Chilled Beam App Guide - 2013

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Radiant ceilings systems emit heating and cooling by both convection

and radiation. During cooling, ambient air near the ceiling cools and falls
Chilled ceiling systems consist of three main product types: active chilled to the occupied area, due to its higher density. The ceiling panels emit
beams, passive chilled beams, and radiant ceiling panels/sails. Even cooling and heating to the surrounding surfaces in the area by radiation.
though these units are commonly referred to as chilled products they Radiant heat transfer typically results in high thermal comfort since the
are also effectively used for both cooling and heating. ambient temperature will feel 2.5BF to 5BF cooler/warmer than actual

Both active and passive beams utilize water coils to provide sensible
cooling, reducing the total load that must be addressed through the
buildings air handlers. Since chilled beams provide sensible only cooling
they are best suited for spaces with low to moderate latent loads. This
offers considerable potential for energy savings due to the volumetric heat
transfer capacity of water and trade-off between fan energy and pumping

Passive beams consist of a water coil and an enclosure. The enclosure is

primarily cosmetic, but helps to maintain even heat transfer across the coil.
Passive beams provide cooling primarily through convective heat transfer.
A convection current is created where higher density cool air sinks into the
space, inducing warm low density air at the ceiling level through the coil.
When using passive beams ventilation air must be introduced to the space

either through natural or mechanical means. room temperature. This effect has the advantage that the room requires
less conditioning than a traditional system, introducing an additional
opportunity for energy savings.

Modern chilled ceiling systems, more specifically active chilled beams,
got their start in the 1920s when Willis Carrier began to develop the
concepts for under-sill induction units. Patents were applied for and first
installations of these units were completed in 1940. The use of an air-
water terminal located in the space was an important advance in and of
itself; however, these systems solidified the advantages of an air-water
system over an all-air system.
Incorporating supply air into a beam creates an active diffuser. Ventilation Water is much more efficient heat transfer medium than air.
air pressurizes a plenum and the aerodynamically designed jets induce Reduced duct size required to only supply ventilation air increased
room air over water coils. Forced induction dramatically increases the usable space, and reduced the material cost and installation time.
heating and cooling capacity per square foot, compared to passive beams
and radiant products. Active chilled beams harness the energy of the
supply air to further reduce total energy consumption.

Scandinavian engineers, during the mid-1970s, adapted this technology Heat loss is measured in BTU which is the amount of heat required to

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along with radiant heating/cooling panels for overhead applications to raise 1 lb. of water 1BF. Coefficients used to estimate the value of the heat
work with new buildings designed to utilize natural ventilation. The result loss include:
of their efforts was the passive chilled beam. K Factor: amount of heat transferred in 1 hour through 1 sq. ft. of
material, 1 thick at 1BF of temperature difference.
In regions where using natural ventilation was not effective, engineers C Factor: amount of heat transferred in 1 hour through 1 sq. ft. of
integrated the mechanical ventilation into chilled beam. Utilizing the same material through the specified thickness of the material used.
principles used in the under-sill induction boxes, the active chilled beam R Value: resistance to heat transfer, measured as the reciprocal of
was developed. conductance (1/K or 1/C).
U Value: designates the overall transmission of heat in 1 hour per
sq. ft. of area for the difference of 1BF across specified material.
Theoretical Background Conductance of individual materials is not directly applicable to the
heat loss calculation. First, it must be converted to the R value,
which is (1/K or 1/C).
ASHRAE defines heat transfer as the flow of heat energy induced by a Equation 1: For a structure with multiple skin materials, the total heat
temperature difference. transmission can be calculated as:
Thermal energy can be transferred or be affected by: U = 1/(R1 + R2 + ..Rn)
Convection For hydronic heating and cooling systems heat is removed from the
occupied space (cooling) or added to the occupied space (heating) via a

closed loop water system. Return air from the space passes across a fin
Humidity tube coil.

Thermal conduction is the mechanism of heat transfer by the transfer of

kinetic energy between particles or groups of particles at the atomic level. PSYCHROMETRICS
One of the four major elements of thermal energy and comfort is humidity.
With solid bodies, such as with an air jet near a window, thermal Psychrometrics uses thermodynamics properties to analyze conditions
conduction dominates only very close to the solid surface. and processes involving moist air. A detailed study of psychrometrics can
be found in Chapter 1 of ASHRAE 2009 Fundamentals Handbook. This
Thermal convection is the transfer by eddy mixing and diffusion in addition section is a summary of how knowledge of psychrometrics can be used to
to conduction. maximize space comfort and system performance.

The transfer of fluid currents produced by external sources, such as by a Atmospheric Air (the air that you breathe), contains many gaseous
blower, is called forced convection. components including water vapor and containments. Dry Air is
atmospheric air with all moisture removed and is used only as a point of
When the fluid air movement is caused by the difference in density and reference. Moist Air is a combination of dry air and water vapor and can
the action of gravity, it is called natural convection. Natural convection is be considered equal to atmospheric air for this discussion.
very active near windows and near heat sources in the occupied spaces.
The colder air falls and the warmer air rises. A psychrometric chart (FIGURE 4) is a graphical representation of the
thermodynamic properties of moist air. There are several charts available
Radiant heat transfer takes place through matter. It is a change in energy to cover all common conditions. The one shown here is taken from
form, from internal energy at the source to electromagnetic energy for ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook, Chapter 1 and illustrates conditions of
transmission, then back to internal energy at the receiver. Examples of 32 to 100BF at sea level. APPLICATION GUIDE
radiation are sunshine through the air and window to the inside floor or
ceiling light to occupants and to the floor. The Dry-bulb Temperature (DBT), is the temperature measured using a
standard thermometer. Dry-bulb is also known as the sensible temperature.
All of these methods of heat transfer effect a persons comfort reaction.
In addition, humidity has some effect caused by a change in evaporation The Wet-bulb Temperature (WBT), is the temperature measured using
rate from the body. a wetted thermometer. Wet-bulb is used to determine the moisture
content of air.
Heat transfer is also affected by the following factors:
A greater temperature difference will result in a greater amount of The Absolute Humidity (AH), is the vapor content of air. It is described in
heat transfer. terms of moisture per lb of dry air or grains of moisture per lb. of dry air.
The amount of surface area is directly proportional to the amount of AH is also referred to as moisture content or humidity ratio. There are
heat transfer. 7000 grains in a lb. of water.
The amount of time is also directly proportional to the amount of
heat transfer. The Relative Humidity (RH), is the vapor content of air. It is described as
The thermal resistance of the material use affects the rate of heat the percentage of saturation humidity at the same temperature (%). The
transfer. goal for optimum space comfort is 30-35% for heating conditions, and
45-60% for cooling conditions. Saturation humidity is the maximum vapor U7
content (lb./lb.) per lb. dry air that air can hold at a fixed temperature. two psychrometric properties. A hydrometer or psychrometer is commonly
Redefine your comfort zone |

used to define a status point.

The Dew Point Temperature (DPT), is the temperature at which vapor
begins to fall out of air to form condensation. DPT is the temperature at At 100% RH the wet-bulb will equal the dry-bulb temperature. As the
which a state of saturation humidity occurs, or 100% RH. It is also known temperature difference between temperatures increases, the RH will
as the saturation temperature. decrease.

The Specific Volume (Spv), is the reciprocal of air density which is To locate a status-point, find the dry-bulb temperature on the bottom of
described in terms of cubic feet per lb of dry air (cu ft/lb.). An increase the psychrometric chart. Follow this line upward until it intersects with the
in air temperature will result in a decrease in density and an increase in wet-bulb temperature from the left side of the chart.
volume. A decrease in atmospheric pressure also decreased air density
while increasing volume. At 5000 feet above sea level, density is decreased From the status point you can locate:
by 17%. Higher altitudes require larger motors and blowers to move the Absolute Humidity (AH)
same effective mass, due to the increase in specific volume. Relative Humidity (RH)
Dew Point Temperature (DPT)
The Enthalpy (H) is the heat content of air. Enthalpy is also known as the Specific Volume (Spv)
total heat of air. Enthalpy is defendant on the wet-bulb temperature of air.
It is described in terms of Btus per lb. dry air (Btu/lb.). When will condensation occur? To determine if a supply air duct or air
outlet device will form condensation on the surface:
A Status Point is a location on the psychrometric chart defined by any

U Sensible Heat Ratio




: 1.0 1.0 : 85

5000 0.8 .026
2.0 -2000
0.6 Sensible Heat Qs 4 -1000
Total Heat 45
0.5 - :
-48.0 85
-2 .0 0 We .024
20 0.4 -1
.0 tB
.0 Te 55


80 t ure
-0 .4


, F



0 40




Enthalpy Dh 75
Humidity Ratio 35 50


70 .016








70 .014









60 %
Humidity Ratio - Pounds Moisture per Pound Dry Air

% .010
80 40

20 55 60

ft. p

er lb

50 55

ry A

15 45 50

Dry Bulb Temperature, F

40 35



10% Relative














10 15 20
Enthalpy - Btu per Pound of Dry Air

U8 Figure 4. Psychrometric Chart


Redefine your comfort zone |

First, using the R-value of any thermal barrier, determine the minimum load is addressed with the chilled ceiling products. Decoupling the latent
surface temperature. and sensible loads takes advantage of the superior volumetric heat
capacity of water. The reduced volume of air that must be delivered to the
Next, determine the DPT of the atmospheric air in contact with the surface. space results in reduced air handler capacity and size, smaller duct sizes,
and overall energy savings. A higher supply temperature contributes to
If the surface temperature is equal or lower than the DPT, the surface increased occupancy comfort.
will form condensation. If yes, an additional thermal barrier or other
condensation prevention strategies may be required to solve the problem. FIRST COST BENEFITS:
Sensible heating (Qsen), is the heat that raises the dry-bulb temperature of Shallow unit profiles allow for reduced ceiling space requirements;
typically require 60% less vertical space than conventional all air
air without increasing the moisture content. Because we can easily sense
this change in temperature, it is called sensible. Sensible cooling is the
"" Reduced slab to slab spacing; reducing material costs per floor
removal of heat without removing moisture content of the air.
"" Easily integrated into retrofit applications where space is
Latent Heat (Qlat), is the heat content of air due to the presence of water limited
vapor. Latent heat is the heat required to evaporate this same amount of
water (970 Btu/lb), also known as the latent heat of vaporization. As latent Low volume of supply air required for active beams enables reduction
heat increases, moisture content increases. of the total amount of air processed at the air-handler by an all air
system up to 50%.
Water can be heated to 212BF. If more heat is added, the water will "" Reduced air-handler size/capacity, and duct work size
vaporize but the temperature will not change.

Latent Cooling (Qlat), is the removal of latent eat from air without lowering Active beams typically supply a constant volume of primary air,
the dry-bulb temperature. To retrieve 1 lb. of condensate, 970 Btus would decreasing occurrences of dumping and changes to the air motion in
need to be removed. As latent heat decreased, moisture content decreases. the space; issues common to typical VAV systems
When supplied with primary air from a dedicated outside air system
Latent Heat of Fusion is the heat required to change a liquid into a solid (DOAS) 100% fresh air is supplied to the space
(144 Btu/lb. Water can be cooled to 32BF. If more heat is removed, it will Dry-coil sensible cooling, eliminates bacterial, fungal, or mold
cause ice to form. To retrieve 1 lb of water from ice, 144 Btus must be growth associated with fan coils and other unitary products with
added. condensing coils
Constant primary air volume ensures ventilation requirements are
Sensible processes can be shown as horizontal paths on a psychrometric met and helps to maintain relative humidity levels in the space
chart. Latent processes can be shown as vertical paths on a psychrometric
chart. Most processes include both, resulting in an angled or diagonal
Utilizing the heat transfer capacity of water also takes advantage of
Sensible heat factor (SHF) is the measure of sensible heat to latent the superior operational efficiency of pumps as compared to fans.
heat. Sensible heating only is 1.0. Equal proportions result in 0.5. SHF is "" A 1 diameter pipe can deliver the same cooling/heating
generally higher than 0.5 because of the cooling processes that remove capacity as an 18 x 18 duct
more sensible heat than latent heat. "" Reduction of fan energy by a factor of 7 to deliver the same
cooling to the space
Higher supply water temperatures compared to conventional
Induction is a flow that occurs as a result of the change in velocity pressure systems allow for use of water side economizers.
as a jet of air expands. The principals of induced air flow are based on the "" Increased opportunities for free-cooling
Venturi effect. The Venturi effect is a derivation of Bernoullis principle
and the continuity laws. In order to satisfy the fluid dynamic principles
Significant reduction in maintenance costs and labor as compared to
of continuity, a fluids velocity must decrease as the flow expands; at the conventional all air systems
same time the static pressure of the flow must increase. The increase
"" No moving parts - no blowers, motors, damper actuators to
in static pressure balances the decreased velocity, thus maintaining the replace
principles of conservation.
"" Dry-coil operation - does not require regular cleaning and
disinfecting of condensate pans
Benefits of Chilled Ceiling Systems "" Recommend cleaning of coils once every 4 to 5 years, more
frequently in hospitality rooms where linens are frequently
changed (i.e. hospital patient rooms and hotel rooms)
Chilled Ceiling Systems are designed to provide superior occupancy
comfort. These systems require less energy to operate, operate more
efficiently, and use less materials than conventional all air systems.
Tempered and dehumidified air is supplied to the space to meet ventilation
requirements and to handle the latent load. The majority of the sensible U9
Chilled Ceiling System Design Room air temperature is maintained through regulation of 2-way control
Redefine your comfort zone |

valves. Use of 2-way valves is preferred as they will minimize pumping

Chilled beam and radiant ceiling products are designed to handle high Systems should be designed to take full advantage of free cooling and
thermal loads in the space. They are also an effective solution in spaces heating opportunities through economizers and heat recovery devices.
where individual temperature control is desired. Ideal applications are Chilled beams and radiant panels are highly efficient products and offer
spaces where the sensible heat ratio is greater than 0.75, meaning that energy savings over traditional systems. However, one of the biggest
75% or more of the total heat gains in the space are sensible gains. These advantages these products offer is the additional energy savings that can
locations include computer/server rooms, condos/apartments/hotel guest be achieved in the rest of the system due to the unit operating conditions.
rooms, libraries, and museums.
Use of chilled ceiling systems should be limited to applications where The design of chilled ceiling systems is an iterative process between
cooling loads are less than 40 BTUH/ft2, and heating loads are lower than selection of the equipment to be used and the inlet conditions for the
15 BTUH/ft2. More specifically, passive beam and radiant panel usage system. This also includes placement/orientation. The iterative process
should be limited to applications where cooling loads are no more than enables the inlet conditions to be optimized so that the design results in a
25 BTUH/ft2, and active chilled beams are not recommended for use when comfortable space for the occupant, and that the equipment is operating
cooling loads are more than 40 BTUH/ft2. Chilled ceiling systems are with the highest efficiency possible. This is true for all chilled ceiling
not recommended in these applications since addressing the loads will systems, but is especially true for active chilled beams.
likely create thermal comfort issues. In transitional spaces where thermal
comfort is not critical, chilled ceiling products can be used to address Equipment selection is based on the following items and must be balanced

higher loads. for creating an effective, efficient, and comfortable system:
Total unit capacity
Chilled beams and radiant ceiling systems should not be applied in "" Size of units
buildings where relative humidity of the space is not easily maintained. "" Quantity of units
This would include retrofit applications, lobbies, and entrances where
"" Unit Configuration
there is excessive infiltration.
Supply Air
Chilled beams are best applied when installed no higher than 14 feet "" Flow rate
above the floor, but can remain effective with installation heights up to "" Temperature
20 feet. When installed above these heights it is difficult to effectively get "" Relative humidity
heating and cooling into the occupied space. "" Operating pressure
Entering Water Conditions (cooling & heating)
PRACTICAL DESIGN GUIDELINES "" Entering water temperature
There are guidelines that should be followed when considering a chilled "" Flow rate
ceiling system to ensure the design will create a comfortable environment "" Coil pressure drop
for occupants and result in optimum energy efficiency. Unit Placement
"" Throw patterns
The system should be designed to meet only the heating and cooling "" Throw length
requirements of the actual space. Overdesigning the system will increase Noise
the cost of the project, and potentially result in decreased comfort.
Once the inlet conditions and equipment has been selected, the controls
Primary air must be adequately dehumidified, and supplied at a flow rate

for the system are selected. The room control system must be designed to
large enough to offset the latent loads of the space. This flow rate must deliver the selected inlet parameters and maintain the energy efficiency
also be high enough to meet the ventilation requirements outlined in of the design. The critical points to be maintained are the entering water
ASHRAE standard 62.1. conditions as well as the supply air conditions. After control of the
critical points has been established, additional controls to compensate
When heating with chilled beams and radiant panels, care must be taken for changes in space dew point temperature and occupancy should be
that the system is not oversized for heating. Entering water temperatures considered through a building management system.
should be as low as possible to meet the heating requirements, and
should never be over 140BF. This methodology is depicted in Figure 5, Chilled Ceiling Design
Condensation control strategies must be implemented to maintain
optimum operating conditions, prevent bacterial, mold, and fungus
growth, ensure damage to building does not occur.

When designing a chilled beam system it is best to limit the types and
configurations of products used. This will help to make logistics during
installation and building maintenance easier.

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Define room design temperature Space design conditions
- Cooling design temperature DB/WB
- Heating design temperature DB

Indoor air quality requirements

- Required ventilation flow rate
- Define allowable humidity level in the space
- Calculate expected infiltration
- Supply air temperature DB/WB
- Verify supply air flow rate meets requirements to handle latent loads

Calculation of required heating and cooling capacity

- Calculation of heat loads
- Calculation of heat losses
- Calculate cooling introduced from supply air

Adjustment to building design parameters

- Decrease external loads and losses; improved solar shading
and window construction
- Improve window and building structure to decrease infiltration

Product selection: type, length, configuration, and design parameters
Chilled Ceiling Product Selection
- Active Chilled Beam
- Passive Chilled Beam + supply air system
- Radiant Panels + supply air system

Entering Water Temperature

- Selected to ensure condensation prevention

Selection of other entering water conditions

- Mean Coil Temperature to room design temperature difference
- Water flow rate
- Maintaining acceptable coil pressure drop
- Ensure turbulent flow conditions

Select product size and configuration

- Beam/Panel size
- Configuration/throw pattern
- Unit cooling/heating capacities
- Supply air flow rate/operating pressure
- Check for occupancy comfort

Product noise level and system operating pressure


Design of room controls, water and air distribution, and BMS systems
Room air control
- Temperature control by regulating water flow rate
- 2-Way valves; on/off or proportional control
- Constant supply air flow; possible unoccupied set back

Air and water distribution

- Supply air dehumidification
- Entering water temperature control
- Economizers: air and water

Building Management system

- Condensation prevention strategies
- Occupied/Unoccupied modes
- Daily start up

Figure 5. Chilled Ceiling Design Methdology
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System Design Process

. .
V = q ./. [4840 x (HRr - HRp)]
SPACE DESIGN CONDITIONS V = the volumetric flow rate, CFM
The first step in determining the space design conditions is to define the q = latent heat gain in the space, BTU/H
design temperatures for both heating and cooling. This should be done by HRr = room air humidity ratio, lbs water/lbs dry air
following the guidelines set in ASHRAE Standard 55 and the chapters on HRp = primary air humidity ratio, lbs water/lbs dry air
heating and cooling loads in the ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook.

Once the design temperatures have been defined, an iterative process It follows that the required flow rate to maintain control of the humidity
should be used to determine the indoor air quality requirements, will rapidly increase as the difference between the room air and primary
calculating the required capacities to address the heating/cooling loads, air humidity ratios decrease. As a result, designs seeking to maintain
and adjusting the building design/construction (if applicable). relatively low humidity ratios will need a high primary flow rate if the dew
point temperature of the supply air is close to the design dew point in the
The indoor air quality (IAQ) requirements include supply air flow rate, to room.
meet both ventilation requirements and address the latent loads in the
space, determining infiltration, and defining the maximum allowable Comparing the required supply airflow rates for ventilation and to maintain
humidity level. the relative humidity of the space, the higher of the two flow rates will
determine the minimum flow rate allowable for the space. If necessary the
Based on the building design and construction, anticipated infiltration supply air flow rate can be increased to supplement the sensible cooling
should be calculated. Information on how to calculate infiltration and of the products selected.
how to use infiltration when calculating heat loads and losses can be
After the IAQ requirements have been tentatively set, the required

found in the ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook. The heat loads and losses
calculated associated with infiltration are used in determining the latent equipment capacities to meet the heat loads and losses can are
cooling requirements. This will affect the volume of supply air necessary determined. Care should be taken to design around actual loads/losses
to maintain the design humidity levels in the room. that will be experienced in the space. Overdesigning the system will
increase installation and equipment costs, and could potentially cause
Guidelines for determining the minimum ventilation requirements are thermal comfort issues. Once the capacity requirements have been
given in ASHRAE Standard 62.1. Criteria for maximum relative humidity in calculated, either supply air conditions or building design/construction (if
the space, based on a humidity ratio of 0.012, is set in ASHRAE Standard possible) can be adjusted to be more suited to chilled ceiling application.
55; for a room design temperature of 75BF, the maximum relative humidity
is 63.5%. Once the design conditions for room relative humidity have PRODUCT SELECTION
been determined the supply air flow rate necessary to maintain this level
The type of product to be used to is at the designers discretion. However
can be calculated. The required flow rate to meet the latent load can be
the recommended limitations of maximum capacity per square foot should
determined by the following equation:
not be exceeded where high levels of thermal comfort are required.

Once product type has been decided the entering water temperature
should be selected such that condensation is prevented. The majority
U12 of chilled ceiling products do not include a means to collect or manage
condensation. This means the temperature of the heat transfer surface, Water flow rate: this should be selected to minimize pressure drop,

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either water coil or panel/sail surface, must be higher than the dew- should be no higher 10 ft w.g., while maintaining turbulent flow
point temperature of the space to prevent the formation of condensation. through the product
However, to achieve the maximum cooling capacity the entering water Supply airflow rate: flow rate must be maintained above the
temperature should be as low as possible. This can be difficult when minimum determined for IAQ requirements, but can be increased
trying to get the most capacity out of chilled ceiling products. to offset the sensible cooling requirements of the product selected
"" Increasing the flow rate in active beams while maintaining the
There are several ways to operate these products to prevent condensation. same nozzle geometry will result in an increase of operating
The primary step to preventing condensation is for the chilled water design pressure. The recommended operating range is typically
supply temperature to be at least 1BF above the dew-point temperature between 0.2 in w.g. and 0.8 in w.g. Operating pressure in active
of the space. Also, the supply air to the space must also be sufficiently beams will also directly impact the noise generated by the
product during operation.
dehumidified to maintain the design relative humidity conditions. The
secondary measures are noted below: Unit placement/Configurations:
Properly insulated valves and piping "" Radiant panels and sails: These products should be installed so
that no more than 75% of the available ceiling space is made up
Measures used to shut off chilled water flow
of active panels/sails. Panels models with perforated faces and
"" Condensation sensors installed on the supply water piping backed with acoustic fleece insulation can be used to improve
"" Relative humidity/dew-point temperature sensor installed in noise attenuation within the space.
the return air path
Raising the chilled water supply temperature "" Passive Beams: Passive beams should not be installed directly
"" Using a relative humidity sensor in conjunction with a room above occupants since the highest velocities occurring from the
temperature system to determine moisture content and dew- convection process will occur directly underneath the beam

point temperature of the space. Using this information the
chilled water temperature can be adjusted upward to prevent "" It is critical to the operation of passive beams that adequate
condensation. This measure should only be used in the event space is provided for air flow through the beam. When installed
that an entire building is at risk for condensation. in a flush mount application, shadow gaps, perforated ceiling
tiles, dummy beams, or return air grilles must be installed so
At this time the supply air temperature should be tentatively selected. that warm room air enter the air path for the passive beams. It
Supply air temperature can be varied between cooling and heating, but is recommended that the total free area for the return air path
most designs keep a fixed temperature as long as heating requirements be at least 50% of the passive beam surface area. In exposed
can be met. applications, the beams should be installed with a minimum
distance between the top surface of the beam and the ceiling
The size and configuration of products selected should be completed that is equivalent to half of the beam width, see Figure 7.
while adjusting the following parameters:


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Figure 6a. Condensation Prevention Strategies

2-Way Flow Control Valves Thermostat/Room Controller
(On/Off or Proportional Control)

Balancing Valves
(Manual or Automatic)

Condesate Sensors

Chilled Beams

A) Condensate sensors installed on the chilled water supply shut

down individual flow control valves when condesnation is detected.

Thermostat/Room Controller
Figure 6b. Condensation Prevention Strategies
Balancing Valves
2-Way Flow Control Valves (Manual or Automatic)
(On/Off or Proportional Control)

Relative Humidity

Chilled Beams

B) Relative humidity sensor installed in return air path to shut down

zone flow control valve when relative humidty reaches set point of
the sensor.

3-Way Flow Control Valve

(Proportional Control) Figure 6c. Condensation Prevention Strategies

Balancing Valves
Variable speed pump (Manual or Automatic)

Room Controller
w/ Dew-point Sensor

Chilled Beams

U14 C) Use of a 3-way proportional valve and variable speed pump to raise
supply water temperature above the room dew-point temperature.
"" After the throw pattern has been decided, placement of

Redefine your comfort zone |

the beam within the space can be determined. Active chilled
beams, because of their design, share throw characteristics
with conventional slot diffusers. Placement and orientation
of active beams is critical for thermal comfort due long throw
X/2 values associated with active beams. In open office plans it is
typically more cost effective to use several longer beams that
are installed parallel to the long direction of conventional ceiling
systems, instead of numerous smaller beams the length of the
module division. (Figure 8, Open-office Active Beam Layout)
X However in an open office the number and size of beams used
will be determined by balancing the cost per beam, cost of
air side operating pressure, and water side pumping power to
achieve optimum energy efficiency.

"" When applying 2-way and 4-way beams in small offices and
Passive beams should be mounted such that the return air path
is not restricted. individual offices the recommended location is directly above
the occupants. This will result in the lowest velocities within
Figure 7. Passive beam mounting height the occupied space. It is also recommended that 2-way beams
are installed lengthwise in the space. This will allow for the use
"" Active Beams: With the different configurations available of longer beams, reducing the cooling requirements per linear
in active beams, 1, 2, and 4-way beams a design can be foot which will in-turn lower total air flow per foot and the
resulting velocities in the space ensuring occupancy comfort.

implemented to effectively create a comfortable space. In open
office spaces as well as internal offices 2-way or 4-way beams If placement is required near a wall use of 1-way throw beams
are typically used. The flexibility provided by 2-way and 4-way are recommended. 1-way beams can also be effectively used in
beams, due to multiple sizes and nozzle configurations, allow perimeter zones for cooling applications; however they should
them to be appropriately applied in most applications. 1-way be supplemented with baseboard heating to address window
beams are typically used in perimeter zones and small spaces loads during the heating season. 2-way beams can be effectively
such as individual offices and hotel rooms. applied in perimeter zones for both heating and cooling. Care
must be taken if 2-way beams are installed parallel to windows.
In intermediate seasons when internal cooling is required and
window surfaces are cool an acceleration of the air can occur in
the space creating drafts and potential discomfort.

a) b)


Figure 8 - Open-office Active Beam Layout: In lengthwise installations(a) there are less piping and duct
connections than in crosswise installations(b). In crosswise installations, there is typically one beam per
module. Even if the total cost for the beams in both layouts are the same, installation costs, additional
valves, piping, and ductwork will prove to be more costly.

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Occupied Zone

The minimum distance between units (2X) or minimum distance from a sidewall (X), can
be determined by taking the difference between the diffuser's characteristic throw to 50

fpm (T50 ) and the distance between the ceiling and the occupied zone (Y).

Figure 9. Local Velocity Diagram

"" The ideal location for most active beams is directly above the velocities across the coils result in a fairly long response time.
occupant. This is because the lowest velocities in the space
will occur in the induced air path. If it is desired to position With chilled beams or radiant systems, the most common method for
an active beam close to a wall, a unit with an asymmetrical or controlling room temperature is regulating the water flow rate through
1-way throw pattern is recommended. As active chilled beams the selected equipment. The alternative is to vary the supply water
have throw characteristics similar to linear slot diffusers the temperature.
same principles for determining thermal comfort conditions
should be used. Location for final placement should take into
consideration the allowable average air speed in the occupied The control of water flow rate is achieved through on-off, time proportional
space in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 55. Accounting for on-off, or modulating control valve actuators. The maximum flow rate
the air side sensible capacity will allow for reduced capacity should be limited by a balancing valve installed on each beam circuit. It is
requirements of the water coils in the beams. Designing with generally recommended for 2-way valves to be used to reduce pumping
this in mind will reduce airflow requirements per linear foot, costs, but 3-way valves can be used when pump speeds are not variable.
which will help to meet the requirements for thermal comfort. While on-off and modulating actuator control is straight forward, time
When placing two beams in the same space as shown in Figure proportional on-off systems are a bit more complex. These systems use a
9, Local velocity diagram, care must be taken to ensure that feedback control loop to open and close an on-off actuator such that the
the colliding air streams do not result in velocities over 50 fpm total time open is proportional to the percentage of flow that is requested
causing discomfort. A general guideline to achieve air velocities by a modulated room controller. While control of this system is more
of 50 fpm or less in the occupied space is to ensure the velocities complex, actuator first costs are greatly reduced.

of colliding airstreams are below 100 fpm. If velocities at the

point of collision are greater than 100 fpm, the distance from
Chilled beams should be connected in parallel so that each beam sees the
the ceiling for the air flow to slow to 50 fpm is noted in the
equation below: same entering water temperature. For the greatest flexibility of control
each beam should be fitted with an actuated control valve. With this
setup, the flow rate can be modulated in each beam. And, in the event
Y=T50 - X
the entering water temperature reaches a point where condensation is a
concern the flow rate to individual units affected can be shut down, so that
the entire zone do not suffer a loss in sensible capacity. The alternative is
Y = distance from the ceiling
one actuated control valve per zone. In either situation, each beam should
X = half the distance to the adjacent diffuser
be fitted with isolation valves on the both the supply and return.
T50 = diffuser characteristic throw to 50 fpm
Alternatively to varying water flow rate through the beam, the entering
water temperature can be varied according to the load in the space.
CONTROL OF CHILLED CEILING SYSTEMS This requires more sophisticated control sequences. Varying the water
Very basic room controls can be used with chilled ceiling systems. This is temperature also requires a bypass loop, that can inject higher temperature
due to the fact that most systems are designed to operate with a constant water from the return loop of the chilled beams or main air handler into
U16 volume of supply air. Also, the large coil size, combined with relatively low the supply water loop for the beams.

Redefine your comfort zone |

2-Way Flow Control Vale (On/Off Supply Water
Temperature Control
or Proportional Control) Chilled Beam
Supply Loop
Chilled Beam
Supply Loop
Main Return

Supply Water
Temperature Control

Balancing Valves
Chiller Bypass Loop
(Manual or

3-Way Flow Control Vale Heat Exchanger

(Proportional Control) Bypass Loop

3-Way Flow Control Vale

(Proportional Control)
Main Supply
Chilled Beam Chilled Beam
Return Loop Return Loop
Chilled Beams
A) Supply temperature control with B) Supply temperature control
A) Beams installed with a single 2-way valve serving a entire zone. dedicated chiller secondary chilled beam loop

Figure 10a. Chilled beam zone control - Single flow control Figure 11a. Supply water temperature control with dedicated chiller;

Figure 11b. Supply water temperature control chilled beam loop


3-Way Flow
Control Vale
(On/Off or

Balancing Valves
(Manual or

Chilled Beams
B) Beams installed with a single 3-way valve serving a entire zone.

Figure 10b. Chilled beam zone control APPLICATION GUIDE

In order to control the supply water temperature a dedicated chiller and
supply/return circuits can be used (see Figure 11a), or heat exchanger
between the main air handler loop and chilled beam loop are acceptable
(see Figure 11b).

When designing systems with occupied/unoccupied modes or with

night set back set ups. It is critical to ensure the design relative humidity
conditions are met prior any water based sensible cooling. In most
cases, 30 minutes of dry-air ventilation will be enough to prevent any
condensation during morning start-up and when returning to occupied
modes. This can easily be achieved for night set back/morning start up
by offsetting the time schedules for the air handlers and chilled beam
system pumps.


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