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Boost your every-day Hebrew with the sort of Lingo you hear Israelis use all the time!


HaKol Dvash Ba Li Tov
( )( Be)Rosh Tov
(Lit. it's all honey). Everything's great. (Lit. It came good for me). Something that Boker Tov Eliyahu 1. Expressing an appreciation of someones
happened and fitted the mood you were in at the Suppose somebody comes to you now and abilities (e.g. that they are capable, quick thinkers,
( Fem: Likeka - ) time. Ba Li Tov HaPerek HaZe Shel Chaverim says: I just discovered this amazing website, open, reasonable, and generally fun to be with).
Lo Likek Dvash Lo Haya Li Koach LeKlum (That episode of you must check it out, its called Facebook - Darush Student Baal Rosh Tov (A capable, fun
(Lit. He didnt lick honey). Having a hard time, Friends came on just in time I didnt have the You can say back: Boker Tov Eliyahu! Kvar Arba student is needed).
things arent as easy as people might think. energy for anything). Shanim SheKol HaOlam BeFacebook (Good - Mechapes Chevre BeRosh Tov LeTiyul Sof-
SheLo Tachshevi, Bichlal Lo Likaknu Dvash morning Eliyahu! The whole world has been using Shavua (Looking for smart, fun people to join me
KSheHeghanu LaAretz (Dont think it was all
Facebook for four years now)! on a weekend hike).
easy when we came to Israel). Pa'amayim Ki Tov 2. Being in a great mood, feeling high (not
(Lit. twice as good). A widely used expression,
necessarily from alcohol or drugs).
originally associated with Tuesdays, and deriving Me'Az Yatsa Matok - Ani Lo Mastul, Ani BeRosh Tov (Im not drunk or
Yom Asal, Yom Bassal from Genesis 1, where on each day of the creation (Lit. from something strong tasting, something high, Im just feeling good).
(Lit. one day honey, one day onion). Arabic the texts states Ki Tov, but on Tuesday it is stated sweet came out). A dire situation that turned out - Tafasti Rosh Tov Al HaBar (I got a Rosh Tov
expression meaning one day things are good, twice (This is also why theres a tradition of getting for the best, a blessing in disguise at the bar from a famous song of Shalom
one day not, i.e. thats life: ups and downs married on Tuesdays - being twice as good!). Chanoch).
You can use it for any situation that might apply. "

Lo Hayiti Batuach Im Baget Echad Yaspik Az MiShnat Tarpapu
HaTapu'ach Lo Nafal Rachok Heveti Shnayim - Metzuyan, Paamayim Ki Tov. (Lit. From the year Tarpapu, 5686/1926). Ancient,
MeHa'etz (I wasnt sure if one baguette would be enough, outdated. Hi Melamedet BeShitot MiShnat
The apple didnt fall far from the tree. so I brought two - Excellent, its twice as good...) Tarpapu (She teaches with methods from the 20s).

Joel Yaron Publishing 2011. All rights reserved. Sign-up for our newsletter, and receive unparalleled topic-based phrase-sheets, as well as excellent
free tools, videos & quality lessons to radically enhance your Hebrew! www.engheb.com
There should be a dagesh in the 'Pe' so it's Lachpor, but in slang people pronounce Lachfor * PAGE 2


(Lit. living in a movie). To live in a fantasy, in a world
(Using Hebrew slang) WHAT'S HAPPENING NOW! of your own, being disconnected with reality. Achi,
Ata Chai BeSeret Im Ata Choshev SheHi Tetze Itcha
Hot slang that you won't learn in (Man, youre living in a movie if you think shes
your Ulpan.... gonna go out with you).
Yatsata Shpitz
Eize Melech
(Fem. Yatzat Shpitzit -
) (Fem. Eizo Malka - )

( Fem. Tzi - )
Shpitz literally means the pointy bit at the 'What a king!' a great compliment. Funnily (


,* Tze MeHaseret
(Lit. come out of the movie). To face reality, to start
end of something (e.g. a pencil). In slang it enough, it is often used to thank someone LaChfor, Chafran, Chafira, Chafrani seeing things as they really are.
describes someone who knows their stuff. who did something nice for you - e.g. you [Lit. to dig, a digger, a dig, digging (here: in the
'Tz'i Kvar MeHaSeret Shelach, I-Efshar LeHamshich
brain)]. Possibly the most significant addition to
visit a friend and he brings out all kinds of Kacha Yoter (Come out of your movie, its impossible
Hebrew slang in the last 2-3 years. A classic example
to carry on like that).
! Eize Totach! great snacks and drinks, so you say to him: of how an existing shoresh can get a new meaning,
and originate new words that follow grammatical
(Fem. Eize Totachit -
) Eize Melech!... when in fact he treated
rules, although its 100% street-made. So, weve got: Hazui
Totach literally means a cannon, In slang YOU like a king...! (Lit. trippy, sureal). Something weird, not realistic,
it describes someone who is excellent at Lachfor (chafar, chofer, yachfor) unbelieveable. Ani Lo Yodea Im Ze Nachon, Ze
Nishma Li Hazui Legamrei (I dont know if its true, it
something, at the top of his profession, or ! Ein Alecha! To ramble on / go into too many details / ask too
sounds totally surreal to me).
many questions / repeat the same stuff again and
very important. (Fem. Ein Alayich - ) again, basically talking that digs in peoples brains.
(Lit. no one's on you). A popular way of Nu, Tafsiku Lachfor, Nimas Kvar Im HaVikuchim BaKtana

Shelachem (Comeon stop digging enough already
Patish Avir
telling someone that they're the best, with your arguments)
(Lit. in a small one). In a small dose; Without any
effort; Not a big deal. Ani Esmach LeNashnesh
Literally means Air-Hammer, but in slang that no else matches them. Masheu Kacha Baktana (Id be happy to snack on
its a funny way to describe or complement Chafran a person who digs; a professional something, yknow baktana in a small dose)
Or if you do a favour to somebody and they thank
someone. Sichakta Ota
digger. Wai, Eize Chafran, Kama Peamim Ata Yachol
Lachzor Al Oto Davar? (OMG, what a digger, how you, you can say Shtuyot, BaKtana (Nonsense, it
(Fem. Sichakt Ota - )
many times can you tell me (repeat) the same thing?) was nothing....)
Ata Gadol!
! (Lit. you played it). Well done, good for you.
(Fem: At Gdola - ) 'Kol HaKavod, Sichakta Ota, Achi' Chafira A dig. Haartzaah HaZot Haita Chafira


Retzinit, Bekoshi Hetzlachti LeHachzik TaEynayim
You're great! Normally used after someone (That lecture was a serious dig I barely managed to
LaPanim / Al HaPanim
(Lit: to the face / on the face). The first: excellent,
did something really nice for you, overcame keep my eyes open)
'mind-blowing'; the second: terrible, something that
something, or surprised you. sucks. 'Ra'iti Etmol Seret Ekshen Lapanim' (I saw an
Chafrani the adjective HaHesber Po Chafrani action film yesterday that blew my mind) or: 'Chaval
LaAlla Hevanu Kvar (The explanation here is Lach Al HaKesef, HaSeret HaZe Al HaPanim' (Don't
totally digging we got the point already..) waste your money, this film sucks!)

Joel Yaron Publishing 2011. All rights reserved. Sign-up for our newsletter, and receive unparalleled topic-based phrase-sheets, as well as excellent
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Mila Ze Mila
(Lit. A word is a word). A promise that is binding

Tov Tov
Emphasizing the need for something to be done

Ki Tov... and will be fulfilled. Im Hu Amar SheHadira

Shelachem, Az Hi Shelachem, Etzlo Mila Ze Mila
extra well, with extra attention, 'Lo BeTzura
Chafifnikit' - not in a rushed manner.
(If he said that the apartment is yours than its 'Aval Tivdok Et Ze Tov Tov, Bli Leagel Pinot' (But
10 insanely common Hebrew sayings that yours - hes a man that does what he says). check it extra well, without cutting corners)
you can learn with half the effort!

- , , - Gam VeGam
Kashe Kashe
Mashe'u Mashe'u Para-Para, Shlav-Shlav, (Lit. Also and also). Effectively meaning 'both'. (Lit. It's tough tough). Ideally said with a fake
(Lit: Something something). Excellent, extra- Shwa'ye-Shwa'ye 'Rotza Kadur Shokolad O Vanil? Efshar Gam Russian accent, 'Kashe Kashe' is a catch phrase
ordinary. 'Ha'Ochel Po Hu Mashe'u Mashe'u' (The (Lit: Cow-cow, stage-stage). Three different VeGam? (Do you want a scoop of chocolate or that was introduced to the Hebrew language by
food here is extra-ordinary). ways to say 'one stage at the time'. The last one vanilla? - Can I have both?) the character of Luba in the TV comedy show
'Shwa'ye Shwa'ye' derives from Arabic. 'Eretz Nehederet'. Played by Tal Friedman, Luba
Kacha Kacha )( used to be the highlight of the show a strict
(Lit: So So). 'Ha'Ochel Ta'im, Aval HaSherut )( (Be)Derech Lo Derech supermarket cashier that came from Russia, and
Kacha Kacha' (The food is tasty, but the service is (Be)Hafuch Al Hafuch (Lit. A way thats not a way). This can mean struggled to keep her calm with indecisive Israeli
not great). (Lit: Upside down over upside down). A tough either literally going through a road or a path customers...
one to master - a confusing but very common that is difficult to drive or walk on, and also
Le'at Le'at expression, meaning when something is achieved more metaphorically i.e reaching a result in an
(Lit: Slowly slowly). 'Le'et Le'et, Lo Tzarich or confirmed by an act or comment that actually unconventional ways.
Lemaher' (Slowly, slowly - no need to rush), or states the opposite (whether intentionally or not). Lo Shidru Et HaMischak BaTelevisya, Az Rainu
disapprovingly: 'HaKol Etzla Le'et Le'et, Kehilu Confusing? Here is an example... 'BeHafuch Al Et Ze BaMachshev BeDerech Lo Derech (They
Ein Po Esrim Ish BaTor' (She's doing everything Hafuch, Israel Yechola Leharviach MeHaMashber didnt broadcast the game on TV, so we watched it
slowly-slowly as if there aren't twenty people in the Shel Dubai' (BeHafuch Al Hafuch, Israel might on the computer BeDerech Lo Derech).
line here). benefit from the crisis in Dubai).

Joel Yaron Publishing 2011. All rights reserved. Sign-up for our newsletter, and receive unparalleled topic-based phrase-sheets, as well as excellent
free tools, videos & quality lessons to radically enhance your Hebrew! www.engheb.com



(Fem - )
When Israelis dont want to do something, theyve got plenty of ways to tell you so
(They also know how to argue back!)

Ba leCha LaAsot Sivuv Dahawin BaKenyon?

(Fem: Ba Lach)

Wanna do a 'Show-Off' cruise around
the mall? (Self-mocking expression)

"..." Lo Ba Li Achshav I don't feel like it now

(Fem - ) "?
," Nu, Ma Ichpat Lecha? (Fem: Lach) Come'on, why not? (What do you care?)

" Ein Li Cheshek I'm not in the mood (I've got no desire)

," Nu, BeChayecha Al Tihye Kaze Kaved Come'on don't be so heavy
(Fem - ,) (Fem: Tihi Kazot Kveda)

(Fem - ) "

" Azov Achi, Lo Mat'im Li HaYom (Fem: Azvi) Forget it man, it doesn't suit me today

(Fem -

) "...

"' Boh'na Eize Manchus Ata (Fem: Manchusit At) Alright then, what a party-pooper...

Should be Kanyon, but commonly pronounced Kenyon *

Joel Yaron Publishing 2011. All rights reserved. Sign-up for our newsletter, and receive unparalleled topic-based phrase-sheets, as well as excellent
free tools, videos & quality lessons to radically enhance your Hebrew! www.engheb.com

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