ITS Solutions For Seaports

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Archives of Volume 6

Transport System

Issue 2

Telematics May 2013

Intelligent container terminals

- ITS solutions for seaports
Transport & Logistics Department, Gdynia Maritime University, Morska 81-87, 81-225
Gdynia, Poland
EMAIL: [email protected]

Maritime container traffic has been the fastest-growing part of the world transport market for years. Building
global supply chains requires the involvement of many actors, both operating within the area of maritime
transport as well as hinterlands. Seaports are the focal points of all parties engaged in the transport process,
determining their effectiveness. For this reason, dedicated intelligent systems are increasingly used in container
terminals to improve their capacity and performance. ITS solutions for seaports should therefore be defined as a
four-layer model - port sector, seaport, terminal and cargo/mean level. Obviously, these complex systems need to
work together to generate significant synergy effects. For this purpose, it is necessary to use modern technology
for identification (RFID, OCR, X-ray), transfer, communication, processing and data sharing. Of importance is
that container terminals are also equipped with fully automated transport (AGV) and lifting (ASC) equipment.
Therefore, seaports and container terminals demonstrate an interesting example of an intelligent node for the
intermodal transport system.

KEYWORDS: seaport, ITS, container terminal, logistics, supply chain

1. Global challenges to the increasing the capacity of their deep-sea container vessels, recently
development of seaports culminating in the projected 16,000 TEU (CMA CGMs Alexander
von Humboldt) or 18,000 TEU (Maersks Triple-E class) container
ship generation. Similarly, the total capacity of the world container
1.1 Maritime container traffic and its vessels reached a level of 17,103 thou. TEU in April 2013 [2].
importance in the global economy At the same time, the number of boxes served by seaports
reached a level of 426 million TEU all over the world (2012).
The globalization process observed in the last two decades, Operators of seaport container terminals have primarily responded
based on the liberalization of world trade, has created a huge to this development by increasing their terminals in size and making
demand for transport services. Relocation of the global production use of more efficient transportation and handling equipment. There
of manufactured goods from Europe and North America to Asia are, however, a great number of existing terminals, which have
(outsourcing & offshoring), as well as a rapid growth of the already reached their limits and can no longer expand.
emerging and developing economies, have increased maritime Hence, a new, intelligent solution based on existing
traffic on the oceans. The crucial technology, suitable for the infrastructure has been implemented in container terminals as
valuable goods transport, is containerization. So, world container well as in seaports as a whole.
traffic has been growing for years at an average speed of 10%. As
a consequence, a total number of about 160 million TEU (20-foot 1.2 ITS in maritime transport
equivalent unit) was transported in the global scale in Year 2012
(approx. 1.5 billion tonnes) [1]. According to the European definition, intelligent transport
In order to cope with increased transportation volumes and to systems (ITS) are an advanced application which, without embodying
benefit from the economies of scale, ship owners are continually intelligence as such, aim to provide innovative services relating to

Volume 6 Issue 2 May 2013 33

Intelligent container terminals ITS solutions for seaports

different modes of transport and traffic management by enabling compliance with governmental regulations and communicate
various users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated efficiently with the coast guard, customs office and other
and smarter use of their transport network [3]. The above presented control services,
attitude refers to road transport (urban areas or high capacity road promoting tenants satisfaction by providing an efficient
infrastructure) in majority (see the title of Directive 2010/40/EU). operating environment and value-added service,
In the case of other modes, the following solutions respond to traffic unification and upgrading the facilitys communication
management systems as identified in Figure 1. system for greater operational efficiency [8].

Special attention should be focused on container terminals

where a significant number of boxes is flowing through the facility
(see Table 1).

Table 1. Container traffic in the top global, European, Baltic and

Polish seaports.
Scale Seaport Container traffic

Fig. 1.Modal structure of the European classification of the TMS. World Shanghai 32.5 million TEU

In the maritime transport sector a vessel traffic monitoring Europe Rotterdam 11.8 million TEU
and information system (VTMIS) is regarded as a crucial element
of ITS [5]. The system consists of such elements as an automatic Baltic St. Petersburg 2.5 million TEU
identification system (AIS), a long range identification and tracking
system (LRIT) [6] as well as it being coherent with the SafeSeaNet Poland Gdask 929 thou. TEU
(SSN) European initiative [7]. Despite the wide range of elements
of maritime ITS, seaport solutions are not included in the EU
transport policy as a based area of ITS implementation. However, For this reason, on a terminal level, the following kinds of
the business practice confirms the common utilization of ICT and areas with particular decisions should be supported by dedicated
telematic systems in seaports and terminals. ITS systems [13]:
A seaport represents a complex system of highly dynamic operate planning (empty container distribution, storage and
interactions between various handling, transportation and storage stacking policies, crane assignment and split, berth allocation,
units and incomplete knowledge of future events. As a transport stowage planning),
node, a seaport focuses on a number of different means of transport real-time control (landside transport, quayside transport, slot
(maritime, road, rail, IWW, pipe), as well as renders a variety of assignment, crane scheduling and operational sequencing).
services (stevedoring, handling, forwarding, logistics, etc.) and
operates in different dedicated facilities (e.g. bulk, ferry, container The last field for improving a seaports operation is service and
terminals; storage areas and warehouses, land and sea infrastructure management of the means of transport (vehicles, vessels, trains,
connections). It should be emphasized that the wide external handling equipment) as well as the cargo units (or passengers). This
interconnections between a port and its surroundings need proper refers mostly to booking systems and cargo scanning (security seals).
coordination and control. The international environment of a ports Again, the complexity of a seaports transport system should
operation, concerning mostly safety and security issues as well as be emphasized. Therefore, an intelligent system of planning,
the border crossing requirements (customs, immigration), is the coordination and control of a seaports activities must outline and
next crucial step in sharing information and coordination. Seaport define the function (or set of functions) and its goal(s). The core of
development should also take into account the specifics of a ports the system should therefore be a database solution interconnected
activity (e.g. ISPS code, regulation of IMO, ISO, ADR). with a dedicated application used in particular fields and levels of
Growing competitiveness and increased security requirements a seaports activity. Last, but not least, it is necessary to integrate
need to be improved in order for a seaport to be effective. This various parts and processes occurring in a seaport, its terminals as
includes improving the following areas: well as financial, institutional and social environment. Finally, the
optimization of cargo, ensuring that containers, personnel, crucial benefits from implementing the ITS can be presented [14]:
ships, trucks, and rail traffic move in and out of ports as integration - the ability to combine different technologies,
efficiently as possible, hardware and software in order to obtain a more efficient flow
maximization of the mobility and productivity of personnel of information,
by enabling them to access data and communicate with each flexibility - the ability to create new structural configuration
other from any point in the facility, in order to better accommodate the needs,
monitoring all security issues throughout a seaport by efficiency - ability to increase and promote the benefits,
screening its perimeter, as well as containers and other means intelligence - as the ability to make independent decisions in
of transport that enter or leave the facility, changing circumstances.

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In the case of maritime transport and seaports, the development

2. ITS solution for seaports and process of ITS systems occurs at each listed level. To be more precise,
container terminals a list of ITS solutions for seaports is presented in Table 2. Two
main challenges to seaports ITS is freight traceability & security as
well as infrastructure efficiency. Similarly, the crucial application/
2.1 ICT and telematic systems in the seaport technology can be counted. These are: the port community system,
sector terminal operation system, automated identification system and
fleet management system. It should be emphasized that this kind of
Utilization of information and communication technology in the application is dedicated to a particular seaport terminal, so in multi-
transport sector could be investigated on the following levels [15]: terminal seaports (common practice) such kinds of the systems
micro-level: company processes support systems, should be multiple as well as integrating. On the other hand, because
mezzo-level: improving data exchange between the partners/ of competing terminals with highly sensitive business information
companies/organizations/agencies, located directly next to each other, special confidential solutions
macro-level: coordination and efficiency improvement of the should be implemented into the system.
transport systems.
2.2 ITS solutions model for seaports
Table 2. ITS systems used in seaports
Implementation of telematic solutions and building intelligent
Medium Objective ITS technology
systems in seaports strongly affects not only their efficiency,
Freight traceability / security reliability and safety of port operations, but also integration between
Electronic seals, tampering the ports and their environment. The environment of a port system
Security Temperature, humidity, vibration
Freight Freight quality sensors includes cargo owners, shippers, passengers, and carriers of all
Dangerous freight Electronic identification modes of external transport available in a port [14]. Because of
Fleet management system
the wide selection of ICT and telematic systems implemented in
Transport Mechanical condition Sensors: fuel level, tire status, speed, seaports, a base model of a seaports ITS has to be structured. Taking
mode monitoring mechanical alerts into account the objectives of the system activity, a four-level model
can be defined and described (Fig. 2).
Traffic management systems
Monitoring traffic
Weather stations monitoring rain,
Infrastructure conditions
fog, precipitation, atmospheric
Weather conditions
pressure, wind conditions, etc.

Identification Automated identification systems

Driver Route conditions Traveller information systems
Driving times Fleet management systems

Depending on the
(cranes, Automated identification systems
type of freight
trailers, other)

Infrastructure efficiency

Tolls Free-flow Electronic payment

Weight station Non-stop Non-stop weighting

Port terminal
Shorter stops Automated identification systems
Fig. 2.The layer model of ITS for seaports.
Automated identification systems
crossings, Shorter stops
One-stop counter
customs Less paperwork Despite the presented division of the seaports ITS application,
Electronic bill of lading
interaction between the particular levels is necessary. On the one
Efficient use of space
and resources
Terminal operating systems hand, the higher-rank systems consist of lower-rank systems;
logistics Automated identification systems
Reduced operating
Automated machine guidance on the other hand, the lower-rank systems feed the higher with
information [18].
Selective Automated identification system The Port Community System (PCS) is placed at the top of the
Freight verification Image processing system model. PCS integrates international trade, public agencies and
Planning Reliable information Freight management system transporters. Such kinds of the systems can be regarded as external
ITS solutions. Port Community Systems have played a major role
Electronic data transmission
Operations Real-time information
Port community system in facilitating a more efficient movement of goods while allowing
customs and other governmental agencies to maintain effective
Electronic data transmission
Trade Electronic
Port community systems

Volume 6 Issue 2 May 2013 35

Intelligent container terminals ITS solutions for seaports

The following list of documents can be replaced through the reliable, built on a dependable technology platform;
use of PCS: manifests and associated amendments, customs release flexible and adaptable so it can be configured to local
notes, ships out-turn/discharge reports and amendments, bonded operating needs;
removal documents (for example, inter port, ICD, CFS, etc.), local scalable so it grows with the needs of the operator;
transhipment documentation, lines commercial release, acceptance seamlessly integrated with other systems and backed by
of rent/storage charges, delivery instructions to transport operators dependable support.
(road/rail), export delivery advice, export arrivals, export load
list, loading reports, customs scanning/examination/sealing Under a single umbrella of TOS, the following features should be
requirements, port health/quarantine and other governmental available: EDI, DGPS positioning, activity charging, vessel planning,
departments activities, requests to out-turn in sheds/warehouses intermodal rail planning, networked multi-terminal management,
(devanning), shed/warehouse out-turn reports and amendments, resource planning, gatehouse security and vehicle booking [24].
customs declarations for exports, ship planning notifications and There exists a selection of the TOS systems available on the market.
amendments, dangerous/hazardous goods reporting [19]. As was mentioned before, TOS systems are dedicated solutions for
The PCS solutions operate in numerous seaports around the a terminal (terminal operator), offered by IT companies. Similarly,
world. Examples are listed below [20]: complete and standard TOS applications are offered (e.g. COSMOS,
DAKOSY in Hamburg, NAVIS, Autostore CTMS, MES CTMS, Mainsail TMS).
PORTNET in Singapore, Last, but not least, elements of ITS are systems prepared for
INTIS in Rotterdam, particular and specific issues of items of a seaports operation.
ADEMAR PROTIS+ in Le Havre, As examples of the leading application, the following solutions
PROTIS in Marseille, can be listed:
HIT in Hong Kong, Container Security Seals (CSS),
EDI in Kobe, Fleet Management System (FMS),
PACE in London, Vehicle Booking System (VBS),
ORION in Charleston, Vessel Planning Module (VPM),
Tradegate ECA in Sydney, Container Positioning System (CPS).
SEAGHA in Antwerp.
In practice, all the above mentioned systems are included and
What is important, the PSC systems from the different seaports coordinated within the TOS system.
can be integrated into one solution like in case of the EurotransPortnet
system (Antwerp, Le Havre, Rotterdam, Bremen/Bremerhaven,
Hamburg and Felixstowe) or EUROMAR (Marseille, Genoa and 3. ITS technology in seaports
Valencia) [21].
The second layer of the model is constituted by access control
systems. As they border the seaports, the external - internal nature 3.1 Technology solutions for ITS
of the solution could be indicated. Because of the variety of the
available application with the different scope of activity, there are ITS solutions for seaport and maritime transport are equipped
a number of system examples: The Port Access Control System with common tools and technologies like in other modes of
(PACS), Gate Operating System (GOS) or Access Security Systems transport. The core element of the system is IT hardware and
(ASS). The main features of the access systems are as follows [22]: software with database storage.
data (imaging) collection, The second element of the architecture is communication
recognition (e.g. license plate, container number), and information transfer technology and devices. Both wired
high-resolution damage inspection imaging, (e.g. optical fibre) and wireless (Wi-Fi, GSM, GPS) solutions are
measurements (cargo units, means of transport), available.
access / area control and alarms, A very important element of a seaport and maritime transports
storing of all vehicle, train, container, trailer and personnel ITS system is the Automatic Identification System (AIS) and
traffic data. Automatic Positioning System (APS). In this case, a specific solution
has been developed.
Gate access systems [22] exist in many global, European and On the one hand, AIS can be regarded as an automatic
Baltic seaports (e.g. Helsinki, HaminaKotka, Cuxhaven, Tallinn, tracking system used on ships and by vessel traffic services (VTS)
Gioia Tauro, Tilbury). for identifying and locating vessels by electronically exchanging
The next level of ITS in seaports is the Terminal Management data with other nearby ships, AIS base stations, and satellites.
System (TMS) or Terminal Operation System (TOS). The system What is important, the system uses different satellites networks
focuses on optimizing maritime freight processes, loading and (Globalstar, Iridium, Inmarsat) equipped with a special application
unloading of ships, and logistics planning, including operations for maritime traffic monitoring. Thanks to this, proper planning of
and location, human resources, equipment and warehousing. a seaports operation can be prepared.
According to market players, TOS needs to be [23]:

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A slightly different sort of automatic identification systems

should also be recognized in a seaport area. In this case, utilization
of the following technologies is necessary:
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) - gate systems, container
number identification, damage inspection;
License Plate Recognition (LPR) - special feature and
application based on OCR technology;
Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFID) - identification
of: container, vehicle or storage area;
ID card system with PIN code readers - drivers, port workers;
Sensors, X-ray and radiation detection units, biometric devices
- cargo scanning and sealing.

3.2. Automated equipment for fully controlled Fig. 3.AGV in the HHLA Container Terminal Altenwerder, Hamburg/
ITS in a container terminal Germany (CTA).

A special feature of the seaport ITS system, different from Today, the AGV development process is directed towards capacity
other modes of transport, is the automatic seaport equipment and flexibility development or increasing the functional scope (ALV).
in a container terminal. The technology solution for improving The concept of C-AGV offers a load capacity of 61 tonnes. A vehicle can
the overall productivity of a container terminal and to reduce the carry cassettes with double-stacked 40-foot containers or two 20-foot
berthing times of vessels is to enhance the degree of automation containers in a single tier. Major improvements to manoeuvrability
of the handling and transportation equipment. Such attitude is have been made by incorporating individual electrically-driven and
fully coherent with the ITS development in container terminals. steered bogie axles which enable the C-AGVs to be moved in any
Elimination of the drivers or operators increases the reliability direction and turn 360 degrees [31]. An Automated Lifting Vehicle
of the terminal operation while improving the dependence on (ALV) is another way of AGV development. The vehicle mostly
ICT. Since a container terminal represents a complex system with engaged in transport services (horizontal movement) is also fitted
various interrelated components, computerized logistics control with the possibility of lifting a container up from the yard. So far, this
systems recently gained considerably more attention [25]. kind of equipment is still in its infancy stage.
Three types of automatic equipment in a container terminal The second type of terminal equipment is an Automated
can be listed (Table 3). Stacking Crane (ASC). It performs fully-automated housekeeping
and management of container stacks. It also forms the link between
Table 3. The range of services of automated terminal equipment quayside and landside equipment such as ship-to-shore cranes,
transport vehicles and trucks [32]. The crucial benefits from ASC
Equipment Transport Lifting
implementation are defined as follows [33]:
AGV + - high stacking density, optimum use of space,
high working speeds, high handling rates,
ALV + + crane and system software, maximum efficiency,
ASC - +
drive technology that makes efficient use of resources.

Implementation of automatic transport systems in a terminal

The most common solution is the Automated Guided Vehicle creates an Automatic Container Terminal (ACT). So, integration of
(AGV). These types of terminal operations are provided in the ITS applications and ACT can radically improve the efficiency
Hamburg, Rotterdam and Singapore. A vehicle serves container and effectiveness of a seaport and make its implementation into
transport between a quay (STS crane) and stackyard [27]. An ITS the supply chain management process easier.
system, based on the AGV technology system, has to include fleet
management and navigation applications as well as control of the
AGV fleet [28]. Bibliography
The benefits offered by Automated Guided Vehicles for ports
can be elaborated as follows [30]: [1] Review of maritime transport 2012. UNCTAD New York
they are cost-efficient and time-efficient, and Geneva 2012.
they increase the efficiency of the overall processes in a [2] Alphaliner - TOP 100. ( 28.04.2013.
terminal, [3] Directive 2010/40/EU of the European Parliament and the
traffic pertaining to the transportation of the cargo internally Council of 7 July, 2010, on the framework for the deployment of
in the ports is well regulated, Intelligent Transport Systems in the field of road transport and
potential accidents and consequent injuries are reduced for interfaces with other modes of transport (6.8.2010 L 207/1).
substantially because of the absence of human traffic.

Volume 6 Issue 2 May 2013 37

Intelligent container terminals ITS solutions for seaports

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