Edmonton's New Walterdale Bridge

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Edmontons New Walterdale Bridge

C. James Montgomery, Dr., PEng.; Kris Lima, PEng.; Steven Prozniak, PEng., DIALOG, Alberta, Canada;
Shiraz Kanji, PEng., The City of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Contact: [email protected]
DOI: 10.2749/101686617X14676303588599

Replacing an existing century-old truss
bridge in the North Saskatchewan
River Valley, the new Walterdale
Bridge is a signature structure located
in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The
new bridge is a twin through-arch steel
structure, spanning 206 m from bank
to bank. It carries three lanes of north-
bound trafc, a sidewalk and a sepa-
rate shared-use path for pedestrians
and cyclists. The steel arch ribs are
founded on thrust blocks that resist
axial forces and moments by the inter-
action of inclined footings and micro-
pile anchors with the surrounding
bedrock. Construction of the ribs pro-
ceeded in stages by supporting the end
sections from towers on berms,
transporting the assembled central sec- F i g. 1 : Rendering of the Walterdale Bridge concept, facing north towards downtown
tions on the river by oating them on Edmonton
barges, lifting the ribs into their nal
position and connecting them to the
The construction of the bridge and plane of cables that support the deck
previously erected end sections. The
approach roadways commenced in on the west side and a separate
deck and shared-use path were stick-
June 2013. curved shared-use path in plan view
built starting from each abutment and
on the east side; and (c) a single-arch
moving towards the mid-span by
Concept Planning Study bridge with a curved roadway deck in
sequentially supporting new sections
plan view and a sidewalk on the east
from previously erected members. and Preliminary Design side balanced by a separate curved
Keywords: arch bridge; through-arch; A concept planning study considered shared-use path on the west side.
structural steel; shared-use path; 25 approach roadway options along Figure 1 shows alternative (b) that
thrust blocks. with four bridge alternatives for the was selected to achieve optimal bal-
river crossing: a three-span haunched ance of aesthetics, cost and
Introduction box-girder; a three-span two-tower constructability.
extra-dosed structure; a single-span
The new Walterdale Bridge is a signa- arch; and a single-tower cable-stayed Design Details
ture structure located in the heart of structure. After extensive public con-
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Span- sultation and concept review by the The bridge was designed using the
ning the North Saskatchewan River, project team, the Edmonton City provisions of the Canadian Highway
the bridge blends with its natural set- Council decided to proceed to a pre- Bridge Design Code1 for a CL-800
ting and creates a landmark gateway liminary design with a functional design truck and lane loading.
to the citys downtown. It replaced an signature arch bridge. The objective
existing three-span truss bridge that Figure 2 shows the general arrange-
of including a shared-use path on the
had opened in 1913 to carry roadway ment of the bridge. With a length of
bridge to allow pedestrians and bicy-
trafc and a street railway across the 230 m between abutment centrelines,
clists using the trail system in the
river. the bridge deck is suspended by
North Saskatchewan River Valley to
cables from two arch ribs that are fab-
A structural steel, twin through-arch cross the river was identied as an
ricated from structural steel plate into
replacement structure was selected to important design requirement.
box-shaped sections. The arch ribs
carry three lanes of northbound traf- Three arch alternatives were evalu- span between the thrust blocks that
c, a sidewalk to the west of the road- ated in preliminary design: (a) a con- are founded on clay shale bedrock in
way and a separate shared-use path to ventional twin through-arch bridge the river banks, and vary in cross-
the east across the river. The support- with a sidewalk and shared-use path sectional size from approximately 2.5
ing arch ribs span 206 m from bank to outside the planes of the cables that m 2.5 m with 100 mm plate thick-
bank between thrust blocks founded support the deck; (b) a twin through- nesses at the base to 1.4 m 1.4 m
on clay shale bedrock. arch bridge with a sidewalk inside the with 75 mm plate thicknesses at the

20 Technical Report Structural Engineering International Nr. 1/2017

r an
L South C
L Arch

CL Arch CL North abut

at rth
Edge of

Abut Support Support

Ri chew

Sa No
12 000 206000 12 000

Wall C
L Midspan
Arch rib
Top strut, typ Deck

CL Structure

L Structure
10+900 11+000
2600 2600


CL Shared use path
Shared use path Edge of river
Roadway (Sup) C Pi Roadway
r L er
CL Pie Control line hanger
Gabion wall

CL Sup
Limit of riprap Path
4750 Path Limit of riprap Plan Retaining wall

Structural Engineering International Nr. 1/2017

C L Arch
L South C
CL Arch C L North Roadway
abut support C
L midspan support abut hanger

12 000 206000 12 000

10 11 12 hanger
9 13
Hanger, typ 8 14
7 15 CL rdwy
16 control CL sup
17 Clearance box Varies
5 10000
Typ 4600 14000 clear roadway From 4200
18 Walk 1200 1200 To 8000

4 High water level 2200
3700 3700 4200
El. 623. 700
Lane Lane Lane
3 19
Sta 11+068.613

10200 10200

Sta 10+838.634

1 Approx finished grade Average water
along c structure El. 614.800 A Section
Approx l
El. 611.307 Approx. existing riverbed El. 612.749

Thrust block Elevation

F i g. 2 : Walterdale Bridge: General arrangement (for clarity, shared-use path not shown in elevation) (Units: Dimensions [mm], Elevations [m])

Technical Report
crown. The arch ribs are connected of an inclined footing with plan viewed from the deck, the segments
together by struts above the roadway dimensions of 9 m 10.5 m in the are connected by full-strength welds
and by deck support beams. The deck bearing and 44200 mm diameter that are more visually appealing.
is a concrete slab supported by struc- micropile anchors embedded 18 m
The structural steel elements of the
tural steel wide-ange stringers, plate into the bedrock. Although it is
bridge were shipped from South
girder oor beams with a depth that described as extremely weak to very
Korea to ports on the west coast of
varies to achieve a roadway crown for weak in rock mechanics terminology
Canada and the USA. Depending on
drainage and box-shaped edge gir- (compressive strength of intact rock is
their size, the elements were then
ders. The deck has an asphaltic con- less than 5 MPa), the predicted foun-
transported via trucks or sent by rail
crete pavement wearing surface with dation movements are small as the
to the site in Edmonton.
a membrane adhered to the slab in clay shale is heavily over-
order to protect the structure from consolidated.
moisture-containing chlorides. Arch Rib Erection
Figure 3 shows the construction of
The shared-use path is supported by one of the thrust blocks in a braced Each arch rib is made up of 21 seg-
the top ange of a 1.4 m deep excavation that is 18 m deep with plan ments, numbered sequentially from
trapezoidal shaped, curved box-girder dimensions of approximately 16 m 1 through 21 starting at the south con-
fabricated from structural steel plate. 14 m. Each heavily reinforced thrust crete support leg (see Elevation in
The girder is supported on the abut- block is attached to a structural steel Fig. 2). The arch ribs were assembled
ments at the north and south river arch rib above grade by means of a and lifted into their nal position in
banks, on the delta piers near the cast-in-place concrete support leg that two stages.
waters edge (Fig. 1), by cable hangers is connected to the rib with 58 high-
from the east arch rib and by oor strength thread bars that are 65 mm For the rst lift, the central sections of
beam extensions from the main bridge in diameter. both arch ribs (Segments 7 through
deck near mid-span (see Plan and 15) were assembled on intermediate
Section in Fig. 2). Concrete ballast towers on the south bank of the river
is placed in the girder sections over Steel Fabrication and Shipping and connected together with struts.
the delta piers and near the abut- The ends of these sections were
ments to avoid uplift under unbal- The structural steel for the bridge joined with temporary tension ties,
anced live loading. To enhance the was manufactured, fabricated and and supported on skids resting on
journey of pedestrians and cyclists coated in South Korea. Although rails. Once the tension ties were
across the river, the shared-use path the weldable notch tough structural stressed, the intermediate towers were
has a clear width of 8 m at the banks steel used for the bridge generally removed and the sections were skid-
and 4.2 m near mid-span with a com- has a 350 MPa yield strength, steel ded on the rails to barges in the river.
bination of polymer modied asphalt with a 480 MPa yield is used for Because the level of the water was
and timber deck wearing surfaces. the oor beam extensions that par- low, the river bed was dredged to
tially support the shared use path allow the barges to be pulled into
Reference [2] presents a summary of near mid-span (Fig. 2). All exterior position by cables connected to tem-
the detailed design of the bridge. steel surfaces are protected with a porary anchors and to the piers of the
three-coat zinc/epoxy/polyurethane existing bridge.
Foundation Construction Simultaneously with the assembly of
Figure 4 shows the trial assembly of the central sections on the south bank,
The arch ribs are founded on thrust the central portion of one of the arch Segments 4, 5 and 6 and Segments
blocks resting on clay shale bedrock. ribs. Arch rib segments, each about 18, 17 and 16 were erected on tempo-
Each thrust block resists axial forces 10 m long, are typically bolted rary towers resting on berms, respec-
and moments by the combined action together. At lower elevations easily tively, extending from the south and

F ig . 3: Construction of arch rib thrust block F i g. 4: Trial assembly of arch ribs

22 Technical Report Structural Engineering International Nr. 1/2017

Fi g. 5: Navigation of arch ribs F i g. 6 : First arch lift

Fi g. 7: Second arch lift F i g. 8 : Deck erection

north banks into the river. With the 16 on the south and north berms, Deck and Shared Use Path
berms in place approximately 50% of respectively. Erection
the channel was open to ow.
After the bolted connections were
Figure 5 shows the navigation of the made between Segments 6 and 7 and The deck edge girders, oor beams
central sections of the arch ribs from Segments 15 and 16, new lower-ten- and stringers were erected sequen-
the south bank to the edges of tempo- sion ties were placed between the tially, starting from the abutments and
rary berms. The towers supporting the ends of Segments 4 and 18. The upper moving towards mid-span, using
arch ribs on the barges, the tension tension ties required for navigation cranes on the berms. Bolted connec-
ties between the ends of the arch ribs and the rst lift were then removed. tions were used for the assembly of
the deck segments. Hanger cables
and a few of the cables used to move
For the second lift, Segments 1, 2 and between the arch ribs and edge gir-
the barges are apparent in the gure.
3 and Segments 21, 20 and 19 were ders were installed as the segments
This operation, which required careful
rst assembled on temporary towers were erected. Figure 8 shows the par-
risk control planning, was completed
resting on the south and north berms, tially completed erection of the deck
successfully by the contractor as ice
respectively. The lifting towers were structural steel.
was starting to form on the river in
repositioned to Segments 3 and 19.
the late autumn of 2015. Starting from mid-span and moving
As shown in Fig. 7, Segments
towards the abutments, concrete for
Figure 6 shows the rst lift where the 4 through 18 were then hoisted into
the deck slab was cast in three pours.
central sections of the arch ribs position for connection to Segments
(Segments 7 through 15) were hoisted 1, 2 and 3 and Segments 21, 20 and At the time of writing, the shared-use
into position using lifting towers that 19 resting on the concrete support path has not been erected. The Con-
were supported on the edges of the legs. Finally, welded connections were tractor plans to erect it sequentially,
berms. Once in position, the central completed between Segments 3 and starting from the ends of the berms
sections were connected to Segments 4 and between 18 and 19, and the and moving back towards the abut-
4, 5 and 6 and Segments 18, 17 and lower tension tie was removed. ments. Once the abutments have been

Structural Engineering International Nr. 1/2017 Technical Report 23

reached, the erection will continue inspiring design for the bridge that
from the edges of the berms moving will stand the test of time. SEI Data Block
towards mid-span. The end segments
With the help of erection engineers, Owner:
are to be supported from temporary The City of Edmonton
creative ways of constructing the
scaffolding on the berms and the mid-
bridge foundations, navigating and Design and Contract Administration
span segments are to be erected from
lifting the arch ribs into position, and Services:
cranes on the berms. All of the con-
erecting the deck and shared-use path ISL Engineering and Land Services
nections between shared-use path seg-
were developed, often under challeng- DIALOG
ments are to be welded.
ing winter conditions in the harsh COWI North America Ltd.
Canadian climate. (formerly Buckland & Taylor Ltd.)
Al-Terra Engineering Ltd.
References Contractor:
The new Walterdale Bridge is a twin Acciona Pacer Joint Venture
through-arch rib steel structure carry- [1] Canadian Standards Association. Canadian
ing three lanes of north-bound trafc, Highway Bridge Design Code, CAN/CSA-S6- Structural Steel Fabricator:
06, including Supplement No. 1, 2010, and Sup- Daewoo International Corporation
a sidewalk and a separate shared-use
plement No.2, 2011, 2006. with work subcontracted to Hyundai
path across the North Saskatchewan
[2] Montgomery CJ, Gagnon D, Clare D, Engineering & Steel Industries Co.,
River. Because of its location in the
Lima K, Ghoneim G, Griezic A, Kanji S. Wal- Ltd.
central and main part of Edmonton,
terdale Bridge replacement. Proceedings of the
great care was taken by an integrated
NASCC: The Steel Conference, National Steel
team of bridge engineers, civil engi- Steel (t): 4900
Bridge Alliance, World Steel Bridge Symposium
neers, architects and landscape archi- Sessions (WSBS). AISC, Toronto, Canada;
Concrete (m3) 6300
tects to develop an aesthetically Chicago, 2014. Hanger cables (t): 32
Construction cost (C$ million): 126
Overall project cost 155
(C$ million):
Service date: 2017

24 Technical Report Structural Engineering International Nr. 1/2017

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