Artificial Intelligence and The Good Society': The US, EU, and UK Approach

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Artificial Intelligence and the Good Society: the US, EU, and UK approach

Corinne Cath1,2, Sandra Wachter2, Brent Mittelstadt1,2, Mariarosaria Taddeo1,2 and Luciano
Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, 1 St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3JS, United Kingdom.
The Alan Turing Institute, headquartered at the British Library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1
2DB, United Kingdom.
Correspondence author email: [email protected]

In October 2016, the White House, the European Parliament, and the UK House of Commons
each issued a report outlining their visions on how to prepare society for the widespread use of
AI. In this article, we provide a comparative assessment of these three reports in order to
facilitate the design of policies favourable to the development of a good AI society. To do so,
we examine how each report addresses the following three topics: (a) the development of a good
AI society; (b) the role and responsibility of the government, the private sector, and the research
community (including academia) in pursuing such a development; and (c) where the
recommendations to support such a development may be in need of improvement. Our analysis
concludes that the reports address adequately various ethical, social, and economic topics, but
come short of providing an overarching political vision and long-term strategy for the
development of a good AI society. In order to contribute to fill this gap, in the conclusion we
suggest a two-pronged approach.

Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Data Ethics, Good Society, Human Dignity.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer sci-fi. From driverless cars to the use of machine learning
to improve healthcare services1 and the financial industry,2 AI is shaping our daily practices as
well as a fast growing number of fundamental aspects of our societies. Admittedly, the hype
around AI has gone through several cycles of boom-and-bust since its beginning in the late
1950s. However, the renewed focus on AI in recent years is unlikely to be fleeting because of
the very robust and rapid development of four self-reinforcing trends: ever more sophisticated
statistical and probabilistic methods; the availability of increasingly large amounts of data; the
accessibility of cheap, enormous computational power; and the transformation of ever more
places into IT-friendly environments (e.g. domotics, and smart cities).3 Steady progress and cross
pollination in these areas has reinvigorated the feasibility, importance, and scalability of AI.
Which is why recently there has also been increasing concern about the impact that AI is having
on our societies and about who should be responsible for ensuring that AI will be a force for
Because AI poses fundamental questions concerning its ethical, social, and economic
impact,4 in October 2016 the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), the
European Parliaments Committee on Legal Affairs, and, in the UK, the House of Commons
Science and Technology Committee released their initial reports on how to prepare for the future
of AI. To the best of our understanding, the three documents might have been prepared
independently of each other. Whether this is so or not, their release indicates how timely and
synchronised efforts are becoming to deal with the challenges posed by AI. In this article, we
provide a comparative assessment of these three reports, by examining how each of them
addresses the following three topics:
a) the development of a good AI society;

Furlow, B. (2016, March 2015). IBM Watson Collaboration Aims to Improve Oncology Decision Support Tools.
Retrieved from
Fleury, M. (2015, September 16). How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial industry. Retrieved from
National Science and Technology Council Networking and Information Technology, Research and Development
Subcommittee, and National Science and Technology Council Networking and Information Technology. 2016. The
National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan. Washington D.C. USA.
n.pdf. On the IT-friendly trend see Floridi, L. (2014). The Fourth Revolution. How the Infosphere is Reshaping
Human Reality. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Mittelstadt, B. D., Allo, P., Taddeo, M., Wachter, S., & Floridi, L. (2016). The Ethics of Algorithms: Mapping the
Debate. Big Data & Society.

b) the role and responsibility of the government, the private sector, and the research
community (including academia), in pursuing such a development; and
c) whether the recommendations to support such a development may be in need of
Each report focuses on specific, pressing challenges. We shall see that each report seems to have
an implicit, overarching understanding of AIs role in society and a view of how that may best be
dealt with. However, none appears to deliver a comprehensive vision of the role that AI should
play in mature information societies.5 Arguably, this might not have been the goal of any of
the three reports. However, as we shall indicate in the conclusion, from an ethical perspective,
AIs potential contribution to social good should probably include an in-depth plan for linking in
a comprehensive socio-political design questions of responsibility of the different stakeholders,
of cooperation between them, and of shareable values that underpin our understanding of a good
AI society. Such a design needs to be forward looking, and capable of addressing current
problems as well as being able to adapt to new challenges put forward in the mature information
societies to follow in the next decades. Digital technologies and AI in particular are developing
very rapidly, it is the direction of such fast innovations that needs to be steered socio-politically,
in terms of where we want to go, rather than how quickly we may get there. The risk is that,
otherwise, a lack of vision and strategy means that the private sectorand sometimes
academiawill continue to fill the vacuum by de facto setting the standard for what may be
considered the good AI society, while governments are currently unwilling or unable to do so.
The current situation is both understandable and unacceptable. It is understandable
because corporate R&D is driving AI-based innovation and, for the past decade, the private
sector, sometimes together with academia, has led the discussion on how AI could best be
applied for the good of society. Nevertheless, leaving such tasks to private or academic actors
remains unacceptable because of a deficit of social and political accountability and long-term
planning, which has the goal of fair sharing of benefits and opportunities for all. In the
conclusion, we shall argue that a multi-stakeholder effort, in which governments play a leading
role, is the best way to steer the fast development and widespread dissemination of AI in the
right direction, and hence to ensure that the good AI society will have the most positive
influence on all individuals, societies, cultures, and environments.
AI is not merely another utility that needs to be regulated only once it is mature; it is a
powerful force that is reshaping our lives, our interactions, and our environments. It is part of a
profound transformation of our habitat into an infosphere. It has a deep ecological nature. As
such, its future must be supported by a clear socio-political design, a regulative ideal, to put in in
Kantian terms. We are creating the digital world in which future generations will spend most of
their time. This is why we shall suggest in this article that the design of a good AI society

Floridi, L. (2016). Mature Information Societiesa Matter of Expectations. Philosophy & Technology, Volume
29(1), 1 4.

should be based on the holistic respect (i.e., a respect that considers the whole context of human
flourishing) and nurturing of human dignity as the grounding foundation of a better world. The
best future of a good AI society is one in which it helps the infosphere and the biosphere to
prosper together.

The U.S. Report: Letting a Thousand Flowers Bloom

On October 12th, 2016 the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
released the US report on AI, entitled Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence.6 The
report follows five public workshops,7 and an official Request for Information on AI.8 All these
inputs were used to guide the recommendations in the report. The reports overall tone is
confident, and reflects the positive view of technology reminiscent of that found in Silicon
Valley. It is aimed at the tech-sector and the general public. The report defines AI as a
technology thatwhen used thoughtfullycan help to augment9 human capabilities, instead of
replacing them. It lays out an image of what we have labelled so far a good AI society as one in
which AI is applied for the public good [] [and to tackle] some of the worlds greatest
challenges and inefficiencies.10
The thread that holds together the OSTPs approach to AI is innovation. In a nutshell, AI
is good for innovation and economic growth, and this is good for society, especially because
commercially developed11 AI can be leveraged in new ways to address societal issues. As such,
it comes as no surprise that the US governments vision of its own role, as a regulator, is
minimal. The US government is focused on ensuring that it does not hinder the development of

Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology. (2016).
Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence. Washington D.C. USA. Retrieved from
Felten, E. W., & Lyons, T. (2016, September 3). Public Input and Next Steps on the Future of Artificial
Intelligence. Medium. Retrieved from
Request for Information on Artificial Intelligence. (2016, June 27). Science and Technology Policy Office.
Retrieved from
The OSTP report states that: Developing and studying machine intelligence can help us better understand and
appreciate our human intelligence. Used thoughtfully, AI can augment our intelligence, helping us chart a better and
wiser path forward. 2016, pp. 14, 49.
Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology. 2016.
The OSTP report states that in certain cases this can be achieved by working together with public institutes, or
supported by public funding: Private and public institutions are encouraged to examine whether and how they can
responsibly leverage AI and machine learning in ways that will benefit society. Social justice and public policy
institutions that do not typically engage with advanced technologies and data science in their work should consider
partnerships with AI researchers and practitioners that can help apply AI tactics to the broad social problems these
institutions already address in other ways. 2016, pp. 14, 40.
AI technologies, allowing a thousand flowers to bloom.12 Regulation of AI should happen in a
light-handed fashion, and, where applicable, the government should aim to fit AI into existing
regulatory schemes, for example in the automotive and aviation industries.13 However, the report
also calls upon the relevant agencies to ensure thatin evolving regulation on the basis of
existing schemesthey remain mindful of the fundamental purposes and goals of regulation to
safeguard the public good, while creating space for innovation and growth in AI.14 These
regulatory schemes, in particular for transport, will be evolving on the basis of on-going
experiments and understanding of what constitutes safe operations.15 The general vision is one in
which the government manages the tasks of defining the outer parameters of what AI should be
used for, and of collecting data to further inform policy making.16 The private sector developing
AI should continue to innovate within a broad risk management regulatory framework set by the
The report emphasises the importance of research. Not only in order to monitor on-going
developments in AI, but also to ask the research community to focus its efforts on ensuring that
AI is accountable, transparent, and [its] operation will remain consistent with human values and
aspirations.17 It also calls upon researchers to collaborate with industry and the government to
enable the emergence of new industries that could support workforce development. In the
recommendations section of the report, the OSTP focuses on the need for basic and long-term
research for the development and application of AI.18
The OSTPs report also addresses the very sensitive issue of economic impact on jobs by
stating that AI will both create and reduce jobs.19 It hypothesises that low-wage and middle

Finley, K. (2016, October 12). Obama wants to help the government to develop AI. Retrieved from

Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology. 2016, p.
Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology. 2016, p.
The OSTP report for instance mentions the approach to evolving regulatory frameworks on the basis of ongoing
experimentation: The Department of Transportation (DOT) is using an approach to evolving the relevant
regulations that is based on building expertise in the Department, creating safe spaces and test-beds for
experimentation, and working with industry and civil society to evolve performance-based regulations that will
enable more uses as evidence of safe operation accumulates. 2016. p. 1.
Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology. 2016, p.
Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology. 2016, p.
The OSTP report makes the following recommendation: Recommendation 13: The Federal government should
prioritize basic and long-term AI research. The Nation as a whole would benefit from a steady increase in Federal
and private-sector AI R&D, with a particular emphasis on basic research and long-term, high-risk research
initiatives. Because basic and long-term research especially are areas where the private sector is not likely to invest,
Federal investments will be important for R&D in these areas., 2016, pp. 26, 41.
Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology. 2016, p.
income workers20 are most likely to be negatively impacted by AI, and that the government
should develop public policy to ensure that AI does not increase economic inequality.21 These
are all shareable and laudable suggestions. Although the report does not lay out a comprehensive
vision on how to achieve socially acceptable policies for the development of AI, its companion
document, entitled the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic
Plan, does provide a more detailed description on how to use R&D investments in order to
guide the long term transformational impact of AI on society and the world.22 The R&D
compendium, although very detailed, should not be mistaken for providing a comprehensive
socio-political design. Its specific descriptions and ambitious goals are, in the end, only
objectives for federally funded AI research. As such, we can not take the R&D document to be
more than an outline of interesting research goals.23
The OSTP report misses the opportunity to consider how to spur the specific values that
should steer and shape the development of our AI-powered societies. This is clear, for example,
when considering the position on the deployment of lethal autonomous weapons (LAWs) based
on AI. While the report recognises that applying AI to national security brings with it many
unresolved ethical dilemmas, the proposed solutiondefining policies for the use of LAWs
consistent with international humanitarian law24falls short of being fully satisfactory.
The future of AI-influenced cyber conflicts needs more than just the application of
current and past solutions in order to ensure security and stability of societies, and avoid risks of
escalation.25 To achieve this end, efforts to regulate cyber conflicts require an in-depth
understanding of this new phenomenon, identify the changes brought about by cyber conflicts
and the information revolution, and define a set of shared values that will guide the stakeholders
operating in the international arena. This becomes clear when considering, for example, cyber
deterrence. Deploying conventional (Cold War) strategies to deter AI-influenced cyber conflicts
proves highly problematic and unveils the urgent need to foster and coordinate new solutions
able to account for the peculiarities of this kind of conflicts, of the cyber domain, and of mature

Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology. 2016, pp.
2, 29.
The OSTP report states that: Public policy can [also] ensure that the economic benefits created by AI are shared
broadly, and assure that AI responsibly ushers in a new age in the global economy., 2016, p. 2.
The OSTPs companion document, entitled the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development
Strategic Plan, details how R&D investments can be used to advance policies that have a positive long term impact
on society and the world. 2016, pp. 7-10. The plan is available at: Hereafter referred to as Networking and
Information Technology Research and Development Subcommittee, 2016.
Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Subcommittee, 2016, p.7.
The OSTP report states: Agencies across the U.S. Government are working to develop a single, government-
wide policy, consistent with international humanitarian law, on autonomous and semi-autonomous weapons., 2016,
p. 3.
Taddeo, M. (2016). Just Information Warfare. Topoi, 35(1), 213 224; Taddeo, M. (2016). On the Risks of
Relying on Analogies to Understand Cyber Conflicts. Minds & Machines, 26(4), 317 321.
information societies.26 We hope that in the on-going conversations and reviews27 the US
government will further specify how LAWs fit into their vision of the future of society, in this
case the future of war and conflict.
The OSTP report suggests that many of the ethical issues related to AIlike fairness,
accountability, and social justice28can be addressed through increasing transparency.29 While
this is an excellent step forward, the report does not appear to recommend very specific methods
for enabling transparency and understandability,30 other than the on-going work31 in industry-led
voluntary standards, and further research.32 Such further research is already indicating that
additional and novel approaches are needed that go beyond transparency-based regulation.33
Note that the report should be commended for explicitly referring to the need for more
diversity34 in the AI workforce and more inclusivity of various voices influencing the
development of AI, a point that has been made on several occasions by leading AI scholars.35
The report states that there is a need for having more openly available and unbiased data
sets, privacy considerations, and ethical training for engineers.37 The onus of getting all these

Libicki, M. C. (2009). Cyberdeterrence and cyberwar. The RAND Corporation. Retrieved from; Quackenbush, S. L. (2011).
Deterrence Theory: Where Do We Stand? Review of International Studies, 37(2), 741 762; Floridi, L. (2016).
Mature Information Societiesa Matter of Expectations. Philosophy & Technology, Volume 29(1), 1 4.
Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology. 2016, p.
Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology. 2016, p.
The OSTP report defines transparency as consisting of two parts: The data and algorithms involved, and the
potential to have some form of explanation for any AI-based determination, 2016, p. 2.
Transparency is covered in some greater detail in the R&D strategy compendium of the OSTP report: A key
research challenge is increasing the explainability or transparency of AI. Many algorithms, including those
based on deep learning, are opaque to users, with few existing mechanisms for explaining their results. This is
especially problematic for domains such as healthcare, where doctors need explanations to justify a particular
diagnosis or a course of treatment. AI techniques such as decision-tree induction provide built-in explanations but
are generally less accurate. Thus, researchers must develop systems that are transparent, and intrinsically capable of
explaining the reasons for their results to users., See Networking and Information Technology Research and
Development Subcommittee. 2016, p. 28.
United States Standards Strategy Committee. (2015). United States Standards Strategy. Retrieved from
Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Subcommittee. 2016. pp. 14, 26.
Kroll, J. A., Huey, J., Barocas, S., Felten, E. W., Reidenberg, J. R., Robinson, D. G., & Yu, H. (2017).
Accountable Algorithms. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 165. Retrieved from; Annany, Mike, and Kate Crawford. 2016. Seeing
without Knowing: Limitations of the Transparency Ideal and Its Application to Algorithmic Accountability. New
Media & Society: 117.
Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology. 2016, p.
Crawford, K. (2016, July 25). Artificial Intelligences White Guy Problem. Retrieved from
The OSTP report emphasis the problems of the lack of quality data, especially in the context of the criminal
justice system. 2016, p.30.
different solutions in place will be shared by the private sector and the government, with the
latter doing this through its R&D strategy.38 The report indicates that these suggestions are
necessary, but not sufficient.39 Ethical training of staff and ethical education of the public is
certainly important. Yet, it may also be a mechanism for the governments to delegate and
transfer responsibility for ethical behaviour and design to the private sector and the citizens.
Notably, this is a potentially risky aspect that unites all three reports. In relation to the open and
unbiased data sets,40 the report leaves unspecified who may have the authority and legitimacy to
set the bar for what is unbiased and declare that something is unbiased, and what certification
schemes exist or may need to be created to ensure that the vetting of data sets is standardized.
Self-regulatory partnershipsalthough not explicitly mentioned in the report, like the
Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society, which was launched in September41have
been a staple of the USs regulatory approach to AI. They are a good step forward, for they
indicate that the private sector is starting to institutionalise and operationalize the discussion of
important ethical and social questions. However, self-regulation as a key-strategic approach to
AI seems too limited. Quite reasonably, it will tend to favour the goals of industry over those of
other stakeholders. And by suggesting that AI should be incorporated into existing regulatory
schemes,42 even when these are so-called evolving frameworks,43 the report seems to be trying

Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology. 2016, p.
National Science and Technology Council Networking and Information Technology. Networking and Information
Technology Research and Development Subcommittee. (2016). The National Artificial Intelligence Research and
Development Strategic Plan (Washington D.C. USA). Retrieved from

The OSTP report specifically mentions that: Ethical training for AI practitioners and students is a necessary part
of the solution. Ideally, every student learning AI, computer science, or data science would be exposed to curriculum
and discussion on related ethics and security topics. However, ethics alone is not sufficient. Ethics can help
practitioners understand their responsibilities to all stakeholders, but ethical training needs to be augmented with the
technical capability to put good intentions into practice by taking technical precautions as a system is built and
tested. 2016, p. 32.
The OSTP report states on this topic: AI needs good data. If the data is incomplete or biased, AI can exacerbate
problems of bias. It is important that anyone using AI in the criminal justice context is aware of the limitations of
current data." 2016, p. 30. The R&D compendium focuses on the need for establishing AI technology benchmarks
and ensuring coordination between the different partners in the AI community. It warns that current examples are
sector specific and that many questions remain unanswered surrounding the development, use and availability of
datasets that produce reliable outcomes. 2016, p. 30-33.
Partnership on AI. (2016). Retrieved from
In the OSTP report it is stated that: The general consensus of the RFI commenters was that broad regulation of
AI research or practice would be inadvisable at this time. Instead, commenters said that the goals and structure of
existing regulations were sufficient, and commenters called for existing regulation to be adapted as necessary to
account for the effects of AI. For example, commenters suggested that motor vehicle regulation should evolve to
account for the anticipated arrival of autonomous vehicles, and that the necessary evolution could be carried out
within the current structure of vehicle safety regulation. In doing so, agencies must remain mindful of the
fundamental purposes and goals of regulation to safeguard the public good, while creating space for innovation and
growth in AI. 2016, p. 17.
to fit new round pegs into old square holes. A bolder strategy is needed, with a clearer role for
the government and other stakeholders, such that the full spectrum of unique challenges that AI
brings to society in terms of fairness, social equity, and accountability are addressed.
The fact that the report was officially issued by the White House OSTP and that much of
the reports content came from a set of public workshops44 indicates that the issue is taken
seriously at the highest levels of government, at least by the Obama administration. Yet, the
heavy focus on private sector initiativeboth for development of the AI technology and defining
good AIremains problematic. In particular, the governments innovation driven approach to
defining the potential, positive impact of AI shows that more could be done to ensure that the
opportunities and advantages brought about by AI are shared by all society. It is also important
to take into account that it is unclear what will happen to this report and its findings under the
Trump-Pence administration. Currently, it seems that there are limited resources and manpower
to carry forward the implementation of the reports recommendations after 2016; the ambitious
R&D strategy may therefore remain only aspirational.
Summarizing, the US report is an extensive review of the different ways in which AI will
impact the economy and social structure of society. It provides a good overview of the various
conundrums, ethical and otherwise. The use of public workshops and a formal Request for
Information leveraged existing communities of knowledge, and encouraged public debate on
the topic. The OSTP report also presents a way forward for implementing its various
recommendations through its R&D strategy. The R&D strategy, surprisingly, gets closer than the
report itself to formulating a larger vision of what a good AI society might be, by looking
towards the longer-term transformational impacts of AI on society and the world.45 It
emphasizes increased economic prosperity, improved educational opportunity and quality of life,
and enhanced national and homeland security. However, although important, these issues are
approached in a way that can best be summarized as trying to fit AI into the specific vision of US
national priorities, instead of seeing the new features of AI as a good opportunity to revisit these
priorities, both nationally and internationally.

The EU report: European Standards for Robotics and AI

On 31st May, 2016, the European Parliaments Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) published the
draft report46 on Civil Law Rules on Robotics with recommendations to the European

The OSTP report mentions the example of the Department of Transportation (DOT) which: [Is] using an
approach to evolving the relevant regulations that is based on building expertise in the Department (..). 2016, p. 1.
Felten, E. W. (2016, May 3). Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence. White House Website Blog.
Retrieved from
There is a need for further investment in research and the development of systems to make algorithms more
transparent and understandable. Networking and Information Technology Research and Development
Subcommittee, 2016, p. 7.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. (2016). Civil Law Rules on Robotics (2015/2103 (INL)).
Brussels Belgium: European Parliament. Retrieved from
Commission.47 Compared to the US report, the EU report is shorter and focuses more on robotics
than AI, with immediate attention called to autonomous vehicles, drones, and medical-care
robots,48 and the suggestion that specific rules might be required in these areas.49 The treatment
of AI in the EU report also reflects a different understanding of the technology. Rather than a
standalone technology, AI is approached as an underlying component50 of smart autonomous
robots.51 AI is thus thought of as something that enables autonomy in other technological
One of the biggest concerns of the report is the impact of robotics and AI on the
workforce.52 The report urges to implement employment forecast mechanisms to monitor job
trends.53 It also calls for refocusing educational goals in order to equip the workforce, especially
women, with the necessary digital skills to compete on the free market.54 It even considers a new
tax to cater for the negative effects under current tax regimes, insofar as automation can decrease
tax revenues (less tax payers employed), undermine the viability of social security, and increase
inequality in wealth and influence.55 It even considers an obligation for undertakings (i.e.
businesses or ventures using robotics) to disclose savings made in social security contributions
due to automation.56
The report calls for the creation of a European Agency for Robotics and AI consisting
of regulators and external technical and ethical experts who can monitor AI and robotics-based
trends, identify standards for best practice, recommend regulatory measures, define new
principles, and address potential consumer protection issues. The Agency will provide advice
both at the EU and at Member State level, including annual reporting to the European
Commission, to help to harness the potential of these technologies and mitigate possible risks.57
It will also provide the public sector with technical, ethical, and regulatory advice. Further, the
agency shall manage an EU-wide registration system for all smart robots.58
The report envisions a mixture59 of hard and soft laws to guard against possible risks. A
need is recognised for regulatory action at a European level to avoid fragmentation of standards

For further information on the history e.g. the working group established by the committee and its members see
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs, 2016, p. 20.
The EP report specifically Asks for the establishment of committees on robot ethics in hospitals and other health
care institutions tasked with considering and assisting in resolving unusual, complicated ethical problems involving
issues that affect the care and treatment of patient European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs, 2016, pp. 8-9.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p 22.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, pp. 3, 5, 10ff, , 22.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, pp. 11, 21.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, pp. 3, 9-10, 22.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 10.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 14.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 7ff.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 13.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, pp. 5, 10ff, 14.
in the single market, and it is urged to evaluate current EU legislation for required adaptations.60
The report does not want European industry to be dominated by standards set outside Europe,61
and calls for clear rules for the development and deployment of AI and robotics. The mixed
approach can also be seen in the call for evaluation of current EU62 (e.g. intellectual property
law) and international63 frameworks (e.g. on road traffic), and for the possible adoption of new
legislation.64 The committee calls on the European Commission to carry out an impact
assessment of new possible legal tools, mainly focusing on liability issues regarding smart
robots. The committee further proposes possible entry points for governance of robotics and AI,
such as mandatory insurance or robotic registration schemes.65 Additionally, the report calls for
the creation of a guiding ethical framework for the design, production and use66 of AI and
robotics, based on the principles of beneficence, non-maleficence and autonomy, as well as on
principles enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, such as human dignity and human
rights, equality, justice and equity, non-discrimination and non-stigmatisation, autonomy and
individual responsibility, informed consent, privacy and social responsibility.67
An initial Charter on Robotics,68 based upon the aforementioned ethical framework and
guiding principles, is proposed. It should be complementary to legislation and comprise ethical
codes of conduct for robotics researchers and designers, codes for research ethics committees, as
well as licenses (rights and duties) for designers and users. The Charter also states that the
European Commission shall take the aforementioned principles into account when proposing
new legislation.69 This approach is important, as it clearly envisions a role for governments and
policy-makers in setting a long-term strategy for the good AI society, instead of leaving it to
industry and the research sector. It remains to be seen how the European Commission will
translate these values and regulatory proposals into governance of AI and robotics.
The guidance contained in the Charter will be non-binding, challenging its actual
strength. Nonetheless, the Charter states that special emphasis should be placed on the research
and development phases of the relevant technological trajectory (design process,70 ethics review,
audit controls, etc.).71 Further, researchers and designers are invited to consider values such as

European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 8.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016 p.4.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 8.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, pp. 12, 22.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 11ff.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, pp. 10-11.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, pp. 7, in more depth 14.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 7.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016. p. 14.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 14.
E.g. European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 18. On the relation to licences for designers:
You should develop tracing tools at the robots design stage. These tools will facilitate accounting and explanation
of robotic behaviour, even if limited, at the various levels intended for experts, operators and users..
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 14.
dignity, privacy and safety.72 This clearly shows that ethical foresight is desired. Along with
these principles, researchers are also called upon to keep in mind at all stages of their research
that people should not be exposed to risks greater than or additional to those to which they are
exposed in their normal lifestyles.73 Additionally, designers are specifically invited to be guided
by European values, such as dignity, freedom and justice.74 As mentioned above, the report
also suggests further research to assess current and possible new legislation to determine where
further adjustments are required in the application to AI and robotics, meaning that binding
European legislation may be forthcoming.
Beyond the proposed Agency and Charter, the report addresses several other aspects of
the relationship between government, industry, and the research sector. The European
Commission is asked to work with multi-stakeholder bodiessuch as the European
Standardisation Organisations and the International Standardisation Organisationin order to
harmonise technical standards for the European market as a means of consumer protection.75 The
European Commission is also called upon to clarify the liability of industry and autonomous
robots76 when harms or damages occur,77 and to consider the principles of the Charter when
adopting new legislation. A much needed call is placed for the Commission and Member States
to provide significant funding for R&D for AI and robotics, also in order to enable industry and
the research sector to explore the risks and opportunities raised by their dissemination of AI-
based technologies and solutions.78 Social and ethical challenges around human safety, privacy,
integrity, dignity, autonomy, and data ownership79 are highlighted as especially pressing. In
particular, AI and robotics are seen as potential factors in the erosion of privacy through
generation of large amounts of personal data that can be used as a currency to purchase
One of the major differences occurring between this report and the other two is that the
EU report does not explicitly include accountability or transparency as guiding ethical principles.
In part, this may be explained by the narrower, primary focus on robotics. However, a major
concern of the report is civil liability for robotics, which is implicitly related to accountability.
Therefore, in terms of consistency, one may consider accountability as an implicit, underlying
guiding principle of the EU report. Furthermore, transparency is only addressed in the proposal
for licensing robotics designers in the Charter, which includes requirements for the behaviours of

European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, pp. 14-15.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p 16.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016. p. 17f.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016. p. 8.
This was mentioned in the context of possibly assigning electronic personhood to robots. See European
Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016. p. 12.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 10ff.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 7.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 7.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 8.
robots to be traceable, transparent, predictable, reversible, and explainable.81 As with the
treatment of accountability, the omission of transparency as an explicit guiding ethical principle
may merely reflect the narrower focus of the report. Unfortunately, the fact that both
accountability and transparency were not place in the foreground informing the EU report
represents a missed opportunity when it comes to outlining the ethical framework for a good AI

The UK Report: Keep Calm and Commission On

On October 13th 2016, the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee released the
UK report on AI.82 The report aimed to identify the potential value and capabilities [of AI and
robotics], as well as examining prospective problems, and adverse consequences, that may
require prevention, mitigation and governance.83 The language used in the report implies a
sense of urgency. This may be explained by the fact that its intended audience is the British
government. The report holds that the UKs position at the forefront of AI development comes,
amongst other factors, from the work done in academia and that the government needs to ensure
that funding remains available for AI research.84 However, the committee asserts that the UK
government is trailing behind and running the risk of losing its competitive edge as a thought
leader on AI. The sense of urgency might also have been further increased by the uncertainty
surrounding the impact that the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union (Brexit)
will have on research funding.
Much like the US government, the UK committee suggests that the UK government
should maintain its light-touch regulation85 of the AI sector. This is seen as one of the main
reasons why the UK is a hub for the tech-industry in Europe and the intellectual home of start-
ups like DeepMind,86 the leading AI company now part of Google. It follows that the critique
leveraged against this approach in the analysis of the US report also applies to the UK report. It
must be remarked that the committee seems to have visited only one AI company, namely
Google DeepMind, which is based in Kings Cross, London.87 This gives the impression that

European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs. 2016, p. 18.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. (2016a). Robotics and artificial intelligence (No. Fifth
Report of Session 2016-17). London, UK. Retrieved from
Ibid. p. 7.
The report states that: There is no Government strategy for developing the skills, and securing the critical
investment, that is needed to create future growth in robotics and AI. Nor is there any sign of the Government
delivering on its promise to establish a RAS Leadership Council to provide much needed coordination and
direction. Without a Government strategy for the sector, the productivity gains that could be achieved through
greater uptake of the technologies across the UK will remain unrealised. (Paragraph 98). 2016, p. 37.
The report states that: While it is too soon to set down sector-wide regulations for this nascent field, it is vital
that careful scrutiny of the ethical, legal and societal dimensions of artificially intelligent systems begins now.
2016, pp. 25, 36.
DeepMind. 2016. DeepMind. November 15.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. 2016, pp. 34-35.
special preference to a particular private sector player might have been given, over other
concerns. On a more positive note, the UK report does establish a clear role for the government
to play in the development of AI, mainly through careful scrutiny of its ethical, legal and
societal dimensions.88 This can be seen most clearly in the call for the development of novel
regulatory frameworks89 and principles, which can address the unique legal and ethical issues
raised by AI and robotics. The committee states that this should not be done solely by the
government, but rather through establishing a standing Commission on Artificial Intelligence90
at the Alan Turing Institute91 and broad stakeholder collaboration.92 This Commission will be
tasked with developing principles to govern the development and application of AI. As
acknowledged in the document, the same Committee previously also recommended the creation
of a Council for Data Ethics.93 The report recommends coordination, but the impression is that
the two bodies would need to be very closely connected and probably unified into a single entity,
because the ethics of AI, robotics, and machine-learning need more than just being closely
coordinated94 with the field of the ethics of data, algorithms, and practices (e.g. responsible
innovation). Hardware, software, and data constitute a single ecosystem, which needs a
comprehensive and systematic normative approach.95 Any fragmentation would be hugely
detrimental in terms of efficiency and efficacy. For example, algorithms may be biased because
of the data on which they are trained or because of the low-quality data that they are fed, or they
may indeed not be biased but produce biased data that go on making an AI-application unfair.
The recent scandal affecting Amazons Prime Free Same-Day Delivery is a good illustration.96 A
comprehensive approach seems to be the only reasonable way forward.
Returning to the report, it suggests that the new standing commission will be tasked with
providing leadership on the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) of AI, currently

House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. 2016, p. 36.
The report holds: Though some of the more transformational impacts of AI might still be decades away, others
like driverless cars and supercomputers that assist with cancer prediction and prognosishave already arrived. The
ethical and legal issues discussed in this chapter, however, are cross-cutting and will arise in other areas as AI is
applied in more and more fields. For these reasons, witnesses were clear that the ethical and legal matters raised by
AI deserved attention now and that suitable governance frameworks were needed., 2016, p. 22.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. 2016, pp. 3, 26, 36.
The Alan Turing Institute. 2016. Accessed September 1.
The report holds that: Membership of the Commission should be broad and include those with expertise in law,
social science and philosophy, as well as computer scientists, natural scientists, mathematicians and engineers.
Members drawn from industry, NGOs and the public, should also be included and a programme of wide ranging
public dialogue instituted. 2016, p. 37.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. 2016. The Big Data Dilemma: Government Response to
the Committees Fourth Report of Session 201516 Contents., pp. 7, 11, 12.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. 2016, pp. 26, 36.
Floridi, L., & Taddeo, M. (2016). What is data ethics? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Volume
374(2083), 1 4.
Ingold, D., & Soper, S. (2016, April 21). Amazon Doesnt Consider the Race of Its Customers. Should It?
Retrieved from
perceived to be lacking at the government level. It would be a watchdog, and the launch platform
for the development of next steps, like regulatory frameworks or bodies.
The Science and Technology Committee seems unwilling to assert in the report whether
AI will replace or augment human labour.97 However, it does state that the government should
take the lead in ensuring the UK is ready for the changes brought by AI, by addressing the digital
skills gap in the current population.98
Clearly, there are important similarities between this and the other two reports. The USs
emphasis on transparency, minimizing bias, accountability and adjusting the educational system
is shared by the UK report as well. The specific focus on robotics is central to the UK and EU
reports. The UK report also considers various national security questions. It does not mention
predictive policing, but it does suggest that some types of profiling on the basis of AI can lead to
discrimination.99 On the subject of autonomous weapons and, more specifically, lethal
autonomous weapons systems100 (LAWS) the committee calls for additional accountability
measures, as these technologies have the potential to kill without human intervention.101 Like the
US report, the UK reports position is that international humanitarian law remains the
appropriate legal basis and framework for the assessment of the use of all weapons systems in
armed conflict.102 However, the recommendations in the UK report go a bit further by
suggesting that the government could do more to explain how humans will remain part of the
control system of these weapons.103
On education, although the recommendation on closing the digital skills gap104 is
important, it should be seen as more than an aim in itself but also as an opportunity for the
government to develop an explicit vision of the role of AI in society. As long as that remains
unclear, attempts to upscale education efforts are probably aimless and may end up being mere
palliative. The same holds true for any measure a government may take in socialising the costs of
AI-induced unemployment through a welfare mechanism. Play it by ear is, in the case of AI, an
unsatisfactory tactic.
The British committee makes a concrete recommendation about how to regulate
transparency that goes beyond any of the suggestions present in the US report. The committee
suggests that, regarding protections against automated decision-making, the government should

The report states that: Advances in robotics and AI hold the potential to reshape fundamentally the way we live
and work. While we cannot yet foresee exactly how this fourth industrial revolution will play out, we know that
gains in productivity and efficiency, new services and jobs, and improved support in existing roles are all on the
horizon, alongside the potential loss of well-established occupations. Such transitions will be challenging. 2016, p.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. 2016, pp. 5, 13, 36
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. 2016, p. 18.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. 2016, p. 21.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. 2016, p. 22.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. 2016, p. 13.
take note of European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),105 which is poised to come
into effect in 2018. Admittedly, it is unclear how the GDPR will apply to the UK, as the Brexit
negotiations are expected to be finalised around the time the GDPR will come into force. So, the
reluctance106 of the report to make bolder statements on this subject is understandable. And yet, a
more explicit and substantive ethical position on transparency and accountability remains a
missed opportunity, given that it is especially in this area that strong leadership is most needed
and could have been exercised.
As already mentioned, the committee recommends that a standing Commission on
Artificial Intelligence should be set up at the Alan Turing Institute to provide advice and
encourage public discussion on the application and development of AI. This is a completely
original point, unparalleled by the other reports, which do not make any comparable suggestion
for a Commission paired with public debate. The standing Commission would be made up of a
diverse and interdisciplinary group of individuals covering the fields of computer science,
engineering, law, math, social science, and philosophy.107 This is an excellent suggestion.108
However, it will have the intended effect only if the government, industry, and the research
sector will rely on the advice given by such a Commission, to devise a view of what the good AI
society should look like. The committee does recommend that more public dialogue on AI
should be held. This suggestion too is to be welcomed. Especially considering how fruitful this
approach proved to be in the US context. But it is also to be hoped that the onus of making such
a dialogue happen will not placed solely on industry or academia.
The UK report gives an overview of the various issues related to AI as they played out in
the UK context. It takes a less definitive stance on how to start preparing for the future of AI,
providing more of an overview of the arguments made by the various experts consulted. This is
partly due to the very nature of the committees reports, which are purposefully based on expert
consultations. But it may also be partly due to the fact that the committee may have an implicit
view on how AI should fit into society. Yet this never solidifies into an explicit and clear strategy
for the good AI society. Nor does the report offer a strategic plan, based on R&D or otherwise, to
follow up on the recommendations made, differently from the US report. Yet one should recall
that its nature is that of a proposal to the government. The government then usually has 60 days
to reply to the committee's recommendations, specifying how far they are taken on board and
how they may be implemented.
It seems clear from the original report, and from a more recent briefing from the
Government Office for Sciences,109 that the underlying view is that the UK government, its

European Union. 2016. European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679. Brussels
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. 2016, p. 18.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. 2016, p. 22.
Disclosure: please note that all the authors of this article are members of the ATI.
UK Government Office for Science. (2016). Artificial intelligence: an overview for policy-makers. Retrieved
private sector and its academic institutions should collaborate in driving the creation of a
framework for the regulation of AI. This is commendable. There is simply too much overlap
between social, political, commercial, and research interests for a single actor to have a
monopoly on the ethics of AI and dominate the whole agenda. Rather, as we shall argue in the
next, concluding section, the right recommendations and policies should be developed through
an independent multi-stakeholder process driven by governments that brings together all those
impacted by AI, including civil society and NGOs for example, in order to bring about the best
framework to deliver a good AI society.

In the previous pages we highlighted several common values found across the three reports in
relation to AI, machine learning, algorithms, and robotics. In particular, transparency,
accountability, and a positive impact on the economy and society are among the key values
indicative of the kind of good AI society that seems to underlie the three reports, even if a more
encompassing and ambitious vision is not explicitly stated by any of the three documents. The
reports are especially valuable in identifying several of the most salient issues surrounding AI,
like its impact on the economy, education, warfare, diversity, and national security. Some of the
best practices suggested in the different reports are summarized below.
The US report is to be praised for being the only one to have an elaborate R&D strategy
to support its recommendations. It also did an excellent job in including the work of experts and
the public through the public workshops and the governments Request for Information. The
EU report helpfully recommends the creation of a European Agency for Robotics and AI,
which would be tasked not only with monitoring the trends in AI but also with envisioning its
future impact and with advising public players. The EU report also makes several useful
recommendations for legislation, reflecting a less light touch approach to governance of AI and
robotics. The UK report rightly calls both for the development of novel regulatory frameworks
and for relying on existing regulation like the GPDR. It is also the only report to suggest the
creation of an independent standing, national Commission, which organizes public debate about
the challenges brought about by AI.
Each report specifies the role and responsibility of the government, the private sector, and
the research sector. Another common theme is the importance of cooperation between the
different leading actors involved in the development of AI. All three reports appoint different
actors to spearhead this cooperation. For the US it is private industry with the government. For
the EU it is the European Commission and a new advisory agency. For the UK it is a
coordinated approach110 between the government and a standing Commission.
The reports also have different ways of defining what specific values should guide the
development of AI. The US report focuses on the public good as well as fairness and

House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. 2016, p. 3.
safety111 as guiding principles. Its compendium R&D report describes a vision for the future,112
focusing on the specific impact to be aimed for in different sectors.113 The EU report calls for
intrinsically European and humanistic values to ground rules, governing in particular liability
and ethics of robotics and AI,114 represented in a guiding ethical framework for the design,
production and use of robots.115 The UK report emphasises the importance of examining the
social, ethical, and legal implications of recent and potential developments in AI116 and
developing socially beneficial AI systems.117
The fact that the different reports define various constellations of responsibility,
emphasise the importance of cooperation, and mention specific areas of concern or even values
to be upheld are all steps in the right direction. What is lacking in all the three reports is a tightly
woven understanding of how these responsibility, cooperation, and values fit together to design
and steer the development of a good AI society. This is relevant not just for our societies today,
but also, if not mainly, for the mature information societies in which future generations will
live. Although the three reports clearly address some of the most important and thorny questions
posed by current developments in AI, their impact would have been greater had they
comprehensively integrated their ethical evaluations, already present in their implicit vision on
AI, with a foresight analysis of the sort of society we would like to build. What is lacking is an
ambitious and bold attempt to deal with the most difficult question behind the whole debate:
what is the human project for the mature information societies of the twenty-first century? It is
certainly not the task of this comparative analysis to answer such a momentous question.
However, by way of conclusion, we would like to contribute to its debate by recommending a
two-pronged approach to it.
On the one side, policies should ensure that AI is steered fully towards promoting the
public good. To this end, we need a clear and convincing understanding of what kind of good

Executive Office of the President National Science and Technology Council Committee on Technology. 2016,
pp. 2, 30-32.
The reports companion document, entitled the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development
Strategic Plan, details how AI should ideally impact various sectors, pp. 8-10.
As said before, the vision laid out in the R&D report cannot be seen as indicative of the Government approach in
the same way that the general report can, as the R&D report focuses specifically on: defining a high-level
framework that can be used to identify scientific and technological gaps in AI and track the Federal R&D
investments that are designed to fill those gaps. The AI R&D Strategic Plan identifies strategic priorities for both
near-term and long-term support of AI that address important technical and societal challenges. The AI R&D
Strategic Plan, however, does not define specific research agendas for individual Federal agencies. Instead, it sets
objectives for the Executive Branch, within which agencies may pursue priorities consistent with their missions,
capabilities, authorities, and budgets, so that the overall research portfolio is consistent with the AI R&D Strategic
Plan. The AI R&D Strategic Plan also does not set policy on the research or use of AI technologies nor does it
explore the broader concerns about the potential influence of AI on jobs and the economy. 2016, p. 7.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs, 2016, p. 4.
European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs, 2016, p. 7.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. 2016. pp. 26, 36.
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee. 2016. pp. 25, 36.

AI society we wish to develop. Such understanding can best achieved through an independent,
international, multi-stakeholder process of consultations on AI and Data Ethics. This process
should bring together governments, the corporate sector, civil society, and the research
community in order to establish an international, independent, multi-stakeholder Council on AI
and Data Ethics. This Council can then be instrumental in advising the various stakeholders,
especially governments, organisations, and companies, on how to design comprehensive, socio-
political strategies that support the widespread application of AI solutions that are
environmentally friendly and socially preferable. Governments could take the lead in organizing
this process, as they have the democratic mandate to develop regulation for AI and can be held
accountable for their decisions, in a way that the private sector and the research community
cannot. However, the Council, once established, should be entirely independent. This will ensure
that all the stakeholders impacted by AI can, on a rolling basis, and as the technology evolves,
provide input that shapes our AI-powered society.
On the other side, the good AI society projects could fruitfully rely on the concept of
human dignity as the lens through which to understand and design what a good AI society may
look like. Human dignity provides the much needed grounding in a well-established, ethical,
legal, political, and social concept, which can help to ensure that tolerant care and fostering
respect for people (both as individuals and as groups), their cultures and their environments, play
a steering role in the assessments and planning for the future of an AI-driven world. By relying
on human dignity as the pivotal concept, it should become less difficult to develop a
comprehensive vision of how responsibility, cooperation, and sharable values can guide the
design a good AI society.
Digital technologies, practices, sciences, goods, and services can be enormously
beneficial for human flourishing. AI plays a crucial role in such a wider trend. But we are fragile
entities, delicate systems, vulnerable individuals and AI can easily become the elephant in the
crystal room, if we do not pay attention to its development and application. Exposed to such
extraordinary technologies, human life may easily be distorted, with humans adapting to
inflexible technologies, following their predictive suggestions in self-generated bubbles, or being
profiled into inescapable and generic categories, for example. We need to ensure that our new
smart technologies will be at the service of the human project, not vice versa. So, a first step for a
future Council on AI and Data Ethics would be not so much to advice ethically and normatively
about the world of AI innovation, but to provide foresight118 by describing the future that, as a

The importance of such foresight has been elaborately described by one of us: The development of ICT has not
only brought enormous benefits and opportunities but also greatly outpaced our understanding of its conceptual
nature and implications, while raising problems whose complexity and global dimensions are rapidly expanding,
evolving and becoming increasingly serious. A simple analogy may help to make sense of the current situation. Our
technological tree has been growing its far-reaching branches much more widely, rapidly and chaotically than its
conceptual, ethical and cultural roots. (...) The risk is that, like a tree with weak roots, further and healthier growth at
the top might be impaired by a fragile foundation at the bottom. He also states that: as a consequence, today, any
advanced information society faces the pressing task of equipping itself with a viable philosophy and ethics of
information. We argue that this argument needs to be extended to the realm of governance, which equally needs a
society, we would like to see AI contribute to bringing about. This approach is ambitious, but not
impossible. Similar initiatives can be found in the realm of Internet Governance, for example,
where Internet standards setting bodies are run using such a bottom-up multi-stakeholder
approach to governing and developing technology. A multi-stakeholder initiative, paired with an
international Council is, we believe, the way forward to try to ensure that the development and
impact of AI is kept on course to achieving the sort of good societies in which human dignity
may flourish.

clear vision to root the tree of AI. See Floridi, L. (2010). Ethics after the information revolution. In L. Floridi (Ed.),
The Cambridge Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics (pp. 3 19). Cambridge: Cambridge University

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