Transformation - Making Software Engineering Accountable For Sustainability

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Journal of Responsible Technology 10 (2022) 100027

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Transformation2: Making software engineering accountable

for sustainability
Christoph Schneider *, a, Stefanie Betz b
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Furtwangen University, Germany


Keywords: Software engineering, as a central practice of digitalization, needs to become accountable for sustainability. In
Software engineering light of the ecological crises and the tremendous impact of digital systems on reshaping economic and social
Sustainability arrangements - often with negative side-effects - we need a sustainability transformation of the digital trans­
Sustainable ICT products and services
formation. However, this is a complex and long-term task. In this article we combine an analysis of accountability
arrangements in software engineering and a model of sustainability transformations to trace how certain dy­
Digitalization namics are starting to make software engineering accountable for sustainability in the technological, cultural,
economic and governance domains. The article discusses existing approaches for sustainable software engi­
neering and software engineering for sustainability, traces emerging discourses that connect digitalization and
sustainability, highlights new digital business models that may support sustainability and shows governance
efforts to highlight “green and digital” policy problems. Yet, we argue that these are so far niche dynamics and
that a sustainability transformation requires a collective and long-lasting effort to engender systemic changes.
The goal should be to create varied accountability arrangements for sustainability in software engineering which
is embedded in complex ways in society and economy.

1. Introduction: the need for a transformation2 and services should be accountable for the possible impacts of these
systems on sustainability.
Software engineering, as a central practice for digitalization, needs However, even though sustainability and digitalization are often
to become accountable for sustainability. Human activities have led to referred to as big transformations, they run in parallel, not properly
increased greenhouse gas emissions and have stressed Earth’s ecosys­ connected in practice and often in diametral ways. There is a huge
tems. To avoid irreversible ecosystems breakdown, "rapid, far-reaching research and action gap, with research still in the early stages of tying
and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society" are needed (“IPCC, sustainability and digitalization together and politics not yet sufficiently
2018: Summary for Policymakers,” 2018). Such changes are necessary addressing these challenges in tandem. This article aims to contribute to
within the IT sector as well, and not simply because of ICT systems’ high closing this gap. Since the 1980s, sustainability as a political project and
energy consumption (Lange, Pohl & Santarius, 2020). More importantly, vision has been shaped by different political bodies, especially the UN
ICT systems deployed in our societies re-define our businesses and and social movements (Caradonna, 2014). At the heart of the idea of
consumer behaviour (e.g., trade and commerce re-shaped with eBay and sustainability is intergenerational justice, voiced as the normative
Amazon, entertainment with Netflix and Spotify, travel with Lyft and principle that current generations should not worsen the life chances of
Uber, etc.), our communication behaviour (Messenger Services like generations in the future. The research and literature on sustainability is
Telegram and Whats Up) and possibilities for a democratic public sphere rich and diverse and it is clear that ecological dimensions are but one
and citizens (e.g. Twitter and Fake News). Because of the pervasive in­ aspect of sustainability. Different models and theories of sustainability
fluence of software systems in our society, software engineering practice see the intersection of different social, political, technological, economic
needs to become accountable for social-ecological goals. This involves and ecological dimensions as being at the heart of sustainability chal­
seeing that “every line of code represents an ethical or moral decision” lenges and solutions. The UN names 17 Sustainable Development Goals -
(Booch, 2021) and every stakeholder involved in designing IT Products from ending poverty to strengthening partnerships for the goals.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Schneider).
Received 16 July 2021; Received in revised form 17 February 2022; Accepted 17 February 2022
Available online 22 February 2022
2666-6596/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of ORBIT. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
C. Schneider and S. Betz Journal of Responsible Technology 10 (2022) 100027

Contrary to these goals, the mainstream model of digitalization and its chapter discusses possible shifts towards accounting for sustainability in
corresponding software engineering practices centers on high growth software engineering, starting with a focus on engineering practice.
and fosters the accelerating consumption of resources and energy Following on from the sustainability theory that we discussed we anal­
(Santarius, Pohl & Lange, 2020). In relation to sustainability, the major yse possibilities and tensions in culture, the economy and governance
industry actors in the ICT sector follow a strategy of ecological related to making software engineering accountable for sustainability,
modernization where the goal is to achieve efficiency gains but leave the three domains that need to systemically resonate with technological
current economic order in place. This results in renewable energy usage changes to foster a transformation towards sustainability. We end with a
for servers or artificial intelligence products for saving energy. However, discussion on possible next steps and research demands based on this
the main business model of these actors is still to boost consumption and systemic perspective. Together, the article provides a wide perspective
production in other areas, e.g. through online advertising, and thus to on the collective shaping of accountability arrangements that aim to link
exacerbate the sustainability problems of the existing economic model software engineering and sustainability.
(Lenz, 2021).
To achieve the sustainable development goals, a far reaching trans­ 2. Accountability for a sustainability transformation
formation of our current social and economic systems is required. Such
transformation strategies are by now widely elaborated - even if not yet In line with the growing influence of digital systems on all aspects of
fully put in practice - in energy, mobility, housing, cities, agriculture and social life there is growing insight on and demand for accountability
more. However, seeing digital technologies and their development in mechanisms in digital systems and their usage contexts (Kroll, 2020;
terms of sustainability is not yet so common. In this paper, we argue that Nissenbaum, 1996). As the power of these systems to monitor, analyse,
to make software engineering accountable for sustainability a trans­ influence and impact grows so does the need to monitor, analyse, and
formative strategy needs to become collectively elaborated and widely influence their impacts and effects in responsible ways. Similarly, a
debated. A sustainability transformation of the digital transformation, a sustainability transformation requires new ways of monitoring, ana­
transformation2, is necessary. lysing and influencing the effects of sociotechnical systems in all spheres
In this transformation2 software engineering is a key site for enabling of our society, including digital systems. In the following, we argue that
sustainability by design in digital systems. Software engineering prac­ these demands can be conceptually interwoven. We link theories of
tices are of central importance to digitalization. It is here, in the midst of accountability to theories of sustainability transformations and discuss
technological development, where values are negotiated and imple­ that creating accountability mechanisms for sustainability is a central
mented into technical systems and where a central question is what are enabler of a transformation2.
software engineers accountable for? However, we consider software Accountability is shaped and enabled by accountability arrange­
engineering as embedded within the complex of digitalization of society ments that relate an actor and a forum that can hold the actor to account,
and as stabilized - and possibly transformed - through systemic changes i.e. pass judgement and decide on consequences for the actor. These
in culture, technology, the economy, and governance. Therefore, we arrangements can differ and change over time, as to who is involved,
need multidisciplinary perspectives on sustainability and software en­ what the procedures and rules are and where and how they take place
gineering. In this spirit this article is an attempt to provide an interdis­ and how narrow or loose their focus is (Bovens, 2007). The practices in
ciplinary perspective, focusing on sociology and informatics. The spirit such accountability arrangements are ways of documenting, analysing
of the article is furthermore to set the conceptual contours of a larger and evaluating (past) actions and their aim is to assign responsibility for
framework for research on a systemic sustainability transformation in particular consequences to actors with agency (Cech, 2021; Kroll, 2020).
software engineering. There are many different such arrangements across societal spheres: In
The methodological strategy that we pursue is to tie different strands law (e.g. a court), in parliament, in business reporting, in project man­
of literature and research together. This is based on our own involve­ agement, in public life and discourse (e.g., a public debate about a po­
ment in the question of how to make digital systems and their design litical event that holds a government to account based on public values).
more responsible and sustainable. We have both been studying the Thus, we may also ask: What role do such accountability arrangements
responsible shaping of digital systems from a software engineering and play in a transformation towards sustainability and how could they look
technology assessment perspective, respectively. We have both been like to reshape responsibilities in software engineering? Or asked
teaching software engineering students about responsible and sustain­ differently: Why does a sustainability transformation in digitalization
able software engineering. We inhabit similar, yet distinct “knowing need new ways of seeing and evaluating actions of software engineers?
spaces” (Law, 2016) – two disciplines, two research institutions and two The literature on sustainability transformations is vast, multidisci­
researcher biographies. To tie these spaces together, the article uses a plinary and different theories of change are being discussed - from more
social scientific sustainability transformation model (Fischedick & narrow ones with a focus on (technological) efficiency towards more
Schneidewind, 2020; Schneidewind, 2018) and applies it to the wider systemic perspectives that tie environmental, social and economic di­
software engineering discipline. We use the conceptual architecture of mensions together and seek to analyse complex and multidimensional
this model to connect the state of research in our fields and to explore changes (Geels, 2011). One of these systemic transformation models has
accountability arrangements in software engineering. We use empirical been championed by the The Wuppertal Institute, Germany’s leading
examples to support the conceptual argument. However, as we discuss in institute for sustainability research. It argues that a sustainability
the conclusion, dedicated and in-depth empirical research needs to transformation would need to involve a civilizational turn based on
follow to operationalise the framework that we present here. fundamental cultural change that affects institutional, economic, and
Through this interdisciplinary lens we look at emerging account­ technological arrangements. A “great mindshift” in this view is central
ability arrangements in software engineering that could possibly support to a necessary great transformation. In this model of sustainability
a systemic sustainability transformation. Consequently, this paper sets transformations cultural, economic, technological and institutional
out to answer the following research questions: How to embed software changes depend on and can also mutually reinforce another, however,
engineering into a sustainability transition that would make software cultural change is seen as a driver of the others. Culture designates the
engineers accountable for sustainability? Which accountability ar­ meanings associated with certain practices, the ways of seeing, being in
rangements could support a systemic sustainability transformation of and evaluating the world (Fischedick & Schneidewind, 2020; Schnei­
software engineering? dewind, 2018). This focus on culture is also present in the wider liter­
In the first chapter, we discuss accountability theories and possible ature on multi-level sustainability transitions, where the roots of change
links to theories of sustainability and argue that accountability ar­ are located in niches that trial innovations based on visions of and ex­
rangements are key to a sustainability transformation. The second pectations for the future (Geels, 2011). The focus on culture as the

C. Schneider and S. Betz Journal of Responsible Technology 10 (2022) 100027

crucial factor, however, also points out how important it is to develop Ferrario, 2019). Following such a perspective we look at methods to
new ways of seeing and evaluating the world in light of sustainability. integrate sustainability as value and capacity into software engineering.
There are different strategies here, from creating consumer awareness to Software Engineers tend to focus on sustainability’s technical
political campaigns. However, shaping accountability arrangements can dimension, which is concerned with a software system’s longevity. But,
also contribute to such a cultural “mindshift” as they create obligations to understand sustainability and software engineering, one must involve
and evaluative relationships between actors and forums, which are five interconnected dimensions (individual, social, economic, environ­
essentially ways of seeing and evaluating actions. Accountability ar­ mental and technical) as defined by Becker et al. (2016):
rangements can thus provide a particular monitoring and assessment of • “The individual dimension covers individual freedom and agency
sustainability transformations. E.g., the complex accountability ar­ (the ability to act in an environment), human dignity, and fulfillment. It
rangements stemming from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change in includes individuals’ ability to thrive, exercise their rights, and develop
2015 assess governmental actions in light of a 1.5 ◦ Celsius target and freely.
elaborate analytical infrastructures help to identify the carbon budgets • The social dimension covers relationships between individuals
of countries for this target. and groups. For example, it covers the structures of mutual trust and
But how would such seeing and evaluating of software engineering in communication in a social system and the balance between conflicting
terms of sustainability take place? Especially given the need for a sys­ interests.
temic focus in sustainability thinking? In the following we use the four • The economic dimension covers financial aspects and business
dimensions of the sustainability transformation model to trace emerging value. It includes capital growth and liquidity, investment questions,
accountability arrangements in software engineering. After looking at and financial operations.
software engineering as technological practice we situate it within a • The technical dimension covers the ability to maintain and
systemic transformation perspective and trace (emerging) account­ evolve artificial systems (such as soft-ware) over time. It refers to
ability arrangements in culture, economy and governance related to maintenance and evolution, resilience, and the ease of system
software development. transitions.
• The environmental dimension covers the use and stewardship
3. Transforming technology: sustainability and software of natural resources. It includes questions ranging from immediate waste
engineering production and energy consumption to the balance of local ecosystems
and climate change concerns. Complex software-intensive systems can
We start the discussion of a possible transformation to make software affect sustainability in any of these dimensions.“
engineering accountable for sustainability in the “technological” As stated, these dimensions are interconnected. Thus, if in one sys­
domain of the transformation model. What would accountability for tem something changes then this can have an impact in one or more
sustainability in software engineering as technological practice require? dimensions in one or more systems. Consider for example carbon offsets
Software engineers and their ecosystem still generally lack the knowl­ to incentivize environmentally sustainable behaviour through trade-offs
edge, experience, tools and methodological support for accounting for with the economic dimension. Next to thinking about different di­
the sustainability effects of software systems they develop. In general, mensions and their interconnections, one must also consider that many
they miss understanding the effects their system might have upon the impacts of sociotechnical systems play only out over time. Thus, three
sustainability of the ecosystem (i.e., the socio-technical system) within orders of effects can be differentiated (Hilty & Aebischer, 2015):
which their software systems are embedded. Therefore, Software Engi­ • Immediate effects are the direct impacts of the production, use,
neers need support in new tools, education, science and practice in order and disposal of IT products and services. This includes the immediate
to become able to account for sustainability in practice - and to be seen impact of system features (e.g. that one can now format a document) and
as accountable for sustainability by others, i.e. a forum. Crucially, the full life-cycle impacts (e.g. the resource consumption during devel­
software engineering, as any other engineering practice, is embedded in opment and usage).
sociotechnical arrangements. Discourses, governance structures, busi­ • Enabling effects are the indirect effects of a system’s application
ness models, organisational cultures, education curricula and more co- over time. This includes not only opportunities to consume less or more
define the relevance and the norms in software engineering. In this resources (e.g. HD streaming) but also other changes induced by system
chapter, however, we start with a focus on methods that can influence use (e.g. new business models).
software engineering practice during the development phase of new • Structural effects are systemic impacts of a system’s application
systems. Such methods are so far shaped in research and teaching. over a longer time. They emerge from the ongoing use of software sys­
There have been various dynamics, policies and research projects tems and manifest as persistent changes at the macro level (e.g. new
that try to reform engineering by transforming its technical focus into a social norms or laws).
sociotechnical focus Fisher and Maricle (2015, p. 74). define such As shown, due to the inherently multidisciplinary nature of sus­
socio-technical integration as “any process by which technical experts tainability an integrated view including concepts and methods from a
account for the societal dimensions of their work as an integral part of range of disciplines is crucial for sustainable IT product and services
this work”. Such sociotechnical integration has been advanced through design.
“Responsible Research and Innovation”, “Anticipatory Governance”, The current research landscape in software engineering and sus­
“Midstream modulation” or ICT ethics, for example (Erik Fisher et al., tainability can be roughly classified as follows. The main differentiation
2015). It is typically shaped through inter- and transdisciplinary exists between Sustainable software engineering and software engi­
research and aims to bring together different forms of expertise. The goal neering for sustainability. Sustainable software engineering is concerned
of such work is to enhance or transform values and capacities in engi­ with the longevity of systems. Thus, it covers concepts, principles, and
neering work to enable taking the sociotechnical context of this work methods that contribute to software endurance (e.g. technical sustain­
better into account with the goal to foster research and development of ability). Software engineering for Sustainability is concerned with one
technologies that have a closer fit to societal expectations and demands. or more dimensions of sustainability covering the socio-technical
Additionally, one can find research work on values and software context of the software system (Penzenstadler, 2013; Venters et al.,
engineering (Perera et al., 2020). For example there is work on inte­ 2018). Software engineering for Sustainability can be further sub­
grating critical systems thinking (CST) for requirements engineering divided into Green IT, sustainability in software engineering, and sus­
(Duboc, McCord, Becker & Ahmed, 2020; Raza, 2021), as well as work tainability by software engineering. Green IT is concerned with the
on understanding and measuring values in software engineering (E environmental impacts of software-intensive systems. The in and by
Whittle, Ferrario, Simm & Hussain, 2021.; Winter, Forshaw, Hunt, & differentiation can be seen as follows (Hilty & Aebischer, 2015):

C. Schneider and S. Betz Journal of Responsible Technology 10 (2022) 100027

• Sustainability in software engineering: Designing IT products and and a narrow understanding of sustainability. Moreover, the ethical
services covering the five dimensions and three orders of effect. Thus, frameworks in the discipline are not conducive to sustainability impacts
this covers any system that takes sustainability impacts into account (Chitchyan et al., 2016).
when designing it What we traced here are accountability arrangements in software
• Sustainability by software engineering: Creating, enabling, and engineering as a profession. Becoming a software engineering profes­
supporting sustainable development by means of Software Systems. sional means being socialised and trained within communities of soft­
Thus, this covers systems explicitly supporting an SDG and sustainable ware engineering practice, e.g. in the classroom or in industry settings.
development Individual software engineers are being held to account by other soft­
In the following table (Table 1) we provide an overview about how ware engineering practitioners (the forum) and judged by the norms,
“sustainability”, “software engineering”, and accountability are capacities and values that are passed on and transformed by the wider
connected. software engineering community. However, accounting for sustain­
We differentiate between “classical software engineering” and ability is an emerging topic in this profession - with academic discus­
“software engineering for sustainability” to show that there is a different sions and forms of teaching on sustainability still being niche issues.
use and understanding of the term sustainability. In addition, we would Here, wider changes are needed, such as influential guidelines by soft­
like to point out that there has been a shift taking place towards a more ware engineering associations, industry norms or sustainability
holistic view of sustainability and software engineering, which in turn becoming a required topic in studies of computer science.
also influences the accountability arrangements presented in the table. Such changes, however, are unlikely to happen solely from within
However, we are aware that our classification is only a rough classifi­ the profession. Based on the above discussed transformation model this
cation and can be discussed. Moreover, the differentiation between is not surprising as accountability for sustainability needs to be shaped
“Mainstream software engineering” and “Sustainable software engi­ in a complex and distributed manner across technological, cultural,
neering” might be misleading as “Classical software engineering” in­ economic and governance domains. In the following chapter we trace
cludes “Sustainable software engineering”. As stated we want to show emerging accountability arrangements in these domains that may
how sustainability is used and understood in connection with software complement and influence professional software engineering.
engineering thus we used this classification.
With regard to “software engineering for sustainability” we not only 3.1. Transforming digital culture, economy and governance towards
differentiated between the sustainability in and by software engineering sustainability
as discussed above but also added software engineering for Green IT as
this is a term that is also often used with regard to sustainability and As we’ve discussed above, engineering practices are embedded in
software engineering (Hilty & Aebischer, 2015) and we wanted to show cultural, economic and governance dynamics and structures. Sustain­
the difference between a green approach and a sustainable approach. ability transformations require that mutually reinforcing changes
To summarise, the columns represent the classification of sustain­ happen in each of these domains. In this chapter we trace emerging
ability and software engineering. The rows represent the “sustainability dynamics in culture, governance and the economy that could further
dimensions” focused on as well as the “general focus” and “concrete enable accountability for sustainability in software engineering. We thus
examples” used. These rows are added to make the different classifica­ move towards the contexts and environments that co-define software
tion more accessible. Finally, we added the row “accountability engineering practices. In a mix of theory and examples we discuss how
arrangement” to connect sustainability, software engineering and software engineering is being made accountable for sustainability in
accountability. these domains. And we point towards further changes that may need to
Additionally, there exist several ethical frameworks for developing be necessary.
IT Systems e.g. the ACM Code of ethics or the “Forum computer scien­
tists for peace and social responsibility”.1 The first ethics for pro­ 3.2. Culture: envisioning a transformation2
grammers have been developed already 35 years ago. Currently, in the
area of AI alone there exist about a hundred already, yet sustainability is Research in science and technology studies and technology assess­
a niche topic in these (Jobin, Ienca & Vayena, 2019; Morley, Floridi, ment has shown that discourses, future imaginaries and visions are of
Kinsey & Elhalal, 2020). The frameworks are developed by private central importance in shaping innovation and transformation processes
companies, research institutions and public sector organizations. How­ (Jasanoff & Kim, 2015; Konrad, van Lente, Groves & Selin, 2016). The
ever, despite these massive numbers, several issues arise, first who is ways in which technologies are imagined and talked about, how they are
developing these frameworks? Are they democratically legitimated? contested and legitimated are central in shaping innovations and tech­
When looking for example at the EU AI High Level Expert Group (EU AI nological practices. In the cultural domain struggles over the question
HLEG)2 this paper has been developed by 52 experts, of which 26 are “what is digital technology good for?” take place and here, goals and
from large industrial companies, four are ethicists and the remaining 22 responsibilities in innovation processes are shaped (Lösch, Heil &
are from Consumer Protection and civil rights movements. The paper Schneider, 2017). The wider meanings assigned to digital technologies
itself is quite vague and short sighted and in doubt one does not need to thus also influence the meaning of software engineering and its re­
follow the guidelines (Selke, 2018). Second, some of these frameworks sponsibilities in shaping these technologies. Such wider discourses
seem to function like ethical washing, a marketing narrative for the therefore define the public norms and expectations towards technolo­
customers (Classical software engineering). And third, the developers gies and their designers.
themselves do argue that Software Systems are unbiased. Simply “doing Culturally, it is significant how the digital transformation and the
your job” for “value-neutral technologies” is still a common perspective sustainability transformations have run in parallel for a long time with
(Daniels, Nkonde & Mir, 2019). Additionally, a study in Europe about often diverging ideas about the future, different actors shaping them and
the current perceptions and practices of sustainability and software little cultural intersections. The “immaterial” digital “new economy”
engineering revealed that they think there is no connection between seemed to be not of much interest in sustainability cultures with their
software engineering and sustainability, thus there is a lack of awareness focus on the wasteful industries and technologies of the “old economy”,
e.g., cars, fossil energy and industrialised agriculture. And possibly, the
digital utopianism of the new economy (Turner, 2010) has impregnated
1 digital innovations with an idea of radical novelty and improvement for
2 too long. However, this seems to change somewhat, not least by the
oup-european-ai-alliance.html increased critical scrutiny that digital system and businesses have

C. Schneider and S. Betz Journal of Responsible Technology 10 (2022) 100027

Table 1
Accountabilities for sustainability in different forms of software engineering.
“Classical software engineering” “Software engineering for sustainability”

Mainstream software “Sustainable software Software engineering for “Sustainability by software “Sustainability in software
engineering is seen as engineering” is seen as “Green IT” is seen as engineering (Hilty & engineering” (Hilty &
accountable for accountable for Venters accountable for Hilty & Aebischer, 2015; Aebischer, 2015;
et al., (2018) Aebischer, (2015) Penzenstadler, 2013) Penzenstadler, 2013)
Sustainability None Technical Environmental One selected SDG Technical, Social, Individual,
dimensions Economic, Environmental
(focused on)
General Focus and Cost benefit analysis Technical Debt Clean energy and resource Starting from SDGs to frame Integrated and systemic
possible Methods of the company management efficiency technical products analysis of sociotechnical
dimensions and effects of
Concrete Agile Approaches Refactoring Energy Saving Algorithms, AI for Good, The app The Sustainability Awareness
Approaches such as Scrum Smart energy grid systems Codecheck Framework (SusAF) (http
(examples) s://
Included in the Client, employer Future clients Environmentalists Indirect stakeholders, wider General public, society
accountability public

received in the past decade. The most popular sustainability controversy describe that some such arrangements are diffuse and vague such as
in the past years has been the digital currency “bitcoin” with its enor­ holding actors to account for moral or political ideals in public discourse
mous energy consumption - by design - consuming more than smaller (Bovens, 2007; Kroll, 2020). However, such meaning creation in public
industrialised countries for the sake of financial speculation (Schinckus, can have significant effects on an actors public image (e.g. Facebook
2020). The strong climate movement from 2018 onwards has also led after the political communication scandals) and especially for com­
some tech commentators to link climate change and ongoing digitali­ panies these images are important aspects of brand value. The next
zation (Software engineering for “Green IT”) (Tarnoff, 2019). section will look more closely at the company level and its effects on
A key example to culturally link digitalization and sustainability are accountability for sustainability.
the “AI for Good” conferences3 (Sustainability by software engineering)
which from 2017 onwards have been organised by a UN organisation 3.3. Economy: business models for sustainability
with a focus on using AI technologies to achieve SDGs. Interestingly, the
Xprize foundation4 is co-organiser of this series. This is an organization In most circumstances software engineering takes place in companies
led by rich Silicon Valley entrepreneurs that explicitly wants to foster where it is embedded in organisational goals and business models. The
research and innovation that could lead to a future of “abundance” company can be considered an accountability arrangement in which
through technology. Thus we see the collaboration of two actors who are employees are monitored and assessed in light of the company values
at the heart of dominant visions of sustainability (UN) and “disruptive” and its business model. Of course, these business models are also shaped
digitalization (XPrize). Mixing the missions of these organizations one by governance and regulation, which we address in the next section.
could read the conference as an effort to enable a vision of digital- Here our focus is on tendencies that are visible for digital business
sustainable abundance - a vision that is in tension with a regionalised models that could include sustainability as a core aim of companies.
“degrowth” or “post-growth” economy envisioned by many in sustain­ First, however, we need to note how the dominant business models in
ability circles (Adloff & Neckel, 2019). A conference and movement the IT industry are strongly supportive of unsustainable effects. The list
building exercise that tried to foster such perspectives of a of current critiques is long. The concentration of power, the data
social-ecological transformation with digital technologies has taken extraction and surveillance, the addictive services (e.g. social media),
place in Germany since 2018: The “bits and bäume” conference has the huge power consumption of vast data centers, the electronic waste
brought researchers and civil society actors from sustainability move­ produced, the extreme competition, the culture of disruption and
ments and digital politics movements together to foster exchanges and exponential scaling as goals and more (Sadowski, 2020; Santarius et al.,
synergies, also explicitly trying to seek common ground in these trans­ 2020).
formative agendas (Höfner et al., 2019). These business models, however, are contested by various actors by
We might say that culturally the past years may be a turning point in now and the search for alternatives is on (Scholz & Schneider, 2017).
public discourses and efforts of transformation actors when it comes to Interestingly, the past years have also seen software engineers and
sustainability and digitalization. It remains to be seen, however, others organising to effect changes in big IT companies, e.g. to prevent
whether these new dynamics can challenge dominant hegemonies of military research or to demand climate action (Nedzhvetskaya & Tan,
technological change. Most probably much will depend on the further 2019). Furthermore, many big IT companies have certain initiatives for
cultural struggles fought for sustainability, i.e., will this become a cen­ “green IT”, with renewable energy contracts for servers or AI products to
tral goal for societies or not? Furthermore, both sustainability and optimize energy use in certain sectors. This, however, draws on a narrow
digitalization are very broad and contested concepts with different ac­ understanding of sustainability as other aspects and systemic conse­
tors, meanings and strategies (Lenz, 2021). quences are left untouched (Lenz, 2021), e.g. facebook is running many
Yet, such contestations in discourse and public debates about digital of its servers with renewable energy, yet still contributing to spreading
technologies have an indirect effect on shaping software engineering by hate online.
reframing the challenges and purposes of the technologies and thus On the other hand, within the digital transformation certain niches
demanding a certain accountability of software engineers based on exist that can support an integrated and systemic sustainability trans­
public values and norms. Theorists of accountability arrangements formation. In particular digital commons have received much attention
as possible game changers: in open source projects, shared and open
knowledge (e.g. Wikipedia) or data commons. Here the focus is not so
3 much on efficiency gains through technology but on social, economic
4 and cultural innovations enabled by digital technologies that could lead

C. Schneider and S. Betz Journal of Responsible Technology 10 (2022) 100027

to more robust forms of sustainability (Höfner et al., 2019; Lenz, 2021). Certain nation states are also starting to put a policy focus on sus­
Yet, within the European innovation landscape, that we are familiar tainability and digitalization. In Germany7 we can observe a growth in
with, more sustainable business model alternatives are coming into policy advice with a focus on connecting digitalization and sustain­
being (Kutzschenbach & Daub, 2021; Pfotenhauer & Frahm, 2019) and ability. The main expert committee for policy advice on sustainability
pioneers such as “fairphone” are trying to create sustainable IT products. has published the report “Our shared digital future” in 2019 which ex­
The past years have seen many initiatives for “digital-social innovation” plores the strategic intersection of digitalization and a sustainability
explicitly focusing digital innovation on societal challenges, e.g. as transformation. It points out that connecting these transformations in
contributing to the SDGs. The platform DSI4EU5 lists around 1500 practice and policy is a key challenge, yet also envisions possibilities for
projects across the EU that use digital technologies to tackle social sustainable-digital futures (WBGU – Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bun­
challenges, many of them being for profit projects (Sustainability by desregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen, 2019). The project
software engineering). Similarly, the movement for “platform co­ CODINA launched by the ministry for the environment aims at creating
operatives” which champions democratic, cooperative business struc­ knowledge and actor networks for creating policies for sustainable forms
tures for digital companies has been growing. Here the goal is to involve of digitalization ( Here researchers
workers, customers and other stakeholders as co-owners of the company and policy-makers discuss digitalization and sustainability with regards
with a democratic voice in the company’s governance (Scholz & to the state, supply chains, the design of digital systems,
Schneider, 2017). Rethinking the goals and organisation of companies digital-sovereignty and more.
would also necessitate to rethink software engineering practises as they Most probably strongly related to the shift in culture and public
are a central aspect of digital business models. Businesses that focus on discourse we can observe policy activities that try to bring sustainability
solving SDGs or with an inclusive and democratic structure could and digitalization together. It remains to be seen whether these efforts
strongly affect the values and valuing processes that are necessary in have lasting and transformative impact or will simply “green wash”
software development projects and thus transform how software engi­ digital policy. However, governance and policy are key domains for
neering is being done. In short, business models and structures are shaping accountability arrangements in research and industry. Certain
themselves accountability arrangements for software engineering and regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the IT sector, for
they need to be changed to foster sustainability. example, would have a strong impact on the requirements of software
Concluding this chapter we might say that there are dynamics in
3.4. Governance: digital and green politics
technology, culture, economy and governance that try to foster the
mutual integration of digitalization and sustainability and could support
Governance is a key area in sustainability transformations. Here the
regulatory frameworks are set within which companies produce and a systemic transformation. However, so far these are niche trends that
we observe and systemic efforts of engendering a transformation to­
consumers consume. In this section we trace dynamics in governance
with a focus on Europe and Germany that seem to open up pathways for wards sustainability are not yet particularly strong. In the conclusion we
therefore discuss possible outlooks from here and research gaps that
sustainability governance in the IT sector. Regulations form central
accountability arrangements in society with actors being made liable for need to be addressed.
upholding certain rules and state agencies and courts being forums that
hold actors to account. Regulations thus can be highly relevant in 4. Conclusion
shaping change and that’s why they are typically highly contested.
Fostering innovation and digitalization have been central to politics To summarize, in this paper we have presented a conceptual link
and policy in the past years as western societies see themselves as between software engineering, sustainability and accountability. We
technologised societies (Maasen, Dickel & Schneider, 2020; Pfotenhauer argue that with the rising influence of digital systems on all aspects of
& Frahm, 2019). Similarly, sustainability has been on political agendas human life we need accountability arrangements for designing and using
for a long time, if however, it was considered a niche topic for long. The digital systems. As the power of these systems rises we (software engi­
wave of climate protests from 2018 onwards has changed that and neers as well as users, citizens, states and societies) need to elicit,
sustainability (with a focus on climate protection) has become a central analyse, and influence their effects in responsible ways. Accordingly, a
topic in public discourse and governance discourses. Yet, digitalization sustainability transformation requires new ways to elicit, analyse, and
and sustainability are rarely seen as interrelated in policy with digital influence the effects of sociotechnical systems in all spheres of our so­
policies’s recent focus on data protection rights, e.g. the EU’s General ciety, including digital systems. Thus, we argue that these demands can
Data Protection Regulation, and anti-monopoly measures (Wagner, and should be conceptually interwoven as creating accountability ar­
Ferro & Stiftung, 2020) and the focus of sustainability policies on en­ rangements for sustainability is a central enabler of a transformation2.
ergy, mobility and agriculture (Schneidewind, 2018). Such accountability is created through distributed accountability
On a European level, the EU “Green Deal” is the latest policy strategy arrangements that are based on the embedding sustainability as value
that aims to enhance sustainbility across the continent and sets the goals and capacity for software engineering in technological practice, culture,
of climate neutrality in 2050. In the recent past the EU’s digital policies economy and governance. While this is still far from mainstream we
started to refer to the green deal as well. The EU’s “digital compass” identified several niches where this is enabled. In software engineering
strategy for example writes that a “digital decade” should also lead to a research and teaching, part of technological practice, there are efforts to
more sustainable Europe and that “digital technologies help to reduce transform values and capacities of engineers to address sustainability. In
environmental impact significantly”6. Whether these rhetorical efforts culture and public discourse, digitalization and sustainability are
enable more profound sustainability measures for IT industries remains increasingly woven together, resulting in the transformation of the
to be seen with most of the EU’s digital strategy focusing on other issues framing of digital technologies and their purposes. Such cultural frames
besides sustainability. are ways of seeing and evaluating and they can transform normative
orders and public values. In the economy we could identify several
trends for alternative business models for digital companies that focus
We focus on Germany because we are most familiar with developments
here. However, similar trends can also be seen in countries such as the
Netherlands and Sweden.

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