PBB v. Chua

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G.R. No. 178899. November 15, 2010

Nature: PETITION for review on certiorari

Ponente: BRION, J.
Tomas Tan (Tan), a stockholder and director/Treasurer of CST Enterprises, Inc. (CST), filed a
derivative suit against PBB and several others before the RTC.
Respondent Chua informed him that CSTs properties had been fraudulently used as
collateral, but without proper authority from CST stockholders and/or the Board of
From Tans investigation, he discovered that a certain Atty. Jaime Soriano had issued a
Secretarys certificate, which stated that John Dennis Chua was authorized to open a bank
account and obtain credit facilities under the name of CST with PBB. Using this Secretarys
Certificate, John Dennis Chua took out loans with PBB worth P91.1M and used CST
properties as collateral. Respondent Chua signed as co-maker with John Dennis Chua, on
six promissory notes to PBB to evidence parts of this loan.
When PBB threatened to foreclose the mortgage, Tan filed the present complaint,
essentially arguing that the loans/promissory notes and mortgage made out in CSTs name
are unenforceable against it, since they were entered by persons who were unauthorized
to bind the company.
In its Amended Answer, PBB claimed that the loans to CST, as well as the corresponding
mortgage over CST properties, were all valid and binding since the loan applications and
documents were duly supported. In addition, the original copies of the titles were offered
to PBB as collaterals.
PBBs Amended Answer also included a cross-claim against respondent Chua, demanding
payment of the promissory notes he signed as co-maker with John Dennis Chua.
In respondent Chuas Answer to the Cross-Claim of PBB, he claimed that he never applied
for a loan with the PBB and denied authorizing John Dennis Chua to apply for any loans or
the use of properties. But, he admitted that he signed the six promissory notes
PBB subsequently filed a Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. PBB argued that although
respondent Chua claimed that he signed the promissory notes merely to persuade John
Dennis Chua to pay off his loan to PBB, he was still liable as an accommodation party
under Section 29 of the Negotiable Instruments Law.
RTC issued a partial summary judgment on PBBs cross-claim, finding respondent Chua
liable as a signatory to the promissory notes. CA held that respondent Chua could not
appeal the partial summary judgment while the main case remained pending.

Issue: Whether a partial summary judgment is a final judgment about PBBs cross-claim against
respondent Chua since respondent Chuas liability will not be affected by the resolution of the
issues of the main case.
Held: No
A summary judgment, or accelerated judgment, is a procedural technique to promptly dispose of
cases where the facts appear undisputed and certain from the pleadings, depositions, admissions
and affidavits on record, or for weeding out sham claims or defenses at an early stage of the
litigation to avoid the expense and loss of time involved in a trial. When the pleadings on file
show that there are no genuine issues of fact to be tried, the Rules allow a party to obtain
immediate relief by way of summary judgment, that is, when the facts are not in dispute, the
court is allowed to decide the case summarily by applying the law to the material facts.
The Rules provide for a partial summary judgment as a means to simplify the trial process by
allowing the court to focus the trial only on the assailed facts, considering as established those
facts which are not in dispute; The partial summary judgment is more akin to a record of pre-
trial, an interlocutory order, rather than a final judgment.
There can be no doubt that the partial summary judgment envisioned by the Rules is an
interlocutory order that was never meant to be treated separately from the main case.
The propriety of the summary judgment may be corrected only on appeal or other direct review,
not a petition for certiorari, since it imputes error on the lower courts judgment.

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