Chilled Beam Systems

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Inside for increased cooling output.

Active (aka
ventilated) chilled beams (ACBs) are the
Insights same as passive but incorporate additional
conditioned ventilation air introduced
through high-velocity jets along the length
of the unit. ACBs act as an induction unit

Chilled Beams:
(back to the future from the 1960s) to
actively induce room air through the coil
to be cooled.

Not your everyday weapon There are many shapes and sizes of
both types of chilled beams, from rectilin-
ear slots to 24-inch squares and rectan-
against heat gles. There are also varieties of both pas-
sive and active chilled beams that incorpo-
Steve Tredinnick, PE, Vice President of Energy Services, Syska Hennessy Group rate other elements e.g,, lights, sprin-
klers, speakers, space occupancy sensors
and smoke detectors in a multi-service
beam configuration. These can be surface-
mounted, suspended or recessed in a lay-
in ceiling. Common manufacturers are
Frenger, Dadanco, Trox, Krantz, Carrier
(ACB) and Halton.

Editors Note: Inside Insights is a Chilled-beam technology should not Where Did They Come From?
column designed to address ongoing issues be confused with radiant cooling, although Although the first actual uses of chilled
of interest to building owners, managers there are some similarities. Chilled beams beams were in Europe, they have similarities
and operating engineers who use district rely mostly on convective and not radiant with the old high-pressure perimeter induc-
energy services. heat transfer. The convective cooling tion air systems introduced by Carrier in
method turns over the room air several the late 1930s. With these, high-velocity

he last few installments of this column times more than with a standard overhead streams of cold air induced room air circu-
have focused on heating terminal units air system. lation. The colder, high-pressure air systems
and useful temperature ranges. So to enabled the air-handling units and ductwork
be fair, in this edition we will discuss an Types of Chilled Beams to be smaller.
emerging cooling technology that for the There are two major types of chilled It is believed that the first radiating
past 10 years or so has been receiving a beams: passive and active. Passive (aka CBs were installed at the Volvo plant in
great deal of attention from designers and static) chilled beams (PCBs) consist of a Gothenburg, Sweden, in the late 1960s.
consultants: chilled beams. finned coil in a housing that uses natural In the early 1970s the Swedes used the
Although the name does create a convection for cooling and is mounted first CBs with primary supply-air features.
vision of a large, exposed structural member below or flush with the ceiling. Warmer Those savvy Swedes they are into every-
filled with chilled water, in reality this is not room air at the ceiling (or in the ceiling thing! CBs have been a hot item for the
so, since these beams have no structural plenum) is induced into the unit by the past 15 or so years in Europe and Australia
value for supporting building elements. cold air falling from the unit. Hybrid units and are also becoming more frequently used
Neither are they some sort of Star Trek energy also exist that incorporate a radiant panel and investigated in the U.S. They offer
beam used by Captain Kirk and Scotty to
put the Romulans on ice; nor are they a
new-fangled drink (Jim Beam on the rocks!
Shaken, not stirred!).
So now that we know what they are
not, what exactly are chilled beams? Chilled
beams (CBs) are typically two-pipe cooling
terminal units (some are three- and four-pipe
configurations) that only provide sensible
Courtesy Dadanco.

cooling to the space. By sensible I mean

dry heat from lights, equipment, people,
the building envelope, etc., since chilled
beams do not directly remove latent heat
This illustration of an active chilled beam indicates both the primary air connection (front center) as well
or dehumidify. as four-pipe water connections (right-hand side).

2009 International District Energy Association. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. District Energy / Third Quarter 2009 77
comfort advantages as well as the poten- Figure 1. HVAC System Annual Energy Usage Summary Comparison.
tial to save energy, which makes them
attractive to the high-performance building
and sustainable design professionals.

Chilled beams have been a hot

item for the past 15 or so years
in Europe and Australia and are
also becoming more frequently
used and investigated in the U.S.

How Do They Save Energy?

The green aspects of CBs are attractive

Source: Syska Hennessy Group.

to building owners and design professionals
due to the simple fact that water is a more
efficient means of conveying cooling energy
than air is (volumetric heat capacity or spe-
cific heat) and thus reduces the fan energy
required. While primary air is still delivered
to the CBs, the majority of the space cooling
is handled with pipes and pumps, not ducts
and fans. For example, a 1-inch pipe can
carry amounts of thermal energy similar to distribution (UFAD) and ceiling-mounted fan central plant or the energy transfer station.
an 18-inch-by-18-inch duct. coil units (FCU).
As stated earlier, chilled beams can only Note that chilled beams require less Where Can Chilled
remove the sensible heat in the space; energy for space cooling (fan and latent Beams Be Used?
therefore, the latent heat load is typically cooling energy) as well as for pumps and Can chilled beams be used every-
handled by a dedicated outside air system auxiliary equipment. Furthermore, energy is where? Not really. We still havent found
(DOAS), which wrings most of the mois- saved because warmer chilled water must the perfect HVAC system yet. That is why
ture out of the primary air stream. Since be used to prevent condensation from there are consultants! CBs are mostly used
the DOAS only handles about twice the forming on the chilled-beam heat transfer in commercial office buildings and K-12
ventilation air required for occupancy, they surfaces and dripping (raining) on the schools, and they are also being used in
are inherently smaller than traditional air- occupants. The success of the CB requires laboratories with high sensible loads. But
handling units by 25 percent to 35 percent. that the space humidity be controlled; hence due to the warmer chilled-water supply
Not only are the DOAS air-handling the chilled-water entering temperature temperature requirement, CBs cannot be
units smaller in physical size, but so are the must be 3-4 degrees F above the room used in spaces with high latent loads,
associated primary air ductwork and fan design dew point, which results in supply spaces exposed to humid conditions or
motors. These size reductions translate not temperatures of 55-60 F. large quantities of unconditioned outside
only to the air-side cost savings but also The use of warmer chilled water also air, such as lobbies, vestibules, atriums,
fan energy savings. The energy savings of saves a great deal of energy since many theaters, restaurants, kitchens, pools,
CBs help consulting engineers as well as times chilled-water return from the DOAS gyms and airport jet ways. Spaces that
building owners meet future energy codes cooling coils can be used as CB supply water. have high ceilings (higher than 14 ft) are
that are requiring a reduction in building (This is referred to as a chilled-water cascade also not appropriate, since the characteristics
energy usage by 30 percent over standard effect). For example, if the chilled-water of induced room air flow are lost.
ASHRAE 90.1-compliant buildings. entering temperature for the DOAS unit is Since chilled beams are not the panacea
To illustrate the energy-saving potential 44 F, with a 16 F delta T, then the 60 F for the HVAC world, their advantages must
of chilled-beam technology, it can be helpful leaving water can be run to the chilled- be weighed against their disadvantages.
to compare the energy usage of traditional beam water system and potentially returned The key points are summarized in table 1.
HVAC systems to systems using CBs. Figure 1, back to the source at 67 F using standard As with any technology used correctly
created using the DOE-2-driven energy temperature drops a 23 F delta T. That is and like Scotty you dont try to change
modeling software eQuest, shows that CBs just far out! This enables a larger delta T the laws of physics chilled beams can be
do use less overall energy when compared for the chilled-water system, which we all an extremely effective cooling solution and
to the following systems: fan-powered know uses smaller pipes and pumps. This offer a reduced energy footprint to your
variable air volume (VAV), under-floor air also has a beneficial effect back at the building. So whether you enjoy Star Trek

78 District Energy / Third Quarter 2009 2009 International District Energy Association. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Table 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Chilled Beams.

Advantages Disadvantages
Air Side G Air-handling units can only be G Building must have very good external
downsized based on reduced air envelope with no leaks and good building
(DOAS) requirements and not full humidity control
cooling requirements, resulting in: G Beams have less capacity output than

G 25 percent to 50 percent less air standard air diffusers

than VAV system must deliver G Beams take up more ceiling space for

at peak load potential conflict with other ceiling-mounted

G smaller air handlers and ductwork devices if not integrated lights, speakers,
G lower fan energy sprinklers, etc.
G elimination of reheat piping G Dimensions may impact ceiling grid layout

G potential reduction in overall and require special installation details

building costs since floor-to-floor G Space humidity and condensation sensors

heights and shaft dimensions required for better humidity control

may be compressed due to
smaller duct sizes
Water Side G Uses warmer chilled-water Installation costs are higher because
temperatures and can extend G chilled-water piping routed to each

free-cooling operating range, beam and each room

enabling large chilled-water delta Ts G actual cost of beam high compared to
for smaller pipes and pumps other terminal units (cost discrepancy may
G Water is more efficient way of reduce as technology is applied more)
conveying cooling than air
(volumetric heat capacity or
specific heat), reducing air-side costs
G Similar to benefits of water source

heat pumps, warmer chilled-water

temperatures may not require vapor
barrier, and some designers even use
thick-wall plastic piping to provide
insulating effect so pipe insulation
not required
Operation G Quiet as long as unit is selected G Not appropriate for highly latent load
properly and too much primary air spaces or ceilings higher than 14 ft
is not used G Not as appropriate for rooms dependent

G Provide good thermal comfort and on high heat gain or air change (labs)
potentially more air circulation G Respond more slowly to varying cooling loads

Other G Have reduced maintenance G Typically come with two position on-off
requirements compared to HVAC control valves that are used since modulating
terminal units that have moving valves may create a laminar condition
air-side parts and dampers

or This Old House, you always need the

right tool for the right job. CBs, while having Based in Madison, Wis.,
no structural properties, are the one beam Steve Tredinnick, PE, is
and tool that can build a bridge to new vice president of energy
services for Syska Hennessy
technologies and lower energy usage, costs
Group, which has more than
and ultimately, carbon dioxide emissions.
16 locations across the U.S.
And who doesnt want that? So (chilled)
He has more than 26 years
beam me up, Scotty! I am ready for some experience related to build-
chilling action. ing heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
systems. The past 15 years of his work have
The author thanks Rob Bolin, senior been focused on district energy systems.
vice president, Syska Hennessy Group, for Tredinnick is a graduate of Pennsylvania State
editorial assistance regarding chilled-beam University with a degree in architectural engi-
usage in high-performance buildings. neering. He is a member of IDEA and
ASHRAE and is currently immediate past chair
of ASHRAE TC 6.2 District Energy. Tredinnick
currently serves on IDEAs board of directors.
He may be reached at [email protected].

2009 International District Energy Association. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. District Energy / Third Quarter 2009 79

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