Company Profile BMT AP Indonesia

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Our Services

Environmental, Infrastructure,
Energy and Transport

Who WeAre

What We Do

Our Independence

Our Services

Client Sectors

Our Experiences
Who WeAre

BMT Asia Pacific is a specialist environmental, economic, design, planning

and risk management consultancy focusing on Infrastructure, Energy and
Transport. We're driven by a belief that things can always be better, safer, fast-
er and more efficient.

Our Approach Our People

We grasp the market, master the skills and Knowledge

develop the tools to help customers reduce
BMT consultants are highly specialised within
project risk and maximise value.
the core markets we serve. These expertise
have been cultivated through extensive educa-
We succeed through:
tional and professional experiences. We under-
Helping our customers optimising asset
stand your business because we ourselves are
performance nd fulfill regulatory require- a part of it.
ments at every phase of the project
Combining our deep sector and regional Together our consultants make up a diverse
knowledge with expertise in economics group of experts in science and commerce:
and finance, design, engineering, envi-
engineers, naval architects, chemists, tech-
ronmental sciences, naval architecture,
nologists, as well as business strategists and
risk management and technical model-
economists. It is through this unique mix that
we develop fresh perspectives and retain the
Aiming to add value to our communities intellectual agility to continuously innovate and
and environment in which we operate. evolve our offerings to clients.


Our Capabilities BMT Asia Pacific has offices in Hong Kong,

Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and China. We
We know a thing or two about Infrastructure. And are an operating company of BMT Group, a
Energy. And Transport. Our specialist ser- vices leading engineering, technology and risk man-
cover every stage of development and are agement consultancy with presence in over
supported by leading-edge tools and technolo- 25 countries worldwide. We access the best of
gies. BMT products and services from around the
globe to bring together local knowledge and
established international experience.
What We Do

Building on our network of specialists, BMT services a wide range of markets

to assist companies and governments realise greater value in their invest-
ments and projects.

We provide clients with innovative and in- With over one hundred staff, and operations in
dependent support during project planning, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore
design, construction and operation, and assist and China, the focus for BMT Asia Pacific is to
companies and governments investing in major provide consulting services in four core areas:
capital projects and seeking to operate their
Economic and technical feasibility studies
businesses in the most cost-effective, safe, reli-
Infrastructure development
able and environmentally responsible manner.
Oceanography, Survey and Environmental
Information technology
Our Independence

Our customers value impartial, BMTs independence is guaranteed by our sta-

expert advice and we value the tus as an Employee Benefit Trust (EBT), giving
freedom to deliver it without any our people the freedom to think without limits
potential conflict of interest from and create ground-breaking solutions.
external stakeholders.
BMT Group Ltd is a member-based company
limited by guarantee, with the assets of the
company held in beneficial ownership for its
staff. The EBT Trustees remit is to act in the
best interests of all the staff in the short, medi-
um and long-term and they themselves are not

We believe that the EBT is evidence of BMTs

commitment to the people who drive its suc-
cess. Their independence and commitment
mean that we can continue to provide the
valuable insight and knowledge our customers
Our Services

We support clients at every stage of the project lifecycle with a wide range of
high-quality products and services, all backed by our expertise across sec-
tors, geographies and disciplines.

We offer wide range of services in the area

of environmental, metocean survey and con-
sultancy, oil spill information system and SAR
information system and also in ports and lo-
gistics. Below are descriptions of some of our
products and services.

Environment Metocean Survey and Consultancy

Throughout the project lifecycle BMT provides At the feasibility and design stage our under-
environmental management support. We moni- standing of the effects of tide, currents, wind
tor, measure and model environmental impacts and other factors can help customers to opti-
to help clients across the world comply with mise vessel and offshore structure design.
current and evolving legislation and meet social
Similarly, during construction and operation
our metocean services can improve efficiency,
BMT Asia Pacific can provide services, such as safety and reliability.
Environmental Impact Assessment, Environ-
These benefits are achieved through BMT's
mental Monitoring Services, Preliminary Base-
state of the art capabilities in data collection,
line Study (UKUUPL), and other environmental
data management, data analysis, numerical
modelling and forecasting.
Our Services

BMT consultants are industry experts with deep market knowledge. We under-
stand your business because we are a part of it.

Ports and Terminals Safety and Risk

Throughout the proJect lifecycle BMT provides How safe is the proposed proJect? How can it
BMT offers end-to-end solutions to help cus- be designed to be safer? During construction,
tomers assess, develop, optimise and maintain safety is vital to successfuI completion and
port facilities, as well as providing concepts for once the proJect is up and running there is a
floating platforms for liquid storage, materials continual need to monitor and control risks.
handling and entertainment facilities.
We can provide direct engineering, logistics
From concept and planning, design and and management support or can assist in train-
construction, through to operation and main- ing your personnel. We are ready to partner
tenance, BMT's holistic approach combines with our customers for the long term to ensure
valuable engineering experience with sustain- success.
able environmental management and economic
From environmental and economic modelling to
practicality to deliver high-value solutions for
training programmes and ship surveys, our
expert teams offer fully independent advice and
Within Asia Pacific, BMT has successfully man- support to customers worldwide, across sec-
aged diverse proJects from low cost coastal tors ranging from defence and transportation to
protection schemes to maJOr oil terminals, con- oil & gas and energy & environment.
tainer ports, naval defence facilities, inland and
waterway studies.
Client Sectors

The requirement for accurate environmental BMT provides engineering and

information has increased over the years. Using scientific services and solutions
our expertise on metocean conditions, meteor- to industry, commerce, policy
ology, modeling, data assimilation and remote makers, regulators and public
sensing, BMT Asia Pacific offers environmental sector operators
information and services to various client sec-
tors operating worldwide.

Some of the industry sectors served by BMT

Asia Pacific, such are:

Oil and gas

Renewable energy
Offshore contractors
Marine transports
Seismic surveys
Ports, harbors and coastal engineering
Health and safety
Insurance and warranty surveyors
Research and development

Some of our services are available off the shelf;

others are tailored to the clients specific re-

Having most data readily available allows us to

fulfill our clients requirements swiftly, accurately
and efficiently. In situations where no suitable
solution is currently available BMT Asia Pacific
Indonesia can operate as your partner in de-
veloping a product according to your specific
Our Experiences

PT BMT Asia Pacific Indonesia's Previous Experiences

Environment Metocean & Hydrodinamics

March 2010
April2012 Seismic, Hydrographic, Current and Float
Cons. Services for Env. Study & Monitoring: Tracking Survey at Separi- Jembayan Muara
Pertamina ONWJ Bara, Ltd.
Maret 2016-2018 2009-2010
Eni Muara Bakau Sea Water Analysis Metocean Data Gathering Services at Makassar
Juni 2016-2019 Strait- Pearl Oil (Sebuku) Ltd.
Environmental Monitoring Services in Chevron May 2008
Geothermal Darajat, Salak dan MCTN. Bathymetric Survey, Weather and Metocean
2015-2018 Data Collection at Luwuk, Cetral Sulawesi- PT.
Environmental Monitoring in KLO Services: Anugra Tompira Nikel
Chevron Indonesia Company, Balikpapan November 2007
Januari 2016-2018 Bathymetric Survey, Weather and Metocean
Jasa Pemantauan Air Drainase, Emisi Sumber Data Collection at Obi I sland- PT. Gane Permai
Bergerak, Emisi Sumber Tidak Bergerak, Air Sentosa
Terproduksi, Air Minum dan Air Bersih.

May 2011 Ports & Terminals

Ecotoxicology for Mahakam PSC: TOTAL E&P
March 2010
Pre FS for Coal Transportation Corridor in
April2011 South Sumatera Indonesia: PELINDO II
EBA for Puri Block: PPRL

March 2011 Safety & Risk

EBA & UKL-UPL & Monitoring for NE Natuna February 2012
Block: Titan Resources (Natuna Indonesia) Ltd Scorpa Sembawang - Hazop Study
March 2011 July 2011
UKL-UPL for Exploration Well Tulip #3: eni Bu- JGC MLNG- Hazop Study
kat Ltd
May 2008
February 2011 Due Diligence and Marine Safety Assessment
UKL-UPL for Exploration Well Jangkrik NE#1: of Anchorage at Lamala, Luwuk - PT. Anugerah
eni Muara Bakau B.V Tompira Nikel
Head Office:

PT BMT Asia Pacific Indonesia

Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia Tower C, P Floor
Jl. T.B. Simatupang Kav.88, 12520 Jakarta
Tel: +62 21 7827639 / 7820827
Fax: +62 7827636

Perkantoran Graha Pena 8th Floor
Batam Center Parkway Kav-01Batam Center
29462 Batam, Indonesia
Tel: +62 778 469135
Fax: +62 778 462725

Perkantoran SIER 1th Floor
Jl. Rungkut Industri Raya 10, Surabaya
Tel/Fax: +62 31 8439981

Graha BMT Asia Pacific Indonesia
Jl. Pangeran Sogiri No. 61 RT/RW : 01/05
Kel. Tanah Baru Kec. Bogor Utara Kota
Bogor, 16154bJawa Barat
Tel/Fax: +62 251 8327633

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