Analysis Dead Stars
Analysis Dead Stars
Analysis Dead Stars
Climax: After the procession for The Lady of Sorrows, Alfredo caught up with Julia. It was when Another factor to be considered was the contrast of Alfredo and Julias personalities. Alfredo was
Julia found out about Alfredos wedding so she congratulated him. Alfredo needs to make a very calm and placid while Julia was lively and full of vitality. The difference between them must
difficult situation. Would he choose what he WANTS to? Or would he choose what he HAS to? have excited him as he saw in her the things he lacked.
Falling Action: Julia wants Alfredo to honor his understanding with Esperanza so she said goodbye. However, though aware he was of the possible reasons why he, as well as men, or even humans in
Alfredo went home to Esperanza. And there, the last word has been said. general, succumb to acts or thoughts of subtle infidelity, his attitude towards what is moral and not
becomes shadowed in the attempts to justify his own behavior. Stances about the argument he had
Denouement: Alfredo and Esperanza got married. After eight years, he went to Sta. Cruz, Julias with Esperanza regarding the latters anger toward Calixtas cohabitation with the man shes not
hometown, to search for a lady named Brigida Samuy who is important for his defense in the court. married to, may vary. But again, ones act was expected to adhere with what is the established
He went to Julias house and he found her there, still unmarried. And he realized that his love for morality in a certain society. Because of what seemed as a liberal notion, Alfredo was trapped in a
Julia was like a Dead Star. It was non-existent. situation where he has to defend himself and in the process, what was manifested was his greed.
Theme: "Dead Stars" by Paz Marquez Benitez is conveying the theme that pertains to forbidden But the wedding materialized; He chose not to break his word probably in order to save himself,
love. It says that forbidden love is only apparent, and its banes haunt the person until such time that Esperanza and Julia from social ridicule. He felt that his moral and social obligations were already
he realizes his faults. fulfilled upon choosing not to cause humiliation to them all. The way in which he chose to deal
with his internal change was to consider the way in which the society will view the people
Conflict: Man vs. Circumstances - "Julita," he said in his slow, thoughtful manner, "did you ever
involved. But perhaps he felt that in doing so he has deprived himself of fairness. So he became
have to choose between something you wanted to do and something you had to do?"
distant and unreachable to Esperanza although he stayed with her and treated her gently. He has
People oftentimes give high regard to the society in which they belong. They try to adhere to the developed the skill in being unaffected and somehow mastered the art of being detached.
norms, traditions and culture of their society, though sometimes the conformity would require them
Upon seeing her and finding out that she never married, he started to notice that she lost
to sacrifice a part of themselves an opinion, an emotion or a decision. However, there are cases
something, even doubted if the loss was his. As he tried to find the answer, a great realization
wherein the established norms and rules of society are the ones which should prevail. In Dead
dawned on him.
Stars, the main character, Alfredo Salazar, was torn between making two important decisions to
marry or not to marry.. He was engaged to Esperanza, his fiance of four years. Theirs was Therefore, the love he thought he felt for her during the short summer they shared was not the love
undoubtedly a love that was true. But for some reasons, apparently on Alfredos part, a change of that was enough to break an engagement. Nor was it love in its strictest definition. Instead, it was
heart has taken place. He has fallen for Julia Salas, the sister-in-law of the judge whom his father desire that sprung from the coldness that slowly crept in his relationship with Esperanza due to their
had a meeting with. In the end, however, he married his fiance and though their marriage was not long-time familiarity with each other. It was excitement that was ignited by boredom and the last
an unhappy one, he still could not take the possibilities of a future with Julia off his mind. Until one spurt of hot blood.
day, their paths crossed again and he realized one painful truth that led him to liberation at last.
Alfredo symbolizes the greed and indecisiveness of men when it comes to dealing with the matters
Human emotions are very intricate and delicate both at its lowest and highest. And so is love. When of the emotion. He had entertained the pull of an anonymous feeling. Anonymous since he never
Alfredo was still passionately attached to Esperanza, he was overwhelmed. Taking the conversation really ventured to understand it but he clung to it anyway. And in the process he lost a part of
of Alfredos sister, Carmen, and his father, Don Julian into consideration, readers can deliberately himself and deprived that part to Esperanza as well.
conclude that he was indeed in love.
Had it not been for chasing the lights of an illusive love that was long dead, or worse, never was,
Another significant reason as to his emotional wanderings could be the length of time n which he would Alfredo be happier in his marriage? Is it fair to say that he has wasted the milestones of a
was engaged o Esperanza. As what Don Julian had philosophize, couples who were engaged for so blissful marriage with a woman he loved first all for the sake of an impossible whim? Considering
long become too comfortable and familiar with each other that the spark of love that was felt at the the disappointment he manifested upon realizing what he lost, the answer, is yes.