C XCC Sec Maths Must Know List

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Must-Know Items for CXC CSEC Mathematics
For any two finite sets, A and B, PROBABILITY
n(A) + n(B) = n(A B) + n(A B). Probability of (A AND B) = P(A) P(B)
For a set of n elements, number of subsets = 2n Probability of (A OR B) = P(A) + P(B)
The null set, { }, is a subset of every set.
For any convex polygon of n sides:
Number of angles = number of sides = n
Total exterior angles = 360
a b and the inverse of M, Total interior angles = 180 (n 2)
If M = ,
1 d b
c d M 1= REGULAR POLYGON: All sides equal, all angles equal.
Determinant, Det M = ad bc Det M c a
A Singular Matrix is one which If M is a Singular Matrix,
has NO INVERSE because its then Det M = 0 sin 30 1 3
0 .5 tan 30 = = 0.577
determinant = 0. i.e. ad bc = 0 cos 60 2 3
sin 60 3
Transformation Matrices: 0 . 866 tan 60 = 3 = 1.732
cos 30 2
k 0 Area of Image =
Size transformation
k 2 (Area of Object) sin 45 2
about the origin of 0 k 0 . 707 tan 45 = 1
scale factor k 2 cos 45 2
(x, y) (kx, ky) i.e. AI = k AO
Reflection Over: yA yB
x-axis y-axis line y = x line y = x Gradient of line through points A and B, mAB =
xA xB
1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 Two lines (gradients m1 and m2) parallel if, m1 = m2
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 Two lines (gradients m1 and m2) perpendicular if, m1 m2 = 1
(x, y) (x, y) (x, y) ( x, y) (x, y) (y, x) (x, y) ( y, x)
Equation of a line with known gradient m, passing through
(x, y) ( x, y) known point P(xP , yP) is given by y yP = m(x xP).
Reflection 1 0
Same as 180 rotation
through the origin 0 1 RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS
about the origin
If f(x) = ax 2 + bx + c, then upon completing the square,
Rotation about the origin: 2
2 b 4 ac b
Anticlockwise 90 Clockwise 90 180 f(x) = a ( x xT ) y T , where xT = , yT =
2a 4a
0 1 0 1 1 0 Same as If a > 0, f (x) has a MINIMUM value of yT when x = xT
reflection If a < 0, f (x) has a MAXIMUM value of yT when x = xT
1 0 1 0 0 1 through
(x, y) ( y, x) (x, y) (y, x) (x, y) ( x, y) origin VECTORS
Position vector of Midpoint, M, of line AB:
Two reflections over Two reflections over parallel lines 1 1
intersecting lines is equivalent is equivalent to a perpendicular OM ( OA OB ) not OM AB
2 2
to a rotation about the point of translation which is twice the
intersection. distance between the lines. Points A, B and C are collinear if AB k AC
where k is a multiplying constant.
If M and L are two 2 2 transformation matrices, the single matrix AB is parallel to AC and A is a common point.
which is equivalent to M followed by L is obtained by the multiple
LM (not ML). Also: LM(P) = L(P' ) = P" i.e. apply M first.

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