A Green It Star Model Approach For Software Development Life Cycle

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International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science www.ijates.

Volume No 03, Special Issue No. 01, March 2015 ISSN (online): 2348 7550


M.Mohankumar , 2Dr.M.Anand Kumar
Assistant Professor, 2Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science, Karpagam University, Coimbatore, (India)


Green software engineering is a principal software engineering process in the 21st century. In the Last few years
there is a lot of research going on which is based on Green Information Technology and Sustainable Software
Engineering. However till now there no is clear idea about how to achieve the Green and Sustainability in SDLC
phases (Software Development Life Cycle) .To fill this gap this work proposes a new software model called as SDLC
Energy Star Model in each phases of the life cycle of Software Engineering In this paper it is proposed to implement
the star values and tried to achieve the Green and Sustainability in SDLC.

Keywords: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Environmental protection

Agency(EPA), Management Information System (MIS), Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC),
Small Business Administration (SBA), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relation
Management (CRM), Non Function Requirements (NFR), Capability Maturity Mode (CMM).


Now a days creating eco friendly software and IT products are very important concepts in software and hardware
industries. In both developing and developed countries the software engineers are giving more importance only for
eco friendly products. [1] The objective of eco friendly principles are mainly focused on reducing carbon
consumptions, hazardous wastes and saving energy. If these companies concentrate on reducing carbon
consumptions, hazardous wastes and to save energy they may lose the concentration on performance quality and
sustainability of the product. It is a major issue of the product based and the production based software development
and hardware manufacturing companies. [1] Technology integration to eco friendly principles can induce an
organization to achieve maximum performance without giving bad impact to the environment. These efforts are
popularly called as Green IT. To fill this gap this paper proposed a following methodology (i.e.) In SDLC (Software
Development Life Cycle) phases, requirement, design, coding, testing and implementation. This paper implement
the energy star for each of the phases like electronics appliances in developing countries.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section I introduction to the problem domain was presented.
Section II gives an overview of the literary review in the field of Green Software Engineering. The section III

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Volume No 03, Special Issue No. 01, March 2015 ISSN (online): 2348 7550

describes about the proposed work used for finding Green and Sustainable Software Engineering methods. The
section IV gives the conclusion about the new model and future research in this model.


The study of Green and Sustainable development was first introduced at the World Convention on Environment and
Development in 1987[4]. It defined the Green software process as development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It soon becomes a paradigm for
software organizations. The research started with the software safety and security in the initial stages and currently
focus was shifted to reduce waste or raw materials and save the environment, the concept of Green software
becomes increasingly complex [5].

The hardware aspects are covered by Green IT concepts where many publications on sustainability of data centers
were published. For instance, the code of conduct for data center efficiency [6]. There is no execution model and
software tools to identify the estimation of energy consumption in these early design stages[7].This mixed role puts
technology organizations under tremendous conflicting pressures, internally they are eco friendly and externally
they are expected to design new products that improve the sustainability of the society at large[8].In the quality
aspect the commoditization has resulted in the software industry coming under increasing pressure to develop and
to deliver greater volumes of high quality products and services within cost and schedule constraints that are tighter
than ever before[9].

This paper [10] pointed out lot of aspects related to quality. The quality is one of the aspects in testing of software
where codes written by an automatic interpreter have less efficiency than codes written by an experienced developer.
The paper [11] shows how the power reduction can be achieved through improved software design. It also pointed
out the role of software engineers in reducing the power consumption of the application. This work [12] outlined
about the importance of classification for Green quality factors and defines about the Green metrics. The work [13]
discussed about the approaches which lead to identify challenges based on quality, requirement and design.

How does the sustainability differ from other approaches?

1) What are the types of requirement gathering method that lead to sustainable s/w solutions?

2) How do they differ from traditional Non Function Requirements (NFR) on requirement perspective?

The author [5] proposed software security considerations from 1980 to 2010 era, in which the developers focuses
mainly on requirement and process, secure computations, verification of systems, software piracy protection
,architecture and design of secure systems, and trusting components are the secured development factors. In the
year 1990 to 2010 the developers were focused designing for safety, testing at different levels for reliability and
safety, certification and standard resources available on software safety requirements and analysis and hazard
analysis are the above factors that comes under the software safety considerations.

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Volume No 03, Special Issue No. 01, March 2015 ISSN (online): 2348 7550

In the year 2010 software sustainability considerations safety is an emergent property that arises when the system
components interact within an environment [14].The supporting sustainability requires knowing the stakeholders as
the key challenge and success factor for all the projects also for the sustainable and Green software. There is a lot of
effort trying to combat pollution issues especially the European Union (EU) cap is the limited amount of emission
from each country and it can be traded in the form of emission permit. Installations are able to hold credit but it will
not be allowed to exceed the cap. However if the installations would like to emit more gas they have to pay in order
to obtain credit, therefore not only carbon foot print or hazardous substance but also environment foot print has to be
monitored closely by manufacturers. This method has to be set for software development industries[15]. Reducing
the energy consumption and overall environmental impacts of data centers have become an important research area
in future [16].The European commissions Europe 2020 strategy has targeted three key areas for sustainable growth.
They are

1) 20% increase in energy efficiency

2) 20% reduction of green house gas emissions and

3) Increase the share of renewable energy by 20%.

So more concentration is required in these areas in both developed and developing countries. [17]

Software development plays a specific role in creating rebound effects. The usual response of software engineers is
to increase the processing power and storage capacity available at a given price is to capture more of the same
[18].This paper focuses on the Green potential of clouds such as:

1) How they have to be deployed for different user levels highlighting the related environmental risks?

2) Giving the growing importance of cloud computing the question is not whether it is green as it is now
but how it can became really green?

3) Awareness and responsible behaviors are background condition to achieve sustainable and Green cloud

One of the pillars of the information society strategy of the European Union is the application of ICT(Information
and Communication Technology) to improve the quality of life and to foster environmental care and sustainable
development [28]. Over a third of organizations in Europe do not implement Green IT practices the most prominent
reason given is that there is no official legislation in their countries in enforcing Green IT practices. Less than one
fifth of the organizations actually monitor how employees reduce their energy consumption [19]. The paper
empirically analyzed the energy consumption induced by comparable MIS(Management Information System)
applications namely, ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) CRM(Customer Relation Management) and DBMS( Data
Base Management System) and found out that:(i) not only infrastructural layers, but also the MIS application layer
does impact energy consumption up to70% (ii)different MIS applications are satisfying the same functional
requirements to consume significantly different amounts of energy (differences up to 145%), and (iii) in some

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Volume No 03, Special Issue No. 01, March 2015 ISSN (online): 2348 7550

scenarios energy efficiency cannot be increased simply by improving time performance.[38]In this proposed model
they try to cover the five sustainability dimensions and propose generic aspects for each one. For each generic aspect
one can associate more detailed and quantifiable properties.

2.1 Requirement Engineering Perspective

Requirement engineering involves eliciting, analyzing, documenting and maintaining the complex set of
requirements for a software system. [35] In this paper [35] the author raised the 3 types of research related questions
about support of environmental sustainability by requirement engineering such as:

1) How to make environmental sustainability a first class quality objective for development?

2) How does the necessity can be implemented in a requirement approach?

3) How can one assess the impacts of a given software system for environmental sustainability, including
both direct and indirect effects and considering different groups of stakeholders?

[40] Applying the principles of system thinking, sustainability can be defined as preserving the function of a
system over a time span.

2.2 Design Perspective

In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in the
software design process [20]. The work [21] pointed out the considerations on Green and sustainability in the design
process. This paper focused on a lot of ideas about how to promote Green software values. Energy efficiency should
be given more important when it comes down to general algorithm efficiency where there is a need to make thing
runs fast with less hardware. But this is amplified and driven by pricing schemas of cloud resources and cost saving:
that needs to write efficient software that can do more with limited resources. This will translate into power
efficiency when there is an increase in the amount of work done per CPU Cycle.

There is a myth on Green software engineering which denotes that if the software is built more efficiently then it
will consume less energy. So there is a need of global standard which should be bigger than any practitioner who
promotes it. Otherwise it will be really hard to raise the awareness. The work [22] describes the best examples for
studies published on the average electricity consumption of a single Google search query. In 2007 EPA
(Environmental Protection Agency) data center reported to the US congress that by 2011 the peak load will be
generated on the grid by data centers in US alone. It would be close to 12 GW which is equivalent to the output from
25 base load power plants where research community need to focus on this area.

In terms of chip manufacturing, a study [22] shows that the amount of resources and energy consumed are measured
as a ratio against the weight of the final product (chip) which is one of the highest amongst all manufacturing
industries. Thus the environmental impacts of these associated manufacturing industries should also be considered
when analyzing the ecological impact of a computer. Many developing countries do not have efficient recycling

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Volume No 03, Special Issue No. 01, March 2015 ISSN (online): 2348 7550

facilities for packaging and shipping of computers. In the point of disposal many developed countries have
introduced laws for e-waste recycling but owing to the high operational costs, most e-waste ends up in developing
countries where appropriate recycling facilities and stringent environmental laws do not exist. The author proposed a
solution for these environmental issues with the use of virtualization with Green. But again that the use of
virtualization with Green also raises many research oriented questions for future investigation. [23]

Designers of software technology are responsible for the long term consequences of software designs. There is a
perception that sustainability is a distinct discipline of research and practice with few defined connections to
software where as sustainability is a pervasive concern that translates into discipline-specific questions in each area
it applies [24]. Programmers should write efficient algorithms via writing a compact design of codes and data
structures based upon the application, programming language, and the architecture of the hardware but optimization
comes from only through experience.[25] (Re-)Designing business models and business processes according to the
principles of sufficiency (instead of maximizing port) and decoupling of resources from economic growth.

2.3 Coding (or) Development Perspective

The coding methodology will differ from experienced developer to fresh developer, the experienced developer will
develop or write a code in optimized style, but fresher will write in their own style which is not proper optimization
of coding approach. So one have to consider this aspect also for developing the coding and the style. [36] This
process is described in three aspects like system, function, and time horizon. System is a software development
company, function with minimized environment impact and sufficient economic balance and time horizon depends
on the company size and the general duration of the projects. In development process the company needs to
concentrate about energy efficiency, energy consumption and performance based suitability of development of
coding. [37] The increasing usage of computers and other electronic devices (for example smart phones, sensors) are
continuously impacting ones overall energy consumption. By raising energy costs in computers and in mobile
devices which implies the optimization and the adaptation of computer system with this point of view both the
companies and the developers implement the sustainability then one will give the 3rd star for that companies,

2.4 Green Metrics

There are different approaches that are related to Green metrics of the software [26]. This paper pointed out the
Green software metrics that are defined in the software engineering literature and also raised two research related
questions on Green software engineering and Green metrics such as

1. What Green metrics have been proposed in software engineering literature?

2. How Green metrics can be classified?

This paper also pointed out many Green software metrics which are used in the software engineering literature. A
Green factor defines the Green software must fulfill the properties. It needs one or more Green metrics which
measures the factor fulfillment in software for instance if one Green factor stillness. [10] This paper additionally

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Volume No 03, Special Issue No. 01, March 2015 ISSN (online): 2348 7550

pointed out how to obtain Green quality which is determined. The work presented [32] the quality assurance
techniques corresponding to the requirements which are needed; it necessitates future research in establishing
sustainability metrics as well as assessment techniques. In [7] Green soft model it has the ability to represent three
categories of sustainability criteria and metrics for software products they are (I) common quality criteria and
metrics (II) directly related criteria and metrics and (III)indirectly related criteria and metrics. Depending up on the
classification the quality properties Modifiability and Reusability take effect in the development phase, where as
the properties portability, supportability, performance, dependability, usability, and accessibility take effect in the
usage phase. In [27] a Green model for sustainable software engineering energy awareness in systems can be
obtained and calculated through Green metrics such as the Green Performance Indicators(GPIs) found
in[28,29,30,31]here GPIs are classified into four classes here GPIs are classified into four classes: IT Resource
Usage GPIs that compute resource usage, the Application Life cycle KPIs(Key Performance Indicators) that define
efforts required to develop or redesign applications and reconfigure IT-infrastructure, the Energy Impact GPIs that
represent the environmental impact of data centers, and the Organizational GPIs that describe organizational
factors..[32] Green IT will happen only when all the stakeholders involved in delivering and consuming IT services
are aware of the functionality of the service delivers and of the relationships between the associated Quality of
service levels and environmental-impacts metrics. The work [33] presented that Information Technology (IT) can be
regarded as a special resource for business processes. On one hand, IT is useful for collecting, processing and
providing information in order to determine and to improve ecological indicators for business processes from the
perspective of IT for Green. On the other hand, IT itself requires natural resources for the design, manufacturing,
use, and disposal of the required hardware and software (perspective Green for IT).In the work [22] Green
metrics are used as a tool to measure the actual carbon footprint of SBAs(Small Business Administration). This
makes measure ones an eligible keyword for ones search strategy. The work [34] presented a generic metric to
measure software and a method to apply it in a software engineering process. All the metrics related approach will
help in tuning and in defining the quality of the application developed by the company, the quality control and the
quality assurance will derived only with help of testing

2.5 Implementation or Maintenance

It is important to concentrate these approaches in two point of view (36) (i) whether that company produced a new
application for the new customer.(37) (ii) whether that customer already used an application for that customer the
company is providing a new technologies It is like that one need to think about the old system and about the
disposal[37] sustainability of the software system during its maintenance period until replacement by a new system
includes continuous monitoring of quality and knowledge management. [39] Green IT shows that information
technology can also help to create a sustainable environment through the following

1. Modifying supply chain , production activities and organization flow

2. Creating more efficient business operators, buildings and system.

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Volume No 03, Special Issue No. 01, March 2015 ISSN (online): 2348 7550

3. Helping the decision making process by analyzing modeling, and simulating of

environmental impacts that may occur
4. Auditing and reporting the organizations energy consumption and savings


From the literature survey the following research challenges are identified for the use of SDLC (Software
Devolvement Life Cycle) technique in the area of sustainable software using Green technologies. In the previous
study of the work there is no high importance for the requirement analysis related to Green. If much concentration
given to this phase the throughout the life cycle it becomes Green. In this analysis phase one have to raise a question
in the aspect of sustainable software engineering using Green technologies. Based on this problem a new model was
proposed in this research work. Figure 1 shows the how the CMM(Capability Maturity Model) model is working
equivalent to the SDLC approach ,and also shows the star values for each phases.

SDLC Energy Star Model.

3.1 Requirement

In software development process the requirement collection is a very important aspect for software development
companies. In this process anything may go wrong or requirement may not be collected as per user specification,
this it will create a serious problem in future, this may affect the economy, social, technical and environment
.Collection of requirement is a very important role, when one collecting the requirement that time itself one have to
ensure about sustainability of software, whether it is functional requirement or non functional requirement .If one

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Volume No 03, Special Issue No. 01, March 2015 ISSN (online): 2348 7550

collected the requirement as per Green and Sustainability based then one can give a star for that process of activity.
This process is equivalent to the CMM (Capability Maturity Model) level process of the first stage Initial.

3.2 Design

It is a second important aspect in SDLC phase based on the requirement collected from the customer companies
one have to create a mock design to show the customer. Here also one has to implement the sustainable
methodology with Green IT. If a design is created as per the satisfied level of sustainability then one have to give the
2nd star for that companies .This process is equivalent to the CMM level process of the second stage Repeatable. It is
equivalent to the repeatable process through the design of the forms, database, architecture the developer, data base
administrator, and architect they need to work for this process have to meet the customer satisfaction level .If they
satisfied in the point of Green and Sustainability condition here the designer, Data base administrator and architect
need to give more concentration for performance of the data base, energy efficiency of the application, and server

3.3 Development (or) coding

The most important aspect in SDLC is development or coding .The coding style will vary from developer to
developer if the code is written in optimized level and also it will considers about the Green and Sustainability
approach then one will provide the 3rd star for that company, for maintaining the complete coding as clean code
.The new comer for that company also needs to follow the defined code. This process is equivalent to the defined
process of CMM level here the developer needs to define the coding style in the sustainability approach.

3.4 Testing

After design and development of activities got over in the sustainable based SDLC phase, Testing is playing the next
important role. Testing almost determines the quality of the product, testing the company released the product with
as per the software quality and then one will give the 4th star for that company. It is equivalent to the process of
CMM level Managed because after releasing the software the company needs to maintain and to manage the
application as per Green and Sustainability approach.

3.5 Implementation

It is the last stage of the Sustainable SDLC phase, in this phase of activity the company will be implementing the
new application, or updated version will be releasing for maintaining the existing application. For that reason they
may release a new user manuals, DVD (Digital Versatile Disk), CD (Compact Disk) in explaining how to use the
application .Once another updating version will be released the company needs to ensure what they are going to do
with the old one and for that what are the precaution measures will be implemented to maintain that sustainability .If
we follow the sustainability methodology in implementation area then one can give the final star for that company.

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Volume No 03, Special Issue No. 01, March 2015 ISSN (online): 2348 7550

The following figure shows how to implement the sustainability in SDLC phases in software engineering
.Depending up on the implementation one will consider the Green and Sustainability rating of the company.
Figure: 2 shows the star values for the company when it will get certification for Sustainability model.

The main challenges of the 21st century are the global impacts of the environment. The environment impacts may be
in any form like noise, heat, radiations and power consumption. The above set of factors affects the environment [1]
directly or indirectly which gives negative impacts on economy, society, human beings and environment that
resulted from development, deployment and usage of the software. In the development of a software application,
there exists many life cycle models, where each model has its own sustainability and environment threats. But most
of the research activities focus only on energy efficiency and energy consumption. This work proposes a new
software model called SDLC Energy Star model in each phases of the life cycle of software engineering where one
tried to implement the star values and tried to achieve the Green and Sustainability in SDLC in software developing
companies. In future research what are all the green metrics we need to provide for getting star values in
each phases of the SDLC.


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Volume No 03, Special Issue No. 01, March 2015 ISSN (online): 2348 7550

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