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Disease Cause Symptoms

1st Dse- rubeola Measles virus Fever as high as 40.6 C (105 F)

(measles) Conjunctivitis
Koplik Spots

2nd Dse- Scarlet fever Streptococcus Fever

pyogenes/Group A Sore throat
Streptococcus (pyrogenic Strawberry-tongue
exotoxins A, B, C)
3rd Dse-rubella (german Rubella virus Forschheimer spots
measles) low-grade fever,
mild conjunctivitis,
runny nose,
sore throat

4th Dse-Filatow-Dukes' Staphylococcus aureus

Scalded Skin Syndrom or
Ritter's disease

5th Dse-Erythema Human Parvovirus B19 Fever

Infectiosum Runny nose
Slapped cheek rash
Fetal Hydrops

6th Dse- Exanthem Human herpes virus 6 Fever

subitum (roseola) Rose pink rash

Varicella / chicken pox Varicella Zoster Virus ES:nausea, loss of appetite, aching muscles, and
FF:rash or oral sores, malaise, and a low-grade
Variola / small pox Variola major and Variola maculopapular rash, then blistersfever of at least
minor 38.3 C
muscle pain, malaise, headache and prostration
nausea and vomiting and backache

Hand-foot-and-mouth Coxsackievirus A16 or Fever, anorexia, malaise

disease Enterovirus 71. Sore throat, vesicles on the buccal mucosa and
Tender vestibular lesions on the dorsum of the

Kawasaki disease Fever higher than 39 C (102.2 F

- mucocutaneous lymph Conjunctivitis
node syndrome Rash on trunk and genital area
Strawberry tongue
Swollen lymph nodes

Typhoid Fever salmonella typhi variable abdominal pain and headache, myalgias,
transient, blanchable erythematous macules and
papules, 2-4 mm usually on trunk (rose spots)
Dengue fever flavivirus I: flushing (usually on the face)
M:maculopapular rash (begins on trunk and
spreads centrifugally to extremities and face
pruritus, hyperesthesia
petechiae on extremities after defervescence


pyogenes or staphylococcus CONTAGIOSA
aureus -accounts for 70% of impetigo; multiple honey
colored crusted lesion with a ring of erythema;
predominant site is around the mouth and nose
bullae with turbid collection of fluid without a
erythematous ring --- rupture to form thin crusts,
heal in the center to form annular lesions
Predominant site is on the face but may occur in
any part of the body including mucous membranes

Rheumatic Fever (RF)/ group A streptococci erythema marginatum- classic

Rheumatic Heart Disease -begins as pink macules that clears centrally,
(RHD) leaving a serpiginous, spreading edge
-rash on the trunk, sometimes on the limbs, but
almost never on the face
- rash is evanescent

Chikungunya by aedes aegypti and A. maculopapular eruption and is prominent on upper

Albopictus mosquito bites extremities and face, but can also occur on trunk
and lower extremities
Leptospirosis leptospira interrogans maculopapular eruption; conjunctivitis and scleral
hemorrhage in some cases
Meningococcemia neisseria meningitidis widespread petechial eruption
hemorrhagic eruption, hypotension, and cardiac
depression, as well as rapid enlargement of
petechiae and purpuric lesions

Scarlet Fever group A streptococcal Diffuse blanchable erythema beginning on face

pharyngitis and spreading to trunk and extremities
circumforal pallor, sandpaper texture to skin,
accentuation of linear erythema in skin folds,
enanthem of white evolving into red strawberry
tongue then desquamation in second week

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