move when the urgency sen- therapies (Krissovich & Safran, 1997).
sation occurs. With the bladder training tech- The importance of treating incontinence
nique, the patients are to keep a record and cannot be overlooked because incontinence
show some ability to control urgency. There impacts psychologically as well as physiologi-
are three components to bladder training cally. Researchers have shown a direct rela-
comprehensive patient education, timed but tionship between incontinence and depres-
progressively lengthened voiding intervals, sion as patients become less involved in social
and positive reinforcement (Krissovich & Sa- activities. Ultimately, this could lead to sad-
fran, 1997). Pengelly and Booth (1980) re- ness and overwhelming despair. UI may be
ported, in a prospective trial that included 12 associated with depression, social isolation,
weeks of bladder training, that more than loss of self-esteem, and altered relationships
half of the 25 participants who completed the (Castina, Boyington, & Dougherty, 2002).
program were completely cured or improved, This negative impact may also be felt by the
and that none got worse. nursing staff and family members. Caregivers
Pelvic Muscle rehabilitation (Kegel exer- often feel overwhelmed and frustrated as a
cises) involves using the pelvic floor muscles result of the amount of time and staff required
to regain control over lower urinary tract by an incontinent patient. Additionally, but
function. Pelvic muscle strengthening and ac- often overlooked, is the economic impact re-
tive use of the pelvic muscles to prevent urge sulting from early retirement or an inability
or stress incontinence are key components to work. Thus, urinary incontinence can be
of this approach. Programs of pelvic muscle a devastating experience, with serious psy-
exercise have proven to increase muscle chosocial consequences for both the affected
strength and reduce incontinent urine loss. individual and the caregiver (Yu, 1987).
Dougherty and colleagues (1993), in a study
of 65 women aged 3575 years, found signifi- ELLA BLOT
cant improvement in force (25%) and dura-
tion (40%) of muscle contraction, as well as

Validity a creative process of building evidence to sup-

port the accuracy of measurement.
Validity refers to the accuracy of responses Content validity determines whether the
on self-report, norm-referenced measures of items sampled for inclusion adequately repre-
attitudes and behavior. Validity arises from sent the domain of content addressed by the
instrument. The assessment of content valid-
classical measurement theory, which holds
ity spans the development and testing phases
that any score obtained from an instrument
of instrumentation and supersedes formal re-
will be a composite of the individuals true
liability testing. Examination of the content
pattern and error variability. The error is
focuses on linking the item to the purposes
made up of random and systematic compo-
or objective of the instrument, assessing the
nents. Maximizing the instruments reliabil-
relevance of each item, and determining if the
ity helps to reduce the random error associ-
item pool adequately represents the content.
ated with the scores (see Reliability), al-
This process is typically done by a panel of
though the validity of the instrument helps
experts, which may include professional ex-
to minimize systematic error. Reliability is perts or members of the target population.
necessary but not a sufficient requirement Lynn (1986) has provided an excellent over-
for validity. view of the judgment-quantification process
Validity and theoretical specification are of having judges assert that each item and
inseparable, and the conceptual clarification the scale itself is content-valid. The results of
(see Instrumentation) performed in instru- the process produce a content validity index
ment development is the foundation for accu- (CVI), which is the most widely used single
rate measurement of the concept. Broadly measure for supporting content validity.
stated, validity estimates how well the instru- Content validity should not be confused with
ment measures what it purports to measure. the term face validity, which is an unscientific
Underlying all assessment of validity is the way of saying the instrument looks as if it
relationship of the data to the concept of in- measures what it says it measures. Although
terest. This affects the instruments ability to content validity is often considered a minor
differentiate between groups, predict inter- component for instrument validation, re-
vention effects, and describe characteristics searchers have repeatedly found that precise
of the target group. attention to this early step has dramatic impli-
Literature usually describes three forms of cations for further testing.
validity: content, criterion, and construct. Criterion validity is the extent to which
These forms vary in their value to nursing an instrument may be used to measure an
measurement, and unlike reliability, singular individuals present or future standing on a
procedures are not established that lead to concept through comparison of responses to
one coefficient that gives evidence of instru- an established standard. Examination of the
ment validity. Instead, validity assessment is individuals current standing is usually ex-

Validity 617

pressed as concurrent criterion validity, al- search. Primarily, the internal structure of an
though predictive criterion validity refers to instrument is tested through factor analysis
the individuals future standing. It is im- and related factor analytic procedures, such
portant to note that rarely can another instru- as latent variable modeling. Factor analysis
ment be used as a criterion. A true criterion has become one of the major ways in which
is usually a widely accepted standard of the nursing researchers examine the construct va-
concept of interest. Few of these exist within lidity of an instrument. It is important to note
the areas of interest to nursing. that this approach addresses only the second
Construct validity has become the central aspect of construct validity testing and in it-
type of validity assessment. It is now thought self is insufficient to support the validity of an
that construct validity really subsumes all instrument. Factor analysis simply provides
other forms. In essence, construct validation evidence that the underlying factor structure
is a creative process that rarely achieves com- of the instrument is in line with the theoreti-
pletion. Instead, each piece of evidence adds cally determined structure of the construct.
to or detracts from the support of construct The third aspect of construct validation
validity, which builds with time and use. provides an opportunity for more creative
Nunnally (1978) proposes three major as- approaches to testing. Hypotheses proposed
pects of construct validity: (a) specification have to do with the relationship of the con-
of the domain of observables; (b) extent to cept being measured with other concepts that
which the observables tend to measure the have established methods of measurement.
same concept, which provides a bridge be- These hypotheses deal with convergent and
tween internal consistency, reliability, and discriminate construct validity, subtypes that
validity; and (c) evidence of theoretically pro- examine the relationship of the concept under
posed relationships between the measure and study with similar and dissimilar concepts.
predicted patterns. The first aspect is similar If data evidence a strong relationship with
to content validity and is essentially handled similar concepts and no relationship with dis-
through formalized concept clarification in similar concepts, evidence is built for the con-
instrument development. The inclusion of struct validity of the instrument. Should data
this specification of the domain under con- not support similarities and differences, sev-
struct validity supports the contention that eral options are possible: (a) the instrument
construct validity is the primary form, with under construction may not be accurately
other types forming subsets within its bound- measuring the concept, (b) the instruments
aries. for the other concepts may be faulty, or (c)
The other two aspects of construct validity the theory on which the testing was based
are examined formally through a series of may be inaccurate. The multitrait-multi-
steps. These steps form a hypothesis-testing method (MTMM) matrix has been proposed
procedure in which the hypotheses are based as a way to formally test convergent and dis-
on the theoretical underpinnings of the in- criminate construct validity.
strument. Hypotheses can relate to the inter- Another approach to examining the rela-
nal structure of the items on the instrument. tionship among concepts involves a known
Hypotheses can also refer to the instruments group technique. In this method, the re-
anticipated relationship with other concepts, searcher hypothesizes that the instrument will
based on a theoretical formulation. The first provide a certain level of data from groups
set of hypotheses fall into the second aspect with known levels on the concept the instru-
of construct validity testing; the latter relate ment has been designed to measure.
to the third aspect. The above approaches to testing construct
Although there are no formalized ways to validity are only samples of techniques that
examine the hypothesis proposed for con- can be used. As mentioned, construct validity
struct validity testing, some typical ap- testing is creative. Researchers can design
proaches have been identified in nursing re- unique ways to support the validity of their

instruments. The important point is that behaviors by perpetrators; stalking; and

whatever is designed must be based in theory workplace violence.
and must be intuitively and logically sup- Nursing research has grown out of con-
ported by the investigator. cern for the victim of abuse and has been
focused on risk factors, battering syndrome,
JOYCE A. VERRAN intimate partner violence, children of bat-
PAULA M. MEEK tered women, consequences of abuse, rela-
tionships of HIV infections and violence, and
abuse during pregnancy. A published review
Violence of violence research by Campbell, Harris, and
Lee (1995) highlighted significant findings
Violence is a public health problem in the in the area of VAAW. Manfrin-Ledet and
United States that impacts individuals, fami- Porche (2003) published a meta-analysis of
lies, and communities. The U.S. has experi- the state of the science in the intersections of
enced a downward trend in violence to 23 violence and HIV infection.
million violent and property crimes during Ethical conduct and safety issues in
2002, but it remains one the most violent VAAW research are critical. Future research
countries in the industrialized world (U.S. De- should focus on interventions for preventing
partment of Justice, Office of Justice Pro- and combating VAAW, lifetime health conse-
grams, 2003). The violent crime rate de- quences of violence, and long-term effects of
creased from 25 per 100,000 persons aged VAAW programs using various methodolo-
12 years and older in 2001 to 23 per 100,000 gies in different cultural settings.
aged 12 years and older in 2002. The rate Contributions by nurse researchers related
of every major violent and property crime to the study of child abuse have focused on
declined from 1993 to 2002. Rape/sexual as- shaken baby syndrome, the battered child,
sault decreased 56%, robbery 63%, aggra-
health and sociological consequences of child
vated assault 64%, simple assault 47%,
abuse, risk factors, child sexual assault, and
household burglary 52%, motor vehicle theft
neglect. Clements and Burgess (2002) con-
53%, and property theft 49% (U.S. Depart-
ducted research to understand childrens re-
ment of Justice, Office of Justice Programs).
sponses to family member homicide and asso-
Victims of violence are violated physically,
ciations with complicated bereavement, in-
emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, and
cluding childhood posttraumatic stress disor-
socially. Nurses are engaged in providing care
to victims and perpetrators of violence in a der. Future research in the area of child abuse
variety of health care settings. Nursing schol- must take into account standards and expec-
arship related to violence recognizes the com- tations in differing cultures for parenting be-
plex interaction of community factors (in- havior, the inclusion of cultural issues, and
equality, marginalization, disparity, residen- the long-term effects of child abuse, interven-
tial mobility, poverty, lack of education, lack tions for prevention and treatment, and em-
of career opportunities, housing, social and powerment strategies for victims of abuse.
cultural norms, stigmatization and bias, and Elder abuse and neglect are significantly
population density) in addition to individual underdiagnosed and underreported. The Na-
and familial risk factors that require evidence tional Center on Elder Abuse (n.d.) defines
and research-based preventive measures. seven different types of elder abuse: physical,
Violence and abuse against women sexual, and emotional abuse; financial ex-
(VAAW) have been recognized globally as a ploitation; neglect; abandonment; and self-
public health problem affecting women re- neglect. Elder abuse is largely hidden under
gardless of age, culture, or socioeconomic sta- a shroud of family secrecy, in addition to the
tus. Types of VAAW consist of physical, psy- problem of not being recognized by health
chological, and sexual; various controlling care providers.
Virginia Henderson International Nursing Library 619

Researchers have developed valid and reli- Teasing Scale-Revised (PARTS-R) instru-
able instruments to identify elders at risk of ment to assess teasing in school-age children.
abuse. Instruments include screening tools for Future research in nursing should take into
elder abuse or tools whose purpose is to assess account risk and protective factors among the
existing cases of elder abuse for future risk. biological, psychological, and social-contex-
Two elder abuse screening tools are the Hwa- tual aspects of adolescent violence.
lek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (H- Nursing research, practice, health policy,
S/EAST) and the Indicators of Abuse Screen. and political activism have all been instru-
Risk assessment tools for future abuse gener- mental in addressing violence as a health phe-
ally contain a list of indicators or conditions nomenon. Nursing research on violence has
which are rated with regard to the elders risk advanced the science of violence prevention
for future victimization. Typical indicators and treatment. However, more research re-
include client characteristics, environmental mains that builds on the body of scholarship
risk factors, support services, historical abuse available. A variety of methodological ap-
factors and patterns, and abuse factors proaches, including quantitative and qualita-
(Wolf, 2003). tive designs, is called for in future violence
Nursing scholarship by Fulmer and Gur- research in nursing. Research data about hu-
land (1996) has addressed elder mistreatment man responses to violence should provide di-
and elder abuse assessment. Phillips and Rem- rection for improved health care, nursing care
pusheski (1985) studied diagnostic and inter- outcomes, and policy.
vention decisions in elder abuse and neglect.
The epidemic of adolescent violence forces DANNY G. WILLIS
millions, including youth, families, and com- LINDA MANFRIN-LEDET
munities, to cope with injury, disability, and DEMETRIUS J. PORCHE
fatality. Homicide is a leading cause of death
for adolescents. Two general trajectories have
been proposed to explain the development of
adolescent violence. One is the development Virginia Henderson International
of violence before puberty and another is vio- Nursing Library
lence beginning in adolescence. Earlier devel-
opment, before age 13 years, is generally as- The Virginia Henderson International Nurs-
sociated with more violence and more serious ing Library is an electronic library whose re-
crimes over a longer period of time, continu- sources are digital, not physical. It is sup-
ing into adulthood (U.S. Department of ported by Sigma Theta Tau International
Health and Human Services, 2001a). (STTI), the international honor society of
Risk factors for adolescent violence in- nursing, and is housed at the Center for Nurs-
clude involvement in serious criminal activi- ing Scholarship, international headquarters
ties, substance use before age 13 years, male of STTI in Indianapolis, Indiana. The hold-
gender, hostility, low socioeconomic status, ings are distributed worldwide via the In-
antisocial parents, drug selling, weak social ternet and the World Wide Web (WWW).
bonds to traditional peers, ties to delinquent The goal for the Virginia Henderson Li-
peers, and gang membership (U.S. Depart- brary is encompassed in the mission state-
ment of Health and Human Services, 2001a). ment of STTI: to improve the health of peo-
Adolescent violence is preventable behav- ple worldwide by improving nursing scholar-
ior that needs to be understood and treated. ship. Three of four objectives for achieving
However, nursing research related to adoles- this mission speak directly to nursing knowl-
cent violence has been rather limited. Vessey, edge: knowledge development, knowledge
Duffy, OSullivan, and Swanson (2003) have dissemination, and knowledge utilization. Of
studied teasing, a precursor to bullying, and all the nursing organizations in the United
developed the Physical Appearance Related States, only the International Nursing Library

and Sigma Theta Tau together have the Online Journal of Knowledge Synthesis for
unique mission of nursing scholarship. Nursing (OJKSN).
The Virginia Henderson Library began The Registry of Nursing Research is the
early in the 1980s under the sponsorship of premier resource of the Virginia Henderson
STTI in response to continuing dissatisfaction Library to such an extent that library and
with the limitations of extant bibliographic Registry are sometimes used synonymously,
services to locate nursing literature, particu- though incorrectly. Both published and fugi-
larly nursing research and theory. Biblio- tive research are sought for the Registry.
graphic services distribute information about Rather than the narrative reporting of knowl-
where knowledge might be found, not the edge as in published scientific journals, the
knowledge itself (see Bibliographic Retrieval Registry presents research knowledge as data
Systems). Addressing this identified need, the describing researchers, their studies, and the
library was envisioned as a repository of nurs- findings generated by the studies. The data
ing research, and collection of biographical base of the Registry is organized by the STTI
data and summary information about nurse Nursing Research Classification System,
researchers began almost immediately, form- third edition. The knowledge (findings) is in-
ing the core resource of the library. The first dexed directly by variable name. Data for the
Directory of Nurse Researchers was printed Registry is submitted by researchers with a
in 1983. special registration form on the WWW or on
In 1989 the library was named for one disks for Macintosh and Windows. Mini-
of the most respected nurse leaders, Virginia mum information required is biographical
Henderson, who developed the first nursing data about the researcher and a structured
research classification system (see Nursing abstract of each study. More data about the
Research Classification Systems). In that study and findings are required of registrants
same year, the library became a computer- whose work is funded by STTI. In addition,
based electronic resource. Over the next de- detailed data are requested of researchers
cade, the Directory of Nurse Researchers who work in a domain that has been identi-
evolved into the Registry of Nursing Re- fied as a primary focus area by the STTI re-
search, changing in intent from the net- search and library committees.
working and location of other nurse research- The Online Journal of Knowledge Synthe-
ers to the intent of registering all nurse re- sis for Nursing provides critical reviews (i.e.,
searchers and nursing research, including narrative meta-analysis, integrative review,
findings. qualitative knowledge synthesis) of research
The Virginia Henderson Library now has pertinent to clinical nursing practice prob-
many resources, including data, information, lems. Author teams composed of a clinical
and knowledge, which are designed to serve specialist and a clinical researcher provide
the scholarship and knowledge mission of the reviews in an area of expertise and are
STTI. Data services include archived nursing expected to update the review when required
research data sets contributed by various re- by new knowledge in the area. A traditional
searchers. Although these research data sets peer review process is used. A major differ-
may be used for teaching research, their pri- ence in the electronic publication format is
mary purpose is for generating knowledge via that distribution takes place within hours of
secondary analysis by qualified students and acceptance, rather than the months required
researchers. Information services include the to bring a print version of a publication to
STTI International Book Service, which pro- subscribers. Articles can be printed at the us-
vides peer reviews of newly published nursing ers local printer or ordered from a document
books in partnership with Doody Publishing, delivery service. In addition to being able to
Inc., a leading independent reviewer of health browse the articles, a user can search for a
science books. Knowledge services include keyword of interest. Such a search produces
the Registry of Nursing Research and the all articles that contain the keyword. It is
Vulnerable Populations 621

anticipated that the Online Journal of Knowl- The legal definition of VPs is those . . .
edge Synthesis for Nursing is only the first susceptible to coercive or undue influence;
of many electronic publications that will be including children, prisoners, pregnant
offered by the Virginia Henderson Library. women, mentally disabled, and the economi-
Communication services offer an elec- cally or educationally disadvantaged (Stone,
tronic conferencing/bulletin board service for T. H., 2003). Economically or educationally
networking, group publishing, group biblio- disadvantaged are considered invisible VPs
graphic citation management, and conduct- (Stone, T. H.). When coupled to subgroups,
ing multisite research. These services are all the appellation is doubly VPs (Moore, L.
in the support of knowledge development, W., & Miller, 1999).
dissemination, and utilization goals of STTI. WHO Health for All highlights health data
The Henderson International Library is of subgroups; poverty and limited access to
not the only major nursing library in the care (ATC) are primary contributors to poor
world; however, it is the only major nursing health (Hegavary, 2000). HP 2010 Goals to
library that is completely electronic. It is the increase quality-of-health years and eliminate
only library to register details of nursing re- health disparities (HD) distinguishes im-
search and findings. The Registry can be proved ATC as one measure of goal attain-
searched by researcher name, keywords, and ment (http://www.health.gov/healthypeople/
research variable or concept names. It is the table of contents/html.vol#1). The NIH Mis-
only known library in the world to index sion focuses on the study of disease preven-
research knowledge by variables studied to- tion and health promotion among diverse
gether. populations to reduce HD and improve ATC.
The NINR Mission directs: eliminating sub-
JUDITH R. GRAVES stantial HD among different segments of the
population, inclusive of certain ethnic
groups; ATC; incidence of disease; length of
life; and mortality rates (http://www.nih.gov/
Vulnerable Populations ninr/about/sepmin02.pdf). The American
Nurse Association presents key areas for pro-
Vulnerable human populations have been moting health for all people. These include:
identified as being at risk for health problems policy development, influence public expec-
(Aday, 2001). The combined term, VPs, tation, increase consumer demand for pre-
yields an amalgamated description in refer- ventative health, and equitable ATC (http://
ence to generalizing all people who are mem- www.nursingworld.org/about/stratpln.htm).
bers of a defined class; who are worthy of These directives defend the relevance of VPs
being hurt, ignored or helped; and, who are for nursing research (Edelman & Mandle,
connected by action or process. Aday referred 2002).
to VPs as societal subgroups in the position The relevance of VPs to nursing research
of being hurt, ignored, and/or helped by oth- is critical (Hinshaw, 2000). NIH has targeted
ers. She claimed all members of human com- studies that recognize certain ethnic groups
munities are potentially-vulnerable. Flask- risk for disease, tensions mired in HD, lack
erud and Nyamanthi (2002) summarized typ- of ATC, effects of environmental toxins, and
ical VPs as women, children, ethnic people increased risk for obesity. In-depth and com-
of color, immigrants, homosexuals, the HIV- parative studies which determine biological
infected, chemically-addicted, mentally-im- and behavioral factors impacting health are
paired, homeless, and elderly. She contended required to better understand VPs. Addition-
that these groups have increased susceptibil- ally, NIH seeks longitudinal research which
ity to health adversities due to discrimination evaluates effects of interventions of healthy
and marginalization (Flaskerud & Nyam- behavioral change over time (http://www.
anthi). nih.gov/ninr/about/sepmin02.pdf).

Two researchers have been instrumental Fundamental to VPs research are issues
in developing frameworks for vulnerable of ethics involving human subjects (Mann,
population research. In 1994, Aday (2001) 2003). Three cautionary accounts were con-
developed a framework that identified VPs sistent in the literature. First, consent from
as significant contributors in ATC. Unique participants must be obtained postlocal ethics
to the ATC Model are predictors for popula- review boards because many members of VPs
tions at risk. Predictors include demograph- are minors, have cognitive problems, or are
ics. In 1998, Flaskerud (2002) developed VPs in custody of government. Second, inclusion
Conceptual Model that postulates interrela- by self-selection and/or referral may impact
tionships among resource availability, rela- sample purity. Self-selected participants may
tive risk, and health status. The Flaskerud use the study as an opportunity to be less
Model is unique because empirical indicators victimized by circumstance. Referrals might
predict health status of populations. be made for the same reasons (Mann; Stone,
In 1999, NINR funded University of Cali- T. H., 2003). Watchirs (2002) provided an
fornia, Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Nurs- extensive review of methodologies measuring
ing (SON), Center for Vulnerable Popula- human rights which includes a review of cur-
tions Research (CVPR), to unite scholars fo- rent law for using VPs in PR. Third, and an
cused on HD among VPs. Primary investiga- important ethical concern, is the prospect of
tors include: Deborah Koniak-Griffin, RN, direct health-related benefits. If a health
EdD, Director of CVPR, Professor at UCLA- problem is identified, an intervention toward
SON. Her area of expertise is community- positive outcome must be offered (Stone, T.
based nursing to reduce risk and promote H.).
health of VPs, teens, young parents, and fami- VPs are social groups with increased risk
lies. Adeline Nyamathi, PhD, ANP, is Associ- of altered health. Researchers and law define
ate Director of the CVPR and Associate Dean these groups differently. Data are lacking to
for Academic Programs at UCLASON. Her substantiate which groups are at most risks.
areas of interests are homeless adults at risk Financial deprivation and limited ATC are
for HIV, TB, and hepatitis; and VPs at risk related. Vulnerability is evidenced in world-
for HIV in international settings. Jacquelyn wide trends of lower life expectancy, reduced
Flaskerud, RN, PhD, is Professor Emeritus at ATC, and diminished quality of life. The
UCLASON. Her research interests are cul- UCLACVPR follows NIH directives to inves-
tural beliefs and practices on prevention/ tigate VPs in terms of HD of minorities and
treatment of AIDS and mental illness, utiliza- those living in poverty. CVPR investigators
tion of health services by VPs, participatory aim to advance knowledge about VPs, which
research (PR) methods, and methodological includes methods of PR which are subject to
issues in working with culturally diverse pop- ethical scrutiny. In designing research with
ulations. Nancy Anderson, PhD, RN, is Pro- respect to law and ethics, the substantive
fessor Emeritus at UCLASON. Her areas of study of VPs by nursing has the potential
expertise are qualitative research methods, to influence world health and improve ATC
applications of PR methods, and develop- for all.
ment of culturally proficient research mea-
sures and interventions. For additional fac- ANN M. STALTER
ulty participating in this project see http://

Wandering The etiology of wandering remains a topic

of debate. Proposed explanations range from
In 1980, Irene expressed dismay at the lack physical discomfort and unmet needs to right
of a suitable definition of wandering as well parietal lobe dysfunction. Positive correla-
as the lack of nursing articles or research on tions have been found between wandering
the topic. She cited only five articles on wan- and cognitive impairment, spatial disorienta-
dering published between 1941 and 1978. tion, stress, unmet needs, reduced higher or-
Clearly, many nurses have studied this behav- der cognitive and planning abilities, and cir-
ior since that time. A CINAHL search for cadian rhythm disturbances.
articles published in English under dementia Wandering can be viewed as meaningless
wandering located 14,629 citations for or as an effort to fulfill felt needs that the
2003 alone. Among the subtopics identified patient may or may not be able to communi-
were risk management, staff development, cate. Cohen-Mansfield and Werner (1998)
and observational tools. asserted that wandering could be both adap-
As might be expected with such a multifac- tive and appropriate for the cognitively im-
paired elder. Wandering probably has physi-
eted topic, definitions are numerous. Aimless
cal and psychosocial benefits; however, posi-
locomotion and cognitive impairment were
tive outcomes have received less attention
two elements common to most definitions in
that negative consequences. Algase (1999a)
the 1970s and 1980s. For example, an early
used the need-driven behavior model to ex-
definition of wandering was a tendency to
plain wandering as the result of the interplay
move about, either in a seemingly aimless
of background (relatively fixed variable such
or disoriented fashion, or in pursuit of an as general health status and neurocognitive
indefinable or unobtainable goal (Snyder, status) and proximal factors (dynamic indi-
L. H., Rupprecht, Pyrek, Brekhus, & Moss, vidual or environmental variables such as
1978, p. 272). physiological needs).
The increased study of wandering has illu- Studies of personal characteristics of wan-
minated its complexity. Algases (1999b) re- derers have produced variable results. Al-
view of 108 wandering studies revealed four gases (1999b) review reported no consistent
dimensions that characterize wandering in relationships between wandering and gender,
dementia patients. To be classified as wander- education, or race. Factors that correlated
ing, the ambulating had to (1) occur often; positively with wandering included general
(2) seem to be aimless, lapping, or random; health, appetite, fewer medications and medi-
(3) exceed environmental limits, possibly into cal diagnoses, and other agitated behav-
hazardous territory; and (4) reflect spatial iors. Factors that correlated negatively with
disorientation or navigational deficits. Some wandering were pain and eating impairment.
studies differentiate pacing from wandering Studies of the impact of premorbid personal-
whereas others treat them as the same or ity, activity level, and stress-coping strategies
overlapping phenomena (Algase). on wandering have yielded conflicting results.


A limited number of studies on the effects nacchione, 2003). Cholinesterase inhibitors

of environmental conditions on wandering generally have been found to improve func-
have found that wandering increased in the tion, especially in the early stage of dementia,
presence of a low noise level, and with normal and may also reduce behavioral disturbances
lighting and temperature (Cohen-Mansfield, (Daly, Falk, & Brown, 2001).
Werner, Marx, & Freedman, 1991; Cohen- In summary, research on wandering con-
Mansfield & Werner, 1995). tinues to elucidate variables and characteris-
During the 1980s wandering research pri- tics associated with wandering. However,
marily addressed the characteristics and be- emphasis on interventions to maintain safety
haviors of wanderers and measures to prevent without undue restrictions is receiving in-
wandering. Physical and chemical restraints creased attention. Continued efforts to iden-
commonly were used to control all types of tify and meet underlying needs are warranted.
disturbing behaviors. The passage of the Om- Other suggested topics for future studies
nibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) in might focus on (a) assessment and manage-
1987 that mandated the use of least restrictive ment in various settings including acute care,
interventions for behavioral problems shifted transitional settings, assisted living, and pri-
emphasis from preventing wandering to mak- vate residences, and (b) strategies for locating
ing it safer. The focus of intervention studies lost wanderers.
has broadened to include environmental ad-
aptations and caregiver approaches, as well ADRIANNE D. LINTON
as pharmacologic management.
The simplest suggested adaptations create
visual illusions. For example, strips of dark Watsons Theory of Human
tape placed across the floor in front of exit Caring
points may appear as gaps that patients are
reluctant to cross. A shower curtain over a Watsons Theory of Human Caring can be
door and cloths over doorknobs may disguise called a treatise, a conceptual model, a frame-
the exit. Limited research on visual illusions work, or a middle-range theory, which seeks
shows that they work with some, but not all, to provide a moral and philosophical basis
patients (Price, Hermans, & Grimley, 2003). for nursing. The Theory of Human Caring
Differences in patient responses to specific (Watson, 2001) was developed between 1975
adaptations could be attributed to differences and 1979 as an attempt to bring meaning
in cognitive skills that characterize each stage and focus to nursing as an emerging discipline
of dementia among study subjects. and distinct health profession with its own
Increased tolerance of wandering, mea- unique values, knowledge, and practices,
sures to create safer wandering environments, with its own ethic and mission to society
and caregiver education have made drug ther- (p. 344). Many varied, philosophical views
apy a last resort in most cases. When wander- held by Nightingale, Henderson, Krueter,
ing is accompanied by agitation, neuroleptics Hall, Leininger, Gadow, Peplau, Maslow,
sometimes are used. A major adverse effect Heidegger, Erickson, Lazarus, deChardin
with neuroleptics is orthostatic hypotension. and Sarte influenced the development of the
The atypical antipsychotics such as risperi- Theory of Human Caring. Perennial philoso-
done and olanzapine are preferred for older phy, wisdom traditions, quantum physics,
adults because they have fewer side effects and feminist theory also guided the philo-
than most older neuroleptics (American Geri- sophical and intellectual development of the
atric Society Clinical Practice Committee, theory (Fawcett, 2000b). These humanities
2003). One comparative study found slightly and sciences provided a phenomenological,
fewer side effects with risperidone than with existential, and spiritual orientation upon
olanzapine in a sample of 730 adults with which Watson developed the framework for
dementia (Martin, Slyk, Deymann, & Cor- her theory. Watson (1996) states that, both
Watsons Theory of Human Caring 625

retrospectively and prospectively, her work As Watson (1979/1985a, 1985b) contin-

can be read as philosophy, ethic, or even ued in the development of the philosophy and
paradigm or worldview (p. 142). The con- science of her model, she proposed 11 caring
cepts Watson defined in the Theory of Hu- paradigm assumptions which further defined
man Caring were derived from clinically in- nursings social and ethical responsibilities
ducted, empirical experiences [and combined based upon human values and altruism which
with] philosophical, intellectual and experi- are paraphrased below:
ential [past experiences, with her early work
emerging from her own] values, beliefs, and 1. Care and love are primal, universal
perceptions about personhood, life, health forces.
and healing (Watson, 1996, p. 143). 2. Nourishment of care and love, cor-
The traditional health-illness phenomena nerstones of humanness, fulfills hu-
defined within nursing and medicine is re- manity.
placed with the deeply human experiences of 3. Sustaining the caring ideology of
life itself. Watsons theory focuses on the nursing will affect civilizations de-
centrality of human caring and on the caring- velopment and nursings contribu-
to-caring transpersonal relationship and its tion to society.
healing potential for both the one who is car- 4. You must care for yourself before
ing and the one who is being cared for (Wat- you can care for others.
son, 1996, p. 141). 5. Nursing has always valued caring in
Watsons Theory of Human Caring in- regard to peoples health.
cludes the following major assumptions as 6. Caring is the essence of nursing.
stated in her first book Nursing: The Philoso- 7. In the health care delivery system,
phy and Science of Caring (1979): caring has been increasingly deem-
1. Caring can only be effectively demon- 8. Modern technological advances
strated and practiced interpersonally. have sublimated nursings caring
2. Caring consists of carative factors that framework.
result in the satisfaction of certain hu- 9. Preservation and advancement of
man needs. human care are significant concerns
3. Effective caring promotes health and for nursing now and in the future.
individual or family growth. 10. Only through interpersonal relation-
4. Caring responses accept a person not ships can human care be effectively
only as he/she is now but as what he/ demonstrated.
she may become. 11. Nursings social, moral, and scien-
5. A caring environment offers the devel- tific contributions to mankind and
opment of potential by allowing the society lie in its commitments to hu-
person to choose the best action for man care ideals in theory, practice,
himself/herself at a given time. and research (Watson, 1996, pp.
6. Caring is more healthogenic than is 149151).
curing. The practice of caring inte-
grates biophysical knowledge with the The following seven premises based upon
knowledge of human behavior to gen- the interpersonal-transpersonal-spiritual as-
erate or promote health and to pro- pects of Watsons (1985) work provide the
vide ministrations to those who are ill. foundation for further development of her
A science of caring is therefore compli- theory:
mentary to the science of curing.
7. The practice of caring is central to 1. A persons mind and emotions are
nursing. windows to the soul.

2. A persons mind and soul are not con- sociocultural, and spiritual environ-
fined to the physical universe but tran- ment
scend time and space. 9. Assistance with gratification of hu-
3. Inseparable spheres of the human be- man needs while preserving human
ing, the mind, body, or soul can be dignity and wholeness
accessed by the nurse. 10. Allowance for existential-phenome-
4. The soul or a person exists in and nological-spiritual dimensions of
for itself. caring and healing that cannot be
5. People need the love and care of each fully explained scientifically through
other in order to nourish humanity, modern Western medicine.
advance civilization, and love to-
gether. According to Watson (2002) the processes
6. Finding meanings in the context of the of caring and healing occur when transper-
human predicament provides solu- sonal caring seeks to embrace the soul of the
tions. other. This transpersonal caring creates a car-
7. The totality of human experience at ing moment, in which the nurse has the ability
any given moment constitutes a phe- to center consciousness and intentionality on
nomenal field. caring, healing, and wholeness rather than on
the pathological processes. This framework
Key components of the Theory of Human provides holistic and complete caring in a
Caring include human care and transpersonal caring moment. The spiritual nature of hu-
relationships. Reverence and sacredness of man beings, striving for inner harmony, is
life are fundamental. Art and science are con- the key to understanding the fundamental key
verged into a redefined concept of humanistic of transpersonal caring of humans.
care in which both the nurse and the individ- Watsons Theory of Human Caring is used
ual receiving the care are affected, resulting in many published research studies, articles,
in a more humanistic, holistic self-transcen- and book chapters, and has served as a guide
dence (Watson, 1997). The 10 hierarchical for masters and doctoral student research.
carative factors are aspects of nursing that This theory also serves as the foundation for
actually potentiate therapeutic healing pro- doctoral educational programs, hospital
cesses for both the one caring and the one units, and outpatient services. Human science
being cared for (Watson, 1996, pp. 154 nursing allows for the questioning of ulti-
155) and include: mate meanings and ethical values of humans
health and nursing (Watson, 1985/1999a,
1. Formation of a humanistic-altruistic p. 16). Watsons theory incorporates the sa-
system of values credness of the relationship between humans,
2. Enabling and sustaining faith-hope impacting the caring, healing environment
3. Cultivation of sensitivity to self and through the art and science of nursing. This
to others theory of transpersonal caring has made and
4. Development of a helping-trusting, will continue to make a significant and lasting
caring relationship impact on nursing science.
5. Promotion and acceptance of the ex-
pression of positive and negative DIANA LYNN MORRIS
feelings and emotions UPDATED BY KRISTEN S. MONTGOMERY
6. Engaging in creative, individualized
problem-solving caring processes
7. Promotion of transpersonal-inter- Weight Management
personal teaching-learning
8. Provision for a supportive, protec- Weight management, defined as deliberate
tive, and corrective mental, physical, actions to reduce and maintain healthy body
Weight Management 627

weight, is classified as formal and informal. Long-term habits of overeating without

Formal weight management consists of pay- hunger and with little or no physical exercise
ing for organized services to assist individuals in a fast-paced society must be examined as
with weight reduction. Informal weight man- contributors to the growing weight problem
agement includes personal weight-loss meth- among U.S. citizens. Most weight-loss treat-
ods without professional assistance. Weight ments in the U.S. have not helped reduce
management usually is targeted at reducing weight over the long term and have even con-
weight (versus gaining) because of societal tributed to the overweight problem (Hill, J.
pressures to be thin and current epidemic inci- O., Wyatt, Reed, & Peters, 2003). As obesity
dences of overweight, obesity, and their com- increased, so did many associated comorbid
orbidities. Overweight is defined as 25 to conditions, including heart disease and hy-
29.9 body mass index (BMI) and obesity is pertension, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteo-
defined as BMI 30 (National Heart Lung arthritis, sleep apnea, respiratory problems,
and Blood Institute [NHLBI], 1998). cancers, and type 2 diabetes. Insulin resis-
In the United States, the incidence of being tance syndrome (metabolic syndrome) is esti-
overweight increased from 25% to 33% be- mated to affect about 25% of American
tween 1980 to 1991. In 1995, costs related adults. The safest, most effective way to re-
to obesity were $99 billion and escalated to verse insulin resistance, as most of the obesity
$117 billion in 2000 (NHLBI, 1998). Cur- comorbidities, is through physical activity,
rently, the Centers for Disease Control re- dietary intake (less glycemic, more fiber), and
ported that almost two thirds of adult Ameri- weight loss (Tuomilehto et al., 2001).
cans and 15% of their children are over- Failure rates for weight loss treatments in
weight or obese. Obesity has remained more the U.S. are estimated to be as high as 90%
prevalent among women (33%) compared to to 95%. Even people listed in the National
men (28%). The Third National Health and Weight Control Registry, those who reported
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES maintaining an average weight loss of about
III) showed about half of minority women 30% for 5.5 years, reported 91% failure rate
populations to be overweight or obese, before eventually succeeding. Treatments
namely African-American (50%), Mexican- that fail to promote long-term weight man-
American (40%), and non-Hispanic whites agement: (a) are restrictive in calories,
(30%). Overweight and obesity increase risk choices, and when to eat; (b) are uni-dimen-
for mortality and morbidity from cardiovas- sional using one major means to achieve
cular disease, which remains the number one weight loss and do not include regular exer-
killer of women in the U.S. cise; and (c) do not permit individuals to tai-
Experts agree that environmental influ- lor weight management to their preferences
ences, rather than biological reasons, explain and lifestyles.
the obesity epidemic over the past 3 decades. Treatments that restrict calories, choices,
Four factors explain the environmental stim- and when to eat offer a temporary modifica-
ulusresponse nature of the rise in obesity in tion that is unrealistic for the long term. Diets
the U.S.: (1) a fast-paced eating style con- can lead to weight loss but rebound weight
sisting of fatty, glycemic fast foods and gain and psychological consequences remain
super sizing, (2) excessive calorie intake, (3) a concern. Medical treatments (surgery and
reduced physical activity and technological drugs) can yield short-term weight loss, but
dependency, and (4) heightened respon- fail in the long term. Poston, Haddock, Dill,
siveness to food as a stimulant (Hill, Wyatt, Thayer, and Foreyt (2001), in a meta-analysis
Reed, & Peters, 2003). To date, few studies of randomized clinical trials using lifestyle
focused on psychological, sociocultural, and changes with pharmacotherapy, found that
spiritual aspects of weight management (Tim- most trials used low-calorie diets with phar-
merman & Gregg, 2003). macotherapy (41%), low-calorie diets alone

(25%), and only 17% included any form of ski & Yanovski, 2002). The NHLBI weight-
exercise with pharmacotherapy. management treatment and programs like
Most behavioral weight-management pro- America on the Move are national initia-
grams that emphasize stimulus control of in- tives that have accommodated peoples busy
take and output by dieting and behavior mod- lives by suggesting real world, do-able
ification are usually unidimensional and fo- eating and exercise goals for arresting the
cus mainly on calorie reduction. Few weight obesity epidemic; more stringent recommen-
management programs take a holistic, multi- dations of the past have only fueled the epi-
dimensional approach to lifestyle changes us- demic (Hill et al., 2003). Studies are lacking
ing strategies to correct underlying overeat- that test the efficacy of holistic approaches
ing, lack of exercise, and poor self-esteem. that accompany busy lifestyles. A few com-
Most weight-management programs place puter applications related to weight manage-
greater emphasis on eating, exercise, or psy- ment have emerged, including treatments for
chosocial aspects, rather than holistic empha- smoking cessation, exercise, and food shop-
sis on all three dimensions. ping, but Internet obesity studies are rare
Treatments that do not permit individuals (Tate, Wing, & Winett, 2001).
to tailor weight management to their prefer- The ultimate goal of weight management
ences and lifestyles cannot be lasting. Weight is to prevent obesity and its comorbidities
loss treatments fail when program directives (Serdula, Khan, & Dietz, 2003). Primary care
are too stringent for individuals to feel owner- clinics are frontline settings to approach peo-
ship and acceptance of weight management ple about weight management, but structured
strategies as a way of life (Hill et al., 2003). and practical treatments are still lacking.
The 1997 American Dietetic Association po- Many reasons have been reported to account
sition statement stated that for adults to suc- for ineffective weight managementlack of
cessfully achieve long-term weight manage- time, inadequate training, labor intensity,
ment, daily physical activity and eating and pessimism that intervention is useless.
should be sustainable and enjoyable. Patients were not satisfied with primary care
Strategies that concentrate on modifying physicians weight-loss recommendations
behavior by differentiating stimuli before, (Wadden et al., 2000). Less than half (43%)
during, and after eating are a healthy start of surveyed obese patients reported that pro-
toward lasting weight management (i.e., viders actually advised them about weight
identifying stimuli other than hunger that loss, and almost 30% reported that they re-
trigger eating, monitoring amounts and con- ceived no weight management counseling.
ditions during eating, and rewarding appro- Providers may not be aware of their powerful
priate actions). One reason why behavioral influence in helping patients with weight
techniques have limited success is because management. To promote healthy weight
they seek to control the diet and environment among Americans, long-term, lifestyle-
without considering eating as a coping mech- change intervention studies are vital, using
anism to manage unpleasant feelings (Pop- qualitative and quantitative measurements of
kess-Vawter, Brandau, & Straub, 1998). Few physical and psychosocial weight-manage-
current weight-management behavioral ap- ment strategies.
proaches, cognitive restructuring, or combi-
nations thereof, directly address how nega- SUE A. POPKESS-VAWTER
tive beliefs about self and irrational percep-
tions of the world can trigger negative self-
talk with resultant overeating and no exer- Wellness
cise responses.
There is growing evidence that 5% of max- Wellness is an integrated method of function-
imum weight lost contributes to positive ing directed toward maximizing the potential
changes in obesity comorbidities (Yanov- of which an individual is capable within the
Wellness 629

environment where functioning occurs. Well- of health. Further, the construct of health
ness is both a process and a goal that can be promotion contains concepts that are more
self-selected by anyone of any age, in any readily measurable yielding a stronger con-
setting, and with any condition of health, ill- ceptual basis for the abstract notion of well-
ness, or disability. Wellness as a process is a ness.
movement toward greater individual aware- Dunn (1961) was the first to use the term
ness of activities that promote health, active wellness nearly 2 decades before the concept
engagement in those activities, and the per- of high-level wellness and holistic health were
sonal satisfaction that results from active en- popularized by Ardell, Travis, and others in
gagement. Activities that promote health in- the late 1970s and early 1980s. Dunns writ-
clude physical fitness, positive nutrition, posi- ings reflect and acknowledge the ideas of
tive relationships, stress management, clear thinkers such as Eric Fromm, Carl Rogers,
life purpose, consistent belief systems, com- Abraham Maslow, and Hans Selye, who were
mitment to self-care, and environmental com- also concerned about how individuals might
fort. The goal of wellness is self-actualization. achieve their full potential within their world.
Nursing is concerned with the phenomena Dunn equated health with the integration of
of human responses to illness and health. person-mind-body-spirit and maintained that
Progress has been made to move nursing tax- what people feel, believe, and think affects
onomic language to descriptors of wellness their physical capabilities and vice versa.
and its maintenance and promotion. Quality The wellness and holistic health movement
of life is increasingly a focus of health status of the 1970s evolved outside the traditional
for clients, family members, health care pro- health professions. Major threads through-
viders, and other decision-makers. The well- out the movement today continue to reflect
ness model focuses on what is right with the integration of body, mind, and spirit; the
the person and the quality of life an individual ethic of self-responsibility and choice; and
enjoys. Most theoretical thinking in nursing the interdependence of individual, social, and
includes the integration of body, mind, and environmental wellness originally conceptu-
spirit; the wellness orientation is consistent alized. In fact, these ideas have become in-
with most of this thinking although less well- creasingly relevant in the scientific commu-
defined. Nurses in all arenas of practice, edu- nity as advances in biological sciences have
cation, research, and administration are in- evolved to support the relationships among
fluential in assisting clients in making per- these threads.
sonal lifestyle changes directed toward well- The terms as well have become popular-
ness. ized and used by lay persons and health pro-
Nursing pioneers in the wellness move- fessionals alike, often without clear concep-
ment adopted a holistic approach and pro- tual understanding of what the concepts re-
moted wellness through self-care and self-re- ally mean. Today thousands of web sites and
sponsibility. Dimensions of a health-promot- articles in the professional and lay literature
ing lifestyle encompassing behaviors that use the term wellness without a clear under-
serve to maintain or enhance the wellness or standing of what it means. Further, the di-
self-fulfillment of an individual were identi- chotomy between the characteristics of the
fied and scientifically validated by nurse sci- medical model and the wellness model creates
entists. Those dimensions include health re- dissonance and makes the use of wellness lan-
sponsibility, nutrition, exercise, stress man- guage inaccurate and confusing in the context
agement, interpersonal support, and self-ac- of a medically driven system of illness care.
tualization. Later, wellness practitioners Smith (1983) described distinctive models
developed these themes into wellness prac- of health, which include a clinical orientation,
tices. Promotion of health is an appropriate a role-performance or functional definition
comparison for the wellness model because of health, an eudaemonistic definition of
it emphasizes improving ones general state health as exuberant well-being, and an adap-

tive definition of health. The Laffrey Health affect, and loneliness. Perceptions of the in-
Conception Scale (Laffrey, 1986) based on terventions impact were analyzed qualita-
Smiths work was developed to measure the tively. The intervention diminished the need
perception of health held by individuals. The for other support, enhanced positive affect,
original Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile, and increased satisfaction with support.
the work of Walker, Sechrist, and Pender Process of phases and stages. Hegge and
(1987), provided a seminal work in this area. Fischer (2000) differentiated grief responses
of 22 senior widows (age 6074 years) and
MARION HEMSTROM-KRAINESS 17 older widows (age 7590 years). Concept
analysis was used to detail frequent and trou-
bling problems, coping strategies, support
Widows and Widowers systems, and goal adjustments. There were
no major differences by age groups. Grieving
The recent research about widows and wid- had four overlapping phases (numb shock,
owers addresses younger widowed persons emotional turmoil, disorganization, and ac-
rather than focusing principally upon older ceptance), which were briefer and less intense
widows. However, researchers have contin- for older widows. Loneliness was the most
ued to concentrate upon the relatively short common problem for both groups.
period of bereavement rather than the longer- Steeves (2002) did a hermeneutic analysis
term circumstances of living alone. Common of field notes and interviews with 29 older
concepts surrounding bereavement include: bereaved spouses in the rural South to capture
grief, stress, adaptation, coping, and social data about the duration of grieving. The in-
support. The work reflects four perspectives terviews began before a spouses death and
on bereavement: (a) as loss, (b) as a process continued for up to 30 months. The rhythm
of phases and stages, (c) as a stressor, and of grief had three fluid stages: numbness, grief
(d) as a series of tasks. attacks or waves, and loneliness.
Loss. Bacon, Condon, and Fernsler (2000) Stressor. Referring to a spouses death as a
considered support and coping as key factors very stressful life event, Constantino, Sekula,
enabling adjustment to loss of a spouse. They and Rubinstein (2001) studied the effective-
explained why young widowed mothers ness of the Bereavement Group Postvention
might find it difficult to participate in a tradi- (BGP) and the Social Group Postvention
tional support group. In a descriptive study, (SGP) on bereavement outcomes for 60 wid-
they detailed the perceptions of 21 widows owed survivors of the spouses suicide. Parti-
(age 3150 years) about taking part in an cipants were randomized into the BGP or the
electronic self-help group. Responses to SGP, taking part in a weekly 90-minute ses-
closed questions were reported using descrip- sion for 8 weeks. There were no significant
tive statistics; responses to an open question differences between groups on depression,
soliciting feelings about participation were psychological distress, grief, or social adjust-
submitted to content analysis. Most of the ment at any time point (pretest, immediate, 6-
women had not taken part in an internet self- month, and 12-month postvention). For both
help group previously. They rated the experi- groups, there was a significant reduction in
ence positively in reducing the sense of isola- depression, distress, and grief over time, and
tion and coping with loss. a significant increase in social adjustment.
An intervention of four support group ses- There was no evidence of a confounding ef-
sions was tested to determine its influence fect due to duration of widowhood, but Con-
upon the affect and loneliness of widows over stantino and colleagues did not rule it out.
age 55 years (Stewart, Craig, MacPherson, & Because there was no evidence of a differen-
Alexander, 2001). With repeated measures, tial effect for the two interventions, they sug-
within-subjects design standardized tools gested that participation in any social group
tapped outcomes related to social support, might be beneficial.
Widows and Widowers 631

In a descriptive, mixed-methods study, der age 45 years felt more positive about the
sources and nature of social support per- future; more persons older than 65 years had
ceived by 218 Finnish widows and widowers, taken part in support groups. Variables of
aged 30 to 87 years, were discerned (Kauno- resolution were positively correlated with du-
nen, Tarkka, Paunonen, & Laippala, 1999). ration of widowhood. Relatively few partici-
A standardized tool was used to appraise di- pants engaged in work to summarize and
mensions of grief, and qualitative data about store memories of the spouse, so practitioners
coping sources were submitted to content were encouraged to suggest activities en-
analysis. The most common support sources abling bereaved persons to directly address
were friends and family, and their time was this task.
the most precious resource offered. Two interpretive phenomenological stud-
Daggett (2002) referred to spousal be- ies were done with older rural widows. With
reavement as a stressor requiring coping. five women, Swensen (1998) explored attach-
Daggett used a phenomenological method to ment to place, finding that home was the
describe the grief experience of 8 middle-aged center of self, caring, and reach. D. C. Roberts
men who had been widowed from 6 months and Cleveland (2001) studied the experience
to 6 years. Under a major theme of irreconcil- of living alone for nine widows who lived
able loss, the two categories responding to on islands near Maine. The three essential
the loss and living through the loss were si- themes were characterized as nautical meta-
multaneous occurrences, moving over time phors, such as securely anchored in a safe
to reclamation and reconstruction of a life. harbor. Although the women were actively
Daggett described the categories in terms of engaged, resilient, and resourceful, access to
time-based parameters, much like stages, al- health care was a problem.
though she had stated that stage-based theo- Porter has used descriptive phenomenol-
ries of bereavement did not capture individ- ogy to explore the essence of older widows
ual differences in grief experiences. health-related experiences. E. J. Porter
Series of interwoven tasks. Zonnebelt- (1998a) found that 16 older urban and rural
Smeenge and DeVries (2003) explained that widows sought to keep the generations sepa-
stage-based theories had given way to task rate by continuing to live alone and by trying
theories of bereavement (Rando, 1993; Wor- not to burden the children. The intention of
den, 1991) involving spiraling or interwoven 9 older rural widows to stay close to shore for
behaviors over time (Bowlby, 1981). Zon- health care resulted in a new interpretation of
nebelt-Smeenge and DeVries highlighted the access to care as familiarity with the care
dual-process model (Stroebe, M., & Schut, locale (Porter, E. J., 1998b). In a longitudinal
1999) of simultaneous grief-work relative to study, E. J. Porter (2001) described the transi-
loss and to restoration. (Thus, the idea of tion of an older widow from her home to
living through loss while responding to loss assisted living, secondary to changes in pay-
was not original to Daggett [2000].) Viewing ment policies affecting the rural home care
the model as consistent with task-related the- agency.
ory, they cited five bereavement tasks Several studies were not focused on wid-
(Rando; Worden) and created a tool to deter- owhood per se; instead, the researchers were
mine the frequency and effectiveness of wid- interested in health as a variable affecting
owed persons task-related interventions. widowed persons. In the group studied by
They reported preliminary findings with 115 Wallace, Molavi, Hemphill, and Fields
widowed persons (age 24 to 90 years, MD (1999), which consisted of 931 African
= 54). Women found it more important to Americans over the age of 65 years, neither
engage in activities leading to acceptance of the ability to perform activities of daily living
the reality of the death, whereas more men nor the use of health care services was influ-
than women undertook activities to experi- enced by widowhood. Among other issues,
ence all death-related emotions. Persons un- Crane and Warnes (2001) examined the role

of widowhood as an influence upon home- gynecologysynonymous historically with

lessness in 18 persons over the age of 55 years. reproductive mattersto gynecology, mean-
The authors concluded that although widow- ing that overall well-being is shaped by the
hood had a greater impact on men than on fit between the woman and her environment.
women, it can result in dramatic changes in This expanded biopsychosocial perspective is
lifestyle and living arrangements. Finally, T. not just concerned with womens diseases,
R. Fitzpatrick and Bosse (2000) studied the but their dis-eases, too, and coincides with
effects of employment on the health of 510 nursings longstanding emphasis on the inter-
widowers (aged 39 to 86 years) up to 3 years face between and among genetic, physiologic,
after the spouses death. Employment had a psychosocial, economic, cultural, genera-
positive effect on the physical health of the tional, developmental, and lifestyle factors in
widowers, but there was no evidence of an determining health.
effect upon their mental health. Womens health research began as a cri-
Nurse researchers have tended to focus on tique of existing practices and their effects
older widowed persons (WP), primarily on womens well-being. In 1985, the Public
women (Porter, E. J., 2000). Recently, there Health Service Task Force on Womens
has been a new and noteworthy interest in Health Issues examined the role of the De-
younger widows and WP of both genders. partment of Health and Human Services in
However, without regard to age or gender, addressing womens health and found that
there has been an overemphasis on the rela- women were often not included as subjects
tively short period of bereavement and a ne- in health research. Women had historically
glect of the long-term issue of life as a WP. In been excluded from the first two stages of
bereavement studies, most researchers have
drug testing. Even female animals had typi-
reviewed generic theories of coping or loss
cally not been used in constructing animal
and undertaken qualitative studies with
models because of their hormonal fluctua-
vague methods (such as concept analysis) and
tions. The health problems that women suf-
small samples. The work of Zonnebelt-
fered from disproportionately were also not
Smeenge and deVries (2003) is a notable ex-
much studied, for example, osteoporosis,
Duration of widowhood is a critical vari- breast and ovarian cancer, urinary inconti-
able in research on bereavement as well as nence, the autoimmune diseases, violence,
studies of life alone, although few researchers and poverty.
noted this other than Constantino and col- Health had been construed so that male
leagues (2001), Fitzpatrick and Bosse (2000), behavior was regarded as normative, and re-
and Zonnebelt-Smeenge and deVries (2003). search conducted exclusively on males was
Most nurse researchers other than Steeves typically generalized to all human beings.
(2002) and E. J. Porter (2001) have used When women did not fare as well with the
cross-sectional designs; longitudinal designs same treatment, they were regarded as atypi-
yield more information about living alone. cal. From Freud to Kohlberg, theoretical
Nurse researchers must explore the health- models had been constructed so that women
related needs of vulnerable subgroups, such were regarded as less developed when they
as widowers at risk for suicide and widows at did not act in a fashion similar to men. Even
risk for breast cancer. Finally, scholars must when studied, the sociocultural factors shap-
attend to revealing the variations in the expe- ing health problems in girls and women were
rience of widowhood among groups of WP ignored, for example, the relationship be-
who share key demographic characteristics. tween learned helplessness and some kinds
of depression, and between anorexia and the
popular admonition that you can never be
too rich nor too thin.
Womens Health Social/health systems also had been preju-
dicial in important respects. Insurance poli-
Womens health is a phrase that has come cies did not necessarily cover health matters
to signal movement away from a focus on unique to women, for example, breast pros-
Womens Health 633

theses post mastectomy. Women were not in use of pelvic floor muscle training in women
research and policy-making positions pro- (Miller, J. M., 2002).
portionate to their numbers, responsibilities, Because one of its fundamental beliefs is
and educational preparation. The burden of the need to proceed from an understanding
family caregiving that women largely bear of the person-environment fit, nursing has
remained invisible, notably in estimates of the long been concerned about the importance
Gross National Product (GNP). of context in understanding health behavior.
The Office of Research on Womens Nurse midwives, for example, tend not to
Health (ORWH) was established in 1990 talk about delivering the baby, preferring
within the Office of the Director of the Na- instead to focus on the mother and how she
tional Institutes of Health (NIH) to address would prefer her labor and delivery to go.
these lacunae. A decade later, not coinciden- Nurses were among the first to question a
tally, the majority of human subjects enrolled preference for the so-called objective view of
in all extramural NIH research were women, the researcher, historically male, over the sub-
and they were represented in Phase III clini- jective view of the patient (McBride &
cal trials. McBride, 1981). They took the lead in use
Often led by nurses, womens health re- of the diary/health journal as a way to analyze
search has become relatively mainstream in the complexity of womens reality. The re-
the ensuing years. S. K. Donaldson (2000) search that has resulted has been informed by
analyzed the achievements of nursing re- how women describe their lived experience.
search between 1960 and 1999, and found A feminist ethic has emerged that is neither
substantial strengths in the area of womens focused on doing good nor doing unto
health. The Center for Womens Health Re- others what one would wish for oneself but
search at the University of Washington, sup- with providing care that builds on the pa-
ported by the National Institute of Nursing tients perceptions of what is good for her.
Research (NINR), has increased understand- The ORWH has developed an Agenda for
ing of menstrual cycle change, including the Research on Womens Health for the 21st
menopausal transition (Mitchell, Woods, & century (Pinn, 2001). Many of its priorities
Mariella, 2002). That Center has also played dovetail with the focus of nursing research;
a role in translational research, for example, for example, interdisciplinary approaches to
offering a video presentation to help women chronic multi-system diseases with multi-fac-
in deciding if hormone replacement therapy torial etiology, caregiving, and health-related
(HRT) is appropriate for them (Woods, quality-of-life issues. Indeed, most of the re-
2002). search centers supported by the NINR focus
One area of common concern to the five on either healthy living and the prevention of
Centers of Geriatric Nursing Excellence chronic disorders or quality of life in chronic
funded by the Hartford Foundation is the illness. Developing effective ways to manage
experience of family caregivers, largely chronicity, as opposed to serial management
women (Archbold & Stewart, 1996). Nurses of a number of diseases, is of particular con-
have also brought new understandings to cern to nurse researchers.
other developmental transitions, for exam- Womens health research has made major
ple, the experience of women as mothers/ strides in the inclusion of females as research
grandmothers (McBride & Shore, 2001), and subjects, but the next challenge is to cease
how puberty may differentially affect girls in treating women as a monolithic group.
comparison to their male counterparts (Aus- Women vary significantly according to their
tin, Dunn, & Huster, 2000). The ORWH has circumstances. Thus, it is important that re-
collaborated with various NIH institutes to search not just include girls and women, but
fund Specialized Centers of Research of Sex overselect for heretofore understudied popu-
and Gender Factors Affecting Womens lations, for example, diverse cultures, women
Health. The one based at the University of of color, the elderly, rural and inner-city
Michigan is conducting research on the pelvic women, the poor, lesbians, and women with
floor, and nurses have pioneered therapeutic disabilities. The resulting findings are likely

to fuel the burgeoning movement towards an leading cause of occupational injury death
emphasis on the design of tailored interven- among all workers and the leading cause
tions. among women. Workplace homicides have
In an attempt to reject biology as des- declined from a high of 1,080 in 1994 to 609
tiny, womens health research may also have in 2002; on average 846 workers per year
inadvertently minimized the physiologic have died as a result of homicide since 1992.
pathways involved in responses to stressful Notably, 80% of workplace homicides in-
psychosocial conditions. Future research volve the use of a firearm (NIOSH, 1996).
must, therefore, be concerned with womens Nonfatal assaults are much more common
experiences that exist on the interface be- than fatal assaults. Although both share
tween the behavioral and the biomedical sci- many of the same risk factors (e.g., contact
ences in order to provide additional insights with the public, working with volatile per-
into sex versus gender differences. sons, working in small numbers, and working
in community-based settings) health care
ANGELA BARRON MCBRIDE rather than retail workers represent the ma-
jority of victims of nonfatal workplace vio-
lence. According to the Department of Jus-
Workplace Violence tices National Crime Victimization Survey
(NCVS), 1.9 million incidents of workplace
Workplace violence is defined as violent acts violence occurred in the workplace each year
(including physical assaults and threats of as- from 19921996 (Warchol, 1998). Twelve
saults) directed toward persons at work or percent of all victims reported physical injur-
on duty (National Institute of Occupational ies; 6% of the workplace crimes resulted in
Safety and Health [NIOSH], 2002). Most injury that required medical treatment, and
workplace violence falls into one of four cate- only 44% of all incidents were reported to
gories: the police.
Workplace violence is a documented occu-
Type I (Criminal Intent): Results while a pational hazard in the health care and service
criminal activity (e.g., robbery) is being sectors (NIOSH, 2002; Lipscomb & Love,
committed and the perpetrator has no 1992; Warchol, 1998). The health care sector
legitimate relationship to the work- leads all other industries in nonfatal work-
place. place assaults. In 2000, 48% of all nonfatal
Type II (Customer/Client): The perpetra- injuries resulting in days away from work
tor is a customer or client at the work- from violent acts and assaults occurred in the
place (e.g., health care patient) and be- health and social service sector (BLS, 2001).
comes violent while being served by The incidence rate for violent acts and as-
the worker. saults resulting in days away from work was
Type III (Worker-on-Worker): Employees 9.3 per 10,000 full-time workers for health
or past employees of the workplace are services workers compared to an overall pri-
the perpetrators in this case. vate sector injury rate of 2 per 10,000 full-
Type IV (Personal Relationship): The per- time workers (BLS). Among victimizations
petrator in this case usually has a per- reported in the NCVS, mental health profes-
sonal relationship with an employee sionals had an incidence rate of 79.5 per
(e.g., domestic violence in the work- 1,000 workers compared with an overall rate
place). of 14.8 per 1,000 workers. Nurses had an
incidence rate of 24.8 per 1,000 workers, the
Homicide has remained among the top highest rate in the medical category (War-
three causes of death in the workplace since chol).
1990. According to the Bureau of Labor Sta- Violence in mental health has an extensive
tistics (BLS), workplace violence is the third history, with the first documented case of a
Workplace Violence 635

patient fatally assaulting a psychiatrist in the majority of assaults (Hillbrand, Foster, &
1849 (Bernstein, 1981). Until the 1990s, most Spitz, 1996). Drummond, Sparr, and Gordon
studies that examined the risk of violence to (1989) examined an intervention designed to
psychiatrists and other therapists focused on identify patients with a history of violence
the victims role, the assaultive patients char- and found that flagging charts of patients
acteristics, and contextual factors sur- with histories of assaultive or disruptive be-
rounding the assault. Only recently have envi- havior reduced assaults against staff by 91%.
ronmental risk factors been a focus of re- Many psychiatric settings now require that
search and nurses and aides the subjects of all patient care providers receive annual train-
study. ing in the management of aggressive patients.
Bensley and colleagues (1997) compared However, few studies have examined the ef-
the number of workers compensation claims fectiveness of such training. Those that have
from a Washington State psychiatric hospital, generally found improvement in nurses
formal incident reports, and the number of knowledge, confidence, and safety after tak-
incidents of assault reported on a survey mea- ing an aggressive behavior management pro-
suring attitudes and experiences related to gram (Hurlebaus & Link, 1997). Carmel and
assaults. She found that 73% of staff sur- Hunter (1990) examined the relationship be-
veyed reported at least a minor injury related tween participation in training and aggressive
to a patient assault in the past year. Only behavior by inpatients on 27 inpatient wards
43% of those reporting moderate, severe, or in a California State hospital and found that
disabling injuries related to assault filed a wards with higher staff attendance at the
workers compensation claim. The survey training experienced lower rates of injury.
found an assault incidence rate of 437 per Lehmann et al. (1983) found significantly
100 employees per year, a rate that underesti- higher knowledge and confidence in trained
mated incident reports of assaults by a factor staff.
of more than five (Bensley et al.). Runyan, Zakocs, and Zwerling (2000) re-
Environmental and organizational factors viewed 137 papers mentioning violence pre-
have been associated with patient assaults, vention intervention and found that only ten
including understaffing (especially during of the papers reflected databased interven-
times of increased activity such as meal tion. All interventions took place in health
times), workplace security, time of day, un- care; five studies evaluated violence preven-
restricted access to movement and trans- tion training interventions (including Leh-
porting patients (NIOSH, 2002). S. S. Lee, mann and colleagues, and Carmel & Hunter),
Gerberich, Waller, Anderson, and McGovern three examined postincident psychological
(1999) found that among 105 nurses who debriefing programs, and two evaluated ad-
had filed a workers compensation claim for ministrative controls to prevent violence. All
work-related assault injuries, the presence of were quasiexperimental, without a formal
security personnel reduced the rate of assault control group and with equivocal findings.
while the perception that administrators con- The health care workplace must be made
sidered assault to be part of the job, having safe for all health care workers through the
received assault prevention training, a high use of currently available engineering and ad-
patient/personnel ratio, working primarily ministrative controls, such as security alarm
with mental health patients, and working systems, and adequate staffing and training.
with patients who had a long hospital stay The Occupational Safety and Health Admin-
increased the risk of assault. istration published Guidelines for Pre-
The one patient characteristic that has venting Workplace Violence for Healthcare
been singled out as a strong risk factor for and Social Service Workers. These guide-
violence is a history of violent behavior. A lines describe the key elements of any proac-
number of studies have documented that a tive health and safety program including:
small number of patients are responsible for management commitment and employee

involvement, a written violence prevention lence and workplace threats and assaults
program, a worksite analysis, hazard preven- (Lipscomb, in preparation).
tion and control, medical management and Research evaluating intervention directly
post incident response, training and educa- at the primary, secondary, and tertiary pre-
tion, and record keeping and evaluation of vention of violence across health care settings
the program. These authors are currently is critically needed to reduce workplace vio-
evaluating the effectiveness of these guide- lence and ultimately improve patient care.
lines in preventing violence within the mental A secure and healthful work environment is
health and social service work settings. Pre- essential to a positive environment of care.
liminary findings from the inpatient mental
health workplace indicate that a comprehen- JANE LIPSCOMB
sive violence prevention program is associ- CASSANDRA OKECHUKWU
ated with a reduction in risk factors for vio-

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Lauren S. Aaronson, PhD, Carole A. Anderson, PhD, Joan Kessner Austin, DNS,
Associate Dean for Research Dean and Professor Professor
and Professor The Ohio State University Indiana University School of
University of Kansas College of Nursing Nursing
School of Nursing Columbus, OH Indianapolis, IN
Kansas City, KS
Gene Cranston Anderson, Susan Auvil-Novak, PhD, RN
Faye G. Abdellah, EdD, ScD, PhD, RN, FAAN Assistant Professor
FAAN Mellen Professor Case Western Reserve
Dean and Professor Case Western Reserve University
Uniformed Services University University School of Nursing
of the Health Sciences Frances Payne Bolton School Cleveland, OH
Bethesda, MD of Nursing
Cleveland, OH Kay C. Avant, PhD, RN,
Ivo L. Abraham, PhD, RN, FAAN
Patricia G. Archbold, PhD,
CS, FAAN Associate Professor
Chief Executive Officer and University of Texas
Principal School of Nursing
Oregon Health Sciences
Epsilon Group, LLC Austin, TX
Charlottesville, VA
School of Nursing
Portland, OR Judith A. Baigis, PhD, RN,
Dyanne D. Affonso, PhD, RN, FAAN
FAAN Carol A. Ashton, PhD, RN Associate Dean for Research
Dean and Professor Director of Nursing Research and Scholarship
Emory University LDS, Cottonwood, and Alta Georgetown University
Nell Hodgson Woodruff View Hospitals School of Nursing
School of Nursing Salt Lake City, UT Washington, DC
Atlanta, GA
Regina C. Aune, PhD, RN Jane H. Barnsteiner, PhD,
Jerilyn K. Allen, ScD, RN Associate Professor; RN, FAAN
Associate Professor Lieutenant Colonel, USAF Professor and Director
The Johns Hopkins University Uniformed Services University University of Pennsylvania
School of Nursing of the Health Sciences School of Nursing
Baltimore, MD Bethesda, MD Philadelphia, PA


Cheryl Tatano Beck, DNSc, Barbara J. Braden, PhD, RN, Cynthia F. Cameron, PhD,
University of Connecticut Professor and Dean Associate Professor and
Storrs, CT Creighton University Associate Dean
Graduate School The University of Manitoba
Barbara E. Berger, PhD, RN Omaha, NE Faculty of Nursing
Clinical Assistant Professor Winnipeg, Manitoba
and Clinical Scientist Patricia Flatley Brennan, PhD,
University of Illinois at RN, FAAN Jacquelyn C. Campbell, PhD,
Chicago and University of Professor RN, FAAN
Illinois at Chicago Medical University of Wisconsin Professor
Center School of Nursing Johns Hopkins University
Chicago, IL Madison, WI School of Nursing
Baltimore, MD
Nancy Bergstrom, PhD, RN, Pamela J. Brink, PhD, RN,
FAAN FAAN Sara Campbell, MS, RN
Professor Executive Editor Coordinator for Student
University of Nebraska University of Alberta Development and
Medical Center Faculty of Nursing Mennonite College of Nursing
College of Nursing Edmonton, Alberta Bloomington, IL
Omaha, NE
Dorothy Brooten, PhD, FAAN Victoria Champion, DNS,
Barbara Bishop, MN, RN, Burry Professor and Dean
FAAN Case Western Reserve
Associate Dean of Research
Editor University Indiana University
The American Journal of Frances Payne Bolton School
School of Nursing
Maternal/Child Nursing of Nursing Indianapolis, IN
New York, NY Cleveland, OH
Peggy L. Chinn, PhD, RN,
Suzanne Blancett, EdD, RN, Emma J. Brown, PhD, RN
FAAN University of Pennsylvania
Editor-in-Chief School of Nursing
Advances in Nursing Science
The Journal of Nursing Philadelphia, PA
University of Connecticut
Kathleen C. Buckwalter, PhD, Storrs, CT
Bradenton, FL
Carol E. Blixen, PhD, RN Professor Marlene Zichi Cohen, PhD,
Senior Nurse Researcher University of Iowa RN
Cleveland Clinic Foundation College of Nursing Associate Professor
Department of Nursing Iowa City, IA University of Maryland
Education and Research School of Nursing
Cleveland, OH Helen Kogan Budzynski, RN, Baltimore, MD
Eleanor J. Bond, PhD, RN Professor Kathleen Byrne Coiling, PhD,
Associate Professor University of Washington RN
University of Washington School of Nursing University of Michigan
Department of Biobehavioral Psychosocial and Community School of Nursing
Nursing and Health Systems Health Ann Arbor, MI
Seattle, WA Seattle, WA
Inge B. Corless, PhD, RN,
Joan L. Bottorff, PhD, RN Vern L. Bullough, PhD, RN, FAAN
Associate Professor and FAAN Associate Professor and
NHRDP Health Researcher Visiting Professor Director
University of British Columbia University of Southern Massachusetts General
School of Nursing California Hospital
Vancouver, British Colombia, Department of Nursing Institute of Health Professions
Canada Northridge, CA Boston, MA
Appendix 757

Cynthia L. Corritore, PhD Elizabeth C. Devine, PhD, Veronica F. Engle, PhD, RN,
Assistant Professor FAAN FAAN
Creighton University Professor Professor
College of Business University of Wisconsin University of Tennessee
Administration School of Nursing College of Nursing
Omaha, NE Milwaukee, WI Memphis, TN
Marie J. Cowan, PhD, RN, Janet Enslein, RN, MA
FAAN Nancy Diekelmann, PhD, RN,
FAAN University of Iowa
Professor and Dean College of Nursing
University of California, Los Helen Denne Shulte Professor
Iowa City, IA
Angeles University of Wisconsin
School of Nursing School of Nursing W. Scott Erdley, RN, MS
Los Angeles, CA Madison, WI State University of New York
School of Nursing
Diane Cronin-Stubbs, PhD, Sue K. Donaldson, PhD, RN, Buffalo, NY
Professor Dean and Professor Lois K. Evans, DNSc, RN,
Rush University College of Johns Hopkins University FAAN
Nursing School of Nursing Associate Professor
Riverside, IL Baltimore, MD University of Pennsylvania
Leah Curtin, ScD, RN, FAAN School of Nursing
Consultant Rosemary Donley, PhD, RN, Philadelphia, PA
Cincinnati, OH FAAN
Executive Vice President Sarah P. Farrell, PhD, RN, CS
Jennifer P. DAuria, PhD, RN Catholic University of Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor America University of Virginia
University of North Carolina School of Nursing Charlottesville, VA
School of Nursing Washington, DC
Chapel Hill, NC Jacqueline Fawcett, PhD, RN,
Barbara Daly, PhD, RN, Molly C. Dougherty, PhD, Professor
FAAN RN, FAAN University of Pennsylvania
Associate Professor Editor School of Nursing
Case Western Reserve School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA
University University of North Carolina
School of Nursing Chapel Hill, NC Suzanne Lee Feetham, PhD,
Cleveland, OH RN, FAAN
Karen Hassey Dow, PhD, RN Professor, Harriet L. Werley
Sabina De Geest, PhD, RN Research Chair
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor University of Illinois at
University of Central Florida
Katholieke Universitieit
School of Nursing Chicago
Orlando, FL College of Nursing
Leuven, Belgium
Chicago, IL
Alice S. Demi, DNS, RN, Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacob,
FAAN Harriet R. Feldman, PhD, RN,
Professor FAAN
Georgia State University Editor
University of Pittsburgh
School of Nursing Pace University
School of Nursing
Atlanta, GA Lienhard School of Nursing
Pittsburgh, PA Pleasantville, NY
Karen E. Dennis, PhD, RN,
FAAN Marsha L. Ellett, DNS, RN Mary L. Fisher, PhD, RN
Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor
University of Maryland Indiana University Indiana University
School of Nursing School of Nursing School of Nursing
Baltimore, MD Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN

Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, RN, PhD, Maureen Frey, PhD, RN Carol P. Germain, EdD,
FAAN Director of Research and FAAN
Elizabeth Brooks Ford Advanced Practice Associate Professor and
Professor Childrens Hospital of Chairperson
Case Western Reserve Michigan University of Pennsylvania
University School of Nursing School of Nursing
Frances Payne Bolton School Detroit, MI Philadelphia, PA
of Nursing
Cleveland, OH Sara T. Fry, PhD, RN, FAAN Phyllis B. Giovannetti, ScD,
Professor of Nursing Ethics RN
Jacquelyn H. Flaskerud, PhD, Boston College Professor and Associate Dean
RN, FAAN School of Nursing (Graduate)
Professor Chestnut Hill, MA University of Alberta
University of California Faculty of Nursing
School of Nursing Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Teresa T. Fulmer, PhD, RN,
Los Angeles, CA
Greer Glazer, RNC, PhD,
Juanita W. Fleming, PhD, RN, FAAN
FAAN New York University Professor
Professor and Special Assistant School of Nursing Kent State University
to the President New York, NY School of Nursing
University of Kentucky Solon, OH
Lexington, KY John F. Garde, CRNA, MS,
FAAN Jody E. Glittenberg, PhD, RN,
Beverly C. Flynn, PhD, RN, Executive Director FAAN
FAAN American Association of Professor
Professor and Director Nurse Anesthetists University of Arizona
Indiana University School of School of Nursing College of Nursing
Nursing Park Ridge, IL Tucson, AZ
Institute of Action Research
and Community Susan Gardner, MSN, RN Marion Good, PhD, RN
Indianapolis, IN University of Iowa Assistant Professor
College of Nursing Case Western Reserve
Marquis D. Foreman, PhD, Iowa City, IA University
RN Frances Payne Bolton School
Associate Professor Carol Gaskamp, MA, RN of Nursing
University of Illinois at Associate Professor Cleveland, OH
Chicago Kansas Newman College
College of Nursing Patricia A. Grady, PhD, RN,
Division of Nursing
Chicago, IL FAAN
Wichita, KS
Jeanne C. Fox, PhD, RN, National Institute of Health
FAAN Carole Gassert, PhD, RN National Institute of Nursing
Director, SRMHRC Officer Research
University of Virginia American Medical Informatics Bethesda, MD
SE Rural Research Center Association
Charlottesville, VA Rockville, MD Judith R. Graves, PhD, RN,
Marilyn Frank-Stromborg, Denise H. Geolot, PhD, RN, Director
EdD, JD, RN, FAAN FAAN Virginia Henderson Nursing
Professor Deputy Director Library
Northern Illinois University Division of Nursing Sigma Theta Tau, Inc.
Dekalb, IL Rockville, MD Indianapolis, IN
Appendix 759

Margaret Grey, DrPH, RN, Roseanne Harrigan, EdD, Beverly Henry, RN, PhD,
Associate Dean for Research Dean and Professor Editor
and Doctoral Studies University of Hawaii University of Illinois
Yale University School of Nursing College of Nursing
School of Nursing Honolulu, HI Chicago, IL
New Haven, CT
Suzanne Bakken Henry,
Emily J. Hauenstein, PhD,
Hurdis M. Griffith, PhD, RN, DNSc, RN, FAAN
FAAN Associate Professor
Associate Professor University of California
Dean and Professor
University of Virginia School of Nursing
Rutgers College of Nursing
School of Nursing San Francisco, CA
Newark, NJ
Charlottesville, VA
Deborah Gross, DNSc, RN, Nancy Olson Hester, PhD,
FAAN Patricia Hayes, RN, MHSA RN, FAAN
Professor Co-Editor Professor
Rush University Clinical Nursing Research University of Colorado
College of Nursing Edmonton, Alberta School of Nursing
Chicago, IL Canada Denver, CO

Ira P. Gunn, CRNA, MLN Martha N. Hill, PhD, RN,

Laura L. Hayman, PhD, RN, FAAN
Consultant FAAN
El Paso, TX Professor
Walter Professor Johns Hopkins University
Case Western Reserve School of Nursing
Linda C. Haber, DNS, RN,
University Baltimore, MD
Frances Payne Bolton School
Clinical Specialist
of Nursing Ada Sue Hinshaw, PhD, RN,
Veterans Affairs
Cleveland, OH FAAN
Northern Indiana Health Care
Dean and Professor
Janet Heinrich, DrPH, RN, University of Michigan
Fort Wayne, IN
FAAN School of Nursing
Edward J. Halloran, PhD, Executive Director Ann Arbor, MI
RN, FAAN American Academy of Nursing Diane Holditch-Davis, RN,
Associate Professor Washington, DC PhD, FAAN
University of North Carolina Professor
at Chapel Hill Margaret Heitkemper, PhD, University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC RN, FAAN School of Nursing
Professor Chapel Hill, NC
Charlene M. Hanson, EdD,
University of Washington
RN, CS, FAAN Barbara J. Holtzclaw, PhD,
Department of Biobehavioral
Professor RN, FAAN
Nursing and Health
Georgia Southern University Director of Research
Seattle, WA
Center for Rural Health & University of Texas
Research Health Science Center
Marion M. Hemstrom, DNSc,
Statesboro, GA San Antonio, TX
Gail A. Harkness, DrPH, RN, Assistant Professor William L. Holzemer, PhD,
FAAN Case Western Reserve RN, FAAN
Professor University Professor and Chair
University of Connecticut Frances Payne Bolton School University of California
School of Nursing of Nursing School of Nursing
Storrs, CT Cleveland, OH San Francisco, CA

Lois M. Hoskins, PhD, RN, Loretta Sweet Jemmott, PhD, Mary E. Kerr, RN, PhD
FAAN RN, FAAN Associate Professor
Professor Associate Professor and University of Pittsburgh
The Catholic University of Director School of Nursing
America University of Pennsylvania Pittsburgh, PA
School of Nursing School of Nursing
Washington, DC Philadelphia, PA Shake Ketefian, EdD, RN
Sally A. Hutchinson, PhD, John B. Jemmott, III, PhD University of Michigan
RN, FAAN Professor School of Nursing
Professor Princeton University Ann Arbor, MI
University of Florida Department of Psychology
Hesook Suzie Kim, PhD, RN
College of Nursing Princeton, NJ
Jacksonville, FL
University of Rhode Island
Jean E. Johnson, PhD, RN,
Kathleen Huttlinger, PhD, RN College of Nursing
Kingston, RI
Professor Professor Emerita
Samuel Merritt College of University of Rochester Karin T. Kirchhoff, PhD, RN,
Nursing School of Nursing FAAN
Oakland, CA Rochester, NY Professor
University of Utah
Gail L. Ingersoll, EdD, RN, Marion Johnson, PhD, RN College of Nursing
FAAN Associate Professor Salt Lake City, UT
Professor and Associate Dean University of Iowa
of Research College of Nursing Katharine Y. Kolcaba, PhD,
Vanderbilt University Iowa City, IA RN
School of Nursing Assistant Professor
Nashville, TN Dorothy A. Jones, EdD, RNC, University of Akron
FAAN College of Nursing
Pamela Magnussen Ironside, Associate Professor Akron, OH
PhD, RN Boston College
Assistant Professor School of Nursing Christine T. Kovner, PhD,
Clarke College Chestnut Hill, MA RN, FAAN
Dubuque, IA Associate Professor
Catherine F. Kane, PhD, RN, New York University
Sharol F. Jacobson, PhD, RN, FAAN Division of Nursing
FAAN Associate Professor New York, NY
Professor and Director of University of Virginia
Nursing Research Heidi vonKoss Krowchuck,
School of Nursing
University of Oklahoma Charlottesville, VA
Associate Professor
Health Sciences College of
The University of North
Nursing Gwen Brumbaugh Keeney,
Carolina at Greensboro
Oklahoma City, OK MS, RN
School of Nursing
University of Illinois
Ada Jacox, PhD, RN, FAAN Greensboro, NC
College of Nursing
Professor and Associate Dean Chicago, IL Joan Kub, PhD, RN
for Research Assistant Professor
Wayne State University Maureen Keickeisen Johns Hopkins University
College of Nursing Clinical Nurse Specialist School of Nursing
Detroit, Ml UCLA Medical Center Baltimore, MD
Department of Nursing
Monica E. Jarrett, PhD, RN Los Angeles, CA Alice M. Kuramoto, PhD,
Research Associate Professor RNC, FAAN
University of Washington Lisa Skemp Kelly, RN, MA Professor
Department of Biobehavioral University of Iowa University of Wisconsin
Nursing and Health College of Nursing School of Nursing
Seattle, WA Iowa City, IA Milwaukee, WI
Appendix 761

Hae-OK Lee, DNSc, RN Brenda L. Lyon, DNS, RN, Angela Barron McBride, PhD,
Assistant Professor FAAN RN, FAAN
Case Western Reserve Associate Professor Distinguished Professor and
University Indiana University School of University Dean
School of Nursing Nursing Indiana University
Cleveland, OH Adult Health Nursing School of Nursing
Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN
Elizabeth R. Lenz, PhD,
FAAN Meridean Maas, PhD, RN, Maureen P. McCausland,
Professor and Associate Dean
Professor Associate Dean for Nursing &
Columbia University
University of Iowa Chief Nursing
School of Nursing
College of Nursing University of Pennsylvania
New York, NY
Iowa City, IA School of Nursing
Philadelphia, PA
Eugene Levine, PhD Susan L. MacLean, PhD, RN
Professor Director Joanne Comi McCloskey,
Uniformed Services University Research Science PhD, RN, FAAN
of the Health Sciences Park Ridge, IL Distinguished Professor
Bethesda, MD University of Iowa
Beverly Malone, PhD, RN College of Nursing
Linda Lewandowski, PhD, RN President Iowa City, IA
Assistant Professor American Nurses Association
Johns Hopkins University Washington, DC Kathleen A. McCormick, PhD,
School of Nursing RN, FAAN
Baltimore, MD Lucy N. Marion, PhD, RN, Agency for Health Care Policy
FAAN and Research
Associate Professor Rockville, MD
Ada M. Lindsey, PhD, RN,
University of Illinois
College of Nursing Charlotte McDaniel, PhD, RN
Dean and Professor
Chicago, IL Director and Clinical
University of Nebraska Center
College of Nursing Karen S. Martin, RN, MSN, The University of Pittsburgh
Omaha, NE FAAN Medical Center
Health Care Consultant Pittsburgh, PA
Terri H. Lipman, PhD, CRNP Martin Associates
Assistant Professor/Clinical Omaha, NE Patricia McDonald, PhD, RN
Nurse Specialist Assistant Professor
University of Pennsylvania Patricia A. Martin, PhD, RN Case Western Reserve
Diabetes/Endocrinology Director for Nursing Research University
Philadelphia, PA Wright State-Miami Valley School of Nursing
College of Nursing and Cleveland, OH
Juliene G. Lipson, PhD, RN Health
Dayton, OH Graham McDougall, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor/Clinical
Associate Professor
Margaret Fisk Mastal, PhD, Case Western Reserve
University of California
MSN University
Department of Community
Clinical Coordinator School of Nursing
Health Systems
Kaiser Permanente Cleveland, OH
San Francisco, CA
Springfield, VA
Beverly J. McElmurry, EdD,
Carol Loveland-Cherry, PhD, Linda J. Mayberry, PhD, RN FAAN
RN, FAAN Adjunct Professor Professor and Associate Dean
Associate Professor Emory University University of Illinois at
The University of Michigan Nell Hodgson Woodruff Chicago
School of Nursing School of Nursing College of Nursing
Ann Arbor, MI Atlanta, GA Chicago, IL

Mary L. McHugh, PhD, RN Margaret Shandor Miles, PhD, Rita Black Monsen, DSN,
Associate Professor RN, FAAN MPH, RN
Wichita State University Professor Professor and Chairperson
School of Nursing University of North Carolina Henderson State University
Wichita, KS School of Nursing Department of Nursing
Chapel Hill, NC Arkadelphia, AR
Mary J. McNamee, PhD, RN
Assistant Dean and Assistant D. Kathleen Milholland, PhD, Ida M. Moore, DNSc, RN,
Professor RN FAAN
University of Nebraska Research Associate Professor Associate Professor
Medical Center University of South Florida The University of Arizona
College of Nursing Tampa, FL College of Nursing
Omaha, NE Tucson, AZ
Nancy Milio, PhD, RN,
Barbara Medoff-Cooper, PhD, Mary Lou Moore, PhD, RNC
RN, FAAN Research Assistant Professor
University of North Carolina
Associate Professor Bowman Gray School of
School of Nursing
University of Pennsylvania Medicine of Wake Forest
Chapel Hill, NC
School of Nursing University
Philadelphia, PA Nancy Houston Miller, RN, Winston-Salem, NC
Paula M. Meek, PhD, RN Associate Director Shirley M. Moore, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor Stanford University School of Associate Professor
University of Arizona Medicine Case Western Reserve
College of Nursing Division of Cardiovascular University
Tucson, AZ Medicine Frances Payne Bolton School
Palo Alto, CA of Nursing
Janet C. Meininger, PhD, RN Cleveland, OH
Professor Susan M. Miovech, PhD,
University of Texas at RNC Patricia Moritz, PhD, FAAN
Houston Clinical Instructor Associate Professor
School of Nursing University of Pennsylvania University of Colorado Health
Houston, TX School of Nursing Sciences Center
Philadelphia, PA School of Nursing
Afaf Ibrahim Meleis, PhD, Denver, CO
RN, FAAN Pamela H. Mitchell, PhD, RN,
Professor FAAN Diana Lynn Morris, PhD, RN,
University of California Professor FAAN
Department of Community School of Nursing Case Western Reserve
University of Washington
Health Systems University
Seattle, WA
San Francisco, CA School of Nursing
Ethel L. Mitty, EdD, RN Cleveland, OH
Bonnie L. Metzger, PhD, RN, Adjunct Assistant Professor
FAAN Associate Research Scientist Evelyn Moses
Associate Professor New York University Chief, Nursing Data and
University of Michigan Division of Nursing Analysis Staff
School of Nursing New York, NY Division of Nursing
Ann Arbor, MI Rockville, MD
Doris M. Modly, PhD, RN,
Mathy Mezey, EdD, RN, FAAN Barbara Munro, PhD, RN,
FAAN Professor FAAN
Professor Case Western Reserve Dean and Professor
New York University University Boston College
Division of Nursing School of Nursing School of Nursing
New York, NY Cleveland, OH Chestnut Hill, MA
Appendix 763

Carol M. Musil, PhD, RN Judy G. Ozbolt, PhD, RN, Linda C. Pugh, PhD, RNC
Assistant Professor FAAN Director, Center for Nursing
Case Western Reserve Professor Research and
University Vanderbilt University Pennsylvania State University
Frances Payne Bolton School School of Nursing Center for Nursing Research
of Nursing Nashville, TN Hershey, PA
Cleveland, OH
John R. Phillips, PhD, RN Joanne W. Rains, DNS, RN
Mary Duffin Naylor, PhD, Professor Dean and Associate Professor
RN, FAAN New York University Indiana University East
Associate Dean School of Education Division of Nursing
University of Pennsylvania New York, NY Richmond, IN
School of Nursing
Philadelphia, PA Linda R. Phillips, PhD, RN, Barbara Rakel, RN, MA
FAAN Advanced Practice Nurse
Leslie H. Nicoll, PhD, MBA Professor University of Iowa
Editor-in-Chief University of Arizona Hospitals and Clinics
Muskie Institute of Public College of Nursing Iowa City, IA
Affairs Tucson, AZ
University of Southern Maine Gloria C. Ramsey, RN, BSN,
Sally Phillips, PhD, RN JD
Portland, ME
Director, Nursing Doctorate Project Director
Kathleen M. Nokes, PhD, RN, Program New York University
FAAN University of Colorado Division of Nursing
Professor Health Sciences Center New York, NY
CUNY, Hunter College Denver, CO
Hunter-Bellevue Nancy E. Reame, PhD, MSN,
Bonita Ann Pilon, DSN, RN FAAN
New York, NY Associate Professor for the Professor
Jane S. Norbeck, RN, DNSc, Practice Nursing University of Michigan
FAAN Vanderbilt University Center for Nursing Research
Dean and Professor School of Nursing Ann Arbor, MI
University of California Nashville, TN
School of Nursing Richard W. Redman, PhD,
Denise F. Polit, PhD
San Francisco, CA RN, FAAN
Interim Associate Dean for
Humanalysis, Inc.
Kathleen A. OConnell, PhD, Community
Saratoga Springs, NY
RN, FAAN University of Michigan
Professor Sue Popkess-Vawter, PhD, RN School of Nursing
University of Kansas Medical Professor Ann Arbor, MI
Center University of Kansas Medical
School of Nursing Pamela G. Reed, PhD, RN,
Kansas City, KS School of Nursing FAAN
Kansas City, KS Professor and Associate Dean
Ann L. OSullivan, PhD, for Academic
CPNP, FAAN Diane Shea Pravikoff, PhD, University of Arizona
Professor RN College of Nursing
University of Virginia Director of Research/ Tucson, AZ
School of Nursing Professional Liaison
Charlottesville, VA CINAHL Information Systems Susan K. Riesch, DNSc, RN,
Glendale, CA FAAN
Lisa Onega, PhD, RN Professor and Associate Dean,
Assistant Professor Jana L. Pressler, PhD, RN Graduate Studies
Oregon Health Sciences Assistant Professor University of Wisconsin,
University Pennsylvania State University Madison
School of Nursing School of Nursing School of Nursing
Portland, OR University Park, PA Madison, WI

Mary Anne Rizzolo, EdD, Pamela J. Salsberry, PhD, RN Nelma B. Shearer, MEd, MS
RN, FAAN Associate Professor University of Arizona
Director The Ohio State University College of Nursing
Interactive Technologies College of Nursing Tucson, AZ
Lippincott-Raven Publishers Columbus, OH
New York, NY Grayce M. Sills, PhD, RN,
Loretta M. Schlachta, RN, FAAN
Beverly L. Roberts, PhD, RN, MSHP Visiting Professor
FAAN Clinical Director of Case Western Reserve
Associate Professor Telemedicine University
Case Western Reserve Strategic Monitored Services Frances Payne Bolton School
University New York, NY of Nursing
Frances Payne Bolton School Cleveland, OH
of Nursing Elizabeth A. Schlenk, PhD,
Cleveland, OH RN Mary Cipriano Silva, PhD,
Assistant Professor RN, FAAN
Joyce Roberts, PhD, CNM, University of Pittsburgh Professor
FAAN School of Nursing George Mason University
Professor and Head Pittsburgh, PA College of Nursing and Health
University of Illinois at
Fairfax, VA
Chicago Madeline H. Schmitt, PhD,
Department of RN, FAAN
Carol E. Smith, RN, PhD
MaternalChild Nursing Professor
Chicago, IL University of Rochester
University of Kansas
School of Nursing
Bonnie Rogers, DrPH, RN, School of Nursing
Rochester, NY
FAAN Kansas City, KS
Associate Professor Susan M. Schneider, RN
University of North Carolina Mariah Snyder, PhD, RN,
Case Western Reserve
at Chapel Hill FAAN
School of Public Health Professor
Frances Payne Bolton School
Chapel Hill, NC University of Minnesota
of Nursing
School of Nursing
Richmond Heights, OH
Carol A. Romano, PhD, RN, Minneapolis, MN
FAAN Karen L. Schumaker, PhD,
Director RN Julie Sochalski, PhD, RN
National Institutes of Health Assistant Professor Research Associate Professor
Clinical Informatics Services University of California at San University of Pennsylvania
Bethesda, MD Francisco School of Nursing
School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA
Sheila Ryan, PhD, RN, FAAN
Dean and Professor San Francisco, CA
Gwi-Ryung Son, RN, MN
University of Rochester Case Western Reserve
Donald F. Schwarz, MD,
School of Nursing University
Rochester, NY School of Nursing
Associate Professor of
Virginia K. Saba, EdD, RN, Pediatrics Cleveland, OH
FAAN University of Pennsylvania
Clinical Associate Professor School of Nursing and Bernard Sorofman, PhD
Georgetown University Medicine Associate Professor
School of Nursing Philadelphia, PA University of Iowa
Washington, DC College of Pharmacy
Joan L. Shaver, PhD, RN, Iowa City, IA
Marla E. Salmon, ScD, RN, FAAN
FAAN Professor and Dean Susan M. Sparks, PhD, RN,
Professor University of Illinois at FAAN
University of Pennsylvania Chicago Senior Education Specialist
School of Nursing College of Nursing National Library of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA Chicago, IL Bethesda, MD
Appendix 765

Janet Specht, PhD, RN Susan Dale Tannenbaum, RN, Toni Tripp-Reimer, PhD, RN,
Research Scientist BSN FAAN
University of Iowa Staff NurseCardiac Unit Professor and Associate Dean
College of Nursing Johns Hopkins University University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA School of Nursing College of Nursing
Baltimore, MD Iowa City, IA
Theresa Standing, PhD, RN
Barbara S. Turner, RN,
Assistant Professor Anita J. Tarzian, MS, RN
Case Western Reserve Department of Acute Long-
Associate Dean
University Term Care
Duke University
Frances Payne Bolton School University of Maryland
School of Nursing
of Nursing Baltimore, MD
Durham, NC
Cleveland, OH
Roma Lee Taunton, PhD, RN, Sharon Williams Utz, PhD,
Joanne Sabol Stevenson, PhD, FAAN RN
RN, FAAN Professor Associate Professor and Chair
Professor and Associate Dean University of Kansas Medical University of Virginia
Rutgers University Center School of Nursing
College of Nursing School of Nursing Charlottesville, VA
Newark, NJ Kansas City, KS
Barbara Valanis, PhD, FAAN
Director of Nursing Research
Barbara J. Stewart, PhD, RN Ann Gill Taylor, RN, EdD,
Kaiser-Permanente Center for
Professor FAAN
Health Research
Oregon Health Sciences Professor of Nursing
Portland, OR
University University of Virginia
School of Nursing Center for the Study of Connie Vance, EdD, RN,
Portland, OR Complementary and FAAN
Alternative Therapies Dean and Professor
Kathleen S. Stone, PhD, RN, Charlottesville, VA College of New Rochelle
FAAN New Rochelle, NY
Professor Debera Jane Thomas, DNS,
The Ohio State University RN, CS Joyce A. Verran, PhD, RN,
College of Nursing Associate Professor FAAN
Columbus, OH Florida Atlantic University Professor
Boca Raton, FL University of Arizona
College of Nursing
Ora L. Strickland, PhD, RN,
Tucson, AZ
FAAN Carol Lynn Thompson, PhD,
Professor RN Antonia M. Villarruel, PhD,
Emory University Associate Professor and Chair RN, FAAN
Nell Hodgson School of University of Tennessee University of Pennsylvania
Nursing College of Nursing School of Nursing
Atlanta, GA Memphis, TN Philadelphia, PA

Neville E. Strumpf, PhD, RN, Mary E. Tiedeman, PhD, RN Madeline Musante Wake,
FAAN Visiting Assistant Professor PhD, RN, FAAN
Associate Professor Brigham Young University Dean
University of Pennsylvania College of Nursing Marquette University
School of Nursing Provo, UT College of Nursing
Milwaukee, WI
Philadelphia, PA
Virginia P. Tilden, RN, DNSc, Patricia Hinton Walker, PhD,
Eleanor J. Sullivan, PhD, RN, FAAN FAAN
FAAN Professor Dean and Professor
Professor Oregon Health Sciences University of Colorado Health
University of Kansas University Sciences Center
School of Nursing School of Nursing School of Nursing
St. Louis, MO Portland, OR Denver, CO
Appendix 766

Lynn I. Wasserbauer, PhD, Reg Williams, PhD, RN, May L. Wykle, PhD, RN,
Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor and Associate Dean
University of Akron University of Michigan for Community
College of Nursing School of Nursing Case Western Reserve
Akron, OH Ann Arbor, MI University
Frances Payne Bolton School
Clarann Weinert, SC, PhD, Holly Skodol Wilson, PhD, of Nursing
RN, FAAN RN, FAAN Cleveland, OH
Associate Professor Professor
Montana State University University of California JoAnne M. Youngblut, PhD,
College of Nursing School of Nursing RN, FAAN
Bozeman, MT San Francisco, CA Associate Professor
Case Western Reserve
Joan Stehle Werner, RN, DNS Chris Winkleman University
Professor Case Western Reserve Frances Payne Bolton School
University of Wisconsin-Eau University of Nursing
Claire Frances Payne Bolton School Cleveland, OH
School of Nursing of Nursing
Eau Claire, WI Cleveland, OH Renzo Zanotti, PhD
Ann L. Whall, PhD, RN, Mary A. Woo, DNSc, RN University of Padova
FAAN Assistant Professor Padova, Italy
Professor UCLA
University of Michigan School of Nursing Jaclene A. Zauszniewski, PhD,
School of Nursing Los Angeles, CA RN
Ann Arbor, MI Associate Professor
Marilynn J. Wood, RN, DrPH Case Western Reserve
Carolyn A. Williams, PhD, Co-Editor University
RN, FAAN Clinical Nursing Research Frances Payne Bolton School
Dean and Professor Edmonton, Alberta of Nursing
University of Kentucky Canada Cleveland, OH
Chandler Medical Center
Lexington, KY

Abuse of children, 6668 Acute phase response, 211 Advance directives, 1013
caregiver, child relationship, Adaptation model, of Roy, advance care planning, 12
6768 533535 capacity to create, 168
caregiver omission, 66 elements, assumptions of, durable power of attorney
child abuse, legally 534 for health care, 11
defined, 66 Addiction among registered evidentiary standard, 11
child emotional abuse, 67 nurses, 582584 functionality in clinical
future research, 68 Adherence/compliance, 56 settings, 1112
gender differences, 67 adherence, defined, 5 instructive directive, 11
knowledge gaps in, 68 measurement, 6 living will, 11
Accuracy of responses on self- nonadherence, problem of, Patient Self-Determination
reports, 616618 56 Act of 1990, 11
Action science, 12 patient adherence, 56 problems of interpretation,
interventionist approach, 1 patient autonomy, 5 12
philosophical premises of, 1 provider adherence, 5 proxy directive, 11
research process, 2 research staff adherence, 5 right-to-die, 11
theories-in-use Adolescence, 68 substituted judgment, 1112
Model I, 12 behavior patterns of, 78 Advanced practice nurses, 13
Model II, 12 common concerns of, 7 basic core competencies, 13
Activities of daily living, 24 demographics of, 67 certified nurse midwives, 13
application to particular egocentrism of, 7 certified registered nurse
clinical populations, 3 personal fable, 7 anesthetists, 13
Barthel Index, 3 research topics, 7 clinical nurse specialists, 13
dichotomous scaling
stage of, 6 clinical practice, 13
approach, 3
Adolescent drinking, driving collaboration with other
evaluator concerns, 3
with, 156157 disciplines, 13
Functional Independence
Adolescent pregnancy, nurse practitioners, 13
Measure, 3
parenting, 8 Ageism, 1315
hierarchical view of, 23
demographic of, 8 defined, 13
instrumental activities of
daily living, 3 impact of, 8 ethics, 14
Katz Index of Activities of parenting prevention geriatric nursing, 1415
Daily Living, 3 programs, 8 prejudice, 14
ordinal scaling approaches, Adult health, 810 quality of life, 14
3 aspects of development, 10 AIDS care, treatment,
Acute care of elderly, 45 basic unit of nursing care, 9 271273
ACE unit, 4 cross-sequential designs, 10 Delphi technique, 272
ethical issues, 5 health, definitions of, 9 HIV viral load, suppression
interdisciplinary studies, 4 higher-level wellness, 9 of, 272
patient outcomes, nurse life stages of, 9 interventions
sensitive indicators stages of, 10 Personalized Nursing
for, 4 Advance care planning, 12 LIGHT model, 272

768 Index

AIDS care, treatment coronary heart disease, 19 Certified Nurse Assistant,

(continued) myocardial infarction, 19 608610
Stages of Change Model, Anxiety, maternal, adaptation collective bargaining,
272 during pregnancy, 608610
physical comorbidities, 272 321323 duty to delegate or
symptoms, 272 acceptance of pregnancy, supervise, 608610
Alcohol dependence, 1517 321322 Home Care Aide, 608
alcohol-related birth defects, fears pertaining to pain, legal liability, 610
16 helplessness, 321 National Labor Relations
treatment of, 16 identification with Act, 608610
fetal alcohol syndrome, 16 motherhood role, Nurse Extender, 608610
measuring alcohol intake, 321322 Patient Care Assistant,
1516 labor, loss of control in, 608610
physical effect of alcohol, 321 Personal Care Attendant,
15 low birthweight, 322 608610
research opportunities, newborn birthweight, 322 Resident Assistant, 608610
1617 prenatal-state, 321 Attitudes, 2425
women, 16 preparation for labor, 321 automatic attitude
young adults, 16 preterm delivery, 322 activation, 2425
Alcohol-related birth defects, psychophysiological defined, 24
16 responses involve expectancy-value model,
Alternative practices, 9799 neuroendocrine 2425
categories of, 98 pathways, 321 health behavior, relationship
complementary, 9799 relationship to husband/ to, 2425
categories of, 98 partner, 321322 planned behavior, theory of,
complementary medicine/ relationship to mother, 25
therapies, 98 321322
Barthel Index, 3
foods, 98 socially supportive
Basic core competencies, 13
integrative medicine, 97 community
Basic research, 26
lifestyle, 98 intervention, 323
basic sciences, nursing, link
pharmaceuticals, 98 well-being of self, infant in
between, 26
integrative medicine, 97 labor, 321
nursing, basic sciences, link
pharmaceuticals, 98 Apoplexy, 578
between, 26
Alzheimers disease, 1719 Applied research, 2122
nursing research, origins of,
acetylcholine, decreased defined, 22
levels of, 18 etymology of term, 22 Behavioral research, 2628
behavioral strategies, 18 intervention research, 22 cognitive-behavioral models,
behavioral symptoms, 18 nonintervention research, 22 2728
care, 17 nursing interventions, cost common sense model, 28
diagnosis, 17 calculations of, 22 health belief model, 28
progressive nature of, 17 ARBD. See Alcohol-related health-promoting behaviors,
research, 18 birth defects 27
treatments, 1718 Arcs program, 513515 interdisciplinary, 28
American Nurses Association, Artificial intelligence, 2224 operant model, 27
59 capabilities to produce psychosocial research
ANA. See American Nurses artificially intelligent behavioral research,
Association product, 2223 distinguished, 28
Analysis of covariance, decision-support systems, 23 distinguished, 28
567575 defined, 22 roots of, 27
ANCOVA. See Analysis of expert systems, 2324 screening behaviors, 27
covariance knowledge engineering, 24 self-efficacy theory, 2728
Angina, 1921 machine learning, 23 self-management, 27
asymptomatic ischemia, 20 Assistive personnel, theory of reasoned action,
atypical angina, 19 unlicensed, 608610 28
Index 769

therapeutic behaviors, 27 EMG, 35 fatigue, 45

Behavioral System Model, of light/sound stimulation, 34 psychological care, 4445
Dorothy Johnson, neurofeedback, 34 survivorship issues, 45
310311 neurogenesis, 34 symptom management, 45
achievement subsystem, 310 neuroplasticity, 34 Cancer of breast, 3839
attachment/affiliative programs of care, 35 adjustment to, 38
subsystem, 310 Bone mass density, 430432 predictors of, 39
dependency subsystem, 310 Bowel elimination, older dimensions of functional
eliminative subsystem, 310 adults, 3537 status, 38
equilibrium, 311 colorectal cancer, 36 family, effect on, 3839
ingestive subsystems, 310 constipation, 3536 screening, 3941
nursing, 310 fecal incontinence, 36 breast self-examination,
nursing assessments, Boykin & Schoenhofer Theory 3941
310311 of Nursing as Caring, clinical breast
person, 310 3738 examination,
sexual subsystem, 310 caring between, 37 effectiveness of, 39
Benchmarking in health care, Dance of Caring Persons, demographics, 39
2830 37 health belief model, 40
continuous quality mid-range theoretical mammography
improvement, 2829 models, 38 recommendations, 39
process orientation, nursing situation, 37 morbidity, potential to
preexisting culture of, transformational model of, reduce mortality and,
29 37 3940
total quality management, Breast cancer, 3839 theory of reasoned action,
2829 adjustment to, 38 40
Bereavement, 630
predictors of, 39 Cancer of prostate, 491494
Bibliographic retrieval
dimensions of functional early stage prostate cancer,
systems, 3032
status, 38 492
accuracy, 3132
family, effect on, 3839 effects of local therapy, 493
benchmarks, 29
Breast cancer screening, 3941 gender-specific, 491
Boolean logic, 3132
breast self-examination, Gleason score, 492
computerized, components
3941 patients experiences, 493
of, 3031
clinical breast examination, primary treatment, physical
external, 29
effectiveness of, 39 consequences of, 494
for nursing literature,
demographics, 39 prostate-specific antigens,
dissatisfaction with, 31
operational description, 29 health belief model, 40 491492
performance measures, 29 mammography quality of life, 492
primary search strategy, recommendations, 39 screening, 493494
3132 morbidity, potential to screening of high-risk
research document reduce mortality and, individuals, 493
representation, 3940 Cancer survivorship, 4648
problem of, 31 theory of reasoned action, Childhood Cancer Survivor
thesaurus, 30 40 Study, 47
Bibliometrics, 3234 Breast-feeding, 4143 ethnic minorities, 47
bibliometric analysis, 33 clinical issues, 43 late effects, 4647
categories of, 32 initiation, duration of, survivor, derivation of term,
citation analysis, 33 4243 46
co-citation analysis, 33 Breast self-examination, 3941 Capitation, 4849
co-word analysis, 33 blended rate, 48
defined, 32 CABG. See Coronary artery defined, 48
review of research, 3334 bypass grafting fee-for-service payments,
Biofeedback, 3435 Cancer in children, 4446 change from, 48
body function, self- cause of, 44 managed health care
regulation of, 34 demographics, 44 organizations, 48
770 Index

Capitation (continued) Caregiver, 5456 structural model, 6364

market-driven reform, 48 culturally-related aspects, CCCS. See Childhood Cancer
population-based care, 5556 Survivor Study
assessment of risk, 49 defined, 54 CDSMP. See Chronic Disease
unit of analysis, 49 problem-solving ability, 55 Self-Management
variations research, 4849 role of, 54 Program
Cardiovascular disease, 4952 step-by-step guidelines, 55 Central nervous system, 371
advanced age, 50 Caring, 5658 Cerebral blood flow, reduction
cardiac rehabilitation, 51 defined, 56 in, 6465
cardiac risk factors, 50 future research, 58 Cerebral ischemia, 6466
coronary heart disease, instruments to assess, cerebral blood flow,
4952 measure, 57 reduction in, 6465
depression, 135137 multidimensional approach, cerebral blood volume, 66
behavioral risk factors, 56 defined, 64
136 outcomes of, 57 focal, 65
biobehavioral research perspectives of, 56 future directions, 66
models, 136 transpersonal caring, theory global, 65
biopsychosocial of, 57 global CBF, measurement
perspective, 136 Caring, Theory of Nursing as, of, 6566
cognitive behavioral Boykin & irreversible brain damage,
therapy, 135136 Schoenhofer, 3738 threshold for, 66
increased risk for CHD, Case management, 5860 ischemic cell change, 65
135 American Nurses Cerebrovascular accident, or
risk for cardiac mortality, Association, 59 apoplexy, 578
135 Case Management Society Certified nurse assistant,
shared biomarkers, 136
of America, 59 608610
depression in, 135137
data collection, 61 Certified nurse midwives, 13
functional status, 51
ethics, 61 Certified registered nurse
heart failure, defined, 49
evaluation of, 60 anesthetists, 13
hypertension, 4950
history of, 59 Child abuse, neglect, 6668
older age, 51
managed care, 59 acts of commission, 66
prevalence of, 5152
models of, 58 caregiver and child,
Cardiovascular risk factors,
research on, 6061 relationship between,
Case Management Society of 6768
America, 59 caregiver omission, 66
interventions, 54
health-related lifestyle Case study as method of child abuse, legally
behaviors, 52 research, 6163 defined, 66
obesity as, 419421 case-in-context, 6162 child emotional abuse, 67
accumulation of visceral data analysis, 62 future research, 68
fat, 421 defined, 61 gender differences, 67
children, 419 measures of reliability, knowledge gaps in, 68
intervention studies, 420 validity, 6263 Child delinquents, 6870
older adults, 420 multiple-case designs, 62 early detection, public,
racial differences, presentation, 62 6970
420421 research process for, 62 gender, 69
women, 419420 single-case design, 62 locus of violence, home,
pharmacological therapy, 53 unit of analysis, 62 6869
risk reduction therapy, Causal modeling, 6364 prevention programs, 69
5253 analyzation of, 64 social factors, 69
smoking as, theories, latent concepts, 63 treatment, 69
models, smoking measurement model, 63 violent behavior, risk
interventions, 562 nonrecursive models, 64 factors, 68
therapeutic lifestyle change, recursive models, 64 Child-lead exposure effects,
53 stages of, 63 7071
Index 771

adverse health effects, 70 adaptation to, 7879 mega-trial, 86

earliest studies, 71 care-oriented model of nonrandomized, 86
environmental lead illness, 78 randomized, 86
exposure, 70 medical model, 78 small sample sizes, meta-
low-level lead exposure, societal perspective, 78 analysis, 87
7071 as spectrum of diseases, 78 CMSA. See Case Management
neurobehavioral Chronic obstructive Society of America
development of, 7071 pulmonary disease, CNA. See Certified nurse
Childbirth education, 7173 496 assistant
adult learning principles, 73 Clinical decision making, Cognition, tasks of, 336
contemporary, 72 7980 Cognitive-behavioral models,
expectant fathers, 7273 stimulations, 80 2728
formal, 72 various factors affecting, 80 Cognitive behavioral therapy,
nurses, primary Clinical judgment, 8082 135136
responsibility, 72 aspects of, 82 Cognitive interventions, 8789
prenatal, 73 decision analysis, 81 chronic illness, 88
Childhood, nutrition in, decision making, 81 defined, 87
413416 defined, 80 medication errors, 8889
Childhood Cancer Survivor diagnostic reasoning, 81 natural environment
Study, 47 evidence-base practice, 82 intervention, 88
Children information processing, 81 nonpharmacological, 89
cancer in, 4446 Novice to Expert Model, 82 pain, 89
cause of, 44 phenomenological, 8182 Cohort design, 8991
demographics, 44 rationalistic, 8182 cohort, defined, 90
fatigue, 45 Clinical nurse specialists, 13 cohort studies, 9091
psychological care, 4445 Clinical nursing research, institutional cycles, 90
survivorship issues, 45 8284 quasi-experimental design,
symptom management, 45 conceptual models, 82 90
exposed to intimate partner cumulative, evolutionary treatment partitioning, 90
violence, 7375 process, 83 Collaborative research, 9192
interventions, 7475 definition, 82 advantages, 91
Posttraumatic Stress development, research, consortium model, 92
Disorder, 74 relationship between, constrained resources, 91
risks, 7374 83 disadvantages, 91
suicide attempts, 74 doctoral education, 82 health care model, 92
Cholesterol, 5254 methodologies used, 8384 participatory action research
Cholinesterase inhibitors, 624 narrow definition, 83 model, 92
Chronic conditions in nurse scientist program, 82 sociopolitical accountability,
childhood, 7576 Clinical preventive services 91
categorical, 76 delivery, 8486 traditional model, 92
duration, 75 barriers to implementation, unification model, 92
health-related quality of life, 84 Colorectal cancer, 36
75 consensus-building Comfort, 9294
impact on child, 75 strategies, 85 comfort care, 93
noncategorical, 76 evidence-based guidelines, Comfort Theory, 9394
risk factors for, 75 85 comforting interventions, 93
Chronic Disease Self- U.S. Preventive Services comforting nursing actions,
Management Program, Task Force, 85 nature of, 9394
549 Clinical trials, 8687 intervening variables, 93
Chronic fatigue syndrome, biases, 8687 Common sense model, 28
206207 clinical drug trials, 86 Community empowerment
Chronic gastrointestinal ethical issues, 87 middle-range theory,
symptoms, 7678 expensive and resource- 342343
Chronic illness, 7879 intensive, 87 Community health, 9495
772 Index

Community health (continued) goal of, 100101 positive health outcomes,

categorical programs, 94 nursing informatics, 109
epidemiological research, 94 101102 problem-focused, 108
evaluations of community therapeutic, 101 self-efficacy, 109
health interventions, Concept analysis, 102103 sense of coherence, 109
9495 discipline, language of, 103 social support, 108109
interdisciplinary research set of defining Coronary artery bypass
collaboration, 95 characteristics, 102 grafting, 110112
Community mental health, Conduct and Utilization of anxiety, 110, 112
9597 Research in Nursing changes in nutritional
community psychiatric Project, 524525 status, 416417
nurses, role Consent, informed, 297299 demand for, 110
differentiation of, 96 competency, 298 depression, 110112
community to hospital, 95 local institutional review gender differences, 111
hospital to community, 95 board, 298 impact of psychological
psychiatric home care patient advocacy, 298 variables on, 110111
nursing, 96 subject understanding, 298 outcomes, impact of
psychiatric nursing understandability, 298 psychological variables
interventions, 9697 unethical actions on part of on, 110111
social workers, 95 researchers, 297 postoperative
Complementary, alternative Consortial research, 103104 neuropsychological
practices, 9799 consortium, purpose of, deficits, 111112
categories of, 98 103104 short-term preoperative
complementary medicine/ coordinating center, interventions, 112
therapies, 98 103104 Coronary heart disease, 19,
foods, 98 reasons for, 103 4952
integrative medicine, 97 Constipation, 3536 asymptomatic nature of,
lifestyle, 98 Content analysis, 104106 2021
pharmaceuticals, 98 domains of interest, 105 denial in, 133135
products, 9799 labeling, 105 adaptive, 133134
Compliance, 56 reliability, validity issues of, aspects of, 134
adherence, defined, 5 105106 defense mechanism,
measurement, 6 Continuing care retirement 133134
nonadherence, problem of, communities, 106108 maladaptive, 133134
56 adjustment to community, Robinson Self-Appraisal
patient adherence, 56 106 Inventory, 134
patient autonomy, 5 categories of, 106 quality of life, 21
provider adherence, 5 health behavior variables, Cost analysis of nursing care,
research staff adherence, 5 107 112114
Computational modeling in health promotion of best practices
nursing, arcs program, residents, 106107 benchmarking, 113
513515 Continuous quality cost-benefit analysis, 114
Computer-aided instruction, improvement, 2829 cost differences among
99100 COPD. See Chronic professional practice
computer adaptive testing, obstructive pulmonary models, 114
100 disease cost effectiveness, 112113
impediments to, 99100 Coping, 108110 costing out, 112
Computerized decision coping strategies, 109 standard acuity measure,
support systems, coping style, 109 lack of, 113
100102 definition, 108 CQI. See Continuous quality
clinical tests, 101 dynamic process, 108 improvement
defined, 100 emotion-focused, 108 Critical care nursing, 114118
diagnostic, 101 family coping, 109 best practices, 118
differential diagnoses, 101 hardiness, 109 coronary care, 114115
Index 773

critical care environment, null hypothesis statistical, gender, 69

115116 124125 locus of violence, home,
interventions, 117 qualitative, 124125 6869
outcomes, 117118 quantitative, 124 prevention programs, 69
physiological monitoring, statistical, 124 social factors, 69
116117 statistical computer treatment, 69
practitioners of, 116 programs, 124 violent behavior, risk
research intensive discipline, Data collection methods, factors, 68
115 125127 Delirium, 130132
Cultural/transcultural focus, biophysiological measures, with cognitive, functional
118120 126 impairments, 130131
community involvement, observation, 126 multicomponent
120 preexisting data, 126127 interventions, 131132
culturally competent qualitative, 125 multifactorial interventions,
research, application of quantitative, 125 131
existing guidelines self-reports, 125126 practice guidelines, 132
data collection strategies, Data management, 127 recognition, 131
119 entry, 127 screening instruments, 131
methodological research, new variables, creation of, Delphi technique, 132133
120 127 disadvantages of, 133
more intervention studies, Data stewardship, 127128 mailed questionnaires,
120 data, defined, 127 132133
theory-based, 119 measurement difficulties, Dementia care, middle-range
Culture Care Diversity and 128 theories of, 353355
Universality, processing data, 128 for frail elders model, 353
need-driven dementia-
Leiningers Theory of, relevant nursing data, 127
compromised behavior
316318 time investment, 128
model, 354
environmental context, 317 Death, dying, 128130
principles of, 354
ethnohistory, 317 definition, 129
progressively lowered stress
ethnonursing, 317 dying trajectories, 130
threshold model,
health, defined, 317 hospice, 129130
Sunrise Model, 316 palliative care, 129
Denial in coronary heart
worldview, 317 quality end-of-life care,
disease, 133135
Cumulative Index to Nursing 129130
adaptive, 133134
and Allied Health Decision making, clinical,
aspects of, 134
Literature, 120121, 7980 defense mechanism,
556 stimulations, 80 133134
disciplines, added, 121 various factors affecting, 80 maladaptive, 133134
fugitive literature, 121 Decision support systems, Robinson Self-Appraisal
red books, 121 computerized, Inventory, 134
CURN Project. See Conduct 100102 Department of Defense Tricare
and Utilization of clinical tests, 101 Management Activity,
Research in Nursing defined, 100 471
Project diagnostic, 101 Depression, postpartum,
Current procedural differential diagnoses, 101 473475
terminology-coded goal of, 100101 early detection of, 474
services, 121123 nursing informatics, future research directions,
billable activities performed 101102 474475
by nurses, 122 therapeutic, 101 maternal-infant interactions,
criticism of, 123 Dehydration in older adults, 474
next generation, 123 285287 maternity blues,
Delinquent, child, 6870 distinguished, 473474
Dance of Caring Persons, 37 early detection, public, risk factors, 474
Data analysis, 124125 6970 symptoms, 473
774 Index

Depression in cardiovascular Diabetes, 144146 Inventory for Dizziness, 154

diseases, 135137 adults, 145 presyncope, 153
behavioral risk factors, 136 complications of, 144145 quality of life, 153154
biobehavioral research diagnosis of, 145 treatments, 153
models, 136 glycemic control, 146 vertigo, 153
biopsychosocial perspective, interventions, physiological vertigo symptoms scale, 154
136 benefits of, 145146 Doctoral education, 154156
cognitive behavioral youths, 146 academic doctorate, 154
therapy, 135136 Diagnostic gastric emptying history of, 155156
increased risk for CHD, 135 assessment, 225 practice-focused, 154155
risk for cardiac mortality, Dichotomous scaling, 3 professional doctorate,
135 Disaster nursing, 146148 154155
shared biomarkers, 136 disaster, defined, 146 research-focused, 154155
Depression in families, disasters, classification of, Double ABCX Model of
137139 146 family adaptation,
family transformations, 138 human responses, 147 derived from, 343
genetic-biological research, outcome measurement, Drinking, driving among
137138 147148 adolescents, 156157
major depressive disorder, Discourse analysis, 148150 non passenger interventions,
137 anthropological approaches, 157
psychosocial research, 138 149 sober passengers,
systematic family conversation perspective, intervention by,
interventions, 138139 149150 156157
universal mood state, 137 discourse, defined, 148 Drug abuse, 157158
Depression in older adults, historic origin, 148 common drugs of abuse,
139140 157
perspective, 149150
diagnosing, 139140 men, 157
linguistic perspective,
late-life, risk factors, 140 prevention research, 158
reasons for, 139 societal economic impact of,
sociolinguistics, 149
symptomatology of, 140 157
speech act theory, 149
Depression in women, substance-abuse disorders,
Disparities in minority mental
140143 157
health, 150152
biological factors, 141 women, 157158
cultural competence,
evidence-based treatments Dysphagia, 158160
barriers to, 151
for, 142 assessment of, 159160
cultural influences, 152
gender-specific treatments, ethical responsibilities, 150 ethical issues, 159
142 knowledge development, McGill Ingestive Skills
hormonal factors, 141 152 Assessment, 159
major depressive disorder, long-term legalized racism/ persons at high risk for, 158
140141 discrimination, quality-of-life issues, 160
maternal, 141 150151 swallowing
psychological factors, mental illness, conscious control, 158
141142 stigmatization of, 151 involuntary control, 158
social factors, 141142 misdiagnosis, 151 tube feedings, 159
Descriptive research, 22, subgroups, variances within,
143144 151 Eating disorders, 546548
descriptive studies, 144 treatment outcomes, 152 anorexia nervosa, 547
federal traineeship money, Dizziness Handicap Inventory, bulimia nervosa, 547
143 154 core vulnerability, 548
logical empiricist approach, Dizziness in elderly, 152154 Elder mistreatment, 161162
143 balance, 153 abandonment, defined, 161
logical positivist view of disequilibrium, 153 abuse, defined, 161
science, 143 Dizziness Handicap assessment of, 162
meta-analysis, 144 Inventory, 154 exploitation, defined, 161
Index 775

neglect, defined, 161 Electronic event monitoring, strategies to facilitate,

prevalence of, 162 327 169170
restriction, defined, 161 Electronic network, 162163 Endotracheal suctioning,
theories for, 161162 advantages of, 163 170172
Elderly acute care, 45 information exchange, 163 hyperoxygenation/
ACE unit, 4 Emergency Nurses hyperinflation,
ethical issues, 5 Association, 164165 170171
interdisciplinary studies, 4 Emergency nursing, 163165 hypoxemia, 170
patient outcomes, nurse clinical specialty, 164 inline suction catheter,
sensitive indicators Emergency Nurses 171172
for, 4 Association, 164165 in newborns, 172173
Elderly dizziness, 152154 research initiatives, 164 Enteral tube placement,
balance, 153 topics of interest, 164165 173176
disequilibrium, 153 Empathy, 165167 abdominal radiograph, 175
Dizziness Handicap basic, 166 aspirates, 175176
Inventory, 154 concept of, 166 enteral tube, defined, 173
Inventory for Dizziness, 154 developmentally, 166 errors in, 174
presyncope, 153 historical perspective, 166 insertion-length estimators
quality of life, 153154 intervention program, in children, 174
treatments, 153 166167 methods of detection, 175
vertigo, 153 middle range theory, 167 Epilepsy, 176177
vertigo symptoms scale, 154 multidimensional antiepileptic medication,
Elderly nutrition, 416418 phenomenon, 166 177
arginine, 416417 trained, 166 generalized seizures, 176
caregiver, person being fed, Empiricism, qualitative partial seizures, 176
quality-of-life problems, 177
interaction between, research, contrasted,
remission of, 177
416 498
seizure, defined, 176
elective coronary artery ENA. See Emergency Nurses
Ethics of nursing, 519521
bypass grafting, Association
ethics, nursing, 519521
416417 End-of-life care, family
moral reasoning in,
frailty, 417418 satisfaction with,
malnutrition, 417418 202204
Ethics of research, 177179
measurement of nutritional desired outcome, 202
animals, 179
status, 417 good death, components of,
ethical guidelines, 178
nutrient intake, 416 203
informed consent, 178
Nutrition Screening home, 202 institutional review board,
Initiative, 417 hospice, 202 178
rates for malnutrition, 416 hospital or nursing facility, interdisciplinary team,
wound healing, 416 202 178179
Elderly pulmonary changes, End-of-life planning, choices, nonmaleficence, 178
495496 167170 policy documents, 178
altered pulmonary- advance directive, capacity research manuscripts, 179
protective mechanisms, to create, 168 scientific misconduct, 178
496 decision making, legal Ethnogeriatrics, 179180
chronic obstructive guidelines for, 168 cultural beliefs, 179
pulmonary disease, Durable Power of Attorney multidisciplinary
496 for Health Care/Health subspecialty, 179180
dyspnea or shortness of Care Proxy, 167 Ethnography, 180182
breath, 496 family members, 168 anthropological origin, 180
normal lung aging, benign hospice care, 168 ethnoscience, 181
process, 495496 life-sustaining treatment, fieldwork, 181182
pulmonary embolism, 496 169 functionalism, 181
pulmonary infection, 496 living will, 167 historical particularism, 181
smoking, 496 self-care deficit model, 168 symbolic ethnography, 181
776 Index

Evaluation, 182183 defined, 191 genomic era, 201202

causative theory, 183 etiology of, 191 Family stress, middle-range
evaluation errors, 183 multidimensional concept, theory, 343345
intervention, impact and 192 Family theory research,
benefit of, 182183 Failure to thrive (child), 204205
normative theory, 183 192194 conflict theory, 204
process evaluation studies, ecological model, 1194 double ABCX model, 205
182 foundling home infants, 193 ecological approach, 205
Evidence-base practice, 82 infant nutrition, 193 exchange theory, 204
Evidence-based management, intact families, 193 family development theory,
453 maternal deprivation 205
Evidence-based practice, framework, 193 family systems theory, 205
183185 mixed, 192 symbolic interactionism,
focus of, 183 nonorganic failure to thrive, 204205
informatics, 185 192 Fatigue, 205208
models of, 184185 nutritional deprivation, acute fatigue, chronic
process elements, 184 193194 fatigue, distinguished,
rating systems for, 184 organic, 192 206
use of research findings, 185 Falls, 194196 chronic fatigue, acute
Existential phenomenology, adherence, strategies to fatigue, distinguished,
444 increase, 195196 206
Expectancy-value model, environmental factors, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
2425 194195 206207
Experimental research, interventions, definitions of, 206
185187 multidimensional, 195 fatigue, depression,
control, 186 multifactorial in nature, 194 relationship between,
design strategies, 186 personal risk factors, 195 207
manipulation, 185186 screening, 195 generic measures of, 207
randomization, 186 Families, depression in, related to cancer, 206
research designs, validity of, 137139 related to childbearing, 206
186187 family transformations, 138 Fecal incontinence, 36
Expert systems, 2324 genetic-biological research, Feminist research
Exploratory studies, 187188 137138 methodology, 208209
flexible design, 187 major depressive disorder, concerns of minority
intent of, 187 137 women, 209
qualitative or naturalistic psychosocial research, 138 nonsexist nature of, 208
designs, 187188 systematic family person-environment fit, 209
Exposure to intimate partner
interventions, 138139 positive directions, 209
violence, children,
universal mood state, 137 sample selection, 208
Family care, 196198 Fetal alcohol syndrome, 16
Factor analysis, 189191 adult with chronic illness, Fetal monitoring, 209211
assumptions, 189190 spouse of, 197 intervention used, 210
confirmatory, 189 data collection, 198 Fever/febrile response,
exploratory, 189 formal professional 211213
factor extraction, 190 caregivers, 196 acute phase response, 211
factor matrix, 190 to frail elders, 198200 chill phase, 211
factor rotation, 190 grandparents caring for defervescence phase, 211
interpretation of factors, grandchildren, 197 febrile shivering, 212
190191 of mentally ill, 200201 febrile-symptom
planning for, 190 nonnormative role, 196 management, 212213
Failure to thrive, nonorganic, normative patient role, 196 hyperthermia, 211
192 Family health, 201202 plateau phase, 211
Failure to thrive (adult), effective interventions, 202 pyrogens, 211
191192 factors influencing, 201 symptoms, 212
Index 777

temperature regulation, set typology of, 221 Generalized theory, 510

point theory of, 212 Functional Health Pattern Genetics, 227228
FHPAST. See Functional Assessment Screening human genome, 227
Health Pattern Tool, 222 research topics, 227
Assessment Screening Functional Independence Geriatric interdisciplinary
Tool Measure, 3 teams, 228230
Fitzpatricks rhythm model, Funding, 222223 positive attitudes, 230
213215 extramural, 222 positive outcomes of,
developmental correlate, funding public sources, 223 228229
214 intramural, 222 team functioning, process
environment, 214 nonpublic sources, 223 of, 229230
information systems, Geriatric nurse practitioner,
importance of, Gastric emptying assessment, 232
213214 225 Geriatrics, 230232
meaningfulness of life, 214 Gastroesophageal reflux geriatric nursing, 231
non-linear temporal disease, 224225 geriatrician, 231
patterns, 215 causes of, 224 gerontic nursing, 231
person, 214 lifestyle changes, 225 Gerontological advanced
rhythm patterns, 214 scintigraphic gastric practice nursing,
Formal nursing languages, emptying assessment, 232234
215219 ambulatory care, 233234
swallowing abnormalities,
clinical terms, definition education, 233
terms, differentiation meta-analysis methods, 234
symptoms of, 224
between, 216 nursing home management,
Gastrointestinal symptoms,
concept-oriented 232233
chronic, 7678
terminology, 218219 Program of All-inclusive
Gender, 225227, 551553
data elements specific to Care for Elderly, 233
Bem Sex Role Inventory,
nursing, 216 quality of care, 232
defined, 215216 Gerontological clinical nurse
both/and concept, 226
definition terms, clinical specialist, 232
caring, curing,
terms, differentiation Goal attainment theory, of
distinguished, 227
between, 216 Imogene King,
Committee for Research in
motivation for, 216217 314315
Problems of Sex, 552
reference terminology Grandparents raising
either/or concept, 226
model, 218 grandchildren,
family planning, 552
standardized terminologies, formation of gender 234236
217 identity, steps of, 226 antecedents to, 234
Frail elders, family care to, gender identity, 551553 children with special needs,
198200 gender role identification, 235
Functional health, 219222 552 increased financial
assessment framework, 221 Hirschfeld, Magnus, 551 pressures, 235236
biomarkers, 220 identification, distinct increased rates of
data collection, description coping strategies, psychological distress,
approach to, 221 226227 235
disability, influence of prostitution, 552 negative consequences for
decision making on, Sanger, Margaret, 552 well-being of
219 sexual abuse, 553 grandparents, 234236
Functional Health Pattern transgender, individuals, social isolation, 236
Assessment Screening 551553 Grantsmanship, 236237
Tool, 222 transvestism, ability to handle criticism,
Nagi model of disability, homosexuality, 236237
219 551553 follow directions, 237
psychological factors, 220 von Krafft Ebing, Richard, repetition of important
self-report, 220 551 content, 236
778 Index

Grantsmanship (continued) causes of, 246 Health services research,

understand goals of challenge in addressing, 253254
particular funding 246247 effectiveness research,
agency, 237 health disparity, defined, 253
Grief, 237239 245 issues addressed, 253
anticipatory grief, 237238 national policy initiatives, nursing interventions,
bereavement, 238239 246 impact of, 254
mourning, 238 research areas, 246 outcomes research, 253
bereavement outcomes, Health indicators, 247249 Health systems delivery,
variables related to, defined, 247 254256
239 development of, models for, care delivery outcome,
conventional grief, 237238 248 255256
loss, 238 key aspects, 247248 care delivery processes, 256
mourning, 238 quality health services, defined, 254
pathological grief, 237238 access to, 249 managed care, introduction
standardized instruments, Health maintenance of, 254
238 organizations, 320, nurse resources, 255256
terms related to, 238 600 organizational
Grounded theory, 239241 Health policy, 249251 characteristics, 255
focus of, 240 comparative methodology, team functioning, 256
hallmarks of, 241 uses of, 249 Heart failure, defined, 49
origins of, 239 influence on practice of Hemodynamic monitoring,
qualitative, non- nursing, 250 256259
mathematical analytic multidisciplinary accuracy, variables
process, 240 investigations of, 250 affecting, 257258
saturation, 240 political participation, 250 cardiac output technology,
present-day health care 258
HCA. See Home care aide systems, characteristics critical care nurses, 257
Health belief model, 28 of, 250 ethical considerations in,
Health care communication, private sector, 249 258
242244 public governmental sector, new technologies to monitor
communication 249 cardiac output, 257
context for, 243 Health-promoting behaviors, pulmonary artery catheter,
development of expertise, 27 256257
242 Health promotion model, of Henderson, Virginia, 555
therapeutic use of, 243 Pender, 457459 International Nursing
nonverbal communication, assumptions of, 458 Library of, 619621
242 critiques of, 458459 Henderson model, 259260
nurses, patient generalizability, 458 basic nursing care, 259
communication, interrelated variables, 458 nurse dose, 259260
242243 middle-range theory, 457 Hermeneutics, 260262
patient communication, related variables, 458 interpretive phenomenology,
support of, 243 strengths of, 459 261262
Health conceptualization, Health services administration, interpretive sessions, 262
244245 251253 interview text, 261262
descriptive analysis, best demonstrated team members, 261
244245 practices, 252 threefold structure of
holistic theories, 245 multidisciplinary nature, understanding,
innate process, 244 251 260261
practice of nursing, outcomes, 251252 time, centrality of, 260
244245 process, 251 HHAs. See Home health
self-actualization, 245 quality of care, agencies
visioning goals, 245 improvement of, 252 HHCC. See Home health care
Health disparities, 245247 structure, 251 classification
Index 779

High risk infant, parental HIV viral load, suppression homelessness, health,
response to birth, of, 272 interrelation between,
hospitalization, interventions 277278
440441 Personalized Nursing individual, structural
Hirschfeld, Magnus, 551 LIGHT model, 272 factors, interaction of,
History of nursing research, Stages of Change Model, 279
262267 272 levels of analysis, 280
air force, 267 physical comorbidities, 272 marginalization of, 279
Army Nurse Corps, 267 symptoms, 272 mood disorders, 281282
federal government, role of, HMO. See Health advocacy, 281282
262 maintenance demographics, 281
first public health policy, organizations depression, 281
262 Home care aide, 608 family unit, strengthening
major hallmarks, summary Home care technologies, of, 282
of, 263 273274 interventions, 282
National Center for Nursing future directions for professionals, strategies
Research, 266 research, 274 for, 282
National Institute of quality of life, 273274 rural areas, 280
Nursing Research, requirement for, 272 shelter setting, 278
365367 systems-oriented, 273 structural, individual
Nightingale, Florence, Home health agencies, 276 factors, interaction of,
262263 Home health care 279
HIV risk behavior, 267269 classification system, uninsured, 278
behavioral contributors, 268 274276 women, 280
cognitive-behavioral coding framework, 275 Hospice, 282285
interventions, 268 coding strategy for tracking caregiver, patient reports,
environmental factors, 268 clinical care, 275 congruence between,
injection drug uses, 268 design of clinical care 284
interpersonal factors, 268 pathways, 275 death anxiety, 285
measurement issues, standards of nursing family caregivers, needs of,
268269 practice, 275 284
meta-analysis research, 269 terminologies, 275 hospice providers,
multiple sexual partners, Home health systems, philosophy of, 285
268 276277 intensity of symptoms by
personal factors, 268 commercial vendors, nurses, perceptions,
subpopulations at particular developed by, 276 284
risk, 269 home health agencies, 276 methodological approaches,
unprotected sexual management information 283
intercourse, 268 system, 276 patient, caregiver reports,
HIV symptom management, management of HHA, congruence between,
269271 276277 284
aerobic training, 270 Homelessness, 277281 Quality of life, 284285
anxiety, 270 adolescents, 280 referral, 283
fatigue, 270 categories of, 279 Human becoming theory, of
perception of circumstances, definition, 279 Parse, 444446
dependent upon families, 280 Human Caring, Theory of,
psychological makeup, future nursing research, 624626
271 278279 Human suffering, 345
peripheral neuropathy, 271 health, homelessness, Hydration in older adults,
symptoms, defined, 270 interrelation between, 285287
telephone support group, 277278 beverage cart, 287
270 homeless elders, 280 decreased reserve capacity,
HIV treatment, 271273 homeless person, defined, 286
Delphi technique, 272 277 dehydration, defined, 285
780 Index

Hydration in older adults urge incontinence, 614 infant nutrient intake, 414
(continued) Individual nursing therapy, Infection control, 296297
diminished thirst response, 292294 hospital-acquired infections,
286 case management, 294 296297
hydration, defined, 285 community mental-health priority-directed or targeted
limit fluid intake for system, 294 surveillance, 297
convenience, 286 crisis intervention, 293294 problem-oriented
lower baseline total body psychiatric nurse clinical surveillance, 297
water, 286 specialists, 293 surveillance, 297
oral fluid intake, 286287 therapeutic nurse-client total house surveillance, 297
prevention of, 287 relationship, defined, Infections, nosocomial,
risk, 286 292 379381
Hyperoxygenation, 172173 therapeutic relationship, bloodstream infections, 379
Hypertension, 4950, 292293 handwashing, 380
287290 Individualized care for frail nurses, first line of defense,
classification of blood elders model, 353 380381
pressure, 288 Infant hospitalization, high pneumonia, 379
defined, 288 risk, parental response, surgical-site infections,
increase with age, 288 440441 379380
independent risk factors, Infant injury, 294296 total cost of, 380
289 effective injury prevention, Informed consent, 297299
lifestyle modification, barriers to, 296 competency, 298
289290 event codes, 294 local institutional review
nonpharmacological event-specific, 295 board, 298
therapy, 289290 injury prevention strategies, patient advocacy, 298
occurs with other risk framework for, 296 subject understanding, 298
factors, 288289 national mortality data, 295 understandability, 298
population affected, 288 physical damage codes, 294 unethical actions on part of
public-health prevention unintentional, 295 researchers, 297
strategies, 289290 Infant-mother relationships, Institutional review board,
treatment, 289290 359360 298
biological factors, 359 Instrumental activities of daily
IADL. See Instrumental
maternal cognitions, 360 living, 3
activities of daily living
psychosocial health of Instrumentation, 299300
ICNP. See International
mother, child, instrument revision, 300
Classification for
Nursing Practice 359360 instrument testing, 300
Immigrant women, 291292 race/ethnicity, role of, 360 laboratory devices, 299
conceptualization of relationship between laboratory measures, 300
immigration as parenting environment, processes, 299
transition, 292 359 psychometrics, 299
environments, increase Infant nutrition, 413416 scaling, decisions about,
health risks, 291 adult-onset cardiovascular 299300
future areas for scholarship, disease, risk factors self-report measures, 299
292 for, 414 Intelligence, artificial, 2224
nursing perspective focus, breast-feeding, 414 capabilities to produce
291 commercial formulas, 414 artificially intelligent
unique characteristics, 291 dietary recommendations, product, 2223
Immigration, widowhood, 415 decision-support systems, 23
relocation, 601 epidemic of overweight, defined, 22
Incontinence, urinary, 414415 Interactive video, 522524
614615 factors influencing dietary research on, 522524
nocturia, 614 intake, 415 International Classification for
pelvic muscle strengthening, human milk, ideal source of Nursing Practice,
615 nutrition, 414 300302
Index 781

benefits of, 300301 Ischemia, cerebral, 6466 categories of, 312

networking among cerebral blood flow, extensions of, 312313
researchers, facilitation reduction in, 6465 trends in, 313314
of, 302 cerebral blood volume, 66 Katz Index of Activities of
partnerships, 302 defined, 64 Daily Living, 3
terms, crossmapped of, 302 focal, 65 King, Imogene, conceptual
use of standardized future directions, 66 system, theory of goal
terminologies, 300 global, 65 attainment, 314315
worldwide participation of global CBF, measurement grand level theory, 314
nurses, 301 of, 6566 interaction, 314
International Honor Society of irreversible brain damage, Model of Transactions, 314
Nursing, Nursing threshold for, 66 organization, 314
Research Classification ischemic cell change, 65 perception, 314
System, Sigma Theta Knowledge engineering, 24
Job satisfaction, 307308
Tau International, measures of, 307308
555557 Languages, nursing, formal,
meta-analysis of, 307308 215219
International Nursing Library, nurses job satisfaction,
of Virginia Henderson, clinical terms, definition
outcomes, relationship terms, differentiation
619621 between, 308
International nursing research, between, 216
variables of, 307308 concept-oriented
302303 Job stress, 309310 terminology, 218219
multicultural heritage, factors of, 309 data elements specific to
nurses of, 303 growing shortage of nurses, nursing, 216
Interpersonal communication, 309310
defined, 215216
nurse-patient, 303305 Nursing Stress Scale, 309
definition terms, clinical
Interventionist approach strategies to help with, 309
terms, differentiation
normative models of Johnson, Dorothy, Behavioral
between, 216
universes, 1 System Model,
motivation for, 216217
theory of instruction, 1 310311
reference terminology
theory of intervention, 1 achievement subsystem, 310
model, 218
Intimate partner violence, attachment/affiliative
standardized terminologies,
305306 subsystem, 310
abuse, 306 dependency subsystem, 310
Lead exposure, 7071
children exposed to, 7375 eliminative subsystem, 310
adverse health effects, 70
interventions, 7475 equilibrium, 311
earliest studies, 71
Posttraumatic Stress ingestive subsystems, 310
environmental lead
Disorder, 74 nursing, 310
nursing assessments, exposure, 70
risks, 7374 low-level lead exposure,
suicide attempts, 74 310311
person, 310 7071
educational protocols, 306 neurobehavioral
gun access, 306 sexual subsystem, 310
Judgment, clinical, 8082 development of, 7071
safety, assessment issues, Least significant difference
306 aspects of, 82
decision analysis, 81 test, 569
Iowa model of research in Leiningers Theory of Culture
decision making, 81
practice, 524525 Care Diversity and
defined, 80
IRB. See Institutional review Universality, 316318
diagnostic reasoning, 81
board environmental context, 317
evidence-base practice, 82
Irritable bowel syndrome, ethnohistory, 317
information processing, 81
7677 ethnonursing, 317
Novice to Expert Model, 82
causes, 7677 phenomenological, 8182 health, defined, 317
etiology of, 76 rationalistic, 8182 Sunrise Model, 316
management, 77 worldview, 317
psychological procedures, Kangaroo care, 312314 Level of Service Inventory-
77 benefits of, 313 Revised, 356
782 Index

Life review, 510511 neuroendocrine preventive intervention, 331

Life-sustaining treatment, 169 pathways, 321 preventive science, 332333
Logotherapy relationship to husband/ primary prevention, 331
dereflection, 345 partner, 321322 secondary prevention, 331
paradoxical, 345 relationship to mother, selective prevention, 332
Socratic dialogue, 345 321322 tertiary prevention, 332
Longitudinal survey, 318319 socially supportive Mental health
adequate response, 318 community community, 9597
creative research team, 319 intervention, 323 community psychiatric
identification with agency, well-being of self, infant in nurses, role
319 labor, 321 differentiation of, 96
participants, costs to, 318 McGill Ingestive Skills community to hospital,
research team, 319 Assessment, 159 95
sample attrition, 318 Meaning, middle-range theory hospital to community,
total design method, 318 of, 345 95
Low-birthweight births, Measurement, scales, 323325 psychiatric home care
prevention, 484486 borrowing from other nursing, 96
LSI-R. See Level of Service disciplines, limitations psychiatric nursing
Inventory-Revised of, 324325 interventions, 9697
focus of, 323 social workers, 95
Machine learning, 23 interval-scale, 324 in public sector primary
Major depressive disorder, Likert scaling, 324 care, 333334
137, 140141 nominal-level data, 323 barriers to, 333
Managed care, 320 ordinal-scale, 324 blended roles, 334
defined, 320 Medications in older persons, de facto mental health
exclusive provider 325328 services system in U.S.,
organizations, 320 adherence, 326327 333
health care environment, cognitive decline, 327 generation of new
impact on compliance-enhancing knowledge, 334
health maintenance interventions, 327328 opportunities for nurse
organizations, 320 electronic event monitoring, researchers, 334
point-of-service, 320 327 Mental health services
preferred provider nonadherence, 326327 research, 334
organizations, 320 polypharmacy, 326 interdisciplinary, 335
MANOVA. See Multivariate treatment-related factors, interventions, 335
analysis of variance 327 public health services, 335
Maternal anxiety, adaptation Menstrual cycle, 328331 services research, 335
during pregnancy, biobehavioral assessment of, Mental illness, 550551
321323 330 bipolar disorder, 550
acceptance of pregnancy, feminist approaches, 329 institutionalization, 551
321322 gender-specific process, 328 recurrent major depression,
fears pertaining to pain, menarche, 328329 550
helplessness, 321 menarcheal girls, attitudes resulting in increased
identification with among, 329 homelessness increased
motherhood role, menopause, 328331 numbers of
321322 menstrual period, 328 incarcerated
labor, loss of control in, menstruation, 328329 individuals, 551
321 multidisciplinary efforts, risk of transmission of HIV,
low birthweight, 322 329 551
newborn birthweight, 322 normative experiences of, risk-taking behaviors, 551
prenatal-state, 321 329330 schizoaffective disorder, 550
preparation for labor, 321 Mental disorders prevention, schizophrenia, 550
preterm delivery, 322 331333 Mental status measurement,
psychophysiological prevention programs, timing mini-mental state
responses involve of, 332 examination, 336338
Index 783

Mentoring, 338339 mental illness, Music therapy, 360362

coaching, 338 stigmatization of, 151 contraindications for, 362
expert-to-novice misdiagnosis, 151 factors in choice of,
relationship, 338 subgroups, variances within, 361362
mentees, 338 151 physiological effects of, 361
mentor, 338 treatment outcomes, 152 sedative music, 361
mentoring dyads, 339 Minority women offenders, stimulative music, 361
preceptor-preceptee, 339 355356 Myocardial infarction, 19
role model, 338 community supervision, 355 Myocardial ischemia,
socialization into profession, Level of Service Inventory- asymptomatic, 21
339 Revised, 356
Meta-analysis, 339341 unique needs, 355 Nagi model of disability, 219
biased conclusions, 340 MISA. See McGill Ingestive NANDA. See North American
nonindependence in, 340 Skills Assessment Nursing Diagnosis
quantitative approach, Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Association
339340 Scale, 605 Narrative analysis, 363365
size indicator, 340 Mood disorders, homelessness, hybrid forms of, 364365
Middle-range theories, 281282 interpretive orientation, 364
341353 Moral distress, 356358 linguistic/cognitive, 364
dementia care, 353355 dilemma, defined research process, levels of
for frail elders model, 353 distress, defined, 356 representation in, 364
need-driven dementia- institutional setting, 357 sociocultural, 364
compromised behavior moral, defined, 356 storytelling orientation, 364
model, 354 moral distress, moral structural orientation,
principles of, 354 dilemmas, distinction 363364
progressively lowered between, 356357 National Center for Nursing
stress threshold model, moral judgment, 357 Research, 266
354355 moral responsibility, National Institute of Nursing
family stress, 343345 individual nurses sense Research, 365367
inclusion criteria, 341 of, 357 advisory council, 366
of meaning, 345 psychological, physical award mechanisms, 366
pain management, 438439 sequelae, 357358 grant applications, 366
self-efficacy, 346347 quality of care, 358 mission of, 365366
self-transcendence, 347348 Moral reckoning, 358359 research portfolio, 366367
story, narrative happening, situational binds, 358 National Institutes of Health,
348 Stage of Ease, 358 367369
uncertainty in illness, Stage of Reflection, biomedical research center,
350351 358359 367
unpleasant symptoms, Stage of Resolution, 358 impact on health of nation,
351353 Mother-infant/toddler 368369
works in progress, 342 relationships, 359360 Institutes, Centers, and
Mini-Mental State biological factors, 359 Divisions, 367
Examination, 336338 maternal cognitions, 360 mission, goals, research
Minority mental health, psychosocial health of support, 368
disparities in, 150152 mother, child, NCNR. See National Center
cultural competence, 359360 for Nursing Research
barriers to, 151 race/ethnicity, role of, 360 Need-driven dementia-
cultural influences, 152 relationship between compromised behavior
ethical responsibilities, 150 parenting environment, model, 354
knowledge development, 359 Neglect, child, 6668
152 MUIS. See Mishel Uncertainty Neuman Systems Model,
long-term legalized racism/ in Illness Scale 369371
discrimination, Multivariate analysis of environment, 370
150151 variance, 569 health, 370
784 Index

Neuman Systems Model research as praxis, 377 unique characteristics of,

(continued) unitary-transformative 383
instrumentation, use of, paradigm, 376377 Nurse practitioners, 13
370371 NIC. See Nursing Nurse researchers in clinical
internal lines of resistance, Interventions setting, 383385
370 Classification academic researcher, nurse
line of defense, 370 Nightingale, Florence, researcher, difference
nurse, as intervener, 377379, 387388, between, 384
369370 412, 503 specific responsibilities for,
person, 369 conceptual model for 384
Neurobehavioral development, nursing, 378 tasks, 384385
nutritive sucking, founder of contemporary Nurse staffing, 384387
371374 nursing, nursing diseases, treatments
central nervous system, 371 education, 377 analysis, 386387
developmental science, health, role of environment, generalizable results, 385
perspective of, 372 378379 nursing viewpoint analysis,
index of maturation, holistic view of human 387
372373 beings, 378 patient classification
newborn behavior, 372 liberal education, 379 techniques, reliability
nutritive sucking, future NINR. See National Institute of, 386
development problems, of Nursing Research task or work analysis, 386
link between, 373 NMDS. See Nursing ward size, 385
sleep-wake states, measures Minimum Data Set Nursing assessment, 387389
of, 374 NOFTT. See Nonorganic communication, 388
sleeping and waking states, failure to thrive diverse cultures, 389
Nonorganic failure to thrive, patients perspectives, 389
Synactive Model of
192 perceptions of symptoms,
Neonatal Behavioral
Normative models of 389
Organization, 371372
universes, 1 physical assessment skills,
Neurodegenerative disorders,
North American Nursing 388389
preliminary screening
Diagnosis Association, purposes of, 387
for, 336
taxonomy, 590 quality of life, 389
Neurofeedback, 34
Nosocomial infections, Nursing centers, 389391
Neurogenesis, 34
379381 client satisfaction high,
Neuroleptic use in nursing
bloodstream infections, 379 390391
homes, 374376
chemical restraints, handwashing, 380 electronic practice
374375 nurses, first line of defense, management, 391
nonpharmacological 380381 faculty practice, independent
interventions, 374375 pneumonia, 379 nursing practices,
Omnibus Budget surgical-site infections, entrepreneurship, 390
Reconciliation Act of 379380 history of, 389
1987, 374375 total cost of, 380 sponsors, 390
pharmacological treatment, Nurse extender, 608610 types of services provided,
374375 Nurse-patient interaction, 390
Neuroplasticity, 34 381382 wellness, health promotion,
Newborns, endotracheal focus of, 382 390
suctioning in, 172173 inductive approaches, 382 Nursing diagnosis, 391393
Newmans theory of health, quality of, 381 actual nursing diagnosis,
375377 video technology, 382 392
basis of, 376 Nurse-patient relationship, defined, 392
caring in human health 382383 evidence-based practice, 392
experience, 376 dynamics involved in, 383 risk nursing diagnosis, 392
hermeneutic method of research agenda, standard set of nursing-
inquiry, 377 augmentation of, 383 specific terms, 391
Index 785

wellness nursing diagnosis, professional nurses, transitional models, 408

392 experience of, 399 Nursing process, 409410
Nursing education, 392394 skill mix, patient outcomes, high value for, 410
continuing education, 394 relation of, 399 multidimensional concept,
licensure, 393 Nursing Interventions 409410
professional organizations, Classification, systematic identification,
394 399402, 590 409
types of educational defined, 400 Nursing Stress Scale, 309
programs, 393 implementation of, 401 Nursing Studies Index,
university-level education, intervention, defined, 400 410411, 555
393 interventions, groups, classification scheme, 411
voluntary credentialing 400401 computer technology,
mechanism, 394 phases, 401 410411
Nursing homes, neuroleptic Nursing Minimum Data Set, for historical research, 411
use in, 374376 395 organized chronologically,
chemical restraints, Nursing occupational injury, 411
374375 stress, 401 Nursing workload
nonpharmacological biologic, infectious hazards, measurement systems,
interventions, 374375 402403 411415
Omnibus Budget burnout, 404 classification theory, 412
Reconciliation Act of chemical hazards, 402403 global staffing, 412
1987, 374375 enviromechanical hazards, implementation strategies,
pharmacological treatment, 402403 413
374375 physical hazards, 402404 nursing acuity, 412
Nursing informatics, 394396 psychosocial, 404 nursing severity, 412
psychosocial hazards, 402
definition, 394 nursing workload,
Nursing Outcomes
nursing data, 396 measurement of,
nursing informatics 412413
404407, 590
specialist, 395396 patient classification
development of, 405
Nursing Minimum Data Set, systems, 412
domains, 405406
395 patient dependency, 412
format, 405
nursing process, 395 perceived requirements, 412
initial phases, 406
vocabulary classification Nutrition in elderly, 416418
Nursing Minimum Data Set,
schemes, 395 arginine, 416417
implementation, 407
Nursing information systems, caregiver, person being fed,
nursing-sensitive patient
396398 outcome, defined, interaction between,
early information systems, 404405 416
396 original taxonomy, 406 elective coronary artery
models for viewing outcomes use in practice, bypass grafting,
information systems, 406 416417
397 refinement, 406407 frailty, 417418
nursing administration, 397 standardized languages, 407 malnutrition, 417418
nursing data sets, 397 Nursing practice models, measurement of nutritional
nursing education, 397 407409 status, 417
nursing practice, 397 collaborative governance nutrient intake, 416
nursing research, 397398 models, 408 Nutrition Screening
Nursing intensity, 397400 goal of, 407408 Initiative, 417
magnet hospital status, organizing care around, 408 rates for malnutrition, 416
patient outcomes, professional practice wound healing, 416
relationship between, models, 408 Nutrition in infancy,
398399 shared governance models, childhood, 413416
patient acuity, 398 408 adult-onset cardiovascular
patient outcomes, skill mix, theory-based practice disease, risk factors
relation of, 399 models, 408 for, 414
786 Index

Nutrition in infancy, dehydration, defined, 285 theory of nursing systems,

childhood (continued) diminished thirst response, 426
breast-feeding, 414 286 theory of self-care, 425
commercial formulas, 414 hydration, defined, 285 theory of self-care deficit,
dietary recommendations, limit fluid intake for 425426
415 convenience, 286 therapeutic self-care
epidemic of overweight, lower baseline total body demands, self-care
414415 water, 286 agency, relationship
factors influencing dietary oral fluid intake, 286287 between, 425
intake, 415 prevention of, 287 Organizational culture,
human milk, ideal source of risk, 286 426427
nutrition, 414 Older adult medication, leader/responsibility, 427
infant nutrient intake, 414 325328 qualitative tradition, 427
Nutrition Screening Initiative, adherence, 326327 quantitative approach, 427
417 cognitive decline, 327 relevance of, 427
Nutritive sucking compliance-enhancing utility of concept, 426427
neurobehavioral interventions, 327328 Organizational redesign,
development, 371374 electronic event monitoring, 427429
neurobehavioral 327 impact on patient outcomes,
development and, nonadherence, 326327 429
371374 polypharmacy, 326 long-term effect, 429
treatment-related factors, negative effects of, 428
Obesity as cardiovascular risk
327 organizational factors
factor, 419421
Omnibus Budget contributing to
accumulation of visceral fat,
Reconciliation Act of outcomes seen, 428
1987, 374375 staff reaction, 428
children, 419
Online Journal of Knowledge Osteoarthritis, 429430
intervention studies, 420
Synthesis for Nursing, impact of, 430
older adults, 420
423425 self-management, 430
racial differences, 420421
advantages to, 424 treatment approaches, 430
women, 419420
hypertext links, 424425 Osteoporosis, 430433
OBRA. See Omnibus Budget
purpose of, 423424 bone mass density, 430432
Reconciliation Act
Statement of Practice bone quality, 431
Observational research design,
Problem Issue, 424 causes, 431432
aim of minimizing bias, subscription information, economic burden of, 433
422423 425 pregnancy-associated, 431
case-comparison study, 422 Summary of Research, prevalence of, 431
cross-sectional study, 422 424 psychosocial ramifications
longitudinal comparative Oral fluid intake, 286287 of, 432433
designs, 422 Ordinal scaling, 3 risk of fracture, 432
measurement bias, 423 Orems Self-Care Deficit skeletal changes, 432
selection bias, 423 Nursing Theory, Outcome measures, 433435
use of, 422 425426 client-focused variables, 434
Older adult depression, concepts of Nursing client outcomes, 433434
139140 Agency, 426 organizational outcomes,
diagnosing, 139140 concepts of Self-Care, 426 434
late-life, risk factors, 140 concepts of Self-Care standardized measures, need
reasons for, 139 Agency, 426 for, 434
symptomatology of, 140 concepts of Self-Care
Older adult hydration, Demands, 426 PACE. See Program of All-
285287 self-care agency, therapeutic inclusive Care for
beverage cart, 287 self-care demands, Elderly
decreased reserve capacity, relationship between, Pain, 436438
286 425 acute, 436
Index 787

anesthetic, 437 Patient classification, 447448 minority, majority ethnic

chronic, 436 factor evaluation, 448 groups, differences in
cognitive behavioral nursing workload health care outcomes
techniques, 437 measurement systems, between, 456
gate control theory, 448 obesity, 456457
436437 process of classifying, 448 Penders Health Promotion
mind-body experience, 436 prototype evaluations, 448 Model, 457459
pharmacological transforming classification assumptions of, 458
management, 437 schemes, 448449 critiques of, 458459
physical modalities, 437 Patient contracting, 449450 generalizability, 458
radiation therapy, 437 behavioral analysis, interrelated variables, 458
surgical procedures, 437 foundation of, middle-range theory, 457
Pain theory, mid-range, 449450 related variables, 458
438439 directions for future strengths of, 459
analgesia, side effects, research, 450 Peplaus theoretical model,
balance between, effectiveness of, 449 459461
438439 positive reinforcement, 450 historical significance, 461
assumptions of, 438 process of, 449 middle-range theory, 460
quality of life, 439 Patient education, 450452 nurse-focused topics, 460
PAR model. See Participatory critical issues, 451452 orientation phase, 460
action research model defined, 450 patient-focused topics,
Parental response, to birth, ethics, 452 460461
hospitalization, of high meta-analyses of, 451 research-based theory,
risk infant, 440441 use of Internet, 452 460461
Parenting, 441443 Patient safety, 452454 termination phase, 460
adolescent, 8 care delivery, 453 therapeutic process of
high-risk infants, 442 evidence-based management nursing, 459
normal, healthy children, strategies, 453 therapeutic relationship,
442 higher staffing levels, 453 459460
nursing diagnoses, 441 magnet hospitals, 453 clinical significance of,
parents of ill children, 442 organizational culture, 461
problematic parenting, 453454 working phase, 460
442443 transformational leadership, Personal care attendant,
theoretical models of, 443 453 608610
transition to parenthood, Patient satisfaction, 454456 Pet therapy, 461463
442 identify areas for bio-physiological effects,
Parkinsons disease, 443444 improvement, 455456 462
caregiver role, 444 psychometrically sound companion animals
pharmacological therapy, measures, 455 children, 462
443444 refinement of institutionalized elderly,
progressive, degenerative methodological 463
neurological disorder, strategies, 455 health benefits of, 462
443 Risser Patient Satisfaction Phenomenology, 463466
symptoms of, 443 Scale, 454 descriptive phenomenology,
Parses theory of nursing, taxonomy of patient 464
human becoming satisfaction, 454 doing phenomenology,
theory, 444446 Patient Self-Determination Act 465466
Participant observation, of 1990, 11 intentionality, 464
446447 PCA. See Personal care perception, 464
continuum involvement, 447 attendant philosophical movement,
objective distance, 446 Pediatric primary care, 463
Participatory action research 456457 research method, 464
model, 92 childhood immunizations, Philosophy of nursing,
Patient care assistant, 608610 456 466467
788 Index

Philosophy of nursing Positive health outcomes, 527 Preoperative psychological

(continued) Positivist approaches, preparation for
advancement nursing qualitative research, surgery, 480482
knowledge, 466467 contrasted, 498 early research, 480
future directions, 467 Postpartum depression, meta-analyses of, 481
philosophy, relationship 473475 nature of surgical care,
between, 466 early detection of, 474 change in, 481482
questions to ask, 466 future research directions, outcome indicators, 481
Physical effect of alcohol, 15 474475 preparatory sensory
Physical restraints, 467469 maternal-infant interactions, information, 480481
ability to do harm, 468 474 psychological preparation
acute care settings, 468469 maternity blues, for surgery, 482
behavioral symptoms, distinguished, 473474 stress and coping, 48481
467468 risk factors, 474 Preoxygenation, 172173
fall risk, 467468 symptoms, 473 Pressure ulcers, 482484
legislation, 468 PPO. See Preferred provider development of, 482
non-psychiatric settings, 467 organizations guidelines on treatment of,
restraint-free care, 468 Practice-based research 483484
restraint reduction, network, 488 incidence rates, 482
approaches to, 469 Preferred provider prediction tools, 483
staffing levels, links organizations, 320 pressure ulcer development,
between, 468 Pregnancy, 475477 litigation over, 482
treatment interference, adolescent, 8, 476 prevention, 482483
467468 demographic of, 8 reduction in rates, factor
Physiological monitoring, impact of, 8 for, 483
469470 parenting prevention Preterm births, prevention,
physiological variables programs, 8 low-birthweight births,
measured, 469 anxiety during, 321323 484486
technological care during labor and birth, Prevention, preterm, low-
instrumentation, 469 476 birthweight births,
Pilot study, 470471 gestational weight, 475 484486
opportunity to identify health promotion efforts, community-based nursing
problems with study 476 telephone follow-up,
design, 470 HIV prevention and care 485486
refinement of data collection during, 476 occurrence of, 484
instruments, 470 nutrition, 475 prolonged bed rest, 485
results of, 470471 physical activity, 475 role of prenatal care,
PLST model. See Progressively symptoms of, 475476 484485
lowered stress Premenstrual syndrome, smoking cessation
threshold model 477480 programs, 485
Point-of-service, 320 expansion of therapeutic Preventive services delivery,
Population health, 471472 studies, 479 clinical, 8486
Department of Defense feminist view, 477 barriers to implementation,
Tricare Management labeling, 477478 84
Activity, 471 treatment, controversy consensus-building
management programs, 471 over the, 477 strategies, 85
template, 471 measurement of evidence-based guidelines,
Populations perimenstrual 85
aggregates, 472473 experiences, 479 U.S. Preventive Services
biostatistics, 472 menstrual cycle, 478 Task Force, 85
epidemiology, 472 misogynist views of, 477 Primary care, 486490
population approach to as normative experience, care regimens for client-
decision making, 473 478479 specific health needs,
theory of probability, 472 self-care, 479480 487
Index 789

challenges to value of, 486 Psychosocial adjustment, to components of, 500

client-provider interaction, breast cancer, 3839 Institute of Medicine,
487 Psychosocial interventions, definition, 500
defined, 486, 488489 494 outcomes, 500
effectiveness of diagnostic acute psychiatric inpatient process quality, 500
methods, 487 unit, 494495 structural quality, 500
essence of, 489490 impact of use, in coping Quality of life, 21, 284285,
health services delivery, 487 with physical illness, 444445, 501503
international initiatives, 490 495 challenges for measurement
multidisciplinary, 486487 objective of, 494 of, 502
nursing perspective, 486 online self-help groups, 495 comparisons across studies,
other conceptual use by general practitioners, difficulty in, 502
frameworks, effectiveness of, 495 dimension-specific
integration with, 490 Psychosocial research measurements, 502
practice-based research behavioral research, disease or population
network, 488 distinguished, 28 specific instruments,
primary health care, distinguished, 28 501
primary care, Pulmonary changes in elders, federal funding, research on,
difference between, 495496 501
489 altered pulmonary- generic measures, 501
principles for protective mechanisms, individualized QOL tools,
implementation of, 496 502
489 chronic obstructive measurements, types, 501
Primary nursing, 490491 pulmonary disease, utility measures, 502
new patient care delivery 496 Quantify meaning, instruments
models, 491 dyspnea or shortness of to, 345
nurse-patient relationship at breath, 496 Quantitative research,
center, 490491 normal lung aging, benign 503504
professional practice model, process, 495496 continuous scales, 503
491 pulmonary embolism, 496 measurement scales, 503
Program of All-inclusive Care pulmonary infection, 496 qualitative research,
for Elderly, 233 smoking, 496 distinguished
Progressively lowered stress statistical methodology,
QOL. See Quality of life 503504
threshold model,
Qualitative research, 497501 Quantitative research
interviews, 521522 methodology, 504506
Prostate cancer, 491494 as data collection
early stage prostate cancer, external validity, 506
strategy, 521 internal validity, 506
492 focus of, 522 nonprobability sampling,
effects of local therapy, 493 formal, 522 505
gender-specific, 491 informal, 522 probability design, 505
Gleason score, 492 sequence of questions, randomized clinical trials,
patients experiences, 493 521 505
primary treatment, physical structure of, 522 Quasi-experimental research,
consequences of, 494 structuring in phases, 521 506507
prostate-specific antigens, tape-recording of, 522 experimental research,
491492 types of interviews, 522 distinguished, 506
quality of life, 492 naturalistic inquiry, 497 nonequivalent control group
screening, 493494 positivist approaches, 498 designs, 506
screening of high-risk quantitative research, preexperimental designs,
individuals, 493 distinguished, 497 506
Prostate-specific antigens, Quality of care in long-term, time series designs, 506507
491492 232
PSA. See Prostate-specific Quality of care measurement, Rapid-eye-movement sleep,
antigens 499501 557
790 Index

Reconceptualized uncertainty theoretical replication, 512 Research utilization, 524526

in illness theory, Representation of knowledge models, 524526
350351 for computational Resident assistant, 608610
defined, 350 modeling in nursing, Resourcefulness, 526528
themes of, 350 arcs program, 513515 contextual factors affecting,
Uncertainty in Illness Scale, Research, 26 527
351 basic sciences, nursing, link depressive cognitions, lower
uncertainty management between, 26 resourcefulness
intervention, 351 nursing, basic sciences, link behaviors, 527
Redesign, organizational, between, 26 forms of, 526527
427429 nursing research, origins of, personal resourcefulness,
impact on patient outcomes, 26 527
429 Research careers, 515517 social resourcefulness, 527
long-term effect, 429 centers for research, Respiratory distress syndrome,
negative effects of, 428 University of 172173
organizational factors California, 516 Responses on self-reports,
contributing to educational preparation for, accuracy of, 616618
outcomes seen, 428 516 Restraints, physical, 467469
staff reaction, 428 financial support, 517 ability to do harm, 468
Regional Program for Nursing research methodology, acute care settings, 468469
Research Development courses in, 516 behavioral symptoms,
Model, Western statistics, courses in, 516 467468
Interstate Commission Research case study, 6163 fall risk, 467468
for Higher Education case-in-context, 6162 legislation, 468
in Nursing, 524525 data analysis, 62 non-psychiatric settings, 467
defined, 61
Registry of Nursing Research, restraint-free care, 468
measures of reliability,
555556 restraint reduction,
validity, 6263
Reliability, 508510 approaches to, 469
multiple-case designs, 62
Cronbachs alpha reliability staffing levels, links
presentation, 62
coefficient, 509 between, 468
research process for, 62
equivalence, 508509 treatment interference,
single-case design, 62
forms of, 508 467468
unit of analysis, 62
generalized theory, 510 Retirement, 528530
Research dissemination,
stability reliability, 508 activity theory, 529
communication of
test theory, 510 among women, 530
research, 517519
Relocation stress, 601 Research in nursing ethics, bridge employment, 528
REM sleep. See Rapid-eye- 519521 characteristics of older
movement sleep ethics, nursing, 519521 citizens, 528
Reminiscence, life review, moral reasoning in, continuity theory, 529
510511 519520 decline in age of, 528
Eight Ages of Man, 510 Research interviews, 521522 disengagement theory, 529
narrative therapy, 510 as data collection strategy, political-economy theory,
oral history, 510 521 529
as process for reaching focus of, 522 theories of aging, 529
integrity, 510 formal, 522 widowers, 529
theory of informal, 522 widows, 529
gerotranscendence, qualitative, 521522 Retirement communities,
510511 sequence of questions, 521 continuing care,
whole life story, 510 structure of, 522 106108
Replication studies, 511513 structuring in phases, 521 adjustment to community,
independent replication, 512 tape-recording of, 522 106
internal replication, 512 types of interviews, 522 categories of, 106
methods of replication, 512 Research on interactive video, health behavior variables,
retest replication, 512 522524 107
Index 791

health promotion of Rural health, 535537 therapeutic self-care

residents, 106107 demands, self-care
Retrieval systems, Sampling, 538539 agency, relationship
bibliographic, 3032, defined, 538 between, 425
525 simple random sampling, Self-concept disturbances,
accuracy, 3132 538 eating disorders,
Boolean logic, 3132 stratified sampling, 538 546548
computerized, components types of, 538 anorexia nervosa, 547
of, 3031 Sanger, Margaret, 552 bulimia nervosa, 547
external, 29 Schizophrenia, 539543 core vulnerability, 548
for nursing literature, alcohol use, 539 Self-efficacy, 2728, 548550
dissatisfaction with, 31 bipolar disorder, 539 Chronic Disease Self-
operational description, 29 criteria for diagnosis, 539 Management Program,
performance measures, 29 family, caregiver burden, 549
primary search strategy, 540 efficaciousness through, 548
3132 hallucinations, 541 empowerment, 548549
research document relapse, 540 enactive mastery experience,
representation, symptom management, 540 548
problem of, 31 treatment regimen middle-range theory,
thesaurus, 30 adherence, 541 346347
Rights of human subjects, unipolar disorder, 539 physiological, affective
530533 Science of Unitary Persons states, 548
elements of informed of Martha E. Rogers, Seattle Midlife Womens
consent, 521 532533 Health Study, 549
human rights, 530 Scientific development, social cognitive theory, 548
informed consent, 531 543545 verbal persuasion, 548
legal rights, 530 approaches to analysis, 544 vicarious experience, 548
moral rights, 530 defined, 543 Self-management, 27
Risser Patient Satisfaction evolution, development by, Self-report, validity of
Scale, 454 545 responses on, 616618
Robinson Self-Appraisal falsificationism, 544 construct validity, 617
Inventory, 134 integration, development by, content validity, 616
Rogers, Martha E., Science of 545 criterion validity, 616
Unitary Persons, 444, revolution, development by, Self-transcendence middle-
532533 544 range theory, 347348
energy fields, 533 Scintigraphic gastric emptying Self-Transcendence Scale,
helicy, 533 assessment, 225 347348
integrality, 533 Seattle Midlife Womens Serious mental illness,
openness, 533 Health Study, 549 550551
pandimensionality, 533 Secondary data analysis, bipolar disorder, 550
pattern, 533 545546 institutionalization, 551
postulates, 533 data restrictions, 546 recurrent major depression,
principles of sample biases, 546 550
homeodynamics, 533 Self-Care Deficit Nursing resulting in increased
resonancy, 533 Theory, of Orem, homelessness increased
Roy adaptation model, 425426 numbers of
533535 agency, therapeutic self-care incarcerated
elements, assumptions of, demands, relationship individuals, 551
534 between, 425 risk of transmission of HIV,
RSAI. See Robinson Self- nursing systems, theory of, 551
Appraisal Inventory 426 risk-taking behaviors, 551
RUIT. See Reconceptualized self-care, theory of, 425 schizoaffective disorder, 550
uncertainty in illness self-care deficit, theory of, schizophrenia, 550
theory 425426 Sex, 551553
792 Index

Sex (continued) Social cognitive theory, based foremost intention, 349350

Committee for Research in on, 346 intentional dialogue,
Problems of Sex, 552 Social support, 564565 348349
family planning, 552 direct-effect model, 564 narrative happening, 348
gender identity, 551553 models of, 564 self-in-relation, 349
gender role identification, stress-buffering model, 564 underlying assumptions, 348
552 Spirituality, 565567 Stress, 575577
prostitution, 552 alcoholism, 566 job, 309310
sexual abuse, 553 cancer, 566 factors of, 309
transgender, individuals, caregivers health, 566 growing shortage of
551553 chronic illness, 566 nurses, 309310
transvestism, conceptual or philosophic Nursing Stress Scale, 309
homosexuality, inquiry, 567 strategies to help with,
551553 critical losses, life events, 309
von Krafft Ebing, Richard, 566 management, 577578
551 dying, 566 Stroke, 578580
Shivering, 553555 HIV/AIDS, 566 carotid endarterectomy, 579
body heat loss, 554 life-threatening, acute cerebrovascular accident,
mandibular hum, 554 illness, 566 578
Sigma Theta Tau mental health in aging, 566 hemorrhagic stroke, 578
International, psychoneuroimmunological ischemic stroke, 578
International Honor perspective, 567 transient ischemic attack,
Society of Nursing, study across time, cultures, 578
Nursing Research 567 Structural equation modeling,
Classification System, substance abuse, 566 580582
555557 Substance abuse among
terminal illness, 566
Sleep, 557559 registered nurses,
ST-segment monitoring, 21
narcolepsy, 558 582584
Staffing, nurse, 385387
rapid-eye-movement sleep, alcoholism, 582584
diseases, treatments
557 marijuana, 582584
analysis, 386387
slow wave, 557 marijuana/cocaine, 583584
generalizable results, 385
stress, impact on sleep, 557 narcotics, 582584
nursing viewpoint analysis,
Slow wave sleep, 557 opiates, 583584
Smoking as cardiovascular risk tranquilizers, 583584
patient classification
factor, 560563 Substituted judgment, 11
techniques, reliability
cognitive-behavioral model, accuracy of, 12
562 of, 386 Substruction, 584585
smoking, social burden, 562 task or work analysis, 386 questions related to, 585
social learning theory, 562 ward size, 385 steps in process of, 584
theories, models, smoking Statistical techniques, 567575 Suctioning, endotracheal,
interventions, 562 analysis of covariance, 170172
tobacco, cardiovascular risk 567575 hyperoxygenation/
among nonsmokers, correlational techniques, hyperinflation,
561 571 170171
transtheoretical model, 562 least significant difference hypoxemia, 170
Smoking cessation, 559560 test, 569 inline suction catheter,
addiction, 559560 multivariate analysis of 171172
mortality from, 559 variance, 569 in newborns, 172173
tobacco use, 559560 regression, 573 Suicide, 585587
SMWHS. See Seattle Midlife t test, 574 Surgery, 587588
Womens Health Study Stetler/Marram model, patients perspective of
Snager, Margaret, 552 524525 experience, 587
SNOMED. See Systematized Story middle-range theory, preoperative psychological
Nomenclature of 348350 preparation for,
Medicine creating ease, 349 480482
Index 793

early research, 480 orientation phase, 460 data collection strategies,

meta-analyses of, 481 patient-focused topics, 119
nature of surgical care, 460461 methodological research,
change in, 481482 research-based theory, 120
outcome indicators, 481 460461 more intervention studies,
preparatory sensory termination phase, 460 120
information, 480481 therapeutic process of theory-based, 119
psychological preparation nursing, 459 Transient ischemic attack, 578
for surgery, 482 therapeutic relationship, Transitional care, 599601
stress and coping, 48481 459460 cost-effectiveness of, 600
preparing patients for clinical significance of, health maintenance
surgery, 587 461 organization, 600
Survivorship, with cancer, working phase, 460 Transitions, health and,
4648 Theory of Goal Attainment, of 601603
Childhood Cancer Survivor King, 314315 development transitions,
Study, 47 Theory of Human Caring, of 601
ethnic minorities, 47 Watson, 624626 health/illness transitions,
late effects, 4647 assumptions of, 625 601
survivor, derivation of term, components of, 626 passage, transition as, 601
46 premises based upon, 625 responses to, 602
Systematized Nomenclature of Theory of Nursing as Caring, situational transitions, 601
Medicine, 589 of Boykin & Triangulation, 603604
Schoenhofer, 3738 data, 603604
Taxonomy, 589591 Theory of Reasoned Action, investigator, 603604
Aristotelian classification, 28 methodological, 603604
distinguished, 589 Therapeutic lifestyle change, theoretical, 603604
classification, distinguished, 53
Ulcers, pressure, 482484
589 Thermal balance, 596598
development of, 482
prototype classification, brown fat, 596
guidelines on treatment of,
distinguished, 589 malignant hyperthermia,
standardized language, 597
incidence rates, 482
distinguished, 589 set point, 596
prediction tools, 483
standards, distinguished, thermodynamics of
pressure ulcer development,
589 conduction, 596
litigation over, 482
terminology, distinguished, TIA. See Transient ischemic prevention, 482483
589 attack reduction in rates, factor
Taxonomy of Nursing Time series analysis, 598599 for, 483
Practice, 590591 Tobacco as cardiovascular risk Uncertainty in illness,
Telehealth, 591592 factor, 560563 605607
telenursing, 591592 theories and models, determination of meaning,
Terminal illness, 592594 smoking interventions, 605
need for information, 593 562 impact on quality of life,
needs of families, 593 Total body water, 286 606
trajectory, 592 baseline, 286 middle-range theories,
Theoretical frameworks, 43, Total quality management, 350351
594596 2829 Mishel Uncertainty in Illness
empirical system, TQM. See Total quality Scale, 605
distinguished, 594 management as psychological stressor,
levels of theory, 595 Transcultural focus, 118120 605
Theoretical model, of Peplau, community involvement, role of personality, 606
459461 120 Unified Nursing Language
historical significance, 461 culturally competent Systems, 607608
middle-range theory, 460 research, application of Information Sources Map,
nurse-focused topics, 460 existing guidelines 607608
794 Index

Unified Nursing Language maternal, child health, 612 mentally-impaired, 621

Systems (continued) murder, 612 women, 621622
Metathesaurus, 607608 obesity, 611
Semantic Network, 607608 smoking, 612 Wandering, 623624
SPECIALIST Lexicon, teen pregnancy, 612 Watsons Theory of Human
607608 violence, 612 Caring, 624626
uniform language system, Urinary incontinence, 614615 assumptions of, 625
contrasted, 607 nocturia, 614 components of, 626
United States Department of pelvic muscle strengthening, premises based upon, 625
Defense Tricare 615 WCHEN. See Western
Management Activity, urge incontinence, 614 Interstate Commission
471 USPSTF. See United States for Higher Education
United States Preventive Preventive Services in Nursing
Services Task Force, Task Force Weight management, 626628
85 environmental influences,
Unlicensed assistive personnel, Validity of responses on self- 627
608610 report, 616618 obesity epidemic, 627
Certified Nurse Assistant, overweight, incidence of,
construct validity, 617
608610 627
content validity, 616
collective bargaining, Wellness, 628630
criterion validity, 616
608610 holistic health movement,
Video, interactive, research
duty to delegate or on, 522524
Wellness movement, 629
supervise, 608610 Violence, 618619
Western Interstate
Home Care Aide, 608 adolescent violence, 619
Commission for
legal liability, 610 aggravated assault, 618
Higher Education in
National Labor Relations child abuse, 618
Act, 608610 elder abuse, 619
Regional Program for
Nurse Extender, 608610 household burglary, 618
Nursing Research
Patient Care Assistant, intimate partner, 305306
Development Model,
608610 abuse, 306
Personal Care Attendant, educational protocols,
Regional Program for
608610 306
Nursing Research
Resident Assistant, 608610 gun access, 306 Development model,
UNLS. See Unified Nursing safety, assessment issues, 524525
Language Systems 306 Widowers, 630632
Unpleasant symptoms middle- motor vehicle theft, 618 Widowhood, 601, 630632
range theory, 351353 property theft, 618 Women, depression in,
influencing factors, 352 rape/sexual assault, 618 140143
performance outcomes, 352 robbery, 618 biological factors, 141
symptom, 352 simple assault, 618 evidence-based treatments
Urban health research, Virginia Henderson for, 142
610614 International Nursing gender-specific treatments,
AIDS, 612614 Library, 619621 142
alcohol abuse, 612 Vulnerable populations, risk hormonal factors, 141
asthma, 612 for health problems, major depressive disorder,
cancer, 612 621622 140141
child abuse, 612 chemically-addicted, 621 maternal, 141
chronic illnesses, 611612 children, 621622 psychological factors,
diabetes, 611 elderly, 621 141142
domestic violence, 612 ethnic people of color, 621 social factors, 141142
drug abuse, 612 HIV-infected, 621 Women immigrants, 291292
heart disease, 611 homeless, 621 conceptualization of
HIV, 612614 homosexuals, 621 immigration as
hypertension, 611 immigrants, 621 transition, 292
Index 795

environments, increase Womens health, 632634 patient classification

health risks, 291 Workload measurement systems, 412
future areas for scholarship, systems, nursing, patient dependency, 412
292 411415 perceived requirements, 412
nursing perspective focus, classification theory, 412 Workplace violence, 634636
291 global staffing, 412 assaults, 634
unique characteristics, 291 implementation strategies, patient characteristic,
Women minority offenders, 413 history of violent
355356 nursing acuity, 412 behavior, 635
community supervision, 355 nursing severity, 412 in psychiatric settings, 635
Level of Service Inventory- nursing workload, violence prevention,
Revised, 356 measurement of, 635636
unique needs, 355 412413

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