Smart Geyser

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Smart Geyser

Session (2018-2022)

Project Supervisor
Dr Asim Zeb
Assistant Professor
Abbottabad UST

Submitted By

Hassan Saeed 3574

Usman Ali Malik 5388

Department of Computer Science

Abbottabad University of Science & Technology
Approval Sheet
This is to certify that Hassan Saeed Number (3574) Usman Ali Malik Roll Number (5388) have worked on and
completed their Project “Smart Geyser” at, Department of Information Technology, Abbottabad University of
Science & Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of BS in Computer Science under the
guidance and supervision of Dr Asim Zeb.
In our opinion, it is satisfactory and up to the mark and therefore fulfills the requirements of BSCS degree.

Submitted By:
Aqib Iqbal _________________
Roll Number 2801 Signature

Mahad Iftikhar _________________

Roll Number 2820 Signature

Ms. Sadia Basar _________________
Lecturer Department of Information Technology Signature
Abbottabad UST

Project Committee Convener:

Ms. Naveeda Bibi _________________
Lecturer Department of Information Technology Signature
Abbottabad UST
Internal Examiner
Mr. Aamer Khan _________________
Departmental Exam Coordinator (Signature)
Abbottabad UST
External Examiner

Chairman CS
Dr. Muhammad Naeem _________________
Department of Information Technology (Signature)
Abbottabad UST


In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

Praise be to Allah, Lord of Creation, The Compassionate, the Merciful, King of Judgment-
You alone we worship, and to You alone we pray for help,
Guide us to the straight path
The path of those who You have favored, Not of those who have incurred
Your wrath, Nor of those who
have gone astray.


We wish to dedicate this entire project report to our beloved parents for their tireless
Support. We thank them for the spirit of hard work, courage, and determination they
Had instilled in me throughout our lives.

In winters, the necessity of hot water increases as a result geyser becomes the need of houses,
offices and mosques. Geysers are placed outside and away from living area so people feel
hectic to go there for turning on their geysers and the problem arises when a person needs the
hot water for wadu in fajar prayer and also for his office and for that he has to wake up before
Fajar for turning his geyser on or leave on throughout night which eventually ends up resulting
in huge gas bill and the same problem happens when they forget to turn off their geyser.

To prevent all these problems from prevailing, the WI-FI Geyser Control is developed. It is a
monitory system, which provides solution to above mentioned problems. It is a stand-alone
application which doesn’t require any computer to operate. It monitors the geyser and updates
his user via android application which is able to rotate geyser thermostat intelligently based on
user input and turn off and on geyser and provides temperature information on user demand.
The user can control his geyser anywhere even when he is far from his house or in his living

WI-FI Geyser Control System is a monitory system that has a sensor type as in our case a
temperature sensor is used along with NodeMcu micro-controller, it provides information
regarding geyser temperature, rotates the geyser thermostat on command and also get schedule
and automatically On and Off on given commands.

It is an embedded system consisting of NodeMcu micro controller which keep geyser

connected to WI-FI all the time. The system has a battery which gives power backup to micro
controller in case of power failure. On user end, system has an android application which needs
Wireless communication i.e. Wi-Fi or 3G/4G that is used by user on his smart phone to give
commands to his geyser like scheduling the ON/OFF time of geyser, control thermostat and
keep aware about his geyser temperature.


Al-Hamd-u-Lillah! We are very grateful to my Almighty Allah, who made us able to meet and complete
this very tedious, complex and painful task. It is very exciting, pleasant and amusing moment for us,
because we had never thought that sometime we would be able to complete a software project and its
report, as well. The full credit of this software project goes to Almighty ALLAH, because we are unable
to do anything without His guidance and help.

Before we get into thick of the things, we would like to add a few heartfelt words for the people who
were part of this project in numerous ways. People who gave unending support right from the stage
project idea were conceived. After this, we would be most indebted to our parents, and family members,
whose love, prayers, encouragements and moral support made it easy for us to face this tough, tedious,
complex and mind-boggling project. They greatly sacrificed focus, At the end we are extremely indebted
our teacher and supervisor Dr. Asim Zeb of this project, and also very thankful Dr. Muhammad Naeem
Chairman Department of Computer Science and all teachers. Vivacious and exuberant approach always
put us on right track. Wear extremely thankful to our beloved prayers and continuous encouragement
made the successful completion of this project possible.


SRS Software Require Specification

PC Personal Computer
NSGP Northern Sui Gas Pipelines
UI User Interface


Chapter 1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 11
1.1 Brief........................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Relevance to Course Module .................................................................................... 11
1.3 Project Background ................................................................................................... 11
1.4 Methodology and Software Lifecycle for This Project ............................................. 11
1.4.1 Rationale behind Selected Methodology .............................................................. 12

Chapter 2 Problem Definition............................................................................................. 13

2.1 Problem Statement .................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Current System .......................................................................................................... 13
2.3 Our Solution .............................................................................................................. 14

Chapter 3 Requirement Analysis ......................................................................................... 15

3.1 Use Cases Diagram ................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Detailed Use Case ..................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Functional Requirements........................................................................................... 19
3.4 Non-Functional Requirements .................................................................................. 21

Chapter 4 Design and Architecture.................................................................................... 22

4.1 Use case Diagram ...................................................................................................... 22
4.2 Class Diagram ........................................................................................................... 23
4.3 Activity Diagram ....................................................................................................... 24
4.4 Block Diagram .......................................................................................................... 25
4.5 Design Model ............................................................................................................ 26
4.5.1 Cyclic Iterative Model .......................................................................................... 26

Chapter 5 Implementation ................................................................................................. 27

5.1 External APIs ............................................................................................................ 27
5.2 User Interface ............................................................................................................ 28
5.2.1 Login .................................................................................................................... 28
5.2.2 Registration .......................................................................................................... 29
5.2.3 Add Device ........................................................................................................... 30
5.2.4 Select Device ........................................................................................................ 31
5.2.5 Dashboard ............................................................................................................. 32
5.2.6 Schedule ................................................................................................................ 33
5.2.7 Set Schedule ......................................................................................................... 34
5.2.8 Set Time ............................................................................................................... 35
5.2.9 Set Repetitive Day Schedule ................................................................................ 36

Chapter 6 Testing and Evaluation..................................................................................... 37

6.1 Manual Testing .......................................................................................................... 38
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work ........................................................................... 42
7.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................. 42
7.2 Future Work .............................................................................................................. 42


Fig 1.1 Use Case Diagram ....................................................................................................... 23

Fig 2.1 Class Diagram .............................................................................................................. 24
Fig 2.1 Activity Diagram ......................................................................................................... 25
Fig 2.1 Block Diagram ............................................................................................................. 26
Fig 5.1 Login ............................................................................................................................ 28
Fig 5.2 Registration .................................................................................................................. 29
Fig 5.3 Add Device .................................................................................................................. 30
Fig 5.4 Select Device ............................................................................................................... 31
Fig 5.5 Dashboard .................................................................................................................... 32
Fig 5.6 Schedule....................................................................................................................... 33
Fig 5.7 Set Schedule ................................................................................................................ 34
Fig 5.8 Set Time ....................................................................................................................... 35
Fig 5.9 Set Repetitive Day Schedule ....................................................................................... 36


Table 5.1 Details of APIs used in project ................................................................................ 27

Smart Geyser

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1. Brief
In winters, the hot water becomes the primary need of houses, offices and mosques. Most
of the times, geysers are placed outside and away from living area so it becomes extra effort
for going outside for setting geysers on and the problem arises when a person needs the hot
water in the early time of the day for Namaz and office then it is costly to leave them on all
the night which will eventually ends up high gas bill or a person has to get up way early for
setting geyser on. For coping this problem, the WI-FI Geyser Control is developed. This
system monitors the geyser and updates his user via android application which is able to
rotate geyser thermostat intelligently based on user input and turn off and on geyser and
provides temperature information on user demand. This provides the user a control over his
geyser anywhere even if he is far from his home or sitting in his drawing room.

1.2. Relevance to Course Modules

This project is majorly related to the course of Android Development and Database Systems
as it’s one part developed in Android studio and other part is developed in Arduino IDE
and Firebase Database for storing data. It is not only related to these courses but also related
to Human Computer Interaction, Software Engineering, Object Oriented Programming,
Programming Fundamentals, Electricity-Magnetism and Optics and Applied Physics for

1.3. Project Background

Like other household equipment, the Gas Geyser is also the important part of it. It is a
headache in winters to get warm water because a person has to be extra conscious for
getting warm water for planning when to set the geyser on or off. Currently, people have
already a stressful lifestyle and with the help of IOT we can reduce their headache and add
some value in their lives. Like other revolutionary inventions in this century, home
automation is also one of them and it is not fiction anymore to control home appliances far
from distance. By keeping this in mind, we adopted this project as our FYP so that we
transform our conventional geyser to a fully control automatic device on which user can
set thermostat, schedule his geyser and save his gas bills and become tension free at-least
from their geyser.

1.4. Methodology and Software Lifecycle for This Project

We are using Object Oriented methodology for this project and the life cycle model is
cyclic iterative model which is normally used in our university.

In the object-oriented methodology, the main focus is on the modules that combines
process and data together. The aim of object-oriented methodology is to make

Smart Geyser

improvements in the quality of the software and productivity. During analysis object-
oriented methodologies are used that fill gap between solutions and problems. These are
some reasons behind this methodology

1.4.2. Rationale behind Selected Methodology

The reason we used iterative life cycle model because requirements keep on changing in
our project. In iterative life cycle, the development starts by implementing just small part
of the system. This process will start when we implement the system requirements; we
apply changes in the requirement until the system is completely implemented and ready to
be deployed.

Smart Geyser

Chapter 2: Problem Definition

2.1. Problem Statement

In winters, the necessity of hot water increases in the most of region of Pakistan.
Temperature in winters falls below 0o Celsius. So, the dependence on gas geysers becomes
the need of people. In common, geysers are setup in houses, offices, hospitals, mosques
etc. For safety purposes gas geysers are placed outside and away from living areas. It
eventually ends up extra duty for a person for taking care of the geyser. Problems are
common person face are of:

⚫ He has to set his geyser on so that he gets the warm water on his required time

⚫ If he wants warm water in the morning time, in this case he has to wake up way early
and need to go outside despite the weather condition for setting his geyser on.

⚫ Setting off geyser on required time is also an extra duty.

⚫ Another problem he can face is that how would he make sure that his water actually
gets warm by his geyser.

⚫ He is not going to do this extra work for just one day but multiple times throughout
the day and during the whole winter season despite the weather condition.

⚫ The other problem is, he cannot set the geyser ON all the time otherwise he will end
up having high gas bills.

We designed the system with the following criteria in mind:

Cost: The system should be cheap and in affordable price.

UI: The interface of the mobile application is user friendly.
Setup: The system setup is easily.
Schedule: The user can easily schedule his geyser on his desired time.
Accessibility: We make sure that user can access his geyser far from his home too via Wi-
Fi or 3G/4G.
Temperature View: The user can easily view the temperature of his geyser.

2.2. Current System:

Conventional water geysers in Pakistan does not have this feature in them. They are
manual in nature and cannot be control from distance. The devices for coping this problem
that are available in markets from one of the startup ‘Jul Bhuj’ and one from Northern Sui
Gas Pipelines (NSGP). They have the following short comings:

Smart Geyser

Our competitor’s systems are relatively expensive than our system as their market price is
5000-6000 PKR. If user buys more than one device, it will end up costly.

No Wi-Fi 3G/4G support:

They only support Bluetooth so their device has low range and cannot solve the problem
if user is outside from his home. Without Wi-Fi and 3G/4G their device is not solving the
user problem.

No Temperature sensor:
The aforementioned device does not have temperature sensors. So, they are unable to tell
the geyser temperature and they will also not tell if the geyser has problem like weather
the geyser is warming the water correctly or not.

Bad UI design:
The competitor’s application is not user friendly. They do not have a proper dashboard
and the whole UI is lack luster.

No security:
The competitive system lacks security. Anyone within the close proximity can control the

2.3. Our Solution:

In the proposed project we aim to develop Wi-Fi geyser control system which will
automate conventional water geyser at a comparatively lower cost, help the user to
control his geyser from anywhere and make him schedule his app on his desire.

Objective of our project is to provide ease to use their water geysers.

• Allow user to schedule his geyser any time.
• Allow user to switch ON/OFF geyser from anywhere.
• Provide the solution at a relatively lower cost.
• Temperature of the water will be notified on the android application.
• Each device will have a unique ID which will be required for controlling the
device. This improves device security.

Smart Geyser

Chapter 3: Requirement Analysis

3.1. Use Cases Diagram

Figure: 3.1

3.2. Detailed Use Case

The table below indicate a comprehensive use case of Wi-Fi Geyser Control.

Use Case ID: UC-1

Use case Login the application
Actors: Primary Actor: User Secondary Actor: Google Authentication

Smart Geyser

Description: A User can login with his Google Email id and Password to access the Smart
Geyser application on android phone using an internet connection, and can then
proceed to use other functions of the system.
Trigger: A user wants to access to control the water geyser.
Preconditions User should be registered in the database.
Post User can access the Menu and Control Geyser.
Normal Flow: 1. System displays login screen
2. User enters their credentials
3. System redirects user to the menu
Exceptions: At step 2, the credentials entered by the user are incorrect.
At step 2, the user is not registered in the database.

Use Case ID: UC-2

Use case Register User
Actors: Primary Actor: User Secondary Actor: Google Authentication
Description: A User can register with an Email and password into the database.
Trigger: A user wants to register himself in the database.
Preconditions A user is not registered into the database.
Post User’s credentials are stored in the database.
Normal Flow: 1. System displays registration screen
2. User enters their credentials
3. System informs the user that the user is successfully registered in the
Exceptions: At step 3, the credentials entered by the user are incorrect.
At step 3, the user is already registered in the database.

Smart Geyser

Use Case ID: UC-3

Use case Change thermostat of geyser
Actors: Primary Actor: User Secondary Actor: Firebase
Description: A User can turn the Geyser On and Off after accessing the application.
Trigger: A user wants to turn the thermostat on or off.
Preconditions User should be registered for accessing the application.
User is logged in.
User has added the device to his device list.
The application has established a connection with micro-controller
Post The thermostat of the geyser is switched ON/OFF
Normal Flow: 1. System displays the menu to control geyser.
2. User selects to switch the geyser ON/OFF
3. System notifies the user that the operation is successful
Exceptions: At step 2, the application is not connected to the micro-controller.

Use Case ID: UC-4

Use case Set Schedule
Actors: Primary Actor: User
Description: A User can schedule the time to turn the thermostat of the geyser
Trigger: A user wants to access to schedule the geyser.
Preconditions User should be registered for accessing the application.
User should be logged in the application.
User has a valid device in his list
Post User can access the Menu and Control Geyser.
Normal Flow: 1. System displays the scheduling menu
2. User selects the time and date for when to turn the Geyser ON.
3. User selects the time and date for when to turn the Geyser OFF.
4. User clicks “Ok”
5. System notifies the user that the operation is successful.

Smart Geyser

Exception: At step 4, the application has lost the connection with the micro-controller

Use Case ID: UC-5

Use case Read water Temperature
Actors: Primary Actor: User Secondary Actor: Firebase
Description: A User can set the temperature of the water geyser according to its need.
Trigger: A user wants to set the temperature of the water geyser.
Preconditions User should be registered for accessing the application.
User should be logged in the application.
User has a valid device in his list
Post User reads the temperature of water using android app.
Normal Flow: 1. System shows the menu to the user.
2. User reads the current water temperature from the dashboard.

Exceptions: At step 2, the application has lost connection with the micro-controller.

Use Case ID: UC-6

Use case Check Motor Belt
Actors: Primary Actor: User Secondary Actor: Firebase
Description: A User can check whether the belt of motor is connected with the knob of geyser.
Trigger: A user wants to check the status of belt.
Preconditions User should be registered for accessing the application.
User should be login with the required credentials into the android app.
Post User can access the Menu and check the belt.
Normal Flow: 1. System shows the menu to the user.
2. User clicks on the button to check the belt.
3. System shows an error message if the belt is not connected to motor.
Exceptions: At step 2, the application has lost connection with the micro-controller.

Smart Geyser

3.3. Functional Requirements

In this section we will discuss about functional requirements of the system in detail.

Identifier ID: 01
Title Authentication of user
Requirement The system shall check whether the credentials entered by the user
are valid or not.
Source User
Rationale To provide access to the user.
Dependencies Nil
Priority High

Identifier ID: 02
Title User registration
Requirement The user shall be able to register themselves in the database.
Source User
Rationale To register the user in the database.
Dependencies Nil
Priority High

Identifier ID: 03
Title Switch geyser thermostat ON/OFF
Requirement The User shall be able to Switch the geyser thermostat ON/OFF
Source User will originate it.
Rationale To allow user to switch the state of the geyser.
Dependencies ID: 01
Priority High

Smart Geyser

Identifier ID: 04
Title Set a schedule.
Requirement User can schedule the timing for when the geyser turns ON/OFF

Source User
Rationale User can select for how long the knob stays at that value.
Business Rule (if Any restriction, policy, rule that the particular requirement must be
required) fulfilled through its functional behavior
Dependencies ID: 01
Priority Medium

Identifier ID: 05
Title Check water temperature
Requirement The user shall be able to check the temperature of the water.
Source User
Rationale User can check the temperature of the water geyser.
Dependencies ID: 01
Priority Low

Identifier ID: 06
Title Set temperature
Requirement The user shall be able to set the temperature of the geyser.
Source User
Rationale User can select the value of the geyser for which the knob will stay
Dependencies ID: 01
Priority Medium

Smart Geyser

3.4. Non-Functional Requirements:

Wireless Connectivity

The system should be accessible wirelessly.

Network Independent

The system should work on any Wi-Fi network.


The User interface of the application should be easy to understand and materialistic.


The application should be fluid with no lags.

The system should be able to perform the tasks in less than 5 seconds.

Cost Effective

The complete cost of the system should be less than Rs.1000/-

Device Independent

The application should be independent able to run on any Android device.

System operability

The system should be able to operate in any weather condition.

The system should be able to operate in any geographical location.

Smart Geyser

Chapter 4: Design and Architecture

4.1. Use Case Diagram:

Figure 4.1

Smart Geyser

4.2. Class Diagram:

Figure: 4.2

Smart Geyser

4.3. Activity Diagram:

Figure: 4.3

Smart Geyser

4.4. Block Diagram:

Figure 4.4

Smart Geyser

4.5. Design Models:

4.5.1 Cyclic Iterative Model

Figure: 4.5

Smart Geyser

Chapter 5: Implementation

5.1. External APIs

Describe the APIs used in the table 5.1.
Table 5.1 shows that

Table 5.1: Details of APIs used in the project

Name of API Description of Purpose of List down the

API usage function/class name in
which it is used
Firebase API Firebase is an This API is Login. Class
API that lets the compatible DeviceList.class
developers to with Android Menu. Class
seamlessly store Applications as AlarmReceiver.class
and synchronize well as
data in firebase NodeMCU
real-time microcontroller
Google This API allows Since all Login.class
Authentication user to android Menu.class
API authenticate smartphones
using Google have at least
Account one google
account so for
this API is used

Smart Geyser

5.2. User Interface

5.2.1. User Interface 1: Login

Figure 5.1

Here user login himself into the Android application with his email and password.

Smart Geyser

5.2.2. User Interface 2: Registration

Figure 5.2

If user does not have account, he can simply login with his google account.

Smart Geyser

5.2.3. User Interface 3: Add Device

Figure 5.3

Here user will add his device name and device id. He can add more than one devices
depends how many devices he would install in his house.

Smart Geyser

5.2.4. User Interface 4: Select Device

Figure 5.4

Here user would go into the next activity by simply click on his device name. He can
also add device here and can go to the back activity.

Smart Geyser

5.2.5. User Interface 5: Dashboard

Figure 5.5

This is the dashboard of the application. Here, user can see his geyser temperature, set
geyser value to off, warm or hot on his needs. He can enable belt detection for
detecting the belt failure. Here he can set schedule and even logout from the app.

Smart Geyser

5.2.6. User Interface 6: Schedule

Figure 5.6

Here User can set one-time schedule and also a repeating schedule by simply entering
the start and end time.

Smart Geyser

5.2.7. User Interface 7: Set Schedule

Figure 5.7

When user hit on set schedule then application again make sure his preference for
setting geyser.

Smart Geyser

5.2.8. User Interface 8: Set Time

Figure 5.8


When user hit set time button then this clock appears on his activity for taking his
time input.

Smart Geyser

5.2.9. User Interface 9: Select Repetitive Days Schedule

Figure 5.9

When user wants to set schedule for repetitive then this interface pop up for him for
taking his day’s input.

Smart Geyser

Chapter 6: Testing and Evaluation

Verify Login:

Test case 1: Verify that the user is already registered, the application should let the user to get
sign in.

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

TC01 Verify user login Email: Successfully Pass

after click on the [email protected] log into the
‘Login’ button on Password: application
login form with aust123
correct input data

Test case 2: Verify that if the user is trying to sign without giving email and application give

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

TC02 Check if the Email: Application is Pass

application [email protected] asking the user to
gives error if Password: input his email,
user miss his aust123 “please insert your
email email”

Test Case 3: Verify that if the user is trying to sign without giving password and application
give error.

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

TC03 Check if the Email: Application is Pass

application gives [email protected] asking the user to
error if user miss input his
his email password, “please
insert your

Test Case 4: Verify that if the user is trying to sign in without giving email and password and
whether application pop up google authentication.

Smart Geyser

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

TC04 Check if Touch sign in button Gmail Pass

application popup authentication
Gmail popup

Test Case 5: Verify that registration of the user can be done with google authentication.

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

TC05 Check Google Touch registration Google Pass

authentication button. authentication form
works for popup.

Add Device:
Test Case 1: Verify if the application let the user to add device on giving required inputs.

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

TC01 Check if the Device id: Device should be Pass

application easily 0124 add
let easily add a Device Name:
device Home Geyser

Test Case 2: Verify if the application gives error on not providing ID.

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

Smart Geyser

TC02 Check if the Device id: Device should not Pass

application not let the user to
letting the user to Device Name: proceed
proceed if he does Home Geyser
not provide ID.

Test Case 3: Verify if the application gives on not providing Name.

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

TC03 Check if the Device id: Device should not Pass

application not 0124 let the user to
letting the user to Device Name: proceed
proceed if he does
not provide

Select Device:
Test Case 1: Verify that if we touch on device name it proceeds further without crash.

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

TC01 Check if the app Touch device name Proceed further Pass
is proceeding without error.
further without
error or crash.

Test Case 2: Verify that if application is allowing to add more devices.

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

TC02 Check if the app Touch on Add device Device can be add Pass
is allowing to add button. easily
more devices.

Smart Geyser

Test Case 3: Verify that if we touch on back button it proceeds further without crash.

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

TC03 Check if the app Touch back button Proceed further Pass
is proceeding without error.
further without
error or crash.

Test Case 1: Verify that if the temperature sensor is working properly.

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

TC01 Check if the app Should give the Pass

is giving the actual temperature
actual value of value.
the temperature
of geyser.

Test Case 2: Verify that the geyser work according to the geyser value.

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

TC02 Check if the Geyser value to off, Geyser work Pass

geyser is working warm or hot. according to the
according to the input data,
input geyser

Test Case 3: Verify that the enable belt detection sensor is working properly.

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

Smart Geyser

TC03 Check if the app Set the value on to Notify on app that Pass
is detecting the enable belt detection belt is not working
belt properly. properly.

Test Case 4: Verify that system is performing according to the set schedule.

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

TC04 Check if the Set schedule time and System will work Pass
system is date. on schedule.
performing actual
on schedule.

Test Case 5: Verify that application logout on touching logout button.

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

TC05 Check that No input data System will logout Pass

application log
out on logout

Test Case 6: Verify that after clicking logout, application then close.

ID. Objective Input Data Expected result Result

TC06 Check that No Input data. Application will Pass

application get close.
close on touching
logout button.

Smart Geyser

Chapter 7: Conclusion and Future Work

This chapter concludes the project and highlights future work.

7.1. Conclusion
Geyser Control System is a prototype developed by the students of Department of
Computer Science Abbottabad University of Science and Technology. The need of
hot water increases in winter and need of geyser increases proportionally. Usually,
geysers are placed at distance from living area which ends up increasing extra burden
for taking care of geyser on and off times despite the weather conditions outside.
Disadvantages are responsibility increase, temperature is not in control, in order to get
warm water in cold freezing mornings a person has to get up at dawn.

In this system, we focused on resolving these issues and tried to give maximum ease to
the user. Mobile application of this system is very easy to use, providing control over
the geyser. Installment of this device on geyser is also very easy. We tried our best to
provide a person full ease and user will easily set schedule of his geyser at any time of
his want. The device is easy to maintain and also in cheap price.

7.2. Future Work

We have developed this system on Wi-Fi for that it needs to be connected to internet
all the time, in future we want to add a Bluetooth module in the system so in case of
Wi-Fi failure system still manages to work.
The system case is not water proof yet, a water proof case is needed for this system.
By keeping these points in mind we will add these features into our system.


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