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Numbers Plural nouns

1 Write the numbers. 4 Circle the correct option.

1 forty-five = 4 5 1 city citys / cities
2 seventy-eight = 2 dog - dogs / doggi
3 nineteen = 3 watch - watchs / watches
4 thirty-six = 4 woman - women / womans
5 eighty-eight = 5 sandwich - sandwichs / sandwiches
6 fifty-two = 6 nationality - nationalitys / nationalities

The alphabet Classroom language

2 Complete the pattern. 5 Complete the questions.

1 aA bB cC d D e E
can | how | pronounce | English
2 zyxw repeat | listen
3 aei
4 abcd 1. Listen and
5 mnop MNOP qrst
6 gGj e h

Countries and nationalities do you spell that?
3 Complete the nationalities.

-an -ish

1 Am e r i can 5 S p a n ish 3. How do you

2 Argent an 6 B ish

4. you repeat that?

-ch -ese

3F ch 7 Ja ese 5. Whats silla in ?

4D ch 8 Port ese
6. and check.

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a / an Imperatives
1 Write a or an. 4 Find the imperatives.
1 an email
1 geuagebdiwolistenagwbehdp
2 apple 2 kajsiyocheckatwrsxmlyoijj
3 jaisumatchahoewjsilxvyhnm
3 book
4 gahsbyiksoahwncjpwriteajp
4 ice cream 5 thareadhsjauwixncjsgrhalks
5 dog 6 jdueiaojenckdiarepeatshka

6 elephant 5 Write the words.

can: ability
2 Write the sentences.
1 speak Japanese
I can speak Japanese.
2 say hello in five languages.
I cant say hello in five languages. Welcome.
3 speak French

4 say the alphabet in two languages. 4

5 spell the English teachers name.

Whats your
6 count from 1 to 50 in English. 5

3 Order the sentences and questions. 6 Peter.

1 you / the objects / find / can ?
Can you find the objects?
2 objects / I / cant / find / the

3 English / you / can / speak ?

1 tenlis Listen
4 speak / English / I / can
2 itewr
3 peatre
5 you / say / the / letters of the alphabet / can ?
4 dear
5 kas
6 I / answer / cant / that
6 serwan

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157827 _ 0059-0060.indd 60 16/6/09 07:13:46

Vocabulary 1

Favourite things Sports

1 Order the letters. 4 Complete the words.

My favourite things are
John Philip
1 a bkie a bike
1 ski i n g basketball
2 a gsaem csoleon
rugby 3 cyc g
3 a mbeoli
2 kar 4 te s
4 tainrres
5 an M3P perlay Laura
6 cmpouter gsame 5 foo ll

2 Find the favourite things. 6 sw ing

1 aleoddfiaspobooksleiopwes snowboarding
2 ikeocomputergamesspoewq
3 islkewmosclothesayortoei 5 Look at the table in exercise 4. True or false?
4 ieowpianowpqielamyirenw One of my favourite sports
5 hoawklenjaownrpcamerapo 1
6 gruecatlieownsjalkcuehhai
1 Im into books.
2 Im a fan of .
3 I love . 2 I also like
4 My number one things my .
5 I like my .
6 My favourite animals my . 3 I love

3 Complete the sentences.

book | clothes | computer game 4 Im into

cat | mobile | bike

1 My cat is black and

white. Hes brilliant. 5 Im a fan of and
2 My numbers
My favourite
3 Im a fan of Tolkien. My favourite 6
s The Hobbit. sports

4 I love sports .
5 Final Fantasys a great .
6 I love sport. My number one things my True
1 4
2 5
3 6
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157827 _ 0061-0072.indd 61 16/6/09 07:14:32

Grammar 1

Subject pronouns 4 Complete the sentences.

Hes | Theyre | Im | Shes

1 Circle the correct option.
Its | Were
1 Rafa Nadal
2 Madonna and Justin Timberlake
3 an MP3 player
4 my family and I
5 me
6 Angelina Jolie
1 he / she / it 4 they / he / we
2 we / you / they 5 we / I / you
3 I / it / she 6 you / she / we

2 Circle the correct option.

1 My name is Paul Davis. I / He am from
Baltimore. Im
1 Hi. My name is DJ May.
2 My team is the LA Lakers. We / They are a very cool mother.
an excellent team.
2 Tina is my daughter. my
3 My mother is Rose. It / She is a doctor.
best friend.
4 My brother is Mark. She / He is a
3 We love music. fans of
basketball player.
hip-hop and rap.
5 I live in LA. It / He is a fantastic city.
4 We like Fifty Cent.
6 My favourite films are Spanish films. It /
They are brilliant.
5 My favourite book is Harry Potter.
be: present simple brilliant.
6 Im into Tokio Hotel. cool.
3 Write the sentences with contractions.
1 My name is John. I am into tennis.
Question words
My names John. Im into tennis.
5 Circle the correct option.
2 I am a fan of Daniel Craig. He is my
1 DJ May, Where / When s your birthday?
favourite actor.
Thats easy. Its on 1st May.
2 How / Who old are you, DJ May?
3 I love Isabel Allende. She is my favourite Im 35.
3 Who / When s your favourite actor?
Its Brad Pitt.
4 Dan and Joe are my friends. They are cool. 4 When / What s your favourite film?
Its Harry Potter and the Order of the
5 We are into hip-hop and pop music.
5 Where / What s Tina?
Shes at home.
6 Hi Brad. I think you are a fabulous actor. 6 What / When s Tinas birthday?
Its on 12th June.

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157827 _ 0061-0072.indd 62 16/6/09 07:14:34

Vocabulary 1

Favourite things Sport

1 Complete the sentences. 3 Complete the sentences.

1 I like rug b y .
cat | DVD | bike | trainers
MP3 player | books 2 Im a f of snowb .
3 Im in ten .
1 I love cycling. My favourite things my 4 I lo horse .
5 My favour sports kara .
2 Im a fan of Orlando Bloom. My favourite 6 Baske s brilliant.
s The Lord of the Rings.
3 J.K. Rowling is brilliant. Im a fan of the 4 Complete the list with your favourite
Harry Potter . things.
4 My favourite things my .
I love music!
5 I dont like shoes, but I love .
6 My family love animals. We have two dogs
and a .

2 Match the parts of the sentences.

1 Its expensive, but I love this d
2 My favourite musical instruments the
3 I like my new
4 Mario Bros and Sims are
I love
5 This photos cool. I love this
Im into
6 I love sports Im a fan of
My favourite
a piano.
b computer games.
c camera.
d games console. Dictionary work
e mobile.
f clothes. 5 Translate the words.
1 gymnastics
2 table tennis
3 billiards

Favourite things
4 drum kit
5 roller skates
6 rabbit

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157827 _ 0061-0072.indd 63 16/6/09 07:14:35

Grammar 1

Subject pronouns 4 Complete the interview with be.

1 Write or . Correct the mistakes.

1 My names Dee. You like basketball.
My names Dee. I like basketball.
2 This is Joe. Hes into pop music.

3 Joe and Dee are friends. Were from York.

4 Yorks in England. Its a cool city. Melinda! Are you a fan of techno music?
No (1) I m not.
5 I love my cat. Youre a Siamese cat. What are you a fan of?
Im a fan of Julian T. (2) He
great but hes OK. I love Beyonc. And
2 Match the questions with the answers.
Christina Aguilera. (3) They
Then complete the answers.
1 Wheres Paris? d
But are they your number one singers?
2 What are karate and football?
No, (4) they .
3 Whos Britney Spears?
Is Julian T your boyfriend?
4 Where am I?
No, (5) we friends.
5 Are you into rock music?
Whos your number one singer?
6 Mary and Laura, are you sisters?
(6) I my number one singer!
a re at school.
b No, re friends. Question words
c s a singer.
d Its in France.
5 Look at the answers. Write the questions.
1 your / birthday?
e re sports.
Whens your birthday?
f No, m into rap music.
Its on 17th August.
be: present simple 2 old / you / Melinda?

3 Order the words.

Im 39.
1 a / fan / nt / you / are / of / The Simpsons
3 your / favourite / actress?
You arent a fan of The Simpsons.
2 is / in / Paris / nt / the / US
Its me, of course.
4 your / favourite / song?
3 nt / he / British / is
Its Five minutes by me and Julian T.
4 we / cats / nt / are 5 is / your / house?

5 they / from / are / Japan / nt Its in London.

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157827 _ 0061-0072.indd 64 16/6/09 07:14:36

Vocabulary 2

4 My mother thinks spiders are

. (caysr)
1 Find six words. 5 Our bird is never quiet. Its very
f t w d i d q u t o . (oinsy)
c h i l d r e n e a 6 I dont like ants because they are
i h b n s c h a n d . (onnaying)

a s p p d t l e i g 5 Match the pets and the people.

o m d a u g h t e r 1 a
g t g r c x t s c a
o i y e c e f u e n
v v n n h f e w q n
a y a t i m u m r y
2 b
b i d s a e r o d f

2 Circle the odd word.

1 mum | mother | son
2 grandfather | dad | grandad 3 c
3 stepfather | granny | grandmother
4 dad | nephew | father
5 aunt | uncle | cousins
6 niece | nephew | parents 4 d

3 Complete the next word in the puzzle.

1 daughter - mother -
gr a n d m o t h e r
5 e
2 son - father - gra
3 aunt - niece - uncle - nep
4 mother - stepfather - father -
6 f
5 mother - daughter - father - s
6 dad - father - mum - mo

Adjectives for pets

1 Johns pet is scary. e
4 Write the words.
2 Grannys pet is cuddly.
1 My sisters cat is very clean.
3 Katies pet is messy.
4 Dads pet is intelligent.
2 I like rabbits. They are .
(ddlyuc) 5 Grandads pet is clean.
3 My dog is . (lyfriend) 6 My pet is quiet.

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157827 _ 0061-0072.indd 65 16/6/09 07:14:37

Grammar 2

this, that, these, those Possessive s

1 Circle the correct option. 3 Complete one gap in every sentence with
s or .
1 4
Pop star Madonnas got a big family. Shes got
two sons and a daughter.
1 Madonna is my mums favourite singer
and I like her too.

2 5 2 Madonna daughter is Lourdes.

3 Her sons names are Rocco and David.
4 Lourdes dad lives in New York.
5 Madonnas brothers names are
Martin, Anthony and Christopher.
3 6
6 Her sisters names are Melanie and
Paula Mae.

Present Simple

1 This / That is my dad, Max.

4 Write the correct form of the verb.
1 Bambi is a celebrity dog. (be)
2 This / That s Delia.
2 She with a famous
3 This / These are my best friends. actress. (live)
4 That / This is my games console. 3 Bambi in restaurants
5 These / Those are my computer games. with the actress and her friends. (eat)
6 These / Those are my books. 4 Bambi many friends in
Los Angeles. (have)
Possessive adjectives 5 She on the beach in
California. (run)
2 Match the sentences.
6 She to New York at the
1 Im a fish.
weekend. (fly)
2 Ive got a sister.
3 Ive also got a brother.
5 Write the sentences.
4 We live in the ocean.
1 Bambi / swim every day.
5 Weve got a pet ant.
6 Weve got a lot of cousins. Bambi swims every day.

a Its names Pant. 5 2 Bambi / play with cats.

b My names Neno.
3 The actress / give Bambi chocolate.
c Her names Nora.
d Theyre actors in animated films.
4 Bambi / stay at home every day.
e Our house is cool.
f His names Nimo.
5 Bambi / have got an MP3 player.

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157827 _ 0061-0072.indd 66 16/6/09 07:14:38

Vocabulary 2

Family 4 Complete the sentences with adjectives.

1 Write the correct word. 1. Im very clean.

1 Penelope Cruz is an actress. Her issret is
Monica Cruz. sister
2 Paris Hilton is rich. Her rfahte has got a lot
of hotels.
3 Javier Bardem is Pilar Bardems ons. 2. Im very n

4 Bill and Tom Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel are

3. I like to be
5 Suri Cruise is the aghuterd of Tom Cruise.

6 My name is Zahara. Angelina Jolie is my

thmroe. 4. I am normally very
2 Match the descriptions with the words.
1 My mothers sister is my f
2 My mothers mother is my 5. I am q
3 Another word for father is
4 My mother and my father are my
5 My uncles children are my
6. I am not a
6 Another word for mother is normal bird.
a grandmother I am very
b dad s
c cousins
d mum
e parents Dictionary work
f aunt
5 Translate the words.
Adjectives for pets Family
1 mother-in-law
3 Circle the correct option.
2 father-in-law
1 My grandmothers cat bites.
Shes friendly / scary. 3 half-brother
2 My cat understands many things. 4 half-sister
Shes intelligent / cuddly.
3 Dad doesnt like the hamster. Adjectives for pets
He says hamsters are clean / messy. 5 playful
4 My rabbit plays with my friends.
6 moody
He is noisy / friendly.
7 crafty
5 Oh no! The ants are in my sandwich.
They are very annoying / clean. 8 proud
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157827 _ 0061-0072.indd 67 16/6/09 07:14:38

Grammar 2

this, that, these, those 3 Write or . Correct the mistakes.

Bart Simpson and his family are famous.
1 Circle the correct option.
1 His sisterss names are Lisa and Maggie.
1 His sisters names are Lisa and Maggie.
2 His mums name is Marge.
3 Homer is Barts father.
4 Lisa and Maggie are Marges daughters.

4 5 Bart is Homer son.

5 6 Selma and Patty are Marge sisters.

6 Present simple
4 Change the sentences from affirmative to
negative or from negative to affirmative.
1 The ideal sister eats my chips.
1 That / This / These is my English class. The ideal sister doesnt eat my chips.
2 That / This / Those is our teacher Daniel. 2 She doesnt do my homework.
3 This / These / Those are my friends from
the class. 3 The ideal sister isnt friendly to me.
4 That / These / Those are our pictures.
5 Those / This / These are our books. 4 She doesnt give me money.
6 This / That / These is our English
homework. 5 The ideal sister watches my television.

Possessive adjectives 6 She plays music in my bedroom.

2 Complete the sentences.
1 I love music award shows.
My 5 Write sentences about the ideal brother.
favourite show is the
MTV Europe Music Awards. 1 The ideal brother s t a y s in his room.
2 He d s
2 I have a favourite male singer.
in class.
name is Kanye West. 3 He s his lessons
3 Britney Spears is good. I like every day.
album Blackout. 4 He f all his
4 My friends have a favourite group. homework.
name is Tokio Hotel. 5 He w his hands before
favourite presenter is dinner.
Justin Timberlake. We think hes great! 6 The ideal brother i messy.
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157827 _ 0061-0072.indd 68 16/6/09 07:14:39

Vocabulary 3

Daily routines Free time activities

1 Write the words in the correct category. 4 Look at the pictures. Correct the text
about Pauls day.
to bed | a shower | lunch
to school | breakfast | home 1 4


2 5

2 Order the words.

3 6

day! 1 Paul sees books.
2 He chats on the computer games.
3 He listens to friends.
4 He plays shopping.
1 Steve wakes up at 11 a.m. 5 He does music.
(keswa) 6 He reads on the Internet.
2 He has in bed. 1 Paul sees his friends.
3 Then he his teeth.
4 He goes to at 1.30.
(loosch) 5

5 He has a . (ershow) 6

6 He has in a hotel. (nchlu) 5 Circle the correct option.

1 I always do / listen exercise.
3 Complete the sentences.
1 Billy ge t s u p at 12 oclock. 2 At the weekend I chat / listen on the
2 He h di er in a restaurant.
3 In the afternoon I do / see my friends.
3 He g ho e at 9.30 p.m.
4 We normally go / read shopping.
4 He do some exercise at home.
5 I usually read / play computer games in the
5 Billy h a sho . evening.
6 He go to b at 11.00. 6 I sometimes read / meet books.

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157827 _ 0061-0072.indd 69 16/6/09 07:14:40

Grammar 3

Adverbs of frequency 3 Complete the questions.

do | where | what | does

1 Order the sentences.
where | when

1 Fernando, where do you live?

I live in Colombia. Shakira and Juanes are
from Colombia!
2 What you like reading?
1 Juanes / in the shower / always sings I like reading Harry Potter books.
Juanes always sings in the shower. 3 do you go to school?
I go to school every day, from Monday to
2 he / at the weekend / often plays / football
4 do you meet your friends?
3 never sings / he / rap music I meet them at our football club.
5 Where your best friend
4 he / around the world / often travels live?
He lives next door.
6 does he do at the
5 on the Internet / hardly ever chats / he
He listens to music at my house.
6 his friend Shakira / usually meets / he
love, like, not like, hate + ing form

Present simple: questions 4 Write true (t) or false (f) for you.
Then correct the false sentences.
2 Complete the questions with do or does. 1 I love listening to rap music.
Match the questions with the answers.
1 Shakira, do you listen to
2 I hate watching action films.
2 you like Juanes?
3 I hate doing exercise.
3 your boyfriend like Juanes?
4 your mother like your
music? 4 I dont like shopping.
5 your fans chat with you
on Internet? 5 I love dancing.
6 your sister speak English?

a Yes, they do. 6 I like swimming.

b No, he doesnt!
c Yes, I do. 1
d Yes, she does.
e Yes, I do.
f Yes, she does.

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157827 _ 0061-0072.indd 70 16/6/09 07:14:41

Vocabulary 3

Daily routines Free time activities

1 Match the descriptions with the daily 3 Write the correct words in the gaps.
routines. My name is Tomoko. Im thirteen and I live in
1 You do this in the bathroom. Tokyo. In my free time I (1) chat
2 This is the first thing you do every day. (hcat) on the Internet. After school
3 This is the last thing you do every day. I (2) (tmee) my friends.
We go to the library and (3)
4 You do this every morning and night.
(dear) books. Or we (4)
5 When school is finished you do this. (nilste) to music - I love hip-hop. In
6 The teacher tells you to do this. the evening I do my homework and
(5) (yapl) computer games.
a brush your teeth 4
Then I (6) (od) some
b wake up exercise.
c do homework
4 Complete the email with verbs.
d go home
e have a shower
f go to bed Hi Tomoko! My name is Erin. Im twelve and I live in
San Diego, California.
2 Write about a perfect day for Chris. In my free time I often (1) read .
I love manga comics! And I always
(2) on the Internet.
I (3) my friends at the beach.
The weather is very good here. We also love
hip-hop music. I (4) to music
and (5) exercise on the
beach. I also (6) computer
games. My favourite game is Super Mario Bros.

1 A perfect day for Chris:

Dictionary work
First, he wakes up at 10.30.
2 He sleeps for another 30 minutes. 5 Write the words in the correct category.
Next, to the library | supper | a snack
3 Then, he goes to the swimming pool. for a walk | nothing
and cards | chess | yoga

4 He swims for an hour.

After that, GO HAVE

5 Then, he goes to the cinema. supper

6 Finally,


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157827 _ 0061-0072.indd 71 16/6/09 07:14:41

Grammar 3

Adverbs of frequency
Yes, Eva Amaral lives in Madrid.
1 Write or . Correct the mistakes. 3
1 Tomoko usually goes to school by train. Yes, he does. Juan Aguirre also lives in
2 The train hardly ever is late.
The train is hardly ever late. 4
3 Tomoko does usually her homework on the Yes, they do. They write their own songs.
train. 5
No, they dont. They normally sing in
4 She sometimes sees her English teacher 6
on the train. Yes, they do. The address is:

5 Tomoko always is friendly. love, like, not like, hate + -ing form

6 She never has lunch at home.

2 Write sentences about Erin.

1 Erin / always / speak Spanish at school.
Erin always speaks Spanish at school.
2 She / usually / be tired on Monday morning.

3 She / hardly ever / watch TV in the morning.

4 She / sometimes / send text messages.

5 She / always / be happy to meet other

manga fans.

4 Look at the notes. Write the sentences.

1 The writer loves Fifty Cent. (love)
6 She / never / be tired of manga comics.
2 (love)
3 (like)
Present simple: questions 4 (not like)
3 Write the questions. 5 (hate)
1 Do you like Eva Amaral? 6 (hate)
Yes. I think Eva Amaral is a great singer.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0061-0072.indd 72 16/6/09 07:14:42

Vocabulary 4

Food School subjects

1 Find the food words. Then complete the 4 Write the correct words.
1 kiesiaotoastlwoausodsnao
2 jideorangejuicelaowpsntio
3 keowuabaconlewostanxoe
4 poepizzawietahskocaleidk
5 uretwgsaroastbeefbaowue
6 gawievegetablesoepwand

1 For breakfast I eat toast .

2 I always drink .
3 I sometimes eat sausages and
4 For lunch I eat a . My favourite subjects are:
5 My mum makes me sandwiches with 1 Atr & ngides
2 thsma
6 My dad doesnt eat .
3 renhcf
2 Match the foods with the category. 4 ecneics
a meat 5 sicmu
b fish
c drinks 6 geophygrap
d vegetables
e fruit 5 Complete the school timetable.
f other

1 banana and apple e MONDAY

2 ham and bacon 9.00 - 10.00 Fr e n c h

3 water and milk PE (Physical

10.00 - 11.00
Educ )
4 bread and cheese
5 salmon and tuna
11.15 - 12.15 Mat
6 onion and cucumber
ICT (Information
3 Write examples for each category. 12.15 - 1.15 and Communication
Tech )
drink vegetable fruit
milk 2.30 - 3.30 His
3.30 - 4.30 Dr

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157827 _ 0073-0084.indd 73 18/6/09 19:27:44

Grammar 4

Countable and uncountable nouns Frequency expressions

1 Circle the correct option. 4 Order the words. Complete the sentences.
1 I love a bacon. 1 Rafa Nadal plays tennis
I love bacon. every day,
2 Do you like pasta? from Monday to Sunday. y.
Do you like a pasta? (eryev)

3 I have two apple for lunch every day. 2 We play tennis

I have two apples for lunch every day. a
week at school. (witce)
4 I need a onion for the salad.
I need an onion for the salad. 3 And I go to the tennis
5 Im sorry. I dont eat a meat. times a week. (reeth).
Im sorry. I dont eat meat.
4 He only does his homework
6 Would you like milk with the coffee? a week! (ceon)
Would you like milks with the coffee?
5 My teacher gives the class homework
times a week. (oruf)
a lot of, some, any
6 My dad says, Do your homework every
2 Complete the sentences. ! (yad) Or no more tennis!

any | some | a lot | any | some | a lot

I want to be the
next Rafa Nadal!
1 I eat a lot of fruit.
2 I eat of chips. How often?
3 I normally dont eat
cheese. 5 Circle the correct option.
Mum How often (1) does / do your teacher
4 I have cereal in the
give you ICT homework?
Juan She gives us ICT homework every day.
5 I always have hot Mum How often (2) does / do you do your ICT
chocolate after the cereal. homework?
6 I never eat vegetables! Juan I do it every day, mum!
I hate them. Mum How often (3) does / do your English
teacher give you homework?
3 Complete the words. Tick () if the Juan She gives us homework twice a week.
sentences are true for you. Can I watch television now?
1 I drink s o m e milk every day. Mum Juan, how often (4) does / do your sister
watch television?
2 I dont eat a chocolate. Juan She never watches television!
3 I eat a l of pasta. Mum No television for you today.
Juan Mum, how often (5) does / do I say
4 I eats s bananas every day.
this? Claudia watches TV on the
5 I dont eat a fish. Internet!
6 I eat a l of vegetables.

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157827 _ 0073-0084.indd 74 16/6/09 07:15:35

Vocabulary 4

Food 4 Complete the sentences.

1 I like History because Im
1 Circle the odd word. interested in the past.
1 onion, tomato, cheese 2 I play the guitar and the violin. I have
2 mayonnaise, roast beef, ham classes every day.

3 tuna, salmon, salami 3 My mother is a computer expert. She says

that is very important.
4 bacon, cucumber, sausage
4 I want to be an actor. My favourite subject
5 orange juice, water, eggs at school is .
6 vegetables, fruit, onion 5 My worst subject is
because I hate sports.
2 Complete the words. 6 Im a fan of Stephen Hawking and Einstein.
1 This is a fruit. It is long and it has I read a lot of books.
a yellow skin. b a n a n a
2 You need this for sandwiches or toast. Dictionary work
5 Translate the words.
3 This is a drink. It comes from fruit. Food
o j 1 peppers
4 This a red vegetable. You eat it in salads. 2 olive oil
t 3 herbs
5 You eat this with hamburgers or salads. School subjects
m 4 Biology
6 Chorizo is an example of this. 5 Literature
s 6 Philosophy

School subjects 6 Complete the sentences with the words.

1 Who are we? Where are we going? These are
3 Match the subjects with the examples.
important questions in Philosophy.
1 Art & Design e
2 is the study of living
2 Music organisms.
3 Geography 3 I dont like mayonnaise on my salad.
4 Maths I prefer .
4 If you like to read, you will like studying
5 French
6 PE
5 Do you put on the meat?
a hip-hop, rock and classical
6 There are yellow, red, orange and green
b Bonjour Madame. Je mappelle Vanessa.
c basketball and football.
d 32 10 = 320
e Picasso was a painter and sculptor.
f The capital city of Canada is Ottawa.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0073-0084.indd 75 16/6/09 07:15:36

Grammar 4

Countable and uncountable nouns Frequency expressions

1 Complete the text with a / an / s / - 4 Complete the sentences.

This is my perfect lunch: 1 Enjoy your birthday. Its only
once a year.
1 First, I eat a hamburger with bacon
and cheese. 2 I have holidays times
2 Then I have ham on toast. a year, in summer, at Christmas and at
3 Or I eat sandwich with chip .
3 We have Maths class a
4 I love roast beef and vegetable . week, on Monday and Friday.
5 Or I eat pizza with spinach. 4 My friends and I love shopping.
6 For dessert I have orange or banana. We go week,
on Saturday.
a lot of, some, any 5 We do English a lot,
times a week, Monday to Thursday.
2 Circle the two correct options.
6 We have Drama on Friday,
1 I need a lot of tomatoes / cheese / chip a week.
for the dinner.
2 I dont need any meat / any potatoes /
How often?
some meat.
3 For the fruit salad, I want any bananas / 5 Read the answers. Write the questions.
some apples / a lot of oranges. 1 How often does your brother chat on the
4 I think eating some pasta / meat / Internet?
vegetable is a good idea. My brother chats on the Internet
5 And can you buy some sandwiches / every day.
fishes / apples? 2
6 In the supermarket theres fresh fruit /
fresh fish / fresh breads.
My mum works every day.
3 Look at Tracys shopping bag. 3
Complete the sentences. I cook dinner twice a week.

My brother never cooks dinner!


My friends go on holiday once a year.

1 She eats a lot of fruit.
2 She eats some . I have a party every year, on my
3 She doesnt eat any . birthday.

4 She eats some .

5 She drinks a lot of .
6 She doesnt drink any .
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0073-0084.indd 76 16/6/09 07:15:36

Vocabulary 5

The weather Collocations

1 Complete the sentences. 3 Find the collocations.

Celebrity weather report: 1 heiasreadanewspaperjsuwaksoelwn
2 getawoalaeqreatsomecerealkatwusiw
3 ihveadeamthaelttlwhbaldrinkmilkqo
4 bauerobabankbaakoamaithpreideofu
5 goisaoslebitimthrenothwathwatchtvi
6 paawaarllinstowhelistentomusicanieo

4 Correct the collocations.

1 do the phone do your homework
1 In Miami it is h o t . Its 40C. J- Lo is on
the beach. 2 listen to a newspaper listen to

2 But in New York its rai . Leo de 3 rob your homework rob
Cap is in a cool restaurant. 4 watch music watch
3 In Tokyo its fo . We cant see 5 answer milk answer
6 eat a bank eat
4 In Paris its 0C. Its co . Angelina has
7 drink some cereal drink
a winter jacket from Gucci.
8 read TV read
5 In Colorado its sno . Its
celebrity ski week. Britney and Justin are
5 Complete the sentences.
6 Finally, in London its clo . doing | reading | listening | watching
Coldplay are at the airport. Theyre going answering | drinking
on holiday!
1 Enriques listening to music.
2 Circle the correct option. 2 Nicoles the phone.
1 In Sydney its summer. Its sunny /
3 Britney and Cristina are
snowing. Nicolas drinking ice tea.
their homework.
2 The weather is great. Its 25C and its
4 Justins a newspaper.
cold / warm.
5 Jennifers TV.
3 In Hawaii its windy / raining. Its a perfect
day to surf. Welcome to celebrity surf! 6 Leonardos milk.

4 The sky in Hollywood is grey, not blue! Its

a cloudy / warm day for the Oscars.
5 Dont forget your raincoat at the Milan
Fashion Week because its raining / foggy.
6 Its winter in Moscow. Its -20C and its
hot / cold. Enrique and Anna are shopping.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0073-0084.indd 77 16/6/09 07:15:37

Grammar 5

Present continuous 3 Complete the questions. Match the

questions with the answers.
1 Circle the correct option
are | is | what | are | where | are
1 Im lieing / lying on the sofa at the moment.
2 My mum is sitting / siting beside me. 1 What are you doing now? e
3 Were waching / watching the television. 2 you eating hamburgers?
4 My sister is phoning / phoneing her boyfriend. 3 your cousin with you?
5 My brother is swimming / swiming at the 4 are you going tomorrow?
5 are you buying?
6 Dad is droving / driving home.
6 you taking a lot of
2 Write true (t) or false (f). Correct the false photographs?
sentences. a Were going shopping on Fifth Avenue.
b Yes, she is.
c Im buying a new MP3 player.
d Yes, I am.
e Were having lunch now.
f No, were not. Were having a salad and fries.

Present continuous v. present simple

4 Circle the correct option.
1 I sing every day / at the moment because
2 I want to be a famous singer.
2 On Mondays / At the moment Im studying
for a Music test.
3 I have a group. Were doing a concert next
week / always.
4 My boyfriend sometimes / today plays the
guitar with us.
5 We are writing a new song now / on
1 Hi Kelly. Im cooking at the moment. f 6 We usually / tomorrow listen to music in
She is relaxing at the moment. my house.
2 Dad is watching the TV.

3 Your brother is doing his homework.

4 Hi Mum. Im doing my homework.

5 No, Mum. Were not shopping.

6 My friend isnt listening to music, Mum.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0073-0084.indd 78 16/6/09 07:15:38

Vocabulary 5

4 There are no fizzy drinks here. The children

The weather
always drink phone / cereal / milk.
1 Match the pictures with the description. 5 Can you call later? Were watching the
newspaper / the TV / the phone at the
1 4
6 My mother studies English. Shes doing
her homework / phone / newspaper now.

2 5
4 Complete the collocations.
Welcome to Very Big Brother TV!

1 Today, Eric is listening

to music.
3 6
2 Paula is a the
p .
3 Rob is d his
a Its warm. d Its cold. h .

b Its foggy. e Its sunny. 4 Kathy is d

c Its windy. f Its cloudy. 1 m .
5 Henry the pig is e
2 Write the weather description.
Hilarys c !
1 When there is a lot of light from the sun.
Its sunny. Dictionary work
2 The temperature is high, but its not hot. 5 Put the words into the correct category.

the housework | a podcast

3 When solidified water falls from the sky. an Internet radio station | a blog
an ebook | karate | a novel

4 When hats blow away. read

1 a novel
5 When its not easy to see. 2
listen to
Collocations 4
3 Circle the correct option. 5
1 I love reading a newspaper / a homework / do
milk in the morning. 6
2 I cant talk now. Im eating some milk / 7
some cereal / some bank.
3 Look! Those men are robbing a cereal /
a milk / a bank.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0073-0084.indd 79 16/6/09 07:15:39

Grammar 5

Present continuous 3 Complete the questions and answers.

1 Wh a t a r e you doing ?
1 Complete the sentences. We r e watch i n g a football game.
1 We re having a fantastic time on 2 Wh teams are pla ?
holiday. (have) Liverpool FC and Manchester United FC
2 I any homework. (not do) are pla .
3 Mum is happy because she 3 What team win ?
. (not work) Liverpool win 2-1.
4 She in the hotel pool.
4 Xabi Alonso play ?
Yes, he !
5 My brothers on the hotel
terrace. (run) 5 you taking photographs?
Yes, . Im taking a photo of Xabi
6 They any postcards.
(not write)
6 Where you sit ?
2 Write the sentences. We sit at the front.
We can see everything!
dance | drive | eat | play | swim | visit
Present continuous v. present simple
1 4
4 Write the present simple or the present
1 I always go to football
games. (go)
2 I usually a coffee after
the game. (have)
2 5
3 I in a caf now. (sit)
4 Xabi Alonso lunch here
at the moment. (have)
5 Xabi Alonso football
for the Spanish national team and for

Liverpool. (play)
3 6 6 He a game at the
moment. (play)

1 Dad isnt swimming.

2 He .
3 Janet .
4 She .
5 David and John .
6 They .
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0073-0084.indd 80 16/6/09 07:15:39

Vocabulary 6

Prepositions of place 3 There are six cats in a room. Complete the

1 Find the prepositions.
1 Chris is o n the table.
1 ndsisoleunderalsjeiwdndxk 2 Jen is bet the table and the
2 betwsiwosjnexttoakawidwla door.
3 heaobehindaksiwehwpsdnw 3 Amy is un the TV.
4 bewiaosalwaxbshabovemdk 4 Pearl is ne t the phone.
5 ajsndjncdjkbetweenamdkwp 5 Pink is be the phone.
6 sjfnewusinfrontofafersgdbcl 6 Beth is a the phone.

2 Circle the correct preposition.

The home

4 Complete the words.

1 I have got a so u n d sys t e m in my
2 Our coo is new.
3 Close the wi ! Its really cold
in here.
4 There is a lot of food in the
cu .
5 Ive got some great clothes in my
war .
6 I love the Liverpool FC pi
on my bed.

5 Complete the sentences.

mirror | carpet | shelf
floor | wall | plants

1 I look in the mirror every morning

when I brush my teeth.
2 There are a lot of posters on my .
3 My favourite books are on my .
4 My need water every day.
5 The cats love lying on the warm .
6 They dont like lying on the .

1 Max is under / on the TV.

2 Al is behind / in front of the TV.
3 Dan is behind / in the TV.
4 Paul is next to / above the TV.
5 Tom is above / in the TV.
6 Ben is under / on the TV.
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0073-0084.indd 81 16/6/09 07:15:41

Grammar 6

there is/there are have got

1 Circle the correct option. 4 True or false? Correct the false sentences.
In New York
1 There is / There are a famous statue called
the Statue of Liberty.
2 There is / There are many tall buildings.
3 There are any / some great parks.
4 There arent any / some pyramids.
5 There isnt a / any palace.
6 Theres / There are a street called Fifth
1 Hes got a lot of money. False
He hasnt got any money.
there is/there are: questions
2 Theyve got a lot of plants.
2 Complete the questions and answers.
Are 3 They havent got a lot of books.
1 there many tourists in New
York? Yes, there are.
4 They havent got a TV.
2 there an underground or metro
system? Yes, there is.
5 Shes got a lot of bags.
3 Are there good museums?
Yes, there are.
6 Theyve got a lot of chairs.
4 Is there famous park?
Yes, there is. Its called Central Park.
7 The dogs got a lot of food.
5 Are there mountains in the city?
No, there .
6 Are there a lot of things to see?
Yes, there . have got: questions

5 Complete the questions.

Object pronouns
what | has | have
3 Circle the correct option. has | have | got
1 On your next holiday, please come and
1 Have you got a lot of friends?
visit you / me .
2 I live in a fantastic city. Tourists love it / Yes, at school and on my street.
him. 2 Have all your friends a mobile?
3 My neighbour is Robbie Williams. Do you Yes, they have.
know him / it? 3 have you got on your bedroom
4 He says hi to my brother and me when he wall?
sees me / us. Ive got posters and a calendar.
5 There are a lot of famous people in LA. 4 your flat got a garden?
You see them / us on the street. No, it hasnt.
6 Tonight Christina Aguilera is giving a 5 your dad got a car?
concert. I really like her / him. Yes, he has. But he prefers his bike.
6 you got a favourite website?
Yes, I have. Its YouTube.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0073-0084.indd 82 16/6/09 07:15:41

Vocabulary 6

Prepositions of place The home

1 Complete the sentences. 3 Match the words with the descriptions.

1 a window f
2 a wardrobe
3 a sound system
4 a cooker
5 a plant
Larry 6 a wall
a A rooms normally got four.
b This is a living thing. Sometimes its got
c You play music on this.
Dan d You put your clothes in this.
e You prepare food on or in this.
f Light comes in and we can look out of it.

Tina 4 Complete the sentences.

pillows | plants | wardrobe
window | sound system | shelves
1 There is a wardrobe full of cool clothes.
2 There are with all my favourite
DVDs and games.
3 Out of the you can see the city
1 John is under the sound system. and the mountains.
2 Tina is to John. 4 There are comfortable on the bed.
3 Duffy is of Tina. 5 The has got all my
4 Laura is the sound system. favourite music.
5 Larry is to Laura. 6 There are tropical with beautiful
6 Dan is Laura and Larry. flowers.

2 Complete the sentences. Dictionary work

front | on | next
between | in | behind
5 Write the words. Use a dictionary.
fridge | bedside lamp | dishwasher
1 The students rehearse in the dance toaster | armchair | bath | cushions | rug
2 The teacher dances in of the 1 You can read in bed if you have this.
students. a bedside lamp
3 At lunchtime, they go to a caf to 2 You make toast with this.
the studio. 3 You put them on your sofa.
4 The theatre is the studio and a 4 Its a big comfortable chair.
restaurant. 5 This cleans the plates.
5 On stage, the students wait the 6 This is in the bathroom.
curtain. 7 You put this on the floor.
6 Please, dont dance the tables! 8 Its cold in here.
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0073-0084.indd 83 16/6/09 07:15:42

Grammar 6

there is/there are 4 In this picture Donald Ducks talking to

. Im not very happy.
1 Write or . Correct the errors. 5 There are many restaurants. I like
1 There are any hotels in Disneyland a lot.
in Paris. 6 Johnny Depps my favourite Disney actor.
There are some hotels in Disneyland in Paris. Do you know ?
2 There is a Disney village in Disneyland.
have got
3 There are a cinema in Disneyland.
4 Order the sentences.
4 There is a Caf Mickey in Disneyland. 1 he / in his car / got / a sound system / s
Hes got a sound system in his car.
5 There isnt any Caf Donald Duck. 2 s / she / a lot of DVDs / got

6 There isnt any old buildings.

3 havent / got / a / they / TV
7 There are some fantastic shows.
4 hasnt / got / a dog / he

there is/there are: questions

5 a cat / hasnt / she / got
2 Write the questions.
1 a space mountain in Disneyland? 6 got / they / a / ve / house
Is there a space mountain in Disneyland?
2 Disney characters in the park?
have got: questions
5 Complete the questions. Match them with
3 a Disneyland in Berlin? the answers.
1 Has your city got a Disneyland? c
2 you got English on Mondays?
4 zoos in Disneyland?
3 your friend got a cool room?
4 has your friend got in her room?
5 website? 5 What you got in your bag?
6 your parents got a computer in their
6 Disneyland airport?

a Ive got books, pens and my MP3 player.

Object pronouns b Shes got a bed, a big wardrobe and a
3 Complete the sentences with an object computer.
pronoun. c No, it hasnt. Its got a Warner Brothers
1 I go to Disneyland every year. I love it.
d Yes, she has.
2 Im a fan of rollercoasters. I love .
e No, they havent.
3 My sisters favourite character is Minnie
f Yes, I have.
Mouse. She loves .

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0073-0084.indd 84 16/6/09 07:15:43

Vocabulary 7

Physical descriptions Jobs

1 Complete the crossword. 4 Match the definitions with the jobs.

1 This persons job is to write books, stories
2 or articles.
2 3 2 This person climbs mountains as a job.
s h o r t
3 This person is normally an expert in
2 4 4 This person travels in space.
5 This person creates art.
6 This person helps sick people.
a a mountaineer 2
1 b a writer
1 c an astronaut
d a doctor
3 e a scientist
f an artist
2 Circle the correct option.
1 Ive got long straight hair / long slim hair.
2 Shes got curly black hair / curly tall hair. 5 Complete the words.
1 My mothers a doc t o r . She works in
3 Im quite wavy / short.
a hospital.
4 My mum s got / s blue eyes.
2 I love books. I want to be a wri .
5 My brother s got / s tall.
3 I think only an astro can go to
6 Hes got long short hair / short blonde hair. the Moon.
4 Some professional tennis play are
3 Complete the sentences.
1 My favourite singer is Pink. Shes got pink
hair. (ahir) 5 Our Art teacher at school is an excellent
art .
2 Pau Gasols very , about 2
metres! (atll) 6 Felipe of Spain is a pr .

3 Kylie Minogues . Shes

about 1.5 metres. (hosrt)
4 Billy Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel has
black hair. (ogln)
5 Michael Phelps is a great swimmer. Hes
quite . (lism)
6 Sometimes Rihanna has got
black hair. (vywa)

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0085-0096.indd 85 16/6/09 07:16:35

Grammar 7

was/were 3 He live in Scotland when he was a

1 Write the sentences with was, were,
4 He stud drama at the Guildhall
wasnt, werent.
School of Music and Drama.
1 I am at the MTV music awards yesterday.
5 In July 2004 he finish a 25,000 km
I was at the MTV music awards yesterday. motorcycle trip.
2 There are a lot of cool artists. 6 Hes a great actor. Yesterday I watch
three Star Wars films!

3 My favourite singer, Rihanna, is there.

4 Complete the sentences.
1 4
4 But my number one group Coldplay arent

5 The sound system at the show isnt great.

6 But my friends and I are very happy.

2 5

2 Complete the questions.

1 When was Britney Spears born?
She was born on 2nd December, 1981.
2 was she born?
She was born in McComb, Mississippi.
3 was her mothers job?
Her mother was a teacher.
3 6
4 her first albums popular?
Yes, they were.
5 Britney in a pop group
called Innosense?
Yes, she was.
6 her grandparents Irish?
No, they werent.

1 Last Saturday I didnt study.

Past simple: regular verbs
2 My friends and I played football.
3 Complete the verbs in the past simple.
3 I a picture.
1 Ewan McGregor married Eve Mavrakis
in 1995. 4 My friends and I TV.

2 Ewan play Obi-Wan Kenobi in the 5 I a mountain.

Star Wars films. 6 I a bank.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0085-0096.indd 86 16/6/09 07:16:37

Vocabulary 7

Physical descriptions Jobs

1 Correct the mistakes. 2 Complete the sentences.

1 Pedro Duque is a Spanish
1 4 astronaut. (natuastro)
2 Venus Williams and Roger Federer are
. (nniste laypers)
3 Velzquez and Goya were famous Spanish
. (tistasr)
4 Einstein and Newton were famous
. (cseinttiss)
2 Bonjour 5
5 Laura Gallego and J.K. Rowling are
. (swtrier)
6 Felipe de Borbn is a .

3 Write the correct profession.

1 A writer normally uses a pen,
3 6 pencil or a computer.
2 An a often needs pencils,
paint and paper.
3 Sometimes a d gives
medicine to his/her patients.
4 An a needs a space suit
to travel into space.
1 Our Maths teacher is Sarah. Shes tall, slim 5 As often does
and shes got straight hair. experiments in a laboratory.
She isnt tall. Shes short. 6 At needs a racket and
2 Peters our PE teacher. Hes tall and hes a ball.
got long curly hair.
Dictionary work

3 Martins our Art and Design teacher. Hes 4 Translate the words.
quite short, and hes got short curly hair. Physical descriptions
1 spiky hair
4 Debras our Geography teacher. Shes got 2 bald
short black hair. 3 handsome
4 beautiful
5 Nicoles our French teacher. Shes got long Jobs
black hair and shes short. 5 nurse
6 architect
6 Brians our Music teacher. Hes fat and hes 7 marketing executive
got short curly hair.
8 IT specialist
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0085-0096.indd 87 16/6/09 07:16:37

Grammar 7

was/were Past simple: regular verbs

1 Complete the sentences. 3 Complete the sentences.

1 Christina Aguilera finish | land | climb | discover
w a s born in create | study
New York.
2 Her grandmother Last week on Celebrity Island:
w born created
1 Last Monday Nicola a
in the US.
3 As a child, Christina w
2 On Tuesday Danny gold.
always happy.
3 Mandy a tree.
4 The children at school w
4 Bob jumped across the water and
nice to her.
on the other island.
5 Christina w a presenter on a TV
5 Last Wednesday Susan
some maps.
6 Justin and Britney w on the TV
6 Max his house.
programme too.
4 True or false? Correct the false sentences.
2 Order the questions. Then match them
Make them true for you.
with the answers.
1 We watched Celebrity Island in class
1 Christinas / where / born / was /
grandmother ? False. We didnt watch Celebrity Island in class
Where was Christinas grandmother born? yesterday.
2 Christinas / first album / what / was ? 2 We watched a movie in English class
3 was / when / born / Christinas first child ?

3 Our teacher didnt come to class.

4 Christina / was / famous / in 1990 ?

5 divorced / were / her / parents ? 4 I didnt study in the afternoon.

6 Christina / born / when / was ?

5 My friend phoned me at 9.00.

a Her first child was born in January 2008. 3

b Yes, they were. 6 I went to bed early.
c Her grandmother was born in Ireland.
d She was born in 1980.
e Her first album was Christina Aguilera.
f No she wasnt.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0085-0096.indd 88 16/6/09 07:16:38

Vocabulary 8

Things you read Adjectives of opinion

1 Find the words in the word pool. 4 Complete the sentences.

1 heishapcomichauekswoalsm
2 nohstahenehstanovelhsieuakl
3 hstetextbooksahweixandkoali
4 vcjmagazinetqadueiolanskjso Hey guys!
5 gdthaspnclksdcsonglyricshsie I was at the cinema on
6 gatsgjewodyshudiaryhdjasieq Friday. The film was
(1) boring . (ringbor)
2 Circle the correct option.
Then I went shopping with Lara.
1 There is a big text message / sign in front That was (2) . (looc)
of our school. It says No Parking.
We went to a pizza restaurant. The pizza
2 Every evening I write about my life in my
was (3) . (tasfantic)
diary / newspaper.
3 I like reading my friends blogs / But the salad was (4) . (fulaw)
newspapers on the Internet. In the evening we went to a concert. Fifty Cent was
4 I love the text messages / lyrics to (5) . (lal tirgh)
Coldplays songs. But Kayne West was (6) .
5 You only need ten seconds to read a text (mazaing)
message / novel. How was your weekend?
6 My friend is an excellent artist. He writes
and draws for a sign / comic.
5 Complete the words.
3 Complete the sentences.

Hi Tina!
I was also at the Kayne West concert.
It was (1) gr e a t !
I watched TV first. I saw a horror film.
It was (2) g .
Then my family went to the park.
It was (3) f .
1 We read a novel every year in
our English class. Hi girls!
2 My friends and I love reading celebrity I had a French test on Saturday.
. It was (4) te .
3 We use a lot of at school.
4 I send about ten every
Hello all!
day. I went to a museum yesterday. That was (5)
5 Some people read a int .
every day. Then I went to Daves party. It was (6) O .
6 All drivers understand . Peter

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0085-0096.indd 89 16/6/09 07:16:39

Grammar 8

Past simple: irregular verbs there was/there were

1 Complete the sentences with the verb in 3 Circle the correct option.
past simple. 1 Last month there was / there were a big
festival in our city.
Welcome to Popstarz
2 There were / There werent concerts, films,
Academy. This was theatre and sports events. It was fantastic.
my week.
3 There werent / There wasnt time to see
4 It was cool because there was / there were
a school holiday. We didnt go to school.
wrote 5 Were there / Was there a lot of people?
1 On Monday I a new
song. Its called Introducing Joe. (write) 6 Yes, there were / Yes, there werent.

2 Then I lunch with Sally

Past simple: questions
and Todd. (have)
3 On Tuesday I up late. (get) 4 Order the questions.

4 The Popstarz director M Middy 1 go / you / did / to / festival / the / last month?
my song was awful! (say) Did you go to the festival last month?
5 I to my bedroom. (run) Yes, I did. I went to the celebrity football
match and to concerts.
6 I my mother. I wasnt
happy with the Popstarz Academy. (ring) 2 any / you / concerts / did / see / good ?

2 Complete the sentences. Yes! I saw Shakira and Alejandro Sanz.

They were great.
see | say | say | speak | go | go
3 meet / you / your friends / did / there ?
1 Yesterday on Popstarz Joe di d n t g o
to the hip-hop dance class. No, I didnt. My friends were on holiday.
2 Sally w to her music class. She 4 eat / you / nice food / did ?
was 15 minutes late!
3 M Middy s Todd and Chad dancing. The food was all right.
4 He di s it was terrible. 5 to / any famous people / did you speak ?
5 He sa it was great.
I said hello to Penelope Cruz.
6 Joe sp to M Middy. He said
I want to practise more. 6 your / go / family / did ?

My sister went, but my dad didnt go.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0085-0096.indd 90 16/6/09 07:16:41

Vocabulary 8

Things you read 4 Complete the sentences with words from

exercise 3. Then match them with the
1 Match the words with the descriptions. illustrations.
1 a newspaper d 4 song lyrics a d
2 a text message 5 a textbook
3 a novel 6 a sign
a This is a book. It has information about a
subject you study at school.
b This gives information, directions or a b e
c These are the words of a song.
d This has news and photographs. There is
often a new one every day.
e This is a book with a long story. The c f
characters and events are not real.
f This is a written message. You send it on a
mobile phone.

2 Complete the sentences. 1 I love music. Anastacia is my favourite

1 Oh no! Ive got an English test tomorrow singer. Shes a m a z i n g .
and I cant find my English textbook.
2 I like J.K. Rowling. The Harry Potter books
2 Mum! You cant read my d . are .
Its private!
3 Im not a big fan of the Harry Potter films.
3 What does the s say?
Theyre .
It says STOP.
4 Im a big fan of Manga c . 4 I would like to meet people.
5 I started to read this n 5 I dont like homework.
last year. Its got 700 pages! Its .
6 The students cant send t 6 I hate sport. Its .
m when they are in class.
1 b 2 3 4 5 6

Adjectives of opinion Dictionary work

3 Circle the correct option for you.
5 Are the adjectives positive or negative?
1 Hip-hop music is cool / boring / OK.
2 James Bond movies are all right / astonishing | tiresome | marvellous
amazing / awful. dull | terrific | horrible
3 Chatting online is great / OK / boring.
4 Sport is fun / all right / awful. positive negative
5 Reality shows are OK / terrible / cool. marvellous
6 Museums are interesting / OK / boring.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0085-0096.indd 91 16/6/09 07:16:41

Grammar 8

Past simple: irregular verbs there was/there were

1 Complete the sentences with a verb in 3 Complete the sentences.

past simple. 1 Last month there w a s a parent teacher
meeting at my school.
2 We went home because there
w any classes in the
3 There w a lot of parents at the
school. It was full!
4 After the meeting there w a concert.
5 There w any food at the
6 But there w some good music!

Past simple: questions

1 Yesterday Fantastic Fred had 4 Order the questions. Match the questions
a fantastic dream. with the answers.
1 the / did / English teacher / say / what ?
2 In the dream he to a
great party.
What did the English teacher say?

3 A famous singer at the 2 did / you / where / later / go ?

4 He some famous 3 did / your parents / what / say ?
footballers playing football.
5 An elephant to him. 4 time / start / the meeting / what / did ?
6 Then Fred .
5 did you / to / go / what / of / type /
2 True (t) or false (f)? Correct the false restaurant ?
1 Fred ate ice cream in his dream. t
6 parents / give / you / a present / did /
2 He rang his friends from the party. f your ?
He didnt ring his friends from the party.
3 Fred wrote an email at the party. a We went to a Chinese restaurant. 5
b It started at 2.30 p.m.
4 Fred saw a giraffe talking. c He said my English was very good.
d They said they were happy with me.
e Yes, they did. A new pair of trainers.
5 Fred liked his dream.
f We went to a restaurant to celebrate.

6 When he woke up, Fred wrote in his dream


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157827 _ 0085-0096.indd 92 16/6/09 07:16:42

Vocabulary 9

Holidays 3 Complete the sentences.

guidebook | penknife | towel

1 Write the words.
sun cream | passport | umbrellas
1 rustoothbh toothbrush
2 gbooduike 1 After swimming, dry your hair with your
3 nsu camre
4 breumlla 2 If it rains, we can use the .

5 lotew 3 We can cut things with a .

6 kninepef 4 A has got a lot of great

information for tourists.
7 spascom
5 When you go to another country, you need
2 Complete the words. your .
6 When its very sunny, I put on


4 Circle the correct option.

Grannys rules for the family:
1 Knock / Disturb before you come into
my room.
2 Dont try on / Dont look on my clothes.
3 Dont put / Dont take my things. Theyre
not yours!
4 Dont take me / Dont disturb me when
Im sleeping.
5 When you take things, put things back /
try things back.
6 Dont touch / Dont try on my cat.

5 Complete the sentences.

1 Dont l o o k at my diary. If you have
a question, ask me.
2 Dont u my mobile phone!
3 Dont l in my bag.
1 Mum always has the pass p o r t s 4 Please dont d my dog
with her. when hes asleep.
2 Gran always takes a com . 5 Dont t my letters. Theyre
3 Dad takes the to . private.
4 My sister takes a lot of bo . 6 Dont t on my boots. Theyre very
5 I take my favourite sh . expensive - and theyre mine!
6 We never forget our swims .
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157827 _ 0085-0096.indd 93 16/6/09 07:16:43

Grammar 9

going to must
1 Look at Toms diary. Complete 3 Write the rules. Use must or mustnt.
the sentences.

Monday visit museum

Toms mothers rules
play basketball
for the party.
with Mark 1. Dont play the music too loud.
You mustnt play the music too loud.
study for the Maths test
watch TV 2. Finish the party at 12 oclock.
Thursday do the Maths test!
3. Dont break anything.
Friday have a party!

1 Hes going to visit a museum. 4. Dont eat all the food in the kitchen.
2 Tom and Mark
5. Call me if there are any problems.
3 He
4 He isnt
6. Clean the house after the party.
5 His class
6 He

2 Complete the questions. can: permission

1 Hi Tom. are you going 4 Complete the dialogue.
to have the party?
Karim Hi Tom. Are you going to have a party
Im going to have it at my house.
on Friday?
2 you going to have a DJ? Can
Tom (1) Hey Karim. you come?
No, were not. Were going to have a live
band. Karim (2) Yes, I .

3 type of music are they going Tom Cool!

to play? Karim (3) I come with
Rock, pop and hip-hop music. twenty friends?
4 your mum going to the party? Tom (4) No, you , Karim.
No, she isnt. Shes going to meet her Thats a lot of people.
Karim (5) OK then. I stay
5 What you going to do the night at your house?
on Saturday?
Tom Yes, you can. In the morning you must
Im going to watch a football match.
help me clean the house.
6 Where are you to
Karim (6) Oh no Tom! I .
watch it?
I must meet my twenty friends.
Im going to watch it at the Bernabu

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0085-0096.indd 94 16/6/09 07:16:43

Vocabulary 9

Holiday Rules

1 Match the words with the descriptions. 3 Complete the hotel rules.
1 swimsuit
put back | use | wake up
2 shorts disturb | look | knock
3 boots
4 torch
1 If the receptionist is asleep,
5 compass please dont wake him up.
6 toothbrush
2 Please dont
a This is a light. It normally uses batteries. the lift.
b You wear these on your feet.
c This helps with directions.
3 Please dont
in the kitchen.
d You need this to go swimming.
e You clean your teeth with this. 4 Always on the
f You wear them when its hot. managers door before you open it.

2 Complete the holiday tips. 5 Dont him

if hes busy.
6 Please the towel.
1 Always put sun cream on 15
minutes before you go out in the
sun. (uns eamcr) 4 Complete the dialogue.
2 You dont need to bring a Customer Do you have rules in this hotel?
. You can use the Hotel Manager Yes. Why do you ask?
one from the hotel. (owtel)
Customer There was a man in our room.
3 Be careful when you use a (1) He tried on my jacket. (trdie)
. This is not a toy.
Hotel Manager Im sorry about that.
Customer (2) And he
4 A good helps you in my suitcase! (edkool)
to learn about a new city. (bookuigde)
Hotel Manager (3) Did he
5 Dont put your anything? (aket)
in your suitcase. You need it at
Customer No, he didnt. (4) But he
the airport. (portsspa)
the telephone in the room.
6 If you forget your , (seud)
you can buy a new one. They arent
Hotel Manager (5) Did any other person
expensive. (brutooshth)
you, sir? (turbdis)
Customer Yes, the cleaner came into our room
in the morning. (6) She didnt
on the door first. (nockk) Now I know why the
hotels called the Hellton Hotel!

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0085-0096.indd 95 16/6/09 07:16:44

Grammar 9

going to must

1 Order the sentences. 3 Complete the sentences.

1 going / Im / an / be / to / actor
Rules for
Im going to be an actor.
Hollywood School
2 going to be / is / a film director / my sister
of Dance and Drama
1. read a lot
3 re / to make films / going / we
You must read a lot.

2. disturb the teachers

4 to / going / live / Im / in Hollywood You mustnt disturb the teachers.

3. do sport
5 m / going / I / to work / a / lot / not

4. eat salad
6 the paparazzi / arent / to disturb me /
5. bring your dog to school

2 Complete the questions. Match the 6. watch a lot of films

questions with the answers.

s/to | she/live | are/visit

what/do | are/walk | where/study
can: permission
1 Are you going to walk in
4 Complete with can or cant.

2 are you going to after

3 are you going to ?
4 What your sister going
5 Is going to 1 You can take photographs of
in LA? the celebrities.

6 your parents going to 2 But you cant take

you? photographs of the celebrities children.
a Im going to study in New York. 3 You ask the celebrity for
b Yes, she is. an interview.
c Shes going to go to Film School. 4 You walk into their house.
d Yes, they are.
e Im going to study Music and Drama. 5 You disturb them when
f No, Im going to use a limousine. 1 they are relaxing.
6 You be horrible to their

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157827 _ 0085-0096.indd 96 16/6/09 07:16:45


Numbers Plural nouns

1 Write the numbers. 4 Circle the correct option.

1 forty-five = 4 5 1 city citys / cities
2 seventy-eight = 7 8 2 dog - dogs / doggi
3 nineteen = 1 9 3 watch - watchs / watches
4 thirty-six = 3 6 4 woman - women / womans
5 eighty-eight = 8 8 5 sandwich - sandwichs / sandwiches
6 fifty-two = 5 2 6 nationality - nationalitys / nationalities

The alphabet Classroom language

2 Complete the pattern. 5 Complete the questions.
1 aA bB cC d D e E
can | how | pronounce | English
2 zyxw v u repeat | listen
3 aei o u
4 abcd e f 1. Listen and
5 mnop MNOP qrst Q R S T repeat.

6 gGj J e E h H

2. How
Countries and nationalities do you spell that?
3 Complete the nationalities.

-an -ish

1 Am e r i can 5 S p a n ish 3. How do you

pronounce that?
2 Argent i n i an 6 B r i t ish

4. Can you repeat that?

-ch -ese

3 F r e n ch 7 Ja p a n ese English
5. Whats silla in ?
4 D u t ch 8 Port u g u ese
6. Listen and check.

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157827 _ 0097-0098.indd 97 16/6/09 07:17:32


a / an Imperatives
1 Write a or an. 4 Find the imperatives.
1 an email
1 geuagebdiwolistenagwbehdp
2 an apple 2 kajsiyocheckatwrsxmlyoijj
a 3 jaisumatchahoewjsilxvyhnm
3 book
4 gahsbyiksoahwncjpwriteajp
4 an ice cream 5 thareadhsjauwixncjsgrhalks
5 a dog 6 jdueiaojenckdiarepeatshka

6 an elephant
5 Write the words.
can: ability
2 Write the sentences.
1 speak Japanese
I can speak Japanese.
2 say hello in five languages.
I cant say hello in five languages. Welcome.
3 speak French
I cant speak French.
4 say the alphabet in two languages. 4
I can say the alphabet in two languages.
5 spell the English teachers name.
I can spell the English teachers name. Whats your
6 count from 1 to 50 in English. 5
I can count from 1 to 50 in English.

3 Order the sentences and questions. 6 Peter.

1 you / the objects / find / can ?
Can you find the objects?
2 objects / I / cant / find / the
I cant find the objects.
3 English / you / can / speak ?
Can you speak English?
1 tenlis Listen
4 speak / English / I / can Write
2 itewr
I can speak English.
3 peatre Repeat
5 you / say / the / letters of the alphabet / can ?
4 dear Read
Can you say the letters of the alphabet?
5 kas Ask
6 I / answer / cant / that
6 serwan Answer
I cant answer that.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0097-0098.indd 98 16/6/09 07:17:34

Vocabulary 1

Favourite things Sports

1 Order the letters. 4 Complete the words.

My favourite things are
John Philip
1 a bkie a bike
1 ski i n g basketball
2 a gsaem csoleon a games console
a mobile
rugby 3 cyc l i n g
3 a mbeoli
trainers 2 kar a t e 4 te n n i s
4 tainrres
5 an M3P perlay an MP3 player
6 cmpouter gsame computer games
5 foo t b a ll
2 Find the favourite things. 6 sw i m m ing
1 aleoddfiaspobooksleiopwes snowboarding
2 ikeocomputergamesspoewq
3 islkewmosclothesayortoei 5 Look at the table in exercise 4. True or false?
4 ieowpianowpqielamyirenw
One of my favourite sports
5 hoawklenjaownrpcamerapo 1
6 gruecatlieownsjalkcuehhai
1 Im into books.
2 Im a fan of computer games .
3 I love clothes . 2 I also like
4 My number one things my piano .
5 I like my camera .
6 My favourite animals my cat . 3 I love

3 Complete the sentences.

book | clothes | computer game Im into

cat | mobile | bike

1 My cat is black and

white. Hes brilliant. 5 Im a fan of and
2 My mobile numbers
My favourite
3 Im a fan of Tolkien. My favourite 6
book s The Hobbit. sports

4 I love sports clothes .

5 Final Fantasys a great computer game .
6 I love sport. My number one things my True True
bike 1 4
2 True 5 True
3 False 6 False
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0099-0110.indd 99 16/6/09 07:18:28

Grammar 1

Subject pronouns 4 Complete the sentences.

Hes | Theyre | Im | Shes

1 Circle the correct option.
Its | Were
1 Rafa Nadal
2 Madonna and Justin Timberlake
3 an MP3 player
4 my family and I
5 me
6 Angelina Jolie
1 he / she / it 4 they / he / we
2 we / you / they 5 we / I / you
3 I / it / she 6 you / she / we

2 Circle the correct option.

1 My name is Paul Davis. I / He am from
Baltimore. Im
1 Hi. My name is DJ May.
2 My team is the LA Lakers. We / They are a very cool mother.
an excellent team. Shes
2 Tina is my daughter. my
3 My mother is Rose. It / She is a doctor.
best friend.
4 My brother is Mark. She / He is a Were
3 We love music. fans of
basketball player.
hip-hop and rap.
5 I live in LA. It / He is a fantastic city.
4 We like Fifty Cent. Hes
6 My favourite films are Spanish films. It /
They are brilliant.
5 My favourite book is Harry Potter.
Its brilliant.
be: present simple
6 Im into Tokio Hotel. Theyre cool.
3 Write the sentences with contractions.
1 My name is John. I am into tennis.
Question words
My names John. Im into tennis.
5 Circle the correct option.
2 I am a fan of Daniel Craig. He is my
1 DJ May, Where / When s your birthday?
favourite actor.
Thats easy. Its on 1st May.
Im a fan of Daniel Craig. Hes my favourite actor.
2 How / Who old are you, DJ May?
3 I love Isabel Allende. She is my favourite Im 35.
3 Who / When s your favourite actor?
I love Isabel Allende. Shes my favourite writer. Its Brad Pitt.
4 Dan and Joe are my friends. They are cool. 4 When / What s your favourite film?
Dan and Joe are my friends. Theyre cool. Its Harry Potter and the Order of the
5 We are into hip-hop and pop music.
5 Where / What s Tina?
Were into hip-hop and pop music. Shes at home.
6 Hi Brad. I think you are a fabulous actor. 6 What / When s Tinas birthday?
Hi Brad. I think youre a fabulous actor. Its on 12th June.

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157827 _ 0099-0110.indd 100 16/6/09 07:18:30

Vocabulary 1

Favourite things Sport

1 Complete the sentences. 3 Complete the sentences.

1 I like rug b y .
cat | DVD | bike | trainers
MP3 player | books 2 Im a f a n of snowb o a r d i n g .
3 Im in t o ten n i s.
1 I love cycling. My favourite things my 4 I lo v e horse r i d i n g .
5 My favour i t e sports kara t e .
2 Im a fan of Orlando Bloom. My favourite 6 Baske t b a l l s brilliant.
DVD s The Lord of the Rings.
3 J.K. Rowling is brilliant. Im a fan of the 4 Complete the list with your favourite
Harry Potter books . things.
4 My favourite things my MP3 player .
Students own answers
I love music!
5 I dont like shoes, but I love trainers .
6 My family love animals. We have two dogs
and a cat .

2 Match the parts of the sentences.

1 Its expensive, but I love this d
2 My favourite musical instruments the a
3 I like my new d
4 Mario Bros and Sims are b
I love
5 This photos cool. I love this c Im into
6 I love sports f Im a fan of
My favourite
a piano.
b computer games.
c camera.
d games console. Dictionary work
e mobile.
f clothes. 5 Translate the words.
1 gymnastics
2 table tennis
3 billiards

Favourite things
4 drum kit
5 roller skates
6 rabbit

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157827 _ 0099-0110.indd 101 16/6/09 07:18:31

Grammar 1

Subject pronouns 4 Complete the interview with be.

1 Write or . Correct the mistakes.

1 My names Dee. You like basketball.
My names Dee. I like basketball.
2 This is Joe. Hes into pop music.

3 Joe and Dee are friends. Were from York.

Joe and Dee are friends. Theyre from New York.
4 Yorks in England. Its a cool city. Melinda! Are you a fan of techno music?
No (1) I m not.
5 I love my cat. Youre a Siamese cat. What are you a fan of?
I love my cat. Its a Siamese cat. isnt
Im a fan of Julian T. (2) He
great but hes OK. I love Beyonc. And
2 Match the questions with the answers. Christina Aguilera. (3) They re
Then complete the answers. cool.
1 Wheres Paris? d But are they your number one singers?
2 What are karate and football? e No, (4) they arent .
3 Whos Britney Spears? c Is Julian T your boyfriend?
4 Where am I? a No, (5) we re friends.
5 Are you into rock music? f Whos your number one singer?
6 Mary and Laura, are you sisters? b (6) I m my number one singer!
a You re at school.
b No, We re friends. Question words
c She s a singer.
Its 5 Look at the answers. Write the questions.
d in France.
They 1 your / birthday?
e re sports.
Whens your birthday?
f No, I m into rap music.
Its on 17th August.

be: present simple 2 old / you / Melinda?

How old are you, Melinda?
3 Order the words.
Im 39.
1 a / fan / nt / you / are / of / The Simpsons
3 your / favourite / actress?
You arent a fan of The Simpsons.
Whos your favourite actress?
2 is / in / Paris / nt / the / US Its me, of course.
Paris isnt in the US.
4 your / favourite / song?
3 nt / he / British / is Whats your favourite song?
He isnt British. Its Five minutes by me and Julian T.
4 we / cats / nt / are 5 is / your / house?
We arent cats. Wheres your house?
5 they / from / are / Japan / nt Its in London.
They arent from Japan.
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157827 _ 0099-0110.indd 102 16/6/09 07:18:32

Vocabulary 2

4 My mother thinks spiders are

Family scary . (caysr)
1 Find six words. 5 Our bird is never quiet. Its very
f t w d i d q u t o
noisy . (oinsy)
c h i l d r e n e a 6 I dont like ants because they are
annoying . (onnaying)
i h b n s c h a n d
a s p p d t l e i g 5 Match the pets and the people.
o m d a u g h t e r 1 a
g t g r c x t s c a
o i y e c e f u e n
v v n n h f e w q n
a y a t i m u m r y
2 b
b i d s a e r o d f

2 Circle the odd word.

1 mum | mother | son
2 grandfather | dad | grandad 3 c
3 stepfather | granny | grandmother
4 dad | nephew | father
5 aunt | uncle | cousins
6 niece | nephew | parents 4 d

3 Complete the next word in the puzzle.

1 daughter - mother -
gr a n d m o t h e r
5 e
2 son - father - gra n d f a t h e r
3 aunt - niece - uncle - nep h e w
4 mother - stepfather - father -
stepm o t h e r
6 f
5 mother - daughter - father - s o n
6 dad - father - mum - mo t h e r

Adjectives for pets

1 Johns pet is scary. e
4 Write the words.
2 Grannys pet is cuddly. f
1 My sisters cat is very clean.
3 Katies pet is messy. a
cuddly 4 Dads pet is intelligent. c
2 I like rabbits. They are .
(ddlyuc) 5 Grandads pet is clean. d
3 My dog is friendly . (lyfriend) 6 My pet is quiet. b

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157827 _ 0099-0110.indd 103 16/6/09 07:18:32

Grammar 2

this, that, these, those Possessive s

1 Circle the correct option. 3 Complete one gap in every sentence with
s or .
1 4
Pop star Madonnas got a big family. Shes got
two sons and a daughter.
1 Madonna is my mums favourite singer
and I like her too.

2 5 2 Madonna s daughter is Lourdes.

3 Her sons names are Rocco and David.
4 Lourdes dad lives in New York.
5 Madonnas brothers names are
Martin, Anthony and Christopher.
3 6
6 Her sisters names are Melanie and
Paula Mae.

Present Simple

1 This / That is my dad, Max.

4 Write the correct form of the verb.
1 Bambi is a celebrity dog. (be)
2 This / That s Delia.
2 She lives with a famous
3 This / These are my best friends. actress. (live)
4 That / This is my games console. 3 Bambi eats in restaurants
5 These / Those are my computer games. with the actress and her friends. (eat)
6 These / Those are my books. 4 Bambi has many friends in
Los Angeles. (have)
Possessive adjectives 5 She runs on the beach in
California. (run)
2 Match the sentences.
6 She to New York at the
1 Im a fish.
weekend. (fly)
2 Ive got a sister.
3 Ive also got a brother.
5 Write the sentences.
4 We live in the ocean.
1 Bambi / swim every day.
5 Weve got a pet ant.
6 Weve got a lot of cousins. Bambi swims every day.

a Its names Pant. 5 2 Bambi / play with cats.

Bambi doesnt play with cats.
b My names Neno. 1
3 The actress / give Bambi chocolate.
c Her names Nora. 2
The actress doesnt give Bambi chocolate.
d Theyre actors in animated films. 6
4 Bambi / stay at home every day.
e Our house is cool. 4 Bambi doesnt stay at home every day.
f His names Nimo. 3
5 Bambi / have got an MP3 player.
Bambi has got an MP3 player.
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157827 _ 0099-0110.indd 104 16/6/09 07:18:33

Vocabulary 2

Family 4 Complete the sentences with adjectives.

1 Write the correct word. 1. Im very clean.

1 Penelope Cruz is an actress. Her issret is
Monica Cruz. sister
2 Paris Hilton is rich. Her rfahte has got a lot
of hotels. father
3 Javier Bardem is Pilar Bardems ons. 2. Im very noisy
4 Bill and Tom Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel are
brothers 3. I like to be
5 Suri Cruise is the aghuterd of Tom Cruise.
6 My name is Zahara. Angelina Jolie is my
thmroe. mother
4. I am normally very
2 Match the descriptions with the words.
1 My mothers sister is my f
2 My mothers mother is my a 5. I am quiet
3 Another word for father is b
4 My mother and my father are my e
5 My uncles children are my c
6. I am not a
6 Another word for mother is d normal bird.
a grandmother I am very
b dad scary
c cousins
d mum
e parents Dictionary work
f aunt
5 Translate the words.
Adjectives for pets Family
1 mother-in-law
3 Circle the correct option.
2 father-in-law
1 My grandmothers cat bites.
Shes friendly / scary. 3 half-brother
2 My cat understands many things. 4 half-sister
Shes intelligent / cuddly.
3 Dad doesnt like the hamster. Adjectives for pets
He says hamsters are clean / messy. 5 playful
4 My rabbit plays with my friends.
6 moody
He is noisy / friendly.
7 crafty
5 Oh no! The ants are in my sandwich.
They are very annoying / clean. 8 proud
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157827 _ 0099-0110.indd 105 16/6/09 07:18:34

Grammar 2

this, that, these, those 3 Write or . Correct the mistakes.

Bart Simpson and his family are famous.
1 Circle the correct option.
1 His sisterss names are Lisa and Maggie.
1 His sisters names are Lisa and Maggie.
2 His mums name is Marge.
3 Homer is Barts father.
4 Lisa and Maggie are Marges daughters.
Lisa and Maggie are Marges daughters.
5 Bart is Homer son.
Bart is Homers son.
5 6 Selma and Patty are Marge sisters.
Selma and Patty are Marges sisters.
Present simple
4 Change the sentences from affirmative to
negative or from negative to affirmative.
1 The ideal sister eats my chips.
1 That / This / These is my English class.
The ideal sister doesnt eat my chips.
2 That / This / Those is our teacher Daniel.
2 She doesnt do my homework.
3 This / These / Those are my friends from
She does my homework.
the class.
3 The ideal sister isnt friendly to me.
4 That / These / Those are our pictures.
The ideal sister is friendly to me.
5 Those / This / These are our books.
4 She doesnt give me money.
6 This / That / These is our English
She gives me money.
5 The ideal sister watches my television.
The ideal sister doesnt watch my television.
Possessive adjectives
6 She plays music in my bedroom.
2 Complete the sentences. She doesnt play music in my bedroom.
1 I love music award shows.
My favourite show is the 5 Write sentences about the ideal brother.
MTV Europe Music Awards. 1 The ideal brother s t a y s in his room.

2 I have a favourite male singer. 2 He d o e s n t s l e e p

in class.
His name is Kanye West.
3 He s t u d i e s his lessons
3 Britney Spears is good. I like every day.
her album Blackout. 4 He f i n i s h e s all his
4 My friends have a favourite group. homework.
Their name is Tokio Hotel. 5 He w a s h e s his hands before
5 Our favourite presenter is dinner.
Justin Timberlake. We think hes great! 6 The ideal brother i s n t messy.
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0099-0110.indd 106 16/6/09 07:18:34

Vocabulary 3

Daily routines Free time activities

1 Write the words in the correct category. 4 Look at the pictures. Correct the text
about Pauls day.
to bed | a shower | lunch
to school | breakfast | home 1 4


home a shower
to bed lunch 2 5

to school breakfast

2 Order the words.

3 6

day! 1 Paul sees books.
2 He chats on the computer games.
3 He listens to friends.
4 He plays shopping.
1 Steve wakes up at 11 a.m. 5 He does music.
(keswa) 6 He reads on the Internet.
2 He has breakfast in bed. 1 Paul sees his friends.
(fastreakb) He chats on the Internet.
3 Then he brushes his teeth.
3 He listens to music.
4 He plays computer games.
4 He goes to school at 1.30.
(loosch) 5 He does exercise.
5 He has a shower . (ershow) 6 He reads a book.
6 He has lunch in a hotel. (nchlu)
5 Circle the correct option.
3 Complete the sentences. 1 I always do / listen exercise.
1 Billy ge t su p at 12 oclock. 2 At the weekend I chat / listen on the
2 He h a s di n n er in a restaurant.
3 In the afternoon I do / see my friends.
3 He g e t s ho m e at 9.30 p.m.
4 We normally go / read shopping.
4 He do e s some exercise at home.
5 I usually read / play computer games in the
5 Billy h a s a sho w e r .
6 He go e s to b e d at 11.00.
6 I sometimes read / meet books.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0099-0110.indd 107 16/6/09 07:18:35

Grammar 3

Adverbs of frequency 3 Complete the questions.

do | where | what | does

1 Order the sentences.
where | when

1 Fernando, where do you live?

I live in Colombia. Shakira and Juanes are
from Colombia!
2 What do you like reading?
1 Juanes / in the shower / always sings I like reading Harry Potter books.
Juanes always sings in the shower. 3 When do you go to school?
I go to school every day, from Monday to
2 he / at the weekend / often plays / football
He often plays football at the weekend. Where
4 do you meet your friends?
3 never sings / he / rap music I meet them at our football club.
He never sings rap music. 5 Where does your best friend
4 he / around the world / often travels live?
He often travels around the world. He lives next door.
6 What does he do at the
5 on the Internet / hardly ever chats / he
He hardly ever chats on the Internet.
He listens to music at my house.
6 his friend Shakira / usually meets / he
He usually meets his friend Shakira. love, like, not like, hate + ing form

4 Write true (t) or false (f) for you.

Present simple: questions
Then correct the false sentences.
2 Complete the questions with do or does. 1 I love listening to rap music.
Match the questions with the answers.
1 Shakira, do you listen to 2 I hate watching action films.
2 Do you like Juanes?
3 I hate doing exercise.
3 Does your boyfriend like Juanes?
4 Does your mother like your
music? 4 I dont like shopping.
5 Do your fans chat with you
on Internet? 5 I love dancing.
6 Does your sister speak English?

a Yes, they do. 5 6 I like swimming.

b No, he doesnt! 3
c Yes, I do. 1 Students own answers.
d Yes, she does. 4
e Yes, I do. 2
f Yes, she does. 6

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157827 _ 0099-0110.indd 108 16/6/09 07:18:37

Vocabulary 3

Daily routines Free time activities

1 Match the descriptions with the daily 3 Write the correct words in the gaps.
routines. My name is Tomoko. Im thirteen and I live in
1 You do this in the bathroom. Tokyo. In my free time I (1) chat
2 This is the first thing you do every day. (hcat) on the Internet. After school
I (2) meet (tmee) my friends.
3 This is the last thing you do every day.
We go to the library and (3) read
4 You do this every morning and night. listen
(dear) books. Or we (4)
5 When school is finished you do this. (nilste) to music - I love hip-hop. In
6 The teacher tells you to do this. the evening I do my homework and
(5) play (yapl) computer games.
a brush your teeth 4 do
Then I (6) (od) some
b wake up 2 exercise.
c do homework 6
4 Complete the email with verbs.
d go home 5
e have a shower 1
f go to bed 3 Hi Tomoko! My name is Erin. Im twelve and I live in
San Diego, California.
2 Write about a perfect day for Chris. In my free time I often (1) read .
Students own answers. I love manga comics! And I always
(2) chat on the Internet.
I (3) see my friends at the beach.
The weather is very good here. We also love
hip-hop music. I (4) listen to music
and (5) do exercise on the
beach. I also (6) play computer
games. My favourite game is Super Mario Bros.

1 A perfect day for Chris:

Dictionary work
First, he wakes up at 10.30.
2 He sleeps for another 30 minutes. 5 Write the words in the correct category.
Next, to the library | supper | a snack
3 Then, he goes to the swimming pool. for a walk | nothing
and cards | chess | yoga

4 He swims for an hour.

After that, GO HAVE

5 Then, he goes to the cinema. to the library supper

He for a walk a snack
6 Finally,

nothing cards
yoga chess

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157827 _ 0099-0110.indd 109 16/6/09 07:18:37

Grammar 3

2 Does Eva Amaral live in Madrid?

Adverbs of frequency
Yes, Eva Amaral lives in Madrid.
1 Write or . Correct the mistakes. 3 Does Juan Aguirre also live in Madrid?
1 Tomoko usually goes to school by train. Yes, he does. Juan Aguirre also lives in
2 The train hardly ever is late. Madrid.
The train is hardly ever late. 4 Do they write their own songs?
3 Tomoko does usually her homework on the Yes, they do. They write their own songs.
train. 5 Do they normally sing in English?
Tomoko usually does her homework No, they dont. They normally sing in
on the train. Spanish.

4 She sometimes sees her English teacher 6 Do they have a website?

on the train. Yes, they do. The address is:

5 Tomoko always is friendly. love, like, not like, hate + -ing form
Tomoko is always friendly.
6 She never has lunch at home.

2 Write sentences about Erin.

1 Erin / always / speak Spanish at school.
Erin always speaks Spanish at school.
2 She / usually / be tired on Monday morning.
Shes usually tired on Monday morning.

3 She / hardly ever / watch TV in the morning.

She hardly ever watches TV in the morning.

4 She / sometimes / send text messages.

She sometimes sends text messages.
5 She / always / be happy to meet other
manga fans.
Shes always happy to meet other manga 4 Look at the notes. Write the sentences.
fans. 1 The writer loves Fifty Cent. (love)
6 She / never / be tired of manga comics. 2 The writer loves Fernando Alonso. (love)
Shes never tired of manga comics.
3 The writer likes Rafa Nadal. (like)

Present simple: questions 4 The writer doesnt like homework. (not like)
5 The writer hates Monday mornings. (hate)
3 Write the questions.
6 The writer hates doing exercise. (hate)
1 Do you like Eva Amaral?
Yes. I think Eva Amaral is a great singer.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0099-0110.indd 110 16/6/09 07:18:38

Vocabulary 4

Food School subjects

1 Find the food words. Then complete the 4 Write the correct words.
1 kiesiaotoastlwoausodsnao
2 jideorangejuicelaowpsntio
3 keowuabaconlewostanxoe
4 poepizzawietahskocaleidk
5 uretwgsaroastbeefbaowue
6 gawievegetablesoepwand
1 For breakfast I eat toast .
2 I always drink orange juice .
3 I sometimes eat sausages and
bacon .
4 For lunch I eat a pizza .
My favourite subjects are:
5 My mum makes me sandwiches with
roast beef . 1 Atr & ngides Art & Design
vegetables 2 thsma Maths
6 My dad doesnt eat .
3 renhcf French
2 Match the foods with the category. Science
4 ecneics
a meat
5 sicmu Music
b fish
c drinks 6 geophygrap Geography
d vegetables
e fruit 5 Complete the school timetable.
f other

1 banana and apple e MONDAY

2 ham and bacon a 9.00 - 10.00 Fr e n c h
3 water and milk c PE (Physical
10.00 - 11.00
4 bread and cheese f Educ a t i o n )

5 salmon and tuna b BREAK

6 onion and cucumber d 11.15 - 12.15 Mat h s
ICT (Information
3 Write examples for each category. 12.15 - 1.15 and Communication
Tech n o l o g y )
drink vegetable fruit
2.30 - 3.30 His t o r y
3.30 - 4.30 Dr a m a
Students own answers.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0111-0122.indd 111 18/6/09 19:28:24

Grammar 4

Countable and uncountable nouns Frequency expressions

1 Circle the correct option. 4 Order the words. Complete the sentences.
1 I love a bacon. 1 Rafa Nadal plays tennis
I love bacon. every day,
2 Do you like pasta? from Monday to Sunday. y.
Do you like a pasta? (eryev)

3 I have two apple for lunch every day. 2 We play tennis

twice a
I have two apples for lunch every day.
week at school. (witce)
4 I need a onion for the salad.
I need an onion for the salad. 3 And I go to the tennis
club three
5 Im sorry. I dont eat a meat. times a week. (reeth).
Im sorry. I dont eat meat.
4 He only does his homework
6 Would you like milk with the coffee? once a week! (ceon)
Would you like milks with the coffee?
5 My teacher gives the class homework
four times a week. (oruf)
a lot of, some, any
6 My dad says, Do your homework every
2 Complete the sentences. day ! (yad) Or no more tennis!

any | some | a lot | any | some | a lot

I want to be the
next Rafa Nadal!
1 I eat a lot of fruit.
2 I eat a lot of chips. How often?
3 I normally dont eat any
cheese. 5 Circle the correct option.
some Mum How often (1) does / do your teacher
4 I have cereal in the
give you ICT homework?
Juan She gives us ICT homework every day.
5 I always have some hot Mum How often (2) does / do you do your ICT
chocolate after the cereal. homework?
6 I never eat any vegetables! Juan I do it every day, mum!
I hate them. Mum How often (3) does / do your English
teacher give you homework?
3 Complete the words. Tick () if the Juan She gives us homework twice a week.
sentences are true for you. Can I watch television now?
1 I drink s o m e milk every day. Mum Juan, how often (4) does / do your sister
watch television?
2 I dont eat a n y chocolate. Juan She never watches television!
3 I eat a l o t of pasta. Mum No television for you today.
Juan Mum, how often (5) does / do I say
4 I eats s o m e bananas every day.
this? Claudia watches TV on the
5 I dont eat a n y fish. Internet!
6 I eat a l o t of vegetables.

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157827 _ 0111-0122.indd 112 16/6/09 07:19:38

Vocabulary 4

Food 4 Complete the sentences.

1 I like History because Im
1 Circle the odd word. interested in the past.
1 onion, tomato, cheese 2 I play the guitar and the violin. I have
2 mayonnaise, roast beef, ham
Music classes every day.

3 tuna, salmon, salami 3 My mother is a computer expert. She says

that ICT is very important.
4 bacon, cucumber, sausage
4 I want to be an actor. My favourite subject
5 orange juice, water, eggs at school is Drama .
6 vegetables, fruit, onion 5 My worst subject is PE
because I hate sports.
2 Complete the words. 6 Im a fan of Stephen Hawking and Einstein.
1 This is a fruit. It is long and it has I read a lot of Science books.
a yellow skin. b a n a n a
2 You need this for sandwiches or toast. Dictionary work
b r e a d
5 Translate the words.
3 This is a drink. It comes from fruit. Food
o r a n g e j u i c e 1 peppers
4 This a red vegetable. You eat it in salads. 2 olive oil
t o m a t o 3 herbs
5 You eat this with hamburgers or salads. School subjects
m a y o n n a i s e 4 Biology
6 Chorizo is an example of this. 5 Literature
s a u s a g e 6 Philosophy

School subjects 6 Complete the sentences with the words.

1 Who are we? Where are we going? These are
3 Match the subjects with the examples.
important questions in Philosophy.
1 Art & Design e Biology
2 is the study of living
2 Music a organisms.
3 Geography f 3 I dont like mayonnaise on my salad.
olive oil
4 Maths d I prefer .
4 If you like to read, you will like studying
5 French b
Literature .
6 PE c herbs
5 Do you put on the meat?
a hip-hop, rock and classical
6 There are yellow, red, orange and green
b Bonjour Madame. Je mappelle Vanessa. peppers .
c basketball and football.
d 32 10 = 320
e Picasso was a painter and sculptor.
f The capital city of Canada is Ottawa.

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157827 _ 0111-0122.indd 113 16/6/09 07:19:39

Grammar 4

Countable and uncountable nouns Frequency expressions

1 Complete the text with a / an / s / - 4 Complete the sentences.

This is my perfect lunch: 1 Enjoy your birthday. Its only
once a year.
1 First, I eat a hamburger with bacon
and cheese. 2 I have holidays three times
2 Then I have ham on toast. a year, in summer, at Christmas and at
3 Or I eat a sandwich with chip s .
3 We have Maths class twice a
4 I love roast beef and vegetable s . week, on Monday and Friday.
5 Or I eat a pizza with spinach. 4 My friends and I love shopping.
6 For dessert I have an orange or a banana. We go every week,
on Saturday.
a lot of, some, any 5 We do English a lot, four
times a week, Monday to Thursday.
2 Circle the two correct options.
6 We have Drama on Friday,
1 I need a lot of tomatoes / cheese / chip once a week.
for the dinner.
2 I dont need any meat / any potatoes /
How often?
some meat.
3 For the fruit salad, I want any bananas / 5 Read the answers. Write the questions.
some apples / a lot of oranges. 1 How often does your brother chat on the
4 I think eating some pasta / meat / Internet?
vegetable is a good idea. My brother chats on the Internet
5 And can you buy some sandwiches / every day.
fishes / apples? 2 How often does your mum work?
6 In the supermarket theres fresh fruit /
fresh fish / fresh breads.
My mum works every day.
3 Look at Tracys shopping bag. 3 How often do you cook dinner?
Complete the sentences. I cook dinner twice a week.
4 How often does your brother cook dinner?

My brother never cooks dinner!

5 How often do your friends go on holiday?

My friends go on holiday once a year.

1 She eats a lot of fruit.
6 How often do you have a party?
2 She eats some chocolate / steak / . I have a party every year, on my
3 She doesnt eat any chicken / cheese / . birthday.
4 She eats some chocolate / steak / .
5 She drinks a lot of water / lemonade / .
6 She doesnt drink any tea / orange juice / .
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0111-0122.indd 114 16/6/09 07:19:39

Vocabulary 5

The weather Collocations

1 Complete the sentences. 3 Find the collocations.

Celebrity weather report: 1 heiasreadanewspaperjsuwaksoelwn
2 getawoalaeqr eatsomecerealkatwusiw
3 ihveadeamthaelttlwhbal drinkmilkqo
4 baue robabankbaakoamaithpreideofu
5 goisaoslebitimthrenothwath watchtvi
6 paawaarllinstowhe listentomusicanieo

4 Correct the collocations.

1 do the phone do your homework
1 In Miami it is h o t . Its 40C. J- Lo is on
2 listen to a newspaper listen to music
the beach.
a bank
2 But in New York its rai n i n g . Leo de 3 rob your homework rob
Cap is in a cool restaurant. 4 watch music watch TV
3 In Tokyo its fo g g y . We cant see 5 answer milk answer the phone
celebrities! some cereal
6 eat a bank eat
4 In Paris its 0C. Its co l d . Angelina has milk
7 drink some cereal drink
a winter jacket from Gucci.
8 read TV read a newspaper
5 In Colorado its sno w i n g . Its
celebrity ski week. Britney and Justin are
5 Complete the sentences.
6 Finally, in London its clo u d y . doing | reading | listening | watching
Coldplay are at the airport. Theyre going answering | drinking
on holiday!
1 Enriques listening to music.
2 Circle the correct option. 2 Nicoles answering the phone.
1 In Sydney its summer. Its sunny / doing
3 Britney and Cristina are
snowing. Nicolas drinking ice tea.
their homework.
2 The weather is great. Its 25C and its reading
4 Justins a newspaper.
cold / warm.
5 Jennifers watching TV.
3 In Hawaii its windy / raining. Its a perfect
day to surf. Welcome to celebrity surf! 6 Leonardos drinking milk.

4 The sky in Hollywood is grey, not blue! Its

a cloudy / warm day for the Oscars.
5 Dont forget your raincoat at the Milan
Fashion Week because its raining / foggy.
6 Its winter in Moscow. Its -20C and its
hot / cold. Enrique and Anna are shopping.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0111-0122.indd 115 16/6/09 07:19:40

Grammar 5

Present continuous 3 Complete the questions. Match the

questions with the answers.
1 Circle the correct option
are | is | what | are | where | are
1 Im lieing / lying on the sofa at the moment.
2 My mum is sitting / siting beside me. 1 What are you doing now? e
3 Were waching / watching the television. 2 Are you eating hamburgers? f
4 My sister is phoning / phoneing her boyfriend. 3 Is your cousin with you? b
5 My brother is swimming / swiming at the 4 Where are you going tomorrow? a
pool. What
5 are you buying? c
6 Dad is droving / driving home. Are
6 you taking a lot of
2 Write true (t) or false (f). Correct the false photographs? d
sentences. a Were going shopping on Fifth Avenue.
b Yes, she is.
c Im buying a new MP3 player.
d Yes, I am.
e Were having lunch now.
f No, were not. Were having a salad and fries.

Present continuous v. present simple

4 Circle the correct option.
1 I sing every day / at the moment because
2 I want to be a famous singer.
2 On Mondays / At the moment Im studying
for a Music test.
3 I have a group. Were doing a concert next
week / always.
4 My boyfriend sometimes / today plays the
guitar with us.
5 We are writing a new song now / on
1 Hi Kelly. Im cooking at the moment. f 6 We usually / tomorrow listen to music in
She is relaxing at the moment. my house.
2 Dad is watching the TV. t

3 Your brother is doing his homework. f

He is playing computer games.
4 Hi Mum. Im doing my homework. f
She is chatting on the Internet.
5 No, Mum. Were not shopping. t

6 My friend isnt listening to music, Mum. t

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157827 _ 0111-0122.indd 116 16/6/09 07:19:40

Vocabulary 5

4 There are no fizzy drinks here. The children

The weather
always drink phone / cereal / milk.
1 Match the pictures with the description. 5 Can you call later? Were watching the
newspaper / the TV / the phone at the
1 4
6 My mother studies English. Shes doing
her homework / phone / newspaper now.

2 5
4 Complete the collocations.
Welcome to Very Big Brother TV!

1 Today, Eric is listening

to music.
3 6
2 Paula is answering the
phone .
3 Rob is doing his
homework .
a Its warm. 4 d Its cold. 2
b Its foggy. 3 e Its sunny. 6 4 Kathy is drinking
milk .
c Its windy. 5 f Its cloudy. 1
5 Henry the pig is eating
2 Write the weather description.
Hilarys cereal !
1 When there is a lot of light from the sun.
Its sunny. Dictionary work
2 The temperature is high, but its not hot. 5 Put the words into the correct category.
Its warm. the housework | a podcast
3 When solidified water falls from the sky. an Internet radio station | a blog
an ebook | karate | a novel
Its snowing.
4 When hats blow away. read
Its windy. 1 a novel
2 a blog
5 When its not easy to see.
3 an ebook
Its foggy.
listen to
Collocations 4 a podcast
5 an Internet radio station
3 Circle the correct option.
1 I love reading a newspaper / a homework / do
milk in the morning. 6 the housework
2 I cant talk now. Im eating some milk / 7 karate
some cereal / some bank.
3 Look! Those men are robbing a cereal /
a milk / a bank.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0111-0122.indd 117 16/6/09 07:19:41

Grammar 5

Present continuous 3 Complete the questions and answers.

1 Wh a t a r e you doing ?
1 Complete the sentences. We r e watch i n g a football game.
1 We re having a fantastic time on 2 Wh a t teams are pla y i n g ?
holiday. (have) Liverpool FC and Manchester United FC
2 I m not doing any homework. (not do) are pla y i n g .
3 Mum is happy because she 3 What team i s win n i n g ?
isnt working . (not work)
Liverpool i s win n i n g 2-1.
4 She s swimming in the hotel pool.
4 I s Xabi Alonso play i n g ?
Yes, he i s !
5 My brothers are running on the hotel
5 A r e you taking photographs?
terrace. (run)
Yes, I a m . Im taking a photo of Xabi
6 They arent writing any postcards.
(not write)
6 Where a r e you sit t i n g ?
2 Write the sentences. We r e sit t i n g at the front.
We can see everything!
dance | drive | eat | play | swim | visit
Present continuous v. present simple
1 4
4 Write the present simple or the present
1 I always go to football
games. (go)
2 I usually have a coffee after
the game. (have)
2 5
3 I m sitting in a caf now. (sit)
4 Xabi Alonso s having lunch here
at the moment. (have)
5 Xabi Alonso plays football
for the Spanish national team and for

Liverpool. (play)
3 6 6 He s playing a game at the
moment. (play)

1 Dad isnt swimming.

2 He s dancing. .
3 Janet isnt driving. .
4 She s visiting the museum. .
5 David and John are playing football. .
6 They arent eating icecream. .
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0111-0122.indd 118 16/6/09 07:19:42

Vocabulary 6

Prepositions of place 3 There are six cats in a room. Complete the

1 Find the prepositions.
1 Chris is o n the table.
1 ndsisoleunderalsjeiwdndxk 2 Jen is bet w e e n the table and the
2 betwsiwosjnexttoakawidwla door.
3 heaobehindaksiwehwpsdnw 3 Amy is un d e r the TV.
4 bewiaosalwaxbshabovemdk 4 Pearl is ne x t t o the phone.
5 ajsndjncdjkbetweenamdkwp 5 Pink is be h i n d the phone.
6 sjfnewusinfrontofafersgdbcl 6 Beth is a b o v e the phone.

2 Circle the correct preposition.

The home

4 Complete the words.

1 I have got a so u n d sys t e m in my
2 Our coo k e r is new.
3 Close the wi n d o w ! Its really cold
in here.
4 There is a lot of food in the
cu p b o a r d .
5 Ive got some great clothes in my
war d r o b e .
6 I love the Liverpool FC pi l l o w
on my bed.

5 Complete the sentences.

mirror | carpet | shelf
floor | wall | plants

1 I look in the mirror every morning

when I brush my teeth.
2 There are a lot of posters on my wall .
3 My favourite books are on my shelf .
4 My plant need water every day.
5 The cats love lying on the warm carpet .
6 They dont like lying on the floor .

1 Max is under / on the TV.

2 Al is behind / in front of the TV.
3 Dan is behind / in the TV.
4 Paul is next to / above the TV.
5 Tom is above / in the TV.
6 Ben is under / on the TV.
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157827 _ 0111-0122.indd 119 16/6/09 07:19:44

Grammar 6

there is/there are have got

1 Circle the correct option. 4 True or false? Correct the false sentences.
In New York
1 There is / There are a famous statue called
the Statue of Liberty.
2 There is / There are many tall buildings.
3 There are any / some great parks.
4 There arent any / some pyramids.
5 There isnt a / any palace.
6 Theres / There are a street called Fifth
1 Hes got a lot of money. False
He hasnt got any money.
there is/there are: questions True
2 Theyve got a lot of plants.
2 Complete the questions and answers.
3 They havent got a lot of books. False
1 Are there many tourists in New Theyve got a lot of books.
York? Yes, there are. True
Is 4 They havent got a TV.
2 there an underground or metro
system? Yes, there is. True
5 Shes got a lot of bags.
3 Are there any good museums?
Yes, there are. False
a 6 Theyve got a lot of chairs.
4 Is there famous park? They havent got a lot of chairs.
Yes, there is. Its called Central Park.
7 The dogs got a lot of food. True
5 Are there mountains in the city?
No, there arent .
6 Are there a lot of things to see?
Yes, there are . have got: questions

5 Complete the questions.

Object pronouns
what | has | have
3 Circle the correct option. has | have | got
1 On your next holiday, please come and
1 Have you got a lot of friends?
visit you / me .
2 I live in a fantastic city. Tourists love it / Yes, at school and on my street.
him. 2 Have all your friends got a mobile?
3 My neighbour is Robbie Williams. Do you Yes, they have.
3 What have you got on your bedroom
know him / it?
4 He says hi to my brother and me when he wall?
sees me / us. Ive got posters and a calendar.
4 Has your flat got a garden?
5 There are a lot of famous people in LA.
You see them / us on the street. No, it hasnt.
5 Has your dad got a car?
6 Tonight Christina Aguilera is giving a
concert. I really like her / him. Yes, he has. But he prefers his bike.
6 Have you got a favourite website?
Yes, I have. Its YouTube.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0111-0122.indd 120 16/6/09 07:19:44

Vocabulary 6

Prepositions of place The home

1 Complete the sentences. 3 Match the words with the descriptions.

1 a window f
2 a wardrobe d
3 a sound system c
4 a cooker e
5 a plant b
Larry 6 a wall a
a A rooms normally got four.
b This is a living thing. Sometimes its got
c You play music on this.
Dan d You put your clothes in this.
e You prepare food on or in this.
f Light comes in and we can look out of it.

Tina 4 Complete the sentences.

pillows | plants | wardrobe
window | sound system | shelves
1 There is a wardrobe full of cool clothes.
2 There are shelves with all my favourite
DVDs and games.
3 Out of the window you can see the city
1 John is under the sound system. and the mountains.
2 Tina is next to John. 4 There are comfortable pillows on the bed.
3 Duffy is in front of of Tina. 5 The sound system has got all my
4 Laura is on the sound system. favourite music.
5 Larry is next to Laura. 6 There are tropical plants with beautiful
6 Dan is between Laura and Larry. flowers.

2 Complete the sentences. Dictionary work

front | on | next
between | in | behind
5 Write the words. Use a dictionary.
fridge | bedside lamp | dishwasher
1 The students rehearse in the dance toaster | armchair | bath | cushions | rug
2 The teacher dances in front of the 1 You can read in bed if you have this.
students. a bedside lamp
3 At lunchtime, they go to a caf next to 2 You make toast with this. a toaster
the studio. 3 You put them on your sofa. cushions
4 The theatre is between the studio and a 4 Its a big comfortable chair. an armchair
restaurant. 5 This cleans the plates. a dishwasher
5 On stage, the students wait behind the 6 This is in the bathroom. a bath
curtain. 7 You put this on the floor. a rug
6 Please, dont dance on the tables! 8 Its cold in here. a fridge
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0111-0122.indd 121 16/6/09 07:19:45

Grammar 6

there is/there are 4 In this picture Donald Ducks talking to

me . Im not very happy.
1 Write or . Correct the errors. 5 There are many restaurants. I like them
1 There are any hotels in Disneyland a lot.
in Paris. 6 Johnny Depps my favourite Disney actor.
There are some hotels in Disneyland in Paris. Do you know him ?
2 There is a Disney village in Disneyland.
have got
3 There are a cinema in Disneyland.
There is a cinema in Disneyland. 4 Order the sentences.
4 There is a Caf Mickey in Disneyland. 1 he / in his car / got / a sound system / s
Hes got a sound system in his car.
5 There isnt any Caf Donald Duck. 2 s / she / a lot of DVDs / got
There isnt a Caf Donald Duck. Shes got a lot of DVDs.
6 There isnt any old buildings.
There arent any old buildings. 3 havent / got / a / they / TV
7 There are some fantastic shows.
They havent got a TV.
4 hasnt / got / a dog / he
He hasnt got a dog.
there is/there are: questions
5 a cat / hasnt / she / got
2 Write the questions. She hasnt got a cat.
1 a space mountain in Disneyland? 6 got / they / a / ve / house
Is there a space mountain in Disneyland? They havent got a house.
2 Disney characters in the park?
Are there Disney characters in the park?
have got: questions

3 a Disneyland in Berlin?
5 Complete the questions. Match them with
Isnt there a Disneyland in Berlin? the answers.
1 Has your city got a Disneyland? c

4 zoos in Disneyland? 2 Have you got English on Mondays? f

Arent there zoos in Disneyland? 3 Has your friend got a cool room? d
4 What has your friend got in her room? b
5 website?
5 What have you got in your bag? a
Is there a website?
6 Have your parents got a computer in their
6 Disneyland airport?
Isnt there a Disneyland airport? room? e

a Ive got books, pens and my MP3 player.

Object pronouns
b Shes got a bed, a big wardrobe and a
3 Complete the sentences with an object computer.
pronoun. c No, it hasnt. Its got a Warner Brothers
1 I go to Disneyland every year. I love it.
d Yes, she has.
2 Im a fan of rollercoasters. I love them .
e No, they havent.
3 My sisters favourite character is Minnie
f Yes, I have.
Mouse. She loves her .

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0111-0122.indd 122 16/6/09 07:19:46

Vocabulary 7

Physical descriptions Jobs

1 Complete the crossword. 4 Match the definitions with the jobs.

1 This persons job is to write books, stories
1 b l a c k
or articles.
2 l 3 2 This person climbs mountains as a job.
s h o r t
3 This person is normally an expert in
t n a science.
2 r d 4 l o n g 4 This person travels in space.
a e l 5 This person creates art.
i 6 This person helps sick people.
g 4
a a mountaineer 2
1 b a writer 1
t c an astronaut 4
d a doctor 6
3 e a scientist 3
f an artist 5
2 Circle the correct option.
1 Ive got long straight hair / long slim hair.
2 Shes got curly black hair / curly tall hair. 5 Complete the words.
1 My mothers a doc t o r . She works in
3 Im quite wavy / short.
a hospital.
4 My mum s got / s blue eyes.
2 I love books. I want to be a wri t e r .
5 My brother s got / s tall.
3 I think only an astro n a u t can go to
6 Hes got long short hair / short blonde hair. the Moon.
4 Some professional tennis play e r s are
3 Complete the sentences.
1 My favourite singer is Pink. Shes got pink
hair. (ahir) 5 Our Art teacher at school is an excellent
tall art i s t .
2 Pau Gasols very , about 2
metres! (atll) 6 Felipe of Spain is a pr i n c e .

3 Kylie Minogues short . Shes

about 1.5 metres. (hosrt)
4 Billy Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel has
long black hair. (ogln)
5 Michael Phelps is a great swimmer. Hes
quite slim . (lism)
6 Sometimes Rihanna has got
wavy black hair. (vywa)

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0123-0134.indd 123 16/6/09 07:20:48

Grammar 7

was/were 3 He lived in Scotland when he was a

1 Write the sentences with was, were,
4 He studied drama at the Guildhall
wasnt, werent.
School of Music and Drama.
1 I am at the MTV music awards yesterday.
5 In July 2004 he finished a 25,000 km
I was at the MTV music awards yesterday. motorcycle trip.
2 There are a lot of cool artists. 6 Hes a great actor. Yesterday I watched
There were a lot of cool artists. three Star Wars films!

3 My favourite singer, Rihanna, is there.

4 Complete the sentences.
My favourite singer, Rihanna, was there.
1 4
4 But my number one group Coldplay arent
But my number one group Coldplay werent there.
5 The sound system at the show isnt great.
The sound system at the show wasnt great.
6 But my friends and I are very happy.
But my friends and I were very happy. 2 5

2 Complete the questions.

1 When was Britney Spears born?
She was born on 2nd December, 1981.
2 Where was she born?
She was born in McComb, Mississippi.
3 What was her mothers job?
Her mother was a teacher.
3 6
4 Were her first albums popular?
Yes, they were.
5 Was Britney in a pop group
called Innosense?
Yes, she was.
6 Were her grandparents Irish?
No, they werent.

1 Last Saturday I didnt study.

Past simple: regular verbs
2 My friends and I played football.
3 Complete the verbs in the past simple.
3 I painted a picture.
1 Ewan McGregor married Eve Mavrakis
4 My friends and I watched TV.
in 1995.
5 I didnt climb a mountain.
2 Ewan played Obi-Wan Kenobi in the
Star Wars films. 6 I didnt rob a bank.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0123-0134.indd 124 16/6/09 07:20:50

Vocabulary 7

Physical descriptions Jobs

1 Correct the mistakes. 2 Complete the sentences.

1 Pedro Duque is a Spanish
1 4 astronaut. (natuastro)
2 Venus Williams and Roger Federer are
tennis players . (nniste laypers)
3 Velzquez and Goya were famous Spanish
artists . (tistasr)
4 Einstein and Newton were famous
scientists . (cseinttiss)
2 Bonjour 5
5 Laura Gallego and J.K. Rowling are
writers . (swtrier)
6 Felipe de Borbn is a prince .

3 Write the correct profession.

1 A writer normally uses a pen,
3 6 pencil or a computer.
2 An artist often needs pencils,
paint and paper.
3 Sometimes a doctor gives
medicine to his/her patients.
4 An astronaut needs a space suit
to travel into space.
1 Our Maths teacher is Sarah. Shes tall, slim 5 A scientist often does
and shes got straight hair. experiments in a laboratory.
She isnt tall. Shes short. 6 A tennis player needs a racket and
2 Peters our PE teacher. Hes tall and hes a ball.
got long curly hair.
He hasnt got long hair. Hes got short hair. Dictionary work

3 Martins our Art and Design teacher. Hes 4 Translate the words.
quite short, and hes got short curly hair. Physical descriptions
He hasnt got short hair. Hes got long hair. 1 spiky hair
4 Debras our Geography teacher. Shes got 2 bald
short black hair. 3 handsome
She hasnt got short black hair. Shes got long blond hair. 4 beautiful
5 Nicoles our French teacher. Shes got long Jobs
black hair and shes short. 5 nurse
She isnt short. Shes tall.
6 architect
6 Brians our Music teacher. Hes fat and hes 7 marketing executive
got short curly hair.
He isnt fat. Hes slim. 8 IT specialist
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0123-0134.indd 125 18/6/09 19:29:07

Grammar 7

was/were Past simple: regular verbs

1 Complete the sentences. 3 Complete the sentences.

1 Christina Aguilera finish | land | climb | discover
w a s born in create | study
New York.
2 Her grandmother Last week on Celebrity Island:
w a s n t born created
1 Last Monday Nicola a
in the US.
3 As a child, Christina w a s n t discovered
2 On Tuesday Danny gold.
always happy. climbed
3 Mandy a tree.
4 The children at school w e r e n t
4 Bob jumped across the water and
nice to her. landed on the other island.
5 Christina w a s a presenter on a TV studied
5 Last Wednesday Susan
some maps.
6 Justin and Britney w e r e on the TV finished
6 Max his house.
programme too.
4 True or false? Correct the false sentences.
2 Order the questions. Then match them
Make them true for you.
with the answers.
1 We watched Celebrity Island in class
1 Christinas / where / born / was /
grandmother ? False. We didnt watch Celebrity Island in class
Where was Christinas grandmother born? yesterday.
2 Christinas / first album / what / was ? 2 We watched a movie in English class
What was Christinas first album? yesterday.
3 was / when / born / Christinas first child ?
When was Christinas first child born?
3 Our teacher didnt come to class.
4 Christina / was / famous / in 1990 ?
Was Christina famous in 1990?
5 divorced / were / her / parents ? 4 I didnt study in the afternoon.
Were her parents divorced?
6 Christina / born / when / was ?
When was Christina born? 5 My friend phoned me at 9.00.

a Her first child was born in January 2008. 3

b Yes, they were. 5 6 I went to bed early.
c Her grandmother was born in Ireland. 1
d She was born in 1980. 6
e Her first album was Christina Aguilera. 2
Students own answers.
f No she wasnt. 4

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0123-0134.indd 126 16/6/09 07:20:51

Vocabulary 8

Things you read Adjectives of opinion

1 Find the words in the word pool. 4 Complete the sentences.

1 heishapcomichauekswoalsm
2 nohstahenehstanovelhsieuakl
3 hstetextbooksahweixandkoali
4 vcjmagazinetqadueiolanskjso Hey guys!
5 gdthaspnclksdcsonglyricshsie I was at the cinema on
6 gatsgjewodyshudiaryhdjasieq Friday. The film was
(1) boring . (ringbor)
2 Circle the correct option.
Then I went shopping with Lara.
1 There is a big text message / sign in front That was (2) cool . (looc)
of our school. It says No Parking.
We went to a pizza restaurant. The pizza
2 Every evening I write about my life in my fantastic
was (3) . (tasfantic)
diary / newspaper.
But the salad was (4) awful . (fulaw)
3 I like reading my friends blogs /
newspapers on the Internet. In the evening we went to a concert. Fifty Cent was
4 I love the text messages / lyrics to (5) all right . (lal tirgh)
Coldplays songs. But Kayne West was (6) amazing .
5 You only need ten seconds to read a text (mazaing)
message / novel. How was your weekend?
6 My friend is an excellent artist. He writes
and draws for a sign / comic.
5 Complete the words.
3 Complete the sentences.

Hi Tina!
I was also at the Kayne West concert.
It was (1) gr e a t !
I watched TV first. I saw a horror film.
It was (2) g o o d .
Then my family went to the park.
It was (3) f u n .
1 We read a novel every year in
our English class. Hi girls!
2 My friends and I love reading celebrity I had a French test on Saturday.
magazines . It was (4) te r r i b l e .
textbooks Lauren
3 We use a lot of at school.
4 I send about ten text messages every
Hello all!
day. I went to a museum yesterday. That was (5)
5 Some people read a newspaper int e r e s t i n g .
every day. Then I went to Daves party. It was (6) O K .
6 All drivers understand signs . Peter

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0123-0134.indd 127 16/6/09 07:20:52

Grammar 8

Past simple: irregular verbs there was/there were

1 Complete the sentences with the verb in 3 Circle the correct option.
past simple. 1 Last month there was / there were a big
festival in our city.
Welcome to Popstarz
2 There were / There werent concerts, films,
Academy. This was theatre and sports events. It was fantastic.
my week.
3 There werent / There wasnt time to see
4 It was cool because there was / there were
a school holiday. We didnt go to school.
wrote 5 Were there / Was there a lot of people?
1 On Monday I a new
song. Its called Introducing Joe. (write) 6 Yes, there were / Yes, there werent.

2 Then I had lunch with Sally

Past simple: questions
and Todd. (have)
3 On Tuesday I got up late. (get) 4 Order the questions.

4 The Popstarz director M Middy 1 go / you / did / to / festival / the / last month?
said my song was awful! (say) Did you go to the festival last month?
5 I ran to my bedroom. (run) Yes, I did. I went to the celebrity football
match and to concerts.
6 I rang my mother. I wasnt
happy with the Popstarz Academy. (ring) 2 any / you / concerts / did / see / good ?
Did you see any good concerts?
2 Complete the sentences. Yes! I saw Shakira and Alejandro Sanz.
They were great.
see | say | say | speak | go | go
3 meet / you / your friends / did / there ?
1 Yesterday on Popstarz Joe di d n t g o Did you meet your friends there?
to the hip-hop dance class. No, I didnt. My friends were on holiday.
2 Sally w e n t to her music class. She 4 eat / you / nice food / did ?
was 15 minutes late! Did you eat any nice food?
3 M Middy s a w Todd and Chad dancing. The food was all right.
4 He di d n t s a y it was terrible. 5 to / any famous people / did you speak ?
5 He sa i d it was great. Did you speak to any famous people?
I said hello to Penelope Cruz.
6 Joe sp o k e to M Middy. He said
I want to practise more. 6 your / go / family / did ?
Did your family go?
My sister went, but my dad didnt go.

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0123-0134.indd 128 16/6/09 07:20:54

Vocabulary 8

Things you read 4 Complete the sentences with words from

exercise 3. Then match them with the
1 Match the words with the descriptions. illustrations.
1 a newspaper d 4 song lyrics c a d
2 a text message f 5 a textbook a
3 a novel e 6 a sign b
a This is a book. It has information about a
subject you study at school.
b This gives information, directions or a b e
c These are the words of a song.
d This has news and photographs. There is
often a new one every day.
e This is a book with a long story. The c f
characters and events are not real.
f This is a written message. You send it on a
mobile phone.

2 Complete the sentences. 1 I love music. Anastacia is my favourite

1 Oh no! Ive got an English test tomorrow singer. Shes a m a z i n g .
and I cant find my English textbook.
2 I like J.K. Rowling. The Harry Potter books
2 Mum! You cant read my diary . are g r e a t .
Its private!
3 Im not a big fan of the Harry Potter films.
3 What does the sign say?
Theyre O K .
It says STOP.
4 Im a big fan of Manga comics . 4 I would like to meet f u n people.
5 I started to read this novel 5 I dont like homework.
last year. Its got 700 pages! Its b o r i n g .
6 The students cant send text 6 I hate sport. Its a w f u l .
messages when they are in class.
1 b 2 d 3 e 4 f 5 a 6 c

Adjectives of opinion Dictionary work

3 Circle the correct option for you.
5 Are the adjectives positive or negative?
1 Hip-hop music is cool / boring / OK.
2 James Bond movies are all right / astonishing | tiresome | marvellous
amazing / awful. dull | terrific | horrible
3 Chatting online is great / OK / boring.
4 Sport is fun / all right / awful. positive negative
5 Reality shows are OK / terrible / cool. marvellous tiresome
6 Museums are interesting / OK / boring. astonishing dull
Students own answers. terrific horrible

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157827 _ 0123-0134.indd 129 16/6/09 07:20:55

Grammar 8

Past simple: irregular verbs there was/there were

1 Complete the sentences with a verb in 3 Complete the sentences.

past simple. 1 Last month there w a s a parent teacher
meeting at my school.
2 We went home because there
w e r e n t any classes in the
3 There w e r e a lot of parents at the
school. It was full!
4 After the meeting there w a s a concert.
5 There w a s n t any food at the
6 But there w a s some good music!

Past simple: questions

1 Yesterday Fantastic Fred had 4 Order the questions. Match the questions
a fantastic dream. with the answers.
went 1 the / did / English teacher / say / what ?
2 In the dream he to a
great party.
What did the English teacher say?

3 A famous singer was at the 2 did / you / where / later / go ?

party. Where did you go later?
4 He saw some famous 3 did / your parents / what / say ?
footballers playing football. What did your parents say?
5 An elephant spoke to him. 4 time / start / the meeting / what / did ?
6 Then Fred woke up . What time did the meeting start?
5 did you / to / go / what / of / type /
2 True (t) or false (f)? Correct the false restaurant ?
What type of restaurant did you go to?
1 Fred ate ice cream in his dream. t
6 parents / give / you / a present / did /
2 He rang his friends from the party. f your ?
He didnt ring his friends from the party. Did your parents give you a present?
3 Fred wrote an email at the party. f a We went to a Chinese restaurant. 5
He didnt write an email at the party. b It started at 2.30 p.m. 4
4 Fred saw a giraffe talking. f c He said my English was very good. 1
He saw an elephant talking. d They said they were happy with me. 3
e Yes, they did. A new pair of trainers. 6
5 Fred liked his dream. t
f We went to a restaurant to celebrate. 2

6 When he woke up, Fred wrote in his dream

diary. t

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157827 _ 0123-0134.indd 130 16/6/09 07:20:56

Vocabulary 9

Holidays 3 Complete the sentences.

guidebook | penknife | towel

1 Write the words.
sun cream | passport | umbrellas
1 rustoothbh toothbrush
2 gbooduike guidebook 1 After swimming, dry your hair with your
sun cream towel.
3 nsu camre
umbrella 2 If it rains, we can use the umbrellas .
4 breumlla
towel 3 We can cut things with a penknife .
5 lotew
penknife 4 A guidebook has got a lot of great
6 kninepef
compass information for tourists.
7 spascom
5 When you go to another country, you need
2 Complete the words. your passport .
6 When its very sunny, I put on sun
cream .


4 Circle the correct option.

Grannys rules for the family:
1 Knock / Disturb before you come into
my room.
2 Dont try on / Dont look on my clothes.
3 Dont put / Dont take my things. Theyre
not yours!
4 Dont take me / Dont disturb me when
Im sleeping.
5 When you take things, put things back /
try things back.
6 Dont touch / Dont try on my cat.

5 Complete the sentences.

1 Dont l o o k at my diary. If you have
a question, ask me.
2 Dont u s e my mobile phone!
3 Dont l o o k in my bag.
1 Mum always has the pass p o r t s 4 Please dont d i s t u r b my dog
with her. when hes asleep.
2 Gran always takes a com p a s s . 5 Dont t o u c h my letters. Theyre
3 Dad takes the to r c h . private.
4 My sister takes a lot of bo o t s . 6 Dont t r y on my boots. Theyre very
5 I take my favourite sh o r t s . expensive - and theyre mine!
6 We never forget our swims u i t s.
Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0123-0134.indd 131 16/6/09 07:20:56

Grammar 9

going to must
1 Look at Toms diary. Complete 3 Write the rules. Use must or mustnt.
the sentences.

Monday visit museum

Toms mothers rules
play basketball
for the party.
with Mark 1. Dont play the music too loud.
You mustnt play the music too loud.
study for the Maths test
watch TV 2. Finish the party at 12 oclock.
You must finish the party at 12 oclock.
Thursday do the Maths test!
3. Dont break anything.
Friday have a party! You mustnt break anything.
1 Hes going to visit a museum. 4. Dont eat all the food in the kitchen.
You mustnt eat all the food in the kitchen.
2 Tom and Mark are going to play basketball.
5. Call me if there are any problems.
3 He s going to study for the Maths test.
You must call if there are any problems.
4 He isnt going to watch TV.
6. Clean the house after the party.
5 His class is going to do the Maths text. You must clean the house after the party.
6 He s going to have a party.

2 Complete the questions. can: permission

1 Hi Tom. are you going 4 Complete the dialogue.
to have the party?
Karim Hi Tom. Are you going to have a party
Im going to have it at my house.
on Friday?
2 Are you going to have a DJ?
Tom (1) Hey Karim. Can you come?
No, were not. Were going to have a live
band. Karim (2) Yes, I can .

3 What type of music are they going Tom Cool!

to play? Karim (3) Can I come with
Rock, pop and hip-hop music. twenty friends?
4 Is your mum going to the party? Tom (4) No, you cant , Karim.
No, she isnt. Shes going to meet her Thats a lot of people.
friends. Can
Karim (5) OK then. I stay
5 What are
you going to do the night at your house?
on Saturday?
Tom Yes, you can. In the morning you must
Im going to watch a football match.
help me clean the house.
6 Where are you going to
Karim (6) Oh no Tom! I cant .
watch it?
I must meet my twenty friends.
Im going to watch it at the Bernabu

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

157827 _ 0123-0134.indd 132 16/6/09 07:20:57

Vocabulary 9

Holiday Rules

1 Match the words with the descriptions. 3 Complete the hotel rules.
1 swimsuit d
put back | use | wake up
2 shorts f disturb | look | knock
3 boots b
4 torch a
1 If the receptionist is asleep,
5 compass c please dont wake him up.
6 toothbrush e use
2 Please dont
a This is a light. It normally uses batteries. the lift.
b You wear these on your feet. look
c This helps with directions.
3 Please dont
in the kitchen.
d You need this to go swimming.
e You clean your teeth with this. 4 Always knock on the
f You wear them when its hot. managers door before you open it.
5 Dont disturb
2 Complete the holiday tips. him
if hes busy.
6 Please put back the towel.
1 Always put sun cream on 15
minutes before you go out in the
sun. (uns eamcr) 4 Complete the dialogue.
2 You dont need to bring a Customer Do you have rules in this hotel?
towel . You can use the Hotel Manager Yes. Why do you ask?
one from the hotel. (owtel)
Customer There was a man in our room.
3 Be careful when you use a (1) He tried on my jacket. (trdie)
penknife . This is not a toy.
Hotel Manager Im sorry about that.
Customer (2) And he looked
4 A good guidebook helps you in my suitcase! (edkool)
to learn about a new city. (bookuigde)
Hotel Manager (3) Did he take
5 Dont put your passport anything? (aket)
in your suitcase. You need it at
Customer No, he didnt. (4) But he
the airport. (portsspa) used the telephone in the room.
6 If you forget your toothbrush , (seud)
you can buy a new one. They arent
Hotel Manager (5) Did any other person
expensive. (brutooshth) disturb you, sir? (turbdis)
Customer Yes, the cleaner came into our room
in the morning. (6) She didnt knock
on the door first. (nockk) Now I know why the
hotels called the Hellton Hotel!

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157827 _ 0123-0134.indd 133 16/6/09 07:20:58

Grammar 9

going to must

1 Order the sentences. 3 Complete the sentences.

1 going / Im / an / be / to / actor
Rules for
Im going to be an actor.
Hollywood School
2 going to be / is / a film director / my sister
of Dance and Drama
My sister is going to be a film director.
1. read a lot
3 re / to make films / going / we
You must read a lot.
Were going to make films.
2. disturb the teachers
4 to / going / live / Im / in Hollywood You mustnt disturb the teachers.
Im going to live in Hollywood.
3. do sport
5 m / going / I / to work / a / lot / not You must do sport.
Im not going to work a lot.
4. eat salad
6 the paparazzi / arent / to disturb me / You must eat salad.
The paparazzi arent going to disturb me. 5. bring your dog to school
You mustnt bring your dog to school.
2 Complete the questions. Match the 6. watch a lot of films
questions with the answers. You must watch a lot of films.
s/to | she/live | are/visit
what/do | are/walk | where/study
can: permission
1 Are you going to walk in
4 Complete with can or cant.

2 What are you going to do after

3 Where are you going to study ?
4 What s your sister going to
5 Is she going to live 1 You can take photographs of
in LA? the celebrities.

6 Are your parents going to visit 2 But you cant take

you? photographs of the celebrities children.
a Im going to study in New York. 3 3 You can ask the celebrity for
b Yes, she is. 5 an interview.
c Shes going to go to Film School. 4 4 You cant walk into their house.
d Yes, they are. 6
5 You cant disturb them when
e Im going to study Music and Drama. 2
f No, Im going to use a limousine. 1 they are relaxing.
6 You cant be horrible to their

Photocopiable: Richmond Publishing / Santillana Educacin, S.L. 2009

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