1 Overview of Artificial Intelligence

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 Introduction to AlphaGo:

 On January 27, 2016, Nature, an international top journal, reported

that AlphaGo, a computer Go program developed by Google, defeated Fan
Hui, a 2-dan professional player who once won the European Professional
Go Championship by 5-0 without handicap. This was an unprecedented
breakthrough in the AI field of Go matches. It was also the first time
that a computer Go program had beaten a professional human player on a
full-sized board without handicap.

 From March 9 to 15, 2016, AlphaGo versus Lee Sedol, a five-game Go

match between the world champion Lee Sedol and AlphaGo, played in
Seoul, South Korea. The match used Chinese chess rules. Finally,
AlphaGo won the match by 4:1.

 From 29 December 2016 to 4 January 2017, AlphaGo, under the account

name Master, won 60 straight online games against human professional Go
players on the Tygem Go server and Fox Go server.

 From May 23 to 27, 2017, AlphaGo Zero won the world championship Ke Jie
with a total score of 3:0 in Wuzhen, China. In the team Go match held
on 26 May, AlphaGo defeated five world champion players, Chen Yaoye,
Tang Weixing, Zhou Ruiyang, Shi Yue, and Mi Yuting.
 The workshop pointed that every aspect of learning or any other feature of
intelligence should in principle be so precisely described that a machine
can be made to simulate it.

 The study of AI can be traced back to explorations on mathematical logics

done by Aristotle (theory of the syllogism), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
(symbolic logic, which enabled people to perform calculation and inference
in a quantitative way, laying the foundation for mathematical logic), George
Boole (Boolean algebra), Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, Kurt Gödel,
McCulloch-Pitts model, and Alan Turing's computing machinery and

 Optimistic predictions of AI:

 1958, H. A. Simon and Allen Newell: "within ten years a digital

computer will be the world's chess champion" and "within ten years a
digital computer will discover and prove an important new mathematical

 1965, H. A. Simon: "machines will be capable, within twenty years, of

doing any work a man can do."

 1967, Marvin Minsky: "Within a generation ... the problem of creating

'artificial intelligence' will substantially be solved."

 1970, Marvin Minsky: "In from three to eight years we will have a
machine with the general intelligence of an average human being."
 From left: Gordon Moore (Moore's law), John McCarthy (doctor of mathematics,
creator of the Lisp programming language), Marvin Minsky (developer of Robot
C, the world's earliest robot that can simulate human activity), Oliver
Gordon Selfridge (founder of pattern recognition and developer of the first
workable artificial intelligence program), and Ray Solomonoff (inventor of
algorithmic probability)
 Many theories emerged during AI development: symbolicism, connectionism, and
actionism. All these have facilitated the development of AI.
 These symbolists first adopted the term "artificial intelligence" in 1956.
Later, the heuristic algorithm, expert system, and knowledge engineering
theory and technology made considerable progress in the 1980s. Symbolicism
has stood out for a long time and contributed greatly to the development of
AI, especially the expert system. It was critical for applying AI to
engineering applications. Symbolicism remained to be a mainstream even other
AI theories emerged.
 Infrastructure layer: As AI develops, the infrastructure development each
time greatly promoted the evolution of algorithms and technologies.
Computers grew up in the 1970s and gained popularity in the 1980s. The 1990s
witnessed the improvement of computers' computing speed and storage
capacity, as well as the rise of the Internet. All these contributed a lot
to AI's development. In the 21st century, the emergence of large-scale
clusters, the accumulation of big data, and the rise of GPU and
heterogeneous/low power consumption chips enhanced the computing power. As a
result, deep learning came into being, pushing AI to a new height. Mass
training data is an important driving force for the development of AI.

 Algorithm layer: Machine learning uses algorithms to teach computers to

obtain information from data like human beings. Deep learning, as a subset
of machine learning, uses more parameters and more complex models. This
enables the models more intelligent and to better understand data.

 Computer vision: In 1966, Marvin Minsky, an AI scientist, asked his students

to write a program, attaching a camera to a computer and having it "describe
what it saw". This is the earliest description of the computer vision task.
Computer vision uses three-dimensional reconstruction and priori knowledge
base, methods for people to see the world. Computer vision has been applied
to the security protection field, as well as the financial field (face
recognition), e-commerce field (commodity photographing and search),
healthcare field (intelligent image diagnosis), and robot/self-driving car
field (visual input system).
 Deep learning is model (attribute or feature) formed by identifying and
collecting a large amount of data and is used to identify new data, such as
medical applications.

 Disadvantages:

 Deep learning is data-driven and hard to explain for lack of related


 Deep neural networks are complex and require large-scale data training.

 Deep learning is only suitable for perception and is not suitable for
cognition and inference.
 Today, the development of AI has broken through a certain threshold. Today,
AI improves the performance and efficiency in different vertical fields. The
accuracy of computer vision, speech recognition, and NLP is also improved.
AI application scenarios gradually play an important role in the real
business world.
 Signal processing:

 Human speech detection: effectively detects the time when the human
speech starts and ends, and distinguishes the human speech from the
background sound.

 Echo cancellation: eliminates the interference from the speaker without

pausing the played music.

 Wake-up-word recognition: a way for humans to interact with machines

 Microphone array processing: locates the sound source, enhances the

signal in the speaker direction, and suppresses the noise signal in
other directions.

 Speech enhancement: further enhances the speech area and suppresses the
noise area, effectively reducing the attenuation of far-field speeches.
Handheld devices are used in the near-field communication (NFC)
scenario, while vehicle-mounted and smart home devices are used in far-
field scenarios.

 Speech recognition: Many cutting-edge researches focus on solving the

cocktail party problem in addition to far-field identification.

 Speech synthesis: Speeches synthesized using current technologies are more

clear and intelligible. However, the machine accent is still obvious.
Current researches are focusing on how to make synthesized speech more
natural and more expressive, and how to naturally and smoothly synthesize
multiple languages.
 Image processing is mainly applied to filter videos.
 Knowledge graph: It can be used to answer simple factual questions,
including the language knowledge graph (word context, synonym, etc.), common
knowledge graph (birds can fly but rabbits cannot), and entity relationship
diagram (Carol Chu is Andy Lau's wife).

 PBMT: Phrased-Based Machine Translation

 GNMT: Google Neural Machine Translation

 An important research direction of reinforcement learning is to establish an
effective simulation environment that interacts with the real world, and
teach models by continuous training, action simulation, and feedback
 Reinforcement learning is a feedback system that can be modified at any
time. It might be a ubiquitous learning algorithm, such as automatic
 Reinforcement learning cannot go without simulation environment and prior
 Technical competitions that drive AI industries develop are led by giant
companies. Companies outside China such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon,
and Facebook are investing heavily to seize the AI market. In China, Baidu,
Alibaba, Tencent (BAT) also attach critical importance to AI. Comparison of
AI industries in China and the US is as follows:

 AI companies in the US outnumber most of the nations around the globe.

 The US has a comprehensive AI blueprint, while China constraints AI to

specific fields.

 The US has a complete talent echelon, while China does not.

 The US has invested more heavily in AI than China does.

 China and the US have their own advantages in the hotspot AI


 The US, as a leading industry giant, has competitive advantages.

 Striving to be a leader of digital brains in the future becomes a strategic
vision of information giants. Cloud services in the future might integrate
cloud computing, big data, and AI. Microsoft, Google, Oracle, and Amazon are
exerting their advantages to compete for the strategic highlands. There are
still opportunities for us to play our role.
 The development of AI brings great challenges to the existing legal system.
Legislation always lags behind technology development. In the AI field, do
we need to make some forward-looking legislation layouts and how? That is a
legal dilemma to be resolved by all countries around the world.
 A self-driving car has three major modules: perception, decision-making, and
control modules.

 As it was reported, Uber's modified Volvo XC90 SUV had a 360-degree 3D

laser radar on the top. The laser radar could generate 3D images for
static and moving objects and the laser detection was not affected by
light conditions. Around the vehicle were 360-degree ultrasonic waves,
millimeter-wave radar, and 7 cameras. These devices could identify
other vehicles and obstacles in rainy and snowy days. In addition, the
computer vision algorithm helps them recognize indicators and
pedestrians. On that basis, Zhou Guang, chief scientist of Roadstar.ai,
did not believe the perception module went wrong.

 Uber's vehicles are equipped with HD laser radars, which could detect
pedestrians at such a distance if the hardware functions properly. As
Zhou Guang told China Makter (ID: xjbmaker), this accident was very
likely caused by the malfunction of the vehicle's decision-making
module. For example, it might think that the pedestrian would not enter
the lane directly. However, human behavior is hard to accurately
predict. That is why the accident occurred.

 Huang Yubin, who agreed with Zhou Guang, said that there might be
nothing wrong with the perception module. He thought that the decision-
making module might fail to judge that a pedestrian would show up
suddenly. Huang Yubin thought that Uber's overspeed was the strangest
thing. "A self-driving car would not speed up on its own. It does what
people have written in programs." Huang Yubin thought that Uber's
overspeed was likely to be a choice forced by road conditions. "There
is a saying that it is unsafe for you to drive at a speed of 35 miles
per hour when others are driving at the speed of 40 miles per hour."

 He Tao, co-founder and vice president of XPENG Motors, thought that the
algorithms of current self-driving vehicles were not mature enough.
Pedestrians' illegal behavior is a major cause of car accidents.
However, predicting possible emergencies and solving them in algorithms
is one of the missions of automatic driving. If a self-driving car
fails to avoid pedestrians who violate the traffic rules, how can it
deal with more complex scenarios in China?
 In 2013, the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
issued the Federal AutomatedVehicles Policy, which stipulated the
responsibilities in case of self-driving test accidents. That is, after a
vehicle is transformed into a self-driving vehicle by a third party, the
original manufacturer is not responsible for any personal injury, death, or
property damage caused by the self-driving test, unless there are proofs
that the vehicle has defects before being transformed. For example, Google
takes the full responsibility for the security when it uses Mercedes-Benz
for self-driving test.
 Although AI has entered a new stage of learning (early stage), there is no
need to worry about the so-called "human-computer war" robot control,
because AlphaGo does not know that he is playing chess, I don't have to
invent a game of chess.
 Analysts said in a report that a machine might be able to make a
conversation with human beings like a spouse by 2020.
 You think your opponent is a competitor, but your opponent is an era. --Li
 Answer: 1.B, 2.B
 Answer: 3. A 4.C

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