Automatic Pesticides Spraying
Automatic Pesticides Spraying
Automatic Pesticides Spraying
There are many types of pesticides sprayer are available in India.
But mostly used sprayer is backpack type sprayer which is used by
farmers because it is cheaper, easy to use and main thing about it is less
costly. With the help of this machine farmer spray pesticides in their
farm, but it requires lot of time and thus high operational cost. Also, the
farmer which is spraying pesticides is affected by it as it is harmful to
human health and human also affect by the lumbar pain due to weight of
equipment. This method used lots of time and affects human health
adversely. This paper suggests machines which will save time and
operational cost. Also saves human from affecting adversely.
India is a country where nearly 70% of people lives in rural area
and main source of their income is farming, directly or indirectly. 70%
of people in India are connected with farming directly or indirectly,
instead of that we are not producing the crop of which we having
capacity to produce. Reason behind this is we farmers of our country are
not using technology very well. So we have to make machines that can
help then to save their time and money and to increase the production
rate and their profit. We have to make economic machineries so farmers
can purchase it as per capita income of our countrys farmers are low
and our country per capita income is low that of compared to other
country as our country is developing country. Present scenario in
agricultural field in India related to sprayer is that farmers are using
hand operated sprayer or motorized sprayer. According to idea in our
project we are making a small 4 wheel kart or vehicle which is
electronically operated by a wireless remote which runs on power source
as a DC battery. One vertical arm is attached at centre of vehicle and one
horizontal arm at top of the vertical arm. Nozzle is fitted to these arms so
that it can spray pesticides both the sides. As more no of nozzle are there
hence spraying is done rapidly and time and money is saved.
Literature review is nothing but the work done before the present
time on the same topic. So, we know that people doing farming from
ancient time for food and other purpose. For better grown of crop they
spray pesticides on them. There are many types of pesticides spraying
technique available now that we can find as we move from east to west
and also from north to south. It is difficult to mention all those
techniques here. But we tried to mention main techniques used and best
known to us. People in India use backpack type sprayer which is carry
on back of the person with 15 lit maximum capacities and one nozzle in
one hand while other hand is used to pump the machine to create
pressure. Another machine which is developed and supplied in England
was manufactured and patented by Holme Farm Supplies Ltd. This
machine is consisting of water tank on tractor. This water tank contains
liquid pesticides. On back side of it a long rod is attached on which
nozzles are attached. This is used to spray pesticides. Also many such
machines are manufactured by this company for large scale farming and
large size crops. One another machine is made in India by Man sukhbhai
Jagani. He attached spraying and cultivating equipment to his bike. So
his bike was able to furrow opening, sowing, cultivate and spray
pesticides on plants. This was proved as cost effective for small size
Literature review is nothing but the work done before the present
time on the same topic. So, we know that people doing farming from
ancient time for food and other purpose. For better grown of crop they
spray pesticides on them. There are many types of pesticides spraying
technique available now that we can find as we move from east to west
and also from north to south. It is difficult to mention all those
techniques here. But we tried to mention main techniques used and best
known to us. People in India use backpack type sprayer which is carry
on back of the person with 15 lit maximum capacities and one nozzle in
one hand while other hand is used to pump the machine The power
source to run this machine is DC Battery. Battery is of 12V 9A. 30 RPM
DC Motors which are directly attached to the wheels is run on the
battery. Also the DC Pump is run on the battery. When vehicle moves
forward then at the same time pump discharges liquid from tank towards
the nozzle fitted to pipe. As 4 nozzles are attached therefore pressure
reduces at each nozzle. There are 2 nozzles at each side through which
mixture of water and pesticides comes out and form solid spray patter as
our nozzle is of solid spray patter and liquid falls on plants. Nozzle angle
for spraying is 90 degree so we can cover large area with a single nozzle.
The machine consists of the main body frame, battery, DC Motor,
Nozzles, Pipes, Wheels, Tank and DC Pump. This is the four wheel
drive machine. All the four wheels are individually driven by 30 RPM
DC Motor. Frame is made up of mild steel. Its width 35 cm, length 50
cm and height is 30 cm. The main frame is covered from all the sides
with plywood sheets. Vertical arm is attached at center of back side of
main frame, carrying horizontal arm. The nozzles are fitted to the pipes
which are attached with the vertical and horizontal arm. The horizontal
arm is movable on vertical arm. The tank is kept at the Centre of the
body. The DC Pump is kept at the back side of the tank while the battery
is kept at the front side of same. The Remote is used to operate the
vehicle. Rang of the remote is 50m. DC Motor is used to rotate the
wheel which is used to move the machine from one place to another.
Following are the specification of DC Motor : 30 RPM DC Motor
Current :- 2.2 Ah Voltage :- 12 V
DC Pump: -
DC Pump is used to transport mixture of water and pesticides from
tank to the delivery nozzle. Following are the DC Pump specification.
Pressure = 6.2 bar = 80 Psi Current = 2.1 Ah Voltage = 12 V Tank :-
Tank is the unit where we can store the mixture of water and pesticides.
To protect it from corrosion and for log life and to reduce weight it is
made up of plastic. Tank capacity 15 lit.
Frame :- Frame is nothing but the chassis for a machine or vehicle. It is
the unit where remaining parts of the machine are fitted. To withstand in
heavy weight parts it is made up of Cast Iron. Length 50 cm Width
35 cm
Description Convention Automatic
al Method (10 Acre) Pesticides Spraying Machine (10 Acre)
Pesticides 5Litre 4Litre
Pesticides 5*2000=10 4*2000=80
Cost 000 Rs 000 Rs
Labor Rs. 300 Rs. 300
Charge Day Day
Nos of 3 1
Labors of 8 2
Working days
No of cycle 5 5
Total 300*3*8*5 300*1*2*5
Charges Of =36000Rs =3000 Rs
Machine 3000*3=90 35000
Cost 00
Working - Rs. 120/day
Charges of For 5 no of
Battery cycle =Rs600
Total cost 10000+36000+9000=55000 8000+3000+35000+60 =46600
We save Rs.8400/ year
We are using 4 nozzles. There are 2 nozzles on both sides of arm. Hence
the final discharge will be 0.79*4 = 3.1 lit/min.
Wheel: -Wheel is used to transfer machine from one place to another by
rotary motion of it. Specifications of wheels are as follows: Radius 10
cm, Wheel material rubber and plastic
Nozzle is the main device in any spraying machine. It decides how
much area is covered by spray. It generates spray pattern. Following are
nozzle specification : Nozzle Type Solid Nozzle Nozzle Angle 90
degree Nozzle radius 1 mm = 0.039 inch
Pipe is the unit used to carry water from sump or tank to DC Pump
and from DC Pump to nozzles. To reduce cart weight and to eliminate
corrosion effect it is made up of plastic. Plastic pipe length = 10 ft.
Metallic T & square :- T is nothing but the 3 way joint in which it
accepts the liquid flow from one direction and transfers it to other 2
directions and vise versa. Also square is same to it but having 4
directions. Both are made up of metal and having internal diameter 8
Following are the calculations:
1. Power = energy per second
Battery 9 Ah current, 12 V Power = V * I = 12 * 9 = 108 WH
2. Backup Time of Sprayer = (Power stored in battery / Power
consumed by motor and pump)